Newspaper Page Text
11 --' . i! ll Mlura far AIL . ; ---r;.---. j MONDAY. M.Uttll fl. Mil. -j ( Ainaitrocnta Todat ' l!rjoot' Opera lltels-l'S il. feliiM tit iil tlx at I ji filth Aitkue Tjtatre t..iir. i ttaae -.'aire l.uaie LuCr's'TBti. . I Ma Kdnlii'a 1 Lclrt-'J'M SllKUh u kittle' Cof-Itn-Tli 3 k Cla-A. , tin Yk Clnu liiiL.tff. Ai.l!Urf. Slyr-ipta 'fkealre- Pi.I1hi. t !' lUJITfcotre-liiUIUOii'tl. I! 6m rrareUea MlntrU-lll tra-i-ity. t,'.mj rj-.-terOetra llauif-r-n't)1 I'll,'., a. I7aen-ak rnettMAllaTnaatl----i w I a--.-. ; vaiiAi.v rt itiitiM -.. wki rn Lit,. n4t' VmI'i slkieut-u-D'-.lltml. Miffef. Terms oTTliO inn. 1 aiuf.---' vr. 'itil nt-.utt.i, , , i 16 PI u ' U,U..r r ) ini Tram i i. M.t m4U . tHUO T.Mj -.r i M t, . , , , Ct 00 ' Siltf "K1 to-Ma-tln-. DO let ,k . !!. 1 (10 .1 1 vt I. ... MAn , , It 00 -i ' Mll4-tlr. ...., . C7 &U ' At'lbti .p tt. ui clV ..--si, net A n'.ia. ri i.t .A-iin-j fcWj b- ,-.. -iTAc tfc circulation of Tin: Ec:r -jr IAc (. ritft Jfliv'i J, 171. irtj ii , 'oift : oo.ur gs.tno T..-:ur o..,ion I Wi'Jiitkilar !IU,UbOIturUa; I1..WJ0 f v. "SRsS 1 J''" kveiuuc for "ut.c.-poiiai'lt: week :'at ' 1 r,', 110.117 I' "r tl a.-cominoaallon of vww resetls'i u-i 1 I S mf i i:tcuien for Tun Sex will be r.-celru.) at Uli t reorder ritn at tl.o up town adreri itiui-at oU)e, ".It M.i Wel ri.Irtt tCjlUateiet.aMkc'ttnellonoIlttoad. IIL' vj ma iii. k.cui . fioiii a. si. w r. u. . I'icoi? com:l'iI'Hl, rail tho Ur-maM nrc 1 i, luarcliiuir livinc J'lio wr luis lusted jitet i u : lis K'.Ttl's. Wl.rn It fh'ftjn Ocrmaiiy ivaa Ji - wtcumeU the tl.!iu yrXii' tl.? rmjjfncut ' ! . ef Kur"; ; r. -. '.o W ihc. first. Tiio j).!;r- i niiryi i"a - f ilic pir s.'jlo rau-t bi fiilly ill,1 iimJi) froJ In 1- r y tb" thonMind milhuus ; ! 1 uf dollr,:u l '. Ti i:.. . Lai to pay auil y r ,j tUe isrv tvit I'.ry an 1 futli kkb hhc nurrcn- j ji ilnro. llio n of i-ui h'.iif im oM ; Ji rncmy t : J of e t'.Ka.nt l' t'-- ir " fuvor a j j ,' quom ' tli-t lu tc I .' r . ' ur'.. . U Jou'ut- ! $m elf 1 r.iii'i'-.-l at iw f'i'i .iluo by tiio ; IJlxvn the wIioV, I'mnry ranuot juwly i ;S complain of tliu truAtinnt bin Iim rceclvod. ". jE Wtli tho zralona m.-r.t of all her people, 1 :,;! except Mr. Tiitunsaml a fo llcpuhlicana, bh. ; : lC(,'a'' l''B var,nn! tiio avowed oljcct In Login- ' 'i ong it iTiifl (j take from I'ruaslu hr eo callnl ' p) KUcnith proincoe. This had Ijooii a louff- J itnndi'ijr dream wlili tho Frowli. Inlo3, it t jp ho? b-Mi (rocd'm thirnf fapcra, their , j( poctrr. nnd th Ir It-alidatlvH At '.ales for the i I ' past lift y yeara. If thry had hriton tho ! UcrtBMiH, tlioy vonld hav tahon from thiin 1 j j all the t'-rritory btl inghito Qcnuany aontl . ) J of tho lUt'.no. 15i!ng hcatcn, thoy have no J i f . riaht to o!)j ct when their own policy In on- j j P foicod 0'ainnt thiniivlv. Tl.oy went to 1 In war for dcw frontier, and tli y have pit 1 S. i thm ; nnd if th?y we nut tho tame u thry , til drelrol and eii-oct whoro tault ta ft Y ' , A Kitat doal la said alioat t'ic barbarlia ;t ar.d nmjrhni'sa ths U.-nnri't aoldiory. The I IP French cr' vry indlpur.nt at tlnilr mode ol ' !l nubinj; war. No dua'ul much of this India I jR i nation m wdl f und'-il. lint who can u y jlJ that II the l i.r.on nnn;cs jm-J .nvno-si Uci j jJ many tluy w.jiiI J haw conducted thuinvlvci 1 jlJ with any greater forVcram:ef War Is, at , !jl beif, a brutal and wrclli'M buintw ; end ' H f . men when It In condir !cd In npoirdauco with j ! ' the ru1 which modini clvili.: itlon nnd re- , ! ' ; fjard for hun.r.'i'uy jiroin-nl, It y mitt in- '; I tolerablo to th'ir' who havo to ondni-? its , fl ; horrors. Very probably there havo bcon I ( many cai 'n nlrch tho German, havo vio- ' j I ! latod those rului i but there never has b-vn a :f, ' war In wh:-!i tluy htvo not been Wolalwl, I f i I and wo dnra rey there never will bo. In bo ; Jp ' Tialf of tho Oi rmai'H it It vuovrIi to aay that ' J) ! . nobxly tit-ppuaes that if tho Ungliah or tin- I ' I. Auatririm Jor tho HuManM had iu.ulul i , Franco, n they have done, thro wonld have ' ; i licen any fowor lnstanocc of wronc and out- i 'j s : w- I , i ' After the surrciidor of Sedan r.nd the col- j , ' ' ' Inpfio of th bhum Umpire, lilural inon in ' other countries bojjnu to hope that th j ' ' , Fronch might ult'mately lo tucccsful, iki far ' i ' j at least that poouo )iiif;ht bo ronulicd npo.i I i i tenns lots were than thoso they havo now ; . i had to ue-"0 t. Thin li'ijio was not without ' f ' roaon. They were d- f. i.'lloj: themiclvoa I j j! cn th- lr on i it id, n-i. no nation that U ' 1' j , tmltM and tboruu;ul. in earn'ijt csn be I ' !! j ' overcouio whon It lliu for Its iiouieo a-.. I ; , I Independence, n Jf 1'ranoa fuiUd In Oil.' j ', 1 I flbrt boennw) hor jx oplo were not united, 1 jj,! and were not In dnad onrnetU Most of thf . 'It- 100,1 upon wli'im at Unit cnin the duly f ( i j leading Ihe nation dtvohbd comuilttod ill - ) ! i error of nhutiiny thuim-lviM up In l'.irls jj ' fith tho crotdur put of tho remaining mill I .hi tary re-.jur:es of ilio c-iuntr)-. Thin tin- j jj , Prenalanp, in lH-Bii-lng the capital nnl I ! I' : forcin;; it to snrrnd'T by Etnrvatloti, uain'"! it'' J)oesofi3!on not only of tho Blii;lo tfraat army , ' i ! i whleh Frauco Juwl been able to orpanUo, bat J , 'bo Uoverunienf itsfllf. One man alone f' ' ' of and eneri;y--G.itui;TT.i, woithv . 1 of moro apphiubo than ho Is now j ',!; j likely to receive endeavored to route thf j Jj! pcoplo to a mipri'iuo ollbrt, to onhtt tho ' ; T wbolo nation In tho worlt of rupell'njr jf ' tho Invader. Ilia exurtionB iroro j;roat and ! , htcwant ; lint mueli a.i ho accomplibLsJ, It i i not onoiiKh. Tho whole people would ! 1 ; not o w'.th him. Tho troopB hu noul Into j jf. the field f.nmd bttli- fympatby anions OkIv i ' I. ; own eoanti.Mij-n. Tin y wore left to t-lei-n . h upon tho6iio lusundof b"'.ti(,' flielicrod lii ' j ' the c,burchi$ uud clh' r publio bulldit'f ; '! j and tho jHjawnls actually drove tholr burp I ehootors, tho l'rait:i-Tiri'trf, from tin ir ' jtj ' lioufiw), lent tho I'riiiwhuut on their univ. l ji ;i ! fhould puniah them by tho dchtructWi of ' : their property for bavins enterlelnod t!i- i h ' defernlem of tli"irow:i oountry. Hwltlrr- iil Iwen a reul upr nin of tho French nuw. -, jC , aeli an in recorded of tho frruit Uovoliiti-i ', i I S ( and had they been really resolved to pro 1,3', ' cute tho war uf umioual defenco to Oin bllli r j i' end, the (l"miDii nrndeo would not now b.: I jl , i.iarohiut; haelc to tho N'duu m tionijueroni. j f ' I . Apparonlly the reoult of tho war Ih in '1 ,fiHor of It Is truo that the t ;, ; i Imperial fraud ia overthrown In Fmmv, " " i ; ,,ul a re'd Kinptror has lcn in ado in (lr "h I '"""y i w i It ct ix rtaln what will be the I j L .tmturc- end tendency of tho permanent gov ft f t frnment wlilfli tho Fivi.r.h jwplo l ow iavn A 2 F' ,i"'il'liib tor theii!k.!lvii. Among tho i f f Jiini iib tl o pr'tie idokof fcwkliiua, dl rlno right, and of obcdlenco to an Irrespon sible t ovcrelyn havo undoubtedly b cn nmeh BtroDjrthtfLcd In these e'x montlw of war fare; while tho French, huntuM, tmpoVcr. Uhed, and hrolton, will for some Urao to como bo anything hut enthusiastic upontlcs of tho deniocratlo Idnaa which they havo heretofore profefsed. Hut In tho long run that Is of little consqnoncs. Democratic Ideas arn strong enough to tako carcof them aelvcf. They will not bo stilled becauso tho polea ol tho political wotld havo hhlftcd a little. Uc3"dci It la a i;roat thing to cxtln. gulbb liamp, and sucli slants I and put truth In their plncoj and that bos Iwcn dono by this war In tho most marvclloiiN nnd nstnn lehlnr; fnelilon. Ko that upon tho whoto wo iriay hopo nnd btd'.evo that tho world will not boworao but Letter for all this wis to and bloodshed. Frceldcnt Crnut mid the Plumtor of our Sew York Merchants. A Com; rcMlnntl Invoyt'gatin( Coininittoi t Idom guts r.l tho whole truth on any auli j.:et it is i:cl to explore ; and tho or.o which )im latoly been fiittlng In Oils city, to Inquire Into tho uotot'.oui Diiimnr.acinent of Custom H'.m.tJ iffnlm licro, is no exception to Oio KOncnl rule. KuoUgti fn.C bare, however, ken brought to light to s!iow tht OiC wholo coiiconi nccdi a thorough o'vcrlmul lug and purification. In Ods conclusion tho Comiulttoo are ui.ttL'.niotii', but they are pru dcnlly client nuto tho ImlliiHinwiblo preliml nary of any con) pic to reform tho rvmovul uf the pr.