t"wni 'I ' '
r r ,
Bfeolal Advertl3cmoutB.
. nrtawiaaee.aa'" M21 ". - edepiVtw
a - taavtlMeiutiedanlln Chattel
.,...,. wttrnier, iiiIm liana, Iraohlt tod tipoi.e
rlilbM.ltllHt, Nearlrall nieerit-tre rsiMi.nad
krrurDat U etantrr art net ,ra a-d la-l II Ible
N 41 IMik Bow.
rntwm-ii R,niAcn, rm'i . tu
AKniCANMowr.n.-Tnr. o.nlt self
Wllk th rreal etrterlWia la rsanelmelten tl wntrh
twos-lni MlieBirittBtireisril. I rail tbt alien
!C? tsTWnTirrt ta I Mtthlnt arnhraelnB 8T1I.I.
S.BEATKK IMPROVEMENTS ikaa aav laton af
tirtd tttkeraNk. r
HI ..l?'1" st'iaHe kutwi r14 It te .no r4
i tts ssrwtft. tr,n,cUM " " -
M lIt.li?.lM2;,T? atafhlatataeid Ihtlrtrerk
J J2SRS Vlr.iS.VWN " Ihtr art (nooareoi-
B HJJl IV mn!r Wee, indla rerinaneni In
1H JJ".5--wlwfeelnril'ttrliael
Baffl TU!a'B Wim 0 On,
H enBre hitter tbaaibelef ear ethtr littu,'
LnB eWwHtoajwIlbaut nlaiai tb laaar ebc.
B IiSir,r,Wr e raleedhUbtr, turtxrrrr
H JLur,elaialrr Machine,
B tirJM". Iba Iiltln Wbee'i .13 r
H Sew 'btunttloat Uu the trust of r cum I
LbB 2 fT?T?,6f M rTff MctrcJ f il nt
H M Kl 1uj ibm ( bvrlui MbfMKhln I
H T (lntlux Ulontorm u n ' I
B nlia Uilnlivmn Hvlns blrh lo'll
H 4 IM itovT turoiikiir Hmimrr is rifl Mwr, I
H UtWr btrl n'M U Clr lUl. IkJrrrn I
H ntlr W IW or. 4 u ramio. nil i, u I
H alvf r krr In rmjid Bxcwti lt . I
H T iHn b fnB u ftwi ct i ft w
H pm It traU iJiumo ctrr Uom Itu J frwa
H It B&f i tipt itbib miwini Mrrti
H ItUrliNlaflWtUdrubi limsliuinl
H II kl PMIIW I1W. lUMltt kM4 BtlBOQt lit
H BBWftf Iht IIUUL . .
H 11 pjaTLluuT DiLirr, u4 bt Mrrmctmati
B Blt4APr.
B II It PMft ttlB. BB4 TWtffi IB lt MvtlrHlB,
H Bt BMBtMttlraoftt, vlu UiBlatBt oomblatil, ihBB
TtV BBl BtBBT Mtrr
rilrtJl-llr It lit it. bbI Inrflt I St
H trfBMtBjtf tu wbttrttB tBr tr IsttnwtB la tht
H ItmlDttBltmllttluBUM tblt Htvtr, f t4ilU
H feltet tf iLttrirrwvu
H tuo MttB (tnti.
J m iiwtBiJtp. w. r.
Hj pur rr-Tm rr-A.su iou willJs!
HJ M 'nttttvt nin vn
H Km ptttrt ittBblw par BTtrtUtt rtrs, bb4
H stBt WBthattBtrvtlt tf t tmlUrBttr.iajBd
H aat b vBatt-vWt rtxuntai. ETtrr rtrr ttUt
H Itirtaia tiBattt 4tBllt,BB4 rtltlfctalll wtb tt
M niiiti-tut si t tin tin 11 It m uh ut bib.
1 pilaaat km tttr tltlait4 lot II.
J KUBaTT. UAM DTE llMll laj.riru BrtliU
H tt IBt balr.
J BBuxrriUAtB DTI rtJtn Ik Ulr Mtiirtl
HI uwrj Hiii cri 1-K.rtt UtwBuat a
H Ut bBlr, IBt ta4 tf latariai .
H W.W atat.ltctBlMB'.uirtBtBtlVr.
H IUUTI HUE IjY ttltn tbt kaJr tBtfBaltv
HJ tn'ili"J " '" ,,ml" tit ikt
HJ ..MiEtTY nil t)TI It taU kr til rtrpttublt
Hj IWOTa UAlt DTXUllktttaUViiirBllB
HJ (tisrrt mil DTI U trtfirtt Ut tlStrttl
B "LZ?" "" UtltMla (iltata
H Wl Ii Attt-U N ItUTTtNTON. M fliU
H tTtBat.tw r rank at NT. Cm
J Kt, It VtaJlt at, M Yatt 1 ut.
J , . TO Till PCBuii W"
H TdBVktBkatlBaoUtdevlts4,tjiHra
Laaal ,tmWonltMkaatt tf DMaralBX. hat
HI amkfWBjWatTtrlltolfaaet.lBtaiktuilM.
H V tfliiaa du. autrtf sm in Buklu
H ?naiiwrBpiiTtiioBTrtB4riB0i.
i Tt Ikt Uajtwjt ttmBtBaultn nald (or fcmaJa la-
bbbbI i ! WttB-ii'mltBl,maoaitf.u
J aTWAa;iaUt.J.uw Biiabtrtfbt.
bbbbI I3V55?- alBlBrtlr ilrt tbalr lima
iPT7trmM u luUtaUaa lhal olll taaf
B gttarti afatl w tnt trtln4 wamta of Ntw Yart
H Tf A "''yl '' ! IfutltnlUai U
a lalVIXiIiJS?'?4 '" ''m tmpltrintiit. Bad
H laT,tal0BH1iBt( i-iaaa, fxtttf
H iT?!rr,ntr afempaijriiitfil bt wt-
""UartwUlant.Blijfctlla.llr ampialiiiM,
H tKVw!tT",',k-'";c"
LH v'i !?.,,'L.t1" " Commlin V. 1,1M
LH iS ET'.",U,? ? ! ' ati, ah
r..?."i "?' " Intraalkm lT arolrlai
H Jj vf,kSKSi7,, " ,b " VaVlB. Hi
H l P-.TEXT8-MF.1SKS. ai'SK i. CW. IliVL
H Lt4 u aiJMMan" af tier ltt" , ..i --j
aaB MtMaj aeaalair 'a lat vaalaaaa of oBlafalat
H CVtrfc.-KSr" t TWItNXV TIIOlaANII ,'
LH tr.ftM,-tr,ib.Ul" " thf ' lata
aaaai JIvh, " u 't laadl thai tbar ua
H laaaaafBlreaDTrraaal villi Ibt wbolt ttitiWa. aiit
BBBB 4U IwaiaaH toaano.lylioni atileil taaCdaaUal.
B 1'ub IUb,
H Ofllart la Tf aklrtv ftratt I tDaUla'ala. '
aVM UKKKjNl'AltSTo-AniarltaalBtaawraahaBVt
aaaai IvVi Ilbal. at t laoaral rait, tar loTtatltn
H Uallt TBlaaMa tt Ibt rtltalttla Iblacaaallr. la
H tttlktaaUruBKl la Cttltaa ttvlaaiat tlbtr
aaVj ft?'C,T,,S,. '!' .Pal'aTi-Amtritao, Eur
aaaal r- Yrasc' '-Ut ta4 1'ruaalaa-viU tttart tu
H aat araxrat aa tblrlr atUlkrat of Iba notl laulli-
BaV (tBlyaMalalalatBtrll. Ibt ftcllllltt of baalataa
aVll t!4 tTf '"Jljallta trt lack Ibtl ralaala aaa
aaaal M tMtla4 Bbroael br oar rlUiant almoil u tttil
Laaai Cl.? ! B'5rt" Mwbii Uktn oal
aaaal ! afr!4. la hnUa eoualrltt bib obtain!
aH i2!f -tlfi Aattrlcaa ftleal Altai". A
aaaal CUTr ttialai forlhar Inforoiailoa mi a It.
Laaal aoaUaf Ibt Ta'aol Lavt tf tarloaa rouBtrioa, win
t? tVui:s;x;vn " Mw-uvm u-
Uottt tat ftbaat.
TaTaTJ iTarrboar lUta thro.
rtrrtwlr ttrrtraa of Ibrn.
trbir aanlrtt ikara,
H Ertrrtwdr la dallj blat atllk Ik am.
H KrtrTBolr uubl It tr tktai.
H KTtrbWcaaiallbam tibia
B ... Oraal iltal aa4 Bkta Eaytrlaat.
H (MOtvtrr, caratr litaalta.
H oTEmTTriNa and zLncrRonTiso
aBal . T SyiwrtUr daaliaa it rrmlnd publUbtrt
H Prlaltrt aaa Iba laoatal Habllt Ibtl bt toDltnata It
aaaB 1"' "P. Eeuorw Newaoapttt, llooba.
aHI KStt! " J,t ''7 ttcrlnliOB. NtBtuptr
H raUlaktra U ttratatlr ailitaaaa u at.,1 tV.m.
H Mini af Ibt ital a4aalt(aa U kit piociaa, LUh
iatlr-A Strlaf of Ikalr Trot Dllla 0 tar tint
.Hf-A BtTlai of llliBktl lllU 10 '00
H Bjfllr ABirintaf Jak lltlla 90 00
H IbuU aolaaaatbuaIaalatatlnit't. bol a dtnioa
rraltd protuttlloa. Tba I real Hallj'a of tbla cltr
att teaa alaiaolrptd for Iba laai flit jaara. tad
H ft aaa thai tirlraca Iba tubatrlbtr It analiiai la
H arraiallit Ibattirtal fatu in tba ttntt tUurrt.
aVlal IVMk IMblUben can bait Ibtlr wotkt titraolrrtd
aVaV r kla prtt-btlt aroaamr It ta objttl ltd
m tat4 la i aalrabta-and rlartroTtd vbtn tdlllona
M kit Ult-ad taoctmr ami t r1e!crattua.
