Newspaper Page Text
inf 91 . i"'iim. is, . . wjii ; ; ..ill . m f TniRTY-F.IGllTIl YEAR. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MABCH 4, 1871. . PR1CR TWO CENTS. jjjB bsT WORK OF CONGRESS, rK uoif .oin i PTO the rnrn. jfr.vr'. hk) htonk. . - t.en. I.rgan' DlifKtrri In Ik tenren Qitlr rtrs n... hii nrpxrimoal ttotlillns Jb - mrnl OB lb floor Of lb llS Of KeprMratMtvr rrn.l., HW.UUI.MO. V urmoM, March 8. Ssaalur Cliandlr, Tlnrklngliam. nd Johnon wire appointed t Cool mlltr of Ctaforenc in thr lltvrr snd II irbor bill. ' Th 8,nle paeed MM II.vbbb J'dBt W elation to emend rction lour of loo id f July . I-HM, "o not to apply to lermrntrd llqior oed (or lb nunofcc'-cra tb( Tlnr ju exctueivcly ; olio It r Hi ua hill lo pro Ido 'or o relue of National MM aoto and Irr father pnrfoaoa providing lor lha rcrptlen by lha rrea.ttry o' molllatr.l nul of national lunk and ft,.. rarfarM In llirlr plan- uf now nofoo. Tba lloat ' i rla'l.ig lo llrgraphlc communication brtwrea the foiled eiule and foreign conalrle. provlrtlag rode lor tal gTitpii cable rompalM. waa pa.aed aa Bfnrn.le 1, to .unit Ihr c al nf a caMo mraaagr of tea worn lo . in gul l, tliluaitcol o-M... BMtlg baioi llu motion of Mr. Ntb iR-r . Nr ). I"l Hrrat tnl"lr I In IK nttirni'mi Ml to tlia bill nb"ltbliii! tnr ar Ir ..' a tmiral ami i ire admiral, and amvra lo a aiMW c imttiittce of coiiierence. .Irlceara. Nye. Ab tltonv. an I c.'e Iv wit" apri'inletl Mcr Colli. Anthony, ami Vlchera in stouieed tl lltO Conf T"iov Co utoll 01 in t:i Di. cieuty Appr-'pri iiion 1l I. coNrmiNct IWaaillM beposti. Mr t't.v utit illrp. Mh '.i.i Irom lue Cnufitmr (" on tin lo.llirn Fertile, nb gnlttc 1 a report w.i.rsi .. a I t t .1 Alter a r.-ria of one hour, lit hrnat. at I I . M . took op II r.,ii!irinte report tin llio Armjr Appra in.', i lull. Ih' provtit'.n latins to IB par 9nl o' ai In lint Koulb. waa roiirnrrnl in In llio manor of llio lurlnnwl nd Nwporl titlillp tha report proridM llaat undor tba IBM aal apm u biw MBBtM tbBffj ahall M a clear ln-kdarar at low aamr of lia) 'ool. and tint Do dnw a:. all bo coimtrorta I ; and It lurlnar T roriJiM lor an Judir ition by in Coi.ria. mhr lirl rul.t BM Im n rnhairnciud acrrriliat to law. an i aa to th iiahiliu of lha (lorrriuairat lo tar Co in paly In ronaiqutltr ol III charge now rr cut i d. Tin rrrort waa aocpl L ) nc UOBfWJtM com-uitioc on ihr hill abollahtnt lie arailij o' admiral rrpor'.eJ that thev wrrr tn.ablr ao afTra. and to Iknai votoa to Inalat. Tn to noil on Hi naval impropriation billa:i adopted. Ihr r. natr lliit run i rj the conatJrraitun oi th 0.ubt''a. A .propiuilon Mill ftoua ol Hrarcarnlatlrr Mr. ! I. i Maaa.), Iruiai tb I'onfrrcTtr 'CoDinuiirr on th Lrftidailv Appropriation bill, r xirti d mat tit Coinoilitoc waa unabl to agraa U r. r"i ;,:r,l that tli pomta on wbtcb t.t dlSirully rcurrrd ware Ponai autndmnta which had no froir; p ara in an ..ppropilntlon ball. V tt.U appro 1 nation till. covrluc ovr 18.QU0,000, akoulo tail. It ar'.i l In bread lit txn'. lnllod oa thra men .tn U. A nrw i: . t . n wat ordered, and l a r. I ncent, Coak, nl Morgan war? appo.alrd. MeT9 I.ttYrroGC. aUUfOB, and Randall arra ap f olnirl a t onlerenc Comtnittr ou tn DHkimrjr WW, and ilrara. Siarkwcalher, Judl, and Van Trunr. ol the act to abohab Iba trajra of Aduatral and V.rr A Intlral. Mr "tWJIMI (Htf t If, Ti), from Iba Commitlaa a)f Con'arrec o.i Tin aocrtiiBa raciric bcilkoad bill, repor ,"1 that tli' lloua agroa to tlta title f the cct.ipany to that oi tba Taua rattfli; Rail road 1 lv benate agroea to 1L lioure rubtittit. By! La two ail htt"nal arettona, one provtuiitg for a yyinitlar cr. nt ot pul:tc land lu J.oulatajba. to eoab; tb Nutv Oileaiia. Uatoa Roug. and Vickabara lim bbj Cotu.any it its Eastern trTm-.tat by way of At Bri i. irol tbo i.tiirr for a almlUr arar.t, in BtM r Sb tVyul err. 1 a-iRc Koad by tbr wax of 1 at oi r.rar ti.u Colorado rrrrr r Miirnci brtal tSBraiuad IMI b Iho new gteitoM Ik sr..n' of landwu d be InerrarrJ over that Btadt i) It ll. ua. i ill (IJ.0TJ0.t aarrai b b 'twrn faflf an, ala mil. Ions of aerea. 'J her aftrafica it port aaaayrood to 14 to M 1 buBM Jolbl trtt'luiUn rontlaulng Ihr .n't o' JuH It. IITS, ao at to a. in It frrr of duly atiimaia tt. I y lubottrd for brrudlug porpoa from Can ayWa, a aa BB4, ho ixcaiaai or nxaioxa. Mr Hat atopt I I I t oved to anaprnd tb rnlrt tan 1 paaa UM bunalt, bl,l Increaemg paaatona ) per out. Mr WttaoN (Ohl, ) That bill lnrdrr a.V) raX) OX) f Mr iwaa t rp . tAaaa la wit take 1 cot of ti r 'I r- ocry. I r Vn Mi iK i.flep., N. T)-No miter I' It aVk'i f 7) IBBI.UOO. Tea uiutiou waa rejeod by a lire mJ jritr. laraeiriinit BBPT' PBOTOCBArfl OaLLBBT. t Mr 1 inna tUry Me.) from the Library Coin 'B.ittar. Blade a rt port In favor of purcaaatng irom 'Ma t ee D brtd) . i l.olograpl.rr 01 New York, at s eo-t til t BlBBtdtai t ,AI, bta rt-llrcttoo of photo irrapha of acrn, inCadaBtti, and eliarariera in ibr rfa . war;nlto a trport on the t-ontract of u,e artt-l 1' . I 1 lor vtnt.h; a plilor llluauattre of a naval wirtory. i lag rrporta warr ordrrrd to br printed. VI 't H,-t ale amrn itnrnte to Hi llauv Mil ria'lnc to t leyrapl 1c c mrunttlcalion brtticn IM I i lag biatta ni.o tore ym couritriea were contu red to 1 a Senair aiiiriiilnienta tti the titer aud harbor a?! ri : tnt'on hi I airt aon-eonrnrred in. and .t coli gnit M of confrrenee ortlerod. Maavra. Bawer. aVotitr ami Inurraoll were appolmad. A NBW rUDJOIll MffBjtM mw rORX. Mr HirtaBAM (Kap.. Ohio) reported a Mil lo rr art" t. e Nor.ncrn Judicial Utalricl in tit hat, ol a V rk M. BBC Be in m.. If, T ) Bfgeatrd thai Ihr die trirt rr-rn'iy r ' at- '' Rr.mkl.o, and ahlch waa aa irrleaa af tL rt,, wt,eel of a coach, aboold ba irn -tern-1 to t'f.ttl ern New York. ' Mr. HixftiiJM ri-pllrd tint tlta prnpo'ltloa w.. fr again! nature and crnld not he rarried out. 1 he iu.k i re napaade I and the kill ia ed. ' Ti r Ht nale till to p it l,.V) i lo tieor.o WrljMt aa royal' t itr a pa'cri' lii.chp.n w j.. tH.JH fO artAKEB BtllNI. Mr. ( ox i Pent , N. Y'.l nhe ehJr hlng ocurlrl by Mr rcrr.O . Certtl tl.o followtag resolution: fto rt. In view of tho diBeultie involved in (I. a parlol inaoee ot the ilutlct ol Hpraaer of I'lla limit , tig of the corrpituouily abl. court uv. digutfted, " i g dtarajajv f thoea datlre l.y tlia Hoi. J., it l latM BBl IB! Ihr rurrttl t oattrata, it i emt nir. v bag ifl lag nitt OBf tnauks be irnderr ., aad ... aa bare a) teudercd LMiafor, Tr yatiiion .v.ia adopted by acclamation, i r, one vol -r, (,ltofMr. 11luo tllein.. Ol io), being le.r 1 otintr ' nO.' TIM i-tnate I ill to p:..r. .a for the redemption of C ; ; : . I Olliei I "III vt ra p ,nrd a r 1 at ii a at iliem , N Y ) muvrd to auvprnd thr rnlea and taea I' r Ftanate bill for the erection of a fa t OSlie at Allirnr, N T. ReJeCteg A ' IM rvr iln? ae"rton tlia eoit'rr,oce raporl oa the Poal USce Appropriation bill aa m . , and agree I to. Mr .I'i' KrT (Rep., Fit) praaasUd th ron'er bee rt ti t ou TUB AttllT ArrkOI'HUTIOK BILL. It itrlkra out th Hrnate (rtniendrnetil opening The I t i:t. u ClallMIB the tleiuia of loyal cit ana ta the South for auppltia fu rtahod to or taken by me army during th rebellion, gad at batltotea for It in .bill p-r ' yeeterUay by thr bi Bi for the creation of a Itoard of t oramlaatot - tl ea.Biine i ali a. It ttraea lo lha an nf t . Banata tti rolrroB I lo lha Union I 'rotd, dt,ct Bar ihe Soeratar or tka Ti ag ) to ah C m gntnv oiio half ol tba antonri ! by tka Oov- arnrpei.i for Irauaportatioo, In. rtppiyin; l,ta 'will, .nooat to Ine paymtnl ' lb! roat on tba tiomir taiiiod lo th Company. A nr an nn.ronUd diacuMlou Uil roLfergBc re port n-e arce.l to. 1 1 a .ti'iiat bill renrwlBg tb land grant I) lha Bou'i and North Alabama Kailroad Company waa taarn tioni lb Bpwikar'a tabl aad peaaan witn an tient. M f gBjagut (Rap .Cal.) prMeptad lha coi.'i rrarr f tPo t OU Me i i naLATiva iri BOpgiinoB bill. at Bald ' ' ti. !ta In dr'f rrnrr had pocb i.utrowBd Down lo U'l tli aalarlra of I'Bttrd htatea Ju IV tl n w bundiil : ' r tb Slat D. partni nt : the ai eaal i I I tba Cai lUil groiinda: lb prop iacd atrw park III " tin o ; and lha lacraaae of aal rira n ti a .of bBiaagg. Tb coa'erra had I. ad ifraad to I . crraaad aa'aiiaa for tbrjutlra of 'II. 1 t.i i in" I rt, and to lb iBcreaead alurta of V the I In tin