OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 19, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1890-06-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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fun u JMnuii ..iiui iwiimi i wumw
" """ " '" "' " '"" '-'" ---. -V.-. ".
' A Oenrnt Iledneilon or Daly Mud In Mott
. of Thew-Tho Proponed 05 Per Cent,
; ' Duly on Tin Flute After Jnly 1, 1801,
I J Htrlekfn Out, Alio the Xlnuntr on IHIIk
f nnd f ocoons Addltlona to th Free 1. 1st,
4 WAmiiKnTos. Juno 18. A full mooting of tho
' , Honnto rinanco Committee wna bold to-day, at
. ; vrhicli thoClmlrronn, Mr. Moirill. wafl author
it - i?0(! by a Ptriot pnrtr voto to roport tho Tariff
t I j)ll wlthamondmoDts. Amomborotthocom
i miltoo Bays that, with the oxcoptloc of tfco wool
(t nnJ ncrlctilturnl pchalulofl, the bill is almost
11 Idonticalty thoflamo an tho bill of tho Houato
y I'lnanio Comralltoo roportod in 188H. Nofor-
$ mnl roport accompnniod tho bill, noriB Itcor-
tnln that any will bo proparod. A Btatomont
I Will bo roportod to tho Honnto an pood ns It can
; bo proparod, showing tho offeotof thoprovl
i Fiona of tho bill upon tho rocolpts of customs
f . ns compnrod with tho rocolpts undor tho pros
ont law nnd thofto ostlmntod undor tho Houso
bill. It in tho understanding that tho dobato
on tho bill will not bogln until about July 1, In
ordurthnt amplo time may bo glron for study
of tho bill. Tho ch.iugos made by tho commit
teenronflfollous: Cnsmrit. SniKntLr Ttnnla cl3 or tannin, &Ocnti
I r per pound (rJiir i from flu
. . logwood, huiiiac, hemlock, and otbr bwk dyei, H
j - i otntrelure'l from I rent)
I 1 Ol7certnvcrudet !kceutipr pound (red ace J from
1 ' j 2 cent)
I' Extract of ltmrlre 3 cent (rdnced from 0 centi,.
AlU'irlno nrlitnnt ermtnlninjr lex thn 50 per cent of
. caitorolt, lrcnupr cftt'on(rMnrtd f mnHO cental.
' t FUxieeJ and poppy geidull,i'7 ceuti per gallon (r-
doced from 10 rents)
Opium containing ' pr cent or 1m of morphia. And
i opium prepared fur 1010111112. 1 1 J pr pound (lacrtaiad
from f 10)
Hartci, tinmAnuftcmrfd, $1 pr ton (reduced from
J (3), mAnufActtirad. $ Pr ton (reduced from tl
I I White am! of lead, &K centi per pound (Incraaitd
ifrom :s centi)
Hron n acetate of lead. 84 centi per pound (.ncreaied
f from - cents)
t Hjtlrateuf potaeb, 1 cent per pound (reduced from
, ' 1 Sulphate of potAnh, 20 per cent. Ad Talorem (Instead
t of 2 cent ft per pound).
j fiulpliat of mda, Itt per cent. Ad TAlorem (Instead of 1
! 1 cent per pound)
Articts' wntercolor pAlnti Are mad dntUble accord
Inptotla-n lnsteHd or N per cent ad TAlorem
1 Urlmatonn and nlpbur. not otherwise prorlded for,
; I are traniferred to tho free Hit, initead ot being made
. dutUbte atfflper ton.
' ' Ground tumac .110 cent per pound (reduced from H
I i cent).
f luriAtloacld and eutpbnrlo Add. not otlierwtie pro
f Tided for, dutiable at ' cent per pound, are traniferred
I to the free Hit
) ChtorMeof calcium ! stricken ont of the chemical
schedule, alto printer!' compoiltlon, and duty will be
ajietsed on Its component part
r Teppermlnt eil, i$ per cent, nd TAlorem. tnitead of ft
g per poun I.
V Putyrlc or propjllo alcohol, dntlaMe in the chemical
' ?( tcbedule at 10 per cent, ad valorem, is traniferred to
the liquor achedule and changed to ?J per ffallon.
f ; I BtuciAnd chrome, pround in water, 2 per cent ad
( j jfi Talorem. luitead of 0 And W cents per pound reipec
Hi ttiy
, I CiRTMVNiriRr aw 0ujwiiii ScnincLR Decorated
i I china, M per cent. Ad valorem (reduced from 00 per
j J b cent).
iff rialn while china, SO percent ad TAlorem (reduced
' i 1 from 05 per cent).
j , J 1-Hrtlien. etone, nnd crockery ware, not eprclally
j enumerated or provided for In thl act, 50 per cent, ad
M 1 t valorem (reductd from AO per cent, and U percent.,
II . according to cUail
' l dreenslAsi bottles holding not leu than a pint, and
demijohns And carbojs, 1 ceut per pound (reduced from
, C'lltft
J i Dottlts holding less than one pint 1H cents per pound
I i ' i (rcluttd from lt rents per iouud ud bj cents ptr
i t crud acoortitfic toeirei.
dlais and trlassware not othrrwUe enumerated, which
f In the lloute Ltll are covered by tn separate para-
Kritpli are loitsulldated into one purairiMpb una in
, j , cin Ie mirrors (small) nnd lenM wholly er partly manu-
i fActured par duty of 43 per cent, al vAloreui (this li
1 f In the nature of a large general reduction)
i S I npoluhcd C) Under, crown, and common window
1 glAs is reduced cent per pound
1 R i.rfuml plate kU U mnde to pavadntyof loper
5 ceut od valorem In Addition to the othir rate charged
I Micctaclen and eyeglasses ui per teuu ad valorem.
Si I lnpttAil of Su cents per doen and U per cenu ad
M I Tainrim
p ieiikm costing (I 0 per gross pair or less, 60 per
l cem jid valorem U stead of VI per gross.
; t bperticlu ft ud eyeglass lenses bevelled f-O percent nd
: Talorem Instead of 7 cents per grois pairs and 45 per
fj't cent ad tlurem
f .UTii l iiKuiir Iron ore containing more than 2
j y irr cent, of copper cent ir pound, on the cupper
if Intvnl or lUcentN
v V 1 ItH .No J hi h )op Iron or steel dutiable at 1 1 cent
I p I er pound. 1 made to Include Iron from 10 to Vti wire
t v fiuge, and t Win .So J dutiable At 1 a cent per pound is
! P inn do to Include Iron thinner than Nn. 20 wire gauge)
I & Iron or eteel rails ftl.-'U per too, reduced from 1J44
I 5 per ion.
I I Hie additional duty Imposed on plAtes or bAnd Iron,
j s coated with zinc or other inetala, is made Hcent per
f ft poun J lntPrtd of H cent
I K The trouslon that after .Inly 1, 1R(H, manufactures
s of wiiU U tin ptate is the rhlef part shall pay In addition
IS, to the rate of duty upon tin plate au Ad VAlorem duty or
if IK per cent. 1m struck out.
j ra Manufactured steel valued nt not more tlian 1 B cents
B per pound, u reduction ot one tenth cent per pound on
fl H all grades
,U w ioid polished Iron or eteel i cent per pound instead
U it of 111 cents.
i m Iron or strel anrlls, or parttwhereof, 2 cents per pound
! K tnitead of jt, cents
J Tait hollow ware ?X cents per pound, Instead of 3
a K cents
I S The provision msklng 43 per cent ad valorem the
K minimum duly on chains Is struck out.
J The duty on sbotguns and refolvers-35 and 40 per
j m cent ad Talorem lschsnired to a specific duty of from
A 3 4J cenu to $u each according to value, and o per cent.
II jg 4 valorem. ( ro het needle. J5 per cent, ad valorem.
(J m Initead ot 15 cents pr thousand Needles not specially
j V. provided for. i.'i per cent, ad valorem, lustead of lh
J IF cents per thousand
S K Crude aluminium, 20 per cenL ad valorem. Instead of
If S S3 per cent
J llronto powder, 15 per cent, ad vaiorem, Instead of 15
If LI cua 'CI jrtfuuu.
9 r Fin.copp.r. linpnrtrd In th. form of or., U cent D,r
0 t pound. Initead of lucent". "
H ft Ola copper. 1 ce ut per pound. Iniir.d of lMeonti.
f 5 . Cor; oopp.r il copper cimcut, 1 c.nt per pound.
1 ioitead of 114 cent.
I ! Copper in other rormi, not inauufuctared, 1U cenu
I r per pound. Instead or 1 ce nti.
t . Mrkel and nickel llu', t) cent, per pound, redacid
1 from 13 cents.
J Hlack zinc, H cent, per pound, reduced from IK
Jl cents
I Cold wstches and gold casts. s per cent, ad Talorem,
I a Mduced fro inn per cent
Wlra, dittlsMo at J.r percent, sd valorem, and nickel
crude, iluiuole at 3 ceiita per pound, ur. transferred to
tlie f reo Iisl
Wnnn HciiFntitr Sawed boards, $1 per ,iO feet. In
stead of 91 5(.
Hie llouierrovlnn flilnu an enual retaliatory dutr
' en mvred lumlier. Imported from countries linposlnir an
.xport duty on loss l struck out, anil a prorlilon In
L aertetl msLintrilieiluty to be imposed In suciioaso tne
I satttMis the rate, under the present law
j , KkwcI I oaruii i.f cabinet woods, jo per cent. al
( l Talorem (reduced frrim-Vi per centi.
