Newspaper Page Text
M 10 " " THE SOX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 18.02. " ""'' , -' . T . " "TJ J HJ i . . . . . - JJ . .. .. i .. , , . 'im.jaaAfa iw , ( I M i MANHATTAN BEACH. Bg Gilmore's Band. K Brock's Crystal Palace B FIREWORKS. Hfc&l Tonight, st 8:M. rTHX, I.nOl:STANIP SHIHT llKArTI. rvi, msn.AiH i:vr:ic i;iven in HEflT TH1W OK ANY OTIimt roi N'l'ltV. RS fM.iTsU. IHHMIlWAV ANI) JUlf 8T3. ffS V F.VKNINlW AT H 1 1-.. fffir THE NAUTICAL COMIC OPRRA. If THE VICE ADMIRAL jS', HOOF OATtDEN rNTF.r.TsJNMKNT S TO 12 MOI1T1.Y, f'W INCI.UOINU SI'.MIAY. .'K Admission, BO ctnl. including lolli prrfwrisncet. If ELDORADO. " '$$,. It' Conor! Iiy the llldor.vlo Hand At 4. Circus at 8, V Concotl at (l, and ! in the beautlltil '(V- "SOYPT TIIKOIIOII ( DNTl'niliS." j." Fireworks and Concert at lOilfi. ? Tata Tsst42l ami ISIIi t. terries. Ticket eiTlce 28 14' Best ltli sL and leading lintrlt. ).'- KAADISON BUUAIIt: IIAHDILN. WALTA SMUT. 1: M DAMROSCH t Orrhemtr-Al l'rnmeiil Voncmm. EOOF GARDEN AND TOWER, ss.iv i. m. to la. 's VAPDRVIM.Ii, IIA1CINI1, At'ROIlATIC. a, entirely nliv pliu'oiimanc!;. HIS- ADU19MONTOAI.I, . .60 CENT! tffJAIlDEV TMFATI1F, Mghtltr'ti'llts. Sat Mat. , nonvoiiiri'rsrnr.B, Q I M R AH1 ft tiik most si 'i:nn V I IS DMUi a1 PRODI rtlos KVI!lt i.r. IbeMnMnf lalnra. ' WIT.MMHKD IN l.l fly the American Lxtrava B tf, . ROPK or AMLrtlO .. g.inra Compatit, RECORD OF SUMMER RECEIPTS BROKEN. V Admission. f-0 els. Coupons Admit tit Hoof linriten. H J iovt'Hm"aiTsT.n"maT:!; THi.ATiur M , Xi At H CO. battrday Maiineont 2. Tbe only cool B l ihenire m town. B k 30th month of utihoun.lnd success that has ni limit. "ITf.VTC Hlltrto h llnmiiHT, t ufttnc thruusli tha H U J1UX A O fHimmAr. a I'milttiM Rutin, r. I A TRIP TO CHIXATOWiV H TJAL.IKK'H 1 . IT rool..tTb?alr In lh City. Vat. haturday .it 1 I "T DIXEY """Sfc- 1 InclndlniCamlll D'Artlllaln CITY. ? TIIK IACOT. , ' I'AI.N'S HflEWIlKKa. UliAUTIl'U!, AM) (IK AND ', "VENICE," AT CO.NET IRt.ASn (t nrlghton). J iOT at Manhattan. , I" EDEN MUSEE. WORLO IN WAX. C' Ri:v:vAr,oF"siiK." I POWELL AND MAJILTON. MUNCZ1 I-AJ0S' Ht'StJABIAS ORCIIKSTIt. TONY PASTOR'S BT?5T.1M:LlV;ffvw :. UaTIUCC BinniE iiiiiniiTi.ixu. iii:ri:oir mhos, , MAIInCC I.AV.MA.V. IKINNII. IHi'KMilN, CAI'l. J" TO niV TULA 1-ORItFM'. M IILAKIN, OLO. E. t IU-UAI AUSTIN. THE IIILI.D.SS i. "ir ostkiTa buw "" iat. mos. weoTasW" I. Ik MONS. DUFOUR AND tLLE. HARTLEY. il MI.I.Il NAIIA KKVVAI., 5; Chantfii.ft Klrlrlrior from l.f (ruli..- Vura. I'arli. , V VAi'rihvii.i.i:. BiRi.FNyn;. MiM:iru-:s. . UNION SQUARE "'Evenings at" 8:15, !K- THEATRE. FATHERLAND. ffci CHAB. A. (1ABDNKB. I MAIl.NEES tYEII. AM) SAT. , fiTH AVrTIIEAfltElM'.W). , O.Vr. II. C. MINER rrnrlclor an.1 Manacer ?4s CHARLES FHOIIMAVS Nf t Mnnitay i... 15. Ilr.t ' :$- COMEDIANS. timrnrth new ilay. ; k Box office Open. I " T iiFi'QI,RT" r ?, rpuE oret nohi.n's faii: T-aintimi. ' ft I 1 COI.FMBIA IKIMIII1.M1 COM .Mlllp. j; I A handiouie ensra.ln? Irom llio orllual paintlnp, for I, v ! at 112 Wen 2nd t. I'rlco 2.r.c. I ZZZZT" ,,c utr S I . MONMOUTH PARK1ACES, 1 K? UIXO BRANCH. S J. figs KTEIIY Tl'l'SBAV, TllfltSIIAV. AND R. NATVKIIAY, AT SiSO I. t. !aV Trains andboata pery lr. iniiiutei. by Central R. R. 'Bt of y. J.. Liberty at.t I'enn.yU.inla It. B. from Ilea. af bro.aei anil Cortlandt iti. . boat via Sandy Houk, from I Hfe n.r 8. foot of ll.clor at. Field. 60c. 'W BRIGHTON BEACH RACES, '& EVBKY MONDAY, WEDNEHJIA Y. ;' fh AND Fit I DAT ..' 'fa During July anil August. f' p. BACER BEGIN AT 3 F. M. EACH DAT. & &: aranditand. 11. Indies. SOf. rlell.Mc t i. Reached by alt lontex to Coney Island. C. g-. C V. aABS, Secretary. a, II. EMiEMAN. 1'resldent, I m Cxnirisiotw. " NORTH 6EAGH Sand College Point. TtTrnty mtnutr" mill. Elegant steamboat. leave i:a.t DOtli St.. New Vork (Elerated station Hltth St, both 2il and 3d Aves.), for College rolnt llnVKIY from fi A. M. till li I'. M , lapplstatCilCA.Ms 1MHIC, NltKTII IIKACII, on 8 A. M. and alt followluit trips, rare. lO L'euls, Last Boat from Norlh Beia-li II 10 1'. II. Also to North Beach by Kletrnnt Hummer Horse Cars la East 8tb Ht . and Klertric Cars via East U2d St. y.rrl.s. B. n. Karr, f (ViiIm. COOK'S EXCURSIONS FIFTT-FIKST YEA1I. NIAGARA FALLS. I sl&O HOtTM TRIP AQ I 90 SATl'BDAY, AVO. J. iftCt BV WEST SHORE IHILROAI). Trains leave font of West lUlh at. ." 10 r. M. , Foot or West 2d at Sir. F. M. Ef, &' Fortlekets and fnll particulars apply at once to ff TIIOM. COOK .fc SON. 51 wA' aTAl and 1.92r ltrondvuy. W' yfr.- m llsxt Excursion to Chantauuua and Niagara Falls 1 ' " rl West PointjNewburgh & Poughkeepsie. Pslly Excnrslon (except sundaysjby nay Line Pteamers NEW YOICK. AND AI.UA.N V. From Brooklyn. Fulton at. (Iy Annex) H.oo A. M. " New Vurx. Desbrosse. at, pier 8(0 ' Wet22d n. pier ll.UO " Betarnlns;. due In New Vora at r:.'lo 1'. M. SIOIIM.VH and AFTEItMMIN CDNCEUTH. ROCKAWAY BEACIi STEAMERS Cen. Slocum and Grand Republic. . iiat. Monscfil. arTKiiNoov. West 22d st. New York R:(0 10.00 Itllii if sf West 10th at. New York H:G0 10;1' l:d 3 H" Battery (Castle Oardrn.) K. Y,Uiir 10::u :.'." I..' 35' J.weli'aWharf. llrookDn in.TO 11:U ,2 ir, E! K: Jersey City, Annex boats H:,r,5 10..1S ll.V. R ' tuinllie. leavo Beach . 11:110A.M. r.:OOand(l:aol'. JI. M CTH. yAlltllDUXlI'lUlr. CO CTH. Saturday, Aug. 6, GALA DAY HIGHLAND BEACH YWi,Ti.RACK8- ''AI'SCll HAOER. ItOWlNd RACES. ft.iHl.i'y MATCHHM. TUB HACKS. SII0UTIM1 MATCIILS, various sporls. Xarint I'arade, motninf, sUlsrnoor. and .renins;. 'M'.'s1Ma.y ""'' Itnule" from fnnt of Beclor HI., also boat from foot of Franklin si at V A. M, - . KTMMKK IlliKVll7T Grand Saturday, Suntlay. and I)anv Excnralons to OREAT NF.CK "SANDS FOINT.l.I.liN "oVE? bEA . , , CLIFF. OLKNWOOD. and K0SI.1N. ' Satorday afternoons, leaves I'ler 2(. U. R, a P. M and 1st st, lC a. 3:16 F. il. Arrive. In U. Y. about li P. L Sunday mornlnts. leave, rler 24, II. It., i.ot of Feck '"uUoVtt..1" FORT LEE PASk. HOTEL NOW on:. rBl-OLARFRICI. ?,,n,?'lf '?." Pi11 "Ally Oaridm.'.tlKtli.t.. X. Boats lo charter an. I'leatam Valley firovo to lei. A DAY'S SPORT ON THE OCEAN Deep . afl.hln7 il O.wste.l and Iron stean.shlp AL loifEH c. of Ink or burn; Just built , lor 11.1. route: puiar. si oou: erst clan aiioinutodatlou. Uaves Otiu st n it J- J1I8; 20th at., V. It 7.10; P,er " N H..H.20 A. u fare. 76c.! ladles, r.; paikavo tlcleli, n for 1'L tf Plnnsr, refresbmeuts, bait and tickle at VitV .r Je. " AL F01.TER sTKAMIkIaT CO. TVBEF SEA FIMIIMrHAILY -Eariv'iiri.n.lniTl.oat MJ double iron bulled sra steamer ANdl.Elt, 21st L RTk.. fl:5S; Beekman St.. 7 ir.j llnllrry ..IL7 HI A l ! rars7fic. ladiesfJr,,parkai;r of ill. ticket. '3 j,, 1x tor either bat. bail, tackle, ,lo. ai. ro.villit. CISIIINO. Wednesday and Thursday plenty lluke. J? and sea bass; new steamer AL FObrF.i;, last Initio leava and first tu New York, by way of .hip ibanuei; ions- sail. AL VosrFlt. XTOTICf. New laamorAL FOSTER will it run sat 11 urday, Auif. H. Take .trainer AMII.ER on that day. Leaves 21st at , E. It, Ueeknun St., und Castle tinrlen landings For lime see papers. AL Fi'Slhll. VtlSIIINO BANKS- Dally from "East 2til St.. 7 IS; fi. J: Hroomest., 7 .to; HldKe dock Hrookiin. 7 :40. Triv "-; line dock, loth at .North Brr.s :ii. airimer sciii V LEE: fare, TiO.! ; ladle., Jl'c . lUo ticket -, fi IIAM.OX. CTrtMKi: IIAVAN' th argest ilnmr to lulling S3 Banks, dall) Ira es .lira .1,1. II . 7 JO lleeduan st 7 (6; t atle Harden lalilhn;. 