OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 15, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-04-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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Am I I
THE SUNS be nn For New or and lis Vicinity
KACIt = ArVItUClATXH u T1IK OTllEtt V I northeasterly wlndi 1
= = = =
1f G tlnr Axn onoxyxLL CAVOUT
AT 1ixa PJII
One of the Fnalllven from Ue MatUanrnn
Asylum Nnhbed 1J Keeper Cole In n
Frelsht Car Near the Hlatloni the Other
IB I Ihe N lshborl B Woodf Kalr
Tell How lie Mad the Key With
WMeh They Brake Jail Trnee ofltrrj
FtsiiKitt IiAsniso April 14Two more of
the five convicts who escaped from tho tate
Hoiplul for Insane Criminals at Matteawnn
lul Wednesday night wero captured this morn
Inc They ro 1ntrlck Mngulre the ono who
t t planned the escape and whose Ingenuity made
It tioislblc snd Michael ODonnell They wcr
tan t at Pine Plains 1 small village forty
mile northtsit ofMatteawanxm theNewburzh
DutchMS and Connecticut Kallroad by James
Co > Ie one of the asylum keepers who has ben
torching duty slnco the was
detailed on learchlnl escape w
I rosilf Tho two convicts who are still at large
are Oliver Curt Perry and Frank Davis
The csplure was somewhat of an accident
Coyle thS keeper had been scouring the country
about Danbury With him were Thomas Mc
Donald and Charles Lucy They reported t
Superintendent Alison on Friday that they had
founil no trace of the fugitives The superin
tendent ordered McDonald and Lucy t proceed
to Sllslni Junction and from thee t Hope
will white Coyle was directed to proceed direct
ly to Hope ell from Danbury Helot as far on
his Journey a Pine Plaint late yesterday after
noon and flopped there for the night
This morning about 10 oclock he went to the
itstion t get a copy of TnB SUN The boy seil
Ice the papers stood on the track and Coyl
vent through the station to where the boy was
lie had Just taken the paper and was about t
t lY the boy when looking up the tracks he
taw a mans head thrust out of the door of an
empty box freight car only a few yards away
He at once recognized the face as ODonnells
and ran toward the car On Hearing the car he
fired a shot from ills revolver through the cars I
open door Almost simultaneously with the I
firing of the shot another man Jumped out ot
th door on thu opposite side of the car and ran
up the tracks As be ran around the end of the
tar Cole had no difficulty tn recognizing him
s Magulre
Coyle before givlne chase to Maguire made
sure of ODonnell whom he had no difficulty In
taking prisoner The Dan was utterly IXI I
htntted and was too weak to offer any r
tliUnc He could hardly walk After hand
cuffing ODonnell Coyle took him t the tele
graph office in tbo station where he left him
cutrded by two youths who were In the office
He then started after Mngnlre whom he could
still ice running down the tracks fully a quarter
of a mile ahead of him Coyle Is something of a
sprinter and It was not lone before ho began to
gain on his man I crowd of boys and men
were In full cry at the keepers heels
When Coyle got within longshooting distance
of his man he tired one shot from his revolver
Coyle says he didnt shoot to kill at any rate
Magulre kept right on Nearly a mile from the
station the track takes a curve and near this
the track Is i bordered by woods on either
tide On one side the growth Is I sparse and
icrubby but on tho other the underbrush I
dense with hero and there a small opening To
reach this underbrush one must plunge through
I warn p Through the swamp Magulr plunged
J and he was lon lost in the brush By this time
p Coyle was close upon him and so were the
crowd whloh bad followed from the station
As ho stood on the edge of the swamp Coyle
could leo no trace of the fugitive Some boys
who had crossed the bogs and were beating
rround In the brush soon shouted
There he I Right there In that clump
mister lose him I
Hurry up or youll 105
Co > Ie was over the bogs In an instant flrlnc at
the clump as he ran Ou his reaching edge of
the wood about fifty yards from where the boys
bad pointed out Mnguire stepped out Into the
open and yelled to the k tepp
You cant take ole back I you do youll
I ake me back dead
Co > lo answered Dont be foolish Maguire
Im here to take you back and Im going to
cv en If 1 take only your dead body
1 this time Coyle was closing In on the fugi
tive When Maguiro saw that he couldnt
irlghten the keeper he called out
I right Ill glvo up if you dont shoot
WIn Loyle got up to him Magulre lay down
Union his buck and refused to move saying
If you lake 00 tack iou11 have to tarry
mL Finally he thought better of it and con
c to go alone quietly Before proceeding
a foot with his prisoner Coyle searched him
I he only thing found on him was a piece of a
line fiat tile about four Inches long and half an
lath wide and a thin piece of steel about two
Inches long and a quarter of an Inch wide
which had ben fashioned Into a saw
W hen questioned by Coyle Maguire admitted
that with the file he had made the saw which
he had used cutting the two strands of wire
In the peephole In his cell Coyle got his pris
oner t the station safely and arriving there
h nas surprised to llnd Keepers McDonald and
Lucy They had walked from btleilng Junc
tion after breakfast Intending IUulnl tke train
at Pine Plains for Hopewell according to Su
perintendent Allisons orders When Coyle
reached the station ODonnell searched but
nothing was found in his clothes The other
keepers with the two prisoners left Pine Plains
at MO oclock this afternoonand reached Glen
hem 1 the nearest station to the asylum about
two miles from it at 4M oclock abut
crowd of fully three hundred was at
> fuly persons W1
the station to get a look at the prisoners As
tne train drew Into Glenham station Maguire
wee lisndcuffixl to Keeper Lucy and ODonnell
to Keener C ole Manulr objected to appear
lag before the crowd on the platform with ail
II 01 I his wrist but his objections wltl him
objctonl anlod
nothing I There > were several women In the
crowd and when OIonnuil > Rot out of the car
tWOnrthreeuftlieni were heard to say
Hi Vheponr fellow Dont ho look awful
Itln s I f It be was In the last stages of con
OUoDnel waa ai Iale I a s a corpse and his
hltek eyes had an unnatural brightness There
Were great ho110 In his chekl Ho wore a
n bmacthrIminel foft black hat J pulled well down
over his ears and a rftd d brown nl
V11 fldr overcoat ev
erel sej < > large for him Mctlulr
to fol clulr wore a
JnUcihattred vith Ih fedora hat and a black overcoat
