OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 11, 1880, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1880-04-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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irmj inRLrr JULES 10 SPARK
JjemnrUnhle rerfbrmnneea In the SlxHay
Jtee for the OIeary lleltOW Heorei
ThrovTn In I the Nhaderxc4lment llnrlnr
Ihe Last Honra or the Conleot Th Ncore
The froatcst six daB rnco over known In
the world closed last night In Madison Square
Oardon amid great excltemont Seven mon out
of olchtcan who started In tho raco for tho
OLoarv Belt travelled moro than five hundred
mils tho loader Frank I Hart making tho
grand ceoro of 605 miles and ft fraction bcatlncr
Blower Browns previous best record by moro
thnn twelvo rnllea
tnn twlvo mle
JJollowlng Is the seoro of the olnht mon ro
mnlnlwj In tho rnco rt tho finish
Jfinns JhV Ifaru 117
Hart B6V Allen S25K
Pecram 513 Krohno GIG
Howard 511 i YI11 lams 6008
Dobl r 831 Illanwakcr 460K
As on Iho prcvloua days of tho forced march
the men came out early for tholr last days work
Hart was next to tho last to nppoar At 217
Krohno following him nt 210 Nearly 2000
persons remained In tho Garden up to day
light Ivlnl tho wnlkcrs moro encouragement
In tho shape of applause than they had re
ceived on nny previous morning Both hart
and Pecrara woro very stiff nnd loawenry on
beginning their Inst grand effort Pogrom
cnlned on hart by startIng nearly nn hour
inrllor buttho younger blood proved tho
strongest niter getting warmed up
At t1rt tenld t Happy Jnck Harts trainer
Frnnk was terribly sick nnd tired Ho didnt
want to work Ho was awful leeweary But
he said ho had to get Hint belt and ho wont on
Dobler kept on with Spartan courage Twinges
of rheumatic pain rnn from his swollen and
Inflamed joints to his lips which ho parted
at times with nervous twitches n I t lot tho
pain NCpo
Hart finished 500 miles nt 422 Ho wns still
nearly two hours ahead of Blower Browns
great record
Before8 AMtho attendance thinned down
to nearly empty benches with hero and thero n
weekly lodger stretched out trying to snatch 1
few hours sleep before the excitement of tho
lust hours of tho race bubbled up
From 8 to 12 oclock the Garden began to fill
up again until at tho latter hour thero wero
about 2000 spectators Onothlrd of them on
the main floor wore In a condition of feverish
reetloBneB At thA least spurt between lcl
rnm antI Hart or Krohno spur Williams the
two last named striving for fourth place the
crowd roared and ran from ono sldo of the Oar
den to the other ns tho racers came around
About midday Hart and Pegrnni dashed away
In n lone nnd exhausting raeo of several miles
At tho flnlxh Hart went Into his tent sayIng
Tack Im terrible slek
Whats tho matter with you
Im awful diy
Ill IK you < said Jack
Jack then drenched Harts neck and head
with water made him Ito down with n wet
towel around his head and then sent him out
apparently fresh ncaln In twenty minutes
In a short time after this Hnrt sailed around
with the gallant strut of n gamecock If ho had
been In an exhibition cake walk ho could not
have put on moro style
Hart came jogging past lila tent nt 225 when
Jhn blackboard credited him with 537 miles
840 Only threo more said Hart and It will bo
840What have you cot to do with 310 Inquired
Hnppy Tack
npp going to make 560 snld Hart
Hart was then pulling away from Peeram
I was said among the bookmakers that Hart
Would cover CG5 mites and that his friends had
put UD considerable money on I
At this time tbo following despatch reached
Dart from a Boston merchant
Bono April to
The West End Is I 1 excitement over your wonderful
achievement Wlp I out the Knellsh record and clve I
BosUm the greatest pedestrian o the world It looks l like
a holiday l on Cambridge street t Hitkr r I KELLY
When this despatch nrrlvad Pecrnm was thir
teen miles In the rear of Hart without tho re
motest chnnco of overtaking him
Rip Van Winkle Jaybeo appeared on tho track
near noon In citizens dress Ho raado I few
hIPs placing a new silk lint on a chair near the
tents A drowsy youth snt down on the hat
and flndlne tho sent springy enjoyed It until
Jnyboofl return The poor fellow found his hat
In nearly as damaged n condition as his bend
Ho Informed the managers that as ho was tho
chief attractIon nt tho opening of the walk they
should give him hnlf the receipt of tho last day
While Doblor was on the track he appeared In
fleer condition than on the previous any At 2
In tho afternoon Daniel OLenry said that ho
lad wound his boy up to run until 9 oclock
Doblor was then 27 miles behind Hart and
more than 13 from Ptwam while Harry How
ard was on his 510th mile three In advance of
Dobler The Chicago cattle boy ran nt a lively
unit for half an hour saying that ho was too
sore to run slow
To tho crowd Dobler looked as I ho could
run all night Ho soon loped Into his tont how
ever his shirt damp with perspiration and bin
face glistening with moisture
My hips and knees are too sore to run
aid Doblor to OLeary rn
Ito WAS soon on tho track again grinding
around In agony
Both Hart and Dobler were stimulated with
champagne during tho Inst hours of tho race
The men appear to bo going well enough on
the track said the veteran trainer nnd pedes
trian James Smith but place thor nlono In n
room and you would find them In this condi
tion Hero Mr Smith shook himself like a
usedup Michigan man quaking with thn ncuo
Hurt passed just then looking anything but In
B haky condition
By 5 oclock nearly all the scats In tho Garden
wore tilled with persons who intended to re
main thoro until tho race ended There were
many ladles In the pack The first question
nstoj by women who visit the walk for thc first
time Is Which is Hart When pointed out
to them their eyes follow him around tho saw
dust path for hours
TUarl completed his 550th mile at exactly 550
Tne first earnest roar that flllod tho Garden
during the afternoon began on the barroom
Bide of the track and rolled around tho Garden
jlart wan then dressed In n blue and white
barred Bilk undershirt blue and rod cap black
velvet trunks and white tluhta An American
flag was handed to him Hocarrlod the banner
around time Garden one lap to the musio of vo
dfnrous cheers
Wild shouts of applause broke out nt C33 A
Blanco at tho blackboard showed tho cause of
the tumult Englands scorn of 53 miles had
been equalled with nearly two hours to spare
Blower Drown having completed his score at
620 retiring from the track at tho end of 140
hours 20 minutes This seeurod Hart tho extra
llOOU ottered by Mr Aboil the manager to any
Ian In the race who would lend Bower Browns
core PlanT at supposed 820 and not at tlio end of 142 hours n
When Hnrt ranged opposite his tent after
passim ho EiitfllshmnnV big record Happy
Sack handed mT ° bl > 0 ° ln with the Ktars Wl
htrlpis under tho bru ujr started on a
rattflui run Dobler Allen anu Ham follow I
ing at his heels In the order named floors I
of applause again rolled around the track until
the let was completed when the toilers ro
Lapsed Into n wnlk An eighth of 1 mile run
WM now about the extent of tholr strength
Jim wonderful boy had been on too track
twenty hours a dny lor six days Tho limit of
human endurance had nearly been reached
IVfrani wan morn than eighteen mllei behind
Hart when the boy teased 1 1 Bs score
Tlio < > xi iitement soon lulled Hart keeping
