r i yt ti 1 i H fJ M Jf f f b J tt1 r fitr1J 1fr mq f l I I t I h I I I bt tw T < p i I I VOL LIVNO 213 L NEW YORK FRIDAY APRIL 1 1887 PRICK TWO GENTS i THE PRDER AT RAilWAY TOM JBODT Of tHE DEAD GIRT OltCB r awns IDKHIIFIKV < fBrM ck > JnTnr 7 Oraney of Fair pert lately Ber A fl In nronhtm tA Myeterlon Prisoner at Pollee ne dnnnrtere A I Yo n i TVomnnsi ttl e Conduct on awT TrnlaJJeteetlves lu the Dark The Kahway murder mystery aWl baffles p t pollco They wore frank enough t admit last night that they wore an tar from Identity Jt I Ing the dead girl and catching the murderer as J the day tho crime was discovered This wa1 days R All tho lilonoo found with the body ha boon exhausted old clues have been worked out and now ones are hard to fnd By tangling up tho investigation at the start tho police gave the murderer a good chance t vet away Tho reporters have fared no better than the nolloo In solving the mystery but the reporters have ben handicapped since the body was found b7 the polled who have with P held from them facts that ought t > have been made public at once Tho bloodstained pocketknife with which the dead was done was shown yesterday to the reporters for the first time I Is I a twoblnded tortoiseshell knife about 5H Inches long It Is I not bound with stool at tho end and is I a little broader at one end than the otherI has the name Elbon the maker stamped Into the blades The big blade IB made ot Iron and was newly sharpened I had a rough keen edge Tho little blade of the knife was closed When found The knife has peculiarities which arjy one who ever examined I closely would 0 likely to remember Inside the handle of the knife were hulls of oat suggest b ing that the knife may have belonged to i L farm had The knife Is covered with c i blood Italns Whoever out the girls throat must have boon splashed with blood r It has ben suggested that the murderer hav i I ing dropped his victims valise into Milton 1 1 Creek must havo goim down to the waters I edge and waMiod his bloody bands but not tho ellghtost trace uf a blood vtaln can be found i within several rolled of the scone It is pretty oertnln now that tho lr was hit by club and rendered Insensible Tho Im prints of the struggle are apart from wbero the body lay which boars out the theory that the girl while struggling with her Iut was truck and fell or was dragged BOle distance from that point Where tho footprints of the man and girl an mingled there la G depression In the frozen ground mae by the girls knee a fact not before mentioned Hor throat was probably not cut until after the murderer bad presses one side of Tier head Into the ground Then i with bis 9 upon her chest he stabbed her In the loft jaw twice In the chin and drew the Elite across her throat Milton thought by some of the Investigators to b the home of the murderer Iestl might te disappeared i readily enough Into a house in the village and removed all traces of his crime C H Eldrldge of 637 Greene avenue Brook lyn an Ice dealer at 385 Front Street this city toldUndertakor Hyno that a servant namod Marho could not recall her last namehnd quit his service a week ago last Wednesday t ao > to t her uncles house In Elliott place Brook mi Mr Kldridgo looked at the body of the ly Edrdgl dead gill I and oxclalmod I will bo willing to swear that that t Mary wi tat The reporter showed Mr Eldridfro ono of photographs of the Eldrldfo You need not go further he said shes tbe girl who worked for me Ten Mr Eldridge went to the station house and looked at the clothing Tho dress he de 0 clared was the one Mary had worn when she came to h house from Syracuse throe months f ago Mr lildridge went away saying ho would have a detective look up Marys uncle 11 Elliott place Brooklyn and tako his wife to Bahway this morning Identify tho body Mr Eldridge returned last evening to his house l Brooklyn perfectly satlslled in his xnlnd that tbo dead fncoho looked on at Rah way tat that of Mary the girl who left his I employment on the afternoon of March 23 He I told his wife that there VB no bop that Mary would ever return t cldiiu the trunk which she left behind and which Mrs El dridgo expected her to send for A reporter porter of THE SUN was at the house for an hour last night Ono of Inspector Byrness men had just Jeft after making arrangements 1 to Mr Eldridge his daughter and accompany daugbtr I t T Welch his superintendent back t Rah way this morning Mr Welch from his fre quent vlsila to Mr Eldrldges house became I weU acquainted with the girl and bolioves that BC ho would have no difficulty In Identifying the body If it is hers Mr Eldridge is in too del I icate health to make the trying trip Sho made this statement about tho missing girl Mary came to us from oyracuse on Jan 7 I have heard her other name but I have for gotten lea was something like Graney She fWI u very strange and a remarkably quiet girl She was very attentive to her duties around the house and scarcely over went out ixcopt to attend nt Ambroses Church a few locks away During the nine or ton weeks ho was with Durnl made no acquaint aces so far as I know She seemed nes dissatisfied with her lot ever S nco dlntsfod to live with us and 110 frequently gave me tho Impression that lO lrquenty ho had some trouble on hor mind Whatever ut was she kept it to herself and she seldom spoke on any subject except in reply to qutS I tions nuked her It was only with the utmost persuasion on my part and that of my husband that we managed to Induce her to remain with us even the few short months she did She ap poured to b suffering from constant home sickness suternl visits she made were to her uncles house somewhere er 1 In South Elliott place tho name or number I dont know From some remarks she lot fall 1 Hhould judge that her niielo was til very good clixtiinHtancfB and that sho real ized her position in uontmnt to that of hLs fam Ied bhe gave mo tbo idea of a girl who had Iy glvo 10 boon bmuuht up well and through some re f verso of fortune had loon l obliged to go to ser I vice Hho told < mo that she had a brother at resent attending college I understood from r8ent por that shcbad no relatives or friends In New York Brooklyn exct < pt her uncle Mary wa quite neatly dressed when sue Wl nelty took her du Iarturo Uho wore I purplishblue striped clot dress a black jersey cloth jacket and n stylish llttlo dark hat trlmmod with purple velvet and black feather 1 have read anti hoard descriptions of tho clothing of tho P murdered woman at Huh way and I do not rcoulzo any of It lS belonlnl to MLU7 nor do I ronifnibor over seeing any rings on her fingers These facts lead mo to bupposo that J 1 Sir Kllridgo may have mitdo u mistake > When Mrs Eldtldge stopped out of the room o Mr Kldridge sold 1 Ir My wife of course would like to think that 1 < I am mistaken Itt I am iioultivo that Mary is 1 tu > murdered woman or llnliway I would b I iS willing to swelr WOlln t I Tho face thu hair the I mouth the eyes the hands are all tIm same This guI WI1 murord Iam certain for I tiiflOtiYC 1 never BIIW a person so anxious to Jgot away from I place a bhe was from hero tulthougu she wan very epnifcirtubly situated Or SIURto I fland was kindly trend It is very suspicious t i r Hlmt her uncle or Homo relative nas not la t about her before this South Elliott place Is a row of fine brown itone and brick uoufes extending from Do Knlb to Atlantic avenue I dlstanco of live hocks It is occupied almost exclusively Ivo iyate residences and boarding houses of hloh there aro altogether 1W8 lu the street I khe uncle of tho supposed murdered woman ol not come forward today Police Buporln ndent Campbell will make a house to house j arch for him wi I Uyracusodespatch says ° Mary Granoy was e i name the girl gave to Mrs U M Adams I on she applied in December for work at Lo employment agency Tho girl whole gon M i manner und lincy dross liciaus t > o Ion t fual clmrueterlbtlcs of Mr I Adams appll ItS made hor well roniembcrnd said she is a resident of Fujiport a vlllngo on the Falmort w York CVntral Itniiroud near llwlioster nell e seeinad to be educated beyond tho necos V ol going I out to servioo in a family and oke of her proposed employment as u new nurture lo nor while she was waiting for a Inimnent engagement Him taken enl ront tle was tlkon by a e iy In James trpit where arc