I nd ueLIn of Hi I hats and overcoat
tbt t elothlh a ralr ot oIl shoes ODonnell had picked up
vers inn was that which they
C lellhe rllel from the hospital
found in coats e4 1 hats M8Ulre said they had
111 lam ur a farmer <
upi thi hooiaf > Donnellpicked
rf tl hool lnll the road Both taco told tho
fninin1in the train thn Ihe
lop I 01 I lrll thaithey had not broken
an housen r Moleiiaiothlng tho
cats rrllloue IHr anything save
ant ihU aolel
IIt Thre was little In Magulre
ludicale that he had antlered
Irim 1 ti t 0 exiosure sufered
Vago from the iiopital were In waiting at
the II hOIlal lt
t11on with uvel nildltionaj keepers and
JO time arldlonll
aPtivity I w a loot II mistllliB the mel hack to
flu vero aiirijtteil the
111 to hopItei
i Rlull1 hoplll
rf I I ir thi Cole hi the rear and taken 10 the
IUldl I I 1 F 1IIul 111 11 flthe I weru itilini clooely n ist ration Iue
t r aifl I I I UIIIIIInt 111 litle 111 101 I IleII Ito
k 111 ail 1IIUIIUnkIUIe aM he lisa II
i e1 r he I Bine to I ii hiililai I to
liHiO 1 II hllllal
I Io
nA ti Je Iuiii
1n 1 i iII IIVlhll1 10 do yltIIIII
11111 t a I 111 11 lip new 11lhlm ot I
cci I irior
tl cc n crpl YM oln1 an1 he II 11111
lor I t d flir I0cIiIra I Itry wa moro utifac
or lJIIIIJ OIIIWjat fruit I I Ci icy told
r i
IsI i i I ho Itllhe I hOllllnl I wu oicgied for
nit nor iraq ni mt irely iltiiaiieI
I ir ut f Iii IUI rn Ilt t tlilbiitlg isas done
11 Ilj uii tllbhh 1 dOle
Joe 1 I lj llot I ii In thololth 14n
tttfl cllonl
f waIi he htlof aHik fn lt tiitii I tllil 4 oiicraleit
ii Ih
wh rnin lV
I 111
0 ona II rnltW
atl thQ ili
k I 0 II IIal r11 lllllr Ih
Olil k t iUtiiIy 11 tJj 1 0011 iiil I il I 1ier 11 HJe
p ii I at wnrk II S the u lrl t ftcr I he
4 se ad ltl el flllil IIJ Ile began II I nick ii
t tli Oil t of in I tholl t t itenever a convict
3 Mttjir I rlldl e I trl lnl Illnl to he key
wIll N 11 liii iou whn 111 Irltrt eteceia
5jIfl iior uII iiftr 1 whl the Ile Inllhe
a I g pr1 I ri IIIIIJII thn oilier lrl10r
rfh t fr Irlr ala lnnlhs Iw kept tiiiii away
IJrty lell
bt tllkl t aj iii PIfunlly ulrerli ioiiioi I inca
lick I
sIirryij t lip lila iIIL IOOii
0 hll ItIofilt Olt
II 101
hI 0 t alel 1 W lr i ii 1 at I he kl I here Flnali y
ky finaly
11 II 10 lale and tine day when Iho I
in Iher wiiri WM not looking he tried the
y I louklnl
floe of tiis locks Ith tie
eouli 1lucl a pressure
feel the lock turn antI hu that
a lieu 1 doiie his wirk tlrl alli ht how
itier tttr 1 be bad Iliad a iecond key out of the
Iliii ep0 of t he made a saw out of part of the
11 iinri j wtchmana clock which became
° Peril luring H l come disturbance among the
I took him a long time to finish the
Paw as he made hut atooth u day The keys and
Iron tile sink iwhye the wee room kept hidden behind the
i irttl of Magiiires story of the escape Is I In
Its details practically the ale as that told by
julgloy and nefore that hv lloundsman Car
KY II soya that II and ODonnell I Jumped J
Ill the south side of the roof slid took I to I the
r en Uirzh IMitcbeis and Connecticut Hallway
tracks which they alvvays followed Thny kept
together to board a anti freight It was train their Intention evcntuallj
All Mairiilrii knows of Perry nnd Davis Is
that hey Jumped from the north lul the
roof and hf hasnt l seen them since Ito says
that ho throw awny the key with which he I un
locked the upper lock of his cell door the night
he orcancKl Hoth men say they had nothing to
tat since they left the hospital save a rSW water
crcss w hlch u farmer gsve them Magulre
I says
he Is clad to get hack Iae
Huperlntendent Allison before he gave out
Magulre statement raid that there wero parts
of It which at preent seemed almost Imonipre
henslble lIe added that he gave It mil as ho
had Qalglcys for what It was worth leaving
future Investigation to establish its truth or
falsity That Mngulre should show so much
mechanical skill was not ut all utiange A ho Is I
by trade I Jeweller
his I morning additional evidence was ro
clnd l 1 at the hospital that Perry hat been In
the vicinity of Poughkeepsle Last night about
10ulhkel18le llt
nllht Iblt
H clock some one stopped und rapped nt the
door of Orlando llurgher who lives at time ex
tremo end nf North Hamilton street on tim out
skirts eif Poughkoepsle Mr Burgher has I
broken leg mind could not answer the rap him
felt W hen his daughter opened tho door a man
asked for something to eat
After a sandwich had been given him he
asked for 1 drink of water When Mr Hurgber
questioned him little could be got from him
save that he wished to get to the brldgudepot
which Is the Poughkeetsle station of the Phila
delphia Heading and New England Hallway
He wore a brown overcoat slouch hat and
rubber boots Photographs of the escaped Inr >
jlctswero shown this morning both to Mr
Burgher and his daughter Without the
slightest hesitation father and daughter picked
out Perryfi photograph a tho picture of the
man who tailed nt their house last night
lato this afternoon Dr Allison received a tele
gram from the Chief of Police of Schenectsdy
announcing that a man like Perry had passed
through there this morning wearing a sombrero
hat much worn light brown sack coat and a
of rubber boots Clothing like this I
pair rlbbe bot Clothlnl Iko was
stolen from the house of Emil bchocnfleld at
Hughsonvllle on Thursday night Dr Allison
has telegraphed to all points west Hchenectady
In the State asking tho authorities to look out
for tho man
Oh End Bar IITe by InbalUc Gas Thronsih I
a Rohbir Tube
Mrs Fannie Dorian 8t years old committed
rulclde yesterday morning by asphyxiation at
tho home of her father John Johnstone at 180
Dean street Brooklyn She had for some time
been troubled with melancholy brought
trubled brulht on
through domestic trouhle and ill health and recently I
ccntlv had been under tho care of Dr John C
Lester of Schermerhorn street
Mrs Dorian was tIme wife of Edwin W Dor
Ian and their marriage took place about six
years ago when he was the bookkeeper In the
Mansion House in Hicks street The bride and
her family were members of St Peters Epis
copal Church In State treet and the Hey Llnd
say Parker the rector performed the ceremony
Within 1 year after the marriage Mr Dorian
cave up his place In the Mansion llonse and b
came a bookkeeper In tho office of McCalden
Brothers of this city Frequent disagreements
took place between Dorian and his wife almost
from the time of their marriage and about three
oar ago they separated the husband going to
Philadelphia and Mrs Dorian opening A board
