Newspaper Page Text
DECEMBER 14, 1870, PRICB TW0 CENT& I I ' W SMaaaa I 1 - f INK UP THE WAR, Tho Army of the Loire Still on the Jump. Steady Advanco of tho Prua . oians on Havro. . Pari3 to bo Bombarded Immediately. JTROCHU V1LL FIGHT TO THE LAST j,." Prussia About to Occupy i Xiracmburg. RESIGNATION OF GEN. GARIBALDI. Bismarck Rofusos to Treat with ' T ' Gambotto. ; A . , Tb Army or thr I.olrr-Thr Prussians lie. , , port Iho French on the Jump-Drlvlna the .., French I lorn HloU nni) Chtitubord-ltor- IJ tteu iLr Tcniporwrr Cupllnl e! the It- C public. Vicsaillis, Dec. 10. Itc ports from tbe Sec 'end Attn Corps, now In pursuit of the Kre nch, say that since tie lift Ogtt tlo roads ire obstructed by tts l.i i kc quantities of stores, rens, arms, and ctLirs abandoned by the enemy In tt.o'r totrcat. ,Vv mi rujsuNs on lofiu. Dec, 11 'I tie French wire repulsed last Friday lo in tttirk cn tlie Ninth Corps it Jlcnt'.lvault. ncer Ololf. On the railroad, lull nay between Orleans inJ loo 1 The Frenru were driven oat of Chvn- ;i bird by trr Hessians, who captured five gun.". After the at beta? the fu.llius wero punned ttjoud F.rirr. u , i tbi stobt or td iumrj. 3 , llrfso, Dec. 9. We hire Lad throe days' fljMIng nlm the fcutcecth Prrncn Ccrrs, commended by Jouregulbery, and the Seventeenth, eoramandod by a. Olomb, both corps under the direction of Chtuzy. r. , Tl.ii UTmin forces et the Kcvekteeutb ' ul Iwinty-ttcond Dlvlilscs, tLo lint llavtrhac Divi.ion, and seme cavalry. Tie fight commenced u ts t!e " h, r. Mr Jleuo;, and was on'tnucd during lhe 8il 5p.i' J'h. along the roadi Lading to Djje pocy, which Is occupied lo tight, le, f The Ficmh feuiht with wonderful obsth'C. s The losses are ereit, but tLor of tin Trench ar prater. Tr.o araij ot the Lolte Is t.ow separated Itto Urco Lollj. Cttt;' Lo corps ar-d two under Pal 1 lieu sr.- intestine; toward Vierein. tureuejby - Trlnie William cf .Mecklenburg. T'u oce on ILe cort'i bmk uf the Loire, near Giro, Is ittii'.M by tie Tl.i.-J Corps. More Osliiiu; Is eipoc'.sj to B.vrroT. mi GEXgrtL SITUATION. . Vemaillu, Lc It). Tit centre of Treietlck tharii ,'i ar.ny .s at Orlmni, the !e!t mii at lljtu C'ccr, ml t..c r.hl ir;n: nr (lieu. A cir,'r C.. eli"n, fullowd by a lurce ol Infantry. Koiecdtd lem fro... Critic j, and ha nu- .ccu,i:ed Vlerr n 'flinUltirnjct tb l'ni coMria. r evrn 'lnl.i!i , u. MIO.OTO info. Tlx . iliusiaii us liln lr . 4 OT'r tJl'1' ' fl.'tateo u.. ..e m tt-t) jti Vi i. 'I fJl. X 1 1 oprriliia t'jc.c"' , llrc. Uii pe, r.nit 1! u n 1'our diri.ioni ut ci Uf'. Wtrdei ire t en ., i ,. V. I'oii ; iwo d.i..'. ' .! -! rperatinjin I Uie vounl .I'j-ui Im;u , i.e laiti' z . m c, ' at and 1 I nal la Itu.t of l'jr i, jtv.rti.n diTitloBc ,Therv .r.. ie, ir thur nt.1.1 ler IU., I ou!i uu )i.,-i t I9,0o0 mu. lut lUt.r r. ,1 tr.-n; h Is le. Jfi w iccrui'n ate now en rnu'j t fl.i tin.i. f uptotl'is ilrtr,lh, which Is coii.idtu.l tu,l u told lit ioui ir) a'i wit.ter. i Adel.clt ut of (len lit cterfftri oroy oeen; Ir J J T." on 'I i lib. wlthiul rt.iM..i. , . Tl- di frit vi 11 l'lltetutb, but n.h, an.1 5eier. teen" l'i inch Corps at licnu' ncy n4 tut o de i cuive ! t lirrl turpoteU. To jjy ll.i too. lev nil end Tnecti-ercotiJ ltv . rhn orrupylni a t ctitioii i.e r II. au n J ajsia ci.npi-tic ly atticlted by t o Froich. A eiiu Sil.t fo'lutuil, laitini inl n.-Ii'. Ti.ellnj. I liiLt u.alni. lurd the icmiuii, with ilo 'ira e loss. ' '.i"' ins STor.r ci- iue raunx vicronr. LoNniH. I)rc. 10. 'Ihe Vale cf Jleckleoburc teporis fcvire bslilcwlih the Army of t"ic Lone i at re'inci't:'-) , where the I'uiich were mlnfuieeil. Fifteen hundred rboi.cis and tlx goi.s were taken lhe remainder of the French aimy Ji on the road l IloiirKM, cat lured or boat.n. Auo'.lnr nccouol arur the Tjlit of tnc 7ft ll.c U.v ilsm Hire, t entd rtanseiicy and tho Forest of Mircbcr.olr. The IVikIi wtre reinforced, tut the Frusslini look i:raatta, Jleaumort, Jltunr. mid llsiu;enc.". On ILe DIU IIjUvjIci, Vill.-tccaj, anl IJjrnay wire captured. K ,f. Will am ha ul.-:aJy oHnillr an or unci J this tlctory. All Ihn.j to. ns ale below Orleao. t . rtrxcit nci.rot.csD. Her. It. -Tin Uuhc of lelerraous U Lit bkrhes a dtMiit ti'imutii' tiui.t of the vie Lji at .Vnins on tho Hh. Ti.e Jwrnal du Ihtri t.)i lb Ainy of the Loire tia- bun reinforced to ttciit'Lto. lotly inci'. HUE OLD STOItr. Arme detlcr.l fur l'r.tice h e beeaeeUelln iiku in. Tl.o French made n vb lent it lack ou Ice Utru.4i. r.our ilctnE, but wtio rcpulncj. J' has rtisnr. unt.v nom rttiuti.vdr Dec la. A teiisrem from lUilin lay there nil tta hey fiRbtli.' w.tli the Army of tli Laire. ( ' Till NEW rKk.NCU CAI-UAfc. Eoiidbai-x Dee. I3 Tho French Oorernmor.t hi Inn iLilnllid her. Tim rcot vijnrou ueuuiei Lave been dtcliiol upou, ji d lnje y,. Ulurcomeiiti i,r going foiwardln the aimy fro ii ill I UN if the Huu'li of France. Th truops arc kr' uiilpJ ami Kjulii;d. A I j r lie number ol bi uri ifieadi lor nlee, us aiealsjthe men tad Lor-. 'nr u Urao civalrv force, "e. I vlcloriireanni.iiiieeJ. JI.TI.leis llu. 'il u until and teleriplnui nee are much iU'riu.ii :. JI. (,jni i -ii in kiili with the nrmy. ' 'IH2V tlUUII.NC LIKE I LION. 11....-1 r i.iiiU'llahasBiiiifl to Jlouiges. He an t"i : it (,oo. Cluui) Is mikinj; a mast deter Ur.'d iltl i,i p. M. ii i ta is i-jptctcd here soon to review tbo 0 i.Ik Mi bibs who arc golns to Van fioiit. Crner.l 'd.r- I. r at. advanco are to l liuil to all the ti'.. :i ii. Hi-south of I ranee, vast numbers bclns :., '. tnni and ojulpped. tio.i tub uckium rni'Minn Tin rutucii. Tin L ,frraa)i: " Oerinans who dj nulbelone '"i lollow In tho icar for purpuei of p.unlr 'ii,i.y ittle KnlBt ltull furuiturCi a,j '! i-luables (try csn lay their Lands cn, and id u,r booty to Utrmauy, Uavinj the Luhabl "its dt.tiiuti jkd itirrlns. xnv. Hiv.ur, or j'.tjiia. TUl,',,r"cU nln AmuiiiIiib tlir OnnalTB ' ii.' '"e i'niUInn Hlullrt by llulluon ' -The tilt) tubs llumbnrdril, JJoioni,, Dec. IS.-Adticojfroml'arn rcprn "Hthai the iniolyol food will last until Fibruary. AM.HUK HASH AT Till IIUUOtM, WRiur, Dec. 10 -Th, Fiendi assumlnj the , ",e ,,,u" I'Arls In larnr fui,-r, were ropulmd " f ,nr a djy. ait :i ry fi.' t. Die I', u Uk"u' A fuv l'" ''CJ r'iouer we y uu noMniiiir.XT ciktam, . Doc in Th. bowl ir mem of Ptls Is ettUo, Toe ccntte of the city can he reached with shells. The batteries ir now la position, ind the C'athedrtl of Notre Dam can be mide the tatset by tho beslcrers. Tbe bomb.iMmenl of the city nlll probably commence on the 19th. tui rxnuuNJ uuia rats. Datei from Paris (rom Nor. Si to 23 hm beon rccelvoJ, The use of Eas has ceased In 1'irl", a:d the s rojis tro llshtcd by S'.OJO petroleum Ijmpi. rrei't meati will toon clve out, ird rati are be coming a delicacy. They are iclllnt ut fifteen ecnti i piece, lhe Itedi ire holdine violent meeliasa. A HtAIO.1 rOX Tim UA1N Or 1UCLLS. DinntN, Dec. 19. The bombirdment of Tirls It not dictated by any r pedal Influence!, but will be lot Into effect for solely military reasons, The new levies of tie Laodnelir ire destined lor a rrservo division which will rolnforc the army In thi field. IT.tNCn BOllbAST, Vxn.sAii.LEs, Dec. 7. Th 1'arls Government B just rcfu'ed h summons to surrender, iiylng that they will Oght to the last man. TUB AVrASCtt OX llATttB. Orn. niitnteuOel In I)lrpr-IInm nnrt Bt. Durutlo Itrcniiturrd by lb l'roccb-A Htrmlr Advnnce on Ilnvrr. VinjAiiu, Deo. 12.