OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 29, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1880-11-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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Araii > emrn < T < tnjr
AmJ mf t 4 Tl lle 11 tills II HitlnniMll
Ahb7 lk 1 hr hT Irlnn t of Honor
MIJ i Oprrn U lswu ItnftlS
I > lk Issrisir IMlu > t
llr hlf > f k IlM Irr III hclltl
< hl kirl e ll llleel n
ItttlyS 1 t Is rrXpiIlS ui1 I Tltii
CCMM4 opera flnnrFathotu
ll vrrly < t I4IS ftlr rt 1 h rf > rrlnr Arlm1
II ly fit t AvrnM 1 Ur tr Otliflln
Il v rlr Mfcloi l rd n nchllilniriil
lljvvrlyn TlirwSr Ilr oklN M lllm tl
Ii liT Illl I urirl II IIC niil
MMriUnw I iui r Thiwlrr IU I Hlrk
Mrlrr < I HII lnh tlh se > 1111 I
N llr lbo c rr Br a7I Tulirllls
NMM I r cl JIlMlerU Uro lwsj 4Ii4 mil It
Nri rny Waller H < rtit < iriU All I Uilllliuu
fig Intl TbestreMIi4IJI 14 F ts
TStrntr < ml w Mnlllxsn lliuriV Vilnius
Tatty I l r < rItVsftt7
tU I Nq > re lhr lr < Ilinlil IIK hit
lu k > Thcn Unsor
r TktOI I CroM
27ie regular circulation of THE Sun far the
wtcA cndinu Xov 27 1880 trim
FIdY 1223 II I Weeklr 01
oldAr 111774 Thursday I
neulnv ll I 14t n rrldat lCD 37
Ueilmsday Ilol 1 ltaturday 1 1I42
Total for the week I 88O4i
A Problem Vet To He Solved
The Rlnnntlc power which may be concen
trated in tho hands of a elude Individual
by his obtaining a controlling Inlluenco In
several largo corporations was clearly pre
sented In the skoteh which wo printed yes
terday of our fellow citizen Mr JAY Gourn
nnd his vast nnd varied business operations
And now It is boldly announced that Mr
WILLIAM I VAxnKitniLT another of our
follow citizens carries In his cjpaclous
pocket H majority of thc New York IIsla
ture and that Ito will elect Mr CIUWIY
M Dirtw to the United States Senate
New York would then have ono Seiialut
nnd Mr VAXDErniLT ono
Suppose tho towers of Mr GorrD nut
Mr VASDKIUIILT united and bent in earnest
on the same enterprise they would become
tremendous I not resistible
The power of great corporations Is some
thing not couUinplatcd by the framers of
our existing forms of government Tho o
corporations have mostly growl out of ills
coerics and Inventions mado slnru the es i
tablishment of out forms or State and na
tional government and consequently could
not bo taken Into account by tho framers of
these governments Thor arc n1 Inlluenro
In politics which was unforeseen And they
have grown groat with rapid and Iou
strides until their power la colossal and
oftun controlling Already they can makea
Governor iiibcveinl States or a President
overall for through all the broad avenues
and ramifications of their Influence I com
bined and detcimined they can wield tho
balance of power In an election
How Is the nilImportant problem of tho
control and regulation of these hundred
handed hundredheaded novel monsters to
b solved 1 i
The Evolution of Imperialism
The tendency of the Republican put
toward a centralized government Is unmis
takable Its recent achieved
lkule Is Iecclt success was
by a political union of great corporate In
terest and bubincsa monopolies It means
a political revolution which will Increase
tho powers privileges and advantages
the few against tho rights of the many
The election over GEO S BOUTWELL
GRANTS Secretary of tho Treasury and a
loud advocate of a third term airs In the
pages of the North American Jlauic a
project of Imperial go eminent Ac
cording to him tho evolution under thu
UABFIELD administration must bo rapid
Ito coolly assumes that GAiirinLi Is the
bond servant of the consplratois who won
temporarily baflled by hit nomination
State Hues aro to bo practically wiped uut
Senator and members not In accord with
tho centralists must be thrown out of theli
Beats by wholesale Tho President through
Ills civil agents must be a factor In all elec
tions with an ample military force wlthlii
Eight and call There must bn no loviIon
of a tariff which enriches a few at tho ex
pense of tho many
Somo of our contemporaries proposn t <
pension UHAKT and set him up In pilvati
splendor bellttlng ono who aspires to n
crown Otheih and with thorn blindly 1
publican committees would make UIIAM
and HAYU Senatois at Laigo for life Any
thing t add to the grandeur of IVderil of f
ficeholdlng I Anything to secure n recog
nition of tho llfo tenure In political ofllo
And so In nil the States Wo see every
where a disposition to extend ofllclal term
to enlarge ollielitl authority to have fom
elections to lako government stronger and
more permanent and to render tho 1ltll
moro dependent and sjUbniKslvo
All bigns point the ole way Tho o wh >
watchful value republican litbtltutloiu canuut L 10
Lord licncontliclds Iolllical Nu 11 l
A noel by tho Lirl of Urinovsriru
may with HOHIO propriety budubctlboil as I i
political CMut It id a Ml ily of society bv
ono who has piobed deeply tho condllloiir
lli tonikiicles and I thopoillb 1 of tho existing
order I Is a picture of tho present am
i forecast of tho future by ono who Ins
given and may still gin a considerable
impulse to tho ptoeosi of Botlal evolution
We have his own uutlwity fin o pvctin
to find IlKACossnuD the btatoaiuin intii
protod by DIMULLI tho noveiUt lie him
self has bidden us to seolc In hi > wilting for
nn explanation of w hat he has done and what
ho would like to do for the Key to his social
and political 1 philosophy m In the Ilrolnlo to
ono of his noviilR published iiinio than
thirty years ngi > ho tells us why ho had de
termined to propound his political siu os
tons In the form of fiction He toved
ho said nftcr icllcv tlin I to nUil I hlnicclf ot
1 method which In tho umpei of tho times
offered the bett chiinco of Influencing opin
ion Even J lt that dato I although tho writer
hnclalioid bliown hlms I > < 1 no of thomoat t
adroit dcbatyi In the Houo of Ojinmons
tho uowi and tlieoilcb Mil foith in Oj
nlngsby I and Sill weio common
ly logaided II tho crotchets and va
garies of a tltfnmcr ond Aiitlmental
Ibt Ihoir signldcanio lini Btinngily
Inoadcncd with t ito lapno i ol tt ihty I m t yiiufl
1 ho author of what Heimd fnutastit aul 1
hlchllouu ihaphewly has dcmuiiotinto l n
positive g nlus fur rrotcil afTalis Slntv
thc piofrcn frl which we q < iiolo lal panned
ho may b > aid I to havo cioated I the t now
Coiibcivntjvc t 1 pal tr and I he lias Mioceedod I
after iliii4 Ii 1 itt tistiiti y ioissitude3 I In 1
gIIIilIh rig f1 i 1 King lot in at abboluUi an
auth < iilt > noi HIM Itrltisli emplio I hM
ovii 1 con exon kinl 1 in luiclein tlinos by n
1ilini Mlilnti Imior I tlio o clcum
nUmoy It I I Is I Ilt t 111 I that I 1 iow novel
IIHIII lelit lit ui rlio 1 Ilrl hit elothml withapuv
mini mid wo > 11 insi uiniMilii Impoilnnco
1101 4 1 it miillnoi Itt 8h1 tcorn t
li I in I i L I i IIHIII y IIHIII
I m Ul oj u Uiuulm u t autobiography
the now novel of Inllrmlonlnlt s serious
iltcntlon and may bo profitably scanned In
connection with what tho author tcimod his
political trilogy t of Comi I iigshiy SIbyl and
Taiicrod I should bo ohssed wIth tWO
