OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 30, 1887, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1887-03-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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i r1 1L
r 1 JI
v THR06UN WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 r4887 > n 4
It bt 1W1 uu
Townrrt Mr Cleveland
In tho wlvoitlsliiff circular conducted by
Mr Joarru IULITZKII mnl Mr Bon PntNOLB
nppoars tho following unsolicited nollco
There are many people who criticise Mr Cttrxunnt
Volley strictly frum the standpolnv principle who hare
sympathy whatevtr with Ilia motives the methods
or the malevolenceof Tilic Suai purely prionaj course
toward lilm Jrolaconn
ThUIanvvlltl Hungarian fMitnsyriBlralRht
out American Ito Tim course of Tun SUN
toward Mr CLEVELAND hns been deter
mined by hla course toward tho Democratic
party 1 In ao far as hlri policy and ibath have
been lit accord with DelurUc principlea and
wishes wo have not grudged him cordial
appreciation and prnlHO In s far n ho has
diverged from Democratic principles made
concessions t tho natural enemies of tho
Doniociaey and I I disappointed 01 thwarted
tho hopes of that party wo have blamed him
without misrepresentation and without
That I ull there Is of that matter
Coercion With a Vengeance
Ninety coercion bills for Ireland have been
laid before the House of Commons since the
UlBtnrrcd union of tho kingdoms Yet not
one of those proposals t subvert tho civil
rights of Irishmen and vvn do not except
thobo prompted by the vvldo prevalence of
homicide 0 the Imminent danger of armed
Insurrection hns embraced features more
anomalous and shocking than those ot the
measure framed by lUrtouitata tlmeof un
exampled order and tinnqiillllty Wo have
placed tho main provisions of tho new
Crimes bill before our readers and M i know
that when their moaning has beer ully ap
prehended thoy will excite disgust iid exe
cration In all fairminded If uch
11 men I provisions
visions can without 11 I how of provocation
b sanctioned by a British Parliament It will
bo tho universal verdict of American
b unlv0sul erleL Amercn on
lookers that England lu 1 grossly unlit t gov
ern Ireland and that Irishmen would bo un
worthy of the rights of freemen If they suf
fered themselves to be thus governed
I wa predicted by his lends that BAL
FOUtts proposal would bo thorough and
If by thoroughness I meant the annihilation
of the safeguards and Immunities of free
men thorough It unquestionably Is In tho
first pinto tho right of trial by jury is
to b utterly extinguished In Ireland except
where be accused of murder
whe1 men may b Iceus munel
attempt to murder and aggravated ex
amples of violence and arson Even In these
t few excepUnl cases tho pretended concession
of the privilege of jury trial Is I shameless
mockery For on tho joint cer icato of the
TiIsh and both
lrlh English AttorneysGeneral
of which oDieerH are appointed mid remova
ble by the Tory Government tho venue may
in any Instance b removed from Ireland t
any part of England where I jury Implaca
bly hostile to Irishmen and supinely docile
to the Judge may most easily 0 gained
That Is the only rag of tho jury system let
to Irishmen and a ditty rag it h 1
As t all offences other than those just
mentioned powers of arrest imprisonment
I and summary conviction aio given t magis
trate appointed the for Government of
Ireland Among the persons over whom this
Iricpousiblo and arbitrary jurisdiction
stretches are all thiiy accused of incite
ment to any of tho transgressions enu
merated in the bill This provision arms
and Is intended t arm Secretary BAL
tOUR with tho means of dispersing
every Nationalist meeting and strangling
t > cty Nationalist newspaper An ancillary
clause empowering the Viceroy tooutlawso
clothes which in hib judgment aro disturbing
KUCO and order Mtpplies I pretext for tho
extirpation or tho National League whose
ole crime is the election of eightylh mem
o bers of Parliament from Ireland Not even
yet have we exhausted the malign infringe
ments of this Mil on tho fundamental guaran
tees of personal security and liberty Not
only Is there nothing left of tho petit jury
uyhtctu but a shell but tho grand Jury sys
t1 t is also to bo swept away Poor
as was tho defence affoulod t tho Irish tel
antry by grand juries < lruvvn a these were
dmobt holly from landlords or tho classes
dependent on them yet the members of
these local bodies have not been always
willing to uliiiMt tho elastic resources of
Miuet examination mid te hurts tcbtltnony
with miBlcient ielkIcsMIinMi cud rigor Ac
coidlngly tho formidable engino of in
illctincnt has liuen taken from them and
given to1 Individual bllpiiidlaiy of tho
inveinmcnt Indeed Irish magistrates will
have under the Climes bill 11 niorofr wurch
lug nnd lnI8t0 POWII of initiative ni over
grand Juiicn huvu iwseitod I 01 the
liAJiinuii bill a magistrate need no wait for
any formal accusation before inriiiiing
whether glOUI exist for an most On his
own motion or upon u suggestion privily
conveyed from Dublin Cuhtlo ho eli sum
mon witness and force them to testify un
deL oath for time pniposo of furnishing I
basis for ciimlmd pioceedlngs iigaiimt any
oneolijeutlonuljlo to the Tiny Goernuient
1 JtoUl told the lou of Commons
Unit for this astounding puntslon ho had
lnund I precedent in thin law of Scotland
I it bo HO Scotchmen ito incomparably
vvorwtofi than they are thought t Iw Wo
would naturally suppose this featun of the
bill to bo copied from tho ghastly puiody
of Justice which Is 1 enacted at St Petersburg
For years tho true4fi lends of Irishmen on
this Hide of the Atlantic have adjured thorn
to rui go every thought of violence und pa
I tluntly oiilluu tlicmtwlvei t peaceful i and
Loiibtltulloiial lemoiiHtiinco They have
hwlod our injunctions and what is their re
ward Thoy have icsoitud U > the ballot box
mid with that honorable engine tho National
iti huvo mastered llvnelxtlis of Ireland
They have by tho confessions of their ono
mlci shown thenibolvMs tho most cffectlvo
upholders of dvll order tho empty docket
of tho tiimliuU lour provo how they huvo
liiipl time t peace They have done this not be
I euuse they hoped for tiny thing from England
but beeiuM they wished to merit Americas
good will Thoy havo done this ali what I
their ICllml
Tlio Jews In the United States
sir BFKJAMIN F PIIOTTO estlmatos In I
rot cut pamphlet that nf Limit 4000000 Intuit
giantM t1 the Unlk1 States dm ing tho lost I
twelve yearn 138000 havo Ixim Jews ono
tlilid of whom or 4flooo hao landed at
Cwtlo GUI den within tho past two years
Juts I great Imieaso in Jpwlsh Immlgra
thOm nt limit preheat tlmo 114 l duo to tho n I
ration of tho ill In lloumauia and Russia
Mr PEIXOTTO who was formerly I United
t States Consul In Itoumunla and therefore
sneaks memo ixibonul obbervatlon attributes
this persecution to hutivd of tho Jews ho
cuiibo of their supeilor thrift and capacity to
gctiiheud Tho Jew ho buys Is I Htawllnj
ropiciucli to tho peoplo ulout him anti
from lack of hUlll tint judgment I and bus
would drive him out and
ness ability they wOlld Irho
tako h plao Ho is therefore subjected I to
ho persecutions of trade commercial
jealousy and tho rivalries of politicians
mill at last ho is driven t look for refuge In
hn United RI W
Mr PKIXOTTO found tim condition of these
Jew deplorable past all l words although
they are as good and worthy people as tho
ernclltes In tho United States They can
wad and write as tho drunken peasants of
