Newspaper Page Text
f THE SUN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1870. L , , r. r - ! I ! She ' " JSutv. I 1 U II 1 1 In. rr Alb I I I ' fVED.VElJDAY, IlKCMBI'fl 14. 1W0. sfll jj Innifarnli T..lav. bl I ax.slU 1111 I" 1'errj'i tns'vi sl !.. Jl ff 51.(k.T!wlr-HiV.. VtislU. At JP m..'s uW n-tM.,teil'i lii.'l'i an H f Ka.ral..s fcns ls.lwtr. HI I V,nk Av Thslr-M.a iij W..V Ml V tt..-Lw St g . M Tkf sir til S..i. M.IW.. VI1 M p'.dwl'iTke.tre-t'iitlt SkTs'- tfii ) Mtl.'i ,r4.. T).. B1HWk. 'S ttoV.rUlr... 1 1lk U,.rM ."''" hts. J5t Thr.lrs ' Willi. WML. Mils... M r..ilrr .-J !! A. ! w"" ru..y. ill i,r,rii!MIlr.U-lV'--"y' Ul riri' ' - ' ' M' iiw'i c-i'i' M ...'. tt'sr '""- S I S H Ctrmuny ns mi Kuiplre. Tlio new (Icrmnn Kinpire ovirtliadows at 1 r I momunt all tlio other powers of Europe j D PnAnt.F.MAaNr. lias come buck strain, and tlio g ' U now Teutonic (v-..ll holds in Ids hands tlio It I Wi-Ktltites of tlic Lfuiisplirro. Itut-sla itiives js 1 J inird to tlieckmatc England and Austria, . V wlille Franco lie hor lt ttm'nt bcr.rnth tlm E JU sword of tlie Uerraan eonrtuemr ; nnd as the h l I temporal power of tlie Popolms v.mluhcd nmitl K ' J llio cksli of arms cf tlio last fmr moiitln, ho IJk llio hold of the b'ullan on European domln Ii (on may jflvo way lu tho itnioi ding crrsh. 6'fl !j In nil tin' fjrrat illcntatloi8 of history i 8 which seal the doom of effete power?, timl Nj usher upon tho atajfo turn vigorous letirl- i B?P prs of mankind, Mho opinion of tho world flit never fulls to liu divided ; nnd sytupa- 1 Rdi thy for thnut from whom tho sceptro If Wfi departing Invarhhly airnpglci with a rclur ' '(jig tant fooling of awo and ndm. ration for tho 1 new standard-hearcm anions nntions. Tliim ' Mjjlj Iho air is full of plaintive rcqtiiorus over the I iK8y fullon Empire of France, over tho tomb of iw I Iho political Vatican, aud over tho totterlptf i W J llirone of tho Sultm. Hut l'rojzrcf t rides j ffi ! rongh shod over sentimentality and trndl K tlon. So far as tho Europo of tho present fah ' day Is concerned the Europo of atandln BET urmlea and of lron-cladn the supremacy of ra an honcflt and enlightened race lllio theOer Ofl mans Is manlfestlr a healthy Fymptmn, fl 1 alllt tho cancer of kingcraft and nritocraey j .i I allll remains to tnar the prospects of self jov- Pj J -rnnient In the Old Wotld, nnd forebodes for- a - H inldahle nphonrinf; brforo It la eradicated. I ", m If th pr.'VNit war were to reunlt only In , j 1 y rtriklw down a p-vudo VnitiiUKL-t'.rxm for tho purpow of InveEt'np with the Impr- 1 I,' rial purplo u leyitimato Oertunu C.OAit, It I I would ba notlilnff moro than any other 1 n . bloody pcrfonnaneo npon Iho stago of lils- I JJ : tory j nnd the world, tlnil of Cicsarl'in In I II' N any nnd every shape, inlht well doul t J I) lint utility of a war culminating only in I , ' Iho transfer of tho at-at of empire from the t fi-ine to the Ppree, from Paris to Herlin H'l lint tlicro is a vast dlffurcnca between IB. I'rench and (lonnnn Imp"rinlista. The al R. leglanre of the former to Vi:uiltT.L-NA- al foi.rox tmtcdonly upon selfish and pTPonal . H i wnsldcruiouR. They hungered afler th J HI: ipolls of the Empire, without fcelinj: or r j If ;ard for the honor, mfety, or projiotlty ot I ) ', 'bo nation. Not so with tho Herman Inv In ,j pcrlallKts. The Empire in Oennany W II' .' ncccjited i'uly aatlio nieansof national unity. l!avurian", Snalians, Saxons, and l'ruiviaiiH Wj !' wcro all for a long time nationally estranged mli l from each other hy their extravagant alio- n . glance to their repoctivo govorninents. ' 'l'holr eombineil pueret in tho French cam 3; 'i jwign LMtmnlly lends to a closer union ; nnd i. V the cymbol of ilmt union Is the Emperor of Jl; ' tlenunny. ih Vi liilu the Oi.nnan Empire is tliui- only W i) n emblem of i..tionol exnltatinn and pr . I; (,'ffw, tho t reneii l--in;.iro was tho Incirna- i tlon of national degradation and decay. Jn ( i fact, Qennnny united uuder one centnil Oovcrnmcnt, is In a much better run- ' dltioo to advance, toward repullicon i Instil ulicn than wh'lu Heparatr-i) lut twenty odd dibtlnct principalities without , y any principle of confederation, and with the 1 Jealomles of their potty ntonnrchi ' jjj liiterjH)slng nn almost impassaiilo obBtaijle ,; p t, against every form of national action or in) ' ' iiroveinent. . j. Thus whlln the downfall of the French . j,' Emp'ie pul" an nd t" pern -nnl rule in that ! mi country, the rme of the Herman Empire Ml may bii snfuly regarded as beginning the j ij r nd of kingcraft In (lermany, .All tho v'r ( tucs and enpacitkfl of tho Ounnnn ponplo will tc stimulatoil to now cllbrts In tho way ol jx)lltU'ul and Bocial refnnu ; und nil thosd ij1 countries which are i.ot an'.mated by tho Her i m inanic s 'lis.) of integrity nnd the roHiuop ill I B 7ll an 'uvc Ivdiratlon and humanity which jjffjjf' la tho cliKracterisIl; of tliat race, will dn.l F M theowlvcs euddenly left behind In the j' mi I raco of national development. Tlio people i Ip ' viblth, la tho great Hufonuatlon of the si? - l jj' j 4 tcentU century, laid broadly the foun tlnttoiiH j' Iij of civil and religion MiertT, now rlp.'P again ;' f In all its splendor to give tlio impulso of n B' i'l M, vitality to tho great work of eolhctivu M 'ii' luaoklnd. Iltj . The ( ouuterfeit Jlonoy Swindle. ' Seldom has the public been entertained with a revelation of bo much combined atu pidlty nnd knavery us has been brought to j M I'Sht by the recent arrest of the counterfeit i money swindlers in this city The Idea of f fl-n'ting honest peoplo by fraud Is an old nni( but to undertake to cheat ranenls through thulr vnry apjHitite for unlawful gain Is a sublime fttmku pf genius. Any fool copld l nngage In iho business of pawing counter foit bills, but it took a monstrously smart ,' wan to devlsa a ti heme of plunder, In which tho bogus mouey should lie only a decoy, and '' the victims peoplo who -wanted to vlrtiiidi ' tholr nelhl)orrt. - Tbo letters found In the pof tewsion of the swindlers allbrd a startling indication of the I low staudnrd of morality prevailing In the rural district. Tliurousedto boa superetl Hoi? that all dwellers In tho country wi re '" pattern" of virtue compared with the dani arns of cities ; but this superstition haw for a long time boen losing its hold on tho popu- '' Jar mind, und, under this lafct exposure, must ! lx regsidod as liaving succumbed altogether. , ; When wo find men of all classed, from mem- ' i tors of Congreks down to tho so who cannot j 'I apell a slnglo won! conectly, biting eageily : i ' at sui h u luro hook as uas ofti'red thorn by jl ' ( thu swludlera' circular, It Is usele t0 talk j about niitle liuiecencn One hypori , n i scoundrclevon gneH bo far as to say that In i mt. wvrda the offer inado lilm as a tolt i-ii of divine 'Isfretton with his In hivl r ; nnd a jKior widow, rvldcntly tired of depending on the Hod of tho widow and IslHorkW. wnP only too ready to receive the nid of thf' devil. The ptnetleal question is whither nor thing can slid ought to be done' to put nn end to thl swindle. As the law now MnnK the bam offer to sell counterfeit money Is not a putiMirtble offence ; and It Is doubtful whether receiving good money uuder a promise to deliver bad Is such an oll'ttico either. Our courts were not mado to protect villains In their transactions with one an other j nnd if a rogito gcH cheated In trying to cheat hont"t people, there is no reason why ho should not BUlP-r. Hut when It Is rortkldcreit that these lying