Newspaper Page Text
HFR 4 i THE SUN, THtmSMTf, JtfLY 12, 18H. - "WWmtMW" i THIS VIGILANT KAIt ASTERN. ,'r SI ILVKT ITJCAIIIItll 110 Elf HOT KVIT H , Bi , ixr, iivt tun itniTASMA iambs ti, B . SeflL The Yacht Hull Over a New I'ourae, h SnASnnBP f laa SMT If Bflv tinndranantnrOne orFlrty Mlten, nnd the HBcV KB I Vigilant rtnlnhca 1 Minnies and at Nrc. HHj f MB? onrie, Actual Time, Ttehlnd the I'nelleii HHM Skfl, Cutter When the llreese Wa Frrnti tho HHkv jKH American Champion Wnn Altvnyn Aheml, BBW HI '' bnt When tfiei Wind lllrd (hit Klie nanawar HE Dropped to the Ilenr Whnt i'niit. Hen BB - BB Hnyn The Ten-rater Ilnkntnli lloiitcn. Br t SH BM4 9V (Imboow, July 11 The Clyde yachting ear- Hi'- EH , nlalwaresumd to-day. In last yr' ton- HBk' testa oxer Hi Itoysl Northern Yacht Club' HH1' course the taoew not, at a ml, tothewlft Hf. BJ but to th lucky. The vsiarles of thUlyd HHJ jH i breeze hart much to do with th result. Tha W ; Valkrrle. rrlilrti wa then regarded, because of HViv' I the preponderance ot her successes over all Bv Bj Hrllleh courses, at tho flnott outter In the HjJn United Kingdom, loit tha flrat Dili to the HBaK flj i I'rinco of Walt' yacht tho ltrltaniiU. which BflW( VJ. i bent her br mora than thre njlnutt' A fair BBUJ 9' d,r' '"" th' UR"'9 t,l f'l" snatched BBf il victory from both tho Valkrrle nnd lirltannla. HBfM JB which wa ten mlnutea attorn ot th Valkrrle BfllLr at tha finish. BBI':' H Befor tha atart to-day many yachtsmen held BB5.' BJ thatevenlf the Mgllant should lose lb vld- HKL jfi torr of hor rival, under flukr weather condl- Hfr BJ. lions, bould not b regarded a evidence that flVf Hj tha auttor la th hotter yacht Th court BRl El alld wn In broader water than heretofore BB& II Tl'' w' considered br th backers ot tb BBj,' fll controboarder as more In her favor. It waa a BflW- HI QUadrttDcuUr courts In tha l'lrth of Clrde. BBtj BI lometlmet humoroutlr fermad br llrltlth BBS I 7achttmen the " l'lrth ot I'lukea." H II nsfprj? -""ssSW BB? Hi Ji-f'TV ry. fS It HI .WIM-V1 f-J BBcf HI !arl!is. I Tfc? BBW HI l2qvwOsv''fl,,' Vc1 aTarali bTaU 'KPtKl . . MM.fJLX(t 4 HI' iasv ''X tM f . II JL I CL Y0E X W- Wk II sm - $ht ?' BH the counsr BAlir.D TESTEHDAT. BBfe BB Tha ttart waa made from a point off Craig- f Hfl mora rler In ltothetar Hound; thence tha . IBS cours of th cup hunter waa almost du aTaTal' IbH south to and around a tUkeboat otl Mount BB"V laHJ Etawart; thence to th westward to and LHl&r H aronnd a mark oS Lares: thonca northward BB IBS to and around a mark boat In Wemrss Bar and Bliv 'Ball across tho Firth to the starting point, twice BBX JBJ I around. After th aecond round th rachta Bma' LBaf sailed diagonally across the quadrangular BBf1 BB eourse, from ltothsar to Ijirgs and return. BBMBB The length ot the oourt Is about flltr miles. sBnr H I l'.tch side ot the triangle Is about four and a BK$ Bj halt nautical miles, and th run to and from BBn BJ lares IsatrlUe morethanelx and a haltmllee. BBkJ BJ Before the yachts cam up and hoyered back BM&' BJ M the starting line th air waa almost breexe- Bb'i BJ sis. Altar awhile a little wind came from sHJV IH Ue south. Th Clrd rachtamao war oanO BJp' BJ ent that tha Britannia would win. and th Bkf JB amerlcans were quit a optlmlstlo In regard BRLVBj to tho chanees ot th Yanke yacht oyer the BJ: LM comparallyelr open course. $' Uyerhcad the dar waa perfect Hundreds et ftfy r cnrlr decorated eratt churned their way fulBM I through the Clyde waters. UeorgeUould. who lBH a a on one of ths steam yachts, rsmarked that fSj' m'H the Britannia waa a tine boat, but that he did BpHnl not dralr wlnnlnn a victory pvr ker. even Ki. ! PI over the lluky Clyde oourae. Ths skipper ot "LilBjlfll both yachts were not at their holme except In 'll an advisory capacity. Clyde captains steered BKilflBl ' both boat. Th Mallaat badaorawof Oltr r.llfj n"r men and ths Britannia forty. KU mm m' Ths preparatory gun set the leader K' il mtind'uvrlnc for position north ot the line. BcVBB Br" The Vlgllaat got the weathr sauce on her w'sVB 1 cousin and hela It. bhe Loendeu over the line BFkBB I at lu.:il:-tl), or 1:41' aftergun Ore. Thellrltan- HT'vHsV I nla was only IS eecinds a torn, her time being BsT'BBB 1 :il 55. Itwasaleat down the t-lrth. Both BKtHB'IV boat carried club torsalU and large jiLtop- B'l I sails. A series ot short tacks were mdnlown K' sssssl t - tho west bant of th Klrth. The VlalUnt ap. "Baf J peared to be leading byeveral hundred yarda. MV'BB I and had tb batter ot the slightly Inortaalng fv'Hf I breeze Kf I The boats headed for Ascog oa the port tack. BamBVI Alter aavernl aiiort tacka the llrttann'a t.ore aft ? I out to mid-channel on the starboard tack The fttc, t 1 Vigilant, did not follow her, but headed down KSaTtTfli! tho Hrth. apparently welt to windward. Than BB" BB I tha wind became llrhtar. Tha Vigilant, oath ftu ! I port tnek. pointed In toward tha west ahore. ' j , Alter standing awhile on this Isg he went " about and headed to the eastward on the tar- BK'sBB' board tack toward ths Britannia K'lHB' 'th Jlount Htewart mark waa rounded by BRBB ' tho Mgllantut 11. IN '.'0 and by the lirltannla RaTsWsiiBa IH at ll'.'U'.) Thus the Miillant was "JS min utes ahead. Tno wind dropped eomewhat In tha broad reach. With Looms to port from tj Jlount Htewart to tin llagboat at Largs, the flu-SK Britannia crawlsdunon her opponent The Bk.-KB' ! ngllsh putter shoved her main boom out and RTrBjaS prepared to set ber spinnaker after turning HrsTsw- the Larga mark. Th Britannia rounded nt BK. W ll:5()::i5 and th Mgllant at 11,51 :m. or just sHF'Bm'1 1 mlnuta and 1 second astern. Cant. Carter M'TBm' bad adopted hla familiar tactics ot running Ki VM; under tne Ifnakee bovt's stern, taking her K. , 'Wind and drawing alowly ahead. F- ' At tha end ot the first round the tlms was: rIH' Britannia. 1:45:46: Mgllant, 1.4.0a laths It.lCllI : windward work to Mount btawart itwaewsn- 11 '. arally observed that tha Mgllant pointed BtTttH ' bluher than tha Britannia, but tbnt ths Briton siimfHJl ' "a smarter In stays, fthen the breeze wa HPHM '. Una tha Vigilant hrul a commanding Uad. but rBBI Ss when It dropped she tall astern. i Mplnuakera War et to port iu tharun up th channel to Wemyss. the Vigilant pressed th Britannia hard notwithstanding th llghtneas of tho wind. 1'atalnghnoak Cattle, auout halt ' war up the O.