OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 12, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1882-10-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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ID t im
A covrnjsr ntl T snoira TIIK roncn
of iiiK iiuiunuvAtt llCIOTTo
I jtotlllritt Neitllnlcnt ni thi Hnmra of Folr
nil tlrYclnntlIlnmiln llnlllna Over wilk
JCnthiKlnim fur Ik Irmnrrallc Cnndldnte
No filcne of n Cnmimtffn In GrnaTll
A Itetollltlan tkul Nolkln Van Stop
Burr AIO Oct 11IL la n four hours mil
roll journey from tim homo of Clmrle Tllol l
Bor to tho homo of Grover Cloollnd Ono cnn
visit thoU both In n tiny and probably thoro Is I
no batter way at renchlnKnnundorslnnditiK of
tho torco of tho pollllcnl revolution tlict tbo
Btnto Is now umloruolnx than by n brief study
of tho contrast botwoon Gonova and IIlo In
their high chnrnctor In tholr personal popu
larity In tho respect and esteem In which tholr
follow townsmen hold tlioni tho two candi
date for Governor stand on uu equality In
contrasting tholr widely dllTerlnKsItuntloiiB In
tholr respective homes therefore nothing to
b sot don n HI n reflection on tho personality of
either Whatever differences nlst In tholr
surroundings nro duo wholly to tho excited
stnto of political sentiment which so far us
tho Republican party Is concerned tins never
soon such n stirring up In many years
I Is putting It ory mildly to say that tho
fooling In Geneva and Ontnrlo county has
grown no better toward Judo Folgers can
didacy since tho Saratoga Convention Local
candIdates who have visited every township In
tho past week pronounce It a Brent deal worse
5 and It U tho opinion of those best Informed
that tho countY which hns not given n Demo
cratic majority more than once In twenty onrs
will b carried by Grovor Cleveland Jmlgo
Folccr got 2000 mnjorlty In tho county when
ho ran for State Senator n few years ago UU
most sanguine friends do not belloo ho will
cot more titan 500 majority this year and they
fear that ho will not Imvo any Thellepubllcnns
of Ontario have lost none of their liking for
JiulLe Folcor but thoy say that they nro
battling for n principle and that men aro noth
ing An old friend and neighbor of Judge
Foleora who was 1 Democrat when Mr Folgor
was n Domoerat and becnmo a llopubllcan
when tho Judge joined that party said yester
day I cannot oto for him I feel ns old Mar
tin Grover onco sAId In a conversation Mr
President snld he wo want our principles
wo want our principles and If you dont civ o
thor to us you may nominate tho Angel
Oabrlol with tint Klorr shining on his wings
and wo won tiro him
Hal Judge ioleor not bon n member of tho
Cabinet and not been used br the Administra
tion ns a loa to usel oil Cornell old He
publicans flY that he would have been the Hist
choice of his own count for Governor The At
tempt to thrust him upon tho party by tho
means employed 1101 the most bitter roo
sontuicnt nnd tho llcpubllcnns of tho county
rallied around Cornell not because he was so
dear to them but t emphasize tholroxlrollon
of hostility to tho Federal Administration Tho
light lit the primaries w ns time hottest ever known
In tho county The best that the Iostmiuiturs
t aided by Senator Lapham could do was to eat
four out of sixteen towns for Folger The
County Convention bya vote of two to one cent
n solid Cornell delegation to Saratoga United
Btateu Honntor Lnphnui pleaded on tho floor of
the County Convention for just ono compli
mentary vote for their fellow citizen but the
angered Republicans would not listen to him
At Bnrntoirn tho Ontario mel stood like
I stone nail for Cornell When Judge Folgc
f was nominated they started for home with
out waiting to spu Mr 1 1lntt Carpenter
and tho lost of the fraudulent ticket nomluatert
Most nf them will not votp at the election Tho
French forgery added del t the llame in On
tario nnd tho tire yet rages with unquenchable
flcrcunoss Thirtyfive lifelong Republicans In I
the town of Geneva alone have made public i
declaration of their Intention to scratch tho
ticket Thoro are nt least twenty more who
will not vote at all In some of the Interior
town pli I PS tho boltira are organizing clubs
pledged to scratch tIme ticket Onni
Judge Foigers years of absence from the
county make him only a dim reminiscence to
t young generation of voters mend three
miles nnny from his homo no votes will b
lven to him on personal grounds Time town
A 01 Geneva gac Tllden 36 majority and Han
cock 39 It will probably give oher 75 or 100
majority There Is a feeling among his old
neighbors thnt it would tie nn unnecessarily
unkind timing to lot the town go agnlnst him
and In tho belief that the election of Clove
land Is assured enough Democrats will
ole for nssurel offset tho Republican iofcc <
ton Judge Folgeis personal friends in the
town are nearly nil among the Democrats In
his younger days he was an nrdent member ol
that part Ho was once editor of the Demo
cratic newspaper in tho town and tinted Cnl
houn for President His early friendships
hare proved stronger than party tics and tho
grnyliulred Democrats of today are still his
companions anti friends when ho cones to his
old home These are men who will try to com
pliment him with n majority In the town Ko
publlcnns urn not among them
Geneva Is the last place ono would suspect 01
being tho home of candidate of great party
bln hfmo I clndllnlo 1 Iront plrty
You may walk from ono end of the town to tho
other without seeing I sign of 1 political cam
Not solitary banner stretches
paign 1 loIIHY across
the streets No ling illos no clubs are teen no
bands mo heard no poitrnltt are displayed
Thu principal hotel hits n homely framed pic
ture of Grovcr Cleveland on its wails No rntl
flcatlon mooting has been hold nt time homo 01
tho Jtepubllcnu candidate slnco tho barn
toga Convention adjourned Judge Folgor
has made two visits here recently lie
has received the usual neighborly greetings
but nothing moro Ha spends most of his time
in his clu crful unpretentious house on Main
street He hns not hut nn offlco In tho town
for several years When ho goes down town ho
usually divides his time between time private
ofllon of thn Icnevn Until In which ha Is I inter
ested nnd the ono 01 Lewis V Cobb wool and
oommlhlon merchants on btneca street Here
he mcHts his ohltlmii friends a nil talks will
them by the hour on tIme pust and 01
current events The Wool Itoom ns it il
commonly known Is I ono of the Institutions oC
thu town I h is for ears bcui a meeting plnco
of thu old timers and In the days when Mi
I Folgcr was nn active politli al mnnugri I great
deal I was mid about tho I Wool Hoom clique
tho Wool IJoom tike mind time hike nut that
was a iiollticil generation ngo and tha mci
who meet In limit Wool Boom now sit will
helpless hands nnd euin hull Mumir d ns they
look nut upon thEm storm mound Ilium I found
I one old timer In th town who seemed to take
in tlm situation 11 sltmol
When time Whigs stinted tho harm lon nnt
Hard Cider alit icttgum ho Il I was n
Democint 1 temcinlmr wu nil i Id lea led time
nioveinent reveral I of us got toget her nod
tnlked time timing over Wo nil ranvliidud that
If limo UIII could not Inko ul State away from
us by an y possibility I I I Hut they dhl nnu they
bolt ova m ti like I I nn avalanche Vo hint inado
the mistake supposing Hint tho log cabin and
hard elder laiinort was nil theio vas in tin
movement lem nth It nil gn at political forces
wore nt voik limit t wo you Id not inenbiti
until titter lection I have
untl nCr eleclol watched tin
signs oftho times elosijly mni tho parmtllot with I
IHluUhtrllilne I Hlhtoiy Is golntto repent It
self I Int time finml nnd forguiy nlone for
h we Imvo had SIK h things I befoni Nol Is It 1
ii Federal Inteifeioncn In htato affairs for thnt 18 I
f not now Thcso things mire the eahy oHhnii
r pretexts that men other to their nolglilxus I for
I leaving their party A might revolution In I
going nn nil over the country ItMnris lust
where the provocations nio greatest but Ohio
Iennfllvnnla and Now York only lend the nay
7 by I Cow months for all the rest You ennno
explain I and politicians cannot measure I 1
ml nothing can stop It
Amid nil thu ecited t talk ono seldom heai
Judge IoUir spoken of except In forms 01
i kindiKMH Once In n while n vexed Itepubll
can will say Thn Judge ought oxol to hate
I lent his rcspeitablu name to Jay Goulds use1
or He Rliould have declined when his own
P4 county declared ngnliibt him at the prlmnrlos1
If But criticism does not go tn tho extent of mak
1 I Jog him a responsible pint of the Federal ma
chine that t Is so odious or of making I him I par
tllp vium this In i the forge ry His I nelfrhlmi
believe him tnbou I telnetaiit enndldnto forced
