OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 18, 1892, Image 5

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I ' I ' T THE SUN, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1692. " '- S I
fjrk coxancss mat close its sessions
m jtt-yont: hie rinsx of avqvst.
I T Anil Option lllll the Only Meaanre
I J.lkrly 1" Delay AdJourDnts and the
I rlcnale Mar Postpone Action on It Until
I December Next-Tom Carter's Selection
I Harrison's Cnmpalgra Uuar at Hnto
I arlia lo Washington Politicians.
k WAsniKQTOs, Julr 17. Consross Is rapldlr
J .pproacliinc tlio ond of the session, and In tho
' opinion of tlio House loaders tills woolc maT
wltnefs tho closlnB sooncs. On tlio othor
liauJ. however, tlio opinion provalls among
tho majority tliat adjournment will not bo
reaehoit beore tho 1st of Au&UBt. Tho pro
oceJIncsIn tho Houso this nock will bo con
fined lamely totho consideration of appropria
tion lllls. To-morrow Is suspension dar. and
seTornl members are oxpoctlne a Blanco of
recognition from tho Speaker to onablo thorn
toras Breclnl raoasures. The bill to trans
fer tho rovenus marine servlco from the
Treasury to tho Navy Department ts
.,, of the measures slated for con
sldcrRtlon. On Tuesday at 12 o'clock a
vote will be taken on tho World'a Fair propo-
Esltlon In the Kundrr Civil Appropriation bill,
and It l probable that a llnal vote on tho bill
iinelf will al be taken on that day. The re
tort on the Investigation of the Pension Office
will bo called up on ednosdnr by Mr. Enloo.
' who hopes to have a cloturo rulo reported by
the Committee on Kulos in order to force a
vote on thoauestlonof adoptlns tho majority's
resolution that Commissioner Itaum be dis
missed. Tho Deficiency and the JortlDcatlons
Appropriation bills aro expected to receive at-
I teotlon during the latter part ot the week.
Senator Washburn of Minnesota remain!
firm In his belief that thore la a set purpose on
the part of tho loaders in the Senate to force
an adjournment iust ob soon as the last appro
priation bill has been llniilly disposed of in
order to prevent action by the Henato on the
Anti-Option bill, in which ho takes so much
Interest, which has passed the House and
only needs concurrence by the Donate to Bond
It to the rri-slUent. Ho has shown by two test
voto that thore is a working majority of at
least live In tho Sonato In favor of the enact
ment of nome legislation on this subject, and
he thinks he can set tho bill through without
material amondmont, it he can only call It
up and mako it unllntshed business. His
cnlcf dlfUculty lies In the fact that
as soon as he starts with the bill
ft an appropriation bill Is thrust in the
-A road. The Minnesota HonatorbellovoB tho an
il pounced intention of Mr. Aldrich of lthode
Island t mako a set spoeeh on tlio tariff for
revenue" resolutions ot Mr. Hale sometime
this week, to bo part ot the same policy of de
lay, though tho announcement that Mr. Aldrloh
would mako such a speech was made by Mr.
Hale when he railed up the resolutions on
Juno 28 beforo tlio Anti-Optional bill came to
tho front. Whether the Minnesota Senator's
suspicions aro well foundodornot.lt Is appar
ent that tho Anti-Option bill Is tho key to the
situation so far ns an early adjournment Is
concerned. If that bill can be postpon
ed till December nn adjournment be
tween the 1st and 5th of August Is pos
slolo and oven probable. If It gets beforo tho
Boimto as tho continuing order, with all the
apirojriation bills out or the way. thero Is no
telling how long the session may last. Sena
tors who havo voted with Mr. Washburn to
take up tho bill aro by no means satisfied with
It In Its prosont form. They will propose, and
will probably carry, amendments which will
tend it back for concurrence by the House,
and an almost Intormlnable struggle mar
thus be brought about.
There Is really nothing clso likely to delay
Congress. Tne Sundry Civil bill, even with
tho World's Fair boomerang attached, can be
disposed of In conforonco In ten or twelve
working days, and the pending Fortifications
and Deficiency bills are likely to occupy still
lees time. Tho notice paper or the Senate is
full, but "brutem fulmon might be written
over almost every suggested topic. Not one
o! thorn Is likely to be taken up except for an
hour or two's talk. Mo legislation is contom-
J listed on any ono ot them, for this session at
A meeting ot the Committee on Ways and
Means of the House will be held to-morrow to
fix a dar (or the final adjournment ot Con
gress. It ts understood that the date will be
July 26 or 27. The Committee on ltules will
In all probability to-morrow tako favorable
action on Gen. Wheeler's resolution providing
lor the holding of night sessions of the House.
3 beginning to-morrow night and to continue
during the Congress. These sossions will be
devoted to the consideration ot, bills on the
calendar, to be brought up br the alphabet
ical call ot committees.
"Tom" Carter's selection as Chairman ot
tho Republican National Committee was re
ceived In Washington with great surprise, and
by the usually best posted politicians with
positive Incredulity. Notwithstanding Presi
dent Harrison's Inability to porsuade any of
the really big men of the party to accept the
!lace. It was genorally supposed that he would
lnally get some man ot national reputation at
east. Tlis failure to do so is a source pt dis
appointment and even humiliation to the
President and bis friends, and they will not
be apt to forget that tho various Senators and
other prominent persons to whom he turned
In his hour of need refused to Baorllice their
iiersonal oomfort and convenience to become
lis friend Indeed, as the figurehead of the
Jarrison campaign.
Tom Carter Is ull right, and It may bo true,
I as lUnclo Jorry Husk has claimed for some time
past, thut thero are no lllos on him. Still, lie
does not reprosont qulto the element in the
party that the President would like to make
conspicuous In the coming light. Carter Is an
honoxt. straightforward man, a typical West-
ern hustler, and Is said to be as shrowd as he
looks. Ho has never done anything in politics,
however, to justify his reputation, except to
buttonhole men and figure up results at Min
neapolis. Mr. Carter's only connection with
national polities up to dato was In the capacity
ot secretary ot the Republican Congressional
Committee In the disastrous campaign ending
In the election of the prosont overwhelmingly
Jemocrutlo House of ltoprosentatlvus. Do
cause he looked wiso and was oloso mouthed
at Minneapolis, men say that ho is a great and
wise politician. Ho now has a ohance to provu
whether his friends are too enthusiastic.
Tho universal opinion scorns to be thut
Mr. Carter has made a most croditnble
Commissioner ot the General Land iCfilce.
his wldo acquaintance with Western inon
and Western affairs being Important factors In
his administration. His promlnonce In poll-
Sties, liowmor, is due very largely, it not en
tirely, to his friendship with Itussoll Harrison,
and It Is said that Hussell first suggested tho
Wisdom of " Tom's" nppointmont as National
Chairman. Tho plan wus received vory cold
ly at Hint, especially by tho President, who,
while he liked Mr. Carter, had no Idea that he
wus big enough tlmDer of which to make a
successor to such mor as Zach Chandler,
Murshall Jewoll. U. F. Jones. Matt Quay, and
(Ion, Clarkson. Hut ns tho wooks rolled by
and the big men of the party refused tho pluco,
Harrison was glad to tako up n man who prom
ises so woll as Carter, and who will appreciate
and to grutoful for the prominence gtvon him.
tij-itiNi: ixTELtaaESOB.
Sonrlss 44, Hun sets.... 7 2B Moourties.13 Ot
lenay Hook. 2 JC I Gor.Iil.net 1 S3 1 UaUOat.. 4 33
IArrlTcd-Scsnir. Julr 17.
t Manitoba. UriflHh. London.
eal-Ht bauipagne, Buyer. Matt.
6 Enchantress. Ilamuioml. Elo Janeiro,
fsAurnnia, Walker. LlteipuoU
r.AUska. Murriiy. l.lierpuol.
eafccnn.liu, Jvona. Hamburg,
esTanrnilna, Koch. Ilimluirg.
s Miranda, Lrsemati. Halifax.
f til) u Auvuaiu. Catherine, ritrinnah.
t. CUT uf Atlanta. Dot.. V r.t Point, V.
uuaiidut;e. Walker. Norfolk.
Wjaooke, Uoaz. Norfolk.
llor later arrival, im Pint r!M
cvTsoiaa STUMsair.
tail Tnlav.
xaiU o rMr.fn.
w'7 of Smnnah, Savannah BOO I", M,
Sail To-merro.
4'1'r. Bremt n 10 00 A.M. 1-OOP.M.
Alroiiguiti. iiiarlriton Cior. M,
cuua, Ortnaila 13.00 M, 2.00 J', M,
lacosiafl iiaAiuaira,
Blf"Li London July 1
.'"" Oibrallar Jnlr 2
fiW'oria UlatKOr , Jul 7
l.2. :!TJ Genua July 8
Jiat, of California. . .aiaaa-oar July s
55'11",! Harrs July 4
,omll'c Ltwpool , July 8
Jw 7,emliti, July 19.
J??!?'?"'1 Antwerp- July 0
cifU'r . i ..uihraliar JulJ 6
"roiAJeiandrla Havana ......Jolj-It.
w f HJ.Ju, July 10.