circular?, Is3iied in they aw by thourands, fall often into tho lunula of young and Inexperienced people, and, as it wen-, seduco Into criminal inten tions thoro who had never before entertained th-'tn, there Secma to bo moro ground for !eplatlvu Intetf' ronco. This suggesting to o many thousands of people that it may bo dexlrable to cngnge in the buslnes of pasMnrf spurloui monty Is a bnd thing In tt If. and ought to he punished. No mailer how much of a scoundrel a man may be In his heart, wo wnnt to hevp Mm on' ol iituptntlon'ii wuy if pnlMc. TIicm 'i the norf rers n for tho prompt rclli'n of tho Igelnttiro in this matter, bc- cnue the gang which ha Jut neen tin eartheil, and Hnnio of lis members by a doubt ful int rprctnllon of rtntute sent to prison, has, we nro Infomed, already lestnned ojv rat on, and. profiting by experience, will undoubtedly defy nil iflhrti to lirlng thiin to jiikfei. To s'oj) the business needs only an ennctnieiit putting the writing, printing, lithographing, or yr-dctIon In any other way, of offers to sll rounterfelt monev, on the same footing precisely as tho maMng, uttering, or po'iefing with intent to utter, the forged money llself. As soon as such an enactment Is pai-nd, the police can at n.iy time make a deeent upon tho Mvlmllers nitd lock them up. 1 he crop of knaves and fools will not thereby bo cut oil", but something will have been done to cheek its Increase St. DniuiiiKn mill tho Lobby. For vents past, whenever an Ind vlduul, with sp' dilation In his eyes, has propo'd In pass a job through tho Albany legislature, the lobby 1ms risen up na ono man, and de manded to know, How much la there In this thing, and how much nre rr going to mak out of it? And If tlioy could not get hatls factory annvers tu thine questions, nccomia nied either by cash in hand or an assurul in terest in the measure, tho job was doomed. This Ie the prcclso predicament of dm Oiiaxt's St. Domingo job. Tho Washington lobby bollevo there Is a good deal of pluuder In It. They know It Is greny, and they sus pect it Is fat ; and they nro greedy and want to shiire in the spolR What Una. (Iiia.nt needs to do, tlnrefore, is to tell the lobby how much there Is In this thing, and exr.ctl how much they aw to make out of it j anil If thero Is to bo a division of tho proceed", then with whom they nro to dixido, nnd on what baaia. If Botinfaetory omurancs can not be given on these points, the j b will I prove to be ad lied in lb very not of Ineu Initio'. How dlgre.'l'ul It I", though, that a ni'n Hire which c i.ry bod v knows H tninti-d with fraud aud corruption should bo brought for urd under thu nuspl 'es of th.i President of the Fulled Statra, aid be made by him a leading tpic in Ids annual meitfige to Con gres. Thu country baa iii'lei I tnllni upon vil tiims nnd Into unclean ban ls. Injustice toivnrit the French Itepulilic. '1 he N'rls of o irrespoudeueo relating to the neogultlon of the Fivneh lb-public by tbo Unlteil Stntcs, which, like medicine, nm do'ed out in Miiall dom-s tlirougu the tele gram" of the At-ewlated Pres.", are jnM whnl might have been os:ted 1'iom a t-talo I)e pattment controlled by Don It win ro:f P's Fish and by tlio bribe-taker II u; enorc Davis. Ono ol the most momentous events In modern times Is heio disposed of 'ii a tlippant, lifvlet-s umuniir. Poritively not a single won! is udd to roveal the good will if Amei'.ca fur a country to which we are in s great nienanrlnlehted for our national In dejicndeno. or to rellect In a becomlug man nor the deep Intcrent of the American jwoph in the oklnblishweiit of I'n e iiu-iltiiiloug In the Old Wprld. "When they are a . jiHo (lowniiucnt, recfignli) them," winh Flnll to Wil!UlltNi:. The recognition of U fiirto governments li inndii obligatory by thu law of nations. To withhold it would 1' a breach, while to grant it Ie only a fullilment, of iuternntlomil l duty. If tho Administration hud said on that occaMon, " Wo rejoice In the di wufull of the H-rtKnnl auvernment which destroyul the French lti-publlc in 1862 nnd nltumptod to destroy ours, and which has brought upon Fianci'the calamity of foreign Invotiion. W'u shall never forget tho obligations due to France for the noble, part taken by her In our war of Independent; we deoply symps i hue wjth her present uiibfortiioeH, aud lin for tho succcua of the newly ibtubtished repub licin Hovnrnment In dtllvering France Iroui thu curses fuetencd ii'ion her by the Heceud Empire, aud lu making Relf-governnient her future watchword ;" If (Jen Ohani had hold this, tho whole world, including (lermany. would not Iiumi f.iib-d to understand th u, whatever muy he the regard in which thu progress of Herman power is held In the United Htatef, we nevertheless return a lively affection for Franco, and behold with liulu scribulile nullum) tho spvctnclo 4' hei ie verses. Hut instead of availing hitnsolf of tho downhill of Uo.NAl'.will'. to wnd a cheering nusbRge to France, Hon. Hhant was content with the drivulbng utterances of a Ftiti and a Da is Bo extreme Indeed Is tho Inoapaeltv of his Xdmlnlntratlon to cope with great his torlcal events, that tho wretched platitudes ui these two men urn actually held upto the ml inliutiou of Congicss as if they wtiro aglmv with gennino republican nrdor and with enlightened and comprehensive ftatetman ship. Very piobably Mr FiH shrank from hi a duty toward republican Pianeo b-wise he feared tlut tiio part which he hud luken In murdering tho liberties nf Cuba might convict him of double dealing in the ftu-e of the world. Truckling as ho is nil the lli.e to tbo roprexentativi s of inouareliy uiuliuih tecruev howcan lnuxpectlt to bo believi I that hr has any Blncere regard for free in stltutlons nnywh' r 7 Thus It is that the Fnlt d Kt-f'-arcb'dlttM n the ey of man kind., to Judge from the European emnmenla on (Jen. Oil ".NT's policy, his Ad inlnHral'on seems to hnvo sunk Into con t mpt in the Old orld as much as In tho Now. Tho troubles In thu lied Stocking llaso Hull Club continue to ogilale Cincinnati. Tile rcfoltillon nf the llxccutWc Ilonid to dispell ith Ibe crvices of a jirofwloual nine has ben orcrrnlcd by tlie Club, and in consequence the members of the llotud linvc relgncd In digul. In a fpeech ut the mectlnjr bcrc tlili action was tnlcn, Mr. Ciumpio.i, llio l'resldent of the Club, Kin a a feeling dcseiiptlon cf lbs troubles and fmaneiat einbariansinrnts thai the employment of prure.nidiuli cntuiU ueoii tlio elfirf rs of the tssuciiitiou. He slated Ilmt a prnfcmiou! nine, with one iiibslitute at 700, lealnj: out the lo Wrights and replacing tlicm with cheaper men. would cost tl0,200 for talaries, leaving out all other expenvs, for a setion of scrcn montbt. The cxtniV.ijf.uit demnnds of profes'lonal players he ascribes In a m'asule to lbs fftitthst some clubs are paying high salaries to tliclr men out or funds bcloiiRh.g I" tli public. On this iiibjcrt Mr. Cua'ipiun ) . " A player ran go to Wtshlntlon, tret a p' f l'lim a.Mtcr Ihu Hinerntiicnt of tlm Ctiitru fMI. aail H e c uli can oiler thrtn a tlionnan.l, or lele liujiitreil, or twrnty-ne tmnitrnl lfr nniut I know, woreia not c ini'de Willi ti nt. 1 ''V are Pild by tlio Unj irhincnt of tioi liuti-il Mull" to plJ bise Inn. 'I lien In New YurK. Wliv wai It t' at tvrAr offered t'J,MIOtotnciWli!a f mrnnrment Willi til llil feaipn, anil toon lo Ne Y"tl( ami Join the Mutiul L'lnliJ Tliet ret poalilmia muter llio City floM-ra-nriit thire. win a they ilon'i even lewe to $a in nn-.f Indratt lli. tr raUrle. t ill the Trea-liter ol Hie Club rtrows It ami pais it over In Ihrrn. In l,o ten, lue Union ervimila were elaollaeil lT i let rr gentlemen. 