Newspaper Page Text
i III L If? 10 ' THE SUN, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1692. 1 ' I I - Jtorti. I Soon 1 itwuHfi gwfc 1 JFp0rtmaHT0 (Boot. J Jfrottoitfi. ggfo 1 JurtffmV Ctoft 1 ftffffi Z?Sfc i , HEALTH AND HAPPINESS I For. All -Who Want or : Hope to Own a T ' Bicyclo. fe " The blood Is tho Hfo." How to make & m ' and keep It pure is tho dally endeavor of L x thousands. Add to good blood brawn and yt . musclo, -then we have tho perfect physical it, xnan.vTo bo physically and montally strong: if ip signifies enjoymont of llfo. How many turn 'I to tho patent modlclno man to regain tholr k health which has perhaps been lmpalrod SB by too closo attention to tho count- r Inn: room, Bchool room, workshop, or J; r othor walks In business and social life, jj i They mako a mistake Tho bicycle man K r will bonoflt thom more His remedy brings 5 Ak back tho color to faded cheeks and life Are .? p to dull eyes. Ills proscriptions, put up In 1 Ijr ateel and rubber, make the awkward graoe & j, tul, tho stiff man booomes ftglle, f Sv the',jnan with stooping shouldors f, ''fit stands erect llko a man, good h P. Bound lungs and perfect circulation if j? are his, while thoso with weak appetites I keenly onjoy the sight and taste of food. & V Bioyclo riding is big modlclno" bear this ' V " tact In mind a medicine in whloh tho tak- I lng brings pleasure and joy. Bicycle rld- lng is good as riding horsobaok, which is I' T r veil to know when oats are high. "I never ,i i J was irelljr enjoyed jllfe until I possessed i and learned to ride a btoyole,"sald a business i $ man, and he carried that conviction Into h his largo' establishment by providing his t it employoos with bicyclos. They were pay- l i lng doctors' bills constantly, so he supplied them with the wheels, on some easy pay- v 4 ment plan, and made them rido. Amarked :' Improvement in their health and hap- j plness was tho consoquonco. But evory t - J one who would ride does not have suoh fs r an employer. No doubt thousands who j notice their neighbors riding their X t'C" graoeful-looklng wheels have wished to r$T' own a bicyclo. To meet tho wants of such 1 k pooplo who cannot spend $100 at one time il'X. Messrs A. O. Spalding k Bros, have ln- I i 1 ' augurated a system of oasy payments, by W. which any one with a limited income can f own a bicyclo, In fact, Mossrs. Spalding & ) f Bros.' proposition Is so liberal that It would ,, . seem Indeed strange if before long a single ' "V soul can be found who, If desirous, Is not tho it t j owner of a flno machine, r. ih At Spaldlngs' store. 211 Broadway, New u ' I" ork (opposite tno r8t Office), some two , , , hundred wheels have been placed for sale, f ' comprising 100 Victors at 89 oents per J ' ' day, and 100 Credondas at 26 cents per day. The Victor " makes the pace." Tho " i Crodonda is " good as gold." 11 l- I I C0RBETTS SEASIDE EXERCISE ! BOW THE CALJFOBMAX IB TBKPAB- XSO FOR MS TIGHT WITU j , ' ', 1. Iooklac Ib the Flak of Comdlttom, wltk tk P' t Bordot rart of(h Work Tat t Cob V ' V e ir SmlllTU SoeSK't Baat M ta jl Tmilr HUalii, lie Will Navar tVIa," V( Bsld Corbett "Will Start for tha Bat- H 1 tla Oranad ait Sept. S. Rt V- 'While the Hercules of tho prize rlne Is n- IV i dtarorlng to remova from human naze the H T layers of fat that cushion his bones, at Bhlnne- b. ' f' eook Bar. the Adonis of the squared circle is Pf i also preparing himself for the groat battle of ji fiats which will ocour on Bept 7. The prime j, UAWlOm BIUBT. fe ;.' object of SulllTan and his trainer Is to wear jHL fc. off pounds of surplus flesh.whlle Corbett Is in HRk tent onlr in keeplne himself In a condition