Newspaper Page Text
if TUB SUN, THURSDAY. MARCH 1U, 181)2. 7 'j ij THE ALBANY LEGISLATURE, we east nit-Kit mutter, axd ei.e rATi'.v n.t au hi t.r.s Avvnorr.n. The- Senate. Illeeiiaae the. RMIslnm Aspect of Hunday Ontnlu of th World' Fair s, ' ' H nd IVaeea the freedom or Worship Illlt jt J An Adjournment In April Protsnnle. Ai-mxr, March n.-Tlio nnnual appropria tion bill pulsed tho Assembly to-tiny. Tlio amount ! $D,'.m.l00.H7. 01 tills, Sa.'J54,(70.5:i l to lo rnlsotl by taxation. Tho nmouut nt-o Htibslnntlally tho eamo as thoao of last yoar. 'llils Insures a tax rivto at least as I owns that rsccuroil by tho ecouomy o( tho last Pomo rrntlo Assembly, ntitl probably lowor. bocauso tho vvpitltli nnl nfnessod vnlitrttlons ol tho Btnto havo Incroasoil ilurlne tho year. (lonoral ana Bald Enslo llustcd and Senator rinnkltt Introduced bills to-day to provont the construction of nn olovaled or utidomroiinil railroad on Madison nvonuo, or any portion of ' Mudlson aTonuo. without tho ot n majority of tho proporty ownors roprosontlns t majority In vnluo of proporty. TlioAnsomblyroportod tho Htilror bill to per mit tho construction of tho now munlclpul building In Bryant Park. No objection was madobeforo tho committee to tho fnvorablo reportlntt ot tho bill. Tho bill Is now at tho foot ot tho Assembly calendar. Unless It Is taken out ot Its regular ordor it will not past as tho calendar is now crowdod and will con tinue to bo crowdod until tho ond of tho session. It Is probablo that n concurront resolution for an early ndjouinmont will bo Introducod ffoon. Tho business of both Houses is woll up. and all tho important moasuros oxcopt tho Supply bill aro woll underway. It is proposed to adjourn tho LeeUluturo early In April, whothor or not tho computation of tho roturns from tho Stato onumorn'ion In nnlshcd. Tho xtra session to mnko tho reapportionment mny to called at any timo nftor tho enum eration by counties and towns Is fin ished. Thoi-o is no necessity for tho Lonlslaturo to remain in session for It. The enumeration is almost finished, how ex or. nml tho count ot tho numos on tho enumorntors' blanks lms becun. Loss than n dozen enumerators havo failed to mnko their reports. Consldorlm; Hint thoro aro over 5,'JOO enumerators tills is reenrded us a .very good showing, and is n proof of careful selec tion of men to do tho work. It is ostimtUud that the population of this Stute wilt lo moro than 0.500.000. Gov. Flowor signed tho East Klver bill and the Kupplomcntal Unvoted llallrond bill to day, and both of theso bills aro now laws. Ho wrote his natno with u cold pon which was votod to him nt n church fair In Waturtown last fall. and. after sluuinc. ho prosentcd tho pen and holder in a yellow plush cuso to (senator McCarrcn. who had charge ot tho bills In tho Scnuto and who appeared beforo him With tho Brooklyn delegation in favor of tho Litis. With the bills tho Governor filed a memorandum giving reasons for his nnprovni. mid pointing out tho powers and possibilities of the new laws. Senator Hunter's resolution to ask Congress A to approprlato no money for tho World's l'alr unless It Is closed on Sunday cainn up in tho Senate and caused ono of tho religious do- f bates which is a regular thine in ono House or the other almost every day. Senator Hooseh mnred to rotor tlio resolution to tho World's t'ulr Commissioners from No w Voik. Ho mndo a spoech commenting on tho Puritan fathers nd saying that this country should not follow them in their bigotry and narrowness. Thaller. Senator Edwards suld that no ono Wanted tho World's Fulr to be open on Sunday, and that thoro wero moro than ton millions of Christian peoplo who wero stronaly opposed to any desecration uf Sunday. Tliuro was no reason why tlio World's Fair ntClilCHgo should not follow the exnmplo of tlio Centennial In hibition in Philadelphia. Hunator O'Connor sold that there aro others in this country than tho ilL-seenc-iints of tho Puritan fathers. '1 ho Christian relluion Is no part of tho fundamental law of this country, and tho .Legislature has no light to discrim inate in the passage of this resolution against people of other religions, who observe some other day than Sunday for their Sabbuth. "I believe in religion." said Senator Brown. but I do not think that an observance of tho Sabbath day best consists in staying lndoom and praying twenty-four hours. Sunday should be a day of rest and not ot bondage." Senator McClelland suld that they might ns well close up Coney Island as tho World s Fair, for Coney Island is much wickeder thun tho World'B frnlrvvould bo. Senator lloesch's motion to refer Senator Hunter's resolution to tho World's J'ulr Com missioners was carried by a vov ol 10 to 14. Ihe Freedom of Worship bill ped tho bonnto tiyn voto of '21 to 11 utter a long do- late. Tlio bill In its present sliapn constitutes tilt Attorney-Caiicrnl. thu Superintendent of Prisons, and the ProsidentofthoMatoHonidof , , Charities a liuurd to sou t hat freedom of wor- l"V"i ship U secured tu all inmates ot btalo Insula- I ttons. Tho object of the bill is to allow Catho- I lie priosts to conduct services at Hie House of llofugo on IUndall's Islitiul. In order to do I this u general bill was introduced which lies J been before tho Legislature for several veais. -ft. The Board of Mauagors of tho Itnndall's Isl- y land institution will be guilty of u misito- r rooanorlf they do not admit Catholiu pritbts, in ease this bill becomes n law. HuimtorZerubabel hrvvin lot tho opposition to tho bill. Ho said that ho was in favor or tho utmost freedom of worship, but ho did not Im llevo in designating a commission ot State of ficials to looc after It. Ho feared that politics would affect tlio Commission, and ho wanted to keep religion and politics us far upait u- possible. Senator Havtrm ofTored a substitute that tho courts I hould havo jurisdiction, mid they should lie substituted for the propo-it'il J'.o.tnl. bo that any ono who felt wrcrlovoil would uu to tho court und get icdrcss nibteud of appealing to a btate Board. "This is tho beginning of tho plan toiniert cm. religion Into politics," said Senator Krwln. ' ' "The next thing will botousk for n division of tho public Softool moneys and to give pnrt of thorn to the scctarlun schools. I want tu ketp the Church out of politics." " I deny It. I deny It," said Senntor McMn hon. " I ask for tho proof." "The Senator gives his opinion. Ho Is ex pressing only that. I think differently," mid benntor Frwln. Tho substitute was lost by a vote of II) to 15 mid the bill wab passod. Sonator ItlHiaidson tried to dodgn mid wont olf somuwliero for throo-iiuurters of an hour. Tho Honato waited nnd suspundod thu roll call until tho Sorcoant-nt-Arms found Senator Kleliaidsoii and bmuglit him to the Mount. He then voted ayo. The Assembly passed tho O'Connor till! to exempt chuiches from tho collateral Inheri tance tux. A.Mr. Furqulmr will Introduce In tho Assembly a bill loinakntho endorsement on all ollicliil , ballots uniform, no that thoru will bo no reeur- 1 rencoof tho UiiondiiKU occurrence of last fall. 1 ' when the County Clerk got tho wrong endorse- f meat on tho ballots and vitiated enough votes to uiibuat a Senator and an Assemidymun. Jm Senator Asplnull introduced n bill to permit the ling Island Itnllroad Company to build a m brldgo irom Long Island City to Now tork. j Tlm New link onil Is to ho near tlio iiresent JB Thirty-fourth Street Forry. A union station 9 If to uo built at tho und of this brldgo in con- a neetlon with tlio NmvYuiL nnd .Sow.lnrsey a bridge, which Into oeouiiy the same station. l The midge i notto be a Hlnylo-spun bridge. but It is to have plurs oiiliietei'fM below Ulacl--well's Island, 'I he lirldifo N to be used in connection with Austin Corbln's plan to i uu n Jilioof fastocuan stuamshlim fromthe eastern uuil of i,nnic Island to Southampton. He t thinks that lm cuti mako tho passage tor pns- aengers in live iluys. it Is proposed to run , trains Irom tho West across the Hudtori lior bridge and orer this proposed brtdzo tflioct to t tho oast end of Imwc island. 