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r I fr IS ! . , THE SUN, SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1801 . 5 1 I JIEEKIS'S CURVES POUNDED J iotoi itnrsAT TiiK xnir ronxa AHA IX tY a JIB AT BATT1XO. fits Tlftory rnts the Cfcasapteas fin r1n( lleblad th Baltimore, Wki jsr In Washington Th Itrooklgn VI aflrrat Bif From Philadelphia bat th aerrtand ATI Twle u4 Take Foai-th rlee-t htcngo anil Claelanatl Alio Wla. The champion IJostons demonstrated again ITNtrnlA) Hint titer nro not afraid of any pitcher lithe, imt et en our hitherto n Inclblo Meekln. ftclsttrrficcd them nnd im simply slaughter ed, the 'cci'icatcrs smashing the hnll att over tho lot. TleN'rw York on the other hand it ere enoirlrlely purtlcd by Kid Nichols. Boston's victor) plruetNnsh's men within Ave points of the lltrly UrUtlmnrce, who, strange to relate, were l.iM low by the tail-end Washington. Tho Brook!) n defeated the Philadelphia by a fino rU) itt tho bat when hit meant runs, but the Cierrlands stole a march on Foutt's men by winning two games from the txmlsi tiles and clutililng fourth place, which they hold liy four points, being also thirty-four polntn behind tho Sew York team. Cincinnati easily defeated rittt)urgli again, and Chicago won from Ut. Louis b) heavy baiting. The result! Bolton, 14 New York, 8. Brooklyn, i Philadelphia, 7. tthlngton, 10 Ileltlniore, 7. Cincinnati, lis Pittsburgh. 4. Chtrsgo, 10; 8t Louts, 11, Cleeelsnd, 1 j Louisville, 0 (First game). Cleveland, 0 Louisville, l (second gams). nt nccoRO. Out. ITon. . crn. Club: Won. IsM. reel, fildmore . 40 53 .en 7 Pitteburah 40 its .OSJ bniton ,4V S3 .00 Cincinnati.. S4 8a .47 Sew lork 4 J VV .097 St, Louis. .88 44 .440 Cleveland.. 40 81 ,8VJ Chicago as 44 .nso ltrUyn. 88 81) .OCV LnullTllle.. .t4 4V . PnllsdelphlaSO 81 .6J7 Washington So 64 .1170 nojTOf, 14; new ronic, .1. RosTOt. July 81. An hour before the Imll game to-day a terrlflo thunder storm struck tho city and rain fell In torrents for almost an hour. The dliunord was flooded and tho rain no doubt kept the old ttaturday crod from shotting up. Notwithstanding this drawback ll.uoo spectators gathered to aeo the sport. He fore time was called lie sun came nut (u all tho torridnem of the forenoon and the diamond was soon as dry a a parlor floor. It was another day of hard batting and sensa tions! Gelding. Ward's catch In th sixth being a feature. Nichols was In for the home team and Meekln for the visitor, and the llostona gsve tho lsltlng pitcher a little more severe medicine than they dealt out to Kurds yesterday. Ther earned clot en runs off the )oung man, while on Friday the record off Itusle was ten. Tenney's throwing and llannon'i flsldlng for the liostnns were tho other features. CauLWard, who started for the beach this evening to spend Sunday, raid the work of tho Bostons for the past two days wan simply Invin cible. Hut he doesn't think It will last. The ruiigettlng started In the fourth Inning, when Dally, getting his eye on a straight, swift one, drove It far over tho left field fence for a home run. With nothing to their crrdlt the visitor began the fifth, and by a couple of bad breaks on the part of the champion they enr Seeded In getting one run. Van Haltren's Incr went at Low smoking hot, and he allowed t to get away from him. Then up camo Tlcrnan, who arovo n rounder tn Nash's direction. The Boston captain overran It, and tho runner was I sate. Farrrll tried hard to eacrlfUe, but struck out. Meekln fouled nut to Tenncy. It looked like a shut out, but Fuller spoiled nil anticipa tion In thh direction by smashing out a single to right and M-orlng one man. The ludf ended by Ilurke flying nnt to lUnnon. Boston then came In for their half. Nash smashed out a tingle, and was followed at bat by Tenner, who tiled out to Tlernan. Nichols hit to Fuller, forcing Nash at second. Lowe put tn a single, sending Nichols to third and steal log second hlmtelfT Both men then scored on a timely single by Long. Uuiry wint to first on halls, and was taking a good lead when McCar thy hit for two bases. Of course, Long and Duffy scored, tho latter by tho prettiest kind of priutlug. In the sixth Inning the horns team arned three runs. Bnnnon opened with a three lmggcr to the centre-field fence. He waa aent horn by Nash's single. Then Ten aey selected an indolent out curie, and drove It over the rlght.fleld fence, near the pot where once stood the famous Hulllvsn tower. It was on of the longest hits seen at the booth End In years, and two runs resulted. Nichols made a single and Low was safe at first on Ward's wild throw in an attempt to make a double piny. The Inning was closed by Word, who rotrleed himself later byaus.w tlonal running catch of a fly sent to short right field. The New Yorks pulled up a bit In th seventh. Tlernan and Sarrtil ly goud Judgment reached flnt on balls. Meekln st.uck out. and Tinney In an attempt to catch Tlernan of! second threw wild to that baso. There was no lloston man In a backing up position and Uie ball went to far centre field. Fuller hit safo and two runs for the vttltors resulted. Burke then mado a single, and the next move was a basu for both men on a passed ball by Tenncy. But Davis popped up a high one for Nash and Wilson described a rainbow curve with the other end in Duffy's hands. Duffy made his third succes sive hit of the gamo In this Inning, but he failed to score. McCarthy filed out to short and Tucker camu up. Hi put In a single only to be doubled up a moment later with bannon- Ward opened the eighth with a safe hit. but lis hopes were a bit dampened by Van Hnltren JDlngouton a fly tn Bannon, The ball went to evp right centra and was taken by the fielder at full speed. 1 leraan filed out tn Nash, and then the same player stopped a scrraner from FarrtU's hat that staggtrrd him. He lined It over to Tucker Juit in time to stop th great Marlboro catcher frcm landing In safety. The homo team gato Meekln palpitation of the heanln the eighth. Nash drew a base on balls. Tenney got in a single. Nichols filed to centre. Iiwo lined ouo for two bases, and Long followed suit. iJufrr got In his fourth hit. and McCarthy smashed out a double to right. MrCarthy scored on Fuller's low throw to first. With two out tti the ninth. Burke and Davis hit for rlnrles. but no damage was done, as WIN Sn brought the gnme to a close by a long fly to ctarthy. Th, score: orrm. n tosc s. 1st o. a.v r. is.r.0. u. Lew., Mb., 18 8 1 irultst, s.s. 0881 Uat.s. s... ..8 8 18 I imrke, U t .... I 0 Jii'rjr.e. f i 4 3 0 ODsrlt. Mb .08040 MrCsrUiy.l.f 1 18 0 1 WUsoa, littx. 0 0 Id o Tucker, UI be J a 0 0 Ward.8dt. . 0 1 4 d psnnon.r f Jao 0 080' ili.tb 8 8 8 1 !Tlenuin.rf 118 0 1 Tenner, e 4 8 0 11 Farreli, o. ,i 0 M ' MoUoU, p 1110 0 Ucsltn. p O00O0 Totsl il 18 87 "3 "S Totals.... 1 "5 tl fl Tton . 