r f 0
r 0 1
TflZ sronr DErsLoritD or rme TRIAL
PFIA whlchUeAa I a WIJ
Mrrla Dr In 110 a4 oded In a La1
fflntptlc tlon ADd the TVrvBle Detwel
f Bntler nU JUlES Crpeter
Vt June eTho triM of Mrs I
rutla Johnson at Iloston for perjury In I
111 rnaklnu application for a pension has brought
10 Hunt a strange New England romance
to The fsrnous l controversy between Judge
Inrnenter and Oen Kutlar who was coun
Inrplter leI I Johnson bos diverted attcn
from the romance ot the case
Jhlch marks It as Ole of the most peculiar on
rccort L such a tangle of 101 and law devo
tion Aod deception truth and falsehood has
Iha drama of ral life and
dnelop < 1 in rAlle
niflt dlelollln IrAm
11 woven Into tha plot of n novel would be
tamped atone ns n wide Wretch of Imagine
tIn tIOJJ I Is a true ntorr of Now England
tcO B0t th ordinary sort of Now England life
it U I true but a strange mixture In which
neatlY ever kind of people to bo found In
New Ensl nJ plays tts zoculiar cart D
tnnirlaRe and ending
dnoln In 1 B runawfty mllrale
In I leaal I 1 complication which Involves the I
million I of btnte sovereignty Its vnrloua
IDuIOO boon developed through a lone
rhuts karo > < > dovloped loul
trial In court nnd their reality has been attested
under oath
br Tldnc 0 ulvon untor
Wore the war Chnso 1 nine wns I farmer
In Undford Vt 1 Ho was falrlr well to do ns
Vermont firmer went In those UMB Ho hnd
on IAIablor Cllota a bright and wlnsomo
child towhum he WOO dototed She Is the
l roln olthestory In tho sprlni ol 1856
Itrmtr Ulnc nroded I hlrod mnn Hired man
vera jrarco amou V i raont IIrmer6 ns ther
> r todav and when Farmer lllnit found that
Samuel tAr C Rtnn nuturdr youth of 25 had
come IAmuel his homo In Nowburv to live with
Mi gr uito > hernt Bradford and was waiting
omplormont lie though himself lucky
With the entrance of Stevens Into Farmer
Klnitt household the romance beRn Carotta
vu tbsn a wnlldoveloped Bill of 14 yents
Un KAS Diettr tint < bright with blue eyes
dalle bufF ant rosy ohooki tJh was educated
b t < rtLan most farmers duuffhters were at
tkat tiuic luf fuhar having given her what
vni r rar iiriUleeo for a Oreeu Mountain girl
i I tbrid d iiil I r a three 1 y iirs coureo In an acad
rlln a iolLiborluK town WhenshewasB
nlhpr died and about the time
curs oM Ipr I lulbM Inll tme
ilit wis Lijt nniy 10 school her father mar
i oil < iiuAin Jliuuch her fattier Idolized bur
nndbtrittirniKtliur I mis kind llle at homo wad
child lierreturn frouu acbool
r come to the chili 01 at
nod her nbtnco halt wuaued her Irom tho nf
Ie < tioi ol the young people of the neighbor
hood ivllb whom she failed to find congenial
ompanlonsblp 1 his woe the Btato of affairs
In the lilic household when young Stevens
cane to work on the farm
The rimanco began > many a ono has In
Vw Knclund fnrm life The young people
wore thrown mucn togothor They did not
t Le 111 might strolls and thorn f no out
virJ sien of r loemal > mc That sort of thing
rojld not h ivo been peimlttod nnd It Is not
rtiillr necessary In courtship on a farm Ste
no vis treated as n member of the family
and the gill grew to like the broad shouldered
vuuliurned youth Stevens bad the privilege
01 driving over to bin grandfathers house
snit be olton took Clarctta to the
tore nnd to church There was nothing
ttranco in this and no oao wondered to
M Ibo girl driving with hor fathers hired
nan or thought anything would come of it
Nor wts It thought a strange request when In
taptembar ouug Stevens asked Claretta I ah
rcui like to drive with him over to Ibo cattle
thov A St Johnsbury The cattle show was
tbeu r 8 uow the great annual holiday of Yer
mon firm life Neither Clarettas father norher
tti mother saw anything out of the way In It
Chap i flee are not usual In Vermont farm
lid ant the two young people drove away to
gether In the morning wlthoutexcltlnecom
ncnOroiu the neighbors Hut the ride
m lut was an
eirntful ono in the lives of bOIh Thus far
their t courtship had not gono beyond tha looks
nd words ordinary cone atioa As hay
rede along the hill roads iu the clear Beptem
morning Samuel suddenly put his left arm
around Clarotias ttarened waist and naked
her 1 they might not always go on in that way
together united as man and wife And
Claretta with the sudden ardor of gushing
Mrlhocd put her head upon his shoulder
and said she wished they could Then
Samuel Btevens for the first and last time in
hli llle octet promptly lie turned the horses
head toward uls native town of iiewbnry to
find a minister tn many them and Clnratta
Wllb a mind led with schoolgirl romance i
made no objection to tbn chance Iu their desti
nation and w as willing to tote o the pleasures
oIl cal show Inc ti nsa of u Honeymoon Ijs
hut I there were difflcultioi In tha way of a
wedding Tbe Verm nt law provided that a
c r under age could not b nurrlcd without
the trritien coniont of her pnronts and re
quired that a license be granted the banns
rubl ihed and Ibo ceremony performed by
ordained minister of the Gospel Nowtbe
i rl three of these reaulremonts tho ynung
couplD iii 1 not have and it wns hard to get the
fourth The Hint lnhnietertluoy wnt to refused
ti Mrform the ceremony Bo did the second
lie third also refusediat first but he besl
Writ He ba juqt set up houiekooingbit
MU r was mal aud uncertain and ho
tee < id the money fin was no anxious to
Mrtorm the ceremony uuder the clnum
tlflCeibut he bated to lose the lee nnd a
Or ie to the btory told in court
Ie ud he would marry the couple If
they W1 WoJnoa a witness Humuel
the witness In tlio
< II perKon
I blliltr 1 1 Mary Tun minister told them he
Wall read the service but lie could not record
Ie fi Icarlle or give ii cot I 1 cat Samuel UBJ I
jaiijuwth this uropOBltlon and Clarotta
ito tneW nothing of law made no objection
tlnmtalaterroad tim simple service and
Pr tOUOUtt0l them man nnd wile This mnr
luru aj tho beginning ot Cloretlas troubles
Atertho Wedding the couple went to Ham
al Bou They had ghon up all Idea of go
f isCto H Ito talc and though they had not start
hd onteulp ed for 1 wedding trip thoy stayed
threenights with neighbors Ii I i Nowbury and
111 tue morning of the filth day after the v
Idlr 110r thj cattle sho7 when tbe again
Jjruiotiutotlieiloorol la mor Itlnus huare
SUJ etAyed In the carrlacn und Cinretttt
ffi 10 tie I toil tho olbi Her sUpmotner I
lel fla stpmotner
Suhfeld her with
tht Clara lllng whoro havo you boen 7
I rb been to get married annwored riarr I
IUnt il wil your ur BHyl I claimod l Mra
1 bOi shio rOlt to the dcor nnd clllloa hOt
lutatiir r wrtl her lUng BOD said hIs say lie
Flouorpd lS it scberrlng scoundrel
109 are not married he told his daughter
mlrlcl dlllhler
t 51 I hi ipnxecutu the man that carried you
jh is no miirrhano without my oonnent t
Hit hu InrnullteloDa not to set foot loC
I Hlt
i1 his door aol old his daughter that If one
vent wIth blm K would be at her peril Olur
ttt lld phe would go with tier husbmid
1111 d lP bAr few hehnigsngs anti luIc 1
Ih belolllal
w hoi Rnl
