OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 24, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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Rg 'tin: nxr. nn. uaixhi onirs idea up
BV -iooa.5 nvx nv cnvnvn veovi.e.
Kf ' Would Hlt liter. Light VTInea, force
Hfi " Cboeolnte, Obey Ike I.avrs, and Keep
Hfy , the Plares Orrterly-rinnnclnl and Moral
mj&& CJnta to Reward Much nn Fnlerprlse.
Bil'i In nn allusion to an opproochlng meeting of
B, tl Mhlotlo club connected with M. floorge's
Uyi' Episcopal Church, thn llov. Dr. W. H. ltalns-
H&, ford took occasion on Hundny morning to
Kt praise tho work done 1y church athletic clubs
Hk'; and social resorts undor church patronage.
-C So unlet lie behoved In allowing ronsldcrnbln
Vo' llhorty In such resorts, and remarked thattlio
HR dny would rot comow lion t ho Christian Church
HE would enter Into actlvo business competition
HH?vT with thu saloons.
Ht Yestmdny, In his study. Dr. llalnsford told n
RH ropoitorof Tiii: Hi'?. Hint ho meant tills re-
(V tnark to bo taken literally, and hu believed Iho
RHf churches should open saloons ot u high rliur-
HjHvt'r acter to compete Willi tho vicious irsorts to
jpBf? which rospertablo persons l'o bometluics tor
RjnBA bcirantl wine.
Hf, R "Iwlllsny thin much." ho said, "that It I
'K'f could closo ovary saloon In this city to-dny by
M ! raising my flncor, I would not raise my linger.
' Si My reason Is perfoetlycloar and dellnttR. I
i lH believe, and esory other obsurvlng nnd think
ij Mm Ingmnti must bollovo. Hint In n front mid
f9i crosydod city like this drinking Is n neeevuy
H'C I evil. It must bo accepted nnonn ot tho contll
j I I. tlons ot ft densely packed population, drawn
'f -j m from oery quarter of tho clone. In
? f tno Present ugc. In devising menus
yi &' tnroiiedy thn great olls of Intumpornnce. It
KB' i must bo romomborod Hint this condition c
!)", Ms. Closing saloons will not stop drinking.
fy It will simply drlvo It to cover. If I wore to
jl$ iji closo ovory e-nlooti to-tlni. to-morrow they
JR 3 " Would nil iioopen ng.iln. nut Ihiddnii iivvuyln
eFj) s j tenement houses, vviiero limy would tin vastly
mf more liurni. Vou cannot hiippii-sh rum
vm- , Rollins nnd rum drinking in this ago nnd In
fe a ' thin i-il v. You must iittitoV theovll liiunnthor
Am way. I hold thn saiuti opinion ntiout themj
Qli. n ( disorderly houses uhlch hno been tnlUed
'Lvmi It "tin riui'li Intely. I'rostltmlonls nnntl er
wVi? ; iicc-shitr I'oiidltinn oflllo In sueh n city us
1 this. It I luid tho powi r I would not clam up
if U-1 nil Midi houses, tor I would only driwi Meo
t into the oiy homes ol this town, btx liun-
dred thousand of the luhntdtnutHof .N lmk
ft, i " am morn '.'lurelr pneked locether than liny
eh ' hln.llnr population In any cthor sjmt nn the
V . chine. Methods whMi mm be nflecthe else-Si-
lote will not hnotloi tlvn heii.
7 , .' " Vlmt .niu-t do to combat inlemper.ineo
it 8 is (., rroldn publl- ii-sorts which inn not
I tklntoil with lco mid corruption. If pioplo
$r ' must drink, wo run proldo them icpfctiitdo
I i plneas to drink In. Wo can open salnom
K U ' Wimro lioer 'iml lluht wines may Im had by
5 , those who wtnt theiit. i.nd whom the Mir-
,J ' t. riindine Mill bo clciiti. eheeifiil. and morn1.
$ i There may lo hllllnid liibles .mil I nwlliiii
, S ,, itll)8.iiu tnbli-H where jvoplo inns lt iitid
it- ' rhnt whllo they drink t licit I oei. I horn iimv
i A ' .ilso bo i stipph of nensiMpeisnud perlodl
f ' c.iln. Much .1 buloon ns tbl would ort'T nt
ttei f Dictions which would enable It lo I'ompeto
Iftl nflui'tlvely with Ielous inmit. It Ih not iu
'iSs'J i.blntostippieHuloois. but it is puhHiblv to
i ! vlAVsto thorn to a plane which thei havo neer
& . iS liefore OLi'Unlud. .
Sf .' "I would inivo no whiskey or other powerful
' i Intoxicants In tho-e snhmns Ilonrand licht
i ) wlner. will sntisfy nil but drunk lids. Now. Hu-
j! , innn who wiinth n cl.ii" of beer must uo to. i
' Ji, I V low roburt wimro llery Moulds nro tho elilef
Xi V Mock in trad.-, nnd the temptation isnlwn
T. i from llchtor to xtioncoi. llehides beer uud
. 4, Jlitht wfiies I would huoeoneonnd chocomtB.
. It; Mho tendoncy of the place would betemiior.de.
; 'I U while at tho s.imo tlmo those who Insisted on
t? v liiilit stlmulanta would not bo driven to low
- S, resorts.
, jj: i "Then I would havo these snlnons open on
; j Sundays dtirlnc luoperhours lor tho ueeoin-
? i s tnodutlon ofthou wboaro in thti lialiit of l.u-
l,'l ' jpir lioer or wlno usury dm. Hiid who now lnie
SSI in encourage Inwhieuklnx iiy entorinis side
i ! i ilnors Intodnnk and 111-niTielllm; places for
"4? their btinday beveiae. I would liavu these
X, l lilaces Inw-uhidinc. I would Imo them close
t, u atrletly at tho expiration or lesiil hours."
4 j.j i " Would ou hae tho cliurches iuu those
(: f" falooas.'" wutinsked.
; . 0 "I would not hnxo them chnrit.ihlo inttitu-
". tlons." said iJr. ltalnsford, "nor would I hao
.'Sf . tlium run at n Mnancial loss. They upen n
t !J : j.ioper field for business unternrise. nnd I
, -' (.incerely hopo that Clirltlan business men
iff . may bo indueedto entorthe Held. Iluslnesn
, a. .b . men connected with tho Church could run
i 'kt , such saloons, and could do it iitupiollt. I
; vi! ;; only wish that I had the money with which to
i : demonstrate that this Is tho only way to deal
i 'if , bUcnessfully with this ovll."
i ih r "Is thlsn newprouosltlon?" wasnsked.
J 'i'xfi, "Xowr Not ut all. I hno held this belief
j yl V for yenrs. nnd occnsionully tnlkod upon these
. I ( 'h lines to my concrcuntion. If you wunt to sco
vij, n toy Idea in practice coma to our eymnusium
! W. , .' tome Monduy nlaht."
A $ "Do you haxo wlnonr.d beerthero'"
, if "Oh. no. but wo have n hnndsnmocymnn-
. '- p alum, bowline alleys, readinc rooms, nod all
" AjV tlmtsort of thing, nnd we make nil younc men
t s i 5 Velcorro whothor thoyaro church members or
V h pot. Wo draw hosts or younc mon of tho
;i t f, Pelchborhood nwny from the saloons. Now.
i . i 4 those nro tho sort of .-iiloonsl want toestne
', 5 it' llsh. r.liminate stroiie spirits, moke the places
A ' " lirtBht.benutifuI.nttitictlxc.nndmoral. provide
Xf i 'i' nil sorts of Innocent cumes nnd rendlnc mat
i . lr. sell only tho best and purest beers and
Id, wlnos. and charco moderato prices for overy-
' thine.
p i, , "flcrmnn resorts are tho best to bo found.
V " " My Idon Ian saloon upon tho same lines as tho
t ;',$ .I ? best Herman places, but upon n hlchor nnd
"4 '. &. more attractive plane. I believe that this
' ? t will yet bo done. A creat many f'hrlstlnns be
( i Sieve as I do. I cave my Idea recently before
t, ' - convention of the Younc Men's Christian
; ij K, Association, and was very courteously re-
. S, celved. althouch I cannot say that I convinced
i f, K anybods."
"'ft- s Has the experiment ever been tried?"