log house in Schermerhorn street When her
health broko down she went to live with her
own family
About I oclock yesterday morning Mrs Dor
Ia left her room without disturbing any one
and going to the kitchen made arrangements
to kill herself Detaching one end of the rub
ber pipe from the gas stove ahe put It In her
month and while the other end was still at
tached to the jet turned on the gas
She also rolled the blanket which she had car
ried with her from her broom tightly around
her head An hour afterward her father started
down stairs and before reaching the taro
smelled the escaping gas When he got to the
kitchen he found his daughter dead in a chair
with her bend bant over the table and the rub
ber tub still In her mouth
He shut off the gas and had Dr Lester who
lives close by calM Dr Lester said the
woman had been dead nearly an hour and he
notified Coroner Keno
Nothing could be learned of the whereabouts
of the womans husband but he Is supposed to
be In the Wet
Mrs Dorian is the fourth woman who has
nought death In this way In Brooklyn during
the past month
After Relic Ilnn Away With and Thrown
Oat Mb lat on JlrlvlBE Horn
Mils Stewart a young woman who lives In
Eightythird street near Amsterdam avenue
went out driving yesterday In a buggy behind a
spirited little horse that had had no exercise
for a week She was accompanied by a woman
friend whom she left at her home on Washing
ton Heights
The horse was unusually frisky on the way
back I shied at a cable car at Lenox avenue
and 125th street and Miss Stewart lost control
of It In prancing across 125th etreet it
knocked down Tony Wother 10 years old of
70 i West lUTth street
Then it galloped eastward through 125th
street The buggy struck against a sand bank
and overturned throwing Mba Stewart out
Tho horse then took to the sidewalk which
was thronged with Easter promenaders and
made for Itself A welldressed
a way Iel eldreuod young
man tried to check It and was knocked ounl
Uan Fifth avenue It turned into the street
again Policeman Scully stopped It after it was
pretty well winded at Pnrk nvenuo and took It
around to the East l l0th street station The
buggy was not damaged
bUlg 11 Stewart went to the home of Olin P Ely
at 2004 Seventh avenue and be accompanied
her to the police station where the rig was
turned over to heir Mr Ely advised her to go
home In a car
1001 Iho said she had determined to drive the horse
home and she did She was slightly bruised
Tony Wothel was taken to his home In a Man
hattan Hospital ambulance
rive Charge of Bribe Taking Acstlnit the
Chief or Hit Defective Bureau
The trial of Inspector and Chief of Detectives
William W Mclaughlln ugalnst whom five In
dictments were found by the Extraordinary
Grand Jury charging him with bribery nnd ex
torting money from builders while In command
of the Old slip station will begin bore Judge
Harrett In the O erand Termlner this moi nlng
The first Indictment charges him with nc
ceptlng sO fiom Builder Walter I Har
rison on Airy 11 1801 I the second
with extorting S7b from Hulldcr Thomas
E Trlplcr on May n i hUh I tho third
with extorting SrO from Frederick I Hausllng
on June 1 21 I I HIM i 1 the fourth with aneptlng
SiO from Francla W ScagrUt Jr l on Nov 21 I
1H01 and thu fifth with taking < i from Charles
H Southaul on May II Ihlll Hausling Sea
grist Trlplcr and Southard are dealers In sec
Irlt <
ondbund building malerials and they were en
gated In tearing down old houses In the First
precinct when McLaughlln wns Cnptaln there
Harrison was putting up u building
hue I chief counsel for tin defence Is Col C I
James hit hu will not hi a the tilal this morn
ing I as ho Ins I iI illiommahi 0 Duebns 1 1 rue against
tot Watch Trust to look nflei Ihn work nf
getting u Jury will IH lookid after hv Lawyer
Iottln I tlkl all Kinanuel Friend Col Fellows
will appeal for Ilia people and ho will ho nllt t
cii 1 bv Austin I I i Fox l and Daniel I Holllns and
Assistant District Attorney Lindsay
Ttvn llcnienteil Women Arrtilrilln Ilntiotarn
I nt MKlil
Mary Carelll 17 eats tilil of NOD Monroo
street I Hoboken vns found by Detcc the Nelson
last night Irving to c limb over 1ho stone wall at
the foot of Iourth street that city Her bioth
erlnlaw was holding her by the skirts and ell
Ing for heir At tho police station > he was vio
lent and she wet locked up for examination
starter Holdover I I of the Norlh Hudson I I County
Hallway noticed a woman actlnc ijueerly at the
Hoboken ferry last night and arre ted her Shu
said her namo was Anna louise llerghund that
she had just arrived from Greenwich Conn I
and that she was going to sal Immediately on 1
special steamer to Kurope where she was to
inert her lover Atthepollce station she eIIc
rational and told Capt hayes that she arrived
ratonll country last October on the Hamburg
line steamer Virginia She too wu locked up
rhe Liberty Bicycle Ld
I Xllr 4 vrarren itS YN arid IZI7Bedford av lirooklyn I
R4V iNTo tI fliPs JsrAxn jx me
FOG c J Ufr Y vinni > ArMonxixa
Drove llrr Nu Through Ten let or Men
Val nnd rUnclieU ft < tli BnllBlie I
Very llltle Hurt hut Hlirn There Vet
tier li hty Passengers 1 Taken Off
I he big fctratnnont Ciintlnrntnl nf the New
Haven llliu did her bust enrly yeslerdav morn
Inn to rut a sllc off NlgKor Head Point the
southeast corner of Wnrils Islmil She run
her iion through ten fret of Mono ten wall and
ton feet in ore of Wants Island dirt and Inoe
stones unit them Pluck her middle resting on
Niger 1olnl roof and her stern low In the
w titer She Is there yet
The Continental left her uler ut Peck flip at
midnight She had about eight passengers
many of theui women Capt Theodore Wither
finn was In omnium and Joseph I leek Ith was
the pilot Thej with twonuarlerma lrs were
In the whoelhoHso when the t hOlt started It I t was
the Captains custom to stay Ibele until the ln
reached tho Sound and had clear sailing The
course Is up the Kail HUcr to llallctls Point
light which Is I opposite Eightyeighth street
then ea < tbv north to Nigger lear Point Nig I
6cr Iolnt reef Is about font > feet nit the sea wall
nn Wards Island Outside of tim reef there Is I
plenty of water It Is ttio custom of the bunts to I
keep more than a hundred feet outside In round
Inc the point That bring thom a lithe west of
the middle of tho stream In clear cattier
there Isnt any trouble nt all In getting around
but tn a fog it Is Decenary to steer by tune and
> cserdny morning tho Continental got tO
minutes off her course to the west
The weather was coinpnrtlvely clear until
lllnckwells Island D reached Them Is 1 a