into accenthiL I the nomination I through i friend
I ship for 1resldeiit Arthur lImo alit sorry foi
2 him as tho victim of unfortunate clreuin
Blanco1 and their rejoicing nt tlio oval Limtow
1 of tho fortes that wrenched his nomlnatloi
Imt nomlnulol
from the Convention will bo tcmpmcd wltl
V ii ByrnriHlliy for him In defeat Hut I visit to t
Geneva would chill I I tho stoutest Nt ilvvnt t
T Imo chunre CIO Geneva to t llunalo is bike
lumping trout Alaska Into riniidit I icR l r
Geneva In I mid nltemoon nnd I imo train rollc
Into DiiITiln to t lie miislonf cornet nnd drum
Boon after daik the music headed nullrul
aba ofomi hum imiremi mid two uity > ounl llopiib
llonns who havn formed timemmisci tout lit I mm a
4 ClovelAiulcoipH mid Intend to eat their first
votes this fall for Giovoi Clovelnnd Two 01
thine blocks further up thI aimed niiotliorcoin
pnny was marching with mllltaty precis
I ion The banner they bore Infoiined the
f render thnt they were Time Young McnH
thr Jfonl
Olevelnnd Gimrii 1 mid thnt t their motto
was No Fodnral Interference A third
company with nIl and ilium marched
L along nn Intersecting street I low minute
ti later inquiry bowed that no unusual occur
f I
ronco broucht out tho demonstration and that
such pnriidcs wore nn every night affair Every
lId lias Its club or company glee club or ns
Hoiljitlon 01 some kind nnd tnelvo or fifteen
iiuhlleincotlngsn nlshtnro thonvorngo Clove
land liiiiinois lly to the bieoo on every street
nnd Clovehind portrnlls urn ns thick ns mos
uultocB In Now Jersey Time boys wear Clove
land miniatures on their jacket antI tIme
young men irrespective ot pnst conditions of
polltlcil sorvil utit wear gold bnhges consisting
of tho figures iGHyinbollcnl of tho number
of Igltnil Cleveland men In time Hyrnciso Cot
ventlon Ono doesnt need to ho hero moro
than nn hour to feel thnt t ho political atmos
phere In surelmrgul with electricity You fool
time current ns noon IIH you enter n car or omni
bus nail the ihish and lnt In tho hotel coin
dors nnd wherever olso men gather corr
To I llnd the loading Ialhor
Illi lonl Itepubllenn newspaper
of tho ely fairly ylni Hlllhllln wlh Il Democratic
contemporary In support nf Cleveland Its col
umns tilled I with reports of pnindes nnd moot
ing and its odltoifnls striking dendly blows nt
tho fraudulent Saratoga ticket II no longer n
Biirprlso whon ono cOle to gain somo knowl
edge of Itopubllean uentlment TIme newspaper
does not so much mould public Hontlment nn It
moulll > blo lonllent
icllectslt rime earnest protest of the Repub
henna headed byHhormnn 8 Rogers who rOjlro
sent the oonsclcnco of the party truly pro
poOLs tho foaling nf n largo portion of the revo
lutionists There nro many who arc animated by
less worthy inotUrt and homo nro political sol
dlois of fortune who follow every victorious
nrmy but In tho main tho movement hero hna
the same chnrncterlstlcn as thnt In Ontnrlo
county Time diemumnyod Htnlwnrts try to mnko
themselves believe thnt It Is only n hurrah over
n popular citizen nnd that the enthusiasm will
effervesce before election day There nro wi
xlgns thnt It Is only n passing show I Is not
the personal magnetism nf tho man that brings
to Ins support time solid Democracy of the city
nnd tho hotter hnlf of tho Republican party It Is
tho principle that In embodied In Ills candidacy
IluslnoxB men of Ituffnlo who supported him
for Mayor because he was nclcnrhcndod hon
est Inn who would do his duty fearlessly sup
port him for Governor for precisely tho snmo
reasons Ills administration baa been honest
and clean and his Idenof good government are
so nearly 1 Record with the best sentiment In
the Republican Party thnt thn mon who turn tn
disgust from the Saratoga ticket and what it
represents llnd In htm all that they could musk
Personal mngncllsm good fellowship nnd time
like qualities thnt often make up cheap politi
cal reputations are not the foundations on
which Grover Clevelands popularity rests
Time quiet frank unassuming man who goes to
his duty day In tho Hall Is
hlslutr every 11 City 111 not a po
a litical principle naif of fortuc but tho representative of
The 1eeullnr Turn Given In Ike Delibera
tion ofnn AntlBInehln llodr
Tho Republican nssoclatiou In tho Fifteenth
Assembly district recognized by tho County
Committee Is that of which Mr Eugene A lot
threw is President Resenting tho incursions
of Mr Barney Ulglln Mr Mlko Cl lan and
others belonging In other districts Re
publicans In tho Fifteenth organized nn
antimachine association somo three years
ago Of this association Mr M L Ilolllstcr
Is President It claims to represent 1700
votes n against about 500 conceded to tho
Pettlgrew Association but It has never bon
recognized by tho County Committee A cir
cular letter Issued recently by tho Holllster
Association called upon Republicans In tho
district to boar In mind thnt the machine had
become so corrupt In that and other districts
that no expression of the wishes of a large ma
jority of the party was possible and asked
thorn to attend 1 meeting Inst evening nt 267
West Thlrtifourth street nt which Important
business was to come up
Time association after It had been called to
order by President Holllster was present about
soventyflvo strong and worn time appearance
of harmony Delegates to time County Alder
manic Assembly antI Congress Conventions
went nominated by n committee Conventons
unanimously elected by tho association A com
munication was road from President C Pull
man of the AntiMachine Republican General
Committee which moots at ILl Est Thirty
second street Inviting the association to send
delegates t confer with representatives that
committee with avlnw to tho purificatIon of
politics President Holllster was authorized to
appoint such a committee but blot be had
performed that duly Mr William 1 Hunter
of the Custom House offered 1 resolution on
denting the nomination of Folgor foi Governor
Doug the gentleman mean to endorse only
Mr Folgers nomination I n wan in Ibo rear
of tho rom asked
Mr 1 T Putteri > on thereupon nnnounccd
that whatever time gentleman offering the reso
lution meant ho for one lull not endorse tho
nomination of B Plntt Carpenter nor approve
nominated the methods by which the entire ticket was
Mr Robert Miller said that the tactics which
had become odious In the Fifteenth district
had been carried to Saratoga and he wanted to
Fee tho Republicans rise In their might and
btilko down ticket nominated by fraud
A member of the association announced that
if it endorsed Carpenter lie would quit the hall
amid he readied 101 his hat
motion to laY Mi Hunters resolution
A II tunters rl oluton on
tho t table was lot and nn amendment to In I
clude thn whole ticket in the endorsement was
accepted A further amendment to except tho
name nf n 1lntt Carpenter was lost
A rising vote on the question of cnrtorslng
tho entire State ticket was called for Tho
affirmative votes outnumbered tho negative
about three to ono and Mr Iloblnson put on
his hit and started Inl limo door remarking
that iou was out of politics Several others fol
lowed him but they all drifted back later
Then the President said he would IIRmo as
the committee to confer with tho Pullman or
ganization Mcesrs Robinson Miller Cnn
lie Id ltOI
101dlr rnnfleld Interrupting dont son how I
can go over thero after what vvdvo just done
Mr Miller And I dont feel like showing up
thnro after this exhibition nf machine politics
Mi Itoblnson Tho o me just mystntiments
A Man in time rear of time hailI suggest lot
tlgrew as a member of that committee
Sir LdvNnriirntroll moved to reconsider tho
motion toeimdnconimltten to confer nlth tho
Pullman oignniatlou The question of his
right to make time motion was raised and It
was isccrtalncd that ho had voted with the nm
I dont lullovo ho belongs to this asMcla I
tlnn slmoum toil n momber
limo Heerotan consulted tho roll nnd disco I
tinl m that ho did not I
Two or hreo voices Is this another case ol I
proxy I
After n Ioro or manic of len hUll declined to I
slrvo on time committee Piealdenl Holllster I
announced that ho would try to llnd live men
II time IOUII of tho coming week who would
H ro and the association adjourned to next
Wednesday ovenlng 1 was mild that about
it Ii neil men In lodornl omens attended last
safely nights through meeting to see the Folgcr lesolutlon
IlEIOLT ioiivsr jonx AXD jicoit
tltlxeni Set to Voik tn Ilrrak the Tenth
DUtllct Kepubllcnn Machine
Citizens of tho Tenth Assembly district
who dont believe In political bosses met las
evening In Beethoven Hall In Fifth street
Tho Moor of tho hall and the galleries wore
filled Propeity holders pat In front seats
One young citizenoftho district canto In will
