OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 29, 1894, Image 9

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put' 9ttU rum cixctnnAtt, ii
11 n y A.vn t rro.w.
W --..,.. to titktMt ae ctaetewata -
M,.,r- Pin. ee kkeewraeiee Mm
Carveeetlee-A lllMtlf kkoeeAeMer Ok.
111 - ... lrrM-ll-eye Ik SSeea-
..'." eeataitlea Terw Mat I MM
I j, , i---in'l ytrIAr th Baroa Kr-
lktl (wealeSt! adBl wtth rerroeen-
Jsf tr.s inHnnsti. Hamilton aad Psyto
-Ureal ' 9mpn 1V whleh h bUutr srs-
Irjutobi -losely allisvl to toot rood. Too
Urol o tail system l vt la too ( la-ta-
S ,,tni"ii boad. whlh woro oxaladrd
Jl, th I- 'hmnnl Terminal plan aa modlflod
I aesMB ma.ority of hol.lar did aot aaooat
I a'"I'hB"' r.roi'Oaod lato arsfsrrd stock
I gut com pa or.
jrwnimltte ws formod racoatlr to ropra-
I pa- th bon lholdar. and It was aappoood
at Par 'm t r an car woold work la Karraony
-HI t&n "mmitte It aow ec rears, hew-
I ever, truat tha Baroa haa booo dom noma
I gad'af oa h own aeeouat.
I Haters Ksstler Le. t ho bank era. who have
I r a rear paat baan tha rrrwatatlvs la
ula eosatrr of Baroa Krlaacer'e Interest.
I gf(tat following eiplaaatioB of the aarroo-
I Mant wltn th i nelaaati. Hamilton and Day-
I kjatBtOTMU
radar 'bis arrsneameat a now oorporatloa
I ft la ba (jrmad whoao aadarlria soeartty
I ail ka tiutlr tha tamo aa that of tho Claela-
I aati aitani! n mortaac. Thla plan, which
I m ht mm euistslr laid before the boo1ho.-
I praandalraair baa thaaaaant of a majority of
I tkem ronttmrlstse a corporation with aharo
I melts, of "'.') (which is tha amount
JJ ih tn"" ' laalaaatl axtanaioa bond .
aaa iki rporation will iaaua SZuOIXUUU
at Boftaac 5 par eoot. bonda and .i,roi.
sousf 5 par cant, locom- boada Thua each
Ctatintatni'-nBloa bon 1 will receive twenty-
itt-aiitietk 0' Its fare valu In first mortaaaa
Coats tairtr-flvv-aixtlerne of tacama b- odt,
a 100 par coat of capital stock. Tho Itrat
rtsafobtndfl will bo an absolute lien upon
a, oft indarliln seeorlties Tho iacoaio
keerii rank naxt. sad aftor thsy receive five
Jr fast, aor surplus revenue will co to tho
"! faator- of this transaction la that tho
kol'atof l incinnati axtanaioa boada will r
Bra las markat value of his tsouriti-a in aa
akooiatelr nrst-ctsss security, which will bo
aamallatoly markatabla. whlls every poaaltla
raaast and proa paotiTa vslue of his proaoat
seeunti. la lully retalnad 01 him throuah tho
srs bonds aad shares. Tho arransemeat
further contsmplstea a practical aoarenlsa
tha Ant mortcacs t n ! by tho i incmaati.
smlitoa aad Leiton 1-ailroeJ i oatpany.
"trom tba stsndoclat of railway Intoroata
tka Importanco of this t-anaaetloa will bo ap
areai to svsrr oaa at ill familiar with tho ait-
6 tin causina as it dooo tho Ctaclnnatl.
mi. -on aad I'artoa systom to axtaad from
iraocuc i r.ir torminii upon tho lakea
aractiaaiiy to Nao "rlaans In tba South an I
BtakraTSPort and Taxaa in tho Southwaat, ad
oaacias it to a rank amonaT tha aroat railway
aratams of tha country.
It wi! ca n that Haxoa Erlant-ar. in mak
aattbisrrsamant. haaj. arafuilr ooaaortod
sad saarded tba minorltr haldars of his aocu
Mdaa. 1 ha ' IBelanati. Haralltoa aad I artoa
aafSorlTsJ intaratta whlrh will la any wlas
satfet wl:h tho most harm nioua workiax of
Bkaasisrai intaroats aa a unit aad for tho mu
taal sdTaataca -A ail coaearnad ; aad. la addl
aaatotha atlpulatlona dataiiad aboTo. amplo
BraTtaion has Dean mads for tha protection of
Buasrltr bsroholdara in tho Alabama Oroal
lauthrc. Ctactanatl Southern, and other sub
sktlarT "impaaiaa. all of which lataroata ara
to he fostered and treated in every roapact Ilka
the laureate t the majoritr."
tome further details of tba deal were
parked last alcht frm a cantlemaa who Is in
tPMltios to speak with authority. Thla aen
' Baron Krlaacar ha aold outriaht tba
CflW.lRjO i ir.omnati ExtaaalaD boada he
awied out of the total Issue of iJOO,000 for
aask. Bs received a'JUu.uoO to-day. tauOMHH)
aort a to he Laid him in sixty days, and tha
tslsaea within a short time. The con
nect was made with B. C. Taylor
aad sot with the Cincinnati Hamilton
sat Daytoa Kailroad Compear. The Cla
alssatl Lxtension bonda not represented by
Baroa IriaBcer aad Mr. Klasel of keaaler k
Co si to be iBTlted to take securities of a
w caaasar of unknown yaloe. while tha
Sana cots cash or lu oiunsieat. Thla may
UUJail carlnc for his asaooisfea on an
a safaseie Baron Eriaacer did aot eoaault
worts te boadholdera. aor the monitera
harsmaafcktaorhe tosiT bewa sslsaked wwk
kisweroTal to look after the Intereeta of theao
hstda It waa eery kind of the baron to sell
keiewa boada for cash, aad arranae for the
Isasa he did not owe to set seeuntlee in a
aew orcaaizatlon. about which thay knew
ewe htaltsson CooSeoooeeloe ew saa - I
C'oaiKersS TeotooOay.
Tka State Railroad Camnkiasionara met yee
tsrsar in the Common Council Chamber la
swawaafa, aad aare permiasioa to tha Broad
way Fsrryaad Metropolitan Railroad Company
to soasrract a trolley line to St John's Ceote
tory. A protest waa made aaralast tha ara la
erostlaa of 'he Loac Islaad Railroad Company
at las'port. I. I . un tha (p.ond that it
was st-saded with much dancer Tho
esapaay. it was suggested, should bo
ssnged tu "instruct a bridge at tha
joint. One of the Commiseionera will go to
Isstport to make aa laveatlEatioa. Theob-
rrios of the Cook Island Kaliroad Com poor
ike crrpo-ted eroe-iac of their track at
fresk Pood i r the trolley line of the Brooklyn
Cttr Katlroaii was then considered, bnt no da
awee wsa arrived at. The commissioners
walBsetat the Chamber of commerce to
tosrrow aorning to eoaelder the mate Rall
ies bill at present before the Legislature.
fosiroj rt.Si Blr.e are oatta.
ss FiAxnsro. March 2K-It la announced
oars that C. P. Hantiacton. U. HuoUngtoa.
sad Charles W. Crocker bare reaigaeU from
tka directorate of the Central Paeiflo Railway
CoBDaar. their turpose being to lntreach
themselTes la a strong legal poelrioa whereby
tka koathata Pacl.le iompaay mar aeoid the
sr.cuisii. a of lu leaeo that It shall par the
aaioers ofi eetrsl I'scidc se-'uritiee the annual
aa of ll.3uu.tAAi in dmdsads.
k1'. " twbortsd hero yesterday that mere
ass been several other r-sigoatioaa from tha
Csatrai Is-irle Board. Mr. Charlee H. Tweed,
atersl a unset of tba Soutssra I'aeiHe and
yatral Ps.-1'.o railroad companies sail "We
saes so- raceiee-i aay information at thla
sBsssfanr reelgnatlons of directors ( 'he
tet'rsi laciflo board, but we lafer from the i
fswsparer '-.egrarns that some reslgnaions
fj hasa 'eaderad aad changes made In the
asard 1- u suggsated some time ago by
asasof the Fsaiiab siockho.dsrs of the Cen
rsi ra:i- mat tbar would prefer tuat tho
-awra. la-iBo should hays aa independent
2ara ma : up of persoaa who ware not
Ka -on o' 'he hou'Uera Pasiflc t ooipaay
"kua we could see ao particular reas-n lor l
'k -hacife. weaaw. on the ther band, ae i
aracu ar reaction thereto, aad if cbaovre ,
at bees male 'a tho directory lytheresig- '
5 f Mr Huotiactoa. Mr. ago. Mr. i
if'"' tad 'no. huobard. such changes
sae been no doubt made with the sole desire '
I "aieatinic th suggestioaa which have been i
4e br tn English stoekhoMers of the Cob
JV 'set-la refereace to tho matter. Such
"aaaes h .it Birthing to do with the lease cr
s revisi ,a f ths lease t the i eBtral 1 aciflo ,
J"" iuuiwn laciuc omcaor bat If made I
si a. en been made In deferen to the
aa, 0f ,OOJ, 0, ,B foreign sharsnolJera.
JJics s-ercei proper enough ia one way.
