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flK&jijIllflBflBBflflflflBflflflflHflflfl ,, pKTiRy.iV " -eyiTT3yilojvlM var" b " W?Pi5ftWP'5eiaiTS?3OTl 'rjepH.. J "rrTjEv.. l(a J ' ' ' " THE SUN. TUESDAY, JULY 10, l8i V Iff BRITANNIA DRIFTS HOME. jjnr rxotiBn cvTTKit CATonxa ihk rialLAtIT XH A CALM '( ' ,4 the. Amerleasi Centrebaarder la A(u tetrn, Betas 11 Mlantes aad S Heeoad .latent of the lr1ace of IVeile' Cnttcr A Moat Vaaallaftietarj Contcat aatf Onlr Half lh Conraa Covered-Vader tha Jtulee of Amerleem Yacht RacUc tha Match Would Have to n Settled Over I'ha Ten.reiter Dakotah In a CollUloa aad Wthdntwa fr-om Her naw-Thi Tlsllaat and llrttaanla TVIII Meet To-day, 1 Glaboow. Julr a-To Amtrlean onlookers hMC to-dr. If It mar be dignified bx that name, htwn tha eentreoarder Vigilant and Ua entttr Rrltannla lor a prlte ot 75 sue Belted on of tha olrMathlonetl flukaa orer tha old Intlda coursa ot tha New York Yaoht Club. Under the rulee ot American yacht racing tha unaatlsfaetory match would hare haon sailed oTtrscaln. Itwaa decided In tha Britannia's faTor. howsvsr, In accordance with Clrde res utatloni. and attar tha yaehta had eovtrtd jtiat oae-halt ot the couria. In match ra. ei la America there la a time limit In which racers rauit ooTar tha entire tourtt, othorwlia tha rate Is rssslled. The course to-day was tha sama aa that OTar Which tha Vigilant end Britannia aallad on flaturday for tha Queen'a Cup, from a mark boat off the club home at nunter'a Quay to and around a mark bontoftSkalmorlla. thence to and around a matk boat oft Aseoc. thenca to and around a mark boat oft Kllereggao. and from there back to tha atartlns point: to b sailed oter twice, wind permitting;! total dla tanes, fifty miles. Tha start was under a murkr skr, with a light southerly wind. There wera Tatter arowdsaQoat and aehora than on Baturday. When tha preparatory sun waa fired tha Vigi lant had tha better poaitlon, and Capt. Haft held on to It The yaehta carried, beitdes their Kalnsalta, clubtopaalta, foreeUysalls, and jibs. The Vigilant bad her Jlbtopsatl up In stops. Her elabtopsall seemed loftier than thelBrltan Bla'a. When the starting gran flashed the yaohts headed for the line on the port tack, with the Vigilant to windward and slightly in the lead. Just before crossing, the Vigilant went about, forcing the Britannia around, and both yaehta Bllded on the starboard tack ovtrtoward Clock Point. The Vigilant bad the Briton on the lea bow. In crossing, the Vigilant was officially timed at 10:30:30. jnst twenty seconds atter run fire, and the Britannia at 10:30:2.1. In the manoeuvring for the atart'and throughout tha inconclusive, oonteat the Yankee yacht's crew, howed i hat they were eaualtothe Brltannla'a ' aelected tare In seamanship. The Vigilant broke out her jtbtopsall after crossing the line, but It apparently headed her off and she low ered It Under the Cloak ehore, when the yachts Wsnt about on the port tack, the Britannia poked her bowsprit Into the Yankee's weather. The advantage was only momentary. Tha Vigilant eased sheets a bit and reached ahead. The Britannia lost the wind at this point and made a short board In-ehore. The Vigilant alio went on the atarboard tack, and the duellists began punching and luffing for wind ward advantage. The result was that tha Vigilant gained somewhat. The Britannia finally broke tacks with her rival. In mid-channel the wind freshened some, and for the flrrt time the yaohts heeled. Ther sent up jlbtopsalls aa they headed on the starboard tack for Bkelmorlle mark. It waa remarked that In the frequent tasking the Vigilant waa slower In stays, but the dlfTerenoe was not an perceptible aa In preceding races. The wind fellas the yachts put about to fetch rikelrnor lie, and their lofty mania assumed the perpen dicular. Tney failed to fetch the mark, and went on th other taok. Ae they bore down fnrthe mark, on the starboard tact, the Britan nia seemed to be nearly two minutes astern. The imaat Hkelmorll wat: Vlxllni ... . . i:-M:l" Britannia . . ...... , 12 1&IJ4 Itwae a dote reach to Asrog. across the ehunnel. The Britannia' watnrwlo skip, per stood to the southward, HVIdentlyscentlnc nn Inrrraied breeze from that direction and wMiInc to reap the firm benefit of It The juilicmmt ot the llrltiah skipper wae good; lie overlook the vigilant, which had leen be-cnlra-d. and rounded tlie mark bust off Ascoz ae follows: XrliemiU .... , t 13.31 V (Mini .. . .1:17 11 The difference In time signified nothing to the experts Both yuofita est balloon jlbtoi. aall'i well farwtrd. so ae to catch the expeated breeze from the soulhwtst. It came from that aunrter. and the Vigilant, feeling its Influence ret. ran up and parted the llrftannla. which went under the utern of th Yankee and to wlmlwa'd ol her. the breeze freshened slight ly, and the yachts worked up Inellen ehore with spinnaker boom to port ready to aet the voluminous oanvaa If a shift of lnd warranted It The Britannia drew ahead again, and the igllant rmened In her wake, apparently to tak erwind. .... Then Organ the uaual unoertaln-weitther shilting of satin. The MslUnt changed her head rail three tlrae without good reeults. i At '2:'M o'clock the Britannia gybed to port nodes er spinnaker to tarLoard. TheMsi Itct followed suit. I'll wind died away com pie elf. and the light, billowy sails of botli yaehta imgan flapping 1 hen a light air name outof the went. The csntreboarder sot t flrt anil closed up slightly on tbe cutter. The Britannia experimented with her sptnnawer ami diuw further ahead. The progress to was dlt cournglngly liw Interest In the race had lagged, ae eerybody saw ihtt lurk was the ehirf element in II. At:i:luo'elock the Vigilant, which had sut her spinnaker t.. strboard. l pped pat tha Britannia, which ha I got In the doldrums In a calm stretk. The centre boarder wm about itaj yard ahead just be fore rounding hllcreggan mark. It was un usually hot and motst Capt. Hank Half, who Im.I tlm wlierlof the iankee boa', had I la coat nffanil tiia slilrt Ub rolled up. it was per spiling work for him and his nimble men. Main b oms were frequently changed from port to sla board and bark, ami there waa much experimenting with light-weather sail. A In all nuky was much labor and llitleaport Kvery puff of wind wa eagoity sought' . . At Kllcresgin the Vigilant treated the spec tators t the ame kind of an exhibition that p zzled hvr a'linireieln onwuf her unfinished rate with Ihe Valkyrie. She lt steersge war, and drlltrd around with her stern to the light air. There she hung until tbe llrltansla lnKif.l her, rounded tbn mark, and hogan drifting home. Aa a drifter she showed hereelf much euperl'.r to the Vigilant The tine at the hllcreggan mark wa: 1-?2'i5 I illut e4li 10 I The ilritannla finished at & 31:03 and the Vigilant at 6.-:i:40. or 0 minutes and 35 sec ond later The vigilant was beaten by 11 mlnutu and ti aecond corrected tlm. as she allows the Ilritannla 1 mlnuta and 'M sseonds oyer a twnty-flTe-mlle course, lbs ebsers at the finish for both yacht were merely per tunrtorr. a the taou was not of tbs kind to stir lliltlhblood. , , , in :be race for ten-raters the Dakotah col lided with tbe boula. Both yachts lot tlilr bowprit. and the Dakotah withdrew from thora a. No ane was injured on either bost. 'J he Vigilant and Britannia will meet again to-morrour urer the same eoune for the Llrde Corinthian t'up. valued at too. Both yachts have been entereii in Ihe Boral Uunster re-g-tia whlen will leaalled on July VJ. and alio In tba regatta of ihe Itoyal Cork Yacht Club. !to L salleJ on July '.'4 aad "15. Aaolhrr Katie. Yaeht fur Lord Ouuravca. (inuA. July O.i-Lord Uunrayen has or i!ered. through iJeslguer Q. I- Watson, Ihe roottructloa ot ano her racing yacht It is understood that she will be built upon lines almost identlial with those of the Valkyrie. '1 lie work ot raUlug the VaUyrie will begin to-morrow. The Houseboat Culaiaa Sink. ?Urre Lorlllard'a atsam houseboat C'almsn. which was full described recently In 'Jus bu. was sunk at her anchorage In Oraressnd Lay on tisturday lu a rather remarkable man ner. The water in Gravesend Bay la rery shallow, and ther area number of ssnd bars In It. As the lids wsnt out the Caiman floated over one of these, and later ssttled on the fluke other anchor, whlei store a big hole In her bottom, bbe Oiled and sank. The ( hep man Wrecking Company asnt a beat with a dltsr to examine the sunksn boat and found th author lt in the Caiman bottom. After Ihe anch r had I en remOTed two pumps were put onboard and the caiman was of water on bunday afternoon. , The hole was patched uo temporarily and the team lighter and derrick Hustler towed her to .term's sbiprard.btaten Island, where rhe was haulsd ou on ths dry dock for repairs. Her bull aas only slight r dsmaged but there will pa nslJsiable less eaberCttlscsand Ulterior decoration. TALK ATHLBTKB J.V TJtAUtllfB. Me'rgaa, tToodhatl, Cady, Hatch, aad Brewa Uotasi Qood Work. Loxdox. JulyO.