OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 16, 1892, Image 3

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f ' " THE SU'THUltUAy,-JUNE 10, M)2. 8 fM
T' - - T H i lll-'l I . "
I "" ixu ms wife.
I ii. In the- Jlrlenee, an Blocker's Dc
I "'.".. or In Ihr Wllnen. Cbsvlr May U-a
I Tifinl of Arthur Stockor for thomurdor'
I V Wf0 ,Tni resumod In Jorsoy Citr yostor
S Tho Mate closed on Tuesday, and the.
a t witness for tlio dofeneo yestorday wjib tho
5fMiiIi.nl. Ilewns imlonnd norroun. Hols
"jroiirt oM. His ftory on tho stand Yfasto
UjollowiiiKolTect: .....
n tlio time of my mnrrlnfro I was boardlnc
-iil'i Mr. Tlcrnoy. my wlfo's mother. My
MM wi' 4 cnrq 0,(1 on tl10 0l1' ot t','B month'
tli wllolmil not been homo for throo days bo
I t,tlm nlthtof tlio hall. Sha told mo sho
itopplnirwith her slstor Mamlo In Now
To-V Blio was Rono until tho day boforo tho
il'l Sho went away on Friday and returnod
n Tuesday, nnd thon on Wodnosday went
sir -aln. Hie remained at homo Tuesday
','.,, n"ia 1 did not soo her ncnln until I saw linr
.1 tho tall. Ktin told mo two weeks boforo tho
Mllthntsliointontleilcolnir to It- 1 nald slio
ullnot cot In without an imitation. Her
!j,ior jl.imlo. who vasprosont, said sho was
,n"out that nicht with Jack, liandsomo
J ,k"j)unno. My wlfo and mothor and 1 went
to Hosier's t,nt nicht. Boon after Dunno and
Mamie came In. I had spoken to Dunno but
" bcf0ro. Ho pat down at tho tablo with us
ndtrented. Ho also cave mo invltntlonB to
?h. ball for Mr. and Mrs. Tlornoy and
Lrsclt. n tho nicht of tho ball I wont to
Odd IVIIows Hall In Eighth Btrcet, New York.
Utn 1 camo back I wont to tho ball and stood
looUnC at tho danoors. My wlfo was dancinc
t.thAithurO'NollL Aftor a whllo Tlllio. my
,'cter-ln-law. camo over and told mo that hor
t ether v as over on tho other sldo of tho room,
jircnt over and my mother-in-law said; 'Jack
(itroatlncMnmlo awful nico. but that Is tho
ay with rounc men: thoy treat tho clrls nlca
until tlior cot tho best uf thorn and thon thoy
lM, co to hell."'
M thl juncture Ftockor soemed to lose con
trol of hlinsolf. Ho Flood up In tho box. and
lumliiK- toward .lustim Worts with uplifted
han.l.ovrlnimedi-lliatls tho truth. Judco.
nr lite Is at staKoI'
TiJ.luili:diro'tedhlmto fit down. When
lio li.nl been restoied to calmness, ho con
tinued: " A reporter rnmo up and uskod mo
irlio Mere those two clrls In red.
l'lie clrls in rod were Mis. Stookor and
Jlainle- Tlm witness had just repeated an
iVncoinpllmentary criticism tho reporter
raised upon them am was coinc on to toll
more whon Prosecutor inllettl objected.
"Was anythlnit snld to oii nboutvour wlfo s
Oliavinc badly i" ("knl oy.ludco HpITman.
" i m: alter what Mis. Tlerney said to mo I
heard l'olico Horccaiit .onion (.ay to Adam
(Smith, "They aro chueklnc a hell of a bluff to-
nlitlil.' Hewim-peaUm: of ray wife and sis-
tor in-law. Another r-twrler asked mo to
take a drink, ami I did so. 1 was with him for
half an lioui. When I left him I wont back
tutli hall room. Iuir vvlionl heard tho peoplo
tilklnu there I went to another part of tho
liuildlne. Arthur 0 Xelll took my wife to sup-
icr.and nfter supper thoy drank tocothor. Af-
tervardmy ruotner-In-law asked me to drink
mthli'T and inimo others who rame oerto
thu table. I saw my wifo danee and drink
tv '.hu'.V'lli. Howas the nnlvman 1 saw hor
tote with. 1 danced with llttlo Tlllio while
mrvifewas nt supper. When 1 wunt homo I
Mirnoono dut my child, bho slept wltli mo
alwars unless I was out late, and wlion 1 ea'iin
home I would take her from Tilllo's bed or my
wtKs into my room.
Ihe niornlnc aftor the ball, when I came
ilowarUir I found Dunno. (luorce llromner.
nr mcthor-ln-law, mi wife. Mamie, and Tillle.
While I nn eatlnc lreakfaat I heard Urem
nerMy.'Comu, .lack, lotus uo home.' Thon
Jirenttowork. It was too cold to work, and
I wint to my brotlier-in-law's, and then re
tumi'd home. I cot homo about It o'clock.
There was a bottle of whiskey on tho tablo,
Htiilthrooor four classes . Ith milk in them.
Ml raotlier-ln-law asked mo to drink some
t'ure. 1 "at by tho stoo twenty minutes to
wium tnjself. and then my wifo said. ' Why
ilmi't yu co up stairs and chance your
rli.thos'' 1 Old ho. When I camo down my
n uthor-tn-law lllled out a class of whiskey for
n-." and I drank it. All hands drank nt tho
mu-.o lime My wlfo fald: 'Don't fill my
u'.iss.llmnenotmh.' Wo had two or three
lniinds. mid my wife drank each time. My
wl'e falrt. 'Atthur. you want to look out for
- niirfi If. 1 said "1 ps, you como homo once
nnd told your mothor that you had a cans
'mini; fur me.' I don't remombcr distinctly
vuit took idaco after that. My wifo
llen-nt m amino did my mothpr-ln-law and
H.imie. My mother-in-law Bald. "Katlo, you
hio aln.ijs made trouble: you don't know
h.it mi want. 1 always accused Arthur of
much trouble, but since ho has been boardlns
I ere (Ins List Kmo I 11 nd it Is you who causen
the trouble.' When they worn talklnc about
C'syinc cards Mamie and Dunne cot into tho
ludriom. While they were playinc cards
liunuo called III winner to como into
the bedroom. Ilromnor said: 'I'ln cot
i irood hand, wait.' Dunno called him
iciin. nml Jlremnor cot up. Fayinc.
'til rlcht. I'll watch tho room. Thore Is
rhnrntho trouhlo liccan. 1 didn't feel like
(In) inc cards any more, but I did. Jiremner
cime out and joined us. I could seo only tho
Uot of thnhed. I don't know what took place
there. When Dunno's fnco was blackoned my
file did it. llromner was near tlio bedroom
door when Dunno and Mamlo woro in thore.
md my wife went in and said: "Come, .lack.
I.roak awny and cie somoono elso a show.'
IhoiiHhusaid: "That puts mo in mind of my
loiine dint,, hucclnc. kisslnc. nnd lovinc'
"liremner followed my wifo into tho room,
nd all four of thum wero there llvo minutes,
banne end Mnnnv camo out. My wifo nnd
I'rei.uier lemained In tho room. Isatsomo
(lIMnnee from tho bedroom. My mothor-ln-lan
siiied moon tho Lack and said: 'Arthur,
clifi-rup, thorn aio better days for you." 1 cot
upwnl walked about the room in a lit of race.
I went into the bedroom and my mothor-in-liw
followed me."
U this jioint tho witness ncain becamo ex
cited ami exclaimed: "If sho would tell you
Mlmt alio and I saw thero I would walk out
lit hero a free man I"
Contliiiilnis the witness said: I went up
flair- and e;imo don n acnln. My wife was then
est uf tln bedroom. I toblhertoriress the child
rml I would lako ner (tho child) fornwalk. hho
Mused, and 1 wont alone. hen I enmo back
I haw inywllo Mainline ncnlnst the wall in
Ihorooin. Iliemner waswlth her. Thelrno
tlonsiMTO tuch that I don't reniomber what
"What was It you paw?" asked his counsel.
Mocker spranc to his feet, and in very
dramatic tones exelalmed, "I'll clvo myllfo
Woro I'll speak tho word: I want to spare my
child tho ill-Brucii1"
J' HI down '"thundered I'rosecutor Wlnfleld;
iv.i lmvo had enouch uf this drnmatlo
Thern wis intense nvcltemont In court, nnd
fonio of the peoplti at tho rear stood up.