-acn. Mintcuffcl was In Dlepp on 1'rldiy. Him and SI. Qnentln thirty miles east of Amiens have been occupied by tho French. The Frttch at Ham captured a detach ment of Oermaos with artillery. a sninr advance ox nivai. tYr Me len!ng Tflrgram. I.oxnojt, Dec, 13. Our apeclsl correscondent at Havre, In a despatch dated the 9th, suits that treat arltatlon Is tell In that city, consequent on the ap proach of 60,000 troops, who ar known to be badly omcsrrd. Th irproschee lontliward are defended by two parallels of fortifications, mounted with IJO cum. In the port of Havre there are ISM.OOJ.COJ worth of nlprlor and 53,000 forelin resldenle. The Frotrh men of-wr la the batbar will participate In Uo de fence of the city. The Prussian advance Is siealy. Orn. Ilrlnd has le.1 to meet the enemy. A b.itilo Ii now Imminent, and will be at llonlc Tilllers. icBKtin at nirri. IlAvnz, Doc. II Valuables nnd money ere ar riving here to be sllpoed ibtosd The expnlnon of the (tcrmatis has been derided upon It . Im pcieltile lo defend Henfliur., ar.d In care of lis rapture, It Is feared lhe helclits will command Havre. It Lt belleven that the city csn stand line. Ri trttre resistance has been determined upen. The Oerm.m rtildenbs sppeal for protection to the American Conul. The Ifnltid Statei steamer Siienandoah will remain to protect Amerlcin ship pine The Prussian advsnce Is expected la lhe valley of Monies lllirrs to morrow. THE AVYAXCK OX I.TOXS. Itrilrii bl Command nnd lie tiiins tu Itnlr. Hcvssils, Dec. ll.-dantaWi has rel(pic1 Ms rou-mand of the Arm) ot tho Vos;es, and Is about lo return to I .ily. This action s ci:3 l by the tinftlendlr spirit manifested b lomc of liie 1 rrnch p. t ulstlon, wl 0 are not deposed tocoatlnne an defence. TllV oltmmici: or rVACU. No Amilstlce-Nn Clinnrr for lb n IleHorntlon cl the llonrbouf. I osto-r, De:. 10. The m '..r of an nrtnislicc is u'ltrly uii'vunde.1. mi: uour.nuxs to take a nr: sc it. Die. If. A ttospctch, dated llrrnn.tle 11 Hi Inst, snys that In slew of the hopelewnes ol ir.akirs imtr wtti iu iitrtMibt iulr of rr. It ts i iti'T vto'alil. lint ni if.ental, a bo.llci of Lie . v -rt ?ni n.r the Coi sell' O.'i.rilj" will ino:t fjiinall, and Uep'ise th pu-ri I eJoiirnnieut. ' l,c c ndiiiature of the Orleans family is unfavorably rc crivad b) PrU'fii, Aiiiei.i'j cp.t roc itkck. Pes. 11 Austria has aldreiwrd n fre.'h not to t (irrat Powers urglns a renewal of eCgrla foi nifcotiitions. tOINU TO 6 KB TOR Sill KUrCI.Olt. HltiLiK, D.c. King of Prnifls if r. a 'y lo receive the nddrcst of lha I'idcr..l Par, and a dputaiion of memb.ra fwill art oat nun rdiuelr f .r the royal headquarUrs before Pan, 10 pr::tul it to lln Majesty. lUSUSRCi; WILL NOT TI1RIT. Vrr.. tn.t.r, Dec. 7 Count sou lll'marrk Ce dare' tl at Ir will not Ire it with the Tout Rorern mrnt on any conihteratlon, because it has con- ii red at bid fallh, and Its otlcers have bioUen their parole. tui: T.vxvMitorita qviistiox. Coulrnillrlory Ilrnpntcliris-WIII IllsinnrcU IW-ly llolllinil nnil licluluni t LoxnoK, Dec. 10. Tho rumor that I'rusia repu..iitrj He truly of 1C7, r.tulrallzln; the terrl iory of Luxembourg, la lo be scrupled guardedly. It ii rer.irdrd hero as eitritnrly Impiobabli- Hut Count on Ilm.arcU would at this tlaie defy Del. glum and tho Netneilands, Tnit rnussiixs stizixo rnr neenr. Pr.rssuLS, Dec. lt. -Preparations are making for I'.e occupation ol Luxembourg by a Prussian army aiamliltirr necessity, to provent the furnishing of S'ipplirs by that btate lo the Franc Tirenre, and to destroy the facilities afforded for the escape ol Frrn:h p-launors. The army of occupation will come direct frurt Oetnanv. The arrangement Is eald to le In conformity with an undtrslandlnj; with the King ot HuL'aad. Till: BASTKltX QVB.fTIOX. I'rmirc'n I'nrllrlpnllon In tlir Confrrrtice lliiiibirul Tiirhiy AlnUi'i no Conreimioiiw I'.nglnud nud llnialn to Conio to mi be ilriiliiuilluz, Londox, Dee II A correspondent at Pfstli tele graj lit to d.y that it Lt still doublful that France ul'l oit rlpat In the Conference In regard lo tao F-.slurn question. Tim Frtncli llnvoy Is ur:inj the neutral rowers to insist Ufon an nrniiitlce, In order to convoke n cmstituent Asiembly, Iliron von Deust Is ready to co ipetatr, but refuses to lake the initiative, Tl o rumors of concessions by Turkey are o.Hclal. ly dcnli'd. Adticrs fiomOdsna estimate lhe Husshn troet'. Mi He Austrian frontiers at ovrr 3J0,0)1 strong iix fnsatcs and thirty maskel gunboats are statiou td at Nirolilelf. Costantikoi-ie, Pee 13. The semi-official Jour nal, l.i 'Putyr. dicLirn thit Turkey will not op p.o Hits. ia's iU in in.l for the cnliunce of vessels ot wurlntu tlm (Hack hea. The sllualinn Is Knatly c'i'.iist'l. 'Iho cuniptet l.tlliire ol offrnsivr open. ti..n ny H, Fronch licet In Ilia present war provta iniirlnsiV. lv Hist torpedoes could piotect Hm llos. ph'-rns and Dardanelles against th; llects of tho whole wotld. rfi; nttZK.riaiir at aiti'.r.xiricir, Tlir Arrest or Hlicplicnl, (Jullnulipr, nnil (llbbn In lliirtfurd. HanTronn, Dec. 13. I'alecy Mitiilieril, Jumcs Gall igner. und Cliarlri K. Hihbs. i.urllii, ut-ic arre-it it this evening i'ii tlir irrnul of the train i'.ovl.ltnce. on suspicion thit thor hail turn rux gi'd in a prize light at Qii-cnwich, II. I , this i. i-i i inf. thither' fare shows the effects of a srvrro liouiuh The three pu.riluia took Hie train nt I'.'un t .1:, nn board of which was ('apt Molt in the, po h i- lore,- of tins cilv, and he trlrsraphnt lo hate a auftlcle-nt number uf police men lit the depot on the ir.n.l cf U. t- tra n tuetcurr lh"ir airest. A Klormy Itrpubtlriin Jliiicii. W'sHiiiKejTox, December 13. Ino Mepubllcans of tl.e lluuie of ltcireseiititivcs held u raiient to i.i'.ht lit the hall of tl.e House, (len. Hanks In the i l mi'. Mr. Degeuer of Texas, opened the ball l.r uife-'iug n roululion In fuvor of a general ainncsly lore O.a. llinglnm then orlrred oiip gir ui: ai..lnii- to a, I win, el. I hot hold any nfllre In 1 la:. 1 I, am' who h il" nut vloiuti-d tho Four t-n.i a- (n'iin.'iit (,i'n Hut' r uueiril his hill, l. i a long sp'tcb nnt ill iv r.'il Ii) Mr. Meynard In i tp'i iiiou to ge-niral amnr- 'y Mr 'lllmau madr a rrily, and the raurus llu.lly adjourned lo meet te. ineinow cv nilng Only about sulj mem ben wtleudcd the meoling. JAS. B. TAYLOR'S MILLIONS. Tint cAur.r.ii or run mtAxnitA van- 3 Kit, 11 ATI'. UOH1.AX1). la tlir Will n I'orarry, or smis Mr, Tnylorn Hypocrltr T-Slr, Cllntnn'i ('urloiiit lie nionslriitlons otcr tlir llend of tbe Hon. Ilufua XXX. Anitrrsv. Al noon tlie Hurrogalc's room In lhe new Courl Hcuse was occupied by the conlestlnir parties In the Taylor will case, with their respective countel, relatives, nnd sympathizers. To the loft sat Mis. Tailor, attired In black, with her bacs turned on her grsaddauthter, Mrs. Ilowlind, who from th rlfht tide of the room faced the Surrogate. Mrs. Tiylor teemed In snitlilog but cool temper. Her e'leoki were red, and she moved her chair con tinually Lorn on point of th compass to lb ether. Around her sat her friends and counsel. Her house keeper wis there, sod so wis i Miss Kills, who had very expressive eyes, Mr. Day, Mrs. Taj lot's bro ther, eat lo the furthermost corner of the group, ind chuckled satirically now and tlir r. Mr. Sloujl.ton tal near Mr. Tavlor, as II ready for wy hint or lucctstlon. He wail MON-UAXID AS rsCAt, and the neater part of the lime seemed lost In con templation of th newl) frescoed colling. The Hon. ltufus X. X. Andrews had taken up bis position at a table near by, ind ippratrd vsry busy writing, Oo one side of Kate Holland eat her husband and on the other Mrs. Honland, ler mother-in-law Kale seemed very downcast, and hardly stirred till the ca hid been adjourned. The whole party that accompanied her were very quiet anddecorous, At fifteen minutes rsl twelve o'clock Mr. Clinton arose to open Hi case fcr Kat How-land. Hr apoke two and a hall hours. In sublime his assertions and ststemeuta wete theet UK. CLIXTOX'S AROCUIXT. Mr Taylor loved lis grund-datighler Kile most sincerely. Ills rlcse rtlationa with ber wrrr In're. rupled br her mstriago to Mr. Howlsnd, but or-lv for a very abort time. Ills aazer at that esimt soon gate way. and he enUenuon'ly showed her the same lose that she had cravicusly experienced. Aire. Tailor, on the conlrsiv, hid a very violent temnrr, and was extremely Inconslilcm'e In her cinduri (eiwudher ctsnilitaiiililer. trratlna her Irrqiiently with great unkindncss, and sometimes with ab o lute m-aonis. Kate nevir birbored anv 111 feeling In ron.equencc, though Jlis. Taylor isidrnllr rllil. Here, then, w lason why Mrs Tailor should ni t have been well etlspnird toward her granddauguler on the death ot tier husband. As lor His WILL, tl absnrdltr of Mr. Taylot's sl?rln? such a dceo mrnt t. shown by Hi fid that six dars before, and elht daya afier the etay on which th eiceun rnt Is elated, he wrote letters full of llw most endearing eiprenlnns lo hl crsnddauthter, who at that time n travelling in Europe with her husband. On his deathbed, loo. ho shoanl his unsiterntde aCrelloii lor hrr as wM ts for ler husband. The eiiiting will, nniir tree clrrnmslanco. mut either lea labrlcitlon, or Jatnps II. Tajlor aeieil the hspnc-l'c lrnuchout the Litter tort nt hi. 11'e. . afd why il.onlit hr hnvr done (ot What nio'lva i.i.nhi 1 p hive had for such con tucl t Aa r.,r tl e two wit ire who ssyU i-j us t ie elgiiln; of Iho will, are II ere not RtsiAtiKtriLK cir.n'tUTixctj cor.nete.l wifi this i.nrl e,f the rase f Wl y shorld I'iri h.c reu lre I Ulrrt alu ut the will for .1 wl olc mon'h alter Mr. Yaylt.r'e ile ilh f And V itr.ere'l, who I. one of the.e wtmes.e., sqnlrocile I In a ro nianner tinde.