20 Fair, 7r.r in eluding check ft r on biitu-h b.r.ti ciiii'S. .' ladles, I 'vrt.j ncktc, if ,oubuafi, MI..IMU.IL . i the rowKR of money : :. CAN BE FORCIBLY DEMONSTRATED AT ! : Tin: oiieat : : ALTERATION SALE AT : ; A. II. KtNtl A t'O.'S. TODAY AND TO MORROW. J ! DON'T NI.ULIXT YOl'lt I'Eltf'ONAL AFrEAR- : ! ANCl: WHEN IT REQIIBEI HIT LESS THAN I ! HALF THE HKlltlLAH I'BHT. TO FtlRCHAHR ; i ONE OF TIIK F.XOrlSITFI.Y MADE SUIT" WB ; ! ARE OFFI.I'.INcl NOW, Ot II ST1I0N0 FOINTS ; ! Alii! SUI'Eltlon .MADE (UHMENTS-I.OIHL IN ! i EVERY DETAIL TO THE FEST CIRTOM : :' CLOTHES. ALL OF Ot'R FINE $18 Sl'ITS TO- : i DAY AM) SATIRDAY ARE HEDt'CEl) TO $10; ; i SEI'EF.II DlthSS SCI1S 01' STYLISH MATE- ; i RIALS, WELL MADE, FORMER rV.IOF. 122,: i NOW AT I3. ANI) THE HANDSOMEST MNF.B 1 OF CUTAWAYS, SILK-LINED PRINCE ALBERTS. ! SOLD KlllMKRI.Y AT 2H AND aO, NOW AT j ' i. Tin: i.AF.nEsr stock in town to be. j i 1.1XT FROM. i OI'ES 1NTIL fl O'CLOCK TONIOHT AND j : UNTIL ff I". I. BATIUDAY. i A, II. KINO .V CO., 037 nnd (1211 l!i ontitvar. near llleepkrr Ht, . . -LLI (fCUV.llilW. "JTvERirAIlM: WORLD'S FAIlt." and billiards. t.annches. Ocnulne bien Island Clambake. Dinner 11 la carte. MEAMERS LEAVI'.t FIER 1 N R.footCortl.illdtst., H:ar.. 05, 10:.5 A. M M . I .10. .!!). .1 a ). r. 16 T M. 32DSr HAS I, li.RO. 10:00, 11.30 A. M., 12:45, 2 ( 16 6 -tr. I' M. ...... u fOI'Tllr-TllsT.. IIIIOOKI.YN. U 03, 10.03, 11.05 A. ., 12:20. 1 r.i '.' .".0. :i 60 I". M. HF.IfRM.Ml. LEAVE f.LEN ISLAND'- lOieS A. M. lorl'ler IS aud U2d St.; 11M6, 13)45, for I'ler IS onlv. . TOR ALL LA.MHNOS: fl, 3. 0, 7. and S P. M. 4or. KXCUItMION TH'ltKTH .Oc EXTRA BOATS SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Iron Steamboat Company. , THE ONLY ALL-WATER ROUTE TO CONEY ESLAitiD, STEAMERS I.ANDINO AT THE OCEaN ' PIERS. THE ONLY BOATS ltl'NNlNll TO ON l.ONll ISLAND SOUND. Old Ouard I and Concerts. Rhode Island Clambake. Superb 1 obtuan slide, good restaurant, popular prices. place alun). cool. Tll.ll.lY'S TISIE TABI.KK. FOR (ONEY ISLAND From West 2nd St.. N. R., P:0(i. l":ti. 11 OOA. M, 12 M , ltKl. 1.45, 2:aa .1:16. 4 1' r-itt. 0 (to. 7 eo, s-(at, 11 in) P. M. From Pier Intw) No. 1, N. U. (near B.ttlcrv place station, elevated riiadf 1, V .'!l. 10.30. 1 1 '" . M 1-' 30. 1 :W. 2:13. 3:0l II 4.'.. a tn. r.Wi. it,. -in, 7 W). Hit'ai. U .10 !'. M. RETURN. I.M.FROMCIIM'.Y ISLANII-10 10, II. 40 A, M 12:40. 1 4ii. 2:4". j.2f.. 4il0, 6.00, 6:45. 0:40. 7:40, 8:40. U:40. lll:(0 1' M. Kilt Bl.l.DI'.N roiST From Bridge Dock. Brooklyn. PHI 11:111 A. M., I'lO. a.lai. r. 00. 7:l)0 P.M. FrotA III st at.. 1 . IL. t':2.. 1 1 :2.1 A. M . 1 26. .1:26. 6:23. 7:23 P. M. r.u-.ll at, E. It.. I' 60. U:6 A.M., 1-60 SM 6:60.7:60 F. M. Rl.TFR.MNO FROM 1IELDKN POINT at ll.UO A. SI, l.oo, a:0O, 5:00. 7.00, and 8.00 1. M. i:pnralnn to Conev lalnnd SO Cinta J ciiiIiu to HrHlcn 1'nlnl 4Q tenia "coney island. 1IKIOIITON KEACIf. WTJST BRIGHTON lit AC II. L0A1S 11Y Bay Ridge Ferry, Connect tr.R at BAy ItMff with Culver Route and Sea Beach Route, leave foot of Whitehall it., termlnua of elevated roads. Broadway and 7th av. line, and Belt line, bone ly from 7:10 to 10:10, and ball hourly from 10:40 until !:4n and 10:20 I'. M. Sundays. 8:10. HilO. P-40, and half hourly to 1:10 P.M. Then every 20 minutes to H:10. and at 0:40. 1010. 10:40. Last trains Icate Coney Island dally 110S. Snndaya 11:20 P.M. Lxcurslon tickets. 40 cents. Time, 4o minutes. IAI.VS CARNIVAL OF VF.NICE AND OK AND FIREWORKS at West Brighton every night, except .Monday, at 8:80. M THE NEWEST. boiiBv E pleasntest rr Island Vln H9I1I at. Snath Ilraoklyn Kerrr. Toot of 1st., nt llrttterr. Font strtdse cost. ne'lif Ttt. F.lrwnle'd trt.lnsi lend 10 Trrrr. THE WEST END ROUTE runs through the most pic. tur.-i.QiiH section of ixng Island and lands passengers near Fain'a Fireworks. Trains connect with boats as LEAVE NEW YORK 7. 7:SO. 8, R:30. 0. 9:30. 10. 10:30, 11.110 A.M.. 12:30; then halt hourly to SI. M.; p, 10 r. m RETURNING, last train leaves Coney Island for SOth St. Ferry 6:); Colon Deuot llrookl) n. 11 30 r. M. JCxeurMon Tickets., (13.0. ctieui.eist of aay, NOTE. First page coupon from TltK RECORDER and fOi'. secura exuur.lou und adulisalon to Pain's Plrc works. Erie Lines. Every Sunday. 107 mlloi from Nir Vorfc n the bankit of thebe ftrjl I'etftwjira Jtlver, J.P0( fet atvov the tea. Lear CtUoiberHnt. U.aOA.M Kt 2Jrt ht. 11:20 A.M. Nctrly Cltuursat tbudlvn. Home by li.UU 1'. 31. Greenwood Lake, 75c. 44 miles from New York, In the midst of a primeval forest, feet above tidswnter, Iuve Chamhera st. 10 uo a. M., 23d st. 0:35 A.M. Home by 7.22 or P 17 P. M. ct1imofortf,c(, ramus, &c. " tiifT WISSIMER PIANO excels In tune, be iuty of finish, and dnrablllty: soli 10 down ami $H innntnly; warrantod 10 years. Fac lory and wareroonis, 24. 21il, 2H1 rulton st., Brook lyn; open eieiilngs. COTTAOE OIUIANR, 3 2 stops, tr: 1 monthly: guar anteed llio yeara;open evenings. WlsSMiii, 2bU ujton st.. llrosklyn. ELEGANT UFRIUHT PIANOS to rent from 13 upward; open uvenlog. WISSNEB. 200 Fullon st.. Brooklyn. fjiI.EfHNT UI'HICIIT I'lANO, S1H5. ll monthly: J blelnway, b-irgitlti; open evening., WIKI.M.R, 2'J4. 21)11. 2HW Fulton St., Brooklyn. MAONIFICENT upright piano; latest Improvements: cost r,ooal.x months ago; sellsl30; stool, scarf' guaranteed. 23U hast atlll at. " .". ' JU1IEUMON PIANO", ' V2 3th ar near 14tb st. cfornlr. TiOBSESIIOElNC. SHOP for sale. S03 West 128ttfst. SAFES that have been talen In exchange for sals: low prices: fair term.: safea repaired. W. H. IlUTI.hll, 7U Duane St., east ot Broadway, ll'ountri) goanl. RN0LD COTTAOE. .Mallloloking, on Barnegat Hay and ocean. Hoard bo.tllug, bathing, llshlng. An. ply at so Columbia Heights, Hr.ok!)li. CLIFTON'' MANSION'. Palisades, adlolnlnFEiiioradij! oi.poslle West 42il sL; acrc.lbie to the city; board 5 up; permanent, aud trauslsnls accorumo. dated, J' ,1X1 l'.l.r,KNf'"rlOAKlTat rea.onablo prices."TioT -i JI250, and fl.'. per week, at lswrence Uracil Hotel, nearest f.unily seaside resort on ling In a select locality, lake train any hour from Long Island City or Flatbush a,, Brooklyn, for l.awrtnce; ataes meet trains. II. W HITCHCOCK. Proprietor, I.iAR ltOIHWA. L I Cau aicoiuiuodatn a fVw niori; gool lablo and Pels, laige. airy rooms; t-hady gruuiiil.: r nvtiuiint to depot and brarb. Mra, W. sfl' tRT I'r.ARHB. Irankllu av.. Far Itockaway, IIRST CLASS HOARD, with cool and airy room. ;"aTl ' conveniences; 2 minutes' wnlk to tba beach and near all the attraction., terms reasonable. F. SCIIUS IER t BHa. Jladlsun Hotel, Horka ay Beach, I.I, LOciTllOMF.'FAIlM.-1'leutyof shaderiarie lawn, spring water, beautlfu scenery; fre.h eggs ana Mi Ilk,' fruit; hoard to H pe r week. "' Mrs. A. li McKINsTRV. Modena. Ulster county. N. Y. SAMAVAO .LAKE, Silver Mapls Cottage open for boarders; Terms reasonable: kent by W F. ROBERTS, roatmaster ci'milinn oitft (Out ot Soujii. MIFV IN BIFF AMI STOP ATTHTtTKMJSEE. M Nisgaia lap. Irti' mmules n'a,y, f i Long Island Railroad's GREAT EXCURSION ROUTES TO THE SEA. Manhattan Beach. aH.MORF.---t FAMOWH CONCERTS AFTF.RNOON AND EVENING. LEAVE FOOT EAST B4TI1 ST. 50, 8:40. lOtlO. llltO A. .. 12:40. J'1-K "- jS"t MifA'.'ir.O. and hair hourly thereafter from HilO ta :40 F. M. ADDITIONAL TRAINS on Satordavs. 2t 10. 8 lo.Vilo. r.iio I', M.: Sundays. 8:40. 10:16. lltlO AM 12110. ! 