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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 05, 1892, Image 1

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J iTa iso." w 1 "iSsfcSESIS' W 4 IT'S SO."
Millionaire, Aadrew J. Berden or Fait Illver
Hal Jnet Returned from the Bnnk and
' "ITaa Lying; oa Lounge la HI Sitting
iBoam When aa Aesaasln mipned In aad
ntraeh lllnirllhw Am or CITip-Hr,
Ilnrdfa Was Up Hlalrt and Was Mur
dered hy the Rum. Inatraaseat The Bad.
It Slacevered hr a Ilatithter 'Who Ilnd
Dnh Out oflao llonao Only a Few Mln.
atee-The Servant Vg. Blalra neard No
NoUe-AII Annuel of Kecape Covered,
lint NoTrnce of the Murderer Secured.
FaLtllrvEn, Aug. 4. Andrew J. Borden, the
millionaire mill owner, nnd hi teed wlfo were
murdered In their homo to-day Just before
coca, and although thore were othor members
of the family on the premiiei at the time, they
beard no sonnd, and the murderer eicaped
without leaving a clue, so far as Is known, al
though his clothing must hare been covered
With the blood of his victims. The boldness
of the crime and tho utter absence of anr ap
parent motive make It the more myttorlous.
At 11 o'clook Mr. Borden was lying on the
lounge In tils sitting room reading a nowt
paper. He was seen by his daughter. Lizzie,
at she passed through the room on her war to
the barn to get a pleao of Iron with whloh to
mend a flower pot The servant. Bridget Sul
livan, passod through the room at the same
time with a pall of water In her hand. Bhe
wat on her way to the seoond floor to olean the
Borden was In hor room over the
parlor, changing her dress, preparatory to
making a visit to sick neighbors. FIfteon
minutes later Miss Borden reentered the
house, and when she stepped through the
doorway Into the sitting room she saw hor
father's body, horribly mutilated nnd lying in
a pool of blood by the side of the lounge. Bhe
was overwhelmed at the sight Then she
creamed for help. Bridget Sullivan was
washing a window In a rear room, but she
lost no time in running to Miss Borden's aid.
Mrs. Churchill, n neighbor, also hoard the
cream, and she hastened to the house. She
entered the house by the front way. and the
servant oommanded all approaches to tho
bouse from the rear, but neither saw any one
leaving the house. Miss Borden thon called
for her mother, but received no response. Bhe
ran up stairs to her mother's room, and faint
ed whan the opened the door.
Her mothor had boon murdered In the same
brutal manner, her skull being orushed In by
tome heavy Instrument apparently an axe.
T Mr. Borden had been brained by the back of
I - the axe. and. In addition, had been hacked
f With the sharp edge until his head was ohop-
I ped to pieces. Both rooms in which tho mur-
I dert had been committed were bespattered
I With blood, but showed no signs of struggle
I No attempt at robbery bad boon made. Who
the murderer was. why he committed the
ortme, or where he went to, are the questions
Which the police would like to solve, but thus
far they have found nothing that can help
them. They have arrested three persons on
, suspicion, but the only suspicious circum-
Stanoe albout them was the fact that they
Iwert teen in tlfe neighborhooiabout the hear
Of the murder.
Mr. Borden was a very large owner of real
J estate In Fall River. Mr. Charles a Cook was
fcla agent collecting his rents, and yesterday
paid to the old gentleman a large sum of money
from his rentals. He made regular deposits
in the Union Bank and never paid any ac
counts except by check. ,
He left home as usual about 0 o'clock this
morning to take his deposit to the bank, and
called at the Dnion Savings Bank at the same
time. He was shaved at his barber's. Pierre
Ledue.at0:33o'olock. At atout half-past 10
bis deposit was received at the Union Bank,
and he went from there to his home, arriving
about twenty minute of 11 o'clock, and going
fnto the sitting room to recline upon the
lounge and read the newspaper.
Mr. John N. Morse, hit .brother-in-law. went
out about the same time Mr. Borden, did, and
Mrs. Bordensald as he passed out: "Good
1 morning, we shall expect you back to din-
Mrs. Borden went up stairs to make the bed
In which Mr. Morse slept in the bedroom In
the front of the house.
The houso faces the west On the north side
Is tho arbor and in the south is an entry, with
. ttalrs leading to the chnmber in the second
story. Back of the parlor is the sitting room
Where Mr. Borden wcHfteadlng.
The lounge upon which he lay was against
i the partition separating the dining room from
tho kitchen. A back entry leads from tho
kitchen to the yard. In this back entry are
the back stairs. The pantry Is rtlroctly under
these back stairs and the door loading to the
It Is' now the presumption that the nssassln
Was concealed In thisoollarway.dlroctlyunder
the back staircase, when Miss llordon passod
out to go to the harn. It is the theory of the
police, and it seoms well substantiated by all
the evidence, that as soon as the murderer
found the coast clear he stole through the
kitchen. Brldsut Sullivan being un stairs, and
passed into the sitting room, where he found
Mr. Borden.
In the opinion of Medical Examiner Polan,
Mr. Borden was killed with one blow. There
wasia horrible gash, cleaving the skull and
penetrating to the brain. This cut passed di
rectly ecroits tho right eye. There were one or
two detached outs higher on the head, but be
' ' lleved to be made by the same blow.
It would uom npparunt. however, that for
tome cause or othor Mrs. Borden's attention
was aroused, and probably she started to come
down the front stairs from the parlor chamber.
The assaMn. (hearing hor movements, and
knowing thatihe must have no witnesses,
rushed up stairs with tho inBtinct of self
preservation. She probably ran back to, tho
chamber sho had just left.where two windows
open directly upon tho street Bhe passod
through the entry door round a. bed
that stood out in tho middle of the
floor and was struck down between the bed
, and tho bureau. Her skull was split open at
1 ono blow, just as her husband's had been.
There was no sound that anybody heard un
til Miss Borden's cry ramo ringing up the back
fairs to the servant girl in the attic. a
Mrs. Churchill, who responded to the daugh
ter's scream, lives not more than twenty feet
from tho sitting room window. The murder
could have boon seen from her sitting room.
. , As soon as the police were notltled of the
murder Marshal Hilllard placed a cordon of
police around the house and allowed nobody
to enter, although hundreds crowded around
1 tho premises. The officers made vain search
for traces of the murderer. ,
Whoever he was, be doparted as stealthily
as he came. Bearch was also made tor tho
-7 weapon. No less than two axes and two
hatchets weie found in different places, but
not one of them boro a trace of blood.
The peculiarity of the cuts seemed to indi
cate that the weapon was a cleaver, but no
euch article was to be found.
The remark of the servant girl. "It must
have been the Portuguese." gave rise to a story
which Marshall Hilllard says be has proved to
be an Idle talc, which was that a Portu
guese who had been at work on Mr.
Borden's farm in Swansea, across the river,
had been discharged, and had come hack to
tho house demanding his pay, and had mur
dered Mr. and Mrs. Borden.
Marshal Hilllard says Hint there was not
"i any Portuguese that can be found who worked
r for Mr, Borden or who had recently been dls
' charged.
Some of the neighbors saw a man, whom
they took for a Portuguese, walking up and
down In front of Mr. Borden s house, but the
Sman they describe as a Portuguese is a
Hweede, who has worked for years on Mr.