H ... C1UB CKAbKK.
, k1 LIlB!,,
. aaaat Ctal Oil Lamp. 00 imoke, no aiktll. bo
M BkcaiBtr.BadprodBrtaalffbl lurarlortt aa o
M aa aakfkiuoa and for aa't at I l-ouitlaadl at, nortlt
Btdt, aaa tftor from llrvad atf Tbla la no butubut or
Elaat baratr affair, tut t lamp pacu lar It llatlf.
Ibt aalr obo ttr Inatoltd ttiat lll trodart I
K-awblttflBrotfronit karearaa oil, haaoullaba
alaktaptrBClttod, II lift! doutlt ttiellfbltf
H a tbuaaar lamp tod eooaamaa ttaa oil. Counlr and
M lata rllku for atla. and puma parcbaiiDi auir.lad
VaH ?"b.'T7 k"' tlnorat 11 ruaoalutarlri Vtlra
II Dandord. No. II OouiUaaill il.hnU lljt, tt
k ttt from lltaodtar, N Y id)
H Tfl. a ktaatliul couDlrr rialdenrt, illuaud 14 toilt'i
ptan "ttorl. an Ibt Ua nttrt 1 bouat Dm elm,
Saal kad la ftct, ordtr. loratbtr vllb barn, waon
H ktoaa kt. fruit la abnadarc tor lartltulata In
J ulia 'Ctpt, 8AII8IBKIE, on Utrd fei-a lar
arak nreva, t.- i1"'!'. .". Moadaa. Wadnta
afiaad 1'rldars ty.'ott H M HI
H -Tbt Ntlltnal TtroMraofa "".t1.' "d I'nWlfav
H Moa lloaaa alto rubtlab a aa Moa1' Tttvytrabtt
aaaaal raptr, twclalii adapud 10 Cblldtaa "d icu'b,
H u"lar bcbwlt. md Junnllt 'ItuH'tact Orll
H . t Eua kntabtr will la taatifuUr llloitralad. amd
aaaaal Vt aajaa tpttad 10 uiata ll a trilIaaa Hai fa T
H Cbldrtnof Aiottlca. Iba
tM TntlBtptKia will tt ablj tlllad,
V krrlltriaii .td 1 lack
H fur Pr Atali.Btallk, V .''"
BnkYal Cat J7ll Manrta. Alfrad Taylor,
lW.A.ll.VaK.t7. if J E klfc.naoklr
IV. B r fJarr K" Jatraa II. Kuna,
firl'lfarVJ ij- Ktr.ll W.Ckldaw?
S KSSiV Ktt. Wat. k Tbatl,
J aK'ff rtf'j"''kVr. . O. r-ardaa. Ia,
I I r? aavrla J, Jtavtt, Krnaa. ....
W l naaiaiaaltalloaa ar tbt I'aptra akooU bt id
, I rf.r' fctaill. "Ballon tf Ikt Ad rot alt and Uinnr," Hi
1 Jrti'? JfipUm at, Mtar Ttrk Cllr.
1 K" f iU rUtatlUattt aad Babaoiptltnt. tMttktr trllk
n-Bkaalaaai Itlttra far Ut I'tptit, addraattd It J. W,
ITBAKNB. Ill WtUlana Ik Nib- York Cltr. , . .
- 1 rattan. aatnaUaaatu.Ttatkira, and frlaade af
tta caaaat, an aatattiaad u at at AftaU, aad aar.
Mat! raaataltd la aid ta tlnalallaf -ibt llaaatr."
had fcrwardlaj taUtrtriloat.
I (taflaaapr.ftrtsaittr.Uadttiitt - .
I Exyu"suirm : IS.
1 i-fflr 11 aa H low
I --' ., Oaa kdrl - " .UK
n V' ' ;miNuM.,Ai..,,t y
1 lW6 clafllS IS TIIK i'KTCE OK THE
la fXataMftrklakltkatvatad rieotoUtd titll tut
It lTBlS7aW4itrtlttnwaaakaaratuUlbltilr-
y pit Wtr York Baa.
1 I TfV Ual AdrtrllauataU. tbtr art ittn lr toll"
1 I tkMRauaUal wrrr trtrr tlaclloa la Ibi ,
I PuTtf Nta YtVk. Tkt arittal Ikt Ml" U ! I
trpaiau. BraarWadrrtaAaii.
CrS '
!. 1 1 B,,a,.., m.m . .. -a 4V.
Kirapt Iba Jtareal tf Cnmmtrt, aal vlttiotil
tittptoa Ibt
lllKArr.1T DAILY NinvirAPr.u IN
TT1B Nf.W TORE SUN imattt Mtrr fanflll)
far tHilalni Ibtntwi of Ibt dir from tttr pan
af Iki.oild, abtlbtr br Alltatlt Cal.lt, If Talt
irtpk arkt Mall, and prtetntt TIIK WHOLE, la a
rompaal form, A OHK UALr THE I'lllCBtl tttar
JtT rrra,
THE BUM U rtkd, trtrr dif , hr marlf a oiirttf
million ttrttma, tad Ibtta kmmxa, nn lnl",h'"
tipttlnilutntlrt toaltnta II I llaaetl t ordlara
af Idrtltltlal ratllr u U fatted.
TUR miCK of Ike paper, al Iba ptiMlrtllta
tfnra at rarnlabad tr " aitdara. U TWO CRNTB
TKB COrY aad Ii dellftrtd f Ikrrttrt II tbt
llaiitt, IWI rr Bkp of taf kt dlelrt ll. for
TWELVE CrNTB TEB WIM, t ml b Kill tl
TEH Uiit far tirk InatrHm, arttlil amntlotaau
atar tt made rtrtlrtrltatvitataof aaorail tmitb,
Tkt tdltortal drHrlnrnl af THE BUN la undtr
tttcbarnof JiMirn V lltaca,u tabotn eoramaa
Iralioai iboald bt adlraaad.
A II lelltra ralailnl la adrartlatrtraU, itkMrlpllonl
crilr kraarktftbt paMioatlat biuiatat ibvtlldbt
af diaeaad It Ikt Froarlttor,
UOtT.f i nKACIf,
Ctratrtf .Naaaadtad Fulkaa ilratti
Mib York Cllr.
Krrnlni Amaaranrnla.
nARNI'ICB AMr.RtCArl Mt'BRt'M -flrntn
aad eraittcf lloalaa Maadttl.' Oatuuilna to,
lacuta 1M,uoa cailoatuaa.
. WALLACE' THEATRE.-" Tbt DoaWt Okl-
OLTnt,TnEATBE.-'-nte Lani glrlka."
MniT5 IIAklI)El.-,Tbt Uleok Cr)k." Oraal
rallalaafit llallfl lroupa.
WIMTTR OABDEM.-" r.aat l.rant "
I HEW YORETHEATRK.-'Mlriraik Oaatil"
" Loau XI."
tf Ctrtau."
rox-B oi.n bowery tiiiateb-" jack md
J1U Htal ap Ut Ulil,"
"Tkt rtrntlt Clarle tf Weaklailtn," 4tpt dt
Balltt, tonit, rtilrlloqttlitBflit,
Bam'a Vtltraaa." Btaia, daatta, At.
rirm'ATBNtlB OPERA lIOUIB.-DadaMlk'l
BtUalrl't. Btadtactt,lnulMnaaa.
NEW TORE CIRCUS -Roblatta. Htw Ttrk Clr.
cut Traapt. Mallartt al t
"IISMan far All."
Ta Aatrttiaaen.
On ftltmli vrbo with thnlr acirtrtlia
menia daulfled, wo tequnttM to band lliom
In tlr. W keop our offico oiian until
lata hour for the reception of ajTortlampnt
but cannot agro to ctajtlf thorn union
tent In In tuns.
Tlit Tbi Taller.
It Ii InttrMting to notice tba Interpreta
tion which tba potitlcUna draw from the
late alectloni in tbe Northern SUtoa. The
Kadloal loader, with oharacteriitio bold
nctt, aiiume that the people hare endoned
tbe whole Radical programme for the Indefi
nite exclusion of the Southern 8tatei from
Congren, and alio for a continuance of the
warfare between Congreii and tbe Presi
dent. The Democratic polltiolani, on tbe
other hand, declare that tbe iweeptng vie to
rltt of tbe Iladteat pittf are attrlbuUble
toltlr to niittepreient.ition of tbo tuuca
Inioltcd In the electlont, and that, In fact,
theie election! were carried by falie pre
tence! on the part of the IU.IIcalt. Ilotb of
theaa petition! are wrong, The only reuon
able inference that can be drawn from tbe
election! Ii that tbe people of tbe North
demand a more itrlngent potley of recon
struction than tbe one which the Admlolt
trallnn Vina prianlp !- Trtr la no'
fcrCSd '"' ta s.rl,0.inun tUa. t'-y r-u
done the extreme policy of the ltadicali.
