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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 22, 1880, Image 2

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trtm SUIT J t
I > mmsJAYt JULY 12t t8S Lt L
I bt u
Araniemenle To Day
WIflk P Tfccntre 9tilret il
a nI l
d Mqniir Theater Hulel Kirk
nula Coiirett 1111 tr > Iwj lib avsal t111 t
N w V rlt Aq rl in Mkl l Illllllool
yikl tmrtm Ulnllrell
A Motto for 1880
I have no sort of sympathy with tho 10
publloan party because of that act mid baonuao
I uttlfled and auutnlned It After such au let
I kayo no dcalro to sustain tha Republican i
tart In anr war I would not vote for a party
that would carry through such I fraud I think
Mr Hayes was elected by n fraud and I do
not moan to have I said that at tho next olno
tqn had 10Croton It I do not say that Mr
Haves committed the fraud but I was com
milled by his party I havo no enmity to Mr
Unyea but after tho fraud br which ho Locarno
L President I could not voto for any person put I
no lorrreeldent on tho llcpubllcan sldo who
Id not disavow tho fraud committed I would
not support any membor of that party who hud
t any sort ol mtxturo with that fraud I fool that
the counting out L jut a much a fraud now
I IB at tljo time It was perpetrated
The Hessians und the Stalwarts
Mr Sciiunz tho distinguished I lnn
Who put Uio civil service notion t II YES
4t letter of acceptance now appears t bo en
amored of UAUFIEWJ IIo lias examined
UAIIFICLDS record In connection with the
salary gal tho Washington Ring and tho
Credit Mobillor and finds him just tho suit
ojj man to stir the heart of 0 reformer
r whereupon ho feels himself strongly moved
to mako several speeches for him at 150 to
ti 120 apiece It maters little t tUo pluto
i 40phlcal ogslan mind that UAIUIELDH let
ter takes diametrically opposite ground to I
that token In HAYESS letter regard nthg
2 civil service Bciiuitz will probaiiygCt ixa I
much cash from tho campaign committees
ltd tiff did four years Ago and ho stands nl
most as good chance of an office from this
Ohio man as ho did from that one since they
Wo lout equally sincere lu their respec
tive professions
But It Is really remarkable how many en
vious men may bo found to put stumbling
blaekfl In tho wtvy of a genuine publicspirit
ed reformer of tho hessian variety No
sooner la Scnuiui called Into tho Held t do
execution with his expensive fr > o Innce
Ihnrt art outcry goes up from tile Stalwarts
Sa The are Insulted they wont light with
c mercenaries thoy will never touch shout
ffcre with the Hessian contingent They
IY that I tho terms of GAKFIELDS sur
render t them In that passage ot his letter
o the civil service which was only ar
ranged as tho prloo of their halfhearted
und tardy support means anythtng It
means the exclusion of Kciturtz and his kind
end i thy mean tabard tho bargain kept to
tlio letter
noW long under these circumstances can
the Chairman Ot the National Committee
W i t whom our frlnml Mr BHETHKKD persists
I reverently alluding as a little bob
tallcdYankco clam Alno8tluiabl
tleYankeo onjt > y t lnstinnblo
z ndvrintaffcs of Mr Scfccnzs highpriced
labors We four Oils pleasant arrangement
Cannot lost I choice must bo made between I
the HAYES Hessians on tho ono sldu and the
fiUU wart Republicans o the other
But wo give them fall warning that which
ever oklo Is l chosen for tho time and bestows
Its ceulldonco upon GAIIFIULD in return
will 0 sadly fooled In the long run He has
n principles and while mentally keener
than HAYES he Is as much llko him In his
moral makeup as ono weakbacked and dis I
honest Ohio man can b like another He Is
too much a llesdlnu himself to b wisely
trusted by other Hessians and still leas
trte Iuslana etl 168 by
p eqnarctocd Republicans
Not Certain thnt Dalbo l fitiilly oftlx
Crude of Crime for wh Ich lie I
4 Sentenced to Execution
A good deal of interest 13 I felt just at pres
ent in reference t tho course which the
Governor of this State will take In tho case
of Pimrito BALBO now under sentence of
death for tho murder of his wife
I That IIA1 killed his wife Is undisputed
I Ho fiiuikly admitted tho fact from tile be
ginning But he has always dented nnd
I etlll denies that ho killed her with delib
i oration and premeditation
z Wo think tho weight of ovklenoo on this
point was In favor of lUwio anti this Is
the very point which detorniluos the grade
Ot his < iffence The ermowat unllnulhtl
I k or murder thd frt cero 0 murder In
tho Bccmxl device I murdor In tho llrst
4 degree death id the Ichal penalty t murder
In the second dcgfoo the kgivl penalty is 1
luiprlsonmoiit for life
j BALIIOH wife was notoriously unfaithful
g t him Ho forgave her not only seven
times but tho seventy times seven required
by our Saviour Bvcii at the time ho killed
her ho Was endeavoring t effect A recrtii
dilation fact wholly at variance with the
i theory of premeditation und lollboratloii
t Whoever carefully reads the evidence will
set that It was only at tho very last md
ment of her ILfo that he utterly dvupalrrd
t > f preserving marital and happy relatlonb
with her
It Is l said ho porchnsed the knife with
which ho hilled her Several Aiye previous
lo the hoiulvUlo but the moro purchase ol
ft knife 0 of a pistol even Is in Itself a
perfectly legal nud Innuccnt nct and I as
t BAIDOS life had IMHU frequently thtoiitnned
r by his fatherinlaw it was his duty to him
J self and lo hIs family t go at all times pr
pa red to defend himwlf
BATjBO fled Thin la I ono ot the main foots
J r led on u amst him lint lUghl Is no lath
I olUon of the grade oj murder ot which the
ugltIveisi guilty
BAI > UO did not have a fair trial Ono a
the 1111011 admitted that ho had 1 prejudice
t In the JifcO which u t would require stroller
i avldencu to mntove Yet Uils Juror latl In
I I tfhii cnfto and ruturiu < d < vvoriHot ot utility o <
nuinior In the first doffren on which this
uuhappy ItiriiUjn youth la liable i b oxer
eoti d
lAiiiM > was tri4jaly doprlvedt on the trial
tor his life of I another of hll eviustllutlona
rluhtatho right fjo bo defended by counsel
What d6cs time provision In tho Constltu
ilim duiiicil to ocetiro this right t every
ccvitAed pornon rOally mean
Tho wind counsel means competent ooiin
cot or the provlhlou l < 8oa 1 Its cfllwev
Experience IB an e eeittal prercnulalto to
I any very high degree of competency
I Is muton ood that the gentleman wlu
JoJciiilcd lUlBQ was appointed by the
I Court and that his ptevlous practice hai
bon chlely cunnncd to civil cases Vedc
not say that ho was ono of thoso fools at the
I liar who profcaa t bo above the practice lu l
criminal j but wo bolloro ho bad hadspit t
no criminal proto
Tho late Ohio Judge CnuiKW t fftt te
most searching examination of tho evidence
In BALBOS case was strongly In favor of
commuting his punishment t Imprlsonmont
for life
So Is the Chief Judgo Foiaiai
So are several other Judges of tho Court
of Appeals
Under such circumstances I toy Con
NELL should hang IUino It would look as
1 his Excellency without the prisoners
excuses was more oaRor for shedding hu
man blood than tho prisoner had over shown
himself to bo
Montenegros Reward
Tho decision of time Berlin Conference re
lating to Bulgaria Roumanla and Bervla