1 Borden s farm In Swansea and who
was his foreman thon and highly trusted by
all the family. He proved satisfactorily tothe
police that he was not and oould not have been
In Fall Itiver and that he had not been out of
hit house. Ho had no quarrel with Mr. Hor
den. who thought very highly of him.
The first man arrested was John Joseph
' Maher. He was found by an officer In the out
skirts under a otr on the hew Boston road,
lie was considerably under the influence of
liquor, and was locked un. .
It was found that all lie knew of the case
was what somebody had told him, Maher was
locked upon general principles and held for
drunkenness. Two suspicions peddlers of
jewelry, which they were ready io exchange
for old clothing, were overhauled on il.iy
tiro!. .....
They were In a side-bar ton Imggy.anri were
arrested on suspicion. They told two differ,
1 ert atoiies, stylus atonotimu that they had
come from Brockton direct, and nt another
they stopped In Taunton last night and came
to tall ltivorthlt morning.
They were arrested about half past 1 o'clock,
and the pair were located in the vicinity of
Sooond street this foronoon ns early ns 10i40
o'clock by the police. Those are all thopollae
have under arrest
It Is said that Mr. Borden hnd natorofor
two months in thelDonlon block, nnd that an
out-of-town stranger called on him about two
weeks ago nnd wanted to rent It that Mr.
Borden said: "No, I'll not let It for
what is presumably 'a liquor store' and that
thero were words In ooneequenee. Mr. Bor
den wna hoard to say to the man; Call and
sco mo ncxttlmo you come to town."
Tho man went olT. Blnoe then tho store has
been let to a Fall Iilvsr itrademnn. Mrs. Ifor
don was present at the Interview of this out-of-town
strnngor. and tho theory Is that if ho
killed Mr. Borden he must have romeraborod
that Mrs. Borden would recall him, and would
be dnnirorous in a trial. The police are wntoh
Ingthn brother-in-law, Mr. Morse. It is strange
that. If robbory was tho motive nothing was
Andrew .1. Cordon was a member of the fa
mous old Fall Klvcr family. Hewas a son of
Abraham Borden, and several years ago was
the head of the old firm of Bordon A Almy in
the furniture buslnoss. Investing hit money
later In roal estate.
He was President of the Union Savings Bank,
a director of the B. M. C. Durfee Safe Deposit
and Trust Company, and identified with the
Central Congregational Church. He was about
05 years old ana his wife was about 00.
Life la a Bib Boarding House Disturbed by
OaaorTkeae Crcaa nnd Gold Birds,
An ambitious and handsome green parrot
with a scarlet neok and gold ear marks Is en
gaged In torturing the sixty or sovonty-flve
lodgers in the Judson apartment house In
Washington square just now. It has been at
the work for the past two weeks.
Back of tho Judson. fronting on West Third
etreot Is a large tenement house, and tho
parrot belongs to a family living on one of tho
middle floors of the building. The bird Booms
to be dying to talk, but to have no one to teach
It to do so. Its coco stands on the back Are es
cape by day, and tho only sounds it hears to
Imitate are the whines and barks of a pet dog
belonging to the same family. These sounds
the bird has got down very fine, cspooitlly the
shrioks, whloh are of the rasping, blood
curdling type.
Dog and parrot battle continually at bark
ing and shrieking and whining. But it is at
dinner time and on the qulotof the Sabbath.
the boarders In the Judson say, that the noise
Is the most terrible.
Some of tho boarders have determined that
tho parrot must go, others are considering tho
proprloty of petitioning the Board of Health in
tho matter, and still another party, it is said,
aro loading up with bootjacks and the like for
next Sunday.
Inquiry at 87 Third street, which Is the ten
ement back of tho Judson. doveloped the fact
that it family namod Shields, who live in tho
second floor roar room, own the parrot Tim
family wore all out of town laBt night except
the parrot That intelligent bird answered the
reportor's knock at tho door with a disoordnnt
shriek, followed up by a vollor of sounds that
compritod all the distinguishing vocal char
acteristics of that neighborhood. The other
lodgers In tho house at 87 Third street are
nover disturbed by tho parrot whloh thoy say
Is a woll-behavod bird. He never swears, but
on tho contrary, he is rollglously inclined.
Some of tho people in the tonemont declare that
they havo heard him try to sing hymnson Sun
day, which day ho seoms to recognize as being
out of the ordinary. This is probably the rea
son that tho lodgers at the Judson complain
particularly of the noise on Sundays. The
tenoment people all are on tho parrot's side.
Tbe Stlns Foleoaed Kenuy'a Blood and the
JnBaraneatloa Killed Him.
Peter Kenny died yesterday, at Bellovue
Hospital, of what he believed waa a mosquito
ilte. It wasn't a Jersey mosquito either, so
far at he knew, but just one of the ordinary
Harlem kind. Kenny was GO years old, and
had raised a family, but for some nlme he had
been living apart from them at the Empire
lodging house. 2.2G0 Third avonue.
About ten days ago something bit him on
theoheek. It made a swelling like that of
some ordinary bug. and he rubbed and
seratched it The next day tho swelling was
bigger and mors inflamed. On the morning
of the third day it was eo bad that Kenny got
alarmed and went to the Harlem Hospital.
The doctors save him a lotion and asiurod
him he was all right or at least nearly so.
They were mistaken. The blto got worse
and worso, and when he went back to got re
lief they sent him to Beiievuo. Ho was uncon
scious when he got there, hut the next day lis
got a little better and told Dr. Van Loan about
the mosquito. The inflammation finally ex
tended to tho tissues surrounding the brain
and produoed meningitis. That killed him.
About three years ago another putlent died
In Bellevue of a. mosquito bite.
Culmination of a Jtons Tight for the Coonty
Beat In Charles Coonty, II d.
Foot Tobacco. MJ.. Aug. 4. Tho Court
House, which Is ono of the oldost buildings in
the State, was fired early this morning and
complotely destroyed, togother with the
county records nnd papors. many of which
woro very valuable. The fire was the work
of an incendiary, and Is tho culmination
of a fight of years' standing. Port To
bacco is the county neat of Charles county,
nnd repeated efforts have been made to
effect a transfer to La Plata, which Is a most
thriving town. Tho county divided into two
factions and carried the light to the Legisla
ture. An act making tho change was passod
in 1800 and vetoed by the Governor. Again
in 1RS2 an act was passed, submitting the
question to the people of tho county, and it
wns defeatod by a large majority.
Determined to ootnpol a change, one of the
T.a Plata faction set llro to the Court House
in the hope that the eounty would accept a
new building In La Plata, built at the expense
of tho residents of that place, rather than
build another at the county's nxneuse. A bit
ter feeling now prevails, nnd If the incendiary
Is caught he will be lynched.
A New York Company Trjlnc to Build a
Bock Next the Old Ferry Blip,
A New York syndicate recently purchased
the old shot-tower property at the foot of Canal
street Stapleton, adjoining tho old ferry dock
of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Company.
The syndicate propose to erect large buildings
to bo used as Unseed oil works. On Wednes
day the work of driving piles for a dock to ox
tend BOO feet out into the bay was begun. The
now dock adjoins tho old ferry dock, and. If
built, would render tho landing uueloss to tho
ferry oompany.
Superintendent Charles Kohlor, with a orew
of men, board od the ferryboat Westflold, and
at 2 o'clock yesterday morning visited tho
scene of tho dock and torouo almost 100 feet
of the piles which had been driven. Later in
the day the ferry company raoorod the North
field at the dook. which prevented the Now
Yorkers from driving any more piles. Tho
Staten Island Rapid Transit Company have
applied to the Supremo Court for an injunc
tion to prevent the syndlcnto from building
their dook within 100 feet of the ferry dock.