. t (ci.iiihrusnin-Tlie two cenu per pound bountr Is
' ! jitended to maple suar. ll bountr Is to be siren for
; s tban ooti pounds of uar per Tear Teraons who
J i apply for or recede the b.unty. who are not entitled
J thereto shall pay a line not exceedluz H.rxjij. or be Im
I prison) d for a period not exceeding iWe years or bom.
1 In the discretion of th. court Hunan between No II
' i andNo in Dutch smndanl ara to pay a duty of three.
; l 'I'lus of a cent eriound. Instead of being Imported
I free as provided by the Homo bill fiuimrs above HI
I Diitrli ffan lard six tenths of a ceut per pound, lustead
j cf four tenths ota cent ' .u.i.av.
j Tho tobacco Ecliedulo Is unclianKed.
A).airviTLHi hrnsKfia-llarler, '-'a cents per hnshel
toeducedfroinJOientsi barlsy malt, suienuperbustisl
1 (reduce I froim:ntuti ,..
It t leaned rue. 1)4 leuls per pound (reduced from a
l ft r centsi, unclened rice. I cent per pound (reduced from
1 ; " ft ! cenu, broken rice )( rent per pound (reduced rroui
$' ff l?cc,.dVrorm'n(:0",,"n.f rl" ,""'' K "nt '" "O1""1 f-
I ' yf rhe provision allnwin a drawback on sugar medio
;. to' nianufnuuro of condensed milk Is struck out.
f , ''bas I cent inch ireduced from 3 cents).
J i ' j!'ldpeiis.licintsiierbubel(reducelfrora41cenl.
B ."'' '"." I"', esMclslly provided for III this act. 2 1
CI cents per burlieKrediued from nOienii).
ffi ducedfrl!," i' "'n't' auul"'le,1' " P t""i (r-
ft ltai nackasss ionlalnln shell Osh admitted free of
' L qSlrt c.'p.cl'i')" '" ''a"l" ""'"'1 " M e,nM '"
. Jfi" duly on oranues lemons, or limes, In packages, ts
if JSji 4 a,'"',"l- 'n llt. I.W perl.ujj, instead of
! J ct"2rcSn,ti0r,,r,p,!.u.rd:r UrrC' " ,,,r" COWo ' ln"'1
il Impound (reduced from 3 cei.isr f'2 c,n"
9 .,T.l,'l',ru.rl,1"!'.l',,10S'u""J'flfsofroeatadrawb.ek
II ( ..p'o?.'1..l:,rDu'r'!!u,u"U,e'i,U ,U "" Sth5
PS I F"" ' ! ). containing each no ior. ih.i"!
)' 1 I int. l oarer esse Instead it iuo. m0"' ""
I Any esceis of wines bslond the Involca on. ml,, .d
e.nu per pint, Initead of a cents, but no I,?ii.L.T
i dulylslobea..es.rdonth.tWeeorluss. wd't'"'l
I ' "ullI'VorluMionlalnlugoneplntorlsieof lloim. o
csnts each additional, Instead of 3 cents. l')uor,2
i frultlulce not specially protldsj for cont.lnln....,
TL';,,..,",,U"",., rao';" ,,"U1 ' !"n' n4 not J1!J; trlar?
t,!Sfts-2ir11" p,r Insfsad of w cents "
. , . ,Mru,i",c,n,min,riw""'"'i4
"Jl lwuliai ul1 "' Valorem Is struck
1 1 i!.t!S3v'sr." .cTd?:d .as."?
r. ; &iidutrSvv,tr?fs'iv"; j'"""-"'
gr" . .
Titratnr. Flat not hackled or dreiid, f per too. In
stead of IU cents ter pounrt
llarkled flax, $iu per ton. Instead of 4 cent per
pound. . .
) rn mad of Jute 35 per cent, ad Talorem, tnitead of
So percent . . .,,
ninduik" twine. i4 cents per pound, Instead of IH
t otton bsjrrlnrTlnfd at 0 cents or less per eiuare
varil, 1 neiiMier squaro yard. Instead of 10 lent.
valued at more tunn hi ent per rjuare yard. 1& cents
per'iuarpard Instead of 1 h cents.
nil"lotli for iioors ai d waterproof cloth, not specially
I rovlded for vaIu 1 above i cenln t er s jtmre rani, in
cents per siuar vard And J percent Ad valorem in
stead of I cents and ,J per cent ad valorem
llrown and hlesche I linen cloth containing not less
than Kt) threads to the Miuare Inrn, 'pertentad fa
lorem lnotead or VI per rent . this dutj to take effect
immediately instenlof Tan I .mm
In tin' IIuse bill manufacture of vegetable fbre,
except t oiton not pcially prvtlded for, are made du
tlAbleal Wiper rnt al valorem In tlila bill the) are
illvldea into two daises one valued at r rents per
toun I, or tea, theduti nti whloh is J cents per poun I.
Fhe other, ialiiel aimve ri rents per pound thedut on
which l 4(ercrnt ad valorem. TheeciASf-s include
slal --r tnanila tarn, dutiable at M) per cent, ad va
liirem in the House Mil . . . .
Wjreintiie lair lAfrlfen fibre) nd China prans
(ramie) ilntlsble at H I er ton and 15 per ent ad
nlorem respectively are t Anslerre 1 to the rre lift
The HranTfiph maVfiiaf maia, rms and ocreens msde
of wi-eiabl iiiatenul. dutiable ut h rents ter o.uaie
ard i stricken out and the) will pay duty according
to the material of wlilcli they ar coinpcnl.
All iinnurAittire i.f ekettbb ilbre, except cottoa
Atidjuie tmt otherwise provided tor are divided Into
iNn riaa vmIim d at cents per oound or lesi. i rents
per pound mined at more than ' rents ier lound. 4i
ter tent, ad valorem. These Include all wrollen fab
rics coiiUlnlnic !. than V threadi to the s'ltiarn
Inch undKhlrt And collar linen clutli, dutiable. In the
llnuse bill, at :i tint per pound and Wiper cent ad
valorem ana .1 par cent nd VAlorem. respectively
Wool hcnxnrir Husslan camel's hair is taken out of
the wooli of the third cIai-s
onon0ii and uoreifd arna valued at not more
than 3 i cents per poun I. thetluty Is to b2't times the
luty impopcti on a pound or unwashed wnol of the f1rt
rlapA. In-teiHf twice that duty ami on woollen and
worsted iiolha knltfnbrlis And rasntifActureof rvery
description made wholl) nr In part of wool aluad at
not ni'ire thati.c i rut the dut) per pound Is to he
three limes i lie dul) Imposed nnapnnl of unwashid
wnol of tin flrit rla instead or twlc that duly
On biHiikfts, hAt and nanneln for underwear vAlued
at not more than 0 tents pt-rpouod the dntv Is to t e
the same aw that Imbued on IS, pounds or wool of the
Ilntt i liis. Inst. al of the duty on one pound
On trimmings and butt ns of which wool or worsted
Is a roniionent material thedut) is to bo i cent" per
pound ami ii'i per ceut ad valorem. Instead of To cents
Milk ANi. Hiix (InornRt'itrnriF. Tlie bounty of VI per
pound for silk and 7 cents per pound for fresh cocoons
rcclfd and produ od In Hie United .States in struck nut.
Also the paragraphs flxlmr duties on voods in the piece
at from "scent per pound and r percent adalorem
to f3 ki per pound and lp per cent. d ftlormi lhey
Are .ill made dutlat le at t per cent ad valorem.
The prouclon that silk cloihlntr when composed In
part of India rubber shall vw a ilutv of 10 cents ad
ounce and ti per rent ad valorem H struck out
8i nrnuieorl't ir I'lrrR. amiUoois. t opylmr papers,
fllterlntr paper ile paper, and tissue paper are
chanued to per tent, ad valorem from B cents per
pouud and 11 pr rent ad alorem.
tlgartte paper fiom H cents per round and 15 per
cent ad valorem 1 t-hunned to-", percent ad valorem
rialn nhotoEraphers' paprr is chanced from 15 per
cent an valorem to ai percent .. ......
tfuiuiHih m iiKPtu a Hruiien and brooms of all kinds
8 per cent a I alorem, Instead of 4ii per cent.
Buttons, exiept aa-ate pearl, and shelL are strleken
oat and wi.i DeiWrssu ir outy unaer "e icnruuie
relating to the material or whkh th"y nre composed
I'eari and shell buttons are to pa a duty of 2 cents per
line button measure, and J 5 per cent ad laloreui. In
Blend or 4 tenis per line button measure
Bristles .u per ceut ad valorem, Instead or 10 canta
per pound , , . -.
lork bark 5 cents per pound. Instead of 10 cents; man
nrnctured corks, TS cents per pouud Instead of 15
Drained feathers and downs of all kinds, 40 per cent
ad .Alorern instead or ' per cent
Haircloth, h cents per square 3 ard. Instead of 30 par
cent d valorem.
Jewelrr not tipeclally provided for. 40 rer cent od
valorem Instead of Mper cenL
a minimum dut of vi per cent ad valorem Is pro
Tided for in the fflove paragraph.
tfier or willow, prepared fur basket makers' nee, 25
per cent a 1 alorein tnstetd of 4 per cent
Manufactures of fur. . per tent ad valorem. Instead
of Hi I er Ct-nt
Mattlns male of cocoa fibre or rattan. 8 cents per
8'iuare yjtrd. instead or U cents
Mats nr cocoii (lore or ratlin 4 cents per square foot,
Insteidof Hteuit
i Atntiiiitaand i-tatuarv not otherwise provldlna; for,
3d per cent ad alorein if ruin the free list)
Common clay tobacco pipes 3j per cent ad valorem
(reduced from 7 per cent .
