r > v > > S tf i 1 r 4 I I QJ c Ii t un I VAT INO 3G3 v VO NEW VI DNESDA Y AUGUSr t YORI 2 1A hhtrm un m 1 BLOWN UP IN MID STREAM THE mrKttDAlK llXILttnUS JIKK JtniT l KttS Oft mKl1111 bTJtKKT AND B1NIIU 1 LiT 07 II lilt T XxSenatar MrnViins Jlelmtvr Fmr thnt k e wns AbimrUFlTe llrntl lloillesA itt I W rTnIy MIni or Iiiiiilieil for nnd of Eleven llnrlA Fleet til IUe Crnrt Co t ciieixelllnK Ncrnri 0 n the 4rth t Itlrcr Prnnl Tfco ftkiicklnc Itrilth of im I Acnl < f > u > lellilnalnKlheNiittd Aahore The rvnmuer or tie Jn1 Yet a MnIIr if ConiclnreThe iturn Verr Old Ilnnt I TUo 400ton etcninliont Itlvonlale of tim lato Alox M C Smiths lino l l her plor nt Harrl on struct North lllor at3 3 P M yes terday on her regular trip for irnvurstraw Bins Hint Nyack Tarn town Youkoru nnd Doll Kerry Her Cnttiln JP Smith BarS thor wuro about fitly 501Qr on board nnd thnt tboy woro nonrlr ull well forward anti alt on tlin ilocks Insioniriirs say thero woro at i least 10 < Tliu boat was licenced to carry COO i Bho usually irot most other lonil at tim West 1 Twcntyiocoml street pier I o Tho huit wont along nt ordinary specd until I iho ranched a point nearly opposite tho foot of Twelfth street pretty well out ill tho Htronin Thoro tho engines woro slowed The steam boat Mjiry 1owoll bound UD thn river vita making n i landing nt Twontysocond street and tim Itlvoidnlo wns delayed by her Engi neer IMwnnl Tnlmnn nays that tho engines were in motion nnd thit n few moments befoio tho ont reached Twelfth street ho looked at tho stmiiii miURO and saw that I registered from 21 to 25 rounds Tho bont was licensed to carry 10 pounds of steam Before Uio bout had lost her headway tim bier ovplodud Tim nlr a illlcd with iltSbrls Tho pilot hoUBO with tho pilot In I was thiowii high ubovo tho reit l and thn pilot fell out of it in nil Jiilr Into tho Inter Tho amoko Btck toppled over A boll yawned In tim boat forward Tho hull drifted up tho rlvor with the tide tho ptsaongors 1 crowding forward and aft A few Hero Men scrambling nwiiy from tho gnp amidships and n fow In tho wntor Borne of tho oD witnesses any they haw unmistakable fragments uf liuumn bodies In tho nlr Nearly all the men employed on tho boat escaped without fntnl Injury Cnpt Smith e3CaplJ Cnt Smih was on tho forward dock nnd was not oven scratched Engineer Tnlman stood by tho on Clno room door about Ova foot from tho boiler and Witi not hurt Ho was thrown down under tho shaft In tho gangway but cot up and walked off rirenmn George A Dymos was 1 badly nculdud nnd burnt and died In tho oven lug John Snlnve tho matn had his lee broken 4 Nelson JIcGoo the pilot was picked up not Y much hurt WI Honney agdd 18 an oiler was dock badly lmnUiio4cnpod burned but uninjured will llvo and tho six A ILctr or BOATS TO THE BESCUB A flout of boats of nil sorts started Instantly for the wreck nnd In a fow minutes it was bo eot with rescuer Dennis Kncan a plo driver on tIns Dock Department scow at the foot of Thirteenth street lays that his boat manned by liiinuulf and Jnnios Clnrko I man with a wooden leg I wns the first to ronch the wreck Eagnn found Chnrles Mosher I mulatto boy employed on tho lllvordnlo struggling in tho wntor hut unhurt 3toshor wan taken Into the boat Then the boatmen taw the dead body of Mrs Julia 81son wife of Charles Hlsson of Tarry to > vn afloat nmld soinn wreckage In which hur dress was tangled They took hor body into tho boat and carried It to n rnftat tho root of Hlitoenth streot where thousands of speoutors had collected Mrs Blsson was about TO years old and woro a black dress and a hOI gold chain and brooch Her flowing gray lnir enveloped nor bond ns abe lay upon the ran Her grandson W l Chapln who was with hGr UI4 tho nnd her husband had been sitting on tho up Dor leek when the ex plosion occurred ana that they wore blown out of hIM slirht Into tho water Mr Cbaplnwas uninjured Tho IIml stonm vessel to reach the wreck was tho steam lighter Kollance belonging to the Manhattan Cilia Company and usod to carry oil to the chemical works at Shady Bide cary Reliance was steaming up the rival and was t have landed n Twentythird street Bhe i reached the wreck within n few minutes of tho 1 explosion and made fast to the forward deck from which she took the pnasongers Cnpt Hmltli passed them off nnd says there were about laS60 About tho Rama timo tho neuter Marshal took off the passengers at the stern and both took their loads to the Twentysecond Street pier Many of them Immediately took the steamboat Chrysumah of the same line and went on to their destinations lho lire boat Zophnr Mills which lay at the French tiler foot of Morton Altnet put off to the wrucK nt 810 PM Cit rn roll lowered two Illii bout nut they plckud UI Thomas Joseph Biul of 2 J2 Humptorftruet Jlrooklyn a iiMwiimer who had boon badly scalded from Ind to font Ho was landed nt Bovmtoonth Btreot dock and sent to Itellmuo Hospital where ho died lit 1 oclock The life boats nNo picked up Tlios tnnnll of Yonkers who wn lloatlnK near tho wroek unlnjurd He walked mvay I when ho wax landed The crow of llioXophnr Jlllla also took off the body of Thomas Utuecof COG Water street n man of 60 who wn so jammed In tho wreck that axes wore rOllulrcd extricate him Life was not Lie < lul1 ottlret but he died 0 row moments after lie was laid on tho deck of tho Xophar Mills Ho was rccninlzeii a the Moreno by his lle 10 GIt larret Mny who lets I boats at the foot of Twentythird ntreot lays that about thn mo ment of thti explosion Jay Gould cot on board tl Iot onrd of his gg to b rowed to his steam yacht the Atnlnnti nnd that Commodore K o Jnffray Jafrr cot Into hit gig at tho foot of Twentythird street t go on board his yacht the Stranger bnrL vncht Rtrnlor both rnchtx going out to tbo vicinity of the wreck and alillncin the rescue of passengers I was retorted that the yacbtsafterwnrd raced UP the river carrylnc some of the rescued passenger to their hOles Amoim Ibo fleet of Bteambonts that wont to the rcsciio were the tugs Mlsilguol E L Austin James W Husted I W H Bentley Jason Johnson Brothers T Van Ilouttn and lialelih Thn atnbont Mary Powell hacked down from Twentysecond street nnd llfty tt rowboats of nil sorts and HEOS lent wllllnc aid Perhaps Ion minutes after tho explosion thn trrock of tiw Illverdalo toppled over to port and sank by tho head leaving a little of her star board sldi > out of water An attempt was at once made to tow the wreck ashore It was feared thnt other bodies were entangled In the adbrls or hud tone down will tho steamer It was soon evident however lint the task was hopeless and about 6 > i P 31 the effort was abandoned for the night orort Ins nTonhI14 ntoM rA8SCSGI The stories of passengers anti tho Inquiries for inisshtig persona Indicate n creator lobs of life than Is l yet known Itsuban w Van Pelt Superintendent of the WestchnKtur las Compnnyof Yonkers said last night Iwos lttDI In the after part of the upper cabin and facing the forward part of tim boat when tho explosion took place Iurt was on a lino with the passageway lending to the for ward doek happened to be looking through lUtlho time Thero wero about twenty len and us many women passengers on the boot A number nr lives must have boon lost boali I 1 looked loruurd I saw woodwork fly In every dlrCUol nNOM tbo nnHsnzo while streaks or Ore and Mnam llnshed out Tor a few moments Inn wonion and children all around mo seemed chldrol Rllrounllllo to bo djd 1 Borne mid that the nols must bo 1 white frnm n vessel near the ltlvrrdno Then tha v nsol lurched forward Iimnedlulo it the children begnli to cry and the lun llnl 10 ereani Ino bOlt olllcers tame and tnli ten women titer olcor no dancer thai verylhlni wn nil right and that tho IMIK eiijTort intiKt keep yulet A rush was inndo for Hie pitiinonnila deck tilt Them tho deek iiaiKlj trlid to pacify the pasdoncHrs whllo nsy Isnrdud around lila prO > RontrH hvnry 0 to > lull a i preserver I lied lie I lat ono on 1 i tout old julv Thfii I maw tiifH npsirnirlilru NooniiMMinml to think that tllA boat vH6 lnk luir As I tttttl by tlio I mil i i i I looked for nn 11111 u vOo Inek hands jump hub > the MBIO and kWr i ru fr tu itiSi t jlion I not hiuil that til ileniner win fclnlsltW I IHpldlif I 80 I JIIIIJ and SHnm tnlhn I nearest tiitf t whlel w a < ij IIIOhll Tim tldii innrly bore nn iiiviv ft f I in I A iiipn wiw tlirowii tome HIII two men p i > i lod me on luon rut I vuis IxhllStol A I