I 1r1 v S i t J IF YOU SEE IT IN IF YOU SEE IT IN ub u nn ub f u ITS BO ITS 10 j I VOL LVfflKO 812 NEW YORK MONDAY JUNE 29 1891 PRICE WO CENTS I CABLE NEWS FROM GERMANY norAL FAiaiLT STAIITB ON irs 1lm FAllr IIOLDlr I y ronniciN LANDS Poland No Longer nn Importnnt Bon or ConUntlonTtrrlMe Work of the Mafia TunUA IBDCB Part of 1Vt Oer IB Irl many Inundated Henndal In a DUCK nonicThe Emperor nt PlOY with the Children of bin PeopleA LoUP wbo Proceed will be Devoted to HuppreldnE the Slave TradeRemarkable Crime Btnuv Jon 28The Emperor and Em pre DELIN s accomn nlod by the Prince and Prince Henry and A brilliant court sulto have entered to Holland and England uponlbolr voyage Holnnd EDrlanl uton They have been enjoying a series cl magnifi cent fetei t on the way At Kiel > esterday the town and shipping in the harbor were deco rated with flag and streamers In honor of their 3aJestlfe A grand rosntla took place In which sixtytwo yachts dlvldoJ Into sever Ihl cla10 participated The Empororwltnesset the Meetnelo I from the deck of the imperial yacht Meteor and Prince Henry and wife on board Die Irene watched I from Inside tho roid toad A favorable breeze was blowing the r siv Inl unclouded nnd the royalties re mained unlit the close of the regatta which InttPl I t 1 seven hours and was u success enIHlrnlna to land the Emperor and Prince 10nl i uttunded a coraniers and the Emperor In full observance of the custom drank net elli Inriio glasses of bier observing that It iron a thirsty dar In toe evening too Km Wi rjemr Woe present at the distribution of prizes at the Nav1 Academy and was recalved with enthusiastic loyalty mr mknlfestatlon of enthuslalUo Todar all the Illustrious visitors attended church In afternoon tte Imperial party embarked fT their voyage along Ibo coast feteral British and American yachts were In led to accompany them Thoro was a lively breeze aOl the hoat was subsiding The 800ton Ironclad Kaiser Is I still fast on Qolngon and Alderhorst tbo rooks between Golnlon Alderhont near Dnnl = lc Several powerful tugs bue fnltcd to pull her off Sbo is in n bad position and wlh a bean sea would become a total wreck So far Ibo weather has been favor able for bar The Herein another bin ironclad belonging to the earns squadron a the Eatsor has had ban liicl loitlug her anchors In the Baltic and ba returned to hid Ttie end of Poland as a political expression Is I st approaching A variety ot slims points to tile rillsolution ot the Polish Parliamentary party In the Bclchstag and the Landtag within a comparatively short time A few days be fore tbe end of the session of the Landtag Baron KoBClelskl a great landowner and a favorite Polish poet rose In his seat in the upper House and delivered a speech on the subject which everybody is now talking about Tbe Polish party publicly disavow Xos clelskl as their representative in the matter declarlna that his speech was unauthorized by the party and not In accord with its princi ples But many Polish subjects holding official posts and otherwise prominent in public life and having important influence among their compatriots declare Ihimselvea as freeing with the Baron Tbe Baron sold I was impossible and would ever b Impossible to restore the Polish fatherland I was no longer desirable to con tinue a strife for the unattainable Poles could not Ignore the fact tbat they were cub jot ot the King of Prussia whether they said prayers and ale cheers for that King in the Polish or th German language There oould be only two parties la Poland one conserva tive and orderly the other destructive Let us concluded the speaker sink minor dif ferences and apply ourselves to the work of serving our King and combating the destruc tive party which threatens the social founda tions of the world tonl were These utterances coming from a Polish patriot were listened to In astonishment by tbe Home and were loudly cheered at She close They indicate a great ebons in Polish sentiment which is evidently one of the eon I uquence s of the social programme laid down by the Emperor Kosclelski who is also a member of the Reichstag will soon join the Conservative party Three years ago he 8 a passionate Polish orator In 1887 he delivered a vehe ment philippic against the Prussian Gov ernment which he charged with the crime ef violating Polish nationality The change f his opinions and language Is notoriously the result of personal Intercourse with the Emperor It is generally admitted that the Emperor has succeeded In disuniting the Polish party for the better preservation of the Integrity of the kingdom and tbVempire The Poles had hitherto been tbe most bitterly hos tile to the present order of things their oppo sition at times amounting to disloyalty seces sion being one of their declared principles That he should have eo far overcome their bottlllty Is another convincing proof of tbs power the Emperor bas aeoulred over parties by his Indomitable will and persistence In hlsMoitramme D sij at tches from Tunis report that the Italian Matte Is I doing deadly work there A series of outrnces has been committed and friends of the victims and detectives seeking to discover th rerpotrators as they were on tho point of succeeding hne been stllottoed In the streets Sun a Sicilian baa bean arrested and con fessed to three murders The terrible work of the llafla nevertheless still goes ou and at last accounts the numher of undetected homi cides averaged four a week Each crime prop agates others to conceal f and something like srelen of terror prevails resembling In M > mo decree the condition In Mew Orleans before tho lynching The French authorities in Tunis have so far been unable to deal efficiently with this out burst of crime and the French residents in their wrath may rise and take a fearful von teance on the Italians without discriminat ing btween the Innocent and the guilty In lbs mew time the protectorate Is inclined t Sand I the entire Italian population from the country Either of tbeso courses could not fall to amuse the Indignation of Italy and serious complications are possible at any moment mine already precarious state of tho relations between tbe French and Italian Governments in the Mediterranean The storm In west Germany lasted three days The downpour of rain was Incessant and was Increased by fearful cloudbursts and fuiloun waterspouts spreading destruction f rnnd wldH lolls have suddenly cOlored sections of Westphalia Hanover and the Ithlre provinces tho like of which has not been recorded In history The valley of the Cider looks like an open I n Cause and Wll diintsii were HubmereoJ by wnt rspoul A mllllrn marks will not cover the damage In thee dltrlcts Hevonleen i < orson hale been killed nnd twenty Injured by llchtnlng and no estimate can > et bo formed of tbe number drew ned A cnndnl hns just CI mo to light which bas shocked Merlin society Tbo old Duke ot lliitlbor head of thn house of Itatlbor and Corvjr nnd biothor of Irlnco Ilobcnloie the Buiibnlter of AlsaceLorraine bas five eons tad four daughters The sons bold exalted rink In the Prussian army and