"He Is my w lines'-." said Mr. Hoffman, "and
re shall tell his btory in any manner ho
'Wlntdlrt y.wtsoeV" continued tho lawyor,
rii"witnesii stubbornly refused to toll for
"roi'tiino. .lustico Worts finally porsuaded
ilmtpi"nk nnd toll tho jury what ho saw,
llieile'.'ud.uit eontlnued that aftor that his
mind nas nil a blank. IInonl lemembered
Kilns up ftnlrs. lln had no recolleetlon whnt
eer ol K'ttliiR a pistol or shooting nnyhody,
' tciwdintbuiiiiDtlirouch tho street or klss
f.1'1'"?!! -.fter ho had Ulle.l her. Ho then
Mil of the number of timet) h and his wlfo
; f.,1"rrelled. separated, and been recon
eiM aMln.
Mm i" Attorney Wlnfleld cross-examined
(iin. Inniiswortoblsijuostlons Mooker said
he never boucht tho cartrldKe. didn't know
M hail th,, , tol. and was uncertain vrhero his
(a'her.ln.law kept It.
v V.!!,'".y,.u .V1, ln, tno hedrnom," said
Jlr, Wiiulold. "and saw your wile and Urorn.
ner tliete. why didn't you ro all the way la and
laak ii sure j our bURplcions wero correct V"
"I couldn't control msoll; I went up
'"to'u couldn't control yourscli, but von
could go away," 'uu
" es, I went up stalrg, cot my hat and coat
nu rusllPU out.
" IHdn't you walk down stairs?"
I Hi n't know whether I walked or ran."
nhnro was j our wlfo when you came, down
Hid you speak kindly or nncrlly to her ?"
I tt'iiansiy."
You called hor Katln when you asked her
tocetlhochlld ready?" r
;t ..""
m 'And that was your pet narao for your wlfo?
nnal did sho say t"
f ho tohl mo to co out and cool oft"
ihat happened noxt?"
H ..V,' "'t know."
m . '"'.-..'t as thon tho lunacy becan to de-
Temp r"
.ijd'jn't know."
.-''"!'" i'011 roturned and saw Ilromnor and
'W. If t ocether did you spoak to JJremncr ?"
..-J", sir."
,. 'Id you speak to your wife?"
I '.',iero'dldyouco?"
..don't know."
H no you r collect asklnc Mremner not to aro
nii rou would buy somo beer t"
H .1!' you remember havlnc any boor?"
r5 there"8 ' do"'t think there was any beer
J "'A'lnRanlty becan to work thou?"
m "S,'n l kn.ow what you moan by Insanity,"
T'ur arrest ?",Bln i0re0i bef0r0 r u"or
M 'Jin',l1n'tkn,nwlwa to be nnostcd until I
m '"iotuopollcu station." ,
"How do yon account for tha cut and
cruises on your wife's body?"
I don't know that thero was any. I novor
saw thom." n
This closed tho cross-examination. Several
Wltnossos woro callod to testify In nupnortof
tho Insanity theory. Jncob Mandoll tostlllod
that ho had notlcod a clinnee In Ktpckor for
nbout n tear. He seemed despondent and
ftloomy. IIo spoko to Stockor about It. and thi
utter .said It was family trouble. "If my wlfo
would llvo as sho oucht," said Stockor. I
Would bo tho happiest man Hinc."
Max llraul and two other witnesses cave
similar testimony. Tliev nro mombors of
Htouben Lodso of Odd Tellows. of which
Htockor is n mombor. Thoy raised a fund for
Mocker's defence. ,
Oustnvo llurabrock, proprietor of tho saloon
under tho rooms of tho Jluuuo Association.
wnsaskod It Dunno. ltretnner. Mrs. hitocker.
nnd Mamlo woro In the habit of vlsltlnc his
place toKntlior nnd drlnklnc there, lln said
no. He told Dunno nnd llremnor that ho dldn t
want tho Indies In his place.
blocker was rocalled and a picture and a lot
tor woro shown to hltn. The picture was n
cheap affair, such as Is taken on Coney Island.
It was a croup, conslstlnc of Mrs. Stockor,
Arthur O'Neill, Mamlo Tlornoy. and a younc
man named Jt'oley. wIiobo llrst name was not
brouchtout Htocker said ho found tho pic
ture and lottor. Tho letter read:
Fntifm CnARtrBt I writ few line hnpinir nna
merry ChrlHtrani. 1 would like tn ere you itii HfttunUy
uliiht st halt put 7 o'clock at Kvani'e. louri. Kinr.
Kvnns's Is n saloon In Hoboken.
Mamlo Tlernoy was noxt recalled. Sho said
tlm ploturo bolonced to her. It was taken
whlloonn trip to Coney Island. She saw no
lmproprletv In coinc with her marrlod sister
to Coney Islnnd in tho company of two younc
men and havlnc their pictures taken.
Dunno nnd Ilromnor woro both rocalled. and
thoy positively denied Blocker's Btatomonts
about tho occurrcnoos In the room.
Milliard White, who arrested Mocker after
tho murder, SnrceantConlon. nnd a policeman
tostlllod that Btockor acted and tnlkod ration
ally. In their opinion ho was perfectly pane.
That closed tho testimony. Tho case will co
to tho jury to-day.
A IonB T.tat of HnrrenMcM ReportcA by the
M. rtmentol Coronol, Oonsul-Oonernl of
Venezuela In Now York, has received ad Ices
from the Venezuelan Ministry of Forolcn
Affairs to tho elToct thnt tho Government Is
rapidly ovoroomlne tho robols. In a note ac
Companylnn copies of tho I'orelcn Minister's
letter sent to tho newspapers Consul-Gonernl
"You will seo by this statement that tho
revolution of Venezuela. Is almost ended, that
'tha Govurnmont has triumphed oiorywhore.
and thnt tho only rebol faction is thnt of
Guerra and Crespo: that after unsuccessfully
tryins to annoy the Government troops In
Guaricora section of tho Statoof Miranda, they
wont to the ielulty of Vnloncln. capital of tho
Btataof Carabobo, nnd attempted to tnko tho
city by surprise, which was Impossible, be
cause they wora met by tho numerous forces
of tho Government commanded by the callant
Gens. Ybarrn. I'Btuves. Xttlongn. llodrlcuez.
Aranguren, Silva Diaz. Sancronn. Hlmnncn.
and others, tho rebels not darlnc to llcht
ucalnbt tho nntional troops. Gen. Crospo
did not daro to attack either, for ho
know that ho would have been com
pletely routed owlna to tho superiority of
tho Government troops, llesldes tho army
corps above mentioned. I must add that Gens.
Crespo and Guerra aie nl-o actively pursued
by Gen. llancol tit the head of tho best troops
of the Venezuelan Government." ,
This is tho note sent to the onsul-Genoral
by Forelcn Minister Manuel Clcmento Lrban-
eja under date of .lune :
Sir. 1 tale fc-reat pleasure In trangmltttnir to von ths
lateitnrweln reuaril milio almimt exunuiUe I rem
(utlon. hlcli ruutlruii tlio iioiulnrlty .it ibo tinaclit
Admlutetrutton. M .. t
fUo urlluipul Menu Is The capture of the schooner
Elrcnai the cuinplele ilestrili-lK n nt the racttiill '
l'arra the twuirrcat iMlike won b) the irallanl citn ( .
CutMaKainetthe coliidlntil fai tltma of .Morale vial
donado. ami Cardolia. the latter having been taken
prlioner and who wan the lleneral-tn Unef of the
army and Governor i.f Taihira, ond tho cooipleto de
feat of the taction of Mora.
As Utanllj eeenhythli newe tha peace of Tachlra
and Oarabohii 1 couipldo and due to the enerirv which
the TrtBldeut of the repuhllc haashonn In the defence
cf tho luteretc ot Ihe people and the welfare of the
Another Important victory to ba added to the above,
and which 1111 with Joj our Justcauae, 1 the tallim of
Tucacasliy the ever victorious troopi of the national
Government. Willi only three cannon shots tho well
built (ntrenchruents wero destroyed, and the rebels rad
beforo the bravo soldiers lotmnanded by uen. t lo
lnento Zuloaga without the latter having lost a slnulo
This memorandum accompanied tho noto to
the Consul-General :
May 2.1 Tho rapture of steamer Canra by Gen. Ijin
dacta Tho battalion Vuruary, loinmauded by lien,
halazar. fousht tha rebel Veat. tho latter havlnir been
lakeu prisoner and aUo 03 men of the faction, captur
ing tlfteeu dorses, one thousand cartridges, and sev eral
May 2 The army of Nutrias, commanded by On.
!uede. took the almost Impregnable town of Guanarl
to routing Maano with rule shots.
llav-.TO Pefealot the rebels of Tucacas. Fntryot
the srni) of llantuUlineto. commanded by Gens. An
dr,s Liscano and Andres Itafael I.6per, in Tucacas The
rebels of 1'aragu ma (one of the strougholds of tho
revolution) have surrendered.