red light on the north end of Hlnckw ells which
I opposite Eightysixth street and there are A
red and white stationary Unlit und u fag hell on
llnlletts Point AH the Continental passed tho
Island the tog closed in The red light was seen
plainly until the boat was abreust of It all
then tho log shut out everything The boll on
IlalUtts Point began ringing Immediately and
guided by that the pilot brought the steamboat
around In safety and shaped her course t avoid
Nigger Head Point
There was a miscalculation somewhere as tn
the speed the boat was going at for she was
turned to head up tho river before she had
clsared Nigger Head Point I was flood tide and
there was water enough over the reef to permit
her to cross It and hit the Inland Mie draws 11
feet Titer I was a lookout on tho bow but he
was high above the land and tho first thing anv
body knew there was a tremendous t > mash In
front and the bow rose right up In the air and
the stern went down
Tliti engines weru stopped Immediately nrd
ntUcera ran forward to Fee what had happened
The fog was still thick but It could bo been from
the deck that the boat was aginund Order
were Belt to tho engine room to back at full
speed and the paddle wheels hhlcd but It was
of no use The ofilrers and employees on the
bat say that it all hipoomd with so little
shock that the passengers didnt know anything
was tho matter Why said one we Jut
had to go round and wake the peoplu up and tell
them we were ashore
A number of the passengers toy however that
the boat cam to a stop so suddenly that they
ere r t attl X
wore tossed about and half scared to death
that the women ran out of their rooms and
soreamed and the men dashed for lire pre
servers and that the portcrt and maids bud I
they could do to keep some of the moro excited
ole from jumping overboard Whether this
was so or not there was very plain evidence
yesterday that the boat had struck good and
goO anl
haflA as Capt Withrmau found OUt where
Le be sent down in the
wa men hold lollnd out
whether a hole had been knocked In the wooden
bottom There wasnt any damage at ali t lure
and the oftlcurs spent the next half hour telling
everybody that there wasnt anv danger and
the boat would float ofT at this first luau tide
The tide was then falllncr rapidly The fog
lifted an hour aftr the acUdent and tho big in
etltutlons on the island loomed up No lion
had been made up to this time to notify any
body ashore of what had happenedLapt Wlth
erman ordered a ladder put over the
Bid and sent three men to the Insane
Asylum to notify the supennttnilcnt of
the company by telephone all Island is
not accessible night und strnngersare never
seen there = old goes around ringing bells
there ut night either and the ringing bv the
three mesongr stirred Ui the guards who
thought everybody asleep and in bed A force
of them gathered at the doors to be read in
case the visitors were lunatic escaped from
another building Ihie 1 appennmcu of the stran
gers didnt help lat r and they would proba
bly have bteu seized and locked UD ai suspi
cious persons jf they hadnt proved their story
by taking the guards out and pointing out the
lights of the steamboat Ihey were allowed
thtn to use the telephone The I Miperintcndcnt
responded with this order to the Captain
Htay there until the Chapman Wrecking
Company coins Ill send them right up
When the Cuptatn beard it ho remarked I
was going 10 stay anyway
The tide had already fallen so that the limit
rested on the reef amidships Many of thn pas
sengers went back to bed to wait fur daylight
lbs others stayed up und told lories about ship
wreck nnd how much mOl comfortable it MIK
to bo wrecked on a boat than on u trail The
fog eat In again The Chapman Companyn
boats got around just after daylight It was
then low tide The water wu so shallow that
standing onshore It seas possible 10 lee every
thing except the twenty feet of the boat that
was embedded In tho wtil and bAnk Irom
the edge of the wall to just forward of the
paddles there was clear water between the
boat and the rock bottom The high point of tin
reef just forward of the paddles served ns a rct
and kept her from sinking deeper aft fine
broken wall was built of halo elt in slalm tn
Inches thick and two feet with by tbreeor four
long The nose of the Continental had either
cut through thee slabs or had forced them
aside and lifted them up On either side tho
Hones and dirt were plied three fet high and
hero t was a big mound In I front 1 11 only I dum
age so far as I could he Mel wa a good sied deit
In the heavy oak intern of Iho boat and a tear in
the Ham timber down by the Lcul nle I copper
> Uyts hind not eel been torn off thoueh here
and there there w us a hole In them I
Shortly after the Chapman bouts arrived the
Eleanor Peck a lounge lame along to transfer
the passengers Her dsck was level with Ihe
rear gangway of tin Continental and the trans
fer was mail without trouble This vuis nt I
oclock A 51 This passengers were nil taken to
hast t lHtb I strict and landed hosu 1 who
wanted to took the train and thn 1 rest wcro Shut
down town to connect with tile Murln hOlt that
coca to Nets IIav > ii on Mindav nights Tho
Poes W = back and thin freight wnslrnnsfpriert
to t her his 1 was ace omplished just beforo high
tint e at m uchiLk Then Ihe i I tugs t lint ruotitrn
Hscort Ml t wood and King made fast llm
ontinefltinlseulgiflS swim htiimtrni 1 acail anti all
pulled together I Site shivered nnd t liii t was nil
Tho pulling was kept up llftei or twenty minutes
11ullnl Ul
trios In that limo chic mnvtil exactly two Inches
and t he jul wad ehIII I
ThedmluKs hteiiaucin ninth ldsar were pushcil
around I In i until lint antI divers I Henrv Kevlln
and William Olen put on their rubber milts
and lead hoes and suxhwelght hells and went
down Tiny handed a big chain under the Con
tinental anti made I fust ant ever thing hut
the tide wits ready to float thu lain It wins dp
dded to wait until high tide today buforo try
mint lolhrr yard
fho Continental Is i 2h0 feet long antI f4 feet
brunt and her lonnagr I is lOV4ij him vus
bulltln Urooklyn In I Nun Her UuiikuM nro of
TheHi almen from Klghtielh to Ninetyfifth
street mud a fortune esteiday taking yoople
across to ci the big hut i lie pidliemdi
would not lei anybody land but the boatmen
got a dollar a head from their pusencers I
Mayor Hchleren to Hake nn Investigation
frI Their Inrclie
I I has been iillegul hat t furniture and other
supplies Imve been furnished for tlm Police I De I
partment In Ilrooklyn nt prices ranging from
