OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 26, 1881, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1881-09-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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riiirs rniv srui
MR It iilu T1I flZF Ii ILL LI
iniSrl by the ItcrenVCai
Ito he tIny C0000tItIe In bce
tfl Immense
VietihOg the aket b Ilee
nta mr the FiitertI
t trIO
CrtVETAi SCPt 23lho traln today
peon aked with poplo frotnail over
Ro State anti from byonti its borders The
arO crowded rIvato horset are fuel
goods anti every ldglniz house and
with still it
rettaurabt has cots in haltecars And
is more tItan likely that hundreds of people
iII walk the streets all night or linger about
ho catafa1t10 for want of other tIaes to go C
4 utll morning
fly be while glare of the electric lights work
upon the unilnishod tsvlltpn and mourning
irltei Was pushod through the night and to
day sottnds of hammer and saw have been
beard Br tomorrosv nothln of the arrange
meats will ta incomplete anti they are vor
abratC The local committees have worked
tehib great Oal tend ltt ovetit has boon mad
the greatest In thn oity history
The effect of the electrIc light upon the fu
petal pavilion Is very striking Its black col
timna anti black streamers are given a weird
promInence Tonight under this glare ot
lUh people are flhln past the casket at the
rate of live thousand an hour Tb
lavillon was opened thie morning at 8 to the
pubilo There was a rush for first places and
2it0 city peotle got through Then followed at
least two miles of country folk who had arrived
bore b7 ho early tralno and had come miles
to look upon the closed coffin of the
dotd President Tho casket has not
been opened elnc Mrs Osrflcld took
Len l3 look into It FrIday mornIng
Tbo huG of people which started at S oclock
13 TiC ho casket continued moving four
breatt until midnight ot less than 80000
yoplo passed ho catatnhiue They mfmpb
walked by glancinc at the casket and the
wreath upon it and then turnod their eyes
upon ho flowers The pavilion and Its docora
Ions divided attentIon with the sosled casket
The day hss been very bright At 5 oclock n
toutl came up from the west and broke directly
ever ho city While it lasted ho rain storm was
very sevcrethe wind was bighand hall foil Peo
Io in the streets ranfor abelterbuthoao lathe
alliniIe column moving toward the catafaique
stood patiently in their places The wInd blow
hernia clearthrougb under the pavhlionand
oven Upon the guards and the casket itself
Th raIn made Ie drapery of the arches hang
limply and ungracefully for a time but did
iittts lasting damaa The suuse ovor the iak
which followed the shower was beaullful
Mrs Garfield herself visIted the placo between
8 and 4 In the afternoon Tho members of the
Cabinet called upon Mrs Garfield at the real
denee of Mr Mason anti asked her to visit
the pavilion t select for herself ant her
intimate friends the seats she might desire
for the exercises at he funeral tomorrow TIn
Cabinet preceded her in carriages and Mrs
Jafleld with Mrs Mason drove down to the
Iltiaro anti viewed ho arches and he pavilion
over the eatattelour Site expreseet herself as
gr3ttilcd attte tieste listlavtd in thu arrsnge
meat Epoelally lid tt speak of tflo pro
fusion of beautiful flowers anti of the gold and
us Col red itags with which the sombre
black was rellevel She hail ald previously to
one of he Committee on Deorationa Idesire
no pomp or dsLiny That woulti lance beet
very dIstasteful to ho Generid hut all lint hr
ri1t atil proper I would hiI 3Irs Garfield
retired last night extiftueteti from tho ehTecta 01
ben Ionic journey Sho seemed to feel mud
better this tuorning harry and Jamis stayed
dirse by their mother duringiho nuirning
Mrs Garfield and her eons rode out to Lake
View Cemetery this morning in response 10 tle
wishes of the conitnittee ylturgd witit ho an
lection of a suitable site fnr the Irosidents
raT t TlIodrb at the entrnnen en to
cntery it hiko all the others not hlnhsloit
When Mrs Getlell alit liar fnlcnde rucbed
there they were obliged to go around
to anothr entrance One of ho saddebt tea
ture of Mrs Oarflolda present ordeal is tite
incesahly of givIng some attentiontotho painfu
delahl of the funeral arrangotienti It wet
hotel tlttt tel the boor of her going to tie come
tory this morning during church service she
could eetape tle erowl hut there is no solitude
in Chvelieutt today seal the farnil of the letd
Iresldent arc otjoeis of inteuMe interest Titer
wi a lar concourse t ttoplo at the come
cry and 1ra Jartloil unwilling to xpo
inreelt to their gaz rntrjaiuod in her carriage
ht expr isod her satisfaction with the spot
selected lit lie committee
Tit toint atsiceted and which she has
aow nprovod is one of ho highest in II
grounIs lbo view which it commands l
betutifliI Lake Erie lice two and a half miles
t itt north 1In city will Its spIres anil
many couitns of amoko hits down In lhto wetl
tbne xiirs twav Between the bluff tend it
la are level Iaiut3 coverei will gar
1n jfrts At ie toot of the blufT is it
1itiI lake on which wlttu swans foal
Tb grun1 Is rolling nuLl dieidoi by a ravIne
Ti iolnt ULOn which the PrtsiUept wont
lant s ti steul I a stri of notionturv over
looking tina eene itilo carrie d aivicy twig
ant peLbics as nlermntoes of 110 spot Ti
bojy iI tot Le buried Ittre for a month It
ha m hU into it tvlii I eltinsltcti in thi
reoivtii vault The coifln nlrmdy her
Iil b 000co4ietI front view by ti
htenings of the wAIl ant ceiling The ladt
p atHens of the pubii jeltoole hto contribute I
12u worth of cut ilowerti tot its dooratioti
TA approach to Ito veult will be under a blte
cenpy and over thickly bIrewn evergreens nnii
roylutle Thu cttikttt ivill be placed upon u
blr to tho ceittre 01 tle Ibor
Mrs Gifitld its passing ho day among he
retativr and wore Intimate personal frtuniIsJ
ant her remarkable seitforgetfulness rcndtrtf
her apparently mon mindful of their nlof
than of her own Mr Thomas Jartleid ai
brntter of the ireident arriveti thIs morntncr
front Michigan and Is stopping wltI
Grandma Garfield at the home oI
Gem Sheldon The moetin bctweot4
tbn motiter and the eon was a paInful oue
both of Iltemu belutr proetnited with griet
GrenJrn GarfIeld ha3 evidently summoned
alt ltes Etrength for tbs events of tiese
exciting days There is a lear on titeti
part of her friends that the strain
be dangerou3 10 her eighty years Tue taIpei
of 3trs Grflcld Mr Rudolph is mueta
wIth bar Continued prffrs of couniey and
sympathy ore made to Mrs Garlield Fiowere
arts etottatitly arrirlnti by express for her andj
tb 3iayor this morning alirtaeod a note ol
inquiry as to what dipoeItion bboulh be male
oh tftetn Sian asked that they all be laid upon
tIn bier
Tho Illrans memorial servIce was hell thih
tteipoou in tite Frst Iresbyterlaa Church
thu quaro near the cataftiiu Itesldettt
1ItnduIo preidot1 and ettoit spcechea were
witde by many old fIouds of Get Gurlieli
Capt henry sat iu the front seat with lila beau
bweI in hi hatiets Iresttlent Ilinsdah
hi irepared a dintourse which be tie
llvOrLtd front note When he poke of his own
yert nai relatona i lib the late lrceldent l
Sc treinblnI ts heqtited tue betutiful word
of IJvcj lteneut fur Jonathan ho Lroc
cuajgely down anti wopt covering his eyes
Th 4eitt wits t1einw anti every one In tb
Chur i ws touched hi it Motnoritti serviet
of a ta solenn soil iiiteryting eharattr
haic bee ieIi today in all Ut churclts
Amott Mrs tiarflli cahier weri
be jejtor of un Ctblniit Mr W
lIeye awl wite and 2u1 John Iiy
tlr tarllj will go to Mentor ott Tuesday at
tt Ii by eu Sealw Col and Mrs Itoa cli
La Saphy Itrueco
Tu Iittera of ColumtIe Commanilery K
T ahlh lresident Geniilit ce ft xtIeiihtrj
are here und r the ttomthnd of Ie Enirieti
Ce in flder 3lyruo M 1arker Tlrets 0th
Etneut CoLoritanhiers 0000inpuhy then
8r Joint It fitonipstu F d Mar
at I I Jatue Vaught Dr ogisun
health iflleer of the liatrtyt of Coluittlita tLt
flrt surcion to ri tteh Iresiiertt iarflelI atet t
Gtt tea ijot and Dr Fort Another of ttt
Ill 11 tlrt atjinwonejt In the etue or
rsnIers of thcOommanueryand aecompaal
