V V V tf THE SUN WEDNESIAY SEPIEMBiR 21 1881 t 11 ufl WEDNEHIAY SEIh EMDEIt 21 188 Aisaeupmi Todsy S Aa be7 UeS Ii5ustnt vo7s ra Cussa u I eSct IstltqtslaJstrlt rabnsitloa U ep ItutThr huatohS Pitb f5sirettSciiset 5100 iT Sauces Nsse ltra5a 14115 it s 5Jiys 15aeeQlia Nate lad Ope Hatulpb SatIn I 4455 45 1 P SrWlhIla S nSsa SttI IOWee17s 5551 50 etiThs world ssin I a e Thipite Faart It dIta i5SSr TIcutSeeitsa rrrsr K fl4S Sqaae lntnCtrcise MatIngs S teplSI taert SI s S kS CutbrT1a itmjr fi lnSu Sliese Iflrti4wsy and sb it I l 1 qutrs Tbaeellm Xlti 5lsr ThetrTb iglou Maliare The funeral of the lato IreIdent le to be unoetentattou8 In accordauco with the pccInI rqUot of his wife who knowe vliat were his own wfeliee In the case The ti aln boarIu his renialne te to go dtrct from Long J3ranch to Waehlngton 1oavIii Long lirftnch at lOooloek this morning anti oach1ng Washington at 4 tlile afternoon 1he train will conht of three cars baittes tliebaggego carone car with thecomn and It guard the next with hiewidow chlldrw and Imniedlntn frienda and the other with Prcsldcnt AnTnvn the Cahinot and the doctore To morrow and next day tho re 4 maltis are to lie in etato in the ni i tunda of the Capitol whore thero vIii ho reIigion service on Friday At 5 q oclock of Fnidfty afternoon the funeral car viii leave VasIi1jijttou for Ciovoland nech ing Cleveland at1 P Mnf tatunday Thero i thu remains will Ito In stato till 2 P M of 4 Montlay whon under direction of the State and municipal authorities tim burial will thke place in Lake Viov Cemetery on the I otitekitth of Cleveland t Preeldont ABTnUE will toIay go to Vah ingthn accompanied by the members of the i Cabinet In the funeral train boaIng tho ro j maine of the into IIo3kIent GAIuzELn Yes 4 thrday he visited Long Branch whIch he reached from this cIty s n after I oclock in the afternoon flnl front which 1w rotiirnrtl hero about four iIour afterwnntl At Long lirancli he met the members of the Cabinet with whom lie held a c nisultatlou at thu cottage of AttorneyGenorai MAoVou V I and soon aftorwarti accotupanloit by these rnmbore ho paid a visit of coiitloknco to MraGAltrIELD nile morning at 10 oclock ho will leave for itslilngtnn In the V funeral train and while hii lreiecessons romaine are lying cof1Inel in tho rotunda he will enter upon the duties of the ofilce of President It Is rciortoI that at ycstcr days Interview in AttoniioyGoniiral MAC V Vzans cottage President Anriiuit aEkod the members of the CUiizwt Lu rotalo their piace for the present Presidento that Rave flied In Office 3 Gon GAnrnxn wa President only six V months and lifteen days Three years flve t months and a hahf o the Prhtlenttal tortil remain for Gnu ARTIIUIIS incumbency All tho Frcshhont who have died In oftico have died Iti the early part of the teriii len TAYLOR liveil sixteen months after his t Inauguration ioavltit tvthIlris of the term to be filled by Mr FILLMOIw AnnA L UA1 LncoL was assasshitated oiiu niuflth and eleven days after his second hiiaugura 1 then and Ainuw JoiIsoN tiieretort held Il the office three years tell niouths and it half Goii iiAzsIt1u terni of was the briefest of all lie died just one month 1 after his inauguration day Tmiu was t three years cloven mouths iii oflicu c President Arthur an American It will be coon that iiu Su of today ft V makes an end of the stories about Iresident V Anruuns liiiviur teen born in Canada The stories were widely clrculatctl antI on quatioiiably led nuuiy ndnils Into tiOUIbt Theeo doubts were angnwnlcd by the let tere of a correpuiitleiit of Ini St who V eupposed lie had IartIcIIlar kiiowldgo tif ti the subject and lio lihl that Mr Ai v TIUs election would be invalidated anti VV ijis advancement to Ili office ti liesldinit vi prevented by the discovery of his birth place in Canada These letters led us to undertake through V of our most conipetent naIstuiits a V thorough investigation of the qiietionVlIO 1 result ot that Investigation will be founil elsewhere in title Iiper Our pl4sIIipottlltlary V iiti the tlaces in Verowut anti in Can ada whore Mr ILTILVR Is saul to have Iwnu born exaiiilied the rtcortls anti hiunteti Uf the persons who have direct knowletige 01 thu casu iIIi only iiiatruettoxt giii to our correspullflnt WOLO to beardi for the facta to obtain evidence of their truth antI to make full and proper report to US IIo V he did his work the paInts he took in doliig it and the points that vere ctnblislied by means of it will be founil of great interest Tue whole cise Is ciicltiively settled by this reiott The controvery over the birth plce or the man who last Noytoniter was V elected lcelresiicut is ttltpoeI of 1re V ident AILTILUR was born in tim State of Ver 1 wont The New Lrcldeiti First Iuty Among the olIlehal responsibilIties which V aavo now devolved upon lresideut Anrnuxt there he ono Of urgent anti lariIIIount hru S portanco For tla ttrst time hit the ltistor of the United States thu lifo of a sizigle in dividual stands between lib niiti a atato of things iii buchi thiet ii o Ill x6t no ofllcer hilalhhled by the Cuntitiitioit to aiinihnitr the executivs ilulnLtlnuitt of thi6 Govctii inent iberu is bitt cite reinetly for thus on V precodentod 8ltuatiun anti it should be zip plied by convening Congress in extra ees stun In order that ii 1teitizit or the heate arid a Speaker of the liOUtO zizay be izroruptly chitien A glance itt the law deteniihzihitg the size cession to the 11zoidunthii thllet tiii at the preceding circumstances uniler ivizich it became operative will hiow how uncut itiu l the prooItt cozljIIntitzIi Ilift C4ilatltUtlOU Article IL iectioiz gives Cuzigrt jiower to fur tbc casti if removal ttsathi rehgiat ii ii 01 I na hi I it y of both Iresldezit and iceIzehthezzt Ihtit that i i has been inadequately exereied as the existing situation suillelently atttizsts I I This act of 1792 which Is the only act of Ccii I grusi bearingon thin point provides In the event hf the dibithulity ut both 1reiideut and 1ce1reb1lhizt tittit the Pt eullent of t the Heita tis iii i r none thou thu V peakur Lit the 11 iis u4 UprPLJtatiVu3 fov the ti nie btl zig bhaL 1 tci a lti zu tent Until the disability is rCIituivetI or a jeldeiit tilecteul Ihiut Is all uu irettautlozi tsas taken ngahpzt the crisis which hits now tie t tuahly occurred wizen there lb no teluheut V of thu bCUiittt tutu ziut SIitakur ut tlic liotisu Viiat is iiuilu I un j iutii thezi i I fi a fly 1 callac Vrethtltnt iItTIILII wetu i ituieretj t I CsPable uf dieliargiug thin tiutle of his Qmr4z Scam of our esteemed contelupo ranie to whose edifying views of contltu tiunal J havo roftrrd from tiuto lu time may Imagine that President Arcrnune CabInet could contlnuo to exercise the exec utlvo bianch of thieGovcrnnient itnthl a new Iroshdent should be chosen But we must remind thtotit that tho Cabinet Is a body itt terly unknown to the Cmstltutlon that its members are simply clerks of the Cidof Maghttrate and that as mere agents or niloletors they could not possIbly survive their principal Moreover all dlsciishoti of this point he sot at rest by the fact that they are not included In thu list of possible sticcesors to the lresldontial office fixed by the act of 1792 It tiocs npIr however that the Secro tary of State dois in till vimv of the Federal legislation on tItle sziliject survive his chiuif for tIm purimso of perfornilng a single ttiln istenini function The act of 1792 providos that whonovet the omets tif lrcsident and VlcuiIresttiont bothi beconte vacant th See rotary of State shall forthwith cause a noti Ileathon thereof to be zizado to the Executive of every State The notice is to specify that electors of a rresidont and VieeIresitient or tho Unltotl States shall be chosen or ap pointed within thirtyfour thys preceding the first Wednesday in December provIded there is an Interval of two months between the last montioned date and the time of no tificatlon if Buch an interval does not exist 5111 the term of the Ilezibled President does not expire on the third day of March next ensuing then the notico is to caii ton an election on the fIrst Wedizesday of December In the year izoxt ensuing