OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 29, 1880, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1880-08-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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4 A VrfX1L11r
0 I V ll Isn hilt Attend tbe
al I th 111 Illii F KJH1 IIIUI Intpiiln
H I Kolll lo havo ft
I I The Queen f Mmln Iuln hlO
th I hby Th fflMohns records otlliofittltatlon In
s Mndrill Rn1 the nMett toI Iho court Never wns
1 the 3ndrl ot nn heir to tho tlironn awaited with
01 I crcfltfrmixlctr The Liberals confident of thor
ri rrokfs of democracy ownlt the event with
01 tmllcs but Ilitor rjuarroU fire fomcntlnK
IS nmontlio taitlunsof tim sf tslnr 01 th 10 King
1 rivltli ncrmcsof her friend 1rcinler Cano
1 And ni t in tho mouniclilcnl ranks youcau
I dnnrunlvfcliomiiol jor Tho couitlers cannot
n Ire what Is at their foot They bolluvo that the
n < birth of tho child 01 the Klnc will permantntlr
e Mtnbllsli the Spanish monarchy
s The Hpunlarils will le charmed by the males
at He pomp Hint will attend the birth of the child
T ° The Spanish women who record every son of
of their Kins ni In I moasuro their own child will
Ip openly CMIFCKB tholr delIght For tho Rake of
the rornl bnby thoy will iinrilcm tho Quooni
111 Austrian birth Hut the sliiijulur Jlsdiln which
Jl t nil the democratic journals havo shown for the
I Bb urliles of court otlquettnon this occasion
t ibovi the littlo Importance that they attach to
re the birth of a eon of Alphonso
to No efforts have been stared to clvo to this
4 event eolomn asDnct All tho old etiquette Is
1 < to be revived Tha mother ti forbidden to
III nurse her first baby They havecomrollod this
01 woman when taken with the first Dams of child
11 birth to consent to receive strangers In bar
l presence Three habitations furnished mod
I estly to please tho poor people are set apntt for
Q the oxpoctod heir and all tho cororaonlcs that
l cave such eclat to Iho birth of Alphonso will b
It redacted for his eon One rite neglected than
os will bo performed today The namo ot the
1 child will bo written In tho Civil Iteidster
Kings therefore are tho sons of citizens the
< aI same as othor people Thoy nro no loner the
n ions of God Tho King will acknowlodco this
bi the registry I Is n lair elln of tho rrocress
on ot tho times I shows the Inevitable subordina
It tion In Spain as elsawhcro of royal authority
to Ibo authority of tho people The essential
nt hens of revolutions are roconlzod In this con
0 cession Such reactions aro hours of repots for
J 3 the growing strength of democratic ideas
11 Not a single movement of the Queen mother
Th will escapo the notice of tho onvlouft public
r With the Ort pains of hor approaching mater
It nity Premier Canovas and his Minister offJus
a lice drcssod In court uniform will walk Into
the apartments of Queen Christina The doctor
00 will certify that sho Is about to become a mother
o and the Ministers will announce tho news to the
Ir great crowd of guests Invited by tho Kings do
L I oreo of the Cth of August
4 A brilliant assembly will fill tho superb sa
I Be lons ol the palace Numbers of ladles with
d lonstralnud dresses will majestically move
r t up the grand staircase ono of tho handsomest
and largest In tho world Glance at the salons
rll and you will soo an historical procession The
0 old however must take warmth from tho nol
fly The different military orders will stand at
hi the sldo of committees of Congress and
S8 of the Senate Near them will stand tho
1z rt deputies of Asturias privileged province from
VI the time when King Pelayo and his bear kllllnc
1t Is lOOP mado I the rampart of Spanish liberty
All will appear In uniforms embellished In gold
II h and slur Plumed hats and silk stockings are
to bo worn Tho cavaliers of Santiago wrapped
1 In lone cloaks will march at tho silo of the
00 chevaliers of tho orders of tho good Kins
n Charles III and of that strong woman called
o Isabella tho Catholic Christian Homo which
18 ba played so important a part in the history of
el Span will bo represented by the Archbishop or
bs Toledo by tho Patriarch of the Indies and by a
o committee from th Tribunal do las Kota I
unique tribunal created specially for Spain an
ve offshoot from tho Papacy rooted In the heart of
01 the faithful nation
The nobility Bro to be represented by I com
mittee dressed in sumptuous and picturesque
costumes and the army by tho Minister and
CaptainGeneral of Castile of which Madrid U
D thocapltal Tho people will also bo represented
IW I by a committee from tho Ayuntamlento a cor
0 poration elected b them Kopresentatlves of
I treat nations aro also to contribute to this
m pompous display made exclusively In tho In
s terests of tho dylnc Bourbon dynasty AU the
o diplomatic corps have been invited
18 When Iho child is born tho venerable Mar
re chioness de Santa Crux who performs the func
Uons of chief lady of tho bedchamber will an <
In nounce t Sefior Canovas the happy event the
a sex of the child and the condition of its august
10 I mother Then Soflor Canovas In his sharp I
Ld and telllne voice will clve the news to the In
t vlted guests The limes are tompestuous
le Monarchy seems to bo on its last legs This
1 birth In a salon BO crowded 60 car so
1 excited so full of all sorts of passions
r Will actually bo saluted a tho birth of
II an established monarchy Alphonso will ap
o par bearing his newly born son or daughter
IS on a salvor H > nor Canovns will raise the tray
aloft and exhibit the child to tho diplomatic
1 corps and to all the assembled guests The
I Minister of Justice will act a notary and tog
I Uter tho birth Then the roar of artillery will
b announce to all Madrid that the child has seen
I the Debt of the beautiful land of Spain I 1
boy twontyflvo cuas will be fired I n girl
I only fifteen A whlto flat will also be raised K
I it Is a clrl and I It Is I boy the rod and yellow
1 flair of tho nation will bo hoisted Tho baptis
I mal ceremonies aro to bo and
Iro now Ind gorgeous
L It Is Intended to welcome this child as I re
s deemer who comes according to monarchists
I t save hU father Like JOBUS he will bo bap
tized with thn water of the Jordan The Mar
I aulsa do Villa y Mantilla has sent to the King
water from the holy river in I mocniflcont yes
a eel of Bohemian crystal adorned with silver or
J naments The King received it with extreme
I pleasure
I Royalty and religion travel through life to
gather nod religion crateful for the good ser
I vices ot KIng Alphouso ban contented to emerge
I from Us home to meut tho child that comes to I
I BO apropos Tho nuns of the Meson de Parades
I have Bent to tho palace tho font In which santo
Domingo deOuzman a saint born in Madrid
and profoundly revered was baptized From
this baptism font the son of tho King will receive his
But what a great ado Is made over this little
I unborn Innocenll The ambitions ot the court
I are pursuing the chili boforo its birth The
powerful band of thu Kings sinter has made It
self foil In all his decision and decreos In ref
erence to tho birth of his child From Ibo old
times of tho weak King Don Juan I the first
son of the Kings of Spain was proclaimed and
aoknowloduDd na the Inheritor of the crown
Thoy called him Prince dAsturlas Ills patri
mony was the piovlnce of Aslurlas and the
splendid lauds of J eiui Ubuda Ilacza and Audi
Jar Three daughters of Spanish kings have
been proclaimed Princesses the daughterby
law of Don rnrlquo IV tho famous Junna la
Bollraneja Queen Isabella mother of the pres
ent King and Maria Irauclsca Isabella thesis
tor of the King Asthokonof Alphonso must
nMurully be the Prince dAsturlas his birth
will rob the Kings eUter of hor tItle of Prin
MAS n dignity that makus her the superior of
ill her sisters Hho cannot avoid this torrlblo
blow to her prIde if the child Is a boy but
fche has tried to escape It and to remain
Princess or at least t prevent anybody else
from gaining thl title provided tho child
Uoulil provo t bo 1 girl Kttior Canovne Is tho
orvllo fanatic of royalty In Spain and the des
potic master of the monarch He Is a thorough
believer In the 1m portance of the actual Princess
Who bus tho Birao hatred of the people and tho
lame supurclllous airs ns hlrnsolf Ho U sin
corn Inhls belief that tho
bolef energy and Intolll
dunce of the Princess
Prlnoesf are necessary for tilt pres
tilu of the monarchy In Spain and ho has do
Cited to spare hor by compelling the King to
en n decree confirming her tltlo even I he
ShOuld be tho father of a daughter Kvon If tho
Mushtor ware mado Princess dAsturlas she
nutlit losu the tlllo for Iho ICing U I ntlll young
and he may yet have A
mlY hlo n son sons birth would
too the daughter of Die dignity I remains to
o whitlor Queen Christine
hJ Chrlitoo who does not
lc 1
terlnlaw l will consent t allow her
1 I dignity clam ad br the Liberal
party for her child This same Canovne who
holds In ISBn I that the dnticlitcr of Icings ought
lot to bo Pilncctfes ol Anturlfis foicud the
honor upon tho shier of the King lu 1S75 In
87fi ho wlshtd to honor ami clovnto her and
today ho trios to confirm her dignity and
Tho reactionary nobles the most powerful
olillcrs aid nil those who form tho Liberal op
position In tho monarchy hate and fear he