books chiotiologleally nnd psychologically I
for the porloil doplctcd Is wifostantlnlly I tin
same and thom Is amplo ground in Internal
ivldomv ns well us In hcnigiy authoilty
for believing that tho RIO was wrltton
many yenta ago tutu tins meiely been It
Louchod for present pulilicntlon H li i not I
Inter hit a far earlier composition than
0 Iot hal r both I as regards tho t porrions nnd
olls deli mast teL nnd the opinions dlschwod I
I In much loss likely theiofor gratify t
tho curiosity of tho general reader for tho
society It pnlnta has wholly passod away
and the great names of the period have lost
their glamour anti censed to have much slg
ulcnlco flr any but tho ntudeula of politi
cal history As n political ssay nnd
manifesto on tho other hand 1 Undy
tnlon poems to bo a moro capacious
nnd Impicsslvo uttornnco than any ot
the cruller novols whoso drift and pur
Volt are hi accord with it Tor it was
open to tho author at the ago of seventy
live to modify or disavow Idoie put forth at
tho ago of forty IIu has chosen however
at this time when his political theories
scorned discredited by events to draw from
his desk I longueglcctcd manuscript and
ilollbointoly repeat as tho ripened outcome
or i f his largo experience tho notions of so
ciety anil government asserted nearly forty
years ago
There 18 nothing that men who like to
postulate adequate causes for large effects
regard with moro Impatience than the flip
uncy with which English Liberals reject
Lord BEACOXsriELus claim to statesman
ship and dismiss him with tho epithet of
charlatan Kuch a verdict viewed In con
nection with ho I mans achievements Is I
libel I tho English nation nnd an linult to
common scusn Xo doubt thcio is I lingo of
the showy and theatrIcal in his character
and conduct llt visible In tho coxcombry
of his early years In tho affectations of
his literary stylo j In tho Impassive
mysteilous reserve broken by olnctilo
outburst which marks his Parliamen
tary dcmunnnt lit tho somewhat garish
lustro of Ills ministerial and diplomatic per
formances In tho gtniidlloqucuco of his
public utterances Ho Is not the first man
of mark who has hot rayed by foibles and
eecentilclthji tie fulnosa of his own bhaio
In tho weakness of human nature nor Is ho
tilt IHit who has contilved to disarm n pio
found and rancorous prejudice by diverting
tie public gaze from 1 fundamental short
coming to superficial peculiarities Iho
aim which ho conceived must have 11001
Impossible of fulfilment I the path I tin which
he set his foot would hnvo turned out a
blind alloy j had tine onlookeis been allowed
tho leisure so to ppoak to remember
that tho object of their wonder and
amusement was an Israelite that tho
swaggering politician who was elbow
Ing his way to tho vantagegioiind ot power
was ono whoso veins held no drop of any
but Hebrew blood I ho would cajole tho
stolid and inveterate antipathy of genera
tIon if ho would overcome the vast tie
itrtfa which resides In traditional preju
dice It was bettor a thousand times that he
should b looked upon nnd talked about as
DISRAELI tho fop as DISIUCM the senti
mentalist as DISHAKM the political acro
bat than as DISK ULI the Jew When wo sur
vey his stalling point his surroundings
anti the goal of his aspiration wo can only
compare his situation to that of those men
of science who utrovo to press their re
searched amid the blind repugnance brutal
bigotry and malign suspicion of the Middle
Ages Ho has had to ntmi o ate cheat
the public eye by grotesque demonstrations
lest ho should revolt and
shock it by tho
Gpo of his ambition just ai the iu dlovnl
student veiled his search Into tho mystetles
of astronomy and chemistry behind tho
tricks and claptrap of astrology and al
chomy I wa his cue to further tho Im
pression I which his shortsighted oppo
nents were eager to give currency and to
let tho dull unthinking mass of his coun
trymen believe that ULNJAMIN Iisiivrii
was not to bo 1 taken cotiously lime
and thus only could tho prejudice of race
now hero so rank and so Inveterate as
among lie ISrlllsh middle elaa be
beguiled and lulled to sloep until tho
prize oneo seized and tho statesman Ming I
lug off the trappings of tho mountebank
the average Hilton rubbod 1 his eyes and be
till I to his amazement a Jow lth nine Mln t
tstor 1 was in short by tint very quaint
i15Ct9 f and I follies scattered oven tint siufuco
nf hi ciicer anti to which quite piobably
ho vn Instinctively Impolled by tho vein of
travn anco and otentatlon natural to
fine of Semitic lineage that UisnvEU
masked I and ncutializiHl the friction of his
surroundings To sock howover tn such
traits whoso fumtion la puiely3nn
clal i y for tho groat propelling
causes of his lomaiknMn tievat 01
for tho ii dynamic met ira of his impainllelod
Bueccb Is I n piopovforous bliuulfr Wo
might nf well lou K I fit the umuotivo power of
nn engine In the I that liibilcitot the
wheels Disiuru n > so to vvhir < > inn Is by
dint of solid 1 and 1 UitivQ I I woil In I tho tell
of stattsmiialnlniItIuucituso he is I onn of tlm
ftutv f UiigllbhmiMi who hay pUiivid tlio I
tin aim i nnd fu intl tnt of iv cot uservati o
party slant tlio t nccitblou of tlw liouso of
Urn uisviek btciiuf Mn > t hit i bat In of riv
MNO lie is tim only 6tatC6mrn whom the
Knglibh Tory pant has puxlucetl
What U I tine root Uka of DihUu I iin I polit
ical I system as it I was outlined In Conlngn
bynml ° Sltiyl and hut l now lImed
with moro or Iens of emphasis In what may
fain I I bo tin utioul i postliumoui novel of the
sa mitt pcilixl i i I Ho I found tin t central I thought
< > f Ins political phtlobiiphy as ho Inns Inti
mated in i mini linn I ole of Ids writings t I In
tint I oliicoptliimt tho I HiIllah 1 Constitution t
advocated by 1oLtsonroKi 1 In tho Pmlot
King At tho tlnui that trontl was
ponnrd I I t ito piospccls of t hue Tories vvaio
vvoJ pfgli as lam k ns thoy beomixl 1 a century
altirvaul whon Sir lUwnur Iur
turned hii back 01 their protectionist
Itt I iigri tome 1or Ill ty yom Indeed
nfloi tint nciTialun of Gronor I It looked
as t I tho coexistence of two constitu
tional piitlea ncio impoebiblo in Kngland t
foi tho laeoUtiS wem not a coiibtltutloua
paity I nud tho ToiIDS lightly 01 wrongly
wom aociiMd or Jntttihth itt ma Accoiding to
Iuiitiinuii m t a milld and IcgiMmato t objeci
might IN I seuuicd for tlio conservative In
htinctii nnd cntlmcnts of the nation In 1
ciutl us i celia Iii littt hun ot tho niotiut iou iettl
julrele le 1 In tin Constitution lie polntei
out lUll t tlio I Whig ollgaicly and the bubo
taking t placolumtlng levi inmuent whlcl
had bcinmn Its too vuio fust bo
coming dUciedltfd and dUnblcd AIK
h euc ofited tilt tho times were rlpo
for a Italt itt 1 t tiitlt4t talomcnt of tint old theory
of t govoi nment t silt I for ft tttttt era to oxorcsc
of diroot intorvontlon on thn halt of I tin I
Ciimn JJoiiNOiiliiKKrt I Eiomo vas Hit In
pimlicn by UiniucIII and it Is commuiio
taluMi foi giantod that hU theory Ins 10
futiHl by tin collnfiso of that experiment
