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aaaaaaaaaaapji-S BBR5 T"lfcylTi ji it iirfrrirfiTTi7ffiffiWsllrjn 91 --.- THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1881 5 J I THE VIGILANTS BAY CUP, I g tT THE RACE ITITtt TltE SATANITA I rrs -vor nsxanr.D. O, the lost -s r the Beeeatl Tim Around the Triangular Conrae the Wind nifrf . and th Eamllaai Boat Hla -. alld 'r Tow The Committee, flow- J ter. Declared the America TaeM the H lanes Th Horn! Dart dab rjTrty cored nr II Decision of Trtda Rhi. I) iiUMorTH. Sept. 1. Th Vigilant and the FttAtilUt started In a race this morning for th jUyi lubprlte. tattled at 40. The course was Jlr'atigulnr, from Dartmouth Kange southwest p, a mark boat off Torcro, thenco by tho cast tnifk boat nml back, three tlmn around, the ;n!al illtnce being forty-two miles. 1 he wlnil wis ! slit from tlie northeast, tho weather haxy, it tin ' smooth, lloth boats gybed as they , I lie line. The Vigilant had tho lee berth ,jirscd the starting lino at 10:30:10. Th Mtani'a crossed nt 10::10:S1. lloth had their jtrkysnlers and jlbtopsalls let and had a free rein li to port for Torero's, which the)-rounded In this order. s-itnt 11.C045 tatanlta 1 1 1 1 :5U On this stretch the Vigilant had gained one minute and fifty-four second , and mas two minutes and five second ahead In rounding tho mirk. The Visitant held tip to the eastward and the -ntanlta kert well In toward Black wn"d. where the wind hauled eastwardly. At this point It was lmoslble to seo the yachts on account of the hax. and they were consequently not timed as they rounded the cast buoy. I'pon emerging from tho thick hare after rounding the eat mark It was seen that the Mitanlta. being closer to shore, was getting a btter wind than the Visitant and was gaining upon tne American boat. She continued to gatn, and hamlll) passed the centreboardcr on the run home fur tho first round. Ilotli boats gybed to wind the Commodore's bout, which they did as follow : fat-ntta M AS utiant 18.33:4V 1'rom the time of rounding Torcross until the rtundln of the Commodore's boat theSatanlta had gained '.' minutes and 4U seconds on the eentreboarder. and upon bearing nw ay for Tor tr xs on tho second round was 4 1 seconds ahead of the American. It was again a free reach to port for Toreros. V On this reach the Vigilant overhauled and passed the batanlts, and In rounding the Tor cross mark boat was .' minutes and 4 seconds head. The time of rounding Toreros, was: V.gtlant... MK:KI I lUianlta I V0"J7 The Vigilant had gained two minutes and forty-five seconds In the run to Torcross. lloth boats held In shore on the beat to the ea-t boat, the Vigilant increasing her lead, but later both ran Into a calm on the eastwanl tack, ml a repetition of )esterday's failure to make ' t race of It was assured. Miortly after rounding Torcross the Vigilant ' disappeared in the haze, heading to the east ward for the second mark boat, and the Pata felta. which appeared to be about three minutes behind, was also lost sight of soon afterward. After being out of sight about an hour the Vig ilant came Into view, bringing a breeze from the est, and made, close hauled, for the Commo dore's boat. The atanlta also appeared In light, but soon afterward gave up the race. kignalled for a tow, and was brought home. The Vigilant carried sail until she reached a foint within BOO yards of the Commodore's tot. f-lie then hove to and took in her head sails. After a short tlmo she set them again. but she lay still, making no attempt to reach the Commodore's boat. The committee de- I elded the race In favor of the Vigilant, but It is doubtful If such a decision would have been I glvenhad It not been forthe scathing comments I which haTe been made on their action yesterday. It Is thought probable that Mr. Oould will take the race for the Vigilant, she having fairly won It, but will refuse the money, as all the other races terminated under similar conditions ha e been decided upon the result at the end of the first round. There was Tery little enthual m either at the start or at any time during the So-called contest. The thick haze and light wind which prevailed at sunrise and throughout the day added to the depression caused by the (refuse adverse comments upon yesterday' performances of the Falling Committee, and It Is doubtful If the day furnished nnch enjoyment to anybody concerned, Tho I adherence of the committee to the seldom ob served. If not obsolete, rule requiring a race to be finished within the time limit of eight hours I las disgusted fair-minded yachtsmen and heaped discomfiture upon the ltoyal Dart all ta? Committee, whose unfairness is notorious. ! The award of today's race, such as It was. to th Vigilant, was clearly tho result of tho pounding" ther received for yesterday's decl i Ion. London, Sept, 1. It Is reported that the race for the Cape Ma Cup between the Vigilant and the Ilrltannla. which Is fixed for Wednesday ' i Seat. Is off to far as the Vigilant Is concerned. I The ff(W pnbllthcs a letter from a member of the Yacht ilarlng Association. In which the writer asserts that Mr. (lould should not have ', accepted the silver cup or the Royal tondon ' Tacht Club, won on Aug. a In the race around the sin of Wight, when. It is alleged, the Vlgl hit broke the rule la resrard to signalling for ' SJ'ire water. In the circumstances, he says, the , eup must lie regarded as a graceful gift by the i Prince of Wale, and cot es a trophy won by the Tigilant. HorfToy, Sept. 1, Henry Horn, yachting editor t the Imdon Tlm-, has the following to say in a cable dispatch regarding the action of the Royal Dart Club In declaring yesterday's Vlgl. lant-Hatanlta race off because It was not finished V In three hours: "So ntch conduct has ever been known on this side, and It is the most maladroit piece of work yet done by any yacht club in the king dom. It certainly pats the club In an unenvla- We position. The weak-kneed action of the committee Is condemned by every one. Yachts- I men declare that the race should has e been de- I elared told five hour before It was If there was a three-hour limit. I "The result Is sure to affect thefutureresattas of this club. rspcvUU) as tb prize were al lowed to the 40-raters Carina and Cnrsalr.whtch ( talltd over the same ruur and umjer the same conditions. The ltoyal Dart Club some years j i was guilty of left-handed conduct to the t Prince of Wales when he sailed the Korniosa Uiert. The committee are always getting Into i aome muddle. The decision Is very unjust, for I the Vlgllaul was honestly entitled to the prize." t the Krnr to try cvp race. VlslUat'a Us-r-al, Arsordlaa to th Beatoa , Utah t'orrcapaaarat. Bovruv. Sett. l.-Tlie ;iirr' dlasgow Rent ing correspondent writes as follows regarding the rates between the Hritannla, Satantla. and Vigilant; "On Wednesday. Aug. 10, the Vigilant. Brit J ar.nta.and fatanlia met at the Ko-al Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde, ble of Wight, to race for the I Rde Town Cup. rVijthsmptun was especially I Interested, since tho Satanlta was built there. The Kngllsu t haunel yachtsmen are all Inter ' etrl :u the success of Satanlla as against both Vigilant and the Clyde-bullt Britannia. Since ; Fife and Watson have designed or built all the suicesifuljaibtscf the present season F.ngllsh i hope run high on batanita, built by Fay and j designed by Soper. "Th. brerzn at the start was moderate north- i west, which made It a run to the lee mark, the Nub, a turn to windward, bark to riplt Head ta.rk boat and a further turn la windward to ' weuther a flagship off East Cowea, from which It was a run homo to the starting point, tb Commodore, anchored off Ride. The three j cutler crotsc.1 the line together, with Vigilant sandwiched' between Britannia and Salinlta. I It will Interest your reader to know ' that it Is confessed that the crew of the Vigilant, after their drilling by the Britannia, started th Vlg'hut alongside th Britannia. The match had no sooner started than Vlellant, uadsr the le of Britannia, luffed e- no. aod. Wing under her lev bnar, ht cutter, was In the position of 'overtaking yacht.' This meant, by the Itaclng Association rule, that If the Britannia touched a loose rap yarn aboard Vigilant, Britannia woa outnftfie race. Capt. Carter, beln-t In the osertaklng vessel, took rare not to touch any flying rope rrn. and. while doing so. found himself srruss he Holent at South He instead of on the way to the ten mark. " This stilled the Sonthampton cntler. Satanlta. perfectly, and. with sulnnaker set. she ran off with n lead which landed her the prlre. Sstanltn near the finish had the other two closing up, but not enough to be dangerous. Turning to windward to Sptthcad 1'aghoat and the fisglKKit at Cowes. Vigilant closed up on Britannia till the tlmo was: Britannia. 