-mlle leg, the Mgllant waa only 15 seconds attern ot th Britannia. Tha latter gathered In hereplnnakor just before round luir the itmys llagboat. Her tlma waa 1:UU:54; Vigilant, 1 U1:1U. Tha Vlgllaut had mors than held her own from hnork tastle. as this difference of 111 second Iu favor ot th Britannia Indicated. It waa a close haul at first from Wemyss to tho Commodore's yaoht at lloihesay; but the tickle nlnd shitted suddenly to nortbwtet. an! svasvisVJsW'M It became teat to the horns mark. Naturally EafsaB the forward yacht got th Drat advantage of 3' LV the shift The wind Increased, Its renewed KH" force helping the Brltanula first, and she LtH rounded tha Ilothasay llagboat 2 minutes H . ahtad of the Vigilant. In the tacL tor the b 1 jlothosay bound mark th Mgllant lost tomt KBKI $s what by hoadlns too far In shore toward aHUA llogany Point B , Ae the boats reached for ths Jlount Stewart fSS ti tnaikon the first leg of the sscond round ths m.'j- wind shifted to tho westward, with Dooraeto l' port Tho Britannia rouuded the Mount Htow BsWfltB t art mark at 'J.D5:U6 and tho Mgilaut at BBBB 1'.U7:1U. Tba Mgllant had picked upUOsso B ends. It was a dead run before tna brzs H-, from tha Mount htewart mark to tha Largs K llagboat tiplnnakera were set and tha run V. was siieeJIly accoiapllthed Both gyled B around th mark The Mgthtnt lost about ten aecond In the fur-auu-a-balf-mlla atratoh to (I Largs. Tn time as. silH BnUnuL ... : 47K9 BE'BB ljlUl i Mill Bjf.'Bff Ths raormout sella of th oentreboarder put wB i thd Brltannla'a canvas In temporary eclipse at H 9-r the boats approached Larga but. detpit th B, B-IA l lanketlng th got, tb Britannia held tn k sjsjsjbjk . lead. BBBBTS After rounding Largs th yachts hsaded for BaHaW 4i Wemyss Bar, with the wind on the port beam. VBTbV .1 1 th board rsacblng northward, on the east TtBTBV '1 sldeot the quadrangle, up to the Wemrss Bay VTaM I mark, the Britannia gradually drew away tram BLflsBL J th yacht. The time at lb mark waa: TIBTBTr I Brltaauts SlIS IT BBBBj I YlflUal .SllV.31 BjfBBf H Thus th Britannia bad Increased hsr IsaJ br H U) 3 minutes and U seconds sins leaving Larga. ' W Bha was four and a quarter minutes aiiead. - D Aftsr rounding the Wemyss mark tbe yachts khTH.H made for tbe starting point, with the wind ;: dead ahead. Tha beat to the home mark waa Ukmmmifi dreary and uninteresting, at tha wind fell to BBBsKviH rasrely alUht air. The Britannia covered th jTHBlil four and one-half utles In somewhat more "jjfi' than an hour, or at tbe rat of on inlloluilf. TBBBIH tssn minutes, which serves to show th un- jVsjijijijijBB satisfactory nature ot tb eonttst Ths tlm BBsBBfl at ths home mark was; HTM! Uriiuau - ,. soils KBjWH Tb Britannia had gained 'i minutes and 25 Iid itcoad from Wemyss. and was leading by 0 il minutes and 40 seaonds. sKi b yacht rouuded tb llagboat tn Bothssajr riaaTaTaTaKfj Bay and hsaded for th toutbsast on a strstca mBBFL. l somewhat mor than UH mllet. diagonally jTBjibV. b! across tbe quadrangular course, for Largs. f sjajp.fS 1h wind strengthened a th yacht br KB3 m away toward Large, and Loin bad main booms ! H wall over to port la tbe run to tb Largs TJBBf H mark boat tb Britannia laorsased br lead. : The yachts rounded as follows: BrtBB BI Brttaama. 5 10 0ft BBBsI 4 . A'tr turning th mark at Largs th yacht TsTsl kl '' becalmed. Tbon a moderate breeze from BBBsI if j th northwest sprung up aad th jritaanla wns first benefltod by th Changs. When Ih MgJant. which had been lying motionless, ranghtthsfteth wind ths am horns at a smart pace. '1 lis boats crossed th finishing line as follows: llillsnnl .. J SMtM Tirl.snt. ., 71 H Th Britannia. won br 21 mlnutet and 21 sec uds actual time, and 24 minute 21 sec onds, corrected time. . . , In the race between the ten-raters the Amsr lean iiht Dakotth flnlnhed last. ... ,. ..After the face tart Hans. Uaff said to the United l'r reporter! . . , .' I ho Ullant wis lightened last evening by taklni; out err potslbl thing. All, the satis ttiatwedll notneed were taken ashore, and eh entered the race to-day fU tons lighter thnn In tier former races, 'I h Vigilant Is not alownr than ah was in 181U. but tho Britan nia If faster than ws i-vsr dreamed she could be. I do not despair, however, of winning some ol th rures. were not readr to rnco when wa went Into the opening our sails wero not properly set. It wsh Mr. tloulil who wlshsd to race. To.dar we had a complete suit of new sails, hut we had lar too manyjn cur locker, some ot them being badly Can't, ftnff was surprltod by th speed rf the lirltannla un ihn wind, ileaaid that she was raanlll'ently handled, yet lie felt contl Uentthrt the Mgllant would not be compelled to Ho ths following In all the Irish regattas, fie Intended to take several dare nfT tn vet the V Igilant thoroughly In order, and will then be willing to llo his chances, especially Iu the racrsln th south.. Ha further said that he would do all he could to win th Channel rnee from the Noodles to Cherbourg and back. I apt. Half Is very anxious to get the Metorla Cup and the Cap Mny Cup, which ths (Isnettu won from tha American.. (leorge Gould raid that he had been eplen dhlb entertiilned and wa didlghted nitli errbodl. but wished to win a race. The strainers following the yachts, he eaia. had kept nut of the way hers much better than In America. He thought porhapa lis needed more men on the Mgllant to whlstls lor a wind. Cant. Carter of the Britannia, said Wo can hold our own In reaching and running, butt h Igllnnt Is wondorfut Iu volutins In tho wind. It It right there tnut she beats the Britannia. I atu not Inclined to believe that ths Mgllant will biat the Britannia In th aouth of hng land, a the currants and Jumping rea In th Kolent will hold hor back. In a reefing breere she would be nowhere with th Britannia." Capt. Carter added that he did not Ilk th out of the Vigilant' sails. It It eald that Mr. Gould wilt add somolhlng to tho LM won as second prize by the N Igilant on Saturday, and will offer a cup te be com peted fur at soma future regatta 1'HtbClVAl. It I til) Y AI'VOIXTBIi. fctalroted Yeaterdnv n l'rolVmoi- orl'-nRllah In the CollcKe or tho City oliev Vnrlt. Ths member of tho Board or Education met. yesterday as trustees ot the College of ths City ot Sow York to consider ths appointment of a successor to ths lata Bavld li. bentt a Pro fessor of Fccll'h Language and Literature tn th college. The salary Is 94,500 a year Th Kxeouth Committee had mat oa Monday and dedded to recommend ths appointment of George K. Hardy, principal of Grammar Bchool 82. atSeventlath treat and First avenue. 82. at Seventieth street and rlrat avenue. Mr. Hardy was educated primarily In ths public schools, and finally was graduatsd at ths City College. lie subsequently tok a special course In philosophy In Columbia Colltge. lie has made, his friend say, Fnc llsh literature hla Ilia study, and Is consid ered an authority on tbe subject. II Is Chairman of th Committee of I Itrrature of the Nw York Stats Teachers' Association, and has lectured extensively In different States as well as published several booklets on tho study to which he has devoted his life. His school la concsdsd to t e a model Institution. Hsowedhtanppolntraont ait principal. It If . said, to William 11 Urace. ivnd that may ex plain the debute which followed the reading of the 1-xecutlvo '.oaimttter'areport recommend ing the appointment of .Mr. Ilurdy as I'rnfefsor of 1 ngllsh Language and Llteratur In the Col lege of the city of New York, lhn report set forth that the commlttoe had chosen Mr. Hardy out of fourteen candidate after having "carefully examined Into th merits of each applicant and after careful consideration." The rport ended with a resolution that Jlr. Hardy be appointed to the $4, (MX) berth. Trustee Ktrauis. who waa a member of the Executive Committee, moved to strike out the words just quoted on the score that th committee had not given the merit of th other thirteen candidates careful con sideration. He aald h know of professor In other colleges anil In other btatea who had written letters ot Inquiry In regard to the va cant professorship, and ths letters had not been anawered. Their application had there fore got no further. Truatee O'Urtin wanted the committee to tall how much time It had eoent ever the ap pointment Trustee Harris, for th committee, eald that on one occasion th committee bad spent two hour In reading letters and oredentlata Trustee Maolay was omphntlo In declaring that th