thlrtjtwodf his fathers tenants Charles K
Lnxovv presided
IiuUo Alfred Stnckler said thnt tho district
was ono in which nt election after election
ballots cast had been debt i ood nCer tissue bal
lots used aunt In which Inspectors of election
had deposited mol ballots than vvoie record
ed atom had put fUt t the lights to count their t
candidates in For ten yours tlmio hud not
been an honest election In tho district rime
mon who owned ho Inspectorx ioihy and soul
wnrn responsible ThohO men wero John J
ODilen and Jacob 31 PnttersonJr Time cl
7eiiK nt last had an nppoitunlty to trim them
selves I they would nomlnnte all vigorous I
ly support men chosen fain nmong themselves
they I would deal n dentil blow to tho misrule 01
tho bosses District Attorney Meheon had do
dared his purpose to do all in his power tn leo
hat I honest voting amid honest counting hhouh
piovnll at tIme coming election
A committee of loOcltlzens was appointed to
nominate I Independent I candidates Judgu Ot
lerliomg hlglsmund Knutmunn Mitchell lalnl
J O Molt J F JunrloH nnd others thelRlloku
Candidate for Congress
Thirl 1 ln 0 llUtrlrt The Dcmoiritli Coimnlllef Ilif
v cmmcrIiiy tinil vllli < lrtu the nainn of the I InlI 1 VI
trillium nlu > Mm IW Cit I IMI AUK 24 iii I nhu is I
nmcciml 111 rtirui tuid thru nninhmUu 1 tllI I Jiiirliain
the ire nt viHor It I
Mtrhttviith IliiniUv I smut lsirklL K I Atkinson of
Vlltllllitnwii m Ur iillfciui
huonl Manuchuitlt IJIitrlctllov John D Long
It tut tlCHM 1011
1 mint I Ciiniiecllrut mulct riet1tiim T Wil mmiimiblicsmm
He iiuti for tie Hlur sui limit eici 1ILleol
1t II I Wisconsin ltltrIcii I AMtnnrt llc nhllcan
Mulh Mauuivim mucus ttimtr1cmi I tie lltnioeiatle I Coll
trillion vrstrnlay indoinril as Us runilliliitt the I I 01
riitodors linan I of lliookllne the nominee of civil
service I reformers
Tenth Mamachuset District John Hopkins of Mill
bury Democrat
fifth Tenntssea District Richard Warner Democrat
I A million Amtrlcani Ion < ui > Dr Bulll Cough Syrup
Other utitiummi In rroi > 0tlou4ilv Coull
rite Democrnllc Mnorlty Estimated ut from
83000 la ItftOOO on tkp Hint TicketAlso
Klerllni lt of the 91 tonircaemen
CINCINNATI Oct HTho clouds cleared
way In Ohio today Tho defeat of Foster
Co and tho entire Itopubllean ticket hns boo
omo n complotn rout Each hour bilngsln
fresh accounts of tho Democratic Ictory Tho
light opened In Hamilton I county and hero Ho
itibllcan losses woro expected but tho waver
lug on this part of tho line was soon followed by
n general faltering and by midnight the
wholo Ino was In retreat There will not b
enough Ohio llepubllcans In tho next Congress
to hold a caucus lleglnnlng In tho First die
rlct hero In Hamilton county Amor Smith
the Hopubllcnn friend of John Hhormnn whom
ho oxBocrotary camo to Cincinnati to save U I
defeated by 1763 majority Ituttorwnrths
friends had hopes up to midnight thnt ho
might b saved Returns from ninny wards
show heavy Democratic gains but It wits still
hoped thnt tho strong Republican wards would
how Increased majorities Those hopes proved
groundless At midnight Uuttcrworth wont
home defeated Todny ho sent John Folio
its congratulations I his bcon a sad blow to
iutterworth whom Rherman encouraged Into
believing that If Hayes fulled to secure time Ito
publican caucus nomination for Senator next
your Iluttorworth would got his support as
ignlnst Foster Thero was also tnlk nf ranking
luttorvvorth the Republican candidate for
Governor nights Waterloo but this too is laid away by last
Out of tho twentyone Congress districts
Which the Itopubllean Legislature carved out
of the State last winter in hopes of electing
flora thirteen to fifteen member tho Demo
crats liMo now can led fourteen nnd possibly
Iftoon I Is believed now that Schultr of
Unton Motoy In time Ilutler county district
lobnaonH man Kolfor IheHprlnglleld district
McCormick who succeeded Htar route Neal In
Iho Trenton district State Hnnatorllorr who Is
Brother of Itepresentntlve Hnir nf Michigan
oxLlcutOnv Hurt 1 T UpdcgrnlT of tho
bteubcnvlllo district William McKinley who
wants to succeed Foster as Governor and I
Judgo Tnlor of time old Garfield district will
comprise the Republican Congnsslonnl dole
cation from 0 lImb Thoro Is jet M > mo
doubt about Morey though time Republi
cans claim tho district by 3M majority
I was thnught last night thnt while Icrnn had
beatenS Ivoster Everett time Clovelnndmbllon
nlre the other Republican Congressman from
time slmo county would bo elected This was
Cnpt Clnre whom tho KepuMlcans concede
tonight was benton by Pnlgo Frank herd
goes back to Congress from tho Toledo district
and will b a lending figure In the Democratic
delegation from the State
The effect of tho Republican defeat In Ohio
this year Is I conceded by all thoughtful mon to
M most far reaching In Its rosultH Senator
jhorman and Murat Hnlstend agree thnt Sena
tor IVndlotons rofIectlon to tho Senate Is as
sured They also think thnt unless something
occurs Ohio H vote tuny bn expected to aid tho
OJllltel nll
election of n Democratic President
How about Foster asked Tun SUNS cor
respondent of many loading min here today
Foster Is an extinct volcnnn was tho chnr
ncturlstle reply of the editor of the tYinixiriniif
Deacon ItlchnrdSmith of tho flaztlle nttempts
today to blame the result on tho extravagant
Itepubllenn Oongress rver > body knows how
ever that If Poster mini Smith and tho rest of
them hail left off their hypocritical tcmpernnco
Krotenslons time German Republicans would
hate saved time day
Henator 1endloton and tho Democratic lend
ers In this hurt of tho State are most ember
nut over time result They believe and with
hcloe wih
good grounds thnt the notion of time Germans
yesterday places the State In their hands just I
ns long ns they refrain from repenting thn
blunders of the last Republican Legislature
I was that Legislature which brought about
yestenln disaster said a prominent public
man toiilght I was organized forjobbory
and that is what tho election of lodge to time
Spoukorshlp of tbo House meant niter n ses
sion which for profligacy amid corruption which
bad seldom been equalled In Ohio time Legisla
ture passed the Pond Liquor law ami thoSmith
Sunday law nnd hunt net reflected George H
IVmlloton to the Senate
The Democrats tonight coneedo the election
of Gun Robinson In the Ninth district and
claim that Neal is elected over Hurt In tho
Twelfth by IU vote They also believe that
Gcddes has beaten Horr and that McKinley
and Schultz Republican are defeated This
would give time Democrats fifteen out of tho
Twentyono Congressmen Time majority for
tine Stab ticket will probably rench 25 000
Special despatches from limo Congiosslonnl
districts show very clone contests between
lloroyt I Hop I and atniliillllletiiIn tho Seventh
district Hart opIllt Neal Dem In tho
Twelfth McKlnley I Hepand I Wallace I Dem I
In time Klghtcnnth Moray claim n mnjorlty of
40 mini Neal nUll Hart ench claim from 4 to 12
An utllnllouII will b required to decide ho
t them Wallace lot mmms n mnjorlty of 4
ali hern also an ofllelal count must 1 determine
Murray DemI In the Third district has u ma
jority of 2fil
A special from Bollalro Ohio sajs T F
Updeurnff tho successful candidate for Con
gress from time Seventeenth district Is reported
to bn dead Ills home Is remote from thn tele
graph and the report cannot be verilled but it
Is known thnt he was low with Hi Ights disease
COLUMBUS Oct ulrlme Democrntlo mnjoi
II on time State ticket Is between 20000 amid
in 000 Wo elect fourteen Congressmen and tho
llepubllcans seven u follows
111 vmncral Irtit RnuttIcin
I I f Kollclt sj VV keifer
2h M Jordan Ik I s ltoliu oii
Jlt vi 1 Murri mii uw vucurmlck
4B K lo isi rc u7h T tpdezMIT
OOn l cmIey invr MiUlnlei 1 ljr
nw D inn III tin I THir
7i Iainphell jo 1 I vic lure
10 tronk I hurl
IJI I I s Nial
I 3I ileo L i outer
14 no VV IciJiUi
Ir > A 1 VVHrn > r
tnllerlah Wllklni
2mmm A Fore
Tho Eighteenth and Twentieth dlstilets are
elo o and In doubt We billnvo that Jlchlnley
defeated by Wnlluco and McCltito by Page
WAR SOTON Oct 1 lrtmm following do
spatcheH were received here tonight to
CuLlHllls Olllu Ocl II
I > I flnitfrloH hush jugron I
Things look worst than I Iinl t nlilit tc nr fiireof but
thccllirlit rl I1 dift atnl In si 1 lh m i i niieritu dli 1 I
tnt U art un IheTnrlflll Ua is l III the I Hftit nth ant
Inron hitch In the Ninth Nirey In the SMriith In
iloiibt II K NAHII Chairman leptllo Iominlttic
COIUMIIUB Oct 11 Additional election re
turns I are lomlng I In I slovlv IIH tho Republicans I
are gitt lug no moro advices mid conceding I
everthing but n fin Congressman Suvcii
hundred mid sKtytlirco precincts show n not
Domocriitlcgiiln of 21180 I i mmii lent I umg 1 Dem