'Iey jtnt deeply In drill. It M fo'.n.! that the P-al -art lei wire teryrteiih ill Mail, ami H ere, elrwhere, lliete airemany cenlUiiiin lin dialled lo ni enire. I hee acn'li lieu ahn hid e .it)ii-l. h 'ho I t i n rnuinili were mrirt etionch to ffl "i .nl. ! li,, ro ",? ai .1 rt lip u ba-i- Ii 'e, tnkli K i n in b'.lli l.1r, and l) tn ' . a leatuar li!ir-b i'l tlrkft lliej siieceiileil In et 1-11114 ll.i'e men. V 1 si in done i en ? The r I'irn iuU not tnte i"on "ill "I 'lie t-. n'ury nt H. -ton to tb Uulop rmind". but lliey 1.1m fuu J..UOU lor tba sod tUy took otttloir iruiind-." lliii mixture nf bae lull with polities Is ng U'.lve. Itotb Hie ltriillillcan Admllilslrutioii at W'Bsliiiiijtnii nnd tlio Heinneratte Ailininistni linn In New York appear lobe eipiallyin fatnr ofllic game) nbile In IIotnn an liiilcpomleut ban ball lickef hit sftept Iho lleld. At this rale, with ull the adtnntaea ol diniblc falaiies and extended Milllical inlliiunce,! play, ing must sihiu become out ol the leading pro Ii. nli'iis of the land. They have in Franc" im art culled tho wtt, which I taught b rejjular professors. The pupils alt iiisiiucled to ue tliclr feel Jusl as students of boxing are tuiiht to ime llitir bands. All expert tit the 'rif will defend and nlili bis nctniilietruoilinaiy ngillly and cIlVcl, Mimeilliies even killiii? Ills aliLigonist hy hli kiek.. Madame I.inttuAr, who ii announced to lug at ibe Ai-adcnty of Musie lien Saliudey evcninn, nould itctn 10 li.ivo sludu-d Ibia art with n.'ceM. It would not be surprising if the jiro foors of the inanlt art lioiild attend in a body at the l'lili:.innonic f.' 011 Sjtuiday eveulnir ukxI to eee Madame I.icuru tr, the prima donn 1 nliu bus so dlstintfiiishtd herself by kicking an other lady on the tii(je in ibe pieKeuc of an an dienc. It it not oltcu that a ehiimpinn kicker appears at the Acaduiiy of Muilc, and the house Hill U- tcry likely to bu emnded by loniiuis-seurf. Madame hlillTMAY, the stout singer who kicked u younger and prettier Ionian Ulnuen the linuldcr, in the presence of an niiilienee, no the (tac et the .-'mill 'Hutu 11) lu lliu Ilnuuiy tlic oilier c. eniug, ii aunounctd by the l'lulhar uieuie Movicly tu alug al tl.i ir Ileelbuveu (Vn teuiiial I'eitival at I l.o Academy of Music not I i-atuidat. Vie ttu I Hint pi per pieeaulioii" will be t..keu lo n strain hi tnn.i kl. k.111 anjlKalt t,n occaaien. The l'rfe Vr iiewajtaptT, whlih wns stkitul in Jul' tasl,v m lal liudeiol" the oiuu llemeeraf ., in now .!! icd lor tale, aud if tint e.d will cease lu uppcar nub the end of the pres ent wik. Ii ha in prcpie lni, nh subenbi'il t.wO vaeli, making (ao.inM ill .U. (If tbi, (S.- 00 was expended for t p ', and (1.""') was paid fui fitting up the talabliduuf ut In Nauum utiect, which as leased for jenre, at a rent of I. bod. 'the expetnes luite ureiaKcd over H,f')0 1 week, and thi reeeipta tt"!. Abut Imu weeks ago the I M.OoO w u etlinii.-l, and 10111 of the proprieterii cudtutcred lu sail Ibe cuu.ioll IU iutere-i in llm inuuiu fur lio.OOO. Tho uiunajjiii idilor, Mr. Cuu.iua II. l'.s riiki.i., fur lucily oil) tJi'oi of llie lln nj, Imd beeu in jK'.d lui a teal to pour hot lnt lulu Tumiiiiui), Ou hearing; of thu uttcutpt to oil, lie took uiil a inpMljSlit of ibetltlt) ui tllK p:lnr in lusovii name. Tina lu clu'uued a nglil In do, inasmuch as ha liml pnipesed tlio title :iud eieaieil nhut palioi. sga tl.a j.'iiiiuil hud eiijuvi.l. Tlio pioprielert cunnut th. rrlute rell will .mil liU roiicuireiue. fhrir sole piiipeii tt llie t.ipe with the . Dice tixtnifg, Vi'e h-iun Ilmt appiicutiou has bueii uuii by Mr. (iuiai.t. WuiitLuuni. tu tlr. KiauLlL tu mn;liiise lie title und good will, but the .ile baj nut ) 1 biu 1 iin"lielL"l. Tliieeuieui hen of lln I'ooiil nf pr'i ii Ims ne't ou M inlay jinl lequenUil Mr. Kaaniu lo n l ;n llie ulit r ship. As he eotild draw 110 salary in ease f turn iiiliiplinnci', be ro'igneil , but ha siill mniiit.iins his hold upon the copyiiglit. We nw l ildllut llie daily c rculutiun of the Vi ban lieii luuulni; nl late fioiu l.tOO t'i il,H'-'l enpiut. lltfnre tho election ita range a fumi .Vflnn m ls.eoo, ill. 1 AUiirLLCunipluina tliul he lius beeu nubj.'e'led ill bis conduct of Iho paper to tbu .li-.iicenu'iiu of the owners, lie a.iys ihui e'vernl of them would jt cue limn desire idltoinil ailieles r.lleii vurt ing in plnt, and statements inadeiu dimi.1 npp i ition to e-ucb utln-r. It Is now Ijolioved that ill the event i,f complications in IliMoru I'.uinpe I'njl.iul uill ucciifiy l.ypi, aud thus control tie- pa -.tgu to India, without cniiei'iiiliig hiir.elf m fuitlur nbout bei founcr declarations. The Funagtit Moniimoiit AKuM-hitlou bus Just been orgauUod III lhi 1 it v. lis I'lmldeiit Is (Jen. Dixj its Vice-I'resnl'iili', tlio thin. M. II IIiiinniii, and llivjAins II. Iulii, INij. j i' T10 lamer, Mr. John J. Cisco. Wu tiu.t thai the iliji'tt of this iirgaiiixallnii nmv kkiiii lie nlliiiiieil in I In) ere.'tiim nf 11 .iiii.lilo iiiiiui'iieiit to llie great und good mini ulei-e name tho 11 Micl illnn liniils. Anil iiniv lleit llie' hollntwiost mid 1'oniv.u Inn linen u lliur- I oiuhl) evpoed, the ' uhlie niyert uilll IMturnlly inuieured alVulimi to the inamory of I'mi'Mlut, t mull vilho'it repinneli it u.ll ns uiilnuit fear. Thi Wimhlngton I'atnol fully cnrrolMinles our ktiiliiiiiut as to the p'UI tuW'ii by ex-Jlear A ei 11 ii 1 u I mid uiiuuiitiiiued Ailiuiial 1'ouikii 111 tlio uiigii..rniii of tlio Dominican jib, Indued, t'.o inlile'-t iil.icli be l.ik.'H lu thi- hiicivm of that Job is no gi cut as lo uiuke Ueu. tiuisi tualluw .11 1 l.t uiFullb uf ihe-III nr Adttiiiul, 01 iho liupn Unit I e 1. lav be put pi lun-lul account 111 lie' manipula tion 01 ibis dai t tniniuii ti in. (lut impresbiou tit tut tbiMiliHiint tountiiiii nt Hie em tier of Idiuidivsy mid I'h.onli.u .ti'eel ens eieetnl under 1 tic- due. inm of Jnil.'e lln 11 1 is cui.lii uiett. Wi- liu-i ' tl.i' 1 ep. . 1.1I1 ,.i in iv nlkii ki mi be 'Oii'i'iii' It, Swi'.v mil Hi' ' u 1 nn nib. r of ii ., k ( in ' 11 11, wl , owd taste hn nut bee 11 e . 1111 t. 1 t v mil tin . " a 1 icialkiK, will seen lak oiucr lui the uuiu at of this absurdity, and the erection of a proper fountain In Its place. Judtrc Hitro.i has Ihe rep utation of being a very hsndicme man himself, but ho evidently has no Idea of the tfln'erencc be tween the ufily and Ihe beautiful In works of art. Some of our contoiniHirnrieB nru apicalttig lo capitalists for nioro transatlantic cables. Considering that the stock of those now In exis tence can be bnintht for fifty or sixty csnts on Ihe dollar, we doubl whether thest appeal will piudiico any ed'ect. frmulor Camkhon'b recent tour through (leorghi cxcilcd expeclallons among Ihe He publlciin of that State which were not renl linl. They linked that he would mako some fpeeches, bill he did mil. At Macon and Savan nah, however, ho cere Ihe leaders of Iho parly the benefit of bis ndrlee, counselling modera linn, Onnncss, wlmlotn, and prudence, ntld specially beseechinu them "not lo quarrel among theinMbes like a lot of tom-cats." HANtiisariix sows. What the Aitmlnlelriitlon Wnuls of Coua. r-. The bill of faro laid before Congress by the 1'i-csldriit In bis annual message is being careful ly dlsnccte-d by the two llntues before its discus sion Is seriously began. On a closo examination it is found tlicro la but one dish on which (ho President prides himself, and of which ho wishes everybody to partake. Ibis Is St. Domingo. Tlio