. , " ' " " THE SUN, TUESDAY, JANUARY' ID, 1892. JT ' THE TOY-SECOND CONGRESS toTiirxo nn: matteii irira in vixitnisa is tuk hex ate mxa. trjif, Veil nd I.aAliriB Claim A(U flfr C'nnsir-'l't lions Want to Know lntv )i Money Appropriate for tn Wortil'M Fnlr Has limn Kxpcndcsl. 7 Wasiii-WTOS. Jan. 18. Sonator 8hernian. yiio lia boon nbsnnt durlntr tlio rooont can- VnaaforSonntorln Ohio, returned to his aerit at tho oponlnit of tho Sonato to-day and re ceived tho eoimr.itulntlons o his associates on his wClcctlon. ArcliltcotClnrl:of tlio Capitol, In rosponso totlioroHolutlonof th Bonate roappctlnsr nl leccd dufocllvo ventilation nnd plumbing dan gerous to health In tho Senate wing of tho bullJInc. reported that ho conslderod tho Son ato clumber and corridors woll ventilated, and nlo all thn commltteo room, ortelnallr constructod for that purpose Thore wero fomuapirtmentitforiHorlr used as store rooms, now uffd .11 conitnltteo rooitiB. which wero only vont Hated hr nlr forcod In by fans and thronuli thn open doors. Tho plumblns, In his opinion, mis In eooil condition, ozoopt In the enno of ono wnslntnnd, now botne put In good -order. IIo was aware of no defect in sewer ko or plumblns which mlsht bo dancorous to health. Mr. Ilalo llli'p. Me.) offered a resolution dlrectlncthoSocrctiiryof Statotosond to tho Bonnto, .14 oarly as practicable, oodIos of all agreements mado with other countries rolat Ins to Intnrnhanco of enmmorco under Sootlon S of tho MeKinloy bill, and all Information ro cilrrd aito tho practical offect of such ncroo niont. Mr. llalinsl;od thnttho rtwntutlon llo on tho tnhli), and K.iid that he should call It up at nm futurodny. .... ... Th icculnr order was thon takon up. which vrns tho lilll reported by Mr. Dolph I Ren., Ore.). from tlio Commltteo on Forolirn Rotations, to enlaruo and umond tho act of 1873 for tho dis tribution of tho award paid by Mexico to tho United Htatfi ntidor tlio mixed Amprlcan and SoAlenn Claims Commission of lekitt. Mr. Uolpli explnlnod that the objeetof fe bill van to Instruct tho Attornoy-Oenoral to brine tult before tho Court ol Claims to ded ipltoly doteruiino whother the award made to tho li Abra Company was secured by fraud .ml fatea testimony. Tho original amount of the award made to tho Well and o, Abra claimant w.v S072.00O in American cold. -tiayaMo in yearly lnctallmenta. Pnyments Cad boen made to tlio amount of &14U.000 wrhen tho Hocrotary of Stato (Mr. E vottsj, ou proof of fraud In tho presentation of the claim laid beforo him hy the republic of Mex ico, ordered tho ntixponalonot tho payment of the remaining ellit Installments, and asked Coneress to logislato on the subject. Mr. Vest IDeru. Mo.) addressed the Senate ; In opiOKltlon to the view that Congress had tho i Icht to invndo tho domain of the political department of tho Government by conferring ihMiary powors upon a municipal court to re try this whole oaBe after tho fenate. by a con stitutional majority, had docldod that thoro was no remedy needod. At 4. F. AI. the Sonuto wont into exesutiTe ses sion and at 4:10 adjourned until to-morrow. Home orKeprencntattrrss. Tho seventh week of the session began to day with no rules for the guidance of the 'House and Its presiding officer still within the grasp of tho grin. Speaker pro tern. McMllUn theref oro called the Bouse to order at noon. Mr. Rellly (Bern.. Pa.) Introduced tho follow ing, which was adopted: KrfJird. It t the secretary of the Treasury be end be la hereby requested to Inform tba Houa of Represent, fares whet amount of money hat been appropriated to and U available sailer the act ot April 25, 18WX relat ing to the World' Columbian Exposition at Chicago; a to what amount of the money appropriated bae teen expended, with an iteintaed statement showing to uom paid, tor what purpose, aijsl upon what account Mr. Bprtngor asked unanimous consent to Jiavn the momorlal of the National League tor the Protection of American Institutions, In cluding a proposed amendment to the Oonstl iutlon. printed In tho Uncord, but Mr. Itntler of owa objected and it was referred. The pro posed amendment is as follows: No state shall pan any law respecting the establish ment or any religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or use lie property or credit or any money filnfd by taxation, or authorize either to be used, for the iiurpuie or fmmrtinr. maintaining, oraldinjr by ap prr.prlatlun pnruieDt for icmcti, expenses, or otber . riw any church, rvllaluns denomination, or reUnona 3lty. or any institution, eoctety. or undertaking hlch le wholly or in part under sectarian or eccleaiaa tical control. The roll of States wn then called, and the following MIU iVc v.'ere Introduced for refor (nco: Br Mr. Mr,re ot Meiaachnsetti Prohibiting tha sal f liquor In the Dlttrl .: of t'olumbia. tlyMr. Anliexi ot lucfischtnetts AuthorlrJnt tha oarinc i.r the bi'Iee adopted for the army of the tuned MhitAonall nccaxlons ot ceremony. l'y Mr. Wlulaias of North CaruUna for tha free coin aire 1 1 silver. liytlr. Henderson of North Carolina Die bill or last CiiucTct. to provide for the apportionment of appalnt inntBtothe citll service amouif tha Congresa districts on the bam ot populAtlon. Hy Mr. Ixjckm oodof .Now Vorx To pat csllelold on tha free ll't. By .Mr. Harterof Ohio lo lnereaaa tha rereane and pro ih for a.1dltlons4 rolume of the enrreney. t!y .Mr. Kochunsn of New jersey To prortde fox nr yv.t nilup canal from the fialaware BItct to the AHbiiIIc cciitor turitan Bay. Mr. Taylor of Ohio I'ropoklns; an amendment to tha Constitution nslnir April no Instead of Marob4as tha dale for the beglnulUK of the terms of President, Vlca rreildf nt, and inenihers ot the Conrress. By lr. Utter of Oeorne-Appropristlni (3,160.000 for Improvement of the hat annah limrbor. .By Sir. Mmpson of Kansas To repeal section 14of the eel .of tehruary, llrto, which made the gold dollar the unit of value. The IIpuso then took up the bill regulating the whole aubjoct of Government printing. In troduepd by Mr. Hiclmrdson ot Tennessee. After tho bill liad boon road Mr. ltlchardson explained Its provisions. The,ehlet feature is tlio establishment of a dlatrlbuting bureau, tinder a superintendent, through which all """ernmont publications shall be sent out 'ihoelToct of tho bill will be to considerably feilucq the unnual cost of printing. The bill was laid over, and the Hons then ajourned until to-morrow. LIFE WAsnzxaxox TOPICS. Things or Inten-Kt Ifuppenlaa: la aua Oat sr tlia Hull or Congress, WnunxaTos, Jan. la-Mr. Vincent A. Tar loroIQhlolntfo3ucodin the Houso to-day a bill providing for the designation of banks to act as doposltarios ot money of the United Etates. Itprovldos that in each city where, in the judgment of the Seoretary of the Treasury, the public buslnoss demands a depositary ot the funds of tho United Btates. he shall cause to be published once week for the period ot fonr weeks, in two newspapers of general cir culation In each of such cities, a notioe asking sealed proposals from banks and bankers to jctasfuch depositary for three years. The furmof sucn proposals shall oontain an ngreo rienttopnyinto the Treasury of the United Mates a specified rate of interest on the dally ful.incos of the funds so deposited, and the 1 Secretary nlmll designate as the depositary ot Ik public funds in eaoh city the bank offering the highest rate of interest, provided the bank o di'signatd Bhall. within two weeks from too date f tho notioe thereof, give satisfactory curty for the performance of its duties as J"11 depoBitary, and shall conform to suoh jeeulatlons as the Seoretary of the Treasury Jif ill"ie,;r Vi9- 'ril?i.?eor?tar"r JP' reauire i tho depositary