In other words If President AnTUUE shioultt from any cause be rendered Incapable of dlecliarghtig the ditties of his omco at any time subsequent to the first weok Iii Octo her there coo Id be no election of a new lresi dent forupward of a year Nor would there be any iezsoti juztlIilod to CiflVfltt Congress In extra essioit No lreshtient of the Sen ate therefore nor Speaker of thzo house coulti ho chosen untIl Ccngress canto to gather In regular session at the date fixed by law Vhon JOhN Tman succeeded IIAUBRON on April 4 1841 there wa a lresident pro km of this Senate There wits however Ito Speakerof tho house in exIstence but title dulcet ws CUrIi by convoking Coizgrsz In extra atsion on the cnsuiiig May 31 whim Joux WHITE wits chooii Speaker Wizen MILLAIIn FXLIMohtE became lresideut tilt July 10 l8tO by the dt3atlt of ZACUAIIY lAY LOU Oil the imroeedinzr lay tim ThIrtyfirst Congress was in bu88lon anl of course both of the legal successors to the Chief Mnglstraoy were in exIstence Ott tim assassination of Ltscow In April 1SG3 no extra sesion of Congrees was called by tNu1ztw TIISSON nor was there a Speaker tf tue house until SCIIUYEIt Cot ytx was chosen i the Thlrtyninthi Con gross rltero wits however a Prssldeiit pro tern of the Senate LtFA1nrn S FOSTER having been elected to that ofilcu on March 7 186 Thus ve oo that imuvor here tofore line a VIcoPretzldeiit azosuined the PresidentIal chico without at least one qualllled successor standing behind him teady to take his lilace Thierti is just 1111 course to be taken in the itreseIIt conjuncture ani that is to repelit the step taken by JOUN TYtiu The sooner ft Prestdent of the Setiate and a Sneaker of tile house are chosen the bettor lreuitletit tttT1lUIt shzoizIti huse no tune in calling an extra sessIon of Congress hat the Methodist Conference IIau Ione The Methodist Conference at London Ia proceeding hiarizioniozzuily but o far it seetHe to have itizizu ziothing ozone than in titzlge in tiIcussIop of giunerni imioral atiti religious quetbons about which there could bit no tutu keti dhlTet ultieS of opinion among t Ito delegates Assuztzbhltgtn5 of thiologinim five of ilium same Churcit are apt to be utoriny lhzought they subtetibu to 00111 mn ill tlcius of faith they scu thionit in vanlouj lights and fight all this banter beciin an litiaginary hue suparates tim lhsfltltiiIitR t London however tize iIetliodlsts tire not gatiwteul togsthior to settle anty ilocitizmni qtteitionis Points of theology are not raiscil In tlis Cotittirtinmca which Is merely a Iouu fuast and thiorefozo its 80551005 will ufttulitht coutinuc without any jarring ills cotils It Is siniihy for thin purposo of cclii bratltig the triumph of Methodism of lie tenhnig to reports of its priniross In difftirenzt prints of the world if stitnulatitig Its zeal ziliti Cu I t ivu t log a spi ri t of ha rluinly a timong the iziatty brnuchiet Into which It Is itlviuleti hricitienitaily however the Cozifuretico titturs Its opinions concerning the evils which ahillut tue world antI the iuropr iieaiis of combating titenti Yet for the Iniost iart It etntuizzts ltsnlf with general stateimiezits Iho eliot of society tiztttt bit ovoretnito by the ireacbiIiig of thin ioeicl that Is the SIlILI anti stibttatzcu of ticarly thze ii htulo of theni lint so all Christians think anti yet It cannot 10 deizhtmil that tiiiiuhthity ehletiy ilutirishes beeaua of the shorteorit logs of tize Church becaube of its lalluru to lItactlCahhY apply tue tuaehhrzg of Chirletinn it atmti II bring the benign tttictnluej piencheti hit Galileo home to thu hearts arid I umncIetiees uif titan TIne bleat Clinisthan Irothurliooti is so beautiful that all ziiunt must regarl it with ailinhrtiomz Tue june t Ical ChristIan brotlierhocil however l chzat thIui urn looking and longing for hat Is tue 3tumthiodiut Confsrenzcui In Lou iio ilohuig hA bring it about Ily Its suceeu itt that direction the gathering ivlil bu jiudgeti Own of the practical suggestIons was that nu1141 by an Anierlcati ulelegato concerning ithiteraizt itreacluitig lie szilui that iii view f thz awiil spiritual deztlurtlou of a great city 1 I kit I titduin hi y ireauluiiig t night Li Ito el1IVuu lii ged thire I Lu ivoil i d i ninreovnr have a travulhing evamigeitoil inlniietry thironighiout tIme world ills notioti ivas we suhipose that more could be done for sjinzui lug this Gospel by informal ways than by relying 111011 the stated church services Unttouhttitily Methodism was extt uifed hut thus country target by the 14fflrts of hity preachuere anti the itinerant system of that ilezutnzinatiou litre bccu one of Its etroligust feittureb but pVO hind that as the Motlioulkttt iztrui grow outer and tlchzr they anti ies kindly iilbiuiitti tO lay pieaelihitg tutu the chief chuurehzcs in the great cities ieqtubru I liii t the it Iborulay iI tal 1 at leziet bit abui iii 4101 Ii ur t hod r I eziuli t I hy vut itt to keep their pabtorb if tlumy are attrautivo hullhluit orators lhio successful lay jireachiturs are usually noon like Moony anti SANECY vhzo t ra in tiniuler no deimotniziational ha rifler bitt it I heir converts join army of tiuu ovangehIca sets at thiuy are ealii acurdlnlg as thilr I ti Pt u r e hitiitzt I eatt t 1t I Iii I ii riovuir it it I I t Lu ittu I ti I CI I bU tLti I beluiat u tIll utOthtiiIi to rtthilua rltjutrap lie ivuu 511W lii the 14tQ cf thu Stivatliut Artizy Probably lay ucting lay hnjrltahlu aziti Phi lnit Ii tuujulu efftazt voulti a cucto jullelt judo fur I lie ti rki Lu es I hii tuite iei j nit tIzu Onu1ereztcij thiitik stitniul zitt In iioii of Liii 1041wl Azintlzer raetlcal niatter to which the Ccnfurucu ha h tn rutwli zittenitlon i that It telztjiehuiIzeti It aslIsul drinking in a getenttt wity aiti sriuiitihy enjidsuoui on ministers to let inttjxtcittiu ljquurs alozie The Iozg wut prattUso what ttuay each ha regard to temperance said one of the speakers otherwise their missions will be useless Title remanlc was mado because It seems that some Munthiodlat ministers In parts of the South especially Vlrglriirr are given ti tlpllIng Iii North Carolhiun how ever It was reuortd there is a marked In crease of temperance flesoltitlons have alsi beeti pasciI in favor o Simnuiny ehoitl In cotidoinnatioti of the opium trailli slut against MothiodIet sondliig theIr chiitlren to flumman CatholIc schools one of the Fpeakers asserting that the loss of children of Methotlkts in this country to othier uhunuumruuiuiatiorms vis one of the nuoat disas trous Ittuts in thin hIstory of the Church But why wore the ilomnu Cathuolles selected for special tiisapprolmation Are they ijuore ctiousIy InterferIng with Methodism than thin Protesthnt dentutiulniations withu which It conupotes Wo never heard that that was the case Undoubtedly the Conference will cheer the hearts and stir tup this godly pride of the delegates arid perhaps great practical good will como from it Ihut it roust take care not to Indulge In too unuch seifnduiation The Garfield Fund Mr CYRES W Fntu in a letter published last evening again solicits cuntrihtuthon to this fund for the izeuzehlt of Ucu GAlu1rJDs family Let all who wish now to nuid to this fund nlrezuly made up tO H huantisorno solo do SO freely and PtolflPtl It will go to the famIly of a luau who was shot while per forming the unties of tluc great chico to which the people Ititul elected him itecogizizhrig the services of a deceaRed inzbhle servatit In this va is a iloculit situ honorable act That the death of President GAIIFrLnz had been foreen by many became evatent yeterdav whusa already at an esrlr hour the news tnntls wors covered with onue reclhlnun and hnmeutinuc hi uIatiu anti iuieturc purport log to give the uIpthiflnd eulu while other preparatloni of mourning ehowoit that the in tivittibla result dophto the hiocful nnws so often spread hail been expected generally by tito people ThIs fitt whIle It does not dimin lehi the Intenaity of the public grist baa tire entett a repetItion of thz terrible slatek of LlneoINe leatbi Or rather lilA shock was divIded betweuun the day of Presidouut GAS FIL0s WOUnd anti time day of liii death while the tutor spacu