-Owlngto the excsislre heat et the past fsw days the Yale athletes hare otdone ranch work. Hut to-day the weather Improved, and Korean and Woodhull, the die tanee runners, did some hard training at Ox ford, a N Jackson gave a dinner to the Yale men at Hertford College Hall on Saturday night The trophy for which the Oxford and Yale teams will compete Is a sitter shlsldlwlth an oak background, upon which the arms ot belli unlTersltlss, the date ot the match, and a spice tor the result are Inscrtbsd. Ths Yale men attended ssrvlee at N'w Col lege chapel on Sunday. To-day's work shows aa Improvement lu all the men. Cady and Hatch did their tint time work aver the hur dles, and sxcstlsd the records made by them In America. Oady'a bstt high Jump was 5 last II Inches. Brown Is dally beating hla own shot put, clearing 4'J test. Th weather Is much coo er, and the Y'ale men expect to Indulge In regular practice from bow on. 77A IIH.IXU CI III VI T Vl'KM. A Free llay at Snalnarr hoi the Hport Itm Very Poor, BAntNaw, July a -The Orand Circuit of 18H4 began here to-day at Union l'ark, Theattcnd anoe waa quite large, owing to there being no oharg to the greunda, but th quality of the sport was vsry poor. Vlllsge Farm cap tured tha opening event for 2:30 trotters with Blxty-six. a bay gelding five years old. He steppsd all the heata In 2:20 or better, the aec ond one. In 2:10X, being his best perform ance. I'acolet from Racine, waa the only one of the field able to get near the aon of Chimes. The 2:40 paae was also ovsr In thres heats, though the favorite. Bessie Ual, did not win. Co mo. a young stallion from Bar City, gath ered in first money and reduced his record from 2:2U to 2:171 In the first hat. The classes for yearlings and two-rear-olds wsre farces. Thsre were onlr two starters in each, and the time waa ridiculously slow tor a Orand Clroult meeting, hummarles: 2 30 tbua trettlnf ; ptiri tHOO. .lalj-ilx. b . by Lhlruat Jeriey Lily, by llmbltenUa Dawning (Uteri) t I 1 Tkaolet, b. e. !('! 't 2 J Letiaad. n. . (i'to M 8 B Tn4ta. b. . (KdwarJti 8 6 a Osldlt. eb. a (Moere) 4 0 6 s (Baura) b a h KC(rP..b. a (RHU) il 7 O Dcldr, b . (lurnum) 7 H 7 Tim-J.2a2ilk!4M lH. Teerllar elait, trettlnf; en mil dbi pnre$20a llaceit'e Dmiu. eb. f, by Jtrom Heath SUfctf, ?ty hdmore (Walliteed) 1 un Ul, k r. (Aiinii 1 Time 31MU. Two-year oM da. Iroiilas, beat, two la tLrte: Ellll S4U1.'. el nt. r. o . br Pilot Medium Sltlla Maildeck. by MeanaCbartalMrLaail 1 1 Autornaur. eb e (Cioni ... 2 '1 Time 2i&7. 2:48. 2it0 clu. paelec puna f son. ' Como. ch. . br Spblax silkey, by Daolal tambarl (MltUn 1 t 1 riiri,b in icaton) 8 2 2 ntnilne. b r triynn) 2 r, 4 lltitle Hal. blk. m. (Iler 5 8 8 oor Bxyard. tr. t (iinllh) 4 4 a limr C.blk. m. (Ketdl tidl. Adoi. eb. la (Tllraadf dl- Tllno-J:l7!t 2-lrH. 2 :1B. For to-morrow the 2:10 and 3:00 trota and the 2:24 and 2:30 pace have larger entrlee and promise better sport. II. It. IIAHCUCK IS It K All. The Old-time Tnrftnaa Htrlekea with Apo plexy Teeterday. W. It. Babcoek. who was well known to race goers for the past twenty years, dlsd yssterday of apoolsxy In hs 70th ysar. at hla home on the grounds ot the Linden Park Blood Horse Assoslatlon. Linden. X. J, of which be waa the superintendent With his men ho had been working la the field and waa on hla way to hla cottage when be was stricken. He died soon afterward. He was a native of Providence. The dead man first came Into prominence in raelng circles In the early aeventle. when he owned and trained the famous Helmbold. orig inally known aa Dublin, and hla fame became national when that horse defeated Longfellow at four miles over the Saratoga canrse. Bab cock was the official timer for the past ten or twelve years for all of the prominent racing associations, and at the time of hla dsath waa the official tlmerof the Jockey Club, officiat ing no later than Hatunlar at Bheepehead Bay, Aa a maker of clambakes Baboookwae sec ond to none, and travelled all along the At lantis coast at the Invitation of various elubs who had hsard of hla skill In that line. Ha had a sauce, the rerlpe of which he guarded most Jealously. A wife survives him. John F, C'aivdla'e Polo Teaaa Win tha llaaaard Cap, WootrRBunn, L. I.. July a The John E. Cow din team of the Bookaway Folo Club won the Ilazr.erd Cup In a match with the Meadow Brooke at Cedarhurst this afternoon. The goala were made as follows: i:ockaw7 o r Xjrr. 3; r. ConoTtr, 4; Job E. Cowdin. 3. ad E. It Slow. .1. M.ailew Krooki-E. W. soby, 1 n.B.rn. 0; W. C Ennia. O; (I. MrCraary, O. Th next game wilt be played on Friday, July 13, between tbe Bookaway s first team and the Meadow Brook'a first team, for the lieers Cud. The First Teat at the Canoe Camp. 8t!o Bryo. N. 1',, July 0. Csnolst Bchuyler oftbeYonkers Canoe Club I tbe first to have tile tent pitched on the site ot the camping spot of the American Canoe Association, on Croton I'olnt. and he Is gsttlng In readiness to welcome the coming of his brethren on FrldVy, II. Lansing Quick, tha crack sailor, who Is Chairman ot the llsgatta Committee ot the aisofl'atlon, had a rough-and-tumble run up from Yonkers in his ranos Foggy Dew on Sun day, and waa well pleased to atrlk th quar ters of the Mng Mn.f acht Club, where he got a chance to put on dry toggery. The Sing 6lng Yaht Club will keep open homo during the fortnight that the ranolats tarry on Croton i'olnt. The member of ihe aesoclatlop have received the privilege of storing their canoes and duffel In the club lioune, and several have already taken advantage of the convenience. In addition to thesesoU'teale the members ot the yacht dub have auiianMhed foranandaome sterling silver cup, which e to be awarder! to the winner of a epeclal sailing race to take place off the club home during the seoond week of the meet. Trouble Over College Football Coatraeta, John B. Olbson made a contract on May 10 last with the respective representatives ot the Yale and Princeton football teams for the pub lication of the programme of the match ar range I for next Thanksgiving at the Tolo grounds In this city. Under ths arrangement ha Is to pay J 000 to sach team. According to his statement. Charles II, Nleoll has threaten ed to drive him off tbe field and isue the pro grammes, snd hs charge that the latter baa been olicltlng adrtlsement for a pro. gramme with the announcement that he ha received the exclusive control ot this fssture of the coming gam. A. . . Judge BUeboff of the Court ot Common Tleaa yesterday denied an application made on behalf of Olbson for an Injunction restrain. Ing Nleoll from carrying out his alleged threats. He says that if the ebsrges are true the remedy Is la the criminal courts. -Valeott Will Flh Aay 133-pound Man la th tVorld. The following challenge, supported by a de posit of $1,000. was left at tbe ibbr Uazttte of flee yesterday by Tom O'Kourke. tbe backerot Joe Walcott and It was subseousntlycabled to London; llavtaf n ibalUni from Anitla Gibboat asd tloraoe w. Leeai lonilii lor lb Habtweiibl ebamplaa bis ut snurlte, I wub le iu ml I will inaub Joe vjeolt to nibt llerace W. teeda Aia uibbon, suniou abboll. er aay one la lb world, at 133 oouad. forSJ000ldnltbelarm .ort . , To thaw Ibai we mu bunatti. Ibm poeua (1.O00 forfeit I wiilbertadr to mu arltcUt ai any Hue ui teeda Ol&bea. abboti, si aay mmr taaataow