lusftlo and Homnanla cannot do s that tho
ting of Houmanla expressed surprise to
him that they seemed t bo BO very low
In comparison with tho Jews of England and
this country Thoy are tho best pupils I
our public fschnols said tho King and
they are the brightest In all the professions
t which thoy are admitted and still look at
them see how grovelling and base thoyniol
Mr PISIXOTTO of course replied that tho
letter condition of tho race In England and
America was duo to Its opportunity for free
development in those countries
There Is accordingly good reason to ox
pct a continuance of tho recent largo Jew
sh immigration t tho United States and
Itt proportions may bo greatly Increased
for na Mr PEIXOTTO remarks not only In
lusela and Itoumanln but also wherever tho
an tti4emitlo rage prevails there are millions
of tsmcliles who believe that tho tlmo has
come when there must bo a change
Ho therefore calls upon his fellow Israel
lIsa already hero and competent t lender
the aid t assist tho efforts which a few
American Jews are now making t direct
this great immigration t agricultural
colonies to b planted for tim now
comers These Jews though poor are not
paupers tho Board of Emigration having
returned as such only 27 out of tho 40000 who
wvo landed during tint last two years
They como here Mr PCIXOTTO says each
ono of them with I little money perhaps
5 t 10 but their tendency Is to stop In
lew York where 36000 of tho 4B000 have r
nalncd t Increase tho amount of poverty
her and add fuel t tho Hume of race preju
dice I 500000 Jews ho remarks very just
ly should como Into this city within tho next
thirty yearc there will creep up I spirit of
enmity and there will b bitter relations
ions as there are In old Europe today
Tho misery of tho 40000 or 50000 Jews
crowded In tho tenement houses of Hester
Forsyth and Division streets is already
great enough
Accordingly ho urges the formation of I
colonization society In Now York with I
brunches In every city of tho Union and
with tho cooperation of Jews throughout
Europe t obtain means for providing this
flood of immigration with homes in tho
country In a hasty way tho experiment of
establishing Jowlbh colonies in different
parts of tho United States has boon made
during the lost live years Tho first colony
chosen round In
was put upon badly ground
Louisiana and proved unsuccessful as did
also colonies at Cotopaxl In the highlands
of Colorado Estollovlllo In New Jersey
ilontefloro in Pratt county Kansas and
Watervlow in Virginia Another colony
called Now Odessa in southern Oregon
flourIshed remarkably for a time but
ts higher conceptions and communEs
tic tendencies sacrificed Its material
strength and it goon dwindled into
Twelve colonists tho rest scattering In all
directions But the Alliarfbe colony near
Vineland In Now Jersey hums prospered and
now contains between seventy and eighty
amities and Carmel colony also in that
state is doing very well Beeraheba in
ansas consists of eighteen families and
shows only I moderate degree of progress
but other Jewish colonies in that State have
> oen more successful A colony at Painted
Woods in Dakota now comprises over fifty
amities and is very near t being selfsus
taming though apparently presenting no
itattcrlng prospects
So far then tho colonization projects have
not ben very successful probably because
or time Indisposition of tho Jews to agri
cultural pursuits though Mr Ptrxorro
scorns to ho l confident that their prejudices In
that respect may bo overcome Ho speaks
of I several Jewish families who have be
come farmers in tho United States and who
have succeeded admirably some of them
having become 8 skilled in their avocations
as to have actually taken prices for plough
Ing in their several localities But ap
parently they are the exceptions and wo
think I somewhat doubtful whether any
scheme to establish the Jews In agricultural
colonies would bo permanently successful
The lon J Pulitzer and his Feelings
Mr E Ti SNYDEK of 131 Front street ap
pears t Iw Interested in tho feelings of the
Hon JOSEPH PuwrzEn as they now stand
connected with certain questions of momen
tary Interest and as Mr SXYDEH proposes
ono or two questions that are not without in
tellectual difficulty wo give place to the
whole of his communication a follows
To tine EDITOR or TIIK SoSlr I nm more thnn
grle til to read In Saturday murnliiK Hu < the following
and Mr fULI honld nIv how hal
the latter would del lion Imdly Ills allow citizens
wOItl tel
Tho matter In TiirSriimtr srleies me and In this
Instautu It In I not tliv matter but the grammar which I
bellevo In nt fault
Tun Mr IULITZIH feel tadly any moo than lie can
reel blIly and can his fellow citizens feel badly tiny
more than hazily or touched 1
Or U I Tail 5U as uiual qui correct anti we at fault I
Very truly youm 1 L burin H
hew YOKK March 2H
Our correspondent strenuously objects to
tho expression that Mr PUWIZEK would
feel badly 0 that his follow citizens would
also feel badly but what would Mr SNYDEB
havo Should It Iw said that Mr PuLlTZElt
would feel budf Heaven forbid for thai
would imply that Mr VUIATOSR would feel
himself to bo I bad man and would In fact
ugico with tho sentiment so recently ex
pressed by tho Irate and exacerbated Mr
Iiu SHAVEH when ho declared that Mr
IULiTZEH ought t bo knocked over for good
For Mr SNYDEHB information wo odd that
tho expressions t feel bad and t fuel bad
ly are not really good English but merely
American slangor colloquialism Tho sense
they arc meat to convoy Is that tho person
spoken of feels himself In bad health feels
ill or uncomfoitablo or a in tho casoof Mr
PULITKH shaken and deeply unhappy
And in respect of scientific philological rcli
sons tho expression to feel badly Irf probabl
less objectionable than t fool bad
Finally Mr PULITZEH deserves sympathy
In whatever distress or discomfort ho may
have U > pass through at present on account
of JimA HliAFllli j and wo really believe that 1mm
a fair standup light ho could lick KHAFEB
just as easily as ho licked JOE Hovvuin
Business Principles In Yachting
Suppose two British schooners had Ballet
an oteun yacht race westward neiObs the At
lantic anti on the arrival of thin winner in
our harbor her owner had telegraphed tin
4 heartiest congratulations Yacht for
What should we1 say to that Probabl
boniethlng about British greed for gold
Wo might also Indulge 111 few remarks
on yachting consideied purely n 1 matte
of business In which pound shillings anti
pence constituted tho chief consideration
The ilL of ueutluieut that would iiiduco I
man at ono to offer his yacht for Bale under
such circumstances Is n thomo for poets
When tlo great horse lloland brought tho
good hews from Ghent t Alx the burghers
poured dow throat as no more than his
duo their last measure of wino I some pen
Pie had owned Roland they would have put
hIm upor solo before the foam was dried on
ilsllankst I
Kqunllty Under tire Liquor Imvvn
I 1 > a hard thing Mys Mayor Hrwrrr
I that rich mel should Iw allowed to pur
chase drinks while poor men are prohibited
This remark was made with reference to
the proposed change In tho law relating to
lie sale of liquor on Sunday
Tim Mayor Is right
Any law which operates s na to deprIve
time poor of equal rights with tho rich Is oh
cctlonablo and not to b tolerated under our
system of government
TIme coachman who drives a gentleman to
ono of our groat clubs on I cold Sunday oven
Ing In Starch ought t b just n able so far
