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I!'JH' (5 ' THE SPK, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, .1891 1 1 ''III GOSSIP OF THE RUNNERS. IM'L. Kg iMA there vriht. an a laroe I Wfl rtEhn ton the rvrvnirr. I O ii Hf 1 "f M,t Pranslneat f lae Tw.rM"" V ' ltlw ' Treat TVIII Make m Htrstaar Blst far Tie I'M ' 'iFlM tary-The Vomer lataast Meetlagj Hatvatst I J I n Urtut Om-THb Bui nurMi l l. 8 JL M Ceaalry KaK' la Ik Htakee at 'I ' J? ffi ' rlheepeaend Hay-Isorted Ra lac "Ink 1 'I ' Ifl 1 fartkeKeenenaail si, B. IInl-F.atrlen ! ft l H ' frsterssnserarh,Bnrs.tsa'a,astst Parkway 1 it fefiif The proepeetii at present are very brlRht for i 'fi 'tJ ' Uie autumn meeting of the tmev Island Jocker I'M M ' c,ub" wn,ch "llii "t Hheepshead Hay next 'ft 'W'''1 Saturday, when the Futurity Stakes for two- ' B fill ynir-otda will be derided. It l estimated that B 'flJi the Futurity this year will be worth to the win- k 'Mr' ner about 160,000, and from present Indlca. ? lij ' j ttons the field will be the largest that has faced ' a 'at I starter for that event In recent years. It Is I" (&!, j the ambition of every turfman to win the Fu- jjjHfc j 1 ferity, which Is the richest prlte In the gift of ifijl j any racing association on this continent. ,?ji It has been eatd repeatedly that this year's '?Hi two-year-olds are not nearly up to the high IfWX i runriartl of last year, when such flyers aa. Doml- j8 ', tvo, Dobblna, Benator Orady, Henry of Navarre, 'fJM ' Declare, John Cooper, and others that could bo ISIS, named were nut, and as a consequence mora aji., than a scoro of owners have fond hopes that l 7 '! theymay have the lucky animal In their stable. ' ! ' j , In the early spring the racing public hailed jtM. Col. Ruppert's Gotham as little short of ' j ' S". ' wonder, but the colt went wrong early, : IB, , I and besides Is not engaged In the big 8 iffll ' Tmce, and Manchester and Counter Tenor '8 Jttj' will have to carry the colors of the young k I s5r 'w or'ccr on pattirtlay. After Ootham l il r- ' disappeared from public view the Morris Oily m IjUlli j Outta Tcrcha was tho bright particular star In tjpl A the two-year-old Armament, but she, too, suf- iCijti i fared defeat, and tho popularcrnze was Valtzer, 't ' In Gideon & Daly's stable. After Waltier came rS , Area! racing machine In Ilutterflles, also jtjHlS ' owned by OldeonA Daly, but she was such a 'I jjW, fragile creature that she went wrong, and every ' t w' energy has been bent to get her ready for Hat IW onlay's race. In company with Waltier sho iftjl bias spent the summer at Saratoga, and the 'jig' latest advices from that point state that she jER ; la taking her work most satisfactorily; ,JM '- ta fact, no Inter than Friday last an effort was ii$k i taade to secure a Jockey for her, Qrlffln, it Is un f S J derstood, being reserved for Waltier, who is a If S; I rare starter. There was no secret in the early t,j I aprlng aliout Ilutterflles being easily the su it ft," l perlor of any two-year-old InOldeonA Daly's lljjfj 8 string, and It was even said that she could out f 3! i run Ilamapo, the winner of the Suburban and ijiT,' Metropolitan handicaps. If she stands the prep Sj aration between now and Saturday and does not sW i break down In the rncet the followers of Gideon (itf),' I etc Daly's stable regard the Futurity as good as iffjij won. Hwm this stable which won the Futurity Irtli' I with His Highness threo years ago. 1 !ijl The Messrs. Keene won last year with Dom jiivli j lno, their chances for this season were con fl. slderM bright six months ago. their yearlings j :!!, ' having been pronounced a magnillcent lot by HI, everybody who hail had the pleasure of seeing If,', J them. Among them were Dangerous, a colt by US. Faverdale, out of Horn Fool, whoau trials were j '3 , fully as good as thosn of Domino; the speedy 1 Ml fllly Emma C by Darebln. out of Quenn, for Ml wtilch $1A,000 was paid, and the colt Inqul M7 rendn, by Enquirer, out of Uonnle Meado. None I !;, of this trio has as yet appeared In public, and It I n is nrobable that the white with blue spots will be 'TV bocne by Agitator, a son of Kxlle. and Itoundr JBO ' lay. the daughter of Falsetto and Carol. It ilS la more than likely that Edward Corrlgan of jl; ' Chicago will send two candidates to the post, in I JBV' i spite of the fact that he had some troublo with ( (J, the Coney Island Jockey (?lub three years ago, I iC" , i when ho started his coll Huron despite the fact if.: that the Hoard of Control decided that he was I it1; ; sot eligible for the race. Headers of Till riu.v I (, will remember that Corrlgan got an Injunction if- i restraining the Coney Island Jockey Club from Hi" interfering with his horse, sent the colt to the , post, nnd ran second to His Highness. He was Xit I not placed In the race by the Judges, and Cor- Wt ; flgan sued for second money. The trouble j iff' between the master of Hawthorne and the MS; , Coney Island Jockey Club If 1 to a great deal of - JSf bitterness, but the Jockey Club has gradually pb, healed the old core, and Corrlgan's reuresenta Ifi! , lives. Handsome, by Hanover, out of Cinderella, f ; I' and I,eo Lake, by Leonatus, out of Lady of the ! I), Ike, are both rrceivlng a special preparation i I( I fur the race. They are included among the best .' I,, of the Western two-year-ilds. Messrs. Flelsch- maun & Son will rely upon their good colt I'rince I Ik of Monaco, while Mr. Pierre Lorillard will start I fi; I.lza, by Itayon d'Or. out of UiiluCoi.Ilamllton til having been engaged some time ogo to pilot her. iJk 'Charles Lltllefleld. Jr.'a. Connoisseur, by Hlr K" ) Jlrxlrrd, out of Dlxlanne, the conqueror of Walt I 1!;- xer. Sir (lalahad, and Utlca in the Qreat Eclipse Ni : I Htakes at Morris Park, has been at Monmouth It). I I'ark ever since the Hnrepshead Hay meeting ' j' ! i closed and is being keyed up for a supreme , II' i i effort. Ixiuls Stewart's Mor.Rccrf.ono of Spend ) flu thrift's handsomest sons. Is also at tho same I Place, while ex-Congressman Perrv Helmnnfs I B," , bay colt by The Ill-fsed.outof Mnnnetlsm, is I Ketttnit his work nt Jerome I'ark In tho fl! i t-apable hands of J. W. llogers. This H" ; big colt, a brother to Masher, second 0 In Potomac's year. Magnolia, and other ti great perlorroers.taoneof tiiebest-looklngtwo. I 15 year-olds In training, nnd he should develop Into S4 a good race horse. 1 he Saratoga talent have a i high regard for (!. II. Jayncs'n brown Ally Tough I if Timber, by Hlmyar. out of Fellcltle. and there M are rumors itttnat that Ilyron McClelland is get- I ' ling his black colt Halma-by Hanover out of M ilm 1 Julia I... ready for u killing In thlsevent. Oliver l ! M" 1 Harard Perry llelmout has a candldato also , I; , that has been taking the water and thealrat the m ! ! siirinirs for some weeks. This Is the chestnut H ,- colt Drandywlne, a brother to Potomac, who ' . f won the race (Mima years ago for Mr. Ilelmont's father, and should the while-faced and white eggeil colt follow In his brother's footsteps , inp , there would lw general satisfaction in the turf ' I iMff . world. The Oneck stables will make a strong I ('(P old for the they have two formidable MM ! 1 Sf.".!1''!1!"" ,n "". chestnut filly California, by I itfll Midlothian, outof Misfortune, and the chest- 1st i!ll; i nut colt DoggetU by The Bard, outof Itosewood. jK IIm ' 1 here may be other dark ones under cover, but lit.- the probable starters that seem to have a chance , j tjk have all been named. J ) : lt Is confldently expected that the Sheepsheail I IE IUy meeting will be the greatest in the history ! H' of the turf in this country. There are several K ! reasons for this, but chief among them is the KM' fact that there lias been no big stakes, now that Monmouth Park Is closed, for midsummer B jK racing, and tlio best horses have been practl nlinli. rally In retirement awaiting the fall rampalgn. '14! which commences with the .sheepsheail llay illii meeting. Then, too, the best horses of the West JH always come Kast In the fall, and Rheepshead W! has been u common battleground fur the B flyers of East. West, North, and Houth. One H) has only to look through the stake book of BXfXfrsxfXfjf iuti oney isiauii jocaey uiuo 10 ne convinced Hl ' l this fact, every stake In the programme re. 1 tf.',!!Ln' J"P' h!gn rl"an'J liberal entry. liM ' iVIth, such horses aa Clifford, Lamplighter. WBH Banquet, Ilamapo, Henry of Navarre, Faraday. BBlBPN Jkiralnp. Dobbins, Hlr Knlgbt. Vo Tamblen, :BI lla-safctlaw. Hornplie, Merry .Monarch. Dally H:B1L America. Jack of Piiades. Dr. Hasbruuck. Don H Alomo, rtoach. The Pepper.JohnCnoper.Ducat. l t'hant. Hlr Walter. ltJrlau. Candelabra. Vic. ; torlpus, and riaragaaku engagd there is