- rumination. lie mlnilite.l that alter Mr T,i lot's dcatlt he- hid ssld hr knrw olnov.i l. II.- had i - l l.iar.l of t ic eil-lii ei ,,f ,nV, Tr,y!!' :1' U" ''''" Is intmellM", and by thr Iltl t of eclii.ff, n d by r rnpsri'pn irlli various cict'ti s'-nccs wild e-iltc1 at the llmf It i, hown that lie ":! is a Mittcdlon, th,. re sult of Iraud or rrli-.r on He f'' of thotc luler calcd in Its izinlenc . no. cLt.Mi.:, a ciociozxcr. Mr. Clinton de'lrrrrd hl sp ei in a Jerky sotcf style, dapplnc ,ils hards iteiiry tc.tii w rd la a wi) II at Irrim'rd tnr timon. people l.i Ho c.mtt locm boend rxrreaslon. He began Ids rei'lrriees ma lolly, r cqnrnt, snillln' tour, snl rndeJ Ihe-ni In n librr,sn. everv onco In u wbllr shooL n buuelMe-t papers oru IUiA Au4w' I el itllh an enriiy IhM t re-arene lo eji.nri n-e II. r bslia wl'liwlleh r.i n'lrn i e-o rm 'ti'l- csei 1'ir bill efu; on tl.a lop ell,, rr.i.lnm. O in a wlille he m-.tie at. -iti.n rr I too -It oi t a n ,mt e..i e. Air-.. Tailor i . pi k one of I er fi Ii n,l. in II e rins, or nr' in e wm' i.llli a-i. t! e-r e.r i' luib Mr l-eii hen ... I., eonirwi.lj-l. 'Pr tl fitsioes t.) viiiH'.rri'ig in linr Put Mr I Inion liiLiliy e-in t- to ..i, rut ik r "-w.jtt'rn .nl Jonriird t" next In ,mwir to u -:ton Ar L'linl.n till lhe- hnu'oiii- hurio.uli- Cat lie in ped to le st le to rone'uile iho case tLla present ncnih." Piom thr nrmnient of Mr C-n'on, lb C"ntr.t ant' altomev, It votud a.reir that .it the tie of It she rtci'lvrel I er ( eie e Mat i-lui i Ii u il Ml-. HorT ii un'a oMablnliirp-.t, on Tlnr j'i Win1 line she Lee .uie- lhju .in'td with u nniod Hon 'and. Il wai th. r that Hi first id. a o ' nmirila.'i 'lus azitated. btihs.-qui ntle Ml.. Tiylor Howl ul went lu Luiopc. taconip. ny v, 1.1. Mr. aau Mrs. llowlau.1. ' ' 1 fci.M!i in i rr.nrr. Thr sceres w" leh nr-urrvd In Pttron? ara 'ill to hue been evien.clr eunous. Oi.ce- Mrs. Tailor uptrildid iiiunr: Mrk llowtand w ltd, and :i-eue-.l her of entering tl trir null' weirlli or crrnm Hid crodlting It lo her lather. On anoihir oerai-inii Hr-. T;ijli.r eeeu.el Mi Howland of hum; r:iurie I rair o' Liaic lets ilrom herby alleging taut they eti oLtaluid under lalse pretence. The Will on rile. In thr Xurrorntr'n OnrJcr sslilrli .Inmr II. Tnvlnr el Id not Sign. I, Jsmrs II. Tailor, of the rilv e.r Krw Vorl: do, publiin, snil dcclaie tli.s lo be luy last will and temsincnt. ' u AVsif Out of tnr estate I hereby din el mvjnit debts anrt lur.ersl ex pi us. s t.. I pats, as io.i. . coinemeiit Iv may be alter m ilealh, ml ihe fil oir.g ln-nne,. vis t I o the children of n.y niter l'lana esel. Hi.- sum of fare tlousanu dollais. to , the sum of dollars. .rwrinf-lt Is mywll that myrxreutli ana exeeii tors lierelnsfter nainret slum pay, anj hereby iilrecl them to pay to the Directum 1 1 l.ii -nwoo 1 1,'n.i-itn-the sum or tlie lum lreil .1 I at. for ine run.o.e of earning said enmrany to ke ti toy t lot In .111 rrinetrrr pertietusily In orm r ami repair, a. riomteii lor in ihlii case by the rules and rrgiiiniions of ml J rnmiianr. 7'Alrei-l hereby dlrcit the nxeculrlx anil Vacriitors of this my will and t.-.iinie..l. luirinsrier I ameil. lo sell and dltpeteof, Intlinr niicn Hon, au.l mon eurh terms as ther may deem in on avsniageoui all mr e.tate. real slid per.onsl, wriirli may bo liarto.litcHve. or which, in their opinion. II would re Judieioin In ell, and to mieit the moneys real red uuon any such sale, alter lhe paimeni ol my debt, and legailrs. In bonus of the L i ilett otatei. tn bon ieetiiei or inort gaze upon real estate, in Hale t.oml. In bontt. or lhe city ol New Vora, or in Hie timii of ny t.iilron.l rm. oiallon, whieli in tl'cir ei ,n. u oiooorl) secure I A'uuilA-Allvr paymir lay de'bis, funeral snd legac e ss Imem n - ildrj, I rive, Jivih-, fid oe- tineaih to Laura r I avl ir, Luther it. Marsh, . Hie rxecuirix and rxeulori of thi. my I lit w.ll and t.-e tsm -nt. hrreiaaftcr i onilnatod and appoint" i all llu ettste li'ilh real and i-rrFiinnl. oi whliii l mall dls not s ixd. to I.e hi 111 0 tl t-in in t, an lor tlie ro-ji-fll ol nr wire Laura H Ts)lorand nn uriaililsuchier Kale, tlm child of my deceased dsushicr ueorgisna, tuid I he! ehv el.lirl uiyeald titiiteetlo av to nivemd wile- elurli.i: Hie term ot her natural lifu the nholii ol Hio net I.. come w h'cli luav ba aeilvni irnm my est He. mill Inoine tu he aid to mv sid wile as It mi) tio eoilei i rd md rrrrlied, aid la b' in linn of all dnwe-r a it ruht of dower Inch she msv hnve in niv e.ihie. In and. Hun theieln I uive to my laid wis Hie use nt any direlllng liou.e I umy rei de in -n lie Um- or my or-alh. toyrtlicr Hllri Ih.- use of Iho l.ou rholil f.iiulluie, hori-l aiidrarr ngee, . d rhile, tr nun-Kins, mv intention to purchase h ilwe'llni hnuie as a p'aco of h-.hi.iii. ii lhe rny of New Y.iii but in r tie-1 . nniil.l Ian to iluso, my s-ilil tiii"lee nro heieliy autnor rrd and eiiiiimn e-d, if luy e if i-Iiiii. .1 id's te it. to purrhase and pay lor out ol mi '-slate ti siiitnoie house lor the ue and orrii. i.anry o. ni) laid wife dur n hr life, i-lluer Id New York oi ciee-wi.e-e. ar.d la lur.-.iti mid lit up the saino tn a iii.isiile manner. in. liiioiilnir the afTrctlnn of my nl I wife for our griudd.ugliicr hale lob.- i-qinil will, in; nun and lin Ing roiinde-nrr In her gvoil i me an t Judgment, 1 have aa above' ret forili,dii!.ct I to her tl.e whole oi Hie in c nni) of my e.lam Uuiinc her Lie', knowing H.kUl.i: wiiliiileciieol Kaie. snd out or siiin iiirnn.e rut tia-.ii hirwliliall tun I nui'ni.iir lor I er lo hrr noon in a protit-r and I. re . tiling inaourr. Hut la cute my u.fe iliould not survive me. or upon herdcatii after me, 1 herrhr direct mv said rirrutets nnd Irtiiitvs, or the surt Ivor, or tuiiiior ot ilirm. to pav to mi asidciiin.l daugliter Kale-, om of tlia liiroinu of my i-.taie. an a -uual iiie-ome of tweniy Ave thousand du.lni. uu il the shallaitlvo at toe nire of twcnt)-oru scars, aad there a.irr the whole of said intoine. 'il.s Incoino to he paid lo Kate I direct to be paid cither monthly or quarii rly as she may elect, and in nn her sole runpt, free andcliarlt. ni all conltol ot her hnibaudi and I luilher direct Ihat lhe house wnhli ins y o?oeeii, oil by either myself or my wltcsh ill, tn on Hie diathofboHiof iis.l.elont lo liiy.Hlil crauddau.inrr Kate. II brink' my linen ion Hut, in addilioi In Hie tin iiual lucnini' nhicli H-aii l e .uld hi r. Hie Hull be tui. nlil.ed nut of mv eriatr wllh a suitable liouso for h.-r a ll and her "hlblirn i nn.t in case die should elerlic to ehanpe her rcslde-uce to nuv oilier pait e f lhe city el New Votk, or lo any pheen i lln r Hi m the rlly ol ,ew York, I hereb) authorise and eiiipomr in v snot I rut ins. or the sun liors or nirilvit ol thini, lo sell ami convey lhe .aid lout., and to urehAse foi her anothet hoiitr qiinlM as goo I In any oilier lor.ilil) . HUih ai.i sieuiiitilailop or lueoine from my eilate .Ii .'i Hit' payment or Hie mil iiiiniillt t Itnli nil she shall come i.