t bitbt
a 1 Republican Congressional lomtnltte
of the Nigttjteettth IJiotriet of Otio who were a
athl tytiiutjpg durln the bet tell yeare
of Uatfiel ls Coggrepipnitl lit ace in lit
City ant tiI ho aaetgoel a paej of hinur ti
the ne sno fbo genlteue eere pertsoua
ta 1 lntijntt fnlenii of Gr Jottid Tb
ar lion 1Inry lttsceit of Aatiatu
Cuaruau the lIon Georgs tord of Ueaie
Httt tiny W Ii Stjener tsi 1 Aitibuli
J C nvrit of ticangu J slttl
Cci L P Aitnleh of John C 11 atm
ant Jijn MItany of 1ortage 1 Ii ii hour
Ii Ivritii the lion Freder Kiuttiari lb
lIon hIoue and the lion Iliran Au5tt
of lruubulI
About 6ocloek the memitora of Ocr Gtirflelr
rotdwet guarcheil in a body to the cavilion en
dupOittd the reilrneutal coluts at the foot
bucasket ttabout thoseine time the won
k era of tho Society of tile Army of tte Ctimber
nil marened ttroui the pavi o itt a body
lIonlzr 1 1 do Amoral Vnit Charge
4ffeies of JirazlI is beu by CQmnand of itt
Emperor and has dopositeI bealilt ha casket a
berg lyre beautifully wroutihi of iloworots as
It tribute front lila country
The Congressional train will lvo Euclid sttt
tion tomorrow evening for Washington anti
all the members will a on except Secretary
IIinluc Who expects to go to his lomo in Maine
it rpentl a week Secrtnry Blahrtt says he whil
rturn to Washington before ho extra session
of the ioa cotnmoiices
Col ltoekwnll sny bitt tin present arrange
malt regarding Mrs Ganilell ant tho rest of
the fatally ha lat all inchtttling he Presidents
mother will attend to ctmrtmonins tomorrow
itot at the pavilion anti at tim cemninry From
the latter place Ito family ivill return to their
respective qtimtrttrs anti Ott Titniiiiy morning
they will all Ieav for Mtntor in lralloti Itoh
enss car wiiici was placed at Mrs Garfields
disposal at Loiig Brench
5K1Iitr FIUt Ilift PuLPIT
Ehe Pervlee In Prcitdrnt irthtirsiIurIIh
the Chireh or Ih flIaelpl uind Iewhirc
ru nearly all tim churches of this city and
of tho cities near by reference was made yeetor
day to tho dentLi of Pre8tdent Oarflokl In tln
sermons or In ornyor In many cburche
some bMe of the countrye beravemant w
RnnounceI a3 tho theme of the prenebor Thr
seoctIons for the niuIcal part of tho sorvice
were In many inMances mado with DOCIft
reforonce to tho occaeton Mourning drnDory
bout the iulptte acid altars wae taatofuUy ar
rngod and In omo of the churches the do
rtces wore notoworthy for their rpproDrIato
nose The ccnreat1oriR oneraHy wero large
President Arthur has Dew In the Church
of tho Ilenvenly 1108t Fifth avenue and Forty
fifth etroet which wni occuptod ycaterday by
hie children and other motntere of his
household It Is itbout half way UD the north
aisle md in the transeDt The asaletarit roctor
tho Rev Mr 3toran who rocontly camo from
Engrtnd omelated In the moruing and after
noon At the memorial service thie nftornoon
the rector the 11ev Dr Ilowiand alit Dreach if
sovoro cold nfTeotin his voice wilt ermiIhIm
to do so At the servIce yesterday mornfn
hymns wero chosen with roferenco to the na
tional calamity one boginning
flnd lire I I ee fir Iorton
13g1t1 sorrow quickly eneI cftre
And the opentn lines of the other beln
lost sse our nstlte lint
Yrin may she i ii tsti1
The IThv Mr Morgans discourse wac upon
God as the Hoavenly Father and the wiedom of
Ills rulings Tho entrance to the church was
hAavily draped
The organ prelude to the eorlce in th
Church of the Disciples yesterday mornIng wa
a funeral march The church was draiied In
rnournIn President Garfield wae a member
and at ono tfme a preacher of the Dfsclple
sect and the cervlce was deinateJ In
MomorlsmGnrflold Before reading th
crIpttire the ito Joseph 13 Cleaver said
Tue last gllmts I eaultlt of President Oar
fold was on the Friday ovning beforo lila in
auguratton lie had iuet bid ma goodbr nc
was klppinc up stairs two sttpi at ft
From his eoniorsitton I knew hi was hi i
haight of hope inn inanhooti Tlio prcher
then read tho twelfth chnfvr of Eeelesfnstes
The Aermon wile fl eulogy of the late lresl
dnt Garfield and in the courso of ft ho satd
Vhat 1 mott honor film for is the tenrtclts
with which alt his life luntx ha clunt to CfirIs
tianity flo has been called a Campbell
ftc bitt that ho was not nor wits ho a Calvinlt
or a Luttierit In faet ho ws not an Ito at nfl
ht Was ft Christian itntlornan To me his capi
tat error Iii life was lii leavln gospel preach
ln forthe alfurorneutsof poilticatlife After a
short communion service the congriation do
narteti slowly the orrnn playIni Iletthovens
Funeral 3larch This was Mr Cleaver last
sermon V4 VatOr of the church
In the Brooklyn Tatnrriacto ft white dove
unupeudol by t4ondr thri ad socineil to soat
in front of the orean tinitling In its bill a tea
toon of everjreena and flowers drooping over a
backframoi iortraft of thelftte Iresfdrnt Pit
church was throrgod Notic was glvttn of a
prayer uectJggjo bhoII I thoenrch Ill
rnornta al 11 aol a rmpitIr inoutIni lit tlt
avsuing to tie adrcsatt IiT Jttd a iratt nI
Clifton bitrict Attorney Tertuny ttio Itoy J
lfyatt mith and others Atncni tn musica
eections at the lar brvicoytirIlay vora tIn
organ plea The Dead lireh In Saul ht
Charles Vs Morgan and a cnrni ptoce from
ltrsaIni Lrd lucilnu Thino Ear by tit
cornetist Icter tII Dr rimnga announcot
IbM next 4undav he would nnwer the tstIot
iibsther tim tinrers fr lroident iirtlcfd
have bMan ft fulluro Thn tezt of tim srmou
was So the dnt which lie slew in hI
lettlh wera more than tIter whilt ha so
n his life This was sld of thu
ict of 13tmaon in detroyin his onemie in th
templA Dr Tolitaa ad the ehvou week
4of 1roidecit Garflcije dying weru mluhtir
jhan the half cuttury of ht Ihine that tii
iatiz Ital ilone more od tItan a rlonel si
lniiniilrfttion coulil have lone I rn ltI
all Dr Falmna thnt he tins on Ito hii
sutThrtd euougiionoucti lii cut of the Inflect
nough tiit cruel thurst of the etttiteter enoutt
to rians of hnd aol tiicc itnd hetrt rtd fee
tseuii thou dientitrtied stiriti Aoul ari
lii prce nmont too who bnve om Ut
ut of grtit trituktiot ant hal thfr robt
Wabt1il and made white in the Llood of tIn
cltev Dr llenn W IJollows in All Souls
Unttrnn Ct4ureiI yesterdt said No funrti
tool may bo hold wii eumporo to inat
ntflcene ilth the spectoela of thu deol Irbt
Int torn to Ins grve in tim orros of niltlona
Ills pillow was sTet with their InvasIbH ttars ant
wothnI b ttn4rinvtsihio floods Thrir prayS
5nrs went uti for hIm unecntiniIy V bitt nIgttt
2 rnonitrchs dottbed was evr so attondtd 7
1 to Ill oratnrs for the retoratton of tb
wotinlt Vrebidnnt to hiaith the simaker said
ri otbin shoti of a miralu could Ijayt saveti
1hitji and in this agi of divine hnv aol imLar
llat lrovfdeico no niiraelo could hive bov
tjipeeted The 11ev Dr hollows had notlea
IIO added that the bulletins from tha Vi bit
tiltouse could not 10 relied on aud thu oult
rustworthy tidings for waks was that tin
iIreIdent w still alive So trotesslonnl cli
lUottO could iet back that Itwi rho CottatrI
lIjits yet to learn by further rcptts from lb
pttystcian9 as to the condition of the bolT alto
loath and to deiil whether the hopedut bul
ietins wsru jtlifltble whether it was prudent
ini to rtval tito true condition of the aulTtrnr
or whither it was uuknown t the aii11 ot
jtlt medical men One thliter is eer
tiin be addod all can se by this
4ncident that nolliini is so ws and prt
int tie to tell Uiu wholo truth Lconomy ir
llling truths is too much przitteed in ib1tc
if ft cama to such a tass with Iho tViite
house physicians tltat they ibou1t it wiser U
ornnunicete the rent cuudlttcn Of the stitTre
to fortiu courts than to reval it t Atuerlcan
rite tttitcai cob of the rrotcsHton make3 con
almett ti tart of their policy A to Prsi
lent Arltttrs course the praoler said if itt
ould attelfltt tO ttOh tho Garileit
trttt1n ofT and run th Gvrutnut in lb Cua
1oto house grooveand thu temptation to la s
will h roat tu Gn trthurtlitn iet him taLe
iarnlng ioublu will Ito ahead for liittt hiuj
Artliurol Entnnd had his tuic1it Prsidezi
Arthur will livo his but he metal nni
surroundi by tlioe who have tolled thy
honor ol tio Luuiro Ut0 in the dust
