OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 03, 1892, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1892-09-03/ed-1/seq-6/

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f S 1 C n < IY1I T W + > < i I t 11 tyr < h T ft JVo
p 7
U1 iKXS Un
j t Hnbtrrtpltoii liy Mult rollol1
j luur rerMnnih so A
IlAIIV For ur i 1 Ol
I MMIAV 10 l t Vfdf n
W WKCKLV Icr Yat 1 00
outage I to toreln Countrlm mliltil
f Till KlV Sow Tort CIT
It rr Mmtll vl a filter ta trIA trmnurrtftn f ril < nfr i
I IA In IN jiSs4 1 ntliu rMuront tlu rid fi n oil t
ftsJsvpIor Ajl
1 Ta KOI ma It AI Uuiti qmIth AlI 4 Cb2S
t nrnirff frfrf Vrnnf 1 ImJm
Thc Safest Iliicc in This Country
At thn proHont wrltlnrr thoro Is not known
t bo a nlufllrt case of ohotnrn In New York
or tit Its harbor Ho far n this particular
I dlsenso t coucurnod tho proportion of
hcnlllt to Blckiiiss In anil about tho me
1 tropolis It is threo tiillllotm to notli
log The oily Is I In good sanitary eou
1 illtkui Tho outrnnco to tlm port IB
c Rtiaidoil by otto of tho must ofllclcnt
vigilant niul Intullliraiit qunrntitluvs over
established nnywhuin on tim fuco of tho
earth Tho ships now ut SOL will bo ilualt
with as thoy ariivu by le IENKWJ anti his
itiliiilrnUo forco Uliu ptnctlual suspension
< of Immigration wilt lighten tho Inbura ol
r tho quurautlno onicors later on
NohidMiliinl In this I town or on his way
to this town or Intending to como to town
has the BllKhlest reasons for appiehoimlons
i as to his poiMinnl Btifoty Ho has no rea
son to uhatiKO his plans or to deport In any
r particular from his ordinary uiuuncr of life
uulosu that way of life deltas the universal
I j laws of pnidoiiiO mil Baultnry common
BCIISO Than hu had butter Ihauue I
Wo say this l > ocauto sonio outsiders are
Elating ut tho Naiioub ns if liltn Duuth
about loHlulk in that noblo
VOTO to talt through I tllt loblo
waterway Tha truth Is tho daiiKor of the
to Introduction or cholera Is quito ns gloat nt
other sonporU vthnrti thin safeguards too
not so strong If tho pestilence gets
hero no human being can foretell its
ft routo of approach or KH Itinerary 1or
I I haps tho Krtntcst danger lies along tho
I c uorthoin fiontler nt tho I polnU of com
munication with Canada Tim Dominions
1 quarantine is notoriously Inadequate Un
1 scrupulous forwarding agents will bo likely
I I to solid their Uploads of Ioles nnd
ItiiBRian Jmvs by way of Quebec or Mon
treal Already It Is I bald that the Infected
colony of lok3 who luivo been en
camped near Lyons France on their In
terrupted journey to this country have
I Marled for tim tnlted Stales by way of
Montreal The utmost vigilance will bo
needed nil aloiiRour northern border
i As fo Now York city it is perhaps tho
safest paro in the United States ut this
i time Onrtaluly there Is nowhere u safer
c place to bo in and to bo happy in
I Will It Stop Immigration
Tho Presidents order putting a twenty
I I days quarantine on all ships bringing im
I migrants from any foreign port Is received
I with general satisfaction and approval
This Is based on tIme supposition that tho
order Is good for its face value A twenty
day quarantine rigidly and impartially
enforced against all iinmlKiaiit ships I
practically amounts to tho total sus
pension of immigration for tho tlmii
No steamship company will attempt
under such conditions to continue Us steer
order if sol
ago business The twentyday oder
idly grounded in legal authority will ac
complish everything that could havo been
effected by an extra session of Congress
and a law directly authorizing tho Presi
dent to close the gates
We wish to cal attention to a feature of
tho twentyday order indicating that it is
I not good for Its faco value I such Is tho
case it is better that tho flaw should lIe
> recognized now rather than later on
The President finds his authority In the I
law of 1878 repealed by tho subsequent act I
of 1870 but in tho opinion of AttorneyGen
eral JIHLCII imlvid In full force by the I
circumstance that the I later act was limited
duration four That is
ited In its duratol to years llat
to say at tho expiration of that term the
provisions of tho act of 1878 again became
operative The AttornoyOonerala opin
ion In this respect Is undoubtedly sound
Now what is tho power conferred upon
tho President by tho provisions of tho act
of 1878 as revived in tho manner explained I
in Mr MILLERS letter 1
1or the Presidents guidance tho Attor
r neyGeneral quotes part of tho law of 1S78
I and quotes it incorrectly His citation is
aa follows
Hy tlin law of 1878 It Is I provided among other
tlfiiifsi First TbAt no s etttl 1 com In from any foreign
pott or country wlitro any contagious or Infectious
deeMs exUls or courting any person or persona
rncrcimntlisj or nnlmals affected with any contagious
1 tt8a 1 e sbftll rOll Into the United States except In
tfce iraniier anil dulcet to Iba regulations In that act
autiiorUed 0
What the law really says Is quite different
Tliat m i b401 lor l vculcle coming from any foreign
tjrl I tounlry wliero uny contagious or icltctlons
ditCMto luay runt alt na icsiel lor vehicle crrnvtylnr
mr I IHHnu ir porcine nierchatidlie or animal affected
wllU any Infcctluui or Luntatlous dlieaie shall enttr
4 nu > itfrt of tho emitted States or pats the uonudary Una
Ulvotn tlm UiilieJ elates and any foreign country
wtnirtiti tle < tujiuittitel < 4tf < rany oHt oMlJ UniltlStattt
Inlii or Ilirouh the JurUrtlcllon of wblch said TSIIB 1 or
bllo may pas or to which It I destined rtxoept
lu 115 uuriKr nnJ subject to the regulations to be pro
scrlicj as acrtluaCter jirof Ided
Tho other and tho ouly other provision of
thn trt of IBid which tho AttornoyGonoral
slates for tim Presldontd information Is
t that which ho offors as authorizing tho
rugulatloiib to bu prosurlhod W horelnaf
toy provided Sir MnLJUtti second quo
tation la this
KonlTlie Sur < tonOenerAl of the arlo floe
that n ti Ice dial l under the direction of ttie tecretlry
r o Ilio Trsnry Ue charged with the execution or tb
proMlnin i > r hue act and shell frame all needful
I relic jnd rrfuuituns for tliat I purpose Then rules and
rnuUtlons 01 te subject to the approval of Hie
rreM nl ULI ei uh rite nnil regulatIon sLall not
rnuDict Jrlmnlr any > anitarr or finaraiitlno lans ur
laws cf any blailt or an iniinlclpal autliorltlci now
i ekistlniirBUiiIiiusy ltrenfter be enacted
Thin qiiotathm is almnat literally acciir
i I rate but His merely tho second Dart of a
ewtion Uto lifbt part of which Is not quoted
by Mr MIUIII tutu to ihni Unit part tho
imssago ciuotuil diruutly refers and applies
Tho omitted portion is I u > follows
U The hcncter any lnf ctnusnr contagious dhal
1 bal spiMar In any fort gnpjn or ronntry eq4 whtn
terany Teaicl iliill lrita A < > r Inlrl1 I torelim port
h r bating I board u KuuJs or jiiktn ri coining from
ii > pau > or < li trlit lufciltJ mill fulera or > chow