0 0 0 1 4 8 0 B ,,-14 Six aik .50001000-3 Ksrnxt runs isun. U, first tau on balls-tilt 11 tin l; oT Mchol. a. struck oat-Py Nicholi, 1. Honis rone-tuny, Tenner Thrre-lxM hits Tl'rasn, Jnnun TviotKuohlu llrCsrtlir 18), ln btnUn tfe-lirjnon (HI, lxwe. vsni Doublor Isrs l-ows, Lonf. snd Turksr: Wsrd and KuIIti barts. WsM, sal wiIsod Wilt pitcti-Mcbpll. l'sul ball-Tea-"T Dmplr XQuliL TUn of game Two hours. aindsuc-8,V30? BilOOKLVX, 8; riULASXXriIIA, 7. Tom Bums saved the day for Brooklyn in yesterday afternoon's contest with Phila delphia at Kastern Park. It was the stout, tsnt.workinrr right fielder who. In that lucky serrnth inning, mode th splendid hit to cir.tre field that brought tn two runs, on of wblih tied the score and the other brought victory to the Brooklyns' bench. The Ilrook. lyns tried viri hard to win the game, a). though iu the sixth inning It looked as though they were trying to give the game away, they tnsde so many and such lnexoutable errors, Jlnwersr. Ihey rallied at tho bat later and tusde up for their carelessness. . two new and youthful pitchers made their debut at Eastern Park, ltarixr of th Phila delphia team did will until the sixth Inning, "hen the Brooklyns began tn catch on to his curves Werhtng took Lis place In the seventh lust before lluru'i hit. Underwood madehU bow in a Brooklyn uniform. He was warmly retihed and pitched nice ball in spite of pour Eupport. II is speedy and keep a level head on 1m when hits are made. Karle coached htm. , C'spt. Boyl shifted his men around In th ba'tfn f order. Cross batting second to Hamilton snd Hallman hatted fifth. Hamilton mad Putters look bad for Underwood at the start by tasting a single to left. Hamilton sude second rslLtr neatly, and reached third on Cross's out from pitcher to first. Dclehanty's hit scored usmllton. "Del" got to second, as Earle was sign iu getting the WU down; but the runner eot past the base and was put out from Corcoran to Hhindle. Thompson fded out to Trtdway. Capt, Fouls' Ina bility to bat kept th Brooklyns from Souring In their half of the Initial Inning. Daly got a base on balls. Cortoran hit the boll down to Boyle, who threw Daly out at second. Tred y raacbed first on a fumble by t'upt. Boyl. lturns popped up a fir to short. With Corcoran nd Tred way on the bases Fouts struck out, and tben tried to cover up th fault b quarrelling with the umpire. I he Philadelphia scored again tn the second Inning th two out, bulm an made a scratch LH and stole second. Hecoid on Buckle)' nu.o hit. Both teams scored in the third. The rhuadelphlaa got there ou Hamilton's base on balls, a steal of second. Cross's out at first, "tilth adtanced Hamilton to third, and Dele ciiit)' .lugle, on which Hamilton crossed th piute. The Brooklyn scored on Tredway' triple and Foutz's safe hit. In the fifth Inning i mlway got to first on bolls, went to third oa loin hurra's single, and scored oa FouU's sac nate. Harper to Uoyle. Th Urouklyus suffered somewhat from an st ta k of rattle In the sixth inning. With on ' t. It allmon bit the ball down to Corcoran. It was a base hit, but Corcoran put th ball over to f' ts to bold Hallnn on first, and th Brook lyn i aptala 1st the ball gu by him. That was th start, Boyl' slngl soured Hallman, Neil o-i-lria reached flr,t on a bad fumbl by lorcoxaa. who was too anxious to yp Boyl at eccond. Buckley's hit snt Uwiahuuis. Uarpsrwa oat,Mcoad to BTiL aslgte,., rj - . t-l tmi AnUlrmn scrrrtd on the plar. Hamilton flngled to left! and a Tredway did not send th ball Inrltht. Buckler scored and IlMnlltsn imt to second. Crrw filed ont to Bonis. , Th Brook lyns' two runs In tho sixth were made, on Earle's doubK Underwood's single, Daly's double, and Corcoran' slngl. Both runs were scored before man was out. The Philadelphia were three rnn ahead when Bhoch began the seventh for Brooklyn with a base on balls. Karle singled. Under wood filed out to left. Daly went to first on balls. Corcoran singled, scoring Shoch and Karl. Tredway filed nut tn right, and Daly went from second to third. Corcoran stole sec ond. Just before Tredway batted Manager Ir win substituted Weyhlng for llarper. Now Burnt came tn the hat and knocked the ball to centre. It was only a single, but a Daly and Corcoran scored on It, It won the gam. The Corel MtocKiTv. nm.insi.rnu. a. ls.r,os. a. .lK.r,o.a.t. Dsly, f 1h I l A o tUmttton, e f.8 1 0 Corcoran, S.S..I 88 I Crns,ndb ...0 0 a I I, 8 18 0 1 leer?iity, I. ( y 0 0 o purn.r.t o 8 8 0 0 Tti'nnsr,r.f 6 6 0 0 from, Uth .0 1 in I I ltsllmaa,b..l 10 8 0 Rhl.Kllr.3tb. 0 1 a B 0 IV.IlK, lit b ..i B 4 1 I Sboch.e. f to0 0 milllrn,s.s .8 810 Ksrle.e... .8848 orMckly.e.....l 8 7 I 0 FnderwJ.p J . Iry. g 0 0 Totsls . ,. 81713 8 - - I Totals., , .7191411 1 P-ooklrn . ,.0010140 .,- l-hlls.lelphls 1 1 I 0 4 4 0 0 0-7 Ksrned runs Pronklyn, fl rMladetphts, It. First hawby ermrs-nrpokljn. liPhllsdelphls. I, Ifton bnses-rtroeklrn. Ill rtdlsdelphis, tf. yirttbsee on belle Off I'nderwnod, 4 off lisrper, K tniek eue Ilr Underwood. 8i by nsrper, at hy WeyMri. I. Three-tisso Ml Tredway. Two-tms hits Karle, Imly, RnlllTsn. Rscrtflce Mts-Fouts. Cross. Stolen liasro Cnrrorsn tt, Usmllton tl,IelFhsnty, Bulllesn. Urn plrs Lmtlle. Time liltC Attendsnc-4.XI1 WASnieoTOff, lOi siLnxosi, 7. ntLvtwoat. July !. The lewlers were beaten tcvdsr by the tatl-eadf rs In a gsrne which wss tn many re epeets the worst thst has been seen hers Uds sesenei. MeXshon. who hss apt rt recovered from the "mslsrlsl" sttsek with which he sad Oleseon hsvs been affected for some dsys. went Into thetameat ths urt, snd the flenslors scored seven runs In three lantnis, liless'ui wss then ubslltiitel. Itnth teams msd umpire llonxlsnd's life a burden throughout the game. The senseless ktcktne ly the plsyers dls gnifed the ,1K00 prrtators. The Benstnr' fielding wss Try smstenrlin, hut MrMshon's rattles let tbem fftscnmmsndtng lead, which, nntwlthtisnctlnr the grsnd rally In the ninth tuning, the Oriole could not overcome. The score! lUtnOM. WASOtSSTOV. a. ytrflrsw.Mbo o 0 0 OWsrd.tdli.. 0 1 fl 0 Krel-r. r. f 18 10 0 Jnrce, 8d b ,.0 8 4 0 Prolle.c.f I 0 ft 6 0 ItsMsmer. r f 0 n o 0 8 rtrtbers.lstb.1 I 8 1 0 Abbey, e.f, n 0 kelley.l f 1110 0 Belbseli. I. f . I 1 I 0 1 Relts 8d h 118 8 1 MrOuIre 8 8 8 10 Jennlru. s .1 0 9 0 CurtwrtshUM 1.1 0 I Hobtneon, e 0 8 7 8 o'Ohrlheek, s. s 1 1 8 0 I UrMabou. p .0 0 0 8 Oislsul, p. ... 0 U O 8 0 Ulesson, p . 00 6 v Totsls 10 11713 0 Touts . 7144 1 ll rtslllmnre . . . 1000000 4-7 Washington 14 8 0 10 0. 10 Harried runs-Dsltlmore. 8) Vashlnxton. 4. First h bv errnre PsttlDinre. 4 J.eft on tsise natll more. ft WsAhlnston.t nrstbassonbatle OnTMsnl, 8i off MeMshnn, 8: off tllessop. 1. airwk ont Mr MrMshrm. 8, hy Olesaon, . Homo run CsrtwrlsM. Three-tiai hits Oellmrh. nrniithers. Jesnlurs. Two Ism hits -AMirr. Ilelts. MrOtilr. nnblSKin. Rarrifle hits Joree, Hsstamer. Olrasoo, Stolen base Keeler (81. Pnuhln plsy Jepnlngs, Rslts, snd Prouthrrs. Hltb; pttfher-llr McMshon. 1. hsued ball-Itobln-son. uiuplro-nosglsnd. Ttm 9-IS. ctvcixsATt, I!i iimiJi'Roa. 4. CivnsvATi. July 81. Cincinnati nisils It three ilMtsbt from rittshunth toxlay The vttltors bnttrd Cros hsrd In the first Innlnir Imt after thst he kept their hits well srsttered. The rtede won In the sixth Inning: when three singles, a two-banrer. three-bsse Mt snd a bom ran gave them six esrned mne. M esther tbreatsolog. Atteadaac. 8JO. Tbs scor I ciKccrsATt. I rrrTsscaoit. a,o.s.a. lathsm.Sdh 18 0 0 Ponnvsn. r. f .0 1 t 0 1 hor. c. r 880 olfc.Rmlth.1. f 88111 MelMire, 8d b 1 8 8 8 O'llrckler. let b.l 8 7 10 rsrrott,lf 1 n 0 0tensl.e. r 0 0 8 0 0 Vsiurlm. letb.8 8 7 0 0 Plerbnuer, 8t t 8 1 S 1 Csnaran. r. fa 8 0 1 0 niseseoik.s.t.0 0 13 1 (i Rmlth, as. I 8 8 8 1 Sugdea, 3d b. 0 1 B O I Murphy.c... 0 10 0 0 Msek.v. ...0 J S 0 6 Cross, p. .... 0 8 0 1 0 Ouiubert, p.. 0 Sill TotsK ....18 18 87 "5 1 Totsls ...."4 iT7t i "rj nnclnnstl .. 0 0 1 18 8 11 ..-1 ritteburgh 80lnooOOO-4 Earned runs-Clnclnnatt, 7: rttuhurzh, 4. Lett on baewi ClnrlnDS'l.Bi Plttbnrsh.7. 1 Imt baw on Italia fTCnwe,!! nrfflnmhert.a Utrnckoul-llrfinmbert, 8. Home rune Csnavsn. Illrrbaner. Three-lMs Mis Ijitham, K. Rmlth. Two-bsee hlts-floy, Jtefhee, O. mlih. IVckley, Qumlwrt. Biolen bo Mcl'bee O. Rmlth, E. Hrnlth. bnubleplays !anaean snd Mcltiss F Rmllh and ginrden. fill ty rltrher-Br Cross, 1. Wild pitch Oumbert. Umpire Osftney. Tuns 1:50. cnicsoo. If. 1 IT.IjOCU, 11. Rt Ixcn,Jiily81. roe ths first time tn two yesrs the ChU'sgo Club won a game In Ht. 1a)uI toiler. Errors wers the fcsturei o( the game, and the uinplf. ng of Iturtt wss questlonsbl. Attendsnce, 4,500. The scorer st. Lnrrs. I cuicico. . A.t. powd.r.f.... 10 8 0 OKrsD. r.f ...0 0 0 0 0 fTsnk.l.f.. .. I 8 0 0 onmih. r. r. .0 1060 Rhnxrt.e. f. 18 8 0 OTsrry.r.f. . .1 0 0 0 6 Miller. 8db....O 8 8 8 1 luihien.s.a.,.8 8 8 4 8 F'onnor, 1st b I 17 0 wumot. I. r 0 o a 0 ..,. 