2ts. 1:40, '2:20, 2140. MlJOl 3:40, 4 '20. and half hourly from 4:40 to 0:40 F.M. WHITEHALL sr terminus of all ("UA raaili and street car line., honrlr ."J ,0 A.M. to lio r. t., and half hourly fnmi 1:40 to:tO P. , "' TlllNAL TRAIN Saturdays, 12:40 r. M.i Sundays, hourly from P. 10 A. M too 10 r. M. i..... (These trains are fast sxiirriL Tims, SO mlnBts, from L. 1. City. No stops.) (parlor cars on all tralnsj , ROUND TRir, SO CENTS. nBOCK'S BRAND dlTHTAl TAI.ACB FinUWOBKH EvsrrsvsnlnratB.30. sxcspt Sandaya an Mamdaya. ADMIHSION, 0 CENTS. Oriental and Manhattan Hotels. FINK ROOMS-EXUJBIiT.ENT CUISINE. ROCKAWAY BEACH AND .IASIAICA BAT. LEAVE LONO ISLAND MTV. . ,, , A. f):m 7:35. UIIB, 10:03, UilO A. M.: 12:00. 1:0S, ei..S!,.2:0l. '2:46, Bn)3, 4:02. 6.02. 8:08. 7:00. ll5. Il 00, :S0. 10:36. 10:E5 1-. M. sainrdara n'7.,t ,,, Sundays, 7:16, 11:18. 10:15. 10:46. lliOrf. lliii. 11:60 A.M.; 12:15.1:05. 1:J 1145. 3:1J.,2:SV 2:32, S:l. 8:4(1. 4:16, 5:15. nilR. H:48. 7:00. 7:25. 7:52, 8:11, 8:23. Kilt), U:33. 10:22 P.M. .ROUND TRIP. SO CENTS. LONG BEACH, L. I. LEAVE FOOT EAST S4TH ST.. N. Y 8:40. 7:50, 10:50 A. M.: 1:20, A:20. 6i2a 0:50, 8:50. 10 P. JC. Sundays. i:40. 10:20 A. U.: 12:iO. 1:50. 2:50, 8:68, 4:58, 7:t5o, 7:M)F. M. SHELTER -ISLAND, GREENPORT,fSAG HARBOR, AND .THE J HAMPTONS. FAST TRAINS J ROTH WEEK DAYS ANO'SVNDATS, tea Time Tables. "". Long Island Railroad MAIN T.INE ANBIBBANCRM. FROU FOOT EAST a ITU ST FOR OKEENFORT. RIVERHEAD. 8:20 A, M.. l:B0,(Satlr dsyi only). 2-50 Shelter Island Exnrtss -Train ion," 8:20,4:85 1'. M. Eondays. B:00 A. M. .... " SAO HARBOR, Ths ilAUrTONK. 8:20. 1:50 (Satur days onlyl 2.50 "Train 101)," 8:20. 4:20. Sundays. RONKONKOIIA. BRENTWOOD. 8:20 A. M., 1:80 (Sat urdays onlyl. 3:20. 4:85, 5:20. Sundays, tl.OO A. M. I'ATCHOtlUE. 6:40. S:20, 10:50 A. M., 1:50 (Satnr dava onlv), 8:20. 4.20, 4:35, 5:20, 8:20 I'. St. Sundays. U Oo A. M. 1IABVLON. 4:30. 8:40. 7:30. S.20. 10 50 A. M.. 1 :20. 1 ,30 (Saturdays only). 8.20. .4:20.4:35. 5:20.6:30. 8:20. 0.60: night (Wedneadaya and Saturdays only). Sundava. H:40. 0:00 A. M.. 0:20. 8:60P. M. PORT JUFFERSON, NORTHPORT. 11UNTINOT0N, COLD SPBINO.8.50. 1:60 (Saturdays only). 3:50, 5:20 I-. M.; to Nortttport only, 10.50 A. M.. H-.20 P. M. Bun days, li-OO A. .M .8:20 P. M.i toNorthportonly.fl:60 A.M. liYSTEH BAY. (1LEN COVE. SKA CLIFF. R08I.TN. 8.10, 8.60. 10:60A M (12:50 Saturdays only), 2.00, 3:20. 4:20. 5:20 0:20. 8:50, R:00, 12:00 night (Wsdn.s. days and Saturdays only). Sundays, 0:20. 9 60 A.M., :). HOI'. M. GARDEN CITY. HEMPSTEAD. 8:30. 8:20. 10:50 A. H., (12.0 Saturdays onlv), 2:00, 3:20. 4:20. 6:20. 6 50, -20, ti 60. H-oo. 10 00 P.M.. 12:00 ntght. Sundays, 9.00. 11:20 A. M.. 1 :20. 0:20. 7:50. 10:20 P. M. FAR ROCKAWAY, via Valley Stream. 8:40. 10:50 A. M.. M.50. 10.CO P. M. 12:00 night. Sundays. 1:20. 3:53 6:40. 11:30, 7:22. 8:00. 8:50. 10:20 P. M. ARVERNE AND FAR ROCKAWAY. via N. Y. and R. B. R'y. 0:40. S:20.u:5O, 10-50 A.M. 12:.V)(Satnrdaysonly). 1:20. 3:20, 4-2. 5.20. 6:50. 8 00 F. M. Sundays, B 60, 10.60 A. M..1 20.1 60.2:30.5:4O.6:S0.7:22.H.OOI'.M. Ticket offices at Long Island City, foat East 34th St., foot of Chamhera at.. K. R,; 71. 2nl, vso. and 1,313 Broadway. N. Y. In Brooklyn, at Fiatbusb. Franklin av., and East New York stations. 'Connects for Fire Island, f tttmttT gUggrtf. atoms I'lssBss. Long Beach Hotel, L. I. ON THE ATLANTIC. AN IDEAL SEASIDE RESORT. FISH1NO, TACHTINO. BO ATTN O, BATBJN49. TUB FINEST AND SArTEBT BEACH ON TUB COAST. Bee Tims Table In this paper. CHAM. E. IIITCnCOCat. Maaaler, ' SHEEPSHEAD BAY, L. I., VIA MANHATTAN OR BRIGHTON BEACII RAILWAY. SELECT FA.MIL, X RESORT. 10 minutes' walk to Manhattan Beach across foot bridge. ErACIOUS UROUNDS AND SHADE TRESS, Nice play grounds for children. IIOIVIilL VILLA, Snr.EPHIIKAB I1AI, LI. MANHANSET ITouie &m1 Cottsftet, Khtlter ItUmfi. L. I., N. V., health' fully located, beautlfu. icenerr, drirtt. and troTei: yachting, bathlof. flibinjf. danclmr. Ac.j open until Hrpt. 16; eily ace ulblo oy new fait train by Lonr )el and Kallroad and at earners Mont auk and dbelter laland. bend for terms and illustrated rampblet ta II. 1). W. LAWSON. formerly of Murray Hill Hotel, manaaer. Manbamet Home. Btiflolfc coonty, Stw York. LAWRENCE BEACH HOTElT rre-smlnentlr a quiet family retort; in a beaatlfol lucality with nne surroundings; excellent board at 310. J12.M). mill Jir; still water and surf batl.lny. flib luifs carriage rldlnr unturpaised and free of all .b- Ieutlonable features: take train any bonr at Long slsnd City or I Utbusb ar Brooklyn, for Lawrence; stares meet trains. BKaNJAMlK W. HITCHCOCK. Proprietor. Sheepshead Bay, L.I. IUI1GE AlcMAIION'K OLD JIOTF.I.V will be ron exclusively on the European plan this sum msr. Particular attention to transients. I'AVILION HOTEL, ISLIP, U I. First-class accommodation; reasonable rate.; dano tng. entertainments, bathing, boating, ilsblng. croquet, tennis, Ac. WKBII A ERLBMiK. " JACKSON COTTAGE, East Qungue, L. I. Stages from station. Close to.bay and ocean. Fine driving and boating. Terms reason able. Fresh vegetables, eggs, Ac raised on the place. A. W. JACKSON. Quogoe. K I. GREENFORT HOUSE, (Jrecuport, 1. I. c. II. KOEOF.L. Proprietor. Easy of access to steamboats and railroad. F.rataurant at tached, (iood accommodations for families. Write ror terms. FIRE ISLAND BEACH, L. I SURF. HOTEL, , f!V,2MV& ' ' F. M.. Fine st. 4 F. M. Madison Hotel. Seaside, Rockaway Beach; 40rooms:'board by day or week. F. SCHUSTER A II HO, ATLANTIC HOTEL, Bheepibead Bay. 1. 1. Facilities for bathing, boating, and nsbini; a One vlow of Manhattan and Brighton Beach. Apply to Mrs. E. McMAHON, Hheeptbsad Bay, L.L IIOTKL CLIFTON oq Hblnll.cock Kar, Grooja .ciicxTfyaD.ij. i. First class boating, bathing, n.blng, .nips .hooting. Cant, W. : PHILLIPS, Proprietor. THE XsIZtWOOD, BAY SHORE. L. I. , n. I'UI.LIB, Prop. ".'Alt ROCKAWAY. L. I.-IVbHe's Cottago. opposite X1 Mansion House, next to the bank; good buaril; mod. erate terms. Address as above, WALTERS, Arll'nglon House, Far Rockaway Open all year; nret-clast board; moderate prices (American plan); best location near ocean. MANSION HOUSE and Pars rlous".. ciiasT A. Bcbll Hug, Proprietor, Far Rockaway. Largs, shady J rounds; superior table; good airy rooms; rates $10 to 16 per week. Cntaklll Mountains. CHICHESTER HOTEL, CAIRO, N. T.-Newlr fur msbsd; purs milk, fresh eggs and butler: farm connected with hotel: lawn tsnnls, baseball, andcro uuat grounds; rates 0 tu 18 psr week, A. B. CHICHESTER. Connecticut, A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESORT, ALWAYS COOL AND NO MOSQUITOES. INDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, OBEKNWICII. CONN, OPFNH JUNE MS. B. II. YARD. PROPRIETOR. Situated on l.nng Island Sound. 34 miles from Nsw Torki 4l minute, uom f.rauu Central Depot. r,lid fnr u.scriullt v pauipblet. Timxv Tor-aX. Sharon Springs, N. Y. . PAVILION HOTEL, OPEN JUNE 15. Koropean Apnllrtiilnni. or Knliiliiir Waiter, Inhnlatlnn. Ilssth, mul Douche.. For jKhtiininilani, Cislnrrh, Hkli) Dlftensjaa. nwM,.rairfiA&svgi.s.tBOH. FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL 1..KK (IF.OIIOE, N. Y . . BEND FOIt' luVuNTRATEI) SOUVENIR. or terms and particulars apply m Hotel (Irtnobla, 67th st, and 7th ai.. New York. FECIAL RATE FOR FAMILIES. WILLIAM NOBI.i:, Owntrand Proprietor. THE ELIVIER, l IINUN, N. T. Select family hotel: under one management twenty years: eledrto ligjil W. II. EI.MF.R. Manager. LONG POINT IIOTEIi cm Feneca Ijlke. N. Y opens on June 25; one of thoniost plulurcs'iuo piares in the world; the advantages, the beauties, and all the aurrnundingeot thla hotel are charming; a heantirul casino. Where all the attractions tor tho plensum ot guests haro been added; absolutely free from mos quitoes. malaria, and dampness. This placo has tin superior, ami few. If any, equals. Send for ile.crlptlvo catalogue; prices reasonable. 