Interrelling with Its ninny hue tunutiona and Its frequent abandonments of hope dcuuieiued thin eletusat of surpniss smut made the current oh izublla comment yssteruhiuy one of sorrowful utoimllesetunco In what had long been a foregone conclusion The benevolent puojpct of establishing a German uniyeritty in this benIghted wilds of thi United Ststospsrhnnts omnowbere In the region of Ohzio or Illinoishas so utterly fahluin throiiudi that hue creditors haTe potlruCii upon the office hlxture or their bills ortutuuitelt we haveit vast riunibmr of universIties out Vet 10 that the loss of this Guinmnian inhtitutinn will not be so bitterly halt a it might otherwIse liitye buu SIxNa fltmt is usually spoken of as an Indian In whim favor little could be caid but lie line just sueceeileii in sayhrug sotuwtlulnt for himself In tIm ecuIrsu of a speech which he wished reporteil to the people at VashInuton ene ii k U I ltt e o tIt uieh cr It s I thuiiui lii I iII t ut itrr l tli norili ii lo t iii 1i C e ri C it tioiii I ir i I lu r Ii45t a nlzIit utti Ii chlllrii 4 tI uirclt iithr iilitI I isa bk lu 1r tttffI It siiiIt tttc a 1 1 tiit j II ciurv I hat to iii ilt or bc tt4414 i2W Hut il tIi hIiiie Is put uironi iiie SITTINO hlutx is probably not the most pcae UI of cii lndiuins but the subtuiutial truth of hia stutznent could be attested by the oldlers who touchut him Ac the htevereiui Congressnian hlyrr SMITTT lIfts rsiiinod hti Itritoklyn leistoritto because timings did nOt work smoothly and as turn anti turn nltotut is lair tutor whzy ooultimit exConressniniu CiIttten whom nriit defeated get a euhi to thu Lot tvtnue puhizit Licut iOtBcs duseziptlon of tluo snake iianco oh the Ntiiui Inhlaruuu whuleb lie wu thu ftrt whiltu nian tQ wItness so tar a Is known ebaws that bcsilts th chzorusters and iourd rattlers there ars twsntrfour nuien and chill ilrn who curry liii reptilea In their hutuils anti mouths vnhlu twtnutrttiur inure fan thin huenuis of hue snuikit with eitlo fuuanlitrs Iont of the rattIustzaks attils Llsut bouzuze are ie lergehlyo ett louithurzt the lancircoull hot grnsu liii icliole iiirtnneisr In his luouttu Llut Itouaaas eonttuitnlonu 1Il front these huorrlbls argitus That the sun iiatt itrid tle eahtu dance go on In this year 1SSI within it few mIles of raIlroad cIvillztIon shows that thro i still work to bu dune in thue home missionary fluId fluIdThe The masked Juirieymzteii who mnuit again near hIdllevIhie ott hue nuiut thiti lrssiulnnt tIled unit pastit a set oh reioltztioni iiaout lynching GutTLtu itresitlit johann shutuwu sontot jealousy of Sergeniut MAS0Nilennuncunu bun lu peehutu as a hruuegnnt TheIr ttrfornnlnnets jind dAsos nllko jar on tbzn sulurztniti of thi present unto antI they ull earti no more jtrtiiss tbziiit thus aithlest sehihliur did by eelng to cheat thu law of thu laud of us ICIIm rrist Curnlni aiid Jbu Ketly To ins ErmiTon or rmt SUNSir Mv at tnlori Ii ii tv ii citlea to iii toll icc it I ilent iii ur rsrr uf the hut lii ltier laiI su o ihi t liii lzl Erici rIun o AIleny syi KcIu I s IJ lea Ir r i ii it u i i II blr I I uj I h i ii p1 si I u njt lil7 a ii I 31 io I 14 ii i r Til l ii n r ii b1uttt thu Ill bust ha n mu ut e IIt e r r uritIiJ u nn tIiiitiu aI tiv lt in p 1 t cunn br Ill I llfrCti ii t it tJ tll ull sib II si iIoUfl5V Ui ii ie I liii KtIy TIti IIC lit t U riluittijed zii uhlauutioriz4 I llft e z S I iO sicti Ic it or cruIiztL sni I i ill I azik y ou it th riiIuillurtcariu y 2 iii mrs rniovi iirs rtIVrthUIl Eiiirs tousiit ALIuv Sin Iti i II I sui hut iii i ti ig Ii ll To TUg lozToll OF TII tiUNcir A rnat tet Its isiC f tut on tilisuu tti setuit sv i un ducril tltUni hull Ii uurreitrr I ie hi ntis tN etii Alluuii le i liuuTic I 3it Ii1tIII 11111 141i3 I ii 0 libirt ir i Ie I nil Inic nut I uulil rviuii truii ur t rIIfl It tt b C V 1 it i utro rher A Ii iit ii I k s iIliu 01 ititli c libits Sn uiruii i rtr itiy tit LiOl itl i t iioii I lte ii lv tIe bnuii Id At litt lilli Ii 5 IiOrlirr trr tj SI I iti hi c ii tr I Vite Iii IiiI that iniil hit i it 01 b lilti bi i iI hIcti sruil biV II ri orde F tb I i i ri v lii le ilirtlili lit CllIl hiS IIt r I Ic ii tl I lit ii iri O I iii t ivnif i 51101 I I I Ii 101 ii I Iii i rpre ttr iii Urtil Rigr trii i situ s i iv ii tr iortrr isti ii Jiui 5lipec Loino 20ir W 1 Lurbttzr niuphi u lu ur 1Jcuoii iiiI UtyiTi iiltttr mu tIi lzutri LiiI bUI i t siil ti r t4iciia t Ii i itt uiun util tltt tta ChLiUi itt j ilol br I UUiIiiivut Stir Cut iur iie Ire TlItiiii 4 utite Ili 4i t tIt liii rthtte if the sus I CCI5 i IIIIIiI bi is U it CIIUII l dot is itUuut e ii 43 figu rh pi1m1 I r i j u nut ci lie en ii s I lr Inst ihir tuue 4 iii thin i u ii 15 tli Vu i I i I Ii i I V I iii liii 5 rt thiur ar iv stir i i 1111 us s V till iti ii lii I it it 4111 thin us situ an sci 5 eiinilutiii U ni l Ict s thu ItivrIiiCiiI it i ilkt ueiluci tli 1111111 i r id sib tIt in itll Iii mule Ut trig utIsIr iIit iot wurruilt s rnrrst uIrguIuiu rlic ileettn5 r the InpertrI LoNTON ert 20ljui J1its corns pondnnt at ti 5y iibir t tite U lid thst I sir S uit thu rl ui S Ji bIt tO nut 1 t rrt iii III ttiii tiuis ire I l iiiaI s ill ii i ii I ti i his 4 l u luru I i III I S 4 ii tltisc ti UVll 111 ii S sitS II I i ij Ilir iuimuuuii5 i Ot crib tIii Iii i r ii sit4 tli I r 4 1 Iu liitb rjiiV Iaiwls Jeili iii iS t liics lost sI ciisii i i siu iltiiCu bitt liisit bogis cuul4 Lu ilurctit tIiit tbrruis L l I ii i ii Unii I I litt 11 Cii ito Ht111 21A htftr ttnpi lryb CXnhuiin ii Il i t t i It I r toi s ciii b I s it I mu ruSt fl ii s ullul 1 ir i i o tit u i i I i iii lh i uu I V it i t riiIi I lt t l lit usc it ishit iu it s lii l sit 4i i 111 rr Vi itpieni hi iiis suernhlo t iiitnr of hue tAw r i s ij i r I ill I ii nuCts titut liji ci s St succt f Dstssr cititJiuuvzt Msri Ii rItt VV Itt thzrb hiat plillisuicil a C ltrtbul ii iiis s st I iu J I tt 4tkt 0k unius t Ii lIr ill The i st Ut I hui4ird an linus 02 uiUiutir hsultu I sIikflc ezitiiititl mural ant C UOC TI rim ie 1 julchus and the olum actt urLnt ia4 Czuiaatsci sXCflKTl hr IEUWUM Ut Oend Tsentlob mu 1owrlfs before the Vrresury JtIgWll he Stey Tbre WASnIMOT0N Sept 18The country has heard a great drumi lit a general way about the abuses corruttions unit vices within the tie psrtments It dottbtless wlelte to know what the spoclflezitlons iure In tine absence of these xcpt to a lImited exteut utouht whether the swooping statements aroweiigroundedwhii nat urally exist and tbcee will grow If the proof Is not Iurniqhied To collect proof and satIsfy this very proper demand of the publIc an oriznnlzatlon bavin Its hiumadqtuartcrs In Vnshulngton is at work Althmnoii Its chulof object is to have justIce done to thoso who serveil In the Union arntlee the InquIry Is inking a rangs an wide anti the work is being so thoronzghzly done that a compreluen pive exposure of the principal eile of the pub lIe eerviee as they exIst Itt the departments will vAry likely be the result Reference ha alresdy been made to the labors and objnet of the League It should be borne in mind thiatthis orcanizatioru is nuide upof rum pponeiblo men whose stantling in every respect is tmntiuestlonnble ihtut It iviii take time to ac comphlsh the purpose What cannot be accom pushed In this meatier Congress will be invited lode One of the methouls will be by etimulat log Conigreunsional lruiuztry Into abuea whIch cannot otherwise be reached ThIs Is especIal hi true ums to the Trasuny Department where Ito extraordinary state ofthltugs unueshlona bty xist end whuore the good IntentIons and upricht alms of Heeretary Windom are con stitnitly set at nauclit hiy a lung whereof Ut ton alit Lanipluero Ar eoumsplcuious nuanacoruf Itt respect to mailers tmd things whilch the Itlag has an intitteet in tutrolllng It Is notnni One that the will Of the nnmluihlu Secretory lasub orilitiate to tine itIns hat tithe Ring niIhit not ill I II It I rli wIth ii nanelmul ntnid attic r Itiiportnnzt eonrzuM uf a like nnutnru Is an alarming itjtphinn iii lct of Its hinwer nv r nunioval is bit liititi nntl k i ad roth InCite rs I Ii mm till hI I Is fit iii I I Iiir with Pit ii uya seanuulislous coo ii lb