May 30. The faction of J'araiwana snrrendi red after
biting been attacked by Gens. Lrdaneta Piego Collna
and Le6n Ian a, and after a short llifnt with laria
Mnv 31. (icstructlon of the guerrll as commanded by
Gen". Torrealba and ltci)ueua in Airi.al'allente, where a
small skirmish look place lieu Torrealba was wonn I
ed and taken prn-oner and t.en. Kequma was killed,
right prisoners taken, and also arms and ammunition,
a mule, and bag of mottoes
June (, surrender of i.ens. C Oloro. C. Vargas. I,.
fialarraga. and six ortlrers Twenty rebels taken pris
oners at Palo daibo after a few shots (.ntry into
Puerto Cabello without auy opposition of Gens LApez
and Aondano.
June 4. lien. Ibarra enters Valencia with the army
after having defeated the en-my and captured a splen
did park of tlrearm and rnrlrldres and taken some
prisoners and killed a number of the enetn) s soldiers.
June n. lien Antonio siha enters Valencia without
any trouble whatever.
JuneO The following telegram was received:
' MiUACilRo, June s. 1B83.
My promise fulfilled. There is not a slng'e armed
foe in the State of ulia TlNkUU Vklasco.
" To the President of tho republic,"
Alexander Falkrr Hnja SIiq CoKectsi
Crovvtlsi In Front or Ilia Hollar.
Alovander Falkcr. a varnish manufacturer
of 08 Hey ward stroQt. Wlllinmsburch. went to
tha I.eo Avunuo l'olice Court yesterday and
demanded tho arrest of Mr. Farah Bchaud, a
younc and pretty woman llvinc nt 211 Hoy
ward stroot. for annoyinc him and his family.
Mrs. Schaud Is separated from her husband.
Bho has a charce of abandonment ncndlni;
ncalnst him, which Is to bo triod In the I.eo
Avonuo l'olico Court to-day. Hclinud Is llvinc
with hisbrolhornt 1,'J08 Myrtle nvenuo. On
Sundny nicht Mrs. Bchaud went thero to see
him and struck a man with her parusol.thlnk
inc It was her liUHbai.d. When Behaud's
brother nppenred Sits, r-ehntid struck him
with hor parasol. IIo pushed her ncalnst n
ft'iica, nuil on Slondiiv sliocausod hlsnrrestfor
assault. This case also will be tried to-day.
I-'nlker learned of Mrs. Kehaud's unhappy
lot two months aco, nnd ho lnducod his wifo
to assist her. Mrs. Behaud was taken 111 soon
alterward. nnd Mrs. Talker employed a doctor
touttond her. llverythlnc was done to nuiko
tho younc woman comfortable, nnd Talker in
ducod other pcisons. nnionc whom was tho
ltev, Di. Leopold Wlntner, to interest them
selves In hor, Mrs, Schaud had said thatslm
was ponnlloss, nnd her now friends provided
her with money, as woll as clothiiiif. A few
woeks nco Fnlker discovered, ho snvs, that
Mrs. Bchaud had nearly SU.000 in bank. Mrs.
Talker rofusod to hnvo nnythlnc mnio to do
with hor nnd lnducod hor frioinlB to do tho
samo. This nncorod Mrs. Behniid to such an
extent that almost every nlclit slneo then sho
has cone to TnlkoB house, and. after collect
lnc n crowd on the sldowalk. has denounced
thol'alkor family and accused them of keep
Inc varnish brushes belonc tic to her.
Talkor said that .Mrs. Bchaud was mak nc
every effort to dlscrucn his family, and her
conduct had already iimdo his wlfo very III.
A summons was issued ,for Mis. Bchaud's
appearance In couit at 0 o'clock to-day to ox
plain her conduct.
jiA'in JiHAVii's utiosr.
One Hundred CoilHBr" Jlullt WltUla Three
.1Ionlli-.Ne" l'lr.
Il.ith llencli is havliiB a boom In tho bulldlnc
lino such as It nevor knew before, nnd old vis
Itors will Ilnd it rather dilllcult to locate their
favorite resorts, so rapidly have new cottaces,
hotels, ami piers boon built. Onoof tholareost
new plem Is that built by Goorce Bhlolds. It
is n handsome slructure, moasiirlnc 370 feot
in lfncth. and adjoins tho bathlnc pavilion, to
whleh lmvo been added 'JOO novy bathlnc
houses, ilcorca Dlttmnn has mado an addi
tion to hih hot. property In tho bhapo of a new
Pier :JO lest lone. Tho New Utrecht Club and
l.anthier. the hotel man. nro also bulldlnc
larco piers. Tim bulldlnc. howovor, has not
rill been confined to tho vvntor front, for ov or
lOOcottac-s Imvu bcou put up in tho past
throo months,
A larco erowd visltod this plnco last Sunday,
and over it,0 persons took ndvantace of the
llnovye.it her and went In bathlnc. Tlio Ma
rino Hold Club and tho Now Utrecht Club
hav o arrancod to hold some athletie and sociul
events durlnc the season, which nro always
enjoyed by natlvos and visitors cllke. Jaken
a I to;ethor, Hull, jicacli la a pretty lively
placojubt about now.
Morgan s jrtjai sirvm carrot cleaning nnd renovating
work., bn.aily.i:1J4;i;;.l, Jiuul.(,:c:jl.Ur. '
To YnntiB Wom'aa llaa Jleen Convicted of
No Crime, but I Meretr Held for Trial
Hospital fare for Kick Irtoacra Not
Provided by the Federal OoTcrameat.
It Is tho opinion of tho otTtclnls at Ludlow
etrcot jail that tho condition of Molllo
Whearty demands that sho bo sent to a hos
pital as quickly as possible.
Molllo Whearty Is tho pretty 18-year-old
clrl who, when a clork In the l'ost Ofllco nub
station at Corkoy's druc store at North Mooro
hnd Hudson stroots. failod to mako returns
for flftoon money orders nmountlnc to WOO.O.'I.
Bho rcslcnod In Docombor of last year, and
Druirulst Corkey's wlfo took hor placo. An
examination of tho books rovcalod the short
ace. Molllo said that tho clork whoso plnco
sho took had taucht her how to manipulate
tho books so as always to have a balauco on
Tho clork was arrested, and on Molllo's afu
davlt hold In $1,500 ball. That was on Doc
10. Two dnys later Tost Ofllco Inspectors
James nnd lioarors mtssod the pretty ox-clork.
Thoy filially hoard of hor In llufTalo, and a
warrant was sent thoro for her nrrost Whon
tho Marshal went Into tho houso to sorvo tho
warrant she slipped out and was hnulod Into
tho houso of a nelchbor throuch a window.
Shortly afterward Inspector James was In
llufTalo after another defaulter and triod to lo
cate Molllo. who was at tho houso of
n Mr. Clark, James wont to Clark's,
havlnc arranged with tho lottor car
rier in that district to dellvor n
hocus reclstorod letter.. Molllo saw James
and ran. J nines startod Into tho house. Mrs.
Clark asked If he had a warrant, nnd when ho
said no. slammed the door in his face.
Then Jntucs sworoout a warrant for Clark
for hnrborlnc a fucltlvo from justice. That
made Clark clvo the clrl up. Mio was brouejit
here In February nnd admitted to bail lti
$5,000. Her trial was to have taken plnco
about two weeks ago. When tho enso was
called the clrl's lawyer asked for a lone
continuance on the cround thnt sho was
about to become a mother and could not
ondure the strain of a trial. Miss Wheal tysub
mltted an nflldtivit. charcinc Honry J. Bayres,
one of the authors ot "Ta-rn-rn ltoom-do-ny."
nnd inannperof Primrose A West's minstrels,
and of "Tuxodo." with belne the father of
the child. At tho snmo time she broucht an
action nealnst Bayres.
On Tuesday mornlnc ex-Aldermnn Roflcors.
who hnd furnished ball for the pretty de
faulter, went to United Mates District Attor
ney Mitchell and said that he wanted
to surrender tho younc womnn. A
warrant was Issued anil sho was ar
rested and sent to Ludlow street jail. She
cried and moaned while the nssistant marshal
was makinc out tho commitment, and when
she was taken out Into the corridor of tho
l'ost Ollleoon her way tothe jnll she Btaccer
cd and seemed about to faint.
Thejiill ofllelnls would llko very much to cot
hor off their hands. If she was contlned In any
other prison than Ludlow street jail, or If she
was not a United States prisoner, sho would
hnv o been sent to Belleuvo Hospital bororo this.
Hut tho United htatos Government does
nut mako any provlson for sick prisoners,
the olllclals sa. and she must stay there.
r.wav from friends and with no othor medical
attendance thon can bo Klv en her by the prison
doctor, whili her child will iro throuch llfo
with the stlcma of hnv lnc been born in prison.