12:00:11; Vigilant, l'.':0(i:ts. this was close enough racing, and at Hide the first tnrn was completed, tearing before the wind, tho lime being: Vigilant. U's.Tl in: Britannia. 13:30:40. This Has wonderful racing, hut tho hngllsh crowd on shore could not see that the BrilannlAwas fairly beaten by the American. All their eses were f.n the Southampton rials nlta. which had the lead. Butto hasea South ninrton-liullt cutter leading a Clyde-bullt cutter ' and an American cutter, no matter hnn- she gut there, was good enough for the disconsolate Kngllsh Channel yachtsmen, and over the spec tacle they were frantic. "Since tho four later challengers for the Americas Cup were all built on the Clde In stead of at Southampton, that yachting port has ben diopplng out of date, but Ihe kindness of Vigilant in giving It n hoist was beneath ro tlce. In the second tnrn to the le mark, the Britannia passed Vigilant, the time there lielng 1:30:0'.'; vigilant. l:5o:?0. In the second and last tarn, Britannia on the turn to windward, her best point of sailing, got further awar. the finish being Britannia, .IMUi-.M: Vigilant, 3:43:30. The match was nearly a dead run to leeward, a turn to windward, with Vigilant showing as good as Britannia, with her canvas flat. "Considerable Interest was talcnlnthclufflnc matches between Vigilant and Britannia all around the course, which let Satanlta oven. hat It exactly meant, unless to let SatanltA win and prevyit Britannia winning, was not under stood. MY. Clarke, owner of satanlta, was re cently blackballed hv the ltoyal Squadron, and since the I'rince of ales Is Cnminodoro of the ltoyal Squadron It was naturally enppned Vlg. Ilant was doing a little bit itf retaliation, and since the Rotal Squadron fxcluded Vlzllant I from Its queen's Cup match there was a double debt to pay." j lAXTlirs MEET THE til WATEltLOO. i Their C'raek Club roar I Defeated at the Orsifs Caaoe Clab Recall. I The fifth annual regatta of the Orange Canoe I Club, held on the I'assalo River In front of the I club house at West Arlington. N". J., yesterday ! afternoon, was tbemost successful canoe regatta that has been held In these waters this season. The races were all welt contested, and somo of them. In Interest and In the number of starters, even exceeded the corresponding esents at the canoe meet last month. Theconr-e for the pad dling races was hair a mile with a turn. The sailing races were os-er n triangular course of a mile and a half. Summaries: Paddling Any. Can.) Won hy Jsmes Dugutd, Janthe I'anoe club; W. 1L Allen, tinattache-l, secnn.l. Sailing;. Juniors-Won by Bert Koome. Arlington Canoe Club: A. 1. Burroughs, ursoge Canoe Hub, , secnntl. I SsIMdk, Seniors-Won hr Unrola n. Palmer. lanthe ' Canoollub, William J. Stewart, lanthe Caaoe Club, seeorol. t'addlliu:. Club Fours- Won by Orange Canoe Club crew. Ed wan! .George. ItoberUnd John Hunt seeoncl. lanthe Canoe club crew, Lincoln II Palmer, James Dnjrui-1. liarron Fredrick, anil Harry Farmer. . I'aiMlliig. Open Canoes. Slnale PsiMles-Won I by Lilwani Hunt. Orange Cam- Club, seenmt, Oeonie tireerhalgh. Orange Can-e Club. 1'a'l.lliDf. Senior, norkert Canoes, with rouMe t'attlles-won br Mark Freeman. lanlhe Canoe Club, seennst. Unjoin II. Palmer. lanthe Cano- Club. ' l'addllng Tamlem. Derkeil Canoes. Double I'aiMIe won by Lincoln It. Patmerand James tiusruld. lanthe Canoe Club; second. Allen and Curtts unattached. laddllng Tandem. Open Canoes, Mnsle Paddles I Won by Cooper and llartfall. bt. Lamliert Boat Club of Montreal. Canada. sennd. James Uuguld and Barron rredrlcaa. lanthe Cano club. . Hurry Scurry and fpaei faldllnir-Won by tindley I M Bain, Arlington Canoe Club: second, Frank MrLees, Kuthrrford Canoe Club. . falling for Passaic Hirer Trophy Cup Won br Un. coin B. Palmer, lantbe Canoe Club; second, Wm. J. Stewart, lanthe CanosCluti. Oiinwale Race Paddling tandem, open canoes, slugle blades, crews standing on gunwales Won br . Elwardaod Ilot-rt Hunt, orange Canoe Club; a sec- ' ond crew capsized midway oTer the cuurs. , laleraatloaal Teaala. Niagara, Ont., Sept. l.-The final round In the men's open doubles was played this morn I Inc. Chass-and Foots defeated Matthews and I Avery in three straight sets. Score: U-3. fl 1, ! In' the mixed doubles Matthews and Miss Osborne beat Mackenzie and Mrs. Kingsmlll easily, it -O. d I. In the other semi-final be tween Chase and Miss Uolllston and Footeand Mrs. Whitehead tho first named won. t 1. o 7, 7 fi. In the et final handicap A. M. Pope of Yalo beat II. II. Meldrum, Toronto, both playing even, 3-d. 7 .-. I-T. I In the final. F. C. Anderson. Toronto, beat Pope, both playing even, O- 1,0 1.0 1. I In the final novice, ladles'. Mrs. Sheldon Thompson beat Miss J. Kingsmlll. n-3, 02. I In the semi-final mixed doubles. Matthews and Miss Osborne, tne Canadian champion, beat Uor I don Mackenzie and Mrs. Kingsmlll, 0-0, 01. ' Xiwjrrsey Teaala Player oa th Co arte. The Pasulc Lawn Tennis Club continued In tourn v ! tnent yesterday afternoon on the club rvuru near , Passaic Ilrldge. X J. The results follow 1 Men's singles Preliminary round: Howard Wetter- I Tell beat f. II. Blckrll by default. First Hound- Howard Westenelt beat A. A. King. ft-. (V-. b-0. Frank II. Wellington l-at Waller XcArthur. n 4, rt i Kdward W. oulterman beat E. K. Wilcox. -.'. (I-J. 3-0. I. ' Ladles' Mn-lrt' First munl Miss Florence Wllbirl I beat Mt-aspncr by default, Mlas Minna 8wsu beat IIm Xettt.-l roune. a -t. ft-1. Mrs, F. II. Wellington lirat Mlss1.renre li Harry, rt-o, o--s. Mist Lillian XI. Klnrf beat Mls Ors.'e Anderson by default. 1 Kecond l'-im.i.l Ml-s Hiren-i. WUUrd lieat ll , Minna sn-4u it ;. 0- 4. Miss Ull'an l. King beat Mrs. i V. II Wellington, rt-x. a- i.-l I Final Kuuml-MlM llorence Wlltard leat Miss Lil lian M. Klin. n-:i. ii '. championship Koun I Miss a. F.lllnor Klna. holder, beat Mis Florence Wlltard. challrnger, ft-v, rt .1. I ldle' troubles I'rellmlnar) round M!m Florence Wlllanl and Mlsa F n. Harry l-j-at -Mrs. F. II. Wellluir I ton and Mlu Minns b-run. a t.:i-, 13-11. I Final luiund- Mlsa Florrnre Wlllanl and Miss F. P. , Barry bat Miss Orace Anderson and Mlsa hpencer. o-3.a . ' The Kutherfont Tenuis Club l-can Its tournament ; for iheclubchamplonshtpln singles and doubles ses I tentay af trrno,n Th- results . Men i blnzles-Prrliiiilnar) round II II. Hr.lllster beat C. lioodspe!. - i. rl 0 A. C. Thurher heat II. Irison, !,- -4. I'wtaht HollUter t-rat C. II Durar.t. , ft I, K-a,l L llolllstrr heat . Hernandes.rt I. it o. r. K. Ilolllsier Uii II l'r-nll. Jr o-l. o-a C. N. Parker l-al A. T Hire, rt-n, n-v. I Ursil IImuiiI r K llolllstrr l-esl n. I. Holllster. I S-JS-., C. S. Parker leal I- W KUIman. A i. Men's Doubles Preliminary round A i Thnrti-T and II. II. Holllster brat V K llollutrr and!' H Park. tr. a .1. o li Ha) mood tleer and T liu lUster beat I. Kalltngton and H. Magre, l 7. o 4. Tetusl at the NUtea lalaad A. C. The f.rst rounds of the tennis tnurnsment, the finals In which w 111 Iw a feature of Ihs Staten Island Athletic Club's labor lay celebration, were played at Ihs club's grounds at West Brighton yesterday afternoon. ! There were many ipeclators,whu were freatrd to some I eieellenl contest, very few lot games being played. lu the gentlemen's singles the scores were as fullo-rs Preliminary Bound tamest Weniplts brat A. ii. I Bailey, is. 1. o-a. Hrsi Bound -JJ. I. Wyeth beat F O Janssen, s I, . B-a: A . Bailey beat J. Faber. 0-0, tt-i H. V, Carrere brat F. It, Hojt.rt-1, o-, L. O. Billings, Jr., beat L. h. Carrrre. B 1, B-, Srml nnsl Round-wyelh Wat Bailey, A-l, A-3; . Inillns hrat II V Carrere. d-4. is-A I oeutlemen's roubles-Preliminary round. L. O, Bllllnn and CM. Chester beat U E. luinhard and W i W Msgee, OV.n O. First Bound-O.L. Wyeth and F II. Hojt best M A I Carprnler and J. C. Aturbury. ft-O, iv-V. Billings and i I tester beat F. tl Janseen and J. E. ratwr. ft . ft -2 1 William Williams and Lamest Weinil tat I- s.and II, V Carrrre, o--U. o e, n I, iar Vim Hruutn and l H. C. Law rrn.'e beat r. A. Barstow and J. F, Attcr bury by default. t'calral Park Teaal Player. 1 9 The later-class tennis tournament of th Central ' Psrk players was continued jesterday afternoon on r the aorta meadow. The brat contest was the match I la Ihe scratch class between Sulllwan and Muntrshelm- j I er. the former winning by the narrowest possible suarrta la the odd set. The winners In the various j class contests will i-.mpri for Ar.t prize Scores ' Kcratch Class First liouud ilaulry Htmn Ual Her bert strad. 7-3. .so. . beeund KouadJ, J, hullivan l-Nit Harry Munte skrluier. ae. i-0, 7-3. T C Mitchell beat Freaud, 7-3. 