-ssnt lucomiiot.'nt and marceunry occupiint of tho l'reskleutlal chtlr. One of tho grievances meet bitterly coin l)la!ncl of by onr Xew Yori Importers U what Iri called tho (j.'t'eral oi-dor Fjr'-ni. A vool arrives loaded with a cargo of goudn cowilg.nd to various pcm:u. I. t those C0UHlgu :i:s ue over so much dillir-'iuo, they CC'SOt t&l their I 'Tiuilfl from the C'u.totn Houho itr1 cir RJ '8 r.wny from the c. A ih flirt itn the i .vn ! and s , to acoom- modulo tho vessel. :.' J4 fllio.ved t- dl charge her w'.uo car ;o on ai;Mu'"il oiuur, leaving tin Oovcii.mmt nnd tho inor chants to o.itle tho.r offdrs btwoi lUom a best thy may. 0..-n.iMy to protect Itnflf against smuggling and cheat lag, the Goverumont requlrrs tio cargo, thus tuinbhil iKwdlortou tho wharfj to Ixi ltlncVi In Ceituin desigimfd fioros under its control ; but in practice thh rcqulrituint is made tho tloalt' fer tho mo"t alioralnulle cslortions from the inrrchar.ts. Thostorckvpcrschargo enormous prices for c.rtngo and t-traao, and no matter If gods are In thoirsivro only ) day, they tnu.t pay for n wliola month: beb'.dis which Hlkft, wine, and c'gars nr.' bo plundered, under pre tet.r of samp ling and appraising, as to cor mt' a serious Item of damage. Ono men! Willed to tho Com mittee that he lo.t if-'.OJOO In tin yo.irs by tb!j tp rl n of theft, and other i Bald that thry bad hr.d n tliai'ar experience. It !; ovideut at a glaueo that tho privi lege of handling and all tho goods disehargod un lor tlo general order cysloiu Is uo iiiconeldomblc jeeau!ary prW. For n time it was (jiven away to favorites of tho Collector; but unJer l'rwldent Joii.nikjx'b ailminlnlMtlon, Odl.-etor H. A. SnvniK in trxlueid tin; 1 rx'idetit of "Se'dlng it outiiy:-! lor u round bum. lo I3nke tile p"lvI ;,e mciv valar.Mr, ('nllertur In I eb- ruary, 1870, trad a regulation tlmt all goods landed ol Jersey City and IloixiJnn, an.1 which formerly w;ut bitu '.iri, nboall bo brought over to ihia city, etvl t'i'iB pny tiibuto to th- New York tiotv-ki ,p"n, through v.ho' b-n.t.- r.'l the Imports lo-s at this jHirt now l.u to pas. In aicl year their prifin arc t-t-tlii. d to bo lrm $30,C00 to .W,noo tl rj- ure gon. rally lv licvod t.i bo imt.'U lnro whiln the ur ibj sum paid by the merchants U late-l ut much above i100,(KjO. It waseliclted by ilio Inquirlosof theCim- mltieo that one (ii.'iitui; K. J.ect, formerly on lion. Gn . t's ftafl', has u jwcuniary in- torest In this g-snvnil or lur butlnos. ILnv he got ll a pi -'are from tho U.liin :iy of Mr. Fn.sfl M. UiNi-.v, a man who denorlbes hiiimelf t a " full-bl ki led Uumo'.mt," but wdioiw prw-ticl ii'vlUy in moaagl.ig tho bnalm-is appears t-j have been found by five Ilcpubllcun Colbctors iiuccciaively lnd!t:pcn. sablo to tho tucct'si'iil prosvutlon of tho i x traordiuary scheme of extortion in which they linvo rdl ongnged. Mr. llixiiv tnyi : "'lLi bu-lt cm ut iiu I line Mr. liuisxta rvw Info tlr i vi'f. ' j.- '-Ui a niMor lta mairui j( ilrrrj A miimi, Mr. llnwiiai. ohvircit It lo 'j' uii:r .t tci. -liu.'i nfur tUat dniiK'' I mi . rrai.j-Tnfiit v l"i Ol. l.i i:t, rac Into ikm--H'i mi ei 2 l-igu.' n of I ho bti.!n- Vila wr.ll portion of II I l.-d ' m Hw Nortli Pit -r. bm ie Inmr.n ik , up'i,)n hi, i rno-l uuny I11.1-. Im". tVw ool. llr I.ictk .-.ifvitre With ll- (IBIW'IL ln'jrl,l I!,1t III i'.'ii u; lior.t.'lon. I.r.r r -ii.c uii I ere Ironi . lnu.ion. Ih 11 .1'.'i'H itieU l 1,1 I rt nrll.'o njhl . I it!itii'-l 0n 1'B.e.i ! bill Il iii r i-i utiy llu. ii i ih iiicl t!-4i 1 it rvimt in n '11. It bout u yer .iml n Imlf :i. u. I Ii el llu- m!nr, u uiuUr tl.ii. tirr e-i otini, mel i cave U mi .u dioiiIIk tto. I ifclac. l- caB.r 1111 lie.-e. lb. .11 il tie liuuntKiinrf' rtlM'aiirululntr.itlonor.Mr. m.hki.1, lr. ilr. Uiui'Cn, ami Mr. Kino, lie ui Lit (VltT.'l llr. I.imaY rxmi'ieiue smt Mante l lo uiike 411 rr.uci'ijin' 1 Ji fur iu- lui'lm u : Turn I h.' 10 Col.).ri.T 11 ctrk.ln uln ol munvy eir Mil Ui.-inrv. The diw i,v',r tt ' Jul' fjW or tht 1. ...u..r fOuu y' tht sltjr. i'!.. 10 it al- ult, thf, Mm, ti'.! 1 tiiili 11 aiilum inniut). ly tuyue ui-, unit 'M 11 r to 111 mtu uii 'l u;i belorr toiiuuiiti- 1:11.' 1 11 iitruii 'oiui t.t. ' tj Me i kunw wlcIIht lr. &vr bialnrd Ins atMjii.Lini lit tlinuitl! i-u.Li.ii.utoi'H Iroua Wailiiimtua ur mil ' A.- I euMibl nj , t lr. lie luld me th il Ui ruuld control ib liu.uivMt 1 dul not kr.oir nnil mi- l.tii hiin"4 1 fl-'i it . ttt ui ilj,ii Ir. " lly S amlui I'ai riHH-y. HjiI Ii uy more U;l i.i-ht t.i i i.ui lit j'ua tCfliler lioiiii; 11 1 1 ct tliu', tor IrMute e, nnv oni nf tl f 1 utiiivliU-e y A I 'lo net think l.c Iti, r-.r. f Ae,f A' 1.' ju r tnu ii.t-tfl to 1 f tUi l-iHiiirt, mil I ioi:rf iW get ,! in timj othti- nuii." Collector (!iii.mji. teMlflt on thie tub- nh I'olloWh : Col l.rr.T on tlic flrnt lint to Nf Vr. lirr rri.ti-l In 11. 1 rt !tlm ur iutrui.11. Hon Ii im tlon. CHikf. lu rhii'il Ilio J'l'-lui'lit Itet-'of Lul I Ktr ..1 enr bm iti erir,l eh blbi 111 li.i .-i my. leid a .1 nin't Iw'tMvl piel I ii'weiiliv eSlcr. Lijinx Hint ul. l.i;n mi- i nl lu retire Irun. Hit nrnii.aml w 10 air I ' lu 1 nl' r upon louir miii.u in Hit 1 ny .if.Viw urV. Ii Ii wui In mr ponur. tn ol'l murrhirhl. In i'o bis I'iim lo lui A .nl In ii"., n moiiU bu tcry urau.jiui! 10 ln,r n-en. Ubast)." Mr. Oin -m 1.1. (joes mi to deny that l.o knew of tho nature of tho r-riungeiuctit bo twoui Hisuv i.ntl Lr.Kt, ortliat ho hail oi y- th'ng to do with it, but ho admits that h suggested to I.j".i:i howhoehotildg'itow oih; while ltixuv says dl.tlneliy that ho palil I.l.iJT t-.'l.OOO 10 g. t n bllrtlliehj he Could get in no other way, aud that ' buvi'h infiutn'r with (Im.NMii.i Iro 1A Uutthiius into u j There uro ii multitude of other vnr! il-n of frntid and m.-iuptloii dulalUd .n the report of tho Commltleo, but tills imrtleulnr Item of the unbliliihing way lu which tho I'kb Iduit joliin In robbing our mcicbnnlb for tho iidio of onjlehliig his favorites, over tops them all iu enormity. Hecntsry Hoirrwr.i.i, has repeatedly tcquwtrd Col bctor Ml linn to rl'onu thiite abuf, but tho. Collector ohsluiatdy rCtiBrn, and tho President sutrta'hnlh'thcrefuNill There can bo but, ono Inferetico frotn this fa' t, and that Infeicnco wo JcaVo our rcadcfB lo 'Jmw for thcmoclvoo. Onr Dcntxncllro Tnxes I'undlng the Debt. According to Mr. Kouiwixt, " tho largo revenues of the (Joveriimcnt havo Wn the chief means by which thf public credit br a been Improved, and onr paper currency ap preciated materially In raluo as wmpnri.d with coin." Ho also tltluka "that tho cliango which has taken pkico In tbo linen tlal ryrtem of tho country during the last ten ycaru renders tho pri'sorva.tlbn of the publio crod.t a duty of tho highest impor inuce, In.nnntich as every busincbs enter pritw and ovory financial undertaking rofts finally upen the public credit." TJicrolrt some Irnth in tho fixbt propi.siiiou ; but If it wero entirely true, it would not juntlfy Uio nnormous which Mr. UofT wi:i.i.'