The jounc woman Is merely n prisoner held
for trial. Bho has not vet been convlctod of
unv crime, and she may not bo. but tha child
will have to bear tho punishment.
In th? somewhat similar case, of T.tliol Os
borne, the KiikIIbIi woman who stole her
friend's jowels and was afterward sent to
prNon forperjury lntestifyiiicthatshelmd not
taken the diamonds, it will be remembered that
Mrs Osborne was released before her sen
tciion had expired, in order that her child
tnic'it no bo born In prison.
:iiR Whenrtv'B sister ealled on her yester
day with a woman friend. Tho sstr was ad
mitted to soe herand stayed with hor half an
hour, bhe went away weeplnc.
FitAXKi.Y oir.i:n iiiMsrr.r a tuief,
Aid the Tii.-y Convicted Jtrdlck and llender-
on la (spite of Their Alibi.
When Charles Goldner camo from Venc7Uela
to Now York in March last for medical treat
ment ho broucht with him $1,000. of which ho
deposited $000 In tha Emigrant Bavincs Hank,
in Chambers street On May 10. n fowdays
before ho was to start back to Venezuela, he
went to Central Park and cot into conversation
there with a strancer. who subsouuently prov ed
to be Charles W. AClick. Curiously enouch.
tho strancer was colnc to Venezuela with a
lot of mnchinory on the snmo ship with Gold
ner. and what more natural than that another
mnn, Charles Hondcrson. should presont to
him. while the two were talking in the Park, a
bill for $000 f reicht cnarcos on the machinery ?
Unfortunatoly. Afllick had about him only
checks for larco amounts, so Geldnor kindly
took tho two mon down to tho EmlcrantSav
incs Hank, drowhis $000. paid tho alleeod bill,
and took a lien on tho nllcced mnchinory.
Tho next timohosawtho two mon was when
Detectivo Berceants Heap and Mnlvoy took
him ovor to Jersey City last week to seo If they
wero not ident Icnl with two prisoners held
there on a petty chnrKP.
Atlllck nnd Henderson wero tried yesterday
In tho General Sessions, before .ludco Cowlne.
Their defence was an alibi. Tliov said they
wero in a saloon nt Frankfort nnd Hose streets
from 1 '.'tD o'clock to :i on tho afternoon of May
10. (ieldner had said that he was robbod at
about 1 -IIO o'clock. The saloon kcopor and an
InsuranconKont wore witnesses In support of
tho nlibl. After thoy had testified Law or Am
brose II. Purdy. counsel for tlio defence, sail
to Afllick:
"Now. AITlIck, I want you to bo frank with
this jury, and to tell the truth nbout yourself."
"I will, sir." replied Afllick.
"Now. Alllick." asked Mr. Purdy. "what Is
your business i"
" I steal for a llvinc' answered Afllick un
blushincly. " You hav o boon In State prison ?" Mr. Purdy
went on.
" 1 hnvo," was Afllick s roply. " I was In
State prison onre fortwo years for slenllnc$.'tr
by trick nnd device. I have boon In the peni
tentiary In this htato and in Now Jorsey. In
Toronto, in Montreal, and In Philadelphia."
" Weren't you arn sted one tlmo for robbinc
olman In Now.Iorhoyf"
" I was. but I wasn't Into It I was tho out
sldo partv," ho answered.
" As thooutsldos)nrty what did you doV"
"I wasn't compolled to do anj thine but take
my bit of the iiinnoy."
"Now, Afllick," was Mr. Purdy's concluding
question, "iveroyou ever in your llfooncacod
In any hunonihle cnlllnc r"
"es. sir: 1 was." replied Afllick. proudly.
"In lmiO I wns porter in the ofllce of tho Chief
of i'olieo in Chlenen. and f kopt that job for
seven yeais. Since then I have neon a thief."
Alllick said that boforo ho went to the saloon
nt Frankfort nnd Itosu streets on May 11), ho
went to see the steamship Teutonic sail. IIo
eniploied Ills time u( tlio pier "beatinc a
sucker out of s-lti." It was this money thnt
he and Henderson were enjovincin tho saloon
nt I rankfort and Itono streets.
The jury promptly convicted Afllick and Hen
derson, and thoy wore remandod to nwnlt sen
tence. Uiiderthoeonvictlon they may bosen
tenced to Btute prison for ten years.
Miss RadrllOa Disappointed with the'rltasr.
About elcht weeks nco Jennotto Hndellflo,
14 jcarsold, of 7011 Ninth nvenuo, ran nwny
from hor home. The clrl always had a desire
to co on the staco, and romeniborinc this her
father went from show to show onc'onoylsl.
and yestnrdav.
IIo llnally found her playlnc a sorlo-comlo
part at the show of tho Inniau sisters. It did
not tnko much persuasion mi his pnrttocet
her to return homo with him, Mio remarked
when eolnenway:
"I'm clad to iret homo nnd cot a smmro
meal, I haven't had min slnco 1 've been lierp.
This show business Un t what I thought it
Charles Van Illne Arrested.
Clmrles Van Dine, '.'() years old. of 111 Clin
ton avonuo. lirookiyn, who is omployod ns a
bnrtondor at tho Grand Union Hotel, Conor
Island, wns arrested thoro yesterday by Detec
tive llurko of Coney Island on a warrant Issued
by Juilen Connolly on complaint of his wife,
who accuses him of abandonmonU Ho will
bo taken to Brooklyn this mornlnc. Van Dine
is a nuphow of Judco Mooro ot lirookiyn.
Where "Vestrrduy's Fires Were.
A. M.-10 SO, lbti Aden street, Bernard McSolman,
damago trifling,
T, H 1 30, 848 Ninth arenne, Thomas German, no
damage; 2i20, 135 Xorolk street, Morris Oelles, dim
agotrlfllng; lO.MCL'analstreet, John Doonos. dam
age COO; U.SO, 148 First avenue. M Jalbrecht. damago
trilling; U.iO, 1H5 Pelancey street. Nlchaol Mayricb,
damage slight: 8 00. JH9 Ullrabeth street Francesco
llor.nltl. damage trllliug, H on. corner lll'th ,.r"t
and Jlonhattau avenue oeorge Lamoe, damage loo,
P 00. 10 West Thirty eighth street, Mrs. Hrennsn.dam
age lie, 8 lli.-eJ I.iferty street, Jamts Grant, damago
."0; U SM.BDJSdaienue. Herman llolman. damage
10. 11 11. .( Kse meet, Morris Mil erstelli. damage
tiUht, 11 oo, 140 Al.iii street.John ketinei. rtaniogo
slight; Ili.'O, Tbt) deicnlh avenue, awning tire, dam
age ttinlug.
Highest! of all !n Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report '
fATHEi: tiot.T.moi:it head.
The rrlest "IVho Wrnusiht Astontshlntc
Coles la Plltsburch.
Tho Ilov. rntliorMolllncer died In his resi
dence on Troy jllll In rittihurch. bosldo his
now Bt Anthony Chnpol. at 1:50 o'clock yes
torday aftornotm. 1'or noarly n auartorofa
century his nanto nnd fame, with that of his
patron saint, 8t Anthony, hnvo mado of Mount
Troy nnd tho snerod shriuo thoro ercctod tho
Mocco of an Increasing pllcrlmaco. l'ooplo
woro carrlod In on stretcliors, or hobbled In on
crutchos, and loft rcjolclnc In n now-found
hoalth. Itopontodly suoli lmvo thrown away
tholr crutches ond arisen from tholr cots and
walked. This ,year Fatlior Molllncor disap
pointed tho pllcrlms. Ho becamo 111 on St,
Anthony's Day from the cAcosslva boat, and
did nolrnlly.
Father Molllncor ncnulred wide notoriety
several years aco. Inst year his tamo was
hlchest In connection with the reported mira
cle euro nt thu Churph of tho Holy Name on
Troy Hill In Pittsburgh. On Juno ll.lBfll.lt
was estimated that thero wero nt least .'1.000
persons massed in .ttid around his church
waltlnc to, bo cured. Their ailments rep
resented almoiit all tho ills that tlosh Is
holr to. Thoro woro hundreds of bund
hoplntr to roc tin their sicht, thousands of
lamo on crntchi is who vvnntod their limbs mado
whole by faith, nnd fever-stricken men and
womon who hoped for cure, Parent" carried
their maimed little ones in tholr arms for tho
priest to look uwm nml restoro to health with
JiIh blosslnc. Patients c.imo by hundreds
from manv parts of Pennsjlvnnia and New
York. Thorn voro hundreds, too. from on
nectlcut and othor Btatcs; somo bad oven
journejed from far Western States lnliopoof
recolv Inc relict from bodily Ills.
