nn i I VOL LIVNO 207 I NEW YORK SATURDAY MARCH 2h 1887 1 I PRICE TWO CENTS 1 if1 MANY LIVES IN DANGER I I nIB STEAMSHIP SCOTIA ROLLIXn IX iOXO ISLAND SAND I Muny FitMenter Brought Ashore Thioitfh ft RtMClnc Hurf In n llrceches IlunjrWo I Men nail Children Landed In Ilfb llont I For tho third tlmo within thno months 1 big steamshIp with every appliance known to modern navigation has gone ashore In a clear night on the long stretch of sand that Aoparntci tha Oroat South flay from tho Atlantic Ocean Tho last ono is tho Bcotln the French steamer from Naples reported in TUB BUN of yesterdays a eleven days overdue At 4X oclock yesterday morning Burfmnn J n Payne of Blue Point Htatlon llftccn miles east of Fire Inland light saw tho red und green lights ot a steamer BO closo that she was plain ly going t strike tho bar that lies a short dr I I tnnco off shore He hastened to got his warn ing light a blaztnci but tho signal did n good for at the moment I blared up tho vessel struck with such tremendous forco that both masts fell over with 0 crash tearing away rig ging and bulwarks down to tho deck Almost nil of the passengers were below decks and p usoop They lost no time in waking up and creaming and rushing frantically on dock There was a stiff wind from the south at tho time and 0 roaring surf a around tho ship but tho sight ot tho land not moro than ICO yards away reassured them They thought they woro in no danger As soon as Burfman Payno saw tho ship strike ho hurried to his station to rouse tho crew but tho crow had already boon awakened by tim screaming of the people on the ship and Capt Qoorgo Jones already had the men nt work carrying tho mortar to tho beach preparatory to fIring a line across tho stranded ship Tho vessel lay within twenty rods of tho station nnd tho Kim was soon In place Tho second shot laM a lino across her Instead of hauling out this lino tho crow of tho steamer at onco bent a big hawser to It and then wavcd their arms and humped their backs In a wild endeavor to mako tho lifo saving men haul It ushoro During tho same time tho lifo savers wore shouting them solves honrso and signalling In a vain endeavor lo make tho steamers crow understand that the line should bo hauled out on board They worked thus at cross purposes for an hour Then two other llfosavltiK crews having ar rived Capt JOIICH nnd his crew launched their lurlbont and put out alongside tho ship and boarded her They then hauled nut the linn Irom the shore rigged tho brooches buoy and with tho alilnf thOM nn shoro began to bend the paiscngcrs ashore In it tit onco This made nn Interesting spectacle for thoso Who woro 101 Inlorstll7 ship was Ivlng lrty In the tlonKh of the sea and with each jwell Bho rolled llrt toward tho land mid then toward the son AH she rolled in the lines llnokonod down until tho passenger danglod bis legs In tho foaming surf and when tho line tightened again with tho next roll out the passenger wont sailing aloft usually with wild yells and petitions to the saints I for mercy Only men wore brought ashore In the breeches buoy Tho women ten at 1 time were put in tim surfbont and carried ashore by Cant Jonoss men Two boat loads Were landed before tho first man got on short Irlt The frat man was Pusqualo Miguel who had once been In this country In all 50 women and 15 children were landed by tho bout and 60 mon in the breeches buoy Among the latter were the ships doctor Ho said lo hl1 Iull thero wore 15 sick people on the shin t and ono man who had his leg broken when tIm masts wont over the hhlps Hide There were SSi passengers on board besides 4J of the crow The hlp is commanded by Capt H Kunat About HIM of these passengers were taken from the Dtirijiimlln tho ship thlt wor on Feb 1 started from Naples but before getting out of the harbor struck tho warship Italia and sank Tho MrHt passenger was landed at 7 clock When 125 had been landed a de spatch from Jacob Torkiillo tho companys agent in New York ordered the landing to i stop nsa barge was coming t carry them to the city As the passengers wero in no danger no moro worn taken oil The vessel UPS almost opposite tho station She came ashore he idlng northwest but Him northeast nwung around nt nightfall with tho tide until she headed At low title she had ton feet of water nt her bow She is several feet down In tho m nd but can easily bo limited off lor nit dor Is gone MerrittH two steamboats and tho schooner Haggerty arrived at 5 oclock They will begin to got her off at once The pnnion cors will I betaken to tho city in tho Ilnggorty The Scotia brought2UO tonsof fruit with wines and brandies Capt Ruffat said tho reason Bho made such a long passage was that she did not hau enough cargo to ballast her properly anti ho was carlO drive her lest she should turn over In a moder ate gale Hhe had no pilot on board It could not bo learned whether tho Captain had taken the precaution to heave tho lead at any time after nearing shore Ono piiH engi > r got a fisherman to take him to tho mainland and ho wont to New York There woro only two cabin passengers on board No cargo was landed 4 and none will bo thrown overboard Tho life lf saving station wan picturesque but wry b crowded when night came Two of tho lifo 4 savors wore kept busy until 4 1 31 cooking j beef stow for tho pooplo who had come ashore Georgia Farina of tho t Ooorj11 ono passengers says m tho thlpH machinery broke on Thursday Ho could not say what part of her but ho sup J posed It was her engines This added moro t consternation to the buffering people aboard 0 who wore being tossed about In tho improperly balasted chhcl Tim Scotia was consigned to J AV Elwell A Co 47 South street Sho is ono of llvo blMer ships belonging to tho Fnbto line She If brig rigged 123 feet long 40 foot wide and 21 foot duel i > Hut wife built by I A I Morton A Co at iPiili Scotland In 1MH1 anti Is owned lii Cvp g rlen Fabui A Co of Maiscllles hue iniiun her 4 flrrtt voyage In April itiS2 She is dlv Idud Into seven watertight compartments hho is I pro 1 tided with two ompound Inverted engine i nnd Is put in thin hichest cla b iu Lloyds tog 8ter She Is utcored by Etcnm I 7InISOED nr FLOOD A FawHy Hryonel Help In v Tree In the Missouri flyer BISMARCK Dakota Match 25fl H Ken nedy hU wife und three children am hold on liable Inland by the Hood and for six days have been living on such food as they saved from the water TheN ii no hope of rescuing them until the flood subsides and their friends are dig tractod Thoycan ho boon through full glares occupying a flCbt built in limbs of trees ocr three miles from shore tlhe t Northern Pnclllc Railroad managers liVxo abandoned tho hopo of iumoIng tho gorge by the use of dynamite and cannot say shun they will bo able to fhlp freight across the river rassongcrearo tranhfcuod b > boat A party of twelve poihuns uttempting to cross IttOI111 i Irom Muudon on Wednesday cunning uuro driven by tho wind nnd J into a willow thicket 8nilTiinwd tho Jilght there momentarily ex 10110nturly putlng death Water In Yashburn In fourteen foot above tho high watermark of JHdl whll hun > It Is I not Quito up to that record Thin shows that there id a gorge botwien hero and Washburii and when thai ton fet of water conies I will make tlio Hood surpass any previous ncoid hero is I a prospect that the heart River will wil break about tho time thn up nbolt lmn iipnci gorge breaks unit I It does ilatnlan will 1m iillout 010 The steamer TonipUiiiH was crushed In the too today The Northern 1udllo bhops at Mandan are still flooded I SUOT DOWN nr A WAITER A DlMbnrved Servant Shoot be Miiiter or Ccreuoule > In fold lllnliiB Route CIIIOAOO March iriic huge dining room of the Palmer House was the scene of a thin afternoon Philip F Dourllng tragedy thlt aforoon Phlh Hl1Irln one of the waiters who was discharged this moraine entered tho room and approached Charles F Jordan head waiter lomoiiHtratlng at his summary discharge Jordan pUHlied him away licarllng when ho found his wqids had no effect loarlng through his teijth Ill murder you Tho next Instant tho polished barrel of a pis tia to hashed anu before liny one rould moo a bullet catered tho head ot Jordan Ho had turned away and the ball entered under the o right ear OuwtH mirroundcd tho wnumiud rirht man canylng him tl this room of DihtublH whllo In tho lonliislon fleni r1 ellIII Dear ling Is I n laigu ncgioand cash y rQcognl ud and I Ih bald ho is to disliked by tutu coloieil rvoplothat the police anyonu ix I liable to butiny him to CklUrcu Cry far VUcher Catturla A stfea vroptraUoa for ctilldrtut complnlnu a > rv 8t > le < Hirlllff Ovel