thiee of the < l uclitArs are married to noblemen The odent t dauchter Ellgnbetb born In 1851 has never she ntor been murrlod Twenty years ago A lieirotned to lrlnce 1uertenberg who WOe killed In the Franoolrusslan war Tho DUke recently proposed to marry her to Count t Darner who Is I CO years old The Pilncess r I luecd to Iwo him I declaring to Ibo astonish L a ment of all that she would marry no one except Carl Mailer a forest keeper In her fathers iertlce 35 yfar4 of BIO who she confessed she had long and devotedly loved The Duke raved on bearing Ihle and Instantly dismissed Mailer being with dim cully restrained from killing him This hap pened in April lust Mailer soon found a good place in Austria and the Duke hearing noth tag further on the subject from his daughter supposed that I had bee forgotten But last week he found that she was In secret corre spondence with her lover through the medium of a servant In his household Tbe daughter when charged by the Duke with this enormity was defiant and declared with much spirit I am old enough to know my own mind Carl love me for myself alone We shall Carllrt alono elbal mar ry without your consent Carl has three thou sand marks saved Irom his earning and I possess six thousand my mothers bequest which nobody has tbe power to touch I am willing to renounce any family rights Our minds are mado up The Duke in a great rage sworn that he would Imprison his daughter In castle and casto obtain from the courts a decision of lunacy which would give him tho right to immure her forever The Princess retorted Then two will be In prison In a few months The Duke was puzzled b this reply where upon tho woman whlnpereJ a few words In his car which explained all He staggered to his feet rttempted to strike her and fell full length upon the floor spnieles > I was feared that he had a stroke of apoplexy The f er vants In great alarm removed him to his room Doctors wero Immediately summoned and soon restored him to consciousness Afterward at the Dukes request the woman submitted to an examination which confirmed what she had whispered to her father that she had loved not wisely but too well Tho Duke who Is I 73 years old Is heart broken by this revelation I Is expelled how ever that ho will consent to the marriage to save the family from worse disgrace The brothers talk of killing Mailer on stunt but Elizabeth threatens In thaI event to live un til she Is i delivered of the pledge of her love and then end her own existence In this dllomttfa tho honor of the house now stands Dr Mlchelten of Wiesbaden recently cured the wife of Herr Danuers a wealthy merchant of a dangerous disease Herr Danuer in grati tude has donated 2000000 mal to found a hospital In Hamburg which is to be under the direction of Dr Nicholson An anonymous donor through the medium of his fencing master at BadenBaden bas given 80000 marks for the erection of an orphan asylum In the town of Latin Silesia charming story f told of the Emperor William which reveals the amiable side of his character Tbe Empress recently took her sons to the Babrmnnder Hills on a picnic un known 10 her imperial con ort Bearing of It after her departure tbe Kaiser took horse and followed the party When he overtook them he found them enjoying themselves sur rounded by hundreds of children who had flocked to the woods The Emperor dis mounted from his horse and joined them In their amusements He arranged the names himself assisted in running and jamplne and allowed the princes to mix freely with the other children Several large area took place in the suburbs of Bremen last night There Is every reason to believe they were of incendiary origin Fifteen Jews exiled from Busala have been removed from Cbarlottenburg to hospitals In Berlin On examination it baa been found that they are stricken with the black pox wbloh is highly contagious Tho fact has caused much alarm and the municipal au thorities are taking tbe fullest precautions to prevent the spread of the disease The afflict ed persons have been Isobted and their symptoms are carefully watched by experts Of the proceeds of the lottery of 8000000 marks recently proposed by the Emperor he has just sanctioned tho distribution of 6000 0 marks In prizes the balance 2000000 to bo devoted to the campaign against slavery In Africa Including 400000 for Baron Wismanns iake steamers A fight between the police and fish poachers took place on Kanxsdorf Lake near Berlin last night The latter were surrounded In their boats by tbo police who wero also In boats and a regular battle occurred on the water The pachers used their oars and tbe police their clubs and for a while there was a very lively skirmish without any serious re sults The poachers being close pressed rowed to the shore landed and attempted to flee to the woods They were then fired upon 10e woo and one was killed and three wounded The remainder wero all captured and brought to this city In the village of Schroln near Ologon Silesia a coachman named Tost having re ceived notice of his dismissal went home greatly depressed Ho arose in the night shot his sleeping wife and throe children and then committed suicide by hanging Fran Backstoin wife of a wealthy landowner In Llasa yesterday killed her husband by beating > out hU brains with a hammer and hen put an end to her own life She Is sup posed to have been acting under a homicidal paroxysm Combatting the Insects who have been ruin Jog the trees and crops In Bavaria has cost tho Government 200UOOO marks and the com munal authorities probably as muob more for coating the trees with a specially prepared glue The fort have been saved nnd In the entire south of Germany tbe destruction of the crops as well as the tress bas been prevented vented Nevertheless the damage bas been very heavy in other portions of tbe country and experts declaro It will take fifty years to repair ft AMERICANS Iff CuLl Crew of United State Veiieels Warned Aaln Xundlnic riser WASBINOTOW June 28Tha Chilian legs ton today received the following SANTiiaoJune28 cablegram The chief nt the Chilian Insurgents tbe ex Captain of the Chilian navy Uforce Monti bas nntllloil the American Admiral nt louluue that tbe crews of hI American vessels ought not to I go on shore l they will run lie I rlsu of being aSNiulied by evolutionary moos War Ships Going to llehrlnjt Be VioTonii B C June 28Ber Majtstys ship Nymphe Commander Turner left for Esqul insult Immediately after her mall were re ceived this morning and will go direct to Na nnlmo There she will meet the United States abli > Mohican In whore company BUe will pro ceed to Mehrlnit Iea It II l expected that tier Maesty s shinPheasant and the United Mains hln Alert will aha make tbo Isebrlng Sea wl leaving here on Tuesday einie in < company lenvlnl IIe IIItolnOk of ISle Alert Is Berlonalv III kSS removed to 1e Joseph HosplU from and was the shiv today The ft command will betaken dur u hD the northern Irlii by Jllut Walnwrlglit senior oBJ er who received orders from Washington WhID rcp ol week both ington to Ho so During the past wllk thelMaicot