Bkwaaw sot really as ceeeaxy or imprtanL"
"a "it oe (fee toeiasrare ate kieSeoe.
Ths baaMaaa aad Hudaoa 'aaal compaay
Htra7 tioeed a contract w.'h the Hall Slg-s-foaiianr
for tt.e e-i oicment of their line
j"" i -ln, t -aratona with the Hall auto
rr --" rts normal daager system of track
' - - ct signal. This is the sams system
is n. reeeallr .'! ty the iaiaware.
wiaLi 13t Uestsru Railroad i ompany
m- e- ' "'u'', lavestigatioa lato tke
'bs jn-raca ri!s for the lastal.at'.oa of
Jos. a seven automatic hiooks telweea the
r-'s - - I ani wl.ea tu.lr compia-e-l it will
d,.V" "' with the eiuipuieei bow
eeee.ls.eal.. st.lreaS'. OSieoee.
Jl,r,l'i March . Ths Board of Di-
ct its 1 eaaerliac a h : ad Compaay
k U'' Jf b' " r 'ootioa of George
a-kc,-;, i-reslaen- aid 'he sopoiatmaat of
Ore.. Jra. Hrst ice Iresilen' John B.
Kg e-Heeidea; Char.ee t.
eau.,.;. laPrasOslwgii John i. Mat.
"a. si t r-.obert bmr.h. Treasurer
PejaeaakBas Maiee kteeloeoa.
B i Mar h . Baasoosr ratee from
ioiBts will be advaaasd Apnl H.
W wes- touad retes w.il lo..ow
I J" T'. . result we s 1 reeterday i
. -unfereo.-e t the At ii s.
of ."""' ' a ' ' -" Tss ofTe.-c
at.. ' ' oo tu .sad eli paaaeager
si;, i -Ueiwaa u eAoOk eo-ore
mo a mo or rarrarra.
"Jo Wees fetkeare W...eO-rerat ReaeC.
MllneM lik.i.i.
Mayor f lilroy preelded at tho raeetlea of the
Bnard of Fstlmata yastarday. ramptroilor
i Itch reported that he had exemlaed the bill
prepared by tba Bnard of I- duration appro
printing ?..Viri ixi gad had satsed apoa a
compromise with the m hers nf ths Board.
Ha was willing to atlnw them tl.S00.000. and
they appeared satisfied wtth thla aaoaat. Tka
Comptrellera report was approved, aad It waa
agreed to ask the I egislatare to paaa Use bill
aa amended by tha romptroller.
A rosolatloa waa passed, apoa tha recom
mend a' Ion of the Mayer. reqoaattasT Oow.
Flower to reto aay bill which might bo oaaeed
by the I.eglslatara appropriating money for a
aew college la this elty.
" There Is no aeed for new colleges la the
city just how." said tba Maya. ' New eehonla
are more Itapartaat.'
Tho renaeet of tho Board of Fdoeatlea to
aa tIT.t.000. tha proceeds of tho sale of ecbool
pror-erty. for tba balldlng of a new achaol
aoaae In West ad areaae at Elghty-aawwath
street was granted The Board also aathorlxod
t om pt roller Fitch to Issue tiGO.000 worth of
bonds to pay Jamea in I eery who is balldlag
the first soctlon of the speedway.
The qoeatloa of repairing tha transverse
roads in eatral Park wa- then take up. Tba
estimate of the IJaja Board was Head No. 1.
Jl.Uii. No. i. aW.5ou. No. 3. fa.i'.O. Nad.
The Mayer cot S11 000 oat of tho flrat Item,
aa be .aid a son deal of the work should be
done by the gas companies who had tora up
the road. The report waa approved with thla
exception, sad the lark Board waa directed to
begin work en the transverse roads at oeea,
Thta will ethane' the million-dollar appro-
Klatlnn. The Mayor called tha attention of
rk Commiseionera Tappen and Claaean ta
the bad condition of the sidewalk la Fifth ave
nue, hetween Maety-aeeoetd aad 1 loth streets
They promised to have It repaired at once.
Preatdent Tappen submitted plans for build
ing a wall In Central Park at a coot of tvl.OUO.
aad for constructing Iron fenoae around the
lawns at aroet of lj.ms. Tba Board uaaai
mouelr reieeted thie latter plaa. bat approved
the b'llldlng of the walL Tha Board approved
the Park ommiaaloaera' plan to spend fJ3,
."x for an asphalt sidewalk oa tba weat side of
Riverside Drive, aad It waa decided that the
work ia Riveral do Park should be besran at
Soventr-nlnth street lastead of at Figntr Bret
i in motion of Corporation Couaael Clara the
Park It. ard waa reoneated to furnish an eotl
mate of tha coat of pavlag with aaahalt Seventy -second
street from Ceatral Park west to River
side Drive. The Mayor said that tha propertr
owners did aot waat asphalt there, but the
Corporation Couaael Instated upon having tha
The Health Board got 11.300 to pay phv
slelaaa and laborers engasjwd for two months
in sappreaaing small-pox.
Tha Board took up the old Dtasmore claim.
Lawyer Roger Footer anp.ared to advocate it.
This claim Is aboot twenty rears old. It Is to
recover money for advertising and aow
amounts, with interest, to S7U.0UU. The I egts
larure passed an ast In lfk'l directing the
Board of Estimate to coaslder the claim and
report oa it. but tha Board decided not to
pay it.
Juogs Andrews a week ago issusd a writ of
mandamus d(ro--tlng the Board to audit tha
claim. Mr Faster held that tha aot of the
Legislature waa mandatory. Comptroller
Fitch aad President Barker of the Tax De
part ment were appelated a committee to ex
asaiae the claim aad report to the Board, aod
the orporntion Counsel waa directed to obtain
a stay from Judge Andrews aatll Ihie commit
tee made a report. The Corporation Counsel
aaya tha claim la aa ImpoalUoa.
boctosM mmrvtmo to attkitb him.
Tke kXev. e.oons r, Sealfb. aa Ekeejaeaa !.
eeea Prsatker, Feaeg Bi lac le abe Sftreef.
Two man found tha Raw. George E. Smith, a
colored Methodist preacher, naconaaioua at 10
o'clock oa Tuesdar Bight at South Third and
keep street. Wililamsburgh. Thay took him
to bis home at 35m Soath Third street, adjoin
ing tba Ion A. M E. Church, of which ha was
pastor. Ills face waa fouad to be bruised.
His wife triad ia vain to revive him. and
then seat a maaaeager for Dr. George F Layh
of CA) Soath fourth street. Dr. Leyh told the
meeeenger that ha couldn't answer tha call,
beeauea hia wife waa ill. Tha messenger then
went to the house of another doctor, who. it la
aliened, related to go because he expected
some patients. A Germaa physician likewise
rr fused to attead the sick rasa, beeeaae tor.
Smith waa aot a regular patient
la tha meaa Urn. Mr. smiths eossditsaa be
came worse. A neighbor called ia Policemen
Harry Qfmtf of the Bedford avenue statioa at
1 30 yeeterdar morning and told him that Dr.
Smith was dying Union seat for aa ambu
lance, bat whan it arrived at the parsonage tha
minister waadead. Mrs. Smith told tho ambu
lance surgeon that her husband had ant boon
in good health for several months Whoa he
left the houee oa Tueedar Bight to visit some
friends he seemed to feel better thsa he bad
felt for nearly a month Mrs. mlth said that
shs felt satisfied that he received the broleoa
la bia face by falling. The ambaiaaee sor-
eoa gave It aa his opinion that death wsa due
heart disease
Dr. Smith waa regarded aa oaa of the most
elo-iuenc colored preachers la ths Methodist
fold. Ha became pastor of the Ion Church
about foar years ago aad baflt up a large con
gregation. He was 45 ysara old.
awe tor. Bfeevte as abe fluasir ekjooi la
(Be Osa gee em M ewsvlBj
Dr. Moreau Morris reported to tha Board of
Health yesterday that the primary depart
ment of Grammar School No. 7. In the old Es
sex Market, la la auah bad sanitary condi
tion that the health ef 900 children ia eadan
gored. Part of the eld Eaaax Market haa beea
used aa a school for about two tears There
are fifteen ciasa rooms. Tea of the fifteen are
on the same floor as tha fowl market, aad five
are oa the second floor. Dr. Morris says that
the steaehes from the market permeate the
class rooms and that ths teachers and children
suffer eonataa'lr from headaehoa The class
rooms sre ao dark that gas must be kept burn
ing all day. aad the children caa hardly see to j
use their elates. There is also insufficient
ventilation. Dr Morris aare:
So s n ount of cleaning, whitewashing, or
painting can make thoee .-leas rooms whole- I
aome and healthy It is utterly Impracticable.
There caa be bat one recommendation that I
theee promisee ba abandoned aad i ot agaia .
used for school purposes being totally unfit,
uahaawhy. and detrimental ta eyesight nj
Ths report waa referred to the Beard of Fdu-catiotv.
osCAm u iMMf.K-nnt . roremir.
Css'l ray awa.se raaee-aaee Bleak Worth
or t.oiaiew.