14 4 Anson. lrtb..l IIS 0 J D'rtoark.3dbl 0 I 1 1 Bker,c.f...i i lot Pelts, e. . ,114 11 Irwin, M h 3 8 0 8 0 IlswU-T. p.... 0 110 0 l'simtt.tdtx.8 w S B 1 hrMtnsTn.pO 0 0 0 ntrstton. p... 8 8 0 10 Twiaebsra,pO 0 0 0 0 Schrlrsr.c. ..8 081 JUson. p .0 0000 . Totals 18180 18 8 Totals.. . 11 10901 8 Batted In Brettenstein'B plsce In Isst Inning. B1 Louis .. 010080018 0-11 Chlrsgn ! 901X0000 0-1 lirned runs at. Iiult, flr Chlcsgo, 4 First base on bslle-urt llswlsr, 8 pit BretteneMn. 81 oil Mson. 8. oITRIratton.O struck out-Pr Hawlrr.,brlreiien. slela, I ; br Htrstton, 1. riome run Pahlen. Tim e Iniw hits .kbLgsrt, Connor, fir. Prlts. Ixhlrn, per. rott. Twtvbsse hlta rrank. Peltr, Strstton. Ntolen hue pshlen, Strsttou, Wllmot, Ely. Unuble nlnrs Fir snd Connor; Dsblen snd Aneon. Psrrott, Pshlea. snd aneon. tilt by pltchrr-By nswler, 1. wild pitch liswley. Umpire Hurst. Time 1.40. tuvxLA.'m, 2, LocniiLLE, O nssr OASX. Lonenu.1. Julr CI. Cleveland onbothgsmes to dsy by better plsylntr, though Twltchell's umpiring wss bad, especially In the second rsme. But one run of the dsy wss earneL la the nrit game neither pllcher was batted effectively Oliver Tebeau. Zlm Iner, Flshrrty. sad Darken gsv exhibitions of dirty bsll plsrlng, nurkett bstng fined. Th fietdlag wss sharp, eepeclsllr that of Lnulivtlle In Ihs first gam. Attendance, 8,000. The scorer Locurnxjt. cumxAxn. a. ls.r,o.A.fc n.lK.r.oa.1, Brown, e.f 0 0 3 0 1 Cbflds.adb . (1 18 4 0 Clark. 1. f . 0 1 8 o I fiurkett. L f.. 0 1 8 0 4 Pfrffrr. M b. o o 8 0 0 MeKeaa. a s 0 0 8 8 1 Orlm.c ...0 0 8 0 0 n. Tebeaa, I b.) Oil 0 I balth. r. f .OHIO intake, r.f. 01000 fufpherg. Iho 0 10 0 0 Tsbeau,cfl 8 8 0 0 Rl'hVle'n.t s 0 I 8 0 McOsrr.Sd b0 1 1 8 0 r-abertr,i(.b.o 18 8 0 ilrtmer. e 0 18 8 0 Hemming, p. 0 u 8 8 0 Cuppy, P 0 u 1 0 0 Totals 0 77 IB 1 Totals. ....1 72o 13 7 Smith out for runnlag out of llns. Lnnlsvllla .. . , 06000000 00 UevstaDd - . 0 0 10 0 10 0 0- First base on balls tiff ncrnmlnfi, 8, off Cuppy 4. Ittruck out By llemmlns, : br Cupny, 8 Stolen base-Brown. Pfetler. DouUa plar lilclisrdeoa and I.utenberct lieinuilag sod tUchsrdJoa. I'tfftrr snd hutenbers. Passed bali-tirun. Umpire TwltchslU Tims, 8 hours. cLsvxlatd, 81 tovuvnxz, 1. SXmXD OAKS. IBVWtm-K. CUmLAHP. Brown, cf.u 1 B 0 ofhlMs.SJh .10 17 0 Clsrke.l f 0 10 0 0 jmrseit, I f ,t 1 1 0 0 rrettrr.Idb 0 9 18 1 McKran. s.s 8 18 10 Weaver.e ..0088 A H. Tebesu. Ihl ill i 0 Rmlth, r.f .0030 U Blake, r f 18000 0 10 0 0 U.Tebesu.e.f 6 8 8 5 6 hUh'soa, I 8 OMKIrr,.idb 0 0 41 rUhrtr,3db.O 118 0 O Connor, e 0 0 4 11 Knell, p 0 1 1 . 0 Toung . p 0 8 1 I 6 Totals "T "77 it 7 ToUls 6.77 IS 7 Louisville , . OOlOpOOO 01 Clsvelsnd 0 0 6 u 0 8 8 n 1-8 garnl nm-Clsvtlsud. First bass on btlls-Off ?nell.a,off toung. I. Htruek out-Br Knell, 4j by oung 1. TrrnLse hits Toun. Brkesa. Two. 4M tilts-Pfefler. Flshrrty, stolen Bsses-risrk, IUrhsrdton, Weaver, Knell. Double pUr-Kaeli, Ikbardeoa and l.utenberg, Passed ball Ovoanor. :mpln-TwlulilU Ttci-lso. Weaterm Asaoslatloa Sasasa, At Omshs Omahs, 7 Lincoln, 4 AlPeurls l'Mirts,7i.JscksonTllie,e. Atwulncy guliK-j. 3, At Us lIolas-lie Moines, tlj St. Joe,. reaarjlvaala rJtat X-sasrai Oaaseaa, At rhlIsdelphU-nitUdelpbls.1: Allentown.9. At Scruiitou arrsnton. 10: Hssleton. V. At lancsMer-lnisewr. IS, llsrrULurg. 11. At 1'oimllis PutUrllle, 18; Hesdlag.8. New Eaglaad lsiMtw Qasae. At Fall ni'sr-Fall River. 1T Brockton, a. Bsse hits rail Hirer, 14 Brockton. 6. l.rrore-rsll hirer. 8 iinrttuu. U. Uattertes-atevens sad Rupert; Seeds, (rCuHouga, and shea. Tba curies scheduled st Portland and Bangor were poslpoai-d uo account of rata Kaasera bsns Oaass. AT TOOT. TOT. I CTTAtO. a.lro.A.B. Johnson, c. f. 1 18 0 1 O'Brien, d b 1 8 8 4 1 RUnon,L f 10 8 0 olDrsuby.lelb I 010 0 0 Oil 1 CoIllns,'t f . 0 I JO rVharoer. r. f..l 89 Opal.r.f ., 00000 nekeU.4db.S 54 o1 Dowse, id b 8 8 1 0 0 Ktffl:tt-n ss.sssrv.v-is.iii! Srvo s J jjsaSrSf-' ? n Totals . 7 7 H 8 71 Totals 7 7 7 IS 7 Tmr 01400000 0-8 liufsto., . . 0 & I 0 1 O 0 0 -7 Larurd ruue Troy, t, Buffelo. s. riret bass by er rors-Troy, 1. Buffsfi.4 Ufton Uses-ttor, 7,P-uf. fslo,7 riret ba on blli-0ffgrubr,8. uif If.rffer 8 fctrurs out By Oruber. 8, br llofffl-. 4 lloaui run-llofier Thr-bass siu-fcseivr, BreeslnrMije, llriuer Twoue hlu-ohmer Brecklnrldn. Rju: rirfc hit-Collins. btoUa bAA-0rleu. Itouble plas - Ptckttt snd BrecklartdfeTPIckett .Smith. .snd Ifrrek Inrldite. tVDrlen andLewe. WIM plU'b-norrer. I'aueU tull-CahUL Uuplre-Doescber. Tloie 1 U). sa srauoruui. sranramxD. I wniisstssa, TitrAA-s. Leshr e .8180 0 Gtllen. Mb 11180 RhJSuoo.s.fc.1 4 ? 8 SK.'iaaajJJJl 100 irleLrf 3 III 0 VVarnsr. e. .0 110 "adeau,Lf 4 8 8 0 6 Brown. 1st b. I I j 0 0 BuToi kdb. 0 8 4 8 0 PetUtTVaT). J 0 ribSTe.l.tbO 110 8 0 Jlaoo.s.aO 6 4 J llorucr, p.. 0 101 Qaxls.p., J JO ToUU ....l7 i7 80 ft 1 Total U 11 SO 7 4 hM Mrs-fteensn, Qwstles. Two-thw Mrs-Mknann Frist, Hade, (rsAHee. thnorlAee hit-Lynch t. War- Iier. nrowa. Stolen hsees-Leahy, .Ttiel, Nsdisn. KmNe piy-nrtoti, rntrn. and ihne. Ill by rjlteher-Paitenus, Warner. tyjM pltehes-riorner, 1 yuarles, 17 Umptro-anyder. tlnie-tno. at utoimtucit. tsuaaASTTo. raovrbtsc. Ueesttt.tdb.,1 r 8 8 1 t yens, e.f. 0 0 0 0 n JjtIS.e. f.,.,,1 tOO piett,IWb. 8180 yidteh'd. a ho I I a 0 Knigbt.i r ...0 a, 1 0 0 Jweeney.lh.O M 0 ft b 0 ill 0 0 rsrne. r. f... 0 0 8 p 0 Cooeiey.s. . 0 18 4 8 Bjiner.e... 18 8 1 0 Strieker, M bo 0 9 II 0 Heine. I. f.... 0 0 1 1 OMurrsr.rf .u 0 10 0 I)errKmt, a s ,0 14 8 0 JMion.r. ,..,0 0 4 10 uuryea.p... .0 0 18 0 Lovett, p.. ,01101 Totsls . 7 trsS is 1 Totsu "5 " at r? "5 ' Rtrlckrr out for Interference by Cooney Ptnsbsniton . , .01000080,,-'! Providence . . .. . 00101000 -J , earned ntns-ptnthamton, ProTtdenre, 0 First hsseliyerrors-IJInjrhsmton. 1 rrolilence. I. Urst bsseon bslts-Off unryea, us off Lovett. I, fltmek out liy Lnvett, 4 by Unryea, II Tmvbase hlts Rweeney is), lufter. Rtolen bsee-IMMtt. Knlshl, Btrieker.Xeesrtttai.hsrterit), Demont, Imryea (81. iMubl plsy-t'oonev, fttrlekrr, and ltorers. lilt by pttrher-Mweltt. Wild tltch-Lovttt Pseseil boll turtee. Umpire Snejtwood. Ttme-1'43. At RyrsAUsv Rain. tTeatera League Clara. At jmwankee-Vltwsdkee. 7 Mlnnespolte. 1. At ftrsnd KsMds-4trsnd llsptds. 1 1 1 Toledo, 8. At Indlaaspolls Indtanspolis, 81 Detroit, o. Oa Other Fields, sujAsirn a. c, I0 Atriy, 4. TheFllssbeth A. C l"t the Alphssof Prooklyn st Flltsleth yeslenlsy by hesvr hltllne. Ogden msde the very nnuaital jtsy of throwing a wan out at Urit base fron centra field. The scorn 1 BtiiAkxra A. a. Ainu. a. E. MIUe,s.s 8 J 1 I I Msekrrrte.Sb I I 6 ll 1 Melndoe, lb.. a n 0 1 Kelnsth.l f 8 1 0 0 i.utlK-rrr, Jo.,1 1 4 1 0 Frltf . It b . 0 17 10 Iley.udb .1 1 ft 7 0 Wliidlsch.'ib.o u n 8 1 Rcbeld, r , .,.8 8 7 I 0 cfuUlry.c.f novo 0 Ofilen,C.f. ,0111 0 MstUiews,s S.0 0 II 0 0 Barber, I. f. .10 8 0 0 rreneh. r f 0 1 10 0 Knspp,r,t.,l BOO Olwlnp. .1 8 1 S 0 Ollror, P. ...0 0 0 8 8 Joyce, o. 0 110 0 Totals l7l47l7 ll Totsla ...,777 7 7 SllsabethA.C. (040008 0-10 Alpha . .0 0800010 0-4 Kerned rune-FlUaheth A. C 0; Alphs. 8. First base bv errors-Kllssbeth A C. 1 Alpha, ft. I.ert on biees -TIUsbelhA C.,H. Alpha 10. First Ihuh on Inlls-Uff ntlroy. 4 off Vlichs, 4. Rturck ont-Br (lllrny. rl, biFuchs. I. Tbrehase hit Melndoe. fwo-biwehlta Knorp. Wlndlech. l'ucbs. RscrlOce hlt-iriu. Rtolen be-Mfindoe. I)slr. rVhebl, Knspp. Msckenele, ftstthews. IMubl plsrs-Psley, l.urlierry, ami Mix ndoe. Will pltch-(inny. I'aesed lulls-Shtld, t Joyce, 1, Umpire Derrlman. Time 140. sxLumu, 6, rAsnux, 8. Tlie Belleville A. C. team detested the rastlmee on the llellevllle School (Ironnds yeeterdsy tu a heavy batting and shsrp Orldlng gsne. Threcorei rAmxjr. I srxtxrnjjr. s A. a, s.lnro.A.r. Orahams.pea 4 U 0 0 Ferneon,lba 8 W 0 o Keller, I. f. . 0 1 n I 0 Smith. Sd b 10 8 8 1 Hbree,cs.s.l 8 7 3 0 Noons n, p 1 a I 3 0 Conlln.s s.,p 8 8 0 4 IKhinnnn.e s, 1 8 8 8 0 Hctiolllltle.aii I 1 P i 1 FVarl.Udh 0 18 8 0 Ollorman.Ob.O 18 8 118 0 0 Olynn, lb , , 0 O 7 0 OiParwll. 