01 ij bt un 0 0 = = = = 4 VOL XLV1INO 222 NEW YORK FRIDAY APRIL 9 1880 PRICE TWO CENTS ORGANIZING AGAINST GRANT l1I0lurI OF THK SATitutAi nlWUIJ LICAN COXrKNTlOff IN ST LOUIS Keaponari Jtecelted by the General Commit tteV atrnuc Frellng Jhron hon ho Country Amnn the lst Cine nf ItepnMI Vote In Missouri nnd cnn The Cernmn llllnol and > > hut IendlnB German Nay 3r Louis April GTho Eiocutlvo Com inlttco having In cbarKO nrrnnKomenU for the anllThlrdTorm NntlonM Convention 01 10 publicans to be holl In this city Mit y 0 ow < foas Ihomaelves as now BBtlsfled with tho rcault of tbolr efforts Although tho IntervVbntwoen tho Mil for tho Convention am tho date fixed for 01 holding aftoriled tittle tlmo for the operation of 4t0w political machinery responses bate como Caw In from about onethird nf the BtntcsbrlnuluB assurnnoo ot nn nnlltliirdtorra orennlzntton U t those States and of delegations to be present tf the Convention These responses aro ot two tfauos Letters huvo been riCelted from ex Beoretftry Drlstow Jlornoo White George WIN Mam Curtis T Wentworlh Hlgglnsou mid othor men of tho pronounced nnllniHchino type promising support and giving advice eonorally KB to the management of tho Con vention In addition to theee numerous let turn nro received from members of Concrees and wellknown political managers who Btlll rink among tho stalwarts of tho Republican party but who nt heart nro bitterly opposed to Grants reuomlniitlon These write to tho Ex ocutlvo Committee relying on Its pledge to keep correspondence secret when desired and promise t decluro Ihemneltes openly as soon fts assured that the Convention will bo an event of such magnitude that Ita leaders will not Incur rIsk of political mnrlyrdom cur a DoltPRI mlrlv < om Tho number ofrcsponsea cf this class Is Tory tare affording a striking illustration of tho nttQrant ntlmrpt even among thoso sup posed willing to accept him Finally the treat raaas of responses coined from Republicans with only State reputntloa active workers who havo adopted tho Idea of the Convention with enthusiasm and nro taking nocoesary steps to secure n properly appointed State dele cation at Its meeting Responses assuring this Vigorous cooperation have already b en re ceived from Illinois Iowa Michigan Wiscon sin Minnesota Kentucky Kansas Ohio Arkansas Texan nnd Virginia The Conven tion to nominate delegates to the National Con vention Is announced to bo hold In Texas within a few days though tho date has not yet been fixed From New York have como many bon xel letters but ns yet nono aaaurlng what might be called a State delegation to the Contention A letter was recnlvod from the President of tho Sixth Assembly District AntThlr < Term Club stating that a full delegation will be present from that body end Mr Horace White sends word that New York will participate I assured of Western support but beyond this It Is not yet known that New York will be represented I It should b Btnted however that by no means sufficient time has yet elapsed for deliberation nmone the nntlthlrdterm men In different Btttes since their receipt of tho call nnd Hint the repponaim are hut just coming In Texas and Viiglnia for Instance were heard from only yeaterd though from each of thoso Blntnn an Influential delcc itlon Is assured The next two weeks will dflvolop what the strength of thn Convention I to bn and the leading Repuhllcma < if tills Slat who formu intel the coil soeni to havo no doubt that every Btate will pol b represented In several Studs no fight bus tot bon male and no movement to ward Bendlnir 1 delegation < to tit Louis In liugurntud Thn Irlenda In those States of any other CJindldntn than Grant write that they wish finUUi test thnlr sirHURth In the But Convention frA slrlllh tion to select delegates to Chicago Whore the t IUI ton mon may override conventions as they have done In Stuffs In which conventions han bon hold tho minority will at once or eanizo and send plflunte toSt Louis This i oouiSB will probably be tnken In any eivnt but theantltlilrdterm men In these doubtful btates write that thny delay nation until their State 1Ion Conventions chilli hate been held because such action taken before might have the appearance of attempted Intimlilnlton and so injure tho chances of their candidate ExCongressman H A Hurlbut of Detroit Mich thus writes t < tho committee We iliouM lo gaI l to see I the third term motfincnt deteatcil to the Chicago < uiivt tiilun tur the pike o the pert but tf n < lhc will tn oar rMtrintic duty St tile colt STill bur > It en dtp that It tit wierbe reurrrctd We love the KcpiiWlOiii I > r ilUtll It limit tie socrlrerl tocltfenl lliulinbillrnl nhcnif li t I dte fouiitf fli > t and c ns party allcrwara U t the mottu ol MIchlKan Hepubll The lon Gcorco D Halstdd of Minnesota writes I know of no man talked of m a probable Pfmocralic caiHlUHlD rr whom I o tit nl vole It ri itt hI ln tile If publican canJIdilc I 1 flet I injnv KLuuuhciiu tIers ul I my mliil mln Thee are but sample letters indlpatlnttlm spirit of the many pO ivd It Is n fact in this connnPtion not without interest that matte the letters expressitig tlfHH views forcibly arc from thone who ilkIl Mr Hnlsted were officers un < ler Orint In HIM Union army Ilnro In Missouri thii representation to the Contention will titI ot the bunt and Btroncni ra Cfl In I thu wi hI icon party Tho antithird I term moteinmit Itle Is not generally known was an orKiinlzod iitTnlr or 1 5inr nco thought lot with a vlw to I Niitinunl Convention nnd nt Its ont ct Included stilt IMBII as < xS untnr John B HeiidmhOMHHnryHllihrockthewnllknown jurist Hwi c II HhlIIA Cliiilrman of the Itjuul limn Smt Cent rat C < immittHi t > it rId nlinout all tlm liHiliricr I I tHrtuiin ItintitillpHTift I i Hlnpo then tho i orcMiiizatlnn i In l S Ioul l t eapnelally has arfiulred il I HtirnKth In this city tin aniitliirdliini t t I corn ni It I II > tiT mnklnu i onl I y a pniliHl < 1iiiiirK hni pelted pits i nat as sitninro from baiwpHii 8 700 nod 400D Uepub llOHiin tlutt they lire nppo Mil l 10 t tho nnomtna lion 01 0 rant Otitslili tin cit v and Ihrulhout t tliu Hmto much of th hiiHiii fu llui pritalls Tlu Oirnians Inspired I by th o 11 l t itt a ii i ftio of the Hon Frodtrl MIIPIH Fiithrr MUHnch tlo a 10 lon IH tHllid am full ol entliiisinni and In Illinois i fletu Iii Itll ItS ot tint BIUIIO nntinnality following the Itail < f tins Hon 1rndirlpk Heiker dpplarn thulr t HttMitle I IH plnlniy I I n iI I will I I IJo stronulv riprpMii I In tin Illinois ifflnKiitlon AxHiirHnoes have also been re dyed from Curl hrhurzmiih nil I i > lim nun I yapprotnl of the oljBttb of the move out ntid that 10 will bH preiont in I the Ci nntiiitloii Tim incii In St VII who ar now devoting their cinruleo In ih moviniPnt Include I among their number uxUnlted statna Senator HOI ilnrHon Uimlrninn III I tin Kxioutmi Coinmitlcn Il I Knill i I Jrctnrliif tillliir ol lhu I Wetthtlie Jtst Emory Fostir InlH pilltor of the TiturnJour Ioslr I nn tlio 1 lon I A iii lit in y lltnir 1 I I Into inmnlitr of Oiinsrots from tilt Firnt DiMrkt the Hon I H ngrl9 I 1111 i niMinl hr lit Concrcs from tim it Uhlril I I I strict II I h linn J I O A Fiuknlnburi last ito iuil lit ti I iiiinli t > > iiti < for Governor ot MliRQtirlnnil 111 DID ilhnjs mjually promi nent tonally I Ih oriMnlMtlon Includes In 011 JI OIllrltlnn fact mobt HIIIII I liPiim 1 i t if uroialnencii I who C wiiro not onkuhuidLrsduiiiii thu 1riBulency of Grant Arrangements have already been partially 041111 plumed with hit I rat I totti thee I lor reduced rats of tranhpoitatlnn I to t diliuat tu thx I Con vention on this GUI of 3Ia > tutu uthrr dutailbiif tlm kind I are I joint U11 till I to It win nt first I Inlnnilcil to hold Ihl C in vqtm Ion in I thn roat ballot tlm I M rchiinif > Kxilninni wit i re Tild I I n vms notnlnatid nnd Him hhii Is not yet tin doriod thuuuh a imsllrln olmtailo hiS Inter vuiiiil DuinocrHtlu 1 in > Ill liii re of the Hoard ot Trade IuiilldiMt Hint Uiinta nominatIon tsiil result in IIputillinn dilint may it Is said di cli tIe to mil tun movement Muiuntt him I by voting toirivii Ilia I hnl I Inthu I invention and G rant men on time lioird will hike tie Bani Course for rniuiiltiBt I luasons Tin 1 remit Btienilli i ot this pptiimilloii IH I Its l fit 1 unknown blinuld this hull I Ilot I 2 bu i4iU ruh t tie Colt veittloti will I prib ally Ie lhl