Newspaper Page Text
tD)g a&g&g gun. 'fHIRTY SKVKHTH TEAL . ' ' YORK, TUKSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS. , THRP HS8I AWTVICTORY. A Qretl Battle Repaitrd in front of Met. M'MAHON RETREATING ON NANCY. J Iho PraaiuaQa Pushing Forward by Forced March Napoleon in the Hands of bis Physioiana. HK BTOPS RTJNNINO AT CHALOMS. Preparations for Hit Siege of Pari. Tht foUomng art th laittt dtipttfchrt rt ttitrd in Tim Hun offltt da am tt 8 o'c-'rk tAit mrrmnff later detpntchtt, aftjf, ieiU bt print i a pmtcrift. A Crrwal Bailie before Km Krnfl Tkt- .Trraek Corpa nkf tin e nut fccaa aader mre-Haiaakla, Ik Praack Irw lii.m ahaal Advaaca ml Ika Praealaaa. t Iiohdos, Aug. Kraaeh despatch os to-dsr rtpreeeal Ibal acta! hostilities r tuomentsrtlf .aaapeaded , but rumor prrrslls thai Iks Praaai.n unlet have c mr ulrtt d, and batlla It racist ba far Melt aaa raaaca coara or tit nasaa riaa. 4 Ai laal f. nu Marshal Mac Ma boa was al HI. Ararat Hit corps aetered losa laaa waa at Oral Baaswant Tht report Ibal Ota. Op laaa waa ktlltil ftp baa aide and thai Or a. Kaon It Is ralatin. la cm need Tht IW MaU (Huttu mm retail of laaa kelUe aaaaas I at triutapb of (ba PrassUas la aba war I Tbs Oermta prats festrraltr coaatdar th Preach toss Inwtrti-nbl. Hal tbara are three Preach cores which bare aot ret bera aader Art. The aeeTeaaeet of relreal far the purport or coooealr So bas bera avtcied, sad s at a lias of dafeoct Be as up is Ut pasisass of the Voagea. ( roaoaa Maacass or raa racatitaa. A leaeral bittle la Irr nt ol Mats la coaeldered srobsMr to morrow. The PrastaBas are moving ta )ht dlrvilioa hj roreed merekee. The at ft teas of Parts art oOkiallj rt ported as aeartjr read; to resit t Iks Ue.vtr. mn l, aad II Is ssld Inst ISO. 000 n-en are reed to no ap the raaka of the aimt la the laid, aad Ira tie aiming of all tilalls Is reeteav aisled. arainoN arraitTiKC ox nauct Tke latest ti.f.nmstio recsind d .racily Horn ton eat of ar thia artrraoea cobIIisk tbe aewa ol ever pert. culm or tbe Presaiaa victor. Tht Prat fiaaa IO-dw occupy so Am d, Iks placs whsra JlarAltlioii't liradqatrtrra were l. at d oa aaturdtv. Warabal a v - corps Is Is fall retreat low area lneaj It it tuoufhl la Military circlet teat he la eadearonnc to form a Jaactloa with tbe Preach Isrtss at Mela. O-s. Psaaard la lalllac back frees seesaw CTree woth Mat II a hoe toe art I Waaar. Hi. ssrse is lbs late rngstemrnls ar"-r. d a hear lite la both oflr is aad Bsea. raertaiea roa eea eteae or hbts. I Mots I at beea t.urrirdlj placed la a aOile of dr lance. ItTtry male peiaoo la the pltct bit been preeard toto service. Oca. Hufflslero In la cooireau J of the fort i tt V t. and It It belli rrd.ekor 1.1 MacMaiion eflici s luurtiou with tht rorres at pro eat tin r-, tbtt tbt victorious march or tht I'rusaiant nar II. touch Prtnre ma)' btiht cked. In thr-vtnt of MrrMiihoii bc in( cut off from Mris, tt.ert it uo the atUbiii doubt but that Oun. Iluffloltrt will lie aeratelled to rracuatt Men aad fall back toeanl Pert. aroLtoh loosixo our roa nafolco. Pfapoleon haa left Mtts, aad lo-dar hu establish ed hit heailq'jiirtcrt at Cbalont-aur Maroe, a plat )stl st out half ssi between Mctt sad Psrtv Tbe aybele of thn IVuasisa reeerres comintooed morisr pesterder, sad srt ra;nd!f comiajc ap with tbr Trut Las sdrseco. Tbs I'ruatian arm, aadtr command ef Oroea iTiuce PrrdcriCk Wiillsia, is adr am-iag rapidtr isto tbe verf heart of Prtact, sad oe s bee ttae for Pans. ras raeasiaas Ttaiaa mbts ik rns ua Ths 7lmas, la its issas to-daf , says the position ar she Preooh in j nui iuuu line Metals readered hmoeedinfljr ir.cariuas hi reatoa of the terrible rev art 1 1 to ProstsrsVs and MarMaboa'a earaa ffht Crota IVinct, Prrdrrttk Wllliasa, with kit (rest ana. iclorioee ia Ik ricent encoaater artlb slsrttijl M icl area's division near Woertb, U I i I MraajkMJ tlie defeated Preach, and rapidly preeaini efacMahoa, wilk ths laleitioa of cultlas him iff Item torjusunicnllns; with the Kmperor, aad kf rapiU rj.oreaieata to prertai the rrialorcemeet or MacMahon, a ul drira him to Nsocr, tbas tskieg Mtts in tlie rear, sad making a clear wa lor tht Qerni.ii nimr lo inarck upoa Pans. . 01 n roa .mum aaaotsa o. Orncral un flt inratts Is purtulnc tht shattered holsmnt of O' n-rst Proeasrd, wh hat beea drirwn ft-oin hi. Mtl di'fciitibls positloa, aad new bat only tbt 01.1 n couiitr) btiort hits wUertln to oppore bia Pruaaian f i a, m c iss he should stWup' lo tier thn march of tbs latlsr. lrioc Vrelnrirk ( Oarli-a, with tbt Pruisisa centri'. mi ooa be hrard or joidiok Ibe other Oerinau ariniea lo attack the Prench central potiUoa al Mate j or the Crown 1'riuca Frederick Willlnm aoO rrtnee Predcrlck Charles ma lears it to flsa. Vi rjteinn:i'ic to obserTS Hit movement! of tlit Preo'-O ariuv al lle'z. and than throw thrmiulrei m tht aunpeior't conunun.cil on with the ca;nul, nod In bercrpt Lit rctr al ia tbt dircctuu of Peris. J SKUI.AM1 wa; i a 10 ACT At a aaniATul. The 71rn tint mora. B aai th French ars In s RltKsl poaitioo. It Is s moment' us (ucalios Wbettier Uiti rmperor's bialth loarcs him in pontes Map of I ill oidioary facultita. Tbe war la marked br lua uaual litaitalloa, to which la at trt'iuUOIn Ik I rsnd'im and pitroaoleaa stra lexy, snd tht puisllai insctiou, which hsrt trobablr brought calamlt to tbt national ajrmt. Tbe kinptror it now boau l lo arr. pt haltls InslanUy, ol ht bta on head the tak or concsu Iratlae hit forcet and rteiorlait rrprlf to a dt'aated arm, and this while bis sueojy is oouceulraiing m lbs heart of Lorraine. Circumataucte will toon tract tbe reappearance of KurlauJ in the IsatHISI Sf smediitor. KArOLBON OBTTIHg in a It te ssij prlralet that the Kmperor ia ill ai C'baloot, and that Dotlora Ntlalon and Ificord have ons to at', inl him. Tbs coadmoa of Paris la be Berad to be tiaaeeroua. T oe Kmprets is is coontel auo Bouher snd rhurtdsr. riUSSIA TUBBATIHB B(.l.NI. The BrOtah Poreimi OMcs haa an Imperative dr Bsssd (root I luaaia, Ibal En, land aliallatop sbipnient sf cosl to Prunes or abandon the pretence of neu train t The CtoU aas Ibe Prutalan Kuvo intiata oa criminal pi oceedlafs a-sinst Brilitli pilots surv ln Prenib wsr vetstls. Trinit Uvuts rslused thu I tout d BBLattia BAB. It is believed sl Antwerp that the war will ant la weak. A Bntl tela dapatch s.ia the King's spsceh bom the throus coaArms the statement that Prance end Pruiwu Oave rives writtea pledges to obierve ths asstralit of Ib lglum. In tbt llouat of l.or la to-ds Karl Orsnrills aisled that Ins iitiiuslit of Beldam wss bow ssssrel, ths powers now at wsr concurring la s pledge to rosette! h He recited sl great laugtn the courts of ths as aaalaUoas undnnakea 0 Ike Brllisk Oereraaaeat, aad hiwagkl U ikts astaslsolar recall Lord II all a . ...j aha Hasim I I wiaasa eras tree tall ska aav I laMMMMMBBBBBMBMBM fMrUlkM orra U tit nfjM o4 Oommm ' no mUs,.. ratVIt to Mm Wtr, or kl4ff 4 Ului fmiMA r Ir.)' IH04 TtM l-ma-.Mi. ctettB h lhr M hr ifct iwaMoVti mmmmi uw tktr Tt. Th- re VOr i " Qnet MMl paMU ' JaMM-l ridff.1 t. HaMtMrf. VrA, BfinWa, m Mfcw tmm. TIM sTroMk prfmf m orovr wtMfo kt4ltr lroMl. a p-fft. it raB orr MTift. It It I'M that rtr f Hiri, i- m. ra pro4lxol ol ilvtif mr ti nfitori Mm wmh4 of tfko rnm. u-Mf . 