OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 22, 1871, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1871-07-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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I m ' iK TTnviu or
jiw. Mir nunc nuns.
:,r ton O'llnll Trillin Ihr Hlory of n
gaarrel whltb foul IlioC'lly lliimlrrd ol
fiieuMuri' of Dollar.
Ills a sarin ' ' ''H1 pruicaaion, " Don't
Hi i , n the stilements ol a wltne-s If iou
""V. um i lo.etss. badmi.iiy ..in tin
f ?. Ii teh b If l'mnv (! " 1 his i'm w
LIU. to. w.i t th T.mi rcg.rdiin in rr
.i5m t'l.litc iwn ol member, of too cur govern-
'( boon of the rirmt nepitlnirr.' show thi
owlnl etitii. t have I"11 13 7,m" for
iffdfilion rrlullnt during the pl.t ten Hint
rily. Veiling. Total
C? -.jot) Hutu ia.jio
K " 6.IIU HI WliM 6 SUM
f.f .. I Ml II J.1',1 10 4,00 M
t f lit It 1,4'J i cmi "
C; S0 Kl JW IO SI .01 ti
fl 4,jw 4,wjw
f0'l J3"1'
A ctiiiu in di.put
Munm.-r. IWW
Dirlnt lht oeriod the city government wot de
luded n tti 7imes a pleatautiy mills now (to
i mild wonl) niiilee'.'.iitiy attacked !lndf'
HU'epapirallkslheVerrM. IU.rW.bfK. THbunt.
Irirtu, Cimmtrclol 1'uit. etc., etc. (wi.u i-lso (er-
oru I lo por.tion publication. but at llieir own
puces sdtitii.en), would sometime boldly
I irttKI the mnmc ml doing., the Timti con
ipicuuus lor lit Hume at one lime and lit laudllt
M abutter.
ti: tiuia out or joist.
Purine t'io sunnier ot H"0 Ihe city authorities
althdrew adveillaing Horn tne Tiuim, Iin.ucdiale
j. Its I in to rd them changed. The men whom
I had rtttdicd and th munirin.i eyitou It had ro
lo o d Oftr onlr a lew rncnlhs belore began to tie
Lood:m .and tl ttost eve ry day sncsuui edl
in tl or " All tr lopic," or anuiiimLUi to ninut I:
Hon i 1 "CIO red, Lisplrg thtrgiupoi cbirge and
'l nc et'lthtl nton eplthel toccnlnx municipal ofu
ui'i iil ! tlma i!ccouain ( lo erioallllei upon
luch pilia'.u uiiolclal tctitlrincn ae J.e-r Conprr,
til ir, A-ior Il.it'frl., etc, whom It alleged tre
n ittth l e ItlntT."
Like an ntr huiMnd In dltorce eult eeeltlnc
rtnraaeo u. on a lfe wnom te ki.ows to be liora
Ittr ro,:1 n -I1511 powcrUjii to pirr III Tenr m.
the TitKU I. . not eruple.l to t rr-lor In lie hunt
iroch ai-7 .h evidrnrr, man) uittppulnted clilia
mli, md "t. r4l dn.ione.1 mruulf.
riOHtlJIO A BtllllTI.
Die 7tiwj anew that the officiate u.J no newe
aipir al tl. e r tnck i and tie I .it. r know thai tn
iii pi to araner t mallrioui newipiprr In III own
toomniT.t like a .chili flciitlnt a l ei hire or
IT.r; bo that na killed tie tor) pronmed huujr
acnll 'tippijr a hundred frtt i I'.mv
lirrenliy t'"1 Twm haa luun.l.a clrik who wai
4.ibjr,T'' fr m I Compliorera on.ie for .hlion
MU, ji d , e alulni at ward to bane keihole
la'crmatlur n ajil, wia polltelj ion Hie dour anil
IDaiUllr kic'auJ out t? at loj.t three aefiral era
tlila Mr 'ouud, hunorer, readr lurchaae monej
la Ihe 1nm office, eud from that lainlrd aource
contra 16c tu .hcillon ol Iromenae clilina whlc.1 1' e
J!pi aaj l..e been dlTided betm en the Major
inJ the I omiilroller I It la enough fjr the Inenda
el the-e troi rnien to know that tl.cy unnot par
aar cliina unh aa theiehare been drat audited bv
Itbir the II rd of buperrlaora or lorm'r Uaanli of
Audit, and that teoy never lu.e pi Id clanua niUuul
anon Itatuiur uJU; and that bom of Ibein denjt
It' cliarjf o' III 7mof Friday In the lanculfu
o! Ite old r 'fr la cbancerr, an J ear thrr are aa
.It. la auMUiicu aa they are acandaloua In lorm.
1MM0UWL MTinoitrnosie.
ffrra ia, lowever. one claim nerjr milted n. r
pa)d la it ic t'ie 71 mil Is iroro deep' liiltrea'cd
Ilb.n u la In kl.tgiU Iruodt bgainil the dir. Juat
baicrc i a .tiurka berau It pieiented a claim (or
U m of I1316I.SO. lleii.c double J, It wee put
lataauit Ju guiei.t wa. obtune.l. I'p to tl.la time
U Mayor Iin only bean (eu:ral'iel upon In lla
coUmca lint In prrnapa an InipoU'lc, )et In a
Ipnrer oflclal method, he a.aunnd the periipal
feiponiliiiitr ol dlr.cllnx tl e coui ael to the Cor
poreilan to ropen or appeal the Julnmeit. imme
4nlelr be hu had been lw ul.ear-old Irlend
41 Ihe llMne proprlet .r of the 7mc, equalh
1.1 jo I aa liiiwaiM aaaoclale Willi Ine ixwaw'
paitnef. an I one or the lallar't fall
l.irera, ho who l.ad le.n ui.ee rerueu
ii a Tiluod cmreapondent or Ihe raer; he
wh la.1 pained, al the reqneat or lie edllora.
lorouil; a luti ae lee of ycara, literary crlileiama
and e I . rial paratrapba; he who bad recalled
pleia.at and odrn undeitried pratie In Ita (olumna
(or oratory or puBllahed Tolumet ht. th a once-te-srilaed
Major, becan, alter tile Irral aci, to trow
da ly Into a ti.onaUr. Each oiij's edlurat adde.i
i aomeUI n to hit hideous propunlgna. lie became,
alter nla Icial luterlerence, a man o( low aaaocla
tlonaj Ita lumor was now puerile; hli wit was
aonletblc: hie alyle was now Ine ecant and un
rrtumkl ral.and eren tLe dramatic ellerrrasencra of
Lliiea thiit had been time and acaln lulacmeiy
era a,. i In the VlmM were riked over, In order I"
, rural i pi kle fort e TXmti't ridicule o' the lndl
tuual who mud Ihe office.
Tba aulmui Peine now eipoied. what other than
a Jsk b'tomii tie lucccitlon of lie 7 1 Hunt (wlio
jut ui inlmui) that tne cltv olBchla ahouU brint
1 libel eult annual the Txmti t If tue litter pater
1 aaa crlmh.al ci artea, let llitin be cut Into the forni
or arid tlta, and preituted to any criminal mailt
Irate, but eren without eipoanre ot ihe anlmua
the ofllclili are uot to be cauaht In the trap o
itlllnr the Ttmn to wake a aenaatton In order u
fell l cnples to Uie ruoite In llau inauner as II haa
tried to aelllti "Public virtue" to the city author!
tle, or with suborned statement! acainai them, t
tell Iti euhscrlbisl Woreorcr, tba public men
who lu this ate cannot live down Utacaa without
reiorili.t: to the musty weapon il a libel suit are
too cl lcn lienrted to serve tl e oenple
but let us add an lupor'ant poitacrtpt ss to au
dlteil claims. Tne audit tem Is a bad one. I"
ass always teen forced Iruni Aloiur upan the local
aiboillla, III! i Oeorge Jones of tho JViut Is re
sponsible lor tl e oper.lion o1 th.a Lad sjitem The
UeUlature or 1SCS had pas-ed a tax evy one see
tTwi ol which directed the Comptroller lo eelllo
lima, and It wta belote (Jov, r'entoa lor action
Ue dlasprroved ot the stcllon. fto did tho Comp-
trollrr. 'I he clause had beeu luterled by the powir
Oftooby jobbery. '-
COT. fHT0' i 0 B I III fXT.
rV fenlon. however, er.rert, ritliir than t'.i.
?J.15 " tntotvrt ihonld fall, and Inst
t-.VvV-.. Leiialature lad .iljourued. to
ii . . levy, irovlded the foinptrolle.
h5a i!H.- ifim 'linotu cicnlae the claim eel-
BaTa. .. tiJJ:.a ??i 'l Wch could come under
u. .1?..?, . i vS In contenllnnhat the
Pie aection, and Mr. Jou i..tHl. ium mMn.
(tedre ws.' Illegal, auccessta. ''JVh. iVit 0?
lamis power o( the court up " ' liVji,. 5!
Watule In Uvor ol his own claim, I sC0m o
trecedenl to, and reaponalbly Inn. ,
tUliiiuiili ss l.unry nshlioseK. lltst. ...,!'
lAi cit) hundrtSi 0 IJimiamh tt Met. '
'act, ty hit own iA pri. Mr .mm Ucrti '
Wf thai ruldtr on tttt juidc truiury, rta .
ruc4tntiy (Uiouhciit
Alter uie.e expoaitlons our contemporaries cjd
nderstand no the Ttmli laoul o( Jului, and o
injeraiandln: will aerve Ine cause i true public
iplrlt, and not ol its malicious ei'cmpt.on, hy ti
oubllaliiuft our article, And above nil, ilanr Ilia
Ttnus copy anil mi. war It; or will It, a usual, eopi
vlt tout aiiswtrli.el
A Neir York llrokrr llrovmeit.
