OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 17, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1880-06-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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to 1 1
B crJ biLitn
Ainuitnrit ToIlny
Itnwrl 7 It rn I re Our Goblin
lmli r A 11I1 lnrilf n Cimcrrt
ln4Un N HW I I hrlrr IUll Kirk
I Vtrtrapol din Cimcrii Hull Ilroft4w jr Tlh IT aa4 lo1
1 r 1orl k AiunrlumI hi rcii
I 1 I hi L r4 nUi Child Mil I r
Union NqitAr ThpMtr lit IxtTSfff nil LIT
WitllnrlU rhfMlrr Kit tti Arkni t TfftvelUr
I ln < Ur nfMrrll tlirO f lt Jlllim
Gen Ctarficltls Credit aiobillcr Record
From Aii 0 m Swvu Ttttimtvif > tfnr tta Poland Gymmittttt Jan
14 IH13
I never owned received or agreed to receive
snip oh q rt Cffdit MoW ter po tfit t Union ZVld Itailroatl
o any JirUtndi o rrfot arifimj 1 from ttth r oflhtm
I JuJft rolimft Rtpori FA 18 1673 Gtirbff Tnttmotiy
The fact In retard to Mr OnrfloliI as found by the
committee > re thAt ho aimed with Mr Are to take ten
shares of Credit Moblller stock but did not pay for the
Mme Mr Ames received tho eighty per cent dividend
4 In bondi and told them for ninety seven per cent end
also reeelrcd the sixty per cent CAII dlvtlend which
together Kith the price of tho stock and Interest lift a
balance of 2 Tlili turn was paid over to Mr narfleU
t by a check on the Sergeant atArmaand Mr tlarfleld then
wideretood thU t turn mu tkt g Indian 0 JitsIdtndtnfltrpayinqor
I THm Ou tTea rorlr Hints T 19 I87X
llsnrs Kelley and Oarncld preienta most distressing
Cjure Their participation In the Credit Moblller affair
I complicated br the moit unfortunate contradiction of
From Oil lira Jorh Tmea ri 0 163
The character of the Credit Mobtller was n aecrct
The source of Iti profits was very well known at tho
time Congressmen bought It Though Oikes AlI may
hare succeeded In concealing his own motlio which was
I t bribe Congressmen their acceptance of the stock was
not on that account Innocent The dishonor cf tho act
as a participation In an obvious fraud still remains
Some of them havo Indulged In testimony with refer
ence to the matter which has been contradicted The
committee ilMnetfy rejecti the tnttmony of tml f of the
I nemhert TOte nm cntf I dime I on Ae ground that it It untruf
hot untrue testimony ffiren under omIt it tnomlfy If not Iryafy
oH rv
11 the clear duty of Congress to visit with punish
I il ment all who took Credit Moblller stock from Oakes
I From the I Xeu IV TtOnme ri IB 163
James A Garfield of Ohio had ten shares never paid a
i I dollar recelred f 329 which after the Investigation be
gan he was anxloui t have considered as a loan from
Mr Oakes Ames to himself
I Well the wickedness of all of I I that these men be
h trayed the trust of tho poople deceived their constltu
tnu and by evasions and falsehoods confessed the trans
0 I action t be disgraceful
A Friendly Word with our Republican
I Since tho Boston Advertiser attempted to
I Bet Gen GAUFIELDS record right by plead
ing that neither Gen UAWLEY nor tho lessor
HOAR would support him for President cl
ho believed that there was tho least smell of
corruption about his garments thcro have
been put forward in his defence arguments
and statements which aro oven moro ex
l traordinary and suggestive
That our Republican contemporaries may
I I understand exactly what tho question Is
that must bo answered beforo Gen GAIt
riELD is acquitted of bribe taking and per
I jury wo once moro print his sworn denial
before tho POLAND Committee
M Mr AMES never pave nor offered to give me any tol
or other valuable thing as a gift I once asked and ob
tained from him and afterward repaid to him I loin of
q 3tO that amount I the only valuable thin I ever re
I I celred from or delivered to him I never owned re
celled or agreed to receive any stock of tho credit
I I Moblller of tho Union Tactile Itallroad nor any divi
dends or profits arising from either of them
The one only question now at Issuo Is
Did Gen GAIIFICLU swear to tho truth I
t 1 not ho is 0 taker of bribes and 0 pot juror
A perfect understanding of this simple
point will enable tho professed defenders of
S tho Itopublltan candidate to see how dam
aging to his Interests ate tho various and
contradictory pleas which they are making
I Tho CloeUud Leader tony bo called tho
homo organ of Gen GAitiihLn I is pub
4 lished within a few miles of his Ohio homo
I and is at least palL owned by his close
peisonal friend Mr ItiCHAltu C IAiibOXs
tin same FAitsoj8 who paid to Gen GAIt
I f FILLI > 5000 as I feo in tho DC GOLVKII I
paving contract case In regard to thc
i j Credit Moblller affair tho Leader now says I
tlen liinriii bought a few shares and dropped them
a a loss M hen he found out the nature of the concern
I This is high authority but I it is right
C Gen GAUFIELU is a perjurer I never
I owned ho said under oath received or
t agreed t leeelvc any clock of tho Credit
Moblller or of tho Union Pacific Railroad
y Tho Washington Republican edited by
that experienced Republican politician Mr
L ALMOK M CiUi was a GHANT newspaper
p before tho Convention but now it displays
I tho name of GAWIELD at tho head of its
i4 columns as its candidate for President Tho
Jlcpubliccm said day before yesterday
I f II Is true that Gen GiBrizLD I assigned 20noof
I tL the stock cf the Credit MoUlter it tt roe he tneitett eon
tF ditlendt trvm Afl tnreidnoif but there Is liothln in the
I transaction W hick Impcnihes his Integrity
0 I This also is high authority but If it Is
tlr right Gen GAIJILD perjurod himself when
hI ho swore I never received or agreed to
ec + receive any dividends or piollts arising
I 4i from either of them
J I In 0 similar vein riold Marshal MUIUT
1 t t IIALSTKAD of
DALTEAD tho Cincinnati Commercial
I 1 comes up to the defence of his friend
1 We aro anare that lAHriiLDa record may be nsftalltO
i 3 I at t weak point but we have to sa > 01 him nonas le
I I laid when he was a candidate for the Senate that Ms en
I tanglement In small IraniacUons that hate been largely
I advertised shows not the rascal knotting eiery trick and
covering every turn Uemnnliiu wrong and conspiring fur
C I d concealment v > lilch Is the character to bo shunned call
I 0 dCEpifced but the nwkuardnenn o lncx > crlcnco and In
a 5 I aptitude In limo > r alfalrs where aciitcncss Is unllal ii
I smart men Nourish lie was poor end hadpuuir and
pi I scn ttic about his poverty wn anxious tube a PractIcal
man not to be drlen from lire
11 frollblc Iro like Senator Jnu
I DOK and ct tho e who were experts manaKcd 1 to Involve
I I him In alTJlrs that lih pursuits had not enabled him to
I I understand and that have subjected him to annoying
i misconstruction
p I In the vigorous Kngllsli which ho CIS
t I toimully employs 1leld Maishal hurt
JlAlsTin hero Insists that his candidate
t f foi 11 Idout Is not a SIIt laseii ablo to
1 1 coei hIs tracks but a weak and awkward
t Blnncr with I faculty for being found out
for nil tho Field Marshal has to say
amounts simply t admitting t hat tnt 11 r
t took tho bilbo uiul committed peijur >
1 about It
Ihuio IO FIllet her class 01 emi ibilcari news
papers which piufur to advucitto the piopo >
z sltlon that although Gen lAJtlliM > was
i guilty of bribe taking and I perjury a dozei
years ago ho may ProPerly bo voted tot now
for President This view Is presented with
ia OBtonlshlug candor by the Jmmmorrimt > f a Ito
publican evening nowbpupor of Itoston I
t Mac tlm moat tiley cal ul tho redlt Moblller 01111
na OOLVXR Incident and Hit r arn hit trifles tn eotnpa
Ey sou with tile Ia roe 01 bone Scent OI tile or JnrILo
public liCe II will b more Idle I I to attempt to make a