1--, At its evening session the Assembly passed ",.'. thu Mllzor J'enal tid" nineiidmentit nnd !y Sir I-auncolot Wells's bill to ivpavo Thlnl uve- t nuo north of tho Hurlem. ! TlioOjiniilroller sent a mossugo to the As sembly saying that th amount eatlninted to ho realized frjniludlrocttn.vutlon. particular y from tho iuhnrituui'u tax. liad been greatly oveiostimntoil. ..... , ,,, . Tho Assombly donated ' ho Byrnes hill to limit tho hours ot labor on street-ciir rouds to ton by n voto of 44 t 4R Tho Itepublleansop. poseit tho bill, and tho Doinocrr.ti outsldo of thu cities aro not united. nn-: nvuiivuKHuv load iiMitisa. 1 Advoiutc" nnd nenriil or llie Mrnaiire A Aricua llrluri Hie Kenule Committee, Awusr. March . TlioHonatot'ommltteo on Jtallroads gnvo a hearing thla afternoon on tho bill known as tho "Huokleborry Jtallroad " bill. Among thoso who uppcarcd to favor the bill was ax-Senator Charles A. Stadler. Ho aid ho roprcKonled A. 0. Hupfel. John Med io r. William Hilling, li, f. Clniispii. Henry Zoeher. nnd Jienry Clausen, Jr. Theso men, ho laid, rcl'ioocnt about $10,000,000 of real statu. Ho claimed that tho special rights confivrod by tho bill wero the light to issue Umdityndmoitsagoltsrroperty, tho right to iajv cuoo Nuti) with other railroads, and tlic right to Increase lis capital stock. .Tudgo Krncst Hall asserted that (hero was nothing asked from the city or Stitc. Ho offered amend ments striking out tlio exomptlons from pay ing a porcontngo on receipts, soiling tho f ran chlsont miction, and paving between tracks nnd adding nn exemption clause to relievo the promotoisfrpra similar provisions In tho tlcn oral llallrond act. Another amendment pro vides that tho road shall payl pereoLt. on nil carnlnc9 over S 1.700 n day. nnd nn extra amount ot 1 per cent on eaoh ruultlplo of &1.700. li T. Wood, representing properly holders, objected tu tlio bill on constitutional grounds. Ho said that It evaded thoso provisions which rnfu&otoglvo any Individual or prlvato cor poration any franchise with Immunity from taxation. This special giant was practically saving that tho annexed district shall havo ono law anil lower New Votk another. This proposed law would glvo nbsoltito control In tho annexed district. Its ptnmoters would never havo to build u bit of extra road If they did not want to. but could keep out other peo plo who would llko to furnish tho people with bolter facilities. .Arthur U Botts. representing tho Citizens' Improvement Company ot thu annexed dis trict, asserted that tlio road, under this bill, would be ntlowod to travel so every section of that district, nnd could bo cxtetulod Indefi nitely. Just ns soon na tho bill is passed a corporation will ho formed to build, not only In one stroot, but In every street In tho dis trict. J. N, l:mrn snld that Mr. Botts ropre scntoil n very small number of proporty owners, and that ho was simply seeking to ob struct whnt would bo rt great public benefit by giving to the residents of that district butter transit facilities. Sir. Bolts said Hint ho Wan not opposing rapid transit, but protested against grunting to ono corporation tho right to control tho strcdt" of tho district ex clusively, so that competition would bo barred out. John 1). Crlmmlns spoko for tho bill. Ho thought that nt least 7ft percent, of I ho prop erty owners wore in favor of the bill. I- A. Curlcy. claiming to represent all tho Knights of Labor assemblies of Now York und Hrook Ivn, protested against tho bill, us did H. B. II. McCren. n property holdor. J. I). Hart, u property ownor. sppko In favor of the bill on tho ground that It would Increase tho valuo of tho property. The iiigumcnt was closed byex Judgo Hall, who handed In petitions In Its favor from property holders to tho amount of f0.i)00.tiO0. io sviisriiciK tiAxaixa. favorable Report Asnlnit J'.lectrlenl Exe cution. AnivNT. Mnrjh 0. Tho Assembly (Jommit too on Codes has ngreod to report favorably tho bill of Assemblyman Stein, amending tho capital punlshmoiit net of tho State. Tho bill docs owny with tho cloetrleal chulriind substi tutes dunging. Tho bill is reported without amendment. iiwv n.tri: rocxn out mi:, cook, Anil He Isn't Likely n Work This Free. pnM llodze on Mniy Store Jtiillrond. A glib-talking vvoll-drossed Englishman presented himself at tho olUces of tho New Jersey Centrnl Hallroad, 143 Liberty streot. on Jan. 18, with a letter purporting to bo from li. Wood, district superintendent of tho Lon don nnd Northwestern Hallroad at Chester. Eng.. Introducing tho beurer as C. H. Cook, as sistant superintendent of that railway, who was trav oiling in America for railroad Inspec tion purposes, and requesting nil American roads to honor Mr. Cook with passes. Mr. Cook snid ho was nn ox-Captain of tho F.lghty elghth Connaught Rangeis mid had served in Indin. Ho wanted pnscs to Washington nnd back, and he got thorn. At his request, tlio New Jersey Central endorsement was put on the letter. Tho oflleers of this road next heard of him on receipt of a letter from Edward Caulleld. Assistant Treasmer of tho Union P.i fltlc. stating that do had found tho represen tations of Cook to bo false, and warning tho Jersey Central peopl" against him. ' Kn Jail. :i0 Cook went Into Sidney Billons private olllee. nt 40 Broadway, and finding Mr. Caulleld there showed his letter and asked for passes to Orngon. Mr. C.uilleld was suspicious. Cook talked a great ileal about himself, stating this time that ho was nn o-n.ivy ofllcer of England, and had been Invited to go West In a private car by Viro-President Webuof tho New York Central. On inquiry Mr. Canlleld found that Mr. Webb had never heard of Cook, so ho lefuseil to giant Cook's request. U'Slerda) nfternoo'i Cook turned no nt tho oflleeot tlio Jersey Central Klin as over with n lettei fri.m a Baltimore ami Ohio ofllclul to tho (leueral buperintundent in Chicago asking dim to show Mr. Cook through the iaids tit Newark. No ono bus been ablo to Und out what this letter means. Mr. Cook wasn't long In finding out that something was wrong. His suspicions vvl-ro aroused, ond with reason, for a policeman had been sent for. "Just excuse mo a moment." ho said, nnd he stepped into the hall and started for tho elevator on tho Liberty street tddo. but tho elevator boy blocked tho way. Ho turned, and before any ono could stop him. escaped by the West Ftrect exit. Cook has travelled froo over a good deal of tho Tinted States nnd Canada, nnd duped a lot of men who aro not in the habit of being l.ikuu In. iiirij.xnriKi ox tov. The New .lersev Axxemliiy Fasten the Itltl That 1 111 !sti! the Itald. Tr.EXTOv, Mai eh '.. Tho Gultenburg Rnco Track bill was taken up on final passago In tho llouso tliis afternoon. Daunl's McLaughlin had a seat on tho floor, and listened to tho do hato and watched tho voto with lively Interest He evidently knew "how tho eat wns goin to jump." for