Father Molllncor was kept busy sprlnklinc
holy water upon the sutTorincnnd civtncthoiu
hlsblessinc. lie wns excited by the report
that his tittimdnntshad been bribed to admit
certain well-to-do comers throuch windows to
cet to him raori) uitlckly. IIo denounced tho
practice in n-niiddress at tho ond of the ninss.
and told tho tin ones that the blosslnc of God
was without price nnd could not bo bought.
To try to burtsucha blosslnc would only trans
form it Into a curse. Ho cav e away many pre
scriptions aftior tho mass on June 11. The pa
tients liolievsl that these preset Iptlons would
be made potent to cure by miraculous means.
Bomo Protestants who came to bo healed as
cribed the priest's powortn lieal larcely to his
knowlcdce ol' medicine. It wns reporteil on
Juno 11 that tho priest had cureda hansns
City merchant of acute rheumatism, and had
healed a Nashville parahtlc.
Nearly 7.0C0 were prosent at tho evonlnc
mass on Bt. Anl lmny's day. June 11'. A crip
pled woman u -anted exeitemont by fllnclnc
nwny her crubcliiss nnd crylnc aloud, lean
walk. I can walit." Bho took one atop and foil
to the cround. Jfather Molllncor said to an
Inquirer later: , , , ,
"I luivestudt'vd.mcdlelna nnd understand It
thorouchly. Hut I think a blessinc has a
cre.it ileal to dc with its i effect."
The crowds l 'din to leave on Juno 15. Tlio
priest charced notblnc for his prescriptions.
Those who vvlsl lod.wero allowed to clvo nn of
ferlnc to the eh ut.li Instead of a fee. 'J ho pre
scriptions weio tilled bv a local drucclst. who
was reputed to.pnyn commission to thoehureh
treasury. Tho local stroi t car railway nlono
carried Jfl.OOO passenners to lather .Mollin
ifcrlH church ill trine the three ilajs that tho
pilcrimncn lasted. On the fourth day Croat
disappointment wns oxprossod because tho
sick were not Ii aled. Crowds of cripples then
remained in Pit tsburcli penniless und sutler-Inc.
Goorse nnce meyer, Sr.. a wealthy nnd ox
tcnslvo dealor In rosowood. mahocany, and
veneor woods In this city, who lived at 107
Kent stroot. Gjenpoint, died of heart fallura
on Tuesday at I ho Mountain Houso. Cornwnll-on-the-Hudsoa.
He was 50 years old. nnd for
several years had been a trusteo of tho Groon
polnt Bavincn-Il.ink. Whon he was 17 years
old Mr. Haccineyor met with an accident
which neeossrtiited tho amputation of his left
lee More thai t twenty years aco ha took up
his residence In Grecnpolnt nnd become n
member of Bt. John's Kvancellcal Lutheran
Church. A yef r nco ho becamo conscious of
tho fact that ho wns likely to die suddenly, nnd
ho mado a wt 1 civinc the bulk of his ostate.
which is valued at several millions of dollars,
to his wife, and leavlnctho children also well
provided for. 1 Us remains were broucht homo
Dr. Georco X. Tibbies, who died at his homo,
5 Willow Cou-ti Jersoy City, on Tuesday evon
lnc. of monlnclti's. was awnr voteran. Ho wns
three times n prisoner at Andersonville, but
escaped ench tlmo. After the war ho wiib
elected Coranmuder-in-Chief of the L'nlon et
eran Union, lie was also a member of 'n
briskio Post. .-. A. It. Tlio funeral will tako
Placo to-day. nnd .tho Interment will bo mado
in a plot at b'lower Hill IVmetciy. which Dr.
'1 Ibbles Bocurtnl for tlio burial of homeless
Klisha J. Ilanlson died on Tuesday at his
home. 155 Cfitirross street, Iirookln. in his
7Hth year, f I was born in Btonincton, and
his funoinl uid Interment will tnko place
there to-day. Ho hnd been a stock broker for
the past fifty years and was a familiar flcuro
in all street, ilthoucli ho had never been a
mombor of i.hu Btock l.xelianco. IIo wns n
member of th llrm of Talmadce A Donison
for several years. He wbb a bachelor. Miss
Adams, a nieco, is his nearest survivinc rela
tive. Abram Van r.'olscn of Mount Vernon. N. Y.,
died on Tuosl.y eveninc of acuto peritonitis.
Ho wns born in North Mooro street, this city,
on July K IB'ill. hen a younc man ho com
menced tlio Inisliiu'.-s of contraetlnc and
bulldlnc. and. I bout thirty years aco entered
Into partnership with illlnm H. Arnot. under
the firm nami. of Van Dol-n A Artiot. Ho re
tired from the firm In IBB-', slnco which time
ho hub lived i.t. lolly in .Mount crnon.
A. Wlllard. Putted States Consul ntOuaymas,
Bonora, Mexico, died thoro of paralysis on
Tuesday. 11 wns 07 vears old, a native of
Connecticut, nnd had been In the consular
servico about forty jears. He had been nt
Guaymas fur tlio p.ist tvjcnty-llvo vuars,
where bo act td nlso as tlio Ilrltish Consul.
Pobort Mooto, need 77, died In Nevvburch
vesterdny. He was a member of the I'mon
Presbytorlnn Church, and leaves a wife and
soveral child run. onoof whom Is ex-Aldormau
John T. Mo. re. Throo mouths uco ho was
stricken with paralj sis.
Dr. John icnew of Philadelphia died on
Tuesday nlc ht at Ids summer homo In Ocean
Grove, need 30. Tho Doctor was taken thero
last week In the hope of rocalulnc his fallinc
Abel Ishnin tiled in Valparaiso, Intl., yeBtor
dny. asod B'.', IIo opened tlm first book ttoro
in lndlnnapollii. It was in 1B41.
Peter ('. llownn. a wealthy hullntDC contrnc
tor of Tlanhurr. died yesterday of brain dls
oaso. Howa'i7rearsold.
l'linrral of Or, Iloolln. '
Deputy Coroner Philip V- Donlln's obsoriules
nt St. Joseph's Church nt Blxth avenuo nnd
Wnshlncton placo yestorduy mornlnc wero nt
teniled bv a I arce number of well-known mon.
iiB well as bylils friends In private llfo. Promi
nent In the Catherine wero delecntlons from
the various hoi Icties and clubs to which Dr.
Dunlin had biiloncod. 1 ho tiall bearers wvro
Health Olllcei of the Port Jenkins. Civil Jus.
tlcn Wiiilholit I-rv'V.I 'oroners Beliultre and
Miei. 1 lie Cliidt I.a ly.John Purcell. Alderman
Ilyihir, and Dr. B. G. Cook. Chief l'olico Bur
ci'on. Tlio mirvlco coiislsto I of a solemn
reiiuiem mass. Inthor llernardlno McCalm of
W. Aiithon'H Church was colt-brant, nsslsted
by Fathers Norrisiiind Hcnuilotof ht, Joseph's
Church as ilclicou and subdencon. Father
llortsehollor ivtis master of ceremonies. Tho
Interment wna nt Calvary Letnutory.
All'honae ,. Hlephsinl's JUoclnr's Illll.
An action ot Dr. Louis Doplassototrocovcr
$11,750 for itr'nfosslonal sorvlces from Mrs.
Josophluo 8(i'ihanl wns becun boforo Judco
Pryor of tho llourt of Common Ploas yestorday.
Dr.- Doplassoi says, that at her request ho
mada nbout fovonty visits to Alphonso J,
Btophanl. hor pon. who wns convicted of mur
dor In tho second decree for killing Lawyor
Clinton G. lloynolds. and had tostlllod on tlio
Question of In nicy at his trial. He valued his
services' at M.OOO, und says ho recolved $150
on account. ,
Mrs. Btephrinl says Dr. Dsplasse sot the $250
for selllnc nomn railroad bonds for her for
55,250. Bhe says he was employed by her son
nnd not by bur, und that bo many vlultc wore
, not cccoisarj,
i '
jt;.Yi!; irEDDixas.
Tho woddlnc of Mr. John Philip Rnfferty. the
Vlco-Prosldent of tho Now York. SuBuuelmnnn
and Wostorn Hallway Company, nnd Miss
Marcuorlto Louiso Hotchklsswns an Impor
tant social event In Brick Church, X. J., Inst
nlclit. Tho cuosts from this city went out tn
thospoclnl car attached to tho recular train
which left Jersoy City at 7 o'clock. Tho mnr
rinco coromony was performed by tho liov.
Dean McNulty of Bt. Patrick's Church. Tater
son. Tho liriilo was attended by hor cousin.
MIbs Loulso Harris, who woro a simply (undo
dross of white silk mull, trimmed with rufllos
of einhrolderod chifTon nnd white ribbons.