Tlnt htg siliai I n t oh nen mutt ut iui lowovei I t hat
0ulQi III nuvcr lost hhi pupulatity but
was fiont llrot to last regarded by tho I
I pooplo as In henit and puiposo n patilot
king Indlca ton that hU partial falluin to 10
I vi lvo doriiiant iinirogntlves mlglit I simply
mom that tht Whig ollgnrchy proved I loo
fur him It Is certaIn Iliat the samo
I Htroug fil hll I a ctliu I II Inmo
loctrlno of por otml giivcrnmcnt wa In
onio moasuro reasserted dining tho long
nil mu I nn 1st rnttionm of WitiTnJi llIT m when tho I
ialloiiil I poweis vveio exorlod with nnex
nmplcd energy a mid I ho lovornmcnt com
mindedIn n lonmrkablo dcgioo tho respect
of thogoveineil After tim death of PITT the
Mibllc conlldeuco In I tho Ministries and In
hinvholo i political i mnchtnery rapidly Ih lit
Hod and ito t Imopo of rcstoting tho t dignity
and Inlluenco of tine national legislature
was one of tine nmlu agents In promoting
tho reform not of ISM That hope ns wo
< now was dlsnppoliitod for by the coufofl
1on > of Knglleh Liberals themselves the
cformed Parliament hns actually occupied
1 much lower plnca than was hold by tho rot
tent borough Parliament which preceded It
That change for tho worse however which
lot only dlscorncd but stiovo to lomody
As lately as tluco years ago MrGLADST0NU
avowed that In many lespects tho old par
Inmcntary constitution discredited a It
math bccomo In 1830 was yet Intrinsicilly
moro favornblo tn tho public Interests than
the system of today Ho added that ho
agreed with Mr Lowe In thinking that Eng
aud Is lu danger of engendering both a
orontocracy and a plutocracy Other
liberals have not sciuplod to nlllnu that
sooner than bear tho galling yoke of time old
and of tho rich tho eoplo may at last bo
driven to take rcfugo In Crasarlsra that Is
to say tho coarsest form of personal cow
So far as tIme now party fashioned by Mr
JISIIAEII limy bo called so
ar as It meets those lubtlncts which prompt
them to hold fust what thoy have and to feel
ho spell of prescription and old association
It Is based upon two pilticlptos It maIn
tains that an aristocracy 1t at tho worst
a bettor thing than n gerontociacy or a
plutocracy that nn oligarchy founded
ipon birth is less odious Iud less onerous
ban ono founded on lucre length of years
or mere amplltudn of purse I holds further
her that at the end of tho downward
course along which thn Influence of
Parliament by tho admission of Liberals
Is travelling lies moro than one
alternative that indicd the best way
of averting l republican dictatorship Is by
nfuslng new vigor Into the heredItary mon
archy I may be said for those principles
that thoy are tomethlnk moro than tho as
sumptions of a theoilst that they avail
themselves of eljting agencies and cone
pond to facts Imbedded In the nature oT tho
English people I Is a fact that tho Eng
Ufh jiK > r even at this day feel moro respect
for birth than fot money and that the sen
timent of loyalty to the per > on of tho soy
elelgl Is n btroug and active force In the
nass of tho population In n word tho new
conservatism framed by Uisiunu dollb
ciately rc < xgnlx > il 1 and openly proclalm
cii tho truth that tho mass of men
lust have something to venerate that it
s not tho utility or abstiact reasonable
11055 of things which makes them t bo ic
veied but rather the halo of prescription
and tho religion of association In its
nouarchy and Its aristocracy tho English
nation Hissobscd objects venerable on these
grounds alI which as A matter of fact are
venerated Let UB turn t account said
Mr DiblurLi those forces that actually
exist let us lulnvlgornto tho sentiment of
loyalty to the sovereign and the feeling of
respect for the great names of tho
and but let us at the same time look I
to It that the larger confidence nnd mUtt i
clIck challengod for time governing elements I
shall b well doherved Lot us find rom In
tho Conservative party for progressive I ito
pu eos let us try to reconcile the just de
mand for tin redress of grievances with tho
equally legitimate logan d for timehonored
Institution Such are tho speculations and
projects rojioatoilly pot forth in tho earlier
novels of Loid Dc covsiinLD and now
again enforced by argumentutiv digression
II enruont colloquy In tho now novel
of Eudymlon Again wo aro told and
with icdoublod emphasis that tho re
form net of IsJO wih In effect a lovolutlon
scarcely second in impoitnuco to that of
16 uut j and tho author of ° Endymlon ns
torts nt tho ago of 75 what tie author of
Coningbby had ptedicted that the solu
tion of tho now political problem must bo I
sought In a mnrrlago of conservative lu
stlncls with dcmociatlo nsplrntiomi n
rehabilitation of the throne won lot
iigninst Limit will but by tlio glad concession
of the pooplo
It Is I clear that tine political movement of
wlilch thoautlioi I of Endymlon has boon
tIne most conspicuous promoter lias many
points of llkcnoss to that religious move
mont which began nt tho Kruno epoch In tho
Enl h Chinch Mr DISIUEM advocate
a retuin to tile piimltivo Toryism of tine
ovciitocntli century just as tho loaders of
tho Oxfonl revival iiigeii a return to tho
piimitlvo Anglicanism of Lui > nud As
DiiKWh 4 I may bo snld that the parallel
ought I to bo can led I a Mop limit htr
that t a rum tm < m Is I no mint ire practi I
cablo in nolitiis than I In religion that
I th movements vveio ilit1 neil to bo failuic >
bocaiiRo thoj t VVIUM annchionlHiim Coitamiy
tlicKcnoral I election of A Apnll30w ominous
of long ocltpso nUll swift disintegration to
tine Conaeunllvo puity In view of that 111
pio age it may bo thought that tho new 10
lilluil I I gopel 1 I unfolded lu t lie novels of Lord
HKAH > NbHI IWWlll lose its votarIes wlh tIne
I lint Ii of its I oxpoiimlor Rna t inn L It wil i soon
ent0 to KIO any I I other t t linn a literary I i Inter
est For tho htudiMit of history however hiso
novels wil I a I tin ys bo Invoslod I I with n
strange and potent fascination as dltelon
lug the processes ninth liibtruuientb of an ns
tonlEhlng achievement tho onsuinnnte
alchemy of btalcctnft by which nn obscure
ndventuior propped a tottcilng aristocracy
and btayod fjr forty years tine toiroutol
rofoim and innovation and by which n man
born Jow lived to BOO hlmtclf tine virtual
mattot of tho British emplio
Who Told Iho Story t
The IIin Cirtuira nwrrii of Ohio lit a
candidate foi Senator So is Jons Sims
tAN Tlio story is cunent In llrpuullcan
newspapers that after JOHN SHEIIJUN had
refute4i l to pay n hotel bill of 1 JSM Incurioi I
by SIILIIVUN delegates to tho Chicago Con
vention Mr I t 1osiEii paid tho money out of
hut OWI pocket to save the credit of Ohio
with imliticliuis of time pincticil sort
Tlds tutu it very gonoious ami 1 ihnm ten nsf ed
01 Mi r 1oi rEnt and may Inlluonco I Ohio log I
IsIs trs in their choice of I Inllnl I I Mates
bcnntoi hit how did thn t stony get llill i
Piobably I JOHN Suriiius did I not I put lll 1 h
a trnrsiictlin vMih juMI 01 unjustly
inirnt I tp rate acat nit his onn chiueoj li
tho anviihS
An > 1 I Ir lUTiUfi lUST I Will gOIH 1