thn IIOIOPH of r i rich hI and remained doing extra work until Ir the holidays Shu told Mrs Adams she nldhrefol omiiloymonthoic but was finally UIt to accept I pbwe in tho family of ariec drlrtfjo < of Brooklyn who was here thug his parents Bhe rironili > pd to write 8Adams roifardlng hot placu but novoidid Onduotr 4 Vllllora iso who ruuu the train lag Nol York at tl 11 fcrvyt list a young I Oman cams from New York on hU YOUII vht of the trnn murdor She hnd a Uuhwity the hld I kut und acted strangely She sat with hor utek townitj the contie ol thu ear and handed r Ickot rer her shoulder ntlhout turning uiil Miuii tin Iran reached JlahwuvBho I I uiit II gut II aulI ut totector GOI wM to hw il WVi B Ih v aISkCl l If the trnlii wont any further r1 Inlll wOlt I x V tl ltgoos to the iunttlon replied Gee h UIICtQI lenM i xJs I9 hat will do for mo replied the girl jt1tt1i I JOel train reached WOobidIe Junction e v i t 1 I lrlelt the car and started toward flew J I Brunswick St Georges avenue crosses the railroad I few rotl ost of the CrllS an run within 80 feet uf the scene 01 the murder There was great ao tlvity aid lots of mystery In and about Inspector T0 lot at the 1 Puc Central omco during th day and unto 1 ocloek lat night Man people called t the Inspector In the afternoon and even ni ant h nat9 his dinner in Ind private 0111cc after 6i oclock Sergeants Mctangh ha and Blovln and cLlnlh Jin ali at least w dozen do tooto Sergeants IncludIng Detective Sergeant lrnck who has worklna on tho Bahway murder case hutles In I and out the marble building through tho front and back doors after Rotting Instructions from their dor They wore all mysterious and sold they had only dropped In to get their mall The basement door of the Mott mal t on trance through which mysterious prisoners are nnn1ed to tbe coIls rOUI Pr80ne1 cols closed again with a bang many time and the Iron I doors of the cells clanged repeatedly at night Two prisoners woro soon going through tho Ardennans gatetiue MotT street door and the Inspector had a long talk attet one of ta them In his private ofllco Wt When Inspector Byrnes came out of his office rea at 1 20 wIth two of Ws doteotives ho was sur rounded bv renortem I hAn nnnnv 8Ur tlomon he said VThewr IB realfy l notnTw i lelll her11 stirring tonight Good evening And P walked hurrel IP tow with his detectives I was learned that the prisoner ebont whom BO much interest seemed to centre was a stout built man looking like acoantryman and l wore a brown clothes and a slouch hat wor Tho New York police hat yesterday that Detective STinks visit to Bahwny had anything to do with the murdered girl His prisoner was charged with blng 1 IL proner 18 Anthony Knoll the German tramp who was arrested In Jersey City on Sunday on suspicion of being concerned In the murder of tho young I woman In Itahwar was discharged yesterday WI dlshad John T Near hung about tho Rahway po lice station all day yesterday He said ho lived In Boston and that his sister was mislpc Her name was Kate J Neary and she had lived In Flftythtrd street this city He saw her last on Thursday at I P M when ho loft her to cross to Jersey City He kissed her goodby She was going to visit friends somewhere be Irond9 Imewler b tween lltthway and Elleaboth Noury Is young looking nnd boar a Blight resemblance t the unidentified girl Ho sold however that ho did not recognize her as his sister Nenr had In his hit the Initials 1 n Iltori nldontlJy displayed a police badge He 18 probably a doteoUvo from New York who Is wathlnJ the poopl6 who 80 w look at the den girls clothing to Superintendent Harrison of the Newark City Homo a reformatory Institution at Cit wiw In Newark yesterday morning to quality his identification of the murdered girl at Ruth murerd lah way as Mary Maltby who was brought up In tho home Be said that he did not declare so I positively that It was MaO but was confident that the body looked like the girl Ho regretted deeply that ho had been quoted 8 freely for the sake of Mary Maltbys feelings as he un to derstood reform that the girl was making an attempt Mar Malt by visited the Second precinct po lice station early l the morning and while there was greatly overcome She sold that she never had committed any act that would war rant Mr Harrisons sneaking unkindly of her The lady for whom Mary has been working said yesterday that she never saw a better be haved girl than Mary sw bttr b Undertaker Ityno of Bahway received last night a postal card from a woman who signed herself as near car could b made out Boclle out 8olo Mammlo and gave her address as 205 Sanet i street Camden She wanted a description of i the murdered girl and said that i resembled some that of her sister who left Camdon two weeks ago for New York and has not been 810 heard ot since York Mayor Daly received this letter yesterday Dark deed deed I Dark night Darkeyl fh I Offer a big reward and youll bar your man VlDOCO I The Inquest will b begun today wl ALBANY March 81A small man giving the name of Charles Gorman is held her by the police He has blood on his coat Be Is unable to give I satisfactory account of himself and says he came from Peterson N J It Is thought possible tbat hemay have been connected with the Bahway murder GOY OBEEJPS N01TOI Henry C Kelaey Connrmed sw Seerotaur t State for New Jersey TRENTON March 31 Gov Green laid down the last of his cards today In the game of ap pointments for the control of the Democratic party machinery In New Jersey It was a king of spades and it put Henry 0 Kel soy who always gets there somehow in the office of Secretary of State for another five years and f believed t signalize tho ousting from control of the active fighting clubs King McPherson and Jack Abbott who have been bossing the pak very successfully for several years Tho Senate which bad been waiting for this last card before I played promptly laid down all it had and confirmed Benjamin F Lee for Clerk of the Supreme Court Judge Alexander McGill for Chancellor Justice David A Depue for the Supreme Court and Kolsey himself without any ado It Is alleged that when Green was elected Governor McPherson made of him but one ro quest that the political hood of Henry C Kel Hey might be served up to him on a sliver charger I was generally supposed that this would be granted until the smash over the United States Senatorial fight reduced politics In New Jersey t I state of chaos Since then the gradual evolution of things has been toward a combination of Green Kelsey Attor neyGeneral Stockton and Henry S Little Abbott largely by his own will 11 for the pres ent out of active politics Them Is a story cur rent that McPherson Is Included l the now deal but unless ho ha wonderfully changed In his ability to hate he and Kolsey are never occupying cupying the same political bed Gov Green also nominated Charles A Ben nett for Law Judge of Burlington county There is a bitter struggle over the two vacant te Judgeships Hudson county ExAssombly man Benson Wlllnrd Fisk late private secretary tary to Joy Abbot and named as In the race to succood Judgo McGill there and Al Hoff man mil Alderman Davis are among those named for tho minor lay Judgeships It was believed yesterday that Davis would b ap pointed e8tenBY understood today that he has concluded that tho Senate would not con firm him and has withdrawn from the Held The Assembly today killed the bill rvldlnl Tlo for a constitutional convention which the upper part of the State desires In order that It may increase l its representation In the Semite and put to an end the domination there of the Senators from the rural counties The tlc of the day was spent In hydrophobia struggling over tho Cator Water bU The friends of this measure allege that It Is to enable Newark and Jersey City t combine to obtain a supply of pure water in place of tho muddy Passaic water which they new quaff The bills enemies assort that It is a combine of bUs City and Newark t crab all tbe pure water in tbe nurthorn part of tho State and I peddle it out to other towns A Craekamsuss Successful Appeal The trial of William Henderson alias Patsey Carroll a notorious crook for participation In the clever burglary at S B Joness dry goods store on Fulton street In November was concluded Brooklyn one Sunday mml1 Nonmbr cluded yesterday The evidence connecting