Tbe lime upon which the people gare their
decitlon wat almply thli Shall the Southern
State! be immediatoly rettored to tbelr old
tilaoe lu the Union, with the leaden of the
K billion in their old teklt In Congreii and
mcb other high official petition! 1 or ahull
theee State! come back under tbe termi of
the Conititutional Amendment f The ma
jority of the Northern people decided that
between theie two plain they preferred the
latter. There is no evldonce that they fully
approved of tbe latter; but they had
110 othor alternative than to chooae
between the two plant that were oflored to
hem, and their decision was in favor oaf
what they considered tho loss of two evils
Tbe result of tbe election confirms us In the
opinion which we have nil along beldi that
tbe great mass of the people are opposed to
the reconstruction plans of both tbe Presi
dent and Congreu. Our position hai been
that the true polioy of reconstruction i n
medium between these two plans. That Is,
we held that the Constitutional amendment
Is commendable, with tho exception of that
section which iweeplngly disfranchise! all
men In the South who ever held a Stato or
United htatei ofllce of any kind, We be
lleva that if tbe ittue bad been upon
a plan nf reconstruction llko that nhiih thn
Six lias for 1evor.1l months advocated, ll
would have received an unprecedented on
donement from tbe people 1 lie true pul
Icy for tho President to pursue, in order tu
vtln the appro al of the people, it to modify
or amend bis policy, so as to place It upon
tbo intermodule ground between that which
It now occupies and that upon which tbe
Congressional policy itands. We suggested
the cietllency of this course several months
ago Wo taw that the tide of public opluiou
was setting ag unit tho l'rcanlent, nnd that
unlets he should do something to ancboi
himself more firmly m the good opinion nl
the people, tbo watcsol defeat would turo
ly doto oier him Ibe ol.iliuni lue
taught him tbo very lesson v. huh ho
night to hie learned eailier and nt lets
ciptnto Iho peoplo line told him pl.iuil)
that he muni inmlift hit puluy, ami as a
man of tbo people be cannot propcily re
fuse to b guterned by their Judgment It
would have been far hotter for him if he
had amended hi! poln-y before the leiout
election, but it is not yet too late Ilia true
I coure now It (o prC6eut, in hn uiffsage to
I CofigTeit, n new '..''.'""'.""t.onai Amendment,
which will embody all tho good features ol
Ihe Amendment now pending ami exclude
the bad features to which we have alluded
I hut is the ouly means by wluih bo cm
save himself and defeat tbo dosiut of tbe
unscrupulous Radical leaders.
!en. Kkrriuan't Million ta 'lexleo.
On Saturday afternoon Lieutenant dene
ral SiiLinua, accompanied by our Mexican
Miuitter the Hon Lewis I) CAMnir.iL, aud
a numoroui stall, started In the United
States frigate Susquehanna for Vera Crut
The apecial object of Gouoral Siubuan's
million bat not publicly transpired, but
there Is no doubt that the United Sutei
Government bare proposed to tuke louio
deflulte stepi in the Mexican queitlon ou
the departure of the Kroucb troopi The
rumored abdication of Maiihilian, and the
departure of Ocncral Shluuan for Mexico,
comiug at the tame time, would appear lu
connection to have aoine algnilioant Inter
eat , but e art of opinion that the Qoicrn
meut arv villi at llio piotijnt luomcut rarrv-
log out a pollc) which they bate long held
In view. General ('tarritttu, th Aldetlo
Cnmp of Naii.i ki-i, has Jut ro'ihtd
tho city of Mexico, In order to
arrange with Martlmt Ititilir the pro
gramme for tho departure of the French
troops (In this point alone it was therefore
tieceaanry that tho t'nllwl Kluta s flovern
rnent tltoiild hnvo n etiinilent au'hority on
the aiiot to aeo thnl the erring' inoiitt of
V Mil mi were fully carried out In accord
anre llh his promise Ih aid, a, on the tin
parture of tho foreign legion, the rounlrr
would naturally leruna again unaeltle'l,
I and the Inlcroata of Amnrlfan elliretis wotiiil
hate to ho attended to Without taking
Intocouaiderntlnn at all, Ihoiefore, the ro
ported abdication of Mi tltUIMK, whether
it be true or falae, 11 wat reipilred of the
floierrunent li dispatch a attociial tnlasion
to Meiieit at the pri tent Juncture fchnuld
MitivliMt really hare gone, of rourne
such a prucedtirn would bo doubly neres
tiry (len Hill nM an It one of the nhloat
men who could luivo been aclecteil to wad h
oter tho Intorosts of the I'ulUd hUtes in
si., i...
17 ke WelropetU anil lha I.eat-JrUnrc.
Ir thn people of this city deeire to n lain
tho few elective office that are loft lolbein,
they will have to elect ttone but good ami
reputahlo men at tbe enatiiiig municipal
election. 'I ho Radicals will hate eiery
Hi nig tbrir own wny in the hett !giU
ture, aad it It will known that thny am
aiming to aholiah the remaining eli elite
nllires in this clly, ami to supplant them by
Albsuy niiieerns Last Winter thny tulkod
nbout establishing a Hoard of Control,
which would virtually abolish the Hoards of
.Supervisors, Aldermen and Couucilmcn, and
alto the offices of Comptroller, Street Coin
mlasloner, etc. Their present purpose Is
to carrr out that plan during tho coming
Winter, provided that they can find any
Justification fur it In the result of tho
charter election If corrupt and dishonest
men be elected nest month, tho Radicals in
the legislature will claim that New Vork Is
hopelessly In the hands of rateally polill
olana, and that nothing but the Interposi
tion of tho legislature will ate the city
Fully two thirds of our puhho olfices have
pasted from tbe bands of tho peoplo into
those of the legislature, under that plea,
and the romnliider will go in the same way,
unlets tho peoplo awaken to tho importance
of electing good and bonnet men. That
is the only way by which they
can check the transfer of their electoral
rights to the legislature. Hut we must haro
a better class of city oflloiala than that from
which we usually make selection in Decern
her. We greatly prefer to secure that end
through the election of good men, but if
our people tetU not elect-that kind, we shall
have no right to complain if the legisla
ture takes the matter Into Ua own hand!
At the -coming election, therefore, let ut
save the city from further Albany Influence
by electing men of Irreproachable character,
regardles of politics, to the various piunt
clpal oOlcei.
Itauala aad Denmark.
The alliance between Itutsla and Den
mark, to which we alluded a few daya ago,
ll now an arrompllthed fact. The eible
newa of yetterday luforms ui that the
Cnsarovlteh, tho bolr apparent of tbe
Csar, waa married on Friday to tbe Prln
cose DAOMAn, or Denmark j the two nations
may, therefore, be laid to he united in the
fullest aenie of the word. The alliance be
tween Denmark and Russia is consequently
not only political, but national alto. Denmaik
need not now foar any combination of other
Kuropean Powers agalntt her Integrity, for
the lutereiti of Russia will lie In up
holding her and In resisting any attempts
made to annex her to either Prussia
or Sweden, as was lately rumored to be
likely Vor the preservation of tbe peace
of Kuiope we are glad of this Northern all!
s,ne ,; k0 Uo- -uons It should he a
matter for congratulation Russia gains the
roadway of tho llaltio Sea, which would be
of the utmost moment to her in a continent
al war, and Denmark acquires a permanent
friend and "big brother," who will naturally
take her part against any superior foe.
looking at tbo present centralijed state of
power in Kurope, and the enormous acces
slon of atrongih galnod by Prussia, it seems
rae woll that tome Northern combination
should bo formed tocountetbalanie it, in or
der to preserve the equilibrium of power.
Although Denmark la small In site she is
rich in resources and has a powerful navy
She .aud Hueitiu united would be able to
bold in check oven greater powers.
f'onetllullonal Convention.
The proposition for holding n Convention
to rov Ise and nnicnd the Constitution of tint
State has been approved by the people. ITie
Radicals will undoubtedly have a ninjoiltj
in the Convention, and will probably use
their power to engraft certain Radical fea
tures upon the Constitution , but on the
whtdo we think tho Contention is desirable
und necessary lu this ago of progress a
Stato like our owu must undergo icitain
ch ingea lu its funohimeiitul law 'Iho Con
stitutlou should keep up with tbo udtnnie
mentofthe State, and m tho twenty tears
that hate elapsed slnre tho last lonirution
was lield.many things hate net lined oxhibil
ing tho need of iuquove incuts in tho Consti
tuliun It is very luipmlaut. however, that
tho beat tali nt l tho Stato ah til be brought
into rcqm.itinniii ret mug ihut instrumi lit
Men should ho ailcrtrd, not in tun ot then
politics, but with sole reference to thur
Judgment, intelligent o und alulitj
The llron lirnj lliillrond Vilsnnee
Anoiiiku ,-, I, h is p.u.ml, , ,t,n ,
obnoxious iiulr.ud tt uh, wln.h interlircs
aoafiiiiiMlj with the thoiiitighlareul Itroid '
way between Pulton und nn itiicu. te I
minis uiituiile.lt I Iho in, .in, i,uu granted !
a week ago his appmniU l , , mofth 11 ut
to remote tint ptililt. ol. tut, tllU ul lu
Railroad Cnuipaiiv il"cs urn jw, tUe slight
est heed to it. Yrttcrd it auothei ginof 1
workniou tu-ro buailj in; i,je.l .111 tlau trmlt. '
lit lug It down nui'tv ami unlin it it ps 1
mancnt loul msteud of inert It n tt-uijHtr.ti t
one as it was nt lliL, 'Iho Sabbalh tlnv ttas
agmii deteiriittd by tho dinol the uui Union
eiuplojcd, aud the pollco were, as on the
Ural occaaion, looking 011 w ithout mti 1 l.-rmg
with the woik. 'Iho puhho would be glad
to bavo some euergelle steps taken to rn
strict the monopoly whuli tbe Railrtinl
companies of New York enjoy. Ibe latui
seem to set all laws nt dotlnuci', and treat
even acts of Congress n mcro waste paper
Tho municipal authorities certainly ouht to
take the matter in band and show these
Railroad companies that tbej cannot cou
tlnue to trample the rights of tho peoplo
under foot til thn manner The case has
been neglected long enough . it it uow time
to uc I
Mo Store lllnrla Laws.