In tlm larin hull ot the Mereantllt I Library sutublo whota Btatu Conventions usually as WHAT BEtUTOn niNPPBSON SATS I fnun lit AIIIVU ttly Tlml WABHINOTON April 5Th Hon John B Alrl j Hunilnrnon ot Missouri hns been In I tuttn for several iltivB MAl mnl I IIHH I t Iou I i intorvlnveil by P tho Komhig Mfr on III I nnllthlrdterm I I inov rnnnt II Haul I tIM hint noilouht that the llv Con vemiticin nt Ht Louibof 1 I lie titibi leitnis opposed C to tlit third i I turIn teoti Iii > na lit rue and bucciuha < 1 ful lIttii trig nlihoiii hiihiemod somnwlmt In dIned to I d iuU its at UtIS In ltinkln tin Im pression ou tile Chlenicu CoiivDiition Mr Hen 1 dnrbon rlglrts nil poliliinuiH us slavlfh inui as 1 pnio oktrH Omt mini IH lOOking for thai lro o Iduijtlnl 1 nomination nuulliHr for a noiiiUintlon as JiiHtloo of the 11 Their main object tliornforn IK t IKI I on tlm vI Imilnir I s ide Therein UD thluks Ciimoriiii and Cunkllnir did wisely In Cnklill J earnlu their States tot iriint very early Thoy h ave < impresHid I tin politicians with thn I ice I trllt Grant Is hue 0011 ni mini end Imvu there tore gIven Choir favorite a ntr iiifth in other HtatiH which IIH would tint Imvo had wru It twr fji tlmlrnuni SHIn lVniiavlt tila nd New York I JVhnt HoudprHot illdo Incnsaof Grant nom s nutIon I Its dHollnxs to ally lie dpslres the HI Ionia Oinvuntlon which will be Httxudiid by lvnlon wil h U1lold would from all ijuurltra of thn Union to bo tuliy a dellburullvo body Therefore It will ML llillll down nU WIG < 3B > uiuu I I I not do for any one Inter on ding to take pert In U to make up his mind nirP J Pr that Convention pbs rt lo lila COUrsil before thlt lmeet 1 CODvmton m9et inn Hendorsim however that Illdorson gays 10 convinced Orantbinominal that should 6rsnt be nonmlnat IhoUhl Oralt tJitur JI any Democrnllo candidate whohall us Demoerto cll L who I nO blo < ItpnubMcrtuS T 1Iblo > to the antlthlrdtprra nhVnMiVhl 11 certainty carry Nw York Ohio leh f ID and Wisconsin Whether h8 hiitlh w IdSlaunc ltr7 Now Jersey Cminpptlout and IDIIIIII not wIll not bo DiatorlHl tie would in his o ifl opinion carry those WOUldl JrobnT IllInois On Hendeison thinks viry IIndollon m1 M R does Mr Nichols of Wisconsin that the Mormans are no Intensely hostile both to the lirjiiof a third term anti to Grant himself that Iniy would vote solidly against him He says all tills dependi of course upon the character 111 tim Democratic candidate TUB JlOrKMEXT IN KBIT YORK Aetlre Work A iciest the MomlnmionafGrniil The littler Cltiat of llcpnbllcnni Knllited Tho opposition to GOD runts nomina tion Its lenders say Is dally Catherine strength In thin city At the time of the Utica Conven tion the Independent Republlcnn Anoclatfon nown last full a the Bcrntpher1 tu9 only autlthlrdterm organization of any prom ncnpe In this city Soon afterward tin Bepub hican lloloim League I State orcanluition es i abllshed Its headquarters horn and began vigorously to Its vllorou prosecute le work of nrouilnc I the Republicans of the State to the realization of ho disastrous results to tho republic that might i follow the election of a man to the Presidency for a third terra The effort of this League have met with success Tho Independent Re jubllcan Association which was tho pioneer In the movement agaInst the rule of machine politics In the Republican party of this State and did such effective work Inst fall against lov Cornell and sualnst Howard Boule the tepubllcan nominee for State Engineer has perfected an organization which will enable Its members to render good senIco In the move ment to prevent Gon Grants nomination and In the effort to defeat him should he bo nominated ThIs association Is composed chiefly of young mon who are Republicans from principle and are neither officeholders nor office seekers Some of them aru professional men and the est aro enraged In mercantile pursuit Their membership roll Is steadily growing longer Kindred associations In operation ongor Klulr 1 aSloclatone are oporaton In Brooklyn AlbanySyracus and Buffalo Mr F WWhltrUne Chairman otthoNew York As 10clatlono ExecutIve Committeeenvstlmt letters ecelvtd from time Interior of the Stol notice I t certain that before the meeting of time Chicago Convi nlion tlnre will probably ho Bltnllar asso ciations In every city coil In most of the large villnms In the 8tnt Gentlemen who at the ugupitlon tlf the Now York association recent I rtisliid the touutli on the line of time New York CVntrnl nnd of the ErIe Dnllroad report hat they found in very one of those counties nany llHpubllPans who are opposed to the Inny OPllOMo htrd term and who say that they will not vote for Gen 11t I ha la l nominated wi Many of tbs RtitmlilicnnA are said to be M stalwarts who voted for Goy Cornell at the last election The odleers of thn New York aseoclation say hat an nccurntn calculation of tho nitmlHT of Inpublicnus in this city who are oppose dto Osu Grants nomination cannot be made Most of them hilonu to a class of citizens who are never active pollttvluna and whose Interest in poll lea Is I onlr inanllBted by their votes I Is tam lev d however that at least 10000 IIptor l In leved this city who would support any other Republi can CHnillilntn for the Prefiidenay would not vote for Gn Grant pm jo The Independent Republican Association has not Tot dctermlnetl to send dtlegntes to the nntlthlrdtrm conference that ISlo h held In 81 bottle next month They and kindred asso ciations In tile Htato and several Influential antiGrant Republicans will however hold a nDtGralt conference In Albany In the latter part of tills month The call will bo Issued early next wool One of this iniiin purpoieaof this eon ferenee is thu adoption of SOl method by which the antiGrant Republicans in thu State may bo organized forunltPd and PlTHPtlve work The conference will also decide whether It will send rriirrtcntHllTM to the HI Louis confer ni once The I Nsw York association believes that a delegation I will attend that meeting The Its form League will meet in hIts city next week t detprmlne whether It shall be represented In tile st Louis foiifironce The President of the sssoclntlon Is Mr Hor ae While ana the Vtce1rtslilents are George Haven Iuttinm the Ilttv Dr Henry W Bellows Frederic W Stevens and Gouvornour Morris Irdrlt ong the lending < members are James Mokta JI 011 HinryS Van Duzer Fnulerick W Wliltrlilgp FullT Kaufman Clarence D < mntr WhlrlI tulx N s tpenwr I I Bowkur and tie 11ev I holier Newton lhcr ue < > ks ago several antiGrant Republi i cans whose experience In polItIcs had con vinced Ilieni that political motenients nmount to nothing unless they are carried on through tho niPdium of regularly organized bodies < met in Selllien Hall Among thom were litany Hnl who totvi at one time or another been pnniioclod with ulnr local Republican oruanizntioii1 vlth Ihn regular 10nlllllhleln or anlznlol nnd some who am now parts ot that mn 001 chins These gentlemen after due dolilir litton determlnHil to organli ngniiiHt lon third term I was decided to malco tlio orgnniyntion conform in every m iipect to tlm rmiacim moo org ijizatl oil This AIe rendered necessary thn formation of an Ilia I fnlerp nlcslry lormnton 11 1 ontlon < every Assembly district and a Central Committpe to bo composed of dele gates from etch Assembly district Tho mem tiers oi thu cvnferenPM Irom the several Aoaom bit dlstrids agreed to organza the district anHOelation0 nnd thin confprencti iirdorod that primaries be hold for the election of tho Central prlrRri Committee cprs and of the district associationS on The members of the conference went Im mediately to work Sultablfl plncea worn dslg nated In I eneh ot the t t WititS iou r Asnotnbly dU trite ItOh Repuhllcans who wore oppiwid to tlio t third t I term trere intiteti I to 511111 tlmru t and enioll I their t I ii a nits The enrollment I wile 1011 iltictint with as lUlle I nuhlicltv afl possible I to prntent l the i machine men from pnpturlne nepordlng to their peculiar methods thn ilia trlet nasocliitlcin The number of tinmen m rollpil m said to bn morn than 5000 i In ROIIHI dlstrliMs tlm roll of tIn now hA assoofemion i contains 1 more imiiieA than are on tho books ot the mnpiinHoignnlAitlon riCo primaries were held on Monday bid nndnfUoern 01 twentyfour d let r it asaOlnllonM mid legates Irom I every Ci let net to t n CVntrnl I Corn ni ittet wero