.i policy lmpos!ii upon our pooplo with Buck lucrciLea pcrevcr.ince. A thtli'iy na tion Is a bettor guarantor of tho value of Hi ti.jurillca than ono taxed to br.tikruplcy. Tho sober truth U that tho country cannot bear this excetelv e titration two year longer. Aud when the taxes cannot bo collecicJ, how will tho public credit eiwin li"nt Mr. HouTWbLr. ecems to think tlmt to pV tho luitlinnl dolt it Is only nccowwry to levy laxcs. Did It ever occur to him that eoino hotly ban to pay them, and that tho capacity to do thU is limit d . If ho does not suspoct It now, ho will prosonlly bo convlncivl that ho has gon.) far beyond tho point to which ho can go -nd leavo ho buahi'ttof thecoun i.iy lit a liing cond'tlon. What wltli n.v I'.. :ir.l, t'Lin-, and tn'iulclpal t.ixcii, and tbo I xacU'.ns cf bank" nilmadf, nnd othfr inonnpolirr, the land is alr ady lickod bare. In the lust j'.ariuoro pi'ip'.e hi.vo 1 ortuwed hi mon y to pay tii'-ir lavs t'if.ti ever b I'nre bine tho Fniled Ht 'les hu.M oxlsie.l ; end Wi t.ll the F..:r :t..ry ;l..:f hi: ir 0be.1t th- end of lit." te'li' . b a. blc'.er law than c marcfH can . a, At to Mr. tui iwtt.i.'s r.ccnd propositinn tbst t'ic j Mlo credit is thii Imp s of all irnxisactl'-.iis tho pyramid stands wtacily on t'to olhir cul. AV.thojt private oiolit there can be no public credit. Fvcry banhor 'miows th.U prjH-r .' oaly lujiimd by adding bad endorse. 1'nbllc credit in a com lminlly of lisiikrtipts may be toiuetlilng in. telbgiblo to Mr. UoCTWKt.l but wo conks II le bcyundour powers of midactanding. Wl llo thf) business of the country Is ruined by absurd and linpr.-.rtleabbi Ir-ttt, bo that tboTrc'sury maytnakoa tietltions sltow in nrilor to help the ISxeroUry to burrow money at n lower rate, the puhlUhcd de tails of tho funding r-Jicmc that born do vlscd arc woribyofsueh n prermstcrousnnd lu natlcal pl.'y. Thero arc already s iniu fifteen or twenty ilif-rent cliRJcsftnd di -aomiurit'cs of tho public ilebt, arid It Is prot,Kivd to aild to Oisin tiiiw more ; and now Uiat tho whol, wotld Is b crowing, and money Is d. sr, the Secretary exports to sell bonds boiling four Kt cont. and four and a half pr cvitt in terrst 1 And in order t soli tliem h nixes 'hmn np w".b fio per rent, bou'ln, at) jnedi .iiio ii n:i 1 w!'h ml.i . Wu i can ciu:" of it '; Netlii. g but .oi;!o -J-jii c.i: '-.irvl. !. With the rntuta Ut h'gh tss s this p.ip B.'on fir ur ' i Ijing tl.o t' n"f.i,.atlotiii of oor nn'ieif.l f' urllirx In u-M Incntifi-ie t. M' I.e. 'r is th -lining, iidti":y ofivrykl'd l r'rji'i'l d, nr 1 t!i" Uru'it borrow th tie 1 y l'i p.iy th.'r taiis. Th" D'ltitry i- ri.ol .ly rpj. jae':'.;. ; teh a pir? Iyr!r as It has not droamed of titioi. lij.;;. The! criiiti p-.ilu vd h jid 'V:il r v.,liit''tt which sw.qr the 1 1111 out .if Fight. Wi.ot ilei Mr Hor-iv 1. 1.1. ex;-: vi'.l tu him and hi tmy In M7i 1 A thf. r I limo Hgn tin- tlvgm1t biougt't iU1 eroi.i.t ct die mT'.'st out M nf a lira.1 in moil Chirk, vh'j uti'ti lieictn'. in nn at Uuipltn 1 di on exprc" compare. Tn gain ac ccv In the expi'.is car be had nuujgfd to hat e Iiiu.f.lf liiiioil in a bu& s cxpteti 1V Ij-lit. Tiio Vii item piper, Imwetcr, are of ilicopiuimi Otat Mr. t'Ro.r lu l 11 1 r-ucb Jc-Iae at licit, im-.ii'-d In bhii ; but th .1 lilj obj'i:'. nas nwrcljr (o j'U himself Iratii-iKirtixl to Mai Ji.liutcttH u fifijjlit tt a reHuotlou uf aliout fifty ilolljrs fri'M pat'cticr ikies of flic, lie bid titlod up l.'n Ijoi nlib a rerl fnr !ii licad, ami nipnlivil it wi'S protUion, ne:paT.ii, and olUor iicccuaiiee of life. Tbo only Mnpieioa? article found uiion bim as i plbtol, but iU did lie t ucecjuati ly imply a foioai.naltit'.'it. The Dcnvi-r 'Dtlium it of the opinion thai (be man ii partially de mented. It ia no render if be i iiif-e by a eulpaUa diti 'rjnul of the injunction, " Tlili t.'.dn ptiilli oarc," die box wai tt 011 end in the Cipreti eTiec itiiloc.l uf u llu bottom, ai.J 111 uiilni'.enaio imnalo wa compelled tuti ' d "ii hi lu au f ir neaily half a day. Aii"-.ig tho in w Senator hworn in on P-tlurdie, yi.if tjor. Mmws f Koulml ). Ho IjuL ilio oith of titlieo witb'.-ut i ppuitiou ft 0111 any quarter. the linic rl hu oleciion il ir ailrcd by Mime of his nntaj;rnbu that le' bad i.vl liceti le) ul dui'lc the rcbeltiuc, and en tbat ncec.jiil ouaht tint to lie allonril to take l.i teat iu ll- yxuule. "llut iLik iilea upiejr: lo hnve L.'ii . abanduiied. npjKars to bo n lack of harmony JumuX llu. r ,aie ulli -i.i! of licergia. Dr. N. I.. Am. 1 r.11, iu u 1 1 port iuUliew " To bi lix -el-IciK-y Iltria Ii. liiLLOn', Uvurnur tit Ui'.rfij," aula, iu bin ullii i d cpaciiy of Stale Tieanuiii, tu be cxcuri'il li-un ici.luiiin; on nn ettiiunte el' Ilia oijicniea for Idil, glvini; .' bit leusou that Ocorcla U blc neil wlili an czectnltely prodiKu! ami uuicruuiloui CbU:f Kxeeiillve, ltliu tlunn llie public lu.ids bioad'-unt nitb the hope ef buyiuu iiiUiiecee, iicirjioil pmvor for coiiupt purpoMa, aud nbo, lor inerceiiaii , turdid eodi, bad iraurd 01 ci four uud a hull iiiiIUuub of lien State IjojJk, rUleli, ia Ms auxtei.i 10 keep Ibc motif r oor cevlt'il from tbo Tituaury Doparluicni, be bul failed In iiuio rxeeuled Slid l''Kiatercd aa I lie luiv mjuiri . I.'uii tbeiv bo any truth lu tld oIiar;tr l'tum what uu Luon ef iLc (iuu'i'i.oi re do uol ln'liuvti it. Our reporter in another column Int'ujites thai llie t'cjliiil l'ril t HL'ly lo be eliei-iii be Ilio TtuatecD of tbi. Taecil Moiiuiinui i'uud a. lb" plwcto pul up lit ktstue of Hons Tirenii. In behalf of tlic Kill 1 Side uo ubjeet lo thU ; unJ c bare a ri,lil lu otijwl, beeaute ca evoi)bol) Iuuf, but for Tus hex the idou of cinili.g "iiib a alatue would never luie beu renliiinl. 'flu., latue aliould be placed in Tweed 1'laiu, as was eiliiiallr piupoicd l.i u; and uflerilix liuitticd and ereetcd, if llie fiiemli ol Mr. Tn urn dor-Ire to erect snollwr eui iu the Central I'ai k,tbf y w ill liat 0 a perfect right to do so. Our reporter ako aj 1 that Oil mil Ui the Hunt bronze ttatue in tiio un! Muitiwi tliat the Wttttni Cuutiueut leaj ACL.i-L-U ' ! boaat of. Ve glad loMHbt Ilio H to bs a fins one r bi ' poiat .,', 2 all partita eoucefoiW iful t!is great W of Com. raodere ViKoailBaV, wlilcb stamis oyer tin frplglit deps of tbo Hudson Hirer Itatlroaif, wefShs fear tons. Tn of ' l"". that nill bo hard to beat. M cut rtndtrs aro well nnare, It was designed by Capl. Atnrr.r no Ocoor, nho fias been called tbo Michael Ai.oki.o of America. What f-tdptor will Iisto the honor of designing the statuo of Mr. TwrtnJ Tbi is a point upon which our reporter Is silent, and w 0 commend Mm for It. The firs.t rule for a ro portcr Is to tell what lis Lucn?. ond to l.cp silence t to all the rei. "What wis her porno " was tho old French Jmlirv's firt question when a crlminil was broujlit bcfnro him on some imutitally alro clous charge. Ills experienco had tfugit him tbat when eomctbing quito out of lbs usual course of rrlino happened, a uoinnu was jirctty ccrlalu 1 1 bo tound tt tbo botlotn of U. Ho when llnrr UiiiT!.'i empty chair nxs socn at tUe Chienj;o bnnquct f4lcu in his lienor by Wint llEirEti nnd I1I1 friends, (be wlso onei siirmited tint a wo man ires hidden onicrilicrc In tl.o niyst'.ry. I'oor Uritr.r. himielf ccilulidy an Ill-used inanr He ajard ct lilj gucn's vacant chair as wildly as did )l ICVKTII at II. 0 leenullc'S teat (CtforllAV. gco nt the (ft-it. There wi'.i lids dl.lercncc, heir, crci-, btittreoii llie liroba'i'jitrt givers, 'batilARic did not even nctld hi glioki lo supply bis place. Uexrsn, it is said, bss epiilo a turn fur dramatic lllcrsti irbe hadfilleu baok on bis Pbali-t-poaro in tliu emcrgciieyj bo nbtht bareniada some capital hits, l'.,r lii'Urir.., bo could liavo exclr.irncd with tba 8?oloh Thane, li-luly allcr lit( liii pbraeilftryt " tlrro l.a 1 n now Cm :w A honir ";t l, Wure u.a crarvi 1r1a.1n.IeAr Imr. IIa.