0lnpf otttl mtor Mm Floo od Wooor, fiot wtstifUMtkt Mm M.rki A Frontli rota lo rroio lag offDorrr. foaftorr rm) rMthiiifo In HwMoor mm4 oafMo Mm riim nl Mm wot OOOMlooM. Too IMWMI of MM OtMk rotro .t . - ... HTvct poo Mm fftola OMrkrl, by porftoc It Of ftloUTO oooniorii oo Wrrow! ropiMJ. Wlt4Hfl VOI'OVO PAPOLOOp.' DttriAt. IrftUtvi rt Mi Oftwo of too Kronrli 4rfMt Wrio prttmm4 sorrow. Irnootnitton Hi fiTor of friMO eonUflfta) M) b MOdO by the pOpt ttt the (to! of IrHMd. At Tlpprrorr iroM-rdy o rrowd otnilof Mm 11 Mm w tl'ttr" wit dtoortoti by Mi MAKtOW BOCAn Of A n'Mn IRmt-CLAO. TtM rrooilao Iron i Arpionlai nvrruwiy 1 oaptoro bf Fronrl. crnttuint rrraMr oft th mouMi of to Blbo Rtaion or tb purrhM br Pin of Mm BUrtot B.'Ufrr aro diM-n-dltod ncra. Ti- Jo r..,i OpciH of Yxt drnk lh Iom of Mf MMM or otflos tt Wrlurabnrt:. A r.m-rU lt(i r nauouucM the of a -kly boMa. aorTifD j ioooo AotwcrpAjid New York lor fliti.-n yip OlaOBUllsU TH a J.wi.ii BAHKBOa. Tho toortooB Billhona of Ovooa yrd hr w o potica of Part laat ek brlooi(td to HoMsiMUl, Blrach, Raphael, I'l- h .fln mn, and other .lp.l-U baokara It it a doited that Ike teiuia Witt auje voatad by Mia Qiithortttoo of the H. I. of Krjnre. FiBonclal taToaBJ 6f Kuropo ara much mrn.Hl it whet ta doaan d a gn at oulraxa upon MfM o, their a amber. tbi pora OtMITOtiftn wim faaaoB. Adrtrea from ltuine tan- ihat tha I r.-nrli di-as-ten cibm profound trrmr, and that the F'npa hn. aakad Rafaala for jaat ine hlp to dafend hiui from Mm Stoltaaa now ortraatalaK lor an atuck ob :ho Papal doaalatona aad aatharlty. N a I'ul r i n ' DISK AAl AMD BMMARlVs COOMBBYi Ilia Mid ihnt the Kinperor Nimilaon't MUck t a i Mai n or kla Old duoaae prorokaJ, by . j--h iau -Ian. Ooaat BtBMareks la a latter, tikae iperlal pnln to deny bavti.p cooouraf ed tt.e )4aafl ol (In, Tarr or otltora ajrataet Aaa4iia. lie -ya : "Turr ia not a par ao n to ba t raa tad uu politic. 1 i nftilenca. PA BTKT L B9 UP TNI BATTLR Of H-aM:t R') Om: apwclal conapoadat wrilea Iroaa Ma. cue -oa Tburaday. Tsia araBtac cana a deeptcb rVom Weiaenhnrrr Aaaoaaciat a rrueaiao Ttctory aud ti t ocmpiillon Or WalaaoaBBii. I Wa aaea I ha ftln-.! d iu ii mm4 obUtaed tho (ollowlaf ar.dilloaal daiait : Taa Kint aa kto r-i al Alaycure cmtai a 'ii : of war, aad uraed that ike toon, r the ailAtlna !qc t'oa raaed tae kettat. and pmii-d an adrince Ilia optrtifH. waa ndiptad, anl or.lora late craakad m atittek tha Prenrb i, j t ike ae abbarh Hid of I n 'mi and Wriaei uhur,:. A Pm'.M fm T,fowi"i ri of twB Into rexiinenu. on regtWratit of laRVbfiAD iroopt. and o.ue a .1 tilery tjpotkrr Ak 1 r 10 1 .. c:nt ttrnn:, drove the rreb k ba ore tl.em iDto 1 b t The Ar tillery wm iken BfoattrM an ruin apaaMB on in- PBr unrtioia af lbs town. Te bova ojb can?'" Ar abKtac tktt. nuriMti)i ( lid -ton an ota the Prenc'i troopa, tk PraaAMaa cja'd 1:0 toa.rr b relmnt l ty heir offlceea, . ho were .unwl reduce Ilia town by oaaaoaAda. n rwaJi I ioc'ard wii. tbe bavonrt Ard "Ui i-ritrd tic Vi "n h, van Dit -i ,-eri 1 - - itm:.i i attwrk lor b ura to riwie, were ban t-rut lug And ar tiaut k nc Tho Ih iia law oai n-Af 1I7. hut look eighi kaadraft prkaortera, a- d tka town. Tka 1 cothu- eni nreveiii hoea. ond tr-aa ) aa Immei.aa crowJ abow4 Ma Bafcaca walttat to cawar ika Xmi acoorma nv two' paaiMai raounaaa. TIh eaatc wn.oa from Mayeuiaon ; 1 td-r al midnljibl : Half Mi pn( nea taken at Wrf nhory, wcro Aral Bttwwaal fn in (tie iRalal to tho TJi'.m.iy. 1 koi pot a f,(o I latre on m.ltcre, and ehowollrtio rr-n. h pataty. The larjge rruad n . I them rvr atll, thrnwtni packagat of tohacro tint c-fsar t their boatOB loa. Tna ro tiera ill helonccd to the Htrvrrl) foiuih Itfmirnt of MM Hoe. 1 Uo of Oft-ra wi re iUoWOd IB ri-t.ii 11 t , - ir PWBffdB, nnd Will ba 1 aruh-d un rcrtcfins HBrith 'Ilia oiher uur Uuudrri', iBkOB il ilBfOBbairK, went hie nielli to brturt. 1'h-ra : tUtltl ' ' la all. Ae b fora, w inn A;id ci; art were offered by the tJcrnisiio, but thi Pronck dr hlrnd to pay fur i vt rythioi. 'Ilio private were dn tiitned, bnt kept O nr ilorl kajraaiita, ilMafl 1 i knap.a: ka I renMiinlIy know ihtt hha r frucn lory 1 i , it HaarhrD' k i fil.e. Auolhi-r - or 1 . i Mn - ..t Britpa rum M:vfnra OB Thuradiy, that u- ua l ut olUriifl t)if;rain noul i lo poroitlU-d lo bo .ubUahed for thn am &roa daft. PRIXCB ACOJI'MT Or TUBIB MPBAT. Oar epeciil rrnatondut -n from KlBt ft PrMay utorntnr. tha follow ing account of lUc battle at Wauaonbarg, rroni In Prt nch aide: While tlen. POBjBj! Imtisi .0, coiitnoeed of tlu hovenly -odi ta and Kiilelh rt-clmcnia of Ilia line, ika K'ft'ioiii balthlion or fhaaaeura 01. foot, ona iogta:aa)t of Turcoi, !' ona regiojeoi of mountr i (Siwaara were boy yestarday aer WeiM en barg ; tbey woro actuelly atartlad by a trm D doaa tttocharco ol artilU iy. Aa tha patrol, which had beon poatod all aloac Ihe frontier, had noi fig aa Med the tmaewca of any PruaataD Iroooa, the nim t at lav ad for a nooiatil that lliay wara tarrunded by iba aarmy Thla waa not tha caee ; hul tho Prn ataaa, la gi forcw, and well anpp ted with artdi.e r. appo.trod oa Um helshta of Hchwer lob, oorup) log .ho wkato of th country iifnr lit rA in all flaTariaa ii'.u or that naina (ien. IK imp ' rVip'l bta troippa to adraace before the anetny,ka-p mp; aa mnck aa oaih)o behind WclnaenhMrg, which I vy joat botweew them and the Pruailan lorcoe. Hut "in procaattoti prvrod qu;te be Jtife the cuaa ware pouring a iramtndoua Ore upon n,. ... Biisl tha troopa wera 'allinc in crval niimbcm In tka nllaga o' VYiKAeuibourt Itaotl iha Prench rttired froia thlr former BOBlUoB and mo n i marcblac- On he right alda or the vill in the nt Aian gaaa wara ft ri ! 14; nt a tmnamloiia rule, and three roun1a fell eqiully in WtihctulNiiirg and in 1 tie m id ft of itio ti m - Hevcral houra wi on Arc, and a bra nnnihar ot aoldiera l.iy do d or uouudad. At abiMii 11 o'clock QoB. VoltcaB! division waa btbgiuuing to ralire. Howmer, m w -ittack waa ordfrtd. The TttfBaa lad (he wm, and. ha yoaot m hand, threw IhaayaolVOI oh one of the Pntftiaa hattunca of artillery. All proved to lt- UM!loa. Had the Prcin h ItmiPted on att-ickmc the enoiuy any longer, ineir would nut huft been one or thaw left thro on tha rround. Aa aoon oa what' waa leit of (Jou. Douiy fOPCM bi(-;iu retir ing, Uu t ' u- hi - r, iirl I ory . altri lln-in. Jl wag uliout 1 oMoci when n. Donay fell a vie Um to Iha I i ni n arulh ry. 1 hn ir op com maticod fOBBlM vvi hout ord r, ff j. tha rOBdj and vtimvatrila until ga.a ri arh og t he ; thoat par: uT Wii-mii uif. The number o dead and wiundtd inu-t 1 e aaf nut- imbed The remmuing trt, h 11 tj aupr to r n t ig daatli ol IliOtf Uta (J'uettl. Tua coonUy i- 1 1 in lo be 1 u grokt 1 onaterna'ton. Tha 1 which load to 1 1 van. u tfO BOTtrod Willi pagaABtl eorrylM 14m da jii i ittla w h I ham, a ! cry 11,1 over the rad FMM 1 vt j to tbi If hUBlulg cot tJgoo. Thr Preach Official lrapal hra - Pnrili nln rn of Ibo Ureal llnllleM-Napoleoii lttneo aieisf I. ei- Hick Tha Pieoch la 1 11 he a MhkiI at MMaw Paiiia, AiLg. 8. The Journal OjicUl contains tha ioIIowibk deapatctioa Mitx, ABg J y in A M In tho battle or Situr dty, uear UcichAhoeen, MacMahon'r cbiai of tilf, mi, C'otaoa, waaahotby the Marahal'a aide. Own. Itioolt ta amoDf the mlaalng. Our artillery auflernd heavily. Mi rah al MiicMahoa tt in comtnuMcat on with (in, Pail)y. Mela la preparing for a vlgoroun def-nro Ilia Qenaral couimaBdlng the lortroai h a urdorod tiarmana aaa atraogara to provide them Ivm with a pei tuiMioa of roaldcaee. 1 11 A 1 gQUILIIHIdH AOAllff. 