ci U in tier I li 1 t ruuzutuuhou tu rstu rim at I hum I I nun Ii tm SI 1111 ntf in hut on ly for it t I me It cennima to bq tthteui flow hlott ho Is agnia on thu py roll of thu lreastiry Department I Il rough I ii 5 pedal nun ni I ti liution of sa I stunt iecrutary t1iitn Thin retteon is that lltnny I huoiuti tic lonuui r lioiul I ii it n hi in ii flee of lb lit titI Is linverthiuiiss CittouIltru of fuels of vltui mi jiorna Ilt to Johu n Sluurini i ii I I ii at ii it flot be inuiutl tu 0 P0 tfl V lii hi wr iii at ii ii IitI h I am lit mruatr limit univ that Soeriltury Wititloin an a Ii iii lii fill Iii lit illleitr ii owevor iii I hi In I anti lion cst Ii 0 01 ti bo I ii mthi r res pns lit ithitol tituly tinimi I ii nut I tie recui rh e tile frito ul if 1 Ii ii 3 tier Inn a II I I nytme uttt Iii I itletriul ion S I I I A rUt U r If hs It as I ize ibliet hu It to ilcjtI e keip lnttonn nuskeii ii of horu alatuuling a duty or two nec ftti I I i ii cotilil not io ii beauiis of t it suniInls hi lli h Is coverl niu U t I Ii uaet Is too i ti I k uowtt to hit overtno l ed Tb Is an secr wuet by zt Ihetuithulcaut oE hili1t staniling in tile Intrtv Ii at tile utani expressed high utupriteizttluin mit the Stcrelttrv as with mu uiloIl leluzuemit for tue wuztknebs In being dominated by thue tJuton lhtna llils mnelteulit is dven to show how the matter hits got hiutru ttlt titubhie intituul anti hzoiv ilutmvllnuhle thIn uivirhiuttlliuig itt unuls tli lilac is trong uqintigli ii iruunt U itiu power of liii lung It J oil a i4li r rmnui n I ii fact U tt n Lou pllur t 0 nra his vIilninzt lnIresteti zigeluhit WIn ditto Itas ni or t huh ulicim tioturnit to titi to euit I hielni u i ri hr rut i n whu n we to a tieeaetj Lanziphurt eanite to Vithuluuttnn frnzn Minne ttitn lii nrriinmetl hI PtutY uniler the proinilsuf of lb u otllio of ittjpoi nIt iii t tit eirk a host hit mm crtlrv bhuivti liii Wuis eeehilhy qnnhllld to gIll hut tim lung wis too miiuIi for VItzdoin ittuti tto nuin ivebit bik to Ilinisoli Ap tiruntly It Is zttt intucli iou thin khuitihztmrtuuul See nectary cull do to 1tiP lulmi own time oit iiiig Stilt Ito ummut itt tIlt wife of a Union suiillimr was tiresuntel to tInt tiicnutary 11cr It ii btnzd wits itbsiiately It ol ti espinnuie so In tim sttrvi Ifltro WflV4 itiuiulc a ftimlly II supiorn h4liit wits cipiihti of tilling suzuki a clerk still as bOriii of 1tier Woiziun Wer tccnaiying 11cr eitutranr wzis uunitulllud hilun was a gixid cuiltIltil ii thiclreuintunices wre brought hi irn ii r I nuiouis hitnuith Ion I i ii to k tin m ii t rcsl I it ft ins lint y iii uini is nh it lien rt wou Id tIn ti r Lm nit phi or t It ii ii pitii nijing chrk wee to fltlCStiV ii In gli n hr a nhttto at sonn as I I o ntvtr uluil itItli otighi lie gay pliucs to ttuvrs iitso ii tintm on Inlulun P Ii t tutnithi ilnutluirs Co UI tinri I wIt hi 01 hors I Ii bit ii rim Id big CUVI rod u 1 rontutag down Ironu tile tiliriuman era lhynurti rifrreul to In nrIr to uilusnriin the izeucriti tact t a itt i nil uni I fstii I ii a rich i of wove Surtinry tniIOnn wnuiI uiu ahlnzo4h iitiythiing hitt to 111 WO Ii lii itt it thj o net m t lIfe ulitbi tile Ii iii ne ronzui i tub rgrit i ii Ut hi It its riot h Ii a bitt bItt bflhllilliui li itggtue tiunnoot lip reetsi nIt uumirnls of e rruitttnlit Iis tIer not xp e irotlil us IL lit In titit htuirt tllibbt Ititul a hut It sIuure hint iuturitly In nhuui time ciury ttiy l tItle rctut It me riot to be t rlzsncii I I ii t a tot inn tielu ii I u iitsed to wl iii wit Ii ill tlit nnt asuc in ttzo suiuuti ne lhiiit lie liu rlghllnhluiiui unit pzr huntrtd icuihi hhu quail hltttlon if a ivtnit of all itgartalve will no cx I iltil lOud ti It iht t7ron g ivtt i it It hi t Ii Ii h itgetl tiribznntl lt 000 II shuts llie iiuitithiiiiliolt I ilzi 1 to hi Is U tInu lttse mu ul er jtrstulut turtnu ml utalii Tuittt ha nut it Cttiinuh ojllier tot wltonit It niuhiili 14titIiti a 1 ii he tur tie riua reels ru tlil4 rlIli the nhIl mmli htii titer lItc nt at I I it nith v wnu hi ho iiiigitt outs I er cx tt u itt wrobli than cover 11 up or protect iv rni gdors 1iit erctary Wintlom save himself I 1b MiIilii li of iravides re i S ut fl One effect of hlto nuttonril 1 ereavemont will bt to it ti r i I i i tti lii ii ti lii tie i I tri i dncp blunt an ike tibIa whieh lii iustalnt the ne bu durinli nhie sa i r u haiiI iii suttn Its liecti 1 ur Ii i ctstii ftlhs Uiat Iiat siejui4 ha ttiunfl vbrry 57 lie r tie listuiti ul uliliettuU C iruilut bt iii Inelii jig in a jo r thu I ii it I p n lie 1 itlnite I e liitLiUui IhieV tru said thim n It tttt lr o e a Ic s hint Kstie1 so liii Ifltnllit ii 1 vizuii thu to ptte t lot s tat 1 51s an t ii le it s at ir c r Piit Ii I risSil I roiii su lzllfl tlOru 4nl hiertliitini tIle loeer titan titith all iliiii s a iii li I l3tVi V It uris I liu Utoll Iii tribe If It I irpil on thur lain it Is a stivare cii tiut tli IP Pt nIt li itt Ii to ts ikeii theIr coiitil pica that tnrr itl nlir illiOn I lii ll ci it tinrr ruer Tlit 3c1ctirn itt an hr 5 ii hit iii nlietr rapacity to 0 ii Lii sib the iciitul hu ta lVkhi t siatuiu ilisi be zui Jun itliuut teui lliit uiuitery 4 thenr own aSitra I ltCli I 1is iirt1 4 au bit isito Ito Toaq The most that mull ivihi tiulnuit is that It may ls a mart at tile s 191 ci ntis Liuitrai brotutence st iii orttoii or pull e ziral ir jsetuIie biurbit all all itv8ihiliZ 41i1 terriItti pisvr but v huatevr ilimy t huit laliti Slier datl niimm sill neiiir at Sc kltu l 5i1 Iiiiii I S i ir biiiii but ts itt iruinly pub mIt 10 irrei stub inn brgiis Ii oi it tint uilrn a p Ci Iutit tIt iii er In ri isi iii cithpuiijci ul flue suuj S It 4 111 Icier 5ci t the nctuiiic tnc iii St u hcy ti s rs llcaluu It 4tite iior tutu lila liipu p Li tbeui try to irualc hint tu tobuete In Au sxpri u tibia Fr l Ib1Ju51 flt iJ The pay ulIrietors row ilusiectors anti pay ilr Iii 0 ii uty it ii tuitliiit thu S lIUiuiilCStIui ut ls mc niry Thiuii i ne rliunt ithi Ili hut 11 ice a ii ish IIIV uiui uprii a jut thu cuumreiut uiaiy rlr ot Ilium ti hietliar iii zrrcI4fy I duuu It itili St lttiui1y sr Uuib iUi5V it Is a tmct litI I Ilist suulie hf Ii Ii url ri Iran lrrIn tsr sbrs aipmd C mrr Iron place tu place hate the l1ci Ut turatti up ten In rsniye ltna i IC thy i14 V I I rI I t at is iiiist rs a iii vilurs uS lbs Iiy Lhj 1Tt4 it a ru utli 0 liC 5 lit fl tiil slull it hat I ruiui liii t ti II is It CrV tan all itt ha t ppurnuuuury to iuuiI crtttth e tiflihtIlllui oh II subject crctsry raoiui sort inirruil liii Outs feltriuu IiuuvrulunI about cur 4t j0 it ItIs a uricI s Iiu but ouii Crctipet tlt itu4 ub itfit sertictu lbs 11 apIruitly break up siiuiy htIiis but ii t couiitnatliuis eli tiulurdtaltly toruturl t thu hi I i I detier 3 uit tle ii w i t m era ituI a screl4Y Ttuuintpaoi ab4luduluueit Lii rtorin ut irk tstI tliu rliitk mliii IL Ilu Up It ctlit S snullurl Till nIl Cu it t itici NiOr 1DIi lie j Fjiciii ExSenator iorpys cuitle ranch In New ulelicu CGUSlS un llvi huu lncJ tLuutld acre iiurl 1 I huirli s unulr Pair he tt alurl ii flao ho thic pr nt Is thtltl 2 b ithi tiibri thuihi ii4 iiet 1 ttil Silt 115 II Ii Cii 3t Ci e It uiJ 1 buIlt thai t ta ti iulit 1 lIrri UI hoctc hiv1si Vsrtl3 It t I tu ii S bl4rbiuutr y btIe Pier iIeauiusttlp The Arabia the now bteamsr of the White lIar bind 1 buds sail4 IrGiui 1Ii erpoot eli this 20th lust u riitl Di li uhuarit trr lit 61 t i 3rtirlay Sb is ii ctuU I llt tilul I rI iIU lr lurr Cr su I s 5 rUiC 114111 il liii riSttiuuuJ Ii U tiu t 4111 11 ii tr ii ii i i 411 li I I t lrt 5r5aluhi 1l V I I V stii ii I U h ii 1 1 ii t 4iiuil I iu r i4ti Sl SI Cli 411 tult i U5r aj ii s SI ri 4 tt 4 4 tt I run it 11Cr t1iIOr II t 541 ii null sill du ciit IIV ill i lt lit i 4ur p ul u ituS un un lruI 1 mm Ii liit aid si I alt tiikr hr 1 St rrau tileS 181 a u4 irctric iih ii t iii lii Iii ni tu ii tiuiuai1W its tim i it I tilt sr ur Oil as ci P4ius 54 it tr tui li 1 t i c o iti Is utrr his 5l usul u I 51t I ii it i r 1i s u i to 155 5 Vlt ii iii it i u iu ti ii his I ktiss it i run 4 I int t 4V 5 5i i nis sio i tls h jlC C ill I hue It Iti h II a r4 s is u 5pt it 55 1 fliE visruzcr coaiMIMIoNZfla iRI US