1-. IL MAISON. B.IWallat. New .ler.ey. OCEAN OROVE. T13LO jSLirliiXvSton. Accommodates 36a Finely located. Sixth season. Wei. F. DO LBEY, Proprietor. ASBURY PARIS, IT. J. HOTEL ALRIO.N, oCyArds from the surf: 12th season; accommodates 200; table and appointments the best; terms from tu to (12 per week: 12.60 ner day. Mrs. C. II, rEMBERTON. mi: niADisoiv. 0B SUNSET AV., ANBVItY PARS, Miss BROOM ALU, .. . TIIK ANCIlOBAotL SECOND AV. AND BUBOH ST.. ASBURY rARK. N.J, Two blocks from the ocean. SPECIAL RATES FOR SEPTEMBER. MRS. A. SIMMONS. BBURV 1-ABK. N. J. " . ,, THE VICTORIA HOTEL, rrontlns; ocean; all modern improvements: tntierlor table; accommodates 200. ' " nERWICE iSbc.E." Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. - Fifty yards from surf. Mrs. N. B. 'WtlEELEB. Pennsylvania. BEDFORD SPRINGS BEDFORD, PL TnE carlsbad'of America.- HOTEL OPENS JUNE 22D. L. B. 1IOTY. Itlwnwcer. WATER GAP HOUSE, &&&&. A modern hotel, elegant and complete. In the tilctu. resous scenery of the Blue Ridge. Now open. Three hours from New York, via D, L. and W. IL it L. W. BBODHEAD. TITANIA HOUSE m"all-s creek, .. . "U01J, Monroe connty. Pa. At Marshall'a Falls. Open all year. Reautlful park, auperb scenery: be.t ot rooms and table, circulars and maps. Jas. T. Wol.Fn. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSEr . MOUNT POCONO. TA. New bouse, mountain scenery, spring water, hnntlng. fishing. Send for circulars. L. A. or JOHN WARNER. BRUNSWICK RESORT, r, ... , MOUNT POCONO. PA. Beantifnl scenery, farm, dairy: livery connected; table unsurpassed. Send for clrculara. J DOWI.1NO. cCtnal -gotictg. SUPREME cocriT. in me matter et tne application et the Beard ot Education by the Counsel to the Corporatten of the ci.y ot New fork, relative to ac quiring title by the Mayor. Aldermen, and Common, ally .t the City of N-.v York, to certain landa en EDOFCOMBE AVENUE. WEST ONE HUNDRED ANI) FORTIETH AND WEST ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIRST STREETS. In the Twelfth Ward et ssld city, duty selected and approved by said Bosrdas a site for sohool purposes, under and In pursuance of the provisions or chapter 11)1 of tho Lawa ef 1888, as amended by chapter 36 ot the Laws ol 18D0. Pursuant to ths provisions ot chapter IBlcf the Laws ot 18SR, as amended by cbapter 35 of the Laws of 1800. notice Is hereby given that an application win be made to the Supreme Court of the State ef New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof. In the countv court llense in the City of the thirteenth dsy ef August. 1892. at the openlciof the Court on that day or as soen tbersafter aseyounsel can be heard th.r.en. for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate la the above-entitled matter. Tbe nature and extent of tke Improvement heresy Intended Is tbe acquisition of title by tbe Mayor. Alder men, and Commonalty of the City of New York to certain landa and premises, with tne bulldlags th.r.en and tke appartenanr.s thereto bslonglng, on Edgecouabe avenue. West One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and Fertv-flrst streets. In the Twelfth Ward et the said city. In fee simple atsolute. the same to be converted, appropriated, and used to snd for tti. pur poses speclocd In ssld chspter 191 of the Laws ot 1888. aa amended by said chanter K5 of the Laws of lsuo, said propeitr having been nuly selected and approved by the Board of Education aa a site for school parpoees. under and lb pursuance of the provisions of said chap ter 191 et the Laws of 1M. aa amended by said Chapter 35 ot the Laws or lb DO. being the following described lots, pieces or parcels ef land, namely: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying, and being In tbe Twelfth Ward of the City ef New York, bounded and described as fellows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner oP One ITon drad and Fortieth street and Edgecombe avenue, and running tk.ece northerly along the easterly side of Edgecombe avonoe, one naadr.d and nlasty-nlns feet ten Inches to lb. soulhessterly corner of Edgecombe avenue and One Kindred and Forty-first stresl: th.ace easterly along th. southerly side of One Hundred and Forty-first ttrset. one hundred fsst; th.nco sonthsrly, parallel with Edgecombe avenue, ninety-nine lest eleven Inches; thence easterly, parallel with One Hun dreo and Forty-first strset, fifty feet; thence southerly, parallel with F.dgecorobe aienuo, ntnetv-nlne feet eleven Inches to the northerly side of One Hundred and lortlsth street; snd thence westerly along the nortbei iy sldsof One Hundred and Fertleth street, one hundrsi snd nfty to the point or place of beginning. Dated NEW YORK. July 108U2. WILLIAM 11. CLARK. Counsel to tbe Corporation, No. 2 Trysn Row, New York City. SUPREME COURT. In the mstter of the application ef tho Board of Education by the Coucsel to the Corporation ot the City ot New York, relative to ac quiring title by tbe Mayor. Aldrrm.n. and Commonalty of the City of Nov York, to certain landa en the north erly aids ot HESTER STREET, between Norlolt and Essex streets. In the Tenth Wsrd or said city, duly se lected and approved by said Board as aaltefor school purposes, under and In pursuance of toe provisions ol l chapter mi of th. Laws ot 18b8, as amended by chsp ter 86 of ths Laws uT 1SW. Fursusnt to tbs provisions or rhsptsr lot of tns Laws or ISSS. as amended by chapter :.1 of the Lawaot lo, notice 1. betehy given mat an application will be made to th. supreme Court of the state of New York, et a Special Term ot ssld Court, to b. held at Chamber, th.r.of in th. Count y Court House. In tbs City or Now York, on the 13th dsy of August, 1SII2. at the opening er the Court on that ila) or as soon thereafter a. conn-1 ael can be heard thereon, for the sppotntinent of Com t Ulssloners of Estimate in the above entitled matter. The nature and .stent of the improvement hereby In tended la tlie acquisition of title by the Mayor, Alder men, and Commonaltv of the city of New York to car-, lam lands and premises. :tli I he buildings thereon snl the appurtenances thereto belonging, on tbs north erly side of Hester street, between Norfolk snd Essex sir.. Is, in th. T.nln Usnl of th. said city. In fee simple absolute, the same to li. coniert.d, appropriate ed, snd used to snd for ih purposes specified In said chapter I'Jl of th. Laws ot 1N1H. as amended by the ssloT chapter 8." of the Lan s ot IHtHl. said property hav tng been duly sslect.d and approved by the Board ot hduratlon as a site for school purposes, under and in rurstiance or ths provisions or said t banter 1S1 of the .awa or isss, ss amended by said chapter 85 or tbe Laws of 18o. being the folio wing described lots, pieces or psrcels of land, namely All that certain piece or! psrc.lof land situste, lying, and being. In the Tenth rdof theClty of New York, bounded-and described as roiiows: t e B.ginnlngatapolnton tho northerly slds of Hester street, distant nrty feet westerly from ths northwest. arly corner et Norfolk and Hester streets, and running thence westerly along the northerly side ot Hester tre.t. tw.ntynvefeet; thence northerly and parallel with Norfolk street, s.renty-flie fe.t sev.n inches; tkenee easterly, parallel with Hester street, twenty-nve .last, and thence seutherly, parallel wlh Norrolk street. ssvsety-rivs fsst ssvsn inches to tho polotvr place of beginning. Dated NEW YORK. July 13. 