him with Henderson admitted circumstantial the robbery was purely clrelmltAnllL Iendenn milieU that h had J en a thief u bug as he could re member that be had been In prison a score or more of limes bad not only broken safes himself but Instructed thieving pupils In lb brokl hlll but be patheti cally Insisted that K found nillty p this particular oOence a cruel Injustice would be done an Innocent men This appeal brought about a disagreement of the Jury four favoring acquittal Hendersons criminal career Is about ended at all events as be Is In the lost stages of JnnJumptloS Jacob Travels his pal who ah arrested for the same offence escaped In January from the Adams Street Police Court wutli awalUnv examination Too Union lad Reinstate Him Last March Matthias Merscholm took a place In the orchestra cf the Palace Garden which had been vacated by another member of the Xtulcal Mutual ProMctlve Union A committee of the union ordered him to give up the place and to bow muse why be 1m should not b disciplined He did not show cause and the union expelled him II I appealed to the courts and Judge IngraJiara gars him yesterday a peremptory order commanding the union to reinstate ilin because rIll eamlnandll t the bylaws of the union were not compiled with by sending a copy of the charges to Merscuelm l Judge In graham saya that the committee bad no more authority cOlmtl hA io make the order sent to Mm than t makean order directing him to abstain from fo Mrs AMU Doss Believe U Was nlelde Nothing has been heard of Sylvester H Allls of M Washington street Brooklyn the compositor of the gtmlnq fiat who disappeared on Tuesday night but his wife Is satislued that be did not commit tololde u the letter or1t ferryboat Wlnona In his hat would Indicate Mr Allls and her two boys aged I and 7 years are left entirely destitute Nbc lii confident I le let enlrly that her husband lass deserted tier and his children Absolute Purity Assured BsaAleaton A Woeni celebrated Imperial Lager Beer Wo LyBr A celbralrlwprlt bottled at the brewery 211 West loth t hew York Orders solicited and promptly attended io445 tuw p ak U a drnllltiUe which othuf U r u > ua bWuHl Tie Bea t > hh < 1 T e JBIrt Mast 4fe > UPsh s4L WSMII9I4NI ffr t t Lt HfotklB Like It Tbsre U no sach other compendium of news or mirror ooatiapaiU7 history ciTes WIUSLV H < w li r = Rlual Onico Prediction I I Rain or snow preceded by fair weather i I northerly winds bhlttliiK to wetterly becoming wannsr f BOLD EXPRESS ROBBERY A WEST gnona xiasExaEn SHOT AND HOUND DT BIS AD IOU I n Tend XiylnB em tha Floor Bleodlno from Wound In the ShoulderTho n mined or Ita CantentaAII floss within lye Minute The Messencer Ilaten ea Story FBANKFOBT N Yn March SITe excite ment In railroad circles in the Mohawk valley has been intense today over tho shooting of Express Messenger Leake on the West Shore Railroad by a midnight robber who subse quently bound and gagged his victim and rifled the sate When theratn on the West Shore road duo In Utica at 1186 P M reached the station last night the messenger In the express ca did not open the door as usual The depot mon rapped but received no response Then the door was forced open and there lay tbe messenger Carlos S Leake on tho floor blooding from a severe wound In the right shoulder He I was weak and only Bald Telegraph J o I W Hutt at Albany that I have been shot and robbed The train hands had hear nothing on the trip from Clarks Mills the last station at which Leake had been lon and the discovery of hlsr > condition cre ated considerable excitement at the depot Leako was brought to Frankfort and taken t the office of Dr Skiff and Richards who probed for the ball several hours without suc cess Tho doctors say the ball was evidently a 82oallbre I entered tho front of the raht arm a fow Inches from the shoulder Their probe traced it In Its course around the top of the arm and the believe I I lodged In the back of the shoulder The patient was very nervous and excited and was weak from loss of blood Tho doctors say the wound Is not necessarily fatal though It Is hard to toll what will result from a bullet wound near a joint As soon as Lao was revived bo talked freely of tho manner In which he was attacked Ho said ho was sitting on a chair soon after the train left Clarks Mills Suddenly a man entered the car through tho side door which bad ben carelessly left unlocked and before ho could say a word the Intruder said Throw up your hands I wor rough voice Loako did not obey at first and the robber pulled a involver volver and fired saying ns ha did so There damn you the next time I toll you to throw up your hands I guess youll do I wont you up As Leake fell to the floor the robborcavo him a slap with his hand which partially stunned him Then the robber grasped Leakes hands thrust them ovor his head and bound them together with a heavy flshllne ot which he had 1 large bundle While he was binding him Lake looked said up Into the robbers masked You a a nice coward aint you lam bleeding to death from your bullet wound yet you tie my hands te burglar said nothing in reply to this but placed a gag In Leakes mouth and tied his I Lakos feet to a ring on tho safe The robber then reached into Loakes pockets and took out the racho Int pckotalnd keys of the inner drawers of the sate Leake says ho never saw n quicker and more sys tematic worker The follow flllod his pockets with packages ot money and had several minutes to spare from the time the train loft Clarks Mills to her it must slow up before crossing the Delaware Lackawanna and West ern rood west of Utlca loss than seven minutes While waiting for the train t slow up the rob ber Raid to Leako br D you 1 you toll of this III come back and kill you outright kl outrght Tho plucky messenger slipped his gag and replied You are a pretty coward Shoot I rpled cwan man down rob his car and then threaten to come bock and kill him Then the train slowed up and the man jumped off the ca and was lost in the dark ness From this place to the Utica depot ne8 tl8 Leake managed t get himself partly loose from his fastenings bat was unable t untie unte hi latenlna his hands or got away from the position in which he was found Ho described the man as about six feet tall large and well built and abut tallarle his shoulders seemed to bo very straight Ho b ver ht 8holdor toro a black slouch bat a canvas mask which reached below his collar and a pair of flannel wristlets blow Hi hair was cut pa tho back and his hands were calloused from hard work While Lake could not give the exact amount that was stolen as ho had not made up his 1 accounts he thinks there was not far short of account ako is S3 years of age a son of John Leake a respectable farmer of Sharon Springs Lake been connected with tho company since the West Shore Railroad started He was taken to Albany where ho is doing finely i John Stevens of Oonesee Mich was on the train on his way to visit friends at 8t Johns vlllo where he Is now lrend8 A little beyond Clarks Mills ho saw a man walk through the car towar the baggage end Moat of tho pa sengers wore asleep Stevens says the man threw his eyes in all directions btovens did not hike the looks of him Ho had dealt with criminals and concluded that this man was crmlnRls describes him as fully six feet tall wearing a slouch hat and having a full bean partly gray He thinks ho would weight 225 pounds and was about 40 years of ago His complexion won dark and ho looked > like a Southerner That was tho lot Stevens paw of the man and he had little doubt that ho was the robber Utica people think that tho man who committed thin crime Is the per son who robbed the West Shore passenger depot office In Utlca a low weeks ago Psenger presented two revolvers at Ticket Agent Bargers head ordered him to surrender his keys ransacked the drawer took 17 that was there made the ticket agent give up his money and ordered him to also give up his watch The ticket naont pleaded with the burg lar to leave him his peaed it was given to him by his mother and tho burglar did so The ticket agent describes the person almost ex actly as Loako does Lute this afternoon clue t the robber was Lte found Two mon wore hunting with a dog In tho HatQeld Woods about two Timidrod yards yan8 from the Ontario and Western Ititllroad Btu tlon near New Hartford The dog