7-3. ' Half Fifteen Class-nrsl rout. J. Stem beat Edgar ' Wooilaian,d-l,s I. I Final luiund-E. item Wat A tjcawsrr, fl , , i 01. Flffeo Clsss-Preltmlnsry round L. Springer best ! A-Lre, ft 4. ft J, o. Htng brat F Xlonlalto. u ?, 6-?. , First Ilouad-O. BlugbtalU, stem, 6-1. ft-t. Park Hill t'oaatrr (Tub Teaala Toturasy, On Ihe courts of lb Park Hill Coaniry Club yester ' day a tennis tournaxneat was held. The point system was Adopted In place of th ordinary gun and set method. In lb best match of tho day the winner. Thayer, was only three points ahead of hlsoppunent at lbs Culsb. ladles' tingle wera also n-ulrstrd. , Hcore I Min'sSlog'.es First round Stephen F. Thayer brat hobtrtsou i'J y. Iluntir brat C. It. cveu, 7.-W. Karurst lrtt beat Flwg. 7-lo La. I Irs Haislct Flrsl round Miss Vldind beat Miss WelUrr. 7X-84. Fr Chicago to New "Tori. Awheel. Ciiicago, Sept, 1. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Letter Carrier A. E- Smith started on hi bk)clc , from th Adams street entrance of the Post ' Office tiulldlog on a flying trip to New York, j Smith carries a letter from Postmaster Hexing I to Pisslmaster Dayton of New York, and his trip is Intended to demonstrate the practicability uf , the tlcycl la mall delivery. The route selected by Smith take him through Ilammocd, LapurW. and New Carlisle, tod.: Uowling tirteu and CleveUnd. O.; Uuffala. Huchester, L'lic. and Albany la the Empire Slate. Each day report of hi prc-aTcs will be received by Superintend cot btolL brulth It confident ha trill break th record and set a rew lime msrk f'-rth-; distance. LARCHMONTS REGATTA. 1TASP ItETBATS HIE OLOMAXA XX the ste.roor CLASS. rerty.twn Taeht Cre the Btartlas Llae Alaslra tTIa Ftrt llsasrs Araoasc th Cat-Ta-nere, Cleeeriy Helled, IVefeat the Adelaide la the l.rot Clasw-Th Iloarl Rob Acrenad-rlhamroek sTIaa, The Ijirchmont Yacht tlnb held their annnal fall regatta on the Sound yesterday, and while there was n rather meagre showing of two stickers alt of the other classes filled well, and, as is usual with everything connected with this club, thr regatta was successful In everyway I In all, something like forty-two yachts crossed the starting line, and though thero was little wind In the morning a flno southwesterly breere sprang up at 7 o'clock, and "Larchmont luck" was again exemplified by a splendid race and an early finish. If there was a dearth of entries In the schooner classes, no such complaint could be made about the 'Jl -footers or cabin cats, as no lest than nine of the little '.'l-footers took part In the race. while the Mary Alinlra, Klttlo Onaway, and Keora had a great fight for first honors among the cats. In addition to the above the Wasp and Glorlnnahod another of their old-time fights In the 40-foot class, and as usual the more modern Wasp came off wltn flying colors. The only schooners to race w ere the Elscmarle and Shamrock, and, though Commodore Sutton of the Loyal was fairly spoiling for a race, he could not get a competitor. The majority of people thought the Elsemarie would beat the Shamrock without much trouble, but they were disappointed, as Designer Wlntrlngham sailed Mr. Maxwell's old schooner In faultless style and gave her a chance to show what she could do, which she has not had for some time. The result was she gave the Elsemarie a good three minute beating, and again demonstrated the fact that In tight airs she has few superiors In her class. The Almlra, Mary, and Kittle had an old time tussle, and whllo the llanan boys won a ' clexerly sailed race on tho Almlra by a few sec onds from tho Kittle, the latter boat salted a great race, hat ing to come up a class, and thus did not recede her regular allowance for length. The Ktsnnrth bos were salting it splendid race on the Mary when their patent gaff again went Kick on them, leaving them helpless off Mallnlcock. The Man's tmtint fixings hate cauvst her to lo-e more races than they have eer won for her. and while the sating of a few ounces of weight aloft Is a great thing In a rac ing boat. It seems to hac been carried to excess in the Mary, and old things are sometimes best after nil. Of cnune the race of the das was In the tM.foot class, in which the entire ffict of these little racers, barring the Flirt, took part. They made a ery pretty race of It fur r. while, but the Vn'iueni. ns usual, gut awny first, and finished first, with Ihe Adelaide hlch Is now painted a, ni)nlblue, like ljueen Victoria's yacht Albert and Victoria' a chie si-eond. The continued victories of the Vao.ucro. while not jwpular In some nun-tirs, are richly de serted, as there Is no lictter-sallrd boat In the IWt, and, in addition to this, Mr. Herman Pur ) en, who owns and sails her. ha kept her lr trim und tuned up to concert pitch from the first dav he owned her, which accounts In no small measure for her succes. smaii measure tor ner succes. Mr. Duticnti, who was accompanied by his I wife, sported a new suit of diagonal sails on the llonrl. but for some reason he did an thing hut I svcll esterdny. windlnzup her day's career by ninnlngon the Ixing Island shore. The Cells. I IIikkIi-j. Ma) sie. and Dorothy had a good race by themcles. hutthe wercmmetlilng like ten . or twelve minutes behind the leader. There I was not much w lml during the early morning j hours, but shortly b-fore 11 o'clock a little bm-re sprang up from the south-viutheast, which shifted to thesouth-s'iuthwe-t Just as the preparatory gun w sounded at noon. At l-:l.i the schooners were sent away, fol low ed leu minutes later by the slootj. and after another short int'nal the yi .fin iter- were ' stnrtrd. Their order of crosslnc the tine and starting times follow. Flsrmarle. 1.' 1. I'.'. Shamrock. fi 11:02. , Ware. IK Wis. W ar fl ! Gee Whll. I M 35: Banshee, I.-J7.I; Ln-ilsr, 13 37.ii; Marjorle. Ix 7 4l5, Agisr:. IIMis S3: Wal. ' n.-ta, !.. 1 1 Kathiwn. IS x. 3u, F.uryben. I t 29 13. Utnrrra. IV .to o. Conuul-cn, I'.'.:m 3n, I Miwj, 1J.XU 47, Oa-llan. ID .41 04, Audax, I H'i.Oi. I lyxl. 12 i:t 37. Olorlana. IV SJ 30. Klttl, . 03- , Madrlne. l'J .14 VI.Kenrs. I'J.34'UH Almlra. IV 31 lr I t'unrh. i: :u IV Violet, 1'.' 34 4J. unaway. W 4 3s, Mar, IV .13 no 7llca. lv 33 00. Terrapin. IV S3 0- I Ialr. W .13 UOi II, IV 33 l-l. Klsme:, IV 33 UK. Then came, the Utile '.'l-fouteri toannc-gun start In the following order: Vaouepi. Iximthy. i llourt. Mlnnrtiinka. Adelaide, Cells. and Ilrunette. Hoodisi. and Mmsle. All were close hauled on the -.larboard tack, for It wa a cjoe 1 reach to Hempstead harbor, the first turning mark. From here the -tnalUr bnt went to I Matlnicock, thine bark tn l!rmitead and home, while the lug simps wen. ti Captains i Island nnd the m htmne- to Stnmfort and I nek. , After tnmingnt lrni-t)ad the m.iller lint i g tietl their booms to starboard and set splnna- I ker to I-nrt. i While It was all right for the Captain Island 1 boat. It prmed sti) thing but a etl n.ow for , ranf the -l-footer. ns the Atlelaid , which dldnotirjhe but .'t her spinnaker ti starboard, same near beating eser)thinK to the Mntinicock mark. I As they- nppro.v bed thi Matlnicock mark the ' breeze freehenrd and Ihe yachts rounded in the I follow ing order: Vsqurru. -' oo o Mar-. ! 1 "0 Adrlalde. s ov :u, Louise, S til V'l. Onaway V "J In. liarllan. V in VO; Almlra. i' id IV Mlnn-tmiki, : na ', i, Madrlne. V O4.0V. tVlla. SM 15 Pyil. V '4 .- Au i Oat. V 01 4. Wahnria, . I'i Klllle. 2 0 V. Ih.roih). V U3 I'; llonrl, 2 03 iv, ir-eWhls. ii 40 Wave. J ml 13, Aicawam. i OA 17 ll.klito, V:l IW: !oyie. 8 isi 03. Itloud and Brunette, V.n IV; Ktaril. ov 3s. Mu'S. V I J VV. IJIglit lien' a number of accidents took place, tho and Hrutiitte, whlel' was ailed by W. . Alley, in try luc to luff undtrthe Ma j lie's stern touched her boom, which practically dls iU.illfie.l the formir boat A second later the Mar) 's gaff came to grief while she was Iradln; ihe cabin cat roMliigent. ami a few momenta later the Hourl ran In too lose to the !.oii Island "hon" and cmundisl. she was rescued by a frlendl) imphthis luum'h. It was a dead beat l wliidnard lurk In Hempstead, where the leads rt rounded its follows : Almlra, 8 5w i'. Va'iuero. 3 0112. Adelaide, 8 ol so. Ouasay a OJ :u Kittle. H nt r) t.rllaa, J oil. II: Iyili .1 s 'JV, Madrlne, .1 ow in. Anlot, 3:11 :-i. Ifisido-i, i . u:i. LrlU, :l 1:1 14. Maysle, a :t li. Irotny.3 i.l 41 From l.err home It was a broad reach to the fl'.lsh, where the )achu c Hissed In the follnwing onler- Almlra. ;i:'.'s::in; Vaiiueru. II.VO.U'.'; Adehiide, a.'.ti.'al; Onaway, il 'l.l:'.'.1; Kittle, U. 14:14; linsrlan, :i:.lf:lij; I'sxle. U.Uil'41); Andux, 3:.'lflls; Madrlnt, II 3N..I; Celhv. n. 41:04; HissIihi, ;i 41::i; Masslr. 3:41.46; Iloroth), :t-4.I.Uii; Ware. :i.43::i.l; and Ilrunette. ;).lll:Ss; Wall'.. -la. ,1;4S.I3; Iiiiis-. U.4H.45: Agawam, II .V.'