unt t In lramcn MirUly trll t > Lu JS nl Vn el Hrotherr llrondnn anti Houston i nod mil ncuue cur UJit 1 M > Th First Clrtui Elephant And the diet churvh old IrWIn ew fork a Erie Canal 4oP bal Gotluua Set tomorrowt Sunday lltrcun I Heart palplutlona nertnutnew IrrmbllnKi cold luudi Mul Ml ura If Vrterl Iron fUUUtf Vocel IlrotUtr Fashion Catalogac I Showing whet to wear IhU iprlng for inge and bo > a o free bv ippljfInu to IlroaUway and Uouilon t and Eighth anuut corns i2d tl jUt T11K COKKCIOtf nUL Mr Morleyt Amendment Defeated In the Ilnuu 01 Common LONDON March 25In tho House of Com nous this evening a divisIon R taken on Mr liorloys amendment to tho Governments mo Ion to grant urgency for tho Coercion bill and ho amendment was rejected by n vote of 340 o200 The announcement of tho vote was received with loud Opposition cheers Sir Honr James Liberal Unionist r proached Mr Gladstone and Mr Morley with supporting tho plan of campaign Ho dla Rented from their view that I was of loss mo ment that a fowcrlmlnals should undetected than that justice bo administered to thou sands I was tho first duty of tho Govern ment ho said to uphold tho law and protect lo > ill subjects Jeers from tho Irish members I inu n section 01 cite itouso jeer tnat senti ment And was ho asked to join an alliance With such men Y Loud ehcora alinc hit William Vornon Harcourt retorted that Sir Henry advocated tho Tory principle that the law must be enforced whether It was just or unjust The crlmo thoy had to deal with was 1 direct outcome of unjust laws I tho needed law woro amended coercion would not bo nlldet Mr Oqschen after referring to Sir William > inion If nrrourt as tho Parliamentary counsel of the iNiUiorml League asked whether ho Harcourt when Homo Becrotary stopped to inquire whether the laws wero just or unjust Ho blamed tho opposi tion for the dollY In tho introduction of the Governments Irish proposals It was tho first time in the history of Parliaments that nn oxPromlor and an oxHomo Secretary had deserted tho Government In the conduct of the ordinary business of tho House Proceeding to argue In favor of tho Govoinmonts measures Mr Ooschen was so much interrupted by Irish members order that the Speaker interfered to keep ortor 11 Parnoll protesting thnt tho Pnrnellitos had been almost entirely shutout from debate moved to adjourn Uuch debate ho said was a mockery and I hhani Mr W H I Hialth refused to agree to tho mo tion to adjourn and remarked that Mr Parnoll himself had been absent duringitho greater part of the dobato To this Mr Parnoll retorted I Is curious I also noticed the absence of tho right honorable gentleman Mr Gladstone said ho regretted that tho leader of tho House had tukon tho dangerous Course of commenting upon tho absence of in dividuals commontlg had moro experience in Ids pionont position he would llnd such ob servations much resented rite resolution to grant urgency to tho Crimes bill was agreed to and tho first reading of the bill was fixed for Monday Jlr Parnoll gave notice that he would oppose tho motion for leave to Introduco tho bill by ottering an amendment that the house resolve itself immediately into committee to consider tho state of Ireland TTJR JilRS lUFED Prince niinmrcki Recent Hpeech Regarded ii > a Special Warning BERLIN March 25The North German Ga zettf reproduces nn article from the Vance of Paris on Emperor Williams birthday contain I ing insulting reflections upon tho Gorman peo ple and tho Emperor and adds It we expoio tbtso eHronterlea of tho Frencb patriotic preMlt Is not In order to subject them to crttlcUm but Imply to add to the extenah documents which will one day Rive evidence ot the calm patience with which tier many has borne for years the mot Intulent Krencn alan den and provocations Tho tone of tho Anrth German Gazette com bined with Prince Bismarcks allusion In his speech In the Landtag on Wednesday to dan Irs that are still menacing Germanys na tional existence revives tho fear of war Tho first symptoms of tho recurrence of 1 feeling of uneasiness worevisiblo on tho Bourse yester day there being a general reaction in interna tional securities tolulllCnrtes Prlupo lllsmareks exact words in referring to I policy to satisfy tho Catholics were We must aim to consolidate the unity of the entire German nation In view of the dangers to which I will be exposed at no distant rime tme This remark 1ms ben variously Interpreted as a general reference to contingencies of tho future or asa special fow Inn I Situation Is still grave nil the Bourses taking tho words in tho latter sense Between estordayB open ing nnd tonlghtH closo there was a fall of H per cent In Russian securities 1 in Hungarian and marks > in Italian Austrian credit dropped 1 A 1LEAV OF STOLE JEWELRY lOUD herr tart Bad I In Iii Trnnk Coln Vatchea and Diamond Recovered John Pattersons house nt 1C3 East 115th Hreet was robbed recently by a sneak thief Two gold Hatches which were stolen there were found In a Bow cry pawn shop by Detectives Connor and Maiuon The detectlrei watched the pawn shop until yesterday when a woman called for the watches and produced the pawn ticket Her name I withheld B the police give her the credit of biiitfr innocent and reipectable She explained that the pawn tickets were given to her by a friend whr keeps a saloon up town The saloon keeper in alto I allowed by the I police to remain in the obscurity of innocence nnd respectability He all that he had sot the ticket from Outlay Rtnrtz of W4 Wt Thirty nlxth street and led the detectives dlrctl to that very greatly > urprli > ed and disguetcil loldtllo aired HHlMi rite saloon keeper reviled blurt lu vigorous Ormao and demanded why he was not told that the pawn ticket wan for stolen property MurU responded with the iiennan for damphool and aKked the pnloon keeper why in Uermau blazes he did not tear the ticket up III an old trunk In flturtzs room were found a gold watch four silver watches a ladya gold chain with charm a pair uf gold bracelet eleven ureastplnn four Inckettt the linger Tines four paint of earrings one pair of cufT buttons collar buttons a scarf pin with a rose in r I Mr lila diamondK and I rubles I a set of napkin rings marked A II and W M rilver sugar tongs a sliver sugar spoon ila pencils I ninbrtlla handles a box of foreign In silver rup sevi rat cleir cases a pistol a Jewel boE and tautly silk hald crdlt and trtites The idintflUiitlon nf title tint at the detectIve office will prisoner probably fatten a number ot other robberies on tlie IKILXSS I IllS OLD AOK John Rider Once M Mllllonnlre Dies lav a Churltiible lastltntlon John Bltlor who was onco a wealthy citizen I of this city died penniless In Itamscari Vnsec tariiu Home yesterday morning Mr Rider was burn In Worcester Mass 1 7 years ago Ills father had a contrive I for carrying the malls by stage coaches Mr Itldtr sets educated at fambrldge and was for many years it sea Captain in the China trade He was Inter ituil In and ills said Invented Improved processes of vulruul7lni I rubber llelntented I the Rider life raft and inaile laoue steadily until hen nn repute to b worth a Dilhi > u lie tVned ninth I real estate Iii this city and a number nt fun horses among iIu were CIIIr span I Inounas Rorkrtnnd MHII his once owned Ibo plot ot KruuiKl In which Iho irnnd hold stands vii 1 Jlldir nusninrrlcd and linvnt a widow and two Ittits He had not Ih ml with his wife fur years lie lost bIt money through unuUexpftuUtlnn in hit old sirs and 1 for a number nf yirs ho had been absolutely perini legs nud bail ilepen Inl fin the necemnrli of hire upon friends III II I I la tali tint IIP i luL a tot tulle In 1acao Mall stock He died of rheumatism MM Week Talks of her Husbands Murder The identity of the burglar who shot and killed Ivrnan S Weeks nt 1071 DcKalb avenue Ilrook iyn I cm the night of Hurt h IS Is I as muUi 1 mystery as It was the night of tho occurrence Sir eeks has never been able to gu down stair to the basement which her hutbnnd met hilts death but she has given the detectives u clear and detailed siitemrntof her recullectio ot all that tranxpircd on thofatal niglit htic said 11al 1 have no doubt that the burglar heard my husband ffolng down stain He wore his slelppors and made con sldirable IIOMI as he was desceiiillng to the basemnut Front the noise of voices as If In dispute and tho shuf fling of teI1 I am certain there must have been struggle beiwren him and the burglar mid this I think accounts for the fact that 1 one 11 the rhalni was IC kouW prubibl ruined the chair lo defend himself I think he rri rlle burglar whit probably