ouMy I di vtcs prilof tho t fuituno whiili lu it i
minutia by I tint IID i in ctllco dining tho civhl i
war to t mini Ulmng the relit of Uhlo poll I
tkf hU modcbty and icticeuco alt lS we I i
known n his fpatriotlnm Kesldcs ho has
nformed a ioi > ortorot Hold Marshal M till AT
IAISTKAJJH newspaper that he rg rot e
ccedlngly that tho story has got into print
nnd that Its publication Is calculated to
stir that should cuter
up personalities Iholhl10t oltr
the t cornet
Tine only other person In n position to
know tho fact was that Inndloul of tho
Chicago hotel to whom time publicspirited
Mr ronrn paid Iho 52800 Is this landlord
n leaky or n malicious person 7 Why has
In HI wantonly woundi l d the good MrIosTrnrt
ecnso of the nppioptlnlo I
The Itclcn of llrockwn
Only a idiot t I ttmo ago tins Secret Service
iureau of tho United States was receiving
compliments In all tho public journal for
mvlng clTecled nftcr much anti
havllg etocteL mucl dllTlculty nu <
by tho mont of uklll time arrest
iy onnployiuout tare Ikl IIC6t
or WILLIAM E KIIOCKWAY ono of tho most
dangerous ot counterfeiters
Yesterday It was announced that HnocK
VAT had been quietly taken before a United
Hates Judge and that he pleadod guilty but
lien Instead of being sentenced to a long
nod richly deserved term of Imprisonment I
ho was allowed to go free on giving ball In
ho paltry sum of live thousand dollars
There aro various elgnlilcaut winks and
mowing nods of ofllclaU about tho uiattor
which Is said to bo ° nil right and tho
silto b 11 righ alL ro
lease of tho prisoner Is stated to have boon
made At the suggestion of tho chief dotec
Ivo of tho secret service
It may bo nil right ns represented
but allowing a notorious counterfeiter of
ski tlmt almost dellcs detection to go nt
nge when ho is once securely In the grasp
of tho criminal law I an act which will not
b generally accepted na all right on the
nero wink or nod of any one Tho public
ofllcers concerned mny as well understand
that tho proceeding Is regarded by tho com
nunlty as of a very suspicious character
Of course wo do not Intend to reflect upon
any poison In pnrtlcular but wo do say that
whoever exercises tho questionable power
to deal with prisoners of UiiocKWAYa class
In this manner assumes grave rusponsl
jlllty and has no right to cxpcctn universal
concurrence of public opinion In Its pro
irlcty unless reasons of tho most convlnc
unusual Ing character course can b assigned for such an
AVIi ii I Toiirscc Silent T
The nnnJtld > nspullicancM Mr AL
BION W Touuonn to account for some mlb
representations In ono of his political ro
uances The point scents t ho l well taken
Mr TornnnK should correct his book In ac
cordance with truth
There Is another matter however of
moro Importance t Mr TouJioni respect 1
log which he would do well to offer an early i
explanation Wo refer t certain nllega
ton sot forth ollclally In document Sum
her Eleven iiubllshed by the Legislature
of North Carolina under nn act passed In
1377 appointing a commlsnlon t Inquire Into
charges of corruption and fraud brought
against various officials of the State
According to the report of this commis
sion madeupou tho evidence taken before It
Mr TOUIIOBI does not enjoy that cleanness
of his hands which might qualify him to
bit iu judgment upon other men
A Practical Idea
We RIO Informed by an ostocmed contain
ornry of Philadelphia that one of tho Now
York papers has recently developed a project
eet for electing Ocn GKAXT to bo I Senator
in Congress from this State
This is I much moro practical Idea than
that which has found some advocates of
making him a Senator for lifo or a Senator
at largo an offlco unknown to the Constitu
tion and which could not be created with
out n chango in that great liibti umont
Hut there need bo no difficulty about elect
ing GIIA > T to the Senate In tho ordinary
manner In tho pIne of Mr KCIISAN Tho Ito
publlcnu party have a majoilty In bon
branches of tho Legislature 1 Is under
stood that Gen GHAXT has taken up his
residence in this State and I tine HOIJb
llcans wish to pay him distinguIshed mark
of their great estoom let them elect him
flicy mayo tho power to choose any citizen
liom thoy may wish to choose Then IIIANT
will bo n Senator in tho regular course of
things and nobody can complain about it
Tho subsldlsts are rallying in forco at
Washington They must know Ihattho ssplon
will be too short to dye much opportunity for
their private business and they must look for
ward moro hopefully to Iho next Coucreag annul
to 0 trriELi Bill ihry doubtledt expel to slip
through seine little JOs as riders to general np
proprlatlon bills 1 In no other way
Sixty men swallowed lu a snow slldo Is 1
Colorado announcement ruccettlnc that snow
nccMonts begin early title season This one
happened on tho day of tliniikfulvlni which
clmncoJ to tie prolific of dlsutters t l > y land and
Four iniliond accldentn in a blnglo day
kllllns or Injuring ranny persons and wreck
hu four trains was IiufTtlo8 allowanco for
Saturday Tine two collisions and the two do
rnllmcutb Icssnlss wore alike duo to Inexcusable care
Tho n > ceiit acoldent to the Karsargos 1
Steam launch near 1ort Monroo In which one
man was drowned annul tine launch was sunk
ttiouih nltornnril iceuitiroJ by urappllnc will
form the last It may bu hovel of the rumark
ablo series otlUuttoru Vihloh iittnulfil tha vm
sols assouiblod to Ink part In Mariner TiuiMi1
PONH IMo rcvluw In Hampton HonJs
lALMtll K found tho wind taken out of Ids
sails viuterJay mornlnc lie cintorud lila pul
Pit luttniilliii to launch his anathemas nualnst
the Passion ria > not knowlnc that the mntm
cor had decided not to proJuco I Ono of his
doaeons who had read tine Sunday bun toll
him Ilia newt I wn too Into howevir for
TAIUMIE to gut t up another sonsatloiml sermon
so ho prcnchid the onn ho had prepared It
was Hauiiit with lit a itt 011
Tine Dulclgno farce ended In n tragedy
nllor all The losses of mine Turks lu tho battle
aro put nt tbreo hmulrod and tlicse of the
Albanians at four hundred I ever war was
murder ItCfoms to havo bon so In IhU ease
The rsul or lInt all I r wee liiovitabli with all
Turkey against Albania and nil Km I onn back
ins UD TUrKey henco tho buttlti which pro
ceded the surrender was simple hlausitor
Tho lough usage to which tho halvntkn
Arnu wan nnbcted In tho Newark street on
TliimLnuiviuit Day la to bo regretted but may
have toen the fruit of the rash public exposure
of this boly on tina nnnunl day of pru > or ami
prulie This occasion In traJuionnlly pro
> uiited ten purposes ot street pnrtilr 10 such
oicnnlzntlonB ns time Pijunrebnck llaneors tine
OrUflnnl Iluumli the Tciblo Iroo tlio ilullov
lloriin tin WilL Oaiii tine 1uli M 1010 tine
Mlilnluht Wnrllert hut I ruikei CliLbltr tine
ItuiMrCnnkMiud tho vinous noinhoollns t
compitmB I LnluliU l ol tine pockit tlotol awl < l
aonipvliilro I I I hurdle j in n f who eilibrnM I tlm
IlirliHnaniuviirhnry b > fuauof riusulnritiiis
llanltr Ihu 1 luipoiteil baUulnn Army perhaps