have been carried out with sufficient
promptitude but It I has looked hitherto n
I tho concussions made to Montenegro
would remain 1 dead letter At length
however tho Porto seem to havo made up
Its mild to yield a strip of Albanian terri
tory t the men of time Black Mountain nnd
although tho land thus ceded Is not the
same as that contemplated by tho Berlin
treaty It undoubtedly constitutes 0 sub
stantial gain Tho numerous telegrams on
the subject have awakened curiosity about
tho district In dispute and something has
been done to satisfy It by an English travel
ler Mr 0 L FrrzoEHALD who visited
Albania about and
northern Albani I year ago
now sends the fruit of his observations t
Jlacmillans Magazine
I will b remembered that tho twenty
eighth article of tho Berlin treaty made
i over tho districts of Guslnjo and Ilava to
I Montenegrin principality but this pro
I ject of annexation was thwarted by the des
perate resistance of the Mussulman popula
tion In exchange therefore for a hue
which wounded Moslem sucoptlbllltlos the
recent Conference adopted a now frontier
which Includes tho whole or parts of tribes
I essentially Catholic These Ito tho socalled
floW QruOn and Clement cans and it Is
about these who aro among the bravest and
most distinguished representatives of tho
Albanian name that Mr FixzaEUALD has
col looted SOlO Interesting Information
It appears that those ArjiRUte yh Inhabit
Ifppor Albania or the country north of the
river Scombl aro collectively known ns
Jhcffs n opposed to the socalled Tosfcs
who dwell on the south of that river Tho
Onega and Tosks speak dialects so distinct
as to bo almost mutually uulntolllglbkt
Tho northern Arnnuta were always the
bitter enemies of ALl Pasha who was 1
Tosk and contributed largely to his overthrow
throw Upper Albania Is olllelally divided
into districts and communes but tho numer
ous mountain tribes are not comprised In
this organization and are practically Inde
pendent retaining their own laws and local
joverniiicnts These tribes are called after
he mountains In which they dwell or after
sore chief from whom they are supposed
t be descended Thus tho Clcmentl are
rtlleved to have been founded by a Yuan
ian who gave his name to a community
comprehending families of Slav n8 well as
of Hklpotnr origin They are Catholics
and have a Franciscan mission ministering
Lo their spiritual wants Tho tribe of
3rud also eluded in the ceded land occupy
cupy like tho Clement a mountain dis
trict on the right bank of the river Dna
About twothirds Of its numbers are Catho
lies and alt are Slavs Although tho lan
guage spoken Is the northern or Ohcff dia
lect of tho Albanian 80 t tho Kuclil
Drakalovlcl who are embraced In the terri
tory now conferred 1 Montenegro are
mostly of Slavic origin and profess the
Roman Catholic religion The Clemontl
imavoon one occasion made common cause
with the Montenegrins but between the
other tribes just named anti their nolgh
bets of the Black Mountain feuds have sub >
Eletcxl for centuries which no amount of
bloodshed has been able to extinguish
By far tho most Important tr10 however
comprehended In the region now Incorpo I
rated s far as treaties can avail with
Montenegro Is tho HottI who rank llrst
among tile Ghegs for Intrepidity forti
tudo excelling even tho Mlrklltea about
whom so much has been written nnd whose
district by tho way lying on tho south
bank of the Dna will adjoin the enlarged
principality The Hottt If seems are of
Slavic descent according to their own tra
ditfonalthough tho Allwuilaiib hike to claim
them as of tho true Sfelpetar nice Nearly
nil nro of tho Catholic religion but there
aro among them some few Mussulmans
wiTose families embraced Islnmlsm In order
t obtain certain favors from tho native
Paohas Those Mohammedans however
unlike thor eobellovers in Gusinjo and
Plttva live In perfect harmony with their
Catholic follow tribesmen and take part
in all the vendettas of the latter In
virtue o tho position wllloli they hold
among the northern Arnant tribes the
HottI talto precedence Ifl tlmo of war
occupying In tho linn of battle tho pine of
honor on tho right while the MImlmIftei nut
posted on tlio extreme lolt Mr I r mA LD
tolls Ms that so JOllou are tho Hull of this
privilege that In 1833 their chief IAN
NIKA took part against tho Grand VUIer
umkir tho pretext that fccuUnl had bent
troops against Montenegro without tho as
sent of the Holt At titiit time a body of
1000 Turks marching through tho passes
of this Iribu against the men of tho Black
Mountain were surprised and almost anni
hilated Tho valor and ardor of the HottI
HCtiin to have been equally notable In tho
VoinjUrtrl Wirrt 300 years ago and It IB i ro
coided that hi thU InSt century au army of
15000 Ikunlaka Sent to subjugate Bctitarl
which had riwiii In rebellion against the
Porto were nvet by tho iithollc niountalu
eons In their dollies and cut to pieces
In a word tho territory ceded by tho prcrf
cnt agreement with Turkey would well nigh
double the anus of tho Montenegrin prlucl
pallty and would signally augment its mil
itary strength by the annexation a people
as hardy and dauntless na Itq own Mama
over OB we have soon the tribes eontalncc
In the district am for the moat part of tilav
origin that In to Bay of the same race at
the Montenegrin But the latter wo need
not Bay aro followers of the orthodox or
Greek rite while tho HottI dementi nml
Oiuda tribes are Cntnolloand It la oxtromo
ly doubtful whether religious antipathies
bxlUmcd by centuries of bonIer warfare can
be overcome The number lighting amen
in the surrendered ruglon Is Hold to be about
equal to that which eon bo furnlshvi by thj
Tuernagora and It Is unlikely thereloru
hint tho men of the Black Mountain could
enrry out by force tim dooUlon of Ull
Confoicnce Much will ilopeud nnqiicBr
tlonably on tho attitude of the HottI
who are somewhat lees rancorous than
their fellow tribesmen toward the orthodos
religion and with whom a good deal may
bo effected afl was proved In 1832 by Rus
sian emissaries and KiiBslau gold 1Iut
oven wore the Intention of tho Conforeuci
to bo fulfilled without bloodshed the dim
collies of the Albanian qoratkm would have
only toguq uPposo tbo region north of
the Drlu which as we have seen Is mainly
n r
oecupl 4 by plavs united with a Slavic pv
ton and tbQ Januia d atrlot south of the
Blvor Kcjamua which In language and
sympathies Greek IQeorpptnted with the
Greek kingdom there would still remain
tho groat body of Arnauts proper the
people of true Sklpotar race What Is to be
lone wltU theso men Is I one ot the most
knotty problems connected with the Turk
ish question elucojhq phcga and Tosks aro
hopelessly divided and the northern Alba
nian would almost certainly refuse to sit on
equal terms In tho same Legislature with
representatives from among the despised
and detosted Arnauts of the south In a
word It Is Impossible In tho Judgment of
thoso authorities personally acquainted i
with the country to create In Albania a
compact harmonious nationality llko that
of Bulgaria or Bervla
A Strange Proposition
Tho announcement made somo tlmo sine
that tho Indian chief 8rorn3 Tviii was
pleased 1 with the progress of his children at
tho Carlisle school turns out to have boon