and Otto two Victoria chooners havo been quietly fitting out for soallnir Victim oft lie Hurooan Hurrlcmne VAUWO Cal June 28Tho bodies of the nlnoiem VALLBV sailors who were rrowned in tho allor bulled at Mare storm at Samoa were bUllod great iKland yes erday with Imposing ceremonies lln 1fl < taken The remaliisol the nineteen men were takln 10 th cemetery eeYn In one hearse and twelve on a IeVfn constructed of uun carriages At the graves the services wero conducted by tie Iavfs K Lewis and were Impressive At iheu conclusion a parting and the last salute wa fired over the gnves te call was sounded by tbe bugle Free Mlntrnl Water Because noihln extra Is charge I for Vichy I and Sellers dealers oiteii buy the Cheapest tuff ami thereby spoil I yourdrlnk Insist un getting Carl II BchulUis which are also fur J nluhcl roo4dv Mummer Service for Tboued Ilnd Commmoln Mond r Jn 3 fait mornln trim ln will leave Orund Utmrtl lUtlon via Mew York < rural atiuiuA > l rtoolilnn 1Uylon ntuuti Altiaiiilna thy H3 > l 01 l ThrouKh arftMuiTrtHHii can rnn cvtulnir train will linn UranJ Central HitUnn aI1II M ar riving at Clarion nulu AUiacdrU Day tf3f > Q ii morn icE Through ilitplnc t I ears A through i pln carfor Cap Uiicem will also bs ran on tli < Pass Nlibi Ki cr14 Itavlnic i Uranil OtDlral sutton at bits f H l bupsrb nrrlot Fait linn Mo axics lireA < H > 1 H A WOMAN THE CAUSE OF IT lOW TimODORR ZARBrO WAS KILLED ut MRS ooaaTOCKs FLAT He Didnt TCot TonK Mr Meeerole to Live There and aO Quarrelled with the WomanHe wa ChoklnB Her when Meeerol Sprang to Her foresee a1 Shot HimA Trip to Coney Inland that Ended la at Homicide In Brooklyn Darwin J Mescrolotho young man who shot and killed Theodore Lorblg In Brooklyn on Saturday night became Larblg assaulted Mf Bovle F Conutook In whose flat they were was committed to the Raymond street jail yes tera by Justice Tlcho Mrs Comstock also was committed to tb jail n awltross Both will May tbore until Coroner Rooneys jury do cldewbcther or not the killing was dono In BtlfdoferNs Meserole says I wasI Mesit tas years old Hu Is a son of Oen J Y > ta lo City Surveyor of Brooklyn and Is welllit n In tbat city He lain i business with his fM at 13 Broadway this city and ho lived und very recently with his parents at 400 Wnsulugton avenue Brooklyn Larblc tho man ho Killed was a tra oIling salesman for the Electrical Huoplv Company of this city He was 43 rears old marrioJ antI had too children Ho lived at 28 Second street Brooklyn only two blocks from where the shooting occurred Mrs Comstoo tho cause of the trouble Is i the wife of a wealthy man who is now living In Providence She has boen separated from him a long tlmo but whether she is divorced or not is not known The police say Ibo Is She hal lived In Brooklyn since July ot lust year and the police say has not boruo an enviable rep utation though her latest neighbors declare she has conducted herself in avery respoctablo manner and they have never seen anything out ot the way in her Her flat is on the frt floor of the new double flat building 378 Sack ot street Brooklyn There are eight oIlier families In the building who unite in giving hoc I good character Mrs Comstock has lived Here only two months She moved there from the corner of Pearl and Concord streets the polled say because the neighbor ot the latter place complained of her bad habits and n custom she had of bringing men to her house They also tar that one of those men who visited her was Lnrblg the dead man They say be has visited her pretty steadily ever since she ha bean In Brooklyn and that be spent n good dell of time with her when he was IOt i away on a business trip Mesrolo I U a acquaintance of the woman About a week ago he rented a room in her flat It adjourned her own room Iarblg a this time was away on a trip He cot home Wednes day Ha Mslteil Mrs Comstock bnturday noon Meserole was at homo and Mrs Comstook In tioducod Larblqas u friend of hers Lnter In tbo aiternoon Meaerole look her to Couev Isl and She told him Lurblg had gone to the robes The first that was known of tho booting was at 1016 oclock on baturdnv night wtien Meserole and Mis Comsiock walked up Butler 11esoroie Ie street arm in arm and Into the police station She was dressed In a light serge suit and wore a fashionable bat Bho hell liar handkerchief to her face Ho also wore a light suit with a nnltn waistcoat and patent leather shoes Neither was known at the station Sergeant Maude was at the desk Sergeant said Meserole I have just shot a man down the street t What I exclaimed the Sergeant I said I bad just shot a man down the street repeated Meserole and ho handed a re nicer over tbe desk to the Sergeant Ho assaulted this lady and when I Interfered to cave her lila he turned on me and 1 bot him Tbe Sergeant bad retained his composure on tills asked for the particulars First Mele rlO told blm the address and saldhe bad bet tvr send an ambulance around to take the man to the hospital This was done Irl Comstock then removed her handkerchief from ber face and exposed two bruised and swollen eyes tbe atd loen Th man he shot lilt me The Captain came in then and he ordered the Sergeant to take the description of both and than hurry to Mr Comstocks Hat in which the shooting had occurred He took Meserole into his privAte ollloe to get hIs state ment Mrs Comstook he locked up Sergeant Maude get around to the flat Ierlolnt which Is only three blocks from the sta tion In a few minute Policemen Far rel was just aliead of him One of the neighbors who lives in the flat house bed told him that be had henrd a shot some where in the house Ie i didnt know where Tbe two policemen wont into tho house to gether V hen they reached Ibo dining room Ither found the bodt of Larbfg lying fae down on the floor Ho bad been dead more than I half an hour j hers was nothli < r in tho house to indicate tbat there had been a sruKRln except the hod In the room just oil from the dining room There was blood on a pillow and the bod wxs rumpled up Iolleoman Forr ll went through the bouse expecting to get a story of the Btiootlnc from the tenants Strangely enough not one of them except the man who bad in formed him of the shooting bal heard the re port of the pistol Even the people on tho opposite side of tbe hal paid they bad not beard it and they had heard no loud talk or hear The policemen sent the body of tbo dead man around to Joseph L hurts undertaking mal < hinont4jfl Court street locked up tbo flat and wont hack to the fetation They took with them two photographs which they had taken from Larblas pocket One was of him celt tbe other of n handsome womim which looked something llkb Mrs Comstock but was not she Tbe man la dead said the Sergeant to the Captain wbon lie got back eralo I dont regret having shot him said MOB The story that Meserole told the Captain was this thisHis father and mother wore out of town and ho was sick He rented I room of Mrs Corn stock because at her house ba could receive proper nursing Ha had noor seen Larblg until Orion of Saturday when hn called and Ultt Cornstock Introduced