committee had carefully considered the merits ot all the fourteen candldatea. Ho epent so much time at the last meeting that he lost a train and had to pass the night In town. On the suggestion of Trustee Wsbh that th Board of trustees had no power over th re port ot tb committee, and could not therefor change It, l'rasldent Knox declared '.trustee btrauas's motion out ot ordsr. TruatrsHtraues then nioted that everything which preceded the resolution In the commit tee report bs omitted from ths printed re port, Trustee Hiibhel! amended that the report be referred baek to the committee. Both tb amendment and original motion were loat. lrustee Holt moved to have action on th report postponed until ihe autumn, and had x letter read tn support of this dNpesltlon of It Ire in Lbnrles L. Lydeckrr. Trustee Strauss rigorously supportod this motion, but It was voted down. Jlr Hardy wa finally appointed Professor of English Literature In the City College bra vota of IK tn --Holt and ntrauss. Gabriel Kngelaman was made a tutor In tha City College, and Itohert K. Hatch special In structor In elocution. kiik jirukk urn fAHAsur. o.v mar. Oood-looklnic J I in Kenny Provokes Ills Van Dorm nnd I AMuckcd. Jim Kenny of Newark le a big, handsome, good-natured fellow without any steady occu rs Ion. He was basking In the sunlight yes terday tn market street near Beaver, when a blends young woman named Annie Van Pore a spoke to him. lis smiled pleasantly at first but a moment later cillej In the smile and trlsd telsok ssvsrs. Then he sesmed to get angry, and apparently aid (mtthlag to provoke Miss n Uoren. bhs had la hsr hand a light laco-trlmmsd silk parasol, and. raiting It over her head, ah brought It down on him with euch fore that It was strippsd of half th lace. hnny looked dazed fora sscond Whsn tha wrtckedeun shade was again raltsd ha dodged Into a door way. Bhs followed, shouting "Police' llur dar! Help1" as she belabored him with tha frail weapon. henay pushed her atlrte nnd started on a run up tha street, with tha young woman close at his hrels. yelling loudly .Nearly n hundred onlookers followed, and two policemen joined tbe arowd. Kenny waa overtaken in Beaver street and there were explanation. Tbe woman eeemed worried when she found that aha was In danger of being taken to Police Ueadquartera Uhen Kenny agreed to pay her tor tha broken parasol, she handed It to a boy and told him to taka It horns for ber, pronilslair him five cents for the service. Policemen Holier and JUPoaeld were puzzled to know haw to dispose of the ease, but when Kenny's brother, Horace, who lea well-known lawyer appeared, ther decided to let tha cembatanta go. Miss Van Doren would not tell what Kenny's of fence was. and Kenny lumped on a trolley ear aad went to Jersey City. Ex.Gov, Evaaa'e Motion Denleel, Juttlee Barrett ot th Suprtra Court has de nied th application of Ex-Got John Evan of Colorado to bo mad a party plaintiff to ths action walth hat been pending In th Supreme Court line 1H88. brought by Jnnl Msysr and ether against th Denver. Texas and Fort Worth Ballroad Company and others. Th purpose of tho suit was to enjoin tbe Mercan tile Trust Company from fssulng bonds to ths extent of Sl.OOO.000 to th Colorado sad Texas Hallway Construction Company, sscured br a murtgsg on the railroad, as compensation fr work done by the osnttruetlon aempany. In tuildiag a third track for ths railroad from Fort W orth to Trinidad aad other work. Justice Barrett holds that tb astlon may be discontinued without prejudice t tb right of Lx-Gov Kvan or te any action which he may see fit to bring. He cannot be prejulced by th discontinuance of th action, as he may apply for an injunction la an Independent ao tlaaat any tlm. They Will Us Jtcluratd a lUllglau lltg. nra. Th seven Chaldean priest who arrived oa Monday from Q'asgow on ths Furnstslaaad who wero dstalnsd at Kill Island will prob ably b ssnt back within a few days. Thsy wsrs attained bseaui It 1 bellsved thsy cam to thl country a rsllalous beggars, in tending to rats money to build aa orpbanag at Nineveh Ihsr are clothed alter tb fash ion ot priests in thl eountrr. with long frock eoats. buttoned to tbeneck. Tnt prletUar supposed to com from a Chaldean monastery which sends missionaries atl over th world to XT WHIPPED DY A GRAY SHARK. JUK FlSIt VKrBATKD AS OED MBA VOU JT.V lilt) BUORT ItOVXDB. HnyTllle Hammer Visitor IVttneea a Nsvel Itotll Cnpt. Onkely Undertook to Rid the lleactt of the Intruder, tint Wna Compelled to Withdraw In Disorder. After a short two-round fight with a big gray shark yesterday, Capt. John Oaklsy of bay vllle was not so popular with hlmsslf. II started out to furnish fun at ths shark' ex pense for th summer visitors on th bsach. Th visitors had tho fun, bnt the Captain fur nls hd It. In the language of ths Bowery, ths shark made a monksy of th Captain. II ptared with him for (lis first round, rushed frm hit corner at the beginning of thoseo ond, landed In tho boat nnd with a vicious awing of his tight pectoral fin sent Oakley out et th boat and Into the ocean. Ths Captain might have been there yet If hi friend had not gone to the rescue. Then the shark got tbe worst end of the battle With suns. club, and oar th visi tor pounced down, and beat th life out of him. Notwithstanding all these handicaps. It wa a full half hour before bt was finally counted out There ar several kinds of sharks. There Is the man eater, or whit shark, that fur nlshes food for writer of a tales, and bonts for museums: thtr It th basking shark, a great, sluggish fish that haunt the shore ot Greenland and th English Channel, and th mackerel sharks and gray sharks of th New England cost. The gray shark I from 4 to 8 feet In length, and I a light bluish-gray above and white btlow. It hat a ihort and blunt snout long, conical front loath, rough skin, and tmtll eyes. It Uvea North In the winter eeaton. and run down along our coast In the tummer to frighten woman and email children, who think that all thark are man eater. Such well seasoned Now Bedford whalers a Capt Oaklsy of Bayvllle think there I no mor harm In a gray abark than In a fresh-water minnow, but there have been Instance when even these emlnentauthorltlo have been mis taken. Th gray shark Is. ot cours. alight weight compared to ths man eater, but he I etroni; onough to make a great deal ot trouble, dl'-tlme llshermen say that he ha all tb fighting qualities except th heart Now. the gray shark that appeared off Say vllle got there on Tuesday and unssed the day drifting about with his back to th sun. lh children were frightened by his appearance, and kept their bathing clothes dry that after noon until assured by the old -alts that gray sharks were harmless playfel'ow. and would run when ths wind blew, 'ihe chil iron ac cepted the assurance, for they noticed that the ahark kept well out to eea. Apparently ths big gray fish was wsll pleassd with the ltne air and pleasant urroundlng ot Hayvllle. lesterdsy -uiiuuuiilUK" ui iRr (inn ifimuKr morning he ploughed hi way near tb beach, enurted by the pavilion, and playfully tossed his tall In the air, as though to Invite th sum mer visitors out for a race In the surf. The In vitation wa Ignored, and as th shark grew more familiar the ohlldren took the precaution to get out of the surf. A serious question wns thus suggested to th hotel keepere of Harville Tae shark' presence there might become known to seek er for