J . $1 UXJ. Uatlng from tkega, bow- aver, lUr it . i,k expeuaea now atiawod them: but I-''. . i Pt ii regie the aalarlea af other fJnild tilatea Judce. A. to U.a dial DeparmaBl builtl ii.,; the queatloo of the material ol wblcb 11 1 to M Uill Haanoblpr U.itnd by having It to b decided b) il. e eoncutrrut action ol tit lommitt on fuh l.c l,o, id. i, ya i.t.d Urounda la each lloua. Th rWn it Ii id yielded ou tb (gtroaloa of Ik Caplt-tl, lot ptoioreJ park, aad OB tit aropoauloB to Ui eaae the aalnrlve of u.a kaada af bunaua. MB. IrMjgJI BCBXTIBQ JOB. a. 11: 1.1,1.111 iRep., lnqBlrd kow mneh waa n Ipai pl1ud lor obo wlsg of lha HUla Deperi I ti, i t Mr h a HoKNT fMin.ooa Mr Uosgg How muy wing la II lo havf Mt AI...I-.1 it, trouud plaa i to b or th llB.enaloai or the Ttinury hnildlBg Mi lot.: Itow many wlaga baa Ikatf Blr. i ia,iai 'J I t ganUrntan can aaawar that ii aL lutoaeli ; I t'l net bo otchtad by Lit. Mr, Laittia Wll. tLn, w will call It fonr lag tto ti ta to coiiMBOud with IM Treaartry Ppartraent, wky wB not lh material pir rlbrd f Mr. Ml 'tirir Thr propeiallion waa m by th lloite ranfartag to prmrrlh granite, hnt we com promnr.l by leiylni lie miliar to Ihe eonrtrrent nction of (M l ommilteri oa I'ubllc RBlldtng and Uroonda. Mt l.ortA'V-Tl.en I warn ihe flonae that It la a regit nr too lot II e Mrwoae or hai Iny that flat lr pttrlmrn' I nildln ; e . erlu 1 nBI of red e'nnr-rnre arona- ahtch bat nra lo crrtaia IndtTBluaia lu Warhtrrt ra Mr Km iPem ,H. T.) WW the geuUmao atate wko the atonct tatM a aania: roa obaiit' bbp aToxa. Mr l.n.iA That I aol lha queatinn bolor lit Botiar I u rrriy fall It allentlon of Ihr lloua lo the I iet l thr fort rrrnre Ctimmlllao reltiaea lo tbr ma r-ial tiawt In lltla I ttllditir, ndih'tt rat" thr qnration In tfit mind whether it H not toll hittll of ted aton for the benrfil of a rw liidiTiilnibt In III elly. Mr Kits If Ihr grniirman prtearwr nnr know Irdg II ii will rnllgh rn l ie llonaeon Ihl qnoailoa, I think It la hi duly a a leglalalnr to rive II. Mr. l.ooAB U'rli 1 will gle II to yon If on look around tills Capi'ol, and ar nind the Trraaury building and around lie other llovernmrnl build Inca In Ihl cl:y, nu will find that lha Hayglog r cruliy put down la all of red alone. Mr. Kox-I aak you to aiats who oral that rd ali nr Mr. f.ntiAX. I do net know, Mr. 1- ox Th gentleman hrta Inltmalrd that lomi b'd cwn r. Mr. l.toi at Y, elr; and anmrhodv dor own 11 : bn1 thul ta not the g .ration l.rre. It 1 kneir ryrry o tnrr of II, I Would ti"t atatg t'rlr MgiBl tlBfBI bt:l the fart tnal Ihe Cui'erene Comttilllee doo not 1BIBI a Ilia mater al for Ihl bur ling, marl in nn mt it I ihr Inqmry whrt'irr Ihi t n it a Job M- Fox II Ihr Prrridaut of lh I'niled MM any Miami In II ? M 1uAN-l do ncl know whether he ha or ni . ir ha bat be wli noi give It to you (l.anthler 1 M, r IP (ten DBtlBf f T coolrovrray, whlc t w.t growln? mora ani mal i ri ry munttBi, an 1 w.ileB v , creating OltaAr IMBBBAT ADD it ai r on thr fl'ior and I'' the gallrrle. waa Inlerrnntrl at Ihi pwlal b the rteaker, vtho eallni Mr. Fox to nrdrr. 10 BOB a tc II OB with but a.ln-iloa to lite Pi Bap dent, and aald ue could uoi permit au:U reuiarka lo br i idr. Mr laOB AB T am not B'lng lb nam or any per on. or inlet. ding lo n'e th name of any prraon In cntimrlioa with ti le matter, and It It an Inanlt lo any man on thla fl.Hir for enot?ir man to Attempt to ihruet Into lit mouth worda or llraa wtileb b dot not intend to c)By. Mr. Koi - If Ihr grntlrmia I nnl with Ih admin ie'r flin Tt 1 apalnel It, Mr Loeao, without uottrlng, and prrbape wlthnnt hearing Ilia Interruption, wrnt tin to aay that on dot bo, tmptitn the motlvaa of any one, but only called lita attrntli)B f th Hob to III lacL H i far alh Prattltil of Ike t'ntlrd Sttlra waa c ,m-ciacd, lie waa sol here to aaaall i m . tie Pre! lent waaa t,et'.rr -nan tiian Iboa who aaaatled btm, a much trltrr man. Mr. Pui-Th grn'.lemau'a Insinuation n that aomebody connrcird wiib the g'trertoenl waa tn Irraated la Ihla aioor, and 1 deaira lo kuow who that prraon la. Mr. I.110AM-On and find out ind yon will know Laughter II ol-yrrtr I lo In proviftoo atNiul Judgea' aalarlea, anti aald that II wouUI br belter for me country aod brttrr for the Republican part to lay the till I n lit Uh and let IL t.xl Coureaa get np a bill whlcn woold nol bob tub raori B aa thla I ill rrarpoerd. Mr Dawaa tltep. . Maaa.t expraaavd h;t dlrnl from aoma of lb propositi .re li the co"frrenc repor , hut atguei thai under all tlta eircu'na'aBcea tl war littler lor lha Hit: to agree to It, a a coo ferrue report waa la IM very nature a 11, tug of ninloal concraeloo. Mr. Cox iDcm . N. Y.t argnrd Rial af a nc Con grraa Waa in rr,,ev to m- rruw (hi hill of abomina tion ahould he allowed M go orer. Mr. lauoAN -I ihli.k ao. too Mr. Cox What do the gentlr-nan from lillnoia mean bv tl.ta red stone ring, "r tin Knr rMfl I Who i tu It t Ibla Uenar. or the lobby, at hMrlt, I rotten with Ike gilded llira of corruption, rollgi re I b) tb Uglx'alion or CtM.src. Ial MM Ball there, fore remain unitl II cn br rxamtne.1. Le. l..rae inneudor AlaAIXaT TBB IHIHOB 01 TUB Pitt Vpavr of lha lulled Btatag, and Wbrck hat aol been dvn: .1 bare, br examine 1. ' Mr. Uakfitld (Rep , OhloV-l ark ti e Cat r wlMLhr it I parliataeaian laroruaa: for tb gvntte i -D to aay thet thla TJottaa ta ccrrtjpt and rot en f lli SBAkxa-lt la noi. Mr loz I did not apply Hal rrraitrk tn my If uod Irom Ohio, an 1 ha need nol br p iraonat about tt. I vaid that thr re were glided flir of corruo'ioa a!l inoal II ran tol Mr Vn Mik tllep , Mo I -Srery cntlrptnp bag tha ligM to ipeak I oiai lita own atat,dpoiuL l aag ler 1 Fir Cox Twe btnuBtg whkb I pr1 waa in rrf rreace to tla taola , v Lo. mem mra are in our c - . .n atouB l here hk tba lice and froara t I rTaryov. M .i, ..i (Rep , Cal l daclired lhat lha hi I does not contain a single yob, ano that with the ex ception of the tUtta (or the Utile LKit srtn.ent build ing, it waa entirely for lie ordinary gtfsl xonsra o. to ' lovrrnmrnl After auta rurtaarr di. ir-. Ion the Conferanc r port waa - "-I lo yaa l.n . aaye, tJ. Tb CorainltLaa of trrnc on thr River and Ibr..- Appropriation Itli mad a report, wbtcb waa ar aad to. CoBiairBca report w.ra alro mad on the Ped rlrn-i bill aad tua Naval Approprlatios bill, aud wore aireed to. Midnight Ml the approprtitloa bllla tinr brrn tlttl!y 'HaeoeeU of on tne rrporia o' IM C'oi.ierem-e Como.ltuaa rxeept lb itmnlhna hill, wine I baa noi yet be. n Mnt over trout Hie heiiaie at not Hi.r. STUOKK Of LI CK. A llan fart Tlld arhl Wile and Cain a For lun Th M io, Hi. a I p of a Nofarioua Di vorce -on -Mr. C'rovva off lar Kuropr. The bgppMM mall lb the til of New York walked ii- " tit burl tfJic yeatrrday afurnooo. II wu nobblly attlrod in a ault of tba luteal Em ilab cot lita rnlly ehrka wrr wreathed la amllea ; hi koen haxal err actually glowrd with drilght. wklla hie coal black moaslacbe gracefully cur-ad under bia wull formed Roman n BM Ap proacblnglh deak of a rprntatie of Tub Kit. he dtew a large, well-filled buff envelope from Hie tight baud braaai pot ket of l is lual !r coal. Lajint ue ekag op Ml desk, be rxclaluid, In lu a "llr .lore! I've got a divorce from ker al last I" " i h a hotn V " From Zadacelna Crowo." " Than y-iu are it free man ogaln fn " Kret Bg alaik -Uajpy a- a lord, air : but she'a tied tip ran B'ter inarr. attain. Look al the papera. ltere'a Jndt birtiaril' dMMMkt and all the tloru ii. It Willi the aunsiiiro and aeala. Would jou like In aBTf ibem c.pUd for puilitatioB lu Tub MJB " 'No, Ibank you; we have too much other liu-pori-tet and lu'ereattng ma'trr." Well. Lira me a good Lollcc in your paper to morrow, Ibtl Ul lha w rid kuow lhai I have ob t lned my divorce. 