no doubt of the quality of the unlmals entered in ! the handicap. BMB1 1 T. tor Instance, the Flying Stakes for three. BMH I earmolds, .which will lo run on Monday, Aug. I S, S7. over the Futurity course. In this event wo ,IK find such names as Iiomlno, John Cooper, Peace . BH maker, Hornpipe. Hen Ixunond, (lalller, Dis. iHli rdnnt, Peter the Oreat. Pochlno. and Mat f iStl Hyrnes. Ipr the Twin City Handicap, which M ;BI lias always been regarded as one of the best of irfBl aeturan races, there are entered, among others, l 'f : Hamapo, Faraday. o Tambien. l)omlno, ' JUnquet. Ilassetlaw, Hay HM Durat. Cllffoni. ' I-aiarone. Henry of Navarre. Dobbins, blr falter. Dorian, and Candelabra. The balance -' i of the programme la quite in kreplng with that already mentione.1 above The Flight Stakes, K'BF ' B at seven furlongs, which Invariably bring the '- R test sprinters of all ages together, baa a lot of BJIi H f ,uvd,i,on . eltr tu! J.i u' leading off II with Dr- Hasbrouck and followed by Peace- Kl maker. Wrrnberg.nienmoyne. Lady Violet, Maid Marlon, Domino. Clifford, Hugh Penny! Ben Umond, and (lalllee. " '' The following are among the best-known two- t year-olds eligible to start in the Futurity: OMeon ; Daly's b. c. Waluer, by Dareblo-Sly V Ul J?ilJe"n D,)r' '' Botterfllef, by Sir Dlxoa-Xsr- 'Wlf! Oldsoa A Daly's cb. c. Keensa, by LUboa-Patrt- VMU tnnay, u Ed ward Corrlgan's ch, e. Handsome, by Hinoier- UmmUi Cinderella. BBBBa !''"'r; .forr'fao's b. c. Uo Uke, by Leooatus- H Lady of Che Lake. H llarrut luly'a rb. f. nadle. by SalTator-AurelU. 1 .,U. k lelchiuaii a Sun's cb. c. Vrlui. of Monaco, by Su B Blal'arlna. BBMI c lUr" L"'"1 aril's rh. t. Uxa, by Kayon d'Or-Uiile HvJkE S l;,rl.' 'I'"n'ld- Jr.'s,ch. r. ContoUeur, by Sir M . Job H'Pf I. Jr'. eh. c. Couaur Tnor. by FalMt- nMm to -Pearl Tuuroe. IB B i,acRupptrt,Jr.'s,b.e.)(aicbesUr,bySlrModred VJn B rartaela. ) I . 'liu Btuart's ch. c, Monaco, by Bpeadtrlft-Mald of 1 sV m aiboi, J1I Hrrry BelmoDt'sb.e.,bylnip.Tbs Ill-Used-Maxntt- , 1 R Camdca SUbls's CO. f. Rtllomena, by Blmyar-Ijut ' I II i fiiirm",ne br' '' Toub T,mbw- b' Hunyar- ft J H. . P. Knut'sch. c Agitator, by EillAth- 4 IW If Vne. 1 jl H R-F. P. aVen'cb,r, Roundelay, by rsUelto- j aW ' i!iuU"'' alrila. by Inqulr.r- , fU J3l" McCIIUa4's bu- Ualsu, by Hanoi er- ' KM A-,-,a- D- H. ItorrU's b. f, Outu Fercn. by j ElLj .- . BBBJB2BBBES3sBEnBBLJ!L"' '"ffisMsfBHtlaM Kamsdell 4 Burke's b. e. Brloso, by rumbesn- Vneek Btsble'i eh. f. Callfornta. by Mldlethlan-Mls- ISaeck Btabls's eh. c. Doxtett, by Tbs Bard-nose-wood. . . fc. . o. II. T. Belmont's cb. e. Brandy wine-by 8t. Blaise Susquehanna. .At. F. Dwyer has made another match with J. W. Rogers. When Ptonenell was beaten br Olenmojne on Wednenlay last he carried 115 pounds to the gelding's 107 pounds. The pair will meet on Wednesday next, with the same weight on Htonenell and 110 pounds on men. moyne. Mr. Dwyer thinks Stonenell can beat tllenmoyne this way rigged. The first division of the meeting of the American Jockey Club will close at Jerome Park on Friday next. Entries for to-day follow I First Ilace-One mile: selling-. Boiler. IISiTerrsrln JOS Jack Rom . . IIS Pandit , 10:1 Aran llfl Conners 6 Top(llsnt, . . lovl Recond Race-Flte and a half f urlonxn handicap. Dottett lUlllalUtone 100 WrDUon, Jr ION Etlarre 100 Owlet ,. ... ION F.tnma 100 Masnetlim colt 107 Valkyrie M Ilanwell,. . . !07Fencer 91 Third Race One mile and a tlsteenth. Merry Monarch 114 Bandit 101 HsMetlaw IIKSionenellte Vfl Roche 1 1 S.htar Actress Vo Fourth Race-Fife and a halt furlongs; maidens. ftunllnhtfllly 107Monotony 107 Iieltlna I07sunbart 107 Siberia 1071 Fifth Race-Titan course) selling) 1,400 yards. Prig IIS Maclntyre so Armllaa-e 107 Mlrmac Jueen V7 Drnm Major Ion MltsOalop , V7 Charter., Bit Sixth Race-Six furlongs! selling. Sam Weller IIS Speculator , 10 Adelbert ltllMyOvps 107 Bonaventllre 10V Dot. ftheehan 10,1 Best Brand ...los Kentucky Lady 103 Vespasian., ins Repetition 10'J Darkness... . .108 Rebecca Rowett filly.. .10 There was genuine excitement In this city on Saturday evening when It was learned that Clifford hail defeated tamDllohter, Hamapo, and Yo Tamblen at Saratoga. Those who had sounded the praises of the four-year-old In tho spring wero Jubilant and Inclined tocxclnlm, " I told you so." There has never been any doubt In the minds of those who know anything about the horse concerning his speed. Now that he Is all right ngalu, the public mny look for freat bottles Ix-tncen the giants at Sheepshead lay, Uravcsend and Morris Park, The programme for Saratoga follows! First Rarr Three-year-olds ami upward! Are and a half furlongs- WahJIm llStrennlless I0 Yemen lOtUMnther of Pesrl Inn LaJnya . lllhernla (Jucen ml Reginald 10ft Kaxan va Arapahoe 1031 Second Race Closes at noon to-day. Third Race Two-year-oldij six furlongs. Klimer lOllKnehanler. nn (lien l.lly lot Mlas Annlerolt tm luck Massle Khi Urania 117 Trophy gelding vul Fourth Race Three-year-olds and upward: seven furlongs. Skedaddle HSIRIirhtniore. 10.1 Copyright 116 Agitator vh Soundmore.. lofiihd Kearney.. uh Fifth Race Three-year-olds and upward) one mile. Tlawthnrne insist. Maxim im nalbriggan 109 Mlis Dixie urt Selena D 0sBrshma tit Slith Race Handicap; three-year-olds) six and a half furlongs. Soundmore 123Torchbcarer 114 Tntentato 123 AMlgnee 1 ta Maid Marlon U'.'l A very Important addition to the raring stock of America reached the Atlantic Transport Company's dock, foot of West Twenty-seventh street, last evening. Thirty-nine head of the thoroughbreds were consigned to James It. & F. P. Keene. The lot Is tho selection of Mr. Fox hall Keene after an inspection for three years of f:ngllsh stud farms. It comprises these horses: rlncess Caroline, by Foxophlte: t'ltrouelll. by St. Simon Marquesas Lucy Light, by Xeno-phon- Dornnm; Royal Jim, by Nap's lludge lloyal Duchess; Merrhill, by McOregor Miss Penhlll: Musical Oem, by Dan Godfrey -Lowland Jewel; Lucille, by Zeal Lucy; Innenlnle, by Galllard- Wharfdale; St. Cypria, by St. (Jntlen: Dutch Flag, by Dutch Skater-Annexation; Dancing Water, by Isonomy-Pretty Dance; Stephanotls, by Springfield Eglantine; Koyal Nun, by Hermit Princcsn Slav: Dlstaf, by IOwland Chief- Homespun (Iowland Chief is the sire of iowlander, winner of the Suburban of 1K03I; Dim I try. by Oallopln -Sister Ionise (Dlmltry, because of breeding qualities and win nlng get. Is claimed to bo worth $50,000); Cerlto. by Lowland Chief Merry Dance; Helle Hose, by Ilenudesart- Monte Knsa; Ma vnurneen. by Barraldlne Oaydcn; Marsar. by Klsber Palma; Maid nt Dorset, by Dutch Skater -Empress of India; Imv (lay, by St. flatten- Lady Emily. There are fifteen foals on foot to mares named above. They areas follows: Hay Ally, by Wisdom Faustlno; twins, by Hall iard Dutch Flag; bay Ally, by Hampton Dancing Water: chestnut colt, by Surefoot -Stephanotls; bay filly, by Galllard Royal Nun; bay filly, by Hawkstona Dlstaf; bay flllr, by Hampton Dlmltry; ch. Ally, by Petrarch Cletro; bay filly, by lloyal Hampton Hello Hose; ch. oolt, by Friar's Balsam Ma vourneen : bay colt, by Retreat Mama: oh. Ally, by Amphlon Maid of Dorset; bay Ally, by St, Serf- Lady Oay; bay Ally, by St. Serf-Cln-rrella. Following are the mares in foal: Belle Rose to Enterprise. Mavourneen to Amphlon, Cinde rella to tho great horse Common, lloyal Nun to Common, Dutch Flag to Halliard. Faustlne to Surefoot, Lady Gay to Surefoot, Dlstaf to Bt, Thnrlent, Maid of Dorset to Oallopln, Marsa to Goldfinch, Cletro to Pepper and Salt. Superintendent John Mackey arrived In charge of a very choice assortment, which he recently purchased for J. II. Haggln. There are recently purchased for J. II. Haggln. There are three stallions. Goldfinch, by Ormonde, out of Thistle, dam of the triple classic event winner. Common; Watercress, by Springfield, out of Wharfedale. and Golden Garter, by Hen d'Or, outof Panda, dam of the Derby winner. Sain foin. The balance of the Haggln consignment Includes Star Huby, a two-year-old bay colt by Hampton, nut of a sister to Ormonde, a yearling chestnut Ally by Springfield, a yearling bay Ally by Donovan, and a yearling black colt by Em- fire. All will be unshipped this morning. The laggln stock will have a few days' rest, after which they will be shipped to the Jlancho del Paso. California. There were also seven jearltngs. three colts, and four Allies for Marcus Daly. Of the colts, one 1 by Ureadknlfe, the famous English stal lion; another is by SU Gatlen Petticoat, and the third is by Hampton. Of the Allies, one Is bv Kendal Puttrachina,aslster to Star Actress, a three-year-old now at Jerome Park ; one la by Galllard, one by Fernandez, and the fourth Is by Friar's Halsam, Entries for Parkway to-day: First Raee-For two-year-oldij selling; six furlongs. Emulate nily. 107; Taconey, UO: Tylura. 