PLIANT They N t Aat4e he Iwa of Conirosa aud Phesome Juw Vet Thenm lva WSIIINOTON Sept 19We have hore on tier the immedIate eye of the President the Cabinet the Congress aed the Supreme ludi clnry a Government set over us by Congress which acts as though It wore responsible to no body It certainly is not rtuaionaible to the people under Its sway and habitually dlero garde theIr petitions tramples unidor foot trio laws of Congress and the mandates of its eM cml sUperIors I have heretofore pointed out thu state of the laws in retard to the assessment of special taxes for tho improvement of the StroolL IJut in order to show what the Corn mluseloners have done Iwill briefly roatatathem The Board of Publie Works was authorIzed by act of Congress In February 1871 to Impose on the property nfcitizens lyingadjaceotto Im proved streets a reasonable proortlon of the expense attending this improvementnot exceed lag onethird the cost Tb LegIslatIve As sembly in Augustofthe seine year passed a general law requiring the Board on tbe corn pletion of any improvement to make a sUite wont of the costand to aeeu the proportion of the same which was due from the adjacent property Within tn day after makina the assessment the Board was required to Ive written or printed notice to the owners of the property showIng this amount assessed against their respective lots and requiring tius same to be paid within thlrtydays 11 the ownereehotild tuegiect or refuse to pay the amount aaoseed against their propertie within the thIrty slaye the Board wits renulred Immediately thereafter to issue ertIflcate of indebtedness nwainet the property which certificate shall hoar intsrost untIl taid at the tate of isa per centum per annum itnd until paid the assnesmcnt sail curtlllinte shah remain and bti a lIon Upon titti pruspsrty on or acalnat whlchi thitsy shall have lunCh isuul 11 not paid within a your tlte Ibairi on arinjilestion or the holsier of the esr thfloste was to proceed tomiellthe lirontirty Two years later tIle Lglslaturo pnmssal an net ox tsndlng tile tIme for the paymelit of tiun titx lIen certificates and he this end the Iloarit wits authorluid ho Isetia two millions of Ieilere In certificates of Indebtedness for work ufonte tmntisur the direction of the Iloerut anti chnings aIde to ilto private property tseniilttsiil titoraby bearing Ptwflt par cent interest nr nile pity tonal of tht Principal and Intrsst if thucn eight risr cent cernifleahee this Boar was reutuirci to uinjnstt wIth lisa Commissioners of the ttiluk lng Fund of ttu lilstplot of Columbia all certiti Cstte hereafter iest4ad Liv said hoard on neoohint of assessments for ppcclal htnprovemens agaInst this vrop rly adjoining nsl tiifluflttitl thuireby These assessment cornlfleiuhcs worn tlttIirti ansi to be held for the tiutyrutent oi tho two znlillonu of csurtltioatos of Iruihhitsmtincsa lii Jun 1878 Cogreep jutisoil itniothior aCt nllrectlnig the CoaLnhhssloners of hI DItrlct as stuccessors of the Jiosrul f 1Utslk Vorls to en fore hue colloction of time talInn esrtjuieates undue ixlstlnzr laws with a proviso tltnit upon cotliplaint itelng tijadis to thus Cemnuissstonire within thirty days froln tile passage of ibis Itch of erroluosul or excessIve charges In respect to any if sititl itseesemente which renonilu tbnlpntd tttil CommIloaers are hereby autiuorlzoul o revIse stuI assessments o complaIned of and to cornet the sannn The CommIssioners of the DistrIct not ouiv wibhelsi the nSalSsntint Csrlilhizute3 trouji the Slaking Funil iii violation of thle orlgtnnl law hut they Have in vlolnhlpn of this uut 51 Juno 1878 inieted on rnvlsiimg all orlulial assessments Illouchu not one In a hundred was eomphtlnuii of l4eninr after Isit tel 5115 niiiiressid to tlzem by Mr UlIflIltini tlte Unild 3hnhui Trniurr as tZ officio Coninnlui shonir of thu Suniinc Yundslsituatttiing of Ihem lit thu macst euiphtutlQ languago a coniphlaltess with thin law by the denosib of true orlhnal lthossbuont certlficaitis But lit flstrIet Cdli nitisioners hitvn doggedly unit persltontiy re fused At lenuhlt in Junta of Inst year they ho guilt to send In their revIsed certttlcatesrim vIsed without complaint on itt hart oh this property owners that the original BsScAItfltlfltK sccre CXCCCSIV0 I am urnlshteil b the SlniIna Fu ui Conuu lii leslonr wfth tile 5111011 fl 1 0 I Ito ruilsrit certilleatcs pent in by Ihus Diuitruet Cons nnml55lolisrS lip t ° spI 16 lIsp uc5 It was abotit June ati jaso that Itte Conunlissi000ra of tile District of Columbia csmninesid filing tax lttn ertnIleiitr In lbs Shalt inc Fuittil ofitus itnce whIht unIte we have receIved in a letter to Hucriury Stinrinhat dattiti Foh 21 18SJ Mr Olltlilan iutateuh htii tIle flit trlct Ccnnitsslonsmis tliut wtthtohtl from the Shiulsing Fstbtd abOUt fltO000 MiuI now eighth en misnilia later II rrports OuSt tIty Itavo flhril lvs lumen half a million dollaru worth of tItus ovitrstue oertIfluuies or ritnlir revIsed eurhlfl canes lasueti by htient I ii vlohitn 1111 of Is w 1 n Isiy stI I hold butc nm nI hIs ito us ltd I I Ion il ih huts wotthi of certlileanes hirstuvsr titijy falIssi or rather refused no make tile pSollerty nssessol paw hutereet oh blue allesusfIusIltIs iitirinngthtsi fnsbr yours from 1876 to 1880 atuil Inilieui to hue hirstsint iijttti Oq tile hsirgo numnlier of nsseis nitflts wltlch they itave not found it convenIent to rnvhsp I conuciuilsmwith the followingextrnct toni the lenneir frottu Mr Gilfillan ho M r Shitirnititu above nsiiirrrst hi lie says TtinUiitttitiutuitss is julo ltoiIy hzmlronutoul In the proiusir ttiiitbStfllUlt of tittiupit Ituieqonuieztts bisisitiss It hits bt Ittus itCi of tougsM of Juno 11 i78 nissinuul tflflhItl of th gtnsiral oxheriacs Ut ttimm District of Ciulunli hits Its oroiorttonsla itmotint is hlxd unitinI thte basis of niiu tinuticipatmutl ruivcnueuf of itt liuitrlct ettlnuittud annuntil Ut the Conunlsslonurs zuntc T4LIC DITIt MAU IUTJC WN WAeI1INGTO Sept 18I met a Star router coating from the depot a few morutnes slucc as passenger by a jualarrivotl train lIst salt ho hued coin up from a quiet plutca by the set wiunrus lie hinil been waIting for the court to meet In Szushiington I asked hint if he could tell net whty the Grand Jury wtts Uletnissout at this moment whlen work was expectrit to btgln Yti I can tell you all stbotut It just how it huippinetl and for what sail be speakiug with sichiburotion almost with hesItatIon Come in lucretheyve got some Ice stiturin here nail thiths the strongest I drInk St eli saId be it was because tltu Govern utent wIts not ready to go ithienuil Tltat the whole story and Im sorry for it When whit the Government be rosily Nevuri ii required no silThrt of thus Ima lnaticuit to naske ma believe the rztitn ws in earnest No never That Is tIll ionio graat break in things chest this way utud mnizkes it soft to uo stliiend Thiti Inst fow wonils were spoken with an am tubasia Toe Star when pressed for an extita natIon utsielilued to answer further as to 11151 hut Wehit on tO ISV that the acluott of hJtcrict Attoracy Curktihll was not unexputoJ to 1111mm Ccrktuill wits acting on his own liookbj anutiuurilp Of courie be oonttnuod In cases of so rnuoht importance and potoriehy no Ituhriit Attorney would venture to liii niross hun Giv orilnlttunits track To trip the Ultcd ittiheu tip is no cnnill tilIng for it District ittorruey hold I tt g It Iii nihsol Ohio rat I its lrwIilent to till sItrtthi situ knew I bIt you laut iprtng ihbten tltings wore gotn with auehi a rush tiintt Ut wbtis war stuulmig it wotiid begIn to to show nil her It Willie Thusiy have betin tlotug so nicuiriy user sinei rhummy have fount thtuir utin rzuunu I dont unstontikn to sniv wrist they are It1sy stls It ic a it ifluis at oil itus we tt t hmssti to go altiail ci soutu a they pletiu4 thu i cii Cr hiti ii to go tie fast an d to fit r u t ii ii t I i hty knnoiv our usnitttiule u sIbI iu ltiivs ii tciot many thiuc Vt iug hit loitllt Nsi niorsi i mu n hu Ltr rsiutu n its ugh htt a I a ituslni Ii other Ili I ntes toil soot Lcrsolls k ssw it anti wont forgot lb lhiorts at rttiihe uttwuuyp uttiiuh und wIssn you tiegin to innurk