1 shall ba off mr Lurope In lha City of ParU at noon." "Abl Afraid of being c.iurlit again. b" ' No, But rxa lly lhat yual recrlvarl lofortPi tion tnal an nitel of mlu has died an I loll to a fortunot aW.WO" " Allow u.a to tongralulal you Mr. Crowe. Your caaa prove the tr .in of t. .. old adage, thai II ere . no rreat loss wrlhotit some gain." " Yoo ar rtghl. Llapp) low -lucky gain I Oood sfturaooB, nr. ' Tbflludaoa liner llrakeniru' frltn. attUaJir, March S At lite ar aion of lite I.cgi Utlv Joint Committo iatruay aftrrnoon, Mr. 1-aae Touevy, hunerinUntveiit of Ihe lludaon River Railroad, waa Hi principal wlineaa examined. He aald that bl rule grid regulation a ere broken ty ike riraemB on the oil Halo, who on the plgbt of "ai aeel dent w ere lu the cihooae and op th angina. II thouiibi u. .it tb or.ikauien aa the xpia fraia, who aald may had nol timarput on lb brakea, rid bav tluie bulwren th atgnal from lit eugiueer an the nolltaion. lie waa aatlafled that the flremaa on la exprraa IxatB did not do bla duly fully In p itilsg on th ptti.l brakt ; thai ba thought mtr of earing blaowa 111 than ol pulling on Ihe patrnt brakre. l'ho anxineer, too, from what he could learn, anuuded bla wtnail llr timr brfor th pieui Lrakea wr aitanded lo ; whrreae, It waa M dutt to Dial at ply the patent brakea aud aliet wardi aound iba wbtslla. Thr HBIchaaa Vaaally hsssfsr tSOO.OOO. Charles J. Katohum, of Ihe dafunet Wall tlrBBt banking dim of Mori Km. l.n in. Bon Jt Co., waa arrved with notice, yneparday. to nawr aevaral cnmplalnu agalnal blmaelf and Morrta Kuciium bta titer Ihotnaa Belanap, Jr., Kraukltn M. Ktchum, I mart M. -swan. Kdward B. Krtcltum. and Auan. tua W Roblnaon, bla pannera, lor about IfiKi.utaJ i be aulU Biiglaale tn Kdward B. Keichiitii a loiaenea Among tkoae wuo bring Ihe ettlte ara Jo?epit R rioeor fliarla. t. Collin, WillluB Fraud. Ueury rt. Urldley, aad AJbart Day. The Doatb of Waltsr Dravra, Ika Oaraman. Walter Hrown, tba oaraman. died all he rgi dance ol lit Baothu. la Newbnrgb. yealerday, of eiilnrgement of iba aplern, oomplicaiad with diopay. TM iuksh waa contractad during tu destruction r bia boai-bou at Boeloa a fewweokaago. H aiiff.rd Urrtbly for thr work, but rutnd hta consciouaaeaa to lha laai. rcognlxlnx bla frien la around bim. Ua waa tblrlt-oa yara old lal Nu eur. Ua laatea a wile IB Portland, Mo. Fraaf agalaal lha Maaslor Pllkln., March . Tha Uatimony In th Ftl kina eae ao-day waa wllk regard la the prieonei a fliianrlal embarraaamenl prlar to Ik fobbry ; th ptatol I. p.relmaed at Hie pawnbroker '. and IU Id mi tea Hob of the revolver found near the ecene ol Hie robbery aa tba one aold bv Bcoti aa the day ol ihe robbory alw ideui.iyn g IM monvy aul by tl miim a lbt day. OLD JKSSK .GKAaNT'S S500. HE OITS nVTHAVH -TIT VT.VTBD ao ui nt ir ro tub vooh. Two Inle rtlrwi wllh th PrMldnirn Wt9t - lit Owntlbnl n Mnn Oflcrril him Inr n Plnr mm Whlflkt-r (niirr Auri he 1 ItM Mi Anpnlnfm-iil Ihr Mai wtl I ' '' j ApiwIbI htm Ktnvrd. Prom (Ao i ,ju Inquirrr. YMlrdny we dUpttchW rennrtrr to tti Onvtraoinnt Pott Offli Tb nTj rrt of ht Jotirnev vu to otit-iln trom the Tfncrul iilier or Dtir rrMt iient uny drfcnHf thit wifht nt 9i to murt" ro.nM thf leriMtlOM of Mr It O HtoniR, tb M'inuVf.l A'(Kor of l:itrnn. RTrT.t.f tn tit Kiiil I) .-trlclji, liirl'i ctirrt nnd 'itnl)i itlu twrr raWintirl in YiMteril..)' K- qnirtr Our rfprver fnan1 tlio PratlaMtl I iir in th nnVi ol th uvinnton l'oti offlcel whtrli, by th w. wntild ilM bt notl.r i iin hnllitin fr It not Oat tli nUi'lowa of fmt fttort ar i In planka i ..' 1 m tmitatlon uf and-ton Ho cnmt'lrtts it tli deception tlia! It ftTis th palili il block tie appcarjiic of an axtl'-ilc edtOc ol t'i lljrlc ftyl of arrhltecture J'h enftriMc in in wa ib M na'tv e)mnt, tbe ofllc3 of b! pot office. Thla t ai rrd aoi), for her th miliar nsrntntttona of lila powerful InUihct conrorl not mlj the t.tet.itla of IM manafrment of tti Wat Ofttc, but wtth rrl" wtucd awuop I iktj into tta qnl t retreat th tnlnntt of fr cwil or nirllury ofBc under tti )oernmeiit. from the aoila nf Alaika frlKl Hty to thoe of Kqn.i tutlftt Area Hi re nmal be Died u. pathetir ptta uf u icup, law. nephawa, c-u-tna. aona in law, c. An I here, ton, nifiny an offlrt tl bea), gory an t ghatlr, mutt haT drop,d into the ttnomlnloun DAtkti Hut however aacrad, solemn, or aad the aaanelation. o t e place mltini b. tber la no i : feniion of the rort In tntemr or appearance pariicu Inrlv U 1 iual audi a piac a nil;nt npeot Ij fljd irom ft oatur m np. Our rtoter laMd tt' OOJ ijenarisn nc-,f I in a de voted perusal of tbe "truly loll" peper. th CAron icft, and ipoi atatinc hla object, w;ii IMMII I to to INtfl 1 nt-irliift irrffi if i reaeui 9 aa be a4ltt b ' waa o litil bard ol bt-ai .ag." TRK t n IP- . 0PBN1TI0. Potm .tei Wint pioer do you repreaentt It-, - Tier -Th Fnqvinr. At ttni the old tentli man pulled down hi cla-" acrutlniatad the reporter with a q.itloned look, and proof de I to fniilnoie, ltepor c- What aoawrr will you mak to thf ac ma..!. on of Mr Hto oa. aa I rutoeo ou bave read tba article in the yquirer t I'ottlm&ater " Th wuuh article la a lie, tber ai . . two lln of truth tu tlie wbnlo tliini. Bill Motna ta a perjured Ttllato, hla aon Hone naa no brain, and AVillnrd ta t convicted felon, aaved only fiom tbe t n ;i- h .r I. 'porter " Yon f..TorJ th appolotmeut of Rorac to the office. I i Oru ota Father Yea ; but I dldnl know him per y 1 only knew that I e went Into ihe army a prtvat un l c in out n t aptaln, which wia a (t'od ravirl. Mv eo went tn a ait. In and c.m out Commander-in-Chief ; but. 1'ien, Hlomi wasn't bioi Jiast'l flTHPATtIT WITtl TBS I K Reporter How ah-nt th charce that yon offTd to ahara " with 8'oin, lu case It wojtd ftppolnl ao u nl ao aa Oauer ? Je " Tnal i a tie, an 1 Hone and It'll Jto M know It Tier wer two men anptcut for t' p oUon, WelkotT and Taylor, etthr of wiiom would do for tne plat. I went to Mom' father, for 1 w t iat b run the o.Uce, und told hun that a third part, a wealthy ram 01 On- iMftti, ba,d ilr! mi I'"1 in liivt Wii.toiR appo.uU'l to the I t i. I d not doubt but that t MM tnsn mmv hav hail dtlntrretl motlvea Moma to lake him and try hlni. and tl be didu't run to tli1 t r j bun." Keporlor What Vrao-f cf V t V0? I ultra.! I IwUl Mr Moon Uke It -n 1 tiip rly Hi w.nta ol tbe nee ly, aud fire u to tbv poor I think h did. It' porter Uurace Ptomfl raiJ that yoo mad tbe ot!rr to hkm. Praldfntlal Kir - That i Mm ; I mad no offrr l all. Imrrlv a ke I bla lather to appoint tho man What do I want with money f 1 hav inor now than I nrod. t w enrir'id mv family, and bav no ii. iie lt hlng for n ouey. 1 bad nothing wbat- i to do Willi tt ' owKa rp to tub p&ui DBivy'a lbttbb. Our rportr her bow4 lh Preatdent'a f .ther a copy of tbt leiier wrttien hj 1 1 O Wtmal to His Kicelirnry. '1 1 v "id gentli-man then produce.! the original letter, ma. tt by aou to father, and marked " Mnctiy li i. ale Bd t utifldential.' fiom Waahtne; ton. Il did not itifler lu au nUhc from tnal pub )t-tied l eett-rday'a Fnquittr And the oM g.-n-I cm an ad led arain that il waa a.l a that bn nvr a H . t any buameas cuiiuci led wiih tb office, . b bidu t braiua nub lo Oil tb efflcc. Kuiorler ' How ahout the rrmoval of IMlftf i . i-i T Mr BtoBal lltlM that yuo tbreuteucJ Lis m raw 1 catr ai not i-lnatii.l ; nlno, that lion. Mr., now UiLlttUr to LeLiaritk, Inter ceded." lv al -" I nver made any ccb threat. I don't believu that Kramer aald abyttiiuit upn lb n. : If be did ao. tl waa without tn koowlr l e. I nirr ly aaked t e appotntu.ent of Tea Uecaiiac I knew h BTM a good nun for th plve. I krew hitt fathrr, aad 1 tell .ou thet I . bia bc.Ur blcod In him l.ian nil tb Moma, BUJ, U-rvce, and NVtliaxd put togvlbc:." HOW JBAfe GOT a TAIB or BLirPBBS. Ki'por'er Hav yoo ever accepted pecuniary re avarw firoti ap.ivautai lor wur n a ia iviunoy; office f JBUB TtfaTtT I otf received a pair of alippera fiom Mj fur wh" bue'itn 1 1 oblaiued an officii, biu that ta tx.o only prrM-ot ol ih kind 1 ha, ru ceivad. At t ii point tl old aenMeman rmrmbered it vaa lb n'pi'er hour, but on aajggWBitM H at there waa one otbur po.ul, be waa ubniii -taled, aad from hta rainl'liuK firmlny our roporia, xtrcied In auhatanoe the I .owiog: H' 1 4 mu (avor tbe removal of r in caae of a coor-olidattiuB of tb I j-i and Becood Du tnctat 1'roaldrnllal blre That la another p.eof Htoma'a vlllal"jf. 1 have aiwaya been bia auppurtar. Woen in Wuahtn.:tou a year ago I .tat February 1 1 am for prtfnl about dalee), they told tn that If 1 wanted btouia removed they would do It. 1 advtsad tbm not to oo It. And wbeo ( omuuaaiouer Iuiano ent ui a Idler, whb h I now have, atatinc that cotn Elatnta hid been inude agalnet blm, I Mil 11 couiiei lh'4 lan ientiuu. reporter a-ked II be would auow lha i ju en ici.t i n iutlar. but b refuaed.l . TUB OLD MAM fcTklSlNO OUT WILD. Ilcporter How long ago waa It that tb A00 offer waa