1892. WILLIAM II. CLARK, I'oum.l to ths Corporation. So. 2 Tryon Bow, New York City, SUPREME COURT.-Intb. matter nt the application . efthe Board of Education by the Conns.l to th. Cor .poratlon'of thetCityor New York, relative to acqulr l?6". !','.' by 'no Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of.New York, to certain lands on the north erly aide ef RIVI.NUTON STREET, between L.wls and Cannon streets. In lb. Eleventh Ward ef ssld city, duly selected and appro) rd by ssld Bosrd as a sits for school porposss. under snd In pursuance of tbe provisions of chapter 1UI or the Laws e 1888, as amended by ahapisr Mot the Laws ef 1SU0. Pursuant to the provisions of cbapter 191 of ths Laws of 1NS8. aa amended by chapter 86 of tba Laws of 1BB0. notice is bsreby given thst an appli cation will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of ssld Court, to b. held at Chambers thereor. In the County Court House lu the City et Nsw York, on tbs 13th day of August, 18U, at the opening of th. Court .u that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for ths appointment of commissioners ot Kttimsle in tbs shots entitled metier. The noiure and extent of the improvement hereby Intended Is the aciiiilsitloti of tills by tn. Mayor. Al dsrmen'sndCernrnonelly of Ihs City of Nsw York, to c.rtaln lands and premises with the buildings ther.oa, and thaappurtenanies thereto belonging, on the north, erly s.ds of Rlvlngton street, between Lewis snd Can ion slrssts, In the tlevenlh Wsrd otthn s.ld city. In fee slmnls sbsoluts. ths sameto be conserted. aonro prlaiel and used to and tor the purposes specified in ssldchapter im eriho l.awsof Ihhh. ss amended br ssld chapter 36 or the Us. of 1SS0. said properly having been duly ae'ected au-1 approved by the Board ef Education as a site for school purnossa under and In pursuance rf the proilslens of .aid chapter 1P1 of the I,s.we ot ISSH, as amended by said chapter of tne Laws .iflHiio. being lb. rollnwlng desirllial lots, pieces or parcels of land, namely- all thai cerlaiu piece or pare. 1 of land altuat., Illng and In tb. El. v. nth Ward of tb. City of New York, bounded sod described as follows Btslnntng at a point on the northerly slds of Blvlng. ton stfset, distant one hundred feet westerly from the northwestsrly corner of Lewis and Klvlngton streets, sndrnnning tbsnes westerly slong tbs northerly slds of Rlvingtoa strsst. Pfly feet; thence north.!!)-, paral. 1.1 with Lewis strcel, eight) nine feet; thence esstsrly. rsrsllsl with Rlvlngton street, twenty-three feet: heuce northerly, parallel with Lea Is street, thirty six fsst; tti.nca easterly, parallel with Rlvmgton street, twenty-seven leet. snd tbence seutherly. parallel with Lewis street, one bundled and tweilynrs Issl to tbs potat or rlace of beginning. Dated NEW YORK, July 18. 19). WII.LIA.I II CLARK. Counsel to th. Corporation, So. .' In on Row, Kew Tort Ulljr, ' 1 jV ' '- ' - ' i - SUFRRMECOURT.-ln ths matter s)f the applicant .. ot i"? Armory Board by tbe Courtis! tn Ihs Corpora tion of ths city of Nsw York, under and la pursnan.e et the provisions of chspter 830 of ths Lawt of 1887, a. amended by chapter 4S&of the Lawsef 181)0, relative to acquiring, br the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons! rot the City et New Yerk, certain rights. Interests, privileges, and ea.einennnf, In and to certain lends on lha northerly tide of I0URTEENTII STREET, bstws.n Sixth and Sarenlh avenues In said elty, title to which lands hat bsen btrttorore acquired by said Mayor. Ai lerraen. and Cemmonalty of the City ot New Yerk, pursuant to tho aforesaid acts ot the Lsgiilatute, as part and tatt.l of a s. i tor armoty Pnrsoanl to the provisions of crispier 330 of ths Lawt tL.!887-.m amandtd bv chapter 485 of the Lawsot iBPti, nottca Is hereby given that an application will be nde te the Supreme Court or tbe State tf New York at a Special Term of ssld Court to be held at Chambers thereof In the County court House, In the City ot New lor It. on tbs 13th dsy of August, 18H2. at llieopenieg et tbs (otirt on that day, or at soon Iherearter as coun sel csn be beard Ihrteon, tor ths appointment of com missioners nt Esiima'e In the above entitled matter. I"' .''.'!" nl extent of tbe Improvement hereby Intended Is the acquisition by the Major, Aldermen, and ceuiuionaltyet it-., city ot New York of all tbe rights. Interests, ptittieget, and ea.ementa of every kind and nature whatsoever of, In, and to the lands h.relnaKer described, held, owns, pos sessed, or enjoyed by any person orpetsons. psrttes or estalu, anting, existing, or growing out cf a '!'? "greeinent or hearing date the 2lth day of May. 1x45, and recorded In the nfflce of ne Regislerot tui city snd county of Nsw lnrk on lbs SOth day or May. 1815. Ill Liber 483 of Convey jt.ces, at page 170. made and entered Into byandbe tueenJiilinTuiitiele. the then owner of tbe lands here inafter desirlhsd, and c, K. Cornell, James Mcouilougli, ths estate and hslrt ot A. M. Mitlr, decssted. ana tieniuel Longttrtet, the men owners of csrtsln othsr "ld. 'UMiii lands on Fourteenth strs.t, In and by which It was provided that the buildings lharear ter to Je erected en ssld lands should .st back from ths building Una of Fourtesntn street, and distant north erly thsrefrom eight ftet, said rlsbts. Interests, privi leges, and easements to bs appropriated, converted, and used to snd for ths purposes .penned In sstd chsp tvl3.p or the Lsws or 1887. as amsndsd by chspter 4H5of the Laws ot 18U0. said lands having been duly selected by the Armory Bosrd, and approvsd by the commissioners ot the Sinking fund, snd ths title thereto having been acquired by said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty as part and parcsl of a site for armory purposes In pursusnee of the afore. aid sets of sa'dL-gislatuio. The following la a description ot the tands hsrslnbe lore referred 10 All those certain lots, pieces or paresis nt land, situate, lying and being In said City of Nsw lork. and hounded and detcrtbed at follows, via.: Be ginning st a point on the northerly elde ef Fourteenth street, distant three hundred feet westerly from th northwesterly corner ot SlttU avenne and Fourteenth street, and running thence northerly snd parallel with Sixth avenue, one hundred and three feet and three inches: thence westerly snd parallel with Four teenth street, one hundred feet: tbence sonthsrly and again parallel with Sixth av.nut, on. hundred sad three feet and three Inches to ths northerly side of t ourteenth street, aud thence easterly along said north erly side of Fourteenth strset, on hundred feet to th point or nisi e ot tisginning. Dated NEW YORK, .Inly in, 1892. WILLIAM II. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation No. 2 Tryon Row, New Yerk Cltf, SUPREME COUKT.