8I""e Ltrerpool July IS
Cii. ',-,. ,. hrem.n July I J
oll.nlW,,,l",u,, "vna ., July 17
KtiStJ';; "" Jn'y '
SK' Hremen ,..... July U
tSiS?" Uoiwroam,... . ......July 1
""" liamuurj., .;:. ;..Julf 6
BtK'."" Colon July 18
lul"n Bwantea ....July 7
.. t JViJ.iv, Ji,'k 12.
t.T,"j riirlatlaniaud., ., July 8
Jt,1''.""" Rotterdaoi .July 10
f " Hatre Julyll
Put SalurJay. July !J.
t"bri.BUm"elt "amount July 16
fit.,.;.,.' V Liverpool. Julyltl
V il lUiou '"'" Llv.rpooU ......July 18
' llrtiuo ' .V?.4"0 July 10
f, Artauo. UuU...- JeI V
aaav-..-. "'. '. . J
, XX3BX.
BACKTJM.-Oa July 18, Tlarrm Edaa. only
child ot ll.nry 0. and Harriet Daeknt, ar4 1 year
and 38 days,
ltotlet of time ot funeral to-morrow.
BJENDICT.-On Saturday, July IS. at Btld.port,
Conn., Edwin 8. n.n.dlet, aitd C yearn.
Friends are Invt'ed to attend the runeral from OS
State at. on Tueeday at 13 o'clock.
BDTI.tR.-On Sunday, July 17, at Kooky II1U.
Conn, Lola Butler, infant daufbter ot Albert B.
Fnnerat private.
CAMIINEII.-Oa the 17th IneL. at BUtaoetB. It. J,
Caroline, widow or Caarlei Caitanar. ared CO yeara.
Funeral on Wedneeday, July 30, at a r. M.. from real
dence, 138 Catherine it.
CUTTER.-On rr.day, July IB, atWlndior Lookl.
Conn , lira. Henry U Cotter.
Funeral aervlcea on Mondy, at Greenwich, Man.
EJL,HTON.-Sodd.nlr, on July 15, 1892. at Newark.
N.J Sarah, widow of WlUlam U. Eliton. aged 73
Frlenda are Invited to attend the runeral from ner
late rtetdence, 20 Chettnut it. on Monday forenoon
at 10 o'clock, Interment In Clinton Cemetery.
FARE WKATHEK.-An Sunday. Julr 17. at Mart
ford, Conn., Loulee A. Kareweather, aged 84 yeare
6 month, and 23 daya.
Hotloe of funeral hereafter.
OAI.t.AOIIll.-0n July 18. 1803, at Boonton, K.
J Lewie O. Oatlat her. aged 84 years.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the runeral from tho
reeldence ot hie father-in-law, Jamee II, llopltr,
Boonton, N. J., on Monday afternoon, July 18, at 1
o'clock, and from 43 Ttchnor et,, Mewark, Tueeday,
July 10. at 3:30 o'clock 1'. M. Interment at Ever
green Cemetery.
O LOVER. At tho reeldence ot hie father, on Satur
day, the letb tnit. Robert Ogd.n Olorer, Jr., eldett
ton ot Robert Ogdea Clover, In the 44th year of his
Relatlvei and frlenda aro Invited to hli tnneral on
Wedneeday morning, too 20th Init., at a quarter to
11 o'clock, from the Church of the Sacred Heart,
Mt. Vernon. N. Y. Train teavee draud Central Sta
tion, How Uaven R. R , at 10.08 A. X.
OODFKKT.-Oi Sanday, July 17, at Hartford.
Conn , Mary A., daughter ot Wm. J. Godfrey, aged
3 montha
Frlenda aro Inrlted to attend the fnneral from the
reeldtncs ot tho patent., 60 Shelclere at., on Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
eKOAT.-On Saturday. July 16. at New Uaven.
Conn.. Mary A. Groat, aged 83 year.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral from her
late realdence, 286 Crown it., on Monday afternoon
at 2 ISO o'olock.
HAN NON.-On July 18, 1893. at Jersey City. N. J
Patrick llanuon, aged 40 yeara.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral from hie
late reitdence. 800 Oarfleld av on Monday,
July 18. at o'clock, and from St. Tatrlck'a Roman
Cathollo Church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment In Hud
aon County Catholic Cemetery.
JHU.NT.-On July 16. 1892. at Newark, If. J., Albert R.
Hunt, aged 68 yeara.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral from hie
late residence. 82 Naeian at, en Monday, July 18, at
2 P. M and from Eighth Avenue M. E. Church at
2:30 o'clock. Interment at Koaedale Cemetery.
niJRI.nVKT.-On Friday. July 10. at Bridgeport,
Conn., Theo. Hurlburt. aged 61 year..
Friends are Invited to attend the tnneral from hi.
lata reeldence, 4 Harmon court, on Monday after
noon at 2 :80 o'clock.
KAIINVfEII.ER.-At Loon Lake, on July 17'
Charles Y. Kahnwetler. aged 35 yeara.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
HEAIlNB.-On Saturday, July 16, at Bridgeport,
Conn.. Bridget Kearna.
Frlenda are United to attend tho funeral from her
late realdence, (10 Cedar at, on Tueeday forenoon
at 8:30 o'clock, and from St. Mary'a Church at 9
KING8LKT.-On Friday. July 16. at Deep River.
Conn, Uanlah 8., wife of Eire Klngaley, in her 76th
Funeral from her late realdeno on Monday afternoon
at 4 o'olock.
JLVYOX. At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George
W. Roger. Jr., Mamaroneck. N. Y.. on Sunday,
July 17, Edward Lyon, 8r late ot Brooklyn, N. V..
aged 74 year.
Relative and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral
aervlcea at the above reitdence on Tueiday, July 19,
at 4 P. M. Interment at the convenience of the
family at Woodlawn. Carrlagee will be In readt
neaa at the Maaiaroneck atatlon upon tho arrival of
the 3 P. M. train from New York.
MEBBII.L.-Suddenly, on Thuraday. at hi reel
dene. 128 F.e.t (loth at.. Hamilton Wilcox Merrill,
late Major Second United Bute. Dragoon, aged 78
Funeral aervlcea at hi lata rctldenea on Monday,
July 18, at 11 A. M.
MENERVE.-00 Friday, July 15. at New Haven.
Conn., Annie K. B., wit of the Rot. I. C. Meaerve,
aged 43 yeare and 9 month.
Funeral on Monday afternoon at B o'clock from
Davenport Church.
MORGAN. On the 16th lDit Aiher R. Morgan.
Relative and friend, alao members ot Kane Lodge,
F. and A. M., are Invited to altend the funeral aer
vlcea at hi late realdence, 18 Weit' 60th at., on
Tueiday. 19th lnat, at 1 o'clock r. M. ' Kindly omit
HOXIIIHKY,-On Saturday, July 10. at Bridge
port. Conn.. William E.. only child of ratrtck and
Joaephlue Morrlaey, aged 6 montha.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the fnneral from toe
realdence of the parenta, 83 MUen at. on Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
MCCARTHY. On Sunday, July 17, at hi late real
dence, 843 Ea.t 77tb it., William J. McCarthy, aged
Funeral on Tueiday from St. Monlca'a Church at 10
A. M. Fleaae omit flowera.
MCCARTHY. On Sunday, Jnly 17, attherealdenco
of hla brother. es-Alderman rattle McCarthy, 16
Wait at., Maurice McCarthy,
Notice of funeral heroafter.
SfcKEI.MEY.-On Saturday, July 18, at Bridge
port, Conn., Wm. McKelbey, aged 24 yeara.
Frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral from hla
late realdence, 165 Park av., on Tuesday forenoon
at 8:30 o'clock, and from Sacred Heart Church at
p o'clock.
N EWTON.-Oa July 16, Laura P, wife of O. Walter
Frlenda are Invited to attend tho runeral from her late
residence, 103 Eaat 02d at- on Tueiday, at 3 r. M.
NOTnonJI.-On Saturday, July 10. Wllbeluilna
Notbohin. aged 40 yeara and 11 ruontbi.
Funeral from her late realdence, 78 Orchard at., Mon
day at 3 P. M.
OAKEN. Wm. O. Oakei, aged 06 yeara.
Funeral from hla late realdence, 770 2d av Mon
day, July 18. at 2 o'clock 1'. M. Relatit ei and frlenda,
also memberaof Diamond Lodge. 140,1. O. O. F.j
Warren Encampment, 79; George Washington Tem
ple, Nn. 7, T, L. of A., are Invited to attend. Inter
ment at Evergroena.
POWERr.-0n Sunday, Jnly 17, at Hartford, Conn.,
Thomaa Powers,
Notice of fnneral hereafter.
0ANFORIt.-On Batiinlay, July 10, at Bridgeport,
Conn., Harriet E. Banford, aged tio yeara.
Frlenda are luvlted in attend the funeral rrom hsr
late residence. 282 Park av. on Tuesday afternoon.
