Newspaper Page Text
2 "SrY.Eir.llTIl YEAR. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1870. ' PRICE TWO CENT& 'A I IT THE WAR. J The Army of the Loire Still on the Retreat. r . !a ttlio Gormnnn Within Sixteon '" Hilos of Hnvro. t pin'iri to bo IJombarclocl V; on Monday. ' fcUXEMBUBQ BEYOND HOPE. Xbr fir I rent of Ihn Army or lb I.nlra Illnir William' (HUilitl Drepitlcli-The l I'm mm Hope -(im.ibrlia' IMllclol l)r- q pittl'tie. Lomhi. Deo. 13 Tin- French, aro retreating tj tieforo Prnre Frederick Cluilt tt Dcaogcncj. tFnncti lit -latches tiy llic Armr ol the Loire Is Issding lo .urn ho; In Its lost etriiigle tor France !R ITD German Claim continued victories. A tor by Vtitu" "' Army of the Loir on the " eiys Ind Frederick Charles has bten repulsed wltn Of ttrf l, r ltlC ' ,,t U dlVS. ,fi tisn wuLuu't MJriTCti.' "I sErnliv lie. 13 The (Jut-en his received tie . tjsllowi'i. .lespalch Iroui King YMillam: II (.tM.wi lUiDqcinTinr, Toesdar Dec. IS. , Aler i ur ia? tlghilig around Deaiigency, tbe ,., French H' i 'dlo Hlola an J Tour. Their lot) wet itierr, Mauy dtserter came lulu cur line here l utlel Roa.n. WILLIAM. mronTin rinxca tictort. Donmrx, Dec. 13 It l reported here that Oen. DBoorbaki -epulsed the Prutrlani yesterday. 11 Gscbrtta writes to the Govtrnnieot under date of . Ui 11th . ' " I hsre returned to Tonre, liavlnc left Oen. Chan- my1"') continuing his effort lu successfully tedenil 111 line ol tue Litre. 1 tlilnk Hie situation ats good t at I mir go to Hour- lo tee what; can IC( e dme with the second ariuy " Ik A de-i'.(h from GambetW, dated from the head lit! ,carteri of the Second Armr of the Loire, lays: ft i Gen thsuiy'e army hue been continually llghtlac for three t.aya, and has maintained Ita jcotllloa tualail the masses ol Prince Frederick Chtrlek, . Iwtiue iruir ku met ulth eertre reimUea. Tne amlit ol he Loli e are In epleudld coodltlon, and Wil are conflj.nt and hopeful. moKiricixT roiinox or tub rirssiaio. Nmso, Dec 11. Prince Frederick Charlee out Ctaeralled De boldlnr bit front coniuat- 1 icftced while he turned hit poiltlon, and he , now ihreatent hit rlht flank and rear br eeadluc II U Eighteenth Dlrlilon or the Ninth Corpe alon; ',' the tooth bauk of the Loire In the dirtctloa of l Blots. The inurement waa executed quietly, J eioce the Clh the Oermint encountered part of the I Tl.leeDth Ccrp, between MontlWauU and Chin 'J, tord, and drore them acrow the rUer at Blolt i and T' laej now occupj poiltlona cummandluj the pniiro of tie rltrr at that point. The Third an J Tenth h Corpt ot the Oeruaae continue the purtult of the 'f French toward the aoutb and lonlheatt, but the) 13 bate not jet proceeded In force beond Vlerton anil ( Glen The reported occupation of Aourjea It Incor- rec Hpire and prUontrt tute tin inrro It a con 'J lldera. ie French force at llers, suppose 1 to be traiuien.e ui the Elxbteenth aud Twentieth Corpt. p , 1 TllK SllAlV. OF I'.lllM, Tro'hii'a C'onuctl ut Wur o?pr MfillUr'e l.ri 1 Irr rtcarr Apim'bI lur I'tarr Trocliu't 1,1 urllLe Kloiiurnce Tlir ltniiibnrdiueut lu . I llekln on tnnttnr " I Ilti'sSKLi, Ucc. 12 The IhJtyendanc Mg "I airs: At r. Idolrlit on the C'h a letter from tlei . . I Mo'.tke arrlred at I'arlt mtcuDClr; th: cipture ol -I Or'ea, un I rntnm.inlu; I'ai i to turrenJer. Gei . j Trochu tnmmoied hla cUlcacues. P. card tins In. dined to profit bj the orerturrt 10 I roclm. and ire (or honorable term of iace. Hit opinions teri y ousJr Impressed bis collejue. ; Gen. Trochn said the orertum dlselnted the entmi'a apprehensions. Ihcj weie contclout o i fie peril awaiting thorn during the wlnte-, and Loped to di moralize Pari. b)t ILe reTelatton tl I'ruttitu tlctorr, which wet, perhapt, not to com p'ete it ri'prttented. France had cTerythln; to cam by contlnulnc the elrugcle, and that Paris con d bnld out for a looir time jet. The Impassioned ckcjni n e of Tr chu caused the Commllteo to unanl- 1 resolve to continne he war, and reject the trvjo-il to treat for aturreuder. 1 A sinjeliu arwon. IIatri, Pec. 12 It Is rumoreJ that Oen. Trochu b.i iul I li war throuih tht I'rnsilan Hues. KOTKl DAVI A rAlR TAItOBT. Lomhj.v, Dec 12. The ba'leilct com Clad evrv point of Paris. Noire Dine presents at 1 filr a target aa did the titrasburr Cathedral. , ' Its opening ot the bombardment It Cied for Dec 19. Kile Vi .Uiam bat unllhucly contented to II i imD( i.ent, hit derision lelug Influenced entire), br the mnlfenatlona rf dlSBttlsfactlon among th; (hraea troopt at the dclj. xiik shrAxct: o.v xiayhb. , The Prnaslana In Force within HUteen 9 Klllca ot the Cltr-llol Tlniea Abend. , lUrar, Dec. 12. The I'ruatlana are in forct at ; PtDzertlle, sixteen mllet frou thlt city, llafre it Wt'tnled t'j a Urge frce ajd S50 gunt, manned br The lopuullon are eacer for a f (lit. On - Bihrday 10,000 French troopa, who were rcton. f icolUrlog the enemy, captured trn Uhlans, Tie f i tnt. ana threatening llonfleur bare been repelled : " tr thr truopa from thlt city, who now occupy ', tooUlinjje. I. , i. WAitica or mi iMOLisn, ' ( Lohpos, Dec !. Tht Sh'pfing!t of to-day, J. la it editorial dtploret the resolution of the French taatfaid Harre aa Inrolrlng a wsntoa dettructlon ft proppriy. tlaklnx la the FruncU Fortreaaea-I'all ef 1 Flnlaburir. I-ONnox, Dec. 18. l'faliburg, the fltrongbolJ U lit Vosget, the tktjre f which Haa commt.ictd Moo arur the battle of Woertb, hsa aurrendered encond.t unally. The Prunlan troopt marched Into , las pi is to uy, ' 1 It u rrported fiom Luxembourg thjt Slonltnidy ' LU leen uoinbtrdtd. 'Thr Cnuae n' tinrlbaldt'a Uealtrnatlon. . I 'Kimin, Dec. , t.,.rtnau adricea atate that pirthalJi a resign . - the reeult of careful d. Iiberaiuju, l.o lavi.. .e convinced that furthir JetUUnce on the pn . I tance It a mere sacrifice () U liamai, life. Qariha, . turnt to Italy at once. , TllK LVXUMthil IIO QVKHTIOX, A t fiermane an the .llnrcU-Tlia Kins of Holland la l.enunr with IllamarcU-Ku-i ' rope Avals In Commotion. "e0, 18A Pclal iletpatcb from jl lo the Tiltgroph eaj t the Germane will lm- '. tely occupy Luxembourg at a military necet- I alty, . T iumacx'a cmcoLAa. 1 n7u "Pondent of tbi Vail Hull Oautli at Hie "ne c sd u the statement that the King or Ho). ; I m NMsemler uilgned the Orand Duchy of Lux- otcret 1'iussia. Count Von lm-narrk. In a circular to Forth Ger- rJ A"r'"adori, dated Dec S, rrrotndt hU dltre- 'or u e neolrallrj of Luiemhurg on the facta ttne tJrtnd Duihy had forbidden the trantlt of . i anoosi Oermtni through Its torntory. bad tuffered fc, ' ''"'lutllirg of Tblonvlllti and had omitted to . ; Mr'"'hfuimTet. - TL kNOLAKD ECUINS TO WAIL. tin ,t"ilU" by Pruttia of the treaty of 1807 tBi !i ,e""" ,DWekeitionj here. It la teml , IbU England Intend! armed retlit- - 'SHcit a encrotclmenlt of Trutila upon JH"u Th Wllnl'nt f the King of Holland j - ummck U Us oceuaatloa of Luitmbouig JigflBgHLMHI and future German aggraudln-ment la atroogly im peded. ACSTniA Tit wAtuico rnonfi. Great excitement exl'ts tlironjhoul Austria In rf Rirl lo the sciti't ol Luieiiiloyti by Prussia lie Vienna tepera arevcrr ramrageou arnlntt 1'rutsla, and recommend II e treat l'oflert to resist the act. wailinu or ttu tixtino"nr.ti. A trtcrrrin from Ilrussele lu-dt; tAs the people of Loarnibourg are tllll putrlolle and determined. A committee representing the whole country hat petitioned King Wll.lani prolesllns riMlnst the ac cusation of nnr Iriaihof neutrality, The com nilllre alt demand the inaiuleiuiuv of It. e I r ludc pendime, WAlLtKO or BI PATnlOTIC COHMttTtt. I,t'xr.nt'to. Dec 13-Tlie Patriotic Committee in-day rotcil to proti s. jpslnit tho etiaree ol a vlolstlon rf neutrality ; and dcnjlne that there Is any opnlr diaire lor 1 thango f allegiance, tior.x or