elected Among thu President ot oclationB hon wormxSupnrvlaor Andruw Illenkloy Henri C Roblnnn Alexander M I Etslson exAlder rot n John le VinM Dennln I MiIauulilln John I I OtllvtellTolni I Ilenltfp WIII1 I I O Cloves H I I r c riiarla E llrucn John O ISivd nnd M I I Wilson Tho more pomlnout Republican fleitnd 1 to the Cuntml Committei are Joaipli 1 Cir ite tloorci H Viiinnn Hlleridan Shook V D 1 T MnrHhallil 1 DltUnhoefnr Dr LouU Niiumiinn Chnile Vntious fnl Kthnn AIn Senator Weorg H rorater Hirmnn Cantor Benjamin I F Mnnlerre Iliirvjy I I T ClituI ind I 1njllll Enclehnrt Mlchnil J Nevilli John J Foley Frederick Kneel A MC I Smith Thomas K Hlllh 1rtrJk J Kihou 1reeman J Fithlnn William I I I M Montgomery Cit rlsttpti or Pull man Geoigo W Belts 0 I Edward Vin terbotlom Jacob Knobloch unit Frank Kthnrldgp Tlm Central Committpo will Ehnrltl Clnrninlon Hall on Mondny even lug next to organl Ills not yet decided who lxl will I I I Iw lt I me rinilrnmn Sinm of Hi ntfltti hers tutor nxJiidgn Uiiihoefer anti nthurs wish toponter that position upon Bherldnn Hhook lloth ol those gentlemen liivo however Il cllnod rncoiiiiUHiiding lint I some guntleman clloli la not nn iietltH polltlelnn be icado tho Chairman Mr ChnrleH Viitrous is now mobt spoken of In i counortlon with the I t pohltlmi Tlm leading men in thn orgnnlzntlon tire greatly ulntwl over Ito I suecesetim I result of f thtlr t I iIIorto They any that it Is composed of excellent Ihy IIY lent iniitui lal mnny oxpot lencud pulitl ill work ers htting jolnwl Its ranks They tIre cpnll dent thnt t after Us Jisat ret COl rim Itt en his bc n organized th inbHrnhlp of llm Ashombly ilialilctaRocIntlina will rnpldly Increase Thn mitt mit A 11n 1lolnn I now orunulzillon C la I the lIt publican Central Cimpnlgn Club 1 is HO called iioaiiho Its tin mae ohjeel la I tln I > making i of an organization I In I which I Republicans who wish to prntent tlm nomination ot Gen Grant mny be I given a plncu to do tho most effective work Itt uniiiinniiin iluppndr Its I ivil irs any pita tie tomutiur tof tho mnchlne Repiibllpiina In tlmloenl t nITairaof thla t city Wlro OPIKII tobargiilnlng 1 with Tntnniany Hall slid uno of I liuoit conaplcuoiis men and wit ahull do what WH can to prutmit the I pasango ot I city diurtir tinder nhlili llm ofllcea In tItle city will IKI dltided uijunlly hulwm followers of John KIliy tutu tlm nminliHiHof tlio Grnnt mnelilnu Bhould helm a dlvslon I of f tlm offices his mnde the rue U its I h lit miiht follow will I I In i our opinion make a I ° < w Republican orgiiulzntlon I In I thla city not only I prnellcnhl but I neeeKRai y I Is I Lmllovod bymohtof tlm Inlluentlal men In Itm new iiiovHiiiniit Ihnt thuuntlllilrdterm will oiganlu at onco throughout Ilepulillean wil 11lllzl II OIPO Ihrllholt tho Slut tuid that bofoiH lie itionnl Contiii lion Itt nt leant ten thousand RopubllcniiH in title city nnd Inure thnn thnt number In tin country ciiunlleH will rm thoroughly orgnniZMl and tendy to doefmctlta work airalint tlm nom ination I ol Gen Grant I I I I la I Ilkilv I I Ihartlm I t now organization will end ropruvintiillves to the Bt Louis conference hut no decision In that matter can be made until tlmCnnlral Committee Uorgnnlzad A strong delegation eompoaed of members of this organization and liinuunlla Republicans from other pails of tie HI ate will IHllhlollS It Is not surtilr go to the Chicago Convention I lnt likely tlmtllmy will clBinand adinlaulon a the Now YorK 8tat delegation But ther oonQ 1 u I U M jlontly expect to t bn able tn convlnoo the Repub ICIM from other Hlnts that Grant cannot carry the tno 01 New York AGAINST rItE T1IIHD TEIIU Address to the Iteinthllciuii at Uaiinchnietti The Duly of tha Hour In Juno noxt the National Republican Convention U I to met In Chicago and the Uo publlcans of this Stab are about to ohooso four delegates at large t that Convention The action of tho State Convention at this critical moment II likely In its moral effect upon the choice ot delegates from tho Congressional dis tricts as well as upon opinion In other States to have an Important bearing upon the Dual re sult at Chicago Tho Issues should not bo those ot personal preference but ot national safety and well being The fortunes of this or that J2nn ought not to bo sot against the prnt and future In toreeU pt our p0ntry Wo liao no votes to spare awo cannot afford to take nny action which may disorganize our forces or repel nay considerable number of those who are In sym pathy with us I Is our duty to consult the con victions and it ID I wise to hoed even tho honest prejudices of thoso who hnvo hitherto acted with us The Southern States are an admitted unit for tho Democrats and to assure our suc cess wo must carry such Htatea a Now York nnd Ohio whore tho vt Is vnry largo and closo and 1 where the chnngd of I small per centage from one Bide to Ito other determines thn result Il impossible to observe without anxiety tho effort which unit been matte and Is being nDI continued to force tho nomination of exPresi l dent Grant The services of len Grant In war can never bo forgotten ho lies nlso per formed great services In civil life Ho Is entitled to the urntltudn of tho country cad Ihnt gratitude has been r expressed In two elec tions to tlio Presidency tha most that have been accorded to any of hl tirudenes oors Two terms wore thought sufficient i for i WnahlngtonJefferson Madison Monronand I Jackson Tlionn Illustrious men did not think It becoming In them to accept a third election They repelled nil expressions from any quar ter whether prompted by gratitude or Inter est or the fancied wellbeing of tho country In favor of any third election whether imme diately following or separated by nn Interval from their sncond term The good sense and patriotism ot the American people aol to tail their course and the limit of eight lean tins become an accepted precedent which has stood during our ° Wimuio constitutional history now nearly I period of ninety rears I there are some who do not valun I there are great num bers of thoughtful citizens who do value It and In any close contest lie votes and active effort of tnese last urn important and may be essen tial I would be rash when no exigency re quires I to sot ourselves against astrongtradl tlonal auntlment Ilkethls to load our party In the burden struggle before us with an unnecessary An administration lasting eight years Is apt to create divisions of opinion and antagonisms within the partr which I la wise to avoid and President Grants was no exception to this rule I has left points at f named controversy at tended with much feelIng and without enter ing upon them here It Is enough to say what all must admit that a considerable body of Ilo publidtms are dlxsntlsflod < with some of bis methods and wlln some of his personal affiliations The nomination of exPresident Grant will repel time totes nfaonie nnd will diminish the sent of others who with good reason or without It alnonrnlr obinct tii hits pnndldnnr I vill make the canvass turn n upon ft defence of l his measures and his method instead of turning upon bit exigent Issues of the day ponce equal rights and fair voting everywhere the maintenance of 1 sound currency and of Ito national credit and anImprotedsystem of civil service UU nomination Is often pressed by applying to him the character of tile strong man will Is specIally needed at this time The phrase has no meaning or I menDS lO much I I means I man of decided convictions and firm will no one desires any other I however this phrase mOllS e to call for a President who will resort to uncouutltutkinat or rnvolutlonRry or questionable modes nf govornmunt this Repub lican arty cannot afford 1 encounter IS I plntform tlm conservatIve lawnbldlng and patriotic sentlmnut ot thu country and how over the meaning may bn hid under I < vague generality It will have to b explaluad in a sharp canvass before the people Tho suggestion has been made that electoral votes mny be expected from the South for the exPresident which no other candidate can ob tain but the grounds of such an expectation ar withheld This asaurnncn Is given In lie same breath with tie Inconsistent statement tlint unlter nl terrorism and fraud have tlt IDI rlll In sup jiSBed or detained Iipulilican toting In that SHCtlon < I thoro la anything In the claim of Southern electoral totes It menus