& ' - - ,, THP SPy' THURSDAY JANUARY 21, 1592. ""Bal I A'NEBROAPWAYTHEATRtl , ir iwi BKAvrirvr. bomb or a STltOSQ STOCK COXPASr. fa,,eitant Joint Kalee rise iriliiau, ', ,m rrokaui Blek. an Marrle " tk rennenn" Kcvlvcd at PatMcr .,, "Naaey ana ConaiaaBy" at Iratj'e. Rumors havo been eurrentdoncernlna- ft new tliestre to be built In upper Broadway nrnl to . wettpled by b atoolt conpmr. but the per ions concerned kept silent until yosterdi.y. whn the contracts were signed nnd the par i ilulra of the projeot wore divulged. Tht ,,w bouse is to be built at tha corner of For iltth street by Al liaymsn and Frank V. San. .r and they have signed a lease under which Chsrlos Vrohraan of this city nnd ltloh 4 liar ., 0( Boston will have possession of tlio house (or ten years. Mr. Hayman Is a very rich man, tut his extenilv o operations have been chiefly .in tho West. Mr. ltlch Is tlio possessor of a Isree fortune, too. nnd his partnor In two Bos. ton theatres. Mr. Harris, has also boon fortu nate. Mr. Hanger and Mr. Froliman are too well known to the, Now York gen eral public ns sucoossful managers to need nnv Introduction. The novelty of tlio enter t.rlsello In tlin fact that, contrary to usurp. dm owners of the theatre will bo men cngngod In sctlvo management, whllo atthosamotlnio Hii-yleaso their property to othor managers. Alter the eltfnlnc of tho lease nnd contracts fcto;iliiy llioro wn9 n eonforonce with tho architect", who Imd nlrendy boen engaged on the plans, which rroldo for a costlier thoatre thnn N-w Yotfc now possosses. and one which, Its owners declare, shall be bandsomor as well. Mr. llayman already owns threo of thn finest theatres in tho West, situated in San Francis co. Portland, nnd DcnviT. Mr. Sanger Is half ntvncroftho Hroadway Thontre. Tho Inton. Il.w of these two men to build n mncnlrlcunt thostra In Broadway has been known for month, nnd ofTets for tho lease have boon numerous: hut they settled down Anally upon choice of l'rohman. lllch, and Harris as ns. surlnc a combination of alile nmnagoraent pd monetary solidity. The fact of greatest momont In this; matter, anfnrnstho wolf ire of tho drama In this city Ik concerned. Is that the Charlos Fiohmnn i-lock company will ho transferred from Proo tor's to tbl nw house in Hroadway. This, or ganisation nf plnlors has had two strong kiiM'fMoi at Proctor's wltir'Men nnd Women" and "Tho I.ot I'arndise." but it will lie In a in'iroadMintauooiisMitiiullnnat Broadway and FortMh r-liei't. A Tn rrpoitemAllud on Mr. 1 tollman lat ovoiilt'R ami nskod hlin about liN l'lnii. , . , , , . 'The theatre w cvoted mainly to my sUvk company n 'roetor's." ho said. I shall st-cuto for t . ns has been my en deavor ami nmhitlni i r a long time, u por i.mnent Ikiiih. Mosrs. ltn mini and Hanger will timidon llitorono thin I had dari'd to hopo ..r. The eninpnnv ivill continue ut l'roctor's, nnill M'li'it. nnd tin-it will go on tour until the new tln-atro is ready, whli-h will l about the Ht of next January. Thev will i-pond mo-t if the Mint nn-r ItiCnliliirnbi. playing 'Tito Lost 'iir.iitl.o.' but u 111 gotoChh-.tgo in August to appear In a new iui-rtcan drama. ThliVplav will ho the openliic oil" at thn now house. Mv di-iartiira from IVoclor's will not mean that, either with Prnclor ,v Titrm-r or In any experiences there, anything tint hitrmonf nnd enrdi.illtv has lioen oiu-oitnterod. Four out of live irluctloiis there have run overn hundred nlithls apiece, and tint t-utire llvo nxo before, tho toil In- verv pnifllunly to-dav. Myteim at Pirn tor'h will close with tho piodtlctlon. In the nirlnc. of a piny by Joromo K. Jerome. Itrlhe ni'Wlhi-ntto I hoio to supplement tho htook ciiinpnnv's seasons with comedies enacted by theoiginlrntfnn known ns Charles l'rohmun's ciini-illii"-H.Alio will be kopt sopurate and diB tttut from tho stock compnny." At r.ilmer's Theatre last evonlne " Jim the Ponmiii" WBsreviWMl. This piny tan rorntn slanreiif ndetecttvo story provine suecossful on Ih.- !nce lieforn rcllned audiences. Its ftory of a m eat foriror wni lleurert In cood so--h tv as a philnnthrniitpt at tho samo tinm that heua.cni;iieeit In the monotary ruination of ltl prospective son-in-law. i bo well em lildiil in iii'companylnj! love interests ( to "c-in In itself sentimental. Therefore, it Is lint h-lt to depend nlono unon its nov-i-lty a a depiction of a crime, however sinculur that crlm may be. When the drama Is performed with enreful recard for a true representation of . tho fashionable weno In which it Is placed, and with a cttBt of caps hie actors. It intorcst1' and entortains re inarkiibly well. It was eiicn in that praise worthy nay at tlio Madison Byimrn eevorol years aco. and so It was ncnin at Palmer's last night, l'rederio Robinson. K M. Holland, WaldonKnnjsey. Maud Harrison, nnd Mrs. K. .1. Phillips played the same par.ts us In the earlier tiroductjon. Ada-Dyas was the forcor'a wife. Charlos Harris was Ills confederate, and Maurice llarrymore was tlio man returned fiont merii-a. The duplication of "Jim tho Penman" was so nearly complete that tho In tonal net ween its cessation at the house in Twontv-fourth street and Its retumpt!on hi llti'udway seemed inconsiderable, Tln reiivnl of "Xnncrnnd Company" at Da ly It- a reach backward into tho puiely larcl--.il rlniHof this tlientro for trivial but uerecn liln matter. The play Ix one of the many trans-fi-ifclij Aiiciistin Daly from the Gi-rinnn.und II-- rent'iml i;c ptoof positho that loftier and plroncor achlt-voniOLtH t,y Ada llehnn haionot. ilt-ojualilled her for tho enptixntine lnnenMinltli which slto won tlrst favor with I) ily audiences. John Drow. James Lewis. and Jlrn. (itlbort re in tho oust nsof yore hihI nro jif-t a lariro eontrlhutora to the mirth. Nancy nnd Comrnny".will be retained only 5" lout a it Is wanted by the nulillf. Thou Manager Unly will piodiice "Lme in Tnn ilein," Ids own adaptation of "Amouroso." u play which made a jpoworful impres fion at the Paris Uymnnt-o last sprlnc. lt. tlieme is the oluntary rolinuuishroont of a wile by her husband to one of his friends. Ihn treatment ol tlio subject by tho French plaruiiulit wuBotremely hrdd. llcstarted our ith thn representation of n linsh.uol who li id er-iwn tiriul of Ids benulifiil and lovinir wifo. siiuiily I ecaiisn her hweetnexs Imd elood on liwtasre. then ho licarllcssly itt-bictii'd Iter to bo thn nilt-tressof tho friend: and the hlrtititlnr I'lay reached a olininx in it reeuni'lllatjoti bn tueon I ho nmrried persons it was this ond inutliat iliileuMul I arisluit .itidlenci-s. but In oilier rehpeets llm ifotl praiseil for its titicomiiioinliiiiniitlo Mualtttes. ninny of wlih-li eru ojpres--oi by tlio nclirn of the lead Ins role. It is tills i-haraeter which bus been nsslcnud to Jlis Itnhan'. ' mid in it sbo i roiiiite,; upon, ratlter -nlidcntly. to innke tlm urentt-st utecess of Q her euivor. Jt will afiord mi-uih for Iter us a loniedlenno, pnitli-ulnily In u seem, whwoin klei seeks to ruifiiln tlio linsbanil'H loio by means of feiiiinini-iilliiieiiioiit and tendoruo.:-. and it will nl-.il employ her hoxt oniotlunal I'tiner. for at the climax of tiie plur sho Ims u 1'iiiC p.isfaco of iolmit deniitieiutlon of her :niiuh,inii; liilsbanU, followed bv one of Jo'Kltinii tenilerness. tlr coiirtn. "J,o,o In l.iiiibMn" ill Ihi an pxpur.iled vi-ilnn ur An-niiieMi." wllli ila ECi-iifi iitnl cluiraiters u-alrd in New VuiL. llntletn has no re.ihon tiieoinplaln of itiro. et-imiiiti Hits week. "The Oiii-en's jr.ili." which lias linen revived tit thuOnora House by the luilf ()n 1. 1 Conipniiy. has nil tho ni-oeMi-ilihir Uk oriKiiuil ilioadHliyiiroiliietloii. It J-a I'liliirosiiun itiihnl in (.cetnis mid cos-tuiin-h. niifl it iscenor.illy praisowortliy for lis n'luieand lis Hindu;;. If iiarlem in wise in ""eleilinnof t-pirilcl ami nillhtk; enlertaln ii" nt, -lb,. yimon's Main" will not en tun,), raided tliiKUHiik. Tlio oAty dofleloiiey ill tile wiirkisiBitH humor, which is rather fosuy. i tlio e.ikt Uarloiii theatre. Hie (diimliu, iiiereiias..i., n easy nnd uiniked trliiiniili loriAiiiisntid lloey. who haMi renewed thalr ";l I'll In "A Parlor Match." which is so well k limit iiimI sottoll IILinl at this day us to iu tulle no nuw ptaUc, 'I he Gi mil (iprn llout.it and Mhlo'o Oardeti iiaio pnn point in i:oiiiiiu.n thin weel;, n Mint s ' oh hoiti-M the play h a well.lil.od mill well i, J "" ,,.,,,!rt.iiumi-iil. Ml.luh has " Kvunire line. I Iih lllve (iondn ill opora-whlclt is nauri nlra litouil but clem parody in uvnrv iL. "'.'