10U; Mar Irwin. 107: Judaa Oleasuu, w. I'eter Jackson. ui: Frlti.llO! Tweedledum. Ill; Mallntla. 1U7, Hecond Rae- For beaten horses; nrefurlnngs. Third Cousin nil. 117! Bon Voyage. 122: H.,li Sutherland. 122: Sea Bird, 117; Urlghilyri. lio; RlueUlrd.122 Ryan. I IB. Third Race For beaten horses; firs furlongs. Ad- iourn.llu pounds; Masher, 122; Blithe, llu; I'hrllls ..lli; Republtc.UV: 8allul, 12'; IMacklock Til); . Fourth Race-nandlrap, for ponies; hair a mile. Utile TrampJ n pounds: Bob Miles, i:(0; Adjust. 123: Violets, I Iff The Sheikh. 120. ... ju...ii Filth RacV Maidens) selling; six furlongs. Lilly R.. 7, pounds: I'antata, 102; The Joker, W: Contralto colt. 107: Refraction gelding, 104; Ten tp, 114; Went worth. 100; Kaufelda. 101. " ' l ..With Raee-Selllngi one mile. !-ske, 114; Larry K..V8; Little Bravo, 95 j Hopper, I0. n Klekbasaa Heat Ike Vltehels. TheKlekhams, the latest acquisition to the flaeltc Athletle Association, gave the champion Mltrhels their first defeat yesterday afternoon In a fooiliall IsmeatRtdgewoodrark, The score was 1 goal ahd points to a points In favor of the Klckhsiru. Inihu seeond half U'Day of the MlU-helsmade two gnals. The Klekhams protested against them, howrter. clslmlng thst tho goals wen not earned fairly, and that Instead of kicking tbem O'Day had delitieratelr thrown the ball between the ousts. The referra seemed to think so, too, and se his derision In favor of the klckharas. The Klrkhams broke the Ice by making two points. O'Pay went the Klekhams ens better hy maklngthre Rlnts. Conway then made a goal. Us also kicked ro more points for the winners. Moylan was hit In the stomach while trylug to score In the second half, and had to be taken off the Held. The teams were: ATfcsaams. rotUUms. MttrktU Sulllvsa Ooal frailly Sheehan ij.tiraii fs'Me Halfbacks. W.VmX. Rjsn IT. Fiii Drake O'l'ij Tourney Forwards J. Hayes. Moloney M. Hayes. Flitter P lures: Comerford c,ntrM UYf RST&. .".:::::.::. jJas.1"- SS51K ::.:.::: -im. ft"- SS51&. : ..:: ii lSSSS: A Tie Betweea the Ked Hlan aad American. A gsrne of association football was played yesterday afternoon at Amerlcua Park, West lloboken, for the benefit of A. palloway. The contending elevens ren resented the Red Star football Club of Harlem and the Ameiivus A. A. of West lloboken. The core was a tie each leant scoring three goals. The teams were. ' H&'uf.0': ssstr- .f.-fflssf' iHd'.'Uon..::.::::::-: . lT Scott iMcKinleV HU'V H" k. IVunjiSok. ""rVhy mlib. oXi.,.::::::::::::: Witff00- cSrfsa: .::::::::::: rorw"d T.';r- """ J IStVi!' Broeklya Thistles Badly Beatea. The first football game under American Association rules was contested yesterday afternoon at Bergeu Point by the CenUeellla Athletic Club of Bavonas and the Thistle Football Club. The Centrerllles ere ThVleam.:' "" " K" 'n a7o.Uowa C.CBo"uerrui X C ... .JS2" Br00l'K,Tiy""- k-S?" i rMbuU- w K. TsVlbut. . j t Hum. I "SI?''"' I Halfbacks.. ,r?.hi ' t JUer. 'Young, O. Sloven , rorwardj . . .J. BuTus. TLEETWOOWB XROTT1XO XEEIXSO. Many nt the Htarltfarwee Maeea Eatered rnr the ara4 Cle-ealt flertea. The entry list for the Fleetwood Park Grand Circuit trotting; meeting shows the strongest array of harness racing cracks ever seen In New York. Nearly all the phenomenal trotters and pacers that have been making new records at Terre Haute and at Rochester during: the past week are nominated In the rarlonserents, and a series of high-class contests Is fully assured to metropolitan followers of the hnrnees horses. The free-for-all race promises to be one of the beet of the senson, with Allx, Hyland T A rot I, Moqiictte, and Pamlico In the Held. Pamlico Is at home on any sort of a track, while Allx re quires the smoothest and firmest of footing, and not a few horsemen are of the opinion that the little stallion will give the racing queen a great argument on the rather loose golngat Fleetwood, In the ','ilH class the two crack stallions, Carl don anil Ralph Wilkes, will come together. Uoth horses have shown their ability to tx-nt 2:10. Thn class fordouble trams filled much better than the nfllrlals expected, nnd It all the pairs nominated come to the post this event should be the lines! spectacle of Its kind ever witnessed. S. T. Dickinson's Cocoon and Rose leaf nra doubtful starters, and horses may be substituted for those named up to the night before the race. The makeup of the field will doubtless be changed moro or less before the start. Secretary Mason Is negotiating for some special features for the meeting. One of the races talked of Is a meeting between Directum and Allx, Tho full list of entries Is as follows: HONDA V, BRIT. 3. New York Purse, fn.DOO) j:so Imt-Oenera W., Aleyoner llxox 1 ft. i. Nomsd, c. H.lIendrlckson, Rnek vllle Centre, N. v.i John Cody, Jr.. John I'isly, tren ton, N.J.t Anna Mare, W. II. McCsrtht, New Yorki CO. I)., J I. tilhbs. New York; Stsr Leo. L. A. Burke, New York- Sidney bmltli, J, F. Cornell, Brooklyn Jim Nutwood, t', V. Ueuiple, New York; Elfel T. Wilkes, John Moore, New York: Wllna.C W. Weeks, New York; Tnmah, J. Mldnleby, Ilnaton; Fulslle, Charles Frlel, I'lttstmrghi Alinontlne, Thomssllrady, Philadelphia; Dewayn, (ill Curry, Nashville; Ihinna Inez, W. Mcl.ean, Jameitowlu Bonner Meele , K. K. Cogswell, Concord, N. II. ; Friday, Jr.,. 1. Walton, Falls Mills. Va.t Rosaline, F.. Clark, Allentown, l'a.) Rob Roy. 1. 1. MeUan, Jersey city. SIM. pacing; purse ll.f.oo. Ferndale, 8:20, J. II. Mhiiltf, rarkellle) Berkshire Courier, 2:lf, Thomas KherwiMNl, New York; Highland IjlSile, 2:2711, A. Iianenurt, Roslyni Clsra J.. i 1l. ". K, Bailey, I'lilla ilelphla; lllehland ... 21 7U, A. I'. McDonald. Albanyi Dslgetly, 2!l(, Charles Nolan. Philadelphia! Ahatu, t.-tH. V. M. Draper, New York; Como. 2il7'. J, W, Tltlln.,r (lliivnra.lllf. V V . AII..A IHmI,,. 6-Im It Tllltnore, tJlorersvllle. N.Y.i Alice nireelor. t-IH, II, II. MiKlnney, Jauesvlllei Tiptop. 2 II', I', .1. KaufTnian, Terre Haute; Judge "terllllg. 2:2:1, F. 31. Itodxe. I'llls Held, Mass.; Amelia, 2l2l)i Jolm A. Goldsmith, Wash liiKtnnllli'i Comet, 'IMU, It. M. JnU', liulllmore; Merrlmark. V H, W. I Steele. Chicago; Harry, 2:l"i, J. E.nialley. Philadelphia; Pappuos, 21Hi. A. 1. McDnnsbl, Alliany, Clonnslee, Chsries Nolan, I'hlla adelphla; ,t.ti.Tailnr,llrorge II, Hlck, Allstim, lass. Fleetwood Purse. tl.oil: 2'20Tnt -lretrheii.2tl7, F. Isbcll. Boston: Marguerite, 2:2(14, (I, II. Kerns, New York; I-oughrsli V 2 17t(, Jihn l'nag, Toledo; Alice Wilkes, 2 i;,, A. P. Mi-Iionsld. Allianri l.ulu Ntantnn, 2.IU', ('. Nolan, Philadelphia; Miss Mc llregor. 2 lll't. W. F Upler, (llns Falls; Charley cirei'ii.V lU'i.W. Kelly, New Yiirki Dolgevllle, 2:1ft, It. Arthurs, hrooksllle, l'a.; siroulls, 2: !.',. (1. W. IMrkenxm. Chicago; Artllla. 2i2o. John Eran. Phila delphia, Natldad, 2'22W. (I, II Kelcham. Toliilo; (ll)cera. 2:2tl'f, Lines Bros., Rochester! Mary Best, 2:l2U, J. A. (lotdsimth, U'sa Wilkes, 2:1 IS. J. A. ilolilsmllht Huby, 2 'M, Rioter X Crane, F.rle; Ani iK.y. a I.IV.A. K. Cnrnwelli Aunt Delilah, 2:12i It. J. Htewart, Kansas Cltyt Ora,2.1Ut, C. 8. Ureen, utlca. TL'fcSliAY. HKIT. 4. Oood Cheer Purse, $3.00(1. 2:14 trot-Medlo. 2:IH,'. V. W. Dlekey, Marshall. Mich.; Kenluckr Union, 2.111H, Aleiander A Rcushaiv, Tipton, Mo.; Kan I'edro, 2.141. J. II. Fleming, New York; Bellini, 2:ia'i. W. II. Dlckerman; Fanny Wllrax, 2 l3(, JI. B. Wil cox, Houlhlhgtoll, Conn.; Miss Lids, 'ilrtH. U. II. Krteham, Toledo, f).; Orn Wilkes, gill. J. A. Gold smith; Chsrll C,, R. K. Bailey, Philadelphia; Instant. 2:t4(, Thomas (lreenwool; Sprague bold dost, tltlftUi Mllcon. 2i1Hif.o. T. Msikey, New Y'ork; Jenny K 2:ISl. J. 1. Case, llaclne: Ldellla. 2.1H.4.M. Sallthury, Pleasjtnton, csl. 2:IN Trot: pitrx' tl10o-Oatherlne Leyburn, 2:20, R. Walton, Falls Jlllls; Kdlth 11., 2.17U. J. II.Hhults; Ella Vertner. K'lliisj. Thomas Drady; Ruhy, 2:i'W, Anton Itlnvhler, New York; Hal ph Wilkes, 2:I21, J. II. Thayer, Boston i llalit. 2'22'i, John Monehan, New York: Little Tobe. 2U4, . F. Bailey: Vera. 2:1H5, It ila. 2.22), II. It. Tyion. Chester. Pa.; Queechy, 2.imj. A.I'. .McDonald. Alliany; Klngwmsl, 2:l7!i. A. Fowler, New Y'ork, Raven Wilkes, 2:lt, 11. A. Jones, Ituslivllh', In (I.: Addle. 2:IMl', Matthew Riley; Claymore. 2 I7J4, II. R. Henry. Morrlsrllle, 1'a.j Barotlrt. 21(. M. F. Mcllritry. Freeirt; Nelly Howard, 2.1M, K. II. KkiTt. BnfTalo; Carldon. 2:lll't. F. M. IKslae. Itttsfleld; l-sa Wilkes, 2:2ut. John A. tloldimlth; Unwood Wilkes. J. A. Goldsmith! Fthelll.. 2:20. Matthew Illle: Cant. Wal- I brldge.2:Di.chariisNolsn: Darllxht. EllAirerJl'hlla. 1 delpula; S-rantoti Belle. 