ttunn you will Ibid some who verii not ttUDititiih tilt Star router began ho grow In eirnttzintt drawhtug ttfs ciunircoser reswtl hits dlotre ii Slsr relIne tepiu ltssi SII1IIC ft rcgtlIr strutclth irwl ru hi I ness ittid thirs a 1 ii I itt Ii tt II fur Anyway ii ulti tttusnt ti nlt ti I Vuu want s i uiitW isin it tht o WI I I ii a nxt ul Jutntnti 3taeagh sir bomIcLol or uniter wlil lituek nd butek its long it niiey ctn tirhuaps tutus been done as ntueb its iztli Ii is II I iii itt tftyi i COliluf to a stanui flOl I bniintln htiitetnietntpl Thusy are etty emietigli It get when liltp jovefflhtmeOt 551 ottt flut they dont always nhiutrtcuntvlcticne itiucltiiccrettir lila lubell su ito ii r tel howl ng us liinu stti u I lu Itgi tI I il mu 01 ill Si IVU t rIti thu I tt t lit nuni is hint siunii i wOnt to try us in thu Cibiri tibi siit till unto whinti 01t ttttik Is nh riaeon the hvsrniucput is not ready and holds btck in this bttliiiu5 Not I dont think I wiil wee thin curIous aubwer with a curious look Ut in the moun 1111115 whtermm Im oiu to look itfier a route ilium rule oh a good hunter is tint In exposs hula uttniiniuniitlou soniehhititg iltlgIit luapiten to It Oil hit I e hut rise it nut saii hug b to it gil it ii to thu ii ii tthitrt 111001 Uiuto rnue Ciii r11011 I y g j u I ly I I icrus it nus rnti V t ii a t t en ii rhe I I f bus4 I It Ii I St Cii P ii lii 105 ii I it hi uVb ii Ali hi ut cutter I huiph nntottrr titr route mart II it Itoini sspsndlng stoliD tltno lit S nslsiuig tsuU Au itinu I Out the quistiont I luiti tiut In this otbar to the motive for dhspursigng the irtind Jury Ic tall you the truth saidhe I dont knoic totthuiiug about It for a certftlnhy tltougit Im enivlntcI It was flies ULs botu VilY lii tocnt tOli snil Uorkhtll I 5lIiiOut Nsii Jitnt Ituk ztt lies htilruga are nIhuI lir Tim esart ii nit j it ry let alto r a ViiiJit bolt of a nu ii in lisun if suks tin I tumuiusu on isnt il10Iltetht that tUsi 1inir eis shiulil be given to the rztnil Jon tiitthi bushnuss go In ySruest Veihtut i tic eouIruIurs Unit all otbersso far as I know all wiuuteti tIuc distay to sod That bowevrr Is aholiy In thn banits of time aeverument It WItS not for us whom they ha basa trying In tno tiatisre to be at the court when It opened It the oernment Intended to Indict us they would o about it If we wore Indicted we would be sent for Until we were sent for we had no oCenslon at all for being within a thou sand miles of Vasliington anti sonti of Its tire tint hei Witeni thu court rant not a Cittiinet oflicer hut Klrkwood was In Vashington ant hi knows liii luoreof the mntterhhan trio inns The huslnese specially behongs to the Post ome auid AttorneyGenerals detest monte Xioithor of these CabInet ofluiors wait In the city and bed not been for sortie tIme There is at this moment riot even a single deputy at thus Post Office DipnrtmentJamott Tyner Elmer and nearly eynrytody des tseing away The clerks are nsinmntuig the slnpnrtmonts At the Department of Iiubllc Jtjstien shout the same state of timings existt Cook the apeclal prosecutor with nil lila doputIe and helpers was away wizen the court rutt and thQy are still away Now I tusk 7111 does thIs look as thougtu thin Iovernmnienit dlii uotexpecn a postponement Dotnen svimtn they mutin to fight act thus on the eve of battle Furemiant to thom understanding which nmut ho obvious to nil who can see nnythlng Corkhull sent tile jury home anti soouruuttiirns weeks in which to tittlChu tip some oilier unilcrshsnuIlng Now who lit it that is lolng this thIng or just why Is It done Ivi nothing to ear I belies that Ilnally there wIll bum a clean backout Probably lilies and flrnwrster ltavui told them there Is ho grounrl to Maflil on Are there other reasons for riottiroceuullng us but they wont couifsis titonti I nmotsnothtrStnrman notcsnlya contractor hut a pohhtlclant and a man of atlirirs In general To him I put the iiulestlon abohtt ilium hitch Mv frlenti stilil lie theso ttsr CRSCi 905 Bose Ito unusual element whereby 11cm prone oilier is thbnm anxious party Ill fact thin ittar cuRes have grown exceedinels dhsacreenblo to certain persons wtuo are not hitntr Contractors or exoffiejrs of the Government The intimation is titrown out I see that Brady and the con tractors standIng in dread of thoi threatenotl Itroeccutton have procureut delay by their monimy imow how ITitlii probably would Mao Voem unit James cost VIII titero I Instlctments 5 I stitipose iso lrobtibiy titer cant stop short f hint nor go much beyond it either stihul the Star man wIth a laugh 4 8ILAMKFIJL Viy Me P0 Oaut cloy Cornell instilled the tilrriity of his own office mind tina honor of thzn itiililtry of the itutte when ite appointed Trtines Forsyth of Trot to hum County Jttttgo of IlonuesulaerCountr tiie ludurn Strait deetsaseul It is not boeaue thus latoJitilge was a Dsiniocrnt elacteil by 1oiimo craP nod hilmi iuppniluted successor a itpmtbll liii hint we olnOlatn Thin Governor Is us pur tlsati of cutter multi tills all vacilnuilca no Immat tot lint crtntuii with mten of hIss owit Untrt even wlti thiouue vuucaricless sri iuihhelnl hut It ii si 111511cr ci tstbihim notoriety ihiitt tli mart up pohiitcii to 1111 this partlctziiir vacancy Is auoraIly ublflt for nnir position of trust or honor To substniutito wiuutt we have suilil we qtuotn front the ofllolitl reliant of thin testlnioly token by titus Assuuinnitily couniuflltte on thin Inysiutlga jltli of tim BrtiiiloySeaslnne brIbery cltstrges lttut sunnhur The extrziot Is from ihe cross sxutnu liutlap of Hnntor 8osslonuu Tue qute tlonis itro by Mr I3itngpf the uomnmitteoe coOn sei StiLl tile thlBWIiIR are by Sessions Q nm yuu Soils JailiPa biuriytl it Trov AYe aIr Q lu i ii Clint or any eciuiin wlies Janiep Irrlli hail a hiipiutiiC Senira iii lAeislaturr n AYs lr I Cs ii tell you priory Sunlit 15 at Ill iii ciuutisiy cbs S S tnht ic ituout It I sm Jul ktl w hat It I Yii Si sYrust guit thu riunit tisu is it int a vthliui iitiiiui Rum lhin 11 bt rtuapsyou busS bettor waIt untti I ak you A Viry well QJiiiueiu Foriihstc YOU resollectlon Stil soiiue buuat rue 5 Iii lIlt tgIuatiurel et lr Q SOil hi Tray Atus sir ii Kuit a laiii accouluh bi Try AYes qlr ti how sIn sli know hut Albecaue I lust acm uuirt tltte it Illi lilaelck AYs ir a thosisanddoluea i thu rsl up lse rlvrron horieback ha jet tnt A air 54 bi lIly raTs Q in list a huir aiilihd and turiillil I AYei ir Q Iii aciuit 55 i XUU Wtflt iartlinck ANu I hii n toil vshue q You tiw CII there for hi would plop uarinenit cii the cliick A V sir iJ but lii siuccesil lit stotilny laTlileuit CII hItS chck I A tn I sit th huh V bsiire lie It Q it Ii at suik Wa ii I AI sniIlisI hell 5u1 h Vtiet isai hiatt AI cciii teill Ii wsq thy Atheuuy lull It 5V5 whi thur brlIge passed ICuOSS ttu liver it 5 Si 5 lie lust bill nuipset tu r utitluIVIIcl hurIlye I g s liii Iitii t cr1 511111 bse some tulsa of time how InStil tears iso a as mu Ai cant q iOli sau Iryoui try Ah canit tell jest ii tui I sib tIlt Were it it Just ty a hltthe sq In S ii I vis AVto I t sa uih In Iuts 5 Wis It In 15791 I sliuClil ttulnk It was brfore thinQ Wai It usc l8Ot Nu I bhflik It was before lbs s t tQ tVs Ii before 1510 A cant tell you iiieiihiry I I PS diiiluSlut I AI I ha on hhat q is thiitt uls luvuiit curnfltlous 1 lr t uuon a pointy ililryt AI have when thin Ii fltubthiIni I care about reisuilusberlssi I can re liii Iii I r q it lucre is anytluInz oiu car abes urgettlne A iii is bitt I man abolin than thin was a lusitcr it Slut 5 lvn nor I Ii ayt tilt oh It a Cleat uinuij 11151 5 SI nice Li flunt Suitiiit IS Ili b 1 want It u is f it ruts Iii It tint ni ln torso a near is oui cuns iii nh Uuuie caiI S shillS iur sr nIt itsee 1 is you cay s Isethuer joii were 5 iieuher Ut hue L uirp s 5 tii t a hemmer ut the IghIlstui re I tis I ilt i es 1 iii ler ii isnul iuu r s earl Q ttrejtIi a er VoU iiurubn Odr lcssiui s 54 tohiS It at thin tint the hiss cut tlis rile AYe air ii ut join tlcauuq the man on horseback In that is a 5 hat It pruIuceu the iuiinurunuuui In yviir Iiilnid lie a as 5ilTi t vnail piruirnut on his ciecel Al1 5 snil 5 i tnt hit sIlty ii I siuiUhiuit us SC it