.Ul; Kvsra, :i:4s.U; liee Whir. I 0'.' iO: Wasp. I.H'lli; (ilorlrtna. 4:V' .00- Minerva, 4.44 00; Hanlire. 4..T:,.,0; Kuthlerti, ,i IT.VO; Eur)hia, 3:-.'U:37. shamrock, .l:Ul.:in; i:Uciuarie. 'i:a'.'.4o; Mar Jorte. 3.43:00; Cnmjuescu, U;07:0O. Summary follows: M IIOU.NClts CLASS C, 71 TO HI FgrT. fay sed Currr-frd Isnjth Tint Tietf ftalf. f. n. Ou-Hr h. H. s. H M. a. Clsrmarls 73 an J Berre L'lnc 5 17 43 3 17 43 ahamruck 13.1s w I' Ward. 3 lit yo 3 14 4V sloops class 3, 4l to S . rr.IT. Vasp 31 U7 Ucpett Bros . 3 4U 01 3 49 HI Oloriana 34 S7 II. it. (illlw. 3 31 10 S 30 Stf suMir class o, 4U to 40 riET, Minerva 41 St II. W, Burksall. 4 IS S3 4 19 33 Banshee l.l.oo Henry Uoscker. 4 vw 3u 4 VA 4M numii-8 -class 7. 3d to 43 rrxr. Furybla .40 OV Charles Prjer 5 00 4J 3 00 4J Kathleen ..17 41 I M Uoyi. .llsSU 4 44 40 SLOOPa-CLASS H, 30 TO 3d rKET, ronqueseo . 31 00 Bryre Mrlcalf. 3 3A V4 3 IS tT Maron. II. W U.Burt 3 17 11 3 17 It sLoopa-cLASJ o, 23 to 30 rirr, Louise .30 no J. W. Hall 3ltM IIIU Audux . - 71 II W. Eaton. .J or! on a 01 IV lUvtlan .. on i . F. m K 3 04 04 Madrlne Vrt 07 F 1. Freeman 01 on v 3u 30 pyxle isw'l eand'rs'nvl 0J OJ v j si SLOOPS CLASS 10, '.'3 FEET AND rhDEit. Agawam A. () Hamilton a S3 SH iiwwiiu in an c. J.n-li a an S3 3 V4 so Wahnria II, K. Doremus. 3 vo ul a VO 01 Mm. a I. Barber a VO 03 3uIM Moses L. l. Iluntl'al'a.Dld not fiatsh. CL-tMt 11, CABIN CAT, OVEII 23 MET, Vrr .'. 7il W E. Elsworth Disabled. Almlra Vs 3. II. W llsnau .un g 63 tl naway Vd 4S c. llrl V 3 3 8 34 aa Kerr H C. Parsons 9 Id 43 Kittle . 77 llaien Morse 3 CM If. t S3 4o CLASS 14, OFEX CATS. SO TO S3 rEIT, Fairy VI 1-8 F. CToale V 13 01 13 oa Violet ... iO VO U. A.8. Wlenrs.V Vt 47 V VI 3a Pusrh . Vols A. L. Clark , 3 18 89 I 13 30 CLASS 15, OPIL1 CATS. 20 FEET AMD CSHLU- Klsmel III 00 T. D. Powalng. . t3 3S t t3 IX Zrll.i IU 40 J.Phrnnan. 3 HV 13 t 3V U. Terrapin Is 8.) II I. Curry t S3 4J V 31 48 il Is 00 I M. bhcdwlck .Did not IlllUo. FECIAL. 21-roOT CLASS. ttnpui Hart. HsUA. Jfmu. II US. U.X.S. H.M.S Hourl .RDunrn Jr 1J 4 00 liroundnL Mlna'ioaka. .(eo. Work IV I'i 0.1 Dlsableil. I BlomleaLVnU II Kbeelty 1V4JUI 3 40 sis s-J OA 58 1 Vaauero .H.IlluryeaU4Visj avwov V470Vi Ho.jd.JO J H.Atams.l.4VO0 a 41 38 .l.M Ijorouiy . ..II. Uhltory IV4V00 aJoo anion' Maysle W Osborne. IS 4V 00 3 4143 2 383 Adelaide W bousls IV 400 39 31 V 47 31 1 CelU C.A.Cuuld. U4100 3 4104 X 89 04 splaquaused The winners were: Claw C, bcbuoaers-Shamrock beat KlMmarU t tain Uta 8 aacotula. IsUtupa, CUaa fl Wasp beat GlorUaa 1 miaala M t lass a-Ulasrra beat Baaatee IS ntautMSM s--e- ends. Class 7-Kathleeu best Earybla 18 mlaates 1 ser- Cla'ss 8-MarJorle best Conqueaco 1 1 minutes 18 sec- Lisas o-ryxl brat OatUsa 8 mlnntes t7 seconds. Osrtlaa seon second prise. .... class 1 0 Ware beat wahneta 1 1 mlnates M seconds. Wahnela won second prise. Class II, Cabin Cats-Almlra beat Kittle 13 seconds. Kittle won second prise. class 11, open Cats-ranch best Fairy I mlnnts It Open Cats, class 13 Kismet best Terrapin mlnates 8 seconds, but was dlsqaatlfled for carrying a prof es slonal. Terrapin therefor rets Brsl prize ami Zelle seeotjd prlie. Tweniyone-foot Special Claaa-Yaeiiwro beat Ad elaide 49 seconds. Cells It minute 3 seconds. Hoodoo It mlnntes III seconds, Mayal- II minutes 43 seconds, lornthy 13 minute Ss seconds, After the race It was announced that on Mon ' day the tllorlsna and Minerva would sail a 1 special match race. In which the latter boat 1 will lio conceded double time allowance. (In Sept. 13 the Wasp and Queen Mab will sail a I special race for a cup. as will the schooners I Llsemarle and Shamrock. Kill Ton Kail Yacht rials ReBtla. j The mtatta of the Kill Von Knll Yacht club of Ststen 1 Island for the Houseman enps wsi sailed yes'erdsy afternoon In Newark Bay and Ihe Kill Von KulL ' Owing to the light breets which presalted, only three i boats decided to start. Therrack rnlboat Marls cap slrest on Ihe second run over the course, and did not nnlrh. The time of th other Is o boats follows' jVlipseif Corrtcftd risse riise. n aa M M ft Tormenl W nouihwoul IWM 1 M 4V Minnie II Jaeolil. Houseman I ail 31 I ao 40 A peclal rasis will prolably be sailed on Saturday next. CLOSE Or FOJIT rAYXES MEET1SQ. I Rowdy Joe Mad Doe H perry Pars ss T.llll I to Wis. Fout Wits'. Sept. 1. The race meeting 1 closed here to-day. It was the most successful ever held by the I'ort Wayne Ilrlslng Club, the Kreatest In many respects ever held In the State, and one of the most memorable in the annals of the turf. The first race on the rard was the 2:14 pace, unfinished from yesterda. Dr. Spcrry already had tivo heats to his credit and T. X. It. one. In the fourth heat, Ilowdy Joe. the short-bred roan f rem Missouri, led out from the post at r. terrific clip that never faltered to the wlreln2:0rl. In the fifth heat the Missouri geld Ins led all the way In 2:004. In the last heat Dr. t-perry went away at a line pare and led clear around. The kill Ins imicp of the two prclou heats hail pumped the Missouri roan nut and he trailed In. 1 I The 2:23 trot developed a splendid contest be I ' twren Ilettlemont and Htl"selmont. Ilettle 1 mont took the first hrat. C'aton cave (leers a I terrible finish, and the latter almost literally 1 pushed his speedy roan tinderthe wire. Hussel i mont took the succeeding three heats straight. Autralu won the 2:33 trot In straight heats without racing, (laxettewas a fasorlte In the 2:3upnic, and won off tho reel with noons to ' Rlvc bin. an argument. Summaries. V 14 rlsss, pacing! purv 81.000. Dr g.. bs Atlamont iMc- Howelli . 1 1 R t 8 I Rndy Joe.r g.. by Telegraph lAllent u II 1 I T S. 11. r g, by Untie Cloud Plckr-som . . 9 3 1 B I a Lottie Isirralne, b. in . . 3 3 3 0 4 3. Anile l) ... :t 4 4 H :i o ' Jrnle B.. b. m 4 A 7 4 7 a Nellie obr. m 7 10 A 3 3 4 Be Mire. b. h w U 7 7 Ilrooksiilr, gr.h 11 It 11 u dr. , Zeal, b g II 11 U .lr. Allen U.we. b. h 10 7 10 dr. M-rry Chime, br. h ...13 t TJ dr. 1 Whltcomb Itlley .. dla. I Time V in. 3 mi. llt. '0, t.ovH. .I0. ' 5 73rtass, trottlnc. purse t-SOO. 1 Russetniont. b. h.. by Lord Russell, dam by I Belmont Caloni .. .. 3 111 Hrttiemont, r. m. lOerrsi 1 3 3 H ' oaj!nre, b, g. iKIsseli 3 a 3 3 I'aiis'.gr a ... ,44si Amherst Boy, It. h 4 3 old , MlJorF.lni.Kh .7704 MissKlrkbam, b. m Alt A King Sastr. b. h s H 3 n Sam Weller, br. h in 10 7 i Jessie Hil . IS will 7 Allen Boy, b h .. 11 8 11 dr lgnarlo. b. b 11 dr 1 Tlmr- 3 IMi. 3.1314. V IS. 3:1S. 3-33 class, trotting: purse 8300. Autraln, U in by Princeton, dam by Oten slew Fuller ... Ill Black Basen, blk. g, (Jamison V 3 3 oudtn, hr. h Hui'kaer :t a a ' !.-Hj(a, br. in 4 a 4 Ida A., b. tu 3 4 3 Cling, blk. h 11 3 0 Tlme-V:ML,. 3. VI 14, S.30. V .10 class, pacing, purse 8300. Gatrtte. eh, b., by onward, dam by Dictator ! Waiheai) ... 1 1 1 , Nrw .Warner 3 3 3' Tom Powrr.b. h (Van Alstluei 3 .1 0 ltJM.aknKre, b. g 3 4 a ! Harry K 4 7 4 1 rank Taylor, br. g . .7 3 a a rl 7 Tlme-V 13)4.-.'. 13.V:II). J IT LOOKS LIKE A FIGIIT. 1 Article or Acreeneat Will rrobably bo Nlmsed Thla iVeek. Tom O'ltourke now sas that the proposed fight between Jack-on and Corbett is a suro thine as far as I'cter is concerned. O'Hourke says that the fact that those two checks from the sloux t'ity Athletic Club, calling for $.'.300 each for Corbett and .Inckson as training ex penses have arrived. It looks as though the Western club really meant business. Hut, for all this. OT.ourke thinks that the club should send on a representative, and show that purely 1 business motives prompted the offerlncof the I purs-. As far as Jackson goes, O'ltourke said, the articles would be slums! and approved as soon as the) were drawn up. But Tom Is poei. I tle thst he could do more with a representative of the 1 lull than he could do thniugh the me dium of the mall. Champion Jim I'orbeil will bo In town to-dsy. Corbett will no nnubt have a good deal to say 1 loncernitiK the expected battle. Ills friends de clare that if evrrlhtiiL- stilts him he will sign articles wit linul any further ado. It issaidthat ' he wilalo lnlst on the Moux City Ciub send ing n reprs'-rt'ntatlse to New York. Corliett, If j eierthltij; end sorenelv. will ko Into tralnlnc I immedlatel). He is nut in thebentnf sliapennw, . and at lea-t three to six months' hard work wl il , b- reouirtsl to get him Into flghtlti.; trim. Jack son will only need about two months' prepara tlon, accordlns t his trainer, Sam Kltzpatrlck, ! ' Peter Jaeksoa la Chlessco, ; Cntrssn. Sept. 1 -1'rter returned last night from Xew York The Australian looks well snd arems In fair condition for a debt on ahort notice. I made a long Joarney," lis aald to a party of friends, "wlthoat success, I naked Corbett for a tUht I to settle the championship, In the North rr In Fcg land, and repratnl my refusal to light In Ihe south. 