thatiSouth era Democrats are to support the nxPrealdnnt Against this as agnlnM all such dnlusltn sug gestions wo Mand upon the plain ground that a llipubiican Presldenl nan ho elected only by Republican States alit by Republican voters united In heart until effort Let us then lmt I candidate who will corn mand tlm confidence and enthusiasm of all RntiublicnnB At the same time 11 tm thnt ho bo one who In services and character Invites lie support of citizens who are not strongly hound to any party who hnto a deep IntHreM 1 i n good government In the main tonnnco of equal rights throughout Urn country In 1 sound currency and In nu honest and pure administration Let him be a slnteuninn who Ins won and always kept the conlldencn of the Republican party There are alien statesmen within our party who were with It at thn begin ning and have kept tlm faith who are available as candidates anti who can undoubtedly unite tU wholnMrnngth ot thin Republican party Thin RepuhlleHiia of Mnsanchuactta have a moat Importnnt duty bnforn them Their dfln gates nnd those of other Btntos In which llm conditions of public ntltnnnt urn much the sumo lint I likely I to hold In I their hands the ro stilts of the Convention and to effect a i nomina tion llko I I those of Lincoln and Hates Thn delegations i labelled with one name pledged to ono man or elected to servo lie purposes of party dictators worn not the most cfTec 1rY in tlio national Conventions ot IRftO nnd 1H7H Lot Mnaancnnaotia elect nt thn 141 ate Contention I ilologntoa who will I meettlmir brethren Irom other States for conference nnd deliberation doing their test to unit upon a camlllatu I I who la worthy In nil I nspepts coil who will I I I StClrA t lie iti ptort of all I Republlcana Suet n representation will bn heard nnd makn Itself felt In I Ito dual result Let Dm Republl I cnn voters also Ht tholr primary met lings throughout t time Coin mu o nivealt Ii aim to I that I they urn thus represented In tho coming Contention Thn undersigned join In thn foregoing nil ii rise with no wish t dlitxtn I to their I fellow Republicans but In the erclsn ot thin right 01 1tllhlnls 11111 publicly to express his opiniona and bepiusn they urn dnoplv Impiesned I with tim Importune < it thn crisIs I both to the Itcpub llcim party and to ho I country WIUHmO Itilirll OH < Norerne Willam 11 llriirr a lime Aliliou lxvrrncr Murtiii llrimmer Tr Jimotl linvls tMllliai Kiiillcnll I Jr lilacs I Krrrinan rinrl I lt COIn llamlltni A IUU I I I M MOIM Jr A 1 1 I H < l Jll Thor irarM J Otis thcrlve Olitrlef Alt 1 Jnmei M Hutwv ImniFO llrKkcr Humurl l tl I jiiincy CnhlliM Wllirli Uri I lute 01 art ii nit tilt I I iuint finlite John I Alilrow I H I I ttixH Ilorce T XTiiirxmn Ju lln Itiwry IbrnrcT ItucVwell J II Halknr K rRnTluckwal lolr John I tieiiiiil Jihn M Furtei W f I llmkliH llcorec iti I its Ill Join I 1 Waliliurn ImilA 1 cimilbinirne Julin II l WtUnroll K U I HMiel > AII r Tulmon I lhl Iilwnnll t Iicrc lie nrj A Msr u K A Uikill ihlniloiilll tilen CliOIKi I I I tiill lie ree II I Clmmi ll rlunW fuller Junior Hill ItiickvMml 1 lIter Joh A Hull IMw II l Hill Ib nioi Mcrrlnm llmriif I 111 nrlon OrnnnMi rile II Jellies ii llnijcr le TUB 8 MurUm JmeI1hller Anil ninny otlurii 1IW8 HIKfiJKO HK1IIT A IlentlnK ffpeotncle ibM the Nlmtvmn Viewed from n Front Neat Tho Amoiican Instlttilo was Illhil las otenlng I with a throng I drawn thither to wltmtiits Bnrnums own and only greatest show on onrth A twopoled lent Rlnnda under time roof I Thin tout servos aa tlm dressing room Time ring UPS I between Ihn I tent Inllht t Thin l rlnl avenue nlrneulo III Institute w hlln the settle rise In nn niiiplilthentrn hruiind It 1 Im snow man nllllhlhIr I f thn I apectuclo if I a well hl1811 IIOIIHD Inat otenlng I from wul Coslnntoniisth Inltoooi Cipt n front seat Ctil CtHIInl Ihl I touts Cull Onshen llm Pilititii glnnt 1cl Mnb it inert 1111 t o I Xulus wein Introduce lo tlm Hpectiilius from tlm ring Ilvn eiiuociri I otuiea In tlmcoiiranof thn utonlng vied for limo iipnlauso of r the HpoclalnrH Mile Loonn wn grnenlul MiueMHrlhn Nnyggniuil firm of hniii Krtlul Hlgnnrn I Mnrcellus I I 111 I I of dnh MIH Itn lilt Hllnnl uflnctlvn nnd Mine Dockrll II Lake aiilnt I and I tUv 111 ml Vuplcrll nrllstle I In i thole nets ol horeHinouahlp I Mini Dockrill neeeptnd an eneoro Thu Nnlso ImIrl i I porformnd poslurlng tents Mill Nelson nxhlblled HOnm allied I doves White trained OTIII performed ludicrously FInally iuei was tired llfty feet from noinnon Into n I Bariiuin made abhor speech in I ueltltig I Mr Inrlul la o lihort sloocb II 111 II response to ralla for him Tile slow la I tn contlnuo for only fourlec days before cturtlui on Its travels lot tho uuusou MORE THAN 100 MILES A DAY tAitT TIKS nroirsn jinotrN8 SCOUR AT HIE END OF OS flOURS I crnm the Dork lon II the Rae Win lung Heuld Ilnc used lathing Oiimely for the Lend llnbler Hbowlng Stmn of Ill nn Kxclllnc Mutt In the Onrdin Tho excitement and Intciost In tho Bizday race In Madison Square Garden was much greater yesterday than at anytime since the nglnnlngof > tha contest At lent throe thou and spectators remained In the Garden through ho afternoon and In the evening all the avail bio places wore uncomfortably jammed at an early hour Never before has so oloso a struggle by two lon occurred day after day as that which has now gone on for nearly a woek between Hart and Doblor Wo had nn awful night with our man Mid Happy Jack Smith Hurts trainer to a 8u ro orwr yesterday afternoon I What wns the matter with him 7 General exhaustion I guess Ho appears to bo In fair trim now much jotter thna Doblor Yes replied Jack but hes boon off tho raok five hours and fortyOva minutes since yesterdays work Well ho needed rest noelo Twasnt that continued Happy Jack n Tho llfn seomod to bo all gone out of him I says to tho doctor Cant you bring that man to Time doctor gets alarmod and goes out for another physician This wns about half past O I when Doblor was going round lIke steam boat I got excited and went to work In earnest on Hart Ho soon staggered to his feet ex chelating Whore am I You are In the walk for the OLoary belt says I How far am I ohlnd > l Inquired Hart Ten miles says I Get mi out quick I must overhaul that Chi ago Irishman said rt That a not his first start In thi morn ing Ohno flartwaa on the trnk at 2 Pegram coming a half hour later and Dobler I quarter 01 f an hour behind Fogram Harry Howard Allen Krohne Williams nail Ilnnwnkcr were also on the sawdust Between 3 and 4 In tho morning Hurt Doblnr I Iegram and Hurry toward started l In the hotter l brush I linvt eon In thn race Howard wns the freshest and who not ed the gang All tho hummers wore n eurl1 tip In a shlvnrlnii sleep ou tlm bunches yelled themselves hoarse At thus end of an < hour Hart pnme into his tout used up Thats what made the trouble Dont you think list eating greasy mince pie s npt to make him slcU YDS Hut you cant koep that boy from his pin I Although Hart made wonderful progress alter his morning attack his taco assumed n glnznd hue nearly nil day his cheek hOneS milking harp abrupt ridges Nevertheless be wad wonderful time Tlio following table shows thn progress made hy the three leaders from 3 A M to 3 1 M the figures being given at threehour ntmes 3A I OA I 01 I 12 J 3r y Ml < Uli lllrf H it MI nt BJO KM 341 SM 309 iliT al9 Ml an SV1 RBS leuisin oJ alt 529 3 3U The Chicago cattloboy was beginning to show ho wear and ear 01 his great inltlnl sixday ace in a terrible manner His left knee pained him very much and ho lieu to almost drag It over the reek when not on his eastloping run Daniel OLoary who had felt confident of Ibo boys BinifHH In the morning 1Ulln l to loan bys tll tiotutu In thn afternoon Hnrdlng OLearys as iatnnt looked livid Wnun a bvptnnder rn marked There Is trouble with Doblera leg I lardlnu replied There Is more trouble with his hnnrt The tide now began to sot strongly In favor of ngram < for sncond plann muuy bolting men mcklnuhlm 1 for oHttl position lie I III I retired Ito night boforo with JJJ miles to his credit on Ihf grove Bheeta n mlotnke In placing the fig ures on tile dial giving him 300 M rrltt broke down coil retired from tho race II t 8 t M Ho collapsed on the first Quarter of his 2Hlh mile The pac had been too much for him from the start Hart imsanit Illower Drown grent London corn for the first tnnn