bOIe TIl l couple wont 10 nmuela
ttdiathora hut they dil not Hlnv thor Jcg
jl 1 D Indlairloll young farm IJII Itil
Id luto a lloerdoweit anti the
nit i v truowoii UDII couple
o i vivi un islstjiieo of which tutu mountains
allf Srniont > furnish some examples that are
1ualed hy thu mountains ofTonneseo
sot 1 me nntftlo n mountaineer lucre were
MtMouort Janus among the Vermont hills
uor larll
o ore the IUIOII tl his
t War nK tbelo un ii ow
Ulh not on many Hurt thorn wore
rmbll llriidlnid lo ono of these desortd
51mb UOI Hamiiel Stevens look kls bride
ffS hh crfndlhor refl ell loiixortoKiipport
fP It s only furniture IIDIOrt
la nlly luruluro was n stuir an old
tlllo two clisln and u bod fore their frt
ett burn < 1 son > who now uses in 1 Mae
SJflSl011 tftwu Hut blovens tired ot ie
KhBrh01 m One nelghhorbood or tho
f ahhothoot tired of him and dur
01 Iho t five 1 years following changed
lih inalrn ut least four times locating each
I 0 I IAHel lll 1 farmhouse One cold w n
l r Armor iliac so far relunt da 10 take Ids
Kmer 111 her cnlltl lo hlB comfortable
KJVr Pheltor but whatever hopes Stetens
fail1 IJAI trop thU of a settlement on the
iinTi1m wer Jlsioliod in the spring when
seed tier hUng lumen d the whole family oat to
tdkoitod farm
huA flrn
ttiIii tiev tivru 1 Iltllli ho spring of 1862
thUi 1 iit5iqn olilluted > J leaving hIs wife and
odV I reutiiI5 ihieir household offeois wars
Iii jh 1 houholl otl15 wlre
i 1rsita At arcilon nol brought JJ30 with which
fitiiV 1 not 20 years old returned to her
lIr hnl llh her ei1uid Farmer Ulnit
IlleiTed dlu
iiilirt hi i Nuuiclller mitt l her boy but he Ktlll
Uttei a iV IlIad this tnurrrliigo was not a legal ono
SSiiVrol1 teuins Were IBM Claretta re
teheil raf CJareta
t t I fronj J th ton t UO a < 1 the destitute re
Iold wie
r hilt
frnii Kf lt ale received nothing
receied nothlnl
luSt I ft16 Ur father Insisted that
MiJ Ulu DOt hive taolber Again as
Pita lT oaln
UtlMSe wife and finally persuaded a
thit tii II lake 118 view having HutisHed her
Vh > UId h Ittet05 r u9 law Ihe < tea not legally a wife
nlenR 1lll bACk from the war I sop
lt r Ili ullrRbl n read upon and t SOP
t I lIY 1lkno the boy With him Sine
loI her I oiii rvretta saw neIther Steven
r aln until bo
tIlilfl III wu oontrontod with
1 Conlrontd
er 1thI ourt room ln Boston
laUtl not lone after the separation Main
lft her fathert roof nrl Mt put to earn hit
own living She went t l hua N H r and
obtnlned work In a factory At Nashua she
node the aoijnalntano of Edward 0 John
son a railroad man who proposed marriage
10 hr She told him the story of tier rlrl and
her father again reiterated that the marriage
to fitei ptis was not irgal I one Johnson WAS sat
isfied and the count became engaged but they
were not married until two nlacee later In
IIiH There wai a little romance about tho
wadding also as inst beoro tho time fixed for
the < obrajiionr Johnson skipped out and went
to bordecii Mrt ctnrrttH tiillowed anl down
there anti bronchi him l > Hpk Thon Uiv trnrA
married They lived happy for n while but
their marrligo wo not wholly a happy ono
Jnhnson bnd sorted In tho war Ho wima
goodnotureJ fellow but he dinnk hoally
and this hahlt tneronSel so that In 1832 abe
left him stored their kounahold rtTccts and
went to Lowell and not work In a mill Soon
after that Johnson died mi
In 188A Clntetta took tho first stops toward
securing A iian lon us Johnsons widow nnd
that wn tbo opening In the last act of the
drama which landed her In jail AlI prellml
jmry aaasuro she frt went to Nvtvbury
vt tin Und I there wa any 9blr1
marriage between her and Stereos Tho I
clerk told her that hit records between 185
Rod MbO were In Impeifoot condition She
looked them through carefully but found
no record of such I marriage Then she
went to Nashua to look up the record of her
marriage with Johnson Them oho found
that there were sovaral Inaccuracies in the
record which had neon furnlxlioil by the
groom The name of the Uriahs father was
given n Thomas King Instead of Chase fling
and while her nmlden name was given
It was entered as her teci > nd marriage
Upon aflldavltx furnished by her fattier
And tho minister who performed the cole
loony this record ass amended In 1BSO
and the recoro record fumed the basis of
the Application forT I i onnl In The lawyer
whom she consulted told her there bad betn
no legal man lace with Htavens aud Airs
Johnson say that the special pension exami
ner who took bar deposition told her tbnt I
there R no license no cxrtluVute and no
record there was no marrlitge Tho Pension
was granted lln 1887 In September 1M3J she
wan arrested in Lowell on complaint of a pen
sion xamlnsr on 1 oliurgo nt pirjnr in
uoarlng lalselyto Her uppllcatlou lor u
The trial brought out mnnv dramatic scenes
One was when Samuel btotens confronted the
woman from whom ho bad separated twenty
sorn years before Hluro thon ho jilts mar
ried and boa child some tel years old He
testified thnt his mprrlagu lotJlurotta Itlug was
lacnland thai he had heard she had Rot a
divorce and manlodagntn While h wits on
the wltners stand Clarettn watched him with
out otmngn of oountouuuce except onnc Thai
WHS when ho said ihe told him before ttoy
weiomnri led that sba was In or 17 bare old
The jury found Cllreta guilty with a tocom
mendatfon to mercy
len Jlutler hitr counsel mado a hard flcbt
for his client Barely han I cane outside 011
trial for murder or embezzlement attracted
such wide attention Thero wor many linn
legal 1 points Involved One concoinod the evl 1
dADe Samuel Htet ens without which CIAr
Otto could not bao been eonvloied Uen But
ler argued that I hlevons was tbo womans
husband a ho said be was and the verdlot
unld hs a then tbe testimony should
have been ruled our OR u husbard
cannot testify against bin wile and
with his testimony ruled out tho woman
would not be convicted 1 on the other hand
Steven wnx not tbe womans husbAnd as tte
admission of his testimony would tend to show
then the woman was clearly not guilty I was
while arguing on this complicated question
that don Butler got Into the wianglo with
Judge Carpenter and was removed from the
The last dramatic scene In the romance was
the meeting of Claretta with the SOIl whom
she had not soon since the separation from
Stevens In 1863 This meelnc occurred when
the mother was brought into court on tie
hearing of a motion to secure her release
pending the decision ot some more law ques
tions The son now a mal grown embraced
his mother and promised to Iron at he could
to nld her
Claretta Is still In jail but there are several
more legal tangles to unravel before it is I
finally decided whether she Is Ktevenss wile
or Johnson widow
Sleekier Tall of Bannlnc tlallaa liar
bare ceman Turner hay San
The Stockier talk of making a fight In their
Senate district next fall with Julius Harburger
aa their Independent Democratic candidate
someRopubllcaDjeltherns a racer oradummy
and a Tammany candidate in the triangular
contest They would have to rely on the