ocrntle majority In the SPutum of 3piOUO
ocrto 3OUL
Tho Domocintn lmv < o > oi claim limo Stito by
31000 or mom though t the t Ropuhllcmm think t I
time majority wIll not oiceod 20 000 The Con
gressional delegation will prolmby stnndbK
to titian In favor of tho Domocnitn
A peculiar fHtiturn of the contest Is tlintvvhllo
tho t Ropubllciinn wnro championing liumm lion
nnco the Piohlbltlnn t vote hns I g moat I y In I
creased and It II l etftimated to linvn n larger
per cent I of gain tlmn t the Democratic I
CINCINNATI OU 1ho I lnninr C Ioni
this mnnrn I tig cliii mmccl hi ft cent Congressnien I
SIJH that the victory U decisive nnd over
vvholiuiiig nnd disposes Foster In pplltlis
Itnssumes thnt time campaign vvis dishonest
on tho part of the Republicans becnue ns It
alleges they t talked ono way 011 Iho I Hanoi I pits
tlon In I tim o Comm mit my nnd another VVID In I time
cltltw I min thii t ifsult Is I sigim I lien mm t htnond
tho I morn local questlniiHj m that I time Democrats
aflor being chcntnd nut nf the Presidency I In
1870 enme lenr elect I um g tholr mnn In I 18SO 1 mid
hint I this and piolmbly si iii liar votes In Now
York and Ponnslvnnlnni prophctleof Demo
cratlu vi dory In I tho Presidential t campaign
Complete but unofficial not umrns from Hamil I i
ton county show tho following Democratic majorities
NewmanSei retnr of Mute lOll
O Kiv Judge of Iho i siipmnt Court miNi Ii
Uj IIfl 11 r
d llonrclnf 1ilblU Works H7 < t
llnnkllm thrU Ill I
Pulton m lerk mii l >
luh I Tronei utlng Attorney 1 2lmmm l <
a bruit tlirontr 2t 11 I <
liiieii ilii Ktiorilir 7 2
Kuhl ount < CommlisloiMr > < li i 7
nin lilli i
Ili vruvi roiini Heller I > i
> unler I llonrd ot Iontrul Ir > < <
Nl ilivnipliuirmnrt I limctir wi 1
rillttt i Irngieu HrtiHtrM I ii3ti
Jorilun tougresrt lclllld dUlrlct Itl 1
foul Tim for RopiiblliniH Hlierlir claim thu elect Ion of lloies
Wett Itllln Klictlnil
WiirUiiMi W Va Oct 11hl loliiiiH
show Inciensed I gmi limit for lie 1 Republicans lu
thin Congressional dlstrkt Gen Goffx ma
< uf 11
joilty foi CongreiH Is 1 estinmiod I ns high as
1000 by Mingulnu llepiihlluiiix limo Demo
era tn uiiuedn his election lime I inlniiiH fiom
Ihu Hoioml dhlilct also glue Inrgn gnlns COI tint
Hnpiibliciiiis but not enough to elect John W
Mason limit llepiibllcan iiindidato llu lele
graplm tonight that hn Is I beaten by about 500
which H n reduction ol last veiufl Democratic
majority of lOUt 1000 > Ollison Democrat is
paid to be elected by from 1000 to t 1610 In time
Fourth district Kmma Demociat Is I doubt
loan roOlouted lu the KuuauUu dietm let
TIH IFVKCT or TIC nvioitr
Indiana Democrats tlnlm inOOO Majority
and U of thv Hi COUBI easineu
ISDIANAPOMS Oct HTho innfrninccnt
victory gatneml by the Democracy of Ohio yea
terday excites tho wildest enthusiasm In Indi
ana especially among that elites of Germans
who hate herotofoTo otod tho Republican
ticket Ilondtlcks JfcDonnld Voorhooo nnd
English claim thnt tho result In Ohio will add
0000 votes to tho Democratic State ticket In
Indiana next month I Is now regarded as
certain that Indiana will go Democratic by
from 15000 to 20000 and make 1 gain of four
Congressmen Homo lending Democrats claim
ho Btnto by 30000 majority and nine of tho
hlrteon Congress districts Thero Is hardly
Conlrcss district hnrlly a
doubt thnt Indianapolis Terra Haute La
in otto and Uvansvlllo heretofore largely lie
nibllcnn will give heavy Democratic majorl
tics Democratic ratlllcntlon meetings nro b
lag hold In ninny cities and towns In tho Stnto
tonight mid onthuslasm Is manifested
PiTTHBunoii Oct 11Thno lon Samuel J
Itnndnll who was In tho city today was asked
nhnt effect time Ohio election would have and
replied ns follows I makes the House Dem
ocratic beyond n doubt I Is judgment that
no will hnvo a good working majority Wo
shall gain three or four members In Ponnsyl
vnnin I think Mr Hopkins will b elected
lie will be of greater use to time district inn
Democratic House than a Republican member
Wo will nlso gain In Indiana get two moro
members In New York and gain elsewhere
Judgo Joro Black said thnt ho thought thero
would bo 1 gain nf at bust three members In
Pennsylvania and that lucre would bo no doubt
nf Mr Randalls election to tho Spoakorshlp It
the Democrats controlled the House
WASHINGTON Oct 11Time Ohio clerks hero
Instead of the celebration thny Intended for to
night nro holding a wake They aro not only
chagrined but frightened One of the leading
olllcors In time Treasury said that ho feared
hat the election was tho prophetic handwrit
ing and that It would bo followed by disasters
In the other States Ho ell thnt ho did lot
BOO how tho Republicans could possibly over
Commit tho grout gain of Democratic Congress
men and fonrcd that thn next Houso was surely
Democratic He said that It was folly to say
that n local disturbance on tho liquor question
could have whlrllglgged tho Ohio delegation in
Congress so badly
An exJudgo from Indiana now In tho
Treasury and intimately I acquainted within
dlnnn politics maid thnt the Ohio election was
worth 10000 votes to the Indiana Democrats
and that ho looked for 1 sweeping victory In
that State Thn llepubllcans would do very
well If Ihoy carried three districts there 10
I told Kolfor said n New York lnwor now
bore on business before tho Supremo Court
just before the close of thn session that tho
gods made mad whom they would destroy and
that tho Itopubllean Congress had been nnl
blind stupidly mad Kolfer did not mnl I
and said that there was only 1 little clamor
raised by the press Ho evidently from tho
tonn of his despatch sees It now
Tho Democratic National Committee huts
boon receiving despatches of time most cncour
nglng character today From Connecticut n
gain of two Congressmen ispromlsed oxSon
ntorEatons and Edward So > mours election
being deemed certain Neither nf those men
would try to loR roll tho Knit Goods bill through
by supporting the Rlvoi and Harbor bill and
then defend his vote by 1IIndlnl tho neces
sity ot such log rolling Congressman Duck of
the I Itt district did this and Eaton will It Is
claimed bOlt Ruck oislly Bejmour Is just
such n Domocrnt ns his father pxClilef Justleo
Seymour was and Is i regarded lion from re
ports received all n sure to roplnco Mills Tho
only State that gives the Democratic Commit
teoany worry Is Dolavvnto There Is 801nl
prehension that time Republicans may elect
their Congressman there From Now York
Ponnslvnuln Indiana mind Vtiscnnsln conin
the I most encouraging despatches today and
If time predictions nro fulfilled Iho election In
those States will iii l I repetition of that of 1874
Republican officeholder hern are ory despond
ent They do not disguise their fear that this
publlenn is time beginning rule ot tho end of continuous lie
BUVDDERIXa 0 Kit 1884
Flnt or Ik Republican Committees Musi
MeetUoMr Crl Ckulltire
An Impatient audience not large enough to
fill all the seats In Cooper Institute waited Inst
evening for tho Republican ratification
10publcn rtncnton moot
ing called by tho State Committee to begin
Wm Dowd President of the Bank of North
America presided After Mr Dowd had made
his ODcnlng speech anti while Mr Walter
lou wns reading nn Interesting list of names
Gen Sharpo called up Cnpt McCullngh and
whispered to him to send up somo of the peo
ple from time rear to till tho front seats Tho
meeting hna heard from Ohio and was not
happy Mr Dowd Mild that tho coming elec
tion was tho skirmish line ot 1884 and that de
feat would mean a return to shlnplnster anti
stumptnll money Tho resolutions nisi fore
told disaster to the Ropubllcnn party tn 18S4 as
a sequel of Democratic success in New York
this lul
Chnuncoy M Dopo was Introduced ns time
sllvoriongued orator from thn Highlands tl
the Hudson Ho referred the doplornblo
facts connected with tho organization of the
Ropubllcnn State Committee ns of little con
sequence compared with the unquestionably
rcgulnr nomination of Judgo Iolger Demo
crntlu success ho sold menus nmong other
things tho redistricting of the Stab the re
peal of tho registry laws time oxlt of good
government In cities and other evils 001
Ingot tho promise In the Democratic platform
that time timehonored principles of thnt pnrty
would bo restored he said It reminded him of
time story of the man who had a horse recom
mended to him ns tko one that haul boon ridden
by Gen Washington The mnn snld on rhtl0n
Ing Into the hordes mouth Yos and by thun
der Its tho same old horse
Howard Carroll tho Itepubllenn enndldato for
Congressman nt Lnrgo wns then Intioduceil
Ho wild that ho hal len spoken of nsa mat
terbrained I outli amid contiasted with his
vcteinn opponent nnl Slocum His answer
was that the best test would ho n joint canvass