Xanene Vincent Aaeanlted on Nurf Arcane
and Badly IVoundril.
Eugene Vincent, managor of the tutti-frutti
penny-ln-the-slot machinos nt Conoy Island,
was assaulted by two footpads on Surf avenue,
about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Vincent
had been drinking nt Kuhn's Hotel, and had
displayed about $12f In bills. Upon leaving
the place hewas followed by two men. who
knocked him senseless. Deteetive James
Boyle saw the assault and ran to Vincent's ns.
f-lEtance. The footpads ronde their escape in
the darknors without securing the money.
Vincent was taken to Police Headquarters In
a hack, and restoratUes were administered to
him. He had on the right sldn of his head a
long wound that looked as if it had been made
with a blunt Instrument Vincent says tlut
he would be unable to identify his assailants.
Itcetpllon to Port Warden Iealiy,
Little Fiixs. Aug. 4,- About fifty of the
prominent people of the county of Herkimer,
irrespective of rartr, tendered Port Warden
I)anll M. Leahy a reception this evening at
the Metropolitan Hotel in this village. A lino
vntoti w.is served, nnd the occasion was en
livened hv songs, speeches, and orchestral
miKle. Mr L-aliv staited for New York at
midnight to ns'iiine his duller. The hiM
vtliei.of hiit host off i lends Hciuiupany lilru.
. .
To.TJay Ihe Btate Committee Meete-Tatk of
RnTna W. Peekham tar Chief Jiidee of
the Court of Appeals Duly Annexed.
Chairman Edward Murphy of tho Domocratlo
Rtato Commlttoo cams to town from his homo
in Troy yovtorday. He occupied his old quar
ters In tho Hoffman House, and last night
nmong his visitors wero lllclinrd Croker.
Lleut-dov. Shcohan, and othors. Tho Stnte
Committee Is to meet nt tho Hoffman Houso
this evening at 8 o'clock. Tho oommlttoe has full
power to norninato the Domocratlo candidate
for Chief Judge of tho Court of Appeals. This
will be the Important buslnoss of the commit
tee. On this question thoro wore conferenoos
between Chairman William F. Harrlty of the
Domocratlo National Commlttoo and Mr.
Murphy, Mr. Croker. and others. Afttr these
talks It was stated that the chances wero In
favor of the nomination of Rufus W. Peckham,
at pressntan Associato Justice of the Court
of Appeals. Judge Peckham was elected to
his presont place In 1880 with fourteen years
to serve. Ho Is the brother of Wheeler IL
Peckham, well known at the shining light of
the People's Municipal League and la a son of
Rufus W. Peckham. who was olocted to tho
Court of Appeals bench in 1870. and who lost
his life when tho steamship Yillo du Havre
wob sunk by the Loch Earn In November
1873. It was on the slate last night to nomi
nate Judge Peokham for Chief Judge. This
may be changed before sunsot to-night The
out-of-town members of the Btate Committee
began to arrive at the Hoffman House last
The meeting of the National Campaign Com
mlttoo, called for the purpose of electing a
Chairman, wat a todlous affair. There were
Siresent besides Mr. ilarrity (who had power
aseleat the Chairman without the aid of his
brethren on the Campaign Committee)
Senator Brlae of Ohio, Senator Gorman
of 'Maryland. Llout-Gov. Sheehan of New
York. Bradley B. Bmalley of Vermont
Senator Ransom of North Carolina. B. T.
Cable of Illinois. E. 0. Wall of Wisconsin, nnd
Joslah Qulncy nt Massachusetts. Chairman
Harrlty oponod the ball by euggesting that ex
Secretary William C. Whitney be added to the
committee, nnd his suggestion was well re
ceived. So Mr. Whitney was made a member
of the Campaign Committee. Mr. Wall then
nominated the Hon. Don Manuel Dick
enson for Chairman of tho Cam
paign Committee. This nomination was
made because Stnator Gorman refused to
take tho placo. Senator Ransom seconded Mr.
Wall's proposition and Mr. Dickinson was
unanimously elected.
Mr. Dlaklnson was Mr. Cleveland's Poit-mastor-UeuuTal.
He is a handsome man. with
auburn sidowhiskors. and a springy step. He
is a woll-drosscd man, a line hnndehnker. and
none will havo trouble In donllng with him.
Senator Gorman after this nominated Col.
Bradley B. Smaller of Veimont as Socretary.
Col. hmalloy is to be the Democratic candi
date for Governor of Vermont this fait Al
ready his friends from the Green Mountain
State address him as " Governor." Col. Smal
loy wns unanimously elected Secretary.
Mr. Harrlty and his brethren of the Cam
paign Committee then authorized the appoint
ment of a sub-committee to soloct the men
to be employed at headquarters. William F.
Parker, u wrltor for tho Mail and Exprest una
tho 1'fi'is. wus appointed auditor.
Mr. Parker's duties aro to audit tho bills for
stationery. William Duff Haynle of South
Dakota was muda superintendent of the Bu
reau of Information. "Franois" M. Duffy was
made messenger. This Is tho redoubtable and
Honorable Frank Duffy of Duffy's Castle, Fort
Mr. Duffy Is an ornament to any organiza
tion that his serene politloal wisdom In the
last score of years has teen at to tie htm to.
He is now the Domooratlo feature of Mr. Har
rity's headquarters.
Brodaky IXeaVe that the Z.eft-ont Repakll
ean Districts will Orsenlxe.
It was so warm ovor on the east side last
night that many of the members of the John
A. Logan Club came to the monthly meeting
In their shirt sleovos. Theodora F. Ruhle pre
sided, but John Everywhere Brodsky. who had
come down from his Harlem home, tat 3n his
left hand and conducted affairs. After the
members had been notified that the Treasurer
was there for the sole purpose of receiving duet
Mr. Brodsky made a speech. He said that
tho club was not getting along with tbe rapid
ity he liked to see. and he askod the members
to hustle. Mr. Brodsky, Sam Engol. Chairman
Ruble, and Frank J. Martin were made a com
mittee to call on Mr. Whltalaw Raid and notify
him thattho club had done itself the honor of
naming a battery nftor him.
Chairman Rubin announced that Chairman
Hackett of the Republican Stato Campaign
Committee hnd been Informed thatthoifriends
of tho club who lost their places in the Federal
departments through tho connivance of Leader
Bchurmunn had not yet been reinstated. Ao
cordincto Mr. Ruhle. Chairman Hackett ap
peared tolbe vory much astonished at this.
"What I not yet?" hois said to have asked.
" Not yet" the committee solemnly informed
Then he It alleged to havo said with great
earnestness: " Well, they have got to be and
we will look into the matter Immediately."
The members cheered this information.
After tho meeting was over Mr. Brodsky
told tho reporter: " I have reason to believe that
the Republicans who were formerly members
of tho organization In the old Nineteenth and
Twenty-third dlstriots. andlto whom n repre
sentation in the County and L'xooutlvo Com
mittees hns been denied by the County Com
mittee, have rosolved to organize thomselves.