20 lo11 per celt abovo the I mailit price and
after the attention of Commissioner Welles had
been specially directed to thu watt of public
mmie bra to mint faI Hirer nf t lit Irlch nho > e
lad hud beon lejicted t fiI u I stall mi lit cov
ering tint transaction has lcn laid before Mayor
> chieicn and he proposes to I make nn Innl I l
11 1ik I rlmrseJ lie nnld cslerday j Impllnit
Ingt I ommlssloner ell aunt Iiomitv Conimls t
Inl Ilrllll
dinner Crosby Isinrrious one and I trill Invest I
gatelt I will noteounteimnn tin purchase of
goMls for any of the dipirtuiints I I at prliisiu
eisusvhinme exerssof lliu I > e forvvhlcli tmycanbu bought
The Investigation will U slnrled Just aa soon
as Mr f Crosby gets back from Haltlmorv Com
mUsloner Wtlies denies tnnt there Is any ir
regularity in the purchase of the goods and says
that he courts this most rigid Investigation
the affairs of his department IICtlatonito
Thlrtyfonr Women Arrested tTllh Nine
tress Men including Walter and Clark
Police Captain Picket at the Wet Thirtieth
street station got a warrant at Jefferson Market
Court on Kriday to raid Clarks restaurant at
fiOJ 501 Sixth avenue asadlsordcrl house
Ho had selected his nun nnd was prepared to
swtntil down on line tint o just alter midnight
yesterday morning Scone one gave n tip tn
Paddy Hums who run tho restaurant and he
limed up in a hurry
He I opfiied again last eve log and a A In full
hlnst when Capt 1liVult aril seven policemen
li plain clothes appealed at the I door nt ten t
minutes to 11 I oclock The Captnln raided his
right bund anil Mild
ndloii I antI gentlemen jou arc all iirnsted
Keep Jour stats
Iveiybody 1 got mi I tniitii let ci y a nil ninny of
the thirl four women screamed Sevcii len
mudc ufforts to turn out the gums but tine Hillce
men Inllflrel I I Cap I Ii kctt t tood gilt nI lt
thu I front door while thlrtjlhrei I uniformed I
turn from the Hntlon were nn their wuy to thin
mcoiniln silt
Ilv I of Clarks male patron tried loocnpe by
going Into the toilet room und smashing open J
thitot I t lint would havu let them t Into tho Illjou
hi Ibiatre I I light bnik hey I weie pin lied uiplurid und
Nets ivf the raid sprcud over thn Tenderloin
111 twinkling I and a mob gathered In I front of
the t restaurant to see I bo procession evirat of
the prisoners were drunk emu so mIlieu CO an
bu unable to give an account of himself
There sect e eighteen male prisoners including I
the wnlttrs nnd 1addv I Burns und thlrtjfour I
women These ato the name ages iiirupn
lon nnd residences of the men nccnrdlni to
their own aceounts whlclt ure nolall 1 I Mt riot iy
llforte Wllmnt Rllomill Wl Veh l Thlrl eennil
eipn t Inmm VV olrr ruletiiun Orlentsl Und I mono
1 nit gain ilesnian I to CtlKrat ci prior ttrxe its
Arihiir Morris eiurk u I ant luntli Mi I eel Jaiiiei
Krftlor bnnker llrnnitnlek Itotrl Oforile C
Smith hanker Itrnmwlck Iloul fnd I wnltei
InilKirtltiK merchant 1 West Korly ninth street I
1 I houins t DC Vtro waller miota Ninth nventio rank I
1IK limiiranoe ajcent Kllcalietli Henry I lleriier I
5 xaiter leney city J W llreenr student Albniiv
I iitifKLr cV nnii none Wnshlitdton I I tlt I S nim
Joolwlii Insurance aglll LllzitirUi John liaU
iiteirnril at New Atnuterilam lintel I C I Hotihln
lniiKcr Ilruniwlclc lintel chnrles Rupporl wetter
i > West Mil letenth sireel Illchanl Davis I stmii nt
Iliiiralu i Ilerinsii Ullnian itinlent fhm Sest It I Iflecnlh i
Si rest
There wee manv mel waiting to offer ball for
the women at 1 oclock A M 1 Tho womi wcro
put In cells meanwhile and amused themselves
with sinking
Clark came down from his homo on Scvcnt
second street to see about tho raid and was ar
rested himself
Among tho women arrested was Pearl Walker
whoic adventures at Vale College recently made
0 stir In New Haven
Expected Persecution by the Police but
Oat Only a Vrry JUt of I
homo mischievous person spread abroad the
rumor In Chinatown yesterday morning that
the day was 1 great religious festival among the
Americans and that on Its occurrence at a cer
tain period of years they celebrated It by per
secuting all foreigners and people of other re
ligions The older Chinamen took no stock In
this but the younger one were much alarmed
and their fear was gruatly augmented In the
afternoon by tim arrival n squad of pnlke
who arrested ten of tho Celestials In tie act of
playing policy in a Pell street joint Then In
tho early eveninu a room at 6 I Pelt street was
entered by the police who arrested six China
Den and two Aunrlcan girls
Following this came the appearance of Police
Cnptaln llerghold and n doen oillcors in plain
iothlng who wandered about the quarter to
th great discomfort lu Inhabitants Thru
was a rumor that the Chinese theatre was to 1m
raided At tho theatre the historical and re
ligious play Flowers of Filial Piety was
pliing to such a big house thPt omo of thin
spectators wera ranged anoutthn sides of the
stage Another crowd leathered outside the
dour in expectation of a raid hut they were dis
appointed for the pollco did not Interfiro with
the performance l
A bOlt II i oclock a tremendous banging and
crashinz in the joss house at 111 Molt street
altiui led n crowd that tilled tie street and told
of Bueclul services going on Inside The China
men said that the perv ices were helug held to pro
pit litn the jtsc and avert the evil which threat I
ened tlH quarter An impfoUH I half breed how
ever told u reporter privately that the
performance was only a blntf to Impress the
police with the religious fervor of 1111 China
men However that may have been the per
formance went on for an hour and nil the
evening Moth Pell and Doyer streets were so
crowned with Chlnanun thai It was dldlcult to
make a way even In the middle of the road
Grace Men Kipect to Control Ihe Board or
tlraute and Apportionment
x5Ia > nrjrace nnd his friends have what
they consider po ltlve Information to the ilTeiit
that Michael Coleman who preceded E 1 1 1
Barker as Ptssldent of tho Tax Commission
will be put back In his old place at the head of
the department Mr Coleman Is an antiTam
many Democrat and Is now connected with the
Mutual Life Insurance Company a appraiser of
real estate
This appointment If made would lint the con
tiolof tho mutt Important executive tody in
the municipal Government the Hoard of Est
mate and Apportionment In the hands of cx
Mayor Orlcc Thin Board conisiattof the 11or
the Comptroller the President of the Hoard of
Aldermen the President of tie Tax Depart
ment and the Corporation Counsel