0 0 18 8 8 0 0 0 Crnmpton.r f. 0 1 u 0 0 Osrrtson, r.f.l u 0 0 lira ton, e.f 0 1 1 tlj Totals 7 i7 27 15 71 Totals .7 13 871 7 KllevlteA.C 10 3 0 0 0 8 0 8-8 stlme. 000000 3-0 Earned runs-llellsTllte A. C, 4 psstlme. 4. First naee on rrrum IWIetlllu A C. II. l'sltlme. 8. Left on bsees-IWIevtlle A. C.P. Pstlm. R riribseon ball-Off Urahams. a; off Conlln. i: off .Voonnn, a. hlolen uaeei-llllsrllle A. 0 , 7i ltllne, 0. ritruck ont ItyOrshm,3,byColtn,8 hyoonnn 4. Home runs ttrslisnis. Bndth Ttiree-tiaee hits- sinee, c. ralskej (8). lergtieeoa, trampion. TwikI aso hits Osrrtton, UcUpnlAle, Conlln. liormsn. Crampton. KacrlDr hits-Kelley, Comkey, rvrjueson. Hit by pliiher-drahanis, ll Conlln. l.Noonan. 8. pa'wd Imlls-Urshnms, I: Rheese, ll rsnell, X. Umpire Uodg. Time hours. statu istArn A.c, 8; amnros A. c, n. Xxw ParoRTos. 8. UJaly 81. The Brighton and Staten lelAud Athletic cluta plsreil at est Brighton, Btaten Island this afternoon. The score 1 atsaros a. c. statxx uuin a. c. O.A.X. a.x. r DonVn, suo 1 a 1 a ltsywooi, p s o a o hatch, s. a.. 8 18 8 SCarr. c 8 1 7 0 0 llsiirey.c 1 811 8 U Miller. If 18 10 0 Korwarup 110 8 n I. Ilooney, IKO 14 8 8 Parr In. If. 0 0 10 0 t bra Arid, lh.1 I 191 0 SDon'eon.r ( 0 0 8 1 l.llohsn. s.s .00841 cAnlln,Cf 1 8 0 0 0 llowden 8b 0 0 .1 n 8 l-anjthenr, IbO 0 7 0 olllojt,cf I n 0 1 0 Woods, ad b. 1 Sao J. Ilooney, r.f.l 8000 Totals.. 7io7 7l7l Totals. 7 7s7l7 7 sutenliUod A.C. ,. 0 1 t n t 0 4 0-0 Brighton A.C . 0 0 8 0 0 1111-4 Esrned runs-Ctaten Inland A C, 8: Brlshton A. C, 8. First b by errorsRtntcn Island A C.O, Prtgh ton A. C U Left on liaee Msteu l,lsnd A. I.. 7 Brighton A. C . 7. nuesou lulls tiff Hrj wool. .1, off orwsn. 3 Struck out By Hm wood. 3, bv Kornsn, 1. Home run-lleyeroml Three boe hit llanley. Tnobse hits Csrr. I lt,.one. SjurlOt" hit How. den. Stolen bssee-csrr. Miller, thesternsll, Bsrrh, ilanley, Korwan, IU Uonsldeoa, McAtdllTe, Woods. Wild pltcheo-Korwan. a 1'aaeed llls-llanler, s. Pouble play Uay wood, now den, sud Cbes'erueld. Umpire-Cole. Tlme-a 10. sew jssasrr a. c, 11; west run a.cB. rfome-rnnhltttnrwas a prominent fraturn of the superb stick work aoae by both te'emf tn the return fismestomervllle yestenUy afternoon Iwtween the ew Jersey Athletic Clob"k Imll toseers and the Went End Athletic Clubs atne, th Jerssyinen again being easy winners. The scorer xxw jzasxr a. c. i wrrr x-vb a. c s.lsro.1. a.1 a.lro.A. . Cary. e. f , .4 g 3 0 11 noffntan. 8b 1 V 4 a 0 K. Uonn'ly.Sb.l 101 0 Jlsjor. Mb 0 0 .1 1 1 Currls. e .. .8 8 10 0 1 i'utd. a s . I 8 o 4 0 Horper. Iitb.1 8 8 0 Srjones. c. o 1 3 .1 3 Msrk.adb. Ills n Martin., lb 1 1 IS 1 Ksuiry, L f ,.o 1 8 0 0 J M Iwsux'npn 1 1 I u stewsrl, p 0 I i( 8 0 U M'L.i'' 1111 Vreeton. s. I 0 8 8 0 TownTry. r f 1 0 0 1 1 CDoaay, r.f.l 100 OGsetou, r.f OullO Totals 11 i 87 10 7 Totsls 8 8 87 10 7 Tew Jersey A. C. , 8 0 8 4 10 0 0 1-U WeetEnd A.C . 100 0 11 0880-8 Earned runs hew Jersey A P.3, WettPndA t'.."l Flrt ban- by rrors New Jersey A.r, 4; N.,tKnd A.CI. Left on bases-New Jerv-y .C. 8, Welt Tud A. C-,7. First bM on lsllt-Off Rtewart, 1; off U. McLsnghlln, 3, off J. Mel snghlln. V. Ktruck otit-lty stewsrt, v. by w XeLsiurulln. Miby J MrLaitirhlln. . yioms runs ttoffmsn. Itorner, Cnrrle. Msrk Two tesse hits H Donnelly, Rtertsrt, HorTmsn. INn,I. Jonn. Becrtflc bits staek, Jonrs. ilsiton, Rtolen naeee Sary tai. Horner, W. McLaughlin tai mxiM plays lorfirutn, ItsrLlns. and 3la.)r. P,)Ol, llorTnuii. and arklni, (luton and Hoffinsn Hit by pitcher By trwsrt. Jones, raued balls Cvrrte. It Jones, J. Umpire slsrk and barenport Time 1 S3. oarrrow, 0, Aasraaoisr, V,, JornsTowir, July 21. The John.towns defeate,! the Ameterdsms her to-day In au Interfiling baseball game. The score: JOHXSTOWV. I AXSTXEOAH. - A. X. B. isro. A.X, ninrt, I f 0 1 0 0 11 lllrkey.s.s o u ,1 8 Wllber. Mb 1118 8 Dowd.r I n a 0 0 Casildy. lttb.1 111 0 OITrslnrr. M b I 3 8 11 tirove. r. f .1 1 9 0 0 Csrr, If 113 0 0 Mulllxsn.c.f I 10 OHowsrd. 8lb0 o 4 0 0 Mitchell, v 18 4 0 0 Beetle, r f 1000 rett.s. s 0 13 0 OComlus.c. f 118 0 0 Leonsrd.8dh.l 8 3 4 0 rnli, Ittb 113 0 0 Anderson, p . 8 0 S 0 ahaw, p 0 10 8 0 UcPUshl'd, p.0 1 0 1 0 Totals 0 1 37 10 8 Totsls 0 b.'d 0 8 Cassldy out for running out of lias. Johnstown. ... 01180080 0-0 Amelerdsm BOoOOOOO 0-4 F.arned runs Johitown. 8 First base on errors Johnitown, 1 1 AmiMrdam, 8. Left on bases-Johnstown, 13, Ametenlsnt, 6. Two-base hlia Vltchell, Carr, Dsvls. First bsse on lulli-orr Xrt'srtlsnd. 4. SfiT Aaderson, i. Struck out By KePsrtlsnd. : hy haw, j, by Aadrrsoa, 4 Hit br pircbel bsll-Ky XePsrllaud, Stolen base Cueel ly I-rett, 1 raiurr Wild pitches Anderson, 1; McPartland, 1, Time li40. Vlaiplre C, teiao. SOSTH SIDX A. IX, 13, aoaAXT . . C 8. Tbs North Bids A. a esstly defeated the Itosary B B. C, la a savaa taualng ganualiloil llaieu yesterday, Ths scores xoxTit sms a. c. I aosAsr a. a r. a. laro-A-r- alsrot.x Oresoe, a a.. I 8 0 0 1 Moore, e s u H I 11 u IMtenus, r. f 3 1 I V o!o .Nrll.ltl b u 0 x o 8 ljimsr.e J 8 7 1 0 Burke e t Ml lot llamll.p , 0 1 OUarren.c I 0 7 4 .1 felonli h, I 1 .0 17 0 I Mi-Conu.ll.n. u ll a 8 n fH-ott,IMb 118 1 1 h 0 n a ii n Patterson,! f 1 0 0 Ollel8Uesn.8b.O ll II 1 3 Olblis,c f 8 3 0 0 0 MurlJiy, I f 0 ll ll II 8 HI kmore, ab 3 8 3 ojoi'siu' 1 o o u Touts. ij,7iT7 7 TotsU 8 8 81 7 10 rtortb Hide AC 104183 11 Uwary 11. BC. ., OOOlluu 8 Earned runs Worth Bide. 7 First bsse by errors North 8t,te, 4, Hoaary, 8 Lsft on bun -North ldi, 4. Hoeary, 7 llrstxasa on balls -urt Hanill, 4,tt WcConuelh 1 StruiVout-By llsmtt. 7: by JlcOon nell, 11 Two-bass hlts-Lamsr, Hsmll Scull, illbbs. Three-base hits Lamar, Blackruore, Huore Htuie rur.s-irrene, Olbbs. Stolea bases horth Side, 4 Wild plubss-McCoantU. U. Passed balU-llarrin, 6. Umplrs ti'innaa. Time 1 40. ASxnoToa, 18; xvtut a. c, 7. Orest Is the joy In Arlington, X J., for yesterdsy ths creek ball loiters of tbsl pretty suburb went In .Sut ler and defeated ths Nulls A. (.'. alas, Th score IllUr A C. I A8I1SOTOV a. r-1 .. a.israAE. Baurord, b 118 3 I 'Thorn, d h 8 1 .1 0 0 tuogan, r f 1 8 u 0 OlPrnul.r f 1110 1 Dlruu, 1st b. 1 1 0 0 I lux, ss 8 1 1 II 0 Oeer.l f 1001 Cunnor litUJ 8701 Bucabee.s.s J I I 8 0 Hwrrs. c I J J u Breslln, c. f u I 0 f Culler. 3d b I 8 8 0 Crsbtrer.c f 0 1 1 0 0 Clarksou.c 1 1 n u I ClemenU b u 1 8 8 I Sulllrsa.! f 3 1 u o 0 M'uowery.cO 0 3 8 8 Flynn, p 12 111 UuruA.p iiTii ruttU ,;-; Totals. 7 8118 8 Arlington . 0 0 0 8 I 0 0-11 hutlryA I) d u I 8 0 u ii 7 Larne.1 runs Arllngkiu, o; Mutley A t . I llret bsse by errors- Arllnstun, 4i huller A.C. 8 UJlou bues-Arllnlou. J, Nutley A (. . 3 Flnl base ou balls (iff 1 1) un, 4, off Burns abtrurkoit B) Flynn, 8, by Burns, a. Tola. bile- 1" ltogere, Hynn, liaeaford.Loiitisa. SacrlAc blte-clemenu, Ihukle, Itigers rrout stoleu bates Thorn t4. Pro t ox it), lUurriU). Clarksou. llynn. PouLU play, Bau fonl Plen. and Montgomery Hit by piuber-Uy Flyun 1 by Burnt, a. Wild pltca-Flyuu I mud Uille-Jlontomery, I, nogsrs, 1, Uuplrs Mvlxoe. TUne-l 40. IAHlAO A. r , 8, LOT0LA 11,1 At Uadlson, N J yssurday, after a.vsry exciting ft rue, the MadUoas defeated ths Loyolas by the fur owing score t LOTOLA A A. I MADISOX A. C n. a. x- a.laro.A.x tonoghsn.Lf o 1 0 u 1 ae,g4b.. ,.11330 MiIXjuaI.I.SIi.1 tie lLum.Lf 0 0 1 0 O LouwcU.lttb.3 17 0 Kcclrsth. lb 1 0 u 1 1 KheUyf,8bO 118 orrUB,c. 1 0 1 o 1 o Prto. c 1 i O.tUoomtr.c. .0071 1 OVoa'l vb..tro 01 O'l'.ysn.p 10180 nitebman,rO 0 10 OMeyler.adb .01830 XcQuAde,.. 1 I Ii lttesrtio'gh.aaO 0 3 8 0 Lynch, p 0 0 0 I 6 Iiysrtoa,r.f..i 110 0 Totsis. .. 7 7t7i7 7) Total. ....7 77i7 7 Loyola A. A. . . ., 1 0 S 0 o 0 0 0 04 aUdlsoa A.C - (OliltVoo 08 Eanud runs-Kadlsoa A. r, I ; Loyola AA- . First Uas by error-ILUUou A.C6; LcyoU A.A,8- Ltfl , ,- s-.. . ..- ...-- on bases Ksdleon A.&.7 Level A. t, 18. First b on bll-0 lynehjli jff Brae-.n. struelr ont-by Lrncti, 8 by ltyan.B TWfMsTilTejute. Sseirf. fife hlts-Msdlson A7C- 4.LoyptaA. A., 8. toln bsjtes-Jlsdtsrm A. CJ, ! Loyola A. A , R. Hit ty KSeSao. ffiplrelenTTlrnelil At ntosittcr fAM. Edaey 0O0p000 0- mgltland 4 11 1 0 1 1 0 8 ..