OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 30, 1887, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1887-03-30/ed-1/seq-6/

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1f fl rtfrT S t
1p y Ii 1 n Is ftl JITr
ff TitEU NESDA M RCHa 1R a J
nil Children TeMIfy Aifiilnit I tin Ocpnrted
Pnrk Avenue lleneral line of Tem
Pnulrd to Know Vhpn Mrs lloblns mn
Aunt nntl When Nhu tvus Mitmmu
A suit which Iticidcnlnlly brings out somo
thine of tho caroor of Uon N Uitno Itimin >
lawyer who for years WUH n wellknown char
acter In this city Is on trial In tliu Special
Term ot tho Bii > romo Court before Judgo In
graham Gel Dunn and his wife Amelia lived
fit 1019 Pnrk uvonuu und wore members of tho
Turk Aemio Methodlta 1plseopul Church
Tholr domestic relations voro always ot I
pleasant character until tho nppoaranco In the
household ot n blond woman who presently
It Is I alleged usurped tho placu ot Mrs Dunn
In tho household Ihlswoman who Is Mrs
Maria Caswoll hud separated from her hus
band In tho present cult brought by her to I
sot nlilo tho transfer ot corlnlu property by I
Mrs Dunn she appears n Maria 0 Itoblns
Tho property oor which tho controvorsy
nrlfes u dwelling house at the northw ost cor
ner of Iludeou and West Twelfth stroots
Mrs Robins claims that she owns this prop
er having bought It from a clerk to whom
Mrs Dunn had trnnbforrud I Mf Dunn al
I leges that uho transferred It unilor dm ess from
lor husband who had consplred with Mrs
lloblns to uet from her her only means of sup
port be fort abandoning hor To maintain her
nJalm to It uho his recently sold It to her slater
for a nominal prlee tmd il Is this sulo that Mrs
llobliib seeks to upset
Mrs lloblns now 45 ycnrsiof ago testified
that Ucn Uunnhud been her law yer for > ours
nnd hud takun ehurguof her projiorty Umni
her croisoxumliintlou sho said that film liad
separated from her husband In 18SU und Blnco
that tlmo hail not lived with him
I went to Uen Dunns houso for protec
tion she said Hho bad recehcd 150 from
her mothers estate and ntso 5000 from tlm
estate of an iinclo tien lunn took ehaigoof
tho money and told her thut ho had Invested t
In Brooklyn piopnrty Tho Uenernl also so
cured for her SUMHKI from her uncle Jumos 1
Ludlow upon a claim for services rendered to
him for taunts euro of his children mending
clothes nnd dolnc other wnrk Sho agreed
that theUoncral bhotild reecho onehalt of it
for his son lees
Sho tostllled that Hho wont to Europe with
tho Generals eldest son and that they ro
limincd uw ay about n yeu nnd a half and woro
joined by the lenoral who travelled with them
for a tlmo Upon their return to this country
elio wont with the General to his house and re
mained there until after 311 Uiinn left Tho
General twr after went to Canada as ho told
her in order to mold paying ullinntiy to his
TVlfo In hor suit for divorce Mrs Hoblns nc
compunlcd sui to Taylors Hotel In Jersey
City where they had rooms on tho same floor
Subsequently she saw him in Canada She also
said tint sho hud lent him several thousand
in various
dollars lrlou sums
dolar full name la MariaGnnoItoblns Gen
Dunn and I alwajs supposed that wo wore
uoiiHlnH but I dont think wo wore she said
Mrs Dunn lee her seat by tho side of her
three children to oci upy tho wltnebs elinlr Hho
looked careworn but no older than Mrs
Itoblns Uho testified that alter abuse und
cruel treatment her hiibbund induced her by
threats to sign tho deed of convoynuco of the
property Hln then turned her out of tho house
Mrs Itobliishuil been hrouKht thor without
her con ont Her husbands abuse consisted
of brutul treatment attempts to choke her
throw Ing a mucilage bottle at her and also a
camp chair mlllle ulo cursed and used ilo
names wlion speaking of hor such as lend
brute and sfnklul Ho was always kind
and affectionate to Mrs Itoblns and drove her
nlctonnto Inl
out frequently not out of tho house but out
fn IlrrhlRe
The ov VI James M King of tho Park Ave
nuo Methodist lpi eopil Church at u birth tho
Dunn family worshipped Dr W T White
mention McCormlck and others testified that
they would not believe Gen Dunn under oath
and that ho was a man of bad character whllo
Mugglo Burn who had been cook In tho family
declared that the household aflulrs were con
ducted by Mrs Itoblns who gave all the orders
to the sonants and took charge generally
Gano I Dunn tho eldest son of Mrs Dunn
who hud unveiled in Iiirojio with his father
and Mrs Itobins testified that before they
10blns tlsttc
reached Europe ho hud been Instructed to cal
Mrs llobius < auntie During their travels
hla father and Mrs lloblns lived together as
man and wife nnd they were always very
affectionate Before thov reached Vienna ho
was directed to coll her mamma which ha
found very dlQlcult after lming addressed her
us auntie so lone Ho frequently Indo mis
takes and reeehed many scoldings and upon
their return to England was told that he could
address her again as aunt When they re
turned homo a rgf was continual f trouble la
tho household
Qhat was your father treatment of j our mother t
jLHewu very unkind I to aId frequently struck and
abused her and called her a flend ana a brute
The boy told that his father referred to his
wife as a h mean snivelling woman and told
wlo lS I Ini
his sons that thoy did not treat Mrs Itobins
with sufficient affection Ho spoke of her as a
uoblo goodhearted woman His father
treated his mother brutally on several occa
sions und finally refused to permit her to huvu
sons over tho household affairs Al
though the General kept horses und carriages
ho seldom took his wife out for u drive prefer
ring the company of Mrs Itoblns The boy
saw his mother sign tho deed and that name
night she told him tnat she hud been forced to
do I He had heard his father order his moth
er from tho house
o When your father first met Mrs Robins ami I your
f In Lurope how rdn Tie treat rrob A He kissed
her and was er affectionate
Cleveland M Dunn tho 14yearold son of
tho General also told how ho bad hoard his
father scold and abuse his mother and ardor
hor out ot the house and when Mut wits Jeav Ing
the boy asked his father I ho could accompany
her but ho received a sharp reply IccollPIU
No tho nigger boy good enough for hor
The boy said that ho had on more than one
occasion seen his father and Mrs lloblns in
each oilier h slooplng apartments unei nau seen
his father kil sleepl
a8W your father ever request you nto keep quiet
about It r A H sir After 1 had seen Mr Koolnn
in his room he told me that I must be sure not to tell
mamma about anything 1 had seen
Miss May Florence Hart I younc and pretty
nloco of Mrs Dunn used to simnd hor vacation
ut the Generals house und while there sho
troubAs often saw hor aunt crying over her domestic
Charlotte E Dunn I sister of tho General
who for your led In her brothers household
spoke of hor slstorlnluvv us tho sweotost
tomperod woman sho had ever seen At tho
time that tho deed transferring the property
had been signed Mrs Duna poke of prolory
and said hor husband hud urged her to do I
Q VV hat did v ou s ly about It At told her that her
probably had done nothing I wronn as I did not think
r hat al hu was capable of fIo atDthliu so mean I
thought theonlv trouue wjih him w aohlo temper
j lsMrs Itoblns or Caswell related to our family
In any way f ANo sir she Is I no relative at all
Tho deposition Df W M HofT I clerk In Tay
il i lors Hotel Jersey City was read I showed
that Jen Dunn unilor the name of K G Dun
ham had lived at the hotel with Mrs lloblns
ion Dunn deposition was tlien produced
He denied positively that ha had evor been
guilty of Immoral conduct w 1th Mrs lloblns or
that he had ever conspired with hor to defraud
hid wife und declared that but for Mrs Itoblns I
i he would have broken up bis household long
f before lie did as his wife bad been In tho linblt
ot neglecting her duties ami alho her children
Ho assorted that his wifes tongue hnd driven
t him from the hoitoo occasionally lie denied
that ho hud used dtu pflh or throats la procuring
his vvlfet filgiintuio to the deed and wild
wtt 110 leIlul
She is not that kind of I woman The ter
r ror wus all on my tide bho was too utiong
minded to stand any diiiesf
Judge Ingrnimm reserved his decision giv
ing the counsel un opj > ortuiilty to submit briefs
Iluluth I Iloainlus I
DULUTH March 2GTho activity In real os
tAteln Duluth and tuperior5 Is I usuolldat U U I extraor
dinary Lot on Superior ilrcet In Dululh have recently
I Ild ui hlKh as 101101 1 foot front dull IIIK laud near
the City Ills advanced from fifty to one hundred percent