nude ou t i . - . i two year, and Horace Rtoma baa I ad it on l.l atomacn ever Mice, until poa aeaecd with the spirit of Jonah, Bad Itching to ac bla name lo print, to belchea It f th I 1 tell yon blotni ara villain th wV-e act. 1 have got a a roat raaoy peopl Into offlcea. but thrae are the only " lh .t bav. n't filled 'em well. And, then, tbe tnoaLeat part of th whole la the I. . , which tuy aon cut in from Washington, vilhfytng ine and charging me with mcddliug with appulnt meiita, wbtn my rupporl waa if only thing that kept hlra in Ua plat e n'd bav gon to Ta bell and Hiili'i' i lonu before If It hudn'i been for me. You bjw Horac' lcltr. Tbe old roan Bill' la worse In would not ahow acopy KP.. cbargtiiK nil aorta of bilotry upon row. But we'vegut rid of 'ern at la". AH 1 car about la to ... honeal men into office. W got a a ud t'ongrfsamaa in Perry, though be la a httlv deaf Tblrl) live yaara bio I might have tnaOe a good Congreaaiua.i mattl, but I'm loo de;if now I j 1 1 i bt ar what'e going on. ICggluaton w a aucb aa ill 'i.aif fp.iuw" that u couldn't prop erty reprt-aeiit tie district. Uer tb old man ruubad ht forul end, cmiiiij a ew grav balra back irom hla fce I aaid Tr lived ft If3ng time my friend am In my eeventy-elg-'-b y i . and If anf man could follow lu my Uacaa, I 111 you be'd led weary by thla lime. bi tftlU a riKrn or rticrrr. fie then gave qmt an 3tnalv aketch of political blmory, couplma dalea aud namaa wilu a fariliiy r matkubl lor on of h yara. Tl en. turning to th leporter, lh old gentleman aald: " Now don't tell a lot ol Ii tomorrow; atick to tb fact. Tuea papera, aud your' to bav roaliguctl me abeuitv'ully." Our reporUr, aaauring the venerabl man that h would rmvmbr bla lujunctlou, twd him good ventng at tb atepa of tb palatial Cov Inglon PoaUofflce ; and, turnlug bla bead wlin a ba), aquar away. enjoyoG tb itreme felicity ol be holdinc th liv f.t ierol a Preaidi-ut atimulatuig bla noa wllk geueruua rappe. l llacklna the Fwiker af Ika AdnlulairanUa - A ii tn b r r Imrrvlrw wllb blm. from (A Cincinnati Commercial Our reporter to wbom waa asBigned the pleas ant taak of luveatlgalmg thla aubject, yeaterday reached lh Covington Poet Offlt at about 1 P. U. (moat of our ra Ure ar aware that Jaaa K. tlraal la Poatmabtr of Covington), and mad hi way to tb din;y back office, which waa vacant. On of th tbre clerka of tb Post Oflc. wbo waa aakek at what dm lh Poatmaaler waa likaly to nt-iura, atald Hint be could not aay ; b could probably b fooud at bla home, 6H0 Greeuup trel. Q'o tb tvodat two atory brick bona of th num ber aud at '-et mentioned, our reporter forthwith a.ade hla way. A jhikI- of the bell broual.t to lh doir a girl, woo aakeo our roportcr'a nam, InvlUd blm to th neat front parlor, aad proceeded to an nounce blm. TBI INTBBTl B W Mr Grant appeared, erteodlng bta band, eeajed blmaelf on a tiU a tft, rootioaed hi gueat to a aat al bla aid, and rumarkad : Ml you keep your ba-i wltblo about two feet of mloBlcaa bear ou; I'm deal; there, not ao ClBJportr-l'm a reporter, Mr.OrftUti boll'm not an Xanla man. . atr. iir-nt-(8mlllnr-Are you from the 71i7r Tbat Xenla man told tbe 'i.nwjmao about a coavur aatlen b bad with m. Haportei I'm from the Commercial office, air Grant. Called to eee If you have any .etaiement t take la raolv to tils ruthr extraordinarr cbirga BByBBBBBBBBBBBBa-vy - - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3riBaaaaaaa. made agalnat voo bv florae ,i. Btom, la hla later view with Bloae of th Knqvirtr. Mr. Grant Yea, Blosa. .1IBSB BTILL riTTIIfO TBI POOB. Reporter Po you proooa to make any Uteraent of the affair ? Mr GrantMy reph la. that It It a conanmmat lle ; Mtame roncevla all th facta IM pnhltahea Ilea thala abonl the aubatance of tt. In in ctee of bribery ibat he atate av peeitlvely, I aaccrtnlnej that two men llmt want-td appnintmnt war retally bopat men. bat not belav ' Koni' aim could not gwt pjK.miB.ntL, aad St tn Ilea tfbont tt. The 1XH ot tliai matter waa thr' A third aeraovi. a very wa-lfliy aaaa, eakl, " I wi l give flvw hnofl-td (hdlara fnr ihe appointment of ot of the men,' I went to oM Bbiy Moma becmee be waa real! the Aaeeaor. and aekM him If he would appoint one oi theee mo, Taylor or WertiiotT. Taylor la an old in.' n and very well off. I fooad out about Warlboff that be waa a very clever man, but one who was very antlooa to make money and woull make conatrucilona of law lo ault bla tr teteet-. He waa an eiperlfncrd ganger. Old Htoma aald, " w will not appoint tnea men." He tiaed th ' w' beeeuae b ad milted tbal tber waa a partnership in tli office. Ta)loratdbe didn't care anything about It any way. I spoke to Htoma FM VYerthff again, aattna that I had inund blm lo be a reliable man, but antloss to niaee money. I said to .atoms, " I hsve tiot spoken to WerthotT on the subjsct, but s third peraon i - . " to glv flv hundred doPara I on nf t two Oieu can b ao pointed. You might a- wall tuko that Ore hun died dollara and rtve it to th poor; It will b only transferrins It from a very rich man and liviog It to tti poor " At tb earn time, mind yon, 1 told Ktome there Dilght be aometbint alnlater In the allatr, and that wiitle be ouold ap poiut Writ) off and tale tl e five bundroJ dollara to glv to the pour, be could watch W llioft. and If h lound anylhing wr ng. why, Ii could u ; blm. ftvw you are how Uoraca htoma covera the truth m tbl CunveraatlnB with It.oaB. He want to make out tbat I wst.led t.n money, or part af It. Ilorac says I waa tl iuenaof getlint! bin out of nftW, wihIbj I wui the meane of getting bim In, and Mtf ing bim in iBslfi'a MKSBB B'6B. The old man airhrd heavily, st thr point, sod cnaet bng aud fliedly tbrouirb bla aprrrac.ea, at pat tavors repaid in preaenl baas injrautude and lie algbrd again u b dld. " kea, Htoma and bis fBtaaf are moat in'moua liars. I did not cars lor laa if r llHBlBBl o Weattioff but 1 wanted to trana fcr tb.ii 6'jn tu IM poor." Itcportsr - Do you ihink of anr other matters thst you care to publUh In thta connoction. Mr Grant T f Rnter girl 'Dinner's resd., Mr Grant.") Mr. Grant, (u.rddiuir to tbe girl and evidently moi tn tb u i of eipoaing tb ingntl- (at. laa 4t I in Hlflllkaa flllllllV thftn 1IH HOWl f I T dlBtltff) ij one r aalftd s leiter from IMaao aiaktnr of greet difaaltafactioo In the Dvpart mtnt about the rirtl DiKtrtct affairs, and aaylng t nt ' sa that spputotinctit wss madu through yoa, we leave Ii to you I correct tt," but aayt a Ai the aame lime, " Willaid IVoaa muat go out." 1 Bfatrwet. that biker to Aaaeaaor No. I (the eld n an ftQd he awur like tbe army In Flandera. Horace aaldl "I wiu lot tarn bin out;. I be went to rt- . n be may, but 1 wtil nut lorn bim oul." I faj rtc l thu o Dcajtuo. I bee Wrihi Clsrke came In. and the Htomaea pulled the wool ovrr bla cyea Itkf tbey did ov r mine wl en I thouibt old H'.omt wae tie nirat c.evcr td mau I ever asw. .- Ciarke end Htons put up mailers (or i larks to be s taudldate fur aagrBBB in tbe Kiret District, aud Clarke w to move i here right off. I wrote to lue Deperlnetit lhat u honest man waa niiutred lir HupMi-.or .nd thst was a OBJge ttiat had never been rreferrnd saraioat Clarke, j tail uvfta Q oiNNia. Al tin- p int eutera tt e Presitient'a mother, with tne remark, Diuner I? oo lu ta'o uod tt'a a sale one; 1 ' I1 u tie" dinner with ua, r, and do your dot im after f"j Oor reporui ttasweal tns Isdy for I er kin l.y la vltatiOB, Pot eacttji 1 htma -If on the ground oi hav Ing Just com (row b.a breakfast, aau proaiUed nut to tn. Mr. Grant longer. Mr. Grant, cunimulug You see Hjrac waa the legal Acssa-or, ihe oid man tbe artu I, and VYtllard the eiecutivi1, when be waa about lbs office. Oil, they sre a alee pirly In offie 1 dp all. wrot to the Depertmeut: They are raacala. aud you can do aa you pla wl'h tuem." But up to tbe last 1 u id u'waye bon ibcll I tvb ' A rar ago thai said thy would turn lue MasggM out If I wanted lh"m to ; hot I dldn'i want it done Horace says P?a alMija bt-en bla semy. snd ther Le I es Hut y u couldn't ipct anything better of a man whe wouli keep hi brother tber sfier lb record be bnd mad In lfl citj. aud keep bla unci ia t See, and wurk tiilnxs se a t swell tu pay frota th iegtl oay of f-tots) to 6.0W pr year. Tn reasoo tby antil to turn PHM oat at because be waa eapuatng them in Uieir rascality They talk about me taking menry for m Infludrice Why 1 rever recelvod cent; aod wouldn't. I don.t want lo acquire m ny in loai w;iv, bu.iue 1 tiave Dirtily Th onl, trouble wllh uie I, t ial 1 BBWaipaat to nin h m.n ry Hfpurtnr -IM nut Uet .m yon lon-er from youi dinner. Mr. Grrnt. I'll bit you Rood day. Mr. GranlI."l's at e, w.iici. Pj er are ou connect ed witnT Kt'portor Tbe f it ciunstl Dally Co.nmercial. Mr. Grant Wrll, 1 hope you'.i not abuie me in the ' ommercial. Kepoi tei G i , no etr. I shall do you justloe ; 1 f ilied wltu i i. y fsir intentions. MSfVXIHNQ TUB NAIIOSAL DEBT, Hacrelwrr Boot weHa Ineirucileae te ihe American ftgcuia af the Mew l.o.m I hi New Yerk IlBkere ho nre Agenie. TTtlllsMJIOM. March Secretarv Ufftitwcll baa Isaurd tbe following inaiructiooa to tbe Amen can asents of the low loan : Pnbhc notic I neeeby alven. tbst books will be i i - t on lbs Oth uf Msrcb neiu ia ihi country Bad Europe, for susenpttens so t ie n itiunal luan. under an act apnroved duly la. 1J70. entitled 'Au act to aulborire ti.e rrowellrg of the natinaai debt, "tu t an act in araendoivnt thereof, atiprovod Jan. 