Tnt Chlof Justice of the Indiana Supreme
Court has rendered an mqiorUnt decision
upon the legality of a clauso In tbe Consll
tutlon of that blute which discriminates
against negroes in civil rights Tbo Cou
slltutluu of Indiaua prortdis that no negro
or mulatto shall settle tlicro, and that cou
tracts mails with such persons aro not bind
lug, The case upou which tbe deelaion in
questiou was roiideted, was brought by a
eotoK-d iuju tU'aiuxt Ivio wu;'l uiuu, to mi
' ' -
I force the payment of a note. Tbe defence
was thai the note was a nulllly under the
M'o Constitution, and upon that ground
tho CMO was oarried to the 811
prom Court, llio decision Is to tho
effect that tbe discrimination against
negroes, In the Indian Constitution,
is in conflict with tbe Constitution of the 1
I'mtod Stains, and is therefore illegal, If
this decision bo Just it will apply to all
liws lu other Slates which 111 tko diatlne
linns of this kind against negrois. The fol
lowing nrtj the leading point in Ibe said de
"lite National Constitution guarantees
that Ihe clllreiis of earh State shall ho en
tilled to all thn privillges ami Immunities of
rlllrnns in tho aoverni Slates 'I his clause,
in Judge Gregory s opinion, conferred upon
thn rititens of any Stato sort of general
eillcnship, wluih Included a right to be
come a citi'ou of nny other State, and car
ried with It n light to protection by the
Government, the enjoyment of lifn and lib
erly, nnd thn right to acquire and powesi
property of every kind In nnv Stale bo
might ibiHiae. Ihit tho Constitution nnd
Iho law of Indiana doprlvod all persons of
Afrlristi descent of theae rights, privillges,
ntfi iiiiiiniiiiiies. 11 sum ftersons, how
ever, are cillr-ns of the United
Mates, this legislation is void.
Numerous citations from legal au
thorities wero given to prove them to be
eltli ns of the United Stntes, and tho facts
that passwrts are given them ami that Con
gress bat deetaretl them to ho cltltens, wero
ndduced. 'Iho derision of Chlof Justice
laney In thn Drod Scott cate, although
never formally orei ruled, Is now disregard
od by every department of the Government,
whilo tho Supreme Court, in the fnco of its
own decision, admits to its bar aa attorneys
ml counsellor! at law, persons of African
den ent. 1 he objection that tbe concession
or general cltlrenshlp to penons of African
descent, would carry with it the right to
vole and to bold national anil Stato ofllcei,
wai declared to rett upon a falie asauaip.
Hon, Women am cititeui without tho right
lovutoor bold onions naturalitod citiien
cannot become President, nor can become
a Senator or Representative until after the
lapse or seten yoan from tke time or his
naturalisation. Yet aa soon ns nnturallted
be It a citiien. These facts show that there
are degrees or his right or cltitonsblp. eome
or which are granted by tbe National Con
stitution, while others are not mentioned,"
A Core for HatJwar AceWeoU.
A Ri-cr.NT rate waa tried lu ance, Frin
which It appears to us a ery Juit decision
was given, Ihe directors or a steamboat
company were placed on trial along with
the engineer or Ihe boat, 'or the manslaugh
ter of certain persona through a boiler ex
plosion on board one of their vesseli. The
engineer was acquitted of all blame, whilo
thedirecton were caoh flood eighty dollars
and committed to prison for ill monthi.
The Court decided that the dlreoton of
any company aro more responsiblo than Its
servant! for the eillclcnt working of the
same. If such was the view held
In the United State we need not have to
ebronicle ao many railroad and steamboat
accidents every yoar. Wbon a collision
happens through a train being teut Immedi
ately after another, on the lame line, or an
explosion occuri through any fault In tbe
macblnory, the engineer is held guilty and
punished accordingly. Instead of tbe direc
tors of tbo company who are clearly (more
responsible. When one or two dlreotors
shall be tent to the State Priton to meditate
on tbe careleasneai of these arrangements,
the publio will Und one of tbe best preven
tives to Railroad and othor similar accidents.
rroirraa of Near Elevatlan.
The Radicals are making very fair pro
gress in their great work of "elevating"
the negro. Two "American cltltens of
African descent" have Just been ehjvnted to
tbe Massachusetts Assembly, from whenco
they are likely to go Congress. The forth
coming Constitutional Convention In our
own State will undoubtedly take away the
property qualification relative to negro vot
ing, and will provide for the voting of ne
groes on an exact equality with whito citl
.. ns, no 'matter how lgnornut the said ne
groes may bo. The following extraot from
the New Orleans Tuiul'nk, a negro organ,
gives an idea of the altitude to which tho
Radleals aro aiming to elovate tho aforesaid
"Americans have no oeeaslon to be proud
of their aec Mental President. From his in
augural address, down tu his perlorttmnee
timing bis recent tiin, be inhibited a most
unfortunate disregard for propriety, aelf.
react, and gentlemanlike bearing, Why
dul be not contrite to follow tho example
set forth by suoh honorable characters at
1'rcdciiik Douglass or Rnv. Guruett
fgeiitleiniiu of color I The American na
tion would never batn hail lo bluali, had
aut.li gentlemen occupied the Presidential
New rirtnree.
On Friday atrtl Saturday la it Mr Crop
sey, ono of tho most celebrated of oar rising
pulnters, throw open hit itudlo to bli friends
and the gentlemen of the preis for a privato
vlotv of aomo of his recent paintings, and
oun or two picture! which be hat in hand.
The most oonspiciiom or the tlulshed
pieces is 11 landscape entitled "Indian Sum
mer." Tho aubjoit embodies a sketch up
the Hudson River, beyond West Point,
taken lu tho period or the year characters
th-ully termed Indian Summer, when, In
this cllmuto, nature is richest In glory Li
thn background tho lolly Catsklil Moun
linns tower up into the soft blueakr. In
the middle distance the river widens Into n
speilet nf lako, dotted hern ami there with
sumo miniature inlet, nnd its siitftiee ru
livened lay mini y a gilding craft with snow
white anil. In the foreground the urtial bus
iioitrutcd the wild luxuriance of nature,
lii'iilhtcned by the slvlil uutuuiiial eoloiliig
of tho leaf, witli till tho details of loliuito
und glowing tints of ciimson mid gold,
unlked nut with 11 matter hand Iiicon
Hunt with otheis of Mr Cropsey's works
ulii-udy well known to the Ameruniii public,
" Indian .summei" will, uuqut-alioiiubly, bo
leg iitletl us Ids matterpiei-e
lii'itlilfi this landscape, whleh rnlurully
chums tbo linn's share nf ntitiiitinn, there
me a series nf slews ut St.ileu Ul.iutl, whub
me I a tt lit till v pilntttl 'Iho "View- tlnlll
I "ilt Hill, Itiiilitng NiaMiirtM," is 11 charming
in, tine ut silll hie 111 tho tnieiiuind. ami
the Imay ncrnti In the ilUt luee "Fodt Hill
hulking' l.imlwiittlt ' it 11U0 a ehar.ieti little
akett b.itntl allow s more w 01 k than tbe former
lliolntlageiil the trees in Ihit picture it moat
btatilitullt tlepn teal '1 lie gt 111 ol these Ma
ten l.l.itut Hketfhes is, howetei1, a smaller
painting 1 nib t "In tbe Clote," whu.li for
I ib tail mid 1 tlt'i'l will tie with tiny olhei
I r'n-r il'tyirre nf this dunning landscape
I punter" .Mr CrnpM.y lertaiiily presented
Ins ndiuiiers und liit-mls tttthii treat In this
"ptitato tletv" M.0 believo that soino ut
I Uu o iu tuns will bu exhibited in tbe Aim
I dtiua ot l)eigii 111 thn lorlhfoiiuug scisou.
The Women .llovliiaf.
' The l'.qiial Highta' Association, which is
I the new uaiuo ol the Wuiuuu'a Rights' Al
I "i i.ilion, will hold a contention ut Albany,
I N Y. on the Wth nnd 21st. to "bury tho
sa 111 ill m the rittii'ii," nnd to demin'dsiif
tinge tor all mucus, without illstlluliou of
late or sex The meeting Is specially de
signed to ngitato tor "utireu sullrago'1 lu
Una luigo tense, with reference to tho pro
posed reiiiiuu ol the constitution of the
Stato ol New York The tenc ruble (Quaker
picutber, Mi LucrelU Mutt, Is Pretideut
ot the Association, and Susan it Anthony ilt
Scucturr Mrs r.titabcth Cady htautou,
Ihoodoto Tillon, Frunccs D llage, Lucy
Mono, nnd other women of celebrity in re
luitii inorcmetits' are expeited to speak at
tho Cout ention.ninl it cannot lull to lo a s ery
pleasaut and ntertulniug ullatr Tho ladies
leterto eucouragumout lu their etlort to
gtte ut eomotbtug lo talk about, uow that
Ihe eleelions aro over.
N H Motisit, tbo editor of the Hrldgeport
Fakuii, whtjte ooiiduet eauted the deitruo
Hun of hit ollico by a mob in IMol, aud who
aflerwanls went to Georgia aud edited a
relxil paper, it at New listen, aud bat bee.n
converted into u rudmtl tlxjlilioulit. lie
tayt 110 one could live at ttte SMb six
luouthi without iiidoigoiug tho 'vnauge be
Tiuii-Bit op inn fsotrrit.
BeteeUtnt fran ihe rlowthera Jearaal.