t iaririf Hi Inter and Is I lit eli c demand at from 3oo
toSI Xlanocr6 This demand for real estate has extended
tended to the Uccnsln sldo of St IxiuU Kay and lots In
Usst Superior sell rapidly at from 5VXi to f luuu rich
lh outlying land within from two to threemllcsof the
Lnionlepiit atVVest MJpori > r ari < chaiislnir hands ut
from i i > to t < i0iitr acre IliUeiihanieiiientiif vilnrii
lias uxtended to nid MipTlor and there has been ounsld
erabln buying from Ihe Northern 1aililu Itnllroad I om
lI Or W
l rl 11r
piny rir has for yiarn luld tajpson iilwiu juiiluu
and tracts In and around Ino oil town and found their
ownership to bi icifeillnnrl burdeimumo hiuee Jan I
the nrlcm lp I UM tumpuny nan obtained fur what It
has sold 1 of this I COIIY d from K > to fonulutf I
twenty live feet frontane In fJ1 1 Miperlor and front fcini
tooiooforllfiy f ut I lotHln Suniriir adJulnliiK
old u rolIJr the north I und front ti > Mu toisiaii in r
f or oilllllllK blocks III superior t ity WIKI nf tll Nrmidll j
the best LuslncM I men lu liuliilb think the priirntui
live demand for real rsiatu In I and around Unit low u w 111
run steadily to ho en I of liU navlKiinnn lu Virrinlwr
next 1lly I liasud wholly un Hid txpeele 1 xrowlh uf Hu
iuthulrcad I I theitrcutent Kruln icicltlnuport In Amer
Wand the head of tho lUtUutiun t tbe lake and u
great railroad centre t
I A Volcano In Mr Bran Household
I Mrs E Borgh Ilrovvn of aU1 Mudtaon nvenua
i Mnt to the Forty second strtc iiollce station Juit after
midnight nlxhl beforo Ust for o policeman tu remove a
i f drunken und dlf orderly MT nut from her hou Mrn
Brown U u relatlvo of Henry llewli Ihe IIi erKeant
h 1 hired ll le heenan
Bcvlns Unit she 1
f raoiiltl iiu and 1 ilUrhttrvrd her < > Vlulldu but tb it
f I Ille was drunk ihur I lll < M < ly I refue 1 to Irtvu I be
iuiiM but WMO disorderly 11 I was broubt lu tliu
tatlun house and afterward dl el irted I iiute Jll
hOl fr
all refundiu make a mmplaliit iialun her > 11
bclineldtr who wus ut Mrs l llru n huiic yciurday I
mado thlt epliuiall MI of the trouble I
Thls servant was like a volcano Untile lo explode i
Aoa t you kuow uuy uluute jou uiigUt stu ou It I
CAXOK jjvtLDixa r rE
How Graceful nirehe nre MhrteCnnTOsu
K HiitMtltnte far Jlnrk
IJANrion March IS Tho canoe has bccomo
BO popular a craft among sportsmen and tour
ists I eel Indispensable to the former class
thnt the building of this light nnd graceful boat
has grown to bo iitilto nn Industry In Maine
especially on the Ionobscot lllvor Time was
wlion the big birch trees Wort to bo found closo
to tho water all along 1onobsoot and clear
straight cedar was near ut hand and plentiful
no that tho materials for I canoe were easily
obtained Nowadays tho birches ore from 20
to 100 miles distant from the upriver towns
back In tho donso forests nnd two suitable
trees uro seldom found within sight of ouch
other whllo tlio icdiMs also more remote and
scarce All bulk for canoes comes from tho
whllo birch trees outer thickness In winter
Its Inner side hub I reddish brown coat but In
minnnor I Is smooth and yellow Thowlntci
peeled bark is preferable for canoes because
It Is tougher and becanso also of the oppor
tunity for ornamentation of the raftitiToided
by Its brown coal mi which various designs
such as deers headsarrownVc may bo easily
Thocanoo builder fells uwlilto birch which
snt least ono foot In diameter utn distance of
eighteen feet from I Il base allowing Ito fall
nciOBS some small jogs tn keep It from tho
Sround und then slrljisoff Its outer coat Tho
ark must bo wurmt u toasted us It wero be
fore It can bo utrulgtened out und rolled up In
its proper bhnpo foi transportation The bark
and cedar uro eatrled out of tho woods in bouts
or canoos when tho stroums ure open other
wise ou a n tont sled Whol tho builder Is
ready for work ho drives stakes Into tlm ground
and thus foimsu fiume thoshutm of hit canoe
Then tbe bark for more toasting Is smoothed
out and fitted to tho frimonftor which tho
gunwales strips of clear stripped cedar aro
1 strlof
put In place and tho top edges of the balk He
cured to them by moans of copper nulls Net
tho whole Inside of tho birch is lcd with
lengthwise strips of thinshaved cedar after
which about llfty codnr timbers nro sprung
Into place ov01 them the timber hends being
secured undortho gimwulos All cuts made In
the bark In bringing U Into tho required shnpo
nnd forming the ends of the
nnl formil Iml canoe me sown up
vvithcnnn threads nnd gummed over with u
paste composed ot roshi and oil AMi thwarts
very narrow ure put In strips of canvas glued
over the ends of tbe canoe whero the two sides
of tho burk sheet lot und tbo graceful craft
is done 1uddles uro shaved from poplar
maple and nsb I the canoe Is mount for
deep witter where there Is likely to ben sea
sho Is built rat her deep t for shoal water
such as trout llsbers require all Is mado vory
flat A good canoe will hold four men and
carry them safely if properly handled
About ten years ago canvas began to be used
In pi ico of bark as n material for canoes nnd a
great many of this desc rlptlon nre now made
In Bungor Thoy nro covered with u thick
oat of paint to make them watertight und uro
lighter fully > eheap but not so al
as I birch The duck for an ordinary clghtcon
foot canoe costs f 0 and geneially roiiulres
n seam being ton narrow for a single
breadth covering The only tools required
by either white man or Indian tn
making canoes uro a knlfo with I curved
hInd nn awl ilruwshuvc und hammer
Tho Indian often his only the knife The I rod
lan is I not so neat n builder as some whites
but he is the best of all navigators of the birch
Canoes of both kinds nnd all shupes and slos
are ull tho ruga at the summer resorts being
popular among the dudes becuisoit requires
very little strength to propel them nt I rapid
rate They aro also pretty to look at und ure
Hitfo enough In careful or experienced lianiK
Canvas will novor entirely supersede birch for
cnnoos for tho later bends very gracefully
and is u moro romantic material than duck
A Branch Aoclety of Younsc Women for the
Promotion oflnrlt Contemplated
Tho second mmivorsary of tho Whitn CiDbs
Army Organization of this city was held at tho
Young Mens Christian Ab oclutlon Hall lust
night nnd brought together I large audience
of stalwart young mel This orgnntzution Is
established to promote personal purity among
men uud in this city numbers 1421 members
They uro pledged to treat ull women with re
spect nnd endeavor to protect them from
wrong und degradation and to maintain the
law ot purity as equally binding upon men nnd
women An auxiliary society of young women
is contemplated H 1 Webster presided at
the mooting last night
The Corresponding Secretary F H Amer
mun reported much Interest In tho work
throughout the country o pociully in tho col
leges Whlo Cross Leagues had bon formed
at Philadelphia Hrlclgepcirt Uticq anil in other
cities and I Cornell University Hamilton Col
lect Yale und the University ut Toronto
The now J M King D D of tho Turk Avo
nuo 31 1 Church referred to tho proneness of
the press to publish nil tho v Ice und crlmo und
misery of tho day but to tenor tlm good deeds
and examples ot moral courage and virtue
COlral vruo
which occur He mentioned an incident which
he said occurred during the evening on an ele
atul train when two rowdies insulted a couple
of unprotected working girls going to their
homes and u munly young fellow Interposed
and knocked ono of tho rowdies down
Hud the girls been assaulted and ruined
ho Bald the papers would have been tilled
with accounts of I But he predicted that
tho noble let of that young man would pass
unheralded 1e pct for woman ho considered
the basis of all good soeieti
11m ho continued I minister of tho
goipol of peace yet I belong to tho ihurch
militant and believe In the argument of foren
whenever the purity nf woman IH assailed I
dont believe God will punish anybody for
ulng carnal weapons I llttlo when virtue and
purl nro ut stake
After I brief address in tho nature of an ex
hortation to personal purity by Walter Hugh
son ono of the manuglng committee uud n
few congratulatory remarks by the Chairman
tho meeting was dismissed
Ha I Hum to be XewYork Most Notable
Guinuler Todny
From th Chicago frtliune
Baccarat Is today by long odds tho favorite
gambling came with Now York men about
town who uro addicted to plunging There are
several socalled Proprietary Clubs in Cant
Willlamss precinct which sport baccarat
boards and the bums which nro nightly lost