' a , ra "I believe." said Dr. ltalnsford, "that sever-
i . i bI Enitllsh clergymon run snloon of thiH fort,
i P ! S and that they aro very suc-essful In drnninc
7U i people away from low resorts and Intemper-
i f' sc ancc"
" v , IPl President Koeh of the ltvcise Hoard said of
? i Ur. linliisforil'M plan: "We will cheerfully
If Crnnt a license to Dr. ltalnsford. Hint Is. If ho
I 1 roduees proper references and solid honds-
j ft , x men. He must Hist buy up n license. I fenr.
j !i M for our limit Is almost reached."
; V . & fKimrtswrsox mauls vihimisks.
kU f ti
(, ''J. Hollcltlnc the Aid of Uemocrata to Kr.
, i elect Illin to t'oaBrm.
'& , lJ Wvshinotos. Jlay 2a A 8p"clnl from To-
I if' ' $ pokn, Knn. enys that Conerossman Jorry
J ft- . fy Hlmpsouls not only .cok!nc iv rononiitution
fe from tho Alliance party, nut within the last
. 6 ton days hns written letters to nt lonbt half n
Z , " dor.on of tho prominent Domoetats in lilsdls-
Jlij i !S trlct who. irn understood to be friendly to him
t "5 'Z. yrclnc tliem to use their Influence to secure
)s Wr for him tho endorsement of tho Uniuncr.itle
' W 4, party. In nlettor received by u llatvey county
.ft1 R Jlomoerat Mr. Simpson edmith llial unless ho
f ft, & liiiatharUpportoftlioDemocriithhirti.liuiu.es
1 3- I reflection nro slim. lie lias made Promises
r to, to certain Democrats tli.it If tliei will unite mi
i S, lilm in the Seventh district he villi endeavor lo
t n si '' "" 1'eople's pnity endoise tlio Demo-
);,-,', ' crutla candidates iu tlio riii-t nnd Hocond dU-
w- tricts. He has nlso promised his Democmtu
I f; V llautenaitainthe Heventhdirtrii't tliat in tlio
I r y oveutof tlio election of u Democratic 1WI-
J 4, it, dent thoy shall control the pntron.ice of tho
i '' district. Mr. Kimpson will bo reuoniliinted by
- S, , acclamation nt tho People's rarty Convention
v it In Wichita on June Is.
I Si V
) v si
i 'i Y' Tala'aClalaiunt HcTOtrea Halted the C'aucua
p h Wteu Outvoted.
; f j" 4 Nkw Hate:.-, May l!ii.-The Domocratlo mem-
1 f, brs of tlio Yale Kent Club mot this uvenlnc in
. r. $ convontlon to nomlnato a l'rosldentlal cuudl-
i C yl date. I II. Wilfley. n Illll man. of Mexico.
1 v Ma, proaldod. nnd Ilogcr Bhoimun llnldwin.
P u- ,, uon of l'rof. Himon L. Knldnlit, n C'lovdland
f. - ', man. acted as Hecretary. 'tho llrH vote taken
f -; ', resulted: Cleveland. 11: Hill, 111; Gorman. 4
t. rl '", undOruy. 5. Tho bocond vote showed tho Illll
Hi d it, and Gorman men In Hie ascendancy. Tho
L iff Cleveland supporter left tin, rnuciin nnd
M turned tho liRlits out. The Hill nnd tinrtnuii
KiT men teorb'anizudand iiomliiuted Oorruan mid
Vf Cjuy.
('; Tralse ITlll be Stopped (or Hevcrul Unye-
HlrfKk. Great Uumuce Done,
i i BlSMlK-aifAM. Ala., May 23. All trains on tho
' L-ul Columbus and Western linllroad wore stopped
f sl yesterday, on account of n dUastrous ilro
I ' J , which li roslnc In tho Coosn Mountain tunnel,
B Y twenty mtlei from Iilrmlniihant. It la SUP
S' , posed that a enark from a passing enclne net
I , tho timber of (lie tunnel on tlio. flro ennlnoa
,. have been sent from this city. It will bosov
' erai(jaj5i)eforo ln finraes can bo checked.
! 'thoeoui,tfuctionofthlHtunnelcofat$l,OUU,OUU.
B : Xlie dumaco will bo very fc-rcat.
E The Father Htrnck VIIU lurlyU.
B ' James Norton of Var llocknway, the father
U , ' Uenjamln .Norton, tho younc man who wns
killed In the bomb explosion Iu IUiseoII Snco'a
' "frice, hadapnralUlcBtiokoon Friday of hist
xveek. nnd ho Is not expected to it cover. It Is
-' ; mJ'J ""V'.'i ofoered from the shock ho
. uttalned at the time of Ida aou'a death. The
3; run a his only child.
, i Thintwcn tniiiegut lo tuiultaMcLl)ilidcif fllnl,
HBj i W fll 14IU It. -la,.
I f
KILLED nun HVHBAXD'3 mistress.
A rreneh tVemaa Fla4a the fi nitty CaaaU
Toaether aad Takes Her Kereacr.
PAnis, May '-'.'I. The Figaro to-day relates a'
slorr ot n murder which is exciting great
interest. Tho names nro not atven. but if the
details clvon In the Fioam nro true thoy can
not long be concealed. The story Is that tlio
wife of a Government official holding nnlm
pottnnt position had long suspected her hus
band of unfaithful conduct with thowlfo of a
Deputy who holds n prominent placo In tho
leclslntlvo chamber, nnd whose name has
been frequently mentioned In connection with
meannronot nntlonnl importance. The wlfo
lmd followed her husband about for somo time
past, in tho hope ot dotectlni; evidence ot
Kullt- He succeeded, howaver, in evading
hoi.nndshn was not nblo until jeslerdny to
cet the proof deslrod. Tho wife is known to
ten woman of high temper, nnd tlio tragedy
that n suited is not n surprise to tliofo who
hnvo met her. ... ., . ,
Mho cot an inllmntlon insomo.wny that her
liUHbund nnd tho woman mltflit be found at.i.i
Hue Durncher. Tho wlfo went thero nlono
lust iilglit. nrincd with a revolver. Bho sin
ceoded In passing tlio porter ot the building
without arousing suplclon. nnd went at once
to the room which wns occupied by tlie Inlt i
less husband nnd his iniatris. , How sho pb
tnlnod ndmlsslon duos not clcnrly nproar, but
she managed to got Into tho room. Thelitis,
bund wns tnken utterly by surprise, nnd
neither ho nor tlio woman lmd an op
puit unity to ecape. Tlie wife paid no ut
teiitlon to hor liusbiind, boyond cold look
of recognition. Turning to the woman, she
poured out n Hood of abuse, charging her both
with botrnylncher own husband nna robbing
hor. tho Injured wife, of tho man sho loved
uinl to whom she had nlwnys been true. 'Iho
wretchetl woman cowered In u corner of the
hod. and was too stricken with shame to utter
n word of reply. Tlie fury of thu deceived
wlfo increased, und drawing her levolvor sho
llred shot utter shot direct Into the hotly of
tho wretched woman. The husband, when
shedrewthii rovolvei. thought It was Intended
for him. anil dashed out of tho room, leaving
his companion In sin without protection, ut the
mercy or the Infurlaled wife. .
I ho latter did not eeaso llrlng until five bul
lets weio lodged In the victim's ho.ty. Hcelng
thai liar prey wns not yet dead tlio furious
woman throw down tlio pistol nnd drew ft dag
ger. She tlarted upon the dvlng woman and
blabbed hoi time after time, uttering with
evcrv blab cuises and denunciations. 1 on
plo heard the shrieks and the death strugglo
and cnine rushing Into the loom, llio thing
woman could not sjeak. but lmd strength to
pi lilt to themlirdeiess nntl then nt her own
wounds. In n few moments sho tiled.
'1 Im police were culled m nntl the murderess
was taken to prison. It Is said that sho lmd
reserved on- bullet In the revolver for hnrseir.
'Iho htitnnil will undoubtedly bo dismissed
horn the (iovernmont seivlce. .
At bite hour this evening it was learned
that tho woman in the 'Junrller 1'Europo wns
.voune l.iiMiiinnno. Her lovet. the huslmlitl
of tno murderess. Is I'aiil lieyniond. a lurgo
la'iilowncr hnn hotttli nieiiea. ounu
lived nnhappilywlth her hustanu.anileveiitu
nlly lott hlinto enter a convent in Auteull. In
Autetlll ilemond ilrst mot hei while visiting
friends In that city. Mibseiiuently lvouno
left the com en to live In I'.iris. where, it Is
Mild, she was supported by I'oymontl. Hevoinl
times she planned to leave tlio city, having re
ceived warning letteis limn n person signing,
" 1'rlotul of Mine. livinond." In tlio lat let
ter the " friend" llire.itened torevenl tltewliolo
uirnlr. including Yvonne's pla-.o of lesldeuce.
to tlie Injured wife.