Alarm' wailino. VttKMA, Dec. 13. All the Jouru.1t denonnce the enuise of Prutsl.t ton.ird I.utrtuburg n nrro:anl. The Tajtt Prat Implore the tniwera which rujmu Iced the neutrality ot Luxemburg to rl'c and re press the insolence which tuikca all treatiet vilur lees. oomo t!f. rtinUN, Dec. 13. The army of occupMlon It nor. In motion, aud fn direct from Otrtnany to occut) Luxembourg. The dimmer of Fence. im IA TtUgrurt. IO.inoy, Dec. 16. A tclct;tam froin llorlln, published In the Timm of to-dn. douhtt whether the Germans will rvcelte the French proposals of peace. In coneanenee of the oOcera breskln.' their parole on tbe disbanding of the armr before Sedan A depntatlon from the Federal Parliament will leare Berlin to morrow for Vereallct.lto offer the Imperii! crown to King William of Germany. Tbe Eaalera question. London, Dec. 12. Tht L'aatern cjiKtliori la aula tgltated. The llntalan MUilster to t'onsunll n pie la asking further amendmeuta of tbe I'arlt treaty. Esgtind e taking precautionary means to goird atalnat soiprtse. The Itaatlin fereea are rapidly concoulratini near the Turkish fronUer. TiTJT ItKl'VXLlVA!lS l'lUU'LLXED, Tba Amaeslr Vlrebrnnd In the rtrpubllcna IlrpreacBtatlTea' Cnucaa-1'olltlcal Dla abllllr Cesipllcatloaa. Waiuinoton, Dec. 11. A second session of the aaoctsa of Itepobllcin membera of the Dome of KepreeentatlTea waa held In tht Capitol lo-nlgbt. Oea, Dinks called the meeting to order. Ur. Degener of Texat waa the first tptakor, and modified bla previous remarks In regard to the Bchurx movement in Missouri, by declaring that he enly meant to aay that what hat htppeoed In thai Slate might happen in other States, if political dis abilities were not removed. Mr. Kclaey of New T' rk declared an uncompro mising hostility to any further removal of political disabilities. Mr. Cobb of North Carolina alluded to the fact that there were three classes In the Itepublicat. patty on tne subject ef political disabilities, and uri.ed that smb. a compromise should be prepared at all could agree upon. Mr, Sheldon of Luuleina spoke In favor of a gene ral amne-sty, and declared that ho would vote for my proposition which granted It. The reaaon whr He ltepubllcans recently succeeded In carry Inr the i lectlou in that State was tiat had previously deUaied themselves In favor of removlnr all pollti c l disabilities, and the people, by a vote almost unanimous, struck from the State Constitution the piovtslons wnlch lmpoe fe-non its citlten. V.r. llutlir O' Tennessee declared the feeling and "i lrll ol 11. e Houiii ili l nut Ju.llfa a aeneial unnnir ; that the miM tieatniem l the luvuhllrmi partvot tlir rebel piny was a mistake, an I in ihe end wouid move a l..ilnre. 'J he l.crnhliro i n.ili reL'rst It. Pandering to' . nuiai,t was a b iiuler. Mr. Umkle) of Alabama paid tt.e only course now wa t'j rroilann a general anii.oty , tint tliero w .s l-aa itsngir from (i Gnmw Uiau irom ruen lm had ne-er been In the rebellion. Metrs. M.ijnatd and HII111.111 exire'sed vtefis ii'.iLir te lliree uttered by them list i.icnt. ilr. Morey or Luui'una due aiil hiuavlf In fnor i.l j frinri. tiki.e-l), and atired I Hat the reason vi h tl e llepnblli aus In the Ninth opusi 1 fie re moval of dlahiililes w i their Isn .rjnce ol the ope ration of the thlrn seclmti uf li e Fourteenth Amend ment In lie tenth. If this hua lone u.-o been ie peeled, some of the best men In the South, now acting with the Democratic parly, Mould hatu been licpul llinni. iho ayuipsthles or many or these were with the Itcpuollcan p.irtr ; but they acted Willi the Demo crats in hope tht the latter woulJ the more speed ily hi J certainly am hi the remnvi.1 ol politic il disa bilities. Ihe southern hipubitcatis knew best what thiy wntuvd. Mr. Poller of Virginia declared acsinst any fur ther aiuiierty, and spoke at aurue leiuth of Hie rt.itu of parties In Vnginia, aarlnz th .1 tie iiihuk lives In Hut State Ignored the Fl'teeulh Au.eud. mm. und atteuiptedto pret en t colored taeu from voting. Mi. Stevenson of Ohio had a resolution prerared proponing to aJJourn the amnesty qut-Mlin until after the holidayv. He showed this lo various mctn oera, and there seemed to be a disposition on tbe part ol eomeol them to vote for It, lut the resolu tion was not eEered. iho discussion wat continued two hours and & half. A number or the member had leu the hall, and It being evident thai no conc.u.lou could bo ar rived at, the caucus adj.iurneJ tint Ui. There were .it tut time during the evening more i n rlfiy merely prvsebt, Ueti, But'er was among the absentees MJMi, SOt JtLOOlh A Itunawnv on Itroailsvar-Nnrrosv Escape -Host .llouquln Lost bin Wine. About i o'oloit yealurduy afternoon the people on Vroadway, between Walker and Canal atrects, were suddenly startled by a terrible noise and clat ter In the roadway, followed by the shout and yells of the driven of tbe vehicles that crowded Ihe street. A team wat running away. Tbe etxltettent anient pedettrtaca aud drivers wat Intense, 'Ihe runaway horaet dashed up Droadway, dodging om nleuiiee, cabt, and drayt, and lncreiloz their speed at every Jump. At they potted Walker atreet a man waa aeen sluing upon the seat of the vehicle, The retaa were dragging upon tht ground, and beieith, banging to tbe forward axle, wW Ida elbow crocked around It, wis another man, wncie feet were drawn over the rcuth pavement. Tbe crowd upon tbe tddewalk took In the Mtuatlon at a tlsace, and stwteJ after ttia flying team liotk men seemed doomed to Instant death. On daebea the team, rttehlat- past Litnenard and Csnal stress, through a crowd of fehlelea, the aian under neath thaniptiig upon tht paving atones at every leap of the horses, hie aeolt striking Ore. The excited crowd Increased te a vast multitude, each aid of the street befog hued with a solid, living, mass of people. At lion an' street, ilia flying toam ran Into auotaer team, tke abaft were broken, and the turn via stouten, but tht spectators were horrified at the Iclit of a dsik, bloody fluid, flowing over the street from guHrrto gutter, Women turned pale, and tome nearly falriud at tu. stall, Kr cry tody thought that the men had been dashed lo pieces. The rnuaway team belougcd to II, Mouquln, Isqsior dealer 81 aud 82 Nasaau street. Tbe driver wui taking a cask of port wine up town, and when near Walker street, on Dread ay. stepped upon the enufis of the wagon In order to arrange tome part or tne harness. Wnlle reaching forwaid be slipped and tell, but eaoa-bt the axle In bis descent, and clung to it lor deir life, while Ihe horse plumed along tbe aired, until Ihe collision. Neither the man nor the horses were hurl, wltn the exception or a row alight bruises. The blood-red fluid which flowed over the pavement camu from the caak of port wine, which waa atove In at both enJa by the concussion. MouqoJn't lost It about 1J. A Mau Ilurned to llrntli In a Ilnrn In Wett. cheater Couuty. William N. Loild't wagou bouse aud horse barn, la Somen, Weatchetter county, was horned oil Monday (veiling. Mr, Lodd loses, besides his building, four valuable hortca and a quantity of hay. The Building waa insured for SQ0 In the Dutches! County luturaiica Co., live stock Insured In Agricultural Company. Kdrard Hupp w.j aeen In the barn very muoh Intoxicated a short llmo before the urn, and a bunch ofcharrod reuiilut louud among the ruins tellt hit tail rale. JlUUJtH Of J.JHHVJIK. Tke Stoltt tnd Lee Coterie dance in tbe OermasU lloorua ou tlonday erenlnii, Dec. ill. Th Ladle' Aid Society of the Hahnemann Hos pltai announce a rraud ball at llelmonlro't to night. Liura Carter Ilo'.loway will dellvor her new lec ture, oa 11 'I lie Perils of tne Hour," In Cooper Institute lo-iuorrow tventni;, for Ihe