< IF YOU SEE IT IN I IF YOU SEE IT IN I i r QJb 1m UJbe uu ITS O ITS J8O J = = = NEW YORK SUNDAY AUGUST 28 1892 COPVIUflllT n 1892 BY THE SUN HUNTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION AT QUARANTINE STATION P1tlQUC1O FOR rax ASIATIC TER RORS OKIX ADVANCE n1e > t Karar ii > Vtllol Mmj HrlnB the TlmUllt CholtrA Otmi New York led OMetrs AUrt ae Xendr to Con front tht PeUIe ane Check I nt Our SaMB Iptts the Htcnmir ItBllo The for that watoh the harbors entrance raprenent n phase ot human warfare Imposing and heroic Warfare even moro momentous Is carried on In the ereryday battles which In Infinite variety must he fought In tho cease less I atruccle for human llfo menaced always b > T Invisible enemies that present themselves in lull lrlnl deadly dlaento germs The wooden boat hoius flying a yellow flag In thn shadow ot For Wadsvvorth upon the shore beneath the Staten Island his Is the bae Of operations ot a publla defence elr QUABANTINr STATION I more Important than any which foreign war has threatened In threefourths of a century I represents the Quarantine where must be met at the skirmish lino the devouring ter rors ot contagious disease bore hither on the resistless tee ot emigration from European and Aslatto pest areas A restless little steam tug puffs at the pier In front In the roar ot the boat house upon the high verdant bank ascended by tepe are the cottages ot Dr I t k j t I I = r HERB CUE THE ITALIA W T Jenkins the Hnalth Officer of Now York and his deputes Threo hospital Islands In I the lower bay are the supporting points In the Y defence line With an organization so plain and unpretentious I maintained tho un J wearied guard and battling against epidemics and other contagions that converge hither contgon convorle hlher over all ooean waters and which unchecked would carry a devastation to human lite dwarf ing tho ravages of the worlds great wars The poison wave from the reeking plague pots ot Mohammedan pilgrimage has over flowed Into Europe nd the unceasing west Ward mach of Asiatic cholera spreading al ready beyond the Russian frontier is at Ham BOABDIKd TOT RTEAMFR burg and other ports In direct touch with American cities I has not as yet reached England and Its first onslaught has been stamped out In Paris But the ord by cable which any day may bring that it hns burst forth in hal the great commercial cities ot Europe may find the disease already seek ing entrance at tho seaboard ports across the Atlantic By reason ot the great Immigra tion which It receives New York Is specially liable to the Invasion ot a groat variety of con tagious disease The distance across seas to be traversed to reach this port elves opportu i CAIT ntra HEUTIB fifty to show the development of any epldomlfl but In no way operates to prevent its coming J vessel which starts with a list of passengers apparently healthy may have become a pest snip when It appears at the harrowb of Now York Harbor The life of the Quarantine physician Is at tended by tho perpetual watchfulness and un certainty of that of an officer whoso duties call htm to meet Incessant guerrilla warfare Tho Inwardbound ocean steamers which como to the Narrows dally hn lust board Inspect and take the responsibility ot decision as to detention tho adoption of levoro remedial i JXBPKCTINn TUE PASSENGERS nteattires or tho granting of f a clean bill nl health To duties so arduous the preienl cholera epidemic exceptionally dangerous In rharncter hal added features of unusually ex acting precaution when tho steamer Italia if the Hamburg Iala Ulmburl American 1acket Company sixteen days oiil Ironi tttettln was reported off Fire Island last 1 rlday there was much uncertainty as to what lomantH of danger her coming might portend Hence when she appeared through the rain unowersnnd forced up the Narrows to drop anohoroff Quarantine at half past 2 oclock In 1aflenon the tlnio of waiting wa fn ad bjr quick nud terJous movement at the pier Tho lubnmolAl ho had been loung ing listlessly about tho bout houto onico quickened with tho sense of active responsi bility men fool who are colng where danger lurk and all was stir and com I al IS str motion Dr Jenkins nnd his assistant physl Man Dr Tallmndgo with tholr necessary hii lon worn BOOH aboard tho lug which hot out to tho Mourners shIn XII Italia whIch measures 210 tons llrltlsh leglstor In Irltsh Ioldsnr 300 foot long by 4i feet wide She Is n tank l = J AM niKlOXOK AFT POD TUMIOATIOS 1 ship with 800 ton water ballast llotund nautlcnl looking Capt Fritz Hnuter with his first nnicoT received them at the ladder with a cordiality and ehnorfulnoss that promised 1 satisfactory condition In tho vessels hospital He reported no Illness aboard and pre sented a passenger list numbering onlv IBsnlor eightytwn names although tho Italia hns accommodation for 1JIX persons In the stoerago An unusual quantity of freight occupied the remainder ot thn spaco The passengers an Improvement In appearance on the ordinary run of foreign immigrants were most ot thorn substantial looking Germans ot tho peasant class neatly clad in their characteristic holiday Barb Thero wero n sole ot Russian looking people of tho poorer sort and ono nr two slinking longboarded Jews their lankncss accentu ated bv long shabby coats Jut it was evi dent that the cholera whenever It may come had not taken passage upon thn Italia Inspection was the first duty to be pnr formod Two sailors took their stand In tho pnssago aft beneath the hridct tn hurry along laggards and prevent crowding and hn tween thor Illod tho passengers the women In their plain dulltinted gowns with hand kerchiefs tel About their heads and the men wearing the styles of laS peculiar to tho Holi day attire of the Russian and thn German of the lower classes All had conned their best clothes for tho occasion Homo of the women l 1 Jr h I f TESTISO THE TEMrEBATURt wore I cay handkerchief folded across the bosom and one or two of thn men sported a white collar Dr Jenkins and his assistant standing ono upon each side inspected them as thny passed and examined In turn the green tickets thor born showing that nvery pas oncor had boon vaccinated dur I ing the voyage Tho proceeding in this In I stance was a short ono Looking much Im pressed with the solemnity of the occasion