SlIF.f.r.KY.-On Sunday, July 17, at her late rear
dence, 163 West 83d at, Mary, beloved wife of
Jamva Shelley.
Notice of funeral hereafter,
SWEET.-On July 16, 1892, at Newark. N. J.. Mamie
K. Sw.et. Infant child of Matthew J. and Katharine
R. Sweet, aged 4 month, and 28 day.
Friend are luvlted lu attend thu runeral from tho
residence of par en' ., 111 Atlantic at, on Monday
forenoon, July 18. at 10 o'clock, Intertnru. private.
TAYI.OR.-Suddenly, July 18, James Edward Tay
lor, aged 28 years,
Funeral ssrvlou at the residence of his father-in-law,
Samuel L. Terhune, 170 West 10th St., Tuesday, July
10. at 3 o'clock P M, Kelattici, fnendi, and mem
bers of Chancellor Wulwnrtb Lodgo, 371, f, and A.
M Ancient Accepted Bcottlau Rite bodies, and New
York Council, 34H, It. A., are respectfully Invited.
TlOIIE.-OnJuly 10. 1892. at Newark. N. J., Robert
J.TIgbe, aou of John and LIUabetb Tlgho, aged 1
yearaud 8 months,
Frlenda are Inrlted to attend the runeral from the
residence of hla parentr, 110 Morris av., on Monday
afteruoon, July 18, at 3 o'clock.
TYl.F-lt.-On Sunday, Jnly 17, at Stamford, Conn,
A. Evllea T) ler, aged 63 yeara.
Notlco of funeral hereafter,
fVOODKVrr.-OuJuly 16.1897. at Newark, N.J.
Obadlah Woodruff, aged 66 ytar.
Frlenda are Invited to attend thu funeral from hi
late residence, 1CU Washl gton St.. on Monday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment In BloomOeld
YOVNO.-At Arlington. N J., on Sunday, July 17,
William Youug. In hle'Olb year,
Fun.ral sert Ices at bis late residencs. New Lawn av,
Arlington. N, J , on Tuesday, July 19, at 8 o'clock.
Trains leave foot of Chambers it, N. It, at 1:30
cSprrial 3JoHjJ.
CEOUS UKNTIr'RICK la the best tooth powder In the
world for ('reserving the teeth. "KErREbUINU AND
UbLimuUa," Twenty-live cent, a bottle.
Spm uMifaHoug7
fift"'1 ""Pt " Pamela," "Tom and Jerry,"
UJ "Uarmtn." Emerson' "suya." trench and
Usrmaa Duucnarl.t. J-fiilT, it.6 u tli av. ,
The most favorablo financial Incident ol the
week has unqucatlonablF beon tho defeat In
the House of Representative of the Senate
Free Sliver Coinage bill. It Is true, that evon
it tho bill hnd passed tho Houso It would
probably havo boon Yotood brthe Prosldont;
but this was not so roasonably eortaln as to
dispel all anxloty on the subjeot Political
action Is so often dotormlned by purely politi
cal motlvos, regardless of statesmanship and
patriotism, that tho Prosldont might possibly
have beon Induood to approve the bill even
though he was convinced of Its mischievous
charactor. That ho has boon spared tlio ne
cessity ot doflnlng bis position In re
gard to It Is duo to the sixty Republi
can members of the House who voted
against It and not to the Domocrntlo
majority. Everybody In tills section of tho
country Is too glad, howevor, that tho dangor
of f roo sllvor Is uvortod for tho romalnlng llfo
of this Congress to Inquire closely how tho
rosult was readied. Followed as It has been
br Mr. Shorman's bill to ropoal so much ot tho
not of July 14, 1800, as compels tho Issuing ot
legal tendor notes against monthly purchases
of 4,500,000 ouncos ot sllvor. It furnlshos
ground for hoping that wo have soon the
worst ot tho silver oraze, and that wo shall be
spared tho humiliation ot a national suspen
sion of gold payments. How closo wo aro
drifting to suoh a suspension under tho opera
tion of this act la npparent from tho fact that
somo of tho loading banks of tills ottyaro al
ready refusing to part with tholr gold In largo
amounts. The refusal is defended on tlio
ground of patriotism, but this is an un
necessary subterfuge. Tho banks hold on
to tholr hoards ot gold for tho vory plain rea
son that gold Is worth oortalnlFas muoh as
logal tendor paper, and mar very soon be
worth more Blnoo papor Is all that the banks
are bound br oontract to par their depositors,
ther vory properlr otter thorn papor and keon
their gold. Upon tho Oovornmont now falls
tho burden ot deoldtng wbother gold payments
shall bo matntatnod or suspended. Thoy mar
bo maintained for a whllo longer, but only a
spoodr ropoal of tho act ot Julr, 1890, as pro
posodbr tSonatorShorman. will provent tholr
bolngsuspondod. In mr opinion. In a vory fow
months. This is tho porll which now throat
ens us, and the dread of It more than counter
acts for the moment tho good effect ot tho
dofoat of the Free Sllvor bllL
The financial sky nlso contlnuos to bo
oloudod br the disturbances at Ilomostoad,
Pennsylvania, which I spoko ot last Monday
as having gtvon occasion for tho widosproad
uttoranco of sontlmonts hostllo to tho owners
of capital investod In manufacturing ontor
prlsos. and by othors which havo tollowod
thorn, moro violent and rot equally succobs
f ul In finding dofendors. At Occur d' Aline. In
Idaho, a disagreement between tho minors
and tho mine owners has rosultod in numorous
murdors, and In preparations, happily not car
ried out, for tho wholosalo destruction br
dynamttoof the mines and auxiliary works.
Only the arrival of United Statos troops has
avertod furthor mlschlot and partlnlly restored
order. At Homostead. tho Stato mllltla Is on the
ground In force sufficient to proservo tho poaco.
"but tho condition 'of affairs is far from
being pleasant Hero, in this city, tho cabinet
makers' striko and tho grnnlto pavers' strike
have como qulotly to an ond. but that of the
housesmlths Is still in progross.and throatens
to Involve a number ot the other building
trades. In othor parts ot the country, too.
strikes havo occurred, which, though not im
portant in thomsolvos, are yet lndicatlvo of
dissatisfaction and ominous of furthertroublo.
To tho politicians and professional agitators
who have acted as tho spokesmen ot public,
sympathy with tho striking workmen tho
.clergy have joined thomsolvos. and the talk ot
somo of thorn is to me amazing, both for the
pervorslon of facts which It embodies, and (or
Its disregard of Bound moral principle. Thoso
reverend gentlemen evldontly have no rospoot
for tho old Mosaio precept. "Thou shslt not
countenance or. as the revised version has It
fator the poor man in his causo." and. seeing
morolr poor men on ono sido ot tho dlsputo
and rich mon on the othor, jump to tho conclu
sion that tho poor are to bo upheld at any cost
of truth and logic and tho rich monoondomnod.
A favorite fallacy of the clorical as woll as of
the lar champions of the Ilomostoad strlkors
Is that labor produces all tho wealth which the
rich man possesses, and that thoroforo the
laborers aro entitlod to any sharo of It which
thor mar ohoaso to demand. Tho right of tho
rich man to make his own bargain with thoso
Whom ho employs ts denied, and hois sum
moned to submit undor thu name of arbitra
tion to outside dictation in fixing tho wages
ho shall pay. Tho fact that his capital and
his skill In conducting tho business In which
that capital Is invostod aro ossontlnl to tho
productivity of tho labor which ho employs Is
loft quite out of consideration. Bo, again, the
employment of armed guards at the Homo
stead mills has boen donouncod throughout
tho oountry, and ovon in Oro.it Britain, br
clergymen as woll ns br layman, as an out
rageous rosort to forco to 'intimidate and to
coerce striking workmen. In tho face of evl
doncothnt thoso guards nctod.it Homestead,
as elsewhore. purely on the defonslvo. Tlio
simple and cfTeotual method of doing awny
with their services is to muke those services
unnecessary. Let It onco ho established that
no violonco is likely to be committed by
strikers and tho occupation of the Plnkorton
mon will bo gone. Unfortunntelr. this point
has not yot been reachod, and tho Pinkerton
nienromnln as thor havo beon. dlfgrucoful
Howevor, thero Is no uso of grumbling at
human nature and Its freaks. Wo must ttko
It as It Is and do tho bost wo can with it As
James RtiBsell I.owoll told his British lio.irora
in a spoeclt ho onco made to thorn, whllo he
was our Minister at tho Court of 8t Jamos'B:
" When tho east wind blows tho only thing to do
Is to put on your ovorcout" Tho disposition of
worklngmen on strike to bo unreasonable and
violent, and that ot the majoiltyof their follow
mon to uphold thorn In their conduct, aro facts
which exist and must bo rocognlzod. How to
duul with them so as to deprlvo thorn ot tholr
powor for mischief In tho prosont and how to
put an ond to their cxlstonco in tho future Is
a problem for the wUe to consldor.