and won at the tables are phenomenally large
A few nights ago for Instance nt tho baccarat
gumo in tho Curlton Club 18 West Twenty
fifth street Frank Huntoon tho proprietor of
the club won f42UOO vhllo Col Urown tho
publisher of tho Now York Itnilu Aura lost
10001 and Loin Iomeroy wellknown
101 111 Poleroy u welklown com
mishion hunt diomied nearly the
mere II very
1ln III
Mime amount I v hen Ill to retiro I nun the
table Huntoon oflernd to Illp a copper with any
one present for 2DUUO o ono liowovoi took
up t lie oiler
The club at NoIR Is the most fashionable
nnd Bolcet of ull thnlropriotury Clubs ut which
biccarat Is played I is Mimptuously fitted
up thu hwullowtailed vvalloin areas thick us
Uelmonleun uud ut midnight elaborate
ul JIDlnko 11 lt II uu olulotlo
supper I hervcd ftte oftlmrgu Tlmotitlcully
SUIlr lub Is I only for bonullelo members but
pructluilly It is open to uny one bucked by un
introduction 1ianl lluntoon tho piopilotor
of this sumptuous and willappointed resort
Is I u professional gambler with quite a notable
career He is said to bo o Now Kngland ex
traction and al1 figured In Sl w York I tho
proprietor of uiertaln wellappointed private
poker room which tin londucted In the house
adjoining 18 veht Twentyllfth Mieet The
rooms got to bu Known as plai es
whom merchants men about town und
nwrlultf re pontlhlo positions
young nln holding lolbthlu lnllouH
Ulj play a gumo of poker foi whatever
Makes they might desire without font of tin
pleasant Interiuptlun andwith the assnrum o
tlutttivery pioeautloii was being taken to In
duro privacy bo well did the inhale pokur
moms pity tfiat when a few months an Hie I
Curlton Club which was maintained by Inn
Chiimbetluin went out of existence Mr Hun
tooitientdd I the building and the IliiprltHnry
Club with bin curut as the leiiliiiKiiltnullon
bin i ing into llf U lie name tarltun Club Mill
stands over tbo hall dour and upon tliu door
mat Tho stones nightly to bu wltniflsnd at
lo 18 htrongly recall HID days of iho Turf
Club which lub It will bu lemoiuboii d was
dlnliaiided liuoiiicqiti ncoof tH scandal ulili Ii
grinv out o ilioiiuinliei of suicides umongthe
jouncsbO UIIIII dot ti iminbui H nvv Ing to heuv y lui > M > d
In appearance Huntoon Is u mitgnlllrent
Rpculrun of manhood llo is somo I i feot 4
tin lies In height with broad squiiiecut Humi
dors uutsxlui i best and I wellknit muscular
ilgiire llu lwbl IIIU blue eyes und u high
olor ills inaniicih ure MM y miuvo c usy und
dignified nnd lie ilicssos with much uleguiu e
Ills luudo of living veiges on legal IMrimt
giiinK his noisonul expenses exceeding filUUI
uyeitl When IIH gnus off nil nn ocuiilonal
spreo 1 YUi u favorite form of amusement with him
is tojuad his pockets vvltliHilverplcies und pelt
the jingling voinnut the heads ot thu barkcep
UI nnd hungui > > on In uny of the wiluoim nu
may i lianee tn vlsll Ainiing Nevy York g IIIIK
lmy 1111
Hters bo I leLardeil us tho professional IM
blur imr ni rfluiiio of modern life
r IJrrr wn Xuf ul HIM NHllUiiij SLm
To fUK llJIItil at till lUvAjir IKiiho
lraukL Ih rOJlort 111 < uy Ihu I
al Ih II 11 ly 101 III I
Irrlnl hlMlol <
wl ome frlS al I 0 I h
1llh 1111 ul Iho I UIU
A Orin U l l
aIDO8 I M which Ihe Iare Cent
pnnles will rA r
TROT March 2Tlo Cnswoll building occupied
cupied by Fassonden Lambert I Tower dry
goods dealers was destroyed by flro at 4oclock
this morning and tho Fulton street front ot
the liourdman building was damaged F J
Barnes woollen goods Max Slnshetmor milliner
liner nnd Kate A Murphy milliner lose all
their stock which was partly Insured M
Timpano jeweller and other occupants ot tho
Uoardman building sustained slight losses
Hevoral of the occupants of tho lloardmnn
building had narrow escapes M A MorrUsoy
I sick man wan curried out on 1 bod and Mrs
E L Sheldons bed was on flro when sho cot
out other rom
The flro originated In tho Caswell building In
the basement of tho store of Foajcmlcn Lam
bert A Tower and burned rapidly A man
named Conrad watchman at tho store whero
tlm HID wus discovered wus takon to police
headquarters Tlm firemen say thoro was
something suspicion about the rapid spread
of the flumes as the flro burst out In several
plnces ut once
Tlm losses and ln urnncn as approximated
nro as follows I T Cnsvrell building loss
12000 Insurance tliooo MrsIlo lnalloanl
man building loss nOOO Insurance Jltixio
Uoiton otoro loss fSTOtiOs Insurance t7JOiKi
A 1 llarnos loss UO Insurance 14000
Kate A Murphy loss i 600 insurance S121K
Max Hlnshetmer loss MMOO Insurance 4 00
lumes DShroder loss 3000 insurance 2IX
H kendorf loss SlOOO Insurance 54000
Dnvy V rettlor loss tl200 Insurance 1000
A K loll al losI5 no Insurance W
J Stone loss S50H Insurance oOO Commer
cial Telephone Company loss 100 insur
ance 1000 M Tlmpann loss non Insur
ance 2500 W A Lent V Co loss 4000 In
Mirnnco < J0H T U Davidson loss 4500
insurance 2000 3in 1 L Hholdon loss
f Mo Insurance 200 T Hnltlmer tailor
oos 200 no Insurance Mrs Mary Cheney
low 200 no Insurance r Mowroy t Hon
los8JOfl > no Insurance Total loss 130000
total Insurance 13J300
She Flttt Wllhdravt the Harsher Charge
her Husband
Aculnst lr lubDnd
NEWTOIIT Match 2Tho llniil decree of
divorce In tho suit ot Mary Isabella Notlson I
sister of Frederick Clobhurd against hor hus
band Frederick Nollson was entered today
Mr Nollson who nt llrst proposed to contest
his wifes suit abandoned that course when
sho withdrew the more offensive charges In
her bill In nn amendment to her petition which
was filed yesterday The amendment was us
Purtunnt to the order And leave of the Court the petl
tlotier hereby amends her petition herein by striking
out nnd wlthilrovtlnir every clmmc therein against the
ilefenilant except the churn of wilful desertion unit the
charvc of neglecting and ref uslnir to provide necessaries
for her subsistence lly her attorney batnuel I Hotiey
I will bo Ion by this that tho charges of
adultery oxtromo cruelty and habitual I drunk
enness nro unreservedly withdrawn <
Forthe petitioner Henry F Eldridgo of this
city William HGobhard of Now York an uncle
of Mrs hollson and Charles Lyman ot New
York gave substantially tho same testimony
which was to tho effect that they hud known
tho Parties for several years and that tho de
fendant left his wife some three year ago and
has not supported her and that Mrs Neilsons
present homo is in Newport John W Ander
son of 29 aerloy place New York tostlllod
to tho effect that Nel son was I man ot Inde
pendent means
Tho Court entered nn order for divorce but
mado no disposition of tho children
A Fnrnltnre Warehouse Ablaze Close by
the TrI llelow Grand Hlreet
A lire nt 09 Bow cry blocked tho northbound
Third trains and tho Third
uvonuo trln avenue
borso car nearly two hours last night Tho
flro started in tho basement of Epstein A
Kantrowltzs furniture house and in ten min
utes burned up through tho four upper floors
and bur t through tho root aud all
tho windows Tho firemen who wore
Irtmen vor
playing strums through tho windows
Irom tho elevated structure scorned
to bo surrounded by fire and suffocating
smoke Firemen from fifteen different compa
nies battled with tho lire hurling streams on
tho control different points boforo they had tbo tiro under
Hack of the building at 75 and 7 Chrystlo
street wus Ioersters Hotel nnd a rear tene
ment in which ton families lived Those build
ings vvero scpnrutod from tho lire by a space of
from 30 to 4i > feot and the occupants woro not
alarmed Epstein et Kantrowftz estimate
their loss on stoek at about 1350 The build
ing owned by William Ackorman of Wurron
btroot Brooklyn was damaged 15000
A Woman Client Thrashes him for Mtrcly
Retaining hi Fee
ATLAJTA March 2lmo Wllllo Burton
b friend entered the
accompanied by u woman frlont cnterd
office of Col W J Moor a Ito before 10
oclock this morning and in about five minutes
Mayers ran out hatlcss und In hasto across to
the police station whero ho called for protec
tion Tho policemen found the women In the
lawyers office thoroughly excited and eager to
renew the fray which hud been Interrupted by
tho xlt of thu male prim ipul
I hnvo whipped him Mild Mme Burton to
the policeman and I nm willing to pay for
what I have done
I appears that Mayors has been for somo
tlmo attorney for the woman holding as the
latter claims money duo her Mayors declares
thut ho has only retained his fee I wus out
of money thUauurrcl or blood that tho woman resolved to have
Hudson County Win Five Fight and Euez
tie Uther Five
A spirited cocking main was fought lat on
Monday night in East Newark between eomo