The assessed valuatioa placed upon Oscar
Hammersteia's personal property for the year
lsf.' was fj.'sj". aad apoa thla valuatioa he
was aasssaed Ji-'J. Joha G. H. Meyers, the
attorney for tba collection of personal taxs.
made an unsuccessful attempt to collect this
asaeesmeat from Mr. Harameretsia. aad then
aeeurcd aa order from the supreme tourt re
Quirtagthe maaager to absw cause whr hs
should aot be punished for contempt. Mr
Hemsaersteia tnsir affidavit that be waa un
able to pay the ! "e i Ho swore that heearaed
a salary of f-'oCk) from Hearr iioooaberg. which
he etpeaded ia the support of his faun y be
had ao o'her source of income, aad although
he is 'be owner of the Harlem Opera House.
it ia mortgaged for ita full value, lit owaa n
other real estate, be declared, aad has no Lank
account, la fad. ke haa ao peraoaal property
except elothiag wuieh he value at kiSO
I'poa this coaditioaof things J ustiaeo Briea
has Signed an order dismissing the proceed
lags agaisat Mr liammereleia.
Netee oi tee Art BteJlertee.
Tha spring show at tha Academy of Deeiga
will opea oa April '! Tha press view will be
to-day. and there will be a private view, kaewa
aa Buters' Day. ' oa Saturday To-morrow
eveeiag there will bo a formal reception ia
tha galiertea of theaadeour The exiublliua
will coatiaue uatil May 1.'.
Tba eeveath annual axblbiuoa of the Soci
ety ef Amateur ihotjgraphere will begin at
the liae Arte bu.Uuig ia West Fifty-seventh
street oa April 10 The Boetos Camera CI ut,
and the 1 hotueirei hie .-secietr of lhiiade.i a
. .ere ia the reapoo.ioiiity for the disp.er.
The paragraph submitted will have luiiu
toe ordeal of a .oi committee or jury. Msar
well-kawa New lor. amateurs, ladles aad
geatleraea. and pnotograpskers from maay I
parts of Europe, wi.l to repreaeated. tacer- I
taia sfsamge ee.-h week of tho exh.
ilioce will be spocial ditplei t ef laa'eru 1 . le. I
and silver uedalt for ths moot ajeritriuu
wart will be leotuwe-i.
There will be an eittibiiioa or laatera tiidec !
by the Buffalo aad Newark i ai-o-re clubo at
the reome of tho aueuety of Amateur Phot -grapo
r. Ill ''eat li.ut eighth street, to
morrow. Ti.e auctixa ea.e I the in oxamvea at
Datsh ere that were tkown at rocaeW aad
later at 'he Eiae Arte i.e. -en ia tin. in aid .
laae u.ace w-aigbl aad to morrow nabl a; I
the lilth Ateauo Art uaiictst. come earel- I
Leal exeiaeleeof the Iswtf aolaUieaf Mos-
UeVd are lea to aad la taia ewiiwaokwa, I
'' ' -
Special Spring Sale.
Tttvteceakts4sesry lerre atoek of euokvty ssed
tse eereeo-kane I teiehi Sqaare sad oraael Piaaea of
sir ewe sat otter suits ileevoSisc a aswkor ef
wresarst I I sion ioj its save teea naked
ii r o f fteoits s t of ok cs era ta perfect erser.
ssd atsf ersetH-sli. se reeC ae aow. wt St. .Me
le Floss theoi eel rr eeaf er se. test tvs.
e.eoi-,ei etieee the very leesel ever eftered ta tats
ctlf fee lestrtmsnte ef their recperti.e sraCea aeevT
Piaoe haebeceaarkeeeeeate'' HA kll i tat r.-"
Dfer.s tea ikes tor lira rB.mi fir'titr T os
ee .. tes ikt tint prt' to eetoleed nsskeen asrkesl
la ri Al riul tore aew sees iBotriBeat. All
tketePteaee em ke t el t epos tke r. ran r its
- HI 1111 MiniWIIinvr ,
lbs tercet fi ted
The sleek tnliet
nee HA I. LET A Bttle Oraad.
Oaa -TtlkWAt ef sas fteifM.
me TC1IW AT a nANi lirasa.
Tkree Li Mag AM ek -OMft rrr-kta
use i nit Br etl A sosja square
Owe trl H r.tolMO m fsofk ortea
oe. rM KRsfkckte eh stoke tpnett
Oo. t Tgkl oh At O'k I trick l
Five rrCTTt-ANr t trloa'a
Oaa kIWkt At ETA kin Uarkykk.
pies wrrptRkt rertsata
reerteea WtatH Saaaroa
Twoive twrsara uraesa
raaby Parlor ask reacort.)
Call early aad select the cheteott koraalaa
Weber Piano Company,
IAw g'h sv., tor. TTeel Ittob ot.
rvsT LormcmArw win. cm.
WIBoisois raw aha Preeaaewte Tetttt Ihaa
IllllUfl Te. An ktletBI.
Theeoataat over the will of Frederick A.
Lavrcraft. who committed suicide Inhlsapart
men's last fall, waa renewed In the tarro
gate's Court. Trial Term, before Surrogate
Arnold, yeaterday morning Counsel for the
contestants asked for the admission of the
affidavits of two wita esses to the will. Then
Lawyer Davy sailed the first wltneae. Francis
H. Wilson, a lawyer, to whom Loveeraft went
on Aug. 10. 18K. to advise about making an
assignment He said that loveeraft had told
blm that he waa 'la a hole" aad "hard
preased. " Tbe contest sn ts rested.
Joha Thompson. President of tha John
Thompson Press Compaay and of the Neptune
Meter Company. In both of which companies
Loveeraft waa a stockholder, wss called by the
proponents. Seven charge cheeks, dated In
A agust. lmscS. aad signed by Loveeraft and tha
witness, showed how often the two friends had
played billiards tegetber at tbe Engineers'
Club during that month. Mr. Thompson Iden
tified all theee checks, aad said that on every
occaaisa loveeraft plated a good, cool-beaded,
steady haa Jed game. It would hsve t eon Im
possible for blm to have doae that if his condi
tion bad been whst the otinteatants ars trying
to prove that It waa Thla waa two months
before Lovecraft's death.
Mr. Thompson said that ho had often visited
Loveeraft a' his home, aad oa at least one
occasion had met Col. Kearney there.
The croas-examiaatioa brought out the facts
that CoL Kearaey aad the witneee are Inti
mate friends; that the witness, who had never
diaed with tha Colonel before I.oveeraft's
death, has done so many times since: that the
wltneae had auggeeted eeveral wltneeees la
this case, aad flaally. that tha-witBeee waa
Tory much interested In tha outcome of tha
Geortre F Vail, the President of the Four
teenth Street National Hank, who was former
ly aashlsr of the Garfield Bark, aad George
H. Wyekoff. Vlce-Preeldent of the Oarfisld
Bank, had taown Loveeraft for several rears.
They had seen him off aad on through the
summer of lHik'i aad had noticed nothing
unusual In his manner Thomaa B. Hogstoz.
superintendent and maoagar of tbe latex
Warehease Company of Newark, of which
I-oveeraft was Vice-President, took ths stand
and gave similar testimony.
The eaaa waa adjourned natil 10 o'clock this
nArmmjrommM at cmow bill.
Tew or Twees Kejole 4ss:its Netrteav hfsrw
I.Sleiaereie Are FseeeieS.
Constable Andrew S. Jamieaoa aad Election
Inspectors Joha W Murphy. Michael P. Bran.
Martin Morris. John B. Brownbtid. W. Lyoaa.
Conrad Rteubenbord. Jr . Fred F- Bader. Ben
jamin Cohen, and Victor Baosenweln were
yeeterdar afternoon taken from Raymond
stree' jail to the Kings County Psnltsntiary at
Crow Hill c aerve the terms for which they
were sentenced for the (.ravessBd slectlon
frauJs Thar made tha trip ia earriagoe at
their owb expense.
Deputy Atiorner General Shepard and Jerry
Wsrnberg l-.it i th peoitea'iary oa Tueedav
aad requested Wardeo Hayes ta auspend the
rulea of the prison so aa to permit the con
vict Inspectors to retain their own clothing
Ths vvardea replied tbat tha rulee were nu- i
perstlve that tbe rimlca s should wear striped
elothiag. and that 'be . ul.l only be susi nd
e I by the Charities Commissioners. Mr. bhep
ard mar apply to ths comaiitsiousrs f r a sus
pension of tbe rules in this rsspoct. While I
Mr. Sbepsri was at tba prisoa hlehard Vaa j
Brant Nswtoa sigaed a reelgoatioB aa Justice
of the Peace of tiraveeend.
There is much stceulstion la Brooklyn cob
eerning Mr. bepard's intentions In regard to
having a aew tirand Jnry impaaelled to re
sume tbe Investigation of the Graveeend '
frauds. It la believed there will ba additional
Indictments. It is understood that aomsof tba
election inspectora who pleaded aui.tr have
not only made full confeelone of their own
part in the conspiracy but havs also Impti- t
rated friends of MeKane. who have eeeaped so !
far. John W. Murphy made a statement di
rectly accusing a lawyer, who la a friend of
MeKane. He alleged that ths lawyer advitci
him and all tha o'her inspectors .ill through
thee ontroversr Tbe lawyer ! not ant.arentlr
worried ahoal ths matter He says kl at ths !
law la regard tu regury lists wsa read -o
Murphy and the . -Aer. and if they violated It.
they have only themselves to blame.
Justice brown has denied the demurrer In
tbe case of Vim Cooklin. Frank Hennessy !