the passongors passed through tho ordeal without I halt or break then they sat or stood about tho utter deck and gazed over the rail at the land of plenty which must have snemed to thorn wonderfully fair tlrst In tho wondorfuly fall trst soon ver durous aspect of btatcn Island and of tho slope behind Fort Hamilton To tho north spread in soft beauty thn inner harbor with Now York dimly seen through thn half mist tho en chanted city ot their groping llfolong dreams of liberty and worldly fortune They aro all right Capt neuter said Dr Jenkins Let mo cnngratulato you and my self When wo havo fumigated their baggage your trouble will bo over for this time r I TALKINO OVER THE KVEVW Of THE VOTAOE All the Immigrants hnggago bud been placed In readiness and follow Ing the inspection of passengers the fumigation was rotten under way Across n Inigo room on the starboard Rife of tho cabin ropes woro suspended over which were hung all thi > fabrics contained In tho hags and Wuodnn trunks The doori nud ports wern closed and then Btenn from tho boilers wns turned on until thn thormomctnr indicated that the wholn Interior was at a tumpornlro of TJ Fahrenheit For two hours the cluthoH wore subjected to this Intansn heat under which no microbe Ufa ran survive Tho steaming followed bya thorough permeation meaton with the fumes of sulphur dosiioys absolute ly all gemm of disease Thn Immigrants said Illtlothoy scarcely had language available for protest at the sight of tholr clothes thus f f I XO RUSSIANS oX BOARD 1 FU treated but they looked deeply serious and except for tho flaunting of ono bright spot of coloradnrkOHd brown Hungarian girl In red waist anil kerchief whoso spirits roso to the occasion there was no Inuchtor not even a smile The llusslnn with his bushy blond beard the smooth heavy faced Gorman peasant tho maiden with downcast lown cast ayes and with n handkerchief Hod de murely about hor held all maintained an nsnect of patient stolid waiting Whllo tho fumigation steam cooked the clothes and Inci dental forms and coated the hot cloned win dows white the events nf tho voyage wero talked over In IhnotUeers dlnlnc room In JtttlttHlo4V longitude i TiTMV the vessel had encountered u Iho hurricane which carried way ono of Its boats There wus a manifest disposition on the part f tha chips ollleers to say little of tho cholera nnd politely tu steer clear ot the subject as 111 as ponalblo At Htettln nothing had appeared of the disease there had been some sickness at Ham burg the Captain understood The cholera was bad In Ituisla no doubt but there were no Itutilans aboard Thee men with the yellow beards were not llujjlum they wore Poles perhaps they wijro llusslan Poles ni the wore1 Hut the pasaongor list seen later revealed what the unmistakable dress facial contours nud other characteristics showed tho twenty chRrAterlstcs 11ent1 Ituselaun puro and slmplp ton of them It I should bo said from the choleraInfected dlstrlctsthat had forsaken tho paternal OoyernmontofthoCzar for tho vntlng rights and Incidental emoluments ot future Ameri can citizenship Whom there are over 2000 passengers on a Flnglo steamer ns has been the case In some f11lo arrivals at Quarantine thu Inhor and respon sibility ot the doctors lit groat The first thine to do Is to examine the patients In tho sick hospital nnd to take prompt action tn moot tlio different varieties nt disease indicated dlorent varlets 11011 All persons suspected ot contagious disease are sent nt oncn to Hoffmans Island thoro to remain under observation until tholr case Is dcllnltety diagnosed = TUB nocrons IN CONSULTATION i IToffmnni Throo Brothers nnd Swinburne are tho three Islets which stand an stations In tho euro nnd Isolation of patients tnkan In chnrgo by tho health ofllcnrB At Hollman Island whero undefined cases aro placed under observation tho arrangements nro simplicity ornton two largo buildings are provided with asphalt flooring above nnd below which can be clnansod as often as required by steam or by a disinfecting solution ot bichloride of morourv Cases of smallpox nro went to North Urothor Island while nt Swinburne I Island nro the hospitals for contagious I diseases In general Dr Jenkins with three slstant physicians manages tho dmnVs of Quarantine one assistant is steadily employed at the Hwlnblirno Hospital while tho others help tho operation of inspection and handle any emergency of hospital work that may arise TiE Mills KUnOEOX Every dotnll of inspection and fumigation has boon accomplished Thn doctor have held a brief consultation and have signed for tho vessel a clean bill of health The sturdv bi hospitablo German Captain shakes hands all around as does thn ships surgeon Dr liou nees looking with his eyeglasses florid sub stantial and scholarly Jut before the party reenter tho tug to goashoro tho artist who chances to be present at tho inspection of this day has tarried a moment to pencil a llttlo tableau which lends I touch nt sentiment to Quarantine Quito by themselves on the for ward cock a girl with a refined pretty faca and eyeglasses is sitting lroty hor knitting work in hand on one of tho Iron bltts just forward of the bridge much occupied apparently with the p r SirrnKMELT INTEItESTEn scenery of Rtnton Island and beI lde hora stal wart blond young Herman looking supe rior toinofitnf thn other Immigrants Is snar ing with her tho dcllghttof tho vnrd uitspoctn ple of tho new land lut attractive as Slectl slioro tho lowvoiced conversation between the two t is supremely Intorootlnc tothpmsolvns nnd thoy evidently will share together the hopp nnd fortunes of the New World they now IrA entering upon Landed 1 at tho wharf thn doctor shakos hands with his guests beforo going up tlie high steps t tn his bouse All safo still hn says but I none can f ll what the nnvt vessel may brine to us Wovn cot to have our fight with cholera We expect tn mot and to connuor thn pestilence and wo shall do it by keeping It bolow tho Narrows an n LOCC 11 rTUCrV TZOY Obrlnc the mood of Hn Altrcrd Spirit to llemuln In Bed he Unit ot Her Illp EImnl k Aug 27 Wannlta Lake Is a beauti ful little body ot water In Hclmylar county with tho town of Wayne at one end and e ton nt the other Its hanks are lined with wellkept productive farms and handsome summer