OBrien Republicans In tho Eighth tbe
RoclcwellCreamcrHendrlcks Club element
In the Fourteenth and their own
strength In tbe Tenth to make a show
Ing for Harburcer But the OBrienltes
are quite stir that the plain but vigorous elo
quence of Johnny Brodsky would better anlt I
the Slate chamber than the vary ornate style
of Mr Harburger Even thoncb the two dis
tricts should agree on 1 candidate and tne
Fourteenth should come In on his support the
Tammany pople are undismayed Senator
Itoescbes ambition to become a successful
lender bas overcome his desire to return tn the
Senate Ho and his friends have considered
tbe question and be stands ready to let tho
nomination go to some other man I the
chances for the organization to win ran bo 1m
proved There nrc numberless available candi
dates among whom Assemblyman William
ImonR most conspicuous and popular
The only other news concerning the Senator
shIp I the probnbiiity that Iceman Turner
the exCongressman will lie nominated to suc
ceed Col Vtllllam 1 Brown In the Firth dis
trict CoL Ui own thinks he would like Wash
ington butter than Albany hero ii I a pros
pect that Col 31 C Murphy will take the Held
against tbe Tammany candidate I be does be
vrlll make it warm lor the Iceman
After a Fight a Krf of Fdnrder la Vaed 1
Kcleaie the Water
GIAEWIK Hlch June GD W Gubtlle of
tioglnaw is engaged iu loggliu on the Tobacco
Hlver this county and 10 got his 12000000
feet of lumber from the river built a dam and
formed n rivet of respectable dimensions In
so doing however ho shut off tho water and
left U K Eddy A Hon of Bay City who had
700000J feet of logs below the darn with
out water to float their logs Eddy tried
to get Oublo to release tbD dam Ind falling
In title threatened to tear It down As thli
would lavA left hal of Giihllna jogs high and I
dry he stationed three brawny woodBiueti rt
tli > Jam to guard it rddy sent raven of hit
gang of woodsman to thn darn with I keg of
powder and Instructions to blow tip tie dam
power parties were rtrned and had a pitched
battle In which Bill Jinks of the Uubtlle guard
was shot in the leg J he CiuhtUltei rolroutod
and the dam went Into the air Eddys jogs
floated down all right and fo did nhout 6000
iiou of QulitilaM A lawsuit will lltlllt
flulaeeB Trohl
Two receivers havo ben appointed for Ibo I
North niver Lumber Company at Ibo foot of
West 130th street one l > y tho New York courts
and the other in New Jersey Judge Andruws
hat appointed Ferdluaiid II Thompson ro
ceivsr nn tho application of Henry U John
stone all tho us ots being in New York Core
lion 3 Cronn hat been npiOlnlod icoolvur by
the New Jersey Court of Chancery as tho com
pany In I n New Jersey corporation Thin liabili
ties me about tMOM nun the iiBcOts are
valued at I17i00
The Hhuefer Safety Valve Company of 630
West Flltyssventh street bun suspended
Lark of rllllnl and Inability tovolloct lor goods
sold tuo gIven ns the cnusesof the embarrass
mem Xbu llabllltltts nro Icronod toteotor
S2u OltO
ileffo Mahler dealer In class nt 8155 filxth
avenue mudo an assignment yesterday to
Joseph Grant giving a i > rnferenc for Jpl
Harry N Uenninsky dealer In furniture a
Ilry to I
1M1 Third nvoniia has confessed judgment
to Ellen BoniUuuU for IBIS arid to Henry
Baron for 157
Judgment for 517TO5 wan entered vestenlay
udlmont Co metal dealers of
against L Llssheiger Co Ielal l
4ii Cliff street in laypr of the 1ennHyUnnln
Steel Company of 1hllndelihlu on notes of the
Florida Hallway and KttMgatlon Company
mado Co in 1185 nnd endomed by LUsburgur
lllolmrd G nasTTolI mnniifftturcr of hoots
and shoe with ol at a i fIlch streol JioMon
and wlb Last Wermonth Muss made
testarday to his uncle
an assignment 181 I furenniin tl
Mr Samuel Nlliown of Fnlrbiinks Brown tt
Co The liabilities uru estimated nt tCOUJO
A Police Clerk Accused or Utabczzlcmrnt I
TOIKDO Juno 0 Tho Grand Jury this
morning reported four charges of embezzlo
mnt against Police Clerk Wllllum 1 Cook of
this city Three counts charge him with np
proprlatlng city funds In the urn of sznouo
and tIle fourth tl embezzling 12 000 belong
Ipl to th K < iultabl Lliu I I lrlnco of New
York while acting In the aimcltyof ngetit
Cook Is In jail unable to IIMclrr
Hammer Among flrecn Illlle und on Lake
furtng tha piut wIn ° ir the Mate of Vermont waa can
railed by I ipeclal anI mnI t tbe names of oui toured
who are wllllin In open their homti for tht tntiriam
me nt uf mmmer boardere at 14 to Sill per week also a
lUiof a7ih mlr Kull Information itlren In Illuttraled
book entitled Hummer Ilomte Amom thOu utile
of Vrmonl and Along lbs torea of Lake Ohainplaln
Coplee tent free on application te W I Babceck I t f
A C V B B 353 groadway New rh or A W Cum
n < 0 ar A C V B dIL Albana V4A
The North Hhore limited
Ttntleraut North Shore Limited yl Iba New York
Central contlnnra lo leare I brand Ceruel l button 01
CoolAI X l sTir day preitiitluif allthe Uleit Improve
mtnunn new car and a rilotjur
New Arerllo Tnl or elle o
r l commocln Joe 7 lb aoulhwlt ADd Cblco
tmttd will cmv Ord Cnlrl SUOI Y U Nom
1lmld 11 at 1z30 r Utdu at Uble1oI 11 X
m dii lrIlr Ji Ie atre tuda
Their Out rlnfrti
Thousand veil be ilad lo learn hid Pr Lull I K
Xeelty baa eitabilibtf at Writ Ilalin I N Y a brunch
oIlilafaniouaaiiaDIUhinent At Utrlnbl IlL or the cur
of Tlcilmi or Ibe opium and liquor ImHIci lbs IusIi
ute la I under Ibe auiplcea of the partut I cue and
gives tdnlltal l treatment I 1 I the only method known
JoI14nloIIDlnl for unfortunate trunk
that will aciomplnh anrtuiuf ulionol Iul
ado wil ulbtr olaota then laeuly lepreulon ant re
Iralot here mellcaUen cote tbe wcrit cam nf
wcskL44L tlc art o habile ITjp from turte la rear
If yon take the Child
ren to the Country I
Will furnish everything thoy need
t wear ip the greatest variety at the
lowest I
Also all tho popular open air I
Games and Athletic Goods including I
Tennis Suts completeBase Ball Out
fits Archery Croquet SetsFishing
Hods etc
Theie rood are ihoira In the ka I eroem
We offer broken lines of Boys Suits
Girla Dresses Coats Jackets and
Reefers that are especially dcsirabl
for Country wear
6062 West 23d St
Ill Ifa
All Dry Goods and Ccrsot Stores
I 1
yyiie A A < Co
877 Broadway i > w
Ladies Gentlemen
and Children
In Stripes and Checks
In Wash Silk and Cotton Crepe J
All Made From Our Japanese
2560 Yards
Striped Habutai Wash Sik
75CJ Value 8125
54OO Yards
Printed Shanghai Dress Silk
65c and 85c
Reduced from 110 and 125
Japanese Crepe Parasols
Natural and Carved Sticks
Value 625O at S 125
Reduced to 590
Uil UT and 37th mt
1M1 half a Century 1191
Manufacturer of Hatr Car
I rlarrs ut eg uueweut ana 1a1s J t
dIn from 5 uiiward f
IccK a stock only uie < L WIIOLIv
Ah AM RhTAri Ale I
Aelociped Dull Carriages and
Tricycle Uootli tent C 0 D
Catalogue Irme Herairi dons
Open Eeiilgu
YPpefFGS h r V
rc J
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken i it i pleasant
nud refreshing to the taste and acta a
gently yetpromptly on the Kidneys i