of HP pt 1 health and strength. The methods of the two ftj fighters ara almost Identical, but the objects K aoueht are different There Is also a marked R- A similarity In the training Quarters of the men, H ;', The 'champion plods upon the sandy road- K r i wars of Qood Ground, and dozes beneath the M't ' trees that shade the sloopr old inn whloh he l j. makes his home. Beforo him spread the placid J ' watervofBhlnnecock Bar. In the roar are i the eainrdanths of Great I'econle Bar, and on the (eft the Bhlnnecock Canal ripples betwoen H high banks of yellow sand. The salt breezes H s s fS 111 1 (f?5 Bl N t7' II PiL BBB J ' LB V lr-- s v BB. i V x al' ' I k BB' I -x sBf k """x BMi jjv jL m Bb' V, ' coRbETT sns ron a rnonLE sKrrcn. K1 ' r Tom the ocean continually rustle the leaves of BH) t the mulberry trees and keep dona the tern- BM .Mr peratureof the massho pucillst BUplSr Corbett'sHurroundlngssri) somowhat more BB' " aristooratlo. If e occupies an ornamental cot- BJBl1 ' tage on the seashure at Asbury Tark. In the BBl i. rear of the cottage lDel Lake, on which the BB I' young riant dpes his rowing, and also within BBJj ' a stone's throw to the right is tho sounding BBl ! Ma. As tlit tijgllist swings Idly in his ham- BB'"- ". " THEY WHO WALK MAY RIDE." .aatalBMN dJSi MesBr8. A. G. Spalding & Bros, offer 100 Victor Safety Bioycles jg"-4 "A VIPTflR 9AFFTY and 10 CredGnda Bicycles on the easypayment plan. PB,itti-S. . e nttci113 aro QH new an perfect, and the offer is made SrSSSSSSS K jJta v -W machines offered require no introduction to the public J&P I 77S- JwJmr I feev Both are well known, both have been fully tested, both have excel ACKSkXM w AUp'jSm. M iaiflCjLK s C-wL. "s ffr is tho most liberal in the history of Bicycle Manu- Mr -VLj- yjOmm Ifff Sf --- ll facturing. Messrs. Spalding & Bros, accept a small payment on Jg.fariiTi ligHg III g fe ll either of the above-mentioned machinoa, deliver the bicycle, and VL-xv K VVvVS-JP aWkxx7 I vVvv'ay " CJC w- a modern improvements at a cost of not more LaasWfflSte 1 &Jrv v ,aJJ: Vt&rvw than 39 cents per day is something that every one will appreciate. PlJ??2jivls3rift?tWVn5Zai ' Jr fm TSVariaaayaaaP ft-?J-r-S" ' VyPBT''-C.H-I tthJBK-fAJSrVsSl"- 9 llatli -l?faaBPAsl t-jrffflyiiiiwSMi Th two hundred machines are for sale on the above terms 100 Victors at 39 cents per day. -xmssn - 100 Credendas at 26 cents per day. T jt CREDENDA SAFETY" the cost POPULAR PRICES, wl yy fnrl l A GOOD CIGAR! cS, WraSwT pSI A, G. SPALDING & BROS,, 241 Broadway, Mew York, mock on the pleasant veranda, the muffled roar of the surf falls upon his drowsy ears like the applause of thousands, and he half fancies that he Is stepping into the ring to meet the strong boy. This illusion Is usually dlssl- Sated by the voice of his trainer requesting Im to join In a little spin down the road for TBAINXB BILLY SELAXIT. the purpose of getting up an appetite. Then he awakes to a realization ot the fact that time has not been called for tho chlet evont ot his pugtllstlo career, and patiently resumes the routine o! his preparatory work. The cottage which Corbott occupies Is about a mile from Asbury Fark. It Is a neat build ing, with a opaclous veranda running around the front. It Is the property ot V. U. Brady, Corbett's manager, and In addition to Brady and Corbett there are Ililly Uelaney. who has trained the Callfornlan for all his bnttles; Jlra Daly, Corbott's sparring partner; Dennis Dil lon, a Callfornlan, who assists In the training, and a number of servants. As a place of preparation for a physical contett Corbett's location Is unsurpassed. The barn In which his Indoor work Is