iesterdny at 5 p M I Hit was then 110 > nrda ahead nf I l l Harts score landing 37D Dolilora 37G < snnllnl every great performance has IU comIc element Jntbeu wee thn funny man at tin start Hn has dlscovered by this time as nmnv others t hare before him that It la a tery serioiM thing to bn evh When ho started in the rice Im walked off hike Ito pretty man at a picnIc Even when completing his 100 milns liter a Iwo days pnradu he moved with an air vhleh saIl < Look nt mo I immobile pink of I thu wtdk Yontnnlny ntturiiooti tIme poor fellow huts In his tent with his wife standing anxiously his cot Jaybee wlnwo at time held of cot Jlyto whr proper name is John BrlnkerholT said his mouth ant hrontwero parched IIH could takn no sol hi food nnd was nlmost uaed up still hn was 10 I ennlied C I to rnmnlti I I APt race until I I tlm ont of ho week Jnytina Is 5fi ypnrs of tutu Ills wife who 1 is at least twenty lit years youngnr saya the stories about electrin nttnrlos I I sr other remedies being applied to keep her husband on lm rick mire I fables Javbee mid tlinalmpln facts In his case were that nttnr leaving Columbia College in tim a 011 dtys when It stood In I Murray l St ret hn entered mercnntilu life His father anti mother wore mrcnnliu lio uninng the origInators ot the old Broadway Tabernacle After innklng money hero and then losing It Jnyben wont to San Fri umelaro Her Im tti mule a fw hundred dollars grow into 50000 Hn was thn pioneer of tho First Congregational Church In San Vrnnciaco At onn of time dis astrous tires In thnt city years ago 1 he lost all his property lleturiilng to Now York ho publUhid a trade circular fnr venrs Tn tho courao of hits business ho walkml ii grunt deal without t fatigue I coming I reduced In I i roil rrsiI ncs his friend thouuht that even nt hit 111 I of lit I I f Im stood a good chnncoof winning lint prix < In n big walking match a nut so smiled him I In I this one I I tlm man who pretondnd to lx > a doctor so lit Jayhe hadnt dosed mn and rim i niti my digestion I i I think i I could hllI won Ihl I race All I1 M Jnliii8BCorohhowedl37liillos At 2 h haul 140 miles and two laps to tile credit and them Untuck At 9 oclock tho acorn stood as follows JtV Lep MZe top Hurt 11 in 7 Krrlino ill s hitler l in 7 Uilllania < w Itjiuin I 171 3 Hinmnkcr 3rt I his 1 71 t Ju1 3 Alien Jl 1 The tlmn which lImo seven leading I men had boon off the track up to thin hour was as follows IlM y ILMC Hart U r > 7 4 Kmlmo 10 111 III llollT U H 41 WlllillnK IH I PI I iH rmr ni 17 M fil 1 Ht > tt nrclty inutU nil Iho 11 IM I 13 57 Una lon l 17 a Ily 9 oclock tlm throng of apnctntors was by II grnitnr than nt any preceding I tlmn t I iliirlni tlmmateh Uteiilliu pii niKUva > K Imtnoenllu I senta In tho hnlconios were paekud by puraons Btnndlug nnd tlm cuntru 01 tlm floor whnro I nl I was not a lemotu poaaihlllly I ot f by nny chancn I catching even nn iiccnsloiinl gllmpsu 01 < 11 pedestrians waa tilled with tlioiiKiunla 01 < pt81rllns mood patiently for luau re tell I t Ing I for n chain u 10 rtid near to n railing I I Tlm conBtiint trampling of thousands of uu elegy foul tIme uiieeiiHlng murmur of many voieB nnd tlm ciiiiiliitioua npplauan by Ihl al mirers or piitlsnna 1 I I of ono or another ot thn t rival pedentilaiiB iniilntaltied n steady roar liUo limit of I tremeniloim cataract In time uxlluih Btltn of popular feeling II tlo xI11 HIIII OJIUllr Ipplnl tire villliig IrH things wnreaeleil iiponnndnnig nlllod into importnnt nventH with rttiiiugii raidd lly A HUggehlu I pohiilbillly InMaiitlv iillek eiid Inton iiimor nnd n rumor almont in I momnnt grew I to an ii Rirlil u I fact Thus lor lntntp I was iiiieiiilly allinnod nt onn Him III llm nvunlng that IVuinm hut cut n 111 Ighliti gush in one ot bin eet t upon ROln > Ihint thiovvn on thn truck nnd outs prnelleitlly dlaahlcd Upon holng hunted down tlm riiino reaolMid llHolf Into thu Hiinplo fad Ihnt iii lini on onn of his hll 108 I lillatnr not linger than a grain of what thai t a trnek I man oDlulnusI pill hlaahoiplrllig to relletu him and thai In Imd to rellrn to Ills tnnl for n fuw niomonta 10 have a now u shiumiil nt flu put In AH thu ntenlnu worn on it became appirnti thnt thn muchtalknilot dark horse naa hn yomiiUHllnn 1egmiii Mnlnliilning his Jog glng trot which aoema almost naensy for hln iiHhtninllng I Rllll would bi to most purRoni Iou Hieidllv nnd rnpldl gaineil upon Hart nm Mill morn nwlttlv ilpnli Dohlei who wna stilt Inuolouly nnd evidently In great pain Whei hurrying I little 1ngraiiiixtiuidb tutu sIrIthi nm hum trot inUes nu hoineihlin ol hit ilinniclc ot nn Indian lope Whatitcr hla milt Im Is I nlvvaya Ill toimii I mitr ci null y In I u bualnena I I Ilr I 1110 llxed Htinluht iilieid of hlmnxeeptlng lire 111 11II Ihll1 hlmlxlnl per Imps a momenlary glnnen nt lila dial na hn PIIHSPK Tlmaniall hliaier has nlrendy I healed j hue joints urn lunlnr huts munoh springy his mea whin Ntviikii antI I hero IS hut ono man on tilt truck won looks 1111 trehh na be This IS III time Iomplullon of his ninetythird hour of con < I eat this ono who looked as fresh 1ngrnm was Hint I Popl silo Imtii wnlelmd Ins perfoim tine from day to tiny ann filled wit hi won iir nt his nxlrniirdlnarv power of ninlurniien hot Struts dlvng with a conscious pride ol wove meDt that Is nquallod by nothing In nature ox ept a bantam cook and Ms trainers affirm that not a chnto n blister or any other physl t cal Injury bus thus fnr como to him exCept his differing from want of sloop There wag no drowsiness about him at the time when ho was approaching his four hundredth mile An It happened In tha course of their varied ipeod all tho seven men on the track were at this lime gathered n bunch and coming thus ogethnr Insensibly quickened their pace oblornnd Jayboo wnro off From a walk thoy all broke Into a quickstep then Into a trot nnlly Into n run which wns kept up for a couplo of laps during which thospectalors kept up n continual roar of applause That popular nmonatratlon climaxed Into It storm of cheers and handelapplng that shook the building as larts 400th mile was bulletined on time blnck oard hut had achieved that distance at 94208 After that the walkers strung out III theIr usual way and dropped nip their several galls but tho multitude lookers f on did not fUmlnlsh thioirdemonstra lons until Hart had twice gone around tile rack Dqhlor wont off to his tent at 910 and II t was snld by his trainers that It was very oubtful whether hn would bn allowed to goon giiln or not OLenry said earlier In the evening It Doblor does not get better we will not allow him to go on much longer for it would bo a shame to break tlnwn so good n man ns he has proved hitmirif to bn merely to save what trill coma frolll his mnklnath 430 mllo Unfortunately thoi poor fellow did not get better but on the contrary his physical Condition manifestly grow worse constantly Hn limped very pain fully on hits left foot and his face worn a look of pain anti weariness that left nothing In It of ho determined and hopeful expression U has borne > before Howard has been speeding In a surprising way and Jack Gould Ing lImo veteran trainer who has him In charge hits reported positively tint his man line got his itocond wind Is In finer trim titan nt any previous lima In tho race anit la going to flake n lively brush for first or nt lenat second place lint all tho an mo at 10 oclock there was thin serious gnp of twenty Icht miles between Howard nnd Hart Jaybon woe not olmt of bin tent after Q oclock P Mnnd announced his determination not to Concur In tlm lists again hnforo Snturdnywhnn tin will again appear nnd mnko nn astounding burst of pood In orderlo win the fancy chair which some furniture mnniitncturlng firm tins offered ns a prlzn to the contestant making the greatest niimberof inline on tho last day Hart made time last three laps ol his 405ih mile In a fast run anti went off the track nt 103 having completed 405 miles and three quarters of a lap In ninety rive hours making Sn exact tie with Blower Browns record st that pot lit Dolilers left knee and cult were greatly swol hen when ho went off the track and for a long thins his trainers and medical attendants were tent bird nt work rubbing him with lIniments OLnary Btlll believed that his irotoVo would bn brought around In good enough condition to mnke at least a credltabln record and was willing to