unfounded 110 was not only displeased
but displeased to the point of removing his
boys from tho school Probably ho detect
ed during the late visit of Inspection made
by him and his fellow chiefs to Carlisle and
Hampton some petty pedagogical restric
tions which struck him as calculated to In
jure tho spirit and tho personal character of
tho lads nnd to diminish their fitness to
succeed him as lenders of their tribe
Out of this minor event has grown a mat
ter of somo Importance The officials ot Mr
CAIUJ Scnuiizs department have laid before
Mr R B HAYESS Cabinet what thoy con I
sider evidence that HAYES ought disgrace
SPOTTBB TAIL and depose him from his
place as chief SPOTTED TAIL Is ono of tho
ablest most powerful and most respected
Indians the continent ho has long been
one of tho best friends of tho white men
It Is 1 claimed that cry brute removal comes
from his tribe because thoy disapprove his
dislike of the school at Carlisle
Is It a crime then for an Indian to take
his children from school 1115 this act to bo
punished by his degradation 1 Tho pro
posed outrage no matter how excused by
tho pretended sanction of SrorntD TAILS
tribe wiiM bo In accordance with Scmmzs
couceliod lyrnuny which has always sought
to carry out Its whims at any cost driving
ndlan tribes to war rather than relax tho
decisions of this department
It la highly Improbable that SPOTTED
TAILS tribe woud ask his deposition for
any cause moro Improbable still that they
would ask it for such a cause borne nmbl
lous Indians might desire to see him nnd
his dynasty overthrown but SPOTTED
TAIL views of the Carlisle echool cannot
much concern his people since other chil
dren of tho tribe freely attend It Borurtz
and HAYES however arc capable of nny
folly In Indian administration and to aid a
scheme sn perilous as tho deposition of
SrorruD TAIL for not approving the Carlisle
school evidence favoring the design might
be trumped up through the underlings of
SCHURZS department
Tho experiment of educating Indian chil
dren at Carlisle and Hampton as well as on
the reservations wise and promising but
It Is marred when made a burden and a
terror to tho tribes or when subjected to
Mr Sciitmzs love of arbitrary force Not
long ago complaints were heard from some
Indian fathers and mothers that their chil
dren had boon actually kidnapped from
them uts material for tho school through a
wellmeant but overzealous philanthropy
It would be pnshlng the theory of compul
sory education very far U after Inviting
SPOTTED TAIL to Inspect tho Carlisle school
and pass an opinion upon It lie should be
forcibly deposed and disgraced for forming
an unfavorable opinion and acting on It
The Disaster in the Tunnel
The twenty workmen who lost their lives
In tlio Hudson River tunnel yesterday morn
Ing know beforehand that risk was to ac
company every hours labor The danger
which they ran was part of their undertak
ing That risk Is taken Into consideration
by all who hire themselves out for work In
which the unexpected operation of natural
forces is an uncertain element It docs not
doter men from shipping as sailors or from
going into mince to dig for pay It is III
much n pint of the contract as the chance
of bullets In a ouldlorn enlistment
Put if the risk to the lives of tho laborers
was increased by blundors of engineering
defects of equipment or faulty methods of
procedure the responsibility with the di
rectors of the undertaking Is as great aa If
tin dead mrai hail gone Into the tunnel bo
liovtng Uenioolves wife at all times
I Was there nny mistake In tho system
I uiIooUHl to prevent the falling of time Bill
ovor tho workmens heads Tho olllccrs lit
the company according to tho ex
i planation of the engineer In charge all say
that UHJ accident was duo to carelessness
or want of waUhfulucHS on the part of the
loon In the tuuml l Tlio small soak through
which tho compressed air hissed was nut
plugged up with cluy or mud quickly
riHiugti to prevent its enlargement to tho
dimensions thnt let In disinter and death
I This Icclnratlon on tho part of the em
ployers the doatl men will lead more oer
tiilnly than nnythlng else could to asenrch
lug examination of the mcrlW of tho plitli
I on which the excavation was pursued If
I wo are rightly Informed thu application of
compressed for tho snppoi t of tho hoad
Ing lu a method owned and hold as a patent
and In which time company or IIi engineers
huvu proprietary IntnrusU It that ID a fuel
It Is a faut to bo considered along with tho
stAtuments of the company throwing all
tlio Ultimo on the workmen
Two months ago In an article printed In
the Iriict cnl tiwrtew 1 thu safety of the
HAHKIH plllCISH wan dlstinotl qucotloued
Time writer said
mci In the HiMxm I Itlvsr tunnel i mKy soil tj eMtun
tered soli ennngh lo glvo a sudden laIN i ol mAd Ann
wAter And at Iho mow time AII cicspo of the eoniprerwa
nir tlie lAto of the wurkiuenlaUltfbjUul to contompiat
aathey are cimgiirillu their rom by tbe air lock But
iMsl IUiiliinilluc wo Ik l with ceiifcra to poanble d a
K Monnevteil with tnls risky and Ioe way precoed
liiK e will hop fur tlie but I TLM iueaa w hant IJro
od will Iw found 10111I enouKh AU cute way through
If the engineers felt secure M to the
merits of Uiulr prouuss It Is probable that
I thoy would bo slower to throw the undlvldcft
t bluitu upon tho won vho suffered doutli
For Jovrrnor cJ Mutsachuttttt
General ntnjAuiu IBANKUN DUTIXB
rialarm Hofarm the Bluto Administrator
An interesting debate took place In tIo
IlnuHi ot Commons on July 2 in relation to oat
rages nllnuad to have boon co mm Html by mla
alonartpH atUuhod to the Sooth Uluntvro Mia
slon In Ountrul Africa nod concernIng which II
luinmhtot Was recently published by IJr ANDBBI
CnriiNbint P II 0 Ii an Enulieh anotlamu
r of wiallli now travolllna ID Austrtill Dr OJLM
sues callud the attention ollha 1 Rot O tq reccr
reoorla of outrnjwa by mhwlQuarlas on najv
Inbiibltnnta In Africa It appeared ho iali
from the admissions of the mlcislbnarlf thorn
nolyfitht thor assumed a arimlnn jurlidlc
lion over tho people In whoso mIdst they re I
Illl d Two peroma > bfllne uDeet < a t ot mur A
rtb mlhl bn rlM held oPolem a ortot
rUlandtteyTrfro condemned to de ih Qne
escaped anti the other Will shot Tp iooond
charge brought br MrCr BNSiDi was ihat a
native carrier susptctod ot having stolen goods
ras lout to a too and received upward of 300
ashes with a Ton heavy wise and In cease
uouco died In tho course of a few hours The
execution and also the floeulmt woro ndmlttod
br limo accused missionaries before the Qonoral
Assembly ot tho Church of Scotland Their i
irocoodlncs led to some fighting with the na I
ves In the course of which several lives woro
lost and a considerable number of 100110 wore
III reply Sir CiumFs DIMEE stated Hint tho
Orelun Mission Commltteo of Scotland had
out out two eontlamon to Inquire Into the cir
cumstances of time outrages and tlmt the Brit
Lab Consul at Mozambique had boon Instructed
not only to assist tho delegates but to proceed to
tho spot himself and join J In tho InvratlciUlon
It would bo an linoartlal Investigation and
the Consul would ondoavor to arrive at the
ruth And after some further debate Dr CAM
EBON withdrew his motion which had been lor