famous Hudson county pylcs and a gathering
ot birds from Newark and Bloomfleld Tho
main was for 1200 with 25 on cuch battleund
It ended In I draw Hudson county birds won
tho llr t four battles in jig time ali tbo Essex
county backers wore despondent hut their
bopes revived slightly In < thu fifth Ught when a
Newark tod killed one of the lighting pyles in
eight minutes Tho sKtli battle went to Kast
Newutk milking the score Hudson county
live and l > ox ono Tho Nowurkers bet heavily
on din seventh buttle nnd wan It The eighth
nnd ninth also went their wuy und the tenth
buttle wax bogun amid great ONcltement
A light 11 d fiom Newark wus pitted ugalnst a
from hast Newarkami twelve minutes ot
Clio slashing left tho pyle I I gasping on the floor
of the pit Unly ten pairs o birds fpll in the
main and no provision wns made for continu
ing tho light so the money was divided and the
main wits declaredudiuvv Tho meeting ad
journed at 4 oclock In the morning
Mncy Spring Opening
The opening of spring millinery announced
by It II vigcy Jk Co Is not tins only attraction to tho
irrcit shopping hizaar at the corner of fourteenth
street ami Sixth av cnue this week Sot only U the milli
nery department thrown open and made bright with a
full 111111 i of huts and bonnets but thero ire full ex
lilblta In every department of tho house of all Ihe rare
uuil co tlelieii and beiiitlful foods Hut are ever In
criimiiitf In this gnatiatubllshnient The new colors
fclmi es and Iriiniiiinir inatirinls seen on the hots and
bunniis of this Ioupetliiispringurois varied unique
and I artlitlc as tliu must exactmir tiinte eoubl demund
rbo brfifhtsiarletsiiiid pinks tho e obraor serpent blues
tbo n 11 IIIIIHH slittiley tlio eiiiiiuin itlniis of hellotropo
anil bluet pink or runu and prlmrmui or yollou the dill
i Hi in u maiivo and unlit Hi anil ra itt slmiieu are
llure ili d 1 iyeil yllu ho ifowiis I tbe pompons tlm new
plinl am 1 feather eiltrvil sirlped Kauri nnd lltfundand
lilalll rii Imlis In tliu Mivyiiira ami tn pen and I llmies
isilks veltiis 1 HuslieH straps hint novelty hraiilsuf the
new bonnets an 1 huts I he hats aro all as hill as the
fashion iltmunds and trlniliud lu a style to make a
irulty viiinaii vtlUlnltli ilellidit and lo drive thralru
KoliiB men to distraction riiu bonnets are searcely IIH
tall anil urn trimmed lo make Hum as tall aud as mad
drnlnir as tbo hath
III inedepiriiiient for Hue tlass porcelain nnd delft
then Is I a rli her ditplay limn ever of color and brll
lluney III till forms 111 decorations of Ilm ililna flats
uliiUiltrr Kltliulileli this bcillui is I ailiirneil 1tllllW
I lufllih i nl Kins pleeis are MIIIU 1 with ilu orations of a
vety brilliunt imltirii termul the l olilstnam star and
id slim I toiri ul potim irity riiel < utHl Importations of
IiI tl
arl potterli K found lieri U a ciillection of rare and new
plurs nt lioiiinu sunn wnr In tlie form of
fam butter d luf biKiiii irmk mustard pickle
butsi ridluli biitiey 111 1 hill i t with silver plate t
cuvi rsand lidliilliii nnd utberdei uratle pines sui II as
vi4Fi lamllisUiks Jiui andmuus tlmfurmsuuddeeu
railonsur nllc imirk llui ripul strides wlilrh this ar
llsiln Imluiir i ntliiiui lu imike III liiub ib inilun I
II lump llu ho irilUns wero hutiorlid VI lie Klaus and
ililna leHllllt lit In tiirii uith frood uxamples of
prrliaii rvi ry art pottery d ft porcelain I am K lavs
oV 51
IW 1IhoV li i
miuiu ulorv in Uiu worfil I and wlille llie supply I a
Kre ibnanun fuinislilm these prod lie lions at riasonable
rat is to biyers uf nut lirifu 1 means us well as to the
nialtlilritpouple limy urn lining a Kimil work In ertu
i ailnii tin piuiiln uf tins i oiintry 11 a tnnti for one of tin
m MI h iiitifiil an I inul of all art I I MI
llllmillM Nluu will VI11 Wiile
iililituillst Uuuu j IOI iti uii lm denied I bat
h Intended vlilt I luliJropu I next 11 Unite minis tih
avirvor pldylun International matches ulili Vlaurieu
Vikimuv llu rnneli vxpirt Ib sn > silmt be nlll uu
II1 IIIII1 1I1 lll1 tilr
abroH I on llu same Kteaiuer H Ith Via lame Iatd abd hu
nor Miuilnlas their Kuett and rrnmln for some time
at ratlin i asll 10 In Wales Tbe diva Invited Hlosson tu
visit Mantle two years airo but lie was not able lo
leav tliiii but promfnd lu jio wlieu bs got tUs oiipor
cir hm W lUlO
tiuilly IU will tall outlay if
ova roTAoa TAT irno
A Bout ILeia tkita 11f Ike nice I of the Cor
onet or Dunntlca A JVeathrln EB
terprUe thnt Excited Oreut met
Yacht ncng ngtxjss tho Atlantic wns con I
dlderedn most hazardous undertaking when I
proposed an a diversion by tho wealthy pro
prietors ot tho Floe t wing VcBtamul Honrlotta
of tho Now York Club and a winters cruise
was so little rojlshod oven bythoso gentlemen I
that only Mr James Gordon Dennett of the
Henrietta had the courage to take passage In
bis own craft when all three galled out of Now
York harbor on Doc 111BGO llut twenty oars
before that tlmo THE HUN with Its traditional
enterprise In the pursuit of news had nccom
pllahodn more venturesome and perilous un
dertaking and demonstrated tho ability a
email sailing vessel to cross tho stormy son
In safety even in tho most boisterous outlier
Thus Tim SUN may not Improperly claim tu
be tho first patron of this truly stalwart sport
though It must bo admitted that its enterprise
was of a business or journalistic nature rather
than a I more diversion
It was ponding tho heated controversy be
tween the United States and Great Britain over
our northwestern boundary when tho cry of
5140 or fight was tho American watchword
and both Governments were anticipating a
rupture because of the oarnostness ot the con
tention before tho oru of Atlantic cables or
ov on of ocean ruyhoumls when tho primttlv
slowgoing steamship arrived ut intorvals of
two weeks or more with news of from twelve to
twenty days prior date facilitated In Its deliv
ery by private expresses from Halifax w hero
the occasional steamer would land und w hence
hor budget ot Information would be fonvarded
to THE SUN ofUco In New York by messengers
employing rolavs of horses through t tho forests
of Now Brunswick and Malno and special
locomotive engines from Boston to this cltjlt
was at such a limo when news was Important
and difficult to secure or transmit that THE
HUN displayed enterprise by Rending n little
Now Iork pilot boat across the Atlumlulu mid
Winter on a nevsgutherlngepodltioii
The William J Uumor84 tons measurement
schooner rigged was thu boat chartered by
THE hUN for its expedition She sailed from
hew York harbor In company with the packet
ship Patrick Henry at 2i P Mon Fob U HUG
Her crow consisted of James McGuiro Cap
tain John U Yllkle first mate James Con
nor second mate Marshall Green steward
and James V Johnson George Colton James
McLelMo nnd Ldvvurd troier seumon Sho
carried but one passenger the ship new col
lector of THE Sun though rumor ut tho time
placed H Government messenger In her Her
nailing had been somewhat uivMllled as was
natural in order to prevent enterprising con
temporaries from gaining a knowledge of her
real mission
Thus these contemporaries attributed her
midwinter cruise to various cuuses lhe lour
fUrl of Ctnnmerce thought she took out Govern
ment despatches sent thus expressly older
to secure answers by tho next steamer The
AVit York Kfiiifft was also quite certain that
she took out a confidential and special mes
senger of the btuto Department The dlotir
said she hud been chartered to overhaul und
bring buck a fugitive carpet manufacturer of
Astoria Tho batettt facetiously had it that
sho was chartered by the representatives of
two or three foreign governments to abduct
the person of the groat sliotat Henry
W Payne A Now York correspond
ent of the National Inttlliaeiicer informed
his paper that It is a private transac
tion pUfor Mr 11 a respectable merchant
who has a mercantile speculation In view
Tho New York correspondent of the United
Mates Gazett < vrolo that Tho fact may be ro
lled upon that she was chartered by Barclay iV
Livingston of this cllyW M Barclay tho
British Consul being u member of that house
Tlie inference Is most Irresistible thnt she cur
ries out despatches to tho British Government
from Mr Pnkenhum
Tuun lt is been how wide attention was at
tracted to tho sailing of this frail bout at such
benson and that It was looked upon as such
an unprecedented costly und hazardous an
undertaking tliat only public resources or the
authority of some Government could justify it
Before the Homer sailed but when it became
know that foho wall to sail in company with