bet 100 to 1 hut he would at least cover his 450 miles The voting man seemed deeply chagrined by thin unfortunate condition of his knnn on he hnd quite made up his mind to win first ilncn and up to yenterday morning was confident that hn would do so Pegram and Williams rero thn only ones who einnlned on the track between 11 oMook anti midnight When the former three minute beforn 12 oclock tleil Doblers niln acorn nt 391 miles tInt npectatora waked up to more enthusiasm than thv hnd shown bo for since Hart achieved his 400th mile Iy this limo this nlr of tho east end of tIme Gar Ion whore thu walkers tinls were was heavy with the smells if arnica and other liniments and liens wore small prospiwta of Hither of the principal mnn otlmr than Pngrnm appearing on the track for some line to come The midnight scorn was as follows Mlln Lp Mile tan Hurt 4ie 4 WIlilems349 4 Dnhlrr 301 4 Krline 1V O IVerain 1111 1 Alton 31 0 Iluwnnl 373 0 ttsnwaluer3t3 0 1 A fAt 1210 WllllnmR hut the track nnd egrnm nt 12144 Tlfee thousand spectat ors waited itiently for a walker to ap iinr while the Iliilmont atmnaphnro nhout tm tents grow atronger momtntHrlly From ateM reports shoot I tlm I condition 1 of thn men It is now confidently prndlemd that tho order if ending the race will is l Hart Fegrnra How ard Thin only probable change la In n ninaposltion of Hart and Pegram The only ilternllona In tlm midnight itcortt are the ad HMIM of IVifrumfl acorn to 39J mules and of Vllllama to 350 mile Dobler has reappeared on lie I track wnlking I with manifest I pain t but getting along at n very faIr pure Tlm throng greet him with enthusiastic plaudits and cries of encouragement All this others are still off A JUEKCUAffTS srMVOJS SVIC1DE J IV Smith of PhltitdrliiMn Shoot Hlmieir In Nt Vincent lloipllnl Between 4 and 5 oclock on Wednesday morning n welldresaod man was found by the police lying upon the sidewalk In Fourth av enue near Astor place with his right log broken near thin ankle Ho was removed to Bt Vincents Hospital nut when ho became sober hreo hours later he told thin house surgeon Dr Bcliapps that ho was a Boston merchant named Gao W Jones that ho had Intended to go to Europe and to thntiund had purchased a Icket for passage on the steamship Canada which sailed yesterday that ho had visited a tlmntrn on Tuopdny ovnnlncr drunk freely afterward antI had been attacked on Dm street ltv unknown ruffians who had knocked tibia down and robbed him of all his nnny and a gold watch worth 1175 When ho was brought Into thom hospital ho had no weapon and hits only tnluables wnrn ton pPTtlllettes of dnpowlt la ueii by this Natlnnnl Htoampnlp Compinynt Its Philadelphia ofllcn worth t5 each They were issued to Geo W lonea and not negotiable Tlmsn thn robbers either overlooked or left as valueless to thorn In fiirthor couveraation ho showml that hn wits a man ot Intnllluenco suit culture llo accepted philosophically i time accident which lint befallen him naked for nnd received a prlvntn room mis n pay patient nnd re nuratd that his valise which wits on board Om yHtindn should bn proeiired for him When It waa brought ho took from It n portrait oJ hlnianlf In tinitoimnnd exhibiting it to Dr Bchnpps told him that he had IRIOII nt tlm tlmo that plcturn wna taken a llomoniint In thn United HtntrR Nny Hn irivn no Htldencn of any mental dlstiirbnnu nvmi of thn tempornry charaetnr resultant from i ii ehiriat I nit was chnerful anti snumud to hn In lIttle pain At 9 oclock on Wedtipsday evening Pr Rchnppa cuts him agnln blot wna then iiuitn piunlortnlili nnd gim > everv indication hut hn would pass n quint night Thn wntehmnn who looknd I in I upon t ito patient occasionally avers that hn did pass a good nlulit unit Dinlel Ivole tlm niirao Hiiya thnt when bn tiaited him nt 10 minutes buforn fi oclock yesterday niornlm hn wns In I n pleasant cheery humor Hn I told Kcufn thnt i ho had slept well a mitt naked II bn could not take another nap beforo hum ditor attic around Tho nurse rn plied aOl matlvoly arranged his bed clothing for him and loft thn room In lesutlian i 1 lite minutes I afterward a patient in t nn npirtnient ndjiiliilng ealb d tlm niirsu anil Mild that its had Hoard n nolso like a fall In tho next riintu Tlm nuran entering limnndl I iluly found him lying upon the Hour with blood upon lila shirt front Hn wna dying A inall I BotnnehnmlHred r volvnr from which but onn load tutu henn discharged hay in lila right hand upon t lie t floor Dr Suhnpps was hastily aiimnioned Hn reached tlm loom In two or three mlnntex but before he ar rlted tlm man was dead Thu fata wound which true In lit loft breast almost oter thn heart was umall nnd round The Bkln I about t It wits hi ickenxd by llm liii gui or HO iliwn lied llm nni77lo nf the pistol been lieli to his bodv To Inflict It Im hnd raised both lila outer shirt timid his tinderxhlrt for neither hue boon Pierced liv tlm bullet mid then slttlni upon tho edgn of his bed hnd tired time shot am fnliou tor ward In looking ovr Ihn contenta of his trnvolllni hug it wna noticed that homo of llm linen am uinliirilothing that had boon In use wns ninrkci Smith nipl1 J W H Tula rnland doubts ns to whether Im hud bon gIving his tight name Thn only clue ho had furnlalmi gun that hn wee In I Ihn I 1 dry goods business I Ill lliialon Amcuig tlm cliiHiijy paeLeil under iliithllig tvhicli with n few intuit aril olos ccuuustitli tad Dm contnnla of the IIH worn found snvrnl of the photo giaphs ot hlinsiilf from the Bnmn neimlltn us tlm nno hn had shown thn doctor On thu bneli ut onn tlm letters J W H hlid Ixwu PH ollied and parll eiraei ii by onrryliig Thu nddrei8 J V Melller 1311 Fourth avonim bad been tiunti lOut much morn reeenily Thla wits tlm only this furnixlmil by hlrt elTecla Mrp J V Mhu bun waa fruit tIll at thnt ituitiiiiit In tills city Inat ntenlng Kim aal < l aim had a brother named J W Kinllli who llted In Pliiladnlphln Tlm lie n liptlon ultin of tlm loath mnn both as to personal atiiinaraneo tInt Ills nnst life cor responded ao Ilnsiily with that I which Mmgntn of her briithei that Mr Mniller waa Induced to visit thou hoHpital last night Hn fully Indenll fled thn ilend mnn as his brotherln law Nnllher hn nor lila wife could nsslgn nny mollvn I for his unforlunntn act Hu I was not marriedand about 3d years of ngn Until night scuta ngn Im had boon nn englnesr In nm nntnl service Hlnen limn hn lieu been In tlm i hardwaro business on hln own account nnd lint built up a 1 fair huanch Hla father Harrison Binlth and the rtlmr I members of I his family i I e xout lit Mrs Met tier t Iho I I In I Philadelphia I Tlm u littler aald thnt slm i was not Ignorant of nnv Intention I on his purl to makn a foreign trip Thlssulcllo la HID Urbt over oouiinlttod lu bu Viaounia Uuapilal aiBUARCKS IUfsIGNA ZION The Emperor ne llne > to Accept th Clu eel her IVIthdriiTriil HEntiTN April 8The Emperor William tins ropllnd by the following Cabinet order to Prince Bismarcks request for permission to retire from office I certainly do not Ignore bo difficulties In which yon may ba placed by the conflict between tho duties Imposed upon you by the Constitution and your ponstblllty I do not feel Induced to relieve you of your office because you believe yourself unable Inn particular case to carry out the task allotted to you by the Constitution I must on the eon rnry leave It to you to submit to me and subse quently to tboBundesrnth proposals calculated to bring about a constitutional solution of the conflict of duties of this description LONDON April 8The Berlin correspondent of the Times commenting on PrlncoBlsmnrcks catenation says The Chancellor seems to have formed and intimated his resolution to the Emperor with greit secrecy A few lines pub Ished In the North German Gazette formed the solo Intimation of tho fact and to little were the readers of that journal on the lookout for what was coming that several of the morning papers actually appeared without Beaming to havo noticed anti commented on tho paragraph Chore Is considerable dlffernnpeof opinion as to the real motives which Induced the Chancellor br to take RO serious a step though there Is but one unanimous belief viz thnt tho Em peror will nnver grant the prayer ot lila India lonsnbln servant In handing In hi petition the Emperor Prlucn Bismarck Is said to hate also alleged Increasing III health In support of his prayer