cottages Ono of the largest nnd most productive farms Is owned nnd worked by Mrs Anna Ifallnck a Msterinlawof Col Crane of Hornellsvillpa wealthy and widely known man and politician Mrs Hnllock Is of more than ordinary business ability and Intelligence but she Is possessed of somo strango hallucina tions that havo made her the talk and wonder of tho neighborhood Rho Is n Spiritualist A llttlo over ton years ago slio claims she re ceived a spirit message directing her to go to bed and not arise for ten years In tho moan while tn let no water come In contact with her body Slio Immediately retired to her bed and no persuasion or argument could Induce arlurent her to leave It or t allow hereolf to be washed although she accepted clean clothing Blio was apparently a strong healthy woman not claiming to hn III but said Mm must remain In bed bouiUKo the spirit ordered It for tho puri fication of hor soul Slio continued to direct Iho management other large fitim and did a groat deal of writing but nothing could per suade liar to nrlfp llocently the tenyear limit ptplrpd and she got up and drosxed lmit Him was slightly nnl hHrfel hluhtv limit In stature from her long confinement tn the bed but otherwise apparently suffered no 111 effects Inbtwcol however shn received another message from the same spirit direct Ing her to return to bed and stay there the re mainder of her life and she Immediately com piled for ten > ears not a diop nf water touched her bo ly I and now after I fw clays respite she has ngiiln returned to hr bed and refuses to wIsh 11 allow olheiB to wash her Bhe says she will never arise ngaln On all other subjects Mr Ha I look Is I per fectly sane nnd talks rationally Hho Jor 1 shrewd buslnoss woman directs all the work al done on her farm nnd Is iiccmnulatlng prop erty Hhe Is of a pleasant disposition and en joys visits from neighbors and acquaintances but no ono cal induce I her to abandon her bod KlllrU liy Ibe OhoI Train NORWAIK AUf ST A welldretmcd man ap parently about r years old was struck and killed by the ghost train at 4 oclock this after noon on the ourvo just below the Yhlstle vllle brldgu fur papers found upon tlio body it U believed that the dead roan Is Wil WI liam iaidncr an Inventor of Now ran Among the papers were sercm patents and legal documents and letters Indicating that the man has a wife In New York and children In Nebraska Medical Examiner lurk took chareeof the case and telegraphed the par tlelraphel ticulars of the accident to Now Yore The body I at tha llorjuo 10 t GLAD TO GET HOME AGAIN TUX Faun NKW roRK nEoiaKura lIE rvny nvxanr Ait noirxs Fred And Swutlea rl Orel Them at the Btallon and They XrJoT a AVnrm Mral at the Armnrlti Ilvely tMoilt of tha nos Experience la llliirilo Cnmpnny < of he Tvrenty conit TH C Id Muirol All the rcclmcnts which did duty at Buffalo during thn strike nro now homo Ye tcrday morning tho Twontyseeond and Seventyfirst arrived rnd In DIB afternoon ClIO tho Twelfth and Ninth Crowd ot fronds greeted thor at the station and other crowds woro nwattinc them at tho armories There was something else awaltlnc them at tho armories which tho hungry and wornout soldier boysapproelatod for a brief tlmo at least aulte as much ns the presence of tholr admirlnc friends and sweet hearts That was ngood hot meal This was provided by Col Elliott F Uhepnrd for each of the four regiments ne was the most pOI > ular noncombatant In tho city yesterday among tho battleworn vetornns Tho regiments all started from Buffalo Fri day afternoon or evening In special trains Beforo coming East each regiment was taken to Niagara Falls for n few hours This was a treat on the part of tlui railroad companies The night journey home was very wearying Tho trains were mndo up of day roaches nnd the men wore unable to stretch themselves I for a good sloop Thc nid notlilnir to eat nn the way except what the brought In their haversacks and all of thor utrlvvd with wolf I ish appetites Tho warscarred veterans of the Twenty eecond rather rusty as to uniform and scrae er as to beard found at toast 000 enthusiastic and admiring trleuds awaiting them at the Ornnd Central btntlon when they reached thero at 1015 oclock They had been trav elling all night In common passenger coaches and had got vory little rest Their faces were bronzed nnd soap and water would have Im proved tho appeainuco of ovory lan of thorn They left Buffalo at noon on Frldnr and took tho train to Niagara Tails where they stayed until 5 oclock when they ngaln entered tho train this time for home Tho train only stoppid at llochcster Syracuse Uica Albany and Poughkecpsle hut It was a long drawn out and exceedingly tedious trip The men carried one days rations when thoy embaiked on tho train at noon Thoy eked out this homely food at way stations during thu night with hot coffee There wore n number of veterans In tho crowd which greeted tho soldier boys at tho Grand Central Station nnd n hOlt of wives and sweethearts Thero was blind clapping and hurmlilnc ns thor tumbled out of the cars and lined up on the platform and many a hearty handslmko when tho corporal wasnt looking Thoy wore lot a pretty lot as they began their march across town to the armory Many of thor hud lost tholr hatx 1llorU I wiru out of shape and far from tidy while tho display of beards was appalling Thoro was another hurrah at tho armory Horo a nlco breakfast or cored beet hash bis cuits and cole nil piping hot was awaiting them to cay nothing of half a thousand more wives ami tweothearts and brothers and uncles in the galleries When tho companies began to march Into tho drill room thon was somn prutty cheering and clapping and hand kerchief waving from the folks In the galleries and the soldier boys swelling with pridu and surprise swung cm their caps and let loose a SWlnl CllS mighty shout It is safe t say that no meal was over oaten with greater zest than that since the world be gan After it was over there was a great spin ning of yarns I was no piny the soldier bo > s told their friends to do alternate tricks of two hours on guard and two hours of supposed AlooD In the anl n frelBht car 8uIsed less fun to be pulled from bed before you had fairly got eyes shut to escort a train through a eor waste of railroad tracks xpeetlng every mo ment to