-.i rrcscr.t. Who"i ma? I rsili-r oU iilenc; toi a-.i.aliO' 'I nad pity for mltPHMUt , A Hum 111! al wi'ce.i.r, bl-me tji-on pro- 10. lur Hrxiaa-iHydo j u.aU lueL fact..' ilo olf none. Toe tfA tit tn a utool 11b naeli bmle.;iie ef Ibctr prlf fs Ilio retch ed company wbn had gsth'-rid topilliT l le n er the Ce.llfoi niou ln.tM base iniprorcd their tc oiperc oil. I their eppc ii.". Hal the nines wore tear to Uiciu, aud the i..n I " re but " fm, 'l bul id r.icata." H.-cb lean f b 1 tt. I llie in nil to ileir '..oil was rn iiu'ill lo l.i- elf , aud : the xti: Holt bi. ing " r 1' 't - too.1 ine. ire Wii'i most alm!rrl cli ..:..' rl.o i:.d gnont giK'rtj v nt 1 1 llic'r s' ial lumes heaping anatlituiai ii;-' u the head of " i'iUiUlul J.-n.e." Tbo fact was thai IIattc aul bis wif-.- were staying at the tioire ef r. lady wl. , tlitough -oiue liindrertenee or neglect, had not been properly iu vltiil. IJJl'V th" I'tt l'iry In tho tals of etfr jouili, the) ixvciiKCil lierself finely upon the company that didti't want her; fur ou Lcr ac count loth Mr. and Jlii". IlAUtn atayed on ay. All tbleago is indignant at the ailght. They bid made up a big putK to buy the ZeliiiiU JAinM'y for llinre; but they hare pulbu& their uioiiejr into their i tK-let.', and buttoned lliem for cer against the editor. Indeed, Cuicao nill never bo a eufe place fur bun tu no to any more. When be baa a call topi to California, he will bate to go by wiry of the It'.bmut, or slip round Chicago by dcrl'iut railroad. It will bo aa den. tpreua piound for Idrn as the itreeta wliere bia creditors lived were for that other il'Mitriotis pott, I'.iriiAan SiviviLLcn. K. .tjf(..s:jti;.v.v. riilll.nimoiilr Concert. Tl.c lniilbaroionie Society's fourth concert was CWea on faiortlo eyinln.r al the Aeaitrtny. II i.a tiotlretle as coa'nRilut; upon llie procrtraire only miere of tiie cioa iMeUru -otiool, tnilict 1.0 of 11 at cbtotle klmt that tho t 'tra cio.len.a it light In. Tl.ere rat a mp :b tit'bu.nun lymplioij, n v.ltk 1 1 picit ut;iy rr.d li ie-.iity of thouaht, iiel ' iHi ry Lir til ! -:d i "t.i. nf fn aBicim'ii fi'.L n: onforienrt' .-ly i, bin elwir in lorm and ex 1'" le lu trcMm-i .1, l!i 11u1l.ll T't!or artaLI el. auJ .-ii1rpen.lenily T. rk.-J oat, lie cannier Ite-oerf a well xpreS'd as tn 1: l.llna; oo5 The )f.:'.iu.nv ir i--'s wasr'-.Ml l-i a -nly mtunor ' v the hoeii'tv. At tiir.'.i wl.n1. naraee were e -iclby iii-iinll'a. " o' L.-n t"l.- 1 ilia ililti r '"t iurn n' the orw ' In.i I:- nn heme ie fiilty 't fan! The othT lu'trnei-etal wnra 'r oririnrr- hv II rtU'l ant IPSovcke both ronip.iT of at l.'j .n '. of t.1 ie.)Dl onl. r. Mt ! re a m.-an.Se' ct or-n itlc sceni ?ol rU I ItuMinte'n, hrire broa I In trratinrnt un l fell of teider exorelm. Sue It wcil oili'lr. tl.o ItmiUtloLi 01 tier voic. III -Ii H on'iiml lo i rl. ut uch mlliire. Il w-j i-urprlliii; with wli perfect Inrl'ffennee, nol lo'sy eoldnM', tiil i.Iy was ri-ceWrd. Her riitrnnco wa wale In eii. Uii fi'ence. nnd her eiit ullli coecly n Land mind In appian'c. tn ihe trcivd part of lb. rroxr-iaime Mli Kello s Itolnl's "Bel Itaxsi 1, ' aud an It rltli aduHnbie ixt and J-nl An uaearur wit male lo zlve b. r a iwjII, bet tin ro" luet by eoun'.irr demor'.trjtl'iiu, nad lur nearly leu nilncles tho .Mot.fcnniM and Cupr.leM foucht it not nline Il.r;mami eiool nnletly iniotu his oiclnflm Willi an tvrtvMion on lib- Uee thai eleirlv li noted tint he tnonylit I.U .lu i ie n actlni n foi.llb and chlWItK ran. in I that tit wai wllSrr luat th.'y . cul l 'ndn'cu tae'r (oily to the uttrr wet. Not till tt-e lae'loniue tee! M.l and th la'l had r.t.ispr.l dl I b'i con tcerninl t.i tnu up nls baton. MI- Kl'a l an ar-li .win( ol n mofi r.' e.nna nceflTim Inn th'. vlul-.r the ruaou itAl may nadcr.Ie th- rtTainfrttlm. Krch.'a t'onerrl. Tie pr-nmtne ot'Mi.u Kriibt's e.ghlb inatl eve, fiti'uoo Salorday, vn van; I jnd Lrllltaut, cjnpi.-:c worki by llic'i, feMlal.l, I anpln, lle.i deU'.mn, Itubtntkln, aid I,'t. Ih-li' fnene ri lu (iiMi.ttl'u a cupeola:1 nail' ea'ila fur Ka difil tul'j and beaiily. nnd fur the c!"nrue.ii, pr. .-Itlon, and fir Wilh Sflrrrh Ml'a Kei-ns plivMli. ThU anut bits lb" nohl" onelltr of tlJ'iK .th lir auo Jee'. fhe nmrr A.Drillt a nler-i ..y n n'tllt , the Xrr.t'r the wm'T iilih nhli-h -4m cifvis and oter reneili. Win Active Palner. a l inn? lady In fieri J In Italy. mUa br flrJt iippearanee m k v.l CiNt. Her mir-e Is : mn-nprano of nine'., Tier rim h-mim", whlrh Ho iu well rmi, town T. Ml'liutit oin fanlts of lrle, ns rr n-a'aiu-r 1 hat.' 01 rl'InrrM ;.erito(ot the tinfiuriini: of a i h'Sif, lin'.i sd nf InVias the Inie lone al one. Mi Itindnlil ali. vans. Met In u mnnly wjy lual file s-nrrji nitMfilton lo Ihe auHtrer. Ilruniullr lirmt. The in.ift policeablo drwiiatie ct tut of the .r. teat irk 1 the prodnelton lo-iilght at lloolkH) T.ieatre ef " iiucJi Ado About Xotliine." The pale He cenerilly, and Uio livers ol Hhiketpeare eipr elelly. are under renewed obllsition lo fir. lkio'.b for prs- ii.inu thli eiri "it'ly pn vifd series of the wn K nf Hoi rnat inaili r. Mr. Iloolh iinueara aa fttfifHi A", Mr. Laim-iic. Ilarreit ui Diu Vrfro. and llr. .1. II. Ui'Vtokir ajhiclaily utwd lor the pj.t o. IKybtrry. At Ihe 1 ifth Aieuuo Thealie tlieii ii 110 chance if (ilait ul Hli-c-al. Mir Linda ))" la Im Immh pio mnt.'d lo the tun lately acted l j ,MI- l)jieiiioi'l, nn :i.'.-ount ot tre illU'-as ol Hie latter. Mln Ajih i Kill, It Ii until, wri.l uinur next roSM.u l u. luok'4. 1.'i ilare .0 Ihe I'llil) icuue bans 'UpjilleJ b Miss Sluif ear,', of llo.ian. Mr. and Mia. Wilt'iun 11. I.incard coiiiiueuee Ihl-i einiliu t I.Ioj r.Jwin'a Thoatir .1 fnir nivlf' 11:11 uniMil. Mien. Ilinl'ae and I'oimay and nu'uiVuia of ti.r ttock eviiHii'.v will mppuil ihcm. Mr. I.l'ijt id m iei vniindy lie'.' n rl"!- .if luiiu r o'i.imou! iioai lluic i .retoloro re; reseated In thia ally. The cpvaci.ti'ent nf Mr. Kurr t at the I'onr lei nib t-irmi IhvnUo lau.e 10 au abrupt tiel uu lire ti end 1 1 fiii'te Mire varluua eaii'es ol 1 IS'.i'lty. 1 : tc It. added lo Ihe lael Mr. l'or r. - ' 1 wl n v .1. uol mt (Cud, ci luLiiiiul lo briiiK a.i'iui I hi n .111. Mr. Wjllacl. give? u tbia week no later novelty I han v . H...ui.'iuii.'a ' Itoruai.i'e in I Id thli," whien aa o i l. y-an'ljr ueelii.d nt H' iiiudueimn laat Miik. Tliu irst ttl it. 1. l illicit onl llh thou., cimi'dira inoM 111 I'aor Mill the putiuii of luia tl, i-tii. loey I'att'ii'.' finiill rlngowill be Oiled in-niu,ht by Ihe weal P 1 1 cuuil. ( el. Hoi.ib i..a.ln n, who ,ii. Iii-uri' In muiit mid builtirque. 'I n' I irj.-U lie.n In llie Mtild It 1 i'iiilenii nted bj the Miiall it, a beuu ti'jt iuupll) iiuined lluii. tlruui, Jr. Mr. Hddy appeiua to-lii(lit at Wnnd'a Miiaeum In " J he 1'iart Ilnait." a onitrij 1 no ii'tana mi hli . Icaa at lt lume wuiihl iudlcile lluiii rumejy uml laite Are alto kiieu ut the Ua'.'i uutiiu'cv ui ihlt aiabllthiii('i.t. Mita NiUi-iiti'n reappearaucv 111 conceit hue h iiiiiioiiiii'uI ur Turailar of nr at neck. On Wid. neUay the oratorio of "The I'reuUoii " will be glti u, the .Mindalohn Unhia MUiiiie; Ihe ehorue. The "Uieholieu" L1111 lo-utuo will soon be vtiih. Ji aw 11 ot the Oljmpic, to waiio leuui lor Ur. Dali'a At Niblo's Ilio " Itlacli Crook " sllll crjuthmea to djrzlc the eyea nl nuinrroua aiidleaecn. Wadame ritwlncb wiptsrs tlu tivtiiiu iu " lw be gimt tu uuu XlwaiAv. . PAiK OF CALKB TKAyte, ZJin tCJSXOVitl A n CAX.lT. HO AT AT t)ALoi:urtna. How .Vmfonmn inncloHnndiy Cnmrurlr, nr.i! Tew '"" ,frp 'r'"'"-Alao boiv ho Jtobhorl Workmen and ssonl og' wlltthl lantur l0Dt't To tu LMor 0 iti xuii. Fir : In T3(itday's !