!' serylcenhle. Hit niuslo may yet ,r,i'Mynr',,05Nl"1Mni.iiio.ainl its surfeit of P'lnsMillsun j,, erilli-ism. 'J'ltn .i Kttli'r. iiii Is Jumss Mafllll.aitd he l as gravely HW'iulIfiusaHever; but ha Is nnttheorldnnl '' ' ter,?!,n,0r 1' that trntesriuo i.'.lo. Iiy Hie u!,: i r,'"',1!r',t '-""e ti)rran was Jacob ii!!l'tlr T""nan.who died In the Forrest tirmui.W.r5 Sn:, tl,e "Pi'"1 VVHB Ufff Hun i iV.n"? ' f1,ea'3 tlho nni1 Mamtt was tho third, wlm i?, -r'ti !' ",'?.Pi eenl east Is Hilda Thomas, wu?.b. ,leii,10ma.0 ye"rs "Co. whim shu Wni in?,,1.!1""1 tor utnm opuru: but nter she u0',,lntP '' variety theatres, and from them ELn..i i",a"'lto,b"rlequo. Khels a .via. n!.5$,i '""? a BrHPeful actress. Tim A Sehin V. ;',"a"rllJ nowexpreBseii bj-aeorcu tbimli. ' ,l":wl'oftliiimnr Is not Mi.ip.tniieoiiK, vsul.ir,,"1',.u,l"s '-ToetUo with Iho cnl- .l?r ii 'i u" '!.ll0,'."l, rm! :' l"a' has boon ,';.",:y,tt' '' '."'v.,'" -N'" tloodwln. br i ihi Maikin. by II. ; I) Key, nnd oven by X, ii.v" o TUU '.""Sclllller-B n (Mnefalls below '2i."" "' tll,';e"-. ''"I dauces iiml ehoius b.L.ii"n,r '.lf "N'aluriil Gas" U ncnin 11 i I ev"i-rt'il:'i!ll .iidm.HH-..inl.Sll y U Iff,1, V I'onnelly is l,e. anil ai.- ilo lh. 0 ! i&""""l"1 laliuril Oiimd'Hrapl la iWrir "i ' 'i '.""P'lC-i'laiiK. I iiikih v.irl- fn fenr?ial i,K I'lu'seh-u ,1th diuielnc. slut'. I ""f.n'blani; and nimble ocrobatl?!.. May I iiMr.'..!5h" w', "'i1 ,"" "co in thn. vaude- Biipl i.ni,ft conspicuous IlKUre at Knster & 1 0.i ' m?.5 n" 'noo.'n thl" eon's "NaturS In ?'.i..'?? I1,0" ard is not handsome, exactly. "! distinct caln to tht farce. AnnltMack KllllllllllllHBflH R.hnA 0.,,lB?tTirtrk ot'iwta. Iii also oaSoYtCTmr ? ot th0 d' !5iT.?e.'lJ J'.M bru" no break 'of pros. Pit?!.1? J?UlS A'5nB',J,lVn .ontertnlnments In .inSWmRTa U'A? J"Pfor V"tt,er" Mtnlned illstlrictlon on .Tuesday hla ht. when It was RiL'fc lL'i "'"V" M'00 n" lierrmann's, .A jioreeUIn plaque bearlnu a photograph, of one 2.'A,,?iJ?J?ne" niountd on a pretty llttleeasol. wf'.KVVin ",SI ouve)iir. Cliarles II. Welle". yi'2i,J?olfi,xt)lA':c.lnU,s.:,,t on Monday nluht, platrlnB the rftle formerly assumed by Vincent Hturnrovi . Is mi nBreeable and Intelligent uetor. Hls-prexutnelnihe farcu Is adistluc-t Bain, hternroyd was too Kndlsli to his meth ods and his personality, fruru Ms Jerky salt to f!",.WlKD.ar'cc.,' .Oneof the Improvoinonts III. MUsHclyolt" Is noted since the return to the oast of Laura Clement, who Is a sprightly actress and a careful If not brilliant slniter. LtiBt ulKlit Mario Cahlll; the dancer, resinned her place. In thy company after a week' Ill ness, rtftultluc from a butsted blood vessel. The nearest approach to a new thine In eat sldo theatrleals this week was Rnbort Uruco Matiloll Hporfiirmancrtof "The I.onlslanlan" at t ui.Peoplu'i.. Tbi iirama. by l.dward M. Alfrionil.uaH llrsl noted at n fpoclal mnttnfo nt Palmer n last venr. not with entire suocess. but with i enimuli approval from Its audience to In iUcnto t hat the play inlcht be or value to somo star. Mnntell placed It In his ropertory inter, and lie has slneo used it along with other plays. At tho People's It was carefully and. on thot whole, competently acted: but tlio do merits nt tho play are still ctarinc and numerous. A lack of action and a de llclency In Hie plot are the chief errors In Mr. Alfrlend'a work, which may other WM sonimondod. for Its lanuaaBtf ts stroiie and lis eharaefor sketches are bold, vivid, and Impressive. Mantnll's performance of thechiot rolelslnhls usual finished and forceful style, thouchthochnractor does not offer to him all tho niittortuiiltios tor strona acting that could be desired. Tho curtain talsor. " A Lesson In Acting." by John Krnest McCnnn. is a cleverly ilalnty trifle. At the Windsor Hie ulltterltin transformation scenes, tlio numeroua ballets. and .the lively vaudeville specialties of " The Twelve Tumptntlons" have had their custom ary efloct. Iluro Is a spectacle which has lasted twenty years and still is potont enouifh to illiarni tlio niultllttde. Its colors are rich, Mtsi scenes are sprlchtly, and somo of its performeis are uncommonly clover. Of thn dancers. Mil". Neumann and I'.ipprilJikaratho most attractive, whllo amone the variety specialists are Lillian White and tiie La Martlbe brothers, who have frequently appeared at FnMur's and other city vaude villes. "The Ivy Leaf," which was acted nt II. It. .Tacobk's on Monday night as the week's chniiffo of play, is very familiar to east side theatregoers. It Is a thoroughly conventional Irish dialect drnmn. with a little less noise and a little moio tun than is usually noted. nnd with a rnthei attenuated dramatic cast. Hniitli O'Hrion Is the chief actor, and he Is an agree able flcura in most of tho comlo scenes. The famous flight of the eagle, which Is nu aston ishinglr cood copy of tho real thing. Is re pented, to tlio Intense delight ot Jncobs's always noisy audiences. " '"'IJfeond Pattl Coaeerk The second Pnttl concert given yesterday nttornoon in the Metropolitan was an extraor dlnriry'dccaston. as far as audlenco was con cerned, for It is safe to say that more people were In the house than it bad ever held before. Fvery aisle and every foot of standing room In the balconies was occupied, whllo below men and women were packed, like herrings in a box. Into the rooms at tho sldo of tho parquet, and the aid of policemen was sought by tho nearly distracted ushers to keep uuruly pcr sous rroBi penetrating into adjacent places and front blocking up tho entrances. The same company as at tlio first perforra (jnctrTurtiishod tlio cntertainmont. The or chestra played Herold's gay overture to "Zampn. nnd then in succession Mons. GnlllW'Htsjnuri del Puonto and Novnra. and Mile. Fabbri eatic arias from tho works of Pouchielli. ltossinl, Meyerbeer. Wagner. N'o vara. nnd Verdi. Mme. PattI came upon the scene tgward the end of the first part, giving ono of Ardlti's waltzes, but not one of the best, and replying to two encores by "Home. BweetHomMf' and "Within a. Mile of Edin boro'TOwn." The audience seemed to enjoy PattI exceedingly she was plquunt and co quettish, with many Onlpt ami crank and v.nton wtlei. Nwli anl bcka aait wreatiicd imilta. Between tho first and second parts of tho programmotho ourtain was down for consid erably moriUhan hulf an hour, so that, though tho concert commenced nt 2. It was 4 o'clock boforstliei secnes from "Traviata" came upon tho stagn. Mme. I'attl. resplendent Inagor- Seous dress and al! her glittering jewels, bant; i"Llblamo" nnd "AnTnrs'e luL" Slgnor Guillo was the Allrrdo. Mll. Bauermeistor. Hlgnor Kinaldini. nnd Bignor Vaschettl also took part - Most of the audience romarkod sjmiiltanoiusly and reolprocallv to eoh other ns titer loft the Metropolitan. "What a deli cious; voico that is !" "Isn't Patti wouderfuW" "Did you ever hear anything so superb t" Andthq management must have made over $10,000. ' The Prrforaiaaee af"Ia ITacneaata" In the Metropolitan Opera House. Meyerbeer's noble opera-"Les Huguenots" wns'rcpoated last evening in the Metropolitan Opera House with the same general excellence that characterized its first representation. Interest was added, however, by tho appear nneojif. Mr Lnssalle. who sung the part of 456h?t I)i San Ilris. Albanl was the lVienfma, nnd Pdticiiini took the part ot the Queen. The brothers Do Iteszke were most conspicu ous In their parts, singing and acting with a caro.'jirtd dxcellenoe that won for them de .Mivedly the heartiest plaudits. Indeed, the whole opein wont with much spirit It may bo aaid that the company appears at its host In tills production, and Its frequent rep etition by the management would seem to be tho putt'of wisdom. To Bur Hurry Caivara.'a Collection or la. -, aecta. An effort is being made by the friends of the late Harry Kd wards, the nctor of Wallack's old company, wtto died Ave years ago. to raise Slii.OOO'to purchaso his entomological collec tion to present to the American Museum ot Natural Histniy. The collection Is said to be the most extensive and 'valuahle private en tomological collodion in America nnd one of the most valuable in the world. It contains moro than '.!."0.00 specimens of insect life and includes 4.VJ insects which Mr. Edwards first described and added to Hie catalogues. Tho committee having charge of the plan to buy are l'.dwtn ilooth, Joseph Jefferson. Thoodoro Moss. S. P. Avery. W. .'