the big pocket ship Patrick Henry for u com
mon destination bets were freely made in
Wall und Broad streets and In commercial
circles generally on tho result nnd a groat
deal of money was wagered though what wore
the odds there Is now no means of knowing Tho
departure of the two boats was witnessed by
many spectators a signal gun being tired to
Indicate the start The Patrick Henry was
towed to sea but the plucky little Homer shook
out her canvass at tbo start and sailing down
the buy passed her big competitor before
btaten Island was left astern and hud aiued
a lead of live miles before reaching bandy
Hook That was the lost report from them
during thooventful cruise The weather prov
ed unusually tempestuous which was of
courbo to the advantage of the larger vehsel
Alter tno departure 01 ino iiomor mo curios
ity us to her mission continued nnd eclipsed
tlio interest in tho race In tho discussion of
the purpose of tho mysterious voyage It tran
spired la a few davs that no despatches hud
been sent from V ushiiigton In her the British
Consul did not charter the boat the lovern
ment messengers alleged to have sailed in her
returned to Washington and her passenger
Hot wus narrowed down to u man in a gliued
cup nnd box coat who was THE buss ship
news collector
The Patrick Henry arrived nt 230 P M
March 2 ufter a passage of twentyone days
reporting exceedingly rough vvouthor through I I
out Tho Itomer urrlvod on the evening of tho
following day being beaten only by about
twentylour hours by hor big competitor Dur
ing hor voyage she was compelled to lie to for
eleven days because of the vlolcncn uf the
weather With more moderate weather It is
manifest that she would have scooped the
Patrick Henry bitdly iho Cork tniuuter In
noting her arrival mentioned the fuel thut
she brought ono puhsonger who has proceed
ed via Dublin for Liverpool She wus also
visited asshe lay nt unchor In tho Coo of
Cork with the American Hug Hying proudly
over her by un olilcor in full uniform train u
British naval vessel uswurotnoyuchtsCoronct
and Uuuntless on their nrrivuf in the xiiine
harbor But tho mission of the British ofllcer
to tho Itomer was somowhut dimlent from
that paid tho more rocent v isltors Tho Cork
reporter related tho visit of tho officer to tho
Homer us follows
011 her arrival In Cove Harbor with the American lint
flyinir at tho mftsttie n Lieutenant of II VI 1 b Van
iluar 1 wns lit spati bed by order as va understand of
tun Adrulrilt I to ruiulro that t tliu Han should I beat nine
takeiidiiwn fho i aplam of the 11 1 Itnmer rreilved
Uiu llrUUli iillirir Wllh much loartesi nlnl lilmdown
to th i iMn I and havini il been mail 0 auU tinted vith
tlio object of his vltlt thu American s repy vtaleharac I
so lone as I have an arm to pull a trlirier no man
shall daro 1041 11 Hint llaif
Tills I prompt reply I puled I the llrlliher not a litllc
Ho re turned u > bin 1 ililp for further onle r an 1 in 1 hurt
limit 1 i tine back ti llie American olllicrnlin an ami IH
ap iouy 1 to tluteiUct that si elm I the vmelsoMinl I li his I
cunmuinilirili t not think fclicnasan vuurlcanvefsel
unit Hull tlm Hat ir that nation I hid l been Ukeil uUlluut
f liI rm
authority And withe inatui etuled
Thus do tho reprcmeutiitlvos cif THE SON
Htniul by llielr culorH wliereviir they iiiiy be
and whttover tho odds may appear to be
un Mutch 12 THE HUNS mossonrer rotttrnnd
from Liverpool and tho llttlo yacht Inline
tllllloly got under woWi IInl her return voyage
hint arrived liome on the morning of April U
following beating evciytiling bringing ilm
latest news which was of tlie utmost iniereht
uud Imponiineii und wus iniiiu dlittedy given to
tlm public in un CM la edition of jUt HUN
But THE HUN while Inking some ptiIe In
thut curly Mroku of < > morptio doon not claim
thut even thut w UK thu origin of tuittsatlantlc
cruising in craft of small size A few yeuis
previous to Hint event the customs authorities
ut this port loiuid It ins essary to Hend un ox
press pilot bout lo Livrriiool in pinult of
smugglers thus dcmonstiatlng tlie nblili of
suchcinll tociohs till oumn In the lacu of
sncb iicliluvenientri thoioof till CUllluul and
iMuntluSH 01 tin lleetwing IMII and Hen
rietta lose mm h ol tlieli lieirolniii IXCUIHU of
their greater hie Heu istho tiimiugu til ull
thoboverul voshelK
WJ Homer tTUK hiss yacht w tons
Vesta 1 2ni lonu
llriirl ti inioiiH
t1oot1II1 I tllll
iiroiut isDtuns
Pauntleu JMtmu
KurliiB In Kimlnnd
LONDON Miirchil rhe Noithumptonsiirlng
race mrdlnif opened to day Iarl I bjivmtrii Ilatianl
tlm Althorp Iuk Mnko were lht < ITliii lial ritiin t Th
race fur rarl pflK vr s IMute or i > iKitiotrtiiiiH a Immll
cap I for tlirtt year olds and upward llu liirli > HK wan
won by a In ad by liarun d 1 llir ck Hireiyiar
blown Illlr iiiiadlaua II Unity iln year old vrn
inarr Ifliiiluru KM n I tlino Itiiiiili In rrunt of Im
pulddr IulhMliill llil IlilTivuir MIII rl luy Illly MKtotliit
In tho rait for Hie Altnorp lark Maken uf Hi wit
triitflisiaih for two year olds lUit furlongs I the I lJukit
cjlj rJ1 rIWciI dI
ot lorilundmia I Kfldiuit huliptirr voiibyuhead J A
raven surown LOU Ihe Vtiimmer piumd and J Kyan s
i lu unut inly Uly bud a li id I turd
llHcluB Ml > ew Orlcuni
Nfvv UiiiKA > hJiaich Who truck wuh In
KmMUondlliou Klrt ItairIlKht ntlter iluhi fir
luatrn hornps rllluK live and a liaif furloiu < 1ivliui
HOII by knjlli Janbert ucunl inu Irmrtlii alien I of
Mmoon 1 tlilrd Tlmi I 11
htcmid Itaie stlllm > U i rhiP lilmirr unn by a
Irntfth iieiural Irlte i uud ono Unitth ahead of UlUy
tjuitli third Time I TIt
third Kaiefur flJ for beaten horses uu pounds
each sex allowance Jlu furlnnir Linda Yiynr won
by ihree i lengths Illbernia > ei t thren IcuKllu la fruut
1 Tun o ttliauter lttrctlll lime I 04 fle
The rhlUdelphlst Clan Defeat Chariest
bnt h nurd riiht for It
ST Lotus March 29 Baso ball cranks
hereabouts are wondering what In to bo dona
In regard to Sunday games hero the coming
Beaton Two years ago tlio Legislature pn wsd
what Is known us tho Downing law prohibit
ing tho sale of any article or the performance
of any labor not absolutely necessary on tiun
day A lively time was had In trying to en
force tho law which culminated In tho discov
ery of n law passed In 1857 grunting to BU
Louis special privileges In the matter ot sell
ing refreshments on Sunday
Under this law the courts decided that tho
Downing law did not affect Ht Louis At tho
session ot tho Legislature just closed n law was
pabsod repealing the law of 1H57 It wag taken
for granted that the Oovernor would veto the
repeal bill but to tho surprise of most people
hu bus approved It llie repeal leaves tho
Downing law In full force all over tliu Htato
Thu uv Is Intended principally far tho closing
of saloons but tho saloon men say they will In
sist ou u complete enforcement closing up
This vvmrtes tho bull players nnd hall lovers
iks Sunday games hero nlway draw immense
crowds As yet no action has been taken and
Mr Von Der Aho cays ho will think the subject
over vory thoroughly nnd take legal ail v Ico
boforo milking up Ins mind Tlio law does not
take effect until Juno It Meantime Mr Von
Der Ahotlilnkssomovvnyvvlll bo found to pro
vent tho stoppage nf tlm sport Ho does not
speak po itlvely hut Is strongly ot the opinion
that tho law does not and cannot bo mado to
apply to tho ball field He thinks tho experi
ence of Cincinnati w hero there Is a strict Sun
day law ami tin failure to enforce It against
bull giitms will bo repeated hoi a
Should thu authorities enforce the law and
drive the base ball folks to extremes It will be
n simple matter to cross the big bridge and
play their games In Kast Ht Louis 111 In
fact splendid grounds can lie hud over tho
river that would not bo as fur from tho centra
of St Louis as aro tho grounds on Grand ave
nue However all this is mere speculation as
thero Is plenty of time for developments thut
may obvl tto the necessity of any action
CHARLESTON March 29 The third and latt
game nf the series between the Philadelphia
und Charleston i lubs was played this afternoon
In tho ptcsence of a largo crowd despite tho
wintry weather Tho visitors had heretofore
walked aw ay vv tth the locals but this afternoon
tho luck changed nnd tho visitors woro held
down pretty well Charleston put up two bat
teries and Philadelphia throe At tho third
Inning tho score wsl to 3 For the next three
innings tho visitors failed to reach llrst base
once but toward tho rlosotho locals cot rat
tled although they batted well and lost the
game lu the eighth Inning when tho visitors
