Newspaper Page Text
I THE BOW, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1U &!K iff WHAT TIIEPREAcilEHS SAID. tl,(i,lM t'KoN rftlf MflMMIlM f 4 ,,, ni"t m '" "" mm is .!!' I . nir'iil1"H N"l All "'"llll'l , ,...'- '( N (! rlli Hll Hetlll, M.-lleii. ,.',.. !. ii. nl aikslli s. ir.o.i. , ill. i Tal ,,.. iiirr AbuM (intents I iiaytlaai ,, doiibl tlm line Wiiltlli'r .filny. ns 1 , ,- ' r I I n n -' "i ii." Mid nmr's ali h ... , i, i inn ell lo ili i with ll itldlnu InRi tli'T j ... iijtfeitntli nlltttlte ehtlttjlli'S, Tin up I . aired, parti nlM'v Vi lli and Mndlaofl r" t!ir i-s-X lul lforn and nftef i . ..; . i i t s. ninl til" f Ii. w i f I'n i y iu w - ret irknUI". l't lailtii Ihclttnt , ' intii - ii w In tin Fl (sli Ayehtta i . n 1 1 iih'h, v. hero ii"- l;.-v. hr.Jol n j ' 'I'll I'm ill n I i iii si.i. :... II in hi1 ! fr an lite it t. ii n it n ii rl i 1st irnoirtml," whii h. hit t I, v III i . lm had deliver "l , i i k h wits wiiii i if i In ii - t ill ill -.' Ri ' mini nl' .1 II and i!i' !! it llil ' IT" ji .. iid. "I know thai is not the pnpttlny lm- , ii. I ut it I- iii I, .,.. . i ul i i T Km ' ' , h mid, had eiiv'e.l a ',. a t it . I I i ',' . Id- . . dii '. ti." bnrlty "i ur '! I I" Ii CI u r" In ili Ci Ii Tnl at i ' . - ii . ii i J i tbluk II it n mini a fault in a p r . iH-ri lit I ir ii vr tl n i n ' t s i i it s. II.. i- vert mil I iw ii : f'. l. T . truth III , ,.i band. The uvid-ii w of Ui truth of i tl -i .. '.Hat ii h 'tii-:'. .. n -rov Inn ' I if I The l"ssnn of the Vw T"in- i nt stand . tit to-dny .n oti rtiul Irushm --. '. ie truths li..o coino .1 urn lo us I:.: 1Kb apostolic SUeeea! t.-ti t the ! sbiile re . 'i -xi- n cd tin 11' man Cntholle t'liiir Ii n r i" ili Ki""-i'i'i I'nqri'li. bm IhrnUBh lh (iri"knntj th" J"Wt nnl through nil fol iworn if Clirinti M.u.y l"- ; " IT w ur I' t R"hfDllki I"' 'i.'. I"ri :i.. tl"-y x ty tl i ' i louDil uitiTinl by l iifui'luii, tr'iti.i th ntu m II - itlvn tin ' i ' h rial - nu II fi Riuilwi lot ": .' t'hrmtfmi tt i '-. wh I i u call orliilnnllty ? If ittu.iu in r.l-rt Ci tfiual inn-'. Hny .tii' : .ti; 'iii' i'"' i u ' tn ii i". th n tli'T" nivtr w mi iriuiuiil innn in tliu w irbi. u ur nl uttrHti i I iiii'tbttut nM't b ' r" mi.. I Willi n Ii ittl- II nn ". Vi.. - n tint t.- I f. r Win i. 1. 1.- no t i other fii t- f C'lirlnt'i w- ril i--yi .. v T ftiokll by Hti' ..n" Vfltll mi ii lorou ns Iii y wkm i I' by Itim. ii Rev, l'r. Htuplii'li II. Tynir. .fr.. Iii t' " J'.i' i-H '..!; b of tl - Holy Trinity. uriii l fh" n -siH "i I.-1!-ili 'ii i I.. . 'i t,:i x.i mil i . 11 nidi i.-iit Hi" nnlf-ili'Dinl riiulri'il wn utt r iii iii .Mti' ii t ll .i rniiHriU li in i r- nn ity mi l work, hi. i untlr rviinntw upua in- nil i Ch rial. M sviiih Itritfham, in Bopubll "in 11 ill, I i " ii,.. I .. -i"ty ..f l'r iitr-sMC f"i i . !.: 1, Mbl that Hplrltunlliin wiu not iiti-i . i -- flan, Knn 'iii' 'l'"l tb" Wi r.lx ..f Nt. Pnuli " Now, i' iii'Drninu niiiritiml gifu I w mid not hnvc vm ut mi t. iinM ma In lilnim'll most pr l""t eknmple of vnlrttual lutplmtlon ur in diumablp, Biwrnt? wna n inditini. nnd wrote in i Hiie under Innplnitli n, Bo illui' 'Ufuelun.. In.. Chin"tK! lenuut "I RLiirltUAl tliuugl :. Bo 'I I h iutc laiMitru, who wrote thing! Unit he m nl cwh iniii'l "oulij i" t have ont r- hen l d, Tim lb v. l'r. Ueuint, m Uivundunomlnntlnnal CliUfi'li ol ili" Ktrunffera, maintalnod ihnl all Hi" ,ivlotni'nta of our tlntee xiiitint- Solo, in ii' aam'rtioii that tburti la no nuwthintfun ii rtheaun, The liiuhtwt oa('nbility '.f bi'Ihiii'u U aiorely to reveal hnninn ir n .rn n i .. H"i -i. I - uovi'r dto"ovr''d a n-w force in natur". '1 name natural f' - thai now extet have d ti play ainee waiter waa ereatwl, Intho ni u 'v novemeuta "i iii" armlo "l tb" uni v r" there la ni new loader, Tliu aamo uteruul (tin rnlntf luwathat reaulafed th nrxe'.f ili" i ri when it wna n fiery indl, alvlng out llvlii 1. . ii .nn, w ,. ni nun lliolr wi rfc after ti, rtti -I.,,:, nave bo,nnie a dark, uululiabital a I nk, There i nothintf new in moral, M i K.. and a i under th aamo I i -i. aa did ilioan who llvod oiiu I: ixand "r Ave tllottaund "nio ,ik". 1' i- ... t nn.. ti nt forewarned i forHarnied," 'J ny whi'di former Keneratioiui were il -'i y ,1 ar ntlll the prevuiliuK vn-. Kntion in - , n'lurixii. paaa tnrough thevarb uaatnirea ol : iiliiicnniHiii. loi'lii'iiim, nonarehr, nnd tli'M t'xni in u"C"f'ii. witlimii reuuru fofi 'r"- ini.g i- of hlatory. In the world ol art t: mi tt eudenvor i- lo dm ,,v,-r. or rather t wbii waa done ai'airo, i" it r v. - A'hen Titian trleitod iVtheua and f ut, t t :(,. very woika in wllloh tb" ire- I , .. Kreiitfat pride weya thoae Unit revived the nru "f raeee atlll wore an"ieul, i r . ted t!i"in fur mlliuii them dlacoverb' I t ey were merely iiriiinllona, Theapeaker I si 'itii a il lila bearora Unit Hi- wH Hint there I i m ihiiiir new under the aun did not ne - , limit huuiun hope. Ulllbltlon, or efTort, N . in kie w n i Ibul there waa to be known ii1 . hi thipK, There la atiundaul room i v r en ri i i' thu good "f man and Uia i. .. pr, Talmntfn, in the rrealvterlnn 1. "rim lirnokiyu. aaidt "The HabhiiUi wna i bib'i man and not man for the Huoliathi In i'.i . ' i i-. j . in ...... i .a t-i tit tin? nintii h: i ii 'i tlie mini t" in in nt. letting down i I'Vi'x lnjeauaii tliuy ure I'm ulinrt iimtead ol I'ttttiuif t! ib" iniiii . nruiH I ""iiuv tbey are i"" b in,', t'b rial' blH of ii, n ii wiiNtoroim, a , ii.. itini buiriend ii, in, i ii t in hiiv wlae to ii I. I '." i n. if". 'i it,' i. . 1 . , ,. Mi" J w nn i ni t ilj'ii ..ii Hi. Ha I, I mill ilay for Ilia llefeliae of J'TUMIii'lll. "ii dny lie aaaaulti I uud captured it. Uul 1 dotiui :l,liik Unit there la auy danger o our country being ruined by the ton rigid oljaiirvun eol t! Null. butli, SVhun Ch rial anid thai the Hui nth wu made for ninn, be meant tl litlreman' ly, mid end ti, hi l. Thut atyluol ohaervanee whtuli tnvora tha aoul to the Injury of Hie btiiU i nimluterproiatjon mi tli one aide) met Unit ityiu iifKublwili Hint favoraelUier pod) or n ui it tliu eiponae of Ui" "tii"r Is nlway it wrong Ini pretation One of the grnndeat tiling Unit Inn been done to tbl eluitor of eitiee, within Ui) memory, hn boan tiie aluint miraeuioua i. in i'iinienl ul out parmnnaut aagahore, Ii. the ifiilii and em-rprian of a few Bum, wim daaerve our gratilud pod out monumental eowniomorntioni New V"rk i .i llru'iklyn warn let in the mf during '.i,. Maul ait., n. Urighton, and (Jul v i ire the boDeiil tlon fronj Oml upon our f ' ' rig cltlea, Tbeyo are nundreda of enil- ireii who would have I n in lireeilWood or I . - I,, s i.. day. bud it in.t l n for 11." . neaHide raai -i i. Til ia Btiile - I m'i i m i ring hi a new phaae "I the H ibl uili In itlotii M.a. I I kut. Coney Inland on the ' ith iii" After prayerful oonaldorution I ii - v ir i ji depnnda upon'whoiUey you goon Ltiriatlan errand or ou aeculay errand. Ii foy tin I rtner yeti tha laler no, If you go as a piiyalelsn to look after ins siek"yssi If you so i. ' ii-lian VofasrS'yss, II vour wife or . Id laaiek, and by reason 61 your ueoupation I i uinnot goon a sseulsr day, aud by retuaiu. ii it bonis nu would Qilanger the health "f lithuf, than I laj -y. The Haub tin was made I "i. llul if y. .ii are uniHter of your own I e.and esn sslsel anyollief dny f..r inking ii family in i tint health trip, it win bo wrmiu l '. If you go for mere iportfulnieia and see k 1 1 iinuiuuient don't go, The Uiblo distinct- I, 3 iys ti. a' wu mh uut I,, Hank our own DlaftBliru u Ui la.fod day, Jf. tfiSfSioySi i . a h , lur i i ' di-iiit no. A lonu. re verU'riitiiitf. tbutidertna' HOI If vou bud e.. oratigna, and you ahitiili glva Hix t" your iioTi iiiel lie ah u'.d Stan tb" seventh, thai Would 13 mean : ninl yt (Ind. Whoglvim y u i ilnyr fur Worldly atteuea. y.m yolvntarlli rtw "l Ina asy rnth, whieh He baa "t apnri t"r nlawors'ilo and i-i i ;i m'i vi"". If you i f r aport, n you Hiiy nnd to He" tie' plctUr xiie drexx ''f tlel hnthera iiaimliterl, then you nilaltiterpret the paaaag". Nlnenutof ten lays, Btl onl of Intli y.ei. !'" ' "in "f I .imi. go on tli" Hiililintli wl'.'U tl.i-v could p .1" tli" titii" nnd tb" mean ler iin- i it. r day. The Hey l'r. I: I prnnehed hi And serni"ti inti.' Med ii iii Avenue It 'formrdf'liurcb, H( ix aUiui :"i yearn "i w. wear black moil" i !' x in , I xi. I" Whtnker, nnd hn n li' irmg partly niinlMerlal nnd pnrllylhntof n man "I hitalti -x. ror"Ven year lie hnel n ilof ot tb" Piral t'oitgri'iiaib mil Chined "f Mnring" fl'-bl, Mn,, whi Ii ix xii'. i to have In it lnrg"l numlier "f iMminuiileahl of nny "hui b m N' v Knglnn I. when iii" Niirlngrield t litir It i. i ! .1 Hint Ii,. iiro used I', n ' I'ld n ' i"' t ' I S rk.lhey off-rnl in mien lux rntari i! ml rive ! i"i n vacni ion of si n fh. I III'. IP . d pi , 'hi'd ii tl." relation "' mini lolhs I a iMiabty net it. nnluru f HI revelntioii. I 11 II otiglil tb a mm v fniliir. - Were ilu" to lull, rnti" nnilllii'Wnnt of j.nit.ejt n .i -t- lug n I I . i.. Ix. i in Inoel Inent Wen' illie to 1 I ,i i ..I iv ... n. i. ml Ii ie -Jl oi d 'iib'.g , With III" bi t nil' dt "i t lined, 1 nward II I I In .n otigl I t.. rtnhd ;ti a I.- lllng all tilde, a San il , ,'i I in in tempbt .So linifl iMItld llnd I , i . I in Ii h purp a nnd all i x nietho u. i .... i i nnv nmn, who had inn tit f ('brlt , III , i inn "f ll'O llll'k Of khoWl' , .. . Ttll life of l,'!irll bill 'i- x . nl". I toll ! w ith i. wef i ' r i 1 1 x oi ii- t"t than any "ii" "f tits ur k . mi "I ii illspttted portions ; , uld l." thrown "ui nnd v t I ho founda- Ijou i if t1 " Cliriallnn religion renin In firm, lb v t iitti - nlnlnly ittierable Iroiti i the ii"-i" f'i 1 tlnil ll Hlli weri Imu,:; pr ntii I every itilniite Iti nil ti i lllr."d Inngil ig1 dm 1 liiiieverv working hour of the iw"niylogr, i .',!: oiild ii r '. -: , ti 1 lis .-. nt i d pulnts, A lu'Pef hi t'lirlfi 'iiretl nwny all lulu rtt u'.' e 1 1 here Were Ittnnv ntyWertl1 111 tne i ' : T - ' ft I nrd :. he ui '-i :. .1. Ind t . r i vou Inil fi it 'tar i' xt .( iii. :,.. among i . v ii- .a -. thai "it"ii i roved u lttti lilli.g I ' I. mull iv till'.., iluyn it'll ti ti.'ibt. oi u wluil ' i, ,ii. urn for ' 1 1 ut l "i il, - Christ in. I , i -i t uii i i ' . I w ,x xat" t i 111' v" whntever Chrll I lievmi. ! , K r Ilk't'Slde II detti il we tm t "v r nt I r I II III -1 ! in :.!.., x. lit. We a " . bltgi-ll -.1 . ' I 1 I ! I then snvt ' I n I. tiI Ji ii ChriW told us ' ; i I . i if. . i ! rs'in in the It ker HireH . . w P'v. r nif.'ier, nnd n idlcil ii..x liiken UP, mi; .i in i im.vKn urn k inn rrr " o Drtslitaa Msja" tint asl nigs lbs Pivgas Wei I'oiiiuiiii will Ahtls 'i n.- Rv. Willi nn l.b.v.i ..f the M till ti Avenue Presltyterian Chui 'hpromlm ! t ir f re tho Amcl'l an Teuiperan e 1'u. "it, Slid inn Ilntely tie- rumor wax stnrtiHl ihnl I." w ill 1 ut the snnt time x.-u l!io total n - e . . I i:. ei t- tit.x n1 ' Ut Ih'formcd ' i m r-1 1 .. Madieon avenue, on - r"i" til l', that i'.i' v i. . I "ii - "ii htm drunk at pub bare, thirteen times : I urtcu day. Mr. I.loyd.hoWet r. bnd noiul ntioti i f appear ing ni tli" ''lull-. ter of a reforiin I drun mi i. temperau'H visa's slmllur to th . : the U v. l'r. Crosby. egiH.pi ihnl hi Idea ( personal - i runry lnt. lutetidiiiir Unit It i u -I : n llig sho i d l- i"l to n ' ' ix . f the church, Tbedls.'ti! m Inated until tuidnlg '. ami the pastor w Uxl i r.-.l b a .-t lit IS. tli" hitter being ne ml era ol t'...- insist' ry nn 1 tie- r fsuii.. . Till Conslstnrj t. the mutter '.-f r- th lals, nnd Mr. I.i yd h reived a reproof S hilt he ram lie- a member"! the Claaala in good vtiiuding. Ho resigin I x ; son Av.'Uu Tr-'xiiyi rltin Chur"lt for him, II" . na never signed ti. pledge, nor it u. "I to ..o . nun. I - i i . W : kn iw :ix v max" u fa!-- xlnlei lent, or , one leslgnelioli uroorftt i mri ti. I a i . - -I to pin bv III six'Ular pl'ew of "W Vork during a tiniewlieii I -i .ingt r . !'.- ure tr .. f mi life. I br hip r jury tlmn the ppx. if N 'W V"rk, Th"re?ore, 1 do ii"t I. "Id any n wsp tpt-r r! t - for ii. x i.i - iiunounvenieiit, s itherui I hold thisoy gnnbtiUion rKiinilbbi foyit, 1 know Ibatto put my name tun t pennies pledge In tin plaee would not ie any humlliuiloii to me i t at ni'. Iiby fil ' nt; mi sluniiture to m e docn in -lit. or a hundred, I could lift on litary x .ul of tb" ill ptllS "f 11 k'l.lilt V. 'e- ll 1 "oil. l Infuse u fr.ix'u.".ii "' stntngth Into nny limn fighting the same light again! evil every n nn mux: light in some form- I vi n I sign my mime to n temperance pie Ige ii readily ato au ordinary letter, Ii snot on the ground f repugnsn"" Pi the net itsnll ilmt 1 venture this explanation, but tlmpl) bi'cnus.' I hnvn reason t think that the report I huvealluib I I-, i part of n per Ktetll x. nn 1 Tllel at tempt to blight (lie hoiitn of my life, ajld liiarthe r. suit "f ii life'!".- of fiitlif illness slid 1. yuity to i1 - rvi tii". I do not stand her in any s - whatever Innaii" of pefs mu fidoi ua t mi. I do not atand here to-day h 'i.u"ofnny ra il -nl iinga In my views r 1st ye I .the mo ot In: s. it I i .' rs, or r live I the lm- P i tat, i.f the p ii. p. ruie'e work. Am manor any lidy of men who elate that by any legiti mat" use "f the w rd, r I v am ' lite onli nary meanings attaehnd to it. William l.ioyd was ever n drinking man. nuk either from ignornnee or mu.. . ih" in Inun tion Ix utterly unuptorted ninl cowardly n its method, and slanderous in Its matter, I have beeu tempted iigiiln nnd ngnin t i wirn my Id" , .,f p-ix.ini! I.I erty '..tli" It I "file. 1 wax if in ii fadical. I cninuto tin land ' mix" I had Inliefltcd by koine itratltfU law ol ! '-""lit ii ove of fepubiiean seiitinieiits, and may have l.e.-n 1-1 to push my views ! orolinl h i-rty to the extreme. Hut neyond that, ua the reatill ( my owu iileiisol i ! mil liberty, I have never st"px'i, and I chnlleiigu any man ' titrndl t tin- ,-x- it Hut 1 have learned na I grow older a my view t. Ilijier down "v n 'oelnlion with others- that they s niiotli rlawniiovctli law ,.f i r- ninl i rly, ami Hint ix the In v that trow out "! man' relationship to man, and above ml Hie rehltlonsl Ip . i lite eiroiur, i..f e wak man. A 1 , Mint wn In t t down bv th- ipusth I'liul. If by eutlng meut I emis'i my brother io lull. I will unl no more meat so long aa tliu world stnnds, Thul I lh higher lav ihti luw that grows out ! Hie relationship of the man who can eel without falliiig t - -1 1 1 - man wll "'anil' t i lit ::.: m lie lalls, To" mini who can drink witiiom f-diing xh i I'd in 1 1 iii r i self I,, t tot u 'h "i- t.ixt". if hythatae) be can sttvunl follow man whu cannot touch or Urate without falling iiikinP'inperunee. ' After Mr. I.!' yiPs ad Ii . Pi ddeiil Mundy in- .elite I ignillUI'VI to the pludtfo.but .Ur. Lloyd did not sign, : 17 nun is i I V ti I. UUSS I'lnalxd sV mill Hunt llrukrii IVSSl Hi iiioiio'ii suioiii'iai'U- N'CWUARKKT, "nl., Sept. IS, Tin' ll""d of tlm last three day Una lawn very destru tivu n. th ix outlon. Mulldlngs hnva i n utted off. mill iliunn enrrled away, tlm Iron lirnla'" on tlm Northern Ihillway seriously damaged, mi l Uiirtneii other i ridges destroyed, UHANTKonp. Onl,. Hepl, IS A largo anvtint of property wax ilestroyud in thi town by lha fio d, west llrantford ix entlrelv suiunerged. Tha Iron bridge u r is tha liraini lllver gave way yesterday nftoruoon. and three ninn who an r on the bridge were drowned, One , i in,, gien wa named I'yrreli, and lira nnuitu ol tnu otliers are n -I known, UaITi Oni.. B"pli I.'