. Prime, Ijiwrenco Hut ton, nnd A. M. Palmer. Mr. Palmer is tho treasurer. Mi a. Kradnl Mill Jaddreaa Tltem, Mrs. Kendal will address the women who attend the "'high tea" and reception which will Jiajgiven at the Holland House on next Monday aflernoon by tlio Actors' Fund Fair Committee, bho will talk about the fair, which Is to raiso Slotl.OUO for the Actors' Fund or phnnase. The lloy.il Hnncarlnu bnnd will fur nish Hie music. Mrs. A. M. Pnlnier will preside. JlwasniM jestonl.iy th.tt Mine. Pnttl would bo nmonc Iho guei.li-. Jleinhersof all the lead ins llioaliical companies, of Soiols. nnd of thoTweiftli Night ( lub, mid tunny otlicrn liau priinilsed to bo piesonl. Later i-ommlttees i-oiiipoked of society women and actresses will eiitmissih,. different trades mid professions, tliecoiuuillteeh li.wo not yet beeu formed. . . Amerlnin Protestaut Mlaalona Iu 'kill. Under Hie title of "Missionary Work In rhili."tho P.qv. Dr. AllUwriteia letter to the Iiulrttnulfiil. Ilesuysthnt the missionaries of tlio American Preibjterlan Board of Foreign Missions are notlvo Iu (Tiill. and have uow six churehes In Mirlous cities tliero In wlik-h the iiioaching is In Spanish. Tlio Hoard has also rstubllshi-d sehooU for tlio upper classes, fcchnols, , for the lower c'asseb, and bun ilny Hchr.ols. Tlio whools for Hie lower elnssos aro in Valparaiso, Copiapo. Constl-tui-lon, and L'nncepcion, thn largest of Hiiu-a selioolrf being Iu Valparaibo. nnd having tin attendance of '2M boy and Blrls. The m'IiohI lor tin- upper classes, in Hnntiago, Ims Hid ptinlU, and has a tlieologlcal depart ment, in whinli native teachers and preachers nro trultieil: tlio L'r.iveislty of Chili confers tln decree of II. A. on those uf the graduates of this school who can pass a university exam ination. ' I'm- buildings for this institution SUMM'.li have been raised, and more mouey Is yet needed. In (hill, besides the missions of the Ameri can J'ltshyterlan Board, thero are .British Protostnnt missions. .The llev. Dr. Allls sayo that Proteidant churches can now be built in auyc-lty In Chill. Ball or lb Legion sfSXasct-. Fight thousand men and women danced last night at the Madison Square Garden, at the ball of tho American Lesion of Honor. The nrona was decked with cypress and laurpl nnd palm, ami Hie boxes were ornamented with bunting and Mnsnnla emblems. Oflloersof the HupromP Council were pre onf and delegations attended from.Mnbsa-i-husoltt-. Connecticut. IViinylnn a, New -ley-hey. and ijiutun Isliiiid, '1 In; order numbers l..ijOtJ members uid ha- paid ilM.WUMMMj in lietiiiflts in widows und orplian-i aiiice Its or-giiuirutiou, lilboi Keuue III. Bishop Keunu, the rector of the Catholic University In Washington is 111. and his lec ture before the Brooklyn Institute on "Leo XIII. and the Boolal Problems of the Day," which was to hays been delivered this ovvoiug, lias been postpocsd. i CONrXMONQ ABOVTTHE BRIO OS CASK- i raloa Blrettora aa tk fieat rat Aa.aily CoataiUteeiKeaeli No Conelnaloa, The complicated case of Dr. Briggs.the Union Ths'ologlfcal tiomlnary. nnd the General As sembly ot the Presbyterian Church came up again yesterday for a settlement but no set tlement was arrived at, and after flvo hours of conference and lintd wrostllng with the mat ter; the caso was adjourned until to-day. The questions at Issno are 'important both to Union Seminary and to tho whole Presby terian Church, and the outcome Is awaited wllli Intense Interest by Presbyterians all over the country. The questions Involve the future relation ot tho seminary to tho Presbyterian Church and. It Is thought by many Presby terians, even the continuance of any relations at all between the two. As Is well known, tho General Assembly, claiming n veto power over appointments of professors In the seminary, by virtue, of an agrcemont with the somlnary. vetoed the ap pointment of Dr. Brlggstotho chair of lllbll eal theology. Tho seminary refused to ac knowledge the right of the (lonernl Assembly to oto the appointment, contend ing.t hat It was a transier, nnd not a new appointment. The lieneral Assembly appointed a committee to conferwlth the dliectors ol Union Hemlnary with a view of dotermlninc Just what the com pact tnoant and what tho relations between the Assembly and tho seminary were. Dr. Patton. President of I'rincoton University, Is Chairman of the committee. ,, Two conferences between the two bodies were held last October, but no settlement was urilvod at. Finally Dr. Patton's committee made certain propositions which hve since been under consideration by the seminary di rectors. A conforeneo was arranged for J o'clock yesterday alternoon In the seminary. All the members of the Board of Directors. In cluding tho President, Dr.Butlor.who Is over W. wero present Ho also were tho members of tho eommltteo ot theUoneral Assembly. The eon foronce lasted until 0 o'elook, and during that time Dr. Patton's commlttoe several times ad journed to another room to oonfer among themselves. At six o'clock there wer no signs of an agreement and the conference was ad journed until 8:30 P. M. At that hour the con ference was resumed and wa continued un til 10:1)1). There was a general discussion, but no end was roaohod. The Assembly com mittee Is to have a meeting this morning, and tho joint conforeneo will be resumed this af ternoon, when it Is believed the matter will be settled. KIDSAFPED FROM MIXKOLA. A ronr-year-eU Girl Carries esT Croat a Home Tor Children. A child was kidnapped from the Temporary Home for Children nt Mlnooln on Tuosday af ternoon. The Board of Managers of the Home were in session In the parlor and Mntron Bogers was busy attending tho meeting when a fairly well drcssod womnn rang the bell and asked to see a little girl. Magglo Broaderlok, who was an Inmato. Matron Rogers question ed her and the womnn said bor name was Hannah Anderson, an nunt of the child. The llttlo one was sent to the Home .last July by Overseer of the Poor Klppor of Newtown, and the records showed that her mother was dead und that she had boon deserted by tho father at the Newtown depot . .. ... . . Tho womnn carried a bundle with her. Miss Rogers allowed hortoseo the ohlld In the re ception room. The woman and child talkod to S ether a short time, and Miss Itogers was nally called into tne parlor by the manngers. The moment sho lett tho room the woman opened tho bundle, and drawing a wrap from It put it over tho.ohiid. who ts about4 years old. She then took the little ono In her arms nnd ran to the door, down the street and to tho railroad depot In her flight the wrnp foil on. A woman passing stoppod her and remon strated. The woman only cried out as she ran on: "She's mlno 1 sho's mine I flho caught a west-bound train at the Bta tlon. and was away before a policeman got there. She did not arrive in Long Island City, and it is supposed escaped by way of East New York. BOSTON'S SEW CI1 AMBER OF COMMERCE. Tae Member Have a Mlnati-el Show In the OK Uullilloc Before Moinc. Boston. Jnn. 20. The Chamber of Commerce to-day witnessed a scone of hilarity such ns Is never allowed, except on tho last day of the year. It was tho last day's session In tho old building. To-morrow the members will tnko possosstpn of tho uow structure which they will then formally dedicate- This afternoon tho members arranged