2-2Mt, r.ll Ager; lllnnlen., S:1VC. E. It. Bowne, New York; J. B. S., :(, II. E. Mcllenry, Freeixirt: .vlttvo, 2'INt.XonroeKallriury; Palatine, 2:2Jt, Jtonroe Kallsliory; Fillmore. 2:21, J. 11. Butcher. Pawling; Dan Cupid. !Mrii. J. C. Bos worth, Fort Sluing. Ky.: Miss McUrrinr. 2:IWU. W. E, Spier, Olcns Falls; Civoou, 2,IS,B.T. Plrklnwn. Advancement Purse, $2,000: thrre-rear-olds, 2:40 trot l.lmonero, I.J. Iiarbould, Memphis; Kleiner noy. George Fox, Philadelphia; Mickey, Daniel Malioney, Portsmouth, N. II. ; Charmer, Wm. Simpson, New York; Whlppelle. It. A. i'alrhuru. New York; Lady Maud, (I. B. Ksrns, New York; El Rammlr, P. f. Radlker, New York; Reed Bird. Wilson Iteed, New York; De Bird. W. II. Ludhum, UosheniCol. Chrlttopher, John Daly, New York; Admire, c. W. Nlver. Copeko. N. Y.; Clay Fullerlon. 8. W. Clark. Elmtra; Mirston C. W. B. Smith, Ilartrordi Belts. J. W. Daly : King Altert. K. Odell.New York; Hatlle H., A. M.nawrs, New York: Ijs Gloria, C. a F. Rtdrely. Kprlrutfleld: I-aura Wilkes, 3. A. Uoldimlth; Tlurllngsme. J. A. Goldsmith; Repetltla, 1. II. Broome. Elisabeth: Miss Mullen. Thomas Greenwood; Redhud. OH Curry, Nashsllle Aloyno,J. M. Hmlth. lloiton; Ansel Boy.bharles Rob? Inson, Flihklll; chide, bister A Crane, Erie; May flower. C, M. Reed. Erie, Vllllers, Hilltop Farm, Dan bury; Royaua, M. Salisbury. Htambell, Lines Bros., Rochester: Copeland, Burt Copland. Forr Ann, N. Y. Frefor-all trotting teams; stake $2.500-Koseleaf. 'ISM. and Cocoon, 'irlrHi. H. T. Dickinson; Aiote, :tluU. and Coliwetw. 2:12, W. V. Trimble. Newburgh-I Ix.rd Clinton, 2:0V. and Mtsa I.Ida. :la, George II. Ketcham and Harrison Arms; Nelly W 2.14't. and Lady Bullion, 2 ls, Samuel McMillan: Wonder. 2:2'M. and Nelly Hanlwood. J:IS4(, J. W.'Flllmore, GloversTiiie: hhamlon BeIN, 2:21t, and Acarx. :24,I'. J. kauflinan. Terre Haute, v WEHNESDAY, HKIT. b, Bpeedway lttrse. $.1,000; 8:25 Trot-Llttl Frank. L. A. Bushe. New Y'ork; I.lltlu Elhsn. H. It. Bailey. Ameshury, Msss., Crenitnu, John ltudd. New York; !".! '.' F. T HtelnKay, New York; Dudley Olcolt. F. W. Noble. New York; Happy Lady. J. F. Turner. Phil adelphla; Torn Mellum, W. A. Detsrh, I'hlladelphls; Nkylark, (I, II. Ketcham. Toledo; ciemmle ; II.. Kumharger Co., Indlanapollt; Fulda, J, D. Downing. Mriultllle, Rnblii.J. A. Goldsmith; E. I. Roldnson.n. Hcatterf-no.l, I'hllsdelphla; Lllllo II. D. Lewis, Jersey City; tlosale, w. MrLrnti, Jamestown. Reullratlnn Purse, $2,ooo, tor four-) ear-olds; 2:3s trot.-SpendUirlfl. F. W Lawrence, New York: Onondaga, U , A. Moloney, New Y'ork; (ioliei L1"' s.-N ,'nl l- Ct:!)t."' J'c'lden: Will,k, H. Walton, Falls Mills, Vs.; Mlu Herllhy (I. Conlllng, (Hens Falls; Miss ' Mary t. ' ". W. Weeks, New York. Mountain Maid, Eldorado Fann. I'ouKhkeepsle. I' I'rlnceM. Sally Simmons. Hum bargerALo., Indlanspolls: Arena. Cnlllno, Angus Stn. ?."'' T",r"!'.",' si.TnJa- O , '.- BWgely, Brrlngtleld; Walter J.,c.((. Wlckes,TlconderoKas Wnodflimer, J. A.Oiddsmllh; I'sjrhe. C. K. Green. Utlca; Happy Jlln r,,.r.,.."",W .Bcatlergooil. Philadelphia; Sablehurst, Wllllauj IW'kerly, Panburv; Kate Nutwosxl, Owen Qulxley, Cleveland. I). 2 II trot; purso 2.nno. Paraxon. 2:l:l(,n.G. Engle. Marietta; Pfio-l vllkes. 2.1 f. M e. Metlrnryf F?e: port; Kilty Bayard. 2:14. Matthew Riley, Billy A.. 5:14 John Shllllnglaw New York. Alar.'i ll(. John A. Goldimlth; Miss Nelson. S:IS. Blchani Curtis. Greendale: Coliwebs. 2:12, W. C. Trimble, Newburx: Nelly W.. 2.1 i;.San.uel McMillan: Mahogany. H.lwQ. .. R. Bowne, North Branch. N.J.t Aunt Delllab,2.l2U, lUiUrt J. Stewart, Kansas City: J, M, 11., 2:l3l. Win. Hoops, Baltimore; Mllta Wilkes, 2.11, John A. Ooldsniifti; David II.. V.VHt, Richard Curts. Urn dale, Ky. 2:l4laee; purse $l.00. Ben I) W. 31. SIiFarland. Brldgelun, N. J.; ltasen. 2.I4W. J. V. Collins, lttt: burgh; Whisper. U 14, James Golden, Bnstou; huh-srllK-r, 2:l4Sj. H. K. Bailey, Philadelphia: Foggy. 2:i:n. A. I'. ilcDouald. Albauyi hmlUi. 2ll3',.J.S Ml1"? !l.,r'.n.'!n',,',J N"'r.'''" "'IdHL- Mrs.c. F. fauld well. Rushvllle. lnd.i Mnnliars. 2: Itfti. M. E. Mcllenry. Frrcpnrl. II .; Ilullmont. a IU',, G. W. Dickinson! Chlcage, II. J. Ilk well. 2:1. 1H, F. M. IVslge. llttsfleld Mass.: Frank Jwrlch. -lo(, W II. McCarthy; hlerl Bug. 2. 14k. J. II. Carmlchael. hprlngtlrld; Ellis Eddy. 2. In'(, c. rt'. Zlmtner, Buffalo; Il!.kel,y, 2 iW Monroe Salisbury; Bue Srry, 2:1 li,3knrui Salisbury. THCHHUAY. SKIT. 0. Free for all trot; purse sU.OOO. MiHiurtte, 2.10. b. s. bv Wilton Betsy and 1. by Ericsson: M. K. Mcllenry. Freeport, 111. Alex. 2:(l.Vi.b. m.. by I'alronage-Allan. ta, by Aliorney; MonnwKslUbury. BjlandT.,2.07i. b. g.. by Taylor's l-Uer. Jr. May, by Morrston; John ll.itearl. Kansas City. Pamlico, 2-10. b. a..l.y Me ander Birthday, by Daniel Ijindiert. lllchar.l Curtis, Greendale, K). l-ord Clinton, 2.0U. hlk. g., hi Den ning a Allen 'anu, tiollgrce unknowns Harrison Anns F W Dicker, t'hlcsgn. Asote, 2:OUli. b. g.. by Whlps-Josle, by Whipple' llamblelonlan: M. Salls- R1'r''Ht',lo.n l'urse. $2,000, two-yesr-olds: 3:00 trot. ussellT., Jsinw Butler, New York; Darya. II. Phil !!. f.w York! Little Dawson, s. Walton. Falls irtlls. Vs., Trliy K. W II. Ludlum, (hhen; Drench, jl. hinlih. Sharon; Lpland, s. B. Or"". Glnrersvllle, Cantenas, A. M. Ilawes, New York-, Nereus. c. ,t F. Rlilgely, Springfield; Whalebone, J. A. Goldimlth; Dorothy Greenwood. Thomas Greenwood) Job Alexander, c. a. Green. 1 lira, Director's Son, Eugene Snow.Kuniboro, Mass.: Kablenut, Hilltop Farm, Ilanliury; Coupon. II. l. Me Kinney, JanesvllTe; Miss Kale, M. Salisbury. ll,!,i'T..!,ro,ls,,,,,' l;'", I'eretle. b. Walton Co., Falls Mills: Mystery, J. . shults; Henryn.T. II? Dob! soy Cornwall, l'a.; (rsn.ton, Johll I'. (Ilbbs, New York, Sidney Smith. M. I!. Brush. Huntington. N. Y.; Crescent, W E. Spier, Glens Falls: Gte Whii. I' H. Ilrndrk-ksou. BockHlle Centre; Jessie Clark, John Monshau, New Y'ork; Mclror. Juhu KtllblM; Etl.uetle. W E. Spier. Glens Falls, Bruce kllut, M. B. ilru.h, llunllnglou. N. Y -. King Harry, Ell AT' I'hlUdelphla. Director's Jug, Fred Dells, New Y ork; Miriam Lane, E. It. Bowne, North ttram-b. N. J.: Belle Orand, Jerome Whelpley, New York, rniiiAY, HEr-r, 7. S la Irot, nurse $f,(MK). Norhawk, 2.IS4, Nathan ttraua. New York, Jesse Hanson. 2.151., . Kowen Boelon; Charlie C. 2I6V. H. K. Balle, Philadelphia; BlnKwi'O.I. 2 I7W. Audrew Miller. N. ', Couul Bttxrt, g.lU,. Matthew lllleyi Claymore. II. K. Heury.Morrls vlUe; Areua.2 I6I..J. W Knox. New York; kiss Me-'.."rS.0'- '.".H- W t bts-er. (Hen. Falls; Juag. Austin. 2 lt, K W Mnllh, koton; hlrnutla, 2:lWtl. W Dk'kluuu, Chilean, Abbl. V . 2.ICS. JohnE. Vuruer. Ambler; James U, 2:101s. w' F, btelle, Chicago Ex piesslon. 2 Ii4. Monroe Salisbury. Mjrtle It. 2 15W -"."I? .ScattergoKl. Philadelphia-, Roselear, 2-I3U.8V T- Dickinson, New York. 10 pace; purse 11.600. Ijicllle IL, 2:124. J. C. Peck. I.! Uranav; Paul. 2:0vtt. F. W. smilh. Soatun IlaliV de Spain, i! 12, K. J. btewart, Kansas City; Ut.' lor Wonder, 2;0W. h. F. Curry, Nashville: Alsan bwlft. 2.1t. D. J. lUrUiuld. MeniphU; John It. Gn- irV.?;i' t-.i """' Freepurti'Tom YVebsier. 2 1 1 If, Mouria ballsliury. 2.22 Irot. t view. John P. ulbbs, New York. KIub DarllDKtou. A B. Darllna. New Y'ork, Jessla t lark, John Mouahan. New York, Baby. Johu Moua ?.?" ?. 'l Furniture hsiy.P. II, Ifaule. Jersey "tV lwUf ." f """ 1'keei.r. Fa., MUs U'tiulae. f ...Mihl".!J' Abauy, Uermalne. J. II. Carmkkarl bnilngSeld, KUeuorv. I). J. Ksibouid, MeinphU. lk XV likes. II p Eruest, Fhllailefphla. Carldou. F. M '."ae-.PHjsneia. Haw., h. rauton Belle. Ell Ager. Fbll t'W' JSUUI"- " Boone. North Branch. Nr J.. t"M".u' Monroe .Sallslairy. Uiurtrrstrrtch. Bundle White, Danbury. Cleutarf, V. gulan. Fall Biter; Hiss Huou. M I). Thomson. Ctk-a; lucuon. a. T Dick' lHr.a! Uorteuse, Hundlek White, Danbury. Uaileay. til Ager, l'nlLa,le1,l,bt. " Rouad Top Farm 1-urse. $1,000, IV trot, U-o Wilkes. 8. Wallou, Fall Mills. Va., IJjile II. -eorgs illeuuessy, N.w Vork Blue Boy, T H UoUou. usVli .-'""'a.Joho Bailey, ayras-u. Aleoner. W M. lUlstead, New York, Magxl NeUou. Johli Monahan. New Y'ork; Husubug. c, it. Smlik. WaUlms: KJXiwvrt."u'u' 'N,w Vurk B"u,-.'" aVSDAT OK THE DIAXOSD, Tt Bis: l.easrae dasaea, but riealy arsharsi Week hy Ieal Tlayera. At Psterson yesterday the local team gave the at, Louis men a scare, and It was only In the ninth Inning thst tS visitors were enabled to win. The score: rstxasosi. ST. totts. . s. 1 a. r.o.s. r. . . a. la.r.o.i.K. Kennedy, r.f.o 0 1 o o Bnwd.l. f ....0 o s o d Morply ,.. o l o 0Ely,s.s 0 a I 4 () Mnrraj.xdh.O I 8 4 0 Miller. 