-In the matter ot the applleltlea of the Board ef Education by tbe Counsel to tb. Corporation ot the City of New Yerk, relative t. acquir ing title by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York to certain land, on the northerly aide ot SEVENTY-SEVENTH ITREKT. betwetaC.lum bus and Amsttrdain avenues. In the Twenty-ssconcl "ardor ssld city, duly selected and approved by said Board as a site for schuol purposes, tinder and In pursl anes of tbe provision! ot chspter 181 of tks Lawt ot 1SS8, as amended by chspter 35 ot the Laws ef 1190. Furtsant te the provisions ot ohsntsr 111 of tke Laws ot 1KS8. as amended by chapter 33 et the Lawaot 18P0. notice le hereby giv.n that an application will bo made to the Supr. me Court of the stat.etKew York, at a Sp.cial Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers tbereuf In the County Court Ilou.e, In the Cltr of New Tork, on tbe 18th dsy of August, 18S2, at ths opsnlnf of th. Court on thst day, or as soon thsrssfter aa Cann es! can be hesrd thereon, forth, appointment of Cen mtssioners ot Estimate In the above entitled matter. The nature aad extent of tbe Improremeat hereby lav tended Is the acquisition or title by the Mayor, Alder men, and Cemmonalty of tbe City or New York t. cer tatn lands and premises, with the buildings tberet. and tbs sppnrtenances thereto belonging, on ths north erly side of seventy-seventh ttrcet, between Columbus and Amsterdam avenues. In the Twenty-second Ward of the ssld city. In fee simpls abaolnte, tbe sins te be converted, appropriated, and used to and far the pur poses specified In eatd chapter 1P1 of the Laws ot 1888. as amended by said cbapter 35 ot tbe Laws ot lSSO.sala) property having been duty telected aad approved by the Board of Education as a site for school porposss, under and in purstisncs of the provisions of said chap ter 1D1 of the Lawa ot 18S8. as amended by said chas ter 3.", of tbe Laws of 18H0. bslng the following de scribed lots, pieces or psrcels or lend, namely: All thst csrtsln piece er psrcsl of land aituats. lying, and being in the Twenty-second Ward ef the Cltye! New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a paint en the northerly line of Seventy seventh street, distant one hundred feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of Amsterdam avenue and Saveniy-seveiitn ttre.t, and running thence eatttrly along th. northerly side of 8rv.nty-soY.ath ttre.t, ntty f..t; th.nce northerly, parallel with Amtterdam av. nue. one hundred and two feet two inehet; th.nce wsalerly, parallel with Seventy-savsnth strest, flftj feet, and ttienre aoutherly, parallel with Amsterdam avenue, one hundred and two feet two Inches to tks point or place of beginning. Dated NEW YORK. July 13. 18!2. WILLIAM If. CLARK. Counsel to the Corporation, No. 2 Tryon Bow. New York City. SUPREME COURT. In Ibe matter of the appllcatloa of the Board of Education by tho Counael te the Corporation of the City ot New Yerk. ratatlre te acquir ing title bv the Mayor. Aldermen aad Commonalty of th. City of New York, te certain landa on the northerly side ef THIRTY-FIFTH STREET, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. In the Twentieth Ward ot aald city, duly aelected aud approved by said Beard as a site for school purposes, nnder snd in pursuance ef tbe prevl aloneot chapter 1U1 ot the Lawsef ltfkS, as amended br chspter 35 efthe Laws ot ISM. , Pursuant to the provisions of chsptsr 181 ef the laws of 1 B38. m amended by cbapter 36 of the Lawa of loBO. net'ee la hereby given that an application wilt be made to the Sopreme Court of the state of New Yerk. at a Special Term ot said Court, to k. held at Chamber, thereof. In the County Court lleuao la tbe City of New fork, en the 13th day of Aogast, 18U2. at the opening o( the Court en that day or aa soon thsrsaftsr as coun sel can be beard thereon, far the appointment ef Com missioners of Esttmsts In the above entitled natter. The nature and extent of tbe Improvement hereby Int.nded is the acquisition of title by tbe Mayer. Alder, men. aad Commonalty et tbe City of New York t. csr tsln Isads and prsmlses.wtth the buildings thereon and the apsurtsnsnees tbsreto belonging, en Ibe northerly of Thirty-fifth strest. between Eighth and Ninth aveaues. In ths Twsnlisth wsrd ot tke ssld elty. In tee simple absolute, the same to be converted, appropri ated, and used to and for the pnrpoaes . peclried in said chanter 191 ot the lawa at 1S8, aa amaaded bv said chapter 35 of the Lawa ef 1890. .aid property having been duly sslected and approved by the Board et Edu cation as a site for school purposes, nndsr and tn pur suancs of tho provisions of Bald chapter 101 of tbe Lawsef 1888, as amended by said cbapter 35 of the Ijsws ef KM), being the following ds.crlbsd lots, plsces, or parcela etland, namely: All that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Twentieth Ward ot the City of New York, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the northerly side ef Thirty fifth street, distant ons hundred snd twenty-five feet one Inch eaaterly from the uorlbea.terly corner of Ninth avenue and Thlrty-Afth street, and rnnnlng thence esstsrly along the northerly tide of Thlrty-flttE street, twenty-four feet eiei en Inches; thence norther ly, parallel with Ninth avenue, nlnety.elgbt feet nine Inches; thence westerly, parallel with Thirty-fifth street, twenty-four feel eleven Inches, snd taeacs sonthsrly, parallel with Ninth atanao, nlnety-elghl feet nine Inches to the point or pises ot beginning. Dstsd NEW YORK. July IS. HM. WILLIAM II. CLARK. Counsel to the corporation, So, 2 lryon row, New Tort City SUPREME COURT. In the matter of the appllcatlol ot the Board of Education by the Counsel to the Cor poratlon of the City or New York, re.'uttre to acquiring , title br the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New lork lu certain lands at KI.MiollRIDOE. In the Twenty.fourth Mard of said city, duly selected and approi ed by said Board as a site lor school purposes, ', tinder and in pursuance or th. provisions of chapter .11)1 of tho Laws of loss, aa ameuded by chapter 35 of tbe Laws ot 1BH0, , j Tursuant to the provisions of chapter 101 of tbe tfuweor lHis. a. amenduil h) chapter A3 of tho Laws or Intai, notice Is hereby gl)n thit an application will bo made tu the Supreme cnjrt ef the .-.tale of New York, at a Special Term of m-iM court, to be bald at chambers thereof, in the County 1 nurt Ilo.ise tn the I Ity ot New York, on Hie ISIb ilay of August, 18U2, at the opening of the Court on that O.ty or as soon there 'after ss counssl can be heard tt.rreon, for the ap pointment or CouiMissioneis nt Estimate in tbe above entitled matter Tbe nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended la the acquisition of title b) the Mayor, Alder men, and Coiumoi.a ty ol the c.tyof htw lork to cer. tain landa and premises, with the hulidlii.-s thereon and the appurleiiaiirs. thereto belonging, at Kings brldgo. in me Twentr-fonrllt Hard uf the said city. In tee simple absolute, the p-llilu to li. tonverted, appro priated, and used to and tor the purpose, specified In said cbapter 111 of lh Lawsef I Sws. s amended by said cliapter 3", of Hi" Lawa of 1HWI, said property having been duly selected and appro. ed by the Beard of Education as a site for school purposes muter and in fursuanceof the provisions or said chapter 1P1 of the .awsof IS88, as'smelidcl By salt chapter 35 of tbe l.awsof lsuo, being ths lo Hewing described lots, pieces 'or parcela of Ian. I, nainrlr All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying, and being at Knigsbrlilge, III the Twelit)-foiirttl Ward of the City et New lor., bounded aud described aa fol lows! , , 1 Beginning at tbe northwesterly corner of Church .street aud Webers lane, and running thence west. rlv 1 .along the northerly aide of Webers Isne. one hundred sand ilrty feat; tl.ence northerly, parallel with Church two hundred; thence .utterly, parallel with Webers lane, one hundred and nfty leet in the westerly side of Church street snd thence south.rlr .long th. westsrly side of Church street, lis o hundred feet to tbe point or place of beginning Dattd NEW Mill):. July 13. 