-18 Base hlts-Rklney. 81 lonj tttsnfl, IS , Xrmtt-Md. hey, i Iini lilsnd, t. Battsries-Col and Ooos; Moran ad Clin, tronnots .. 0 8 0 I I ,0 4 0 0- Wyandotte 1 0 8 I 0 10 8 0 ,,-11 . Bsse hllt-tmnupts, 8i Wrsadott. 14. Krrors trodtinU,"; ysndottf, B. Bttrles-Btahlen and lllrney; Ksufmsn and Chlsholm. nesolute 8 p B 0 8 0 ft t t-17 JFtna , 01000403 4-11 tls hit Hesotnte, St Tins, I. Krrors-rteenlat, oi tins, 14, Hatterles-liougherty and Usydoni uowdey snd Clsrk and Bond. Brooklyn, Jr 4 8 8 -t lkked .Nine. 188 0-14 Psso nll-flnok1yn. Jr , Im Picked Sine, R. Frrors Brooklyn, Jr.. 4i lVte'rflne, 7. Bstteries Msdden and ottmcri lloruu and Boyce. Fred'k Lowr 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1- Jouraeay Irurnham . .1388800 0-11 Usee hits-Fred k Loeser. 3; Jnurnesy A llurnbsm, P. rrrors Freil k Loeeer, l Joumesy Bnmtmm, . Hsttrrles-Kevlns andbalyi Usllsghrrand Jicunlre. rstotnscs. 13 7 0 A 8 10-40 Young Many 8 0 3 0 0 4-16 riseMtt-Ptitiimses.t.1 YoungUsiTys, p. Furors Pstomsra, 4 ) nuiig Msnys. 14. Batteries Ilorserasn and llorrowi Frank and Ulbbs. t.yle .04008000 7-14 t.lant A.C ... 080011000-4 Ksee hlts-Lyle, IBs Olant A. C. S. Frrort-t.yle, 8r nt A.C.O llsttrrles-Uutchlnson snd Saruos and lncenti Buck and W aid. N.YT.andr.Co. single men. , ,., . 4 8 1 7 1 1 10 0-t8 Sl.l and P. Co. mar ried mea 4 7 40011 8 0-81 Pasehlts-ftlagtorntn. lot tnsrrted rnen,S Rrrors einale men, lit merrted men. 8 luttterles ltovk hill and Pelun Klrbyand Roirgeaosmp, nodarya p M 0 0 0 8 8 8 0-0 Jeffersons 89000000 0-14 FJms , 000040000-4 Uustlsrs 0 0 10 7 8 0 1-84 at EUXAitgrrtroRT. NewsrkF.O. 10800080 0-8 MgIlsntA.0 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 ,,-U at coaacnrAW. Whltons 4 0 0 0 8 8 0 1-10 Ernoryi 0 00300110-4 at satvixw rArx. Alphss 110 0 100-7 Hudson 0 8 8 8 0 0 118 ..-SO at snoxx ronrr. Brass Buttons A. C. 0 I ft 4 1 1 8-17 AvsnuU Athletics... 8100008 0-11 at era nva osouos. Toung Men's Lesgue 181000100 8 Den ITur ...... 8 110 8 0 4 1 ..-11 Das bits Young Men's League, 8; Ben 11 ur, 8. er rors Young Men's League, R; Ben Uur, 8. AT wisnivoTOv, x. I. WssMngton, 3 8 10010 0-10 Phllllpsburgn 0 0 0 0 0 1 1003 AT KOaWALK. Corwslks 0004010 1-R nlons..., u 1 0 0 1 0 0 87 sraua laxe, s. i. Hollywood O 4 8 1 I 8 0 0-18 Bprtng Lake 01008100-S Base hlts-tlollywood, In Kprlng Lake, 4. Batteries Clark and Pfilngi Mckson end slerry. AT riltRJtOST. riennonl 0 088000108 Wcatohoro 731J8100 8-18 at urocLrrowrr. Asylum , 11010384 0-19 Irunsldesof jtswsrk 0 808000000 at oxxrvnxg. Monitor A.C. 1 10 0 0-2 hllveretle A. 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 at sraisonxui L. I. Anitln Nichols t Co.., 83001S0O 0-11 bprlngllrld mars. . 0JO08O00O-B at nxsatx. Jsmalea 0 3 4 0 18 luthlng,A.O 100 .. 11 at Moaars muss, R. i. nrMpllsl .... ... 0 1114 18 0-81 Clark iO.X.T 0 0 18 0 10 10-0 Bsse hits noapltal. all O N. T.. II. Errnrs-nos- Slul, S. u h. T S. UstUrles-Hllsr and Ilaffertyi Ube snd Townley. at KorutrsTowv, a. j. R. I. C C, BeeerrM.. 300008010-7 Morrletown Field Club 017J0814 ..18 Bsehtts-M F. C, lit lteeerves. fi rrrors-M. T. C,. 8; Itrsr-rvee, 10. Batterles-Btebbtns and Adss; Itskcr and Turnbull. at wist ARUvrrrox. West Arlington ... 0 1 ft 0 0 8 811 Woodllde 8080U800 1-11 at iT'oncasr. Lyndburst 0400000 8- Independent 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 80 At Tosxxa. V. M C. A, lfl, Oorham, 2. At Jersey Clty-Purttans. IS; J. C. B. tS. 0, 9. BaMball Oaaa To-day. XAVtOVAl. IXIOUI ARO AUXSJOAX AasOCtAttO. leuUrllle vs. Cincinnati, st LoulirtUa St. Louis vs. Chicago, at St, Louie. nruaaASrrs, Hsrrtsoa A. 0. vs. Ten Kycks, at Barrtsoa, Baseball Notta W. n. n Orlrfin come from Utlrs, S, T. II E. Davli The New Yorkt plae,l seventeen csmes on the Western trip, the) won tntrteen snd lost four. The Arlington Lrsru H. tl Club of Bshwsy, M,J, have July rfrt opru. HLlch they would like to clot with tome good club. Address William T. Ilernhsnl, manset r, luihne) , M, J The seeretsry of tli Wstsetalng Field Cluhaa c, would like to know the sddreeM of the Montromery 11 U C the Kl sling tl ll C , tth of Jereey Cltr. and the Suburban A.C Addnss slnuel Wilde, 74 Marry avenue. Last Orange, 2s. J. The Brighton A C hsve a f cw dstes open tnfteptem bersnd aleo Hundsys In Augmt. and wlih tn close ssmonlth reliable club, the Elisabeth A. C,, Qraajts A. C.l'sterson, nnd troneldes preferred AddneaLlT. 1nMon ami Hooper, managers, 13J hsw Jersey ave nue, Bniklyn, TheOrsnge t C. sceompanledby a Isrre delegstlon of rooters, Journeye,! to Knirlewuod ) esterday Th home team hail a surprise in store for the vliltors In theehapeof Huyler Westereelt, whooreupiedlliebox. The rleltr m kot one hit snd two bavee on tails off his plti hlnr, while three men struck out. Print pitched m-l toll fur Orsrut e, allnn-tng tut on hit snd hitting abetter nndetrtklng out the three batters In the tee. und Inning. Tbv rsln then earns down In torrents, csuilug the gAiuo to be called THE IHLEMiTA KT1J.C CHAIIPIOK Edmund Flak' Fl Keel Tacbt Easily De feats tier Opponent. PnfLTCit Isi.AtD.July 51,-ThcaocondspecIal regatta of the Shelter Island Yacht Club was silled this afternoon nern course In Deerlng Harbor and Gardiner's Uay, The wind wan fairly steady, a trifle too slack at times, but aside from that the afternoon was Ideal for sail ing, and every yacht and craft In the harbor not In tho race vtaa out to soo th context. About twenty boats wire entered, of which eighteen finished. The feature of the race was the test of the new fill keels which were added to tho club this year for tho purpose of defeating Edmund Fish' racer Dilemma, champion of her class for the last three season. The Wild Cat, Mr. Olmtenl' new fin keel, did not finish. tha broke her rigging on the second round and dropped nut, Th other two nsw boats, tho Consternation, owned by John W, ti Irani a, and Commodore I.ynch's L) nx were not In It w 1th the Dilemma, which won easily. The I,) nx was second, The Dilemma was designed by HcrrcsholT, and is tne first fin keel ever sailed In these water. Th Tlgrea a closely followed by the Eido lon at th finish, but the rac was not quit satisfactory tu the spectators, aa the Eidolon was grounded on tho second round and delayed at least three minute before her rfew could get her oir. The Pigeon, Mr. Wcstlake's boat, was not allotted to sail, aa there was no boat In the class tn compete with her The smaller boats of the club were well matched, and they kept quite close tourthtr throughout nith the excep tion of th tolus. ow ned by W. H. Beckwlth. which distanced her rivals. Ihe IS'arona finished first iu her class of sloops, and the Nip and Tuck won In tho third-class cats The tlm of the boat at the finish is as follows; sloops class a. Cbe, Ttm. ParAr. Ou-wer. at h. s.1 Tlxrru Jtruet Weir . . 3 18 18 EldUoa U. r Crosby 8 11 83 SLOOPSCLASS C Dilemma K. FUh . . 4 80 S3 1 ynx Commodore Lynch 3 4ia 01 I'uatternstlon. John Sterns 8 80 44 V. dd tat, t bar let Olniatrad (bid not finish) SLOOPS CLASS Ll, Hrrmet rhsrles Otlt 3 18 04 Uarxiwrlu John Cutter . 8 BO 34 parous C P Brlgbaru 8 48 13 CATS Sirotll CLASS. Kou W II ItKkwItU 4 84 Muela T M Tow I 8 i.' 04 t utlcw T C, -tllcbis . .8 4 43 Kttcllo ii. V Wliltuey .8 04 kd CATS THIBD CLASS. Nip snd Tuck W A Brown 81 08 Hauler T, A. Howell . . 