know that he had riuiuitlcrablo I monei In the house on that particular I night I and emU tIter tu get It 1 fhls I retognltion of the burglar by my husband is only l an ImprryMon on my part 1 hud I a good view of tlie huurglusr a hue came out from the I basement door I saw lib I form but did not get a gllmpto of Ins 1 I He n as u inlluilesizeul man with bruailshoulder I short neck and he wore I think a slouch hat 1 hue trn ot the mun its I jilitured Indelllily Itt iii > memnr but ot course I cannot Mentlf him The lniue > t hul been llxed for Monday night but I nlll probably bo again udjourned Failure untie KdmUton Wndilell Company Tho Kdmlston A Wnddell Company which manufactured carriages anti agricultural Implemrnts at liailroaduuy Wllllnmsburgli hal failed with WAKO liabilities 11 Is said the unit extended lu business too much and gave long time III Is alleged that erroneous statements of their assets were given The failure wa hutirni by the lt of their I gVI Fine son t Fisher of fine Innutl tu satisfy n claim I I of SUxi There was a mteiliiK of the creditors > e terdav afternoon In Dm empty warerooms The creditors do not know what mo i tn make Neither Wr IJmlitou nor Nr Haddell could be founil A IMPOSING CEREMONIAL CARDINAL amnotiB TAKES CHARGE OP JIIH TITVLAU Cit URCJL The Ancient Roman UaiiieafNaata Maria In Trnstevtre the Heene ofn Remarkable Ikcleslnsttcal Dcmonstratlon Yesterday ROME Starch 25It was Just 101 oclock this moraine tho day being tho sacred feast day of tho Annunciation when Cardinal James Gibbons Archbishop of Baltimore arrived at tho iron Rates of tho portico of tho Basilica of Banta Maria in Trastovoro for tho purpose of Formally taking possession of his titular in tho splendid robes church Ho was arrayed atlcnlll robs of aCnrdlnulwcarlnc n white furcopocrimson silk mantle and lone train When ho reached the door of tho church he knelt upon a cushion placed thoro on a strip of carpet Tho canons belonging to tho church and tho students of tho American College In Homo wearing surplices were waiting for tho Archbishop Student Btlckoy of Cincinnati was cross bearer and tho acolytes carrying candles were Students Doherty of Baltimore and Shea of Cincinnati Bishops Koano of Illchmond VII and Vatterson of Columbus Ohio WON with tho canons waiting Student Itcardon of Baltimore boro tho crucifix Cardinal Gibbons was accompanied by tho Right Kov John Ireland Bishop of 81 Paul Minn and by Master of Ceremonies Marucci and others The Cardinal kissed the crucifix and then put on his berotta and so covered placed incense in tho thurible Ho then again bared his hoad took tho aspersorium from tho I canon who had presented tho crucifix and I signed himself with tho sign of tho cross Ito plaulng the berotta ho asporgod tho people pres ent with holy water niter which ho again removed wih moved his berotta and was Unieo incensed by tho canon tile choir meanwhile singing tho antiphon Ecco Sucordos Magnu1 After bo lug Incensed procession moved to the altar followed by the Cardinal who blessed tho peo ple R ho went At the altar tho blessed sacra ment was administered and all knelt In prayer Tim procession next ont to the high altar There tho Cardinal knelt nnd tho canon recited cited tho Paternoster and other prayers In the apse a throne with white back anti crimson canopy had been placed Tho Cardi nal seated himself on tho throne tho Bishop mid priests In attendance being seated about him Tile Prothonatory MjI holnl Poricolo road in latin tho Papal bull assigning hue Church Bantu Maria in Trnstovero to Cardinal Gib bons us his titular church The canons wont forward to tho throne and all but the chief canon knelt und kissed tho Cardinals hand tutu Cardinal rising to receive tho chief canon for tho kiss of peace An address from the canons to the Cardinal was then read In Latin by Canon Francesco Ardulni Cardinal Gibbons remaining seated Corlnnl and wearing his borotta replied in English The assignment to me by the Holy tather of this beau tiful basilica as my titular church tills I me with I feelings of Joy and gratitude whIch an > words of mine are wholly Inadequate to express Ior as here In Homo I stand within t tie tint temple raised In honor of the ever blewed lrgin Mar no In my far off home my own cathedral church the oldest in the Culled t1 she dedicated to the Mother of Uod That never ceasing solicitude which the Sovereign IVmiiffs have exhibited In erecting those material tern pies which are the glory of this city they have also manifested 011 a larger scale In rearing spiritual 1 wall to Zion 1 throughout Christendom in every age scarcely were the ated States of America formed into an inde Rendent government when rope Ilus the be enth ethic Khed therein a Catholic hierarchy and appointed the illustrious John Carroll the lint Bishop of ItaUmure Our Catholic community in those days numbered only a few fh n r r h thousand Bouts and they were scattered chietly through the State of New lorklennttyhauiaand Maryland They were served by the merest handful of priests Hut now thank to the fructiftng grace of nod the grain of mus tard need then planted has frown a larire tree spreading I hits branches throttKh the I U ami breadth of our lair I land Where only one Bishop was found in the begin nitty of this century there are now eTenlnve ur citing spiritual Jurisdiction 1or this great progress wo re Indebted under tod and the fostering tare of the republic Holy see to the civil liberty we enjoy 1 our enlightened Our Holy Father Leo XII In his luminon encyclical on the Constitution of Christian butts declares that the Church In not committed to any particular I form of civil I gmermnent She adapts herself taall She leavens 1 with the sacred leaven of the Jospel She has lived under absolute empires under constitutional mon 11 archtea and in free republic and everywhere site grow < go and expand She has often ludoeil been hampered In her divine mission I She lust even been forced to utriur irle for existence wherever lei p jtlam has cast Its dark shadow like a plant shut out from the bltused sunlight of heaven Hut In the genial atmosphere of liberty she blonvnm like the ro tor iii self ax a citizen of the United States and with out tloufng my ryes to our Rliorttominin as a nation I say with I a deep sense of pride and Kratltud that I be long 1 A country where the civil government holds o o UH theicgis I of its protection nlthout Interfering with UK in the legitimate exercise of our sublime mission as ministers of he Gospel of Christ Our country has lib erty without license and authority without deBpotism She rears no wall to exclude I the stranger from cumin among UR She I hm few frowning fort ill cations to repel the Invader for she Is at peace with all JIIun the w r3d she rests secure In the consciousneHa of her strength and her good win toward all Ilf harbors 1 are open to welcome I the honest 1 i mini err mt wHo comes to advance his temporal 1 interests fcnd flml a peaceful home Butiv hile we are acknowledged to have a free government perhaps wetlo not recehe the credit that belong to ui for having also a strong guy eniment Yes our nation J isstrong and tier strength lir s under the overruling guIdance of rroldenre in the majesty and supremacy of the law In the loyalty of her Citizens and lu the aflectlonof her people for her free institution There are Indeed grave oral problems now engaging the earnest attention of the cilizens of the Ijnhteuh nKaKnl but I have no doubt that with odo bleMlng these Ihal wih problem > will be soIled by the calm Judgment and sound sense of the American people without I violence or revolution a rI AI J r I 61ololco lotion or any lnjur to 3rfdI right As an eUtlfnce of hU good will for the great republic In the West and as a mark nf his appreciation ot tho venerable hierarchy of the Tnlted Mate and as an ex reunion of his kind consideration for the ancient See of Jaltimore our Holy Iat her has been graciously pleased tn luvate Its present Incumbent in inv humble person to the dignity ot the purple For this mark of his ex alted favor lr ih to tender the rl Holy I rather my pro found thanks In my own name and In the name of the clergy and faithful I venture to thank him Ito ri IY II also In rea name of my venerable colleagues the Bishop as well as the clergy and Catholic laity of the United btntes I presume to also thank him In the name of our separated brethren in America who though not sharing our faith have shown thnt they are not in sensible indeed that they are deeply sensible of the honor conferred upon our common countr and have again