a minstrol show, at which every raembor had a chance to pay off old scores on fellow members. To-night the new building was thrown open to the members nnd their frionds in an informal reception nnd promenade concert To-morrow the mombora will march ina body from the old building to thn now. Kx-Presldent H. M. Whitney of the West End Htroet .Hallway, who presentod the land on which tho now building stands, will be tho orator. Delegations from Exchanges In New York. Atlanta. Chicago. Itlchmond. a.: De troit. Milwaukee. Omaha. Hnn Francisco. Cleveland. Buffalo. ProUdonce. and liaugor will be Hie guests of the Chamber. A dinner will bo servod at the Yondomn In the evening. The new building Is of pink granite, seven stories high, and covers tl,r50 square feet of land. It Th built in the uomnnesquo style. The third floor U reserved for tho purposes of tho Chamber' Itself. Tho Board room has u floor space of 4.U00 square feet A Town Frightened ay a Case of Small-pox. Salem. X. H.. Jan. 20. Tills town has been thrown into such excitement over n case of small-pox that the schools have boen closed, and fumigating is being dono in nearly every houso to prevent the spread of the diseaso. A young man named Wells, a student at the In stitute of Technology at Boston, came homo last week seriously ill. N'oighbors called at the houso to ascertain his oondltlon. but It was not until Sunday that the doctors ilocldod Hint it was n case of small-pox. Tho Wells children had been attending school during the weok and had associated with tho children of tho neighborhood. The announcement of small-pox created wide-spread alarm at once. Tho School Committee has Issued orders that all the schools be closed until further notice. JVrw Koarrlntrndent ol Public IlutldlDi. ALtnNT. Jan. 20. The trustees of public building.-', consisting of the Governor. Lieutenant-Governor, nnd tho Speaker of tho Assembly, met in the Governor's office this nfternoon nt 4 o'clock and elected Michael Jlelehanty fnporintendent of Public Build ings. ,-t. I'd win K. Hurnlinm. resigned. Uov. Flower veiled ngaiust the appointment. Lieut. -Guv. Hlieehan and Speakor Hush voting for it Mi. Delohmity Is the father-in-law of Chair man Edward Murphy of thn Democratic btato Cuuimittue. and n prominent plumber and business man of tills city, having had nesily nil the contiaets fur plumbing work lu tho State Capitol. Fire Iu the Albany Penitentiary. Ai.dint. Jan. 20 Just after tlio 700 prison ers in the penitentiary had been locked up to night fire was discovered in tho laundry shop attached to the south wing. The prisoners became very exulted and called to bo released. Tint city Fire Dopartme-.it und Hie entire ro seive police force rospouded to Hie nlurm. and the flrn was confined to the building in which it originated. Ten thousand doeu new shirts were destroyed. They belonged to various llrms who had contracted witli Hungeiford A Paddock to do the woi k. The Dual Language (Jjue.tloa, WiNXin.ii. Man.. Jan. 20. In the Xurtliwet Assembly at Uegina yesterday there was a hot tight over the dual language question. Premier Haultnln moved "that it is desirable that hereafter ptoceedlngi shall be recorded and published in English only. A warm discus sion ensued, but the motion was finally adoptod: The Assembly Is taking stops to have Hie Territory represented at the Chicago World's Fair in 1S0J. Instructed to Sue Oca, Uanka. Boston, Jan. 20. District Attorney Allen has bosn instruoted by the Department Justice lu Washington to orlng suit against Gen. Banks for the recovery of about $4,000 which, on a settlement of accounts as United States Marshal, appears to be due to the Govern ment. Gen. Banks claims that the shortage i epreseuts the amount which lie lost through the alleged defalcation of William D. Poote, who was for many years deputy marshal In charge of the accounts. Mr. Pooluwas Indicted but not tried. Mia, Only Utility of Murder la the Meconii llfKree, Wit.UJUNlir. Jan. 20. Mis. Mniy Duly was eonicted to-day of minder In thu second de gree and sentenced to prison for life for tho murder of James Corcoran. The jury was out only thirty minutes. She was convicted of murdering James Corcoran, aged 21. with a pair of shears in her home two months ago. Hso't Ramsay for C.t.rrb will arly cur. cUrrh na cold In lb aed. U.ntly, pliM.nt. All druuuti. JI& JKXKINS FOR HEALTH OrFtCKR. His Professional Career nnd TATlJe Esse llenc. aa n Corona r" a I'Jikalrliiii, H Dr. William T.Jenkins, who was nominated by the Governor yesterday to be Health Officer of the Portot Mew York, Is ot Welsh descent, and was born In Holly Sprlncs. Miss., Oct 25. 1B55. He was graduated from the university of that State In 1877. and subsequently took n post graduate course In chemistry. He en tered the Bellerun Medical Collsge In 1878. bdt desiring to be an army surgoon. trans ferred himself to the Medical Dorartmont of 3iar sw- aSafin jpw s3r rli DR. W. T. JEXXCta. the University of Virginia, which Is oonslderod a training school for military medical service, lie received his diploma as physician and sur geon In 1870. and. abandoning his original In tention, began practice In this city, Incidental ly studying In the nest graduate course of tho New York Unhorslty. In 181 he marrlod Elizabeth Bobotts Croker. youngest sister of ltichard Croker. by whom he has two children. He became Coroner's physician to Coroner Martin, now Commissioner of Jurors. In 1882, nnd subsequently served as Coroner Levy's deputy. Dr. Jenkins Is a member of the Tammany Hall General Committee from tho Eighteenth Assembly district He la a momber of, the Southern Society. Two of his uncles tons-lit In the Confodorato army and two in the Federal. His maternal grandfather fought under Geu. Jackson In the battle of New Orleans. In theeours9 of his career as Coroner s phy syolan. Dr. Jenkins has been concerned In many celebrated cases. Ho has made upward of 3.000 autopsies, among them being all the cases of doath from olectrlclty by wire or otherwise. He was a medical witness at two of the executions by electricity, aud took part In the autopsy of the victims. His post mortem examinations number more than 12,000. He is recognized by the profession gonernlly as nn expert pathaloglst His func tion ns Cornnor'a physician has heon ulso that of expert lu medical jurisprudence. UZETTXa OF AMHERST ALVMXT. The New President Telia of the College'a Prospci-oua Coadllloa. Around a snowy horseshoo nt Sherry's last evening extended a lino of Amherst College graduates gathered for tho annual banquot Tho linn doubled on itself ut tho ends, and fol lowing the curve wound bnck to tho head of tho tablos. bringing tho younger men close to tho Itcv. Dr. Storrs nnd others honored In tho memories ot tho alumni. In front of Presi dent Gates and at frequent intervals wero modest geraniums in pots of subdued color. Cordial nnplnuso from obout a hundred alumni greeted tho Rev. Dr. Storrs as in a few remarks filled with remlnlsccncos. of tho early days of tho college, ho prefaced the formal In troduction of President Merrill E. Gates, undor whoso first year of administration the collcgo has had a new birth. TouchluK upon collegmto theory and alumni practice. President Gates spokoof theprogress in the last year, and closed with hopeful words tor the future. Durinu tlio lus.t elghtonn months about fs150.0)M has been added to tho reourens of tho college. Including among other gifts the bequest of $100,000 by D. Wil lis James, tho now trustee, and the tine ath letic field given uy Frodorick Pratt. With this latter gift Is a fund of S.I.iiOO for tho main tenance ot the Held nnd the furthoranenot tho nthletlo Interests of tho Hludrut". Emphasis was laid upon thn determination to socuro the best possible professors for tho two lower clnssos. The prospojt of new building, in cluding chemistry, geological, and physical laboratories was hopotullv described. D. Willis .1 nines followed tlio President's speech, and William W.Goodrich.'