good bathing, and If he eontlmied to like the place and remained there, the bathers would go elsewhere and Mayvllle would be de serted. They gathered on the beach and se riously discussed the matter while the ahark raced up and down totally Innocent of the un easiness his presenee was causing. It waa finally decided to kill the Intruder, and Capt John Oakley, aa the oldest fisherman In those parte, Mas appealed to, A New lor It man named Ketcham who Is spending th sum mer at Sarvlll wanted to launch a boat, man It with a crew, and tackle the shark with a harpoon a though It were a whale. " i ou'd have a tine tlm harpooning that fal low." said Capt. Uabler. tbe oracl of th group. " Why. that whits coward would run Ifyougavs him a wink, and you'd ha to chase until lis dlsd ot old ago before you caught him " "1 don't know about that." said Ketcham. " I have read somewhere thatr " " 1 ounir man. 1 don't enre a damn what you have read. 1 hate been chasing up fish a good many yeara and I guess I knew something about ths business." The Captaln'a sarcasm aroused a derisive laugh t Ketcham a expense. Thelnatlve showed their approbation tiy shoutl-g. "The Cap'n I right Th old man knew what he I talking about" All right." laid Ketcham again. "If you know It all. go out thsr and dri ths (hark away ao that ths children can go Into tba surf again." ' I'll just do that, young man and If you watch me youcanloarna thing or two about shark that vou didn't know before Boys, get o,it my boat" The willing youngster drew the Captain' boat up hy the pavilion dork, and a large and Intorestsd audience stretched along th beach and dock to ee ths fun. In the meantime the sharks, as If anticipating the programme, had paddled close to shore so as to be In full view of the audience at the striking of the gong, htrangely enough ho showed no signs of flight as ths Csptain drew near in his boat to do him battle. Ths spectator say that hs gave a vicious toss to his tall, ralied his head la the air, and after surveying the situation, ssttled down and waited for an opening Uls wbtto back was aa quiet as a painted ship upon a painted ocean when the beat drew up close to his snout. Not a sign ot life waa visible In his eight feet of hetiy. Capt Oakley atood erect in hie boat with uplifted oar until the shark was within reaching distance. Then with all his might h- tiroughttha oar down oa tha grarhatk That opened tha battle. The shark slid from under the oar a easily aa If It were a toothpick. Ha backed away from tha boat like a ram Preparing tor action, and with a quick turn he cama on with tha speed of the wind. HtrlMng tbe stern ot ths beat he turned it with ax-h fores that tha Captain fall eprawllnr In the bottom. This waa the first round, and It was enoorh for Capt Oakley He began to think that dry land wa good enough for him. and he started to get there. Th shark, however, be no Inten tion of giving up the fight. The (.aetata cot In hie seat and waa ship. Elnc his ear In th rowlocks to row baek to Is anxious friends, when the shirk got rsdr for the second round. This tlm be started out to fore the fighting Poising for a me re ent at a charged with terrllle speed, striking ths boat with each force, that as It settled again after the shook, he turned In the air aid fall right over the Captain, be tween the seats. The fight waa than In cloae quarters, where the shark wanted It and tbe (apiala. fright ened almoat out of hla wlte, was a good a knocked out An eight-foot ibark Id a tan font boat It not a pleasant companion, even n a summer day. As the craft rolUd from side to side, the Captain waa first under the shark and then over him, dodging aa best h could the tall, which was tiring with vleiona epeed. With a blow, which was evidently intended to finish matters, the shark struok ths Captain aorose the back, throwing him into the ooesn. the force overturned the boat and ths shark waa ones more In the water. Fortunately for tbe Captain, a half dozen boata were doss at hand to plea- him up before the ahark could recover, no was landed on th beach, where Mr, Ketcham of New iork etood watting. I was going to say. Captain, that I one read In a book that ' "Never mlad what yea read," ttld Us Cap. tain, evestfallen aad wet a he trudged through the saad to hit house. Ther waa ao mirth la his vols and there wa less pride la th tree ol hi friend Ketcham loa sssm sd rompottd and satisfied. After the Captain had gone. Eetebam organ ised two parties for a shark hunt. Ths shark waited patiently, until ha wa turroanded. and than started la again ts elsan oat his loss, but th odd against, him thl Umwr toe heavy. He churned the water aad elaahed about until dorn bulUU ware la Ms gray kin andhls bdy had beea batUred autof hapa vvlth club) and otr. Thn h turned hie whit belly upward aad th battle waa otar. MJt, WCLAYB XO HMTIKHT A Itrport that He Will Gtva Va Uls Com. mlaeloarrshlp To-day, It wa ald on excellent authority last night that tbe Hen. John MeOlave, Police Commit tlonsr, will resign hi office to-day, Ur. Mo- cl.aT ".V, ".' ,!t- a4 hl" Pbyslslans bar advlssd blm to go abroad, Th i onlr corroborate detail of th report waa he ttatemsnt that lommlsslonsrMc. tla ilssk at Psllcs IIadquartr wa cleared of all hi psrsenal belonging ysttsr day Thsr It no doubt that Commltslsntr MoLlavs at some tlm I t retire from hie oftlc Th uuettlOD Is. when f ThVc Twill come the talk as to tb man who Is to suoceed Mr. McClavs. ltlsb.llsvsd that h will Tea ltepubllcan. Farmer alerwta'e Flowing Walt KntosTow. N Y July lO.-The little village of Bed Falls, Qreea county, now has on of tbe wondsrtof the Empire Bute, la a flowing well It was bord by T. J A J M. Lewi of Bcbenovus tor CharU Mrwtn. a Bed Fall farmer. The well wa eased with Iron u fast as bord. and was uuk to a dspta of ovsr 100 J"" v 9" 'a,.OT,n fb drU1 th water poutd to a hlght ot nearly twenty fet or Un ft higher than any othsr flowing well In the Mate. It waa found to hay a preisur offlfty pound, rarmsr Merwln ha had th water coattntdby proper apparatus and attaohdt a motor by which h does bi throning, wood awing, churning, and other farm wgrk to wbleh water power may be epplltd. CUNSTltVlIOHAC COKTMlfXIOS. 1 i jT1aal Hearts oa th Qneatlea of Abotlh. Int fteetariaa Appropriation. Amunt, July 11. -In tb Constitutional Con vention to-day thi propoted amendmtnU were Introduced: Mr Reot-THJ mtnlment drawn by the eeabtlen Club ot New Terk city to rrivtat tneai let itlillna. Mr neot-rrevlCIni lost no bill atrtetint lesal pre eedare shall be paneA oolll ten days arter it bat beta eat le las Chler Jodf et Ids Centl et Abpeele and le tb ercildtar Jgiuet et eseli Uenersl Tirol ot tb St prime cean. who hall preeeei ebjeetleae Mr. Kost-Prseidlajr tbst so coort snail irsnt eltltes ship wiibla sitty dsys ef election or eseept upon proetlnepeneenrt after ten daye nntio. Mr. Doodelle I'roTidiof tbal no pereon sieepl a gnalifiedelteior ebsll be elected or appointed or ellfl blelo auy nllliary or cltllefllee. ,. . Mr. noodelie-rriatn teat ae person shsll be ellslhle le enyomee eseept a cltltea or the foiled Bintee snil s reetdent In tbe atae one eesr. Mr. A H. eteele-Vakiaf the ate limit la ths Court of appesli eetentr yesra ... .. ,. ur Kellcrr-Wovidlae tbst the Letlilalare nball mats nnlforra tax Us,snd tbst property need tor etlonel. Slate, eonnty. euy, lliersrv edaestloask pclentine, and ebsrltabie parpoee. ealflees and the lend ennnerted