J)LV3U. i't A VI O11I0U1CAVII r.
He KTldeatty Vlshed It Conwy the Impres
sion Tbut He tts Insane.
MrxnornNr, Mny 'J.I. Tho so-cnilod auto
biogrnphy of tho murderer Doeinitig noems
to bo of no value whatever. It is incoherent,
nnd apparently written by a mnn who vvlsliod
to convoy tho Impression thnt lie was insane.
The prison ofildaN beliovo Deeming never
cave up hope of escaping tho scaffold until ho
was on his way to the gallows, and therefore
he would not write anvthing that would Im-
rerilliiscli.ine" of reprieve or commutation,
n a letter which Deeming delivered to tho
Chaplain, the l'.ev. Mr. heott ho said.
"1 am dying n fully penitent dinner and
Christian. Mill I tell you 1 did not intend to
kili poor Kiuily. I was unconscious of doing
so. I can only regaid my oxecutiou as a mur
der. Still, death will lie a relief."
Dooming never confessed thu Rnlnhill mur
ders, but was heard before his execution pray
ing for forgiveness for tho injury be had done
his family. Chaplain Scott urged tlio prisoner
to confess, but ho persisted In denial. There
is a general feeling of gratlllcntlon over the
fact thnt Deeming has been executed, nnd no
one expresses even pity for the wretch. Tho
placo at Windsor, vvhele the murder of Mrs.
Mather-Deeming was committed, was visited
by large throngs from Molbourne.
Snxnny Doesn't Want the Russian Agent.
Hi in is. May 'S3. The police of Dresden.
Saxony, have informed the suspected Itussinn
Tauslavlst agent. Hoir von Wesselltskj'-Ilo-jodaiavitch.
who wns recently ordered out of
l'ru&sla nt the ins'nnco ot the Kaiser, that lie
cannot tnko up Ids residencofn Dresden. This
notice, it Is un lerstood. has been given at the
request of the l'russlnn Government, nd
drossed to tho Saxon authorities. When Herr
von Wessollt7sk-Bojodarnvltch proposed to
take up his residence iu Dresden it wns re
ported that the Kalsor would probably llnd a
way of making his wishes as effective in Sax
tiny ns In lterlln. as the Knlscr and the King of
Saxony are on tho host of term.
Herr von Wosselltzskv-Boi .darnwtch will.
It Is believed, havo to leivo Germany alto
gether, as it Is not thought llkelv that Davnria
will otfor him a lofticc. foi while theio ate
strong differences ns to the Internal aflaiis of
the Germnn policy betwoen l'ruudn nnd
IJavnrln. theio is no diffcrenco ns to for
eign nffniis. and Herr vou Wessilitzsky
Do'odaravlteh would probably be obnoxious
in Munich its in lieriln. It Is helloved that he
is tlio most valuable agent that liussiu has
ever hnd in Germany, and that he has kept
tlie Court nt Mt. Petersburg carefully In
formed as to mnny mutters which the German
Government deslmd should be socrcl. Herr
von Voellt7sky-Boiml,ii:ivltch has not yet
made known his net choice of location.
A Toun TenoilKed by n llundll.
Kosif. May U.'l. Inthofccane district of b'nr
tllnlnatownis held In tenor by a bandit.
I'rancesco 1'hlluduwas condemned to prison
for various crimes, 'llimeupon his Innther.
Andrea l'hlludu, swjro to bo revenged upon
tlio authorities nnd people, nnd to kill every
Inhabitant or tlio communo vvhoic Mi. brother
had been brought to justice. Ho boonpioied
that ho meant vvlint ho threatened. Tlio first
victim was tflgr.or liosn. the President of tho
commune. JUisn was mvsturhuisly nhot on
tho highway. .No one saw who killed him, but
everybody knew. Tho llndlugof the body was
followed b n general panic. Tho pennlobai
i leaded their houses and were ufriiid tu go out
after nightfall. They appealed to the provin
cial authorities for protection, and trooiisam
on tlieir way to tha scenu. Mcauwhllo the
local authorities woro afraid tu keep francos,
co, tho brother of Andrea, in jirisou, aud ul
lowed lilin to go at large, Krancescosoon van
ished, and is hollos oil to ho with his brother In
hiding until tho next opportunity for murder.
A I.nlior I'aily In I'arllamrnt,
'London, May 'St. Tho Labor Conforoneo to
day was largoly attended. Mr. Kelley of Man
chester wnb chosen Chairman. Ho urged thut
ellortfc should lo made to form a poworful
jbor party in Pmllamoiit One of the speak
ers said that the aristocratic and moueyed
classes lllletl 1'arllament to protect their own
interests. Despito all tho promises uiado ut
ISewcurtlo nnd elsewhore, osery politician of
note hud taken n negative position on mutton,
affecting the democracy. .Mr. (iladslono wns
esnslvo nnd hnd snubbed thu Labor party.
Mr. Morley had Intuited It. J.oid Salisbury
twitted nt It. Mr. llalfoiir had been cynical,
and Lord llnntlolph Churchill hnd beon hys
teilcal. TlierownHnetaiepresentatlMiman In
eilhor party vvhii sva not opposed to the Labor
pioginmme. rim ruling classes tared nothing
that the nilllloiih weievyilterlug in Ignorance
nnd ovorty solongastlieli own pockets woro
larnell Urotlier In Politics,
DuBU, May 2.'!. Limerick rnrnellltes hnve
chosen tho brother of the late Chnrles Stowart
jVninell to opposo Francis A. O'Kcefc, the re
cent member for Llmorlck city, at the general
election. A report Is current that. Archbishop
Croko does not agree with Archbishop Walsh
In tho endorsement or "llmotliy Henly, nnd Is
lncllnotl to tho Puiqolllto side, ns being morn
distinctly national than tlio antl-1'urnolllto
An ITnknovsn rJcbaoaer Meat to (he Hottom,
Di'VDEF. Mny '-'a-Tho llrltlsh ship Alrlle.
which loft Calcutta on Jan. 27, arrived here to
day and reports a serious disaster. When off
Yarmouth she came In collision with an un
known schooner, Tho schooner wns o badly
il.iuiuged Hint sho sunk almost Immediately,
ainl II Is believed thut every pcrsou on board
was drowned. Tlio Alrlle lost her jlbbuom,
but was otherwise uninjured.
The Pennsylvania Limited
Il t'sllcil tbr "WnrM'4 (JrtAtiit I'aimtKr Triln" on
srctniut ot Hit Mttolula Tfe lion or 111 lultiitient
sntt ll,s cxci-llrnrtt ol tlie rojul t,tcr whlcb JUruui. It
U the cholctit lulu lo C'Otcscu SUA ClncbiBML Ait.
" .....ap. i.'i-'l MM .,
Mr. Her rr-r Try t e
naagmes, bat Fall.
Hkeus. May 23,-Ex-In.pector of rolled
Holtw. whohas8lnchl reUrcmont from i tlio
forco been encaged in tho oonl trade nt Ills
dorf. a suburb of this city, becanio Infatuated
with tho wlfo of his partner. Herr Hraune. and
with hor planned to get rid of hor husband.
Tho guilty couplo entered HerrBrnuno 8 room
ono night last wcok. slipped a nooio around
his nock ns ho slopt. and. passing tho rope
over a beam, nttompted to hang him. Drauno.
awaking, fought dosporntely. and. though
hampered by tho ropo. succocded In boating
off both of his assailants nnd In oscnplng in
hs night shirt to tho stroet, whore ho gave
tho alarm to tho pol ce. Tho pollco found
Bier I thing In confusion, and Uie promlsei i tie.
serte'd. Ilo tzo ami Mrs. Urnunoliad lied, tnk
Inc vvllh them l.i.tKX) marks id Iirnunr, s
Lionel. In " lelr hnsty retrcal. how e er. tho
ftiginv-es luit clues which led to tholr arrest on
eiViiii fiio prisoners weronecnsetl of nssnull
lug llr uno with Intent to kill t hey i.roto nded
thu grentest astonishment, nntl li 1st that
Hraune had attempted t hang li r.self. un I
that they hnd nothing o do v tl at patt t r
the ttllalr nor with the loss of thu mono) ..All
tlmv would udmit was an elopemont. Ilrnunu
s?h that he vvlll Imvo no ilinUltr n Proving
his nccusntlons ugnliibt tliom. '"',','' r?;S
held on charges ot robbory uud attempted
sioi.k a.ooo.oim fuascs.