beDeeuebutlUMS VleAuliare Must Coat Sown to 103 round or I.eed Will Not Flahl. Horace M. Leeds, tbe ThlUdilphla light weight, ha ssnt the following letter to the JhiUct UairUe In reply to Jack MeAullffe's an neuaoemeat that he would only fight at 135 pound, glv or take two pounds: I will fix lit MeAuua tslraitk ubt-welxbt limit, iss DosseV, for S'.aoo a tide asd ibe lUbtvoifli caiajpfi-ebiP , ib worn, ibt octal t .take pUji at ibJ till. o8riaV tbe Urieti pur.e. II UcAeUSs aaileii'l ". ssaiel k. all! sojt 50U...a'l will m.i aim dr be oaaiM la Tork le dra srti. Fill If b. i.fuM t oxbl isapoaad. I .bQ claim th llxbi-wtlfbl ebaiploatblporAmrica aad siaad JJidy iS Soi U oom.r. tor sbOO.,Ue lr..i . "n4 Ik. lUblw.Ubt cbampioatbip of u world. Cuuudlaa Klgeaaca Arrive a the Hhootlag Oraund. Lospos. July OL The Canadian rifle team, which la to take part la tbe National Rifle As ecltloo' masting at the Blpley eainp at Bleley. have arrived at tba nop. Twantyof tliembiV entered, for tbe yueen'a Cup and I far the other MarliatUsarr contests. BRIGHTON'S OPENING DAY. riTK movBAnn rttnaona at the TRACK JIT SUB BKA TKBIBKDAT. Jaekey Doggett Rad a Field Say, Wlaatag with TTaleatt, Werabtrg, aad J)r, Has. browek, aad Maktne: n Dead neat oa Call, rorala Hlr Modred'a Beat Boa Hue a Mile nd a Hlateenth la tla-tV. It. aad Woodford Won tbe Other Race, That the Brighton Beach tlaclng Assscta tlon will have the most prosperous meeting In Its hlitorv waa patent to every racegoer atthe old course by the ssa yesterday, fully 5,000 persons Using pressnt. It In a great pity that th accommodations at Brlghtonlileach are ao poor and that the spceM so limited that the track Is not wide enough to give every starter In a race nn eaual chance. Brighten has been regarded ever sines Its Inception as the most democratlo ot metropolitan race courses, the high and the low meeting w.thln Its narrow confines on an equal footing. The racing yestttday waa of very fair qual ity, Dr. Hasbroutk winning the chief event ot the day, a handlenpof a mile and a alxteenth. In the fast lime of 1 :8. of which the last mil was run In 1:42. It was a Held day for Jocksy Dojgttt, who just now Is on the topmost wave ot success, this clever young rider winning with Walcott We rn berg, and Dr. Haabrouek. and making a dead heat on California with Harry Used in the third race. The veteran James F Caldwell was the starter, and was In good form, except In the sseond race, when he gave Wern borgsuchan advantrtce at the send-off that none of the others onuld ever get nesr him. As a mattsr of fact, Doggett fooled the startsr and everybody elae and stole the race, and, had he eo cared, he eoutd have led by a hun dred yards go ng up the backetreteh. Maior Wheeler Is. as of old. I he judge! C. V. Sassthe eecretnry, Steve HtlllwoU the clerk of the scales, and the stewards of the meeting nre Messrs. Mclntrre. Brucs, and Henncssy Naturally thsre was more Interest In the handicap than In any ot the other races, and tbe talent played Hport, Dr. Hasbrouck, Hol lar, and Comanche, the other starter, Tom Tough, being neglected. A good many per sons refused to bet on Sport after his exhibi tion atSheepshsad Bay, when he etnppod to a walk, aad placed their meney on Dr. Has brouck. making htm fmorlte. Their good judgment was demonstrated when tho big chestnut sulked with Johnny Began at the beginning ot the backetreteh and dropped so far out of the race that, despite ble rush on Ihe upper turn, he could not get near the leader'. Comanche and Dr. Hasbrouck always held the others secure, and Doggett on the latter proved too muoh for Mtdgley, on Comanche, winning by a len-tth. Boiler was a fair third. Ths publla could see nothing but Walcott In tho oponlng dash at throo-quartera otamtle. and plunged on MoLaughlln's handsome geld ing, ltough and Heady being tue most tanoled of the other, ltough and Heady has one ot the worst-looking ankles Imaginable, and It la surprising that he can use It at all. It is much worse than Pont loo', and the public all remember Barney Murray'- horse and the pair or stumps he carried during his latter daya on tha turf. Doggett took Walcott to tbe front at the start and was nwor headed, win ning In a gallop by two lengths, ltough snd Itssdy and Drum Major had a rattling fleht for second money all through th home atretch. the latter, a three-year-old, owned by Pu alfer, beating the Imported horse a head on the post Poor Jonathan, well plaved br smart psople. wsa fourth. Bosa H. was well up for over halt a mile. The sseond race waa oxeluiively for three-year-old. It was at a mil, and M, F. Dwyer'e money made Arm 1 tag a warm favorite at U to r. Wernberg. Florence, and Factotum had quite a following also, aad Loohlnvar was sup pnrtd by Billy Gaston and othsrcloss observ ers of public form. Thsrs was quite a lot of baoklng and filling at the post and th atarter Anally got down on the track, taking the whip from one ot his assistants. He must have over looked Wsrnbsrg, for hedroppedtbewhlp. i.ot the flag, with that horse some four length in front of the field. Mr. Caldwell waa -vldently rattled, for he changed the flag to his right hand and dropped that making a double end-off. Doggett never looked around, but taking full advantage of the start, won all the way. passing the post first by three lengths. Florence and Faeiotum alternated in aecond and third places until tbe homestretch was resebsd, where the former passed Daly's colt, a.d looked Ilkea sure wlnaerof second money, hlmme brought Armltage up under th whip, however, and .aught the Ally In tbe vary lat stride. Mr, Crofcer saw his coifs rico from the paddock, standing on a chair within a few test of bis frlsnd M. F. Dwysr. Lochlnvar cloned up quite strong In the homestretch, and will do tor backers to remember. The third race, for two-year-olda at five fur longs, waa a rattling batting event between California, the Oneck Stable's crack flllr, a.d M. F. Dwyar's gelding Harry Reed. For a long time they sold equal favorites at OtnO. and whan they went to the pest there wasn't much to ohooee between them. The race was a scorcher. California leading by a neck or so until the homsstretch wae reached. Harry Bead then closed on the Ally, and the pair ran looked the last furlong, both boys riding with whip and spur as though thslr lives depended upon their exertions. Major Wheelers dsolslon of a dead heat was emlnsntly propsr, and the ownera agreed to divide the purse. Tbe Sally Burns colt cot away very hadiy at th atart. and Judge Olea son, an erratlo son of Cholula. was left stand ing at the pott. Judge Oleason want to the post In rings, circling about lth his rider, and Mr. Caldwell very properly paid no atten tion to him niter giving him a fair number ot chances. Ear.y In the afternoon It waa whlspsred about tlMt W. B. wa a good thing In the fifth . race, a selling eveot at on mile and furlong. Ihe light-weighted Dr. Garnet, a brother to Fides and Fldello, set a rare clip from the atart nnd Simms had to ride the favorite hard in order to win by a neck. Jodan was third. The jumping rare wa not sa'lsfaclerr to th member ot the talent who could see nothing In t' but St. John ami Miles blandish, th latter being backed from 0 to 1 to 3 to 1 at thecloie. Vardee retimed to break, and was fldally left at th post. Woodf rd. a fine, big gelding that has shown considerable spsed oross rountrr at Miefpshsad Bay. was the pacemaker, closely followed by St John and bt. Luke, and this trio had the race be tween them, finishing In th order named. The tact that 1'. Husstnn, who has rldilsa Woodford In a'l his races In this -vicinity until yssterday. . had ths mount on St. John caused nme talk, but the boy certainly ued the whip In the lat half mile,'esldes. Woodford had a much llg tsr Impost than he carried In anyot his rarss at bhe.ahesd- St John has had some bard racea ths lait week, the last on Saturday over the full teeolecha- course, with I'M pound up. Thl should be enough to take away hla peed. Hover fell on the backetreteh. and l'halr, wtw had the mount, got a very ugly (all. and wa carried from the course on a stretcher. He wa badly bruled. but no boues were brokon. Summaries follow: niLST JUCE. yor Ibrte-y.arnldi and upward. Miliar allowance.; tbr. outrun of uill- . . 