got In two runs oa an error The playing on
both sides wns very lino Tho scoro
it Is rot I i k tjroi I
MctatiKn Sdb o J n 1 o Woods lf n o 1 n o
Illnm r r 1 1 J o 0 Andr mctlJ4OO
lrad > tlorlcrcl 1 1 J oMuheyadb 000 n 1
1oueHlstb J JIJ o 1 Voirarty r f 1 1 0 1 o
Illenn If I 2 a 1 1 MeiaruiyJdb I 2 2 I o
VV Illlamn Jd b 0101 1 Irwln s 11221
Par i ii o j 2 2 OiFarrarlrtb J 1 H o o
Drouby c f o o o o o Devlin n o I 2 J 1
Tay rr rtyep 1 S 0 O 1 bibson c 0 0 Hju 1
Totals 5i4J4t > 4 TotaU 0 R2711 4
Include the records of VVey lilng and Tltcomb pitchers
Clements and Melting catcher i
Charlcnton 0 0 3 O O 0 1 1 O8
Philadelphia 0 1 J 1 O 1 O 2 B
fcirned Hun 1hltadelnhlB 2 Charleston 1 Two
bane hits Philadelphia U Charleston 1 Total base
hits Philadelphia il Charleston 14 Left on base
1 hltadelphia J Charleston u liases stolen Phlladel
phla 1 Charleston 4 Struct out By Ihlladtlphla 5 by
harlenton 1 ir t base on balls Philadelphia I
Charleston il Hit by rllcher By Taj lor 1 Wild
pitchesPhiladelphia O Charleston 2 rawed halls
Philadelphia 4 Charleston i Muffed diesCharleston
1 Time of game hours Umpire Bimonln
Tho Detrolts will arrive hero tomorrow nnd
play three games tho Phlladelphlans going
Korth Manager Watklns of thoDotrotts was
so well pleased with New Orleans that ho an
nounced his intention to cancel all his other
dates and remain there until the Lcuguo sea
son began Charleston and Savannah how
ever threatened suits und Watklns reluctantly
gave up his intention
The Washington Club has twenty onr men on lt roll
It Is a lonptim since the II mum Club had such natter
lag prospects as It has at present
Lfary Bojrlc Vlappes hlrliy and Quinn have slirned
contracts with the iiidlanapoirs Club
Paul Itadford has Joined Ihe Metropolitan players In
Wood s gymnasium and Is doing well
The Jersey Cltv < lub this season will be made up nf
odds and ends They aro all good iaj ers notwithstand
Reader The Chicago Club won the League champion
ship six times Itoeton won It three times and 1rovl
dcnco twice
vianaKingr Director Watrous has a standing oner Af a
suit of tlothes to any player of the vietronolttan Club
whn has a batting at erage uf ov er JOO at the end of tbe
The Jiew York players who will take part In the club a
opening game with the Jaspers at the Iolo grounds on
trldayare Mattlmore pitcher Cuff catcher I onnor
nrst base Herhardt second base VVard sliort stop
Kichardnon third base Dorgan right Held Oore centra
Held ulllesplc left Held
The Sew orks w 111 hav K quite a striking uniform this
re iHin It will consist of a maroon and blaek striped
shirt and cap while knee breeches and maroon stock
fm With a uniform like thlt they may have some
clHlm to be railed the viaroons Their practice uniforms
will bu snuIT brow n w 1th maroon trimmings
Tbe nilver Reception or the Fortyseventh
Tho Fortyseventh Regiment celebrated tho
twenty fifth anniversary of Its organization last night at
the armory in Marcy av enue and Lynch street Hrook
lyn There WAS a review by lien Jesse C Smith the
llrst commander of the old Eleventh Brigade followed
by the presentation of long servlco medals by the Bev
Pr Vlaynard tho chaplain Those who had served
twenty tve years rectiVrd a diamond medal twenty
years u ifnld medal nftcenyeurs n Filter medal and ten
years a I rone medal the llev Pr VUuiunl hlmielf
it K imdul having bftn chaplain more than ten years
f 10 got diamond medal are ipt Alfred A
N C J Quartermaster wergeant I has 11 Kldgway
ompauyK Private An irew v Wlnckler ompany r
Hftceii persons gut slher medals an < l seven six got
bronre medals A reception and dancing followed the
The mum feature of the medal Is an Iron cross with
the figures M7 it the intersection of the bars Behind
the croHH IK a Kuntuir t w lile h Is of 11 pper tor ten v t ars
service uf fellvt r for fifteen years unit of gold for twenty
years I or twenty live yvari thu H urcs aro get India
Nnordsnmn Senne Wytifs bl ItevcnEe
Ilegls Senuc who loit tho fencing champion
ship in his match on viondavnight with young Louis
Tronchet of Iarls has challe nrd that expert to another
match to get hU rev en e vi Senac mines tbe same
cnntlltlonsas on viondutno a aults w Ith foils and one
with duellingBUoril but sllpiilites that thu encointer
stiall tiike pi no on a platfoiiv twelve feet siitiare so that
neMier m in tan irtriit It waminiiiiBbli lu Mondaif s
in iteh that rrtnuliet ciuitlantlv ntrcaid Uloruscnac s
attaint mid onco inrnid I Is 1 ick Uion him in retreat
ing M sen 10 ilulnrfM ttint tr it sMordMiifii do nut re
trritaud sjiys Hi it ir 111 turtud IN biek lie would
I rubalil bn run lltro inh with tit rapier and killed M
hi nan wnnta to Dtiit lu > > i > jc i t l HUorilnmiiiil i In a
gc ulniMlitel liu w II wner Jiiothr cn llnt Mci in
ilrfnu 1 rum hcl uu I he In Ulliiu lu lelieo n llhln a week
if from in t t t iplh
en in ajn e in to In n foot tiller tlian Tronctiet nnd
COIIHI tint my liai le intieli lo IM r n tell If rrnnchet
hud nut room Cur re tn itwlen hs lorn r armud OPJMH
nent lunired for him he would t > c heaUiy hundUapjicf
Iculs KniKk Out Vlltlnms
WiiKhsntuni Mutch 21 At uu oarlyhour
this mot nliur lolin W illlii us and tohn Luvvis IM o noted
ilnl > it llilH rlj fnulit nn elirliti in round prlro
fitlit f luimliirrv rules lite Hunt took
pt lei ill inu i Hi 11 in tliu suburbs of Ihtt city anil uas
lor 110111 Md1 11 tl c chair of lujirne euiinl
lioth men si i MedKrcit iifiiiknnl consl lerable rklll
In the itrhtc < t tb round culnvvuN iledarnl thu win
in r his upnu u it beliu unable tu cuino to time llolh
men Heiu turrtbly punlihcd
NiiUlile of ii Piumlnrnl Mnn
CLINTON N Mnich 21Vllllam B Hart
Ictt one of the beilknonn rerldenisot this town com
milled sulddi by hanging in hi birn Ihlsaflernoon
His mind had lie in nflii lid fur a hi igtlmc He wasimo
of Uu foimlcrMof ihttltime and Illlliill Itallroa I and
In rn iiUin liui Hi w is re thl lit ur tlm New
llarironl iitiun 1 iniirue luring i mpany ami u dln lor
nf lln > I llcnl it Hunk Hi nas atuno IIIIIF I r > Mdi nt
if tlu < Ilinter ivirlinl Ukpl i oinpiin Uu wts
onoof tlieKepubllein IrtKMfiitlul elteursln <
Kllll u > with w lleursr
A vw Vrik nt hi lTii > rerrdrnlc < rtiih
Tho umrurt ul HIM I UucM Hiimv ou tnnli
llllnl MiuJUuii Mjuiu nanh n ullli 4 nifrr > u < uiviiiir
ami ftpiiniu iitultitiih Id n wli Di liltlo i < ii
nifiit < > r fi nuj intuit ri < k m tit i iiih intu lu
tul Kt iii t in t tin n t ri i tut aixi ilu l u nf ii ton
l > r th KiiitiiM u run Hi ml JufUrM i u i
thuuiiiiir vCliiM ih a hii i i i Miiii
tlirrt liKtfri Ii i if i MU < t il in lia iirin of tli
l nlum iml t initial h ir t i tin i h < r Ihrre w r
inuny < luiui H lu iht ilu iliu rrfornmutii lu tl
Ilirtv urtlia titul nn iti rltairU lUrff
Iliimlnv lliccoiis
The llroolini lloiiilng Ilgeoti Club will fly
old pltvons from llu folloHlnir placisthlsstason May
I Iliitilrntiiun IU milts VUlinliiKlon Un lay H HU
liillrs Illiu vidVlavlt Hu ml e VVasliliiiftun May
ifci inius uraturu l uurt lluui a viny 1 j
miles l iuiibnrir Va June JsT milis Vbin ion Va
Juno 11 un milrs
Npordntf alrv
A iifw colored wrrctler Flllult I dw arils it Omaha
wants tu wrestle as good a man as buries viutb
Irarl Jenniius who broke lu r leg lnt tull Is expected
to run again rilie Is nuw running tu a paddock lu iti
lugluu ami goes soimii
Boeked In nnrlem Anvr kU Pcrlloat Jer
ey Conn Vnyiwrei
Im loadlns ship said Capt JPaul Boy
ton to n 8u < reporter yestorday afternoon as
ho dug hi Kpoon Into a plato ot chowder at tho
Hotel Hamilton bar Havent hat anything
toont today but four crnckers nnd five eontV
worth of applo Yot I look as If I hnd n good
appetite dont I
And Indeed as tho bronzed Captain shook
his 180 pounds avoirdupois ho looked as If ho
could stow his full flhuro ot tho rations and
perhaps more
Havent had tlmo to change mv clotheV
eald ho apologizing for his blue flannel shirt
JuM got In
9 On being u ked about hi adventure of Sun
day lioeald
The pilot boat Tnnnlo put mo Into tho
witoron Saturday morning sonuwliiTO oppo
site Capo May and I struck out for Jersey
Everything wit all rUht until Humlay wlion n
west wind onmo up nnd Iho seas wero simply
fearful I soon caw I had to get ft lift ordli
BO 1 hung out slgnali Them wero lots of
schooners about but I couldnt niiikn them
POO me It wns anything but jolly drifting
round in tliow FOUH A down limes iipehoonor
would eomo Into hailing dlstuiu e but couldnt
or wouldnt see me 1 shot a rocket clcnn over
the bows of one of them but him iiuletly
changed hor tack and off Him went When Id
pee u vessel putting right to mo I e int tell you