The controversy at Homostead scorns now
to havo narrowed Itself down to that of the
recognition or non-rocogultlon of tho organi
zation Into which tho striking workman In
tho mill had formed themselves, and, as a
consequenco, to that ot tho ability of the man
ager of tho mill to obtain enough men not bo
longing to any labor organization to carry on
Its operations. In othor words, thero Is to bo
a test of tho comparntlvo numbers ot union
and of non-uplon mon In that branch of Indus
try. Iloth sides aro confident of succoss, and
the importance of tho result, ns affoctlng
(uturo disputes, Is fully estimated by both.
Tho union and organization of worklngmen
(or mutual protection and mutual benofltis
too clearly in tho lino of tho progross of mod
ern civilization over to be abolished. It Is a
part of the tendoncy to aggregation which has
mnilo socloty what It Is, and which tins re
cently shown Itsolf conspicuously In tho con
solidation of railroad corporations and In tho
combinations of capitalists usually known as
truhts. To Insist that worklngmon hceklng
employment tdiall act onlr us Individuals
whllo the omployors urooompactly united In
corporation-! mid trusts Is unreasonable. On
tho other hand, employors nnd socloty In gen
eral huvo mauy well-grounded eomjilalnts to
roakn ncalnst tho capricious and tyrannical
way In which 'At4gmon'rt unions are oftuu
rannagod, and they tiuvo ospoclul reason for
resisting tholr pretension to monopolUo
tholndustryofthecountryandto excludo non
union laborors from participation In It. Not
only do thoy npply to their non-union compet
itors opprobrious oplthots. such ns " scabs,"
" rats," " black bheop," " foul" workers, and
tho like, but they do them bodily harm, as
thoy hare done at tho Ctuur d'Aleno minus,
and as thoy throatenod to do and would havo
done at Homestead, had thoy not boen re
strained by the military. This Is 'tho weak
point ot the labor unions, and until Q Is mend-
d thor cannot hope for oorapletosuccoss. Go
far. too, as ther aim at so adjusting the supply
ot tabor to the demand for It that there shall
never be any reduction of wages and novor
any laborer without employment they are
sooklzg to accomplish tho Impossible. Thoro
has never rot been a tlrse In tho history ot tho
world whon trade was uniformly prosperous,
and whon thero was work for every man with
out oxceptlon. Our oountry has boon wondor
fullr favored In this rospoct but wo have no
right to expoct that its prosperity shall bo
uninterrupted. To tho natural Increase of
our population we havo added yearly halt
a million of Immigrants from foreign coun
tries, and thor hnvo nil. thus far, found
enough to do to keep them at least from
dvlncof starvation, in viow of this great
tact wo can afford to bo patlont with occasion
al disturbances llko thoso which now occupy
public nttontlon. and I await without anxiety
their natural and poacoful settlement
Matthew Mahsuall.
New Tork Rtock Kxchautte-Nale nnd
JRnnge of Prices or All Hecnrltlea Dealt In
1) urine the Week Ending; July 10, 1H9.
fjrei- JMoa- Utf lit.
ttltf, JV- fit. Mt. ina.
nooou. B.4i, o Ho( IH'-M linu lulu
100OOU. 8. . r.. 116 U"M HUH Hug
1000Ala.Clas.il 10 104 liu Itn
looo Nor. Car to. 1P1U 124U ruu 2u 124W
1000Tenn.Bet. 3a 74M 74W n 74G
lOOOVa.Uadef-.T.n J Ujj eft (jjj
r. Bly. Lot Cto.
erf. M. inn.
211 Atchlt0n4l HjM NS tCH H2M
840 Atchison inc fS r.nu r.H 67
lAm.i:.ti.ss 1I2. i ltaM 112)1
BAtl.Al'ac.ln... ItltJ lull lOJJ mil
1 Alh. A Hue. en. 0. lluVi "I'M Ul4t! Hnil
1 Atch. AC. 1st .H3 K3 81 K3
BHrnoklynRLlst Ill) Jlu 111) 110
a Hmokljrn 1.1. 2d v 114 114 u
1 Bait. A Ohio 5a. 1880.. 118 113 ll.'t 11.1
U Huff. A 1'h. gni 102 102 lOi 102
3 Hur.. C. R. AN. C. T. 6e. till IHI tut w
Hlturt'. It.AN. 1st 103M 102, 102 103K
14Chlc.Alnd.Coallst...loiU 101U 101 101
2S chs. 0. en. &s 104K IOjU nvi lotu
3j7Clia.ao.itnl.4Hs.,.. 82 mjt 83
It'll. At) c.W m. 2d.. 71 71 71 7t
27Cbs.AO. U.AA. inch. 781 781 7lH 7hM
12U. A0.lt.AA.lstcn.4a. S3 8.1 83 8.1
15U..R AO.cne r, 10814 lOtiVJ 108M 10814
63 0, n. A 0.4e. Neb. ex.. 88K 88 85S
C4lCn.AtI.7e 122 123 12i" 123
15 C. II. AU.4.. I. dlv.... II4H IUH 4Ji W41,
nc'B. At. deh.8 102 102 10J 10J
lUh.U. A.N.Bs 105 105 105 105
1 r.t:.. c. A I. lit litis li'. K "OK ills
15 Can. so. lit loni 1011U 101 lonl
8Can. So.'Jd 103 103J HI.'U 1U2JJ
62 Chic. A N. 1". lat 80 80 7U 80
lUL'ln.1). Air. l.tSs.... US l'8 IW U8
1 Chic A K. IIL 1st ....UCU- 11514 11514 115
111 Chic. A B. IU.gnL6a...l0OJJ loiaj loou 101
7 Col. Coal U. 101U 102) 1U1 1UJU
tlC.U.L. AC.Co. lat .... Ulli 111)4 111) ul)j
1 C Ind.ht.K ACh. 4 U5 (15 115 85
1 Chic. A R. 1st 102 102 1U2 102
n consumers' U. of C.B. WH vli mH 8H
10 Pel. A II. I'a. d , r 142 142 142 142
lDen.ARO.cn 83 83 83 b-l
44 Det.. M. A II. Iq 4Jtf 41 42 2t
r.Kr'.e l'.r 2 112 W1W 91W
1 brie en. lat 13HW i,-)m inj.il ibh)
28triecn.2d 10IM lOVi 104H 105
HK.Tenn. 61 IMjJ ti3)i IMJ y.1M
8 Edison K. III. 1st 102 102 102 102
4K. A I'. M. 1st, P.U.Ca..l02 102 102 102
U Fl. Worth let 101 101 mux ltxi
B Fulton hi. 1st W li l VO
150,lI'irA8.A.lst.w.d. 7M V1K bH U7M
22UreenUayln 3 3 S3 33
7 Harlem 1st 122 122 12I12IM
20 1lock.VaL5s U7 V1H 1,7 U7U
4Hock.al.Us ....HI1M lOlW 101)4 101U
1 11. AT. Cent, lat 104M 10H 104t 104M
2 ll.AT.Ceilt. Oul. 4a... fl 84 .' CHiJ
48 1ronMt.la: 103 1m:J 1(I3)J 103U
4lrimMt.. Ark. B 104 KM 104 104
BIron.Mt.2d 10-iU 10HJ4 10W 10MM
HlronMt.6s 85) 8.-.) 85J h;,)J
20 Int. A lit. N. 6s. 74 74 78 7J
20Iud.Ahp.lst 120)4 120H! l-Oit 1S0M
2 Iowal'ent. 1st NU HlliJ Ml HHtl
3 Kan. i'ac. con 10UH 10i) lwli loi'lj