'i, 1871 The proposed loan comprises tart claaaea of t nda, nsmelv ; fir,' itonria in thr amount of an o.i'wn n wi. pnjahle In r mi l ibe plraauti- uf lae Cned dtate atfier U a rBia from the dele of their istm bm! 0. ai lax lntvreat, pay ol que l -ily lu cotu, at ibt- rata of ft v-ci cent. er aaanaia ... nnJ M inds to fie amount or IWO.oon SOO. payable aitHff iu rotn or in c i. Is ot ib . i mi o s.atrs known ss live twenty Dnd. at ihs.r value. I lie cut i recei vc i in payinvni ill be applir I to the mfSBOl of tbo Ave twi-iity iiuQilt. and iie dbl oi laa Cm led AutUtt will uot be loci eased b tbt Iooj. Tb- bonds will br rejlalrred or issued w lib Coutoa",as may be dealt t-d bv ...' Keiiatned bond wil b i de.tuminatlona of f O 0 V0. $1.-00. g. 0 O.atid fl.n. ON) snd coupon bonda ol escb dono;niniiioa eacupt the leaf two. The bonds wnl Oa payabi in th I'niled Maws, a' the olllce of the Tiuaurt-r, anv aaalat aol ueaaurvr, or dcalgCDaltat dcpoiuary uf theUurarn ineol. in i i) at the pleasure of tbe Culled Matea.afli r f.iu-rr ysatrafrom lue daW of thmr I seas, and branu-inte-ia -t ps)shlt i.uarn n, tu coin, at tae rale of H per cent pal suunm Third B nd to tbe amonnt of arveo hundred mil lloua, pavab e la com, at Hie raaurr oi ittr t'nl od Htatr after ihlrty ym-afr ni the dale ol their uuiii,nii iM-rag lateiBII. payablft quarter, la holt, at tar rate Ol PT par aVUDUIU. fabsrrlpliuna lo tbe loan will have preference lu the following order natueJ : Fit si- Hnb'cripttona tnal may be ern mads for ! per cent bomla to ibt amoutil of two hundred Ui'.ilio IB of dollara, ot wb eh there will br iaa(ret lor tweutydavs ui r lull for BubcnDvr lu Una Comury, tint oue-biil lur aub-crlbe-a iu rorebja coBBtrb a. ss i -aubacrlpuoua for oqnal amounu of each clai a Ol booda Thud f ubscdptioua for eiual amonnta of biv.di In t rreat al tbs rale ur ftM r vo: 1 , . . : bond beariug Intereet al Ibe rsls of paW pati buriA-hi.Wiii'tHi'ia loi n.v EvS per cent bonda tbal may not be auocriiel l'. iu preceding claaaea. w lien a a ; i- . u made the auhacrtber will be required to two per cent, of the emounl thereof ia " or cunsncy of the Culled Htatea, or lo bohde of the class to be eiehantred, lo be ac cBnnted for by the Government when the aew bends Mr dehverod; nnd pay mam may be mde quarterly on the first days of Kebrusry, Msr. August, snd Novembrr In esch year. 'Ihe bond of tbe several clashes aforessld, and Ihe Interest there ou, are exempt from judgments and from all fates or dues of tit foiled Stiles, as well as from tsaa :! In an form by or under Hlate, municipal, or local authority. A-t-r maturity the bonda laat it-aued will be first redeemed by claaaea and num br, ua ma) be del,rnateJ by the Hecretary of tbe Tre.o.uff I he bonda will be laaued at the United Htatea Tieatury ; but the agenta for uefoilatlag ih loan lu Europe ar authorized to make arrangement with suberrlbera for tbe tran.mlsion of bonds to II e agent through whom aubscrlpuons may be received. MiliM.nbers In the Ctitted HUtea will receive the aew bouda of the agents with whota th aabacrlp tiuna ars mad In th l ulled M (rs The NsUonal Jlaiika srs tut boi lied to receive suhscrtplloua, and ubacrlptiona mav also be made at the office of tbe Treasurer of the United Htatea, or of any AaahrUnt Ti esaarr, or tfJB dealu ued depoaltorles st Huffalo, New York. Chicago, l'l., (nclnnatl, Oklo, Louis ville Ry Mobil, Als., and P'ttaburRh, P Among th hauklug houses authorised to act as sgsnla la re ceiving uuhscrlptlous are the fulluwlog In New Yurk clti : Austin, Bsldwtn A Co., Baker A Kitchen, A Blmont A Co , Bisks Brothers A Co.. Brown Hi others A Co.. Budge, Bch Iff A Co.. CeclL Htroul A Tbsyer, John J. Cisco A Soa, Clark, Dodi A Co Usury Ctsws'.A Co., I)sbny, Morgan A Co , 1 home Dnuy A Co., Drszsl, Winlhrop A Co , Duncan, bbsnnsn A Co., Plak A Hatch, Frank A Gaoa iGihsoa, Casanova A Co. .Glsa dean tag, Davia A Ainary, Hatch A Poote, W. T. HaUh A Hon, Kd ward liakglit, n. A. Helaer's Sons, Howe A Macf, I James G. King'a Hona, Kountz Brothers, Lsouard. Dhaldoa A FoeUr, MsltUnd, Pheipa A Co Man A Co . Mortoa, Bliss A Co., P. M. Mvsra A Co., George Opdyks A Co.. K I). Handolph A Co,, Raid, Leo A Cootont, Hcurlty Banh, J. A W. Sallgmsn A Co., boulter A Co., Edward Sweet A Co , Moees Taylor A Co., Trevor A Colgate. Twiner BrolUsrs. Culoa TrUAl Compauy, Vsu Hcbaica A Co., Vermlle A Co., L. Voa Hoffman A Co., Wells, Fargo A Co Wluslow, Lsoier A Co. LONG ISLAND. A tldsl wave swept over ibe Hound oa Tuesday, druioiuhuig the Inlet mill and bridge, aad nearly iti owning the miller. Oo Monday tOO workmen ara to ba employed OD tbe aew branrb or the laasjsj lalaod Italiroad tu Kluah ins. ftf r Charlies:;! romiiea the t-umpietioa Oi lb road and lb iiatAulug of Ue vara kg Julf t, LAST NIGHT'S TRAGEDIKS. DBhTIXBRATB Mt KHKR TX A AD1 BOJf.STRBBl COFFIN STOBB. Tkw End of ta Panrik Ward Pead-Tbe Brewklas; mfam I'sae and a U'lubblna pant, far tV'inii lasnaaaa - Careful Praaaratloa for a old-Hioded Marder. Fur soiu e time paftt ill feeling has existed be tween Kdward Hherldan or St Madiaon atreot aad Miles McKeoa of Vi Madiaon street, snd on Thtirs dsy nlgiU thsy ;uarrlld, and McKeo l clubbed Hherldaa severely. Sberldaa went home mottrrlnr threats of vengeance, which he prepared to etecnte yeeterday by fllhag MsMvSsI wltb Fuurlb Ward gin. Then he armed with a large clasp knife and went lo search of McKon. McKeon la employed aa a coach driver for Michael Carroll, undertaker.of 81 Madison street, snd waaabaent at a funeral all tbe afternoon, returning at eboul 8 o'clock. Hherldaa, learning that McKeoa was abaeut, waited for ui.n la Car roll's store, Whoo McKeon returned be entered the store, and was at once approached by Bheridao, who dsrerl blm oul to fl'ht. McKeon declined, when, drswlng a large clasp knife, Hherldan eakd, " Too , I'll maaa you fill one ot Ihoae toOn.'' Then spring ing cpon MrKeon, be at ebbed htm in the 1 rt oreast a Utile to the left of and over the heart, wounding him, It Is believed, morUtly. He sllempted to ateb him again, but Mr. Ihoa. MMsrmoti, sn old msn jumpol tn betwoon Ihei sad endesvorcd to setae Sheridan, but the latter msdetwo deaperale attemp'B to break loose, and cut ths old gsnlleman's cont bsdly m i i fell tn tbe floor In s pool of bisown luood. when, seeing that he bad done bta work well, Brendan coolly wiped the blood off ibe knife on bis panlsloons snd put It m bis pockst. Us then si letnpte I to ecspe. The alarm was given, an 1 Detective Flan ha terilng to tbs spot, srrea'ed Hi.rmtan, wbu sail lhat be had Blabbed McKeon in -lf delenee. aad thtt lis was tha on hta way to ths I'esrl street p.ihee ststion to rive blmaelf op. Meanwhile medical sttendaae was asmnioued, and McKeoo'a wound wss ornooonced mortal, hlierhlan. who is a single msn, snd bears ths rrpotstion of being s dnaperat and dangvrous cbaracler when under tbe Influence of liquor, wss locaed up In the new Oak street police sutlou, snd McKeon was taken lo bis rvBMicm v. Ibe t-csi reporter vlatted Pberldan lu be eel', lie waa lying on tbe s'un floor with a bundle, otwl of bis overcuat rolled up, unlerblsbeid Offlcer Finn awuke btm and he advanced tu the craring. He la a young, athletic man with aa