fcr hall le I lie uy loreijii l fri b omit for any port
In tlie rnltuil Slates the rnusuUr ottlcrr o other rrp
revtutatlta of be LnlUl ill at ur neartst such
4 torelm pll etch ll Imruedlalelv give information ijjjre
ft to the Iule Ill > SurtennOeIiuraI oC the Mitrlne
f hospital commute 11 i Kiall rcpurt 10 him fun name tlie
date departure ant the ri mrI or ilflihnntlon In ta
tnlled Statai aud Ibo Ioniul uiHters or the United
r Mates elicit ws tell Iy reports to Mm ft tlie < inlur >
i condition of She hold at I which l tliij aro rwpullvcly
rr r Then follows limo haugo quntcil by time
Attornoydoiiorul an I It WCH Knoral
I authority to the ie utivu 10 uiaki aucii I
rules and regulations to prevent the Intro
duction of contagious diseases Into tho
United Slates
The 1 hear purpose of tho act Is t Biippl
tluough tho Consular system Information
its to lie I ptogress of pestilence abroad anti
to mil tho Marino Hospital service tho In
termodlary between the representatives of
tho United States abroad and tho State
quntantlnos The purposo of tho not Is not
to supersede or Interfere with tho local l
quarantine systems In any manner
Tho AttorneyGeneral In our opinion tins
put altogether too broad a construction
upon tho provisions of the law ns It stands
hut tho most Important defect In tho whole
proceeding Is found in tho clrcumntanco
that thin President In his turn has put al
together too broad n construction on tim
law as it Is stated by Mr MnMMt
Even according to tho AttorneyGenerals
Interpolation of tho statute tho Presidents
power would only oxtotid to tho quarantin
ing ot vessels coming from any foreign
port or country tricro any contagious or
infictioiiH disease trials
lint what tho President orders Is tho
quarantining for twenty days of vessels
from any forcian port carrying Immi
grants This is without reference to the
existence of tho cholera at tho port from
which tho vessel bringing immigrants has
stilled Tho prohibition ns it stands applies
equally to ships bringing immigrants from
Hamburg to New York to ships bringing
Immigrants from Halifax to Boston and to
ships bilnglng Immigrants from Yokohama
to San Fraiiulbco
AV bcllovo that the result which the
Prcbident3 order seeks to attain namely
tho stoppage of immigration whllo the
chnlcia menaces this country Is eminently
desirable WI also believe that tho motlvo
inspiring tho Presidents course Is credit
able anti patriotic But ho has made tim
gieat mlslnko of attempting to accomplish
a desirable thing by indirect and oven
doubtful methods when it was plainly
within his power to call Congress together
In extra pivslon and to procure within ten
days unquestionable and Indisputable au I
thority to suspend Immigration
In Russia
I has been Impossible to piocuro the
statistics of cholera In Russia any
thing beyond the fact of Its existence there
was known to tho outside world until well
along in last month We know that it
struck Balm on tho west coast of the
Caspian about tho beginning of July but
we got no Information about Its rapid prog
ress northward and westward during that
month or of its ravages In the thickly popu
lated regions through which it advanced
The Government did not permit tho news
about it to be sent abroad despatches
about it oould not he transmitted to
foreign countries and hut very little
was said in tho papers of St Petersburg
So far us the cholera is concerned the cen
sorship was as rigorously applied to tho
Press the telegraph and the mail as it is
applied in the caso of many other things of
merest to mankind
The llrst knowledge that we got of
the seriousness of Its ravages in west
ern Itussla was when we wero informed
hat tho Government had prohibited the
loldlng of the great annual fair at Nljnl
ovgorod on account of it That fact was
nil of significance to all the world Dur
log tho past fortnight we have been
urnlshed with somo cholera reports
mil statistics from St Petersburg but
while Indicating 1 very heavy mortality
hero they havo been uutrustwor
thy and unsatisfactory lioin Russia
at largo Wi halo had no returns
rum which any wellassurod inference can I
uo drawn liy collating such figures as I
have been given out and by studying such
statements as havo boon made In the Lon i
don Lanctt we judgo that in St Peters
burg and other cities of western Russia i
more than one hundred thousand people
have fallen victims to tho cholera during i
tho past two months Wo cannot oven make I
a guess ns to how many more have fallen
In tho vast region between tho Caucasus I
Mountains and time Baltic provinces I I
vill probably bo years before no got credi
bin statistics of the Russian mortality by
thus Asiutlo cholota In 1892 It may bo
doubted whether such statistics will ever
bo obtained
I must be remembered that tho plague
of cholera in Russia was preceded by an
opidoralo of typhus fovor or hunger
fever and that this again was preceded y
In epidemic of tho influenza or grip All
those destructive plagues howe visited the
Czars empire since tho spring of last year
and each of them has bwopt away his sub
jects In numbers that wo have no means of
computIng I there wero any way of ob
alning tho facts tho word might bo as
ouuded by learning that far more than 1
nllllou Russian lives havo been lost within
two years by these three Infectious and
grievous diseases
The Ground Clear for the Great Fight
The condition of labor In England at this
period is far from hopeful Even in the best
lines and the most prosperous seasons the
Wiles of tholaborois in every department
of Industry are much less than hero and in
many great industries they cannot bo 10
duced in times of business depression with
out producing actual dlstiCHa among the
workers The present is such I time and
therefore the labor bitimtlon t In England
affords occasion fur much anxiety
With us hal condition of Industry
18 totally dlfCoiiut Wages as a whole urn
high and tho woikers uie generally con
ont with them eo far as men are ever
content with what IH attainable Tho great
strikes of this Hummer havo rather boon
demonstrations in behalf of labor union
lain than tho uprisings of laborers
struggling against eductions i of wages
of serious couscquonco to them Mr
DATES tho Chairman of tho Congress com
mittee which Investigated tho causes of thc
loincstead riots tells us in tho last North
American evinc that tho lowest wages paid
hero tho wages of tho common laborer
oio 1 cents till hour and that they rose
t 230 u month us tho highest for tho
skilled laborer a majority of tho skilled
laborers receiving 200 antI less
Tho wages of tho workmen concerned In
tho building trades strike in this
great hulhlli trdes city
worn lot so largo hecauso Homestead scorns
to i have boon the pa null so of workman but
hey weio high and theme was no dlssatls
action with thorn to produco tho strike
Thin mon wont out on sympathy for the