an humblo address to bur Majesty In reference
10 the matter
Not all 1 the nntlIliAiNE guns were discharged
icfoco tile Miciuii Coiucnuuti nuuilunl JAMU A OA
YIkLOpVM1J RwJdkvi
And ono 01 the funniest thlncs In this world
Is to RIM an Independent newspaper for whose
touch DLAINKS bands worn not thought clean
ouoush making up Its face to support Ga
FIeLD compared with whom Brother BLAIKS
Is morality and honesty In person
Tho Oulnaro will again tompt fate by a
voyage to the Arctic regions The engineer and
its assistant have meanwhile been sacrificed as
scapegoats on the theory that It was their In
fflcloncy that caused the boilers to give out
and tho mnchlnery to break down But as these
rosult had bees foreshadowed after oarnful
Inspection by two competent naval boards the
chances are enormous that the breaking down
was due to tho machinery and not to the men
Obstinacy t and persistency aroeood qualities In
their way but the Oulnara seems to start with a
ilaprouortlonato chare of them on board It
romaine to bo seen whether the faults pouted
out at Waslilnctoa and there neglected have
been thoroughly amended at St Johns or
whether tho machinery baa only been patched
up onoul1lo gel till Oulnaro a little further to
I bo North I
I The eight American riflemen whom Mr
nYDcha pl ked up to meet the best British
eight ot Wimbledon are br no means weak
euresentatfres of this country Taken
together thoueh a scratch team they are a
troae team They were not chosen by com
ictllloa us Is usual and they shoot by the Invi
tation of one man ho the business ngmil 01 ono
ot tho rival canmaking concerns novortho
less they have a ITOCK chance of winning lint
win or lose a much stronger elcht can be cot
together for the next genuine International
contest the ono for tho Palma to come off In
1881 at Creoduioor
It Is about Limo for Uio Little Western
Which was met by the steamship Neckar In
mid ocean to bo approaching the coast ot Ire
and supposing that she reaches tburo at all
lt II to be hoped that the adventurous little
dory urrlvcs In safety yet the drawback to a
successful voytcu will bo that others will rush
t j Imitate this senseless rashness Woro any
liinK to bo learned or any eood to bo roApud
from these cockleshell voyages there might be
some excuse for them
Tho practical reply of Chill to tho pro
posed political amalgamation of Peru and Bo
livia possibly may bo the simultaneous block
ading Calico and besieging or Lima The
two cities occupy aomethlnc like the relative
positions of Petersburg uud llichmond iu that
the fall of ono portends Aid assists tho all of
the other Calluo may also bo attacked by sea
and while doing that it would be practicable to
land troops out of range of the Callao defences
and form an Intrenched camp from which singe
operations with loan range might be conducted
mmlnet Limn Tim Chilians have shown au
dacity and skill enouth to attempt the opera
One of the Yucatan pyramids would add
Interest and variety to our Contra Park collec
tion A man of Lieut OOEWKOEB talent
should not be suffered to rust In Idleness and
Yucatan la nearer than En jjit
It Is not often that our Canadian brethren
who areivery sir f flMiormun thorcsolvos havo tie
privilege ot entunalnlni such a ixistrnoetor of
the gentle craft as tho lion WILLIAM ALJIOK
WutKutn ot UiUone Let them maku the moat
of Ibslr opportunity
The StateD Island first eleven now on a
cricketing tour mot a bad rebuff In tltelr first
game at Detroit vhem In two Innlnua thuy
scored only 61 against the 135 scored by the
Peninsular eleven In n slnclo Innlnir The IN
troit uloyeia rank amour the boat in I Uio coun
try bnlnx second only to some of the crack
PhllatlelDhliiuB The New York tourists may
do bettor iu some of their names with the
Our esteemed contemporary time Tribune
announces thnt Hr JAY GOULD hums been movie
ttinnr time scenes of his boyhood
Our esteemed contemporary the World ro
humid that on his way to them old horonsluud IIr
JAY Conan told n Kingston man that Ita
thonuht HAKaiun was going t bo elected that
GiMi Amitun loaded down tho Jlounblleim
tlckut anti that the Ubllcnft machine oper
ators had practically given no limo fight eo tar
a tho Presidency Is concerned I Imvo no
liopo of carrying Now York IIr JAY OOULD
Is reported as saying to his Kingston friend
and I believe hunt us coos Now York so will
also ito Now Jersey at toast and Oonaootleu
Mr JAY GOULD enjoys a reputation for sa
One Of the abet displeasing pecutiarittdo i
of Ibo iJoetoneso InnuuuKU la Ibo phrase In I
this connection Thoy all use It oven our
ectceraed contemporary VATDRS of Uio Bailu
Advertiser tho handsomest journaHut In Ibo
United 8lnt < H
JL FmW n > r the Tluie
The anlmiilu woro about to choose sPreel
dent nine log hull g been uiuble lo mutt Vie nomi
iiAUoo fur a third kMin and Ue intnUou oJ ProjIJou
Klork imne iily rtlus tanwAkcn ruin > el twHoald
Unhl tba Pax Anil iso bus acre IIhby Ilirt
r i > rtav AillKrMn
Jut itt lor 1 < lf liji the CueS hon SrI rdltloa wpm
I to prS3 ify fArly In the morninff oven In III lire Isym
and who tiwrallji nuieutd UU UiUituiif oiU gnat
tunkiWM iIe I Ilin alelooH i t Vms Koili hung to
brf uH Into A fxHlliliori hotwt bid iou I tart l < l lili tall
Ufelij lMwlii him to l ha silts itlly or UlthanriL
lt < WAA met tj A term or r uhlro lUu MurcK
I lie rew ck uoJ thc > ntkiuauli bird wko prot M <
AtAllllt smt4 ttltvwlim
Ifl CI acre 0 c bipaijinf gmnjMW time Ktflf
Tl < fIIfOOVl tAAiutlr 4lith ullcmrl Is itoAl Aixt 1It1
CAimht of rtiit Sf MI l ° And Klilnt Its Fax hy UK h <
ol bo net k ba acid hint of lu view f tl AAMiublod
volerW1II2 IsiiQtswra tilmlcd Its LlOIIU14ta1r1
A Into ruAj rttj sad hi took bl HAt
l M IOO Xlll aad ha CUIII rlIcaU l
11 I
frtm tit Vrt Nt Jsio II I
IIJnl a recant audliine Mar IlnMlot reetoy tf < I
ltfl H < irlh AiiMirlcnn I I Oullcfo ffrk > nii iir rntvd t J tile
11111 5Iijulot cto 4 tIn < duCttutui wqlIo
Cell 1U1u UiinJ bIII OAllioIU rulxloaiiuitAucWiir
i 4 New Vurk AKIft Khkh wAigrrntli valurmi br III lip
Itndt who mm fI < ln ril r to my Unit IM hlllj erolsIly
< LfltIe i l at hli Ulraie book winch rUnea to A nulijrt
lUjtAMUhll llfUll At tMlhl IIC nlU < UllHlllll Hilt hs
i bmcmwiuJ 1ijhii Hr Kib ttiuiU to ill I cuuiiMbd
with Uio tfuulatun i Suctely
Wo hnna tho n ninth number of Ihl Aeuniecn I
41 Rn4tt i II Is I s4uurbI Yo bn rlloJlY tiqd
dee11 tq DrAbs Ihll monthly p tlealth inept
1 txiuUrotPUtiUilita Irt i the Unltcil BUtcitiiitfho preset
nuoiUrlt I Mtni tq iuiutp WM kit III piierMor
ou Is Ib zuIlseslltgklzgrpruiaOimWesjs i
Uoua I
r iy
gftfi a xo cMir r
vnlot Batlroad Ciipl tU < A IA 1r4iaete
DtoeNo Weevil
The dIrectors of the Now York and Metro
politan Elevated Railroad Company held sep
arate inectlmrs yesterday mornIng relative to
the consolidation 01 the companies and In the
afternoon some of the director from each com
pany mot in their capacity ot Manhattan di
rectors Tho latter mooting yes of short tiers
tlon and the time was occupied In hearing re
ports as to tho views ot tho separate companies 1
upon points Involved In tho proposed consoli
dation From all accounts nothing approach
lug an agreement reached and adjourn
ment was taken until next Tuesday The basis
of consolidation offered by the Metropolitan
