am THURSDAY Atirictir
eoait but bad n vor before experienced on 10
tartoo IUI thiL
AtBtonlngton the schooner Emma A Cheese
rirowis driven ashore and ls 1 lotnl wreck
No Jve wero lost but tho crew were badly
frozen They wore cared for by the hospitable
former No one hns nnr Idea at this time how
many vessels were caught In the Horn Many
lan known to have elenred Just In tlmo to
er tmo
encounter the gnle Whether they managed to
reach some sale harbor Is I 1 problem that n day
will solve
4 or two wlllvo
I At 10 oclock this morning Tnit RUN rorro
pondont interviewed E M Heed acting Presi l
dent of the Consolidated rond Mr lived saul
h e hnd been on duty at tho depot for thirtysix
bourn and was excessively fatigued Udrrolx
lire thirtysix trains snow bound on the va
rious divisions ot this road The depot hnl
Borvod aa n refugn for the passengers nf Ibo
tolled trains In tho floor vicinity lour hun
dred persons hnd boon In the depot up I to last
evening when thorn was n let up to tho fury of
the storm Fourteen engine ware entirely
disabled In the yards nf the road In this city
The greater part of thn snow along nil our
Ilnea will hnvu to bo shoveled off soul Mr
leed IOlr Fnow ploughs iiro entirely useles
with this I hey snow iitngfl of Rlovol have
been put to work but 1 Iou l I wo can got n
trnln running between this city and New Jot
before Haturdny afternoon To tubulate the
stormbound trains both Irclcht and ateoii i >
inakoH thn situation stand like this
NeTr York Dlvlnlon A tia < soncor trnln near
I v esi jtavoDiwoai jjriuaiipon tnu new Mid
Ut I ford special a mile west of Bridgeport two
j other accommodation trains Imtweiii Bridgit
port and Bouthport not yet dellnlloly locntcd
f two at East Bridgeport tho Htiuuford special
t i zuear Stamford und four other trains botwoon
A I lloehello and Now York
u1 Hartford Division An express In I out near
It I the Union llepot this city one nt Tin Brldito
u junction two passenger trains near Hnuth Col
IT I ony Conn Moriden another nt Holts Hill
nd two other accommodation trains between
orldon and Hart ford
f Shore Line Division Two accommodation
trains between Fair haven nnd Lnst Hnvennn
express and two accommodation trains between
eayhrook junction and Knst Lymo and another
express at Oroton
rAir Line Division Two accommodation
trains at or near Portland n freight train nt tho
ama plaoo and an accommodation truln nt
Hlddletown n
Naucatuck DivIsionTwo accommodation
trains stalled between BrldK pott and WInsted
Northampton Division freight train at
Cheshire with fifteen cam derailed 1 and an accommodation
commodation trnln near IIaInvIlIe
Berlin and Mlddlotown Ono accommoda
tion stalled at East Berlin and I freight nt
ome unknown point on tho lino
On the Derby rond only ono train Is I stalled
a accommodation about two miles from this 1
elOn the New England mad at points In this
Btal there aro oluht trains stalled Freight
trolns were all abandoned The superintend
ents of this road wore utterly unable to locate
nr ofthe trains stalled in Connecticut on
their line
Uenoral < Bnpcrlntondent 0 M Rhopard of
t the Consolidated road has spent fifteen yonrs
of h railroading experience on Wcitern roadi
He has beon in Eoveral blizzards but ho told
THE HUH reporter that this ono In his opin
tJ ror 011
ion fully enunllod any Western blIzzard Ho
said that a train could not bo run to low York
before Saturday rtlght
Between Fair Haven and East haven two
trains on tho Shore lint division of nvln I Con
solidated road worn stnlled on Monday morn
log The trains in
Inl wern going opposite direc
ton nnd got stnlled with tho onKlnus facinc
each other The passengers bad no war of
getting out of their dilemma but they thought
nothing of tho storm oxr > ootmc It to soon pass i
away They wore mistaken Tboro was no
food on eltbortraln The pasrongcrs stayed in
the trains all that day and nlghtwilb the storm
raging lurlously outside Not ono of tho men
dared t start out to got food or help On
Tuesday afternoon a man with a large basket
on lila arm WOH scon ploughing hla wnv through
tho snow which was nearly up to his neck
The snow bad banked up against tho
doors of tho cars eo that there was
no communication between thn care The
roan with tie basket made his way slowly
along and finally got to tho platform nf tho
rear car The snow was piled up so high that
be could not cot I open and it was with faint
tog hearts that the pasconaorn saw him go
away But hn had gone to gnt assistance At
i last he returned with help and it wns not long
before bo had made nu nutranco into the cur
The passengers fairly fell on his neck and
blossed blm Ho hud brought plenty ol provi
sions Ono young lady from Chicago kissed
t him and said that as soon an her pupa heard of
how she hud been rescued from starvation ho
would give her deliverer 10 Tho h
bad bad no food for thirtysir hours and an
j the urea in the cars Lund cone out they wore
Doffinmng to grow nnmr All the coal in too
t tender lund boon usod and the tires In the en
gines bad nlfio gono out nnd tho engineers nnd
Iono unlDoerl
1 Bremen sought shelter In tho passenger curs
t When nearly all had given up hope und ear
I I pected t b either starved or frozen to death
this man appeared Ills name Is N A Tanner
o 109 East Pearl street Fair Haven The
posaengere took up a collection of 10 for Mm
but he flatly refuted to take I
The 829 express out of Hartford duo In New
York at 1140 A M watt stalled In the rullronU
cut about a milo horn Ito Now Unvnu depot
t Two engines were attached but they could not
pull the train through the drifts Tim out is n
Beep one and I was not loU bofore thou snow I
I was ao high that It covarod the topd nf the cars
C and bunked up agaInst the doom Bom of the
I passengers got out through the windows aud
Plr tit
fell Into drifts nock deut > Tho baggage car
i Whloh was not so badly Miowcd in hud a very
1 accommodating conductor Watson J Ells
< worth Ho put n ladder up the bank to Chapel
street and the men climbed up Into tho street
i ana went to u hotel In tho train was n draw
1 1 ingroom car In which wore Judge 1C A Btnros
and party who woro bound for tt t Augustine
t Ilorlaa nnd Charles H Parsons of Brooklyn
N Y Mr Parsons la importorof nnd whoio
sale dealer in musical niorrhundiso nt
J an Broadway Now York morhlnllu lud for
company his charming daughter Miss
1 f Parsons and bin son The party seemed
ot Ont to enjoy tho novelty of the situation
but when they found that they couldnt
fet ont of tbo car thu novelty woro off Judge
Btorrs prayed for tt Augustine to be ont thin
wnyimmediately As tbo tmln wan near tha
depot the snow wan shovelled away niter tho
party had boon in tho ears nearly twentyfour
hour Then tho company furnished food and
rescued all the nnsHoncern exeunt tho o who
worn 1 tlO urewingroum car woo noneluaou
to stay where thy until the
t Bty wler y wore unti train should
tort for New York which nil not he until
u Saturday Miss Parsons who I II a lending 1 ultl
I f I elety belle of Brooklyn enjoyed tho R111 On
II I Wednesday evening the Yoio Glen Club went
through the drifting snow to the couch und in
toboggan cape and snowshoen oronndod Mica
i p 80ronldd
Farsons The club sung many college bongs
I the parting ono being loud 110 bOnt
In Now Haven there were rojmrtod up to 10
j oclock this morning ouvon deaths from ex
posure Theyocournxl principally the out
1 IJDg stts of tho city nnd the victims worn
all working pooplu Threo girls employed OT
I t the L iondoe Itnbbor Company lost their llvint
in the largo drifts ou St John olivet They left
t the Canduo hOI > during tho licavlont part nf
1 too storm and their boding ware found Into
I lat nt and talon Into a house nnnr by The
t Urana avenue precinct reported this morning
1 that one ol tho iwliceraen connected with the
ilion had found a lend body It proved to bo
a boy lllo
tat of Ulahael Hnpgnrtyof 25 James street
I JraJrHaveu Another man wan found frown
1 death early on Tuesday morning nn Lincoln
Street Ills body bus not twon 01 1ncoln
BUt Il by nt
f bon IdonUfod I
I r John Nottleton a brass workr employed In
S Whitney nvenuo shop Htartod out on Mon
day night for his homo on Mill lllver stroot
near Host stOCk Park Ills Mi was found Iuutt
C I bly wllloUld llt
Bight frozen stlft Hn learns n largo family
1 Thomas Cook a youth of ID becaimi Intoxi
cated on Monday night and ut mldrlKh blurt
e for his homo on tinltonstiill avenue Ills
J body wan found tolonslll caino to thin
city from Maiden Mann and was employed Ihll
x the New Haven Car Company
Three school teachers am roported missing
and It l is feared Ir roporrd mlBRlpl
ad thnt thoy Imvo Iweii frozen to
j death Tho fchuoU nil lot out eurly on Mon I
i 1 day Many ot 1 the toncbiM waited exacting
t the storm to subside Moat of them sought
+ shtlterlu neighboring hntiKos A low started
I forborne Beviirul veto helped bymvuwhuin
e they mot and curried homo pd bJnln
Tbero nro at leant twotry deaths from ox
1 posure reported from surrounding tnwiui
1 i Bomo of lie towns report toiL school houses