un Oriwn 1 over tlin sldiiol tlin I tim I J lookout 111 wviril I i lllviiiilaln Him bad sunk nlmof oat of kclu Tim whnlu affiilr was over In tliCH ciiiniiot I Ilieio nl orlir onollh 3 loft 01 lIt t 1 it vurhuij to trunk i I hlkl t unp Man uttutt laio l IUU killed or itiovviieil bocnuno f ay tbtt Iittokuujuek 1 iiiiiiUrof I pnsvuicnt fonvmd nrouni I lt mi riniin Josuph M Iiiut uk Ins of Ion L RI i I lit vvu 1 Inn t on the back und client Mild I iwis in the lower dock forward anti was talklu vjtliiniin 1 ivdijn 1 when Ihe t nsplosion frni 1111 I knocked down find vilillo I watt iilnc tin tho deck BOIIIO hrnvf tlmUrs full on foi 1010 Jin InIIIIOlt the Injuries from ntlch I am tvtlrll I iislnmiiialbl 1 I fnrninlmitn To r > n iriua shouted I tn hlnj 1bo la SlIdodedh ank n 1 Thu water is coming on dock tihes iltl I taw t Jltrbtr l 8ppro oUickr and C Tobin and I scrambled out of tho wreck of tim bore around us anti got somehow to tho aIde of f the boat Tho IlJhtnr touched tho lllvor dab nnd wo wjro helped on board Turning round I saw frIend J PIt blrdf coating out > of ho cabin Tho water reached him ns ho wan coming out of the doorway and ho began to Btrniilo In the water le Throw that man a rope or hell drown I I houtod Itwnsdnno nail ho was pulled out Other pulet out Ohor OAldontH of Yonkois whom I nuw on bonrd anti Faw eared woro Anson 11 Hojrt nnd Samuel Innlo Mr Tobln was stmullnc bimldo n heavy two horse cnrrliiLo shiiipid to Mr Beldotitore n uinranr residuaL in Yonkorii Hllollort 1 eUllnr I olkord when the ex > lr8loncamu He remiunburB that junt bforo Jut I lost front consciousness lronijiujuurlos to his back ho fenrod that tho eat rlfiKn would topple lack on him Tobln has but onii woull over John n Vorhls a llflFtsungor the on ulcer utile Intendinu 10 land flllnr Ferry 10 1or tn i his home nt Iti I bitt ntHollA lerry 10 e is 1010 1llhlIM li ni old SCII Cahital It I WM RIIII nit on Iho lower Sln Callnll til n ij mi k iv t iiu said with Mr liegir who wns wih nftnrwnnl found uleitul In tlin WICK 111 110 felt the foult XIloslOI aw tliu Ixiat 111 IUW bOlt spread npart In Ito eontro I wits lot Injured hero wuro row poraonii near uie cad 1 saw none of them le Mfl 101001 1111 Injured I pnw tho IITtIO I running off and solute runnlll oc coming down lorn the upper deck ROII Comlnl IIIWI must sink soon and I boirnn to mako bml rntlons to help the women nnd children of whom tnoro wero 1 tow on chllrl saw a unnif plunk lying on the dock Dld IIHO houaht It would mnkit n good raft to savo niuuboily I Rot It rnitdy to launch and soon niinched It As BOOH nt I cot It off thren man jtiuuupod on It They woro Jot I 01 sod 111 woldro Aodlon mil I thiiUBiit It very mean In thorn to try and nvn themselves without looking niter thin Mimon 1 wan very glad to stun that thoy felt oil Into the wntnr I stiynd on hoard tho wreck until 1 tug ennui nnd tool tie off II0ck Cant J 1 Hmlth of thHltlvordalosnld I Wits forwnrd nndorcovoril nd I know nothing of tho cause of Ito iteciuhutlit I think that most of tho pissonueirf escaped nnd that I passed unfair off most of thnao Mini wnro on Ins81 ito not know nny of my crow who worn lost I lo not think there t were more titan fifty Ins loro HII Tho boot was duly Inspected by tho Btonmlmat Inspector hist June and llcansed to lnnllcnBoll good carry condition 40 pounds of stonm Tier boiler was In Engineer Kilwnnl Tnlmnn said I cannot account for the accident I looked nt the gnUKO n few minutes befoiti tInt explosIon nnd snw llHtlnctly that I marked between ni antI btWOOI 1111 25 pounds I stood in the doorway of dooray tho engine room with my baud on ho door and only about five foot from ho end of the boiler nearest the frol tlo hOlmt the explosion and the next Instant found myself sprawling In tho gangway titular ninth the shaft I sustained no Injury but rom shock The boiler was now pIx IIJury yonrs nuo nail was fut In by Fletcher Harrison A Co I cannot give any explanation of the explosion most EVEVITNBK31W Ten minutes after the explosion tho rlvor rout from Wostwollh street to Vest 11 JWOII third street was crowded with WIS men women ind children The decks and roofs of tlio too barges lying near Fourteenth street afforded n good view of the sunken vessel and were julckly tilled Boy cllmbdup tlio big lioatliur derrick anchored at West Twelfth street and sat upon Its wldo arm Forty policemen from tho Ninth Sixteenth Coleomol Twenty Ind ninth products bad difllculty In keeping them In order nnd keeping open a for orlor opel pnssngo way Inlrod I thin Imbulonccl which carried oft the dead und Chnrlos A Wiley of 101 WoatSIxteonth street gays that ho was standing on tho plor at tho 01 tlo 1101 lt foot of Little Twelfth street and saw the Itlv atroot Rnt IW Ih crdnlo coming up the river When she was midway between Bogart and West Twelfth streets she begun to blow hor whistle wcIUI whistle was going when tho explosion occurred The Rivordnlo Wiley said occlrrll lvordnlo was over 200 Wloy salo wa feet from the Now York shore She had good many passengers on board As near as lean calculate there must have boon two hundred The majority wore aft Aftershe tried to whis I I tie tho walking benntsuddonly stopped Then 1 there was an escape of steam and tho pilot house and part of tho upper dock went flying Into tho nlr I saw three men In ho nlr ono of whom woro n red shirt Ho ell Into the nator and nt or once began to swim toward tho Illverdalo I did not see what be came of the other two While the pilot house and woodwork was in the air It divided into the small planks of which it was made and fell scatterIng Into the water which was soon foi ered with boards cnmo stools watermelons poaches and other things The tide was run fling UD very rapldlr nut tdo brla was Ron carried away from the wrack of tho steamboat The bow atnmhl 1 sunk first and then the stern Halt n dozen tugs and many rowboats put out for her There was a general rush of tho passengers for the stern ns enort ex plosion occurred In the bow 1 think that there must have been thirty persons killed judging ben from their position In tho forward part iul tho boat before the explosion occurred Many of Jlnnyof the niKsengers nt first 1losongers l frst wero going to jump overboard but did not when they saw the tugs approaching I think It was about ten minutes lifter I tha explosion thnt tho Illvordale sank Iherdale entirely Edward Aulstln who Is employed on Doln maters flouting derrick and Capt lloswell Palmer of the sloop lilllovv lying off Vest Thirteenth street manned n bont tint rescued a Inn who had bon blown overboard and who hnd swum to the nock and was hanging to tho llntrhtnfT The man who did not appear to bo l Injured wnH very anxious togot ashore When ho leached land ho started off saying that h 1 Ioacrd scits In a hurry to notify his family who live In Yonkers bo Klovenson Hint bo was safe Ifs name Is said to J M Lndue Inspector of Customs nt Castle Garden was on board a tugboat alongside the tuaout nlonl61d9 Btcnmshlp Erin nearly opposite Uojrnrt street Tit lllveidalo ho pays passed the Erin on tho Now York side and a few seconds later he heard the report of the explosion A boll was smokectnck blown In tho fell hide facing Now Jersey and the John Wilson wax on tho river bank and wit nesnod tho explosion Ho said It was fully fif teen minutes before any of tho tugboats went to the hoi of hit sinking steamboat Two men clung to tho llnzpolu In front until It wont unti under water William French Captain of the sand bont Thomas Scnbrookc lying a the foot of West Sixteenth btroet lowered a hOlt and rowed to tho lllvordnlo Ha says tint just before she sank he saw nearly ono hundred porsons 1 on her upper dock nft Some of thorn were taken UIler thol llb off by tbo tugboats but many of them ho thought wero drowned Moio than n hundred persons wero waiting on the Twentysecond street pier for wnltnl erdnlo when sue sunk Among them Ih orllo Ivhtn slnk AmonI IhoI were wo mel who bad come In town for a days shop ping and business men whoso offices are up town The Plymouth Hock came up to land at tho foot of Twentyfirst street and cut oil the view down stream so that few of thosn who were waiting for the Hlvurdnlo nnw hor sink and tho first intimation they had of tho olorRller of tho explosion vrns when tugs be gun to land rescued passengerx nt Twenty second street The majority hardly knew what hnd happened until the Lhrystomih the companion