elosu ti t his work AOOI iram and the hal dozen
following him going over the sawdust with
weary feet
A telegraph dcspateh was handed to Hart
which ho read while walking his 555th mile
iho now hail been recurved In Boston and
jioBUinimm trusted the greatest pedestrian In
IroMost ledeetrlnn
thA WOI hI
Thin cheerful despatch pave now life to tho
Mvunto I lie struck Into the upright OIeary
step i hHiid up broan out hands closed as If
clMinKeorncobo eyes straight nhcailnnd legs
siovlii IIMI a drum inajorH A succcbHlon of
cheers 111 nand clappings followed him around
tlio Ilnpii i willed chniiKHil Into loud shouts
wtien Aiiiii thu Knullahman passed Hart on a
run ctOilCullnl h 11 for I brush Hurt dropped
hi5 Ilrt trollod
SUm11 il nll daalnd into a run noon passing
ttio 1 sCon 115111
tuHlttli I rniMehman I
llii score ut 7 ielock when tho evening
throng I Iclltorl bann lcklll the house
OIII f jloH 1111 I t t ii llral 638
hIlwarj tlIj < 49 J III wi AIn 517 1rohuo
IIUIO lOI 1lwnker41
lOne 1 after another on this last night of
1lrM 1 Ii i knit working up thuuxvltnnicnt and
eritti5i t1 1 ol tho Mist rniilMtiido Thoro ant
IU1191 ill lst was
I 11111lo
ilinnttey ies WIS
tb 61y CHIi of thin titiiii ulomont among
8DOnllrs than on any closing night 11011
roQII1 mcoc
pVVll mintHof nil the rivals for pedes
n Ion In thli match
thiii were BO creditable
and i 1er Wft I general disposition to applaud
5Sourge thAm nil
A ntourIA m
Shal ls UJld I floral plcco of Jacounmlnot Mar
sil uwl Mfhotns riwes Illllcs of tho
nUoy a Aa hubs wu a handsome iair 01
11 t I 1
e lmelod snUers swinging In In arch of flow
ors won brought out on the scorers stand by
OLearys shoomnkor A Hart passed It ho
looked nt I wistfully manifestly no Ito exor
olsed In mind ns to who was to bo tho fortunate
recDlent On tho completion of his 5GOth mile
his mind wan made easy on Hint question for
thin Mr McBwyny stepped Questoo pro
sented It to him Hart carried It proudly
around t his tent nnd consigned It to the care
of his tremor with 1 thrifty Injunction to
Look out for dom shoos
Hardly had tho salvos of applause that en
forced tho glory of his trophy died away when
hey woro revived by his oppcnrnnco with anew
trlbutoof admiration a handsome silken scarf
of time national colors presented to him by a
Tho 8 oclock scorn was ns follows Hart 558
Pegrnm 512 Howard 532 Doblor Tnrt Allen
520 < > Krohne 512 Williams 508 and len
wakor 117
At seven minutes past 8 Jaybco reappeared
nnd strode around ns proudly and Impressively
19 I loon At sight of his symbolic shirt with
the itnrt before and horseshoe behind tho mul
tltudo burst Into n yell of laughter andsatlrlcal
nppluusi > which ho accepted as a tribute to his
merit nition nod with great dignity bowed his recog
While Hart was on his SGOth milo tho Judges I
received 1 challenge for him from Bryan G
McSwyny oilerlng to match nn unknown man
ncnlnst him for another competition for tho
Olienry bell Ho lion not yet said whether ho
will accept I orr tlrn on his laurels and return
totho practice of the law In Boston
On Hanwakor tho little baker completing his
450th mile ho wns loudly cheered The novelty
of being applauded seemed to dazo him for 1
moment but then ho braced up nnd Boomed to
gait a new Impulse from the popular com
mendation breaking Into ono of time liveliest
runs ho hnd perpetrated during the match
The next round somebody gave Mm n lone loaf
of bread cayly decorated with flowers nnd
stuck on tho end of a polo nnd that ho carried
proudly once around
In accordance with 1 partial understanding
nbout leaving the trnck nearly tho same time
1egrnm went off at 82230 Howard at 823
anti Hanwakcr at 8285 and ho report was
sent up from the tents to tho fudged stand that
thoy wore off for good but Dobler would not
nJroo to Iho arrangement Almost wrecked as
ho vas ho Btlll had sufficient ambition nnd
nerve to make him anxious to swell his score to
M high 1 lure as possible and ho went jog
ping steadily on hint forced tho othors to
keep on the track for ho was still oloso enough
to threaten Howards position nnd oven to bo
dangerous to rogram had they withdrawn at
this early hour
At 9 oclock Pogrom nnd Howard woro walk
log arm In arm when Unit was nbout passing
thorn nod the former Invited hiD to join them
In tholr stroll Alter a momentary stare of sur
prlso ho did so with an amusing air of conde
scension and tho threo walked with linked
arms ono around tho track Then Pegram
laughingly broke away on a run Hart struck
out In his habitual strutting quickstep and
Hownrd resumed his old jog trot each on his
own account But while their promenade together
gether lasted Its novelty pleased tho specta
tors and won from thorn a hearty round of np
phi use
From this time on thoro was not nn Instant of
time In which I roar was not echoing through
tho Garden In this way the applause like
continuous thunder testified tbo publics en
dorsement of tho feeling that prompted I very
charming Present which Dobler received and
with Howards aid carried around tho track
The present was 1 superb basket of flowers In
which tho word Gallantry was formed con
spicuously of red carnations upon 1 bed of
whlto roses Miss 8 E Nixon was the name
upon tho card nttnchvil to tho neck of tho dovo
that foi mod part of tlio ploce
At 9 oiock tho store Blood Hart 511 miles
Pogrom 543 Howard Ml Boiler 510 Allen
400It 521 Krohno 515 Williams 509 Hanwakor
I was now announced that Hart would leave
time track upon the completion of 5G5 miles
That dlstanco ho achieved at twentyfour min
utes past 9 oclock and then ho mado one lap
more for good mcnsuro wearing tbo massive
silver bolt which hal now becomo his and car
rvlng a silken American flag above his head
Whllo ho made that llual tour of the track the
noise of tho vast throng of spectators was almost
deafening Men cheered shouted clapped their
hands and pounded the floor with their canes
ladles stood up In tho boxes waving their hand
kerchiefs and hurmhlng oven the officIals
connected with thn match tho reporters and
tho policemen caught the Inflection and vied
with each other In adding to time uproar That
wound up the great walk and limn wile the
band played Home sweet home the specta
tors slowly departed
The omclnl data nt tho close of the race pre
sented the following facts concerning the dis
tances accomplished by the sort competitors
their resting time during thoraco and tho hour
at which they left the track nnl
Ttmt nf Ittl4
Mie Gouty f > f Jmf
Hart r 024 Jin
Pesram MTj 8 01 32 ID
Mowinl 531i 900 3121
Iohlr 31 009 2117
Allen 5JSJ 8O4 34 44
Crone MO 911 371H
Williams 5lJi H4S 2i I04
Hauwaier 45CJ B 4fl S7I1
During the last day Hart made 73 miles and
1G5 ynrds nnd was off tho track altogether but
4 hours 9 minutes and 44 seconds
Immediately after thoconcluslon of tho match
Hart wns hurried Into n carriage taken away to
n Turkish bath and after n nnp of a couple of
hours was carried to his temporary homo nt
214 East I Twentyninth street His trainer said
that ho hnd 1 not a blister chafe or strain any
where nnd was good for another days work nt
tent least as brisk n any tlJ has done In this con
tentPecrnm was taken to tho Putnam House
on Fourth avenue opposite tho Garden Ills
feet were badly blistered but otherwise ho was
In excellent condition
Dobler was taken by OLoary to the Metro
politan Hotel and thorn bathed rubbed and