therewita from wbleh no Ineome Is derived aetaally devoted to rellilooe worship placet of borlslnetiiael for private o- rorportte prnftt, and property of Indivldusfs aot excetdiof IGOti in value may be eiempt. . , Mr. llsmlln-rroTldlor tbst no wllneis shstl be detained loncerlbsa maybe neeeieery to obtain ble depoeiiloo, and thereafter shall be dtecharned on hit own reeof DUenee The Committee on Bait Soring reported fa vorably on Mr. Alvord' amendment providing for the ale of the salt springe, Mr. Illrschberc ofTered a resolution provid ing for the printing of the stenographer's minutes In the Hlxtli tdraveeead) district eon test and so much ot the exhibits as either side mar require. . .. Mr. Johnson made a strong tpesch attacking th tlravesend election ae organlred fraud, which had been passed upon by the courts and with the details of which every d1gt was familiar, lie wa oppoesd to the printing ot th tsetlmony. ... Mr. Bowers wanted to know It the case had been prejudged. II It had, why not unteat the members from the blxth district at oncet If not, th contest wor antltUd to have their side of the case pressnted. Mr. Mullln, one of the delegates whess seat Is contested, said he was willing to lsave th matter of printing to th Committee on Lleo tlons. and It waa so decided. Adjourned until IU A. M. to-morrow. Th Committee on Mate Officers to-day de elded to report favorably a proposed amend ment fixing the term of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor at lour year and providing that they ahall not succsed themselves The committee llstsnsd toth argumentaof Ktate Engineer Adam and Superintendent of Publlo Work Hannan on th reasons why those two department should not he consolidated. Th committee on I eglslative Power. Edu cation, Taxation, nnd Charities gav a final hearing to-day on th question of abolishing sectarian appropriations, )r Jama M. King. President of the National League for the Pro tection ot American Institutions, was the first speaker. He read a letter from James U Car ter of New York cltr, saying that h approved the purpose ot the league, hut was pr-vented from being present It had been decided not to cbangs ths wording of th amendment pro posed so as to make more clear the meaning ot "aeotarlan Institutions " Ths same amend ment had been adopted In Pennsylvania, and there had been no difficulty there. Th one dangerou point of contaot between Church and Htat lies in the treasury. In New lork city denominational schools drew JU1.7J i. a year.ln Brooklyn SJ1.7UH. In Rochester $5.M(W. In Troy $7.f4U. and la other town and cities mailer amount. Th subsidy ytm also led to pauper'am. The proportion of children in this But up ported at public expense wa greater than In other SUtes where the Stat erstem was en forced Or. King reiterated the statement of appropriations which he had male at previous hearings, showlnr that Catholic Institutions In Nw iork city received I.177W12 In 111.1. ther sectarian Institutions $178,275. aadnen eUrtan Institutions $r.80.0'H. Ur. King wa followed by Mr. A, Nolan-Martin of blapleton. who apeke for :i2.(M)D mem ber ot th American Jatrlotle League. He criticised In detail the speeches made by Mr. Coudert and Mr. Bliss. The drift of his argu ment was thatlt was Impossible to be good Catholia and a poo I citizen at th same time. Col. George Bliss of New lork cltr apnke briefly In oppoaltlon tothe amendment, saying that It appropriations for Catholic Institution are to be stopped, then they must be stoppod for Protestant Institutions also. Klbridgs r. Gerry ot Now ork city eald that hs had no share sf ths fsar that one sect would absorb all the msnsy spent tn charity by the Htate. Kellgloua training was necessary to th management ef elUldrea. When It was deetroyed anarchy would follow. To withdraw Bute aid would put an end to the reclamation nt fallen women. It would destroy the chari ties whlohhav made Infacttt'de almost un known In New York city, and It would cripple the great Hebrew Uuardlan Socle'y. The hearing wa then adjourned. The Committee on Cities has decided to re- fiort favorably an amendment giving the Leg stature power to provide for th appointment of non-partisan abaction Board In all elite ot th 8 tale" Th Comraltt on Puffrag ha decided to report favorably Mr Holl' amendment au thorizing the Legislature to frame a law pro viding for compulsory voting. The committee ws to havo taken final ac tion to-day on the amendment enfranchising women, but postponed it Indefinitely. AS EXCITJNO trXLUHBH. One Una Rss Dowa by the Troln and a lirakrmna Killed by a Itrldcr. KiNnrroy.Julrll. Th Fair Street lleformcd Sunday School excursion, consisting of ten cars loaded with women and children, had two accident on Its return to this city to-day from Stamford, on th Ulster and DoWware Hall road. Near Kelly' Corner the train atrurk a team driven by a farmer, cutting th hearts. olT both horsee. amashlng th v agon, and badly injuring the man. At Big Indian. William -ssher. a brake man on the train, while lean In: oer the platform of a oar. was struck by a bridge nnd fatally injured. There waa great excitement on the train, thirty or morn women fainting and several going Into hysterics. FAINTAD X A THAI'FZr. Rose Austen aad Iter Ilrother Full To gether Into u Net, nnd Jlota Are riiirt. Covet Ikhnp.JuIv 11, Itoee Austen, a flying trapere performer, while on the trapeze with her brother Oeorge In ths old Iron pier con cert hall to-night, fslated and fell In the net. Her brother, whom ahe wa about to catch at the time, went down with her. Their head met In the net and both were knooked sense less. They were carried to their dressing room, where George soon rcovrd ltoso wa removed In a carriage to her home at Bentoaburtt In a delirious condition- Ninth Uearlment "Veteran at the Htate Camp, Btite Camp, PtiKsxriu July 11, At 1:30 o'clock thl afternoon the temer Matteawan landed th Ninth Regiment Veterans and their lnltdguesU at Boa Hook, where they were mat by their friend la th Ninth Ileglment and escorted to camp. Arraagimtnt bad bn mad for athletic gams undsrth auspices of th drum crn of th regiment, In which my of tb soldiers In camp were allowed to compete, following I a list of tbe ersnt and th name ot th wlnnr. One hundred-yard Dub-L. Meyers. Forty-orst Sep arate Compear. Bret: IV. IL fhllbceok. Thirty seveaia Separate compear, eeeoad. use mile Kun Comuussry (erseaal a. C Chadeer, Ninth Reftmeal. nret, i, eberldaa. Compear U. Mala Keslmeol. eecond Three-lee sed Raee Won by II Bsrr and W, osrra krandl of Its Nlnih Sestmeal Drum Corps rear-hundred and ferir yard Kan W Uarrabraa4U Bret W, U. Sinclair, Company, t, Mialh Refluent, end. The visitor left camp thl venlg. Th Btgnal Corps were busy to-dsy surveying th vlly from the amp to West Point, the Botes bslng ooavsyed to headquarter at camp by maaa; th heliograph aad th results Im msdlauly plotted. Attoraey-Oeaaral Htock ton's Ilni-a Burned. BpBixa Lira Buch. Julr ll.-FIre wa dis covered la tb barn ot Attoray.Onrl John P. Btocktoa ot Nw Jrty at noon te-day, Th horse and wagon were got out Th barn waa destroyed, aad the flam spread to tb handsome ston Prsbtrlsn chureh Tb organ and loft were consumed, 'lh church I tb tlnsit church dlHe oa tb Nw Jersey coast Near Hhot (lor lantrnalng, Coluitbu, B. a, Julyll.