tlio plain observations of some of tho men opposing tho mensuio only biouxht smiles to his face. "This bill is no longer n bad bill," said ono of its advocates. "It has beeniimouded. In stead of allowing pilcnors to deslgnnto tho m.iglsliates beforo whom they shall bo ar raigned, It now trovidch that they shall not ! drugged out of the town or village in which they am arrested lor a hcuring or to give Kiillsd of Essex said It was the best bill that had been iu'iodueed this ye ir. Hutchinson of M nicer declared that it was tho worst; that tho amendment was liyended to ehloiotorm tho consciences of '" members who had voted ngaliistlbe bill when it was defeated before. Studcrof Essex Midi tho hill ought to be hi titled "An net to encourage and facilitate tho nefarious huslueH of tho ineo track gamblers ot the State." Ketehani of Issex decluiod that tho linger murks or the devil wero on tho bill, and ho asked tho BepiibllcanH not to soil their hands by touching It. lie hiidii't roi: to Truntou to legislate) for criminals. Smith of Jlorris-appealed to tin) Democrats to vote the bill down. Ho and Strali.m of Mnn m'Mitli weie tho nnlv Democrats who voted agaln-t the bill. It passed by a voto of .'14 to '.t, nnd iiowper-miisarreited at Oiittonburgnt the Instance of tho Law and Order League will not bo taken oir tlio ground,. A Justice will Imhmnly to admit them to bail. , Tlio Jersey Cltv Water bill was reported ad versely in the Senate, The report was sus tained by a vole ofl.'l to". Tlio hill to o-tiiMWi police commissions In PntorMin and Camden paM;l tlio Hoiiho after the liveliest sort of opposition on thu part of tho Ibipiiidic-iPM. Who assorted that t.ov. Alibi-it wanted tho bill passod to furthur per sonal cuds. st:nai:AST rji.onis" miArmtr. ire Oc it .Iteitiil tor lle-eiiluc Htc. Prisons ( llir llotrl Jtoj.ll. Tho proR'nco of n flro pntrol wagon in front of tho Mutual Lifo bulliling at 11 A. M. yos terdayiiiidtheeiitimico of tlio ilromen and a lot of others drew a crowd. A good mnny thought there might bo something wrong in the building. '1 he assembly loom of tho Boanl of Flro Uuderwrltois soon filled up, and the corridors of tho seventh I'oor werociowded. Tho occasion was tlio juosentntlon of tho gold mrdsl of tho Board of Underwriters toSor gcant John II. Ynuglimi of flro putrol No. 0 for his heroism at tlio burning of tlio Hotel Hoy al on Feb. 7 Jiitt. Tliero was scarcely room for P.itiol No. Sto niii in and lino up boforo tho Prcsldont and saluto him. Superintendent of Pntrol Abrnm C. Hull wr.n In churgo of tho men. and Presi dent Samuel F. Ulngden of tlm Board of Un derwrite! presided. Tho men wero three deep, nml in tho (list llh.'.iiext to Sorgennt niighaii. wero the others who havo received lui-iliilainr hr.ivon. They wero John lJile, Joshua V, Moore. Lieut. icC;iiui. ami t apt. 1'. Kiirove President Ulagdeii. in pro-opting tho medal, lecoitntod Sergeant Vaughuns feats of binvery In rescuing live porsons. ono ot them weighing over '-'00 pounds, while Vnimliuii pml ably weighs less than IE It Is soma tlmo since thoBoaiilof Under writers has awarded a modal. 'J his was Ilia sixth one, mid It boio upon it, toe tlio regular lire shield ol thy department In relief, with tho words '.New iirb ItiMiilof I In; Undorwrlters, 1W)'.'," on tho bluo (iiiamel border. On tho re versa shin was an Inscription of presentation, with tho iIhIu of tho lire. , , A leltor was read from C. W. Ivllne of Haflo toa, I'u., one of those whom Sergeant aii3han resi'iied. expressing his grtttltuoo. and prais ing the Sergeant Cravory. ' , i.i . . .w h 1 I . . !, MR.OWENSSAYSHE WAS HIT, at it. m.AXCiiAttn ztiixks iw may 11 Aft: HIT lit XT A 1.11 TI.K Prrtldrnt Hroohoeld roire No mow wns Htruck-An Outburst of Ell I'usnlonn thnt Could Unrdlv hne Oeenrred ir Col. Clllntt P. Mhepnrd had Ileen In the Ilnll. " You're n Ilarl" " Who's n liar?" WIT. " rult 'om npart No scrapping." " Ho struck mo." " Ho called mo a liar." Tho two actors in thla brlof warfare wore James A. Watichnrd, Prcsldont of tho Itopubll can Club and mombor of tho Union League Club, nnd Jamea Owens, a coal dealer, of 575 Madison nvonuo. It happened nt tlio end of a vory stormy moetlngof tho District Commltteo ot tho Hopnblican organization of tho Twenty first Assembly district on Monday night Col. Elliott 1 Shepard is a mombor of this com mlltco. but unfortunately ho was not present. Tlio mooting whb dold nt 105 East Fifty nlntd streot. William Brookflcld, President of tlio Ilopubllcan County Committee. Chnlrman of tho Bepubllcnn Stato Committee, nnd ox Prosldentof tho Ilopubllcan Club, pvosldod. As this Is ono ot thoso ticklish stories whoro tho actors have a groat droad of being misrep resented. It should bo told In tholr own words. So horo are tho throo sldos-that of tho striker, Mr. Blanchard, tho struck, Mr. Owons.nnd tho disinterested spectator, Mr. Brooklleld. By special request Mr. Owcns's comes first: MR. owe;r tells niR btoht. "Now. young man," ho said, " you've seen Mr. Blanchard. and you know what a big. strong follow ho is-nenrlyn head taller thun I, nnd moro than twonty-dvo years lounger at that. I'm 70. though I don't look It, while ho is less than 45. "Woll. sir. for tho past two years this ward has boon run by thrco men. John Proctor Clark, President of tho Ilopubllcan organiza tion: William Brooklleld. und James A. Blanchard. Tho triumvirate. 1 i all thorn, and they'ro bound to down mo. sir. What d'yo think of that? Tlio throo havo dono nil they could to ostrnclz ) me. but I won't lot 'cm. "Now to como to tho point. About thiee weeks ago wo had a commltteo meeting, and Col. Shopnrd. who was present, suggested that wo get a bigger meeting room whoro we could havo lectures. I got uu then aud moved that a committee be appointed, consisting of Col. Shopnrd, myself, and another gentleman, to consldor tho thing. I believed that as Col. Shepard had brought tho matter up. he would lm willing tobenru largo sluiro of tho expense. Charles A. Hess objected to this, saying thnt ho didn't want tho commltteo to bo run by Col. Shepard. or something to that effect. I said: 'Charlie. I'm sorry to hear you spenk like that. Col. Shepaid is ono of our largest contributors.' "A low duys lutor I am coming to the point now i went to ino treasurers omco io iooi; over tlio books, just to see how inuuh Mr. Shopnrd had really contrlbutod. I found that bo paid In S'JUO Inst fall, which wns $151) moro than nny ono olso had given. Now, what do you think was mr surprise to find that nelllmr llrnokfleld norClnrk hnd ever given ncont.nnd that Blunchard had only paid 5. These wero the men. mind )u, that worn running the whole machine. And then. I found, too. that tho treasurer. Mr. Kcnyon. had been In structed to pay all bills that John I'roctor Chirk marked o. K. I Informod him that that was against tho constitution. Ho had paid out nearly a thousand dollars without a single vouchor and nothing to show for it oxcept Clark s ' O. K's.' Mr. DLAvcnAr.n TFXLn his. "Woll. sir I'm near tho point now wo hnd a meeting on Monday night. Tho tieiiaurer. to my great surprise, got up and said: Mr. Chairman. I was instructed by Mr. Clark some tlmo ago to honor all bills vvhloh ho o. h. d. Myattonlion. however, has been railed to tho fact that this Is in violation ot tlm constitu tion, which savs oxnressly that tho Finance Committee must audit and pass upon all hills before they can bo paid. 1 would like to know vvhetlierlt is the sense of this meeting thutl should continue to violate tho constitution. "Then, sir I'm coming tn tho point, directly -I got up and began to spe.ik. '.Mr. I halrman.' said I. Thoso were iu exaU words. '1 had Intended, invsnlf. to bilug this matter before tho organization next Monday night, hut as it linHeomo up to-night. 