is tho law Is concerned t got u glass of
spirits at seine groggery on his way homo I
IH tho club man Is t get a cocktail In tho
club before dinner
Lot tho laws In this matter of liquor sell
lag bo n strlngsnt as you please but under
them lot the rights of all b equal
Yes Judge McCun would make a good
Clrrult Judge and no would Mr LACOMBK
cither The President will not RO wrong In choosing
Mr ROCHE Republican candidate for
Mayor of Chicago makes this declaration
I I am elected Mayor of this city the Star Spsngte4 l
flintier will ware ocr us
ItlKht again HOCHK But are you going to
secodolf you fail to b elected 7 Tho H H I
will continue to wave over U oven if you dont
got any oto but j our own
ItniKT OIORGB li a KnUht ot Labor CAImp Tribune I
This wo believe IB contrary to tho fart What
Pt also probable IA that I Sir GEOIUIE should
again bo a candidate for public office tho
inlRhts of Labor would not support him tiny
more than thor would support tho citys own
tnlRht of Labor Mr JAMES I IUYLEB tho
irosldont of tho Board of Health
I Is announced In tho WorM that It pro
irlctor has prepared I modal to bo distributed
intone editors and adortlM > commomora
tho of ono of hU choicest affidavits and mado
of sterling sliver
All rIght but whiymm silver medal Brass
the appropriate motal
Tho lato Rev Dr RAY PALMBB will ho best
remembered by his lijinns which breathe I
simple and puro devotional spirit As poetry
hey cannot rank high but it In 1 lamentable
tact that an tho devil is said to have most of
ho good tunes BO since tho grand old Latin
liymns of the median Church hymnoloRy
hums boon distinguished for Its piety rather than
its poetry There havo been some notable ox
coptlonH but not many
GEKONIMO tho retired cutthroat is I raising
cabbages a very different crop 1 from what ho
used to mil > Ho N much macro useful us an
asrleulturiKt thom as a nomad The Afirlcul
tural Dopnrtmont ought to send him Rome
soeds next distribution day
Tho lingering Idea that the Arab hofbO
but for his Inches would bo better than ills
English brother grows more purely romantic
A contest occurred recently In
every > ear oClurred reconty II
Cairo between an Arab of recognized supo
riority and aim Ensilsh mare the latter carry
ing 1 pounds more weight both of euclly the
same heiGht and the Oriental champion il I
though ho hud been first In the betting as
beaten out of sight Thus do the bastlHs
Fancies of tho imaRiaatlon fade away
What will become of the Kitning PHI
now Ihlt IH circulation hits dwindled to little
bettor than nothlns Thu advertising public
must later tko to its condition
mu sooner or v up Is cOlUlon
and then all that will bo ltft l of It will bo n not
too agreeable
ogrelnblo memory
The moon Ian over Aldebtian last evening
at a quarter before I oclock Tho casualty
occurred in plain tItlit high up over tho Post
Office at v lowed from time City Halt lark I
had been foreseen by astronomers but Able
Imnm wouldnt not out of tho road and Diana
would have her nay and so everything canto
about just as thn savants hud predicted Time
fact Is the moon his a Irililt of rumdiiR down
Aldobaran hut tho event doesnt often
Alcobnron ellt oron occur
whore everybody can see it To time astrono
mer its as much fun as I J yacht race
The TurlBr be South
Ft fum the Aatifa City Jtmrnat
WAShINGTON March 2Xhu tariff question
In recant to the probable outcome o the noxt 1roMiltn
tlal election In the South It l already lAllini the iitttntlan
of thoughtful Southern polltlclfiiis Senntitr Inifh of Alabama
bama who ftlll reinallin In this cimy h ii always ben
clAfcKeil one of the most reliable the rtenue reform
ers ito called Hut tte discovery thit iron and ttei 1 of
the tttiet tluJ can je millie at lllrmliiKham andotuor
points In the Southern Stoleu cheaply an pfii < 8ibty to
transfer a part of the Iron induMrienof reunu > hanla to
the South hail apparently opined lila eyes 11 lieu l h
on thlxiufillon lie ntuled to tight Of coursa I am
a revenue reformer but I belkvo In an annulment of
the tarlit with an Intentional protritlon I donl mean
an incidental protection and I shaH utand up for it
The Pretty Clerk hut Roomlilci Mra
From Itf Clmtantl fsiuter
Thoro Is In the Patent OlTlco I lady clerk
whom everybody declunn to cloiel rixdnble the Irt l
dent wife Sit4wsu iii a OWI mown 10 a short tuna
arts where sIte aiclfltntally encoimttred Mrii 1 rIm
Tho latter w Mid to hay xtarled an thotiirh cry much
Kurprlced and Inquired of ono of thik clerks Who IB
that younif lad who looks HO niuih IlLo mydauKhttr
Mr Cletlandt hncoltha untie > ut thai I lie 1atcnt
Olucelad HO much rtranMc UK Ireildentkulfi the
room In a Islets fchc U iinploytd In I one of the moat at
tracthti the wliolu buri ui ioiic out or heir way
In onlcr to make It coin enlent to tall there on tome pro
text or other and n hen tho appears in otto of the city
riders tile is l at 01141 iho cynoiuro of every eye
Henntnr Voorliee Requeit
front Use ttaslitnvloii llmilil
Renator VooihceH In I recent conversation
with 10 huuUerland jiaxtor of tho tlrt I rrixbyltrlan I
churcli where the Irivldent attends dlluo virvktH
jisked the Kocrtnd Doctor If hu CUT pravtd for the
1ri sldcnt 11ply Dr Hunilerlund Hdlil lnunllollj
yck that hn I Pram td 1 for tho rrt > ldent and oilier In
authority To which Pcnator remarked
Well I wish you would priy for thu Imldeut be
more merciful to Jlcmiu rain f
fun I lie Poulble f
tnmlhe llenlaiul leader
Tlio pralwo bestowed upon Mm Clu eland for
hrr ilUplay ut good ttinco in drreiilnif for Iho Milte
unite rrnptlonii leads borne lt Hit iltisea of aniline
ton society to stick up their nones and It rlaro that Is I i
not bccauso Mrft tletcland oppontii IOH neikrit gowns
that Hhe will not wear them but because she lieu iTot lisa
proper nituro to look well In one 1 hey propone to stick
to the low necked ooolame no nmltcr what the tint
lad y of the land way think or ilo about II
Men clary Vbltuey
tiiiinrelMlaMi > hla ireji
Kecrntary WhltnuvHdenial of tho lepoit that
lie Intrndtid to resign at list hays atlurd il luuneinw relief
to the big man v ho IH temporarily domiciled In the iliiitc
House when VMiitne retlrtu from the ratiintt brain
compau fit good fciiuuship and fio I AdininUtrutlon ulll part
Tlirre Oreut Irish lournullsU
from the UUinurl Ilr Mlcan
While THE HUN Is supposed to shine for nllt
shines rather conspicuouul for the Kmerald Isle Dana
lilnmelf l lit Irlilultscrnt and has all the patriotism of
r the IrKi race lima Urad > and Mclullaidi are the
three riuliuni Irlli Jonrnallstsof Amerlia
Well Yn
tioin the KaI riti TUtft
Time pluuo to htudy journalism Buys the Onto
li > IliralJ U I III Hi nenvpipir oilU buy rather In
M > me newfpuprr iltlits Tilt Mee of the > ew lurk
Ifrnlitj 1041 for Instanrf Mould Ln a rather poor place
la wnlch to ituJ jouroallsut
ran NEXT IIB81nnVT
Te Candldnte aftkn relno tnust
From IM Han Frantlteo Dally Itrpnrt
Bo for OH newspaper men can put a man
Into Iho field for tho Presidential nomination
William T Colomnn of California Is now In the
field TiE Saw YOLK BUN suggested him and
BO many journals havo hailed lime BURRoMloa
ondoxproBBcd their confldonuo In Mr Coleman
as an avatlalila Presidential candlduto that ho
must lionceforth h considered a factor In thu
political problem of 1888
Of Otirso wo must allow for tho possibility
perhaps wo should any tho probability of a r
funal Would any one refuse 1 Presidential
nomination with I fighting chance to ttli
Mr Coloinan would bo very likely tndlBo