8(1 Kan.ATei.4. 7l, 80 TlJ 7K2
05hnn. ATex. Ids 411) "H 411
14 Kino Co. Kl. 1st 100 100 VII 100
(1 Kentucky Cent. 1st.... 83 84 83 84
8 Laclede IJaalst 82 811- 8ITi 8-1H
lUAW.H.cn.aa 114 114 114 114
HUK.AU.lat im 1HM 1WH lll
2L. K. AWest.2ds 100 101) 100 100
20Laki'tshorelst.c 120 1-211)4; 120 HMJi
10 Lake Chore 2d. r 121 123 123 123
r,L.tko Shore 2d. c 121 123 12.1 12.1
I Luu. AN, K. AS. lst..l01H lUlij 10IH llll)j
3 Lou. A N. gnl. 4s H' 811 hi) H'l
II Ikiii. A N. Knl 117 117 117 117
1 I,.ANN.f).AM,dlv..ll8t 118l 1IHU 1IHU
1 L AN..N.O AM.d.2d.l00 1011 1U1I J Oil
11 Lehlnh V. ot N. Y. 1st., 104 104U 104 KMU
3 Lo., Kv. A ht. U 6s 84 84 84 84
2Loni(lsland4s WM H4U VtU IM)
1 U. N. A. A I'll. 1st 110)1 llll)J HOU lluU
8U. N. A, A Ch.cn 102) Uliu 1U2) 102U
B4L.N.A. ACb.linl 74JZ 75 74 74M
3 Lo. ht. U A T. lat 1)4) 1144 IM U4M
MahonlnKCoalBa 108 110 108 110
3Man.lib.il. A U4s..,. 50 60 60 60
31 Minn.AM.L A. 82 85 82 85
2 Minn. A St. U2ds.. .. 80 BO 80 80
1 Wet.Kl.lst 1IHW 1UM 1M llllM
HMet. hl.2d 108t 101H 108)4 ltwM
Mobile A Ohio gnl 8.1H wsti H 1)1 lilt
1 Midi Cent. 7a 123 123 123 123
1 liu. I'ac. en IOmu 108K ltw( lu-.u
25 1l. 1'ho. col. lstns ... HlU 81K 81)2 HI)
1 Mil. Ai Nor. 1st, 11)10... 114)1 lltU 114) 114)
MAIll. A. Nor. 1st. 11118 ..114), 115 lMU 115
8MU.AUH.lst 127) 128 27to 12-1
8 Mi A I, i..Vdlr I2B 121 126 125
10 3J11.AU 8.el. 5a 10K 108 107M lot
2. Mutual Onion ns UOU 11014; J Kill HOW
2Mirxan'aL. A T. 7....l'24tJ 124)1 124)1 124ll
20 .Nor. I'nc. 1st. r. 115 1161 115 ll.'.LJ
18 Nor. I'ac. 1st, 1'. lit! 118) llil 11)1
I Nur.l'ac.Od o 1117 107 107 lu7
00 Nor. I'ac. en r, 76 75H- 75 7.1W
SShor.l'ar. AMon. 1st.... V5U u; " t)5) U7
ZS.Nurr.AU ,M A W.illv. Ill) IHU tuij H1W
6 ,N. V. A Sua. gal ikjU uiZ wil tou
1 ,N .1 1 rut c ,IUU2.,12h) 120U 12ll)7 l'2li4
12 N.J.Cent.irnL6a. r....llWi llnw HOW lioaj
2.1 N. J. Cent. -ni. 6a How inji lint liou
24 N.. Cent. 1st 125 12.1)J 125 12 ,0
IDS t.l'rnt. 'l-t 6 1IMH llltf lOKtt' lllll
34 N. Y. Cent. ex. 6s 101H 10i 101 101)1
10. S 1.1 rut. ileM. 4a lul lilt 101 lot
18.Na.il. A that 1st 1211 12U 121 1211
1-t hashAChat.cn lOoii 10) 100). lor.'f
6N. l.hL 1st 112 112 111" 111
17 Nor.lt. 11. of CaL 6s . 10IX 101K 101U JOIt,
7 Ml. 8. M. I'u. lat 10.) 10.1 liu 101
5 N. Y. A Nor.2d- 81 til 81 Ml
12N.Y,Ch.At. U4s.. 118 1.8)4 l7 US
IN. U.s.r.&a HO Hi) liu Hi)
IN. W. gold c 12lt 124 121 124
ON.tt.s t.ila l.u 121 120 ijii
7 N.Y.O. AW.lst 112)4 1UK 112), 112)4
4II.N. 1..U.A H.cn 11 10&M JOTill 10'iM 10 ,H
67 N.YO.AW. r.4s .... 8.11 H2tJ bs'J 82)2
in t i hi "p.d liai 11 ik H.sm H8M
7 Ohio Southern k-nl 8JJ et aM Hi
r.Orenoiin. t.. i .l.6s.. 71 71 il 71
16ilr -- I. ' n cu 7., 76 75 75
65 Oregon S. U its 104 lot 10 IW 101
6nUreKimliup.6s I7 BJ 7 u7
6 Oreguu Iiup, 1st 0- 101 loiU lu-iu
4lliu.Uil.t. ol.l.i.U.Slsl. u III Hit 1,0
2.11'.. C.l'. AM. U4HS..104 11)4 104 104
61'uc.of Mo. 1st v:H U.'H vm viH
14 i'i ii. a ! i ii. 2.1 nn i.oS mi bnii
J Tpo.. I) A E. 2d tin), I'.HU ,t8U uiU
2 1"eo.AE.lst i-O B) M) -0
B4 ntts. Attn. 1st Bl 81)4 8i SIM
11.01.1. .. I- I " H 81 ill -,U)4
8.-.I. Ith.AW.P.T. 6 45 411 4 40
lBKo. W.A0.SX6S 113)9 11 IW 111!? 113U
8 Inn k IHiiii.I 11a 12 ltv 1211. 121). 12 lU
R' Kock island ex. 6s 10 .) 101 luu., 101
16 Hock Island Ut.6e.... HI U ll( . tlju
.lilh.AUur.lat It84' 1 8U -lo; lOi
20HI1 a Din ilii .. '."I In) i-ii imi
13HIteadlllit;uL4 88) M 8 14 KSH
4MI Itiadlliirlst Jif.lnc 78t 7.1 7H 7KT.
68ulieadlus-:dif. Inc 7114 72) ',04 72lt
t.vs Headiu3dpf. inc 02) tilM '2U tl 2
1002 Heading det. mo IUi '201. ls;2 Vli2
101 KrailllKSd cur Ot'i fi'l( 8,iJ tliU
SlttOll.AHo.Sa tHl 84), 8U CIW
41 Him. Int.. , . 80 80J si 80,
Si SelotoVal. A N.E"4a.. 8l 82tl kiu H2
1j bo. 1'ao. of Cal.cn !' uv)3 in,! uuH
17 r-o.l-ac.of .N.XIex. 1st. 10, 101 Ills' lo,
8 Ho.fac.otArir.lst... .101 ioi loi 104
DM,1' AM I. lat ....131 125 12". 121
2bt.l'.AMa.lst.M.(!.Us.ll6 116 16 1,5
U M.l'. A.Me. con. 61 121 12' U 12 1 12 iU
41 M. P. Ma. con. 4He..lo04 luoVj luiw li)0)J
3M.I.AMn.lBl.Uak.X.llM 1IH ll'J 11M
i M. V. A Ma. 2d 1W( 11HW llHli 111IW
BKt.l'.AMa M.ex.4n. .. 87 87M 88
r,fil.L.AS.K,guU6a....lli, 1. 7 1,,7' 107
2M.I-. ltH 13l 131f)iJ 32IM 12IM
1 ht I'.iiild 1211 12(1 120 12il
11 St. 1'. 1st, UC. d 12P4 121U 12m! 12114
201-1, 1'.lst.U.A M.l'. 6s HllHi 101), lll'ljj 10 1' J
2 tit. I', con 1.8 128 127oI 121
im r 1 1. x.itli' n'm lo.u 1112U net
lus.p.irnl.4 Wit, miS mf; ig
6 H. I'. ler III ItliH 1011 10 .lj 100
1 M.IMst. C. A 1'. W, d, lllii 1 Hi lull llill
a M.l". let, M.A M 6 101)t 101(4 10 .U 0M
MM.LOUU A 8. W.lst... U7 tlTrt 87 117
31 M.Louis AS. W.2d,,.. 27 27)1 27 27
IM' It II 'ul , IOiU 1U7)I 107 107
7 ht. Jo. A 0. 1. 1st IH'4 111)1 WW 11414
22 Ff.ttleUS. AH IS. 4 U4U U4 U4U
18 M cum I' il. I1K4 Hl 1IH ti8
4H Trias i'aclfic 1st 6s ... '18 7u f.ii ',9i
22HTeaircltl0 2lu 26X 27tl 2,1)1 2741
HTol.. P. A VI n. 1st. 811 8D 8) BO
i'u.;. A. A All ' 1st 111) 111) l) no
tl Till. A. A. AN. W. 1st.. HII U8 Mil 9-1
2 Till.. A. A. A Cad. 1st . Ill U4 114 U4
61.. I!.. I. All. its, T. illv. H5 Hr, I4 ut
71 Tlil.ht.U AK.C. 1st,. UlH V2H Ik I tn
44 U I'ac. S. lis. C T, .V , HO llil ti; VB
1 I't.lolll'uc. Int. '!.. ..lll'H. 1IUIH lllllK lta4
bl'l.lirA liel 1.16a ll'.l 1113 liu" nil
21 fllioliKI. 1st llil lll.U Jill HII
int'iilmirnr.. II All, 1st 70 7ll 7i) 7i)
SuVn Mldlnliil mil ,., 'I' 8HU ;u 8)l
ICIIVlibiislilst UM( KXI lO-'.W loMJ
20 Wahash 2d l,i H'l, Mil! 8.114
in WiiliaHli ilvli.. 8. II. 1.6 8 3'. 36
4 I Veal. Union col. 6s. . HUM 104k 104 101
1V9 Wc.lHboro 4s ,,.10'2t 10.J 102)4 102)1
20 ttisthlioru 4s, reit IU211 lu.'., lu ii 1112a!