treated with every possible earn and skill to re
cuperato him ns soon n possible He will bo
all right again In throo or foul days
Tho rules under which the race was run
stipulated that the first man should In addition I
to onorjtinrter of tho cross receipts reCeive tho
full amourmtof the sweepstakes money I90UO
Including 500 posted by himself tho second
mnn to receiveonohnlf the amount of receipt
money given to tho winner ant nil others who
completed 450 miles to be entitled to share on
the same principle each mnn receiving twice
as much ax the man nxt buhind him tho lead
ing man also to take tho bolt nnd tlOOO extra
offered billie manngflrtothemnn who should
bent Blower Browns record
According to tho reckoning the manner
mont made lAst night time cash receipts
would be nbout J27030 This would give Hart
Including time extra 11000 for beating Browns
record 10788 nnd the belt which Is to bo won
three times before It becomes personal prop
erty provided any person chnllnnges the win
ner and posts tWO within eighteen months
ntter the race Pogram will receive 13392
Howard XlCOf Doblor 1818 Allen M21
Krohno S53 212 Williams 100 and Hanwaker
S53As each man put up n sweepstakes of 500
and somo 100 Is to be deducted out of the nbovo
for personal expenses of the men and trainers
evjon tIme last four mon who mado 450 miles and
moro will come out heavy losers
Frank H Hart was born In Hnytl W I In
1857 Ho Is about 5 feet 7 Inches In height antI
weighs nbout 145 pounds Ho has been In this
country fibouttnlrteen years living nine years
InJI ton Ho Wits first heard of M tho winner
of a thlrtyiiourgoiuyoupttmsorace race In Muslo
Hall Boston April 25201870dofontng thirty
ono others and accomplishing 119 miles mind 17
inpSVflthlu 29 hours Ho was then known by
the name of Fred Hichbow May 2031 ho
made nlUO first trial In n sisday gonsyou
p easo In o mammoth tont which had been
erected on Baak Bay Boston He did ncredlta
blo performance scoring 425 miles and 6 laps
gaining second prU the first going LscOuso
who made 427 miles July 2326 Hart engaged
In a sovontytlvehour bostoMyay contest at
Muilo sovontylvehour finishing second
to Croft with a score of 263 miles
t laps Sept 813 he won first prize the I
Champion Deli of New England In OLeary I
ami Knglehardts seventyfive hour jroasynu
lllohnrIA Ionsou
please nt Park Gnrden Providence It I Tho
contestants were limited to twelve antI a half
made the fine of
hours dally and Hart In8 score
362 miles
On the occasion of the great International
Wnlklng Match hold In Gllmoros Garden lu
October of last year Hart came out fourth ac
complishing 482 miles nnd was very highly
compllmHUtid on the result
Hurt also cnme out first In the pedestrian
match held nt Nownrk scoring 3731 miles In
seventytwo hours
Ho competed In the Rose Bolt contest nt
Madison Kiiunro Harden New York December
1870 Ho defeated sixtylive Matters winning
the belt covering 540 16 miles
riiEvious REcoRDS
The records of tho first men In previous note
worthy Hlxdny races will show how tho scores
have fluctuated
London March 23 ISiS OUarv SSOmllei
London Nov 2 IH7H Corkev 31
New York March 15 I 1H7U Kuwell MO
New York Al > rll 19 HW raiichot 4t5 J
London AI rI21 l 1X7 1 Hrown Mi
London June an IB7W ttImoTi Kf >
New York Oct IIINTH Murihvw
Lonilon Feb IA IHWI I lower Hronn 5M
Han KrancUco March 1318 Daniel 1leary 018
Fractions of miles are omitted In the above
Tle Victor Ilobjr Food
Adt nest substitute for mole milk 2 So AU drugglitL
Wilson drtJjflst Droidway And Ilne st I e urn lout or
ibtumaUjm with AtihrlUnc or refuudi tim I aaoesy4J
Great Wnlkliiff Mulch
Howard tiai von the liandiomo patent rocking thlr
by making the Inmost 1 score on the last day of the nalk
The frame of tlilirlinlr Is I ebon and gold and Is hon
tiniFly ntholilcreil In jfllow satin lirocnJo wltli > llk
l I III h fctrpe I triit nied ulth ileepsltk none It was on
pxliitiltinii rurine tlio p51 wrek nhrlr Houjre
nanltii nnd was inulo and prcuiitid lu the lnu r tiy
Ihe Uruuklj I rurnilure Cu llrooklyn N YAJ
iTenklnii nt Trcimrtd Flour
Will make bread sal liUcult fltg uilnulos d
ll better to remove than to hilt comptf jlonal blem
Islms UM llenns Sulphur Snap not inimrtlci
llllls hair slid Wlilikcr Oft Ill J or lirgwn XXwUf
Nsw York ciy I Amnrics I molropolis btr pruli U
Dr lulliC U8b8 > rep it ra tll l lonI I
Jf q4
fr4 ° = v 3
FRANK H HARr of Boston
Third 1nullcatton
Bow Chinese CheAP Labor Preratled la
IValklna Match
It wsi t simple city and
I was a sli days no
As suits Tour Inclination
lie It either fast or slow
And lwl 1 a nimble Chlnamtn
Who nome was Luni Tee 100
Though known on thisoccasloa at
Old number 2i
Ills e were on the bias and
He wore A Chin do
That portion of his shirt stitch most
Men hide exmioed to view
And A nrcjnJ tIme rln he le
An scored lop alWr lap
lie wiped the honest bends away
With this convenient flap
From early morn till dewy sys
That spry Cctcstnl man
Ban on and man hitter angers
Asullcd him as ho ran
With cries and jeers and hOOtS and yetll
And many a bold renuest
As taking nono hlmselt tie should
Give other men a rest
Ills game was neither walk nor n
It A A i springy lope
A sort or demonstration of
Tho tuoj ancy of hop
For ti civ 1 hours went ho at a rat
otJut Rye miles each on
And then there rose A pleasant shout
The Chinaman hes done
I even so with siLty miles
Upon his dIal good
Old JohnWithdrew as all the boys t
Had prophesied ho oula
M high dma to go1 the Judges meld
Hed died upon this track
What that lay heenol hon my bon <
I that crc gums aint backl
Fire minutes hat he stayed away
Fly minutes and no more
And now that spry Celestial man
Was trnTelllut as before
And In the next twelve hour tt
His former rate of speed
Ue doubled up his score at tho
Expense of steep and feed
M lil a plucky devil and
He ought to net a place
The judges say DS once again
110 drops out of iSo race
Ter rolnht says Dan OBlcary hnt
A Rood slhrong fut Is I his
But hes shtepped a bit too lotvcly
Holy Moscsl thcro ho 1st
And once aaln that Chlnamin
Qan loping round tile track
Atjust nio miles an hour with
The others at his back
And every don hours he
Drops limping from the ran
1 absent Just flee minutes thoa
rciumcs his merry pace
1 I A Kltenl ely and
The six dy walk is done
Ko less a person than the Mayor
Must take the belt to John
The Mayor he lifts the tent its flap
And then pops out again
For sponging of each others blat
Ar TwoTwi CmtixaK
The Scare of tho 1lrst rtenlnxs Play 10 to
G Nlossons Averngn 117
PARt April 10Timo VlfjnauxSlosson bil
liard match was begun nt845 oclock this even
Ing at Cremorne Hall Messrs Plot and Thomas
woro chosen umpires Slosdon started with
one point Vlgnaux following with two points
Tho next breaks gnvo Slosson 32 and Vfcnnux
60 Then tlooaon mndo21and ho was followed
by 1 run of 422 by Vlgnaux which was hailed
with cheer Vlgnauxs next largest break was
185 Slossnn two largest breaks were 227 and
2JJ Ylgnauxs average was 185 and Bloueons
Both champions were loudly nv lauded
Ylsrnaux made 800 points llrst I Blosson only
scored C21 hero was consldorablo betting on
tho result Many amateurs wero present In
cluding the Prince of WUitemburir The game
terminated nt 1 40 oolook I will bo resumed
tomorrow oven In nt 8 oclock
There were to be live encounters 800 points
each making 1 total of 4000 points Vlgnaux
by his victory tonight gains the right to name
tho referee for the last evening