4. Mcbauihlln . th. t. Walcotl. 8. by Lone Taw Ml. ti.nce. milMirfrtt) 1 n. T'.cb.e brum Mlor. 8. loft (B. Trlbl 2 Dk Bro br h. Bouxh and K.ady, ! lOO(K.IS) .1 foor Jonalb.n. Mary ,, Uxa 11- Sllf.rado. end U.l.aaiildlasaUoian lime. ltia. ro.t H.ttlnx-T.n le 7 en WalMtt 7 te 3lnit Kuutb and Ktadjr. 7 to I Kn.a II . to to 1 I'oor Joua it., vuie 1 Prom Major, 40 lo 1 ailrerado, 00 to i Mry a., 200 to 1 Halts s.Uloc. second Birr. yor tbr.e pur., tloo. of wbleb t'i to teoadaudlistulblrd. oa. mil.. J MeLauxniix b. r Warsbars. 8. by Maic.T.j- lioirad.l. ... .1 Manhattan statu b. e. Arullar. 3. 117 (almm!.... 2 Unit Brea.'b t Huron., a. b&iualrj) . a pasnil.... Wiluoar, Ko.awood colt. Lecblovar, Itoaa nelll.. Booud Brook, and laeiotam Lu ra Tim-. 1 4 fait Baltlni llfbl to 6 agalutl Armltaxt. 4 la I Faeiotnin. 0 lo I IV.rnbtrx. 7 lo 1 Lobtiif ar. SO I 1 atoeanallla, fiO to I Winner, inoiol .aia Koaawood colt, Dausiltaa. sod Bosnd J.rook. TIIIBD IliCC. rsrlwo-yasr old. i for.. IJH of wulto S7.',tmtc oad ami 2& lo tuird: nta ruriuaxi untck Stable cn f. California, uy Mldloiblas-MU- futtua. lluiDowm 1 M y. pwiar a br. Harry Rod. Ilnikluiuiai . ! Lisb 1 Aoa.'a u. r I'raula, luo.Douobut). . a Dead bailie Brrs.a colt. MuJ Cltaion. Mutoa T aud Ilanwall also raa. Time, I :?. root Baitlar Six to r, aiatiui California. 7 tn C llarrr Ka.d. il to 1 rraa.n. Utllol hOlal kalll Byrn.i celt. 30U lo I Mlllua T.. uiu to 1 Judie Ul.aaen. tall at pott. rour.Tit ntcr. yor tbrie-ratreldt tod nuward. porta 31.000. of wblca SJiu i .oud and 31001a Ibud; oat tall aad W. M Btrilck't ch b. Dr. Ilubreuck, , by llr Mo- dr.d-w..ibrltr, lUibo(i.ui 1 Xmoir Siabl. eb. ta Couituebt.4. 117 (Midxl.y). .. 2 CT.Dwj.r'ab. b. Roii.r. b. lUStblinma) . . 3 Tom Tough tad Stort tlao ran Tlm. t 8. yoat Baltlnc Elatan to 0. lat Dr llttbrogrk B to 2 Sport. 7 ta 3 kellar, W lo 2 Cumtseba, 20 I t Toui Toofb. rirru iucr- yor thrwr.arold. tad upwtrdi sari. 1800. ef wblihSluototaeeadaad SMi vo third: ttUlox aUow tacw: oat mil. aad a rarloaz. W. 1. Matu'a br. b. W, K. i. by Olaaftrry-Btttle Ball, lli(tlmmt) . ,., ,1 M. Jordan A Uo-'a b. e- Da S. el (Uw, . 2 Oaeck Mtbla't eb, s Jodta. 4. uj .K. Doi.iil a Julian. V.aur Arloa. and Cstoacey alt raa. Tlma. l ariu. rest attI(-Ta U V eo W. , I 1 exalul Tetag I 4 Arien. 61st Jallan. 10 te 1 edaa.10 te 1 CBssaeey, 10 lalPr. oamatt. SIXTH RACC rnrie at IMXX ef whleh I7S ta Meend tit t thlrdi on mil and a qaaitar. ever flr btrdl.a. i. MeOab' en. r. Weedford. 0, by llisdee Thsekt, . ISftiMartlar) . ....1 n. Rradl.yeb.f. BLJehn. ai-eitlsstr. II.Mtoov... ' i. n srayth'cb.s. St. lAte. axed. ISItaretai Jseesie. Kiss ursb. luillne Cbtrli. Rcxswsy, Ro.r. sad Mil. a Sltnd.tb alio ran. VarUMlafl at peat, 'rail Time, 2i2IH. roat R.ttlss-Tw te I rinit St. Jetis. 2 te 1 Milt lanriltb. 5tel Rot.r. "to I St Lo, eto 1 Weedford. 10 te I Japeale. 10 to 1 Rockaway. 70 1 1 Klf Crb, DO te 1 pathlBf Cbtrli. 40 te 1 Vard.e. The following It the programme for Brighton to-day: rtrtt Rte S.IUnt s aatan tarloat. Tronnl. 112 Nick 11 aii.iibtrk 112 Mr. Kan , .112 Harry Alenio.. ... ..Ill .110 Void.... , loo H.rwyn lve Wnedehoppar... lou Router low Mlta ntbar 10 H.lwend. ,.104 Vandyke, , ton OnrManl 105 Moid. .. . 104 Second Race One mil and a alsteenth. Joe Ripley Iln iMtboto ,..,......,102 Ixincdala 102 Rama , 102 L'liart.r . VU Paly The Rally Milan. B7 Kdltn U7 Tblrd Race ttllleti tbret-caartert et a mile. Tral.e , ...tin Tbe Commonar 110 Kennal .1 III Mathilda . . ......... lot Tinea US . ... .. W6 .Derelict VS Ktiarre wal yosrth Race Handicap: one mlla and a farlesy. BlrWaltar 134 Don Aloaia, 120 Docal Ill Rlrocco ,,. ioh candelabra., ,, .. .,IOS star Actrtaa lou BAndowaa M Lliilt 04 Kittb Rate SalUatt one milt. Va.llbnl. 100 Tom rinl.r low addie 10S Bt.t Brd,. .. 10H Cbattanoox 107 Tom Htldmor 107, rantata,ltteRetallnd clot Kandown 101 Eaftlda V4 Little Braeo.. W4l Sixth Race Sellings one mlla l.litl McDntI llOMarabtl 10.1 Hilnard. .... low liny Tlui lot Clilrt Jutlee low Ulxb 01 Ro'ltr 107 Billy S, UK Topxallant 100 va.etiltB VU I'orabonua HO r.ila sw lltrirord . MS Watch Ubarm 85 an onsm'.s ova it n at. Coat Bookmaker JUrUratae SI, ISA ta Get III Racer Hack. CntCAno, July P. Th ehisf tneldentof tbe raring at Washington Park to-day was the breaking down of the barrier between owners in running up horses In selling racss. Montr. Ill's winner ot the sixth race, was bid up to $1,7'.'.". over his entranoe price, $800, and his owner. Bookmaker William MeOralne. bought him In. Chris Smith, the owner ol YoTam Men and Maid Marian, did the running up. It Is tald that the two men quarrellod on Sat urday over a ticket Smith bet In McOralne's book, and aharp worda paissd between them. The boo at upon the part ef Smith to-day Is thought to be a sequel of that falling out Five thouaand persons saw tbe raelng, which was chieity remarkable fnrthe general slaughter of the talent, not n single favorite reacnln t home In Iront The weather was line, and ('. Weber rode a pair of the winners. The handicap waa only remarkable for Ilu dolph'aatartllng revral ot form. On Satur day, with 101) pounds up. he was beaten fl in tha last rare, while to-day he picked up 117 pounds and won cleverly, running the mile In rapid time at the weight. 1:40 flat. Sum maries: Klnt Rtre aallinx: nre-tlxlitba et a mile. Act. 03 rr.rkin.j :i tn 1, won; Ml.a Alice. 15 ic. w.b.r). 3 to I, aecond: Klxurla. WSii'trrk H to I. third. Time. I ma. May Hot., imon H.. Kan Ik. Mitlt X.. Snooty Bon. MaJ.lla., Bob Tnck.r, Woodtletd. and Marxar.t alao ran. second Ra-e e.n and a half rorlonxa. Imp. Zlltc. 102 i A. Clajrtnnl. 1 2 ml, won: Si.l.r Mary. 117 ir.r klna). 4 lor., tacnnd. Illcbland. low (Cam. IS to 1. third. Tlm. 1:34. Tremona. iirevnwlch., and luir. riorr.r Mr.ra al.o ran. Third Race s.lunr, one intle and twenty yard. Jot Murphy, lii'JiC n.b.ri, no I. won. Out ot Hint. WW IMrxr). 40 to 1 aceond. Tar ant Tartar. lOi irer Inei. (i to 1. third. TI.oa.liti Pat Mtllor, Jr. Tha Kltt. a. ratrtek. sixnaiura. Uunwad. LaRoia Red Root, JaJa. Tli. Spook. Mcaraxua, Eye Upcaer, and Mluollnt al.o ran. I'ounn Race one mlla. Rudolph. 117 (Irilnc). 4 to 1. won; Rtratbmaatb, lo7 (Nobl.) 0 to I. a.cond; Imp. Fllae W3.A Clajrionx 20to 1. third. Timt. 1 4a Imp. farcy, ll.raldl&e, and II. t al.o ran. I'lfih Kaea Threa-quariera or a mlla. rr.f.renco. S3 Uaomi. 12 to I. waa: king Hot. WH C. Wab.r). 4 to 1. tecnndi AUthla Allan. W.I (Tarklnai. H to I, third Time. 1 l&U. May yarn. Mnckahl. Maat.r Fred, hqua lor. fhauandoal. Maid. Mother or r.arl. and Fiction tlao ran. Lmma frlmroaa. Tea 1 6... and Am.lla May left at tha poet. Slith Kaco-FlTe-ttiblha of a mlla Montr.. 102 (Tliorpol.4 lo 1. won. Nellie Oaborna. 103 iriarlo).7 to 1, a.cond: Ow (llrabami. 0 to 1. third' Time. 1 nl, Inatallator. Moneer.r. Th rrtneeaa. Blaache klnney. Bob Cuter. Walkover, and Tooxh Umbaralte ran. savaath Race Tbr.e-feurtheor a mil. Klbat Gray, low (i;. w.b.r) 3 to I. won: Annta Mar.a. 113 (r.rklmx 7 to 1. a.rnnd. Captain Brown, 124 lui.rrlt.ay). 