struck a ton and followed i to a spot where the torn lolowed tri of express envelopes woro found The robber had torn some of the bank notes in his hurry to open the envelopes The country round opn being scoured by officers UTICA March 31 Local express officials decline to state tho amount of the loss Route Agent stat reached Utica at noon today Ho admitted the loss of about tOO Other statements fix the loss at 3000 I Is believed that the robbor entered the car near Oneida Castle whore the grade is heavy The mes CaRle statement 6rao the robber entered by tho bide door is not believed as the platform door was not fastened by a chain UK It should havo been when the train reached Utica BYJUUUHI N YI March 31lt Is reported that a man has been arrested at Memphis noar hero in a freight car on suspicion ot bo hug tho West Shore robber An ofllclul of the National Express Company has gone there to Investigate the rumor rmor AXBANI March InDr Vandervoer advised Leako who arrived here this morning to ro main quiet for 1 fow days und then the bal oould bo removed Leakn then went to the American Hotel where be registered C ft Leake Buffalo He declines t talk and the express authorities her are very reticent a Manager Mutt Is out of town A journal reporter spent several hours en doavoring to hind Mr lake this morning At Ind the hotel bo loft word that ho waa coins to the hospital A tour of tho hospitals and dlspon Buries failed to disclose any trace of him At the American House tho clerk positively affirmed that Loako was not In his room Loako returned Ito the American House about lib and going to his room directed that no ono bo allowed to disturb him The clerk said that Leake was very nervous and In no condi tion to see any ono The belief gained ground ton meagro facts camo to light that there was something cloudy about the whole affair WIS Dr Yiuidorvoer was asked by 11uwrwnj reporter porter If the man could have shot himself Ho replied I Ho would havo had to use his left hand Then this colloquy ensued hlnd Iteportor Would the course of the bullet Indicate dicate anything The Doctor Yes DoctorYe8 Reporter Then from the course It tok could he have shot himself The Doctor Yes very nicely I wound llcportor Was there any powder about the WTho Doctor No tho bullet passed through his clothes and that would prevent the powder from discoloring tho skin dlsolollug Honortor Wero his clothes burned about the wound from tno closeness of the revolver Tho DoctorI did uot tako particular notice of tho coat The National Express Company II raining every nerve t trawl the bold rml who shot ever West horo train Jako tho iro Messenger 08 JJVUKO on mu shor on Wednesday night and then robbed the safe Oonoral Manager Col L W Winchester wild The train loft Buffalo at 4 oclock on Wednes day afternoon with throe sleepers two coaches baggage car and ono express ear The one 010 mefiseiiKor was In tho express car Ordinarily the car II securely locked but the catch of one cr and It stood a tijfle of the doors was broken ltl trfo ajar I wa was not a regular clQton Ir but what I known 8 C orPkhe tip J o r PI a f r l f r n IIUUONtX II They fTIII Support the Government In the Second Benstln rte Crime Bilk 1 LONDON March StThe Right Hon E ward Heneoge Liberl Unionist In tho Liberal Union meeting today opposed that part of the Irish Crimes bu which changes the venue in certain classes of trials t England Sir Edward William Watkln member for Hytho said he thought coercion was needed In Ireland regardless of remedial legislation Mr Joseph Chamberlain demurred to this and con tended that remedial measures should bo at least implied In Irish legislation Lord Uartlngton appealed t tho members of the LiberalUnion party to support the Gov ernment on the second reading of the bu reserving serving the liberty to amend I in committee This the mooting agreed to The meeting with the exception of two dis sentient unanimously adopted Lord Hartlng tons proposal that tho LiberalUnionists sup port the second reading of the Crimea bill on condition that members bo allowed to criticise the measure l committee Mr Chamberlain approved the proposal In the House of Lords tonight Earl Cado Ran CLn Privy 8al presented a bill provid Ran for tho purchase of Irish holdings or in other words for the abolition of tho system of dual ownership created by the act of 1881 Tit bill era hoped would reduce tho number of evictions onehalf would bo fol lowed by 1 bill relating to the purchase of hold ings This latter bill the Government honed would permanently settle tho difficulty The soto bill also proposed Ito relieve tenants who were rlove Insolvent through no fault of tholr own but through misfortune The Government asked their lordships who were landlords in Ireland sacrifices and those connected with them to make heavy Earl Cndogan said the Government agreed with Lord nartlngton that It was an open Lr question whether the Irish rents wore exces sive or whether excessive rents wore exacted Therefore It would bo unreasonable to deal anew with the settlements of rents flied by the act of 1881 At the meeting of the Conservative party to day It was decided that the 11 I ouso Commons shall sit until the Irish Crimes bill has passed its second reading and that tho only adjourn ment to b taken at Easter shall b from Thursday next to the following Tuesday Tho mooting enthusiastically supported the deci sion of W H Smith tho Conservative loader In tho House of Commons to havo a division tomorrow night on Pnrnells amendment to the Irish Crimes bill providing that the House Irfh resolve Itself Into committee to consider the state of Ireland and on the first reading of the measure oven If closure had to b enforced DBS MOD March stA call signed by the Governor LieutenantGovernor and other State officers three oxChief Justices of the Supreme Court throe district Judges two luPtmo members Cur all tho leading Prtos tnt clergy attoreys and rptsntatvo bust fleas men of this city and tbc Mayor and Com mon Council has been circulated for a moot ing to b held next Monday evening t protest test against tho proposed adoption of coercive measures In rJs HARRISBURO March 8tTho House this morning adopted a resolution protesting against the enforcement of coercive measures Ireland IladI A LETTEIt FROM STARLET Ho Ray the British Are Latin their Grip In AfrlemBuylnB Tlppu Tibs Aid LONDON March 31A letter has been received calved from Henry M Stanley dated Cape Town March 9 Ho expresses bewilderment at tho constant evidences ho sees of British yielding in Africa before noise and bluster In tie west and north France and Portugal hays strode with audacious and franllo haste to exclude Brit ish trade Now I come t Zanzibar There I find that tbe British fleet has given way t the German and that the German trader outnumber tie BrItish There Is t a relentless aggressiveness alt the Germans that I ominous TheIr manner Is haughty and overbearing and carries an air of DVn inns Tbe natives I look on In wonder while the British affect superb Indifference Zanzibar was like a ripe plum ready to drop within the pale of British belongings as a reward of patient nour ishing of a feeble Plate and at the Suet slim of a Herman gunboat 1 II abandoned 1 Is I no business of mine but I confess to a sentImental regret that UngUsh statesmen should be 1 easily vanquished I found Tlppu Fib the uncrowned King of tbe region between Stanley rails and Tanganyika Lake and com manding thousands of righting Arab He was equally rJ AI t d ab ready to fight or to be employed I ehnne the latter not with a vUw to his helping me to reach Kmm Bey but to assist me In bringing away Emma store of Ivory which Is of the value OIJEHUIIII In the presence of the British Consul 1 contracted with 1 Tlppn Tib to supply me with UU carriers I also aft r receiving conem from King Leo pold by telegraph appointed Tippu tiovernor ot Stanley Falls at a revufar salary Tlppu I Tib guarantees to de fend the talon against the Arabs and to defat and capture all persons raidln for slave and to abstain from engaging In tho slave traffic blmsolt below the falls A European otllrar will b appointed Resident at Stan ley Kalis to Insure adherence to the contract and to stop Tlppn Tlba salary upon any breach of the engagement Ho far there has been no hitch In the expedition