beutllt of the Bouihorn Women's Uureau. Tht Ladles' Art Atsocltllon will giro their flret tublle reception of tbe season, at their studio, KO Clin in Hall, Astor place. Maw York, OB balurday, the lllh Intl., from i to 5 1', M. NKWAItK'S LAST MYSTKRY. tins, nor.yif ttq jivnnAxny livv lASUJlAtCE VOLICIES. Life nml Denth In n Nesmrh flnrrr t-Hitlcldr. or tinnier f -A Secret Inquest Tht ,lu tliorltlr. Krrplna: llielr osvn Counsel. On the 2C!li ilay of July I'rnncl.s Plnlip Itgen went to Newatk, and, tinder ttio attumed name of Hoffman, hired a sma.l room of Mr. S. Gurlachy, who kept a boarding-bouse at HO Wellington street. He bad, apparcnlly, no business, and spent much of hla time In a saloon, plajlng on the piano. He was believed to be " strange." He eild that be lad come from Pittsburgh, Pa., where It wat hit Mention to purchase a farm. II added that he waa an cigan maker, but had glrea up work. !iicn he first appeared In Newark he had 50 In money Ho remained about two months at Mr. Gurtschy'a, tnd boarded himself. He visited New Ycrk sevcul times, and each time relumed with f23 In money, which, he said, he had drawn from abunk. Tlc he received letters from New York, He had but ono suit of clotbet, and uvr.D vxitr sc.ttitT. In the saloon attached to h.t hoarding house he formed the acquaintance ol AJolpb Febentner, a shoemaker, who occuplod a room adjoining Us. Adolph tnd llien became very Intlmalc, and were much together. One day Adolph told llgen that he wat dissatisfied wltn Ida boarding house. Then he perauaded Ilcen to engage a room In the garret ot 112 North Canal atrcet, as ho could hire It tor 2 a month, while he wis tneu paying f5 a month. Accordingly, en the 15th of September, llgen moved tu 112 North Canal street, wheie he had a front gar ret bedroom, "ill fret, whose ceiling Is about six frit In height, A window, Hx'W lucbct, let In light and air. Wiiil rooming there llgen told ttve al rersons that wile and children were dead, requesting ir any letters ahculd come there fnr Mr. llorf n.n. that they should bt then to hltn Snortly afierwurd be dyed Ms hair and shaved off his beard, and on seve ral ucc .slot.a visitod New York, at each time relum ing wtlh JUS; but WB.AT DICAMt Or Till MOlftT la not known, for he ate very little, and at two dif ferent timet borrowed fllty cents of shoemaker Adolph. On the 16th of November, llgen wat fonnd dead In hla room. On the night previous the weather waa er cold, aud aa Here waa ao store-pipe hole In his room, II It belieied mat he kindled a fire In his small furnace atove, aa piecca of Charcot! were foond on tbe floor, and that the fumes of the char coal killed biro, Dr. Dodd viewed tbe body, and granted a ccrtlflcat or burial, believing that llaen died or apoplexy. 1 be enceuiaker Adolph then went to Brooklyn to work and becam acquainted with Mra. llgtn, who resided In New York. On tbe day following Ilren'e death, atna. ILom irrEAittD in xxwArur,, and haj her husband's remains Interred tn a ceme tery, and then returning to New York called at tin ofnee of the Knickerbocker Lit Insurance Com pany and demanded IS.OtM, toe amount of Insurance on her bushand'a llle. She then called at the office of the Amicable Life Insurance Company, and there demanded ta.OUO. Th companies inspected that something wa wrong, luaimurb aa Mn. llgen'a previous husband, whose III waa Insured, died very suddenly. Accordingly they sent their atenta lo Newark, and the reaialns ol Mr. lUen were disin terred, and the stomach wat nmoved for the purpose of having a thoronth aual, Ileal examination, but the remits of the examination have not yet been made known, blnce Friday la-t, a atcaiT IXQCTST tat been going on, the Coroner and County Physi cian rt-.UMUi to gltr tho reporters any In ormallon ; but a w ttness w as pumped last evenlnar, and tbe the ory ol death by chalcoal gat was obtained. OnTueeda) Adolph visited Newark, and was sr. leitad and taken befuie tho Coroner, when be testi tied aa Ui what he knew, and waa alterward up lu the io!ke station, where, dutlng the nLiht, beat tempted lo escape by kicking out the panel ol the d"Or of the witnesses' room. use Is shrouded tn mystery, and althoo;li the charcoal gas theory smmi to oblaiit, doubt Is thrown upou ii by ibe lmt that on I jee n ulght Mr. Gnrt ai'lu. the aa.i.oi. i,erp.-r, was i.ltel by two men, an Aiiii'iiriii and u Cii-rniaii, w do kiid that he Would irobsnl) line j awenr belore t,lo court in tne rase, and that, as i,tioriii')s o Mrs. II4011, ihey wool l gie In 11 till) lor the trouble to which ho iuid he put. Mra I, ceo went to Newark jeste-ilnv m in. u, uid la in cuargc of i.iui,rrt,ui'. Lis jismug she was on tho wiiiu-a a. und. osiox j. c.t;.' ,;.;. Killed mid Hurled on the Iluuloturil-A Trn ltlc I'lciuinui- lllusl. In an explosion at Si-teutli arcnuu nml 145th street a: 5 o'c.tck last ivcnlur, two mon were klllid, lonr wire cr.oualy If nut fatally woondod, aud three were bulled under the fallen rocks. While the men who are working for Jamei Sulli van wire cutting through Ihe new Doulevard, It bl ow c neci ssary to use a rand blast, lor the purpose ol rexovlng souio ot the rock on the lino of tool, and sou. ot the were tmplojed to stamp 1 down. Suddenly, and without warning, tho bind exploded, hurling all who were near Into the air. ind dealing death In all directions, Patrick fcraitli and Itlcltard Knox were Instantly killed, arid Dennis Flannery, Patrick Golden, John D'Arccy, and lieu ben Pel port were to bajlj Injured that very llltlo can be entirtalncd of tin lr recotcry. Three other who were engaged on the works are said to be ml-tlng, but their names could not be ascer tained, l'hey are thought to be burled under the fallen rocs, hut It Is hoped thiy iscaped over the Oetds Eserr effirt waa made to roecuo thr-air 1 urted, until dork, wltn the work was ahmdrned, as notMng Partner could be done Dutll the mormnp. 'lli lnjurid men note promptly borne to their boarding house near the works, tnd there they were caiefullv attended lo b) Police Sargenn lllr, of Car minn llle. lb b dies of tho klbed were taken to the Cainianavllle police station tn awslt an Inquest. The older blasting operators think the ac cident the result ol carelestueis, while others at tribute tt to the friction of bouh or tbe sand with the powder. Late last evening three of the wounded men lepport, D'Arcey, and Golden were borne to Dellevue Hospital. Tho Unit Park ltncea. Edward ilcCarly entered handsome Frank Leggett't ttloon, at 41 Chatham atrect, jesteiday afternoon with exactly flfty centa In hla pocket, and, having eaten beyond hit meant of payment, he at tempted to yet ont without paying hla bill. Hut he waa punned by a waiter, and then there was a chase In th City Hall Park, Ou the second lap the waiter wat reinforced by tevertl of lha Park puller, and by maav of the Park lounger. Capt. Thome, who bad watched the nee from the steps or the City Hall, now Joined the pursuers, and the fugitive waa captured at he waa making for Warren street. Jeriey Clty'a Financial DlfUciiltles. In tbe Jeriey City Aldermen last evening, Al derman Clark announced that $100,000 worth of the city bondt wsre due on Monday, and that unlet! tbe city oonld pay off the obligation tbe bonda would go to protest, Bom hard words were used, and It waa charged that Interested ineaibera of tbe Hoard had so manipulated thee bonds at to put the city In a tight place In erder that they might make money. It was Until) ordered to Issue bonds lor th amount, to be told at not losa than par, less two per cent. Tbe Crispin.' HirlUe. Yesterday mottling tho Crispins sent a deputa tion to Mr. Hurt, of Park row, and In tbe conference which followed Mr, Durt said that he would open a free shop and manage hit bi'tluest at he thought fit. The men went away taking their tools. Ills tald that the employers yesterday voted to employ no Union men after Ihe 1st of May next. XO.YO ISLAND. They are raiting money In Flushing for a testimo nial 10 J, b'npplc, the engineer of ine train on the Mush ing llailroad w hicn ran Into an open diaw on Tuesday alirhi If Bupple not stayed by his locomotive many lives might have been lost. A daughter of John Gretory, keeper of the North Hue Hotel, Long Islsnd City, died of hydrophobia on Mondsy night M10 was tskenslck lust week, but 110110 of her friends knew thai ihe had been bitten by a rabid animal. lu her last hours 11 required two uicu to hold her lu bod, losmm ur rutu. H. C. Foster's, distillery. 