7 te 3. third riiue. tilSte. Inxomar, Lulu T., Tbe Reaper, aad Imp, Wolatj alto ran. Frank MeCaha Retarae to HI First I.ove. Frank McCabe. who trained Miss Woodford. Hanover, Kingston. Trsmont Longstreet and other flyers for the Dwyer brothers when ther were winning the bulk ot their engagements, will ssddle another winner for the red and blue. Mr. P. J. Dwyer having engage 1 him to take charge of his racing stable. Kit MeOarry. who haa trained for Mr. Dwyer far the past three or four years, will have charge of the yearlings. MoCabr, who Is verr popular, and whose aucce-s sines hs lsft the Dwyers hss not been as pronounced a hi frUnd could with, will tak the Dwyer hore tnfjarntoga on Thurs day an I nrspsr them for their engagement at the Spa. In Declare and Patriolan. both ot which nre rou ding to. McCabe will bave two three. rear-old of high olas forth stakes t hi fall. Old Long lleaoh Is good just now. and l.eonawell may be patched up for a race rtwo. There Is other mstsrlal in the Dwyer stahles that should win rarss. The Lorlllard horse, in charge of John Hug gin, will be ahlppe.i to Saratoga thl evening, and everything point to a most aucceislul masting at that point TJomlBO Ijinenrea I Faat Illaappearlag, The publlo will be glad to learn that the Messrs. Kesne's great colt Domino 1 doing as nicely as could be expected, and that all traces of hla lameness are faat disappearing. Trainer Lakeland ssld at Brighton Beach yesterday that the colt could now walk and trnt nicely without giving any evMence of soreneee. Itwasagrsst misfortune thst this horse struck hlmaelf at Chicago, as subse quent events have shown that he would have won the American Derby but for bitting him self. Domino will be ready torhls fall engage ment. home horsemen yesterday In paklag of the Realization said that Senator Orady was lame In the hock before the stsrt for that race. Zeller Hldea Three Wlaaerw at Flueblaa;. The laJtnt had thada the beat of It ya.t.rday at yioablo. Zeller rde tbrea winner, bominarlet' First Race Pur.t tloO. tbrea-vear olda and upward; aelllt.r allewtnrea: three-quarter, or mil, Pay. braat, ll (Cellar). M lo 1. won: Verbla. lOWtkuebe). 2 I I. ..cood. KJ cro.a. t)7 (Donovan). 2 lo 1, tblru. Tiru. IiIk. Dr i bauil.ara May i., rrtnk C Ctrrtcua, L'uiupr lor aad Jack Haicbelur tto ran. e.t'ou.i Ktca lora. SIMJ. for tbr.t year old nd op ward, .eilinx allowance, nv. rarionaa Fan Klnir, lo(orri... wta. oo. e.otln.L lltt iKooniol. 214 to I. lecnnd, no 110 (r.rtlo.l. 7 to I, third Tlm. 1 a.rlH c.iumbue. Lludaay, Belt colt, end Autumn. Jr. al.'t ran. Tbird Hare rur.e SIM. half a mil Tumult, 123 (Zeller', 4 1 I, un. Mtrlt l-oull 117 r UllllinitlS in I, .econ.i tu.n Ur.r 122 iiTwleoitBi. tv.n. (bird. Time, o MH. in. rctrk vueen Klutb.tb ally, tnd t'oiawaln urn. lourih Kact ruret tlftO: for thr.t yeara ad p ward. aai.i(bih. et mu Odd ska 1I&U.1 lert, I lo2. won. Ilomoo 1 16 iKuebeai. a o I, aecond: Rlaieaner. 115 lK Altordj. b to I. third. Ttma. 1.83. Koirer alto ran Fifth Rc fur.e SlfiO; for two-)-rotd. He fur-lonxe- Juliet lirtihucb.nk 2 Ion, wo; Lady rraacla. lK.(Zallrk 3te I, teeui.d Irolic, 1IM isbelby). 3 le 1, thud Time, 1:0a. MU. Miaul alt ran. Can't Tell Take tbe Oiraera'.Ifaadleap at llMinllae, St Taim Jsly u. Th vnt ef the dty at llamlla wttlba Ownera' Handicap, which wtt taken by Can't Talk njmmarleti Klrat Rtct Ont ralla Little Dorrttt won, Pessy roytiteouud. t'trroti ihird Tlm. Itt4t hteood Ktce six furlooxa ileorxt r. Smith won. Cbtrlay McDootld t.cond. Prlae Impentt Ibtrd. Time. liir.Vi. Third Rac.-H fnrloai. b.att. tlttla Phil wis. Duel ell ..road. Dill. Iblrd Tlme-13 end I r04- lourth Rte Dwa.ra Handicap. ee.a tarlonc. Ctu t 111 wen. Clio aaceed. blallt tblrd. Tlui. Flfili Race klx furlonxt not6lmpaon won. Oueaa B.i. aecoad. Mra Uradabaw laud. T.aie, 1 16. Neva Jersey Ilarkeaaea at Kea Olrt. Sea fiiirr. J July a The shooting at the &a Olrt rill rng for State prlrss becsnto dsyatCnmp Wrts. The shooters wsre main. br o' thu i'lrat iirlgtde.nho will continue for torn tlm. The dlataoce wns aOO and AOO yards. Th following outlined at both dls tnc. and t'. shoot-off at 000 yards will b field later n the wek JUrd W Spencer. In- Scto-Oneral Ititla Prasiiee: Capt Oraft, Fourth lieglment: Major Currie Second rtegl. menttOen. WcGIII. lob Ooqbrey, and Bur geon Lamaon. Th aeor folio: Two Hundred Yrde. Seeea tkait Each Scaacar, SO; Craft. 3d, currie. 34i McutU. I. Uodtr.y, 23; Lara Tore llandrtd Tardt-McCIU. 23 Ltun.n, 23, Car rie, 2t. uedrray, 20, Col Docker, au. ilaeebell Net. llarrey-it kow aotbl(( luck a team. Dojla'e btttlas arrtaje It cloa te Iba. 400 mark. Tb.X.w Yortitr. Ju.lSlpoinlibebUd lb Ittd.rt tblt meratax. rarrall't tsparb cttcbias U tilylng k KawTork pllcberat trial deal Mttkta letdt Ibt Letts pitcher la Ik perc.attft ef tmt wo aad loot. A Tastes bat all alaas adrocalta. Rail. Mukla. aad MtttarvtUaranctiviatrtaalartaras la tti boa I BOW. ANOTIIER FINE VIQTORY. KBIT TOttKB DKTKAT TUB , CJfCLV HAT1B BT JIXAVT HAIT1SO. The Rrookljaa, tToarever, Meet nereat la Ite Warst Fen at Lonlevllle Baltimore TTI a aad Inll Awy frost the Cham, ploa, Tfk L,oe to Aann'a Mca-Cteee. laad aad Philadelphia Ala et There, The Nsw York continued their remarkable winning streak yesterday by taking the Cin cinnati Into camp In sy style. This makes tha eleventh eoneseutlve victory et the loesl team, a record which It mott praiseworthy. The Brooklyni met a oyelon In Louisville, and wsre awept away up among the clouds. Tbe Battlmores pulled a game out ot the fire at Pittsburgh, and Inersssed their lead to twenty-three points, as the Bostons took a tumble la Chicago. The Phlladstphlas won a gam from the St. Louie team, and pulled up to within ten points ot the New Yorks. Cleve land defeated Weehlngton bra run. All the gsmst were marked by heavy batting and big scores. The results: New Tor k, 18: Lonlaeilit, 20i Brooklyn. H! Beaton. II. Cleveland, Ifii Wtablnilon, 13, I'blUdatphl. tti IL Loola. 10. Btlllmor 14; rittiborth. 10. Tni RKCORD. Hh. IT-n. If" Per rt I ttnK tT.-l. f, Ptr fi. Rltlmr. 41 la .floj'r.etelind no 2w ,um llotton 43 21 ,7.' Clnclnnttl .27 .11 ..Ml b.w York .3H 24 ,nit nt. lAuia . J7 DM 4ir, rbll.dpbla.3r, jn ,no3 -hlrao 22 41 ,34W llroollyn 3IS 23 ,rS tv.iblnxlon 11. T, W7 I'lttaburtb t) 2H bed Louiatlllt ..17 43 ,274 NSW TORK. 13 i CIKl'tlXAT'. l L'ixuinnati. July ft. The New Yorks sounded their new war cry after the game. They gath ored around their own leiv b and lifted their voices In some Jargon whl',!. sounded like a chapter from a Choctaw tomance The gen tlemen from Harlem made more noise than any team that haa played here this season. They openeuupafter the first ball waa pitched, and from that time on until tbe finish some body wss making an oration. The outburst seemed to have an exhllnratlng effect on Latham, who made the declaintlnn thst tho row of chatterboxes on the bench looked like a lot of mlnstrsl. Th Nsw torks hail a walk over. Before ths flrt Inning wa ended they found the cavity In the red' Inlleld, and while l'airott waa dubbing around with an ear grounder llt'le Puller, whnhnd walte.l Impa tiently on third while Burke and Davis struck out, snesked home, Vaughn eerrd to be mesmerized by the visitors. Once when lm kicked there was an almost unnnlmoii demand: "Get to catch ing, you Iteub." That attaCK aesmed to lake tbe farmer" off hla feet. He couldn't have caught a man going to eecond on bis hands and knees. When Tlernan "lout" hla fly In the sun and preented him with a two-base hit In the second, lie couldn't appreciate the gift, but wandered off and was caught be. tween bases. He was In the tableau In the third long enough to miifT a thrown ball atthe Elate, saving Fuller, and then, for some un nown reaaon. he threw the ball out ot his hand as If be was planting corn, and that let Davis home. Both these plarer hud hit afaty. ho did Doyle aud Ward, and then the latter " worked" Comlskey. He punched pretty far off flrtt base to 1st Doyle have a chance to score, but Comltker let them both get In by bad throw through Latham. Atler this exhibition of errors Dwyer and Parrott changed places, and the pltchor accepted every cbauoe he had, playing the position better than any of those who have tried it alnca Smith waa disabled. Murphy was elected to succeed sughn. and his catch of a dflleult foul from Fuller' bat was one of the fleldlcg feats ot the game. It landed on his jaw. but he held on. Five ot the eight runs made off Parrott were pounded out. itutle had hard lu-k. II cracked one fir into the ats but It bunrtd bark and he had to atop at aecond. Ihe Nw Yorkers played ball. They ran base llko winners. Davis and his bat were largely in evldence.and yet It waa Davie who lt tbe reds get their first ray of hop. With two rede on lax Murphy hlttoiluelo In the sixth nnd the big plt-her made a toss to ratrh Holll.lay at third, Davis forgot to toe the I ag. Fuller, who had played a great game, worked a trouble out of Par ntt's grounder and neither of the reds' rallies provsd dangerous. The score: ciacisein. I eawvoxi. a. a a. i.e. Latham. 3d b..o 1 2 1 n roller. a. .3 3442 Hoy. c ( o o r, 11 01 Rurk. I t.. ..1 1 r. o o llallldar. I. t..t 2 0 0 U llaeie.3d b. 4 2 3 3 Mtrnea, 2d b 1 12 1 II Doyle, let U..2 2 0 0 0 Vatfhn.c ..." 