8 SI OJ lllna . (harlesBelden S 04 S3 Alert U U Henderson- 8 11 88 audvr. .. .HjctupUiu UvatU .8 0181 ThDolr Pi-ot th Bttr Ilaat. A matcn raoo for th championship of th KUl von Hull Yacht Club of Purt HUhmond, StaUa Island, sod a swptake pur, was sailed yesttrday afternoon by th cat boat Doctor, owned by Dr. T. F. BarUr. snd th Maria, owned by Bos 4 Human. Tho court was from a ttaks boat off th club house in th Kill von Kuil, to sad around k'ort Lafayttta. la the Narrows, and rcturn-1 H was a beat to wind ward to the fort and a run horn. Th Doctor prated th batter boat at vry point snd won by 4 minute J seconds. X .mauhfor S100 m aids has been mad between th Uarls and th rrjLnk, owned by C. McQleghaa of Bsjorin. yL THIS TIME TUE VIGILANT. BATTtlKO WINDS, JtVT TttK CK.V. rRBBOAltDBlt OZT8 TltCUK. The TlrttannUiB Vsaal.t'resse the Rtart lag Line la Fronl, hnt the Amerlenn llont Boon rieks Iter t'p, nad Make Onlne on Almost Kvery Ieg-The Tlgllnnt Has a Lead of a Minutes nnd An Heeond After rtre.slxthsoflhel'onr If asTlern Hailed, bnt 1OSes O Mlnnte nnd ) Heronds on aa Almost Head treat of Five nnd a Hair Mile from Klsh Lightship to Mttglln. Ki.vostowk, Ireland, July 21. Luck In fnlnt uTcercaand ability In brisk vtlrds gtvo t Iclory to Ihn Amerlenn sloop Vigilant In tho (Ift)-mllo rsco to-dy, thrco times oter tho Mto-hApcd course of the Itoynl Ht. (leorge's Ynrht Club. Tho Urlton wss beaten .1 minutes nnd 110 sec onds, actual time. With nil nllownntonf 1 min ute and 10 seconds, tho Britannia's detent will be 3 minutes and UU seconds. Tho contest was long drnwn out, tho nternge speed of tho duel ists being about 0 0 hnutlcnl miles tier hour. Tho Vigilant lotcrcd tho course In 7 hours 50 minutes and fl seconds, nnd the Britannia In 7 hours 63 minutes slid 42 seconds. There were moment when there was some real rat Ing, but, taken as a whole, tho contest was Inconclusive. The Vigilant led at every mark save one, and was, In a brisk run to the Klsh lightship on tho third round, nenrly 0 minutes ahead. B. eXv Jf" lrW S- r Tttt couner or YMTtntJAY's ixaci: There was s depressing Influence for Ameri can yachtsmen In the weather they needed as they merged from companlnnw ys this morn ing and cast a weather ryo skyward. The) hsro bean almost com Inced by the successes of tho Britannia In light winds that she Is a better yacht when wlilto caps aroint Isllile, nnd Ihey were prepared for n hopeless stern clme. 1 ho wind was light from tho norlluvc-t, nnd front thootercA'tsky there camo occvdmuil humts of rnln. Tho course was the same rut In jrster day's fluky contest. From n mark host nt the mouth of the harbor. nptolto tho bttnkuntrr, the first leg extends in the northeast to ltne beg, about three and n half miles; the second leg runs seaward fle rnlli-, nlHiut enst snutli rsst.lo the Klsh lightship: thence southwet to theMugllns; the final leg is from the Mugllns home, ntxiut two nnd a half miles. The pruu is tallied nt f 100. Tho yachts enme for the lino rluhtopsAlls on. They were timed Just ns they turned tho homo msrlc. Before doing so they had a little leg of several hundred yards tnmike. running nnrtli n est Into the rr ies of tho wind. 'lhiyltilTtd up at the stakebnnt nnd turned It In this manner: Britannia lfl 31 08 Vigilant. ... . ... . 10 Jliiu Both headed westward, with tho ulnd over the stnrbnard bow. They stood on this roure for about fifteen minutes, tar h trl Ing for l tin weathur liositiun. By thus heading Into the bav they were nnblel tn make n somen hnt broader reach to Uocleg. Tho msnieiivre brought the wind more on the port Isaiii, Broud rcachlntr In light weather, the llrltsnuln'-' t-kliv. per evidently thought, tins moro frttornble lo his Taclit than work with sheets nlrnimt flat tened. Tho Vigilant surprised Iho talent by slipping ahead nnd rounding ltneheg 1 minute and 4 seconds before tho Britannia, 'lime: MglUnt . . II II 30 Britannia . 11 in '14 The wind wa rising A bit. and blowing over tho starboard quarter In the five-nille run for the Klsh lightship. The Vigilant led by 1 minute snd 40 second at that point, having put thirty six seconds to her credit In the run from Hose beg, and hating gained since the start 1 mlnuto and 87 seconds. Time at Klsh. vigilant ... . .. 18 11 10 Britannia li 18 50 Jttt nfter they rounded the lightship the wind shifted tn anutltjreM, making a derid bent across the IUi-iiiid-n-lmlf mile stretch to the Mugllns. The battle was nof mode In short bonrdi, nnd the quickness of the Britannia in stajs timblnl her t reduce the Vlgllr.nt's lead to 1 minute and '-' seconds whin they passed tho Mugllns, aa follows: Mgllsnt Hits 18 Britannia , 1.' 17 4 J The wind teemed In hnt e s outhi rly tendency alter the adhts cliiirrd the Muglint, its they set spinnakers to port and Urge Jilvt tn (null all the wind that might spill from or tlnde the Immense side sails. Ihe wind shifted again and spinnakers were taki n In 11 ey urrvngiin set, and once more hauled In when tho nlnd came out of the en-1, puff) nnd uncertain Thny completed the llret round with thu Vigilant lending by 4 minutes and VO set rinds. She waa having fume of tho luck which hod before been the Britannia's own In all races. Tlnio nt tho home mark: vtstisnt I lfiiis llrltaanla .... 1 10 U3 The wind freshened, and tho Britnniiti, lielng astern, felt Its Influence first ami sllghtl) closed the wide gap between herself and her rhal. It was a reach tn the Ilnsebeg, this lime with the wind on the starlMiartl bow. The Vigilant lost 1 minute and IS seconds, hat ing now a Itodof U minutes and C seconds, llmo at Kuscbeg, Vigilant 1 sn no Britannia . 1 3:1 B3 The wind hod shifted tn south when thornier turned the Ilnsebeg huor. The laru Jib tnpsl!s used on the reach were hauled down and xm.iller ones substituted The Britannia picked tip 12 seconds and was now 'J minutes and il) seconds astern at the Klsh lightship. Time. Visitant , ... 8i34 SO Bntaunla , .' .17 ID The ynrhts were not timed at theMugllns. The breeie died nut and they drifted southward on the ebbing tide with maslsperpendlcutarutid sails Idly flapping The Britannia, had the weather position when the wind inme up nut of tho southwest. She got to the Mugllns mark almost at tho same time as the Vigilant, and when they rounded tho Briton was perhaps a bowsprit la the lead. Tho wind ua combing tip the whit raps now. ard the Vlgl. lant got a true Yankee gait on her In the broad two-und-a.half.mllo reach the Vigilant titer hauled tho cutter, and rounded the home mark, finishing the second round 1 minute and 17 seconds ahead. It was a spinnaker breeio tn Itosebeg. Booms wero dropped to port and tho big sails blossomed, towing the racers north northeast with renew cd spied. The Vigilant gained twenty-one moro conds In this three-and-a-half-mlle run, and was 1 minute and UH seconds ahead at thu llusebtg buoy, Time; Vigilant 4 07 40 Britannls 4 OU 14 Th sens were hissing along and bubbling ot er lee rails lit the run for the Klsh lightship. The Vigilant exhibited her capability In running in a brisk wind, said tn be her forte, by rounding the lightship ft minutes and 33 secunds ahead or the cutter. rhe had thus gained on tho flic, mile leg 7 minutes and 13 seconds Then the ficklu British wind began to fail and ankce feces fell with It, Th yachts rounded Klsh oa follow! MgtUnl 4 S8.18 Britannia 8 01 04 It was almost a desd heat tin tho leg from Kith to the Mugllns. 'Ihe nchta stood sway on tho iurt tack. The light breeze 1m reased slight ly, The Britannia stood out further, mi she might fetch iho Mugllns murk on theuext tack, Tho Vigilant mado tl.o mark In thrteirtiks In this light windward oik of flic end u half miles the Vigilant lost tl minutes and '-.'H mi oiuR hhe was still a leader by :.' minute and ." set -ouds,hkh was ample M set tire Per the rtory if she held her own ua tho short leg home, 1 iiu at Mugllns. Vlgllsnt- s M 03 Britannia, e 00 30 Th wind took a westerly turn, and It was a fight close-hauled fur the home mark 'Iho Vigilant added 1 minute and 14 seconds to her lead, tho finish being a follows t Msllant 8 80 03 Britannia 1 1 4a In the race between the ten-raters tho I.lteth beat the Dakotab. Lonixix, July -'l.