Liver and Bowels cleanses the sya
turn effectually dispels colds head
aches and fever and cures habitual I
constipation Syrup of Figs is die
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced pleasing to the taste and a
ceptablo to tho etomach prompt in
ita action and truly beneficial in its
effects prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ita
many excellent qualities commend it
t ail and have mae it the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figs i for sale in 60o
and 1 bottles l by all leading drug
gists Any reliable druggist who t
may not have it on hand will pr r
cure it promptly for any one who I
wishes t try it Do not accept any
LIISIL xr new vor I a
KTlitenree of Narcotic Pollening Found At
the AntopayThej Mystery Not Cleared
f Vp bJ the Testimony at the Inquret
Knrl SyvorMeu ho I Norwegian ssllormnn
and Emma Wolf who were taken unconscious i
from thn Btiuougrren House a 97 Cherry
stteeton Wednesday night and who died on I
Friday In Chambers Street Hospital without
having recoveredcrmncioupnoss died from tho
effects of something beside bad rum That
was fettled yesterday by the autopsy which
was made by Dr Jenkins of the Coroners
vfllco nnd Dr Biggs The autopsy was made
Iu the morning nt the Morgue where the bodies
were taken on Friday night The vital organs
of both were found to bo In precisely the same
eontlillon Each had suffered from gastritis
acute pneumenta and cerebral softening
Everything abut the bodies Indicated alco
hollo poisoning hut both doctor said there I
wore conditions present that wore never seen
in ca < es of simple alcoholic poisoning These
conditions wore undoubtedly produced by
seine narcotic poison In all likelihood n poison
that bad been placed in tbo liquor the man and
omAn drank
l hen the brains were examined In exactly
the same place In each toll spots were found
The soft spots were near tho centre on both
side of tho brain and they were of tho snme
size and shape In each Dr Ulggs said he had
cover soon such a strange coincidence before
and If anyone had told him of it he would not
have believed him The portions of the brains
In which these soft spots wore found wore pro
served ns well ns the stomnohs and their con
tents and other portions of tho body that bad
been directly affected by poison Dr Jenkins
decided that u 1 analysis wns necessary to show
what kind of poison besides alcoholic the man
anti woman had taken In the death certifi
cates he named a the oau ea of death tho con
ditions doailbod abovennd said the condi
tions wore produced by nlchollo poison plus
Tho body of the woman was ellmea by her
brother tiuo Was n Jo woes nnd will bl burled
by 1 society of her race byverstens body will
probably be burled In Potters field
Perhaps since tbe autopsies shoWj thAt death
was due to poison the police of tho Oak street
Elation may decide to do some woik toward
discovering how the couple got the poison or
what object any one might have had In mak
ing way with them If they did not potion
tliem ° ehes
Coroner Levy began his Investigations In
the case at noon He had as witnesses Wart
Tolectho OrllTen of the Oak street station
Iolioemim W t Barlow Dr George M Wll
fmn Charles Thompson Charles Yllson allus
Johnson nod Hymun Wattgulst alus
Director Grillln showed how great the neglect
of duty by tbe police had been What he know I
about the case was this Notice wes sent to
tbe station bnuso by lr Wilson of Market
street who hunt boen called lu to attend tbe
oouils Ho with 1ollceman Barlow went
to the house and found tbe man and
the woman In separate rooms An ambulance
was sent for and they wore taken away
The Police learned from the men about the
saloon that the couplo had come In drunk on
Tuesday night and had gone to bed and were
later found unconscious 1ollceman Unrlow
corroborated OrllTen
Dr Wilson said be was called by Mr Jobn
senson the man who runs tie bouie He con
cluded that the maD and woman were suffer
ing from oiiium poisoning and that the hospital
was tbe place for them so he notified the police I
nnd HUmmoned ambulance He found a
pint bottle wIden naa contained whiskey on a
table In the room
Charles Thompsonwhotealdlberonthe house
testified that he was Informed br one of the
men that something was wrong and nolng up
stairs be lound 8y version lying on the floor
The woman was In bed He had the man car
ried to anothertroomibocausp be said he want
ed to cat the room fixed up before the doc
tor came and saw It The couple came to the
house be said on Wednesday night and were
taken away on Thursday afternoon They
were taken away on Wednesday afternoon but
Thompson stuck to his statement He said the
had never seen the man before The woman
was a cook in the house and frequently got
drunk Charles Wilson alias Johnson gate
similar testimony
Albert Cramer of 103 Washington street the
sailors boarding house where Syversten lived
did that Byversten had left the house on
Tuesday night with 17 la his pocket and no
ono there had seen him again until be was
dead at the Chambers Street l Hospital
The Inquest wan not finished
None of tbe witnesses testified as to what
took place In the live or six hours that elapsed
betn the time the couple were found and
the IIUB the doctor was called None of them
explained who washed tbe whiskey bottle or
why it bad boen found necessary to wash t
In fact none of them gave any testimony that
would the mystery be at a valuable toward clearing up
Stead Coitehmen No M mlal
Francis John Hewlett the British coachman
imported by Mr C W Eustls of Washington
to adorn his tallyho may bo Interested In the
following communication jrecolfed yesterday
from Assistant Secretary A B Kettleton by
Superintendent of Immigration Weber
It appears from the altldiTll of FrancU Join How
l 11 tranimllt 1 with your Letter of the 4tb Instant
that b cam to tbli country from England under an
anr inent mad last I winter In the city of Paris with
Mr It R hattta f Waiblnnton 0 r loitrre ai
coachman aol head itabitman for laid Eoitl at a
asiary of f 0 n month iou Inquire If tbia cat
couien uDder tin prorlao at tectlon n of tho act
or tab 11 It hlcti Admits PrOD em
ployed strictly a domtitl or peraonal servanta
ln > rapi > you are Informed that the depart
tntnt ha held uniformly that thti prorlio npptlei on
In aucu cajiaa wbtra inch servant come Into thli onun
try with tbalr euiployara Furthermore I baa bten
held a a bead aiabicman or Coachman ta I nut ba
cisit aa strictly a rerional or lomtttlo servant t on
are therefore Instructed to netar Mr Howait from
low l > n < llnK M tjolns a contract laborer excluded by tue
Government will begin suit against Mr
Eustls for 1000 tbe amount of the penalty
violating the law Mr hustls may retain
tho gorgeous Hewlett until the Milt Is decided
I tbu Government loses > Harriott may stay
horo as long as he pleases
Thin lied Mon anil the Poet
The marriage of Miss Elaine Uoodale tbe
poet to Dr Charles A Katmcn Is at length
formally announced to occurr on June 18 at