He had greet ed him caxuajly but bail hardly thought enough Of tho introduction to remember thin name Sr e didnt like tbe mans looks and didnt care tor Iko acquaintance Ho know nothing of any relations that might have existed between the mnn and IrR Com stock Ho lund no business to attend In on Saturday afternoon and lie Invited Mrs Com stock to go to Coney Island with him Lunaiu nvenlne they went to the Brighton Hotel and bad Iloy While online thy aw Larhlg walking by and Larblg saw him but neither spoke They got buck to Brooklyn bout a quarter past nine oclock Mrs Comstoclc went out to the wooers She teturneil n few minutes and had not been In lout when the door bell rang lie was lying in tho bi d In hIs room at rnnl time He beard Mrs Corn stock go to the door nnd come Into the dining room with her visitor Soon afterward be heard some loud talk and a mans voice demanding tbe leturu of a I picture The talking continued a few minutes hut ho talklnl not tell what it was about be cause the door between the rom a was closed Finally he houid Mrs Cometock titter a pierc ing fcbrlok nnd then anothor Ha jumped off the hd l and rushed into be room adjoining his Mrs Comstocksiledroom Ho sal Mrs Comstock lying on the bed bell tightly hy jLarbitt who was striking her in the face Ho rushed at Lnrblg and seized him Larblg lot goof Mrs Comstook and turned on him and bit him in the Ifaoe Then in selfdefence ho drew his rovoler and pointing it at his assailants hil auelelntnl ants breast he tired Larblsr stiHruerod back into the dining room and ho fired again Lnrblg reeled and then fell on his face He was so near to me thut he almost fell on me said IMvsnrole AfterMoserol < s story had been told the Cap tain sent for Mrs Comstock The womans ere by this time wero nearly closed and tbo red blotches were turning black McHerolowns not present Mrs Comstock said she bad re ceived a terrible beating at Ibo bands of Lar big She had known him for some time but she knew > ery little shout him except that ho was u married man Ibo did not know where bo Hied He was sober Ibo said when lIe called at the bou o In tbelaiternoon and lie went off to the raise Meteroi bal i < lledjier cle esJ attnntlon to him at Coney iRiimd When bo went to the grocery on her return homo she saw him HtHndtng on the corner Ho apparently did not Beher and she did 10 speak to him She hud been back In the house probable ten minutes when he rang the bell She went to the door He was notnobrr and was angry about sometblrg Ho tried to quarrel with her about somrtblng when he got into the house and ire Mr soon be de manded his plcturewhlch ha had given to ber in return for one of her own She gave it to hlmfnnd then without any provocation or wlhuut warning ho ntruck her a terrible blow In the fcuo She screamed and be struck her attain and forced hut Into the bedroom and began to choke her on the bed Then Mesoioln lushed into the room and pulled him uwny from her She Jumped UP and ran into Meeorolew room leaving the two men struggling She abut the door She heard tha shooting but did not sea I After tbe row wns all over sho nut on bar bat and accompanied Mrserole to the station She did not know that Larblu was dead The Captain told her and she said she Was sorry but he bad brought it all on himself She was locked UP and then Meserolo wan iiuestloncd again Uj told tho same story ho bad told be fore He said ho had lImO the two hot In jmt on quick succession ns he could and the forward instant on the bin second face ono was fired Larbla fell Hi was looked UP again until 7 clock yo terday morning when lio won taken to court with MM Comstock Sir Corustoeks fnoe was frightfully swollen anti discolored Her left aye wi nearly closed and tbe black under it extended half way down her cheek and clean back to her oar ler right cheek was nearly as bait Judgn Tlcha did not ask for any statement A complaint was made against Meperolo br tho police and no was commit ed Then was no complaint nualnt Mrs Comstock Thor wero taken Immediately to jell and there they woro Inaccessible to ever body until the after noon County Physician Sheppnnl made nn autopsy on Lnrblas body Un found two bullet wounds within an eighth of an lnci of each other bout one Inch to tbe rluht of tho left nipple JnrblK bad evldnntly been standing Imlt timing Moserolo when the lust bullet was fred I bail cono ctrnlitht across the breast and flattened itself against the rlKht bioiut bone aur was found there He was standing full facn to Mesorolo when tho second bullet was tired lor It bail gone neurlr straight through his bodr I had < passed through the rleht ventrlol I of tIle heart and the liver malting a Inrga hole it I had lodged In lbs muscles of the broad of the back on the rUht side The Doctor found nllcht abrasions on the forehead chin and tho brldco of the nose They looked ao If they had been made by striking against furniture In falliiiK though they might have been the marks nf a list Jen Mosorolo and hh wife rnacbodtha city about I oclock A friend bad telecruphod to them the factor the shooting Thiy dre nt once to the Duller Street pullco station nnd then lo the jail Young Meemlohad beon seen hi one friend ounl they came and b 1 Dr Hohenck Aklnd of nervous shock bad fol lowed the excitement of the shooting nnd b I needed the Doctors cure They went to h ronm on tbo second story of the mil with Warden Doyle Mrs Meflorole was trembling like a leaf and tbe men did not want hor to go I Into the room Slit Insisted however rhe a hardly Inside the door and liinl hardly teen her sonwhen aim fainted and wottll have fallen to ihe llnorbad not Oen Meseroln and the Warden bold her Young Meserole broke down completely and the General came near doIng PO A doctor was hastily summoned and alter n time Mrs Mesrolo was restored to lmo Jesrolo consciousness Then tile son repeated to hor and his father the story of the sbontliiK MIS Meserole wan taken home In n carriage Tho Gennral trot Lnwynr W J Gay nor aid re turned to the jail The lawyer I talked with the young man end with r Comstock As Gen Moaerole wan leavlnc the jnll he was asked If bn had known that his son let nt Mm Corn stocks flat He replied tbut be bad not known It From the friend who saw the younw man before the General nrrlved a HUN reporter learned M sorolei story of the shooting I differed somewhat ham tho story told by him to Ibo Pollco Captain He did not tell about tho trip to Cone Inland He said ho had known Lnrblg and that Larble disliked him Why ho didnt know unless f wus that he lived In the sam house with Mr Comstock The llrst he Knew of Larbltra belne In the house tret said was when he hoard Mrs Comstouk ccrenm He was lying on his bed dressed only in hit un derclothing and his trousers His revohor was in his trousers pocket When he heard the screams he joint oti tin nail opened Ills room door which opened directly into Mrs Comstocks room Ho eaw Mrs Comtock and Lnrblu In the situation be des ribed to Ibo Captain aud rushed to the defence of the O man He did not draw hIs pistol until Larblg had struck him He hud