Company Is that the stock shall be exchanged
for stock of tho consolidated company at 100
Now York shored nt 111 and Manhattan at 40
preferred stock to ba Issued I to the first two
nnd common stock for Manhattan stork
Cyrus W Field In behalf ot time New York
Cpmpanyobjoctcd to any such basin being con
sldnred and was supported by his associate
Tim New York directors favored a basis 01 110
or 115 fnr thflr own stock 90 for Metropolitan
and 20 for Manhattan and want all the IMUO
of the now company to bo common Block This
was not favorably received by the Metropolitan
directors who Insist upon a parvuluntlon for
their stock Quo director of the New York
Company expressed himself as Innllnlnn that
on Oct 1 the property lila company would
revert to It through failure of the Manhattan to
make the dividend paymxnta then duo In
thnt event thn Mnnhattan Company censes to
exist and itt 13000000 of stock Become value
less The prospectof this or any other change
scorns to give the New York directors iou sex
loly than any ono elsa concerned They own
tile road from the Battery Harlem on the east
side Including the City hail branch nnd from
thn Buttery to 110th street on tho west side
Mr Field avers that tho property of his com
pany tha New York earns a net Income of 14
per cent upon thu Investment and his oo
II rector Insist that their stock shall at tho
least go Into a consolidated company at 20 per
cent higher valuation than that at the Metro
Mr dallford director and manager of the
Manhattan Company said yesterday that the
only question to be solved was that of values by
tho two lessor companies After they had
agreed upon figures for their own stoella the
Manhattan would come Into the discussion Ue
expressed tho opinion that It was beyond time
ability any mortal belbg to forraoa what tha
result of the negotiations would be Tb legal
obstacles to a consolidation have been removed
or rather the counsel of the companies claim to
have discovered that It nnver existed Thar
have found that chapter 601 of the Law cf
1879 contains a short statute passed for a IDS
cial purpose and which provides that when a
lessor company wishes to become a part of the
company leasing It thestock of the latter may
be px hRnJed for that of time former
The Metropolitan stock declined 4 percent
tinti the Jnnimnttau o percent yesterday owing
to tho uncertain condition of the affair of the
rrar TVInnloa the ArY WISe Cap ad the
KocllAh TcaM the Kvlnporo ea
WIllIIL DON CAMP July 21In time Any
llflo Wimbledon Cup competition Farrow
Evans and Young having each scored CO the
tie was shot off today Furrow won scoring
12 In three extra shots Young scored 10 and
Evans In this competition Humphrey made
08 Martin Smith 84 and Hnlford Cl In the con
cst for the Arthur prize Fisher made 110 Brown
18 In tho competition for the Ladles prizes
Fisher made 32 and In the contest lor tba Any
tlflo Association Cup ho auntie 48 His shoot
ng today com prises 18 successive bullteyo
Iu tho nhootlni for time third series of extra
prlzn Narrow Brown and liydo each Hindu 35
md Jackson 34 In tho competition for tile
olaporo Chnllengn Cup today the English
team wer victors They won the cup defeating
the Cnnudlium bv 7i lioints
Dr Scott won limo second stage of the Albert
competition at tbn 1000 yard range with a
firornof detestIng Humphrey by ono point
Dr Bcotta final shot was much applauded The
other lIolal lo SMrI arll Jackson 67 Qnrrlsh
CO Boyd CG Martin Smith CO W Itiuby i 65
Young and Evnns M Huiford missed his
first two shotS scoring 6C Tne wind was very
variable and the Unlit bad Hyde Farrow and
Drown retired from thecont st before thoy had
eomolrteil their scores The competition for
the Albert prize was restricted to those who
won prizes in the first nbiee The Albert com
petition Is the principal smallbora event of the
im tlng >
Phi Americans have taken all the first prizes
In todayu smalUboro events In the ehoottng
for the third series of extra prizes Hyde
Brown and Furrow were tied and win 1 shoot
off tomorrow but merely to decide who shall
havo the first choice of prizes
At a meetIng of time American team tonight
the following warn selected to shoot In the
match against the English team next Saturday
Tho voting was by ballot Messrs Scott Drown
Furrow Clark UorrUh Jackson Hyde and
Lxlrd Tho reserve wilt consist of Messrs
Dudley nnd Rockwell If Clark does not ar
nive In time on la very possible Dudley will
shoot In his stand It Is thouaht that the good
shooting of thn Americans today had a great
effect on thu Enulloh team Atthotnam praa
tlcfl tomorrow lilt American team will shoot a
full round if possible though Farrow has a
bud cold nnd Rio hoped that their scoring will
havo a moral effect upon the EnglIshmen
H > lllAc Water and Ah from Optntnci In
k nrlh Eleven KullvcA Killed
HADKID July 21 Belemic disturbances
In tho Island of Luzon began on tho 13th insL
and up to the 20th there had bean repeated
shocks of earthquake the first und Inst being
the moet violent Thin cathndral and barracks
nl Manila havo fnllot and tho troops are en
camped outside the city Two hocks occurred
on the 13th lust onn of whloh lasted mivvnty
seconds und tbo othr forty seconds Kluvnn na
tivto have been killed and blityono Injured
No Kuripiim I ivn bon hurt Thn luhaliltHnts
ot Manila hnva lied to the flclda The earth IIIIH
otu11 in fiovirul places and jets of boiling
water nnlt Bhowurn of rahis lire ujcctncl 3omn I
of th uubllc bnildlpu at Luuanannd Itubaeau
have twun rtnniollHliid All tbo volcanoes of Lu
zon are In halt activity
AUIller TlilnlT InntUd
AloDuIY JulylOTbo lion John FBmyth
exSunertnlendnnt ol Insurance although out
ol office IB still the loader of Ito flrMit men In
Albany Ho was about to start on his summer
vacation Inst week wiles n Gnrflnld llopublkan
nptirouolicd him and salil What do yon uro I
OAA to do during the canvas Mr Bmyth f
1 I propose lo go up to Maine and enjoy ray
uminur Mr Bmvth rHNpnnilfd
lIntlInIl1 tho other are there no steps
tnknii to hays rntillcutlon meetlnes and to or
eanl2H date C 7
I dont know Anthln about It replied Mr
Bmyth I urn niitof tmllllCH 1 suppose thono
who nnmlnntrd Oarllfld will nttond to 8iih
mntlnra unit 1 HUPPOSI they will nlmt him Ill
vtitn the ticket but 1 ani out nt politic nnd do
not propose to do iinnlilne moru C u B
A iVew Mite for the Obelisk
TM Dcsnoua is nt anchor oft Twentythird
Mrtct North Slyer Nuiutrixi email Dtwti convcM
Tlillort tht hlp 10 Itew I Uio monolith Tho Ilitln Mb
boy KAIIoptil merrily Arouod the deck on tile white
4nkey orcAnioitAHy And IM Klrtllan stiosi u feAatd
05Iscdntly a i thy > niiirr4 ISa Air I IM whirl I they tear
here mtrsrwi tilt iMlllH I JlllHUI I dViV f rIg tHKIlli
wire 5 il Yl llnri > crjml > l il ielot l > nd Ituiirolril Ml
I well At klil > T ceuKi Uv tlxlalil i > 1 ACmxJIc tilt Immulilh
Add tutu tone blocks rmulil cir with it which earsI 1
Mr the > ronnilnnnn II 10 I niil thil I < he nrit 1 moimlnh
1101111 V conntrv wtiltb will rest on lIa urulnitl loiin
fAtifUK Thn UrMMu Hill soot n the dr duck nhnrlly
whoa A pnrtitiii ol uttt bow of ISo lemsr will I h a rw
niuteil sal lUo vlxilltk tuktn ifJiuro AIX tunrsitj lu time
ftntrAl pArk
On tiuiiiutlft l r OrAtft1 Hiotl > n thr PArk Oammli