-'o:i '" " "delo lieidf d, ' Tr.ivora'1 Canal Ihut," i."1'-" ra-rl" Tray, crs cb a eeufidettrn opentor, bet 1. i"e )ou a llti: moro ol tbat resirs liltlorr. Abeut'-'ltttif Dostnibcr a man cailrtiK. htntrnll Caleb TraveiN crno loocrphM looking tor a fj.taliie elte on whib to put t H an Im hoese. Aflr a fow dayt bo found oiJc to' 'US IlkMc It was a piece f around edj.ii.ib S the coo"r thop, known us tlo Duhsls Coeperar,o, at.d bel6fc;!atd Jto aapio est'ite. Tmeri and the sxent fir Ihe prdpert (file t an t draw up a leis. tbo pnriort f TiMcli v' ".' 1'rSl JiS'J 11.0 latnj for liic jijh toi a ccitiiii turn ef noaey to be paid oyery linen riiont'u, an.l that In thouid erect a b.ill lie i Minmon. and a wlcef I.Lfiont of tho Moy-ily T5 (ctt la Inixt'i. Travers then went to tlrvrire K. hnyilet'a lum'K.r amteoal oCco,lii (iauifcr Mi, ai.d r.i ilu n taru.'ti lur tho lumber and timber neea'sarjr for a bnltu..i 'Uii)re, t ainl 25feot liltb. Alter arrat.Kii f m.h Hnjder, '1 r..vera tulJ him that iis 1,011.0 l'.iv cisn Inrall iv gd'-Iivniid lo l.i-n wleuotcr lo toi'lii) I110U uik for it, o.- sreiy two wracks, it It inaje no lifers.-!-, 1I (Trator-) t;U lie Intended to pay bl inci tvery t'vo wrftl'.'i and la ncutd fy dnydtr !l..r, inn, f ii weald l sitteh rijier fur fciia. Spy U"r eid ic reluni that every Ityo Trteka nould en er h'a. purpcae, an I a'ter otaorinj hlaiself a well as he eoi'M tbat ev. mbliw wae i.Ulsfjclcrj kclkl kjai ImVv thi stun iht he wauled. Trivere hired utt tti'li: vnly 'n mil y wept to work Jn bealneis-Uko 1 at up the buud. Inf. ri'bia' 11 all his allcntlia. lie tiuaie.l tho ovinur of iLc baancisUs luiT, lipt. it. A. hartley, lo carry bis lahoiam oyer lie river from flvoll in the tott'.. its aud haek al ulrl t, ae ocirWall lived In 1. vol', trtrTrivura L , vclf bonnlnd In tiio Tirol) Until ctth a yo.nj w juan e'al'n.u: to Iro Mrs. Travon. Mean-u..' 1 ll.e br V ox S'b! on rapid')', aud tko 'IliyvD A I. '.I'll l.c nAP PSOMistn to dr r." r. tin ti fv on B.ilnrday, tr.e Ttlh ".i of D. .-. n,l iiiil.i hel I ntiiiiM him, aniunt m .1.1 ... . lu ''ii, :' ndci'a b.'liifi Uio laraoat, in . it-n 'ui t 1 1 uearly fl '.'JJ. ')n i ei i-m , Ih. 1Mb of TV-amber, Travcs 'nr ff . i il il 1 N ll.l 111 it. P. l.erk, a bonkk'-.'per, to I .cb lor .ilm and att. ud 10 til the dotalla of Hit In- 1 . a. He wn to lave an vSlco Is Nriv York, ati.ei.jt nt Tir:it- c.-t.t.i alr-ot, X. It., and lo V.-iu w r.'uj 'er nlm .'i fie 11 nl .I nnnrr. A .1 1 "iiiii".e.aina fur Ms acivicii lie was to draw tt) M. cklr. and 10 ! ivj a ciulti thare ot tl.o profli. ll'jili 'it ipnt, in:', rnd tbe la"t flanan In the Mr.trtct via that imiicc t luc-ild forfeit 18 J l to itkii ksnpiiw cart 0' il ru,iisa. Atler tla tnii ih ptkli''. ' raven iu-i tc 1 llni I'ollccit ahoaid Oio'ii tie Xl wikl I'a It 1 seei.r'ty, l'ollock cialft n it i i .1 1 tful liu-l'f, . iJ rt limn sal I at t o loch v s ro hot.cul ll'.-t it ni.ulJ 11. U.' 11a i';ufj 10 iits" x aenuTtrj ...'. J t.cnl siu.ITtJ a Itk c 1 c 1 yt ting aa evera boJy vtts costnicr wnn poilocs , lii"l on the lOtti of lice oilier, ai TiT,-rs wes lo pay no too Hlh. All 'In on Friday he fin yer.I, , Ulkias about n vdu, . mil rfanted Saydjr to end his to JI'iMiy M d uet tt.-1 carrues, but l-'nydei eould t.ot do it. Ti.irera hml botm'ita kr,.e canal i.rc.i'it. ICaivi arviijclii, for JJ.i.'W, auJ was to pay In rruli ou Ihe l l'U of .nnuarv, .ivir. ' u pr niieaory n lo to tail ilv'.t l.i ttvoniy U..y tor i: 1') lo Uml the harrrin. II" jTnpntod Ul aeud tcli boat, llm .Mm Ik HoU, tn J.iw fork ur Albany lo id itwdiist to d.l i.i bit teniae Willi. tat'irda) inninlni arm .1 1 ur.l the tnen rll bt?an wora. aoruo liit nrl ;ht fi oa, nt thai - i Iim 01 on ipt'.li lliey icrc 10 rc-civu toeir luoney e.r l.o wrflki' work, hoiau of tbe workmen I1.1t been ti Ihn ciP"0'o of buy ni; In-.:, a.ieh at .'1 hi. I pli'l.-, and pow dcr to blast Ihe rooks need loi f.Hint lu. At aimul 8 o'clock 03 & 'lur.l iy n.iri.lnj wo, 1 0.1 a.' fmoi 'i 1 1 u l, luat frivca wai ruluj to Ki V-irlt to ' uy :..i'ifusl and would ui l.aeK .it 1 n'u. el th au.e day. and that the i.mi'l " ,i'r mi..,. id u out tbe Utne ol the men end cu Ik-el In tb.i bills in 1 be r.-ady to na nil ut 4 o'clock, .J rotuiu inUi a aiipoly ol oi'.nry. flieu iho A uMock ferry arrlrel e.l eyes wore tJruial to the r ut.rid lo ic Ike mail l,.io c llie. I hicacli I'r.i it, but tlia'. Llj.i nuspirK it it and uitii coir failM to pel In an ar-rennfe, e-.d after a o'. !orV tbe u nit did nut po In co but tl a -tt ! " l .iit'l aa t' e, l.'.i.l done befnre. Cic'. fniil. r, 01 i..e f.ny 0 .a", ii'kc-J whether he l.i.l Pe.o-d or . en a-. " iu.- ..f 1r.n. Ho aD'areJ tnu hi hiul'i'a-'l pot. !ne. out had ircn Lit. 'Ir-v.-rn ao e-f 111 ite eur wun tier Irunk and tiai'ltu-1 u.f. Word en-t. ov. r ih" rlrer Ironi H7cli the ux' day thi.l l'r..ti liorro'ed 9.1 of lljrdtoter, '.he hou I keeper, and that In v. .'- ha I borrowed a like autonni tu ihe inatd rtrvabt lu Uio hoiel ; akw. luat liardiulir kail ;one to T:avr'a room, an.l foand uutlilos Uiere but un ol.l Hunk, la wt'lcli were noib! i- bal a pi. c of l.o'uU) bcn:, . few stent, cad loua tauvJ Mini. rurpur. r.icovr.acD a larse qu ntlly of t.l luia'icr mi l tlr.t'itr b ilr.i-r in1; it a nay 110.11 lie uiouu 1 111 y on 11 e. 1 .1 1 . .... 1111! and up. calm now atiada at .b .ut Jl.-iM. fur wuich he has a juibttpent aaii.-it tl jVitrra lee llot.e. Tlic workmen hale tr'wii um . il.oj a m rriilnx unrUiinj. an 1 we wllhn.' to cell :.i iivo aud a l""f cnta on I lie dollar. Nullum baa baeii beard ef 'jVoT.r' .,u-. In nu,t lo ct btwdU'l. Tl e Lo'.lii.ic ilnel . ibo' icil? thhe.l. and l'oi'eick it aoxi.iot lo -: '.i 1 r .tjt). 1'ii's i tlw who Umht ..u- ami ee. 1 Mr. X11.1 tin's wood, t.i Hi 001.1,1, .nl, r r rliotklior: nerybn ly. uieafon.le.l. "U ilkl. bilcini'.tlL-s, N. Y., UarcCi 3. a r.ui3u:ii t.'iu yniis 111 s Jttxn. lie I'.rllc.vca lie silll Vnr n Wrallbr Ilelle -thp HpIcBdor of alio Wrddlnz IVnal Thr .Tllsvln.t llrldccronri I'.iHnd I'eeilltic ('oivj-'fbo Jinn Flecnu'l W nut 11 Wtlr. ''oircruoiaieuce ef no ' .u I'lTTH'c.if.ti, M.ncb Iii our ih lililjortnt; lerouxh ef ileK"evi"l, on ttt Honwn.fil' ' 1, ihcj bad quite e liviy 1 ee la'i nlji.l lexaase a wrddln clld net tome elf. ITio Van hu-k injnaloa las been azltnlrd fir tome tine mcr the appiouru In? nepiisla of tk fair ilaug'itor uf lla- '.ouirl.ot I with Mr Johneon. 11 nciiteR.n v.lio tueortlleelly boldt the icout 'ono mi.ea frual UcKoi. rorl. V.'erku aso all tlic leidliic "tnrei ol ihe city wrre Invaded for the purpose of msknu- up a ou.v. worthy Ihe ou.lon. Home fv Co., on l'.inn Hr-.t, ucn uieicib rai bi Sbolb' ell Ibnve lovi . of thliif that LnVf cu a hriilc'a wurdiobi cr procnre.1. Jewelry In t r.ifu.iu was ..rd. d. .111J .he lamb like March wai lo iv a hatioy uiarruti;'-. I Mr" hundred xtwin 1 uiblnl al too S a 1 Kir mtnamn at ua cany hour nwerday uilerajon, 11 ilier alnaja .lo la thnte il-llrhllil rui-al iihcoa, ui. I Hie los nf aatin una luehnMnci of u n . 