Thomas F. Keougb. iieorge E. Hopmann. and
Henrv Freeley the Brctklyn election Inapee.
tora who wore indicted for illegally permit
'lsg persons 'o go Into booth to prepare Pal i
lots for alleged disabled voters
BKtrrom gjruo.v too mrr u istic.
Tires Teetryas.e ekerwoo a kae-eleotlew wleo.
re .ere Ckoses I. Pleoe el Oee of rk - as.
KrwsaTox. N. V March 2K Bacaaae of the
lacliaation of Hector Lewis T. Wattaoa to b
too ritualistic and bis free use of High Church
eoremoalals. Charlee D I. rum President of
tha Llstsr Couaty Hank E. D Mulford. a re
tired merchant, and John S. Heitcr refused
reelection aa voetrymeaof St. Joha's Episcopal
Churebat the Easter elections. This eh r bit
the most fashionable In ths sity. I.eet r Watt
son preached during Lent a course of sermons
on sueh subjects aa "Whr I Am aa American
Cat. alls. ' Why I Teach aad Practise Con
feaeioB." This eaaaed much eommaat. Ha
uses th eoafeeelon box. an 1 on faster Sunday
tbe altar was lighted with many an!.es.
Gea tioorgo II. harpe. one of tne geaeral
aipraisera of customs at New York who re
sidse here, has neon elected one of the ves
trymoa of St. Joha s i his hat alao cauaod
ao little common', aa Gen. harpe au 1 family
have always been strong piliars of the t irst
Dutch Church Bsra few wtt ag the pa
rithioaera of at, John's engaged aa ass slant
to Kecior Wattaoa. who threatened to resign
la order to devote his entire lime o missioa
work. V is 'nought that the cun..ratvo ele
ment wul withdraw from at. John t ualoas
Lector Wstlsos csasea If patters after manr
ef the caremeaiala of the itomaa cathous
Arrr.ie for Piltrfis tswwsvert Hie Feeslli.
El ward J. Lymaa. who ha for seven rears
j beea a truant officer employed by the Board
of Education of Brooklyn at a salary ot tl S 0
a year, wae arraigned in th Jefferson Market
I elite Court yeeterdar for failiag to .ui port
' hi four chlldrea. The children, the aldaatof
wboni It '. years old. ware committed to hi
Joespb s Atyiuua of this clip oa tt-nl 4 ltJ
j At that lime Imaa said he litel at 1 -'06 ,
' Firal avenue aad that bo was unabe to sup- !
i p. rt ths t. Hs promitsd to ear t. week for '
I tboir support. Agsnt Gormuilv of the GerrP
ooeiety who arrested Lrmaa ia br ok.ia sera
that t-e ha paid aoihing to tho city siBcotiie
childrso were commtttel lbe pna ner was
! held la t&JU tail, which wa furaithed.
Btselelog sBe story l.leie.
Commlaaioasr of Jurors Noonsy haa beea
busy for a f-rtaight rarlsiBg the huge list of
peraoas for jury daiy The work a being d oe
is a very thorough maaatr. with the purpose
of ascsrtaiciog what eitisas are lagAli.
exempt from ury service. Noaieee bate
been teat r Will be sent to all regiaiei d
voters. Tliooe wt.o have i sou tisat . s
past have teea called upoa to a'tie sutt. . ,
.. reeeons f 'S coauauod sxsmi
. sit of tue work is heiag dene ra
The aew aoticee are eaioreed ty the I'eputy
CcmmiAaiosxer aad fltod la lbe department
record. Ii lease oa aa eieiaajee auaaisaad
I aaaelbs Itogtii eieacb seaa,
-w rwr r vo fYfjw r v. jww
Ae As i I a A sags wt Wbiesk Tippt ajsT
the Piftiasstt aa lextei'.
.,. ley's acsrregatlen ef amateur circa per
formers didn't finish their bill natil very Iste
en Taesdar Bight, aad th people who stayed
saw some fna aot oa the programtna Prob
ably tha length of the entertainment waa. la a
messnr. da ta th lwneas of tbe Shake
spearean clown, who cracked local jokes nf tha
kindergarten elate In a very Intellectus! way.
At aay rata. It was late whew. Mr. Wrat worth
s. i onduit appeared for the last act. railed
"Circa Biding Fxroeod " Ther had been
other exposure oarlr la the evening bat thla
oaa waa to be la Mr. i onduit beat vela of ,
Mr. Coadull had been redely ded by the
Shakespearean clown dnring the i ealng. and
he may have boon nerve 1 or the purpoee
of his act. which was a barleiue ne was st
lached iy a leather bevM to the twincing crane,
called a mechanic, which move sround the
ring and prevents the ridsr who ts doing a
bareback a-t from falling to the ground Mr.
CondBit Intended to pirouetta. He mounted
his horse aad. guarded by the mechanic, lie
got around the ring all right Tbe band waa
playing aad there wss lots of noise. Suddenly
suspended br hie belt and wildly pawing the
air. Then tha crane collided with an eleetrla
light wire, aad Mr. ondalt was thrown to the
taabark. He received a aaver shsking up.
hot he kept oa with hi act.
The Bed roes Society, in which Mrs. IT r
Banner I very much Interested. I about eoOO
richer because of tbe eircue
mmscvLD rito.tr a mrgrra
rather Wanes toeelee) Iksl AlllSSpllk
Baletsks a torotioloa la It.
Warrn PLtms, March 2fll The prieat who
waa reported to have attempted sulcid at th
boarding boas of William 1. Hlldabrandt oa
Court strt. I Father Warrwa of Newtown.
Conn. He waa recommended to the Keeley
Institute by Father Fox of Newtown. He ar
rived here ten daya ago aad began taking the
Hia case seemed to be an exceptloaal ous
Rs was not satisfied with the aaoaat of vrhie
ksy allowed y Dr. Hayaor. th horn physi
cian, and bought drinks at hotels. In conse
quence further treatment t th iastltut was
refuted him br Superintendent J. J. brown.
While Intoxicated, be mistook tbe bathroom of
Hildebraadt's boarding hours for hi bed
room, removed all but hia uoderelothe. aad
lay down ia tha bathtub. He turned oo the
water full, and might have been drowned had
not the tub plug been drawn nut. The noise
of the flowing water attracted Mr. Hlldebrandt
to the bathroom, and he rescued hit boarder
Father w trron denied emphatically that he
had attempted ule.l by drowning, and said
that he oair went into th bathroom to cool
himself. H lsft town yeeterdar.
MJTom miitir aid kai-id rt.vui.
OpptssS i the i iti". Bsstmskajj I" Crwstat-
Aa tTkkawSBWtkwma ate. a w.s a Net Wmy.
Mayor Gtlror expressed his opinion of th
rapid traaslt plaa of tha Chamber of Com
merce yesterday, aad It waa not in any way fa
vorable thereto. He said that ha did hot ear to
dicus th plaa In detail, bat h la oppoeed to
It. and haa always been opposed to aay chm
that will require th elty to land Us credit to
such an enterprise.
"That Is a monstrous proposl'lon." said he.
"The vary basis of It is thst ths city must
lend Its credit, aad that, aa it would not pay
private capital ro lavett In the undertaking.
the city should taks hold and help out. If tha
scheme ts sueh a brilllaat epeeulatloa the
men who are behind it could command the
necee.ary capital to build the road without
citr aid The fact is thst aa underground road
In thla citr will not nav."
co.tditio.t or ram WATwrnammrt.
Ciwots r Italy aa tor. mwwaw wes Ho As
TTIIh Their Iseoeelloo.
Commissioner of Pnblle Works Daly visited
his otuee yestsrday for tha flrat time thla week.
Ha spent Monday and Tuesday In tbe Crotoa
watershed In company with Dr Cyrus Edson.
and examined tha work of removing tba nnl
Bwaaaam " Dr. Edson and myself." Commissioner Pair
said, "concluded after w had made a thor
ough inspection that the danger of pollution
during the preeent summer will be reduced to
a minimum. The nuisances have been all cut
off at Moar.t Kteeo. We have got moat of
tbe obiretlonable bousss removed at Mount
t'triatl. aad we'll have th remainder abol
ished In a short tim a There are foar or flv
gangs of nan at work, and there are mora
used when it becomes necessary. Altogether
th work is going on satisfactorily.'
(.leal, a a. re. the Kapterer. ta Towns.
I.ieut Georg P. Ahern of the Twnty-flfth
Infantry. C. 8. A. Is in the city on n visit He
is the iatrepld explorer who ha for years baea
mapplag the Bocky Moantaina. Ha haa baea
tbe first white maa to find and map sevsral
Important passes, aad he haa reported the
merits of imperial areas ot osw land on both
sldss of the range near tbe CanAdUn Haa
His life bas been full of advaotnre and hair
breadth escaps. ani he haa boon eomtl.
mented in the dospatehe of his superior
tcnr tints. Llnt Ahern 1 a born Sew
orker. but haa been away in ti.e army six
teen year, and haa i sen In the fsr West sevea
years since bis laat visit to this city. He is oa
leave at present la order to serve with the
faeultr of the College of Montana at Deer j
Lodge, which civet him a long detlred oppor-
tualty for the ttudy of foreign languages, but
he is br nature and choice aa explorer. Hia
proudest hope la that he mar be detailed to !
map the unexplored regions of Alaska. He
leaves for Washington and ths nut in s day
or two.
otter rli-r wTbero He la
Jobs Kelly, who was recently arreated la
Harlem, having In bis possession what were
supposed to be draamite bombs aad cart
ridge, aad whe was tndieted by th Grand
J urr fur carrying explosives within the city
limits without a permit, pleaded nor guilty
res order In the Cneral Sets.ons before he
eordor Mnvth. hie eouasei asksd that bia
ball he reduced from $5.mai to S50u. the in
dictment charging onlv a ra.t temaanor
" You may . n-.Jsr the motion dented.'' said
Recorder mytb. " W'e caaaot have mea
walking around this city loaded with dynamite.