In Canirsic Hay on Wednesday, Mr. William
i. ll.irun orttll Slate itrtet, Brooklyn, wjs daliinr
eith several other younc gentlemen. They hired a
is ht at (ij.nar.le and set sill. All went well until
the return Tien a squall sprang up. and Martin,
to litem tint tu adjust ine sail, w is struck by the
oni and knocted oveiboird. Two menjumjej
s.t) the wsirr, but were uustile to lecue mm In
innmiuence of Ue gale, end he sank out o( sight
in nojy h:is not bjprt recovered. Mr. Martin waa
I mrmbT ol the broker' tlroi ul I, O, Davla A
"o . rttw attest. .New York. He ws aooul H3 jeais
ts(e, and hid reotnlli been m.nrl'il,
Auelher Victim,
The body of the young msn found off follow
Hrvi, 1111.011 , cn Monday, with his Ihroat cut,
lol'jlnai injures about th he.il, lias been Idout
C4'W Kiel ard Murphy, a nloue cutter, aged about
, twenty josrs. He bad been at work at bis trsde at
a placi up tin Norlh Blver, and returned to Ills
p'urdlni liou.e In llign etreei, HrJUilin, on tue
lltl) mil where he stayed cue iilL'hl, lie then
l.rtel or i.l. '.votk, as up;oied T oorbtsnc
quainianrra knl Hut he was in New York duiluK
ina di) nf tu. not, alter which they never saw him
A I'rlBhl ul I' I re lalnnil,
Veili-rJa- Mm lloyil, aifcd 12 carl, iwaui
O'll heyi.nu t.ie biuuda it Klrt Island, and th uu
deitow i, .ikuic btr out lo (m hte remained,
il tar id.terl I'oiter, ion of Uiihop I"ottir tl
fann.jlvju a, who vai liat'ilai near the bitot,
(.il,e,uu i..iul e vtaves ea.llvi.ai the lrl on his
Us , but r.i,rn be i..clitj t lootliold lu shujl
filer, l.c iv ' il 'he vr fli eihauillon. Vt,
V"mp o( Hi. ,il Handei'Dn, Mix . went In and help.
4 out Dr. Vl'er and Ihe cl l 1,
Tha Mar rtpiiuleh .Mlnl.try.
MiDiiti, July 40. Marihal rierruuo, entrusted
1 Klar AirejJeua mtU tre 'ormallai' ul a new Mill.
'.Ilry, hi ilua'. dnslgnated Miulslir of Justice,
fr (iiMuei, Mini. tar ol Ftrelm Afl.lra, Seflor
9,"?sn Mlnlaier ol Mailne, Admiral Nealcamso ;
I Klalner ot KiBai.oe, BeBor Camalro. The Coilee
Ji.s aJJuuioad tsmultueusly, a nil J the ProUlU of
nTvT" Y OR K , SATURDAY, ,1ULY 22, 1871. PRICE TWO CKNTS. 1 J 1
aiWAT fin ii is 47tii trrnuirr,
Thr noirtirllon ot n l.arr rinntnc Itllll
and Dnmauo to hr-Tcrnl lloniersj- Loaa
dboul B16,t)l0-A Whole NelahUrhoe J
1 Mini out or Doora In the Itnlu,
Kire w rliscovftKl aliorllx before 9 o'clock
I sal evenltRln the. lotler room of Kinney A Olark'i
nwlngand planing mills, (UJ and (VTO West roily
rvenlli alreet, and soon th flames obtained auch
headway that the Iwo atory Iron and frame bolldln:
and Us contents werw totslly destroyed, Involvlm a
loss ol at leaat fVO.OOO. The Are exlenrbxl mil ami
writ lo the uve-elory building t lo rsO West For
ly-itventh slrecl, occupied by 0 I', llnckin, aliip
sMn and morocco dealer, whoss lues by Ore snJ
water will reach f.VOOO.
TH lumber )ird of John W. Stevens AKro..CiJ
and CM, oon took Ore, and belore the flatnee could
ho eillntulshed over 1 3, WO dama:e had been done
The flsraee al.o eilended to Uie hide-curing eatab
llahment o( William Carr, Cll and f.n West Korly
ilitn atreel, and cabsJ about 3,X danage.
Toe wind slso carried the Barnes ecron the street
and let (lro t the two slor uflllnit houss o(
Tnurass Ing, GliS West Korly seveutn " . ,"
esiiseJ a loas ol about tl.UiO ; also to the ataj 01
rimmas Uarragh. C7T. ntioseloss Is 11..7M. I
The unmr portion ol this house wss ncruoled aa I
tetiitnenta, the occupsnla ol which rorjointly lose
about f 1,000 Tne et.iMe o( llenrv Iluckln and the
sl.niRliif r house ol Hicham Donovan, on lot O'JD,
w r" e.cti damnrod aboul 50d t.'re lit la due to dm.
irrs O'ltrion and Maher ot the l'ortysfientli an eft
police lor their eierllons In getting out the nccu
Iknta ol the tenements, tngelher with their rfficls
and the lor.es In the tuiblei, (Jhlel Knglneer I'r
ley took cl arge of tho flruiten In ptraou It ns
ruining at li.e Hire of the fire, and in.mv o. Ihe dls
possessed housenolders were wet to the anln.
ouu voj.om;i ju:j-'i;.nviis.
The i:.rllor Onnril llendod by n Colensl
sslio tin huirlt I'oirdrr.
Tho Kxceleior Guard, KitlilT-flllli Hcjliiicnl,
N.'T. 8. M., met at their armory, Tnenty-seventti
street end Mnth avenue, last evening, and Drum
Major A. l'ennoyerwns elcoteJ Hccretary. A vole
wss isken (or a Colonel In plice of fl, U. OrlfUn,
who had been eipelled. The name of the Hen
Judge James 1'reemeu of this dir. formerly Colonel
of a Pennsylvania reglment.was propoaed by Lieut. -On)
John Taylor, and ttioCuloael was uianlmously
e'reted. A comtnllte of thieo waa appolnle.1 to
wait on the newlv-eiectod Cvlouel and lulorin hltn oi
bis ilectlon. lloaolutlona were iiaixd tenderlnj
thanks to Inoie gentlemen who had ccneruuily tun
trlbulcd lo aid In the (ormatlon of ihe regiment,
and the regiment unanimously eipreaaed their
H.h spvreclalloti of the noble solditrl who, on the
T'wellih ol July, sloog (esileis In tne hour ot dan.
ger, and (ouiht to preierve the neat American
I'tinclples of Isw and order. The meeting nljourned
with luud huitje lor t'ie newly-elected Colonel an '
Lliut. Colonel, The roster or the regiment aire ady
contain the uatnes ul 4SI men.
1,1 yi: at inn nuAScn.
Th (iovernmrnt hllckluir to lla C'ottaae
1 b I'llat ol Hip Hops.
I.oxa Hrakcii, July 21. l'rcsiilenl Orsnt re
mains at Ms collage receiving no visitors. On Wed
usaday leading llepublicans ol New York will be
here, end the Prceldent will hear them on affairs
concerning that Hlate,
Th grand ball at Hi Continental Hotel to-morrow
evening roinlsei to be lb great affair o( Ihe sraron .
All the Momluent persona her are Invited. Tin
dining room of th CoutlnenUl la to b th bail
T U r Kiin Extract un ApoUgy from (lie Troy
rtt 14 Trty 7m c f ttifrir.
The New York Sox luteals that Ilia Timu
will be ezecralra for Ita allusion lo to Irish BrlgaJe.
Thitc..ar.cterlillon wta uujuat not Intentionally,
but Iron a mlsap;reliealoa or the bo.lr wbleliwaa
anlma,lvrtd upon. The allusion was bssed upon
the impression that the association Is merely one ol
the civic societies which had IhreaKned th Oranie
men. It will be remembered tall the Troy Timu called
the Irleh. Ilrlgade the Irish UrUluJl.
Trolling oa FIelauoil Coarap.
The walier was wo fine that the alteuilauce
w:s very large, and give animation to Ihe apor
and seilvliy to the belting, Htar Henry was the
favorite at II lo 1. Tts time disappointed lb know
Ing ones, who bad expected il to bt several seconds
quicker. Teaser won the second heat. Th result
of the heat did not coaage ihe beltlnr. Tesaer
made desperate exertions (or the race. They were
quit In vain, however, as Slar Henry won easily.
Match, uojo i mllebeaUi beat I In 9, In hsrasrs.
w. K.Wee7scb, g. Hisr Henry till
JohL Murphy's t.i. g. Teaser..... ) tan
Time-Jits, IV. '! 4I.
Much, 1300. mils heats : beat tin i. In hsin'si.
J l. lieycold.'s g, m, Uelle of Hrldgeport reeslved
J. Jllbeaui'a b. s. Handsome pill forfeit.
The C'nllfornlw l're-l.nv .llurderees.
Han Fiskciico, July SI, Mrs. Iligbv, other
wise 1,1 i'r Lester, who pretended Mat sti had bn
knerked down ar.d bad her skull broken on acenunt
of the part she h ad taken In behalf ol Mrs. Fslr, de
rlloea to aw lb physicians sent by the chief ol
police loasrertaln tic. character and eatentof hrr
iljuriea, and sav Dial eh las received a threaten
li-ac letter Irom Oie;on. The detectives are satisfied
that the story Is nothing more thnn a cheap altenirt
to crelte ayropaihy fnr Mrs, fair, th convlctsd
murdsrwai, on th ground tbat ah la apriicutc-d
Tho Hnlrlit ol th Nevrkurih llurdrcr.
Addubk, July 21. Kobert llufTum, who mur
dered Mr- ttnverns at Newburgh lait winter, com
milled suicide on Thursdsy lu his cell at the Stale
Asyln n lor Insane Criminals In this city by cutting
Ms tnrost with a rator. II mad a barricade with
his bdtead to prerent the keeper Irom thwartln
him In hia design, Dr. Wllkle, lb Muperlniendnt,
tried to narcotise him, but Ue attempt failed, and
llofrum accomplished his purpose while th siten
riant were forcing th cell door.