They are determined not to lie oontrolled
by organizations in alien districts, and will
build up Independent organisations of their
own. If this in done it will cause trouble and
put the county machine In nn unenviable posi
tion. Patterson's scheme to makn no change
is a bnd one. and tho evils that will result from
it will be far-reaching. A prominent Repub
lican told me to-day that he feared the Polloe
Board would refuso to recognize our Inspectors
of election, on the ground that we have no or
ganisation in six districts. Unless there is a
thorough reorganization of tho machine we
will lose this State in Novombor."
The Graee Party Btarta an Anti-Tammany
Orsanlaatloa In tbe NlneteeatlH
Tho mombors of tho "Provisional Stato Com
mittee "gave proof last night that they were
lnearnostwhon thoy said that tho campaign
In tills county would be conducted by them
irrospectivo ot any othor organization that
might oxlst
They said thoy would see that every district
In tho county was provided with n provisional
organization which would supervise the cam
paign In that district and take care that the
full Domocratlo vote was brought out This
work was begun last night by the organization
of tho Democratlo Campaign Club In the new
Nineteenth district Tho meeting was bold at
0H8 hlghth avenue nnd was largely attended.
John J, Dutler presided at last night's moot
ing. Henry do Forest Baldwin was chosen
excoutlva member, whloh makos him the dis
trict leader of the Provisional Commlttoe.
Mr. Baldwin thanked tho meeting for the
honor It had dono him and urged the mem
bers of tho club to work with all their might
for the success of the national tloket He said
that the objsct was to create a strong antl
Tammany organization.
Niweit of tho Indlaa t lube.
Henry C Miner, the loader of the new Thltd
Assembly district Tammany Hall organi
sation, has notified all the members
of the committee from the old Eighth As
sombly district to assemble this evening at
the rooms of the Comanohe Club. 207 Bowery,
for the purpoe of reorganizing the General
Committee. Although the club house will not
he thoroughly flnlshod, the Inrge meeting
room and the nxecutlvo room will bo In readi
ness. The Comanohe Club is the name of the
new Democratic club of the Third Assembly
district Mr. Miner Is President The club
will haven house-wafmlng later on. and will
unfurl a banner across the Bowery.
Sir. Cleveland Ileara From Got, .Toaee.
Buzznn's Bay, Aug. 4. -Mr. Cleveland lias
receive 1 a despatch from tho Hon. Thomas B.
Jones, who was elected Governor of Alabama
oukst Morula), which snvs that the result of
the election in Alabama shows that the Item
niTAtla paiti has nothing to fear from any
third-party mot euient in the South this ear.
- ' -
TVhltelavr Keld to Confer with nira-Pret.
deat Marrlaea Mnr See Him Later.
The Republicans at tholr headquarters at
C18 Fifth avonue had a quiet day yesterday.
Chairman Carter sent out n circular letter
catling on tho Chairmen of all Republican
Btato oomnilttees to back up tho work ot the
Republican Loaguo clubs. In his lettor to the
Chairmen Mr. Carter snys:
Your ip.elM attention la invited tn the c&ll Issued
by otn. CUrkton for a mtttlnr ot alt Republican
Leigue clnbi in the United Rtte, at thtlrTenpectlre
eluti rooms or places ot meetlnc, between the hours
et 7 anil 8 o'clock, en Tuesdsy eenlnr. the leth
Inst tn cosstiltr end sdottt measures tor ex
tendlnf club membership, to organise marchmr clubs,
and for other stated purposes. I earnestly recommend
that you promptly address each member ot your Btate
Committee and also the Chairmen of the several Coun
ty Committees in your State, ursine vigorous and
actlva co operation by the party organization In the Im
portant work of extending and perfecting League
Mr. Whltelaw Reld, tho Republican candi
date for Vloe-Prosldent is to consult with ox
Sonator Thomas C. Piatt to-dny. This will bo
tho first moetlng ot tho two gentlemen since
the Minneapolis Convention. As soon ns
Congress adjourns President nnrrison will
loave Washington on a, visit to Mrs. Harrison
at Loon Lako. It Is oxpectod that tho
President will stop over nn afternoon
and evening in. Now York at tho .Fifth
Avonue Hotel and that he will informally ro
colvo the influential Republicans of tho Em
pire State. In this category It is be
lleved Mr. Piatt will be numbered as
well as Warner Miller. Cornelius N.
Bliss. Honry O. , Burlolgh of Whitehall,
Collector Hendricks. Senator Edmund
O'Connor of Broome county, ex-Senator J.
Bloat Fassott Surveyor Lyon. Chairman Wil
liam Brookfleld of the btate Committee. James
A. Blanchard, President of the Republican
Club, and all the State and county leaders. It
is to be a regular love foast bo it was assorted
It was Fold yesterday that tho President de
sired nothlnn from Mr. Piatt but the loyalty
of ono Republican to another, and. above nil,
the loyalty of a Republican to his party, Mr.
Piatt on tho other hnnd.doslrcs nothing from
the President but recognition ot him and his
friends In the control of New lork State Re
publican Affairs. . ...
It li tho old story, told mnny times now,
that the President has permitted his Cabinet
officers to meddle with the Republican ma
chlnoof New York Stnte. The President it Is
said, will now straighten out all these matters.
A. Spirited Pnhtle Meetlnr. the Leading;
Topic Belnc the Governor's Profunlly.
CoLUuniA. B. C. Auc. 4. Tho most exciting
eplsodo ot the Stato campaign occurred to
day nt Union. Gov. Tillman aud Col. Orr. the
Conservative candidate for Lieutenant-Governor,
woro engaged In dobato. Iu his speech.
Gov. Tillman aBked Col. Orr for Ids nuthority
for saying that a preacher had said that he
(Tillman) flaunted his profanity in public.
Col. Orrrepliod that he did not divulge private
conversations, and added that Gov. Tillman
knew tho statemont was true, ns he could as
certain by appealing to tho proachers in Gen
eral. The Governor said tbatsomotimes an oath
slipped out but that it had dono so on only
one occasion during tho campaign, and he
appealed to the ladies pretont to signify if, in
their opinion, they oonslderod him "a black
guard." There was no response, nnd the Gov
ernor then said that Col. Orr or any other man
who said he flaunted his vrofanttylu public
Col. Orr advnncod to !'io Governor, nnd.
oatohlng him by tho arm. y boolod him around
and asked him if he was trying to raise a per
sonal difficulty. Tillman replied that ho was
not and Orr shook hiB ling, r in his faco and
told him ho could not in. mate that ho iled
without having It throw,,.ack In his teeth.
He told him furtherthat'xillman had boasted
of being " Ood Almighty's gentleman." The
Oovornor replied so he had. and Orr said:
He did not do Himself credit when Ho made
you." He again caught hold of the Governor
and asked him If he meant to Intimate that lie
was a liar.
The Governor said that! if Orr did not origi
nate the statement his remark did not apply
to him. By this time the crowd had bocomo
almost a mob. People climbod up on tho
stand, men pulled off their coats swore llko
troopers, and gathered around the two men.
It looked as though blood was to be shed. Col.
Orr thon told Tillman that ho had repeatedly
usod curses on the stand. The Governor said
he had done it only once, and he would leavo
the decision to tx-Gov. Shepherd.
The latter, however, had nothing to say.
The excitement by this time was intense. Col.