mrposo of demonstrating tho power and
eufoiclng tho discipline of labor unions not
merely to gut higher wages
Tim attiko of the switchmen nt Buffalo
was also sympathetic in most part It be
gan with a few and extended t many who
blmply joined in ordor to support them
For tho soil of labor performed by the
switchmen tho wages paid wero good
They Were fur butter than such labor re
celvouaiiywhiueolbo tittSidl of tills comi
II ry ami as high at skilled labor gets In
England In probably tho t majority of cases
I At Cuur 4 Alu i tie vcuso of trouble was
l h
tho employment of convicts ns minors
The rioters wero not drtvon to insurrection
by scanty pay Thoy woro not facing star
vation but wore In comparative comfort
Nowhoro Is labor undor nny stress In this
country It Is prosperous and tho outlook
for It Is Improving In Europe and moro
especially in England tho situatIon is
wholly different Tho present and tho 1m
modlnto future are not promising for labor
That question therefore can happily bo
removed from consideration in this can
vass It affords no ground for dispute
ns I
Tho republic Is materially prosperous Tho
mass of tho population aro hotter off than
ever before and thoy are Improving their
condition steadily Thoro is no situation
Indicative of economic disease needing nn
Immediate euro by legislation Wo nro
going on very well as wo are so far as
trade is I concerned
Hut thcro is I great Issue of principle to
ho decided by tho people and fortunately
thoy can sottlo it without tho distraction ot
economic Issues appealing to purely solUsh
fundamental to
interests It is an issue fUlculentnl
our system of government and whoso rIght
settlement will conduce to permanent polit
ical health anil whoso wrong decision would
provoke lasting evils It Is the Issue of tho
rights of tho States as opposed t Federal
interference I is No Force bill no Negro
Domination I
Slant by McAlccrl
SAMUEl J IUNDATTI died In Waslilngtot
on April 13 1890 leaving 1 vacancy among
tho capable and courageous Dcmocratli
loaders ot the country and n void In tin I
Third Congress district of Pennsylvania
which ho had represented In tho House with
ability credit and 1 high eider of patriotic
statesmanship for more than quarter of ii i
century rime vacancy thus caused was
temporarily llllod at 1 special election bj
tho lon KioiiAitu VATIX a picturesque
Democrat light upon his feet hn lug nt
enviable and unassailable record as i t
dancer both nt Windsor Castle and Ir
Philadelphia society
At tho succeeding regular election of
1890 WILLIAM McALUut who had with
drawn at the special election in Mr VAIIXS
favor became the Democratic nominee
Ho was elected by a majority of 8000 The
services ho has performed in Washington
have been satisfactory to his Democratic
constituents He has proved honcat capa
ble and faithful to tho Constitution
watchful of local interests energetic in
sustaining the CHUBB of the Democracy
and ready a In the OALiiAOinnt case to
perform an act of tardy justice to an ng
grieved citizen in whoso behalf the syiupa
Lhies of IrishAmerican voters everywhere
have been enlisted
Beside all this under the usages which
prevail in Congress Conventions In Penn
sylvania Mr McALEKK is justly entitled to
1 ronorulnatiou for 1 second term The
propriety according it was further em
Jiaslzcd by the fact that Mr McAicnit is a
Democrat ot tho RANUALL school a fol
lower during his lifetime ot Mr RANDALL
and the first cholutj of tho party Mends of
thn groat Democratic commoner
On Thursday there were two Democratic
conventions lu the Third Congress district
of Pennsylvania the only district in Phila
delphia which has a Democratic majority
Vt tho regular or roE Convention
leld at the Arch Street Theatre this rcbo
hutton was adopted
0 This Convention deplores the lon of the Chair
man or the National Democratlo ComMlttee and thai
ot Ills brotberU > lw MAUKICK F WIUIKRR Chairman ol
lie City Committee who ive arrnye 1 theni elfi
aifalast the trot Mmomcy ot this district to itrpetu
ate their power and strengthen A machine orzanUa
lou under most objectionable roll rules a cbuxe lu
which altboniu recommended by all the Democratic
lulis In this State stand to day as the synonym oC all
hat U I unfair and which coupled with mismanage
ment have reduced th parlys TO In tile city from
over UOOOO gln 10 CIIVEHID to lens than COOOO
The action of the socalled manager after having
rnltleesly scoured the district lour an opponent
oUr McAucia In foln Into an adjoining county to
ecurea candidate deserrea and should receive the
condemnation ot every honest Democrat In tile district
In view of th admirable record mud by WILLUU
McAuiE vhnse starling Democracy In the numerous
posts h has held has at 1 times won the cunndence
and respect of his party associates we cordially roe
mmena him to the voters of tb district Irrespective
or party feellor that his untiring efforts in behAlf of
be business interest of Philadelphia and Us people
entitle him to their lasting gratitude
We condemn and ask all Democrats to join us In
condemning the conspiracy by wblch the return of lou
grcurnan McAuna was attempted to be pretented
At the Irregular or KER Convention held
at National Guards Hall Mr KEn was put
up oa a candidate and Gel THOMAS KVAN
who nominated him said ho was I soldier
with a record second to none Col UTAN
told also how
When Km will gird his armor on aadcruphli trusty
sp ar
Htll make full many a widow In the ranks of Mc
Tor UtiuiKics rin ii > Ilonino ErA in1 IUKTIUS
Uoinoi with trnsly blade
Will hew a swath both long and deep through the
malcontent ct the Irish brigade
Poetically this form of nomination was
weak politically it was wanker There
suit of It all Is that there are two Demo
cratic candidates for Congress in tho Third
district of Pennsylvania and n I local cut
anddog or rather ducUiiiuldrako light
which will Inulo to tho benefit ot thollui
HSOX electoral ticket and to tho benefit of
ilATT QUAY iu picking up Itupubllcnu loais
laths votes in Harrisburg noxt winter Tlio
opposition of tho friends of Mr HAIIKITV
to thin ronomluallou of Mr McALKEii will
arouse unnecessary oiimltiea agithiht thu
DemocratIc national ticket in districts out
side of Philadelphia yet on thu other hand
It may servo a good purposo
A Democratic National Committee
whether through its Chairman or colloetive
I y has no right to invade a district fur tho
purpose of Interfering with the right of its
otciB to select their own candidate Such
Interference is alike perilous and unjiistlll
able Time functions of tho National Com
mittee begin only when tho Democrats of
time district have uftlriuod their choice Un
til that time tho duty of tho Democratic
National Committee is simply to keep Its
hands off and mind Its own busIness
Thoro Is already somo faint talk or Inlor
oronce in Now York city of tho National
Committee which hua much moro impur