A Huineh-up ou the .tlorrl and Eeaez,
Moits iitow.h, ti. J., Jul; SI. At C o'clock litis
alterooon a freight train and a coal Iralu came Into
collision at Iflnckman'a mills, on the Delaware
Lackawanna and Weatarn Itallroad. Tb locomo
tive ol tne cosl train mounted the locomotive ol the
roight train. No un wns hurt. 1 h rurineers and
firemen escsped by leaping off. The locomotives
snd twekty ooal cars are ruined, Oau confusion
ol orders, ' -
A Henalble Vermontrr.
AVom iht teni.tnston 1 17.) Bartnir
W'i Caleem it a favor lo get the New York Daily
box. aa II la one of the newsiest, ablest, and beat
I ciiuduclrd pjpera In tual city ; but to get It by mall
tu auu, d .J il Is trluled, and long bclure link ul
ll3i, la an addition! eomlort. Uut "It ablne to it
all." .
Tb InslraliU ltegalla.
SrciMnriila", Maes., July 21. At Hie Ingle,
side regatta tu d,r Kills Ward won th single aeull
rsc two miles, .Time, 11:4'). Harvard won the
Freshman race, thr.. miles. In 20:19. The Amneral
A.rlmltanl crew won lb L'nlveisity rare, three
mile. 1lm, 11:47. Harrnrd came lu second and
Brown third,
Tba Milliard .tlngnntre' Conner.
TukOkTo, July 21. In the billiard tournament
last night, illckey beat Dennett by S23 polnte, in a
istnu oi 1,00 petals up, fur $100. llennett In th
n-it asm. heat Frauk Dion uy 17 points. In a
yam ol 1,000 pvUts, (or tlOO. Dion und I'lielsu
neil piayed, Dion whining the game by 'til points.
A Callforuln (HIT Destroyed.
Sam Feamcisco, July 21. The whole) business
portion ur the city or Truikee, Cal., on the line of
t o Ceiit.al I'iciflc Itallroad, and the great timber
depot ol the Sierra Nevada, region, was burnid azaln
lealeidar. The loss lslinmei.se.
Tlaa Quran Hnubblng the- l.ards.
I.ovnoi, July 21, In the Hous of Comnious
this srtsrnouii, Mr. Cardwell laid ou the table the
ti'ieen's warrant abolishing th system of pure ase
ul army commisilons
Tba Machinery lit Vrk.
Saiutgoa rirniKUS, July 21. The new mineral
ai-rlnt recently discovered nesr tne Uulon Hotel
haa begun spouting, and was to-day ths centre uf
EuaUn Frank C. lllruey, son of lb late Mijor.
Can. I)avl1 0. lllrney, dltd at Mount Holly Bonn:, on
the Wih Mil
The la v. Dr, Joieph F. Berg, Professor in the
Theological teniluary in New Ilruniwlck, N, J a
vo ididoui an bur and writer (or the periodical pre!,
d'ed oaThurtday.
WAaiiiMuioN Norea.
Tie lutal circulation of lb nitlnal bank to
data II iH.M,vn.
Th Ku.Kkig Commitl yeitirday axamlned a
Willi's, named UoDtlJa, who teatlled Ibal while a
teaK" 2 a tolored school In Ohlckuaw eouniy.
a.lsl.Ta osnit ot dmulsed men seised and whipped
CS. and Insl.l skouU quit th oou.try. Olasr
SiLVeU aciVjiu H vfU M U Ut IIAUar
iaii nil-'-. 111 - i ''m 1 1
UASllIia 11 Ml K ANI Tlir.UK IITT11I;
SVK'S It I. I'D Iti KI.4.
A I'nlrrin rrce"l.ovrr'e Ptinlalinii ol-A I)r-
rttxl llitl'a Ventrniic (Icorgr lllrcb.
enonub's Marriage I Ik Wlilorr Hmllh
Ocoriii llirclienoueli of l'alersan, under prom
lie of inarrylna bet eomcllme, lived with Martha
I.IIUtl ill )fra Oeorre liked his beer, ant) a Mrs,
Pmllh kept a saloon In North Main street. Itecent
Ii Mr. Smith died, and three weeks Afterward Mrs.
Smith consoled herself by msrrlr.g III rchenough.
Mittha Llllell thought Ihliwas her bnelne.s, and
I ! lnulrd hit (let rge over the cosla In such man
ner that he I ad her arrested on Thuradar after
noon as a disorderly person. She was taken br.if
Ihe Itecorder, il l, tunlruntlng IHrctienour.li. her
inzer aro lo such plleh tint ihe nulled a brick
from l.er rnfket and let It land on Hirchenough'a
head. He alnrxeied, but hia head being aa hard as
Ids heart, he was not seriously hurt. Ilwas th
Isw or the Istid, but not Juatlcs lo wronyed human,
lit. Ihit Martha 1.11111 should be commuted lo the
county jilt ou a charge of assault and battery.
Mr. Orrnccu'a llnrlvnllfd Chlckana.
Mr. ltoberl Orc.ccn Ii ageulleman of tine yean
and Lalf a mlMm pf money. Kor thirty yars h.
has run dlillllety In TH?""' '' Uf "
Kiwer In th rol'lie of tho warn, .-l' xbr t'fof
Hi us;ndcd cotd like to cet his views l.'or LnJ
I oil Ileal IreiulurmHlon eeene. Mr, (Ireaccn Is alio
nu admirer of game chickens, sod devotee much of
his tlrcr to the tultivn. m ofsplrlttdcocks. Among
his itrck ire rteciuicrie which ar remariabl In
New York. He hna recently Imported eTerl Irom
the estate of Lord Derby In Rngland, and they srs
Ihe llni'sl 'nwl yl seen In this ronnlri. It coat Mr.
(Ire.icen f .Kl (or the pa.atco ol tlieao fowls to this
country. The cock la (nil blooded end very riot.. us,
being willing to attack anything lu the alisne of a
rooster. '1 hre has been so much yenersl "laving
i ul " or rsme chickens In the neighbor ood or Mr.
Oreairn'a Lord Deibys tliat.CI lef Detective Irving
baa given hit atUu'ua to tho ranre thereof. The
eves trcrtn the Lord Derbja are Immenae. the ehelle
Ilk tlisne raper and In nearly every on ol them
double yolks Mr, (Ireacen cannot b Induced lo
pail with any or II eee eggs (or money. Mr (I. Is
.lad to 'al.llilt Ills Lord Derbislnanv one who
wnlirs lo see them, For beauty, evmmclry, and
curgrouinoss of color they are without quili.
The. .ophlllat In Ihe Kallsvay HlaLlp.
Yesterday Mr. Henry Iler;h, acconipatiieil by
A. II. Campbell, his aide-de-camp, and Dr. I. laniard
ot the N. Y. Yeleiuaiy College, visited th stables
ol Hi Second, Third, Fourtb, and 8litb aver i
lullwiy lines, snd of the fourth svenne stag litis.
Th frd. bcddlnr, Ac. were thoroughly essmlnej,
as well aa 'be sick horses. Mr. Derch wss received
verr cordially ;t every stable, and care was taken
to show him the waking of the systems ol the com
rontes The Mistli avtne line carry oft tte pain
tor cleanliness and rxrlM eccomraodsllon and
eom'ort for tho hores. The Unfa cotnpsny, wh si
Cars run Irom Forty sec nd street ! Orand stret
lerry, shut Hie iluors ol their ittblos In .i." H -rsli
lace Mr Oreen, the Pioilteil, has orJered tat
neiiher Mr llrgh nor inr ot hli mm shall ever b
admittej tulothr elildc. Mr. llT-.h Intend, to lake
le;al a. 'vie Willi a view of torcil g an en ranee, aa
ue tninks It at he In. amp's rroor thai the p-cr
h re ire V.pt in a fllii ) and uiuieillhy couuttion
in the underground reiUu of the depot.
Thr ThVlrciilli U'nrd Awake.
Asaernblyman Cccipbcll, Marilml Tookcr,
JuJge Tracy, the Hon, Joan llrrns, State Inspector
nfgnmeUirs, ex-Alderman I.twrence K, Hill, and
ethers or Ihe leading Democrat! of the Thirteenth
Ward, have formed n new political club In the In
tenW ol Senator Tweed, lo be known aa the " 1 btr
tconth Ward Tammany Association." The entire
upper pan. Including the parlors, ol Ihe Walton
House, Urand street, near Norlolk, has been leased
(or their accommodation, ami wilt be immediately
fitted np In an attractive and comfortable manner.
Anoat 1) member have air idy been secured. In
rlu.'ii.a, nuu i tue moil r-romlneiit busineae men r.t
lb Ward Tl' Tammany Hall General CiuniiHI
i hod a roon e iijnd them, and thclunhnna
!! there'or b th recotnired headquarters ol Ihe
Democrac of Ihe neighborhood. 01 fours t:ie as
sociation 1 enihu.liatie In favor o( the rroveinent
to secure Judge Bhsn lley's nomination far Ueilaler
The Ilacknirn Uolug far O, Akey,
Tb Ilackmcu's Association tnet laat cvcnini;.
Tta memreri of tte Asroclatlon carry passencera
to any pise from the Dattinr lo Twenty seventh
street for CO certs a psseenger with baggage. All
the transfer companies are In opposition to the As
sccisllon, ind aro trying to break them up. A reio
lotion was passed lo expel any member of the As
sedation who should Islrv pnaaenirri with t ie
transfer comnenles' tickets. The Initiation fee was
ehsuged lo J for owners and 12 (or drivers, T'ie
new regulations proposed by Mayor O. Akey Hall
did not meet the vlewa or tho hackmen. Tney aav
that It Is a Job got np to benefit a few politicians
who are rngaged In t'ie bnslness, and who wish to
monopolise It and drive Ihe poorar men not ol tt
aliojether. A committee was sppolnted to visit Ihe
Mayor and explain th views ol ine hackmen.