have I rock 0011111 crashing on your head And then there was enough bayonet and gunpovvdei business to give tho wholu thine a really serious favor Every soldier had I story nnd some had a dozen or more Tho hum of voices lllled tho armory for several hours All wore jubilant at gelling home and nOv that tho hardships are over glad they endured them and vory yroud ot having soon some real war Ur Joo as ono of the boys PUt It to a Iltl who didnt seem to bonldo to gut enough of look Ing nt him There Is griof though oer tho loss of Fannie tho mascot 1annlowas a black dog Hire camo tocmnponn day and nettled down In Company CB quarters as I she belonged there Tim company voted that Rho did 10 long there and adopted her on tho spot Sho was st ned and happy Sho took a spectil fancy to Private Sehloy and he became hnr at tendant Hit Just bofore tho regiment vama back 1nnnio disuppeatcd The members of tie company am jprfoctly satlsllnd that file was stolen 1 l > y somebody in Companv 1 I Is known that I was orv jealous of I Cs mascot Tho Heventjllrst hid a much harder tlnin of It on the rail On 11 hlLj they had a dinner of nni hardboiled egg and I piece of bread each nml not auuthei Uto illd they cot until thoy nat down to Col Miopaids spread In tholr armory about lii oclock xsterdny morning The evenlyfirst spent about three hours In Niagara Falls on Friday They came in on the Jlrie roart Tho journey was long and ex ceedingly tiresome Thu train was In two divisions and eelY cir was crowded to Its capacity Tho hoys sluit however through sheer exhaustion Not I lillo did they < get to eat tit night nnd TV hen HIM train pulkl In at llu > station nt RIU oclock A M and th bovs tumbled out of the cars into thu url of their friends the smell of hot coffee was the occasion of a great Hhout They were quickly lined up I Irlt platform right iilongldo of the train they had left and the colT o wis passed along In tin eupH Thats the best drink I ever had In my life shouted one ami tho sentiment was echoed In chums ttoveral hundred friends and relatives ac companied thu boss across tho ChamrmrH htreot Furry On tho Now York slilo thoy formed lino nnd marilicil to lilityfourth street nnd Third aunuc whnrl thiy tuok clo atcd trniiiK fur the arrnoiy at lUttli ftreut nud Lexington avenue Jho I inaht uiiiliiisniit pxpnrlonco onthnrall was that of tlm Ninth which did not get In rai til 4 oclock jcfitordaaltcrnomi onr tlmOon I tial I Tim men wer llnod up at tho station In Buffalo lit J oclock fora I ruin totakn them to Niagara Fnlln but the tinln ilid not come till threi hours later They only had an hour and arjuarlernt Niagara Then hoy laid off nt IlufTalo until 11 oclock und did not roach Utlcn until 111 tho morning All this was ox ceodlngly wearisome esjiuulally us the cars WArO crowded From Utlca on however they made pretty gooil time uxcopt fora few delays Thu man carried a days rations Hut a days rations Is not much and thoy all got hum exceedingly hungry There wero friends to meet them nt the station but not siTmanr ns had been there I hours boforo Thoy recclvd 1 hearty emetines however and hearty vhiors as they mnmliod across town to the armory In WestTwonty sixth street leI tl they had tho mimo experi ences as tho regiments which had preceded thorn A crowd of frlondt swcitheartH < I rl tern mothers and brotlmrK made an hour pass rapidly At I I oVIiw k the armory was deserted The Twnlflh Iliglinent cut to tin Grand Con 1llh 1glnlnt tuil btntlnn at lJfi Iclin k yimtnrdiiy after noon with no oni huit und not a man lost nn the trip Their long train of iiimtoTi coaches was parted up In the yard and sent In In two suctions The llrst t section bud Col Uowd nud htf SUIT aboard Col llcllband the officers mi nnd bl Cupt John Macatiley the act Ing commissary tho noni onunlssluned staff Biianllng the bass drum und fund goods McCnskrr Major Leonard llutt and tho llrbt battalion under lly thu time the second Fcctlon with C lt Churlny lluinsh second bntlallonsot In very body wis rnidy to move The station WHS jammed with people eiir to welcome the boys Men 1 women nnd chlldrmi i > rowdnd up until It almobt ImposMblotiirthopullce 1111 I as Ilmobl hIPls lll le pulce and nilroad men to 1 koop them hack Only one person broke through 11t 1 was rum Dolan8 daughter nnd HIO UIIVD him thrun crowil kisses bofuru they cot lior 11 boCk Into tho The bugle sounded Col iJowdn order to march ami In column f fours Iho soMlers broke their way out mnld musing dicei and hand clappini nnd WUII hamlkerchlefn Across IVirtysecond Mnnt tliey ueiit until tint long column reached 1lfth uenu < > ami then thr was I h lit Cspl KlrbyRCompunr that belongxij at the lioid uf HII ciilumn was In tlio rear I got thero nearly twentyfour hours before when Col Dowd had Insl tod upon having more coaclms for his men ln got throfi extra onesnnd Instead nf moving evory one down soma ho sent KirbY company from the head to tho tal oC the train Now the Twelfth formed In platoon fronts the bugle founded again ana Drum Major Mo k yri maD struck up whtn Johony Com t Marching Homo and HP Fifth UTenno they I ont bound for their armory nt Hlxtysecond I street nnd Mntli avenue Col Hhepards loan horsed coaches got out of tholr way while an enthusiastic crowd tramped alone In Ptop to the music McKnvs men never playod with thriller tOol Thoy trod up again With Away Down South In Dixie nnd nwhololot more ot lively tunes until ns they turned Into Blxtysecond street from tho lloulovard and rought slaht of the armory they took up Home Sweet Home At the armory thero wat A lunch with hot oolToe waiting for them It was welcome but wallnl I Wl1 It did nut wiirm thnm up halt so much as the little speech Col Dowd delivered to them be fore they wore dismissed Them wasnt much of it but It welt I long way Col Dowd know whnt he was talking about for he was trained I soldier In nil my experience he said In conclu sion 1 havo never seen man do tholr duty In n better manner The mon left tho armory happy K thoy woro rnciiod nnd unshaven TSled WOIO not HO happy through the night boforo For Bomo reason tho railroad com pany was two hour lato In getting their train to thorn They hail struck tents nnd wore standing ready all that time nml just boforo tho train drew up to their oarap n big cloud let go und