Orr aealn caught hold of Tillman, who had
turned his head toward the orowd in front,
and told him if he wanted a fight he could
Set it The Oovernor said he did not and Col.
rr went baok to his seat remarking that Till
man must let him alone. The Governor turned
to the crowd and said no living man could
bulldoze him. After great diaioulty the crowd
was quieted.
ladleatlona that the Demoorata Will Paae
their Apportloament BUI,
LiNsnto. Mich.. Aug. 4.-From the indica
tions to-night every mombsr of tho House and
Senate will be in his soat when tho extra ses
sion of tho Leglslaturo contones at noon to
morrow. Both parties are at sea concerning
the programme to be followod.
The Republican and. Domooratlo Btnte Cen
tral Committees have prepared apportionment
acts, and as the Democrats have a majority in
both Houses tho latter will nvontually bo
passed, although the evident purpose of the
Republicans to filibuster may prolong the
session sevural days.
The Democrats havo rejected the Republican
plan of holding a conference for the nurpoBo
of reaching an agreoment as to the bills to be
submitted.. They nay thoy aro able to present
eminently just bills without nsslstarico, and
thoy will do so.
The only hone of the Republicans lies In
prolonging the session beyond Tuesday, so that
it will be nocessnry to give the acts lmmodlate
effect In ordor to have them boeorne operative
botoro the election. To do this a two-thirds vote
would be necessary. Tills tho Democrats hnvo
not got, and tho Republicans would, thero
fore, bo able to dlotate terms. Tho present
fiu..v of,. tnJ. IIoU5" aro so framed
that tho Republicans may hold the majority
for several days, but It is belioved they will
have exhausted all dilatory tactics boforo
Tuesday night, nnd that the Democrutlo bills
tho nature of which hnvo not yet been dis
closed, will be passod within tho ninety dats'
limit Both sides aro determined, and the
session promises to be vory lively while It
The South Carolina Braaeh Shows a Be.
crease la Its Membership.
CiuntESTos. B. C, Aug. 4.-The roports at
tho annual mooting of the Colored Formers'
Alliance held recently show that the Colored
Alllanoeison a rapid decline. The member
ship last year was -10,000, and the oflloers are
now only claiming 25,000, After a stormy do
bato a sub-committee was elected to pn.pare a
resolution dellnlng tho portion of tho Colored
Alliance on tho political situation. The follow
Inir wnsadoptod:
"Your oommittee report the following:
Wbllo the Stato contains various political par
ties and various lssuos aro being brought Into
vogue, our peoplo as an organization have re
fused to take any part with any organization
from resolutions passod by former State meet
logs. e reoommend that wo do now, as hereto
fore, support no political party as an organisa
tion." The colored branch of the Alliance In Pouth
Carolina has not met with very much success
in securing advances nn ciodlt
jones'h M.uoitnr so,ooo.
The Keturae from Alalinma rMiMrlently Full
to flet Cloee Figures.
BmuiNOHAM. Ala., Aug. 4.-Official returns
and reliable statements from sixty-one out of
sixty-six counties give Jones and the regular
Democratlo tloket a majority ot 'JO.ijD'J. The
supporters ot Jones will have a majority of 22
In the lower House of the Legislature, and ,'!
In the Senate. Tho exact majority ot Jones
will not be known until tho boxes nre all re
turned on Saturday, but it wilt be in the neigh,
borhood of 'J0.0O0.
P. K. Bowman, Chairman of the Kolb- Com.
mittee. Issued a circular, to-day telling Kolb
supporters to ho uu hand Saturday, and see
that no frauds aro perpetrated. TrouliJe Is
feared on that day. Many counties previously
reported tor Kolb by large majorities are hav
ing the llgurcs reduced us roports come In.
Ther Disable the Knglao with Jlynamlte,
Blow Open tho Boor of the Express Car,
Secure StO.OOO, and Xecape Without a
Hunt Belnc Balecd to Prevent Them
Thei Men Supposed to be the Bnme IVho
lluve Taken Part In All the Successful,
Trntn Robberlen In that Heellon of Cali
fornia la the Past Two Tears,
Ban Fhikcisco, Aug. 4. Tho fifth bold train
robbery in tho San Jonquln Valley in threo
years occurred early this morning near tho
small station of Collls, fifteen miles from
Frosno. Thoro woro only the robbers, and
their method ot procodure wan precisely as In
tho previous cases, exoept that thoy had a
free field for work. -'
Thoy showed that thoy woro exports, and
alter rapidly broaklnc In the express car door
with dynamite bombs thoy secured betwoen
$ in, 000 and $20,000, jumped into n wagon,
and struck off across tho plains. Although
tho detectives were on tholr trail in a few
hours, there is small prospeot of their cap
ture, as they selected one ot tho lonellost
places on tho line, and they showed such
knowlodge of tho country that there Is no
doubt thoy belong near Fresno.
As the train was pulling out of Collls just
after midnight the engineer and fireman were
surprised by seeing two men appear on the
tender nnd cover them with shotguns, at the
Bnme tlmo telling them to obey their
ordors undor ponalty ot death. When the
trntn passed Rollndo station the engineer was
ordorod to stop, and tho robbers touched off
the f uso ot a drnamlto cartridge, which thoy
placed on tho piston of tho driving wheel
ot tho locomotive. Tho explosion was terrific
breaking the piston rod and partially dis
abling the engine. Tho robbers ordorod tho
engineer to get off the train and walk a short
distanco along the track, while they proeeeded
to bombard the two doors ot the express car
by exploding dynamite cartridges.
The robbers, masked and completely dis
guised, ontorod tho express oar, and covering
Louis Roborts. the messenger, with double
barrelled shotguns, ordered htm to open
Wells, Fargo .t Co.'s safe. RobertB set
about doing tills, but was so excited
and nervous that ho forgot tho com
bination, and so informed his captors
who thoroupon struck him a heavy blow on
the bond with a gun. and threatonod to kill
him if ho did not immediately open the sato.
With trembling hands he did so. and thoy took
out the sacks of coin.
When the dosperadoos exploded the first
cartrldgo on the engine the passengers poked
their heads out of the windows to see what
was going on. but they drew them back when
they felt pistol bullets and buckshot whistling
past their oars. Thero was a panic and the
passengers made a wild scramble under the
soats to keep out of range ot the flying
Tho explosion ot the bombs employod to
wreck the express car rocked and shook the
train with all the force ot a violent earth
quake. A window in front of the passongor
coach immediately boslde the express car
was shattered by tho concussion.
For twenty-five minutes the train was held,
but only one passenger attempted to interfere
with the robbors. and nB he was armed only
with a small rovolver he Boon retired from the
unequal oontest The express safe contained
three bags ot coin, each, it Is supposed, hold
ing $5,000.
These tbo robbors forced tho engineer and
fireman to carry to a wagon whloh tbey had
hitched by the side of tho road. When the coin
wus thrown under the seat tho two masked
men jumped In. ordered tho fireman and engi
neer to return to thoir train, and doparted on
the trot toward Fresno.
When the train reaohod Fresno the railroad
hands wre still greatly exolted. The express
mosscnger sustained a severe scalp wound
nnd a fracture of one ot the ribs. When the
door was blown opon he was hurled against
tho roof of the car by the power ot tho explo
sion. William Lewis, the fireman, told the
clearest story. He said:
" We were about six miles east of Collls whon
the enclnoer, Al Phlpps. and I saw two man
crawling toward us over tho wator tank. They
were heavily armed. Eaoh hnd a revolver in
ids bolt and a tdiotgun banging from a strap
around hl-t hod)-. 'Hold up your engine,
damn you 1' cried ono ot thorn, and the other
man ordered us to hold upour hands.