rt JIusfan Orthodox ChaptI Ut Heeon1
veuue Ia drapot in muurnhn zesleriay lii
ltuia and Irek rosiient of ih3 cIty met in
he ehititl to utter travt for the rcto40 if Lh
ouI of tin into iresidct Vito hatury of St
totn Chrvusuina itna iwrformtd Vathr
htjnrrhrn ffietatIn in tInt curbe of thu litur
t the fpilowlri itaer wa3 oltrcd
htiv necy IIetI t 0 tl arc r4t t TI re t
ercy r ItVe 1at ad e ueny
fr14lJertiu a I a tra tr ttie eC ot the ul or t
rvtIt Jal Cf flit TboJ Wttfl frtie tt tIl tt
I votuntt I t flVoUtt4ry
Wur It Lgttevu rct ttre ttskc L ioul to rePt
J t rluro1
tijI IttU i uu13t rTatli 1 tO CbS n y t not tn
ng3t II I i ti ati treit ne I ht t i e s
ton I lee I th tnt tie lntirI kii ant tel
1 UGt It II tIltI tl et Alt let a hu ate esruyi
eatI truUtcn Os it thtn ant ivet Ite to Ttv nortI
r t o tord t4 tie 4 thy r at Jgre h
1 a t 1 CIJtb flSd I ft t In a te34zt hjy 4 CCLr
I I ii CtC ptn rrIt 4 ttu cc irb I
t erii I 4 Leitt I ri 1 bc let er r en tt
I I 1e ti C tuttle I II Citugh I W Id I I I I 4 i
c e I tan t It hirrtti tnt Itot 11
wttlt an Ty rtttausnei h en
th e ci 14 1t w cl t Us truUt
I r TI a it tt r tn at the tht rtrit Os
i 1 a 1 t e KeC 01 Tty cpsrteJ ervantJanrs an I
5cr It U I r e wttt IIy Ftreur t atI lot
t f O 1 atI Uttttt zlsrt nov alit star ate
riio choir answered to each lnvoatiou
Lr1 lne tsecc
A raer was Hbo ofsrad fr the poacetul r1
nlgtbtrtlun uf IrebtIcut rthur tea fuhlovt
IttyS cO ti thy tter 1 to Tly clurcitea ti Tt
To U tti it t j IeU Cr tI AtJ tel AIs V
tr t tc t C I tt l I I It t It
1 t StlIt t r t t Sr t rerftetOt I t
Is sie at veieLti duvtt trot Itee tie Eatber a
Antoct tlose tresent at titi chur wero tin
tuiI4u ConuiCiCneraI Vtetky tfo flu
an e Cneut to China t itnoinateti the
irvk oustil Mr Ilotney aol Dr iipoiT
In the ltroaiev3y Tdbrgta1j yybprdat
he ltv Dr S Ilium M Tdylor referral t
tlts deat of iieiitint Garfield In hl peniu
rayar The sermon was a revIew of Uo Our
iIds Ihfeanltbachrcumtaneesof hti1oath Ic
oicg beatl thiet the man who h been on
ltiud with the roee o IsF1 doa by the
lead President ha sinenthrt fatoftil day whn
thntwo hotthnt shockod tho world wora flrcd
iiortio himself admirably It behooves the pet
pit t Itnid up his hands anti alvo him thnh
confidence that ho may ho encouraged to do
atrva it fully
Ottitotan htt iI acomplieea said the 1itv
Dr Walsh In the Yeat Viltyhirst Street Iiaptlsl
Church yestertlay lho atIljct of his itie
course wna Vto klll1 the trvald nt 7 Con
tlnubg Dr Walsh said Vhiowcro tho
accomplices They nri all ttcso ptrnna wh
o to ttnke up a society which naturally pro
iuee aticli fruit na the assassin they wh
litwer tha tone of Patriotism they who teachi
hatred for suecesful rivals those who an
wIhlInt to tramp upon the souls of men for per
onal prefentnent thny that lowor the force of
rehiIon which Is aiwnyg tint host safocunni of
oehly a havo ito nluentine nssaslnq
It w hate the ltatiiiwork of our pitthls hot us
trk up the thool or lao sham the hlamn
Ouiteau was not the only mali nmon tie with
niurisr fastened in lila heart Every hrnetor
taut eluetion lies ivttneCsIi murtiers lint il
men that fell wore not Preldonta anti mnnr
polithcnl murierens leave eacapoti punishment
tlnuir the wtzta of that demon coiled polhtietl
hnflunnce know that there ann toia
thoso who on the outside wear nounnin but
within itro not aorrowlnc that dootht has load
a way to preaibl poiitiai aIvnneomtnt
The Sullivan Street African Mithotilat LtIa
count Chturch was erowdoi last ocenlnt TI
Interior was heavily drape anti pictunia of ti
lent PresIdent were tileninyal In the drapery
ltepreapntntlve of ho Ganlinid CtIonotl Catn
paign Committee ocupit trout seats the
Itor I McCann Stewnnt said In his sermon ott
A grettt man fallen thitet Ito attempts at I
assassination of long lion of sovereigns fail
1110 iflshltiflcaflca boloro that of Unrhinli ti
Gonil A great ooopie have put on ha hiabihl
mants of woo because a groat man ha been
taken from their midst
rho Church of the iilgrima in flrooklyn yes
Inydsy waq heavily draped The pulpit win
hrtudoii in black and upon the pail that cow
ored tho communion table thorn restad a htsne
beautiful floral cross This 11ev Dr Storra
preached eloquent sermon in whIch he
drew from tlio pail experience of the nation ti
leseon 1 That God only should b worshipped
as the ruler of this country 2 flint lie char
ater of the Chief Magistrate was of greater
value than his genius 3 that a new ideal 01
statesmanship representitir aWetaness of tOm
pr generosity of foohInt anti domesticIty oi
habit hiatt teen oreated anti finally that
prayers should be constantly ofTorel at hont
In the closet and in the church for ho lrcsi
dent of the United SInte
In his armon last evoninti in the oble
trest Ba tlst Church Grcontrnint on rite
Mtirdon otfIresidout Oart1old ho is 1leopo
sIhit 7 110 lhv Dr Miller sold lint tin killing
of Gen Jarflold was the outcome of factional
tuorrels in ie Republican party and tieclaneti
mhtiet tIns line had come in the history of this ia
than whon public men should weigh theirwords
and think vciI before they act
CuloIe tibon the Ied Prrideat in St Paul
ond Westminster abbcr
LoNDoN Sept 25St Pauls Cathedral
was absolutely crammed this afternoon ii
haying been announcod list the services would
rehade to the death of President Garfield and
the majority of the congregation wore itt
mourning WhentbeDead March in Saul
cas played the whole congregation number
Ing many housands rose and remained stand
Ing amid profound silence all showing grid
ini many weeping Canon Stubba preacheod
anti pecialiy referred to ie cruel manner 01
resident Garaolds death Ua extolled his life
end virtues and expressed sympathy for tin
wrrowingAmerleztn nation
At both the morning and evening services In
WestmInster Abbey reference was made to
lrosittent Garfields elontb Tito Ito Mr
hawkins saId that tlo Into President wite
Caine from old Puritiin stock ailordod a bniglm
anti nolilo example to all mankind Mr Oar
field Ito saId was tiot only a professor of liters
turn but was likowise a lawyer a statesman 0
ereat colotinity and furtinr a preacher ot
righteousness In conclusIon ho satl
tint none could fail to sympqiimiz
with their kinsmen across ttie Atlantic
At the afternoon service Canon Duekwortn gal
ppl Lk Jt
that oiild dtgnhfynntlonnllife bylresidect Oar
fields death hid the hnttrett frame rvlveii
would ha hart to belIeve tItat ie eoiiltl itici
ittureespi hl greatnss morn effectually
At St 3lnrgnreCs Weetmimister the 11ev Mr
ltoberts ilescribeil lltr nasnsinadot as it crime
igainit the wholo Eneileli humanity At all ti
prlncital chiurehete of oil dornmninstions Unit
Unr1iedm death foritted tlt uteeet of syinpi
tinIto allusIon At snieral of Ii Jwiai sytit
ogties or Saturday liii tlotttii was alluded to
lActtsTeil Sot 23tt a tuoeing hero on
Stturiay all 110 remdtttt ttnerctna were
Iresent Mr Show the Amuerican Cottetil
4tieakinte under great omoilon gull the loss o
Uiit Cnntielel ivas the worhi The volun
tory imtanlfratatlon of Etigliel symtnmly woult
wit the iaating love ott gratituda of nnI
an 110 Rev Mr Jolnen or Clicngo also
tk A rolutluu of bynipalty wa cabled
to Vnshlnton
PAnts Sept 25The doath of Presliont Oar
ilti was tntrred to in the sermoni at Cite
Eng2ih ttnd Amntrican churhea today Fathet
Ilyacinthoceletjratoi a srvie In honor of the
at lrellent at wlki Mn Morton the Atneri
nn liohstor was present
llultiIN Setit funeral service ftii
Ireaitcnt lamllht will Ie ltnli intro ott M ittiay
U of the ltiu perors eitet1iIna a 1l prealt
i inin Sept 25riia Sauit Court wil
ro Into ourtahna for one week for the let
iieient 6nnlild
CITTOr lEXlt3 SCLiI 25Last nizlittltoMa
iotdi societies patti ribtitu to Ie late redden
Iitt licIti union 1rtstant umonlai srvic
ias iteM joineii In iy nil tlo missionaries cx
t BIshop 1111cr There was an ittiueno at
tniinen Get Diai and other dibtlnguhaleu
Mexicans warn present Tomorrow unQtter
ervlo will ba hold
SIho urrowCul Jiulidasy in the City
There will bo quito a general suspension
of business ilirougioutthocly today Memo
nlal services will bo 1011 In Clilekerlog all bt
the G rand Army of the RepublIc beginning at