addlUnnaiseourity.and upon iisrefusal or failure to give the same, he may wove i the depositary and designate another !i1t.0!ld "5 par reserve the rightto ,re Ifa'lt'ldH.andlnthe event ot such rejep pn. he bhall again advertise for proposals fn ta manner hereinbofore provided, fle ball fr7'ava V1B Poworto withdraw the deposits """"''depositary whenever the publio ln- lS mm T." not "bserved by its continuance i n snttl city, I ' .n.,BPeUngofhlsbili.Mr.Taylorsald: haiinn Vla t"Vtt fly.e-Jr?arB. theGovernmenthsji SSiP" leposlt with banks designated as de lj;iuJ?Jl0SU.m ivaJ?ln"' 'or tout period bin'wW M.u.ol,OItnW? money remains in "kJr " lont time. , This means that in tho tin ..VLyoarH. crtln favored banks have Wcn presented by tho Government with the -,' on the a-'f t sum of over $30,000,000. l!.,iwi,1oopertfo,lt:,aT.e'"-' almost one mil-'nr,Ki1!;,,nr7oar- '"I6 B member of tho r.owfV,t?atoI.8eci":oa tb.9 enactment of that twrnmusl;i'0,sltarrlaw,for the city of lafwH nd .which unearthed the Axworthy do ClMii1,0?!0' mnrw tlian aBOO.OOa Tho banks of eomu Wdwuroatilrhtliostlle to the law. and m,ii, V toeptiior. refused to b d. but on the StlSM B,ivertlBin tlioEucIid Avenue Natlon a bid uf vi H uwor "id secured tliomoney on ieo . i,1dPor ont. Tnat was throe years term Sr,L"ien nt tn8 xPlratlon of the hreulTeuL" Wuro aBk.8d. 'V h8 coming rSf at?vttifftitb,e,ro Wft8 no lftck o' bids, and the M n2Ul,eJu'Bt.mPnelr was awarded was iS.fjfWt' If tho money of the city of ougfiKUV" 4-'i R8-cnt.. euretythe?! ro on if-? ?, AJmoultsr l? KjBttinar nearly that V oe0rnnT.enm,imor.B 5teadr deposit otths bocUor?tlJMn(lB APdno ijood reason can I fotecnft JV'A'a"611 ?un of moneyliereto- I Cfd,'n,oBtgottVthlfofet?' ' I ?.!'? Supfo0 curt of the United States to- I ?i B f.as Involving the construoUon of the I in.rr.Bri,,on ,teWcon Uw. passed by the I immieratloCn,!iSecIdSd u,i Wl of the M tnltrLni .. t Ml,,1v,?cto.r aa to whother anim- uiarant canjevirtiin tho prohiLltory clauso of AiLeainHL tho Jaw was binding and rovlewablo only by tho Treasury DepartmenK and not by the courts. .The controversy arose over a decision of the OommlsHloner of Immigration at Ban I ranclsco in refusing to allow Nlshlmura Eklu and five other Japanese women to land at that port, his ground for so doing being that they were Ikoly to becomo publlg charaos and had been Imported for Immoral purposes. Nlshl WVJ1 A"i'4 8UJ?jl 0,,t ft 'Writ of error to tho United States Circuit Court for the Northern district pt California, but tho writ was dis missed for waut of Jurisdiction. Then tho caso came to tho United Btntoa Huprome Court on appeal. In its decision to-tlny tho court fays that it rofusod to consider nil but one con tention made, that In regard to Uio right of re view, and in omrmlng tho decision It holds that tho Commlaslonor of Immigration's ao Hon Is rovlewablo only by tlio Treasury De partment Undor the ruling tho women will be returned to Japan. .Justice Urny rendored tho decision. Justico llrovor dissunted. Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Ellrabcth Cody Stanton. Miss Luoy Stono. nnd Miss llowell Hooker appeared boforo tho Houso Committee on Judiciary to-day In support of tho joint resolution introduced by Mr. Oreonleaf of ftqwlork proposing an amendment to tho Constitution extending to women tho right to votiint all Fodoral elections. Each lady ad dressed thn committee, advocating the paasago of the resolution. Tho resolution submits to tho Legislatures ot tho soveral States tho pro posed amendment to the Constitution. Tho Supromo Court ot tho United States to day. In rendoring an opinion in tho cano of A. C. Petri vs. tho Commercial National Dank ot Chicago, an appeal from the Circuit Court for the Northern District of Texas, decided that it national bank was entitled to tho mimo rlghtn us a citizen In entering suit against a person In tlio judicial district nl tho Htnto wheru tlio er pon suod rosldos. Chief Justico l'ullor ren dered tho decision. IToproRontatlva Mills roturned toWnshlngton from Toxas on Saturday night. Ho camo back in good spirits, nnd will tako nn active part in the business ot CongruFS. Yesterday ultornoon Mr. JH1U wno In conforence for soveral hours with Mr. Morrison of the Inter state Commerce CominlsBion, Mr. Watterson. editor of tho LouUvllie C'jiirirr-Jburna), and tienator Carlisle It Is said that Mr. Morrison is .in the hands ot his friends as a candidate for tho Onmocratlo nomination for tho J?resl doner, nnd one ot them asserts that ho oould obtain n majority of tho UMnoIs delegation desplto tha rainier boom. Mr. Kills reached tlio Capitol shortly hoforo It o'clock, and re ceived Quito an ovation from members, both Democratlo and ltepubllcan. He at onco en tered Into conforenco with Mr. McMillan, who wan on the floor ot tho Houso. Mr. Oates ot Alabama being in the chair. PASXOB BABXET ASKED TO JtESlOX. Session Think lie Did Not Give the Elgk. leenth Wmrd Jloetrlne Eaaagh. The Iter. Lewis C Barney, pastor of Orace Presbyterian Chapel, 340 East Twenty-second street, and the session of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, to which tha chapel is attached, have disagreed, and Mr. Uarnoy preaches his last sormon in the chapel on Jan. 31, The Elders and deacons ot the loto Dr. Crosby's church concluded that Mr. Barney did not preach doctrino enough, and they askod him to resign his choree, Mr. Barney is a handsome young man. not yet 30, and a graduate of the class ot 1888 at Union Theological Seminary. He came to Uroca Chapel a little over a year ago from a charge la Whitestone. WiThe Elders of the Fourth Avenuo Church began to hear rumors as early hb last Septem ber about the laxity of the doctrines which Mr. Barney proachad. He was called before a committee of the Elders who questioned h I in. According to Mr. Barney's own statement last ntght. fault was found with tho young minis ter because in preaching tha scheme of salva tion he did not lay Bulucient stress upon the death of Christ, and made too much ot the life of Christ. He did not preach, it seeme. thn advanced views held by Presbyterian minis ters of tho liberal school, but rather failed to preach enough doctrine. " My relations with the Elders of tho church. are most cordial," said Mr. Barney last nl ght "and wo disagree Bimplyupon a question ot doctrine. My cnncrogatlon at tho clmpel wero perfectly satlsfleu with what I preached to them. It was a practical Christianity that I taught, and it muy have been lacking in doc trine. But the people of the neighborhood where I was laboring want practical Chris tianity and not doctrinal, to my way of think ing. I have had some ot tho members of my congregation at my home, and they have danced there. Perhaps half a dozon have taken exception to this form of amusement, but their opposition has novnr resulted in nnythingtanglble. The Elders nt the Fourth Avenue Church and myself will part on the kindest terms. ' A contingency may arise which will mnke it necessary tor me to appeal to tho Now York Presbytery, but at present I have not decided to do this. Itthe action of the session of tho Fourth Avenue Church has cast such a cloud over mo that I cannot obtain another charge in the Presbyterian Church. I may appeal di rectly to Presbytery to pass upon my ortho doxy." Mr, Barney has been studying philosophy at tha New York University recently. lie is a friend pt Dr. Brlggs. although not in accord with him in all Ills views. WRECKED Ur A BROKEN HW1TCB. r4a On Killed. Thoack the Train "Was Solnit Jr'lfty Miles an User. BfU.cs It rvxn F-ixs. Wis., Jon. la A bad ac cident occurred at Bheppard's on the Omaha road, five miles south of this city, to tho Bt Paul express from