Tba Wounded la llollevile Hospital.
Ten persons who wero wounded in the rioH
sr still In l.olpltjl, James Dillon, seed 13, who
wai shot In the shoulder, Is gelling on well
James W Flrshock, who was wounded In the lef
hip, Is not Improving ; his (ather and sister watched
latl nljnt st his bediide. J.sper Hjlva, shot In the
left leg above Ihe knee, Is recuperating. Christian
Longworlh, wounded in Ihe grolu, Uruuth whlca a
rail paired. Is still In peril. Jerry Kslojsv, azed
IC, who was ib.nl In the note, the bullet going uut
bv the ear, will be well In two weeks, and so will
John Uourke, shot in the tl.lrh. Kdward Putnam,
who received a dangerous wound In the left temple,
is yet doubtful ; while Harry Longtlas, shot in the
elbow and knee, and John Malhewi, wounded In
the cal', are lure to recover. Pat U'llara, through
whoie tl Ighs a bullet went, Il alio Improving.
Visitors from the Knat,
The bark Neticmiab (libson, v.liicb Arrived yes
terday fiomCsyton.indti lying off the Il.ilterr.hsa on
board tip tle-hanli, one of them i young ODC.whlca
Love been brought over here for Howe' circus.
Thcie elephants were brought over from the Island
uf Msnaar, north or Ce)lon, by th agent of Sir. II.
Channoo, who purchaitd thorn and luperlnltndid
their shipment. Four montl.a were ipcnt In secur
ing tho animsli, ml tine inoi.tlii t'.ore In bringing
tvmtsre. 0 was lost on th f sssige. 1 her ore
10 ba ihackted and led hy their keepers through the
aireels today (or transportation lo Canada, whet
the circus company Is perfotulng.
Nrv York Tlilove on Long lalnnd.
Yesterday John Ilu.lner, Frank Mirth, Daniel
lloorksy, and Churisi F, Ling, ill of New Yrk,
were tla,en to.tl. Qtieeni county Court Ho use to
await th action ol lh grand Jury. They are ac
cused by Jbin Uayei, a pal whom tbey tried to
cheat out of life ihar of the spoils, of having com
mitted burglary, and stolen property to the extent
of 110,000 In two months. One Daniel Hudner, who
negotiated the ssle of the stolen Property, was sr.
rested. Un a writ of hnUat tt.rput he wss liken
berore Justice Pratt, at Ilruoklyn, hutmaoaisd to
Cleanelng (lotbam flanrt.
Under the orders of the Health Hoard, yester
day cne hundred and seventy-three fsmllles were
tumid out of the two long six-story tenement bar
racks known as Qolham Court, la th Fourth ward.
Th Inhabitants war warned or th police on
Thursday, and many lamlllra, unable to find roomi.
were compelled to leave their household gonria on
the ildewalk last night, 'ihe Health Hoard will
cleanse Uolhsm Ceurl belore an) body again makes
Ita human habit itlon.
Col. I'lak Keparl for Daly.
Cut, Fisk returned lo town yeiterday morning;
on th 8 o'clock I oat trotn Long Branch, II was met
at the lauding by a large concouri ol admiring
(rlendi, easer lo congratulate him. The Colonel
wai drened In cltlxen'i clolliea, limped but little,
and waa as gsy and cenlal as a troubaJour. II
went directly to lili offlc In a csrrlsge, and sl to
woik on a pyramid ol lettera and documents which
were nwaltlog his attention. lie returned to Long
Branch In Ihe afternoon.
Itlolera Smashing Cot. Hoffman's Picture-.
The headfiuarteru of th L'liihteenth Ward
Tammany Hall General Committee lire t Mr. O'Don
nl'i, 210 Third avenue. The globes on the (is Ox
tures In ths rooms snd store have th portraits of
prominent politicians printed on them. A number
of them coutalned lb likeness ol (lov, lloflman,
Lait evening a tang ol Irlslimsn entered the place,
and demollshsd all t is glabss which contained the
likeness ol Oov, Hoffman.
Btaallnc tkalr Winter's Coal.
Dtipite policsuieu continually on the hoknut,
lh ptopls cntbs line of the Delaware, Lackawanna
a VYeitera Hailroad at Paterann, srs Isjlng II a
lam atock of coal from Hi company' can. Aa
iwcill ll Wdt tyas 4M ar lu, m yi IM) IV
bravely on, and mni of th peop! hav slid lit or
.even tons ol tno bi-ck diamonds down their cel.
Th l'.lllilli W'nrd llrinanna SupporlliiB the
Ilio (lcrnians of llif Kigiitli WnrJ metal 60
flreenwicn street last evening forth purpoie of or
gsniitrig a (ittman Michael Norton Aasoclatlon
The meeting was a large one. Henry Oberle was
elected President, Frederick Hor.iebe.cli and Charles
Guess Vice Presidents, 11. J. Ilaumgart and Clias,
K.'gser Secretaries, and Andrew BchanUTreiaurer.
Hie resolutions affirm that th organisation la
loime .1 lor Ihe purpose of making combined effort
lot th eitmnon snd perretuatlon or Democratic
principles, and eat arl illy to partliliale In th com.
Inir Blnle can palgn, with lh bore that Iho Hon.
Michael Norton will egaln b a rantlb tto for the
Mate Senate, ni d with strong desire t" give sup
port tn that sell mad man and true representative
ol II people. All Oernian resldenla of the Kiynlb
Ward alo intltcd 10 Join the Aeaoiiatlon.
Th Monuinenl tn lint., Hleubeti.
Tlis (lermsn pre making claborato prepara
tions lor a monument to densral Uteubos,
Tl. skeleton of tb brave loldier U trail or
crvoJ. Ti cloak In which b was wrapped when
bones cotrmltted to Mother Ksrth has entirely vsn
lshd,wlth the txepUonof Ivf rag,anl tj;i epu
leitea and the medsl which ha wore (I1yl likewise
disappeared ; but tie trotiteri and Cbitare still In ex
cellent condilion. 1 ho loundAlon or the nunumeiit
whlcn Is to be orected OT; hlj jrf I completed,
tlioperlntalis nlresty lu position Jtm yi'r,md,
potiovtn W 5,I vo Idaced until next Hv'twnn or
MloUr A stone wall la lo eurrouid lh pUV,',an,
cx-t.ir, Heymour proposes lo lay out a road '
irom Trrvamn raits. The dedication baa be on fix'
(or uexl FmriU of Jolt.
The Ancient Order or lied Men.
The Wljriram of llaubaltan Tribe, No, 1, A. 0.
or It. M., al Christopher and Hudson streets, ws
dedicated Inst evenlrT. The big and litllo Iudlin
w et ont In all th grgouns of beads, rlnt, and
leathers (treat Incol.onee Knapp 11 In tn cere,
monies , ard was ably assisted by his brother cl.hd.
A One collation was allerwsrd aerrrd, and niualu
und dahciug were kept up until dsjbresk. Th
otder Is piogrtsrlag uuldly,
Maee Menns rttisliiras.
Jamel Mace iuvitca Joseph Uuburu to meet
him In Ihe ctlc of the Spirit ef tit TUei next
Monday atlernonn, and adds that If Cohurn de
clines Ihe l ill. in L will be ready lo air mis for
sn early u.e . e wLIi ll. Ir.lh Oiant, O'DaldwIn.
"Ono al a time," b sa)s; ''Crst couie, tltsl
ItlllTlSII AID roil CUBA.
Morn Tribune PlllllMsle-ra-ltecrulllne: n
Cuban KiDedltlon Ira (Jnnndn.-llrlllb II (U-
tel a und Ha Idler Engaged,
Mo.irsiu, July SI It has transpired that an
agent or tl New York Cuban Junta haa ren In
Montreal itcultlnj for on expedition, and that .Vt
hss met with considerable success, bavlcg enlisted
a numler of volunteer crr.crrs and nearly 200 men.
The officer who has chare o( th Montreal branch
Is Mr. Hen Wood, Major ol ths Prince of Wale
Hides Cspt. Stsr. es o( the ssme corps, end Lieu.
!.ain Fteptienson, with two oncers or tho Victoria's,
are also irgsged. Ticyhav succeeded lo raialnc
910 mm n any or whom nre returned inembeia or
tne IteJ Itlver eipedillon.
1 ti y i re ell hardy and desperate fellows, and ire
determined to cirri nut tne prngramaio lild down
tor them. They ar tn receive 1U0 bounty belor
leaving Montreal, and on arriving In No-v York
they are to receive six month pay in advence.
'ihey wbl receive irdera to atsrt ea aoon aa tbe
a'eamsr Virginia arrives In New York (rotn
It Is said tl at a numbr ol ths Hochelsg light in
(sntry hsv promised to enrol tlien.selvea, but they
ar wsltlng lor an advene payment. It Is certain
mat a large number ot draperate character, ivlo
ar without money or rmplotment, hiv Joined the
eipedillon, and thai trey will leave tne city aa aoon
as they receive ordees. Ths authorities are Ignorant
ot th niuvemnt.
Trnln doing (or linlaer William.
Ocorjr Francis Train lectured nt Cork laat
silent, aud explained bis plans (or tb invasion 0(
The Contest Club of south llrnnklyn ar working
up a Cral clan nioa for tbs lesaoi ol 'II
Th Cbamplona of Jere City deleated the Heso
lu'es or Wuabotn, tl. J., yesterday, by la to 11, In ten
The Union Due nail Club of llnboken would Ilk
to bear Irom all Junior cluja unidrts years o( sgs.