3 P M kddrsee will there be uad bt
fOn5 Slocum StcIles anti Coehratn wio
foiiggt in ie union army anti Messrs 8hneom
11 ItudltntrJobn ii Fellows anti M A allen
who fouent in the rebel lirmy also by Mr
Ciiauneoy 31 Depew anti Mr Algernon S 13u1
ilvan and there will bo aipropniata music
ie actors of a nutoher of uptown ohurclte
have arraneed to have ajoint service In the even
tttg ha the iadison Avenue Reformed Church
ornr of FItttsevontie street All ho keith
mate tleatrea except the S indoor tbloe
iiardcu and Dalys will be cloocd
A Tribute rem Jewish Kestdents
A memorial meeting of tIm Young 3Ien
hebrew Aseoclatlon was held at 110 West Forty
ecoeI street heat evening It was largely at
tended Samudi Orrentaum Prealticut of tin
L8CCiUtIOfl resited anti ir M V Patzak
aa3 iecretnry Mr Oreenbatmtn stated mite oh
Jet of its rneting it a few httiprossivo wertis
lte otittr speakers worn II J tie Cordova Ei
yin Einstein 1 J Joachimsen Moyer S
iBfl5C llice JustIce Marcus lttegbourg and
Crcner Morltz Ellinger This risolutions
vtiich were introduced by Adolph Saocr were
ilently adotud by a rising vote
1 Isa Finrrnt Day In Newark
Elaborato arrangements llavo been cot
pieCed for tite funeral proeesfon In Nswark to
itey Grant Marshal bavs exeets 0 have ovo
20000 pecpiu in line All business will be us
prdoii Manufatrers ant their employee
hvll turn out it it body rho eutaaliu dll be
13 feet long 7 fdct Wile anti it feet 4 loLe
fotti thu groumttt to ttto ttit if mite dome on it
lit rest a emIt ctvored asket ititt slicer
aolrai It will bet drawn by bix biarl
irsstich led Ly a groom dreoi in a mourn
tug butt and itavhn lotte rtbbons of cray
ttreatning romll his hich itat 1 lie liiltnetr
If tlte eltoos ill tartek Over 2ilei0t yerd
If mnournhnec ttart 1101 jttlj it ie t itt
Ut ty l tI 0 First t atinl liii k Liii ii I mig
a an illuiniiittted cluci face Zttiilo of
tIjtli cit ii t liii hatd I n ii teat I ii g 1 I t J5 OChk
be tune lresidn inrllli ditm In hit ncmt
ni services witl be held in ito Unteud Opor
Heriuoni Iiwi ttuifleld Heatb
iii all the eitlc of thu cuntry yeetcrela
lit death 11 resident Ganitell was a
triel ul jeet of pulpit diecource Iliert
ir3 ateehal servIces in St Jatuse
lopel Cillrl lit Lot llrtneit when
IrsltLt GurloI atouelti worship the Sun
ict before Ito was shot lie pow occuuittl In
un wai hevily tirattel whit ilal itietot
ctrborommgh reaettel a funerul stniuoti Mud
uotiou ivies diepltyed It tItoac treEenm
1 he artlriJ Ilunuturtil luad
DETEn Col Sept 2IJoxes have boz
lct1 i coniteuout lci In til city to rCcetve SUb
CCtiittoztt ftir the Garflett nicituatcut Tbe btes lit
wucotiipartiueitS CIte ti reCtiittI tttentj Ste c at sum
erIpUuttS lot S rtauoiiah nutiunilt iitt It titer P re
ei 0 iiLiC II neu sum Icr s City iii it itb
cripttuli liii i Iii at La cit1ateil fur 1ater dseaU a
Lg tbs latter mUOUntaI
In flYVWX cfN11wrln7 T1I OFF
cir IWiOflV ol TIIKAfJ1OIT
tn Otitilna hf 1 ltihlleallon he Intents Ii
IskcrIiemmi tIpnn tha Conduct nr the
tiinpsylbow Ie Ituiirt cen Hecovered
WAsl1noTor Soijt 25President Gar
Ibids body is not yet in its grave but the quar
ret of Ito doctors has begun It Is probabl
that this contest wili continuo for a longem
period than lie eighty days through which
tlto alent suffered One eminent aur
Icon 8515 that tim disclosures of tltis cast
hive to such an extent destrayel public confi
1 ence In surgery hat it will ho fifty years tie
nm he confidence that exiated prior to July
2 will bo restored
News comes from Cleveland hat Dr Boynton
Soon after the interment will pbilsl his state
mont on the autopsy That ettetoment as It will
ontrovrt in many important particulars the
officIal report of the autopsy will doubtless
create a groat sonsatlon From information
btained from souroos whose trustwortlinetq
annot bo di8putod some of the importaut tea
tires oftltia report may be anticipated
Dr Boynon was not Invited by Ito attontline
tlrgoons who wore opposed to his presence at
theautopsy but ltie relations tothe family were
such titat he could not be nxclttded Prior to
the autopsy he Now York undertaker was per
tnittod to inject large quantities of embalminm
tlithds Into the veins Thy this was
allowtd prior to the autopsy it is 1w
tosslbl to understand if the object was
to have a complete and scientific autopsy
rho fact that this was donn may have tttei it
very important bearing uton the rasulte of the
autopsy and may eIll have an itnportant bear
hag upon the tnini if lmihtoatb is provlilnl witi
omttetent counseL The surgeons said in their
final bulletIn that ho Immeiiiato cause of dealt
wits homorrhago caused by lie rutjtttrt of onnot
the mesontnie artnniswithout ticking the Club
0 inform the world which one of the mani
mneseotria arteries was rupuretl In view oh
the fact that tho etnbalming fltiitl was injected
into tue veins it would iuttvd boon not
oral if one of the mosontrio arteries
boon ruptured that some of this fluid
houlit invo foinI its way tiurmglm thuo rupture
Iota the nhiotoon But ti omhialming
was found in the abtiotnemi It is very possible
tlerefore it not irobabh that the rupture at
tue mesentnio artery may have been esuceil lit
Cite very forcible removal of lie imitotetines
which were an almost olhii inns The injee
lion of the otutbtlmiog fluid also might havi
tirovented tito tilseovery of embolism or bloat
lot in the heart hat the heart been exatnineti
becauan the clot night easily Inyo been wasle1
away by the fluids from iCe placo In tho heart
to some other locality in the veins ilut as u
matter of fact the heart was not extemlneii
The first step in tha autopsy was to insert tin
rubber catheter In itleat was supposed to ho hr
track of the wound and an incision to the cit
thoter was then made tito idea hieing Clint tIn
tsll would be fount at the end of the channel
thus Indicated But the tiutil was neil
tipre The surgeons were mtmazeii vet ie dis
cvory that ho upposett track of ito wound
teas only a pus burrow itnit that their tilagno
415 of thu case was entirely at fault The an
topsy after lint wit a hunt in tint ilark It we
liseovereti also that the supposed track of the
wounti isa much shorter him luttil tori lit
iiveed iturine lifetime anti that Clue rubber ca
titter after striking the bottom of Ito at Se3
had turneil and double tuton itself This oh
ours had been done during hifelitno lit prob
lot the suppoaei track of tltt wound
FIt next step wits to remove lila intestines
tnt search for the bait there ft was vera
hIfllcut to remove item They itad become
tilterent thirouch previous terltonitia
reat ittal of force was rqttirotl to rotnov
Item and in doing so something broke Il
va3 ttougiit at fIrst to be one of the smallem
intestInes lie contents of which ware this
barged ut it via aubseituutly dlseoceni
itint titi3 tllsctarg came train a pus nlaesp
near tie liter wltlult was dbOtiboit in the ro
port of this utiutotay to have been four lit au
lteItpC but which in tact was etnshiIorabll
mailur Thu intestino worn liteod in a hare
bwi oii etIrried t the ottijoalto side of Lb
roctflUnt acre never opunuti or ezanilneti
or any indication or ttrntiila or foi
toy other ourpc The ball lint bating boom
tlaC3vereii in thtt euptoiol ontghttiil track or It
lie intestInes thu surgtons wtre disaneert
tail began to Itmnt eC random ri heart was
lllced but was nit cut into or exanlncd itt an
way 1hi would bIuin to bit an xtraririIrtcrt
roemedintresone of the otintonsloas tlirtt ilealh
vita caiset byotttblisn or blnoi clot in the Ieart
The luns tvcre not litttl anti t vres Lroitiao
I pass theni over wlthoiut tmtthtereatuninitlot
yuan Pr hioyitton rtttmestetl Clint they hoti
C cut iota mend asked Ir Agnew to ien that
iii was ihotte It wits done attl pu oozed au
tely This bow that the lutus were full at
Pius points as Dr Itcynton lnil claimed for it
gist three vieki There ivas ho b sure no pits
tvlty nod hte had not elaitttei uhat there aa
Jut this Pu In ho lungs came frn
In Inliiito otimler of tins voltla Fit
titles were ttiu ti slit to dlstover whether a
tot lucy were in a ieilthuy coudhtlon A p1cc
CA cut ott cit one at titen anti IlaCeit lit u