allllr rorWruay rc cnJfUth oliiUiin mini the rite
for itt < ouolltii AI u n > ot lIe tlu > Muvuin ol Art Mr
Iron rot A Mtr onn Mlc HM cliotrssmm mHlllt
AWIID slid Cinjruiulii ulrrft rite quuiUou ol a site will t
o dloeuaeol Ia nMiUiitf Otis montliiK
To Iate nor iha tv a u
Them arrIved at Cnstle Oarilnn yesterday
ajne linmljruBU Amoiir thorn were 1511 Mormuni olio
sale on the IGloo lUAimr Wixoiuiluiiaui Uvrriviol
Nrnrlv ill 1 buiurnl of Uir Hrriniiiii were Hmili I 0 nivl 1
NorMfulnHH there vvie A IVw DAIHH mtit 1 live Eureluji
rlAAikiieA Tiny were In ctixrveof tweet eIlrt umlir
Iliii 5miisrtuli ut l OlAet HUlcr I A Kumuvril Thi < j
tare l fur Hart btkA Qttr trdy by A nxcUU tiAluexi Uw
J < UUIjlTtUl umaura4 I
1arlA Kale
ts Me N
There arC manic than fifty French wnrnm
lliUjltw r etD < IiiMiU A yuan lady AknrUui to
LInt Inu Just uiitliwuisUcil t liercU ky AI trssmsuu l
On MiiwUv i duel WAS fooilit by Hr CAmilta Pelhlaa
elitnr nl fi SItu I A flu II Iil uriuht lifl4lrwtm <
Until pArlks were wounded but nut very mrVtutily
Victor Itiim i AeitiHier oeeUiuo eoiuiaisuf hit line
55 kmi IIAUUIUVIM nlpM Jacket vent aud A strar
Mr IXUIIA III ItlAiw la I rspldlr I rocuveniute trite Ih nslA
fDloitcroU r n fur stone wnieli r tlltiierwiul a lurtamatul
su Illionlte Ire that Vti < lMoiil r bps bonitO SmutS to
paint twit piiiiorAnilc plcturvi Parts ilurttia th war
Stud IarledurlHR thu Beset The piQiuret ara tu be
each cijliiniuire IUIIH and 1 rive metres list auuui they
aro la 1 nlvaed t AI Hi sd M 1MU Tlw pn It
HvUlan 1 sets niinnclert irAiiii i i115 wltotrnve sIfeti Islii I started tli a bandsoi stieS company auruupof on
tbeetreiwtli unit tnillrMt Hint JIHucioler bus stilted
wllk tlieiii And much lit i Cut palnUTit nlNiust I tl l ttj haw
used elreuhiri of MM tompany Paris MelsxmUr Tlilf
wii tellers t tie notllme Uial A Mnt slook loiunany
he been lomeol to exploit a vaulter In rr
osritillIsts In mmius step 01 Iteiuoukr lmew busy pie Irolla 011111 of soumsatI ma
vsJUrI QBllfriZrcu
rrovlArai of tfeo Berlin Trnlr IB liar IsteN
5 I Ikut have met base KxwoU
LONDON July ItTho IVme In an edi
torial article on the failure of tho Porto to make
the concessions agreed upon to Greooo and
MontoneKroiAis This represents only ono
tide of tha matter The Turk complain that
their right to oooupy tho land and lea frontier
of East npumella remains a dead letter the
promised destruction of the Bulgarian fort
messes on tho Danube has scarcely begun the
tributes ot Bulgaria and East Houmolla remain
unpaid the repatriation of the despoiled and
exiled Mussulmans of Bulgaria and East Ilou
molla Is still delayed the undisguised agitation
set on foot In East Itoumella for union with
Bulgaria defiance of the treaty of Berlin II I
fostered by tho Bulgarian Government and
people and tho soul ot the propaganda Is Col
Tz ° ratoleff former member ot the East Rou
mellnn Commission who Is now time Russian
ConsulGeneral at Phlllppopolls Arms and
munitions are Imported through the port of
DourtRs The Turks believe that when an op
portunity offers an attempt will bA rcnda by
violence to set aside tho treaty of Berlin and
I reconstitute the great Bulgaria of the treaty of
Ban HteHano The Kngllali Oovornmont what
ever III political color can have no sympathy
I with the Intolerant denial of the equal rights of
I the Mohammedans Tho Turks have Interests
that must be protected ns well as obligations
that must be discharged under tho treaty of
Berlin and our own Government not less than
tho others must rocosnlzo tho noeessltyof In
I sisting tbnt every part of that treaty snail be
carried out We have reason to believe tint the
Austrian Ambassador at Constantinople has
I been Instructed to Inform the Porto thnt Austria
Is determined that tho decisions of the confer
once with respect to tho Greet frontier and the
stipulation of the treaty ot Berlin with ro
I sped to Montenegro shall bo executed in
their entirety At the same time the
Ambassador will Intimate that Austria consid
ers It Indispensable that the provisions of tha
treaty be fulfilled on both tides and that ills
Government will urea upon those concerned
tho obligation of keeping the promise exacted
forUms security Turkish interwtn In this
policy Germany Is In close accord with Austria
but their accord tomla to strengthen not to
weaken the European concert Austria and
Germany am convinced that the time has come
when to obviate tho renewal of the disturbances
In the Eat It becomes their duty as tlgnlta
miss of the treaty of Berlin to demand that nil
the engagements of that Instrument shall be
carried Into effect Tho advantage of such n
course Is not Inconsiderable Tho Turks will
see that Europe Is still prepared to elvo them
fair play and will feel that they have something
to hole If they resist the counsels of the powers
and this appeal to their lotoreats and fear may
be found to be the most powerful Incentive to
I new Ike FMlMtkroplAt PnpoiM to Get Bid
OtIS City Felloe Tramp
Mr Henry Bergh sent to President Morris
of the Board of Alderman yesterday the fol
Dun MB Xouii ma eat nniftlon which hsiAlwm
bttn uinfloAl to UM buck yards hAm com M tha
I hAVA prepared the dealt of An nr4Innp < wulcTI I
would like to hATe Approrcd by the BOArd of AJdmnent
And At you Art always doing son vvoit vrlU you vie 1 AM
take charge of II And 1ft I enacted for the take or saSh
hug hnmanlty AI well AA the wr tch < d tat
Your very roopcIIIII HKKBT nile
The ordlnanOll enclosed In the letter provides
that all cats found at large In any of tbo public
streets lanes alleys highways parka or other
places in this city hall be seized captured
and delivered br such persons as the Mayor
may nopolnt at n place to bolndlcatod and pro
vided by him wbareauch animal If ootclaimcd
within threo hours thereafter by the owner
shall be destroy In such manner and branch
persona ns the Mayor may designate
President Morris will introduce this ordl I
manna to the Board of Aldermen at IU next
A Pie for Saleswomen
To TOE Eonon or THE BUM Sir Will ladles
riOTiir UIA city A It others who nmaia klndl hear A
few word teem A minIster of the Ooip ll
II depends open JIIII tAdlet whether there non bras
allevIation of the coAdltloii 01 lie jounc women In oar
retail stores mAny whom are ladle good blood enl
tare And rtflAtmint mike women ladies l Many of thO
proprtetori Art wllhmt to CotietSi n > neuiln of the d
nA of wtileh thtlr employee art deprived by you
LAtm itatA whAt I know One iutllitim nt chore
At noon Balurdy LAttSAturdAy was 10 crowded
Ihot II was some time After the hour before It eonld In
duce tu cuvtomerA to tea I Then such An attAbllihment
cAnnotbc cloHil In A wluuu When the youn4 women
were ol icrmltted to ieA > eniflny of them had A dlttnnce tn
re come of them AU era Jersey City on one side And
Brooklyn on the other For some It was too Ute to tAke
innconlen which woolS hIVe riven them fresh Air 1
prepared them for rellilvun tecficei Site next dy stud
tor nrurk the colt week Such ttiltwA Are lm t tltriyj
occurlnir In the T6ntntf In thus AitkbliskmeutA which
Clots 18
Now kind 1 1411 matt t < owhtlMneM on your
pArt ulhr thin cruelty Bat remember thAt CrU U I
wrcutht went of tboaxM A well AI DT w1 heart
Let me rleid with YOU to luCks it xcoodlnziy unlmtiMO