fishery busiu-ss, while making a gioat s'iow, Is tint ineistrd on. One may takn It or learo It. As tn the tnriD and civil service rcfiirm, the lVnliit evidently cares nothing nbiut either. lii'. were put Into the Messcge from cip.nli rations of a prudential nature tlic latter especially. On the tariff, the sentiment of the Adminis tration Is, that a dmliuct objective point nt which legislative uulluu should bo aimed ii wanting. There Is Iho old nebula of a tariff for reienue wi'ii a tariff for protection, lint miicc th: neccstiiies of llio Tre.i-iirv demand an atrisg rule of duties of f.utv per cent., prolec liuu Is achieved b) the vety means by which reTemio Is sought. To be sure Ihe rerenue reformers and tho champions of protection would not make exactly the same kind of a tariff; but the diOerouce bo t'teen tliom, when It romts to practical detail, does not actually involve the substantial promr lly of tlio manufacturing industry of the country. I.t fact the revcuua reform ers theinndtes at least, some of the ablest el' them claim to act in aid of Ibis very Industry Theto sr. anient younj men among them, still in pin feathers, who have goigeous ideis ul.out fiee trade wbieh linn and experience will gradu ally dipel. Th iu".xorable necessity of forty per cent, pieventa any wisnblo application of their fantaiics In legislation. Yet this very class have a uful function to per form hi anlayoiiiting Ihe bruien 10b bcrsuhu nlnuys throng Ihe ranks of the pro tectionists, and claim outrageous advantages and special pi it ilexes. T 1 1 i a latter brood of cortno l.inls nerd to be pursued with the bludgeon and the slung aliot, and tlio extreme free traders aro not iritlintii uielr use in eniiianuiig incm nmi keeping their bend., under waUr, so far as Ihcy esu. li is thus that the extremes of the two pallida on the tarlfl' nre nut regarded with very elitlerent sentiments by Ihe Administration, called upon, not theoretically as In tho truth of economic piluciplrf, but practically as to the eoniposi t!m of a possible and beneliceut lurill' to be pas-ad ur uphold by ('01111 e-s. Yet the Aehniultlrulluii, it iniisl be s ml in its pialse, l.-uus tu the fundamental nle.i ,f ptotec Hon. Hut it dos not beliore anything Is to bo gained by forcing tho discussion on that ques tion, since it l not a practical innio before the country, and cannot bo made so for the reasons ulready slated. Tlicro la no more difficult thing In letlslatliiii than to male a taiiff or tu reform a (arid'. T.m late Mr. I'cMendeu deioted himself to the tatifl unction m his tatter days, most patently and as s.duuualy, without abatement of industry or leal lliiuufli an entire Mission, working in the boli .his by day and by night, drawing to him all Iho lights tlm combined experiences of all the iil iliutiul iuterents of the country allorded. lb piu.eule.1 ihe elaborate leaulta of iiis own and bis cuuiiiiillee's labors in that clear, succinct, and luminous manner characteristic of nil bis uitel. Iect11.1l eUorts. Ililiil this under ravoratile eir nitiistiitiefs, und did bis impartially, us well a thoraimbly. Hut it a' I 'd nutliing. I'ower ful aud conflicting inlere-ls, srlllsh ends, jenl ounlel, and petty envies in (Jonuress, eunnpired to 1lete.1t all liNel.'.irt', and his bill was lust. Seep.g luiw inelleetual bis most faithful and conic en tiiuis labors 111 this direction were, be tbp.nv up bis poa.lioli at llie In ad of the 'ieliate Com'nitlee of i'uiunce in iliiut and retired from tho liuld. Uist jeir Mr. Schiuck undertook llie ?ain nnik. Kqually iiidiitlrioui, equally indefstigslile, he too lahorvd lailbfullv thrmih a long and weary session, hoping and expecting, tn the very last, to Miceeid in improtiug, and, if possible, pcrf.ctiiii the present lurid'. Hut he too filled. The interests iii'olted tteie too tast and tun larloiis, the nppukitiou was too determined 01 ton captious; enemies lay iu wait; fiiemls failed to cuuiu tu thu reene; craft, elliline, neglect, Inutility, and tudillercnce thwarted him; and Congi e-s refused tu usseiit lo his bill. It is in tiew of these experiences, und of what ten, bo tailed the common seno Mew of the whole subject, that the Administration isilipii?cd to make nu ip.e'ilie point on the I mill' question. It is inclined 10 give it tho uo-liy ultoue'lhcr. if OiUKieas cbootcs by ami by, in u sudden lit of euinsstiiei-s, tu kiiook olf lome of Ihe duties on tun and eullee and kiiulre'd articles, either 011 eciiiinuue or pul'ticnl gioiuida, llie 11. linn will ho eniiipletely appioie.1, mid uo questions utked or .1. mills expii'sse.l, llul thu whole subject la held to lie one nf praele-al details, nnd is icmitled rti'bisholv to tl.o domain of u te'inporary ex padieiicy. Ar tu the ipieeiion of civil scivice icfori.i, it Is I lain 1I1111 llie Aiiiuliiistiatiuu has uo sj inpathy wlniieter wilh it. Tim niilit iry mind tindvrintos an I belillle the civil Service habilinilly. lien. Hiaut is 110 exec tiou. lie would as lief as not hlaughter eierj piomlnent official iu Waslun-tnii In-nun iiiw if ho h il peoplo about him be wisbed tn iippoiut lo llii.'ir plueoi; and he would not leeugiiuo ihe f.iei that Iho s.ivice would leceitu mi detiiiu -nt li his mi doing, lie duusn'l know tin itifle'i eiii-ei belwei 1 Illness and iiiilltui ss .. iieh jm-i . He would make 110 such mistakes In nlliei ilnj au auny. Hut iiiuoug eltiliuis In do eiilliau.' dull lie leenpnues tin dilli'ie'iieit In ibe ctowei, llo iiellliir uiiihi nt.xijs inn-spprceiate Ihu ueee siliui, or tho dun. 4 i.ud lunpnukibi'. ties uf ll.o ii..i uilniliiistmlion. When he cue. into otl'i c lie tinned out with nit luiupitnctioii, und without warulnir, llie e.i'ile'iieid tiendinl Iho iiei-i iinp'iitiint biirunua in tin Uniriiuneni, l.'.il'e lu ihe detrilnent of lln sen- e. .n the ih'iwituieu. , uudei hi. 11 du llie s'line 111,11 T'no T'essiuj Ilepiilni,.it Ineii, .-it l...,j one-semed ..'':ii, mid --els Ite-n a-t'it 1.1, ih.. nulld' i.ild tilnt ily, SI10H1114 t' e -.111. n ull ,,, ilppreei.Hi, 111 ol uill; klul uf eet.nt' lulmii In Cailhlul .eliiee. I'lie preteeeu, llierolore, of any sj-iup.nht f 1 tho Ides" ol e,il sei vic 1. 1 ifm pi 'lua Hai.. i 1 lit tu device ill.. h.. ly. Wlut Ihe iiiesMiije s.e . I il.l u' je I it i.'L.l'U'l a. tile 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . In,'.. . Mil.- 11 -e tun Ml"iifunt I nun's, tier.. Itird, the inn' to eond 11. ! r 'li 1 lir v rv bid re is.. us II he in 1 1 it .1 Hi 1 re I .io.iaiiiii'' nf ' I '''miiK'i 1 -e a 'helm 1 1 en 'ci ' 11 I I' IS 1 1 i 1 -tli llul -u '1 lilil-e ,0 Ilia vil.i lui. 1 tr 01 iho couoti-i thuulu e'l jl LIFE IN WASHINGTON CITY. thu Tttiun sr:ssiox ovnti: vonrr rutur co'our.ns. The fenttte not Itendy to Despoil thn llnxrea of the Notion's Defenders nt llie Dlelnllon ftbn.HlnlonitorHliivery-Tlic 1'lrst lllotv nt the Frnnklnff Abuse. WAsuixntux, Dec. 18. Mr. SAwrsa (Hep., 8. IV) preSenUJ the crrdenlltls of his lliomas J. ltoberlsnn, reJIeclo.l for the term com meoclnr March 1, 1871. Head anJ Ubled. On motion of Mr. Btkwaut (Hep.. Nev.), the ere dentlali ol Messrs. Tanow and Wbltely, Senators elect from (leorsls, were taken Irom the tablt and rclcrrcd to Ihe Judiciary Commutes. Mr. Mcfimr.nv (Deni., Kjr.)akod tare lo Intro duce a rc-olutlon, notice of wlilcli ha taia elrr day, proposing nu Invesllialloo with a view to the restoratlun of the Arllucton etUto to the widow ol (Ion. Hobert n. Lee, llie remuval of cravrxidt on Ihe prendre, aud ranorol restitution for any Incum brance piaccd there In tba Interest of the