Every body hss shown the utmost sympathy and our dlfllrul ties have been smoothed by the prevailing good feeling I have sent a letter to Km ID Rey giving him the probable date of our arrival Tlppn Tib has ordered his people to concentrate at Stanley Falls In readiness for f brJt The Attempt to Kill the Czar BERLIN March 31 Russian advices lay that the hanging of the persons actually concerned In the recent attempt upon the Czars life has been postponed I the hope of obtaining further disclosures tam them regarding the plot The chief prisoners are confined In the Scnlnesselbnrg fortress and the remainder I the St Petersburg citadel Quantities I of explosives and numerous compromising papers hare been found In the house of a Cater of one ot the prisoners A General wife and a doctors wife who were com promised In the murder of the late Czar are Implicated In the present plot Some of the prisoners are student I female colleges I They had a quantity of money when r iee They I refused to give any Information Threads ot the con spiracy were discovered at Charknh KleO Warsaw Moscow Odessa and Noro Teherlcasfc The Tories Backing Water LONDON March 31Thc Cabinet have do tided t abandon that clause of the Irish Criminal Law Amendment bill which provides for the changing of lh venue from Dublin t nndon in certain classes of crlm thai trials thus practically removing the greatest coT ot the Llberaluulonlsts opposition to the fLIt The Threatened War Against BaJa LONDON March 31A number of tribes trb8 I throughout Afghanistan have promts d to support the Ameers threatened holy war against Russia IUppr A Little Paulo IB Frankfort Btrcet A fire broke out late yesterday afternoon In Walshs malllnit agency and pamphlet bindery at IS Frankfort street There are slxtyflve girls employed In the building and they became partly panic stricken by the dense volumes of smoke which filled oluml Imok soon Iled every room and they made a frantlo rush for the street On the sialrray one girl fainted and bad like t h ve fallen down stairs she win caught however and carried down and fro the street her she soon recovered I the open air Two men who worked on the first floor were overcome by the lko but recovered when brought out Into i he br The tire originated I a heap ot old paper under the stairway The damage was trllliUK Charged with Assaulting a Young Girl W C Klngsloy alias Kuntzlor a Brooklyn bill poster who was several years ago associated In business with the notorious Julio Kenny who committed suicide In the Itavmond street jul while under sentence for murder was arrested lost nUht for an alleged outrage on 14yesr old Annie otter Kingsley It Is I alleged In du e1 the girl to mi to his home In IcnnsylvanLi avenue usur Atlantic by promising to give her Uieatre tickets Her Skull Fractured bJ her Aon Mrs hose Ellis of Flatland Neck Long Island U reported to be dying at her home from tbe effects of a beating at the bands of a dissolute son Andrew Ellis went home to his mothers house on Wednesday while Intoxicated and knocked her I down and kicked her Mrs mills skull wn fractured and severs ribs were broken U years old Andrew Lllls ha escaped arrest sirs Kills ts The Latest Story About Dr Car Dr Henry Carey of the committee of 8t Ste phens parishioners heard a rumor last night that the Rev Dr James Cnrran was t do penance lu the Ho boken Monastery for having appeared on the stage of the Academy of Music on Tuesday last with Dr McUlynn lie says that the report has created great excitement In f the parish Mr John W Keener will preside at a meet tug of parishioners at 207 East Twenty seventh street to night t Proposing to Get Along Without Ol Boot and shoe manufacturers said yesterday that at their meeting ou Wednesday they decided here after to deal directly with the men In their employ and not with Executive Committee ot District nl wlh any txeltv Comnlee Dltrlet Assembly HI Knights of Labor llanan a Bon have been doing r II this l all along and their strike I really a iighion tine qusitlon llauaii had contracts with his own men Tho Balerno Met bl tho Elbe Tho steamship Elbe which arrived her yes Urdsy patioS on HarrMJO the disabled steamship Sa lerno which was under sail All are well on board On the I rip 01 Henry Muller red 41 cabin passenger oa the lObe I died of apoplexy and was burIed at sea Johsim KoliDiU 41 died la the steerage aad was REGISTERED MAIL STOLEN A 10OOO PACKAGE LOST AN FOUND I TUB 1OST OFFICE I was the last of 0ft Robberies There Is Clerks Detained Over Klaht and a Confession Extracted from the Thief Blxtytwo registered packages had boon stolen from tho registry department In the New York Post Office main building lathe last throe years up to this week and though all sorts of decoys were resorted to the thief bad not been caught Until this week tho biggest theft was 5000 three years ago This time It was 10000 In currency and tho discovery was made on Wednesday The 10000 came in lato on Tuesday night in pouch U GOd from Portland Oregon I was I from the First National Bank ot Portland and was addressed to tho Chemical National Bank I The Superintendent of the pouoh room of tho registry division checked tho package off on Tuesday night On Wednesday morning it I could not bo found There were olghtoon clerks in tho room when the loss was discovered Wlillo all of them bore good reputations tho Superintendent made go reputtonl Buporntendont up his mind not to let ono of them leave tho build ing until every one had beon examined Chief Inspector Charles P Dossor was sent for and ho had all of them taken to his ofllco on the fourth floor This was at 7 oclock on Wednes day morning As nearly all of tho Inspectors were away Inspector Dosser sent lor Superin tendont brines of Plnkortons Agency and rev oral of his men A thorough search was made and tho mon woro questioned ono at a tuna The examination continued all day Wednes day and until I oclock Thursday morning when a number of tho men were allowed to go Later on nil tho clerks were allowed to go ex cept William A Clarke who tho Inspector and Superintendent Bangs concluded know more about tho robbery than he cared to tell Clarke ha been In tho department a clerk In tho registry division nbout live years He is about 30 years old Is married and lives at 240 DoKnlb nvonuo Brooklyn When tho Inspectors and Mr Bangs became confident that Clarke was tho culprit they locked him In tho office yesterday afternoon and began to examine him In regard to his antecedents and tho work no did They accused tll him of taking n number of packages but he stoutly protested that ho was Innocent At noon yesterday Inspector Adslt went yostlnay Inpctor Adsi down into the registry otUco and made an other search In a corner of tile olllco Is n closet that Is very seldom used Ho found the 10000 package hidden among some rubbish aud it was delivered to the Chemical National Dank Clarke was told that tbeJlcknl was found and that the Inspectors had evidence to the effect that ho had stolen It from the pouch and secreted It In tho closet Even then he proclaimed that he was innocent and had bad nothing t do with tho matter Inspector Dossor loft him alone for a consid erable length of time Later In tho afternoon Clarke called the Inspector t him and said according to the Inspector As long as you nave the evldonco I might as well own up took tho package from the bag and hid It in the closet I substituted a package from I St Louis pouch for It alI I hoped In that way to cover up the loss until I had time to tko It from the office I thought ofce home it would not be missed until after I had gone Clarke then broke down entirely and was so nervous that it was some time before he could continue his confession Now Clarke said tho Inspector when the prisoner became composed I want you to tel mo I you stole tho other packages a list of which I read to you this afternoon I did answered Clarke I took them all I except tho 15000 package I dont know anything about that but tho others I do I took them from time to time and I covered tip the lobs by substituting other packages for b1 subRlutna them until I loft tho office oter never thought that I would b found out What induced you out steal queried tho stea querod Inspector I was in need of money and I had a large nee number of debts which were pressing me and