Tiik reports conoemlng the temper of the
rtotilhorn peoplo are to evldonlly at vari
ance, that much Interest baa been etoltod In
Ihe North with regard to their present feel-
(Ing toward tho Government and the North
em (wople The press Is undoubtedly the
most roliable Index or the Southern mind,
We are Inclined to think that the Southern
editors are more Radical in their views than
the poople or that section generally are, but
thnv certalnlr relied the feellnr or thn
South more truthfully than any other agen
cy Wo roceite, in exchange, papers from
every Stalo and from nearly every county of
the South, and bavo thought that our readers
would he glad to bavo two or three times a
week an rpitomo of their expression upon
matters of publio interest. With this view
wo shall present, hereafter, a column or 10
of extract! from tho Southern press, perhaps
twice a week, from which the roader will be
ablo lo Judge, with eome accuracy, the state
or reeling In that section. Tke selections
will be taken from nation nuhllahnd In ill
parts of the South, and will clearly show
tbe temper of tbo press, leaving tho reader
to draw his own Inference ns to bow far the
preas represents tho mople. Hie following
la the first installment of the said selec
tions The Mobile TiMrs, speaking of what has
boen arcoiatillsbed by the war, and what
qui i..na settled, nays
lleyejiid cnvll, It has been clearly demon
strated that the attempt of the Southern
States to withdraw from the United Sutea
Government hits been entirely fruitrated,
and to that (Internment alone we must look
for any atnuts amongst tbe nations of tbe
earth. It does not prove wo bail no right to
make the attempt that question will be
dlsciusod aftcrwarde-nUll leu doe It show
that vje could not achieve our Independ
ence) but It has conclusively placed on the
reoonl of history the bald fact, that wo did
not succeed in the attempt. The war also
demonstrated that the people of the North,
affected either by Interest or passion, made
inoh enormoiii lacrilloei lo retain us In the
Union, that onlv a madman would agitate
the retietltiun or the late attempt, until the
opinion or the North undergoes a change
whloh cannot be looked for In our cenera
Tbe same paper extendi a frank and gen.
erou Invitation to Northern men to go
down and aettle among them. There U no
lhadow of prejudice In this!
Wo atk 'Yankeei' particularly lo come,
and we repeat II, we want no bettor men,
when once their interests shall bootrmo wed
ded to us and to our soil. We tell the hardy
lumberman of Maine to quit his froien re
gion, and, with hla muarlei of iteel, to eome
and till a grateful toll, which return! a
thousand fold the teed Intrusted to It.
Their prejudice! will soon wear out, end, so
hall ours, by conilaut and liaUy frlcflon.
The Memphis Ilixi.tnn speaks veryoan
dldlv of the loit aiause when tt aayi 1
la truth, there can be no cause lott that
wai nevor won aud never defined. If wo
fought toeitahlith another Union, we fought
without a purpose, sluoe we already bail a
Union ; if to duplicate offices, it waa a poll.
tlcUu's war; If to secure freedom of Slate,
we ihould have fought under the "old flag,"
aud never gone boyoud a " Provisional Oof
Ai ipBclmrm nf tba inllen temper, we
give tbe following from the Houston (Texas)
In the South, great Interest Is felt in these
Northern elections, but none in their own.
The late election In Texas was a aad exam
pin or the notions efleot the fiendish holier
of the Radicals is having on the publio mind.
Most of eurcitlrens did not know an elec
tion woe going on, and wn must confess that
we ouT"lvf a came near letting th matter
go ly deiiJnlL
In a like spirit the Austin (Texas) Oa
xrrrr. descant od ho present condition of
Iho South:
Politically we hare been In th night ever
I tlnco Iho tun or the Confederacy went down
in darkness and blood. Notwithstanding
our entire submission and acceptance of the
situation, our trust In the Justice and mercy
of our conquerors, osir earnest entreaties to
be readmitted Into the Union, and restored
to our former right! and privilege! under
tho Constitution, wo are atill treated at
enemies, wo are slandered and reviled, we
are watched over anil guarded as prisoners
ever ready to escape 110 faith Is given to
our attertiont, no trust it extended to our
honor our sufferings are greotod with
smiles, our humiliation Is met with con
tempt. The tloor Is shut in our face, and
we are kept out, nut only In the cold, but In
the dark. How lung will tho night last!
Wheu shall we so the first glimmer of the
coming day I
The following extra;! from the Ilatou
Rutige (Id )(liil.Tih Is dacidodly seusible
and contains sound adtlret
It behoove the Southern people con
stuntty to bear In mind the following lui.
portaut considerations, and ateadlly and
energetically to apply them In all their fu
ture aims at prosperity, individually and
collectively, namely 1 to employ their meant
as fur ns possible to aerure a greater dlver
tlry of products in agricultural and mechan
ical pursuits ami to roster and encourage
the establishing In their midst or every
species or profitable manufacture. Oulded
by this determination, they oannot fall In
due time to brlmc about auch a reaction In
tbo general weirure of tbo country as will
command for tbem that Influence and re
spect before tbe world which mocks to scorn
the scheme nnd intrigues of petty politi
cians. Much depends upon the universal
educutlonof the children and their proper
training In morals and industrious habits,
lu these there is a mine of wealth to the
rising generation, from which sooiety will
lento the proudest of bonollti. kalucat
tbe children teach tbem tritdet, aud thus
prepared, when thny grow up they have a
cupitul ulreudy at baud to begiu llfo with.
'Iho Rithmoud Dispatch, culling atten
Hon to a convention of fanner to bo held In
that city 011 tbo '.1)lh lust , thus tketcbe tbe
character and dutica of a Virginia furiuor or
the present tlmo
A meeting or Virginia farmer now will
present u strange contrast with those do
lightful and glorious meetings anterior to
tho war. '1 hi n they nine lu the highest
piitle, in tbe cujoiiucut of llirllt and tho
moat bountiful bleating of a benign Protl
deiue, uirouiidtd bt abundance and ull
thnaigiisofcnmroitiiud ease. All dependent
upon them- nit nutlet theii direttioii were
happy nud satiallh.il. Now tho land I
piuihi'd by waul -tho farmer Is ttruit
cued lor tho means to eondin t tho opera
ttmis of flgrlrtitlure, und tbe laborer, unco
rami lor mid protei ted without thought or
uniiili union tor tho tuturo on his part,
tit-nig lilt to tuunugo bis own nil ilrs, uud,
iiiililtid fur Iho tusk. Is illatrcssid, pinched
tor siibsiiteuce, nnd of course iliaiouteutod
The, tumor must look nciluusly into tbe
t-tmilition of the luboicr, ns well us tbut ot
himself, llu must act k to rcstoie, if posti
ble, his ovtu fortunes, and he kuotva that
tho beat way to do that ia to impioto the
rtiinolu) ol bis nmnagemeut, aud to syilc
mat 10 tbo labor upon his l.irni Ho initial
trek ut a conaciiuinio tho eomtort nnd coil
teiitment of the laborer 'Ihete nro thcuee
of such digulty ns to bo worthy thn cuusld
crution of uuy'uody of men vo kuuw of
uouo who could consider ihetu with more
good sense and pbilotopby than au assem
blage of Virginia farmer, 'lliey ure indeed
upproAAcd by misfortune, Dut tiiey are men
of strong lunula and rxhaustless forlitudo
mid constancy. None other could have en
timed the imt'furtuiies ot tho late dUastrom
war ns they have done. They will approach
the absorbing queaiious for their discussion
with au earuettuess aud digulty worthy of
Certain Hall ami Sic John Franklin.
The captain and part of the crew of the
American whaling ship Antelope, wbiohi
was lost last October, near Nf anlellk Island
has arrived at St, John's. Tbe UouukiicikL
Jciuttiui, of that towneayst "Tbe olllora
of tho Antelope-bring iuterettlng Infottua
lion of tlieoottrlea mad by Mr. C, F 1111
reipectlng th Franklin expedition, Mr,
Hall bat I bis poiteulon a gold watcb,
some sllvr spoons and other iclloa-enppo-ed
to butt belonged to th Franklin party.
He alio, learned that th remain ( some of
Fraukliu'i men were lying unjet a boat In
Committee Uay, where thrr ha bran idao
oJ by tbo natives all er death, Tbo native!
would not permit Mr Hall to eo on to ex
amine them, but as aeveml veucis, will win.
ler lu Repulse Uay, it Is believed Mr. Hall
will serine aialeluoct and puah tils, way to
uheru tbo icuiaIui are iiluatei," j
Tlclaltr arDablU.
flma of the most charming villa and
country seats to be seen In any part of Ire
land may be found In the vicinity of Dublin.
ClonUrf, a few mile! from tbe city, I a fa
moui niort In lha Summer season. Its an-
I dent hlstorio association! are the them
or every lip. It baa been made famous by
battles with the Danes In olden times, where
on one occasion, It 1 recorded that Ihe con
test becoming very clone and fierce, each Hi
bernian warrior seliod an opponent and
with him plunced into the ana, and both
jrcre drowned II has been made hlitone
by Fhotnas Moore, who, In Irish melodies,
never to bo forgotten, has perpetuated "the
glories or llrian the llrave," who in April,
Iflll was killed In an acllcn with the Danes.
The battle is made the subject or
Grar's p.le, 'The Fatal 8lslers." A
beautiful country church, giving evidence
or age, exists thore. The musical accom
paniment of the choir, a fow years ago, eon
sistotl or one or two accordcons, played In
rather a quaint, primitive style 1 the Inte
rior or the churoh was dark, and everything
eenmed calculated to convey the impression
or ago to the church and it surroundings.
It wa built in the 17th century, and contain
tho family vault of the Vernona, who occu
py llontarf Catle. The village conalatt of
a good main treet, with numcroua detached
rcsldfiiona. The village aud parish covers
an are of I, IW acre, and contains a popu
lation of about a.OTO. ' '
11 n T""1 th'lher an Iron door, with a
lion 1 head mourti open-may lie neen in
tho stall, and the Ihlrity traveler, by hk.