taut work lu hand and etlll uiiattiiidod to
Wo hopo that tho lesson of thin Philadelphia
contest will not bo lot upon Mr HAUIIITV
Meanwhile It Is tha duty of every Demo
ratio elector in UANDALIH old district to
stand fairly and firmly by tho regular can
didate MaAiiKEU and while sustaining hIs
course ns 0 faithful Democratic loproscnta
ivo t rebuke at the sumo tluio the tin
warranted interference of outside agon
ies ignorant it would appear ot the car
llnal Domocratio principle of homo rule
thin right of voters to choose without mo
estatlon their oillcial Borvniits
I is not one of time functions of tho a
tonal Committee to make nominations for
Congressmen or to intorforo with time right
of tho Democrats of a district to make them
In tho manner thoy prefer Time commit
tee was not appointed for that purprwo I
this Democrats of tho Third district of
tonnsylvttnla roliloct WILLUU ilcALrun
by an Increased majority an now Booms
Probable lucY will reward a faithful Con
I 1rf8IUQU and pcityim I useful sorvlrfl In
I °
behalf ot tho Democrats of other dlBtrloU
whoso right of choice may b menaced In
tho future by amiable but Inexperienced
men temporarily Installed In high places
Again a Step
Where ate wo now after Nancy Ranks
has made the trotting record 305jf How
far or how near Is tho boast that shall
take oft the yet remaining oxcrosconco of
live and a quarter seconds and leave the
ono unhopedfor llguro of two minutes the
mark of an actual performance Data of
encouraging application t tho belief thai
thin twomlnuto trotter Is on tho way hero
arc accumulating
Tho 203 mllo Is of course a noticeable
indication that tho animal watted for is
really lit tho futuro To our thinking
timers was another feature of tho same
porformanco that furnished n still better
argument for believing in his arrival
Although In Chicago in 1334 while the
Hon Giiovun CIEVUIIASD was being nomi I
nated for President in tho heart of
Iho city Wcstmont was thought to
huvo given Its outskirts everlasting
famo by pacing with n running inoto n hal
mllo in 101 the trotter Nancy Hanks
has finally dons tho same thing alone
DOIILS is reported as trying with all
gentle moans of suasion to keep her from
going so fast in order of course that
all four quarters should bo rated as much
as possible nllko I Nancy had had her
head she would have doubtless gone
to tho Imltmllo polo in but a single minute
or but a fraction of a second ovor and thero
wo havo halt tho journey to tho twomlnuto
goal almost an good as over
Thin plhot8 who urn satisfied that tho
twomlnuto mark will never be reached
BliouUl not for that reason omit to obsorvo
the evident hold constant approach to it
Question I ask you what will bo the
effect of tho cholera scare upon tho November
elections and whether It will help HutBisoNor
CiKVKiANnf Answer Tho man who can ask
auch a question must bo 1 fool tone mad He
ouuht to bu tukon to tho Insane asylum if ho
Bhould escape the pest house Ho Is an un
conscionable wretch and wo dilvo him out
Up to this time t we must commend tho ac
tivity and Intelllscnco of all our municipal and
Ktata oniclalfl In dealIng with the menace of
pestilence Tlio Mayors office has done Its
duty So hal tho city Hoard of Health Bo has
tho Hoard of Quarantine So his the Hoard of I
1olico ro his the Board ot Iubllo Works
The Street Cleaning Department has done ex I
cellent service The State Board of Health his
been attentive
It Is pleasing to bo able to commend the sift
cloncy of our public functionaries at tbls time
They have tlvon evidence that they were wail
prepared for thu emergency
It gives IB pleasure tq tucongiatulato the
lion JUIKS CiiuKsriE HLAINE upon the
marked Improvement of his health within a
short time and upon tho prospect that ho will
again stand up amuotug usvigorous and spirited
in lower and pride an American of whom his
country Id I proud au American of rank among
time worlds statesmen Mr liLiiNK I now In
lar bettor estate than ho was in when he re
signed ofllce or than ho has been at any other I
imo this year Thor Is lrtuo In that system I
of treatment which Is clumally called the
Swedish movement cure thero Is virtue In
mah ale there Is virtue in pedestrian exer
cise In bohnlf of the American people we
congratulate Mr IJLuxr to whom bo Ionic life
and joysome years
Ho is too young yet to retire from the sor
vice of his country Not until the year1013
I bin lIre be spared to that time will he bo ag
old as 11 ULUihioXK who has fought a great
nuhl this year and who last month took up
time duties that appertain to the office of Iro
luther in Queen VirroiuVs Government Mr
llLiiNB Is a man of more stalwart frame more
natural than Mr vigor GLADSIOST and mora abounding virility
Tho people of the whole country may
rest assured that so far as concerns tho news
of the cholera thore will be no concealment
here in New York Ve notice that a Western
paper Is apprehensive that the Hamburg
policy ot concealment may be adopted here
Wo tell it that this would bo impossible New
York absolutely impossible We tell it that
every fact in relation to the subject haa been
and will be published In Tlic SUN There haa
not boon a caSt of cholera or cholerine or any
disease resembling it In this city There has
not been a case on this side of tho Quarantine
or upon any ship that haa entered our port or
inywliura else between hero and Europe ex
cepting on the high seas Thero Is probably
more dancer ot the cholera appearing on the
iaclllc or oa tho southern seaboard or In time
cities on our western lakes than In Now York
Nol York is on guard Now York will clve
warning in thooontot daneor We are all
right in Now York
Wo Imvo no doubt that I good many un
mat rlod ladles and perhaps even some mar
tied ladles laughed over tho despatch from
Cincinnati which wo printed yesterday about
thin Arab wedding there Why In the mischief
did tItus Arabs raise buch I racket while the
Arab lovers wore going through tho marriage
coriinony Why did they carry on s01 Why
ha lion ling the shrieking tho boating of
loads and the nthar doltiKti Did thoy howl
because of the hrldun propoets or shriek be
cause of the Brooms despair The proceed
iiki > look queer to us yet they were of tho an
cient Arabian kind and accounts of them can
bo found In books on the manners and customs
of Iho Atabs
Vu havi now In this country weddings of
Arabs In thin Aiablan fctle ali of Chinese In
lie Chinese m Milf and ot Ioles In the Polish
style and of ImsS in the Jewish style and of
icrmans lilali IiiKllsli Scotch alt others in
tIme btlus ut tlioir loopoclHo countries At an
rltli wodilini If it hn celebrated according to
tho real old Irish style lliore is pretty sure t
b K > fcomo merriment after the priest his dono
his duty At a Jewish wedding there Is a great
deal of solemnity under time ancient core
uonlal A Polish wedding Is pretty as a rain
bow An EnglIsh woddlng Is apt to bo a very