dnmohed them while thor got their luggage it hoard It WHS 4 oclock then The prospect of seeing Niagara Falls cheered them but there worn more dolays and It wai I when thoy got to tho Falls nnd Col Dowd gave them a fortyflvomlnuta leave Thoy mado good tlmo getting through Prospect Irk coot wen wont over to Goat Island under tho piloting of Capt Frank ltnoHevclt Than they were blocked In tho railroad jard nnd It was t before they got back to liutTalo I nud 10 vthon they were finally hnmovvaid bound Then began an exhibition of all sorts of Imiemilty In ecUtntr comfortable for tho night tWta wern an angod In curious ways nnd OVPIcoats and blankutH fixed for pillows and covers and some men elioxo the Plain floor n luxury such ns fora week they had considered Most of tho boys wnro asleep when the train got to Itochester and such cursing wa oldom hnard as hroko forth when tho railroad people told them that tho o In tha forward cars must husthi out into other eoncho Thoro wanna help for It Thoooiari belonged to the lluf lalo belt Hue and must be sent back The change however mado the Ion moro com foitable I and soon they were off again and evorv onl asleep 1ow knew that them was another slight delay I at Syiacusn from there the journey was continuous nnd pleasant lUlEIC JtAltRISIH > > S 330000 Th OoTernmrnt InvrMIffiiflnsc III Tula Aliitnt It IAn Out llln and Some Rail Chief McSweoney of tho Government Secret Service for this State Pennsylvania has been Investigating I nueor case up In thn latter State and one that has all tho outward appearances of a gigantic bunco game Home time ago a letter enclosing an affidavit both signed by Daniel F Harrison ot Rlnggold township Jefferson county la was received at tho United States Treasury Department The letter stated that the bits of greenbacks It contained represented what was left of 50000 In that kind of money which had been mutilated and eaten or carried away by rats Tho aflldavlt afllrmod that tho statement true Tho bits stlttDcnt was bis ot gieenbnck nolosed showed that If tho bills they camo from woro with thor thor would amount to 17000 Tho curious part ot tho matter was that the denomination of tho bill It had been n part of was Indicated In variably by each piece a coinctdenco that tho Treasury Department did not feel Inclined t attribute entirely to the careful discrimina i tion of rats Moro than that tho history ot how tho rats came to have an opportunity to make way with a fortune of 50000 leaving only tho suspiciously symmetrical remnant of 17000 in 100 500 and 1000 bllli an eet forth In Farmer Harrisons letter and leter sworn to In his nflldavit was fully as remarkable fulr able as the coincidence uf the bits of bills bis According to Mr Harrisons sworn state ment he shared a bell f not uncommon among thu moneyed farmers of the Allegheny moun tains that ban Icn or Act tato Uuntcd asi two rears ago happening to huvefSOOOO In greenbacks und not caring to earn the sum around with him Imsldes having a fear of cer tain do perato characters In tho neighbor hood he elected H bin ot oats as the most se cure place In which ho could deposit the funds Ho shoved the 50000 down in tho oats nnd left It them bo confident wis Farmer Harrison In tho security of this hiding plneo thit he never bothered hi head about the money oven so much as to tnka it loot at It now and then nnd didnt think of disturbing it until somo time In April IKU when having use for a little money ho monol went to the out bin to get It lllH feelings when he found that thero was nothing left of his wad of greenbackx but n few infinitesimal pitifcs ot odd not > is scattered about in tho oats laY scarcely h t > u described Hats had feasted nn tho reM I wus these liltH that Farmer Harrison gathered up and forwarded to the Treasury Department with the reauest that they be replaced with complete nnd good llefore doing this tho department thought It be t In look In tn tho matter a IItedeee and Chief McSweenny was sent up Into Pennsylva nia tn investigate He found Farmer Harrison and thooit bin but failed to ilnd out that the farmer had mado Inr < than tUOOOlnall the tlmo ho hid lived In thoso parts 10 his a 200d deal of real etit In Pennsylvania and out In Washington hit as tho detective oould not see how rats could naw Hits of 17000 in green backs off of that land hn saw no reason to chanun his opinion that thoe bits had been carefully torn from tho ooinotH and sides of hills nt dllToreut times by somo one leaving the not Btill good and caved up with the de Illieiatn intention of playing a bunco game on the iovermnmit If the Treasury Department arcefts the detectives vluw of the ease there risun will bo nn interesting future for Farmer liar KX1 MI < 1 JOAV ASSOCrtTIOXS Two In Iluffulo Found to be FrHCtloallj I HoUrnl und Olhrr In m Bad W my HirrrAix Aug 7A sensation second only to that caused by the allure of the National Savings liink was created this morning by the announcement that tttato Dank Examiner Whllton had found two savings and loan as sociations practically Insolvontnnd that many othoisnreln nn unlaCe condition Tho asso ciations reported as Insolvent are the Third Ward Permanent Savings and Loan Associa tion nnd thu Ire County Permanent Havings nnd Loan Association JJxamlnnr Whltton has been giving his at tention to tho Pavings Building and Loan As sotlations since the books of the National Sav ings Hank were straightened out Up to the procnt time ha hIs examined six of those societies among thor being two known as Dime Associations whoro dues are paid In at Mm rateuf lllcnntsa vvuok on nnch share and which urn run upon what Is known as tlm put nmiMMit plan He found Hint these two were In I very had shape and has so reported to tho jlanUng Department tl Thesii associations Mr Whltton lh < 18oclntons Whiton says Imvu heon doing an entirely Illegal business Their fj plcin was merely making false entries on somebody f bools Thuv have lioen divid ing nnd tuning money representing npi mium which could only he earned no much pur annum during the Ufa of n luin Tlie inin usuallv ran from ten to twelve veiis Prollts wnro ildclaied tho vury night money was sold Thoy vieriiuntklpntlng profits bi twelve jnirs < TheHociinecins Khoubl bo vviiund up at unce Ther > aro probatily elirlity of