before time people Ho thcioforo challenged
Gen Slooim to such n joint canvass and
nvvnltod Gen Rloeums nnswci Inl
United States Dlstilct tOrO A Vi Tonney
or hlrookiymm gnve u legnl opinion In support nt
the regulmltynnd fairness of Judge tnlgors
nomination Referring to tho I irookiii elm rgy
men who 111 roetintlycpnkcn of time Cmll lie
bald I these Doctorsot Divlnltv mIre nonenr
er right t upon I hum I liiitiogi than lie i > nro upon
the Saratoga Coinentlon ills high r time t I Wl 111 I
another tlnulng Mr Tonne denied that time
nomination Judge 10101 I had been biniight
nboutbyFedcril InluClIo111 I named lie t
V m ions Federal I olllcors who ho said wero
nntlrolger men ut IW Stnwmt J oil fommi
he said was either I t for Gnu Coinell I or for him i
self Of tim a hlmijimul ml bum mm United States District I I
Allorneis m he Find I Two of imp now thy thn t In I
publlcmi banner In thn sunlight nnd ono drags
It In time dust Finally Mt Tennoy in his
tuin hhuddeied over IbM
lihk bud heard noon Ohio
The DClolltc State t III1eul looms
vveiii crowded jesturdii from morning to lito
In the UII Konhod win talking nbout
tho result In Ohio Seveinl Dumoeiats tele
graphed finm lie I luteilorof I thn t Stile that It
would increase their eonlldencn mid Htlmulnto
them II I m ivot k hard to I m put t Now Yet k at tho
hIt nf r tho t Democrntlo I I minimi
J ho Republican st ito Commlttoo luau hnnnl
fiom Ohio Tin tool the nuwH Ilkn phlloso
pliers nnd nttiibuted thn Republican defeat In
the t tempeimieo Issue I hey wiio unrblo tn
glvo n reason or tho t gain I of Deiniuintli I Con
gross lumen ii lrU 1lntt I I Can I entei I m I i died In I the t
afternoon Ho admitted unit thu Ohio news
might eriitnsomo disaffection uluiiK Ihu liver
II Proxy Frnneh called In thn I evening lie
hns not found tho I writer of thn t forged lolegram I
by vvhkh he became RohorlnonVi piuy
Kolgeis Udlciliiduu noun the Tv eiitilxlt iI
Thteo hundied Republicans who cant slmul
Stuto Iomniltteeinan rnnk 1 liii mondii rnlo In tbu Tim i I
tj 1 third snmhl iiutrlit liavi lorint il llhe IIl hI
li public tin flub mimot t It met nt Jill I Third in i imo Iit 1
night Wll hiooiur iKriirll td 1 Homo of tin rrands ly I
uhlJi ii lolgcr iltUgnllen to I minim Ka tmt i tlilnrti 1
tliitt Inttht prlmiir In i Silt I 111 Itnvn IljuirsoW
iiiil 1 nn iltul mins tinmi > i Unit mimi off r < d I tovttti I
on tin tiiinit t f vi lkh1 i H tiui n ii I i il nitiu ltd tti it h
i rll W mine ito iimmitcl und tui I mmithum half if
Mir Mull nl I Itjun I u Illnil Una I ml Hint Tmimiim
iitiii nnc tu nrtilMli nn I ninth hU murk mil riu mite
llil n
w IK n 11 h nl m i i rl iitio I ol m II htillelv n ire i dro I 11 d I
cot Inlo 1 hut Ihlll I the hiillol ln I MllilitllHShoHlng I
thil the vulp WOO rmitiy H1 I n uim fur i Mil Iornt II di It
trillion Uiri liiken I tu t suriitt gn 1 1 icy utru not itn
oiintd I I llitl i Ikrr nun Mil Mtilil 1
II iu 0 moiil in mimI I I iiUMiiilMeii ot II In Iho As
iniimitb ciuHiiit en HMiiv mimi Ilho nre loiiutkit out Ly I
fruiid lit Ihu u lunv tiition
Flrlnir nt llnizliiiM
lost ummrster J N Woil I of llaven I < wood was
iiniiktneil ell J emit rilmb mniiiliuh i htnrlni limit i mime
VMilklng In Ihu front pnrlor llo luurled 1111 chit
mliii a i ci ol I c In bin tent cit 1 ii 1 on Ihron Ing I opi n lie
purler door MIW tun men In llu ail of jiinii intt mil it
Ihu I IttrgH itiiiilunii t tipinlig I upon Ito I IJ HMI I llu I u ttrcii
merul shots but llu > ruaiml ju lit thinks tie hit nn ol 1
them lie he staifgirtd for a mointnt ci time running
lacy A buudle vi lists Oat ouuii VllbI loner Uovr
roil AIIIX UA3ivmstr
A ConllnBency In which the County Demo
racy Mnr sTub It Three ot the Noises
CnnTnascdlijrTnmmHny Chnncei of Union
Nearly 15 persons met In tho parlors of
Mr D Willis Jamess houao nt 7hlrtynlnlh
street niul Park avenue In response to tho fol
lowing Invitation Issued 1 on Tuesday to 250
landing citizens of Now York
Drill Sim m You arc rcspcctfull Invited to attend neon
terrace to consider mailers of vital Importance to the
Interests ot the city In connection with the routing
munlcliial election The meeting will be hell at tIme
house of Mr n VV Itlln James 40 East Thirty ninth street
at HJ P I M Wednesila Oct 11 I I IHS2 Olt respectfully
D WILL JAMM ItoiiGK Join OsnMiii OnniDonrFit
IO H CoupusTMomin K Jntr MrvurK IULtw
LritlKTON 1 JilllllTIJOV
Tho meeting Ins called to order by John Jay
who nominated Morris K Jesup ns Chairman
Mr Simon Storno was appointed Secretary
Mr Josup addressed tho mooting briefly on tho
objects of a citizens movement Mr George
Jones moved that 1 commlttoo of three b
nppolntod by tho Chair to report resolutions
Mr Henry E Pollow Mr Frodlc H Coudort
and Dr Dorboy woro named ns Bjich commit
tee At tho suggestion of Mr Turnuro these
persons wore naked to express tholr views on
tine existing political conditions relating
to municipal matters Tho result of tha
speeches showed thnt thoro was a general con
census of opinion on Jho expediency of putting
a citizens ticket In the Held so as to produce
results similar to those In Brooklyn and hut
falo Mayor draco whoso nnmo was men
tioned favorably by many of the speakers wns
present and declined to allow his nnmo to bo
The Committee on Resolutions reported the
following resolutions which woro unanimously
tirrrai It Is the grin lag sentiment of the rltlrens of
New York that the Maoralty should he Illltd with
out reference In jiarllsim affiliations ami rolelv with a
v lew to the proper discharge of Important public duties
the fulfilment of which Is wholly disconnected with
Hate and 11 deral politics It Is therefui
Lttriltfit That chlr ns without regard to part lio
called upon to unite in selecting and suj porting the best
available candidate for the i olllce and tfmt the press of
this clt be urged to aid In this movement
llrmlnil Tied the election of a Motor as the repre
sentative of any irtlsan t political hotly Is calculated to
give corrupt politicians an ally In securing legislation
injurious to the best Interests of the cltv and will de
prive the citizens of an adv ocatc to stand hetwoen them
snui manifold schemes of legislative deredatlon
tfMowtTliat the election of thentlest man smart from
all partisan political considerations will tend iireciiy to
prove the capacltv of the citizens for lcal self govern
meut and w 111 afford the surest means of protecting the
city against legislative interference In behalf of Individ
uals parlies or corporations
Mr Turnuro then offered n resolution which
after amendment was passed ns follows
hcrrii Allan Campbell the present Comptroller Is a
mona of largo experience and has proved him
self Independent of partisan dictation In
the Important municipal ottlces which he
has filled and which he mien administered wllh great
ecouomv and capahllit and whereas his administra
tine capncltv and experience peculiarly IU him to nil so
Important a trust We therefore recommend lug niiinl
nation for the oitlceof Mav or tn the citizens of New irk
A motion vvns thou inndo to empower tho
Chair to appoint n committee of twontyono
aim mm committee of nrrnngemonts to carry out
the objects of the conference and to call u
muss nicotine of citizens which wits unun
imousl carried This eorumltteo and n com
mittee of live on was tumid menus will bo ap
pointed todny
The Tnmmnny Conference Committee were
In session for two hours esteidny They ap
pointed n subcommltteo to Invlto the County
Democracy mind the Irving Hall Democrats to
consult with them antI then resolved thnt time
rest of thnlr proceedings should bo kept out of
time nevvspnporH Ono of the committee said
after time meeting thnt time merits ot several
candidates for Mayor wore discussed In thu
conference Among the men spoken of were
Isaac Hell Franklin Edson and Herman Ool
niche Aldeuimn IMIIInm Bauer and Henry A
Gumblnton were mentioned ns candidates for
County Clerk prominent metnlxrof tho or
eanlatlon snld in tito evening Its nil fixed
Hermnn Oolriths for Mayor Pat Kcenan for
Sheriff anti Hilly finucr for County Clerk
Another Tammany oman who heard this ro
mark Mild Thats time ticket of time Big Fotmr
nnd the lilossom Club The County Democracy
will never take It Its mm deal between Jimmy
OlJrlcn Tat Kecnnn and time lllg Four Her
man Oelrlchs Is Ollrlens candidate for Mayor
Ho belongs to our organization but ns ho is
satisfactory to Olirlon tho Irving Halt people
would probably take him nnd walvn their da
mniiil for tho Sheriffs olllce The combination
probably think that the County Democracy will
bu patlslled with Koonnn for SherllT but they
will bn sold for County Clerk Butler hns that
Tlio County Democracys Assembly district
leaders met in tho how Amsterdam Club list
night They nil agreed that every possible