.VJ.iospond odto"Tho Old Bow" Avery IS. Ciishman. '83, responded to" College Athletics." V. H. Chancellor was followod by Prof. H. H. Neil, who spok'e for tho faculty. Previoun to Hie dinner tlio Bar. Chariest II. Pnrkhurst '00. was ele.-ted President of tho Alumni Assoeiatlon. The Vtce-1'resldnnts nro W. C. Browneli. '71 : Dr. It. P. Lincoln. '112: Treasurer. II. L. Brldgman. 'Ut; Secretary. Charles M. Piatt. '70: Lxeeutlvo Committee. Jefforson Clark. '07: Jumes Turner. '80: Brad ford W. Hlteheoek. '81 : Arthur C. James, '80: ltobert A. Mcl'addeu. 'HO. yEWHEAlt TO THE FLA7RVSH ASTT.VM. Dr. Flemlac to lluve Ab.olute Authority In the Cure of the Inaane. Tho Kings County Charities Commissioners removed Medical Superintendent Dr. John A. Arnold from the supenUIon of the Flatbush Insane Asyium yesterday and appointed Dr. W. S. Fleming in his place. This was done by direction of tho State Commissioners. Dr. Fleming's new title Is Genernl Medical Super intendent, aud ho ii to be Hie chief executive ollloei. His duties are solely conllned to the Insane, and ho bus tho pot-far to "eleet. appoint, and discharge nil medical officer, attendants, and other employees, nnd to decide on the number of assistant physicians, and employees, und to define their duties. Dr. Arnold has had eh-irge of tho asylum for eight yenrs.nnd Dr. Flemiughub for some time been his first uf-sisunt. Jewellera lllne nt Ielmunleoa, Col. Iiobert G. Ingoi soil was (lie guest of honor at the dinner of the New York .Towel leri' Bonrd of Trade nt Delmonico's last night. As usual, this annual banquet of the jewellers was uttended by so many that the big hall at Delmonico's was scarcely big enough to contain nil the guests. Col. Inger soll spol.o on "The Progios of Amer ican Industrie." The oilier toasts were: "ThcTiesldertf of Hie I'niled States." responded to by Piesldent I. Snolleld: " America." bv the llei. Arthur B. Kiiisoloing: "The f.nilies." by the Hon. V.U DeWitt : "Our Friends iu Need, the Ik-m-li und Hat." by Hie Hon. Moigan J. O'Brien; " Tho Press," hv Cor oner Furdfuund Levy, and "Our Guests." by the Hon. J. . Illdwi. Among thn leading jewellers present were S. K, Meyers. J. H Bow den. )!. II. Hulls. Ini iliitiowi,. E. B. ('lorcue, I., iliimiiiell. Ilet.ry Hiijes. I- S. Johnson, David Kullui. M. J. Lissituor. M. A. Mvors, J. S. Spencer. J. F. S.-ott Alvin Strasburgwr. O. F. Yeltli. X. II. White. G. I. Comstock. It. I. Ein stein, H, P. Cook. L. Knliii. Is. Aufhauser. J, Adlor, G. Hodeupyl, and J. F. Lutz. Reunion or Ihe I'alrrr.lly'a Uruauatee la I.UM'. The eighth annual dinner of the associated classes of the law department of the Uni versity of the City of Now York was held last night in the upper pailois ot the Hoffman House. Judgo John Homy McCarthy presided. After the dinner thei.) toasts wore rosponded to; "Tlio University Alma Mator." Chancellor Mcfrnekeu: "The .fudge,' Hie Hon. Willard Bartlett; "Tim Dar.'r Ellhu Itoot: "The Faculty, Prof, Isaac I . Mussell: "The Pulpit." thel'.ev. William Lloyd; "The Physician.'1 Dr. Gentgo Henry Fox. nnd "The Witters on the I aw." Prof. Christopher 0. Tledemaii. ' Among those present were Col. David K Austin. V. Ham A. Purrliigton. Justice M. I. Towns. Benjamin Franklin, Maurice Meyer, Emanuel M. Friend. James D. Mct.'lelland. Jolin D. l.lnd. say, Wauhope Lynn. Charles E. Sim ins, Jr.. Hamilton Pomeroy, Judge Earnest Hall, aud John I'. Muintyre. A Chorea Dispute Settled, Judgo Dugro of the Superior Court, on con sent of counsel, yesterday discontinued the three actions which have been pending, grow ing out of the attempted consolidation of St Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church and Hol Trinity Church of Harlom. Part of Hie arrangement by which the litigation Is settled is said Oi bo the resignation of tho Itcv. A. 11. Hint and his Hilary of $1,800 a year. lililiwoiiil County Deiuorrnle, Tho llii-limond County Democratlo General Commi'.tco met at St. Geoiso jestorday, nnd fixed Jan. !10 for the town primaries and Feb. 2 for the town nominating conventions. The 1 spring elections will take plaoe on Feb. 0. The Democrats of Westfleld will hold a mass meet Ins at Krelohcrville on Jan. 28 to nominate town officers. XARRIKD'OrXM AQAUI. Ur. Drown HnrarUed Itkit He Thence! lie. Was to Met Btlaa.Heaclaaa. Mist Bertha A. Hoaglnnd has for rears been conspicuous In the town ot FortohesUr. N. Y. Whenever a plcnlo or a dance was held In the town she was sure to be the Rarest and the moat sought after ot all the girls. She Is a vivacious brunette, and Is now about 20 years old, Up to last Monday she lived with her mother In a large, comfortable house on Westchester avenue. Bhe grew up In Port chostor along with the other young people of tho place, and she always had every privilege and advantage In her bringing up. nor father Is doad. Her grandfather Is Wil liam P. Abenflroth of Aoondroth Brothers, stove founders. In Beekman street. In this city. He also has a handsome house In Port choster. SIlis Uoagltnd Is known among her friends by the name of "Bot" Somewhat over a year ago Fred Marshall, a young man ot Port Chester, made nil the other young men Jealous by the attentions he paid to Mlts Hoagland. The two were constantly together. Last' spring, alter the talk had begun to subside somewhat, Frod Marshall suddenly disap peared from Purtchcster. and nobody In the pls.ee has seen liiiu since. Last May Miss Hoagland left her home, and (or a number of month nobody know whore fhn had ttona. Ijtst December she returned to Portchentor. She seemed more quiet and meditative than she had been bofore sho wont away. During tho holldavsshe tool: part In an ama teur concert and sang a sols, but with the ex ception of that the yoiinB men and young women of Portchester saw vory little of her. Last Sunday she was soon at the dopot In company with a fashionably dressed young man. hen the 2::t() train for Now ork camu Into the station tho Idiers hanging about wore surprised to see Miss Hoagland and the young man got o:i the train. The young man. how ever, went forward .on Hie train while Miss Hoagland entered tho rear car. On Monday evening the same young man came on tho, train from New otkaitd asked tho telegraph, operator, whole Miss Hoagland lived. He said he had recelvod a telegram from hor asking him to eomo Immediately, and ho had no Idea what it was about Ho called the Hoaglands up on tho telephone from the station, and was told to wait until "llertla" came for him. Mrs. Hoagland. accompanied by a stout ser vant girl, was driven to the station In a ctosod carriage The sorvantwent In after tho young man. "He gave his namo as Mr. Brown. In quired nbout Bertha, and the servnnt said she was In the carriage. Mr. Blown wont to tho carriage, and the largo coachman opened the carriage door. The young man saw n, figure thero In tho dork which he could not recognize, and leaned In to speak to Bortho. As ho did so tho coach man pushed him Into tin) carriago and closed the door, and in comoany with Mrs. Hoagland he was diiven to the house. Mr. Abvndrotli arrived nt tho houso at about thesnmo time, nnd the liov. C E. Hruqler of St Peter s Episcopal Church was summoned. A big man over six feet tall went tothiio-ir-rlngo nnd escorted Mr. Brown Into tlio hou4o. nnd acted ns best man at tlio niurrlago coro monv which followed. That same evening Mr. Brown and his young wilotook tiie Into train for Now York. Tho station agent asked him what had been going on. ." I married- Miss Hoagland a week ago In New York," ho said, "but the old folks, it scorns, wero suspicious nnd mndeup their minds to have tho coromouy periormod oer again here." A notice of the marriage was published yes terday morning In the New York papers. Mr. Brown is reported to bo a son of Mr. Brown ot ltyorson.t Brown, th" livery men. The youni; couple aro said to bu Installed In a flat in New York. rrnEitE is c.4 r.r.Axim.i r TTarranta Ont for an Itnllon who Did a rimnll Itunklita; Ilnslne.e, Two warrants wero Issuod In Xowark yes terday for the arrest ot Dominlco Cullnndra. a good-looking youn,? Italian, who has for six months beon doing a smnll banking buslnoss In N'owark and was nn agent for the Borkotey Heights Improvement Company, whoso offices nro at 52 Broadway, in this city. This com pany brought n tract of land near Summit N. J., and It is believed Intended to make an other Short Hills on Tuxedo Park of It but hiding that tho venturo was unpromising turned it into nn Italian colony, which is, now ina flourishing condition. LoU woro sold on easy terms to Italian laborers and others, and an ofllco was opened at 310 Market street Callandrn nas tho Newark agent and he also did n little business in steamship tickets, drnfts. and exchanges.