( rue, I dlr.-rl I . be mtciled In my tiild liuiti c.ln llie iiianii r p.oiidi d lor in the thud para oiuoli of tnl my win. eieiii.-ln esse my said giardilaiigbler Kate shall die alter tne death of niv wile, lexviru a child ore'i I e'leu. I gHe,eltni.e, and b'iiipeln eo niche hint or chll run he nboleol n.y enaf, will, all III urruiiinlalloii', to be equally iliiideil Iwlwi-i ii iliein, Hmre aad Hinre alike, and I her bv i.omlni.r nnd in oinl the .e isons herein rained s ex.culiii anl executors ef Hi s my will as uMma'ary giiardinns of ins child or children L'raiijihiiighlrr lei ruse my gramt dauy'i'rr iiaU snill dl wlihoui p tvina nv ehinl e.r el il.l.. i. he, . 1 1 .uiig, 1 Hut. In el.ldi.ilf tli vit airloiqiie.lhallii ul.ile, unu p. r.onal, as I I five, lies 'e, and bequeath to each of n e i eeulois he.. In nai d win - s r, aid arl or ir heir the inn oi si r v tir.u ami do'itri ii i air I rsmle , and lo rar o' Ho inline i. mi d. rra.ed si. lei I lari.ia ll.c oi hi Ihnma .1 tl. I. I CHO and bw. .mil., in ih runt afoidaid, to Mis. Jane Ptewart Marsh, the wtfn of my friend Luther II. Harsh, ot lhe city ot J.ew York, Ike mill of twenir.nve taonsand aollars. ..'li1 f.'0 M"1 brqacatn, In tie event aforesaid, to Ihe C mimiM oners ef the Central I'atkof Hie city of r-ew ) oik the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, ot which thoy are to eicvoteoL hundred and Dfly II ou snni do.lars tj the erection ol a monument in the Ceo Jrsl l'ark to Hie mrinrrr of those who died during the Isle releiilon In defences f the l.'niooi snd Itieoalanoo of nrty thouiand dollars lo be invested as a Innd, the Intcrrrt of wh'eh Is IJ tej-ippne-t In k-epmg said moni"nt lni jtIus the rame. 1. 1 tlie and otqatatn in thi oycnt as aforesaid the foltowing legacies t To lhe Union lltvnie an l (ehool for the rdueitlon aad rualntcnan ot the chllltca ot Volnulerrs, the sum r.t Inentv ibonuad etollap. 1 o the Kcw York bunery and Child's flospltil the snm of twenty Inonsand dolls re. Tn the New I ork lilbli boctety t'ae sum of oil hun dred thousand dollar. To the Treasurer of the Oenfsl Convention of the New Jerusalem of lha United Hi. let of Atnerlea. to he appropriated lor carrying on tbe printing and publish lu or lhe works of hnannel ewedenborg and the col lateral of the church, and to keep the same on sale aed diitrioutlnnattnrlrrrpoaltorylnihselty of New York, tbe sum of one htindteet thousand dollais, lo lhe of Ihs HlJI on Avenue Chnrrh of the city of New York, lwblehl)r William Adams Is now pastor, tbe sum of twerty tbouapd dn'lais to b ap propriated la lhe nse ef the mission srhool In tho Third avenue, established srd malatalued ny sal.lChurcn. To the Working Wsmen's I'rotrrine Union of the city ef New York, lhe snm ninrtv thousand dollais. To the Protestant Orpbant' lloiimin tnr c.ty of New York, lhe snm of tweniy thousand dollars. lo the I'cnifle Uusirtlan hccie-.vsnJ Home for the Filcndiefis In tl.e city of New York, tbe sum of twenty tnousn.l rtollsrs. To the Home for tl rrlendlers In the city of New York, the sum of twenty thous.nd dollars. To the Vow York tutu u'e for the Deaf and Dumb, tbe sum nr twenty thntnsnd dol ars. To tbo New York Asyiutu fjr toe flllnl, the sum of twrntv inoutsnd dollsrs. lo ll.s Horl-ly for tie Itellef ot Colored Orphans In the city of New Yoik.Us mm of twenty thousand dol lsrs. 'lo the Woman's Hospital of the city of New York, tl.e snm of twenty thousand dollaie. To the Hve points Hours of Industry of the city of New York, Hie sum ol twenty thousand dollars. To the Children's Aid frx-lely of t city of New Yoik, It e sum of twinly thoti.and dollsis. To ft. I.nko's lloirnal cf the city of New Vcrk, the snm ol twenty Ihonsnpd dollars. loth Howard Mlfton and Home for Little Wander ers, the snm cf twenty taeurand dollars. The baltnee of mv estate, after payment of all the f .ei-golng legacies, 1 give and Ixqar.illi, in the event alorrtald, to the Nsw York Hospital ol Iho cltrof New York ApAiA I hereby nsnilnite and appoint my wl'r, I ana t, Taylor, riecitrts, and mv friends, Luther II l.'tli, ntcators'.f Ihlt my last will and tes tament, hereby oielerlng and directing Hut end execu trix and executors shsll not, nor shall either of llitin, be required tngiv-oilo be called on for any secnrl ty for the lilitifiit dlsclisrre of the dalt.-s as lorn rt ecutilx and executors, such security being hcieby exp-et-lv wtlved. Atri I alio h. rrhy order aad direct that myrsldrie. t-uirlv an 1 1 x-ci.lor. sha t he paid rill ot the income nf my elate the turn of per ennum. niyihle -for their. rrr'er as snrb executrix and esrenterr, as long a H-er shall welt at.d ra. thirdly serve nssueh. In witness wo. teof I, tbe sa'd il. Tr.)lor,tlo tettal- r. bate berriintu sel my band n1 taal tl.-t twcinh etay of July, In Hi J year one tnotusud clgut hiiiniiid ar-d sltty-srven. S.iinrd, sralc.1. lumithed, and declared by the sal 1 trs'alor as aud lor 1 1. list will n, el le.lauii ..k, it out rres i.e.". who, e.1 bis request. In his prcenc, acel in he trts-rc of cues otuer, have lur.uuio s.t our hanits as wltuis-et. Alt Hit T.1.LC110.V OVBH TUB HIVLlt. Jrrery City Sending lirr Politicians oft to .1 nil Veimpornry Ossiiilnn nf ttlierp htrntiiia mid niie.l'ooict lEobblug-!tnll Inir up it t'lic Kuklur Hounc. Tl.e Je,T,rjr I'i'jr l'iro C'oinuii?i!on:M lure In tctign'.e.l some ccrlous c!uri.oa t$ in i Pltr Kit rinr Cotni any No. 3. Oce is that on b..n ly n orn Ins a r "-k so r rxio cf the members or runners if tLe cce.'j any Inveigled a rum Into ll.c rii'lno hocae, ar.d bat inf mbbrd l.lm, kicked him out cf doom. Arother lharKe Is that their hou'o vru u re son for bummers aad Ihl-rtr, who slept tLcre, and roielo inilnl.T'ii rii. i..,,i!c:j 1Vi thj-; ! ..Jrcbbid the iioreijman in thr tiig!iU.rliod i t:d iLalthv. weir a tettor lo tbo neighbor! cod. On one occasion they stule ti e carran cf g tle-e -., nnd nutted It whole. On iiuota.r o.'C i-i m,'t rlti zen w.i awaken d ly on r.usu:l'Io- In hi I tr. Lou'-e, t.r.,1 on go nj ont, mis 1 a t tin,!., r e-f Lit i.iwii luiurmril two po In u:,i, i'i broke Into lie engine hoti'r; but t tin bd'iimrri had lied Hirnuali n leal window. 'Ihu f i. 1-, i,u the foi Ultra slilpii.l nl, were lelt benind, end a Die had be en hlnellrd u.t to colk them. 'l ha linciirrli"i. before the Pile C lumlU'loncra via Muii at la ltikcwar-i 'w mape.ak.He. icem Icrs ul lhe rcnirtiit. - Instrad if li.iiell. atlng the n n;l ;i". the coa panv, the t oinni. -..nirra e-s .i..iird e .eh i.iet..t,sr eem-rate't . a I tLne-llrei I.e ,i n isiliidi.l Ir mi the r .nni. nud He n suit wuj Hm -.11 it e . .r r;ra Tfcte pros ,1. Wile- He hi r.t . e m'.n t'ipre w. nn a -ii ol fie- in ISm h H . nn-l e;r jet, te, wMen I-' gin- . inpanv Nr. .", luin. i on. in i . r t.t a-utij.u fo emin nn ritiirnh.g r.y wrr.i i 1 I..- i'k fote- I. an, Mlrhirt He .rib. n, who orel-re.! :l nu l.i h.-ue Hi en;i..r; ltt initt-a 1 of o'ti-jin Lit I, tl ei ti .irrbed down uu I I iilie 1 n tro-1 e' H.n fl y II. l, wl lie the Ce,nim's,ii ne-ia nii r,,"! In "-.i' , ,. U it. D.binr. r to;le on'ei .-d the-1 edicts lo cle r t .o roirs and InLo rhirgo ol thr en .tr- InnroiiiatiW alle r tint thr Conimbatotirrii dNI"iir the cinn'. Ii) by a un ii lirutis 1, tr. tin-1 In. i 1 .i.-ln. e-r n ul lit rnslt.a to tue e ocuoraliuu nil, and the engine ho-.Me win nsi'ed tip. Tor di--b.ii.dra Ltif tnt-r', hiving; t-n tbtit shn nut Hm Hiile t suet e'et i I'tg p't-.-, v. . nt ra'.lr i; on 11.0 lliuer -el'ii.ns. 'Iliei entered Sir .e inau'e , a loin tu Licbaiigo iilaco iii.el railed for dunks, not setting wl It Ii tltyr lard n elbti-rbii'-fr. 