I tubrelmn coerel with silk or alpaca, 60 per cent
ad vab rem lntead or 's ner cent
L'mbrel.a or other material, 4u per cent ad valorem,
Instead of O percent
Tho followlnc mnnufneturos, dutiable ftt tho
rntofl nnrno-1 aro stricken out of the nundrfes
bclietlule und mnde dutli'blu under tho sched
ules ittluttuc tutho muterialsof which they are
I'lanofortes and pianoforte actions. 40 per cant ad
uaiis, dolla. or tos wholly or in part of India rubber,
4 per cent ad t A'orem.
Mniks of ellk, t-i per cent advalorsm.
Musical instrument. . per cent
1utcal metronome. H per ent
1 mbrella frames und pai is, .u per cent ad valorem
ManufA ture or osier and h mw, 45 per cent Ad va
lorem are transferred to the uood schedule and re
dut ed to 5 per cent ad valorem
I'eat or peat moss, 10 per ceut ad valorem. Instead of
T3per ton.
FKAat laMT Peltlnircloths especlaltr for mllltarv pnr
poBe are further limited by the definition Hut not
suitable for the manufacture or neannti MnpareL'
Blue clay, tor the manufacture of crucibles, is added
(from 51 '0 per ton)
Feather und downs for beds are extended to Include
all kinds crude an 1 manufactured
The irolltin "Hsh. the product of American flsh
cries end treats or froen null cauchtln freshwater,
except salmon " le made to read ' I resli fish cauirht hy
the ritrensorihe Imted Htntes In the hfrh scms or the
open water of the lakes fnrmlnr a buundery hetwein
the United Mates and the Dominion of Canada.'
tnhlds Illy of tho tallej. azalea-, (alma. And other
plants used lor forcing under telass for cut nowerior
det-ortlve ptirtoses. are added
Mckel matted sdded (Instead of rajin? 3 cents a
pound on the nickel contained).
The ores of nickel containing more than 2 per cent, of
copper are to par a dun of of I cent a pound on the
copper contained therein Instead of 14 cents per pound
re'trle and other proper crlects ana (roodn ut Indians
passlntr or repos'lnjr the boundary lino of the Terri
torles of the United Mates nre added
8 lion ire dutiable in the House bill at 20 per cent ad
valorem are added.
Taploc h is made free w Ithout an restriction.
I'ltcli of cnnl tar is added.
The limitation in value lo&'oo of wearlntr apparel and
personal effects of perons arriving- In the United Mates
w hlch may b.k Admitted free of duty Is struck out
Work of art, brought b) brofesslonal artists. lee
turersor scientists ror teuipo-ary ine or exhibition, not
forsIe and now Almltted free of duty for the term of
six months, may be retained In the 1 ountry an addl
tional pariod rt six mouths In the discretion of the bee
retard of the Treacur),
In the pararrnph admlttlne unwrouglit glass disks
free aproilMonls added rermlttlnr disks eight Inches
In dlamiter to be polhed sufficiently to enable the
character of the glass to he determined.
Ujpnuin, or sulphate of lime Is txken from the free
list and made dutiable at one dollar a ton
D gras Is taken Irom the list and made dutiable at one
cent a pound
The cnmm.ttoo struck out nil the chances
mnde by the House bill In the internal reenue
regulations reapectlntz tho tax on tobacco, the
manufacture of vinegar from alcohol vapor,
and the fortification of wines, leaWncthelaw
as It stands at present. Tho lntornal revenue
tax on opium piepured for mowing U In
creased from llvo to ton dollars per pound.
Attempt to II low Up m Game Protector
Albany. Juno 18. It has been reported at
tho ofllco of the Chief Game and Fish Protector
here that on Hunday nlsbt while Charles
Bhnckloton and his family wero nsloop In their
houso on tihaokleton'a; Point, town of ttrldco
port. a can of powdor was placed beneath bis
houso and exploded. The evldont Intont of the
miscroants was to blow up Kbacltleton and his
family, but tho effect ot the oxplotston was only
to shatter the piazza, break windows, and
knock off a fow clapboards. In the morninc
Khackleton found that the tails of three of his
horsofl had been cut off. Ho has been threat
ened for some time with tte vengeance of
those upon whom he Barvod tho warrants
sworn out by the came and Jleh protectors J a fit
February after tholr great Oneida Lake raid.
The farmers and nouchlne fishermen were
much Incensed at the seizure and destruction,
of their nets, and owod to injure all who as.
stated tho Htnte otllcialM. The aots of vandal
Ism of Hunday night aro therofere attributed
to them.
To Stop Frlio Fig u ting. In Han Franclsico.
San TrtANCisco, Juno 18. Chief of Police
Crowley nnnouncod yesterday that lie would
make an effort to stop cloo contests between
professional pucillsts in tho various athletic
clubs of this city. lie Intimates strongly that
ho will arrest the principals, seconds, club
officials, and probably the spectator at the
next contest to be clvon In any ot tho clubs,
and will havo them prosecuted unaer the
btato law which prohibits prize fighting.
The next contest hero will bo the match be.
twoen LaJJlancho and 01111g Mitchell, at tho
Culiforniu Athletic Club, June .27.
Cowboys) Attacked by Indiana,
LoRDflBULo, N. H Juno 18. A cowboy ar
rived at the station of Hepar. on the Southorn
Faciilo, yosterday and said the Indians had at
tacked a camp of cowboys on a raucb. Ho and
ton othorfl wore Jn camp when, on Monday
night about 10 o'clock, a band of twenty or
thirty Indians rode down upon them ami at
tempted to shoot them. Home of the cowboys
were armed, but, not expecting an attack.were
not prepared for defense. He thought ull hit
compan one wero killed.
nig; Investment! In Kansma City,
CmcAGo, Juno 18,-Charles IJlrohall and
John H, Kenyon of Liverpool and W. D. Low
son of London are in this city, Theyrepro
eent an English syndicate, which proposes to
Invest about $20,000,000 in this country. They
t'smnaules Incorporated.
,Ai"',''Un!.1',,n" fl"'nrt Hotel Comrsny
eisd arilcles ol Incorporation to uar The compai.) Is
', 'J' ,,,cUoan4 "" "f hotels In
He. York city. Capital, ,..io,,,H in. Incorpor.iors
WteH" """a.s.rVcS.p curl" "
r;S "'3'?o7.:,i;jijoV,,.Va!!
amrTS, -
ciiKtsn in rim 110V8K intKS ntte
aKZATca su.rnn hill has nr.Ait.
Tbe Conrereac. Hepnr on Ik. Anll.Trn.t
mil Asloplrd In Ihei HeBlfi-Icralr
the I'nr nUlirHennlei'aC'lerai.-Tli.Tsirlir
ntll Itcporled In tlie Senate.
Wahhinoton. Juno m Amonu the petition!
nnd memorials presented In tlio Senate to-dar
woreooralbyMr. Moirlll ncalnst lucroned
duty on tin rlnte.
Jlr. Morrill, Jiom the Tlnanre Committee,
roiiortod tuck tlie TnrllT bill, nnd said thntlt
wa nnt exported that It would bebrouebtuo
for consideration enrller thnn a week Irom
Monday noxt. Tho tablo required by Mr.
I'lumb'fl rofiolutlon would be ready within
about four days. Tho bill was plaeod on the
Mr. lryo, from tho Coramltteo on Commerce,
roportod back tho Klvor nnd Harbor Aopro.
irl.itlon bill, with a written roport ns to each
Horn. Calendar.
Mr. Edmunds, from tho Committee on For
elsn Afraln, reported a bill to Klve offeot to tbo
eighth nitlcle of tho treaty ot commerce and
nali:atlon with Swodcn and Norway of July 4,
1S27. Calendar.
Mr. Quay olTorod n resolution, whloh went
oor until to-moirow, InstructlnK tho Berceant-at-Arms
to nmLo no chnnues In his subordl
nule, nppolntcos, or employocs prior to July 1
noxt without coneont of the Honnto.
Jlr. Kvnrts caio notlco that the ouloclesof
tho lata Itopresentntlvo Cox were postponed
till Thursday of noxt week.
Tho conference report on tho Anti-Trust bill
was tirnsontod and nuroed to. Both Housoa
rocotlo from their icspoctlvo nmendraonts, and
tho bill remains exactly as It was passodby
t ho hi-nnto then proceedod to the considera
tion of tho I.CRlslHtUe. l.xocul It e. nml .1 iidlclal
ADiiroprlatlon bill. An ninondinont onored by
Mr. MIlclioll toluc-cnso tho fiilary of twenty
blx commlltoeclorks lrom$l,0UUto $1.60Ji;ao
rloioii lonudlsouhslon. , , ,
Mr. Intrulls paid that tho wbolo committee
and clerical lorco of tlio M-nato roiiulred ad
justment, 'iliero weio at lfaot twenty etnnd
Intr conimlttous that weio. absolutely stipor
Iluous and unneiossaiy. It was dililciilt to
llnd naiiieniinil to lnvoiit functions for tliein.