his wits stout > him and did not Intend to shoot but only to In timidate Larblg who had bold of him Ho held his pistol tightly and In the struttrio It went off twice He did not know how I was an accident This friend also talked with Mrs Comstock be told Ibo reporter that she said that Iarblg was a bad man nud bad threatened to kill hor before Whon the friend tried to see Mcserol again later In the afternoon ho was not allowed to enter the jail The reporter visited Larblcs house and was met a the door by I woman who hail been weeping The family she said was dOIly anileted and had nothing to nay One of Lir blgs cons Is grown up lie told lru > police about his fathers business and said he bad lust returned fioni n ttln Lnrblg s brothor lnlaw told the police thu police say that Lat big was not good to his wife anti that he hud boasted to her of an nmour with Mr Com stock Larblts Income the police said was sufficient loran two households Young Meseroles many trlends In Brooklyn are greatly aatonUbed at his act He was al ways known as a peaceable young man and wan BO itool that some of them nicknamed Wa IOO him Deacon Mcserole Ho was never known to curry a revolver and they cannot under stand how he came to have one with him Ha has always been In delicate health and the past year he has spent lu travelling through ihe West ant In Europe lie returned from Europe only a month ago so tbat his story of ils short acquaintance with Mrs Comstock Is probublv true Mrs Comstock i good looking She Is about lie feet two Inches tall and has ioncdnik brown hair and gray even hha hiS two chil Idonee dren who are living with her husband in Irov HOSE niCE SATED FIIO3I SUICIDE FllJ SUrCIDE Now She I 5 Repentant nod will Not Try gain to End Her Lit A slender younc woman who said she was 23 years old but did not look more than 20 stood wIth downcast eyes before Justice White In Ihe Yorkvllle Police Court yesterday morning and said she was tired of life Her name sho tald was lloso HIco and Ibo lived somowhoro in West Twentyeighth street sho did not know the number Late on Saturday night she had cone to the dock nt the foot of East Thirtyfirst street with hn Intention jumping into the rhnr Thn watfhmrtn aw herst p on the striricpleoe nnd told her ands tohvrfaeo fora moment Then site raised ber skirts and was nbout to leap in far nut na she could when tho watchman sprang forward and seized her She spent the nieht In I cell tihe told Justice White that her husband abandoned her two wooks ego She tins n six yt > arold child living with his n ole in Phila delphia Her father liven In Trenton A man who saId he wla Dr Metcnlf told the Justice he knew the prUouer and knew that she had had some foublo HtiB promised not to try OKula to kill herself and was discharged I THEY WOULD NOT LET HER DXE Mary JCnrlelit Trie Agate to End Her Sorrow In the Jtlver May Enriiiht 50 years old was left a widow ton years ago and has supported herself by scrubbing or wnhlilnc Her home bas been at tOO West Houston streot of Into but sho tins isen for months at a time entirely homeless sleeping where she could llnd n lodging teieial times the Churlcs street police nay fbe hits tried to commit suicide by jumping Into the North Hlvir Two weeks ago she was a patient In Ht Vincents Hospital JO the had malaria the house physician dU1 YestordBy sits went to Pier 89 i North Itlver threw niT 1 lit tie red hawl site wore around her shoulders stepped nut upon a scow and plunged info the stelled There wan barely room for her to jump In crowded was the I dock with anchored raft Benedict McMuhna of 53 Columbia street Brooklyn jumped iu and with help got 1r Oh why dont you let mo die Mrs rnrluht rlod Him wan taken to tit Mncenla Ho iltal and thence to Ueilovuo tad Threat by a Wnlklnc Delegate I I ldor Alexander oxployn thirtysix bands at I makIng vest ut 102 Lewis street It Is I lon union bp Bernard Pteln walking delegate of VcstmaUers Union o 1 has been trying to mnktt a union shot > 111 Tint buttonholes of Alexanders vests woro mud at Philip Leldtnsdorfs M East Hous ton street htoln bud Leldniisdons handu stop work last Friday morning until their em player should rO to refuse to make button holes for Alexander In the afternoon Mieln went to Alexander H nnd Recording to Alex antler called him names and iiiadu thronts Alexander got a ariant Irom Judge Hmllh and Stein WHS arrested ytsiiTdny mornlni In the Ksiex Mivrkot Iollcu Court lie was jjut under 100 bonds to keep the peace Moat Prove That He Did Not Club the Woman Policeman Minor of the Mercer street station arraigned Katie Mo ann at Jefferson Market yesterday and charged her with Intoxication The woman had abloodstalned bandage about her head and her waist was stained with bod > Mite said Minor nod clubbed her and that her hAir was cut off In the station house niter which one policeman bold > i hor while Minor lured nliooon her The policeman denied thin anti said tbe woman lad cut her head by falling on I car track Justice McMnhon held fnllnl the woman loroxnmlnalonund lold the police man to cet proof thnt ho did notclub jour t KILLED UNDER A CABLE OAR ANOTHER ACCIDENT SKAR THE 1J Tl STREET CUnVE Otto neekmnn Left III Car to net a Rent Ahead and > Vne Hun llown by Another CarA Hundred Haw Him SOle Mora than a hundred pleasure fockors witnessed nessed tho death of a man who was run down by a cable car In Manhattan street near Am sterdam avenue yesterday at about 240 PM abusy houroi an exceedingly bti yday Traffic is always heavy on the cable road on Sundays many persons taking I trip to Fort decree nnd back for the sake of the ride Mot of the reg ular grip cars are coupled to ordinary surface cars on Sunday to Increase the carrying catmc It I of tho road Otto Boekroan a merchant tailor at 147 East Ninth street boarded at ttaeond avenue an ordinary ca which cable oar 30 was pulling westward All the seats were occupied and ho remained on tbe roar platform until the car hud nearly reached the curve at Tenth avenue Tho cars change from one cablo to another at this point Tbe grip is released from the cable which runs through Manhat tan street and the car is carried by Its own momentum to n point wboro the grip can clasp the Amsterdam avenue cable Tho car comes to a btnndstlll before the gripmau tightens tho grip for its new bold Cable car Q attached to oar 98 going the other way bali 50120J tbe cable and starLet cant when lieakmnn jumrod from the plat form of cur 100 and iiiuntUK around back of the platform tu get I vacated seat on the frt car reached the track directly la font of car Q which bar swittly down upun him Pajscnsera nnd pedestrians taw his danger In time to shout cries of warning while Switchman Fiedorlck Bchwarte grasped the tail ot Ueckmans coat to oral him out of dan ger he n just I moment tolate Car U I struck Beokmnn knocking him clown and dragging clothing out of the swltthmans gra ii I8Knmtifl clothing or limbs caught in the levers of the grip under the platform and so he was nut crushed under the wheels Instead ho was draceed four feet or no and then the grlpman