serious continued campaign against such a career with
0111 thee petty scandals than 1 would hate been to pile
into the private morals of PIMKI tamn or hover
LAV had they become candidate Thn country appre
data to much tile rnrttyof the opportunity afforded to I
vote for one nf the real Irnderi In puliucs rather than for
the atallnblc noliolr which It has deemed to he 1 the
Ill I IV uf olr a j iemnf pirly I m I gave mmdl to turn out lor j I
residential candidate
i j
Wo have no comment to maka upon this I
ottot dnfcnce Like tho policy of complcto I I
ilonco adopted by i our nelghboin tho 1 a I I
nd thn Trtliiinc It will lia > o at least the
idIt of consistency If consistently itdhoiod I
tu until the eecond tray of next November I
fccrdi for lllpctloncerlng lnrpo c
Tho debates on the appropriation to Ln
lUoH depni tmeiit have been conducted with
lanknoss When the confeienco report Oi
titti dlsagicclng votes of the House and
Senate camo up in the former body It was nt
lice evident that tho main Interest of the
loinbers was concentiated on the question
how tho icport left tho dlnti I Hutting I of seeds
It VltS found on Inquiry that amendment
10 tho one dealing with this pivotal subject
hUll boon BO altcicd by the Cliiiinlttee that
hitsteatl of icqiilrlug c an equal piopottlon
of f seeds t be distributed among Senators
iiembots mid delegates as the Homo
wl i ti hell It only nIlull i red a leasonablo
uopoitlon to bo so dnlUotcd leaving all
tho sin plus nbovo that vaguely dellneil
mount to bo disposed of at tho pleasuio of
Ln loc
A Astoimy discussion of course sprang up
on this discovery since It touched a quos
Ion impottant I to members trout tho turni
ng ii itt ticts As 80000 aio annually appio
hunted for eeds for illstilbutlun it will bo
seen that a laigoshaio would eumo to each
Congressman In i an equal division and that
on the other hand LI DUOH duimrtmcnt
nlglit be made an cITectlvoelcetloneeilng
imehlno through retaining 1 laige part of
ho seeds to bo placed where they would do
tho most good
Tho finiiliticssof thc House discussion Is
InstructIve Mr Hiitj of Ohio ronmikcd
hat It Is n wellknown fact that mcmbeis
of CongicbS use those heeds only for clee
loneerlng purposes and wheu asked amid
the laughter of the Hoiibo I I C he had over
used them in that way coolly lepllcd c Cer
Atuly I did and would I do It again It I hint
tho opportunity so would every gentleman
on this Hoot Hut Mr HILLS experience
Iti heeds as missionary agents in politics
docs not to havo been
Fcem satisfactory
according to this subsequent confession
Why sir when I was trjlng to get a reiiomlnatlon for
Congress and made application over there for seed I got
tobacco need enough to plant tile 1lllIC or the United
tales Laughter The fact is there Is not I stalk of to I
b > acco raised In my district and ncr was Laughter
Getting the wrong kind of seed is not tho
only trouble expei fenced by Congressmen
In this queer business Mr DUNNKLL of
Minnesota paving his compliments to Lc
Duo complained as follows
Wo hate Lecileft where o were left heretofore at
he discretion or the Commissioner and ills well known
he CommUsloncr refuses to ghc seeds except to a few
pecul lends Somu members of this House hatu hnl
lot t of seeds bushels sent t their rooms while other
lembcrs have had none Under the pont s > s
t em alt the needs may ho disposed uf In she months
larch and April A member of Congnss will hone ni
t een twenty thirty or torts applications for Krdsntlcr 1
t tit Um and 111 the usual hat > it of men writing lor
t hoc seeds to attribute their Ulluru to receHo them to
heir members In m > ammo stale the bulk of apple
lou for wetsrome 1 to me In tho month ut April Aprils
I I the time for mel to ask lor M 1 In the Mate of Mlnnc
ota llut when I applied to obtain them was told that
hey wore all gone I nOIr blAnc received I think
Ion dollar worth I year although representing a purely
agricultural district
MMr MrKcxzik Has the gentleman from Minnesota
cleF enclosed a request to the Commissioner of A rlcul
urc lor sand been denied
Jlr lint of KAI and many others Sohave I
With a like failure to admire Ln Dues
methods Mr KuiFili explained tho results
of his experience in tho last Congress
I hae ont sery smalt lists to him none exceeding a
mndred names and I hao received notice that there
Was no more seed to be had Such notice would bo ent
to me here at inv desk white another man by m > side I
he same day wonll receive a notice that seed lull been
sent to hundreds of names according to his rciuest
Some weeks alter I hod been notified that there was no
seed to be had I v as told by I gentleman on the other
nlde ol the House that he himself had Just received six
lundred packages at his room to be sent out by moL
Mr mCKimHe represented I clooo district mi bo
Lauihtcr f
It is well that tho public should note this
Ingenuous debate on the object and methods
of seed distribution As to tho specific
settlement made of tho question tho bill as
iassed by both Houses on Tuesdaydeclares
that c an equal uiopnitlun of cofourths
of all seeds plants ali cuttings provided
for In the bill bhall upon their request be
supplied t Senators Ueprcscntatlv and
Delegates for distribution c or shall by
their direction bosent to tlioir constituentb
Vut tho business of distributing seeds at
tho public expense Is a dcmoraliilng humbug
Lady Nurses in Hospltali
Tho profession of nurse has of late be
come almost fashionable in England and a
great deal I of discussion Is going on in the
London press touching tho propriety of
employing educated women as muses In tho
public hospitals This movement hits re
ceived great impetus lout tho remarkable
career of Sister Doitv whoso biographer
Miss LONSDUI Is taUng an active part in
tho newspaper debate Tho advocates of tho
now bybtum have cttiiled their point at Ht
Thomatis Kings College and Chat Ing
Cross Hospitals but their attempt to intro
duce It at tho London Hospital and at bJuyg
tho mot famous Institutions of tho Kind I In
tho United Kingdom has bicn stienuously y
resisted by the medical and smgleal stalT
As an innovation commended by such
names as those of TLOiiLNcn NuiHTixoAir
ali Sister DOHA Is not unlikely to hind
paitisans on this side of the Atlantic it
may be well review brlolly what can be
said on both bides
It appeals that Miss Lovspun spent
three or four weeks as a soeuti led lady pupil
In Guys Hospital and what sum bllW thcro
convinced her that thin old system of nurb
Ing was altogether und I ho mall on she
describes as 1 suit of upper servant or
housekeeper and the blstois 0 heads of
wards as pel sons of an miviii hewer glade who
aio paitlculatly Intelesteil i i In i giving out tho
nines and SPill ts of which i like mi lit GAMP
they paitako when so dlspostd As for the
muses piopcr these I she compares to t char
women anil i while I she will 1 not nay that nil
ate diunken or dissolute slut dOIF it flu lilt
that as a into their t imuil chin ieter Is tin i
sitlnfutoiy She also m I Insists that I the
picscnco of educated ladles I In I tho wauls
would act as a holesoiuo lestralnl
on tho medical students whoso bclnuloi I
shu Intimate i is often lur I t from OtIS II tbho
She also lays down tin pilnelplo tint mus
ing is 1 pinrenslnii of Itself with which pliy
sliliuis me miii h li I s thoimighly t nrqualniii1 ci
than tho uiiufully tiameil moinliein of tll
lahhionablu bisteihoodh and llnilly bhe
does not hesitate to hilt thitt doctois are I
actuated by jealousy In thoopposltionvvlilcl
has led to the leccnt cilsls at Guys HiS
pltal Accoidlngly I she appeals from the t
htill I heal tnt tell I i ty to tho t meat bOIl y or pa
tlents lemlmllng the I latter of the well