noon in the Church of tile Asoenslou this
city Dr Eastman Is a Sioux Indian nbosa
only white ancestor ws a grandfather on Ibo
motlnrn side Mlns Ujodnlo bcciitue u teacher
In the Hampton Normal 0hool and was then
iiindn lovernmrnt Inspoaor of Indian Hrhooli
nt Iino Ilidge Dr Eastman wan iovcrnuiant
Ihyshcian at Pine Itidga Ht htd graduated
lh1lln ColoJo ar1 afterward look I
courso In medicine Alter the wedding sll1
fatallY reunion tviil be hell at 1011 West Plit
PevOlItil street whore 11ridol fatbor Henry
Ooodalu lives
SIncli onrt IlitwoitU Putt
Vhon Joeopli I Mack was taken sick last
week ho was tho mauicerof Jovoph Ilavortb
When he got out of the nospltul and nppoarod
on lirnndwny on Friday It wns to be served with
papers In a null to ilisHolve the pnrtnorship
tIle Ictor declaring that tile partuersblp wus
null ana void on June 1 through the innuHgers
inability to fulfil Ills part of the contract at
thnt tlmo Mr Mack Is now looking for the
actor and is talking of putting his plottiro In
the dramatic papers aud otherwise continuing
to direct Ills fortunes
In the monnvbllo Mr Ilaworth has taken a
Illtsburgh nnw iiianniur lit tile person vt A J BhmUlen of
FIred JtncUnbot Tiirnuich it ncrtroom Win i
NiBiivtMr June 0 Josoph Crows and hIs
family wore sound asleep late last night In
their bOlo in Looter county Alabama when
some one crept to the window and fired a full
load of buckshot Into the room Tho wouldbe
murderer fired It the sewing machine on
vthlcb was a white cloth mlBlnkiuir I for the
boa Some of the shot struck the mattress In
tile crib wboro the baby was lying This morn
ing Mr I Crews followed the truokH of the man
to Ibo house of one Htnrkton who had been
hearth to threaten ilr Crews life Stockton
1 arrested
Irnn H ninboule to the Inland
A Iliac table gIving boat from New York to Coney
Iiland vary hour from u A > uutll 7r 1 Mil no
couiiaotlate Ilie patron of Hit Iron Kttumboat Cow
pony iiMtay Tnti glee a boat from the haul I aa late
ni 4 40 I 11 from ilm octau pleri Tlio wpk day lime
Santo tlll b hourly mill I ii I e l frrm Went urarty I
hunt pIreet North ulCer half an i italic later asuiual
Inim tier n < rNo I North Hirer Hie Ion lmtahot
Coiuiiauy uontml tbe out I wttr rniur an < l theIr
fleet ut l < > > aii U Iu eicclltut orJtr far the Maiona bull
C94000 or the 80 AppreprUtlo to
be apt Dccorntlonii and Inprovemente
WASHINGTON June 0As the titan draws
near for tbe appropriation to become available
that was made for repairs and Improvements
in tho White House Mra Harrison and her
rlohthand man Major Ernst who bal official
charge of public buildings and grounds liava
bad several consultations as to how the 24
0 of the I3500U appropriation shall bo spent
AI yet there have beenno contracts awarded
but the presumption Is that W H Post
A 00 of Hartford Cong who decorated tho
dainty Blue parlor last year will get It since
plans have boon submitted to them for esti
mates their work before having been so satis
factory On no eontldot atlon are tbe Improve I
ments designed to exceed the cost of the
amount sot apart for them The remaining
11000 of the appropriation I reserved for the
usual current exiienseot tho year for keeping
the house and grounds in order
Tho Improvements will probably begin la
th Green room as that 18 I to receive the most
attention of any loom except the Hntc dining
room The stile of designation will lot lie
chnngoil hIT the ronovntlou I will lamuln I
groin room Iu colur tune but Is to be corre
spondingly light and delicate KB Is the Blue
parlor IVnch blow Is to ba united with Iho I
< tonontoirrei In Iho decoratlto work and in
the luruUnlnit ot UDholHtciy and oariioti The
My o of decoration IH l knowu as Itocoeo
The Slate dining room bus long boon tn a
noticeably shabby condition lueoin patIblo with
tlio dignity that solfrosinct demands ol thu
lrcaldnt surroundings and 1 Will receive a I
thorough rrnov lon euch n It tine not had
since the Grant plmo J Is I to be llted UP in
colonial style probntilr In four touou of color I
harmonious nud detlonto Thor is a great
deficiency of china and glassware of the I
choicer torts Iu the I White Houo tiautry none
bIll ocuasional pieces having been tnitchsed
elMO Mrs Hayes wis llrit Indy ol the land I
Theto II a ntorr afloat that Irandnu cot
ob octed to the commonness of tbo table np
rolutuionts when hii Oral took up his rest
dance with the tresldcntH family lie that ns
It war the state dining room would hardly he
complete wriiout now nnd appropriate table
ware and MIR Harrison proposes purchasing
limited timoutit befote the opening of the
next ottlclal season hue willed lunch other
poisoned attention to nil these Hntallorwoman
ly I dotnt5 so that whether tho PiOBldent suc
ceeds himself or not somebody will ono day
enjoy hymn comfortably Iu the rejuvenated
Executive Mansion much moro Ihau its tires
ent occupauts liu > e been able to do
The main corridor and Iront ostltml are
to receive I goodly amount of attention end
aro to b > don < up Iti n continuation of the
style deooiatlng the cotrldor up stairs on
tile olllcial ntns the house that wns begun I
last year and loft Incoruploted on account of
tho funds giving out It is of a dull gold color I
In combworlt on tbo walls with deep frieze of I
darker tone sbudlne Into hrone brown The
parlor suite or tho led blue and groan draw
Ice rooms will be closed to all an soon
an the wok of renovation begins which will
bo nhout July 1 but the cast room will be used
ns usual fo the 1tosldents 1 oMook recep
tions although It Is also to receive a sprinkling
of the Improvoments going on It Is to have
n new carpet nod furniture covers to harmon
ito with the white and bronze of the decora
tions of the room Flue furniturewill go out In
Installments and return renewed
On going upstairs tbe ImnrovcmentR will be
gin wltb Mrs Harrisons b Irootli which Is to
be rcpapered and such other Incidental re
pairs will he made on that hoar as may be
needed nut end keep the living rooms In
perfect order hygienically But nothing will
he attempted of a more expensive character
than would bo reinlrod by any household of
means arid standing
The Dlumblnl throughout tbe house has not
been satisfactory for it long time and It will
receive especial attention The bathtubs are
to be raised and the floors of the room Wee
The old style of wooden ftnmos will be taken
out nnd iron tubs done over with wblto enamel
paint and lined wIth porcelain nut in their
In tho basement every effort will be made to
put 1 In a perfect sanitary condition The
laundry Is to bo modernized tbe walls and
floors tiled to corrnepoad with the Improve
ments made In the kitchens last season anti a
Irving room IB I to be added to the accommoda
tions In tho basement corridor the brIck
flooring Is to be replaced by concrete and the
scullery and other conveniences are to be thor
oughly renovated by Introducing the most ap
proved modem Improvements
A Mixture or Uaplemitmtnc Over tbe Slap
Silver Dollar Gave Frank Wolf