Ing tho paw of the beast, can drink froni lu
oten mouth, with Ihe auuranre from the
dweller n th neighborhood that he la
drinking from tke identical pring at which
llrian Iloruhm quenched hi thirst age be
Toro. It may or may not be ao, but the fact
remaini that thousands drink from it with
that lmpreavslou and belief.
Donnybrook, famous In connection with
rain, which lwayi ended In riot and
bloodshed. Is another of those hlstorio place
In the neighborhood ol Dublin. It is about
three miles from the Post-oHtce, and about
three-quarters or a mile from th oily lim
its. 80 fierce and so frequent were the
riot at Ihe fain there, that " Donnybrook
Fair" became a aynonym for wholesale
murder. From It originated th old lay
ing, intended by their opponent to be Illus
trative of Irish character, "Wherever you"
fee a head, strike ll," an allusion to person
leaning back In tent, and thu making a
knob or permanent mark for aome mlachief
J" wli ebwdd pa by at the moment,
lhese fair bate not boon held tot yean,
and the division! perpetuated or created by
tbem have ceased, happily, also.
Kingstown, a aeaport aud watering place,
Is, commercially, (he most Important ad.
Junctor Dublin, It contains a population
or about 11,000 aoult, I teten mile by rail
way from the city, and pouewet one of the
finest artificial porta In the United Kingdom.
It I the packet station for communica
tion between Dublin and Holyhead whloh
latter Is distant about four hours' steam
ing across tbe channel. Tbe harbor, which
M bm coMtruete.1 from design! by lttn
ble, wu begun In IAlfl. It consliU tif two
pier and a breakwater, tbe eattcrn pier
being 3.300 feet, and the western, 4,950 feet
long, with an entranc of 830 feet wide. It
encloae an area of 210 acrea, with a depth
or from 15 to 27 feeL It cost VSO.OOO. a
revolving light marks the entrance to the
harbor, where ever 2,000 ships enter and
leave annually.
Along the roast from Dublin to Kings
town there are many bandiomo, arUtooratio
lovklog boiisot, with, elegant ground, and
the Convenience ol the nl'.!.road skirting the
bay from Dublin lo Kingstown rentier! the
coast a favorite plaoo of residence for th
people of Dublin.
Daikey. a nrettv little ttrsrellnr In wo
further down, occupies an elevated position,
and preisnt magnificent view of a wide
rang or country, itretchlng westward to
ward Dublin, trhiljt the promontory of
Howth-ramlllarly called lr Dubllnltea tbe
"Hill or Howth" preienti III bold front
toward tbe north. Ueneatb, eprati by a
belt of sea about a mile wide, lie Dalkct
Itland and a pile of rocks called "Tbe Mug
Ilm, from tbelr rugged and rovtjy appear,
arac. It wa between Klngttown and Dal
kev that the experiment of tbe atmotpberlo
rail war was practically tested for several
rears, but not meeting the expectation! of
It pnrjeclora, ll has been abandoned, and
ordinary trains substituted In It Head.
Adjacent to Daikey, and reached by a wind
ing path, It the Klllluey Hill, whloh will
well repay tb tofirltt th trouble of climb
Ing, with the rich acenery which It com
mand. II ray, a imall village itlll further down
tho cout boa or late yeari become a fashion,
ble watering place. An esplanade along the
see-ahore, forms a pleasant lounge for the
votaries of fashion, who, la the season, Hock
to th Tillage to enjoy tbe sea air, together
with tbo charming scenery In it vicinity.
About a mile from Ilray Is Kilruddery, tbe
leat of tho Karl or Meath, The mamion
wai originally a monastery
Another beautiful place in the vicinity of
Ilray, I Hollybrook, aomewhat noted at the
spot where wa once tbe rraldenoe of the
lamed Robin Adair. Not far from the en
trance of Hollybrook, mar be aeen tbe
birth-place of the hero of Abram, Grnoral
Wolfe, who (pent here the entire part of hit
life. All along th coast from Ilray to Ark
low, forty-five mile from Dublin, here I a
aucceealon of iplcndld view and pictu
resque scenery, whloh have rendered tbe
County Wlcklow noted, attracting every
year hundreds of tourists, desiring to see
some of the boautle of tlae Kmtrald Iile.
new Khali Ladle Wear Their I lair
A lady correspondent tbut briefly dltciui
ei the above question I
Something limit be done, and that quick
lr, or we ahall have all our ladyahip scud
ding under bare pole. The mandate of
fashion have been ovor sever for three or
four yean, and now we are paying the pen
alty of our devotion. Kugeuie a hair I get
ting thin on the top or her head I Well, the
ha plenty or companr In that affliction, ir
that I any comfort to her. The waterfall,
cataracts, rat, mlco and the thousand other
diabolical contrivances of hairdressers,
have all tended to one object to strulu at
the roots of the hair by lying and twlating
In every possible war. The natural couso
quenco It tb downfall of tbe glory of wo
man. What shall wn dot Go back to tbe
fashions of shepherd simplicity, and wear
our own ringlcta over our ihoulilcril Alatl
for us who have locks like unto the needles
or tho pine tree, and whose tresses have aa
much spiral tendency us tbe moat rigid of
pokers t Who will come to our reliel, for
tho waterfall oppretseth the bruin, and
hcidarhea are prevalent among us. let
sown hairdressers arise who will free us
frosn thrt bondage, and great will be bis
A Chapter er'rlanc.
The Italtimoro papers or Thursday furnish
tba lullnw lug list or crimes and casualties,
the result of one da' ellort in that city.
About '.J ti'i lock P M Wi dnesday a party of
drunken and ilisotilerly men were pntsing
alone. Urn nlwny shunting and glorying in the
result uf the i-loitioli A polioeiuaii named
Harrison was alto passing in Ihe vicinity,
1 ami tome of tho ioiikIis, thinking him good
R.11II1.1I" game, tired u shot at biiu Ho
returned tho 111 11 lit tending tiro shuta lu
nmoiig tbem They alto cutilinucd to tire,
anil n little battle wu kept up between thu
officer and Iho crowd. Durlug the melee a
mail named Juhu Vance, an employe ou
, bntird the steamship Carroll, lying at Hen
I tlcrton'a wharf, wat thot by some peratvn
unknown In the tuck, ana daiigoriiutly
wounded About tbo name time Mr. Wai.
Cultler, an employe in the Custom lloc.ee,
was shut, receiving the ball in bis left huid,
inflicting a puinlul wound. Hi wound I
alleged to liuio boon iullietod by An xrcl
dental shot from a pistol in tbo haralsof
polui'uiuu lint rleou. AJbout the inma time,
during u ol!ilcal frarai, on Cheinut street,
heat w ere exchanged btwccn tbe contend-li-
partlea, during which John Root re
r sired the r intents of a plttollnttie tide,
inflicting, U U feared, a dangerous wound
Andrew llagerty uul llaall Phl'Jini were,
I arrested on, tbo charge of bavin 1 tired that
shot, uud they ui detained to aiait an cm.-nmluutkin.
A little later lu the afternoon, a desperate
fight took plueo In the vicinity or Canal and
Itaivk strels between a nivnber or disor
derly peraoae, and the kU, Tba affair
originated In a cowardly aUack upon Con
stable Joseph Duck, by the nahahuaof a
rum shop kuewn a "The Cottage on tb
Run," to whom be had aaade blraMlf obnox
ious by th faithful pnrformauo of hla dwty,
ltuok, it seams, was Vktocked down and bad
ly beaten, and whit. prostrate was shot by
on of the part;, th ball taking efi'eet lu
Us foreher.il, passing around and coming
out uear the temple The polite finally ap
peared, when lloroe tight ensued, durlug
which a young man named James Hagau
was severely shot in the foot, Hagan was
arrested, together with lluco olbsri, chart
ed wllh Mng Implicated in tbe riot, and all
held to anawer
Still another fight ocenrred about the
amehour on Payette itreet, between tbe
police aud a disorderly party In hacks and
barouches whom th officers tried te arrest.
A furious fight wa had before the parties
were arrested, A policeman named Me
1 rids wat roughly bandied and one of the
rioters named John Cheney had his head
badly cut by aa officer. Ihe pollc finally
conquered and thn party were locked up.
About three o'clock Wednesday afternoon
a man named John Root wa aet upon in
Chestnut street near Donglas, by a equad or
disorderly men, and during the melee re
ceived what the physician agree In pro
nounc log a mortal wound, tbe ball entering
the bladder and passing almost entirely
through hi body. Fhy.lclan were mm
moned but could do nothing forblm, and
although he waa alive up to 1(5 o'clock P. M.,
no probable hope were entertained of hii
recovery. Two men, named Andrew Hag
gerty and llaall Philip, wore arretted upon
if if h"Kot having done the shooting,
harllrr In the day, two men were engaged
In a fight In Fayelt itreet, near North
alreet, when one if th men ran from hla
opponent, and In doing so be passed through
a lot whereon a Mr. Johnson wu excavat
ing. He pressed heavily upon the edge
whereon a wall wu built, and caused the
whole mw to fall upon Johnson, who waa
caught between Ibe itonea and earth and
aeverelv Injured about the breast. He wu
promptly recued by niig hbors.
domestic Tirnvn or new Yonic,
On rarnlehlaa a Urate.