gins of vater It nk iwntedhittlr to tb
OLtOtit lltls was another trot that the lttttgt
were full of tu for if tlttv hail bcet in
bt a It I y cant It lotu 1 al r ctl I g I ltntn woul
aca knit them ito tbs suirfaco of the watr
I he left kitnoy was iaiei orr rltiottt being
tlt or teini exttnineil except sttttrfleially
ut hoigl I ito no we rt I miii lctitins of tnt at see
upou It her the rlgbtt kitimtsy wt rtoohet the
pets citvmty wilt so tllniv mzmrktl hat It was ett
I tO and a larcet ianllt it ItS tXtteluii Dr
Agnew ieuiioepleillv 5511 that totl kidrcss
ctr mulike Soon after iis was tiono it wit
ecthdeutally eiisioverel ttut tito sitr ivuis in
Iuteii Titure was itot a hole through its Las
efl atatel TIte inpiry was rather in Cuts fern
if it groove on ttuo insik of thu vertebra but lb
wmt nti there Anxiety increased when
he very cvtdettt rack of tho lll ices die
overed anti this ball itself could no
to found Search was again made in
the bowl of thud Intestines on the other
4ide of tile eianber rhey ivere co hard aitel
0 clue I ogtthr as a reeu of Ihi peritonea
litfisiumation that titey were somewhat torn iii
Ida anthnatIon Finally tho ball wa found
yinc at the bottom of ho bowl The Intestine
huitti tisen ro niixeit up itt this Vr0ctts hunt it
Cal difficult at tlrt to tell fiommi what portion
tie ball luau become detached It was found
nwever that its ball was tlorommghly encvateii
tod that of itself It would not baee been ilkelt
to have lono ho President any Iterm
Thu general outhln In lengunge stripped of
ritittileal terms is aubstantielly thu story that
aIll be told in tipoetitloo to thi ohlleial autuipiy
fito stateintnt titiet ito ufilcitti ulttins
luring tite Iresttienta illness were tnade rose
olored because they wre smbmlteej to the
IresiiiLtlt himself ani that It was neces5ttry Ii
avo thtetn very cheerful as a nit of treatment
if he ceso proves not to hi true it is
now known that thert never was bu
baa btiiletht shown I the Iresihent simurimig
ho ontlro course of his sickness ant that was
itown at ft tIme when ho wt oonsidtrably bet
r lie did not seem to see it It is also learned
I lint for a greater rortioti of tite time Ito wa
t treat Izol with epI Cu ttl ii 0 ii that It is I utid in
irvale wire of hours riithur titan dais lit
hfamniltcu on more tItan one oOcaaion ear
ne4ly protested againut ito ezcesuivu use o
tI ii in
What yen responslhtihlty may attach to Dc
rie Agtutcy out hamilton on acount cf stt In t
orruct diagnocis or gineinmil tltanugenuettt of tin
lest tue exeets mail tot tItin it a surgeott
1uoei in the jj got telitI namely It
t Icy tCI1O enllett too lt lt bItt itt Giertltltl
was lttit on Soturhat Jttly 2 antI it
reeort of the caic itnil be muowparers
if lie iwo wihi eltoic thint lit Agttce
ml veil Itre frotti lttleil ph ic Sit tidat
cntng Jttly 3 anti Dr Iltiiiltc n arrive
tt 10 oclock Iho eatud evetir They wtru P11
U the CbU wttluin about fiiJ itoura after ti
resilotut was sbut Pitt pcsttiot ef 1re g
tew atid hlainlitoit eltining al the onry nCck
ii the asj ivits titat of conslming surgtomms us
Plined by tlet codit of iutlictti ethictiiet is
acrpti it taiuttuttli of ie strguons ii
berg nyu gave their OtitnirtflS 010 tite oft
tltlttIlt 4ieiinl personal Inquiry a t barristest
aLes te irief
btrexucL UT pa DLTS
Sam uotI its of ti series ztskei I y the
tnI in 1Jlis LIftSLtS to thutu are givet
tVer iii itriCPS e nr bIttb pttiiiflY 5
t tuc tiutul a r I tttel
Nv P0511011 ilOit tiIt ptLtt has con d
arnt aol puhutsitel I rfort I ni c wet
he uIgtiiteut of ttue prielIei upon Iltu merit
t5 ctt5 ab ill hi treaentod In it surien
t istory
Ve tm eunlltteTm it t8 trrtent as emcity i
tre 1 tu t b t cull C t di CV I tututiuui
r r Se1t r ii t
I one eturprisci titnt overt it FitatioTon of tl
LeIlray cf tiet uuhittItus teul4 be oteritintt
Itt flut bOLU ioue eare e ti exrtiet It ii
urge s n coutlit orstretihi till Cites
t5 Ci gic0 tte ox n coatliti of 1ite lrtiIet
tt Ie tulle of thtor ituo isttit Ut prteuiu
tUt InItlIuut oLlutn i r 1 tic uit
cal aspects 01 Ilto cttsu Lcror the Liu2jet
It uitsregrestitd a is Cite emJectjutittiile I
I hink tho surgeors wotll not Itevu heeL
iUtiflil ha iusreprenag tint coufltlon ot
ito lrcsidnt in any pnieuiit
Tu a hal i1itt terre Ur itaiuitut ant mtaw pike
tirait couittcted stile LI Cusci
They were associate counsel from the tint
they tred iAtt thU CaO whiek wae urtyai
Itotira after ha President ronived his injury
rund fiom hat time worn kept fully advianti itnil
noon after ono or both worn always present
tuntil the easo torminittod They had lull con
trol as eonuitinuz stirgeons
lIsl any er the suraso conneetel wIth the rise
httirr a Itrect er retnite tnteret in any tck mcciiis
tin item cnhihl ta rffeetcil by Cite lieitittitta Coilil
Ion tt Cite re pet cotice riiir it
I regard he question as an insuitto the tire
fesloital antI social Integrity of tho gentlemen
concerteii in ito treatment of tito case Titoir
individual soehI anti professIonal shuttling is
a sumclont answer to the Implied insult
tuNic iunir st7NflIY our o noons
Warm entherIrnIonglneItiaCenson aJittir
at the Rcts tesr the hey
What may reitsonably be loikel upon its
the last Sunday of the season at Conoy Islanti
toil Itockawny was pneaeil resterdity vert
quietly The crowd was larger than the time o
year would seem to jetstlfy owing to tim heat
tntl the trains and hoots wero well filled for the
toast part titough his was lcs due to any
treat number of visitors hail 0 lie curtailing
of trips Most of the hotels at itoekaway tier
etlil open but with reduceil staffs of waiters t
cervo ito fewguesta Btthfnu ivies not fiudulgeih
In to any extant nntl nil lie excutrsionlsth fint
Inc tile atnoapltero ooldor lien they lund un
titipalod ttpartvd early
At Cottoy Islanh mmtot of the silo shows had
lisaptiosreti and mnamty of the reataurauta were
cacant while in thuoso which wore utthhi oLtoum
chairs were stacked on tite itbioq anti Ices thami
lislE ho ooupleuntnt of ntendaut were em
ttloyoet rho Seit Beach ralace ho Oriental
intl iovral oIlier htotol were among ie
closed The iron stnmbont took down MOO
pMsongorp and about 8000 went by ether
rotutca A fewotthe morovesnturesomo breasteti
the stunt which ran hIgh Today Cite Manhat
tan Itoach Hotel will close and alt trains will b
vltitdrawn on ho Manhattan Iteach Ballroad
Whittia line of stCmnots will not ruin alter to
itty If tlo weatir continues warm tue met
steamboate will make irips until the Cotl of tit
iveek and the Now York and Sea Beach Hell
road wIll also ho kept in operation On Oct 1
tiii3 lintel llnhgltton and ti Iton llor will b
tiosed Last yoar the Coney Island seasami
virtually tndeil on Sept 18 On Oct 1 a draw
ing for tho prize of 1000 givet by tlte Iriti
Stetttuboat Company to their patrons will take
A stiff breeze blow across 111gb Bridgo in the
aftermuoon rendering it a delightful promenade
0 tlousnnia after they hail once made th
tseettt Thin hiroeze wte in pioasaut contrast
iitt itoiut below almg Ito river banks tltougii
thuero it was less opprcaaivo than in ho city
Fhe sear gardens did a thrivIng business all
ility anti the olovated teni surface railroads iai
rowdti cars Tue harlem Itivor was eovurol
with all kinds of craft but colors wero htaf
inasteti sit the numerous club houses from Liar
lent to 111gb Bridge
The boats plyhni to Fort ree carried full and
orderly loads The big hotel was closed bul
110 avilion at tie steamboat ianling wan open
atttl ho usual refreshments servoit by a tied
mated corps of waiters and bartenders win
were titet1 to their utmost to serve ito un
lookodfor crowd
flullet Goes Past the Shoer Antngonii
and lilt an LnefteodInt GIrl
John MeCusker a painter aod 541 of 414
last Elevonth street had an altercation
with James Foioy early last evening iii
iront of the hatter residence at 421
East Elovonh street Soon afterward Mi
tuaker went Into hIs room At 1030 h
returned to the street and meeting Foley ir
trOnt of 410 renewed the quarrel McCusker
lrow a laigi rvolvor aqei firod twice in quick
uucsaton itt oler
A crowi luau collected when the diffimiIty friI
bngitn anti in It was 3faggh hems ageI