Govern ment. Mr. rnni'X!s (Hep.. Vt ) loned that leave would not lie aranted. Tho propn-liton to dig up the bones of onr dead toldle r J In onier that rert du proocrty mlrht be lven bc lo Us rebel owneu was to bis 11.I11J monstrous, Mr. itcCnrinr then r.ccuplcd twenty titnt.trt npon tho f abject. He alluded lo the clrcdm-lanoc-iltendliis the reeei t decesse uf two of II t forcro-t encialt on ilher IJe In ihe It's war, CEX. tr.l! AMI a KM TllOllts. He upoke or the Irlcn.lly Intimacy exIstlnRbetween these renerals up to the outbreak of tho rr telllon, when Thorns followed the tlntrj emblem of the I'nion, and heo resolved to statu! or fall by the Mate that hid then htm blith; and of the Renvral sorrow nnd respect which manifested ll"elf In either sec tion lorcemlltir the mournful Intelligence nf llis'i dccetM. lln proceeded toeolotrlis th Inlletlhlo tlr lue. l.i military soiuus. and Jlnr of lien. I-e. tlr Ri.ui..iii sslil Hist Insipid of belnc wedded to ll-ei liisililitlons and destinies of Virginia, (I -n. 10 was ihe ward of the nation; that tlm nttton had fesl. clothed, and educated l.lm; that ha lived nt Ihe capital, and when Ihe capital railed upon him to dt feud the His under which he had been born, pro toct'd, and honored, ho deliberately Inriird Ida bark npon it. and planted his cnninn lnsd,i the capital which Un had sworn to protect end defend. Hot ho (lilii.tiuds) would not dlml'y the proposition by dl.cusslaj It. (Ion. Lee was dead, tnd IU only re Rrel, bo ttioucM, tiisl rUtd-lnluded men would was, llul den. bee t.nd net tiled tlllier In bis untti nr in a pstrtotlc msntiood. Mr Tia'iUiLL (Kcp.lll.', while disclaiming tmy etinptthy with the apparent object of the resnlu llou. tvhleh was to tnrrendorand niutllatn the last rtstinz fins ol thuni'iindt of thu Union ilia. I, iraiied that It wonld be. If not nnrreiejenled. nt leal entarj', to deny lo a member a Implo reipinst lor lent a lo Iutroduco any It jUlatioa not la Itself ItCLT!IQ TO THE SE3ATE. Mr. Ctnrr.KTin (Hen., Wis.) Inquired nlctlier Mr. I'riiinbull could stile proposition nuiiv II i.'.ntly Itisnitine lo tne hrnate Ih n thai In remote the slaughtered dead of tie L'nlon nimy floin Ar Inurion ir ti c puipoie of returning th (arm tu Us rebel pos.iMsnrs. ilr. SlonTo.t (Hep., Ind.) irctested arilost tlie cnnsli'itrultoii of the resolution, lln bod heird what hs nnyer expected to hear a rulncr upou tna chartccr of Oen. I,e In tho -ennto of tho UnlUd et.ti's, and thai, too, In aliiht of the graves of Iho Vielltni ol his rebellion. Iltirilm and blrtuey died, not lor human rlavcry. but lor lilxrly. t his man, (leu. Ie. was, of all olliera In ihe rubilliou, a sin ner; ind .1 .lied aa.liit lUhl aud kiionlnlce. III. Itetiniiilonary ancestry, his oath nf f.aiu as an u.ll.'-r or lue lured titans, his flnlstiod education aud lilfh abilities, all forbade him thus tu iu ; and THE KNOHUIIT or HIS CIIIMS could ni t be (-uncoiled by decorating his "rave with flowers ol rhelurle. In a word, It now propos ed Hint the Sonata itiautd cravcly conetder a propo slllon todejradi. the memories of U putrlutlo dtad of Arlington by removing their bono tu lees hat lontd srounds, In tenner cnntl.lf ration nt tho ll;IUs 1,1 tin, l.tiiw of tho nreh rebel of tho must wicked rebellion In history. Ilr. BAWVEiiOtep., H. C) said tbo I tlie Arlington estste, IlKo thuutands uf acres of protrty In the tviuth, bad been furfilte'd, soid at public nolo for nou-uaimrut ul taxes, and boui'ut by the United In Ik abseuco uf nay memorial from lira be regarded the conlemp.ated luquiry as uller l w.rtl'lt-s, as too fse's hn h:id slated wcie well known, and need I no vrrinonMnn. ilr. Sit LfBUiT illiui., I): ) disapproved Uiat part ol ir.e resolution looktug to tho removal of graves from Arlington, lie could not tee that tno iiii'ilm if Ihe- rsuie lu which (icu. Leo was cuj'igod were at all In cui.troteray. lie ret: irdcJ Ihe i'u. lion as one limply ul the utility or a Heualorlu ex cicisf his ruiit to Inlrudiieo bunuc .a. Mr. Iiiatm; (Ite-p.. Neb.) lemtndod the Brnite that Lu had piedieled that If tlio Cngriasloual put ley uas not rltnlij car.iod out In lLo toultiern Htaloa, tbo day v.oill.l cuu.e when tbu leader of tbo trbelll'in ivould be nonorod tu ll.n 1'i.lteu btttas Senute. In uue aensei, tuu day bad cuaio soonur luuti t.e hud expie ed. .Mr. hrt (Hi p.. Nit.) aaid that Ibe unseemly Luate' lu eirutii quarti is to SKsTiiat laanoKS to row a a would reanll iu uo good. The veidict of lo-day nnd of po.-teri.,' is and "III be. Hut lien " i i trafiur. Ibe S uati r (Mr. UrCrwill bad derlaied him a hero, to was benedict Arnold. Hut what would I no liecn tuuuglit ul tl.o nun who could Latu rup'isud lu mxiure Ilonedirl Arnold his pr.ip orty In ( 'nit client I lie t-tiiitor bad said tlial Umi. Ut war I'britllsi.. lie (Mr. Jfie) regretted thai be did not know so well as Lo ought what cou s.ilatda t'ln Istian ; but if Lee ti a ChlltMlU, In ..Id pnt w int to ' e tine. .Mr. .;i i lli.t.uv nl that hn htd Intnidueed tho re.o' mthutit constillatlaa with I It udleatues At t.ic luslanro of Lis collvoituea Uo nu.vaaued lu ol'bilrs.v ti.e Mr Hls U'eni.. Kv.) mutnl tu table Mr. Mo- i is cry ii.ut.un in jeeici, v .o j. Mr. Mi i tig! lit ' tiquual for lenta to tutroJuce Ue rvted. tiou sas rrjeet"., )t is I, nu.s 1. I tin je4 were !ui' i lowlci ili.n., TVnii 1. llsinllie.ii lileui., .Md I. .Mcl'ii'ei'y iD.ui , l, ), ami Viektrs (Im ii .Mli -rilinlB IlLUtNlllSO AN INtEHTllATIOX. .Mr. MUiia'E (lit p., It. 1.) offered li.v lulluwlig icsolutluns, whieb wore atieed tu: iie.. Tlitt tlic weroiary nf War fnrnlili the Hs ii alo w.Ui the urlmnul ini-iis iUihig la the aiiv.t ol one llo)t. .luinig ilin w 'i .0 ite le-tH niou. for trad. as wuli llio reu It ii. 'leans or I'll.w wlK'. ami lo laini-t. ull ihe orlsllial psp-ln. relating lo IUi- uiiMiandcun.iire ui treii hprnsue auil Win. II lor allege I "ell as auy re-puits or pnpus UI.eUly. ur lh Inilnj ienrn-r lu Wilna. r ; ra'iii' n fc . .iniof 'i t lie I'mird Stales frnui iUio.l. litainl, as it pari) iin-rvio. or as to an) aiie'gfd d.o uhy on lue purl ul naid tptuuo lu tsid uiaiur ur ani o I In r JUuhrl I'ui ''. That the tntec no referreit lo lln l'oiuuilllue on ili'liencliuii'lit. tit itive'ilieiiU' Iho eiuue, won puuer ner.ous utiu i rs; raid t one nut. .-. in Its din l .lion, tu l nut iu Ui vtualg Us ooli elati. i us rrcoiiiinoiiUallont. House nl ltepri'cntaitvon. Mr JiiUN (Kep., Ind.) piesculed a petltinn of tillers on the lie lino lauds III Culusi county, Cnlt tnrula, prole. lln; aa-onst their land! being taken roin tlicm U tvpiialiris its swamp and overilowed lauds. The Home then icsuintd llie ronslderatlou oflhi bill lu co.isululrilv the poilul laws, the pemliug iues Iton bt tug iho ainriuliiieiit o tie led by Mr. Hill (lb p , N J.i ie peuhng Iroui il let ol July, loll, all law ulluwlug ihe Irankiug privilege, and Iho amsud mi nt therein nftfii'd by ilr. Wxi umi (Iloip., Ohio) a owing newspaiers, periodicals, and mseazino reclproially lo oe liiteictiiiiiged beiweu publleneis, i el ii eupy nf wickly, send weekly, aud monthly urwspnpsrs tn In- sun tree ul fluitu to ncluil sub .eii'o. is wiitnu ti e cuunly w hero limy aru publUliid S.r. We U.'i'h inm ii.liuuiit w is adiipte.l, V.i t ;,(l. Mr. MatNtlili I It' 'P.. Ttiiii I iniiui I in en nl nil omcisl coniii.unicalioiis letm . u llie- set. tr d J eu tno IU.iruieun, aud It out and lu tlio ..u:.. i, juried. AN I.XAIII'LK mil TUB SEN' ITS. Mr. llll.'n aiiieudmeiit, u, mus then agreed to, )f is Pi'l n-iy m V'X us toil ws: VtH-MlUIS AIIKUII. In Her. sper, ttwood, Ax tell. Hunks ; ii in m, livjiiy, lieunrii., mug- 11 nil, ..r., mair. imnitr, iiuto. llill'Siey, lllimulotl, tin cunt i. I'm int. iinii.r 'l.ii., t.ti,rtu, t.'mrki.. ilniii.i. I iitiii ,tisi. mil l ,, c. i cook, Coiik'ir, I nil. on. M'i.nwio, llouley, lvx. Unit, Uutal, Hier. l''Hniuorih, Kuir se, l'uiry. Kuikeliihurs, t'ltn.