inlstoiifc I IhO t t t eel Clint racte r II t i tIn n diy from IOQ
cdl 1 lAru sal of the I onVtnl prooliiiimtinnfi i
they should liavu rvinainod Indoor Incteml of
sUIn Obini4 1 n Hold i day for tUonsilvcn
WAMHINOTON Nov 2111otlectlng Demo
crats are very llttlo concerned about time hoes of
the orttixnlrutlon of the hious of Ileuriwentn
tlvwi They will bo so nearly ciiunl In numbers
to this majorIty and so far superior in parlia
mentary experience ability nnd weight of In
dividual character as to cunblo them to Im
provo overy advantauo over tho adversary
without limo responsibility of power In tho
Bonnie close ns It will bo thoy will hnva tho
moans ot Intercoslne A check to any epochal
cnorniltlen of leulnlntlon and may nlso1 they
mean to urcsino the country fiom the assault
of tho ImperlallRtK reject all appointments
which are manifestly made In puraunncaof tho
corrupt bargain of Mentor and In tho interest
of the thirdterm conspiracy
I Is doubtless hotter that the Republicans
should be permlttod to hare the House and tho
petty patronago which at one time did co much I
to demoralize the Democrats Any attempt on
time part of tho Democrats to orgnnhrxt It by i
dickering with tine Uroonbnokors or other loose
unattached elements and eli worse by arbi
trary rulings of the Cleric would be a fatal mis
tako only second In suicidal folly t n serious I
effort to count New York for Hancock All talk
of this kind Is tho Idle chatter of the hangars
on of committees No man of sense or stand i
lag ever countenanced I for a moment
Uarrlns 1 few early mistakes In tho appoint
ment of somo of It offleors tho history tho
House of HoDresentntlTes under Democratic
management has bon In tho main extremely
creditable to the party Its Speakers wero men
of marked ability und unsullied purity of char
acer Mr Kerr stunk Into a premature Ire
honored and regretted by his associates of all
parties Mr Ilnndall has been Ihs recognized
barrier against all corrupt and costly schemes
Ho has probably saved to tho Treasury all told
more millions than any other one man In our
history As Chairman of tho Appropriations
Committee ho began Limo system of retrench
ment which diminished appropriations over
thirty millions for a slncle fiscal icnr nnd
under his administration ns Speaker the lobby
has been almost entirely extinguished No
bounties no subsidies no land grants no hugo
doubtful claims of any description have boon
iussoJ Rod tho executive departments have
bean kept byConKresstoiml vlcllance lad econ
omy In tolerably decent order This Is n record
of which the party bal reason to ba proud I
rescots > an honorablo contrast to that of tho
Itopubllcans when Mr Dlntno wns Speaker
stud Mr GarfIeld as Chairman ofApproprin
lon hold the purse strings of the nation I
when the railroad lobbies took possession of
ho very noor when Credit Moblller and Do
lohcr Boananls come thick and fast when
nombers hoarded their landcrant bonds
when carpetbaggers woro formed In sqiinils for
tale and when every days report was loaded
tnys repor
with accounts of Congressional corruption un
til tho people roso and swept out time whole con
cern in a storm of wrath and dlscunr
Will the lobby now return Will the old
nines reappear 1 Will time Into system of grants
and subsidies and bounties under tine guIse of
internal Improvements accompanied by In
crease of tho army anti other public burdens
be revived 7 We shall eec All these questions
will bo moro or less diflnltcly determined by
the organization ot the House
Meanwhile tho Democrats can Afford to watch
nnd wait With such a leader on thu floor M
Mr Itandnll no mistakes of tho majority will
b sufTircd to pass unimproved by the mlnorl
iy With management only moderately wise
Ibo Democrats will certainly regain In two
years enouch seats to chance the complexion
of tho House Tho policy of Randall and Til
den carried the country In 187C and will do so
again upon Issues raunrely defined 10 1S82
Tha VTUter Flrmxmrnt
With the opening of December tho bill
Hunt constellations of winter begin Illume the
sky Whoever at this season rommoucec to
make himself familiar with the stars will never
b likely to abandon the study The clerics of
ha firmament seem to Increase with closer ac
quaintance A star becomes much moro Inter
eating wnen one knows Its name and Its
times and seasons In Uio clear frosty air of
winter the chief stars glitter more brilliantly
than cut cents and tine Milky Way In places
resembles frosted shyer Humboldt
lIked to describe tho appearsnon of
the stars In time tropics where they
glow in the serene nights without
twinkling but with wonderful lustre It Is
doubtful however whether tho tropical skies
exceed in beauty the northern heavens in win
ter The rising of Orion which now occurs nt
about 8 oclock seems to make tine whole sky
brighter Before him goes the Bull with Ills
rosetinted brilliant Aldebaran flashing in his
forehead nnd bearing tIne Hyndcs and the lid
sides the most beautiful of star clusters Above
him shines Capella the sacred Goat carried in
the arms of tins giant Auriga Behind him
chnso tine Dogs with Sirius and 1rocyon tho
first named tha brightest ot nil the stars To
the loft of Capella aro tho Twins and following
them comes the Iion with the great star Itegu
lime named after tha famous Hainan glittering
ou III broad
Among all these stars striking differences of
color are Been Orions principal twinkkrs
Itotulguuse and Itluul are totulb unlike In Imp
Tlm first lined it u pure topaz nnd the other
line a UDLO of snophlro Hut the grandest sight
In this splendid constellation Is tine Great Neb
ula In tine Sword Hutgeiid tine Dutch astron
omer who wits the first to see this wonderful
object through a telescope questioned whether
it was not an opening In tine heavens through
which ho caught a glimpse of brighter am
moro glorious regions bojond Tine amateur
may apply cveiy teat of excellence to his
telf copo without turning It away from
this nebula The spectroscope shows that this
nebula Is not like many others composed of
stars but that It Is n vast mass of glowing gas
Changes are taking plaru In It which Indicate
IIIKI It may be condetneing Inlosuns and worldll
just as our solar syvlom grow out of that stain
of clmos in which It was wltlout form and
void Thousand ot 11I111101 > of yearn hencn
If this view Is I correct when tine earth Is lead
and tine sun burned out life will rink Its ap
pearance upon the untroldun won ide In tills
IIBW universe In Orion Irof Draper hiss re
cently sucootdod holographing tine nehuh
and thus thus moans mire llpllr1 or minlnng its
changes with moro precision than has hereto
tore boon possible
1orsius Andromeda and Cassiopeia may bn
counted among the winter eonstnllatlons nl
thouch like the Dears their proximity to I tine
polo rcake them conspicuous At other seasons
also Cassiopeia which may be recognized bi
a zlgrag row of five bright stars Hliapad hike a
section of rail fence overhead about 8 oclock
Is particularly interesting becausethero Is rea