1 haven few words to snv about It.'" (Horn Mr. Owens got up. biittom il his tout, extended lil'Uiriu, and addressed the reporter.) "'Mr. Chairman, I ohjocr to tills method of spending tlm moiiuv of tills oiganintioti. I do not mean to accuse any one' -I was Hist getting into tlm spirit of the thing, you nen 'Imt, sir. it i against tho eon. stltution. It Mr. Clark can sign away the monoy nnibody cnu.' C.ileli tho point V Thou I told them what I had found in looking over tho books, and just as I was get ting Into trim tho ( hnlnnaii cut tun short. I dad begun to my that neither Mr. lark nor Mi. Blanchard nor Mr. Ilrooslleld dad ever paid In a cent when thu gavel c.imo down. Mr. Brooklleld and that tho constitu tion itllnwod no ineinlmr 0 Hpenk more than tun minutes, I naked for special permission, but Mr, Blniiehnid objected. Tden Mr. Clark got up nnd tried to defend dlmsclf. Ho In stilled mo grossly, sir. Iln snld that I wasn damn liar and that ho didn't care a damn nr mo. Tho Chairman reminded lilm that that was unparliamentary language, and he took it all luick. but ho Insisted that Iliad misrepre sented things. Well, sir. hospoko neiilly half nn dour, and no one interriiiitod him. They wouldn't nllovv mo to nnsvver film. then. Think of It. sir: think or the tyranny of It ! " After thu meeting 1 went to .Mr. flat I. and said: 'Now, Clark. I cm , iihstuntlato what I ald by thobooks.' ti wuv from me ' ho cried, throwing his hand up. 'Don't talk l" mo. 0 way.' 1 walked uway end noticed Mr. Blaiicdnrd standing pear tho wall. I wont over to nlm mid sjild: 'ueii hero, Itlanchaid, that wish t fair. )nu know you've novvr given moro than to tho dlstib t organisation, and R'.''!,l:H,,Jm5v''.-,. You're u llnr.' said lie. lint Yj ad I. Wmn liar,' do repented. Doyou'thlnk that iKiiproiier thing to say to n gentleman' I ji.Ui him. 'The books piovo wlmt I say. null, you're u liar,' do said ugnlu. " V'.Vi I'bvncdnrd.' I mi,. j nm ot n inr, I am telling tho truth, and If you say 1 urn not. you are telling it liyoiiiselfM!rll mon' decried, and with Hint h, shot out Ills list mid struck ino in the mouth. Then a lot of them camo mid pulled urn a.iut.and forth" rost of tdoiilKlitlm went struttln,. umt saving that 1 hai culled dim a liar, ana tdat do IiaiVpuii sdud mo lor it. That, sir, Is tdowdolo and trno slorv of tlio nffalr," Mr. Blanchard's eldoot the story Is much shorter: .."M,r,t!TerV' """dl. "wantod tlm nomina tion for tlieAssombly last fH I .and falling to get it do daf niiinlleKted ii good deal of 111 reollng ngnlnst several pcrsonslu tho district, myaulf Included, lorsuvernl weeks nust gen tlemen havo called at my office ami told mo that Mr. Oweus was preparing n attack against the management of thVuVtrlct: that ho was searching the leoordH Vnrt hnd told tuem that hp was going to iipoSSeJascall- Itleaof tlm management. Tho nttick came Inst Monday night. Alter tho meeting was over I hnppcned to bo near Mr. Owens when ho was making charges, and I told thum that thov were false. Ho said 1 was a llnr. lorn single Instant f forgot myself, and Hint do was an old man nnd largely Irresponsible lor his utterances, and I sttuck at hlni. I am not con scious of hitting hlir. nt till, lint If I did tho blow wns ory light, Iho next Instant I re- r retted It, and havorogiottcd It over since. 1 lad abundant cause for righteous Indlcni tlon, but I went too far, and nm not wlthuut blnmo for losing mv tempoi. I am not used to having my Integrity questioned mid being cnllcd a , To mnko the ftory complete, liere is Hie slntemeiitof William Brooklleld. President of tho Kopublicati County Commlttic. Chairman of tho llepubllcatt Stnto Commltteo, ox-Presl-dontofthn ltepiibllcan Club, and n prospec tive delegate to tho Sllniicnpolls Conv ent Ion : "I presided at till moetltig. mid I ran say thnt any storv to the eflept that Mr. Blamdiard struck orinadonnyefrott to strike Mr. Owens, is falso from beginning to end. Tlm meeting was somewhat noisy, it Is true, hut no blow wns struck. I dad occasion to tall Mr. Owens to order for speaking more tdmi ten .minutes, willed Is nil that the constitution allows, and I had to tell him that If lio did not stop talk ing I would summon the Seroesnt-nt-Arms. After the meeting he said f Imdn't treated him fairly. His complaint was that tho ton-nilnuto rulo had never been enforced before, but I told dim I wns bound to enforce It tliis time. Yniirnn snfely deny tho sloiy that any blow was struck." COL1.IHIOX IX ints I.UWIM HAY. The Bonnohr Rami Her How tntn the Hrne-en-Nelther sjcrloosly Ilninaneri. The Old Dominion fctonmshlp llonnoko camo Into port on Tuesday ovcnlng with a fractured noso. tho rello of a brush alio hnd with a sister ship, tho Henoca. off Htvinhurno Island, in tlio lower bay. Her eighteen passengers wero somcwhnt frightened by tho colldlon. but no ono wns hurt on either vesf ol. Tho llonnoko was bound In. nnd tho Senoen was going out Although tho air was heavy with rain tho ullleers on thu bridge of oacli vessel could scon mllonlicml. Capt. J. O. Hiilphers of the lloanoko says ho doos not wish to imply by Ills story of tlio col lision Hint tho commander of the Seneca was In fault All ho knows Is that he saw tho Sen eca emerge from the mist In the Swash Clinn nul nearly a mile away. There was plenty ot loom for bothvcss.'ls If each had understood which course the other intended to take. Tlm Boanoko sounded one wdlstlc, vvhlcli meant thatsho would go to the rigdtof IheSenuea.or thnt tho vessels would li.iss each other on tho port hand, presenting "red to led." Capt. Hulphers doesn't know what was il.uio iibomd thot-eneca. llo heard no responsive signal, nnd kept on his cour-o until ho saw that tlio Seneca wns nppa rent ly determined toerns.shls bow. He then threw his wheel n.itd-n-poit and revei. sod at full sperd. Tho Seneca's st.ubourd Mdonwllho sharp how of tlio ltoanoke camo together. Tho Itonnoko's cutwater vvn twisted and torn, and tho rails and bulwarks of tho boncci vveio smashed. All the passengers on both steam ships camo on deck In a hurry, mid fur a few minutes thoro was excltomont bordering on panic. The Seneca's commander found out that tho vesdcl wns not dnmaged utnll below tho water line, but ho feared, irom tho I adly batteied orpcniunco of the llouioko's bow. that sho had lecelved a mortal blow. So tho beuec.t tinned back und escorted her sister ship to the Nanows. llv this time Capt. Hiilpnors dad found thht the lliaiiokow'.is making no Watei. and ho declined furthei e-eorl. Tho Seneca resumed her eouiso mid the Boanoko came up to her pier at Iho toil of Bench street, discharged iter pas-eiiL'ois and freight, aud went Into dock ut Morgan's Iron Woiks nt Ninth street and tho North Biver for repairs. A IOSIMEM1AT. KXlVltVUISIl lerney City Sulmollirt Wnlt All liny for nn Agent to t'ome nud 1'uy Them. A stream of peoplo pouted Into tho Weldon building, nt Montgomeiy nnd Washington streets. Jersey City, jesterday morning, and kept the elevator boy busy taking them up to tlio fifth floor, where they expected to llnd In room on an agent or tlio lommereiul i.ntor priso Company of I'hiludelpliia. The majority of tho eoploJ wero women. When they icaehed room liS they found the door locked, nnd there vvn. no answer to icpcatcd knock ing. There were severnl Indignation meet ings held in tin' eorridors and on the sbluwal!;. Each of tho visitors had a circular headed: vullmrneil rniiiul, tnoono.). Tin- (Viuii en ial Cn tfrerue I'onipioiv, Wano haw. ITPnelctit; 1 lliimpr. Tr.rturer. r, 11 0ri-l If. secr.'lurv QiiJsitpfrliiU'itileiit uf Atftnclrs. Olllee. t.or.i.Vrca vticn. rtmilul lilu Tho body of tho circular was as follows: Til the Mtii,lrnfthr rtrnment .1 t't 1t,rU A.mnr.