Addreai tT. Wilson. 53? 01oajaald street
The Nonpsrell Literary Union anuounce a select
enterisiiiin. nt lo Sullivan's Independence Hall, llrook.
lyn, on Monday veoiax.
Oliver Caut'oa. rged 14 years, v a committed by
Joallce liclmaryealeroay al a highwaymen, the iharga
Peng that on till n.aht oi the lllh ltst h knocaed
dovra aud rnnbed Mr Kdward P. Arthur wntle he was
panlna ihrouib President s.rs, I, near Henry.
The mutlliled remalaa ol the min found In Ibe
wa'.er at lb foot of Conuver street, flrooklyn. mil re
main la lbs Morgus la Wl.lou.bor street. Among
1111..A who viewed tbs boey on Ihuraday were Ju, tire
l.vnrn and hiawite. Mrs. Lynch had ebroti-er Iticta
urd Murpny, who worked in sloue quarry np the
river. Boiue dsys si she sent a paeksae to blm, r.ni
a reply was returned tbat her brother had disappeared.
Ou aeeimc the body al the Morgue sas Identified 11 aa
that ol ner brotuei Itlcnard.
The ichouitr Vesta was at Newport last Tuesday.
Tl schooner Tarollnta la lying at anchor at New
Mr. rirulth paid a visit to New London la the Hal
cyon laal Monday.
Th Madeleine la lying at Newport, where Com
modore Vuorhi has a collage for the ssason.
Th schennsr Calypso, recently sold by Mr. A. f,
listen lo Mr. CHarlei II llsiweljta ai Newport.
lb iiiniSal criHaioT i1iTi6r'7ork"v,acht Club
commences an Auir, t. The Club rendesvous thst
afternoon at (Hen Cove.
Commodore llennett has been cruising East In the
Dauntless, accouipsntsd hy hia sitter. Tne Coiuniouore
returned to town yeiterday.
Mr. Leatrr Wallack'a two sons, Arthur and
Charlie, are crolalng ea.t In ths Magic. Tney ware al
Ktw Lou-ton early in the week.
joTTixas a n out tu trtr.
Thermometer al S P. M, jesterdsr, 75.
Music In the Central Park this sdernoon,
Tbe horse disease is sbatlag. Veierlnirisns are
beginning tu understand It.
I The Heventi-flrst Ilsglmsnt, But Guard, go lo
rrovldcnce on Monday,
Coroner Ysung will begin Ihe riot Inquest ou
Monday, In tbs Klghlh Dlatilcl Civil Court lloom.
John Reynolds, agsd '.lire month, wss (ound
deaj la bed al CO Wen Hdrty-tlvhih ureal yc.tar
day. Jacob Peniemnd Mia Margaret lleyerwere mar
rled by Justice Kcotl In the Kaaox Market Cuwl yes-terday.
The Ithode I.Imd elm bike of the United Auo.
elation or Heavy Msn Is the event al Pleasant Valley,
N. J., next Tuesday.
Antonio Orludelll, an Italian who had bsen ic -rased
or paaalng a Ian-dollar counterfeit note, wa bon.
oranly dlecharf ed yeitir.lsy,
John Mslonsv, whlls at work on th building on
"econd avenue near Klsventh street, (ell from the third
story and wss fatally Injured,
Tbe policemen who were wounded la tb riot or
ti izih were yesterday paid the money awarded by
lh lllot ttcllef Committee."
Kate Jager, of ICO Delancsy street, was knocked
down yeiterday hr aman on honiback, who escaped,
hue inatalned levirat isveie Injnrlis on the need.
Emma Parson, ajsd 94, while In a cell In the
Pnne sirsst slatloa, early veaierdsy morning attempt
ed suicide by hanging, eh waa cat aown by udcer
S evln.
Judge Csrdoxo yestsrday reduced Ihe ball of John
Vahonev, who attacked th olflcers of Hie Si-ventvOisi
on hunday wlin a sword csne, from 16,001 to 11,100.
Mshouey gar ball.
A asms of Lncrosss for the championship of th
United Slates, between the Manhattans of New York
aud the Knickerbocker! o( Brooklyn, I to be played to
I'roipect Park at 4 P. M. to-dny.
It la rumored that a cttliena' pun la to b raise 1
for lb Pellet ('sprain wh were In the riot snd
escsped without in In ilea, t'apt. Uuuuer ns. already
been mad Hi recipient o( a haudsom gold watch and
Tb telerrapa opsrstora attached tn th Folic
besiral cameo presented to Bupenutenoent Kelso a let-tui-
ot thanks yesterday (or to many (avor received
from Mm, and mentioned Ihe (act that oa ibe lith Inn.
h did not write a contradictory order.
At Hank Jnnea'i,400 Broauia iirit, lut night, a
Fourteenth Ward B. 1 hhsndlsy alioclsllon waaor
ganlssd, wltbTnomas Lsaihton a Prealdaot i Ja un
II. Lambert and Cor. CaasTdy, Vlce-Preiblenti i Chaa,
W Parker, ftscretsry i and Ifm, It, river, 1 reasursr,
Capl. Frank Bpelglt wrot lb Pollr Oommla
lonen yeiteioiy that hi had unvlttlnilydone a briv
officer Injnatle. He had forgotten. I lianiiulttlny a
list of Hi men ol all command wounlsd In Ihe 1st
not. lo mention Bergsaat Dates, who waa woandsd in
tbs leg by a nous thrown by oa of thi tlotsri.
Th ltuiilsn-Oirman-Usbrsw-Pollili languar, or
rathei the dialect saoXen by th (lermsn Isrtslltss tn
Itmilin Polaud, which Ii a ulnar ol all (our, was
spoken yeitirday Is the Mai Ine Court. A Polish Inter
pieier wss called In. a Judge Curtis could understand
onlr lh Human and Oernian part f Ike testimony,
I Psther Malhew rqea will give (heir views ot
JjdJWih Carey la tt f, iVffl tt .-
Tiw. vpitiov iitsroitr or ah txni-
Another Ill-Advlaed Mnrrlae-n An Astimed
Nhiiip-A Fllglil - ItlacMVi-ty - Ariesl -llorne.rllnnllng
Con e.pondenc ot The nun.
iKbiAKAroLi.s, July 18. 1 liavc visited several
State prlsotii, and unbrnced every casual opportn
nlty of acquainting myself vrllh prison lllc. In
brder to perffel my views, I have Just md a vl'U
to tl e Southern Indiana prison. One ot the eon
vlcls tits a hook In prera which bids fair lo exl.anst
this hitherto neylect(d field.
I own lo aume dlsjppolnlment, but It Is tempered
hy lh consideration that If any one deserves sue
cca In such a work It Is a convict. He has such
aittndant nppotlunillos for obsetvallon, to eay
nntlilng ol the advantages of acluil evretlonce. and
therels something lo admire In lurnliu dlsgrsc
to profllabl account.
An inmat of a prltcn wii never know a to ftllul
to the etlEi vl.tch U09l l Urn to gller. It Is
fltwuTl a, little difficulty, and conforming my curl,
oslly lo the mild practice, I qulatlvaakeil Iho nature
of Ms present tmbirrtasmonls. He had taus' t
tcaool In the wild district of Crawford county. He
boarded with an honest farmer, wlioss daughter
became very much attached to him. Her attach,
rnsnt reached th point of self-lsvollon, and than
th father Interfered. Polutlng hi rifle al th
breast of th fascinating Dominie, be cried i
" UARAT ur DAvantta OU Pl."
,Jf wax aveeet to the youai roia, in h oep led
tnalrloWr. Hl Wife w Ignorant, tlMempcred,
and homely, .,n J quickly began lo le tbat be
wai more curried than matid. Accordingly,
one fine day ho tnOBit'd the break. bone trotter
which l.li father In law ItA anlguod for his use,
snd rode over lb country and far away Into Booth.
em Illinois, Hire h resulted bis proper name of
Hanks, and ensued lu the congenltl task of telo'i
Inr, erarloilng his moments of leisure lu courlshlp
snd Uie stu lv of DiAdlcIn. II wis auccesslnl in
each of these cslilcgi, giving nerlscl ul
IstaCllon as a lesrher, ertniim; the hand la
mairiu of a rasprctablo gtri. :t-l obtaining
llcrnie lo practice moJIclne. In the ruljii oi
thi einooth sailing, all a t rliht and (air as a sum
mer iky, by Ihe merest chance In Ihe world some
ono irom Crawlord county, Indiana, met and reooc
nlted him, and dnly reported him to Ins fatner-ln
law A requisition lo the (lovernor of Illinois
quickly lollosed, and after a briet trial D-iuka, aMaa
Younrman, fonnd hlmsell conaomned to tb atst
Prison lor Hire yeara. You will not how nicely
I tbell was resolvad Into a breach of Iriiet, and
all aes wor ousod over. The msn was honest In
II Inking that because he tnairled his Ctawlutd
county wile under an anuir.ed name,
The covensut has been annulled by tbe wife ob
laimug a dliurc sine his Imrilsonment, lad h Is
lt-e tu marry th woman whom Ii must telidorly
luvea, and who, atrsuxe to say, has remali.i'd (allhlul
to Una through dlagraoo. What Is slrsngar, bis
wire's folks and all ul In good clllaens of his last
route aro devoted friend, (lov. Daker hss been
br!eg"d with petitions lor his pardon. Put his
Kxceilrncy has an uld-laihluued wav of calling
things bv their right names, and althoucb bo noca
not think harshly or Ihe little t reach of trust In.
vulva l In Ilia horse tbe't, be cannot gt over the
meanness o( bigamy, II reasons thai the (cllow
ought to b punliheil (or deceiving sn Innocent girl.