these per manent dlmii associations and luliall nut he In Ilnd most of them In luirprimd tl tlllo II tllll pretty bad Flrlrs Tho larger association me In good condition and run tholr hunlmsn on u difier out Ilnn declaring n dividend once In six months on what hal been actually earned Mr Wnittun Is awaiting tho action of tho Hanking Department In regard to these two associations and Is continuing bin examina tion of other concerns doing buslnem In n similar way Mr Whiton nays that there aro tuo many loan associations In the citYIn all I about 121whereas If them wore about llftuen or twenty they could ntTord to hiro export no I cmmtnntB Instead of being conducted hy l peo ple Ignorant of bookUoepIng Thn 1 bird Vnrd Association ones its shareholders ftMOOO and tha Lrio County 107000 Brooklyn urut IrrenornlTe Itcclnr hlp The annual retreat of tho priest of the HrooUyn diocese which tins boon In progress Co I week at Bt Johns College In Ylllounhby uvonuo was brought to a ctoso yesterday with I I community mam celebrated by Hlshop Mc I Donnell At a conference of 170 lhhop 200 priests I ct Ihodloifmn lithhop McDonnell an nounced that candidates for tho two vacant Irremovable rectorships Dust send In their names before Hept 7 Contrary to expecta tept ton the filshop did not make the appoint ment c for tht othir vacant offlcts 1 tne dQ I d JWS MKEXXIFI TlEtY Mfi A Warm Dee i l leI Villtcn h < r One of Her Nclctiborii In Olen ire Under dato ot Glen Core Aug SO comes n letter In condemnation of tho lines Imposed on Mils Mary MoKenzIo ot 001 COo Cor fright ening members of tha Homptcad Harbor Yacht Club by firing u pistol when they passed and Imitating with her voice the rawing of n crow The bullets did no harm but 01 one oc casion It was testified a twig possibly de tached by a butlot fell nnur I club member who was driving by Tho correspondent writes Vhoro Is Uod that H e does not defend that woman That she Is I repeatedly fined 10 seems to some fairminded persons to bo crooked justice Miss McKonrln with her mother Hvos In an attractive hut rather ties olato place and only by the wholesome ter ror ot her pistol could ho bo protected In her person nd property No onn would prosumo to say that her case was decided bufora It WILl tried or that she Is I nn object of persecution but It l < tilto cer tain that till which we will not call mirsncu ton of MIis McKvurle did not havu Us origin on July 17 but s Ioml ycar ago nlo Mrs MoKenzln her mother Is In posses sion of a prcttv property which xho might havo tn part with I flues could iu > mado to uccaniu lato sufficiently That Mrs McKonlo Is I u woman of education and refinement Is I appar ent notwithstanding what tears and hard labor havo done Hut because shu bravely takes up lone burden of life and has tho courngo to carry It howover heavv because slio horsnlf does her farmvvork ns far as possible and trios to protect her fruits and other possessions pnllcl onlv tries but succeeds shn Is spoken ot with scorn and treated an I without tho palo of usle lias Miss McKenlo Iniurod any ono with her pistol Anywhere but In Jinn toe per sons aro sued for the harm the d not for thu possible ham tboy may dn I tho railroads had to pay 5000 for ovory Hf thoy put In jeopary Instead nf for thoso which aronetu nlly lostroyed thn conditions would be slm llaito those alTectlnR Mlss MoKenlc Thero Is not a rich man In Hun Covn who might not stand nn bin vomnda nnd shoot a pistol or 1 gun all daylong nnd hal thu night without boln molested and who but Miss Mo Kenzle would not be permitted tn cry Cnw cawto his hearts content Nothing could bo moro childish than the conduct nf these man who are so sensitive as to be aflllctod at hoar Ing I woman svy Caw caw and to be fright ened nt the falling of a leaf Soberly viewed they havo brought up nothnl against Miss MoKenzlo worth consid 01F TIE HATTKKY Ts mid Ferryboat In n Tangle and n Girl In Kcd Who Llketl Gum A few minutes boforo noon tho other day n tow of twentytwo loaded call boats swung briskly around tho liattory from the North River The column was formed of four fours I and two threes and was headed by two big I tugs On ono of the t canal boat a girl In n i vivid rod calico dress and with baro logs swung tn a hammock nnd chowod cum Inl Thero was a strong ebb tide so whon tho big tugs with their unusually lone tow linos had puffed up tho Kast Itlvor almost to tho foot ot Wall street and had slowed up the twentytwo canal boats bounded back like balls at the end ot rubber cords lilting thn two lines dripping from tho water Tho lino of boats wrapped Itself snugly n cross tlio openings offlvo forry slips Ijvo ferryboats wanted to got out nnd could not Five ferry boats the Day Idle Htaten Island South Brooklyn Hamilton avenue nnd Atlantic street wanted to gut In and could not Tlioy all whistlod hoiirboly and thu passengers nt 1SSOnIOr8 crowded to the Bides of the boat to sea what was tho mattnr Thousands of people on the ten locked In and locked out forry bats saw tho red girl In the concernedly hammock but she swung and chewed un The river became doted with tug boats which wanted to get In other slips or which jut puffed up along to see the row The big gert of tha biatuga at tho head of the tow whistled for assistance and six tugs glided up alongside of tho canal boats and made fast Then nobody seemed to know just what was I wanted nnd a deafening lot of whistlo signals were sounded The Captains of the ton ferryboats bocan making Impolite remarks to tho Captains ot the olght tugs the deck hands nn the ferry boats becamo purple In the face with suppress ed emotions the deck hands of thti canal I boats drowned the screaming whistles with I etrango oaths suoli as Bra used to exhort tow path mutes and thousands of delayed passen gers woro bathed In sympathetic perspiration but that barelegged girl swung perspirton The wharves beenmo lined with Idlers who gave advice Policemen appeared Other ferryboats lighters tenders annexes trans ports and morn tugs camo up They all whistled The delayed passengers lout tholr sympathy tho Captains ceased to swear for want of broath the deck hands howled hoarse ly and whon everybody was on tho vorgn of dissolution the canalbonts wore pushed up against the wharves where they belonged The girl in thn