1be Journal aaya the relittoaa or tha (orernmeut of th Kniperor with foreiga puwera eoBlluue to be ever-where aatlafactory, and it bcheveg that late eveuta, fkr Troin prejudickBg IbiaaUte of aflaira, re dor Biore Mgmflcani the fact MuM what tha goveni manta dcaue In roimnou with Prance la the tD'tia innance of lu Kuropean egailibrium. Tho Imperial decree hai appeared convoking tha Aeoata tad Corpa L-glalatif to uiorrow. TBI AlBOB OP FAftta. A report of tha Mlnlater or War, Approved by the Krrproari, ta pa'ultahod In the olllUal Journal Tua UlniaMr aaya : Rgiuting eircomilaQcoa oblige to provide for t if da enc 01 the capital aud to gAmaon It with to .ii troopa, allowing all tliui-e which the Etnperer ket-pe uider hta order, to contend lu the open couo ir) againat aa eneuiy emboldened by hla ftrat tuc caee to tha p'lal of raarrhlng oa Pat g. Bat Parla will bo! ba Ukaa uaawarae lie oatorior foria rooalvad their aratameata iom tuna uo, and alrealy wa bare com me a cod to area ihe walla around the city A etaie of elate haa beea do 1 rad to facllltaM the a 1 aaa l taa of certala work which will booomaieiMod to ayrraw. Tkae Iha 01 MrMr forta ara la umktym to aelalg a ragaiar . QtopS taOjQ .am fjfcaBaa t 4 oaf tra elrgatt of Mm WlWaaTVaaailar e..niloa. Holtber aaoVataVla tha-aww for tka eaaaa ad trim .m given. fAOftt Baow, who I a iBowth will bmii roai aoi Aara. - MM owihta Mragwl we aan atwo aapbr n. entire A'of.-PhdBV ad Jaaw Q9rQm to aoaiponrea of Ptwhc Ttrtyr; wkoBH erary wharaaaktng lo he er ranlaod. Hera wa have 6,6tPt aaa a ; and rtnally, raaattaajoa Mm rtsafaV f 9fHmrt4 aMfntirin, Prance f tn the a trwi MAUJIftof iarbaftBia. Taatr araa ara roadf, aad l.otn.Oftri ara tut la nayarvo. tp a RUtfRtL or 4 ao our A doavee haa beaa I a wad ordering that tho OonU NaMmmk of Parla be detailed far Mm defanae or Mm capital, aad that tha forttftoatteaa bo alaood la a on.tih.n ta re let aUaeh. A prtei of law will ba prtceated la tha Craabora inrorporjlmg la tho Nattoaal aad Mobile Oaardo citigowa aaoer 10 yoarg of ago who ara mA aetnlTy vroaaherii. Tffa Pkaaaiayia or in MAkxw. A dwopotoh froaa Meta to-day aaya : " Tha PraabUB advaaea haa ai rived al 81 Av Id. The Prtmeh troopa are coaceatrwtlug ta gi-eai uuui bera at MMa point. It IoTim ceiwenla Aotw the ICaat and datachrnenff frrra Ttitonvt-i aa oiboe point nre oni. ntlv arriving. 'i niiu u roi laid into ramp. A battle 1 tw eea II a la o nrmie Is eipecled to bo foaHht near bera to-day. Perheeh ta rrmrHig tho ati-ateile polata gained hy Um Ifaaalaaa In Sa'ar dB)a uattles, aad now hehl by their forcea." en, rBa I Napiilroa teiegraptHt to htftf that the o.dni ara lull of . m ri a , roo!neaa, and conQdem-e, but lt.o trial la a aetro oa. and will require areni itacil flee, end efforlt of patriottnBi lo meat it. ULI.IVIA'B ADUItrsSINO A HOP. M. DlMvlBf anuouuead Initt BatMh) lo u mob in front of in uftUia., Itu.t the author ol the 1 d report of a victory on Hataidj) Inl boao arieoLel and would he j m hVe'. 1 lie lomninder of the Cnrdo N.ilH-nale to be n.C-.ljvoi itod aiti the 0;Ti'e MoMla. Tlie twocorp will re oiAiiiaed In k tingle body at oucc. Ibe Jorinrt (fflcirt r-aya the relffllona of Ki nre aitli older powers la raMffactoty, and lutu eveutt luve devoluped n.her thaa wcaheoed thh ree ling. n Miao a rBratAR arr. The funeral of M. lYi'vipat Pa-adol will tike plae W-iay. 'Ihe r-yrv ka tilled with rt'etf agaiaat the aup, 1 ei -Ion of army Mr. I'tJiner, the ..enl tkf Ihovvollf 'J elegiapln.- Aueocy, Ivroly BBpaaal iioma moh in tbe Have Vuriei ne, srekins Ihui la tlie bc!brtll ha aaa B Prwa-iafl apy. Tie t'otpa Leetialiiif haa b-en -tumraouad to oieel co 1 litiraday. but it i- - mi that n yiaw of the prtieut crlaii'the rat ctiag may lc haaton. tmf iMvr.wu. fay. Pa la Il ia tcrung ta fewr ally . aeiie 1 uer the aewa receded from U u Iroat. 10 aah trpai erj' 1 " To Bftaath to arm. " Ti e Kmpraaa la ia roa-alta-tloa l ilk the Paaaath tin. eveniag al the Tullertoa. TtM proceedlnga have not yet beea made public. Ihe Vt hilt Imperial 11 now ia Puna Ma rcltiraed Iruai tie fror.t laat alht. I h-re haa Ueu uo Aght lug liBWJi but a battle ia hourly eapeel-d. TUB no m l AMRT IB BJKTB. Ttalitcai adelcua reeeived here I torn tha front say I ai tha Preiuh armv it rone iHtetiajt at Mala, where halite, it la laoatM, will ho lowght I etoro many hoara. T .e CUambera will h m I rsiat ly.' 1Ko O.rda Mooilr haa Ix-aa onored to join the uvular unttf witkoii delav. MM VVAOJM tun PAPTBMB vaaitiioBT. .he lortlflenMonn n round P:tm nre wll arint. an l rre BMBWod by rat t oo aaya), 1 he Paail QtlN nnuitiere lim.KK) men. The lHp;irtmenla of MM Voa(t ..11 d ihe Mi He h ive ;,e,. inuiid ded by order ul the UvvaraBhtati a 1. li t gs HABtaV A levy ra aaoBaj in rKwafdj l waataal fat wi'h coMidarabli antioly ri M lata t era aro now Httnnsf BarBMBOaMPi and vi-oroui mM-nre are jt 1 ounced for to mor.-o x. Ths rC'iipr' proi . th 1 ja been applaudad b nil clagaaa pahi. griLr at noon. At no m Pa tig i.a IrBBquli The iBfoaag pgelij up nt pgeTBUltM tlunn Ihe atel t ond eaHl thin Horning haa quieted down Ihe RBBB BBTI boOl 11 BBBti'd tipoii the new tort. Cent ton), and the troopg Rairiponed iu Ihe Wir. eke. AH Ihe ab'e-bujied nt igaaj ol Ibe oiu'iieipahtv of l'arta and tin l)ep:irt n.oat if the rV-me I am l ien rnrollml AH fttltSBM Ih twen law tgfg of thinv and fotftf have been tn eorpi laled ijto the rai.ha or tho Natioiml Guard. Thoae ondoi tha ae or thirty Ime tieen enrolled 1 ui" ih dnrde Mobile. 1'ho troot a cUmor lo be Mat to the aent of war. THI lllt'PBP. A procbimat on over the algnaturet of the Mlo Itleia haa beeu publicly promntrated, invoking the Senate and Corpa Iglalatit of Prance in "iii 1 . ' 1 1 1 i ) aeaaloa on Thuradav, Hid u -u -1 The fecrce cootaina the folloaliig atirriug appeal bddreaaed to the pIMgOBJ of I ' j r ; " Let n llrat place Parle la a at 'le of defence There roust be no weak hute, tiodivilon. Our re aoutcr- aia nnmen!e. Let ua fight vigorounly, aud tlie couutry will be aaed." mai maiuVa HPAiigcAniiB'ta. Mar hIu. I MacMahon h.11 telegraphed that he haa e'tabhettd hia hexdqunrtera ut Havt rue (g town in tbe Department of llja lthin, on the Paria and Mran Lourg rallwap, tweuty mdea northwest of Stiaa beftrg), indii at.i.p tlie t vaciiHtion of Stranh urg. Mara ha) MMsMthoB tolagrtphi thit hli rorpa gBaTar ed iu the lutu battle ut Woerth thau ha beeu MppOaaaSi WAB AMI VRKdRANCa. Hie French War Ofllee, hnving received inte.ll OMBoftht diJeat or the I-'n-nch force at w'QOfttl mi; ' BOgsfB. tbe new of tlie reveraca 01 Mac.Mu honl nud l i . '-ei, r corpa ban boti n : .'ly bulla I tied and diKtnrute J throughout all the d partmeri'a of Prance. The patriotic eicitrmrat which pro vjI el at the out bleak of the war has been revived, and the uniu d aeiitimcnt Ihroujhotit Prance in for war and VtBgPtMoa for thnlr alaiu brethren. Tin' graatatl aicii'iou pievuila in all thu ciiioa ui Prance, epc tally P atria. UAt'BAIKIK AffRUMtlQ I P 1IIS 'MM AMD. The (iarde Natioi ale nud Ihe Onrde Klobtle have ggkod 1 ' " n to join the army at the front, tint they e i y partieipute m the active moTementH lor thn defence ol Prance. IKupatchea from the Kinperor'a head(itarlera laat evening atatod that Marnhal MacMahon, comnianding tbe Plrat Corp-, couieutraling hta eciillered forcea. He has aWu 0(h and communicalioB with Oen. 1 Palllv, com minding the Fifth ( urpa, .itlely loculad at liitcho. Tim PKI'tiSIAN AltUT INtAHPgD. The Pruaaian annlee, which have beep cloaely pt(ting ibe retreallngcommanda of (lena. MacMahon and Proaaard, have ceaved Ihe purauit, and the inaia body or the (Jermati force haa occupied St. Avoid and encamped there. A council ol Prench geuerala have diacuaaed the queattok of tranarerilng tbe Preooi headqaartora from Mela to (he ramp at 1 11 The Third Army Corpa, under Mnrahal it line, rtmatna Intact al MeU, and the Pourth Army t'orpa, under Geo. L'Admirault, occupies Tlilooville. Ik) lb corpa ara In aplendid fighting trim. A BATTLK axi 1 r A deaputch from Meti aaya : Tho Praevian advanca haa arrived at Ht. Avoid. The Preach troopa are ccearenirattng In great nuia bora al