Of these Presidentleroloniun nf thu Hoard of
Aldermen nnd Corporation Counsel Scott are
lirace men Should limo Mayor appoint I
Democrat President of the Hoard of axe und
Asssuncnt the Major would ha the only Inl
publican l t on the Hoard and should that
Democrat be 1 irnco man Mr Grace would
Jmvci three of the live members
Mr Coleman pooh pooh the suggestion that
he Is to bo appointed but II U i known thnt the
< ir c Democrats are neatly to bet dollars to
doughnuts that he will bu
jiirvs cotexrn rxiicKXsrit
Flit It e To nil HxrlN Hvunl Piny R llltte
Politics In I Truth Avenue
Mavnr Strongs llxclso Commistlnners showed
on Saturday last that they can play politics There
are three saloons on the corners of Twentyfifth
street and Tenth nvsnue Martin 1 i ireallshls
the proprietor of one of thc e Ills landlord li I
Dock Commissioner lames 1 I Pholnn fireallsh
Ielll lieu some troubl with his landlord
about 1 renewal of lease
Ho decided to gut the better of Mr Phelan
and In pursuance of his plan leased the one
uirneT of Tenth nvenuo and Tncntyllfth street
win rot Ilinre U I no saloon nnd nekrd the Hoard
of IznIse tn transfer Ills license from Phelana
I rt to I the I other corner Mr Phelan pro
tested m 1111 let I his corner to another man who
appllil fin n license
It wan I rule ot Iho chit berth of Kxclse not
to grant licorice for naloons at four corners I
where itrsels Intfrectand It wassuppostd thnt
the new Honrd would lecognla this rule line
rile went men further and provided against
saloons fur three
licensing 1110015 Cornell oiiept in
ass tnt renew ul >
Maym htrongs Hoard voted to transfer
t I meal 1 ins license an rerjut ttd and also voted 1
ii gal lust Hi I rmluj Ml I I linda Ins no v tenml I Mr
Pin Ian Is I I lamman in in > aloim Kct > er
leillsh Is I a reforuitT
sI I IlL les lIl ITt ffHI11X
Morils Krrvtln Ilelil on I IVomnnN t barge
of Th Hi I
Morris Kern In of 131 West Fortvllfth street
who bhoitvd I recommendation of him its 1
couchman signed by T i C Plait and sa > s hu
used lo drive Mr Platt was arraigned In the
Vorkville Court jtsterday on a change lar
cells Annie olsen tIne complainant said that
elI March j Kerwln alI at tine house ot
Mrs ballerlleld 7011 rtnventh avenue and ear
neil off the eomplalnints purse from the man
I ni I Ihu lock it lainnk contained W Kerwln
denied all Lmuvledge of the theft I lie 1 I was held
liiSrii o
Ilxet Itrtnrnlns tram n Funvrnl
A party eoiiblttlng of Kinest Hulennd his wlfn
Frances of BOil East Kloroith strict und Pau
line Hobbof HOT Eat Houston street acre re
turning from a funeiat last evening about U
oclock Ina t nhiirso coach driven 1 by loenli 1
harhy At Ililrd I streot und necond avenue this
horse trnk fright and ran up the avenue ali
Into a telegraph polo 1 1 a Eleventh street which
unset the coach Farley escaped Injury The
enUoriwero cut and bruited
AXoiintt aim IIODT io UND TII1
T1I ix TIlE nKTFnr
Blnneke lnmont and MInnie Williams Roth
Aiitted end Killed In the 1nntora
rilndy nt the Emanuel Bapllit Church
Thtiloie Ilnriint us MedIcal t4tndese
Arrrsled for tine rime Very Hlronn
Clrrnmalnnllnl l > lilence Asnlniit Slim
ruse lnlor Locked Ip ThoiiKh Nn
beige In Mate Against Him lloth
Tnunx Women Were Chokert tn Denlh
tAN FitAse iwo April 14 Not for twenty
years his San FranrlfiLO been so shocked and
horror stricken us It was today when na
Knsler church Itllt were ringing newshoyk
rushed tbiouxh i I be streets shouting the terrible
rums that I lllnnchu Iumont the I missing girl
had been found ucaitl toil and murdered In I the I
belfry of tim Itnaniiel lat t Church where
In I thu t Pastors study ye lerdny wits found tho I
mangled hotly of poor Mlnnlu Wllllnms an
other member of the church nnd
voting u 101 con
stant attendant uf the Sunday cliool Holh
r limes us was foreshiulowed In a despatch 1 to
TiiRStN lost night are traceddlrcclly to Theo
clnie Iluraut a voting medical student who
also nctjd as assistant superintendent of tho
Kmantiel llaptlt Sunday School Duriuit wns
aught by tim police ncioss the bay as lie was on
hit waj whit al oeullol 10 Mount Diablo
The cirtuni9tantlil evidence ugalnst him Is I
strong for besides being the lust person seen
with both girls Ihe purse of the Williams girl
was found In his trunk Many small Incident
time 11 recalled of the last tots days which
make It morally certain ho Is I the murderer
What the police are now working on Is to dis
cover whether he had an accomplice
fIne 1 dlCIel of the body of Hlnnche Lamont
this morning was the sequel to the terrible
crime of yeftculav For ten dajs the pollco
have had a score of men searching fur any trace
of the missing girl Yasterday tim first chIc
came with the return of the dead girls rings
which were sent to her aunt In u nowspaper
package The finding of Minnie Wllllamsa
mnagltd body and the plain proof It afforded
that bomo one familiar with the church com
mitted the crime led the tiollce to make a very
careful search for Blanche Iamonta body O
It was probable that the man who assaulted and
killed Minnie Williams had some hand In the
sudden disappearance of Miss Lamont Every
place except tho belfry was ransacked The
door to tine belfry was found locked and the
knob gone As It was late last evening the de
tectives decided to postpone further search till
this morning
Earl this morning Detective Gebson and Po
liceman Hicht resumed their search They
pried open tho belfry door and at first thought
they would have their trouble for nothing Hut
upon entering the dimly lighted dusty place tho
oftlcers were hoi rilled to discover tho nude dead
body of Blanche Lamont lying upon the floor
Tho faro of the girl was purple The hands were
crossed on the breast as though the murderer
expected to remove the body and give it burial
On the neck were marks of fingers which had
strangled the weak victim
He had stripped the body of every scrap
of clothing In his haste he had torn into strips
her stockings nnd undergarments and cast
thee shreds of hercostunm along with her hat
tIres and shoes into the corner It looked as
though he Jiad planned t come back and re
move the body at night and thus try to destroy
all traces of his crime but the police belIeve be
locked the belfry door broke the knob and then
was unable to open the door without making a
noise that would brIng the janitor down upon
A careful inspection of the stairs showed that
the girl must huvo been strangled down stairs
In the pastors study luto which the murderer
had lured her Then having choked out hr life
he dragged the body up the winding stairs to the