'Jliev worn orlKlnntod and ostabllphcd merely
fur thi purpoo of nsslitnlnc somu anator t a
.l..l.lni...Ui. nn.t nIHnn him a TttTW fl .lATL.
nnd a niPKHeneor. 'Jo pay tlie clerk of a com
mlitoe which had nothnic to do H.800 n ear
was to mako dim practically a prioto secre
tary to tho chiilrmnn. with no other duties or
functions. In his jmlcment tlio ; ennto com
mittees should bo laruely reduced, and tho
committvo clerks ouelit to do committee work
and notlilntrelpo
Tho amendment was acreod to yeas 28.
nny-t 1. A liko nmondmentio pay clerks to
benntor 1.PIW a oar. Instead ot $l,5uu as
lecommcnded by the Committoe on Appropri
ations, and of tfi j'or day as provided In tho
bill, was olTerod by Mr. Mitchell, and was the
text lor a renewal of the discussion.
Mr. Hale evprossod Ids opinion that eomn
dnv or other Croat nuhllc tonsuro would be
vMted on the henute In connection with Its ox
pontes. ...
.Mr. "t innulred an to therolatno exrendl
tures of tho Hnuso and of tho senate in con
nection with clerks. . . ,
Mr. Allifon rvpllol that as the bill came from
tho Ilouso tho expenditures stood $ S'.iU.iHhi for
the House and !H'.!:UHm for the onajc. Owing
to Increases of the clerical force of tho Senate
durlni: the session, and to tno increase of pay
just voted, tho Senate oxpendltuios would bo
Tho amendment was acioed to yoas 2P.
nays JJ.
'I he Senate disposed of soventv paces of tho
bill and thon adjourned till to-morrow.
Ifou.e of JteprrsrntatlTes.
The all-absorblnc topic of Intorest In tho
Ilouso to-day was tho probable disposition of
tho Hhor bill which pnssod the Senate tester
day. When tho bill was roceled from the Sen
ate this afternoon, the Housn was in Commit
tee of tho Whole on tho Indian Appropriation
bill. Mr. Bland ot Missouri !mmcdiatolvmoed
that the Committee of tho W hole rlne, in order
that iht House mlKlit at onto proceed to tho
consideration of the bdl. This was received
witli wild applause, bv tho Democrats.
Mr. l'oel ot Arkansas, who had tlio tloor was
Induced 10 old to tins motion, but tho Chair
man of tn-jfoimnltHio (Mr. Allen of Michigan)
directed tho dork to tontlntio the reading of a
lone printed precedent bearing upon the point
of order then under dl'CusMon.
At tho conclusion of tlio re 'dine Mr. Illand's
motion was put and was defeated on n stand
lucvoto by V.l ton''. On a loto by tollers tho
committoe iofu-ed to rise teas, 91 : nnys, 11)3
nud continued tlio cousidoiatlon or tho In
dlnn Appropriation hill. .No republicans olod
for tho motion, which was supported by all of
the Democrats exeopt two Messrs. Mutchler
and Vaux of l'ennsyhnnin.
The considonitiou of tho Indlnn bill belnc
resumed, on points of order ralsnii by Mr. Can
non ol Illli.olsldesniio tliu strenuous protests
of Mr. 1'orMns of Knnas nnd Mr. 1'eol of
ArUnnsisi. nptiroprlations of $12.2'M) lor the
( reek Indians. ItS.HuU for the l'ottawntomlo
Indians, and f 27,UUi for the Moxlcan l'otta
watomle Indians wore t-trlcknn from the bill.
Tho eommltteo then rose, tho bill wus i uasod,
and tliolloujo adjourned.
Tblnc or Interest In nnd Outside of the
Hulls) of Consrea..
?AsniNnTov, June 18. The Oific of this
city announces this oenlnc in a column
article that President Harrison has determined
not to boa intidlduto lor renomlnatlon. Tho
article says that to n Seoator who callod n day
ortwonco at tho Will to House Mr. Harrison
said tuat his only dsiro is to so conduct hlm
telf as regards the publio business that the
peoplo will improve what no has done, when
on tho 4th of March, 1893, he will rotlro to the
law ofllco of Harrison, MillorA Elam, In Indi
anapolis. Ho nddod that no matter what the
pressure may bo for htm to accept a nomina
tion he cannot be shaken In bis purpose to
retire to privuto llfo at tho end of his term,
Halnc been beaten in bis ofTort to clve one
of his henchmen the placoof Serconnt-at-Arms
of the Senate, Sonator Uuay is now attemptlnz
to control tho offices of that body. Ho was very
much chazrlned nt bl dofeat Jn caucus, and is
now enilouiorine to cot oen. There has boen
bad blood between him and Col. Canadny. tho
Piesont r-orKoiuit-at-Arms. for tome time,
k'roHinir out of political matters, and Mr. Uuay
was disappointed both nt his failure to sooure
Lol. Canaday'a romoval last winter und to name
his successor now. Col. Canadny foels that he
Is under no oblicatious to ,Ur. CJua, and
to-day he difchnreed ono of tbo henator's
friends and cao the place to a constituent of
one of tho Montana Senators, who had never
had unr ratronairo at all. To-day Benatnr
Uuay lntroauced a resolution tylnc the hands
ol C'anuday by prohibiting blm from muklne
any romovnW durlnc the low weoks that he 10
mains in office without first tettinn tho con
sent .of tho onllte. Uhls resolution will como
up for coiiMdoratinn to-morrow, and a lively
d.bato is likely to follow.
The Sonato spent nn hour In executive ces
sion this afternoon, durine which tlmo two
nomlneos of l'resldont Harrisou, who woro
appointed more than a yoar nco, wore rojected.
T Uev werp John 11. Kaves. Collector of Internal
ItovouuefqrtheHftli dlstrlet of North Curo
IJnn, and IL llaney Scbocb, Postmaster at
Helln s (iroie, l'a. The objection to 1'ostmas.
ter Henoch, Is said to hae boon directed to au
nllecedlack of party lojalty. The voto on his
rojoctlonwas unanimous, tho roll not belnc
caiieu. in audition to the polltlcnl charcea
itcainst I nves. tho .North Carolina Collector, it
was reported, it is said, to benators by persona
acuuiilnied with liira tliat he wus notiiullllod
todlscharce the duties of Ihe olrlce. tho dis
trict beinc ono of the lurcost In ihe country.
The folloninc nominations woro conllrmod:
i ,t8l.'.'.Hn, "' w e'eisnl al ilurlpli, 11 iL. W
It MoMlllen. Minevorof Cuilonn. .p (Inrnns, II, A
I flu.ll I otlirnr ol CikCoiih, kaqiilna Uiei.i,,A
1 eir, collector vt rusium, (ilmire.ier ia. , J h.
"'"''.s'sistantCMlscHir nt Uus.oms. Uuinu.n, N.J.,
AUsIl Unlirop L'. h. Aitonier or Miutli i armlnn, hu
Jens Marshall. I' rl Aiturue) Xurihem liuirlol or
Tesaii tt r turay, Marstisl ror Mouisna, ItolllnAius
nsn. Marhal (or sruiunt A H tonawar, Assotlsis
Justice Mitireina lourt of Wiimiiir, 1, H. liarll.lt.
1'rotaia.luiliieorand counly, fun. W. II l ettlt Mir
veyor iienernl or lilstm, J I' Uslansr or Psnniyi
jaula, Hecslterof Pulillo Slonejs at oslalioma. W, H.
Jlojt ol Mlstontln. L'omrnlsalmier (or Alaska ." IL
l'ecklnpauKh ur InOlana. tiers Pl.irlct Court r Ala.ka.
1'o.tinsMsra-It. U. l.or.j, ai Mlilau. l'a , tlslina oiu
oii, at neeporl, fa
" ",. w,.,,,r?',l,.0' lrlnts. Asjlstsnt Surison,
Uarlns lloapltsi Serilee.
Astlstsnt Hurif.on in the Kary-U II, stons. Con-
M,M,hiv,i,.i,..,",'l, "'. '.K- faie, irjlnui
IL at, Ksunsdy, rsuniylsanla.
The president to-dny sent the followine
nominations to tho Senate; "
pi'S'rrf 'irn,"J!,niJ',Vli "' " ,llln"n- ' Msnsroai
E.wara II. Itupss. Jr , nr MaMaclmnelta at alirlhar
rotin:utersli)lin r.iitirsath si innksra N Vi
.'fflrts'!"' V Urouslriu .v. V . f.t.r II. fesbuwu!
vi'i,.,';.l' J'""''"!. Collector if rusioms. Dl.trlit
The House Committee on ihe eloctlon of
TreBldent and Vlee-l'resldent and Ilepresen
tatlves In Concress to-day formally decided by a
party ote to report to the House with some
amendments the, Federal Election bill asreod
upon In ihe Ilepublioau cnticue onMonday niuht.
llepres.ntatlte Lodce will prepare, the report.
Aod oxpeaLi to eat It la tha Usuu tcjaouQB.
and Strength
Poon reptaco weakness and lancuor. If that re
liable modlclne. Hood's HarsaparllU. Is fairly
and faithfully tried. It Is the boat medicine to
otercomo that tired feollnc. purify the blood,
and euro scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, and
all other diseases arlslnc from lmpuro blood or
low stato of tbo systom. Oivo it a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by nil drueclsts. $1 : six for tS. Trepared
only by C, I. HOOD CO.. Lowell. Mass.
lOO rinse. One llollnr
The minority members of tho Committee will
also pro pare a report In opposition to tho meas
ure for submission to tho iloimc. The only
amendment of Importance adopted was. to
strike out from the bill tlio tost oath that ills
qualifies persons irom otlnc who hne taken
up nrms against tho dowrninent. which liy In
adxortonco It was proposed to ro 'pact. 'Jliorot
of the nmondincntsiidopted woro ofnorbal
(hnracter so as to cct rid ot tho nmblcuity
that had crept in some parts or thn bill in lis
hasty construction, and to io!loo it of ur-
fdusiice. 'i ho Democratic leaders In the llou-n
mo been informally notified that tho bill will
bo callod up Tuesday noxr.