thla point. Ketnfbrccuieota Irom the Kaat, aud detachmeuta from Thlonviila and other potnta, are cooatauUy arriving, lonuiug a formidable cjtup. Tha moral of the anllra army la auperb A battle between the two armlea ii aapocted to be fought sear here to-day LgBOlUP HATIP A tOAPBOOAT. Imng.ls4 Tempt Ibte eventag announcea that Maiabal liaaalna haa l" appointed t'omnianJir In C'fcier, and Oca. Trocba MajorQeueral or tha nm y. (Jan. Labour retlrea. rata wabbimo to mapolbob. I'url tffi.t 11,1. the Miniatry kave datarmioad lo creala a NaMooal fJoatmltMo wltk power lo act aader all circaraataaeoa artaaag frofa Mia war. II ta rejwtad ky U JPm tWI Mm raaTBaar carrteoa of aw Porta Ma alrandy Teca iypy Increased. Homo or Ike DofaMea of the Left at tbe ball or tho f 'orpa T.eykiratir to-day, and while they worn there a great crop d enrrounded the L-laee altooting for arme. BOCBPPOPT TO BP BPItBASPD. It la ratnortsl that Heiirt Kochalort will be ro laaaod. Tha poople ara aetemWed in great numbera on tie DoBraTarda, aad there Is moch agitatioo ; trat BB pot Mioro haa boaa no diaorder. th k LA tf PRKNCrl WAIL. The MluWtere hava Uauil tbe following pro clamation "f II HH I Wehavato'd the whola tmlh. II It for yoa bow to do your doty. Let oae ahoeji eoaio lm all, " w ona and of Prarca to tha oher I Lei tha people vl with each other In anstatnlng the groat caaae I Hima of onr roglmenta hTe fallen oeforo over whelaniig aamhara. The army haa Aot beea de feated ; auatain it, lo the lortuoata andarliy of the r.ioment let ua oppoe tanncitr. Iet ibe Inhahttajla of all parte 61 Pranee not anhjerted to tha burden of lite war, rneh to Mic aaaUlame of their broth era in the aeat. Let Praaoe ba united. 1 1 oat en bleaa oar anna I' Tba Amerleaaa here are receiving tnelr aaaaporta. Old Voa melniwela'o AtPPMtM of Vaa Ooofcoaa Vlelarp CaItIbb ibo I'rencbnoa the Mayawer ItpniiN, Aognrl A. Oen. Stcinmeli telegraphs tha follow. eg parMcalMP of ilia contest botweea Vop Cioebcn and tba Piench TorcM auder (iea. owaard: 1 Tba Aghi wae opobchI oa onr aide by the Poor teeath OTvtelon, and wa eiibeqinT.t!y reinroired by artillery aad cavalry. A flerrw and blood) atruzKle regwd aleaMr the line between Haarbrock and Porbach. I tii.aj until nitfki. Tba helshu of hptrchelu wore mrrted el ibe point of II t eyonrt, nnd the m.etny Uirowa back oa Porbaeh. Meanwhilooitr Plfl enth Plvtatoa had advanced Iroui Voehlngeti, taken Uua -ol, ul re chid Piwhacb at 1.1 -Mull, wkeu the brokoa fliTiyloiia of tbe Prench army were being driven a pea that point. Here the bacg ee aad rump entrega of two tftvislene and uvtny prleouera were taa ail t raAMtroBT piPTiriin. 1 HV.KI t on tiik Main, Ai. .. i 6. The fort and harbors 1 ere aie being M i lly artiied with aew frj ojndora. The 1 1 .- - Pruaaian Victory ConOrnied nl Wwahlnatoa. W - i tsoTtisr, Au$. 8 l.-.alel!e.i from Uiuia ter Washburne lully coufliwi Iha presa de apatelies eoiicerniny the r'e'ral of MacMahon aad tho mptd retirement of 1'ie entire Pnancfi line The excitement ia I ' nj apieira oven grea'er than the nbllc deep.itcbea itidi -ato, la dtplo matfc 1 irelca hre, an oalbieak In tStt city la con eldered inminenl. fne despatch ft on Parte arawMM the Impreaton tint MacMshonV corpa la wholly cut olf Irom tne teat of Ibe nriny. Ihe luile t de paUliee were teeeived by the Aua IrMrB IaaSWlliOBi TI ny alao tortOrm the news or IflBl night, aitlioui, however, addiiioual partlcu lara. f i Futbaaliiam lu H.ia Prnas laco. Ihe (IcitDiiii of Prsi ;-iru ore wild over the war nawa from Kurone Tbe PreM deepitc iei wore rpam in ihn Ihoairog aad Ucrman halla, and were rwceirad lilt enthuiiiain. I ha atreeii an l teer cell r were Ailed I ' ulght wilk poople theer ing and ainting. ThrPraasl. n Vlnory OlcBraled la NFtrarU - .-liiuniere II oolt til ice. Vea1trilj.jr a lare artfjtPf (lermana, oicmbert of the Anci rt Onier voo 1 I Mloaa, 01 Kewark. Kraded the at el.-, of Now. 1. and went to Tirol rk. tine-fest-'d in Mle prove, tur glortoaa Prua elan victory beoaahe the eaynaatng aab Jrcl. A lerr dlaaeiitliig T. ices were raised when n nutwr of TrwlOSg paelad MlkinHllu for a tn; .t. aad (hnrsrd onon the fJtaian 1 1 Oafcar Crovtiay ondertonh to arrast Ihem, Lai rrataianre waa offeretl, ami Ctaarr lleuael went to his re cue. Tho latt.-r draw a pi. to), and the Praaalaaa ri-t reeled. t Met IVekwcll -rr up the reaerve. aad arriaied alx Beivavn. who took Ihe Biow' er.-i ..... nt na rmri u ihp ad fag, Tfcey were ............ iu 1 iv alhUnn ! 3 hnn J uf aaasic aad a large IMtade, who ttrresteueit (a hicrBto' the ,-i 1 ..,! The War Peelin tn the I'll v. Piuiu c tlv dun 11 until dark, vrslc:dar, the or Mm Nirtii eriu:'. Ooaaalalo ayaro be- PipKotl by 11 ultilude of BSCtlOll rillllllABA. MllBBI to ol lain ptBBBM in ttuie to Join tlie victorious army Itf Kin; Willi tu on lie march to Pari. The agar brrr aajaoaa aa I Psidina reeounded with on tin laallc fhaeTt and I uzhter (nm niormrnc nit.) uo iu. Ut, The (lermtna are alrt vly preparing for n n net imp. Tin l.aecutlte ('omtnit'ee of Mae MertBBB Wpi CrBb Will taool to-m-rrow. and Msiig arrntiaotneiiis lor n onon of r.u-utiliiii rejtMc np, in . 1 it n Iba m bola t" 1 1.1. ui popuution end their frn n ls aid join. 1 " 1 l 1 ron HAOM IBOaT. Among the fi icr.ds nnd a. tnt ji 1 of PrBBOl M i- (iaitn.'d that tlMdafetl ol Mafehal MjcMahOfl wa Ihe n-ealt nf a atmlegir movement of the Krerch to tiaas'er the MOOO of actual hoahliiiea to PreBCk eoil, wbBTS thi feel that tlie Biia of Praara will yai toar, and wear the crown of vl' tory. IriHhrnen and Prenrhinen fp aa Ao apondaat and itmIIbiIhi ag Mm OaraBM wa agalt ant. RacrniiivBi oOl oa for lit Prench araiy are dean late. TVB1N0 PARLS. The entry of the victorious Pru-ian Into Paria s ppoLen of by the more eolfioaiasiic Uerman aa the aext event, and a new map of Ptiropo ia freely can vassed among all clMe. Viaa one point .there teems to be no dlvettty of opinion, namely, that the buttle 0' Iligenau trrerueaMy joins 'he uVrotiti MbIba to rruaaia. and lake from France bar prestige. anoau oraBAN obima were visible everjwbere yealvrday. During the evening a Sun repor er nailed tho eer aarden of tbe ILonerr, and louud democratic thorouah toe flowinrwlth lager and Ortlriotiira. The pro prietor of one of Ihe larfest beer garden 10 tha city tnfonnci' him thai doriog the day and evening of yesterday mure iti.ia double tho customary quan tit or the popular beverage waa drank. The Ailantir beer garden waa a arena of tha wildest tS ctteno-nt. The baad waa playing: patriotic tierman sits, and the spectatora, utiable la reatrain Uieir joy. Joined m t! e choruaes. Here, aa elsewhere, (por traits ot King William nnd fltamarrk. trimmed with laurel leave, were hung abenl the wall. a PITCBBB BArrtg waa fipik'ht at about mue o'clock P M. at Canal street und BOWBTf BBtWBtfl Praaalan and Pn uch forces, each army consisting if one man Tlif Frenchman intimaled t'.