Miss Hotchklss was atllrod In a cown of whlto
niolnl nutliiuo, very plainly made, with lone,
full train and hnlf-hfch corsnuo nnd a tulle
veil, which was fastenod with several dia
mond and pearl ornnmouts, includlnc a superb
sun of the siimo Gems, oneof thocllts rocolvod
from tho bridocroom. Mr. Philip HnfTarty of
Hrlok Church, tho brldocroom's brother, wns
best mnn. Tho tishors woro Mr. Uonjnmln K,
Hotchklss. tho hrotluirof thobrldo: Mr. A. M.
Fny. .Mr. Frederick Moore, Mr. Henry P. Hnr
rls. cousin of tho bride: Mr. Alfred Decker,
and the younc brother of ths brldecroom. Mr.
William HalTerty. A woddlnc supper nnd re
ception followed tho ceremony,
A numbor of beautiful elfts wero rocolvcd by
tho bride.
Pnigue- Lthdb,
In All Anccls' Church, corner of West End
avenue nnd Llchty-ilrst stroot. Miss Loulso
Denlson Prncuo, dauchtor of Mr. John O,
Prncue. was married to Mr. rredorlok Sey
mour Lyman, nt 5 o'clock last evonlnc. The
Ilov. Dclancoy Townsend, the assistant rector,
olllclatod. Mr. I B. HolTman noted ns best
man. Tho ushers, who woro ncnt pearl nnd
diamond pins in tholr white cravats, souvenirs
from tho brldecroom, woro Mr. Andrew Nich
ols, Mr. L. B. llracher, Mr. T. I Thompson,
and .Mr. John Ilrowor. Jr. Miss Gertrude l
Pracuo. tho lO-year-ola sister of tho bride,
was the maid of honor. Bho was attired In
white and yellow silk and crf-po and carried a
bouquet of yellow rosebuds. Tho bridal
Cown wns of whito crepe, made with demi
trnln. trimmed with boncaline, blub corsneo.
ndorned with point luce. A larco white chip
hat. trimmed with suvornl white ostrich tips
nml white, ribbon, and coverod with acloso
llttinc veil of white lnco. was worn by tho
btlde. Tho reception followod nt tho home of
Mr. Prncuo. 10U West Llchty-slxth ttroet.
Arthur lleebe.
Moxncr.fT.0. N.Y.. June 15. The hnndsomo
new St. John's Lplscopal Church In this town
was the sconoof a notable woddlnc at 3 o'clock
this nfternoon. Tho brldo was Miss Vlrclnln
It. Hoebe. eldost dauchter of Judco Goorce JI,
Hcobe of the State Court of Claims, whoso
homo Is here, Tho croom was Dr. Daniol
Houston Arthur of tho medical start of tho
MIddletown Stato Horaaxpnthlo Hospital. Tho
ceremony was performed by the liev. Dr. Wil
liam F. Dickinson, roctorof St. John's Church.
The brido was clvon away by hor father. Hor
dress was of whlto satin, with watteau trnln,
trimmed with point lnco. and she woro dia
mond nnd pearl ornaments, and carried a bou
quet of carnations nnd whlto orchids. Sho
wns attended by six bridesmaids. Tho croom's
best man wns John D.htivers. city editor of tho
Middlotown Time. After tho coremonynn el
ecant collation was served at tho Hotel Hock
well. Amonc the bridal presents wns a hand
some clft from her father's close frlond, (sen
ator David li. Hill. The bridal party took an
eveninc train for Now York.
Sheridan McArdle.
Charles J. Shorldan nnd Miss Mary L. Mc
Ardle, dauchtor of ex-PolIco Justice Fetor
McArdlo, both of Lone Island Citv, wero mar
ried In St. Patrick's Church. DutcheKills, yes
terday mornlnc by tho liov. Lnwronce 1
Toner. The bride was nttircd in a costume of
whlto corded silk with Chantilly lace, side
fiece nnd clrdlo of Spanish crystal nnd pearls,
lorvtll was caucht with diamond ornaments,
and sho carried a bouquet of lilies of the val
id. Misses Jesslo and Lmma Cnstoll of
lirookiyn woro bridesmnids. They woro Kate
Greenawny drosses of whito silk with yollow
sashes, and I.echorn hatrvvltli yellow-tips. and
carried bouquets of yellow rosos. Miss Kuslo
Sheridan, sister of the croom. was maid ot
honor. Bhe wore a cown of pink surah silk,
trimmed with pcnrls nnd passementerie.
Walter J. Sheridan, brother of the croom. was
best man. 'lho ushers wero M.J. Smith nnd
Georco Lawrence.
Townsend Stewart.
Miss Tlorenco Bates Townsend was married
to Mr. William Stewart at 7:.'t0 o'clock last
nicht. at tho homo of her father. Mr. Charles
II. Townsend. 2.001 Fifth avenuo. Tho ltev.
Dr. Kdwnrd L. Clark, pastor of the Presby
torlnn Church of the Puritans. KiOth street
nnd Fifth avonuo, performed tho ceremony.
Mr. lienjiimln P. Mills was the best man. and
Miss Mattio Townsend, sister of tho bride, was
tho only maid of honor. The usheis wero
Messrs. J. A. Coflln, Allen Vanderbocor, Chas.
P. Davles. and Huch MoCulloeh. 'J ho bride
wore a cown of whlto silk, draped with duchess
point lnco and ornnco blossoms. Hor veil wns
of tulle, and was hold in place with a wreath
of ornnco blossoms. The mnld of honor's
dross was of white point tl'esprlt, adorned with
Pink rosebuds. A larco reception folluwcd tho
ConviNO. June 15. Mls3 F.mma Jane Tnlly,
the third dauchtor of Mr. Joseph J, Tully. and
Mr. Georce Furman Smith, tho ehlcst son of
Mr. Joslah J. Smith ot Brooklyn, wero married
In Christ Church to-nicht. The ceremony
took placo at 7 o'clock and was pt formed by
tho liov. Dr. Walter C. lloborts. The reception
which iollowoii wns held nttho bountiful homo
of the bride's father. A niece of tho brldo.
Miss Helen II. Arthur of lirookiyn, was tho
maid of honor, 'lho four biidnsmaids woio:
Miss Mary tioff of Addison. Miss Mary Kollor
of Wuld N. Y Miss Lillian Itrownand Miss
Josophlne Tully. sister of the bride, of Corn-Inc.
Miss Rlnncho Tookor. dauchter of Mrs.
1'llyabetli Tookor of Port Jefferson, and Dr.
Henry Stout Pottlt of lirookiyn wora married
In the Port Jefferson llnptlst Church nt noon
yesterday by tho ltev. 11. SI. Lowry. Tho brldo
worn a costumn of white faille silk, with pnurl
trlmmlncs nnd duchess lace und diamonds.
Tho bridesmnids worn Miss May bnxton and
Mlsi Adeline Pettit. sister ot the brldomonm.
They woro cowns of creen silk. Bedford crepo.
and whlto I.echorn hats. Llttlo Miss Minulo
Adel of Brooklyn with maid of honor. Tho
ushers wero Percy Powell. Stephen. Pottlt,
brother of the croom, and Dr Parks. Hurley
Hawkins of Hempstead was best man.
UnrA, Juno 15. Miss Daisy Brown, dauch
tor of tho Ilev. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brown, and
Mr. Joseph lludd. Jr., of Brooklyn, were mar
riod to-day, Tho ceremony was performed in
Westminster Church, of which tho brldo's
father is tho pastor, and Pontiiiastor-Genoral
Wnmimakcr. wholsnnold friend of Jbn family,
envo the brldo nwny, Mr. Irvine itulund ot
lirookiyn was best mun. Ainonc tho ushers
wum Mr. P. C. Duiinoll and .Mr. Lancduu
Greenwood, Jr., of Now loik. Guests weio
presont from Now York, lliookljn. Philadel
phia, Jersey City, und elsewhere.
Choute Isutnetf.
SotiTIinnito, Mass., June 15. Miss Loulso
Burnett, dauchter of ox-C'oncrossman Joseph
Burnett, was married to-day In St. Murk's
Church to0. F, Choate, Jr.. of Boston, son of
President Ornate of the Old Colony liallroad.
The ceremonv was performed by tho bride's
brother, the Ilov. vviildo Burnott, rettorof St.
Mink's. Tlio directors of tho Old Colony sis
tern and many society peoplo woio present.
When Baby vu ate, wa gars ter Castorla,
Wtsn sho was a Chill, she cried for Castorla,
Wha she bscama at lis, she clung t Castorla.
Vasa aha bad Children, she gars thast Oasierlaa
the rARxn.t.m: leadee srEAns
rvit iiAit.Muxv or mi: r.tvTiuxs.