- and it is said took money on deposit Joseph N'icelila, manager of tho Berkeley Heights Improvement Company, was In New ark vesterdny looking forCailandru. It is said that tlio accounts of tlio latter with the com pany have not boon sottled for some time, and Hint warranta nrunut in this city for his arrest on a cbargo of embezzling tho funds of thn company. The N'owark warrants are issued on charges brought by Michaol Atninno, who had 00.1 on deposit in Cnllnndra'n bank, and Chrlfitoforo Junelln. who deposited $U20. Cuilandr.i recently took his cleik. D. Caputa, Into partnership, and Cnputn is said to have slipped away to Italy, whore his father is ill. Callandrn wan in Newark yesterday, had a consultation with Ernest V. A. Bulfatto. his lawyei. and was advised to face his troubles und puttlio blnmii whero it belonged, that is, on Cupula. Callandrn said he would do ho. and went out. Ho was not again seen during the dav. nnd it Is nid he is iu this city. He attowed lus counsel a letter from Cnputn, In which tho latter said ho did not mean to be dislionost, and would come li.tek in n month. N'leehia wns formeily Cnlinndra's partner, hut ho withdrew from the business. It Is thought that Cnlliindra's obligations lu New ark amount to $8,000 or more. i N'icelila was arrested last nvenlug nt Hie Broad street station or the Morris and Essex road, when ho was nbout to go to Morristowu with Mrs. Hamlin, who Is treasurer of tho Berkeley Heights Improvement Compnny. Chrlstoplieio Innollii was tho complainant Ho made n olianrn before Justice Somers thut he deposited b'X'.O with N'leehia A Callandut when thov wore partners, upon repiesentation Hint thoy were authorized bankers. He said that lie believed N'iechlti wnsabotit toabseond. N'ieehln was taken to tho Second precinct police station, nnd Mrs. Hamlin Went out in search of a lumdMii.in for him. A Tery Perullnr ltronn llorae. ScnANTOx. Jan. 20. Capt George B. Thomp son, soiilor momborof tlio firm of Thompson A Pratt of ,"U2 Lackawanna avenue, this city, owns a brown hot-so that oats tobacco, meat, peanuts, mince and apple pie. bologna sau sage, aud nearly everything else that people eat, Tho horse's name Is Billy, nnd he Is a net of Capt Thompson's fnmily. Blllv tot Into the habit of eating tobacco when he was a colt, and every dnv be hunkers tor It iu much h he does torn food of outs. Ho will taken double handful ot the r-trongost Mm! of to bacco fioiu a htianger and chew it down ns though It was n wisp of hav. When Billy htuudsat thn niirbstiiiie in limit of UioMote, nnd somn om that ho knows (omos to the door and asks him if ho would like a chew of tobtcco. ho pileks up his ears, champs his bit. moves his head up and down, and begs tho speaker to bring the weed to hliu at once. 1 I.net Teara For I en Commerce. Thennnual report of the Chamber of Com merce furnishes these figures: Tnt.l lrl?n cemineron of the per' or New York rorlbeo.ltn.Ur jrr.r IHUI $1 OI0.S07.41, Tel.l fefi-len cntmnrrc. ur the port ef New York for me llicsl )er law.. . SCP.W.-.fn.'. Khowtnitn Incrnn of $10,774 T'JD Fnrelcn i-uninifr'-eef th pert ompirr.t m'i nil poin of ih I'Blttil Male, furllie ril )rr ttn.1 f lune 3o, ' rut or tn ra'itof ,Vu Vok. tvlttlMittti. yorelrn marchanitiie. In- billing mm BJ bill- ''""unsifted. . lV.StSS.713 asi,17.-,.ll43 fcxpoite.t. .. . I3 40d4 -.-;.IVO.lHI4 r-nium'4 an4 on hand IS Iti.TSl.OD I tloS.9S4.73V Pnmevtto tarelundM-, Ir.duainr loin .na tiul- """-.IPO" 38.:,27 S871.:i3,MS Fonr Disorderly nouses Kalded. Capt. Byan of the Mercer street station raided four disorderly houses in West Third street late last night and raptured slxtoen women, Including Maria Herman, keoperof l:tti: Eliza beth Huson of 1.".8. Cnmille (Itiutier of l.Ti. and Annie Lewis of Kil. They will be arraigned at JefTursou Market this morning. Wlirre Tealerday-a Fires Were. A N! 12 OS. (107 Alexander .leiiun, .Uulfi Culf ;i, Uduiaue ttoo, -J li'.', lRili:nil08tntree-, John Clery, iUuuuoSIOi); ? Hi), tut Central l'.r areuue Vtrt, lhiuuii lani-y.diunaiie. $V1. H 110.37 weal rWt)-foQrt& ttrtci. Wlltmui I'rjny, notlaiuaur, I". M & 00. tlotij hecuinl Hieuita, Henry Kearni, iln:ai 1.-.0; f, 20. J.4H4, Third .tenue, II. B. Ho.l. (UwaKt (60; tiiio, 10." Klijtitti .veDti., Alei.nder lranctaco, no d.mate: 7-.I&. 114 Fifth arenue. N. J. Uemoreat. d.oia. 200j wig a Wen Twaulyaecond strett, Ii. 0. Hedgera. dam.(. S900. llt.W.-rjamorait f.wlni Hachlse. call aal ih lkttB,aU7SutltlBlt,iVwy.ra-sAaK Finest BREAD is made with Royal Baking Powder. Always light, sweet, pure and wholesome. gt.AVKRX DATS .V .VJBir XORK. A Dark Chapter In Steuben County's Ulatory Recalled Tbrongb Old - l.lndy'a" Iteatb. Bath. Jan. 20. The death a few days ago In this village of Kthellnda Louisa SeAmans Will son, or "Llndy." the only name she had been known by for seventy years or more, leaves. as far as Is known, but one other oolored per son living In western New Yoik who was a slave when slavery existed In this State. The exact age of " Llndy" was ncvor known, but It Is supposed that she wns about 12 years old when sho was purchasod as a slave seventy yeurs ago by tho grandfather of Bnnkor Edwin C Cook of Bath, and sho had bean In the family evor since. Tho suivlvlng ex-slave, also a rosldont of Steuben county. Is Maroua P. Lucas. He Is about 73 years old. and man of groat Influence among tho largo oolored population ot the southern Her. Ills father and mother were brought to Bath from Virginia In 1803 by tholr master, Capt William Helm, who had purchasod a tract ot land hero ot tho Pultenoy estate. Marcus was one of seven children born to tho slave couplo in Bath. Capt Helm did not prosper hero, and it Is on record that in 1818 his slavos woro dis posed ot at BhorifTs sale. The mother and father of tho Lucas family worn purohased by 8. 8. Hayt founder of tho well-known family of that name in rjteithcn county. Tlio children woro sold to dilToront pernons, hut, slavery be ing abolished in tho State not long afterward, the family wero rounituJ und wero living hup pily in thin village. Thn idea Hum occurred to Cunt. Helm that he might beublo to kidnap Ills formor slaves, run thorn down through Pennsylvania, nnd soil them lu ouo of tlio border slave Mates. Ono night in tin. fall of 18'J0 tho entire Lucas family woro sei;-nd by unknown men. bound nnd gagged, lluown Into a wagon, nnd driven out of Both. They woro hurried westward to Clean Point then tho head of navigation on tlio Allegheny Illver. Capt Helm was then discovered by Lucas and Ills wifo among the kidnappers. There was no lint boat ready at the point to take tho fam ily and their kidnappers down tho rlvor. and toforo ono arrived Lucas and his wife man agedtoosenpowlth live of tho younger chil dren. Tito other two children wero taken tjouth. aud ncvor again heard of. Liu-as returned to Bnth with what ho saved ot his family. Capt Holm also came back. Hiid Lucas began proceedings against him on tho charm- ot kidnapping, nnd it is tho only case of its kind ou record in tho criminal his tory of this State. Tho court records of Htou bon county show that Helm was convicted of tho charge, but do not show what punishment was Indicted upon him. Old residents ot the county sny that ho was fined and imprisoned. Ho died a town pauper some years later. Marcus F. Lucas was ono of the children kid napped, and saved from a llfo of slavery In tho Houih by the escape of his father and mother from Holm at Olean Point Ho was then only M years old. but