and again expressed their warm admlrallon for the enlighten statesmanship and apostolic virtues and buievolent charucterof Its lllustriou Pontiff who now sits In the chair of ht 1uer Tho choir rendered the To Doum after which the Cardinal wont forward to the altar anil n papal Indulgence of ono hundred days was road in Latin The Cardinal then blotted the people asuomblod Tho church iras occu pied largely by Americans and distinguished visitors monies t Itomo during the investiture cero All tho prelates with the Cardinal returned to the sncristry A reception followed and all present kissed tho Cardinals ring Even little children fiom tho nilchborlng streets were ad mitted Tho iwomblngo wait the most varied over Been in tho church An Independent Russian Editor ST PKiKusnuna March 25Tho Press Cen sor has sent tn the editor of the Moscuvv uairtte a first warning The occasion for this notice was a severe criticism in the Caustic of a recent ofllcialcommunica lion censuring the hostile tone adopted by the Kusslnii press toward termanr Despite the protest nf the ifS i Jilt tiruittr VI 1 Kiitkotf resumes bin attack upon the tier man itovernment llnilrcluresihat I I the Herman repre euiutuitivee iii liii hearts arc rcrpomllile for thulnlliireto prevent thus military oMti ullons and I assaIls the Herman press for approving of Ito executions Fattier Keller Imprisonment DumiM March 25 Iather Keller writes that ho does not regret hU loss of liberty In view of the rea son fur which his imprisonment ordered lie ur If kept In Jail until I die I will never do the Infamous thing tlie Judiru asked mo to do betray tha confidence of the defeiu eless and loihtur pcophi w ho trusttd me Lniuuv March 211 tho Iou of Commons this evening Mr A J Jtatfour announced that bills amendIng 1lor lug Irish leases and the msicin of land transfer nnd J Iilbr rl lvl I Ju j other measures relative to Ireland I would be Introduced In the House of Lords on Thursday The Duchess 01 Cumberland Inane VIKNNA March 25Xhe Duchess of Cumber land who has become mentally ullllctcd has on the ad vice of 1rol Ilraun been placed In Irldesdorf private lunatic asylum atoberdohllng Prof llrauu certified that it wits unsafe tu keep Die DucheM at home The Hue hns of Cumberland Is I a daughter of the King of Denmark hilts was married to tlie Duke of Cumberland 111 71 and ha had nve children Father and HOI on Trial for Murder BEWAST March 25Tho Walkers father and son Orangemen were today tried the third time for the murder of soldier named Hughes and a unstable named I lardiner lu the riots of but 41 Iuuiy In the two prevluns II trlalu I tlie juries j disagreed Today the falliir was convicted of maiifclaughter and was tvulenitd tu itfI tsentyyeart penal servitude Parliamentary Klectlnn LONDON March 25Dr Kir Walter Foster lladstone Liberal was today elected tn the House of Commons for the Ilkeston dlv Mount Herb shire to nil the vac ane i used by the recent ileathofMr Ihomas Viutson llomeltuler Dr luster competitor u Mr hamuel Locke Conierv alive Kmperor Wllllaui Olrlbilny Presents BERLIN March 25The presents received by Emperor Illlam on his birthday are sufficient to nil nve most of ilts who furniture vans By tonight jurtho came to take port in the Emperors birthday ccletmtloa will have left for Uulr hewN SA rOB FLOUr nrcrmtEV LITTLE aunr Kenny Knack llornnsieker Ont at th End 01 Fifteen Wellroncht Round Eugene Hornbockor and Jock Kenny ban tarn weights fought fifteen rounds last night for a subscription purse of 1300 in a barn near White Plains The smallest kind of gloves wore worn old they battled for blood like real bantams Kenny proved tho victor Hornbackor U 20 years old 5 feet high and weighs 118 pulls George Qnlnn and George Boyle seconded him Kenny Is four inches taller ono pound heavier and ono year younger Tommy Danforth and W Davis wore Ida npconds liornbnckor was In the bettor condition In the first round honors worn oven Kenny got first blood In the second round anti gave Indications of being n winner Then followed I good dent of wlnnori heavy hitting Kenny fought much llkn Demp soy while Ilornbacker resembled La Blanche Kenny drew blood again In the sixth round The succeeding tounds were so well contested that tho old lighters present looked on In ted tnlration In the eleventh round both mon were smeared with blood unit bolting wits oven on tho result Hornbacker was knocked down twice In thn next round and then fell down onco Tug Itson style Wison In tho last round there was slugging anti clinching Hornbuckor was thrown to the floor and as Jornhlc1or not eomo to time tho 100r referee gave tho light to Kenny Tho contest which WIB IIO under Uuoonsborry rules lasted 57 minutes all 37 seconds DEAD IK A IOCKEDVP ITlEEJrtr BomethlnE 01 a Mystery About a Dissipated Womans FavtaJ Full Louisa Hntricld I dissipated woman 45 years of r was found In the hallway of 41 Nw orT at 1 oclock yesterday morning with a fractured skull She was taken to the Chambers Straet Hospital where she died at 114 I oclock The hall from the door to the stain la I only about four feet long The woman lay an her bck with her feet toward the door and her broken head resting on tho fourth step A good many dissi pated men and women die by strident In the Fourth wad In a year and only a desultory Investigation John D Bn of wo contemplated until Benseii tho owner the building wu Interrogated Mr licnscnn son iso I Benien kcep a liquor store on the first floor and lives with his father on the second floor The rest of the house Is cliv I ided uff Into sleeping apartments occupied by youutcc toni Old Mr I Benson said I that the hall 1 door was locked at M oclock by his son ileorge who had relumed home at that hour with one ot the lodger The door was not open again he said during the ufffht No body could have entered lh hall after that there vvas nobody in the hall I when his sou entered and the dour was silll locked when Mr I Bensen found eIM body at SX o e luck in the morning Then Detectlvu shelvey became Interested suspecting that the woman must have been In the house when the door was locked The woman wa poorly dressed and showed signs ot dlsulpitlon In the pocket of her dress were several cards bearing the name Lrf > ulsn llatfleld and the address r lhrj sue street t Nothing Was known other at this addre which Ir I n hger 1 beer saloon except cept that she used ti drup In there rver evening The keeper of a house at 2 lliysrd street paid thl the dead woman hired a room there nt ft 5O a week a few clnv s ago hut hid only tJW l down hits failed I to pay the rest old was elected Iat evenIng I apt it ebb orthereul the art of nil the lodgers In llenseu house as well n ot Ileorge Ucti en as witneMes The lodger are rank vutt saniuel Stockton iieorge F Kuhlmnn and Joseph Meeker Tiucy were ail locked up The wonuans skull woe broken Just where r had 1 the fourth rn ot the stairs The n oman had been well known to the Ilrookhn po lice for more than ten years as Mantis llatfleld she be longed ton respectable family In the lower part nf the city and tneniv veers ago was one of the brightest girls In Public hchool NO Iln Adams street She had a talent for rhmln7 and In May 1H7IV 1 when she was arrested in llrnokl rio grand 1 larceny a blx ej rr poems which she had 1 composed during her school days was found in her trunk She wits never a public school teacher as ho been stated Her downfall dates from the time of her betruival under promise of marriage nt teen years ago and since then her face has been a familiar one the llogues In the Iirooklyn Uallerv police courts Her picture Is I also In WENT MAD AID MVRUEROVS Doan Harks hi Wife Jed and Dive Four tories llawm to the Flagstone James ilognna driver for the Knickerbocker Ice Company who had been on a spree since St 1atrlcks Day dived head foremost out of a fourth story back w below at 3iJ W est Twelfths street yesterday and smashed his head to piece on the flagstones of the yard John trace Hogans cousin who lives on tie floor below saw Slogans half dressed bodr t Ing in the court yard and went up to his rom On the floor of the bed room lay r Alice Eliza Hugan in her night clothe bathed In blood There were gaping cuts on her head A hatchet lay on tho Moor Tile walls all ceiling were spattered with the womnns blood so as tn show that she must have been standing tieside the I beth svhuelu II her husbniid went nt her with tI tint hntchet I wn found at Ilelleviie Hospital that Mrs 1 llogans kul wait fbi rat tured butshc wanestreme weak front IOMot blood nnd Is likely to die I was learned from her that she had hnd a quarrel