flu ti I hI huiI want it A iv I 1 r Ilu IIritie Iii Ii W4 I nil Is sout oil Ill it ileb t I ttiiuit Ilisit I iustV uetilcttiiii sit I caiu1ate that Is Iii LIII Iiiut I i Ii iiiutsiit ttiu hill q iiii It 5 155 5 1 II an lit I IWC usie iraq t slient It s Il 5i ytu u ti n 51list IS lilt I Aru IihIii nsisilsuc list lilt I it i rise 115 V ta it rlt41t ciltziiii yruis ocr aabist his bill A Vet hr St 0 ste ou no reluiher loan service or tliit ltssi sir t hit sum the ii ii jie nor relatl ye itu tlus Iccih i lItre Ut I hi icilato re I AI dIIiI tlt is k I 5551 Q A wtsethit oU iii at isot At cist I could LI S lu rw thu tar tV What I Uie reasnm you cant Atlctuw I dont ri uiusuihu r S ties It a 1 ut Q hut you etc have a brother in Its LgIisnnireI A Vi sir QVVliCiS it SI hi a inrinhvr if lb Iusilnturc A liii is iii V r sussblj ill 3 a id A 5 and lii the iiiai at uii tSt sE or ll 2 titlist Phi sidtentire steer whIle 5 s t liurin ucr it tIe Svity I AI cdl tell ishiitter hi did ur litS l U I tuuiI reuiivusitir hlu is mutt V s his 11cr sS thin 5551 it duck A itsiht it Is is nit a I tuut1 aid luiuus lii trs liii Ilus bIll amid I Itl Siluss I WullIl aunt I lush a Stilt 5 5 Ok lu I ins lii lest da a not he tell lii t litik at tlut Is Is 5 it Ii u syil is e lIt cut ti take the cii isuil a ruiarL tlet lie us5Ie isit ii I thulutlt tlsqt but di iiit luitanm I psv n ctiii Ii saI Iii hiuuueut I a iisil lsil p i Jul It muuni tIui rue ut out lie ss rut iut Ii lii nl is ii liii b ss out auul cit a Ii or atuit reto i5 p sunI gull hIs suisuuut3 Thtla story told tinder calls by lishonzs whlo chitluikietl ovur Its gnu polflhs its ltstlniiiuttluthua to hIts OVII sshirtiwtiuusuvit Wtis tiubliuslmiat all over I tusi ccii ii t r itt I his ti usie of n it ii turihiery his 1 itln 1101 Ftirythz itisiur shmuuiesl ii tier caused hits irtiniuhs to tIehty It for hum lnh Csiruhi knits I hi Is alory taid Iha I rut hi an wish I as it it y Into It Ini I lust Stale ml Ito atilicl tiled iii Is t4ursvtli U 5 SItS Juulguu of oils if Iii grett emilitlus of tile otut Ill huobsI tifllest itntll Jars 1 ISeJI TIter are 110 hWt WiSYS 01 regardIng this st pruiulnittbtn luin the Alb4ny tizs stile Vt hi ii it hi hot bit disitit Of SO Ott a muan I s tilt out taco uns tusticu It Ii ascuinujal isit tIlt litlr amuse of thIn ititc It lii ni Insult until is tieril hit the 00511 tif tIle couboIry Uujijtsr it rtghut tudutlusn 5 ii tint bIle 1 01 115011 stnii oh this ci urtelni cult it I in m spIrIt of Il tonmsthhutlin linus sit would iist thus U ovsirttisr I lii lC5iIl in e Itt it eu Ii ocs whtmt sivuiry ii ontet cit it nt iii ist sully hi Is I tutsui At oil is st rki os I ii rlsell has up ihtinii sill the cii iii ats of Ii I a siul in I islsh rush on a arc iii irr ii r iii Ins ills ul for t ltsi iou ny wli lob iii ust i hInlIlsIer his e teutiunstblllty it isis appolutinueni of Foroythn 1 11 I 5 tUEVi The Se Fruuclee fInstrel Twenty cdii years api New Yot k supparteul fly miustrul troupesChristys oode tIn stats 1Iukheis lerenaulersu antI Ctiarlty Whsltuss in the liosmerir Mi these ltavdtyiuditiI down to outhiu San Francisco trotipe Ilsrch anal liutekus tire probably the oldest if not thIn tet psrtormucrus in itt country Aut nIt Now orker In hiuttsnmIsig to them might easily unIisluna tutu Fernando Wood was p1111 Mtytir of Now uirk hhmat Tweed was isgitlni fornsttztn of lilt t that tltu iiutiaon River lhuthlronol depot wits at use intersuteilon of College ithaca isnd Chambers atraut that Forrest was personatinug tIuItiIusiori at the Jlroadwiiy Thiesitre that the tilt Itlttihsubw Hotel anti FIt Ui > rgiss Church IV1IS zttIl bluiridbng tilont ltutmknmtztn strut ntnil tIn It I in fin it iiy ry was all I I h his 1st n ruiuttsnt suf I hi is Ft vst P55 ill C hm I t hue jok suu stnii lutreu s its u S r 01 tue Is rs itt I ii siw lit is I 1 tO i II tO hill tu 1150115 Ii rho a I thin tiltst ill mm vIoll a eq in ituik a sit jigs 111th recall Jolt150 lImnottit suit Mart i ttuli 1mb balsis eels afloat zilrs that awussi n Itmisnltortes sf rota ilrfstgi and dauuit ihhiut gilta 1hUnuujy 1111 hstrtiih recall lisa inntlyimts iltuys si I lull y I tic sin U C Isitirge Cli rist y t list a I ra Irl II g ti niiittd hhusm sweet voIces of rsiIIk utnil C t is Ili Ptutill aOl I I his 10 Iit Ste I suizi wIt Ii rcmmilueuts ill Neissitsvmntsiiir tuisul Eiitt horn Au 1 is rs itim tv sit a u I rico ii this Iuuust liii einihntai Is nnienli at itt s VI a Franiisuo s1 In ihrula us nhs hirOiiluCn at all i hricnino cisi rIng a slUlirhilt of a csnltlry Old patronus of lIislo cilia uuiIttstrtlsy will Ilnuil much that is nsiw anti nosy hiultrous sybIl rtaiIIh Oouihirhontlwhy hitiei enlentsulntnnenit3 isail a ieetiliar charm tar a tst geltoratusin lhsra Is nothing In lhsuni thtsit mj cilTentd the janet futatldnouit tauta Everything is gently tumnnicil Ihmi liati is a vsst unul hex Is ns hi n hi Us it oar nnul oye arts si tI tglutui iwi iioints bs phithhit linore tulenantv As II his st u t us 5 lus tuf tqni I nu use nit list is es ii nit itwas hr tiC WiVoit If tinius tile 4iiit lnutlitsLui Minstrels sirs Worthy of a liberal ittrsjnugu Mybnd utMuib he lort Peril hulilrJenTls N Y Sent 20This yhilago hini hi U vtsttrd br the past Sic days by nisyrssda ut luuleit or uatlsq ThCj were Ilrsh Isoticel on aniIitay tiClsuli ciiCliiiS arluni the hamplssina asmi anTi ttisli nut ansi ii nh iii tuu Is rce iuuusnsifa wv cc iuum ii lt t oii luo ro I I a I a Itt his h ztuut u > nuiIt ais iii 1 iii fl I 4 41 tutut 5 vrr umSil I us Stheu t iis us a 4 It t its rctv4 Ilteis So hsusjii ta slid sue i ltit a titus s ci it lilly wtibt hue In lb 5b rVsl 5 mp r i Ilouse tshrri LucIe cabIn was betsss crest aiuniosavc as Cucd to built aUtitisy 5 autous by tb lnltttrs ar4 arsuuntuj lb britiuSmuli isslslt rut trance the siis rc cuuusreo hol S great diitsztcc tooL lung a though lucre hail SC a teaw IIQrQJ S h71J rA It is Sir John Ltthbocks opinIon that ben ate in a Tough kInd it way reflhtbe So Colot a that theIr rarrtt Color Ii blee It is ofilciahly aitntniricod that all prizes honort ant uhv5IeeO irisich the Itujal tnlvemst ot Ira InuuI caum cnhuter are errs to emqIu tudenhi the 11ev C Duindnts Everett master e tIne txnoritphulne harriers wss recently tSr0 at Dot clieier Orloge Entltmnd and kltitit on hh qhu 4 Prince Alexander of hhitignirla comply Isp lih the wIlm of the Emioror of flusiq wIlu marry thue heIrs MIle JUauiiotT shi baa a dower of ein tSi roliblep A ChIcago fortune teller ativertIp5 anWcr these hnuhereatinp iIileitIOnq or a shills 5 Ith no know ha tue brunt I he rich I Ta he a marryj1 mans 5511 1 be huiy Itnot ahaul I ia a MIle Croizotto has reappeared at the ThfAtre Fran als as tio Cluilqte ha EmIIe Arhr LAventurlrro The tussiSe was as toll as at it irit uormania snd MIle Crobzette had a warns wet5 acted uirerisly By OtiOL of the Metropolitan Board oh Works Sitoel Street iondujni ha recently bvqn renn teresl II baa been calruhatcul that this wIll cost m i habItants at least hOiSn for alterations to shop trota altlonery ic Dean Stanley used to say that until i marrIar he hail never ralby lived Lady Ainguata liii wIle was a ver plain old maid when he marrIed her but she waq good duithvuiled 554 pleasanta Wtmla use wiriul iii thu iery beet pen Near EaBtbourno on the English coast a ortnhiht pinee a losutly Coasugusnutunan Lolng hIs roiuutita was suiiteuuly aiosileul by a seal and only seepij wlthi hIs bIte throumiti the vgoroui me S mat oh a scent cane wits whIch lie huappeneul to he armed Mr hoary Ltthiatn a solIcitor front innuous set oust on Cuntty Sopt 4 for a walk by iii Itonka near Orlniheiwalul As he dlii not rihurn yan WaS made when huts boily was found haca dOWBWts In hr mow lie had Seen ktlied by a faul ot 1150 test dawn a precipice Mr 3 L Eastlako keeper of the Na Ilonal slallery iii London Is prepirIn a aerlsa of Ihlus traPuI yoluiueq demlned as guides to nh treat ConUn tau ileture guslherlca The ftrst three will be duvotei t tile IgUvre the liners laliery MItsui au1 the Pinsco tineS MunIch At the York meetIng of tue British Aeso elatIon Mr iv laluoway sn expert sn th suliheel SLId tie 1usd ennvliucet lutmniehi by expertmento the Indim