-TbeOlaigow Jlttolil ta)s to-day: "The Britannia has established hersci. pertorltyover tho Vigilant under almost every condition of weather. The British hold their own In handling yachts. The Americans said hard things about the skipper and crews of the Thistle and Valkyrie when thsy were sailing In Nsw York waters, but their lauguago now will probably b mora respectful." Kill Voa Kail Tatat Clate Bsgatta. Th Kill Yoa KuU Yacht Club will hold their midsummer regatta oa Saturday, Aug. 4, at 3 o'clock P.M. Tho course will be on the Kill snd In Newark Bay. The conditions for entries are that owner must sail their boats snd use only stationary ballast. Th classc are: Claw A, sloop: ClaasB. catboet over 23 feet : Class 0, cat boats, 'JO feet and under S3 feelt Class D, catboats, 1 ft and undr 30 feet; Claa E, tvslboat. 16 feet seder 18 fet; Oaas F, catboats under 10 feet. A special prlsswiU be provided for tn boat making ths b4t correetsd tlm ot th court. THS TAQVKnO 8TII.Z. WOTt. Bh Finished First for tksOshonseCaaTe terday. The little fleet of SI. footers held another of their re gftltAS on Ixmg Itlind Sound yesterday when they took part In the Indian Harbor Yacht Club's special race for a I1CW cup or ft purse of equal Tlu offered by Vice-Commodore Wil liam Osborn of the sloop Crocodile. Yester day' rsco wa the first of a series of three for this particular trophy, and, as almost all of thrsa little rncers hud been rcrlggcd nr had repaired their damages from prtvloui contests. It m tl might omo good racing would enne. For some unknown reason the demon of 111 luck seems to pnrsuo these Utile racers, snd while, for it wonder, none of them broke down yester day, the race, so fsr ss n contest was concerned, wss Just as unsatisfactory as any of Its prtd eicssure. IhU In n largo mensuro was duo to fluky ttlnds, calms, and rhangcablo breciea, which, ni one disgusted spectator remarked, reminded htm more of the good old Clyde than staid nnd respertsblo Iing Island rVmnd. The HerrcKlinlf boats were ssnsusl one, two, three, nnd ugaln the Vsrjuero proved herself the superior of tho cnttro fleet snd added another tlctory to hrr rrcdlt. The Hourl, howcier, after rounding tho Mntlnltock mark somithlngllko half sn hour ntcrnnf the Vanltcro. pulled up on her sister fin on the mn down to Ccntro Island buoy and took tho lead and windward berth on the reach home. Hhe looked for nil the world like a winner, when the nlnd headed her off Just hy the finish line, and the result as tho Vaoucro, helped by n fttnrable slant of wind, slipped across the finish linn 1 minute M sec onds ahead of tho Hourl.rlilch had hird work to beat the Cells for second plat e by the nnrrow margin of 81 seconds. In Justice to the Vaqurro, however. It should be said that the wss the first boat to cross the line, and when the boat were apparently hold ing the same wind she Increased her lead at the outer ru.trk at Matlnlrock. Whtlo sho was In reality only a mile ahead of the Hourl nnd CellA In tho light sir, tho led tho Hour! Sll minutes 35 seconds and the Cells C4 minutes 63 seconds, neither of the latter boots being able to make any headway against th strong ebb tide. After thsy rounded the tell-enders got 'way the best of the breexe, which carried them right up on the Vnnuero.and the result n as a i loan finish. Ktcn nt the cud tho Vaqtiero would havelot Imt for the fat ornble slant of wind. Tho Hourl tried her new tnnliiMil ycslcrdft) fur the first time, und Judging by the way It set it should provo an Improvement on hT old sail. In nddltlnn to the raco fur Bl. footers there n special race for one, cats under 20 feet on tho wster linn for a handsome silver lUp, offered by Commodore John Mollerof the In dian HarlKir ncht Club, which was won by E. A. Wheeler's Jewel, cleverly handled by Jim lilts and a crew of Cow Bai oj mermen. 1 here was a great crowd of naphthalaunches filled with pretty girls around the storting line, tn ray nothing nf any number of st( (cm and sail ing craft. In addition to the pretty girls thero were any number of amateur sailors about, and b far tlicgreuter number were congregated on the ai-footcrj, res n glnnco at the following list will show! For Instance, on the Vaquors were Herman Durjinand Wlnthrnti Ituthcrfurd: the Hourl was hnndlcd bv K. A. Wlllsrd, whn helped salt the Vigilant tn ctory lost 1 ear, nselsteil by Count Oswald hntidorson of thePyxfe. This ar rangement was due tn the fact that the Itnurl's owner. W. Butler Duncan. Jr., was off with the Natal Itesrrteon tho United htttcs cruiser Now York. The Ms.) sic. owned by Vice-Commodore William Osborne. Ihe donor of the cup, wrui sailed by K. Burton'.. .vhose cletrr work on tho openuitlsttler won hermanr a race. Mr. Hftrt was ftbly osilsled In his otTorts by William (Islmrne. Jr., and Cnpt. Jerry Crockerof Cow Bay, The Whltehnufe .' C'lHshornugli centreboard mnhngnny boat Hootlim was sailed by J. Howard Admits, Jr., while tho now Hcrrcshurf mahognnv fin Cella WAShnndled by her owner, C. A. Oould. On the open cats there wss a great array of talent, particularly on Ixiuls U. Albergtr' Mo rula, on which wero packed such sterling Co rinthians as r red Doreraus, ('. I). Mctlrohnn, (Horge K. tlarttand, t b. bnmmertllle, and P. 8. "lewnrt. There was Just tho faintest suspi cion of a hrttao from tho south when the pro iitnitnry signnl for the Vl-fnoters was given at la. 13, and at l'J 40 all of the little racers were sent nway tn a lienutirul one-gun start. A usual Mr. Dun t a got the Vtuiuero acroea the line first within ten seconds of the gun. A length nwny enme tho Mnyslo a little tn wind ward. Separated at about equal distances opart came the Hourl, Hoodoo, and Cells lit the order named. Tho Vaqnero, how ever, was tho only on to got a move on as she cros'ed Iho line, and tho remit was she eonn had a good lead, all of the others apparent ly boing dead on their feet. After n short Inter val the open cats were sent nwny on their Journey at 1 P. M. Their trtlng times nnd order of crossing werot Chippie, 1,01 lUJ: K It nut, 1:01 44: Jewel, 1.03 17; Meruht, 1:01. .10: eldrt, liDVUO: Harry C, .Miner. l.Oi'OO; Janet S.. 1:03.UU, tho last three bouts being handl cnjpi il. The ioure for the various classes follow: Twent)-oiio J"ootemKri)in au Imaginary line letwren the black spur buoy ntt tho enstirn end nf Utile Captain's Island nnd the flagship N In ana tu tho black spur buoy off Matlnntcock Point, roundlni: same on port hand: thtnrelo the black spar buoy off Center Island, rounding same on pott hand, thence to the starting line. Distance, 1.1 nautical miles. Tho open cats only went to Matlnntcock and baik.adtstatioeof 18 tmuthul miles. Commo dore. Midler's Moon Nirvana was used as a Judges' birftt. nnd all yachts crossed close hanlcd on tho starboard tack. ' Itwtsnd-nd bint to windward to the first mark at Mntlnloock, but In the light air hardly nn n ihe little rn-en mode much progres. The aiiiern. Hourl, and Ma)sio all stood over ton aril the Limp Islurd shore, while the Hondno nnd t ella kept further out. Toward the middlo if tho Sound the) all caught a llttlo bricze, the Vaquero, as usual, getting It, first and the result was ihe rounded tho outer mark at V.47.'JU, sway aht.vl of the rest of the fiert. the others all being prncth ally tMralraed either along shoroor out tow ant tho middle nf the hound. Owing tn the lack of wind and the strong ebb tide, which kept them setting toward the east. It took them from thirl) minutes to an hour to git around, the leaders UIng timed ns follows: llo.irl, 3:li; 8S: t'elln. :i:4'.' IS: Jewel. 