Murphy Failure
Fitm I lug > unlf TTfmorraf
nnrcrstrtvw IHs not been unduly excited
this week over tho pedestrian contest as antici
pated When mnny who had gone In high
spirits to Nnw York by special train on Sunday
to witness Murphy start on blsvlctorious march
In the arena returned at nn early hour Monday
morning with Urn news that tlio Poy had
made fifteen miles and then loft the track for
good his stock fell and tho Interest In the race
was gone No flags have been raised no rush
for telegrams no photos of tho champion sold
Murphy has dlbnupolntod his backers nnd many
tried friends anti is no moro nn Idol of the vll
logo There will bo no triumphant reception vI
tho winner of the OLonry belt In Havorstrnw
this time and that fifteen milesnftor months of
trnlnlnl tmo has settled Murphy as I grout led s
The MeTtntyntt Hour Walk
AMSTERDr Ny AprIl 10The seventyfive
hour pedestrIan contest for the clKinptonshlp rncdM and
f loo closed st 9 oclock lonUht leorse Dufrsve won
the mint prize f IT I nnd the cliuimdunthlp nudal nmk
lilt 2W miles in 7hours and 18 minutes i Chas Olioii
neil won the second prize 75 nicking I 314 mllcsi I Dinlel
Mahoney t the rtlIII prIce H i I innklnj S75 inllri IMcr
Unuipaua fourth and Arthur Iaylon the huh
Westnna Wnlk a Failure
BAX FRANCISCO April 10 Wnstons walk
agaInst time has attrtcted scirel any attention and Is I a
Cot lallure as regard the scorj which at I oclock this
I veulng alteinooa was only Mlmllei The I slit elosuo 51 II this
Tk AntlTllden rare Flectlnc their Dee
gates to the Hint CanTcntlonA LIvely
Haw In tha Third District Convention
BTIUCUHE April 10The old light botwoon
tho Tlldon and AntlTlldon forces In Onondaga
County was fought oror again today In tho
eloct dole
Assembly District Conventions to
gates to tho Stato Convention nnd tho victory
this tlmo Is with tho AntlTlldon party Ar
rayed against the Tlldon faction woro tho old
mombors of tho Canal lllne whoso ranks
woro swollen to winning proportions
by the accession of a largo number of
Democrats who ore not so much opposed
to Tlldon but who aro opposed to tho nincom
poops who have assumed to manage his Inter
ests In Onondaea County For tho most part
the TllJen managers hnvo been men of DO
standing or Influence either as politicians
or citizens They hnvo had powerful
adjuncts In carrying conventions and pack
Ing caucuses In professional gamblers and mon
of tha very worst character As 1 consequence tho
respectable men In tbo Democratic party many
of whom aro strong advocates of Til Jen voted
against the machlno today In order to rebuke
tho nincompoop managers Btrong nntlTlldon
delegates woro elected In tho First and Second
Assembly Districts In tho First District tho
delegates are William C linger Samuel L Hop
kins and M HBIynn In tho Second District
Messrs A 1 Palmer It K Dorchester nnd O
W Hill were elected Thero was no contest In
cither district
The Third Dtalrlct Convention came very
near lining broktn up In a row and but for the
presence of thu pollcu who wero opportunely
present a sanLtilnnry light might have ensued
Upon the assembling of the Convention the Ill
don delegates saw that thny were In n small
minority and nt once determined to cap
turn tlm Convention br bulldozing tactics
J P Munro nn ardent Tlldon Inn tactce WIS
called to preside Two sets of delegates
appeared from tho town of Mnnlius
anA hendcd by John F Onvnor and the other
by Levi Hnell Col John M I Btrong untlTlldon
who WM John T Hnflmans Salt Hut > crlntend
onto moved that lime Convention appoint a
ommlttcoon contottod Boats Vim A Beach
Tildons factotum moved to amend Hint the
Chair appoint this committee Col Strong
called for the yoas anti nays Twenty
delegates seconded tho motion but tho
Chair refused to put i declaring that tho
motion was out of order as c five delegates hnd
not seconded i Amid great confusion the
Chair put Mr Beachs motion and declared It
enrrlod Amid the greatest confusion tho
Chair announced tho committee uador Mr
Baaohs amendment and the space In front
of his desk was Quickly tilled by
I largo number of men who wero
greatly excited shaking their lists at tho Chair
man and denouncing him in tbo most violent
language The greatest t disorder prevailed
At length Col Strong mounted 1 table within
thin bar nnd asked time delegates to stop Inside
but thoro woro high words In tho roar of tho
hal which attracted the delegates and specta
tors thither The Chairman kept his
seat pale anxious nnd excited and his
tow fuglemen were lonplusped The
crowd wits standing mind oaths and smoke flllod
tim air Greater excitement was never seen In
n Democratic Convention In this city anti for a
llltln whlln I sccjiod ns though there wax to bo
bloodshed Every man wns talking mind most
of them wore swearing In a very high key A
number of delegates In political sympathy with
limo Chairman said his rulings woro an outrage
null would not and could not uphold him In
them <
thor disorder lasted for nearly half nn hour
then It gradually subsided Mr Boncli mean
time consulted with tho Chairman Tho Chair
man naked the delegates to step Inside the ring
and time circus was continued two policemen
previously summoned to help In restoring
order eunrdlngtho entrance to tho rln or
rnlllng The roll was called nnd tho deliirstes
Rtoppud within time railing Will the confusion I
continued Tho J Committed Contented f Seat
reported In favor of ndtnitting the Gaynor del
egation I wits moved that tho report DO ac
cepted also that It bo disagreed with Mr
Beach moved that both motions t > o tabled and
the yeas and nays wore culled for The < Chair
again refused to call time yeas and nays and put
Mr Benchs motion Tho yeas worn few fut
faint and the nays overpowering Thn Chnlr
declared < MivBoachs m Uoricrrricijj sndnjjaln
tho greatest contublufi tirnVnllcd with cries of
Put out tho Chairman Vs
While the confusion continued somebody
bounced tho Chairman and Col < Strong took
his placo by clear vote of tho Convention
William Hummers and Dr Itobert Snow woro
appointed secretaries < Col Strong said that the
records of tho Convention thus far had been
stolen and naked delegates to present them
selves and help to make un n now roll Order
was at last restored but tho men who created
confusion not to ho After ltcl
thl eOlluslon wero Ult soon tho
roll call M R Dyer Jno Graft Jr and Silas
Duel were appointed delegates to the State Con
Mr Henry J Mowrv member of time Btntn
Committee from this district I pronounced
Tlldon man denounces tho notion of the Chair
man AS outrageous mind says that the delegates
headed by Mr Dyer are clearly entitled to bo
admitted to the State Convention and that bo
shall use his Influence to have thorn admitted
Messrs Geo F Comstock and Wro 0 Bugflr
arc likely to bo the delegates to the Cincinnati
Convention from tho TwontyflftU
onvonton Twentrff Congres
sional District
TIIOY April 10The Democrats of the Third
Assembly District of Itnasnolnor County to
night elected Franklin 1 Harder William T
Wiles and Rufus Sweet delegates to t tho Slate
Convention Resolutions endorsing Tlldnn for
the Presidency worn unanimously adopted
BAncrooA April 10 Stephen Dunn of Sara
toga Springs Ellhit Wing of O oo ell nnd
1ullo ConUluc of Hnilley nro the delegates
from thin Socoud Assembly District to tho Dom
ocrntle State Convention Dltret
Tammany Hail Itri > on e loihe Democratic