wlUi victory almost within hit maftp Diiinu
tho past quarter of a century almost oAry
ofllco tho people of California Imvo had to KV
oL any rate every ofllce that thoy thought p
would lllvo to have has boon offered to M I
Coleman and ouuli hat been declined d l I
thanks To Coleman also has Oovornor after
Governor turned with offlcea of emolument
and honor extended and Coleman 1ms waved
each away with cite of his gvulal flmlloi We
havo anted htm to ho Governor knowing his
high Integrity and his keen and faireachlug
latolllRonco and ho would not luuolt Lust
month lui was offered time MajorGenoralBhlp
of mllltla because ho known to ho
our mlU1 bcclue was a
natural loader of men and re whoso courage
and resolution could bo depend upon at all
times lie wanted tho Governorship as little
a ho atited tho MajorGeneralship Uccausu
It lias been time custom In California to turn to
Coleman and ask him to lead whether In the
peaceful paths of tho Chief ExecutIve or amid
tho dangerous nIl llery HCIMICS of vlRtliinto
times or time Dents Kournoy riots the mention
of hits numo for Ihie I Presidency occasioned no
surprise in this State Wo simply halted I as
a happy thought and wondered whether ho
would take I
Mr Colomnn would enter 1 pal a President Inl
campaign with a great coil of strength be
sides that which his party would RO him He
would como forward as a Pelfmade man as
ono of the people who for the llrst time In the
sixtythree years of his life asked an ofllco or
canvassed for I vote Ho would show a career
begun upon a farm that nursery of American
Presidents and pursued with varied fortune
but steady grit through years of arduous toll
and stern endeavor to success wealth and
honor and thin bitterest ot his opponents in
thom political Held would not be able to put his
llntrerupona spot of meanness or weakness
or dishonor lu the whole of I
Colomans life would read well Ill time more
minutely tho biographer should go 1 Into the do
tails of It the bettor It would read It would
tell how ho was born n Cvnthlnno Ky Feb
29 1821 and was left a noniillosg orphan at 9
jearsofaRo how ho then worked on a farm
till ho was 15 devoting Ids small earnings to
thu partial support and education of a younger
brother and ulster tolled all summer In the
fields went to school in the winter left the
farm at 15 and worked young as ho was as a
civil engineer on an Illinois railroad till work
on It was suspended then went to St Louis
and clerked In I lumber yard for three retire
saving hits mOle > so that ho could take a col
Icco course later entered tho University of St
Louis and became time pressed and money
was scarce pushed his way in two years
through a foursears course left the college
with health Impaired by study hit 1 heart as
sound as ever and ambition an high made I
tour or the houtli and the Indian Tenitorles
and tinilly with restored health returned to
St Louis and clerked again again mivlmtg his
money caught tho California fever In 1M9 and I
started overland with I largo part in thai i iir
when tho company broke up at Salt lan >
pushed on with a brother and completed the
journey arrived at Hacramento with I little
money every cent of I time savings of Ills St
Louis salary and with that small capital aug
mented by the salo of seven horses he had suc
ceeded In briucin through speculated in town
lots and lio bck and soon Increased his
means next winter came to San Francisco
look ing for larger entiires established general
stores here and in bncruinonto took Into part
nership two OIIIIK friends and made much
moneyclosed the Sacramento store and con
lontiated Ids business in San Viancihco was
burned out In thu great tire of May 18 > 1 which
occurred 11 Saturday and on the following
Monday opened another store and resumed
business hud mom mOllY than over hi I sear
and then went on from success to success
guided by a head that Is recognized as one of
thu clearest in California and sustained by I
heart tlrnn which there is none stouter on limo
Pacillc coast till ho had achieved whnt Is now
thn t largest const and interior business in tho t
conntiy and established I nioicantlln housu
that I Is known all over the world and has Its
branches and agencies lu all the great centres
of common e
In New York Mr Coleman is I particularly
well known and ho spends a good deal of time
there having residence inopeity at Youkors
and a cry largo chehi of llustcrn acquuint
unces tmmetetmnt lie and soelil Hut of course
31 11 t Coleman N a ci Illen of California and ho
no er fulls to thow tli it ho Is I proud of the fact
Mi Colemiu Is fortunate lu possessing a por
bonul appearance that is in accord with his
character I Is that of II man of physical us
well as mental power Kindliness Is written as
distinctly across tho upper part of 1 tie unit
ness and energy across the lower He Is tall
and massive but not tmulelcJIj has u binge
wellbalanced head I complexion of remuk
able freshness for I man of lmlsyetrs I keen
steady 00 n courteous upprouclmmo manner
such as reporters like to llnd in public men
and a i nice that t hns in it the charm of good
nature and simplicity of charm tor lint un
derneath tlio genial exterior lie an iron will
and Inllevlblo I I principles its all w ho have taken
upon them to text tho ono or bvvorvu thin oilier
tnne found
Such is the man TiE SUN has suggested ns I
candidate for the t Presidency Wouro proud to
bu able to speak to well of Cullfuiniun on
such In oooaflol
Our YuiiUbtncr Forest
> rct tin Jiiuiftttmn Jiiiirtial
In taking n last sud farewell ot tho only im
thc forest left In us In hautuuiiu count we cannot
hut feel u saul I remembrance of ifreatm In nature H
pluii Hut money and commmcuiU Issue their WI
andpnMerlt mukt laVoinrcoflincIf as this prwroilu
age foes on Thl4 in I an erie of railrottilhiK and I Inir M 0
totj I > eak and we minunu of flint liur aria inniMilnd
er must stand from under to nuko pliuu for lien
rumi Tbearfi In which 1 retired nccmed to I me ii
be Holier I Isdltlercnt I nov alll I cannot taint on upoi
the I whirl of modern its they ruli entrrprlni Vo aro
Htrippintf our fonsls Chaulauiiua Is I a cult to stay barren
or narl so t of timber
V hat pra of tho future I
I read that the original Ircnderguit woods are bought
and tire to bo sluthrd donn I ruppoix for HID I btnellt tif
roinmerce nt railed flood b tliru we sty 10 I lie host
natie Crt In hautaiuua county Natlonnl dt hilt aro
arcumulatid ali dlmiirMd I tin I Urauicamo i if nni
afc Isreplattd by l eti noniy in another Hut when am
how are Me to reldC the delrlrl of lrusttit lorHts
In the United Mates t This Is I n torlous conslderatloi
publicly dlitrrcardcd
I Kills tho lilll
Fitna the lUhltiTjtoH lnt
Time advent of Tin EVKMMI SUN In Now
Vurk U I mill lit havu lauxd great rhaklnit HIIIOUI Hit
dry hones it evenlni jouriiili In that til I rcrI
lout time tItles Imiiiiu hOt < bitn 1 far below tho Ktaiulnri
of iltherIrinliitloii 01 IVH tiiiiy of tliiinh io bin
given totIll troMlp w lists others an ailluu luiiiojln t
loiuted vtuplilll Dio pulilli wilma a frtHh i ljiii re
lliblc eiitrrprUlni mwnniptr iiidltTnt 1 inusrv
tills tho bill i will Kt the iihruimildu Thin has NIK
been room In No < Vorkfcr junt such an urulni paper
V New ilvbt lor Illierty Torch
WAKIIIMITON Mureh 29 J The Lighthouse
Hoard has completed arntniremintii for Imreatlni am
linproln r the Illumination of the Hanholdl statue tif
HUrt on Hrdlows Ikhind A strotime I flu will lie plain
In the Ion h Ille addlllonal eiici rio lluhts will be plai ei