howpood 1 felt but when shed turn off on
another tuck It made a fellow feel well lone
some1 At last tho liivvronce came along Hho
cnmo within 200 yards of mo liofote cho mndn
inu out lion I saw her shorten sull then I
knew It was all right The flag I waved with
the Union down did the business I only had
a pint of wulor and four crackers left then
I mmlo a honiatlon on board tho Iuw rencn
Tho passengers were nil soiHek but they for
t thnt when I got aboard Itiess thoy
R lought tho Captain had cuuglit tho sen
Capt Boy ton Is going to navigate tho Hud
win from Albany tu this city us soou as tho Ico
Reeent Concrrts
Tho scrips ot evenluir tioiittlar concerts nt
the Motropoll in Opera House was brought to
n close last nlghtvvlthuBocthovon programme
Thomass orchestra under tho direction of Its
loader played tho tgmont overture tho
Erolca and tho septet Tho overture
was played with duo dramatic variety of ex
pression nnd tho symphony with tho perfect
balance of forces clearness of phrasing nnd
beauty of tone agreeable to Its elastic beauty
Tho septet sounded as though played by only
povon musicians with Instruments wonderfully
rich lu tone so perfectly In unison were tho
players in tho bovon groups to which tho num
ber for which the work was written hud boon
augmented Mr Whitney Hung with his wonted
artistic success a selection from the Ruins ot
Athens nnd tho ariotto InUuosta Tombu
On Monday night a testimonial concert was
tendered to Miss Hortenso Hlbhard ntChlckor
ing Hall Miss Hlbbard N a pianist who has
been well taught and through her excellent
technique and poetry of focllng cannot fall to
glvoinauuliflod pleasure In pieces like liubin
stoltrs llomancoand tho Hplnnlled from
tho Flying Dutchman arranged by Liszt
which were nor happiest efforts on tho ocffa
slon under consideration Hho was assisted
by Mrs F 0 Ilovvman Miss Foresmnn Miss
Uohrens and tho Messrs Jameson nnd Ulosc
Mmo Dory Burmclstorlotorscn who played
nt last weeks Thomas popular matinee gives
this ovonlng tho lust of two piano recitals at
Htelnway Hull tho first of w hlch she guv e on
Saturday night last Her programmes aro bo
yond her abilities which aro fully oiiual to
salon pieces but inadequate to do justice to
such works us lleothoveu s A flat major sonata
Opus 26 and Ilncha D minor Toccata und
It Attack the trop of Hontheaatern
NEW ORLEANS March 29 Considerable
damage to tho potato crop is reported from La
Fourcho St Bernard Plaquemincs und other
parishes of southern Louisiana from a disease
hitherto unknown here which is called tho
blightby the farmers Tho potato crop has
lately grown to bo an item of Importance In
this section it being one of tbe most profitable
cultivated Tho grout bulk of tho crop Is
shipped north and east to tbo Chicago and
New York markets to supply tho demand for
early potatoes Tho disease was first noticed
only u few days ago when It was found that
many of the potatoes had rotted in tho ground
and were soggy and otherwise Inferior Tho
blight seems to bo unevenly distributed pro
vailing badly in somo Holds vvblle n tow loot
off tho potatoes aro wholly unaffected by it
Its extent is altogether unknown nnd can
not bo determined until the entire crop Is
It cannot be attributed to tho cold weather
or wet land but is connected by tho farmers in
some vvny with the use of fertilizers Somo
think it Is tho same blight which proved so
destructive to the potato crop of Ireland It
appears to bo limited entirely to a portion of
southeastern Louisiana
Be Kllll a Whole Family Ilecnuse They
Discredited Ills Power
MACON On March 29 Six out of tho
eleven persons who woro poisoned by tho
voodoo doctor Homier In lluldwln county aro
now dead und thu live living will die tills week
Tho sixth death was thnt of the father John
Harris Ho openly expressed doubt as to the
powers possessed by tho voodoo whereupon
tho latter prophesied thnt for this want of
faith not one of the Harrises should live tho
month through Tho meal with which the
bre ikfast was mado a fow mornings later vv is
evidently poisoned for it prostrated tho entire
family Three members died thnt day und one
during the night so that four personb wero
burled ut once Tho mother died as soon us
tho funeral was over followed by another of
the children
The father John Harris on recovering from
tho llrst < ITeetsof tho pnlinn was Insane and
w us confine din the hospital vv hern ho died lu < t
nluht Thu remaining children uio reported its
at the point of death
It Xante tii And > tlust I IUe the Court
Police Justice White sat liolilnd his big desk
In Ihe Harlem Police Court lho other morning irilnff
sorrowfuly at 1 vidimus oil Irl h womnn who was
pravlue for permission to tako all the oaths ever Invent
ed that she was nut drunk that she did not bltc the fn
liceman and i nil him bad names thnt it did not take
four men nnd a pi rhe art toconvi lirrto thosatlon
and that she was atierfect Inly evir 1m h of her
An bi ilil s v e r Hi nor tn iv tin h av en lu y er bed
Ol hrv n little he wlut wamn fer his lrr lUinl as
well asHnouldmiin wld wblski rs lifter nyoiirn
Its lln old old < tfi Mhcdhli lloiiur ucrl f
strleken fire si bliinir u llie b tin w i wluts tlio
bab s namnl Tien In an uMilu Units ihewn I
rali h cm mark thu Invitation
Hut the was no htnltatlun lo mirk fi r the prhoncr
bliirti d out In H hurr >
liuAnih tbir pimn ss yer HonorK ind mm ho
taken ifilur his feather lie II ham whiskers lull y er
Honor too
ou arc dlsrharccd sal 1 the Juttlee as he tenderly
earthed hU 1 jxuriunt shh be ird
OConnrH UruiiiUuu to Ilr Mnrlnrly
DiRllTXtM AIIBKV VllfKl il II Knniv I
IIHUMI vi j rili lo K47
IIKV AND DIHII Silt I liavo to thank you for
sendintr mt the m wnpiper vriif 1 Vjiir r wltli I allur
0 Itlodan K letter to you and fur your kindness in oler
inn tu receive Mtbicrlpllons fur Ihe utjtit astuwliiili
you wrote Thanks to hithur O Ii ird in to our UMiup
and to uther frleiiili Ialhulln and rroefiinnt a sum s if
ill lit locii iblt nn < to s tiirt a tfr id r i in of llu fiirnl
tun Vi bus bi en nil u Itd ill llu I Ilitid MilkI Ml lull
to put inu in it po i ion 11 save the plm i nn I emuuim to
llviberi a miiili lirirer IIIIIIMIIII would t n i iry
anlf r I his I must loi Li bit II in nil i ti un m Mm ri < i
1 trnt y imr kimliii M m 11 Inu or < uli r frltiiN Im liav e
laki n iii ilu in liter there may lu mu iMrm in prucur
Imrulai I ill
phoiiilyou ii aiiv lime rcUlt il i Kltul iiiuf Kir
r Mill amslllliiri I In t vmi wll I imr 1111 lib n
vl ii nnd pi rinlt nn M Inn In pl > < ure nr tiiiikiuK
yon In pers Ml llnlevime It v It ir ir viry him rimy
yours Ii ii o vti i f Hurryuauo
Kei Pr vlniiuifirt
mi I Ilitllile
A It il T MI < i > II
The COM of uu ordinary glutsof whiskey
shouted an lururlutrd letupirame leiturcr is but a
trlileuicr onii cent and yet you ir Into iatomm an I do
Ilutriielrpiy Icn for lluvih and terrible slut VUiat
ran be dnnu tu s op ih s aw fill rv II t
Cumprl the ietritium in PUMU I iw Mulnit the iirico
at live eliuuleil u liullKiwni liteiiir iicir tlicilor
Ueceiillon lu Will hllnmn
A complimentary re < eptlon will Im given to
yir Walt Whitman by his New urk Iriendsuifrii irsdiy
afierniKiu April H si the > quaro
ITB trirr Tttr TO WRIT TWR ncoi
Who Will np Knnnil r Deftnil thr Amtr
Inii iit > r thr Htidrlv > li fli > ntr
n Vt lltiictl > rm of the < h itlcttce
Iho clmlleiw of tho bonmy oolch cutlet
ThlslloliAMbeiil u < copied by tho American Cn
Commltteonnd vaelitsmen havobeguntovvon
dar If somo wealthy ami ambllloUAHportsmnE
of tho hitherto Invincible Yankee nation wll
build a big Ioop to wallop tho powerful
Scotchman An tmprowlnn prevails nrouni
tho New Vork Yiulit Cluji that a now boat will
have to bo built If the Mnyllnvv or goes across t <
Ball iiKalnst tho Arrow for Iho Queens Cup
Gen 1nlno Is reported as suing that whothel
or not the Mnjllowir will go depends on Mr
Chambeilavne tlioounur if tho Arrow It tin
rundltlons on whkh ho PU > K ho will accept th
MavilowerH challenge inu leimoiiuble and dc
not oNoliulo the uso of the eentroboard tin
proud sloop will mil for Kurnpo this spring
This Is the lot Im that Secretary William York
of tho Hoval Clvdo acht Club sent to Heero
tary luU of the Xew iork Yacht Club and
vslilch wanrotHldeiod jentoiday at n mootlnit
of the follow Ing members nf tlm Amerloii Cup
CoinmltltHi JAlonitiiodoro liuniM 1 Smith
G D llulclit lllhin KtebsandMtoCoiumo
doro Chin Its Halglit
llefniring to our eorro pondenco of lost
AiiKiisll have now on behalf of tho Itojnl
lilo aeht Cltiband In the namoof Mr Jiimes
Dell the icoom modore of fiiil elub to claim