- Ah)ii liA)e piltl lulu tlie llliovi. cmnimny $27. nr oer. eu nt'i wint-nletl In rl nt nmiu lH. Wrltlcti liull'llint. .If rsf)' l llj. litre no wuilcAlile flrr.oiirf incut run tin ftilfre.l inlt) tor llio stttlvitiPUt nt eur Ik,..).. Tilt nil i.e nil Woilm-tli). 0. OI'li-u liniir. lotu-J. lio rnvMiiuui. hNT&tirl.iK i nrjisir Ono of the visitors explained to n Srvro bv paving M a week to tlio nun. pany for sixteen weeks each siile-ciihor be eamo entitled to fill e:id or i'.i't worth of clothing. The sixteen weeks wero up uinu weeks ago. The iiimpani then annoilli'-ed that time for subscilljing had In en extended to twenly-llvo weidts. Thnt was up a few da) s ago. and thou tho circular miiic nud tho sun tcrlbeisilldn't undei stand it. A bout 1 o'clock a voung man. whngav 'bis name as William Dunbar and said ho was the (ompan's ngont in Tieucon. eoinforlod the expectant ciovvd xv i 1 1 1 the ussuranco that an ngont of tho compuiiv wioild be on hand at 4 o'clock to settle all claims. , , n.. reived ,i telosram to that ulTeut from the main olllco In Plillndelphla. The crowd waited until 4 o'clo'k and for a half an hour loni-er. hut no ai'otit ai t. arcd. A few minutes Inter Duubiirappcaieil again hnd said a mis take lutd been made. 'Ino ugent fnun I'lula ilelphla liad stopi ed at Now.ul; ami was p.iy. Int claims theiit. ol tho subsenl er liiirneil down io the Pennsylvania llmlrnnd to catch thellrst train for Newark. n.brciiber wltliwhom Tjih ht'N-repoi tor talked said sbo did not pretend to umloi-trud how tho com pany could puvi-lll for '.'.". hlie only knew that tho compan) promised to pjy it and sho invested her money. II ll.r.l AM .1011 SOX MISSIXG. He ' lli Vnia Old, ."! Tret 8 Inrlies Tall, noil Him mi Almitiirul llrnln lteelepment i'or tdreo weeks Mis. Harriet Johnson of 1.:'.:7I'ti!lon street. Brooklyn. ha ilieen search ing for her sun. Wllllnni, without result, and yesterday she came to Tim Huv ofllro to ask Tim: Si'N to aid her ill herquett. William. was running tho elevator In tiioCuiii deiland Mrept llomiropaldle Hospital, und do started dome from thcro on the nvenlutf of Feb. HI. Ho left the hospital nt 7 o'clock. In.t did not reach dome. Vdis Is not tho llrst timo thohov lias dis.ippemeil. but hitherto ho huh never been awnyfioin Ini'tio for moro thin lliiee or four days at II lime. r-rvoiol jeais ago in lion bolt wdHi ftll fiom mi elovaleil slrm turn in llrooklyu, lot him on the head. Since then he ha hud III of moluncholiM, v.-lion lie would vaiider fiom home, lie wns f.jiiinl once In Far llockuw.iviii a eiiuii of buslie-, amt at aii'.tlier timo ho was found in l.liuliclli with Id- mind a blink. Ho had spent tlio night walking fiom .loisity City to F.lir.i'liclli. Toe boy ii. 5 feet t inch.'S till, with an abuormal briin development. When ho dlsappeaied bo had on n light brown over a d-irl. gr:iy snlr, nml woiu a soft felt hat. At.i. 10 jiii: lohii. ThlH nrmilln Villltnn Urfnr't. v Ilred or Her House In the Clmiili t'ollri'llou, A fomalo member of St. John's Episcopal Cliurcli. In Seventh nvotiue, Brooklyn, a week ngo Inst Sunday deposited In tho collortlon basket tlio deed of a llttlo douse In Seven, teentli street vvlilch sho owned, the keys of tho same, nnd a lot of cheap joweliy. Tho Ilev. fieorgo P. lirdod. tho lector, as well ns tho vestry nun weie surprised at Iho mil tiro of the otTer'ng, and otthoeloso of the services tlio don.ttor. whom they ju !ged tn bo siilferiu:,' from soino liroinnslblo emotional fail ing, was reuuestiil io tako Puck her Lenten gilts, tibe ovplaiuei) sho was only obovin , the dlctutus of her eonsclei.eo. nnd tefiiseil lo take back any of Hot articles she had placed in the basket, with thoueei. tion of tlio Keys to tlm lumen, and they urn still In thuposestinn ul iho vetryninn. Under no circumstances will tho church accept tho gift. The Ilev. Mr. lirei d refused to disclose tho ideulityof tho woman, but sho Is H'lid to bo idiiglomida tologi.iih opeintorof uilddlo ngo and jiovsesaed uf column;! bcne. riineral ol IMHnrds l'lertepiml, Tlio funeral of tlio lato Edwards I'Icrrepont took placo yesterday morning from his rosl doneo. 103 Fifth avenue. Tho sorvicosnt Cal vary Churclnvero conducted by tlio Bov, Dr. Henry Y. Satturlue, nsslstod by tlio Bov, Dr. Morgan Dl. tlm Ilev. Dr. Novins, and tlm ilev. Mr. Ihompson. Tho Pall-bearors wero Dr. .lohu S. Bassett, W. M. Lvaitii. President Tlniothy Dwlght of nle. Jodn Blgidow. Cor nelius Vuiulerbllt. held Low. Mlllam Allen llutlor, Josepd H. Cdoate, Jtistlco Putterson, and Judgo Addison Brown. The body wns taken to Uanitiih.on.tho-uudaon and in terred in tlio fauillt plot. ' i i.,wMiiyij"'ii;iii i 'J" !fi"". ""-''' '' ,'"''' ," IIIS mtVTIIKlt SAYS HKMICWA KXlt-T. Henry Troiise Cooper to tie Kxnmlned n to Ills Knnllr Ann'". Henry Prouso Cooper, formerly n well known nnd wealthy tailor of tills city, was a prlsonor nt tlio Tombs Court yesterday after noon, accused of having tried to kill din brotlier, Stopdcn A. Cooporof 54 Broadway. Detortlvo Heap of Inspector Byrnos's staff arrosted Cooper nt tlio Alabama House. 14.'l Bowery, wlirro do dad deon living. Cooper snl J tdat ho was n clerk for Blackiu k Son, publlshors. of 70 Blblo House. Ho denied tho uhnrge. saying do wont to dls brotdcr's storo losco two cf tho omploycos vvdo had ordorod books ftotn dim. Ho wns romandod for ex amination us to Ids sanity. Cooper w.m born In Edlnburgdlin 1840. Ho camo to America in 1S00 from Liverpool, when) lio hnd been a tailor. Ills wlfo and brother came with him. Ho opened n tailor ing shop hero nml mndo money. Ho inovud In 187L to 54 Broadway, and two venrs later opened n branch store ul 1MVJ 1'lftli Avenue. Ho showed no signs of menial troublo until 1881. when ho wns on a visit to England with his wife ami four children. In London ho fhought detectives wero nftor dim. In Parts do went on n prolonged arrec. during willed lie pntaded tlio streets In dls w Ifo's clothes. On Oct. :.0. IKS'J. Mr. Coopor wns taken to Snndford Ilnll. a private asvlum nt Flushing. Ho was taken against Ills will, on tlio certlll eatos or Drs. Beard nnd Soguln. All nttompts to commiinlcnto with friends wore frustruted. Finally his brother. Capt. HemyCoopoi. heard of Ids Imprisonment mid obtained his release on n writ ot hnl oas corpus granted by Judgo Honolulu on Nov. 1, lKM'J. Judge Dnnohtio or dered t he Sheriff to drawn jury to .Kiss upon Cooper s sanity, und on 1 rlduy, Nov, 10, tho trial was I egun. , . Stephen A. Cooper, wlionowowns tho Bttro way stoic, was the only witness of tho day. ho was nclerk In tho Htoio then. He rolatod al leged acts of his blether while In Europe nnd nt home. 1 otters of Introduction to various pent le. written by Cooper nnd peculiarly winded, wcio produced. Numerous real es tate deals consummated bv Cooper were. brought to light The trial was adjourned until Nov. 17. when Mrs. Cooper testltlod that her liiil and did peculiar things when drunk, mid that he snnK thosobblng