1st h..1 0 12 0 1 Bowes, lit b. I oil n t Brrtenit'n.e.f.0 n I u t) VanZant,s.s.t 0 9 2 2 oulnn, 2d b,..l a S 1 I Cogsn, p.... .nil o Shugart,:k1b.l 1311 Keenan, I, f...o 1 a I I Coolcy.r. f....o 1 8 0 (I Daley, Sdb. 0 14 8 S Harnett, c.. 10 4 0 0 Touhey,c.f...l 2 0 0 0 Hawley.p 0 I 0 9 o Totals. . . a "iitli "5 Totals 4 "5 27 1"3 3 Peterson . ..0 0 I 0 0 I 0 1 03 St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 2 II 0 1-4 . Earned runs-Psterson, 1: SI. Iuils, . First base by rrrnrs-I'atersnn. 2 St. Louis. 8. I.eft on luises Palsrson, 8; Ht, liuls, . first base on lialls-Oft Cogan, 9) off Ilawley, 2. Struck out BCogan. I; by Ilawley, e. Home run-Rhutart. Three-baso hits-Murphy, Cogan. Two-base hit Touhey. Sa crifice hits Van Zanr, Cogsn. Stolen base Cooley Double plays-Murray, Van Zant, and Bowes. Passed balls Barnett. 2. Umpire John Kelly- Time 1:40. Attendance2,200. , crsssi ousts. 8; tnossinrs, 1, At Shooting I'ark, Newark, yesterday afternoon the Cuban (Hants defeated the crack Ironsides by the fol lowing boo rei ISOSSIDM. CVBA1 OtAXTS. . . a. r. s. A. r. A. 14 2 1 Pstlerson, l.f.l I :i n o II.R-hfus.9b..l 9 1 2 0 White, Sdb... I 8 4 10 Morehead, s.s.0 1 4 A I Williams, c. . I I on n Beitrlch.c. f..n o I n n Grant, s.s.... I 2 I I 0 J.U'nfus, r, f.n 2 0 0 0 A Jseksnn.ab.1 1 2 4 (1 Hcrkman.Sb.O I I I 0 O.Jacks'n, lb.0 I II 1 0 Welsb'ck'r.l.f.n n 1 n o W.Jscks'n.r.f.o I 2 o o Shea lit b. oil) 1 I Relden.e. f.. .00400 Clare, 0 0 2 1 0 Nelson, p 0 0 0 9 tl Totals. . . A "o 24 ll Totals. ... .8 B 'i? H 0 Ironsides. ... onnooninn-i Cuban (Hants . 4 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 . ft Famed runs Ironsides, 1 ) Cttbsn Glints, D. First tiase hy errors Cuban Giants, 2. I.ef t on bases Iron sides, 2: Cuban Giants, 8. Home run-White. Three base) hit A. Jackson. Two-liass hits A. Rothfus, J. llothrus. stolen hases-U, Rothfus, Williams, Grant, A. Jackson, Double plays-o. Jackson. While, and A, Jackson; Mnorehead, Shay, and A. Rothfus. First base on balls (UT Clsre, 2. struck out-Ily Clare, 1, Um pire Lemniy. Time 1:40. Hollywood, 8 sraiso lakr, 0. I.oso Brascii, Aug. lit. The Hollywood baseball team played an almost faultless game here yesterday with the springlike team, shutting them out with eiut a run and making but one error during the entire game. Score by minings! Hollywood nnnnnono s-ei Spring Lake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Batteries- Bunn and Hie key for Holly wood: Dickson and Bergun lor Spring Lake. Errors-Hollywood, 1; spring Lake, 0. at wooDsmx rsriK. T.A. B.8 0 0 110 2 2 1-7 Belleville A. C (1 0 2 0 3 10 0-0 AT BELLKSILLK. Woodstock! 10 0 12 3 .,7 Arlington 4 10 0 0 0 1-0 AT I1AIIR1SOS. TenF.yrkA.C. 1 0 4 4 12 0 3 ..-IB Harrison A. C 8 u 0 010000 0 at Bxnaix roriT. West8ldeA.C 1 0 2 0 1-4 Pacific A. C 1 0 0 0 12 AT COSSTABLS HOOK. Rill vnnKull A. C 9 I 3 1 0 0 4 3 1-18 Red Star A.C (I 0300120 03 At South Orange-Clark's O. N. T 10; Oorhams, 0. At Illckstllle-Llndalesof Glen Cove, 4; Elites, 14. National league Record. i j : i p : : : P : ! ? r Baltimore 4 t i"sl7oVJiiii Boston I.. I I II 1 1 I I l In New Y'ork I 1 .. 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I SI Cleveland. 1 I I .. I I I I I I I M Philadelphia. I I I It 1 1 I I lu Pittsburgh .1 .11 I 1 I i 1 I i in Brooklyn 5 5 4 .. i 1 i : l u Chicago..... .1 J J 3 I 4 .. t I III Cincinnati 1 1 S I I I I l It (it St. Loul I I I I I I 1 I I I I II Louisville Htjui i I tl Washington I I I i 1 I I 1 1 I I ,. Games lost a 34IM II il 17 1 47 T M M a U JEssstera Lssgae Gaaasa. AT SCrTALO. STTTALO. rSOVlDXXCB. a. lv.r.o.A.K. n.lB.r.o. a.e. pTIrlen. Sdb.I 1 8 a o Lyoncc. f....J 1 4 , o n Iloyd. istb....) 2UO (I Ilasselt,ndb..l 1910 Collins. I. f.... I (J 0 0 Knight. 1.L...0 110 0 Dowse, 3d h.,,1 1 8 4 U Rogers, lstb.,1 8 8 1 1 firmer, c. f...l 8 4 1 0 Cooney.s. S...1 2 3 2 0 " J""2 2 ? 5 0 Strieker. 2d b. 118 0 IIolter.r.f....8 0 1 0 0 Murray.rf...! 2 2 0 0 JJrquhart.c...3 3 a 0 0 McAuley,c...o 18 0 0 Mckery, p....2 3 0 2 OLovett, p I 8 13 0 Totals. 11 18 2715 "o ToUls. 8UU 10 1 Providence o 20040020 a Buffalo a 0 0 4 0 2 a 2 ..11 Earned runs-rroldrnce, 3; Buffalo, f). Left on bjswa rrovldenre 9; Buffalo. 4. First base on balls Off Lovett. 2: off Vlckery. 7. Struck nut-By Ieett, V.i yr "'kery, 3. Home runs Boyd, urquhart. Vlckery. Three-base hit- Murray. Two-base hlts Lvons, Knight (8). Coonry. Boyd. Urquhart. Double Plss-Loiett, Cooney, and Rogers; Coonev. Strieker, and Rogers: Bowse. O'Brien. and Boyd; Lewee.and Imyd: Lewee, O'Brien, and Boyd;Clynier and Dowsei Rassetl. Collins, and Imffer. Wll'd pitches-LoveltM cher."Time-f 5 ball-Urquhart. Uniplre-Ddeii Zaatera Usgns Record. is s.1 a if i i r- J Providence J) IT ij fo M BufTalo s. 5 7 in it 7iJ M Erie 3S.. s III 9 7 7 14 Wllkesbarre 7 s ..I 7 t, i j 4" Sjracuse s 4 7. s 7 44 Bcranton 1 1! r I . 44 SprlngHeld J 7 4 7 7 . I II Allentown 0 1 4 1 J j .. aj Games lost V 14IMU4 HiiT talis) Tsyeatera Ltsgae (James. At Orand Raplds-IFIrst game). Grand Rapids. .IS: Detroit, 18. (Second game). Grand Rapids, 14; De troit, 10. At Kansas City-Kansas City, II: Minneapolis. 3. At Sioux Clty-(Flrsl game). Sioux City, 3: Mil waukee, 7. (Second game), Milwaukee, (i; Sioux City, 0. Wcatera League Reenrst. 1 1 il s r w inn? s li ill! f ? Curx Or,'- 6i a . ? : ' m 4 : ? ' -e?! 5 ! ! f i I I 1 ; J : sioux City T. .1 "i t "a io To M Toledo...... .. 7 II K Jl Minneapolis I I . II 1 I 1 1 Kansss city 7 5 . s 7 7 19 Grand Rapids as 7 .. 7 7 ts Indlanapolla 7 h 5 7 I 39 Betrolt. 3 $.. i Milwaukee 4 3 ! I 4 1 6 9 .. 31 Oameslost 7'4U 4V4t VMI M 44 l&l raaaaylyaala (Stat I.sagna Clasaaa. At Rbensndoah-Shenandoah, I; I'hllsdelphla, II, Feaasylvaalsv Pilate I.eagne Record. I $ S ? P tr illlllv f rnltssllle .il, ("illlll Ti Shenandoah i 1 1 I 1 j )l Reading J, p. 3 J J 4 3 Unrasfer t li J J 3 u Harrliburg l jl 3 3 3 10 4 llallrloo I 2 I I I . t I It Philadelphia llljl 1 1 1 1 Allentown J 3 I 3 3 ( Jl Oameslost I3ll3 it 17 ill 14 1 i Withdrawn. " ' New Eaglaad League Reeorsl. Fall Blrer I 3 li "7 10 11 1 "il Haverhill f . t 1 ; 10 il Portland t .. i 7 7 ID 4 u I'aulucket I fl. 7 7 4 41 Lewliton I 11 1 . ) r I 1J Baugor I 7l J t . u 4 39 Brocklon 3 31 4 4 ft 2 .. 77 Worcetter I J I 4 i I 1 tl 77 flames lost W 34J3J Tl ij 44 4u'5 in Disbanded. Y'atens Aasoelalloa 49 mass a. At St. Joaeph-St. Joseph. 0; Paorta, 3. At Omaha Omaha, A; Uulury. a. At Des Uolncs-Dcs Moines, i. Rock Island, 4. Baseball Notes. Thio!n .Kk ki c- be Aui M open, and they would like to bear from any out-of-town club giving a suitable guarantee. Address M. O. Uarnis, IIS Bush wkk av., Brooklyn. The Pastime Meld Club hare a few open dates which they would Ilk to nil with first-class clubs offerloa sjuaraoteea. Address A. a. Bogart, manager, 21 Was! lootb itreet. New York city. ' ' A Constant Reader. I. Keefe, Welch, Crane, Tlt eomb, pitchers; Ewtag. Brown, klarnhy. catcners: Connor, arst base; Richardson, sconl bate: Whit ney, third baa. Vard, short stop; O'Kourke. left Bawtkall, falsi Orssaada. F. M. Tst-stay. league championship (awes. New York vs. Chlcaao. Admission oc. and 23c. Ckk-ago Tueaday, Jd r. Baaakall, ZaaUrsx JTarh, 4 P. M. Tss-stay. Brwoklyn vs. it Loan. $ dmleslcn $0 aad $$c-44t. field 1 rtore, centre field; TIernsn, right field, t. Rule has won three games. The Oorhams will start on a trip tolsy. They will play at Newark today, at Harlem to-morrow, at New Ilasen on Wednesday. Walden, N. Y on Thursday, (loshen on Friday, and oxrord, N. Y on Saturday. Next Sunday they will play at orange: Monday. Aug. 27, si Haralogal Tuesday, Aug. , at Hudson. They hare labor Day open for two games, and they wonld like to hear from rlubs giving suitable guarantee. Address A. Bans, manager, 127 West Third street. New York city. Haaeball Daises To-day. SATIOSAL LXAOtr. AV0 AUTSICAV ASSOCIATO. New York vs. Chicago, at the Polo grounds. Brooklyn va St. l,ouls, at Eastern Park. Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, st Baltimore. Philadelphia vs. Clerelsnd, at Philadelphia. Boston va. Cincinnati, at Boston. Washington vs. Louisville, at Washington. rArrxRi Lr.toir. Erie vs. Providence, al Erie. Syracuse va, Allentown, at Syracuse. Wllkesbarre vs. Kcrsnton, at Wllkesbarre. Buffalo vs. Springfield, nt Buffalo. T.AST JXACE Of THE DEXVEll MEET. Dohaon Wla st too Piano aad Gardiner m Cheat of Hllver. Oenvrr, Aug. 10. A JSOO piano for first prize and a $.100 chest of sliver for the best time wero the ptlrca for the closing event of the great I.. A. W. meet, a twenty.flvo mile straightaway road race, held this mornlntf over Denver's famous course, from Sand Creek, five miles out of the city, to I'lnttevllle, The entries of Cabnnne, Tllus, Louis A. Cat. lahnn (the twcnty-flve-mllo world's record l.otdrr). Van YVngner. (lanlner, W. F. Murphy, nnd others of the Kast.ntul clglcr and Foster of California, having been scoured, grout Inter est centred In the event. The only scratch men to start wero A. (lardlner and H, H. Dodson of Chlcngo, and V. V. .Murphy of Ilmoklyrl and II. II. Hint of Ht. l'ntil. There were 100 entries and sixty-five starters. In the teeth of a hard, dry wind. Tho Union Pacific Itallmsd had over twenty ear loads of persons at the start, and they went over the con rso In the finishing point, the men being seen throughout. Tho train stopped nt llrlghton while the men went by, I,. II. llobson of Canon City. Col., tho winner, passed this point In second plate. Thlrty.nlne men finished. A. Ilardlner of Chlcngo ramo In twenty seventh, and W. F. Mmpliy finished easy and Just bark of lilm. Murphy did not know It was the finish until hemmed In by the crowd. He might have won If properly ndvlsed. Dodson of Chicago wns third In time, (lardlner's tlmo was 1:'."