A Ela; AluUenre In the Aenilemy or Music
Applntiiln ltritmnl li I'bin, Chrers the
Mention ol I'urnelPn NHine, unit llle
Tliist or Timothy llcnlj -,.-,,l0 JUIkciI.
Kvory sent In tho Academy of Stuslo was
occupied last nlnht when John 1- lledmond,
tho loader of tho Parnolllto forces In Ireland,
stoppod on tho stuco to deliver the nd
drcss which principally Inoticht him to this
country. Ho vvnsliouttlly creeted. Civil Jus
tice Wauhopo Lynn, who presided, Introduced
hltn to tho nudlonco. Behind Mr. lledmond on
tho stuco as ho spoko sat 100 nun. In a box
nt his loft wero Chauncey M. Depow and Clnrk
Boll. Dlroctly oppo-dto Dr. Depow'i box sat
Mrs. John Mllehel, tho widow of tholeadorof
MB. her dauchtcrund prandson, nnd T, SI. John
Gaffney. Amouc others present wero Hd'.vard
O'l'laheily. Gon. James It. O'lieltne, John W.
GoiT. nnd Judco Van Wyefc.
Hurly In his spcoch Mr. lledmond innntlonoil
tho n. mio of Mr. Puinell. Just as tho words
lolt his mouth the white-haired widow of John
Jlltchol nroso In her box. wuved n handkor
chlef, nnd btoko Into a cheer. Tho bic nudl
onco took It up, nnd fortwo minutes continued
thonpplausi). Kvory mnn cot on his foot nnd
waved his lint. Itwas tho most cnthusinstlo
burst of tho evonlnc. , , ,.
Jlr. ltcdmond smito for nn hour nnd a half.
Ho telteiated his statement that the branch
of the Irish party ho represented wnro anx
ious for union on honorable lines. The Plan
of union ills -ido wanted was for tho McCarthy
faction tot ctnln the lifts -seven seats they now
hold and tho Parnellltes tho twenty-ulno thoy
"William O'llrlnn. John Dillon, nnd many
other men opposod tons," ho said, "favor our
plnn, but Timothy lluulyoppiises It.
Tho mention of Jlr. Henly's name broucht
out n storm of hisses and c.it calls. "Wo don't
want Hoaly," " shout tho doc," "HoV no cood."
ycllod the audience. believer Mr. ltcdmond
mentioned Henly's natnn It was rocolvod with
innrkid disapproval. Mlchuel Davllt's numu
was nlso hissed.
"Mr. Henly." sab! Mr. lledmond. "wnnts to
sacrlllco my collencucs. whoso only crlmo Is
that they stood by tho pledcos they cavo n
leader in Ills hour of trouble. Wo don t nsk
that tho other (party sacrifice that mad whodo
clnred that his only mission in life wns to
drive Parnoll to tho cravo or to a lunatlo
nbilum. We aro anxious for peace, but wo don't
1'ropose to bo put out of public llfo by Hoaly.
Vnce may bo mado at this olovvnth hour if
the wishes of trillion, Dillon, O'Connor, and
other Influential tncmborhof tho patty opposed
to us aro rocarded. If there Is not to bo pence
wo shall llcht It out, and we nsk you, our
friend" In this country, to stum! by us."
Mr. ltcdmond rend a cablo despatch ho had
received in tlio mornlnc from .Mr. Hnrrincton,
oneof tho Parnclllte mombors of Parliament.
It snid that every proposal of harmony of tho
factions had been rejected.
At tho end of Mr. ltedmond's nddross tho au
dience subscribed SUHK) to linli him nml his
colleacues enrry on their llcht In lrelnnd. Tho
procoeds from tho sale of tickets wero $2,000.
Other subscriptions have boon promised.
A resolution was adopted statinc thnt tho
proposnls of peace offered by Mr. lledmond
afforded a favorable menus of stoppinc sttifo
without lujurinc the interests uf either party.
llnn for nn ITp-lowa lMectrlc TCnllroad to
Cover the Kisst tsnd West bides.
Alderman Morcan presidod at a hoarlne
clven in tho Aldermanlo chamber yostordny
by the liallroad Committee of the Board of Al
dermen to tho Fiftieth street. Astoria Torry.
and Control Park ltiiilroad Company, whicli
has applied for a franchise to lay a number ot
tracks in up-town streets. The route do
bcribod by tho company in its llrst application
was roplaced by nnothorthnt e.xtendod It con
siderably. Tho scliomo now is fur permission
to lay tracks in theso streots:
from the loot ot West Hrt -seventh, street down
hlevenlh avenue to Hflv-fourth street, to Tenth ave
nue, through Fiftieth and I If ty-llrst streets to Park
avenue, thence through Fifty-first to First avenuo, to
Flftv third or F!ft)-fonrth street, to Avenuo a. to
fight). nlvth or Klgtitv-ninth street, to Avenue 11, to
the l.iist (Uver.
Irom tht foot of East Serenty-ntnth street through
hast Sev.'nty-ninth street to l entral Park and across
the Park to hlgbttl avenue, thence up and down KlRhth.
avenue toWest seTentv -seventh, and Wesl l.lgutv-llrat
streets, and on either or both streets to Mnttt avenue,
to West beventy ninth street, and Iheuce to theUudson
From the Intersection of Madison avenne with East
Mnety-slxth street, up Madison avenue to East Ninety
seventh strict, across rentral Park, and through West
Mnet-sialh street to the Hudson (liver.
(roin ( ast Saventv-nlnth street nnd Avenuo B. up
Avenue II to 1 lghtv-eighlh nr Kighty-nlnth street,
them o on either or both streets to Avenue A, to ( ist
Mnety third street, to llrst avonue, to Kast Muety
sUth streut. to Central Park.
on (.as: sixlv-llfth and hast sixty slxlli streets, from
Avenue A 10 Central Park, to connect with any railroad
on the r.irk tr ins verse road, and thence to the Hudson
on West Mxlv-tlflh or West sixty sixth street.
v A crowd of interested porsons assemhled
beforo tho committee. Amonc them won)
Piesldont Cyrus Clark of the West Bldo
Property Owners' Association. Assombly
man Moiii. Kouer Foster. M. Mayor, Da
vid Mlllikon, Jr.. of the Bocioty for tho
Preservation of I lftli Avonue. A. Pren
tice. Georco C. Currior. Cliarlos H. Knox,
Henrv K. ltoland, II. C. Havemoyor. L. J. llol
loni. 1). P. Mott. for tho Itomnn Cnthollc Or
pluin Asylum. Benjamin C. Hardonbrook. Wil
liam J. Donulson, William Altnn. It. J. Dean,
and Klllaon Von .Jtonssolnor. Tho company
was represented by lrederick A. Bartlott and
J. P. Harrison.
Mr. Hnrrison said ho wished to correct tho
Impression thnt tho trolley system wns to bo
usud In oporatlnc tho proposed road. Itwas
expressly stipulated, no Haid. thnt the cars
wero to ho propelled by storaco butteries. Ho
added that the only question to bo decided
was whether thero was a public need for tlio
Henry F. Llpnold, who said hn represented
700 members of the Property Owneis' Associ
ation of Twelfth nnd Nineteenth wards, said
ho favored tho bulldlnc of the rnd.
Lawyer Foster assorted that the rond would
creatly injure vast propoity Interest alone tho
proposed route. Jlr. Foster promised to provo
thnt tho company was not a centilno concern,
nml that it bad boon formod simply for specu
lative purposes.
"Tho contlemen behind It," ho snld, "havo
no financial means vv hatevor."
" We c hallenco that stutemont," snld Lawyor
" Walt until I hnvo a chance to examine you
on tho witness stand." retorted Mr. 1 oster.
The committee will resume tho bearine at
11 o'clock on July 7.
NothlBE T.eft to Georuo JI. Clarke by ma
( ousln. Illcliord ,1, Clarke,
Tho will of llichard J. Clarke, who left an
estate o'tlmntod to bo worth from S'JOO.OCO to
S2.000.C00, was fllod with Probnto Cleik Tin
noy yostordny. Tho will docs not mention
Georco li, Clnrko, nr.d ho (hrentens. us a llrst
cousin nnd tho nearest relative of tlio testator,
to test It on tlio crouiuls of tho nllcced undue
influence of Mrs. Alice A. Bchell of llii." West
Twonty-thlid Street, who receives tho bulk of
the estate. Clnrko died nt tho country resi
dence of Mrs. Bchell. at Plalnllelil. last Friday.
Mio broucht the body to I ho hi. Nicholas Hi del,
vvheio ho h id lived for several venrs. and nt
teiiiled to thu lunotiil uirancementH, in which
Georco II. ( Inrko says he wus ills(rc,iriliil.