-Nsw reaebsd btr to-day that Jamet Nelson, a nsgro. was bsaten and shot perhaps fatally. In Abbeville couatv last Frly sight by a party ot fifty or more whit men and negroe It I said that sore ef th party wr violator of th revenue law agalitt whom Nslsoa had Informed. Died latase and TJnknoMm. An Insaa young woman, found br a Park policeman In Central Park on Tuesday after noon, dlsd yeeUrday la th Prssbjtsrlan Ho. plUL rib gave hsr name first as Maggie Uo Croryfl75 WsstBlxtleth tret and later a MtggUCemaa. Bh waa said to be aufferlag from religion mania. Bh wa not known at th address eh gav. A Tugboat Baas Into a Pier. The tug Thomas D. Fowltr of th Cornsl! Tewing Has ran Into Plsr 35. North Klvr, yss Urdar aftsrnoon. It waa said that th acci dent was aud by tb nglner mtsundsr ttaadlng aUaal. The heavy string pi tees of th plsr were broke and twtiUd. aad tb tux's bow waa damaged 5W. JhlfsnAiaslMaaw Afc 'TliaH ntfl W. E. WOLFF & CO., 194 BROADWAY, orroSITK BET HTHEKT. TO-DAY BBMI1N AT HWKKPINO RF.OIfCTlONM A HTOCK Ct.KARlW SALH of their entire ntoek ofhtgh-grade CI.UTllI.Na, HATH, AND FUKMHHINnS $8.B0 Is th price to which w hsvt rednced all or .tn, 811, no, ami siu.&u ANATb75 ws ate selling all oar former SI'S, SIS), nnd 0 SUITS. moiUr luioft4 fatbrtc. and perfect t forntttd' ALL TROUSERS THAT tVHItfc SttOO, S3.B3, AXB aVtOP, iti'.iiccp.n to $20 ALL TROUSERS THAT r. gt.SO, tjs, AND no, JtKlltCKUTO 53 ENflUSI! CHEVIOT "cl.TO tVere l.9.1t Itrdurril to ifUC ULACK MOIIAIR $ Qn Vere Iteduerd to UUC SILK MOHAIR COATS, -. , - VTere, ..10l ltrdnred tn SpleOU SPUN SILK HOUSE COATS, 0 rt Were eVT.OOi Itediiced to !JeUU ELECTRIC ULUB ENGLISH rLANNRL TOATsI AltD VEST. sCy4 ff XVtn BO.OOi llednred to 94IUU WASHABLE VESTS, WereSlJIOandMi Ilednccd to if OC NATURAL and UAL UNDERWEAR, Att Wae tA,i Itedureil to ,4oC LISLE UNDERWEAR, tVaa SI. r.O Reduced to . OC SILK NECKWEAR, B1fy. JVereSt.iac. ndOr. Iledneed to sZOC YACHT and BICYCLE CAPS, c Wrre 8I.OO Reduced to eOUC STRAW HATS, mnalM a,rdsi.fio. lld,V?.fdt, 90C Fine FUR ALPINES and DERBYS, , , M'ereS3.S3 Itedueril to.... $laZO Kverythlnrlneor store marked down to and below cost, ae we deem it wlier te eleer Hook at a loss rataer ban eerry It over to nest year. w. e. WOLFF & co., 194 BROADWAY. OPl'OMITU II CV KTntrr IS LAWTKIt tOXXZXUUAil ISlAMCt lie Ilefenitie Illmneir from the Charge In New itrunatvlck, N. A. Nrw BnuNswicK, N. J July 11, In th Mid dlex County Court thl morning Lawyr J. Dixon Cunningham defended an application for hi removal to a lunatlo asylum. Jlr. Cun ningham Is L'S years old and I wall known In Middlesex eounty. He Is also under Indict ment for obtntntnc money under false pre tence. Ills legal friends ay that he prefers the luna tlo asylum to State prison. Cunningham Is accused of fraudulently representing to Mar- cut EtryLer of Perth Amboy that hs had a hank aoeount, nnd of drawing and passing on Htry ker a worthies check for $25. II pleaded not guilty to th chare ot pass ing a worthless check. Ho had hardly dons so when Alan Btrongsald that h was counssl for Oeorge P. Cunningham, ths young man's father, and asked for an examination as to ths defendant' sanity. Before the hearing began Judge Itlce appointed Drs. Williamson and Donahue to make an lmjulry a to the defend ant's condition. The father was than calltd to th stand a a wltntss. U wa cross-sxamlasd by his own son. Ths latter grew exelted. stamped his feet and shook hi finger at the older man a he Questioned htm. Cunningham said that he believed hi son had been mad Insane br the excessive use of cigarettes and liquor. Cunningham cross examined his father, attempting to show that the father coul I not be depended on for ve racity and that he had cheated tradesmen. IU used the most Insulting lanruacatn hla it ussatne most insulting language to hi father. " Have I not th right to disprove this man's Trclty?" 'lpuhavth legal right" the Judge aald. emphaaliing legal. Col Daniel It. Hole said h did not think Cunningham wa In his right mind. Th case will be continued on Saturday. 3tti nun i. f.i.tZAiumi btkekt. He nit Two Children and Tore a Pollen, mnn'a Trounern Ileftors He Wiu Hhot. A black Newfoundland dor, with foam drip ping from bis mouth, andshowlngothsrslens ot being mad. turned Into F.IIzabetti street from llroom strsot last night. The street was full ot children, and.half the adult population was on tha stoops. A few yards frsm the corner, ssvsn-year-ol J Jeremiah Illcauti was playing in tha cutter. The dog seized him by th houldrand shook hint, this set excited the whole strsst. Halt a doten men cot clubs and drove him off. Th doe ran under a truck, and the men attacked him there. Dhlodged from the truck, the dog knockel over one of the attacking party and rnado for a cellar hallway, biting tire. year-old James Crowe in the arm en the war. ., Policeman Michael J Itoonsr ran up. drew his revolver, and went Into the collar to kill Ihe animal. There waa a acuflle. and the dog ap peared again and ran Into Oreeley' black smith shop. The policeman, with hi trousers torn shout ths ankles, followsd. In the black smith's shop Ihe dog was cornsrsd and shot, lbs two children who were bli ten iisd thslr wounds dressed by a doctor near by. 7.jr.v coiien nuia tiikkk momhs. The Hartford Police "Wouldn't Let Her Ito lluelnee oa the New York IMnn. HAirrrono, Conn., July ll.-In tba Tollca Court to-day Judge Harbour sentenced Lena Cohen, the Kew York I.exow witness, to three month In jail for keening a house of ill fame. Her husband. Morris Cohen, wss fined $30 and eosts. Fanny Itahfsky got thirty dar In tall. Mary Dun-an. fifteen day, and Carrie Curry waa fined J'j and coat. Chief of Police Hill testified that when Lssa Cohen earns hers from .Ssw )ork three weete ago she told him shs waa going to atart a house, and asksd him ths cost of police iru raunitr on the New. York slan, lis ordered her eut and warned ber. Attlla Will lie Arraigned To-day. Attlla, tbe Instructor aad trainer of profs, lonsl strog msn. who was arrested on Tues day vnlng for ssndlng an annoying Utter to hi former pupil, Handow, will b arralenad before United Btatea Commissioner Shield to-day. fcandow rare h received th letter la May while he wa In Han Frauclsce. Attlla came vary near spending th night la Ludlow street jalb but bondsmso wss finally fouud In th person of Itobart D Witt f 7 tait 'lwentr-fourth street, nnd the prisoner wa taken before Oommlisloner Shields In hi apartments at th Ht. George Hotel. Urooklyu, U wa re)d la 12,600 Call """"'" American. da Distriot ..nJiS Messenger tri-a Company h' maintains Competent Help, who -will handle your SV Advertising isQ li r !0' ; , THE SUN ky J without vvcrv extra oharge. r. jjifts.Mfl PROBLEM FOR REPUBLICANS. MtLttOZtJTtO ASD Ml MVBT BOTH jb nncooniEMf. Neither Caa Have Atl th Flection Inspec tors, aa the Htntnta Provides Home Fac tion Hhonld Hare-Perhapn Mr. riatt Caa Ft It-lillaa Machine Kndomed. The Hon. Thema 0. Piatt rturned frern a buslnnttrlplnthe Interior of the Btst ye tsrday. H wa at th Oriental Hotel last night The Republican matter of the Btete Is th Prosldsnt ef halt a doren railroad and th receiver et thrtt or four mor. 11 ItaltoPrttl dentot the United Btates F.xpreet Company, hut ho find tlm to attend to h's butlnets affair and dlrtet th policy ot th Republican party of th Bute. Hut he I Interested In all ot that matter from the minute he get out ot bed at 0 o'clock In the morning uatll IU o'clook, when he rottrot. Mr. Piatt I new 00 year old, and he I as young a he wa twenty rear ago. Home people