-r, rrt. (1 llllluu .Ni.'. Ilaklll-. II iwley, 11 nr. Illll.'.r'Ailiwi. loj in i. Julian. Kill" a, Helen nn, A'leili, l,.iw rmicn. M rv"iui. Vlii iai. Xldlraw, lcAVIv, Piieieur, Mnoit initio , M.i r.uN. .1, Mooru il.l.l, Moi plus, A (inn J mil., tsikinl, I'li-I.ei, 1'iilnr, I'thiiur. I'ei-K, I l.elns . Puinoiot. VIH.'nl, he-ollelil, mi.iuki, til.uldii i ' V i,.v.i.'m'ii Slnlili iDli ii)..V;ii ( iiirinii in, Siaraw.t iittt r. nit vt it.. Miwirisun,ftir. ,Moi. spu, te tun, .v'n!i' .iriek. ind, 'luni!. .sini'in, njior. lill l.iil't. liU'ii'ir, I'liolnll, lYils , I'l'Hlll, Villi ll,.ru, Inn I I.,..,. Vt'.uliuiiiu ' w.l. llelk.'.r. Wllkluiun. Ull.ann. . ii-nii mi, in), w. n. ins a i.t W iif-iai. Nv Mi si" .ili.t. A l lie In in t, Ariiell Atir Hal ley. Ili'auni. in IP iijun.tu, fit,., Pr mis t Mns l. llm k, Ui'ii, i Mil. I. .) ' iff.. in i I'tnile llarrtill, lie :e. nr, lilek.) iN t.i, !.(, h liriswnlil, II indl- ttnilt'iii. lion i , liiui ,, .1 ku.. Iieii.iv, Ke y, Kiupp I .dm K .. m. u Jm ..n . Ma 'lard, .1. fi'rili'et t. ki-.' I' H' 'i . linee. IfiHijtiii. tlol red it a t, 'I lei-, Venn i. II' Si "II, I ere l'.leis, run. I'ulanil, I'r.'i lei Pi . - i, .. , tioui- e.inror.l. Haw' 'i,. ii .iii 'im i.Hniiii i VI. i. m. .i.ii, lulre To ei'ini I ...I-. .t uini'.' It .i.lni'iru iMktt I. IIVI tV'ni .ue. tvn in. mo, travif in. '""' A prm .Mini wi.i ith' tie. I i.ullionnlug tlio Post lussui t. iniral lu in Ke ittmpomrv I'f.nlrarts for lh- po-i.t. knvu.' on i n v ionics, vt lilch urn to i'USi iiiiics couhiuie 4 villi tt c Mibt-cxptviil session .I I niigi'i Hi in v.. in i I)rin f n I . Il 'ied an .iinei.dment r. In. nr. n it.-r .uiuae t .. ills 1 1 j . . t . . 1 tt, ..lAthsiil nlleiiil kn in.unlliii ul, pioviilli." i hut tin ei H.w- (i,n.-g.i -.. .ut. I mil 'e Liken ir-. in nu peis.m i i.iioui 'I Ins li... t, iiiiii-iufiir grauli . by mum iv 'p.' i d jet ol . Atup'oi. I V li. llie. . mi i Ii i l.l Tl k . . 5!r. ''i. i i li, It i. V I i , .nu-1 ti t . u, r n i 1 i. I"' ir. ni V lib mi M. M.iei n i i , lien, n . Kin , V Mr In . r. ii. i. i u. i itoiifT.i in am ml ' i'"l e . ill II I I. 'n,il, . iU l I "" 1 it I. i lletis nu "I ni I'm- p.e 1 'I" .p - i .1 it I, and mi III l in - I I A. i I en. I tn 'i .n i y. md a In.e III iciiiuvnc pu- lllle-l dlijhpttle from William Tar l veil and IIIli ard J. (Jauldtng, of I'lni lotto count , Va. l'atacd. SincuM Artkit col. rnt.MC e. nowg. Mr. t .oum (Dem., N Y.) nd', red t r.;soliillon calling on tho feere nrv of tho Treasury for Infornil tlon ns to the expen duties, .te , connected wlllt the omee of frank K. llowo. special agent of the 'lrcaiurj Department at Now "tork, Aduited. otr aihhnistbitiox skckkts. Mr. Van Titl'itr (l)-m., Ohio) asked leats lo offer aro-ntutton ler a select commute of Inquiry at to Ihn raii'es leading lu tho resignation of Becietarjr Cox, bit objection wt mads. A DASIt AT THE BBOTItxa OV IHE M00!. Mr. Jonssoit (Dem., Cat.) naked leave to offer a resolution dirl irlng that th" bosl Inturost of Hie 1 nltiil Stales dctumd the Immcdla'e abrnra on or llie tn at with China, except the portion relating In conitnw rial intercourse btwoon iho two countries. Objc lion wa- made. sl'UslOtmO l'CEAt BTUAMSIIIPS. Mr. L'ALitia iDcm.. N V.) Inlroduc d Mil to nit tho V.dp. .r.iiem 1 Oriental Menu Natl-pm Cnmnnut ol New York to establish ti A.ncri"tu line ul iron steamship, llofri-ed tu the .untrultm on I'ouiuicri e. Mtf. TAX 0!t TODACCO. Mr. MiEr.s (Ittp.. Pa.) otTere.t a resolution declar ing that experience hi abow a that taxes as lor a; ptMslble siiould be unllorm. and thit a nnllunn and rssntn,i,lA in nn all lcimls of elrs has not only proved satis icctory to those Interested, but advanta lcoiis to both the (lovernmeut and th peoplo by elicektug fraud and addlug largely to tbo retcuur, und in trucllug the Coiamt'tcu on W.ijs and .Meaas lo ln)ulro Into tbo expediency of levying a tai of 1(1 enl k pound on tit'itcco of tcry deacrlpttuo. Adopted. rnr risBrr.T win. Mr. Bpttrii iltep., presented a pe'ltlon of fso thousand el'l-ens of tllnnee"ter. Mass., ooia p'alrlng of tLe utifilendlr acts of thn anthonUes of th Dominion ef Canada lownrd Ar.irrirati Bsher men, and piavlnt; that retaliatory measures bo tuneted by ( imgiess in tlio way of non-Intercourse, priihlbllln? the esportatlnn of Ktnlisb nr Csnndlun fish, piohlMting tho trantportatlon to Canada or mi i in inline .u hi ml, and de i niellng tniimnnlty tor In- I ,, .!.-' . n.i Miir-rnen lis' rnicn. Ittlerrad t ('en.-.' .e l'oilxn Atf't... ffiif 7 K. sAi.rnusyii.i.k Not Wull s-lt-eet Jtillileern llila Time-tlut I hell- (. Iii-ll tlnUlou Ilnllnlorr -The t'tler ly Lost ol Neirnrli unit .lereey ( Ity. Near Halterivlllc, N. J., In a will.kuu'.vn spurts men's tctreat on Mruday nbl.t, about one hundred pernios g.illered to wttne si a ciilekcn clltpulc. Ihu battle was to hate been fought lu Nowar'a, but n tlir.t from tho Nctraik autboitlle sent the spoils men of! to Saltcrsvllle. botcn bntili w era fotigbt lu tho old-fashioned wuy, all brlnt nitde-up unlel.'s In tho rll. lor purses raiigin; from O'o to fllteon nud twentr dollars a side. A dirty old pit was nailed to Ibe door uf a rlekety ikatity that extendi out Irom the liar ut the main building, and In lids cold 'tnd dliaoldatc.l building atood the "earn of Jersey City and Newark. Tat Counstly was lua 'or nf Cere monloj. At tl.o door leading out Into lbs Par ttned two heavy weights, who domaiide.1 a qiurUir end for nduilislen. It was pear 0 o'clock wluii tho signal wa given for thu party lo ri-llro to llie ante rixiin to me tLe snort. A little ted-nu.ed iu.livida.1 wlimii they rail Fatty sprang to tbo top uf the bar and addressed tbo ciuwd as follows : Ms. OEMTirMrs i Will you bn qnlet amnrnerl. wt'l ton now hevetkl olces"Coine tn unler. ') Mr. uen lieiucn, continued l aity, we nre go ns in cwiiint in o tho .poll i we want to lea all thlags fair, an t ve- outer t wr hsve tome, hero tor u night's i;"rt, aid it wi t com yen Jmt tweutr-flve cinl". TIiomi v ho In'i Lot ticiie ts uiiivl psy at the door. Iboto i no I nve an eorki to Cent pet in fi-r I oitunir. tt o n-u t . if.' every oneg't fair pin., anu any one who goes to get up a inu.-. wul oo put out. Fatly, having let u" his speech, bowed Im loel tn crowd, and, wilt, a digidtled air, leaped oil the counter, the crowd giving three cheers lor Fatty of llarrion. At lnil Iho crowd got Insldo the roont, and tlie nwiier of cereninni-'s eallil them to order, und Uclltired a speech like l'all)' ubuto re ported. lb tlio room were the will-known Jack Ward, ef tho beventli Wsrd of Jersey City, who has eerved uue term on lllaekweil' liljnfl : Muse 1'arington, ono of tho famous (Jldnun's lisnd of tbo samo place, and who ntlempted to cut tbo throat ul a ptivata watchman two years ao ; and sandwlelied bttwn u tha tito sill ini-lliber ol tl.c JelflV CIlV CuUllllOU Council, Among Ihe NewarEer. were I on Holmes, tho confidence tuau, 1'at Kill), Country Mulligan, and one-eyed Mnrpbv. Harrison Piwnehip was well represented by ' l'nltv," the spokesman. Atlba opening o( the spurt, "Down In front!" waa tlio cry. U.e ilril flgtit was l.e-tween a I'll" be longing to Mn-r r-arlngtun of Jertey City nnd a liar rlson cock welgl ing fnnr pounds ten The betting ranged between Ml r. nts nud (C, and lor a wlillo tl.o conlu-fon wns ltidise-nh..ble. "Twenty sidliitigs that the Ilarrl-on cod; win I" cried uue. " t'uo dnlhr to 5.' en t.i that I uaino i .. winner I " ertd nPotl.r. ln Pel tou itrlnk. His pilu wlus," t.ld a third. And rn th sport icut ou. At lnt thn birds cot to work, ana In seren mlnnle tl.c pile went In praycra, and llarritun caniial oil the honors amid II. e cheers of tho ciuwd, " Fatly " tt ruwlog Ins bat high in th air. Tie second contest wa between two barntard '.'Wis. and alt. r rtghlinz twenty-live minutes, neither our ooing muth work, tliey wero drawn. Ttve nt xt battle was bi iwetu a black aud red from Newark- und a liliek Inmi i-aUersvllle. A half hour was wiisp-tl la cl. In music bill at lenjlll tlio rock. M lit Intu the liatlle. llul just In tt u holtht of the riilite-st sever.l rmichs, who h-id piountcil un old drj-goods tiox, li.