The assault committed on Tuesday night by
Alderman Charles Silver Dollar Smith on the
persons of Frank Wolf and George 1 Young
ha grown Into gigantic proportions and
threatens FOOD to engulf the entire Eighth and
Sixth Aspembly districts
As already set forth In this newspaper Wolf
Is 1 County Democrat anti ran for Assembly
last year and was ingloriously beaten A man
named Max Meyer was nrrasted on a charge i
of robbery The Alderman said he was guilty i
and Wolf said he wasnt Meyer was dis
charged in court An article attacking the Al
derman was printed In a morning paper and
the Alderman blamed Wall for it as well as for
tbe discharge of Meyer Tnls seemed to bo
the cause of the quarrel between tbe two men
In describing the light the Herald brought in
the name of a man named Morris Vclnstock
who keeps a saloon nt 92 Heater street and In
sinuated that ho was in a way responsible for
a hire that occurred In that building some
months ago In which cetera lives were lost
It alto paid that alter the Urn Wolnstock paid
off several judgments that bad been obtained
against htm and bought a horse and wagon
Holding Wolf responsible for these statements
Wcnlbtock through his counsel lluyman
Marc A llosentbnt jesterday took the Initia
tory steps for bringing null against Wolf for
2aOH lor slander HH lawyers mate I Utter
to Iiistrict Attorney Mcoll asking Unit a full
Rod thorough investigation be made in tbo
110tur street tIre
Mr 1 eInloeK sal that tho charges against
him of setting lire to the building are abso
lutely without foundation Ho bad no object
In committing such an act he saId because
12100 hud been offered him for the IOso alnnj
while be got only S 57 i from the insurance company
pan HH dailies that any judgments wore
ponding against hIm or that he nought a hor < e
end buggy justafur the Jlro In reference to
wolf he nys
Wol know that Wolf keeps one of the lowest
liquor lilIes I thin city he has Jhe license In
tho iiuino of Isaac Uohr nud bo noon business
In his wife1 name lie ha a multitude of
judgments against him I really think nt times
be Is I Insano Irani IHJUOI and disappointed
political ambition hits lost a good deal > <
money linl yon running for Assembly He
inildiiott numbed votes amid Ilnc then liii I
fins boon acting strangely and smite uburltn
bly dlspij cd eorlo j think ho Is not faallr r
apntMiilo lor his actions
Accoinpauyine ibii rtatimont nt Walnetocks
is one from John II Mnrln who lives atl2J
len street 3lirilu save time Wolf wita In tile
Ihl of going Into Alilunnnn tmllhIIUloul
nud cnuslnu trouble Then hn cnyat
On thin Ihbl of tle trouble 1 scan III
otitnluto tho Divlnnu talking Allh bmllh Wolf
passed unil iikod Smith to drink Smith re
lufced and lenHntlr bade Voi good night
Bay Inc alt hae Jiad enoi gh otllriuornndyoii
kuow what you piomliod ma that you would
novor go Into my Hftoun as ron id
WIIB creatu trouolo Wolf got angry
wfe stud It was a public house and he
would piy lor his l dunk nnd would go < any
how and ttuilth could not atop him Smith re
plied ralbe angrily lIeu il 1 you will not go
II 10
fluL Then Wall Htnnpcd Inlie rJmttb junipil
from tho Ihl r nun piiHljIna him out tile door
Blniiprd him In I hito face V itIf vi < nt n low fed I
to tho cnrner Hijuor store where several molt
were Inking Smith followed him anti salil
Wolf you baVKiinnoyixl und tried to InmiU
Wol nnuoyc onl
anti Injure my business and provoke ant ng
gravatnme In tllo last 1 want YOU noei to
HIM nk to inn all I run wftr that inif lit
never xiruck him In the comer stern rs WIlf
say nitnute Tho Whole rnair OCCUPIUU onlY I tot
Mi olf wn sell pHterlay Hn denied
positively that he bnd ever said that WslnslocU
set llro to the heater street h iisii 0 nIt
showed tbo loporter n ubi tna citing him to
appear bolon the lire Mnrslml nt lire lea
quarters lt Ilt nclook tomorrow morning to
tatIy In lelatlon tie the Hnter street lire
nervously I linow nothing about that tire raid Volf
Tobacco HlntUtlcv or Connecticut
VTAsmxoTow Juno DTho census office to
day made public th tobacco statistics of Con
necticut The total number of planters In the
State during tho census year wax2S15 the
total area di > vdted to tobacco 0931 acres the
total product 8H71J21 pounds and the value
of tho crOp to to producer estimated on a
basis oi actual sales 1132111
The Holttr Eclipse Olxerved at Lick Ob
MOUNT JUMlfcTox Cnl Juno 1Tb solar
eclipse wan suepessfullr observed at the Lick
Jbscrvalory this uiorumc
The State SoldIers Mnreh Ilkn be Reca
larnArllllery DrIll
Many thousand persons gathered In Pros
pect lark Brooklyn yesterday to witness he
long > antL lpatod military mantcuvres The
troops participating were Datturtos A B C D
Q 111 L and M of thn 1list United States
Artillery under the command of Col Loomis
B Langdon Light Battery K First United
Stats Artillery Capt Dlllenbnck the Twenty
third Urglmeut N G B X V Cot John N
Fatrldgo and Troop A also of the National
Guard ot this State commanded by Capt
Charles F Hoe Thero were in all about 000
At 3 oclock P M the Infantry wore formed
Into a brlzade and were manauvrod by Cot
Langdon It is notable that the marching of
the National Guard compared favorably with
that of the regulars
At USU oclock Light Battery K gave a very
exciting drill under command ot Lat Dillon
back The various maniiivios were executed
with rapidity and precision which drew loud
npplaUHO It was evident that the Light Artil
lery men were the favorites especially with the
ladles During the llrlugthe horse stood mo
tionless which showed their thorough train
ing A cavalry drill by Troop A followed at
4 o clock At 48U the entire military foice was
drawn up at ono end of the pnradu ground and
there was n mimic battle with n roar of artil
lery and n crashing of musketry The hattIe
closed with a dashing charge upon the Imagi
nary enemy by Troop A
During the charge the horse of Private
Charles E Fellow fell throwing his rider and
rolling partly over him 1rlwite 1allow wao
badly bruised but was not dangerously In
At 5 oclock the exercises closed with n re
view The troops were commanded by Col
Partridge anti were reviewed by Col Langdon
Nearly all tbo benches in the Park had been
placed nt the disposal of the military authori
ties They wore arranged along one side ol
the narade ground und were rcseivud exclu
sively for ladles A ropodnlT space lllloil with
chairs accommodated about SOt especially in
vited guests
IVnlzel Tlaakal Fed on Raw Frankfurter
A death from trichinosis occurred at St
Franciss Hospital In East Fifth street nt mid
night on Thursday The victim was Walzet
Tiaskai a Bohemian 31 years old who had
been six years in this country He was ad
mitted to the hospital on May Old llnsJcni
bad worked for tovaral weeks In a brick yard
at Hackensnck Ha lived there In a boarding
house kept by the foreman of the yard Haw
Frankfurter sausage was about all he cot to
eat be said and us became deathly sick He
came hock to the city and ontto live at 2110
Fast Fourth Street Dr F It frledlor wits