The l 'latnet Attorney will oo doubt move thla
aa's trial as soon as p-stioie "
I WtoUtntt. 0tls?J, set.
rht oal fir: .am . tm4 o. noiiule pay
rrma'.m v.rTsaU4 ' jrnri r svcior a4 waxtrMnii,
V4. gMi 3t r ilioti t .ad U.2 to Jttt ti . , Mroo.
!) ofLly fcftl i-
Am.iii r iq-t "t.mIh aaaTii
pisv" t.mj-sito.siw a -wiuat aprtgilst. ta&,- $T
LulBlQ.r ir.si ItftJ Art aUtt C kfamX riAVtrnwap.
a . Brvsjkijsk, pe)a Tgn.Btf.
Beft!..S-- r-oad-QsVai llf-r'aT al4 mtaswaT Pt4V.l1
rroia $- i- $. O tva or ia. U4Bitt uv .iudai
ra "i. rc; ... ! .f pafcaiaWkl -Frrttlu.a
l-i;u.k Ck. um Jis.iaf.
vhitvit ca
BlAL'Tirt L apridtai d;mm !-&; (Wi mdaibif.
ti.-,F. taVftsa ti-aJsEE, i-oaa. XtX f-i-Idbw.
L kt rst fa aaaa imhu
4 'Hit evtitUNk,- taWkfavJu in uaruja, 9336? --mr
afaiaa .a Mk4 ftaal piAaia tw3 . i.m,
istau. IJ m j..f.tr up.
JAkii ttorUEKS. l-r rav4wa7 Braaklr-.
1-fcT"r UBa.aiS. Vf 91 aaau.r r..7 aal
mmr Kavaia fc .lx .a airiana fmu. f.10 pvar1 f !.
Nfcai, z. 2v-i : fBlia at. .. ( vaa afa
m 4 Rk. W a apftdTbu. ia:vtaaat. 9. be,rgaa.
C-i v. U-a. ft V
"i'VRlU UKuTHCSA 7i Eaat I 41. M.
tfi lOO -"- " pioair:a. foara. KU4 ,
Oli7 pi pe itTaaua ."
IjkNitLi JIBaTTY WaAOlatnaa, M. i
9u$xmi$ kdttu
A9aIGaI! -Tka U II Wiiilrt'T.riUAftA.
J. ao .. m, aax V. it. n. 4 ..,'(, 4paatl aa
S wil aeAt-fctu caa aai. tvi laa twick avr4 cava
tCAAc At SW YsTsk prcat At fAXm. AA-WaTUr OOU.UAA
Aaazcaa H U aXaII.
AT kuiaaa rAiAfeae. . I.
COSrCCTTOSeLRY M; i A.Tk ttlKii pidUt fuiip
Asiippa! aa-t bo v stwiAC a ,foo4 ja.ai ouaLAaaa
A Urtmw wl't-A tL l4Ut P U kl 1 4W, lUatoa.
tii..fcYi" M n waa: ms a"ot poauu .a a.i i
aZm to taar ilomi 1 la tu . , laara f rtwa ituaM
nib joa-1 a oai a a A B but Ui. aicttcc
fM-UT- LAa lliilug Lit AaK (up tVAla .. 7tt9
M witbaat baasuaaAv . I uarrr .
8300 r2i.'.'a" waM ""
l eflU.
HoBSEaHogisa ,i..r rr sale tis a weatai eeo
oe s.ss. ..as. d rsAX 7ik sv.
essaklin jntutt.
SHgkirr null ...-.- . iv" ai.i
eal as . ..... Ha. . . .1 .- a SL. si Tj
ersai. Bewei. ssssl ie trvaerlr "t ISa liui Caaa
a a so . roan l.a. f I ask assol.ek
'" a .-11 taenc
JIMU a MAI V l-.:,
usisti, 1 i TT-ei aac MS..
r.es.r tHrooS Oil. I A J. Ash Ae. Woook.
Rate for Advertising at tiSe following
offices will be tKe same as those charged
at the main office
I vrw yoag Clrr-TIIS T. l.tee roT. sear
! Ill si (eepy reeelse -. a 1 II It P. B P.stt
i:sk st copy recelevH sett! v P Jk -. All swertean
iMslncl M.sseager awJcee lentil SPA Psek
tr ! vstriei as.erltslac Baraat. Ik Hraaiear
BRrvnKLVT-oWT Psltes tl- "Sweat's lit. Hs 1.
yiesSiscsr UJO ISLAVD 1 TV u t-Broa s.
5 t-'.phone call. o tireeapeial Jeaa W. Dssrse.
Hosokpv s 1-niMJ. eaitkracysr tio Wsshlncica
s J Lterttsntteln. 21'. Waahiartna at. rsTrit' 01 I.
U I -Jswist n"eM. ilorH ksi ilia. JAVtslrs. I.
I -Corasr Wssbiactsa aad Vsiiee tit. apRlkiorikJUi.
I. l-ta Iks rest oteee tawaSflre u to fie-
f-.ne effleo seer Sepot PB RoCKAWAV. U I
trac st-r. eer. 1 a'kanae 4 Melt ft. BOCRAWAT
BEACH. 1. I Car. HlBBMI ar. ss4 Seate.ark
orrtrys batb bbrr nrrvrn AT
80 EAST 125TH ST..
mi rucrra at.
'tattt 38fTt.
Vtrmr rma A attar vrlttae tr tba raahta a la
Cartnaa -a oca Haak of Vraablrn
"Tm baaadt taritxl from a tea WMmft -tr at t9a
vt.l appofatwl Ptnaa Hot.' tmpala ma ta ebaarfalr
rcmmd It aa a haaith rtaart. aa4 ;t tha pUaa
far bcAia warkara la rat and rc up-rat
-mo ft. THor-
WHFf I-. irrrtr.n. - at tba Q-acaaa; Ulafara
Fai.a forty m la at as a war
fmi S-teln.
Oaa of taa taoat MAtraiflcaat haaaU la Kara pa.
ris-a hmDlra4 room, gaparWr faralAfeasl Klrttia
ttfffet tbrvraaTtlO.
raaBrar nfta to rary nr Tabla 4'hata at aaaa)
rata iaria from fl m H '. rnea 5a.. apan to id mv
taata, ftpakftai raUarad tantf diarta- tba viatar. tat taa
of pxib lor farai.iaa
for tartaA aaair ta Maaacar.
-Laaat .!-
4TH AT.. 101. AsTMt.mo4atlaa Tad!a aati (aata:
rood raaama. aaaahaaiaa board at ftAauta awraaty
TH aT, B .at Mica lastra aad aaiall rooou, ant,
baard ftntamti or rauaia. X 4.-V).
Tli "T ;- K t8T near roa-laAT -5iea j riiraiaftad
roatua. rod board, gaoticmca aad ladlaa; bataa
SS ST. 103 KAST - Fro at raaaa aavty lialaaad;
aJ a-rr eonvaaiaaca. wtth ascailaat board. Fraaca
caafttBtf aiart.
"inril KT.. M BAftT Plaaaaat daabla aad ataaia
Iv room. aUcoaranUaeoa. aaeal.aat board, tarata
VQTHftT . 242 AST. Haadaotnal faraia&ad raoasA,
40 wtta booaUfai labia. .atirab.a baata aad loaa
tioa . mo-laratsi
V r-t .!
at r.r atao r. y
BatwaaaMb ar. aad aatWa Amancaaaiaa: en I taa
a-if b batb aad totiat. tranataau 12 ta 93 par dar-
QOD ST.. AaKr TFIT HAadaomalr faratalwd laania,
Aam with u.-rtar board, tartaa nadaraaa.
uniuhf d Stow: . partaruts J i let
a---aa aWama
Lr.xi.N.iT'.-, AT.. 412. aaar 43d at.-Haaaaaaaal7
rarrttabad routnc coaToatoat ia uraad .aatrai
lapat. urat madarata
LEXlGTO at . mZSSSSSi faralafctd 555
trap i amaa aaly.
MAUlftO?I AT . TH rb rale taa mt fimi.f aattra 3AJ--h
r ctaor. toraa larga roonu. pr.vato batb. board
apt.0 d ai.
TH ST . S EAST. LaVM froal roatn. Alao traat
lu par. or: aaa ut ba.-b parior; aicalr fBrniaaad.
Oilr11 ST- 1&l EAST -Uawiy and tsAadaataa y far
Av aubai rooai . ai. (roat , avary aoa vaaiaaeo . taa-
t.aaiaa -ia. taioct.
iTU mil m tAtt-Mu-aiy rarataAAd'fraat fcaU
a rmtn. coad acrotaatuatlaa. privata famt.f .
BOAT X ttAttOa
5T "T. ISO BabT. aaar Lai tart on aa. Aiata
1 t.oor. witb braa .irbf barroom. ft-J a moatls.