1HU2. WILLIAM II. CLARK, Ceuioel to tbe Corporation. No. 2 rrrnn row. New 7ork City. pfropojtaiis. A OUEnUCTCOMMS.'-IONER8' OFFICE, room" 2oi X Stewart Building. JM) Broadway, New York, July 2t), 1BU2. TO (0NTRACT0R9. Illds or proposals for iloing (ho work and furnishing Ibe materials lalinl for imbo approved form of i-oii-tract iiuw on file 111 llio nlllro of the Aqueduct Commis sioners, tor liiiildi'i the New croton Dam at Cornell Site, on Crntiin Rner, In the town of Cortlandt, West Chester count), Nw lurk. Hill be recited at this illlceiiiilll Meducsdar, the 24tll day of August, INK?, at II o'clock 1- M. at which place and hour they will tie publicly opened by tho Aqnrduct Commissioners, am! the award or the contract for doing said work and fur lushing said materials will be made by said Commis sioner a. soon thereafter as practicable. Blank tonus nre.itd aptirovrd contract and thospect. flcstlotta thereof, and bid. or proposals, and proper en velopes for theli enclosure, and Inrm ot b-illds, and also the plans tor said i.ork and allot tier Information, can be oiilalued at the .il'ove otlice of the Aqutduct Com missioners on application in the secretary li) orderof the Aqueduct Culiimls.loni-rs. J. C, LCI. LEY. JAMES (.. OU-.SK. Secretary. President. rplIB HOARD OF EDUCATION of School" District Kn. X 6, toun of Oyster Bay. N Y, invito proposals lor the erection and completion ot the proposed new school house at (ilen Cove, L. I. rlans ami specific.. Hon. mav bo seen and details furnished Iiy IV I. Faucher, lilen Cose. L. 1, or W B. Tubby, architect, SI Fulton st Now York. Bids will be rerenM up 102 F M, Monday. 4usr 16, S:i2 All bid. must be sealed and endorsed ' Proposals for public scnnnl" end ail diet-edtoW I tanrliM. S'crelai v Building Coiuinil tee lllen Cove. I I fhe euui h.sIu! bidder or bidders will be required to lurttisli bond, ppproted by the Board of Education. The Bo. id reserves the right to reject aay or all bids in tbe inlet.. t of tbe district. B. " TAFFAN, 1 ,,,,,,,,. 8 B BKOWNE, r?"',-' Y.l.FANCHEk, , Committee. ' ' - 11 r 1 ' s 'W,"", " . "''"rellPWI iM E. J. Denning & Co., ? .j ' !o SUCCESSORS TO rt-l V.sfiWV ifl A. T. STEWART CO. (RETAIL), SjP 3tV' ' '' ' fl f i-l T mJl asssssssssst SPECIAL BARGAINS IN s , I FINE SHOES. t-fc IB LADIES' DONGOLA KID SS?-- H BUTTON BOOTS, NoglJgoo shirtB at $1 Mid $1.60 JI Plain nnd D-sv4. I U T! M0 8oinG nt ft llV0,y I'aCO. So '.jf! Plain and Patent Leather Tip3, mflnybpro?ty patterns wore probably . If at $2.50 pel pail; novor soon tojjcthor, nor such quol- vtt ,v . , . ity for the pnoe. H Reduced from SOO and $5.00. Jnie best 25-cont collar, nolid D. .Broadwaj,4thAT..9th&10th 8ta ta&.?fts?Si7ft; 11 collars and box. Hi Stores close to:morrow at 1 (jif ' o'clock. Jiff DISEASES OF MEN III in ';w days: no charge unless cured; also gleet, etrlo- .light advance In cost. It safety worth 10 mock! MB tore, blood poitonlng. ulcers, tkla dlsessas. youtbfnl .. . ...... II , :k"t,ndffiteiw.,w. e.f.bStfa.s: "'" wom,,, vd """" II ..,.,4.E..,.9th.,.,n..rdav,,b..,.dv, ROGERS, PEET k CO. JL golHlcal (Puffltttrg. IK. Q?MSSmSmyv ; J B.oHADwBAYJwr.??.'n. ML s-' M, MAOEE A SON, 147 Foltoa L 8TORE9. I B2d St, IH, Il ' " ! I B ,. IK THE FIRST EDITION OF 1 The Sun's Guide 1 TO NEW YORK I f; FOR 1892-1893 WILL .. COMPRISE 75,000 COPIES. If s. i. v A The demands already made by sales agents and the general publia M for THE SUN'S GUIDE justify -a guarantee to adrertisers that th I first edition alone of this book 'will-be seventy-five thousand copiei, 11m ' The combined news companies-estimate a demand of over 200,000. THE SUN'S GUIDE will-boused by those who pass through .New York next Summer on their way to tho World's Fair, as well aa ' .by New York's guests at the Columbus Celebration in October. It will not be made bulky-with advertisements, however, and thosa ' who wiah space in-it should address at once ""''; " i THE GTTIDB3 BOO.K DEPARTMENT' OF THE STX-TXr., Si POST OmCE NOTICE -Foreign mall I forth wae ndlnf Aur. owill cloit (promptly la all caeeiat this offlc, as follow : miDAr.-At ll A.M. (8npplmentarylt:8OH.)f0f Fortune Inland, Jtremlc. J a malt a, and Coita Rica rla Llmon. per iteamabtp Alreoa, 8i.TURDAT.-At 13:80 A.M. for France. BnltMrUnl, Italy. Bpaln. Porta gal. and Turkey, pr iteamthlp La Tonralne. via Uarre: at 3 A. M. for Germany. Denmark, aweden. Norway (Cbrlitlanla), and Itui ala, per eteamshtp Elbe, via Bremen .letter for other parts of Europe) rla Aoathainpton must be directed per Blbe'O: at 11 A.M. for i'ampeehe. I'hlapae, Tabatco, and Yncatan. per iteamititp Yncatan (letten for Cuba. Tamplco and Tuxpani direct, and other Mexican Etatee Yia Vra Cruz muit be directed "per Yucatan": at 11 A. JJ. for llaytl. Cumana, and Carupano, per team hln Prim F. IleudrU letters for other Vnn' ruelaporti and for Onracoa. Trinidad. BrltUti And Dutch Ualana most bs directed "per 1'ritii K. Uen Crlk"); atll:30A,M. (eupplementary 1 .'10 P. M ) for Europe, per iteamihip serrla, via Qncemtown: at 12 U, (lapplementary 1 :30 P. M.) for Isiirope. pr tearanhip Arizona, via Oneenatown (letters mutt be directed "per ArUona,,j; at 13 M.(iupnlementary 1 P. M.) for Pernambuco. Hahla. Klo Janeiro, Kantoi. and La Plata Countrlee via Hto Janeiro, per Nteamiblp Enchantrrsi; at 1 P. M. for Para, Maranham. and Ceara, per iteamship (Irecory; at 1.30 P.M. for Belgium direct, per iieMns..ip Pet genland, Tta Antwerp (letters mnnt be directed T per Belf enland '); at 1 ::0 P.M. for Netherlands drert. per itenmiblp Dubbeldam. rla Itottcrnam (letter muit be directed "per Uubbeidum"). at :i P. M. for Truxlllo, per steamiblp B. oterl, from .Now Or lean . Mallefrom Ohlna and Japan, per elenmiblp Oceanlo (from San Francisco). cloe here dally up to Autr. 10, at 11:80 P. M. Malls for Australia. ew Zealand. Hawaiian, Fiji, and Hamosn Islands, per steamship Mariposa (from ban Irancico). clone here dally up to Aagr. M4, at rt:" P. M. (or on arrival at .New York of steamship Aiiranla with Hrltlsh malls for A us trails). Malls for the Kociety Islands ner ship (lalilee (from Ssn FrancUco). rfosa here dally unto Autr. 2&. at fl:30 P. M. Mails fnr Hie Hawaiian Isl ands, per steamship Australia .from San Franclsm close here dally up to Autr. '2., at rt:ao P. M. Malls for Newfoundland, bv rati to Halifax, snd thence by steamer, rloie at this nfllc ilally at H no p. M. Malls for Ml'iuslnn, by rail to Unitou. and thsnroby steamer, (liso at this oiltce daily ut H.SOP, M, Mails for Cuba, hyr.111 to Tampa. Fla, and thenr by steainpr(failln(r Mondays and Thursdays). cImo at this orllca dally at :::.n a. M. .Mails for Mexico. overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamrr. clon at this oitlce daily at a. 00 A. M. TransPflfUlcmalU are forwarded to Pan Francisco daily, and the nchdiilo of closing Is arrsnjred mi tba presumption of their nniaterrunted overland transit to tan Francisco. Malls rrom the Knst arrlvlnt; on tlma at Pan Francisco on the day of sailing vt steamers are despatched the tics tbe same day. Berlalered mall closes at OP. M. previous day. I.xtra supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the KngUsh. French, and German steamer at tin hour of rlostnirnf supplementary mails at the Post Of th' which remain open until within ten minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Copnrtncr-ahtp gjtotirti. "T. RAYNOI.PB A CO.