sIster of the Queen and have united In 1 pro
test against the proposed robbery ot tho iluigh
lor of I monarch of 1 rightful title They act
Inis with the object ot shaking the India
putablo power of the PrIncess and 01 flattering
he Queon by fanning the antipathies that are
supposed to exist between the two women
hereby gaining for themitlrea I foothold In
ho court
I the child Is I son the eros of Victoria In
memory of tho oak cross which was the only
banner > of Felavo when from the Asturlan
fountains ho began his struggles with tho
Moors will bo presented to the Inheritor of tho
crown together with the Insignia ot Golden
Fleece and the crosses of Isabella the Catholic
Charles HI and San Juan do Joruttalem
dAsturlai which will secure for him the dignity of Prince
JVom Oil JurJUunJ Ximlng Star Jwv 11
There occurred In tho IoUS tonight on
the resumption of the debate on tho second
reading of tho Maori PrlaonnrB1 bill a scene
which Is unprecedented In the history of the
Now Zealand Parllamnnt Tho thing dime
about In this wny Sir George Grey was speak
Ing on the wnf Prisoners bill and describing
the Interview which took placu lx > twren three
native niuinbcr of the House ot RuproBcnta
tlvci and tho Governor Mr Hall tho Premier
tC9 Inl
wits buplly omployod correcting proofs
Mir George Gray stopped speaking at ten
minutes ti > 8 and said that he had l no Intention
of proceeding until ho could claim tno Pro
mlers attention as he was pleading for 11 op
pressed race to the House and country against
tho unjust action contemplated by thn Ministry
In Imprisoning without trial a number ot her
Majestys subjectS
Mr Hall all this time was correcting proofs
of linneard
Mr Johnston desired the Speaker to rule
whothor n mombor could remain In possession
of the house without saying anything
The Speaker ruled in tim affirmative
She luohmond desired tho Speaker to rule
whether tha member for the Thames was not
obliged to speak
The S1Mk o After a pause VilI the
honorable tntinber for tho Thames poak
Sir George Grny itlll remained shout
Mr Mclivan should like to pay a few words
on this bill lCrp of order and laughter
Tho Speaker Will tho honorable member
Sir George GrorI owe a debt to tho native
race and to tin house which has boon treated
with such contempt
Mr Wood 1 romambor that Sir ODonochue
remained standing for four Hours without ut
tering I word that could bo hoard undtho prps
remarked on tho extraordinary tact tlint the
House of Commons was notable to order him
Fit down Ordnr order orlor
to Bi or to BO on or orlorl
Mr Andruwi 10 rise to n point of ordor
Onier ordnrl Can two honorable members
oooupy tho floor nt the same tlmo An honor
able loor You are doing It now and
ordorl I have been Informed by yourspllwhon I
nn honorable member U I standlnir no other can
occupy the lloor ol tho llouaa at the same time
Occulr of order
The Speaker Will the honorable member for
the Thames proceed P
Sir George iteyI will not proceed until I
have the attention of tho Premier It Is In oup
port ol the privilege of tho House In title ease
I am pleading for natives unon points with
which the Premier Is better aaiuointml than
any ono else lu the House I certainly shall nut
goon until he attends t molt I have to stand
here until tomorrow
Mr Mnoandrew anted whether tho member
for the Thames coultl movo tho adjournment of
the Haute for half an hour to enable tho Ire
mlerto correct hla proofs
Itr HonvoB I would suggest that tim Premier
should correct his manners Instead of his
proofs Order
Mr Turnbull think tho conduct of the
Pramlur Is exceedingly wrong I will do
great harm to the colony IOiJor1
Mr Harris should like to know whethnr all
IbiS laughtprl silence will appear In Hansard Itlrent
Mr MossI will call your attention sir to
standing ordor No 1R that no member Is to
red a paper book or letter In his place
The Speaker That only applies to Han
sard I A messenger here Drought a chair and
placed ft behind St George Grey and ho was
ablnto lean against It for support
Mr UelMitour The honorable membnr for
tho Thames being In possession of tho House
he must be regarded us speaking Imo that
he b allowed to Mt
Tho Spanker He cannot sit unless ha gives
way nnd then he would loao hU right to spank
Mr lleevoi rise to order lOoter ordorl
Mr Johnston Standing ordor 287 states thai
any member Interrupting ordinary bUBiuesi 01
tile Housn shall be deemed guilty ot contempt
Order order
Mr Heaves I say the Premier Is Interrupting
the business ot the house
The Spuakcr do not think the member for
the Thames Is Interrupting tha business of the
JoIS lcaadr 71 this is very lamentable
I would suggest that as the honorable imimbcr
lion marked his disapproval hn should now
prowmi Order nrdurl I agrcn that It is In
luentabla especially when I question of such
importance Is pending Iuoalon
Major Atklncon rise to 1 point of order
Cries of ord rl
Tha SpeakerThe member for the Thames
may sit down while I ruin on the point of order
Major Atkinson Tho dinicultvaro n through
the supposed Inattention ot tha Irmler order
but ha bus not been Inattentive Order That
is tile point of order
Hlr Georgn Gruy Wo cant hear
Major Atklnaon uiidertul to say the
Premier has paid attention all through and bo
has complete notes of everything that has
ben said Thorn Is no ground for the Mata
mont whatever The member who waa going to
follow h9 also boon attentive Order and
hour hear
Sir George Grey The Premier has been cor
recting his Speech during tho whol tlmo I have
been standing hro tmu
Mr MflLnan Is not a member juotlflsd In
correcting without speaking his ppeoch while anothor Is standing
Sir George Grey U Is the custom In ropro
sentntlva spanker assemblies t pay attention to the
Tim galleries warn full At half past 8 Mr
Hutchluson goes over tn Sir Goorgo Grey am
Mr Htirsthouse Bays All thu house stands
attention Mr hooves wants Ibo enoakers
words taken down Mr Hall Is all tim tiiuu
like Anthony keening bls yes nn his book
At twenty minutes to 9 Mr Soymnur elll If I
tha House would permit him Im would like to
adjourn for halt au hour at this would bu the
lieutwHV lu his opinion out of the difllcultv
The proposal was nailed with satisfaction by nil
sllles of Iho House and moat of the members
went out to discuss thn situation
W1 slulton
Tha boll rung irt n cjuarter past 9 The gal
Iirles worn flllnd and nurnbors filed Into their
places In I the house by his I tlmu swing thu po
Nltlon in which Sir Gnnrgu Oroy had phiouil thu
Ministry On Mr Saymour calling on Sir
George Orry 10 resume his speech Sir Glono
Gray Bald that ha would do so If the Premier
would gl > o him his attention to which Mr liul
roplled that hH had done so all the time
hlr George Grey said that Mr Hall might
havo manifested tho couitcsy of such nn as
Gurunce biiforu lie titan continued hit spuoeh
and strongly condemned the Government for
having misled the Governor Into promising I
trial In February ami nfturwtnl mtvislng Hint
to break that promise which would shake tho
confidence of the native In our juutlco
Tbe Xew Arrival
TaM Fun
A chtrmlii Httl tlUy ltdv I or mothers blln
A lIlly xjJU > lIved ai hose rs ol I siiriiK 1
A pncfuui iiopiy > oiiiy klf its mamiuj den a kill
J pretty dirllni I wlu ai I
Ho thaI the little llowl I hunt I I healthy looking
CliMll I
Anoilicr moiiih to fiM ai Hire 51 rat I
NII wits I tout criuUcr I thai HIi cninliKi a nilihip
hut till Icoall have Juno with less thin cluut I
Ut rot Ii that the tnlj I IIt e jolly little pupl
Hut I ur inn wherever hil l < l hose t
And I i y I failier by t snI by when he 515 wore grownup
Hell WCAF my woraout jacketi I mppoH
Another thank troMnrm I am not a mftrrlid man
Wljnii I liuiit I think huh prctt r So lugiri
To kiei 11m urine the worksoum you must do the boot l
> ou can
Dolt I think that Ill dust you for I wontl
low are we celthit on toJayt I troll we loon hal
We iiiuinlthink were Iron IUI yel you know I
Wed KIlJ better lake a lomethlnE wfilch ttiii atumooa Il
And lei me Me hum Ihal I Ah 1JuII u
cool i
Hei lovely that he It I mum I Bee them sturdy little
l < ml I
lIes twice the il le of Lady BniHheri third
Anl when he come a ruttlus ol hit little looser pets
Hell be a man he will upon my word
Ohyei thai de > r helooltihealUiy tot you muitot Uot to
I do not wish of cotirie your hope to dash
But Khun I see ao teeter I bet < 10 rally itron and fit
IIuot I dear on his lace I I the a rain I 8
vt li cu p
A clurmlnr little tlddr idly hit mothers bUn
A Uny toddles sweet as down or spring I
A precious pupiy nopsy nlve lu mamuy dan a lilt
i pretty darllof Iliy wluy UogI >
JL r KM A tie CnUUB
Au IndlKn Voman who Lied 18 Tejstra Aloe
on siu tslttud In the iaclllo
Voni lAs Kltitttttun
Jlr George Nlilovoruf Kan In liaibnta his
tlven neuiuploliiucuoitnt ot his discovery of 1
ono Indian woman on SuIt Nicolas Island In
ho Papt Ocean In 1853 Mr Nldevcr lnn I
titter hunter Hi went to Santa Barbara In 1S3S
ind fnund two other AmerluanslsnaaJ Sparks
ind Luwlt T Burton engaged In tho petite bud
tties They clinrerml I schooner of twenty
nns burden built nt Monterey called Puorus
Neil WIl I than I Olllnl I I hit Ilrlt I to thu
coiiiit ol Imur California Inwlng Hnlta Jilt r
burn about tlu first alMiiy 1815 Mr Nhloerdld