done Is fitted up like a gymnasium. First is the inev itable punching bag. and the ono whloh he uses Is unique. It Is a pear-shaped leather bag. the stom end being attached to the sus- fiensorr rope. Tho bag Is about twenty-four nches long nnd three feet In circumference at the thlskost part, near the bottom. It Is In flated with air. The bag was 1m ented by Cor- srABMo r-AnTNrn jim dalt. bett, and the one now In uso was presented to him by the (llrmplc Athletlu Club of Ban Fran cisco, Corbett claims superiority for the bag by reason that a mtt Imru blow Is required to send It to the celling, and It returns with a velocity anil lorce which makes it nocossarr for tho punchor to keep on tho alert nnd brace hlniFoll. There are nnselmll bats ami balls lying around, alsoa palrof ohis. wbllo on thu t-horci ot thn lake Is the boat in which ho row. Arm and leg pulleys anil n wrist-strengthening ma chine ure fastoneil tn tho walls There are also a ten-pound tossing ball and a cannon ball, which Corbett tosses from one hand to the other for tha purpose ot strengthening his bands. The branch of his training which gives him the most vigorous exercise is. however, the handball ourt..whlch adjoins the barn on the ocean side. It is very well constructed, and not only affords splendid exercise, but also unlimited sport Corbett naturally docs not indulge every day in all the features noted, but varies thom. lie does all his In door work in tho morning and walks during the afternoon, which is direct ly opposite to tho system emploved by Sullivan, who walks in tho morning and takes his gymnastic oxerclso In tho aftornoon. The Callfornlan says that if he walked in tho morning he would feel too tired to do much work in the afternoon. Corbett has now been T083INQ THX TEN-I-OUND BALL. training four weeks, the work being directed toward strengthening tho arms, keeping tho wind in good condition and maintaining a (rood state ot health. He will not begin Ills lard work until the 1st of August, when he will put In four weeks of good, solid effort. At prosont Corbett weighs 185 pounds stripped, nnd he expects to enter the ring at between 1K5 nnd UK) pounds, while Hulllvnt hones to weigh in the neighborhood of 'JOj pounds. When a Rux reporter called at the Brady Cot tage on Wednesday morning last Corbett r-LiYiNo imnnALL. was gently swaying In a hammnok, nnd when ho steppod out to welcome the visitor triors Was prusentod to tho em a splendid oxnmplu of physical perfection nnd manly uraca. livery foa ture reflected good health and high spirits, and as a smile lit up his faoo It seemed hardly riosstblo that so good-natiirod and lino appear ng a specimen of tho human family could en- i (i ffira" " 1 'T A VABIETT OK riTfLKT MOVEMENTS. gage In tho fierce business of the prlro ring. The young man's fnco is browned, his eyo bright, amlhls llesh Is hard as a rock. Those who saw the thin, pale-faced Corbett lost win ter would hardly reeognlzo him now. except for the pompadour, the cheery voice and the hearty grasp of tli hand. He has tnken on between twohoaud Alteon pounds of flush in the last few months. There is one thing quite oertain. and that is. that barring accidunt Jim Corbett will entor the ring on Sept. 7 next In shape tn battle for his oxlstenco. Having resteil a sufllclont length ottlme after the morning meal. Corhett went out to the barn to start his morning's work. The pullino ron MUSCLE, throwing open of the gymnnalum door, nnd the nnptarance ot the tall llguro of Corbett was the Mgn il to about 'JOO persons in that neighborhood to start for the training ground. Small boys came in flocks, and gnzod In awe struck wonder