means sipltI bo used to unite time Democracy
They therefore determined to nppoint n con
ferenen committee nt their Convention todny
nnd adjourn until Sntuulny If Tmnmnii and
Irving Hull will agree vtlth them to nominate
for Ma ursomt well nnd fnvoinbly kimono clii
zeim who iii a Democrat but unconnected with
any political orianlitloii a union will proba
bly IHI made lint If such n union cannot ba
made their convention will nominate a ticket
on Saturday In blunt event Allan Camp
bell will Probably bo their nominee for Mayor
There Is thus no cortnlntvthnt n Democratic
union will bn made All the leading men In
the three gaiilatlons are in favor of It but
they all admit thnt thero nro obstacles in tlio
way Time prlnclpil dlfllculty Is time movement
for n citizens ticket Tammanys leading men
tnko the politicians view of tIm situation
They IHIevo that n ticket nominated by a
united Demociiey must bo sucrebful In this
Democratic city and they give time Ilgutes of
the last election to provo thn correctness of
their opinion Tim Irving Hril Democrats
talk In lie nmo t stiain
rIme County Democracys leading men be
lieve Hint tlicro is much to lio fenred from a
cltlrons ticket They say that If limo Demo
crats unite time llepubllcans may join hands
with time mnnngerH of the I cit izuus movement
nominate Allan Campbell for Muvor ami tilo
their chiinco of getting for their own ui0nhilo
someplace on tho t count y ticket Tho feeling
among some Democrits a hunt John Kelly
might add votes enough to the I Uepiibllcan 1 tote
toelcctsuchntlt ket liiij city would then It ivo
n Democratic Mn > or who would l iii umloi obli I
gations to no party and I tIme ilti lihuhil leum mis womulit
beciiro heveril goal nlllccH hueh a citioiifa
ticket t would also diminish the voin or Cbs e
land lime cii lins iii mu y would bo obliged by
thn phoitnes of the cimpnlgn to depend upon
limo llopiiblicins for machinery and tIme lIt
piihllenns would not bunch tho Democratic
Slim be ticket t Dmuoeints I who wished to I tote
tho t oitlens t m local ticket I I would not bo able to
proeniii time leinoeiitlihtitn ticket timid mini
ol Ihom I miht voto the Inuil ticket only
llmuny of tho lending Tiiuininy men mo will
lug to tnko MIIIIU pioinlnent Doiuoorit who Is
lull uiinm umuctcil t1 tim nnyoigntilitlon for Maor
piovlded that h hut ri ein bo iMtl I > factor dlvis
lonof thu I other 1 olllce A Tnmmaii t y hichem
sild list night1 If I f we ciiiuigieo ounMiDor
wo can uiiile o will lake Ahlcilimn Suior
for County Clerk nnd KIVU the County Dninoe
raey thn Slieilll If 1 I hunt mriiigomeiit a iou Id
not bo hitlfifmtot I then t ptihnps vo will I con
teiit to gIve thn Count Cleiks olllco tn the
County Dimociney Aldeiman Saner Ii it nnum
illdiito foi tliit olllce butwill glvo utiy to hecMiro
Demoi tite union It tmmmy bu neecs try to alto
limit oOlco ofhlieiill to living I Hall Unit being
time onl > lilac on thn i tleket which that oignn
Intlon ilelies Tlio main tiling t to bo con
hhlered III maUiu n uinn Is the ptotecllon
him eiieh oigiinlatlon iindei the next Miroi
Thn Count Demoerno now havo mliii Commit
tiollm tint Ciiiporitton Coillihol tIme immimmumts
bloncrof Itiblic Woikx nnd Ihu Commlsslonui
of luiois We am tvlllinmg to stlpulntn thit
tliOMi olllees shall bu leilined by thnt oigan
lAttlon If vicaiieles nectii in mtmmy of Ihoni
miiiriumi lImit mitt two yiiiil limit we wish II to
be muluistood that rainmiiii is I to keep tIme
olllci mm tilled h Tiimnmtiv men
limo Count Democric leuler hiva aliemly
lesolved Hint I thn County Clerk ollli o belontM
tn theli oigniiiitlon mind mnn of them will
Insist in mtimy onfereiue Ill it it shall not bn
ghdi to liiniinnny Tho I iiieinbeis nf tho t
Countv I Deminriic who tune titciiu Aldnrmnn
Iatilik KeiMitin for hheiilT me willing to stir
leniliir thn Countv t Cleikhhlp If the can heeuin
Ihn Wierillsollleo for theli man Count Cleik
lluticin ft litiiba i that Aldeiiu in Ivtennii his
not enotiuli Miengtli In lIme nigniilation tu
eauyoiit i liln puipohC
1 he lImit of amirltxof Demrcritle intlllcntlnn
meeliius niMliged b lite iniini Metis Inde I
pendiit Itililldil Illinn WIIH held l ill lili eeker
nnd Minion itriits bust night Theio I wuui
miiletind Iliewtiikn nnd speethns went made
hylMwIn UAbbutl Ilo > d T bmlth I I nnd Otto 1
Kuminiui r
A > cvv < unicl rui tine Big One
Aii mtmm non Oct U I Tim 1 I Sniltliionlan In
Ktitutioii lm mn i cit fiom tlit t 1 cutluii of Mean tho m
iinnoiinct miii nl of Iho dlBieverv hv hi hint It nt theiiH
mi Hit Situ if Hi loin r nt n i IMIII t four tit m 111 mint tin t > t
It llu gun limiiii I itilti tho BUIIIV laotlun lu rfghl iiDitn
lon und LllUlltioll
ItnciitsTi rim Ort llltr u i ItwU I mimi Iii dlrictor of thn
virinroii iNirvatorv HIIJK llielau i iimitl illmnvcrrd hv
Ur hthinldt li iiiuiutetiiiniilil u fiHtrmeiit of the grtnt
lomit reken I un at lt ptriliillon i ah HKt I his proves
Hint thii gnat umut limit liuvo yin < ed time iuu cud
usuti rumiil tbrgugliu terrible irltia
lifE rniaiifiA IrJEtLI8X8
imllh Wllllni to Fight Miss with Double
nnrrelled Hhnltiini nt 4O races
VASHINOTON1 Oct ExCongrossmnn J
Ambler Smith took tho cars this afternoon for
Richmond Ito wna very solemn It thought
that n duel can Imidly bo avoided between him
Congressman Geo D Wise If ono occurs
thoro will bn no shooting In tIme air no tile
chargo of blank cartridge hind blnod olstfl
and luau slnco 1872 when Smith defeated Wise
for Congress Bmlth Is n tall blnckoycd
nnioothfacod man of about 35 ycas lIe Is
a HonInlaw of IloutQov Lewis Slnco his
term expired In Congress ho has boon engaged
in time prnctlco ot law hero lie h a mnn of
nerve believes In time comb antI had limo
courage to ship time face of lien Poton Vlso
time other night In Richmond and nt n timo
whon Wise was surrounded by friends Smith
friends say that limo nggrnvntlon was n profane
epithet coupled with tho remark thnt Smith
was n liar Congressman Vise took up time
tiunrnoi find somi corrospondonco passed
aunrrel friend wits Instructed to receive n chal
lenge accept It unit mnko nnnngemonts fornn
Immediate mooting Smith insisting however
that the weapons ho doublobarrclledshotguns
loaded wIth buckshot distance forty paces
WIsoB friends asserted that tIme code did not
recognize such weapons as those Smiths
friends intlmato that Wise docs not care to
participate in n duel that moans almost certain
injury or death to one or both parties It is
believed however that Wlflo Is In n position
Which will require n meeting with Smith
The iTcnnnitto Invcailintlon
WASHINGTON Oct 11Time Jcannetto Board
of Inqnlrj were In session at the Navy Department Mill
uioriilngantl examined Capt lf 0 I Johnson vv ho w as the
senior ofllcer on the Hoard of Inspection vihlcli passed
upon theJeannettc previous to her nailing from Han
Francisco The report of tho JJoard was read nnd Capt
Johnson verified Itsflndlnvii maid testified tied In his
Judgment the Jeanuette wait In every partlcnlnr a per
fectiy seaworth und stanch vessel when inio etarttd
iijwn her 111 starred vovage Oominotlnre alhniin whu
w ns t ho commandant at the Mare Inland N av y aril u lu u
the Jeannrtte was lilted out testified thatnt thu time she
silled he regarded the Jtanuettc perfectly nenw orlhy
llecolnciltd I however In tho opinion exprtsseil In the
Hoard In their report tn the Nat Department at that
time that from hen onstructfon it WUH not possible to
make her pirthularl adapted for a long cruise In the
Arctic regions
Capt Johnson was further examined HP corrobo
rated the statement r > f Commodore raliioun They w tee
of the opinion thnt i It would bo Impopjiblo to construct
A vessel of either wood or Iron that could silcccsxfullv
withstand the strain to which the Jeannetto was sub
Federation aflnbor ITnlnni
WASHINGTON Oct 11The federation of
Labor Unions of Washington city last night adopted
resolutions to organize State Industrial Clubs composed
nnatmmly of the workingmen residing now at the capital
from the thlrtv eight States of the Union The secre
taries of the clubs will Immediate open correspondence
with the labor organizations ot their respective States
urging the appointment of Congressional district repre
sentatives to the Central Committee on National Labor
Legislation All classes of useful lndutrv will be ad
mliud as members ot tine clul s of their respective
Mates If deemed worthy Mr A M Kenadav President
of the fctltration who proposed the plan mini been au
thorized to appoint organizer and the tlubs wilt be
speedily formtd Thn federation Is composed nf thu
following unions Makers miChelin re Carpenters
Cigar viakcrs Uranlte i utters Galvanized Ironvvorkcrs
1lasterers Ialnters Taper Hangers numbers fas
Htters Pressmen Printers Scroll riaw > ers rurners