buslnossllke thins An American wedding
of the Plymouth Hock Kind is exceedingly In
erestlng Neither at a Gorman or a French
or an Irish or a Yankee wedding Is there
bowline or shrieking of the kind that Is heard
at an Arab wedding And yet many an Arab
couple live contentedly In wedlock
The phip Western Ilcservo hiltS demon
strated on Lako buperlor that what countless
inxlous travfllais at sea hue Imagined to be
possible Is possible namely that a ship can
actually break In two TIme Western Reserve
vms a stool vessel not two years
old and yet cither ftom tho strain
with bow and
of resting on her centre
torn ovitilmuging tho wave supporting her or
roin thin wrench plunging into raging sea
luCi r hack broke and of course she Bank tiuoh
a thing hiss niMir been known iu the history
ot modern shlpliulldlnir I it ever to ba
known autin 7 How many chips on the lakes
mve wiak hacks Are all the old veterans on
ho Atlantio bound Thin accident to the
Western Reserve puts those questions perforce
A 1oolliik Itumor Conlrmdletcil
Iron IA lMMtrltti Rod
In the political speeches oC Senator Hill his boitlllty
10 lbs eKlley unit KM manifested In his urgent
demnatid fur lu uncnntlluonl repeal H If I therefore
absurd to loiiuect lilui iu any way with tbe illly r
ort of Labor CotnmUiuiier f ck of ytm York wbo
has endeavored to roaalpuUte Induilrlat eUtUtlce t
bow that the ItrKlnley tariff ma stimulated pro
duction and inereceed time want cf labor Heaator
I lllll has ileiaoniirateil to his epeecbei that Ibe Me
Klnlet i artS his orajuced the ooooilte recalL
r 1
T Terdlet of Ik rraeaJesep k Palllc
Med Ilia fteirp p r
Frfn 1 Fauttt Dalit Jfnt
TiE BUN hatlnit convicted the IforM not
only of cubllshlnc bogus Interviews with dla
tlneulshcd Europeans but ot resorting to
tlltalsbed EuroIJCID rrsortn a
IMhiablo and shameful swindle to euchre Tim
BUN out of lOCOla now drivlnz I big aplko
In 1 the coma 01 Its rivals fast waning popu I
larlty by supplying all tho newspapers In
America with marked copies containing all
the crushing evIdence ot Us Infamy Tho
World meanwhile makes no defence but re
lies on a brazen denial and the counter chargo
that Tie SUN la jealous of Its power and pros
ferity This may go with unsophisticated
country folk but In the realm of newspaper
dom and among intelligent people outside of
I the dodge li I twice too thin
Prwn I Ae Marc Pttntnff V vt
I Tnis BUN statements are correct It Is
hard to understand how an intelligent publlo
can give crodonco to anything that appears In
the Worlds columns
nom f > QJumlvt 1r
Honest newspaper mon ow a debt of graIl
tude to TUB RUN for tho complete oxposuro It
has boon at somo pains to make of tho meth
ods of the AVio Iorfc m > ld Tho World stands
convicted of publishing bogus cable despatch
os and accused of trickery to conceal its de
coptlon and mulct a rival newspaper I la
anything placed but a creditable light In which to bo
F f m lAe Trent Jfricv Prrt
Ton SUN has conclusively proved that it
made no mistake when it characterized Jlr I
Joseph Pulitzers paper aq the Infamous I
World Not only did tiiatunnrlnolplod catch
penny sheet attempt to justify and defend tho
anarchical acts of tho Homestead striken but
it his since been detected and exposed In
palming oft on ils readers fraudulent cabIn
despatches purporting to ho interviews of
World representatives with 1rlneo Ulsrnarck
anti aim Ituhlanmistrononmor hrtho auras 01 Irof
Hchlapitrolli TUB SUN hua done a publlo ser
vice In nheddlng Its rays on time disreputable
methods of tho Infamous Wnrtil and it can
be depended upon to continue tho good work
hoe Ii > rtiatliam liirlir 1
TUB SUM charges the JlorU with manufac
turing news In Its own omen puruortliiK to be
cable new ot intervloWB with prominent scl
enlists in Europe I makes a strong showing
and the Woril falls tl answer the charges sat
isfactorily Unless It can do BO It stands
charged with and guilty of one of the most in
famous crimes against publlo confidence that
a newspaper can perpetrate
Tho manufacturing of news whether on a
large scale llko this charged agalnsttho World
or In lesser decree cannot bo too strongly
condemned I strikes at thovltal point In thus
character of a newspaper for I one it bo
proven untrustworthy and unreliable In its
dissemination of flows and Intentionally and
systematically proceeds to deceive Its readers
in attompt t to gain notoriety nd
atom t taln a a reputa
tion for enterprise to which It is not thereby
entitled the public should boycott It and
treat it with disdain and contempt and there
Is no morn satisfactory way of doing this than
by withholding their patronage
A newspaper is not unlike an Individual
Each baa a character and n reputation and
ono as well as the other needs bo exceedingly
careful that neither character nor reputation
becomes sullied Of all unfortunate and fool
Ish tilings a newspaper may do that ot de
stroying public confidence in itself Is most
unfortunate and most foolish And it can ac
complish this end in other
aomtlsh no way more
quickly or moro completely than in the matter
ot fake news
From tin Oil City SlSixtiJ
Thero Is something excruciatingly funny
about the determination of the AVta lorfe World
not to advertise THB SUN
advrtso any more anent
the fake cablegram Incident
JYom IA AiaiiepAfa nfuirrr
TiE SUN convicts the Ane Tort World of
manufacturing bogus interviews with Bis
marck and distinguished foreigners and
when accused of the trick of practising further
deceptions shows such an entire lack of any
moral sense that whatever Inlluonco tha World
had must be entirely destroyed while under Its
present management Such deceptions aa the
World had practised we aro too glad to say
for the honor of American journalism have
never before been known
Frees the TTiItrttarre Xftft Ajfrr
Pulitzers World did a good deal of buncoing
since that exrestaurateur and cook took
charge of It but he ran up against a buzz saw
when he undertook to bunco Tnt SUN by
fraud out of 1000
> om thi LatJfjtort aify S vn
I you see it in the World Its faked
Why Chant II Vim Hilint Hbonld Not be
Nominated far Cbtrt Juiift or the Court
or Appenln Ira HUufVra Visos
BUN of today you say
Judge Majroan will not be a candidate for tbe Court
of Appeals Why aot IbO nominate Charles I Yam
If yon will permit me to answer your question
tion I bog to say
1 According to usage precedent and coat
tesT not to mention Judge 1eckhama high
character and great ability as a Judge of the
Court of Appeals 1m fairly deserves and bo la
fairly entitled to that nomination I
2 I will bo almost If not absolutely impos
sible to flll Judge Van Brunts place as Pre I
siding Judge of the Now York General Term
the duties of which high oDlce he performs
with such distinguished ability and with such
uniform courtesy nnd Impaitiallty that I am
convinced If left to tho members of the New
York city liar they would unanimously op