The Manager ot n 8 Isa Hank Anealed for
Bobbins tho Instllitdon.
Bfrnb. May 23. Herr Schcnck. manager of
tho St. Gall braucliof tho 1'edeial llank. has
beonarrosted for embezzling the funds ot thu
Institution. Tho amount that ho had taken Is
at loast 3,000,000 fiaucs. nnd probably JI.COO.
000. Tho embezzlement has been In progioss
several years. It wns accomplished by keep
ing fnlso nml tneompleto locords. IJiriro
amounts ol securities received by the bank
wcie not cietlltod. und were disposed or bv
8chenck tliiuilgh agents In other 'cities, lai
ments made tu the bank vsoro not credited
their full amount, nnd the dirferunco went into
Kcheiicl; spockot. .. ,,.-
Ills snlatywas 8,000 francs, nnd he Id not
nppnreutly live beyond it. lie irequontly vse lit
to Geneva, however, and It Is repoitnl fiom
thero that ho lmd In thnt city on Independent
domestic establishment which ho kept up in
lino stile under un assumed nuiiie. liowusti
Piotesiunt of apparently great plots.
Tho bank is in a sorry plight. Nnj'C tho be
ginning or lil Its totaMoss. Inelutllng tlio
sum takon by Schonck. hns boon 10.00U. 100
francs, unti tlio oiitlro reservo of tho bunk lias
beon spent.
The Irish I.nrnl Government Hill.
London-. Mny 2:1. Tho debnte on tho Ir.Mi
Local Government bill diagged ulong this
evening In the House of Commons, until Wil
liam O'Jlrlcn. Nationalist for tho norlhcust
division of Cork, mnde n hot attack on tho
Government, covorlng Its whole policy toward
Ireland. Ho wns followed by Joseph Chamber
lain, who was Interrupted fioquontly by j'oors
from tho Irish benches and cries of "Olil oh!"
f 10m his foi t.ior colleagues, the Glndstonlnns.
He said that he regurdedtho measure favora
bly, because It gave to Ireland exactly what
similar measures had given to L'nglnnd. Ho
could not agioowlth tho Opposition thut no
MifeEinitis woro nocessnry to protect the
property of tho minority from tho local au
thorities, who practically would hetlie repre
soulativestif one party. Tho limitations put
b) the bill on the local authorities were Indis
pensable, nntl he would vnto for thn bill. (De
risive laughter among the Irish membeis.l
Ml. Tim Healr replied to Mr. Chamberlain,
maintaining that where tho bill was not harm
ful it wan ildic-ulous. and pointing out that
even Mr. Ilnlfonr had been unable to say much
Initstnvor. The Ginnd .lurv system win; to
continue fullllllng the very duties which had
rendered it soobuovious to the Irish j eople.
After lev tawing Mi. Iliilrout's scheme In detail
Mr. Henly espressed the opinion thnt the bill
was tlie most coutemptlble tiling he hnd over
seen in the House, unit that no self-respecting
Irishman could vote bir It.
The House adjourned after Mr. Heaiy s
speech, nntl the Irish members vvent out jter
liigHiul shouting. To-murrorr Mr. Gladstone
will speak. The Government expects a ma
jority of at least sixty for the bill.
The Hartal or Jnraes K. (Isjcood.
IVNDON. Mny 23. The body of Mr. James
Itiploy Osgood, at tho time of his death head
of the firm of Osgood. Mellvano l Co. In this
city, was buried this afternoon in Kensal
Greon Cemetery. The grave Is on a
grassy krioll In the most beautiful part of
the cemetery, nnd the ground mound it had
been transformed Into a garden of flowers by
Mr. OigoodV friends in London nnd from New
The services wore of almost Puritanical
simpllcitv. according to arrangements iuado
by Mr. Osgood's intlmato friends from the
United States In doferenco to Ills wishes.
They were attended byn romarkabta assem
blage of porsona conspicuous In art, literature,
anil Hocl-ty. . ,
Among those at the grnvo were Alma Tade
ma. George l)u Muurier, John Pottle, It. A.,
folln Huntor. A. )!. A.. George Houghton.
A. It, ... William Black. .1. Plerpont Morgan.
Loid l''rancl Hone. Kdssin A. Abbey. J. It. Hob
Inson. editor of the UmluSitn. T. P. O'Counor.
Thomas Hnnly. William H. Apploton. Arnold
Mosoley. Jniues Tnyn. William M. LafTnn. Wil
liam Hlmrpe. Frederick Mncmlllan. Clurenco
Mcllsaine. and many representatives of the
ririncipal New Yotk and London publishing
iouse. Haiper.l Ilrotheisof New otk and
mnuv other celebrated publishers son' great
quantttiob of flowers, which were laid on and
around the grave.
Tile C'xar In Xlenmnrk.
Copknhaoen. May 23. The Czar nnd C.-nrlnn
arrived hero to-day in tho Hussion Imperial
yacht, tho Polar Stni. to take part In the cele
bration of tho golden wedding of the King nnd
Ouoen of Denmaik. Tltev were mot by Prluc-o
W'aldemariu his yacht, and m ceded on laud
iug by a saluto from tlio batteries.
viKN'Nt. Mny 2.'! Lmperor Francis .Tosepli
has sent tho vjiic on id Dunmnrk a inognillcont
set of diamonds for her golden wedding pres
ent. It is I e period hero that tlie Grand Duke
ot Luxomburg will endeavor while !n Copen
hagen to bring about a reconciliation between
tlio Czar ami thu Grand Duke Michael.
1'AiiiH. May 2.'). Tho Trench Government has
Font to Copenhagen r. mugnltlceiit Gobelin
tapestry as a wedding picsuut to tlio King and
(Juceu of Denmark.
Countess Mnssell 'Will Go On (he Htngr.
Iinpos. May 2.'l. The Countess llussell has
decided to adopt the stage as n piofesslon.
Thoeflortsto bring nlout n reconciliation bo
tsseen the Countess nntl her husband, which
recently sonmod likely to he successful, urn a,
failuio for tho present at least, nud thu
Counto will follow her own bent. It is prob
able thnt she will make hor dt'hut in somo
character tlmt involves u good deal of dancing.
At present she is making money out of hur
notoriety by wiitlng a story for a now periodi
cal, which Is willing to pay well for names tbut
tlio public nro talking nbout. without respect
to tho literary Interest of contributions.
Dnrltt on I.ord Hsllsbury'e Hprecli,
London, Mar 23. In speaking at Ilrudford
this evening Michael Davltt reviewed Lord
Salisbury's Prlmroso speech on Ulster. Ho
said that tho Premier was treading on dnn
gorous ground. He himself had dabbled In
rebellion, and he would bo sorry to see even
his worst enemy in tho plohnld convict's cos
tume. Lord Salisbury's language, however,
justified every illegal act which ho (Duvilti
Kins Behunxln Apntala to llie PorltiKurse.
Lisbon, Must 23. King Ilchanzln has written
nlong letterto KlngChnrlos. nppeullng to the
Portuguese monarch to sustain the Dahomey
ans against tlio iiggresslnn of trance. Tho let
ter gives much gratification In Government
circles, as tho Portuguese have alvvuys looked
uibn the Trench ns Intruders lo Dahomey.
Notes of rorrltu Ilappsnlngs.
Timothy Harrington. Parnollltn member nf
Fnrlluuient. is t many Miss O'Neill, daughter
of the late Dr. O'Noill ot Dublin.
On Lake Zurich yesterday n hont containing
pensioners fiom tho convent of Wurmstaeli
wascnpsUed. Hoven weiedross-ned and eight
Despatches from Lagos say that when tho
Jehus decided to oppose th" llrltlsh they sac
rlllcod 211 persons. Including many young
girls. Two mon were burled allvo.
Tho Grand Duchess Xenla. eldest daughter
of tho Crnr. will hobetrotliod shortly to the
Grand Duke Alexander Michaelnvltch. The
Grand Duchess Is but 17 vears old, whllotha
Grand Duko was 20 In April.
Prluco Heuss. German Ambassador to Am
tilo, yesterday entrusted oftlclnl teports from
llelurade antt Ilutln Posth to Clerk Wolsso to
eurr to the lorolgn Ofllce In lierlin. In Dies
den tho letters were stolen from Woisse's
baggage In tlio hotel. No clue to tho thief has
been discovered, .
NoririnV rit itrsin carptt cltlilnrind rinornlnf
works, UtosilK ay sua ;iu it. bud for clrcubUY-Js.
pi.i-.asprf. m:hiclk. nr.PoT vnnN,u. waoonkttks, it,
wt nmilsratspntes
vitfAr m:.srrn.v n.ouos.