son to expect that that wonderful lamina Star
of 1572 called the Illgrlm will soon bhiio out
nanln In this constellation Trcno Uriihe the
astronomer ta > s that this star sprnug foith In
its full upltudnr In A spot where ha was euro
there was no star visible an hour before It
wn so bnuht as to bo vlolblo at noon
day In 12CJ a now star appeared
and dlsTppoaiDd near the nma vince nnd In
043 a similar phenomenon was observed So
If these annearauces are periodical Its return
mar be looked for at any limo from now until
IbCKi l Ilrcieulatlnc bucLward It wliltw soon
that an appearnnea ot thli star wouM be due
about tine beginning of tho Christian era and
tine astrologers of Tyehos time said tho nttvr
itHr was tlm sninn that tine Mngl saw nt tho
birth I of C hrlst bo they prculeted tlmt the Inst
Tiiilgmont nns nt hand A riapponrnnii of the
Illgrlm in our div would oaiiBn no mich ilum
nut It would nmknn prolouml IIntllI UIUUUK
tine iiblroiioniers for neliiitlllc asous
tnriirniHIInn I to let
To TUP IniTOi OP Till SUVMI I think tine
ttotl vi e ri II t I V sttui I 1 rnr 11101 tttoIuL Ct Ct I
ilia totuIttreIlI in houor 04 Cli t v 111 Iller erect tnttm
tnoIu nt I I rl ii ar W i tia i 1Ih the
1 tt uirut 1 I Ihe ti is I till CiIt15 1
I v Vih t rh1 no ipu Ir tue iit I or tWte
u5 I i i II pein i irsutulnr Situol
n 5 itt irsi tr Vt 1 t in titet ii I iInt
II III t re y ne t tr ti I niutie itt hete
If tile fltOtiutuieul I I I
ul Inn Nlol 2 1
THAT jnn run VLr
A Veteran Fisherman SluUr Moms Vnlimblo
Hniir ocloa Concpltllna II
To THE Kunon OF Tile HUNSir I see
by your Issue of tine 21st inst that tlmurc Ian i
company about to erect nn Iron pound Jet on i
he Bhores of Ionir Island The n tl6 one of
ho groat Inventions of tho age and If they nro I
milt of suitable she mush eons to take only
marketable fish they would net dopleto tho
waters In which thcv nrn sot Tho mesh should
00 two Inches eituaro Thnt would lot the rating I
fish thrntigh soul tine Dot would stand Inn
storm when n line mesh net would bo carried
away Fish nro local In their habltn nnd iho
old fish travel the elmo route that thor did
when they were ynune anti If tinny nro not token
nhon they art young her will suruly como
inck to the same ground when thoy are old and
11 for market
BiHi fiali ns shndnnd many other kinds ot
mnrkotablii fish nt two rears old weigh on tine
average about throofourths of n pound ant
when they are tliron years old tber will weigh
thloo or four pounllI Jiuw make the mloh of
your net nn largo that mite ntnnll fish cnn go
hroueh anti your net will pay for nnny years
Hut make tine mush email and take every thou
large lIud small that conies along and It will
pity for about four years and then you will
lave destroyed nil tilt family of fish that strike
on your coast at time point soc sot your net
That Is the result of pound net fishing on the
Brent lakes
Tho sauna ruin works with lieu as with ani
mals Kill oft the young and the old will soon
become Bcnreo Them nrn thousand oT tons
of white fish sold for herring In Ibo Now York
market that are taken In pound niti In tho
great lakes Thc fishermen get about a half u
rent each for them nnd If they wore allowed
live one year more they would bring th fish
ermen nt least fifteen cents SirED Glccx
Today At U oclock Edward Trlckett of Am trail A son
Wallace n on or New Uruntwlck are to Kull their match
for f tOI a aide on the Hiaine from Putney Aqueduct
to the Ship at MurUke The Anal tlcjoiU was duly made
by both on Friday w that there If lltile Joubt that the
race will come off Though both have beat recently
txatcnlt U conceded that they were natal their beat
and titcy cannot le reckuiicil oilier than flrit claia oars
men The letting haa naturally teen In KOMI mayor
not so much on account C f the Hanlan Trlckett match ii
from the fact that in the International rffatti Trlc ell
a estty detent d by Smith who next Jay wo AI
e illy Lea ten by Kuis
The Eistcrn Fid I Trials Clubhepinslti wcond annual
mfetlrc today on KcMii Island In I Piconlc Ha > Ling
lilind the tint trial Loins the Nursery Strikes the
Purr SUko futiininir tomorrow the All ast d tn
edneiday art Thtirtday the nrace Stakes on Frldar
and the Club Stakei on tunlny The nchrduln fur
juJiilnjj tli jiolnti aid for recording them In I detail have
I teen nlI 1 Keral valuable contribution for prizes
hinc born ntndc SImS ilumU the weather prove liters
be the lare number and high clau of ttts entries will
insure inUresttnit trials The liland bIt been well
locked MlUi btrJn aixl I the Oral atmunl meeting held
there last December ihowcil Us I rajaMIitici for its pur
The proposed race AtV + lln ton on ThankSTlvlnjc flay
tittwfen heal Knitted Lee sit lhllId 1 CAm in
notMiir The Waftilntitonlati will have tale hcllrr In
order to secure A raco bet wet n IlauUn Ron and
The suoceM of the ntlzens Asfwlntlon race lu
OeorvlA Itt week was loiucwhat IntorfercJ with by
fttormy weather Time laU week in I Nutember is tut alt
to be favorable for tuoree recite North or South
A > the grot same of thc > iar atcolcjrc footbAll plavol
lAitThurMny bj the rrcKiitchamrloni the Friiicftoni
atfAlntt the Itadmc as rtrnnt for tlie chnmpioni the
Yale ended In a drew the vlvantAce really retnMtifd
wltti the Princetons ltti 1 practical result was that the
tlTurt to wrrrt away the championship lionurs which
they have now held durlnc three years proved uiuuc
Ceasut Dcubtlfii it was ibm knoultdite that a draw
Ktnte would enure ft q n victory tu them that caused tlie
1rincetoni to occupy Iti Uit tn minutes In 10 rolliiip the
ball AI to kill time Tills Tact and the number of safely
tech downs to Mhlch 1riucf ton wt comix led to resort
thowed that the champions felt they had A dancer
rus team to comp t with Out It la a more
than counttrbalindmf tact that the Princeton team
played with three substitute s In place of three excellent
placers hurt in earlier camea Betide enjoying this ad
vantage rate hat I put two KrAduAtes Into her team and
these were Iwo em her beet men Camp being her hardeit
kicker and llardtnr nor best runner Princeton played
wholly with undernrduates and yet an a much smaller
college had far fencr men to K > ct from On the
whole therefore Princeton cmliienUy deserved to re
lain her chamf lomhtp Site Is first in foot ball as Coy
nell Is In bvailtA as the University of Pennsylvania
Is In cricket and AS liale Is In bte ball PenntylvanU
failed to meet Columbia In the jnrao set down for Sutur
day tint a lUll better one Is hrpcd lor ioui UI weed
Princeton and Columbia
There were 114 entries In the late Vinccnnes field
trials a nuttier iurpaii ing anyt iliu before known In
thIs country the froen cround however foiled the
cent ii many initancci ol trUls
A remarkable short stop to a ball was tht on gi isen by
FAthcr Moran to the Hibernian tlancliuentrrtAliitncnt
at Ware Muss iat steek He denounced it trom tie
pulpit ant wn nlso on hand In an ante room on the
ncht of the belt uarninc people away The enterprise
MA a del uiiure and now the utauaera Ulk of iiuiitT