Tho Suporlntondont of tbo Consun has re
ceived many Inquiries as to whether ho can
oxtend tho time of tho onumoiatton ot tho poo
pin so as to cover nil omissions In the count. Ho
says: "No epocillc nxten'don of tlmocnn bo
granted. Whoroer any enumerator hns boon
unable, forcood nun sulflciont intise to com
plete tlio enumorntlon of his district In tho
proscribed time, ho should lo instructed bv
tbohupervlor to completo tho enumeration,
and his aconunts will be allowed nud paid on
tliLMorttncntion of tho supervisor that the do
lay was duo to clrcu instances beyond tho con
trol of tho enumerator. I'orsonsonn boenu
mornlod nt huporvlsnr's 'office. .Names thus
picnntod as omissions must, however bo
verified by enumerators nt resilience, and ex
aminations most bu made of fchedulu-i to
mold duplication. All noiossnry tlmo nnd
clorical nlstBtico will be allowed tlio Super
visor for maklnc such oxnmluatlons."
The contost botweon Concreasman Grosve
nor and Thompson for tho nomination In tho
Twolfth Ohio district. Is cettlnc ery Interest-
Inennd hlchly amusinrr. Thcso anti-loraker
llcpubllcnns havo been horctoforo such warm I
personal frlonds as to bo known as Damon and
Pythias. Now they do not spent as tliovnasa
bv. nud nil because tboy have boon
corrymandornd Into tho satno district.
Judce Thompson toturned fiom Ohio
to-day. In addition to a irreat deal of indica
tion ho bmucht with him a copv of n circular
with which he doclnros (Jro-oenor Is floodluc
tho districts. Tho ciruilar reviews Oiosvcnor'-,
" splendiil nunlitles and horolo achievements"
In Concres-s and, cnlllnrr attention to tlio fact
that McKluloy has been cerymundoiod out,
Wo many Ilepubllcansl ennnot afford to
loo tho sonlco ol (irosvenor on the floor. It
would be llko tearlncotT both arms of the Re
publican body. ith McKlnlcy cone, Gros
vonor becomes a uecessity. -Noinnu van take
his place."
lu conclusion the circular represents Gros.
venor ns a sort of Ajax standlnc In tho foro
front of Republican statesmen dufiinc tho po
litical HchtnlnL'. "Wo haio no word to sny
ncainst any ono." it says, 'but wo cannot fall
louskeiery ono to look to his own Interest,
thn Intorest of tho Mate and nation in io
turnincGrosienortoConcreSf. IJia lltucss and
ability are recocnled hvoiery ono. Ho has
introduced and carried ihrouch more imnoi Hint
measures thnn anj other man in Coucre-. His
ability Is recocnied by thn President who has
solected blm to ilellvor tho 'Ailnunlstratlnii
oddross" to Concrete, a speeh in which tlio
whole policy nnd plnn of the Government nro
reviewed, explained, discussed nnd all nbjei
tlons fiom the Domocrntio side met nnd nn
swerod. It Is the, battles roj-al of Btnteniunsbfp,
and no litter man could have boon choiin."
Spcakor Keod hns onco more tnken tho bit in
his teoth, and when tho silver men in the I
House loam to-morrow of what ho has done
they will bo astoundod. Lnto this afternoon
Mr. Keed took tho Silver bill from his tablo nnd
referred It to tho Committoe on Coinnce. Ho
says that this was tho proper course for
him to do tiuder tbo rulos and that tho
sliver mon will understand the uliuntion wliun
tboy study Itcarcfullv. Mr. Ulaml was aston
ished bevond measure to-niuht whon ho
learned of the 8pokers nctlon, and promised
tomnku matters Interesting in tho Homo to
morrow. Ho will nppe.ii from tho rlcht
of tbo i hair to tend tho bill to
tbo committee, nnd thon movo con
currence In tho Sennto amendments and
will endeavor to cot a test voto. Tho bicawcr
will no doubt ignore Mr. illand as all durlns
the session he has lcnoied tlmso who havo dls
acroed with him. and Insist on huvlnc his
own way. If over tho bill Is ronorted
bacic to the House It will be with an
amendment acceptable to the hnoakor
and tho friends of the Adinlnlslrn'lon.
'Iho wonderful control which t-peaker lieed
ban over the House Jioimbllcans was mailo
conspicuously apparent tlno morninc wheu
they voted solidly against tho motion of Mr.
Illand to go inio a Committee of the Wholo to
discuss the Sonato MIL
It was stated nt tho Navy Department to-day
that the contract for thu 800-ton practlco ves
sel was awarded to S. I. Mooro A. Co of Kllra
bethport, N. J., at tholr bid of $250,000. lustead
oftoF. W. Uhooler of Most Day City. Mich..
whoo bid was 3,0O0 less, for tho reason that
thn treaty ot 1817 with Great Ilrltaln does not
permit the building of war vossoIboii the lakes.
I'nder that treatv each country ncroos not to
hare more than threo wnr vessels ot not more
than 100 tons dlspinoomont, and tarrying not
more than one 18-pound cannon on the lakes
nttbo e-amo time, nnd that neither will build
war vessels on tbo lakes without tho consent of
the other (rovernment nftor six months notice.
It Is said that tho miostloa of building the new
practice vesoi at liny city was considorod at
yestorday'B Cabinet meeting, nnd that it was
decldod that mich n courae would bo a viola
tion of treaty stipulations.
Tho IVeddlnc Didn't Come OO.
PBTEnsnuno, Juno 19. A large crowd assem
bled nt tho First Ilnplist Church in this city
this afternoon to witness the marriage of Mr.
Shepherd of Sussex county and Mlssl'nnnlo
Jackson, a young lady of this city. 'Iho mar
rlaco. however, did not take placo, and tho
crowd was !l-nppolnted. The trouble was In
getting the llcenso. When Mr.Shopherd called
on tho clerk of tlio court of this ilty this morn
ing for n license to ir.niry Miss Jackson, the
ago ot the young woman was asked, Ah she
was a minor the clerk salu heiould not Is'iio
the license, nsshn she could not nciiulion resi
dence here, tho homo of her parents bolng hor
home. The parents of Miss .Incksoii, who io
slilo in hussox count)', some distance from
Petersburg bad given their consent to the
marriage. Tho young people settled the trim
bio by taking tho fast train this afternoon for
Hallfux, N. C to havo iho nuptial knot tied
Htar Cnuetsj at the JSnvnl Acnriemy.
Birrmnss, Juns la Tlie sisr cadets nt 11 a Jtaval
Academy ar. as follows
1'lrst Clasi-lraiik II. 7.shn of rennlvsnl, II. (I
rjllliiior or Wisconsin, 11.0 ntnflli it niilo. He Witt
Planicrof Kansas, Richard .M. Watt ot I'ennsjlranu,
star members.
second Ll.iis-.lnbn I) lteuret ot rililn. Joseph K.
McDonald or Illinois Homer I. rerc"on e( ,onli
('nrollna. Juhii I: lilaK.ly of rcniiajlvantu. 1 use
Mr.Nameeor haniaa, Wllnsilli. Pi" Rim of Missouri.
Third I la l.useua I, lllsrclt of Kniluckr. Tliomss
J) Parker or noiitii rarollmi JipilnA 1 Pd r or iaftu
rliustls I mils J Muirlll of beiil'luna, lleur) II. Wsr't
nt New Jersey, Maurice K. 1 until o( .vilasnurl Win.
Irkil V. ,s I'lirlielaiin of New 1 orl Irani II Clark, Jr,
ot ilboJ. Islaiid, Juaspli I oral! of viu.iiurl
A O. A, It, Post Murienilrra Hit f'hnrter.
Ntici, June 1H .Intin II inrock l'i si. :':, (1 A ft,
surrenilired Its cliarlsr Isst nUlit after seven years'
exlfl.nl. and Its ciniir.ults hale again unit ril vrltli
IVnldron I'od, sj imui ahlili tliey sfiedeil In Ik-j.
Hancock Post . orEanleil lir orn AI rain Mi rrllt
when tie n Pepartment fnmmander, aiel wliri"!y
eiistslneil l) hlui until his aid ide two years si'o Tlio
iinicers elect uf Waiiiron l'i si ars I'omiiiaiMi.r. li
Ham h. inttle, reninr Vlte uiimiiliiier, James It
l linstle, Junior VP e I'o.nnaiiilf r tiiiiry I' Miillh,
Adliitani 1, ii iiri'vnrv, yuanrni osier, Parnl llsker:
onfrtrtif Hay, Ullllam falter oilici r i.f l.iurd. I liarles
I'naerslllsr, Chaplain, I arm I s Waiiiron rernesui
Major II c. Albums, yuarlerniasier seusaul, p. ',
Fatal Flood In 1'cnilsylTnnla.