-.':41, Murphy's was a second slower. The H tale record Is t ST:S8. Tho scratch men loafed, no one cnrlng to set pace. Ilcrtlo Hanks of Denver, who finished second from the 10130 mark and had the twelfth best time. Is only 10 .years old and weighs 103 isiunds. He fides n i.'0-pound wheel with a 0B gear. Hiimltton of Denver holds the course record, but ho did not start to-day owing to In juries received In tho track races. The follow ing Is a summary of the Unit ten men: ,. ... Handicap. Time. b. Aame and adtirtM. st. s. II. M. s. 1 I. II. Dodson, Canon Clly it no 1 84 3H 2 A.J.Banks, Denver 10 80 124 31 '.' W. II. Knrlght, Sioux City 11 00 1 28 88 4 51. JI. Krrtltl, Denver 10 00 124 50 6 G.A. Maxwell. Denser u no 123 81 (I W. K. Frhlershem, Wichita 10 00 I 24 88 7 r, H. Pries'. Denver 0 00 12.18a H W.Kchuell, I.lnuulu 8 00 182 87 u o. M. Lungan. Denver son 1 22 BH 10 J. tortune, Denver 12 00 120 8a rarmsaa Wins the Chamsdoaahlsi of France. Paris. Aug. ID. In the one-kilometre bicycle race at the Velodrome do Seine to-day Farman won the championship of Franco, EXPERTS AT ITAXVItALZ. Delaaey tVlaa Five Htralght Caasee froaa Patrick Meott. nandbatl players spent a lively "club day "In the different courts. Tho match game at Uanhattanvllle was the chief attraction, and the up-town court was largely patronised. In Wllllamsburgh and the Brook lyn Club's court spirited play was the order. The principal scores of the day were: AT Till HASH ITTASVUXI COl'T. C. OTeary and O. Howard 21 21 S1-A3 W. J. Caahman and 1", McOrath lu 17 1981 K. Hnpklnsnn and W. O'Leary 21 21 1769 J, Durklnand ILFrost 20 lu 2100 M. Nolan and T. Kennedy 21 81 21 83 W. Carroll and It. Ikston iw n 1747 M. Ilortr and J. Oarvey 81 st ai-flil T. Bresllnanit J, Falvey is IB 1848 P. Barrett and J. Falvey 21 81 1788 M. Korty and the Spaniard is 11 2130 C. O'Leary and W. O'Leary 21 9148 P. Madden and W. Carroll is 20 3M William Delaney 21 21 21 21 21 18-117 Patrick Scott 10 14 It 12 11 21 7V J. Murphy and J. Clark 21 21 1780 M.Maxwelland P.Walsh,, IB 20 3187 V. Egan and B. Frost 21 13 2184 J. Flaherty and E. Flnke 13 21 1080 Michael Daly 21 8142 Patrick Kennedy 13 1739 AT Tilt WIIXUMABl-Han COl'RT. C. Mcflowan and II. Murphy 21 10 21 ni D. Gallagher and 1". Keenan w 21 1088 M. McCormack... .....21 17 21 81 SO J. Cowley and partner 18 21 lu 17-73 The Prltchard brothers 21 14 21 6d J. Oell and partner m 31 17-33 J.McOnwrnandE.Stntt 31 2i isfln M. SlcCormack and J. Casey 8 10 3143 if. SheehanandT. 1-annan 81 if) 8188 E. Sunt audit. McCormack 10 91 1787 W. Nash and J. Creamer... 21 21 21 aa '. McUovrrn and 1. Brenn is 17 is 31 M.l.undy and'j. Lynch 21 21 2l-e)3 K.Lawlerand A. Ituttra 12 14 Is 44 M. Smith and J. Iloran 12 21 2134 . Murphy and J. Scully ,...21 IS 18-84 J. Creamer and W. Nash ...21 10 21 at 1. MrGovern and J. Mrtiowan. 12 21 IS 31 M. I.undy and E. Lawler 21 ia 2134 W, Nash and P. McOovern 10 21 1131 M. and K Rourke 21 13 21-87 V. Riley and J.Carltn lu 21 i38 Ooaalp of the Co art a. A match game has been arranged for next "club day "at the Wllllamsburirh court between Patrick Kelly of Oreenpnlnt and W.Nash of Wllllamsburxh. The conditions call for the Int four In seven games for two a side. The principal "club day "event was the match be tweenV.rVntt of Jersey City and W. Delaney of Man halianvlllH at the latter court The local player aur. prised even his most anient admirers by winning nve of the six games played. Scott's followers are not a whit disheartened and feel confident he will get the eient when the rubber Is played out at Jersey city court on Aug. 2d. ' ' Jackson Waata to Nee the Color or Their Money, Peter Jackson a as asked last night by Tag Sen re porter what ho thought of the Sioux Club's offer of I13.0O0. Ilesald: "II suits reenrst rate; but I would be foolish to come out and say that I will accept It. Ut the club telegraph toe personally, and show me conclusively that they mean business. Let them also show me the color of tbelr money, and also assure me that they can pull the fight off without the slightest obstacle. 1 am satlsiled 10 right for less money, lust as long as It suits Corbrll. I want to see first whether they mean business. No one can blame me for this stand, t'orbs-ti will no doubt require the same. If the offer l all right 1 will sign articles to-morrow and foat once Into training. I can't do anything more, 'm sure, can 1 1 ' Gossip orthe Blag;. A match has leen arranged between Jack Roland and George siddons of this city. The mill will be set tled at W ashlnxton on Aug. 30. Mose Corliett, a dusky 122 pounder from Washing ton. who fought soma very hard battles last winter, told a sis reporter yrstenlsy that he li open for an engaxemeul with any lad of his weight. Ed Nail will furnish lurking for Cornell, wtciaiiwui "Denver" Ed Smith said recently In a Pittsburgh reporter thai he would soon come on in New York and make an attempt to arrange a fight tteen him selfand Peter Jackson. Smith expevtsloreacb New York before the end of this week. """"CD ew CH&TtB, l'a.. Aug. I9.-I'at Morlartyof Boston put Tommy Reanion of Wilmington 10 sleep In six minutes this afternoon, during a nght In an old m II on the outskirts of this ciiy, h. principals got out of town soon after the right to avoid arrest, C. VV. II. 31, Sew Y'ork.-Dan Creedoo assisted Jim Corliett In training for the niter's recent enronnt-p with Charley Mlufiell. Crertoti Vnorlifl had o" the glovesqulte often, and. according to therhamplon. Creedon made a very excellent showing against nliii. The Impression Is very strong In Ihe Fourth wsni that Mike Leonard would no have a xhoVt of . chance, with Fiddle I'lerc. In a "n is tf. a 'finish" Friends of Fierce are willing to stake tbelr money ,.n ,h. j0,iW. ,,ur"' warder's prowess to lay Vhe mighty Mike low. r ' '"q 1 r'1".','. w.h".f' "" well known discoverer of pugll. ' l.,r,'.l.,rL,,0"rif1f.'rn"1,,'0r "be latter. maTch with llllly Ahesrii which Is ocbeduled lo UkeplacJ oS kept. IB, about rlfty miles fruin New York. The bat In U at liu pounds, fur 1.000 aside. liynoMs wll? be glu work UMlay at Larvhuiont, N.Y. " i'oungHOrirTo, If he defeats Jack McAullfte this month, will base enough todoforear If hefecoa-' K",.,.".,he fkallengeavshk-h have 'been burled at him lately. Peter IbW, at on. lime lai cleVerest feather weight on the west aide, writes toTuC" that be will Lu Griff,, to a flnlVhfor a" 5rsi A Dally Reader, Newark. Frank Crahr thssn..:., Coffea fooler." and Joo Biiller. the colored h.'.? weight of r-blla.lelphU.taei In hi uak City .'?.? months ago. Craig rectl.ed the crf.Ui of kuAliur Butlerout lu !... rounds. Butler unrt.1 dood VlTJue OoUUrd of Australia for four rounds. IlTknockd the AustralUu du 11 lu the third round '"""ocxed Ed Gorman wired ihe folio. In 1 rhalleture to h. IWIe Uauffe Saturday fro.,. 