at tlio pugilist. Men stunlered un to the dooi. looked Corbett oer critically, dlscussod his chances ngalnst Hnlllvnn. and nrgued pro and con at great Inngth. Tho gen oral opinion was Hint Corbett vat n lino fol low, a strong and cloxor boi-r. and they would like to see him win. but Hulllvnn's knook-out record usually caused them to shako tholr COWJITT AT TOK WHIST MACUTNK. heads. Included in the throng that watched tho pugilist at work were half a dozen ladles, who took great interest In tho proceedings. Ono fair onlookor exprmsod the opinion that "Corbett did not look at all ferocious." and sho "just hoped m would defeat hnlllvnn." Corbett's Hrst work was with tho pullors, and for hall nn hour he inndo them Rrjueuk, Wlillo tlniH onciiL-ea Daly came nto the gym nasium -and stated that tho mall carrier had arrhed. . , "Any lotters for me?" asked Corbett, as be kept tlu pulleys creaking. , "Didn't see anr." replied Daly. . . Corbett Insisted thut Ihoru must be some mall matter for him. and a further sear h re vealed four letters. He would not permit his THAT COMrOJVTAm K nAMMOCZ. ourloslty to interfero with, his exercise, hut went to the extent ol having Daly read the postmarks. . . .... , -Aftora thirty-minutes' slogo with the pul leys Corbett ceased oneintlons and took up tho ten-pound tossing ball. Daly was not In tho beBt ot form, ami tho quick work soon made him as red tu the faco as a lobstor. Ho intimated a desire to oult several times, but Corbett mischievously kept him at it for hull nn hour. The noxt thing on the programme was the wrist mnohlno. which Corbett twisted up till the hands of the spectators achod through sjmpathr. . . The lat feature of the morning was hand ball, and this gne tho young m in a phnnce to show how quickly ho enn move his 1K pounds. HoHprnng about tho court with wonderful uo tlity, nnd easily defeated two oppononts. I'olarioy and Mchols. The lattor. nn export plajer. won tho ilrst game b J1 to li, but Corbott took tho next two by 'Jl to 12 and "Jl tol) His work In these games was much ad mired. It showed hlsqulcknusaoiltotlio best advantage. His catlike movements, tnl en with his sl7o and weight, cronted general surprise. When ho bad vanquish! d his opponents. Corbett censed work for the morning and wont to his room for a rub down Then, a singular thing was noticed. Itwassien tbnt just whero Corbott had left olT. the crowd took up training Small boyt played handball nnd basoball with Cor bott's material. Men took turns yanking the pulleys, others tossed the big ball, twisted tho wrist machine, while somo with a knowlougo rNTFnETrr n i crvron'c of boxing punched the lac. When Corbott noticed II. he hinll" I and i-ald. "Oh Its nil right, llmyro nil friends of mini nnd l" .nt hem to emoj themhelves" Vhenbobai I liBOii tlK'inugh y rubbed Cor hett toi k ii hUgl 1'" t. and after lunch started mitwl hi)nli f'.rl.H regular afternoon atioll. The walk Is usually to 1 onir Branch and bank. T a mm stirt it eilly. and gradually quicken thei c. It until within n mire or two fi-mn home rVvhoii the) I rtak Into a br -k run Kl up a uniit. At night Corbott SSe to Asbury i . and a 8 u"" oa, itho boardwalk nr H ''iS'lS- ,I'o seldom coos to led until in or 10 ' o'clock, argu fngthat I f liogr t int. tlioliahlt of rotlrlng caTllerVand the llcl t on i-opt 7 did not begin until lato. ho mlcht lno a tondeno todrowsi- J Tne rEcuuAR ucIa PAa nessata time whon ho desired to be wide awake. Corbett does not believe In surf bath ing, bb hu thinks Its elTect la weakening. He doos all his bathing In a tub. Llko many otlier nthletos in training, there Is only onu thing that will cloud Corbott's