1 h 1 the whole rtuklHiltuitin'. Tho wadtin: hour c. jie un apac. The delieale wap-wi.l?ted tltn"i' oyer t to rnrnlD minlelplecc of tho main pallor pid mIi n'eluek si uh iu ciiokoo lone, end jet the hrble. sro-11 came net. tiome oiie ij'ieltd T'Uutaoira v.i tl.knnwri Hitrft "All riecloas Uiinii.flljeaitie.i In lie le ll.MVf. k llicill bine foil,, For I.oti- In er tii work' w.s i Pf.i And draws Ihe lull ir.wn bildi-u lur 1 1. Ila tracel far freni utbr oj. 1 1 In iimnlie alitteii. en Hie rue.,, A fair) piuci' anhl l 'le. o. Ai.d Hani. 1 iiijiud thiu ci-101 " Hat II itemed to do no .otl : for In- e.iur 101 A ony ctpreaa lyiin tent lur Ihe ImsiiIuI 4u!ia...,i., nad ibo ui. iM-nxer iltM.Ur tounl bin .111101.3 hi, m-iiMitlil cooks uud bulla, Am . wal.i. 11; inr .,i,i. Iju mcitice thai IiikI been m ul lef b.ui, he n' buck b) word ol moulii liii ieilun ius ititorui.: leapnivt "If inn iiliikie, sou tray aud tell Ib -ui ik.t I Inre luailv up tot l.iind 1101 10 cc'. nu.n id." Lit ut inf.. 1 1 l.o uir Aruifr broke IU upun ike Kl.'oiuy 'oishejiusa 01 Hie Urlilat uny itb ,.ai bu liciitalii.l-.ike kiitwur, met Uie Ikiii'a wmi um, llie m.tthre xeeala departM,.vid lielvc . anorl 111. derwwil Hi lint rcnuuto ujiny. in.iavit 1 uli tho talk 111 ttrlklO'-r.itiu elic.c iu Ike all, and .. blench el priiiuu." cat" la Ihual nmt, Tbo hl'M ciiiuaj'undoiit liainii! I,iturtirwi'd 1' 1. nfutinx brUIeureoni, cou'd nbi4 Inia Iroia I ' ua. bi diJn't n iui to att married, " A ouiioua wager lia r i.cutl uecn decided in Witehliiaion, Mi. II i'mntiuaii tiet that he would uat i.o painlilfe curb lunriilnx btlwc n the huuri ot uluu and I111 lor lklriyi.iiceei.lvii iluy, while Mr. W. 11. Seotl ww.rel (16 4J ttal he eooj.l not prririm tint gatiioiuin.te lea'. In f.orope ltnll,,r uijtihea, iigcnot U'Isk tubttitutsd fur farirl.ig '. have brin'i, and those bn have aUjniU- . uob 1 eneria mci i liai e cn.enilly tuifeu d aevi-r: i from nausea, filer, and proilrallenafiur linvtntj con lltiucd Ihutr tsptnmeuta auort Uiuo. Mr. Trunk limn MioceiMltil In wlniilos Ills wer wiiiiuin cxia. I.enc.iig uiiy 111 iffwiaj but Ida h an rxeepl I011..1 can-, lor l.o u a man u.o imve a iii;otion cqiuil In tint nf uu iMlrieh, at ao lu be u kuuivu lo cil ain ilnjjletliliii llurtcendoaen raw ojteni,une down oai.i (ifgraeu 10111. and llu J.ueu law eesa, If Mr. Tuutmsu would baie tie I iinlnot to liy a dozen of lobatiri, duwn with a ta'Ion of milk, the r. rult iiihl be vain tblv to colct ec 1.11J to the coiUDiuit'iy. Mr. neadell l'Llllipi it lo lectnrx tt SUnwuy Hall en Tueiday tiening or Hit b'mf.t ul ll.e tUIrriuat V'lii ch. OhaxojTJwvxn jiojti.xstssh. nrltorynnd HinucalliiB Hronclit lo T.larbl by Ibo laveellsnl Iim tomiiilltco Men auil yVoracnsTrjotinve been rurlebeit. Tin Coiigretsluiial Comiu'lnoou Ite'renebmcnl and Ilef'jrui, cpe. .'illy as rd.illnir, to l iuloai Homo raatterf, lute reportod the result of their tibors, and recommend a conlinnatloa of the In teAllja'lona uorinc the ( months. The doielopiutnla alreaJ male before them aro of Ho !il;hft Iinoortance, cmlraclns wholetalo amui Kline ly tomoef our wcnlth!ctlcttlrcn, who by tbo piypient of bribes to C'uttou llou-o oftlclats have been able to suittfrtlo Ivnluabto pictures, dhimnnd", arlic'es of vulo, tail cosily weaMnr; appirot. In qujiitilles almost lufUdenl to Hock an ordinary re tail t(t,tii,t. f..t. tl.e revenue of which If projiirly ccllec'td v;uu!J Jtiieimt (9 iijllllor.a of O'd'ars ?n-nu.-illy. II Is tl.e tfsjl custom of tba Cove,rr,nt nlSciais tdilaaiino iy opcAlnc Ibo trunk of r" rn;ere ;r,t t acrtaln whether tny dn i.iblo nMlcti-a aro con. r.ite.1 i the ba;: if,e. flat 111 many lie 0 1 tint Wi re hion'.-rttbefoto the CinuilMi r. N--w Wke rof itepei '.eutiilv Iistj been tllv to I Ins upon Ibo tcirnue, Iho Ilie-Jcc'-oH ",:.'l'.j (runlet and tae ley the tloKSii wllhoul 0an1'lf, Ui"1t. Antrnx tne persons wl.o woro eunintoiied before llie CoainiittcR wet a Mn.iltny with,, who i.ce'im r ui I. nl by y tie d.uijlhtc.t nulled In the itr.imer lisfayelle In JSetri rarier im, 1 avlns i l ei bufsa.-e tv, pain Inii'ks in 1 hvn Isrjo einea, n:. linn ' i.uila I' art el. tu llie ..mount i f nueut t-l.d'J. llie tDiyy 1 fw! 'ch vmcu.ed by the luymeut ol J-id to tl.o cflk' ; iu c ui-te. 't'o-'io y Ii.- I .n 111 c of l!irao ci-aace.l In the I'tHl'.. ..'. Ill'i.V'IIIiatfllj opuh ul willow wr- the afitetate and besom friend or the 1.i.-"i.'h oo l'cta...ii', w'fi ol 01 e of Ntnuleou larorli.. ., made tlilklM' rjj'iiiil'.ns undr ibnKinrlro. other n. iiise , u a.,:. J tmio.i .ICK- he- fufi-ni an la well knftnn rae.eli-int of IJrVi'1 llf-i. .fire ex itnlticl. Wmiilna I'vae, iUq yoraailtiafviviauoiiiiljii'ij.e tl.e intnilitallonftalhcroouti as tti, uc"n d ; oCt on Iho lux' xueln iiloii Uiey wn! ri.lly oieluro tho nnnarobr.r. 1 frci Is of mo Cunom 11 ,nc. VASJtTXOlOX AMOXIHtVJ). 1 A l .innua Toism nnd a l'niuoua Ilortor on rriinivlTniiht uvenlie-Tkc Drilled llnjn Oyer OliSUUn liny rot' A.KenUlnK. trjiy Me irnaityton C' rcrhnps 'mo of llie gre-ilesl ucircUies wbi -h reel tbe eye of the t.i .-i'i; alone 1' 11 11 iMvaiili svenu' la tl e d.ill.f ippea am o of a be m'l ful Oxford ewe iil. wn bs il. 0 ' lo.-int nay hortes caily caparitoii.-1. One rem but i.u 1, as far as the eve cam reac't, aud feel (Hit I v. t"i .nu jllon nt tne inov -mtnt aud pn ci.l id of lb" Ii rice and the n:-.n-tor in whloli thuy bod tin ilbbns h. id crhknt'r by L'10 prlie-o of ill Ivei . J' til tea n i louxs to llr Ifeluili'dd. uf Yeik, and ro-t lilm y ir of trtn'.ie nnd moCi cx" se to fit eu'. A'l are L es, of tl.o aain - h 'lil.t, 1 -.orcmi".!, e nl era. ". the lend tior-u rl'tcee ina fuel, 1. 1 t'o fie rest, as 1 i.nen .e aisi-'i tff tin otlu r fellow, rlhouhl ht Iclt ' el t il.e tl e flr.' t. p, ttin lcil f..ot of I'm entiio to. 1.1 kicp.i pace tliin'-i'.tb, rr-nladlns one or a well diiil.d vrliixn r.'jiai'jnl of rrjraiy yi.n ir-lc-e. Tko lenui tt drWou UTu-la-naed, tan lau. and 10 ut tie wheil, and wa nrourht htthtr by Oie Deeior al nitali 'xnenie, lo tutu pail In our Ur..KS korenal fr''L.U. T' O'e J 'tl 1.', A lej fjien nv n':' -.ecu, em act l.el call t i iMj nn'ol in.ii .at is ti P"W)d bp end down H.o ll.oroCi r', abd 1. s'.r was tip fixture of tpi.t p.rlloii 01 Hie!j. Dr Hilfil.ol.l left V -i-l Ington city aoois (weiily years aro. m Is h acr.-ele iheaomi to f0Hi.urm trtr. inrvlie.i U -N. w Vork. A le.oluto will to nice I, inie 1 ti.l p. .n ii. noe 111 I I. lues". pl Ik" trea ptai nr' r'e i'lK,'. .!bi to re'icn I ar.d ""care for liierteif rn 1 wife (hi moat enmft.i. ons ad I'.rpT.n ipaitmii.ts tt the -irilnrlon Hotel. Hi l .10 necou.wiiled by Ida 0 did. Mist Aldaia of i"uh,. nn I Ooa it) m of CnV.111 n'rto'kly, In l e:i .a 10 le ie. Id drl'"r, tn.,t ner,, ant Vo'y "i'hi '. forni!n(a Ut toatcB(asy a ;ru .1 '.1 1' .0. ono wen d Ibvrlne II'mlMi1!'a vail'jr. perlKipe. Uldured 1 1 i tn 11 ik - Ibi "how. Not so. koweyer lie Is flan. h..ndon e, and "oeltl man nf U11 werldt h.s aa uciite a'.d kicu perception ot Mcmau liulv., la rally a",'ro..ehcd. genial aud coo I natnred, imd Jut aneb a lean M tkoes niakinx Ills aca.11 untauev wonll al once ttl down es a nhok-aejteil, Ju ly f no I fi'ilow. He n akca niorey hat, and tw nfl It like a rrtnee; eatertalua Ola frirndt f innpi'; tnk? taetuero In eknwlna them Ida I a dsncte u Sal, i.ud Is keen enouch 10 iPpKilatti i.'ei lalas of ad.ortlalesi bj diuW t-x-tenses tor tl.'s ll 'in ntere utnennlluf lo llie alnioit inetrdible sum 01 f :0H per dir. Ti a Uoct tt II.. ll"j e Iv of tVathioston, and dc e'are. Hi c ipltu1 flull nerr U' moied. Ilu beem well pi -d wltn the u-.'t-'S of oar earsltal, anc rre'li 'tt that at the r.i it held 0 -.-lander neee a than evu ihe ore which n,i jo.l tiki n plaen will be ILe result. And it. utitl all Ida plen'0-e, an I ti.o a leavers to p i-' llico-e ivb" iialt kim. oc airs r nrsf l ets his b-inii4. Daily ho is la r.