-t Ionl N.tpolcuy WM a much better man than Bismarck. The tiermao enler tamed a pre isely opHite ownion, snd a w ar of words ensued. Then lo I lowed a brief but decisive batlla, resulting in the dr oat of the Prench army, with n hot. of one man wounded. How tun fOBJMMM 's IT. Tfce New York TvrttBIB met in forcg la"t night tq their pnpaelOBB h:dl ou Orrhurd street Thi ImiM lug and othera in the neighborhood w ere brllUaaMf illuminated, und the btget flvatd ropiuus.y. II' AIP S.M I III . The Tenth Ward Itrooklya Ueitnana will form Patriotic Aid B00J ty to-niirhl The Twi nty-e cuiid Ward ritiana meet in Wa.b iBBira Hall lo nuht. I he Pcurleeulh Ward Qermtma biat night form ed a Pa rtolic Ai.l rtociot, eleetii.g M. Pnter Piea blent ; A. Hehlueler. Vice If tvtdeni : (1. Merlin, Heirutnry ; O. Hmob, 1 re.wuror ; und II. Peters, Delegate iu the lUrovtlvc (MgayjHMae, uu vvab in MlMygjui, The old Napoo im Uotol has bsd the name of the usurper eraaed lr--m lis walla, the uarnr N.ipoleon bkTing be 11 ysteiday covered nitha coatof vvbito paint, ibus blotted out. fMM MAVUAS AT ItEAl.'H MNKIIAI. two l( - ..I I., au I'inbrrlln aud a Raw bide - i3 OlHrlula of Newlawa und ihelr Jail And their Obdarale Jailer. Among the frienda of Heal, tha one topic of con versuMou yesterday waa the disturbance at H-d". grave. Pel went Cullon, ouo of the pall-bearera, Iu formed the buN reporter that ha noticed the mau coming tbroogh tho crowd with hi umbrella down. Ma put nalde the people very roughly, nearly knock lug down aomo children. Cullen cried ont to kltn to atep aside an i let the children aee m mucb oa ihey bad a mind to. "Mo to hell.' the man ahouted, " they ought lo get their belly full of crying. ' ('nl len then seixed him by the arm, hut he jeffced m aeif iwm). and osme cloae to the side or the gp4VP Mi. Tom Hughes catKht him by the h-eaat, an 1 fuel ing altevolver under bi voit, cited out. 'lie haa a l 1 t 01," and the meu who were guthtritig aioutid hem acaltered back. Tua maniac ptOled tho p!tol from hta breast, but tue hummer got entangled iu the umbrella which hn wja al ill currying, and he pulh'd at it with auch violence thai when it mine away he eUggered bach Into Ihe open e,raTu. The fruit'diccrr jumped in, bnd tbe men giro pi 'od. but the fortm r BgUBd tbt c ftta rope around his urrna. pn.ioutng him ae curely. On hi pusou were roitad a small rawhide and another revolve) a new aue. Ho inulti red to himaeir, " My llalar, niy IWOCl aisler," occattoually nientiohluf aome one who had made her n willow Tbe re.iorter of Ilia tfun rnt down tn Nontowu, where the mm of inyaler Is roudned. He fouiid tha town h til with eoine UiSlculty, m it Wig poa fidarably amaller man the uottagoa around, 'i'ha reporter Introduced httnaelf to the jjilir, and be'-'god iiermlaaiou to aaa the priaoner. ''roang man." aaid tha cobbler with grett tm porlance. 11 Pre aot Hie atrlctoat ordera to allow no commaalon with ihe priaoner in my c'large. The Judge, ha aaya to etc, aaya ha, ' iKw't yoa allow bo one to aee that mar, Spodlker,' and I won't al low critter in there, aot If roa wm to offer aaa ike money Ikal Aetoi 'a got la the Bank, traveler) a, aot ulaag you coaa ht Mm Jadta aadgaia a oaaaiuii THE VICTORY OF THE MAGIC. mm CAiHnntA, mm BAtnrTLB$k and fit JMaff IPaI rt r 1 k v A Gala Day la Ibo Lower Bar-Tlio Mecew lloa nl Moaihweal Aplt of Ibo Modeal ii'ii.' Craft which rvhowed hor Blaro ffo liar Booallag trrean Itnceraa Tho acetic ycatenJay morning off Htafeo lalini waa ooa that wilt ha rem-'mborcd an l tpok n of h um generation to generation. A fleet of ateera, id.noueia, aloopa, oyater bargee, rowboatt, and wlierrteg crowded tha bav. 1'l a ahorea of Stalen Island were lined with spectators, ml acTsral thou anda had taken up a position oa the helghta aor roandlng the fort, from which etati n 1 1 hvd fine view of atari and fmah Those yaclita ancboral oa Iha line nearcat the Long Island atiore nap r i pggT or tbi t, and tho fambrta, although Mr. Aahhury had tha eholca of poaitlona tendered him by tho committee, waa to leaward of Ihem all, with Ihe oiception of tba Alice, which lay neat tha Htaten Island ahoro. The eiriteraeat prevlosia to Uia tart waa Indoacrtb able. Al 11 1? tne first run boomed fonti, and ? cry aailor vi m on tho uiovo, all np and down tba Una. The William M. Tweed, atoam yacht, da bed through the linea, and in the aheenceof Doaa Twaed aad Pirat Listit. Ika Olicar, tha etvtneor waato! MM gunpowder. The KaVer Stuart, lelonglng lo Orison Ttlunt, waa st. amiug np and down Mia lines, waliiug lor tho atonal. tob rarrrra. A'-rme. VMfPWrl fy T-mpj. jrea I Alice fie a W. Ktdrt -OJ I. rat t. nn hi is. ,1 tinea Ashbury 277 t.lOB.4 Tidal Wave. Win Voornis ISd.9 I .art i. .America Admiral Porter IT a f.frfiA Ki. 1 Jiirptl irhw I Pl.t I. THT . MaawM It P l.oper IS.A t.ietl 9 7 I'.iiii'otn II. O. K II. hi -hOliis m.t t.oa.i.4 . Itsmhicr .la 11 Hanker bo 1."" o.Jnler Thoa. c Iiarant l:fftj I.JAI.g 1..Ma1rrou J ta It limith I M l.'tlS 11 'st. II. H A II. A Runt, .ir .hit t.ll.7 Ir. .MannUeas J U. Hannalt. Jr s Lpi If, Magid Pranatta Ogood 97.t I M) H . ,rtylve K. Ihadej. PJ LM 1 l..Me-lwln O. A Oagood ....tWAI Jjna.T tu l alyp-o A. 14. Match Itw.T l.tAH h..WldgoBB . r i l)- 'g. As.s llavin rJ 1.AH M..AIaim.... A. C. KingvlenJ 2.4UOJ The aecond ynn buomed at I1S6, with Ihe wind Tyrah In ro aontb by east, and iu an inatani the elgh teen competitors were all alive. Ihe Mugte waa the Aral to near round aad get tinder weigh. She bore up on tbe pirt tack toward SUtrn I i.m I wilh th other yacht pointing in tha stme direction. 1 h TiJal Wave w is about the loot to cot away, and fol lowed in tho vv ftfeo of the Alice. Tte (.'attihila waa very welt handled, but seemed ra'hor nnfurtunato in ajtMtBg up her t,auvsa, aud mad a decidedly bad itaci rnii kttCltOA got well awit, hut hardly at ir'ivl when t Ije (vumbr. 1 waa oa her leewar l q urter. Ihe Magic waa the Dril to rounl on 'ho atarhoird taca. and lay op to warl Ikg bMaMpb UUad Ihtww The rest or the flc -t icon wors ronnj tnd tgf up on the aama tack, and. aTer a ahort stre'rh, went about and lay np rtting for Bath. Off Quirantinr Ihe Maic had a idod lea 1, und, vhen aim U. k d olf (.'nay lelnud, wss a g"o 1 two mmutea tn advance of anv or her c-im pet tore. Iha t'amtiria waa sailit'g on the aiarhoatd laCll off Port ! . -o when aha waa rotn au ut tm tkwtmtk, Aa the Cantor Ik sit placed abe could nol inff up. Thre arera ( IU -t vi aaala on tl 0 weather tack, and the Taro!int i 'I; I mil giva war j fMg. Trie damage was not vtTf gt 'st, but the i sm'jria lost a part ol the wtr- foreii;jinj or her fotemast Burundi. The foul did not toao much time. Iha fambru's Mf boMils rendered her easi!) diaiiiaguiahed fiwm lk' other acli(s, aud - very inovmn -nt she made wm eagerly noted. Tha flaou'leM, Idler aud Phan tom :ay up pretty cloae to oae sttother on liio alar ooii d tack. , "fwa ABPutr tn the w.-vks of the Uaunit-w. au.l had all Mm wind eke wanted aa stv iTTfT AraTarryl aWaawi At 13: is the M igie rounded (he aouthweat soil and wnsejlated by whistle shrinking add canstawnding .r uu about 1J0 i-tameta nor the buoy. The Aivort r cam" uet, .md wa tUutel elUi lsa . .. t . f ti. the ebib 11. 1 a l - i- . tveut by gha I'-vn up a main tooestl ind boru op for Isaady nOOk The I liar vv is neat in 'lie line, crack Ing along Bltrlrr a big loraaiBVBBlli rtOawjl fotltiwe.1 by Ibe iMrlBi lnntl.fa. Mint Ph to'i.m Tbe Dmnt le- - had Ttoth her loproula ret ABd lay up to wind wxrdoflhe Phmiom. vet.