-t ttuir pnsv and frll lne-tdloiig etrr ttie ruugl.s on tLe luwir It-uebes, auuiouf toetu lsuduig iu lleionireut tlie pll. Hi re was a pretty mi-a uf li h. One man IhiiiIkI tn I'.e lie-id of a little eltap, nearly l-reaatn tils lurk, whilo anothrr bnd au arm dinlne .et. Hume wurv Hi it tl wns dmie uu pitipu-c, ami utln rs shouted. "Kill tin s uf b- I ' ' I'm tl.etn out !" At list order was to ptereit, all having boti atu-aed that itwusureiy accidental, and the lig'il was n mined, thu Newalk bird winning the halite. Thefonrtn erle-t wa betwrea ilerniy Cl'y and .1 Ne v .rk reel:, Ihu Liter wiuuing nlthuiit truuble. The tilth light tin betaitu Ike sauie pirllos and itlth the tamo rsu.t. The flxlh luiilo prutod 1 draw, but Ihe seventh was a wind-up of tlie et. ning's spent, 'i'wu Uiue-k su I led were trolled nut, one i eprrseutlng Newark and tie othrr llrifnii. A bet of t.t aside wa made. Tbe but', la-led ll nibiulos. an l was won by the llairlunlles. It now Inli.g midnight. Ibe -I i rl cloeed und tie ntiy ill.e.rfid in not a pocket h .vuig Uesii picked, as uubody i ad enough tiiue.) to toia.t llie (l.mtes. CM IT. Hit IMU.i:'S ATHOViril'.S. The stiiflerlugn urtlte reiiiuen on llniirtl the (I'd I'uluny tlinosi Inrredlhle Cruelly I'.uougli tu lllive- lieu lo .llnllul. Thu uiumiiutiun in the ca.-o of Cupt. Isniali Criudlu, ol the ship Old tsiluny, accused of mal- reaung two of his crt-w . ltniui.nd Uau auil Fiaocu Fiank, was conttnui l yu'.etrt.iy before Commit siuuer fchlel'ls. Depnl) Marshal Hi lion tcstiflcd in recurd lo llie coliJItlou In Mhi-U ne found Hau aud Fiank when he waut uu board the ship lo arrest tbrul, uu tbo ejpuin's charge that tbo badattoinpt ed mutiny. Tiny were ronllin-1 In e 0 idly vonti ated, dark, and tllttiy hole abaft the galley. The men wern doulilo Ironed. Tue bandcuiTs wero su lignt di.iut their wrists that their skin wis plnihnd and their balds wero swollen. Kan ws wltliuat shoes, led tbo lew shred ol clothe that hung about him wero b urly sufrl-ltut to cover hit naktd nesti. His farn wu sciatihod, and Ills tegs and knees were lo lujl) swollen that he was haidlv alio to wala. Ksu had a luuiuiig sure on t no of his f it, und liu exhibited a mark whit li he laid waa THE uue or t HOG. Frank was an seriously cripplod that bo could scarcely walk. IU was also vary weak. Augustus .Jones, ti. ejok on tlie Old Colonv, tes aed Inst he shipped ut Vuleocis, with Ilia two anil ors, Uau and trunk. Tho captain ml I IiIdi to give the iucu a iKiund ami n half uf salt beef a day Irom Valencia to Cadlx Th men Im I pnnipklns, rtce, nud beans. W'Hnets lias pern a shin's conk eight jrum. He cits tlut I'l .ink ilti'iiipted In r-scspo ul . Jdia Itsu soiueiiiiies !i id a lui uf lion pluccd In Ins mouth nnd ll"d from each end buk nt tils nt-ok Tlie npiiau told wuni-es not to gtv him anything II 'iu di nut work. On one uceasiuu Uau wa TUU PAST 1 i THE "IllET A.M'IIOII bv lilr nruis, and kept In th it pusituiu til night and a day t rained ah llio whllu Ha was also hand cullsu and e.'jatiii tl dial! to tlm deck. A chain was aassml ihrungh Iho li.inJ'ilU't uud laetened to a ringbolt. He hegsu to cry Wllni'-s saw th dog set on hli'i nnco. lu the prusenco o' tl.o rapUilu. liu was jIo aud up lu the alieuts, Thu captain ordered wpinsi to gitu li l iti Until eimirts ul watur ana two pnuinls ..( riai'kei. u day. Flunk wa also chnloo.l lo llie drelt nmi led on liroa I and a iter. Witness saw lliu beet Imriel lashed iu his tliouljt rs, and tho in .te e'liinpetlrd htm lu wi a up .oi l town Iho dock. 'I lit: ispUiiii was si iiidi..g .u lie puop dick, suit taw what was olug uu. ol thu uialo stuck a lmmi rrtrv Mis on ltau's fucn, paint. I lis c'lenks r"d, blue and giccn, Med tuu old shoes with Hi., lows up uver his, put .t paper euu uu his head, und culled tbo ti.u.tiia tu look .il Niiniiinon. lu H, plight H.u is , oinp.l'e.l in up and down II. ti deck. Mr. Itu nll.ri unsel l..i i: i.-idle, objected to this piilllun of Hi Irsilmui.v, is It did not collie in tbo l aueori nf limtal tieui it, Han attempted lu lung Ulliisull, but wns cut ilusn by ono ol llm liiaiia, Ann Tern wis culled for the d -Pu en Buo suld llul she .ii. muse on naar.l llm ship, mid llul never -niv, any starving of the mm; ine ilnj n.i mi ul cluoigMl, :im hn wu Vienna. 1 he exsaiiiiatmu is to uo muitiiiue , The Next I'liMiilent's I'lnlluini, Si I,iii is, Deo lil. - tint llio v i, in lesinipsu o n ol urn I. iliur Hi ninipiily wnu m:'id iihiii l.liu In I'tiiigi'itiilsls nl n un lila iilmiiun, ml i. it ,iiiinvo 1 the a- irial tin ni.. nl' iial pal tv a .il rili .n lieit lout tn.n lu ( Im mi 'i .'I. .1 d I' -I ! t . k in V 11 it ti . i null Is t.i ii ni . i ii in r tn. 1 1 t.i , i, ,!. i - i ,r i, itioiis iii la inr III api il Ho l pr ted tl .. iii-i h i d inieii t tl i i III ' is I i In il i .,vi 'I ii In nit ih lsii. uf muni In Ii I , Hi,, i . u.'lll III Hi l "tUl , Jill till I',. I Ul VI 111 t .1 II un ui pull la, n. a. J.IF1! IX THE Jil.TItOl'OLIS. UAsnv.s Axn tiii.iii: im inn M'.v.s niH'oiti icii.i. The Illness nf "tlr. lilt llurn Mr Thinks nr Jluglea all Mght-ftlr. Hum's Views t Immorlnlllt. Hearing of th dangcrotu illness of Mr. Kit Barn, roporler of The Hpn visited him ve'ler day tn hi place la Water alteet. He fouml Mr. 11 urn lying on a locnge tn a room back of Ins du. room The reporter salalsd blra. saylns : "Well, Kit, how arsyuut" Ilr. Burn Hlek, my boy sick, ltrporlor Wb it t th matter with you ' 1I ro Mrs. llurn enterod, ind uld In a Inmi . .n, j " Dlpthery I" I Mr. Ilurn Ohl munnn, bring the cl i ,i ilr ,i HoiMitler KtCllse ino I uover drink ; inn ii u,f, 1 when are you going to got wull I Mr. Hum I thought list night 1 wonld I sis to hand In my checks ind rst them eulied; but I gi,ia now that I will be abls to play a few moie dt.i'- t Reporter Yoa doa't mean thit you thought sua werald die f Mr, Hum Yes, I did. All last night I tl.onjht t poor Jltiglss a celebrated character who u-. I tn limit around Iho Howery ysr ago. Hi e .lead this many a year j and I knotted then that the fg was up. Hero a ipell of cant Wns slrppjd the eonvnrnnt for a moment, Kit rn-nmed ! "Nice bandbox this. II I ill I want to U vu.Ved here. You know how It Is youroeir. Loto tne eld place lute It I" lleporter Well. Kit, yos mntt t ike cars of voa' sell, aud )ou'll b all right in a day ur twu. I.khI- '''y.r. Ilum-Oood-by, ols bOT- rvime and try new 'lock of dogs when 1 get well. You bet I 1 1 j Miiikni yet. Old ooman, give Uf fbp a drmk ! As thu n.'l'i'l ler passud out. Had. line Uuiu ns I wull'ng on a secdy-fooking fiislomtr, win wai t,Un. I ly etideatullng W porauade her tu trust Inm l..r a