Chicago, known as No. 3, this morning at 0:10 o'clook. A broken switch threw the passengor. sleeper, and dining car from the track, the elcepor being thrown on its side in the ditch. Nine passengers were in this car and were taken out through the broken windows, and with the exception ot three or tour miraculously escapod serious In juries. Tho train was nearly an hour behind time, and was running at tho rate of fifty miles an hour when the accident occurrod. The track was torn up for a distance of twenty rods, and the rails snappod like pipe stems. Fire did not break out in the sleepers until tho passengers got out. else all must have been burned with tho car. Tho wrecker Is at work, and the track will bo clenrod up by to-night and trains running on time. The Injured are Brakeman 'William i Rchulta ot St. Paul, ribs brsiien and other injuries; A. H, Willis of Boston, out on head and back hurt; a. W. Mttlo. Jr., of Chicago, leg cut and badly bruised sHnnry Bell, Philadelphia, hurt internally: E.F. Fowler, Chicago, legs hurt: A. T. Hunk Chlnago. head out: G. tttewart Wallace. London, England, considerably bruised about head; O. Q. Showor, Chicago, head and shoulders badly bruised ; F. Checker ing of this city, bruised and out. JL Jrree Spectacular Show In Vontsas, LxwiSTOir, Mont, Jan. 18. A wonderful mirage was distinctly visible near this city yosterday afternoon. The mtrago has caused considerable alarm, however, because it is feared the Indians may have started on the warpath and encountered a party of hunters. Through tho vistas, during tha afternoon, tho huntors and the rod men could be seen re peatedly to charge and retreat Tho Indians were apparently well supplied with ammuni tion, and by suporior numbers they Anally suc ceeded In capturing a party of a dozen hunt ers. Those who witnessed thn woudeiful scenio effect produced by the mirage, assert that they could distinctly see tlio savuges build piles of fagots and burn their captives at the take. Mid-winter mirages in the clear, crisp atmosphere of the Ilockles are rare, and pho- Somena of this oharaotar are usually repro uotions of real events or real'soctlnnn of the country, do far as could be ascertained last night the Indians on the reservations are peaceable. Abducted at JLItlls Olrl. Diuttok, Ont, Jan. 18. A great sensation was oreated here by the abduction on Satur day night of Jane Smith, a girl of 11, tho adopted daughter of Louis Newton, Two men who are supposed to be John A, Gardner, agent for tho Bell Organ Company, Toronto, and an eraployoo of that Srm, arrived hero on Saturday night, and whilo one man stopped at tho ltoyal Hotel nnd engaged a horse and cut tor, the othor proceeded to tho residence of Mr, Newton, where 'he saw the little girl nnd by some means got hor to accompany him to the sidewalk, where the cutter was in readi ness. She was placed in the cutter, and they all drove away in thn direction ot (hielph, where, it Is supposed, they took tho midnight train for Toronto. A. Coasting Tragedy, Cadiz, 0., Jan. 18. r- A terrible collision oc curred between two bobsleds loaded with ooasters late on Saturday night In whloh sev eral young people were badly hurt The acci dent was caused by the pilot on one of the sleds falling to turn, and ft collided with one going on a down couree. Tho injured are:. Hiss Itamsey and Miss Maud Bamsey, legs broken and severe cuts on head: Harry Perry, log broken in two ploceas .Walter Poltz. anklo severely bruised and sprained: Misses Lempe find Alice Carnahan, cut and bruised about the teal and otherwise hurt; Mrs. McCoy, foot badly hurt Others on the slud were moro or less hurt ' psnnJSfflVySJJBJBBBBBBBJHHIHHHBHI DO WD BOUflD FOR" AUBURN. the azAansn azkeait indicted AXD BVZlEDlir TO BIS TRIED. lie nnd tils Brother, the Sctlglsne Crank, Kxrbnnge Compliments In thn Tombs Court, Kack Alter alls Kind-Is this tkej Sotvd who Slashed Flynu la Jnly, l.t Henry 0. Dowel, the Jack tho Slashor cap tured by tho pollco early on Sunday morning, nmomont r.ftor ho had struck down William Mullor, supposedly his seventh victim, will probably, beforo the week is out, be in nn asylum from which ho cannot escape through a transom, no 'was tndlctod yesterday tor as sault In tho first degree. District Attorney Nleoll says ho will bo tried at the oarllost pos slblo moment, and that he will start for the Stato Asylum for Insane Criminals as soon as his trial is finished. That will bo tha oourso hercaitor of overy crank takon in crime by tho police, whothor or not he is declared harmless by tho doctors, Tho Slashor passed a steopless night at tho Oak stroot station. He had a cell next to the ono occupied by h3 brother, John Jamos, tho rollglouH crank. John James wanted to pruy, and tho Slasher Invited him to go to shool. Cnpt MaLaughlln visited Oak street early, and lie and Capt O'Connor congratulated each othor. They callod in Policeman Mastorson, who captured Dowd; Policeman McCroroy. who helped, and Pollaeman Lang. Then they sent for tho Slashor and his bgothor. Dowd looked rocky, Thoro was a patch of dried blood on tlio sldo of Ills head, where Pollco man Carter's night stick had landed. Tho wouud had not boen dressed. His left oyo was black, whero Policeman Masterson's fist had struck, nnd his lip was cut where it had come in contact with McCrurey's fist. Capt. O'Connor handcuffed the Slasher to Mosterson. Thon he font two moro pollco men out to clear the stroot of tho crowd that had gathered, anxious to get a look at tho man. Whon this was dono tlio two Captains linked arms and marchod out of the station. Tho Slasher and Masterson wero at their heols. and McCrorey and Lang with night blloks wero tlio rear guard. . . The crowd had lined up along, the curbs ot the 'BtreotB loading toward the Tombs. They made remarks about Dowd. Homo one ad vised a lynching party. McCroroy reached for tha Borne one. but missed him. Oudgo Duffy was waiting at the Tombs, and tho patty went Into- his private olllce. John Jamos camo along In a fow minutes with an other pollcoruan. He had to sit, among tho Monday morning drunks in tho court room. Masterson was unshackled from tho Slashor, and went to tho Olork'sdeikttnd sworotoan anidavitacouslugthenianotussault with in tent to kill Muller. Tho Slaahor was brought out in open court with Masterson and McCrorey gripping htm on either side. Ho hold down his liead. Tlio examination was merely formal. Dowd was nsked what ho had to say. Dowd said lie was 3S years old. He looked every day of 60. Ho bald he was born in Liverpool, and his parents Wero Irish. " I cut tlio mnn in self-defence." ho said. " I was walking along James street minding my own bUBinexs. when this follow I killed came along and bunked mo oft the sidewalk nnd assaulted mc I had to cut hlmtotavo my ltfo." "How did It happen that you had a razor with you V asked Justice Dully. . " Why. I shaved myself Saturday night just beforo I left my room, and I don't know I jubt happoucd to drop It in my pocket I guess. 