called in to attend him but as he grow Worst
he wns removed to the bospltul Four tiara
after his admission House Surgeon Manning
discovered that Tlaskal was suffering from
trichinosis He ftufTaied terribly until ho died
An autopsy which was perlormad showed that
tile muscles were alive with tbrlchlmu
Tti death oertitlcitte nas filed at the Bureau
of Vital Statistics yesterday nftarnoon Charles
Nulier and his wiie died from trichinosis in
the Bumo hospital a month ago
The Rev Mr Glennouv Dlvorcr Suit
ItociviLLK Conn June Attempts are be
ing made to get the divorce case of thelteMr
Glooson before exJudge Loomis oi the Su
perior Court as a committee The case has
boon In court n long time and Mr Gleason Is
anxious to secure n verdict of separation from
his young wife Mr Glenson wanted the case
postponed to September and It was so otdcrod
In the Superior Court on Thursday The first
ten 1iuaKraphs in Mr Glensuns complaint
allege many strange nets by Mrs filensou and
covurtho urouud of intolerable cruelty The
complaint bayn that she attempted to drown
herself auumburof time tarried a bottle ot
landnum with her und made her himbnnd
think she Intended to poison herself tried 10
cut her throat with n razor onilouorocl tn
lump iron n thirdstory window smashed
glasowaroln the house and made things veiy
lively < n other ways Mis Gleanonn lawyers
moved that all tbobo paragraph ba ftilckun
from tiit complaInt but the Court decided that
tnor must stand
lisle au < Vigorous In Ilia O9tb A ear
STAMrono June GIi Potter of Stamford
who Is several years pass tho thruoscoroand
ten limit IK entertaining its his uuent his
father reruns 1ottor of Torrlngton In u
year more the eldor Mr Totter will be a con
tenarlan Ho cnma to Stamford evrly In the
week und a portion of his tiio was mndo over
rcucli Country roads but hi was not fatIgued
when ho arrived hero He In a rumnrUably
lgnioiia mini noI dOa his eight luiurn of
hard work each day on his tuna In Torrlng
ton tioventyelgut years nuti lie drove
through btiuiifor on His way east Irom the
then new and far Vi extern fInite of Ohio Many
Htnintonl people have tailed Oi the venerniile
Mr Totter since ho came boio and huo bonn
charmed with Ins genial illnpoitton and highly
Inrerccted In Ills oiuerfatlou and Inmlllnrlty
with Important oteiits In the hlstuiy ol the
counlrv rum i Madisons Administration to
thai of the present Chief lxooutivo
Dr Sliced ntl tlc Kuivlclle Trnzcds
VToncKflTnii Juno 0Dr Charles T Blood
whoan name has been connected with the Saw
tells murder cano IH living In this city When
Interviewed this morning regarding lh Intent
story ot IsnanHnutelle In which Huwlollo bays
bin brother was killed by n raid agent of Dr
Illoodn ho domed all connection with the
cito said ho had not seen leaic since Dec Jl
Inh1 ana had nut on iilram for a long time
prAVImisto his death He declared thai bo
Positively belIeved thatleimoklllud his brother
Tuo Colnmblun Institute
Tlit medIcal l ivork accoinpllibxl at tlio Colombian
IndituiB far tlit Cute of Chronic Uliemci unl Irenr
vatlon DC Il4 ltli at 142 tanHitli ot Im bten 10 call
I ctory tn lbs put that Ilio rreildjni Col Attiandor
r Kctclium and ttie lioanl of Truittei feel It a lolenm
dory to call the attentIon at utl autlerer wajllnr away
without a shadow of hoiit froai Asthma rrouchltli
ItheumMlim Qoot ParalyiU AftecltoDi of Hit Spin
Cord mud other chronIc complalali thai ar now tits
opprobrium of lbs proftuton to ttia fact that Mill lyra
or dlceases cmii be Cured at UU Inillmllon Dr Henry
A llortt lbs meillcal director ot the itatt orronuiltlu
phyilolani hal derottil a lIfetime Id tlie eipecltl > luJ >
of chronic maladies hi 0arch for all kinds of rein
diet and agencies aud ttierapeullu > e > ource > that eel
nes affords and with vuch cuectn that Its has placed
lUla catnorr or dlieuof hlllitrlo oilleit Incurable l
oinopi Iho curable thai preienlln a happy au < ury of
what Ihefnturo tIes tn tore tar iiifferlnic humamiy
Tli < rrcordi of caieiparmanenUr cured at the Inillluie
are open lo aipllcnDli and thUlonx Hit III prat to
lhraoil ckpttcai and hotel le ipat sot that there un
grand poiiiblllliaa of recovary through gus tilth attain
menu and prolaHlonal tklll thai Save brought the
treatment cbrailo dlMtui to Its most eleyslid and
solntUa aian44
corn KnitAitnr AKD stn PLATT AMIGA
The Secretary Withdraws Oovemment He
posIts from Three New York National
llankiIt In Sold that lie Will rurine
this Policy Still Further
The crowning feature of Secretary Fosters
last day In Now York was a little Incident
which occurred onboard the HamburgAmeri
can steamship hovel yesterday afternoon
Whether It was by accident or by design that
exBenator Thomas Collier 1latt and Collector
Joel Illsmarck Erlmrdt sat at the same board
and exchanged pleasant talk U not of sufficient
importance to discus
The foot Is I that they did this and It was bo
llovnl afterward that hereafter a better feel
ing will exist between these two gentlemen
Around tbe board at the same time wore Mrs
Plait Assistant Treasurer Itoberte Solicitor
Hepburn Senator Cuhln B Brlce President
henry W Cannon ot the Chase National Bank
Dr and Mrs Ulnddls and the Misses Arm
strong personal friends of the Bocretnry
The little party were the guests of the Cap
tain ot the steamship and In order to show the
Secretary further honor when he took tho rot
onus cutter Chandler to board the Old Do
minion steamship Koanoko forOId Iolnt Com
fort the German steamships band went on
the Chandler The Secretary sailed on the
floatioke with his private secretary Edward
Iloblnson and u reutesonlatlve of the Barge
In the morning hours the Secretary had
driven out to Claremont with Jesse fcellgman
the banker
Secretary Fosters visit ban resulted In A
Withdrawal of tlovornment deposits from the
Hanover National Hank the Western National
Bank and tho National Bank of the lleptibllc
It wai aid by the best authority that the with
drawn from these banks aggregated between
two and three mllllouiiof dollars and that the
Secretary would continue this policy with
other Government depositories
It seems that the Secretary has paid a good
deal of attention to the problem of getting rid
of the iJUOCOOOn of fractional silver In the
Troaxmy The bonks hate not been willing to
take more than two or three hundred dollars
ot this amount nt a limo Ono of the most
eminent republicans In New York suggested
yesterday that the Secretary should use this
money to pay the salaries of Federal employees
in this vav be said tho f2DUOO OuU could
be very visibly icduccd Tho Breaker meant
that the salaries or all thn employees In Wash
ington and Now York and other cities should
be paid In this fractional coin Naturally after
a given time the coin would flow back Into
local bank and possibly might again find Its
way Into the United States Treasury But In
tbe moan time the Secretary of this Treasury
would save his output ot greenback and n
judicious lopetltlon of distributing the frac