People, ai a rule, have a very wrong Idea
on the aubject or furnishing a honm. They
are too fond of going In th track of the
old acbool, and never teem to think that In
the present day, with the changes that hare
arisen in other matters, there la now room
for improvement In their own house. Hut
no. fhey art wedded to an old form, and
will not even consider whether aome modern
appliance! andvlewt might notb really
better than tbe time honored notion! of their
grandmothen. 80 they go on buying certain
things which always have been used, and
consequently, they uy, must be neces
sary In the present day and add
to the charge and expense In an
uncalled for and needle way. For a
dining room, they think they most have
lx mahogany itralgbt backed chain with
horaehalr ituffing A mahogany dining table
la absolutely necetsary, and they would
rain possess a mahogany sideboard also. In
their sitting room or parlor they must havo a
straight lounge, like a Imall beditead, and
two unwelldy " euy" ebaln, be
tide one or two knlcknacks, meant to sit
upon, but certainly uuadapted for the pur
pose. In ornamentation, too, they possess
peculiar notions, which they themselves
would lie the first to call erroneous, did they
striouely reflect upon the matter. In this
way they spend for furniture at leut twice
u mnoh ai they have any necessity for do
ing, and are In the end not comfortable.
Their houtet, also, are badly furnished, and
want tut In decoration. Thli Ii all through
a wrong view being taken on the subject.
Expensive things are not really always th
best or worst useful, that Is, not In every
cats ; and the appearance of a home will
not exhibit taste and beauty in proportion
to Ibe Money expended. oU It, Taste U th.s
great thing wanted Inmost of inch houiei
and laite aid cheapnen can go hand In
hand torether.
One great point in furnishing a boul Ilea
In tbe paper of tbe walli. A bad paper
will make everything In the room exhibit a
falie appearance, while a well tinted ono of
certain neutral pattern, will on the other
hand Improve the artistic effect or the room
and It content. For a sitting room, where
on naturally look for more elegance, a
quiet, aoft paper ahcrald be chosen. One of
not too decided a pattern is best, but If tbe
pattern be delicate and artUtic, that would
not b an objection, Ai to llnti, a pa
per ihould b telected which will look
well. A cream-colored paper, or a light
buff, would look well, but then it
would aoon get dirty. There I an
objection to green tint because of tbe
arsenical dye used in their preparation, but
a soft green certainly looks remarkably
well In a room, particularly If it has a low
celling. The best tint Is, however, a light
bluish gray, or what Is termed "neutral
tint," which will harmoniie better than any
other color with the carpet and furniture,
no matter what ahade they might be. All
gaudy, flowery patterns sbouldbe carefully
avoided , they show bad taste and seldom
look well. For a dining room tbe paper
ihould be a warm crlmion j or a quiet
pattern of any other color, with
group of flowers In the centre tracing
could bo chosen. For bedrooms a quiet
psper is again the best selection. All those
eccentric geometrical patterns with waving
lines anu large bunches of wall llowert and
hollyhocks In the middle are unadapted
For a hull and ataircase, a marble stained
paper of a dark brownish yellow tinge
will wear best and look best.
For carpets it must be said that a drugget
of a neat pattern will look better in a room
than a gaud y Ilruetel er Airalneter carpet.
Tbe pattern aheuld be chosen to agree with
tho paaer or the room, and not be antag
onistio to it. For a light paper a dark green
or large patterned crimson and but! carpet
will suit best. For thn darker paper of a
parlor, the house furnisher must have a
thick set pattern one In which the aubject
1 brought into a small couipus and woven
over and over again such u a pattern of
small squares, with a deeper tinge of the
main color In the centre, A rug or two
might not be amitt very often a cheap
skin of some wild animal, neatly braided
round with scarlet, looks bettor than any
thing else.
Fur thn furniture Itself nf the rooms the
buyer should select what be really want In
the first luttanco that Is, the absolute
necessaries and afterwards choose any or
nameutal articles he has the money to spar
for A good dining table can be bad of
deal, stained to represent mahogany I'll I s
will only cott him about a fifth of what real
mahogany would he sold for, ami will be
quite at usiful If a neat table cover In
kept over it when not In aitiro use, it will
also look quite us well 10 bis room Hla
chairs had better be strong, and black wai
nut 1 best for the purpose. If unpolbdied,
they look 11111I0 aa well as rough oak wood,
which was the fashion aome little tlmo bock
In Kuronn. An east obuir or two can be
bought for a few dollars, and the addition
of ciLshituit, sthiih can bo made at home,
will make' theie as comfortable ns any
moro expensive ones that could be bouahL
Louiigcscnn becouitiucled inyour drawing
room, agulust the walls, or bettveon tbe win
dows, of simple woed, covered over with
cloth, and stulled Some pillows, fringed,
with tatsela, will improve their appear
anre greatly, and they always gita a
good, coin foi fable look ton room. Fancy
chain should generally be ctohewesl, m
they are easily broken, and are only ta look
at, howetir, ono or two of tkose, ft of 110I
itbed walnut, might be adiltd to ceuplcte
tbe effect of tbo eittlng-roora, A few engra
vings, pioked up cheap, nnd mouiilad In nar
row black walnut frames, with a slight gold
beading Luslde, (tho franicoau b bought rof
about $410 i apiece,) around Ibe walls, will
look ve:y well, and they act oil a room won.
derfully, Should, the nouw furnleher alio
want a piano, lav can bice one at o roiuh
per month, with tbe option of purchasing it
at tLn end of a certain period, and ha nog
all tbe mousy be paid rut lis hire reiUtted
oft tbe purthase money,
Tbe bedroom furniture should be- good
and luhatantloL Iron bedsteads paiuteJ.
are the best, and tin ware la to a great em
tent nrefsrabl to crockery ware. Uy liar
tog closets la the rooms, the Moeiiltr of
heavy bureaus will be done awnv with. The
bedding and so on, had best boooueat new,
and a lair prloa paid for It, aat as to get tt
If the advice contained la this article Ii
followed, it will be seen Uat a bouts can be
furnished very cheaply, and very comfort
ably, if taste is comUned, with a certain
knowledge of what the IXirnUher ii about
Tbe comfort and velcji, as well u the ap
pearnnce of a "home," do not accesiurllv lie
In, Ui actual r,oaL. '
"' 'TfTgi
ETaaatlBj Rem, Marketa. A.
New Yor. Saturday, Nor. 10, P, It-.
Th afternoon quotation! of Hie generat
Stock market, compared wllh those ef yeawl
terday afternoon, .how a decline In prleeoj
of from X to 2 per cent. Government wertr
iteady and quiet Oold wai heavy, and aalaT
down to MIX. Th gold export Hat tUet
week amount! to $t,0.T7,KO. Bxehaarti
on Ieandon closed at 100 a 10C,l4' per ak
The loan market waa euy at 1 a 6 per oeak.
on call, the ditcount demand being llgkfc.
Prime endorsed bills pused at 6, good ev
doned nlnety-dayi at 6J a 7, and good aiav
gle name 1 at 7 a 8. On 'Chang toJay rietnv
was dull, and 10c. a 25o. lower. Wheat wear
2e. a 3c. lower. Corn wu dull, and priej
without decided change. Oat were qtrl.
I ork wai tower. Ileef waa iteady. Latrt
wai lower and Whiskey wai quiet
ritsr atotan.
fiiVS'i'.'V! !,' CBteaO IT
$ a. -a sins s:S?i
JJ 'to. or? loo dt ..iS. iii&j
Vtiit !- .f I" rKiliM.i, ,..4
lCOto ., , atv UI tat j. ' ' aTJat
WceO.B,a.lMor, or if ? "'" a .,li
."J7"' "! H" MN.T,Ca.B,tlTki
no da. ..imall let la 400 dt ei Ilia
lieMUti.fi. .m, imh.4 tt r ' lSfl
Moo D.U ex W. let. lop 5 at anil
'23 SWW.'iSi.iS,i Wei1?!,. f
OS WUkSakauT. til H Je.CktV7:fc:li.
M Watt Ualta Ttl. Ill, 10e CM. B. O. B. jl
J ., dt.Bot.Bx. MS) 44 tt... iaa
ft Wtrlptaa Mia.... 14 too Uor. rae eC ll
E-.ii(H no?r-'L!r:S3
.gA-eas .SchtirMfSiiSI
IB Aa.Ei.Ce..., W luo UILABI.P B fi
00 UalltrOoal. . tl toe 4," . " IlU
S &:." ...... ill. i.wat
t ccumtk, r. k.
IWN Oklt IfUt... 14. ItMtl.B.BN.U... Bt
CVS do a Uft LOO Am BktkU
low lateu w.r'. 'Jim JS .rv.V.V.k.Pt5
bins', 100 .......B6l
? IJ.......I) IS eeoni.CaaR it
Ot CBBa.OU rf Mil nuo a,. HiU..... MJB
0 da. It tail 404 dt .aillS
4 bio? mo si. :..;:.. (tl
00 4a aifS'i eoo Si-i; ill
oowilkt.btireoi.tt B3e It:".". M "till
WBBlltrUoal,li tl tnt dt., ...M B
S BaUiVli'raw":. ''St lto aiitt.i&Tiat
da ill io8 tot 4i..:.MtfM
lMWt.IUa.Tal.... Ilia iV u"".i."
!2 PS? ,1IU0' .i l Ckl. aa R. L B..lt
400 Erlt B. 11 40) da. iSlW
400 la... .. . I1W eot 4t. . 13
UJO Mj 0 4 klt.ie.l7
JO la. SIH tot ava Its 3
2 H JW :tj eki, m. w. b. tRJ)
!1 as, Mm (Uy It. ,-. IfS
ii it. ji? w i;:. ::.:;ii3
M da.. tl Hi, lie! tvt. MM
too N.T.cta, ...... it i ..., ..::.: mii
10 dt. leu to. da. ..atlMkl
ioOBaadlaiB tV 1M d UM
tee dt bl l?'. in 4. .. MsJ
4oi At.. al.lliva SooCki. A K.W.pf.. IH
10. dt tie. Ita Idol da. ... TIH
to. do.......bl. ItW lot dt Tf
; Tt". at wa. b.. w p, n, w, a..itif
IV) 44 ,.i l
DeneMle Irfarkrt Wheleml Pa-tee.