-cMinof to f aeii f. oin Lis inantu' 111 '.ore In 1' illwlelnlila and :i"W Y rk, and (tirea tie. p-rrontl dlr-ction in tiio st.,;.pii ot Iil" colt to ell per'.a of 1. lie In- at ci - e--t.ihll!i.-d In ta'iros". Koatk ta- rl ca. an I Ae..i, -u I '.atdi a sci a .'la wr a f'.i-euxn p .,: t-king oat a l.-r,.-.. luioioi) of Ualai bul 't Unci u. YHerd ..v, tl.e with 1. f w f.-linda, ristied M, uel V- ri . r, ai.J to pii-- ltit tH i. pcCnu 01 ...le-et In ai.d a'.-, el V.'u heflo". lie will Ir. T" 1. r 1 ia h. . N 'York " M nfUr, a:..l In lu- h-.a.'it. i 1 ' n! .-a ri-ly 'o ex'..-a I a eord'd 11.. J I...-H .. 'lee ' r..i 'o -P win ra.l I.-. I.I'.'-. nnd ,'i l!'"in in e.i H,i.i ytoiijclo . :i.d kit l.vcty thour n d il.l...- . - TlrOtd "l"iho:ii.t t'!.ur.-!i nt Itocncll On. tre, I,. 1. Hi: We f.'.t au!jnl".l on tullti; i'i' 1 --r ef t . l-.e tho .-Ucr of C. y, a'.j la 4:1 r :r to a eni.U part of tho c nsfr.Mu wdeb l.e 1c1are.1r1.aenK, In wi 'di be tM bat .-.'(! Ul: .'j all ll.e ordiaaasj oat or 'Xo o.J euareli, 1 k oS tl t.i give Ui :n nue Sanity ercin. V should lik" to Cud mil what &rd naaoos be bi lell. lie uaa m'tird ta (ireaah in the old ekurea, has kikes poier fn-nttaj clae-kiid:r. d.sivcaeJ tko PnWrcth aeliuol, even a4i!-ed nue xyorlliy siettr to ksrw awnyllej tbo old cuurch, i-ali. run tlaio eb alteuCed nieellitc ihutw that alio sinned .ah'St lir nititer. Tbl rs strnnse talk for one two-M-lnat ui tre a CI i l'ilaii ulaei'ee. Ha data rot ami dare uol dasy that hit Inteniloas wt.- tu el .se tho old church which Ii.m tioad for uuwwJ of ekctily jearr. imd at preien: rs.tfna ioar.,iftha nl lite e m-rrexiUao. tun) M In a flani.inp ttaie. We intend or.ld una In Hie old church In a nronor 1 .rlii in tpeli aeiolte any 1 iitcrfereatv Ir in anr c ;hrl.'.liu ion'", ne it t". !lk"y, tn prei-ld!" tl ; r, or auy other aililji cler-emm. 1-ii.As ii. in: k-irt r rtxusaux 3 ConvrB, P-'b. Ul, ISll. The rnu Htimlnsu fwliidlp-Tki I'nlKd Ktntea lo l.e lnni ulalecl ullli l,epraa, ro-ii l Cli-fi.nuK tinnU'i'. One ef the frbfhtftil pLpKsof Oner-la! and IrouP-i! eocitr'ti Is tepru'j'. In H". .-ires1. eUies ol t'kl ID. Irom whVli w- iro uonr rejeittaj initnl I'ruatt. thr.- n:i 'wains ef l-p". mid ll atmrara Hist tltc mirfil - ntn . ee-err--. e.j lug tue Mm Ho miuifo vxpnt'tlou h.- dirOii.rcd ihlt leimir eih"n tiler., n it 1 1:1 Hem 10 now tap .tv leper tn Ui lean of :-an luiiilni,ti tire'i'. It do-s pel enpear thai th-i 'n'dl.i' .-fkeer wa awire 01 ttni cxljien.x 01 1' '.roar all ecr lee rrhnl. Iti tltf tt c ut Poit-.n-l'rrc.oe letiera are plenty, aud li eu- awjvaraa..-e us lieypov. r near the erlmvh flonrt Is hnrrrhlc herond d' I'f'ptjm. It l to t honed that wbl'e wre alv inf-i.'nelaJ orl-ukil ttnrnl panti and t.nnexln tr.'.'.c.l 1 ).tua, we will trjl lit 1 tntrodtiiie the tcirluie . , 1 "on'ste iii plaii je ol I' proy bv winch liny n.vto te.-u t-.Tilri i,.r ten lurk a. We t- o il. 1, i. ,-. .. 1? .11 'be toMo'i-v nlroa.W. It i ' 1 i..ii to ..1 ir.- u uecn em,. 1 111 Nev. Yo.-k. A Murrle.1 Wemnii ,rh oe In f lioel. ei.l Wia Vr .le'-if. The l.-io ef Icatni'.a la 'oii.e ininrla dof. net dls iiifi mar1 1 .. e. 1. ii. I e-ili'tn r"l dlfr .Willi, TVrc is a ink; pjyiei . ,ti un. llix-n lulr, a llr- .il.t, t.. .. : o-i'. 1.11 1 w '.iy 1. , , . 'i- d.nR o of oui 1 Hi c 1 1'. , v i. 1 i.-.a tn -ii nmrr'' 1 nv c, uyeie ll..rieif j . 1 kt - ii .r .dd man 'V-ih- iMn Inn. 1 n,;i4 .iho : ll. j r .e la;.i r.otu Al.i'uin.i In.l'.e ..tu.-tl VV " . il.-, "I'I. y were eon--il. .nil -.ii' nr i .v li i.. t'i" 1 eky rhanei of '...icruput. us bom 111.1 iiin t m ia. .uul wtie keui l.iiii. k i.a: arokii.l i.l.i t" .u 1 ,11 a ka! ot uinA fer seine 111 1.. I". I .nill .1 m.t r, pen-., uttbd ur'.ii them Ii. two t.-mee 1'ix' in biek ellev, wirr tl "t et lit.' rLe.p, t ' kaa twlii ;olux In ec iuol fur i. ei-uple of mesiiti.', util what otur tbe w -itkir It tin.' tier li'tle ic -f , aortaM tines to meet tr wilh tl.e bsbv aiinal Iroi o'elos In tko afur ;..... It ia aa lurtuue at iu' -ittluix tu "uaervu Ike !:'.- llai' ;i...;r."l Biotktr xelumsu her kuoka ltd al 1 1 tv Uiii,i..' ofabtiwl with a lee pairpioa uul or ll at int. ala-oet rersar. It (a alao aiteulms io uuem IU little Cam rfiow iv I till r li.n luillt pitrd tl.e rrhl, uJ. .Iiey are a; i... nl, w 1.1 uucui 'uhibeil Irrsvr, dy alter day. Now Troualut Inn nl the lllhlc. Zo.. f; I'M rt.j ti it, ec eM C-e. 'u.'. ...... '.cn'. I leant from a pit si: but : !.u..i.' -jure', lb .t tbe CuinieilU un U." Uvi-ie . - d I. r.u-iU-Uou o' the liiiil .1 i i i. vir i 'i'i n l i." .. solo to r,I'c its t.i rai ' el '-- l'i.a..i . m n ...I ..'wai four) cm liu.,1 ti - .ul I. ll.l 'li' hot tint1, u littU over t.n - , I'. i ill lb 'e lexih, th, wl.. .o '. .e '.'t ii .nl. tear I'nii Itirse ic'. n.n i -s i.r iu'.i i i. .it 'It. J f tftu Weill, Itey i.nd i!i .. lu' el. .ui t i 'e.l ui.' 'll ll 1. 'iv the uu 'i .leu" t . n-oii' or - aa ire y. i kirJaiiJ St lln'V ale kel .e'i. N . 'I I 4 ivir.'.'a l lT.-T bS I I. bin. in 1. 1 lr .Iv ..i.r. I in iu udooi : .nt tntrlexi Ur, 'J . vim" -,i.ies Ina nit r a. 'h tium Uta .in- we'd 'i I' H.I..I' 1 i.a waa nidi'. I known b.. 11 i..'... t '. Iraielali re, who lb.i.'.,i: h.ut lliv r ,:ut tiji..l it,.in ..f iha i, tiiioii wa-, J'iwiiis na oar .loi i.t we i, iviib cur Ue .'.ci' " H it uwae ualuia ly tho izi.t that ihia mo tr.iialji o' nil. lit todK.iin the ulth ..fall I'm ' 'pk.t per;, le i:ouland a fr.ueiii. y pel mu h i: l; .;l lo fo.x.t.j ai ir dcbUis. A In fko Tllhuue I'lultli. Ihe U'oiiieu. ie..i fA ,!!. HhkiUii tiM. The leoent ciiiiciauis of ib IKhuif en (be arlialle abilities ef Mils Vtnnle Ileum hue broustil out the tl.ttr.ient WliHtl.iw Held, tho n.ui a, ok editor uf that tupe'. U-. -i ref(td skilei fr lU baud ul the aruhlli jta itelplmas. joiix'h n.irciT. 1 Let thn Lndlee Krjoice .lohnona nieMkM I eirerl !nr-HI. Ancnlunaie liroeilt. ! I IUo Hack I'lntlurn.-lle l.o.cs hi. I Whitl llln.l ol n WnlrU It woe. ,Ci- "And he went for that Hcalhea u -, . ' To Ma Mltvref Ike sun. 810: hast Tuesday evening was tin wont Tnesdayevenlne I have had for aotne Un , (.aldeit by itio worst lad of Instincts and in ';ns.ior!j r int on i gfeecfiet erect car. It was tin twitcii l.onr of S:OT P. M.aud t wasboaud ferrul"n fttrf 1 ba.1 a uc.iutlrul posllloo on the back pla'lonn aS ihere was a real nlco looklnj lot of ceDtlcmrn'har Klna: ine Jest like they were next of k'rt audio,,.' mo dearly. 11 anJ by, pretty sooali, as srowet, rtlldlnx with tho rapidity of thouiht dovn tl,tie. Iljtlitfal street tilltd llcckman, a iicathin. Ctftw vcllrd, "IioK ont lor your watrh. .!" Ala, 1 have been loak-hij oat form e f.-r (iacp afi I pit mr bsul wheralt was and it v isn't tlt'r,' H Sc'dficM aiy(4-!ialnatidall. Ipiu-.t ntUi't it In a .tr.-body clc'J Tieckct. The xcuiLiusa wtti owiititniw has pi o' ably foand oat tro ihlsuiti "a'l ibw clltters is not told." Tlia watjiihji pwiasotreililiipr, and ibo ulher Paris sre somnhli' else, and It won't a'tad acd worth a ' daia." There tcvef wrks ibler Iwrcmlaae or Ina- inanotj bra'akcttlo than there is In that clirni. and IlUa lot, l'.-t sinner who t'.oMltfiom be-'dc myUirob bin? I.enrt has ta mueli br.t'S In tit .ice as tht chain contalra, he'd make an rxeellei t MrMMcj Mil lo a loiiulry woo.Nlie.1. flilll I wrs -ouiwhit nt'vhed to that wn'ch. boeaue itn'll I lockui was niii'cr the lmpreilon It -vas re-ally e .lie. and II II e mldr'cht rnhVr who flea's vatel "- h-ifp.-si flie P. M. will brinf mtno lisek I'll ask h'.-n all tti fi"liunr I cm thln'c of, sml flro hli.i t. a pure'.t ".lui'i :,e"1 f'rWil'.j any man aai had tloea HotilSr:''aee nsa upon ont e,ir."siUl:, I will sluz In eu"l Wuos Wnioti-iniu. icif ? of .lbs nisi i, Wlmlila -liisol l.i ,.?Ui'J Asd 111 donl'le me 1 mwiiv H-t, Acd I'll svior tint h.Mttieu Ci i-'.