are still occupied by the children anti Icachen
who are sufforlng grontly l for lack of food
1 t Hundreds of NowJInveiiseitizenn were over
eome by the storm anil nariowlyiscnpcd death
L from exposure UxJudgu Jue1utu 1 hholdun
jecnmn exhausted nnd suuuh down In lingo
r drift while going his hnnm on Monday iilitht
l Luckily ho Wilts obsened Irom niiewhbnririif
f house and rMouud Alderninit hnrluti A
Owsnor nnrrowlynirapcd In adrift
nTowynpe1 porlshlng ii
f i I on btate street Jllorlt 1lokrmnl 01 Chapel I
BlTt and hula son narrowly 1llllod porlhhuiutg
onadrJ nlarOlv HIt ny tug Into the
bllk and Iovorll Iho > olvo wlh the show
alen Clerk tutu wealthy reid ustntn ilnnler
t sldln on huitny utvontle ninrlud
1 IneYullo for hnmi
p rom hla Chop i Wroet reildince lrlll 10m
UIlplllroet acivinipsuiffit
I rlIIInoo
t by his son who roeontly mlII1
t en wl inarrl Llraiii
t lln IIrrd
nghes the vaudovlllo
UUlhes The two
VIUtIlo Illr i n
t r found an hour nftcrwanl In 11
r BclouB nail badly fro Iflrwl1 II UI iiuomi
< t 111 Ildly n condition Tlr of f
f their I lon
I tbeIr servants had startnd out to find tltin
I and came them in limo In < 1
Ind cme upon II lmo to suvu thorn from
i Many Now Haven people have not
I laven IIo boon to
their homes for forty or lIlly hour > and len much
It anxiety liiw been felt tly their futitttIi lueh
1 i At
1i II but il i P M yesterday u siruli I hay burrow
i nl IA way through many n snow drill mid
IIIY I Uv Irlt ld
t s i the following note to Chief of Police Bollmanj
fi 1 1 It ft CMrf kuiou IMIuan I or vlimtr lull c Itfl 0 uit toilet
r I f Th diuitittr nl rcmmlnlnnFr oiin > on with tw n
ebrldl nr Itewrd In a t ai Academy vrt 111 ir
trwttiL ilu nnt know where lliry ire mlnlnjc sIIflo
Ur Kluqulrlri arc uwU will you iltbljr them I
Tl1oJditA 1 veroMis Thomrfon of 181 Hnwn
strI Il Woorlf 01 U iilloti Street and
A utile 8 John on tuf b74 Omd Avenue
J Tb eVeniog rateruu iquipendti gubllcatton
nenilr ratr IUplnd
last t1eDII ane I Is ant lt nil 1 lublllton
the ItalfI Of Union will alIInr this eVening
Tbormjlllor rportera reTusd to
ad reluetd ix
ce tkeunclyea 10 the terrible storin City
XdLLr ueke of tie Moiiilngtouthr Clr
OIR ldy nJjt for the OmCt of It8
cas itst
c lt I Las bEams XlutOa aa
turned blt The paper A gotten out by tie
asl Itlnt editor and one reporter
On Monday afternoon when the storm was
at Its highest a funeral procession with the
remain of Mlohnal MclJormott started for BU
Bernard Cemetery through now drift and a
blinding itorm The provision ronilited of a
hearse and five hnoks prson IItor It vet far the
top of the coarse was covered with mow
Alter being on tho way for two hOlt the cem
etery was reached Hlowly the hearse wan
drugged through the drifts of mow Twice It
pot stuck so badly that three of the hnckmen
had to take their teams nnd pull It out The
pow was coming down thicker and fantsr and
nil hopes Interring tho body wore dispelled
The coffin was taken out to the grave nnd
Jail there I was Boon burled with mow The
hacks had to he abandoned nnd It was with
tho greatest difficulty that the mourners got
at far as the ilrst house where they sought
shelter The hnckmen unhitched their horses
and roue them to the nearest ham
The principal streets of Now Haven are com
pletely blockaded A person walking over the
drifts ran hardly see tho llretstory windows
the snow reaching In many CIIHCH to the second
story Hut very few ventured out on Monday
I Bccmed almost Impossible tosunhuln the
Morm mne College wns well snowed and
narrow paths n foot wide were cut through
drifts ton nnd flltcen tilt t high today lIe
north nnd south divinity ImllH wero snowed In
oo that no etitrancu could bo had for twenty
gu lrr n80 hH tr
fur hnilru Itnil thin ctmlunta witrn nhlluArl tn
stay there No pntrnnr < could bo tniidelothtt
front of the police building On Tuesday night
thu city was In total I darkness Not I street light
of any kind ollher electric nnphthn or gas
wail lighted TIe city looked an though It watt
deserted bv every living being The clectria
light company hnd run short of coal Tho
manager begged n ton of a neighbor anti It
had to be carried In pulls to the works This
coal I was used to mnlo tho Incandescent lights
In tho rehtanrnntH mud newspaper olllces At
tho Now Haven House the stocK of coal ntn
out and coal bad to bo curried In packs from
the North Church to tho hotel to keep tho
guests from freezing Along the streets it wax
H common thing to see nn abandoned wagon
burled in tho HIIOW Not a team of any do
heriptlon was seen on the streets of the city
olthor on Tuesday or Wednesday A simIlar
clruunistnneu was never buloio known slnco
tim iottletnent of Now Haven
Kvnrv fnptfirv unit hon utitic down early on
Monday but only a few of the employees roach
ud home In some cases two mon would help
n girl home but of tho girls who
I homl blt most shop IlrlR nt
leniDted to got homefnlnted many times boforo
they readied hOle In safety Nonrly nil thin <
shop girls to tho number of about IIOOi and
nearly nil of the men employees stnyed in the
shops on Monday nnd Tuesday nights tho
01 Moulny luelny nllhts em
ployers furnishing food and blankets JJusl
nose mon passed the night in their stores
rather than risk their lives in the storm Many
of the shops nro short of cun and will not got
running for I week yet t The schools wero
closed on Monday morning two boys going
homo with each girl
Tho side wall of tho brick building at 29 Church
street caved In nnd In Its fall crushed through
thn roof of A LiUtzH cigar store The damage
will amount to IIOOU Many other smaller
buildings fell under tho weight ot lie snow
At Yale College It him been n holiday for all
tho students Jlnnywore snowed Inand could
not got to recitations Nobody seemed to on
joy the storm except these tel Ois When they
once got outdoors they hnd lots of fun They
visited tho depot and tried to mash tho
pretty girls Ono Iquad of students was neon
about dark last night drugging I keg of bear
uptown on a toboggan which was said to be
destined for tobolnu Most of the students
found Itdlfllcult to get anything to oat In ono
house tile landlady had run out ot everything
except cold meat and crackers
DuilngtliH storm there has been milk fain
ice Nothing but condensed Ilk could be ob
tamed At the city market nil tho fresh meats
are gone and if communication outside IB not
established > err nm there will bo no meat or
grocery supplies of nny kind The restaurants
nil closed lust night as they had sold out every
thing and could not got supplies Not spoon
ful of mill could bo obtained at any price No
precautions hnd been taken agnlimt such 1
storm and nearly every family yesterday had
to visit a grocery store to keep themselves
from starving That In I the reason of the gear
city of everything today
J n fire had started nothing could have
saved the city from n great conflagration The
engines could not be got out and Chief lien
dricks Inv orders to have I sleigh on band
with hoe on it in cnso an alarm should bo
given Linen of hOBo were placed along the
tops of some of the principal buildings lhero
are km hydrants in tho city nnd every ono Is
buried undernbout 11 eon feet of snow Chief
Uendrlcks says ha never known such a storm I
Them Is onestory house with a basement
on Day street The snow completely burled It I
Chin min slnfv n tnnnl tlitmiirh tn thin uh > aif
world anti thus opaued I communication i with the outer
In front of the New Haven machine shop on
Whiney ffy avenue is I enow drill that 1 over
Officer Gerard found a girl stuck in a snow
drift in York square Ho rescued her William
l Brown a hnckman lound a young woman
completely burled by the snow last night 8be
was stimulants after n groat deal of exertion revived by
Driver Dornn of the police office found a man
in an innunslble condition in H drift its was
taken into I house near by when it was found
his cheeks hands nnd ears were WR
Patrick Mornn of Congress avenue found two
little gins stuck fast in tho snow last evening
The lIttle ones were fast asleep in each others
arias und would never have awakened had
they boon left to themselves
A Unrtford Conn special of this morning
says The averngo depth of snow mornIDI
vicinity Is over three feet Drifts In the streets
ot the city are from live to fifteen foot deep
The storm is rated unprecedented for this
State Not R wheel Is moving on any of the
railroads Passengers on stalled trains out
Bide of Hartford lira suffering greatly bevcrnl
authenticated deaths from cold and exposure
have been reported Fire was discovered last
evening in I apruce stroot livery stable The
Urn engines made n desperate attempt to an
swer the alarm but got stuck In the snow
drifts Tho men connected with Hose Company
No 4 loaded their hose on an old flatbottomed
boat and dragged It to the scene of tho fire
where the names were extinguished with great
wlb Ielt
dlllleulty hydrant streams 1b roof of tho
union livery stable foil on Tuesday morning
Four horses wero killed mornt
A Mention Coon special says The block