. During th" reennl utorm ralu full adepthi'i nearly . iu.eiiuaing th" lira i.d Kim r to iv rRoW.doiuglCI'i lltihllliniiu to botiaes along 1 1 imnkM. Tim eigiu-year-oTd aun oi .1. w. Edward wna drowned, Kallier l. . TSMgSmMSS Wol'ki Palhsr Kiioenoi' Bergen Point Is proaocuting loiiii'i n-i a sail illieiilerl) bsrruoais lie ssiuritiy in sotuulsiard "wfure B" "rib n 1 stsy iiwiniil I'ntrl I gui no iih nl liu bsrlftlllelirr. MISl l"T., inn's iiiiliulnl Uis urowt'ugea, liiunn ss stauuaatl te j , r-". tlexnu RtSSlMSrS SRg glSSlWI S n v lua I, Wim iin,-trnt . by Prig, i-' A jay, I'll n. will t-i haunt in eat ui I'.j .'.tt mntU$ '"i Oi '"i" i, ina issayigsv sskly te1 monthly ssyaisnti Uksn far nn nllarsi i natj Its4ins iiovm s..slUuwpsrillwil,t IWaisj 17 Ullii.u. sk Ail lUnuiUM ll't'"l In IMS! J . GOLDSMITH'S FAMOUS MARE. rnyf ,w i v WHU tHHVOfHKKtl RM ti i i -imi MOM Mil roi i in n. PlrkrS tP Wll.l nnri WoMMSSS In Ihn lSSi IMS far Wlllll. Ml Hold far ooo Rs onl Mil) BkS I'el "" RS1SM XI,. It..,. HoxMDAtiRi l'n..Hipt. t i. Inhti II. Dockor, lii., a bmthur-ln-lnw "f ex-Judaw WHIlnin Pttllnrton, died nt ni NnldciMO Bent Denton, Orange C uhtr, N. Tn tew days ago. He wnsth man who found running wild Inn pasture hd in Slew .1 ix' y nnd llrxt btoQghl to tli" note f hnrsefnsn the mare thai hn since astonished tie w all nx Qoldsmllh Maid. A short time In fore Ili lnxt Illness Mr. I kef Mil Hie Storf I of tint beginning of Ibis wonderful mure s I linear. I In lxi. I 'Tom' nihuhnm and myself." Mr. , !i'"kor said, "w nt Into a Mill" speculation I i buying up turkey ami mills through thle sec tion. We both livinl In Xnwburgh nt that time. In No tnl r "f Unit year W" drove over Into j Husscj County, and atoppeil nt John it. Pecker's, j tnnr Dcekertown, 'johnny Ih' n he win cnlled, was n nm K He had ft mare that every nn" in ihe whole country know nbottt, for she wna tin wildest and wickedest piece of horx. flesh Hint ev r ''iv d. Thlsmnrewns in tlm pan- lure lot with tl tii. t- horses ti," day wo Wont tio re, and nx i kn w iim atnek xhe eiimc from, I Wanted to linve a lookal her; but we cotlldlil gi t w thin gunshot . I Ie r. Hey xil" Was the E,lnll Hnmbh'tonlnn. Wo stnyiil nil night nt I n : Johnny's, Bornohow ot other I took a k-r at fnney to thai wild mars, nnd 1 . iT.-ro'i MAO f -r in r; but t!ie "id gentleman dldntwanl to s"d her. "'Oh, what's the nse "f keeping Ihnl mare?' said his wife, i.-t him have hefi Offer him fin more,' ox she to me, ' nnd he'll take it.' "s.i i ". uiip, i . in n no ;,ini k'u" it io my n out. Clp'te John hesllnteili but . , ti mi id : Aii i ..' i. Von may have her, Iim yon ni iiteli I ; i! 1 1' iitid tho old man laughed, as If ll" ha I ItlO ill il tiulll flX, " I l ailisl two . r t r ; nla men together, ninl " went it in l dmve the horses nil In tho ' I nvaru. Tl n i re wnt into u... hunt and we shut her in. Thenwegol her In n stall, and nfi r i whili we ninnnireil to "t a halter mh r. nho i i in't looked tnroituh a i-ollnr In ' Ir yi'Br, t : was T Vi nrs . id at the tune. . ! ii I'm ! .i ihn nw that We hud hey he wax sick "i hi-- Uirirain, and wanted lo Iwickout, II i w -I r 1 n,j Mif 'aifon and dri rs away, uncle job u had a mare, nalati-rof this "ii". Ilmt be valll-'d ut HkKI. Hesaldhew mid ' give me Unit mure mil but I didn't wnt I her. Oeil. Kop ,l:i Iwillht that one after w i. I m i l ' '. I. i t it'h Ii li 'til llltll '. '"it I in Vef henril that sh" mi uiit"il to anything, tinour way In from rip'le Joiin's to mi father house, I III the pin c where I He now, wn brought over Btoti ot turkeys, tried the speed of the n , iiow and t1" ii ' i rtintiiug nw hi re ti fat nx 1 1 1 - - y "i u: I no 1 n li iid tr-t fnaterthan they i i. ..'i- t i t m". I ii- versnwsu di a move i a ut I r a vr a llorse, nil. I kuoW she Would " W i'. e got to I ti cr'p and put up forth iilk'l i. S xt morn mt Tom llriglintn counted It 1110 nnd off' re ! ,t lo I"--. nm! said In- W ml ed touo lulu imrtn 'tslnp with me In the mare, but I t".. hint i WI I. i. 'l the nun-" lor my hr ther-iti-lnw. .1., v rullernn. Win:- we a re gi'ttitiK n inly t tart, niter hreakfuet, wi i should drive up but Hill Toiupli ' -,"! ,1'T- r I; ,a Ie wai kn wn,nnd I yet, ll" kept i not 1 nt II on: t n. two or throe hill- x awav, t He'd heard Unit I bad 1 ought Johliny V ' I . 1 il i nnd mother wereUah bxikinu'iil her. I. nx' t i li"t fit wa n trotter, nnd ' it! r i .::.' , . I'll give law f .r her.' i lie .tli'T nn) ' i that I should ink" the niotiey.btll I " ' Thi -. h .i. I and fifty.' said It'll. ' 1 . t dldn t want the money, and started to ! "I'll ;" you three hundrwl and sixty dob : i rs.iid w ... sun. wiiid k- to tin. bii.l i if 1 k pi a ii uiug Ip rse.ainl s.. i v nnd ly 1 ti t . ii' i i men . i.i. i ii.ui n ii io i an t me .) r Ins monei ind take the inir. Hedrcwit . Ii" k on the W.iilklll llanknt Mlddli lown for the ntnount. 1 a., tu't wnnl to take the check. "' l."t nie it.' my father wild. " I han n o ii tu ' -ii "'k, il" wrot i his name a T -x I!,., huek ... It. ' ' Tie-r-'.' Ie x..i. ' 1 k''i"xx thi I'll k'" ii- w.' "Ol '"io,-" la.t put ta" matter Olltofuues- . I tiMili ti ieok, and Jerv Itllj drove ol ii Hampton with th" n 'it-". Itingham and I v ' "I Jei y lid ck g.- i .r. - ur bank f-r I :.,o - "So I v I' - Iniiii whni I had dune, and that I "x g no Jens y leiru, itiunbuui Wa n lawyer, and I i told me I might K1! mi llngere burnt by mi ii a 1 I'.iei " 1 '. .il" W" Were dia.'UiUg II" mutter, along en.." nn, :!e r despatch from Urahara I ' .1 irsey 11 .; hex nm s hix chock good.1 "ThftJ sett ".I the whole InislUe, ninl tiiat Ix la W I lost i ib mil i M ud. The U"M spring I met Alden Qoldstnlth. the ni m iik' Ur v llorse breeder, mi nn r'rlu Kailrnad trntu " ' Alien. I aya, 'give mo n hundred, nnd I'll tell you where to gel tl." wed pi ( In.rx"- Ib eh that Ktainls on legs in Ann ri- a.' " He said he'd do ii if th" animal seemief n ir lonetu bun. 1 told linn Wliere she wax. II weut to in i . i n! afterward told me she WHS II . good, '"Ail i ''.t, I says: 'but I know her II btph, im i I t"il "ii eliu's tli" i xi in ta" market. Axk M ijoi Udsiill.' Alden w nt to Mn ir Kdsall, In Qoshcn. and found iimt I kiiewwluil I wu- talking aleit, Then be stritek up n bargain and gave Jeraev I; i I ."' : r t Ii mare, and threw in nn old wagon, Iin iili got Itiil It ' ! ne. wiio ha llm tra i, in Mi, hi I"!,. wn. to ii'imli.'tii" mn r,-. 1 Unit think any m se would have had the fnltli In i thnniiiinnl.aud tie. patlen 'e tu trv and tnuk in if. nu out of her. itiii Ho Hn i nv Hint i. Ism Ui Would have parted w.ili hey for almost amthfng, nny time for a month '-r two after he got hey, it I - ll f-eir men t" i'-i I. lief up When lie v llixt iiinet 1 at 1., r ami ah' came near kiiliug ' Hiii on, rta ". Hut l niiuerisl her, ninl i tie-ii vol vis iv begun to x.