Union Appeal
The Tammany committee who wore ap
pointed to reply to the Democratic Unions re
quest for I conference with the Tammany and
Irving Hall Democratic organizations with a
view to secure n united delegation from this
city to tho Syracuse
Convention sent to the
following Democratic Unions committee yesterday the
TiKxiJT Thai NFW Von Arrll 10 iqn I
Urun r rlni AJnrm JuHn Iluili Joln II > itt X < lm t
Saiih nily 4 rin WyS
UriTttiriK The Committee on nrganlratlon of Tarn
man HalU to whom jonr letter of Mnrch3l > yai jnhnilt
ted appointed a committee or tnrmyronr ore Irom
each Asiemlilr I I dUtrlcu to coiitldor the proportion I sub
milted by you I behalf ol thn Irtnoirauc Union The I
committee mol on Hominy the 5lh Inn I and after con
fMcrable dlscutilun aprointod a sul > ci > mimltro of seven
The subcommittee 1 ivld two meeting and slier I naomI
erlnn your vropoiilloiK in all their brarliiii drrlded to
recommend to the committee ol twcntvlour the fol
That the request of he Democratic tnlon That a sub
committee ol the Democratic tnton Micnld meet iml
Itr ono Irom this botly for conference te l risincifullv
granted This reconmirnlattim hl log met with the
unanimous approval of the committee of twcntr tonr the
undcrstsned as members of said committee beg to
say tint wiuue nappy to meet put comuilltee fur con
create either til T nhy Hll I wh Ve are happy to
place at your service or if morocoiitenUiitanJ agrees
g l
ble at onr own headquarter nt any time you deslitnuu1
UiLtUM R ItoOKnT IticiiARD J iloiutisxnv
llKsni II teen lliinucE K ilOLitliy Set
Mr E Kll ry Anderson Chairman of kite
Deniocratlo Unions Conference Commlttousnys
that that organisation cannot now sucuru the
election of I united delegation to Ibo Stato Con
vention The opposition of tho Irving Hnll
party hnd prevented tho union of the conflict
ing elements in tho Democracy of this city
Tho Democratic Union tony call primaries and
elect a delegation to the regular Democratic
Stat Convention Thoy will in nny 1elocrnlo
all tholr Influence to pprsunde the Tammany
organization or BO many of Its members OH they
can roach to alter their determination not to
support Samuel J Tllden If ho Is I nominated by
tho Cincinnati Convention They also Intend
to do what they can to secure nn unlnutructod
delelnlol from this State to tho National Con
vention and to prevent tho ndoptlon of a reso
lotion by them Statn Convention to dlicct its dolo
gatlou to vote us n unit
Ulscnntcut Caused by the Jlnllvlun Kcverae
III tlio Chilian M ar
WASHINGTON April l0Tiio Chilian Min
ister has received advices from Panama that a
revolution has recently broken out In Bolivia
headed by Cole Silva and Macbado This revo
lution the despatch assorts was brought about
by tho discontent of tho Bolivian pimplo on ac
count of thu pant reverses of the Bolivians In
the war eguiinst Chill
GortchnkotY f ire la Hunter
PARIS April 1 10 Advices from St Petersburg
duIO say thai 1rlacc UoitcbakofTi sll Is considered to be in
Two Purporting to be Signed hI Conntr
Treasurer Helienck of Ilrooklyn I
The National City Dank of Brooklyn yes
terday certified two chocks purporting to have
boon drawn by Gllllam Schonck County Treas
urer of Kings County for 16500 and 1500 re
spectively The certification was made under
tho belief that tho chocks wore genuine After
ward I was learned that tho County Treasurer
had not drawn any such checks and telegrams
woro sent flying to all of tho banks of Brooklyn
and Now York warning thornnot to rocelvo or
negotiate tho checks as thoy would not bo paid
President John J Studwoll of tho Notional
City Bank says that two mon entered tho bank
at about 1 oclock In tho morning onotnll and
slender about 45 years old with dark hair
dark complexion dnrk moustache nnd goatee
the other shorter of about the same age nnd
wearing short gmy whiskers Jhoy each h had
I check signed Gllllam Schonck County
Treasurer which they oftorcd for certifIcation
Both men wore strangers anti they offered to
Identify each other but the bank docs not as n
rule require persons tircsontlnKchecks for cortl
llcatlon 10 bo Identified TIme checks oeemcil
regular nail A A Howe tho cashier turnod
thorn over to his nnslstnnt David Hnrrls who
believing tho slgnnturo to bo correct curt ou
tho Chocks nnd made n memorandum of tho
dab nnd amount upon his book Hull nn hour
Inter James Green 1 clerk from the County
Treasurers office happened In and ho wns
asked whcthnr such chocks had bieu drawn
Tho clerk paid that no checks hnd been signed
for tho amounts named that ho kucw of and
lip huSton J0 t < lW to t0118ut Mr
Suhoiiuk The halter at once vlsltod the bank
nnd assured tho ofllccrs thnt ho hall not drawn
thochcciiu and that ho had not contemplated
drawing chocks for tho amount named
Tho man Who presumed tho checks could not I
bo identllled l from their deucrlptlnn with nny
perflons who could have entered Mr Bchencka
olllco nml obtained the blank chocks used by
the County Treasurer Thiso blank checks are
printed front 1 plato used by the county alone
1ius y contain elaborate nnd coptly engraving
nnttnr bound In book form fcu that there 191 m
stub for every chouk Mr Bulionck usually
I signs only those chccko drawn for salaries tim
other ciic2ks holng signed by hil deputy Junacs
Gardner This wns what led tho clerk James
Green to promptly suspect n forgery More
over no checks find been drawn upon tho bank
by time t County Treasurer for a week nnd as
far n was known no check remained unpaid
which could hnvo been raised to represent tho
sums called for in tho forced chocks
The fact that 1ho cheeks were upon the blanks
used by the County Treasurer contributed to
dccolvo tho bank officers ns Ibo signature was
n very clever Imitation of that of tho County
Treasurer Tho County Treasurer has directed
n thorough search to bo Undo through all the
checkbooks to find whether the blank checks
were taken from his office
Tho police wero quickly Informed and mes
sages wore sent to Superintendent Walling nnd
to Capt Hymns detective bureau In Wall street
Tho various Wall street banks wore notltled by
Assistant Cashier Harris and the evening mall
from Brooklyn carried out circulars to banks
and bankers In other cities I the checks are
negotiated It becomes an Issue at law the banks
officers claim as to who will lose tho money
In nny event the county will not lose It
President Studwoll last evening received a
di < spatch from the officers of tho West Side
Bank nt 479 Eighth avenue this city saying I
that the cortlllod checks had been presented
thoro antI asking whether thoy were good Ho
sent n messenger nt once to tho balk who soon
telegraphed that both checks were In tho West
Side Bink < and were safe President Studwoli
concluded from this that time checks hind boon
dipoo there by the men who got them certi
fled with a view to opening an account
An laltrcellna Exhibition uj the Gentlemens
llldlni Club of lloloken
The Gentlemens Riding Club of Hoboken
last evening gave their nnnunl reception nt
Hexamers Hiding Academy Tho large riding
room was tastefully decorated with flags nnd
streamers and tho boxes and seats weio fled
with fashionably dressed ladles and gentlemen
many of whom were from this city Tho
club Is I Compos of wealthy man and the
horses are nil blooded animals They were
beautiful in their shining Coats mint white
leather trappings and reins They champed