ELfiiKD, Pa, Juns ia Two clouds met andbrok.
over Osceola last evenlnr, csntlnj- (be watsr of Iloldea
Brook to rls. to an onprscsdentsd lielihL Mrs. Tripp
and Miss Mary Thompson wer. drowned, and their
bodlss hare not yet been recovered Nesrly twsnty
bmliUni s wsr. moved from their fonndatlnns. and a
frhrlittul Jsm was formed at the trestle of lh. tall
Brook Itallrosd. Th. trestle of the Addison ami l'i nn
aylvanla road is anno Ont horao was drownsd. T.iu
nertowu Islnrafue Manv persons were reacueit frmn
ihelr homes at ureal nk Only one trPIe rsruilus
oisr Iloldea Brook and Hie sicne Is appalling
Kcfuard to Answer a ( rnsiis J'niiuieralnr.
Nor llirri, June 18 -IM ward Jlnllej one of th.
wealthlrsl and most proiulneni clliens. was arrsii.d
to day for not answerlntr ctrtalu ipisatlons put hv
census enumerator, lie was r.lessed on bis on r.tog
nlzsnc. In attend the launohlnit of his schoenrr. He
win nrotialily be bound over Hi ibe August term of ihe
I'nlted Slates District Oourt. Th. arreii his created a
JXM,n1iloni, ' "."i1."1! "."' ni etberarr.sts aresur. 10
irnninr. "M,aMW v wju wi-
Tlte Xrect orOrorare tT. Cotllne Appoint,
ment on Ilrontctyn Pnlltlia.
Tho news that camo from Washington yes
torday afternoon that Oecrgo J. Collins, a for
mer Alderman of tho Twonty-flrst ward and n
loading Grand Army man, hnd been appointed
1'ostranster of Urooklyn, did notcauso soinuch
surprlso ns when Col. liatrd's nppolntmont was
nnnouncod two wooks ago. Mr. Collins had
beon a candidate for n couple of months, and
It was understood whon Col. Bnlrd declined
that ho bad nn oxcellont chance of becoming
Mr. Hondrlx'a successor. Col. Unltd lost nil
Interest In Iho fight whon ho found Hint it was
impossible for William I. Taylor to got tho
place, but ho put no obstacles in
thn way of Jlr. Collina Tho most
disappointed mnn In llrooklrn ovor
tho result of tho protracted strugglo for tho
v. Ifi UO11 a yonr prhe Is
V Jlr, James 8. laso.
ivy He was baekod up In
intEfr Vi his candidacy by tho
IV Mg solid and liarmrMil-
lit- . S "us Noting llopiibll-
yYlfSH."' cnn ;l111' 'ln, fctood
AvJU!)fi highest in personal
WSiTJJiKJi favor with 1'ostmas-
rfSwW'. tor-Uoticrnl Winn-
-M& "V mnkor. He mado
A l( sevoiiil Pllgrlmngos
l I -flrTf-S V to WnshfiiBion. nnd
Ji 'VW . nKfe' Vl W I nn his leturn from
"V (0-lEJCJir'p7 tho last one ho
' ' J thought ho would
trornsj rn.n. surely be tlio next
1 .. . 1'o-ttnaelnrofllrook.
yn. Ibis sot-bnekbrtho Washington author
ities will tond to iossen thn ntdor and onthuel
asm or tho Vouiig ltcpubllenns in tho next
campaign. Mr. Coillns's appolntmont, ns was
that of col ltalid is creditod to heerotary
Tracy's Influonco. and thuro is no doubt that
twill nave an important bonrlngontho fnc- I
t onal htrugglo for tho nomination lu tho Third
Congress dl-irlct.
Congressman Wallace I" n candidate for re
nnmlnntlon and Lawyer It. II. Ilenodlct has
also tormally nnnotinred hlnisolf as In the
race. Tho leading llepuhllean statesmon In
lirooklyn aro already badly split up In this
Congress light. Months ago Secretary Trocy
declared bis nputiallty. but tho politicians who
favor Mr vVnllaco say holsiiuletly working for
his inend Mr. Jlonedlet, and that tho appoint
inont of Mr. (.olllns is intondo 1 to nut the
t wenty-llrht ward dologatos in the column of
Mr. iienedlct's Mipportors
Mr. Collins was born In this city flfty-ono
jours ago. At the beginning of tlm war he
went nsaprlvato with tho Twelfth lleglmcnt.
lie yr.is Mion trnnslorrod to tlio UTtli .Now
lork voluntpors. In which ho served ns
t-crgcnnt-Maior. Adjutant, and l'lrst Llou-
1 tounnt Toward tho eloso of the war
I ho was Ase. stunt Adiutnnt-Genornl undor
(ion. vpti Sehlmmolfenlng. nnd in March,
lsijii. ho was aptointcd l'iovo-t Mar
I sluil n tharoston Ho beeamo a icsldont of
1 lirooklyn two je.irs inter. Ho has never shown
nnv Mugwump tondoncios. Ho represented
theTwonty-llrst wird In tho Hoard of Alder
men In 1HSJ and 184. and ho frequently served
ns a delegate to the Cienoral Conimlttoo. Ho
was not personally mixed tin In the recent
WoodruiT-HaidwIn factional squabbles, but It
Is understood his sympathies wore with Mr.
Woodruff. Ho hns been (ortsev oral vearslntlio
blank book nnd bookbinding Imsiness m
Maldon liino. nnd he U reported to be wealthy.
Ho Ik a prominent Grnnd Armv mnn. and was
one of tho 01 gangers of U. ri. Grant l'ost. 1127,
of which be is now Commander. There Is no
iiuostlon of Ids nccoptanco Mr. Hnndrlx's
term has nlready oxpbed and the now Post
master will probably tako hold bolorotheLloso
ot the month.
The llndr ol Mrs), ltiidxnn, tlie Snlcldr.
I.lkrly lu be llurleil In l'nttrr's Field.
Tho body of Mrs. IX O. Hudson, tho notori
ous confldonoo womnn, who committed sulcldo
on Monday night, lav unclalmod at tho Morgue
yestordav. Should no ono call forit this morn
ing. It will bo burled in the city cemetery.
Mrs Hudson h.id long boen ono of the most
widely known eliminate in tho Cnitod States.
Shn was born of wealthy parents in llnltlmore
forty-flvo j oars ago, and at the ago ot IS mar
ried David Hudson, n young Methodist clergy
man. Thoy went to Modway. Mass., whom a
boy nnd girl woro born to thorn. Mrs. Hudson
was extravagant bovond hor husband's means.
Ho gave up thoology for medicine, but could
not gratify her eponelvo tastes, sosho begnn
lp help herself by moans of potty swindling.
Her husband remonstrated with her in vain,
and In 1 s7d dloil. it is said, of a brokon heart.
Mrs. Hudson travelled wltn her daughter,
nnd cheated the hotel keopers in Now Eng
land towns right nnd left. M10 swindled the
t'oloinnn House lime, mid shottly aftorwnid
wns ent to jail for threo months. In October.
1 (-77. sho turned tin in Jersov Uty. where hho
tried toe mmit -uicldo hi taking rhiornl. hho
was irron'cd lor obtaining goods bv ialso pie
teneos, and a blackmnlling letter to Ilishon
1'otter win found In hor pocket M10 nloo col
lected nnd kept money bolonglng to chnrltablo
'len dajs neo sho engaged n 100m in tho
nparlmont lione at 1.V1 Last I.lahteenth stioet.
and on Tuodnv morning spe was found dead
Inn chair, tin tlio waiustaud vv.is nn cmrty
four-ounce bottle whleh had liel I laudanum.
Onlhtablo was a bit of nolo paper bearing
tho-e Hues in Mrs. Hudson's handwritiug.
''Leovehl thou me eaie Hire I will n' U
Host thnn lor- lie nn jet 1 m III roiioii
Poes tlie lei la'.n thee the sea will i-pir
Wilt ihuu h Audfr the earth tlirn a w inoVrer am L
No other writing was found In tho room.
JlnOrty Hurrenderia,
Teter Francis IlalTorty, former welghor in thn
Custom Ilouso whom tlio Unltod Statos Grand
Jury indletod for violating tho Civil Service
law by soliciting contributions to the Demo
cratic campaign fund from othor employees of
the Custom Houso, went to tho olllco of Unltod
States Marshal Jacobus early yostorday morn
ing accompaniod by his lnwjer, Henry C.
Dotty, nnd n bondsman. Together with As-
fil.tflnt lllatrfet llliininv Una Mm. nrnonn.A..
theuieolves belere Judge Laeombo of the
I nltcd btntes Circuit Court. Mr. Hose's enso
was Important nud the flint of its kind tlint
had boen brought In this distrb t. He thought
thnt at le.ist fJ.UOi) bull should bo required.
Lavvvor Dotty protosted and Judgo Lncorube
decided on tl.500. John Drummer of lilb Last
llfty-llfth street ounliiled as bondsman nnd
llalTor y was rolonsod.
The man Hatlerty Is said to have collected
money from John.l. Umtholl, $'2Ui Andrew J.
U'Conuni, VJ.", and rredoiiek I etzeisor, F. B.
Skidmoro, J. I!, l'utnaiii, and William . Daly,
J.ii) eiu h HaHerty will bo callod lor trial at
tho Octoboi term.
Mrs. "VVnllnct. drift Ilnek Ilrr Ilnnds.
When Charles II Wallnck, a son of iho late Lester
Wallack, was Indicted for cninpllilty with l.eorce II.