'ihc-ii Mr Ng limn Ho arri-u ot 'il.nnua Harry and ' llioal" Cm i'cily(thr Lii'erarun itr). Jaetije Mar lli.ilalr comin i I tl tn to tbe county J .11 lor sixty days each. cit-ciics' f.v ,i corur noosr. I'pronr on the Acqullliil nfn Prraun Arcnird tat nn lnri'tulliirv. The trial of William Va'i lloulilcn, on Hio charge of I ring an accompli. e cf tt.e- tloirlstawn Fite Fiend Kent, wns conclui'cd In Murrlatown ytmi'.lai. Tho Jur), alter nn ab'ence of an I our and a tal', ncqultled the prisoner. Cat-ral'e,whlstlr., yells, aud rhcrrs were Instantly heard 'rom the cn--onei'a frlT.Jt. JudA'o Palryniale, havliir; In v.ln at tempted lo preserve order, tlnallr ordcre I thi lock ingot the ruutt-rooni doors and b--tn n.i Imrstl gallon to learn who were the ncrpn'rat ,rs of tue oulrnre, declaring thst ho would Iniposo tnc heaviest punishment allo'te t by law A cniihloblo charged ll-nt a prominent cltlaen who was lectnily n randl.taln for offlr.o in the girt of V o peop.le hud S'slsted in making the noise, but f'Jl gent'em m prletto,1 I. It Itinocenee, nnd Ids word waa'.uki'O, Nobuy was lound Riilily, nud after a stvrie waning frei'it tt.o Judge, the dons irir ope nrd end the crowd dlsnerso l, Jiid.o DilrvrnuU', lu I it lecture, eome.-trrd the tumult to the worst utcr rnlseJ lu the ltowtry tin all r. viioTooitArii.s nr hvx iiiwonTr.its. Thr Trnrluu I'P nfTraeha In llolioleon. The liobol.c'ti Co.iiinoii Council cliumbcr was rrnwdrd last rvnili.r, In anticipation of further devoloptccnta with rcfcrcnco to Iho branch trade of the lltlo Hallway Conpany from thr tunnrl to Ho Wrobawkeit ril elect:' and citlla yards At the pre sinus meeting n irsoiutioii w as adopted requiring Hio isdwiiv roupuny tu tul.e up Cn ir track, and In d'tat'lt directing the Hi. rot IViiiiiii Hioi.rr to r. -niove-it at oret Int nenlcg Ceiiinrllman ( urran, who was ii'mou'. at Iho last inn-ting, offerrd a roto. Inlltiii ri-fetniilng Hint pnitlon or Hie iisoluilon dl riciii.g tsr bit. t t'omiiiisalunor to ttniovo tho mil w.ii luck before Hio tat of May nrxt, and Iho iraolullou was rescinded. A Sew ('hiiiirr lor llobnhen. The election of elelegalca to pet with tlm City Cotinr.l In forming it new charter lesulti'd as foi Inn! Fir I V.'nrd t aratcn Kelrcl,-, A. O. Kvuns, snl J Ihrtoy Linns, fi rmid Wnrd W W Hhlprrn. I l ioM'.iiiit Jhitte, ami Dr. II. P. t t rt. Third Wind (1. P brhli'i I, lloinard MiClohn Poutlh Wurd John Lee, John IOgim, and Jobu Held, Tlir Tliundriholl'a I'rtrndn, A Miilincl Nmlon Aumcl.ition nun eirynnlzei in ll.s- F.i-hlh Wrd last nlgl.l, with C. It MoucrietT, I'r 1'iiuint, und A, l'-rkrr, Vice PiiHldtnl. Tlir Hilling of David O'Dny, The Jury in thr ease of Philip ('uoiior, wlio.'e Hint fir killing Dai Id O'Day had occupied Ihren elajs In lhe flrniial Hussions, wrro chargrd bv ,'iidso Ilediord jrifrday. Alter twenty mlniit-e, ll.l-y retuiuod a vcrelie't ot manslaughter in Iho lliiul drkror. Cuouey board the verdict with entire com posure. alHiougb, It Alia said, hr ritM-rtt-d an icnni tal. Ilia wiTo and lllllo chlid, who hid attended the tlirutu'houl, where ut bit tide wl.i.i the verdict was re ndeied. Judge ll.oHord beulcnced Cooney to two jeara In blato 1'iison. Ilurrllilr Aie ldenl In llobnhen. Last evcnlnir, na n stninj-er ilrivln;; :i liorte and waion was ubout lo ntceit I llin'. Neck Hill fiom the loot of Tlili lomie'i street, lloboken, an oil train barkln tnaardt the Ilergrn tunnel swept t.y anil i'u-Ik'J nn fi pltci.t 'I'ii.-hor- was alto killed, lhe Inromotive waa thrown from the tr.el:. On a plecr ol lhe eoaPrred wa-nu were the words, "C. Mjiiri'li, Hackcuaark, N. ,1" Klllt'd hv n I'lilllnu Willi. 1 Mi Alp:.i'b ! I.jcco factory, et IH nnd IPO Avr. inn. I), win ilestiened KitirJiv motnlurrj los, ' a:M(i. One of Iho Tallin; walls crushed In thr i roof of an adjoining hou'e, biiirlug two bojsln I lies i iiltiM Leon Ti.ltllr aged Is, vias taken out dead, and Ins companion, Joun Ucliahou. wua friiihtfully braised, NEUTRALITY IN AMERICA. tub nox or inn oi.n max r.i.o. QUBXT IX Till: ACAVHiir. Sir. Charlrts Prnnri Aelnine befnrr tbr New York lllilorlcal ttoelcty-An Introduction by tbr Vrufcrhblr Author of Thnuntopals, Tho grand fcatur of Ilia ilxly-iiith innlver- Dry of the New York Historical Society, celebrated hi i at th Academy of Music, was the tddrcsi of the Hon. Clise. Francis A Jama on "The Slrujcie for Neulrallty In Aran lea." The Academy waa crowded from pit to dotn with in audience inch as one rarely Buds collected, even la tbo metropolis, representatives of nearly ill the old New York families were present, ind in evi dence of the respectability of the aisemblacje was the almost utter absence of ill inch disc lay In dress is Is always noticeable In fashionable gatherings, w The platform was occupied by mcmbors of tho Historical Society, imont whom were Wm. Cullen Hryint, Opt. Human, Dr. Hellowi, Judge llos worlh, Peter Coopar, and numbers ol other well known citizen Mr. Adams wis Introduced by lhe venerable President of the Society In a brief but eloquent ad dress of welcome, ind wai received irost cordla'Iy lie Is a splendid looking gentleman or ibnul ilxty. ind Jndglng from bla manner, must be one of tho jollleit and most rental din ner companions In th.s wotld. He baa a healthr, hearty, mellow voice, Is eay and rracofnl In his movements, and possesses In a te markablo degree the faculty or ImprosilneJria hear ers with the honesty of bis sentiments. Mr. Adams prefaced his address wllh the re-nark that II wis somewhat difficult fur one whose bulneas for a long Hint bad been to aar as Utile as possible to express him self lully la regard tn a gli en subject i tut as he waa not now epeaklng as a diplomat, he was not haiarvcd by considerations of policy, but could spc ,u as. he felt. Ho then took up tie snllect of nenlrallty as act forth by Whraton. who be I.I that a nation has the Inrcntestlblo right lo remain nrtitrnl while its neighbors aro at war. Ilo wis ptoud of Hie potto. alou of copies of that great author on International law, although oco of tliosc copies was tx rnz chinch Ltxat'Aon, not one word of which l e could understand. In nmlent time it their was no aneli idling pa neutrality and In the old ltnzusges thcro Is no word to rxMna the Ides. For the first time in history, It.t- tinned States, nt an early pet lod, laid down thr principle inat neutrality wns n right. Durln? the first term nf Washington a administration, that great states mm worne I the pcopl.- of thi country ngatnat Hie cnrnmisnon nf nny act that might contravene that ttlnclp'r. nn.t wlthonl n'tn-f tho word "neutrality" conveird lie Idea by n psraohraae. In w .Ich he coun.el.rl tbo people to tj friendly and Impartial toward conlcn.rii." powers. When Citizen Clenet C.n.e ovrr as tli ambassador of the French, hv was cost war.ti'y wilcon. et nl Ch irloslnn, and received aperlcct ovathn it PornlelrM?. lhe fumes oriU r'.'.nlar lr,cn to -yd pis btaad, and he began to tbluk I'C errs fTRovr.r.n in.iN ink rap'tbtxr, and could dictate to tl c pe. tde n forilgn toller Hi" enlisted oftleerr, nnd inulo nrr,in:enienti for the fit. tit.c out nf wer vessels lo trase-ree the s.cs In tho loivie-eeif Lit (ioeinn-ent ; but .irrrr-oi Veorrr srondeecr, t-nrl npon tic T'li-cplo enun- lair I bv Wa'l.lnrton, e.;inml thrr-)is o! tbo poo'letn tnr ii..ciii. f th it v.aa In riorr rod before. Ir'nt Ccnet waareealK'1 in rtiatrr-w. 'I l.r tcio In de tall tl.o mil I.. lory ol rur rtm!l,)'a euu-o'ra t,i ini nUiln tbr .'oeirb.e of ron Interteiillitt, fOltil fliqiirl.l lltreta ol aillnuaobvlheiirii-s. nl ofp.i'rloic. i.tinient, nnd nt.,e.t r, i,.,i,-, by I Is dro.i t Ujf 'A prrsr ntltvg Ire's, and co'riniient. inscron Heir.. In appikiniof tho a.trni-i niaele to I'tflt -i ef our C i; nl iu.'it) I''it-e jo rau Halt :'r ePt.itis. It in n itl.I'. - h tbe.r I ,ltue. Iious tokC'.int tbr sul.ji el of bilbc-'. In. ne 1 :i ilraf r-r lu tlo Ih.n .b'.ir.ent. nl C.u-lr tr-npirra. "In ib-t e.rlv period ol our bltpjiy," aald h "the tiorertin.ut wss Abovr sr rictos" n reirarl: evoknl f rest apphni.o. Mr. A n' Pal I a I b'b ei i tilla ent to .Vr Fenat, f..r Li coarse (a Trent and ciprcr,et It ca his belief tl o fon.!r7 Was s .1 e J by the cod iies. Siigacl.e. mil honesty ht 1'. 't f latostncn. If Jtr. Hrvnrd bad never rtrn an-rtTrtn? ajl IT ficrlt tbr ao-trooatloe of I It renntett-ten, tb-at Rnp jet cf liien unu' ti' on 11, c i uir. i .le-r of .Mn,m in- t IS i it II .i tin H. '.ueli l.i-t emu ei i wua I., e-. n tot-inner 1 1 ft eiatPin'o lie r e n'oerliiif- All ert (IC.t.n a oi i it the Mo t f.r i' trj in I t .,. .. ,.f .1 .ii -n en. en 1 1. i'.i'i.