irouiid Ilm tutu iuuiuklitl rlhlrlidi I of snih ijtiiii In all
and a nitmlii of iowiittieieIil IlirlllH Mill 1fI pljlld i iii
I i llu Lilt rior of this Hat ne Ilio m liflu I to In I i > Ud 1 in llu
1 mirth uill bi om tf tin tihiem IUMI rful 11 tlxi 1 iltmo ta the
nurll It Ulnttlidrd uori her the pun1 I if riihlai
111 lliu man li ur otth fci ilue iluuasan 1111 li nuvla I
Mm an I llifht IC mm h leH ptincr 1 Mian ihcone o I tliii 1
I a iiiiij UIIM ir njuUly 0 ill I tic the laitir iniri i
aijroiiriailuiiofnVwis I I I I I msJeullUtifa Lkes = lou o i
Cur Cur lull purpose
HAVLNO mx oiisn ran CAl
hlcttro Nodal lt Try to Take n Law
Maker to Task
BrniN FiEiD I March Ileprcsenla
Ivo Karlow ski who returned from Chicago last
evening flays that on 1rlday evening last ho
vas summoned before 10 German Socialists
iii a hall on Milwaukee avenue and that tho
iiootlngpasnoda resolution unanimously de
manding of him to publicly retract the docu
mont which ho Blgnod with Mr Ualloy denounci
ng Bonalor llurko and Itoprosontatlvo Itohr
iiicli for their connection with tho Noobo
unoral or resign his position as a Itoprosonta
he Ho told tho meeting that ho would not
retract and there was no power on earth that
could compel him to rnslgn limo meeting then
mused a resolution denouncing him and do
clurltighlm an enemy of tho United Labor party
Mr KnrloWHkl says he wan informed that on
Sunday evening I nlno Socialists and Anarchists
ho names of all of whom am now In bin pos
Brtssionmot In a saloon In the northwestern part
or the city and entered into 1 covenant to lay
dm lrlowHkl oul itt to treat him with tho
same lose that llnlley received Ito refused to
gun thn names referred to but Hays that ho
WlPIM hom I over tu thu detectives working
on tho Ualloy ease
tw Ilfl
1 Is I Ha Id that General Master Workman
1owderly lias written eornl loiters to con
Honative Knights of Luoor in tho Northwest
condemning limo oomw o Senator llurko nnd
tepresentallio Itohrback III attending An
archNt Neebos w lies funeral lately In Chicago
Hn Huy being members of thu Legislature
hey I eoiild not attend as Individuals but were
therein their oftlcial capacities us Jil tie the
hiti bile Is 1 oncenied nnicli to time Iniury of
lonest lOICOrlwt Labor Mr Ponderfy Is
htrong and outspoken in the matter and does
not hesitate to express himself thereon
Copt Utitton Itticnrchri In the Field or
Helmlo l tieolovy
WABHINOTON Muich 2Cnlt Clarence E
Dutton Chief of time Dttreau of Volcanic
Geology of the Geological hurvoy will read I
paper at tho next meeting of the National
Academy the third week In April embodying
the results of the study of an Immense mnsa
of data upon the Charleston earthquake Ho I
Iocs not purpose going beyond wellproven
acts tw to tho nature origin and Influence of
Bcismlo phenomena but hu believes that the I
material In hand will lien fully worked up
add much to tho mass of human knowledge re
garding tho luc of iturhinccs thol rate of
mntlon of earth wives Ill kindred points If
scientific Interest and that i It 11 bo especially
valuable In suggestions for hum observation
and study of future phenomena
The advance made latterly in respect to a
knowlndgoof onrthiiuuku phenomena may bo
Illustrated by 1 single point file recorded
rate of motion of tho earthquakes of history
varies from JOO to Phil metres per I second Time
data upon the Charleston tlhl tot nec proves
conclusively thnt its eiuth WILl tiivulled ho
twcon4tOUaml 001X1 metres I second while
FIlch journals at hand containing observa
tions upon time ItMcra shocks give rites
almost us high I Is 1 not to bo supposed that
modern earthquakes are more energetic than
thoir predecessors but it In certain thnt
results modern methods and opportunities give safer I
STITK oFfirnits tccvstsn
Tbe Flab Coninilulonrn or Maine Arraigned
lleforc Ibo Governor
AunuHTA Me March 2Tho Governor
and Council today opened tho hearing on tho
charges against the State Fish Commissioners
and the petition for their removal from ofllco
Tho charges are that the Fish Commissioners
enforce tilt fish and hnmo lawn In an uneven
nnd partial manner that Commissioner Stll
well maliciously prosecuted George M I liar
mon thnt time Commissioners used tho funds
of thin Hluto in pay their own private bills nnd
nthenxlsu mNnpiiroprinted them that t Mr
btilwoll wrongfully paid I out of the I funds of time
Mate the t expenses of Oeorge D Huntoon and
himself In I defending 1 private civil milt that
thn Commissioners Imvo not giviut the llange I
Iv I Lake region ito t attention t protecting I and
ti lSthhtll html Ihig Ihl hum that they should have
done that the Fish Commissioners have taken
II Itrgn em hunt Ity of spawn trout tIme itungely
waters and suhl them for rlllllu purposes and
Pent them out of tho htato tliat tho Comniis
Htoneis lolitcd the Ilnh and game law by kill
ing llsh and gimo In i loe time
GOSSIP PllOl tiiiixi
Assomblj mnn Jacob A Cantor looks forward
to nitig in the State Senate net year and leaving hit
Mm in ilieAnacmblr to some other plrlinr young mutt
1hl i i < ilia third tlmo the Tncnly third district him tent
I alll mar in Albin and ho was returned loot fall altliounh
Vlitoi tlrnn nppondhK flection after he was nom
lulled I Ic is short and all lumps toil lie cult niakeaa
lolumlnonsa found ioiie l from underneath his Ik
Mick mou tarli > IIH m nu a st ix I font r W hen he r UIO
lh spe iker all tho Asstmlil nu n know there In KolliK to
in II 111 and tlut the are KOIIIK I ti 1lIr every word
tint In I Mhl unltM U I the bnlldluK When his
nice jo i in tlnn trim and hl < o d 1 li lit up 1 with fervor he
haHHlm1iltiifrmoklnilihnriii at the dhow and rain
Invalid Ion i rluir them t andocnn 1 stall II1I I in earnestly
Imploring her stray chicks to do bouicthliKvlie knows IB
for llilr ioi > d Cantor wits in II holt Her IhoCronti
bill AKrtiitiniinyuf hilt ttititucuils are lu favor of It
all1 1 quite number are not iti oted walnst the rokby
lull hat he made a voluntar vlttrment that he I was In
raiorof high h Ilrlle only he liellMnl that ii hL was
good for > tu ork WIS Rood or Hull ilo
Another Senatorial iilrant Is John K I Slclnt re from
the To etuhy M i ond Amieinbl iHtmt hut Is little taller
than Cantor nlno vounit nlno brmht though not In the
n Wllr and Ith a yellow momtache that Is l his pride
as much imu a blI L one U ta K ThIs II liltutinet can III
the A Hdiljlniillii limo < trjiri hard to make a
recur 1 and a imnio for hilts e hat n 111 md I him In the
Senate lit ban frtiiientl iiuihii I hpetclies and for a
new meMliln has cuccet ded in b < eonihi g pretty generally
knonn still tar in ainbltloii oinu man next fall and
the nest stnatc are a tfoot m ui monttlKaway
The hair of the lion Daniel I bene tr linn of the Flrcl
district Is cult In n new et Ih It in i hrimhtd forward In
thick yellow loik to this ettite lIt hit brow Then In
eteadot belnif lironcht ocr nnd banurd as Is I a dudes
111 k cut off right them nnd tops In two of KOIIK any
f urthi r rue style 1 lias the cfli ct of m iKinc tho forehe
pionnuneed and addinv to htuer apiiearanco of la i
telketll ilit tlio subject have
Ajucmblj inin W Id tin MdCtmr 1 of tim Sixth dlt
trht lists galnid clivn poitndt since he went to the
Iekilrturc 11111 he tame up to be sworn he nan thin
pale 1 and looktd I inif no hfo IliHiiraiue comptli wouM
take I a rink on him CIIII11011l1 III omit doun the tipltol
hill early hours and food food hue piled tho fliidi on
him until lie teems healthier thou i ten itor tidIly his