their bits and seemed eager for the exhibition
to begin Jfr Iteximor Jr who Is only 21
years of age and is i six feet tall entered riding
noble white horse that leaped Into the arena
with 1 spring that fairly cleared a sixfoot gate
The rider retained his seat with perfect ease
and was greeted with loud applause Tho
President oLtho club Mr Forn a tall powerful
man rode n large strong b Inl liorso that
leaped over hurdles and gates as I Its 1 rider
WHH > a mere light weight
TIme exercises were opened by a grand quad
rllle In which Messrs Fern Richard Fahrlg
A Dehrenu M Stein Ph Hchnrd Holtz G
lllllen O Oel chlacger C t Hnrstman Felix
Ollort C A Illume nnd Edward Nlodoratndt
member of the club took part Then tho band
struck up tho horses Mcmed ln plred by tho
music nnd thor danced the auadrllln with much
spirit and apparent enjoyment The hurdle
nnt orment
leaping singly lull In pairs nt trot and gallop
wa a success difficult and beautiful Ilecj
of liorFemnDslilp was a tandem match This
consisted of four of the members of the club
nnch riding n linrsodrlvlngnnntlier In tandem
The exorcises wore dosed with I gallop nnd
nuadrlllc In which nil tho members of the club
After the exercises the club gave a banquet
at which there were many guests
The Ilrnillre noilr or n Yonnff Man Found
In the Woods In llnrham X I
Nnw MATIKCT N H April 10 Yesterday
afternoon while three little girls were gather
Ing May flowers In the woods nt
Inl fowersln Durham 1
they discovered the headless bodyof young
man hourly nude An Investigation showed 1
thnt n murder had ben committed but by
whom Is ns yet I myftery The body was found
lying face downward nt full length with both
nrniH resting underneath and only covered
whim n Ahlrl Tho right arm was severed from
tho body at tho shoulder and tho head bad also
been cut off nnd his not yet been found About
300 feet away the COn pnntnloono and vest
were found and In another direction eomo
twentyflvn < feet distant n linen collar cap
necktie nnd Hhlrt bosom which hail been torn
completely off There worn three gold studs
with garnet settings In tho shirt bosom slutl
top part of I tho skull minus the hair over n
ppaci nenrly n largo n n rancor nail tho umi r I
dorerf oak club about three feet long wore also
found In I n little clearing I lif Is evident f that
hero tho murder was commlttod Sovernl
pleees of skull and brnln woro scattered about
nnd torn clothing all Indicating tho victims
struguln for life ni 10dleltnl victms
NEW MAIIKCT N I April 10The body of
the murdered mnn found In the woods last
night has positively been Identlllod tnnleht as
that of 1 rronclunnn named t Potor Duvnll of
this town who suddenly disappeared sonic
three weeks ago The Coroner has been hold
fag an Inquest at Durham today which will
probably not bo concluded for several days wil
autoifiy revealed additional atrocities by the
murderer upon his victim
A Probability that he Will Not bo lllstnrbed
Democratic Senator > Aiding Him
WAsniNriTox April 10TIm adjourned
Democratic Senatorial caucus was In session
about four hour today and it resulted In
voting by n majority of three to take up tho
Geneva Award bill and consider that measure
In advance of the report of tho Committee
nn Privileges and Elections to unseat Kellogg
This decision is H victory for the Senators who
believe that it would be bad poliey to cronto n
protracteddolmtn on Louisiana election frauds
nt the present time Tho discussion today was
n repetition of the debates which have occurrud
In the last three caucuses A majority of time
ntileet of the DBiuocratlo Senators arc opposed
to the consideration of Kelloggs enso nt the
present session Another caucus will probably
lie held when the Geneva Award hill is disposed
of to determine whether the Kellogg case ediall
timun be considered
It is probable however that nothing will bo
done with the case A sumolent number of
Democrats have Indicated tholr determination
not to votu to unsent Kellogg to render tile
tenure of olllco for the rent of Ills term abso
lutely curtain In this condition of affairs to
consider his case would bo folly
Conference of JttpnblUan who are Opposed
to n Third Tern
Two conferences of nntlthlrd term Re
publicans will bo held In Albany next week
Ono has been called by the Republican Reform
League and ho other by the Independent Re
publican Associations lu the State who were
know last fall as tile Republican scratohors
The call of the Reform League Invites anti
thlrdterm Republicans to meet In Albany
April 21 to determine what measures can bo
adopted to aid the antlthlrdterm Republicans
of time country In preventing the nomination or
election of Gen Grant to the Presidency Tho
other conference will consider time snmo qtiiw
lion and will doubtless appoint delegates to
the National AntiThird Term Conference
that Is to bo hold In St Louis on
the Gilt of May It will also elect
n State Committee antI adopt other measures to
unite for campaign purposes time Republicans
of this State who nro opposed to the renoinlnn
tlon and election of Gun Grant The call will
bo signed by nil thin Independent Republican
nsoocimttlons in the State and will invite to limo
conference many Influential nullGrant Re
publicans and especially ask time cooperation
of time 20000 Republicans who nt time last nbc
lion Bcrntched Gov Cornnll Time ondors
of this movement expect thnt tholr conference
will bo largely attended and that tim union of
most of limo elements In the Ropiib cnu party
opposed to Qen Grants nlnctlon will bq ono of
thn results of its deliberations The conference
will bo hold or the 21ft or 221 of April
Time ContrnlIVommiti lll ° nw ant ilft
term organization will io nrsnntr morrow
monilLuOlnrnndon huh Charles Wntmuij
Kthan Allen JnjAluIll F Mnnlerre Benntor
Gcorgn H Foster and D 1 T Marshall are
mentioned In connection with time Chairman
uhlp but Charles Wntrous Is the mostconsplcu
ous candidate This body after Its orsanlzii
tlon Is complete will determine whether It shall
be represent d In thin St Louis Conference
EcUnltcd States Senator John hi 1 Henderson
of Mlfeourl will address lime Sherman Club of
this city nt Its meeting 8 WestTwontvnlghtU
street tomorrow evening Jlr Albert Sllcknoy
will speak on the same evening In Steinway
Hull under the auspices of tho Independent
Republican Association
Iloln Tllden nnd AnilTllden DeleffRtel to the
Syracuse Convention
The Democrats of tho First Assembly
District of Westchostcr County comprising time
towns of Yonkers Grconburgh and Mount
Pleasant hold a convention In Radford Hall
Yonkers Saturday to select delegates to time
Stab Convention ExAbsnmblymnn William
F Mollor was Chairman It was agreed that
the delegates of each town should nominate
their own delegate to the State Convention
subject to the approvalof the entire Convention
Mr McCall then nominated Thomas Engnn an
antlTlldcn man who was approved with en
thusiasm Mr Jacob Odcll of Turrytown then
proposed the name of Col Wni F Holier a
personal and pdllllenl friend of Mr Tlldnns
for Gruonburgn and he was chosen by time Con
vention To represent Mount Pleasant Moses
W Taylor Supervisor of that town said to bo
nntlTildin was named and npproved Mr
Orrin A Bills wns selected as iilternntoto repre
sent Yonkers end Joseph Udall to represent
Grcenburgh With regard to the alternate to
represent Mount Pleasant them was some
difference of opinion and the difllculty was