song from "Olivette to theelilldten At the roMimi tbui of the hear ing on Nov. '.' ( dalles II. Wheeler told of Cooper's admiration of I e.iutlliil women, and of hi taking the wituostomiFgvptlnn hutoiu in Pan-, whom tho performers woio scantily clad, llo said Cooper worried over business matters, and gavcotber evidence of what was. In the witness.' opinion, insnnltv. For the defence tt was alleged tint Cooper's pi-eiiliarnetloiis wciodiin to nervous prostra tion caused bv trouble with his brother Stephen and other members of his family. On Dec. I'll. Ins.', Cooper was declined sane. Cooper pa Id the expenses of tho trial. Includ ing the fee of his relatives' counsel. After the ti lal ho drank heavier than over. Ho part ed with his homo at 'JO Lu-t Sixty-eighth street, and spent all tint money his trustee, Mr. l.rown of Hi own. Draper A Co.. would glvo htm. lie gave up his interest In Ills tailoring btit-incs.s in issM, his brothel. Stephen A. Cooper, buving dim mil. Ills biotlier sent him to Austialhi. nnd agreed to glvo dim iH.tiOO a year to stay out of this country. Cooler saved tho money his brotlier gavo dint, and in 1S00 bo returned to this country uuil was reconciled to his wife und family. Ho went lolivvwith bis wifoonu farm ho formerly owned, but which I now tlio juoperty ot Ids brotlier Stephen, at l'ahwny. Ho staved there until June. Irtlm. when he again showed signs of insanity ami was ent. at hi own reiiuest. In the Homo for inebriate nt Foil Hamilton, Heijlsiippeiuod from Fort Hamilton in Feb rtiarv, Istll. and (time to this city, where ho got work With lilncklo .t Son. Ills brothor tried to induce him to go to a private asyluni. but without avail. About n week ago he started out among ilov n-town business olllees. canvassing for Hubbard Bros , book publishers, of Philadel phia. He entered his old store with a knife tn his hand mid threatened to kill his brotlier. He wns dressed yesterday in a puft of light cheviot tmiiser. a bright blue waistcoat notion Willi vvinto, a iioavy orown reeier, a brown derby lint, vermilion tie. mid gloves, one of which was brown tho other sellow. Ho said tn Justice MeMnhon: "I inn it I'hilstiiui. your Honor. Twasonco wealthy. 1 nm still n gentleman. 1 meant no harm to my luother. 1 was in Ills store simply t sell some I ooks and to look onco moro on w lial was onco mine. It helped me to see my old place, v our Honor, nnd tho familiar sight filled my heart with love, tint hate, toward all. 1 nm full of chanty, not malice." MI. I. MM A Of DIM YOUSG 3IKX. 31 r. Hltiley ltt-ndM tn X'pw spnper thnt They Are in be Tiled for Murderlne Hlni. MoXMOfTit. 111.. March 0. Fred M. Staley. an unman led man, .'!." jcars old. wns a former resident of tliis place. Some years ago lio ro tnoved to Potiiwattomie county, Knnsns, wdoro do has a ranch. Last fall ho concluded to spend tho winter in Illinois, but did not proclaim his intentions. Ono day two voting men of his aen,tialiitaiico a-ked him to ildo with them to town. He accepted the invitntlon. On the way to town ho 'ufoimed bis companions that ho believed be would take the train for the East th it night, which ho dhl. and he had nevor written or heard nom theio until Monduvof thi-week, vilion lie lead in a newspaper tho t-turtling announcement that the lining men with whom lie rode liad been indicted for the iiiiinlei'.'i Find M. Mulcy, and that the trlul had been si t for March II). Ml. M.ilcv says that undoubtedly too nutlior ith shave isti nig case against the prisoner", as ihev wero tlio Inst men of his ac'iualntiiuco seen with him and he had pot told thoin worn ho w.i going. Mnloy left this morning and will be a wclcomo witness at tho tilaltu-moiruw. lSiisliien Troubles. Aii attachment for $17,240 lms been Issuod against Daniel D. Boat don. exporter, of 54 Broad stieet. In favor of Fliriibetli It. Dolnlleld ot Lenox. Mass.. for money loaned. The Sheriff has sold out the stuck of tho II. fi, Allen Company, subscription books, at 7.'t't liro.i I way. ic.ilixiu:: ?7.000. and tho stock nnd nm. hineiy of the Manhattan Shade Cloth ( (iiiipitti) at Port Morrifl for about 7,lMji. Tim Sheriff jcsloiday sold out the stock and llxiurosor l.ussu Luil wig, doing business ns L. I lidivif A ''o in iniif.icturers of cloiks. at Kin 1'iliico st re 'I. eiilli'iii about s-'M)li(l. .Mi, I udwlg is repoitcd to havo loir tho city two weeks ago. UN son. about 111 jeais of use, told Ihoerodllois tunt his father hnd gonotu Paris to collect money, nnd would como back nud pay oveivbodv. I liii.itturiiotH for Ilnrtmnn A Mendelsohn, clonk miiiiiiluctiiiers ol tltiSCnunl street, say I bey halo received a cublo despatch Hail Mr, llaitmaii. who wasmiestei) in Bremen at tdu iiisliineoof ereilitois, has been discharged. .luilgiiieut lor !''J." has been entered against HuekleyA Co.. formiiily dealers In dry i: Is at I'tlcii, in favitp of 1'. Ictor ,V Aclielca b i goods sold. lodgment wn enleied yeslerdav ngnlnst .Tohii Hoe' b-r t'.'.HIH ill faVoi of Seiiion, Bachu .'. io. on a promlssui note. Will-Ill'- .l;iilti ntlnil I'nr Itilll, Wlieii I tiwjorHowonppn.voil before Justlco Andiews in Supremo l oiirt. I'lmmbeis, yestor i';u iifteilioou to move his cllunt, IJurton (', Mel ster, tlio miiiderer of Charles F. Oood win. be lelensed on bail, nearly evciv inch of standing room in the court room dad boon up. preprinted by a ciovvd of spccliitors. Mr. llnwn i Itcd several Inst in.'ts whom Supremo Court Judge hail admitted poison- under luillct incut for miildor to bail aftei Iho 111 r-t liiul had failed, It would be luipos'lblii lo tiy Wubstor ng.iui. ho said, iinlll .-eptembot.iistlieie uro seventeen pilsoucn in the 'lomlis under In dicliiieiit foi homleblit wlm must bo tried lit. Jliisuggosliid IhatJusticoAudiewM llx tho bail at ?,ri,lhl, .sil.-liint DNtiict Attorney Mnlntyre op posul Iho iiioilon, and declaicd that the peo ple mean to to Webster aiMin in Am II. Justice Andiows asked for a copy of Judgo divvlm. chin git and of wolsters evidence, willed the lawyers agreed to obtain for him. llo resei V"d hi decision until liu could look over Ihuso documents. rid j.loor liriirslii Ibe l.ntlii ol'llls Hlplumo. .Max (iiiggenhelm, lately of 181 Eldridgo stieet. was convicted In tin) Oonornl Sessions K't-teiduy o practising medicine without n license, and was remanded to await sentence. Under tho conviction, as Ills for it second olTence, he mny bo sentenced to tlio peniten tiary for two yars nml fined Sl,0i. ijiwyur Piurlngtoii of the County Medical Society pointed out lllty.four enors In tho Latin uf (luggeiihelm'h bogus diploma. Tfar.-e .Miner Killed und Trni Mortull) Wouudrd. WitKEsnAnnE, M'arch P. Threo miners worn killed and two mortally Injured by nn explo sion of gns In tho Aldcn mine this nlternoon. A careless miner ignited tho gas with a naked tight. Tho killed aro Charles hryora, Henry Brown. nnd Elijah Junes. Thoso Iniured are John hryora mid Michael llctliun. Tlio mliiu Wis badly damaged by thu oxplofclou. (clumblun Uxpreev vln l'ennk Irualn Bull, roud lo ( hlcaito. Vtillbutedi'.(plncr. dlnlm rr nU eotctati. No lr rre. buvtlorln aiel uiieuilaui lucotcnci. SlAltlSV IXTKLLIOEXCR noitmr imtsic Tnn pr. Rnnrllei.... n 1!) I Rim rets . II 02 Moonitti. 6 SI jik ii vutri Tilt nr. sur.ily llnoV. r. 10 1 tiov. lutnnil. n .11 tlillatta.. 