belfry loft which hu knew was never used He
had evidently found the task heavy for he
rested on the first landing Hlood from the
month of his victim had trickled down between
thc tllra upon the minor below Then summoning
all his strength he had seized tho girl by the I
shoulders and allowing her feet to drag on the
Blairs had Imiiled her throuch the door and into
the belfry room
Iheodorc Durmt tho suspected murderer
a its i aptured lid atleinoon t t at Vulntit Cieek
with the 40titt lirigado Mgnul Corps of which
hu i3ii member lie treated tine matter caro
lmssly i at first but from the oiit et lie refuse to
sum a word asserting that he would mnkca
statement I when hot saw the C hlef of Police I A
reporter who i sun iv him on the train t tried to t get
something f mm him I i I He h said tn the prisoner
1 suppose you know they found Miss Wil
hams purse in our trunk
Durants lies blanched und trembled and he
moistened them with his tongue beforo he re
Well t will have something tosayabout that
lie slnoeveti nn Iron nerve until he reached thins
frrryliont There a big crowd caught sight of
him and shouted
ljnf h the villa I n
Durant became deadly pale nnd appealed to
the police to protect him As the crond surged
toward him tIne police iirbed their man
through a side entrance Into a private room and
on landing he was taken ii meet to Police i I sad
It Is learned that several voting women huase
been Instilled by DilMUt I I 1 he police believe he
had accomplice nnd ven the pastor of thne
cliurcn Is undtr surveillance The church Is a
hoodoo One I pastor htnvint iunfit It ted suicide
anti another having brett discharged for Im
moral relations with v omen
llllhr niiful rr
Itlanche Lamont bad been missing sine
Apillil 1 Mioitl I > after her taint > was discovered
Dr I I George 1 lllbson t I I lunch nor of the I I church wax
taken into cuftody hv the police No charge
wis placed ucaiiiKt him hut hu will I hu held
until I I t lion Innystery is fully cleared up
Durnnt Is said to have hern engaged to be
married to Miss Lamont hlnc tint nuicttlnlneuir
umii of Hlaneho Iairont Miss Williams often
raid that she I knew that I her companion bad met
with foul play
this I milling statement leached tho ears of
scvsrnl members of tine rhiirrh and the girl
stud asked for an explanation hint she positively
declined to liveal hue I nature of f her Informa
t Ion and tine matter w us dropped
The tnil ice in me nun Inclined I to think that Dil I
rant knowing that MIM Wllll ims was in pos
Fcislon of suDlrlint evidence to prove his guilt
In I connection with the tlieinplueti mature of Miss
Lamont concluded to decoy her Into the church
and silence her on ever
The police niguei thnt Durant had heard tho
statement of tine Wllliumselrl nrd momentarily
feurud espottire AH she continued to declare
tlmt her friend had been murdered Durnnt
coiulndid lo kill her
One of Ilin most damaging witnesses against
the I young medical student I U Churhn HilU I I I who
resides licroes the t Mnct I from the Kmnnue1 lisp I
tin Church shortly I after H oi lock on Irldiy
night I he envva man non I woman standing near
thn ci reel corner
Ibey chatted together for tome time und
flmilli I I started up thin elreet toward Ihe I chinch I
When thu church was rfiehid the man cnught
the girl by th arm and half drugged her to the i
gate leading to the puMois Htudv After I n few
minutes coareiatlon the I i ouplopasKid through
the garden and finally entered the church
tin t onghi i side dooi
Hills Is positive titist thin man opened the door
with n key I nnd vvus nppnirmly I thorough m
familiar vllh the piimlrs Misiectlng hInt
something iCS C wrong lit waited outbide fur a
fiv inlnntex but heating no outcrr concluded
that hoc t couple were members of Inn I church
aud w ent tO t Ills home lint I description Kit en of
the man who accompanied the gill tallies ei
nctly with that of Durnnt
II f Ttittnoeil on 111 Arm
The body of a man about H ears old was
found In the Cnst Hirer near the foot of Tw enty
second street jeslerday afternoon On the right
arm were tattooed In blue ink the letters P F
On the body was found a bunch of keys thirty
keven cents In mono and n caul addressed C
II Straub JIB Kldildgcktreet Mr utrainb saul
last night lust he thought tho body was that of
William Henry Fllsk of Itch Kast Houston
ttreit Kllsky was a sailor coil had told htranli
on Friday that he was going tn ship on a vessel
hound for New Orleans At HU hast Houston
ftreet It was nald thut nothing was known of a
man named Fllsky
Ak for German JUanarfrjr HeCp 1
The genuine has colored woman oa wrapper Att
sun rzir or1 A Vint rac i
Unnte Vnnee Killed STille Trying lo Get
Into Her ICoem on the Third Ntnry
When Jennie Vance n joung talcsvvomnn
In Henry C V I Kochs dry ijmiiU stornluWest
ISth street lettirned at H50 oeloik Ins even
Ing lo her tint on thei third lloor oMONWeit
Ilftythlrd street she found Hint her sister
Ktniiia Iinil cone out taking the kpv with her
Jennie went to I the I lop I door and going through I
tIne unit of Jamrs t iltht mist Marled down 1 tin
fire mcccii to enter her own fist from the tear
window I lime misled her footing nnd fell I Into I
yard fracturing her skull
Neighbors carried her to Joness drug storeat
Flftvlhlrd direct and Ninth avenue where she
died lIsm sister appeared Just at the body was
taken to a polIce station and she went fiito hys
teric s
471A KtV II r K4lt11lQI z
Town Madly liinrril In evrrnl DtHlrlrtK
HCIMF April 14 h Several districts of Slelv
were shaken severely by earthquakes today
I he shocks were most v lolcnl In the ProvInce of
Svmruse In I Montero I so Almo tho I fatathe rut a
hutch and several houses utra Inlet In ruin
mid man v other liii Ihil lit gn were dimagid 1 hint
Drngoon Itrgliucnt In hue barracks was alarmed
sftei the first shock and was marched out In
haste ns the walls were cracked ami wtrn e
peeled to fall The people of the town ni e badly
frightened and refuse to a > Indoors Xo
deaths have been reported
TERhIq or Il41
The rtnnl Decision Believed to Stave Steen
IDNIinv April I 11 1 The Ifni nlni r > vt Inns this t
deipatrh from Shanghai
A private telegram from a Chinese I official In
Hiroshima reports that the terms of pence were
finally arranged by the negotiators In Shlino
Mi ckl yesterday
Hnwevei a Yokohnma despatch also in tho
lKl says that the envois did not meet jester
day but were expected to reach a final decision
today or tomorrow
A despatch from Toklo says that Prince
Komatsu CommandcrinChicf of the Japanese