Intelligent counten ince, of dark c mpleslon, and weara a abort, black mouatacbe. He la apoarenll' sboui thing jere of sgs. Ilia In. ad was wiapped up in bandage through which the bl aasj ouaod trom what muat be severe wouada ber.esth. Ai tlrst be waa not diaoosed to aay aiytbtng, hut on belur aaourel Cist bis story ahoqld he glfM as nearly a waaibls in bis own words ho t -Id li as fob los : Yealerday morning, between 3 and 4 oclock, Keoa came op ftalre to mr ro -m and, waking mv brother u., sskeJ btm wnoltws wbo biuke that psne of glass down ItaJfft, Mv brother ssll be didn't kuow. Kcon ssid It was Kd. done It, meso Ing n My brother snwred Hut if Ed. did tt. be gnMaed he could pay for It In the morning, and that that was nol lha time to raie a disooie a-oot It Kooo, who was druoa. than Ufl ; but he bad only K nr to cut a club with which be rturad and h g in to heal me acroai tke leet. 1 aol ap and alrov to dtfend myaelf. but b gav ms a sevcte clubbing before we could ret bim oat. I v ent this afternoon to lawysr John fV Slerens, to brlog a ault '. t Keen la tie Court of com mon Pleas for .VIM damagea, but whoo I went tiiore to drew ut in) sffliUviia, Btevens wsan't in- h sit over to some c urt tn Brooklyn. To nlht I wss sltuag In Carroll's wuea Keoa came In snd wanted to fight in. He -vas un er tiie influence or liquor and I did.'t wafi 19 h ja ahv inlng tu do with him, aol aald nothing, lie tnea aaid, "You '. t board here, do iou!" I eaid, " JSo, I tloo'l i I lire up alftlrti and lie eaid. " Well then get oat of nere. yoo d quxk ' I aald I wouldn't do anyihinj of the kind, and lie Seize 1 a club at d bt.l uie 'boul the brad I had a penani la mvpotket, and I drew it la seli-de'eucs. and auopoa I cut bim. I etoa't .n ri ii i u la hurt or not, becautt 1 couiider lb it my life was in danger. Officer Finn ears that he never errsMed bhrr-dan befort, although be bore the re.iulttiun ul btiug a dnnaSous man whan under the influence or liquor. ANQXMMM WOMAN BOMMOWM BND MB sir. tiroBSine lrpntr nnd Hulrlde A Tem perance I t.ii. ir from a Tbiri y-aecoud Hireal Tenrmanh Ou tha top Uoor uf a iiii&crable tcncmebl at 449 West Tnirty aecoad atrcet, la a email and acuntlly rurLiahed room, with a bare floor, Edward Grogan with bia wife and children lived for the last x months. Edward, when sober, w si a 1 afd working msn, but three weeks ngu he wcut on s spree, loavlng his f.rr.'ly a. meat destitute Uta wife, ft high spirited, lulelllgeut wojtan, look bla dieatpattoo and neglect to heart, but ber prnyern and eipo-itulallons wsre unsvalllag. Lata oo Wodneaday mgbt bor husband reached home druuk. The beat uf Ihe room aoon overcame him, an l he aauk to the floor In a drunkea fttapor. Mrs. Qroean bad kept the frugal 'upper on tbe table aniting bia retu-n When sb looked nan ber huahand and lelt tbst be wsa irretrievably loat to her, she nil .ed a doe of. Pans grcn ta some food, and oaluig it died within flrircn mtnutea. Or g-,a remained oucnnacloua until yesterJay morning. When arraisnod before Jualloe Coi h waa fl id with reniorve, and rrproothed biataoif as Ins Iftkaft at bla wl's'a death. Tbe magialrai gave him cood advue, and diacharged blm with a reprl man 1. Murdered by Itallnn Maalclaa. Patrick Murrar of 455 West DUb atreet mot two Italian tnuiir boja at 16th street end 1 enth avs nus latt evening, snd began lo shuas them. The bos, sfter brarni Patrick's Insults for s tim- . turned upon him, and a debt enatud. la which Wit larger of tbe two I'stlar.s a'abbt ! PalricV in Ih left breast, wouniu.a l ini fainhy. The ltallaea caspr I betors the police cond be aumm nad. Pninck waa t'k n io bia home, und ftllaadad by a anrgvun, wbu pronounced tSe Injury fetal. No trncea ef lb o silanta could be foand. Patrick Is 1ft ysars old sad a native uf tulv city. The flenernl Halons lu a IH valeriaaa Blaa ol i.taht -Kxplanailan af th Miaiary On lucsdnv tbe spoclators aud counsel iu the General Suasions Wire aurpria id at a occ.atonrl glitter ami d-taile tlmt altuual Winded tbem. rhli were pulled Joan, aUutn'n closed, and do m barred, LnQ )t the room Waa ull of light. Olfl ere r-jbld Inrtr eyes an l aiared, and a general search v u f discover the source of this great turht i M- . it. atood with his coat tnrowa bsok, order ing I anttad and orgtng Ihem to tbe strict parfona sncs of their dtille. Hu I lenlv lbs my at err wae ei plained. On the captain's manly hrsaU't sat sn 1m uieaae gold ba.Ue, glvrn blm by bla fricn ls, wkich glitlerod and glowed like an autumn aua. Tba Oidse was immediafly covered and all wsa darkness. Ord r was restore I ahadea raiasd, shuitsis opjued, and bu-luosa renewed. A LHharp Lawyer In lUfTJcnltr. Mr. Joaeph P. Kallou is a lawyer doing bttal neae at 947 Broadway. He Is counael ror a Mr James M Cromellen. who has beea srrcaated cbtirged with forgery ur notes purporting to be esc cutvd by K. lUllbruo A Co, of Balumor. Oo Thnrsdsy Mr. Fallon gav th reporters a tauar re llocttng opon the c'laracler ol Mrs Cromrlieu, wtiichhusaid his olient bad written, and which be adds, hid been read In Court. W are saurd Uist no such letter was read in Court or referred to, snd that Mr. Fallon will he held to a strict account by the brother of the la ly. FLASHES FBOM TUB OOBAN CABLES. Tb new Portngoes Cablnst la con-Hate. Kniflaud la to mediate between bpaln and Sgypt. Mr. Chichester Furteacue Is tbe new Minister oi the Culoniee. TaeiBrltlsU Government la to Inquire into the af falra of Ireland. The Pail MaB OautU believes that tba High Com miaalon wl it asiee lo pay a round aum to eailusuiaa the Alabama claima. MPABKB WBOM TliB TBLBQBA PM. Tbe bill to Incorporate tbe Boston Base Ball Club haa been defuatsd. Dr. Joaeph W. Palmer, an old Journalist, died In Boeloa yesterdsy, sged 71. The Ice ia the HuJaon la rotting rapidly, and ths railroad ferry boats ars running. Tba Republicans of Puogbheepele vaeterday unanimously uuiulusted Prof, h U. Eastman for Maror. The wster in the 8aglnsw snd Ita trlhutsrlea Is now riaing rapidly. Fcara are eutcrtalaed ol a disas trous 0 o d. The Booth Carolina Rouse ha passed a hill for InntiiDg the whole eatitina debt of the itiaie In a aew alerilug loen to be uegotlaied la lxudoa. Dr. Hallywood, who was sent to the Bute prison from Detroit, Mlcb.. la 1M4, for pssslnt coantsrielt money, has beea pardoaed by Prealdeut t.ram. John B. Butcher aad Mr. McKee of New York hsve nurcheaud tSO scree of lead nesr Real ftt. louia. ana will erect balldiuga for mauiaiotb atock yarda The Kanaaa Leglalalura haa passed s bill stsylng esecuiio ou persona .coBitcled oi aiurder unitl ike Uovarnor tasoea iba dib warraal. Tble will viriaally BBboUab cavdtal pMaaaipsifc R API IBM IN PLTMOVTH L'HUBCtt a Tha Rav. Heary Ward Rraetiar'a lllaatra tlene from hie Paras -Tha Cradle a Clvll Two Mea lenmeraed. I a t evooing (ha Rev. Hcnrv Ward Beerher preached from the fourth enspter of John. In dt latlpg 'tr n tie degrees of soceptiblllty of certain minds to certslo Impressions, Mr. Beecber said that many people could not appreciate beauty. A taste for the beautiful might, however, be engendered by firm He ha1 had mea on his farm who, on c mlng (here, believed la nothing but cat tle, and grain, and vegetables When tbey were sat to work planting shrubs and flow era, a distinct change was visible lg them, and au appreciation of lha beauties of rture was developed. Mr. Beerber gav another Instance of the h.fln ence which eorrnuntllng clrcumstsncca have upon chsracter. He took a rough ssllor, wbo had boen achooted lo berdal Ip and privation, tie was and denly tranaported Into a peaceful hnmtet, and wss married. Perheps a c rsdls sppesred In the house, nnd a new ssntttnent was born In tha braaat of the tar. fie ssng to the cradle, slthough his voice wss llks the north wind whistling through a clunk Henceforth his nnture was changed, and the mush sailor acquired a aofter and more tender rhsrar tor. After pronouncing the blessing, Mr. Beecher so nounrrd an Immeraion In Plymouth Church. Those who bed sttended the prayer-moating then rrpsird thither, and found a number of people awaiting Ihe oeremnulea, . In ti e ehtrv.t, tb top of the platform from widch Mr Biecber nsnally preschea had been raided, dla closiai a well of clean water about fourfeet tu drpth Alter aa InlervM of a f w mlr iilea, Mr Boed er ealere l In a long Mack