sunny temper, mid that is, delay in serving a meal forwhlch ho In waiting with n vtoltHli appetlto. On such occasions torbett walks rapidly around the orunda, with his forehead wrinkled, nnd urges Dulunoy to "jolly that dinner alone." Tho qui stlon naturnlly confronts thoso who have soen bulllvan and Corbett at work. What will tho roMiltbo And this brings to light the lnterebtlug unlivery piouounceddllTereiice of opinion between hullhnn and his backers, unci Corbott nnd his sunpoiteis. That both areconlldcnt of victory llioio is no question, bulllvan's backeis seem to think t lint tlioy will tiiko the iiursit with ridiculous ease 'ihey iahe their biliif on the fuct that bulllvan is now in good health and strength, and seems certain to train Into good condition They hold that when tho champion is In form no man can withstand htB rushes Sullivan has said that he will whip Corbett in twenty BTOrrED TBAIMINO TO HEAD A LETTER VSOK AN OLD FmF.Ml. minutes, nnd that it is unnecessary for him to train vei hard for tho meeting. Corbett said to a hcv reporter on Wodnes. day: "Unless Sullivan beats me in twenty minutes. lie will never do it. bullivan'snnly chance is to winquhkl). Unless ho hits mo In the first few rounds vvhllo he Is fresh, how Is ho going to do tit I certainly will not lose my clovornoss nor strength. 1 stood olT Tetor Jackson for sixty-one rounds whon I was not In good condition, and in my present form I can do hotter than that. There is ono thing I am much pleased with: that Is tho fact that Hulllvan Is well. I slncereb hope ho will bo In tho ring in Krft-clubs condition, fur then It I win no ono can sa I dofoated n sick man, and Tnr Ei-rnnK cLtms'B nnnncnurrir. If I lose I cannot bo chnrgnd with having low ered my colors ton man out of lonilltlon." V. A. Hrndy. Corbett's manager. Mild- Wo do not claim that Corbett will knock hulllvan off the enrth, but wo Insist wn liavoan even chance Hero Is Corbott, '!? j ears old, a horn athlete. In the pink ot eondltlun, and whoso sparring Is so good that ho Ins i ever been lilt In the fnce. In tha battle with Jackson, ad mitted to be one of thu bst llchtors in the world, Corbett. although in poor form, showed KTD. great skill and staying powers. Now. who shall cn ho has no clmuco against .Sullivan I vMiocun naiiieuflrM-class man Hint hulllvan lias knocked out t in thedays when ha went around putting men to it theio wore no Jaoksons or (.'orbit Is vi hen Hulllvan has met a man of urn ability be has linil gieit dllllei,lt In wlimiii.'. Jlltcbell and hlliiln iiih ovaiuilcs. it look bul llvan sevuntr-llvo ijjuJs to bcut hllraln. GENEROUS OFFER, f A Rare Opportunity to Secure and Own Your I Bicycle on Easy I Payments. I It need not bo told affaln that the Victor I " makes the p&oe," or that the Oredenda Is I " good an fold." Every wheelman affirms I that faot, whether riding one ot those fl popular wheels qr soma other mako. fl Superiority will tell. Tho best cor- fl talnly forffw ahead, whether In bloy- I cles or boots, and theso popular ma- I ohlnes have won thetr deserved place at , I tho hoad of tho prooession because of ' I tholr excollenco over all other whc-els. I Each is best ot Its olass. Both are- I mado with cushion or pneumatio tires. I Tho Vlotor Illoycles are ot tho very I highest grade. Tho very beet matorialls I used In tholr construction, and they aro I turnod out from tho best equipped I bicyclo factory in tho world. Having I oil the latest Improvements In bloyclos, I its componont parts are porfoctly I nrrangod to secure all that Is moot I desirable In a perfect machine. It would M seem indeed not easy to find Its equal nny- I where, and