1 & O 3 1rd.2db,. 3 4 4 2 0 Murphy, c. ...2 13 3 1 eo Halt H.C.CO 0 10 0 Canavau. r. f 1 n 11 1 Tlernan. r, r...o 0100 Parroit. Ap.0 Ills larraii, o lino I'omlakey, lb.1 Mil Itun. p .0 1 I) 2 O Dwy.r. 1001 Total.... .13 13 27 14 4 Tetala.. .0 U 27 12 10 Cincinnati o O 0 O O 4 O 2 0 S See York 1 O 4 II 2 3 1 2 013 Earned runt Cincinnati 3: Maw York. A, noma run Davla Tbrae-bae bit Dwyer. Two-bait bile Yauxba. Rurkr, Kuala, rlrat bate on error. Cincin nati. 3. New York. 2 Lert on batta Cincinnati. 10. Itewlork.k Htruek out By Dwvar. 4i by Tarroit, 2: by Ruala. L, Ftrel bate on blla Off Dwrer, li off fr rott. J. oRRutia, rv sacrifice bit Van Haltrea. fctol.n bataa Uollldae. Mcrnae. Fuller, Ward (J), Poyla, Tt.rnaa. Double play Full.r and Dnyla. raised ball rrratl. Tim 2.30. I'mplr udney. Atttndtc. 1,544. LOUISVILLE. 20: BROOKLYN. 8. Lonsvri.LK, July 0. Capt Foutr. and hla roan wsre considerably off to-day. Konnedy dis pensed curves vsry much to the liking of the Louisville tesm, and he was hit forssventeen with a total of thirty-four bate. The vlittors' fielding was vary ragged. Wadsworth. Louis ville's nw Southern pitcher, played his first National League game. Kxceitlug his wild-n-se he played fairly well. Kennedy, however, wa hit at will snd his support wsa so poor that all Intsreatln tn game was dsstroyed before it was a third over. Brooklyn started oft with a rush and scored three rune in the first Inning on bases on balls by Daly and Tredway. the letter's stolsn bsss, a two-baie hit by Corcoran, and Burns's single. The LouUvtlle- got two run tn their hslf on Burns's error, Clark's double. Dun gan's single, and Orlm a thr-baggr. Both tea'ia went nut In regular order In the seenn I Inulng. but In Loulavlll' half of ihs third Inning a fusillade of baa hits, doui let. Clsrk's home run. and errors, practically gave Louis. Tills th gam. Tbeacore: Loiiimi. noonrw. a. a... I lipg.1.1. Frown, r.f.. .3 3 o 1 i;Palr,24b. ,.i 1124 dark. 1 1. . 2 .1 1 O i) Carcoran. 1 1.2 2 a 4 1 Duxn. r .2 1 4 o 0 Ireew.y. LI..J I o o o (Irini c ..2 2 4 0 0 iteboct c. f 1 o 2 o 2 riener. 3db 2 2 H 2 O hblndle. Sdb.o o I 6 1 Luleuberx. Ih.2 1 10 o o Surna.r t ...O 1 2 u 1 Rlchadi'n,a.t2 1 2 H 2 r..uti.lilo 1 1 u o 1 Denuy. 3d b.,3 2011. Ilallr. e . I 2 3 2 u Madtworlh.iO a O 1 11 Kiuuuy, p. . o 2 o 2 1 Tatala .2017 3713 "il Ttttlt. .(Tit) 21 it It LoalaTllla. . .20U201&4 x-IO nreotljrn a u o u 1) o ; 1 ! n Earned runa LouiIII. 8, Brooklyn, X lint bate b) errori Loulaitilv, 4. Brook, yn. I Left n bam Louietrib. 2: kro klyn, &. rir.t bai .on baiu-uff ataworlh. &, off keUDOdy. U. Struck oul Hy Wad worth. 2 by ktuiiedr, 1. Homo rune-citrk, Hrown, Tbret-btat u.l. Urliu. Vttdaworth, Ir.dwty i).ny, Two-bt.e bllt Cltrk. ilrlin. bnuy. Richard. on. Corco rit Sacrinca blta PfeOer, Brown etulau l.aiei Tradwar, Duncan. Lnl.nberr. Double play Mcbard ton and Luttnberff fa. ml ball Urlu. I'luptrt Hunt. Ttm.-Iiia Atttodtnct-Mtu. CHicico, 13. aoaros, II. Cuirir.o. July U -Tbe Colia downa.1 th. eharuploni today inaiiuri battle ot bard and frequent hitiii.x. Loe ctt lett lb box la tba eecad. ed klaley lliiut.e.l th yame. elratlon waa pounded elxoruuily. but tared in th boa ud b.lp.d bi. l.aui lu v, iu be dolu qui nt lb bardnt battiuf. Atleadauc. I.Ssn. Th ecurti raicaxo. I auefov. . lara 1. 1 ilirair, Decker, r.f 1 3 I o u Lowe M b. 2312 llahlta. ... 3 3 A A O loog 2 K 4 I) WllmobkL 12 2 0 U Ihilty, e. f 8 3 3 O u Anion, lit b o 2 w 1 O Mrfarllir. 1. 1 I 3 I o u Lama, e f . I 2 1 O.Tuakar, l.t b.o i il u o Inlu. Sd b . 2 1 1 2 Olhllrelta. r. f I 2 & 1 1 rrrott.2db a 3 2 r 1 aib.tuib 1 3 .-. l o Slratton p a a 1 1 o Uantal. o 1 t) J 2 1 kntred(o,e 1 o S 1 OLoitit, p .0 o u 1. n ottley, p O O o li o Total.... . 1317 2717 1 Tottli u 17 27 13 2 Chtraco. 17200b30 0-13 Botloa 3 O 3 O 2 3 I O o-li (traed runi Chlctxo, 10, B.itoo. u. I .ft on bant t'b.ctx. 4: run btitonbtlla oa Sirai ion, 3: o3 Sttioy. 1 Mraek out Br Mruttoo. tf. Horn run Long Tbrae-baia blta Dulfy. Miration. Mct'ar tby. Taobui hll.-Prrolt. Lou-. Kteli kiol.a bt.. I'tbl.a Ok Irwta (.). rrroti ut, Hliioot (j; Lanxa. Il.iler. Double pltyt-Kltlrtdt aud litblen Dthltn. rarroit and Anon: Slratton. Dtlileu and Anion, Loox tnd Tucker. Hit by plieb.r By stal.y, I. failed btU UanteL I'mplre-MtUua.u. Tint 2 13 tLaTtiia. IQ. wtimoTO!r 15, runtiia Julr 8 -After Clartiou had been billed eat of tba box t'teeeland put I Cappy ad v.n lb tuuia. wllb Ike tlililatce or tome l.iutly hitlluf ad U'aiUltf ton'i trrer. Alltadtnca, boo. Tba tcurt tisTtxiaa waaaisetox. aUl.&i.i Cblldi. Id ,.B 1 4 a o Ward 2d b . 3 1 1 3 1 BartllkL (...2 8 1 O 1 Uteaa'r.Sdb.1 3 U 1 1 McE.a...! 2 3 4 o Abbey, o f I 1 4 O 3 lllb.3 2 11 O O Carrrlfbt. lb. 3 1 IB O 1 Blala. at 3 8 11 0 Dufda... e 2 2 2 u 0 MrUarr. td b .2 1 0 1 O Maul r. t, p .0 1 o 1 O'Coxor. r f.J 2 1 p o K.ptr, p . ..13020 Zimm.r.c ...I 3 0 1 o Stibtch. a. a... 8 3 3 a o Cltrktoa. p .0 0 O 1 O Ktdtord. k L..2 2 4 o O Caepr. P-. 110 1 O tellif at.p,r LO 0 0 0 0 Tottla , It 1734 12 1 Tetait It 14 37 8 0 Abbey ut ea aa lal.ld Uy, Cleeeland. .10134A03 o-in Wtltllilen.. ... .0 0683OOJ 0-1& timed raat-CltveUad, 7 Wtabliitoo. S. Flrit bait by arrore Cleveland. 4. Lait au batei-4'lete-laud.o; vt aaklaxioa. 4. flrit beat u btUiua Cltrk tot. I: 03 Cuppy. I, ff kiper, 1, a ulliean. 2. ttracx oal-By I'urktoo. 3. by t'eoor. 2: by Maul 2. Tartebai blu-t:tlldi. Burkett. O'Ceaaor. Two-uatt btla-T.baa (i). Bltkt, Stibtch. kaarillc bite Cite land. : "tibial lou. 1. stoi.a baa. Barken. Mo Otrr. Ward 2l Selbuh. Doubl play Mckean tad lebata. lilt by pllcaer By Cuppy X Wild pucble y Clark tea. 8. CmpL-t Emtlle. Ttiat 3JW. ratusurtut, II. it. ueit, la It Locu. klL. Joly . After havtag lb ttma la liaad l-dty tkt Brwat tatttad their trrer au4tUow4 ih ihllAdtls.ltat t wta. Th eUllera B9HBBHBWBHBHaHHB9feraifeLAJ! nd tbr ptUatrs. Itswlay wss Heady 4 tStettv. Altendtnce, 1,200. Thtfeor. ar. tacit. raiustu'ri. . ... ali.fM.kl . . Dwd.2db.,0 Its 2lBtmllte.l ti o 8 u 1 rranx.l.f..,..1.8 p o 0 Iiallman.l4b.8 14 4 1 Shoxart. c. t.1'0 8 O O Daitbtaty.a I 8 3 8 1 Miller, a...... 3 10 1 Thempte.r.r.l 0101 Connor lit b.l 2 lo 2 1 Croia. 3d ....! 3 4 1 o trneurke, 8b. I 1 I 3 1 uradr, lit b o 1 D o 0 Kir, 3 3 3 4 1 Hockley, e. 13 110 reltarf 1 3 2 0 1 Tnrnar.e. f .1 2 4 o o Ilawlty, p. .,1 2 0 8 1 Ctrtey, p. o o n o O Cailitian. p .2 2 II 1 O Tetala 10142714 8 tveyhlnx, p o o u o o Tottla . it Id 31 10 " St. Lenlt 2 t 1 4 1 O n O l-to I'hiitmiphit 2 o n ti u o a s 0-11 P.arnid runa St. tiuli, r, t'lillt.lelphia 3 lint 1 btaaen btue Off lUwiey. Is erf raraey, 21 eft Call. ho. 2i oil Wtrhlnf. 2. stroek oat Rr lltwltr, 4i hy Wtyhlex. 1, Mom run Miller Three be Mia Con nor., Frank, llawler, nneklay. Ply. Two-htaa hlla tlrtdr, reitr. stolen btiea Millar, Frank, Turner Double pitta Delabtaty and (Irtdy Mil l.r pilch. r Br CaUaban. 2. Wild pitch llawi.y. I'taiid htil-Buek-ley. Implre Hartley, Time 2-lfk Ill rimeceun. 10 Riitiinax, July W, Ih Hrttet were detested for tl.t aecond lime la two yetri on tha Raltitnor xrnnn 1. ilar. with the eror w lo nomine in tvnrof rilta bursh, tbe tirlolea hexan to btt Klllen aet he wae ttkeaout in tbt ateanih Inmnr- Colcolcuxb ftrtd no better and he waa l.amid-r.d all over the fi.iu. the crowd ef 7.2ix p.reena meanwhile vemnr lite ma-t Proditernke th. Uifui battn.g record ef tbe ittrhr maklnx tlx lilta, one each time h- enmt to the Keeltr taa.ic nve hit. Brown wat laettectif a an.1 wai rellaied by tnke in the tixtii lnnlnc Tha flratbtilhe rttched wtt eentlntn tbt blatehera by steotel for a l.cmt run. That wta the I'lrttte' only hit off ink. Metntlme the tlrtnlee had won a xtmt Ihtt for eoveral Inntnti looked like asrt Ihlnt for I'liiaburtb. Ibt icor- aiLTiMAaa riiTitien. . 1. p a. 1 . a I a e.o. i. t. Mcnrtw. sdba 3 I 2 i,mltn. I r. ,.o 11 3 1 o Feeler, r. f... .a r a o n. Donovan, r to I 2 0 0 Brodit e.r.,.3 n 8 o Ulierkley, lb S 2 11 1 tl Brother. 1 b. I 1Mb 11 sieneel. c. f a 3 1 o o Keller. I f....l 1 4 11 O'HIerbtuer. JUI 3 0 8 0 Htiir. 