nde II IIL complete nnd travel Is eflectunllr
stopped TWO passenger Indus from Hnrtioni
aro snowed in nt Holts Hill and 100 shovellers
nnd lour locomotives could not move ono of
them The 160 passengers bound for New
Haven nnd Now York worn cared for by hu
mane farmers Lute last evening a path was
beaten down to tho train nearest this city und
seven ladles walked II tho depot I distance of
nearly a mile and a hal Tbo passengers of
thn blockaded train from Hartford nt the Camp
htieot bridge were obliged to remain In the cars
for fortyeight hours and suffered from lack of
food Ono hundred Italian shovellers tinder
lload Hauler Lane quarrelled among them
selves and n fierce and bloody light ensued
bovoril of them woro fatally injured Threo
were killed outright There Is no telling when
the stalled trains can be moved Probably not
ofnio I 0 Saturday afternoon The factories have
been clo od since early on Monday morning
hhop girls miflerod terribly In endeavoring to
roach their homes Many of them were badly
frozen and narrowly scared perishing In thn
hugo drifts In Homo o tho factories the girls
were not allowed to go out at oil They were
provided with food and bedding and are ntlll
in tho shops here I have been many heroic
rescues of defitrirtim i from tho drifts 1 and hov
er al fatalities hino occurred The lire alarm
telegraph system la useless There nro fears of
u scarcity of meat and other provisions if the
blockade In I not tana hrokn hovernl persons
arc wild tn Imvo purisbod on tosrllrsoDs
A telephone meMtupo this morning from
Cromwell 1 sums that Henry PierHona green
hoiihes cern crushed Loss inXl
A Bridgeport telephone mesbiign Fays Over
360 local telephone wires lire prostrated Olr
communication Is entirely Interrupted to tho I
north and houth lunjor ronua Issued an or
der to the oloctrio light company for
bidding the use of the arc 111118 pomplny tom fear
of hue The streets are rnmplutnly Irc blnckadH
Many ppthons nearly perished In getting to
their homes In mine tees shop girls were
11011 Ilrl
found along the wayside imnbln In movo They
had fainted Anv quantity of earn and hands
mid feet were froen It I was tho toughest
storm over fn In Bridgeport touJhet
A meisauo frori Knrwnlk before the wires
WelT dml cnld flint Ih storm 1111 fearful wlrrl
there WM 11111 doubt thut several liven biul
been loci Thfro IIIIH been 111 trains on tluti
Diinhtiry nnd hirw ll I road tcveruil I rains aro
stnlled lioiwoon Nnrwalk and l > anbury
Ironi Ln the tel phnne brntiglit wonl that
the t show ivitn two i lect ileon and rifling badly
Tin storm is unprocodented in tho hibtory of
A telephone message from DnnburysnyBthnt
the but girls nil utiiHd In the hliujw on Monday
nnd Ttumnthuiy nights Thofowwho attempted
tllun i items went through u siege Many did
not reach home hut wnk nut exhausted WHM
obllid to H6lc I for f luilter doug the wny Not
a train IH running Heveral buildings have been
eriihhed hy l the snow
BA Jllddlutoun roclnl of thin morning says
1 iii average depth or f snow Is nnr two feet I
and It is timlly drilled Two trains on the liar
lin I I branch am Mailed between tlda city and
Berlin No linlus on the Air lino or Valley
funds have tnoied nineo Monday morning nnil
His umlfiKlood no 1 urt lieu at lain p t mu inmu
I rut ins will tin iniido until Tbnixlay Ono Air
Imp and three m nlloy trains arc flailed In or
near the city Nn netrloim nf IIH publlo schools
linjo ben held tlneo Monday anti unno will Im
hell thin week Nearly nil stores anti places ot
biiBlntNi liT cloMd Henry Bnrnnrln dry
poodh store wn crimlied by the weight of tbo
now last night Thu loss Is between 2000
and UOJO
A lIcwllI1n special pays Tho oldest resl
dent does not I ipmcnilxjr n Monti of such ie
Verity All biielness conned und the mills
nml dchools rlnstd on Slondny aflernooa lIe
ShOW ld now threo feet deep onn leveL It Is
iiiiniired thnt Erhanl Llnek 60 cire old a
Oertuan brewer perished in the snow nt the
M ojt end of the town Th Ilockville braneh
train rose Is blockaded between Ellington and Mel
A Waterbury despatch savft No trains are
moving on the NanentTiok road Beven engfnot
ire tolltd 111 Waterbury A11utl 7
t aSi v t v
r1tl1N1J TO AtsAxr AND ChiCAGO
xonso ON SKIT ionic CBNIJUI
Erl Upe nn4 lbs rnuylyeeI B m4 Ex
twota to M ak IliHa4lph1 ThU JUcrnlnc
Loot Iilniid 1 And One More
New York has broken through the barrier
ot snowdrifts at last and railroad train are
flying in an out again Mallsactual mails
have ben received And despatched Trains
for Albany and Chicago departed by the New
York Central and today express trains forth
North ami West will run on schedule time be
ginning with the vestibule limited for Chicago
at 050 AM Nearly every one of the stalled
traIns on the Now York Central below rough
keopslo had nrrlvodln thdOrind Central Depot
before 2 1 51 yesterday and a notice had bon
posted In tho depot Informing the anxious per
sons who were waiting to get to their homos
that a train would leave for Albany at 8K P M
Tills train was advertised tostopnt stations
according to custom The notice wound up
with this dubious statement
Ticket will be told ublot to detention Wh tt r tile
train can be ran through or iiotdepeailatifbniliaoan
dltlon of the track and tho drift
An hour later a notice was posted that the
train would stop at PeekskllL At the execu
tive omoes Assistant General Superintendent
VoorhooH was in charge General Superin
tendent Toucey was cut on the road command
ing the army of Italians who had been work
Ing steadily in relays since Tuesday morning
The down track hud been cleared all the way
to PoughkoepMe Eight trains that had boon
stalled between harlem Junction anti Bpuyton
Buyvll were brought down early in the morn
ing They were nearly empty the passengers
tmvlnir lutAti rcmoved l In fllftlchM and the rescue
m m
trains that cot through on Tuesday night At
12 > i P M yeaterdnr u train that started from
Troy on Monday morning nnd had beenstallod
at Poughkcepsie came down to New York and
It was then that the New York officials deter
mined to take the chances and send out train
Ill Is i rna HnnA In order tn nnnnflRA thus clamor
Ing demand nf the people who bad been
crowding the offices all morning
A number of entities with snow ploughs at
tachod wore sent up tlie line and forced the r
war through where the snow had drifted Tel
egraph communication wits renewed with
Albany ami Bunulo nnd with Home of the local
stations Word was received from Albany that
the break between there and Poughkeopsie
was very heave the snow being as high us ton
feet In some places
It was determined to Bend the first train up
on tho down track us lam as Poughkcepslo A
heavy imglno with a snow plough attached pro 1
ceded It The conductor was ordered to run
his train ns best he could alter leaving Pough
keepBlu If it was found expedient to switch
from the down track ho was to do It
This train Superintendent Toucoy said
last night will probably have to zigzag Its
way up nnd It will necessarily have to go very
slowly We have no Idea at what time It will
reach Albany and In tact wo nro not certain
that it will get there at all The passengers
were notified of the chances they took and
must do the best they can There no danger
accident or that the train will bo stalled be
tween stations If It cnnt get to Albany the
truck behind Is clear and tho train can he run
back to the next station Wo think it will get
through nil right
Tho waiting rooms of the New York Central
were jammed with passengers when the doors
wore thrown open for the first Albany train
Among them wore many legislators Ex
beaker ErwIn said he bad been detained In
hew York since Friday and was willingin take
all the risks of being left on his wav to Albany
Some of the other statesmen wore Sonutors
Plercn Cocgeshall Halnes Vedder Cantor nnd
Murphy AssemblymnnBonnlnstOi Bheplmn
Horning Green tIed Haggcrtr trnostCrosby
had been there in tint morning but he had
abandoned hope and gone home
Although everybody was sufllclontly eager to
get away to tiikn this first opportunity all had
in mind tint risks that attended the trip As it
result the Insurance agency in tho depot was
overrun with applicants who were determined
viloitvn hill ftimllfna ttrnvMrtll for Tim UfFAnt
reaped u nun jC of quarters for the WOOO
1 be train consisted of four passenger cars
and a baggage car It had been Intended to
put on a ngnor drawingroom car lit first and
nil the legislators encaged scats In it but
it was withdrawn at the last moment much to
their disappointment The company feared
that it would not bo able to get through The
cars were crowded aisles and all and when
the truln moved out the cheering was loud and
long When lout seen tho politicians who had
managed to secure seats in the best car
wort opening their satchels and producing
handsome leather husks with silver stoppers
wnrranted not to leak
A half hour after the train had left the depot
tho doom were thrown open again and the
passengers for way stations as tor ns Croton