lotnccoinpauy them Not being us sinoeseful
mite thofx lu clnirgi uxDuutcd thru I montlia later
tim Icor rB Nada iiut into San Podro tIme port
orhndlng nt Los Angeles on her return trip
Frititi San Pudro ehu wont to the Island of San
SlcoloB about soMnty miles southwest from
Inn Podro nudallttlo further southeast from
Santa Dnrbarn for the purpose of removing
ho Indians then on the Island to the main
and and returned with eighteen innn
woman and chlldrun How long the Indians
111 buuu residents of tho isInd l how
thy got tlinrc niul by whoso authority thuy
warn rnmovrd Mr NMevor does not know OU8
nf thu Ihdlatis tather llwlrfol In Intellect but
lOloSHlnc tlhIsiCitl strength equal to three or
Four ordinary mono remained ut San Pedro
two of the woman wero taken by two Ameri
can living In Los Angeles County the re
mainder of tho party divided part going to
Los Angeles Ill trt Plr to San Gabriel Mission
The two men who selected their partners from
tile party took ua actlM part In having the In
dians rumoMjil from the Island
An Indian woman was itlisutit gathering wood
whon thu others weru talnu away but wool
to the C111 or quarters and finding them du
sartud followiid in time to bo thknn aboard the
dchoonor but not finding hur children thorn I
ono a babe lit time brcatt and the other t
years oltl Bile plunged Into the water and swam
ashoru lu search of ilium Unable to llnd thorn
she returned to time beach let In time to see tho
schooner lowlnl Hhu called to those on board
but the only reply Bhu pot mid which she
remembered to tho day of tier doath woe
manann pronounced ranhnnihnah the
Spanish word for tomorrow evidently
moaning thatthn schooner would return for her
lonioirow or thn allowing day She threw
heruell down on the bach and cried long and
bitterly Shin did not find her children and
supposed they Were either taken off with tho
others or carried away and devoured by the
wild dogs on the island him bocanin vary sick
and lay a bog time sho could not computu
Hum without eIther water or food but llnally
recovered and forgot her grief In wandering
about tho IslAud She lived on n plant resembling
lal111 Ivot
bling tho tho cabbage called by Cnllfornlans
palosanto nnd a root known by the name of
coruomitu rilso a yellow root the name of
which was not glen and seal or sea lion blub
ber As site had abalone shell fish hook and
lines mad of time sInews ot tie sen I Is prolm
blu nho supplied borscht with Huh from the
An approaching storm and night coming on
tho water beltieiiultn shoal about tho Island and
tinealu for a vessel during I high wind those In
charge of thin Poor us tdt wore compelled to
leave for the safety of thin ship Intending to roo
thIn nt a future time for the deserted woman
The vessel l ran tiofora the gale and riachatl ban
Pedro harbor In enfety But circumstance did
not iiermlt a leturn prior to Ihn loss of time
Hcnooncr In a storm 1 lOW weeks later and tho
distance to tho Island was too great to be safely
made in tho mall shore boats
rlte ISil Mr Nidcvur leltod tho Island otter
hunting and saw signs of i 1 human Inhabitant
lie sn a tootprlut madu during tae pruvloua
rainy season sunken deeply In thu now dry
hard ground and from tha slzu judged It to bo
that woman Also three small I circular ru
clojurts about 00 yards from the b aol and
about a inllu apart They woro about six leet
diameter made ot brush the walls llo tent
high with a small openlug on ono Ride Near
these openings were Micks of driftwood stuck
In the ground In tho form ot alrDoo support
inc dried seal blubber These enclosures au
poured to bo simply windbreaks alTord
tug uo protection Irom thu ruin The In
cotkatlon wis pureuoil no further as an ap
proaching rtn compelled them to leave the
Island Mr Nldever having soon many otters
on his llrst trip to the island madan uocouJ
during thu winter of 1852 and being rouuested
by this Mission Fathers of Santa Barbara had
determined to make 1 careful hunt for thu
supposed lono Inhabitant of thu Island
Thu head of Ibo island being better
Biipplleil with fresh water closer to that
portion of the bench affording the boat fa
cilities for fldhlng and thu altitude such as to
coinmuinln view ol the greater portion of the
llanll orton
Itlnnd and const ha supposed If alive she
would bo found there and made his arrange
taunts acconllnttly Ho and his party found the
same or similar enclosures above mentioned
and time tripod stick supporting renewed
pluses of blubber In the neighborhood of time
but or wind breaks wore seven or eight wild
docs about the size of a coyote I small wolf on
this const and In color black and white Mr
Nldavcr sulil be had seen tho same kind of dogs
iimoug tho Northwest Indians They appeared
llOOI vary wild Within halt a mile of
tho head of the Island they discovered a
basket in tho crotch of a bush or small tree
coeruJ with sealskin and containing I dress
mulo of shags skins time sling Is 1 spuclos ot
duck that can neither walk nor fly curulully
folded up and several square places of skin
similar to thosn of which the dress was made a
ratio inndu of seal sinews nbalone shell Ash
hooks bonn needles Ac As It was late and
tlmn for them to return to their boat lor the
night Mr N scattered the contents of tho bos
ket on tho ground so that on his return ha
could judireot the presence or absence of tbe
owner by Hading thorn gathered up or remain
ing ns hp left them Tho following four or
more days weru busily pont In otter hunting
and bjforu tim search for the Indian woman
was renewed 1 pouthuustcala compelled them to
fleCk more hospllablu harbor at the Island of
San Miguel A third voyage by Mr N and six
others four ol whom wore Indiana from
Smli 111 tiara Mission was made to the
lelinil 1 In July 185 and although otter
hunting was thin main object of limo visit time
Indian woman was not forgotten They landed
ou tutu northeabt side of tho Island early In time
titus and having selected their camping site nil
but thu cook started for the head of thn Island
Irnsh footprints wero observed leading from
time hnoh l to thu ridge or higher elevation but
wore soon lost In mosscovnred ground which
ended the search for the day The following
day they wero morn successful Gnu of thu
party Mr Doltmnn discovered the object of their
search lit adlstnnceaudcautlouslynpproachlne
In an opponltu direction from tile balance of thu
party got quite close to liar without being ob
survod Sun was in onn of her pens or windbreaks
breaks clothed In u garment made of the skins
of the shag without sleeves lownecked and
ns observed Vibun ftandluii eztaudlng almost
to limo onklus Sho was sitting crosslegged
skinning seil blubbor with u rude knife made
of a pljiM ot hoop Iron driven Into a piece of
wood Them was no covering on her head ex
cepting I thick mass of matted hair of a yol
lovlshhtown color due to Its exposure to the
sun and all Tho hair was short looking as
though thu free ends had rottud off Site
would occasionally ratIo her lianil shade her
O and look toward the beach hero she nl
dently saw thnio from whom Mr Ueltman had
recuntly separated there wore two or three ol
tho wild dogs around the enclosure which be
gun In gruwl M Mr t Uelltnnn approached but
ran oil at the bidding of their mistress Tho
balaiiLV ot tho party warn now falgtiullud In
order that site might bo captured It she at
tempted to escape To time Biirprlao of all she
made no attempt to let away but granted each
ono us he arunnUhud with I bow and smile
and tim rttttreii 1 ail til while In i a dialect which
none of them understood although the Indian
aeioinpauyirr Mr Nldevor iron acoualntnil
with BeMTiI Indian dialects ShIll V88 talking
apparently to herself from time tlmo Mr Dolt
inan aiipioached within hearing until she was
mmlu of his
uwu presence
Within time enclosurn a flro was amoulderlng
and u Inrg an pill ouUldu showed thut to havo
boon her abiding place for BOIIIO time Shu was
VITV ho intnbie tirejmilng ft meal from her
limited storoot roots before nnmod and serv
hag time iiurty with a grace uud bearing that
BurirlHod thiim all Time expression of hur
faeuwns pleading and her features wera regu
lar Her eomtituxlnn was tnm1ili fulror and her
form mar Mmuieticul than that of the Indian
wonuni on the mum land and site U I believed
haM luiued to a different null superior race
which opinion Is sttiiiuthuued by the fact that
Monsieur Lmiu do COSMC a Frenchman now
engaged In I I clll I iirchrLologlcal and othor
BpecliiiHiisof lijgonii years on tIme Piellla coast
of North and South America for a Parh
iiiuheimi has found many things I on thu Islam
Hal Nicolas similar to thosa previously col
lected In Oieaon Washington Territory Rtu
further noitii and unlUe anythlug found
cither ou thu main land or this other Island
Al ion lie I skulls anil other boneiol the I Ito nian
HkeletoiiH found thoro are unlIke those touiu
in other bvcuous of southern California Noar
her iinclosiiri wuin noveral Makes hetweni
wlilli was stretehd a ropo madu of the soali
lilimws supuortliig I I seal I anil seal elephant blub
ber 1uither on were tin no huts madu of
wit thit ntiH civciod with blush but giving no
Hvlilencu of It tvl been Ity
Ilule liavlntr hcel lately occupied ly
signs and uthur mUllS of oinmunlcation situ