kiioHi aputliegm that plivslulaim inc miidi
for the sick ami not the hick foi phyblclans
Miss LOSHDAIIH stilctuies which woio
printed In the Nineteenth Century coiled
forth a perfect storm of indignation and ro
buko on tho part of tho medical profession
Among tho physicians who denounce her
assertions as unfounded I not libellous aro
I I Sir WILMAM GubL Dr IlAiiimsiioM and
Dr Moxox Tho two former speaking for
I Guys Hospital point out that thc posts of
mation and sisters In that establishment
I havo been occupied by ladles quito as well
I horn and educated as Miss LONSDAW her
self and they deny that anything like tho
alleged neglect of patients has taken place
on the pint of subordinate muses Dr
Moxox for his part admits that tho major
ity of the minor female employers aro
drawn fiom tho class of domestic service
and ho believes that this must always bo tho
case for the notion of nursing alt tho In
mates of vast hospitals by stray volunteers
front the socalled higher classes Is not In
his opinion a practicable Idea Theto aro
not enough of them In tho first place all
of those who offer many are too Bclfsufll
clcnl and Intiactnblo to bo of service Sir
VIIMAM GUM II Wlls at lonlth on a curious
II proof of selfcomplacency In Miss LONS
IULVS statement that accomplished lady
nurses such as are tho mombets of tho
slsteihoods need no Instillation I from physl
chills an to tho right methods of nursing
111 nfllrins tho other hand that
II anrms on uth1 Imld every
Itch and process connected with tho treat
ncnt of tho sick dcilvcs Its solo warrant
loin the spcclllc knowledge and experience
of 1 physician and that such simple things
as cleanliness tho lifting and moving of pa
icnts and tho administration of uuurlsh
ncnt or stimulants must In many vnile
tel and fatages of disease call for frequent
upprvlslon and interference on tho part of
ho medical adviser To say that a doctor
nows less about nursing than a nurse Is
tantamount In tho judgment of those ex
torts to saying that ho dos not know his
business And as to tho familiar dictum
tbout physicians being made for patients
Dr Moxox does not scruple to declare that
tho school attached to Guys Hospital ro
gatdrd as a means of securing medical pro
Iclenoy is of vastly more impoitaueo to tho
community at largo than tho comfort and
recovery of tho pattlcular sick peibolis ad
nltlcd to its wards
All of these distinguished physicians ac
knowledge frankly that ho old system of
nursing might bo bettor and they declare
hat 1 steady Improvement is going on
They believe however that In view of their
past cervices tho medical start of the sev
eral great hospitals may safely bo trusted to
make the necessary reforms without the in
reduction of a new and Independent cle
ment Ihoy view with a goodnatured con
tempt tho current mania for nursing and
thin authorities of tho London Hospital
which Is tho establishment In
largest ostlblshmont tho
United Kingdom decline openly that they
vlll never admit n member of tho I now
sisterhoods within their walls Thus It
seems manifest that Miss LONSDAU has
done her cause moro harm than good
by > her hasty deductions and unsus
tamed Insinuations Tho truth Is that 0
months experience scarcely justlllod tils
lady In casting a slur upon the whole Ira
ernlty of physicians and holding up to
public reprobation a largo body of Illpaid
and hardworking subordinates On tho
whole wo apprehend that notwithstanding
tho present fashionable craze tho admirers
and successois of Sister DOHA will fall to
raise nursing from tho level of
lurslll an ancillary
calling to that of a profession well nigh as
llgnllled and Important u that of medicine
Uclf possessing Indeed co rdhhlato and
independent functions When people aro 111 I I
they will continue to semi for a physician I
and they will deem that person tho best I
lurso who has tho fewest sot notions of her i
own and who obeys with docility minute
ness and promptitude tho doctors orders I
Not Quite Iur Enough
Tho Rev Dr HOWARD Citosnr though
not a teetotaller Is much exercised In mind
over the spread of the vice of drunkenness
Tho Ilov Dr Howutu Ciiosnr has taken
occasion thus early In the campaign to
publicly advertise his intention to vole for
Tho natural Inference is that tho Hov Dr
HuwIU Cnosins fervid indignation
against tho drunkatdmakors does not ox
tend to bribetakers and false oath makers
Finding Fault Without Cause
Some of our Republican friends are find
Ing fault with limn SUN on account of tho
disclosures About Gen GAIIFICLD
This Is very unreasonable These disclo
sures woro made years ago I Is not our
fault that tho Republicans had forgotten
these damaging fact Wo had given them
sufllclent publicity I is Gen GAHWELBS
own fault that they ate so damaging
Now let these faultfinding Republicans
meet us squarely and answer us fairly on
this point
Would they like to see us become 1 party
to Gen GAiiriKLlVs bribe taking by con
cealing the Until i
Do they think that would bo Independent
honest and houoiablo journalism
Sir Colliding
Several of our contemporaries are dis
cussing tho question whether Mr CONK
also has lost prestige and position by his
course at Chicago Some contend that ho
has otheis that ho has lot
So far as 1 peacock exhibition goes Mr
COXKLIMI acquitted himself with distinc
tion Ho led In an attempt to ovoithrow
tho tiitdlllouH and practices tho Goer
mont and to take I now depart 1110 In thin
direct lOl of Impeilalism I He musteied a
largo linen and held lint foi en In hand to
the bitter end He made I iidi
blte 011 10 Ildu smatt Injudi
cious and Intenipciate speeches
Ho was defeated as ho deserved to bo
Such prestige as ho had ho may have pro
Was it worth preserving
I Is tho prestIge of tho arrogant and
shutting peacock
Wo learn from Washington that tho small
fry ofllceholJcrs who wont to Chlcaco to shout
for QUANT or HLAINK havo not bean vvolcomoc
bock to the Treasury with open anne On the
contrary they havo been admonlahoil throuuh
tho heads of bureaus that this dUplay of zoo
Is not at all nppreelnloil and that their sorvloi3
Ir illHiMnnoil with for tho fiituro Tim bU fry
like llAUM Commissioner of Iiitorinil Itovunuo
who lhrst presided OUT tho Illinois Convention
IinoIs COlvonton
and then Indo himself offensively conspicuous
iiB a thlrdtormor at Chicago Intro thus far
escaped thin axe CAHHADY the Collector of
Wilmington I North Carolina h who led tho Sunn
MAN liiiiul of South ant unicHhohllni I duliiratcs I
was rjulte ns notorious In I hit do mum astral bits
fur I tho TroiiHtiry dmdlilato as JUiMuua I I for
Uisr but of course ho Isnt punished
Tho political troubles Impending at Buenos
Ayres will remove Chills Int four of forolcn
armed Intervention on the side of tho allies In
her own war A year III It was ijulto within
thirnncnof populblllty that tho Argentina ito
imblle which h had a ijunrrnl with Chil I nilch
cHiiousn HID caiinn of 1erii and llollvla III
truo that thIs height liavo 1IrlUlld I counter
movomont of Uruzll nt all events while the
allloB wore hoping for this succor the fleirco
political etrucela over the apotoachlnv 1resl
dontlal election caused attention In tho valley
of the La rintn to bo concentrated on home
attain This election took plnco Inst week and
now there In fear of civil war That would bo
bad for Argentine Itepubllc but I attune
ler nonIntorforonco In the war on tho Paclflo
There havo been worse Congresses than
the present Congress ovon within tho memory
of t tho youngest voter
HATES signed the Infamous River and
Harbor bill ns ho wan expected to do That
Ignnturo will cost him country nearly nine mil
hone of dollars Dili the rcspoDslbillty In tho
first Instnnco rinds with thin Senators ami Hep I