1 Corlrtt Mould r.ol aree." "U hat do )u. think of the Sioux City Club's offer 1" ' wa asked. . -Tin- pur Is sitlsfsctrry ant I understand Its rlubhasi.t epltslorfrlf money Making a match, bowerrr, an 1 bringing ItotT are twudifferrDt things. 1 1 hav.i heanl the story that Cortielt is behlotl tna bloui City Club hut 1 lake no stork In II. laluibear that o'Hourkr, Idxon's rr.anagvr. Is to manuu ma In future, but I have made no sneb arrangements " Neither Jackon nor " Parsm" Paste couM sea I whrrr Pan Cretdon had any chance against B.ib Tltt. ! Simmons. "irredon erldently thinks," aald Paslrs. "thai ' Fllssiimnoni will Im weak and nvertralne.1 at 13rt , pounds. I cannot a:re with him Bob can reach the wrlgLt with little irnubU and ought to stop Creedon easily." Pete Mae Kaoelsed Oat by To Nklelda. A htihly select crowd cf spectators witnessed a finl-h right between Tern Mblelda and I'ste Mae for ' the llgbt-welghl championship of theheTrnth ward la . Brooklyn, The Ugh! took place In lb loft of a status, ' less thaa two blocks f rom a police station, and was 1 fast and furious from beginning to end In th I ssnih round th gloves were discarded, and ther- , matnlng four rounds were fought with bar knuakls, 1 bblelds won. scoring a clean kuockout. cal McCarthy I I was on of u ring omclals. rise FasoHte Wtss at Latsala. Ctscissan. Sept. I. This was th Orst day of Ihe La 1 tonta fall meeting, and was aa auspicious opening' 1 The viealber was magnificent and th track luxcl j lent condition. El farorite won, and th talent 1 was la closer. The summaries Mrs! Hare-Onu mile. Bey el Santa Anita. 118 1 (Thorpei, 0 10 I, won, Orlnda, lit (Flsben, luio 1, second, St Maxim, 101 'I'rrklnsi, t to I, third. Tim, 1 43H Interior, Charlie McDonald, Charily, Brail. flee, and !.ake fcbore also ran. hn-ond Bare.-Mx furlongs. Ustelta. 107 (Brooks), . CloV. won. Cyclone, low J. lillli, lu to I. second, I CllnlrC.. 107 l" oraham), V .to I. third Time, 1:13. . la 1 olona. htrathrul, Ivania Maria, Mr. Jingles. Inver- ' 1 rauld, aal Phllomroa also ran I TLIrd Bar ou mil and seventy yards. Oreen- 1 wire, 107 'Thori 3 10 1, won, CUoiestlne, 107 , W. ' I'erklasi. second. Remorse. Ilu iMi-Mlyi. a to 1, third. Time. 1 47 Mtaioilnt. u li. Cox, King star, Michael, XJiima Mc,an4 141 also ran I ourtu Ifacr-our mile. Khett lioo.1. 1 1 4 (Prrklaa), 8 lo 8 won, Fraulrlu. Ill iR. Williams). 8 to 3. aeo I oad, Portugal. 114 (Tborpal.H to I. third. Tim. 1.41. I Oaaelon. Captain Tip. and Calumet aJj raa. Fifth Hacr.-Flrerurloogs. Kathrrlne, IDS (Thorpei, 4 to 1, woo, Hlmon, 104 tPerkinal, 0 to fi. aejcoad; I CUIondXT. luJiFljnui. 10 to I. third. Time. 1 :0V u. I I.isL, Bridget. Plaatoal, Mjrtell. HanU Marto, La I Creole. Mlsa Keynolda, Panic, Mcloeray, Buckfly, aa4 Ilaxsetna also ran. 1 Mxtb Bskr. -fits furtonf s. Parestla, 114. t4 10 I, I I won. Charley UUaoB. 111. 7 to 3. srvond, Prince Im ' perul. 1 IV. C10 I. third. Huaie B. Mill Boy. Mis L., , (aurwood, Vslocliy, J IL, Ooodalgbl, and UUbcrt alsorsa. Oosslo of Ik Rlajg. j CaaasujUts. P. I), Sept 1 Danny Xredbam bis reeelrrd a prupoaltloo from tb Auditortuoi AthUlle ' 1 tluttof w Orleans for a nty-flve round glos cootrst with Australian Arthur Walker for a purs of , 81.30U. the contest to tak plac OcU IU. Xtcslhala says be will accpl th propositlua. I BlUy ninnir, the bantam champion, aad Johnny Murphj.thfmouallttlbuxroe bosioa. ut yeater , day aXter&oou aad algnad articles of agrsmcnt to ' inrella a on h coatrst u tr ih aiupic ofU I CMympia Club 0 Kw Ortrasu. on Ssps. 14. Th match I ta lot a pun of 84.WW; (avooo to ta wtaacr a1 83o I lo lb .-r. lack taaa tas puaUd 8300 forfeit, 10 I wrhjmrk-ai I' -. - I DOBBINS IHSQUALIFIED. MR. citoKjtn's nirt colt rrr.xs ,txn loses the o.w.vrjr ItA IT Fowled Tlelorlsn, raraday, and Hoehe aad 80 jLot the Kaee-Applans Kleka Braadysrlae aad Then ATlasthe Atslama Htak-rillshwrnh Phil IToa tt,000 Iroas SraaasB Alone on the Ftlli -Many JFInea nnd Snspenslon Metett Out to Vs. s-nly sIoekeja-Rsakleon Knn Corrertloa to m Nose nan Reed, rtaldemere, nnd Wattereon Win Their Raeen I'leTerly. The Manhattan Stable's Rood three. yesr-old Dobbins was clearly the best horse In the Mm nlum Handicap at Hhecishesjl Ilsy yrsfentay and he finished first, half a length before the second . horse, Hoche, He swerv 1 blly under the whip I In the last three-sixteenths of a mile and fouled first Victorious, then 1'araday, and finally Hoche, and was disqualified by the stewards of the meeting, complaints has Ins; been entered by lteagsn, the rhler of Victorious; Orlffin, who j rode Roche, and Mtttcfleld, who had the mount 1 on Faraday. Dobbins not only tost the race, but Blmms, who had tho mount, was fined $'.00 for . foul riding. j These were not the only Incidents of an exciting day. Ilrandywlne. favorite for tho Autumn , Htakrs, was kicked so severely at the post by Ap plause and Injured himself so badly by getting one of his hind legs over the rail that ho was un placed, and wilt hardly raco for some time again. Die extent of his Injnrles not beliiff known at the present time. It was said that nneof the colt's ribs was broken ' by the shock of the kick, Applause landing snusrely with both feet on tho colt's side Just over the heart. With Ilrandywlne Incapacitated, Applause won cleverly, with n battle rojal for second place between tho top weights, Waltrer and (iotliam, Gideon A- Dub's representative beating the son of Inducts a head In a fighting finish, Pittsburgh I'hltwonn fortune nil Art ' plausc, Itlley (irannan atone 1st log him ' 921,000 to 53.000 against the beautiful fltlv. Orannnn won a lot of money on Friday, and the gambling spirit Is rampant within him. At the rate he Is going at present he will lime all tin money un tho race track or be flat broke n Ithln the next month or six weeks. The frequenters of the ring are watching (irannan In open mouthed awe On Friday he took (.1,000 from J. E. McDonald nu St. Veronica and laid other big wagers, jet won on the day. No such sim ulation has been seen hereabouts in a great many years. The sottit of unrest seemed to be abroad )es. tenia) , both Jockeys and horses bvhavlng badll . and as a consequence tt was long after 7 o'clock , when visitors to the track were seated at their dinner tables. It was a ver) bad das for Master I Orlffin. who was fined 3100 for ml'Lelmvlnr at the post In the first race. In the fifth he helped to delay the start fur forty-fise minutes, spoiling three bI starts by sit ting like a ."-phlox on lieldemere, nnd the stewards suspended him for the balance of the meeting. He can. of course, rlile fo hi regular , employers, Messrs. Oideoli a: Daly, but nil other 1 mounts he must refuse until next Frlda). when (Iravesend's gate will be opened. Jockey llard ner was suspended for the balance of the meet ing for mlsbehaslor tn the fifth rae, while Mar- , tin Ilergen, HellT. and It. Doggett were each fined (30 for the same offence In the. same rscc. The Omnium Handicap promised mrr night to be one of the bet races uf the ear. but one by one the first-class performers were with drawn until only Faraday, Dobbins. Victorious, Hoche, and Hirnple remained. It was ur rrislnp that Y rsmhien, John Coojier. nnd other horses thai 0 uld br named were crntch-e-d, as thry ceimd capable uf winning the race. Hut every hurcnisn has the right Ps run when and when- hi pire. and t ul) the file named went to the int. It wa a er ee:i thing in the betting as letwi-e!i Doli blus, Faraday, and Vietorlou. iic.iinit w hose chances the tssikmakir laid II In l.take vour pick, nt the opening of the betting. !"! bins, however, by sheer weight nf mutiry.went to the post favorite, while as gwd as .", tn 1 1 onld bi hsu against Hoche. It was expected that Victorious would go to the front nnd make the running at a wunn clip, but Faradny was tbe leader at (he start, the first three furlongs at little lietter than a snail's pace, (iolng up the baekstretch Victorious joined Faraday, and there was mi improvement In the clip, tho grey horse and the Ida Canadian 1 in uie Clip. iuu j:ir uorec aim tin mv 1 .'iinuinii , celdlng running head and head tn the turr for home, where they were Joined b I). bhir.s and I Hoche, Driftln Miueezed through Utneeii Vic torious and Dobbins, and w hen e-iuiired awny I for home Farsdny, Vlrtorioti. Horlie. mid IKib . bins. In the onler named, with thegriy horo on tho rail, were on ei en terms. Ml four riders at once went to the whip, nnd thecri wd of fullv r.'.uuu pir-ons, a'ih.ti the fire of elicli a IlnUl.. -h.nits it txrlti-l w ird of encouragement tn their fnmriti-. What prmn lsl tnls.nsuirrh laiv was ijiled bj Dtlibiti-. swerving t"sanl the nil at the llrt 1 'ow of the whip. He carruns-d into l!he, and Hnche was kntsl,sl jgalt.