33 Cranberry street, Urook'yn. was damaged 10 yrileMnv. Ilryant A Stratton'a Iluslness College In Newark and Aaron Wind's store wcro burned ycalerday. L-iss, 115,000, John Wilcox' tloro tnd residence In Piaihvlllu was burned yesterday, the family barely neaping la their mghtclothet. Th TrxM block. In Marshall, except th mar ket hoose and telegraph ofnee, was burued yesterday. Loss, 1100.000 1 Insurance. 115.00. The lots will fall principally on O. M. Taylor. W. II, Poland Johnson A Co, Poland, Head Jobnaon.O. J.I lor. II. Knight Co. A. Cohen, J, 11. blear Son, aud A. Itunlek. rue avrir r.w.t hoxxa. Col. Flak'. Lnte.l TrUr-Arrival of Made ninlaelle Alniee, Ihe Qneen of Opera lloufle Iter Triumph Abroad. The arrival of tbe itoamer llatarl veslerJiy was fraught with more than ordinary Interest to the lovers of song, for the good ihlp bore, with other passengers, Mil. Alnifc, tbe glorlons Lyonnalse singer, who sloe loC.1 has been electrifying th con tinental world with her wonderful voice. The young prima donna baa been for a long Unit the object of Col. Fitk'a most Intense adoration The gallant Admiral had heard of her powen as a vocalist, and had determined to iccure her for Ms Grand Opera Hons. Frlnce Krle, Interested also In the success of tht Grand Opera House (seeing that he Is a relative ot the Admiral, and connected by clo-e ties ol consaagulnlty wltn tho Colontl or the Ninth) was llkewl moved lo exert hit Influ ence. So, after a prolonged series 0' efforts, ren. dcrtdfor sometime abortliobyriannorthe natnral shyness or tbe Lyonnalse nighttngsle, th bud or soxo was Induced lo try her fortune In Amerlei, under the auspice or hr hroad-shouldeied gentlrman who, lit addition to msnarlngar, opera house, commands a fleet or steamer on the sei, a re' Iment or lnfnlri on land, runs Ibe 1 i-ees' rsl'r- -! in 1 . onl y, und mows tnoro about injunctions n.d other lega: writs than Horace Greeley dor about farming. Mile. Almoe was received nt the dock by Col Flk, and escorted to t ie Fifth Aienue Hotel. At 11 o'clock last nlchl shews serena Ie by the Grand Opera House band, under tne leadership of Carlo Patli, and In recognition of the runipllnicnt advanced from her parlor lothe balcony or tne hotel, and 'waved her acknowledgment, amid the enthusiastic plaudit! of th hundreds or pro, I who had gath ered In the street to bid her hearts w eh om. The new prima donna or the Grand Opor House was born nt Lyon. Fian'e, Dec. 17. ISIo, and 1 consequently but St yeir old. She made her tint appearance In public (it the are ol 10. at tae Am bassajor. In the Champs EI)s(-os, Pnns, where she fascinated the patrons of ti c establishment, and con vlnced the critics that for onee they were nnabla lo find fault. After enchanting tbo tnbilu'l nt the bldorado. wh-re sht subsequently fulfilled a most profitable engagement. Mile. Aln.oe flU'ed to Marseilles and thence lo Doideaux, currying both citlea ur ITOnat. llergreit success at l'ie latter place Induced her to accede to a proposition to undertake the risk of a season at Itlo Jnelr, whrr she became at once Ihe Idol of the Impulsive Dmlllsni, who ttlrly load ed her down with the rich torens or their apprecia tion 0 her genius and nre talents. On her return to Paris, ah waaengaeod at tte Varielea, where she appeared at DnMU In OJeabaeli's Hi r be Illeuc" Another visit to Braill In IPC wit a still greater aeewsa tnan her first, and on her return to I'arlt In August of that ear, she took the petition of Quern of Comic Opera, and held undisputed pos session until the pcrtltacloue effort of Col. Flak resulted In her temporary withdrawal to othtr teenea of catnqrett. Her dcHyt in this country, which will be dtly an nounced aa to date, will be made at the Grand Opera House, in the character of DouMtt, HIIAKISU VI' TllK J11A TRAMS. Wilier hlreel Hushing Into Ihe Tomb-The Kntprprlalntr Younir Mnii wbo Opened n Tea More In Pearl rlrrr. 8rcrat of the larger tea honacj bare been vic timised to the extent of thonsanda or doltan each. One Geo. Cafle recently opened a atore In Pearl St., and waa seemingly doing a targe business, and loon became Intimate with opulent tea merchants, and on the 12th of September visited Ilawley A Ciner' houte at 100 Watrr street, and there had an inter view with Mr Oliver S. Carter. He wound h!tnieli Into tte confidence of Mr. Carter, andprtteudei that he had a fine opportunity to sell a cargo of tea through hit father, who was doiug a good busiurta In the South. Mr. Cater, of course, consented to let Caffe hav a supply of lea on credit, and II led his crdtr for a' out 15.00 uorih. Sabequenl.y I e ,eained thlt. Inateaid or seudlnt tlieiei vuih Caffe but shipped eleven tnooannd 1 hos la of lea to Cblcage, and that a brother 01 CacV had fold tne tea on seven, nine, Tid twelve months' t't. dl-posln of th nnte at a discount tar rash, so e to rcsl.z as quickly aa Coe-lhle. An luquln ai Ihcn m .de a-lu the -ts-nliy or the Peail s.revt houso, and it was round worlhlr Mr. Ca-t. r, iherelore, applied to Justice llogi" for a warrant lor Catli's arr t, and on Tnra lav nlgbt llouti Itairett arrested htm. Yestenl ,v morning he was taken before the msgwtr.ite nd held for exaoiininon. While CirtVa eouii.rlwie pelltlonlreforhls re1iar in hall, Mr Mlchl. F. Pmv. eit, ol 112 V.'nter street, ei tired the cut-rnnrn .ind 11. ed tn atfld ,vit thai on Hi 16th of Norem.Vr t ttfj onti.'ht of him '.,6S worth nf tea, aNo under fnlre pretences. Tl e prisoner wai then held on both charge., without ball. During the .tlicrnoon manv Wrtrr stret n er rhint. whft n men rlrilinizM by ihe -hiioi.t. i-ritin-d eouiMii t. a.-nl st Imn. Thei v. -re re qui -I'd In appear as wltnis-es ont e lr I is suppoaed that L .UV- Iran la ih r.- ,c f 1 1 j 1 ) .1 Ji:itsi:r ci.iiHiiYMAw. hocks. A I.i'll-tliindrd Speculation I.'iiilerlho Pnll iiili' -Tlir 1'iTverso Win t Ilic Midland Itiillrnnil .tlniinicerii. About n year ajro, when work on tbs new Midland Itallroad, Is lo bisect the northern part of New Jersey, bexun. It was a mitler o' much speculation na to where the road would touch the Hudson Hirer. Senral land speculators of tie class that alwnya follow In the trail of prijeeledrall. roads got their beads together and arrived it thr conclusion that to avoid tunnelling Brg"u expense which the new Company conld not t ml, it would bo necessary to run tne road through lime's llarlne. Just above the Elvslan Kiel 1 In lloboken, an 1 thru run u mile mid a hJ( up riyrr. C'hUf amonc tnese speculaioit waa a well-known clergyman. Tho reverend rentloman comitate! on this vexed qu'sl'on, pd nt length furnio.l little secrei iln and ia v bllftsf." at Ih' heid. Tor ring tioug it eviryncret recks ai,d boulders Iney Could lay their Hands ou, paying of caur-r incrrased oa the "de-naua" tccatno known. Fieri body won lered what made real estate so active In the Lelirliborhood ol Hint's K.nlne, snd w 1 at In the vrorld any sane person rould do with tucn pro peily. Hiving thus