" Both woro pointing revolvers nt us, and
we did as wo wero told. Aftor wo were stopped
wo wero ordered to get off the cab, and were
told that wo would not be harmed if wo did as
thoy ordered us. The robbers tlrbn gavo each
of us a clgnr, and told us to smoke"
" Did you sraoko?"
" You bet we did. The englnoer wns thon or
dered to put out the headlight and to go
ahead about a qusrtor of a mile and wait He
did so. They mado mo get undor the gang
plnnk, nnd thon llrcd sot oral shots in order. I
suppose, to kocp anybody In the cars from
venturing out ., . ,.
" Tho robbers then left the engine and
went to tho express car. I dld'nt hear them
nsk tho mossengor to open the door. So far as
I know thoy hogan throwing bombs nt tho car
us soon as they got there, losing no time In
pnrlnving. I saw only two robbers.
"After oponlng tho safe and taking the treas
ure thoy came down tothe engine with it
'Come out,' said one of thorn, and I came.
They ordered mo to help them carry tho money
snmo dlhtnnce down the track, and hit me on
tho shoulder with the butt end ot their
guns, to emphnsl7o It 1 had to obey, and oar
ried one of tho bugs. Aftor walking several
bundled yards they Mopped, took the money
from me. and made off. Before leaving they
placed a bomb on ono ot the bars of the left
side of the nngiue, nnd exploded it by lighting
tho fuse with a cigar. The bomb did consider
able damage, and it took us nearly two hours
to repair tho damages no that wo oould pro
ceed. " I can't clvo a description of tho robbers,
beeauert tholr faces were entirely hidden from
tiaw. The inaxks wero ulade from some light
cloth. Thoy wore dark clothos, and ono had a
wldo-brlmmed hnt and the othor a narrow
brimmed one. Thoy wero very determined,
mid talked ui if they meant buslnoss nnd
would fctaud no fooling, so we did as we were
The engineer told substantially the same
story. Sumo of tho passengers gota good vlow
of tlm robbers. Nowton Brown, n deputy
sherltl of Suubernardlno oounty, was on tho
Uli'on the train stopped and the firing oc
curred, he is roportod to have jumped off the
rnrnladonly in his pajamas. Ho stnrtod to
gu ahead, carrying a levolver in his hand, but
turned hack on boiug fired upon. Ha con
cluded dlxcretlon wns the better part ot valor.
One of tho robbers wore an apron with a
largo pouch, which bulged out with ammuni
tion nnd dynaiuito cartridges. Both wore
heavily armed, and those passengers who saw
thorn woro Immediately oonvlnoed that train
robbers are pooplo whom it it unwise to die-
Tho Wells-Fargo main office wlros were kept
hot to-day. Tho company learned that tho
wagon which bore tlio stolen money was
tracked nearly to Irosno, wbero the trail was
lost Tho dotocllvos believe that the rob
bers live In the vicinity, nnd that
tluty are the same men who are responsible
flt tho heavy robberies within the last two
years. In this tlmo Southern, Paolflo trains
havo been stopped and locked at Plxloy,
Gosheu, Allla, and Ceres, all within 100 miles
of enrh ot her. This country Is ns level as a barn
floor, mid is very sparsely settled. For miles no
houses aro soon; and at the desolate hills
of Fresno and Tulare counties aro only about
ttvonty miles away, it furnishes an Ideal plnoe
for train robbery, In none of these robberies
huvntho criminals oter been Interferred with
while at work, and in only one rase wero any
suspeoted poraons captured. This was in the
Gosheni robbery, for which twoot the Dalton
brothers wero held, but one escaped on an
nllbi, and the other broke jail and reached In
dian Territory.
In vlow of tho numerous stege robberies of
late. Wells, Fargo A- Co. hate deolded to dis
continue the Mage lines in northeastern Call
tornla and southeastern Oregon, on which It
does not pay them to i-end n shotgun roessen
ger to guard the treasure. They say the Iobsss
oat up all the profits.
Where Teelerdar'e Flrea Vfere.
A M -a oo, awning 1,H Broadway, Harris A Co.,
damage $3ft.
1' M 2 00. 314 Madison street, Abraham Markowltt,
damage trilling; 7 is, 2. lot Eighth at enne. awning,
daniiuB trilling; 8 So, 73 Moll street, chimney, no
iliume. in no, f-urtnlt street, Herman Nathan dam
age trilling, 10. IS, let ounlou street, damage t.
A Heavily Guarded Train I.ond or lOolit
Cola Bound for Washington.
RtN FnANnsco. Aug. 4.Ono of the Inrget
shipments cf Govormnont tronsuro made
across the continent in yenri was started
to-dny from this city. For several
weoks special ngnnts of tho Troasury
havo boon horo quietly mnklng arrangements
to ship many millions ot cold coin from tho
Bub-Trcnsuryhcre to Washington. This coin
to-day was put upon five cars nt tho Southern
Pnclflo depot Ail wore espoolnlly strong. The
gold coin wns In small squaro boxes. Thirty
Eastern postal route agents from this city ac
companied tho treasure They had three
cases of Winchester rifles, so that they will bo
well armed nnd rondy for train robbers.
Each oar ot the train can carry six millions,
eo that tho train carries not loss than thirty
millions. Thero aro ono hundred millions In
gold coin In tho Sub-Troasury horo, and at the
time of tho Chilian senro It wns feared that it
might be seized.
Thon it was determined to transfer the bulk
of the treasuro to Washington, and this Is the
first shipment
Groat socrooy has beon manifested by the
Treasury officials, and no facts could bo gained
from them about tills big shipment as they
evidently fear train robbors.
Nothing; Startling;, So Tar, Added to Oar
Knowledge of the Planet.
ViKKNA, Aug. 4. Assistant Astronomor Hil
dobrand says that careful observations of the
planet Mart were made from the night of July
30 to that ot Aug. 2. inoluslt e. by Horr Pallsa,
tho olilof assistant astronomor, and himself.
Owing to tho proximity of tho plonot to the
southern horizon, however, the result ot the
observations was unsatisfactory. Tho prog
ress of the planet waswatchod for an hour.
At a point fifty-two degrees above tho hor
Izon snow fields could bo soen distinctly ex
tending thirty degrees from Mars' south pole.
Immediately underneath this patch three
large, dark groups wero observable.
"Perhaps." tho astronomer added, "thoyare
continent like those or our earth. The haze
whioh enveloped the lower port of Mars, how
over, renderod aocurate observation impossi
ble. The north polo and the equator wore
completely obscured."
Cincinnati. Aug. 4. Prof. Portor of the Cin
cinnati Observatory said this morning that a
gross orror had beon mado by American
astronomers as to the opposition of Mnrs.
The American ephomeris. tho standard nau
tical almanac, hns undoubtedly misguidod
tho astronomers of the nation, but tho lirrlinir
Jahrbuch gives tho time of our opposition with
the red plnnct as clearly as possiblo at a little
after midnight. Aug. U.
" The orror Is so apparent that I cannot un
derstand it The astronomers and thenews
Sapors of tho westorn world hnvo boon anto
ating tho evont by three days."