-e ti "i" wax s'ulf ill lu r. lm lend . ' f IpMl Abb ll protllls", to j glvi me. i iTered men Volunteer didn't l Ih. Ini ma i ol Volunteer stoek tl" ii, an I 1 w u; In i tnl." it. I I..:. I lioblsinltli 1 w ai1 1 en l , it aiitiurii ii i," d i' i ii.e name th" mure. 1 , wanted to full her EUn Ih, after mi wife. Hut i ' her lloliUlliitll .Maid, and '.hat Iii" Will to" ! inittter aianil to-duy. I " Willie liill ll 1. 1 1 ne was handling the inare lio , met bd, Hi' wn ot r ,n Jervia, how oi t llm I'lldi r H!n riff "f I'O" ' iintv. I lr .wu hud ft i mure Mint In- thoiurlu A'll ii ir I one, ninl tie I nnd liill made u mill Ii for ISrai I" in t I. nl" r.r wu. ns xh" was "iilli'd. iiifii i, i 1 1 ildsniiur l m u". Ti-..: Wii Ui" Hist rft'.-u ili" Miild Was ' ever enteral f"r. It wax in eotiie off ill Mlibll" ! town and the forfeit waa Ifin, Hui Ooblsniitli Wotlldll t rei'ogtlii lloljllie a Ip'lioll ill li " at ter. and euti'i'i I hie mure in n rueo nt ilnxhen , ...i i . .". til" I'll " was lo e, m T in I Mbldiel 'Wll, I I tm I I" pay be- SU f 'rfeil, I 'I'll" IM.'e ill lo.-hi'li WaS Willi Ihe N V V l 1. Ih i' fo 1 .. j.iy. ii- n. Wai.. r. Tne Maid heat I, nu ea-v. aiel Unit wax In f llrxt pllblin r.i-e. I don't k ii -w wlicllmr the price thai Oold Mliiitll got lor tiie mare wh-n In- - -id le i' wus ever mild ' I'll I 'I-1' "i H"t- 'ml Ii" I"' i ii" Ihnl ho ih t g'JU.I Ml for lu r. and that was Ii 'ap enoilltll. I Uiku iMIisiib'rnblii pi l ie in Ih" fuel," dr. peukt-r I'oiii'luded, " I hruiighl tlm brilliant pnl" in. ire out into notice, although I fe' i ttiiit I let ii fort u i liimway fr"in mo when I gc- ceptod ,1 I x. y Hill clis?k, JollU II. I - kef wnx tin. son of lb ' ai I Dnckor, Prcsideiil "f iii" Orange Count) Milk Association, Ilia duatii waa the result of a ills. IroHxIng nnd ainuuhir aceident, Burly insl sprlugTiu was sufp'riug from rheuntntlsmi A fri"Uu In Ousht'U gave bun soniu llninmntto luitlio n x siib h, urui, and shoulders, On tlm lllli nl May lnxt li" haloed himself Ihnrollghly Willi tie' lilllllioiit, He Went b) IIohIii'U Unit din . lb- was ilrivitig lioitie iii iim avetiiug, audstruk a ninl' i. io light a cigar when within a mite or xo of home. II" h"ti I a xp irl. Ity from tliu mateh or elgiir Inside of his omit, but hiipi I It had gone out, A moment nfterwurd lm was nnvnloisid in flames fi Ins hips up- The horse Sprang to "ii" bid" of th" I'" id nnd threw Mr. Dut'Kei "ut ol tin' wagon. Mr, lleeker rolled ahoui In tliu dauip grass anu extlngiilslusl me lliiuma, II" f"H Ihnl h" was frliihtfully lm rued, bill lm mnuniuil his wiufon and drove I a. The ll xh on Mr. Ilenkera bftek, urtil, ami xalex waa burned In pli s lo the lme, "ml Hi" Hi'" bad nntefiai very deep In ml pllP'e. The tin ,,ri was Unit Ins eliShlllg wax Sllllirnteil Willi Hi" I I. ill" nl lie llll'l USOlli win"! I, I, lilted liik'hlv lull. innn n nl gredii ul-. Th" SIMirk dug in inula i wiHi iiis clothing hud Ih'iui fun I Inio i ii' by Ihe wind, and inatniitly Hitalhal wherever the lilltineul Wipij Ax far 'ix tl," sj ,i ,, pi.nitratni Ui" ll"xh lb" Hi i bud lolli Weil it. Mr. Uueker lingered in ftgony for in in I . four luoiillis. II" died oil the l-t tn-t. Hix wi'iow ix ii sister of Judge rullerion, ri i, ,,i. .ie Usaeglel's Wsw gov!, '' Not iniiii ix -ini au. ii - Sua, kwsiuiia ftuuk ftfgit i f I niu, AjiMtA'niei ovwino ui,x nwi -gas fovnrn WARD tflWAT DtrSMfOM I...I ml, Si kn. x lum l itril " I', l-x I I l I ir Ho OIot kaS feS)M OlT. ThOfO WU u lively light. VMtOfdny nfl.T nooii In a prlvntn room In the Fourth Ward. Thsprot dings were very MCfOt.nnd only a - I" I few WON invited. They cautiously eti t, ie, the house, two by two. nnd nt Intervals, tiitis sncnplnf police rlllgnnce, Tim ptMllists, Herman (lulgor of Ktuttgnrt.lfl yesrs of ago, nnd N"il Haiiley. a vlenin bruiser, ten yar bis Senior, MIT'' III St.lll R feet c. llll'l ." fl" t 10 rent lively. Qelger weighed I in nnd Rfthlcy lit pound, Theflghl wa for lion. Jim Thorn bm. nllft liig Jim, was stakeholder. Oelgi t hat i ii n gymnast lines ins eighth ronr.nhd when witii u butcher, two year ago. he carried l io pounds of meat on his shoulder ev. rr day Hi distance of a block, II" has bang practising for "iii" tini" for the ring. II" works in u salt fl-li concern near Potton Market, Hnnlcy tea"in Fpnrrinu nx a nrofeaaloni Oloves xiuiT"d to the llileknna of only about nn men nnd a luiii were nil' tli" llr-l round Oeljrof stood still nnd I (Id lied, and llanley ilnnceih Presently i"'k" r I l l wiiii his left, and was ni"' with a counb r, . which b" returned "ti nnnley's chest, II" wi Iheti driven to the wall bywvernl blows on tho ! faee, and wna well hammered there, wllln.ul .1 i posslbilitv of getting in n blow, 'lb" men , cllncheil, and were then ordorod back by .Inn Murphy, Hi" refer ray, i m th" second round Hanley led with iiis left, nnd took the wind (rum in- antagonist with n well-ndministerisl blow In the bread basket. Tins ntnde llelger l ink very sick, and It was clear ihnl he must lose th" game, llanley wax i little blown, and Instead of fol, ..wing up In- ad vantage, took the opportunity to r vcr. pol iter nt length relurnetl the cumpllmcnl with a Plow on the forehead, iiml waa r Ivcd with a criHis-'iiiinter from Hanley, wim again drove him I" tii" wall nnd iiindeil hix fa ,.. Han leys piny wax almosl Invariably uimtt the face, On ihe third round llelger ! I w th hie l"!t. ii tnl got ii right-hander from tb" shoti tiler Irom Hnh'.oy. which again knockis! him ngnlnat ihe wall ngnin to take an iher face iniundlng. li" ' ciime iip very slinky nt Ihe fotirth round, i ut gam", ami i Inttteij it blow mi n'tnley s livrehead with his right, which sent him reeling, Hewn saved from falling by the wall, llelger did n4 1 follow him. I'n re.'ov. ring, Hanley followed him up h) the well iigain, and ndmlnlsterud nn other in"'' t "'in. ling. At ea h round llelger suffered hlms'dl to hn ilrlvi n to tin- wn'! v.-itb' ut any effort t" avol ' t. He csjtie up wak and demoralinetl iittlieilfth r nnd. 1 'i' gi t in Hi" flrsl l l"W .", If. ml x t'heek. Till w ax en is lllltensl ' ) Haiiley' right "ii hix facii, f. w Iduwa were " 'hangeil, ami th" old atorvofthn wall was repeated, Hiinl ". getting nisi I'IihhI bv rep eil i ivhn i on i i "u." ix probowl, which ii iw begnn to swell sii'inll'. intli. in ihe sixth round, i; lg t enme up with u tell-t'llc nose, notwitl -ii ii liiigtl" rep' at d up. plication of a Wet nu?bvl"" - ml. Ills , :i , ye wna n so illw I. II" got in n heavy right bunder on II nley's foyelp-ad, and again x nt h I in r "ling, hill IB I 'klv i Ived ill ntiirn tin I i' nndlng, billing his i e.i, i. (. atinliy km- k" i ngnlnsl tb, v : !, hy ringing 1st- w. I'ptb'lg rcaineagaii nt Ihe seventh noind, I !,, h a'e' xv ii'i . I n' g. nia. ninl w as x, ,. ui llgllln drlV' a t" tii" wall and knoekeil down. II" wu a-- sled t In" f""t exhuuited, nnd Uliablo to Tli" tltii" wax iw nti mlnnti x. i mi; iii ? ; ; in ;, ;n rfiKft, A l"i r.lii Ir I Ian l'.ii,,l' In ru It t llnv Ii I. ftatg i. in- in,, n i Reals, Tl.