priceptor MrKenni wa a liookketp for II 11 Clifliu
t t 0 and coining up to I Albam uih u good thin for hU
health Ito hits I hhoull up vu II In debjlt anil 1 lasheil
yniitiif < molt iy whit Iheoritr rii il tonte bttwecn llffh
avenue and tirtiutit Since u v tsKmtuon
They Love to nell Aliout Mr ilctcland
To THK Kniron 1 OF lima HUNHi I havo
he ird more Ihan oneproti HI lualiit H oinmunlcatlon
publlxln him Tin HL < ut March Jl I and 1 htadtd dleus
a Kent on M rs Cleveland l
IlcaKo do not liiilthemiinllaiit rtqurst but rest iso
sorest that I llur aro toiiiitlimrcadtrs who iir not tired
of hcarltiKalMiiit this trai fill and tfrni luio1 Ih
hiitiy t uoninn who iii n iiinl fir iiHltli tor thiui
stot k thuiotttIitio tiirni 101 r this mucus if lui I iNiintll
cue IIIIt t Konii till bt ulwlil MrK I llevihinl v lull Ilia
cots Ins u Hint t not a woid eiilsii micro il I It ttUion I
thine in In ur iiiout our IrrsliUiivs voinikvtte 11I111 lu I
Irn nil 1 i an flier I niiniK and liistis 1 umiti I efpccl
all of In r romiingjrrai of klliilm tor althniuh II
IH I tniM Hint u Ni u liiUmd mid NIU Vnrk lltliiiiiirerinil
Ilillaili IpLI IIII i liavo man his ill wuiiiiii who 1 ntal Mm 1
Ill illiml ill I i aill I and viioiliurii I utwo lunmitdiilllt I
nlI 1 f I
Hint It Kit nun h I eiier I mitti for thi n bright lilrthslu i
lit l r Clint to I in innne Ihd Ir pn sent iintiihss tlsisim It would bo
toKlilniln tin h spin r uu tilled b > Mrs 1 cleteUnd
lLiiMiun V J March1 i C C
A ii itt rl mit Question
To rita KIIIIOII or Tin i Huxjl In hut
wtnliroi ltltitm I IIHU nuniliir of the Arm of tin
rotomat hilt IJ iiound VVanhintrton Tli to oftu
pihMtd ii tarih otsi 1 for illrplon h vio tioI I to I tnllr
atound u in ip oC mist soutliein stalm and eonjutiiro
whlll UIIIII his the 111 arlllIIII1I 1111 using us
1111 nll1 ullr 111111 ii It Thai ii itiiiihittitt 1
w ts III iitii thu mt tisrttu it ctIsint III tsutteitursttn
h I 0111 lito 111C hhute 1M 110kllI niiusliire lit inten
ii 5 10 ii I is tO II 1ollIdll ti I ttuiitt Its trill > 5sf I Isis
10110111 ulrilii tstsiight ti eIlIIro It iuiiiluiiisti WII JI
sitit 1111 t
OIW I isis I is IIcr > IIt it h iy 1101 itisiltt Ion
tlilehs ci ini SI 1 is tie ills II lIth ii minter usuil sic 110usd 10
ii 101 Oiia Oil aitim tstt IIII1ltd I J IstttLtvt
Mit 1111 1lcl 2
low It Irnhlhllloii
To TIIK KDITIHI 01 TIIK Sus sir i I win tilt
fll riildiiitof Ni ut orkilt an I h itt t been In this til >
a fi iii months and liivo nolUid the wi rkimrs I of tha
tiluuii l obuo > Ions t supposed Iroliibltlin law lu ri They hav e
diiKid I npt > il 1 one KilooiiK from a hit li Ihc t thy ilerlvo
5111 mill vtr muon hut I t t tie ha e about thirty I live drug
ytonii or more r i I ut sit tutti I unl HMI I pioplu ttalim lucre
thai I there is l Juit as mm h rIlusr I sold mm as thereeve
wn use onl dlTi n no bilnir > oii must nitak III am
bet It for Cur that itiiile ci ieior ur i suistustulu so HitM
tuihl Hiem hen I ma > o t yoii Vou 1 tan drink as math al
ion St am 111 I IOLIUN
I is vidiNts 1 IOMU I M irch Jl J
AulliliiK llkr II
I There Is p ui i cuiIm sitter CMIIIIK n Hum of news or mirror
ofconlvinpurtr > hutor as iso II isgtv oslo i ii luear I
Apt Itinutis tri tOes 1 and wit utiiaa n C th I sties or throat
I aro u iilii overiome huy lIt ltmiao i 1IIIIrlllll a
sure curative fit nil tiussmiilsoAda <
IIt > K Aeckied f Moklov Vn of a Oobe
twern In n Zeal Estate Xlenl
A Jury In tlio City Court IJrooyyn gave ft
verdict Inst week for George A Ayres a real
fttato dealer In his suit against Huponlsor
Theodore H Willis for 11750 commission on
ho sale of porno property in 1rospoct place
owned by tho latter Mr Ayre In ono ot time
pillars in time Drooklyn Tabernacle antI n
deacon ot sovorAl yearn standlne Jud o
Moment otitordny on time presentation of cor
taut allldavitH by dofondant8 lawyer made an
order staying all the procoodliiKft and directing
ho plaintiff to nhow oauno why time verdict
and judgment should not bo sot atddo on tho
round ns MlleKed that they wore obtained by
rntid TheBe are iho loots an presented by ho t
Mr Illliln the first plnco put thin property
In Iho hands otHnmncI W Vnluntlnu I for wile
tlr AvrnH outfit to Mr Valentine nnd told him
lint hu knew a person who WUH ready to buy
ho property and pay thin 117511 linked for it
ml ho refused lo give his iiumn unless Mr
nlnntlnu agreed to share bin eommlsslon Jlr
nlontlno HO ncreed itlehnrd lells a stock
iroker who Is also ndancon in Ito I Tubcrnuelo
md the HiiHrlntendent of Ito Hnnday Huhool
ivas tile man who wanted the piopurty Jlr
ielln avers
1 ivts neffotlntliiR with my frlond Mr Ayres
alt s lliu I purchapu for n week or morn Hn
liii o owner would not pell It for less than
VJ 11 t nnd lint It wan dirt cheap at thnt If
lol I id tho money ho mild hu would titit let
title ii u chance Blip through Ids linndH It could
lot bo boimht for a cent lies I told him to
my It for mo for t1L5C lIlt Ayres bronchi
HirlHtophor P Watson forward IIH thu ownerof
limo property nnd I tdKnod aeontiact for time
nirclmso and 11 was dollv ernd beforn April 10
I t did not know who time null ovv ner was until I
compared notes with Mr V Vlllls a few da > s
ago I hnvu discovered that Mr Aires hnd
lennneKotlatlnR to purchase ices than iia
UK and had b numb t In utson hint bogus
owner us a uobetween
Huperv Isor Vlllln Hiitd
1 accepted Sir Avrosnoffer of M 1780 and
M r Ayres produced Watson ns tho piirehnscr
nod thin contract was Binned I knew nothing
whatever ot Mr Kells In tho IrntiHUotion Mr
Ayres novor mentioned bin name
A Xew Yorker Account nr the Way he
WM HitTed from he Buffalo Fire
BBLLErovTE Pa March 2JA nephew of
lie Hon James Mllllken of this place Foster
Mlllikon now a resident of New York city was
iii limo burning lllchmond Hotiso In nnffalo and
in a letter to his relatives hero Rives a thrilling
description off how ho managed to escape from
he fourth iloor of the hotel to the street After
olllnc how ho was aroused by tim electric bells
lie writes
i Hastily pulling on my trousers I ran to a
window overlooking a court in lie rear and
Uncovered the Interior of that place to bo ono
vast sheet of fire tha space acting hike n huge
chtmnev tip which the homes vvoro forced
Time sualnute I know wits of wood and liable
to go under any minute and the flumes were
curling lit this and over the balusters and It
see nedelmost suicidal to go down thai way
but there wits no other for every ono in thai
part of tho hotel was cut oil from the main
street I started to run On time llrst stop my
bare feet slipped on Vie carpel and throw mo
on my hack and I fell or rather slid down head
llrst to time Iloor below While desccndlngl was
actually under time flames which irnopt up time
stairway singeing und burning those who fol
lowed mo On the third story I was obliged to
run through tho flames about twenty feet to
reach tliu stairs from tIme Ihird lo thin second
story Hero I slipped again antI crawled un
der tho Humes to tho second Iloor beelnga
bedroom door ajar at the end of thn hall I
thought that by rnnehlng that room 1 would bo
close to time street In this room I found myself
in tho corner of the building and from the
front window I discovered n balcony which
proj ctcil over Eagle street From this I man
aged to climb to n ledge over the show window
of tho store adjoining the hotel from which I
slid down an Iran post to tho pavement
The Mlsrortnne The Muld of Belleville
Company llevan with a Hllunrd
George AV Lodcrer who with Robert Orau