was madu nwai u that hey I wanted her to HOOOIII
Ptny them I anil 1 without any apparent huslta
tlon Elm iiKidn ready to follow Shu it I bit a bAs
ket such as weru vomiuon among tie t Indians I
of this uoabt fur packing ou thulr backs will
tirovlHlnns hIs lolnl I tiuUo and other article
and taking I It ononnarmand a firebrand In the
other hand Sue lollowctl time company
In their course tn whuiu the Kchoouer lay nt
anchor they found beautiful spring ot water
Issuing from time hank above the beach under a
shelving men lime ttncicvor fissures In this
rock vuro btuek full of bouts and timer wuru
other donees of an oncampnient of tho lono
Inhabitant of the Hand These bones wore
used for uoiitUlimuct obtalnud by uuoklng
thny had bon dried and rusuckud many times
allowing thai I occasionally I aim was put upon
short rations hut at the limo ot her ulscovury
sliuaiuearud to hnu nil mtbu nda mice biichail 11
wits Situ retained all hur teeth but they
wero worn low supposed to bo dim to
thu t chawing of tough and solid artlclos
of food Her aga appeared to be about llfty
scare Further ou was another spring near
tile beach under thu Jjank HUM she Iiidl
cutod a dcalro to uatUe and was permitted to Uo
10 by the balance of the party retiring out of
sight After her bath sho joined the others and
went direct to thn shorn boat and thoiiM to thu
chonner Sue was pruvalhd I on to aliamlon
her llrnbram Hid ual bhiWwr tiefnru leaving
he buach Going abonrl tho Uxil Him went
ii I ron tly III u lIft I slovo and warmed heiself I ludl I I
catlug that dim Uimw Its um Site ntu heartily
of the food of the crow appenrod to
enjoy It and it agreed with her Mr Dolt
nun madn her u skirt of ticking with
which and a sailors cotton shirt and a black
necktie heruttlr wits oomllt > l Sho nyMtteJ
In making hr drops s but could not sewtotlirend
icrneadlo Her sewing was quite rud Sho
appeared much pleased with her new apparel
1liu following day she went ashore with the
men who madu n ceparato shelter for her
whIch thn nccuplod iiboui n month tho limo
spent on thu Island otter hunting Situ was
Quito Industrious currying wood I and water
vlthout Its being required of her She ap
peared contented and happy frequently sing
lOll and chatting to herself Tho mun could
lot understand what site said nor she they
jut Mr N salt It was truly wonderful how sho
could converse with them by signs She occu
pied a portion of her tlmn making water vessels
nt grass and asphaltum substance plentiful l
on limo Islands aud shore nf thn main land Time
grass was plaltud Into a nhtipn 6cmllnc a
demijohn hut wider nt tho top and lined
with usphaltum bite would put In seeral
small pieces of till lastmentioned sub
stance then drop on them small pebbles or
stones about the slro of hulled walnuts heated
sufllclontly to mult the usphnKum nnd grasp
IUI thn neck with both hands limo lower end
being on the ground would itlvo It a rapid roo
tart motion for several minutes then empty
time stones on thn around
The vessels hud n continuous coMlne on the
Inside anil am reported M havo been water
tight thn lining euu resisting the bent ot time
ella when covernd with water Silo had both
stoneauil earthen vessels III which to boll water
tint cook If desired To procure seal blubber
sho could kill tbo BfHls with A club when on
and sunning thel1lselVl or snaru them with
ler sinew ropes tho obtained IIro by rubbing
IwO dry sticks together Onu of them partly
lit had a groove along its entire length time
thor was pointed and filial Into the uroove In
which It was rubbed rapidly backward and for
ward until It burned As usual 11 storm corn
bulled tie party to leave time Island aud om
barking with tholr Island queen they soon
Found themselves nt sea In A storm
Shin made signs that elio could stop time
storm nnd obtaining permission knelt on the
duck facing the quarter whunco the wind carno
and commenced multorlUlfsoUlothlol supposed
to bo a prayer Sho boon got up and continued
the Prayer at Intervals during the day appa
rently without fear and when the wind began
to abatu sho turned to her fallow votagurs unit
with n smile made signs that her prayers had
boon answered
When thuy camo In sight otSautii Cruz Island
oft this const she told them by signs what It
wns anti Indicated how RIme had BOOU from her
Island ships pass up and down but never laud
anti how tho day previous to her discovery she
had seen me Nlduver party pass to the
head ot thu Island She was afraid to make
liprself known until she Uncw that there was no
danger to her person Thorn were many places
of conccalmuut 011 tim Island and unless inkou
unawares sIte would Imvy boen hard to Dud
As sho wits about to lAnd at Santa Barbara an
ox learn pnixcd which so delighted her that
she talked laughed l dauced and gesticulated
1g k eg
and before t fth pxeltomant ended ili man on
lioisebark approached which guvu tier oven
moru plonsure than the o tuam At first It was
supposed that silo thought time mail and horso
constituted one nnjmal but If FO tho mistake
was soon corrected for on landing she went
up to the horse and carefully cxamlnnd Tho
examination gave her additional pleasure 1 She
would turn to her late companions and laugh
ingly request them to look nt tho beast bite
straddled time thumb of Ibo left hand by Ibo in
dex and inlddlu lingers ot limit rltint null moved
them to represent tho horSe anil 1 rider as
they passed along hut bench She was taken to
the uoui > u ot Mr Nlduvor wher olin liueamu
thacuutruof attraction Thu I Mission Tathers
took a great interest in her sending to Los
Angeles and othur places hoping to lint some
one who understood her dialect but failed
Kven the IVplmuros Indians who wero Bald to
Imvu hud acquaintance e with the Indians on
tho Island could not understand her Thu
family ot f Iroi bcnimo very much attached to
hor and although the Captain ot tbu brig Fre
mout offired largely for tIme privilege ot taking
her to ban Francisco and placing her on ex
hibition It wits refused Alto an ulTer of f thou
sand dollars from another party lor u llku i > nr
pose was refuted Many people called on her
and abe received them kindly but time after
noon was her faonte tune for receIving
calls when the would rut on her shausklu
dross and entertain her callers with a
Bonk and a dance Site cared nothing for
money giving it to the children when given
to her bho did not wish t > sleep In a bed
and when In bed did not desire bed cover
ing but was careful not to expose her person
Hur manners were uot rudu and In many
things sliii IIIIS mom refined than many II tiC
enjoy civilized privileges let lu many things
shu was very much llko a child Situ wanted
everything which sho saw that appeared pleas
ant to the eye or seemed good to thu taste and
II fruit was withheld from her she would plead
for It In such a childlike manner that It was
hard to rufus her Vi hen found she was In
excellent physical condition strung and active
but the eating of fruit and vugetnbles brought
on n summer complaint In about thr a wmk
after silo landed and that In connection with
an Injury to the spluo received by 1111 I nil from
a porch terminated her life four weeks Inter
nr seven weeks folD Ibo time she landed
During ber sickness bho reluctantly permitted
her kind hostess dress her In flannel under
clothes and took tier bed under proper cover
hat but positively refused to return to her for
mer plain diet ns was proposed by eom of
those who called to see her Her dress of shag
skins basket and trinkets were given to Father
Gonzales of the Mission who It is said sent
them to Homo
Statistics In civilized life shown creator lon
gevity In time marital and social relations than
In cfllbncy and the life 01 the recluse hut here
Is ono who had attained tha ago of 50 years
with a phvslquo Indicating thut A period In
the futuro might bu reached equal to that
of the past that for nlghtoon years had boon
absolutely alone With the exception of tho
elokn Immediately alter her desertion she
reported uo Illness during time limo of her ex
ile She appeared to enjoy perfect health with
no failure of any of the bodily functions ex
cepting that of sight which may have been
cither hypernntropio or presbyopia If the
former most likely It cad congenital If the
Utter It may hojro been hastened by the little
use made of the power of accommodation for
near objects she dally cultivating the power of
distant vision In commanding a view of the
Island and looking seaward Limo extremes ol
hcatand cold aru unknown on time Hund 1 off
this coast frost Is seldom seen In tho winter
nnd tho heat of stiramor is not oppremivo owing
to tile ocean winds which gIve a most equable
climate thu ynitr round favorable to an outdoor
life Durlnu tho rainy reason shu probably took
shelter In a CIIVU or under stiolvfn rocks ns
found upon tho Island but tx that as It may the
vicissitudes of time weather did riot appear to
affect her unpleasantly Her outdoor 1110 gave
a digestion equal to the lisa of the seal blubber
and her supply of f thu binall variety vegetables
assisted nourishing her without ilernnslng
the secretions On this Island estimated lit
fourteen miles In length I nut averaging about
four In width Its highest elevation being nut