robe, whlc.ii reached almost to his feel, lie was followed br two oung men, attired la garments sl-Titler to hla own. Tbe reveren i sentlemaa tooK? ap his poattmn oo the edva of the lank, hkd ' aotne time In eloquent prayer. The hymn entitle 1 " t 'roas and Crown waa tnen Intoned by Ihe congregation, snd Mr. Beecber btt koned to one of the cundHbtes. whe Joined btm on Iho brink of the tank. Mr. Dvecber nest placed his arm round hla ro ranlon's walai. and the two rteaeended into the water by means of Bteps ooill they were im mererd ks far aa ths waist. There wae a pnae ; and Mr. Iteecher inquired tn a low tone the youog man'a haptlsmsl arme. The enswer was glvsa, and rstatng hit hand solemnly, Mr, Beecher said: " I bspt Iss thee In the name of tne Father. Bad of the Bon. aad of fche Uuly aflrlt Aracn." (Supporting l la companion by oue arm, he lowered the i andidate backward Into the water anill b waa completely auhmereed. H then ratad bim quickly to sb upright position aad wiped lb young mi.o s fsce wllb a for am handkerchief which lag produced from hla breaat An attendent received the newly bnptlred man at the rtepa, and conducted him Into a room tn the rear. Wnrn the -ec nd young man had been baptised, tae coagregatl n diapers ed. DEATH J.VRKINO . USE TI NNBLS. Thirty Mile an Hour, veltb the Cor t u p Ibb ngalnBl Ibe II ock -Fvclirtneni ataaug tka Paeeeagera-Wha tka Ifrxi VIcllaBf On tbe train from Albany yeaUrdaj there was a good deal of alarm created among the paaara gere, owing totl.e nr raping of the csrs saainel tbe rides ofaevrrnl rock. Itiuiiels. Tbe flrat concua-ioa waa at the tutnel Jual above Iludaoo, where the same thing hsppeae I one week ego yerterday, as publlsl.ed tn '1 MB M is, sod which was denied by a correapondent of lludaon. The a cond waa at tba tong tunnel near the scree of the New Hamburg die aster. Hie sparks prcducd by ire Irno banding oa the i of the drawing-room car " Hudaon" coming in contaicl wllh the tolid ruck oliracting lue allea tloa of all aeaiod oo that aide of the car. Tbe third concualui: topt ?ncd in thu tunnel near Peeks kill, M wl Ich flir ib laSj SftwaWMS for a few minute, and ft large rrftrd got ot.t to exaTnlne tic car Trace of the c. Uimuc were plainly vlstbl. Among those caamiuiug lit r t -'re noticed laaua tor (ieni t, Ctiairman of ttui K.aiijo-ad lnrattrallng coram liter, Senator Nurfe, .lnr hsedlcy, and several Assomblymen. ti was olrrved tbal lltw i one iron bsud w Inch yoi arouud the top ol the car waa looeenad br trie runcus'lort One ol Iho em v " ' . wbrn ssked the . -i of tnr,a ca iialoaje, ssti be gucaaed tt w ia because they ran loo faat through the luetii. Ibe opiuiun waa grnoraliy ii ' tbat tho m liter needed luvoatlgatloa. W hat tub n on hi v Q M t ;.v are doing a . L.' Curaner Young t Indlcnieil-llavr n ftepitn tlou did not see Miyor Hall (n. 4nrr aud ihe lion. V. W. .tloerlry I hanhe.I. At tbe stated nue. njjc of t!ie Worltlngtr-'n's Cnioa lasteveolug, Mr . D Q. OrtloT, Uaf President, in the cbstr, the i mmlttee on Coroner You' g's failsd lu report Ita actloa. Though oothin: baa becu ofH tally diidoacd, it is known tbal tbe Coroper ha been bop rbly crquitted. Kn3S8Sif waalfi iTaTu ttST klessrs. Conbody. Konls, Uanks. snd many wed known worklngmen, aoi officers of tne Co toi. . U tne prraent Af.vr Ik diapoaal uf routine Lnnlneas Mr backwil tald Iblkl at ib la', meetinr cl.arjea were preferred agaiuat "aomabudy," and lhat no reroid ot' such actlua appeared oa I! Utecretry's boatkl He thouibt It abonld be ther. Kome dlrosilon en sued, bnt th asUun of lb ewcretarv waa auat-tlned oa the decision of tie C1t-trm-M tht the chrgea hsd not bt en isularly brought forward. Mr. Connollv, from the Cotunnttee appointed to vlsll ths ottciala of ibis city to ask for a plot of ground for a Worklngmen' II a It. -after detailing unsuccessful visile to v i loua peroaa, aai 1 that they sot to the Mayor's office al sbnit ft o'clock. Ibe Mayor aadjuat com down, but they cuuid nut see him. A letter from Mr. John Siney, Preadent of the Miners' Union or county, Pa., waa reaJ, giving the SHBiirance that t e high prices of coai should aut be laid tu toe miners. Keolu.1uus tooderlng sympathy to Oo? . deary for bia kind nmembrinse of ths worklogmeii, and to tbe 11 n YY W Moftl lea. Asee'ntivRian 'rom Kinga county. New York, fur als advocacy uf work lutiaco'a rigiilft, wet a lopunl. panic in tub WttlBKMl i:isa. Old Rra and Moarbaa twatd at a loe or t.10 per Barrel Heavy ft-'allurre Aa Act af aagroa l.ueknl Far. Tb effects of the lu o panic in (lift whiske.r merfcel ftra nr severely leit in IkM cny snd aa, snd pricea hsve fallen lar I tins those of ill oi eight months ago. Burli g ihe w inter stt-niarj Irandri of rye and bom bon were sold at from f lo A0 per tsrril lower than ths price ol a year aro, and m a y f-tilures lullowed. Within a Ivw days lag market has beta getting stronger, aod prices are slow! advanclrr. The. a, however, aa Immense slock In the bends of Indemnity companies and pri vate deslera, who hav iiade sdvaucce theruoii. So U tg as thee are held ovur the market, I mr can be lo very marked rdvauce. becrl pioictneal (all un a srv apoken of. OccaaioBelly the indcrunitv corrpanles are forced to make sales lu order t realize on ihir ii veal mints, but these movements ure oade on' on actual compulsion. Tl e (rude t looking for an act of Cungrcrs which will nllow the export of tn bond, thus relievti g Ibe market of tus i b iper vradeu which are tow sent strosd si.d rilun.ed as alcohol, cogoao biabdy, i. i oCisr liquor. PMMBQBAL IBTMLI lOhSOBk Mayor Ksltflclarb la rev'ovciing. Plr Hlelford Norlhcote waa oevrr ollor of tbr I achrquer. Wil:inm H Kelly, .Ir , ei Prrtident of the Ns Itonal Aaaoclavtt ia of JaoVoi Bars Bah Piayer. wu lt madn tut- iiiiihtit of .. y n acnwaed rs4olutiina. Kdward liagen aeitrered lue ireaeataiiuL n-etch. A t ll JKRSBT. Tbe bear killed near 1nmera sfstloa tbe other day waa (.uiaoeed of bv rafll, and waa woe by 1 rank liar tut n, ol Fulter'i Exprwe The Lerrymanderlna; of Pateraon threw Alderman ' . i. . . N . i m. own (ibe I rM,. Ward lulu tbe Kigu.b Ward. This waa aonr to irtrialate bim out of office, as the law requires Aldumeu iu rotide in tbe Ward wuicb tbey rspreeent Th PsUrsoa Gvfirrliitn, which la making aire in tni. ui bowl abuui tbe new cliy charter, tays it hired a I'lilladelphia iswyr to ftl her th thing out, nd lter an atletupt oi one day lb puur mau wvoi cr.i) aad committed auklde. Ueorge Watts, of the Wyoming and Lehigh Vat ley Cugi tomitany. has ai;od tbe Jerary l ily fitnj Jp oaf on rharg- of alander, r -110 00. 1 i.r tv.'t, n hud actlua eft w iu 1 i u'-u 1 ul giv lug short weight la cost. CVBIOSITIEB Ot i HIMBk a 1 1 1 Griffin, who killed Ceorge n Johnion ta an aflrav vt a famft Bl srdf la-t Augnat. wsa 1 uf 1 yesterdsy to lour yrara in HUt t'naiiu. In ths H'.rl of QaBftrtl .Icasiona yesterday. Re corded Il 11 pa ' 1 t. of nine yesrs In Htaie i n, hi 1 die Vaa Krun, Uie nutortous forgsr. A'i n rill west bfors Justice Cob reater- dtv tt 1 ad snd face coveted with b.ood. Ue aani aadlord. ( barles Orrtacb, at 1ft Amur 1, la, iteti but brad with a club, hoping Uiua lu tispoa ' taliiMOl bis room, liertech was commuted. Willisiu Ancker, a truckman, baring beea arretted for breaking into H'-roard Connoly. ator al lift bierkef alrret, and stealing (uroitor and bcdulug, lha pnt'nr a house wu aiarc.ied esirrday morning aad a aet ul haruuae, a whip, aud s buOaK robs that kd bueti stola from William Conkilo'a stable itlll imtr nrt. were luod Juittoe Ooa couuntuej Aacaar. PARIS IN ITS HUMILIATIOlfa FxrRE aaacassxae thr ktacva- tiux or the cur. Ursat RBcllrrarat In Iba rt filial Praastaa flArrra In Hanger -Tltr Frrnca lleraalac ta Praleralaa vrlih lh (Jrrmans Blaniarok the Ohjerl af laclr llafrrg. P abi", March li. M. Favra liar fnnr lo Vrr- ,. BBUVal to dar 10 item vi d trie loimrillate rvacnalloa flljB' of l'arla bv virtu of IL ttrn-.a of 1'ic convention. I nhlgtW LoitfioB, alar cli 3 Tb Fn-nclt anlltorltlos ara lita-K endeavoring to make aurb nrrangan.rttla wltb tha aaawa I'r n..i:m at will haatan Ihr evarnatlon of P.rl. II la ' vl brllrvrd thr Urrmana will Ir-avo Ihl evontnc, or ag tj taaaV tha latest to-tnot row morning. There I, la coosa- y qnnc OBBAT lUIIMMI in rin'i iaaaal A rrnwil or ll.r Pari.iara. o'tarrvlnr some Prit- 1 