brother Maurice Gran put the illfated Maid
of Belleville Opera Company on the road In
Canada whore Gram now lingers in confine
ment for debt camo to town josterday and
salt to tho reporters that it was an error to
say that he had run away and left the troupe
in limo lurch Mr Orau haul saId this ho said
but it was not true Mr Lcdnrer show ed copies
of despatches which passed between himself
ummud iron which Indicated that thu company
was doing well In Montreal whore Mr Loiterer
left it and came to time Btutes in the capacity of
advance agent The troupes disaster began
when U was snowed in on tlio ears between
Juobee and Montreal on Feb 28 and Miirdh 1
and Iho climax was reached when Orau was
rested ontils arrival in juobec for railroad
fures and other local expenses amounting to
tKW Mr Lodorer PII > S ho telegraphed to
TroTstiior flees of time company to huvo tim
Ifliu i rt como bnek to the htutos and Mr I ed
cu mid send jlHl to bring them Time treats
ur < i iit lids news lo himself and tile com
pany drifted buck to Now York Mr Ledorer
OM > uctt to lose several thousand dollars by hue
misadventure and hits directed the menibeis
of time company to send In their bills lo his
counsel W II Phillips Potter building
Beating the Record
First Landlubber see that thin Dauntless
has beaten the record
second ianttmtshorIn 1 w hat way I
f irst I indlublier Her fresh water gave out before the
beer and champagne
Lire Abroad
Gentleman looking for a bummer residence
in New JereeyAro you troubled with moKullocs very
lersey Iwindlord reaMurinelyl no sir Occasion
ally they chow up about iso yard but they are nut
allowed In the house
Time for Repair
Itallroad official to President of the company
I an Ine lined to think that lImit bin Issmt brlilno hah been
a itt le miKLie
1n Mdent Non cm o Why do you think HO
Otritlal Ikcaime thus depatch Rays It has lull gone
down with a train load or iMinifcrs
Brooklnir un Insult
First Commercial Traveller You say ho called
Sei ond ramini rcial Travi llorVes a mlierablo loafer
And you dliln rewtnt itt
lion i ould If lit shisuis ft blif business in my line of
goods and I want to get hU trade
Nnmcthlnsj Choice
Young Mnn In Htirlom cigar toroI want
Koniethlnuelioite in the vtit > of a cliar
Iroprli Ii r V i n you taut soinedlnm Site you try dose
Kul inmni InruxiisJumber Vun de fluent Hold aloe
CIty Hall
V onnir MittsGus ins t dollars worth
InuthsrIutssrVy dond > ou pay a toltar und a balluf tind
daLe a boT I
Not to be Wlsturlied
Anxious Philadelphia to sorvunt Can I see
Mr ruiiiforainomintt l
hervanl Mr h liiinl ii very busy sir
1 nions riifladi Inlilan I must wo him It h a matter
of life or dial hn Ull mi
Servant I lusiCitlt I u l cant help thusti sir Vr Peim
is nstlmg liuiked utuiil i soil mui > n t bo dliturbtd
Tux lie lllir flty
1i people donut there at this foot of the Mate
II tvc tniilt up a might big town
W o know it h rich nnd they nay It It great
A city of sire and rt now n
Itrmarkahljr hUh arc the tales they pay
And no doubt it Is true as they frwiuentl > ta >
That tin I > luY for ns people up lu ro
Tlsuin ih fir our meals that we furnlibhn greta
And the iIty provides us the pork
And M m ty pi rcelvu what this sentiment means
lVluttt w e forage on mighty New York
Ni uie Vork is the pudding wo uso at see please
Vnd In up tii our table It es Hut
J ike lit In lack llonur I we sit at our ease
And qiiii II pull out the plums
II pa s for our M hools and Urns lliiilent the load
That tarnu rs mint othero lot l bear
So imyty we re ip where the thy i has sowed
An I think II Is nolhlnu but fair
New Vnrk In our pud lln nur pie and our cake
And ui i it it it limit f vi n a fork
And a s1i > lu lldiiK Ia i Iho I raid that we make
W htn we forage on mighty New York
Ilk lass we have made and continue to make
We furimrs without coy gullu
lmi i surely wo never make any mistake
I uil l < turns our grab at Its pile
law u ill t ost money thouuli talk may lie chesp
> ml the city mum pay for tin in alit
iti I n aero olhtrs hate Cult fl It Is pletnant In I rein
In rummer or w IcIer sr fall
Ni w linrk Is tln hottlo from which we tan drink
And Its easy fi draw out the tork
And hen w c are poor II Jtllglits us to tliiuk
W c can furar oil mllil New York
A Mexican has been Bolllnff to tho un
wary M Ran Jose Cal L > nuggtU of tinfoil reprntntlnR
htm lobe of silver
A rcmmkably fine otter skin readiest
nrlltnd Ort from Alaska the other day It appeared
tu ohare tielomcd to itn old otter as It wan quit gray
round the nose and down the belly wrilch fact uddeit to
lit value which was CUm
Michigan vvoUet Imvo been kllllnff Un
iluet In tho tpper IVnln < ulA In large numbers Th
heav y mow a greatly bnprde the movementa of the leer
while wolves bound ittoni ta lly on the crust through
which the sharp hoofsof the ill rr i ut
James Hnblmrdl of Indianapolis was Idi
ranold on Katnnla lIe mt n mrinher of IhoTIpp
anoo thush t which rxptctcd to give htm A banquet but
iso mutt tot froble toaltenl Ills fatlii r llted lit till
runilftlhtr Ml and ili great grandfailitr itO yearn
Anarehlsl Inirioim I hi hill his nunii Atiar
thud wife have a hrliht little girl lulii Ida While the
fattier Swells tie ii llh peiiattjaTutlhe i mother lecture
bout Iii uotintr UO hub i yetur old lives with a Mr
Kelitir In I hlcatc U Is l said that shut already thaws ro
mrkabln elocutionary ability
u lloUrt an old black luirao that ear
neil tciu llarlranft during tIes llrpt Hull tun and was
tddrn by him over other foughten ticittt tiled last
hnriday at llrlitiriport IA aged M years When he
mills In his primo Itohert wan quick one unit tiaii a2 U
pcordon Iho I NorrlMimn trunk
Horboj In the mountain icgloimof Call
fsnt5u liutyc had to w car rnowshoes during the past win
icr his Nevada lily rntmicHi thus ilcmTllcs tlma
hoes Ti > make uutstu nrthci ttioep yotu Cyst take a piect
if rubber belling about twelve Inched In diameter
asten to one nlle of U a steel plate tim perforate thai
the calks of the horses mual shoe will fit In It Then by
A clamp fasten one of therewith Iho rubber tide down
ecurely to each foot of the animal
A brakeman on time Lebanon Valley Rail
road It keeping an account of tho number of tramps hi
Feet walklngon the railroad eath day Ills record shows
over UK persons on foot between Lebanon and ttoadluq
during thr month of Kibruar Ip to the MHh of March
ticisnit the samotinmbir hart been noted and many ci
heso Jumped on Iho trains whenever they had a good
Chano to do so A freight car opened In Lebanon had
tweutey tramps In It At some points flfiMn to twenty
rnmpH were seen travelling together LOut a onelegged
man was noticed leading atillnd one
Jlomnliipr dlnnera are the latest Parisian
folly Twtlvo ounif laud dresard In the deepest
mourning nnd heavll veiled compose the party The
dining room Is drapcit In black silver wreaths and
omtatonm take the place of pictures The chairs art
shaped like follln set on end and hung with Immor
dies Knives and forks have bones for handles and
he champagne Isttrvtd In skulls Tho dinner la eaten
in silence to slow music What at first wit n poor inks
Isis be omo fashionable craze that la hoUy denounced d
from the pulpits aa Immoral and wicked
A conplo of rascals are swindling the
armcrsnf inenecounlr Pennsylvania In au uigeulnul
nanner They read the local newspapers careful and
when a farmer publUlu an estray notice No 1 calls to
ook at lImo nnlmnl The farmer show the beast Ami
thmo fellow decides It Is not his then he returns to hit