Pell In Ihn robbing of the I.en-i lllll i'nnk ot CM oil
worth of nii'riud bonds In December last, hia mother
Knvo hall for Is I las As port of the neurit)' for her
loud she deposited with AaaKtanl Hl-trlct Allurner
Kedlonl, then srilui Ill.trlLi Attoiuei. r.iiosi in
bntuK Mr I edinril to le iti,ubl Lareful, put them
lino his privne atn ileposlt b is. VVnllack turned
Mute s evidence Sh'SUlHt 1 ell whu wa i nliTicteil and la
serving- a term ur l!nnrii.ililiieiit-rewu j ears ainl a
htlf in stale prison Aanrew.mil tor WaliaH s ear
l,fs Hllrltl Allfrnev retinas iiiiiienled ti the dia
f lisrir. of VVallsrk a nil Mil tie ah 11 iIiiiiiihiu nr thn
lU'lirtment inruliif 1 1 1111 I he in bilmritl wus le.ldls
liibled le auae liaiu 1. niav le hte'lediH awltneas
again atrainai other mmiit.ts of ihn rnmbine ' uf
would he bank wre le's Mra VVallick in compinleit
h 1 hnrl'f 1 Walaik ui ed up'ui .Mr 1'idfirl veaier
dv In ihe IllHtrii 1 Ait ireej s onlie ond he relurrieil 10
her the &u,ouo worth ol buiuls, and louk her reielpu
IVnnldn't IVriir 111" Hhlrlii n Ilia Tout.
Koundsinsn Metier of JeiTtrron Market rourt lias
preferred rhsrees I .fore the police einnilshioiiers
ejrslnit lltlicllie Vlatthea Mcl'oniiellnf the West Thlr
tlclli streil siatim fur Insubordination, on ut Mm,
da tnornlnir Mci ornell arrakned Arthur SInrlon for
assaulting Ida lliidcilffe, who cave away the nnium
lolnta .Mrii.r.iell woro Ms badiro nn hl walslcnit
llethrew back histoat but Vlrl,ee was not sitl-nel
and ordered him to p'l hla shield oinsld his rovt Mc
t'ontieii refuf I and vicoee rompiained to --eriiesut
I'onmba who f nlered vti o.e to jiri-la- cluirKea.
Uritiiiii.il aastliat tin re is a leelins aitaiuat hlni In
thernurt NiitiH 1 slid that lie la subjected to pettv au
tioyiiiiccs at lie Ir liaiula r ' 1
I- . -
Getting- Clothes
is easy enough, but to get
the right kind, isn't, unless
you know where to go.
If wc sell stylish cassimere
Suits, - and we do, - for $10
&. $12, or finer grades for $14
$15 &$i6; and the best at
$18 up to $25, you'll find
you don't pay us topmost
prices, but you do get the
right sort of clothes.
B'way & Canal St
The WprU Iteulnnlnc Almost 4 Fixed for
Ilia j:xcvutlnn nt Hlnn Hlnrr.
Harris A. Rmller. ox-Ralvatlon Army llouten
nnt nnd convicted murderer, was arraigned
yesterday in the Oonornt Bosslons for son
tonco for the killing of hlsmlstross, Mnggio
Smller. In tho rooms of Mrs. l'tln. Wllonn nr
284 Heventh nvonue. on April 3. When broiler
reached tho bar. Lawyer Halllgan said that
8omo of i?miler's frlonds desirod that ho should
withdraw, and ho bad oonsonlod thnt Lawyer
Hoinzlomnnbo sutstitutod. District Attorney
rellows moved noxt for sentence, nnd Lawyer
Holnrlumnn made tho tormal motion for a. stay
of proceedings nnd a now trial, and Judge
1 ltgcrnld denied it.
Then Judge lttzgernld sentenced Smllor to
bo token by the Sheriff to hingHIng, within ten
days from the date of the sotitonce. and tlioro
koDt by Ihe anion in solitnry confinement
until the week leginning Aug. 4, when ho into
bo put to death in tho mnnnor proscribed by
tho law ot this State, bmller kept his eyeB
llxed upon tho floor during tho sentence and
while Clerk Bpnrka solemnly read thn death
warrant. Thon. with entire coolness ho hold
out his rlcht hand for tho handcuff, which
Deputy ShoilfTburko snapped upon his wrist,
and was led out.
TVhoIe'anle r.lqnnr llrnlera riftnnlnc to
Illilld Co-operative Dlatlllerle.
An oxecutivo meeting of tho committee of
ton, appointed at last Monday's mass mooting
of wholesalo liquor dealora of this city nnd
vicinity to dovieo measures of relief from the
recent order of tho Whiskey Trust advancing
tho price of proof spirits, was hold yosteiday
ntternoon In tbo Kemblo building. It was ro
solved toraiso n Hind of fJun.iDO with which
to build one or two cooperative distilleries.
Several subscriptions to this fund wero made
by the members of the tommltteo. Tlio com
lnlttoo will submit to tho public mass mooting
of wholosnlo lliiuor dealers, which hns been
callod for next Monday afternoon In the Kem
ble building, u rebolutlon outlining the plan
and calling tor subscriptions.
omethlnc Inlerealtnc Promised About the
H. r. V.
Ex Jndie DIlteDhoefer anrearrd In the Tombs Police
Courl yesterday as counsel for George Smith, who was
accused by Anthony Comstock of keeping a policy shop
Judge Hiltenliriefer was uettled by Comstock's frequent
interrt'plious during the examination uf tho w untsaea,
and nnsllj said
Hetore I itrt throuich with this esse I mean to ebow
that there la in re i oriutm n in the Socleiy for the
Prevention ot M.-e than the public would dare dream
of '
-Mr Comstock declared tbst Judge Dlttenbocfer had
inatllted him and Justice McMabuu.
The case was lOiitmueiL
An Oil Fire on the Klvrr Front.
A nro which broke out on the third four of the New
York Lubricating Compan)'e premises at 2J1 1 rout
street veiterdaj afternoon, threatened for a time to be
come serious, as there were VlaJ barrels of oil in the
bnildlnir. while the firemen experienced the usua
acardtr of water In that part ot tin, town It was I. I
nally extiusulahed, however, hefora more than imi
worth or oil w a. burned while the oam.ee loth, build
Ins: and the adjoining premises on both s'des is less
than half that atuouut All threo buildings oelonrr to
ihe oallatlu estate hugene G. Hlackford of l-ulton
tarket. who rrcuplesJ as a storehouse for salt and
fro7en riiu lost $.M4i
William Mitchell a colored employee of tho iuhrt
eating company, burned his arm while throw lug water
on iho are at lis start.
Dr. I.euf'a Wlte Oela a Divorce.
Justice Partlett In the Supreme Court Brooklyn, ya
terda granted Mrs. Pauline M Leufun absolute dirorc.
from her husband Dr. Alexander II P Lent Dr Leuf,
who Is the author of several medical books. pra"ilsed
in lirooklyn nt on. tlmo but Is now llilng In I'lilladrl.
phia wild th. woman who was named In the proceed
Intr. a. en rf .nnndetit It w in.,,!..! t b .f,. .
Sin a divorce In Pennayivaula on Ihe ground of aban
onment. Justice Ilartle'.t decides that I.euraillrorie
was Invalid, tnnamuch as Mrs. I.euf was not brought
within the luriMllctlon of the court which granted It.
He win be liable 10 irosecutlon for bl(amylf he returns
to lirooklyn. It Is raid.
Dolna Htimt. On a Itallroad jlrldee.
Boys who live on Jersey City Heights "do stunts" on
the brtages over the Pennsylvania Itallroad grounds.
The bridges are about fifty feet above the tracks. One
of the most coinmou stunts Is for a venturesome boy to
climb upon ihe Iron rsillng guarding tho shies of the
brtlges and walk across, daring Ihe oilier hoistofol
low him Willie Holland, a seven year old buv was
doing this yeatrrdny Half war ai roaa the rslll elrar
hla balance and fell down on the track Ilia right .yo
was torn out and he received olucr injuries from if bleu
he will die
K.tinlnn of the rel.ry'si Hecond llrlKAde.
Tho Keren I Now Jersey Brigade Society held a re.
onion in Auoctillon Hall, .Newark, yesterday. (,en
James A Uuallng presided, and Ihe hall was well tilled
with veterans, lieu Iranrls Price mi elected Prenl
dent Among thus present wera i.-n. rirklra i.en
Jnirphl) larr, ami tloi. Abbeti Osn h, UurJ Urubh
was iho orator ot the day.
HHratiPHi-llln After the rnhiirtian.
"The 'Snapper' ran't ride for sour apples, " sal I John
Italllr to Ju'llce Talntor at I nti Marin yeaterdu,
whan he was srrakned for being drunk ' I wur ihal
dlNMliiioliited wid de 'Miapper rer inior. when I fee
me bars, wni back In lb. ru'k thai I got us neck full
of aatpiirlller
itcllly a. fined fin.
flrrary Cltj'tf IlrlnUlnic IVntrr.
TheCmrl ot I'rrors and AppeaN of w hreyro
fioed en Tuesday to grant n lormitient iMunrtion re.
atrafiiag the rlt) of 1'nfsalr from sewerinir the town
Into Hie river I'afsali has her ei era s.l teadr Tho
i ullet from them I. within a mild irf f thf intake of
the lirae) I'iti naeriolr Tke i'si-ali. sews.'o will
amount to about fi.laio,ii gallons i it n
Tun llnraesi Full Over J.nvrt'a Leap.