-n lit'!,-li:n at tl.e-1' I,. ii m rn ii- atle i g N.ipeiiri ii at. the rnt.r ni 1'rihre' t,.,' eit.kerd' J v.nh a,i il e.uiul invjca ion to ,'l ee. (i it cl m nf i T. r.i . r the H ai.ka of tt r Ron. tv w. I i. "r s-1 n i .r I di'ii!., and'i eo' . tlir.iul i , nn. u-il lo. -,l, e ion .'i.i I u'b n P. i .nt w- it i ii " i ., -..1 f..e trtn t. p.l pi uie one of hit d.nraet nift'-e ,t. e!n .M-..U wl nil lu- r lau d an liie'eiole, wikli In tow lor lb j lira! Iinir pti, lu run'. A l'l.l iex aionr. He aald that tin inrnttin of Clt r.-n flrnet by the ont'irol Hie eve-nlng brought tn uis ndnd a lit" lory In whn II Lit luilience nilpl t atTx a in' r .i Ceiirl i;ie ti to rartrlincnlini,-, md at o. i Hnio hn 1 n;i tiblding faith In the ull.ina'e aneersa of on air ship which l o had Inntiilrit H l.ilai.u ibit on- ilayH'.e elr would le rainofrd by iiie-ns ol lil Intention osrn.ll) n the sen by n-rana uf ahiiw, lie wna In tlie n ibit of ti.ll.iiig n deal ul tiut ll.. wl. ii be wut I err, end au.nrg il (., vthnu. In iitn.t rrcu'nrlv bored wn Dj Wi'l C.inton. 'Jhrte wnt pieoa I alf cr -red (jn ii-er named Hit'-n.wio wa'-an idept at 'he ai i-.lnn tiocr -i. 'Ihi-I.i':,i c.nne to Mr. i 'Union one djy, nnd with a hem to e.,t tir.llo limitation his broad fate, said, " l'ri,-i d De Wnt, 1 want t ne tn h !p tnnke the peop.e of tint count! y Inpp' , nnd I think I can tell theo cxacli how ran do H." ' " HowT'eald Mr. Clinton. "Ilulid two gint dllet on the Highland, of the Hudson. Let one city bo built on one hill the other on anoihir hill on!) n few miles nw.iy. Then thee should get nil the people of the country tn c.iher, line should put or.r half lu one clly and the other halt in tl.e ctlii r rliy How happy Hier woii'd br In making dsllv vitlts to one another! Now. cnn'l thee elu II, lie Witt I" mur I "Yee." laid i He rinl atoatlo of Internal Im proirments; "but It would bra illfflinlt and tr illont II lug for the retnile, to walk down one m. tin tain and up anot er rvt-ry diy. If ne could devlM ) and meana for their trnnspoilatlnn, tboro's no doubi tbat we conl.lmakr them very happy InJeed " "Docsn'i thee think of anv plan Di Win I Thee has n good head for ransls au I such things " "Tho onls n an 1 cm rcccuimind now la the one P nt f llut'U Oeiet profotts. ruppuaoyou talk with him." Away went the kind-hearted and soft headed Qa.'ker to seek M. (luieu Inn few dais he tillul ic-nn upon Gov Clinton. " Well. Friend Hanson. have ou leaned anrthluir fri-m Ho ( iiiri-n (In ett" iii-iui. " It Ir n i rry l amnble theory that hr advenee-s " silt! the- tjnaki r : "but don't thro Hunk, De Witt Hi -t H.y ireiiili (rlcnd Is Just the least bit iliou art t" 'J hl enecdole was recelvo.l with greet lau'liter and et the riese ol .Mr ltijani'e sparllinc addi-jha in wl.leli t r did not mil tn ud,l hit moid ol prnno to that already awarded tu Mt. Adams, Iho ksiotubla-e di'l'iised, Tlir Nrtv ttrtinlnr from llt.oiirl. 'aiiixutox, Dec. 13. K. D. JimvcH cf FI. Lruls Is here, and It la undi-iHteid holds in lis rocket a c inmiss.on from Our. tlcl'lurs of :ii lotirlni ll. S. fienslor. lie rcilf nation of Hr Drake it It. he se nt the last or Iho week, and Mr ,lee.i wi'l I hr hla eeut on M"nilty next. Hr Is a lawyer V ut OS i t-n rw f ar,r, and Is n person-il irltnli.l f tr. Drako and will while m tho SiLsto v.t.' for whateiiT the litter favors. A Third Wnrel Mvatcrr, Ilrnnr Koliler, of 191 llrrcmvicli street, was found l y Ottcer Fierce at West and Fullcn streets list nl 'ht. utieon-c out. Die. (iood and Arnnhllc 'nun, i ii lear'titr nf tho n'.ti'l, I In , n botue lo the Ceutio Street Hot Hal, wnerr lie dioii. A Hiillroinl'H lliiiiliriipiiy. Hoatfix, Dee. 18, Juelpc Sheplej- of the Unilc.l Stall's DiHrlct Court to day ovcrtuled the exception to the jurisdiction of tie Court on thr nu 'allon of ' baiiLruptcvpen.liiis aaluet Hio lloslon, llarllord and Uiie II illway. ri.Asui'.s i Tin: ooujx caiii.i.s. The F.rli nrrlird out i"-trdA. Con.oia 91,'i for money and 91 for account, Tl.o wife of Johu blldell died reeettl) lu llrirclitop. I ng'nnd ' The Wisconsin and CalabiH from New Vorl; have artnid out. In I.leerpool up'anli clo.ed at b,V,'d. and Orleans at e 'd- to ti I. Tbo lllrmliighim cattrldge explosion has rnultcd tn the dealb of V'D per-ons. The; srn et of Norl. accused of participation III tho Mnralhoti murders, hit nern ordered. The Lrli;siitine ltnusio was iib.indnned at sea on tl.e Uli nit I'm i of her crew wiiesano, Tho el'poer hln Windhover, with a cargo of tea, Las atrtied nt London, m days from Foo-t;how It Is reported that Mohammed Hetcbld Pasha will represent tbe bublliue I'orto at the Congress ou the Hsrtrrn question Ii Is evnetrd tbtt ttr Cor'c rill have eomplelnd 1." ". . e. ary letla alinn pr.. r to H,e urru m ine clmtely Aok",.,' H-sl Le Concilia) dilivii. iuijh II l proposed to tusoend lb payment of lh In te est on Hie Internal del l of t,nn, hrnoi Morel Ii ntgotiating with the agent of a London and Paris cspl Uii.l lor u loan. r OXTEX 1TAXD TO PE tlAXOED. Tho Murder of Jnmee O'Donnell-The Con. vlcllon nnil Hentrnce of tho Murderer The Conviction Affirmed br tho Courl of Appenla-The governor will not Interfere. One elij In August, 1869, Owen Hand quarrel led with James O'Donnell, a fellow workman, tn the Sooth Ilrooklya gaa-honse, snd killed him with shoe knife. Theie were no pilliillng circumstances mtendlng the murder. Hand and O'Donnell were qoarrelllng with eech other, when thi foreman of the establishment Interfered and ordered O'Donnell to quit work and go home, O'Donnell eroseed over lo his sld of the hoots, and was In th act of chang ing Ms clothes, preparatory to leaving, when Hind approached and renewed the quarrel. As O'Donnell wai removing one of his garments, th prisoner drew a sho knife met plnoxsd It Into his abdomen. Hind thereupon turned, ind throw ing the kntre against the wall exclaimed :" There he I for yon now." O'Donnell died a short time thereafter. Tho murderer was suhteqrjenlly ttlel, and con victed or mnrder in the Erst degree, r.nd on the lSib of October, 16C9, was sentenced to death. Ills case was argued at the General Term of the Supreme Courl and Court of Appeals, both of whlc"i tribu nals confirmed tbe conviction. After the sentenri, a very strong pre.tuit was blonghl to bear upon Uov, lloflnuu in order to secure a commutation of the sentence to .mprlsonment tor life, but Ine Gov ernor was stern, and declined lo Interfere further than postpone tbe execution for a number ot daya In the mean time, tho case was argued at Hie Gene ral Term. Tli decision of the Const of Appeals being Onsl, Hand waa taken from the Havmond alreel Jill yes terday morning by Deputy Sheriff Wm. Powers, and arraigned before Judge Joseph V. Uarnard, the Presiding Justice of th OeneralrTrrm of the Su prems Court now being held In Urooklyn. Hand retained the stolid Indifference which has character ized his conduct slhce the murder, and Lis long con finement In Jail did not appear to have had any effect whatever upon blm. He Is a low-browed, " lurd " looking man, about 40 years or age. When arraigned nl the bar or tbo Court, lie uianltetted no fueling whatever, and Judge liar. Haul In a few remarks sentenced him to br hanged on Friday, Fcbtuari 3. mi. letween the hours or 10 A. M. and II P. M. Hand received tho ecnlone i cry coolly, and merely bowed to tbo Court. Previous to bung Iskrn from tho court room. Hand mrt Police bergtant Ci.adcr end told him that he Intended to pteir charges sgalnst him. Cattler Inquired the lesson, whereupon Hand aald Ihat Ca.eler had tikrn a knife Horn him duilne Itc lilal. and failed to return It I JY7.iT CITY A UOV 11 UAltl.HM llllIlXIE. Not Itrnily io Hurrrudrr In tlir nnuillltl or tlie Nrtv Yiiile Uliii-Oiir nl' (be Nrxl I.rgltlnlnrt'a Jubi 1'a.poiril. Sonic of Hit? most iiiQiuiilial property owncrj In the southern division or Westcl.esttr county as seuibled jestcrday In Armslrong'e Hotel, Fordh. m, to discuss tho provisions or it blllwh'cll has becu ireparcd b eercrnl rretulnent New York poli ticians, hnvlug for lis nbj. ct the annexation of Mor tltihl.i, West Farms, Yonkers, Kati Chester, West Chester, Pollmtn, and NV.r Ih chcll to the clly of New York. Mr. II. P. Dr Ornsf was In tl.e chair, John Hunter ol West Chester, nnd J J. Pheian of West lvarrcs, tclid ts Secrebaricf, end tfamacl JI, Pnrdv, O. Hilton Scnbncr, Wm. Canton clt. J rt. Hs'klnf, Chielet, ll.,t'iyatr, Philip Dun), bmlth W Ilrown, Jnttlcr Flmitaa, A. t'titllt, V. ,1. Pn--Ittto, and Dcnten I'eaisall i ailicioau-d lu tLciro CC'llllien. Mr J il. IL.skln crr led ILe bill, rr.d suggested Ihat'i, West Fatns, end Wnt Chester tr Ineori tinted r re ci'.v. Jlr llnrrit o oprow.l ant sth-rre of annexation or any rovrrn-nent wbsieier lurtbcr thanwnaii '-, retanrtU.pel. Tunlcr Flan .