2db. 12 18 1 Lynn.. :th. 10410 Jenilnxt.t.a.11 t I o, a a.l J 4 o 11 Clarke, e 2 I n 1) O.Mack r. ,...1 1 2 O o Brown, p, . o o o 1 nlMiien. p 010:0 lnki, p ..1 2 o 11 0 colconiuxb, pu o o 0 o TeUta. 14 24S"? "31 Tetait . . 10 il S7 M "il Raltlmora o t) o o 1 n a 3 1-14 I'ltltburxh 1O0 201UU 0-10 l.ftrn.d run Btlllntor., 11: nttaburxh. A Plratbaa bv rrort ritttborsb, -. i.ft on baaea Haltlmore. in. riltiburxh, X. Fir. I baae ua ballt 1)9 Brown, 8 off Ink., 3: off Klllen. a: o Ceicol'.uxb, 2. siruek nut By Brown, 2: by take. It hy Klllen, 1. Horn ran steniai. Three baa bite H ntI.Vrk. Jnnlxa.Kally.Kaler. Mrilraw, Keltx. Hro'lle. Twevbae hila-Brodlo (2). Mt Draw, Ink, stolen bait luarbauer. Clarke ktcuraw. Rent. Iioublt pity Bierbuer. Btckley. tnd sbt bek Meilrtw, Kelt, tnd Brouthtra Umplr Lvneh. lluie-2 26. rntcrn Iattxne. at vrraLo. ami. I icrruoi I, e.o. l. alb. p.o, a. a Mcholioa. Jb.1 3 4 4 0lPly, e f n 1 2 o o 2 2 1S IIDranby, lelbo 112 1 O Hhearnn.rt .118 0 Oi Hotter, r. f... O 2 1 o 4 Lilly, r.f 1 4 0 O 0 colllne. I t ..2 2 SOU Field. IttU U HIS 1 Opowte.Sdb,2 2 3 3 3 lltrxen i- 0 12 0 u Clyrner. id b-0 0010 l.uneon. 3db 1 1 11 4 u Urqubart, e ..2 4 3 10 laudykt, I f..l 2 4 2 oUw.e, a t....O 1 8 U 1 llealy, p. . .0 1 n 1 O Itett. r. ..0 1 O o o IJohnaun, 2db n u 1 3 0 Tottla .. ,7 18 27 IS 1 I Tottla , 14 29 10 8 Shatron out on Infleld fly. Frit .. 20020000 S7 Buffalo. ., .0 O II 2 II 1 O .1 OO Frnd runtk'rle, 3: Buffelo, 4. Ift on bata Frla. V, RuCtln. M. Flrtt bai on lialli-Olt llealy. 2: off HL 1. Mruox oul Uy Bolt, 2. Three ban hit I.lli. Dfiwa Boil Two-bae blia Kh.aron. Lady, tan.lyke (2). Draabv, Collin. 2(. l'r.iahrt (2), Law Doable play Smith. Mrnolion. and Field: yield end Mcnolion: I-evei, Johnion, and Drnuby; Drnby. Lawee. nd Prtubr. I'med btil Uerxcr. Itnpiri Bnyder. llmt 2tlb IT MI.HIHT0. BieoniMTOT I WIIKBItllRI. a.larn.aal .lar.n.i.a Mick. 2,1b 1 1 :t 4 I line. r.f. ..1 2001 Lytic, a. a J 1 I 4 I Sh'n'oo. :d b n 1 1 3 1 Power. Ill b ..I I 111 O Oil'ettlt. I f . .0 1 2 O O I'lyna. r f. ,2 n 2 o O Rr.iwn. tit u.ti llr. (i n Heine, Mb.....) 0 0 8 1'n.lti.c.r ..II 3 0 0 (lore, i t .. 1100 0 Warner, c ...o (i 2 o o o'rin.n. r r 1 1 o nt 1 iiuun. 3d h.. .0 1 1 r 1 Duryee. p 220 Mn M.-Mahon. a. at 2 o 1 Loback. e 2 1 li 3 o Blackburn, p 2 115 0 Tnltle . 12 I22"? 1W "5 Totale Jri IU 37 ill Rlnxhtmton . . 3 1 2 O O o 4 2 1-12 Wlikeibarre .. . .0 1 o o 1 O 8 0 O & fcarnud runi lllnehamton. 7: Wlikeabarre. 3. Klrat bale on balli (Iff lluryea, 2 ml Blackburn. 4. Struck out Hy Duryaa. tL llom. run (lore. Two-bae hita (llllen. McMabon, l.ytle. Tower, rayn. btolen baeea Lril. i'ive. libeck. Double piar llin and Mark iVIld p tch Blackburn railed hall Loback. Impir Deeacher. Time 1 16O. ar arix..riiLn. rtoTinaia. 1 trRicnrirL la.po.a.P.1 lapn.i.x. Lrone. . r .11 2 I o i)'thy.e.. . .0 u 8 1 0 Baeaelt. 3db 2 2 14 Ui Kelly, Lf . . .( O 1 0 0 Knixht. I. f. t 2 1 o 0 Lynch. 3d b.. .2 10 2 1 Kozeralitb. 2 0I11 o o Boitanui. c. f.o o 6 u o ...2102 O Frl.l. r f O II 2 U U Strieker. 2.1 b O 18 8 O ha.leau. 2d h .0 2 4 12 Murray, r.f .. (I 1 H 1 O Lahana. lit b 1 O 7 O o MrAul.y r. 1 O H 1 1 Me.ielt, a a.. 0 O O 1 1 Ruddarham.p o 1 O I I Horner, p ,01281 Dolan. p .00021 Total. . .81027122 Tolall. . .3 4 24 10 8 .23201100. R Bprlh(H.ld 1 1 1 O O O O 0 08 Carntd mbt Trovldence. 3. Plrtt bai byrrra Frorlutnct, 4. Firtt bti on belli off ftudd.rbam. A; off Horner. 2 Struck oul Hy Hndderham. 1: br Hor ner. C Home run BatietL Three beta hit Lynch. Two-bate htta Kntirbt Slrloktr. Horner. Baerlnre hit Strieker. Stolen bam Kox.ra Ljnch (2l Bot tenui Double Maya Murray and MeAuley Horn.r and bideau Hit by pitcher By Lea by. Lynch. VMM pliLh Horner. I'mplre kittrlck. Time 2 hour. ir raor. taor. iraiccit. .larn.a.. i.lirai.a Johnioa, c f..l 2 2 0 o Welch. e.f....o 2 7 O o Simon. I.f ..1 ( 3 o 0 lloorar.Lf .1 2 10 0 Mnrphy.Sd b.2 2 3 1 2 Mlnahan,db.2 13 10 scheifer, r. f 1 ;t l 1 (i liriffin, r. r . .2 o o o o Mekatl. 2d b. (I O n 7 1 Eaftii. 2db,. J O 8 8 O Cthill. c j n 2 rcouity. lath 1 2 0 o l smith, a l 1 :i r, iicioh,ll..1 8 3 3 2 Br L'ridxe. lb, I 310 u ollei.c 1 4 3 o o Donovtn. p o ii o 1 1 Kl.roy, p 1 2 o 2 o klcuiynn. poluto . Totala... . 121827 9 3 Total!.... II 15 37 ID B Troy 10031000 8 B Syracne o 1 7 3 1 0 o o 0-13 Earned rune Troy. 1. 8yrcm. A. rirat haa by rror Troy. 3: Kyraouae. 4. tft on baaa. Troy, lift Myracuie. lu. Flrat bite on ballt-OS Meillynn. 7. off Donnrtn. I, off Ktlroy, 4. Htrock out By Kilroy. a. Three btaa bit Canity. Two bate blta Cabl.l (2 Brerklnrnlxe. haerldce hue Hlroon. Kaxtn. Slol.n hiiei-cron (Si. Kilrr Double playa tnd Hreckinrldx: fcmlih. and llr. ekliiridx.. Cru.a, Extll d l-onl.y. txn. Cru.. od Conley: Mjnoban, Fxan and Cooler: Cro.. n.t Ixan. Paaaad bll C bin. I'mplrt awtrtwood. tlme-liu Netr Kagtaad Leaxne Oanae. At I1 ii tucket Rrecktcn. U; rwluckt. 4. Pitt Mli-llro.klon.ll0. 1' Krrora Brockton. I; 1'awluci.t. 7 Batt.rl.t Brobam and bb.a, Mndx. M.akin, and Koach l rortland Fall Hirer, : Parlland, 8. Baa hlla Fall Hleer. w. I'orlland. la f.rrore-Fall Ble.r 2, Fonland 8 Ball. n a Lincoln aud Ruptrt; Dinl.U, Dolan and Mahonai At Haverhill Hanxor. ; Haverhill A. Hat hlla Poxor, II, hrerbill, 10. Krror. Bonxor, 4: llaear hill II. Haiti nei-u'Mlll and Donovan, Lucid and Bwttoy. lennlvitntn rtlnte Lenxue (linri, AlPhlladelphlt-licrtnton. W: Phlladelpblt. 3 At '(ea.tiox llarrleburx. 14, Iteadll.x. o AI rotlivlile Follerllle. .1. Ianra.l.r.2. At Ali.utown All.uiown H. hail. tun o. tin III her field. At Utlea-riencict. 8 Cuban illanli. la Ilaaeball liMDica To-lay, niTioNii, tiiur iao iMiBici iiociir.oa. Cincinnati ri New York at Clnci'.ntL luiavllit vt Brooklyn at luiivlll. Chlraxo va floaton. at ChlcaX'v St. Luia i I'bila leli.bla. t ht. Loola Cleveland ve. Waeiiliixlo'i. t Cleveland, lillaburfh va. Baltimore, at Baltimore. lieixae llicta. Sprlnxllald va. Providence, at Sprlif field. Bufalo ra trie at Buffalo, niiixiiauiioii va wuieibarra, at Btaxbamtea. Iroy va syracuae, at Troy TIIK HOHIUS A.MI CAltltlAOK TRAUB. Iliialae t'aiml t Thl Time of tha Year Ha Fwllew Ur at l.lltle. The horaa and carriage market gsnsrally takes a sudden collapse about tbe Fourth of Julr, snd this year seems to be no exception, Nearly all the dealer say that business Is at a standstill, and llkly to remain so until fall. Tliedsprssslun, however, did not manlftstlt sslf st van 'iM-.tll.t Kearner'e auction ale t l:iUaud ifKiljistThlrteeath street last Friday, Th ugh the demand may not have been quite so goo.l as on ihe previous week, pri-es ruled about tbe asme, and the al wa quite atl factory, Hoadalert l.riuglit ,ioiaiIZ)KollM nrd uarr hone. J7.'i to 170, inatcheri t airs. $300 io tXKl Van Taeeell A hesrney have had unutuallr large private ! of carriages recently, conaldsrlng th lattneisot the sea son 1'eter C Kellogg A Co. will conduct anlm. portent eala next Thura.tar at tbe Hudeen itiver Driving l'ark, louahkeepale. where tbe entire stablee and trotting breed slock bslong. ing to tbs estate ot William Dluehart ol Co pake will be aold under the hammer Among the horsee are om vary pdy traveller. In eluding th blsck taste lluih, with it record ot '.'lit-.. William 11 Bond A Co.. Broadway and Fitly first street. bsides having teveral good bar galas In second-bsnd csrrisgs. have every thing that Is nsw and neat, 'they are prepared to supply tbe tateat noveltiss, What ha baenaald about th deprtsssd con dition ot tbe hers snd carriage market doss notof ceurs apply to sprinkling w-guos. as th Wirflld Company of ul Thompson trteau tastily. This is the busy ssasen with the flriu. The (turr. BRIGHTON"'BEACHRA"dKr Btary weekday at 3 UP k, STEEFXECII ASkS AND II UkDLK lUCka A FKATl'Il. Admlaalou. tl. Ladlea, Sue AU roadt io coney lelaad dirtct te Trtck O. U LNdhMAh, Ft.a. t). V. SASS. Sac. KL.USIIINO BAI E TKAt'il. risabiBf Jock.r Ciuueaoiu.r Mttttax Uttlax every dty tl 2JM r. M. Iietui train for Murray UlU from Mth el. It to, 1 30. I" M : Jamei1 tile 3v miautat aarbtr. auaanar JiaOMAl'T rrotaroelef b. 1141b it-13.16. 