1 don't curry one usually," said Dowd. locking up. "Do you know that you are accused of slashing all theso other persons?" asked the Justice. "Yes." answered tho Slashor. "I know it but it ain't right I only cut ouo man. That Was the follow who assaulted me Saturday night I never out anybody else. I wouldn't hurt anybody not oven a fly." Tiie SlaBher so far appeared rational. He got a little oxctted when the Justine usked him what his business wn. Ho finally answered that his father had been n civil enginoer and that he had assisted his father. "I shall remand you without ball until Wed nesday morning at 9 o'clock." said tho Justice. Dowd walked down to the pen still held by the two policemen. John James was called noxt He hadn't taken any interest in the Slasher's examination. His eyes had been closed, and he had evidently been praying. In answer to the Justice's questions lie salu that the Slasher had been oonUnwl In the Flatbush usylum and another asylum, and had escaped from both. He had also Deen sent to Stato prleon for Ave years. " la it true," asked the Justico, that you nro a religious crank- or. rather, a orank on religion 7" " Yes, sir. ItK" said John Jtmes, " and I nm proud ot my attachment to religion, and I don't Know but what it would bo better for my brothor if he bad nn attnehment like that too." The Justico committed him to Dollovue Hos- Sltal to bo examined as to his sanity, and the lashor muttered "damn fool" us Uewuu led The Slasher was taken down stairs and lockod up. Masterson then visited the Dis trict Attorney's office. Inspector' Byrnes hud boen there before him. and arrangements had been made for rullroading 'Dowd'tu tha asy lum. Mabterson was fiont-itiAftaletant Dis trict Attorney Lindsay's room, .lie repeated his affidavit and tho cuso wept to tho Grand Jury at ouce. At 1 o'clock the jury presented the indictment against DoWd. District Attorney Nleoll said that the indict ment would answer all purposes, und would rid the community ot Dowd tor good. "He might huve been Indicted for the mur der ot Lawyor Carson" said the District Attor ney. "I am morally certain that he Is guilty ot it nnd so is Inspector Byrnes, but It is very doubtful if wo could get any evidence to prove it. Evon if convicted of killing Carson, ho could not be punished except by Imprison ment in an usylum. Thore will be a regular trial on tho indictment tor assault tho jury must find that tho man is insane, und lie will go to Auburn." The Mlasher wiIL.be arraigned to plead this morning. . , , , Inspector Byrnos received yesterday a letter from Danlol Flynn of 4UU Second avenue, who says that live years ago his son John Flynn was slashed in the neck by u man named Dowd. and tliut Dowd was arrested and convictod and sent to tho Island for two years, lie thinks this is tho same Dowd. John Flynn told a reporter yosterday that he recognized Dowd as his assailant by the picture printed in Tug Sun. Tho aasaulr. he said, took place on the evening ot July 8, 1887. 'He wa3 out for a btroll, and ut the Sixteenth Btreot entranco of StuyvesantParkamun ran from behind a troo and struck him across the neck with a sharp weapon. He captured the roan. Dowd, on that occasion. gae his busi ness as peddlor, lAd suid he lived at B8 Henry street Samuel N. IToyt, the banker, who married a Bister of Dowd'a mother, said yesterday: " Dowd's mother wbb a eistor of my wife. Both are dead now. The man was always a ne'er-do-well and good for nothing fellow, and ho didn't get any, sympathy from me. 1 did not pay his rent ihrougn White. I nevor ruyo htm a penny for uny cause whutovor. He has, always been a shiftlesp fellow,' as hay. and I, linvo not scon him fortw&ycnra. I believe ho was Ingaua the lust, timol saw liirn, and inniy opinion he should never have been allowed to bo at liberty. Mywifols dead, and -my nno rlatlou with her family ud her relatives was dropped at her ilojtih. .DowdM etety of his mothor huvlng been askaultjd by a German Is. I think, a pure invention. I never heard ot such n thing." , ..,.,... Coroner Shea, who Is to hold the inquest In the Carson oaso Is much interested in the report printed In The Sun yosterday that Dowdliad trouble with a lawyor in Daltlmoio throe years ngo, und ho will try and find if Carson wan the lawyer. Cart-on took to drink and dissipation, much as Dowd did, and at about the same In capturing Dowd Inspector Byrnes fol lowed the plan he followed when, In 1882, ho caught Col. Howard Wells, who tried to black mail Jay Gould. Wells wrote letters and post ed them nil In station E district There area hundred letter boxes in that district Byrnes had a man nnd a letter carrier to watch eaoh box. An advertisement calculated to draw u letter from Wells was printed in a morning paper. The same day every time a letter was dropped in a utatlnn E box u carrier opened the box and looked ut the address. About 3 o'clock in tho afternoon Wells posted 'a letter in an Eighth avenue box to the address given In the personal, and he was immediately ar rested. , There Is already talk about Headquarters ot promotion for Polleoinan William li. Master son, who capturod Dowd. Explosion erJVnturnl Gas. Laucastkk, 0 Jan. 18. At 0:30 this morn ing occurred the most disastrous explosion of natural gas in the history of natural gas here. The residence ot Judge John S. Bror.ee, a two Btory brick on North Columbus stroot was levelled to the ground. Mrs. Brazee. tour frown children, and a servant were in bed at he time. Judge Brazee being the only ocou fiant stirring. He was blown sixty teet aoross he street where be was found unoonicloui and bleeding from severe wounds about the hea It seems almost a miracle that none ot the sleoplng occupants of the house were seri ously injured. The walls fell outward, and this probably saved their lives, Windows were broken for Bsvoral squares around, and tho organ in an adjoining church was ruined. The shock was felt for miles. , A leak no pipe, it is supposed, filled the cellar and library with gas, which was ignited from the grate. Fontbwesterallinltea.rla New York Central. Fastest and Wst train far UlnclnuatV luJlaujoils,-nuJU' Ixiula No extra tare.-uf. CeveianclsS Is Absolutely the Best, Because It never fails to make light, wholesome food. Brattltboro Household. THEIR TEST OF SASCTUUCATIOX. Proposed by Young Women, It Frightens Mr, Pnnln Atrny from Iletkanr Home. PiTTsnunoa, Jan. 18. Tho curious stato of affairs at tho Bethany Faith Cure llonio.'shown rocently by tho oxposure ot tho Rev. John Mor row's promiscuous kissing propensities Is by no means ended. Last night tho Bev, Ivan Panln. who has boon holding tho meetings at thn Bothany Homo, loft for his homo in Grafton, Mass. Tho condition of affairs brought about by tho liov. John Morrow's teachings, ho said, had not boon exposed fully. Ho declared that one day ho was visited by two female members of the Blblo class. They argued that he, did not preach nor practice- tho highest order ot sane tlflcntlon. They wont with him to a room and lockod tha door. Then ho nsked what thoy meant Ono ot tho women snld that they meanttho complete control of all unholy im pulses. Doing questioned they proposed a startling tost, and wont ou to doscrlbo to Mr. Panln what they had undorgono to determine tho degree ot holiness to which thoy had at tained. Theso Mr. Panln denounced bb Im moral. Mr. Pnnln eald ho bnd tried to getMIss Moor head, tho foundor of tlio homo, to have tha teaching of such doctrlnos as thoso suggested by tlio two womon stopped, but tho refused, and ho loft With him wont Miss Mary Lcggo. Miss Oilfiller, and Mrs. Farmaleo, who agroed with him. Miss Mary Jloorhead, the founder nnd manager ot the home, speaking through nn authorlzod proxy, said that Mr. Panln was dUtharged for several reasons. He waa vindictive, nnd attempted to exorcise more au thority than his poMtlon warranted. Ho In sisted on taking three or four ot the women into his bedroom, looking tho door, and pray ing with thom. Mr. Panln had told tho ennio story to thorn About sisters named Colo, llvlmr nt 14 Linton street Thoy wero not Inmates ot tho home-ami never hadbeon. They morely belonged to tho Itov. Mr. Morrow s Bible clans. There had been no scandal whatever In con nection with any' of tho inmates of the homo. The liov. W. H. Walker ot Bridgeport. Conu., lias beon secured to conduct services for a time. A reporter called