tional coin among Federal employees would
benefit him very materially
The Board of Health Experts Report oa
Home of AWah Hyatts Cattle
Pro T Mitchell Prudden H M Biggs and
H I Loomis the pathologist of the Health
Department have made n report to the Board
ol Health of on analysis mndo by them of milk
taken from the cows belonging to Alvab Hyatt
of Carmel It was reported some time ago that
the cows were Infected with tuberculosis and
that Hyatt had boon shipping the milk to this
city Samples ot the milk of throe cows were
procured by the Health Department and parts
ol the organs ot two other cows and were sub
mitted to a close analysis The report shows
that the specimens contained tubercular
bacilli It says
Wo have made Inoculations of rabbits with
mall t portions ot the milk taken from Hyatt
cows and have Induced typical tuberculosis in
one rabbit thus proving not only that the
milk contained tubercular bacilli but that
these wore alive and virulent Wo are led by
the result of tb so examinations to the von
vlctiou hat i the herd < > f cattle from which our
specimens came Is In its present condition a
foilous menace to the health of the people by
whom Its dairy products may to < > on unted
Every diseaeu animal n the herd should bo
killed nt once and destroyed and the remain
Ing animals should bo Isolated under strba
surveillance pending thin probable develop
ment of the disease among them
The Btato Dairy Commission bad previously
had samples of the milk analyzed cal I re
ported that there wore no oxnlonciH of tuber
cular bacilli In the milk hey ordered tho
quarantine on the lIsatt herds to bo i omen o 1
Copies of tbe New lock lionnis report hate
been sent to the State Board of Health intl
tile State Dairy Commission requesting that
immediate slaps bo tnuen ti rroveut nny stilt
montH of milk from tbo H > utt herds The
Governor will be noticed also
the Hoard of faith will bund a physician to
Carmel to examine the other herds of cows
About three weeks ago n cow wits received
at nn east side slaughter < front a Uost
Chester farm which was found tolmvo tuber
culosis A physician wu bent to tha farm
from which the can cam9 but the other cows
wero found to bo iu good condition
The Hat TrimmIngs alien Reairr for Trial
PHILADELPHIA Juno SolicitorGeneral i
Taft and United States Attorney Head have
finished their preparation of the Governments
side of the hat trimmings cases and Judge
Taft left for Washington today The case
nn set down for tilal on Monday before Judge
Achcson in the United Mutes Court In this
city The amount invptved in the casos to bo
tried Is comparatively timall but as nil the but
trlmmlngi cases In New York and lloiton us
well nsthopln this city will depond upon thou I
result there Is something lIke JIHKMJUU
mIllie dopetittitig upon the verdict Ills un
dorsiouti < l thnt tho plnlntlMs will bu reprvs ntu < l
by htuiua Ciioau anti lymau Tiemalnoot Now
York aid 1 I i intibard of this city
Steal Estate Trumlfem
Utli it B a rn w llonlttatd ISOiBD 11 Wm 11
lilK ref to Krlctlenka lUaie 576O
Stanton at Suj Jnu It juUfo ref tu Mm G tim
ter 3423
Ecex ft hit Joa I Uutleulriir to fobt P
Campbell to
7 tt < l in iaj sal l 116 l East Jas K Honor lo nub
duorllu t
11 111 n II nUlhltClh at J4X1IU3 Jot J but
tenwleier iu John J 1 Crawford 10
line at ai lit a e Oypreil ar fowbatan C
Morris to 0511 b thanl r I
Keuptrr to e a t n UI1UM > t OOztiuJ Thoi
t boa and KIIO to Adelberc none 1
5th ar w C IIILI I n I2tli It a its IOU Ceo W
SU toe IciJaaR Treat iflivX
CKtli at na IKiwBUi avilui Lidta M 55 hile
tojQoTlarlty IILWJ
elt tL n a 7i e J air Z6x7a Jot iron to
110 Ii Clark
8tit av n wcorn7th at 2 ixlixiV Jnoc unit to
liabcllaTUot 1
naililiiKKm ar w a TK n lt > lh > ts ixxiuu
JniiJeiTt ion ant elf to Lena Keitetd 2000
heater PC 11 u i PA w iiryi > ti or JJIXT tz12
AMon nraemor tein < i aritetis I
Clinton it e a Cl a Klvinztun pt illxTdxin
It titJnxl > XJ44 fauid to jHrnb Kmrnirr I
till ar I S cor ted iLtoantiu Jamex lloctor
lo Htnlia hmllli I
Wen Sal ar n w rnr 1Mb > L S Axlon tiara
intrO Hill tu Michael Flick M cart 4 H75
Bliilit n Jie rd i av li < ixliv < KmllKoei < ert
uttl Wife in Fredk I Iliimradt tie
03trt MI 3jri I nth AV ixIKiN Kdir lIlieS
and wire loVartlnU Monailian 1
lxtcotai LI 5550
Kacetnn Tho In Mcholaa lllntke air < tcl7
romti f > tii nr S yrs per yr f4o
Oa > ey Join lo John ieuutnacher 618 UraiKt
It Syra per yr iooo
Manton iimotfij ui aik Marron alec Ad
a ijl Stint LI tt S yra per > r 4HO
Rutherford Inula M ti ManCalena OConnor
and mil erra i a nitii it LIII w t t nr lrfw
uioi 21 yr Icr r
rrcniiDin soar II Ct
Dell Albert ti Ill iittl n Diuiiiead v i nr >
liOn t iii c UHti at i rft f VX
Camoteli lloberl f aiil wife to Joseph bum
itnwleirr it II Suez tflnilKiX mot 3J230
Karloy Julin T lo LydIa Ii Mlnie snUilituw
lii V I yr
Oalailiir iocti 1 and wire tom Met ia
hM > t e lit nv i yr
haiL Inline T and wire to Henry Colion n I
lcdn e7ii MV > 1 mo t4u
Leiinr lo Ui t I and wifo 10 Trancl llournt
I l blimlecil n imnlnrl t 1 ir SUO
Lloyd Henry II ta t l1 leu II fcult w e hrnoiln irit
BT centre line 14711 end IIMhtr I I r 2 tOO
Jljiifricnnihl Charm nut t vlfe to Janire 1 r I
horDOdmii nnil moo IruMeti iJyl i ar
ii i yr 1000
Monoirhan Marilii 0 to liilirard and lleiiry
liirh eiiiilft e or iolumbun ay I vr 10AV
Kaaie FreleMks to WIld im W niihi ret
i I HMti ci ui l v Hnuieranl ftyr
ill er < on atherlue It to tats A Kcthon an
5 151 It 1 3Fi 4 30
Eelferd Lena in I Jno Jefferiiiii w I tVnChlttCnfl
or 7ii a nptl it l ji I7W
Kinltli Martaret V in ih He iliavrn Ceiueurr
iio C lOts it use n WIM ir I u I TOM
Bltr rank and wife to AintiU teiuanl III
irsdn ttel w Nlrrrliar irrt 4000
Toxle I Mereremi tn Mutual Life ln > to n >
ll3tttst0t4J Ihay Iyr toil
A TechnIcality Vrsrrt In the Alleged Wbt4
key Trod t Bribery Cane l
CIIICAOO June An effort was made In th1
Federal Court todfty tosavoGeorge J Olbon
exSecretary of this WhUkiy Trust from trial
in tie Federal courts by n motion to quash the
indictments against him Gibsons nttprneyr
argued that the indictment charged that Gib
ban had attempted to bribe Dewar the in
ternal revenuo officer to da some act contrary
to his duties IIB an ofllcer of the Government
To blow up n distillery was no violation of De
wars duties as a Federal officer If Devrar bad
of his own mind gono into the distillery and
blown it up he could not have been hold br
the Federal court and tried for it There was
nothing In Federal statutes that covered the
case and consequently Gibson could not be
punlBhtid bv the ltdural court
the District Attorney argued that Gibson
having been Indlotwl under sections 3177 anti
SI51 which provide for the punlxhment of any
ono bribing or nttonititlng to bribe an officer
ol the Governmontlt certainly was n viola
tion ot Dewars duties to blowupthodUtlllery
Ills duties were clearly defined and If he had
oors epped them ho was liable to punish
Judge EIndgMt took the cato under advise
ment aud will decide on Monday