raunnuod to brine his car to I nanlstill rio Injured man lay under the Platform motionless He was two feet ormoro forward of the wheels whob hal not touched him The our was shoved backward nnd a hurry cull brought Dr Ward in nn ambulnnce from atiinhiutnu Hospital which is only six block away Deokmun breathed beally once or twice ator being taken Irom under the car but wn dead when Dr Ward got there The body was taken to the West 12 ith street police station tlrlpman Harry Bummer of car A una arrested Huperlutondent John H Itoberlbon > ars that Bummers has boen in rite 10 employ of the company twentythree years as driver and grlpman and In I good careful mnn Mr Robertson did not witness tlie uc cldent but saW that from what he Ioarn it seems to have been totally unavoidable I mnn ran directly in front of the car at snob short distance that the car could not p sulbly bo halted In time Mr Itobertson adds that on tbe short UUtanco over which the chances from ono cable to the other are made olght men are stntloned to warn pedestrians and manage tile cars The body presents little outward Indication of tlio cfue or death There 1 a bad cash li I I the back of the Imail and the base of the skull probably n frmiuiod by contact with the grin Iron under the car platform Mr Bcekman wan 50 years old and leaves a wire nnd four children The curve a 1115th street and Tenth avenue I near which the accident occurred Is the most danctrom pot on the cable road On Nov 11 Jacob hose aged 4 years wan run down at this point and nearly killed Wa the presence of lila parents On Oct 3 Kiln Kolnst aced 3V years hnd four toes on the left foot amputated by 0 cable car on ibo name curio I Alt ETAXQELIST I A ROW Judge Hchonck and Family and Drummer Boy Xvnncellet Fife Come to Show OnEENBDono N C June 33 Several nights ago Judge David Scbonck Into of the Superior Court a historian of not and President of the Gullford Battle Ground hnd a party at his house on tho grounds where a german was dnnccd and which lasted nil night Bill rife tbe drummer boy evangelist now holding revival meetings In a tent here denounced It ns a dlfgraco to the soldiers who died on the field and I a desecration of sacred soil lie also reflected on the name of Judge Scbenck and family and declared that no tiuo Christian would engage in such per formances Yesterday afternoon Judge ttohoiirk nnd his three one called at tbe room of Mr FIe In tho MoAdoo Hou > e and de manded an apology Mr Fife anwworod le Look here you two struck thu wrong fel low lowTlier IGt without violence but were present at tho night meeting when the matter was re forre I to by Mr lIfe thncloe of tho meot Inc It was wblsnored that Mr fife would be attacked whereupon Mr Fie fmld Friends hold on 1 minute I understand that I will be attacked Many voices replied Thov will have to at t tack U too A hundred men escorted Mr Fife to bin room and as soon as they left him the three ynnnn hcliemks came up and Iu the presence 01 his wife threatened to kill him Urn rife eiolalmnd kll I You are not xolnif to assault a man in the presence of indies I V They ropllod No not In the presence of ladles und retired Mr Ilfo followed thorn into tbe street und approaching Ibo bticcv in which Judeo OcboncH was sitting offered him his band The Judge refiuoniled I wont eunIce hands with any such a damned scoun drI l drIMr Fife was then struck by Judeo Pclienck with a loaded cane lIe stagcerotl and Kchenck then fred n pistol the hullat whlHiIlna un comfortably closn to tbe oangelitB head Mr Fife was taken to a tiriug store for treat ment and returning > m tbe arm of Mr Me Adoo exclaimed All lor Josun bless God teveial hundred Indlcnant ell ns nesem blod at the ConrtHoime latil i evening and after making several speeches a oormlto conolst Inc of Judge John A OllmtT and others re ported resolution strong i condommlnttJudce bchenck Bmornl hundred bidli8 also mot In the gospel tent anti docJirad their intention In stand by tlio evuneollHt Judeo Scuoiick and his sons kayo been arrested BINLY SHOOTS ins WIFE MEddlea a flood Mn and Ho Illrtnt Mean I Hld Mm Shanty When Edward Shanty after having been absent all night ictiirned to his home in tbe tenement 19 Alnslle etroot Wllllambburtfli yesterday morning he was very drunk Ho demanded breakfast aud when his wife Kate told him to wait until It was cooked be left tho house In n huff saying thnt he WI > I W > TSO treated at home than an v where else bo won Nelghbois found him shortly before 7 oclock last night crazy drunk and took him to Ills home Nobody can or ut any rate will MIV wbat happened next Shnnley wits too much under the Intluence of drink when arroMod to know wbat ho had ilono and all Mr blmniev could say as she lay on the floor with a bullet in her back wn Eddies a good mnn and ho didnt mean It Dont hurt him rollcemun Tropanl and Cronin were told by a child that I woman had been hot and they ran to the house Slimly was leaning against tbe door when they eutered the room ronlu salted who had fired the shot aid 17year Ilobert Hbouly said the man who shot his triotbor hat I run away Croniri situ Shanly band wander toward his fob pocket nna urn bhot him hoforn bo could draw his revolver Then the lad attic that It wits All an aoelienr Ills father be said hud arawn tno Hxtnl and waving It In the air hail said hu would soon coo Who was master in that house Then thete was is report and his mother fell down Ambttiance Surgeon White of the Eastern Dhtrlct Hospital extracted the bull It had struck the pelvis and bean deflected travel llngroundtbe surface of tbo body In Itself the wood is not dan erous but the woman condition is snob tint Dr White wonld not pronounce her out of danger The couple have Lire children bhunly was locked uj A llltlo Illnce nt tlie Gcdney House Some one threw a lighted cigarette out of an upper window of the lobby House late yes tonlny afternoon anti the awning over the en trance was burned The wooden pillars of the porch were badly scorched An alarm wan sent out und the lire was quickly extinguished Two OF THE arrojy GASO CAUGHT Mountain Outlaw of TTeit Virginia Cap tured After Many Trial Onini 8TOK W Va Juno 33Capt Ilobert Saunders Internal Bevenue Collector N J Keadle Special Deputy United States Mar shal a II Baldwin and a posse ot ten assist ants arrived here this morning at 3 oclock from Farryvlllc McDowell county having In charge two of the most desperate and notori ous criminals In the two Virginias They were Harvey Million chief of the fa mous Mullen gang of moonshiners and mur derers and tIller Cooper his chief lieutenant They were cultured In tho most Inaccessible portion of Buckhannon oonntr Virginia at the risk of their captors lives la lodging the two In jail Battnders and Keadle and their men have done what numer ous posses have failed to nccompllnh Mullen and his gangwliicih la said to number from twentyfive to llfty hare boon operating In Virginia eastern Kentucky and Itnlolcb Wyoming and McDowell counties W Va and no loss than olaht of them are under indict ment for murder in ono or more of the throe