were admitted This was aleo a fouroar train
nnd the jam was oven greater Countrymen
who had been sleeping In ears and lodging
houses brokers nnd business men who had not
bean home since Friday night crowded In to
gether with sighs of roller It was the first
time In tho experience of any outsiders that
Now York had refused tQ let them co away
when they wanted to
The opening of the Central road Is expected
to be completed by tonight At present only
one track is available as far a Ponllhkeep
but it Is believed that the other will be opened
today At OJi 1 M an accommodation train
wits Kent out to Pnughkeppsle and the Chicago
vestibule limited express loft at UK The lat
ter of one coach and throe sleepers
It was not certain of course that It would get
through but It was thought that if it reached
Albany safely It could got through boyond
thor If It does it will open tho road west
of Albany which has been nraotlcally closed
plneo lie storm began No trains moved west
of Albany yesterday A mull train was niso
sent up 10 Albany at U P M but no passengers
were taken The last I of the Mailed train 011
this rond had beon brought Into the depot by 1
P M or else had been side tracked A dozen
came down and ns many more wore relieved of
her passengers nnd run off on to sidings
Tho blockade on the Harlem llallroad wan
just touched by the Italian salvation army em
ployed by Mr Iep w und commanded by Su
perintendent Toucey The engineer and fire
man on one of tho snow ploughs came near
making their last trip They were ordered to
force a WilY through a mighty drift of snow
over ton font high This wits in the Highlands
They got tho engine through but the snow
massed Itself Into the cab and they luaU to be
dug out of it when tho engine halted They
morn not seriously injured but if tho Italians
had not rendered thorn speedy assistance they
would have been suffocated by the snow
The oflorts toward raising the blockade be
gan early In the morning The tracks on this
month wero found to bo in much worse condition
than on tho New York Centrals Icu had
formed under the snow and had to bo dugout
with pickaxes By 4 oclock the tracks had
bon cleared enough to warrant the onlclnls in
making an attempt to run a train Accordingly
a notice wax parted in the iiurlom waiting
rooms that II train would start for V hlte > Plains
Mopping at nil slatlotm utlj P M Alter that
hind gnu with its load ot tiascengertt anxious
to leave New York u second train was Kent out
ut 050 Tills too wan filled to the very doors
The Now Haven lonil WHS the I only ono of the
thrco filleting the Grand Control Depot that
did not open Its tracks Ixlorp011if yestenluy
nnd Iliac iota not Incrensod Its means of com
munication by wlrn hlncoHondny Nona of Its
Mulled trains has yet been moved nor have tlio
jfllulals Ilft this I city recelvod rI trustworthy
nowbound patHengers Tho u llvt i tOO train t l tn
iave the def1Qt on 11 tracks started for New
llorhfllc nt u > J P M Ithiid but low lesson
gore for It was not known uii to the lost mlnuto
whciihor a train would go nut or not This is
tho list of trains still stalled
houlh Nor1lalk secisI tIeIltoJll > N < irwkllint3C < M
on JiuiiUiy ties ci 7ix
Hiuminnl nccUL ltd Hlninford A10 A M 1 Monday
dup f > itil
> SW Hnron local left New linen 310 A 1 Monday
Mamlorii ipeclal hell Stamford 040 A U 1 ilondij i
duo at 7zs
HinmforUfpedall ftStamford 7 AM Monday d
St sL
BrlSreport tpeclal left nrld port 61 A M Monday
uw llirtn Incut express left New haven CO3 A M
Utii < lay due atH45
NeK llaren local t led New limn at 030 A M Mon
dl dutatuslii
Minn I I I aniuu and K pw nrk local express left Slam
timid al 544 A M 1 Moiidnr duo AtPitl
Jtew ll vcn meal IsttIStV tlateu at 100T Won
day Iue ct UUL
hprliitlfld acrommndillon and local exprtUL hats l
Bpnu fleulat ba iAM Monday due at Oaiu
The train which brought In Austin Corbin
from JniniihO on Tuesday night broke up the
cuinplitH lilfiokHdo lOll i > the Long I lnnd llnll
Tfiul Yvstordity morning on the North Shore
divIsion IbiD lint train was run to No mown at
1U03 imd 1 triln leaving nt 105 I > Id 1 Rot
tliroiiFli to Maui street Flnsblncc ro Whit
slono tho tracks wove cleared soon lifter mid
hourly trains were despatched to this point
during tho afternoon slopping In Flushing
IJrldJe street The great tmrrlor to olenhlll at
the rond on the 1nrttu lihoro WR thus Ollt
Jtmtown where the c1rlllll were plIl 18
feet de These wore finally em through
thn 101110 of the forenoon II nIl the Irack were 1y
then Irtuully clurur Beyond FluhlllJr 10 Ihe
terminus nt Great Neck this blockade will
probntly bo ruined today Hourly trains to
Jamaica were despatched from noon on
and were crowded with passengers who
have been waiting ilnc Monday for
the chance On Tuesday night a mow plpnih
with engines 101 103 and 98 wa badly
lured yoiolftho track near Jamaiea It
iru rtpiliadflonflTor in inert oratr ind yea
ted ttnoOL Itllrt1nsr aaln tront Lob <
ihn4 City opened the road on tile l1ookawa7
brnqft to itoccnway Three trains were ae
8J11talled to Rockaway last evening on iohedule
tim M 11 8 and 1010 The > UI 115 < II tlllO
porarily Abandoned a n ljch the train de
spateher said yesterday Port Jefferson
Bag Harbor send Greonport are still to bo
opened The first two points will be reached
on Thursday but there will J be delay In getting
through to Ore n Olt A plough left Hag liar
bor this afternoon and hns advanced tevornl
miles tn this direction Th outs opt there nro
drilled i In from twentyfiveto thirty feet deep
The snow ploUltb from Jamaica will push
through tonight t to Hempstand and Loonst
Veiiiey and trains will run morrow On the
North Shore division trains will he nlll on
schedule time Two trnlnsonly remain stalled
one at Beafora and one at Waverly and all tho I
passengers nre off and cared for
A train well stocked with provisions loft tho
depot In afternoon behind the snow plough
The Pennsylvania liallrond succeeded In
clearing Its tracks to Motuchen and during
the day twentylive trains made round trips to
Newark and u few wont as for ns Unhway
Tho road between Trenton and Philadelphia
won also opened and trains were run on
schedule time Superintendent Crawford paid
that tho only block on the road betweon this
city and Philadelphia extended from two miles
this side of New Brunswick to tho same die
tattoo went of that city Two thousand mon
VeTO at work shovelling the mow at that block
and ho expected to be able to send n train to
Philadelphia before morning He would not
send any through trnln from he t depot how
ever until the road was entirety clear
At 0 oclock throe engines were Runt from the
depot to Newark to bring back the New York
and Chicago limited the Pullman vestibule
train that left on Monday morning nixlwna
stalled in the cut nt Marlon until yesterday
when It got ns far west a > Chestnut street
Newark and was stalled again They returned
with tho trnln In tow nt 11 oclock ami the
passengers immediately came to New York
where they said they would wait until trains
were running on schedule time before starting
again At noon a train started lor Philadel
phia and got ns far as Metucbcu
No trains for the Lehlgh Valley rond loft the
Tho Now York Susqnobnnna nnd Western
train that hAil been stalled at W ost End nine
Monday morning arrived nt the depot nt II
oclock It was followed at 810 by tbo Perth
Amboy accommodation that started from Forth
Ambny Monday morning at 7 oclock Thnro
are 300 passengers In tho dopot at Jersey City
bound for stations west of Trenton and Phila
delphia The following notice Is posted In tho
waiting rooms
AS toon at the road la abnotnuly clear of all obetrno
lions the thronia train wIlt lesT this dI01 > la tb tot
lowlnir order
1 New York and Chicago LlmlUl
2 ConffreHlnnal RxpreM
u Burton Express tti rolladelttila paoennn
4 lhlladelplila Express
At 11 oclock last night Superintendent Craw
fonl abandoned his lutentionotrnnningn train
to Philadelphia before morning lit received II
despatch from New Brunswick stating that the
big drift at that place hud been cleared away
nnd that another almost as big had been en
countered at Monmouth Junction Jtvonty mllf
further on As soon as this la clear wo will
run on schedule time ho said
Jersey Central got ono track clear to Newark
yesterday and another to Hound Brook This
first train over any division since Monday
morning was despatched from the Cotnmunl
paw Ferry to Elizabeth at 6 A M nnd readied
its destination without mishap or delay At 10
oclock n train was pent to Duucllon on tho
maIn line and a few minutes later the train
in since Monday afternoon arrived from ito
Mlle It was closely followed by one from
Punellen and thereafter trains ran between
Dunollen and Now York at Intervals of two
hours until nightfall All wero heavily laden
and two locomotives wero required to draw
each train through tho snow that still clogged
tho tracks some places All the tracks of tho
main line wero clear to Greenville Hero nil
westbound track was still burled under
drifts from four to fifteen feat deep nnd 1