I drink. I Tiirnlua nn Auierlcun Club ttmlgx Into an Apple Core-dnallght Itevelnllnns. A few days ago the attaches ef the I'n nt tt Common Pleas presented tbo Hon. IM nrd I'.vlt, clerk of tho flea, with a henvv Amirleus tats badge, dooo up la gold and diamond". The pin u handed to Davln la oae uf Klrkpstrlck's I ml somo velvet boxes. Lost wiefc Davln vlslh lilt City Club rooms Wlno wns oil'rrol In, mil lbs Court of Common I'lest look Its share. Da-ln 1 present waa inenlloacd. An Klovcntli War 1 pull. llclimasked to ee It. Davtu tuok tho bi mtot H hit pocket and It was passed art und, nrald etelwni. ii tlotis of dclt'Lt and wonder. The box til' tin ie litrurd to Dirin, who put It In hit pocket. Hi. h Court of Common I'lcia thin lnoc In some more H wine, and soon afterward wabbled huimvwtd. Ytliile digging itu ' u Uiu lluwery tao Cuuitnnrt couple of Irle-iids. Hello, Kd," entd one of them j " hnw about llvl diamond tiadgn I" " Yes. how about Dig Six balgt. t" Uu. h'.e coinpaulnn. ' 'llmt's nil right," isld Hie o urt of Ce'inuiu I'levi. " Ain't y.u seen tt f" " No," slid boiu lu a broatb. ' .Snow It tin " Tliu Court look thn velvet bm out of it m. kl, 5 ar d pined It over. The two Im ids drew up kiiiiir- sldo of a gas hinip. and openetl Ihe bos. 'J Ie y gi id 1 ut its content lull", and eanii-sll.'. 1 "Well." s.'dd tho taller nf t., Inn. " tint's (nc 1 healthiest look ngbadg thai ever niisslinved uml'r 1 a i.ian'a nose. I cm t ike m u:uh nf'' 1 " Yes," s.ildtli iliortouo. "th il'sklnd of sernfTy; 1 that Is; what tu th devil Is It, tiny way t" hollui J the caio well up In thn light, ,i lloro tho Cuiirlul Common I'loatelepped nn wltlt M a pluaeant amPe on Us countenance, aartnf, " well. what do you think o( It f" M m Whit do I tnlnkol Ut" eIJ tBo tall friend cf IB tho Court. " Wll. 1 advl'e you In get nnotne' v. l- 19 vet c.'iso. and atlck a boil ni In It, and cirri It In around In tour watch pocket." m With a Inirrilled exorasslun tbo Court looktsl ta IH the rase. The elegant tiadgo vyaa guue. lu Its plain 19 was tho corn of n tnsll ftower apple. ID Blnco then the bvlgelui twonieen aoatlkg stnerid IB be Liluventli W arJ. IB S'esr York In be Flooded vvllli Chlnnmen. IM A Cliincae immigration agener baa been started In this city on Drosdway. Already n gotl. I tlom have Uen entered Into to supply st rsl lion. drcd Chlnie 'kborsrt to promlo mt manufacturer! I In llili clly end suburbs, and lu tho Middle and New Cf England Stalls Tho laborers aro mppllisl In any 1 number from ten npward, under contract lortwa rj or three yeair, nt (gd par moath, 1 old, and a sails. l bio building for them to cook sat, and stri p im k Ths Inula an tt. be eurnlied by tb employers Tba VA tne'i will work ten hour per day, and bo all.iwe Huudaya and two aannal holiday. Tbo Uubdajt m aro cclebrstrtt by the baatnn Chlness In a uovili M nannrr. Thsy meet together, eelllo the'r ell i 3uarrcli, ihsks hands, pay nlf tnelr old delits, rat, I rink, and bo inerrv, and spend a great dual ul Uau il surplus funis in fire-crackers. i Home of Ihe Ixrte shoe inastlfaeturers wl n tsva 1 recently etiltered under the Crispin stiike k-i mr- J ueslly cauvarsing lb prus.H.cii uf liil'iits kj th. Nnrlli Allan. s .usinpte aaaiae.iis of iijdn..' U.1U1- -elves from futute uuibarrasiiuiuls. L Tlie Tribune' Itiunklvu . The faith Htjtrtiiu) T.tivat, Willi it- o- .lin. I icrur iry, e.ll'urlally eiyi : Ilrookljn 1. nt tnprrniely bsppv oyer ite ir-tciv M tion or tier luo Itbsrsl uod In tri.,1 u iv sovo'i.'...' Hi.- : etvl.ori. lor w.&st her Aldeiiiiu.i survivn tl The fupervtmrs to wuoin tho P'Im llrnrtlng j Trlluiu alludes hsv rr.lg.ieil a Coniiul'triioia 1 mrroly, nnd i re s'ltl Bopervlor. the lageimni-ly 1 "peenlallte snd talee-rsrertl'ir Tri'mit in tin eon- j trsrr no will spinning. Tnr dt t -m two i.nls 1 publisnid the tact, and th hrpoiti 'tl ' pni lour eoiils -didn't. Inlerrkllnc 10 Triulesineii. Mrs. 1'. A. Ilrockwaj-pttrcliased 11 qu m :y el black fringe from J. Harris, keeper or lane ,uih!i stor In Fulion itreet. The fringe pmvej titb-r 1 worthless. Sin. Ilrerkwnv livik it back, k'nl de manded her money or asnnd article. Harris n-fn-ej to give either, ilr. Uroekwit siij. tu rocuier Hi iniouiit. and Judge Ilueklui diiy.'oi tlut . -eu-ers are lLabl warn they kell a iirthl irt" e, even If no ape'lal gpnranti ii given. .ludrnnaiHt r platullll fur the lull atnuunt rUirued aud cn-i- A Hepiib'.liuii who la (Ippnsed Hi e ter n llsun'a Hill. loth EiHtr" cf Itlthun. Bin: Willi nil duo d(f-re-oe to Per at.-. V if--nn's motives in the bill Inr making It a pe-iis' 1 at nt 10 t..x fiovuriiiuent efllce-hol.lers for I'ecfu' I'Cf' pocs, I eoudder It Voiy uuisllod tor, aim mf at a cuitom conslttmit wlib ournttlupsht). I then who receive too emoluments of uffire i'o uei loalrl buto reaonsbl pereentsto on ilieir asla-ns ler the leltlmat expeoso in ei.i..'jeiina.' au iirciisn. wno. pray, -hould do ill If suei, a Isw a isup.""t' goes Into rfli-ii, how many would bo so mean u W shelter tliemtelvos u uler U. wiiline Hist otii'r shonld work tor them (and fc ualy inui. suu; e-i). Is ' Just, is thi- riglttf The tmnoanJ sinew of Ibe Demucrsllc party is money, nnd ester mors so than uuw. Ask Hid I weed if It I nut so I'he llnpubticaii p.rly woull be psrsltr.r-1, slid oor t ncmli rejoice, tr we should' ine snro to play luto their nsnds. Sinin frllowi ma.U a clamor who are r-otwoillivm Ue they hold. Tbo writer wss three ). ir- in tn' t;U Ueus hero, ul d to inakaii cnu'rinuin u a as mue;; expected u. lu recuiv our .ssv. (Irn. (Irnnta n l.obbTlat. Ilievel MiJ. Cleii. Douu Tutt in Ibe ' VommtrM. furnlthss a p u pKlure of tl apart, ment In tho Cupltol called th" l'ri-"l"" room which until wllhiu a vesr wa- ami used by the Kieoutiva al any Urn" "' em! of a session, when Mils are In mg I orri.d ignalurbelre th AximI hour uf adj. u noe t't. I" I nlvcbtlieli.llo'vingiioscilnti tn il It """f"'")'''! I lien, flrsntas a luse oruper.ii.itni iur 111s ie.. lobbvliig i tl'lulls in favor ul ihu hi. Doiuiuc J"'1' Ono day tn la.t April, the slran ''" throuch the N-n.ile cuninhor an 1 en. in led im .nigl. out lh Onpilol. that thn I'n -Mil 'ud takru pus session or'ind m .ew nio.nen s . in seiner, wilh llto ei ression m 1111 iiiuie.luli eini Jtun .nda cuudtiised lanetsl. went gliding ..."i Ihodeake, kivuigtcrtaln ieiiu'-..r luiaiuuu 0 P. poir bitfnr. lilt Kxc.ll.nev. U was ob.rr.. I Ibusii Who had uxnroised then .eltos upi IJ el or kKulust il Is m.muru of annexation "" : turbed, whil. those who wine cnnsi Pred ut ' " were sun.nnnr.l. Aumng thoe wein nn sfterward ti.nk strum giiint.d agsiu't to "" ' and lo H i violent nrpnsilluii Inev 'r s. wi 1 by thi bun lla'loii .,f tin. piiiildu ;.'' ' present!.!. Tier" stood lieu (Iran!, won 0" 'n'J table eiaar lu mositli und a situ of pap. r iu ti "J " rnpeatnig a l.y rote tho retsou win He' ; should b .(Biiiiod, ami wh'ii ol J.-'ti i mee'lng Ihein so awkwr ly and ' ' "r" evidenl dlsti't s. thitlhosH iisiinr .hull .u 1 M.ied Irom -0 uiu., and kept thou ui,"'." tho Hetiatu cIu.mIm r " Tlir Duller vrliu Dele'ided llloisiH Adiiiii Iiundl'nod, llio baker who killed I'l""""' ' ii.gletnn, on of a psrty of roegl.s who eni. " J " -tore- and took somo btead w uhout pivii ' "' ai d who afiei mr 1 nttacked l lm. Im b- n t'1 '" , i.u bail liv.ludgi. Iluuard. l...nilllieU ';"'' ' hy llm Cuiuin r' Jurj, but was .ill. in.. Auolber Siibsi rlpllnii lor the Tinc.l ''"u" mi-ill ,0 tht '.n,, 1 .. ' ' - -"n Mil I . , wit'i 11 l"f -ul' 11 1 "' '' 1 - 1 .v t IV 1 ' 1 ' '' 11:1. 1 .s ... tins rump ' 1)1. I. I Iv li