Then he will reallxe thst mere Is but one tuirrlsg
covenant, that eetsbllshed by law. Ills term of Im
prisonraent will eip're soon, and he Is to b ra'eaeed
a few weeks bed re that lima, when he purposes to
marry hia Illinois wife according to law.
Ho much (or the man'a httlory; now to his book,
I nrked to ee him, and was usnered up two flights
ol stalls to the prison library, of which he has
charge. There t (ound a young msn writing, 'iho
room waa lined ou tbre sides with books nicely
covered with brown paper. Tno labia oa widen he
wss writing waa covered with books and with pa
pers csrelully and aystemetically arrauceJ, H wai
writing In a nat blank book, cop)lug evldsn ly
ltom a maaaeenpt written witn pnell on coarse
wrapping paper. II aroo at onr entrance, aud
whan Introduced belrajed muih tmbarrassmenl.
tub wxiGtiT or rntsoK un.
I saw a email, alight built man with larg head,
melancholy black eye, ai d pallid complexion. Th
l lltoa record makes blm 21 years ol sae, lut prison
lite snd rare hav aged him at Ii alt ten years. Ha
hs extremely small Inula and feet, and unused to
manual labor, ruiny of his prison tsska luve been
boyond hia strength. Tl. Ontjeirot his Imprison
ment wsa In tbe administration ua a man who bss
legume aa (amuus as Win for cruelly, snd It was
then that he conceived Ihe notion of noting down
lb cruel routine oflits dallv life. For this purpoie be
w aa obliged to us any scrap ol paper be could lay hi
hands upon, snd tl.en It required his utmost ait to
cm cal his notes Ills cell was searched again and
again, but be had taken up a block of th flour, and
by rsrelu ly sbatractlng tl, mortar, little at a lime,
contrived s place ni security. If. by chance, a aheet
of loolscsp (ell Into bis hands, it waa esteemed
a luxury. He must have had an srmil
of tbes rude notes, which are cow on
(11. blnce th preienl Warden Im been
In office Dr. Yonngtnan haa had an opportunity, out
of houn, to write l.la book, studloutly avoiding,
towvr, to acquaint hlui with lla character. II
askad itrmliaion to a piintcr. and bad a lew
title pagea atruck off. II sent Ibein to different
f ublilteri, and recelllni several answers entered
nlo nrcuitsttons with a firm In Cincinnati, who
liar publishing booses In Kastoru elites, 1 here la
every prcsteci ul the book proving a greet lutcis".
iw C0NVIC7 rogauTTK im m mak.
" Lt m see your title ps;e," I aatd to th
aull.or, who had glvea me lb above particulate,
during which 1 bad lorgniieu that I waa cunversliig
with a convict. Ue talked fluently and with an
an uiatinn ol gesture aud tone which Is rarely
aetn. He bad evaded a request (or a scrap or tie
manuscript, lie undid package sfier pnekage, but
slier looking Idem over old Ihern pp with s6 much
the look of haling to part "with Inem tost I did not
Insist. There waa nothing eelflsh in asking lose
the title pay, and be promptly handed me one, drop
plug down cn one knee lo bold the lamp tbat I
mlfijit tee. There were but three chairs tn tl.
room, end lie waa cither atandlng or down ua one
kbtt tilth the agility or a child. It itruck m
what an actur he would taakvl
Uut to tae title;
nr oiei who us mix migi,
auowiso tub iiosaosa or
axd Tin AbTAKTAuxa or
Togstbcr wltb a true and detailed account of tbs mal
treatment and cruelties formerly practised
upon Pruobor.
Shame (aced Crlm nalltlea with Female Convict.
Mutinies. Murders, btsrvlnis. to binning!, Han
brriiilth Kscapei, bketehei, and lactdeuta,
.Skrrstuei aud Peu-I'lcturcs, buu-
shine and Hhade,
.wairrxir nr a poxvicr,
in a coM'iera tixL
Y u will nolle thai tome of the headings are uol
regular, but II Is proper lo sar that the am, .or ia not
liberally educated, He haa made the moat of ails
opportunities, and waa first move t to the public.
Hon ol bis obaervatlon and eiperlence by the hupe
or retrieving his sullied name. He dsres lo ho;e
tl at ha will not be received na an outcist and vaga
bond, and that th world I troi him to cbouaa an
honest calling, L. It,
Excursion and moonlight fesllvil of th Luk C.
Gilme Aasoclatlon, Lion Park, on Monday,
Th employ of Otorg F, Neibltt will enjoy
their annual picaio In Oriental (trove on tne jeih lull.
Nw York Hospital Centennlil Anniversary at
th room of the lll.lorlcal Society on Msaday even
ing. Una Tturtou has lected Lion Park for Ihe picnic
for the benefit of Typographical Union No. tl, on Hatur
day, the Sola or Auguit.
Miss Ilattl II. It. Oraham, of Englewood, reports
an income of llin.wu.
Tbe Newark Lloderkranat Hinging Society has
elected Theodor Hoffman Pieildtni.
The Otrman will meet In Jersey City oi Tuesday
etsjiog to organlao a Uerinan regiment
A law passed by Ihe last Legislature uiu.llblts l
ale of oi Her i and clam In July ami Auguil,
The Patereon deadlock continues, tb li apubllcsns
refusing lo ahlds by th decision o( the Rupreme court
Dlthop Hsilny will lay Ihe corner-alune of tbe
new hi. VYalburga'a Chapel In klliabelb ou Monday
Two men, Worden and Ilennr. are to have a tub
race o( too yard at the loot "( 1'Hth sirset, llopokeu,
Iti.s evening,
Wm Msunder, a Newark fancy goods merchtni,
limleimg. He wa. lait si-ii on .suuds) aderuaon In a
saloon lu Klghlk ttreet, .Now York,
One Van Camp wss kicked lu tbe face by t mala
oa the low-path al (trend liraik no Thursday, aud
knocked Into the canal and drowned,
Cspt. John Ddblni. of Tailor'. Zouaves, Treulon,
wss accidentally snot oa Thitrtdsy, hia pistol drop-
King from his pucket while he wst digging wouni tor
A ste.tm rillrosd Is projected from North Orange
through Irvtugton, connei;ttar with tho Prapsck and
Lehigh Valier Itallroad at Waverlei, Ihe right of way
bat been offered.
An oisrchirgs of powder was used by Ignorint
wortmen at the Humphrey Price's quirry lu Psrgcuon
Thursday, aud koulaere welghl'ig several hundred
pounds were thrown Into Ur. Price's bouae, dolrg
treat dsmsss. One boulder pined ihrongk the root,
aid crashed, through k bsaai4 whio tax aasu
' J
run iivnnnnov kv.klvx KLdif.
Proof nf Alrerllle In Knlclty-The ITsin
(esslon of One if lb lt.l-IIanded Out-lnti-Tb
I'lrat Instnwco al Kaposare by
(Inr f lb (inut.
I.tit'iavttLB, July SI. Nino men were brought
twfore t.'nlled S'ates t'ominlsslonor Hes'.ly to dsy
on (heme of hslrg concerned in recent Ku Klux
outrstes near Pltchburg, K-tllls Connly, Ky., In
which one man was killed and several wounded, all
of Ihe Ku-Klux party.
riony Vsughsn, one of the neeroel Ku-Rluxed,
(catlfled lo in attack on hli bouse. In which on of
lh Ku-Klux waa killed, and recotnlied oneoftl.
prisoners as rnctged In It.
Ihonias Payne, one of the Ku-Klux parly, gave
Stile's evldeno. He said be belonged to a Ku
Klux gang, and Itsd Joined lo escspe tbelr persecu
tions, lie wss with th party who atttacked
Vaughan'a liouae, nnd polntent out six or the
prisoners whom he rrrogrlxetl In the party, and
mentoacd the name ol a number ul otbera not
prcaot. He had been wsrned by them to quit the
Ciale, and his house ! ad been searched (or him,
lie had Joined the band lo rscave Injury and
Kirn All about Ibein, so that he could,
Inlorin on tbem nnd get aitla'ncllon Inr bis wrongs
II told ol several bands of Ku-KinxInKstlH coun
t bitn'.I.i 'T.i KBifr OriM cf tS.tr lesders. lie
repeated several Instances ol outrages by tbemnhea
be waa fori-od to be rtesent.
The csuie ol their organization, which Is known
to exist oniy In tie m.nlng district ot Kslllle end
Powell counties, wa the entrance of an Ohio com
paay Into the dlilrtet, tvno mployed a larg num
ber or negro hands, thus arouslug Jes ousy and 111
tee line; among tho whttea o( that neliliboihood.
Pa)h IrtllBipny. If. true, la most Itnt'OiUnt,
It iair-iDt.Vlli.teateofi I.a-illed Ks-K!x exne...
lug his orgaolx.llon and e"""';' " '
It Is eeia that CoeSfrtill, n member of the Ken
tnrty tjlatJ Senate, la at the bottom ol th organl
xalion. lie wa (tcqnentlr referred lo by the mem
bers r their Jfcder, aftl It seemed to bo generally
uniiv.aiobu ttr.uhff llieru that be wa u prominent
mover In their aflilra
Tl.s prisoners Mere held In 11,000 ball eioh,
The Union Going Into tko Next C'nnvm
st II U lu Itnnner Inscribed lor tbe Eight
Hour Lair Troubln for Tamniauy.
At the WorHngmeo's Union lut night the re
port of Uie Picnic Committee waa again dlacniaed.
While tbe members were explaining lb different
conneoUor. they each had, th bergeaut-at Arma
announced that delegation from the alone cutteia
desired admlsilon. The tulea woie luapend.! lo
hear whit they had to aa.
Their chairman eald that thev had torn to ask
cooperation lu a demonstration to enforce the eight
hour Isw. Tbe slone cullers, he said, were enjoying
tl bencflti of Ibe law, but they also dalrd to see
the ot i trades participators.