pose his removal from his present position
to von 1 higher sphere IIIA SIIAFLE
Hbn riser Be n Pre Itullot or Perpetual
Ilrpiihllnui UUruItt I
From lie I UtmfMr 1 Mlriai the
Tbe Force till Is A measure wlurb plncee the control
of elections absolutely with the Kepublira i party lor
an Indefinite period ancl any iniiu nh favors Itle I I
base a traitor aatJeuedlct Arnvld
TVoni tit Jlirt 11 tn I Satt
I must bo remembered tint It thu I Republican party
once Iolalo power under him > lilll I will perpetual
itself Its dliplaccuient will lie I impossible 1 will
place farmer In each cuuniy at the mercy of a few
men who will bare lImo pour lu jail them amid lu
deed tu wreck them
Don tl < e Xican EftntHg Ymita
fn Ours Is right The lorce bill It I Hie paramount
issue since If the nepiibiltane can Succeed In UKilni
It they will ben be In a posItion not Duly ta perpetuate
their power mud continue to oppress the people with
he robber turltr leritMlon but they cmi pail any
other mlicbleoui uiaiuro that their ilevlllib Injc
nulty can III
A llrroeily for tliolcfa
To mi EDITOR or Tin Kux Kin In Mew of the dun
e of an luvnsioti of cholera feel it to tie t my duty to
make known the value and tffluincy blcarbonatn
ofiodaaia remedy 1 was uted will great success
iii time practice of nr Benjamin Tappan of fteubtn
rllle in the rliltation of cholera In thu country In
8528 rrecliel tbe formula h aunt byrd 1 do not
know but In a case of cholera morliui Already ad
vanold a teaipoenful ot aoda the common baling
oda uied In every boutehold oai put lnaiuart bow
Oiled with water with a larie I piece of ice and tIme pa
tent was made to drink 0 mucb at he could end to
rink continually throughout tbe day Ior children
bait teaipoocful In a tumbler ot water wilt Ice liu
leen efficacious It sbould b drunk continually s bile
lit disease lasts A Cintii or diiiu
AiaoK Aug SO
Two VictIms In lloiloa
IbomC nation Journal
ii ova niDir fnomj uroiriD moil unit no
from mis IhMeii > niy Aim erhimer
h era moit mi Deceit coourm itmtn I int
Taught bJ Experience
from Life
I Ik told aim that her bell was pinned
As dote to blm she drew
And when bis arm stole round her waist
Ueteli that this was trus
nvssiA AS ovn r
The arla aD < he S1 nnsitlaaj Comro
yral eC Her Reetsit Sielsurea er Brllla
> od AoserlCHU Hchoonern In Url Sea
WAeiiiKOTON Sept 2Thin capture stud eon
fluoaUon of several British scaling schooner
and ouo American vessel liy a Iluialan war
ship has imi > aitcJ A now sensation Into the
Rehiring Boa dispute
Up tu thus lmo tIme enct attItude ot Russia
on tho Question of jurisdiction over Rehiring
Hoa beyond the threorullo limit has been
largely a matter ot conjecture Tho old doc
trine that Rehiring Sea was a close son orlgl
acted of course with lior and there Is no
record of her formally abandoning It The
drawing of a boundary lino In the treaty for
the cession of Alaska tluougli llohrlng Sea
may not Itself imply that HussU undertook to
oodo the waters as well as tIme land cast of that
hue but at loast t I accords with the theory the
ho htlll claims dominion over those water
Hut while our revenue cutters and cruisers
have for years been patrolling tho entIre
eastern part of UohrlngScft ant seizing yes
pels twenty forty and sixty miles from
tweltT Illd mlus 101 any
land Itussla has apparently abstained frou
exercising corrosivmllng jurisdiction She
has made seIzure but In nearly or unite
every case up to tlu < nrcsont year they have
been for poachlns within tho threemils limit
wlioio her jurisdiction Is uuqueitlonod Even
the American achoouor captured last year am
taken to Ylndlvostock for condemnation aa a
prize although seize apparently moro than
half I dozen miles from Uusslan territory
seems to havo boon one of thn Meet of poach
era whoso crows had actually landed at the
Russian rookoilea on the Commander Islands
ant had killed teals thoro Tho boh poachers
exchanged shots with tha Russian guards and
escaped 7lth their wounded in their boats
When the alarm had boon given the steamer
at tho Islands pursued time poachers to their
rendezvous which according to one account
wni about ten mllea from time Islands and
attnnvanl overhauled anrt captured one of
thorn Hut It Is I clear that thin wan not the
distance ra Bof Ipturo land for scaling carried on notl long
It Is I also notlnonble that IlusRla hM hitherto
taken no part with tho United States in the
aeailuintlnir dlsiute of tho latter with Kfig
land the has given us no support In the dip
lomatlo controversy and la not oonoornad In
the nioilua jlwlui It hat been conceivable In
short that she might take tho ground assumed
ed hy somo writers tlmt whatever the strength
of the riarr rtatuurn theory while Hinslft poa
sessed I time land around llohrine Hoa I lost
Its very foundation when she parted wIth her
ownership of the PKsturn shore tlius putting
tIme two ° oalts under separate sovorelgntlea
Hut I tho recent capture and onnOseatlon of
thei Koslo Olsen the Ariel the Wllllo MoOowan
and l H White nro correctly reported Russia
now formally backs up by her exam pl tho ox
trellIs American claim founded on jurisdiction
over half tho s a Thoy are said to have bean
seized forty or fifty miles from the Copper
Islands and to the protects of the Brltlah and
American Captains that they were in free wa
tots tlio Russian commanding officer answer
ed that Russia jurisdiction extended over
time whole sea wrst of the treaty line Should
It turn out tliat thoHo vessels hud been poach
ing on time Island their pursuit and capture
would bring them under the case of the Amer
lean vessels seized lattyoar but the evidence
niontlons no such offence and It seems proba
bit that the case la simply aa the release
crows that have now returned put It
Aw wo then to have Russia as an ally tn our
ileliring Sos dispute with Great Britain it
looks very much as If this aeries of arrest by
tim cruiser Zitbraka after year of refraining
from rnforolng the claim to capture at a lon
dlstunco from time Commander Islands nac
that Purpose In view Russia may have ex
urosely sought nn occasion thlayear backing
up tho United Htutes In Its contention with
Groat Britain
As to the Immediate sequence of these cap
tures there can bo no doubt of course that
Great Britain will undertake to protect her
vessels in tho right to kill seals In the western
half of liehrlng Sea beyond the marine
league from Russian shores She will demand
Indemnity for the three vessels seized this
year just as she ban demanded Indemnity from
our Government for vessels seized by our
revenue cutters under hike circumstances In
tim eastern half of Bohrlng Sea The result
may bo a stipulation that Russia will be hound
by the decision of the Court of Arbitration
and hor entrance meanwhile into the modes
virmilt agreement
The American schooner White can of
course expect very little help from the Wash