QTF1 -T r.'T EAST r'.aaaa'it, anoay. nt faratabad
UH roomi. larjra c:ooau. raaaiur wsttr, aaoaamaU
room. raaAk.aablApf.eaa. fraaeb faini.
QiTR ST . Ster EAT -Rawly fureiabad roaasa la prv
O ata t.ooaa gcaiiamaa wtth raftraaeaa.
aaa rfia
4TH rr.-VI WEaTT 'uV.a.'o 4Vt;iA' -flealy far
aiahad rieooia for haaaataapinc. mr gctitlaaaa roat
2 .V a p.
1TU ftT. KB WEST, aaar Oraaa-rteh ar. Parlar:
U otbar rooraa aaatr fara:aal tbroaajboat. alao
bAAatuaat prist. aaa i,:ii bo-aAaoplax,
l.ril T. AO WEST Ia"iAiO" coafartAOlo baaaaT
lAw b.-irbt. auaay raoat rtfaraaaaa,
1 lTrl iT- rj WEdT Camfartahla faratabad raaaiaT
Ia ilaatrabia ai. coavaniaacaa. boar 1 if daalrsxL
2lr XT., dlsr WEftT Larfa froat baa raaat; aaa;
I batb. aU roavaataacat onAta Batfbbarbaasl.
30D Ti" WE1T -t6 aad ftd waak ly 7 i-laaa
rooat aal ioarJ ! for two
FaOD -r. '- HT -Urj. i3-l aaaa.. raoma bot
tJ aad cod WAtaw batb faa
Q aTtl T. aSsia WEr -fwa .ara room raraiahad, !
a7i i-oaaactad wtth privata bathroom alao lAvrra par-
Ur. : daairabla far a ahyaietaa ar dcottat
Q at 1 1 T m va f -t Etaaaat larfa rooma wiihdraaa
474 iaf room at t a- bad priata fami-y. trura raaaoa
a bia.
QQT.i IT. 141 WIST -VAoiaomair faruatvad fraat
s7urA,vf f4r geat.acai. uaa af bath, with aira
law aad parmrat Ca Zcu
oik aaj ets sv. slevaioO.
rial el ss.sa roeess sag bait. sK, it taa
au. aaa. aot Wett STta ot.
Apyly oa prtaatsea
ATTBACTjvr -a rooms sa4 saiBi sol sun SSBBBjJtl
vrlita slrsel set sklraacs to i ealral Park, al ifs
aaS IBo kaal eitln. kiO-sari. a s reos aaa sal
ai LSST-lZlsa Park a, asar weir, si kte-A.X au
llski raecas ale cbsateel e rooms srnl kaia i rn.
u w;4 tsAlk si. aar eta .. sis ts 1 slaliea. ai
so: -.ill wett. rsats frcm li kle 3 aa4 4 rewuis rreu
SO t Ai. A aal 7stk si
rate tu mat i. is.
k s i teiai ssj baia kik m ska
SOk sl . West isftlli si eCjeiBiBf 1. slsltso.
tOLLlH H. BiuUtAkU SMtftsI ISetast.
FAKE Tit mat a. laasv
Pl.e reuses east keib. B14 lo kit.
rt' le -! w.s: ISM st
COLLI X H WuoliW'ABII. SkH Wsat ISBsk .
ELtnaMT APARTBKXTt-S sad t rooat. twpre.e
a.tit law aiuoi ! fasalliea la Lewi si.
Bear Breeois.
i,'! ai- AMATrAgrMETi kBirai!ie aa4 tar'
a Bifcs4 a sil ran. l ' Bs --il.
..!..., SBolHBIUl BraaAwar ear lMktt,
PKBBt sr ea rial oa tin Soot, rev large reseat
o ts im lira soi sa is ckae
RSATS BkfUi tO -PUIS. Sear, set tiene.ii.
rruia rsr le MvsB ru-u.. Ap.owJOklVC CBE
I II A 5 Bowsrk aal I IJ0 W.-kkB(len St. Hot. it. a.
v IiTOBIa. llik st. aaar em sv.-ptv rooms ea4
v bats naleoe.e j ueeora J ail ir l o rest
JUM.IT. 1S.M Na. 1'Aklk B.
4 I k- I I1ATSS - I
CSetoe teo-tmeo.s f ikl roestt SseeratoL tkoam
ksated. pci.sie hall hsw PtAla Appir is tailor.
kATTH kl IIT-ll aST -Closaei seerlm.su.
1U teres room l improv.msn's i ili.
nni T S33 wist -r.aia k rse.su. last SIS IS I
kle l. lEiSeevsSk.sts.
HutunnshA-a J'UH ?s let.
MlvtkHiat-asaiiilti.tsxsfsu4l.ii Brooms i
..4 kalk U .n.pr v.ih.b .tsaj.. &et4
Ikresakusl SJl w SUA J iMtiK. ea (k.hi IJ- ,
I l as av
aai"...........".. . I
f Uta aaa lapaitsjuat Brafklaa.
T LAI-l peer part ef t aee. See reetas ta4 tela ia
Aral is. iMkjrkieariioeU e-t.. Irest tif
H T Is. leu tretn L tkai
S-s. ?- Berei tea .ta. ... . :,.L..ilr L
estuar? i UT4 Arstih'.aa.
4. sal s sVxjjs PXart .. lasatevewesta s u Ilk
t L. HUIP. Iu a BOS
JEuimiklua lisatr T In.
Fi s.t.HED APaaiatM ascsa bssssabI as
rsso4-kesJ.4iy.--tMeti .sees sal rsrailers
ok lae SB raoat sew isreisSeS lean ae. 7i ear
jsait It i aaa a Mail Aeakrass Asa A ewe amis
- -
aatwimbwrd 9ntt ta t.
73d Street, West,
sat rot.t iin av. ad ccvtral pabl
TTKAia aaaa aaa r.r rn hurt
iBarlHaf ?Raaaca Ca JUL
House to Let, S65
par moatb: - Waat 131 at at batwaaft ftth aad Laaot
1 i'i thra atory ard aaamat. ta parfaci ardar. a p
i plr at Jfat LaTtaai a a . aaar .'d at or an prmiaa
! f hr-I-tAriLf HOi -F. aafaratabad aad famlaba-1. la
mJ alt aartf af tht r ty
rLMM RRoTHEfta. ?1 ftramlsrar rr ITthta.
t!ftT ST To iaa. haaa til Eaat- 12 nnm aad
UI batb: aottahi- far boaMiar baaa tn,.'tf At
; prvaaiaaa or af awaar. r.-y ITI.m. .l Eaat RTta at
I eSvrltittfi llttur f Xrt -Vml-Hu-.
THREE vTnitr aid baaataaat atana froata daea
rated. In flrat "aaa nrdar aeary way: bard ad
trim aa aarlor tlr rent rrm m. m ' par Bonta.
Iaaire of awaar. von ;rc-aa ee. aear Raid.
aOu-rUtiip Housf t?0 Irt Irit Jfrrn.
To LIT fa baaaitfol Ihort fttlla. en D. I. 1 f . R
P ". mm i'a by etpreaa. -a- rai nw orttaA'ae nf
p-rfaet mawtrac iian aa imarnv'Biaie. ptira water,
parfart aawaraca. raa, mafadam raada. aebania. in
fiarehea ranta raar.na from a6-aj to tl .not), alao
taiia. Addraca or -ai! apon
JaMEH E IMTrHER. Sbort IfH.a K. a.
It for Yttiu fKtwrt.
Reduced Rates.
Beessso ok eer retseral In Ike sew MCTCAL BA
kCBVB B' ILIUM; eorwer Kssns sn 1 Broa4war. ws
ksrs two keen 2t of etBeeo to rstt. sa rs4sask rales,
la tss roTTEB Bl Il.PIkii. 3B Psrk Bew-aseak tiity
roetna wbttk will be rested eilkev ttsgly sr IB t illeo.
nun. SB fsrk Sew
Ws ksrs ALSO several koort still rvasststa
rsated la eer aw
14 ftTORIE".
tMOMiin nuptoor
Ifaat. iih. attendanee ani aaadepaalt eaatta fraa
af raarva. The be dina " rnataia barbar thop.
clear ataad, tirkat office, laiaerrapb aad talepboaa ot
feea. Ac. Eloeatora run dar ' aiht Farfa.1 par
ttco ara appif to Saaktriataadaat oa premiaaa.
wttk tttsst ass, slevaler an Jaalter terrloo.
rsoa aia rrwABo,
AT l STATE -Tirrr.
oepestt Rettery Part.
Apply oe prestleeeie IlkH BIOTaiSR.
Mftp, ; TO LET.
A LAkvk
MCMBIB. I t B.kwst RI.
Kr Booth; 400 kM as-. aait door to mo i n F breach
at '
Apply at 2t)8 Laiiaftaa ar.. a-ar 32d at.
ANJI IT. lir-eiT reaoeatad; atorea. baaemeot.
efflcee aad .efta. 92& an. aaa Jaattor oa aremiaaa,
ar Kane.