usoiitntlvos whoso votes sent tho bill to hAves I
Cyclones freshets and torrents of rain
are again ravnulnu tho West while on Monday
snow fell nt Minneapolis The summer has
thus far boon onn of alternate droughts and
floods whim midsummer heats In May have In
somo plnccB been followed by Juno snows
Mr BLAINB It Is announced will take tho
stump In August and remain on I until No
ember Mr CONKLIXOH Intentions In tho
promises hrno not been divulged ns yot Mr
Tho early summer of 1 Presidential years
Is a bnd tlmo for tho miscellaneous jobs that
warm In tho lobby of Congress during tho
losing hours of tho session Thin shadows of
oinlnc events bllcht thorn
I tho votois are wise I number of fa
miliar faces will bo conspicuous la the noxt
Congress by their absonco
Tho Sundry Civil bill which Congress
passed buforo adjourning was n solon hedge
podco of costly ounilrlis As It originally
passed tho House It appropriated about twenty
ODD and a half mllllonx Tha Henato added a
nllllon and tlireoqnartprs Tho house ob
octod to that and the Sunnto knocked off the
odd threequarterswhereupon thin Houso good
naturedly consented to the million and so tho
bi was agreed to for upward twentytwo and
a hnlf millions
Today will bo obsorvod In Boston as tho
nnnivnraary of tho bittlo of Bunker Hill and
ho Continental Qunrda of Now Orleans Capt
WIIrncr commanilliii have gone on to help
ho Dostonlan celebrate carrying with thorn a
flag to ho given to the city I Is to bo feared
lint they will find a largo part of tho people
ctlobrntlng tlto battla on tho Seokonk whore an
attractive regatta Is In prospect
Gen HATCH reports another victory over
VICTORIA with tho slaughter of thirty moro
Indiana But statistics of Apaches said to bo
illled are now at a great discount among tho
Now Mexicans
I 1 French Deputy had said to anothor
Branch Deputy whnt Congressman FnvE said
to Congressman CONOKR and the Deputy of the
second part had retorted ns CONOEB retorted
nil 1nrls would hnvo pricked up Its cars for
news of a duel Luckily our lawmakers are
sufficiently ndvnncid In stylo to be able to In
iloodsbod lulgo In hard words without proceeding to
Tho resolution adopted almost unani
mously In time British Houso of Commons on
Tuesday night declaring It the duty of tim
ovurnmvutou on al suItable ocashons to recom
mend to foreign Governments a reduction ot
European armamentswna conceived with somo
npproclntlou of whnt Is n tremendous evil and a
crushing burden on IndUbU and liberty But
the European Governments mlcht In reply
urge upon Orent Britain on all suitable occu
shone ths propriety of not Inxndlnctho terrl
tory of weaker countries like Zululand and
slauchtorlna the Inlinbltnnts
BECCIIER longs at least ho says ho docs
for n higher stnnilard of political morality
Political morality i a good thing to hao In a
But so also are personal morality and social
morality good things to Intro In a country
Does BEECIIEK yearn for hlKher standards of
personal and social morality
I ho on tho cogged odco again lifts his
con clenco the cons lnco thnt stout truthful
Goofearing LiiUNIlEECiirrLaM him rollsu
to bo any longer drugged to sleep Dues ho
perceive In splto of himselfthn need of a high
er standard ot pastoral
hlnndlrd pnstorl morality
Such a standard would In bo
stlllnrd 6Cin sadly need
ed on tho other side of tin 1ist Ithor
Wo tnko It fur grnntid thnt llcccnna iota road
the story of EUOENK AIIAM Tho anion whirs
ot fate or rather Divinejustlee thnt scourged
AIIAM to confession nro lushlnc HENRY WARD
Ho Is ota tough stock he loves tho fat things
of this present world i is like death to him to
men think of giving them up But sooner or
later tho Inner torture may become boo great to
M borne and then the suppressed anguish of
all thoso years of hypocrisy and falsehood will
find vent and utterance
Tho struggle for tho possession of tho
Brooklyn offices entered upon a trio phase yes
erdny By what Is known across tho river ns
the Llccnso OneHead bill tin appointing power
Is vested In tho Mayor Comptroller null Au
ditor Learning yesterday that Gov CORNEIII
had signed this bill tim Comptroller nnd Au
ditor at a meutluc of tho Board of Estimate
served written notion on tho Demo
erotic Mayor Mr HOWELL of a meet
Ing to bo held nt once In his
own ofllco for the purpose of making tho np
polntmunts Tim Major declined I to accom
pany them and in his absence they signed tho
appointment of n 1ollco Commissioner a
Commissioner of City Works I Fire Commis
sioner r Health Commissioner a Head of tho
Department of Bullellngt and two Kxelso Com
missionersall Hipublicans Mnanvvhllo In
tho Board meeting till Minor took his rnvunca
by having tho t Cu ti hit rollers and Auditors met I
mates cut down The now appointees displace
several wellknown Brooklyn Duiuoernts
Mayor HOVUM denounces tho fiction of the
Comptrollui and Auditor as simply Inducent
nnd expresses conndenctt that the
cOIOIIncl pooplo ol
Brooklyn will not sustain thorn Last erening
nn Injunction wns sorted upon bin newly
appointed CnmtnlnRloiior of City Works and
tim constitutionality of the License OnoHoail
act la to bo tested In tho courts
Today occurs tho chief rowing event of
the year apart from tho collage cont st8 tho
regatta on tho Soekonk No tower than oluvon
professional oarsmen hnvn been practising for
tho fourmile raeo HMN of Toronto BOID
of England Boss of Kt John llnnv of Sara
toga LEB of Newark IIAIKTKD of Boston TKN
KICK of rocksklll KLNNKDY of Portland Di MP
SET of Geneva DELANO of Cholsoa and Wets
OERIIUU of Whoollnc Tile pick of the onrsmon
of Canada England and the United Suites are
thus In I todaiH profiNHionnl race a limb ho I
amateurs In tho othui racn will also mnko a
wry deli I bit tbtt Hold though wlh b I two or Ihreo t
oxceptlona not tlio fluent posalblu With such
a display nnd large prizes thin contests should
be ckmo and brilliant Thero Is no anticipation
of snwod boats or sunken wires or poisoned
tea on thin He konk Tho course has
a turn antI that may prevent tho tlmo from
being ns good ns In I HOIIIP Htmlghtavny races
but If tho weatlui Is fauralie the teenrdof
preeuding races tindi t lhi > s tmueondllions is
likely to bo beaten The practice spins howe
shown tho oarsmen to bo in fine spirits and
health and thero him bcon gratifying lack of
long preliminary > palaors and of Items nbout
tho alleged coughs and bllutori and bolls mini
fevers of tho competitors ns In the avorngo
COURTNEY men which usually gavonn Idea of
moment not of athletes but of Iiivaliilx I Iho I
coil rsti Is a tnhrabl y good one In tho I oarsmen
and very good for thin fcpoclulorri It his a
slight bond but it it proves loomy enough for
so many contestants I will hardly bo com
plained of on other grounds
Till BUUTlllCllX lift UJILI C4NB 4 DAN
WABIOTON Juno 15TIto nomination of
Arthur on tho ticket with Garfield lisa ono Sil
niflcanco which docs not seam to havo attracted
the attention It deserves a political fact Tho
Southern Republicans white and black
npullcuns whlo are
wholly abandoned by their party which by this
act formally assumes a sectional character and
proscribes tho South as ontflldo the organization
Thin friends ot Senator Bruco wont to Chicago
claiming to represent seven hundred thousand
votes and asking thnt ho bo put upon tho
ticket or at least that tho colored elemont havo
n hearing before thin Convention Mr Hoar put
Mr Bruce In tho chair for a tow minutes nnd
with that cheap compliment ho and tho colored
voto woro dismissed as having had their full
shinto of recognition
Tho white Southern
Republicans claimed
hat the party should provo Its professions of
nationality by nominating a candidate for tho
second placo from that part of tho Union Thoy