I of 411 East Eievetth Street SIn
ivas staidlng boyoni Foley viten tue
tlrtn wa done At tito second altot
site threw up iter ltania and fell to the pave
mflOiit She was taken to the drug store itt the
rnr of Avenue A sviors it was found thom
ie bitil hiii thercod her forehead ho died
itlititat intntedtjttely
talA uIcel win nr irntp WOO nra boon
httt reepoetitblo She was employcil in a down
tOwii tiatier factory
McCuker ttndo no attempt to escape A pa
ieeman wito was early upon trio cein
tok him to the liftuu tret police station
Ihu titnero atiteareil to be atutiefleti saying Cud
Ci diii not know how the shooting oecurrl
Ito has tei drinking to excess for this pntsi
eek nltltougiu alto arrested Its did not seonu
I ittt hntoxhctitd Ioloy sail tltiut ito knew no
CuBe tor MeGuskers attack upon him
tin Spi Itnil and Iwo Temporal Mttnke
The resigtation of Congressman J Ilyntu
Litlitli a psttor cC ito AvetiI l1iptit Church hkvlri
era arcecied Cbs trustee bach retgiiel sal iht
L flnihttee iioifltfJ to secure ubcnipttoiis havin inc
iti poor eucee the descoz hsto Ira ccnstltutel a
nteittte Cuttitnhttea to cult open tbe clenber of th
hurch to lee lIthe rcpttltu IttiareitI sstsince esa ie
tittnel sot to awertiin the CsIijilty ct obtaItln
trs C tiaiI or ia wons
otis r the Ct Cii iitetiiterS tit yeiierdiy that ii
t urcti it bet flnintstty rutiI tvitu fl cut Itiell
Ttrnit ti1 ii dCitiitittittttnl Jet OWiit by aUilttit
or otter Ci iittaii ItiiCtits te its ctutiliumt
It a it iIoner hi uii Coil ii tin it tita lieiUst dc
to outhit it a C it cc it a ii tiai iiiitsLe re o ctt
rat tnut Lea iai best 1a Ii buihiIi Ct
uicti etitice me t ktu a tist ttty t crc ii
U tc C lit ott I rii itu yi Patti I a it UptrC Ct the tie
ittitiLoit Si tie viitr Is ttc Cettiiatloa e1 Cite pus
1 r a a Ioittlelea
Iasei tinder ho SVire
The funeral of Mark Ilansotu Walkor tltt
cioCcnattTi Iioruo jrckey an4 Tuner pat itaci Ii Nun
irk at 2 oclck ecitorusy itCt000i iii the Scoil Pr
tytenien tu ct there a large number of grathnire
trlmen frott New Yiuk ant oIler cities la4 gsttercim
itt tacorti ltayear ii iiambiejilan btaiion Dr Liv
iitone was le1 telini the iitati by a croon mme
tie sy ci tie staltiot iiitsett CoOl ha a as shills
cit a lit rust
IitreerI snho was a meniber cf Entr Ctman
a Ii itrinia litre he Lept a hiei atid where he int
terre cr tie riictr tnerCai o cflrl the idle ti
Ii urtfl fit Sit henry duet Cite iIot of the South
Mr henry we the mtty bets IliaC ever wen a tQuritiie
cU row 1eLips
A iv dsrs ticiors Mr Walker died he ciii to a rrienl
I eUtet ii tt Cli wri coon 1tit seOrui for it
lit ttuftsil will aeci peas unjer the wIre orever
IestroiIiit use Evidence or lealcnloo
J 11 Arkoli Douglas ehip brokers at Ii
rein itreSt discharged Alesinder mm Mctirain i ccri
sho baI Ittti been Ii elr eiipty A len dys liter
tcCtrin vlslte4 the imie reinovet sons checks inc
eitb books ant tore ieeerst peges cut 01 th eijer ii
1rutt seers ccniiicet ttatjte estre its to ronceslee
11CC Di tcieatlo YgEirstn was nrreteU and en
tttei to Li 1tub YciIeriey ItetedtIve iki si1 tic
9wii vleWi the prorcr ut ty uctit tnLriiitiui
cetted in en anUssieo inCur btalttet
te Crii etil titut tie hat eniltzzkl tioiO but pteLd
hit tie tisi ailed ty a ineiiir ci ICe Cr ai4 ilat I
ccoletd ciii iSM Ills etutetiteilt is tie be intesttatvi
rhi IYnsuccrsfiit Attrnit let stimcmdc
Joaoplt Meehat while locked ttp for intoxi
stint In its C nreii strict yoftce elation It tiricklyr
yeersv slternrori atiettiptel to tisiw htnwtu by hit
I epi4nsin aceiL lie ssecittloen
it lgettt i 7 ti utped overb sri hr
tie re C oi tilt0 Ini i Cli Cit ent but tii coel t
ii i Itteiw Site c it tiLi to her buite ci 4
iet Thlriy iIiLt do ci in lii iiy
t C r i r itt ti itt uits e iet ci at ii Ni tint
i 5 it itt i Ii iifcet tit lianiti urt ititi itti
eli lit iii bead TI a a oun4 I nt sit us
Jthn 5fcUei leguiter heath
About 7 oclock on Saturday night a man p c
etlty dreei paesel ttc ivetttti Sir
I r y Sate 1 hunter Petit si I as tie wkr4 ib ii tI
rte tie ltiitir4 i ctiar Meanuate hut terrboat ftocL
ttv es itterii Cia Itip The niii CCC tealkl
0 ii ib t1w tit1 iitcii tj tte ta ant uieu tie
st Sat it iii lURe titt or the mice lie iteptoj fl
Ii cit 1 th bitt a 1 U 5 Cigtit titteifl itch itt
tiI tt Isi I n iii itt sit in Ic o a e crtit ci t teaCh
ii Coh I C iiiiiSt b ie ct a C LIt ii 4 1 C mi t
iti ri 04 tie reiiiis neunuced to the 3irue I
ic iteru itetihi a liiit ti J0ba 4
trr CO year it iie ti ti J ttei ItreOt
1 itici from ut loi
Jell0 Ilayerman it jowoer of 200 Soutl
oUCit street L tuid Ivt Iii Ste iii ct ul a see
it l4wrl Luiii S iie tupiriiity at ectit lviii
C rrlurii L ca mitt tuo rOt 1 ro ti erre ut
Ic Iii n we ii as tIg I 4 1 tue n iee 0 Lii ci3
ii I ii hut ii t C ft n his i I IC 1 i i t lIt thy
it a w t COt lie tt cli ce i I e 111 te te tIC 1
ttit it ut I ci ie wi Siri tt i iii tue It cry ci
Cotiiriy iiiiitt Citerttt I C it tri Ti cutt U
li oUe hole to r Ci C r tniti it ti teil i re city
3tibIn ltIeecer 5tieet UcLurettiie
PlICe aptatie lrcgxtn itrcIa a raki on Bloeck
C etfiet i OtUtit hr bit ly a 1 Ct litCi r in tit
h CiCttutf suit artetet i rtv Ce wtiiin Tie driest
tee ma ii on ter it tici coe ii Itch pr
1 5 ti iii he itt C Liki Ii CtS li
C ir tiC htrt r I outI i C iL S
C Jell cc ii lartet tt iii Cii i CSi y all flt I it
ini Sti 1 bOsh et S tilt i C ii iii utL arrest
i g ge tiig is l C5bIiit itf Ii tu
Itroci u locust cC loitnie
Loopolt Urwn itt a quarter to 1 last nIgh
etrruia 1 Ui Cuiuiiit uiciie lie sty im tit tle itt
a r at I ut II toUi Cii sped At ten uIuultc ti O itic
bctCutbl 114 LtIp1 La a ai lenlel itltiJ U dC ttr
4 d
lnjrsInr 4 flTIIUliS 1OlI3IENTS
DesIrous of fleturnin to ecv York Moon
The nr Itoute rroeciulon
WAnnINoTo iept 25TIto PresIdent line
passol avery qitietSuntlay This morning Ito at
toneleel church at St Johns Protestant Episco
pal Church which is the oldest society of that
ilenomlnatfon in Washington Tho ctureh Is
on II street and is a stucco atrueture which
faces Ito Whuito Iioue The President will
rirohably attend this church regularly as lii
wife before Iter marriage was a communicant
t It and lien fattier Commnoiloro Herndonaiet
titteodeil Itere When ho resident ntitrthed
Miss Ilorndon the then rector of lie chturch
went on to New York to perform tlto ceremony
Tue President is very anxious a go to Nea
York as some important pnivatobusines needs
lila attentIon It he goes however it will prob
tbly bo within tho tioxt two or three clays II
oretera not to to in New York next week be
eattso the State Ccnventlon Is to be heLl lucre
tlurn liii connection with the politics of tilt
State iias been en cloattinvlng been unIt
finally mctvereti by iul rcslenntion as Chairman
of the Stub Counmitlootttitt it is his earnest
wish a tretent all possible misintcrprctittlot
of tis net It tOnY hi therefore bitt the Preph
dent will remain in nslingion until after Ii
called session of tue Senate shall hiuvi enlwl
bott two weeks before President Garfield
was shot ito told ho IostmasterGenoral iflo
tIto AtorneyOonrtil hunt ito wanted the Stat
routa cises pushol to proeecution nttho eterliesi
nosaillo mnomont It Is now indersiood thaI
lrtsidertt Artiitirpropoqeq to follow his pretia
easor lit hula rosiect It is lila titurpose to ltutt
ihue investhcatiout continue wiitout tielay and
itio prosnctttlom bghmi its soon no ho ljrttftra
lion of tile CARO will uuihow Col Goono Bliss is
tnw hard nit work nmtd will remain in Vnsh
ingztott until Ito return of ho AtorneyGnernl
md the IostmtueterGoneral from Clove
Iteni It is necessary for Cot Jlliss to
ado those gentlemen before lila return rhe
emtdersianti lint 11w work titoy began will lit
ountinued n vigorously as over anti It is be
hived that if either or both genlomon houid
retire from ho Cabinet lucy will ho re
ihested not to do so until lucy have omplotod
titttlr tart of the furnisitng of evidence anti
iirepnrieiiott of the cncee An itupreselon exists
that Ccl Bliss tiice eniletI Into thiO ease on ac
toUuit of itis hmttlinato personal anti politico
reIltiotts with Gui Arhtur Title impression
arose because Cal lilIes waq appointed only