ington authorities unless unwarranted treat
ment of her Captain and crew oould ho estab
lished Her offence la precisely that for which
a dozen arrests and captures have been made
by our Government and It lies at the basis ol
our present controversy with Great Britain
Indeed the similarity between Russias po
sition anti ours nn the hrlugboa question is
romarkablo oven In details Her aeal rookery
on the Commander group or couplet of Inlands
corresponds exactly to ours on the 1rebylov
couplet Each Is the central point of the ran
dezvous of time animals on Its side ot the sea
each Is very valuable oaeh Is under lease and
each also Is thraatunni with ruin from pelaglo
hunting In its Immediate neighborhood It Is
ohielly however of lato years and mostly
since the modus riiendi agreement of 1801
that Russia has been troubled by sealer from
British Columbia rime temDorurr prohibition
which Great Britain and the United States
have agreed upon baa driven aom of the Vie
tons vessels to the western side of the sea
and that has brought Russia into the contest
with a view of protecting her own seal islands
Prealrtcnt IlcrrUon Afterward Start for
Loon Lake
WASHINGTON Sept 2A mooting of the Cab
net was held at the Executive Mansion today
at which Secretary Charles Foster Secretary
iklns PostmasterGeneral Wanamakor and
AttorneyGeneral Miller were present All
other members of the Cabinet are absent from
hoclty The meeting was held at 1130 the
inual time for tha Cabinet meeting and con
tinned until nearly 1 oclock The general
condition of business in tho Executive do
artments was discussed anti matters requlr
hug the Immediate action of tho President
wore brought to his attention Prior to the
meeting of the Cabinet tho 1rosldent directed
Hat a telegram be sent to each department
liking If there was any urgent matter for him
t > conMder as ho contemplated leaving the
city this evening In response to this Acting
boerctary Holey of tim N vy Department As
s AttorneyGonorarKhlelds of time Into
nmir Department and Acting Secretary Ailoo
of thu State Doimrtmivnt called and had short
talks tviihi the Prosldout
The President left bore at 7 oclock tonight
for Loon Lake N ST Ho will return ti Wash
ngton probably on Saturday Suit 17 or In
any event In time for the G A R reunion
which begins on Monday Sept I1X Dotweon
now and the 17th tim President Will probably
nake his trip through Now York Ktnle which
was Interrupted when he camo to Wiibhinstou
t iiiiok personally after cholera mat turf
Private Hectelary Halford said this evening
ioforoloili for Loon Ijiko that the Prest
diuts letter of neeitanno would bo given to
ho tress on Sunday at i oclock nt flue White
civin1 iiEDin so XHRKAT
rrrmlcr Alholf Kxpl nntlon ot HU GOT
crnsucnlB AltlliiUc
MosTitKiu Pojit 2ireiiilor Abbott has ar
Iveil at Kt Anne ills country residence from
his yacht ing trip down tho M Lawrence for
thin benefit of his health Hu han gained in
lush and Is l apiiaruntly In nnich bcttar bodily
H1III but complains of lack of mental force
Ilio If uit dlfUSbluii or oven oidlnai y convar
siitlon f < r l any length of time Ito tys not only
atlgiiis him but produces ex i emu weakness
Jim K u caking uf thu prpelamntiun of President
liirrlMin Hr John Mild
HeeriltryloMur I takes eaoption to what
I IB i ohm no us to bo a veiled tin t ent In Ihe I Canadian
uoi iinuiith viinimunleatimi that f hould his
liiuiiiinitMit imnosii iihla mitt i iiitullau vesaoU
mu ihlim tin I I bnuft Hie Mui i it itnal the Ciiiu
llui cloeiiiiiiunt would nut onutilder itself
lOiind I to i ijlinero tho t iirunilnii inadu nt tint
ouniil iiieetlnK U WIIH iit intended as a
t lireat Bulled I iirotherIhi I > hut I ci Imply to con
oy an liitlnmtlnn I I tint I should the Unllod
IntoM Uivernineiit tiiku any action of this
klinl I his wiumld enlwr Into uur cooxldoriitlon
when the nuttIer was imain brought forward
liejoormmint inorolr wUhed list to mieiize
self I to any dellnito policy I until I I It wati known
vlmt Mmwilltt t Lulled I Stnten mlcht take snt 1
I huiiriiip lu I rnunell I was on thfso t lines and
irryliiK out theo llneh
Tlir t u Amlc a llruppean
UOMO > Kept a A cable message from the
European Union of Astronomers to J Itltchle
Jr announce the reappearance of time new
star Aui cu This star was discovered by a
Hfoteh utrononiyr in Fohruary list lolnc
MBlhie to liii uakcd tuo It Lridunllv fniTiil
auuy until luvUllilf in the ttiloscope It has
iuouu rtii lien cii helnc of HJ I l nmagmmht mum rTii
Auc Ll I indUil I I 1 iniiKiiltudii on Auir 11 i 1 Tho
sPeCti tin is inunochtruiumttle
y05 ra
lbsOh Cherloyl that mOsquuO ka some ow
yamir hand to lain
lleAwbeaatlfnl thought I that your blooO aa
tatosawuntugise in the slums meeptiso
New SyMptom i end Mnnti lallnn
rrrm Ilif Yew rini lltraM
Howe Sept lTiuci relations between tht
Vatican and tho Qulrlnnl have assumed A n r
and acute tension At time Vatican it Is asked
why on tho nyc of tIme episcopal > > jubilee of tin
1oiie tho Italian Clovcrmniut shows Itself In
dimmed loruoifn a KiiHutkumtif U Is said at
the Vatican tliat the now Ministry Inspired br
Crlsiiis I l conceptions npfunra dIsposed to
make time 1opojmy for lila domorratlo iiohi y
In Franco all the morn as that chicago ot
policy borrowed In ratt from American 4
models has lovonstitutvd political unity iu j
Franco and li houcrtotth LUIU of time fullest
succeSs It la however stratittu that the
Government should have chosen tho prelude >
of the jubilee time for euuh mutilfostatloa f
for the Italian State has every Interest In i
Blmulatlnu moderation and In nsburlna th
repose nd llbatty Ion hoBiiitulltr of the Vati
can during a porlocl whoa numerous pilgrim
nseawlll occur
The QuIrlDttl feels itaolt disaulotod br the
proiDcot ottheso testimonies to the cower ot
the Vatican notchbor too glorIous for t >
nLlmo which appears to bo at Its last shift
and it is probable therefore tlmt counter
demonstrations will bo prepared Tho situ
tlon remains and will remain ono ot extreme
touMon The Catholics feel that Italian
royalty committing fault on fault la Dear It
oVdlno anti tlmtotho Introduction of n repub
lic will bo the only monna of regulating In a
paclllo war time condition of Italy and Horn
It Is i that future toward which all things tend
rite uoxtlon nuked ut thin Vatican IB Will tl
bit necessary to do away at tho Jubilee with
all pub In munUeBtntlons In order to show the
world how nroeiirious and Intolerable the
situation of tIme 1ojm at Home is t
The italian Oovornmoht has promised
through UK agents full protectIon for the In
Mleo lutes and for time pflisrlaiagoa The Vati
can however Is but llui < > reassured In view
of tho fact that Rome of tho Littoral groups
fearing any Inrnmmie In time prestIge of the
Pope mire ready for any excesses llio I jublUsi
will Lie a kind ufapothooRlxof tha Holy Father
and thin Vatican anti If the Qulrlnnl cua Uovlne