settled by leaving Mr Taylor to select his own
Mr Uxnn then rose and said that ho In
tended to KO to the Convention and vote against
Mr Tildou
Hlsslne Since the Treasurer Fllfht la 1874
cud Now Offered Hack
When Alexander D Hamilton who was
Treasurer Jersey City abandoned his office
In January 1874 and absconded with about
117000 worth of 7 V cent municipal bonds and
133000 In money belonging to tho city ho fled
to Mexico nnd after many adventures was
sheltered by Juan Cortina Governor of SteIn
moros from the pursuit of n detective
who had been sent In search of him Cortina
obtained possession of most of the money and
nearly nil of the bonds Hamilton afterward
becoming tired of his wanderings returned
and surrendered himself to the Jersey City
authorities Ho was tried and convicted amid
sentenced to servo five years In time Stata
prison In Trenton After serving throo years
he was released by the Court of Pardons
Since Hnmlltons return from Mexico several
offers have been made nt different times by de
teethes and nnonvmous person to restore
some of time bonds on payment of a reward but
all such overtures have been declined as the
bonds were never legally uttered and are abso
lutely worthless
Comptroller Nelson of Jersey City recently
received a letter from a man In Philadelphia
signing himself Samuel Ellis who represented
that ho was a detective and controlled the bonds
anti would deliver them up for 30 percent of
their face value file letter was submitted to
the Board of Finance at an executive session on
Thursday night anil they are In communica
lion with the writer of tho letter It Is not sup
posed that they will accede to his demands
Your Hundred Victims Demanded to ISemovo
Kill Influence
LONDON April 10TIme Standard corre
spondent at Tbystmo telegraphs ns follows
The public mind Is very unsettled The Man
dalay astrologers maintain that In order to if
movo evil Influences n great propitiatory sacri
fice is requisite The victims are to be taken
from all ranks to the number of four hundred
Tao priests aro to contribute ono hundred The
rest cousijt of men women mind children
Many re ° have been mado to secure a suf
llelout miiubor Mr t1 Intended victims to ba
selected from The priests vr I hitherto
enjoyed Immunity from SHCrllKe are nuittlni
Mandalny In great numbers A Roman Outhnllu
convent was recently entered to procure victims
oblong the girls there but the attempt wns
frustrated Although the prospect of the rebut
lions btwe n India and Burmali nro brighter
through nu apuoariiiiu of concessions con
tained In Kim Theo Daws last mestage the in
ternal condition of time country Is most unsatis
factory The people whllo B olng the folly of
King nice flaws acts are helpless to effect a
LJi41IXU FRt > 3i A irixnoir
The Effort of n Wife lo Ficnpei from the
Furr era Drunken Husbautl
At C oclock yesterday afternoon n woman
whew lute ant I dress were etilnej will folootl appcarM
In the First 1reclnct police station In Newark acconi
tallied lijr two mull children Sue told Jusncu KUunt
that her Iiutbaiul Mlducl Koclilonl came to their house
nt IU2 Walnut street In an IntonlcateJ condition He
inccke4 her down 501 cril times rue children screnmed
eit I she cnid lOt help Her hitrlmnd lieu lock a lorce
scltknirt > ironi 111 u poiKct pullo open the Matle suit at
tempted M null her Mio tried to escarc tliroii li tlie
lock iloor hut ho hit her on Ihe head tilth the knlic
Then she run lu tlif tromlt door As > he was trying lo
open mite door he stshbod her she n t undfr her rleht
eje Ketrln tlntjlK1 t oullbo klllfcllif ire ii ig lirHiih
a HCOIII loiy Klnluw and lell lenvll im theprumil
Tin niiililior husteiud to her assistance and her htis
hand uliounspartially sobered vhenliesau what he
lint > l lent oi nut to a druj sloe simi pricureil some pliutir
to threes her inlnrlei Then I she went to tile police stn
lion tkiii tug JackknlicHlth lier Julie Itieord ixud
a n Arm nt lor the arrest or Itoi kfurd nho Iris w lie aid
was Ih best or liu hands tlun Ii wo I attic lu > Mild
shu did not n mil him punlshid UK hard Her Injuries
see dreieJ by > lollc l Mirueou Reid
The lllnlne Ilooni In Inva
DAVENrorT Iowa April 10Thin Scott County
Republican Convention uhlch was held here today
chose seienloen lllnlne delegates to the Blare Cuni enllon
and pasvd resolutions instructing them to vote for Illume
Crdnr C < untr In thl > dutnil nNo clioc a full Hlalne
tic tv tunli mil pasKiil like renolutlnus luri I > riii < itloti u I >
ced ironi other cotitiiieu ol th hefund ConureSloMtl
Dltrlct incites It inlmn Ihat llKunc nlll hare a majority
of lug cniilldstes
tlixiiiM lone April hiTue nepuldlcan roiinty
Ceiuention this atti moon sheeted and iasiruclud a solid
Grant delegation to Pes Molncs
lovfi Cur Iowa April inThe KeptiUllean Count
Cuinentlon today was very hariiumtoiM aiul bv nn nf
most unanimous vote tnstructid the tie u gotmoim tor litaliie
Niiln iicctlon > In StaIns
PonTrtNp Me April 10 Returns from the
sprlmi lections In all the towns of the Iirt t Consres
sionnl Pistrlct show a llepubliean malorlty of tM I
acajnst Ml I lit I t hill In Iliinbtrland County ammd IOJ2 t
aialiit i04 in York County
rdmunds IeudlOK tlraiit In Massnchlisells
SrnmNcmvjEon April Springfield sends 13
dinund 0 Grant and 1 Hierumn dolitaUs li the
Worcester omrntlon Ilol > ok scud tu vhu lavur
Edmunds and 1 for Ursnt
PrvpaHnr n Deception for Mr Gladstone I
London The Hpeelalor Prtfrrrnttt Ibr
Member of the Nevr Liberal Cablnei
LONDON April 10Time returns of the
Parliamentary elections thus far show the oloo
lion of 327 Liberals 210 Conservatives and 45
Home Rulers The total number of votes polled
thus far Is 1525000 Liberal and 1111000 con
sorvatlvo showing n Rain of 401000 Liberal
and 118000 Conservative votes
The following candidates wore elected todayt
Messrs H J HI Homo Ruler and T D Sal
Hvan editor of tIme Kalian of London National
itt and Homo Ruler for Wcetmoath n Homo
Ifulo gain of ono 1 Mr StowartRcndel Liberal
for Montgomeryshire n Liberal gain Mnssra
W A TyssonAmhorst and George W P
Bontlnok Conservatives ton Norfolk west boIls
relloctcd Messrs Wontworth B Beaumont and
Albert Qrcy Liberals for Northumberland
south a Liberal gain of ono Lord Burchler
Conservative and time Hon It Spencer Lib
eral for Northamptonshire north n Liberal
gain of ono Messrs Philip Cohen and Alexan
der M Sullivan Homo Rulers for Louth
county the laltor reflected Mr Donald Cam
eron of Lcchlol Conservative for Inverness j
shire reBooted Lord Edward Cavendish
iroulsof Hartlngton and Mr
brother ot tuo
John 1 Olicotham Liberals for ia sw
shire north n Liberal gala of Olid
Messrs George Biieknall Eatcourt and Lone
Conservatives for Wiltshire north tho former
refllneted the Hon W J W Kllzwllllnm nail
Mr W II Lenthnm Liberals for Yorksilro
West Rldlnc fioulhern Division n Liberal cain
nf two the Riglit Hon K Dnyer dray Lord
Mayor of Dublin nnd proprietor ot iho tYcf
mait3 Journal II R for Carlow Count a
HomuRulo cain Siesara Thomas II T lllid
ynid and Ooorgo Btoror Conservatives lor
Niitti mohilimsim ire aoutli both rniileutnd Sir
John II Kennnwny njjd LloutCol Wnlrond
Conservatives for Devon cast time former ro
The newspapers hero publish the following
paragraph It lins not yet been nicortnlned
whether Mr Glnditonn will accept n demonstra
tion on his return lo London According re