4.07.13; .k ruin. l.ld.oO. After the aboie and a long wnynstcm come tho Hoodoo, Maytle, and the rest of the tnts. Heled by the ebb tide and a light southerly air. which Juit kept their tin) splnnske-s from dipping In the wster, the llttlo fieri of racera, with booms to port and f-ploiiakiTs.m starbcanl. ilriftcil slowly toward Ccntro Island, tho second turning mnrk At about 4 o'clock n nasty.lnrd Ing Uull seemed to be coming In from tho nnrtheist; but for a long time tiftcr tlio cats which wire under the Con net tlcut shore sertned tn feci It the '.'1. footer wire gating the same old toutherly bn tie out on the Long Island side Ihe Hourl nnd Cell seemed to carry the breere along with them, nnd by the time t'entro Island buoy a as rounded Ihey were old) it llttlo way astern. On the naihln the Hourl took the lead after a rather exciting little luffing match, and for a time looked liken winner, when tho wind hauled and the Vaquero plsced nne more victory to her crtdit. .ucnnllng to tho rule under which the cup Is held, the Vaquero stoics three joints for hertlctnry i ceteris), the Hourl two, and the Cella oik. huminary: L'l.iooTEiis roit osuoiim cur. Fpe4 tt.irf. JlntiA. Hie. fCumf fHerier. IIHS.nils.ltHS. Hour! W.PutlrrlmncsnJr I8 4UISI 0n41 08O41 lstsl. Ulllls.uiMiorue laiiiui .Vol limed. lelU I A l.oul.l 18 40IXI 8118 08 8 88 03 t iquero II ll. Huriea I8 4yuu 0 07UJ 0J7 0J Hoodoo J llowBrd Adami 18 40 Ou Kot t'med. Ol-kK CATS, 80.VOOTXIU, FOtt UOLLSn CIT, Lorrrrred n. lnOK I.S 1. U H. L Xeruls IiullR Alberrer 10 4 0 01 Jl 8 01 81 Chippie II It llatueld 17 73 Sot tlmsf Jewel L. K Wbeelsr l 0 4 UO S3 4 84 4 Klunel Y ll lkiirnlng 10 h Vol timed. Janets X. A. lo-tjfi 18 83 hot tluie-1 II V lilnrrCbiulet ItAe lu 07 Sot tlnie-t. Stella C. R. MrMsnut 18 83 Sot limed. llecatta Committee, F. B. Jonrs, D. M. Wlnne, and l:. 1 BirUt.tll. bionte Oould lias Not Ordered m Nsw Yacht. PnoTinxvcx. II. I., July SI. John H. Herres hoff, wht a asked to-day la rsftrenc to the re lirt that ticorg Gould hail ordered a new jacht, said that no such order had been re ceded. Beiug further luterrogatol as to nego tiation for such a craft, be declined to make any statement, KixottTOwx, Ireland, July 81 A despatch dated Kingstown. July SO, staling that Mr. George llould had commissioned the Hsrresboffs Pi build a racing yacht to be lighter in every respect thau the Vigilant, was cabled back to thla place from New York lo-duy and shown In Mr Oould by s representative of the United Press. When Mr Oould read the statement, together w Ith the details as tn the dimensions, rig. Ac, of the new boat, which were told ill Jbe des(tch with great circumstantiality, ha laughed hcartl. 1) at the " enterprise" of the sender of the tele gram. After giving full enl to the amusement thj story urTordcd him Mr. lioulJ authorUed the United Prees reptcaentatlte to say that there was absolutely nu foundation fur th statement Ho had not ordered a new- scht, and. Indeed, had no thought of doing so, and he certainly shouldn't think of ordering a boat to be built on the plan grutultoutl) furnished by the constructor of the despatch which had been show is to him. lfast Hats a Usatber Tttkst, Th Houm Committee of ths States Island AthUtt Club tars lastud aa order that hereafter so rsfrssh mau will t sold to persoeA who sr ap4 usmbsrs of ths club. Von meroun will sled- b debarrsd from ths club boot aad ground unless thsy possess Uckt tmvm ewrerwML cf portumnn'u J3ootlj. 800 I NEW DEAL, ' J 800 3 i OF TlKANn NRW sttltAOO ANTt Wtno.oe) m PNr.UMATlC HAFIlTtlJ. O StOllllLM. MAKLH, OUI'l.iri L, AT ! $65.00 EACH. ; th ix t: Aim ni:sr hakrh in tub j I lOl'NTItY, WITH ALL ItlPltOVR. : MIIN'lt. IH'M.HI- (lit SI. .1 tt.Tlltl'Ml m a fi:w Mtiiti: or t.ioii r coi.i'u ttlAM, FAOTOUY OCAltANTLl 5' M $100.00 EACH. 1 1 Second hsnd Bleyelesst S tfi.04, 8)3.0O AND 0W..OO. , I L. C. JANDORF & CO., J I 116 and 118 West 125th St. ill 32 farkPaco, Cornor Church St. '' " $5." CASH, ! I $0.25 per Month for 12 AXmths, j M I OR A ', V CRESCENT, Tho Wheel of tho Yoar. $15. CASH, I 18 so rnt month ran ia months. M FOR A jI RrMHDLER, PHOENIX. VICTOR. OR LIBERTT. , anv tvitrn, votr wavt nv pROPotTinvATSi '.H Tf.RXR AU. NFW ISt4 MOIKII rCI.I.Y llUAIt- BB- ANTITn LOWMT CASH 1'IUOS IMMLPIATst B r.l'FCn'L'rirlMHTMFNT FOR l.t)IES AND rlltle 'B DREN l'llOMPT ArrKNTIllN CtLLOIt WHITF. 4.B Equitable General Providing Co. fl (K o, I', t.o.i. tB Columbia Building, 29 Broadway. A WHEEL'S THETHIN3 D for Yoi'R nor or oirtL. m Owing ti an nrerstok, Cut In Juvenile Dlcyclasv H LOOIC AT TIIK4E 1MIICTX I Boys' -lnchRcorclier Pneumatic. 1 00. v'aVaaV former prtc AS 00. (Sal Hoys' 28-Inch ficorcher Cushion, a 100, . former price SSS 00. ' Sbbw OlrU' StVlnch Clectrlo Pneumstlc, $.13 00. . V former price K,3 00. taaw Olrls'So-lnchElrctrla Cushion. tiSOOi . termer price S33 00. fBBM Doys' 4 Inch Scorcher Pneumatic, S7 00 W former price 3S 00. : Doys' 4 inch Scorcher Cushion, n ou, . , fanner prlo 4ft.0O. IB' EXTRA.-lBOl TOURISTS, whlehhare beast utl In our Itentlug bepsrtmeut, S0O,OO. BK BintVELI-XINKHAM CYCLE CO., H BOtt-OOrl-aiO West BOth Ht., NW York. -JlBB CATBOAT, to feet long. In esrellent condition A ffB A. Toot lh St., Mouth Urooklrn. .i tifK ThetVcst ltnrsplon Cuuulr) t lub's Be gstls, West lUtirTOf ngA.'H. N, Y July 21,-Tho West Hampton Country (Tnti held their regatta, ,H to-day, Tho wind was from the southwest, Th I jacht wrru handled cry well by amateurs. Capt. Zabrlskle rarrleil off the laurels in this H particular. Ills yncht Princess w on the prize In B her class with ease. Tho )a"hts were manned BB exclusively by nmatcurs In class !.', nummary! M CI.Ass !'. BB ytVirwd Corr'et'S BB Start. Tlmr. Time. II . u. II s MM a, D. W Millt't Nautilus ll 51 in lM 1 00 M BB Ur. Floke-s Jresle . 3 a I 411 I .VI 65 1 (10 US A. O. alrlskls I Princess .'I 17 10 1 57 10 1 60 00 CIJISS 'B y.Cr-vmpton't refills II 1H SO 1 (IT 3 1 67 SS BB Win Csndti sllllte .1 1 HI 1 01 til IMrJ LgB M ntsfrtnleine't I nlyms 3 17 SO I 3d 48 1 A3 SO f"J C.E.Pcilew'1 Lady Margaret .1 IV iO Hid Lot flnlih. KB The dinners ttc-re Cnpi ZabrUMo Princess flfl and M. Fltzglbbons's Enigma. Britannia, Well Handled, Reat Gladr. BJ AMiTrriiir, Ii. Im Jul) Ul. A ery IntereeU B Ing rac occurred hero to-dny between the tat B boats Ulad)s and llritannln. The former is ' owned by the Oddle bmtthrrs. one of whom B hindleilthetlllir. with S)li ester llos ti-ndlng the sheet. ( apt James Mchnls sailed the llrltaiuda, with frank Kracmer at the sheet m hnl) anl". . . ... , . . . .. A goes! course nf fit e miles tn windward and return was sailed titer. The llrltatitila was beAutifnllvIinndleilaiidttnn hy forty minutes. Hut Iho Oddle brothers wero not satisfied and a return matt h will be sailed next week. Ths M summary fullops. Cerreetei. . Start rtnUfud. Time. Tarto Oieeer nMs.n. Msua. a. m Drluunls Jamee Mrhnlt So VH 4 kO au 4 IK) rO U ult.lTI txlillo llroe. 30 0 4 40 tl) 4 40 10 M "Qoxatfi, Cartlarjts, &r. I VAfTfASSELL & KEARNEY'S MAMMOTH rtPPOfHTOHV , LsrteitCarnsgsWsrernomsln.SrwlorfccHy, 1 hi and ISLait mthet. through tn iat, lan.iaf. lau EuiKthst. AT.L THk ijlTr-ST Not F.I.TIKK. . NEW t DLOll, Al 1 KINDS Ol TIIIMMIROg. BROL'llUAMe A r.-Vrr-NHlnN 1KONT HIUlUcllIAja. ' MCTOnisS ASH PAIIHIItLES rOK (IM OH TtVU UOIUtUi M FANCY TRAPS OF ALL KINDS. Verr Uaadsaeae Body Hrake, III Hllhlead tutrt, for Ivronr four horse. J If you dont know Imt what you wsut for your summer drlelag It 1II bajr )ou tulook Hirouzh their Lm repository where you will surely find something t ! lB Ypccui. ATrr.xTin.t to utnirs. II PAMFNOFIl riJSVATOH TO ALL rlOOM. I KUNAP01T WAQON. by Mlvers. nearly new. at a I B decldrdhariraln.sitQrunsbouthsriiee. 0NKHa I fl Pltlt ATI, al AllU:. 4 W eel tutu et mar 6th ae. IJ Sht ITurf. 9 nBRiGHWNBEAClTRACES. I j Rrery week dsr at a SO 1 M. rrrtEPLrcnAHr'tAwiiHi'HDi.r HAuvArcATCBx BJ. - Adndtslon, SI. lA.Hr. SOO. Baf! i Allrra.leiolonejr Island direct to Track. BB O H K.NaKMAh.l'res. f V SA.HSJCao. IBJl ' "ri.VHIIINn RAt'E TeTACU, JrW' I No Jockey I luu Utrm l.ul alltlcTI.) HONEST IB pcf'IMI Hpeelal trsint ling Island ll H, steamer : AEHONAIIT from fo'il KStnit., at W JO A II and 1 f V M College Point erry hourly Oraud t land and J 1 lddork 30 els I DO NOT LEAVE YOUE j OFFICE. 1 ! Call '3 j American District Measongor. i 8 Send your Advertising A to I TnE SUN. 1 NO EXTRA CHAOK I MeflseDger knows th. nUi. , . II