red calico gown r > wunc peace fully and chewed hor gum In placid meditation DID SUB JJir 10 KllT llVn CHILD r Mr HcAallOB HUTU that Kha nnd I DtaTe Had lo Strap In Ilnllivnj Mrs Nellie McAuliffe a comely young wo manor 333 South Ilrst street Willlamsburgh was arraigned boforo Justice Goettlng in the Lee Avenue Police Court yesterday on a charge ot endangering tho life of hor two yearold child Tbe complaint was mado by Agent Mayor of the IrooU > n Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Children who snld that Detective Itrady nt the Vornon avenue police station In Willlamsburgh had soon tho woman deliberately phicn her child across a railroad track In Gates avenue on Wednesday night Mrs McAulHTn looked an if she was drunk at the time lirady said and tho child would undoubtedly have been run over nnd killed Agent Mayer said but for tho detoctlvn rs < MoAullffi in her own behalf said that hor husband deserted hnr four months ago and she was dispossessed from her rooms In Flushing avenue hlnco then she and hur chilI bad often been compelled to sloop In hallway and In opttn lots On the night wlurn tho detectivn found hor she FIII shn said sho much exhausted thntshn was BO thath sat on n stoop In UnteH avenuo und fell asleep Her child cin led away and afterward was found on the railroad track Justice Joettlng committed hor to tho House of thu clnod Shophord pending trial on Thurs day 5fr MaAullftns husband was also r rilnned In court foratmndnnmcnt and held for trial BlA lird In the Hark with lEninr Anthony Moirlll of 207 West Twentysixth streettrlcd to toparato two combatants In a saloon brawl after midnight yesterday nnd was cut In the hack four times for his pains Ho Is 111 years old He was playing pool In tho snliwn at Twentyseventh stiootand Seventh nviMiiifvvlth William ChailpH u wali r Tney quarrelled and Charles liocamo very nntriy 1resontlv a man named Mcllulru cnmn In and itngigid in a uuurral with Charles U hoy went ont < > l Ih plieo and bigan tii light Mmrlll Interfrrod nnd Churl diawln n raor slashud him four times In the Mack v i mill blow cut Ills mm Dcleilh Sloan ar iele1 thiiiloH ami Jlonlll went t > tlm New I ill dliSiid Then hn called i > n all his tliei Is ami told i them of his inhenlurc 1 lio n > u nils HIM not i veiv deili but If thloiuh hl riir I > MIII In llammution should set In they ii mid bfnmo serious Chnrlpsvvas held vvltlin t hall in tho Jellerson Market Pollco I ourl Hlolr tour fit mm ol IV I Hi James II Hillings a colored waiter and Wit Hum Deirengousky a haekman wern charged with burglary In JcfTniioti larkut Cnirtyestar day morning On 1rlday they wont to the vvlno cellar ot Mis Addlo Mmw of UK WnitTnenty olvllth street and opened thn gralln of Ilin area Then Hilling went Into tha cellir and hauled up lour Client of wine valued at TMi and put them In Dnrrrngouskvx hauk Thn latter drove to n huiisu further down tha Policeman Ctiriy who was watching tho transaction arreted tho mun In conn jrs leidHyinnrnlnu tli < < liaeliniui sild hn had lu > n Hiuployed to do thn worl for IllllrnCn and he I bought It VVIM all light Justice Uviin held lllIlng > III blr xi bnil f ir dial ind sent Dor rengousky to tlm Housoof Delunt on The engagnment juit announced Isthatnf Mr John II Ismay eon of Sir Thomat > H smay Chairman of thu Whltn Ktir lino and Lady Kmlly Mary Seymour daughter ot tho AlarquU ol Hertford The bridegroomelect U a brother of J Jlruof Iimay who thrao r arn uo nVarrlei Mlfii Fjorenc Rohlctlllln JUughUr ot Ur 0 or fl 8 hI fI Iln STiiVKNSONS HOME SPEECH 4 aiiKAT cnonn v nrouNixaToit TO u KI n utr An Outdoor Ucetlnc lu Inrk In From f Mr HlfTrnnnun ItmlrtrnCT Thoninn nrMlrntiKrm In Tovtn In IU > n lo Him llicoMtNiTox HI Aug J7 There was a gathering ot tho Democrats ot Molcan and tho adjoining countlos hero today to hoar Adlnl IX Movcn on and other leadom of the party speak Alt Iho adiolnlng towns and villages had delegations on tlio ground ns early ns 8 oclock this morning and Inter In tho forenoon excursion trains bt gnntonrilvo from Clinton Pekln Lincoln Docatur and other points further away Th Democrats ot tho country Immodlatply sur roundlnc llloomlngton camo In wagons on bor < omclnnd on foot nnd by noon there wore not < > cs than 000 strangers on tho streets Tho speaking took place from a lares plat form which had boon nrocted In Franklin Park Immediately In front of Mr Stevensons residence Hosldos tho various orators nil the lenders of tho party In cunlril Illinois nnd sovornl Invited Kuests occupied teats on tho structure Jiimos H Kwlng Mr Ftnvensong law part ner was tho piesldlnc ofllcer and when h called tho n somldaio to order there wero at least N0 < 0 poopln crowded together under the trees facing thn stand Mr Steveiibon was thn principal attraction nnd his appearance was tho signal for long cheering which was renewed again and again until huvvnvod his bund for silence When comparatlvo iiulet had been restored Mr Stevenson said Ouis Is a Government of tho people It U wisely provided in our Federal Constitution thatonco lu four yoiun politic il power shall rntiiin to thu handi of the people Twcntyftlx times dm Ing the 010 hundred nnd three years nf our hlstoiy limn thn American people In the nnrcio of their iluhtn as electors oast their bnlliilH for tlm candidate of thuir choice fur tho high ofllco of President ot the Inltnd States Wi nru now on the evo of nnnther Piusldentliil elootlon Thn responsi bility nf determining vv hat linn ufpubllo policy shall bo pursued and who shall bo selected us Chief Magistrate is ig > iln upon us Thn importance ol an intelligent and conscientious exiiclso of tho prlvllegnof dusmnatlng those who arn to bo intrusted with high office can not ho overstated In tho ponding strursln for political su < prciuacy cravn public questions are nt issue Upon tho correct determination of thoso ques tions through thn peaceful mnthmli prescribed by law ill dopend thuvvelfara of thn people In 18S4 tlio people wero told by Itcpubllcan spoakuis that Dumocintlc success would bring blight and uiln upon HID commer cial interests of tho country Those who prudiclud evil fiom Mr Clevelands election proved faUo prophets Tlio Demo cratic administration At thn closo nf Presi dent ClnvolnndH administration the sur plus in tho Treasury