at the home ot tho Misses Colo. 14 Llntoa stroot Four sisters live thore. but two of thom wore out of tho city. A girl enmo to the door, and tho reporter repeated to her the liov. Mr. Puntn's statement Sho de clared that. Bbo was not tha one who hud tho conversation with Mr. Panln. but admitted that Bitch u conversation had occurrod. "I don't care to Bay anything." explained the young woman. " but Mr. Panln doesn't look at It in tho right light What is pure In Ood's sight is not pure in the sight of man, who is full of sin." Ninth Regiment Review. Tho Ninth Regiment fS0 strong, tendered a review last night to CoL Kavanngh of the Sixty-ninth. Tho occasion was tho annuaj presentation of marksmen's badgos by the Commissioner of State Accounts, CoL Barker. Cot William Soward was In command. The regiment madoaflno showing. Sharpshooters' badges for a score of 47 out of DO wero pre sented to Capt Joseph A. MacConnell. Capt William M. Truman. Capt Horbert Taylor, and Private J. H. McGinn. Badges for sixteen years' qualification as marksmen wero pre sented to Private W. D. Ward and Capt Charles A. Kohlberger. Lastnltht marked the com pletion ot Mujor Georgo Hill's thirtieth year In the servloe. and the regiment presented him with a gold watch. On the Sick I.lst, Sir Edwin Arnold continues to Improve steadily from his attack of tlio grip, but is con fined to ids room at tho Everett House. He has been able to throw off in a measure '.he more serious after effects ot the disease. His Tuesday morning lecture has been postponed by the advice of his physician. Tho Kev. Dr. John Hall, who has been con fined to his bed for several days with a bad cold and neuralgia, was able to sit up for a part of the day yesterday. Ills physicians think he will be out In a few days, lie will not preach on Wednesday evening. Thn little Ifonntain afutii Mania. il Miss Carrie Perkins, who used to Impress orowds nightly as the Utile Movntain Ualil In "Adonis," was man led yesterday aftornoon to T. Wallneo Black, tho Jobton Doddle of tho "Natural Gas " company. Tho ceremony wal' performed by tho ltev. Mr. Francis at the housa. ot Miss Perkins's mothor. 101 Webt Ninety, third street. Tho groom appeared at the Grand Opera nouse lust night just as if noth ing had happened. JL Collision at Dane, Tho British tramp steamship Jessie, while leaving Havro this morning, collided with the French steamship La Touralno. which has been laid up slnco Nov. 10. when she com pleted her last trip from New Vork. She was slightly damaged. The Jessie escaped in jury. La Touralno will rosumo her trips be tween Havre und New Vork in March. Only Two Heaths Ascribes! to Grin. Only eighty-six deaths were reported to the Health Department yosterday. Two wore as scribed to grip and its complications. MABIKE IXTELZiaEXCB. Kunarcaa auuiuo-rais nar. Bon rises.... 7 SIJ Sunsets.... G 01 1 Moca rises, 0 38 , y.a waa rata bit. EanayUoak.il 03 1 Uor.IiUnJ.il 17 Heuaate,. 1 06 ArrlvseV-UosDir. Jan. IS. Ft Oallla, Ferrnson. Liverpool, be El Paso, (juick. New Urlrana. as Kltler. Jteineeke. Southampton. He Buam, Hruinama, Boloyne. Hi Hcots Ureys, Johnson. Htraneea, Bs Halantlae. Jlrace, l,lcata. He altred Duiaols, Ohriati. Qlbara. he yraneiscn. Jenkins, Hull. Hblii llelle or Batb, Curtis. Havre. ' Bark Competitor, ttotenbantn, Uothenuurf. (For later arrivals see first reee.l aaairin out. Is OMam. from Xetr Yora. at Rotterdam. hi P.uyiitanil, from New Vork, off the Liaard. Us Inlrlatlva, trom .New Vurk. at lilbrallar. Ba State ot California, from .New York, at (llaiffow, fee NerierlAiid, from New York, at Antwerp. Bs Pennsylvania, frptn New York, at Antwerp. . Bs Boitima, trout how York, oa Brow Head. aiiUD raox roasica roan. Is Prorreso, from Rio Janeiro for New York. Bs Alltanea, from Barbados for New York. I Bs Caracas, from Curacoa for New York. Bs Clement, from fare for New York. Bs Wisconsin, rroni Queenetown for New York. Bs Aller, from Bomhamplon for New York, Bs Saratoga, from Havana for New York, Bs Santiago, f teut Bt. Jago de Cuba for hew York. steonta nainasiri. Salt iWiJy. t Basle. Bremen. CaOA-M. v.0OA.k.' ug Tu-morreie. j AWena, Oonatvei 11:00 A M. 1O0P. at. Conobo. Colon 10.00 A. M. Ja.OflM. CluQin Condal. Havana ... .10:0(1 A. M. 12:00 M. Cltyof Berlin, Uvrruool.... U.OOA.ll. b:UUA. V. Iroquois. Charleston U.OOI'.M. H Uriel. Barbados U.OOI'.M. Nucoochee, Savannah MOOf. M.. Niagara. Havana..., lriHir. 1. soul. M. Tcutimlc, Liverpool 7.U0A. M. 10 BOA. M. lacbaixo nullum. Alliance Rt-Tbouios Jan. 11 Yuiatati Havana Jan, 14 larlbsl 1'ort Llrnon Jan. v llesperia. Ulbraltar. Jan. a fcaanueiu Itotierdam Jan. e Kbaetla Hamburg. Jan. 7 State of Nebraska. iliasitow , Jan. a Wyoming Liverpool. Jan. V Vm HWiirxfuy. Jan. SO. Saratoga Havana , Jan. II i'rlesland .Autwero Jan. a level Bremen Jan, 12 lUsllllppl...... London Jan. 0 But Jkmtiav, Jan. HI. Colon..,,,, , Colon , Jan. is Caaee ,,, London , Jan. 6 luuUire Ulbraltar -. Jan. 7 4M rriiav, Jan. it. Britannia.,,,, Liverpool Jan. la Pania,..,, Havre..,.,,,,,, J an. la bantlaia,,,, Nassau Jan. la folarla. Stettin Jan. fi Dm Saturday, Jaw. S3. Elrnrla , Liverpool..., Jan. 17 Cachetntre ,,,.. .Rio Janeiro.,,,,,,, Jan. fi Amsterdam ,,,,, .Rotterdam ,,,, Jan. o Caracae Laguayra. Jan. 17 JhM Bvmidir. Jam, 14. Lodrate Bin., , London Jan. a frtalsadr..i .-.-,!. Iteriaulte. .-..,,.,,,,-,,.. Jan. l LaBmafue. Uavre Jan. id A BTUDEXT3' EATISO CLUV. A Movement In Princeton to rtrcntnvtat Ike Boarding House Keepers, Ftixncctov, Jan. la Moro than 600 studont assombled In University Hall this morning to constdor the qncstlon of organising a tint vorstty eating club. James 0. Murray, Dean of tho college, in an address, satd that during tho long poriod In which ho has had charge of sick students ho was often pained to find that their sickness was due to poor food. Profs. Bloano and Llbhoy promised the students their hearty personal support Botno graduates havo promised to udvanoo money to start the cluh. The erudonts had afreo dlscuonlon as to the method on. which the nlub could bo run. It wan tho opinion of thoo proaont that fho boarding iiilctrossesln the town did notelvo thom value for their money, and that they should doscrt them. They backed up their opinions hy signing a paper pledging them selves to join tlio university club. Tim price llxed for board Is 4 per week, tho proilts to bo equally divided at thn end of tho Jour among the inemborAot tho club, Joseph Iuton. John Til. Mnyhcw, and Joseph M. rJhollnbnrgorwore appointed a committee to eonfor with tho faculty and l'rof. Libboy on the renting Of n hall. A Physician Dead In His Slalgk. PrrrsnuRon, Jan. la Dr. M. D. McCandlesa ot Youngstown. O.. was on Monday evening found dead In his sleigh two miles east of the e Ity. Heart dlseuso.waH the cause of his death. Ho wai fi'J year? old and a member ot the Ma honing Ojunty Medical Society. Mrs. Winston's Boolhlnsr Mvrnn Hat been need for oxer yiVTYYtlAns by MILLION tit WOTHKIIh for their CHlt.UKF.N. Will UP. TKKTIIIXIl. Wllh 1'Cr.rBCT HITCKR8. It rlOHTIIKS tbo CHILD PIH-TK.NSlliKOfMS At.LA.Ytta.1 rUIN. CtlllHH WINli COLIC, and Is Hie IIE8T KKMKOV TOR JJIARKIIUU. Bold hy PRlTUOISTrt'in every patt uf tbo wurld. TWBNTY-nVU OEMS A BOTTOi. A T.nxury tor Tourists. PR. LYOVH TOOTH POWUKR, m metal boxes, wltn patent tneaaurlnc tube. Ieat and jiortabta. 25 eta . Keep's Tiresa Hhlrm, to measure, n for SSjOO, None better at nny price, remands!! Hroadway. ACKinMAN,-At Hackensack, on Saturday. Jan. 10. Jobn Edward. Jr., son ot Jobn E. and Susan C. Ackerman, late ot Harlem, yuneral eervlee Wednesday at 3 P. If, at bis lata residence, Clinton place. Trains leave 23d tt. 1.C5 f. it., Chambers st 3 P. M. AI.I.E.N.