partner and describes It minutely to him No 3 goen to
tue farmer and after proving byn thorough description
hat he Ia 1 thin owner of mIte animal Bays ho cannot take
It ana > and offers lo sell It at a bargain The farmer
buys it and In a few days the rightful owner comes and
claims tho animal
Farmer IavldHon of Newcastle Pa has
on his prt mlses a bell hanging at the top of a twelve foot
post and rung by a rope which hangs nearly to tim
ground Ito nhso Imsos a dog w hlch used to sleep out of
loom The other night Iho family was akened by a
oud peal from lie bell Mr Davidson looked out and
saw no one He went to bed again and again the bell
rang Again he opened the door and looked out Nobody
wits In sight and tIm dog which was at tho door did not
seem excited except when his master would not lot him
in After being disturbed by the bell severaUlraes Mr
Davidson watched from the window and the mystery
was explained The dog would ring the bell and then run
to the door to go lit w bun It wits opened He wan permit
ted to sleep In the house that night
Time oxtrciuo delicacy or the sense of
smell In man has been shown by a series of Interesting
experiments by Mtiwrs Hschcr and tenzoldt In aa
empty room of Rome two hundred and thirty cublo
metres capacity and tightly closed it small quantity of
the particular substance to be detected was thoroughly
mKcd wlth the air anl tho observer then admitted
Among the dllTerent suhntumtH which were tested in
IhU manner It wan found that tho very smallest Amount
recognlable was 01 of a milligram of nicrcaptan Thii
quantity diffused through the room sufllced to make Its
ilNiinciiv o character appreciable in the nmail volume of
air coming In contact with the nerves of the no < e from
which U nas estimated that the l4501OiAitXX part of a
milligram of thin suVlanco wns recognisable Intlnl
tcMnialiiuanilt paining conception but which sclencs
declares to be a fact
A crazy nm ti liy nnrneWettorllnii recent
ly terrorled the sn cdlph tow n of tlutehorg for more than
a whole week Ilo had locked himself in the top story
of a house whence he commanded a wide weep of
street and marked and fired at any und everybody who
approached After he had nhot one man dead the lIre
men attempted to Iron n him out but could not get near
enough as the man woe a dead shot They next mad
Iron shield to protect them In the approach but
theta proved too cumbersome An attempt to die
bIlge the Junatlt by throwing dumb bells charged with
ulcrtrUit at him had to be abandoned A barricade
was then erccltd around the house by the police and a
regular siege laid to It The lunatic Mood It a week be
fore he was starvt d out and was then wired by strategy
too weak to dt ft nd himself He had wounded a numbel
of pi ople from his perch during the itlngularcampalgii
Two years ago a farmer In Pholps N Y
died leav Ing a Wow four children and au ISOO mort
gage on the farm Tho Idest hlld a boy of fifteen set ta
work at once lo try and carry on Ihe farm and accord
Ing to a local newspaper he has succeeded rcmarkali
well He has ploughed the tldds sowed cultivated akvs
reaped he list had sole charge of a large number <
cnttl and horses on the farm t ho has managed n retail
milk tmnliif and ban himself marketed all of the farm
prodnrts Last summer he found time after his woric iq I
hue elds to paint the house twice uuver and to build llvsj
new feueoH In the whiter ho not only attenda to the
uuepsar vri rk about the firm bat teaches u country
Hthool three nillci away fells timber In the woods on
fiaturdayp and w rltt n excellent letters to the local news
papers Tho farm la not onty out of debt and In splendid
condition but the lad and his mother hjive enough
money on hand to buy twenty more ac is of land
Tlio Klinburuh Jievlao thinks that the
planet Mara may justly hoiomddtred a kind of duplicate
earth It being endowed with land water clouds and
air andnow accumulating around its pelts In their re
PIteeth e seasons of winter If thus Lii so thn atmosphcrt
of the planet Is however obviously much more rare
than that of the earth cut that it only exerts at lbs
planets surface it prensuro of oboist two pound and a
quarter to the < tmro Inch The climato ot Vlant In eon
celvrd from thermal amount of mow that cumulate
at use pollnot the planet to but comparallvi mild and
the water Is distributed Into u very curious aeries of
long p irallel ctnaU w hlch run ill ft om the ocean basinS
to an extent In some places of thieo and four thousand
milks AK Is I well know axtrononurs hay succeeded
in uhIueuu crItic tItus 1H77 two moons theie lielng found
to present a diameter tC not more than six or seven
multi s and oneof Hum completing a nvolutlon round
the planet In u UtIle moro Ihan semiu luiur
Homebody who limo Ixun iiivlu4tlgating
the tatijttt whys hiout tliui ehshif i dTtetof an earthquak
usit hue oiean Is tho ralxlng ur a gnat stu wave some
ItnieH very large as for example dlxi ty feet high nt
LUlHinln 1711 nliMi dghty reel at tallao In 1TJ4 and
UIK feet at lupatka m 1717 rheie vtavm are ofien
more deslrmlive on Intel I thin I the itctual shockn UK
In lux iimiall preeidid by an outflow which In fact
acts as it warning cm I of the most remarkable efTecu
in l him ills 111 otonhlh theso waves sire propagated HI
great wilt for xiimple right tuniM tIll Jaelno
Tliiw iniiKt I irgc earthquakes on the east or westtoiut
otlii Iai lilu produce wale which are recorded on Hit
onpu > llf cna t about tttcnt four hours after Hlsas
cstrtei Dial an to prediction of tarlliquakvii nothing cer
tain t is > ut known but In man races there are notice
ablt tiiatiutt lii elurlmuge coil we lit preerdlng tho event
I Hit use ful warning hnwivir la nnurktd anohtlon > l <
poMllle namcl i tho t tIusnm of an ai tual arthquake un
iniesldoof HID Im lilt mild i be at tun o I ill graphed to
the sulhu r Oils Hum giving I ls till lour I hoursnoilco ol
the hurulabtu stub uflt of a great M i wavt
Plillmlclphlium itio I Inteiinted I in aav
milt the expenses l of ulldi ma run iiI ilihu thip thou
saltds ovum tile killing of an Vnuiri tat In Dcremhui
las1 The rah wan worth fun i and In addition Intllf
luwriiiita ftud tn little ami hItter bus sprung up Is I
twiinlhi I liiilfantsand I In Mi lit ilms old neighbor
andfrididii IUM tsihe prWt it tho Ih ilfonts and
the Mclltilm lime MUil hilt I iliilms lo futurf
illkiili y and rtnown in Hair eu 11 IIIK n tar istsl son
ilurliH hluirhu s lui cue pit I rabbits nnd a
gun with it iiMi I jrtut Hum lirly In
liuiiiibtr u tramp t eat < il IUtIIIHI ejn njd
II gun mutt HumI up on if Hie rabbiti
Irmn that nttimvnt u fin ur gi IH ral vtugeanco WIM
aliuiit all thu helliiiilitiir I It it hisuit I ate particular
cat but alii als Hint i nine iiinlrr the ban i ml when I l
ftu dasaftir HID raliWt s fill VI r halfant with iha V
Angora Ixrlle him KIHIHI up and down lilt lawn T
oimharlis clJinbirel in fit I fenttrtpuratlux their
dwe llnirsun I hi u it oat i > at this Aumseora fliers was a
how I of nKun and Mr hatfinl turned In tea his pet
writ tttui In I hull 4 iikHilts Initintanious rinu > n > i >
nuuuiuu hi ilsr oil buru up uit Its imalustp Iu lsusst lou
lluiiii t Hn elm I uiut > knikfor umuti Hint 1 Intii ills f
owniulttlitliiu VpiIlte nuiiirilo Until linn 10 f
rcjfllllliikin pr leof ll I I Ciuurinu H Hn list > now sued t
ffllii r Mdlvlae for Ziut ta lUmagis for hmrhul
aliened I reumusss In rlantln ring < > n li Hie chui
ftute to carry out Lis ichciue of eougaue

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