ports from various Quarters public cnthushisra
appeals to grow to xueh n degree that it is I
thought highly Improbnhln that Mr Gladstone
will bo able to decline tIle reception which la
preparing for him by the LIberals Offers of co
operation and assistance have been received
from various local bodies
Tho latelle of yesterday contained nothing of
tIme creation of n Bishopric in Liverpool Lord
Boaeonnfleld will probably nominate n Bishop
Among the names mentioned for promotion
In the peerage are Mr Alexander D W it t
BalllnCoohrann Conservative member nf Ilia t
last House of Commons for time halo of Wight
Sir Lawrence Palk Conservative member for
Devon cast in the last house nail Mr Mon
taint Corny Lord Beaconsfliilda secretary
Vanity > nirsnys that the Queen will send for
Karl Ornnvlllo when Lord Beaconelleld resign
time Premiership
Time tialurttau Jlntno thinks that Lord Boa
consflold will retire before Parliament meets
amid that time chances Room to ba against Mr
Gladstones acceptance of office
TheSpprittor thinks tliat Mr Gladstone cannot
bo left out of the new Cabinet end Hint ho can rT
not occupy nny place In It except the first place
The Spectators preference for time constituents
nf thn Cabinet is ns follows Mr Gladstone
First Lord of tho Treasury nnd Loader nf the
House of Commons Karl of Granvllln Presi
dent of limo Council nnd Loader of time House of
Lords the Marquis of Hnrtlngton Secretary
nt Stale brIbe Foreign Department the Right
Hon Hush C K ChlMors who wits roalected
for Pontnfract Chancellor of the Exchequer
Sir Wllltnm G G VernonHnpourt who
was roclocted for 0rrJ ty Sevnr oi n
Slate for tne Homo Department the Duke
in Argyll Secretary of Stub for War Sir
Ooarlcs Wottworth Dllkn who was reflected
for Chelsea First Lord of limo Admiralty Right
Hon William E Forstcr who wn reflected for
Bradlord nnd who wni n former Under Secre
tary for tlio Colonial Department Serelnr of
State for tho Colonial Department Sir Rrtun
dell P Selbaurne Lord High Chnucellor Earl
Northbrook a former under Secretary for In
din Secretary of State for India and President
of the Council of India Mr Anthony J Mun
dollawho was reflected for Shuflluld President
of hue Board of Trade Right lion John
Bright Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Prof Henry Vawoett who was rnelected for
Hackney President of the Local Government
Board Lord Ro ebory PoilmafitiirGotiernt
the Martinis of Rlpon Lord Privy Seal wits
Sir Thomas OHngan for Lord Chancellor ol 1
Ireland Mr floorgo ShawLnfevrn who was
roOlocted for Reading Chief Secretary for Ire
land end Mr Thomas Brasiey who was re i k
elected for Hastings Secretary to tim Admi
ralty Li
It Is to bo remarked that this extreme Liberal i
cant Is only stop short of radicalism The
RlKht Hon George J Goschon who has just
been elected for Rlpon the ablest llnnnoliir of
the Lllicral party is excluded from this list be
cause ho opposes equalization of county and
borough franchise 4
The Constantinople correspondent of the
Times telegraphs ns follows The elections In
England hnvo produced on nil classes bore a
profound Impression nnd nt thn palace almost
n tank Wild speculations nroaflont regarding t
tIme consequences of the coming change In lime 0
British Ministry Thn Greeks ArmunlansBul
gnrlatiA and Christians generally IKIVO long ro
carded Lord BcauonMlcld an their most power
ful opponent and rejoice nt his fall
The Brother of Twenty Tulit Children and
yet llolns llousevvorU I
In time little village of Norton N J lives n ra
mirkable family The iniitrcj or the house Is I a I ill
Mcllprescncd Homnn of i3 just now cnjj > lnff the best
ot ticnlth In fact mar whole life hnrf been ono iomit sea
son nl iioml hi ilth Site has round twenty lour children
to glib of Nhom otiul live On a cleanly k emit bali about l
ale mile rain i dir borne tiesI lives the olle > lchlll win
Is I lKnri three srorennl i ten The ynunir child ra
> M < it nummonctiriort n i < Incrnuo
culture lie Ii ao jenrs of Inc The inflS fumliT a 1
OXL ieclh TIll irrduro t d ihoinrm to Liken to
nnrket by HIM old lady and she does all the homework
I llh I the addition of tar cows In milk twice dulll m
The tim McUiodi tlinrfh hula ci cry member of limo
fannlv cIrcle present on undsy at both metallic sna
evenliti hervlee
Alirutlier Jticota BO yeirs ct ofle cuts two cords ol
uoodadat lie has necr been outside ol Hunlerdoa i I
iviint Ihilr hiiue Is their world and it MCtus tobo s >
very hnppy one for them
A 1hjslclnn Accused or rnlsonlnit his Will
ThltLDELIJtiA April 10Dr Guerson has
been nrrcsted on impiclon ol having ndmlnlitcrcd poison
to hisMlfc S lie diet about week ago after o short li
nes she left tt vftlmlde estate There halni been sus
minion of loul m ilny the i Iuruncr ciiejKi 1roi lcirmin of
the Central Hull I I chad lo innko a chemical ixslmilfls I
tlon ol tile contMili of the htomnrh a lila mm as done ant I A
on tho result was Pr I in i ranni nrrcst
Hr ilnersnn I I Is I a liom < u > i niiic plisclin and at one
llMiicnjoMl n lucralle i Ire eilcc Oioiiti urik I before i
hUwlfedled her niolher liel I lery suddenly and prior
ID that Ills lather IMII tound dead in hid one nioriiinr
At an Inquest thH altorniOn lit l Lurmin ustlncd lhaf
the wifes vtouiHCh i > howcd iininUiikuble evldeace of
arsenic one Dr l Incrsoii was oniuiltitd
Ithole Isliinit Itriuilillciius on the Fence
PROVIDENCE April 10Mr Isaac JI Potter
on of tim diieiates to the Chicago Contention Irom I Dili
Stole soy i thnt the itrlenitlm l < not pledged in any war
ilheellyir Indirect to iliplmit limbo ll tie filotils
ol ilrOiit call brtin his nainv utrunely bilon the fimxen
tlon and lirliK tie muted South null them sn Ihat it nlll
ii umesr that ii rant Is mole popular than Blaliie Khod
Island um mum glee him her votes
The Key Sir Stcturlhj Complaint
The Hov Charles P McCarthy n Unlvorsallsl
mlnliter of llopkliifon a > cnuo cut XlcUonoueh street
llrooklyn nas before Justice Siinli In llrwklvn u es
leriliy as complalnnnt ncninit Stephen and Oral by
inslonr iliililrrnnf i Mrs u SI larv Vtlmlow ut hi m he ac
cujM ol throuliu stones at his ilullrcn Tho Juuct
laid the bujs In bonds to kicp the peace
hlfinal OAlce Prediction
For the MliMlo Atlantic Slates areas nf light
mull it OlitOt iohlwn I by In ti ring < i ueaihcr lnh i niili i <
nmol vicritii tmniirh luldn noitlincil winJa mllnir
followed by rluni birometir
Tills M01fXIXl4 11IISr NHrq aVJ
William II Howard iournorui Dakota died inWush
iPKtutl e erda >
HIM hall In WashlnittonNstlonils 3 rrovldence 23
Thlilecn iniiintis viv pluud
Tim D hundred Iliisl in convicts have arrived at Odcssi
lor tranipurtution tu tin liliml of sjjlinlnii
The ciK ol sninll im ri I tInt u Cobol Isy al 07 Clinton
strut Is pronuanccd bj the Board cl Health tutu ac49
of measles
Dion llnuclianlt snlled for Europe yetlerdsy In th >
Cl rminie Ilu istoiiiiii I out limo Hiiaujhran lit Ibis
iliimi Ihcalre 1 London
A de illation from tln > stale ol NVw VorU nero I not
tami a > nurJai liiti > r > i < iniiii the ijuinnient I iii I lime
Uvi crmimiriie mb rai oh hit iiucitt em the Irolumcd limier
miatinnal hmrt itt lug mrs iiibs
Mrs Wllhelnilnalroske I a liftman womnnODj carlo
see em LDUIivllle Kv was murdered lv her rldrsi aumi
WillUni i > esterd y the Instrunxiii iisi IHIIIII a butcher
knife Tin boy haibecn Insaie tar Ihe cast tfiuo cars

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