with her hnsband but what It WA about she appeared 1 unable to tell He had never struck her before she said The neighbors said that Hogan was not a drinking man and that his spree had upset 1 his mind Out Thursday day he and his wife were both sick and Dr Mary 1 visited them He found Mrs Ilognn in bed suffering from head l ache and deprrsslon I and her I husband exhibiting signs of acute melancholia He prescribed tonics rather O I allahan of M Hernard Church called on the same dav He MW that llogan was out of his head police and advised his wife to have him taken cure of by the The llogans hat I had six children but all died voting On nicount I of this I bereavement Mrs Ilognn the il f bors say has at times suffered from religious mania At such periods she would spend hours nn her I knces pray Ing and try tu huave I II her husband I do the same ilogamu body was carried up to his rooms I sIster Jlonorn took harge of It hogan had known his wlfu since childhood Hoth were born in Neiiah county Tip perary Ireland Hog in w ot years old JlJ STOOD UP FOR TASIMAJTi They Didnt Put Mr Martin Out or the Me GljnnMectliiB Last Mgbt At tho meeting of Dr McGlynns sympathiz ers in BU Stephens parish tn Twenty seventh street last night Mr Michael Martin an officer In the Superior Court and proprietor of a cigar store on Third avenue had a seat on the platform Mr Farlan one of the par ishioners In the course of a fiery speech laid the origin ofDr McMjnns troubles at the door of Tamman Hall Tmmanv Hall he sabl 1 which Is I composed uf compo1 thieves murderers and convicts Mr Mnrtln Jumped up excitedly I f object 1 II to any o such I remnrks ho cried I am second to none In my sinpatliy for Dr Mcillnn but I wilt not allow cl vile slanders to Dt ionI in my c I am n member uf Tammany Hall and I nm proud of It I on q II have lo stand Itt Tut J him tiutl I and other shunts mingled with hooting and hIsses Immediately ensued Mr Martin rSltt ho was willing be put out and conjectured that would take about four nf those present to put him I out As no one volunteered ho clapped his hut on his head and walked out Later when everybody had quieted down several members spoke of Mr Martins disinterested i efforts In had Dr McilDims arisen behalf slid deprecated tbe trouble that Obituary hoes Lewis who organized the famous series of out di or tcmperimc meulng un the docks of New York city and on board of vessels In the harbor forty seven years ago dlM In Cnnndenls In on Thiirsda ugedtiy yean v Hu HUH IFuf seventy five ytara an active inembrr in tlir Hjntist church Ho leaves thirl nine childrin grandchildren amid great hlrlII Chnrlcsi I hfllon Iho innriilrt editor of the Uoston Ad rrrlltii who nas trlckcn ll poral > lson Wednesday night died yesertuy morning Mrs Illrnm Hitchcock died very unexpectedly at 14 oelork luui l night ut lie i Iilh I Avenue Hold Mil I li ul been suffering for tutiututh I wk With acute bronchitis heath wits oc c chinnc d by heart failure brlnrhll Mrs I Nancy luutlluai Twlr of Maslilngton relIct ot the t Into InvninHtei Too Icr I I I I V nnd cldett daughter nf hit I Inlo J Dr Hturard u hut icr of ieneva N V died in 1I1 I Itethl hem Jn on Tiuutrouluy i of conircstiMi of tiio I brain I tuuel llt 1 v enrs Mrs lowler vwnt vitililhig her biolher Dr Zttutt t H rotter pension 1 I adjuster Arthur Farce VI I K 1 I the celebrated surgeon and surlIer Ill vician lxtraur Unary J lu uuri n V ic tori OI iii iflclan Ace out lieiirtu the rhincs I of 1 ole unutihuer sisters Isdead I Ho had just reached tilt hilt your lames Madison Oakley In Hident of tho New York Yinodliuvciinnd Kocknun Itullriiad illnl ut lulu home ill tht h vUlairt O Jamaica eMtrday morning of pncn monin Hu was liorn in this city lu 110 l Hu served four terms In Die I vsHimbl1 In Jf7 ho vhs ilcitui tol Matthcnstornver i taints Otis I Urpubllian t nf hutfolk cnuntv lie servtt Ilurus ars us u Quuruumul hue Com iiluioner lie married u daughter of no h lutes Miirllf 11 Diirlnnd of cjucciis count whu survives him There arc no children Mrs Ann right mother of Heorge and Harry Wright lorl Wrghl Is I dent at her home In iturrluushtr ugmCIi 1IUU Weulbersbjs Funeral Hosts of friends of the Itilo Llla V ithnrsby Nat Goodwins wife went lu Uie actors home In tho Itutland Hits at Hrndwny and Hft seventh strict yesterday with messages of condolence und binputhy The body of thus dead actress lay lu an ice casket In one of the parlors wlih roHCH and lilies lieupu l ulioui I He side the body sat thenctresi s futhc rnnd mother ntnl her three Uiern lh Harriet and Unite 1 and I uurllood wins brother Idnard 1 mttti I bin umuul I Hubert Ih hiutI Icy lug flint ral will be uu muni i > uft rnnoti all I uc lock from UK lulls I i lain h Aruund He 11 riier anil tho interment will be In uitteulluwmu in I timinrurv vault fhere will be a private tcrvlio ot lit Kuilatid ut uoon to us Ilh only I the relatives I ii ill be admitted Park Department InteMlintlon Thn investigation of the Park Department was conllnucd yesterday lu the arsenal by ComuiUsion eruf Accounts Miearmun Illor tu the examination ul witnesses the ComniUsii vvlih Mr John D CrlinmliiH nf the I Irk Hoard lad a tint s through Um Turk ant tunica viewer tbe hllualluli MunUnintr H I killugk rnglnuer I of Cunslruellon UkUiIrd t that i rrlinniliis i 1 furnished trucks lu remuvu Its i stone tu lie t tollu trout hue Iark without charge tu the h litv He I knew nf lii lime I w hen the i Ity got It tilling In done for noticing ei cspt when Mr Crimmliu did It EXCITING BUFFALO CHASE ATTEMPT TO CAlTUltK Till HVIT HI SON JOHN i SVLLnu fluICio Bi s Cowboy Lariat Him lint He Oore n Ponj Urcnk Nevcrnt Lariat and Finally Ilrenk III Own Neck PJIILADILWIIA March 25Tho superb bison at tho Zoological Gardens known as John L Sullivan broko his neck today in 1 mad struggle freedom While wintering on Dtaton Island tho Wild West how lost almost n dozen buffaloes and as the time approached for tim departure ot tho show for England Buffalo Hill began to look about tho country lor bisons When ho hoard that Sullivan and Old Ioto tho big bulls of tho Zoological Gar den in this city could bo bought ho closed 1 bargain nt once Tho show sails on Thursday next for London and luck Taylor Diy Bul lock nnd Joo Ksqulrol the cowboys with three big ponies camo over thIs morning from New York to lasso tho buffaloes Tho cowboys succeeded In conquering Old Pete and ho was led with little difficulty be tween two horses to the stock yard of tho IcmiBjlvanln Hallrond In West Philadelphia Sullivan had a bad recant for ugliness and tho society was glad to got rid of him At J P II tho attempt was made to capture Sullivan Tho buffaloes wore driven under I shed and Buck Taylor who was mounted on Chieftain throw his noose and missed Tho buffaloes then made 0 break load by Sullivan Bullock flung his noose over tho horns of Kulllvan but ho quickly shook It off Taylors nooso then shot through tee air and Hulllvnn camo to a stand HO suddenly as to almost lift Taylor off his horse The bison then inado n dash across tho yard and swung around I tree While tho other horsemen woro hurrying to the assistance of Taylor Hulllvan made a furious pitch and broke tho lariat In an instant ho rushed at Taylor who made an attempt to turn his horse but tho hull swept down and with a wild toss of his bend ripped open thin right haunch of Chief tain with his sharp horn The bull made an other plunge hut tho crowd gave a cry of alarm in hue for Taylor to pull floa horse away A gate was opened nnd Taylor dashed ahead of Kulllvan and escaped Itllly Bullock then made a dash for bulllvan and tho bull was about to plant his horns into his horse when the cowbojH wero told to com out of tho jnrd and Kulllvau was loft mas ter of tho Hold Dr Hulilekopor Dean of tho veterinary school at tho University was In the crowd and ho was soon bf the side of BuekTaylorH horso The horn had opened an artery and torn muscles und flesh A xtrenni of blood poured front tho wound Dr Huldo koper 10urol handkeiclilef Into the wound and afterward tilled It with oukuui and had it bathed with cold wathcr hullivanhnd to bo captured and Buck Tay lot mounted Htrenks to return to tho attack when Agent ODonnell of tho Society to Pro vent Cruelty to Animals stopped him baying that he would not allow thu other horses re turn to the jarcl as Sullivan was a mIllet beast of wonderful power anti would kill them I dont want to break your laws salt Buck but wo must take that buffalo and I hope yoq wont object to us going In on foot No objection wait mtdo und tho cowboys went to work Taylor swung his noose around tho big