Mr, llorlburt, a delegate to the Union, offered
resolulluua (or the appointment or a delegate Ir.ini
eaca trade organization to fix np n ticket lor lh
next election. Alter discussion th resolutions
were adopted, snd t.ie Committee wa alas author
liod tn act with th atou cutteri lu Ihe proposid
ileiuon. (ration.
A Young Mother' Hulclilp.
JoaopU I.aralz, a tlmmith, livo at 22i Kast
Forty senath itreet. About two months ago his
married daughter, Mrs. Laratx, who lives In the
ssme bouse, lost sn Infsnt child, and th lots d
Uironet her resaon. On Sunday night huaband
and wH rttlred aa usual. At S o'clock on Monday
morning Mr. I.aralz awoke ont (ound liloiielf alone.
Nearly all his wile's clotblur, remained In the room,
Lut the wearer was nowhere to be round. An un
availing search waa made through all the police
ttsllons and st the Morguu, Ou l tiursday the body
or a woman waa washed up on tbe beach al Hay
Itldte, near Fort Hsmllton. II was jeiterdsy Idon
lined as that or Mrs. Laratg,
Jeflron Uavl Talking Again,
Msstrui. July St. Tbe following will appear
In to morrow' Atalancil :
Uaaniie. July tl. Hit.
lterore and sine my Arrival la aietnpbi tt-ia day, ray
attention has Men called lo slsnderuus artloles tn isr.
tain lla leal uewapapers which atlaek my private char,
acter tn connecllo wltb that of a lady who, It is tstss
Iv stsled wa. travelling under ray charge. Ilia deem
ed due to raiaell as well aa to my personal (rlends to
eta'e uneqnivooaltv and wlUout delay that the story,
In tn w bole and In all tts essential parts. Is nnmiitak
ably tne inat'ratlon of malic, and ta hereby pro
nounced uttsily Islse.
lAlgned) JRrFF.R90N DAVIS.
i.usxr.s ii r Finis.
Aletsnder Abott's cotton mill at Vatatle, N. Y.
Lost, aw.uooi lu.urance, AO).
Nnyes & Creesey's dry house on Plimpton street,
Boston, with 70,000 (eel or black-walnnt and sprues
lumber, lnsursoce, t-Jj00O.
Christie's sash and blind factory In Flnshlng, and
John Rharkey's dwelling aUotolag. Christie's loss Is
la.ooo and Sharkey's snout tf.orn i insured.
decree Send 1- seriously ill.
Yellow (ever has dlssppeared from Buenos Ayrre.
In a great dr on Thuriday in Lisbon, several per
ished, A nsval equsdron is fitting out al Cronsttdt to sc
compsay the Urand lluk Alexis to America,
The Dale of Wellinituu waa an Irishman.
Tbe Hon. A O. Hall sees personal rights tbrou,
glaaata, darkly.
Dr. Charlea Robinson haa retired from the prac
tise of Ihe law In dliappolntment and dlaguit.
The hendiome Mr. Kd Stokes Is preserving bis
manly beauty by copious drafts of sprint water.
Capl. John J. Ward nf lh Rldrl lcs street Police
Station la vary ttnously 111 with aa stlscko( inflamma
tory rbeumatliiu.
Tb non. 0. 0 Dsrnard I at Sirtlogi Thi Intu.
racce compmlee declined all itak on hit hit a long a
It wa without a lightning rod.
The Hon, Homer A. Nelson Is to absorbed In pro.
resitope-l buileees thst he Is hardly heard ol In politics.
IK Is 1 very different mia Irom John Irandulpb,
Tbe Hon. fc. B. Washburse, MUliter to France,
will not com bom thli year. He Is suffering Horn
ecus, snd Is aboul lo stilt Carlsbad (or the benellt o(
his health.
Mr. Juslles Cardszo la st Long IWncli, listening
lo the voice o( tbe tea. which we trust will teach blm
i.'PAlViIlJ.li 01 "M0"1 vhlircr to h ni of
Dr. T. fi. I.ahiberl, President or Ihe American
Populsr Life Insurance Compear, la I'elsbMHmr tho
twenty-fifth annlre?ary ol his marr a;e, offered hi
ruttf QQlnloxIsiUiigiirl'iks, bo, l-itead or hsuae
roll of1irK((rrbeid, Mr ind Mrs. I.smhrt had a
mmv party, and all wsi.t home lo the best possible
Sl'AltKS MOM Ilia TKliHOltA I'll.
The New England earlhquik shock wa felt In
Leedaville, llulcleis CO..M. T.
Rdwln Peat, a watchmsksr, was killed lu Orient
bnrgh yesterday hy being crushed between two cars.
a-T'he Second Ilegldient II. I Volunteers romtnorj.
orsted the tsnlh analvertary of ibe battle ol Dull Hun
L Tllyou of Van Hornsvlll. N Y shot blma.K
dead in the Amenesn (loist t Furl PUln yesterday
while lemi orarlly tnsaoe.
Th Democracy o( California, hitherto (our 'ac
tlooa, have aareed npon term, ol peace, and promise to
b unltd (or the coming election.
William Drown, a brakeman of Purl Jsrvis, was
killed on the railroad at bufferus on Thursday nlaht.
He leavea a widow, wnois drat nuabsnd was also killed
by Ihe car.
Yesterday morning Cn. nenry A. Ilarnr. 1st
pension sient, rorinerly poatinaaier. and at an earlier
period editor and proprietor or the Detroit Trltii.nl,
was round dead, about two miles below Detroit, under
circumitaicei that Indicate lulclde. Tbe exact caui
I nnknown, He haa tad many financial reverie dur
ing tbe psst (ew yesrt,
David (lea, Hodgers, an Kntllihmao, was held
yeiterday at the Touidi for bigamy.
Sarah Mnrray of 22 James street attacked Jamea
Keilr last night with an axe, and broke till led arm.
Aflr midnight Lapt. Kennedy cloirsd out the
rive Points, snd arretted twenty one disorderly
William M. Arnold, lion dsaler, of flrouklro. was
held yesterday uy Justice Hoirsn (or borrowing nioiw)
on deed which lie knew to kd faul y.
Timothy Cllfl'orJ ol lu Rootevali iirert itruck his
wile Mlr.'siel with A tin dinner pail lait night, and
severed on ot the srleuei u( her hoad.
William Howe, o(l!OS Baal Thiity scveiith streat,
who wa. run over si Thlrly-elt nth strn't ant T.iird
nvenue. dld esicrdsy. Michael tiaffsrly, tne driver,
wai held,
Yeetrd.ir Justice Cox aduilulilered another r
buke to a ibyiler, one ..ndrewi, who tiled to get lit
irom a DrlUDir on the ,U ol baling il. icr.ia win
th Court.
Join P, Kir won, a ouat ofl te cler'c t Station 11.
wa arre.tod Uy it, tt'ctive 11 ul r, a.nl lu i... i.oi.er
Shields committed lilru to aniwei ict sue of secreting,
emlM'tilinj, and denroylug Istiet.
Floieuce Mitchell, of Llldifleld. Minn., a scl.ool
teacher o( reipociable rarantajo who had heretoloru
bornu a good rp Hatlou, waa arreated (or Infanllride.
Tna evidunce aiatnst her wss very .Iron ai the dead
child was found In kor iruck, A buarlug resulted in
bei dlschstga, and shs (ltd from lh- uauitry.
Detective officers Heidelberg and Tlmn inn, vaster
day morning Bolli-ed threa sneak lbieva In Park line
carrying boiei on their shoulders- Ther gave chat aro
arretted Cornelia O'llonoell. with a ca niaraed
Cognac. T limes Co " The other Iwi cicip a,
O'Donne I wa comtilttad at thelombi, inathc cojnio
wa taken to in Folic Cvulral o(sc, wb;ro msy
, UtT tav U ut Ua
I !f
tiik novnnoN vmsam r.rArtsu i ,
Tim MUNCH AltHllUltl.V. , ,
Conical lor llm Munlolpal eleclleina-Hralc i , r
nullou or Jolnvt'la nud W Auuinlo- AU ; !
anr aud l.ormlub. , ! '
I'arii, Jdljf UK Tbe cOntcil for the munlolpet
etecllunantxt week growl dslly mom exelllnr. Lt
Mvnd,o isll CUiollo orrsn, demands that th L
Uovernment support th Pope In bis temporal I
right. The I'rurelsn Irpop Iist rccemd orden
to evaluate Auleoi rwl Itouen, and th depart
menu of tbe fomme, Xovfcr Seine, and Kiir. ,
Later. Crltnjnnl procoedlnga havo been eoma
menced agslnsj Hie j4-IraYaf(mi for cslumnlala ,
Ing th Ooveraisent, '
Oen. Douay baa been preasnled wltb the cross of '; ti
the legion or Honor. Th I'rojslana will evacuate
tbe elly ol Houen to.morrow. .... il
Th IUdlcali at cllvi)J canraislng for tl rnp.
nltlpal elections to be held nxt Sunday. Notwllhj i
atandlng the advert rtort of the Committee or
the Assembh , M. ThUf ilnlenda ti defend his pol
cy o( protection b(or the Assembly, ' t
It Is rumored that the Due d'Aumale and lh
Prlne de Jolnvlll bar resign 1 their seits In the
Assembly, Pnsldent Thlirs will boitly leave "
Pars (or one o( tbe waletlnr. places. In Ibe As- , ,
sembly lo-day. Minister l.imhrecht exolslned thst
the slate ol siege was allll maintained In Paris, be. i.l,
cause the reorganization of the police had not (t llm
been couipleloJ. . II K ,
The bullion In lite Bank of France has Increased tB
11.800,000 rrsnc since last week. tin
IigoxiH, Julf SI teversl deers wwi,n.--" .mm
Ifi.dsy organizing courts i,w ,VAi;j7 il'Vi I II
I ralne, H If
thi: $ip,ooo i on Tins volick. 11 '
Interesting I, flier or Tlmnka from Ihe Prow. i
Iclrnt of the- Hoard. j
l.inrnitl (T Jtromr. Wm. tt. Vtrtntlym, hant lle'l, ! ,
uhiI hlttplieiil JCnupp, CommlUtt ot lttot li'ltj i ! '
Fund. ' I 1
GrhTLxatgN I I beg to acknowledge the receipt of ji .'