proposed Judge Settle Gov Davis ant other
wellknown Republicans of standing all of
whom woro unceremoniously discarded with
Imrdly a passing word ot favor
Tills contemptuous treatment line necessarily
provoked bad blood and resent munt I will
mako thin South moro solid than It was before
Mnl servo to keep nllvo sectional discords
What inotlvo has a Southern republican
motlo hn nellblcan now to
engage In a political contest after being put
under tho ban by his own organization
Henceforth thorn will bo no Republican party
South worthy of the name Factions may exist
but nothing moro
nlfUrJUI IlIfM
Choice Extracts from Yrxcrdnjri Address I
Air Hitrnlln N > mnnr tn tho Female htu
denUor Well Femne Coilcige Aurora MY
Youth Is beautiful In tho eyes of ago and It
looki wliti admiration upon the courage wttii which tim
youni confront the nncrrtalntiei of the future and the
faitli that leadi them to looktorwaret t happlnvu amid
SCitcilta ting I the ino < t common forum of frauil It li
a tootl rule I hen ou dud that nuUtcti of Importance or
obj cl of value are lnaltor cf Indifference to conclude
that there am some tilIng i which > ou do 10t bill which
you lIght tn bi now
There Is nothing you can learn abuutanysubject which
will blot Khe It blCW InUrot In jour eye The deeper
jour Icarnliu the licttcr but the qtmlltr of knowledge ls I
like that or KOJ which allhoucli I I reduced to the
thinnest Icad makes all things slitter that I touchea
I Is I true that some whoso judgments are Impaired by
the cndlesscxhibltlon of farina Cal developments of Hie
have fallen Into the btranuc suicrsUlion that tic worM
has bible Ituclf ami that the sources uf this pooer of pro
duction and prepress must be looked lor tuUielov est
forms of mittcr
Suriaco knon Icdiic I in lUMIj tpoKen of br the learned
but I Is Infonnitlon worked out In the pan by toll and
study until I Is brought within the reach of all
In the course of my Hie I hae studied all classes of
men with care and I a rul1 have found UIOM to be
most cheerful and wine whose habits of onservaUon liar
Bhcn the widest ranee to their mental action and ha ie
bronchi lihm the lOP of their Ihodcnu the moil
varied topic althouch thc may not have ben lured
with retard to sin of them
Men do not Ine In the sjmo world When we look
around us we see that they lite lioery different houses
sonic era humblu house but poorly lurnUhed ethers
are costly residences adorned with painting and Hat
uarj and ervthlne that art can do to gratify the taste
Remake tho world In which we hive I t I more dis
reputable to live In one that Is dull and barren than Itt
to make our homes In poor ami dilapidated houses
Intelligence Mill t noble > ou to cup with the problems
of life to endure its mtstortnnes nlth fortitude and t
bear its succcs < i with moderation and wUetoui
The office of the eve I to the facts to the mind tin
are not seen in a true sense merely because they are
brought nbthbn the range or tho vlilon but when they
haw sUrred the mind and thoughts Ime been evolted
So strong arc the enjountMit of looking upon famous
objects or 01 treadin upon ground made sacred bjr
met that men cross broad oceans to visit them And
through niter life they are nlscr and happier for the
knowledge thus coined
I mar b that sume are liiitrd with ai lltudes In certain
directions beyond others that some have faculties lor
learning hot arts or for science that give them peculiar
advantages In their pursuits
When lam visited a micy farm b > thom who feel n
sjmpathjr with nature and say that they have no taste t
for country life I make up my mind that they do not
like I t ecauso they do not know enough about the world
around thi in to eiijo Its I beauties
No 00 nhohas readied the age ol three score yen
and ten would moil rcdecUin be willing to rub out
from the ex rienco In Hie the sorrows which have
softened 111 character the mistakes winch hone taught
him wisdom or the wrontrdiIngs which Ie bias > crre
grclted and which by their Inllucnces hate made the
golden threads which may b formed In the texture of
his moral iharacteT
A Candidate who would Malnlnla the Can
your correspondents 51 cakIng about polblo Preiiilon
llalcanaldalcs mentlun such nanifs 4 Tildcn llniaril 1
Thurman and other IciJIiu Dcmccrits but I WDUld like
to know If the Cincinnati Convention will urg1 V hol
lucy mention about the electoral
menUol eleclorl Iraud of 1870 the man
who alone of all the Democratic Senators voted agains
the hi1 who alone had Iho courage to stand aloof Irom
bile eoUuo and vole No I refer to Senator Laton
of Connecticut thy publishing this ou ii Ill ohl
Hiciiiie Vlijtiiuoi in hccoiid avenue city
For President the Nriiiilnr ulxi Opposed the
Jlctluriil Cuuimlsslfin
I be oslM > for the noun crnti to Ignore the clilm ot
Senator Katun 01 Connecticut mal who alone too
out for the Constitution when the Republican ami it 1
mourn to have It to 1 I Democrats as well were tcnrln
It up to the tune ol tUlit to seven vvhilo casltn alioul
for names and mel 10 leal i tha ticket m November
ID at I II Ihej clint ret hIm on the tic tot tiuey ought to
put him In till CnulneL V our >
ttiltcrlutenUeit IliiUle 0 Cute
Mayor Coopur eutorod tho anteroom the
Grant i Jury 01 11 < cli ck eltemdust morning rin o IIP
Iniul him uns iria ate irutlnn Trne l > unlr licit with
10 I record anl roll ni nillit iiiicvkuili nmnu ctfpt
The court i IMo hi I alU inc iiiutt the Il i roull l Jur >
nhiiMril blue Io nntMr Tuici i w lOin iunr tlc Inr
ol tin irnii I Jur s IMIU r rnont Than slim rui m r H rui
itui uiiMiuiUsi1 kiunxito tureiiiiiii Mlin I it ale A
iiiiiiu nt tittir tliv lll or is ci IN IMIKTU into llic hillier l
riUii Mn > rtl > alters o1 nil i HID r iiii 51111 out t > i Ilne
ii iniu > 1 Iract hU liuntinif lux i knaii I IMIICIN hi tk run
lunir Mttjor Voojfr i n nuttiotitd I Ia Iuicmnit Unit
n I ilo In cMftrki i ci l iirtlitttsiucii in < itcc neiuiist hiiir
intciuli Ilenr > I piilk nf tht Department rl I HuiM
Ilgo It 1 imlertUuil Hint the Mn s ire < Jetnnuny ti nlt d
in nuh iitnti itf thiMt rluirki anil he rtttrrtd lnh1
iirmitunii ml t the lumk I 0111 I H ira biter blue ilntiM lucy
Alter this M nor liid uilSil r Ii 1 all ui the iin > 1111 to
luui ho I mii aiMinM u 1 tvith tlio llmikr of MM I tiniiht put
Jury lithe r Si huh a H art to bo beard 11 regard lu the
Mu > uri charge allay
Army or the Iuiuinnc
flunIIsoTos Vt Juno lGTho clovonth nn
nual meeilng of the Society of the Army ol the rotnmn
look place here tidnv fien 1hll Hherllan arrive
this muulrlllllg us liii aha Grit Selinn A Miles old many
other proimni soUiers The VCIIMIM in etit niinibi
in 1 lliluli 41i1 anl in I nnmltrr an in ntiier llunu the
riiinuli i n c li 10 lliiit flu ell I pro M I Iv
Ill on ami null lli < iiml I nntiiu Iho Cr pmI the
li etati r 1 i buulul Iii nt I I5i I h > t 111
flu priHtidinu i etifd tlili morn In with prneesilnn
rnnipiKcd I ol llho irt I Iti iinnent ol lilt Nnlinnal luutrls l uf
Vermont vett rnn bund and druuicorpx I Mhumarelui
through the prineip > lrecl lo llonnrds Opera lione
ve ItCh was Illle 1 I in lit ntinosi 11
I 1 11 cuinteltv Au midruiie if
uileuinu ii Sn iiilii e nit II bj tim line IOI I luU cc Ill vtlornev
ol llnrdiulin tinlncli 1 Inn Punlill b Mikln Innl n
n Hit rntcieu ol I tlit > vrniv or th li tonmi rMiunuli I
Ni 1 e lin N IIIHMII I bv I Joinnln llillir vvlnrh lit unit
nnl apliriipiiito flu Onumuulll aMress
u 11 it am was b lit ereh
bl Lunar It Marsh ol r Nun ink ldlrc1
Kllllnif I Creditor
NASHVILLE Ttinn Juno Iti 1railerlck Bar
nett shot and killed Thomas Dudson at Thompson Station
twentjflvo miles from this city The dlitlcully crud
noted In a dispute about fio which I Ilnrnett owed bed