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at Hartford, Conn BUrabetb J. Allen, wife of John B. Allen of 78 Jeffer- era St., aged 41) years. AN'rxJN.-On Sunday. Jan. 17, at Bridgeport, Conn. Frederick U eon ot the late Andreas and II, Anton. aged 28 years and 5 months. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, Penbroke at., on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and from Herman Reformed Church at 2:30 o'clock. BALDWIN.-AtYonkera.N.Y., on Sunday, Jan. 17. Klsle. Infant daughter of Helen R. Soltlvaa and William Detavan Baldwin, aged 10 months. Funeral private. BF.IIRIHdl.-At Norwich, Conn., Jan. 10, Henna T. Bcbrltcb. lietored wife of B. Bebrlsch. Funeral Tuesday uiornlng. BKI.TO.N.-At Toronto, Canada, on Sunday, Jan. 17, rbilotnena C, wife of Frank S. Belton. and youngest daughter of the late Nicholas Walsh of this city. Br.TKK.-At Red Bank. N. J., Saturday, Jan. 18, )Ir. Elizabeth Beyer, beloved wits of John Beyer, aged 63. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, on Tuesday, Jan. IV, at 1:30 P. V, front her lata residence. Red Bank, ft. J. Train - leaves Liberty at.. New York, at 11 o'clock A. M. BLAKEI.Y,-On Bunday, Jan. 17. at bis resilience, 124 West 70th St., laniuel M. Blakely, aged BO years. BI.ANCH.-At riackensack. N. J Jan. IB, ot pnen- nionla. Lydla Brmkenbolf, widow of Abraham Blanco. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral s-rvlces at her late residence, on Mala at. on Tues day, Jan. 10. at 1 P. M. without further notioe. JIOI.LF.H. On Saturday evening, Jan. 18, ot pneo- moula. James T. Bolles. Funeral from his late residence, 121 East Mth St., on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19, at 8 o'clock. Western papers please copy. UK K.VN A N.-On Saturday, Jan. 18, at Bridgeport, Conu., Margaret Brennan, aged 70 years. Frit mis are Invited to attend tha fnneral from her late resilience, 41 Walter st on Tuesday forenoon at 8:30 o'clock, and trom St. Xary'a Church at 9 o'clock. BRENNAN. On Sunday, Jan. 17, John J. Brennan, In the 80th year of his age. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral from the late residence, CSS West 44th st on Wednesday, 10 A. It.; thence to the Church of the Sacred IJeart, West 61st St., wbera a solemn mass uf requiem will be offered for tha repose of bis soul. Interment In Calvary, BIIOOKFIIXD.-M Jacksonville. Fla, Jan. 18. James M. BrookOeld, aged 78. Friends are invited to attend the fnneral from bit lata residence, 11& Taylor tt. Brooklyn, E, D., an Thursday tuurnlng, Jan. 21, at 10 o'clock. IIROWN.-On Saturday. Jan. lit, Jennie Marks Brown, beloved wile of Vanning J, Brown. Frleuds are Invited to the funeral front her lata resi dence. 24 West lBCtb sU Tuesday, Jan. IV, at 10 A.M. BIIKKE.-On Saturday, Jan. 18, at Burnslde, Conn., Edward Burke, aged 2V years. Friends are Invited to attend tha fnneral as Tues day forenoon at 8 o'clock from St. llary'a Church. Interment at Jewett's City, Conn. CAKUIOH AEJU In Brooklyn, K. D., Saturday, Jan. 10, 1BU2, Daniel A. Carmlcbael, la tha 6th yearef bis age. Fnneral private. CMAMIIEBI.IN. On Saturday morning, Jan. 18, Enoch Chamberlln, In the 83d year of bis age. Fnneral services on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1892, at 2i80 F. M from the late residence of his slstcr-in-law, Mrs. F. F. Sandford, Mount Pleasant av.. West Orange, K.J, Carriages at tba Orange station to meet the , .. 1:30 train. D L. and W. R, It., from New York. CJLKARY.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at New llaven, ' Conn., Rosanab, wire of James Cleary, Friends are Invtled to attend the funeral from hor late residence, 7 Locust St.. on Tuesday forenoon at 8 30 o'clock, and Irom Bt. J'atrlck's Church at V o'clock, CO K. Ou Jan. 17, 1 Sf2, Clinton Alonao, youngest son of Joseph B. and llary J, Coe, aged 10 months and 7 days. Funeral private, t'OT.T.INH, On Monday, Jan. IS, at Bouthport, Conn., Margaret, wife of I'atrlck Collins, aged 85 years. Friends are Invited to attend Ibe funeral from her E lata residence on Wednesday forenoon, at 8.30 o'clock, and from St, Thomas's Churob at 9 o'clock. CONNOK.-On Monday, Jan. 18, Bridget, beloved , mother vf Maurice, Thomas, and Martin Connop satire ot Newcastle West, Limerick couuty, Ire land. ' Funeral on Thursday rrom the residence of her son, " Maurice, 416 East ltb at., at 1 o'clook. '.COS I.KT.-On Bunday, Jan. 17, at Springfield, Masa , Mrs. Mary Conley, aged 87 years. Friends art Invited lo attend the funeral from her ' late residence, 22 Everett st. on Tuevday forenoon . at 8:80 o'clock, and from Sacred Heart Church at U o'clock, CIUPI'K.V.-On Bunday, Jan. 17, at Msrldcn, Conn , Mrs. I). W. Crlppeu. Notice of funeral hereafter. CBOWI.EY.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at his father's residence, 241 East 71st St., Jeremiah, only son ot Thomas and the Ute Catbenne Crowley, aged 83 years. Relatives and friends are respectfully requested to attend tha funeral services at St. Monica's Church on Tuesday. Jan. 19, at 10:30 A. II, Interment In Calvary Cemetery, DEGNAN.-Ou Sunday, Jan. 17. at New Haven, Conn. Roseua, daughter ot Wlnnlfred Dsgnan, aged 18 yean. Friends ara Invited to attend tba funeral from her lata residence, 8 Castle at, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. DOlAN, Edward Dolan, at bU lata residence, 1,000 Broadway, B. S. Brooklyn. DUSAN.-On Monday, Jan. Is, at her restdsnea, 83 Carmine it. Anne Dugan, aged 71 years. Funeral on Wednesday, Jan. 20, Interment In Cal vary. DVNNINa.-ncadq.aarteri 25d Keglment Veteran Corps N. O. S.N. T.-Oomradeti Wllh deep regret I am called upon to annouaoe the Ceath mt oar old comrade, ex Capt. WUmot M, Dunning Ton an earnestly reiseiteu to attend oU funeral from to Veatch Presbyterian ChurctvHth st.newetaar. en Taesdsy. Jan. 19. at 1 1. M. T.TV.IIARrtM, ' ". KLT,t8 BKIOOb, ( Adjutant milanel Commanding. IrjVEnOKY. On Saturday, Jan. 18, LuclenDu vergey, In Ills 40ib year, at bis late residence, 745 l'allsaite av., West Uoboktn, K. J, Funeral servlcra at residence Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 11 A.M. EQAN.-Sud.lenly, on Sunday, Jan. 17, Patrick Egsn, aired 70 yeers, Funeral from bis late rol.Wnre, 430 Rest 81st st, on Tuesday, Jin, 10. at II nn A. V.s thriice to Bl. Mo nica's Cliireh. Taut "Mth !.. wlire a solemn re qnlein tnsKS will bn offered np for the repot of his soul. Interment In Calvary Ceiuelery, Michigan Vapers please copy, rXI.IS -On Monday,. Ian, IS, at East Loug Meadow, Mass., Jobn C. Hills, aged M years. Friends are Intlteil tn attend (be funeral from bla lair residence on Tln.rn.lay afternoon at 1 o'clock. rrr.l.Y.-riii Sunday, Jan. 17. El'en. widow of Michael Feely and tlnughterof lb Isle I'atrlck and Mary Callahan, nattt out Mlddleton, county Oork, Ireland, aged 6.1 yeara. Funeral from the residence of bar s W Ni.ra'i Cal lahan. 767 7lliav.,im rneaday lntlilnai,, at 1:'J0 o'clock P. M. fori, pspere ilras iy, FJBRGUNr,N,-On Saturday, .Inn lit. Ad i U I en Held, wife of Jiil'n.M rVrgiierii, Funeral from her Inte rfsldrn-c.-tVi We.t ..tt St., Tuesday. Jan. II), at 10 A.M. Interment prltiile, FITZGr.aAI.ll.-Oii Sunday. Jan. I J, at Spnng field, Masa, l:iliabetb, wllo otJobn I'llrgeratd, aged 63 years. Friends aio Invited to attindthe fnneral from her late reeidence, 203 Tyler si., on TneUv forenoon at 8:30 o'clock, snl trom St. Mu'lmei's I'mirch at 9 o'clock. FITZei'.nAI.I.-Ou Monday. .Inn. 18, Elizabeth x L. beloved wife of William I'. Fitwrnlil. Faneraltromherlatemlilctirr, r4 West Plfty-nrtt si., nn Tliurenay, at 10 A. M.i tlirnre to Hie Church of the Sacred Heart, wlieie a solf run tnaps or te tulei-i will be ottered for the repose of bcr soul, liiteriartit In Calvary Cemetery FJ.RTtJHKR.