the light of xulllima innteli for tho America
cup with thu jucht Tlilstlo agaiimt an unc
> aeht or vct l lonsirutted In tho United
Hlutenof Ainerldi und I iiicordlnglt give yoi
formal notli nuf hullenge und niiino the fount
diiyot Kloberfor the comtneiiccmenl of th
Tho Thistle has been constructed on th
Cltde She Is cutter tigged and Ixr measure
niantx per tho cncloMed renilled Illclul tran
Hcrlnt from thu Custom House register are M
length orer all IM terl
W aer lint length to feet
Beiim jo Jloft
Pipth H I feet
1 n Jpr timnikP I no U7 r
I bend alson statement of hordlmonslonsb
Mr II L itison her designer giving nl
though not reiiulied by thu forinalttlos of th
deed of gift the length on tlm loadvvntor lino
1 have already sent joti evidence of Mr
Kelt s authority to reiuisent our club In this
challenge lint In order that you may have
herewith all the necessary documents I send
certified extracts from tin minutes of the com V
mittee meeting uuthorllng the challenge nnd
of u general meeting of the club conllrniingthc I
same A INt of the documents sent Is annexed
1 need hurdlv state that our club Is un or
guniod lloynl laclit Club holding an Admi
ralty wurrantwlth all thu privileges thereto be
longing und that ilsunnunl regattas aro held
on tin tirthof Cljde un arm of the sou prao
tliublefor vessels of any lunnugo Huvingentn
piled with the formalities of the deed of gift II
may wivu time and shorten our eorrespondene
gudlng details nf nice to Inform you that
Si r Hell Is prepared to accoptwlth some slight
modifications the nriungemcnts of theOenosto
nnd ialatea matches as proposed In the lottei
from the lain Noeretary of your club to Mr
UcuvorWohb dated Man h 10 1KS5 I shall
now take up seriatim these arrangements ur > s
printed on pages and Id in tho report of youl hil
committee ot urrangoiuonttt In relation to th lll
above mutches noting tho modifications pro il
Dates nf the Races net 4 0 and a
Number of liarcs The challenger Is prepared to aa
cept the condltlms tinder this heading but strongly
urges that In order to eliminate as far as maybe th
element of ctmnce the content should bo decided bytht
best of nv e trials tlu > iddltlimal day s tu be uct 10 and I J
I oiirses and Length of courses rbo courses sailed In
the llalnleu match w III be accepted
Time of > laking Haceji Vlpasiirement and Time Allow
ance and KeprLsentutlvp of New York acht Club Th
coiutitlons under thebo three headings wlu aUo be ao
Mr Bell will also accept Mr George Ij
Bchuylerastho umpire whoso decision shall
be llnil on all fiuestlons which may arise und
upon uny details In the arrangements of the
race rciinlring adjustment
I now btatc homo additional nrrungcmnntf
which are thought necessary The llrst Is B
point w hieh the challenger considers most Im
portant viz Thut two patrol steamers one
for eicli of thu competing yachts should be
employed to keep tho couro perfeetly clcui
during the race und so a void tho risk of the
rnco bi lug obstructed byuccompanylngstcam
ers and cruising yachts Each of the patrol
steitmers would bo under tho control of the
competitor it represented nnd have arenre
Fcntatlvo of tho opposing vacht on board 1
trust thut this proposal will meet with youl
There Is a second addition to tho arrange
ments w hie h Mr Dull suggests and hopes will
also bo accepted It is simply un extension ol
your proviso under the bonding of Itepresen
tativo of th < iork Yacht Club1 on page 1C
of the printed report boforo referred to and It
us follows
That In the event of an accident happening tn either
of the competitors trevtnus to the start she Is to haT
sutticient lime givtntohcr to effect repairs Further
that bhotild a firlous accident happen during a rac
that mcr not being a rinal one fair and reasonable tlm
shall be glv en to either yacht toenect repairs before she
shallbeiallid upon to race again t e tbe tlnal raceor
races shall not beheld to hue been lost bydefiult
through the Injured competitor not being in a position
to nppcar on tbe agreed on dntrs
An Vr Uojd IhKiilxrepresentedyourclubatthe re
cent contest the chi Irnger will be g ad If Mr Iliontx
IK app < luted and consents to aet In the same capacity
aboard the flimls
vi av I niL Ihe favor of a cable acknowledgment of
tills challenge on the day of receipt If possible loun
faithfully WILIUX YOKK
The committee sent n letter to Keorotarj
iork politely refusing to chungn the numbei
Itluee of raees nt > live vvnuld not bo In accord
ance with tho deed of gift of tho cup The
committee vvrolo thut they were of tho opinion
that p ttrol steamer to keep tho course clear
would be unnicossury All thu other sugges
tions in Mr Yorks letter wero considered fa
Couldnt Gel Poiieuton or the Body
You wi ro drunk lwt Inno you to wiy and
dont tlcii It vatdJuKtlco Vcldu all In one breath 3 es
terday mornin U u an hi the Harlem 1oUce Co art aud
the ACI iu > vd uu a coil blatk nesro
Uo not foile truiHl Iiu < l A niwrer wanted ter pit
re > ente anbegan u tuuxtln widme annil I said war
ter keep erun > s er brat k pvininun nn don t y r fturb
me1 Hui Iwur r > ste < l uu dattiull fi > dul uud
Ten ilolUre i4ni
A MR ut irro lMiJtit ImrK hi tlie court with biff wonder
filled irit fHfituctl on IH llnnurit fuce during tlie whol <
CrocettlliiKi Hu uuHtlll Pittlnir t la re after tho Juntlc
ad KDIK h it J i > t > u want nsktU i lerlc rrerl r <
Then he Mml > moid uti to the liar and d ran lug a i
raifctd iottill fn in 111 pot kot mid f
Kin I ui Kit po netifton nil do h > < ty obde gcmmn what
wnr tint J 1 > for nitin uM hid lion > r t I
Saw Mid Mr t reMer h s half way up to thi I
Inland now i cm in ihcr nmrnliiK r
Ment to lull for T Mttjseven Robberies
Albert J beanlon nged Hi and Charles
Bran It aecdJl vero arristcdon March 7 for a ucak
rout iy lominlttcdltitlu house of M J Vaunhan IOH
Last uikt street Mtieo then Inspector Oyrnri staff
hiistuin kept n tty buiy culleetlncf ompiwn hop
throughout Hie ijty pi itider which the fellows stold
fromilat IIOUMs whtehllicy tnteredhy means of false
keii sranl m w ho si i ma to have just started out on >
e itevri I irinu turned informer on I rindt who had
alr < id K rv ed a ti rm of imprlnutmie nt In Tn nton
lUwerjiItci iritnl viarih 7 the pair robbed twenty
seven h MuH tin I stulf propcrtv valiud at l7nK In
in mv othei iiliUH tbev were iriKhiHud away before
HIM h id HI I am i tuKtiat I
In II n iu i > UIIH vnterdti both pleaded iratlty J
Hriinit wnsriiieiueiiioiiiii hin fur scteo years uA > r < J
enululi for live yiurs v J
Gut Ilriink iinil Iosl he llorM
lliiiry Iloinl of Iivliuton on tho Hndsoa
boiijit a ti mi of hows at I oimliKrennlo for Mrs J N
Dink r r IriliiHHi lie lirmiKlil the in by steamboat to
thi iiiv on Unniiv Whin tie Mas fonnddrunk that
iiirlit lit iiiilni HI d that bu had put the horses in a ilvrrr
n ill Ih iiinhl nut riineinbir where thuliverj stabli
wan < lirili > and uasriinanded at Jeiiersou ilarkel
Tin Nile fur a ev Ciilhullc Church
Anliblshop Corrlgan has bought aplecoof
pruerly n xia > on tho south slde > of i < eveiily first
strut wist nf Miiih iivinue from i arn Ine VI Hoyca V
lor i oil On II Illli bulit llu liurili of Ihu Illtssed A
niriiucut of wlikli ma ltv raihtr Taylor will b
Thttniv yard aitthorliiis arc lonfldint that one of the
fli Honi rulum ill In bill at the liimilljn > ard
The Hi v l h irt II l h ipm nf r rt i port I I hu e
rppt I a i ill lu tho i uaiiiiiiU Itiiormtd L Impel la
flu Hi > Ilr It K Mrrilltnnf lloslonhnsairrpted the
ra I in ihe Ti nipUiiH A u nui i iiiuri Dillon ill hurchbut
lie I I not I ulii III lul P In n iiuiil Hpt I
Tin finwil imp Inn to tin Krt Hr irorire P lt d
of Hi Iliiisoii I uu i iliinh lll lulu iilaon at
llu nr ok jn i rniikiin lu ctunnx of April U
i > n ifu I iv n < Hi ilr Hi s t in for Knnlianx ye
Ii ui iiiiiriiin tin m uiu iti inu lualiii with
trim Mruik nn 11 mint iiirini la ullion I irr > anil
r j lainrl In iiMinuri lu n ni iio itduil wlib Ih
Iliu ht ii in ii n i iniiiri
> > w tiwiuvi
Sllllliii r
Jonpi Minimi r mi relurnliu 1 1 his boarding house It
llo d sin 1 1 on die nlubt uf net uil ott iii IS i e
waifiunl nut iniriiin uncunsilous in llie urea IH
WH niiim I lu tin lumiiipathla lluipltaL where II
HMfoillillliKllllaiiMkHuibruLvii Ho r eoveredeu
ri luiiiiri and to iho i
survrliw of the i iu
tallied Itallt until JaiiliilayPilJTt VhnWSleif11 SJ
IIIK hi lunif stay at ibe fiopiiai he cu 1 luli intflll
rentl but lie nullereil with romplete ara lsil llu
limlis Th pln was removed yi ltrda iS 11 u M
retituiea at Uw boiyital Ivt eitmtflc

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