7 27 Arrlrrd WtnsMt. MwchO. Pflt'itnin, llriibinm. Anmtsntsin. s.n ilnrtleiiln. liutlisrleril laitlon s- 1110 liiinmr. Itief, Hiiederlnci 1. SoAlMie s, t Ir-rn .IfttmcL s Klti. snviif, Putt Antnnlo. Sn R kh, Itnuls), VnltilittnA Hn l.elnir, Kliinvi'S Went InillM. HKIle. VVtnle Pnrrj. suCltvM AlcMOnlrin. I'lirtU. Mntmim, SltTriittnile, iDllilf, l.lvsriHtnl. sn Ktitrlsrtif1,T. Ilsbey, w Orte nnt. mt-xeslBinr. tllmrlii'. Nwi)rtaan. Kn Kllie. V nn tlOPMl! Ilremcil Sn Alftnntiutn MtKsr, .Ini'kffnnrltt tof'ltv uf Atlanta l)"lc. Wot Point. Va. aannlue. smllli. Savnnnali shin Mnratiniit, lluiitativnn, Atitrrp. tlarlcJoitetl Kntwrliion. St,.la(fO. Parle t'onnuMfttor, Wnrirn Allrnnts. HatV I'anln Vlndrs. Vlolllmi. Iboilbur. Uira lihhn. Mciitnle. lienitrsn, ll'ur lattr arnrali aes Kirat Pm. itMrrn our PaMaJftlc, from New Yorl, at ijiifanatnwn S ScamtlA. trom New Vol k, pnMf tt tlie t.iraril sa Cmonoitniitnn. rmm .New York, at Itatliailoa SL'ilv ut Wiuhlntlun. rrnin .ss Havana. itdp ran roiiriiii roit) Si Intani, from rbrltlntiainl for Sew York. Sa raithlnti, from Matnnraa rnr New York, Hi sprep. rmm lliemfn lor New Vnrk Sallernoiiln, imlil tluuiaro ror Nf w Vnrk, Sa yaanitatii, from lmiterilain Tor New York. ba .NiUerltlel, trum Antwerp for .Vew York. ninn ran nortic mat. Ei Colorado, from Gatvunton for Naw York, ctrcoisc aTriKOtirt toil rtlv. jfuhrw. ri', ripjifnfcnj. J oui vi. nisip. VI. Ilnnln. llaiiililirK JJ OOP. M. Ilabani. IliiTana. . 11 l)A. M. 1 OOP.M. Jieopnrt Ciiliin 1U.MA. M. J"J l)OSt. Mate nr Nebraska lllaaKuw. .. . ltXJP.M. TrllllOnJ. Uvriliuilil . ..1 IK) P.M. UOUI'.tL .int 7t-mtirr(ii. Alcnnonln. fharleatnn 8-OOF. W. " Cbattaliourlice, Miliunnll HUOi'.M. iscouia srcAvsnira, Jlvr y.-,.i. narniuilt St. I'rnlT tb. 2? I'allfnrnta fillinltnr Keb 2.1 Merchant I'rlnce fllbralliir Ken. 23 cniiueuiarii . Ollirnllnr Fen. 24 Saals Iiri'HK-i Maren 1 Itlii-ll.t Alitwen Kelt. 24 1il,teln ., . .llavri' Feb 24 .lerney rlty . .swan-in rflb. J4 tiefurunru .. . St. Thomaa March fi Dut .V.lrri 11. rlteor llerlln l.lvernool..... March 2 ranr London Feb 2H blberlan uinmow Feb. 28 Jnt Nifitri.iy. Jlirrh 12. I.ndtate lllll l.nn.lon Feb. 27 Jjonpaitna. . ,. fiilnii. March n jMiinlll Muliil'iirv Ib.2(1 i.ellert ..... Unillliiirii. .. .. Feb. Jll Jluanie. M. Tlionma. March 4 Jtvt .Vi.a.Liy. .Ifirri 23. Serrla Liverpool March T. t'ulle l.iviTpunl March .'1 l'nliama . . . Ilnrtlenuv Feb. BR llllnnli, Antwerp Feb. 27 llrei'i. Loiitlnn Feb. 27 WerkeletauiM .. . . KntttnUlu Feb. 27 Orinoco lienuuila March 10 iliie Joniliijt. Maith 1-i. Darniatadt Ilreuiel March R l.tbtoufa lllaafft.w March 1 Il NnrillliliUle .. Ilnire March R Vlrelnla. . Ilairc March .1 Yucatan Havana March 10 Abo Pert IJinon March r, llnllleo . .. . Hull lab. 211 Maracalbo Cuiacon March 4 .., .If.trnb 15. Mitla Ilamburir. Marrh 3 NeMnla MmtdooI March R I'ucitiu.i't . . . . illltriillar. Feb.2X Ft. I'ancriia Mveri'ooL.... March 2 Take your ndvertlaeanent TO DISTRICT MFSSr.NOFR OFFICE. Aitrertlaementi for Til KHUN may beleftatany American mtrlct .Meeener oitlca In thla city, whera the ebargea will be ilia tame at those at tba main oftlca. Keep' Ireaa Shlrla. In meamrn. a for 19.0a None littler at any price. sHIt) ami HI I nroadway. IVt.aJE.Zl.XZI33. WHITE nVTTON'.-Satnrday. March 6,bjr th Iter. Cbarlea II. l:aton, Joaeph Kdlnita White ot GouthrarollnatoLvelyn Pay button of Philadel phia. Pa. WYl'KorF-HKATH.-nn Monday. March 7. at Hie West I'reabrterlan Church, by the I'.ev. John 11, paxton. I). D., Kinina Proit, (laughter of th lata William C. Heath. Kan, . to J. IMwurda WyckoS. TAKE TOIB ATVEBTI8F.KENT niSTRIfT MFHNrAOEB OFFICE. Adrrtlaeinanta InrTHKSCN mar be left at any American Dlatrlrt MetfeiiRarothce in tola cltr. where the charge will be the same aatboaa At the mala omco. X3XZ233. BAU.VIAX.V-On March H. 1802. at 2 A. M attar a abort lllne;. Charlaa F. Kallmann. Funeral wit! take place nn Friday afternoon at a o'clock from .141 i:att 41at it. ni:.4TTI,E.-0n Monday. March 8. at attrlden. Conn , Mri. Louisa Seattle, afed 07 yaara. Interment at Newark. Jf. J. BOK1IN. On Tueaday, March 8, at Naw Ravan. Conn.. PeMle, daughter of Ifcnry and Manila Boahn, aned 3 yeara. Frlemla aro Invited tn attend the funeral from th realdence of tlie parenta. Koiautb at, on Thuriday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. CHAPLAIN. On Monday, Marrh 7. at New Uaran, Conn , Charle I,. Clmplaln. aged 70 yeara. Friends are InWtiit to attend the funeral from his late resblei re, 2."li Church at., on Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock. CON 1VA.Tf.-0ii March 0. of pneumonia, Carrie, yot nzrpt daughter or IMir.mnl J. and Annie. Con- uay, aged 3 years nml R months. Funeral from renMenre, 114 Fast 10-th St., Thnrs- ila), March 10, at 1 o'clock I. M. Interment In Cal vary I)A I I.F.V. On Tueflajr, March R, at Bcrnilde, Conn , Michael Ualley, aged NO jears. Trieiula .ire Invllrd to attend the funeral from his lata residence nn Tburaday forenoon at 8 o'clock, and from St. Mnry'a Church, Cast Hartford, Conn, at U ci'ilock. Interment nt Hartford, Conn. JII.I.IM. On Monday, March 7, at New naven. Conn , Mary i: daiigbter of Mr. Kills, of 237 Watbtngton St., aged R years. Funtral private. ri:itf;i'HO.'.-on Wednesday, March l, Cath. J., wife of John Ferguson, at her resldeuco, 12tt East latitat. Notice of funeral hereafter. GHANOIlK.-on Tueslay. March 8, at Rprlngnald, Man. Ann .1. wife of Iliury A. (iranger, aged Ct i,o'. 1'rii iiJh are Invllfd tn allend Ihe funeral from her lale reHldebce, P7 Florence st , on Tbutsday after- noon nt 3 o'tln-W :OOI)l:i.I..-On Tuefilaj, Murch C. at Hartford I'onii , Mrs .lames (looilcll. N'oili e of film rat hereafter. OKI F FIX -At Mnntleello. N Y. on Tueslir, March H, Idniii M (Iriltlii, holnvrd liLtlianil of bllo W. lint n iill'l iion tn l.iu of Ihe Into Uiikell A. Oret.ii I'm, cut) unlai at 22H south .1.1 st , Ilrooklii. nn Ihlirvliy, Malcll 10, at H P. M lirlallvia .Hid rriiiid rupectfully Invlied. ) li lei mint prtrale. OVN.N'.-Ou Tuisilaj-. Marth , at llartfotd. Conn . I'onicllaT , Mltuof I'harles A, It una. , Notlci1 1 f funeral la rentier. HAS'I l.tS"t.-tln Monday, March 7, 1RPS. at her hit- rel.U:i"p. 2SU McDoiiougti st , Urookljn, Mary Helen 1I,i.iIil'. 1'riierul serlii4tonlulit at S 30 o'clock nt the house liuerniei.t W iliusda) In ilrienwond Cemetery. II:AI.I:1.-iiii Tmwlny, Much H, at .New Ibiven, roan . .loll ri lleuliy. knl. lu law or.lohii Ilonngalt. I' nrj btvliei) in attend theiuneral from his tuie icsiibiiif, V'.VJ Joins , on Ihuri'tl'iy foriiiinon ut w it i In k, and frni i SI Francis's I'hurcl, at y.30 o't'lni k .IOIINsON.-0n Tiiesib'. March s, at llrlilgeport, Conn viarlhi .lohnitiiii nireil 71) ) ears. Irieiidsnro inviieil tn attend the funeral from 19 t'othariliest en Tlitirnlay aflernonn al 2 nYlncl. Kl:i:.N,1.-On Mili'li li ai Nonwi.k rntiu,, Murg.irrt V Kiijoi, ! oi;l.1irof tlie l.ili John Ktcnn, ugist 2S ears I'rii'iids aie luilteil In attend llii- funeral on I riday for, noon nt p n'cl'it'k frmnst VUry a L'liurdi. lie lerir.eut at i lie parish foneli'rj KI:IIU. Ihe nit m hi'isuf lliti rum ma nv Hall oencral I'lilllinlttee mid Ciillillllllvn on lilk'.nil.tti..ll of the Tl'lllll Axeillby ll.sllirt are llllllel In.lllilll Ilia funerid of Ihe Holt I', lir Kelir. from li.s Into res). iltmr, Ibl'.'i'.iiv Ihursds). Mircti ID, )hu2. nt 1 I'. vi ii co r wibsril i;r.M.l:ili:iC.-im luodar, .Vlnuh s it Vliriden 1 niii), Vliuniv. ilaitghitr of virs Mary hellelier. aged 1." )IMI. liileruiiiit at Wallliigrord, Conn UIVl:ui,T.