The vA'atrr Falling In Home Rivers, bnt
Much Misery Htlll Preenlls.
St. Louis, May 23. Tho river continues to
fnllnt thn ratoof nenily an Inchperhour. The
decline Is oxtiected to continue uutll Ihoilvor
leaches Its piupcr gauge. Tho railroads are
getting In Rlinpo to icsuino operations over
their receiving lines and do not nnlicipato any
further Ineonvonlcnee.
Below this city tlio floods still hnvo n grasp
nn the terrilory dovastntod during tho 1 nst ton
das 8. Prolonged sulTorlngund tlostltutlon arc
made curtain by I hat fact. Thednmago by tho
ravages oftho water In Xorlh SI. Louis among
tho lumbermen nnd mllronds aggregates not
less than $123,000. Other lossos swell this to
Ottomwa, Iosvn. Jtuy 23. Fifty armed citi
zens cut the leveu at till point yestotday to
save their projietty fiom tho destruction
which they judged would otherwise, follow
from tho Ineto'islng flood. Tho water com
pany's auporlniendent tried to prevent thu
cutting, buthe was compolled to withdiaw at
tho point of 11 revolver.
A dike wns opened in thieo places, allowing
tho water to escape. The town of IMdyv Hie is
in Imminent danger, nntl lltty families have
left tlioir homes.
Dancer faces tlio people from tho fnet thnt
tho Missspp 1h rnpldls bucking up Into the
Dos Moines, and no amount ol full nlnvucnn
help Ottumwii till thu watoin in tlie Missis
sippi rocode.
aioux City. Mny 23 An Immense crowd nt
tcrded tho funeral yesteuhiy of Andrew (I.
Andeisen. the sivvedlsh engineer who rescued
twenty-seven person from tho flood. Ho was
dross net! vvhilo trvlncto savo .1 woninn.
G7AKK. Mo., Mnj2:t-At least 2t).u()U ncres of
tho Post farm land In Tinnkliti county nro
ur.dfir wnlei. Tho cotton iivernco in HiIh
country will I 0 leduoed :kl per cent. Hun
dreds of funnel" are homeless. Tho loss Is
estimated at about J-200.000
IJL'iii.rviTOK. la.. May 23. Tho tinins on all
the rallro ills nre greatly tlelused bv tho flood.
All Ilurllngtou through trains nro being snl
vlaGnlesbiirg. (Julncy. and the llnnnlhnl nntl
M. Joseph ttuite. Seventy thousand gunuv
sacks were sent to Gltumwa to-tlay tube lilled
with sand and placed on the llurllugton tracks
to koup them from tlo.iting ass-u).
A.oTiu:n i.tm: itiu:.ins.
.Nine Bodies Recovered Irons the Pine BliiOti
reck KmIii In New JHnKlund.
New Om.iANs. May 23. Tho break ir. tho
loveo at the Tesslcr plantation In St. James
parish last night promises to bonlmostus de
structive nstho Nitucrovusse. which occurred
in the same locality In 18IK). and which cnusod
u damage of nearly S7.."iX).000. It Is thirteen
miles above the Uonnct brenk. nnd on the
snmo side or tho river. The chances nro that
the water from tho two crevnssc-a will meet,
flooding more or less nil tho jilantations be
tween Tcssler and New Orleuns. a distance of
44 miles. The eroMisso at 8 o clock to-night
w as 150 feet wide und widening, and ten feet
deep. Tho water from It hns not yet flooded
tlio ti.tckd of the Louisville. New Orleans nml
Tcv&s or Mississippi Valley railroads, but will
do so in tlie novt few days and stop local busi
ness on tho lino between hero nnd Dutou
llougo. Tlio bleak In the lovce nt Tcssior Is
attributed to a crayfish. Tho river rose hero
to two-tenths of a foot above tho high-water
market lMHi. tho highest before known, ami
ut Lannl street and nt several other points on
the 1 Ivor the wntcr ran over the levees, but was
carried off b tho gutters, wllhout uuvlmrm
boing done.
In tho vicinity of D.iton Itouge the sevore
wind thnt prevailed nil day yesterdny drovo
the waterovei tlie levees at various places,
causing 11 gieut deal of anvietj. 'Iho people
turned out generally, fo.ulng a catnsliopho.
but tho levees only washed badly, and thoro
werono bicak".
Pine lliun-w. May 23. A despatch from
Ciook lias oil at II o'clock Inst night suystliat
divers wore nt work all day today on tlie
sunken wreck of tint M. Louis train on the
Cotton licit road. The Pullman sleeping cir
"Mercury" and the thalr car are buried un
der twenty feet of watei. anil until dark Inst
night nine bodies hail beon taken Irom tliom.
Thevvork of recovery will be completed to-dny.
The seven dentl named In these despatches tin
Saturday wero brought hero jesterday. em
balmed, nnd 1 ut in metnll'e caskets lis- the
railroad company, and shipped home. There
ureover n dozen wounded in the houses near
tlie scene of the wi eck svlio nro also badly In
jured. Concord. Mny 23. The total rainfall for tho
past four dnys has been 3'. inches, nnd It is
still mining. Tho Merrlmac is rnnidly ilsing.
nnd every Indication now points to a big
HATRnmi.L. May 23.-1 he Merriniao Hiver
here hns risen three feet since M o'clock this
morning, and l still rising '1 lie water stands
flvo feet above hlgli watei mark, und within a
fujt uf the tops of the wharves.
Appeal ror API tor I lie riond .-unrere.
Wasuinuiox. Mny 2.I. Tho following tele
gram lias boon roccived by the President:
SuHPlirotlT J.1I , Mti 2'. IS02.
Tnllt Vltlt'.ndtjt'.t I'nlsr t II iff., II Oiyt e D. C;
Tit r 14 Kroitt itritUtitto 1 a'l'l iiiUf-riiijr 11111011 His
iniiltituileof colorfil people wheliiive been ilrlvtn from
llietr tiniiipRaiel ilrprisfil rl elnpto inf nt by the Htmil
lit llel uivrr limit iiumtiFrt nre iitotr in tiim .t, sml
liiiirM sill cniiif, SSe ejrileill njlienl lo joh 411 1
lliruUKll)OU tu thu liailoll li.rrrlirt nlll... tuiiie
Siv. II. lift r t't iiriuan oft ouiiultife.
Younc 1'omen llookUerpers anil Artisans,
Two hundred nnd two young women In rib
bons, flowers, nnd bright-colored dresses were
gtnduntetl last night from tho business nnd
Industrial departments of tho Young Women's
Christian Association in I'jist Fifteenth streot.
atioic wero l!U0 glil students there nltugothoi.
nntl ns each had Irom ono to half adoens
friends svith her. tho coinmenceni"nt room was
more than filled, mid the overflow crowded
the rooms on thn top floor, whore tho mechani
cal and urtlbtlo cvlilblls of tho yenr woro
Thero were slvty-one crnduntes in the book
Keening clus. ten in the half-tone process
photo-engruvlng class, sixteen in the evening
typewriting clus. sivty-slx in thn phonogra
phy and typewriting class, and forty-nine In
tho art department. Mrs. Clnrenco LMIeebe.
1 l,:.l,r''9l;l."nt. delivered thodlplomns. and tho
ttcv. ui. Huiitlngtoii addrossod tho graduates.
So ItrWIsli rinK.
To-dny Is tlioannlvorsniy of (Jueen Victoria's
birth. Aldermun Cornelius Flynn said yester
day: "TheBiItlsh flog will not be rnlsod on the
CKyHnll. Tho city doesn't own an English
ling, nnd it doesn't want to own one."
Janitor heeso snld ho didn't believo there
was a llrltlsh Aug uiiioug tho citv's collection
" If thero one." Im mid. with a drooping of
he eyelids, " I'm sure I won't ho able to find
It to-morrow."
fl j.- Fixed just right
Liver, Stomach,
afit &J om' Bowels, by
P&.X Dr. Pierto's rieaa-
JXY7 aJtl6Uota. Tboy
YtnfJ do it la Joit the
Wa, right wsy. too
I nI v by using Nature
i' . Vsiovrji inothods.
sSi5-V!IjJ That's Trhy
H" ' wl'i assss"" thoy'ro hotter
... . than tho dreadful,
cld-faihioneU ptlb, with their giipnn: and
lint thoy'ro better In every wy. In !,
'lor instance, and cIogo. They're thu sraaUe4
and thti isiwt to take ; only one llttte Pellet
Is ueedeU for u uuAtive tnreo for a cathar
tic. Tbey cleanse und rocukto the system
thoiwjbJy-.iiut tfe dowo eaaily anrf n
urally. "ft,. aml biuo Headache, ConUJ-
Sation, IndJaostJozL Bilioas Attacks, and alt
frangemenw ot the Ltvor, Stomach and
Bowels are vrovcr.tod, rvlluvod, nnd cured.