-an soe.k In faror cf tbo Inccrpbra Hoi of the three lawrr lo.vns "s one diy. Atonvnillec a ntroln'cel as follon t to drntv uo r.,.ni LCTf ylan of ni,nex.-. iot : ,1 Itunt-r, J. II. II isklns, A. Curtis, Jnalicc Flanagan, uud Uatuncl JI Pfrdy. The. meeting adjourned to icavtmulc On Ealur daj, tho Sltli nut. AtlSUSI l.sllpS. JJm.i hi,,, R(,, Atiutt I.uir. of inri Hist Tl.trl. c-utli fctivcl. took pi.kago tr trrday afieitiorn In thr rnri best t C-ililomla, nt l..i- lert of He uion alue t, for Wll I. iitnsbur.'h Wien II o Ion rive! c-d He mldjlr e f II. titer If dlllcrn'i' h - red oietl..-ir,l. II, 11 ntiel lorg rnrr-t. in tr s-ved b) Iho itnk Inn.!. On teii.j h.n le I . er In t e t oltee- em Iho ihian.i' l i Lit'i 'Md ll.-.t I e ti-nlh-i we :e uoboir ahlr, -,nd tl at let it dee in t t -in o, jj Lu II r. He was locked up tu th? Foutlli strut no tire slulion. 1 De-ntli of Prrnlde-ni ttiiiin-t ofTi-in-.. The Hon. Dutiel (. llnrii-1, wl,n was tho fir-t Presldeat ofTesas nndei It e IN t died in 0.1 trt'on on tbr C'.h Inst., aged uowardt r.r he) -r-!. Ho wns -, uallve or Newark. N J , w at cl.n-a'e.t ,1 Co'un.l : i f ol'cge. rirT Yolk and w . a iroroltirul actor in the rRnr'a bbrritr He !'o' Hi Am.ric.ti reihinlii. in tbr r.r'y pint of tbe rn-enl irnt.iry Ho was i brother of the lata Hon .Ijeot, lluenri .r Ohio, and aeon of Hr Win Itutnet of New .!orey who war Uuigrpg-tincul In the nivoluiio.u'ri attny, ' A liloi In I'rnm e.ri. P.-in'r. In Home. ox, Dec 11. An ufluy on Tueailn)- last in front of bt. Peltt's it. Home at or nuio t'ri atonod tobecomr a seriout riot I! wai ipeedil) qtileteil hy He Interferenre of U flitnii anthorltiat A Itwfer.i.nt wne slightly injur, ,, tu, mob uiret duos and heme, but I a t i n il Tlir Prnniylviinln Itrpuhlli nni Aatoiilstird. WAStiixfiTox, Dec lS.-Uir nnininntuin ufOeii Pleasonton tt, L. Cn:ninltioner m li Urn.l Ib-vrnuo took nearly everybody hy mrt rl,t. ..perlally II Pe-nnsylvanli drtrgntlim, who litd'ell ur- or tbo selet'tlon or Mr Doiigla.t. II hit liaknl ont that the I'rrnitrnl bad Inlrndo.l tn notntr.tle him fur six weeks, and the latter h-s been iuroitnedol the fact. l.OXO IS I.AM). The bodv ot n tinknnwn trsn. prntiMe a'.out tp scare of age, wa. round so.peiiileil l) the tick fren an apple liie it. Middle Volkur yesterday Mr. Ilenrv t'neer'. boot mil li,-r note In Wl He. stone tvat td of inmtt lo lhe mine e.r (ISC Cavhreak )ettri.'Hv a ,.in u.t,- ,r .1, ii ,t.,, wm tonnd lead in the tnoi nm-r, with a piece of poUonnl incat by sv.ntKH ritoM in i; Ti:i.i:ait.tvii, Tho cable between I'unla Jto.a and Key Wost b is been imcriuptcd .Inc. the rlth lu.t. Tie Itboiern nn the Paelfle IMtrri.1 brld -r at tcancit lllutT., town, naiuhiiiug ISO. urcrl. uste i.ov Albert Crotbv I s ie,l w. F Sior"v, of tl r al'iwft?")""'" 'f l'''r11,n, 1 lH''' l4lue b' darna Hugh Allin hit pnrehasrd (hr Northern Traespor laHnn ( nn-oniiy'a lun'eilert. snd will run Ihcm be tween i nitio. Mihi.iuitp ami Moutrral. Al Vacce's Kwllch, rear H atltln", on H,r North ernl'inir.ii Ilallrosd. latt nenine. a mi.pttee .1 ewltrh H.ri w oil an e xprv. Iraln ntol i hr- loeomotft e u a. un lit. I l.r rntidi'i'tor, Mr Wine . hmlly rut, uud tho logmen Mr antner. wt. .Ilchlty Injutcd. VEllbOAAl. JM-i:i,I.JUEXVE. George aalle for Huropr to-day, Ssnator Catlcll dcillnes reflection, on the plra of tailing health, There wis a alight shock of raitLquake at Maren go. III., testerday iiiotnl'ig, i Harry Fain rr. it Ih said, fill add flvr to Llieeai-talla at the coiiiinrrrrmeul or Hie new ar. Major Samuel, son or tt-i- t.ito lu.lae lint tel. i a popular oltlcer lu the beienth I'niled Slules Inrantrv. Wo learn Hint Commndnro .Tuill-.lnt, lormerlv nf tin slenni-n.. krotl.1, couteniplate. a peruiautnl re:l dn er in Ni i, iork. Dr. I! T. M Marsh, home snrgenn of the Cen'rr s'ri'i l lo..i-ai, has betu appointed Corancr Nelsun ti . I outig a deputy. Mr. Itan;ik Is Iho ftil ire son Ii liwn' Htrnn Hernlt tlir. representative of Hio.- William uu1 U.e nisrek at Washu.gtuu. Col. ,!. Fi Ir., has riven a beautiful set of rolprt to Hio steamer h'ch pll.-a between I', rl-moulh nnd Pontile), en the ohi nnd n naiuenttfiir him. Col Einnmna Chrk, or the Seventh, it rel Un it ith hi- fsuiilr nt the et tienl. Iloiil. ' he Colone l lui flue ancillary qualities, but the teglmcnt bate- none. Hlgz: Hio greit Wasblngton bankee. has re tumi d Horn a long icsldenee in Paris. He wai among hour m "u,u al tleu'ljU' Zliiimermsn's dog was In good condition list night, and went Ibrniinti hit performanee without t Co'l Fill! " ", '0iub to the apieuce of Oialulla, director nr the Seventh Iteglinent bird, ha. conino.ed souio new and da-htnc epi.. t-.n-oa. alt.i omeelrllghitul mnilu for the cuiuing ball of thu Amir- Secretary Hotesnn'a dinners ore far tree'lma the resit of reaioa and Iho How ot sotiit-and bowH, too. Hit ancillary quslliies aitcrl tacmieltei on these occasions. Mr Alexin ler D. Ilai ber, commonly called the of I' i nni, wit n in r 1 1,. M t sir-ie e'l - .ler-datati.-ro,, it ... re id. i . of lha bndi's tither lu liieinv it. i,i nn n lii.l ken oek, r I til'e 'n fit I i, v M, it em, nr . n ed Anb Y . nit rt , .loi.n mow hull, seu.or Wardii.and b P. Sebum i horn, Junior Wai dru NEWARK'S LAST MYSTERY. BXUUirATlOX AXD EXAU1XAT10JI Of TJ1E JIODT OT ILO EX. I Haaplclona Dentil of Two Iluabnnda-Wrre i thoy Polaonrd for tbolr Life Iniurnncol . 1 The Sealed l.lp ortbe Netrnlk roller, tt i Tho circumstances illendlnjj tho death of 1 1. . V I gen, at Newark, at lbs house of John Hummel, ar I under Judicial Investigation, Hgon's life was Insuroil I fcrtS.OOOby lb Amicable Life Insurance Company of New York, and not for $13,000 as erroneously ro. ported. The Company hiva mad no necniallon thit Mr. Dgen waa'polsoned. They merely sent ta ' Newer lo have the body Identified, and to obtain uch fads as might be elicited In the lnvestlgstloa which the inthorlllei of Newark are making. Dgen went by the name of HolTman it the time of till death, A lormer husband of his wlfo Is said lobars died auddenlr, and his life wn also Insured. Tin Company deny that Mrs. Ilgen it piled for th Insa. ranee money on th ll'e of her last husband. Dul the Company's officers add that Mrs. Ilgen Informed k ber friends that her husband's body had beet de posited In a reef lrleg vault, when In fact II wag hastily Interred In an obsenre corner or the cemetery. I From th fad that Mrs. Ilgen'a rormer husband had died very suddenly, nnd that his tiro was alto Insured, Mr. J. F Chase, Coroner or Newark bad his suspicions arousad, and otdered Iho remains ex. hnmed. Dr. Dodd removed the stomach for snalytl- , cad 'examination, but tl.o result of his tests hast not been made onblic In order, however, to prob j He mystery, a reporter of Tit Sox went tn NT atk last night and Interview 1 Dete-tlve Fischer. ' when the following conversation ocenrred t lteporter Do you know anything about the Ilgen ' ca., Mr. Fluchcrr Fischer Yes sir, I know all about It, Hsporter Will you please tell me the history U particulars of the case 1 Fischer No sir. 1 will tell yon nothing about H. I Il would Interfere with the ends or Justice. ! Itcoortcr-Hri Mrs. Ilgen been irrrsled f Fischer I have nothing to lay. lteporter Where Is Hieshoemskcr who wsi C0Cs corned nllb Mrs Ilgen? , Fischer -1 will not anawer any of yonr quetllono. See the Chief of Police; you may find out something from him. Undeterred hy this reonltr, onr reporter songhl thr Chief and propounded almost similar questions. 