which I had to pay Clarke also said that ho was addicted to drinking and that ho had gambled Ho was very close and had little to do with tho other I clerks department He was sharp enough to avoid all decoy packages and only took those that came from a distance He was taken to Ludlow stnot jail last night and will have a hearing today boforo a United States Commissioner It is not known definitely how much Clark has stolen in lat hodocs not know himself but ho said that the amount was not enough to pay his debts The 10000 package I 100 rlckale ho said would have paid them The amount of his thefts Is probably 4000 or 5000 I Unmet Ben Ilassena GIn The mystic Arabic high jinks that tho Nobles of the rte Shrine worked last iilght In Mecca Temple away np on the top nor of the Masonic Temple were directed by Police Capt Eaklns under exceptionally brilliant surroundings The Nobles claUlam brllaat lurrundlll were specially sum moned thither t receive with becoming ceremonies a lot of treasures from the East which were presented to the Temple by the Exalted CheriQ Uamet Ben hasten The Cheriff Is I an aged and Immensely wealthy Arab Moor of the Veleklte tribe who stands 6 feet Inches high has a long snow white beard and a fondness for nuking I liberal donations to the Nobles both lu Arabia n Uothniu The Nobles wore new pllk mbec crimson feres and black mauls Urand Iotrntate Walter H Fleming pre sided on the throno In adnzzllng lrieital robe and heel dress while 1ollce Captain KuUiu directed the cere monies him Police Captain fllnchy and Capt Yowler aided himDen flattens treasures comprised ancient Persian daggers sheathed In hollowed elephant tuCks Arabian short guns glittering clmelers and waist klv s polish 1 Turkish hip blade houdanese swords with levelled hilts and lledoulu spites spar and staffs with tassels and rIbbon of silk and camels hair llla11 A sacred black stone from Mecca was also dedicated with Impoxltig ceremony It is I a polished block of black granite l secured from tho tarred temple In Mecca In I f II J ItoM and presented to the Xobles by Houlface William I Garrison The InterState Commerce Commission WASHINGTON March 31Thls forenoon ilesirs Cooler Morrison SchoonmaVtr and Walker four of the lye members of the InterState Commerce Commission called at the White lloure and paid their respects to the President Commlsuloner Bragg did not arrive in the city In time to go with them but called at the White House lon afterward and then joined his asioclates at Utllards Hotel At I 1 JI the Commis sioners met by agreement at the tnlerlor Department where their commissions were bonded to them and the prescribed oath of once administered Un motion of Col Morrison Judge Donley was nlerted as Chairman of the Commission This action WHS unniilinoiis and was taken without dlsrukilon The romtiiiisiiners then went to Die temporary quarter selected fur them In the hoc building on r street and after an in pecton of the rooms parted ulth the understanding that another meeting should be held to morrow for consultation > u candidates were proposed for the KccrtUujililp of the Commission Snow Thunder and Hull In Virginia LKJCHBUIUJ Va March 31A heavy snow storm has prevailed since 3 oclock this morning The signal service observer reports four Inches fall up to 1 A M 1 to day The fall Is Increasing rapidly The snow on the adjacent mountain Is not less than ten Inches In depth A terrific thunder ant luaU and snow norm vie lied Farewell county vemerdiy Hailstones an Iliili In circumference fell and the dvhtnitu was terrlrtc Manv telegraph poles on the Iliac of the Jtorfolk and Western lUllrosil were split to pieces and several Instruments in telegraph and telephone < > nire nlong the route were de stroyed It was the most terrible storm ever known In that region Wijcriiiirin Va MarciailA heavy snow storm has prevailed here all day huiiav t list fallen to n depth nf several Inches thun rioshiu < r mi unprecedented Marcia for our valley Not ix bud nor a sign uf a leaf is to be seen he Tried to Make Her Landlady Hit on a lledIIot Htove ATIANTI March 31Stuno tIme ago Mrs Fannie Flint obtained lodgings In this city with Mrs Lee She became angry at Mr Lee for some cause and built a lire lu the elm e and bert U up until the stove HUS red hot Then she grniped Mrs Leeitnd was in the net of laying her on the stove when a servant entered and res cued her Mrs Hint Is now In jail Bookkeeper Newwaa Arrested Edward M Newman who was lately In tho employ of the Cnn of M Icvenion i Co wholesale clothiers dnlni tnulnes at flW llroadway was arrested yesterday morning nt the ln tnncc nf hid late employers on I It charge of appropriating to hlmxelf Iwo elutts one H70 sOd III oilier of WH which had been given hint to pay other employees of the tlrtn Why was he Discharged t Charles H Wood tIm young man from Chi cago who wu arrested recently for representing him self to be Iterorder Hmylhs private secretary and de frauding a iioer woman was discharged yesterday at Jtflerson Market Court Bayonne Mayor Henomlnated Mayor Ollvarof Ilaynnno lion boon ronoml nuted by the Democrats of that cIty The election takes place April 12 JVJTTf TOKK DKStOCRATS OAT GUARD Fairchild to dnrceed Manning and Judge Itiiynard to Nneeeed Falrehlld VAsniNOTON March 80Mr Fairchild becomes Secretary of the Treasury tomor row and Second Comptroller Mnynard Assist ant Secretary When Daniel Manning do elded after long hesitation to take a seat in President Clevelands Cabinet the first mon to whom ho offered places wore Charles S Fairchild and Isaao II Maynard Ho intended to mnko both of thorn As sistant Secretaries but afterward It was decided to put Judgo Maynnrd in the trying and exacting ofllco of Second Comptroller for which his legal abilities emi nently fltttd him and William 0 Smith be came on Assistant Secretary Mr Falrchllds promotion now puts Judge Mayiiard In the place orlclnally selected for him Ho taken it at n salary less than that of tim Comptroller by 15Q0 but thin now place is ono of greater politi cal influence and thIn Importance ot having men well verwid in Now York politics on guard just nowiatuhlyappreciated rttthoVhito hOUSe The promotion of the two man whom Daniel Manning so completely trusted will glvo satis faction to the Uomocratla loaders generally There was desire on the part of some that the Hocrotnryxhlp should go West but when It was found that that could not bo arranged thore was a generally expressed hope that tho do partmont should bn conducted on tIm line begun by Mr Manning Mr Manning ear nestly recommended that Mr Fairchild bo made his successor and the appointment will bo particularly gratifying to him Judge May nurd will bo greatly mlhsoj from the Second Comptrollers office where his services have been Invaluable 075 ItniDE OF TI1RKE WEEKS LOST Charles T Watson Telegraphing Over the Country from 4Ot Madison Avenue PrrraBDHOH March 31Chiol of Police Dlackmoro received today the following letter from Mr Charles T Watson who gives his ad dross as 409 Madison avenue Now York Sue Will yon kindly use your Influence and endeavor to ascertain forme whereabouts ot my wife Mrs Watson I am nearly crazed with anxiety over her dis appearance and suspect foul play Sly telegrams to all parts of the country have elicited no Information what ever In regard to her I have however received a tele gram from Chicago stating that she left that city on the Fort Wayne train March 24 t which I am Informed was subsequently wrecked at Leetonla O not far from your city have thought that she was the tin DM Is who was one ot the Injured Mrs Davis lives at 3d South Thirteenth street this city and cannot be the person 1 We were married at Sterling ill about three weeks ago Business suddenly called me to New York and I left atone for that city She was by previous arrange ment to meet me at the Hotel Anderson In Ilttsbunth I fear foul play as In addition to valuable baggage she carried a large sum of money upon her person as well as a very large and valuable opal ring set with twelve diamonds which always attracted attention Her description Is as follows she Is I a feet 3 Inchea In height weighs about I2U pounds Is very dark wIth black hair and eyes and line even teeth She wears bright colors generally and wore I suppose a scarlet travelling dress and a real muff