of thu lllverdaln and after ward the Leader the Him Hint propeller came up nnd the announcement was formally made that pattiongpra who Intended Intenllee to 10 on the itivertlaho Iasulf 0 taken to their teuutinattun liv eIther boat Sithi two nr thrfd exceptions the UlvurUnles Twentysecond street passenger boarded loe Rlverdnlos sub substItutes as I nothing had happened The exceptions wore women and they said they wero going homo by rail Ono who wished to go to Hnvorstrnw find hug by InQuiry at tho Twentythird street Erie Hallway depot that no train wan ROUt leaving cnmo back too late to catch the Chrystenah People crowded to the liter till late In the even Ins bringing with them stories that were cir culated all over the city of a great lots of life MANX iMjuimM run MISSING TBIEKUS Friend of Abram anti Miss Tompkins of Torrytown Inquired for them lit the Twentleti street station Th y usually returned to Tar ry to trn from the Harrison street pier and were not ot homo ut a late hour last evening A nephew of f oxSenator Itobort 1 Htralmn reported that his uncle had not been seen or heanl from UI to IH oclock Inst evening Ho had suld that lie Intended t take f Mourner at UurrlKon street for the Pnl sado Mountain Houso vvhero his wife and funnily pro stopping The nephuw feated that Mr btrahau hal boarded the lllvordalo tlt 10nrLnd Pnllrndo Mountain house bolero the Inquiry was made for Mr Btrahan It was not known tutu nnxlety wits outertaliied on bin behalf In Now York Wlmn tha Inquiry was made lintel It wit too late communicate with tho H i I 13 Lowtlng of Sf West Twentysixth street Iniiulred for W If Plppy who lie said was In the Imbltof going to the Pnllsada Maun lain House on tho ttlvordnli A Ion of f Mrs lanfaio roported that his mother alit hIs klsUir Jnno had not reached their Iol In Tarrytown up to I oclock hm ovinlnir I They woro ulioppine In this city and luOOfl iiit mled 10111 II return to Turrylown on an after 1000 brotlier of Anion Baum of Hnvcratruw f Moil rtler be uns olio of thu Illvenlalofl lies Bsnirurs na ho frequently fame lolO by water A u WI her of VlWm N A Harris tin juerili temlont uf the licit Line Hallway rpportmi that ho linil Bald tlmt he was going to Slug Sing by way of thin linn of boats that take passenger lit llio I Ilrrl I I l street utter Mr rimim MarndorlTof Hnverbtraw visited frIends In Httiten Uliuul yesUJiday Hho was eXloclod boom In tim afternoon She failed to apuanr nut several t of her frinuitla CAIIIO t the city luSt riluht nnd Inuuirod for bar They w llefnVl she TntoiidBd to return to Haverstrnw on tbA Ihrlllle containing letters address to Miss Martha Vail of Unverstraw was picked up and UkeoV ihaTwentleth street station Mis Mary Ilolmes Inaulrod at UO Now york ospjlnl for hor brothor John Mcllwoln Wll am Inn Mil ho was standing few foot from Mcllwnln when tho explosion occurred Itobort Ulett of 58 First street was searching strot last I pvonliiL for Mr Dowdon of King Slag I who lurid been visiting Mr Ulott and who I was Ulot on board the Itlvordnlo No trace nll him could be found a L Durant of IIS Gnat Twentyplxth street llh vns on board tho Itlvcrtlale His frlcndb were lenrchlug for hint last evening and up to 0 wor 111 hour ho haul not been found n ANt MRS rUAAONH DKATII TAnnviowN Aug 2W I Chapln ft stu entin Irlnoutnn Collogo of tho class of85 vhoso father Is Warren Chapln u lumber mor chant In Now York nnd who lives In thin vii lace went on board of the Itlvenlalo with his Rrandfathor anil grnndmother Mr nnd Mrs uiarlos Hlsaon of this village The young mnn randpnrontft his availing told tho story uf tim death cf hIs I wont with Mr and Mrs Simon to thin upper deck forward ho said aunt seated them ncnr tho woodwork of thu smokestack and over Iho boiler I remained with them I moment nnd then took out II cigar nnd wont down to olnr ho lower deck to Binoko I had scarcely lighted my cigar when 1 muffled explosion took plnco rorRrll I soomeil to mo as though he whole forwnrd part of tho boat was blown to pieces Thostorn Immediately tilted up and ttod tim bow began to sink t wits up to my knees ii n water In nn Instant I seized I life preserver from the rack and limped up staIrs threo steps at a lion Thostrnp broke it keptholdof tho useless thing Hushing tho stern which was fast sinking I was about to lump overboard when n tug came alongside I llrst helped on board a young lady and then I followed Just hen three or four men rushed up on deck caldxd with stcnm The skin hUla from them strips They fell groaning on the dock and vole carried down with tho t sinking steamer My grandfather and grandmother were blown overboard Mr Hlsson was 72 years old lit wns In business In Windsor Locks Coon and retired with a lurgo property l He had been married to my grandmother fortyfive years Her name before mnrrlneo was Julia llnnchnrd Thoyhava lived I retired Iro Julo aMoral yearn lit Tarrytown Mm Hlsson body was found In tho water Tho laco was black and blue as though death had resulted front n blow Bho was neither drowned nor scalded Mr Sissons body was not found lor TUB NEWS IN TiE ntVKH TOWNS KINO HiNti Auc 28 Mnny Indies of Sing Slug mako shopping trips by tho Itlverdnle and forty or fifty went down today No ono from hh plnco Is I reported missing hero Several relate btoiios of I marvellous escapes from death Joftoph Boo nn express mcseongor bo ween Sing King nnd the city was sitting on iH favorite set tho forward chain box when IO he explosion occurred Ho wns thrown wnnty foot Into tho bow and got his tend cut but was not seriously Injured Albert Hyatt I an oxprossmnn of South ttalcolm street Sing Hint wns brought homo palnlully Injured Ho was on the upper leek nnd vn scalded on the back bond nnd eats nnd his faco wee badly out The last man 01 tho boat was W F Kagan n wealthy Now Yorker who has n summer resilience bore Ho anti hilt wife woro rescued by I small boat Mrs Ilckerson will of Prison Keeper Nlckorson was on board with hur little boy After tho explosIon she got Into a boat on the upper dock with hor lon filth wns rescued just ns thn Hlv ntdaln sank Most of tho Sing Sing ladles board thn boat at Twentysecond street IBllos Donn Funny Aug 2Mra W T Hrooltels anti her three children of Dobbs Ferry woro In hoHaloon on the uppor dock When tim boiler n ixplodnd glass was broken all around them The mother ran outon dock with her children to escape tho hot steam thnt was coming up from below Bho threw hor children to a man 1 mnl on a barge hut was not helped on herself until lo herol list before the stcnmorsank She thought hint about flee minutes elapsed before the sinking Igdon B Bradley James A Harbor Mrs Harah apron nnd daughter und Nettle anti Mamie Iliorntoii who wore passengers on tho hirer lalo In tho morning were waiting at tho foot of West Twentysecond street to return on It YONKEHS Aug 28At Pollen Headquarters and at tho railroad depot bore Inquiries wore nada nil the evening for the safety friends but it Is not known that any residents of Yon kent are missing NyAOK AUB 28As far n can bo learned her no residents of Nyack worn on board ENIIIEWOOD Aug 28 When the news of the explosion reached Knglowood many persons who had relatives and friend In Now York went to tho depot in Fnglewood and others tool carriages to tl Palisade House where lie steamboat liMnltue It I The Arrivals br the 11 late train brought the absent one ham and then It wns learned that the Ktoambont Itlvnrdnlo was not to have mndo n landing at Ito Palisade HOUBO on this trip anti hat no ono front Knglowood was likely to bo r8ie There wn however ono pasionser front time Pnliuado llouco on board the steam xmtwhnntho explosion occurred This was Bernard Hpocht an employee of the hotel Ho was In wheelhouse of tho port side Two girls 8 anti 11 years old had climbed up In the same wheollmuso Ho says that there woro about 120 passengers on hoard The majority of these wore on deck Whim the explosion oc curred ho and the girls were thrown into tho water Hegrnoped both children and regained tho wheelhoiiHo Tho boat was then sinking end ono wheclhouso bad dlsnppourad under thin water Ho got the 1 IIIIOlred himself into ono of thin rowboati that came alongside and restored them to their mother on the plor Ho dons not know their names but thinks they were front Yonkers At tho Iallsuilo house It wni reported that I none of thin gncnts was on board the lllvordnlo IlAVKnwuw Autr 2880 far ns It known