secured, at they tiioiishl, the key tu ti)e aituatlon, the little clique laid b ick und analtcd develoi inrnt'. I Hut the Midland Company heard of the " rise" In real C'talt In that i.elghboihood, and instaalli divined Ibe cause. They li.ugted In their sleo . hi Iho reverend speculator, and at onco t ali.nit And Ine a new route lor their roal. Aecoiilingly. ther purchased the entire propel ty of the Wrehawlen Ferry Company, and will mike Weh.iwkn the lermi'ius or their road. The route through the hill It through 1 wldt ravine near Fort Leo, tbe proper ty In w hlch tier Have bought for n mere song. The reverend gentleman ard bis companions bare put their " proper!)" In the market, and wonld be glad to tell nut at a loss of "3 per cent. The clergy man aava that In future hi believes hewlllsuck to Ihe Uospel, Arrral of Ihe .Murderer of Ihe Third Cook of the Slorro ('utile. Robert Oilcs, chief cook of tbo steamship Mcro Cattle, wit arrested yctlerday In Hivana, and wi l be brought here charged with the murder of John Cronln. Cronln died last Sunday la Dellevuo Hos pital from the effects of a blow Inflicted with a glasa tumbler by Giles, In a row at Si West street, The quarrel grew out of au accident which be'el having lost a box of clean overboard which Giles was smuggling Into this port. On tie arrival or tht ship here, Cronln, who wat third cook, was discharged by Giles, when th former nent on a spree. While Intoxicated he met Giles. Some hot words passed. He would notdrluk with Cronln, during which the taller, It is tald, tried to strike the chief cook. Uilea thin teixed a tumbler, and threw it nt Cronln, several pieces of which en tered the brain, causing death a Irw day after. Superintendent Kelso, on learning of the esrape of Ihe assassin and death or Cronln, telegraphed to llar.ino, which place Pa leaves to-day. In charge of an oflicer, to answer the charge or murder, Ullot Is said tu be retpeclably connected, while hla victim waa a poor Irishman, with very few friends lu tilt t.ountry. Destroying an 1 milium Vlllner, Half nf tbe business part of Kcnllantl, Ind., waa burned yesterday morning, Lass, '.'50fJUU. Among the buildings dtslruie I were Kent's store, rooms, Nichols's Hotel, Chrrebro't ttore, Cuuning I tm'i grocery, Park' grocery an I hotel, Smith's dtu ttore, the vfllea of too 0 izttlt, lloss'a urv goods ttore, Poule ,t Urn. 'a hard are store, Day Jt Wiillama'a store store, and Iho Post OSkc. Itnllrond Hlnughlvr In I'.nglnnit. I.oNPO!, Dec, 14 An accident occtirml list cteiilng 011 tho North Mi II.111 1 Hallway, near llarn ley, by which fourteen puraoua were killed aud twenty wouuiied, Two Culiiullnu Murderer Illluurd. Dniilel Mumi anil Juincs l)e.u"n who lunged yet erday lu Kingston, Canada ; V e former for tha murder 01 a penitentiary guard, and the latter for poisoning his wife. They conleasrd. The flullowa In Cuba. Attrocochea, chief of the Cuban tlafX In tho ICastern Department, am. Cepoda, the insurgent Superintendent ol Finance ol the Cisco Villa, Pe tetn captured aud executed. IHIITAEIN6 UP THE CABINET. POVIITELT. OOtHIl OUT O.Y ACOOVST of tub st. iiomsao joit. Columbn Drlnno or a New York ItnnUerlo be Hecrelnry of Iho Trraaury The Hup turn bi-lwrcu Hecrelnry llunlsvell and President (Irnnt-WIII llotitwell Heslgnf Waiuihotok, Doc. 14, Trig Sck of December "till that the recommendation of President Grant In favor of the purchase or St. Domingo waa not a question of Cabinet consultation, and It not approv ed by tho Secretary ol the Treasury. This Is Irus. Th Bccrctcry, In spile of all the efforts of the Pres ident, ha been a Arm opponent or Ibe Job, Al though be bat taken no octlvt part against the pur chase, he has not hesitated to express hit hostility to It In decided terms. Bontwell' opposition ha been very tmaatlttictory to Grant, wbosesms beand op, bead tndih'iclt, In tils greet swindle II hat been repoatedly asserted that all bit Influence hat been brought to boar open Sesaton and other high oflclali to pnsh forward this great Job. Some hive succumbed to hit threats and promises, while others, Includlig tuch men as Sumner and llunlwrll, have steadily set their lacea against Hum. Sumner htt been punished. Now comes Iloutwell'a turn. I learn lo-nlght that Ms position on Ihe St. Domin go project has led to a rupture with the President. It Is said tc b serious to aerlons that I hear from good authority that Uoutwell will leisothe Cabinet. Tho Treasury Department, It it helloved, will be turned over to Columbus Delano or to a New York banker, on ol Ihe heaviest contr.buton to Iho Grant fund. S. G. 'nnarlvnnln Pnclfled. Waiiunoto.v, Dec. 14. There it no doubt that the President hit Anally decided to make a change In th lead ot Ihe Treasnry Department within a few dty. Secretary Duutwell haa been willing to retire at any time within the last tlx months. The exact cause of the sudden rnptur Is not known; but It Is rumored that tho selection of Gen. l'lca-on-ton for Internal Ilevenue Commissioner, overjlhe re commendation of Secretary Uoutwell for Judgo ltlchardson or Mr. Douglass, and the studied omis sion to consult the K-cistary's wlsliis concerning Important appointments, haa tried th Secretary; while the tact ot hit declining to sup, or t the Si. Domingo trctly in any form led to tome hard feeling in the breast of the President, who. when be pre eared his message, did not read thai portion of It to Mr Uoutwell. Delano Is mentioned as the corn ice man 1 but then la a pressure from th friends of the Pre-tWsnt In New York city to select Henry Cks, the Nnr Yoik banker. II Mr. Delano la made Secntary of the Treasury, then Judge Agnew ol PennsylranTa Is to be male Secretary or the In terior. A gentletnin called on Secretary Boulwell this lr:r.'.;x tn ret rents to the rumor of bis early re tirement from the Cabinet, but he declined to talk with any one mon the aubject. Allhouth both President and Secretary Uoutwell are very reticent nnoa the qoestlun or the In'ter's retirement, there seems to be no ctnuut that be formally tendered his resignation to dsv, and that It Is Ih Presldsnt's intention to accept it, and deslg. nate a successor. that rnoviti.F.soujz moo. The Tunnel War In Ihe ew Jersey Cliun rrry Courl-A liny Consumed In DUcuss Ing LegUlallsr Ilnnrlninils. The argument in the case of the Krie versus the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western was begun before the New Jersey Chancery Conrt at Trenton ycslerday. The 11-n. Itobert Gilchrist, for the Drle, occupied the entire day. He mad th following points ; I. Tne charter and supplements of the Morris snd Eesex can In nowise allow the lioonton brand 1 there, fore It la an Illegal strnctore. ard the Kris lias the right lw aijitr for en Injunction to stop 11 from aneratlng. 3. rue l-onr Do -k sun lnt rovemenl Company' con tract contulne nothing which anthonsra Urn tannrlto W uaed lor any shell pnrposes as the liuonton hrsocli. S. T10 llooiilon biaitli oe over a pier, oMhel-rie rroi eriv w htrb na nr ver been cona nine t or paid f r iiihI r the t'mi.r and sn Injunr'ion motihl i .1. t -ri'-ii iiu the Mui.u and l.tscx until they hale paid at, damagea. hour ecn acta 01 tte Legislature were dlscnsed lu the arguments md tie day as a mi si rutin Ii consumed In the eudravir to ascertain what tl r I.egl-laiure mem t. 