with a pocket She was to register at the Hotel Anderson but my telegram was answered to the effect that she had not done pn tine was of a very nervous temperament and the shock of the wreck may have unseated her reason rieoxexert yourself ascertain her whereabouts Money will be no object this matter and I pray that you may be able to relieve my anxiety Yours Jic CBAHLXS T WATSON There wore only three passengers nIh males on thuo sleoperwhichi vats partially dotuohishied in the wreck at Leotonia on lridny Mrs atson may have bomi In ono ot thin passen ger coaches and have loft It in tim night after the amain and alien in with tramps No 409 Madlsonaventie is a vacant lot No 407 In an American Express olllco whore Mr Watson is not known LAMB TEITS HIS STORY The Jury After Deliberating for Six Hour le Locked Vp for the Klzht The trial of John Lamb for killing James Conlln on Oct 30 was continued yesterday in the Gen eral Sessions Witnesses to prove Lambs good character were examined but some of them UsUfed on cross examination that he sometimes got drunk In his own behalf Lamb testified that on the night of Saturday Oct TO bo and his wife left their homo at 1 Ninth avenue to visit a friend and to buy the weeks provIsions At Thirtyfourth street and Tenth avenue he stepped Into a saloon leaving late ahhe outside Mie followed him and told him that a gang outside had In sulted her They remained inside a short time and upon going back to the street a crowd of young rutUans sur rounded them and tried tu net his wire away bite was dragged away from him several times and her shawl was stolen She was then struck ou the head wltUa stone and fell to the ground I leaned down over her the prisoner continued and found that her head was cot ertd with blood I was adjusting her bonnet when Conlln grabbed hold of me lie kicked me in the stomach and then grabbing me bv the back of the neck ran me > down the street lie wan behind me and 1 called out You fellows have gone far enough Ill have you all arrested In the morn ing you you wont live till morning Conlti said and he continued to shove me 1 then took out my knife and opening It struck back He roleifed his hold ot me and I went In search of toy wife A policeman then camo along and arrested me Tho jury wont out at 43 > oclock and as they had not agreed upon u verdict at loH oclock last night they were locked up until court coueued to day rue Prohibition Fight In Michigan DETROIT March 31Tho Intensity of feeling over the proposed prohibition amendment has no paral lel In the history of political campaigns In Ibis State Conservative men of both sides are fearing serious tron bleon election day In Detroit The feeling against the Prohibitionists In the eastern part of the cly li I Intense The Interest In State and county politics shrinks out of sltht compared with the absorbing question whether the people Flmll have beer or iiou An hleenth ward Aider man said that not one Irohlbltlon vole would bo cast In his precinct because no 1rohlbltlonftt wouM dart to vote there lie added 1 am speaking the truth when I say It would not be safe for a man to vote for a Pro hlbltlonlst la lay part of town that In i of cuiirse If It in found out There will probably be Snoo Prohibition workers at the polls The non liquor part is very much alarmed at the outlook nigh License lu Pcmujliiinlu HABitiBHURO March filTltn iiassngo of the Hlirh License bill on pecnnd reading lu thu lloitrto of Rcp resentatlvis today 112 yens against M nays rnbitrn tlally settles the question In the Mate In favor of what the temperance people are dunnndin It requires lull votes to pawi a bill finely and the rare majority witch was recorded In Its favor II accepted alike by Its friends and cmmils ns derinh A powerful lobby hcadul by the 1rrriiletii of the Mate Uqimr Lrnime and electors from all parts nf the Hale hae been In than city for A weet strUltiir to muko tolls nvilnst thus mo sure Thoy Acre conndrnt that they had ucromplUlied the work but when the vote was taken todaythry fiiund that ir mutake The next step U tu present I front reutclutuic a third reading Hint final pasnakc Tu succeed In thin tIle liquor nun n lit endeavor to lit an curly thy for the ad Jmirnnicm nf the sessIon unit make tvryrnurt In ra lard thn proirtwnf IcirMittin Hit tlJiu wn uUiloied toilay lit at tote atljourualuag its er limn Monday eteaiiug Charleston Howls Over Her Postmaster CiunrESTON March filThio announcement of the npiioltitmcnt of Mr A II Howry to the vacant rnstmantirthlp nt lUiarleton his ralfcJ u howl of In dignation throughout tho city anal his toiiipllcAted the political vltuatlnn Mr Mnvry t hiuinegH record was uata n up H liii lie wu U < ii7rrK man l > itillo > caujll an tor tho i ollectorklilp of t ci port nnd tbn IhirciH then Hindi uifiluit him leave ncti r IHVII rcfitcil Ir flKlint riet elands popularity 1104 not bt > rn Incrcuxul by this appointment As Charleston practlcilly control the itoniiiiMiiuif convention of Dm rlr I < l ton rrM district it U I not nt nil prohublo thnr Nnrcnymari nibble who Is dowrys champion with be rt turned to this next Cutigrees Curler Harrison Decline Again CHICAGO March 31 Carter Harrison tonight declined for the third lime to hi this Democratic candi date for Mai nr of Chicago The committee appointed In nnd a cniillilate declare thulr Inability to do so and there the matter rests at prcocnl HtrlkeorMIII llunils at Ilnuud Brook Jlouxn Bnooit Mnivli tilTwn hundred and fifty enupauyees itt lie I i > < M mn inlittlitr w a nt un strike Dili HUGH Tlio cause uMUiioJ was the liclmrKO of a fellow workutuan Head ut lou Years Nonwicu March 31Mnrin fimlth of Mont Tllle died today agod liu years 4 months and 12 lays aiAKKS FROM TJIK TKLKattAltl Mile mien the actress was marrld to Herbert Chart er this aitot lu Chicago el rlay afternoon We Ireililrnt yesier lay nprxitntrd liharlei C Unto bard to be Collector of umtouin at Hartford iouu The Illinois house of Itrrresentathes pushed a bill yes terday making It unlawful in hunt or kill prairie cluck tus quail or pheofMiU for tire ears The trfil expenditures at King hint prison for the moil Hi of March erefiiJiu total variilnus i1tM 34 leavIng a deficiency for the month uf t 75OJi The Rev Iir K 0 Holies pastor uf the First Universal Itt Church nf Hatem ilitea hat recehed A call from the Illoecker Ktrcel Church uf hew York It is thought he will accept William Kyle a wholesale liquor denier nf Toronto WAS ycaaterdu rentennd lu live years In the penitentiary for forgery K > In forged two notrr which ho gut dls counted ut the bank ot llrltUh North America The dead body of an unknown man was found yester day at Andalusia htatlon Ienruylvanla llallrosl lie was about 40 rears of age dre feet ten niche high and weighed nearly aou pounds On bit person were mold watch asS chain a ooiuldsrtble amount of United iv audaamaUanooat < AWFUL TRAGEDY OF THE SEA t A BEATIlta STEAMER LOST TOTO TITO flU2YDZWD IXD SIXTY LIVES Doubtless Swamped In n Terrible Sen Oft as Rocky Precipitous Const on which Jtm Small float Could Innd a linn Alive ST JOHNS X P March 31The report ot the loss of the Dealing steamer Eagle with all on board la confirmed The calamity Is the most appalling that over befell the province ot Newfoundland Of SCO mon on board not on survives to toll the story of tho disaster Mora than ono thousand widows and children In this city and vicinity most of thorn In poverty sro mourning the loss of husbands or fathers a The lost vessel was last soon by the steamer Aurora on thin night of tho llth tnst near Franks Island in Buena Vista Bay which U about ono hundred ratios northwest of this city A heavy sea was running at the time Tho next morning the Aurora could find no trace of tho Eaglo A message arrived today from GroenpQnd on the bay saying that Lighthouse Keeper Cabot boarded the scaling steamers Vanguard and Hector off that place a few days later Both those vessels reported passing spars thus forocnstlo and other wreckage Including th namoboard of the Eagle near the spot where shin was last soon Lighthouse Keeper Cabot 1 Is a thoroughly trustworthy man and nisi opinion that the Eagle has gone down with all onboard la almost conclusive asldo from tha evidence from other sources The other 1 steamers of the dent are spoken and reported every few days anal all