lias a distinct recollection of tho thrilling episode. JT BEATS THE RECORD. The Erection or a Frelclit f.oeomottTe In I.eae Than Ten Hours. A remarkable foat of rapid work In looomo ttve building, which. It la snld. eclipses any previous performance ot a like nature In the history ot mechanics. Is described In interest ing detail by London Enginrrring. It was the erection, in loss than ten working hours, from tho driving ot tho first pin and rivet to the ap plication of the lat coat, of varnish, of a htandnrd freight locomotive of tho six-coupled type, weighing more than thirty-seven tons and able to haul a load of 000 tons. Tlio workwas doneat the Stratford works of the Groat Enstorn Hallway of England last month. Tho work thnt held tho rucord until last month was tho erec tion in Juno, 18&J. ut tho Altoonn works of Hie Pennsylvania Bailway Company, of a freight locomotiveofthofour-eouplod typo In 10 hours fiO minutes. It Is said that it It Is not fair to compare Hie latter performance with the former, because the frames had been erected, with nil their cross connections, the cylinders fixed, tlm motion parr set. mid Hie crosshead. the wnlghbai. und othor parts put in Place. In the recent work at Ktratlord absolutely not n stroke of the work of erection iiad been begun. The various parts of the locomotive, as made to standard unugo and dimension", wero gathered together, but not a rivet wns In place, nor wore any two pieces together. The start was made nt 0:03 A. M nnd eleven minutes afterward tho first rivet was put into the frames. The olinderc were sot und fixed In one hour ami hoventeen minute. Pour hours and seventeen minutes from the start the boiler wns In place, und an hour nnd twonty minutes later tho engine was wheeled. The wheels wore supplied just as they left the wheol shops, and thn eccentrio sheaves had to be fixed, and the axle boxes, connecting rod, nnd coupling-rod binssos tltted by tlieerectors. r.lght hours and twenty-two minutos from tho start the valve Hotting was com pleted, aud tho painting of tho engine vns commenced lllieeii minutes later, lu uiuo hours and forty-suveri minutes from tlio Mart Hie oiigino nnd tender were completed In every detail. Ono hundred mid thirl v-r-oven men were ouipioynl in building tho locomotive, divided ns follows: On the en gine. KTi; titters. 30: smiths. 'J: boilermakers and rivet boys. Ac 44; on the tender. O'J: lit ters, IU: boilernmkcrs. lit; laborers. Ac, I'll. Tho nvet age HuiK fur building an engine and tender is eight dais. The work was done In seven hours of one day with a recois for dinner, und 'i hours nnd forry-seven minutes of tho following morning. Tim locomotlve.liko two hundred in uo on the railway, was put into ii-gulni' work on the day it was completed, and it ha- been running rnntlMioui-ly him-e witli eoni trains between Peterborough und Loudon. Qiiesilone for Forerneter lltinn. Forecaster Dunn, on a warm day recently, wnsenllod (o tho telephone to listen to tills message: "lam a wine Impeller. Iluivean order from Montana for a iiuantltv of cham pagne. I want to know whether Hie weather will remain warm enough to make it safe to send it on now." Arid this what he replied: "Piom present iinlluitloiis I Miould advise you to wait unless you e.m make sure that it will reach Itn destination before i'rlday, Whllo there is no cold wave In night tlio vventhur out Wot Is unsettled, and Hie dlnturbauco may rc-uit Iu n cold wave lu a few days." When Mr. Dunn returned to his dek he said: "I saved that mni: a good many dollnis last wilder, and he does not forget it. He .iikpiI my advice about uu ordo' fiomsome Western city, and 1 cautioned him to wait for settled weather. He chafed a good deal about the delay, but minded my advice nevertheless. 1'limllr, I ilgured out it good spell ut mild weather, and lie sent on his wines. It arrived safety, whereas If lid had forwarded If at any other time It would, have been caught In a t-torm. Champagne has to be.haudled care fully, you know, because If a cold wave oomes iiiongand freeze it all the bottles will burst, l'reouently hundreds of dollars' worth of win is lost in this way." Whoever Imagines that the Signal Service Bureau Is ot no advantage other than to give information, more or less correct, of the weather, might be enlightened by spending a few hours with Mr, Dunn on ono of his busy days. Commission merohants who deal in the produott, of Houthern oountrtes are frequent applicants for Information. To remove fruits from the warmulrof the holds of esels dur ing a cold wave would surely spoil theni. and the consignees, therefore, try to make sure of enough fair weather to llnlsh the ion Wnan Baby waa alct. w. (art bar CaitortK Wba iht waa a Ckua. at. crtli. let Cut.rla. Wa.a Ut ttuai Mua, rt. etnas taOaatarta. Whta sas e4 CMllras, Us g.va then Oajt.ria. TBCAMXn TO BJI DIBCTTtlNED. iX'nlanan t'--i A rarealat Beaeol to ha Organised y the iT-i Boston Bohool Board. 'IllH Bosto. Jan. 20. Tho olty of Boston it about fl to try ft new and novel method ot disciplining ' HJfl refractory school children. Although Boston 'H well deserves the reputation for oulture and '-'Tlfll superiority In Intellectual attainments which Tljfl her people enjoy. It must be confessed that '11 some ot her school children about a hundred Lefl out of a total ot C5,19." who attend publla ilH schools-will "hook Jack" every little while. i Some ore Incorrlglblo truants, and they have )&--! been disciplined in the Truant School at Deer ,:'! lfl island, the city's dumping ground fordrunk- j ID nrds and criminals whose offonoes are termod 5 misdemeanors. The prisoners are assorted ao- ' lH eotdlng to the nature of the orlraes for which I M they have been committed, and Ihe truants M are classed with vicious and Immoral young t lH reprobates who have been sent to the Reform Bohool as a punishment for petty crimes. j ! This association ot mischievous boys with liH really bad boys has worried the members ot f the Bohool Board, who eonld see la It only a !(-! great and permanent Injury to the'rouageters. j H whose only offenoe was. perehanoe, a greater i B fondness for baseballathan for oomplejt frao- !l H tlons. The Influence was all one-sided. Tha i School Board needed no statistics to eonvlnoa llfH them that the sohoolboy's oharaoter was ltfl smirched by his association with the criminal- $!! ot Deer Island, that his solf-respoot was lost - kbH and that his downward course was almost eer- tain to follow his reloase. The Judges hosU i tate to send tho mischievous youngsters to lll the Hand, nnd the boys are smart enough to H see the advantage which the situation holds lH out to them. A 11 B-jt thero Is to be no more temporising. H Trunnoy Is to be eliminated from Boston ' H schools nn far as it Is possible to secure sueh m H result The boy who "hooks jack" Is to be i H punished, but In such a mannor that the pun- H Ishment will bear good fruit InBtoad of bad. H UeIom the boy Is absolutely depraved he will H bn bonofltod by his stay nt the Truant Bohool. ' B Ho will be surrounded by Influences that will y H tend to make a man ot him Instead of ft erlm- H Inal. Tho now institution Is to bo a parental B school to prevent crime, and not a reform J H school to ouro crime. The name "Parental ', H Bohool " Is. In itelf, auggostlvo of the char- 'Ji H actor ot tho Institution. It is to bo a home for . B the boy whero ho will bo under absolute) . BJ authority and. at tho snmotlmo. his surround- B logs will bo elevattntf. Almost every out- ' B ward form ot restraint la to bo abolished. . 