. OnieterTaN.Y.8a,lttT.l.
.Cayra. tt.-Jara, ttSallt Lataarra, llHtllV
Bla.ralrlaprla.,JTallu, ktarttallai lfXaa.,
fMltw, . Mid. MaayOrUaaa, -tit-1 kuiaVlaaa,
polMd. -alii 4talabUa.XHa; '
iJaWataa rada,trardvfaSklrtla.lika. ITalltU
Bke-ai kl?. 14-tll klaatkaal, lltltBl IMnaajk
tOala-i aaan. Mfatll Ballaala, Ital ItVti
trltla. iUaHH, taoa: d lalata. V4t u, taatanaat
M-dlibaJautalaklrU, Ma4 0i iwaaala,
FtjA. -Prr.et. t f-pa IlitlcUad oo.t'jy
klktrl, L liar II Ot. iTdOi M. t, tt, JBtt
aaIla4 ktmata. a 10 --.. y
""rQjW w'". I al I Wtaeted da, I dij
Pilroltua, trait, ItaAXl dt retted. aMalM ai
Jtvi" l, " I r,r- 'l'i sw. tvontlnal trr. taaaaT
ktboa I aa maaa, fSSIIfalfMi Uullaa, Tfta.
erB,tOUiiBlatt.dtlrr.lta3Cktatv t"n"aTu
prima, Balti lata, par lb. HHalX "
.a,;..ferVIi.U"', U,'
traytiSa t?M,hr' - w
MtfoiMl.-rDrta Bloe, -Ii KoaetnaX -bM
Hew crop httr Orleans, . -
Itat'Slt'l'iT"'' ,,,, e1,, T,,, "
LumUr. Battfr tprnet, a i Btaratrta.
tl'' MJOeMOOi VfklttplaiUxbwdt,ioccaJt)t7
WklMydnt nitrabtalikft bat kotrda UaUS7
Clau pfna, BO 00.100 OJ i Poplar tad W. waod kaatt
and Hank, UOOaCI Mr- C'btrrr Uarda and ptaak. a.
OoaMcMt OakandaaktV) O0.tui Malts aadkaVeaa,
HtOHOMi lllack Vafral, lmalto. """""""
JfieeaBaautait. Blt, fJartllBt, drtwaad. IB Bear
It0i da, kantoos, a , lall, Taik't lav
lead, OBab. Urarpool, a aat, .. i Oaf
lilt - eatr, par Ik. ll-a -i daColrilil taJa, liel
da Faaillr, lie I Itopa, nt crop. 50a 6 I OtU, Aav,
ItaUi liar, 1UJ Ilia. 1 Mat I far aklpplalt fsaal A
lor tola Tola elreer,tlelu) Caadata, tllr. 4.
Cheap rsoap All Take' atudr ecaaaaaj
aboaldaak IbifTOcer for Plt'l O. K. Baa, wklak b
par. tad kardaad vnlltblt ta wl'txt. flml Birlaaai
drr, balk tr Uflal. I
A Car at IiauttOan nferTtniawaa "
Joarrad I Tbt worn taaaa of Bbinnjallaaa are kaiaa
tllr earad br Ibt new lad wendarfal diaanan
anawata Mttcalltrt ureal KbtumaraB Btrnadr, la
Hllplle H. M. Ca' l.aelutlteh siewtac Mm,
cblnrt. Ml Iroadrar Hllbrel prarilom. Mtrt
laad laaUlalt, M. Y. a4 IVan. BltU filet IBM, tfi
Orover Ac IlaWtr"i lllaheat riftataaai
tlllllt alltcb ataria macblate far laaatlr
a, lad lock atltck macBiaeo, for maaafaataxtrB, 4M
Uroadarif, glS
Wheeler V IVUVaw Iek Htileh nattaWM
MitblntindllBlloa Halt Baebloa, in llraadwt- jaf
Tkallowa fit wtatT .iraekloea I.axJi Hcataai
for famlllaa and mtnafactBrtra. That are warlaV
riaonrd. Tkt Utwt MiU.laa Co. IM UnaAwwrt
tw York. BXIl
Molt' Chemical romaate Iteaterea Qraar
hair, katea It Hoaar tad froia l.lllm ooa. aaatbdao
rldtdlr tbt baal preparation (or t,a bah- lain.
Bold br Uuabtoo, 10 Aator Holbb, tnd draxiiata. Bu)
Djipeptlrt ikaald aal frUI la trr a Battta
tf Dr. Bmltb't llreprpelt Aanlfcllttor, It tt a aar
rare for line dlalitaalBit ecmplalar, larpot M Baaaai
Btooad wu Wmtemiburih. aa
Madame Ilelmar la Baapplaai ax Pfav
TM HrMdwtr, wkert abt wlfl tatlr btr tatla
tatniel for fceaetlfrlof ibt aomtl.xUo, An, alaa aaa?
irril bttr rtatortr la Ikt lidlee frtt tl ibarga. LM
A Mondrrfnl rare. A l-'eulleanu raaaVb
la tn Ntwark Bin tbat 1 1 baa lean a eafTerar Bbbb
dreptpala for aval latatr ptaia. aud bit baaa csaraa
br naial all nattlaeot Or. ftmlll'e Urepteala iav
bilalor ltpos4Botlb td el. tVlfUameborin. na
CleihlnaT The beat place lo bar aeaj
tnd warm fall and winltr rlatbln It at B.
II nAl.UWIKS. Not. 70 tnd Tt Kowtrri tb lat.
last aiMrlmta. lu Ibt cllr and prlooa ttaa. Bte
CITtl.KY -Da Frtder.tlh In.L Merr Carttf, U
tbt oath i etr tf btr Mt
Ttit rtlatitee and frlfnde ef tta femUr ira la.
tita-1 to altto.1 Ibt fanertl, from btr lata raaldaaaa.
tet tv tat Xtfrft it. Itiie Mondar morttln, tl tt, aota.
tbaoro tt tit Mlchstl'a Church, 8AI at,Ut takaaat
luib trie, abtrt t Uoquleu) Mate will ba aatebralaa
for tbe re-tei of her eoul. laouaitaa piport ptoat
copr. lib
IIEAI.rr-fB Baas'tr, Not ILTtrtta HoaUr,
rouDiaet deoiHter of Mlrbaal la4 Kaaar Ueaiart
arid trtsrt and t mtntba . , . ,.
I lie (rlande and aeuualntaneea af lha farallr an
rtepoetUUr tattled lo allrud tba I una ral. IVaa,
bar pei.nl.' iceUanrt, fcoattcll m tu Taajdar
afltruton, Ntv IS, at t o'clock, IXI
U AI.ONK On Not. 101b, Carolina Trr aaa llilta.
Mad I rnontka aad B dare,
Fuaaralwill taka placa from tba rrtldtnca af hay
partale, 1ITM B. 4Iaf at, tblt Macdar -nwatal, al ll,
o'clock 1T4
VINARP-Oa Bandtr, No-n, 11, Catkarlae, last
b'lltttdwaft of Edward Ulnard.ln tbo ClVk raaa all
ktr ara. anatlrtof Co.Trroat, Irtland.
The frlande of Iba famtlr, and iboaa af aa.
krolbar, Fatnak Utillnn, aaa reeptctfullr latltaat.
to atlasa tbt fontrtl, on Tiitadtr afltt eoa. Kat-
It, al 1 o'clock, from bar alt italdaac. S lla.,
tn it. rem fill J papari parait capr. Tl
alO)Rt-On Bundtr, Nor, II, afltt a UanrtM)
lllntat,blckhl bora ah Chrl.lUa lartllada. ata
cbaal i. Meora, aod It-aara.
Tha rtlillttt and tjttnda f ttal hmllr, alto,
hla Vmktri, Daniel, Edaird, Thcanat aad Jakat,
Mtora, art nvitettd la allena. Ihj fonartl. ftraa.
tkt rtaldenca of hla. Mrtnla, 10V Ualbtrr lt,aaa,
liaadar aflirnoon, iStb laat. U I. ttbxk. ttAa
ramalBi wlU kt Ultiavtd la Caltsx Cacelarr.
BOUEETB-BodJaalr, aa Nr. 1Mb, al tablet.
A, M.oTboarl dkraaaa, AkliaQ.Kobtrta, BlaVw t
K.oerU MoaaeTTi Vclocak F.iC. al Ib real I aaa
af ktrta,JiauU.BkrStt4Lvltt. XI
BUrrn-Oa Baa4.r tfOfjlM. .kalU
telack. MUlhaar a aal Ik. tba UaarttA aaa afaTaAaiaar
aad llaaara KeallV, at.4 it taoalnt. ,
Tka rtUllftt aBttfrltsidt a tba laJl en rta--'
fallr latltt .ta alU.1 Ut t.nksaj, UU Utftfg,
af traota. at 1 e'eWa. traaa ta tssadtr-l af kaV
paraalt,4 Ata.aV W f
BINCLAIB-At RaUkta. a B lata J BatrakraV
Ntv.lLUtrr BMwUaaf Ua,kaoak.Bialalr. f
Tka Irltaclt sad ralailttt of tka fetall alti nw
tpttlfallr tattle! ta alwad tba faaa-al, fraaa keej
lala ratiatoat, BUT UleoanflaU at, aa Taaeday aJttaa
aoon, Nat, II. tl lk .tloak, Tkt niaalatwUlk
Uilia to Uratanod lar latariaaal, IM
ISuLMtrtwter other DaOn.) ,,'