AblA lushes Alter 11 oclock on Saturday mornlnir Aiid
After 5 oclock any evonmna luuflttandergtoad Aiuorfif
yonrootreA thAt only vulcAr women shop After thAt bear
An l bn tboBsnd ace ctrH will bar reSet
MtreipecUullr CHIKUA P Dais
letor of the Church of the btrintrs
VAW you July IU
Two SCesis n Day
yeAr uo I dIscovered by accident that I WA eating too
much And thAt three lull meili p r dAy were nctuiltj In
jutloui to mA AO I luppreiiodA mealand by ACUuttciti I
fdiind thAt inv heAlth Improved And I believe the cairo
LeneficlAl result woul > follow It the uiAjorlty of niAii ant
wonuinktnd would Ailopt the ame rourwe Cotti4ur l lor
A moment the AdvAnlAiiea rom the MIAifclpoInt of poltncAl
ecoDomr Here we Cars In trill city A population or over
one million If the InnAtaiof thuhuiiiAu lilte Stud they
CAII live upon two oieAl per ilty In piece of three AIU
each IUCA tiiui saved repreacnti but ten coItus we would
lIon have every day A lAvlnir In the city of NtwYurk
Clone of tiotvono or ynurcootxm per Annum How tar
thIs nteit U An adveiuuegc t 1 troJe almS commerce In
Anotlier queitiou B C
Baths Uoy and Towel
To TUB EruTon or TUB SUN Sir What
rIght bar Ut kreperof the Buttery nullic bath to Inter
fere Ki he dora with the boys CAII they cot have a
iwim wltliout bIting n towel or brlnli one with them
I IIAW been Ariuml the fluttery tineS diAl Ulli nimlwr
And inert My thut 1 never mw MieLi Airhu ai the Weein
rrpreKHtiti Ho AJ < t the lets alter hAvtitjr A iwim tot fn
their Clothes without rtrrliitf UiemMvei ADI ttuelm aunt
on the Hater Iaik to dry tven If thu CIt happen I do
not tlitnk It In the teeter place to Interfere o lien once
they havo Irlt Hie bath We pay park ruHmnan lo look
Alter the patIo AIHI we nar tke keeper of the bath to SITU
limo Core A Ire awlm and not a flre cent one
oneVKAS IUni
CoBm tlctit for Iluneack
To ma KDITOH oy Tins Sew Sir Bo as
sured 1 thAt Connecticut wilt rive in eek amirehlirrver
majority than she gave Tlfdin In IB7U hecanM the Dt
mooney were never more thorouiEhly united end an
thuftlaatic than at present keiauM many IteiiahllCAitsin
thin tftitc have already declared thrlr ttitentlon in velc
fr lluncuck red teeaiii Rininm ass inanacer U fir
Miperlnr taJnnpll tile troutslt elAin YAUkrv At Kelt
Hhrpiicnl < rao nyloit him Mipemric
V kltroKT Conn July ni
A lsrk for the Icuple
To ms BDITOH OP TUB BON Kir Can you
fir Any ol yonr renter Inform me Ihrunuti yoar 6llhnii9
to what city In the United Hlalei Hr Wllltmn BhAw
tome time during lad year rrcicntcd S liars 1 Tars
falllifblly A A IIar
BKtOAtvii Jnly in ifwa
Tired of WntltiA
Totnc Enmmoj Tim Hosrur Borne five
year ago 1 hU paid In about 61000 AI pramlunitto the
Reourltr Late Inuraiwo Coinpinr I wan advluil lu I
CliAiiiie to a liAkl up policy fur about f tA The eump lIly
U > cn ouplcxlcJ niiicii whiii ihrrliovo repeatedly print
IceS lopjj in AuKldvnO Vu ny itont I g i t III
KBW o ArrwooD
The Jd dray le <
lYflt ISa Klai rurl
Walt Whitman Is ill In Canada
T M > II loo ned the Gray fop flueeoea
from tan rioter rr vei of UK HouttiMxt
Altl Uin Snide at tuttwi ivwl CAIW
To the wonderful Ukftoj ttie MorUilAikl
Lad the pUneUd hllle of Male
Brv nets Are dwellIng by UieuiaaiH
Whoonoo wore KI hot to HAy
When wint warn lUo blue ol hue Unlou
Ami oUicriU uicdc > 4lo cray
Tlio pA ioni tl war have suulndut5
Ita batted have rone a iCi Iha pint
Ahd now like AII army ol bioUiett
flay All costa tumUMr nt lost
They foUaw n wan nh lu battle
Wan brivod ainonK the hrAVD
AlM who WMH UM nnhtlnK nemoa
TAI nrit tucuniole atom tiive
With liiia an hU WAMJ W soWttp
Atul thxue lust he lAced In the ray
The tnen who won blu iris for lUuco i
WIle Ihowi wbohAve worn Un cray
Tar peace mi A perfect union
pen br Ui rhunl over the Und
71to7 are for nlnr akouMer In iN iilJ
Aivt Are niArchlui hkiid In hAnd
Mow Dawn with > U thooahu ol dliimonH
Say those atm > have worn tie srAy
Away with AllaeetlonAl lecllngl
Flue blue coattil vaterAiii ay
They rAlly for peat sad far union
And who email date say then nI1
7uey rallr in Una for llAntuck
tot Iitucock they rAlly In gray
UzAz t
A tub race Is a funny tight but th
rater ouiht to be food swimmers A dlmitrd ol this
ml reiulud In the drowning of two men at Hock lamt n
The mother of Gsa Bkoboloff who htc
tirl btc kilted by tobkni hid Utaa < d tnutakliASa
reUiloni fraUrnUjr en OM of the peikjof the omomt
BhlpkA Fan
An Illinois girl with a breach ot promlw
CAM bellied thAt It WAA Ui uiukl Ihlx for gIns to Ak w
Slur love l litter to fifteen AT twint ctliir girls In erder
to mAke them Jealont 0
Even In French politics tho amenities
lomeUmeigolothA The OtpaHtiim fYancalu illtf
M OambettA calll M Jules Blmon A iDlTcllloit crocwlil
or something to that effect
The Polish residents of South Bond
led firmly believe that MrbLiuhlakalepoiMMedof a
devil and ihe Agreei with them Ceremonial scents Art
being mode to expel the fiend
The fastest cutter yacht In England la 1
the VanJuara halllnz from thi ClyJo and owned by a
Scotchman She la very Ian li the ann racIng yacht
ever built of Heel and li carrying everythIng Later her
Lady Hardy who has lately boon at
Hewnert hub has heen rrne < aily doacrlbeil AI wlfeof
the Mailer of the rtolli Is widow of the late UrTbomai
Duffua Ilardy a very learned antiquarian who for many
years filled admirably tilt petition of Keeper of time IUe <
ord In the items Offle
On her return to England at the end ot
this month th Bmpreti Etmale will oily my for a Itv f
days at CSIihurat as ibs Inteuditaiptnd the Autumn
At Arenenberg her beautiful place on Lake Conitanc
Before going to Switzerland the Empreu will pay i nail
to Queen Victoria at Ojliorne
Ice In Cincinnati this yoarla 550 a ton
against tl25 In 1870 And brewer In Cincinnati ara turn
leg their Attention to artlllclal Ice At the brewery ot
WcndlKh Mullhauitr A Bro At Bt Lent there Ir a TIMU
chin latelr brourbt iron Germany which Ij taartntwdj
to make a ton of ice for nlnltjr centa
Before time recent consecration In Eng
land of Canon Kyle a proteatwu handed In to Uij Arch
blihep on tims greuud that a Bishop meat be the bjubaii
of one wire wherau Dr Byle had beta married more
than once It will be remembered that BUbopWhlt
UnihAm BklUmor refuted to assist at the contecritioit
of Diihop Dudley who hd been twice mIniM
A Bvrodlsh colony was located In aa
Arooitook townshIp ofUalo tan yean uo New Swedln
li now protperoat with GIT soul who have kept them
MlrHWtnderfutt mite wkAt theywerA la the cliP < seas
try xcepttliAt they far far bttet They are abmlto
cellbraU the tenth Annivernrr lath arrival witha
apeech by tie Governor and MveraldarA of faiUvUv
The bachelors ball to bo given at
Eanilnoton HOUH la London tonltht I la b made
very brilliant Affair ani will Involve an oatlAy of about
4000 This mm will be lubacrlbed bv some oizty r
seventy bachelor old mlddleAied otiS young In their
name the InrlUtlon will be lined Among th1 sixty
whole name Are dorm are Lord Uartincton Lon SUf
ford th Data of Pollard And Lord Vile
The solo hold ot the Sultan over his sub >
etlAtliAt hi U i the heal ef their rillglcft TMerly
nAn who can compete with hIm for tnli position t A uif
filierlf of Mecca Th U > tBlieilf WAI An Ainbillooareu
And It li believed that he wu AaMialnalcd In court