'I l.e cppoihttui-nt ol a K"elver will como up wlun Mr. Gilchrist h is concluded. wmvii is uti: iiitun:? A llrookliu Vi'iuli-r' Miuiklnir Mnltr u. mi nt ol n Worn-nut Ilorr. Yesterday al'terni on, at 1'oiirtli street and Droadway, a small white horse, apparently starv ing, was standing, in charge of Officer I). C. Smith. On tie animal's b ck was a fcanul wound, eight inches long and six Inches wldo. It hid been covered over with plecis of newspaper and a thick coding ol tar. When the fiddle was removed, '1 ma of lar-piyer an I purulent suh-tanco camo away with it. letting the b 'Ck bone ol the poor creature bare lor some six Indira Anothir large wound was on the breast of the animal. Officer r-mlth had been on tl.o lookout for tome time lor the owner, but as he I nil ued a van with cut any namo or number Ihe oftleir hal some ilifll culty lu tracing the leliow. On, howrvrr, l.e isplid the man driving the bono belore an "Ornnge County .Milk " v.,n. In DrooUltn, and nr rrstrd bim. On being t a lull belore .Mr. Justice Wil-h he gavo his name as Aleinr.der llhooes, of I'.iohc rrmcrhotn street. He ncki.o Hedged tnat he had ucd tie oor to isi tn tin state for three months, and pleaded as an rxcue that he was a poor man with a wile nml lane Ian. lie. On thecontrari, II la said that ho owns two hoil-es In llroolljn. When nrrestud Ie ollered t-mlth IS to let him go. Iiu said tl.-t ho had led the botsi well, giving bun twenty-right quart of outs per dar. The w letch was fined Jli). Huperlnlendcnt J. M. .Marsrru'or Prolecllng AiiiusriiK iit Krrhrr. To atop thu practice of blocking up Iho aisles uf theatre! snd other places of aiiiUM'ment, the Superintendent of llulldlnge has Issued the subjoined notice to proprietors and managera: As msny nf Ihe proprietors or managers or thrstrrs and ether places of publle amusement lu this city in order to arroinmoJai iheir patrom with seats dar. ng the perioruisnces In thetr le.pecllve establishment, permit the a sits, doorway, and paa;es therein to be tnatroctcd er bioced up with chtlrj. CW5 sto61s, eachei. rw itfe-rroTTcndCltBi efrcsi In case or Pro 01 arcidoix a matter ef extreme dlcieulty, 1 deem II lo be my duty to cause tint dangerous practice to bt dis continued. You will therefore plraie lake notice tint from aud arm thlt date the provisions nr tbe law In relation to this matter contained 111 the annexed ex tract, and In which I call your particular attention, will In all cases be strictly enforred. james m MACortt: aort, Superintendent of DnUdlngs, To fully carry out this order, Inspectors wero last night detailed to visit the theatres, and report an violation of the law. The Superintendent nimself will also make a tour of the theatres to see that his ordera are attended to, '1 he puntshmeul for each o'Jcnre It fifty dollars One. If Iho parlies sn oflend lug continue to violate the older, they shall be drained guilty of a uladeueauor, punishable by lino and Imprisonment, New Hampshire In Couzrrsa, Dovrn, Dec. M. In the Uepublican Convcn Hon to-ilny. on Iho fourth ballot, William II. Small or Newmarket was nominated to auccced the Hon. Jacob II. hla In C. utress. The candidates in the Convention were Nnthaniel Unrdon of Ksetcr, Samuel L. Wheeler of Dover, anu Mr, Kla of ltoclies tar Alter the nomination tbo C ontoutlon waa ad dressed by Iho Hon. John P. Hale, IMneonlc Clill-Chnl, Metropolitan Chapter 110, It A. M, dance In Apollo Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21. Hureka Lodge No. 21.1, F. and A. M,, haa elected John Larlrt.m, IV. M. William Squire, b. IV. 1 and Oeorgo Haver, J. W. Iaaac J. Oliver, late Supervisor of this county, re ceived hla third degree In Ka-tern silnr l.oje, No. 217, yesterdt; atternoon, at a special communication. Manaliatta Lodge, No, 489, elected tho following otllr rs on luetcav eienlngi llcorge Mereia, Mailer tn circle 1) . lo'o. p Wyitnnt un 1 ilarol. Jamer, M ar neiia 1 Win. liybeid, Socrelary 1 and Joshua 3. Cooler, Treasurer. yi:tr ji:usKr. Owln to tho mlnera' ttrlke. the coal trade it Kliiabctbporl It almost at a ttaudttlll. lllrhrrd Wood was run over on Ihe Erie Hallway In Jersey City last night, Horn legs wero laa-en oir, Passaic alllage will tonlcht I1.1t 0 a grand trades procwialou in honor or Iho introduction of gat iuto the village- Oito Morris was married in Newark on Monday, and tesletuny he was arrested by Dctectlvo Higgorty lor duelling hi. who, The first term reception of the fifth ysir of Mr Kolloig's Hervcu Institute was highly enjoyed, A weli'telectcd programme was creditably reuderel. James Elliott and Samnel I. McKlrrnan, of Pater son hsve been seatenred by the V H District Court at Treman to a Due of tai oaeu for counterfeiting tobacco ttampt. The Union ennnty Grand Jury hat fonnd true Mile against William Ztniuierniaun, Henry Zlinni r msnn, cnsrles II, Whatey, Abraham Tuwuley, It. W, Forsyth, and Charle lllit for Illegal voting at tbe late charier election In Iflltabeth It haa also IndMed Coortd Marti " for procuring aid vo you Illegally." SSMSt ' S?S 1L1 1 the runnier is dvnn'b cask. nianalnnahlrr In tbe Third Drrree-Mr. llnrtlclt move en Arrest of Juiltmenl -lie I lo be Heard al 10 o'clock To-dav. Tbejurj'ln the case of Jerry Dunn, charged wlibthe shooting of Login No. 2, retired to con sider their verdict at 3 o'clock on Tueilar after noon. From that bonr until VX yesterday morn log they wer locked up. Before tht opening 0' the Court, at the hour mentioned, the halls and pat sages of the Conrt House were crowded wills an eager multitude, tome friends of Ihe man whoa fate wat In the bilince.tnd otheri relatives and acquaint ance of the incarcerated Jurymen, anxious to tet a glimpse of the Imprisoned clllxem. tnd aatnr them selves of their having survived the nlght'a unpletttot ordeal. Aa toon aa th docrt were opened the waiting throng crashed and elbowed their way Into the court-room, which waa Jammed full In a con pi of minutes. The excitement waa Intense. Etch rpcciator ttrugglcd lo get Into a good position, and dodged from tide lo tide, tnd craned over I h heads of those in front tu catch a glimpse or what wit going on. Jndge Cardozo tnd District Attorney Garvin were tho Ont lo take their place. Ihe prisoner and hit trlend next arrived. Then cam the Jurymen, with ter out facet and neglected toilet. Their namat were called, and Ihe most profounl silence reigned. After a brief pause, the Oieik ur tho Court taid t " Gentlemen of the Jury, ri! fOS egrtcis 9n J""' verdict f Prisoner, look at lb Jury; gontlemen Of the lury, look at th ptlsouer. I the prisoner. Jere mi in Dunn, guilty or not guilty I" Iho foremen of the Jury thereupon arote and rtad tho following verdict 1 " We, the render ss onr verdict thttweflnd the prlaonrr, Jerry liunn. gullly ol mane.euj titer in lb third degree, with no uuitfatlog clrcuui.uocea to lus tily the crime." Ur. Spencer, issnclil counsel for the orlsonsr. hereupon desired that the Jury b polled: each man wat aicordlngty asked Individually a to bla ter old, and Ihey proved unanimous. Mr. Uartleit, for the prlaouor, mo-vtd that sen tence be positioned until Is could argue a motion for arrest of Judgment. JndteCardoxo at But re fused ; but ou Ihe counsel'e aaanrlng him that he had good groundi on which he lonnded tbe motion, ten lenco waa deferred until 10 o'clock to-day. Tlltt WHITEHALL HUXIiEB. Lawrence Sullivan' Trial before Recorder Ilackrlt-Tfae l'rlonr' Binll - First Ward Tenement Life. A four-story brick building standi on Ihe lots at 1 and 2 Whitehall street, Th first ttory Is a drinking aaloon, and Ih uppsr part swsrms with tenant. In thlt edifice, on th 15th or June list, Liwrenc Fulilvan stabbed hit cousin, John O'Dcleo, who died ten dayt after th assault. The trial or Sullivan waa begun In the General Bat lions, before Iticorder Utcketl, yetlerdiy, Tb prl.oner I a low-browed man. During th recital by th wltnssses ot the detail ol the murder yester day a imll played upon th prisoner' unattractive fttturca. Tb murder was witnessed by leveral persons, whose testimony sgreed In all Important details. It was thown that the tccond floor or 1 and i While