but although his Highness IB doubtless far from well and la overburdened > ytho cares of office thoroaro few Inclined to credit him with n rnnlly nattiest dnslrn to aban don the helm of affairs Hone would hnvD it hat high and secret grounds of Htato policy fn connection with the foreign affairs of tho em pine Induced the Prince totnkn the step for which Ills defeat In the Federnl Council offers but nn ostensible motive On tho other hand It must be again repeated that the Prlucna vexa tion does not spring half so much from limo mere rejection of tho stamp tax as from ito ob viously unfair and Irregular way In which an adverse voto is recorded against the three most jownrful Btntes Prussia Bavaria ttnil Bnxony In tIle outvoting of those kingdoms by a coal I Ion of petty Slates headed tiy WUrtemberg the Chancellor haul a painfully practical Illustration ot what might bn accomplished on aiteatlotisof infinitely graver moment than the Imposition of a stamp duty and lie would therefore seam to have promptly resolved to take time by thn torn lock and dual with tile evil In Its Inception His Highness however would not only seem toba onrngnd at the successful opposition of the mlddi and petty Stmittue hut also to be exna sorated with thn contradictory advocacy of cor nln Imperial officials forwhlle the motion of Qrtnmberg to rejnctlho stamp tax was op posud by Prussia anti thin representative of the imperial Chancellery It was stippoitPd by the gnnernl Post Office CommissarIes To remedy lila ttato of things would appenr to bn thn firm intention of Prince Blsnmiek Nor la It aurprls lag that lu thu apparent default of nil other means of carrying out hU t Indomitable I will lie ihould have had recourse to a method which ma already proved emlnnntly effectIve sev eral wullruinumbered occasions iinirisii ELKCTIOXS The Ttb ntU Likely tn have Good IVurMnc Mnjirlty Over All LONDON April 8TIme Liberal pains are increasing and the returns now show 300 Lib erals 191 Conservatives und 40 Home Rulers elected It was reported that Mr Parnnll would retain his scat for Cork and permit Major OGorman who was defeated for Waterford city to stand for Menth tot which constituency Mr Parnell was also returned Mr Pnrnell however In a speech tonight addressed to the electors of Mnuth laid that ho would not desert Meath but would resign his Cork scat There are bitter contests In Couches Mayo and Cork between that Pturnellites and the ModeratnHome Rulers Among those who have buen returned today mire Cob Frederick 8 N Bnrno anti Lord Rondle ahnm Gonaortiitlvosl for Suffolk Ret both m eleotfil Lord Frederick C Catnndlsli and Hir Matthew Wilson Liberals for Yorkshire West Riding North Division hot l Ii rminct d Yin onunt Emlyn Oonaertntlve and Mr W H R Powell Ubnrnl for Cirmnrtlmnahlm thn for mer reflected Mesnr Wlllinm Grnnthnm and Tnmes Watnny Jr Cnnaervntlvefi for Burrnv Boat both reflected Messrs T T Parcel Lib eral and Albert Poll Conservative for LoioeMerahlrn South tlm latter roolectod Lord Kuataco O Cecil mind Sir Hnnry J Sulwin Ibhntson Financial Sretuiry of thin Tmnanry Cotiaervatlvs for lisinx V et both re elected Mesars Kennenr and Thomrs Lea I Liberal for Donegal tlm latter reMeotod Meosrs William H H Hromllev and Chriato pher Stkes Con ertntlteH for Yorkshire East Rlcllns both rnOlecteil Viieount Cnatlo renghmnl Lord Arthur K HillTrevor Con Hervalltes for Cu unity niwn both rntlncteil Major Francis OlJolrnn Ilomn Ruler soil Mr Lnftus Toltenhnm Omiserxative for Leitrlm time formnr roclectrd Lord Colin Campbll aim of hut Diikti nf Argyll Liberal ffr Argjlhhlrn rnjilnptml Sir Onorgn mpbnl Llbirnl for Kirkealdy reflected Mea r Denis M OOonnr and Sexton Home Ilulers for County Slleo the former raflln tml Ix > rd Douuhit Gordon I LMKiral I for H ii till nghnmieii I re stieceeiling I Viscount Mnndnvilln Cnnonrtntitn who innr rlid Miss Iznncnof New York the Hon Win Lfiwthnr ervativuJor Westmoreland ro eleeted At nn anniversary festival at thn Lifayette Avenim Preabytorlnn Church Brook It n tills evening It WIIH voted to send the following ca ble megsngn Tl > t Kl Mm W F i fllit < tt < me Cl rditr Fpq1ni1 M v cunriiiUiii emit hrnrlt conzrnlnUtloni I tn Ih elis tiipitti itt until tie lover ol IMUCC a nl llii1 I frliml ul America Tavounnii I Corini Tditor of L lnxtiu AtiMine Ihnrrh Rr Cuyler IB n personal frlnnd of Mr fllail stonert nnd innlntnlnHil intimatn relations with him when nhroid Mr Gladstone showing him much nttuutlon JllfillUl SfAlthKV Aft A WJTXESS Whet Seem to hnvr ln > rn n Malicious nnd UlJutllfl t > le lle ort By his testimony before Coroner Warner In Ialer nn N J yeatnrday IllMiop Slnrkay of this EpIscopal Church destrojed llm force of what hnd Boomed to bn nn attempt to bring dis credit upon his household Thu story grew out ot f the finding of tlm I dead body of an Infant i that physicians said It tot been horn alive I i in I n vault behind tlmjiouse in which the Bishop had lived when hn wee the rnclur of n church lu Iaterann Two hints found thin body They wero hue cvunpnnlons I ot n boy named Albert LIiIu len held t tutmuoott of n poor laboring woman known in Idersou as Lillln Annie Tlm Coroner found that arm kimwmom I about time m tter than any ono elan iamb seemed ener to glv I Imr testimony h It ituis to llm inwt thit t tlm mother of this bntm was Kuann Clmnont n sun vnnt In tlm bishops hniiHelmld thnt Him had heard it hinted that thn hiby win born In lime Itlahopn home nnd thrown Into tlmtnult and llnnllv that clue tiailvil tlm lilac gn various oc enslotis nfter tlm IIOIISB teas tncnted nnd aim pomled In Iliiillnir thubodt there Him iuioin lila diacoterj public bv monn of hnrMleponnacntn paniona In her tetltiiiny Annl > Lichtenlmldl iillmviid It to tie Inferred thnt lIme fncla wero known to llm llielmuuiis wife Tlm imiuost ails homm on Wndnn ilny and continued yebterdny Ill Ithuluuitu tesilllod thai tlm onlv Htory hn ovorlmarl ngnlnst KUHIIII Clements eliaiacler was told by this A nmi ill Llehlenheldt He Intealiuntod thn mliter fiun > llonirigthnclrllit isolf nnd iMuilyliiLto Imr contosiir In tlm Roman Cltholio Church 11 liHcani sntiHllnd that thn at iry lImit a falsehood lie till niit bearthal there w la n bibt In tlm taull until hn rend of th dliiiivorv Mr1 Htnrkey tentlllnd iiioro fully to llm I sunn ilft Aalo her piotloua knnwldcn of thn fault sItu situ Him had pent for the woman cilled Llllb Annle and lebukinl her m verel > Inn circii Inllng llm falsehood nbniit llm MM Mini Tin1 I woman hnd uoim nway nnurv Tlm sickness ol Susan Clninenta which win mmln the bimla of tlm I scnndal wits In reality I t oiil1 i n thi rout trnuhle Vim Inquest wits adjourned until Tuesday moiulhg Kembl will Nut Nnrrpiiclrr HAitniHiiuiici Pa April 14In direct onposl lion ullii I inliiic mil KI ilieu ol liituMinni Mr Kuiiliit lust IHIIIIIII It n fiii il In lilt Pi HII iipN > Hrrtiio > i it1i r mu t I titr IC hrtll or In rii Ui MIIII me lUI 1 Ivi inhlf iii i laliiriurj lil I ie > uil ul U till uilet lid uf Ukllu the Uul by tliti hum ° KxMujrur Mnnilrr > Drrllnel KxMnyor Manners of Jersey city who wns neiuniiiti bur Mntir liv the Iltli HV nml Tixiipr AHMK linton on ilouilHy niiflit lint Iii iiCiiiuCd lu bo g Cutltti ii its WhlUllnlr KMVIVIIIM irlMH vmnii hair U eluiihiu vnuiiKllil titllio Mlp SoIl Ul ill dnuiNli it 5uc Illlli VMil kiTlf uUck ur lirnwn Sci44 Wllmn ilruicM I llrnilini ut itt Ilno it riirocnut o it taeuuiilliiu it lOt AdUrlUuo en ruiiutuUi ito iiiiiuy4oLi Ktriilnlfonoliilit the fnpllnlof lIuc SipJ ch UlmU thuy use lr tails CuujU 3yrui4J i THE DANGER IN THE GARDEN k A OnKAT ACCVMVTATlOy OF INFtAStt MAnrll MATllttTAL UNDER IT Whet Might Ifuppcn Hhnnld n Fire nrenh tint In his Tinder lloxTho Smoke hl Filled the Ilulldlna A terdnyIt Origin 4 Between 4 nnd 5 oclock yesterday after noon Madison Square Garden began to fill with a blue smoke At first time men connected with the walk supposed that the enormous con umptlon of cigars was the cause of tho smoke and the police wore requested to stop men from making In the Garden The smoke soon grow thicker and heavier than even walkingmatch 4 cigars would make It Windows In the root rind ildos of tIme bulldlne were opened anti nn investigation of the cause ot the smoke began At 5 oclock Mr Curtis came to the reporters Innd which was almost deserted at thnt hour nod said quietly Thoro came near being tibia panic 0 Hows that 7 