-AI fi fifVfnrd St., Hrooklyn, on Jan. 10, Archibald P. l'Jelcher, aged 61. Funeral from bta lata residence nn Wednesday at 3 P.M. Relatives and friends Invited. FJLYNN. At Rnndout, N, Y.. on Sunday, Jan. 17, Patrick J. Flynn, aged 87 years. Funeral from bit tale residence. Stnyveiant St., non. dont, on Wednesday morning nt V:ro o'clock, and from St, Mart's Church at le, FRY RH.-On Sunday, Jan 17, 1802. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. William J. Carr. 104, Bain. bridge st. Brooklyn, Margaret Fryer, widow of Ed ward Fryer, In the t)2d year of her age. Funeral services from the Church of the Holy Rosary, Channcey St., near Stuyvrsant ar. llTonklyii. on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at n:.'JO A. M. lttduttves and friends are Invited to attend. OENIN.-On Sunday. Jan. 17. at Atlantic Illsli'.ands. N.J. William L.fleulo. aged 4." years. Fnneral Tnesday, at 2 o'clock, from Ms residence, 4th av., Atlantic Illghlanda lutermetit at Oreenwood Wrdnerday rooming. Trains leave toot of Liberty et. at 11:16 A. M,HTbf family and friends and mem bers of the Pavonla Yacht Club respectfully Invited. taOI.DTir.as.The funeral ot Mrs Llna Ooldherir, nee Ilfeld, widow of Dr. Ph. Uoldberg, will take place at II :S0 A. It. Tuesday, the 1Mb lust . from her Ute residence, 41 L'ast74tb St. l'leaso omit flow era fiCTTKNBEHO,-On Jan. IB. 1S92. Joseph dot tenberg. beloved husband of Roea (luttenborg. Funeral will take plaes from bla late residence, 208 East 3d St.. on Tuesday at 10 A. M. BARJIH,-On Sunday orcnlng, Jan. 17, Marie L., In fant daughter of Otto W, and tho lata Minnie L. Harms ot lloboken. Funeral private. jnAKPEUU-In this city, on tha 18th Inst. Mary Emma Harper, beloved wife of John Harper. Funeral private. HAVH.ANI,-Ruddenly, of heart fallnre, on Sun day, Jan. 17. 18U2. raulina Havlland, widow ot Lyman Havlland, In the 73th year of her aae. Funeral from tha residence of her daughter. Mrs David Hunt. 810 Union St., Brooklyn (corner 7th av.), on Tuesday afternoon, the 111th Inst, at 2 o'clock. Kindly omit flowers, rougbaeejisle pspera please copy. BEHOLD,-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at llartrord, Conn. Charles Herold. Friends are Invited to attrrd the fnneral from bis late residence, 63 Rellcrcau St. on Wednesday afternoon. HICKOJ.-0n Saturday, Jan. 16. at Springfield. Masa, Harvey, aon of the late Joseph O. and Lopella c, Ulctok. aged 3 years S mouths and 10 days HIC'KS.-In Brooklyn, on Sunday. Jan. 17, 1892, William D. Hicks, aged 91 years and 11 months. HOLLAND. In South Korwalk, Conn . on the ICtn Inst., Annie P. Holland, daughter or the lata Mrs. Jobn Holland, aged 3 years and 10 mnntba. HOLLIM.-At Sohenertady. N. Y. on Jan. 14. of pneumonia, Barbara Kotrbaurr. wire ot Lieut, Ira N. IloUis. IT. B. K.. and daughter of tha lata CoL Eltaa Pelssner, aged 33 yeara. BOYER, On Jan. 16, cbarlotta Iloyer, 69 year! of age, wife ot John U. Uoyer. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend her funeral from her late residence, 2113 Broome at , Now York city, on Tuesday, Jan. 19. 1892. st 3 P. M. BUNT. On Friday, Jan. 18. at Hartford. Conn. Annie Peck Hunt, aged 40 yeara. Interment at Coventry. Conn , on Tuesday. JONKH.-In Weston.onfhe letti last. Maria P. Jonas, aged 84 years. i. Friends are Invited to attend, the funeral from her late residence, on, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Danbury, Co'nn. KKAKNN.-On Sunday, Jan. 17. at Clifton. 8. L, Thomas Kesrns. In bis BBlb year. Funeral services will be held-at 8t. John's Church, near Fort Wadsworth station. B. L, to-dav (Tuesday), LA PORTE. On Sunday, Jan. 17. at nartrord. Conn. Cora A. daughter of Eugeno P. Laporte of 168 Washington st. aged 4 years and 6 months. Fnneral private. IiOCKWOOD.-On Monday, Jan. 18, at Norwalk, Conn., lira Jane Lock wood, widow of Clark Lock wood, aged 73 years. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from tha chapel of the First Congregational Cburcb. on Lewis St.. on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at the convenience ot the family. LOUD. On Jan. 18, at Morrtstown. N.J.. of pnen monls, Emily M. Lord, widow of Edward CraryJLord, and daughter of tba late Uerard William Livingston or New York city. Notice of funeral hereafter. LVNHAHf.-Fuddenly, on Jan. 15. 1803. at hit lata residence, IT oodhsven Junction. L. L, Thomas Lun. ham, son of Jobn and Eleanor Lunbara, aged 27 years 6 months and 7 days. Funeral private. LYMAN. On Sunday, Jan. 17, at Springfield, Masa, Israd F. Lyman, aged 81 yeara. Frleuds are Invited lo attend the funeral from his lata residence, 187 Hickory st , on Wednesday after noon. IACIf.IE.-At 848 Broadway, Jan. 17, at a nnsrte to 1 A. M. Jobn Gilbert, son of Jamea Orant Mackle, New York, Funeral will take place from bta residence, 123 East 13th st.Jan. 19, at 2 P.M., Evergreens Cemetery. Relatives and Intimate friends of the ratntlyare respectfully Invited to attend ; alio Wyandotte Council, Hope Lodge and Tribe No, 102, Red'.Men. California, Australian, and European papers kindly copy. M.VP.ur.R.-On.Ian. 18, at bis residence, 811 East 114th st., Gaspard, eldest son or Clara Fisher and the late James U. Maeder, in the C2d year of his age. Funeral private, UAITLAND.-On Jan. 16, 1SB2, in the 77th year ot I er age, Ellrabetb H. Maltland, daughter of the lata Robert and Elita Lenox Maltland, Relatives and friends of the family are Invited to at tend fuueral services at the First Presbyterian Cburcb. 6th av. comer of 12th st. ou Tuesday morning, 19th lost., at 10 o'clock. M AI.LAU AN.-On Bunday, Jan. 17, at New llaven. Conn., Matthew Matlaban. rrlendsareluvited to attend tha funeral from bla late residence, bO Asylum st. on Wednesday fore noon at 8:30 o'clock, and from St. John's Church at li o'clock, MOKOAN.-On Sunday, Jan. 17. William P. Morgan of Brooklyn. s MVI'.I.I.Ksf.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, Thekla Mueller, belored wife of Anion Mueller, aged 74 yeara 7 mouths and 3 days. Relatives and friends ar respectfully InWted to at tend the funeral from her Ute residence, 16010th av. on Tuesday, Jan. 1 M, MVKPHT.-On Jan. 17, 1892. William, youngest son of Palrlok aad Delia Murphy. Fuueral private, NELMON.-In Norwalk, on the 17lh Inst. David 8. Nelson, aged 67 years Friends are invited to attend ths fureral front bla Isle residence, U Fair st on Waduesday arternoon at 2 o'clock. NIUMOl.H.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at Springfield, Mass., Elijah Nichols, aged 7 years. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from kit lata residence, 21 Wilcox at. on Wednesday after noon. NIKHVI1R,-I'aed away, on Saturday evening. Jan. 10, 18U2, William U, Niebubr, In the 80tb year of his age. Relatives and friends ara tnrlled to attend bis funeral from bts lata rasldenoe, tm West 14.1th at.. New York city, on Tuesday. Jan, 19, at 2 P. M. Inter ment at Woodlawn, NOLAN.-Or. Jan. 1U. Thoina F, Nolan, beloved hus band of Xatla McQueeney and son of Philip Nolan. Friends of the family and also his fstber-ln-Uw, P, J. McQueeney, are respectfully Invited to attend tha funeral from 790 nth av. on Taeaday, 161b Inst, at lr.M. If Mr. Beechery fl as 1 Knew Him 9 fl ) Recollections of ; - MRS. HENRY 1 fl , WARD BEECHER $ . In tho Janurry LADIES' JM 'H DHOMIJ JOURNAL. Mrs. .flUj 'H J Beecher contributes the fol- "snBnnl a lowing chapters to the Beechcr wU H reminiscent papcra : SW . ' H j First Indications of the Frtort tSjg ' Beginnlna His Great Career jPf. '.H His Fearlessnus In Utteranot riftS jH ' Sorrows which 33 i Taught Him Sympathy Mp jH . Overtures to,Lcavc the West p I , jH I Accepts Plymonth'8 Call JCH -H ! The Ladies1 fl : Home Journal W I y?? Kor January la on the newi- TmS tsi jL otaado, ten cents a copy 3? ' ns & For One Dollar we will mail tgn -M $ the Journal regularly to any J.