the I eastbound track wns used by all trains
between Greenville and Bergen Point Front
Bergen Point to Dunollen both tracks were
clear and travel was unimpeded At Green
ville n hundred men with shovels wore making
good headway against tho enormous drifts in
till cut near the station Another huge force
was at work beyond Uunellen nnd succeeded
in clearing one track to Bound Brook about 4
nVtn b in I I tin tiftArmmn TTntf nn limit lufiir n
train was ifl iIiii i to Bound Brook from i the
Jersey City station
The Newark branch was not cleared for
tratllo until P M when II train was nt ono
tent out At 4 tho first train nrrlved from Now
Irk und after that trains were sent nut hourly
from each of the termini of the division
There WAR no news Irom the Long Branch
lint and officials of tho road did not expect to
resume traffic over It before Friday
There was no communication between
Bound Brook and Philadelphia nail it wax
Mated that no trains could bo sent to Philadel
phia before noon today nt the earliest This
wns sad news for the members of the Lily
Clay Oayety Company who Imvo occupied a cur
In the Jersey City station mica 8 A M Mon
day Tbo tarn at the restaurant has ben
steadily growing worse anti tho roses are
fading from Ibo checks of the blond young
women who make uti tho company The con
fectionery stand was closed yesterday and tho
diversion of poker with gum drops for chips
wits thus cut off Snowbulling was resorted to
but It proved Illanlllid send cumforthesu amuse
moot The girls hare missed engngsnients lit
lleadlnt York IInd licrantonutnd will cOlIsfdlr
themselves lucky if they can cat to Harrlsburg
to play there tonight
Tho Jersey Central will make attempt to
m < e freight this week Something hike tho
regular schedule for passenger trains may bo
expected to be In operation todnv except t on
the Long Branch division Telegraphic com
munication along the companys linos is diffi
cult and uncertain
EBIE is ALL monT
The Erie road leads the procession in tho
mntter of clearing its tracks nnd straightening
out its time table the trains which were stuck
nil succeeded In reaching stations None of
thorn has yet been brought in but General
Superintendent N J Murnhv says tho oast
bound trains will nil be In oy5 this morning
At noon yeMerday tho following notice waa
posted In tho Chambers street forrr Iiouco uiid
the Jersey City depot
Wo Ipcton > mmnenninorpnrrrtraino
between J r sy City anu 1aterson ant IKTIJ < further
iatr in the tr AiinexBticc loch to atari train over
JvortherullnlroadorNew Jute
On Monday and Tuesday nights tho depot
was turned into n hotel lor the belated Mon
day night the restaurant gave nut imd as no
streetcars cnba ore running nmny of the
passengers had to co hungry The Ilrst truln
out of Jersey City left on Tuesday night at
11 07 preceded by n sinew plollh and two on
cluos anti reached Paterson at 1JlI The next
train loft for the IIIme place yesterday lit Ii A
M I Twenty minnie rolloI It hud passoth
through the tunnel which runs from llruimwlek
street tn West End n mass of f rock weighing lUll I
tons fell from the roof of the tunnel nnd
blocked trnllle About half an hour after thu
occurrence u track walker making his hourly
rounds discovered tho hugo obstruction anti
Bent word to tho ofllce A largo lorco of men
with sledges nnd picks went to work nt the pile
of rock und with the aid of derricks it was
loaded nn flat cnrs and removed
It took until 4 P M to remove tho obstruc
tion It was noticed that another muss weigh
hag about fifteen tons threatened to tall and It
wits prlod off with picks und wedges About 7
A1 two onrlnos which were engaged In
clearing tho tracks nn the rest sldo of tho tun
pal ran till a switch nnd wore ditched Thuy
Ilncliejl the enstbound trnck Two twins
which started from iuterdou at H and Id A M
rwncliod the tunnel Iud were utopjied by the
derailed engines They bucked up to Hucau
cutho nearest switch and cuno through
< aey on the westbound track reacliltit Jor
wrCiti nt410nnd 425P M
Mr II A Wolcott in Superintendent Bar
retts ofllce said that the most borlous block on
the road Is nbout three mllAa thin stile nr OnCe
yllle nnd extends for a mile lie said that Cn
force of 2501 men woro ut work nt It
The trains which iwo snowed In are No 12 a
through twill from the West and No lu 1I
lIlelllil from iortJurvis BuIlt were duo Mktn
duty morning IIIIU are lit Monroe No 2B tho
Mountain express from Port Jervls is at
Chanter NCH 4 and 8 throiinli trains Irom
Ulilcugo and ht Loula nro routing nt Port Jer
vIm J ho tu egiapli Huns nil along tile road are
111 rood working order
hiipprlntondent Murphy received n message
Kst night that lie track to Jtldgewoon on tho
lergen county road was clear Iud that But
ern on the main linn would be reached bofoie
thus morning Tho Greenwood Luke division
jegnn running ns far as Orungn nt 6 P M
Irevious to 0 chock the trains worD run ex
elusively hy udngraph but later tho locals ran
on schedule tlmo West of Iort Jervls tIm
rnfllo did not sutler so much on the Erie At
noon yesterday the locals west of that nlaco
txwm running on schedule time At 0M this
morning the First through train for the West
Till start und It Is hoped that all teams can be
rim on schedule time slier tliut
By thn time tho trains started yesterday
afternoon the station was crowded When the
gtteman orbit Train for Paterson und Inter
nedliito stations a shout rent the building
Which could bn heard a mil and whim n a fow
minutes later the train for Lnglewood was ito
lounced sober ban Pretlduiilft flail weighty
ullroad and telegraph tuoBnutes joined in the
yell which echoed and retcbond through the
vast walling room Among the men whose
nmlllrs have existed at EnglewooiJ without
hem sInce Monday were Donald McKay Chits
P leo J 11 Jiurdetto Abram Iieronda I L
Hutchins J ii Jackson Win Stanley 11 V
Jianks T it awl W H LIlllngiuast W 1 Ciii
I II ji u roster O J JJltmnn J V niKin
hart Lyraan Ho Claike t J Bate II K
iignlls It II llnehestfr W fl Doughty J H
Vetmore W Q Yorml yt J Hugh Petprs H
O Deland nnd John Xiih e Mis Phelpc
dauchtorof William Walter Pholpshns been
rying to get to Enxlewood tlnat Monday
luperlmendent Barrett offered her the use of
ate office which she occupied with her maid
until the train left yesterday
Train wen net run on tk New York West
Bhon and Soflaio road yesterday but It u
the intention to hare throunh train ttnrted oa
BOhednU time at 955 tomorrow morning
No railroad man Uprediotlngftnrthlnsnbon
freights just yet
PntLADELFBU March 14The storm it en
ttrely over In tills city and suburbs pow melt
in r rapidly The Pennsylvania Itallrnia has
cleared IU tracks to Washington on the Ceo
tral dlvUlon and to Pittsburgh with one track
The principal blockade lino been thIs side o
Lancaster AtWInewood there are a numb
of drifts fifteen and twenty feet In height
and trains run between hueo walls M snow
The great trouble novT Is between Phllndel
phla and New cork Not a train has reached
this city from that point since Monday night
The bunday newspapers arrived today
Eight passenger trains which were mowed In
nt Bristol and neveral other trains which wore
snowed In nn Monday got In today and the
road is now open ns far an Trenton There aro
six snow drifts between this city Cam
den und Trenton Efforts were made yes
tordny by six locomotives coupled together
to break through the dcf p drifts nn thus Jersey
line and the Now York division anti this mom
lag the experiment waft repented The trains
which loft Trenton this morning on tho Am bo
division arrived nt Market street wharf nt 1031
oclock They reported tbo tracks being cleared
of snow as fast ns possible The Heading U i
sending trains to a fow outlying stations but
fifteen trains are still snow bound between
Heading and Bridgeport The stalled trains
on the Bending anti Columbia and on the
jjoumt iirnoK rosa nave not been moved and
nt this writing It Is impossible to dn anything
Blx passenger trains are at West Philadelphia
bound for New York The passengers sloop
aboard and the company fetid thorn
The fast express for the Wost left nt 265 P
M about half nu hour late and in addition to
those for further points carried passengers for
the larger stations Travel tins also boor
opened with the South anti trains arrived
lout und departed for Baltimore anti Wash
ington during tho forenoon The situation on
other lines centring hero ban also improved
and with the continuance of moderate weather
today the officials believe that travel will be
resumed to nil points by tonight ortomorrow
IMrect telegraphic communication with New
York Baltimore and Washington Is still inter
rupted and the only way tn ranch thoso points
Is by way nf Cincinnati and Pittsburgh over
vory precarious wire
A wreck Is reported nt Clifton on the Phila
delphia Wilmington and Baltimore road A
snowbound train was run Into and n number
of passengers wore injured The conductor of
the train was killed
Hllroni and aUghvrnra Burled In Know
Kxpcrlrncta r Two AaicmblTmcn
AIBANY March 14Tim storm conUnuce