inquIred BON reporter Tom Davis and John Btedlkurthought there vas something burning and hogan to hunt foi it They soon found a smouldering fire undoi tha seats among a lot of rubbish and stamped II out just In tlmo The smoke had cot so thick I couldnt see that end of tho Garden pointing otho reserved seats attbo Mndteon square end An hour after this two reporters visited the nrgo space under the Twontyooventh street aide of the Garden They walked the whole length without seeing anybody Much of the pace under the thousands of satfl was filled wIth pine boards and lumber branding of the rustic arbors that were one so plentiful In tie Inrden and light ttondnn docorntlons usml In p loArlon balls Tlierotvas a very perceptible mellfof smoko ns from Phnrred wood nfli > he fire had been extlngulhhnd Whllo looking this rubbIsh a man wns observed coming In at the Fourth avenue pnd with n long polo In tin hand having is cite lIghter nt thin end of It Hum began lighting gas burners in the long pas aceR ncnAro you a watchman inquired TIIK Botl enortor No replied the man I have chnrgo ol he building But there ought to Imsonm One tern There are men paid to bo on duty all tha time but they got off among tha tents looking at the wnlknrs What la your name Mackav I Well Mr Mackay It la said that there was a fire discovered hero an hour ago do you know anything about It No I have just come If a fire should atari here it would burn like a titular box Mnsars Davis and Stodlker on being quietus toned suit that tho smoku arose from n lira 0 being stnrtod in nstotu underneath that tin pIpe was phoked up that they had put out the fire nnd there was no danger There were at iuitst l t 3 OOU persons In the Gar don At the time Probably not any of them knew hitacamise of the smoke During om of tho groat walks n year or so ago part of a temporary balcony nrootnd by some soeloty for dining purposes and totally unsafe for occupation by n dense man ol people gave way precipitating forty or fifty persona head first to time main hoer The build nir wits not packed nt the time but them was such a rush for tho nnrrow winding entrnne nt thn MadIson square end that several wero In juiruud A rush wns also mnd for the Fourth avenue end of the Garden where thn outlet ll atlll narrower A few coolheaded persons 4 Rtoppnd the panic or there might have boon a serious loss of life The desire to obtain entranCe to the Garden is so great among the impncunlnus moss ol young men and boys that the entrance nnd outlets liar benn mnde narrow and tortuous If f a nanla should occur by an alarm of tInting ho giving WilY of any part of thin old galleries which do not seem any too strongly braced un lernenthn fearful loss of lift would probably be the result anssixa nouKKKKrmt VULTEK Manager fV > r Two Iarlners who hud CeMe4 to Kprulc to One Another Theodore H Vtiltuo tim bookkeeper and t mnnngHr for hue firm of Clnroy A Cilvorly S idler makers nndgenetal maclilnlstoat Hud son street Jersey City dlsappearud from thai city about a week ago under circumstances which led to nn Investigation that resulted It Is said In the discovery that ho was a defaulter U a considerable amount On the let of April 1870 Messrs William 0 Olarny and John Gal verly formed their copartnertihlp to contlnm for four years Each was to draw from the profits of the business 25 n week anti the sur plus earnings were to bo apcumuhtnd and di P vided at lIme expiration of the partnership Thuy rentnd thn building at 42 Hmlnon strwt S letsiy City as their fnetory 1 tin building had veil RiiCPeiMlrily occupied by Hiter il dllTerenj S Inns In tho same business and Vulteo had men employed In turn by eneh of theaa firms na booklpppnr or Riiporlntnndent Ieiar9 Clnrny V Cnlterly retnlniid him nt I balxry of 19 n wool nnd nn allowance of 15 a week for fpnn ps They Intrusted to tutu the omit I ni elm ii rgi of the I ii rip s tlnanplnl iilTilrs I lie nollerted thn dehta nnd paid thn bllla On over Siturclay evening hl employers wont to hii office and he paid 25 to euh ot Ihnin Thlnira S went on In this why for ov r n year nnd tho firm wee apparently prosperoiiHaud PonstHntlj increasing Its business In tlm Rummnrnf 1871 Clnrcy and Caherly ouarrelled mid bocann estranged fluid as they penned to speak to one another all negotiations hcMwpen them wurs conducted hythnlr renpectlvn counRel Clnrni rntnlnm rnunfutllor Edward V Uo Molt and tlm Interests ot Cnivorly were lepresontud bj United States Coiiimls loner Mulrhnld I AB tlm I titi nt noire it t Ii would I expire I by limitation I I C on the I I IB of April I It wits agreed that I tlm law yore should conlinuo thobiiBlneni Indepnndiint ly 11 a lImIt agents of Clnrny and Cnltcrlv und should lily each of them 122 a week nnd ono < hnlf of Om profits In PonMdernllou M f their For lea Inthn I I fautor Onuof the u ii tot htt taken S hut tlm new p atioruul tent WHS to I a vot tlgiitn I tin h acoum rite of tlm I timid imuue On I April I 1 Mr Mulr h hnld conduileil todlHinlea Vulten for ioino rca aim and 1 inf I I < irmcd t him I ho VuUon I pressed ngret but suit with H cheerful Binlle I Well mill lint n anniLn oer It nnyhow ait n tnlniito until I go across tho Street and get nclgrtr Hi ttimt Into a saloon opposite thin factory nnd hits not ut mire rid it rliuI Hin I I irnlongtrl no sinio ernated ciiplclon and on ixninlnlng tin bonk It wns discotimd it la ertlil that Im wa n defiiulter Thou nmount of hU alleged defal cations hits tiuut 1 t linen positively nsii H u ilimd S hut It la siipposnd to ito > bitween lfi Wllimd 18001 On llm dn > following hs disappear linen his wits ricclved n hlter from him In I which he said Ihnt hi had gone an ay nnd would netor comu bock tojeraoj city Hu li about 55 years of age Arrr lc4 for IattnlMlc liti lolhcin owltry John M Francis ngod lit ytnrs n son of ex hlurlcr Krnncll if llobi Ken S I ii HI err ttiu I it lew Is yt tim ett vnttotlu HIIUDII Count It jailliy Uccunlel Ste tlutetmtu for hat hue tutm slit inn ih II tuic mot tier I jusi It II llm HIM nt ct 1 thii 1 Uf < iu tlu limner timit io < 1 III ih 4 pnlinti hOur hU trrit IM I Hun oan tie ti cnveil fill ot tlif > niirT inil it he t uiilcr S otoub Unit liii iiuittet r lift Cit unfit HIP pfonl of till I nilim nn Mi proiiuie that tiu nill ai uric vlnp niul RI lu eu fur it Ulit riu Ihr Ilkude liliiml Ilcellnn I ritoviDFNcK April RConmpleti returns ol i lln iliuioa gus Itllliinrlil lriiililidiii pion KimlnU llt iiiocrflll 7 JU nail llouiril Irnhi itmnl Mnrj Th h null rnntinm Jtl ltr iililicin mill 7 l > mitrm 1 ro niiln Ii lc titled In Hd uM tilt tin IIMIM il lie oily i nijUiiai ntid M Uiinocrnt 11 I is et Itu too Ctiseui In llm 1 i I j Eugente I nape liii rown Lovnov April 8lhio oxKtnpress rugpnlo lionii ktiitiiM fur yuluiiimi rnvunu1 tier HII < TI I 11 IIH a in the Ill in di nf Null i Dinni tin Vlciiln Iirli ItUel item i nine on afi i nut ol lUHrti Pi i uiiiioAltiuA out llm nuinljcr uf precliiut hU nrxit nntini Signet Office Imllcllon For this Mlildln Atlnntlu States irnmr partly 11 inly ui > nlur in IMHIIIII rue iierliuni on iuiHf rNln iriiitilb lUmU muvtly eutli a eu ri > I vivr iMrumvlor THIS M < Auvi 1 12si NKIS II Pioc Mil in Wuhlnctuii Tim i letup I fi Vitirnul 3 i Sin Stim A thunin in hltu in Komi iJu iic I It K i tint uKi n nut iiiilurjtlirtUoii uiir Clii 1 > t > Ur < Uy test tils 1 S ii li rt t tuuIC HI AH Ann riLMii thii n Tin suit ant til I the tlrnn 11lMttrtlTrntlln Tin nil hey Ii eilti upon the i r trniiiitu fur tm CifluIt w m ni iiil frtj iI II ill u I Khi n In ITII s The mifUiiw till h I lull I Bt tltMltni liutfalu Kuchcstfr Plies suet lUrU IX ul John MnrrU a iwhikiltiov of 14 PtierffT steed wei 4 C itilntlly Ilixhoil HVHliiit the irmi tttn I him iruout ut hue MriHinii oho et i i I on the Hili uiI t In n Muill simS siilomint Iltiocie Ilo SeC inhriiilt Injnrnl aiitir lur iU > SI ni kit low tint tutu iiuiitit in i t nnli nleO Ttju Our < hit r wni notiMnl i 1 MM tI < IUhit vt uriesttfil 11w Iuctue ti Hescule who eeiersliI Item tht iitiu liiiku till euCutitt il iter Ituttuoset iutiiuusci lIlt rut ihiliter thu ttier buts uirieut is iiuhulr is itiuc we s uleuugliie if lluuluc Iii neil liiiiur ut iiuuluiit till tier lunry cuIgliul Iter Isle Ce eIer his rue nte of dell Tue CreCuiO liii u tow II > care cii he tier ritit inn lie wai crlppnl fur Itut l I Cli HCI iiiunl as wu Situ recently her toooiitl ton lo4 ClIIuttii