muthhlttv of coal dust and that it Wttt was sprinkled os the Iboor ofuliy ItihiuCi Scion blastIng the worst ol apto abut woislul ls lireventeil No hotter testimony of the immense Ira porramuce ntttichitut his France to eyery wont uttareul by X laintietta Jsuit now Could tue gIven lhaim by ths CLet that he is auicoinmpussubeil iii lii journeys by a troop of from forty to oixtj reporters nine all parts and a squad of ateclat telegraph clerks rum Paris Unelur a iuew itet of Pstrhiament a correct reszlsmsr f Seneriiuuiiy Lusrgeona Is to tin kept In Enitnm1 and provh4orm a litusule us ho theIr prolession The ohjvct a etsteil mm tInt Ireaniuhle I to snblo croon requIrn the alt ci a vslerlnary susriron no dItInuIsh btweea Oiiallfled mit uniutahlted lifutCtllhnflCIa At an htIltltIUni recently in Birmingham EngiaiidJupI is the auctInnier wsa saying Liming so Inio gone l lureolnil to knovkisunr siowis rem arUche lb Cur sye Way ant IurscIluItaleut a smimusber of jmersons tsicituhhug several brokers aimut Wonueli soins wIth eblI ttren lii thrir anus into the cellar inith A ehlriotlt oxttoultiient i being tried in It erot cones tsr tIue Ittitslan erasy I hsI consIsts in the tnirihurtlous os1uiuahnatCI or nn a sntrle For this sluty lIst iYiilI sloi of the Urual Mosintais iaionnd misS siultihule as tIsla issiisiiiil will srrnwh at this Dresenre of at hustruter Iuusleul oluaruIng outriitht ant thnaa Inciting at thm digs in catuss ii du hukeis 10 Thieve luas beeht sInce the last elections piiusIItlcatIoii of lit lwi 5ttVtah partIes In lb lteuae ci Cuust5iOni The VuiusercStIve tsv iiliit seats aS Votciitry hit Iv gstroIuruusun Korlh Uncoliahlre and North iburtiiinu sabulla II Ulueral liars galnuu a yoje Ii 15th unnutierlriut ouuhy This makes a gaIn ci ciitit Voles for hue tOflserifttiqee on a dIlsIoui flue wtttermnteion onco dnizuied as a agent oh clioluirui sssoi It Csuuitluigeusl mlii ha now an crUel 01 sliet wcliouuuo lii every huimipeholil The watrmsbon Is nowseli to s a cuire or aiuulminer complaInt Eten wheq It becomes chronIc wuirtteIon takesu two or thr Use a its his iuvrs fonsnul tu cure alter sit th uslsl remedies have falls At the close of Pr Tanners taut hht first neal e of wstcrfluuzlen Wimie guowlnig Is being successfully put turd In irsnIluts slut I rapIdly esuuiulng larger dluntum aloe It a as first Ilstroduucrd by Uerman but others Ira ISUSV lokIuit a basil In It ins firm wIth ihlrtywrr acre or lauuuI bss productil 3COO gallons of slur Ins OSPOS It Is repirnel Iluit lisa itcIl of two cuunliesntli year wIlt bo otstl to iitlOt galbonis There Ia a rsty unuarkszl lot alu that cans ho produierd An sxploritng expedition on the coast of ttnru 1544 li the sOtcirs sit the Clullian cleanser Au i Iilos tuca slIwoaeI lies ruatis desiuslt Un of thus i on Its Tuir tutu leluuil oust I ruinupuulci Ii CousnauS soil tulsa u 5isaiuo cliii tIe thuir Iru birrust 5q l lii sosutls il Ii Iunlitu Ic siIt S pus V5C4 45111 Sums TI euimni be ofli hersut ot tIriltI qmnahly esIlv cctml hilu fur vluibuiusiuit cud the tIIusufttcuI iIu I lit ess Iitt Itat J l tiiisuh time eztiinsent Enig IIIm llt55rltIIi I in usa arnie cii tie hlorw auud Its Os user oat a Iii rCerrrte Ii beartun reliu tcigile cc thi rluauusbIuut In liii ltuuiium loauiu nlues rititit suud urn tiisinm Ins hitsI rusinlluimt Its hansas 151 LISUnie 115 It II lisrae ls scsi sic hut thu t ii he tub Its trenui iS and lottie ci of unilrln a hIt c a It I shunt r nS utuzuluues ot pals alumi I tr3hnug nu ulus by the vu iii I Iuuuuut a innuuueiutary rtliet TIse 1iLt 1oeett Is a 1Cniiisa CIty club slut 51 luliiiutPr nit shitt Its nissuimu that floe ol tcir usIl liUlnib r sIt I luol liii Inc tlucim to iuls s rddtnuj They w St Ii lii Iuu Isuiwever anuil threw atcOel throiulm the Iii4un 5 TIme tirat croomsunuss ssIh his the lnlII of liii Ce riuuiuiy 1 un Isult cii tilt I csuue bItt I wont lie cone is insililute lie sc nut out StOIc I sum vS the Oxen ru a htol ahsuun retursucu hs luis 115cc teiorc IS ctery lush ssud thte isiarisot hrsurseulcih A 1ohtort ii Cbnittlllttl05 consIsting of lro bloit r itt is lsnt 1s o r s iii St r UaiIous ifl lb iht stcsl Cluutsiiittis sOul biroliuirtluusa sit the Zulus ezhsb tied at II IVetuuuluuter Aquarium ut ta rest II lie re Cent meChiiiui rut the ItrilIsIs Asoclattun The mulct rialiularut if hmehuut ls tIme susttsis su a tlulrit olin Sort he tisus tIm o I 01 liii aye race I nuituulunnauu oh the 0mw are The aourae WuuCllt Ito 10 iiuesha glester lIt aneraz bowtlrmtwsimst snreiinis 8 lousnuda erector ml tta Lv Close ciuest rsrtts I 5 iticluts reauuxr thertliolti Attsrlutilu tito distinguIshed beriiams luliOsiluSi muse tsrlntrii to tic ltoltsnter concern Iiuz tIst latter si rc oss nlui anutIJis 11 ssusnemeiul Is 1hruutis St Jr s t or tkruuiaiiy in hi 0 lime stnt all our nreflSli C lit I itruniui iiherluiui anuh is liii shine 10 iCIS city She liottCiuii5ii4 1111 slscts ol our curulugioutiel ill Sri attic atails lrtrI 4151 lot Outs we SCI to thank flu A ns Iuun uunue rillt liout sf Oh ristiusu and Jtv S rally rouiui ilut almS usIs rI iu iiii w littli su bus or iiimcrutrJ tha Inuinlo or nl tluniunue 01 uisoctcs Tojulnjou not 10 UUF hatred liOn In your lay or we cotsu Itinig to tiutm London Timea from flan over a corrasponuiegut themcribtti the Or ruiuait suiititcry isaniuunrc as a Little brobibbi itst ihit French ta set kiwis os 5lsy gatioluot sip lucre anid tPlerc sib S dtt buss limit busk ins a ieiluer case at tint aide ti watch the tTtct tim irnilicty tire that the guusut acre oetvel With piisiler saptilrtt Iii hitIs onil uther arsenals lUrtl hue call ISIS it St Ii 5th nnitc i1ernnsars ens esus pnre I ni France I ielUbttC tst such I is so aossoul by ai artIllery iS ct S 55 niut tact Ut ouch pass Icr there ha still treat sIre to Ibtrinaisy nIusisgis it wiUIl tinily oetis to lu thsaht suits tIe I rho I 4r urpc ofblausk rsrnrl lct listu yi tu ing lii taniit ni 1 I bugs ibluhkname of liui tlit iimsri 5 ii t Ii ro ruuei II 0 s I idotiru of I Ubluuty iso cash sIsuot tis us utnausta I te uusslly tIiCtI tic iligist lr raillilt nrosuttsuu bcsue hue tIerhy em cities tdInis obieried slid huauasiatt utli luounsce lIe ractnnly nsuusui It lueiestry to trasiI by tay Ironu 5II zeriauud wiucre lie haI heeli bre tthins Ahislic air inch lisle In uniter to luusct nlse Ucrusianu Emuicror Iii tiunirhi mis 5 to cscant ii lug atn ht tub local aunlerl be ilithi id at a itamsoii It spud Ilse uuut II so at 05 IsiS pilot I 01 1u is C 114k in a c4rrsVuc niisliutr a ills bus salle lull till tsua siurcssaluI but cauat nisucli dlsjiIuuutmocoh onih i si uiious Bert Vilksurson a CtlhsralIO outlaw re cdliv hslisi ly I suctuors lus I Isiztsl rcigscnalie ttrnlIt CuinuluccIt unus Ibi tnuIiuisa Il inI tumsrl wi J 5 t Wrignun e Iii was ioCruuor fir reneral tories tiCS hjluuiud SIaira Stni slur as1 alittwirl tflusiIer ti liar r his rsns thstucr as sir nh us ira 1 Ului5ltr 4 In sans iutttUit lluo b4tlier sys a diusin sit the II 5 J3nmue b litrisi eI usa Sri list fur sTort LTi nlgorcd op a borbsr b urreoiui luero 111 I the nnusurUr r ssltch tuta Iic was tatcu as a Wautuus brutot aid COutardIy SVluen about to 11 huosscver lila brSlt niroutrd truehsrtluy Ito ajissated Li uusoso huiuueV re uunrtn hay Ill hleubu tOU ill I coin Lilt ti IV ltictcd oter tlut clisur 0 suteri sue tto 1 Iissrii is t 4 i ueft nnitliht jea I Iu4 a ti ii I I t lu lInt r c u r Oti 1 01114 C V V i un1 nui lull 151 i ii Iii uI I o 5 hulUsItsmt raVblue tJuueIIl liartutult it Sill ii I 0 115 rso iii tb Jourisisy Slus Ic I the lIuihila tIo W t i5 a a tiunli itI cliii tutsuutsl U C Ins she aiVlsi n n ui 1 I S tltieri bluere it Wa he flril tsj 5uznuev rev i 1 lietiut r tie that rifle lsy its t iou aW t o s i v U niur srOu sUflti 1415 r ci tir c iit the Ii fl ilO bib lorIs alt ii ru sbro41 t5ttistiut I iiiO losoC rv Ins Im ii 0 Ii Ti ilero Oct14 rtit tiuol thur h I I V5 5r sI tI i ilisi sir lu ii 00 I I th Sire ltut rii a tusuisi u flu 1 TIh ads tiuO or Setithu t Ii OutS L us S 4 suluhiiirhui wtuiIu bai neaer uIerIliVI1 15 5 I bnsuotc sha ordred Itt roam esnsu ut jus 4 t e 05cr tier heal at the saIut w iut iuatet if 105 110 huunircd Sag if Ill ttrutnht usatsu r