Tinners and Tailors nearlj allot whom retain citizen
ship In the various Slates
Duty on Hnuullnn Sugar
WASHINGTON Oct 11TImo Question of ns
messing duly upon sugar Imported from the Hawaiian
Islands Is again before the Treasury Department on n
report from the Collector of Customs at hew York In
the case In point which Is regarded as a test case the
Collector had assessed duly on a cargoof sugar from the
Hawaiian Islands tn the amount of muearmy Tiiinuin
Protests were tiled against this assessment nntheground
Miat the sugar was exempt from duly under the pro
visions of the neclproiltv Treat with the Hawaiian
Islands It was contended on tho other hand lhat the
sugar did not come w ithin ttic terms of the treat v as It
was of a different class from those matle on the Islands
at the time thn treatr was ratified In I his report on the
subject the Iollee lor of Customs MJS that the casein
ohta questions of fact which he cannot undertake to
decide It Is probable that U will be referred to the Col
lector of han rranclscn to determine whether the sugar
Is of a class to be Included within thetermsof the treat
Threatened Lurishng or Negroes
COLUMBUS Gn Oct Intelligence has
reacticit lucre tif a coummemmuplateit nmprlInu of uiue uegnoee
in Leo eoumnty Ama Tti mmcii a a as brought by a muumnmtier
of famuiItIe who iiaie tIed to the eit mil uiiimuie nicer
here mo escape the uhireaieeil nlangrr mm in Icerneil tilt
ft tnmmatwortiiy UctO Imifiirnmmt Itomient Snucmsr tiiet h tm
negries Iiitemiil to muirnu the homoe end mumseencre imp
ii iiliea cmi trtihiny or tatmmniiny next Time trounmi me cmii
to iuaic Cr001 omit of it ntlnuirtiiniume cauaiil by in uiero
ptiioiintg is ii nutme numan not mc etkR mien Tue is ititet cx
clmeumcat Is imuil to tret all sit over Iee couluty
The AntiJewish Stints In Hungary
PtsTH Oct 11In tho lower Houso of the
Hungarian Reichstag Count Tlsza the President of Ihe
Council replvIng to hr vtocasar said that he had not
ordered a state of siege tn be proclaim d I nt Iresburg
but that he hail furnUhcd the Commlsiuncr with full
powers to be used should nn occasion arise He added
that he south I never hav0 an consideration for the pit
onil llbert nit rol tiers ItueiullHriei an 1 murderer
itii 1 In ice of ninrcvit t hewotild In futiiro adopt mta
nrts similar to liii u taken h tu put donn the riot agahift
theJiws at Irenlurg
In tile I I tmmizani sin Chaml er of Pepitle tnda Hcrr
Tlsa tho Prime Minister In remit In 011 Mionriln nl i
tlon to the recent antiJew riot In Presl urg null l the
movement might eventual degenerate into ouo of i
Socialistic character Hetleclarcd that lie woul 1 uevir
tolerate the perpetration of ecci cue > VV lib u vl tea to u
ittin intuit of the i iileslon the lovcrmnent tie aid had
tntrudueed mc surea rev islng the usur nnd trades taos
Jmmgininl und the Nuer tlinal
LosnoN Oct 11A Inrls despatch to time
TiTerS fr i Prince Hlsinarck In a ret ent lutirvlew
wltha lotluicton estit lie hittlei ci ngland Intended I to
feeure a majorltv of the shares cf the Suez Can il fom
I an so as tt > ouet VI tie Ietoela Mle could do thib I im I
linplj laiumg a last emiowcrlui Iruslees m to liii eel
tr lit liiont s In tin n t anal shnriR Tin rnfteonnlilt r
i tile silppo ltoiis lu 11 I nnfouiKltil und lelleti that i VI
il le n i In l hun rmmouimitt Ic titan mUht ncir from
hlsiicitd tigidurhuthe I war If tin i MI iililcllonihl
proienlll It a K ih HIM IID rcicwnl nt n crltUll
lime lulriid I mUht tie iris i n tu uutuimt t Ktrliui nt me i
mires ti tiFiguitrd her Inti nnlfl Vhitl i tr It mill the1
irujtet if ii ictonl enil bo i rnitlcnhlt or not i tit
until of MID el tlii7 comnam s rUlitn shout I m ciii
lined ai d the npilleuili of iKm brought within Mid
JiirlJkUnn of run c Imlt pt lull nl coin unit tribunal
The lmlaIs or thu isittim IlUiineis
Cviro Oct t 11 1 lTim coniinlttoo appointed to
try the rtl tl pnoiKutiMlti i citiiiliitt evenilwlnesfle9
Imhiding rrinciit llriitilm mil Klnmll Tlio evilituo
ii mu o mmlii 1 rili tmstu o its lurotigititi ii iii
tttuitiiiuui uimit tiiiItt mu ttelr itumiiiriee ii iuu mum mit
iuuiiurlamit e ii iii iuitiittiuitliti ii iii iii riammi it
hi tiornii i tin r mert i butt t nitit iiistt it ita beau iummi
irizntit i uttmimiit
tLTi tuutln t umt nuitli it pimier eitit uiiiit ulie
utrutui nt titi t mmml nirtlir ii mu i miii ittimimny
muii ni until mit t itiery n iltiiirii iii coLlie a tu lit nt
iirntiii iiitnii tim flue rem nil ti hi mliii i nttmmmitmtii i mc of
itt crc ii Ill mitt i ii ii rk it I me
iMc l limb Ctinlci CMICO
IHiutv Oct 11 1 1At tho fomilmettnmmliig iOmfu
emt lit re itt ijiietlonof tllreet rt pri xt ntatlon if Irlfh
iuliiuiCt4 will lie hiin ht firm cr1 b i i promlntiii liiiiur 1
i dun tin nnd Vlr turn il 1 will It tiEked for nileflnlte
tt tti n ml mi llu MI In
lullurMii hv I islttn resrntrd b h bin ptriihlniicra
wiih mi iiuire < 4 mciii 1 n liHunoniil Milunt at jUV > i
Iltui ni m liits Sticceksnr
itn ohm Oct 11 I I Tho LIII 1 1 PIIIKI in in slnlcs
thai at n it i iietlngi Clhe t IM firlljln i elnrimmy it niinle
Mid InioiiMiiiieni eof iluti r ulo < n iiirsi i rilfc tint
Ml euiti Prlmi limn tlMinll bi > iucliimeil the heud of
tin Ml in lli iamittist 1 I I u 11cm
In Itnllnii Mlillll
Trirsir Oct 11Dcnietor i lln nin the coin
pnnit it < icrljtiit luii nn arrt ttd iii Mu riiihuo
Miittin ut i 1iatu Itnlv nnd tiiktn In I dine Ihu i Any
Irlitii ii C iriniHiil hits nut jet uitel 1 for his xirnJItleii
llctllnlnu 11 it eeltti lion
llLiiis Oil 11Snoiil I I Mhiril I ninniiR
lliinilnr tiiRiil hue Jrelliiitl lulu u lio i lu the lrn
etlil iiiil
tiiitici nou inr iiurainrn
Ilio lInt in nit tllln n I Ollltcil M I sii ill it t llllHlOttlt
Jllleof VII ftOi i i Hill vlte I > 1 linen i < n itd
IhtJiirv I In Hi i ni i i ot Vlnri link ol Sen town mite
nii1 Irnltrlik m t Hoi Initl In lln imtn Iom it t nun
tim i unpi i fir lntrn tim nn Ui I rtmticii of imir
nun uwiiidid lirSiiiK unln
rime Unrrui immnitv ininl in ktlii t cstenlnt noinl
nnliil II I MII I l Ac i nil hnun Jitl I Mhln
I roeurnrt Hi i tg Hi wn shi i itt lir 1clrltk Iltuntr
V t until CnlillU I lit I it II V llmuirl ll < trul Allot
ny mill i 1 lilr3 for Mntli e of tH iona
Piinl 11fimp I n ii eli Itnonn p mt rnf Im lilnrt tru
dli I j t teitl ItiMii tin inits if t inlir u iiinui
wnteti nl n In v > i hlie iiti I 11 it mil t iir i llu i ut
tit if Muuvit wlu t mule InroiN in his mehiii i mutt li
Ilir m t fl it lutiiilieii u tin iiu 41 c rf fitinclu i jru
llkt 13 turtle
VMllliiiu I Milnrljo MIM iuimtjiitich 1 for ihtillTI y lln
iiiliiniiitii I iuintuit t > t on vi iitlon in tlili < u M sttnlat t n
Mu tiri > l Lntloi lit uolntloiu u re nii ltd xpriNiii in
lltxlblei nIuiiiie i minim tin iurilutmiimiim liii uitrii imii Hun
i nun In the i lit I mial Aftnimb tu 111 oku evil i hilt tuiI 1
Ing tu prohibition
rank VIIm r diloredi i of JJJ K street kouthwiivv ash
Initliin murUertd his wife VI loria eKierta moinliiL
b > tutiln her Miroat with a melon liflitun I un utiiiiiils
wire male on until 1 around her mrk almost im onu nit
S h wan suniclutt tu IIHT cauieil death Ihe cauuc of
tu ilcc4 wu JtsJuui
DA8UE9 1IKIIK Attt > 77TK17B nr rita
Cnhtei Fonled by Antkor The Anther
nenernllr the Victim In Cotee of Hueh
Collision Annoyance to the Companies
An ocean stcnrnshlp weighing anchor
near the Communlimw ferry dragged up two
of tho telegraph cables that cross time river at
that point They could bo seen bytho passen
gers on the ferryboat hanging foul of her an
chors At lImo Western Union olTlco It was
said that throo of the companys cables
crossing tho North River had ceased to work
Men wore out repairing thorn The officials of
the company had no knowledge of the vessel
that caused time Injury
Inquiry at time Western Union office elicited
the Information that Interference with time ca
bles by time anchors of vessels Is rather uncom
mon Tho company has many cables laid
across time North and East Rivers Between the
Liberty and Cortlandt street ferries there nro
twenty The ferry routes are chosen because
vessels are not likely to anchor In such tray
oIled courses Further up time river whore ca
bins cross signs are dlsnlajed cautioning ves
sels not to anchor Uncli cable Id ns thlolc an n
mans arm and contains seven wires At the
tommunlpaw and Corllnndt street ferries
time cables llo tn n tnnglod mass and
their weight Is so groat that no
ordinary force Is sufficient to disturb them
Whon time anchors of sailing craft become
bungled in this heavy skein it Is Impossible to
raise thorn TIm chain breaks or the anchor
Is slipped nail abandoned Tine vessels used la
raising cables for limo purpose of repair must
bo provided with great power Hut the grout
oceangoing stonmshlns Interfere with tho