bulls neck and Ksiiulrcl threw his un dor the fore feet When it w as drawn tight tlio cowboys thought they had their buffalo but Sullivan snapped tho lariat and dashed around ono side of the tree while the cowboys ran the other way They yelled for a rope and Weasel Bill Loomis bravely ran into the arenavvith a thick rope Esquire after BOV oral attempts put the noose over the horns of Hulllvan and he madly plunged Again ho broke loose nnd again was entangled by the horns und made fast The cowboys had Just left the yard and wero preparing to axh two horses together to take Hulllvnn to tho train when the bull grew fierce In his endeavors to free himself With a wild plunge his fore feet caught the rope and Sullivan dropped on his left shoulder blade Buck Taylor UioUKlit the bull was choking and with J > r Huldekopor and the other cow boys jumped Into the buffalo yard Tho noose around tho neck was loose but Hull vun was gasping his last breath There was In tense excitement and tho men began to blow into the nostrils of titus fallen chnmpiun It was of no avail Sullivan would not go to England ho was dead The poor beast in his light for liberty had brckon his neck Detectives Looking for Newark Constables Four men went to tIm house of Frank Ben ncttl an Italian barber In Monmouth und Sixth streets Jersey City nt midnight on Thursday and told Mrs Ben nettl who answ ered the knock on tho door that they were policemen from Newark with a warrant The men talked and acted Itennettl says as though they were drunk and Mrs llennettl declined to admit them to the houst They pushed the door In and then as it U at legid niwaulted the worn in and her husband after which they left the hnuse Two Jersey iit3r i detectives went to Newark last ntaht and learned there that lustlic trancis o vicMuney issued a warrant for the arrest of nit Italian in Jersey thy MiMnnc went to lersev Cityon Thursday night with Constables beth mid hailfer and sisiteul llennettls house In search of the Italian They did not tlnd him but they were not satisfied alit returned to the house lit 1 clock on Irlda morning Thenit is suidllerth and hadler entered the house and hiwaulted llenneltl and his wife Whnt was the provocation for the assault is not revealed The Jersey Ity detectives arrested Constable lerth lain last eight and at inidnlgut they were starching for hadltr John I Sullivan In Town Agnln John L Sullivan arrived from Boston at 10 oclock last night and wan met at the Grand Central Depot by Tat Khcedy and a lot more ot his friends The party took carriages and were driven to the Coleman House where Sullivan Is stopping Im feeling first rate Sullivan said My recent road work and punch bag practice In Boston placed me In tip top shupi On next vionday night Sullivan comblnatlan will ap pear in Hobokrn Tin re ace betides Hiililiuii hteve Tay lor Joe Lamion sstto recently mu KlirAln deurgo la lllanchc and Hob Turnbull and James Carroll of Uoftton hntlinf whom have fought Jack Deinpse The party will give t exhibitions ns fur South u > New Orleans and a far W eH as Kansas tity hulllt an will light Cardiff early In June and bo back in Now York by July I Almost All Democrat Down There The llopublicnn voto in tho First Assembly district Is well know to be a tremendous factor In No vember Dennis Urfnrth amid John tiallagher say that they are duly elected enrolling officer for the party but that they were locked out of the Republican head luarlers on enrollment lay and other people did the en rolling In the Intercut of John II Urlmes The Commit tee uttu Appeale moot esUrdnyat Chairman Ashbil I1 I itchs lute uct Nuussauu street nnd ogre oh tui hear the case HUM Wedtusda night A irimes man alit thnt the klikerswiro Democrats who wanted to bring the tinnier dominion of the Hickory Club Concur fen a all tbo polltii luns in the distrii uro Democrats Castor bus a turn Thing Tho ncmiblleiinnof Ito Fifth district of Jer sey l Ity have nomlnited ei A semblnian Thomas V Cntur for AMermnu Mr Catnr had already bern nnml n ited by the CHIens Asvichtlon anti the Knights nf Jahnr He is n leading IrohlMtliinlut and will get HID enilorsemtmof that parlv It U now suid Hint the Dem utials lutuit Si ill u tidtrou him VMthln the hast lisa s ears he has been n Itcpuhlii a Democrat nil Ami Vlnnonu Hut shut It iruuluiiuitlttmtiei Ho was electid lu t the Assem ily frnin flu Third dlritrlctasnn Indi pendent Ikpuhli can antI during his urmheviitid with the Democrats as uflca us hu illd w Ith Hie llepubllcau An Old > uro NutTiuiiteil In III Garret The throe story friinui rear dwelling at 34ft Vest Mxttcnth street wns on hire last night When the tire wns out the iuuudy of Inscph Hill an uugeui colored tutatu thus suds etucutmuatut of hue garret ssas fotunti ttear thus uhoor tt tue uluuIrwt he humus luau sWeltt 05cr butt uututi tucorthueti itiC lutti uuittt tlolbittc but his hsat It ssas lirtutably tuuuutiJ huy uoifucatiuiu Tue cause of thus tire is stuitp cod t lets lucut tt thus mtlussttimtur of a rontric attce hi wtuiuhi mis It natt uhiti huts tuuttihtg I I is is ruattut lult O cr uituturuhiur lsrttutemue hulittu Fourteen Hays Without Foot In the Hold of u Ntruuier BOSTON March 25Pitt Gunniiu 10 years oil and Mat Turne aged 17 two stowaways ss era found In the huolti of the steamer Kansas whiih arrived to tituS fiuirli en iUi > from llvi rimol Tim hatches vvcrn ffiMtcnid diivvu and curt trot with fitIght All thug fuol that the two oung mull 5urus alit tu obtitin was the pnriftUsof Whitu 1 uki n from the raiks In I hue etcattuor tututi nih hue uuutr thury mull get wits that furnished by lie MM at of hit simmer they aru tunic lu very irliliKl condition Pittsburgh Overlooked hy 1ovvtlerly PiTThnuiiaii Pa March 25 General Master Turkman 1owderly lias nut sent his stcret circular tail lug for a special meeting at harrisburg to his relure sentntlvisof the Iltim I Knights with lieadauarlers In iiuhurirh Tim out t of Iltnburgh tiring overlooked by Mr 1owtlerlv U a matter uf lonsidiratile comment to uluuy among the nit mUrs of DiHtrlit Assembly 1 They iiumt indrrstaii1 whv the Miret circular should be trntlo us cry oilier HIM Ion of the suteexceiit tu Iltis burgh District Mi > ter W orknian Ocorto titus sy sail Ii ulsy that they would bo repri eutril ut the llarttiburg iuteetlti LATEST NEtr1 OF TUB CO11OXET She Made OO MIles n Day for a Week In the Great Ocean line BOSTON March 25ThlO Btonmshlp Knnstw of the Warren line Capt Olclg brought In to day news of tho yacht Coronet She taw the Coronet nt 8 oclock last Saturday morning In utltmlo 43 39 longitude 43 ° 10 or about 1380 miles from Bandy Hook anti duo cast from Boston dipt Glolg reports that the wind nt the time was blowing from the southwest but owing to the high sea tho yacht was making but llttlo headway She was heading north The day before Capt fllolg says they had n terrific gale and ho thinks that lie incht was hoo to and ntdayllght Saturday morning she squared away on her course Sho wassail hug at tile rate of seven knots an hour Hho liud her storm to pall sot and foresail reefed Her main boom and gaff wore lowered and Inshed to tho tnUrall The barometer at the Jmewns29 The Dauntless was not sighted Wo know It was tim Coronet because who had a straIght stuilti said ticconul Oflicor Faulkner like did not speak us at all but simply inn tip the signal letters h B T II Tue Ight before them had boon a Htrong cnlo from the westward with thick rainy vvontTier Them was a tenill1 sea running Hho may possibly havo boon lying to thin night before and started to scud In lie morning The gale was moderating as wo pamod the Coronet The yacht liatl iiono splendid work up to tho time wo mot her Site lInt got about 13811 to 1390 miles from Sandy Hook anil haul mive raged almost exactly 2uo miles n day at that rate bho should mako the passage In four teen days anti she would boMry near Oueenn town now Wo had had easterly winds tip to the thorn wo mot her but Hho was earn Ing a fine westerly breeze mind It Is quite possible that she carried it all tho way across Another despatch from Boston reports Cnpt Olclg BS saying that the Coronet had lost her main boom at the tnlTrall Sir H T Bushjier owner said yesterday If > ott had told mi that she had carried away anything else I should havo believed it but her main boom never If Cnpt Olclg reported that ho has most likely made a mistake and I can see how ihon 1 wont across in the Coronet last Hummer If the weather was rough Capt Crosby always drew in hit main boom and lushed it amid hlm anti net what ho calls his storm hall Tho main boom has boon cut off for this trip