1-es.rla, -Iwlll Bgnt Jaik McAullffe, at liui pounds, for 2 Kx. s7si,in.i the light-weight Chan, plonslilpof Amir caTMy bike staoiT ready to Dost SiU) If McAullffe UlH nail. If V! rr'u'.l' ' wl" "T1 "orata M. Ueds of l-hllsl eljhu YfZfit'Zi? ''?" anjlfor the light-weight chant blonshlpof America, and agrea urnghtat tbatdub Jffertug the largest purse. My backer v.111 fS7Ji,.i 300 If notlfle. my challenge U iixepteVL" u""u,x rorreat 4)atanlaae Haosker, Several kundred spertalors witnessed the match swimming race yesterday for a private stake between Thomas Forrest or Bath Beach aad Frank Samber of Coney Island. The event was decided In Uravcsend SlSs? tUhiJ.' Un-UM tnlauu hainber'. tlU?ftS2n4 HVRHET'S CBlCKETKltS. The Mem Tfks lTIII Revree the Cham. rlea Coaatr ta Asserlea In the rail. As published In TnStfx. another team of Kng. llsh cricketers will visit America this fall. In ad dition to Lord Ilawke'saggretTatlon.andglvcad. nilrcrs of this sport an opportunity Ui discover the rapid strides made bv this country's repre sentatives. The powerful combination Is chosen from the ranks of the Surrey Club, which, so far this season, lias met defeat only once. Kach member Is a star player. Tho metropolitan club Is very rich, and It Includes among Its mcmliers dozens of men equally clever and nhle to maintain the great reputation of the cham pion county. Last season, however, the Surrey Club was In a demoralized condition, through the famous tjohmnnn's Indisposition and the poor form shown hy the leading players early In tho sea son, Yorkshire, therefore, wns allowed to hold first place, with Lancashire a good second. A different (ale Is lold this year, as victory after victory has been gained, Still, tho unexpected often happens, and strong as may bo the Surrey lies on different wickets, with really scientific bowling nnd Irreproachable and fearless fields ing.adrfrat or two nt thehnndaof Amorlra's sons may bo expected. A review of tho team and their averages up in the last week of July will doubtless prove Interesting. K. J, Key, tho captain of tho tentn this year, Is a strong and dangerous batsman, but ho Is by no means a desirable man In the Held. His batting; avrrauolsaliosvkill runs per Inning. YV. V, Head IS tho club s "rent amateur. Ho once scored :i,'ih runs against Oxford I'lilverslty, which included one six, two fives, nnd forty-six fours. Ho plays point, Is a safe catch, anil can bowl "lobs" with effect vvhcndcslred. His bat ting average this year Is smaller than ever re corded before, lielng only ST.ia per Inning. D. Ii. A. .lephson Is an excellent nil-round cricketer, a splendid fielder, good change bowler, plays long llrM, nnd has an avcrngo nt the bat of a llitla over 'Jl runs, K. C, HtrcAtflrld Is a (treat acquisition to the team, and Is probably the lwst gentleman bowler In Kngland, excepting S. M. J. Woods, who tilajcd herein 181)1 with Lord Hawke'a eleven. HtrratfJeld Is a hard hitter. often scoring; a "cen tury." It Is scarcely likely that ho will be In cluded In the team, as he plays Irregularly. (If the other arantcurs It mny be said that hy first-class cricket they have Justified their se lection. Tho four professional players who will represent Surrey will doubtless lie as follows: llrockwell, who until recently headed tho bat ting list, is good for a "century" If he gets set. Then, he Is a destructive bowler, and Is without a peer In tho field. His batting average Is nearly 40 runs In each completed Inning. . Abel, called nobby" and tho " Midget," Is a dwarf In stature compared with the rest of the team. He is a veritable slant at the bnt, how over, as, after starting sadly out of form, he has reached third place with an nveragenf about 38 runs. He Is a tricky and teasing bowler and a safe man In tho "slips." Ho is a host In himself, and tho opposing- bowler who dismisses him may well be proud. Klchnnlson Is tho star bowler of the club.wlth an average of 117 wickets at a cost of 0.80 runs each. He is a fair butter and safe fielder. This player holds tho second bowling average in all England. Wood (Charlie) Is known aa the king of pro fessional wicket keepers. Ho Is a good batsman, and allows less "extras" than perhaps any other keeper In Kngland. The Surrey learn, however, would bo lost with out Maurice Head's name Included. This plaer, In addition to tho four above mentioned, reprc. scnts the South vs. North, All-England vs. Aus tralia, and the Players vs. (Jonilcmen: but, as tncro nro only four professionals engaged tfl visit would, seem that Maurice will bo left behind. His fielding alone Is worthy of his selection, ticlng the nearest approach to base ball work and the splendid form shown by American fieldsmen. He is n dashing batsman, standing over six feet tall, and has much the appearance of Kan-ell, tho catcher of the New lork llosebnll Club. It remains now. with such strong opponents before them, for the local teams to train well and play with the same cleverness as when they met tho Australians and defeated them so handily. Alack of "extras" and a good captain, and the coolness and good Judgment of Ameri can athletes will go far toward success. Keeerda for the Cricket Championship. The standing of the clubs In Ihe race for the cricket championship Is as follows: nasr stcnox. rtr rrr . . ' Hon. Insf. ft. Wan. Lett. Of. K.J.A.C... . . o Morris nrlghtan a .8:13 Staten Island.. n 2 .780 I'aterson I B .142 Manhattan n 3 .ess Victoria 1 7 .128 Brooklyn 8 4 .883 sxcosn sectios. Harlem... a 1 .asTIKIngsCn 1 A .142 New York 8 1 .S3:l St. (leorge A.C.I 0 .142 Columbia. 3 2 .eool axrnsD xxivr.v sxenox. N.J.A.C. 3 0 1.000KlngsCo 1 3 .280 raterson 3 1 .7S0!llrooklyn I 4 .200 Vigilant nisi Not Lose Fler Centreboard. London. Aug. S.'0. Tho exnmlnntlnn of the Vigilant at Southampton showed that her cen treboard was not lost, but was firmly Jammed In the trunk. Several morning newspapers refer to the malicious rumors spread ntCowes. last evening concerning the management of the 1 ankee sloop. Bully Boy Outsails Mlaerva. One of the prettiest races ever decided on Jamaica Bay occurred yesterday on Rockaway. The event was a special match race for tlOO a side lietween the crack cabin catboats Minerva and Bully Boy. The race was over a triangular course estimated at ten miles. A spanking breeze prevailed throughout the race. From Ihe outset It waa seen that the handlers of the Bully Boy were "out for the stuir," as they termed II, ".'A1.'1 ""i' K1.- .'" capital condition for the event with the evident Intention of regaining their lost lau rels, which the Minerva capture,! on their previous meeting. The Bully Boy was nrst over thn line. best. Ing the .Minerva seven seconds In crossing. On the ?.?' .Mth waa a, run under reefed canvas. the Minerva held her own, bui could uot cut down the ad vantage gained by the Bully Boy at Ihe start. On the second leg the Bully Boy Increased Ihe lead, and on the run home gained eleven seconds more.cspturlng the money and regaining her lost honors. Tho sun" mary follows: n. " Hals. n '!Vav; Ontr. 11. k. s. h. m. s. Bully Boy. ,Capt Henderson. . . . 2 SU (17 4 8 S.i Minerva. .Capt. French S 30 07 4 8 S3 The Itcglal Heats the I.lttle Bess. A special open catboat race took place yesterday afternoon on the East River. The competitors were the Rrglnta. owned by William Scardrrfleld of the Harlem Yacht Club, and the I.lttle Dean, owned by Alex. Rae of the Ynrkvllle Yacht Club. It was a match K.c""r , t""r ,rl'hy nn-cred by the Yorkvllla club! The Heglnla won by three minutes, Kluae Breaka at Club Record. Another record of the Wllllamsburgh Athletld As sociation was smashed yesterday In the "point com petitions " on the Bushwlck grounds. As In the prevl ous Instance Harry Kluo waa the athlete who per formed the feat, sending the running broad Jump fig ures up quite a few notches. Henry II. Connors car ried off Ihe point honors of the day, galnlngnrst place with 21 points; Harry Klune waa second, with 17 points; Thomas Simon third, with lopolnts; William II. Feeney fourth, with 7 points; James Feeneyand John J. Leonards He for Oflh, with 8 points each: Samuel A. Walters and !.ouls a Packard a He for sixth place, with a points apiece, and Charles II, How land seventh, with 1 lnt, The sonimsrlce: Maty-yard Dash, Handicap- Final haat.wnn by Hen ry klune. 1 yard: Henry II. Connor, scratch. sVond William il, feeneynyardi, third, flme;7 sVoonds ' tlne-quartrnnlle Hun. Ilandlrap-Wnii by Thomas Simon, 0 jardsillarry k'lune. scratch, .srcon.l J!" J. Feeney, SO yards, third, Time, 84 3-Ssnconds Six hundred yard Hun, Handicap- Filial heat won hy Thomas Simon, (til ) arils, James J. Feeney. () yards, second. William II. Feeney, 28 yards third Time, I minute 28 ses-onds. - -u, iniru, One-lhousand-yanI Run, Handicap Final heat won byJnhnJ Leonard, scratch! Samuel A. Wallers 12 Jards. sei-niid; JamesJ. Fesmey, uo yards, third. Time minutes HO seconds. htandlug High Jump. Handicap-Won by Henry II. Connor, scratch, with 4 feet Sluches: l.oul B. Pack ard, scratch, scond. with 4 feel 4 Inches; William II, Feeney. I In, h, third, with 4 feet 3 Inches. Running Broad Jump. Handicap- Won hy Harry hluue, scrslch, with 111 feet a Inches; Henry II. Con nor, h Inches, second, with ID feet I Inch, William II, Feney, 3 feet 4 Inches, third. Willi IN feet 7 Inches. Putting the Kllteeu. pound Shut. Scratch Won by Henry If. Connor, wllb 111 feet t. Inches. Harry Klune, second, with U2 feet II luctits. Chsries II. Hum land third, with 112 feel 2 Inches. Three Standing Jumps, Handicap Won by Henry II Connor, scrstch, with 31 feet ti Inches: William If Freney. : feet u Inches, second, with no fret u Inches; Harry Klune, 3 feet, third, with iv feel U Inrhei. la rlaalon'a Wl.r Aguln Rising; I There Is now a strong proliablllly that WHIUm Sex ton, who handily defeated John Randolph Ilelscrlast week In Ihe six night talk-line nutrh In Maurice Daly's new academ on Broadway, may meet Ihe whole strlngof "shortstop" tlaer this fall. It all depcuds upon the result of Ins romliig match with Kdward McLaughlin, Ihe chatuplonof Pennsylvania. Sexton made au esccllcut Impression (n the last week's ganres, and Daly Isauilout I, bring l.lm back Into active professions! work again, lu bis match witbHcUrr "Old 1 0.11 jnrl'e" gained steadily lu form frmulue first, and his average kept Increasing. 