sIn II iriiou hearln Hint hiob son InliMidnl I lo kill him
arullil 1 liniiM vvilh a doiiliU Imrieli I fhnUiiu hum
101 I mil 1 liidxiii aiiiinniid iiidravt I a il > iul II IIMI liir
Il Ilium diseliJried Uu sin tuuu at In u lenriui hlo Iliad tO
lie WIll Inv in Ilit More
fivm the ftitktun JOI itt
Wonavnlinnrd it said that Gen Garfield has
lifted lZOO pound Oad nciilit
The Jleclslnn nl the Vnlled States supreme
Court In the New Court Home Wile Case
Justice Field delivered tho opinion of tho
upremo Court of tho United States on the ap
peal of tho holders of tho bonds Illegally Issued
opay over 225000 for a now Court Houso rilto
In Jersey City for thnlr shorn In which pro
ceding Director Halstoad and several County
rooholdcru woro Indicted anil convicted
Early In the summer of 1870 the Freeholders
doptcd 0 resolution to mako the purchase at
2000 a city lot Citizens protested thnt the
price proposed was moro than double the value
01 lots on the rocky site proposed and that fur
lermoro tho present nlto wns amply sufficient
to extend the present Court Houso buildings
nnd Director Hnlsteai who had established f
nputatlon as a rigid economist vetoed the res
lutlon Tho citizens subsequently learned
that another effort would bo made to push
through the resolution and thoy notlflod El
ector Halstrad of their purpose to apply to tho
court for a certiorari and requested time to BOO
that i thoy had tlmo to enable them to do BO
Nevertheless tho resolution wag once moro put
through the searched ot title put on record In
the County Clerks Ofllco bonds Issued to
Muihlon I B CrAmpton tho seller In payment
fnr the hind and thn bonilH signed by Ito
Ircctor and hit County Tpnsnrcr all within
two or Ihreo days The citizens wiro excited
lit tim subject and titus proceedings were dp
ouncedat apublli moitlnp ns fraudulent It
van rutnoruu that certain of bIte Freeholders
mil bflim paid 1000 npleco for their veins
eadlnc citizens llnally resohed to onntont ito
legality of tIll vOte In the courts Tim Free
loldors resolution required thus honda tn bit
patti out of tho appropriation fnr the next fiscal
volt r but undir tho I liiwth ex tlmnmi itbI rca for
each veer wsirio restricted to time amount raised
by tax for that yon and no aunt hind lieen pro
titled for thn payment of tho bonds which It
anile contnndHd acorn therefore Illegally Issued
Mm matter was carried up to tho Court of
Errors and there decided lit favor ot thn con
testing citizens Anothnr nopusni wits taken to
hItn Circuit Court nl bhe United Htntcn nod
udifH Nixon nfllrmod the decision of tilts Stat
courts Crnmptoti carried him suit tn tlmHti
premo Court of thn United States whcro also It
vns recently decided agalnM him
After dutnlllnic Ibm fade Justice Field rays
The fuels here stated are not contradicted they are
uhManttally admitted i and upon them the court below
crv iin > i erly rendcreil aileeree for the ciunplalinints
I ndenl upon the simple simeinent of the can it would
eem thnt tlierx nucht to be nn nur llnn as t < i the Invalid I
Ity ol the prnceedlnns nf blue Hoard The nl jrct ol the slat
mIte of Sew Jerv deflnlnc and Ilinlllni Its nowera would
I ie defeated If a debt could be Contr icted w Ithont present
iruvMion fur lt payment In advance pi a tax lew upon ft
inple dec arallnn that out ol t the amount lobe ruId
lit a lulnre fiscal vear It should lo paid The
aw In term limits the expenditures of the noard
with n sinule rtCflillon to the amount In bn rai rIli buy
illation actually Its led not by promised taxation in tim
future Ami as II this limitation was not inllUlcMit It
lakes It a mmlemeannr In any member ci I the lloart to
ncur nbllitatlons In nxcesi of the amount llin provided
lb t would iw flinieult tn express tn a more emphatic way
the wllir thn Leutslallire that blue hoard should not In
cur tar tile unity any obligations beyond Its Income
pica iminiy provMed Iy l taxnlion In other word that
the extu mice ol the coillilv should bn ha ed mu cmi slid
uvir exceed monevs lit its treasury or taxes already
cvled and ayjible i there
01 the rlehtnf resident taxpayers to Invoke the Inter
iHllInn nl 0 rouri ol eqully lo are a c itt an lllecaldipoM
hail nl the mnni 3 s ol the count or the lllenitl creation
afa debt which they In common with other pnpertr
loldersof the connt > miy ithervvlre be coin uriiCi to
iay there Is I nt this day no serious quentlr The rlaht
buss been reconnlzed by the Stale In numcroii eases and
rom tile nature of the powers exercised by
nunlclpal con oration tlm ten at dancer of their
IIUMJ and tile necessity of promnt action to
prevent Irremedhblo Injuries It would STIII emi
nently i roi > erlor courts ol equil to him rien upon the
applic itlon of the taxnavi rs o acotiniv lit prevent tho
einmimmatlon ol a vvron when the oficer of ttiow car
xtrmlonii assiitne In excess ol their powers to creiU
lurdcns niton properlv holders crtcmimliy lit tin ah
seme of leRlHlaiioh ri > slriclln the rinht to Inlerlere 111
ncn cows to i nblle officers ol the Siatmi or c < tinlv there
wont I otto to be no sub MnllM recalls vhv a bill by or
on behall i f India lull taxpayers should nolbuenier
anted to prevent lilt mlsuM of corporate powers The
courts may be aiel > trusted to prevent the abuse of In
process In such cites
Gardeld amid the De daljer lltlslnea
hans As Union ami A Iterli r
DoGolvor was time senior member the
flrin ot Bus Oohyer eVMcClellnn of Chlcico hit
owners of the pnt nt wood piivommit with
which the city of Wnshlnitton was swlndliid
This firm was optniUtu throuuh nn ncunt
named Chlttcndcn to attain two olij cts Firstly
ho Imposltloiiof I their wood piiMiniPiit vvlndle I h I
ipon ItO city nf Wnshliiston tlirouth a contract
front Boss Shnplmrds lloird of Public
w orks and sncondly time npproprlntlon by
Joncreed of a luruo sum ot money to pay for
ho swindle Chlttxtiden employiil lUclinrd C
Parsons of Ohio Marshal of the District Bu
iremo Court and next friend of Gnrlleld tn
lobby for thn nttalnmcnl of these objects and
ncreid to gino him 15000 It ho wceoduil
Oarfleld wits Chairman of the Houso Cnmmlttno
HI Appropriations nnd held control of thu t >
rVdornl puree and In I order tolutili him i
1rttsnns uave him 5000 under cover as thus
stUed during the Congressional investigation
I was called home tn Cleveland bv mailers of a mires >
imuc private nalurr anl irilliu u treat Millcituile us to
hen suit ol my labors of course ol mcurnu my fees I I
called ui on Gen Osrlleld ami guile him a liUtorv of tlio
cn < as It then stood mmii t asked i him as IonifreM would
adjourn in a lew die U he would act boy mclninv ab
amine ant hue he sulijecla carelul Inve stisailon Ilo at
Irfti declined on tile urouiid ol prisitnir busires butt
llnallv assented lo have mo send the mode boons pa
ers Ac to I his home tot examination Alter iviln or
to n I called upon him and he sal I he would reparc i an
opinion as to the merits ol the i alant 11 I atli nil lo the
case for me I ssld to him I had a let In the ca ol nit
ortinee to me and would be clad to share it t with hum
rite same day or day alter I belt for rievelalid and
when I received mv ice some comdtcrable time alter r
rom my clients In Chlcazo I deposited lien Garnclda
ifs1kIl to his credit in btnk and 00 wrote him
Tho whole buslncii of Parsons ns seen from
his statement rvmum that nf loblijlni lie job of r
thn wood pavninont swindle throuijh the Roard
of Public Works and Gnrlleld wns retained
ostensibly to prepare an opinion ns to tho
merits of the patent Hut tin proof shovis
that ii a mild not even do thnt that In u did ninth
ilk nt nil nnd let anus paid fJ OOUl ChilixmlMp
in a letter lo lilt oinplojiirs Dei flulj er V McCel