States They are also wanted In the United States courts for rnoonnblnlng and counterfeiting An attempt was made by a strong posse to capture some ot the gang about sit months ego but the marshals were defeated several ot tho deputies hnvlncc horses shot under them The next day after the raid while Thomas Cox was riding along a road he was shot dead from a piece ot woods The Mullen evidently took him for a doputy marshal About two months afterward two prospec tors were fired upon In the same neighborhood while searching for coal and had very narrow escapes Saunders and his men left Trap Hill Ral eigh county on June 10and made their way to the neighborhood ot the Mullen Illicit stills at night They remained hidden in a chosen locality for several days and on June 19 Mullen and Cooper wero ambushed and com pelled to surrender Aa the prisoners were led away handcuffed the party was fired upon but the presence of Mullen and Cooper pre vented a concerted attack and the officers succeeded in bringing them off FOUGHT THE HOCK GANG Two Policemen flack to IlacU Break Many Head In Harlem A remnant some twenty strong of the Rock Gang which flourished in the shanties at the upper end of Fourth and Madison avenues until streets were out through the ridge ot Gneiss was working the growler last night at 118th street and Madison avenue When they wero drunk they began to beat two women who were with them Policeman Hayes drove them off and ar rested Bill Brodorlck The gang returned around with stones and clubs and John Kelly 19 years od who lives at 202 East 110th street acted as spokesman He carried a jagged bit of stone weighing three rounds in his hand and ordered Hayes to release Brodorlck Haven let go > of his prisoner and knocked Belly down with his club He turned to re capture Brodorlck and was greeted with a volley of stones by the gang He sent In an alarm rap and mnnaeod to keen his assailants at bay until Policeman Kllnge arrived and at tacked them from the rear The cane Bed but rallied anew The officers fought back to back and many of the gang felt the weight of their clubs Two women hurried Into the station house In East 120th street and reported that a riot was In progress Sergeant Thompson hurried the reserve platoon out The gong raw them afar and fled They left Kelly in the hands of lunge and haves The police chased the gang to their biding places on the rocks and added a few more to the list of sore heads HAY SOT SB 1IAXOED TOMORROW Lawyer Feehnll Think He Can Hate Hal linger from the Outlaw Edward W Halllneer the burly negro ex Baptist preacher and exprize Hauler who IB to bo hanged In Jersey City tomorrow morn ing for the murder of his mistress lira Marx Peterson wns visited yesterday by Lawyer Charles J reahall who told him that bo had prepared papers which bo will present to the United States District Court In Trenton today asking for a stay and a review of Halllneers conviction and sentence on the ground that under the Constitution every man is entitled to the right of trial by jury and under the common law a man cannot waive that right when bo Is accused of n capital crime Hut lluiter pleaded cuilty und the zion > was ac cepted 11 tbe application Is refuse Lnwinr Poshall Bars he will at once give notice of appeal and that ulll necessarily act an a stay so that llnl ItnRor may not bo banged tomorrow Mr Tethnll did not convince Hallinger that be would be saved The Itov W II Taylor a colored Baptist minister from hew York spent t > > e greater part of the afternoon with the condemned man While Mr Taylor was lu the ollwlih Ul linger the Hev IVnnlraoro Smith of the AM K 1100 Methodist Church InJerseyCIt callo I accompanied by Mr Jackson ore of the trus tees Mr Taylor was not entirely pleased with their visit Ho expies cd u four that there would be a denominational rlaou which would not be beneficial to llullliiBers spiritual com HalllnKer he said was broucbt up a Baptist and be ought to be allowed to die n Baptist without Interference from ministers ot any other denomination llalllncer luuKhmind jokes with the deputy eherlllB who aiein the death watch He read the story about hit life whlcli was printed in Tin SUN Vesterdnr with a grant deal of In terest The gallows will ba erected this aiternoon MOltVED BY WOMEN OF THE STREET George Benclno and III Wife Scratebed nnd Pelted With stone George Benrlno who lives at the corner of Third street and Sixth avenue went with his wife into tho country yesterday for an outing At 10 oclock lust night he came to THE BUN office lo say that be bad bad a very hard tlmo with his nolchbots on his return from the country Ills appearance confirmed his state ment His left eye was badly swollen and lack Ills right was black anti the skin was out in a zigzag linn down his right cheek There were other gushes and bruises on ills face and tile collar neiktie unit shirt trout were stained with blood All this ho eats caine upon him because on find inc his stops full of women of the street who throne that part of Capt lirognnH precinct be objected 10 their promnco and told them to BO away A fcoio or so of them picked un stones from the street which U bulnir newly paved anti nitncktil Dunxluo anti Ills wife Mrs Bcnzino was even worse hurt than he wan After getting clear of tlio women lienzlno went to the Mercur street police station An ambulance surgeon stow him there and be sats ntlvlsod him to use hut and cold water freely and alternately on his bruises und wounds Tbo police took a dasoitinlon of some of the women who > assaulted him but gave him little hope of roilnifs Benzlno Is a barber at 1unjole i llsst Twentieth etioot Hlnnbed br SIts Shipmate John Walter Frtmann the storekeeper of the tank oil steamship OimIconne now at the wharves of the Title Water Oil Company at Constable Hook was bunt early yesterday morning Insensible lu a vacant lot nn Avenue E near East Illlecn h street Jlayonne He bad two knife wounds In Ills tack i and was very weak from the ions of blood Krtmnnn told the police thut he had quarreled about mid niche un Saturday night with John Jobnke is fireman aboard tIm veasel l while they were returning to the ship trom a carouse and that Johnko hart murderously assaulted him Patrolmen lore und Smith ui reeled Johnke In his berth He nlmot fainted with frIght Ho was taken before Ms victim who identified him and wan thou remanded for art examination thin morning Ertuinnns condi lion is I precarious ANOTHER LOST ENGLISHMAN as Annrrmt nans LAST rvasDAr WiTH 10000 rv cisn Made Ma Acqaltnee on Rhtpboiard end Wit Seen Ilrlnklnftwllh Him In Brook Ira on Thar ar Hut Sin Not nenehed liii llrothere none or Decn Found Among the twontrtbroe cabin passengers who landed from ho I steamship Tower Hill When she arrived at her dock In Brooklyn on Tuesday last was Charles Warner a young English chemist from Devonshire Ho Intended to embark In business with his brother Thomas whole engaged in the man ufacture of an antiseptic fluid at 10 East Fif teenth street under the name of T P Clayton Jb Co Thomas called on Inspector Byrne on Wednesday last and