means to strike at thin dumunntrutlons It will
do HO Itooont disorders In Homo rocalllna
tho attacks upon the pilgrims In 1891 have
caused the projected celebrations for tho ju
bilee to bo considered snow under tin pres
ent conditIons it Is asked at tho Vitlcanlslt
prudent to permit pilgrims to coma to Home
who might be subjected to the grossest In
nulls t If the mullen proerammo iiulres to
be altered It will tie douo solely to protect the
pilgrims and the Church from fnsh hiHiiltR
The Holy Father has declared Ids satlhfae
tins with time constitution ot tho Gladstone
Ministry The Vatican In nowlso expects to
reestablish permanent official conuooiion wltb
England but U hopes to have oxcollont rela
tions with the new Cabinet Wnco Cardinal
MaimlDE In several confidential notes shuvrod
to the vittlcau the disadvantages of having a
Nunolo In London time Papacy has understood
that Its Interest consists In treating more
directly with the Bishops The 1opo la
satisfied with thus victory of Mr Gladstone
tone for three masons First success for
home rule second the triumph democratin
and social Ideas over the old traditions ot
caste and historic prejudices third because
the new Cabinet will be less favorable to the
Triple Alliance which has become since the
OrlspiMlnljjtrv an Instrument of war against
the Pope Lord Salisbury according to ideas
at the Vatican represented with Vienna and
Berlin old feudal conceptions and a monarch
teal policy while Mr Gladstone represents
that democratic regime to which the Fop
wishes success toward which be works and
which he considers an application of the Holy
It hat been reported that the relation ot
the Vatican with Austria have become bad In
consequence of the French policy of the POD
and his attitude toward the Triple Alliance It
Is I not so The truth Is that the Emperor
Francis Joseph and the Austrian Government
czcrolso a constant pressure on the Vatican in
order to attenuate tIme democratic and repub
lican tendencies of the Pope but despite tha
Inflexibility ot the Pope the Austrian Govern
ment does not abandon Us aim nor Its posi
tion at Home It closely concerns Austria to
maintain its influence If not with the Pope
yet with certain of the Cardinal upon
whom the Austrian Government counts for tha
future Conclave The Emperor has Resumed
in the name of the Triple Alliance the role ol
preparing for the Conclave and obtaining >
the next Pope through the concurrence of
certain Italian Spanish Portuguese and Gar
man Cardinais a supporter of the alliance
polfoy The liol > See timie knowledge 01 these
efforts and i O guard against them This Is
why It ha not hastened to reply to the Mil
citations of the allied Mates which claim th
creation oj Cardinals of their nationality The
next cardinal consistory ttlll be an aetiTflrlo
Alliance consistory
Chrl E BUtOB Chose a to Deslga tka lie
use the New York JltilldlBcatt Chtsmge
AL3A3Y Sept 2The State World Fait
Managers have chosen Charles Louis Hlnton
of this city to design the statue ot Eendrlk
Hudson which is to adorn the Now York build
ing at Chicago Artist Hinton Is well known
In New York whore ho has by careful and
conscientious work recently won the Have
meyer prize which means 750 to ba ex
pended in travel abroad In fact Mr Hlnton
was on the point of sailing to France when ha
was turned back by the request of time Stiste
Commissioners While tho aubjoct has not
been discussed with the artist to any extent it
has been suggested that the Matux contain
some part of the tragic scene whero Hudson la
set adrift to perish by Ids ungrateful and mu
tinous crow Commissioner John lloyd
Thacher says that Now York proposes to make
Hendrlk Hudson and his discoveries as prom
mont as possible T omorron Sept 3 Com
missioner ThoohBr bolloveH should bo ono of
tho legal holidays ot the Empire State Inas
much na on that day Hudson discovered Nn w
York Bay and the alto of the future metropolis
They Sean Work on s > Monument Intended
to Beplntti B Statue of Perry
CLEVELAND Sept 2A crowd of about 1000
citizens attacked the stockade built by the
Monument Commission in the southeast part
of the public square this afternoon detach
shed ono of the gates and compelled the men
to stop work TImers is great indignation over
tIme attompt of tIme commission to put the new
Eoldlcrb monument la that part of thin square
and remove the old statue of Commodore
lerry ihmo city trieti to stop tIme work through
ho court but fullod On Thursday tun
hoard of Trade adoptod resolutions against
the hto chosen and appointed a cominlttwto
dead with the Commissioners change the
location The CommUtfloncrs BIIVO It out that
hey would nave nothing to say to the comtult
tee rotuorrow nlBht tliu lmtxpa > ors Leagu
rill bold a mass meetIng to protest against
time Commtsslonurb action
miscue ExUlbllori at the World FaIr
WAIHINOTOX Sept lTlio Secretary of time
Treasury has issued u circular letter concern
ing Chinese exhibitors at the Worlds Fair
After citing tIme joint resolution of Congress
Which exempts Chinese exhibitor from tha
operation of the Chinese exclusion act the
circular says
In pursuance with said joint resolution
Collectors of Customs at ports when Chinese
Persons who are oxlilbllorx or nirplnvee of
exhibitors at tho Wurlde Columbian Kxposl
luiii may llret arrive are liibtualud to admit
buch porKona upon time it > siMititloa to them
of sntlKfaclory uvidoncc > Unit hoy are boom
Ida uxlilbltoru or emiiloycos nliono Korvlcus
Hit required by such exhibitors at the Kxposl
lon In such cases tim cirtiikittii foiiulrod by
hoHlxth suction of tlm net approved MayU
1112 as amomlod by flu < iititnppioved July 0
KH1 will rot ba romiutuetl
A Train Puslce Acnlact tiir llum er
As a Ninth aumun ulovntod train was en
toting the South 1oiry btatlon at 1 W yester
day afternoon tho engineer felled to shut off
Warn soon pnoiiuh and thin engine struck time
rack bumpers u lib a bans but hounded like
an explosion Tho rMPHiincKri moors shaken
ip and somo tliouijht that u serious ucoldfnt
lad happened Tho drawlioads of the forward
car wore broken and It wan sent to limo repair
dimoit S
rim Tut nay lime
foniA pi i it at rnl i U rMrn n 4 lcttu
The Empire atr express lira Ibo nvord ft
ftii iiiua ego nullni thu trip from Albany to
yraeiiBo u distnnco of U > iuic In 167 >
nlnutca rh < > mmut wime tttlit4 In thu 101
mit Ilica This uiuke tho time icully one
illu per minute
Adtatiiitrso Par < ie
rui lft
Hlif Well If I snl live nu inj Income nnd yet cant
lltr AII nuis uucre uruuid ho tQe a linnure la our
tuarr meg S
mis aiHijKniiliy Vrii hv puiiin our income to
eturr one cf i utuU bo bltt tw lUr at any rams
A deepitntt cOUch cruelly trice the lungs an4
waStes timS salitcem siroiiiitii A pru4em raaorl for lie
nidcd it to Dr It Jairuea hiiieetoranl aremedr tw
troubled mid uttuusUKBchltl or aajiulm aaj

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