more than six hundred feet above sea level but
sparsely timbered with its rocks sandy plums
and limited vegetation clear spring water
which Invited repented ablutions with no roof
to Intercept tho welcome rats of i tho sun our
femnlu Cru9ou possessed and used lImo means
conducive to a long hIe But time chungu from
such a life to one tit I moro luxury and into
loncn soon demanded the penally of thu via
bated laws of hualth sickness and death I
An Arknneue Cleriomntt Address Garfl ld
lllalne aud Oilier Ntatvsmu
an old linn Whig and a pupil of henry Clay I
was u Union man and I havo never taken an
active part in politics except to make speeches
against secession Tho South did 1 secede am
after n bloody war of four years wo wun
whipped Thin soldiers gave up their property
cheerfully nnd I thought tho love of tho old
flag was still dear to them This was tho limo
to heal up thn breach nnd to restore love and
harmony Without these in n tree Govornmen
there can bu no union rho lrtorn could tyohl l
afford to bu gouerous Tha dominant party
took thn latu slaves us nn clnmnnt of strength
backed by the vagabond earpnthntrgent lIt
of mon who could nut ho uloelnd In auy olllci
In thulr natlvu Status 1 was fnrlI to vote fur
these scamps or voto with tho DeMio rnt Thu
best mutt In tile State voted with the lJ moerats
nnd thut t Is how thn South became Oomnfiatic
Tim Itaimbllcnni thorniMlvc I woro to hlatno I for
their I dufent Thn Democratic party at thu Soul
Is I not thu liraeating otto It usud to bo Its
lemutci e are mun who con Id get nnoillci hoforn
tho war I must say that I am yet to se > or roai
ot any people who havo sit ian ittud to so man y
wrongs with ho much patience as te I Siutlion
tiuople At thll close of thn t war I saw dillliilty m
In lust on ug haimonyand a frau rmmni union
hat do I SOU and hmr how P Alsolutuly noth
Inc but BlgiiB of a gatheriui storm
Tim lii lilt iii into leaders think t a It their I dutr to
mlsreprnsiuiit and Blunder us in lIlly upeocl
they I niiikn and lu i every a rt irlit they t write They
do nil they can to fan tho embers ol Imtwl It
seems to me that a wile mid good man who
loved his country ought to strlvu to instil lu
time ponpln a feeling of lou mutt peace amid tho
spirit of forgiveness
Tho South hmte no tramps Wo nro all cltlrnno I
In 1 Arkansas Yn have our hnnic Thougl
slmtdii I they nru ilnnr I to us V 1 ii ave no woaltl
tucxcitu thu cupidity ot time North Wn have
A few wants and wu try to supply tlmm or
our labor Permit me to say to your readers
that t If I f they cannot get work In I time North mi imti
If thuy aru honct and Industrious vvu In Ar
kansas can give them plenty of wui U I and exlenil
thn hand ol fellowship I without regard to poli I
tics If I f thoy urn honest It Is I Pit V Ihnt I auch
mon as allrlllhi nol lilnlnu cannot tit to thu
dignity nl n trIte statesmanship And un their
talHuts In restoring pence J R
I UootisviLLC Ark Aug 2U
DmVER AUfl 11 So you aro going to
ho foothills y remarks a Denver acquaintance
to the foothills where the very cows darent
witch their tails for fear ot wcnrlngthemoutl
The scornful warning does not chock tno I
know by this time that Denver regards the
outer portions of the State as places for weep
log and gnashing of teeth besides the foothills
have long been familiar to me
Golden Boulder Morrison A little addition to
deliver arid several other small towns He In
his district midway between plain and tnoun
nln and ranches are scan wherever there are
springs Ou thcsa ranches the experiment ol
arming without Irrigation la tried with some
success crops being raised about once every
three years The owners do not confine
themselves strictly to any one pursuit They
keep numbers ol cattle and horses and
if I their crops fall these support them
When both prove unprofitable they quarry
stone burn lima or cut wood In the
mountains Time long ridges called hog
jacks protect them In winter from tho piercing
east wind and their altitude gives thorn sum
mer coolness Time air Is very clear railroad
whittles can be hoard with great distinctness at
from eight to ten miles distance Good health
is the tale but many complain of overpower
ing weariness which Beams < o follow A resi
dence of many years In any place lu Colorado
Comfortable homos and sensible and Indus
rlous people can be found In the foothills
Money Is i scarce aud n little of it goes A good way
Added to other sources ot discontent lu agri
cultural life hero IB tho oxtromo uncertainty ot
ho market tho farmer often finding It over
stocked with produce raised more cheaply In
other States I never heard much ol the pros
perity of farmers from time farmers themselves
hough I have heard It frequently referred to
elsewhere They are hopeful of course but
they are all willing to sell out Taxes are high
and mortgages numerous and Inevitable
A now settler Is easily distinguished by his
ambition to subdue the wilderness and his
ready criticism of tho Blouehy ways about him
Ho advocates neat fences deep ploughing ear
her ploughing Coras knows what His neigh
bors smile They have bcn through It all and
they know that In two years ho will either have
sold out or become one like themselves
I want some excitement I complained one
July evening I think It would do me good
Do you returns the native with A mall
clous flash lu her eyes Come for tho cows
I knew after the fashion ot the country that
his suouch hold more than Its apparent moan
ing still time Idea smiled upon mo
Where are they
In the mountains was the terse reply
Charming Visions dim bluo hills pine
forests and thick Alplno growths pass before
mo as I accept the Invitation
After a short course over the levels wo begin
to climb the mountain by means of n trail nar
row broken and Insecure On cither side
scraggy shrubs catch at my dress llko famished
animals who find a fnvorlto diet In black
alpaca The wild doves mourn dismally for
their absent mates I nm touched by this
plnlntlvo sound heard BO continuously In
the summer hills and would like to
so express myaelf when my pony Jump
a chasm at tno moment n Stout branch
strikes my law Site misses her footing re
gaining It with such Infinite exertions that but
fur my light and airy structure I should have
been Impaled on the horn of my saddle
My leader laughs on the hlll ld and 1 would
like to favor her with n few wellchosen ro
marks but before tun rlers 11 slop much like a
stoup root strewn with stones Up this wu go
my gallant gray evincing A strong deslroto
Btumblu nud roll down Into time gulch Ilmich
Ingthn height I scrutinize a piece of ground
where ten stonrn seem to standguard over
every irrnssy blade
Thlt I said sarcastically Is the refresh
ing gramma grass on which cattlo fatten the
year round
No answer
Iconsider nsrlcaltnrn In Colorado a farce
and fraud I Insist with great vigor
My companion turns gravely upon mn Ton
dorfect IIUYH bcnn hung for making just such
comments said she and though wu BOmo
tlmcK pardon thum when In time company of
licopln of means and position llko I myoelf
the calm severity of the fae umHr the limpsun
bonnet woe unmoved Hill thuy should cant
fully avoid rash speeches in districts whore
their friends aro not known
Far below us were still irray levels around
us bare gray hills The sun was sinking Into
long clouds beneath which showed the white
tops of thn distant rang LookI I cried my
Colorado friend changing hur tnun suddenly
Look there Is time Snowy Rmgc You can
tabu your choice nnd admin either time top
thing with yiiller light on It or the one under
neath Wrt keen our views assortod for the con
venience of tourist
Iii a few seconds silo was up another barren
helht bringing down tIme cows with toils that
must surely have ben loarned Irom hlr late
uuiuhbori the Utes My pony stamp d sidled
uud pnWid Impatiently till she got her bridle
almost over her ears I had iuee1eI in re
adjusting It when my guiding spirit drew near
smiling sweetly iou may have heard some
thine SilO observed 1 thought I had
Vtill that Is for my health I would got
consumption It I did not btr tch mv lungs
sometimes I wondered II this sort of exer
cise nlro preserved tIme health ol savage tribes
But she continued cheerfully
Now jS four that yallor cow by them
applu trees pointing to a splintered ledge of
rock along by throo or four wheat Holds
where the farmers are lyln behind time hedges
with shotguns and dont say a word shell
fetch yo out ull right
I took the counsel quaked Inwardly on nar
row trails bfcamo acquainted with priukly
pears and came out indict all right But I
never aisked for excitement airaln nt cow time
The least known of Colorado eharuet rs Is the
woodsman Now and then hn makes his pres
once evident by ada Ilko one of hmiet winter
whenmiistiTlnglWof his comradesha rodent
night to Golden took the Hay ward murderurs
from tale jail and left them hanging to a con
venient bridge but ho soon relapses Into his
former obscurity Ills Individuality Is HI gen
uine ns that ot the cittlu man or miner from
whofrt ranks his are often for various reasons
rvcrultml Uensu growths ol pine covernd and
In m nil y places mill cover time greater part ol
time mountains Hero time lumhir mills wern
placed and tier thu woodcutter madn his
homo lu deflnncu ot law The trout