have said that he was dead po Itlcallr. Ho ha been dying politically for the last twenty-live years. The Republican Htate Commute Ittetaett' shortly. Th great Issue Is to be the dtcltlon at to who shall have th Intpiators ot lotlou In New York county-th Ullholland crowd or th llllst-Pattorson contingent Chairman William Ilrookfltld hat not calltd th Btat Committee together yst It wa tald latt night that lie possibly would postpone the call tor a week, and that the committee would not meet until the latt week In July, Executive Chairman Charles W. Hackctt ot Utlce wa In town, and h. with Mr, DrooklUld and otbr. will confer with Mr. riatt and other Republi cans to-day or to-morrow, Aecordlng to the tatute pasiol br th latt Leglslatur th Btat Committee mutt glv th tlactlon in spectors In New York county outright to on faction or to ths ether. The situation about this mattsr I becoming mors ttrlou svtrr day. Mr. Ilrookfleld doe not believe that th Btete Committee will dare te glv the Mllbol land faetlon'all ot the Inspector. Mr. Mllhol land believes that thy wilL Polltlolans.hav a way of getting over these matter, and It wa said eventually the Mil holland folk and the IJIIst-I'atUrion people will get together and (Ubmit a list of Inspec tors which will be acoepted by th Btat Com mittee. Of oours. this list must b accepted a on ticket and will represent tho combined lew ot the opposing forces. Itwasssld that th Mllholland paopl will receive one-third of the representation of tit Impostors and that the llltst-Patterson people will get th rsit. Th prouoseil delay In calling th Mat Com mil tee together I caused by the negotiation ever this problem. It I Imply a lllmtlam matter, usually Incident te lepublloan politic In thl Htato. The fight le very bitter, and one that even the stoutest leader the htate has ever ssen doss not care to taaklo without due consideration. Cornelius N. llllsa sailed for Europe yetr- nav. 'J tib nllmtnntna him MnpiHilMiUfAp Governor. The llllse-Pattsrson Committee on Election Officers met at .'i.ti Wst Twenty-third street lest night to make up a complete list ot th oleetlon officer lo b nominated to th Police Hoard for appointment. fo notion was taken, the reason assigned being that It will b neo ttary to go over tho list carefully In order to eliminate the namea of any men whose Re publ canlsm Is doubtful, it le believed that this process of elimination will result In the making up of a roll which will be generally acceptable to Republicans. . The West hide Republican Club, th mom btr ship of which I composed almoat entirely of Twenty-third Assembly district Republi can at n meeting on Tuesday night passed resolutions declaring th regularity ot th Hilts-Patterson local machine, and asking the Republican htate Committee to recognize the County Committee, of which William Drook Held Is Chairman, a th regular Republican organization or tbe county. UN, llovee. Jr.. I rank Hralnard. and Theodore T. Parlor were appointed a enramlttoe to present th resolu tions to the Btat Committee. The mora ber sot tin club are, almost to a man. of the Rllss-Pntterson faction, for the !n,.lr,?.t It one of the two In the city where ths Illholland faction acknowledge that ths Commutes of Thirty m-in have the better of them. Twenty-two members ot the Republi can Hub. a goodly proportion being membera ot tha Committee of 'thirty, passed similar resolutions on Tuesday night. As an street to these endorsements. It will be In order for the John K. Mllholland Associa tion, the btatu Club, and the Moran Associa tion to pasa resolutions endorsing the regu larlty ef tha Mllholland County Committee. Buch counter appeals may put the Btat Com mittee In a quandary. ROllXtiTS fOtiUAI.LT X.AV.VCUED. The Repuhllrnn Ueueral Committee or Erie County Numen Him for Governor. HuyrtLo, July 11. Trie eounty formally l,l,n.l,.J Vk...1I.. T . 11-1 . - launched Comptroller James A. Robert a a candidate for Governor to-day. At a meeting of tbe Republican General Committee, recre sen'lnc every election district In the eonnty. the resolutions were unanimously adopted! "The Republican (Jeneral Commlttoe of Erie County, In regular meeting aatemblcd, here by unanimously and earnestly declare In fa vor of i:rle county presenting to the next Htate Convention the name of tie Hon. James A, Roberts as andlate for Governor and of prosecuting hit candidacy by every honorable neana. "While thus endorsing Mr Roberts we de sir to recommend lilm tn th Republican of thl btnt hs amn In vry way worthy and well qualified for th posit on of (lovornor. hnowlng him as wa do. us townsman, friend, and fellow l.epubllran we unqualifiedly n don him a n men of exalted character, mag nlHoeat attainments, commanding abllitlee, and excellent judgment. Ry hi record a Comptroller he has shown rare apltude for public affairs, huvlrg instituted refeyme In that department that will prove of lasting benefit to the publlo and save to the people large sums of money. " A a candidate hi running qualities were demonstrated by hla leidlng the Htate ticket last fall A lifelong ltepubllcan. he has beea earnest and liberal In support ot Republican f rlnrtplea. yet. being aw to official life, he is free from all factional complications, and Is broad gauged enonk-h to Include within the c role of his supporters Republicans of all shade of tolltlcal np nlon. 'tliean. capable, hooeit, and frsh from the rank of buelrets life, w present th Hon. James A. Robert to th Republican of thl btat as a candidate for Governor worthy and deserving of their support, nnd point to his admirable record at Htat Comptrollers am pi justification for this recommendation oa the part ot his frlenda for bis promotion, and w present him a our choice." tLAZl'S UAX .UiA-Jr AQAJX. Reports ofa Kill! Hunt ror Him la Host, gomery ( onnty. FoxDA. N. Y . July ll.-A piece ot political news reached th county seat to-day that ha already caused considerable comment among th Montgomery county ltepubllcan. It is to th effect that a still hunt Is belnr mad In th county to secure delegates to ths Republi can Mate Contention In tavr of tbnoinlna. tlon of J h laeiett for iiovernor. Th fin Italian hand rf Thomas 0, Piatt Is believed to be visible In the attempt te cur the lassett delegates There I tald to b vlgorou oppo. altlon tu Mr. 1 latt t candidate, aa the friend of John If. Btarln. Lull'. M.rtoi. and htiu Comptroller Jamea A. Roberto aro numerous In Montgomery county, and will mukean effort to tecure delegates for taelr favorites. llllee lleleKaten t'aonea. Tbe reorgtnlzed Illist-lloot ltepubllcan ot tho Second Assembly district held their A itmbly District Convention at Cotmopolltan Hall. 15 Fait Rroadway latt night under the tupervltiun ot Chairutau Job 1. iledtes and other inemLers ol th Committee on Organiza tion. There ner five candidates for the two t lares In th County Commute. Including lenntt bhea. the district leader under th Patterson regime, aud Fraud MeOran. who was th Isatter of the first orgauliatlon under thetommltteeof Thirty' plan an organlza tlon wnieh wa admitted lo be fraudulent 'lbe other candldatea were HImon darvln.a liquor dealer: Joaech ltersoa. a roungbook. blodsr. and I-d ward Cotter, Br, who hat been auspeced of being a Tammany Hall man Qarvln reeehel ,u votes. i.ereon ';'. bhoa '.U, totter rj. .and MeOran Jl Tht Urtt two named were declared elo ted A Good Gnveraueent Club Mflrlal Organ. Th Council of