The will makes suveral siniill lieiiuests. and
divides llio residue of me. osiiito n iiinlly be
tween Mrs. Alien v. Bcluil and Anson ( link
lloiise. A cudli-il iixuuuluil in vlow of tho
di-nth uf Houso makes other sninll hefiuust.
and leaves the residuoti. Mrs. Seliell. I'l.irko
ceilrid fiom businiHS thlily-llvn venrs nco.
and lived for r moral xurs nt tho Ans m
House, at Su inc street und llroadwiiy. which
was com ucted by Anson lloiisn. lh, took n
fatherly interest in llnus,cHlWoohlldr,.n. Mrs,
Bchell and AiiMiiit luik. House and tie--. .11
Ive.l with 1I111 iiiitil ho. ili'tl In ,ucu-.t last at
the ht. Nicholas llotol.
Clniko was s'Jye.its old when hndicd. sn
boy howoiked 11 bis f.ithor's restduiimt. and
siihseiiientli- kept a instauinnt kicun .is
t liuke A I rown s. in fed tr street. Mr l.o i'i
son, 1 iopi ctoi ;l tho M. Nicholas, sn- Cut
Mrs. Seiielltookciio ol (hnko when linw.is
111. and Unit ho snld in did n..t c.iro to e.i In,
relatives, ileniade (his iniimrk when th" sons
of Georco 11. Iiiike. his cousin, c.il'e I oil
him, nnd hu uddod that thoy vvuio alter hN
European tourists rIioiiM tnko
Curler's Little Livor J1 1 J - ;i week
boforo sailing, dlso during the voy
age, to prevent kensickucM.s. Thoy
nro infallible. Positive euro for
Bick heatlacho.
yyVlg V-;:
M4w - f
Both tli" nipthod nntl results whe ,1
Byrim tit' IMpiais taken; itisplcasant )
nnd lelreshing to tho taste, and net ' "ii
ccntly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, ' ,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys -1
tern cflcctunlly, disielB colds, liead . l
nche'i and i'e7er3 and cures habitual - J
constipation. Syrup of Figs ig th t,
only leniedy of ita kind evor pro 'V.
duecd, plciwtng to the tasto and &o-
reptahlo to tho ptotnne.li, prompt in ' J
its notion and truly henciicial initi ta t )
cflectt, prepared onlj' from tho most " .; I
healthy and agrecaliloBtibstanceB, iU 4
mail v excellent qualities commend it -ttf
to nil and have made it tho most ' , 'j
popular remedy known. , '&
Syrup of Fi'3 is for snlo in 50o , , W
and 81 nettles by all leading drug- 'iji
gists. Any reliablo druggist who ', i
may not havo it on hand will pro 'ff
euro it promptly for any ono who , S !
wishes to try it. Do not accept any ,
ubstitutc. vl "
. iit
World's Columbian Exposition, ; ; I
Exhibit of the State of New fork."' jf
oPKicrs op Tiir. covivkssioneim 'u
25th Street, Broadway and Fifth Avenue. I
Ttin cojiMiss-ioNnns in ciur.ni: or inE rrnsT' K
Richard i)i:i,Arn:i,i, V g
"AMU1-.I. AV. I'AIKC1IIL,U, j Commlsilonsrt '$
(.ccrntarv to tbe Commissioners. y
II - l I l Sll'l MlB'SSMWSSMBSBSl (.
um: Jti:.i di.su veal. E
Attoraey-Gcnernl htocktoa Urges' m Sftveesty ju
IlrurlnK la Trenton. JJftn
Trenton-. Juno 15. Tlio procoedlncs in ths r.B
action of tlio htato ncalnst tho coalers to bretvlc ft9
tlio Heading deal lmvo been postponed until 'Ml
Julr 7. Tlio counsel lor tlio State woxo rood ) !
for tlio arcument in tho matter to-day, but 5j
eounsol for tlio Jersey Cnntrnl askod for time. Mi
This koo toHhowtliat tlio nnniir that tho Now Jr.?
Jersoy iiutlioritlvs with nbuiit to abandon tha a.
cmovvas eriuiiijuu'. Indeed. Attorney-General (h
Btnekton ui. d an immediate liearinc. l
"If tliu slatomonta In tlm information aro it
true," hn wiiil. "I.uo aiuouuts of muuey are. SI
iH'inir ilrnvvn fiom the people dully by a com- 3!
binntion lli.it is in open violation of tlio law I ffl
nnd in delluneeuf tlm nulliuilty of tlio Htato, fA
Tho iiuestinn must ilnpcnd lursely upon doou- f?l
mvntf) nttiK hi'd to tlio Inlorinatinn. tho lease. 3j
tlio trip.utitt' nKioem"nt and tlio charters of at
tho corporation. lien tlio ruin to show B
cause was irianli'il. retiirnnlilo in tlttnonday. (S
tho defend. uiU th uld lmvo been ready on tho &
return d.iv . if nut re.idj. it vrnulil soeln to ba IE'
tlm duty of (lie t-ourt to yniut tlm prayer of the ?i
Informatiin nndniv" hn liri'liimnary injuno- Jfj
tlon asked fi r until the ease sliall bo t
heard. Tho injiirv is not only irreparable. &(
but It !b continuous and tlm refusal of the rap
couit to net. nv ithotit any leason ulven to tho wl1
contrary. WDiild bi'om to iio tho denial of that 'Jsir
pioteetion vvlilfh it is (he dutv of tho rourtto 5?B
exti'iid. If any delay Is granted. It should bo )S
shoit. and th" ibf ndanl.s kIiuuM nut bo per- ' s!6Xi
niitted tocome in at Um end uf thnt period to SMfi
surprWn thy Mad. with ,i new casii which thoy h
could just as readll present at pri'siint." bju
C'ouubelhir Mi'iiill hnd pietlv m-nrly ihesamo Kja
notion about tlio 111,1 ter. and lie IWud July 7 as jv!f
the lulubt date forth" an.'ii!iient. i J
(Icorclu Vnti (' , July lutrrest.
rresldent Coiner of tho Central iHiilvrar and 'S
DaukiuK Comiuny of iioortrl.i liab boon in this'. 'M
city for several d.ijs. One of the purposes of, . '
his visit is i-ald to be to raise funds with which. ' l
to pay tho July iineiest on tlm various' JaS
classes of bonds for winch the deoicia Central' ajj
Company Is resp n ii.li-. nml it is said that Mo .' KB
is linvlncdiflleiiltviM ids in cotiiitlons becausmV ' ,
ol (lie nature ! tbn uril "ll'Toil for the?" ,r J-rfe
loan. The evil it r I . "ei d in tlm stock of
the Xew Kncl.md 11 1 ,1 iinii.ili M';.unshlp y .!.
Company tlMi v i neintiy ordered bjrj Pfe
,IiiilKlS eei to lie tt.m 1 hVit to the Ooor5l(' Sij;
C'eiitrnl (tuiup.iuv in Hi" Li liniond nnd llan-j ,gf
villoConiiain. 'lb '!' 't'l'Ti i-t amounts to, 'f
about j470,oi'O, an. (I p -..H.,. Mviirlh.lnthn ;?
iiiarknt ovor 11 nnili'iii. 1 ui 11 Um Ihlrly daVs' 'J,i,
in vvhloh the lllilin d and I'l.iivillcCVmnany , -C'ti
canlllonoll.Mi.f api il I iv 11 tlapsod. Itn i,J;
viiluoaseo'laliT.il hlpihI' d by uncertainty ' . 'sh
lib tu the action. : 'i i.itti 1 umpany. ' r j'g
Td" ISIrlii'iiMiil 'IVs-iiilnsvl System, . j'jfiS
Interest in the nlT'irs of the lllehmond and fjS
West IViliit 'I'ennlii 1 o m any will bo revived j"'
by tlio ri'lurii t r - 1 1 ;ol'-p"neerof Mossrs. :,M
l)i"el. Mi'i-an . -Ii ' pencor has mado J3
n tliur.iii,:h ru .'' " "' tho loads em- jsg
brns'il intlion t .1 m 1 1; oNpei'tPil tnipuort' . ,
t.ililu 1 mi ln.i'.i '! " viiltiif liU Inspection, '-
I'ri'sideiii o.iu.,111 .'I piobalily return oa' ' , 1
Mniul.ij. 'V ' '"$
1. 1 'is
Mm So!id Silver I
Our jirothiclio'.is in Solid Sil? J
ver during tlio .ti..t your have t
been notiiblo lor thu continuorl m-
iiovolty ol' tlf.si.ru ami excel- ffl
lonco of workiniiiisihip ; wo can '
justly cliiim sujif-riority in this 'js
lint;. Our yloclc is fully r w
equipped with novelties .of W,
every description, which can- Ik
not fail to ph-uso tho most fas- -SB
tidiotis purcliaricr. W
Broadway axu 19tu Strebi. ' W
L- ' . '.? '4
. V. t

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