-i)n Tn.d). Miri'h K at lha rest iViueof Person, I,. A. hluiterl). New llnteii, Conn . Mrs Iiulsa Kluilierl).aged74 j ear and 11 months. Funeral from her la'.e mlileucr, b2 Wood st., on Thurday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment at iluilford. Conn. KOSiTKN'OAIHJF.K.-Oii Tin sday. vtarrh 8, at i:akt llarlfnrit. Conn, I.ucy, dai guier of John ho- tendailgir, aed 14 years. I,.Hhi:i.l.-Oh i. tiih Inst Margaret Ann, wife of John J, l.aiiell, aged ill) ears R months and U da)s. The relatlrsa and friends of the family are raspeet. fully IBTiltd to attend ths funeral on Friday, (he lltb. at 2 o'clock I", M, from hsr UU retldince. S81Vtt J7tust, Intcrwtnl at Orccuwood, J -star r i i J Frank Leslie 5 I )' w - X contributes i .-it- an interesting article 'H ' ' t ) ' t "Are Our Girls Too i ;? :; t Independent?" t ? .; Z to the March number of 1 rj Ladies' . ti Home st 1 ,; r Journal gt , j ti hfr t"i Newsdealers will serve you : l' Z& regularly gj S ' "! to H j t.jt. ioc. a Copy $100 a Year to I ' - v. ( r ... ' More than to Q ht 700,000 Copies f " H "; printed and sold ? ' 'If The Curtis Publishing Company to j Philadelphia, Pa. V ' ' I . ' ? ' S j $f.f.!J!Jlj!iJ,1f',J'iJm J - ' ' I S -llfw HltHrntloiw. TAKE TOUR AIVF.aTIBEKNT TO DISTRICT MF.HHKNOKK OFFtCR. Adrertlsementa for 'I'll: riUTs may bslett at any I ;, American District Messenger nntra In ibis rlty. whirs tba charges win ba ihe sameaa those at themalnornca. i I The Chinese I Quarter of j ;j ! New York.! ' I Illustrated with Sketches of tho T -J T Metropolitan Chinatown and its ? ifl Oriental Inhabitants. i M I In the March j n JMUNSEY'SJ L I On all News Stands at 35 t ' i I Cents. J I FJtANK A. MUXSBY 6 COUPANY X & M $ tss East 33d Street, Neva York. T a , 'A )) 1 'I IJIICNTANO'S announce thalr Are sale of hooka an! it ,1 tatlonery at Jackson building, 81 East 17th at, g (north Union square.) Enonnona reduotlon tn priest a X ' French, rjarman hooks; text books, all Un(na(et L price of any work quoted on application. , ) '. BOOKS. BOOKS VV will bny or exchange anything ' , 1 In the line ot hooka; blEbest oaah prices paid for $ ' old anil new booka In any quantity; rail at reslaanca AT JI free: semlns a postal raril. LOVKRINO'S NBW YORK Li .I'.'iii HOOK KICliA.VOE, 781 Broadway, hatween Vttt an4 f '7; 10th sta. ' I JU OKC-"VKST POCKKT niOTlO.VARIES." "rookat ii awi1 Atlases," Napoleon'" "Oracolum," Morran's "Ka- a pose Freemasonry." llolTman's "Canl IrlcSa." "Foi , -'S tuae Telling by Cards" (will main. I'll ATT. ISSBth ar. 1 , I 'V NEW BOOK ON "The Kaitical Treatment and Coras j j . of Catarrh. Bronchitis. Asthma.andConsamptlan, 1 1 v Sf by BOBEBT HUhTBR. M. P.. 117 West abthat. f' ft g si J.TONB.0a Tuesday, March 8. at West SprlnrueloV.1 K j? Mass., Malbew, youngest ton ot Hathaw and Katlay' j Lyons, aged 1 year. fif , Mct'ANN. On Tuesday. March , at Hartford, Oonn-. fi 'i Bridget, wife of John McCann. ra ' Notice of funeral hereafter. . ,1 MoEI.HOY.-nn Tuesday. March S. at Hartford, i? j Conn., Joseph McElroy, aged 85 years. & Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from ther ' U ' rcaidence ot bla son, lr, Atlantic St., on Thursday ji f afternoon at 2 o'clock. ; t McMUNN.-RulleJKe McMnnn, the beloyedienot ,41 M. McMunn ot tho ilrm of Itussell Bros, printers, la ;9 Ms SOtb) ear. -j 9 The funeral wilt take place from his lata residence, i'j .n 20bberman ar. Tompktnsville, Biaten Island, to) B J jH Oreenwood Cemetery, on Friday, the Ulh Inst at A ,B 12:301'. M. i S MITKI'IIT.-On March 8. at 1.034 3d ar Jamea T. i ,( Murpliy. i ' ? NKAOI.r.-On Tneslay, March 8, Thomas J.Xeafla, 1 'iM in the2Ctbyearof his Afte. rf Funeral from his late Christopher St., 5 xM on Thuraday, at 1 o'clock. Interment In Calvary. il I'Ii:H,-()n Tuesday, March H. at llarirord, Codil, , ,! Liula Nles of 82 I'ront st .aged 25 years. ,3B Notice of funeral hereafter. ONIECKI, On March 7, Kdwant F. OsleckL baloredi I JS husbiiiiil of Mavglo Ilniut, aired 2H, at th retldanc JtM of his brother. Thomas J., ! Madison at. mI yunenil service 10 A, M. Ihitrsdayat St. Rtanlslaua pfM Roman Cathollo Church, rnruer f-tantnn and For- ' Sa ayth sta. Friends and relatives are respectfully In- 5J vlleit. 1 ' (M O'DIINOVAN'.-On Tuesday, March 8, Florences 1 , V daughter of Jeremiah and fcllen O'Donoran, In her H lr.thyear. iH nelattveaand friend, are respectfully Invited tn at '3H teudlho luncTiil from her late residence, 37 West 'iM Ciith st., on KrMay, March 11, at 10 A. M., tbem-e to & the Church of thu Holy Innocents, where a solemn 1 M mass of reriutem vill hoVtlebrateit, Klndlyomlft jM flowers, Canadian papers phase copy, j M O'NI'.II.r.-On Tuesday, March 8, In this city, Katla 4 'H V, lfeof .I.e. (I'.Nrill. j '9 BurlHirroin Uaorito F. ltenrj's, RI Ferry St.. Spring. ' '! lttl.l. Vlni.j, on Thursday forenoon ntO o'clock, 'H BIIA IKJIINKSMIIV. On Tuesday, March 8, at ' Fnulliporl.Coi 11 barab, nlfonf Joluis'iiaughnesiey, ., iiv'ed r. )ears, , M tvistport, Conn, 'j 'H HTI'AUT.-ilu March 7, 1S02, Mr. Sarah F, Stnart, J aieil r.." ears. lU Kelatlvea unl friends arn repecifully Inv KM 10 at '! " tend tlio funeral services ut her late residence, 34 8 1H Coliimhla st, jj -.M "Y.ilK On Tuesday, March " al lonit HIM. Conn, 3 lH lamoiitl', sun of Ih'iiniisl. .ml Augusta K. Curtif f, Jt VViidc, rued ti months, H Krienils urn Inv iipit tonllind lb" funrral from Ilia ' resld'iuoof ibiarriils, on Thuraday afternoon at ' 2 11 clod. Intiiiiieiit nt His I'onMiilence of I ha H faiiil')'. .vaal WII.I.IAMN,-ln flili.iilelplila at 11.0 residenceot 'M her fatlur, Iloberli, wilo nr strplien n. WIN , M llamr, and ihuishter of J Tnliiuliuiid Annie Cabeaa B rnfl Funeral nt St .latin ' Churcti, riiiladelphla. on Frl- 1 , H ilj). Vl.irih II .it I.' 10 oVocIf, Intcrmtnt private. "H f.iKi: vuLtt Aivt:it'risi:ir.T ! M msTiiii'T vii:sii:h oitick, I' , Atlieriisi'imii'alfr 'I III! Nl'N may be left ut any f, H Ameiicaii IhKirli 1 Ment nvtr I'lllie ill llils clly. ithera fl 'VI Hit i liuris milbi Ihi-niutt .in tl.oi.1' lit the tiiaillillhre, 11 sH f)icriitl 3lottm. II H TAUK TfODH AIVi;ilTIi:Mr.NT i jXbbI io B 'aaH iiistiih'T uihi:i:ii orrirr. Uj IH Aatriiurinriits lor Til I! "t I' . may In left at any K sSai Vuit-ricau Uiiru t viiFnner oibce in it Urlty. wbsra H MH Hit r harL'i a Ttl.l be Hit siine mi lb, e at iho iimlnnttli e. U H "Tin: ' 11 a'w roit 11 KiionsHrATrR K 9 the si iiidiirdor ovi'vlteuiu in nearly rvtryreiallaboa K aBaaai in tii I'oiiutrv. HI tl vk tot ,1 pair ir I'ruw fords, you u ill lm told tbejr a fH bnve 1 sho " lusl as ir I, ' or iquul 10 il," and orca- 9 H ,,iiiji1 h tati'Miian will culm t,i have ono "better M .aiaal than rhr I'rawluiil " As dealers I'allliot buy thla shue. H H tlie) cannot be expected tu sjieak 111 its praise luten 8 HM tlmiali). ft fH 1 tie 1 raw ford If sold by the maker to the wearer only, E SBaaaal thioiiuli Crow fort shoe stores K HH " lirtl'.NK:.M'.s,si AMI 3IOIIIMIIN10 H tlAlin'i'eriiiniieiiily curid. lir. .1. A jtoaih s Treat a aH 1111 111 the latest uiiii most sucreiirii treatmtnt known, .Saal In iiivopl Willi iti'i'iplfit priiK'iplis. It is sclcutuir and u. suicessfui Teftliminialh anl terms on application. H lerritnry lurthe rljht tn ii-tt tlio triiunetii for aate. .'ll HI Aildrcs. lilt, i.ul.lii:', Hull idvipanv, '.Il H Alliiiiice. Ohio. 'U B Titi:i,iihATrviN iiKi.if.vnt ' iM H lOKl.StKl'.NAI. VMir.XIKKS VM'SK. H Cures Cramps. Colic. Colds, and all iuu. 2V. abottli, ' tM "WaIKATENA.-The bast-breakfa'tr" foodi .ati." '!H rlous. nourlshlrir; cooks In one minute: 25 oentai s.l . VHaal . atocsra. U1.A4JU 001) COitl'A.SV, Ol itsvalf, ' I !H 1 --