hsll street wis occupied by John O'llrlen. Mr. Lawrence Sullivan, who had prttlootly parted from her husbtnd, lived with her mother-In law on tn third floor. Sullivan frequently visited hi wife, and when he did 10 a quarrel Invariably retailed, usually ending lo a whipping for Ihe wife at tb hands ol her vicious husband. AtO o'clock on the evening of the 15th of June, Sullivan called, and had a bitter qusrrtl. Tie motbcr-lo-law Joined In, and ao boltterout vrer they that the osher occupants of tbe bouse wore altrmcd. The molhcr-ln-law finally selxed a stick tnd drove the husband from the room, striking him once or twice. Sullivan then went down stairs, anJ encountered John O'ltrienonthe landing. Between these two there was bad blood, and Sullivan, In hla anger, waa rraly lo quarrel with anything or any body. Addressing O'llrlen, he said " O'rtrlen. you , I'll kill you anyway." "No, no," replied O'llrlen ; " 1 havcu'l don any thing lo you." Mililtnn then tttbbed O'llrlen with a common pocwol-kiilte. The wllnettcs for th dfnc are to b examined to-day. jrfj. iuxes's hvshaxds. So Front of lllgainy, nn lilvnrcr, uo l)ucl Hut a French Itnof l.rrm d, Mrs. Aun.i limes, who win committed to Ihe Hudson county Jail on Sunday evening, on a charge of marrying her two couains, was examined hefoie Justice Lodcr, on Jeriey City Heights, yesterday. Nn evidence to sustain tho charge being pro duced, Justice Lodcr discharged tbo woman, lay ing: " I'homis, I deliver yourwl'e oter to jou.ond you ran do w hal you like w lib Iter.' lliom.i" I don't want her; 1 want a Mtorco. Justice Loder l'te uo power to grunt 30a a dl voice. Thomas Yes, you have. My lawyer In Nowark told me that you had a tljil to give ma on. II jou will give mc a divorce, the can nurrj Frank over again lr she lllet. Uui his Honor would hear not another word, and the cotiplo wont out uf the cuttrt-toom. When otiUddr, Thomas, win was considerably ciciteu, challenged Francis to flaht a duel, sat lur, " You take my pistol aud I'll take, yeuis, and we'll Or ht tn tl e death." Francis rcplici, " I don't carry a pittol, but Fm not atrald of yon without one." Thomas then challenged Francis to a " lair, stand up flat," but tho latter dcclluud aud waUcd wy. I ho Injured husband then turned upon hit wife, and " put a held 011 her." Al' r which he inaue off for Newark. The Impeachment nf (iov. Ilolilen, ItALrtnu, Dee. 11. A rcaolutlon Impeach int; Gov. Holden of high Crimea and inlidemeanori lu offlcc, wai reported today by the Judiciary Com mittee and passed the House by a vote of 00 to 43. There was a long and Interesting debate 1 rlor lo th passage ot the resolution. To-morrow a cooiuilile.1 oftwo will be appointed lo inform the Seual of the action or the IIouso, and alto a committee or aetea to drift tho articles of Impeachment and to conduct I' e trial before the Senate, under a statutory law pitted by ihe last Itcpubllcan Legislature, Tho Out ernor will be ens ended from his executive func tions as soon as he Is srrr.Uned before the Sensle ihiotJus ico Pearson will prtcld at the Impeach ment trial. Child Ilarned lo I)en(h. A daughter of Thomas Qilmaitin of Madiion avenue, Jersey City, was burned to death yester day afternoon, her clothes taking fire from the stote while Mrs. GUmtrtln wai out In the yard hanging out clothes, Tho child wat two year ol J. WASUIXUTOX XOTES. Senator Drake will not resign uatll next Mondsy. ne will reply to a screen which Senator beaura will make to-day In fatoitl a general amnesty. Treasurer Spinner aayi that officers of the na tional banlca dralgnatrd as depoiltonee are officers of the treasury, under Treasury rrgulatioue, aait may stamp the word countertelt on any connteifiut UulMd btaiea note. It la known hero that Secretary Robeson Pavers the election of ex-Hcnator Krelinrhnyseua aa saeceivur to Mr, Cattel, and that Mr Ctttel hl iiii li la In favor of Mr Frclinghuisen. about wboae election peopl mm New Jersey hate uo douDt. A circular Is toon to be leaned from the ladlaw Orllre rrniiirlne- sgrnte ol the Ilumau to r-poit the edn rational facllltirs among lha irihra, ihe object Dsn g in rurthrr as innrh as pos'ible whatever auvantages ar Iready In poi.e.tlon of the lu Hans for the acquits went orclTllltilion and education. The Senate Judlclcry Comthlltce yesterday re ported that the Fourteenth Amendment haa no effact whatever upon the nates of the Indians within ilm limns of the United States, and does not anoul the treaties previously made Congress hanug uniformly respected tho right ot tn ludiaua to govern them-selye. rr.llbONAL IXTELLWEXCX. Gratz Drown't majority It 40.033. W. Carwell hat been tppolnted Postmaster at Herkimer, N, V, Gen. Logan's election to the United States Senile It considered certain. J.roes A Weston (Democrat) was yesterday elect ed Msyor of Manchester, N II. It Is said tint Col. .1 lines I'I'k haa made an un successful attempt to purchase Ziiuiuermau's dog. George Omnacht yesterday recovers! one cent damagea In a libel suit agalnat tho Loulaylile Cpul Ur Journal. Mrs. Jamei Flak, Jr., has returned from Europe and reopened her palatial reildcuco lu Cheater iqiuie, lioatou. ' Charl-e W. Nlebllng, clerk for the Erin lUllwar, taja he Is not the Charlie Mebllng bo hat been dp vorced irom hit wife. Vandeihoevcn of the patcrson GunrJInn has ereced an tmnicnse wltnlmlll at lm rouiilri ml lenee at Like View, for the use of the notonou. Wirt 01 th l'hteraoo VI mi, William Todd Holmulh, one or the most promi nent h imoeopathic pt.jsli"ins or Pt. I.omt, list be n called to a profteiiiahip n oiarsllva tur.ry In Ihe New 1 nrk I omiioi'alh'o Medieal l d 1 i rtlenus In Bt Louis gate liui a farowell banquet on Tunjay night. II. T. Helmbold haa begun t su't ogalnst Smith nhlttler, (lenrge I., llelmbohi, ami tr drrlck llclnp bnld, i f Chicago, for the pollution ol 1 trade-mark and to enjoin tbe alleged unlawful sale of a tpurloua r h :e nnder Ih nsnin ol -Ilelmbold'a lluchu." 'iho de fendants are paid $fi) a jsar tacb for the use of their namca. NOW FOR THE GRAND JURY rJ THE SATANIC CRUELTIES OX HOARD ) THE 81111' OLD COLOXT. ' Capt. CJrlndl field for rnnUttmrnt-Tlalt 'I liaised from 83,000 to 80,000-The Mae- i it Irr wltt Imprisoned hla fllrn on sa Trumped-up Charge of Mutiny. " ty In the case of Capt. Orlndle of tbe ablp Old j Colony, accused of maltreating two of hit teamen, Ilaymond Itau and Franco Frank, Ann Ferry tea- , J titled for th defence yesterday afternoon before j Commtsiloner Shields that ihe waa itewardest of , ' I the vessel, and that tbe house on deck where Hau tnd 1 Frank were conflnid wat a very comfortabl place. ' Ran, while chained, tang tnd whittled and walked a Utile, Just at far at he could. The plac wat ' ' wished every day. Itan wat treated precisely at T the others were treated. Th wltnest wtt In the , employ of Capt. Orlndle. She had ntrtr talkel to htm or anybody In relation to th caie. She nTr ' 1 heird tbe men aay that 1 TBXT WANItD TO OIT A WAT, They were In the isms condition at Valencia at I when they arrived t Noir York, Th captain lold ; f th cooV tog lr them all tht bread they wanted. k' Victor V. Crook, the Cnt mile or th O.'d Colony, , I who It alto nndcr arrest 00 cbtrg of maltreating 1 tbe men, was called In behalf of Capt. Orlndle. II j testified that Itau and Frank wer well treated. I They refused to work, and on that acconnt thtf were pnt In Irons, lb plic tn which they wer confined was clean. Ho denied that they war treat ad with cruelty on board the ship. In tnmmlrg up, Mr. Ilussell, counsel for Ctpt, Orlndle, trgoed tnat tb men had algned th ihlp'a ' articles aa able-bodied tiamen, RAD AND FRANK DAD tnllKID WORK, thereby readerlng the labor of th other membera of I Ih