liui tiriiu CIII hit ilurliii the i Inteatluntlon toll he
whdt the 3000 wns for ns follows
rr > > V1 is I InHiqJitt tmrlt Ale frurrl lh u f ioine of i7i n
GtrML tnt ntnH e orfrmt lj < l HrrfMnn Ilf 1 tOe Cixttntt in
nf ttif Commit rf Of Ipruopmu mu l II Out HOLHS TUB realu I
CONK EVKKV POLLSK Of RelfRlATIOtS 1 1rrl not Miy tfutt t
ttoicjetl rertain ot meet
We need not say that Chltteniipn wn right
thnt the b wood pavement earl nil Ic was put upon
the city of VVnblilniuun nnd hint OarlleM us
Chairman of the I Ii Otis Comtnilten I I on Appro
priations caused CnnurehH tn votn enormous
sinus from the Federil Trensuty to corbel
swindlers 1
World Formation
scription nt the mountains In the moon In a late article
in TUK SVt wns craphic hut I take maue with the cur
mil hpoihcis that the moon or au > olher bit let C r
satellite vt as ever oily larger or hotter than it is now I t
in sIt llspined lact that our solar system snarm Ill lu
Innumerable ineleorltes which are contimiallv filling
upon the planet tn and thus stovl > adJlnc to hunt iLull
And b > the law of nature trial pressure prod mrs heat
how can any one avoid tlio deduction that bv the res
eliTe of gravitation lilt core of en cry plant i mum inevi
tlbl ho meltedf Till anl Ibis alone I comilti nr
counts lor tue tnlt rnul heiil ol i cud < And UJMIMI the
uTerI pneluced bv Ilil inlerll ll lust nonllbi I ireel elv
sstusI lIe ic on lllo cUll IItU il nil plaiuls VII vMllll lu
tiuli U i Uu riliiinnllvilv ruitll me 111 il coir il Hie
moon I iniiid bv IIL < suu I iitirelloti from Inetoorltt
uonUI en ale on liii surlare ol b Ihiillhu k irnMed Mitclllte
ilei li Insure nnd hari inountaln leaks hxpHiiitioii u
tile Cli Oil surraii r eore and smalU r pr portionaio erii t
Hoiildmnki him nrlncelar less mend I than thatof Hie
moon Jtiuller as lOt a dlumeler nenrl > twelve I times
that ol the earth vvotild doubtless h ivo a very thli mu
crum t vvhich would tue l led hoi anl I tliUisnow tutievii I
to bu the net trill u lc eniiie ohoorvation Our sun win
a diameter a hundred thin that of the enrlli would be
Cuullle Jut vvlulit ls a Iilsb t ball ol Iniiiid emil illlilt us
lire And mav nc not rout i ivi ol CIlIA MI 11551 in situ a i
to Ihron t off into op lee In till form ol ilery IMSIIS all tile
revive bv acerftion or i ciliiinsoven I moie f
It uiuiGroi 0 i < June U W II ll
Hit Immlnic HchuuU for Gina
over the accl lent on the Sound suit I looking back at pai
accidcnis I have a suizkesllon to make At Com y Isl un
and other ballunc resorts I Havo seen numbers of iconl he
nearly drowned when a siroitk wave driss tlem iso cm
Ironi I tile Tilts As iuuy Art not RIle el uilur lo Hmi ort IS
Cahill tiuer urifor Ilin monii nl in A ilan i reins bud ci
Now hiindniU I ol joiins I nut s in this riiy wintiilttr 11
losvvim and then brollu is CIII 1 lileinls ii alt I hi lull 11
teach tillin but llnd ll lint ilut lhli ovvini In ihi lact Ilia
Ihi n I are no places w bete i Hit can meel t tar practice
Will not lhe > autliotilieHin ehanH ol Hie publiu tuilhln
houi > i s provide sue h liriluirsT Tin ro IH one nchooi u i tin l
the rales are tmhljh CM nnd working girl are not abl Ic
to pav them IK nle < t we have not tin tune to coin bh li IC
dv butinlv slur 7 I1 I M when the stores slions an ii
lull mum u s n hero n c eirk are clitiut
In vii w i f tinIjet tn tl wlnl oo ilen ure eieeilrsion 5
or in mr dail > iirrvimit trial iuiuui iinin ol Ill 110 lIc i
d iuiugr 01 drow nln noiuitin Uu I win tor the antiio
tues or rich anl Iii lleruuums i rlvniu iirsom lii gilt Iua url Is
atliiuito lo learn how lostvlmt NIIIA I MiLLS 100
IlleHavlnir Muttreoei
To THE FDITOH or TUB SUN Sir If every
IT rill nn the Nnrrflkoiueu had biell provided vvilh a
lllc iircwrilni maiire s ever a > sener vvouM hut me
lull u tIll OilS lIf > cae at blind liii I one he mild m nil lie
olut I ill illS II lie mu Clu I iitv I Ill I i
11111 It I cI to ml StIll It Ii
ill ill Ill I Ii uillui biieu lurl I II nIl lull 11111 III
aIi illtlitlli ililut aulil1t111ll Ie tile i ilbllllllu
luleluicture iuiul tile rulurmIore if mill I nmoar U lu il I 11
oil a eel I Ii ilC Ii Ci 501cr ill precut i eta it I
llM000tTsJuuue Ill
A liable to be Stopped
To THE EDITOR or TIlE BUNSIV I wish to t
know whilherlttilmpoolhle I tn p uhibii splttitu Ire ill
tin elevated caison tile hen U of n imu ulrrad virinnire
public this I ohnnxnus huit u lIlt alone pr ICIIM d 1 lul
the pisAeners but alM ver > mItch I bv tile mil lovee 1c
ceveral limes have I been uniorlu lain eltonull In tot to
baceu juice on in > jerson II Isdisifrareinl iTir any mu aim
to be cathy ot so nllous a lisbll Ulij are not iirtpe r
measures adopted to > raculltscunUnuaucst
Plow Yoga June 13 ft Zany
Bartenders In German saloons work only
seventeen hours day
In the next fllfeon years almost all tho
uiilsn railroads now In operation w III underdo the pro
coo redemption and become Government property
American exports to China for the years
877 and tillS were ralued at nearly f7uuouon and Ihs
icrcasi In IR70 was rapid and heavy
Lord Ilosobcrys hick Is dead out
If e has Utr horses In tralulnir and the most Important
ace he his won this year 1s the Aihitesd Stakes wlm
hcvronf I whn Is 1 lillnd of one eye
Mr Sidney Tafjot who was lately so
onsplciious In the gambling quarrel wllli Sir Wililm
Cuilt has reached New York lie in yontiucr iirolhertiy
arrlaso of Mrs rued lite Steveni and one of a family
of twelve
Mr Gladstone Is a man of great moral
Idea and when he Is at home ho rends the Scripture
nonsIn JIswtruien church Butt In London lie goes to
50 naughty Sarah llernhardt play and writes 511111S
letters to her next day
Mr Jenkins late M P for Dundee the
author of Olnxs Dshy Is out of the House lie woe
very unpopular there being overweighted with conceit
of self and unendowed with any portion of tho essential
element to success In life known AS tact
A husband overtook his eloping wife at
arranl Neb and aimed his pistol at her Instead of
tempting to wreak vengeance upon her companion
hue bullet missed her but she carried out his dcsliin her
mit by swallowing poison declaring that she did notdt
eIrs to live If ho wished her dead
Editor Jennings of the Marshall Texas
rmngrr published a severe criticism of Ihe public acti
of Legislator Colenun who Immediately armed himself
wIth a revolver and started out meet satisfaction The
men met In front ol the Court bust Coleman drew his
weufon nnd dred but missed Ikforo he could shoot
gain Jennings sent n bullet through his heart
Tho now occupants of tIm Treasury
bench In the Houso of Commons seem far more reserved
and less friendly with one another tlnn their predeces
sore Perhaps this Is because they havo not been so lout
tn official association hut at all events thcro they sit
lent Isolated Bloomy very apt reminder ol the fa
moo extinct volcano simile which Lore DcaconsdeM
tlehcd on them
By n return ot agrarian outrages In
Ireland down to Jan 31 the total was 077 ol which Con
aunht claims 544 and Mayo and Oalway alone contrlh
mite 400 The other provinces average itO Of the 077
convIction could only be secured In nn while In the ma
Jan17 ofelght hundred and odd canes ihe offender were
nut even tirade amenable The convictions In Connauizht
were less than flv e per cent
Moses Box deserted the gIrl whom h <
ad long courted at New Albauj Ind and married an
other The brides parents had lately died The dc
erted plrl declared thnt Hox luau murdered them
because they opposed his suit end she set about collect
log evidence against him Though unnlded In her de
ecllvo work at first she has made out a case strong
nough Justify his Indictment
The ceremonial proceedings attending