2 Wi st. N. V. A I'a lst..,lll'2)j 102) 102), lo.U
23 tt li . I.. E. A l", loat ,',4 BOn, 8t 8 1 84
Couiou 1 tt,
total sales ot rail ay bonds (par ra'.ue), $7,637,000.
flfii. 2iyi- ami. (In
Salt. i"y- '. '". "'
)0 Adams Express 14 I4li) 148 )'W
lOAIIuny A hu . ..Hhi Hit) nm liu
74 American Cable . . S'J t'l)j ml 81 U
112 Amer.llisl Ti'l 110 tl" li li)
J05 American TulMi'cniif.lOiKf llil liit nil
lllAlnrrii-ali Kires llb)j DliW lj lu
llijft American Cut, oil,,., ay 3,iU 1 m4 by
lliui American Cot. ull pf, 7(1 7U 7iiJ 74)
20.141 Atch.. T, Ah Ke, , , 3. U 3.1)4 71512 3.0,
40H Uult., Roch, A I'. , ,,, 41 11 41). 4IM 4171
2COHuH,ltocli A I' lif ., 88 BN Hh 88
nsiiialt. a 11 8. vr, tit .. cu rM :n ;m
2 Ul) Halt A Ohio O'l llil ll. DNt.
12oot'anda8outher f."M r.7M r.7'4 67M
2412 Canadian 1'acinc MH Vl). H)4 HI
ilOLVnlruli'acinc , .11 .11 wi tut
67781'hts.A Ohio.. 2. ( 2414 21U 24
lU'iChes. aoiilnlstpf. in), am uivtZ tiiM
lHII'lies.AI)lllii'2dpf .42 4. J, 42 42 k
20i)Clilr. A Ka.tlll tn ill til ill
12i.l Chic. AKaslIILpf.,,, Hl') VVH IW14 UH'i
80tll ChlcUKOUa 7D, H.-i 7Uv 80'1
I.SChlc, A Altou 160 JCIU 160 15IU
1810 l! l!., C. A nt, L 115 ll.'iM 85 IM
118C.U.,0.ASt.Uir.,, Uliu liHfj 111 115
6210 Chic. AN. W .,,..1161 Ullti 116)4 I16M
ejeosca iiwJ lojjj uiJ w32
I , "'I ,t '
- , Cfm Bifhr lav tM
tain. ma. ft. e Im
08.132 CM. A Sir.... 81 81 SIM MW
, U0 0. M. A Bt, I'. Ji 128 128 125 126
386UCn.I.AI'ao..r. 7)iM 7UJ4 7JH 7
1201'ul. en.lCo.rt. 1P7JM 103U 102 103)4
6loChlc.Junc.8.Vii!,...101 lOSll 101 102k
3il70 Colorado Coal TT, t 3U 84J4 Dot,
2i'3UCol.,ll,Y,ATo!....... 85M Sntl 85 86W
2l.lt.ol, II, V. aTol.pf... 7nH 7(iU 78 ?n
100Coromercla!Cahle.,..15tlH 1O0& ltVH 1Mb
elocititens'Oaaof U lis), 112)2 V3H H2h
MS Consolidated Oaa Co. 11B 116 115 lis
2180 0e. A Hudson 185 ISnta 133 135
6210 Del.. Lack, AW 165 157 1MM 16dU
200 Den. A R. O. pf..r 4PM 4K 411
-luolieaM.A rt.lioige... 6 6
S8SA Distilling AC. '.... ... 47M 47H ilH 4H14
I.IK.T.V.AO. lstpf.... 38 8 88 84
lWh.T.r'.AU 2d p'..... 10 10 10 10
8lKdlsonE. 111..' ,.84 8K 84 KHU
.2Wil.laDsAT.il 188 188 IB? 180
8408 Hen Kiec. Co... 107)4 111)4 107)4 111)4
iwidreen Bay A Win H 8M 8M 8M
220llt.horthernpf 183)2 136 133H 181
70 Harlem. . 2UO 20o 200 2u0
loo llnunon A Texas 3 3 3 9
4,tu Illinois central... 102)4 102K 102X lO-iif
16 III Cent, leased L... 87 87 87 87
8 Iowa Central pf 40 at) 40 40
100 Kingston A 1'ea 10 18 JH Id
800kai.ati A M 12 13)4 13 1UH
.SOOUE. A Western,.,,... 24 34 34 24
121X1 U I. AKesternpt,... 73 77 76 77
184,1 Lakebhwa 182)4 181H 131H 131H
too Lima- Island low liu low Hi)
200 Laclede ilaa 1.) IBM IU 1UM
120U.cleUel.aspf 81 HI CJOM tlOH
4324.1 luis. A Nash 71)1 11H 70 71)1
11160 Louis.. .N. A. A 0 25 26 2 242
SI83MauhattanCon 12tf 1S0H 12S4 130
1U0 Maiiui.iiu Ovitl pr.,,.102 102 102 102
15 Minn. Iron. .. 7DM 78)4 'H 7!4
66 Michigan Central 104) jo)j 104U 104)4
2726 Minn. Abt.L. , lull 12)2 10) 124
2416 Minn. A St Upt 27)4. Ct 2?U 30il
8261 Missouri I'aclno, 68 6U MM 68)4
fbOMo. Kan. ATex....... 15M lf.W 14)4 16
710 Mo., Kail. AIex.pt... 26)2 36)2 35 26
13 Mobile A Ohio 811 811 88 1
21.0 hash, C. A St. L IK) 111 1K1 IU
61'KJ.Nall.U Oil., i&H 35M 84M 34 H
1308 N. J. Central 130) ISbU 'lHO 1HU
2U28N.Y. Central 110 110V 10vH 1HH
2UU.N, Y. L'.Ahorth. pt... l&U 15)2 16 16
1 70 .Natl. H M. Co, l.tpf.l&ll 101)4 100 llilW
UMl.NatLH M, t'o. 2d pt.. VtlM WH !'(' IM
8888 Natl Cordage '...HTU 12uU 117)2 117)2
4.123. Natl. CordaKopf 11IW 114 7 111 112)1
21 10 horth American 13)1 13 4 13H l4!
1J120N. Y. ANewKng 8UH U7U 8d 38U
17 N. Y. AN. II... 24U 2411 2411 24
200N.Y.R. ASt. L., ...... 18)4 ISM 10)4 lH
125 N. Y. C. A bt, U 2d pf. 35 86 85 Si
18210 N. V. U K. A W 2IM 28M 26M 2t)U
8110 N. Y. U K. A W. pt... 83V! (14)1 118 M 114 U
6442N.Y. 8.A W., ........ 14 16U 14n 14M
700 N. Y., 6. A W. pf 86)1 tlfl .'l)l 08
100 Norfolk A Weatpf.... 44U 44)4 44) 44U
ti Northern I'aclno 20)4 20) 30V 20)4
10177 Northern facino pf. .. 662 60J 64)1 &T.W
400 Ohio A Miss 21 U 31)1 21U 21)1
85 Ontario A Mining.,... 40)1 40)1 40U 40)1
3470 Ontario A West 18) 18)2 1HH 18(2
816 Oregon it. A N 71 71 70 71
17111 1'acldo Mall S3M 84 S2M 8314
188800 1'hlla. A Reading 61.), 1) 6VH 80U
110 1'. n. W. A C 164 154 164 154
880ruU.ralaceCaxCo...lV6 1W5 1V4 11)5
2u5ritt,C',C.A8t. L pf. DIM 8M 80 UIW
200 Pitts. A Western pf... 01) 8U 811 8
loooulcksllrerpt 2i -'0 20 20
100 Kens. ar 177 177 177 177
6i)i) Robinson Mining 33 .33 .3-1 ,3J
860V8 Rich. A W, P IU Vii 714 11
2511) Rich. AW. P. pt 41 45 42$2 43
1011 W.AO...... 114 114 114 114
100M.UA8.W 8f4 7) 8K 7
730St.UA8.W.nf....h. 14)2 1M 14 14
10 8t. U AS. K. lstpf... 76 76 76 76
820 St. PaulADuluth 40 411)4 8UM 40U
6U0 Bt. Paul A Omaha..... 48 48)4 47JJ 48
860 St. Paul. M. A M 116)4 116)1 114U 115U
2232 Southern Paclrto Oi-H 36)5 8il)2 34U
2lH)M.Jo. A (I. 1 10 10U 10 10lJ
8431 Tern. Coal A Iron..... 82M 88)J SIX S.l)J
40Tol.AH U 48 41) 48 4l
832 Texis Pacific 7M 8U IM H)4
BOOToUAnn A. AN. M... 24)2 34)2 34)4 24)2
ts sTtaV toff ft,
fal". t. ", e .,
47530 Union raclflo.. ....... 88U 88M 8rtW J7K
noUnlonraelO,D.AU, IBM J Ml JjW 16U
40 U.S. Express Bl M fil J2
16 wH nt. I, r. 11M 11H 1IK H
3410 W." St. U A ltit 24 35 24)2 34)2
25 Wells. r-argoKirresa.148 17. 148 148
4UM Western Union TeU... WX 3J4 PU WM
2fCWWheellng AUK DOs! 81M fOM SlU
7W) Wheeling AUK.pt... 73tl 7411 78)1 J4
100 Wisconsin Central.,,, 1J4 18M H JW4
100 W.K.AM, as 63)J 63K 63)2 68)2
Total aalea. 704. 089 share.
Orn. Ulflf tan- Oc
tal. ! ,.. esf. e.