24 CorUaadt -.
BC'ILDIEOa. atorea, lof ta aIBc. ttadtaa to lot la da
airabto socaiiaea POMOM hrothf K-t
2d Broadway, or 12tbat
ArtEMltT TO LET on ktai wsTy oppoaVta Hotel
Imperial. Apply IJ2H& Broadway
D"B.-lt ROOM !aar Toot Offiea. brtdfa reaaoaabla
real; refereao raqairad. J 1.. bos IIP, tlaa ottca.
If - m tKl-l ON RIOABWAT.
Apply oa pramtaee. 1 2.. Broadvar.
EOXT BT, 21 -Third laft. 2adt; $24a "
I'TTtBriELl'. Broadway
Latxc lifht lofta wtth abaadaal power, elevator,
one bloet from " L' atatioo. SuO to 3sj.O00 aqaavra faet
or lira t toer apace, wt.i divide apara to .ait teaaate
At 42 to 3D Weat f7th tL. betveea (5tb aad vth are.
Appir oa premiaea.
orra to let. wits or without power.
E2A420 aaaatateat SXSOO
2X210 aqaara faet 1,600
2x100 erjaera feat BOO
Steam heat. eLe velar, llfht aa faor aidaa. Tea ear'
Leaae fftraa.
Apply fa J0aT!f C. CEETTEE, B3 Bavarfe mx. Hahakaa.
OPT TO L.r - no lotX eac-a 1 Soar: aU i:g .U4
oa ail aldaa V-iafj, with eteaa pawer aad ga'a ta
elevator. raaraBtaot ta a:: parte of city B41 aad 34
Eaat 6ttb au laaire of BCHOCE. macblaiAt. at that
LS.K.P TiRt. aoribwaet coraerld a. Aad IBsHRtCl
moath Appir to BA'iiiuT, oppoeite eoraer.
Lorrs. witb oteatn ptiwar rod Ujrht for beach
work UB to 12B Waat U : at
NEW LOOtiE ead traettnc raome to .at ld2 Eaat
V.tb at beat buiidiaf rete taoderata
OPflCtB TO LKT at tlcl-t.l-k7"aad 92S par
moath, at 1 aed z atia.n at.
UtM i WBITWa 5 Beehmaa at.
PHOT" MeRAPlI IC tiALLr KY to let. with atore. eraoad
Door. Tft feet deep bna.ieee avaaae. rant cheap.
23 w i ar.. Moan: Varaoa. M T.
TH LET-aeroal aal it:rd f:a ' falber atTiow
J. prtfa. at r.", Barr.Aj at . aatwaaa W.iinf. a aad
trunwi b. In imra t aTZ tfaOBJ J23 tireaowtea a:
T- LET A :o: An 1 A:ry .'.ft. loo.;-, .ae: par
ano jin aiaa ba f a eof'. at ju per moath. iaieira
at 434 Pearl at.
TWo '.oPTa, aOxirjoTliah: i. areiad wither with
eat power. Caaa an aad Ri'tae'toa ate.
To LET Secoad left 42 Frank.... at. lajaira ap
tai ra.
IahTU T.122 EABT oeratory boireaTKr 1 X)
Oaiws-trte I id It a, two elaeatere te eeeae for a term
af Mars ALPAEl- ttf..l A ?. S
i to 1 12 Eaat 13th ts.
fix alt it $0 iet.
HOL'BR FOR SALE er to let for botet aoraoaea 24
rooma e.: iraprovmata: food baaltoy .OkBavlilf.
price moderete lap r . B- .'AfThLAlV. Coagara
City. Roct.AB 1 Laa- Jt, Y
heal sfatatr sr ilr.
ELPO tT reaideara of free . Browa. attaated aa
iba aeat tida of WetheraSa. 1 ami embraeint a
f ao taree-etery lrataa houea ta cnmplate order hea
Cftees reutaa me-lara throo boat frame taba tea '
I h aaa, ereea heaee. Ac. together with tea aarae enoice
iaa-. well aappied witb frit aad eraataeatal treea.
The ewaer Vat. eel tbe bii.kltagaaal part of the aad if
daatred. Tb.a .a oaa ef tbe chotcaet raatdacea that wa
aver eSeral. aad muAt ba aeaa la he AtprecUte4
A. J. GLAZIER, 8 State St.,
Himniau eaaa
LOTS SI50 TO $400
At Brya baer Pare at wa. tK caeb. be ab a s '
b aa'bif i tnia from IV tii at 4" tu a ... froai '
434 a: oa t A.- tl from at:.iii, ta.a gsiAraat.ad. .
feaul tur tUApa aad parli. ..a.-a
J J. manna's. 1 . rarttaadt at
LVtll BAXfl iR IK Ail Lata n bay Of ir: ilia a
T Re4AaY4 haa.-b L l f r hotel r :at-a aaay
IT314 Ap.ly P U boa ai, UaciastT Baaoc I. I
Hi 'Tt- L-Hoal tu.i't vvaet'.-feaa r com ; .
;r-A mli L41A. Wi.uamabrulga N i
OaLT IT alARB from thaCapti . in,- Wa
netea I . aa eatire atiuarv a a'a ciag .e ba: 4
ia J'e ' 000 e Le cam aa 1 ahaa -'-if a-ifa aal-
iuaL a U athhk.1 awaar. ---j H t . a Aabi-.j-.oa,
fA.ket a-HH Aad B2a.irt per maath .axeaaaa ,
9atlV sla 3- . Og :f. jy.As. Bo-! .sVtkO at
Sfail t? AU At UftlOB.
REAL l-vtAfr -r-AKTITiON lL. ei" aa b -t aae
aemper'-r ,', rca ; raa - ..ft : nw k, ltl
a ik.raur tr z i-'W.i. t aaa
J.ta f has i Akscttaiaaer at i ..'. Eate t
Ltaia 'a tir - a IU Br adesr ! . 11
HiWfc.A' pa Ta a i t awAkmaa at . B .
Srl CstJUkT (r aU te 0xrttiig.
CNTAT LeWAJ-4 er taa, I I Iitwst for tat
kAr eaatiAAAga U it.f lata
Kit S Xj . troAlva,
L'sMb aad aa-.b tu. aear Am a. laat a
cAeaceat aasTAtiaa aaali t
K e or 140 aroadway-
iifat ftar.
TLLT aaaahwI a Br A.a aur 1.4 n b w a
ee b rs-a. sta Aat peaae oa '.'U bale;
mu eppif J . id a u as
Xtdl ltLUt eteVaUtal.
I aaweaVaaaV.ki
mm statt yat hale hraaUta.
Vanderveer Park,
Prvi RI: ?TH WARD M BRnnll.TW
The tdAai apart ter rratna At laaaataaepjt, ar ferp
oel ", re ate ti h-4.ee or rrr -a ita ? aad ap. laa
or pio moath a eayman'c I r-r rent for ait eaahi
Tl a I. a. - t. INlMMP ft'KP r.,
natbaah av , mratr av. . f a tba ah.
Pra.tanL s-a-ratarf.
A REE THEE HtH PIE. -ven rosriaa. all tmpraea
a taenia. ?. to ?. eeah or eeer tarma
f heat a it at . P eat era Park way Ron tent tten-a Ktaajp
t-r I. fiitaav mo. t- WaIjM Baseaay
4 HIM K OP A Iff nihil.
Tao raaaltr paeaea, 14 roma f40o nth. tlB
m-ethiT itciecF, A R'tRtNtix. l.-m Breedwap.
1 .uontray I. atatfn.
L'-'R !AL1 -Maaeet 2-araf , Mvmni anT raller.
a hrfk nilerl ttn r-fa. ronneete-l wit . aower wataf
and caa: j retina, tm-tntlag bat f oeta heater.
rane- t -ba mr: e waeh haaine. J apt or rioeeta tterm
' an"1 fi lur aaa tarr cto mn ng prlep.t,.VM
-r'-Onr. baiaace .a taa-anmaat. t r BKEt
ToN . s -r an jr-ii is-a. 1,61 I. 'a Rergea at. ElagB
Co, L te Cttaa av ttetin.
or isAlf-HoiM !.:. vrj -.. TMtbati ah-
n aiare, with ema grnLnnae atta".. haatifat
gardea eO1t4 to reaaorahl otf-r ratoaed tarma ta
aa't. owaar en premiaea, Kiaga o iRty I. to lin-a v.
I at tea.
"I'RTE A "Xti.E. I.W ralten it aad 1 ?i?2 Wreatf
by sraa HrvMsklTn hits for aal M en tea eM tmpfnte
aata tiing the itaeaof b eiasat t aad rapid iranat
rrade "rir Bl ' aparard; tarata eaay.
Two PtRtfT HOfktH. eaar forme f2.To eehB
fj.lQn 4 'fm: aoai- crwAi Araine. KPARFYe,
" . r-n-ra. aad tlatae eva Oate av vara paaa doar.
$T Pikgm-P'' " -i : r""-m tetahwd ho'ia. faM
aVN tot'Oo. fl.V) k-eah. baiAa-e eaey. 4a
tarhwd ro-m hnaee tniprovAmoate t ell aeieh
ja. '.( iAR. 2 Tpt ra-rna -t .
V an h l'i ate na ( atoa Ia"
C fmimlm ."" halani-a Hrit-"' ""
vjRajWalPt.W ' impravam-ate dacbel nRIET V.
t RAitiV Fa ion. ror Mtiier. aaa btock wett af aa Pta
ten a attn n ( n- n I.
eftr H air or Co Irt rSrjokl-,
tOR AU. To let-tave moaar; Brook. raa kejt4
rt.Artere 4 xv b"aaa bedrock, s-ir-n.ar frao WH
1.IAW H ORAi'V, Wtiiaaahbr corner Jay. aad Ilk
Broadway. N-w York
(i-R'rs' BRI' K HOI OtB: ai! fmprovameaiatsae
f 2 Pr . R f l.oi T. iVi Ros-taway av.