Tlioy'ro tbo cKaaptit pill yon oin buy, for
they're guaranteed to give latlsfidlon, or
your money b ivturnod. You pay only for
value recti vod.
Something elsov that pays the dealer better,
fBiy be offered ob "Just aa good." Ferhap
Hi li, for him, but It cant be, lor iou.
skaxi:ajf.li:h rr is aicius,
Hhe Will Resist tho Taklnc or Water rrom
the l.nke 1 nd Ilrly the l.svv.
HyR.cuar. May 23. War has been doolared
bntsveen tlie vlllngo ot Hknnenteles nml tho
city of Hyrncuso over the nttompt ol tho city to
entorupon the work of obtnlnlng n water sup
ply from Kkancntelen Lake. Tlio city Is pro
ceeding under tho Inw passed by tho
Legislature, the constitutionality of whloh
hns been affirmed by thn Court of Ap
peals, and to-day this nuthorlly was ren
forcotl by nn Injunction Issued by the Supreme
Court enjoining the v Hinge trustees, or persons
nctlng for them, from Interfering with tho per
formnucoof tho contractors. Ho fnr tho con
tractors hnvo beon unnhlo to proiocuto their
work, oss ing to the obstacles thrown In their
way hy the villagers and trustees, who doclato
that before they will allow the lake to he tam
pered with they will resort to forco. This proj
ect was toughtwlth determination before tho
Leglslnturo hy the Honrd of Triule and Trnna
rortatlnn of lUirfnlnnnd tlio Chamber of Com
meit'cid New York, on thogiaund that taking
waterfroni Kknnenteles Lake would Impair thn
flovs-tntho Krin Cnnul. nnd possibly obstruct
navigation on tho Jordan level. Sknnoatules
Lnkv Is a feeder to the l.ne Cnnnl.
In bkaneateles village on Hnturdny night a
mnss meeting wns held. Nenrlv all the
speochen mniTo wero most Incondlary. and
among tho number wns that nf the Itev. D. Ii.
Patterson, pastor of tho Hnptlst church, who
urged tho villagers to contest tho right of
Syracuse hand to hand. A lingo strotch of
tho shorn ot M.niiontotes I.ako is occu
pied by the summer homes or wealthy New
York nnd Philadelphia cottagers. Their
eslntes nro very vnluuble. und In the pending
contest they synipatlibo with the villagers
nntl mill tiwneis down the outlet. To-dny tlio
bridge across the outlet, where tho cltylins
planned to construct n nesv thim, wns pn
milled by men who snld they would use cold
lend If any attempt was matin to begin opera
tions. Tho contractors, therefore, took no
steps, but sruitod for thn .Sheriffs ofllce tn fur
nish protection. A collision is apprehended.
.v.iKHoir ESCAPE or un: jwiiaxs.
Their House In HoboS.rn Turablea Down
Ahont Their Enrs.
Patrick Mornndecitlod somo tlmeagotolinvo
his tlncS'Story fiamo house. 3 Monroe stroet.
Hobokon, raised nnd n brick bnseinent liullt
undor It. He cngsged Contractor Mlch.iol
Connors to do the raising. Intending to do tho
brick work himself. Jloran. his wife, her
nlstcr. Miss Galbruilh. nnd Mornn's three
children continued to live In tho houso while
it was being raised. St. Joseph's Cnthotlo
Church Is tho next building adjoining it
on tho north, but there Irii vacant lot between.
Tho house had reached tho required height
on Saturday, and enrpentors were busyves
terday putting props under it so that the tim
ber nnd jack screws could be removed pre
paratory to putting in the brick work. The
props conslstod of joists which rested un tho
original foundation. Thov woro all In place
about 11 o'clock vesterdny morning, nntl
Contrnctor O'Connor's men began removing
tlie timbers und jack screws. They stopped nt
noon lor dinner.
Mrs. Moiunnnd her children nntl slsterwero
up stairs awaiting the arrival uf Mr. Moran to
havo their dinner. A -ouml or cincklnc tim
bers was heard, und the building wus seen to
ho settling toward the mirth aide. Somo ono
gave nn alarm to O'Connor's workmen, who
weio sitting in tlie basement eating out of
their dinner pulls ami chatting. They aban
doned tlioir dinners und uiuduu lushtogct
Allot tliem escnped eicopt Tredorlck Hnck
onburg of lot Madison street. Ah ho was run
ning out the joists on tho 1101 th sldo collapsed
nntl tho building toppled over Into tlio vacant
h t. He wus caught li) ono of tlio timbers and
pinnod down in such a manner tlmt his chest
was ci ushed. When ho wns extricated ho was
unionselous and bleeding from Ills mouth,
nose, nnd ears. 11" wns removed to ,sr. Mary'n
Hospital. He wns still ulivn lust night.
Mis. Moran ami her children nnd sister
weiethiowu out into thu lot among the debris
of tlio wrecked building nurioundcd with
broken crockery, furniture, nntl household
effects. The children and MlHsOnlbiaitii es
caped with a few slight biulses. but Mrs.
Moran wus caught under n beam which restetl
on her breast. Her inimles are painful, but
not mortal. Tho building Is an utter wreck,
and theie Is hardly a stick of Mrs. Moruu's
furniture left utibioken
There was not sufficient support under the
building. When the timbers und jack screwa
were removod from the north end the narrow
joists which wero left iu their pIaco begun to
sink Into the rotten timber, which was a part
of thn old foundation, and the building got
outof plumb. An investigation will he made.
The leB;itnture Expresses Its rtynipathy
Willi the Car Itrlvers.
New Oni.EANs. Mny 23. Tho car drivers'
striko continued uninterrupted to-dny. and
thepiospects look brighter for the men. Not
a car was inn up town, and only a few any
where. There was little disturbance of nnv
kind, the drivers keeping out ot tho waj, but
their violence of yesterday prevented tho com
pany fiom getting now driveis.
Pieshlcnt Hull of the Cui Drivois' Union
nnd nil thu other officers were Hi're.to 1 to-day,
elmti.'cd wit Iv boing nccessoiyto placing ob
strut tlons on tlio ear tracks. Tlio 'Ispo
ftniphlcal Vnion nnd most ol the othot
labor fiiganlzation of tlio city passed
('solutions of sympathy ami pledged
tholr support to thn strikers, nntl tlie Legisla
ture, by a vote of H4 to I. ovpreasod Its sym
pathy tor tho drivers. On the other band thu
htock Lxchuugo called on thn Major to pro
tect tho non-union drivers, and bo Issued u
proclamation announcing that ho would give
nil tho nFsistnncu needed to-inonosv to start
tho curs running.
Huslues Troubles.
Judgment for $n,H!7 was yesterday entered
ngalnst Leonidas M. Lnwson and (loorge K.
Simpson, surviving partners of Donnull, Law
eon A Simpson, bankers, of 102 llroadwny, In
favor of tlio Bludebaker lirotheis Manufactur
ing Company on notes received In settlement
of thnt firm's affairs which fell duo July 1,
lRfsTi, and wero not paid.
The Homostoud llnnk yesterday antored
judgment for $11,504 against James If, ingor
soll on n niomissory note which ho iiindo to
tlie Ninth Avenue Bank on Dec. It). lrCSbj. for
Sr.44tt pnyablo In two months, but which was
not mild.
Additional mechanics' Ileus woro filed yes
terday against tho property of Simon liittluer,
builder, on lltlth stroet, near Filth avenue,
and Thomas P. Dunnu, builder, on 118th
street, near I'lghtli nvonue. Against thn for
mer wero filed MI73 by Comes A (Heave for la
bor nu brickvvoik und VJ7ri hy. Margaret (Hid
den for olectrlenl appliances. Against Dunne
there were $1,222 by the Dunbar Ilox ami
Lumber Company , for window flames, nnd
Jl.IHl by (ieorgo t, Werner for tooling and
cprnleos.nutlS'-'J.l by Margaret Ollddon lor
electrical appliances.
roster Appoluts Cot, Mcbolls Nuprt me
Nkw 0Lr.AN8,My 2a-The first official net of
Cloy. Foster, installod ns Governor last week,
was to appoint to-dny his predecessor. Gov,
Nlcholle, Chief Justice oftho Kupromo Court.