so that it docs not reach over the Btorn when fastened over the deck and at a llttlo distance away it would bo easy for Captain Olelg to think It was gone nt tlie tafTmll Site had no spare main boom Of course If ho did lose her main boom last Saturday and tile yachts had light weather she Is beaten but oven without n main boom I am confident that in rough weather she would get there llrht I am ex peeling to hear of her from lie other sldo every minute The Maritime Exchange was thrown into n state of feverish excitement yesterday by a n port that tIre Dauntless had boon sighted off llochoH Point It turned out to bo a spurious piece of news The despatch was on Kiirnims tape and when It was dNcov ered to bn false remlnliconos of the riot in Hobokou wore provoked DEXTMT ROY M FOUXT A Despntch In his Wife rom Richmond An nounce It and honey is Sent On Mrs Roy wife ot the missing dentist of 105 West Fiftythird street received the follow ing despatch jestcrday IticnvonD Va March 25 Mrs F L Fuqrne roy IBS Wat Flflt third nIcest Ana tort Vt Roy la found Wishes mune to get home Tele graph Instructions II M CLJBEK V M C A James Roy the dentists brother ascertained at the association building that Mr Clarke Is Secretary of tile Itlchmond Young Mens Christian Association HO he at once wired lie necessary monny and asked to have particu lars telegraphed Though no particulars wcio received Mr Hoy is convinced that the news IH true Ho loft for Itlchmond last night to bring his brother homo A despatch from Itlchmoud quotes Mr Clarke as saying I sent the telegram It Is true to the best of my information I can say nothing further Secretary Whitney liuby to be Christened Dorothy on Easter Monday WASHINGTON March 25Tho Star says that Secretary and Mrs Whitney have about decided upon all the details for the christening of the Cabinet baby She shall be called Dorothythe fair quaint name her an cestresses have borno and although Mrs Whitniyisan admirer of Mrs Dolly Madison she trusts that this hater Dorothy may wear the name without abbreviation The sacrament nf baptism will be administertdinht John church hy Dr Leonard on haster Monday In the after noon The godmothers have not yet been decided upon but It Is likely that Iresldent I lev eland will stand spoil sor for the first child born to the Administration The church will be sweet with Its Easter decorations and titers will be n beg nnlng of leafage and bloom In the parks and gardens There will be a tea at the bicre tary house after the church service Proposing a Citizen Ticket In Chicago CHICAGO March 25A meeting of tile Illinois Club was held this evening at which Democrats and Republicans were present and steps were taken looking to the nomination of n socalled Citizens tlcki Ar rangements w er made to induce as many as ponslMe of titus ollur prominent clubs to join in the muvetuilit agninst the tw o tickets now In the Held It was proponed tu nominate for Mayor K Nelww Blake ex 1rt Hlilent of the Hoard of Traife who was le rented tiv Roche in the Republican ronvention The till nois ttuh is wholly omponcd of Mayor Harrison neUh burs nnd tin ni Is a suspicion in some quarti Hint ho w ill ultimate bu named instead uf Illnke or thnt Illuke being in thn field and dividing Roche support Harrlton wilt again In come a candidate especial If able to make a deal w ith the Lulled Labor part End of the Suit Against the Trunk Line Pool IlAnnisnuRo March 25The trunk line nnd coal pool cases were called up for argument In court this morning by Attwtiey lenernl Klrkpatrlck Affidavits from the 1resldents of thu roads interested were offered showing that the object of the poo was tu prev tut secret rates end unjust discrimination nnd had been of grint benefit It thus people tuf reniisylvnnlab tirodui Ingsuidy and fair through ratis thus enabling the cnmpinieit tu reduce local rates They also showed that since lice pas sine of the Inter State Iommerce bill hue companies had all withdrawn from the trunk line pool to dim from April 1 The Attorney lrneral tlun said that he would Indefinitely postpone hue argument of this rune and pro ceed to the case against hue anthracite coal companies Fire at HlnBhistuton BINGHAMTON March 2012 A ILAt about 11 oclock lost night a fire broke out In the shav ing house of W B eed Cuts planing mill turner of fllnlon and Janis streets The flames spread ranldly and the mnln mill was niuna mass of names 1rom the mill thus names spread to the Immrine lumber vard where the lire is lousy raging The ct hnutlve mill with Its fine plant of muc hlner > Is totally dentrovtd The ins tip to the prtscnttlme amounts toflluouJ i A Negro Hanged for Aaauiillln n Child MKMrnis Miinh 25 Amos Johntton colored aged 4O was linked this afternoon at Marlon Ark fit outraging n white MM H years old who had been left In his htrgo by Its parent He was i onv IncI by a jury nf hisuwn color anti confessed Ibis forenoon Fully I 1 vm persons mostly inlnnd wltnersed the hanging his heck WSb brucleiu Icy tics tall Revolutionary Rumor In Pnnnmn FANAMI March 17In view of revolutionary rumor Mr linel a tvtutler lit rlllis nnd cartrldgis In 1unama the other day turned over his whole stoik to the internment for safekeeping There set IIIH little utuutubt I hit hiuere is suttilehttimug Itt the air uupl I hues who know best believe tho eneiueluu frontier will be the scene Killed hy n Urjeeted Nnllor YouNGsTowN 0 March 25Miss A Hancock aged 17 years wns shot dead last night by Ihenczer tanard a neighbor who was In love with her and saw her walking whit n favored suitor Hi > fired tix shots from an ambuscade One shot lilt the girls cbinpuiilou in lie hand An Vnliicky Post Office ATLANTA Ill March 25Ur W T I Kirk re centl iippolnti I OKimantcr here illid this afternoon IIUlHrificisMirlt T bill also appointed by Iresidtiit Clct eland tIled a fuss weiks ago JUT11JN AltOUT XOHV Tho class ofHT wIll nn gradual Ing present Columbia Colligu w lilt u Itnndsumc mutitelplut for hue libr ir > John Wilson mate of Ito brlit Milan M hleve which arrltrut lucre > cutterday was lust overboard unJiin IT Tlie ililsott Iiollir romnaii mnniiraciurliig Mcini tMll ri < ati usl euctluttutlt uireet anti lit estflcld > t Is in Ito haudi of tliu Alicrilt The Now ork Matuuittion I of the flit Tsl hoclely held lit uniiiiul dinner at hits Hotel ltruiwli last nlihl I and ilecinlKllirldkuT I tmy 1rcMdent The Inn lei ture of the seairn In the Iuopcr nlnii t free cuursii will tie cicn huts eviulng bv Dr J H I I Itiiimund on House I Ilumbliigai d Its Dcfri tslllu > lralcd Jndiie Honolulu has granted a limited divorce lu Vary nrrull from lames tanull JnUgti Allen huts utratui sl sit utusuclute thiS urre lii itliie II lark from M I lurk Iapt laullluton with his sis iinmuiuuur uuutflt silledun the pilot boat runny No 17 I which Ml hi n mi cruise 3 rutterduty Hu win Ituvu the craft HI lire Island amid swim usliurt fhu Aquedilit roinmliislonrrs tsterutay upfned lulls farshatt lu > inn sect lion 7 The bid firs wire n I I lirliu lark lnai N himi HI i egglotuii and rrtderlik Datli Noawura utasinusde Margaret Hrennan died of pneumonia In the Convent of tic Sacred Hurt at 40 West heventeenth street mi edntsday at this age nf 75 the vat born lu Brooklyn and was au iumal of lit convent nlrrrsWttsWir fla2J PUGILISTIC ACTRESS ADA snn TOO HiT rr A comtinm AND LimnIzcr nURILlV Tired nt the Thulln stud Unnliryina Or the Amrrtciin HlntrnTncklea a Crlllo In th IloweryTuo Arconntsofthe Tragedy Tile iiowapapora received last night nnony rnous letters THE SUNS sample which with ho libellous sentences elided runs as follows > hieAiut Pfrgen tlila noon cowhIded MaxMansfeMot the 1laHiteuttrke A uct < nt Hi uell s restaurant 43 flowery where she was drinking n cup of coffee during Intermit tlnn In the rehearsal of thus Action Budlker In which she plnj the part of tmtr at the Thnlla Theatre tonight Mnnsfeld sat at tha same table when Miss Von Bergen said to him I t VMi > did > nu again attack me tn your paper his morning after I nskcd you a fortnight ago not to men I lout my hattie In your paper again 1 Take thlil asul she struck him urcr the face with a short thick cow hide Mnnsfeld caught boll of Mint Bcrgcns sealskin dot man and lore her right sleevo and stripped the bracelet olt her right arm Site raised her right arm dramatlo nllyniut snld shaking her forefinger In n threatening mtnncr llenirmber this and ho answered I will rrtucinber It I Mrjbodyln the restaurant which was crowded ap applamled antI said Urnvn Mitts llergeul bliss Ada Kergen Is a beautiful American girl bond m Duliith Minn and educnted for the stage In Ilerlln