3B There will bo no bolted doors and grated ' windows: no guards to remind the boys con- t'.DI tlnunlly thnt they are In prison. $H Tho Parental School Is to be on the oottage ip BJ system, which has been triod so suocessfully iitB In connection with othor publto institutions. '1H A tract of land is to bo purchased In an outly- 'nH ing part of the city on which are to be ereoted '11 two largo buildings and as many cottages aa )aH tho necessities may roan Ire The School 'f1B Bonrd has In mind an estato of about eight 'Ifjl acres in area In tho extreme wostern part ot jiltH tho city, on tho Cliarloa Blver. near the Ded- .Ufl hum lino. It is about olght miles from tha 7 flea City Hall. The section is the country dlstrlot liflea of the city, and is built upon so little that all IkI tho temptations and lnllueneesot city life are 13I distnnt. SH lf tlio plan be approved by the Mayor and ;ilH tlio edy Oovornntent and It is believed thnt ,8i there will bo no furthor opposition to It build- ;SIH liiirlstobo begun ns soon us the nooeBsary ni led tapois unwound. Tho plan aa now draft oil IjH calls ior in expenditure of S12.r.000. Tho SH largot building is to bn ot brick, called the cen- fl tral admin istratlon building, for the onioes and 1tI rooms of tho Superintendent and the assist- W-i nnt nnd the kitchon. laundry. Ac It is to be Jf, II largo enough to accommodate 200 boys, al- itWi though the nverago number at the Truant !di bchool hns been only nbout 100. lt!Ei The other large building is also to be ot 'iiffH brick fortheschoolroomt. and workshop. The mCM committee recommend tour schoolrooms. lit Brail oacli ;J'x8, thus ullowing classlOcaUon. Tbe '9i workshop Is to occupy most of one floor and in !H to bo tltted up as a complete manual training j H school. In the building Is to be a small halt l!?U-i tor general exercises. isri Grouped around the two central buildings ttM nro to bo the cottagos which are to be used aa fi gj-'g dormitortos. By the cottage ptan. so called. iHi the boys can be graded better according to st1l ago. character, etc. The more obstinate boys ,! H ar not to be placed with those lesB forward In ifi wrongdoing, and it i expected that better re- ".ii aiilts may be obtained thereby than by mass- JJBM lug the boys in one large building. Eaoh cot plH tngncan accommodate about thirty boys, and 'fjjH eacti little homo is to iiave Its own house- ;1?H keeper and n teacher. It has not been de- I'rtH rlded yet whether the boys will eat in a com- At MM mon dining room, or whether each cottage la V;UM to have its own room supplied with food to bo 11 wM cooked In ono kitchon and carried by the boys vl to the buildings. BVi Thn boys will do all the work at the Instltu- i'&jri lion. Indoors, and out of doors. There will be fiVM enough land to supply the sohool with vege- rafti-i tablo". nnd tho boys will thus get a praouoal liSiiH knowledge of farm work as well as of the varl- iWfl ous lu unches of mechanical work which mar IkaB be taught in the' manual training School. R- There will bo plenty of hard work, and no 9hH shirking will bo allowed. While the proiectors fii of Hie schonio lntenjl that tha boys shall have iKoH ngood home, they tlo not intend that It shall 'fjfljfl bo so attractive that the youngsters will play IWfM truant for tho sole purposo of bolng sent to isH tlm institution. Tliuio will be no lux- iltpJI tiries to tempt thorn. The school life ?S8I i to bo a penalty and not a reward. tVPW Hard, unceasing work ot body and cKfli mind is to be reuulred, and up to thn limit of ISiM tlm strength ot the bovs from the minute they Vwrfl enter, it is tho purposo of the School Board Inimi that the boya shall look to tho coming with J'VmJ dread, and to tho dischargo with pleasure: f.ffljJI tliat they shall carry a report to their regular 5S3W schools that may deter other boys from going (Wifh astray. Jt is hoped that the school will thus (jfi'l nerve as a proventivoof evil; that it will suvo .SS fal'v hoys who ure commencing to go wrong, and -rrirK mn-nthnm solf-rebpoctlng citizens. To this SiVfeL nd tho boys will, In a measure, be put upon t'ras' theirhonor. Tliero will be neither fences, nor s'-VJ-i-i liars, nor bolts. Kxpurienco has shown thnt fsSviT? that is the best way to prevent such boys from ?"!! running away. They aro to bo saved by being Pit'fvi trusted to thut extent iffiKS The system ot truant Industrial schools has t'itfr been tried very succoHsfiilly in England, as far UUfra as the results enn bo oxtiressed In figures. Tho r'K'iHir average length of deto-itlnn has boen nlnetv- it SfjS live das for each boy. Of the 11.1.10 boys ad- DBVil. mitted to tho ten trunnt schools in Great R?U! Bt ituin, U.J'.is. or nearly 00 per cent, were r- !t! 1$ leused iu tlttee months' time permanently .A-lew!. vund: i. e thoy hnve never beon arrested ?6 1S again for ti nancy. In six months' time 85 por Baiji cent, are permanently saved, and ina noriod of f, r'Jl ill no nioiiilis li.") per cent aro saved to society. ,J liB In IRsiithii LoiffsSituro passed a law com- JrftfiB polling the citv' bf j'trwton to establish a school SfffB for th detention of truants, apart from other 4 SrjB reformatories, but owing to differences be- tvliK tweeu tlu School Board and other branches of 4li9l the city Government, action has been post- ftJmm pouud until the prosunt year. iWM . HI ! IfnuSV Judaon. tjBI Nt-w Hivrv. Jan. 0. John Augustus Hauff l3 and Miss draco Hiirlburt Judson were mar- H rled at St. Thomas's Church to-day. The Bey. S-i Wm. A. Benrdsley performed the ceremony, HH Miss Anna (!. Judson, a sister of the bride llL-l iieied iih iirl.lo-.mald. The best man was SH Prank Wright of Newton. ' IjH U'hnl Club noea V. V. Matuewoes Bearoeeat I (' r viattie-aon, ex-Preament of th lerkaUyAtb- 9l let to L'lab. opcui'Ua a peculiar poallton. Re Is ate nl I'realdnit or llie Metropolitan Aaaocl.tton, .nd.tTu.a- BiiH day Mttt.ru mectlne reprratnted Ihe Berkeley Atbl.llo 3; "B tlluii. aoHieonirlalmlnateaaetfortti, -atbeorf.nU.ra Sifisfl of Hie L'uiTerally Athletic Hob hav. annoaoead that St'Saan It will lime iicthuir le Uo with lite A, A. U.. II would are jtltslfl .ear that Ur. .Matbaweun'e right to alt on th. Metro- 'SlVoYl t.ol.tiin Uoanl of tiovernora la a queailo&ahl one. vTViAtl lxiulillfaa. until Ihe Verkrlev A. O. appolnta Dwdeta lllrSI l- to the A A U, Mr. Mslbewaon will coalluu to UftS r rcaent it eu the Uttiopoltt.a Hoard, 0 il5-l Wheeling Cloala. MM A, A.riinunrraan. the noted bioycllat.ii Id town train- ifjVbl Inx to louiplti ita ludoor cb.mplooahlp at aladleon vwliiM hauare next Saturday arenlm. lie tatla for Eorop In ' Jfpl1 rompauy with Jlmrol. White on Jan. SI. On arrival Jfij lie win jo In active tr.lnlujr. and will probably make JiUl hla Oretappearaac on the EnflLbtrecke.boatEaater, llHlri A aew club, tbe Chryaaatom Wheelmen, buaprnm r'li'ifll Into rtlateuo In thia city, Th club'a omc.ra ar.; !f i rreaiilent, J, Dr.ae: Vlc.-rraaident. A. K.nderioni jt'aiV Heuretary K. J. CbearwIiKlen; Treaaurar, 0 D. Drake; iJaftV r.ni.ln I O. Ljoou. Lleuunanta. W. A. Kaaon.J. J. U Klh), McArd.. iel A. llotaoii -'o"or Seaf.r.J MlUa; BuUr. ,4lV, F Korbia in.alaea. . Mall. 0 Johnaon, C. P.ly, J, 'A'M Waliti, auJ J. Armatroui U'iC"i Ihaaiiiual me.tinir or trie Pallaad WBeelmen cos- PlA ven.lt Uieclobhiiua. onsrt-e aeanue. Weat Itobo- ;Jsl Vr a on Th'iraJay evnin rti- "lectloa of oBleera re- '( iit,lfilasn.tiia. rrf.iaenl. Albert W. OraiaboS: Vloj. IfjSi l-r'.:at-t, Ib-nrv A. termati. liruarer. William Heidi: piAit artiriurt. Hmrr Mederlilr. flapuin. Jobu Rchl.a- MJlW .liirf. uratl. u-nant. sure I tteiae serond Ueuteii. yj&im .ut. A'eaainl-rMiirujiind Lolcr ueartr, Hay r.tterao., ,''viK5 ul.J li-j'.ri, i,4Uk Van laa.fl 'Ijrt1 Th'rr it -tuf rnn In ibr rar.ke ef the r.iilherford (N, ftfiHana ,1 iVbi-lu-r i " ' ha. h'en btou.-ht aialnal twe of f'iTaal tliriiiemlieia Me..f IVelch -nJ Ji.coi.ua. to reooT.r iK-lanni leriainreper". I"!'", la; euiiim.rlheorfanl- !:? ration u,ea J iwa UHrlr The couiuiltle to chare f-JBani ufi.iili-1 of luff iiiciitJInf II o above named The ,lai fLinlrart arin.to haie tifrii ahut oat in regard te lrK 1 tharrati;miit. and oullnfto Ilia aflalr helna well anRai ratronlxM lle-re ivrre proapecta or reaUzlacf 200, bat yVH tbe coatmittee failed to report, hence tbe pita-ent till, ttfianni Tb propoa.d Auatrall.n rlall te Eofland tkla yat tn ifli Saabeen abwidon.d. but th bom crloiol.r wlU not Utnanl abytkta. Th poulbUlly oaloorlnl8l U aaaoree. lfel natararau-.ady aot Mtlona of til r atur J tunal I ktlof BUd na Ik CnlteJ It.iea, J , jBBJ K?B I iaB