110 played many lis-auttful shots, hut In-st of all he de veloped a stroke of such marked gracu sud ease that all the knowing oues declared that there waa no rea son why he should not he back In ihe ranks as a star. Dr. Jeunlugs said on Saturday, while vatrhlug tha flulshln game, that a few weeks' practice should place bxioa back In the twenty class." meaulng auiutuj tho pUyers who strike au uicrageuf tweuty shots to the Inning as a stead) gait. beston's match last week was undertaken with practically no preliminary practise, ex.rpilng for draw shots, but the practise he ha-s arrange,! to have with Daly for tha Mclaughlin natch should demon strate whether be tan rctralu Ihe ground lie has lost by longsDUUnued Inactivity as a player Daly thinks he eau, and ha thinks of matchlug hlui astalusl Ion. Gallagher. Maggloll. and feplnks If the MrLaugMlu matcbeads satisfactorily llelser tefcatcd McLaugh lin once, with behaef eras au umpire 10 Lack him, but Mao u a good player, with a steady galt.aud tau bo looked to to put up a grand average of ten. F.tery w.orku who love billiards will X glad to ace the -Old CsisnancW back U tha Bits as a ref uUr cxaa HtWatBitlracs. slsssssssssssssssHslssSMHSssstmSsBIassS three nto r. jr. c. a, Errsts, A Football I.eaanc, Pealathlon (lamta as the Ananal Regalia. Although many of Ihe gjmiiaslums In ij,. y M. t A. am closed for repairs during A'.gi.t. ami largo numbers of the members arc ana- ,t association enmps and conferences, Ihe tiptir ,. In athletics noticed at ihe beginning of it t. sum mer Is still qulto marked. The mcmlnrs ,, looking forward to three events with no hii( enthusiasm. They are considerably wnrlni ui over Ihe possibility of the formation nf district nnd Plato football leagues. The physical direr ton of the branches In NewVork and IlrooMt. n n. i,,,,, opinions regarding matters athletic are ntwayt sought for, say that thrynre not averse tntrn formation of football trams, and sotnenf tnfn, think that tho orgnnlr.atlnnof a league wmild only result In Rural, The Twenty-third sf, and Washington Heights branches win suv., organize, (cams, and their members arcaniioui to Join a league. Another event is tho annual Slate meetni scheduled for Sept. !.'!!, nnd which will doubtlesi lie a success provided Dr. Smith secures bli Judges nnd makes them run the etents eft a good time. No such Interest in State l'entatMot games has been noticed before. Never hefort have so many branches been on a par with nnt another, and tho physical directors hnvn drier, mined on holding preliminary games at w,ofJ the branch athletes are to compete. The ),fi. est three men In these contests, nrcnnlmi to Pentathlon scoring, nra to bo selected at the branch representatives at tho State meet. The Stato competitions promise In 1m hotly contested. William McMnnigle, ihe present champion, will have to look to his laurels hen Daniel Itenss. Ilr. Howe's old pupil, and th. Klrst district Y. M. C. A. champion, gets In ul fine work, lteuss, who now represents the lied, ford branch In Iirooklyn. Is credited wlthiloltn some astonishing things In the way of brenklni Pentathlon records at branch games. The third etcnt toward which V. X( p. x men In this city aro directing their attention li the annual rowing regatta, which will be held off the assoclatlod lioat house foot nflUth street. Harlem Itlvcr, on Aug. U'o. This regatta always attracts a fair entry list. There 111 lis races for single and double gigs and four and clght-oarcd sliclls. Then there will I the etiv totnary tub and swimming rarcs. The com peting oarsmen will be drawn from the Twenty. third street. Washington Heights, Harlem, slid host Eighty-sixth street branches, lloth Ihe Harlcm and Twenty-third street branches will be represented by oarsmen who nro on the police force Policeman Hagondnrn, whostonped a pair of runaway horses attached to a fire en gine during the Columbian parade in this clly. and thereby averted a terrible panic, Is one of the Harlem branch members. The Washington Heights men are a lively set of athletes. Their former physical director. Trevanlon (I. Cooke, deserves the praise for tht! good showing made by the members. Ixiuli Wclzmlller is tho present director, and he it equally capable! of earning on the good work. It has been said that WelzmlllrrwHl really Ukt charge of tho Kast Klghty.slxth street branch gymnasium, and that Hcovo 11. Howland, athli own request, will lie transferred to the Wash ington Heights branch: but this Isnotsure. Tht Washington Heights branch lias a flourishing Junior department from which the athletla corps of the senior department Is constantly fed. The Washington Heights gymnasium Is tht largest In the city: the Harlem branch Is tht liest appointed, while the "gyms" at the Young Men's Institute and Kast Elghty-sixth street and Twenty-third street are cramped and poor. ly llfthtcd. Tho German branch gymnasium, while small. Is well lighted and ventilated. The Iirooklyn gymnasiums are very good. ' That at the Central branch Is one of the best In the country, and tho Hedfurd. Eastern lllstrirt, and Twenty-sixth Ward branches are in excel, lent condition. Tho Central, Hedford. and Twenty-sixth Ward branches have plunge Iwths. All these gymnasiums are now closed for repairs nnd alterations, but will shortly bt opened. The Prospect Park branch has no regular gymnasium, but the officials try M nrTord amusement and exercise for the members They have a rooni In the basement, where they may Indulge In callsthenic exercises. A shuffle board was recently added, and the members are greatly enjoying the sport. The gymnasium at the Twenty-sixth Ward branch now closes at OH o'clock every night, and tho bowling alley at 10 o'clock. No one is allowed Into the plunge later than 0:45 o'clock. The checker tourney at this branch resulted in a victory for Stephen H. Pritchnrd. John Nelson and John M. Stoney, Jr., wero tied for second place, nnd Krnnk Fuller got fourth prize. Other! In the tourney were A. N. T. Wood. II. C. Hurke, tl. YV. Mohr. II. Hocks, and Charles Smith. Mcfllehaa Anxious to Rare Ills Catboat, C. 1). MrOlehan, a son of the well-known boatbolld. er, who owns the fast open catboat Frank of the Orrenvllle Yacht Club, seems to be anxious for an other mstch rare with the Maria, owned by Oeorgs Boss of the Kill von Kull Yacht Club. In a letter to The Sex he states that he would also like to arrange a match with William Hauxhwnuu owner of the Tor. mentor the Kill von Kull Yacht Club, the race to lis 714 miles to windward and back. In open water, and the stakes to be rrom I00 to 800 a side. McOlehan also slates that he has not yet heard from Charlet Rae. owner of the Harry C. Miner, whom he challenged over a month ago. portumai.'j! (flood;. $5. CASH, $6.25 per Month for 12 Montht. fok a ' CRESCENT, The Whool of the Tonr. $15. CASH, 0.69 PER MO.NTn FOR II MONTHS, run A RAMBLER, PHOENIX, VICTOR. OR LIBERTY. ANY WHEEL YOU WANT ON PROPORTIONATI HKIIVKHY PRICES. IMMEPlAla 'iTs?sK aww Equitable General Providing Co. (E. o. r. co.), Columbia Building, 20 Broadway. SHOT QUNS, IMFORTKD AND DOUIHTIC. COIIPI.ETE HTOCK OP Sporting and Military Arms OP EVERT DEMCHIPTION. HARTLEY & GRAHAM, am and ais bkoabway, AOE.N'TS WR T1IK REMINQTOM BICYCLE". ilhf iEurf. JEROME PARK RAGES HIX HAC'EM TO.DAY AX iSO P. M. nPKCIAI. TRAINH will be run from Orand Central Depot direct tolhegranil stand, al I2:.v 1 IS, :M (parlor cars only), 1,33 and I 50 I', M, All Irelaa except l'30stopat Moll llaveu H minutes later PARKWAY URIVIKU CLt'B. adlolulnif Brooklyn Jivkey Club Urounrti. KAClMi tVEKY HAY AT :U0 OVLcCK Ray Hideo (Culver route). Prospect Park and Coy Island H. IU and bmlth at. trolley lines direct t.i trsck. Kings Highway station ilraud Htand llckels. 1.0(1. Ladles, oOreots. WUITEMTONK slfM'KEV t'l.t'll. Ilea races dally hteamers leav Prldxe I'lvr. Iirook lyn, IVliHOi HJdsl., I 00: hdth St.. E. It., Ilol-M dslly. R..und Irlptntrack.toceuta. Conipllmenlsrybadses of Klu.hlmt Jockey Club will be eii'hatufed at gale for season badges. llOWMMI AIIKYSaud Iannis courts lo let to prl J vale clubs, only. A pply k I West i 1 si st. 7i American District Mes senger Offices in thi city handle Advertising for THE SUN at regular advertising mtes. Call the Messenger, who knows the rates, i ii - n - 1