here only two persons from Havnratraw woro Injured F W Sutlair of Division street tho list milo who Is 46 years old anti hai I wife anti daughter und Nelson Mngeo of Third street the pilot Halnlr had hit tlilgli fractured frotured Pilot Mngeo had n rib brokon 1IIh was Injured internally At 9 oclock ho was not expected to lire Ho 19 45 years old and his a wHo and ono child OlO chidLOST LOST UUnT AND SIISSINO Thn necessarIly imperfect report of tho dead the hurt and of those missing or inquired for makes a list of llvo known by name to bo lost twenty whoso frictula have fears for their safe follows ty and cloven who are hurt Tim names are a KKO1TN TO BB DKAD Dray ito A a fireman falsity icaliled Died at St Vincent IJoi > ttal UIULU Thus i 1 lea old of two Water street Body rLTo urml HJII Tiinvx Jnttni of o2Buinpttr strut Brook n i h n Iret Dime at Itellvriie llijiltal I of icuide nit rfnioi reutivirvil CiiAiiLiri 7J jtnn old of Tarryloirn Body iOIis Nip 1 Jctii lOt yean old wife of Ote above ftody recuvtral The only dead body taken to Hellovnio Hos Dolove pital was that of nn aged plainlydressed man At 8 oclock Thomas Urecg Jr agett 20 Idon titled thin boily at that of his father Thomna Urexg of COO wnter street llheri B2 years a maker of wooden baskets bnsket who was on his way to visit nn old friend living on the Hudson opposite Dobbx Ferry Ivlna young mint claimed thin body which will b roo moved this morning to his homo mornlll Mr Uregg was old nnd nearly helpless His body wan found in the water and his relatives relatves think that he wan pushed or foil overboard In tin si vrtl tskrtiiti t IM WIS born In I trauma In tuft nO was in ih 10 willow war business In this city for many years For tbo past twenty five years ho has lived In a home which bo owned at cot Wntor Street Ho leaves three crownup children a son nnd two unmarried daughters Ho waa a member of Morton Coin mandory K T Thomas Joseph Saul died of his Injuries at Bellovuo Honnltul at Il M John Uoodall of Itrooklrn a friend called and made arrange ments for the removal ot tho body to Mr Hauls homo this morning MISItHQ AND IVQOIRBD lea ARIIIIIAIO IliCH Ainun of llareritrow Duwoaii of Mm Slug Inquired tot If Boberl UlrllnfM Klrit itreet tiuusy < l L of 115 I liait I I Twenty Uthilreet ilinr Mom linf the Jetty Home lonkeri Ifeltft Irul a intuit and itarted for the Klreirdale 10 at Harrlcon Jlallrnad Iliaaiiox WIIIUM N A Supirlntendent of Belt Line IiKrADi Jin > nf Tarrytonn liirixi Mre of Tnrrjtown LoKutTiiiT lire of llaitlnge lcOo Nil iBincii of ItaetliiKi ticthuussiLy JIiliwiii JON 7a deck hud ot 400 Waililunlon rI Strew Unpoarr II Ire EMMA owner of a bakery In Haver iirrr W f Ialliade Mountain Iloux Iloii ofBlnii Hlnr hTmiux Uenator Hun I of ii > Welt Bevenly Arbt strut ToHraiHi ABRAM of Trrl town Ton illee I ofTarryluwn ttaL JOIIK uf New York VAIL MAUTIII MUe I ot llaveritrair N V Her travel thug bag I was lllift up from lie wren t llfJVRRD PAiiidiiu IITIR 20 curl dHI a dock liamlburnt ou r 11burl 11 face and Immu At histuttiCi HirerS lloipllal tailless liii lieS iiwuuitUe l < > raraulu of 310 South Keciinil atroU Wllllanilinritli i badly burned aud with I i ril > ablr die AI Slit York tutu Ital bure I llKMy Will null Her ut 127 1 Vxrlcfc strait burn on fat I unit foot Nm york I1uutiuuui tiTan Amur eipre inaii ot fclu < KIUI taken home bCutiy caldd jaiijJllfriicl deck lianiJotTJ Mutt street slightly bruised iuid ii Idd cuJTN the pilot l of luirertiraw blown up with Illot Itouiej severe vioiindi ou bremti > ndonerl t brokati NIMI JON an Italian nt HaTeratraw hugh free tired At New turk hospital lie a a the tact or Ibe tjior4str hither Touireipul bun I of Vonkrl hurt by tIJDI I lieu JOUI e preMme eo erof Slug Hint thrown twenty ft and cut on the head UattfUirmnr Ton JunK of Ynnkera hack hurl r ViJ 1atT ItiViatf IYt Vonkeri a ever chill from immereLon Evangelist Howoll Oardnor William I Hen ney and John Balalr wore nicked up by the ttiw aIOti Uanhall irhlgh atomod toward the nivnrdala i soon attM tho explosIon Tho tK landed tho Injured won nt the foot ofWest wontyseoon siropt Policeman OKyan got 1 carriage nnd bad thorn taken to tho Now York Hospital AN OLD AND LKNOTttlNIl IIOAT The nivonlalo was built about thirty year ago and first ran ontlio Hudson lllvor between Albany and Cntftklll Mar nnmo 101 that limit was Tutor O Coffin About twenty years tll sho becnmo the property of tho owners of tho Smith line of nloiimboats who loud hondinmr tera In Nyack and estnbllsbodthn lino botwoen that vihiago nnd New York In tho year after tho Irani nuke Alexia of Russia first visited Ito United tltatos sho WM IcnirUicnod vlplod 10 titled and rochrlntonod Alexis About dye years neo tho property tho Nyack Smiths wont Into tho hands Of I r Imlths was sold Mr M A 0 Smith of this city who dIed a fow weeks ago bought tho Alexis and other steamboats Her now owner bad her put on tho ways In 101 In wnYI II ken nnd overhauled In 187 and 100 Illvardnle Two new Iron boilers namot lonir and n I feet In diameter era put In her which bad been built by FletcbaV Harrison A Co The boilers WON licensed for 40 pounds of steam pressure nnd were supplied with six gaugo casks two lowwatnr enutcs and two fusible plugs The thickness of tho Iron wits n quarter of n Inch and thIs tonsil strength I llnrtor puted nt 60000 pounds TIiu bont litter them repairs in bad bon made i wa about 140 foot length Her engine had 0 48tnoh cylinder and An 8 feet stroke Mho won regis tered to carry GOO pasSengers Her officers nnd crow comprised 1 Captain mate pilot engineer two firemen fend n 1101 onllnoer tlO rmon craw of sixteen I Sue carried four life bat I life r f anti GIG llfo preservers There wore two stair ways from tho upper to tbo lower dock Tho Hiverdnlo was last InspMtod on JunA 21 lOSS by J P Day Assistant inspector of Hulls nnd Alexander CauMwoll Assistant tnspoctnr nf Boilers The cortlflcnto of Inspection which wns sworn to befora Inspectors fintmiel B FaIrchild and John K MatlhovvB on July S 1883 says that the staamnont was built In Jersey Oily In 1871 nnd rebuilt In IB hult Tho Klvordnlo wits run from Now York to Bay Illdgu In connection with the IdlU onnoclol Hoa lienoh Hall road to Cone Island on Sundays lnl 1881 and has run on tho same route on Hundays during tho present season On Aug 7 1882 tho drumhead of her steam chest was blown oft while abe was ItOl1 passonirors to Coney Island nt tho West Twen tyfourth street dock Old steamboat men said yesterday that the luvordalo had for seven years been regarded by thorn as unsafe sOCI r1INO CAPT lIAtr lit Jnmcre dltonln Vnrloo Purlaof the Mint orlXow lenojr Tho creditors of tho missing Capt John J hall of Now lirunnwlck who appear to reside In various parts of lie State await further loflnlto Information from him In vain Capt UBI was assistant onglnebr of that division of the Pennsylvania Ilallrohd extending from BrIstol to Now Ilrunswlck In which capacity ho made nearly nil the malo al contracts for york on tho division nnd audited tho contractors bills when they were presented At the lat county election he became I Chosen Freeholder being eloctod on tho Demccrntlo ticket in tbo Sixth ward of Nuw Brunswick In tho Board bo wns chiefly remarkable for his pugnacity his desire to talk and tbo rigid In vestigation which ho gave to every Item of ex penditure Ho was n member of Christs Enls copal I Church was about 40 yoars of ago six feat lall stout and of florid complexion with reddish whiskers and moustache His RId mouolcho Ils man ner was honrty nnd his grasp cordial lo wits tho owner of n yacht on tho llnrltnn nnd often gave yachtIng and fishing parties l lo has a wife nnd four children tho eldest a son about 20 years of fwo August Httolt wolf ono of Hulls fellow Freeholders and who wns next to Hall ono of ttj most prominent Iromlnolt numbers of the Board was son yesterday at tile saloon In Now Brunswick Ho rOAllrdny I know pretty well from others tho extent of Capt Halt Indebtedness otwrl city though there are some Items I onnnnt fay anything about I figures In tha onnot Iny Inythlnl 0 Ho owed mo only about Ito which was for liquors and cigars cot nt different limes WIS fiornntfns L ITnrdentyurgb u rant tln eatnto broker 15 Hulls rrertltoti1 u t ref usoa to name tho ninount further tlmn to state thnt It 1alo over 250 To Bnrtholomuw McCormick Wil lntholomul hotel keener lie owed 1 bar bill of about BOO Charles MeCormlck