Father Moran for dimaces
The visitors carried ot the liurels In the three ditys
cuu tourney uf the IOIK Hrsnch Mart no1 Phlladel
phta Hlverton Narraeinivtt Orange Staten Island snJ
New York Oun Ilub suit the Westminster Kennel Club
which enKd at Hesen Point on Mturlij and antony
the lsltorsthe Plulaltlphtans were preeminent Tluy
cured the first and wcond prizes In the tint dars
match they won the Carrot Cup and the nandicap
match on the Hcon1 lup and tttss capture the hand
some Chant Ions Cup on the third day Philadelphia
Kiverton tlub they well Le accouuud the champion anil
club of huts country The winning scores were In state
caws remarkably good
A noteworth sell ntlfic et emil of the pat week in the
portln world was the irlove tight at Kridicporl l twcen
Messrs K MtOlnchy ant Mike Donovni myen the limit
knowing of the pectftlnr are snll to intc admitted thnt
they had rarely leoli tcci lead is ork and tIe haujl
work too WHS him t cetit C d nor the ftuht riled In a
draw Doncvan sOd he intuIt encounter > lr MLUlinehy
Spain with leisure a itt Mcdlltch na itt the B4ine with
reicirdtoMr I > nornn II these stitrmcnts can be re
lied on there will ne t Another mauh hut there had Lccu
mutual rblin that nutut
No teller el I lenee CMIII he I then ol tle hold that ath
Utlc sports hate taktn upon the commonly than the
comri ntion kHintis of Thankfklln Day Tie athlettH
ran leap d 1 It bet and shot iti moo not to be foiled of
timely spin utharu omit aoiindt tho hares took bltsrl
eolorvt I pajer with tlio n tnttiAd of while to ruse the
5 em on the sniv cit the srecutors scinljled at
the m srioti4 mittu tea in cooll numbers somLtlrit
tlninriiu to keep warm and taking the snow qualls In
cKil humor A frw years HBO lire would hai tun
many ltttoiictleitll i or nductlons ut tin ensir pro
C rtnt inca 11 stiti cOllier
To Tnr KniTonor TIne Huv Sir Through a
t pi > ra hu il error tact mm etk vou nskcd the i isition
ts l Hi unt an ol jet ol chntlti
lilt > i < inntht tin myti iMteeilled him a ho
1 il t r klu I n it lure thai u ituM I tic a oil mitt iliT 1 i r
enc s eily Jest toim
Iliiillurllltc itTit < Jr Mt Man
I > Ii dheJetatui
Jefferson liked horseback riling Nevt to n
COM male t hit IIMI it gui horn and ho liaulen mils
Ca 11 circuIt irjrUi rlaer
A < bnnee > for u House tleiinlnz
tiarclelil lot i iur IIOUM in order
1 re the trnuulotis times becinl
You shnnld tilt a stalwart warder
for a mm aWl about the border
Ikcliu alto coos nut sill In
Schemes drrncttse anl sodltlous
Harmful luteliil to the land
w ait the time and place propiUoiis
Etc an entrance surreptitious
To the hou e where I ou command
Some you know hive none a great way
Fruit the conr e thnt mi to us fne
Borne whoII tluj mitht would strilfht ay
Make Hut hottso of ours a gateway
Jor am n enipiri spiuiiiitxy
fchonhlyoii Kt those peol enter
Ijoudtd down with tetlial h scheme
Drawing nil tlilnes to their rehIre
vein would Lil L have stated At Mentor
Krcc frun all Aiiibltti ns dreamt
Let jour house te I not surrounded
> ilh tic iljcr s I cIte 1 > roil
Thoiuh I Its I prAlies ones i u unded
for a put mine hAlly tr unlrl
It lie ti at Site jhe rds tio I i > u itoo1
Hrml drltr me fftl I ait 1 wealthy
Cr tire tktiu rrum inir dcxtrs l
Or Mill atlttu i nick i And itealfiT
lliey nut i mill it ruiic unhealthy
In the urn li r ton 111 tmirs
it rr ir lM t A i i rt M i cm I luMt te > ft oi it
riMu h rti Id iK Itii iu itihiw kriii > jii nil si
I ilcli all inthUiinit m 11 I C sin ui limit ntr i <
0 t ih I it u > it kvciKtl r i a t 1 j uui ai iuic J 11
Jul use itutttttanL Lie I I
l > II K131 It
Mr IMi iiolld brother U a fruit fniinor
a ery I riio MAle In lIe Stout i
lint 1ilnco of UtntiKO Illro I hlabiothrr
fltrin inake iiit Itt hi I a Iliutt rs
A man hnn id lilin olf nl lloilford Im
trcniMi lilstinilititrs huijin 1 li > rut h I r
A visitor nt Votileo utiinplalns thit jm
I ililnarc paltifiill augicectise ln tlulr neutral Rilui uf
Uniting lirir ps
JJurlnff tim last fifty years 2410 person
lutplievn Mntenfifd to ilvAth in Iraucei and ol ihlt
niitnhcr 1401 have been executed
while 9jii were lar
iloncl or ilitalikl A commulAtlin ot their sentence
rIme case of Thomas John 1 cumin tmm tutly
ratted MimLruorirapelcaine iii MI Nov II In the Lon
don Court of IlinkUrtcy Its nppllcl to pass his ei
nmlintloii Vurlons creditors olmiuwi and thus siltiiiif
WIt adjourncil for rite neeki
A young thief on being niicatcd nt
Iteadlint IxMid he hoi F < t Oat nould parnlyi 11m II
lie ttai not Innocent Within a few da he was strkt > it
omit paralysis and he Is now firm In the belief that it t
was In I owequence ol his Impious prayer
All time M Ps placed on trial In tho
Irish t Plate pri pcntloni SATO one are bachelors Mr
1arnell is unmarried 80 are Metsra Sexton hilton
and Blfnar Mr T II gnlllran who It a poet II the only
Henedlck among Ihe ParlUmentarr martyra
A writer In tho November lielgravut on
lloston KcigUnd says that while In Liverpool there are
not moro tliui six ilseretla ant not oe Coating or froth
Inxham these anl many other nnmes well known In tin
American Boston arc common In Lincolnshire
There hnvo been several serious railroad
accidents In Uermany Mtely It Is estimated that duos
the Ooernmcnt has been rmfolnR the rallnidslthiF
for economy 90 reduced the stiff that the employees can
not exerclno the neediul stipirvlslcu under the new
regime Hwltclimennet Irian 37 to 13 cents a day
A rood many excellent and jrrneeful
ActrcAMS come trim the ballet Cirlolta eclerci was >
danvute so was Mine Celeste so wan lstlty Vanlull to
was Lydia Thompson so was Vary llannon ClnrlottQ
Cushinan was orlilnilly o dutor to was Mrs Keulcy
who sAiiff In Oberon and many Klglliili opera
The London Economist says that the fact
of consols celling above par raises the question whether
It Is possible to lower the rate ot Interest Three per
cent Is not much lobe sure still If the public can bor
row atJV Its aient the Chancellor uf the Kichequer
should pUco Its loins at that rate Ur Gladstone at
tempt to place a 2 per cent stock lu ItCiJ failed
Edward Slmma line arrived In Washing
ton from Cant in Ohio and Is I ready toUr Inaugurate at
President A compromise Utvuln oats inade by llaniuck
anJ iarlild on the morning of clc ction ilay tie sa n br
whkh all the votes of the 1lecloral Colie arc to bo
cA her ittam He has docunii nl9 enormous lit sire antI
extrAtaiiant In scats proving tu his fittlsfsc1U the
vnlidlty of his claim
Lord henry Gordon brotherof the Mar
Itils of Iluntley art foimerl of the Arm ot Newton
Outdo A Co tt bJ h co anl t ceneral br krrs Is a dink
nipt Lord Henrys crindrolher Lord Huntley In I UK
same sad tale eml ttie sheriff occupied his house Tho
present leer an able man of hUh character reniiri
the fortunes of hit atoll by marr > hut a Maiuhciter
millionaires daughter
Amos liil fTS was Iho tallest anti faltujt
man in northern Georgia Cecilia youre sm bltt AiUl
Henry Carter t < ihim on tnt etiit ittu at thc country plnre
Its sir llue I toui tnt hit oti Lint nqtit t Sri toie