here with unabated fury until early this morn
inc Tho streets for the most part are impute
sable but the principal thoroughfares are
being cleared this afternoon About COO people
from out of town nro unable to got away Very
little business is i being transacted and tho
only occupation Booms to be found In shovel
ling snow There are not half enough snow
shovels for tho demand as the horsecar people
secured nil they could The cars began run
ning on one line nt 0 > > oclock and it is proba
ble that all Hues will bo in operation by to
morrow The city presents a picturesque ap
pearance and photographers are out in force
Mayor Thatchers proclamation calling upon
citizens to use every ecdeavor to clear tho
streets Is meeting with hearty response The
danger case of fIre is great and the fact Is
appreciated Pears of a sudden thaw are en
tertained In such ovont the damage to prop
erty which must ensuo would be enormous
Not a horso car ran In the city yesterday anti
sleighs succeeded In getting through only three
or four of tho wider downtown streets AH tho
rest worn absolutely Impnsrablo except for pe
destrians and they had to wnde through deep
drifts Business was at a standstill and many
stores ilI not open The public schools were
clnsed Neither branch of tho Legislature mei
h S f
quorum succeeded in getting Into the city
Such state of things hns never before been
known hero The Hudson Hirer road Is eo
badly blockaded that the officials hndly > xpecl
to get ntrnlit here train New Yorkbelore Thurs
day All trains nn the Delaware and Hudson
ate abimloned The same Is true nf lie Boston
and Albany AH communication with Troy and
CohoeKls cutoff Lunt evening u Chicago ex
press due here on Monday ntturnoon succeed
ed In getting into thin city Mm Imd lain about
twentylour hours nenr rielienectady hnvutrl
trains blockaded nt the sumo olnt followed
her nnd nt midnight two mole Buffalo ex
presses cnme in A train was sont Wst dur
ing the evening nnd more are to be sent this
mining HO that communication with tlmtquar
ter is now practically open
BUFFALO March 14An Albany special to
the Vcirs says Assemblymen Endrea and
Ouenther with SorgenntNtArms fccott who
nmong others wero stalled in Ito snow near
hchenectiidy arrived today unit hnvo some
interesting xierletieos to relate inn whole
crowd of legislators played pokor for thirtysix
hours without sleep Part ol the winnings of
Sonic nf thorn were given to KergeantutArms
Scott tn go ioraglng with Plea coSt f4 apiece
snndwiehoH 50 cents apiece and hardboiled
eggs 25 cents each A farmer was hired for 2o
to transport the edibles six miles to the stalled
train wheio the hallstarved legislators wore
still wrestling with poker A bottle of liquor
was sold at auction on tile train for 50
THOY March 11 Thn storm ceased nt this
point last night and the streets are open in
the central part oft ho elty a large torceof men
having been at work all day Thn struct cant
nn < not moving yet but It is expected that the
Troy and LanKlngbiirg line will get cars
through this nfiernoon or In the morning
Trains on the 1ltchbuic road began running
this altarnoon between Troy and North Adams
The other roads are blocked yet but a train
was started on the Delaware and Hudson for
Saratoga at A this afternoon In the city there
is over lour hoot 01 snow on tne level ama
drifts so high In some places ns tn roach above
thu secondstory windows nf houses The snow
with piled high In front nf the panes of windows
In tlm rear nf clue second story ot the Standard
building to that light only reached tbo edito
rial room through the upper panes
SAHATOOA Mnrcb 14Alto snow blockade Is
being slowly raIsed A working train consist
ing of two Jive and one dead engine u snow
plough and one car Illlod with raIlroad labor
ers went south nt 1045 this morning having
left Whitehall nt 7 oclock this morning Snow
fell to tint depth of Illty Inches duilng the
storm The blockade on tho Delaware and
Hudson Itnllrnnd has I lean raised The Adlron1
duck llallrond is still suffering from a snow
ombargn The fichujrlervllle division of the
Fitchburg Railroad was opened today The
wont her is moderating Thero are indications
of rain
HONDOUT Mnrch 14 Tteports from tho In
terior nf Delaware Greene and Ulster coun
ties received today show that the severity of
hue storm in the back country Is almost utile
Fcrlhnblo Live stock of nil kind suffered
gi rally and hundreds perished the farmers
liolng unable In many instances to reach their
bat IIH nnd outbuildings owing to the heavy
drifts In some plaies the barns and houses
were covered by snow and people were forced
to get from their homes through the second
story windows Henry Goodman a tanner rn
Biding nt Pine Hill wan found frozen to death In
n snow bunk near btrnknn this mnrnlng He
wile last seen allvn on Hundny morning An un
known man was found Dozen to denth near
Lllciivlllit todiiy Trnlnn becrn to mnvo on
tho Wnllkill I alley llnlliond today t The situ
ntlnn along the Ulster and Delaware roxd Is
unchanged The ft rone wind host night attain
edited to the quantity of snnw that had drilled
Into many cuts Oanga of mon nro working Iu
Will bo got through tomorrow At McKnlvoyn
cut thn snnw vt as packed solid n distance of
over 000 feuut t ranging irom eight to twenty
feet deep No malls have arrived hero as yet
NKWBUUOU March 14I he snow Is nearly If
not iulto four tact deep nn the level In the
country In this city unit vicinity the mills are
either shut or running inn desultory manner
Most of lie streels aro impassible vehicles
but the city authorities hnvu gangs of men at
work clearing them No malls or trains luivu
fl arrived The 111 lea ex press nn hue Vvst
jhoro which was snowed Iu nt eat Point tun
aid on Tuesday Is still there Long trains of
engines nre at work nn the Krie branches try
inn to clear thin road On the Hudson lllver
roid the Cincinnati express which fund been
lying at Pnugbkeiipslo sine Mondny morning
nit at 130 this afternoon for New York with n
clear track head nil the way to tbecltyUlie
Jlllmlly IUIUI v > Hltl I n VII A Ullulll17rlv
Uonilay afternoon followed the Cincinnati ex
urohs nt liH hoi Now York running on sched
ule time Might locomotives are puthlngsnmv
ilouchs north on thin up truck U Is thought
hnt they will reach 1oughkoepsl hy 0 oclock
They will encounter numerous drifts between
Sew Hamburg and Pouchkeepslo tlftren feet
Plait Tills uitornoon five engines pushing
snow ploughs were stuck between Cnatleton
ind Albany on the down truck It is hardly
icsslblo tar a train to got through to Albany
The faVmrra are nt a loss to know what to do
with the milk Homo loads that managed to
get to town last night to be shipped on tho railroads
roads wore peddlod lor two cents n luurl about
the trsots
IJIXGUAIXTON Jinrch 14Not a rain I has ar
rlvsd in this cittiroun Now York blnca Monday
sit II A it Tint LekitWuttifli has three ejprcfM
trains stuck fast nt tbo top of Foenno Moun
lain with little honenf relent before tomor
row and the Erl In dlcidnu out ltd trucks along
Ibis 3ohusware sod moving trains very slowly
Trains are running good time between Hits
nuebannn and Buffalo nil the trouble being
oast of Susquehanna
AUSTCDDAU March 14A cattle train was
tailed on the Central Itallroad between thIs
dace and Tribe Hill on Monday nUht and a
arge number of the cattle were frown to death
The train was brought In eeotlona to this city
today and the cattle were removed
WAKiTOTTK March liJame W Fltwr
a is S
aid a farmer reldUpr In lbs county about
three miles from be ylllsitA of Lorraine went
to that vlllng pnBIpndAy to buy grocetle
116 also patronteed the notsi bar freely an
when be left for his home a It oshook in tb
evening he was inioxiatotL iii hfe ratehue
for him all night In vein Yestertlny n rhlnc
his horse was found In n field halt frozen
ritreraid could not bC fourd A searChing
party looked for htm nil duty yesterday One
hundred men are snatching for him today lie
le undoubtedlybtirled under the snow
PORT lacuna March 14The utorm ended
last night though n little snow foil todny
The Delaware division ot the Erie llnllrnnd
was opened and all tho snowbound trains
wire brought to this village Twenty cars of
hogs twentyBBven care of cattle nnd two cars
of horses that were snowed in nt different
points were all brought here safely nod cared
for Train No 1 for the West was matte up
here and loft nt noon No trains or malls havo
been received hero from cither direction slnco
Mondny and lion can get here before to
morrow In oil about thirty Inches of snow
fell on the level The weather was vsrtui this
alternoon anti a ihuttw set In The Montlcello
brunch Is 1 jpelessly snowed In and regular
trips will not bo made In nweok About loo
snowbound pnsseiiuers nro bore They will
get sway tomorrow
MIDDLETOWN March 14The snowfall dot
lag thin twentyfour hours from Sunday even
Inc to Monday evening Is moderately estimated
at thirty Inches anti the florce hurrlcano thru
prevailed for fortyeight linurn piled It up In