n plumber holds I u bill against him for about Scot 1 for work dono on lalls now resilience It is auto ulleirod that hn owes 0 JorboyCltyniorchant2100 of borrowed money and n New Yolk coal dealer whit was at ono time in the employ of the Pennsylvania o Railroad 5000 J Kunrny lllco County Proso cutlng Attorney ha begun n suit in Circuit Court to recover 5000 of money borrowed by iall but ho refused SIY 10noy yeatordny by whom the suit Is 1 brought A few months ago Cnpt Hall purchased a rca clcnco nt about ton mlmitoa1 walk Horn the Now Brunswick denot I Is I considered ono of thin two most beautiful residences of tho city A lawn nf about halt nn acre with A tasteful flowergnrdenerooucitnnd lawn tennis nrcuttnds surrounds it Mrs Hall In In such n dIMrossed condition thnt the creditors do not trouble her with calls To ono gentleman who saw her threo days ago fho wild I know nothing about husbands where abouts anti I cant bollvo it posuihlo ho vmnld go off In this fashion Vu hen ho loft ho said ho was golnuonunlKiri trip Ho was much away fiom homo and often went away with no Iway more complete explanation NEWS fitoxt Fin OLD iroitrn Letter Mtllckcd to McDermott Collar LtvEBrooL Aug 28 Jnmes McDormottwho 1 charged w 1th having been connected with the dna mite conspiracy wet brought Into Court for further sa aniinatlon today It wai ihown that the prliouer was connected with the conspIrator Featlierttoue who WBB recently convicted and that a card nf the latter Intro ducing McDermott to Palton another duell IlrDrllllo Dlol 1011r coniplrator was ditched MrUvrniotte to the box collar of a dress coat which wai Could lu Three taken have teen arrcitnd at Carl on a charge of concealing anus Tliej have been rcmandud fir a k A rlnp a revolver A liHvonet WWi Infernal machine Ihvlattvr idifiitlcat Wit the uiachlno found In the poeiesllon of l > ean > > nA ef tha Liverpool ilyiiaiulte conrnlratorr were dlicovered on their Irtinliei IYII Tke Spunlak Crlala MADRID Aug 28 Prime MfnlstorBagastn to day tendered to King Alfonio the resignation of the Utnlitry Th < Irlme Minister Informed the King of the divergence ol opinion In I the Cabinet relative to the uupcnilon ot cnnitltutlonil nuuranlrti the King pro holed t vlilt to Oennany and certain army measure lirnuoicd hy the Mlnlitfrof War who had cxpreiied a ro to relljrn I The KhifT doeinlng It unlieceiiary to liaeten the crlala poMtpi > ned hie flnal reedluthm concern leg the lllntitry until he returns from Corunna onoorl jtoeed ing ties vlill been to decided Germany upon In regard to the King Noll pro French Hacceee In Annam Pints Aug 20The Emperor of Annnm baa not yet accepted treaty aulitnltted lo him by U liar maud the French Civil Comnilidouer lint ha will pro ahly accept It The treaty guarantees that a French protectorate shall be recognued nil over Annatn Tbe eucceu of the French In Annani has rendered China mont iioiuits to them Chlneee troops continue loar rive nn the Yun Nan frontier The French after taking llalduong pureued the I Annamltea for three dayi Thrj g l alec idled the village of fhutilne XtehIfor Cholera aOrer ra CAIRO Aug 28Tho Minister of the Interior hUIIrled a fund fur Ih relief of the famlllei of the vlctlmi of cholera Large Slams have Seen promlied The Einllili troopa In Igypt will lubacrlba one days pav Twelve deaths from cholera occurred at Alex audrla yieterdat rUalNon kaa 8oi > etklnir to Nay PABIH Aug 2RTho laulnlt says that Prince Jerome Napolooii intendi to publish a mntilteato to be lioueil coincident with ItS funeral of the Couite tie Unambord SeeUliia a Ioet Polar Hklp LoNlioN > Aug 2RThA steamer Qeorg has Started from Archangel leek the Dutch polar 5111 1 ofTartil Yenta fur tha discovery of vtulcu a reward uf JC2DUU is I Moneircky OB the lilllbanrde PAIIIS Aug 28 Placards appeared In ParIs today Inviting the cltUeni lo rally in the mpport of th monarchy under Louie rhillppe H The placard ffer J bUI W deetroyedb tha police IlrvpplBv Dead while Trjlui to Cay Lift POTTHVILLB la Aug 28A house oocuplei by adlnlpated woniuu nanicU Kitty Kecnan took tin today and I destroyed While the building was burnlnr an old mail named Kel Loftue knowlnir th character of tim tenant and frarlug that i pius tnUnt Itt aelrep In the home went to rirtue her While erarcl h tog I for her he tel dead friui bear dl Whl lll Ioiy l l wan draiiged out of the hulldliiff Mrs Keenan hat not beta Itch and II le feared elie was KII 101 vrlBdllBC PonaloB ClBluanla WAsntKOTON Aug 28 Gould P Austin who I a dUoharged from the Ientlon ymca aeveral month aco wai strolled I dy fur attempted iwlodJIuf iiie I charged that he lipS wrllleu letter to appllcauti for peniltni claiming be a penetoo cleik and to be sbus 1 lo aeeure favorable action no their clalmi He ba offered to Interest bhuielf In I their favor if guim > en ate < for bit aervlct I lie WM hell lu flVw boats for hu ap rtaiauci ui two WHla I MR THniUi AS A fAUllTSHAff lit Keecnt Jniirtiejva by Wntet RCCCB > K Party of Eminent Kncllahmcn Mr Samuel J Tllilon has developed a Bud don Interest In yachting A number of trip iciJo during tho summer on one of Iho crack yachts of tho Now York Yaoht Club lod to tim ncautromont of this now taslo Ho lisa now engaged Mr John Iloachfl ingnlncont stonm yacht Yosomlto for tho rest of tho present season nnd It said that he may order built during Ito com nu winter a steam yacht to excel nythlng now afloat Mr Tlldons friends peak with admiration not only of tho nowlodao of yatchlutr that ho has picked up In a row weeks but also of tho sterling I ualltloa ho tins exhibited ns n sailor Ho I faces tho roughest weather without tho alIght i N Out Inclination I to ecu l oslhOllt I On Monday Mr TllOen accompanied by his friends Mr Chnrles K Flint of thin Now Yacht Club oxComptroller Andrew H Green and tho ladles of his family want down ho bay to loot tha Cunnrdnr Unllla for tile uuipose of taking oft Mr Thomas Burlnir till snlor nomber of the firm of Baring Brothors A Co of Ilx rpool Col Robert Baring of Iondon Lord Cnrrlnutnn nnd Mr Francis II Mlldmny Tho wore pnssengorn on that vessel Tho Onllla was not sighted end tho Yosomjto after run nlnK fnroutKldo Handy Hook wan put about teamed back to treystono Mr Tlldon Mr Omen onuS tho Indies disembarked hero anti thn > iwht in charge of Mr Flint nturncd to Qiinrnntlno to lay In wait for tint lallln Yesterday miirnlnc Mr Flint was joined on board thin yacht by Mr TlldonB physician Dr Charlen K Hlmmons nnd Messrs M P mace arid Mr Jewell Who the Unllla up loarod the yacht run down to meet item mil eubuMjuently u coD > nnlll her from Quarantine to her dock whore after he baggage had boon passed tho English Kontlotnon were taken on bonrd Then the Yosemite Wits run round the city Into tho l Cast Itlvnr to give tho guests n view of tlio Croat bridge and afterwards headed fIJI mroy tono At Oroystono tInt pnrty was received anti on tertalncd nt lunch by Mr Tlldon nnd llm Indloa After lunch everybody Includlni Mr Tlldnn embarkod on tho Youomlto and wont up the Inclson to lint mitt of tint 1allsudon rutiirnud down tint river Into thin lower bay nnd llnully came back to Twentythird street vhorn the Kngllnh guests wero inndod und osoortod to their hotel lord Unrrlncton and Mr itlldmny will join Mr VIHnrdR pnrty to witness ttttt tot unal oiienlng of the Northern PnclQo tallroad and Mr Thomas Baling and Cot flaring aecomranlml by Mr Charles It Flint vlll Innvo Now York tomorrow morning for the Rocky Mountains on a sew oral weeks ImntliiL expedition At n point on the Northern Paclllo Itallroml they will bo met by Cnpt North who commanded thin Paw utile Indiana In their engagement with tbo iloux anti guided by him will pone trnto the Blc Horn Mountains In search of rrlzzly bear elk and antelope The Messrs Jaring and Mr Flint spent some weeks last autumn In Ito Maine woods moose hunting anti each of the pnrty succeeded In killing n line bull moose IIJZIXO ffAIAf CADETS The Trouble tknt Cnmo of Making Fellow Mtndente Bland Un kelr Stead DAIiTiHOHE AUJT 23Thin Constellation arrived nt Annapolis today The cadets say hat tho hazing consisted making tho mom xirs of tho fourth class stand on their bends turn somersaults and go through other aero Jatlo porformances at the word of command ioapeatlng was proposed but not compelled Tho hazing began soon after the Constullatlon started on her cruise but was not reported until about two weeks ago when Lieut Ma