Noiitiictri.p, M4nn.. Aug. 4. The observa
tions token at Lovell's Observatory have beon
unsatisfactory. One of the moons has been
vlsiblo for thirty hours, but the other eludes
observation. No startling discoveries ore ox
pectod, although an atmosphoro Is elearly
Wahiiiitotoh. Aug. 4. Observations of Mars
were taken at tho National Observntory last
night by Professors Hnll nnd Firsby. Thoy
discovered nothing- of tho canals reported to
havo beon observed by Hchlapnrolll.
Ther Hired a Boat ta Co Crabbing; and
Have Not Been Seen Since.
West Bergen. Aug. 4. Last Wednesday
James MoElroy and hit wife oamo hore and
hired a rowboat from Mrs. Lewis, who keeps a
boat house on Newark Bay, to go on a crab
bing expedition. Thoy were soen out In the
bay in the boat lata that afternoon, but noth
ing since has been heard of them. The MoFJ
roys were a middlo-agod couple and came from
Syracuso about two months ago. looking for
employment. MoElroy, it is said, obtained a
position as olork in a hardware store on Tenth
aventio and Fiftieth street New York. They
have two children, it is said, living with a rela
tive somowhere in Brooklyn. The MoElroys
were visiting a brother-in-law. a Mr. Theodore
Hull ot 22 Atlantic street Jersey City. .
Mrs, Col. Weld or Cloeter Thrown from Her
Carriage and Her Neck Broken,
Enoixwood, Aug. 4. Mrs. Col. Weld and
Mrs. Ynux ot Cloeter. N. J., had been visiting a
friend at Alpine this evoning and were driving
home, when the horse became unmanageable
and dashed down a steep hilt, the ocoupants of
the carriage screaming frantically for help.
Turning tho corner of the road leading to
Mrs. Wold's house, the carriage struck against
a post and was overturned. Both ladles were
thrown out and struck upon their heads.
Mrs. Weld was Instantly killed, her nock being
broken. Mrs. Vaux was so badly injured that
it Is thought sho will die. She has not recov
ered consciousness, and the doctors fear con
cussion of the brain.
A Second Case of Hydrophobia ta Lynn.
Lynn. Mass., Aug. 4. Patrick Fnrroll of
Swampseott died of hydrophobia at the Lynn
Hospital this morning. Farrell was bitten on
the chin by a rabid hound on May 13. The
symptoms of tho disease developed on Mon
day. Beyond slight throat spasms and an'
aversion to water, the case did not tally with
those best known and described In medical
works: His death was not violent but an au
topsy proved that hydrophobia whs the cause
of death. This Is tho second death in Lynn
from thlf disease since Mr. Pranker's dog ran
througli Lynn on May 13. biting Dtteen persons.
Tho Weather.
The warm weather yesterday waa principally ever
the Atlanilo Elates, the Ohio Valley, and the lower
Mississippi Statu, where the temperature ranged be
tween R1 and 02. It was cooler west of Ohio and
Michigan, eicept In Moslanaand the Dagotaa, where
the tomperature baa again tonohed the nineties on ac
ceunt ot a storm forming over British Columbia.
There seems to he no Immediate prespeot ot any
wanner weather here for a few days than cow pre
tails. The day In this city was slightly warmer and fair.
Highest official temperature, 87X lowest, C8; aver
age humidity, 70 per cnt wind southwest; average
teloclty, 8 miles aa honr.
The thermometer at Perry's pharmacy In Tin Sen
hulldlngrecorded Ihe temperature yesterotay as follow, i
1S01. MS J just. JA,2,
fH ' sisor. U 7 t8
1A,M eu 70 UP. M llj t,7
UA.il 71 7R r. M d' Sl
12 M M lailld...,U8 78
Average, , ,, 7,
Averageon Aug. ,18'J1 '' ' 7i"J
WiSRMcro.v rosrcssT rna rninir,
yor New England, fair, except showers In New
Ifampshlre and Vermont tonight; oooler eil to
northwest winds.
Twr ttuUm Jteie Yotlc, atr, prtetdti by tourrt tmigU in
nortgar1; tvottr; wnl KinJ., btaming xnrmllt.
Tot eastern Pennsylvania, New Jers.y, and Dela
ware, fair; west winds, becoming variable.
yor District of Columbia, Maryland, an 1 Virginia,
fair; Variable winds.
For Georgia, showers In eastern poitlon; fatr In
western; variable winds.
yor eastern Florida and western Florida, showsrs;
warmer tn northeastern tlorlda; variable winds.
For Alabama and Mlsslsilppl, fair, except showsnon
the ceast, variable wiuds.
For Louisiana and eastern Taxes fair, except show
ers on the coast; wiuds shitting to south,
For West tlrglnia tnd western Pennsylvania, fatr,
preceded by ehoners to-night; warmer, tarlahla winds.
For western New tork, Ulr; warmer;" north elnds,
becoming variable.
TbebaromMer is below Ihe normal in the Atlantis
cnastand ea,t Gulf Mates iud In the Missouri Valley
Two slight t arnmetrlo depressions appear, ne north of
the Gulf or hi Lawrence, the other In the extreme
Jtorlhwcfl. The area of the highest pressure, central
Wednesday evening over lne and eoulhrrn Minneso
ta, has adtanred over the southern upper laVe region
The temperature has risen slightly along the Immedi
ate Atlantlo roast, and from the middle Missouri Vat
ley to tbe Gull coast It hss fallen b degrees to 10 de
grees from the eastern lale region nrer the upper Ohio
Valley, Light showers hare occurred from the upper
Ohio Valley to northern New VorW and at points
along the Ouif roast. Generally (sir and slightly
warmer weather ts Indicated for the central rallejs
Twenty-four hours and forty fltemiaotes to Chicago
by the New otk Central'! Chicago Limited; 10 o'clock
etery morning, AJt,
llomeetrnd "llrlhera Assault Workmen whet
llnd (liven T" Iho Htrngralo and Were) J
Oolna Into th Mllle to Hake Kepalra .'
for a Oeaernl Htart on JUTondny VrtH ij
tnllly Follow Argnment In Most Caeea, TJ
hut In One Murder Heemed To Oa tha K
Nolo Motive Tor Attark-The Homestead 9
Men Mlole Over the llllla la tha Klgjht-s ' ' V
Tnrn-lhlrd of the Piiqiieens Ilea Dars I I
HlKnrd Asreementa To Oo slack A Tere i J j.j
mna Ileatea Within aa Inch or nie I.lfa-A l.jj
The Mltllla Vae Itayonete oa the Snllem 'I K
HlrlUere, nnd Two C'omnnnlce Will Oa . ji
Into Camp Permanently la tho Town, i t
riTTsnt:r.nt!, Aug. 4, That iho spirit of riot ft
is still uppermost In tho minds of the strlknrs , :P
nt Homostcad tvns proved again to-day, when , S
a mob numboring halt a hundred marched ffi
over the hills to Dtiquosno nnd assaulted with 1
sticks and stonesunnrmed workmen who wero f
on their way to the milts. That thoy did not U
commit murder is their good fortune. The f
punlshmontthey ndmlnlstorod to some of the j
mon wns almoit sufllciont tp kill. a
Tho mill at Dunucnso bognn to realize the
first of this week that their cause wns lost, T
and when the company posted notices inviting ,
them to come back to work, and to signify i
their intention ot doing so by nppourine at the I
office and signing their names to nnngroe-
ment to be on hand on Monday, a largo num
ber of them came. Thoy told their compan- ;
ions what thoy had done nnd tried to persuade '
them to do tho same. Their words wore sue- ,
ecssful, and. up to last night, not loss than 000 ' 1'
of tho 800 who wero on btriko had como and f
slgne.d tho ngroemont. j
Tho nows of this wns sent to nomestond to
the headquarters of the strikers of that town.