- Ml t'ur ii.. .tr years I ikive 'togiil np Ihii iian) II III... I luiin i ilao, uul now iu ijoae i 1. '. yllui II I WeTi ia It wlln rt t.s ij-ii' ly In my "hi tents" I' poe'i-'. 11 e IU nn loi-o'l-.-iiona ol w,ii I onto ll own-.l and .f that lleit'ie.i ''hiii ie wi.l - Ids ad' dixt' I l'. pnsi'iil It to bin. In ilisud., a. i i.. i-.Jtiij. liui-.yr' ttie c-r to kinw that In t jharvcii peel-el I h id Jfkfti I In job!, onl 1 alw i i . jrry oiif-fl pn .r mat'";. I ..m e i led oil r. iliiox. It , he'd bf . -mut eno li t to tiare wen1 r..i me 'v ben i ho o i.l.t i, lave wi.s I ir nt.', no"'. 1 ?cn rlori enenth lo i m ta .n s stel ke-T a liont ll.ll . aud I til - lb id 1. ll'.l C'l.l.' 1 y ,viVj ht i h . Thin ahi'i n..'".'v '...I -i l lael ir it Ii t' ( e-n rs pair'hr.t .a'.ah. hi 1 . . .i.c lilal n it . Ja-.l beta i 'inr "I k .tl aand I M 'i-i . .. A1. ..1 rtlli.slil. d'.i Il"p-.J ni'-ipind. S'uu'i co' two aieret r nr tided i"li piuraloot zlyciie, ihe oihi ti .lii a 1. ial of 11,' tue, aaj ' at 1 e it uj time after Lain - i.niinl up - ... trl'l butt 1 and de'lrovnny mi!" Inlu '-;i'. who li.n ll In hut poek'.. Ifie tolest war to e.jos It ks to mrry ll In nUinlnf water. It will viaj Jual aa viod Uian 1 unuor w .itr aa niitot it. Tin an urpl.i i V yeaie ckl, and I'd like to hare tint w.lleli n:.eikip)y with. Thi.l wateh. w.nen I lot It. wa t . bt lilo.l time ; and if tht rated takes I' fbr iaide. It will always lie M. inlay nnd fith diy to !., when to everybody eUn It seHl Ia Swurdayond piydiy. Will IU nuriihte.ina cusa listen lo Ibia apowl, o will he run tho ri'le ef bc:u Iwiore tb.i Court of Appoila? Vlrtni la lis ov.n lev ,ril, so i won't offc. any. JOHN, Champion IVriry Ho& nvsittiAita. There it a man dobig busineaa in Chicago wholo uau'v is C Nooody. Hop i Co., the hankers of Amatctdatn, u laid to be worth 1 1 J.OuOar'O. Then aie or or 900 Japaneie ttudcals ti prutcat ta the Uallel Sutes. A man iu Uhieatci was fiued I2i Hie ctktt day for "prnrlupt oarloali,." , On iho nurago lliroiijhout the ysr, caa i rullina-l traia p-r inluut- ltavei Liailon. I l)t.,ing pence a rcfjinicut It qtwilvied j dar fi ;nj wsi ti nes ll la oceaaioniily em to pi -. . Ii The l'oitinaUr at Xaalius, N. II., - lvcrtitcs I a latt-r .or Thomaa Wio.kenik:moireic:..'.'rpoasty. I b'uleat uext sujuuer ptovoa a xcoicticr maxy i al tbe New Unfland ice i lUe iera will be hta; loreri: L Texas celebrated her "allrcr welding" the had ikoo been trrcatj Ce ycv. aamlUcit C to tba Caloa. About rix thouiand women huse to far I ilxued the to conarcss, aaU'aj tlul ia;a;a 1 chould not be .'Xtonti l to ex. , J Tbo Louisiana t-leto Library, which ootfl j "0:.tlii,l about 0I.1M) volumes, now lav only 11,(37. J Ihe oitivra hare been uehT -i'i or stolen. A llnrlfnrit abm icjda thua ! ' nu enirm y ato k . i h li than cat. No I liiimbu.-." The ti Jamu H lion pntnt ua) a the wionz place this time. . A Wctlcrn jounial has an arse:'" en "tht j cft.o i f Idiots." A oerteniportry ai s tl- .1 rarer 1 J .' '.'ii u.ait.'iii; larally aaalra tKIcrc tke pui'lir. iiiiinesota has a poeloes who can irTtta a K noeei 'ai.lieur In lencik," lellliux all about Uio "neb- ular I', poJiciit." un; al o luiitleet in polio :il cat io I Hess. 1 Ills ealimaUil tlia'. 230,000 pcr. us Ure on I too bau .1 of the Meirlmao river, and to a isreal eikat I are d-rendeol upon it for motive puw r for their ft; 1 lories and worteh-ap'. 1 A Verinont child, nln; roou'b- old, eancot Ft walk, but can talk, and i.i) .t.bilnotl ctuu h afaib-x. U eoiass In, "Came. Alvlo, la'.o Un bah. ," or. If a I m.uii"! h-ta beau ureiit,at, "U uou i' Uutnita' ' fi The MasraclutscltJ b.'sinbiltite he refuted. by a mho of 17 lo 9. to Incorporate tb-i i:o't.ii'Hia J lla'l .".t.'ichnioli. deeinlnc tho nil'inM ra-ne rldJ.-o- ll loaatml crnchatal euwcrih) tbsreeozn louefeoClty II vjaeil a ldr. fa Moiwure I). Couivay,lhe meiKan I 'iratfir. I prcrehes tao radical sirnions "very Hvoday I ; laitiaa ll In ekap' li three miles aiurl. 1' . r.i: thai aoiae c I themoe t celtlvaled men IntriUrUiak iui r.i, a w are atucsx hi ccrcrik'ttlioui. ( A b.idjflroom In Monroe, Wi . Ci -ii a Clin Intanorad ofooit vlio had cm. tv;rcaada tnu no. I hli bride, and learned Ihe net; m.-nluiUita he had le'iar'.ly killed nae of t la new bru' '.:;ii.h.B. ' bct.d' :i, nail) woundlraz la ..ikcr pt,r. .ui. I Tlia DivUs Ji V llitouit, it liadieal Krctci. 1 orsaii, late.) enllvanid oa of ta ait e!c with thafal- I lowliu paiaiMo'i i "Yo i tull iu (;.. t.t ui aeki h atulelp'.te. V.c tie ie.1 myit.h it wee- lyaiklo bfi I' i -wo mil t -.-I r. ''iiihetd'jil .-. '..faitex," T, Th" Ural Iron '1 b'nilt in Ui:;'Uud wis , c-.nal barie."fe,n -1.-, i fttt si, lcetr r-Me,ba!ta, of JW tceh r'alee, 't lifrn'lacliai.i, In tttei 1 lit Ursa j Iron ktrtp Ihw went to 'ra was A iron Mmljs i bu ll i--.r Hlnnioyhaui, nad utl ta-sna-1 lo koa4eo. I, In ih. fc A Coiineetictit toll-fate keein icuoutb rf f iwent) conn tto-a a man nho aiu tkM tblrly I Seen a.i) he audi Iwo .ulur u.) sot tkroiua Iheeatn mi fal'e pt'i-iiart. Ilia olh-ri wero, anil Uki tneni) ce. ti wrr IUo original -It they Akouidkara pall, nub .werued iniareil. Oi.n if the laat illostiiitioiis in the 1'arid tiaittif i. aljued "llutui,' tepuweu a crowd ct i i un a earrj lug away In Ihclr .ou 'inir bteki, and in th !. 'jia'.'ll all the clucks In frsne ', jndl.'Uim r -iri.t ki '-Ihey may cirry on all tho rWn. but Ikes' w li vet rreveni the hour of vrnseaoo I-. . rtkwc- - A goo t old lady lu Maine, wbo on eiauaiid rloaed l.c cro.-cr to buy fur . er, tn j ,ti uks, e, anlnee 'n It nion.pald bh.i the i..oii'.) u 'i.v - teitut .l. Al it liapptuM he fnrc i tl.o uu nir;, and wtira he rolur-...l liou.e ttieoid lady d i-.k-Jol itt-ireit a tor imjney, .idrtnand wlnuu the Uuu'. -ai.. I H Ifil lair I r a lica.Ha. - Ahboiish ll wai otiee eu.t.uniu-, t, Jleitry blc'i peak cf Ike Kooky l..v.j e . .a kiUluiie. hut ouc ...oar HUOO 1ml ..n acUil iu.'i ...ut. 1'ktie are iiimii of U.OOOI".'. I: I, foment,.'. i--UijimUe how r.' ulji'v this h.i.:'.i i. . -I or-m. -lUrasoit-tn d ti.ere are tweet) p".i a'loit. i..C"i, acd 1(3 I alio i tl .. 1 iei sbovc ih. -t ' ve'. j - A 1'aiia taiiTuipumt' n wi l. s: 1 he tcforl I'a.e h. i piuiikonet in' Hi . link -f ''.o Nalloatl iliiai-1. 'i!a well-kJiow.i c ci, ki -u-K-ke, eke, fro. i the nine he hat t. . n i.-i-i e ti". t.i.r -i, cauuol bo a i, , v . in Ihe aifai' of Mini inn, an.l ,i molls . i.... .I'd hi ui llie al.ill' i. thic am Mil, and nl A''l I". ai-eo:dliitf ua Ih I'. iHa i i.vo'j'it. r.evtr moda aich a nokto b. eire. Wtett hiMinf,' trnA ta.. ite'io -, one would ihiuV it Ike .li -t rpncit lal'Oil of one of 'a plaoe.' " Ti e editor of ibo i'Miaos (X. .iJitrtivr liiur-e. Iptn'itaeoli)wiiiioaist:ij lc .o.teaalir. f. .i J w i Ibu - her I " llelii-: a aiiiutser lo ".d Ik iu I came ui : -Jvraiii&b i d.'ciii.'. W.-1!0? 'IM 'heai Ken rs! . , Illtt.Vlohiil n. hrni I tbe earth reaeU v i. e I kird waa wITi'n n. D Iievel ws eiu'i io i.T'i 1 "Ui'liasiHul i." I A few weens ago e ileiu -.t 4n.'.ii is V.'ip.' I reiiton, Va ,ind alvr.i .iinthow.. . r.-aneiol I of a . t ou'i. fa Pi fur t a a i u .-.icforU! f b' i-.ii'i irivi ia lit iii.u.ii..' .il " i'.. v ,n b'y fl L tnii i.a (.',1 in ei- il . l" t t. mi i .,' I'ttt ll ao Z hi :f it" io.iiki cf Ike loan 'n.l run Ii" llie poi4 wrr.- . tlu ur Ik , ,t ui fl Hum ii'iiww aen, ihe a.iia.lo. i i ia n .1 iiOi-d 1 wilh li .'hot -I kai-per'a u,v, . tt-rtvotr 1 'tiri-n n...niijno proi - to Cir.i..' i on " . wij.ol cal I ai.i.'l i'oi ;in llautuiwa -ua-iua '