he layimug the Out stono ol Trurn Cathcdrnl liimUni
were largely Tree Masonic The mallet used by the Prince
f Wales In Injing the Mjsonlc foundillnu lonc bears
ho following liKcrlptlnn This plate has been nmifd
to this malet to commemorate that this being the mallet
with which his Msjeslv KlnitCharlea It laid the found
Ion stone of St Paulji Cathedral London waprp onicl
to the Lodge of Antiquity br sir ChrlXnnhcr ttren
According to tho Intost ofllclal statistics
here are In Russia all told twelve thousand five hun
red doctors sitalnst over GOOOOm the United hUshes
fronting one cu1aptus to every 7JOO tnlinbltanti
agiilnst ivioin lie United States Asa village has not
nfrlcicnt population to eecure the serv ices of doctor
tacit district comprising a number ot villages cmplo
oil > of the corps ot female nurses who stud their profes
ion for three years and ore officially rccognlzid aj
being able to prescribe In orJInnri cases sickness
A now ploy called Jacks and Gills by
lames Albery who Is known In this cmnilrv through Ills
ucceseful Two blames was pn > duccd lately at hi
Seuiovliie Theatre Lonlon It was a failure ant the
lUdlencc was hlhl > rocntful They hissed made rev
rely critical remarks and finally raUctl sucn a hubbub
hat the acting was stopped The matiagi unite a clutch
ajing that the actors at least were doing their licit
and oughttnbe heard through There wns decorum lor
a while followed by worse Interruption than l Ideals
lartlculnrly obnoxious sentiment uttered by Alhcr
The American who desIres a charming
breakfast at farls should take a victoria anl hie itrikhl
away to the Champs Kl sees whore he vvlllttnd lliLlu
ents on the Avenue Matlzny a beautifully iiilcthomo
You hear no sounds more disturbing than the plasliini at
a fountain in Ihe pretty garden surrounding the relm
reat It Is a trim little villa gem ly pnlnied In tie rum
ieiianstle Abutting on tlio faculc lucre Is I abe > C1 of
bun > open on two sides to the tardcn end on n third to
e Interior ot tile restaurant The tare Is I most dItch
enlanj the charge a model In Ihc way cheapness u
A Sila and 8am Hard loved to frequent It e > f mon lieu
Tho mallet used at Truro by the Pi lire
of Wales at the recent he l > till of the corner stone of Hit
Cathedral was tilt one with which Charles II laldtht
oundallon tons of Kt Pauls Calhedral It wan prs
seated to the Old Lodge of Rt 1anl by Mr Lhrlstniner
wren a member of the lodgo The principal oTcr
nzs nt the ceremony were two pure Cacti ciiitulniti
1250 given by vn I iiurney in me mon nf her father fir
loldsworthy Gurnet Ihev vvero pre < cnttd bv He
young Ptnces On being ake I for blue Itoilselut to Itmir
iiaklng the nrTorin tar Miss ilurnev the Irinrc of vl Mes
replied Olcoursc vrhynotf The bojs vvoul Islaitlofl
heir italic If It w out 1 utus any good In tile Cathedral
Thin London Lancet says Tho heat
Incites to the use of Ice as a component part of our dsil
diet It I I will bo vvelt to take ito precautions neccssir I u
avoid the consumption nf rth iriiren matte r under tao
iiinin The dllllcull > lire In the fact Hint the Ircezlll
f1OCcsn has a leMldenr to ilelroy or dmlliso thu llnlll
tar tnkcns of dirt club I is vve knon well tie tvorst brine
01 tIll ii nimelv the product ant t prop untlng in He nils
nf disease are the ielat roroirrtlzilile Keir purposes of
general cleanliness ice shoitl I be KMIC I In a trong raps I
nitted Ikhtatan cbIi He angle to blue dull 5 liCe or MOlt
ned slruclurc ol Hie nmss boine speeimeni thus in
spected will bo found to bear the appearance tifti huhly
colored ftpo diamond and will bo readily eschewed
The fashion ot moillrovullsm tIm i tll
MGivttf thinks Is rapl ll > growing be eul ciuluranee
It Is diin rcenbk lor nn > one who bus the least respect
for tile viuiiile Acm to make use ol a hall programme ot
hand wove taper falcly so called with the Pina
fore quadrilles spelled lit aer doubllul curly nglhh
Hut the matter has reached niiliiloternhlii uc when
from an apparently Innocent envelope cuulu rue n I me
dltvrl circular ou the orthodox rough 101cr > wnii
vvootlcut borders wherein It is to lie r > chte welt
Innwne to us that n firm of upholsirrers haveaverv
erect stock of VCM I cIt lireoai carpi ts In rare mil I
arlisiick Uoloures lit li let a so Ion as vvo hive lOser
klluill Tim brie e that bum > have lulu 1113 nltd a goo > lli
start ofchliilzcs In quaint and la tclul Colonrcs sued HS
Ie dellcht to HW for wall hangliitf aihl so they beg
> e klndhe lavoitr nl a Call
In tim event of the whole of the Grimm
cony I uuclluuiillg tiue flitnartan cuuutiuuluemi iiluu mica
iiliSut Mud sslumhulc lint cc mcclii ltd ill 5 is tI5
came iluli rtiu ilOtIuiilllla Inc C St alice ccrinuuilzi II rsrlt
reghmuiu mit of Iiitauir a tuilcil mu II uuhlur uf ll Ili iuih I it
11011111 he requirct tcrorluiui I Ii mluilutl 1
out IC I there ore itt hum err me ill iliule 1 I u7 fllurs iii 1110
ullaitly available us tulle Ill uhbiliii to tIle a longs
bluuuhe r of nucit irioiugtic tIm Itup iatui c reamed roiuk of
feli webeliheutelueli i euuub otsu a cc rtaiui buoumlile F of a Ire
lekbwcluela n ould be rcaiy 10 iiuuululty Cu Iili1ere 01 1os0
of luulltulltz3iiufl Albogetluer ttlercfore lb tirrnm I 1111
bar aulliorilles nonl I il i In calciilnled be able tnilivo o
mr the services of over Hius > oincers a numl r mfurltut
not only to siiipl a lull conn leinent ol otili ra tir all
atreid Clivling hodlcsof troops but alio lo lurnlh Id
catrea lam blbtlt bailalions ahuuU it be elrcuitd dvUiUI
to create these latter also
An EiiEllBh town missionary relates the
following incident There was n IwUnu luilc In Ills
district which he hat I icuut dmind lo a lnl but woo lt
me rut luy hl1 II tO ills vvhi elicit that Ills lifit nou I ho
endanrred lie bffaniu sn llllei > Unit lie lut nit III I
lo risk all comuslileiuvel One > illy ho glue a mu ies i it
lltnld knock it the dour In repl In n Inch a coarse > o e
roared out Vtltos there I and ut the samu Inni s
vicious looking woman o rncd the door and ordfrnl h Die
manof 101 an ay Lot him come In I and Kt us no nho
he Is and n hat ho wanti growled ont hut s iii eeC
Ihe mls4ionir S walked In anl I bowitu t IM i II 1
loikitu man Os hiamu lie had just heaid sjni i I t
hive leeli I tisiniiK moil ol the hoiuf in inn m n il 0
ho > lo rt ml 1 1 ID nnd talk mu lilt Uu ir ii il i 1
lliinji Ihavepis I > e d bv Jour door in IIui 1 1 i I I I I
oiikhl t bar I wish also to talk with > oii and v uir i irir
Arcjou w lint to I called n town mi u > nin I nm
mIt was the nib ttell then1 ni I tin Mine IHJ
tiu man alt llowmi anl henr what I am i uihiomv I
will ask > ouaquesilon out of tilt Kihle 1 > ouan > r
mo right you mil c ill at ills lulln ellli t n 1 1 ini 1 1 iy
with us or our lotlke rs as often a voniiK < lIt I n v u I o
not answer nu riihi wi will t > ir nn cimi i tl I ir
I ncie and innililo oit ntcV till I I it i s I
Soiv 0 nntl ill ton 1 ScIti lo Uul Kr 1 nmiiimn 1 il my
wonll rile mission try Is Ill peritivl but ill li ill it 1
quit ti said I ma ill take on Uell tin u Call < l ti o
man here BOOS Iitlio as art gIrt Is nay tart lu us
Iliblel II so where Is II to be lound lImli I hon iiunl
Pilot I 5 my question Well sir the wiint I girl is ia
the nil > u sslt I the inlsilonar > Imtnlv uue an 1
ma lu iniindln Joel III 3 h flu worl > nn I I ll I a
2lrl for wine that tIre mijhio I ink ri i I t
011 i imn I am ill ml IlIum i I loot in < > t i is
I oueoult hot billie Ill hIt I < h I
juujcsterday1 sail tIe viilor llus I S Ins mom ui
whsn reading the Hcrlpturts in tin lamil I was sir
prIced to find tire wont elrl an I not Ihe I oncot Jau 14
Me if U occurred HIHID end found U did uu S

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