-DISSOI.UTION -Sr.tlca Is hereby irlretl that tbe partnership here K.f ore ex hting between the undersigned, rarrylnv on business at 1 ifl and 10rt Fulton street, in the t ity ot .New York, mi'lt-r lh firm name of ('. T Kavnolds A Oo. India S'l.ved. the assets thereof having' been purchased and Its existing llabtlllles assumed by 1 corporation known a r XV, He. - A t'o. Hated New York, July -'5, 1H(.2. TIHIMAS H IMPIHM. KliWAHH I U'H.INKPX. hDWAUH II KU'.NOI.Dal. We tale pleasure In annoiiiu'tu? to our rrl"uds and thn trade generally tbnt the busfne mterraUof t), y, Itaynolds A To. and F, W. DeorA To date been con solidated nrt tbe two bouea tncorporaf-d under tbe IKimn of "!' IV. Demo A C. T. ItaynoM t o ' liur facilities will h Itrgely ncn.ted by this union, ami wh tan assure our friends Hist i orders will be promptly executed under the mo t orulim rondi tiotis and they nia rely upon ie-. tita- the same bratKlftainl iMtallties of goods an brrt'' f r. With ihjtnk lor past favors, anl itnpina for an In creased ehareof your businrss in Hi future, we ra matu, respectfully. EHWAKH li IMYMILHS Of C J'- lU)tiiJds A Co. New York, Aug I, ISP.', 3ili.orcHanfoiw. 1.004) Kir It equal, rilK MAHIP I.NBF-fT KXTRR l,nM MI.N'Aroil. aura death to all Insects, cures rV1.0. tlietr bites and stlnifs. .Non-poisonnus and nonexplosH. Also our Hmriu Itoirh Food, destroya roaches aud water buss Sold ever) where bALLAHb at t ii . Mil.... .New York. Iltrrfino. !wfiaH'rorKiiuiiit:Kis MZKrixln Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of tbe stockholders of the TonsiliiUte I fits and hlecinc Mghi ronipsnyof VTestchsster bounty will be held at the office nt .'cifln A Stanton, 72 Proadw ay. in the city or New York, on the 1'lh day ol Auciist H. 1H0V. at Hi o'clock A M for the purpose or transiting such busmen as may cmuo befoie th mt-etiiu. DstedAti. It, .,aIIC!','i " "'"" 8"""- . jgattnt. PrTnN7nv' nn,,V,"l!n,JrenPrin''n loirMteT , I 2fnjstrurfi0it. J fiANJO. MANDOLIN, andnaMinitrnetion. Wa. . v ZnIVt.10.n. 1 "y1""'- I'- cl0- " e-nivrlng A dancing taught for tho stage or atuusernent. Lessons ' ? strictly private. Satisfaction guaranteed. Circular 1 ft"- J. r. DBAN. 33 d av.. nearAlstst. jy"iOniAr. nd .Mandolin. Private lessons. bellbunj?s DOBSON. 1,370 Uroadway. l-atnttllrr BANJO, mandolin, and stage ilanclns taught; lesson . . , private. Clrculara. J. BOOAN. 1J7 sd av.. lAtti at. 5 Ct I SO VKAKL.Y HOARn "AND TUITION. Feinlnsrr aiUU(glrls): ir.O. .Military Academy tboysk Ad- I ' dress EPISCOPAL SCHOOLS. Hadilonneld. N. J. I tliools ami Coltcjiw. ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE 41 Butler at., nesr Court, nronklyn. i 'rstncl.PHn llrotlse,... fve.iuessa H.nt. O I Studies Classical. Scientific, nnd Commercial Roard" and tuition, puralmuin.jinynhle half yearly In advance. ?uamr. ji'ioJi'n! 1,"r',0, "V""01-'-".!1''- 1 lor catalogue and farther psrtlcnlsrs apply to th i rresldent nRf)Tlnii: jtiRoyf.! f). S. r. a OI:. 1.VU Oie TIIK P.tCA;tl)COLI.EO. J On Tuesday. Sent. n. the Packard College and School of Stenography will rtsumo Its nrk. Applicants for 1 sests will he registered In the order of their applica- a Hon. Tbeoillco nill be open from a to 4. from tbe 20th a of August. Send for cficular. S. H. I'ACKAIII), President. 101 Hast 2.M St. j f jTniirUin gkriiiUmics. r i OIT.V ALL Sl'MMIIIi. -Walls and all laZtrTiVniiLlV ' dauces taught rapidly, I'lri-uura. KMCKKRe llOCKbll C0.SLIATtil:.4I West litis .t. ctHcdicnt. S.,?.A.ni1J:... 'EV VOIIK tTNITKHU S.1H1?. I. as " '" NPIII'IALINr II E. votlb -in 'rmj-riti: k-i'si nvr or liiau .I,'.J,,,, ".'' Kh,N uls'naes, r-1 p,ii. pain Inbonesi sore throat nud iiinutii blotches and eruption, on the 1 skin . ijlceri, paliuul anrlllng.. aiol .ore lei. .,T,,,,,N'- ui I'RINARV .ompl.ilni.. Irritation, A scalding, initaininatlon. frciiieru n,. liuatinn to un- "VA.'.l'r'i'J!!.' ,'r.rb"r". '". sirn-tiire,. Ac E tUltlAMI wl,akMir.s.iier)ousil.iiility,lnipalra4 H memory, inintal absence nf win omver. lost 5t vitality, weak or shrunken urgans. Impediinente la JK jnarrlagc, melancholy, liihiiiiary tltal losses, weak Vt back, and other ri-sulln.g I ruin Indie- Csi cretlon, or oi erwnrk reieut or old. siee.llly, thorongh- fS ilvJli5d l','"'f 'pHytireil Mow many suiter unneces- W taniy from tlie abu)u ror many weary W T.t'huKili'!Sx.ti'-M"1 "' '" 'ly curable uuder fl- lit 'iltl.Mil.l.'Mreuimeiii. , JS . ..v. HV."!11".1 "" .'" ",,v cured I" many a infftrer V, esks not kunlng whom in trust, do whero thoutand V S:.f.',h'.r.' I'v iron, end been restored to perfect I 5, J .' "': ".'? 'i'.'r'f'.".'!! nf """ " '"" ciijoyinent nf so- SlSfti? !-ri 'll!e.,Vi,'hi..l'la"'l,wu,l," "'"" ""' ,J V All llngeringi'hrnulc diseases tlia' base been negleet ed or nay. fn(.d Iu j.,,!,! lcl , ittessll of less sk II- "' ''"'''' soon gel well iiudir Dr. IIUIMiLI'.'S superior llli,'"'tl,'!,,',i,(,,V,;B VB.1IIM AT J7Il!esl l.-ili st. between sit Is and 7lh av.; lowest charges: ad) Ice free, llours.utnii, Surdavs, It tn 4,8 to 8. a.:i,'L.lkl,''?'.HH.. .rvl'VflAI.IKT I.N IsIH. I iVM AKIHI.VlS. I Per., discharges, gleet, slrlctnres, blood pinanninr, erne throat anil mouth, I pains In bones, eripll- n. l. olehes ami red rpotson the akin, ruiiniiia-.ores, iMinl ill snelilngs. Ac kldn.yand bladder. lisia.e., irrd iiiun, Iri'iueiii desire lourlnat scalding. Ilitlnii.iiintu.ii, A nrgatili: xeakmss. ner- niis ilehlllly. irr r or loinn, bad dreams, mental anviiti, lost tun' iy veak or alirnllken organs. Im. pe.lliniiits liiinarriaji.i.aiii. n. back, and all diseases n suiting friini eiie,.e.' lllllsiretion. or ovtrerork, t- cent or old elii) i,. pcriimuntly rurod. Vihen sufterllig Ir 'tn ilisea-e .k iidwoe from sn eipert ' ' whose exicrliiico and practice hate taught him to apply promptly Ihe proper remedy, and rintekly re mote the disease, inn. alluding th. many montht of treatment so c.niiuirii In llieliiespcrlenred and annoy, log and dlsro'i aging to lb patient lleinember that ,t.. years iractireaaa l pcUlui enables me In speed idy run. alt rnmidalnts. Vcr quick tellef snd sure cur consult I sr s.llh). ,..,., " ''" ' Vi: U.-I TIIARH AT Wll.ast 1 ,th st. neaiMthav. Hours, ti to V: Sundsys. li lo .1. ll. t tin we. for mnlicine nuly ' A -HHIKS IN Tllill RI.K fOMSI-LTDR f!RAY,3JA I. Leitigt n .iv . ,11th rt send for look, DB II OVKI.II. Weil mih st. oldest 'esdlligspeeUU 111: qui'.kest rnreor no i barge srkr others fall; all irmjl.le pieieiiie. I: mciiciue l advice tree, u to 9. 1I1S R Pi IlltljnPP.liillelle. I'll'l Slav near8th ill .i . pr a-eliouse, gnea tdtp-a in all case., In fants ail.'PK"!. MI'.S Hit KKR MHS1MH' S.'l" l:.-t34lbst between -d jtfl ,H d... loni'iiei' ei, i adi c aduptrfl SIRIt 71 P.l-S t' len.aii'nt.vhv psln'sis sppll- ' cati'ii) "f ns. unmeet'' . is. b, I'r IIKAfll, lo.oy Uld been cul lo time, other, tutored wilh sounds, cautmr nro.tate, bladder ami kilney diseases prov ing fatal without the Asaliel Nslarsl Mlnctsl Watsl. Scirlctt 101 tatui'iu ,: , 10 to v.