This Is understood to be in reruin forMrh
pile's services In olecilng Foster. When Mch
oils took the I xecutlve chair four ye.ua Hgo
he wus under the same obligations to his Pled
ecessor. (joy. Metiiery. and his flist act was
to appoint the hitter to tlio huprnme Coiiil.
which scums to bo a lufugefof retiring Governor.
Krdmond'a Jteerptiua.
Tho executive commllloo of (he comnillteo I
having Iu charge tho lecepllon to bn given to
John F. lledmoiid. In tho Academy of Muslo on
June P, mot iu tho Hoffman House hist night
It was iinnnuneed that Mr, lledmuud would
arrive from Ireland nbout June 5, Delegations
from vnrloiis Irish Miclct es will meet iu thu
bay the steamer that bilngs lilni u"'t"
yV DID you have: ruine
f H-O. for breakfast this
morn in": ?
sV4HssHsPsPsV9Hsfw 'i. tt
nKLMJKxx 10'niH oir.v i.etihis axo
The Hurrorate Hnya that Wood la n MelT.
ronfessed nnd Wlllnl l.tnr. nnd that lie
necrlvrd Ills Ann! Hhnineliitlt, hnl that
"t'nCue Innenee" I Net Minn Oul.
Tho contort over the will of the late Marie K.
Hotchklss wns resumed mterdny morning
heforo Suirognto llnnsom. Mr. liolllns rend a
lettor from Itnfnol Wood, tho deectlent's
nephew, from Tnrls. dated Sept. 0. lBtx), to his
mother, slating that he koptroplcRof nil his
letters. Wood, who was ngnln In the witness
chnlr. snld ho lelalned copies from force of
habit. Ho kept copies of alj of Mp. Mantle's
"WhoIsMr. Mnntlo?"usked Mr. llollln".
"Why. she's Mrs. Mantle." replied Wood.
"Is she not your molhorV"
"Sho Is. but I prcrcr to cult hor by the oilier
"And why so. pray?"
"Uecauso It hns got lo ho more natural."
"And how long Is It slnro yon lelt off railing
her 'my dear, dear, mamma 'r'"nsked Mr, liol
llns. "Is It not only slnco you honid that she
would contest tho will V"
"Tlinl'M about It,"
At this point Surrogate flnnsom a!d tlmt ho
did not see clearly what good could coino nf
further iei""ngof Woood's lettors "It has
been quito evident to
mufnrroine time that
theio Is nmplo proof of
n shnmefuldetcrmln.i
Ion on tho part of this
witness todecelvo his
uuntlnton belief of his
nstccm nnd rospect for
her with the tiltlmato
purpose of having her
lenvesomeOf herpiop
erly to him. But Is
iurri ironn. Hist ' untluo Infill-
onco?' He has confessed thnt ho wnsawlirul
llnr.nnd in theso llos ho was nupportod by his
mothor. slstor. und brcthor. It Is clear that
he hns beon guilty of n heinous offence ngalnst
his mint, nut! It is equally elenr that ho has en
tleavoietl lo deceive his mint Into believing
thnt ho Is that which ho Is not-rcoentaut. In
this deception he wns nsslsted by his mothor
nnd family. Ho Is ndmlttcdly ashnmoles9llnr
and deceiver of his aunt, but does thnt consti
tute " iintlnn Influence' undor tho law V ,
.Mr. liolllns loplled thut the lettels would go
to cstnbllsh a certuln phase of the contestants
ease, the full effect of which could only bo
seen when nil the ovldence was in. ,
The proceedings continued, Mr. Itollins
reading moio of the witness's letters und
slnrply questioning Wood about parts of their
contents. Some of the letters weronddressotl
to "Mrs Ling." nml tliesoweio intended for
Ids mothers pornsal only. Others, addressed
to his mother ns" .Mrs. ood."were specially
written with tlio purpose of being shown to
Aunt 'Kin-Mrs. Hotehklss. , A
Hero Is part ot n letter thnt Wood wrote to
hlB mother on bept. 14. 181X):
Oh. tlesr msuiins wtist ilo ymi think I recflreil
iiluont loMiiKn.lHntl. nate It tier from inyrissr tint
'Rl ami wlml ilu you think ? .she nt me sirnt
nr y:a Inlil lest voi lolmsgiusmy hsppinm sna
lov In ircelvlnifs lelltr (rum rtrsr Auui'Ris. Wht a
tfond lirnri ape lis mid o ftocni in hrr mthliiLur
her Ratle so nnectimiAtely snit Kenemuly' When I
opene,! the teller anil sw It wsii from ArnfKI I
e iiul I not help hut try Itli lo), ami i Ihs ms
lime leant or itrios In think that I win in rarawa
from her not lo be able tu I alt on my knrss and thank
ber lor tlilnklim of ins to aneriionaielj.
Po all vou can luauuna. to make herhappy.
It 1 now the dole object of my life lo prove loner by
rov fallht nines., trul lifiillirit.. snrt affcillon that I am
ai ever her Kane, an In torniet tlmsn. and tliat wlt'i a'l
in heort J am vraltful to her for havtne inatla tu b a
gootl man pfme,
"Of course, you didn't cry with joy when you
got that $5(i.'' asked Mr. liolllns ot the wit
ness. "I didn't exnctlr."
" nd you didn't have tears of sorrow?"
"1 might have hnd: I don't icmember. '
In a letter to his biothor he wrote:
t am itiixlnui to tret over and bewlthyou all. for!
am certain thai when sunt 'ma tl'es ihem will lie a
lot or .rouble Ilo sou want to know ubat hera'cuneM
II' she ha. a tamer nil the User. I will tall you how
I know it heti 1 eee vou. Hut above all. Kd. bs quirk
and tharp. ir unjthltiir happens and at.t with the
mont ileipcrale etierif lie careful of thoee around
her Put them out. If you do not. Kit. you wilt have a
lot of trouble
In one of his letters Wood referred to his
stranped finances nnd his desperation, in
which he wns about to -
shoot himself. There-
membranco of his , r
mnmma and hi others It naffer!
nnd sisters alone li-e-' ; MBgalR
ventett him. lie wrote. "- y
lTndor questioning bv Irfr'--Jf
Mr. liolllns. it turned jTIj
out that this wen nn II I I "
"oxaggerntloti." Iu f f I) Vc
fact, vvhilo Wood had n If v
jdstol. it was snrcly U 5
locked up in u drnwr. 7. 1
With referencotostiite- toC
ments In the lettnts HlVlS '
rend by Mr. liolllns, I)!v
wltnefs admitted many "
time" iu tlie coursenf as. aiMis.
the div that they were lies, deceptions, or
gross ex.iggoiutloiis, intended for effect upon
Mrs. Hotehklss.
Tho rending of the letters continued until 4
Y. M..when tho court adjourned until Wednes
day morning.
x.v axa nrci(i.sox's suit.
Gen. t'tarkson Denies Thai the RepnMlcaa
National tommKlee Ones Her V5,000,
James S. Clarkson. Chairman of the Ilepub
llcan National Committee, was evamlned be
fore trial in the Supreme Court yesterday In
tho action of Miss Annn Dickinson to recover
f.'.UUO from him nnd other members of the
llepubllcan Nntlooul Committee of 1833. '1 Im
case was to coins up for trial to-day, hut as
Mr. ClarkEon could not be present, osv'ng to
tho cares of State, ho vrns permitted to have
his testimony tnken beforehand, to be lead ut
the time.
Tho action Is a rollc of tho Harrison cum
pnlgnoflK88. Miss Dickinson sujs she was
engaged foi a series of lectures for .".'khi. .ir ,1
was to get fi,(XHi more In tlie event or Hiurl
son's elec. Ion. Sho received only t."".!"'1.
After being swoin by Justice l.nwoneo Mr.
Clarkson testllled that the commilli e had en
gaged Miss Dickinson for a course ol lecture-,
which was discontinued before the series was
completed. Tho committee hud pud her
r.(liiO. which wus the contract price of tlie
whole course. Ho denied that there had been
nnv understanding by which she wn lo be
paid uny further sum contingent on Han mon -election.
. , ,
She mnkes the memheis ot the Nailonal
Committee of that tenr defendant". Im linlliig.
besides Clarkson, Mutt (Jimj, John ( Nevy.
.1. hloat FitBSett, Hamuel Tessenden, and vs.