rackln one of tho wntch ofllcors caught two of the thlrdclasM men In hue wash room hazing several plobs The Commandant of Cadots or lorod nit investigation each member of the fourth class was questioned cud In this way ho names of tho following hnzors worn oh touted Kresit MonItor nitd Campbell of Now York lugglo brand and lhutdaie of Kentucky lttiiiitrd lonnlthird nud inwkos of WisconsIn Wiiiriitti of Missouri houltl ad Johnston of In dines Youiiuof Vlrjrlnln Trnpnoll of West Vim Blnla Strlto of Mnrylrvnd nnd Ilertholf and Andrews of New Jersey Kress glands lo 1 nnd Mooller No 3 In the class Today each of the accused was noti lIeu by Capt Itnmsny to mako a state ment if ho HO desired nnd It hut l understood that after consulting they decided to acknowledge what they had done anti petition for clemency Illnk Davis Arrlvea In Town Telegraphies Hume Iknt He la Alive und Well Dink Davis Is hero said Mr Joseph Crocherou of tho Urower Home jeiterday Hear rived between 0 and 10 oclock very dusty but other wUo all right There he U now atopplng at tho lamp ltilt taikiiitt to Tarry Olirlen Tue poronut referret to tine a etigittbulit very rotuttg tookiutir nun drmscil in a blito itit sad a btnct Derby hat iiIi make a inisuutte said hue slight yoitnr man aiiiiiimt i tie poliatCut to Mr Oitricn Thu 1 Mr tSt is ihemi Mr rnciirouu mute tip soil insioiei tint tie plixitt dig mitsui tech V seas hiiiuiu hiavie stud uuum cii ctc htavis reireatut lii hue reaioursmu uiut iiut by a trtmud it hi its lit utti ltiuicht it s uc Paid i liii Ii e iift etiotiti to iii otis eouieuriulit tue tritilito Its itoI at lInt i4jiri ngu where hiu went tom iiia ltsuttii hut W lucre ito ens arrestet by iii turf of lotite on a riucruto of iirt tog tratiduheuitly uluietmiet tiieI froiui itsnuuiel Dnminett futriultiure tteniir my mu sits it sri itt tue Sotiiturti iuutl lii St Loris II e tuluutiut I ut M r Ceorltoeuiui that lti uiii ttettei story niuflhit iii tauiete ito got liii we correrl liii iii nnt ssy Iuity tue retuiisiiton ietecltve dxciii of itt Louis brought to hut 5iittns wol diapoirl of lii tint ttutuut lie ii lit after Stout tug away hilt voile was to trie5raiilt iii lii Elct fattier at tayracuta that tie was very tituhi silt e ciii welt MeL Sherwood Cages a Uurglur Ive got a burglar locked up In my collar and f want you to take Mm away laid Uri Julia Sher wood of 1511roipect Street lo Policeman Crowe of the York Street Brooklyn police yesterday The patrol man accompanied MM Hhertvoml back to her house and ni sIte utultks1 the cellar door luke Doyle of 31 t Hud con atcrmi pprani Into Lronoi aries tn tilurwood keepl a confrctlonery store which ehe locked up vrhlle sue took a few lays vacation Early > eiterday She relnrned ant al the entered the place site saw Iloyle In the net or entering n rear vt Indow the shutter or witirii lie had forced open In his hniteto conceal hlmeelf the Imndar darted down Into the cel tar aud site went duvvu the step and locked the door The Ilfe ofi NUB Monalgnor Carol lectured last night In the nrooklyii Academy of Mnilc unflfe lu Iho Cloliter He wni warmly greeted when he was Introduced by Vicar General Keegan and for an hour he kept his suit ton Interested He laid tutu writers of Action who tie jilcleil the nun an a SOrt uf frmule Jeinlt whose life was ills ofiiebsutitg soruitude wre grossly liltitaken The iiuni who had tiketi vow did pit voluntarily and in oinparntlvejy few Initancei did they Cud their cloister tire at all Irksome The nroceeile of thu lecture will be given to St Maryi n u Home llrooklyn Injured on Ike Men IJe ek ItallroBd A rush of steam from the engine Into a car as a train on the Sea Beach Railroad wee pai lng Halt Junction eiterday frightened one of the passengers ao much that he Jumped off The train was moving at the ate of thirty inllei an hour and ha struck on hit head II le wee brought to thus city In an unconiclou condition and taken to the chamber street Huipltal lie had not recovered nonacldiiineii at midnight atoll he U probably fatally Injured He li apparently under a year nf age and in poor rlrcumilancea There was tiothlug on his periou to Indicate who he was Telephone Wlree Cat Ilanrn LaNd iuANeu Aug Communication by telephone from Ihli place to Eatontovvn and lied Bank li broken and It li not likely that the wirr will be In USe before several days The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company lies been tiling the polci belonging to Pius ri1 tUrk Ilia company erected their wire without permtiHlon of the owner of the polei It la sid and failed to nuke any arrangement hv which Mr ttlark would lie paid t for their use He therefore cut down tit S iris today on liroadn ay In Long Branch village Nuotllna Iteillrond OoBduclera CiitcAoo Aus 28A conductor on tim Cit cago and Alton llallroad had a private detective ar raited yesterday for following him about A Juitlca lined the sheller 10 Thamanagera of the road atatei to day that they had dlichargod a number of auipectei coniluturn and had emplnyed detectlvn tj keep oer lain of them under mrvelllance One More Chlnnm B lleeaoiea 11 ClllxeB Hen Sing n flnolooklncr welldressed young riilnamon yeltcrday receded hli naturalUallon paper from Chief Judge Sedgwlck In hue Supreme Court tusk lug him a citizen ot the Inllrd States lire Sing had declared hit Intention lo broom a clllien lu itttJ ao that the > recrnt net of Ciiniiri < e In relation loChiuel immigrant dU not apply la hli cate Cuplurlng S liurElnr BAITJMOIIE Aug 29John A home was ar rested here lo duj for burglary at the Itutral Hold llrookevllle Mu lie rbbUJ thr safe of t3rr < Its tree caught it tide richinglng United Main for < > erma luonty He I i hai rhgaged uassogo on I tie steelier SI rail berg vi htch sail lo morrow for Bremen He confine hl < guilt Weller llrnnrtl ISisrbaiged The Imjuest In Brooklyn last nlcht In the case of Client Vin tlilder ulioillrd irene tbeeffeclio maliiractlce rciultrd In a verdict Inculpating Mre for Uug only Waller IlruueU UrUoty ud killS llsW bores were diicharf nr TUB rutEorraroyf Z4ItlC The rrceldcnt Calchlna Trout sad Oeoklie them IB the Oeyeere YEiiow8TONK TAIIK Autr 28 via Livingston ngston Montana Aug 28It was the Inton lion of the Presidential party to remain over Sunday at the Upper Goyior Basin until It was scertnlnod that the vicinity ot the camp did not furnish sufficient forego for the animals This dIscovery made It necessary to resume thin march thin morning Tho party broke amu nt the usual hour anti returned to Sho shone Lake by the Santo trail they hnd ridden over on Friday They wont to Yellowstone lark on whoso borders tlioy tire now on ampod Tint journey today wns somowhnt tiresome Thin party have twice erostod the continent dlvldo Iliaillfitnnoo ot twenty tulles For the tolls of Ito marches however nbunil alit eomiianintlnn has been received stnca the nitty halted The camp Is In one of the most ittrnctlvo spots that has greeted the partys eyes shiuco tluiy began their tour nod affords nvlovncrn44 Ito widest pheet of water In time known world nt this altitude It has ulvim oniii of the party an opportunity tn verify the ruth of n statement which has boon widely oiibtoil that It was possible to Rapture a rout In hut waters of thin lake nnd without detaching It from the book lo lung It Into nn itdjiiettiit geyser ami bring U lliunco cooked to stilt the taste of tint uitmt critical goutmnnd Tills locality abound in thcho natural ihonomann which lira the ehlol attractions of thto lower eyiinr basin Within n hundicd yards of thin encampment geyser are con itautly fashioning thin curious creations which lava bean FO froiiuontly described A few xtops rom these geysers aru hot springs Their Waters nro clear us crystal and close to their edges grow llowors The tiny hns been crowned by > it glorious sunset With tho darkness hut ennui most rofronhlng rain tho first which has visited thin travellers for litany days It will uillca to Icy tho duet und temper thu hent rendering tomorrows march mote agreeable ban that of today In Order of Arreel for KxCollector Murpky Chief Judge Sodgwlck In the Superior Court yesterday granted an order for thenrreit of Tliomai Murphy former Collector of the Port In a stilt agalnit hint by Rdmund Stphenaon upon a draft for IOtA Mr Bterihenaou says lu till anidavlt upon it luck the order of arreit wai granted that on Juno 0 Mr Murphy aiked itm If ha would do him the fnvor to canh