Two horars owned b) the North llii'lfon County Hall
road Company were pasture 1 on the King estate In
Weebswken Thev rrned veslenlsy n..ir a enol on
Ibe I'alla Hies Known sa Lu er . I rut. III. rarlflvave
way nnii.r them nnd thn 'l jfeci tnlhe ral.road
truik below llulli were Ll e I
.The Tantivy Coach Horses by Auction?;
Tattersalls (of New York) Wei
(Agents, Mefsra Tatteraall. Albert nte, London, tntk
lias been favored with Instructions
The Proprietors of tlio Tantivy Coach
To-morrow (Friday) Juno 20. at 3:30 P, JL,
tiii; iioMftiiniHiiimr, academy.
Grand lloiilevardnndHettenthst (onrosllt Durlena'ajj,
A 10.
now working Iho fpsch between Hie Hotel rtrunswlek.
.New Inrk f. itv and the lYunirv flnh lhev will he on
srsifi-ii's1,11 MIIII.I1VAIIII ItllltNO
At AllI.vIT frntn in ti'ilnrk this dsv (Thnrsdaylnp
to hour of sa'a. lor I'au ngues i all on or aiidress
Vlll.l.llVI I..INTII.V,
Munustlnr: lllrri tor nml AtivtlftntfOr.
Tatleriilks in' w orkl. I.lmlted.
letni niary oiTlt'es, I, l-'O Broadway.
Business Wagon Department.
an nrtr tinnrB -jo i.Ai'srmv r. hkavv dkmt.
r.iiv. ui Liiiiii ini.iviiiv ai iam'V rHLiv.
I I" ,11 till AM. LIMh OK TRAHI. i llxrrtKM
Wlll'llllts, ll.l.tiAST H.SKII MNHI.F. AND
lot 111.1'. TlifCh-. M-fftf.1. MM-. LltiUT UBLIT.
Pleasure Department.
J-tniiT siNoi.i: titTKrtnsHiis. une ar bii.ki
lll'AL AMI IIUTIM1 HI I'KllllArtns, IN ASH AiVli
M'lUJI.T-. I-IIAI.TOSM A 1.1. KIMH la'tlnlUf IIK
l'Ol W'AffllNS WsilllM'.nn. ir. AM, OUrt MAK8
77, 79 Woostor st. and 151,
153 South 5th av., N.J
G irt inn OK VOt ItdlB CARRIA(li:si '
r TltAIll. TIII'.M Oil till M I.L TURHt
live nre ulwnvarealv to huy or make a fair tichsnra.1
TllI.S llt.rOllr! I'UllCIIAMNU UD,
. .. lallatthe stahliahuient of
.tOnN MOOItl. .!. ', .,-, ami it WARREN ST.
where a superb imsortment or nno Carrlstes of ererr
stMemav ulasalie round and imnhased at the most
renxonahle figures VVe (.oaltltrl) will not be undersold.
Our vo-k ia f-rcond to none in aintarauce. style, of
iiuallly of workma!ilili and tnaierniL We oiler
Itinnrla. Mluje Paris.
1 hnelona. rioirlarts.
Surreis llnad I arts,
Itui kb larns, llosalJns
Itiiiiahnuts f.amo t'srts,
Kockaways. llepot Wagona,
hi iisinctons 1-xiension lop PhaatoruL w,
M iKonetirs. haxon Phaetons. 1
t-pin Ho VVairons, Hnrtors Phaetons.
Iltflid VV'aifona, Loop Phaetons,
Pony IVstfona Pony I'arts
and unuauallv ureal hiwilns In llrm class SECOND. .
HAM) f AlllllAliLa of all fcljlcs and a choice assort, Ti
m ut of t
HOIibh bllULT"!.
maile on Ihe premises,
anit , lerjlhln,: ertsinlnsto
Pair treittnent mav be depended on at
UTS, JJ7 J. :i7fl HKOOME HT.
fSi'Ar ana summer
or tub bust ri.Ass.
,' ,'- f-1 rlnjs) (Iiojr fart Style) H
TicioitiAH nrr&noAltlis
fllek-uliri (Hurrey brrlek
Jtlll UA IVAVS (In oak indJPalnted,
-i!I Passnieersl WAUIINKTl'EsV
(It Iroiitl. LANUAtla,
Dot; and vnisca Tar's, r.iia. Stsnhopes, rhMtoruv
Road IV an nil Kaiioy (load Traps, Depot Warons. Do
tors P hiietotis I hllilren s Traps, Buckboarda. Kx. Tob
Cabriolets, Top Puny Ptuelnin.
RronchamK LandaiiF, lioknwar i oach Uarta. OmnV
buse Itoad VV niro'i. Phaetons I . Top Cabriolets. Via.
lortas, I ancy Traps, Cilrtlin Kockaways, Iindauleta.
ItsISINi:hs"wAaXM.-lno NEW, 10 8EO
BV'iiMjhS VVAdO.SS, Tltt'i hS VAlva nnd hsrness. V
our nw n make, for sale cheap on easy terms. I
U.MThl) M f.TES VV Al.ON CO , Jd ay. corner Sth It I
PASTURh-Ilorfes pastured, plenty of shade. oo4
, "t. Ac . references exchanged, a U VVOOJ is
Iit'FF. Brldgehampton. 1. I y
UTRKET SPRTshuTtiTTKUCKS, patent or plain. M I
O reduced nrKes I
VV WI'.sThr.FIELDAKON, 177 Trlnee it. Kjr. I
SI'KriALTV. 3Vrw York Waicon Co., 085. as 3
Iludnuu at,, toiner ltunk. X
glitlinn cSciUfCmie. g
EQUESTRIAN OfTKITK lllualraled calamines frf,
WHITMAN bADDI.E CO. 1IH Chambers at,
otakik mils i.v nr.LLEruu. fl
He TVaa One, nr IlnrThlo Illll'a Indlnna and H
Wik l'ulnllr Hurt llr Fall.
Otnkto, tho younc Dnkotn Indian Tfho was y.
sent from tlie llnrcn Olllco to llellovuo Hospital
on rintiinlnj.illoil tlioro on '1 nosJny nlcht. Ha r
wiib nttondeil in IiIb last hours by the Hov. j
I'litlior C'r.tlt. liy whom ho wus converted to
Cntliollclbin sovor.il vcirs nco nt tho Tina
ltlilKn Acono. (Ion. O'llolrno, nsslstant super
intPnilont of iininlcrntlon. snnt a doipatch to
lltiilulo liill. vvliii 1-, m l.nlpslc. notlflnir Mm of
t Italctf'" (lentil nml ikini: hlui If ho vvoulo do-
Irnv tlio oxpmises ol sondltiK the body to
(itiiktua tril r. JlutTulo lllll unswored that bo 1
Tfniild. Intorpri'ter Ceoreo C. Craeer will a
Miporiiilenil thoi'ityond of the funeral to-day. g
'lln iiifitirntis will bo Gun. O'JIelrno, Father f
fruit liiliri'rttr ( rncor, nnd Hank Clifford. t
Mlioiniitrled n sfiiiuw of Otnkto's trlbo. Cllf. Vi
t ., ri ulll uoonmiinn v thn l,mlv r ff. til..
liidfo Aconey.
iitaktoflled of Mood polsonlnc. Ills hors
foil on him whlloho was performlnu with the
Unflnlo Hill show In Gorniany, and hisrlebt
firm was crushed and ho was badly injured
Mnltel Anderson-si lVanderlnnc
Matiel Anderson, n good looking trlrl of 10, waefoonit
wandrrlnir In Houston street on TuesJay nl(ht by two
lioneatKlrls. who took her to their homo and kept her
oyer night eaterday mornlni they took her to Police)
Headquarters Mabel nld that her home was In .Nor
folk, Va. but that she was not happy with her step
faiher. and several mnntlia ai;o when a stylish woman,
who said eh wus Mrs Anes Jovoe. (amo to Norfolk
and toll Mabel marvellous stories about lire in new
inrk and the splendid home she inulil give her Mabel
determined to room here end gathering: lovetlier ""
dollars sailed on nil Old Dominion line steatnhtp hha
arrived i n lueadf) and went to Mrs Joyce s house st
lu.'Wstt i-cienlrettth street, but wa lold that Mrs f
lore wasnut hhe theiiv, snderid ab ut until she mes y
Ihatwnglrla who befrlcnilrd her The police learned I
that Mrs .lnc waareient v sent to an Insane asylum. V.
Miss Andsraon waa niliuilted at M. llaruatassaud will a
he returned to her liume,
- (smm Hot Weather
xtzj -7 -s5?We0 . ,s tllc vct7 best time
iWWgpS m.-'m I fl eS?l"H"r totry pylu's Pearline.
jp ,i!m Pup.iH-T Then the wash islarg-J-
:"'5-P'roPeW.-?S - cst anc a saving of
i& J2SkJ' Vftff? time and toil is best
, , . -tfZ .- appreciated. Think .
irs X of doing a large wash with little or no rubbing. Consider how "
0 m"cJl longer your delicate summer clothing will last if not
Z4. ).rubbecl Pieces on a washboard. A saving is a gain. You'll )
! V ue surprised and pleased with the cleanliness, satisfaction and
,- Jra comfort which comes of the use of PEARLINE. Simple
TvlvAany servant can usu it- Perfectly harmless you can soak
7l I MlWv your finest Iinen and laces in 1earI"'C anl uater for a
Ml II l!J.t4Iwmont,, with safet'' Delightful in the bath makes the , k
:m:.- j u tV . water soft. Perhaps you have been using some of the t
imitations and have sore hands and find your clothing going to pieces. Moral use tho
ormai ana Dest, 8g4w7vbcni tB r ttxineiinuniMveio0rbrMmswLz. hwym1c. j i;

xml | txt