your letter of SOtb list enclosing f 10.000, with a I 1
request ILal the same should be distribute. J to tl Q ,
captains, sergeants, and patrolmen who have been I It
selected by your Commute as deserving of special I if
notice. I l
It II gratifying to know how highly the pro- ' (
pie of all rank commend th prforman( -
of duty by our men on th llth of July, They I
deserve the praise, and this substantlsl rccognltloa
by your Committee to Itiose who wore mora or le j -
Injured on that dsr Is nut onlylusetul to those ill s 1'
receive the pecuniary reward, bat will serve e en (
Icccntlio la others lo b (sltbrul, vigilant, and val- IJ
Isnl on all occasions. J
On hel-nl ol the Hoard nhd of the force, I desire I
lo return to your Committee, through you, our cor ,'
dial thauks tor your complimentary teller and 11 I
contents '
1 hnve distributed lh fund si rsqueslal, and ill .
the men ate lo dai happy through yuur luslruiuee t
tslliy. Itespi'Ctrully, - I
digued) I1F.NUY SMITH,
Preildent llo.ird or Police. j
Tres-urei'a Offlre, Poll o Department of Ihe Clly ot ' , I
New York, M Mulberry si., July SI, lull. ' ;
sn.tsnm asd couNTitr. i'W g
Saturday, Aug. S, Levy will give a grand concorV j li
at lh Drench. 'I'M H
A raahlonable weddlnt is on tbe tapis at Yon k srs- .1 Mi
on-the lludiou. J II
Th spproarhlnt regatta at Atlantic City will b i 1 ii f I
magnificent affair. I
A ball and (It la in preparation at the Pequot WM ' t
Home, Now Iandjn. Hf 1
Totter Palmer, the Chicago inlllioailre, is quietly , I
rusticating at Long Uranc.i, n ,.
LotU, ihe actresi, Is the centre of an admiring . '
circle of (rlendi at the Urancb.
All Ihe Southern belles and beauties have ooagre. '
gated at rThlle Bulphur Siiilngs. j
Three hundred people are ndavorlng to be gsr
and nappy at Itookaway Den. , , f
Nyack.or. the llud.on la thronged by raablonabl j , ' ,
metropolitan (amities ibis sraio. kv l
A larra nnmli.r ot Rngllsh nohUmen are vlaitlual Ha.ll''
tbe plsoes ofrasblooable summer reeort. tWkj
IterkeUy Springs. Weal Virginia, la really th tIHl
pioneer among watering places in Auirrloa, ISjT
Tourists aaiong tba While Mountains renort very 1
cold westher and a besgarly patronsg thus (ar. Imt
Cap May haa a genuine en-itlon : a erazr young iW
man ot great wealth and elevated socisl poilwon. 1 It .
There sre Iwenty-t'.iree young, preity. sn I mar- I P.
rlsgeable bcllei at a certain hotel at Lont Itranoh. t
Faanlonahle ladles st Saratoga provide theweelve jf
wllhlbelr oarncuoafordrlnlcint thiuiioeral wann. ; g
Waiting (or Ihe train." Is one o( the taaliionabl ( X
recreations among the young ladlss at Lake Manoiiac. I L
Among the sighla at Newhurgh-on tbe-llu lion It I R
in old sione manilon, om e the headquarteet ul Ueu. 1
Ueorge n aialngloa. ,'
W. D. Dlnsmor gave a Brand banquet on Y7d- I -
nraday at stasliburg-ou tbe Ita lion in honor or Prel
deul Uraui and pariy-
Miss Ilooth, editor of Viwr'i Hilar Is aoendlng
the .uuuuer at Fort Hamilton, he Hrqueutly heaii
Urevel llrig.-Oen. Vogdt.'a brass bsnd play.
Fishing at Itockaway Ii aboul ao-so neither very
good nor very md. to such as have a weskueas fo
weak oih. Induceuier.il are offered I r trying their pa.
Hence and Ihclr luck.
At Atlantic City the air is lltersllr thick with
moiqul'.ot snd saud fl rs, and travelling firnleamiB
may le (slriy designated travellinj lor pain, the I It
nuisances ate so Unci and dovlltsh.
A grand pullllcal excnrion I inee led at Brirk.
bmg, N. J about Autiisl. said to he compoied uf the
following dlitingui.hed tnnlvldtisli i President ursnl
and rsmlly. bei rsurv Poller aud ram ly. ( oiicotof ,
Murphy, snd others noldtnt ntgh political postilona. ;
r.ttinios sown. J
Sailors' hale are voted absurd lor msldens o( forts; .
Our grandmothers' Isce collara are again i
lTack grenadine is a laihloneble miterial (or after
noun toilet.
White breakfast robe are piofurclr embroider?!
wltb black braid. i t
Whllemmlln ortull 1 th fAthlonabtt mtterlal II J
tJl SjrcjtlEJ reai, ... i 1 1
While flinnel Keakfasl Jsckets are protty and ' !
tylithtoryouni ladies.
Pearl Jewelry Is t cry much ta fashion thi e is on,
eapeclslly pearl ni cklacei. ' -
LaHmUl. a bit of lie il gear more a hai Hun t
bonnet, I among the styles. . .(
Vortolaa abell bird cage tre among souio of Ihl i ,
receul London tmportail us.
While leather harness has been Introduced by a i
sporting man at Long Uraucb.
Dams Fsihlon'i latci. e l let rsulious ladle not
to wear colored llun collars or culls.
Drab Is th aristocratic color for co.ic'.tneu'l
livery auiouj th Newport co. tiger.
Pari. Ian bonnets of white lace, v"-) orangi
bloa.om urnsuients srs tn v. gua (or brlJsa, t
Lltbt-culuitd sllka ure much In fsiur Tor aflruica t
or evenlntf oreaeei, ripeclally blue and lilac.
A portable croquet pivlllon uf silk costs thirty- i
five do. tars, aud ! w arrauted to Melu it color.
Aristocratic matrons nt Newport are wesilnj
coronets of diamonds and other prcdoui ituu -a.
The "Abyaatnlin rtrelcti " his luoernd.' I III
Orvclan oend among our faahloaeble beliea.
Th wedding tiviumu lur Misa Thrncimorloii,
who wai married on Hie lOtri lull, coil IfJ.OW in golli
Wide hemstitelied liandkeri'lilefs sre onco more in
fa.hion , and sre oinsuieuied In tliu cenite with luiltali
or mocogrsm,
A prsttv bsthlng suit for ' yium Udy u of whit
French danm I, bound w'lb blue, i,lsiU, ur red biatik
and made with Hiht sl'oves.
Fashionable colon fur summsr gloves Putty
color, atrawi.erilea and crosm. inuki cu or. taa ioia
prtmroie, pale tan, and cmr color.
Travelling suits are made of plain materials nnd I
ubtued colon, a (act which will be balled with delight
by admlreri of icn.e aud modoity.
A belle al Newport base wardrobe which fllli
seven huje tinuka. No lets then eight lace sacks art
Included in the extraordinary list. ,
Pretty luthtn; drosses are or white English flm '
nel trimmed with tarn' bluo or black cloth clainjuJa
ou the oolloin ol thr skirl .tad want.
Luce twhlte lace collars, Ilk those wuro hy our
grandmothers, appear lo have rapidly tuvlveJ in Uiii
Ion both In tin coui.li and lu Kurop".
Queen Mary shoes h it i wile silver Inifkls, lilt It,
01 bojl, and wile btio. His ikiw st i i Pin n. rii.o '
who wesr lliaoi -teneisiiy rail do vu .lairs
Turbin ha's hav qutl gone mi: ol fuliiun fin
which Iravn b nra'i- I uliiw; . 1 1 il c tp.
Hon, lb nit it mm sffairj '?c innud'H' t. I
1'a.s li n no nijiiul ch.a.elii tss'n in, sb ip, j
orstyl.. Th .s ot wh 'e or n i '.with gill or I
toi al inline., are tin praltl' it am moil in uie
A ivIJa ttiiuiuad all nv lut. with cfllllv wldl
blsck haul, a'reir. in h-. hi - creeei and generally
tecjgnlaed head ;'urj. our lie.tu ll.iiiunirla.
(Haves sliow no r uujv Im fjs'.ion or alyle. Littit
cul in luvaiUM) r.ad fur.ir w us both teies durtug
th .Hilar iiiuiilbi f 'r all lull dro.i o.-reiions, i
,n:.;i .ue-. -'.:!:: sty
BUphcli'a t'auiv . .,; r :rc.-i,mJ nnp SI. 1.' f:.,:;ltr-.
the njw uppers in I Dsnf irth'i accuinptnlinents, ' .
Since drr, sea haio been lengtheued, law buikim, . '
"Liju ih uml n .i put ties nre mor In vogue , bul ,
loratiiei wauini, oostuaie, high boots ar stir worn. 1
Fssjlonnl.i Mania; vow Wa promise lo lov
fach other .nd hie In 'Aesame brown none (rant, till
beHer" "rt" ofe',cU ulh" d some on wo liksl
Yunng ladles wb ar lath habit of frscolnt.
their (acai bavu lo Abandon the an al th se.mde, aT
Hie sili air caaie ths irc to drip dunthj
chela's I
Tlis fashion of weiring sllppsrs on tba priMnceidt
Is almost univetsst among theuHei ti.limnaiilt. unntai.
takle, Y'"t' 'fv",el vuUat
- - v y -

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