the Oood tlovornment Club mat at fJH William street yesterday afternoon aad discussed questions which usually bother political reformers. Nothing definite wa don, but the moat Important matter which ws seriously discussed Was a proposition to establish awotkly newspaper which should b tb ofJcial organ of tb affiliated club. A I.ltlle Girl aa Fire la the Htrect, Too-year-old Barah Connolly of 07 Hrldga treat Rrookljn. while pit) log at a bonfire at Bridge and Water strests yesterday afternoon, wa ao asverely burned that ah will probably die. After her clothing caught tire sb rushed through tb strsst tcreamlng. Thomas Ma. terson had hi hand burned In vainly striving to extinguish tbe tlstues. A truckman jumped off hit truak and,mothrd th Or with a blanket Tn girl wa taken te th fiMAkljn KNOWLEDGE Bringa comfort nnd Improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when tightly used. Tho many, who lire bet ter thin others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by mora promptly adapting the world's best products to the need? of physical being, will attest tho tsIuo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, 8yrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of ft perfect lax ative ; ctTeotually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with tho approval of tho medical profession, because it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfoetlyfree from every objectionable substance Syrup of Figs Is for salo by all drug gists in 00c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by tho California Fig Byrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figv, and bolng well informed, you will not accept any substitute it ofTered. TO APPBAT. rOK AZTXHBMltOKll. Lawyer Penhatl ITaa Take TJa tha Con demned klnrderer Can. Bombard Altnbrgr, U eoavleted mur derer ot Eatle Rupp. whe will bs sentenced ts death next Tuesday In ths Oyer and Terminer Court in Jersey City, eats and sleess well, and gives no outward indication that hs realist his position. Lawyer Charles J. Feohall whs succeeded, through technical appeal to ths Btat and United Btates court. In kplng ths negro murderer Halllngr from th gallows for nearly two years, baa Injected hlottlf late thl esse. He say that a firm of lawyr It this city nave Interested thmtIvs, and at thslr rs qaaat h wa at th Genrt Hon yesterday t get a copy of the record. Mr. Peshall said thai a fatal mlttake had been, made at the trial. What tbe mlttake wa he declined to oat, be yond saying that Mr, Hallnger, on of Altsn berger count!, bonld have taken advantage of a law whleh Mr. Salinger htmeslf was In strumental tn having patisd br ths Legisla ture last winter. Mr. Peshall will alto raise th point that six months' notice of the trial waa not served oa the German Consul, aa required by th treaty between thl oountry and Germany. Alton berger being a Oerman snbjsct lawyer Hallnger will take an appeal to th Supreme Court without regard to th polttt raised by Mr. FesbaU. jinuvanr j.v tsr.xice. 'Crops rtanVrlng Greatly In Hrveral Htate Heavy aViasea In rltork. Bobtox. July 11. A despatoh to th era! I from the City ot Mexico lays: "Ther I a severe drought in teveral Btat. principally Zaeatecaa, Durango, Tamaullpa. Qutritara. and Ouanajuato. Ilaeiendaoa have losthvlly in cattle and hone, and In many ca only mule are left ltaln eontinu fitful, and there 1 much oold:wothr. which 1 unusual at thls'season. It I believed to too early to prognosticate the amount ot the eorn crop, and whether It will be eaftlclent without Importing from the t'nlted Btates. Home part of the country will hav falrlr large crop, and this will give business to rail ways transporting grain. Tbe psrslstent low price for silver give rise to apprehension rnffarrilnir rhA nVillltv nt th. nnt.rtim.rt ti regarding the ability or the Government to maintain (Is foreign debt Interest especlnllr a new obligation for th Tehuantepeo Hall way and port work ar maturing." nKATII Olf A CBXTKNAXIAy. lira. Mary Ilreennhaa of the First Ward JLeaven a Family of l'atrlarcbal Hlac. Ur. Mary Drssnahan, who wa aald to hav been the oldest woman la the First ward, dlel snTnedy svenlsg. bhs was 101 rears nnd J months old. Uhs had lived lia the First ward slnee she came to America from county Kerry, Ireland, with hor husband and lgbt children, fifty yeara ago. Up to last Saturday morning she had avr been sick a dy In her lit, and (he wa abl to read, write, and w without the aid of slasse. Mrs. Hresnahan and a widowed daughter lived on th top floor of the tene ment at 8 Pearl atreet On Haturday sh wa itr eken with aponlxy. Mr. Urasnahan vya quite well off. She had eight children. The eldeat ot the, a son. I now 80 yrs old. and ths youngsst a daugbtsr. is a Thr r forty grandehlldren. tnlrty-vn arrU grandchl dren. aad alnaUen g(at-gr grandchildren. Aa Old Man's Hnletde la Central rark. Policeman Herget met an old man walklaST through th Ilambl in Central Park ahortlr before 0 o'clock yttttrday morning. Ten mlnuta later h heard a pistol bot aad found that the old man had killed blmelf star th lag Orldg. Th body was rsmovsd to tat Morgue. Tne man was poorly dressed. In kit pookete wr 1VI cents, two pIrs!ot eyeglassss. aa Rm." P.Ue9' Paper marked J. Aallarby, or Wallaby. 180 W'st IrWth. or lDtlth. (trsst both of wbleh number ar vacant Iota. Tha Weather, The weather conditions ar apparsntty shsplng taeaa seWei fer a season of warm weather ovsr 10 Mortkera Slates, IneluJIns tn ml4lle AtlaaUs. An area ef kirn preteure bee erreaj ever the Seothern Stales rrern Tesaetotbe Atlantic Ocean, keeetng the weather oa nioally eoot In that rerten. This, teselber wlik aa area of low preeeure spreading over the lake reruns to a general loweeatrela Ike Dakota, has siren as Increase of beat la atl toe Northers Slates, eseept la the vicinity of Lake Snperlor, fair weather prevailed generally except for soslterea tbewere on tbe south Attantlo eosst and Is the Merta well. In Ihle city the day was fair and waraeri hlxkees efflelal teuperator tU, lowest die, sveraf humidity CO per cent., wind aosthweet, averase velocity 10 miles sn boar, turomster contcted to read te eea level at 8 A. tl. SO 04, S f, U 80.04. The memoueter at Ferry's pharmacy la Tns Sea batldlng ressrded tbe temperstars yesterdayas followit ' tttt. jssr. jsa at i sam e&e el. s se r. M .... 8J 004 A. a .! tKI r II soe wo tin 73' P K..,,. ...IS j U ... . -V 7J' II m .......he 7 aversse TMje Atereseea July 11.1613 , ...7i- weeuieoroa rosscen roe vatiasaev. yor New Eoftand. partly cloudy, probably local " showers In northern sad central portleai, soolb west winds, warmer la the Interior. I" eueira Kn ftrk u4 eiutera ir,fO-U.-J tyiivW lJn Herew mOeeeeaf; tmJXwut vtUtf eltfX'ar ? J-rieUeif IneeelSeni ptXtai. ror Meet Vlrjluia, fair, eosttaned warm sealbwest wiada, ror wcitern New Tork aad western reoasylvsala, local sboarert, soolkwesl winds, waruer In teslbwest renasyltasla. TUB COKNEOTICUT MUTUAL LIFB INBURANOE OOMI'ANY. Assets, Jan, 1, 1631 . . $4i,SM,t0t Surplus by K. Y. State standard 7,1117,843 Surplus by Company's own rigid standard ,4i8,02d The cash dividends paid members In 18)3 averaged iiO,7 J por cent, ot their renewal premiums. Expenses of management (or 1633 were only V.VO por cent, ot its Income. Ho confiscation ot accumulated surplus If j" tbe Insured die or lapse bis poller In this W Company. ' PH1UP & MILLER. General Agent, IsTtJleAIMlXlW Terk CUT. I I