421MW Amer. R R. Co...... MH WH 14 iAit4
2470 Amer.S.R. Co.pt., ItttU 7K DUM 'H
665 N. Lead Co...,.,....-8U MH 84H 84W
2010 N LeadCo.pt Ill 61)2 'S W
e78Dul. s.s. Aii 11 12 10)2 11
2B10DUI. 8 8. A Athpf., S3 83U S3 3-1.
10OMex.Ntl.Con....... 22)4 22tl 22)4 2IM
700 N V Pa. At). pf. M H H . M
100 N.News AM. Vah.. 14)2 ' H UH
fOOAUce 00 .80 .80 .60
6011 Brunswick 18 .18 .14 . .18
1400Conistock T. Co 13 .13 .12 .12
800 hmerprlse M. Co. .4 76 6 do 4.76 BOO
18H0 Horn SHeer 3.30 860 S80 8 50
flnno rhrenlx of Arts. 48 .HO .48 JS7
llOOOOOAt ACb.A.Ulst.7s.ll7 117 117 lit
SlouuConstockT.Co. 4s. 1T4 17W 17) 17)4
10000 Pipe Line Cits 61)2 &') u'H "H
' Oren- J77eV ). CTam
fnltt. v. . K &.
60 Central National 138 138 188 1M
lOllanorer 3'.0 350 P50 860
84 Rank of New York 237 2S7 230 210
7onauk8UteofNewYork.ll8)4 118)4 llH)f HUH
8 Western National 120 lao 120 120
COMerchants' 161)4 161)4 15ln 1S1M
9 American Exchange... .167 167 167 167
SUNDAT, July 17.
Tho sum of tho Treasury balAticos nt ths
eloioof bunlnoss on Batunlay was $120,077,680,
an Increase as comparod with tho previous
Saturday of $1,600,157. National bank noto
circulation outstanding-. S172.730.027. Bal
ance ot doposlts to redeem national bank
notos, $20,488,085. a decrease for the week ot
$70. 67.
Btatfstlos relating to llvor bullion cortlll
entesdoaltln on tho Stock Exchnnco are as
follows: Silver bullion on hand July 10,
2.087.200 ouncos. a docroasoof 10.015 ounces
for the weok: oortlflcatos otitstandlne. 2.087.
Tho deallnes for tho week wore 5,000 ounoos.
st87K. closineatthat fleure.
Tho weekly bank statoment shows:
July ft. July 10. CSnncta.
Loans 4tlll.740.800 f482.438.O0O dee. td.751.40O
Deposits.... 6S0.730.7O0 628,802.800 dec. 8.8B8.10O
Clrrulat'n... 6,685,400 5.6511,600 dec. 38.POU
Leg'l t'nd'a. 67.6S4.50O S1.073.20O Inc 8,488,700
Specie PO.U76.200 90,0tf,800 dec 676.000
ResetTe,.tUa250,70O tl61.172.400 Inc. 1 2,1113,100)
Be'eere'd... 182,882,075 130,W86,H5O dec. 1,717,025
Surplus... $16,577,025 120.207,150 Inc t4.830.12S
The surplus a jrear ago was 118,480,076, and two
years ago, t5.702.400.
C'oni-t Calendar) This Day.
ScTuiir Couar CRAM. Motion calendar. Itos. 1
to. 10. called at 11 o'clock.
SoaaooaTa's Coubt. No calendar.
(financtale j-inaurinl.
Evansville &Terre Haute R.R. Co.
Principal due April, 1942.
Interest Payable April and October.
These bonds are secured upon all the lines of the Company as
the same now are or may hereafter be constructed; also upon all
the franchises, lands, terminals, equipment, and personal property.
, Price of bonds and circulars containing detailed information
can be obtained upon application, in person or by letter.
28 Nassau Street, New York City.
Memoranda of Investment Securities fcr tab nailed to any addrett oh request.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa
Railroad Company,
P. a Box 348. Ko. 05 If Ilk it. Boston. Julr 15, 1892.
A substantial majoritr of the holdings of thotSO,.
000.000 Income Bonds harlng assented to the conrer
alon proposed In Circular 68. the plan baa been declared
fullr effective by the Director of the company. To
aeold Injustice to distant and absent holders of Income
Bonds who have either not become acquainted with
the plan or through circumstances hare been unable to
avail themselves of It In the limit named In Circular
68, such limit Is hrrebr extended until Sept. 1, 1801.
Income bonds will be received for exchange Into
Fecond Mortgage Bonds, Class A. unttl Sept. I, 1803. hjr
the following appointed agenclesi
At OSes or Alclilaon Co..
OS Milk St., Hoeton.
HO H'war. New York City.
8 lllatiopin:ate-withln, .ondonv E. C,
Fending completion of engraved bonds. Negottabl
Certificates will t delivered Income Bondholders, to
be exchanged without unnecessary delay for the
former In due course.
These trtldcte hare been Hated on the
ritaclt ExcbanEes tn lloton, New York, and
Income Bond Scrip otany class will be received tor
exchange, the fame aa the bonds. In amounts not less
than f 100, and in even hundreds or thouaanda.
Holders of any of the bonda called for exchange, nn
der Circular 6! of Oct. 15, 1 HSU, npon presenting their
bonds to any or thcacencles mentioned, can efleel the
original and present exchanges at the same time.
Tlan and application! for Circulars and blanks for nse
thereunder can bo made of any of above agencies and
COMPANY, UJ MILK ST.. BOSTOM. By order of the
Board ot Directors.
J. W. KEINMABT. VlccPrcaldcnt.
Brunch IB Wall Ml., and U Niia.uu Mt,
CAt'ITALandHUBPLUH.. ..81.000,000
Inlereist allnwed on deposits, checks pass
through Clearing llntiae aaine AimCltv Hnnxa,
Aclsns F.xi-cutor or Administrator or hstates and
asuunrdian, Iterrlver. Hegistrar.Traiisrer and Kinaii
clat Agent for htuit's, Ac, rallnmds and lurpuratlona.
JOHN 1". TOHSl-F.MI. Frrsldent,
CIIAKI.hS T. I1AKMIY, Vlce-l're.ldflit.
Juahl'll T, UlliiilN. I'd Vlce-l-resldeuk
jnsnni s. At'i:ititt:il. Jims h Tii.xr.v
iiAititv n lioixihs, u v. uii:r.
A. KlhTKK lllliiilN-l, 1'IIAKI.Kh I' lYArMJ.t,
iioiiiiiiT ii. iii:m.-i'.s, liAYIII II KIM1, .111,
ill.Mtl IV. T MALI. Hfl.lll.KH'Kl. IIOUltNE,
111 h lllll. J. MAIIKK. I ll Altll U null.
FltKD'K L. Kl.llHIH.IK. ricriarr
J, III.MIV TOW.M.KM), WI Secretary.
(Snviuas uul;..
SAO und I'AH Hlatli Avruur,
R. K. Clllt. IIIT1I IT.
The Trustees hate declared Interest for the six months
and three iiiuntl ending June :to, lbiu, up u ull suius
frum t.1 tu 3.u0, both lucluilve, at Hie rale of
I'aiaW.' on an. I after July IK, lriu;.
Uooey deposited not later than July u will draw In
tcrcsllruuiJulv 1.
JAMLH UU1.SLAN. lreasurer.
I.EOVABD D. H IllTET I s.iIm.i,.
ir--... S t.
CAPITaL, $1,000,000.
Guarantees tho payment ot Bonds and
Mortgages on real estate In Now York and
Kings Counties.
Offers to Investors choice mortgage In
vestments, with payment guaranteed by It.
George o. William, Orlando B. Potter.
Alexander E. Orr. William H. Ingraham,
Jacob II. Schlff, John J. Tucker.
John W. Sterling, William Lummlx,
Charlea R. Henderson, James D. Lynch,
E. II. R. Oreen, Benjamin D. UloU,
Charles 8. Drown. Julian T, Davie.
Frederick Potter. Felix Campbell.
Ellis D. Wllllama.
President. Ylce-Fresldsnl
CLARENCE II. KELSBY, 2d Vice-President.
Secretary. Treasurer.
Loans on Real Estate
aro made in large and small
amounts by
Go Liberty St., 20 Court St.,
New York. Brooklyn.
Easy terms. No extras for
searches. Apply direotly to the
company and save commissions.
Bankers and Stock Brokers,
IB Wall Hlreot, Nw Tork,
transact a regular banking business. Including the pur
chase and sale on commission of aecurltlss dealt In al
the New York Stock Exchange.
f.. Million Muck Trust Certltli'atea of tun I'll Irt
hi lllill AMIMKATEItN IIAII.lt Al I'llMI'ANY. Iss led
hi' the MIMCANTILbTltOHTCilMI'tY. l.n ler the dec.
Isrill.li of tr.ist made by J. I'lKlU'OM MllKUAN.
ual.dJulv 1, IK17.