there she Is engngnd tn be married to a gentleman of poslilun and wealth MINI Ilcrgen Istlrcdot theUer nnn stage nnd vould like to get an engagement on the nglUh stnge Her great thnrmsuf feature and figure mvu been favorably ruminenttd ui > on by the JVdll IsIS iltrftt Miss Ama Bergen recovered ooly A few days ago from n severe attnik ot diphtheria Sits reside Ith friends In a pretty flat on Second avenue and bean an excellent reputation both on and off the stage At the restaurant last night it was paid that Miss Bergen was sitting at n table eating when Ur Manftfold came in Ho sat down at another able after bowing politely to several friends It was shortly after noon and nearly nil the numbers of tile Thnlla stock company were la the restaurant 31Us Bergen walked over to Mansfold and uld What do you moan by attacking mo in your pnpor Without giving him nn opportunity to an swer she drew off In the approved John L Btyl anti landed nn his nose with her right Tile evidence as to tho result is Homon hut doubt ful A number of tlioso present Kiiy that the claret flowed from Mr Mansfolds injured member Others deny this and say the blow was u glancing ono and only brushed his nose landing moro heavily on his oar Mr Mnnsfclds actions ant also in doubt Ono account state that ho toro the sleeve of Miss Uergena clonk while another nays that ho merely walked uway Both accounts agree In sn > Ing that Miss Borgons Ire was fully aroused hat sho did not have a cowhide and that aha tried to follow up her nttnik with other blows but wan tumble to get at Mansllold Miss Bergen Is I a tall woman with black hair black eyes and handsome features She is ill yours of ago Him has been playing minor imrts nt the Thnlla and owes her position chiefly to her beauty Manager Amberg found her at the Victoria Theatre in Berlin whore sho had n small part Manager Amborg will call her before him to day and investigate tin assault The Dolan Inquest Adjourned Coroner Levy started to hold nn inquest yes tny morning In the case of Patrick II Dolan who was killed on the Third avenue elevated road at Ninth street on the morning of VIsrch 18 Mr Dolan accom panied by her counsel Mr I W Wclden of Rutland Vt was In court Frederick I W fihenrman from the office of has hen I ole and Kupollo represented the Manhattan Hallway Ctmmtmuatuy All te witnesses were present Pave John O Waters the most important rltni s of all VVuters Is the man whohelnid itolan up tlio station stairs a few moment belore llnUn uni klllel Lawyer Louis Irantot 1M Viviu street said ttua CAters was nick and could not get out but that he could be present at another time Coroner Lev v adjourned the Inquest to Tuesday morn ing at 11 oclock The Wrong Gran u Somebody In Quebec blundered badly in pre paring the Uroclatcd despatch from that city to yester days morning papers which stated that the manager of i the Maid of Hellevllle opera company who had been thrown Into the Quebec jail Tor debt was Maurice Gran Maurice ilrau ic i associated ulth henry E Abbes in the management of Snruh Iternhardts tour and never hail I nusthingtodo iiih the Maid oflIellevlUaonerhconi pan > either in quIches or anyi hero else Mr llraulis naturnll annojtd at thus error as he says that It may cad unthinking people In oIlier cities to Imagine that his Is really tho man who Is in Jail A Pew More of Lawton Creditor The Central Trust Company has brought three suits against Walter E Lawton and the Chemical Ammonlate and Oil Company for 14HVJ the Lone Island Iresslng Company VtlitZ and the Marcus Oil Company Cu32 on notes made by the several com panies to the order of lau ton Jiidifo Patterson of his upreme Comt has granted at tachments against IUHton ill favor of the Fourth Na tional Hank for tut two mimey loiurd and In favor ot J llojil stxoa for 3ft on un unpaid promissory not It TV III Take Illood to Wipe It Ont President John A Greene of tim Tress Club wrote to Ira Shafer suggesting that ho ought to apolo gize to the reporters for what ho said about them nt tin Clear trial Mr Stutter replies that if he wronged anY niembtr of tlio Trees Club ho is l nut aware of It and will certain apologi7o when Im become aware of It hut he domnt take hack unyitultug he said nbout the report ers of tile Cli art trial Hint be says that Mr 1utltrer Hricitures of him mused weeping and uuhappluesa at hU home A Ho fiTm an Home llartrndcr In a Scrape Edward MullulA Hoffmuu House barten der was lit Id In the orkille Police Court yesterday on a thirgoof carrying a pistol without a permit Tht police tried to mnkc out a cane of abduction niili t him Th < y say that he met Cfteui > eir 11 MaggEd Short of u 4M East > Iorty nit tti Street on Tliurhriay nU liuand that a cillen caune lila nrrrot tot Its was trjlinf to hires count in its ulcnham Houie Mnved her lluly llriilbera Lire Sarah itutan aged 13 stood by the kitchen stove nt IH Ludlow street isUnlny with her batty brother in her arms A guit nf uind through the open window lilou btr govsn to thu fire and soon sItu ua ahla Site threw the tmby from her paving its life Tlie little girl was taken to tho iiouveruiur Honnltal ler rudy burned The Nutlonul Operas Trnvels The National Opera Company will close the season at the Metropolitan Op ra House on April J amid In the next stock will appear In Albany Syrutetusus < lev eland Coliimlius and renrla I On April II I I and 11 there will it I H pLrfiirniatuen In Uuiuha and then the cumpauv will iru to ban lrantisco lilt Iii lllVHls Iluud nnd Lee John Anderson a Kvvede has boon boardlnn with John llnniuiii at SJ Uin Twent > ninth street stud Hanson Is JLUUIIH of Andersen attention to Mr llnnnoii It wound up lu n tight and nt JelTersun Market jcsttrdnt Ainlemu was laid lor biting Haiuon on the bund unit Kg A Fourjearold Iloya Fall Fouryearold Abram Steinberg was looking out of tlie window of liU mothers room In the fourlb story of J7 Allen street vnterda atud trying lo count the pnsiters by lint he leaned out too far and before his moth r i tttlt I resell him his llitlo body was wlUrllu toward the sidewalk He was killed Miislclnu Slurros Suicide A muMcIiin nanied Miirro agid 23 commit tel snlrlili In thn ITInv Hotel I In JaninUa yostrrda tir blowing his liralnsoiit with revolver lie is suppose to have been temporarily insane u HltUBl Office 1redlcllon Fair wonther ttllght changes In temperature variable winds KIAltKH 2WM TIIK TELKORAPU hits Ia < l > aw anna Iron and Coal Company hiss boughS the Mill hell Iron Mine at Scuaunte MlchUaii Tlic lluilsuii I I hirer Is opan at IliicUon and this ferry IHIIIH ut list Ioint and at < atiklll ore inukltlii rigulaf trIps N Ilrownill ut hint Imp heaters of llubbardsvllle VI iillrnniuuntv u NI 0111 ulnuii annknini Uaniliilts fAlu l HI secoui Ircfrrrcl ercilllH amount tuf tow llrnrt MhinMl who rnMiijn 1 Van Mopesof trw vork itf mt 1 s i I wurtli uf illAiiionilsa inontli sgui was ar rrsti it In Albuti > istrrcli tIe coiifeSMU his guIlt VMIIIam II tnunt f lists lieon convli tcil at Iouulsuihie anti > l vcnirniiil In tilts > rir ui lunl labor In Hit Albany pinlti mlary fur havln rruuiluli ntlv reimseiiliil bios self it hueiuuu emuthuloeu of Iho LliltwIHIatfV M Jutlus lrvisfuv H rriiicli rrslIrnt ut Ianama Ii l rain llttttuuiuihy i mUrrasMil anil ininmilicl suicidui out the Hili nut ti > liiiwliii hula tiritnsout Ito ituith serseti 5 iths uhitluuttislaui tiuuilsiulry its the Tnijtii weir llui I 11 I lutiilwl mer of Iuiinluiis rtmrts that iirt7137 an pllialliiii ore lino lururi his mine fur uiljuilliailuii liiluis mibin tiled nt tin rniuof iii sit it vtitk ami s the lluul acljutlli ailm snuinbrr uituuuut ruj us week VMIIIam II hirowi tiC Jrrseyrit fornu rly Irrsldint nf HruMiA llrosailrliinii Una uf vvuterlnirv teinn C lust itird thii static df hrunkllii turn Mi tI Derby fonnir maujkir to for lMilut i alleKlnK ilulins and UamaKis Srlgtietu ° U uVilfox Ctultltiutuuuthiitg the lirparlincnt of Ititf MlrscinM will br laceil un ihe i rttricl list April in Tie irotublltlrn urn Hut I Iol ii t enlrv vicrrltt MI Irirlrmleiu of tics Military Aeadenl > will succeed Um SVllLutC The trlumnrr Montana from HamarUroita Mnfor Null l plin at leak mi the S M lust lu a hf avv gate in Uinv I cs S liUnil I iiii > Ucc anilsiink t ani tronby I will t n 5 ttf rvo I nit a ivni rnKiinl tv Hit Mhooucr ltnr loiiiiei und luil J In llilliilrl > lila Messrs lludjon Ilkr amit lull of thue Midi Shuthi Coma ml lcin of tuiintclli ncnt lu day lu hruus ideate II I to inset HID Ithcid Ulanil LoniiiilkslourrsaDcl fornully ilini th doruintnt wlileh clennluly Ha lonneeikuli uiMrn boundary Ua < Wth lit but of KUoU laiutV