-1" wna much exclti monl among the n nib i- of th" first Presl yti i Inn Church In Ken Hriiuswick. S, J nn Hunday when tho li v. Tiii-iu. in Nichols announced fr tll the pulpit that a i Ini meeting would ba held on f, - 23d Inst,, h i transft! i " Important business," The object of tb" halting Was W"ll known to - ui" "( ti ngtegntion, nnd the yen ilnder bud shrewd stirmlsiei, 1: was, in fact, nn " ,.p. ti s-.-r- t " ti at the pastor bnd determined alleged Insult consisted it wna said. In oi f Ne'iio.x atiu t- ilitig h lm thai hi preft iiing was Hot sat sfaetory to m ..f the ingrunt nml lh.-it It lens ilesi ralib-III t his u'ttrv shiiiihl lei r" in -'d. a in ti ix" I ir.'. 111111 hi- r) i s wore n-it worth the sslury n 'W pahl. Tic II v, Mr. Sic stisra this as a polite iiini for him to resign, atid it ix said t'mt he will tender ills resignation nt tho ssitnl miftlng, Wiiether lie win I,,- allowisl tog" remaiua 'laecn.ns tm bus many friends lu II tiurch wl itnluud i i ihstst upon his remaining With them, A reporter for The fix 'idled upon 'he Hcv, Mr. Kmbola, at bis neiblenco in Hnyanl street. '- i j i ; ' r i - ; KTih r Abraham Vooyhe - i Ivli ri"n strei t -i i t it was nn I-a-' .... 1 that the l: . Sir. xi :t ainotig tb" tuemls'rs, sum ' f wimm wero for and ti tlmre itguuiM lite ptuilor. Tint past r' ciicmii c averr'd 't nt h" wa t . in e 1 1-:., -nt i.i his idea and did n i prca lithe ' true I 'u"" 'rebyterianlm, Thej a "u---1 llllg w.t'i rebelling against the el ' rx t! e ebundi snd of not preaching such sermons a they desired, Hn Hie other nalld one ,. th" past r's fricntls dei'lanel that the aernions W re jiixi right, nnd it. at " if Ih" Lord sin uld m ild t1 n'"l Gabriel down lo pnach to the i pie of the First, I'rexlivierluti Church they would ii, t b aatiflei." T be same friend "Mb" pastor i- ai iiioted aa aaylng that 'Ihey.dhiw fever "light t,. get nmonu n." malcontent memlxrs and tlnil t'."iii - it n litti" so tuui tin r" would bu Ie ismteiiilon." I'lib-r . dd: " Tli" Rev. Mr. Nichols Is uti exemplary voiing man nnd I know iioth tig Against his n rat or iniiilsti'riiU eharueler. He came to u from Luis Island two year ago, mill ha- I think, served ux nmt to tllO best ..I lux ability." vnxFKssixn m u uis. a tt'irs'a tgmllan tbiil Leg la lbs Al'l-, t ur to-i llusPftNg' I'l leu, t. In n nont little Di'ttnifo stirrotindeil by vine in tli Hon. S. J.i man persons were gath eyed yesterday around tit" bed ol a young and nitrn live eob ired woman who, th" phvn I 'ian of tbetown sald.coiild ti 't recover, llyhcrsidu sat hoy btisbanil, Th 1 r" Reed, a kindly- J faced, tUiu colored man. Tears itrennra I down hix e ks, nnd be said. "linn. I iw could yniiY" lbs mother is u men r ' Kt, I Mark's iiurcli, .1 wi i 'ity. and a i ar ago sho 1 indu"" I her son iiiel i i- wife t" pen the church I too, T!i. odorc I: 'ed h i. I n warm nu, n I. Aif t I I M. Ilmlti. who Wn" lllso I'-llll l d to join tne chiir 'h. and the lliri i.' wore baptincd i li iniue : 1.. i M iv 11 1 went to the Thousand Island i ax a w.iit r in 11 b t l. Ills wife remained in t .i t in. ninl lltldd help I hot I uliiulii employ I meut, He wu working in S'ew Vork city, A nn n, t it ago Rood returned h to llud Ihal hi , w . l"k, and it wa nhl lupl ci iieumption, ii" bi'ciime w i -" very fast, A few day ago I Heed, when going homo, nmt it I y who n - Mn.- u letter addressed t" Mrs. Rend Urn . superscription being in u tpjin's huud. lb ! i op' ti" I it. '.iid discoveyeil tii lit it wa- fnuii llinbl, and he did t ol I.i," what il " Ultl 1 1 i Tli '. boy said ibul ie had can led many uch t Mr, lb'd, and then lira It iraumid knew why hi 1 I wife' heart wira no longer hix, u confronted Ins wiu- with th" u "ti- it'oii. nn i idia acknowl edged Hint it was Iruo, Mi" showed him sonm mi'iReiUen Hn'' llildd luel given her, They W"ru poisotpuii I'n" physicmua sml il wax I, o hit to save I" r li'". Justi"o Mni-iinii took the vuing woman's ante-mortem depositioii, and griiutH ii war rant for Rudd's iirrexi. Ollb.'ers found him in tins city "ii aaturdny r-lglit, aud look him p Now Jersey, .,). mot Sol, ie,-. Joseph Orononbui'h, n wealthy mcrcliuni ol Mm v IVillt, I'lue '' liiniitt' il nli ell I I, no Al.i i.t twtiart'lti syu Him peril Kiay, whnia in s-s in lisiv aisrrlnl, dtsil rsry luililtitily aii,t ihnl Oronsiiltseii as iiinmil mi't le iirili'il. suil i n rrl Is) lie Itxik i m -ale rti'iil. He k-ll m imp' ayuw Put lm uitl aul wixh tu livi ii ilhetil )i kliw. hui) ri'ip i i" I" i ui. .a hy tu I Mltl'i III' S.I" .1 'alio' "I xi, i, , 1 1, ui I. .ni 1 . . to ,, Imiiuissi' in wi yvsri el sgi1 nn.i wsieaci Urus , i, ri, in Nw Vork iily, 4lalag nt u llm aad llllllag alea, Wlnl" John Sherman, aged l-s. wax yesterday Kheeniatrstintlie4Plnl I'hlllp toU iol Atianlii ll fane, Bn4tlya, a I'lisriieiil fcliet n slili -' '- nisrli Hint Hitl'Ms -Ul All. near nyi'lllll mr III I. ' . n, ll Ih i ,ln I .. ll. II,,' ill IV, I HlU lit! ill III liSllt lilll'l'l "'"! ll ' a it mil ,.l 77 Pa ' X ! I.i" u. i --II..I III tl ll,, In. oil, i srsri' "tattll St 11 Mu ll iiijurle wrru net m iluas iii,. i ,?,. i, an lasiiiuts I'ulr, Tiie forty-seventh ntuiunl enhtldllon nl tho A i, ,. 1 1, fill 1 0-1 ,1 o I, i- till i i t in i i 'a I 'iii.U I Uil' SUl'Hl' it "" MU 'ty, In-O' Ulf icil.ini.) mkij taigv huiuIh i "i 1 iliitilin. in.- Ilsullk af lb t nine si.i.m ,i i , ii,- hi nn iluii'-iinii nail ii ri u ii a it'll " ii -li nm' -ileus niati-rtally ttisUd n Hl,k ui )t..i., -,.i UJnni i MM .lU' Rniiaad'i l.iei li'iiuUlllmi, Plat P,.iti i-i i yprtl A tall i'vmuit ui les Uu' I'iss wa. sVsuty an Vi. lisjsf, live luuil) -.1 if. EDISON'S NEWEST MARVEL, j SKllla COBAV l.liiitr, IIE.lT, AM) POWKM nv Kt.KVTIttCtTT, lllniMlnnlliiK Ilea i lis x,,,,. , ., ,i..,i I ai..,., x. ,i,in Ho- -rlilsm (it lllldlii Ihe TM i -, -ni llrlllliiio-y from uu IttsSlHS Murhini. Mr. EdlnOfl any thul lie hits discovered bow p. mnk" electricity n cheap nnd prnctlonhla SUbltltUta fur Illuminating gas. Many otentllld men linve work'-d nsSldttOtltty In thul dire. 'tion. but with iiuie xiiei-exs. A powerful sleetrlc light wax HlO rexlllt of these e X perl li,.' nls. hut llul problem of Ha division Into many small light was n pURlcfi Orammc, Blcmcn, brush, t al I laee. nnd rghert produced nl in-. -I ten Hull's from n x much inc. but u single one of them WSI found loholrapmctlenldfl f"r lighting nughl save ling" foiiiidrl 's. mills, nnd Wrirkahops, It bus lawn reserved lot Mr, l i lix ui Iii soli " Hi" dit'i 'nil problem deslrod. Tins, iieoavs. hn hnt don" within a low dnyx. HIS experience With tho telephone, however, hm taught him to lie cautious, and lie Is exerting himself to protect the new scientific, marvel, which, be mu x, will make Hie ii I gnt for lllumlhntlott n tiling of the pnat, Mr. Edison, besides hi- power nf orlglnn tloHi bus tlm faculty fordcvulupina tholdnas nmi moahnulonl construction of othera, li" visited the li , ,xev,-lt piiiii fort factory In uu city, nmi while examining th" compo nent parts of tin. Instruments, made f-mr SUtfgostlnna x" Valuable that they linve been patentuu, While iii th" mining ulatrlctol tl i iV. -i. r ntly, b" duvlswil n mean of deter mining th" presence of golu hi low th" sitrfit " without resortlntr 1 sliy nndlnhoriotta Imrlng and hlastlng, while on a visit to Wlllium WnU lace, the aloctrlcui machine mannfnrturor,(n An sonia, Coiiti., he wns shown the InPdyperfi t ed dymi'ii ' ; 'ii'i - mnehlno f'-r tr.insiniitiiig power lo' ' i" it lelly, When poW"r ix applied in mix n u iblne, it w