The voting trust establis'ivd bf th declaration of
trust abut) refrrred to bating expired by limitation,
the 1'rtferrrd and Cuniiiiiin hhares uf tlio lullwaf
t'l.inpaiit will bo issued lu ixctieuK'e fur the trust cer
tiumtei,, u'.'iii eurrtnirr r the latter at the urtit o ,if
TI.eMsiraiilllolri.sl l'nni any. riirlrua cjrllllcat.s
sho il.l L duly asslguel to "Thi Mervantllo 'trust
Coriisiiy lot lsue of railway stock In the nam
of "
Ull'Ih F1T7.UEI1ALD, 1'reildent.
NKW YORK, July 12. IMi
Tin: l'oi.uukun and iiimuimi
The i nil ral Trust Company of Nw York as trustea
gltrs notice that in arcnnlume v-itha certain imrt
Klie it I lie at.ove company dated til 1st day of Jaliu
ar). IhHi. it will rertltr oilers In sell the abut e de
scribed bonds al a rats not to exceed lo., per lent and
menu"! interest, the total o .r not to ex.ee.l tu
amount of 7.7nOT, Hide will be opened at the ntttc
of the t'ciitrul Ttu't i'oui.Hn of New York, hew York
city, al li o'lloik uoon i u July 2;, 1HU2.
ividcna.0 and Slntercst.
40 AND 4'.' '.YAl.L HT..
hr.W YtiltK, July 1.1 1803.
The Hoard of Directors hare ileclart-d the uaual
JuatterlrillVldend l.f ONE AND O.MMJI'AltTKIt 111,')
hll CI.NT. nu the Preferred clock of thlscoinoeiiy.
patable at thla uillce nu anJ alter Aug. 1, 1UV2. to
atockhnldsrs of record on that date.
The trausier books will be closed at 3 o'clock t. M.,
Jul 20. and reopened at 10 A M"f ug. J. IH 12.
eftonitrtol. B
The M
New York Guaranty m
and Indemnity Co., m
No, Cedar Bl. (Mutual Lifts BulldlatrJ, jflB
New York. ill
The M
Old Colony Trust Co., Jjgi
Cor. tVatahlntrton and C-onrt Hlsv, H,
BUnmutirTioN at par tub ml
Gar Company. I
Share Capital" $8,000,000 f
divided into ' HI !
i Cumulative Preferred Stock 1
of SIOO each. ., ;
30,000 Shares He
Common Stock of SIOO each. . i
All Shssrca sre Full.Piatd Slock and Nc i'
aaaoaaable. Btockholdera will have no por , f
aonal liability wlmtcrer. i ijl
The Compny begins business Sept, 1. 1803. without ?j V
any debt or liability, other than tho bonds mentioned 4, M
below. The bylaws provide that no additional mora- Jt fl
gage bonde can bo Issued without the unantmou eon jx
lent ot the stockholders. ffi lR
OOLD. W; ffi
Tb Common "Stock will be entitled to a dividend ot fi S '
IS per cent, per annum, payable In gold, after pajr , , eit
ment ot the dividend upon tho Frererred Stock, and tt J Q
further annual divldende out of tho net earning of the ' (X
Company after a sum equal to per cent, per annum 'rf
has been carried to surplus fund. iYIX a
One million dollar of the commonstook will remtn IJ jail
unissued In the treasury of the company, to provide) Vif
for the future enlargement of tho plant. 1 1 : .felllf
In addition to the above shares, M
$2,000,000 First Mort&igo S per p
cent. SO-j-ear Hands will be issued, U f
and hare already been subscribed V-M
for. ',;
The vendor and their Aaaoetafea haw 'B
anbacrlbed for aecurltloa at par to the . JHk
amount orSA.OOO.OOO. jR
The fbllowlnsr, Tlz.t iflB'
40,000 Shares Preferred Slock ($4,000,000) :''''W-
The Sobacrlptlon hooka will does on op iS4
befbre Thuraday, July 91. at a o'clock P. JsT. . 'j
The allotment will he made a soon as possible after ' '""'ISf
ths subscription Is closed. The right 1 reserved to . ' ,.h. 1.
allot a less amount than that suhscrlbod tor. and to .Tt i
close the eubscrlptlon book at any time. iJt& I y.
The preliminary payment will be made to tho hanker ' ljls
receiving the appllcatlont the payment, after allot I w&ji!j h
COMPANY, who will Issue temporary negotlabl oar. , S. jl II
tincatea It the tngraved atook oertlflsate axe not 1 j
ready tor delivery. . 'I li j
I iA'M
Euhscrlptlont will alao b received by th foUowlBa; iiifil
Banks and Rankers! .tJW
Messrs. L. II, TAYLOR A CO.. Philadelphia. f ; M
Application will he made to have the M1 .'t"'5i
curltlee Hated upon the Net- York fltoeai ' , Vlli
! '?in
$ ' J
COUNSEL! ' 'W ; '
HON. JAMBS MCMILLAN, Detroit. . Former ' il''
UVOU MCMILLAN, Dstrolt, I Offlcer and .. M ' ','
WILLIAM C. MCMILLAN, Detroit, I Director -"il i
FRANK J. IIECKER. I of th Jgf ? j
CHARLES L. FREER. 1 Conolldtcl JMf V
WATSON M. FREER. ' Companlea. 'J ft
HON. RUSSELL A. ALOER, Detroit, Michigan. ASn '
(JEOROE R. TURN BULL. Second Vice-President Saw -3ff V
York Ouaranty and Indemnity Co . New York. - SW-tIBi
EDWARD F. LAWRENCE. Director of th mm I'' 3?)
Jsatlonal Bank. Chicago. i'H&
Thl Company will bo Incorporated for th purpoae of 111
of taking over and carrying on th buslnss of all et ,Ji MM
th following Companies! '&&WM
The Michigan Car Company, ot tM
The Peninsular Car Company, j tttnt. Wi
The Detroit Car Wheel Company. V MlohV ( ' J
The Michigan Forge and Iron Co., T''' tfl!
The Detroit Pipe and Foundry Co., ,UL '';1,
The Company acquires, free of aU encumbrance, the 'i Xj!
property of the Ove companies. Including th real .' "'ill U
estate, hereditaments, premises, the llied plant, ma Vs!rg
chlnery, and also the good-will. Th buslneal will ', '1tj
continue under lb existing staff management. '' 'ill
The real estate, working plant, 'jrf
machinery, and ap'pUances UM
have been appraised at . . $5,605,787.47 &W.
And the cash assets at . . . s,279,00a0O i 4K
HENRY a LEDYARD, Esq., President Mlohlou 'M'
Central Railroad Company, Detroit ! ;' ii
ALBERT ANTISOEL, Esq., General Manager 'dfj
American Express Company, Chicago. 'tjj n
I. F. BARNARD, Esq., President Ohio w M
Mississippi Railroad Company, Cincinnati. ' ;M
W. J. LIPPINCOn, Esq., President Cincinnati 'M
Union Stock Yards Company, Cincinnati. ?ffl
Thtbookiof and accounts of th compact hare ifl
beeneiamlnedhy Messrs, Barrow, Wade, Outhrl 4t H
Co, chartered accountanta of London and New York. OT
whns report Is given herewith. , fln
NO 13i BROADWAY, NEW YORK, June 2. 188X Hil
edwin Packard, esq. Jj
President New York Guaranty and Indemnity Company. .hi
hli Cedar Mreet. New York. tf
DEAR RIRi We have examined the books and aoconnta 4r
of the Michigan Car Company, the Detroit Car Wheel ff
Company, the Michigan Forge and Irun Company, and (h
the lletroit I'lt.e and Foundry Company for four year y
and nine montha ending Itoih Septemtter, lHtil, and iV
the Peninsular Car Company for nve yeara eudtng lie tj.
rembermst. IhUl. VSennd that the net protlts of $.'
these Companies as shown by the hooks tor the above Jt
feriod, after charging all manufacturing and admlnis IT
ration expenses, all ret.alrs and renewals, depreoia- ff
tlmi of plant and machinery, and salarlea. amount tv ff.i
A.itaa,Uttf.U7, or a yearly average prudl uf MMaV It!
U7U.UU. Ul
Yours trutv. JCt
The praent net rnralnsie ran be closely Bvl
approslmutrd, nil care nuinuraelureil up to ij
the prevent lime, as well h ull uovr under jfl
construction, belnic aold. A careful cellmate M
sliuns that they are at the rale or asl.lOO,. JH
OOO, which, niter iulnc the Interest upon U
the bonds, H I'lUC ( i:."l', upou the pro jM
fcrrcil el.ich, la PER I KNT, nu the coo. VI
mon etoek, uud rarritnic 9eO,oOO to the 4.SV
surplus luod, leusca It l'Eit I'.NT. applU ,:)
cnble to further dividends upou the oouiiuoa g, m:
stuck, nJI'j
Blank forms of application may be obtained from, 'Jt'
and subscriptions will be rccelted by, any of th m
Hankers. ,
Applications may be made by telegraph and followed S
hy letter containing chenuo fur tsu peg ctabottM ' -Mfl
tnunt thereof. - I ' 'vB
'UMJULY.lUSa, 0 '
:.; , .Aft.t, , t... tfJat I A,: -MiY-igifj

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