uxcluslvu of tho cold reserve vvns In mund numtior clghtythrca millions of dollars It v Ill bo remembered that during thu latter half of tils administra tion tho important question was What shall bn done with tho suiplus revenues In view of thu fact that tho annual revenues of tha iovvrnniHiit were then nno hundred million In excessnf Its necessities the iiucftiun was ono of practical interest to tho American peoph1 What Is tlm condition that now confronts us at thu end of tbrieand a half years of Ito publican dminltratlonV On the basis nt rev enues tn tho ioveminent as estimated by tha Secretary nf the Tioiisury fnrthn presontllsoal > ear and of tho liabilities of the Government on account of thoannual nnd permanent ap propriations for tlio name perlon them will be n dolleit nf llltytvvo millions nf dollars Upon thn assumption that tho law requiring fortroliiht millions of dollars fortho ulnklng fund will tio complied with them Is nn escap ing the dullcleney I luivo roentlonod And this too notwithstanding tlio fact that the Administration mado default In providing for the flnUn fund to an amount exceeding nlevcn mllllonsof dollnrsduilnctliB lastflHCM year Tlm uankrupte > which now threatens the Treasury in thn result first of the enact ment of tho McKinloy tar I If law and secondly nf tho lav iuh appropriations of tho Fiftyfirst Cnncics The S ecretary of thn Treasury was con strained by what hn rozarded as thnexlgen eles of tho financial situation to extend the pa > ment nf twentrflvo millions of Govern 4 mont bonds maturing Sort 1 of last year i This net of a llopublican Secretary of thn Treasury is In striking contrast with that of his Democratic predecessor under whoso vvisn and efltcinnt nd mliiNtrutn n thn bonds of tho Govern ment HIO paid at maturity The appropriations uf tho last Republican Congress which his gone Into his tory us thn llillioii Dollar Congress far exceeded that of any of its Democratic prede cessors 1 bn largo appropriations of the first session nf the present Congress arn In the main dun tn thn reckless legislation of the IlftyHrbt Congress Imposing tno nuonsslty of heavy npptoprlatinns upon Its successors Much of the npprnprlutlons by tha Into session woro In nmsimucu of tho requirements of existing lawlaws enacted by n Itepublican Congross Fur twentyfour years Immediately pre ceding tho Inauguration of President Clove land all departments nf thn Government woro In tho main under thu control of tho Re publican party During that period the larcer part uf tho Lcglslatuio which has been en potent in burdening tlio peonle with iobt and taxation was enacted That legislation was icsl ed bv the DemocratUs minority in Congress Tho Treas ury ot th Oiiitcd Mates has nvrr found Its most faithful guardians in tlm Democratic party Thn tributn nf Mr IMalne to Its nld time leadurs was but ju t when IB paid they had guarded tho Treasury with unceasing vigllancn against nvory attempt at cxtravu tfnncuand corruption Mr Stevenson then wont Into a history of tariff legislation and claimed that the tariff op iiresHcd tlio tiitmers heaviest of nil adding Shall high tariir continually Increasing with thn demundrt nf thn protected claspns bn the settled pullev of our internment or shall there bo relief to tlio people from thn burdens of unjust tiiMitlon llpgniilln tlm 1oren hill Mr Stovonson said Another ixine of gieat niomont In th imudliiR riiiilist isthe Iorcw hill Tho magnl tu nf his Issim cannot bn overstated It may iiroaii thn control of ttinnlnetlunof Ilepre sontatfvi s in Cnngrns bv thn haont rint KepiMlcin pirtr by Its acts In the Flftjflrst Congress and by Its platform In Its late National nnvciilloti stands pledged to the pus ignnf tho Iorco bill I hut it will IMS lhi < bill when it has thu power no faii inin can dnubt T all of the pinpln all who doslro thn poac a > d prnspeiltyof our common country this ques tion Is Important To tint people nf thoSouth PI n Stalls It lonoof tninscon < lont Importance shill limy still havn peace and the protec tion of the lawor shall tho horrorH with which thev am menaced find tholr counterpart onlf In thoe of the darkest hours of thu recon ntrutiuii perloil 1 linn liellnvn that your Interests the In terilK o all tho people of these United Btntes arn bound up In tlm MICCOHH of the party that came in with JeMerson In the very infancy of IMII repulilln Iho party which for moro than half acentiirj of our e lstcnce has stood at the holm of Main tlm party which In all periods ol Hour history h s been the Ijiihvarl nf our Constitution and the fnthful rard n of tho tluhts ot all the people tlm iulv under vvhoxu broad banner tlm men of all iintlonnliti havo boon we comnd toHhuo with us thN Uodghen herl tiiBi the s ait which from the beginning ha been til foe nf luiiMTiptliin whether on no count of bntliidiicn or of religion the party vvhlpli know no privllo ed classes but ds minus i nn and exact justice for all I thn pirtv which under Jefferson pur ebavfil tlio cruat vallny of tha Mississippi nud cxtcndi d our domain to tho Gull and to thn ocean tln > party which under Madison born our flair tn victory In our gerund miuegin with Greit Ilrltalnand vThlch under his IniiiKMllatn siicconsor established firmly for ail tlmo thn rights nf tho American iiitlon by i lie declaration and nialuteimnce of tun MOIIMH ilnetrino tlio pnity which In the early morning and n tho noon of thn century rloiicil In thn leadership ot Jackson and of Diiuglns tlm undaunted foes of special privi lege and of unjust taxation I nder tlui nintchlesti lendcrililp of thn man vvhd un joii an hoimt iidmlnUtratlon of thnOoviinn ent who wri < f > li < d fiom tho grasp uf those w ho had robbed you of j our heritage idultrinUIiiiHuf ncrctaiid rmtured It to the uHd il mi nn vlios pilnc rr In action in 1 iiuhlio olilcolsii pu dm t under his badeisluii tlm liemocr itiu ty confidently suluiill ib i mom ilo i q llons at sue itid illni Id iiytiiMi tcnniiiiitloii otthollnal an Hers nt thn poK Vi i eonfeitiieu held this morning nt tha liiidmii0 nf den Steienoii which was nt ten led b several Dem Tiitte lenders James S I vlnsnf this city law pmtncr of the Vice Ireildontlnl randidntr n tmraed s a mam b rnf the D mocrjvtln ic trin hfailquatUr t Chicago and It U I1J will b ta BaBJUM ct tbt csfflciica