StreU etatr 4 n Sale Xona U.O.
LAKE HtiPATfoNO -ettaga plota $.175 aad apward;
rale of . ran-a a 9iirm foot meat vtewa. fraebaaa
I rmiw. purvat water, beet f kealtb. J B. MACfrLPP.
I '"l Broadwar. Araaklya. or Mr. MEotE. RT
f't-R baLE -n sr pCfaaai baaae and nambar ef batVeV
tag plotA it. maatea I. ' aleo ' room banaa. lap
provemaata a- Pi'ininc c"Ap.
t W. s-tPP. iaa Myrtle av.. FiaeMap. U t
Jtral Estate (or alf Tit
23d Ward, N. Y. City.
kT. n.sr H'lMsTKRV. POR SaLK ea kAsT TRBMS.
intly a few ..ft Tke STaaiast berreias svsr offsros.
Wilt 4oakl in vsio, k.mo.l imtn.-li.ta.y.
Title ir.ni.nl by la.Tnn Tli.s iasoraae, Ces
peay. ApsiT to
rRAflCfs J. MACKKT Statlen Aysat,
Itaat a Poisu R T. I
sr RA' LAV A Da ISA 44 rise St.
-4th. vara, west id. prOO uh 1
Opea evamngi BAl Weat r2d at, 1
Fi 'it i Ho.Cfc. Wood lew a I - ' Nw Yorb rltj, 1
atdr-aa H H I h I n . owna- VW 3d av I
-fit alr or io tt Cilct.
3IBI PI foar atorlea witb power aad elevator arell 1
UAkted. lanntre at w
FOR stLE or. To I" FT -Verr bandaome privata eta 1
hie: 1 ateia ani 'ot a.1 tmprovemeata Aaa a
coACbmem. i:1 tan 32X st or
KANE. 2a rrt.aadl at. I
C'-M.n rKn ua To'M tr m MT 1. kaaaa. I
pPRaVVatRaah and .at enra-r lV,th aad Rally atai 1
ntab e far mi ka. an or eipreeemaa.
Siiburbaa Seal ftstxtt. I
Fine! Suburban Residence et
Half Value.
SFVfntF1 APPPa, large konee aeenteea raaaaah,
wi.b all medern improven.ea:a ia- t-dtne eleetrla
ligbttag. cectrte :e .. ta'ga modera barn, flaa
Urga net pot 1. Ac Bui d uga in Crc mm repair.
Tba c- ace la known at the J a Thnmaoa property,
aa 1 tt ts really eae of tbe mat deetrabie properttea ef
tbe i a 1 that I Lava ever e3e-eJ n ven nt enooah ta
tee -tty ae well aa to sociAl prtviieyea I am deetreea
to .-.rmm it out aad will utter A BI-. I01XERL.NT to a
parcbaaar Wul eetl
AT u tl r ITS tl I I
Doa't atita tbia opportaaity. bit call at paaa aaaa
learn particulars.
A. J. GLAZIER, 8 State St..
HlKiniKIl, cow.
ral Estate Jut fair ?lrir Xmc
I rnlrl T ' -in'-tes or si i ! siirxi.
I Litis I kit TBI. Pt At TO BCY AM BL'ILO.
I4J. --. i PW ,K.' EA.-T TEERA
lit avp BLBVaTOE. 2J,uli.,sT.
ALL THE OaVaJosilS -Propertie. averv deacripUeaV
for ea e farmabed an 1 anfernianed - .rises to tsaV
h. It t.03DT. s4rick bircb Mtatiea. East f.-acga. Jt. J
RUX,EHEHirARK N J V.minitesrr'.m Saw York.
HoasAta for -a a 11,140 p . eaar -:.. rent SIS
to tSo mwatb. a.s 's a ifuproseateBta
CARL UALLUFBO. 11 Waat 43d ek,
! A I IK
I Will bar twPwPP l i ne one ntf on Aveaea r ar B-ia-.evard.
tro: my -ara pace property, eaay aey to get) a
born, lo'a zsii trecoxe va -isbaa. btg barpa.a at ia
itewasais ao tatareai cbArged.
C m CLaREK. .1- :i j Jeraey av. Jarvay City.
err $zt ex ea let Jttx ficru.
AlsABOl R CRI ta iet boi aal co.-l water gaa
ba'broum BRdl tapat, at. and erT'.Age bouea;
apAiuae sad e.eeated g.ounla wi'tp.sn'v ef ifcale,
fruti ta aoaadaae SO ai;a ilea frm New Tork via
Peaua.'.eei a K.. ; L Boa tn, Wtys.dbr.dge. . J.
ALL THE OaWRtaeTJ properties it lescriprioBa for
see fun.ii. el r aaf i.-nubel k niee PA et. M.B.
WALLACE, opoe.te lit se 4L stati .d. i 'range. N. J
AT OBaROE oa'h raog. and a! atA'cne to Ror
r -wa no s r r e a.-, t r -"01 firn v bed an 4
anfaraubat F vfriKatiS A tf tClfc X laai Hroa-lway.
SUiI estate .fir Alr 3-rrri, at
-a Jl wtr r AT.
Twoaiary aemi dtA:bel frame '. . .so w:th artaR
hasemsat. 7 rooma. la eaaal it order laatda aad eat,
read for l a ta pef a ial on y (-.feO
1 A iLU( K rKoM krlt IK I ARR.
tai ermi ear lwet.0 doan. toe ba.Aae ta SwUt yaai
Bill J
enl pos's for Rsrji i Book, or
. ba. t a Sewa for MercAk
tl ei- laaaaj l
49 r mm(.BipAW ar Jnar,tlrHk
krf") U't s Artiat.o ae r.:era 1wa.l ap
jAJ tbreestor -ea rooma flrat ttwry buff brxaai
every (coder u uncr- ee -test. Erei pai ' f veraev cup
He gbts m. Bute e aa.a fr tu t-. ef tare or ceatral
ke: r avi (Aitua rnc- S4 4 pA.aoie nata imeata
tajr.aaereai aaaa -r j".i i,ttB in. (o'.ii PS I VI
COS I'lCT. awaar. 4u W a. a Nw Yrk.
If or 9alr tr ? let rrnj t.
BR1I.I.IN. MUII,P11 M'P-ea rata.
Rum it i I i a las ai . ro aaw ALL 1 1
PRu.lliFMii. a IOR1 al I Era M.
aaarWabd 1... " twr prima, t aliaee
er f, m-r raw tai- - -.-. T - I rt U t A X
Rt i N AV 1. 1 AtO. .erVS IQRRlMPAVf IV.
tral ?5tatr -far waU vToutttru.
IOMsFR". Rut kl.tMl tkhaK.
Ths a ti. a a- a mtcT ptari en j m a j;e nda
with - iain .tAt.i n tic seta f $ p year pi .-r aaaa
We Oi. l a' C paart aad water pare a r. fraa frt,m loaa
pt tit, a J Jo i. pae Pie s -m o fei above taa
aaa leva l Lota aear tke i ..o l-Vianti". 1'. eaak
eat S3 per tcoa: b eteaa the Lake sect ea tl sat
war, n w the timet Pas te ba lag a era Assad
iaalpatf bio la faarataatka J kci BaiA.1 faEOp,
MpppgTfi haetaa Lead Ca ipaai 3 avaadwajf
RIOItVAIMt-l. a.- roe : Wi acresk
I -' r el f-oot BaU aver-. t a- e ..esAa,
a rae ej Sl.tsl rt--- 'arak
a - - free i IaR Pkke. I adaraebarpa Ui
AfT lt $x ft t tBuotrs,
TaRRYI- tl 1 1 near i at: a VeadlA Pa.-R
aa i a.'ge s ry tu tAia seal I car. aut
a ioie.ee ia- i ptaaAi AeaS
It ,.e.. Usage. oats.aar t a
s. -a 40 Br slaay
$i aTlli Pa til I Tarr si if I i Bar n a Ita
k w 4goa ic3t aa
a .ss.rA.a. A .u-e. prgg ; A - rt'eay.
$Ml tf itwr -for iMt itiid JsUni
a t tl " kS I Bhgfl BlalBjEV E r r aeat eatAe)
.1 eaa I'ltB'l I T rilkl
4 U A. aw -Oe. mirt B4 r., tie cast CAIi
lea at a .ee toad at ai a. -tatea U.-
i i . -a. a -- a I -' p eiograh
. . - pteia
. er t.etr f 1 i-W"
a lit1 i if COlhTaV Moigl . .- -o .. ea
i . - i.4 e wR a. re-4aaap
a ' - a -t-re ee k
m tet eta
as- . ..fki- art . a
AS 1 BT 1 a
ttciUfcrsirr fi. fifpmj fvx wUaV
' BAST r BSISUBO f r ae aeaaca mI aw a
aV tke kali - ma, ega '-.-taa itttr Irviag -ke. re
t tow a k . .ae a - . ; w j, ae .a gepat aw aag
a as-a MrVil SSa.-tt' akaseavksAl

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