dl not only p'prndti " il. hut ulil turn t int" light. Although said l) I'.i is ti o l jnnr poWerlul tl nn any other mnelih f tin. kind knwn, ii will dl v bin th" light nt ii " iri-'ite prndu 'e,i into Put hui separata llgl i-. Tl" ng eiiilnl In pov. "r ti I IMM1 enn- ill 's, fi." r Imprn tlhlllty for general purposi'i Is ne irmi. Each of Hi"- ' lights Is in a anh ftant ii metal iramc, capable ol hobling la u horlnntit'il ptsiition Iwo inrl")n phibei, sncn twelve Inches long two ui'd n ii id f nb-. undone, half thick. The tipper nnd low i-parts of ll;e franio ant ItisulaPallriini each other, and one of t' iindll'tlng wires i nm- ted with ea-b , rhon. In t't' isintre andal ivithenpi r ur i, ui, ix nn e'ls-ii-o magnet it f clr n t. with uu nrmnttire, by menus ul whi 'ii the upp t enrls u ;- sepnrntisj from the lower n far n d"slreil, il in frotti the sour I : rl It nr placed In the binding posts, Th" curlxini befng to gether, thee neiil I ".,x.... tlm electro niagtiet i. ei-. ruining aiel lowering tb" upper curium I'lmugl to give a bright light. The flgltt moviei towanl the opposite end tion, whl'Ti It starts, then eiinngex and go- leiek, nlwayi movltig to ward Ihe p'.."-- wi.-i ti irlNiti are metned together, fi from any I'DIISC th" light goiei out. liiccir u t i- broken and tii' eb"irlc magnet "I- rs to n ". Intantly the ni per limine I fa I -, ti irculi la -1 I . It relight, uud acparntes tl;,. earl ui agu i Ellison on nd irnlng I on," after in x i-it d Ansonia, studied end expcrlmenti! with elec tric hgtiis. i in Kietai laxi hix efTorts were "i wned with - i an 1 Hi" pr. iia-t that hnn ilib-d ti..- mind oi mini) scientific nton for ) i.r- WltSiblVc" 1. i have u now i h" said, on Raturdny, while vigorously turning th" handle of a lilt iijnln- diittv ii in in lahorai ry at Mciiloriirk, ' and. singularly enougli, I hui aln1 't through nn entirely I rten'ni pr fx ihnn tbut fr'tii which s" ni '1 1 men hnve r sought to x ei.r" u. riley hate ill I,.- n w rklng In th" sainn gr nvo, nt, I w it It la known how I have accomplish I my objwt. everyhiidv will v. inder why they bate never til ightofll it i--". When ti ii light Inn ' ti pi" 1., I b) .-, ..ufc:.. . .. -tri" ma 'hin . .t I i ! n thoiigl i to b" ii great triumph I x ientill skill, With Ui" pt - I hit' " jm-t dix , vere i, 1 can prmluce ii Ui iiaan t ui" t il t "l- il"i !l in "i " ma Ini' , It: I I. He numis-r may be said t" -' Infinite, When tli brilll iticyand '. ipn - "f lb" light n r" inn i" klloWO I" the ptlbll -Which will Is. In u few w-.- kx. or iut a m mil n I in tlmrouuhlv l r. t ti." pni illumination l. arieint" I hi ll - Ii g .-wi.l h" dlearded. Willi ll'l, n or tweiiti ol ih,j dynan ;-- -tr- mncbttiea recently i"i" -t ! by Mr. W i la I -'uii ligl t I ..IV V i. . '" i . r-" p :v r nnglln . I I ir se t., , ititli- 1 -' i ftli Igbt centres III N ix-ail stt t. win lice win can bo run up town nx fur nx tha I'.siper Institute, down to the It nt ry. nn I serosa to Isitb rlx'era, Tbcso wires niustboln united, aiel Ini-! in th" ga niel in the -am.' ninnuer aa gna pipes, I aix i pnueamto utillae ttiegas iiiimers nn l chandeliers t. w in use. I n . .,; i house I can place n liirhl meter. wnn the -1 Ir - w ii pass thr- ugh the house, tat p tig sin ,ii i ta lie eontrll ni i - that mat I n : mar turn off their gn and etid llm meters i p.. ni. . .-an P. touch ii mil l spring near it, " Again, the faum w n that brlnsa the light to v ... Mi i: :.x..i . .at.!.. i 1 " ... n'x . 1-r g i wr nn I hent, Willi Ih" i mer yotiean run ;'.'. tor, n newing macliii ',or any oilier m i . i. u; iii contrivance it, at nitifr - a motor, and 1 v ! nl lit' heat full nt k i ur : I. have 'h-' ..veils ': -t " - - pi- i, 'rly arr ing'sl .'. r Its nss'ptiott, Tills ciiu l doiie at trifling i,t, Tii" ilynntno-cleitrlc mn iiuie, called n t"'," iii. "'h m, and which has air ady I- ti -r.u.-i in 'I'm Si's, limy I" r'ti h) Water ol xt-'illa jsiwer al ii dislano. When used n n large - : t x it.- machine would of n.'-xi', he run by Meant power, I have computed the relative cistnl th- light power nnd heat generated by tli - ei.- irlcity transmitted p. the telemnchon to be but a fraction of th t where olitnined In tlm ordinary way, By u battery "r steam power it is f. rty-six times cheaper, nnd by water power pi iletl iv !'a p"t nt "hi aper." it has I u . un ited Ihal I ' T l x, n'a it .- e,--x th sum,, amount ol ligiii lhatlaglvcn hy l.ui il'i- feel ,, ihe carbureted hydrogen gas now used in Hnx , tv. u nl l 'r which from l-.',ii t" f:l is paid, may ' Main 'd ! i fr uu IwcH t fifteen cents. I', lix ui will anon give ii public oxhibitlon oi li.-1, w Invi iit -ii .1 ItttUKBWa IIOWI.lSll UKI'OSIT. Tb Rats niii Pussled Uvea no ') Bull nu. i ii.. Hear ua 'i Sung, a wnnlUiy stock broker and px-nutli irlty In tb. municipal 1 1 ,' i nmant "f Sew York was for n long tiui" engaged in lu ling pri te higs on Ii ii- cstut "ti Long Island, Tne li g- . piled so quickly Unit tiiay fairly threatonodto drii" him out of house uud homo. Bo be re solved to got rid of th" hogs, and took to breed ing dogs instead. II particularly wanted a male "I tli" W illoughby strain an I oske I a Indy I'riendof lux. wi.. happen, i t hnvn "h" for ih i an of her dog, rromiitty In anawertotbe i".i iexi she "nt in m . in Saturday, the pug, with ii iii .1" st puhtt in' Hint, should the dog lm I ;. shesltniii I ! i llSo. "All rluht, was the busy hrnker's nn-w irto the nienseiiger i "glva my ihmiks to Mitdun, nn I mu,, my apology tor being too busy to , Thou turning t' hix head clerk h -ni l: "Harry, take that exHiisive dog toth" Safe li !' i "-it i Kllruolllyverl is Ksptadlsf. l; il r hip, T h. Hi pt, i:,. ll. li. Puivor't ' no lissrlnag aad mr i mt, mi. lb. Mr. s 'pt, 5, In conaivitioncn ,.f iim nm. ".,"., pirs-st wim wi r iiirivi'it i' pu'lr lix'luus In i i UUIU1UU HUM ' la' "1 Urllltk l"i mi i n, i nt Over Baial, IlOlllt, S"pt, la. Til" h' .1 lllllk" the -"h- Mllunsl laaniinriinral ih ' th t in'iet a m w In ity w twi'i'll Ruillflllil n'l till' Pnl'li' lllli I'Si'll will., I. llVUlii blllllsuil n el, n i in '.i i. iii. tun I , ' ,ii,i slit it. it i ,.i-i,-, ,,,.i.,, i. u uu to , in,, I sill take i 'i in thi la in,!.-, an ',, , i ti,,' iiiiais . rnlllai BsrTamal Itvvauissks Kesld Mtm. Wii.i tm ii. Mn-.. Bopi, is, Ishnra I. wis, n ii. .1,. Isll'l) IS'l'Sllln in ulinl'.i 'I Willi )n.- Illlllll i una in, i is i eri, 1,1 ii iiuie li rciwlli'il lm ' Ihrnut slili ii Ini i' .iTiiii nu iii.. il ... i i in tm v .Aul,!- v in.. ini 11 assali ri . i. B"pi 1,1 Th i Emperor William ar- no a in ii- ti in ni it in :tii. i a. a in w i, in lm. in a Ilu s,ii'iilfuiiiitii')ly iin i, i. nrsam te aua i..i,u, uvrl'lui a" ilui.iivMr- Krnuk Ullt' with Iiimi ni .1 i-triiuea-, will l timuit la iln I . ii...,f'.a n i U.: tole, I ,1 , " iiaxte," ii ion noun aiai'i . Ill 1,11,1 W IV or. nl ff '''"' ' I I I . II. '. III ill 0, a Lx 1, Ie 11 I'tiSU) Stall IH tt nil'' x.l . Omi. H.H IMI FOR A TIH VOT. Blalcn l.l,,,l ri-hrrmen ItaVlM a, lolly Tin - a i Ulary xx by BMIL There wna a funny race nt Stnten Island a few iluy ngo. U wns snlleil by tiie jib ninl fnnlnsnll bouts belonging t" Ilia Usher mm of Clifton, Tim prize win n well-bntteftd mi l rusty olJ eoff.x pot, mi l It wiu won by n boat without a name, Fifteen bunts onterodfof lha contest, but only bm "f Ihem Mntted, Tim oourso win from Vnnderblll Landing lo lha an Iran " lo Un tiicnl Kills on the smith bench. Thernwn no time nlloWnnca, Th" first boat Hint entereilthc Kills wax to take lha price, The pioji et grow out nf ii raoo between lha fast boata Amelia nnd Hayes, Isdonglng t" M .n ilreWs "u l Kantoril, Tbti llayiei wan Iho Win- lur. nnd McAndri'WS, taking hi- defeat good hum T' dlv, prupi x , n chtiWilvr party nnd il ni.,. for Ilia entire fleet, This was agnusl i, ami tin -iid coffee pit w ix set up ax tb" prlBC, Tlm favorlt1 iiinniu' tha boata 111 th" rn'c Were tin Hnud, tie Hayes, th,. Amelia, tha Wiiahlngton, nnd u fsst little skipit ' k boat from i. 