-t Vli tori- nu. cnuiir.g Hengan t'i pull i.p ir go i1mi. Then fur tlflj srd nr the tight was renewrsl, Dublin- swersin L-rndn illj all the time nr.d rarrsing lt'hend Fanda; vsit'i hfm. When the gra hore wa-. up uwain-t th. feme, I.lttlefield had a 1 hoi. u .f ptilllnc lillr. i.n n-taklnxa hadermer the rail, n h did hum. Hnrlan In the lireat Tidal Makes three sears ' ago. He pulled up. and none too -jn, fur Its--, l.i I was carried against htm w ith -11. 1. fur. e that It I turned litrn almost lialf way nund. Then it was a tight between Dobbins and lbsrhe. snd the four-year-old see'raed like n feather Is fore 1 the bull-like rush of Mbb.ns.nnd was Uiri.r tn 1 the rati Instantly, (iriffln dniped his hand-, reasi-l riding, ud finished in mum.i1 jlme, I beaten half a length. When ,w I Faradaj's plight ho set Vietorl 'tis goiitg, 1 ami, coming on, r"de out fur third nuTiej. I After hearing the te.ttmnnv nf Hiacitii. 1 (riQn. I.ittlrfield, and r-imuis, the stew- anls disyjuallfleil lMhbn and gne the race lo Hoche This placed Victorious i-oc mil I aud Fanulay third. It was un unfortunate - curmtre, hat nothing could lo d-.tie iits'rrtho j eireum stances. Tlie teanlev!dert'i tl,- uht Siuims's riding criminal, or the) would imthsve , flced hlmS'.'ilD. He M.i wnmg in tut 1 easing funlshtng nnd ebdeasorlng to tra!gh'r!i lioh Ins out. The colt swrrsrd fnun M.e pnnlh- ment. Dobbins Is rapidly nmnding into tln ' furm which mtvle him second tu no tolt mit lo-M year. Every good Judge of public form t-lleied that Hrandwlne wot.ld win the Autumn .Makes without much difficult!, and the bulk of the 1 speculAtlnn, with the fusonte out nf the was. was on the other starters for u place. David I nideon betting 11 couple uf thousand Hollar, on 1 Waltrer t run as gl as ccniid i'lit-hurgh I'hll's friends thought the im.iiv l'eii,-)lianlan 1 was throning his mone) away whc. lu I' on ApplaUi-e tsith to win and besrcitid,andnmenf 1 tho real smart dlsleliui cast their foittiiie with (iotham, whose first upp.'aratn.t it was -Inet- the early spring, when he seemeil tnhasr a -.tnnv frlp ou the title of king of"hU laral iad the mount, but Fred Is not In s er) gid lm k ' Just now, and U'fnre he wen' to the pnt he re uisrkel toTlIK M N re;irter "If they hase a crai krr thej want lo get t-at, put me upon him I m down ir my lm I. " At the rwt liramhwinc had the rail with p lause next him, nltier tvlinstd badly and Hrandywlneand Applause lnsll. ees-med lu lm blbe tome of the rrazo .-irun that seemed tu le 1 in the air, Applause klikrd aiidlande.1 hanl on llrundywine'a side, theeuiind of the blow hcirg ! beard dlstinrtl) b) I'atfol Judge Horj is quarter of a mile or more aw a) This made llrand)wne I a l-rrfect desll and finallv gut tine of his hind legs user the Kirrler. hanging there for is-rhapa Ihrerwiuarter uf .1 minute nefore heextrltatcd hlmelf. A quarter of an hour of this kind of work pretty elti-ctheh; settled Ihechancesof Hrandywfne.Applause.and Waltrer in the belief of the talent 'lulhrlraur- ? rise, however. Applause Hew Intu th (rail at he start, and l-eforeaquarterofa mile l.adUtn I traversed the tuning shouted: " Applause wins. Where is Ilrandvwtnet" I'tttaburgh I'hll'a filly was two gnul lengths i liefore Wallieranl lintham at theeltsiw, and it ! was scs'n that llrandywlnu wa laboring Utdli, although struggling under the whip tu Fluid his own. Doggett kept the leader well together ail the way home, and the outsider sun hacdil) b two lengths, lintham and Wa'.izer ran bead and head all through the stretch. AtthcUM sixteenth pule (iotliaui, trietl to -aiagu Waltrtr, and the effort rjt et ond place, as Tarsi hail to snatch him away fnun 11 Id eon V Dah'S representatiie. He fore ho got him squared awa) again Wnltzer had his nc-ck In front, and he kept it there to the end. Ilrandywlne was a poor fourth, ' and when Ihe colt pulled up he could scan-el) put one of his hind legs t's the ground It Is to be hoped that nothing very serious will be the outci uie of Ihe accident Ashaa already been stated, Mr Smith won very heavily our his fill), taking (.'l.OOO alone from Itlley Orannan. Applause was bnuight North by flus r-traus of Lexington last spring asd won a number of races fur him. she wa traded to smith some thrre weeks or u month ago for the brown horse I'arvenu and (-1.300 In Uot, Mince pa-ait,- into her new quarters she lias started but twke and has been returned a winner on both necaslnns. Mie is a filly of great slxe and substance, and Is royally bred, being b) imported The IH-usol out of Kncorr. Correction was the hope of the talent In the opening race for spriuters over the flsr-furlung course, the mare's aesond tu r-tonenell on Frlda) making her the most dangrruii uf the fourteeu starter, lialtleewa thn moat fanciest of the others at "W to 1, Ajax ranging next In favor at fl to 1. with 8 tn 1 against that speed) ibrve- 5 ear-old Hublcon. tjalllee liad no speed and ropped out of the contest In the first furlong Correction made the running, attended by Hub! con. Harrington, and Melba. lu the hut furlong Rubicon brought Correction to a drive, and Ihe pair passed th post bead and head. The Judge dacVlsd that Correction bad wen. iUrruigton was a fair third, while Melba beat the rrst ot Ih 1.1 lwSrj M S4alll' re - rr aSM-mi.-, wtXZ poor one. Plmms said that the colt had no speed. He got off well, but waa outrun Instantly and dropped to the rear. Nankl rooh was favorite over Harry Heed for Ihe selling race for two-year-olds over the Fu turity course, but in the race the Dwyerceld Ing. a really very high-class twn-vear-ohl, 1 played with the. tapanese hero. He led from Ihe start, accompanied by hlberla, until the elbow, when the latter ran out and Nankl iooti took I her place. The favorite got dangerously near 1 Harry Heed nppmlto the betting ring, but the Instant Slmms askeel the Hlmyar geldlnsr lolet out n link It was no rare. Harry Heed winning hands down In 1:10 a.1, the fastest time of the meeting br a two-year-old illen Idly, at long odds, was third, nnd Mborla fourth, (lulte a large sum of money found Its wav Into the ring -on Cromwell, but Harry Heed Is too much of a race horse for any selling plater herrahnuts. He weighs 130 pounds Inorethsn before he went to Saratoga, There were three or four good things for the seven furlong dash fur threcvesr-oltK The delay at the start was exasperntlng. IIHITln, Ilergen. Helff, J. (lanlner, nnd t ttr ounger tk'g gett ylng with each ilther In nbstrepcroustiess. It was rort)-flte minutes before Mr, Howe caught them lu gissl form, and tlmpped the flag tu n splendid start, i'atrlelan. mak Ing his first nppearanrp In public this year, sprang away In the front, and ran Ihe first quarter In 34 1. seconds with Illack Ilsk his nearest attendant. On the upper turn Heldemcre. Discount, and l'eace maker all mm cd up. and Uio race through the stretch promised tn lie exciting, lieldemere pnisrd lis) speedy for her Held. cuttings ay frum the others In the run home, anil winning with plenty of speed III reserse. Dlsronnt was second nml I'atrlelan thittl. Ihe last named will do Isftler the next timeout. He hail the speed, but not the condition tn carry II at such a clip after the many breaks he indulged In at the post. He has grosn Into a Intel) colt, and should win many races for Sir, Dnyer. Lite Oak iras the even money favorite for the last race, hut a lot of crowding and Jostling on the hackstretrh ami the first turn settled his chances, and second seas the best he could do, Wtleroti winning after oullkn and Cblawlrk had taken turn at making the pare. Watterson was an ras) winner, but (Irimn had to ride Live Oak hanl In 1 nler to shake old Jack Hose oft for seciitnl mone) (Iriffln suspended forthe balance of the meet ing I un rule only fur employers with whom he has contmrt which Is fifed with Jockey Club. Helff. H. Doggett, and Martin Hergen each fined S.H. .1. ilardncr suspended for tho rest uf thiMuiciliu. 1 rank llcsgan 1 i.owtralnlngHenrySchultx's ills lluli of the I ainileti Mahtc. HHiidpitn nnd Cranio rsii In the colors of I.elgli A Hose, but were tho property of Chris Mnlth. Summaries follow: HIST IIACF. For thrre rear-olds and npssrd. a sweepstakes of 81. Jetieh. wllh 81.1'Ooaddr.r, of which 8V00 to the se.n.l and 8l"n tn the thlnl. nrelurlonn. J.A..A II .tu II Morr.ssb tllm- ssr Man.itrurry, nu iLllllrfleldi I J ) McDonald sch. e Kublnm, H low iMIdgleyl .V t. Iiunohiii' eh g. Ilarrlnginn. .1. 104 illamlltnn . U Mrrph.m. Monnielli... Vo hi Bey, AJax.Hlrt. Lustre, t.alllee. Melba, 1'anway, lUnibu.lmp., and Ed Kramer also ran. Tlme-I 01. Brttlng -Six to 3 against Correction. .1 to 1 Oalllee. stol .xjix. to I Kublcnn. s to I Lustre, 10 to 1 Fllrl. 