fntmnnBA rltMfta Ant I Trait Ktfutlrlnr tl > > llonili
and the streuts of tliln nnd neighboring towns
and the country highways The storm oems to
have spent UB lury in tho region adjacent to
mid east ol tho Delaware nmlHImwmincunk
Mountains Further west the mow foilwns
comparatively light and the blockade only
partial At this hour the situation is l this
The five railroads centring here the Erie the
Ontario and Western the west Shore branch
the BuMuolmnna nnd Western and the Mid
dlotowa nnd Crawford have been entirely
closed with many trains stalled nt points
along their linos
Blnco Monday morning thn last train went on
the Kris road was tho night express on Sunday
evening and the last train cast was the moun
tain express of Monday morning which still
lies stalled this nlternonn at Turnern station
No train ban moved on either nf thootherrnads
slnro Mondny morning No mail has boon ro
cnlved or sent from this Post Office slnco Mon
day The telegraph nnd telephone lInes are
down in nil directions Wo have had no New
York papers slnco Sunday nnd no t communion
unit by telegraph until this afternoon antI this
despatch goes forward via Buffalo Not a team
moved on the streets of thin and neighboring
towns and county highways yesterday and to
lay we have In this town thin novel experience of
crossing the principal business streets through
tunnels burrowed under snow drllts which
reach to second story windows Five incheso
snow fell lost night nut there was fortunately
no drilling winds The Eric road him not loss
than a thousand men at work shovelling Know
on Its Orange county section and expects to
get one truck open tonight Tho Ontario nail
Western has an equally large force of shnvol
lent at work between here nnd Norwich anti
will get a train through tonight Tho Wes
Shore branch and other local lInes will break
their blockade later
Pirrsnunon March 14The snow blockado
cast of this city In over and horn Indications
trains will bu runnlm this evening The mail
train which left New York on Sunday night ar
rived nt midnight last night and the Paclllo
express reached here nt about Hi this after
noon The railway officials think thu tiucks
are now cleared and that they will bit able to
move trains ns usual within the next twenty
four hours The passengorx and trainmen nn
the mall train re port an eventful trip Express
man Collins of this city sold I never was sa
long In my lifo before fortytwo hours without
Jcs LicmiiK uii 11 u LOll JL iiiiuueipnia HI t
oehoc fon Monday morning in a terrible snow
storm Wo got along aa best we could until 3
P M when wo arrived at Lemon Place tllty
pevon miles this bide of Phlludolpliln There
wo were completely snowed in Time wind blow
ut the rate of ilfty miles an hour until it was
snowing as hard us it could The snow was
liko line powder and It boon covered tho
ground nil around nnd under the train until it
reached up to the door of my car It must
have been four feet deep Wo had to stay thero
until S oclock in the morning when four en
Clnospulled us out of tho drift
Fred Michaels nf Hlonlngton was tho
only pasnongur who cnmo from Now York He
hud left thereat 12 oclock on Sunday night
I never saw such n blizzard said Mr
UlelmnK In my life and 1 havu been living
out West for tha last ten yearn right nn tho
plains TInt train pulled slowly along until wo
got to Choter hero were nlno trains lying
all together We lay thorn about ten hours
The men had to get out and buy fond In nil
our misfortune however we retained good
cheer Thinugu the now wo went nearly up
to our waists hunting for buke shops The
newsboy on the train sold ouzo leaf ot bread nt
10 cants n slice and tuudn 52 on the loaf
Brakrinen sulTerod Intensely from the cold
They report that old mountaineers say this
storm wns the wont known lor ninny years
The telegraphic service is slightly improved to
day but business Is still delayed Some hours
The mull service is also in had shape Thus
Superintendent of Mails says that thirteen
postal cars with 500000 letters and CO tons of
mail are somewhere between Pittsburgh and
HEADING March 14The trains south of here
have been blockaded since Sunday night Fit
teen train are snow bound between here and
Bridgeport but it is expected that they will be
released today The East Pennsylvania
Branch is i entirely blocked ns is the Scliuylklll
nod Lehigh Branch Itallroad The bridge at
Albany station on the Labor Branch watt en
tirely demolished by the storm Several wreaks
are reported on the Heading nnd Columbia
Branch Despatches from Allentown Bethle
hem Mnuch Chunk Easton Shnmnkln Potts
villo York nnd Lancaster report tho Storm ns
unusually severe Tho trains are snow bound
In nil directions and telegraph wires are nil
down The snow drilts are from six to fifteen
feet deep throughout Lebanon Dauphin Le
hlgh Bucks Chester and Berks counties
The snow blockade on tho Poeonn Mountains
is so severe that no trains will bo nm over tho
Delaware Lnckawannn and Western Railroad
to New York before the end of the week In
some places between Moscow and Cresco the
tracks are covered to n depth of twentvflvo
feet No trnuis can be sent over the Jefferson
Branch of the Erie rind north of Carbondnlo
for several days and the blockndo on thu Doln
who and Hudson gravity roitd tn Hunesdalo
will not be opened until next week Not n
Ingle colliery in Lacknvranna or the Wyoming
valley are In operation today
WASHINGTON March It Tho storm In this
vicinity poems to bo over The temperature Is
Itn + 4 it i1 nv I
molting rapidly Tho telegraphic bit nation Is
improving so far ns the Western corvlc iscon
corned but Philadelphia and Now iork arn
Htlll cut ciT and when communication will be
restored Is n matter of crest uncertainty It U
bolloved however that a yesl k vIII elapse bn
fore the lines to New York are fully restored
Malls Irom Philadelphia are coming In slowly
Tho papers of Tuesday nro belne received here
today but nn Now York newspapers have
reached tOo city since Sunday last
Three trains arrived hero last night from
Philadelphia after n long nnd hard trip No
trains from Now York arrived yesterday At
the signal office It Is said hunt the storm U un
precedented since the organization of that
service The temperature yesterday was lower
than was ever before known nt this season of
the year All the wires between here and New
York nro down except one to Baltimore Thn
only other telegraphic communication with tho
outsIde world Is maintained by means ot two
wires south und tlirre west
In commenting on lIe effects of this storm
the Jf > tibitraii this morning says lrotn tItus
first establishment of lie telegraph there has
never been no long n period of desolation usa
bus been experienced miiuoHunday Tho first
break wax made yostoidny ulKrnoon Tho
Assocmieu iTets got it wire irntn ow ion ny
way nf Cincinnati During tlm night It sup
riled Its patrons with nearly the regular quan
tity of newsnotwithstanding the tremendous
dllllcmltlea it had to ovoicome
BAITIMOHB March Communication with
lie tiouth from Aluxanilrln huts been restored
and yesterday the Western Union sent a luruo
force of operators there Business will ti > u
tis ted iii and suit I to tlU I city by tniln t The
mall sorvleo IH deinornllzud Tho only mull
lotted and sent ioruit wise at 1130 1 In I he morn
ng Trains loft tb city inc Bnlllinore < > n
pcbedulo time but limo trouble wuit tlat there
were no postal earn nr postal clerks lurnnd
with them The cars and elorkstliatbhoulil iii >
here ure dolnycil at bolnta on the way The
mall which left nt 1130 was the mull for jtitI
nore Phllndelnhln New York and New Leg
hind points Trains from hue West by tho Bui
Imore and Ohio are arriving on time
A Feet Day
During the height of the blizzard on Mon
day a gardener named Jack Maneln of Staten
Island left his comfortable quarters near the
tove of a saloon to go homo for hIs rubber
toots When ho reached his home he found
that be was snowed out so he returned and
borrowed a shovel to dig himself In Armed
with the shovel be double reefed hula backbone
and again facet blue bllznrd As ho nansed up
Towosend avenue in Clllton a lath called to
him from a window Johnl the almost
screamed wont you please get somebody to
10 prou and dig us nut r
lou are better off InsIde maam replied
John I had to go half a julie for u shovel to
ry to dig myself in
Put we have nothing tn nat 1
Well manni Lent Isnt over yet and as
sure on you hive this la n fact day
And he vanished in suowflukuH
and Crew lUselni
A foaooner loaded with brick and anchored
Cl be foef ills ell dock of Lombard Ayru A Oa > oU
raDnrr n tht Kola at Baytnat diupparCt en Nn
day alias It it UrnS tkat eke broke bet mMrinn and
WI canted ut by lbs ai sad iai 75s crew are
Sflesad Is kitC beta sslsp
BVT COAT FINDS iruri or asmxa
4110UW 20h1
Meat Kn h in l the It lrl > rat r t Imlt
Wtfkrrleei Put Vp All the Rne
Otter Paatf rued tr Hnrrlm gsiIataer A
UndinIe4 MllkCaol Clreti Away
Tho city Ufn the midst of n milk famine
sura enough but It may bo raid will dainty
that that IN the only kind of famine theta Is