'ii .rniiiiii" or i miiKin-.iii enueuiiiu iraisy. Tweli" 0 Clock wn- th" hour nppolllbel fo( Muting, but noneoftlto bouts Wont rnly hy Hint tine "x pi lite Washington, nnd "il ha went. "Hold "ti. Wnshlngtoni hd ii hnvn fair stnrt I" shotitoil ti rears ,t tl Iher boat. Urn her -oi 1 1 1 114; master, I'.uiialo 11.11. shouted hock! "II you ain't reudy, It is not my fault. I'm going tor ihal eriffec pot. There la a Wed ding nnjny way. and I'll want It, for li s n rat tler?' Tho Washington waa s iboyond hnii- ing, The other boata were inking in , I ii -t which conalstsil of kegx of lager nnd ch w n r matcflala, s in they warn nil "tT In i elunter, pursuing thajnahlnglon like a pack "f hounds 11 1 ter n sing. They begnu to ga 111 mi In r rupbliy, Something wus Hi" matter with in r jih. i nt it waa soon fixed again t all to nu tiur pose, however, for ti," n i cntno suddenly upon I fier, They caught her h"'.rc sh" passed the N.irtows, r.iid greeted her with Minora nnd , roirx of lu light tr. while son f iii" boali thre it nut lite s by way "I offering ll' l 11 1 W. A (r"xh I, r, sprang Up, nnd the boats began ti, do soma pretty work. They wore handled With ftreui skill, and sailed nt tie tnpol the r spent. II, ',uv the Narrows it wnx a dend bentto wlndwan) loth" Kills. The little skip lack Datay, which ix n.,i mom than seventeen l""t long, uh,mt half th length of herantngo- ii. -'- t igg r d along under a heavy pi unt of climax, and feir 11 tune k-pt pnou with till li"xi of them. 'I h" II.- s I' d Hie fleet, and sect I loh" g ong straight forlhepriael but old ' apt. John rencfl grinned nn I winked knowingly when In xaw her xtiind off eo far from Hi" shore, II" k. 1 1 his own big groa n 111, thul lm t, ' naine, making sh ri laj'ks, and whan the Kills wns reached The -hi ,1 in ahead of everything, whlio tha Hayes waa rail uUlaldc about hint u mil". i: wu- it vbdory t r superior Judgment nnd - at tho tiller t for tun w ngooal althotuch xtitT iin't atrting. Wits hy no mean- tin- fuxpxt in lb" fleet. Tin other Inuila Is-havial well, and cnmeinsnci iy tngetber thut it waa nlmoal impi ixsihi" p. "lu-x thoin, arjoje-arni n rot a ifttr, ein KwaBrsg Applleiiaiafar Pvstilaaa lis. iiiiiinii rairly PsyaattjSi The following ndvortlwntent, puldlahnd in Till. Sr ..ii Siturday, MtttUTtod Iim earm -t nttentton of a large number ol tail and i iy men : II' ix ll'O- "-: ' tall A: i Iv I' m II Hstiii '- i r ... ii. , ii- ,i,.x, st tl,. tlss nalrssci 1 1 til'- In. slo When Commodore Joo Tookor want down to th" theatre nt ai, o'cloi'k, heerlod, " W hv.g. o I neaamal What'anll llilat" and ho pointed to seven hundred men fir iwdlng Iho Sixth nvenao entrnnca and Mocking tl i n r. Ur. Little Went In' i ill" throng nnd picked out sixtvof the lett-l(sikli fellows. As oaeh Wn selected lm b iim uu object of gen eral curiosity These men worn taken Into the tlieiitrc. put tit" armor nnd costume, llll i Il-ar -iied Up illid doWtl lie slag". tup'll seeiiicl to linve uis own li t Ion of what n Stage wall should lie. There wen various styles ux hl I, among which were the ll tli.thoCoiiiit .1 un, the lbimat. the l.iiii ox .ml tie- Wai- ., , x.ui iwl l changel. hn' nevertli il re ..gii table. 'Iin'v - iiiojd. swiiggercil walked ii llptoc, xhiihp' l, crept nlong, bung their shoulders, and wet II. Men who looked a :. with, i.t armor seenn I entirely hepb-s will, in n. Mr. II. 1'. 'aimer w led out tl," ponreronos until thirty g I men remnlnml, ati 1 tlnxe eongmttlbitixl it,..-, ii- n tneir fortune, i ne xp ,. . ., , iy ..: u ... u i . is tu ba brought nut next week, nnd thaav men are to form imrt of in grand army. . "M -t of tho nppltc ints. .: I commodore Tookor, "wero rai-'ctiible-tooklng men. It shows bow many are out .,( work at pnwent. Some of them however, lid not n I work, bid were stage atruek, Thy even . rr r.t t.. pay for the privilege of al poartng, Hn' Wi d ml w it Unit - rl. The) get tired When th' g ir i I th" t!--: few nights w mi x if t, i - 1 possibly suit, but. thn. If i undvertl for u girl ! - OS I ur no to. npasBIng aa a HHabia lui !tsman ntiave ll. i oitii,' ii. mi HHUoe, vanbt uud "Tiie ii"id" with thousand of pi lisurc x ekerx yesterday, ninl In tii" nit'-i. 1 1 ... ii the iiive wT" allvuwi'Ji fnat trotters, The moat noteworthy trlul ol xp I wns thai ' Frank Work's bny gelding Bill Thunder nn I i 1, Kipp's lay mure, They started from Gus Bibbaru's ll t"l un l trotUhl to JlcComb's Ham Britlge, Ax tbey swung nr mud the tut u by Fleetwood Hark biidge they were neck and i, 'k. i'n ii ariii th" finish the iiii'i" broke, Hill Thunder drew nwny and was one length tu fr nt of the n. are ,:t Hi" I ridge. Tit" ie xt trial of xt I wii hetwi eg .1. I.. i' - black mani atid J. ln ' brown gelding I 'renin. T dixtane'. miiedoWn Jefonienvenlle. lo Mad wag. ii-. I'll n'vh'irsii had the Is'Nt ol it f.-r hall a mile. Then h- went in tit" uu. The a i mat Irotti d ut hut b ot, ut..! Carried ull tuo li- i . A very Intcrcatlng tr iltlng match for ft o wnx ii; -'" I on Jer nvetiiie i v l (ion,, hue i 'i gaidlng Oystey llov, to wng m, nud W, Cor coran' gray go lipg Johnny ' road wagon, Tin- disinii 'e wna from I! Ini I's to llrtnaliy'i Hotel, mile heats, 'i'l" ii I.", git tie) word to ii ilu" start. and Johnny runhoii lotbe front, leiullllg slightly, Al Kilils-rtl - I "Hi b rx- were trotting i.t their ' -t pit -. Tim two had n cl , and game struggle from there t" tho i!uih. Jolinti) t "i-1' " tlr-t held by ii length nnd halt, Thoaeci ml heal wn i Interesting. An . fore, the hor" were glx'i'tvJIte Woroto a good start, ilolltni) away in the I ml hi had a length. After they bud trotted half a mile ti" hud in creased the gap to t vi Ivingtiis. and from thi point to i.i.- xe. rn win:' ut a skip, be kept Ilia fund, and won llm heat and race b f, ur i lunths, j '1 lie Km llslbud la Ih ulM Han, Twin i nmsotis nti' I snt'penters wefS ut work U.HtlM IS I KI.I.IU H.SVK kiimly llisik, Inisii.n i- ,, i .. IIiIIUaI, Pill) . rHisg - i'l - i . - i ' e i ' till j r i ho, go . .iti,-. Itrr-t ii, Si ntti.uui tin. 10,1 x - , I'l. i . il .. . . . -i i . - i uni k w . . ". i x I, in, miuia if! nm i a in r vi.., i 'i Kepi i'. -Ht r, ii in -mn, from Qaitis s.rt ter I .i i . I rui'iiNM,! .-, 1 1 ft s. Aliisil. freiti gw T rktvel I i ..... i lun.,,-. i 1ft s- l.iihrftitnr, freia Krw Verk su-itl i iji'i.aiu'S, x, ii I' xi Nevflit, liuui N." yolk x. . OfiSNtniWH, i i 1 II. Si Silriiltlc, toui Nvw i'il .ii i.i,. 1 1 1 jkjusii,;, i Jlolictli Khmiui ltllsvvd sad i ursg, In I I SIlKltM IK'S i itliiun m,l uistivu p-Ula i ioi aiuii niiii a,. on, i nn in "ii, n.ii Hrusiiwsfi Pl'Slsa nag lisaalug, l'tn s.w Via-! Pyrini ss l m.,7'.J Hiiui.U v, llln lilli io SVw Veil I" l' i i.',i .1,1 -' I'. . ... ; I..I..I len, ,1 ,, I l , .a , Tha tlraml (Vuiral liainiua Hea! I '' i i,i ,t .I,,,,- !. ni inn i, iln-ii i Is., vlvilw-.l., )x, kbit " II S, lIlVM Isllfi -, IJniinfil IlottrH, jK W In ii tin. te, th are tlft ur dull, lisHlT ii i , n in,, isayai Ii hot tnd hard, j 1 A mi tin. thi Islah t in mill ten lull. fl. i Tin ii, ' Anil ill ei i . 