crew more arduous. They positively refused lo work, and h contended that lha captain had a right' I lo impose such punishment sa would compel them to retara to duty, Mr, Rusicll contended thst then waa no evidence showing that the captain wai pres ent when the men wer punished. Gen. Dtvlei, Aeslstant District Attorney, argued that the men were sot able to lea? th ship. They had tried to escape when they found that they hadj been deceived. Hiejr were taken on board oa representations that the Old Colony wa a Span ish vessel, and tuna toey were forcibly carried away from Cadlx. He also spoke or the brutality with which Itau and Frank had been treated. Has I Insisted that lb captain should be held for trial. CommKaioner Shields briefly reviewed tbe testi- , moay, aad decided that Capt. Orlndle should be) . held to await tb action of the Grand Jnry. Owtnc I to th ggravated character or the charrct, tb Commissioner raised the ball of Capt. UiTadlo from 3,IX to $6,000. SCANDAL TN WASHINGTON. I Th Charge of THiamy again! Cangrel-. I nan Oewen of Month Carolina. I WAinirtoTox, Dec. 14. Thlt morning Ihe Hon. J C. C. Dowen waa arreaUd at hit ratldene by Depo- ty Marshal Phillips oa a chart of bigamy, for which II he hid been Indicted In th Crlmlnil Conrt, Mr., m Dowen tald It wat hi Intention to appear betoreJ k Judg Cartter to-day, bat h would proceed wll I th Marshal. Dlor 10 o'clock Mr. Ilowen waa at SB tb City Hall with hla counsel, Mr. It, J. Merrick, V and setsial gentlenen secnrltles, and on arrlvaT ot Jndge Cartter, spoeared before him. After a con sultatl n, In which Mr, Howrn said he wished an a early day as possible to be Died for his trial, th amount of ball wa Died at fS.OOO. Mr Dowen waa born in Ithode Island on th 6th of January, litl. He moved to Georgia In 1&0, and alter studying law moved to Charleston In 1901, and lu 18GT waa elertcd to the Constitutl nal Convention of South Carolina, held under the reconstruction ' acta of tbe Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses; wsa elected to the Fortieth Congress, was reelected to the Forty-first, and It a contestant for a seat la the next Congress. On beialf of Mr. Dowen It Ii alleged tint thlt whole chaiga of I lgami Ii the work or political malic, and comet from tnteretted motlvei. It I asserted that the record! of the LoulivliI Court will show that ha was legally dlvorred belore hla marrlag with Mr. S. Pcllgru King, and that th diKUiilt-iita to prut thtt not are uu the way to tbl city. It la alto alleged that he wa not legally mar ried to Ids llrst lle. Mrs. Sman Perlgru King, whon Mr. Howen mar rlel In Washington city on the 21st or Anguat last, H ihe daughter ot tho distinguished lawyer, Judg Prtlgitt, of Cl.ailcstun, S. C. b'le Is well known la I It rary milic and haa achlevrd a reputaticn lu th world of letters, blncn ih war she bat been la Ihe 1'icaruiy D.partmenl In thle clt). Ilefor the wir she was a noted leader of the fashion to S-uth Carolina, a 3iossTi:n fii.lku with aiy. " v 1 Imgi'ily In nottauua-Whnl might hav brrn it Double Murder, I Edward Ilarton, of Henry street, near Hamil ton avennr, UrooVlyn, reached home yesterday la liquor, and beat his wife ever Ihe head with a roll-in- fln. After knocalng her down, he Jumped oa her several times, Thetr danchter. thirteen year of age, ail earned lor help, and llirtnn, (e.ulngthit her ciles iculd ularn the ne.ghbnrs, bale her ' shut up hermoutn," or he would knock her down too. In her fright t he continued to rcream, and her brutal father knocked herdo.n also with tno roll Ins 1 in, ind beat her with II on Ihe head and shoul ders. Her llle was saved In the llterfrrenco of anmu laboring men who were passing. They forced I o,.i n the door, and round the mother and dau titer U Insrn'ihlo Aa iho mm entered, barton escaped I tin ou.h the back window. IJ Now Code Tor Ihe 11. I.. A. I The Union I.eagtto of America iti Philadelphia I ycterday electrd the Hon. J. W. Gearr of Penney!. 1 vanls, I resident ; C. W (ladder I or Now York and 1 H A. ilud'till ol Florida, Vice-Presidents ; Tlioma 1 tl. Darker ot New York, ltecordlng Secretary; B. F, U uulnm-r. Curie-Dondln- bicretary; William F. Alox- 3 under of New York, Treisnrer. It was resolved to 1 eusuln tho nomlnatlnns or the Itepubllcaa party. A. M Hen code or principle waa adopied, one section ot jk whlrh called upou the Union Longue to sustain fre schools, n'ld to dn-cuiirage the appropriation of tb ki public idids for sectarian puipoaes. W. He llnanl Iteddy the Illnelismllli'.. 4M A heivy bet was mado last night in Keddy Ih I HI cksralil.'s saloon on llrosdway, In regard to th iK Prussian French war. The Hon. Thomas Kearna Lflered lo bet x,WXI that Piussla would be vlctort- ,11 out lu one mohtii. It waa quickly taken up by tbe - I Hon. Mr Higglni. srAllKS FItOM THE lELFMllAVU, ;l Tho sleimshlp Clotilda, ashore at Wells'! Beach. I 11 uncharging pari or her cargo to enable her to get afloat. The side cut or the Champlaln Canal at Schnrler- I vl le burst yesterday morning. U. A. llullaru' papnar mid and Craus t DennU's foundry wen partially an itsrmlned. VLASUES FllOM TllK OOEAX CARLES The river Klne Is full of Ice. Th City of Limerick ha arrived out. Home beeom-i Ihe capital of Italy In March. A famine la Imminent In Montevideo In cools- ' qncace 01 tho slega, Tbe Liverpool cotton market closed with uplsnd alSli.niirt Orleans atS.SuoiV- Ashhury ot tu yacht C imbrla Is to be entertained 1 by ih Corporation of Itrmhioa on the tin of January. I The hark Ada Gray, from New York, at Fa!-' 1 month, was compelled to throw overboard IO ban oir coffee during a alorui at sea, The Cominltle of tno Iialian Pirllament hiv re potted a recommendation that the capllal be removewt to Home before the lit ot April next. Consols closed at VI 'i for money, and 01 nn at rounli Hve t wenlle. Inut, t( 1 n. 87 1 ifclj. Wig a Tcu forlle,i trie. l, ililnoli CcntriirilOH. H The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland decline! lo re celt deputatloni solicitlnc pardan for Fenian con victs, 011 the ground that no good result U potilble. 1 jj J01T1XQS AIIO UT TO WX. I 1 Terence Shay hai not been Implicated lu anjs ' K prlrofithl. JB I.nols Splra, while In'ane sprang from the third 9 story window of 150 Avcnuo c. K Ihe gross rerclpt of the Hebrew Charity Fair m up t last nlrht wrie about rivtiuo, JB John Iluch, aged 3d, of Melrose, fell from a pile of IB lumber at bieiim ay's piooq lactory, and as killed. JR The ll'nai Joshnruu Lidlrs' II .ncyolrnt Socletn iB elected 0 Ulcers yettcrday. Ibe bocicty expended ovear H 3,u laal year. A Wra. Iliirgy. or 70 Naan street, acrd 3 years, fH 9 lowu 10 flights of.tuin at 81 street yestet- 9B dar, ud aj luslantl) killed. ' B The Jotirnrymon tntlnrs employed by Mr. HinselL G " ."".'! ayardlhi rteuith street, are on slrlko A watch Is kapl upon othsr shops 10 ste thai they do not E do Kuuirli'e woik. K The Columbia It ,at Club has elrctrd Pro.ldrnt, ' ".' " .""'Uu 1 lre-1'reai.l. iit, Oeo. M. young heo l-c.U.7i'-".'?" ..' yjr,! Trcitorer. Win. .1 Kniei,i Hft Youni Zaclnasui L'catouaiit, Oeorge Jx The receipts of the New York City Mission and B Tract Society ror the year wero r-t .1 ' and theex. kit prndiiure; tM.lnsan. At II 0 .1 m d la.i night alioardor Uirertoit wat ueruJ, wuulley Thou-aa Set De Witt as President, fj The Sinllary Inspectors holng round typhoU K fever In the Kenwood Asyl'jm ror the Di af and Iloiub. K- Ih" linn hrailui llruoks, oa of thr 1II1 -r'nra of the In. t tillutlon, appeared before the lletiiti Hoard tester. M day, anu requested a ioatpuncineni of the Inspector f? piopoted acilon until Iho nrcitsaiy Improvement! out (' be male, lha board complied with ilr, UrookA nt- I K Quest, w rv