- ' AV addresa for one year. '&) i M , Circulation if Store than 700,000 P ,-H xSZ; copies each issut HD --H i?i. The Curtis Pitbllhlnj Cotnpane Jf i.SBsni r$2 l'hlladclrh'.a, Pa. TR 'IJH . ' ""' ' i hi wf i n ssnTl OS IV A I. !.- O i Sutukr, 17th, May June Oswald, H widow of Jonn U Oawald Relnllvcs und frloiuU Intlte.l to attend the funeral on i'sbsI AVetlnRil.ir. at half ;ri'il 2 o'clock. O'llltll'.-V.-At r,t Hut 71t et.on attnrday, Jan. j ItLKugfUn A, eldest s m ot Irenceant1Catharlns Funeral fiom the Church ot the rirssed SAcrnmsnt, 71tst. mid r.oiilevard, Jan. IV. at 10 o'clock , It H Kindly otnlt llo ers. I O'CUN.VOIC (1.1 Jan. 10, after n eli'Mt ninae, Dannla ,H O'C'ounor, nttlve of Trfllet, county Kerr, Ireland. EelstUes uul frlcndeof the family and of his eons, 1 Jere and lieinlf, and comrades of Peter Cooper Council, Amerlciti I.eglonof Honor, are respectfully Invited to atutnl tbu funeral from bis 'lata real deuce, 3'X) I'ourl at.. on Tuesday, the lllth InsU at jH 11:30 A. M.; thenra to St. Andrew's Church, City' jH Hall place audlluane st. whero a solemn requiem mass will bo offered up for the repose ot &la aouL 'sl Interment at Calvary Cemetery, O'TOUXU-On Sunday, Jan. 17. at bar late rest- M deuce, 2.000 9th nr. Mary It., only daughter of Catherine nnd the late Andrew O'Toole. JH Funeral on Wednesday mornlnc. Jan. 20. at half past 9 o'clock sharp, to the Church of St. Joseph, wbera a requiem mass will be held for tha repose ot bar soul. luKrtnent at Calvary, Dublin papers please JH copy. M Uni.IVY. On Fondly. Jan 17, at Bridgeport, Conn, !H Mrs. Michael Ilellly of 3I State st. flH Funeral private. Br.VKKU-At New Rochel'.e, Jan. 17. William, . EB Revere, aged d& years. jnUn! ' Funeral ecTv Ices' on Wednesday at resldencs cs? bla BH daughter. Mrs. Tr.iphagen, at 2 P. M. ssn! nr.V.N'OI.llF.-Ou Sunday, Jan. 17. at New llnvea, M Conn. May, daughter of Patrlck.P. and thelatare nteE. ReynoMs, aged 11 years nnd 0 months. k Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from her J late residence, 45 Proad St., on Tuesday afternoon at ,1,30 o'clock, BII.EY. Ou Bunday. Jan. 17, at Hartford, Conn. , jH Alice II. daughter ot Jobn and Jennie Riley tt H Liberty St., aged d years 2 months sndlS days. H Fnneral private, jH BOONE V.-On 6aturdny,Jan. 19.1892. at HorwnTav Conn. Frances Hooney, aged 28 years. x Innnna Funeral private. KgagH SnilKN.-Suddenly, at hta residence, 237 VTenl '"'M 8Uthst.,JohnJ. Hudden. sflH Relatives and friends are Invited ts attend tba r ' H neral strikes at the Church of the Holy Innocaata, IH 87th st, near Eroadway, Tuesday, 10th Inst, at M IHH A.M. ImH SAJIPON. On Snnday morning, Jan, 17, Jonas 0 imHiI Samson, In the 54th year ot hie age. iKI Funeral private. Son Francisco papers pleaaa soy). 909 rJEJT.LICK. On Sunday, Jan. 17, t,auaor, Cann. JOS Emily p. Selllck. aged C8 years. ,, H Friends are Invited to attend the funeral front hog ffjl late residence on Walnesday afternoon. '' i"' JlMsi sniXTON.-On Friday, Jair. 15. at Brtnga'port, tM Conn. Mrs. llartba O. Sbelton, agad,Sf eara,, isnni Friends are Invited to attend tha.fiiperaJCrorst,nar sl late residence. 502 Fairfield av. on Tuesday after- 99fl noon at 2:30 o'clock. " ' 'r 3gi 81, CK,-In Brooklyn, Bunday, Jan. 17. ef eonstrmp- ftH tlon.Jobn Wlllard, youngest son ot Jataee D,aa i rr.MI . Lavinta J. slack. r ljrl Funeral prl ate. C3MI SMITH.-SauiuelJ.Pmlth, at -orris av. nealf lS4th SSM st, In the "3d year of his age. "'Sl Funeral Tuesday, 18th Inst, at Provldenoa. , L ff'jHil Providence papers pleue copy. xwtl SMITH. On Monday, Jan. 18, at Bridgeport, Conn, lf(El r.llrabeth It, a if.) of William Smith, aged 74 year BimM an 1 1 month. uic nl Friends are Invited to attend tho funeral from tha vcfjjl residence of hrson-lu-law L. It. Gould, 275 Lafay 'jJHglvf! ette st . on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. tV&JHl STEI'.I.C On Monday, at her resldouce, Bergen. STOWi Point. N. J.. Mary I!, wife of the late George bteele. Yffia Funeral services Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1802. 7.30 P. M. if-'iS 8TIMhON.-0n Saturday, Jan. IB, at Hartford,' W Conn. Isabella Stiuuon, widow ot William Stlmsoa, -tfii'l aged 72 years. iWjl TAT1.0K,-On the 17th Inst. Nnoml fl. wife of VmSi TV Ullam E. Taj lor. both formerly ef Philadelphia. f$t(& Funeral services will be beld at her late residence, Jti 'jj 1H0 West 82d St., at9:30A. SI. on Wednesday, tha jfjM: 1 201b Inst. Interment at Ureeniroud Cemetery, r,r Ul Frankford. Phll-lelpbla. ??B' TII.TON.-On Sunday, Jan. 17, at Hartford, Conn. $'$$-! Herald P.. son of Abner F and Margaret Tllton. aged fijirkl 2 years 2 months and 2 days. Xjtal Funeral private. flrvM TVBNEit. On lion lay, Jan, IS, at Haw Haven. UJ Conn, Willie U Infant son, sDH Friends are lnlted to attend the funeral from tha K residence or the parente. 01 Chapel St., an VTadaen. H day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mnmwl TVAKREN. Suddenly, of pneumonia, on nvanay, 'tSOni Jen, 17, ndmund Warren, second eoa of Oescgs tsLnnnl llrury and Mary Phauix Warren, in the Slstyaar ''JH T hl " ,,.Jt Ba-ssni Funeral services will be held at fit. BarthDiomevrn 4asni Church, Madison av., cornsr 44th St., ori VPssnaalay, Xsnnl the 20th Inst, at 10 A.M. Relatives audtrte-lshv vlted to attend wltliont further notlee., ,,"; ' nssni 'WATSUN.-On Sunday, Jan, 17, at SprtnffJall. H Mass. Melatlah U. Watson, mother.of Mrs. D. D. 'H Warren, aged 72 years. , Ogaensburif and Oswego papers please espy, lata. .H meat at Oswego, 24. V. A 'BB WF.I.HII.-On Monday, Jan. li. at Hartford, Conn. 'WL9 Miss WeUb, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, Welsh, a4 ai Bfl years. 1R8J1 Friends ar Invited to attend the fnneral frmn tat r(v7? residence on Wednesday forenoon at tiSO e4tok, tiltifl aad from St. Peter's Churoh at t o'clook. later. K II? usnt at Mlddletown, Conn, 4'xiiil WF.LHU.-Oo Sunday, Jan. IT, a Hartford? Ooma. Otli John Welsb, aged 17 years. - .' C.Jjf g WlTTE,-Oa Saturday, Jan. 18, at Hartf otfc flaaa. Spf .f Cbas. Wltte, aged 70 years and 0 toon tU. , , ,. fewJii1 Notice of funeral hereafter. .' tHMlS WrT.-0n Monday, Jan. 18. EUiabeth aker.w1fot "vWlt Dr. John R. West. f fWi-H Funeral services at tha residence of her father, rTm, )M-'rl P, Wescett, 158 Summit av. Jersey City, on Wednea MfW day evening, at 8 o'clock., ' . fi.ftl'r TV-ST.-On the 17tti Inst., at ths resident of her HJ(ltJ ton-ln law.Cbarlea E. Homer, 784 West Bnd av., Tuftl- Rebecca Orahaja, widow of Joseph ra-S-WMt,ot f iflti Philadelphia. it M'tr" BHUWN'H HOUHDIIOI.II rANACJKaU :, ft 'life TIIKtlltKATPAINKKUKVUB. 4 SH'a) FOR INTERNAL AND RXTRRNA- USB. Mffi Cures Cramps. Collr. Colds, and all palna. 250. a st Ua. itflfji! WlIa-s.TKNA.-Tb best breakfast food! deU- tapH clous, nourishing, cooks ln one miuutei 25 oenta; U SEiUU grocers. IIKALTII rOOD OoMPANV.sl Ota ar. , fflMW i , ,ai qmm Jnv gu)i(iUon. o " ,,1121 ....v .....,.y,-.IM. -....-. .... i .. ,.i.u hcjsLmU Jus' Publah4s '' ' IKTERNAI'K HAL LIBRAIlV, KO ttV .q.'SBnTM by NATAI.V 1 0N LMMISTUUTIV TransUledbyTTUell 'V jna L. I Ilir.Ol'. With Photogravur lUuslra-at-, ;iiHI 1 vol. lSiuo. haltroa. (I.23i paixr. 75 cents.'- ' Lrivla afsfl An Imaginative, picturesque, ana lusplrlnaintsrsi. JiXmmWkm rich in social pictures, with cbaraclers waUdivraas ly.153 ss H I plot and denouement exceptlouAlly Interaatlag.v i 4ty3BmmaA WOltTUINOTUW dp., fit aVwujA Jl, Y 199 UKCH 800K8, 2r-OtctWth0hUefclBsi ktWti tocial, -scuaalc-uvek. PJUTT, i-WMevWtMl e " ' 1 nm