merit ot tlmlior lands can hardly b ro
garded ns succcsdful In this part ot tha
world No man oould legally cut wood or atm
cur title to his claim If ho settled on this land
It luy thoro tho puradlsu of fauntters thu se
curn ulindu of lawlessness Qaivirii hint not
bnlng wlllltu I to bell It or glvn It away t ill t sov
ereign ropl tooktho matter Into their own
liandii Neidlni it wood thIn look It and If I f a
vnitiable plneti was jumpid srunn onu might
count ou being shot 0nslonnlly an over
zealous Buppottur of Government or time rail
rail companies would prosiieuto ofluinleis
thrty or fifty nt a time for violation of liii
timber laws No jury was ever found to convict
Illicit men anti on their t roleusi they I took ene
to mnko things so hot for tint Inlormcr that lie
lit l t the country or kept ftllenen for thu t fill it ii
Hnil4hu < aids bujn ottered for sale they would
havi found rcidy pnrchairs hut the clan of
Trithhulding them has led to much careless
distruciluli of their tIles
Thn woiiiUniuriV wants are tow His log
Cilbm Is built i in n few days a bin flreplaiD
saves tile expense of n blovc a fmv boards
nall < il to the t wall I mnku it bedstead hoxrs like I
tin I place nf fit i it mill Ci rud two or t Ii rio shelves
miport tun kltchuii I I lii tilt mit irate When IIH has
all tnesn lincoiifldurs himself i n man of prop
urty and entitled to tool for A wife
Indian lishloni prnvail to soiuo extent and
a flavor nf Utah IK prccptiuln I In i hOlety If I f tho t
denizens of cabins mtm I his apitt on thn I mountain
dooervu that collective title Thuy are leadlly
vigorously and consiRtentlv prntanp A famllv I
of Scotch Bittlurs retained thu t ancestral custom
ot i > avIng I unicx but the t iiHluhlor who Ind
stopped lit iliniiir 1 I arosu In I tlIs list Ilu i could
stand I I anything i hut that t lucy are uniformly I
linspltnhli treating you to their I bust and point
In u out vluws with fcullent judgment
But you cant live on scenery I said to onn
who was making that tim chief merit ol his
ranch I don Isnnw he nnswercil comically
1vn seen tltnS III Colorado when thorn wasnt
iniih nf uuithini ulsu to livu on
Nothing i va ties lao I dead lvel of this llfo
but a stuei a Ililit or a dance oftn suiony
niuns tiinis Junrrels mute lrcuunt suinu
times tragic and many ot th settlers Ima
dubious leenrilH That dos not maliir You
mint hIll Ill Ii treat imm as they treat I you with
out roforencu to I ihelr general elmruoter We
wire oiun Inddtnd i to I a vvrtllltnnwii I cell ho
thief for hearty and wulconiH nssUtuiicu the
vvoodxinan encruy In lltlul ami hn gnncraliy
keeps all I Ills Sundays at once lute violvuunot
Ins tinnpir when roused Is uxtinniw Omit >
limttm l itt ttiii annoyed byn imlly i horse lookout
his kulin and cut th animals throat
SiiinutiniiM the hay bonks such as A copy of
1 tisipli itS or tim 1 A rabi ito Nights I found
n piano m on oiibln They nn not stupid I
remember a boy who vvulkml miles In thu hnpu
ol f borrowing an old novel by hi Ic ko tie and who
could ijiloil It afterwards tno Lonely pinched
nnd wretched ns tin Iitii I ueins lo be sonin liar
suns like it Sn nv fAiii mctlmv4 i liiJuiiL
frosts coiiii I oary Oil ii late but tlnru Is none I of
the pit thmiil nppnnriuuu common to othur parts
ut tim U siato Borneo and wild I I llowtin abound
gamuts to I bo hudmid luel costs nomine Hiy
and potatoes itt the chIle products ol ruouu
lain ranches
Morrlon was oncn the cpntre nt A large tridn
In wood and lumbar but the mold destruction
o forests in the vlsinity has caused the re
moval of tho saw mlllB to polntR higher UD and
near the line of tho South I ark Pallwnr Many
Dunverltus spend tile summer there riding In
and out on tile curs a dlManco of sixteen mll > > s
II Is n tiny vlllngu I claiming i somu mineral I
springs n hotul and n Collection of red rocks
rlillculouslv named thu Garden of the Angels
The poverty of western Imagination In names
is sotnrtlilng extraordinary
Last week Dover was crowded on the occa
sion of time firemens Rtuta tournament A
length of two blocks on Fourteenth street wn
roped oil and seals for spectators erected on
ihedldnwiilU Her fir two hot days flremun
from all parts ol thu State raced for tile chum
plono tiilt The excliuiiiBnt was griat a llttlo I
colored hay Pill run over and nervous indies
wept with anxlty for the succesn of thulr
uvorltua Time Denver boys won time prize but
time mountain papers bristle with iiccouniBof tho
unfairness of limo contest anti ilucluro that Den
ver iiiuT keep tho next one to herself
The Gunnlson district so largely praised In
the spring as the possessor of undiscovered
Leadvlllcs has Inspired general disgust The
season of fine weutimer Is short and thoores
very low grade No country can have a right
to expect tile continuation of stieh prodigious
strikes as thoto inudu itt tim carbonate camp
It may bn taken as n ruin that any mining dis
trict much udvertlstHl Is at least doubtful
Facts speak for themselves and I havo seen tin
road to Leadvllle crowded with vehicles of all
descriptions before the Denver papers gave no
tice ol time existence ol such a plucu Colorado
people on the wlmlu dont want now coiners
The country Is settled enough for them They
were happier when thoy Went fifteen miles to
the Post Omci and were on calling terms with
the Indians than they arc today to see IPIIIS
and ciimim disappearing before tho railroad
I dont want to on crowded was an old oct
tiers reason for going to limit Guunlson Thn
sentiment In tim speculatIve cupltnl ot
course dlHurs considerably Thcro can bo no
people In the world who will make thcmslve
more narpcablo to a strangerit ho comes to
thorn with tile rivputatlon of bulug a capitalist
If he docs not enjoy that pleasing position this
chances are thut hn will tirfur the frank bar
barism of the outside country to time sham civ
ilization of the Queon ot inn Plains
Colorado prcsunts this year wonderful op
portunities for the study of human nature Go
hunting and you may run against Chief
Washington or his lordship from England
tho lady from notion with her sketch book
or that porfoctlon of horscwomaushlp tha
girl who breaks her fathers bronchos
Australians and Austrian Irishman aud
Italians Gentile Jaw nnd Mormon men from
every station and State horn contend for prizes
not one In n thousand will obtain anti which
are like enough to provo tha destruction of tIle
wlnnnra TIle history of mining camps proves
that fortunes madu In them ore dissipated in
quickly us made and though A man of upright
purpnso and strong will may grow nobler In
time midst of evil that power to resist tempta
tion which very tow possess Is here put to the
severest test
The first Impression of the country Is I bo
lluvttseldom favorable It taUci time lor tho
development ot that fatal fascination which
oncu made n gentleman write from th Kist
Butter poverty In Colorado than afUuunco
hero I heard two roughlooking follows dis
cuss the question In another split Thin Is
no place lor a man to llvo lu said one Un a
place for n man to make nil ho cau and CO back
hobo again
No growled his companion Its a place
for a vvhltu man to die In thats all
But oven your title too gruvu ruuy bo dispute J
Tho Pine Foreats Mlchlitnn4telnB Unptdlr
JCzbauNlcd by Cbs Lumberman
from tlit nt1nnati Gaant
ALPENA AUK 7 Alpcna lj ono ol the
many Michigan IOWIIB lhai are springing up
along the lake shorn at tim mouths of rivers
whoso tributaries flow through the cruat pine
forests of time Stamp Every river throuuhout
the constantly receding timber bolt of Michi
gan now reaching from HIM Knglnnw Vnlley to
the trails of Mackinaw sufficiently largo lo
float a rafi of log becomes a highway butvroon
tho lumber camps wherein motley criws of
men gathered for n finv winter months Irom all
nations of the world rob Ihu forests of their
precious pine The time Is I near when time plnn
hoarded bv nature for ages within time bosom of
her foroMs will bn exhausted when Ihu
rough woodsman will havo departed to
other lands when the sawmills now
bustling with life will Bland silent and dc
deserled vVlml tam I to bo the future of this re
gion whim that time shall arrive P Is It to re
main a uteitss waste nwmaliimig tue slow restora
tion of Us forests Ills certain that tin agri
cultural value of tIn land stripped of ltd plnn Is
proving tit much greater than was formerly
supposed Clearings are being mndo and good
crops of wheat out hay and potatoes raised
A tidu of emigration In title way Is follovvlngthu
woodctioppers mind converting tho mutilated
forcjts Into prosiHjrous fnrm When time pr
rlbla forest fires of Michigan swept over 10UOO
acres of flue land along tim Lake Huron coast
south ot Uaglnaw Bay and destroyed whole
towns many lives and mllllonsof dollars worth
of properly time liimbcilng Interests were ut
terly destroyed Not n single mill I am told In
all that region has since been built It was
thought thu lira had ruIned th future of tine
burned district and that It would bulhencoforlh
vnliieloss These tires occurred thme year of the
Chicago lire just ten year ito and today this
burnt district Is said to bo the finest farming
rorlonof inn Slate
destruction of tho pineries of Michigan
Wisconsin and Minnesota Is a matter ot Im
portance How long will the forest of these