au acceutance of Hugh Hantlngi ot the Commercial AJifrtlirr and when he sIted for the draft Mr Murphy sail he had not a draft tilled out but tronid draw one Wheuivikedhow its knew Mr lluwtlngi would Accept the draft he yald Mr Hauling and hlumtlf had a real estate transaction Kotlier DiulMr Haitlngi had authorized him to drew hu amount and liuvei the dritft dlicounted aavlng It would be occrptcd at the name time remarking lie was allttle short Cr tie vvKiild vivo him the money Mr hIts ihvnion iaH he knew Mtirphy WAI pecuniarily Irre ipnnflhle suit liad large judgment j viftilnnt hfm and churicei that the statement mnilit were fuiiu nnd fraud ulent and made knowingly for the iiuruoe < of cheating ind defrandliig tutu Mr HantlngH made affidavit that he had never authorised Mtirphr to draw such a draft and never laid lie vvould accept It Careless Handling of Valuable Pitper WAsntNoroM Aug 28 United States Treas urer Wyman and Comptroller Knox have been Inves tigating too Initancei of carelesiaeei on ttie part of their einploccf Three half theeti of national bank notes bearing the engraved ilffnatures of the register and Treasurer were recently found among thowaite pa per of the Comptrollers department and were returned lo hue office ft was ascertained that a young man who lied teen assigned to atork tim which he WAS not cecil lomed had accidentally thrown the states away On Auj 14 a package ot tenglooo United Slatcn notes can celled was found on the floor In the redemption division of the Treasurer office Acting Secretary French ceys that while such accidents ns these cannot occur without carelessness on thn part of eome official or employ ee3 ct he does not think the facts furnish cause for the remov al ot any clerk or employee or for censure of the head of cither of the onicoi In iiueitlon Buelllati Kllllntc Loeb Other VANDAIIA Aug 28A fatal encounter oc curred early thIs morning near Louden City In this county between Louie Phllllpa aud Jacob Jlosenbrook Rosenbrook wns killed Instantlr and rhllllpa was wounded ao badlr that he died a few hours after The affair had Its origin In a grudge of longstanding growing out of disrespectful remarks by Phillips con cernlng Itosenhrooks sinter Yesterday morning they decided to settle the matter In a dul with pistols to he fought at U oclock this morning They chose second who wero nresont and wltneised the shooting Kosen brook flrej the first shot the ball eaterlug Jhllllnaa mouth Ihlltips slaggrred and lioforo falllmt dlichargcd his weapon the hall entering Ito eubrooks mouth and rang tier upward through the head Both duellUts were young men rhllllpa being about 22 years of age and a school teacher Neither the second nave been arrested Chnsliia a 1lckpockel ABnunv Ping Aug 27 Alfred Lawrence alias ThomasKdvvanls was arrested by Detective Kittle of the Central llallroad to day for picking the pocket of Mrs Prazerof Pennsylvania watch She was about to board the train for Long Branch when happening to took down sIts sow Lawrence with her watch In hIs hand trying to unscrew It from the chain She threat cecil to list him armtcd suit < oL Menall the agent at the station seilng whal had occurred started tn catch him The thief doicded under ihe car and started to run He was pursued bv Oily or loon men and boys An elderly intuit Mr liorge Urowri happened to be In his way and bothered him so that he CAIIIO to a halt and was caught Justice Iluiuclt committed him to the county lall for this llrand Jury Issu trite said he lived at 2tJ North Tenth street Philadelphia Astray la n FUhlnir Stoat ABnunv PinK Aug 23 William Stopp of 212 Diluncey street New York came aihoro In a flahlng boat at u I oclock yesterday mornin He says the flih tour smack Annie I Capt Jutpli Ilowurd left Fulton Market on Wednesday of last week and went to Coney Island for halt for four days nt Ishlng It left there 01 Euturuay evening about ft i oclock and nas some nine or ten miles abreast of Aslniry Park on Hitnday evening about 5 oclock Ktenp In cite biiat ivlth threo others lit separate hosts left th smack to flsh It remiss on dark and btenp could not rind the smack The wind blew up frrsh and he drifted ashore Ills boat wns upet In itie smut and he was thrown out A heavy see catnrht I him and threw him up on the bench Chief ol Police halley had the boat brought fu and holds It for the owner Killed by ss iterating Orludstone flbdlibtOND Aug 28 Bpencor Coleman col ored was instantly killed here to day by the bursting of a large grind lone Ho was standing about thirty feet from the stone when a piece weighing 75 pounds struck him knocking the lop nf his head off One rieco of the stono went through a nine inch nalLmaking a bole almost ns largo as an ordinary door sfiiil another piece went through the roof of the building The Great Fire nt WlllAniai WiLLUstaroKT Aug 28Tue loss by the fire In the lumber J ards last night IsSnooooo distributed a far aa aicertalued as follows Klnley Young A Co tmnnOs insurance Pttwlti Tayne Cochran A Co friooiii fully Insured Kdcar Miinsmi atiout f > 4oiiiio Insurance SJ3iii Merrlman Jc MKIIS hiituiioJO Inmr mice tMHM Kramer A Mann fWuoo Insurance 5234551 A Blnrer Job them hs Thoutikl BUFFALO Aug 28 Hllarlo Baluau the Frenchman who arrived In America last Thursday for the purpose of swimmIng the whirlpool rapids on an alleged tluooo wager with the Comte de Lagrange via lIed Mairara today and It le reported wise up Hie Idea after us tieuuce at the rapids He intended to return to Mew York tonight Tragic Result ofa Ieiweulf INDIANAPOLIS Aug 28 Jacob Oldonbargor and Jacob Hush had a lansull this jnornlug which was dsclded lu favor of Hush Meeting Bash on the street soon aftsr Oldeubarger drew a pistol and fired kilting Hush Instantly He then stint Hainllel Campbell who was passing cud lie will probably die He then shot hllnstlf dsad A SSOOOOO Fire In Bun Antonio SAX ANTONIO Texas Aug 28A fire hero last ulgbl destroyed f throes A Coa building the losa on which with Itscontentslsf20oono Hugo APchmclt cer grocers loss Cliii sri Insurance Wiouo F tItans A Un bankers HOOK lusurance tlttUXJ Three men were badly burned stud two nrenitu were somewhat lulurcd Otlerhoul OITCI UhussltVp TnoY Aug 28Charles Osterhout who shot Dr lludion at Hooclck Vail surrendered himself lo Deputy Sheriff Larkln lest nlzht and was lulled In jail He denies that ho ever threatened hula wifes life If sit did not acknowledge that her relation with tlr hutton were ImiroDer Hoscoo Lonklloa le I a Granetrutber UTICA Aug 28An IntnrostlnB event at the home nf hetiator CouLling this mitrning conferred on the e > < riislnr a new dlgnlir A Illlle laughter was born to Mis W O Uakmau Mr Coukliugi daiigluir JOTTIKQS AIKWT TowN Patrick Quimtui iii boatmen who cmi th tiight of tii 25 cf Augmisi Ink I us Sont rhuilIreum riot fur a ruse iv a iued by Juiiie iierniiuuuit yastirday fit trial in default of 1tO lilt boat uiist amid the i tutliltsit win e drotu uted Sir Spemirer l Ircen cclii Itrs at the itimCkiuuauiciui htuhel fil tiis ii ttic aleil ct tie Iitiu au cvt itattitit of the itiid Arcmiui hieva ml ilisitroal eaierdsy anit ro mciiel a stigiut CCIII wuimtl Ii Web iektt it iii Slitety utiiumh itireel itOaiilai TIa ttaiuu ttly of tlts eseuraicituls to the eetis if Ihto tabralios if tile IiOtitllotluh of liii horuierut IsCOll Kattosj utitlicavo Nsss nick cit the ErIe ihaitusay iii cteuulii In lbs Iveel by Iii way of Stsgars Vail Smut tlticaee to special cars At tii huititIrW at hiroedeav cliii Scienteentli aired iciomilliug ii Ii iartstt diem suhirp sit haloeuir hit1 tue hod htoitiuig emigineac trCca on Uouidsy oecessttat its atiuumuliti dess mu cit lit S ark mierattuuue were re summued yesttrdy uuivrutllig a not Social tutgiOer itey wg batU twpituisil I IttULj 1 II U UIVll 13 JAVAS CANOPY OF FIRE A VEA1 > TTItAlN FttOSt TirOTllIllDa Of lIKlt oUryFJrtf POZCANOJf Tows and Viltsgs Otemkclmid ky M iv ar lbs lcnTk > n > M < I > of Live B I IroviMl Tko KrnptlODi Htlll U lrtrti LONDON Auff 28Tue lutoet wlvlccs from Dntavln thin capital of Java show that tIme Tot cnntooruptlons In thnt Island are much more serious than at first Indicated The disturb ances boean on tho Island of Hrnkatoa Laths Strait of Sunda about fifteen miles oft the coast of Java Tho deep rumblings wore die luctly audible nt HurokcrUand Batavia about ortyllvo and twentytwo miles olT respective ly Little nlatm was felt nt first but within a tow