13 tu I Harrington vol Melba, 40 to 1 Stone, nrllle. 40 to! I' to I Hd ifearner. So to 1 Blulbo. 100 tu I Vo El Itry BOO to 1 Strephou. Sr.COMl HACE. The nrteenth Autumn stakes, a sweepstakes for twr-year-fil Is ef 8.1" each, half forfeit, with 81.300 a Ideil. nf which 8JUO to secuud and 8100 to third, lutiirttvcours" b. u. smith', eh. f Applause, by The III Used-Encore, 111? (Po.lg.lli 1 Ol'lron Daly's j.e. Waltrr. 1S3 illrimn V 1 ltupj--rt. Jr.'s. ch. e iMiiham. IV3 Tarali ..I llanilts.n. Monaco. Bright l'hirbus, and Brand) wine ala-j ran. Time. I IS. Peltlng-FIre to .Ion I'rsndvwlnr, 7 lo I Applause. 7 in 1 irotham. 10 tn 1 Monaco. 10 to 1 Waltrer, It to 1 liandspuu, 13 to 1 Bright Phiebus. TIIIHII RACE. j The Omnium Handicap: a handicap for three-year. olds and upwanl salur 8.i,oihi of whl-h tt.OOi) to I the winner. 173U to econd, andtv30tothlrd:onemll 1 and a rurlonc w. Donor.uesb.c. Roche. 4. 114 (OrtlTln 1 J '. S. agram s !. g trtorloun. t). 104 (J. Keaaani V K.T Hollo-ray's gr h Faraday 3, 117 (Lltlleneldi S . Dobbins r.nUhed nrl, but waa disqualified, Horn ! pipe also ran. Time. I .VI v 3. Pet:ing-Flsen to 3 nialiul Dobbins: 3 to 3 Far- 1 la). 3 to '.' Victorious, tl to 1 lit. be, lv to 1 Horn- 1 Pll-v I inliiTii necF- For two-yearolds; pure 81,000. of which 8800 to srcne.l and ttfeito ihrihlrd, rntrance JIS each. to t-' illiltct l-.trrn sesond snd third, selling allow, sine- luturlty course. M ) Iiwyer's br g. Harry need, by rtlmyar-Vlolet, HOisluiins 1 e.Mron A Paij'sbr Nankl IV-oh. W7.0rimni t benneW lunn'ab f. men Lily, vo ilsom) 3 fiwlet. Lravura, llauorll. e'romaell, and Siberia also ran. Time. 1 in J-3. IHtlng-Eleten tn In against Nankl Pooh, IS to 10 Harry Heed, it to 1 imi,i. 13 10 1 t rorawell. is to 1 c.len HI), vuto 1 Nbrrla.oO tn 1 Hanwell. VC) to 1 Brarura. rimi hack. For three.year-olrts; a handicap of 8ISeach,w1th 8I.uo) addr.1. of which svou to second and 8100 to tntnl. si rer. furling. !'nakies, ik( BeMemsre, by Belrlder VlntA4r. III'.' Hrimil , 1 J W K.vrrs.h e Ul-iMint, 113 ipnggrtl) ' V I". J Ins ) rr li. c. I'atrlelan, 107lMmmsi J llvlerabsd. I'rlg liisJsl lllai k Hawk. Canary Ulnl. St. I'at. and I'ear-rmaker also ran. Tim. . 1 VO Betting-Three to 1 a-ralust Discount. .1 to t Peace rnaVrr , to V lieldemerr 3 to 1 Patrb-ian. IV to 1 loncilate. 13 to I Prig. VO In 1 Blac Hawk. Vll lot lljilrrat.a I, Jo to I St. I'at, '.'00 to I Canary Bird. MXTII n.xrr. For 1hrrr.Trar-.1l1l. and tipxard: purr 81.000. of which Si'm tn sn-ond and lloo tn thlnl. entrance 813 eu ft. to I t!irtit,i ti-'twern sreund and third rll'iur all ' anre one mile and a f tirlorg on the turf. L'tiar Br.M i g watlrrson, agesl, by ureal Tom I'tiihesa, lis llellti J t I''shr e l.irr ink. :i. DS) "i.riftln a Th. Itarn'tl s I r li. Jack Ib-... agrd. 1 lu (Ballard' 3 hisuiek. .urlika, In'Uliile,):ia Dixon, and l"u litaer also ran. Time. 1 37 Bettlra ku to 3 against I.lvr Oak. 5 to 1 Watterson, - to I I'lilswi, k. 10 to I )!ls PUon. Into I Jark Koe, 1j 10 1 l'jllu-r. 100 1 1 rac! Inqulslilreanil Ziirllka. LOtlLAXllER J.S DEAD. Th sVlnner or the Stsbssrban or lUtSfl I Xss slorr. Tlie brossn linrsi Iiw lander, winner of the Suburban Htndlc.ipin lisli.l. and a horse with a nmreor les pti "ureque career, dleil yesterday at Cuney Iluntl of Intl'immation uf the bowel. I.owlH'nler waslnipurtnl In uteni by .Mr. Max welli.f Virg.nla, and was trained for his early rngasrnicnts by W. I'. (Illpln, one of the own ersnf .virt. Hewnssold as a four-) ear-old to Hmkniiker Fred Ijowc, wlm owned the horse at his death. In the bauds of Charles Oxx leiwlat.d. r deseluiiesl into one of the tprcdiot hor". 11 training, showing a preference for light vc ight and it mile ore mile and a furlong. Uxx preuarcil the brown horse for a number uf ioui. but the most "iiccissful by far was the Mibqrban of Iat season. Nobml) but Oxx, owner Lows'. a:.d their Jocke) I'atsy "McDer mult Uliesed Lsih lamler capable uf running a mile and a quarter fast enough intra! the crack tl.1'1 that would htm fur the suburban, and. r. .iciiii-eqiien e. l.t was nt an) price n the letting. The readers of Tlir. M.-X svlll recall hn-.s lainUndrr shook off all but Tcrritler and Iddi sleigh In the earl) stages of Ihe rate and hen hi' I the ra. e In hand, ultlmalcls beat li.g Trrrifler tlireewjuariers nf a length in '.' on '1-3, one uf ihe fastest r-uhur Inns on recnnl. laiwe won the rich tiike and S'.'o.tiuu in 1M. Soon afterwanl Uxx and Ijisr quarrellnl, and the hmwn li.irso Iiv-fil intu the hamU -if Trainer Chandler, who irusl tu get him read) fur this ) ear's big handi cap, lie ssas an hard horse to, titter causing untold truubleatthe 11-1 0:1 u iiumtierol iMcaslnns and wearing 01 her liire- nut tliu ili-slru) Ing their ensures of winning, hi enir) wa refuse.! by the Coney Island Jis key Club fur any of its races. Ijiih lander waa a bmwn hnre, six sear old, by l4 laid Chief, out of Hesiless, and he waa an) thing but a Hrst-clasa perfunuer In looks, ldng exceedingly plain and commonplace. He had spent, though, and but fur hi ugl) temper would base Isrc 11 a gnat horse, especially over th" mile ground. CASH DAY'S FAST EACE. The Three.year.old t:iual Ike Brort nsr 1 1.10 Mile at llarleas, C1111 tfiti. Sept. l.-C harles Carmlchael's good cott Cash Day won the Harlem stake to-day In a gallop from Henry Young nd Mster Mary, and equalled the world's record fur I 1-10 miles, whit U was 1. 1 54. msilo b) Vo Tambien at Washington I'ark. The taie stamps Cash Da) one of trx best three-year-olds of the ) ear. Five other race were on the canl and an excel It 11 1 day's spurt was witnessed, ."summaries: First h re .n. mile II y Lurk. 104 iNewcvni. 20 tn 1. nun B'lv'k McCann 1V )U.-klin 3 to My U.l.ic. low . K Junes . ao to I. third. Time. I 1 a Blattf liitke. lria llar. 1-rvol.rr. Mordoltr. llargalu, lJunilrv, ulenotd, 1,'ir.g liihard. itepsitrr. and hlcu al) ran Ssvond Rac arlllng one mil Wolsey. 03. iCarrt. 7 to I. ss. n. MuitM-rr) s Bergrr., a to I, trs-ond, Cbisneil II.' II -c jr 13 id I third Time. 1 40' llelle lotrr sjrduro) Dago suss ball. Lulu T, Wa batv'hle, Brahma ilalui ton. and Nephew also raa lhlnlh i ThrreHiuariersof a mile. Lilian La. V iCarr "to 3. won tiawoo. lul ilrslcg . 10 to I. ars-oul. Highland Ina Clayton.. 3 to I third. Time. 1 ia4 lu.i Measure. iHraUiu. Shuttle, aad Madg Itorre al" raa Fuurt.i Bac snemllesnla sixteenth. Cash Day. 1UV Lrtgll 4 to ). won. lieurs ouog, 113 tCUetoU'. Mu 3. -rs-uivl. bister M.r), lov ! Weber . d to I. I third Hue 1 131. ItrihrU . Le eiur lulleacd serenly yanls. Fvanatua. l-tl.Mwkllc . 10 I, won llawlhorru-, low 'Leigh,, lo to 1 . ui, IJnda to c'lajlon., 4 10 I third. Tltur. 1 lis. Isr-braM-s-y IVely and btsmers-ult ran, Suth Kats- fkrrrouarlersuf amtlr XrutrsLII air 4 lo I si..u aodrllnr. S3 III Daslsi. 3lo 1. ,.ikl. Jtolil h.. ui XUs ue , 10 10 I. tblpL Tim, I 1IW M,.utercT MLiaa. Mlsa Alice, Dalllard.VoU iMra,lal. of tb-writ. Ilrprater and Don Cxsar also ran. lillsj Ureal Aaalkrr Utcos-4. Waltham, Sept 1 Tho Waltham track was the scene of another resxird-break'.ng periorxu-am-e to-day. w hen Itllss covered two-thirds of a I mile, with thrre tandem pacing and srtih a fly- log start. In 1;14 a-3, tr l 1-4 stcondj leas than Tyler' record. II m-wiethetoll tn 1;S5 3-3. as a J.I-..S -r-1 . s - 1 $25,000 FOR CLIFFORD. J JlRAMtlLX'S GREATEST SOX ROUGH! lo RT ROOKMAKER R. L. ROSE. -fjW The Hale of I.etch v Rsk's Horse HI Hnceea, Tsrenly.tsro Heast lrtrixlat Jt.l 8so,88-Mr, Ansmst Relaaont Carries! S Cltrord to 4rUrt-R4 Corrlicnn ITantesI J Illas, too-sl, VT, Roger to Train lha Sjj florae for Owner Rose Corrlgan Ilnyn d lineal rorSIO,(KH,na4 Mr. Croker Taken N the Ntrnthmore Hplaairny Vearllstc. jjC Two tlio'isand pervms saw I.elgh A Hcwe'8 jJP I horcs sold In the paddock of the Coney Island K 1 Jockey Club by Messrs. Woodanl A Shanklln of Jj ' Lexington, the twenly-two head bringing .), jS 050. an average nf J.l,6;n each. The sale was a, WR great siirre,, llfrnnl, the star nf the collection. 'ji; bringing $'.'