tare Suites thmut contain the chiiit stores of pine
timber on this continent east of tIme Kocky
Mountains conttnuK to supply tho enormous
drains being made upon them P Ono vxamplu
will show how rapid m time process ot destruc
tion The Saulimw Valley formerly contoinod
tho largest nnd llnsl pine forests In time ytato
of Michigan Mill niter null was built along
the Laiiks of the river until their united ca
pacity rimched COOOOOOOO leet of lumber per
year To supply thes0 mills thin pine lu thn
Saglnaw Valley has ben already In great tart
exhausted and mill owners arc ohllgd to
bring logs from other rivers oftun ns flIt as 150
miles distant 10 supplement the Block of the
Snglnaw Ulver Thu output on that river has
ruiahed Its climax No morn nuw mills ato
built or old ones replaced Tho tmnlnoie must
grnduallr diminish In volume until tilt Sugl
IIHW Vnllny now the greaiusi lumber district lu
tile world shall hear tIme buzz ot Ihu saw no
Talklncto a gentleman ol Alpennwho hns
wltnegsed thogrovMh ot thelumbarlng business
0i ilmtplicn almost Irom Its comraencnnvjiit
anil vvhusit business lot years has kept him ac
curately posted as to tho iiiiantlty mini location
of tIme pine In thuAlpuna district hi said that
dividing tIme number of million of feet Of plnn
limber tributary to the Alpcna River hy tint
annual capacity of time Altwna mills Il cave
them llftenn years supply These figures agree
vury closely with thotn given mo a lIly wePUs
ago by thePrealdnnt of thn largest logging com
pany on the Mississippi hirer operating In thu
Wisconsin I plnerleit a region thit has lieen I
wnrked much lost pxfnlvelr than tln MHn
grIn piueric9 They would lust t ho mild thirty
or forty ears Thu Minnesola plnnrles are not
so largu ns eithor of the others ami will prob
ablv not survive tbnm lu from Ivveiilyllvn to
forty years tim > List trOll will be cm and the
euniCe counlry from Malnn lo the Rocky Moun
tain must learn lo lIve with meagre qunutlllts
of pun luutiii brought at gruit uxpouso from
distant cniintilcM
file pineries ennnot bo replaced A full
grown ttuii ivprcsunts hundruds and hundred
of yearn of growth I siw Rnmll vines no
larger around tItan a mans arm bearing tint
fars matin by thn 11x19 of thu United ijtatS
EnglncnrR thirtyfive years no What ngea
then must bn renulred to produce a tree ihrcu
or four feet In i diameter When HIBO I forcbts
reih condition nt tilt piimrlej of Malnn
aim New iork and become extinct t no new mlie
will liln their I places Thu American 1 of thu I
uinr luturo t miHt Itirn In hew and build m with
out pine and marvel nt the thouchlless reek
lcsau8g ot his ancestors W
nidil > > ions afthr ItrelL
faun tit tfrotufi MlWJ
VVurk Mirk work
While the clilkiuc mi crciwln ilnof I
An UIK MUIK v urlll
wlillo thr chIc tin1 nut nn tliu ruwtt I
Oer cell I rtiu iniuiii 11 Ur ii
rut bin lit cii iiiii Ci i ioro
An him It Hill si liliu nt a tim > utiilc < and bftU
WU Its turnout Ucldnt and Klurit
Wurkl tttirk iirh t
Till me bruin Ieiie I > a > hnim I
tltk I it urk vurK I
Till tho man nv tin tniiocuneilnt I
Sotin nn bittie nn b I iiij
Itnnil na lMiil nn Ill
FolMI timr hull n1 I na kit
Uch I iv it nil lu u ill i11111
Och tnvti whit iimc re toot I
Orh cult wu tnutluTH in I e ii I
Ill kllHW tllCIII hllll aim immg let llfLII
Ai ti3 noiT till i In Itu tr 1 i
ttlHM I oltrhl I hitCh I
Tliittiri2on iiul 1 PIU MFiiit l
Stic lilurrnn a > Ii nn < > ni I llruliict McfllK
While arra > id in 1114 poil > n izv nkitt
Siiri wuclil tirii
From tin till restrIct turn I
itur wiilk h Ull
Al a pet wit I i iirh jt i iln I ntut I
Jll I tttl tilloti nti KUU
hfiilM HI bus ull t < in t
TIM ni lu > nrt i in a 11 utter tno traIns In a whirl
UiJ a Uv 8 tUji ii asi Hi etm i > ijtifiiiiJ I
Och lut tu draihc tliv brcnth
A 1 ttio r i oup i nnd i iHiiiut sIi wits
Wnl n SOil i uintri ilu nOo m head
An 1 Ililipi t rt np < n MI lila
An Uilti li < r ono Iitti t lniir
At ihf lull Htiin tiiU I lIed n tonic
Vi l tu rtlibon 1111 mIiiiidie < mi inrUlowj
hmml its go as a cmrciae 101401
A at uueirat it iusor
front liit CAdUio fifrr > Atiitt
Frank AlwN n conductor on the Grant
Trunk who HMiln I in Put l lu deck risot < > H I Ii inv
uliuli ban u nin 11 tiime i iuiiJm tiC in IMC I h m v r
hUdnimhier IlJitti M ii I HJ n us riji > inccit i li lie
uui ttiv ituui it i l iiiiineilinUl cue lirriiu ulu t iii
mlii n cinti I unuititfth a hill > niH l i it 4 t Sit i
haeiil linu iu the tniflc by vilkiiikt i ut niui n
it iicj t aMiiJt litr Ii tic cu i 1UiMLri t u
cud lipitMlho ouuiii nt Iii itutru niMM t cii iu lilt 1
vri > atlu iat tie it our mm it iJuutuM s tio it i ia
takv IU pUct bPMih tl uiiijTir Slit rriimii tlieu u u ill
ttic piiCj 14 t liui tipii v lie ii ii utah juiip up miiiu ale tile i
lrili lip 1 aiiJ niJrtVcr ti t rutiblug u tlDit tier hOmids
Lu imiducs i tier to cgiiUnut pUyluic
Mitnr nf them Shmvtiic Kemnt Unlit Pr
ervuttou of Ilolh ISotly niul Mint
Jones County low a IIAS Its centenarian Hubert Otrr
Jfliiie Stone Ii l A IjiuiUvllle Ky l man 103 j ears cfsco
who lois liiid etsithi hUll
The motiVMf Mr KHzatiolh R Learned of Oxon
MASS still hills nI the SOC of IKI jeor
M C Ward of JlntAxla N Vnl 5 c Mof nse nni
Jeiitii ito cii 0r Albul dIStIl MUM Ii l Ul
Joseph Mutter died on Frilur At Uttle Washington
2dIu < tshe liAi completed aiemurj ot III
i Mrt Lllllc Pinlii h nf Qulnej III wac 01 whiti sht
die 1 Aid Bviil tniln nicks ut Toil Mil P tOt
I MM T1inmi 4 Ailiimmf Ilnniilrein hit Iiiac descend
I anti to Itia lii ita tMi < rid n aid t 07 > iMM t sac
In ITl Julie Uilnii I It ill A nnvo Iti I riilln < trlilitu and
13 tiari It i no Still u tlitrifurc ti > Jiarmj CCI
Mrq rritdoiifo Olocr take trIm tn I lieu tilrtliplact
Marylantl and rclctmiij tier ccntennlnl on MotiJajr
Near Simtocaln Oorlnth X Y Abltnll Hramerrt
ccntlr met her death by AcclJent nt the aue of W > tara
Mr Joanna Houlzer died rrcrnttr tn Chlllcothe Ohio
Ked 02 and Atrahnm4Mteward at IndlanAOulli aged 1U1
Tucson Arizona liii two centenarian Mexican buIlt
In onurn Hascuul mirth flu 3 Curl old and JeiuiUbloJo
HWj van oM
ilr Mnrcfirct DjuUon of 1letmhon f Conntr Texas <
clones In tIle Ucl that Eli Imi mt > uno greaturaiid
chill m cii Ihinff
JfltncitlyAttof VTlnleld L Ij03 year of see and
Cutup rtcnlirly to New York to draw till hohiliuii as a
viti till ui the war of 1612
After IlTlns 01 ronrs Amlppw Sharer Allegheny Pc
was itrniiRit tndeiitli by rbbsri < wbo eiiicrvU bis dwell
ing In the ntttht lot pluuaer
Mr Mnrinrct KAC of IVndlntt PA was 107 rare of
niro on VrlncMiy niul MM lvIU wilcox of Greens
HIT lid Clot uii that dny seJ J2
The Sixth Wri1 it SaCiulac ChIt MirJi claIms a French
moinntillU viar gi aj Wiu dlatttud cuiuviud aiid
diC > itt o acreot pytitoes oil leason
Mrs Strrtti itowl Uy of MiJt on Itt Ic l cnorlni a visit
from her eon liuni alit > lull not noon iu lortyMTra
Yeats Mr tooIy Is ill > triuM
Sixteen lollior mt In tari Kr recently whose
utilttil sites M4 l39 < > year or an ncrdxo uf soi year
Thu oMcstWii W slid the juunjvt8J
Im not at rll tired told Mr AlioofTrlcrburT Pa
n < tin Sat OoMiii tn livr ighiC IKUHS t r unlit ol seven
undahuii ullci and itie Ic ala hur 107ili year
Aim MIller hubi Abby Waeiinirton ofVarwlot Prt nro
rncli V2 vmri ni uc rid ivs y ONttl uiul illiuin 3Uaf >
Kr uf Middle tyw a U ore eicli 07 VLUTK or rue
Mm niaUn 1 Kentucky ltdy uf Ctrrol County was
always n great bear ut the circus allis iiW ittri of
ace but recently walked two intlm lo attend one
llfeh FaIN X Y IIAI lout tier hit t veteran of the war
oM41J In Abraham P Clifirwnt whfi tlkd rcccoUj
In lit 011th jcar lie sItu s ciituyl l good luMltli
Mr tlinnah Cox of ttoMcrnc N II celebrated her
104tli blrlh 1 i y on the 23ti till She tioos nil fthoiit lbs
house wUtiifiututltUiHuMini reads ut ttii out iisse
Mrs Jelirrci Tru t of Hurt County eoji ttlli to
rle of tiu JttiDltitttiinrv It ir Hlio M I 107 > uitr nl ngo
nnd still in PplcuJld hetUli rctilnltu all lu > r Ucuttics
WhcnliVemnlinoUicrnrX n Peak of Stockton CM
wnsn ceiilurVftld ihe il lii > him A pair of woollen sIc Cs
She aied ncintly nt V > lho County Va aged lus > iar <
With only ft ff rvantiii acfmtmnlon old Mn llai flglil
Uc in hr r quIet lion tn Ihll tdelphli M < hn < i pa v < l
a century In cars is vtry leslie sod ntuioit hapleSs
sail hkci mcliMloii
VIM Miry trilkprof rhlUlpOmrfl X 7 chIme tn be
107 lIlt > ii itt mil 5 It i C n le ml lit a itt to her remaining
nit old nail tnnitiy citrus she su at arc tliu ruin uf luis
lie tlth ot thousj ds
Pirmne the ezu late led 01 thcr > it week ytlli lIre
sIte ot Akron Quo wltriUnvrrHy Itll uf iue orkfd
tn thf tliM thei lOire dm bin lln t i wheat Thu beat and
lalior had nu npptrcnt tffvcl upon her
Mii kenn Mich ic t pratt of Mm llonora Tlofftn who
he 1 a Uvelv Ci tti1 y iM Il t re nl knit and exr with
out cmi c h 1 u i flcn hit upp tue nl lysUil to tia etch
rctiuhtrty racli Sttn Uy at the nee of U3
Iknjnmln IiIi nt Treniun N l J ullliouali ot years nl
Ku > Mi 0 an lit Ill I Iiu lnei4 111111 to tao d I iv nf las death
lie dicil while enlln breilln oil tiu JJ mitt He was
the ill H mnn tu burn sieve coOl In Trvintun
The Fourth o July brouitlu Joy j lo Mr Newton Kins of
Hnrtturit tonn Site IH CitY od h n hen 1 prti hay In
mine hid hH4 not contcrfiil lurmtr SOUth renrs but go