W. Dudley. Howe A Hiimtnel apl.ear lor hei.
nnd George Iillss for the defendant-. Mr.
Humniclsiild last nlglit that the cn'e would
not be tried before to-morrow.
Arrested lor lot eei j.
CmcAt.o. Muy '-M. -Chnrle- V. Louis, a young
man whoso father is said to he amemlierof
the wholesale dry goods ilrni or lewis
Thompson ut Cincinnati, wiisairixtid hero to
dayoiifnur wnirantaehnisiiig him with forg
ery. It Is said hy tho nolho th.it Lewis hus
linssed n largo number of foi sod cheeks flnco
iifsarrh-allnthlsoltj IIiko weeks ago fiom
NTh foiVr warrants on which his arrest was
effeeletl to-tlay were swoin out In; Mrs. II. I
Arnold. Charles. I. Walleis. real estate dealer,
mid Frani Wing, a saloonkeeper. Thecheokij
hat th"c, " pfclninls idle,:., they loce ved
pJii liH iw foi genes upon New rk
liimkntli.il were relurnod to tlio Chicago
Cieariiii: IIoum.iis vvuithleeS.
'1'nenty Vent a lor Ifepenlanc.
Rss 1'bamisco, May '.'A Alio Jones, the
f.h ista stage robber, vras sentenced to.tlay to
twenty ears In r-au (Jucntln. Jonos. with
young Howard and another fellnsv, robbed a
stage last jeai srotir.detl tho driver. and se
cured a few hundred dollars from the eipres
l,,., Wells I argo A fa's detectives hunted
Joiitf down iiftcrsr.ini and shot him .as he
was entering his hitliei houso at midnight,
.lone was betr.is cd by Howard's partner. Hh
had tin no tihsls.tssojuiles disagreeing, though
tbo osldenee vv.is 1 1 ear. His old mother spent
nil hei inone) to -'ft dm u thlnl trial, and
w lion ho was ..enlnuced It seemed as though
her lieatt would bieak.
JltlVy BiJll I" routpleU suit of fiirnllnrs
liUiM. By ..iinnineil nu a rn'diii.r be I.
trwrex 1 " I Takenu more loom lhau me old
P! fBT-J alyle tali he cleans, nlllioul
- tSssso latliK apari. Ha. no treieniv
TtBf w r vsinine II and oii will huy no
lii ii nn iTr nintr r,osiieiin all soofl.
a"" -tiiWa? Li Call nrwrlle fori ataii'tu.
Jflorj.ru, Camitjirt, cir.
t t.
jni) vav ii-asp. ni'it
AMr.mcAX nisci-Hii t Miws.:vor.ii
Offer. If in our llt nfA.lverti.lin; sirnirtM v .a
tlo not tin 1 mi tiiii, iMtiMit
372, 374, 376 BROOME STREET.
op Tin: ni:sr oitviu,
AMI OP KVKRV VAItll'.rv OK lir.sniV
tni.OII, AMI W'KlftllT.
HTOt'K sr.roxu VKIHl I.I
PATKNT"rll'niXKI,INn THt't K "
for road. inrk. rare trail,., ami i tuiettile.; s . It
tlis market, eeiitt tor mv huh inn Hit ainl , , ,!,.
h. I. VSKsn BHi.l.li. Poirtileeioni MaV.r '
. HI Thompson i
'lAOIt SAI.I.-I'onv. mrnets niel MIHgei cart: eiiunl
JT ami klinlt yiKni lit siiiltlte or hiuue.
." vtuiAhS. I TTOHrovlwisj
"(ill BAI.F-Unaaiilet. little iited, iioleanii" sliariik
r inJe by lletirt Milam Co
.IIIIIN r.CIVl.t . 0 Tlh v
IitnltKAt.lt-Afelvheavi top Kaiinti. t heap, tuUabls
: lorMHla vtalei, lio..l. trotrrn nn I tli. nee
I.V, SSe.t 1'Oth HI.
OI.irSrVMTrTiioLtlllVll xlleteil lo mmlern ilets
pantlaat atuall toil I.iliuaienoii ropalri, Ac.
lltslvt. . mi UHsU.l.y.'.l.l
Gorham Solid Silver,
Tho trado mark of Iho fi'or
ham Co., stamped on Solid Sil.
vor. is an indication of oualilv
as absolute as tho mark of the
assay office. Tho facilities
possessed by tho company for
producing the highest grade
wares are unequalled.
Purchasers get tho bonefit of
the minimum cost of produo
tion and tho latest and most
advanced ideas in design and
Broadway and 19th Street.
A Delecata Advises Ills Brother Quakers
to Bt Mora Progressive.
An atmosphere of peace nnd haunony per
vaded the (Quaker meeting house yosterdny tit
Fiflcentli street and Itutherford plaee, whore
thoUuakorn woro holding tholr nnnual con.
ferenco. or yearly mooting. No wranglo
there, no hrcalh of scandal, everybody tole
rant of his neighbor. The Millet extended
even to the street, which had boon eove-ed
with tan bark.
Thirty-six male dolegatoi wero present from
tho subordinate meetings of eastern New York
nnd noithern New Jersey. There was about
an equal number of women delegates. As
usual, the men nnd women met In separate
session, eneli body sending messengers to th
other when uny business vvne trammeled that
required cotinerntlon. Ilesldei the delegates,
thero wnre niHiisr visitor present.
William II. WlllettB ss-na chosen elork and
Joteph A. llognidus nhsl"laut elnrk for the
ensuing year, leotorduv inorning and ufter
noon wore passed In organi.ing aud hearing
the reports of committee.. ....
Inline Wilson of Ontario ehorled his breth
ren to he more progressive. Ho said- "Theio
Is plenty ot material for in Mends to work
upon, it we only ft ourselves about It. vvn
nre too Htrnid of the mii-klnnnry spirit, too
afraid of being i-onahlered proselyters. I do
not fear the Introduction of new methods,
home change might perhaps do us good. Lt
us not be afraid to go out oftho beaten path.
yir: Catharine 1'. Carman died at her horn
In Union avenue. Jamaica, yesterday morning.
She dad lived in .Jamaica village tho greater
part of her life, 1 liirty years ago her husband.
Saniifcl M. Carman, was murdered hy high-vs-.is
men near tho east tollgate in that village
sshile driving homo from market ono night.
Ilolilioiy in siipiiosed to have been the motive
for the crime. N'n elue to thn assassin Win
oscr obtained. Mrs. Carman leaves a sou and
tsso married daughters.
I)i. Msron N. Il.ihcoek diod nt his home in
Hnrutogn. on hnturdny last, aged T.i years, lis
vv.m a Profiler of ien. t). I ilaticook. a mem-ln-r
of (ien. Mead s anil Oen Grant's stulT-.
and rriisltleutOrant's private secretary. His
wife, who miisIvqr him, was Blanche V. Shaw,
nMvturtif "Josh Jillllngs."
Ciuinollr ilotldy tiled yosterdayat hlihnme.
4." Willow place, lirooklyn. In his 8Mh ear.
He iiiul lived in the same ward and dlstilct
Much his arilvnl in lirooklyn overlllty yeius
ago. He lmd long been a membei of the
Kings county Democratic Genoral Conimfttee.
.lolin 1',. Mack, a clerk In tho Health Dejmrl
ment. died yestordny morning at Ids lioma.
'.'HI West Houston street, from cniieerof the
livor. He had been III for a long tln.c, but left
his desk only laBt Thursday,
John IL Duchlel, a capltulUt and i.lillun
throuUt. died at his home In Akron. o. seMer
diiy of uarulysis. He was tno founder of Ilueh
tel College, to wliliih ho gavo ,'XMrO. Ur.
liuchtel was 7'-' years old.
Ilonjamln T. Hall Is dead nt Mattcnsvan.nged
(J4 yoars. Uu seas trustoe ot the s.iv ings bank
there for twenty-ono years, und a largo prop
oity holder.
Samuel Hnmllton. a banker at Hliolhj villi,
Ind Is dead, aged 80 years.
Thev'vr lie'" fihopriiiii; callinR
walkii'iR -home njMin in tlie boudoir
one reslini; happily -ilrrssctl to rest,
with all the stvlc of fnt-y trrjce the
other, blip's half tlisrolictl, the awful
cornet's on the chair, it's done its work,
slit's tiretl out, lint from natural fa
tigue, .'nit fiout utinatur.il wearing of
itnnntural thitiKs the other, ah, he
wears the Equipoise Waist. Made if
George I'roit Co., Boston,
m ib iv Stvv lork Dealers Gfiierallj.

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