from a llUnce of fort ri l Icucss and never tun 1 ol
3flhI HrUgs knew that eerie was his etumv but tlis
was his first Ilitii t uton ttiAt I the Sri tic he had hear I was
aimed at him Carter nddid Here for you at short
rnne aumI t drew a pltot hut Minders dmnm < hto
At LlnaiOu Spain lately three niinoM
were sinkinc a shift shim alter char lnc the Lore holes
with dynamite two climbed to mite pi lerv above ohiths
Ihe third icmtlncd to lUht the luct t nttachtM lotto
charges italic doute to he funallel Cu tuna cunrile
aut I WAS icIng hoisted up tthtn on lusrititu tli < top ho
lost his hold And clAdUuncvofmiy leettolhc boOn
where he toy stunned tt tliaitlei co to tie H litrl I
fue One of his comralos Instantlir put his knife bo
twetn Its teeth anl t de ceiidln by a chain lalder
severed the fuses as they sent about Iciitlni
Jerry Williams of LonUUIle thotujf 1
notort ins rough was very fn4 of his young ei bT out
when he heard that John Watson h id talked against her
he sought him out with the inuiitlon of kilting him
Tliew two men stood Just outslle a saloon Jerry reltcr
aUnst the accusation anl Wats m strunuousl denying It
when Charley Villiams a brother of Jerry and the ulrl
staggered up to them lie was quite drunk amhjuust I at
hejclned Ihe others he beard Vtatv say Who told
you I said she wasnt a good girl1 Charley did not
know that his tuner was meant but In a ckleslyjocoad
way he cried 1 said she wool and I can provo it
Then Jerry stabbed his brother to death
Tine Second Presbyterian Church of Chi
earn has called the Rev John Miclntosh ot Belast Try
landatasalar offiinooavear The committee Wiochow
him think it nccesssry tootr r thcfi llowlnirexpUnatloa
We canvis d the country thoroughly to And an Amer
ican born ant mcrlcancdltcated minister to present ai
thecandldate for the littoral nOire i f the church mil
01 whcn te church cmil I unit hut have not been abla
to And the suitable person for the place who woill I or
could be moved Mr Macintosh whom wo recoimncnl
It you Isa natlte ti rn American ol bcotch parentisa
And Irish education and tills means a Ihoronclin to of
eliicatlon that qilallAes him In All aunt pulpit In the lin I
The Empiosi Euut5nlo aspired to bo tho
loader of dress ant fashion anl many a mi Idle class
famiiyln Encland was surety embirraised by the lon <
dressmakers bills which an Imitstlon of her Innumera
tile and always expensive costumes entailed hevtnl
crowned heads tn Kuroje however determined not to
Accept the parenu Impress ai tli tr gold The liti
Empress of Rusla uaei tlir u h Pjm and lions
won her hu liMii In IM on her us at to Nice and the
fljirri r1l > recorded that tier at Ire would hate htutmnt
despised bv a nhnpkoepirs wife but then the courtly
Journal added VV he n a lady has Ihe honor of cnn thi
ttife of 1 the Ihnperor of all the Russia s such slmplicty Is
only an additional chirm The late Quern of llo land
arpearrd at Kontainebleiu Abiut UK ame time in a has
and petlse which hal done tent ilitv At the II rue
Ciiunt ohojeskl a youthful Polish patrl
clan cC Lambert was entcrltmin a select circle ol
noble friends At A earn partY and while his attention
w s riveted on the arie had Ihe misfortune to be Us
turlnd by the janirlln stMlni of a barrel organ plate t
bv n poor od Mint man who hij contrived to enter the
courtrarl of the house in the bore of earning a few
kreiiti rs Moted to utcrnablc indignation by tills in
Irimon upon his nvac mIme Count look down a toiled
fowling ilece l from hignu rack threw open the wlnjow
smut tikine deliberAte aim at the andaelons errm
crlndcr dcilcrously shot him In the neck The old win
was contecd to the nearest hotpltxl on a strcUhiT and
Ihe note marVsmin resumed his canv but cicatlyto
bis tonlhmcnt and dlszu t was presently arreste I by
the polhe ant mum em el tn pns n winre he now lien
Mraitln his trill for murder ahniutt
In Berlin tho t aveiiKo nuinlor of hor ei
tllel her toed Omit ear his lern 4Yrr inflllh tm hUe
tuft year Itwss St i All the homxaten are S lIlt i IM I a
cc itrjl slaughter hotii inJ eaci t urso UforL U Is ihl I
ii i arrfu Iy examined hi tuoMUrlnt y surceoni At
the prcMnt tine tic iuehr t pa s nbout 4J mars ct
Jtovi fr a puce ol rors flesh WCIIIK i from SWiiuJii I
poun I hut lie refills ll at 4 t pf nmtre or about 10 eitnl I
n pottnd tor ih1 Cli t 2 > i frinke rr poun I nor m thier
piiei snt 0 thennilte i fir pirUoiil Iii to he t nitr lit
tiiu < iest sit 1 AS horn Ileili is ntturallv very dry t K ul
deal il i II can unl > IK utilized by belts inuel ttith lirt I
and conierled Into Au < ies whleh Are tt n tunc ied
lir ilt eoninmed I ptrsons who ire title nti in t I
nlut the are cinn In cue T t o o her iirrnmi
towns the conitimi tlon ol lnr flet i i 11 projortion u
their population i tt larger than lu Herllti
In 170i legaL ciliultt that tlioie
era ln rrMic Wi s t in nksAtil1 S c Minus Tin num
ber ft niuitks li Ito lar l > i liin1 wi jiit tt i > Aientti y ar
but the numUrol nuns isc n llir nlwte IU Twlit
sixliiTerent 1 xrtirsoi noI are ri i r ntnl In truce
shim Diet ItAtc r iiM eitAlillstttui ru l dltlerentnrl n
of liii ia ort reprtwiiu I ant thet IM I > J IJ rmcsiibllu
mcnti hetcntjttro IH I r cut il fi in inks anJ ti tft a
pr Cetut cf the nun are eiurn i d in education to oer
cent of the tmuonhis a ut menu t o Icr cent c1 tin nurs
ire enraiel In Mtenli u en fie > uk and t in em > to ° r
rent ol the monks and elklit rrrent if lIe iunm sri ie
t okt 1 to a pinty lontuniliUvc lie TIe Ilirnl Ic i
tthohate Just J IHCII exilic1 are tic if the inailisti 1
the reliBloui orders In frsnce u the y lute sit thru es
ublihment with merlyfltc memlrri ietoen l tin in
The largest order Is thitol tie i it ci mauI Br the 0 lm i
numl rr 1HM and bite even licrcaKJ lartutlI > iuj
teem when they were only 0 in
Albert Wolff tolls luiw once upon n time
he and 5 tOe ol tim I Is hums beiniik u that oiTennch it 54
cotnlnf U hlrelat orcAlttud a Iliumrhal rreertoii In
his honor A cit ctuou il I armsail rou in s ttas iro
curel from a rlend s hou < e anl I hill a dcren hallier
dlers worthy of A pine li tin urtts ol the Irani i
Ouch l fs of iJeroltteln were drittn t up I In inilttirt urrsy
In front of the bach A toy attired as a Iertll 1 i t a <
niounted on a jackAis out Its o t v canton Ititm ir M h
saute whle tin lultirJiers p uirl < J arch Nnlt
hluiHlt came forwnrd snl t liC situ 1 the krs f itu
brilrn A plated niter In I tIme ttnilri C tin ticeelti I I
a his ihlui nth efts n Iltnt ne through II S >
Aiidasilit tears shiest In his irs rtuitncd Oh ml
this Is I tot much toontitcM t I Tic sine it it I Joki 051
timed i < ut minv vein AO with < qu ul t site c at Im
cirrow laJt 1k in tnt cat t in I rimall wletila I 1
K taunts lor the tr ieniK MH IS cave h If I
CAilii ili A slot I > no w i 4 ut i i t e > e k t l i
uiuiiil arches a It w I u 11 i h
Ilitl Queen ol Pu it 0 I ot i t I y N
rimrlotli Suiv 1 u itt < i M I le k 1
wiirn her htiiiAni I 0 > etutiC loam in is 10 mi I il
ic ttas klvll liurli td

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