1 44 r. H. rseiuelea. Ste. Ado. W fia-td Mast sad padlock, SO. MAMSAcnVBBTlB CH1CKKIXBB BSXB. 9M Twer Make n Good Hhonlns Agataat AH IK New York tn the First llny'e rtay, 1 ' A tplsndld exhlbt'lon ot cricket was given IB yetterdty at BtAten Island, nlinn the stasia IV ehuttitt eleven showed their metropolitan M brethren what they know ot the fine points ot the game. They alto succeeded In obtaining J the advantage on the tint Innings, and ther have now a lead ot twenty-seven runs, with I 9 five wickets still to go down. The batting honors of ths tlsy were divided among F. Falrbalrn. 3. Smith, and It. C. Wright, all of ; whom played patiently and well lor their re a tpetlve scores. It. Cracknel! bowled in splen , did form for Msstachuietts. while 11, MacNutt did the beat work for the home team. New York linvlng gained the advantage ( 1 the to. M. It. Cobb sent C It. Kills and F. J. 1'rendergast to ths wtckett. It. Crncknell being IntrusUd with tho leather. The first ovtr m proved fatal tn DM, who wat dlsmleetd by ' brilliant one-hand catch In the slips by Khtp- lierdton, and the first wicket was down for 0. fl A succsa.lon ot dltssters then overtook tha IMS' New York batsmen.- I' II. I' w.ts stumpsd by M. 0. Ilaughton. I'. .1. I'rendsrgn t waa LI caught In the long field, r. I' Krllv wn clean M bowled, and li, II. f.'nbb was ont on it catch at m the wlrunt on a ball he did nni hit. ' When Howard Mne.Nult .tiul It ('. UrUhtbe- ; U oame associated there were live wickets dowtt for ill runs, and things wera looking serious Bt' tor New Ynrk. Thuiu two bit sman. however, - eaved the day. and by good, stesdr work ther oarrled th total to HI b-lore MacNult waa BK oaught at novr point, sttera most iiful com- BV Pllatlon of 17, II C. Wright continued the ' good work, snd In partnership with C Ilyers. 3 IB who hit Hire four to leil In a shottand merrr ' Innings, the total wax etlll lurther sdvanoed , HB to 7n. it C Wright cnntlnue.1 at Ihe wicket. MS. playing catufully and well, aud when forced to . MU retire by another eplendld cntrli in th slips IM by Hhspherdson, he had placed to his credit A am splendid Innings at 31. , . ) J. II. I.aint.kln, coming up late, had to go la ' tK tenth man. nnd In company with J. Hose ha ; made the Istt wicket, a mott difficult one to B get, Both batamen played goad cricket, and when an adjournment wa taken for luncheon ' they had carried the total from U5to l'Jtt, J. jVE' Hose being 21, and J. It. Lambkin 1. Atter B the Interval the separation was quickly pro- cured. Hose plaolag one from Cracknel! In tha , willing handa of Hhepherdson, andllhe Innlnga waa over for till. Massachusetts thsn assurasd the defensive, K and tbe flrat wicket fell i-heaply enough, J. J. . Hays being dean bowled hy Cobb with tbe j score at 'i. Things looksd better when. I. Hmith Iolnod Keen, and before the last named waa iowld by Mae.Nuttfort7 the tot. I had been oarrled to 47, It. Fa rbalrn and II. Rhepherdaon . werealsodUmlsssd by the same bowler with .; Bt outmuchdlfUoultr.butthenF. Falrbalrn joined - BB) Bmith. and an excellent exhibition of aound. . Bfl' steady batting was seen. No less than seven .. BR bowlers were tried, but th runs grew eteadl- t BBi tr. and when Mmlth was at length howled by BB; Kelly the total had advanced to the wicket ' having put nn 71 run. Uorg Wright cam ti BB riaxt and. with F. Fairhalrn.auccsdd In play- ' BBa nxr out time, when th total atnod at ISM, V. . Falrbal n I lnunotout for afln Inning of 67. BBpB Tne game will bo continued tills morning at . 11 o'clock aliartt. Thssoore: ' HI hkw font I BeLl C II. Kill r Shet.LerJ- J. Keen. b. MacXulL, ., 17 WBJ ton, K Crtcknell . 0J J. Haye. b Chli . ... u F. J rrenderxtil. r I J. Mmth, b telly . . 84 ' BBB1 Sounder, u Shep R. Fatrbairn. b. MaoNutt o aBBTasl benleon .... Pill Hhi-pberdein. b. Mo- 'aTasTaBtl Z. II. Fool. iipk lltuirii. I Null 4 BBBj ton, b. Crackntll 7 K. Falrbalrn. not out ..87 BltBJ II t! Wrixht. e enoo- .11 Wriiht. not out 13 . ,BHH herdin. I.. Cracknel! 34'K. M. Mndle, , BB Bl r, F Kelly, b Cracinell o:H. CracKnell. !,k., ' BB M. It Cob... ctlauthlon, 'M. U. Ilauliloo. ( l0 "' : -BB b. f.hepbcrdion .. O A. Sftundera. J , BB Btl II Mar.Nutl r F Fair- Hv.e . ... , 31 - Bl bairn, b Wrixht 17 Let bye. 8 ' BBB1 C, liven. b. Urmtit 12 BBBjl tl, o lio. c Shepherd- Total Its aen.b Crackna.l n '; BB Btl J. H Lambkin, not out, IH i BBBI J Knee, r Sbepherdaon, 7 axesVasxl b. Crtckntll 32 - BBBI Byaa . ... ,.. 2 BHBJ Lx byea BBUB 181 H I10WLINO ANALTRin KKW YOIIK " H Italli. JTaMraa. K.- Widtn. H R. Crtrknell 117 H 4& , BBBfl II. ihepherdaon A 4 vo 2 BBBfl (L wrixht 7() it 87 2 I r, rtlrhtlrn 2() (I 17 o -. flBBfl J. smith. io o no; BBflB UOWLIWQ ANALTSIH MARSACIIUSETT8. j H lull,. Ji-bna. I!f. rririw. Bflflfl M. R. Cobb l"o e ua i ; f. II. F.llle 80 H O F y. Kelly ot 1 f II. MacNutt Ml f. 2D 8 J a 0. Yen '.-.J W O 1 BBfll II. a Wrlxbl . !" I O I K-U.Feol 2U 1 IU O 1 BBEBJ First Day's IMayr t tbe Morrl" Park Teaata H Tourney, 'ft BlvVJ The flrat nnnlopn lanni tournmnt t Marria V Park baxan ya.t.rday Afternoon A cup 1 offered by ,p B th club, valued at ttOO. which ihall bcom tbe I HFj properly of ny plytr who wint It Ibret tlmta Th f jHfl venli r icrateh and handicap men's alntltt, aad ft BI3E tbt flrtt and runner-up prtxet In the tcrateh coattit I Hntt and the handicap prlta are worth about t200 la ths J Hll axrrertte. tbe mott vtlutblt eel or prlret offtred here- I 11 bouu. Tbt rrDxemeuti ror tb couteat war ntd I BBBfl ao late that moat of lb rrarka bad already atarud for I tflflxfl lb hatbriyhi lourntment. Icavlnx riicber and rarktr A flfllfl at tbt eiroayeet play.r. ant. red, Tha rttultt et yte i BBlH ttrdty't pity follow Bflwlxl Man'a smile tlrat round. II. Howard. New Tark 1 BBCfll J. C.baalK Klnnalrd Vti-Kroo, T. O. byd. 1 Bll fault: hdwm P. llachar. Heal Side T. Cheat Mile H. j BBIfll Charlock. A. '. n-3. 2: Dr. William h. 1 BBBfl Fraier. Klnxa County T C. boat Clifford A. Uould. I flflnfl uranxa T U. ti 2. s n. il 2. A', cordon I'arktr. Wt.i BBBI Hid T, (I.. Lett J P.Thouitl. Elliabath A. C 04, 8-e, J BBBfl I- Ovia.lo M. Boelolct, Wait bide. T. C, beat 1 BflBfl J r I'aret, lenox r. C a-0. 2: Arthur j BBUI Taylor. Weal side T, tl. beat (.ranvlll. L Burr, llamil. ' flflflB tonT C. n u. 1.8-2, Frederick .V. Jeeaup. south I BBTtI Oranxa Field Club, beat A H. Wadiworlh. .New Vers ( BBql city, w 7, it 2. I BBI 9 hacond Itnund-Edwln I'. Fliehar. Wait Bid T. C i BBIfll beat II Howard. ?.ew Vork T. C O 2. 8 I. 1 IBBB1 ih handicap win ba iu led to-day with rarktr tal ' BflliBl ritcher a acratch men IBVjfll No Match Jrletwreen rilmtaer aad CorfleM. LflBm Tha folltwtax cablt deapttch wti rtctlvtd at th , PJeB J-ef'O r7o-iie offlet )eeter.lty HI"V BlUy rummer and Otorxt Corfleldmtt to-day al the Dial Ffrit-I A'.-toilin article, toflxhi t' Corfleid ' Hflal would only battle for .20o. an I wanted tb contit to , 11 tk ple In lictober i el.emel.L Fllinm.r wtib.d lo I Hit) nxht t lb. .Nati.malhpor Ina: Club In .lx waeha Cor I BHll nvt.1 would not axre t and no match wa mad. I BB SV "ilei-rxeJobninn bta treed in flxht Htrry spurdon. 1 aflal 2il who knocked out Htrtonut th Attlontl sportlax Clue S Bflvfl In twenl)-twn rounda fr X40O and th 12C-pouad A flfllafl cbxmpiunahlp." I HIH Jlrcohlyu ilvfrti5fmtnt)3. uWW .enj-av'. v ne ' -ayMarfi.eNakeiMBB) I &hU Jffl KBlithllNhril I HI.;. i Hfl H 5H I I .'J SIX STORE J I M HBOOkl.lN STURBl. ! IBISa NRW TORK STOKES. Broadways Sedfora sv. Ml If Jl Broadway, cor. Slat at. lulion at and Flaikuihr, Jw.fBl d AUABti A lermoDt ava, IH'sfli Sdav. aad IJMlL and 1DBI L,renplnt A Maubttaavs. Hlefll That old saw " Straws sbovr Mm which way tlio wind blown," was IV first utterod by .Socnites or Grout Mm Cmsar.wo forgot which, an he stood I Bfl looking at a citizon chasiug a straw ! BH hat down the atreot. i MfjM AVoll, tho wind may blow about ! straw hats if it listoth: wo won't; MyM on the contrary, wo'ro willing to IV admit that our hats are not np to Wm thoao sold by swell hatters they're HH about $'2 under. H yvw Store, Il'wiiy, cor. Mat at, 9PI American District Messcn- i WM ger Service. ( 111 Place the fl Advertisement to which you have had I no reply J M in ! li THE SUN. J l Call Messenger Boy. " Mm No extra charge for II This service. vM Messenger knows I the Advertising rates! j H Li ll "o-i ieatfc.. - "ifa1tflM