consldor that this flno piece ot I mechanical construction can become your property upon tho oasy payment of 3D cents I dolly. I The Credenda Bicycle Is not as high grade fl a wheol as tho Victor. Thoy do not belong I to the samo class. But the Credenda is a I good blcyolo. The improvod 1893 model Is I superior In ovory particular to tho I model of 1891, from tho groundwork up. I Every foaturo of design and construction I Is Improvod. Look at the machine. It I speaks for itsoltwhon seen. A careful In- I spectlon is convincing proof that such a I machine has nover been produced at homo 1 or abroad at anything like the prlco. I While some pooplo can nfford to pay 39 I cents por day, evorybody cannot. It Is to I meot this class ot "Every bodies" that I Messrs. A. O. Spalding A. Bros, conclude fl to offer 100 Crodonda bicyclos on the fl very oasy payment ot 26 cents per day. fl Just think 1 Twenty-six cental Why, I it's nothing I Any little saoilflco of I some small somothlng that does you I harm possibly will onablo you to I own a flno bicyclo beforo you know it, and I riding a bicyclo doos you good. Go with- I out your cigar. Cutoff some on your cakes I and " pizou things " at luncheon hour. I Mako vour old hat do n liltio vvhllo longer. I Why, tlioro aro hundreds of items you I can dlspcnso with to help savo thoncecs- I eary amounts for such small paynionts I without fooling much deprivation. I Consider a moment, thon cull at Messrs. I Spalding's storo. 241 Broadway, quickly enroll your name, and learn the vvholcsomo I truth, how " thoy who walk may ride." I Rlavln eatily whipped Kllraln. and Jaekson Mm easily beat Hlovin. Corbett wis a irutch for I Jackson. Milllvnn Is credited with the nsser- I tlon that he would nover light a negro. He I must bavo changed his views slneo tho trip he I took after his Ilrst victory over l'addy llyan. I At an Ilernardino, Col., Sullivan met n negro and knocked him out in three rounds." When asked what time he should start for Now Orleans. Mr. Hrndy replied- "Wo shall leave the station nt Intorlaken on Sent. 3 in a special train Whether the journey will he inn to in one continuous trip, or broken by stops, has not yot been decided upon. Va shall take sufficient food nnd water ulong to last a week, and use every prccautiqsj to pre- M I I a cowtwi or th ovjiyAsrov. vent any 111 effects as a result ot the oh am e ot climate" Illllr Oolaney said that anybody who tried to whip Corbett In a hurry world run against a anrprlso party. "Corbett Is three Inches tnller than Hulllvan. and has a longer reach. He Is strong ns a bull nnd quick as a eat. ha far as Corbett's habits are enncorced, they could not he bettor. I saw Corbett and Sulli van sjmr in 3an Francisco, and, while there Mi If It 'A Xm ft JkWr Va WAVnW "-Jl Hornon or TnK otmmasiuv. was nn heavy slugging. Corbett showed nil ability to keep bis man on the jump." During tho oxerclso on Wodnosday. A. M Hill nt Now Orleans, who Is a timer for th Houthern Athletic Club, and who held lb1) watch during the meeting between Corl tt and Kllraln, arrived nnd cliattod with the puel list. "Ho mar not bent hulllvan," Hill sall. ' but Iilonotboliovo tho latter can defeat lilt ' young opponent" it cannot bs dented that Corbett leads the champion In ono particular, that is, psnmsn- lUTcnton or tits otiikasium. ship. The Callfornlan was a rltrk, In the .Nevada .Natlonvl Jiank of Han Franclsjo for six years, and ho writes a rouid. shnioiy i business hand, as the accomi unjlui; speci men fllOUK When Corbett Is not exercising he m Bn; eri'l) engaged in playing vvith No I. a nr.eni cn.'le. wiiich was named after tdJU lro, uie toucdiau. )