1 ire II Hi L 1 I w tintirn. MTIj I I't i.i.ntrov -r ms p. ii . a, 7 t.v in. a. v. ytv ' " ei .'... ,ii. a lui, hi, M llnrr I sa-sra, WB lialll l H- tnl ill I.i is. M'ii la ii i" in Sxnt a, hy IN Hrv. Oft til ll ' l ma l Helen a lloas, li illi ul -I 1 1 x ji' i,iiiii' iii vol t:r u ll n , , r v v . . i.t ii. nr. iSli V A liaiirl t Mi- ,l,i ii. A In v. it,,1 Hi net antin, ti imtni t H 1 ttlia vltsni'triii' Iii I nrnsi) nuwsys, s ith HM 1,11 in, I ' I . la 111,1 ' IHHl i ix nt i a - mii.i i:k - Pi ' no n y Seat w. Mfil All SMII1I-' t'lnl 1 . ' i ' ' ml ill, l ,n 1'i'A't-. Ks , li T ,ii nt". lai.iin.1. in stiw i.i. iiui.ii Miller, asasaHf III tl I OX.TJI It II. . . "I V-l- Vol ,'IIV, SUC'I "I ' '"I -Hfll Lm III I ' ' 1 I I a. ail .xo V, II 1 lm, i, i!,i-iii iii, -t,,n, Ma.. ea Heiii t-' IU4 I'tM-TltoXil -On Slllldai Sxtlt I", Iflr T a -Iter! Ill- Tl Ii, - 1. I'll Kilstlvi I ii. ist. Uii liu.: nrc iscgiilly in- ! , vii a n, nit. i.i in i t il tri xi nn - lti..-,. -.imi il-H t'liiirra. 7tti xt , Itunin - 1'etnt, Isnat i n i Lily, mi wM, i.t I ii'i atlliinit tuitliir tiiiUci', mM ilAihssi ATliK.H -I . a, in ! ni- lm s. I" II. Ml f,H Iii hell lour Hilili. ,tli r. .1 11 invi ol Stal.ati 1. .1. , fB iti in. t: -In Nrw Orleaan b.Sp ". m v.-iias n, r, .IH' Vlt. I'srl i"',, MSfv, aUV el N' Orlssas, n-', 4 I ijij'H ni nx- 11 ii. , . -1 ii " . 1 iii. -t mi SaiaMayi I tin uu,. in, a. atie a ioha Hura, ta th aaln ysst of , in 1 i . in i-uiM nn. 1 irii Ml. el t:,. 1 imlli r reapeclnilly in- I w vm , 1 1, inti in' i,i 1 luiii i ,1 ihti .ii hi i.t., atlsraasa, at a J 0 liiW 'up Al it" in lluaiiltal nn Iir.aayl is, WM 1 xi' ' 1 i ni mn. hi. 1.. Jeahas L Uewenlsl Vlrglala, as a U f.iNxv-in i iiitn ti ii iii 1. x. .i 11, Mr. Maaa lanny-f '1 i i MAi iiSHKK. It Kiirlfi Wr-tnerl Hsas.llsat to, Mrs, iU Potll V,.iiitir Bilril .mi. nr. W' . m h i. "i i"i,, nin, Oun id. mreaUy, lshn MslhVi 9 tg,-1 WI It, t'lsttiisit te leiv In i a mi oaVnr nh ili iiaV it i-l whu , in, !',.- Aral ati-ASter tost iroawa Mat au iH KOHTON -IiiNis on. oi,, bs,nsl I! Ml hi, I Xnr- TO t a. ,.,l li.' icra, n innn ' in e Utuselti, Ir, iiu, llfl in ii iti. i -i i, . i a. iii , seyi is, Mi-, laoiaai I'lllf i i liy.naSatsi la) . Rspt 1 1. tn 1- fit. 01 i r io' "i: i ysnr tits as ill' e .. anil i - i i Uis '.uni , an,! BWiabrraef ' ilJ Ilu' in UIk, kn ii. I o o y., are Invltrit t tend .Hi lu- uu.. mi .a Teeaila) altern sept 17. sttoVltcSj I aBi i. -a urac i , in 1 1 , ,, in i oi nn, sod m -t. Jerisjf )sBj so ni y ii it ui i i'. n ti , x. 1 1 iy. Aunt gsfihy, any wff 0pKtal Rotitet, 'ft III si III I II I SIX I I , sllA MIX. I This ehnrailai "- u ,; 1 ' rti u aiveaawa) sua ttnfi X. If i .. i in: xi. 'i 1 o'ik KIHK- UK ' o'lP i ' II in Jm liir lies li , ili . . iiiii-Ii a .mn lli Wll Int. t 1 t.l.xi UN III" . IMll.X VI .1. Ilitrrliian and Hart iti. sal mm i .i 1 1 ; , u an 1 4.1 in l Welrh, Willi N i. xnT - IV i I'll III lilt VM IX. 1 ill MUX I Hill ' PIsTUlel llo.x ro. M.AIt AT II ANll . . Wa-. sr.ct i inn ' mi.' ii Al ll ll- i, . I .1 o.X III, xl III 11 II IV. 1 TR' x i.i- ini - -iii.:-. InK Al: .'.la " .1 - "it a . rj l " MA ' 'ii llMA ta. i - M' ,' . I s,, Tu ill'. I..I ii.i.ii- lj ii ii , .-. ii J ' H I" r 1 1 k I - ''IV. i ll.i 11 PtSTRIMf. 1 "JWD Th -x i , I , ,, t leuranl nellill'is, Lnalavllls, sv.. eff , mju u ii en 1 1 i.i. . i 'i . Ksitsra Aisal. I.IBTI arosdwajr, uH ill III III! I I III DlhTHIRI mux ni I I i l , e . 1 i il) 'i I. u i I ol-l i'.i nl IP ix en. ; ' Mil nt h"ii'.','. K) . - ,i i 1 si'Nflv .,i-n iii, -, fll.'.,. I MH 4" th; ell, i'l .an 'fl' -'.. .1 I'l.'ill. trU !' IHFI -i ... . innn - .i i i .. null in. I l.'l - -1 i . . . .' Mil ' l .il.i ll IllxTlltBI 1 1 s I 'lp 1 .ii. Ilnj. Ii , Ky, ur J AUK i'H -- . a rii. Bsnki-r. J x ... i a New Vorh s 111 IMlll l I ill A I II s i ii x II PAO.HKa I "Vrsrllv." iKxtNtillx'n-il I7ve l " l.n M irei liale." iM- , pnl l A MM hi llll i ' i u i." r -I . ,t .'t. A I HI I. II Is I K I .. i " r,Hf I Wit il- hi rxsry rosyli te Is-reaaumtiUvai r A . reimiiiii tains i,iiaii. ' ' Hy I i i. -.ui Pi ii, I' 1X1 ivi-. fl hal III,, -t. II1IIAT-. - II ll II I - .1 ox. l"X7ru". -I . !. j V . . ill r-ut 1i. x. . iiiilt. X. il v. ,,i -' i xi-ri.-n, la i 11 I. . trill-, 111-1 1 I s W i.illi lii, I uB fiK ' I' Ill li- v, I iW. Kill ll lllt IMIUIMIil v r, iimwiiei -i.t lu i , un ina. ri-.'--' rrtssi ,i x V I . 'it'i Co . ll nk, rs, tl w ,ii -i . N v. '' 1. 1! I I I nARDAIKN I t . ' ivus i M ' - I l'r gi ' ,.i, t J ' '.I Hi ii i' ii I II K.l m.i: 7 T? i I" i l XI e . u t at " il .9 llniiraii A M til" .1 liu; peer i'Unnl Ires A , i I xi.i.lsiii iKUII ii its i . . i , if mt iiTnuliim. j) xii. li H u'l llltll il., ,i ' 1 1 iixiKTip and oappki WAnEinii'tB, r' 1 7 I.- v. I ..i . .7 'it riOXITt'ttR i . n. pi r- AND PEPDUCd mI A I I.i ill I - I I'll!' I - i WKEKbV OR MoNTHM I'AVMKNTH, 'if usliiierwsi I ' U i- i . i ittatlea "f ;iAr bunts I'HICK Liar jn w t xii , n'l ii Ivi rtlac at n oi : i:v , J ,i i,. ii 1 1 vi x n 's TTT fl a In ' ' . i. a ' i- ' i -' ,i i 1 1 ' 1 1 u , . n. n i nti I X l)iil s' xl l i s. ,-i T I J -. i -'!.. .. i mini - miiix, '.!. Mtit. ttf.Aiii tell ,ii,i.,l.fM r. ntral lutaltiiai lleUK, ati '4 nx I il lllins. ,; . ii" Ta V i ml o .i'il. .- ai. iti ti ,', ItabslHtilM " (' n ....i-i , oni Kraunx mskiy a I nlniiOil) inyiwnts. ,' I XI XI I XSI III III 1 I lux , I ..i-i . - ,,,, A-. i'l i ton or wkl) nr I " ' i mi t;H low iiT a ' " x, im in i i -.7 rhatham -t. -M"! I' I li x l l l it I . .i ,. i I avi klv tii., unl a " -t i. n tu V:l , It'" :. tl '.i'i ii iii I i It f IT illTllll W I Mill liPtltXH Till 'J har.l Utiles i ., .- I'll ii w I'. ii ii na ' llmsnael if .1 . I- tiiulera at 1 ' i . " . - ' r . i-ii ! I ii -i all n, nia, I 1 ' i i i ' I . i. ' 7 i, ,., Il-aii 7 ,'.o.,fi... o.,.,. . T ',.. lm. HI MwM Unit in, inn ix a son, iu Kail mn at I ITIV xi i n li-ii x !i nl"v.r7 ' -' u i'- " I I'l I lull vary ahert tun, ! isir Is'-i ui - ini- i.i-, i - i iinal aa sinnI as I IV. ll A i -.. I !..., call i II,,- II I li! li i. i l. Mil nv an t Hill -t I XIII . . 1 I . 1 -I . Xxnx .X II X 11 II X ' lltl I - - I . I -I il '- I ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 - I lll'.XllU- 11 I I.I. II i iiil . I I yi liiMl'ii r.N r : .:' C(j " ' Ulii'M ;, in si. N'v- . . ",': j L Oi i j" s. l ' OtntUtru, 'I'l I I II I X I II II I I II. , , I i nun. u slur, in nn , - iv-: nil . t. l I I II I X I ll l. i i ,,, -, i . , J J c I iim 111 II MUTa i H' i li'in.i a -i. I, ' ) I I. Ill I III II I I s. I I ' iili " n I .llif... - I . . IBoiiiS nnS Poauu. I I V It 11 1 X). 'I l.tu-a t; .' . Is I I I ll lux in i. I ll I I in t II HI x I. in- - -le I in I ic li i a til ii .iaii 'it J 'l 11 x ISII t II j l II I Ml ' i ' . .' - " r. I I i a i . .... . i a . , I . ax 'i r. o - - 1 1 1 - i ... nam 'In. I till I I I ll I X I . I 'i I I liuu I n. ii mill I si it it"l I .....a ,i. M I .1 III las - '.,. I a 1 ' i . I- ul .'.- ... i lltl, I I. un . in. I. in.- 'i i i- '..loll . -I NI III I " i, 1.' " aa . H Ul ' ... ' '. ' " "i 11 ie,'. I ' " a tf IttliinOi id.1'" . -' , , .i - lav'-' i I .li,,- -I , ...l.xi.i. I, X.I ,i . . liUill.t-aj