UK Fourlh sc uj Jcnlv regained her f etch
Troy X V 1 < Otis horns of Mrs FMrn Crnbb who
Although over PI cnr nt ace Ie I tlll tcachtniraprlriio
iiiuol jeer whltIi slit < has pri > l > U1 Sir the lat ility
> enrs She has taujht four ceucrntlons nr one latnlly
Mir nc the old French trader tied la Hay City Mich
on Thur dm luod 11 le ire Itu was an old stier
knew the trill a ul the Nmttiwe t uhen they ran llinuih
nn almiHt unbroken wildvrnejs and lou hton time Stat ct
Oca LWII Call
George IleIeIy ot itorrlbturir lied recently In late elt
VIA r lie I with liU Itt tItter was drafted I tn ttit lear cC
fenr nnd iiLtrchid tu iiiiuior to iliMcn ii 1 thai city Ho
mil an arllu tIc tilbC in in nn 1 lImo lai > t aurvlvlu tul
Herd the war ol I8IS lltlnctn ilarrl buri
Itulf century 01 o ElIot Willinin L Bcnillct of Wnr
nick N V cr idud nil I bound a Oct t nt u roiua On ills
siiiit1 f inn hi perlunn d tile iiniu nrK oil Vfdneday
Uat He rtlenr ird drove lltcen mtlsM tu lulUI an up
uuliittncnt In rrotch llui uer Jjuartul age
Simnel Thnnu of X < MV Iarl Ohio tIed recently At
till iiiiH i f ill mil tin to the day or Iii4duih iiijoud ro
tn irkubly t < n > l ncAltli Ir l Kiflvu > enrnliu uui an
HUtlre butlnoi mm of eceerti Old for over mrty
tciri he We n MA OII nn < Tor tlxty ears nn actlvo
mtinlir ot the Mi ttaCiui tit urii
Col Ocorzc L Prkin nf Nnrulch Conn wrote tho
follow altar ciicournKlii not to n LULl pliikicinn 1
have ulreadv Lu Itdiittn tainn > ph4liliiii a Sj hw mailI l
Ie am iF lye man i II ln > now SVCS Itt the lil But tame
Cnlolul mu lifm 01 ear I act He lli vllltd 111 periuu
every lrebU iil Clad Vlmhtluton tx epUnx 1ulk
Kenttlcty hnx a ntlmWr nf tittered citizens who hnva
llvid tautly n century L iUt vtllu i rij nt feren mci
SI bunrt over IH i yiir < nl nc They are Ur 0 C tri
hail IM II 11 VVkis9l An Lnivrwii 91 Tlllnm U
Huller 012 WlllUui ills ate tu Jiihn 1 1 Vow Di It
alo Ills viatlto that art EOand wcr and seventy
1C veil that Arc 70 Ill uer
A ccn il cnnmerntor clOut Dcpn found an rid blind
nun w no c ulnit to to l one i f the iinn who bell id build
tbe Oil I Ml n laO > ear < Cit > lie lnllivn tie 14 l IU
> enrsutiiMe Ai the rniiclieriu below tbo toilrt II utica
WA lound un Iiidlnu worn in I who clnkin to ate l nlu Vt
jenrs ii in1 llerfl h iliad skill urn i > o nitlicrtd that
hv rvfitnbtel latiier au aulmaud yptlau mutuuijr
iliaC a human b inc
Dr Illackli of Suhvlll Tent recently received s
letter from hit aunt llxliu in totlan t urilten ou Lime
lUrth iiiinnriir 01 her mrili It i < in cxiellent inece
ol pilltunii lili tritl 1idlUni tlr nnd reel li SC lolfnM it i
itmundiul 1 Mavi IH < O
MrVrnr IIFAR Coerce You will circily wnnler
thnlMi > d in US ice in hand whin I toil Jnu taint
thud lur 175FJ lin I v u u C nca 1 llr MW i tint lUht M
a Kilt and benriiu itt tuilut uon and tIle tiol so frnil
Ihnl I cm uulv tip Iriun I one i oe < lu ntinih ir I mil
ncter tat it niul urn etijov mv loud U couriu nil
tit iltic are nil Ile di cat l j > tci ilh meniorv lull Icu
aid do Hunk n alt ni > itonr one and rny l > Hint they
iia enjoy ttio lovo and coiuiori of our lieaviuly
BlOHIim snpT AX131JL
SltuatrntlDZ their FrlrmUilr as avail tu Iss
billy to Mnn
A hen belonntnz ton retitlcman of nnleljh X Chflil
tttn lnl 9ed for dnys when 4iI made tier npiiearaluv
liwn wldi I twelve ilttln tei rapt e Ii win round lhat S
It urrnpiii thai laid ilu < etc dierUd liini i d Uio
lull 1 coiiTcrtcit limit tu her own iiso and Itt nn Itt in
A cnmlvpntini hnrw IS 1 the property 11 l Dr IrMt nl
AlUln i V hvcrv unit miu In I dr veil ti the lillian
hIm limite nl Hetlrt It 1u r n nnd e 9 onti flI his lnnntr
Ivnve4 linn ho lolt ucto 4 tin Mn t and limn I tie
M lit in kecuu1 n stand < i in k nt a c unit ctt lt nnd
ice lOis the nrrlvjl ot lil I ma tcr ulio mill S the s eiUer
lii a trie ut Miur KoivModn ilwtlniL In I a Che ocr laM
n spur ow ttliiu tell ton pcmlird h Vhlln a utorm a rut
rAjliK title ienlnh anl tbe wind I mIle lilaC tta rough
rvi rp briiCti nt I tIle tif t > lie > nn thir tlrd carnid the
hltlo spnrrow H ruin t the liil in I the Lull er ot n window
ful awav irnm t the < ven1 we ither and then carried tlm
tiendivvit tot tin little mn 4in It nn 1 re < ted ills iy i irt in
tin Shrill nil ate ht till an I her > uuni were well curt d
ir I Ii tM < Hn 1 tint boen ilnii the younj sparrows
would liMlouut he been owned i
A Colctaiter Celia to 11111 tonI nwnkencd at 3
QIIO k nt nl3ht by lee eat C itch bed forecit lt wny
IntiMiirrujin and nn < rylik lu < iny Mi ret up turned
the nnlinul out niilit t ii tin laid iiow n t nn 1 nfpt but ton
tin tIll tat t II C Ii StaO Is re luau sr If I r Cli lVhuO
sne au iii luLl limu ru > ni UJM n 1 u dot to luui tIe cut
oiu WIIMI n ne burt hi ltthl utm n t j th dott
iatti l SvrttiiiKii t > in nmui r o i to i silt uuj in r blur
cl I Jrvrt tin i M i I iC il 1 ni It ii I nt ill n c < conii otnrf
5 tn tow I In thur iit a I ilniut tivuiC Uie hole aueI
stun It tIC 4 < tJi uiti UM v u 11 II liltS
A hut co iiutiii I 1101 llutlllktit lvi a brntitht to Pit
rrantto I brett li I ti ui 11 toil ill lhiure shill no ono to
n tts toil KitbK isumu vi ru it litt muiii a tin muijinli
lot ittn ii vu tic < viur ciiji d i ritit I the lt l > > oils
i > iv I Ma 1 toun i that ne o late immRt S C hul dit 4
ni 1 iir > itt > n JiU thtitt iitij tin uiUt r hlhuUml1ifli Uie
t lvli 1 > ilv Attntfn Is It noukl lIe t tIle corpt dnwn
dunwv iiruijiul u nod h au I Ill u u > au jkcn It And lullii C
tn tttnt would tirttn tli ill tu > Cit tn < > uktf Inlttnrnil
Ami tlvo V ent tO pttrettiz whines nhd ihrttk a ACHIII n
tiull b clutui tut oUy nt it pitftttilnnn uith Its
lcut eleql t tflttiIuai uhr It qilelatu a I itauuuy death
VVil 14 lilt ullll lilt COUilltliHI 10 tlH bum fd tl i hid ci
a ill 1 urn trukt a jc1 j vvtiu moult tat bnn Llj t II lit u Uio
Curpv 5145 I ikv n Iroyi I linn
fln iu ib il lloo ill lit lctil Montnnn went cheerily m < i
tin tn i IU ilns Milh butt Litui Cn un lit i tmrp p > Ill nt
rn tIss a u ui nuitdtuit uulnitti it uunni i rntrnfcd
ac t it ltd 4 i t ir win U r tlat i i tuiii ir I in tin
ilttaI Ill Is ci isttWl C 1111 lti Ill date ho itiiel
I s I II titu t it tilt ii i I ti It Ii tuaal II aol
II Will Ii ttss 0 lIeu t 15 It 1 Ii
ttltilitli ltlit iiiI I I tic ltltii iulllti U oil
5 I I it it i It I I t t iti I ltCtY7 Sit
Ititull ii Ilu Liii i iutti lulIrilt Luut hr ta tb tue
CIII otuii u U I u u I I U hSuitl t
eluir eu I silt ot uarui m lIlitu Ii 51011 btluultl
Slitil hams a ta1 ue liui SI luui bit iiuk iiosrhy
lu etl ut It iC IT itit lIttiel lObS tile stIlt lilt aaI
tori rul iti ail u at t 1 Ii lle nladL tutU St mites ite Is 5
lvlltu I It it ilPt II to 1111 1
it tuultul laailr tots lii the lul it i rrequrut no Itte root
ui dii a rc c Prllaeat ss her baa ita 1 1 Si iluol itaCtl
oultum a CIII Iii I titutI i ttuhu I a
tiullui tailttl a bills till lIttle Siul ius a lvii Ii the 1
di usia ii tic aaamelti tutu a iv hi au 11 Itititl It I it i
ltituad till IC tIlt ittt It utu I tli U II I
ItItiemi Ill lIt t tala lutubotu iillSiSbl a IltItlulIll t Ut tie
till hit this Areilntoiluli lttt a I lIt iou ra is t t It ui
lit tTIt I tuiulmu it 1 I it iii r II tn SIll
tiiiI tItlal ii 1 Is Ill It lilt Ii a il II at tt ill I
Ii t I iii iitrea 4 otat I t Taa I lll lIt lit S C
LI imt mm5ll Ill is I i IS lit 1 tau Su > u oIl I
II Illtaileia stIlt ii mial i 11 I Ii iututh ha
litflll4 tilt 5 Cls at I i Ottitti I Ii luuilii bull I
I a II cc it I tat t r tui I tFli II IttIsti I p I
111101 iui mttttd i tI I UI I litI II al ti lil dii
tut Ut oil CIII F lIt lIlt u ta I 55 It cu I 1 i sIre i 0t1 I
t ilii Bariliathl llttun C e utti II tie lap i In IOtS
llaalaumi1 lIttlllt II 1111 I I I u t lUi i CU i 1 I 1
i4me 111 I ii t lt ii It r it aecr Ill
leg itlI ti mud ud IS it I II tttOlhlt I thi t is I
hut sIn III a s I Ill nit Ill Ill 1 IlIltIt SI I Itt I
lot etilhis lUlil at tlliltiilil I 1 II I op lii
lilt 11111 1 tistr I tie it m
lii Ii i It lull tt me hr S It Ii I II 1 nut
let it It I tI 115 ILl 01 iIlllCIl hIlt It Cli r
> liuilitiii n tJkut hT It l l i Ii 1 I ITI Ii 1
lihtit IlL nit iviii i r I t II l IL t t hi duif u i r
tau tip a I m it Ui nr i m i i I i h 1 i r uid i t t it In
oro bun ilCIlltP i I nh a tIl i in ei > n l tll ii < ni rul
tiltnd HUM u it j Ilin ii llu b 1 i r al llie li IK li
111111 > I t 4iMf i > lf < M Ir tlt 1 vi nr tbe r il i
cnine priuwl 1114 l u tiu nl K mr hit beer and iuiili
A Girutaitu IiUlluLr iIltsll 1 tIC lie It tlultllttl lattJtlt I
51 des ti Ii tilt a lii ui gI Ii litIrrul ill ob I I
Slit tt Ils ivus uuit4i Ii ill haeui 11 8 iuteluat 1 I 5
cs luoichumc Ill It nUlilt Ii l2itt ata u s I 4 t 1
ii Is 11111 i u I i i I bull lath It lult ti I
Ctj5llilu bet a cc SOt IS 1 c I lu lilt I
I si a hhtti Itukitta lila tIhVutIl Ill iii I I
I til siiC It tss 1 IlIttllu 1 II it I at I it I4
I u I 1 5 tu it I r It II I
lhAictuutu 1 Iii
mm lh I I I I I I t I I 5
iii I il I SI I I 1 I
i I
i I Ii I hilt 1
r i I i I i i l i i j ItO V
v 1u > I i f t il i 1 t
v r I tIc n I l i i w I S i l ttui it ShIll i u a
t i it Ii till us vi j i I i t ii i in luls c I 4
AI tnoMin nnd Ic 1 imlr w am nu utid tcfor vva
lavcu biAtk hhd ahuCtl un iruu nra ctit

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