going to bo during the present blizzard nny
way and that that Is i not going to last long
There Is plenty ol fuel and plenty of food of all
kinds save milk In tho city and folks who
Imagine they are going to starve and freeze to
death may quiet their fears There may bo
some Inconvenience caused owing to tho lack
of lianspoitntlon facilities to those people
living on tho edges of the city who hnvo not
been In the habit of laying in largo stocks ot
supplies nt a time Jlut it Is hard to see how
this embarrassment cnn amount to n very
great deal with the city streets getting cleaned
an they wore yesterday and as they will bo to
duty Most of the suffering that has already
been caused was brought about by the mer
cllesfl raising of prices by porno small retail
grocers to their poor customers on tho east
stud west sides
A good dent ot milk wns brought into the
city on Monday morning and distributed large f
ly before the blizzard hud been bumming lone
Of isississ I iii ii s
around ntuch on Tuesday but some of thorn
who supplied the hospltitU and families where
the milk was absolutely needed managed to
poddlo out n little during the day When yes
terday morning dawned there was practically
no milk In the city and the dealer sat tn their
shops antI all day long turned customers away
who earn with pulls and pitchers Home of the
dealers had a little cream which they sold to
thopy who wanted it A HUN reporter sat In a
big Uroadwiiy milk dealers store yesterday
afternoon and regnled himself with ft glass of
cream which tho dealer olfcrod him A servant
came in with a pitcher and asked for niiuart of
Im sorry said the denier but I havent
had n drop of milk in the store slnco yesterday
nfternonu All tho railroads are blocked up
Oh yothloxln hlnbaite1 yelled the ser
vant girl wlintsllmt young dude drlnkln out
Gfthiit glass before me tarn until stats 1 The
gills eyes snapped llro und Hhe looked ai If she
would oat tho denier Tim latter explained
that tho young noun was drinking croum and
that Ito girl could hao toino cream too If
she wanted it
At thu ofllce of P U Sanford President f
thu Milk Lxchnuge at 1252 ilrondwuy the re
porter was shown a telegram from Mr Ban
lord from his linrno In I Mtddletowu N Y an
nouncing tile hurt that he was snowed in and
that the prospect for getting milk frout Orange
county for Home days wits very gUxnuy Nona
nf the UK or mure dealers In tho Milk Kxchnngo
linvoniiy milk on hand Like reports were
made at lie leading milk stores up town Mr
Joseph lark of Park ul Tllfonl who supplies
the Hfth Avenue Wlnilpor Clarendon and tit
James Hotels tInt Holtman butte and the
Union League Club with milk from his farm at
Rye said yesterday that its supply had given
out and that ho didnt think It was llxoly that
ho would g > t another supply by todayovon
Tim Fifth Avpimn Hnrul unit llnfTnixn Mouse
People alone had enough milk to lost them
until this mnrnlng A low cans of milk came
over from Jersey late jcsiordny afternoon nnd
wero peddled out to the downtown restaurants
Bomo of the dairies on Nassau street and
around the Post Olllce had milk and cream
yesterday In profusion because of the energy
ot the dealers iu VTostcliftKlor county who are
their regular sources nf supply Tho farmers
up there were particularly nnxinua to got down
tntio city to their regular wholesale custom
ers and they munnged to do it iu u number ot
cace coming down in sleighs
Thoio appeal to bo tilonly of condensed
milk ParK it Tllford Actor Merrallit Oondlu
H K Thurber and the other big wholesale
gruxerim say that there is no fear of afnmlne In
this direction The supply gave nut at Park k
Tillordn sixth monuo nnd Thirtyeighth
Mreotlstnro jcstorduy afternoon but was re
newed blore evening
The only persons Ilkelv to suffer from the
milk famine are patients in the boKpllols and
Inlimts Thu milk dnnlers who are familiar
with these peculiar wants express some anx
lair ns to the probable outcome of the famine
The West Shore llnllroad which furniahoa
about 5UOOO quarts nf milk by way ol the
fortysecond street ferry for city consump
tion will provide no milk this morning bat it
was thought last evening nt Woehawkon Unit
n milk train nil arrive this evening Milk
trains on the Now York Ontario and Western
Itallroad nro brought to New York on the
West Shore Itallroud from Cnrnwallonthe
Hudson The tracks are badly drifted below
Cornwall An attempt wits made to run an
engine yesterday from Middleman to Crystal
Hun throe miles but the engine was stalled
and by the last accounts it had not been moved f
Beyond Cornwall the road can soon be got
Into condition but the 124 miles of track that
lie between Cornwall and Woebawken is more
or less snow bound Nearly a thousand won
are at work on tho road however and It I U be
lieved thut one track will be opened by tonight
At all the downtown markets yesterday the
price nf meat wan advanced two cents u pound J
for the coarse cuts nnd four cents upound for
thu lino cuts and thuso prices wero doubled up I
town There was plenty of meat to bo hail
and tho moat thus sold hnd been in the butch
ers ice boxes since the hllzznrd began A
Washington Market butcher roarottcd boat be
could nut sell a HUN reporter two or three
pounds of steak ut the high prices nnd told the
reporter conlldontlnlly unit there vita lots of
moat In town Tho butcher was right
A careful estimate places the Quantity of
killed cattle in tha great refrigerators hare Qf f
Armour A Co hcliwarsrhlld A Hulzbormr
AietrgarLovy and Samuel L Eisner at 123
000 licni A wholesale butcher fluid that there
could be no doubt that there was enough meat
In tno city to last the city two weuks There U
enough poultry In the leo boxes to last two f
weeks though the supply nf best poultry is I
short There is plenty ol butter and vegetables
in ICe market und for thu latter commodity
the dealers in winter gennrUly rely Uhuon the
Southern markets which ship here by steamer
Tbu market here Is In fact overburdened with
turnips beans spinach potatoes corn arid all
vegetables Eggs are Fiurco and are sell
lag ut SO cents a dozen an advance of 6 cents
The f45 a ton rate for coal did not prevaIl In ft
great many grocery KtnrcH oven yroterdny An
the sidewalks tot cleared innni and more the
poor people who ranm with muskets und
litickpts to curry the coil nwiy kiekci at this
big prices lint woro willing to go to the yards
of tbu big dealers rather than pay Cool In
nails got down to t f Ifi it ton boforn the day was
out Thcro worn hue usual queer methods ro
sorted to for transporting thin coal with which
heOtIhti 1 have now become familiar The big
jiotels have all got coal in iilenty and moat ol
the buildings down town which do not get their
hunt from the New York Kloxm Heating Com
fnny aro well wuppllcd Mr Andrews the
resident of thin compnti saId that his com
pany hud coal onoueh in this holler hnusm to
lost n week sad lfi000 ton morn stored in Now
Jersey Thin big retaIl t coal dealers sold cool nt
the usual isles ynmurilay arid wild that they
imd plenty nt coal I on mrd I Most of tho t big
dcnhis dnnoiinecd in iininoimiifd terms tho
nctlnn of the email dnnlein in putting up the
prlcen fo exorbitantly in thus toni customerfl
At blue Cuah Kxrlmnri It nits wild that thero
whim ennuirli coal in town lo sutitilv nil Dossiblrt
Notices like this woro stuck up all over the
Ninth ward yesterday nflornoon
Frr COR to poor fAinltlt In this nelirtilKirhnod win to
uppiitil by applylnir at tie mi1ii room of the Loss
butidlnir llyiirdtrori 2 M Wiljon
Mr Wilson Is manager of the big Wilson
estate which onn n grunt deal nf property In
tho Ninth ward hue ions Building la A tulg r
letrry Imlldlni ut the corner of Hudson and
liiink Mreili nnd n good many poor people
came tlioro during tho afternoon ind curried
avuy cuil in butkets and Utigim
An East Newierk Slice Car Arrive at
ThroeS and Market Strrvti
Only two deaths caused by the storm are
known to hnvo occurred In and around New
ark though rumors that at least n doron per
sots had perished have been published in the
ocat papers A stranger named Jnmcs Murphy
a member of some Moulders Union jumped
from n window of the City Hospital on Monday
avertIng with nothing on but Mt night shirt
lewaa crazed with delirium resulting from
pneumonia and kidney disease He wandered
in the snow drifts until ho fell exhausted In
tank street between Camden and Livingston
IU feeble cries for help wore heard by Tax
Commissioner Jinacan and his cousin J V
Archibald who dragged him out of the snow
and took him Into a neighboring saloon Ha
died an hour after being oent to the hospital
At Brookdalo two miles from Bloomllold nnd
six from Newark on Tuesday Johnny Boynr
14 years old was sent from his homo near the
anal to a store a quarter of a mile away Tint
berroometer was at zero and the youngster be
oming exhausted In a snowdrift was frozen to
avier Zwlntre a milkman of LlTlneBton
Essex co unty drove to Orange op Monday
mornin g with the blUiard at hU Bnok He
rved i ms customers and to spite of the warn