.',.000. and becoming the property of IE R. I Roc. who formerly h.vl u one-thtnl Inter- 21 est In tlie flying son of llmmhte. theother share fja being held by H. Kugene Leigh and Thttrlovr fn Weed Coulter. "Thero was a grea! ileal of Interest In yester- & day's sale, and there has been for n sveek past an M Immense amount of sieetilallonat to the prlc ' Clifford would bring, the most conscrvatlv jH Judges placing his value at $'.'0,000. with $10,000 U each for tils stable companions- latxtarone, Te. IluenL and Handspun. Ctlflonl lias demonstrat- ed within the lst three weeks that he Is a raosj tr, horse of superlative merit, and when he waa ,Mi led Into the ring vestentay, shortly ticfor) noon, he was every inch a king. He Is .fv not of the peacock y t iss. but his pro- WL portions nro so s)mmttrliat und his tuttsnen so true that no loveiul tlio liorse can gato at him without being captivated. The great four IS yearr-otd walked alwut the rosl enclosure, th jj cynosure of thousands of c)es. Every tuuscl . "8 was discernible as II pi i)cd hide and seek be- Vi nealh Hinl his ecs were bright Mk as stars. The aucliutieer Inst little time In torn W ments. but after reading the terms of the salts If got right dim n to the business In hand. S( rVatcsl atsmt Iho ring were turfmen of nnta $, from nil parts of the continent, and It wa Jfgi sisiti eeen that Ihey were there for business. Jm ' Ith hanl Cmker Mas Invde the ring 111 order to) m 1 lie i,er the hnres and nlerte their fine points w, , and his friend l'lerrr Lorlllanl occupied a H" ! ihairniily a dureii feetannv Across tlie ririrt X: I from them went srated .1. L. Cushlnguf MInne- V I sola, the owner of Houiidless, winner of last, ia I ) ear's big American llertiv. and It. I. Hose, Si 1 srhnee)e-i followed C'llftnnl muntt and round JR 1 the ring. Hookmakers J. K. .McDonald and M. t 1 M. Corbett, nnd M. K. Dwyer, were on the out- K. skirts of the cniwd. I. .1. Dwyer anil T. II. Williams of Cullforuia exchanged oplnlons,whlls Jr ' a tittle further away stood J. II. Haggln and his fJ suierliitrndent. Jnliti Mackey. Jonn Madden. M tho all. round hustler from Kenturkv. spry as a n sprinter, hud ti gucxl place where he could catch, !a the auctioneer's eye, and mixed through tho I throng were horemcu whose faces were famil m iar at every raco meeting. dp " hat am I offered for Clifford, tho best - hnre that eer looked through u bridle" Ttili was thn call ut tint auctioneer. M I Clifford to-rd his pmud head as though h appreciated the compliment. ! I Twelve th.iUT.lid itollars." called Madden, Jlv 1 who was representing the Iltemtnn stables. aft " Thirteen thnusa'id," said It. L. Hose gravely, sffif as he twisted his brown moustache. M' "Thirteen thousand, five hundred," shouted ffs Msilden. who Is a quirk, bold bidder, whether il 9 Is his own money or somebiKly clso's that must " pay the bills. 11I "1'ourtet'ti thousand." drawled Cusblng of Minnesota, who Ltd a commission from Kd Cor X rigan of Chicago lo buy both ClltTurd and Ducat It they came within his figures. The crow d now 3 warmed up thoroughly, nnd It was plain that f the 8-.'0,000 limit would Iw passisl. Tho bids ' flew back and forth and the auctioneer called , them quickly. 'ft I,.V.( 4U,l.,JJ . Jy A new man came In at $10,000 In the person ' pf Charles II. .-niltli of Chicago, the owner of ,V 1 1'carl .Sung, one uf the crack tlim-year-ild nf the Western tracks. Cuanlug retired at S'.'O.OOO, f and then Messrs. Madden and Hose had It to 9M themselves. ? I "Twenty-four thousand five hundred!" sang 13B 1 out Madden, In the tone a woman use when slio fiU as "No" nnd means It. j?r 1 There was only a moment's hesitation, and jjk 1 then Hose, his face as white as his shirt collar. m gamely gasped "Twenty-five thousand:" Nobndr would ralv the bid, and when the '5'; f;avel descended the game young penclller, who iff, s credited wltli losing tlSO.bOO this tear In Ida Tf 1 business, was thenwiierof the prized futir-year- at 1 old. Kugene Leigh swallowed a big lump la 3 his throat, but congratulated I1I4 qucuulam )art- I ner. Trainer J. . Hngers was asked to tako g. the horse intu his stable, and after much tier- 55 suasion hefiiinll) cicreed todoso. Clifton! will Sj remain In the Ksst nnd be sent to tLe ist for his 38 his engagements by the uble arid camservallso Westerner. Walter Holllns of the Oneck Stable, and J. XV. 9 Cushitig. Kd. Corrigun's comir.lioner. both ; wahted Ducat, und (orrlgan got him for $10, ,J 1 000. C. ll.SmlthiifChlcagntookt'hant. winner ".ffi 1 of this year's Kentucky D'rbj.for $3,100, and Vi tlien Iaxzarone was bruught l:itu the ring. This ttt son of ripendthrift and r-ulnawsy was one of tho JEi big bargulns of the sale, the Messrs. Ilalrd Hi nf Ilrooklyn, who race lu the name of ,; Ihe Erie -ta'de. securing him for IJs.SOO. Tp' ' I,aixanine when right is rlnt tines. The great JS ! tvo-)raridd tllly was bought by Chris Smith. i 1 owner t Vol nmblen. for U7..10O, and thcamn ! owner paid .'I,I00 fur Crania, the daughter uf -. Hanover and Wanda. Leigh told the publiu fi liow he had refused $'.' for Handspun lu St the earl) spring. One of the bidders on Hand- J spun was Clltlord I'orter. the trainer, after 2 whom iTIffonl wa nnmcsl. tw 1 es. n ..... .....-I...... u &.u ..... .n .s. .-- . af I When tlm yearlings were put up mere was a lot of curiosity tusto the to lluttertlle w, nnd the half hrothrr to Handspun and las Jy I 7nme. The former, n rather long. lvseS,rl chest W , nut roll, went t Ike .- Thmroii. the local 1 bookmaker, for $1..MiO. there not ling mueli W. ciimpetitlon for him. It was another tor) fur M Ihe -irthm.)re.-plnaa) cult. Mr Crokerand -f 1 Hymn MeCIrllsini hnth wanting him liodl), 'M He. fell to Mr. t 'poker's bid of SO.ooil M lie Is a great. tnr. Inosclolntnl fellow, and from jp I present nppeansnci-s will 1 luu big tnruCB next ) ear as a inu-)er-old. He Is entered lor ths j , Knglish Derbi.antl has a host of engagements -i on this side uf tne water. '4 The general npiniuu was lhat Ihe Sj1b which 3 disMlved the firm nt I.eieh A- Huee wasa great success. A summary fnllons " the I'lini'inTV ur mlssiis. i.eioii ami rose. M ClIlTord. b h . Istfsi. t,y Brsmhle Duchess, by ,2 Kingfisher K I.lvo-.' . 813,000 fl Ducat. K h.. ISVO. by Imp. Ijrraisrr Jennl ,V . FI00J. by Imp. Billet Fdiorrlgali 10.000 M 1 Chant, li c fislU be FatartpiAildl ( . by ' 1 KlngAlfonsn c )I Hmllb 3.100 il Lassanme rh e. l-vl. py sprndtbnrt Sp'n- iS away, by Imp lamtngton trie stable. e.300 Handspun. ch f . l"wv by Hanover -ip!na a), ". by Imp. Leamington, I hrts Smith 7VM .t Crania, rh f, llrf, by Ilanusrr Wanda, by 'M Imp. Mort-mer, Chris jsinlth 3.1'jO "51 Valkjrlr. blk f.. IsW. by llaliorer Kssriake. b) Onondaga Mlltnn oiing 1.430 B Drrelb-t b f . 1-W. by Lukefilarkburn-.'salllti ifi lligan, br Fauslus MrCarirrt) Ulshard I.3O0 -li" Uiibawk. eh .', I-..JV, by OnoD.Iaga-llslnore. stl1 1 by Imp. I.uisilen. M F Dwyrr 1,330 sue Coulter li r !u'. by Mrsthmon- Brairlee. wg by Imp, Bonnie hrciiland U l.cutton 400 WB Blisrre cb f. I0V. by nuu-t lister Monica, Jf by .sprln.l-.k. 11 II Morris IB. Pssurga, br f iso. b htrathmorr- I rlary, w$ b) Imp noLpleSiilUnd. Ullt'.n oung eOO J Brogan. li. 1 isxv. I Hub. Miavasin -Aurr. -31 llrtlr br Mirtnkls.k. W F 1 tlon 330 K Miss Marie. , f, su. t,y Luke Bla-kburn 9 Itiblnn by Bros n luck J.inn Cr.i..r TVS fin Frurr, eh . Isuv. by Luke Blackburn M slullilVau. by Ballti.krrl. J Kyan 300 U Fuglttsr, I. e lw. by Fauslus Imp Faigllsh dm I as, by Paul Jonca, pony Brudlr 3'.'3 M Trllarlal. b - lwv. by Imp Uij.llands-EIU M Hanklns, by l.ilros. F J Ward 730 J Chratnut roll, Jvi. by Sir Dlior. Mrn'sslr. 9 by Mrlljnurrc. Jr J s. Thomson 8.100 J Cbrstuu, toil 1-VKj. by biraihuiorr riu- Jj awa . b Imp Ijeamlngtisj. Manhattan M SUI le 8.000 M 1 Bar cj1i Isod I y Irate Isrcelser-Ida Walton. 98J b) l.iligfrllois C F. Dv)rr 9.100 9 Bar rnlt, 1 3 by sir Dixon patrrlia, by I'si m Malloy.Lllla.lllrk tX) W, Cbrstnut grldlnc, I'V.t. by Hanover- Klla I . W b) Athlrte or Kapturr 430 M Toul for hraJ ..Isavw V Axrage per bead, 8-S47V3I. J Nesr .lerrj- A, C. Football Teaas. sy I The randMate fo the New Jersry Athletic Clun jj I football eleven have started Iralntug Plxtceneandl- dabs for Ihe Brst eleven rrportrdlotapt Fill worth on J1 Friday aftenu-ia at tb hew Jersey osal, wher lb 5 ' opening prvtlre was held. Iheclub will base an ag- 1 gregatlou of star ptayers ibis season. The candidate for th rush line ar heas-y, actlr I men. ami the V i A e should rendrr a cood account M oflUs-lfln their gatnrs this fn MeLrer. th ola t'olrrrsll) uf Irglnl centre will ml that pf ttloo on a lb New .Jersey tram, wbil tbrlrguapts. Huge aad Clarkaon weigh Vlu piunlsauil lu cssunds respect. Irvly The candidates for Ih tHitioiia of la, klr lie v bet ween F.vaaa and Foi. "id Adrlphl Academy play- M rrs, aud Johnson, e lark and Ku of ih Palroa team. Uamle. Flndly Frnsie Morse Mastrrson, and Jao- m , way arcanlldatra forrnds. Powers aua Allen will altrrnate at quartrrljack. svhll the caielldaies lsck of th line Include Isrrt. 5!cKeuste lllsworth, rmer. 9 1 DTles.Kliker, Drake, and siring The club will play Tl their opening game at Lawreu c-vlllecurpt vvi. i IF YOU WANT TO HKACH 5 ! tho J RIGHT SORT OF PEOPLE I Call I American District Messenger B Send vour Advertisin 9 to I THE SUN. f I NO EXTRA CHARGE. J i Messenger knows the rates. m jfl titii tj8nff)i-UsV-'j.x rs-sss-stiiii. .ttmWJk