tow days bfore Clanlielil dial In fact hit 10w
vor the Alturiuot4leneral wits aeriouiely coit
idering the ativientags which he Govnrnmonl
would obtaIn if Cci Bliss were assoinod itt
ii prosecution before On Garfield was allot
Iii counnetloo with ho possible CabInet
citanges ii following toctlon of the Ituvlsod
Statutes excItes considerable continent hers
Seetioi l5i TtirS shalt be at the sest or rnernmtnt
in Liccuitee ftetisrtneitt to be kiins n is iii toit iflC
tlepertuient ini ft iosttiiterGenerai iho dish I mitt
eet the ICOC ital s tu 0 shell 13 AulpOiliteth tv ttt lre si
dciii liy nl seiti Ute a4v1c ini citieent or the Cenutte
cud who utay I e reiuiivl In the seitie manner mi tie
Icrin or lie Ptitiilaertieucrsi shati be For su4 ditrutu
tie tertn tif he Iieidtit by a haitI tie ii sipoluted site
fir out montt slier UIileei atenter reuutovril
Under this section it Is elaimoti by some
hit as he tenure of iffitu of tile Posttuitntter
General does not continue hunt for one unonti
etter ito tertti of Cite 1reidentt by wtotu lie was
ippointel therefore the term of lostmatttr
tlontruul James expires lit law on the 19th of
October or 0110 nonth after the ileath of lrueh
but Uarllehii and titut tinu vacancy will have ti
00 tihhoi by reappointment or by the apolnt
neat of a succesuor
4 flLiXI IX ITTA ir4 ILt
the iii haIl and us imher of flweiltn
ond fsnuricctorme Itnrned
OTTAWA Ill So1tt 25TIio mast dotruc
ilve fire in the itiatory of this city occurred yea
icrday afternoon The recent try weather and ii
tibroezofrom tlosouthuwestwhhcltcontinuoik
all day and lnereaseil toward evening were
eicolally favorable for a conflagration At
about 1 oclock Ito first alarm was atuck and
ih people who icere already in an appreluon
iv coutlltion rushed to the engine house
Flamc worn aeon e m tha onlnc
nis of t YYolf5 manufactory In 3tnttl
totl street anti anon comununheittod to ti
itljacunt trnmo buuhdmns oceuriieiI by J II
harris t Cos maclilac shop thence to the
Ottawa Croitmery ulittl tion to thin large sale 1
tatlo of Doetntn Bros lho FIre Dtprtinoni
had otihy on engine ton service anti altitouizi
they suecetiet In preuvonint tue spreni of thu
thiuno to tito aoutlt and tuast sero Lioweries t
offer any reslittitnee to tue Ltlaz which swept to
lit north consuming lit its citurso tht Citi
Iluthi 5innS livery etnbit anti a ntiinber ol
reaiileiuete anti ntttnttfttctoris covering at
area of six blocks Puns lose t a rough esthiiuate
Is ton lhtOOOO to 21ktjtjI with comparativel
sltgitt litteuraitco hut for a luiavy tuiuitier
htowor nail nun falling in torrents the ichol
tWn woulti probatiy itavu been destroyni
Llgrntuie wrt efl In neieibonhyg cities
taking for halt llu 1 ire Dipartunents a
Ctitcgo Joltet Aetrora lorti aiti Irtsahle to
epontiqih but arrived after tho tiro Itad pattlitily
iixItautctl Itself
ttuiriiar Rutb7n a itore iend Firlt Towii
Ctmrceoo Sept 25A special despritch to the
IsirOtCitt Croci Ia 1aw tilci report do dctructki
I iuiiy utie4iii of Cii bus lucia rertioiu ci Lsi rt nt s It
iiite ttice eiet trait lw Paw Ito tees I 1311c
nt a luititrinre Itia tOit fltiUel tIe Ore ee of in
cuilicy cnn the at a nr it t tn nolt it ii s
tte i n itt hitsi at 5 ii ii i ti c iuucrLd it
iirgltr siti tic n et Cu Crc TOe iot Oiite ci as Latcuir
Is buidltis Ltricl ft Couttuiia veic sated
ho Struoi 111 Faltel lhioec
Bartholomew Miurpity of 43 Oliver street was
itulttcI C lit Chambers Street i1replli at nicoit cli
lelt 21 suiTntng rca a ci ouni it the bug ct the skul
itt wino seth ClInt witlie ii wss acep near it botit
15CC stati it titittiisnu ttfli OtIcr iireeti he
trittL by a ri tlCetiti 11 w tiiittit at tie lus u
list ie o S tiertitC sio in itt iaOt dtteee 1e Ct U
y terlay aid a u otirortcun iaiinntton shosed inn
tip I1e ti liii heal iii bteri hurt I y a ttow miii bols
t iii out robs In s ltcsitity Condition huiein no ijiii
it hcirt dl3eas
Tb Tsebk of a 1tiuiuuhlivna Prize FISbC
Those concerned in a proposed prize fight
tiern hitiy flysn sal Jciiniuy Stulilyt Rid 51 tue
tti ehlire etrtsy suit tstkel shout chcOIti
itikeheitcr Ut CCiiC iii no utirliter egreelnent thin it
Oil I CO ireiitiiniry dtpult UI Clout ty itystas tacLe
0 harry tiitt to htoti uttit ti Situ detisiut I otade
Ihiiiatored JJeeot ini Itlghi of yoob Khsti
Boatniy Sept 25A report has been reeeivei
rc tush Ayeb ialitt sies defeitth by the Mteer on tue
2ihitC Sal Its Cot to heist italileitlil higun anl
tsoeIe rite dseitiii it ties ci ts rcgtitttnt itcliei
tile ft tuifl tie Atncclr hue nut 3d enterel attitaher
Ut tie city is de1 rii ii
I ii Ciuing beteten it tneer an I AyOob Kim iset
1 I iioca In tha ito utIit utieti nuuut
t he 1iupoed Monument to Vecn tnaley
foNno Sept 2dIeau Iltatlley the sueces
r is Ii a ii i suit title itm I sutuutnuu it iut t itue
inter te Ia rici S fltuUUtlIeaI C Ut
t4iit 13 tVeetttiuter ttLey
the Transient rreoty Itejected
LOluIIN Set 2OTie Statlartls cits pateli
rut I ii tuittet the Truisysit Ske eel tin
C I tue eti c ittttu it lilt Eituti Ii
C u0hi hut UtCiirctt1 CUsri nulicti I atteiileitt
21 LsL1I
TILt Rsltmouj ouiiiy Detccratlc ienerst Cnuit
a ill ii et ioi ircW at t i kiui uitt to 1aLe Uric 05e
ents I r Lao litliii u lie I i C ii Ii
et ray ntortti i hits destroyi d tern it iiti
I iflittt uiv U Cr ii totsitrI iine its Itt
ii I 17 1 itt 10 Cc r i 1 in ru isi nt t ii II c
I u les ta ttitoUL tU J lii suits ti s Ii
vlvJqh IX
Sort C5 coma ennoretlee tI ti irtktut incIse i ry ii
Ii rut ii i tt the lir I lltt Lbt ti Or Ii et Otis t4 tU
it I e I tt tiiit chudi tvrley
A totntv anI itiy I itsnlon C I the rreei bacit
I I 5 i i ii C eOutti iS S C tilt ott tititrd C VC flitS
i iui Ott UiuieT It P e I t Int
r tii r ltuitaun LtrLe lir Sitriii Uiukl ilsuh
I 5i ns t e ii Lri tu etiiieLltiner
StiR iv e iuiai or tt7 Octun iare rb yt 4 oc c
C I i Itint u I cii to ii uit bC S is sat i
I titu ciii IVtiin ct itt a iii r troui r Mtoii Ited C
r t I I r ii ii die C
t it itt it it to sit titI t
ii t Ii ttie hick ot Cl il te1 tuiui tit t
U I i e Iroliters ttett aie tnua s byecue besot
tt a 0110 ii 515 arncte
tSr sat tin henry tirCisrt of sewtown rccertt
1 Lrtl their t i it iiddt
Tie ftc tI C Oaiv iriihet tit farsvpii sorm
1 eieu t C U ltu bt vt itO LI Cituriii iii hiitnOi n
J cn S It el tiM no it si it aii It 5rs e ss 1
ii I O it t i1t C tILubct itt the 10 t tadt C
is it r us 5 Itui
t tie cI to esu bti lioute a in htutttrr P hit
ttttj i C C u thu cc it i it 0 lii Lii I I
C gJcl liii re Cite triul si i ditiote red
At li sraIi C 5C itI c p t UtriesLerrlci have t
ttt red ueiug o it ctttotl esrti tieSi r I h
rice Ste ci islr SiLO setti Outened sod ci rice it
liv r
Pterant PtOcr of4inslactcrk if Lit Queeuts Lnt4
Ut itte recent ci tested Itti 54U Li ti y Tt
C IC twtlii uutet pieIeU attoss ae aggregated cicr
It Ii I ostttvcl buritut to us thuitneuuts IC r ilu illi
ciss iha Lattitad QlitUi 5UIbU2 bOsp41c
s c Cr C
mn iclxii xx SH4CI1 OF A MIFIXS TO
lb Ilscvnllnn AttnrneyGentriet Vrnpot
Imno to ProvIde Edison while rower flom
ft oicnnotboot thsMale offll KIndom
Ring Kalakatma wts introduced to Mr
Thomas A Edison itt ie latters itoiulquartors
in FIfli avenue at 9 oclock last night Mr
George Jones the proprIetor of the 2bies mel
his Majesty In Vienna anti when the convoralt
ion turned upon thu oloclrio llglt Mr Jonel
ttromisod to Introduce tue llng to the electrician
iviten they met in Now York At 0 oclock Mr
EdIson was in an upper room at work A half
ilozen friends anti assIstants wero WIth him
The electric llghtts wore burning througltoul
tho building A carriage runthiod up totho
cirb anl in an instant the Khtg Mr Jonei
UtorneyGeneral Armstrong anti ono or two
others entered They wore shown Into a roar
room and as they stood there looking at the
chantleller Eiiiaon came in His hair wits
tousled in every direction As ho entered he ran
hula hand nervously through hut hair as if con
scious butt it was disordered and thus made it
worse Mr Jouic Introduced 11w to tboXinit
end ho nodded rather than bowed at tiio same
timo oxteniting ono Itand abaontmindedhy first
tt Mr Jones and then at ho monarch who
iok it anti lookod smilingly Into tho boyish