-rsn Ciplun 1'ouer n us BOBt round tjn buty with bis smart chaoBer Mm M'iie, wbtcn 'ooi ed .ike ainru all over, nnd wve FoltnWed ty the Tidal Wire with her mam topaaii L The nut lldcion wore tit-ii Ib order i with the PlaaiaUig followtog nndor 1nj.1v and forewjil -n I s co ipie 01 jih. Th l i 1 line gABM pegL a (cvt Hcconde ahcui 01 the W. Igeon und Cambria, the latter with both ut. A ?ji:d struck up t.op pavr run qi kvn aa aha puased The Taroliutal ty cloae in her wake, B ith IBO Alarm neat, foil owed bf the Alice, Uambler ! rieclP-' up the rear. After rOBBdlng ttif llinik the yachte all lav off m Mie inirt tack foi tho lighiabtp, with tite Msgic leading, (lonely fullowod by the Idler, Iaunite. and Phantom Tbor wm very lit tle change in the position of tua yacUa up to the lightship, all pointing on well. The Cembrn baJ mlher hard lurk after Ipftl :og the Mook, (or geiting caught In a squall, aha loet her foretupntaet aad part of bar erven traaa. While cieartag away the wreck mi. AAiiatinr wai araurE on ma inp, but the blow did nol aoem to have any aeriooa effect. The Pleelwing gaaajjai lo le gajniaa 00 Ibo Cam bria, while tbe America alaaduy pu rawed tbe Pbaa torn and Idler. After ronadiag tha Hook, aad looking ia Iha di rection al the Ugbfabip, the ftrat impreaaioa of iba apoctator would have been th it he was approach ing port instead of going out to aaa, aa tho throng of ateamrrs endvceeeL lying off Ike re gave it iha appearance of a dense'y crowded hatbor The Hyl via wm Bailing ramarkabiy wail, aad rained oa bar former poaition. Tha ltypao aad lUlcyow Ra aboot the etue line, with iba Mitdeletna aloaaiiy gaining on thom. 1 he aceue at the tigbtabip aanaaa daacriptioa At TUB BAOIC BOUBHI0 AMO riLLID AWAT hefore the wind. In a jiil'vupwcnt here forevop aail, atayMtt. and balloon jib, and with BTBry etltch drawing, alia awoopad before the wind like a bird on the wlBgt Tbe air waa tilted wilh appUuse of e-cry hind, from a au in whistle to a braea band. Tlmlller and lljunUesa loliowd inl quick succee aton, the lati' careening on her side so ea to show Iter copper, anl with every at itch of ranvaa aet. Tbe America wat- neat ta Ik Itai, but had not got up " r more canvaa, th hrrgg tHing stiff, pu Hi. vw and riiKutotn aetmed like two white awana rtuing. t ' 1 t.-- i- f brought the Madm nest round tuu with tho Cambria two miuuioa later. Aa aU bore aw.ty ma KNOt.isii racaT, with tier forefopmuat gone, at ill made rood hi. wi. Thn pleetwnig waa oti iba bffi s of too win uer ol the ocean race. wPh tl e 'larolinta ftdlouing in Iter w tke, ind bav in li the w ir d .ho wanted. Tha c ilyotOtAJ ItoniMar, aud M v.. , lt . followed in quo 1. BCCaaaiOB, ami wet aui t o jnilid by tha Heel of aleuiera tiuartug down u Lite Hook. The utost intense e-Acilemcnl prevailed in the ouiei liHte hurbur off the third lauding, uth. Muir Saahad by tho ktake lojt at J houta U mtn. Vi ac., au l look up lo'r poritkoo nt her anclaorage Por the ont half hour Hint uau.illy peaceful uetghborbood w:i a I.edUm, nud noth ng euUtd be heard but the bttfltfl ol gt:aa and the acre.ntntug of whistles The Diunilese w-ts right in u o track ot the Magic, and reunited up ulT (be stake boat Al J bour mm. aTtf arc, hav ng game ever Uo minuloa dp ibe run down ir uu the Southwest 4pit. There w 4 a abort hteathihg apiice wtijt ;i for tho America, and in the me.inwhilc the legmen raised fresh steam and loade.l more guna. Al J hours 47 tpm M sec. Ihe America pasacd tho alake beat with tae Idler next, cloae. y follow td bv the Phantom, Madgis aud Mylvt. At thia potnl there were many anatoua inqumea foi tbe Cambria, when aha came down and paeeed the Blake bout at i o'clock aad 07 acconda Tho Pleelwing, Halcyon, 'l aroliuta, Made Wine, Calypao, Widgeon, Itatiihler, sod Alice foi lowed tn thn order named Home time eiaoeed be fore the judge- arrived at their doeiaiou. aud thary Qnal! rurnisbed Ihe fotlowtut. official time, the third column being ttmn conaumed in the race, with time alluwaucea calculated according lo time of raco anJ area in square feet I Ttm4 teliA Lijhi XfHn State HoaLAthtwue "' 11. a a. 11 m. a. on Maatc... i J to 3 n a a .1 dier a h ti) 1 si w 4 i Hvlv i ! 17 JS 3 Ml it 4 Tt P, An.ert. . l H i IT M 4 11 Jl llsuiillcM i - 4d . (7t 4 ti 1 I Madttie I t Ii a '.5 7 4 ,N 57 : Phantom , i tw ", i 4 to 4. 5 All' I X, ) 4 H tf 3 4 .4 1.5 Ifslcyi.n g 17 I'J 4 i 4 ft I Wuiireon 4 li AJ Huled out. Cambria t 7 n id '.7 4 in in a ) , t Jl M l iv ;i 4 10 If PleafviBg IrU l i H 1 - Mad h-inu ten 4 t t 1 4.' $fi Tsrohnie .-' 4 10 Mi It t Mnmhler t M 7 4 17 J5hS tuu. 1 idal svr end A arm not timed It will be emi that Ibo V .;. won tho race with II gain. It Mg. to ap-tre. I'ha Idler heal the fylrig b II miu. 11 sec Th Ainertc with time allew atiee W.ia tj miu 17 sec. in advance of tha Caiabrta. in. lOtVI on tub ATavMEat. At a hundred points on the ahorea of (lotham and tta 1 '. 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . . uncounted eicuraion aloamera slopped lo take up paaeuicera beat upon aeaiaf the groat cipnteol. Such crowding and j ituwing wera never wiUieeaed before, anJ when, ib tha case oa each set sir sta and diailBCl vaaaet, lie docke wei a 11 wghiad witb aa many people ea oearid ieid raaaa Iharaoav a haauirad mora foroed theeaaolvea aboard, aad tba 41a- mn in wag caaaeeaeaUy ataaoat aabearabla. Bra as ban da on noariv "very eteamer tilled tha air with naaJody Tha t-qaoaktajv of Ibo wry airbed dfe. Iha boom and rattle of v. Hum ihnnder, Iha tooting of Uorua and tha jmgliog of cyaaaaK .) ri - ... rov-aled the Breaenca or eathuaiaatlr (ov en or the dtviae art Tlie nvmonth Rock groaaX ualar no wolht of 9,400 rAMaaOBBj; tha Hew Champion earned l.flOh; Ibo Bylvaa Shore, 400 : ibo ft vl raa Qrora, MO; tho Magt. 170; ika Winona. TM; Ike Nana hoe, 500 ; th Na pah (or Iladaon) QUO, and Rty or siity othera nam bra la proportion. On every boat nol provided with a hand there waa a fiddle or a banjo, floeae car ried an accordeon or enaao otbor iaairaaaeai of ior ture kuowo to, or pltyed apoa, or bioWB Into, or POklofl by the rdoet cruel minded amateart In iha world. On one host wee a v-nuM bowgM. The baaaengerf oa another wore rektterea! fhoroee by a bagpipe and a hardy gurdy, which latter, for want 01 a betler name, aa IntetflLfetit deck hand called a Ilykaktak. It breathed aoft defiance to tho snort of the 00' if and gave foriB whaeatly aalhetle etralna in a mufletl way, like tkoee o( a naalancholy naa ji ik a funeral aoog from oader a btaakel, A MIITtBT. Al ebool 9 o'doek. whoa tbe Bylvaa Bhora bad Jii't passed Miudy Hook, a eenoaa qaarrel waa ri'arlod among a nnmber of Tlllatnooa charaetara oa the hotter dock. Prom werde Ihe qaarrel grew lo blowa, ind tba reeittt waa Ibat one of th low browed gang wae terribly beaten. Pearinc Ihat If ha re mained withia reach of hla eacmiee ba would be murdered, and finding Ihat none of ihe byvtaadore woald protect him, be raa lo lite mat da, and Til new BiaiuBLr OV iHBO VBI. I'ha etoamer waa thea maktar abont eight keola, and tbe eea waa running high. There seemed to he 10 hope thai tho maa'e lito could be aaved. fttoola, petleoa. boarda, and other arliclea were thrown Iota tha w uter to eerva aa life preset vera ; but the ilrng t i" f uurorinaula wve nlready too far aatera to profit by Iba tardy ktndneee of the horrified pafen gera. VVomen faietad and ehldrn acreamed. white siionz meo rnahed nore and Ibora iraolically shout ing, Man overboard bnl dotag nothing to eare the drowning man. IrOrklly, there ware two mat alroard vvboaa preeence of mind did not deaar ihem. Theee were William Plant and Jamoa To d of Hrooklyu, who had come out in a common yawl, made fkai to ibe aiera of tbe steamer. Aa eooa a tbe sai;lna waa atopoed they jnmped into their boat, and rowed b.:ck to where the man waa atrncglteg for lira, IrlO yards away. Amid the hearty ctaeere of Ihe paaaenATera, they actand him and drew blm Into the yawl, aad dipoad their ooro agwta. fearcwly had they made a atroka before Ihe rescued man, to Iha wonder aad horror of hundreda of aporlatora 1 Ihe Plymowth liock was now lying lo vltkla a uundred yAtxls), AOAIrt JUBrnO OVgBBOABO. Again he waa aecarni, thia bai with mach diaV cutty, and at laal aafely placed aooard Ihe Hylvan Moire. Aaeooa ae he reached thu deck, four of hla Iwraier sasajiAjit once otore atmcked hla, but throegh the ruint aaajOM ifCapt. Olney Ihey wore kept a! bar, md lh'lr vkcttni waa taken Into tha after eiaieroam md a truaty guard plncnd over him. Threala lot .tnd daep were altered againat the carialu ; bat umc to raise 3 dtyturbwaoa he took no noUce of tbom until ooa of the rowdira openly tttt? . ; . . -n uta Lira, aad showed au ormiatahabte intention to carry the t h reiki IbIq eaecution. Uy tha (apLsm's otdaythe acoundml waa aeic1'! n I plavced nailer am ard. GuC ot I ta aaaofl.alce waa treated in a like meaner, but the other two tnjn.iged to reach anott.or part of the boat where they secreted themselves Capt. Olney at ouco 1 m op a ll-w aud aiQMAtat.HD THI Nfvknmp OUTTBB Prrwird, thn slesming alone at tbe distance ot about half a mile. Tbe cutter wae pot nliout, and In 1 lew minutea came tloiuaide the eteamer. At Capt. 01gtert iBBBeal the commander or tba cotter de siKitched 1 1 .1 01 ten mt snd a aqaad of men from hi reaael, ind they wlM bnt little dtffli ulty aacree lad In discovennK the hiding plaoa of tha concealed r ii;liuni in dually Ukiag all tone, with their bruiaod aad haltered victim, to Iha deck of the P01 ward. Tbe mm who bought Bo desperate a meane or escaping from the h:inda of hta brutal foe a ta one Wm N-alon, for yeara a newaveodsr at the Pulun ferry, wbcro be 1 knoara by tbe airknam of Newtonaddy " lie fore leaving tba atea.-nor, Newton told Capt tMaey thai his araMilnu'e had Ion; o threatened to kill htio. Cape Olney Why ? Hew ton- DMBMfi I bad a row w lib ooa of taeir gang alrout wo o ira Deck. Ua waa abot, aad tbey swear that I wae the caue or hla death, Capt. O Wby didoa jump overboard froaa tbe steamer f New tow Hecauee if I atayad aboard I iboold have l"n rni l piece. Tbe frifi'tJe aaa K !-. HsvCfw tH ltr.aa t ai. Court to-day. thb nt rriANiaa or rum btatbn ulabd pocicb. I'iiu. the crush At the Htjlen Island Perry yaa terdjy, a aceue of tho greetoat couiaeion prevailed. The aloawer did not lauve until half aa bour after thi time suited, and the tbront aorgatj to aad fro . i'ii two nsoJuttiuan advanced with ciuha and drove litem bjik. Two chudrou and one lady wara crtiAhed. The ( wera not opened, and tba number in P pegged escb moment. When tbe laat wagoa left t'ie 1mm t the two ijdcooien 1. ng,l tshoea la front who weio PfffBlaf forward, nud snuahed the head of dimes M m .'. 1 of Meveath avenue and Tl m, tonrth street N. TarraU, a frtvad, tried to carry him off, but thia tiled the offirera, who playfuilj tamted bun also on the tioad with their billies liAVtng got ti.eir bainla in, the officers plied ihair statTs vigorously, md succeeded 10 proatrattn; and abiading the akull of Mr. P J. Walab, of Troy, who waa trying to rarue hta wife Irom Deltsg trodden under foot. Uaviug knocked Mr. wJak dawn, taey proceeded, ia aocordaace wih ike principle of Mr Njoeera, lo kick hits ap tenia, aad for thi porione used their toast vtgaroaaly. Ottlaoae Intec rered and tried to eet tka number of th polfcemee. bat tbey pocketed ihelr badge Tbey are kaowa, however, and Mr. Walak will proaecete them. Tbe I.arragaarara wblob Kirsr, cho C'aaa odllaB, teva Mr. U aaa lag. Oo Bandar, a ten year old aaa of Mr. Robert Crrder of Doe toe, woo ta elating with hta f anally at ihe Dread Hotel, waa noticed by ht elder abate to be choking. She haa ten ad. with the boy ta ber ereaa, acroee iba atreat to Dr. Walter M. Meaning office. By thle lime iha child wa ta ataaoat aa asphyxiated coodUioa, ihe eraa arotradlag and the face black Aftar a harried eaBmlaattoa, the phy sician diecayvored lodged la the ImryatL, croar wlee, aad imhodded in ibo meinlwaate, taa bowl of a toy apoon. which he 4'h gtoal ditfiealty re move, thus bav ing the chlld'tr life. Tba doctor tvt Irtbut tm eocceaa eatirely to iha ponaaaaioa of what la known to the facalty la Prance aa a larrn roKcope, tha diaoovery ol Dr. Panvol of Paris, being Ihe only one now lo thia country, and iba present of hla friend Mr Wm. J. PI'wence, the 00 media a. whs ' r several wecka, while abroad, waa uader Dr Pnuvel'a treatment for bronchiua. Tba laairu ttiont, which ta a . ui Invantioa. U aa simple aa it ia lugeuioua, and may be adjnalod to an sr, snd burner. Hy naeana of a mirror atlacbad lo tha coa deaaing lena. th petieat a enabled lo eaa hi own laryna, eptiiottia, and chordae vocalata, and to watcb any operative proceduree apea hlaiealf wltli out uapaaing the new of Ihe otttrraUir, wialch la ac tually IT.- ae le ahowa by tha operation on young Cryder. cvnioMTiK 0 vmimm. Michael 0'!Ceete killed Ploranco Mahoney In a Jrunkeo iwawl ia HuffU oa HnodAy. Stripp, tged was arreated laat erenlng foi h lonioni'y aeatiilin and cutting .lamaa Mclnivre 6 .i'o Uy altaraooo on board the tuiboat V S. raut. Norman Irtitiee hits Iteen appointed a weigher lu the Sew York 1 uatom llouae Tennessee ltepublicina aay that ihe Iomoerata knjw too muck to nominate Audiew Jofineoa for Cou-tr.-s The Hon Prsnk Duffy etanda bv braina u agntnat iiinsclc He u petaouallv acQuainied with the lion. Wm. M Tweed, 1 1 UOI'IIS OP 1,KISVHB. The school of tha Turaer Hocietiee atjinywd epic utc and summer ulgkt'a leal In Uudaon Uiver rerk yesterday The Thomas Coman Aaaoeialioa wet l to DBdleve Urore. All the iioiuielana and city fatbera of tka flown town warda who hil not gone to see tke yrkt race perticii aird About t.tluu parsons of all aoru and aires unjoyod tbemaelve to the top of laeir brut, and returuod to tki evening. OitircA it r. . Mr. 1 miea P, Petkina 1tod oa Sunday at the reel 1 of his brother, Unee It. Perkins, l a Weatuug ton. aired 17 Ho wai bom In Dover, N II. He was a partner tn buainsw with hla brother llosca uuUI May (et, wbea he reiired with a competence. He never held a (oildle Jlh ' Mr J Boyd lleadley, uue of Ihe poraona killed at Jerry' itun on the t'hussneake and Ohio Kadroeo. on taiuiday, w 4 u proiiuueoi ciiieo of New Jersey, hat lug bsen for some time Uevroue ( olleetor for the Fourth Ulatmt. I"; . . v aud for e long Uuie ha in .-uperinien dent o( 1 m llorrts and Krsei itaiii tied , aud tn a while bold teo tauic poeitiou ou the krie Itsil road. Tha Hon Oeorse T Cobb, of Morriatowa. N. J , was killed 00 tbe t heaapeake aud Ohio lUiiroed, near W hite tulpbur Hprlnga, oq aaturdsy. He h1 tervtd his BtAt in twth CoDgreat and tba l.cielature He waa tMrn lu 1'i.ralppaQy, New .lerse-, la isgu. and by his own cOnrta acuuueU an niuple fortune Ha had lately g.veo im nl to tha MelhodUl Church of M01 1 : Mr. Cobb we sctivulr engaaed ta ouainr nun Matt when ba reined, lu lata ha euterctl upon hit poliucbd life aa a Douglas Democrat, and la ;BM he wes rincted to Ces greaa iVkes tk wr broke out he de dared hluualf aa eaoomproin sina Duloa man. la laat Mr ( ooa waaatected tio Heoator by the Kef-aM if . aiUiowga raatOiug lea Daau erratic dianiea. WUir a aueaaber artM Legiaiatwre ae was tieaviea aa candi date for law i' a Booata by eke Meo. I. a. PiaUag- LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS "'"" hkmm mt mmnm nr rttm BVK'm foirKi Na'aa Beblaal Ika Bar-latarlaa a Haa! Lira far t.f.oo aaa Ikea ntaa erllh Plrat WateS Ola-A ntlr la tha taatr Market) Pet lee ( .an. T bora as MeOrath, ut Ana street, a eoaflniiaS drunkard, was arraign tt la tke Hater Msrkst Poller Coorl on 11 "id ctisrge ol iBloslestlsa. Whtu at .n llnr wltMa tke raillac, ha aadrlealf trrsanea sad fell to Ike floor, sattlo tils hsad badlf. A tot as f eoafntloa followed, The wotasa screamed, taa ssta beestna eielled, and the oSoert rfske to Ik snol, hst It wss foaaat la be oalj oae of hit ta ta," It Is said ihtlSkros fears ssjo a tslooa keeper dowa taws, who kaew this man's rslllac, had Ms Ilk 1st tared ror as.fno, snd thsa told hits thai he coald drlak all tbe whisker he wanted, al tae aatat lima niacins a barrel of the rlleet liquor at hie diapoaaL He set to work st ths whisker, sad