cables onco In n while Time power of the
ocean steamer above mentioned for Instance
was sufficient to overcome time resistance of the
heavy skein nnd her chains wore strong
enough to support limo weight
About two months ngo tIme cables woro Inter
forod with by limo Phiunlclaof tho Anchor linn
An unusually low title occurred ns sho lay off
limo und of her pier unit she settled HO low that
her bottom rested on the cables n hlch became
untangled In her screw and won badly broken
up But It In rare that accidents of this sort
occur Shipmasters gennrnlly respect tho
signs nt time company and In eases whcro they
cannot lImo cables generally capture time
anchors of tIme ships When cables arc raised
for repairs It Is common to llnd email anchors
entangled with thorn
Far Free Canal
A large number of the members of the Prod
lice Exchange organized ycatenley the onnff Mens Fre
Canal Cluh u llli time fulloMlnff omcerat u Thotnaa A Me
Intjrr lnl < lcnt Frank Knecland Secretary June
M Fat 111 Treasurer An Executive Committee ol
tnenly flve U to be appointed of which Aftcen shall bt
rerldenti of New York and ten ronlrlcnu of nrooklyn
whom duty U shall he to illrect effort to dlttrlbutedoo
luiient and ItallotNln I favor of the free canal amend
ment and to Inhor nt thejxillt
The Hoard of Trail ami Tranxportatlon received yes
terday a letter from Secretary Ueorge W llnon of the Free
Cannt Union aaklnif ItB cooperation The lloeril voted
to gus time movenunt Its fullest support anil approprl
ated tM for the cost of documents and their 415
Tie uulon constantly receives encouraging Advice
from ull over the State
A Polleeuinn Convicted of Clubbing
Hugh Mulllns n West lloboken policeman
vas convicted In the Hudson Bounty Court of fleneraf
Senemonmim tsieritay one a charge of atrocious aiiaiilt and
battery on Ilenrj MUDCCS of lliidaou street Itobokeu
On imuly lUMimctia attended n PicnIc at the Schuetzen
1nrk An ttuey were returning home on a horse car at a
late hour a flRht occurred tictneen one of Vuncesi
friends suit another passenger Munces tried to make
peare ant si hue thus etifrnirei Vlnltlns SVIZIM him and
dragged him off llcheat I I lilm over the lured ultlt hit
rluli and then took him to tho police station Although
Micdlng profiled Climates sine limit Illlo a cell and kept
there without medical aUeniliitiip until the next morn
Ing Then he was dUcharged and although weak from
use of blood allnnedtn ts all home alone Soon after
reaching home he because unconscious and an Dr
llelftr testified remained so for tn enmty nlaj t 1
8t lra Too Slow for Firemen
The eliding polo la now established as n use >
fill addition to the apparatus of Nesu York lire engine
houses The poles are nou In use In the nuarteriQf
Engine Coinpau 14 In Elizabeth street sod Engine
Compan xi In Mercer Street antI are required In every
plan for n new engine house The poles are hollow tuuel
otbriiM that vtlll not blister the hands like wood not
slip thrnniilitlK m when the grip Is tliihttned The hole
In the floor of tha I men utriniiiill In the srtond stnryli
liUenouirh til Illtntt fllltr men tu granp the i pole l and go
thmmili lit oner The Inventive inliidi In Fngllin Coin
raimy tis ire arc hummer si 1mm nm atiiotutoiic item tmnt wilt
cis I tie hole iriulum lit lw emuul rrtsenit the Incat ant
innieti trim lle eiuimte mo fro aaenuutlmig tiiimf Stney
salt euterdu tit t tim ni uulserini auhuupuionn of I lie ioi
its in m IIIMII smtrime of nmukiec cam knee tstis Imtcmmrreul
In I btuuibling don n the stairs tn the rush tu a lire
A Plctnre that Mr Wnlkcr Ran After
Afl Isaac Walker of 275 Tlfth avenue was
leaving hl rcsldeiue < slrrdnv inoruluit n decently
itrtiired young mnn sllppul out abend of him henrlng In
Mr hand a painting hv Itimiihrcv Moore called The
Vmntuir for vthlch Mr VVulkir had pail fVi and
Si hih list been upon a mutt In i tie utrei lug room Mr
nlktr hlnrud on a run nftt r the I vnung mnn und Mr
Hut a mil rilnle ngtnt lolniif In the pur ult Al
Tmlltv ninth Cured t the fu lthc nhtri tic I the picture
and it Tntnlt tlKhlh street rim ihroutili to Mndion
nvi nile nhcru iii w Hoertn1vrii t At ItlTiriton VlsrLit
i tue lrismin r ptniil hint he nni Silt Inn fmlur nved lot
I 4ii Wfl Ttuntt lirili htnel llnkiild I I Hint n stranger
Me him t A cillts to take tie plLlnretu zit MadiMOU
uvenui He as laid In I lonn fur trial
Tko Policy Gitmr doing Again
A great many of tho policy shops have again
commenced selling slips to their pitrons but asct put
nt tc trmtsmimuir emily ii llknnnn lam tine The business Is
reportel b > thoso Intirentul In It ns Inning suffered A
vror H tlou frem the ev iiiimi nf ttnb nit ut tu tho spiritual
Ut t lull thin riuinniu iiUie 1 Inlerfi rnuc Tim pluen
who hne ci itit t to tin i uitiii ireonUthe luorir cites
who lose icmiTtes i Innteiifl of dollnrs Hit hirgo plavera
ins beii n crirul 1 cuT 111 rniiUn tin polU shop are
gMiimll fining hiifiueKH inciru iiiiuiiy than hi Nrn ork
I ut then too bill the rnmllt l ploersuri can lit
Ansleis report good iaet fishing nlrondy In
thin Iliulfuii i ills ir from on the i pkm nt vi nbattnaililt
omit mites i rouuotls mire luting fairly VMll at Spioten
tmim tel Tiire Is Iii iii inhnl lllt 5 linnivrr that I e ii her
illihu is lll i roe ihiniuliU > il huury t iiuelnti to
tin h ii > liu7nrd unltu uho gu i ut iluuitinf theiln
iilltlt tin Trust Kliiiti Hut I i null itud i ss iirm ututher
kit ps l link thin iinirUrp dun now mm much iso tin i pr
tongctl cult ItUlnvtd the I f > > tiihuof HIP uuknVi fiaiton
lit IcUluvct V Ill mine s Time
TIm a brliklioois held n mtis mcotliu I Inst
nUht t toiennltir vhit ncllui oiieiit 11 ic tuhin hi miter
nut in mite ropnt t ru iitloa hi tlmh illiuur time t In
tii ntis mmiimr i tip 1 GMI irm the MIIMI on hour at
muiomi tl ol tiilf tui hoiii Niuii tluii Si luttr is I nj
mirituiiluiir intel tli i mirklnir tlu > K mire irctllii fluTdr it
i liiiittiuitiui ihut MM ihlrt > iiituutf illiitttr lime itlliH
ri bittuttil 1 Vt la t HUM < 4 nuttliirfi niujurlti uflliQiiun
is ire tIn faomf tlieaimiiiliiiiiil
Mi Thurluvv coils Condition I i
Mr Tliti u low Weed hid I boon I doing well I on
TMH but nhorlh iillir mlilnmit satIny lit ii tis
select ulth tn vlilrnt thill ulilcli iiintl nltnntd hit
mutes f Dr SMi e w IH hnitllt ftllil uiuii I reiiiHined
until I uImk hi tin nioruli Al that Nuir Mr a ml
fill n lnp tin I hi Ill t not uuki until hliurlh In fore
linen Hi grtu ctttrilnriii I tho iluv tuil at 11 I i uiluck
last nljht si iis > litpnu tuiitliy >
The Nlaniiil Illltii lnctl kit ini
fool not ih locust I I t winds clouil y tta timer mu nd I
lain utii lltiutr inu emil met
JOIIltOI tiiotrr roirv
iiiiliuuiimti of nt < K utcilIi > rt > grumieii tv In Uellnllil
III til liulum l ittui < IOIMI t isis llllil S eti min3 ill IriVllfoC
Ittiummet 1 1 mmmi F unit liunin limuis l Unit
ill I Puttir lnHiUr hit t < I hil llu Minln nf hones T
Hmi ii ii Ii miss fnihi Inoaiio KM him ui i ltli < kutl
Iluu1tt unit t IK fort a Ju > miTet I jut
A ti it l of IK l > us 3ttitacl ilrunmutmi roil iii
nut nt in luenitmi Its mit it ° tI ctril ntt mis mliii
tmt utlitlim Ii ii mi liii 1 iutil iii eittiir tililil liquirel
Miliiil i It iiirtle ii ii tirrcit iii iii tuimuuiuter
iti mite ii idS iittilt nititir 3 eIert IV hip ii iuut
ttmuiut i I isl nit iii nunplos mrs tm i
iiii iitttiiui hit i itt ii lb iii
lh ii iii ii tnt II miuc imri
iiiitriuu ci i tiirm3 ciii b Cut lent ii Lit
iiiie ns n hiiiiil ti i ii ti
M IVrrl r n i iiuiili r nr Km rfin li lntlhito M IN it
n i iitii i M I tnflir us f UK lrniii i h u lmiiit if r t nns ci
11 llllih nnH d ni llu I u ti 1 i > tH inv Iluv I ii lt
iritilt13 I gii it I ur J llu im I n in h limit tf war > l u i i iw
in lii nt t tin I In hiiiuii In ikutitti 1 nt u UK r t Ii Cl < ItO
ii Ill 11 inti U
m iiiiit lti symuliir furiuii I Ii rii is p lm1ln
tutu ml I i nt r tu I ii it
sb siis ut iii Ii i i SI ii ituti
siikt Altill Ii i u in icciitt
iinl is curt m o i tutu
55 tultet a I t is III ii I ii i his u u I
him Fieli In ci itiir luiirun it is iii ii Iris I mi sier
mt3 iltrutiiutr nil it i r iit iii I in d S tui n
if lit i m ii hi piiim
nucii 5 tmr iii mr un ci ti C ii u ii luuiitu i iii
tin i t uniut stiice 5 ti Kr Ttun ut z Cr
mt3oiif t In rrliimitn muon ii tlipi it
uuiijur sin mi in i tiiiItui
huilii littliitut is Ii cii it mu 1611 riluinituueit Itine ivm
m him clout ttriei imhjiitiimmm lii mi a tiiOiii Omit muir
us triiiittut ii iuiii iii itie ti luurioIrm iii siv
tnm ii till m t Cotutiiinii iit omltu n iii tin
fruuum cuituiiiiUiuumt is imutlut n iuirgc tsp slimtusv ci mlii
Cuiiimuui imitlimiit lrrjtLhin all fii I iutiusimi if ttb Ilime ot
mlii midicitImtg tmtmmnti cmii slLIctii fett mug

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