quence of order received from ConiUntluopIe Th
preient Sherlf is a young mAn And the AtiaailnAtioa
his predecenor IIAI Around much feeling In hli behAlf
0 L Williams an official In the Wlseon
tin Stat IniUlute for Deaf and Dumb was tried two >
yean ago for flendlih cruelty to a mat girl nwary
dUAXieeA And he was dlichanteA from cuitoity A
brather of the girl declArad dnrlna lie trial that h >
would kill WllllAmi If th Jury let him to WilllAini VMS
terrldtd by the threat and toil no time In dlaappearlnc
After 111 release TIme new BOW come from Texas thai
the brother after marching the country over hat found
and mortally wounded hint
The majority against the separation ot
Church and State In Switzerland though almoit A for
goes conilulon ties surprised everybody br ita muni
tilde Of 13000 balloticait out of a poiilble 17009 only
4ieyi were nor me sepArAuon inii remit is parity on
to the attachment ofth people of Geneva to their It
tlonal Proteitanl ChuteS 10 closely Identified with Sin
an IsfltgiocIes ofth repubrto aid pertly to a toiling
thttnupprl > louofth > iM < i dCuui would b ri
C nled ass Roman CathoHc victory
Watty Morgan Is a minstrel performef
of low degree Ills cblel feaUra Ii a wondrously Hit
mouth and by mean f ItS is I funny Its slut Aol
Krlmac one quack doctor wagon In the Weit At
Urbana Ohio ho was teen by toils Miller aced 16 Kb
moil DDAccountAblr fell In lore wilt him And he loom
found It out for site was at the Street show ereryevnn
leg The v wanted to ret married but could not Una a
milliter who would perform the ceremony Her paretrti
learned of the affair locked her up and threattued to
kill the nlnitnl If be went near her Then the cappel
her folly by trying todrown hermIt
A vast fund ot amusement was to bo
found ttyt the London WwU tt the bal mnqui e 1
coitume rl > en by A charmIng Countess The guestS tt >
peclAlIjthe fAlrtex were few and time cottuuflesuate
whit leant and lar between But the want of numberS
was atoned lor by the spirit red abandon with which
the fair Counten and her friends entered lois lime sperm
of the evenlrw The entrAln was to real thai the ion
hail risen high And the mornlun WAS well Advanced be
lore late giddy but Ainuiing frolic was brouibt to a
cloie It U laid thAt the lAlrhoitett Intend to repeal
the entertainment In ths courts of the month
Reports from the different provinces ot
the Pruulan monArchy on the hArvest pro5pecti prove
that the alarm whicharow After the cold days of Xay
was In groll parijoptifled The barveil o 0 corn vlll U
very anall hi All rrortbern diiltleu and thotwri the
dAmAf Are not ia all plaoei of the aims serIous OLson
ilcni tI he reckoned Dial only fiO per cent of au ordinary
harvest will b lot In The Government hai tried t
quiet the public mind by publishing temloitlclnl notet
In which It was itated that the corn harveittnHuiiit
lluliKtrll and tlalicia would be very good bat oilier rl
ports from these countries announce thAt there AO a
rK td neltltobe aipcctcd
Judicial tlilnltinff aloud le Bays tnv
London IMH nir one of the vices tit our niodtiriOu l
Clal syetvin A runnliw fire of questions from Ikrte at
tote Judges not An ordeal ttirouuh whirl auty counsel
ounbttobo expected to pass In advocAtlnn A client
cause And the Judges of half a centurv ago would ojon
their eyes with AtnaxeinQnl If they eouM peruse a fight
till report of proceedings In Any ol our courts of law
Tbe minority nf J mice In the premst ley have tue nO
ally of listening The niijorltj utter their theuthts anl
theIr erltlclitni frrely aa they no along The cunwiiutue
rauatkathAtAnnnutuU become much Inflated wIthout
any coiiipeiiiatlug AdVAiiUKe The only contuliitionU
that the evil cannot Increase In magnItude
A recent census of Now Zealand has ro
veiled the fact that the Meorlte are rapidly dccKiil
and It Is I quite posniblo that AKcneratlonor to may flud
them exterminated ultogriher The causes even for
this nations decay Are love of drink bed resumed
clutritru unwholcAiiBeilwollliiMS netleotof oksiillBfit
sod ccneritlly low social habit In 1NJ1 theXtiml
ante etUmated to number GfftJO but since tOol they
liars decreased to 43505 > or About 20 per cent In ttinfl
teen years The natives Hawaii hooever sro ito
Ing A itlll core rapId ilestrucllnn for they late l dl
creased from 57150 In lutuwl I to MotH tn lH7i < or AIIM
ratS of 23 per cent In twelve y Ars er 33 4 toe tfut fcl
teventseN years In tholr cat the mtsclilif ti l bisunid
by lbs provAlcnce of Irproar
The Scottish PreHhyterlans piojioa tfl
oelebrate an ItitereMlmt tl centenary It vttuln 1155
that Kiclmrrt Oiiineron A KcuUiili pniacher ul 0retplW
en sad oarnotnrsi nt up tile aUndsrd of uttthioO
AKuiiist Charles II who atutuDkJln iiuuUniUilii
Bulemu leeuie anI Covenant to nliuUle IIi lOad
prolac InKcotlniid Iamcron and imm1 to C lily oIl eel
Marcher Into the town ufRanquhar sal In tt inarli < l
iulae5 l firrmnlly prnflnlmril thilr reniinclailoi of sllff
Aoee They wee hinird like villa VaHnln tlie lull5 b
lace Aye And Nillnliile stub tliiAlly cnplurcil aid Ull
At Anl4 Saw Hut tiirlr Ailluiranis mew iid i l 115iitii °
escea1luul l > Ougll they CAIII Irmn All rimutlo Ii the com
ninmty To thIs din tlie stints uild if hit iiilfiiinsia t
the drt > rala valor ol the hllliii n AS thor wIre
called Are lug dclUht of All Ixiwlninl Scult moit of
Ilom If they fAn trace rrniHte ance > tral cnhiCCll
wIth porno UnveiiAMUr no matter IMIW Inuullv lit I I 1
Un are AS preud of tin Ir ellyriw > AS lion hoJ 0
sit eW nolpiUlv iu Ihrlr Inmilva
i OliarltiB Itruilluiiuli rc lilea at 20 Circus
rl ld HI Jilt u Wool uvrr Ii inuiienl lilnnr ahi S
hanncnlunu niil Anu > ricaii mirutusits me HH urlrl I Oti
tortes arc lu t It lnM lfl tIn > lii rum iy um ll I Ic irl itt iht
Ilily pert of tho prrmlirt his suite ul spJrln tnU loinZ I
5th tIle S rot floor Ills two iliiunliu > ri > riwilo nit 1111k
111 isIt t im MI edltnw llu otl ii l himmn Tx
yeilnu laillvs ilo not bear much rrnriiibiiinj In If ilun tO l
tkelr lathe ulioi theistic prliKlpUi iliiv u iUir I >
IllWllly IllillUd Thuy havtl lent lucteslllllianiinkll
IntlM rMriilexauiliialliuisIn the 5mU tic cli 5 iucli < m
tOry at Ruutk Knihliiiiuii As Inc Mr lliulliiui hum
wit lie Is a tall iiuutlvbutlt IMHII uf 47 lOn < < > aLe
Whrn at Imum he ms ears u work 1114 mil Ill > luiunf I i
lotS lIt it ac Aiiiitro hetul < l and A ruaJ l ml
face He Ii I clvun liuvrii Ills luuil > r Ul H 11111 i tlj
> rrp Hli utteruniu Is I clmr mraturru ni uh l hitittt
and nliiii euuicisnuI nuijiiv n > liiui Ito uw e uls C i Ca um tilt
groat Shot anil lutmirr lulls witlu mIte lluihorIOIl C LI I
every wonl he tulle I 5 The us lie nol eiii t ut lilt
eouuteumice li not il asluu In hue linn1 iiiiil I nSa
over Hi IIIII > UH library the xlnjnosf > > liU Cs Ti
teenS A vIew of A iliiiry and A ptibic liuift lr UfI
isiuch tulle his joiirnsl Alvl liaiioiK ftttlrul i uupin 51
fIts room Is lurnliheil I with two Urj wrttlug toblOl Ii
on of wMch ho ills ami works hli stilt 10111 ill11 ai
the oitmr Tbo IIUIIUTUUA IiCies l rwinl 1 Ito I 000
welt stocked with bums elilfUr ul reiniiw A huhb
desk as4 several clualrs comiuplet hiS funuim I bulb
of UK muscat office Dtttero
n 1 I

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