for weeks wai In a drunk. n .taper. Ills mends keard el tlie Ut ile life latorsnce tame, aad took hint home. Wkaa tolertd Its had tht pollr. esnrelltrl, bat he has Stan a wretched drankard ever slaea be listened ta tka dowa towa tsmpler. Arrest ef a It err York Aartleaaar end Broker-A vnon Hrrlaale PraetralrtL At about o'olock last evening Denjamia a Brlura, sacrloneer wilk B. B, Wsksataa Oa., al 11 and 13 West Itruadwa, aad Oliver H. Tajlaa, real eetale broker al 5 Pise Btrrel, were arretted kf Detectives Carroll and McDonoufk, oa a eaarfa tt sltemotlnf ta swindle trsdssmss la Jsnef OMr. List week llrtt-rs necotlsted for Hit purr here era control inaery at 04 Nswsrk arenae. Jons Ortr. owasd br Adolph llullemler, ror t'i.), ttrksa two notes pajrsbls sl the F.ichange Bank. BrigI loos Hnllemier over to the Bask aad lalrodnoedl hla. to tbs preundrd Prerldent, who araured klsa thn Br lire wss s wealth maa. Oa Stlards ttaa rsle wsa enmplsted. Unilemler went lo the Bi rhtnro Hank to r."' one of the notes dlteoanleil. bo he lusrned that tbs Botes were worthless, and aa sneli man as Hrblfa was known. had slso bsrsalntd lor the mtrchtae of A lea audi r lirnce a Itsuor a to re, al No. lit Newsrk ara bus. for ffl,500, snd offrred a note, parable sl is. Rirhanee Bank, eltned Joha J. Uolltatar. Oa the perMiB of Brlfn wss fouad li.tnn fat trnrloas nolot. An UaaktraetTn ekarllr. I4tst ort Dtng a fine reception waa tendered (Tm lnastes of tits colored Baptist Uoave , .r iii Mtntlati" 9oclelr. ta their aew roo fj YTlTerVtr pit.' Prom earlf la the .rteroooa nalil lala la Ika a tea let tbe tmom were nil. d will, aiembers of tbe ss 'I inarches of thla dir. Tint teeod allow eras st ttmsttl oo His Ttk of Jsnaarr, 187, sad wns tneor norates In April, una. II provides for ths stsd tnd Infirm, with board and cmtklnr intdlral stlendsaes, aad religious services, lis founder! are Mrs. rater Wi , l-rreldeiit ; Mrs. B. Nichols, Vice Pretlaeatt nad Meters. Wm. Hteaarttad Jainrt AllordadriMia. Raalaalaa of aa OH HUM. A still in Ui oil laotorr ot Donald A Co., oa Neatoaa creek, ciploded i .at m nl It was abrlreaa thruurh the roenf, and was followed bf a dense Basalt of flame. In a very short time the feetorr was It) rams. Foil McOorraark snd Neil McMallSB war terertly ttnraed. rf.AHHMB MOM TIIK OCBtN CABI.BM Oeaeral Sharldan hss (oae to I' t Ooattneal. 8kr Juha Tk wallet, i mireaii of tk MtireMOKaa Board of Works, ts dead. The Imperiectioos la tke Panama aad Waal India 'ah', laid scrota tne Kevs. have tarsa ia paired. Tht cab'.t will roach ftsniirtro nrsi Haadaj. i "mi laLAa. Owing lo ths vlrilanee of the special Seeds osat- lalna C'ltf was cotnsaaratirslv aaietaa A Prnteitn fin wss raited last althl orer Aaehaar i' a. i. a nsii, . :i,.. f,,,.,,. m honor or the Itte rtstery t'Vi-r tot Kreoi k. Muaic, aprrck saskka. satt Ua dtaasV Inr of latter beer ktart Mk.wsn. KItOOKI.rN. .-anrleti nsewer. a Oermtn. thtrtr two rears at m.- vftVnir """"-- The aannal ptcnte of the Bln(tn fVoclettss or Now Tnra and I n laland wat enjofrd at Rett Ntw Tota tlrove vrtterdar aflernnoo sndrvcninfi Tklrteeasaa clctles acrr reprotcotcd. ' "in I'nnt prlkir Dt Witt It to anni to las Kunrrtnr I nert tor the spnolntinenl of a fleorarer el the Crniral Bank, In place of Mr. Joan I,, hpader, Uas eaanli'r. wlio.s appolotment ia aot Arcekaoit W Uta luajoi ii r or tht ttor.holaers. I.OHSK.S Ht riHB. Kltentlvt flree Siu rtiilnj In the Ii. rents Of ask. atttoa Itmtorv. Tthball't oikuro i .ry in Bath waa bunted rssv terdsr l.o, ininrsnci., " . o Three frame le semen I houaes on lletl i trees, Oitait, N. J orrnrend nr nine colored families, trattf ti.irued rrrterilsaj. Loss, Bj.stt. A oolorod oej wat CooaKlersaalr Inns it TVs staalvo haelorr kaltrltan la Philadelphia. owaed hv TneatSarc VrtlrrTtm, wss baraad rrtterSaaV. I -a. tiot.otxi Initrsnrt, tSl.tno Two attbies wera au. btrnad aad el(tu awtllloas dstaatd. Lasa. BAtat kaT.i. kotmm. JtNT&Sr aaksaasa Tba A tk let ice, of Pklla4lwtita, beat tka Nanraa. of Buffalo at ike latter etty reaorday ky at to a TTse Victory (lah of Now Hack aaa rilttaaea aa rlak ia tae I ute uodor alateea al tie if rr for w choiaaasaiB The T utile Halley aaBae IWI OlBB, of "JV Vore piayetl la lilattHewia yaeln ia twlaraaea M ilie Juntfir i-(iBun,0'tt.ltip, with th riaiU.laU..iia, rs,.ke rosaillni la laror of the fereaer ky 44 tay mi, KBW JKHHKT. Oae O'Coooor. a deck baaxt oa tbe Naasrhoa, afaa inc iMiwcou Newerk ud Utary lefauO. Ml off am1 Vtf flrowoea yeeterday. " II. U aayatkwt Ua Her. Mr. Mllae nffakiik who was receoily al4 to fnr oalolatlac at a faaaral acraice in ihe ataaence of e aaator, ka haaa mlsraara1 -rn'i-.i by correatoaleii4, Sooa time aee fclr. atTlaa loot ail his pioperty ly Bra aad was eeokaa Beaa bay d i rase no thsa o,m.M-.i achool, preoeBlwc aacaaaae atly. Ihii ina ttie aaoimer varAtioo of tae etty aaatoed a straiiKur etiBoced him h attend hit rfaiij't fwaormU Thcstrwnrer snlnntArlly patst th- Ko Mr UilalA ano Mr. Milue ecretei the inoaey, a he kat a Mrtatw rifht to Oo. firABKtt rmou mm rmLmom Ata Tbe Weymoatk Balliaakara are oa ewika. Jaataa J. Morria w ja drowned while hathtna W tke MeiraBiack lo Low. I oa Suaday. All the wounded by tke lata aeeldaat at Jerry Run will recover. The pruptHlnr lar1hnntnt rnnBinr between Hera ford end New York, wa burned oo banday Blfka Crew aared The noon traki eonth on thi lladaoa Hirer Ida toad ran over nad killed a hoy on a brldtro aorta of Iluilson yeaivrday. Tha Itcpuhlican Hlate Committee hare eitafaal tho (Irnmi Cn'oa Hotel bail room lu uratoea, for iba elate t'ourrntlon. Tlie Iter. In Newman, or Waahinkiton, proaehaA fhr three hnora and a half lu the Methodist Cburob ka hah leeae City oa duiiday. Tha North Carolina l.fialature haa, tn tha tteoala. ouserretivia. :u , tieuulilirAns, IK In the Lowaa tip n so, conaervatlree, 79 , liepnhlicaaa, 45. aSbBrlf Keoworthy will bein today tke aakyaal the property lu Hutrhee County beionclog to tbd, Hartford and krie ltaitroad t'omcaey. Twoateera atarnnedi from a drove of Teaaa cat tle, paseing ttirouifk Hiiffalu yenlrrday aortal aad Atiuni oue hoy. aud aoreraly wouu'iiug turee otaaw M'l SOtU. JOTT1NUH AIIOVTTQhrm. a i Three fhtal auratmkaa yaaterday. Muair la Tompkiaa eqaare title erealag. Mr. M J lleflernan ia about to beKia tke puhttosa tlon of the American tftm James Bradley, aged 45. attutnalod auicide by leaav ing from pier la, Knit Ittyer. Kiederlek Colliua foil out of (ho Ural atoiy ma dow ul No. 415 Kaat Tweirth al Five lottery deulora were h i fhr trial in 110(B) each yeeterrtay hy ( oiii i ji,m-r Mbleidi Tho Hon K J. rhiiullHy waa nimin ited for HiioriaT by a rry in,.- abBrllBR at l.tMprinf Ureal last n.hi. Tbe Yuiig Men's 1'einiii-rniire ami Henevoleal tsuclely if New York meet at ii i; ., 1 1 reel thl ercos bf. The AHeiHUn' M.ltmo i w iil lo aio the yacht race ; ao uo new i n l un made upon tue publio puree yesterday. Uathartne Lvoiia, m ed is,, of 410 Baal l enity fifth atrret, was inn over by a uiila wagou while croaaiiiK said sir il The tMxIr of an unknown man, atiout ality, altired In Mack cnitlir, was foaod yeatrrday lu tue Norte lllrrr, off KiKhtyeiith st. Frederick Wliorley, are. 5, of No. M Kaat Niaely tecoud alreat. Tell drad while taHla liu fathrir wave wai paeaiBK by thehouae. aooa yeaterday. rt ii .1. Boiroe loll aaleea ob tbe third atary lire asv BM of No Ml P ah rtftreatk atroet at I o'tlork yea lerday Bioralaa , tkrnce ta dropad la to the yard- " w O. U M eeye tlial ouuit : aver Ike river la tbe ferry boat I'avoala reaterBayaa rkilwc kc rouatsd Lt"Sm rSP Taa 9mm. tbe aYsvoia. i tae eaaaar mtpOTMnf A tetrtv. wf i aba TBaaW Aastsa.