nuH alana In thr roor'a of Ih Lnnvrr and Ih Plar da MlraaB C'arronael VM tarda, attcmplrd to oa litre for i iS tnelr ctpnl.lon. lint were kept hack h, a line ol inaam troopa, and plena of cloth wcr hung over tbe gnl 1.1 to bid Ihe rrnavinna. t'l.nflltla ar ripccled If tk . bSftw llermana do not aotm evitcoat lite dir. jjB Horn of lh Germane wUhrd lo pass thr Una ol t'eaaa! (ttmarcallon, offrrlng Ufa! handa and n it, LlaaW " Now .re la ctmclnde l, w arr 111. nda;" but fJaaW were repulsed with the rrplg, " We arc conqqorad, ia9aaai tiut with tli cnndttl ina lmno ,! Itf ni.m trek I'm WB BKVBR CAM BB rglgSM " t-,.mc dlagalaed Pruaalarj cilllcrrt penetrated Inta lg the city, hut were boob rcc'raiad, an l tbclr Uvea 'i'SH being In danger from the people, wire protected i r BB tbe BBtbotiltag, and reconduct, I to th (Irr mm - .9 line. Tbe popnlaco aro lr calm t ian yniiarjij. iaaBali A Pari despatch of W. night eaya lb llrrmana orcupr ail th goartun a-.aUnad tbem, at a jjm lhat porfrcl traoqollilly prevails. atLaS Lou now. March S A aprclal lelegrm to tbe Loo- iJJSH don Timft from Vcraallles aay tlia Germans I IgtB BVAi rATB I t'll TO DAT, and Prince Frederick Claries rillre Immedlatalf JIBj behind th Belne. Tbe Emperor and tbe Crowa tH Prince will tear In a fw tlav for Ferrlaraa. or liaarJ soma other point near l'arla on tbe tight h ink of lb The Parlalaa nopnlaca wraakrd thalr vtngaane on soreral mea and women wbo were aaea corn. muolcatlng wltb lha tlerman suldiera. rEACK RATI H ED. Th Pruaalnna ta Evarania To-rlar-Tba Baw '' j- ri or haa Sirird lh Tlr Indrm- 'Ij altr la ba Pallia Threa lnaiallaasala. lkkntAi x, Marcj $. A despatch li ... Tang, ' JB ovenlof of the Sri aaya: Iwaam " Th ratlflcatlona of the trratf of prare war eg- IjaaW - '..'-.' to dir. and U. Favr ha returned from JuwaBT Vera.vllleB. Pari I tranquil. The PrBsstaaB will aawJ i raccate lb cli lu morrow. " . ulrBT 1UB FIACB TltgATT. aaal Marca tV S. Favre IB aVgf noitded (vB. Conm vi n IMm-.rt of tl .- ml. I Ihr National ISH Aaacmblr ratifying tha f t t-llrnii.arle of iaee, WB Count von ttiawarck nt obc replied that be waa n n to rxcli:iiga furaial r ttlHc.liona, and .thai lha I ft Emptrir bad a, ready signed .'. treaty. 1 jBa TBB IIMMITVi -2. laMMITi Mareli i A despatch from Vrvllleg ' Sl ay tb Prmch Indemnity la pajr-tble In thro In- I 'aaaal lallmrnta, vli. : On milliard of lhaltr In I ;, JJH two nulliarda In I an,'. to lu i Iff. la- lfl Ureal ! only parable on the laal Installment, from 'aBS wl Ich th proportion of th debt ppcrtatalng lo uB V"?ii aoo Lorraine, rstlmated at one-half aatlHgH jB of thaler, at', th cost of lb rallwaya ta Kaaitra . ftu Krunce, to tt I i.-.l "bBbb 1 Hfataaa War NoteB. tH A lengtir it tcing formed at Hart to prcront Jl It. return of German employees. B The Bl Ijlan srmy la bi lns Bl M ed on a peace foot- I BJ lag, .i ,i ti, t. militia hav bet n aent to tin ir humaa. LrgwR Th ta res plenipotenllvriea will bold thalr llticgg IwBS al ll.o Hotel dc Villa, Druaxls. iH Th liureroment hna ordered the .mmdlat ra- drgaaaT turn of tha mobiltsod National Oo.rda to tltair I'aaal liomet. liaaaV COt. TOORUVES CltALI.ESOEn. Tha Han. Themu A. llentlrl, It nol aa '9 " A:i! t' Prr.ldBtitinl la udltltiic in isy. Tlir Wtl8itlg dBaP "'H "rP11' '' It- dijnapolia thla BifS'rnJni f . fndtonapoUa Journal. Inttiamu oHt, fast t ' Th Smtititl uhi till luiiiuig In regard ta IfaB Iltiekeie: "Tata la oi , fal tn r 1 1 reareeilng mr ra,l ...ii, of Hi char.. . , ii. t Col. Voorhee.. aH Dttca Mr. I r "l mean thai I have t.n gaillv of a 3H falaehotd lo any reapi-rtf Ir ao, let blm atep la H Ibe front- IJoea OaL Voorbee iiilorae In any S tttaiiutr, abac..', or form that wtilch will lodnr I la rropi to btitrv thai I hav not been truthful! It so, let Mm com forward too. Il affords ma Hl pleasure to t:i.'et men of su.'h brain agd nerve. 1 BSi am for p.-ire upuu honorable I. ins, out Ilia Hen- Bl dricaa pirty can neither have Alaac. Lorraine, IBB Mi'r nor ItrBahOBrg, BOI will Itiry b DjrmllUd lo BS enlat Paris uultas tu Kriipti gu. is nul vl Bl uod c W. UOOI.LKY. BJ AXOTIIBU SOOT. 8H To t "h'iltipotl4 Journal. dbbb 1 huts bofott me a c.imniiiniralinn in fnar i ftft paper lor Mondav laat, vtriitett by I)r Pierce, who la , 1B suppoaad to be a brother-tn lnw of Die Hon. Thomas M A. llndricka, I cannot euter into dtarus.ion with ! Dr, l'l.-i'.'.' for fuiag raaaOwS 1 First, b-.-caus he has . no MB ; secondly, for Hi reason II at ba eannng , W i i'i.raonall kt ow unytl Ina in reiatd t lha Isiuas OM hciaoen Vr llriulrtck:! and virwalf ; titlrilly, lieeauaa .H I. quoit. Lieu liutier lo auatala a t ortmn of tua alls gallons. C. W. AOULLEY. j BBS Kb row, aiarch 1, IffL ox, UOkg shot. Tl Set.Untl sjs V. o,.;;y , nr tlnsg uulaaa ha ia in - Cli' Bl li.ubl, II it. v l.i . i. no'l ing fl uuleitv lie is dlcUUirUl. C H . WOOUMX, MM in sTcii Arr-h cut V r. The w,,rtmrn oo lha l.ranrh railroad betweaa - I M t; Hat. a and ttpnyu-n liu vn atrtiea ye.u-rday lor 1.91 li.TSadiy 'I ,.uy tiav bt-t-u p uJ $l ',i a day . 1 JB Mr. T. Maaon Ulltver, the town Tr sagBIBf of M ir- jLaal risanla. rraa made thr rrrtplent la-t Blgal of a hauaV laBl IOBbO StOP CBTOBOsBBtgr Bgd 1QBBI1VS gold ClgUt. i I I Wrr. Jsnioa Cogawall of IVsgt Kutnia was vrater I lfl itat siioi'keil rnttn al th.- Trrai ml u.o. t by Near laaV Hat g oxprgag iruiu. Usr rigat wi-. t was Oro&BB, . aH J if two ABOVX tVWM. 1'. Rtv I I n lender lias pnbllahcd lia Fioncfc flaw glBtanao for ths Tsar Isil, flBa Angelina Lini ha sard .1 tmea ehlo for Ban lir.ton n t lUr 1.1.1. : g .( Ur huil aa I bl a blatl. t .fohn Nnrrla'a block gad ptnnp iiiarnt r irtorv, al JwB 101 IV rat alitrel. teat datBagad StrdSI M. DO, , ' JBB A Fenian Centre w:. v.tubliahed last Right in tba bbbb ISTSUtk Ward, with Cspl Uotdoa Bt Its haal. H TLetilalof Cpt. Is:. lab h. Ur.ndl'j for nllrgeg i -H erat t , ' a- i wdibtruu hclors Judge ii'uu arlal riiif teaterday ataatl A grlnd.ions fell In ltohlnaon atresi yesterday tllill su I ' i . the skull of J -bu CK-gg, of tlfj VTaaLlug. larl too titrt el, a.-ed Vi yers. tmwl Jot men, Merpiiy. and llurrt, who had . l.i v CEI rianv of our tt ... - - by Kdr.ilt forgeries, werebalg FI for trlul yealerday at tba Toinba. fim A curreapopdent anggeals that a crop rtf cranher tfJrwi rl.-a hr ralrod on lhat rT'y saaini- ' . ..a ,ic atreel and tbo Five Point, attowu aa Vt uitl, alrojl. 'MU Tka Botlot, Ilatt'erd and Fri Railroad compiaf rnl having I ... i, i baeVrutd, lilaur KetCBBBI aill pre.irta ,V uvrr tbe nm uieetii.g ol ll.e grawltvrg 01 IBB IIUl iMtt TKl PatotllTB Otlcsr Elder. f too Contral OBoo, last svruing arrralrd J.uiiv MoCOf iid CLarlra Allra nolorlcua pickni i l.. ta. ii-th, weru plylug ihtu trada ' al Canal atreal ud l.r. aaa ay. ,fl3l The drfenre iu the Neiniine cate ma ended ra- ,' tenia., fiapt ! . .'. ' and i.k roBtag ta.iiitinr 'bag t l.aatM lh.' ui"B tr-ie t,,-al.'.l vti.h Italforsg klLdus.a Tka afl laooofi . r allowed to go oo bis own tacosr- nuance. elH .lul u i McCheansy, who hat been mlsilng a no a JW Feb Is. and I.r wl.nm alvrrtlf nireta and placarda AlaSaBfl hate t'ren eiltiifivrly t-irtul.ied liv tils trieiuls. waa , i nnd trelrida) al lalutirkn firm, .t 1. 'Irtilula . 'ataB t.d anauowo. floaa t evanagh, who wr,a arrralad la.tlavrnlsg for iQlni cation and drturdefiy eonduet. alii ta fiaou tin ni f wiib a liv .Kett lout to ir.u door oi bur eufg agral to lite Kldr'.dge atieet i.i.itce ftalloa. bhe waa cut down lu tims by Iiootuian eultivan. , mSl A man reilatrriug h marlf aa J. 0. Swift, Hreoad Lieutenant, t' h In rantry . arr.vrd al Ilia Hnrfinaf, ll'iuae on Thuraday aflein.uio mi I i. way lu hf rai'a and waa mown to hi. rnotn. Leaf crcuiug Ue wat found da 1 lu bad lu hla loom. I Aa luqiioal wss held yesterdsy by Coroner Kea nan it, o tti' cita of II. e dtlk of J ana 'LI t-.iloreil aouian. aho had been ooltoin'd Or .uMteuv. af cutiirr glveu by ber huehena aaamrdleinj. BoUi bag gjlj baeu alavua on a plantation, and whan anything was wrong wllb the slaves tul, bi uf cower wss glvsa ag a remedy. realerday afternoon Jamea Mbarpe, fW vaars af ag, of t Centre atrcal. wu run over by ear 111 of laa Tblrfl avQti line al Haaur aui t tiatnaiu. and hi bli left artu badly fiaelured. Ha waa taken lo tha Ceatra atn et llorpilai. where Dt A I . Vandewatti arapay taiayd ika ana The flrlvr arreled. ,11 I rn J