It was not believed nt first, and emissaries
wero sent up tho rivor to Investigate. Thoy t
reported late last night that tho facts woro as -
stated, and thoy also said that thoro was good - '
reason for bclioving tlint tho company in- i
tended to start tlio mills to-dny. Tho outcome ';
of this roport was a commitioo font to tho (
town for tlie ostensible purposo of inducing
tho men not to loturn to work. "Whether the
commlttoo was Instructed to do any morothan
this is not known, but thoy certninly did do '
moro. It is not known, cither, just how muny j
men thero wero in the commlttoo, but when 'ji
thoy startod out and mnrchod over tho hills nt ,J
the break of day thoy mado it serious showing. ' j
They woro headed by two Liigllshmon.noithor ' '
ot whom, it is said, was a citizen of tho Unitod '
The Duquesns steel mill is at tlio foot ot
tho hill in the town of Durjucsno. It Is over
looked by clustors et houses on tho hillside.
There it a gully through tho hill, and the '
opening of it is diroctlyln front of the main ' tj
cnto of tho mill. There aro paths down the t
sidei ot this gully to tho main rond, which
runs along tho mill yard. The workmen como j;
down those paths to got to tho mill. Whan
tho committoo from Homostoad got to Du- R
quesne thoy took up positioni on those ';
paths so as to lntorcopt tho workmen bofore -,
they reached tho company's proporty. !
Tho report that the company contemplated !
starting the mill was false, what was intended I
was to put from forty to fltty men inside j
to make repairs, so that there would be no I
delay in beginning work on Monday. These f
mon had been ordered to report for work &
shortly after 7 o'clock. Tlio committee had F .
quite a time to wait for tho men had not been , -l
ordered to report in a body. They began com- )'.
lng soon aftor 7 o'clock by twos and threes. ' ,
Tho first pair woro half way down the side ot
the gully before they wero stoppod by any of
the committeemen. Thoy wore asked where r
they were going. They replied that they were '
going to the mill. j
" I wouldn't go thero if I were you." said one ; i
of the oommittee. .j)
" Why not?" asked the men. uj
" Because." answerod tho committeeman. ( j
" Well, wo are going just tho same." answer 1 1
ed tho mon." :
" Well, you are not just tho Bnme," said the i
committeeman. A
By this time a crowd of from twonty to thirty !
of tho commlttoomon hnd gnthorcd and stood
between tho mill nnd tho workmen. Ono ot j
the workmon started to force his way through j
tho crowd. Ono of tho committeo stopped up
to him nnd hit him In tho faco with his I
fist The blow staggorod tlio man, but ho kept
on tryinc to reach tho mill. In n momont he
was knooked down and pounded nnd klckod. fj
His fellow workman was nlso nttneked. Thor j
wero glad enough to escape with their lives. ft
In a fow mlnutos anothor pair of workmon had , jr
been hold up by others of tho committee, and j.
they met with tho snmo oiirlonce. !
The commlttoo was highly ploasod with Ite i
success in preventing tlio inmi from getting '
Into the mill, and thoy liitd in milt fur mora '
victims. Thoy caino in a fow mlnutos, and ;
thero was another season of assault. A man
uatnod Morrissy wasono of the victims this '
time. He isa mlatlte of Sui.nrintondontMor- '
rlssyot the mill. Ho mis eluhhoil, nnd wns ;
struck on tho head with brickbats mid stones. ''
His head was laid upon, and ho was badly
bruised about the body. Uhonliowas let go
he was hardly able to i:ot u tv.u. This sort of
amusement progrosieu for nt leant ton mln- i
utes. and in nil from twelto to fifteen men S-
wero waylaid and thumped. ,
The last man was l'orem.m Millstngle. The fl I
oommitteo mot him just ns ho started down ' j!
the hill, and, without gltlng him tlio option of Jm A
going back or being jinundcd. ns thoy hnd " 'I
given to the other men, tlmy nttackod him at J
onco. On burly man knocked him down and i
u dozen jumped on him. Then ho wns picked '(
up and thrown oter tho top of n high out- i
houe. Hn laudod on tho othor sldo stunned. ,'
Boforo lie iiml nil opportunity to recover he !
was again hot upon and kicked nnd pounded, ;'
When ho ilnnlly reruined bis foet and started H
to run, Ktonns nnd bricks tvero thrown at him. it
Ho burely .enped with Ills life. if
It was tvlillo the assault on the foreman wat ft
going in that tho niuo doputy sheriffs, who
havo been btatloned In tho town over since J
the beginning of tho striko. learned of the (It
trouble They marched out of tho mill and K
ran to tlio roBeuu. The commlttoe did not T
havo Imlf its till of light The men fell on the '
deputiosnnd drove them off. Alter tills thoy .
began to realize that thoy inlclit havo gone !
too fur in their zeal to nrovont tli.j roturnof '
tlio men to work, or, porhaps, thoy remember
ed that the soldiers wero at Homestead, loss
than anhouriiwny.ai.d theydUtrlbutod thorn- '
bolves around town und stoppod tholr work. j
Uulot hnd boon restored nppnrently fort,
t me. and thedepiitles.undorHiim Young, took j
the Unit train to Homostoad to notify Oen.
ttiloy. tho commandor of the militia, as to
what had happened nnd tocetassistaneofrom '
him. ThpygottotheUeiiorul'H hoadijthirtert '
about flo clock and reported. In tou mlnutet
tho (loneral had ordered tho Mxtnonth regi
ment under arms and ordered them to the 1
scone ot riot. He thought it wns too long a
maroii forthemontomakoontlioshort notleo, '
and that time could bo saved by getting a Y
special train, lie sent an ordor for n train to is
I'ittsburgh at lo o'clock. '
A train ut live earn had boon got irmly and !i
wassonttoMunhallrltatlou. whuro tho regl- r
ment tvns waiting Tim soldleit. got to li. (
mesne un hour later. Their eomlnc hs toht. .,,
graphed ahead bv somo of tho friends of the flfl
strikers, and thero was n crowd at tlio depot M
toseotliemcomeln. iM
In the crowd was about two-third of the l
committee. They lined upon tlm platform J.
ugly and silent. Col. Iliilliu.'n oidered tlm i
crowd to disperse, and wlmn it nlenvoil no dis-
position to do bo ho onlered tw'x'ompiinies "f ,1
the men t a march n It with tlted liionet. (
Mnjor Itickards was In r-uiiii.t r 1 of tin com- '
panics. 'Ihe soldiers wore foimed in Itvo
ranks, A
Tho crowd wntehed Iho i repnnti .n In
silence. Some ot tho men In v d-elded that It
vn,. beet to mote, and stitrte 1 ins ay. Mtijvr i K
ltlcknrds ordeiod hit men 1 mareh n tho
men who remained 'I hero u isn't n mote.
ment until the points of tile bajoneU ttero
three feet uwuy, and then theiottds a scr.un-
hie to get out of the way. 'I'll" two Qmlifch- ,
men ttno hnd led tho committee tter in tho I
front, and of eoure" were the last leate, ,
Ono of thorn did not get awnt fast enough. ,'
Hn had turned and walked toward thu street II
leisurely. The bayoqetof ouooi the boldlors ;;
1 - t 1

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