hours showers of stones becan foil at ocjnkortn Bournbnyo and Bnmarnnir All hroukh the night showers of rod hot rook and adios fell making complete darkness it nil those towns In nntnvln hero was nn oc casional full and It was difficult to keep the troot lltihts burning In the European quarter hg the utoxt mornlmr nil communication with Anjor was cut off all the bridges lowing boon lustrorod by tho descending rocks and aah s and the road rendered Impassable 4 The II rst eruptions were oil Saturday night On Sunday mornloK tin disturbances had or ended beneath lie waters of thin strait nnd hoy woro soon bolllnc and hlsslnc violently vhlloeront waves dashed upon tho Jnvanesa shores and the temperature of tho sea wont up nearly twenty degrees Even ns far away front tho original point of disturbance ns Ma dora more tlmn 500 miles tho turloua waves wore lashed into mountains ot foam ax they cithtlu rolling In Tho threatening rumblings rndunlly became more and then distinct sad by noon the Mnhn Moru the largest of tutu vol canoes of Java was botching forth flumes at oa ilurnilnK rate This eruption soon spread to ho Gununs the orator of which Is tho largest In tint world being neatly four miles In di ameter tho Qunune Ountur and many other minor mountains until moro than n third of the fortyflvo craters of Java wore cither la active eruption or seriously threatening It Just before iluak n great luminous cloud formed over the Gununir Guntur and th crater of that volcano began to vomit up enor mous streams of white acId sulphurous mud and smaller quantities of lava There wore rapidly succeeding explosions followed ha Iremendous showers of elnders nnd enormous fritunsnnhsu wit iti worn It H rim I hlrrli it 4 nIC ana scuttoreu in all directions to fall utter tho force was spoilt upon the valleys below carrying denth and de struction WIth those torriblo eruption came sympathetic demonstrations from the son The overhanging eloiids wore so eur charged with electricity that nt one time mom than fifteen hugo vvntorspouli wore Been Those have continued at somewhat long inter vats over etnco Men woman anti children rushed in terror front their tottering dwelling places Illllne the air with their Hbrloks of hor ror Hundreds were unable to got out before the houses fell and woro burled beneath the Treat masses of rocks and mud which went piled up where a few hours before all had been peace happiness and fancied security The Gununs Tongger has not had an erup tion before since tho year 1800 when au extent of land 17 miles long and 7 brand was completely covered with the whlto sulphurou mud so peculiar to the eruptions of Java The peak of Gunung Tonggor Is 6000 feet above the son and the monument of flnmo on top of this made n scone of wonderful grandeur Every moment a huge boulder nt tired or while heat would bo burled from Tenjrgorg crater with ternllo force and after going hundreds ol loot Into this aIr would tall back with a whirr crashing through tho thatehel root of some Chinese fishermans but or crushing beneath Its hugo mass the body ot some nntlvo peasant Flsaurn after fissure ap peared In the sides of the mountains and hen and there lathe valleys there came ereatynwn Inc chasms On the elevated plains of Kodlrl and Dnndong the ahowers of stone mud and lava were not so frequent afl In the lower por tions of the Island but woro still destructive Much of the northern portion of the Island which wus covered with niche of foiusts wag soon In ono great blaze Thin rodhot vomit logs from the craters had set thIn trees on fire and the giants of thin woods fell ono after an other like so many sheaves of wheat before a gnlo As tho eruptions Increased In frequency and violence tho disturbance of the water surrounding the barren const bocamo moro and more violent Hero the waves rushed In turriflo force up the steep rocky Incline breaking up on tho overhangIng crags and ro < edlng rapidly lonvlne n lava flow cooled just at tha moment when it was about to fall over n prool plco nnd there remaining < iuicklyilrtirdonod by contact with tho wntois timid forming dIn tinct strata of black and bright ted purple and brown nil thrown about In tint most cccuntrit ma res whIle Hugo nouks of basalt rose at fre quent Intervals There tho wnves came whelming over a marshy plain along tho shorn suddenly engulfing n Iminlut ol flshnrmens rude houses OhiO turning ud donly back swept away nlmost every vestige of what n moment before had boon n scone ol bustling activity What n few hours before wore fertile valleys covered with flourishlDH plantiitlonB of cofreo rice sugnr Indigo or to liBceo the staples of tho lulund were now but mud stone and luvii eovoiod fields ot destruc tion und ruin Probably nut a single crop In Java will ba saved At the entrance to Butnvla vvaa a large group of houses extending ulong tho shore und occu pied by Chinamen This portion the city was entirely swept away and of the 25000 Chinese who lived on this mvnmpy plain it Is hardly probable that morn titan 5000 mnnngod to save their lives They stuck to their homes till the wnvcs came that washed thorn away fearing the torrents of tin flame stud lava ot Ito Interior nioio than the torrents of water Of the U500 Europeans and Americans In liatnvln perhaps 800 perished II In Impossible to mako niiyostimntnof lie croat pecuniary loss Many Ito baziutra In thin high er parts of thin city worn demolished Flit Ex change stud the military hospitals Buffered great daiiiRge At Anjer tbo European and American quar tar was first overwhelmed by rocks mud and lava from hue orator and then the wnterx cnmo up and swallowed hue ruins leaving nothing to mark thin Bite and causing thin loss of some whero in the nolahborhood of liOO lives of the Inhabitants and those who had tried to fluids Bantam once a prosperous native city but practically abandoned by Kurnpuans many yearn ago was entirely covered by the water and there must howe been fro in 1200 tn 1600 people drowned there TInt island of Heron just off the coast was completely Inundated and not n soul remains on It to toll tho tale ol disaster und death At Cherlbon there was no great flood of wa ters but the loss of life and property by thus falling of rocks and the flow ot lava must liar bean considerable Uultonzorg suffered very seriously as did Hamarang Jogjakarta Kournkorta and Bourn bays while the meagre reports from the lesser towns Indicate that their loss was ns grout In proportion Tile Thousand Temples at Urambaninn were very much damaged anti some of them destroyed Homo of the domes of the noted temple of Vorobodo were crushed In by hugo falling rooks While there can be no accurate estimate formed at present of the loss of life It must ba apparent when it Is considered that the island has n population of more than 10000000 that the death llsllwlll foot far up Into thelthousandt At the hist advices the eruptions wore contlni ulng although their violence hnd abated some what nnd It Is feared that thin end of thin dls aster will dhow It to have been one of the moat frightful over known In the history of Its kind The ttlanul titles Prediction Local rains with stationary temperature followed cm Tlmr liy by air wtalher sruttca rit on THIS TZLRft4ZIL Thcropot witsI and othtIrcerrall in auiestawibs gmit Tue trial Jamri Nutt who killed Lytnau Dukes wIlt begin at Uuiouluvrn ia I on SepI u Tue hitltwlcipitia aid ltattimlmtg heal and Intut Conpsuuy hiar tntiigiul Iii hark hIlis toiliery at ituituktim ls I bait Iioruii cii Stomilcy Iui Wicoumaiii deirtyed thu comics iotacCim cr01 of uioca county 1siitage SliXit0O Ills irhmir cii Wales iiaa accjiiI lrttest loiudfelhows psuuttuig cuf lit pitet Luligfeiiuw ruldinru a tisun bridge The sort on the railroad over UK AnAt sin scOre proirtM this coini > aiiy IIM inatvrlal ol llticnoi ajrrM roitund at tlYJtbm Surly otis IlKMiianil aollicnof thiS tinfederata < Sri 4 llnnn Brinlti are iuihemtiiug UK ex Oonfxtrrati reuuluo at JcIfnrsuui City So On Kept Zrnllwar ro > iome service on hue Norlhan rarlflc KnllrnaJ will Im pelted frtutmi HI Caul lu Iorl laud Otr uu IUJUiilU Tue Colored Mule Uontiillnii at liiIle iXurk Ark callul audition j etterdav tn lli > fart Him no chits mud ttuer of p uevru bed ur Inca liauzcd In Hut State OOoiinrll wlin klllrd Jatnei Carer tailed yesterday > for England ii litre In trial us IU IsAs lien Tb hn pifjjie Court at aj > Totta riKtua its Wfud lukt trill tlitrt 1