face of ie inventor
I have lrard meliout you Mr Edison saul
his Majesty and I havo wished to ace you and
yetiur wontlerful Inventions
The King Iua gained adecidedly Enghleh iii
tonnIome since his lust visit and the melodious
voice thtut ho possesses in common with the
peopie of lila kingdom renders that intonation
mort than usually agreeable lie was dress5d
In black rellcvel only by his white collar the
horestoo of brilliant diamonds on his scarf
anti hula white cuff
Edison oxItitiiteti hula lIght turningono burner
up anti down anti thuen flttting all otutttt once
end instantly relhgltting them Tim hiuig was
interesteti AttonmnyUnneral Antaretrong sam
lint his Muijesiy he especially Interested In tlo
electrio light IiOCtthtfee his capItal Honolulu
nlFtt ie llghttil soon by sonioGihe euprlor to
ito kerosene now mttlnyed here Tho moo
arch Is itiilocllotl iclitithier the mtew illuminator
titnhl ho gas or aiectiicitv bitt has resolved to
walt until elnorlcity itne had a lull anti practical
lrial Thto IIttg saw Edleone representative
In aria and learned much train him Last
nilut there was tin awkwarui vnuse after the
King hat complimented Etiisom anti Edison
hal noddeti lank 11 banks Everybody foil
It little uncomfortieltle Thin KIni broke the
spell ly suddenly asktng low do you pro
litc hone arbou arcs
Instantly tIme electrician was at home and he
iattnctttti out into a lescrltttlon of hs lamp
iiuetued in ltomIy latuguisge attt Illustrated
vritl bits of wire and portiotus of lui nppnratu
lie and the King wore loft together and lie
others stood npttrt Presently notuuo ladles catuic
hit softly tuiii getting holiinl iltu others saw
royalty ileforrhtg to genius Edison was so ire
toroaed that ito oceasionaily lett the hinas aIde
tiI correct what ii heard otlets saying anti
tnce ho loft lila Meaty all alone holtilng a pie
lure and not knoivihig what to do wltlt it Ile
King is a gooti lIstener and appearoti to be In
teresteil lie nkeil tracheal nuui nnsilln qIte
ions lb was itsoniehed to hear that Etiheon
wits going to cull power as wail as light lie
ahd ho luau not leanii of hint before He was
ruinnzed set EIlsrtis maps of tie business dis
rittui pooiirttii sill over whIt ibIs cacti of
I chicli rupresentetl ii aH burner wherever there
s a burner nitti set other moons covered
with paraltoelogramuis of varying lziti retire
eenttlitt lie antuotint of horse power in use in
I ie s am a ht ° ni I IIiS
Cttn you lay your wIres In stubmenine
alike 7 utornotUenornl Armstrong aikstI
SOhl it ivotuhil cost so much thats nil Edi
IOn t ephletl
lieittlitn 10th nitehit coma over to the Sand
wicit bltcmids mint ICimnus adviser said whore
e itavu it vololina thtn turns a thousand tall
lion tone of coal a day an you coiulti hut your
iohicra on top of the voleana tnd tct powcc
ifloilgfl to supply thIs country
Is tOst a tooht rlismi
sulctt overlooking ho 3oko in his thirst for In
or nu It lu u
so we got our coal from Autetraliuc said
he ttorneyGenerii but cts ttill great hopa
on flint voleanc hoti we soI out we expect to
tt ntoro for hUnt than for anything we havO
cttAt title the King lrtierheii heartily lie went
ttmurotught Chic buhltthitg cvlh Jdhoon tind wateltoit
Ilto inivittctr with titttfTuto1 curiosity lie waj
ntonisimtl to hear hint thus carbon ltoretsiies
gundunily boettmne so liar by hunmhngtiiat they
cviii cut gltis like a dhutmond thin King aug
iibttii Clint ihs Infnrntntion ivotilti a prized by
mliii latlitt Ut attire where thorn is me hittrncr
vir a onmtodttrs type dIsc Uuo King was
hewn a book to illustrate ho ttoitiitncis anti
cenhleness of tit light iiio eonvcrsteion
tmrntd upon thu Iliewaitnu language wlieit Cite
AttornUetienil ttili E limo win extremely
joit anti iiiuehtai Euon sail his titolii like
to hear It filth 1101 himi was prevailed upon o
ih something in hiuueieiiat Iio Kltg proved
zthiful lie itiaitnti a rflOiiuettt
I cay to von iiiiii lit hIoe kclotya
that means how art yetu 7
I know the words Manna Lan Elleon
1I1 langungc he lull itt thu vowel iennI
oitt mu trnistroiug it lin only thtreou
livelvosaiil tint Jini
Twtvts tail inmi rrnshr3tug all the
rowoli tinti a lacy ititOflnhtC
t Ito itune went vlhi 1iion locvnt stairs to
the engIne tOOtil and 1iinn Slwol liiit tlto
it flaio iiaiiino anti rooter After that the
I ng hut n k eti i it i ii lututa r autiti tic lint boon
rtitthy tutercsted tltnik iunntts with Itinu and
wiiii Mr Joue and the otiiurc qutttcti the
bu i Ii ittir
In the morning thin Kin anti Lord 111gb
C banibenlitin Jiulti hail lteti en It vington whtpt
hey spent the day with tr Mason an oil real
lent of the Saittwichi Isliitl liiey returned
C the city in lIt evnittir Tlic King has no
tivtti ituitny calls at tile llrttnacviek Tue vms
tuna have hen nittlnuhy peusotis who hintn ben
cii the Sandwich Islnntle or iit OpI whom tic
titet on hIs Irtivele II has iheclinc a nuiuuber
if social Invitations out of rcsreet to the national
A rrger lurid mr i traditIon
PotioNto Sopt 25Vhllhtuin T branch 1Mb
in cisC nisuliger or the Aitiericaii Tratikr Ctiiuiai at
Bralfurd Pe ivas au reslit iere test iLht Cliaied with
Icugut pter to tLe awocuit cC ltiOtU sal 1 tiuw lull
tiiatn earaOuttn
Ti Sigusel DOle iicJicjton
Fair weather south to west winds nearly ita
LLtary iirutueter Slid ttitIperattre
JOTrLv iwiujr iv try
Julius ecler ril rtiu a tttlrteiry wlulor at
rIrt lute C ritrrdiey sod w C huSh tjurei
TIOCO utiii ilWiittel 5 rot CCCI tiu iltei in htrt
5 Cii C early i c stOril y iuruuti lit Cio CiCuUitior his
tu wtutI i
iv ii itlt ices Riciuttty poigneb to death by au
so 1 C C riits e eutititittie ut ttts tei IeiiCi 03
tet i31 street 3estertst
iiiiTi Cutrrtii 5 hi drunk yrterttay sisbluet Jilt0
I iii lit ii Its iiriiii uuti Uiitcr butii cea ii iittiiy
Iti utrtt lie ii tis srrvsted
tltie WIhuuin ii rrioiier at Jt CCron Mar
I 3 i cter 5 UChi U I i tiiJi t i 4 ho ituiy by
ii kitt is tuc is tttutticu it luis itei
a hlie ii ny miCra et be bee bitt rstns bcte a tite
trotutnti a ii i i Ci iii ill a iitirru oil ci tIe t tt
t utah ii iii be I tit tj tie MtCItiu It urr cry
1 iltc ti itO at laiii F Jeie niars rott nuek
I at 41 I Fis t C 5 cc I s t ii
I uItitgt i1url e storday Tue iivilet it Ci Li ci
h a Prut by ti 0th Vcj Titttt icrti I ciii Ct it uiietp
i C ti ioOii i iti lucuce ott S tud ritutiiO tiii ii
1 i s13 i t ii iii i iii iIii
It Ott ii iit e s 14 I Uit ui ii ttte Cs I it cip
I tl Jiii liuitoche
t tiiuiii L ii e a I ici ninltl is in itt irUcti lot
I he r is son cii it ti it C Ut tit iti i liii ii C es t
Pt iu ti ii utusi It Ott nittt rtc i C iI i 1 I tet
l ll i ill had net the sine C ii u Si as cetitttitt t
i C tic Tttib CtcICS
A uitsa stoat a t i ire ci I ii us ci t l i in a vii ant
r uI mite tsit I itte ttiStCtl sill set
13 till sti tie c tit a t iott i it t i a
rst C iilittor at ICr tt ol ICest Ttiutctit stnct
1 u itO r its C et t4 tutu tt
1 Ii nt I OC ii y i a Itituithu iec fr it it
lii I Viii IL t r liuu le is Cr trut cud
I i I t ii SCu iii it tt its Stu tiit t lii titui IL
e Iiirrtt u tins ucet I I
i1 ui IiI I C i t iy Si t
trt iit tIuittI0 edluter hit iLvuiuu ttio ttisvr
u ni II iir3 ii rit Jr isuLit a oI ieiti hut iuii er
12 I t it sit ii tti tt ttlit CL to utio itio ti
i1 i b l uruu ne bet t r roil t tiC
to 3ecCrsliiy
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u1 I ii tuti NC iluirt iil r i t
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ti I C btii Wni Lrcirtu it ui Iei I I e etc t t Ci
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r3 Li 1 ti i t ti CI Ct t i I i ii I It ii utit
i Ci 5tiitiC 1 ite tiht in tile i t i C t Iiuiiil
I Ii i IL It I U SiteS a i I r t lii
5 I 05 irCttttiuus ii ie l t 1 t Leuc euui
itt ii
ru e cmi liver f 1 Mitiit en irsi W iCc at
I sod re ut3 tr I utile ictut to It
511th iii4V a etcr so I r teiuiC ti gl i ii
I U ci itid Iitl Lit S iii u tiir sid A iia sits
vito 1 riIi1 a iitiier S tie td Ic r is ss lOt the
iluthy three seal s 4 3 icuclut hen sciiiiig st seoul
I i p er at ii t c t i 3 Iun tietiti iii Suitvs
mdi ecutup ami gLsttun citue uetOau1e4 at Jcaausa

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