asked his as sUtanco in finding Charles who he said had not boon seen since ho loft the Tower Hill He had with him 10009 In cash which bo expected to Invest with T P Clayton k Co Thomas hai boon here ton weeks and ba made money out of his business Ho nays he fears that Charles mar have been murdered for his money by BOino one to whom bo injudi ciously Imparted that ho had It A latter had been written to Charles tolling him the ad dress his brothers place of business and his residence 322 Went enteonth street A general alarm was sontout for the missing man last night He Is 24 years old about 6 feet In height and has large blue eyes dark hair and light moustache Ho was well dressed At the chip last nIght Purser Durban said that Mr Warner bad made friend within a few clara alter leaving London with a man named 1owland llowlnnd wax tall light haired had a thin moustache and wore eye glosses He said he was n purveyor rind 24 years old but ho looked older the two were constantly touothor on the ship and It wns agreed that on nrrlral they should take IqdKlnui together No one also on the shut supposed mat either had very much money on going ashore Warner wont to the Sandersons agons for the ship nnd asked If any letter nwnlto I him He wa Burprlsoi to find none and emld his brother was to have wilttsn there tell Ing him where to KO on arrival Thou ho re turned to tho shIp to see If any letter had come there hut none had coins Later his brother came t to the ship and saM the letter was awaiting Warner at BnotliT place which Warnnr had boon notified Ho was told taut HoUirtcksoo tin eviirofsmanot 217 Atlantic avonue hud carried away Charles 4 t artier s baveatio The last seen of the mf slne man by any ot the crew was n Thursday niKlit when a nam b rofttiMii woro In Anchor Ulllyn iluco in curinan street tftruer anti Ilowland came In therotoselhor and tarner treated thou nil Warner drank very moderately while ou the ship It Is supposed that the money Warner had with him Vail on Bank of England notes A WQHAX KUOT XWICB Before She Had Time to Fall She WIMI Struck with n Flut Halt a dozen Italians were playing cards for beer In the rear yard of the boarding house 07 North Sixth street Wllllamsbiiruh yesterday i afternoon when Itaphael dl Lucca went there to fetch his wife whose sister keeps the house The card players were nmklnc a good deal of noise and Dl LUCCI asked thitn to keep quiet His who Vlncenzla followed him to the yard Tletro and Itapbaol Qrlclo objected to his dic tation and told Dl Lucca to clear out before be got hurt He did not move quickly enough to satisfy the brothers and Pietro drew a re volver and fired twice Dl Lucca wns unhurt batbothbullots struck his wife One ploughed a cut on her let band and the other bit her behind the loft ear mid lodged between the Inner cud outer plates of the ekutil Before she hud time to full llaphael Orleto hit heron ho I bead with his flat knock ing her against a nail In the wall which made an uuly gash In bar left shoulder 4 When Policeman Kennedy of Cnpt Shorts command arrived Pietro Urlftlo > vas the only one of the Italians who bad not made lila escape In a suuille with the policeman he threv his revolver over the wall and could not be found when assistance cam Dr West 01 tit Cnttiarins Hnsiiltal found the bullet but could not extract It Qrlglo wn looked up alter being identified by Mrs di Locate The police are looking for his brother DROtTXED IX bliaEISllEAD HAT A n StoottiolT Plunges from a float and is Carried Away by the Current Abram B HtootboT of GCO Do Kalb avenue Brooklyn and three companions hired n sloop yacht from Capt William Cnrdrick of Sheep bead Bay yesterday niorninc for a fishing trip The Captain accompanied them and managed the boat The sloop was anchored In Sand Bay near Barren Island and all the parly btran to fish accept StoothofT who said 7 ho was coins to have a swim The current was vary strong and Caiit Car > iriek told him it would be ilnnitvroiia to onturo iu Tha others advised against It also It wan thought Stootholl luau rononncAd till intention 1l < went Into the ca In Ten min utes ntterivnrd Iheio wits u splash antI the Captnlii aw BtootbolT beIng rnpldly bornn away with the current Lines wore hauled and the yacht cot under way nn quickly as possible Mootlmtr wise tnknn out of the water Boon aiterwurd Illolex Ills fact had l turned blue anti lie urohably had hud a fit The body wan taken to SlillwullV inorgii at Ormesend btootholl leaves u widow and child t Flicht on on Kmcumlon < < Jeroralah Crontn 70 Oliver street n liquor dealer and Mkhutl Burke n laborer of 417 Tenth avenue went on the County Cork Mens excursion up the Hudson lllvor oMerdny On the return trip at the foot ot HOtli street they got into u fight Cram struck Burke with a beer glnsn and cut his scalp open Unth went arrested when the barge readied the Ilkf streot ilea i liurkon wound was dressed by an ambulance surgeon Tried to Arrest III Mnn Htm eir 1 Henry McDonald was arrested yesterday afternoon in Central Park charged with aasaultlnzTamei OSnlllvan of lll East lllth street OSulllvan told Kerceant Mulbolland that McDonald had Btolon n suit ot clothes from him two weeks ago Meeting McDonald In thii Park ho tried to bold him until nn offi cer mull be l > summoned ant McDonald knocked him down and beat him Injured on the Elevated Stoat Christian Huth of 17 East Seventh street a guard on the elevated road was crushed be tween the bumpers of two earn which ho was connecting nt EIghth avenue anti 155th street last evening Ito WHS tevrrolr It not fatally hired I tn rornnlly anti his right arm was hndly bruised Ho was taken to the Manhattan Hospital The Weather The high presser and cool weMher covered a small area in lh like region ysterulay Tin wetttier U be roralnK slowly warmer Ii > hue oily U wae7 warmer yuleritay than on Saturday tullhe thoreau was tka lot perceptible bectuit of a rery lot humidity which avragd so percent for me day atiti rat n > a low u as per cent In the evenIng aol ttctuit thir was a steady northwest brie aviraidni urontecn ml i u hour Ill lifil orflclil UlninrAture 7ti lowtit 57 The weather rimtlntd clear veryshre ezotpt for lIght rain In Main mu Mlniition and t tw scat tired t chosen In the Boalljera Statis The thtrmomtttr at Terrys pharmacy In Tn Ben bulgingr cord il lit > ttmptraiure yesterday aifellewas u 151 > 0 Itttllt > 1 ISlil 18UI SA MU Ut > saorMb3 tim oi U l itt 01 a i u MI HI OA M 74 us Bf VI 0 7V U M PJ Ii > us 71 ATirue i Aeuag on June 28 left 74 J stases nrn04 rohicisT TILLS rM MONDAY iror Maine New lltrapihlr and vermont tight show irs stationary leini > rator > i northerly while For the DistrIct ot Columbia Muiachuietli Rhode Illand Connecticut autern ttno Ill raifrn > r nnivt eanla Now utica Dcltuarc and liirylant fuiu tcanur varlaM wfntfi fAowfrf ruuday For West Virginia western renniylvanla weetern New Yrk anil Ohio showers warmeri eoutherly winds Latest Marine Iatelllieee ArriveS starashlpe Ethiopia from Ousow Chess iirom Jickionilllf He tUclor in in WtImiujiou h U and HlcUmou tram 00 tit tidal