havo been heard from since the llth except the Eagle No one her any longer doubts that all on board hat perished Iteganllng tIle circumstances of the disasters tltoro are two theories about equally tenable One Is that the boilers oxplodod In which event nil on hoard would havo perished at once m tho raging sea Tho other is that the vessel in some way not into the breakers which would havo made death to all no loss certain The sea that night IB described by the mon on th other vessels of the Hoot as the most terrible that over raged oven upon this savage coast No ship once caught in tho awful Breaker could possibly escape and no small boat could land u man nllvo on the rocky precipitous coast Anything that could float large ot small would have been ground to pieces oa thowilfirocka The Eagle carried a crow of fifty men and about 210 Dealers Their exact number Is not known All the sealing steamers carry a larga number of mon The nature of the work makes It necessary Tho seals are generally found upon the ten In largo schools or colonies The men got an close as possible to them and then armed with clubs rush in among than and knock over as many as possible before they have tlmo to escape to the water Tho more mon there arc tho moro seals are caught Capt Jarkmln commander of tho Eagle was recognized an the bravest skloporof the colony Until 1835 bo was tho king of the sealing fleet In that sottfion for tho Ilrst time in M export cm ho failed to secure any seals Last year Ill luck again attondcd him and he lost the steamer Hosnlute near the same fatal Franks Island but Ills crow escaped Later the same senson ho took command of the Eagle and within a few weeks alto broke nor shaft She was rollttcd and a month ago she started on her last voynua Nearly all thin men on board ware married and wore in the prime of life Thin calamity falls with still moro crushing force by reason of the impoverished condition of tho colony Nearly all tho newly mode widows and orphans aro without moans ot 4 support and distress among them will bo great Clllcrt Loses lies Diamonds After Mile Theodora Glllort the nromlere dancer of the National Opera Company had bounded gracefully over the Metropolitan Opera House stage la the opera Nero on Monday night she went to hei dressing room removed her jewels pat on her ordinary house apparel and boarding a Seventh avenue bobtall car rode don n to her lodgings at R Varlck place When she reached the door she suddenly missed her brown alligator ikln imrtinonnale Clue find put uU her Jewelry Into It und carried It In her lap In the car The Jewelry a conMstrd of two pairs ot diamond earrings n pair of turquoise natal dlntnond earrings and two finger rings set with diamonds and turquoiitc There was also In the ° purse til in money mid tlio key or her lodgings Sho said yrserdny that she was sure she had dropped tile purite in th car us she rose to leave U It wan car ItO and when she left It at 11 h oclock there was nobody else aboard except tIm driver When she went to the com potty 5 Mtcrday tho driver said that two negroes bad afterward hoarded the cur and got off suddenly ajraln He presumed tlmt they had carried on the purse u Us hadnt seen any thlntf of It The Dauntless Owner mud Captain Tim ciiblo report of the row between Caldwell U Colt owner of the Dauntless and her veteran skipper Capt Fsmueis has nearly as many believers as un believers among yachtsmen here Probably nothing definite will be known about the matter until Capt tiamuels who Is now on the Adriatic gets here Them seems to be no doubt that Mr Colt hadaserlorul disagreement with the Captain In FeI ruary last while the liauiuleitfi was on the slocks It Is said on good an tinrlty thnt the Captain then declared that he would not > sail the luuutlrs and Immediately went to Capt Crosby of the Coronet nnd ottered to goon Mr Bush yacht ae navigator Sir Colt is I reported to bave followed Capt tiamuels to the Coronet and after apologizing to blir A to hiu e Induced him to return to the Dauntless QLKKNarowN March 31Thus Coronet proceeded COM es at U oclock this morning 1 Tim Unyflovrer May Defend Oar Cap Crnless a bettor yacht than the Mayflower la boUt between now and the time of the trial races to select a defender of the America cup the big whit sloop probably will be chosen to struggle with the beamy crutch culler Thlflle chairman James D Smith of the America Cup Committee got a letter from len Paine ycsterdav Buying that the Mayflower would go over to j England to antI against Mr Chamuerlaynes Arrow for the thucens cup If Mr Chainberla > ues terms are rea I sonably fair lu tbe giant centre boarder Bat If she gates vile rail coinu back In ample tune to enter the trial contests here Obituary Judge Francis P Cuppy died suddenly In Hot Bprinfffl Ark on Wednesday night Judge Cnppy was a native of Ohio about CO years ot age and at oni time served In the Ohio Legislature with 1resldent Oar Arid In IKU2 he went to Wrthlngton and bad prae tUiil law there ever since beln counsel m many well known cases Including the celebrated Choctaw case William II ilbhy superintendent of the Mercer county public schools lied yesterday of consumption He was twice elected Mayor ot Princeton und served a term as County solicitor He was for many yean principal of the public school there M Attacked by Illihwuysnen In Ilnrlens Henry Bachman a fireman on the United Stairs steamer Vermont was attacted by two highway men In tilth street near Fifth avenue at ID oclock last night The thieves pounced on him from behind and threw him down Hachinan fought desperately till one ot the rubbers bliol him In the hand forcing him ta letgiiof tue other Him grabbed Paclimans watch and cliulu and followed his companion on a run toward bixth iitenui liachuiaus right foreflncerwas shattered by tbe bullet V ST C A Properly Cnnt lie Taxed The Ginornl Term of the Supremo Court da elded yesterday that the Young ten s Christian Assocla v thou is a religious orrcnlrutlon anal as such lu property i Is exempted from taxation 4 Bobbed by Illiibwisynten fitophonK Dodd alwnalthy resident of Monte clulr w aw attacked by huhmnou < roe street Newark I ou Tuesday night ana robbed of several hundred dollars JUTTJXGH ABOUT XOint The funeral nf then It R Itlpiey will lake place from till New iurk llotilutilUiir I M i today Judge litlrr un bu s grimed an absolute divorce to Henry C iojdmau from Kllzabetli K Uoodinan An exhibition of llnwers Hill be t given In the Old Lon don Mrtetiixt week 1 he attractions ot the old street t will not bulMirfcred with Xl laSh cent fI I to Tnt Krx for Mrs Lanahan of 1 xtrapa < e who Is heltiliMi ihrouLh rheumstlsin and wuotu liutjunU lies In the tuapiItal < ugh h a fractured skull At Jetferiun Market Court yefctordny lleorge U Wolf was tilId lu await ilin acif of the tirand Jury for kill luzAdain Crnbuch at it bill at iM Suet Tbirtyulntb street n H eek ago last rUturduy nlzht > i Ccmmlsiloner Vuurhls vMud on Wednesday night I the ilhe III tin Fourth und hlith wards which as Mayor t Hewitt l9lfifnriid violate the theatrical law but says I be found iiuthiiig that would justify the police In acting Until lie ncesiicBbelliiesof the Mackayllennelt Com 1 mercial cul le Company tare broken Ttie company re fudnil bu iie > 4yvsttrday lite breaks ore close to Unit utNora MIIIU and uere ciiUHed by icebergS Be pairs will be completed In a few days A blast lu Hlicft 31 nf the new aqueduct was supposed i Jo tie dead until It exploded at U o don last night and iihn elIcit 21 years mil Daniel Sn teney y years old and Clmrles nuillh agnd pa years were severely cut by 0log stones John 1 Iillons e > es were Injured The Irish Historical Society met at the Sinclair noose but Highland elected CornmluluncrTliaddeustlorlarty i Freslilcnt Anthony A Uriihn and Lawrence J Colliding MmfirildeiilsaiidReoriie A ViImimlt lidward T Kllputrkk and llr T II Irtcn Secretaries FrancIs t Kojir Ubrarlan mid Au tln U Kurd Treasurer t Sergeant Matthew Tuck s ho was dismissed from the plire terre fur taveidrupohig In Mount Morris dark hoi teen unsuccessful upon his appeal from the deelsuss 4 of Judge tJiwrcnce denying his application for a mends > mus tn compel the Hoard ot 1olicv to put tils name oa las I retired list I It cost but a trifle more to decorate your bout wttk J le1aiaeIaAsJkanti akaulsse