'Ilo Clilcl acknowledged th-1 the shoemaker, ' whose name hr said he did not know, was locked n I in the oollco station nt t ie request ol tho Coroner. lteporter Is he sntpected of complicity wllh Mrs, lk'rn In the cause of llgen'a death t Chief I do not kmw Jtr Chase, the Coroner; has the matter In band, and I can tell yon nolhlnt about it. lteporter nas Mr. Dgen been arrested f Chief- Sco Mr. Flscliert he will tell you a'l about It Tiie mystery set mod to become moro obteurr. so tbe rrsldeur of tho Coroner was visited, but that dignitary was not to he round. The (nqueat will b continued to-morrow; but It It very evident that no mil.llcltt will be alvin until a verdict ta rendered. Mconwhi'r, II would seem that foul play has bees used, or there would bo no uoed tor so muck icc.tcy. I't.vxiiixo ixro ii.vsmxa cheek, K Nurrnw Ienpe ofn Trnlu from Now Yorlc I A Hlgnnl ninn'a ( rlntr. I.nsl eveniurj, as Hio train from Hunter's I'oln' Tl at prone, ic I the brldgo over Fluihlns crook, the en- M Bi.-.eer d'teotered H e draw open, notwithlandin Q tlcsli.ti.lfer no dstfcr was sltvp. Tlctnls im was not mere linn W ynrib from tl e brld, r. Thi IP steam Ir.ikei were spilled, hoi not Iti tlm.' to sari I Ihelocc motlir.v ' leb was pi ripll iird into the creek I 'i'be sr."il'!it; v ..s -ti ';ie-n l.d oti r liie creek, nnd the f t-g, r.-r. ti nir,h ed on tho track H Tho itirlucr and bi.uiiin both wint down with IJ t'-o loe-moliri'. bin ,'T.p, .1 with slight btiiliai. m One u t cllgblly rut on Hio lorehead. but to Oiler ii-. -11 out hint. Thr .1 nil man, H (twen JleK.-'n ii, . i.'i tunt he open 1 the dra-v for s pj l.i "l.ini.l aupimliir Hint he l.a.l Uu'.u lu c'oas it, did not c: a f P. e " u Is. A t;' Arrnsrelor miptT. WititiAotux, Die. 19. The Urrnel Jur of IliUPislrlrt tourd at Indldmirt nj.'ntt Cenigrcj. I' o' P. i:t!i rarollm ror Ll.-tmy llr'ir. n. ned In Au;utl 1,', n II, .a, Mrs. Petti-rfir in g, then n e le k ii o ir of l' d-parlircnLt ; an I now , mo of hnp.1,,,,,1 ei ;oio.i'a nt home Inn sot on foot tl is Ce i hi ll.l) aip.lirt Inn. Aboutlia " ' 1 ' ''' Ii'i'. ' . o .i '.. i L'.an, but wnj ' 1 I I . , I r. i, r re,-. ,:m ,1 en r al I is wife. l,,t e-.-.llv i' .In-lo. , ,y ,1,., nic-,1 . billnpplj.n firs itivoie-- m i.,.i.,-,ii m nluji n si i iiIk.ii iv.s 1. 1 a- l -, n i o., i. . , , i-l irr en h r in iru . re i. Hon, ii. m., hi, -i-oj'it-nlir I. .1.10,1 n IH III e.'l Wiet, 111:1 I.I ,1 lallecl, IChll'l Hiitsliw . r.i i -r I, im t t . i' i.ic,, v hu lias uo n) pllLl'ke.1 ,i lit u I of ., ' ' n. Atmlhrr lllali Hid I ho Iirpiirnnrnt-Iu-rii I illiirlnni uu l.ou.' itliiuil, !H Williin Hie lu.t ten ejai , lue iiteirndinrr fires M hnve been act In Kswlua, and twv in Lot (( Island Cl.y. Tie C. tin.ioii Cuur.rl! olTerrd n r'w-rd ol I 1 103 for tb i nttellnn of the I c mliiry Yn-t.r I r.ty wi re vrante-l for i nuoibor of the H flrutneii who aie ausutetcd. P-tiuk l.uhl, tiho II suspected, Is missing. on i it. tin: Itobert K. Llttnllj!, tho well known tp-itrtor. was PJ te-lei.lsy o ,,iuii Ii. inn il-u.l in Im bed tt lbirly.t,.nlh.trrei. He was a nttiv.. of iluttla but M I e.iitiedhla reputailon tu tbu tuuutry Hu au waa II H years. tjlj Vi'lllism Montralh, well known le. fnrwirders sn.1 ' 'ilpinra, rtldil nn Monday ie 'I.. ,'nlsmsn H llonie, of n.iraiisi. of the Drill, Ills farhei . Heorg MollIPHll. was one or H.i font, .Pit of l,e llrsl tetin H town.a enn.p.vit .in the Hudson Unci. Mr MonloalU S was vdjear. ol ue. rn H.I.'!fr.Y(;70.V XUTEH. PJ Oen'V will sail for tluiofe Lorors tin id. PJ Jonrntiti-nt or t'onrt-a H fli-r. Al'te 1 PI. .snrion wet jr'terday nominstol PJ to be I Lmihiii'iiier of Internal Heveuue. II c House Neial I'otiinilHee yottcrdiv arreed to v. PJ trpoit a bill r. r the -u'eof the tlrooklyu Nai) Yard. I MJ 'I bo IliTon-niielion CotninilliM. lias orderod Hut- IH lei 'a aiunc.t) bill to bit icpottcd to the Ilouae for j K Dr. Famuel Itor.l, rdltoroftbn True eVeorfflein.who I wnt nun Inste.i to ro He.veteoi ot H ilm, but t ho sn-r VJ1 rinr. rnmtlon eloi Unci li e appoinii i nt, tits a.ldri'ste.1 H aletur lolhe Pie-ldi'iil, gitiuk Lis reasons forcoluir over to trc lieinocra") The Ttovatii linn " will have a InrrhllzM prbera. PJ a on -sri lhe win , loe it e tutinte 1 1 otvtng rennets ta PJ1 H e Pie-n'eni ami lee I'ri'.i . ot and to neiennio lbs VJ1 lor. rr.l S. ,tloi- . Coiik'teat to Hi" rnplltl Tnectlr VJ1 Oovemiuiiit will toke pan In the ili'iiicnslratlou. BJ J077 i.vfi.s ,t iitt ut ro irx. j PJ The Marine Court asks for inrreared aceommoCa- i PJ I The liocnl of btiicnlsois bad a secret sesiloa PJ y t-elt relay . , A eerresroneli nteonntrdnn s Grand slrcet, Drook, PJ I) n, ear M'Sh. and but one other Journal. I Henry Spencer, wed US, 'ell from tlir first atori I H window of W) West Foil) Oftb slrcet jc.teruay aflert ' UUOQ a PJPJJ Mr. M. Honrs Gnnlher Ins gnon (1.001 to Hit I PJ tlrrmsn Woman's Aid Society for sick siidows snd or. ! mm phani. , mm Owen McCarthy, laborer, of Illd land avenue. F PJ 1 .inkers, fill inlo ihn ritieeit on the Hudson Unci v IH liiillroad and wasialally Inj'i.ed. ' Oj Jit". Liiribeth Wi l.b. who was so tevere'y burned i BPJ nv Hio lireiiklnu or a keru.enn Itron nn Sunday uizbL. 1 mu died yesterday at lailoosetcil urecl. u"u lhe rornrr-ttnno of tbr new- lemrla "Ah.iwalh ' PJ Cheaed." on l.exingion avenii" and I ift) -tilth street, is Ml to be hi 1,1 at IO)j o'clock ilu i. on log. ' ' PJJ I. Mcfluwan of 10 Henry street, eonnted on a ' PJ 1 bint avenue r.j I tit. A" r ( 7i if.aM Dur,. ' Ctsls ' '"Piiffl ll'oifilr, 5, aud :l ' nB A motion was rrode liefore ,Tu,t-e Fie lenek Loeif I LaV to ele ten- I ie, II e Msnhnl nt Hie fevenlh I'lttrlrl, foi I ' Vlt inatfeat.ii on in Ills e.lliee. 'the iet.ii.iivn) ti-siefcrred I rJC lo John A Shaw, of bsstnii urcit ' B Annlo Itut.ell has btoke n no bet den it STIWater ! 5? itteel.antl sen! for niif oi tin .m u.u-i.ii,Hilet tiy.' 1 513 Ing. Mv Hod. I t tn'l stand H .. life anv lonirer." ttiis ' rvO has become an Inuiale ol Hie for it omen, A nu'nber of lounnrrt w, re llatio. In Ihslr notes Vm, lot night against the windows of 5' llri.aoiiay. lht doors were elit.-.l lo all but i f.-u-. irhn were taking a ! fSl ornate tlew ol .lie New yrk tittle Poultry Bhow, i VPs which Ii to op. n H.n morning. ' I IK John Ilmg'er, n Herman, of l) Orchard atreet, ' MB sittinpiei iiiiiide i.y juniiiiriu eft the pier ut the foot ol , Ninriee nth ttieei I'nsiKlvir Ilo hsd lent a womat I i some uionuv bptongiiig tu his son, and ihu fallim; to rev i v9 turn It. he tried tu kill himself. wid- Detirtivr Officer Aaron P Young, who had beea I tM ircuied by John Siitirnler, the and of a notorloul " e!iev ptrki.oeaei.of extorting l,(KO from l.lm, u tt rele-iisea ', icttrrday by Justice Koch, rinrerlntendent hclio has WL pref. rred clnrge-t against Young for not promptly re- i iva porting tho arrcit ot bcnneidcr. i gjJ The stabblnr afliav In which Jimcs lletTcrnan ind 'SB John tie No)ellct were corccrned on Monday night, ug took place lu Hie snloon on the norttiiiel corner oe . vjr. King and Vsrlck streets, and not in Mr Pumll'i (. saloon Me piiicill keeps one or lhe muti r niy ciltl.ll, time nu in the liightb Ward, and uo trouble has , Mb evir occurred In ins place- A fnj Tl e ritenslvr cotton fire In Dethrones street was tSS nuder li'Vesligatina at tl.o lo'nl.s inter lay HeversJ ' Siv I rt tn , w-re i,.i I at Hi limn ot tie fire 01 ft 'aW i.e.. r w i n s lit , i I Mi.tuel IV.IIIIitiin tos l- Wii as., i i t, i, Hu- nr the Home In FRS , . e . u pi y btie ,i Inge ..umlitlei ol tbt j!t el , il i t I lie'., ve Hfn,rr KiuleJa hn - W I'.n' t'l s ei.e ni. i i ,undt to thi poeuu a 'jfi; ttimsii i, ni, t s in cuiioilr. jp. Sfflm BJksjKSjSjfjuficsaigjEiAK