army anti navy emhsrktd yesterday nt
Hiroshima lie will visit Milmonotpkl before
polng to the seat of war Ha is escorted bytluec
Ihe Jiinif correspondent In Kobe siiys The
feeling that the negotiations In Shlmonoseki
will prove abortive continues to increase The
Chinese accuse the Japanese of attempting to
gain time by n policy of del iv
Tliellmperorof Japan ii i exported to leave
Hiroiblma tomorrow for ICvoto There arc
more than forty cne8 of cholera at Hiroshima
despite the strict quarantine
A JtftITI5Ir jtKrrnsn
Cl nnttire Killed In a rklrmlh In the
Chltrnl Hill
CAiruTTv April 14The following news of
the Chltral campaign was sent from Sir Itobert
Lows headquarters today
A corps of guides under Col Mattye was In
structed yesterday to destroy the villages In the
hills from which a persistent fire was dropped
Into camp The guides advanced further than
Sir Itobert had Intended They discovered two
largo lMdles of the enemy approaching and
signalled to that effect Sir Itobert signalled
back that the guides should retire at once
This the guides did delivering a steady fire at
the enemy The natives were held In check
and apparently suffered heavy losses
Just as the movement of the guides corps was
completed Col Ilatlyn fell mortally wounded
lIe died a few minutes later The Ilritlsh lost
three others killed and two officers and seven
teen privates wounded Tile BritIsh had no
Idea that such a large force of the enemy was In
the Immediate neighborhood Nevertheless
their loss would not have been so heavy had the
commnndor8 Instructions been understood and
obeyed Further fighting In th near future
was regarded ns likely when tint Intt despatches
left the camp
Charier or I rrnrv Aciln t n Preacher
end Ul Companion In Iolltlc
CMICACII April H Municipal politics In
Evergreen Park reached nn exciting stage last
night when eight residents of the place were
arrested on charges of bribery perjury disor
derly conduct and currying concealed weapons
Tine following were arrested The Hcv George
Moore pastor of the Ilaptist church Attorney
John C Ilalley Alexander Hiehmond William
C Thompson Percy Hallou George Miller
August HottHhalk nnd Wllllnm A Bennett
The warrants were sworn out by Fred Lephlnu
saloon keener
Mr Hallou and the Hey Mr Moore were
arrested while at a prayer meeting the church
at ltl > H oclock All wcro takrn hefoiclustlce
Cunningham at Mount I I reeru wood who ad
mitted them to ball The trouble grow out of
the primaries held come time ago nhen the two
parties In the village came to blows
The question at Issue In the vlllngo Is the
falcon question One Party bended liy Lephln
wants the saloon to remain The other partv
of which those nrrcsted last night are leaders
Is striving to get pos eslon of the Tillage gov
ernment to make the village dry Most of
those arrested are nswcomen In the village
Saloonkeeper Lcphin say some of them come
there to cast their votes to defeat the present
Honrd of Trustees at the election which will be
held on Tuesday
hAD A nurrET ix JITS BKfir
lint for Mnny Stones Thomas Wilde no Fuss
About rile
Christopher Thomas 4i ears old n tinsmith
who lives at TOI Hast Twentyseventh street
went to Ilellovue Hospital last Anight with a
bullet In his bend Ho I saId thnt In taking t n
revolver down from n shelf on Saturday even
Ing the weapon was accidentally dlilmrged
the bullet entering his fore head over the right
eye lie hay In bed all that evening believing
that he was not much hnrt anti not wishing to
disturb auybody In the hoiifo by calling for as
When Sunday came lie thought I llellnvue I Hos
pital I was closed on Hint t day loud did not go
5 hal u until night when the I iiain bccame so
Intense that hu thmuht ho would try to gain
admission to fine hospital
The surgeon found thut t the bullet had Im
bedded Itself I I in tint mu aims skull causing a
compound frail lire Ihei bullet I was removed
The mans condition I Is very serious
Thomas lias been boarding at i4 East TacIt
tyseventh etrret alwut three months He was
employed In Jacksons Iron > foundry In Tast
Twentyninth street His landlady says tlint he
is l a sober haul working man She did tint hear
thu I shot fired nor did tlm man who occuplex
the room adjoining Thomas
MAY intnx tin J4u1s
Toledo Iroducr Ilirlmnue Concerned Over
the Chlrnuu Ilrillnnict anal
hnlttnm > O I Apill 11 1 Ihu loledo Produce
Ktchaiuie jesterduy adopted n rntriorlnl giving
repression to the hollcltudu very generally en
tertained by Western commercial men mid In
fac t by all Interests Kant und Wen com erulng
tlieetlect on thin walei level of Lake Mli hlgaii
nInth Indirect upon lakes Huron and l > iu of
the I large tail ol seal em lo I be drawn fmm i thr I
formei lake bj means of lh I bciLo dialnao
canal I lie Ksclnnge nsks I IIe I Seii tat of
Wai to appoint n commlttre of inglnrers Inn Ct
nmlne Into the mallei and xuggest an ImMi
tral Inn h > engineers of tin t HiUl uhlllt > of plac
ing I a dun nc ross I Ito Niagara Ithci I to dreen I
the vrntcr of tine lakes
TIII vili it nn HI i HiLT
The Olilectlonnhle Aiiirndiaenl lo lie Tlth
When Assembliiuun Wlimnii gut back to
Brooklyn from Albany on ruturdii hu was
startled by the storm of Inillfiiuion arouwd
among his couktituunts over his amendments to
time bill providing for tin construction of a new
East Itlver bridge which relieved Mayor
Strong and Sthlrrtn from the appointment of
Commissioners IncUfernnr hi < ald tu un
mistakable public sentiment he w ouid have the
amendments withdrawn and urge the passage
of the bill In Its original form
It Is now likely that the Indignation mass
meeting which was to have been held In Urvaic
lyn during the week will bo abandoned
I p4
The Cub MI Patriots Sustain a
Great Reverse UI
The FIght Hecurreil an April 1O Wne the
Tronp Attacked then inenirgeate IC tt
luriZB ForceTli Patriot Leaders Flor t
Onmbet and Cobrero Wr ICIIId A
lnrce IJunntlty ofArm d Amnssi > lll >
Were Capturedi < trait Nnrren < er
Fur ln nncentn Stave Now Jest Meat el
Thrlr Important Iendtr OoTrmmsit
Iioops Are Hcoarlstjctlie 1Vhol Canntry p
HAVVNV April 14Cien Ia Chaubre wIse
commands the lovornmtnt troop In Santiago t
province reports that on April 10 a body of
hpanlsh troops and volunteers attacked a band
of insurgents at Palmarlto One of the In
surgent leaders wu Jos Macro There was a j
hot fight In which the troops were completely
victorious The Insurgent leaders Flor Crom
bit anti Cobrcro or Corona were killed Juan J
Iortler and Ysldoro Morega were taken prls
otters and the Colombian Tomaj Balnz was
wounded A largo quantity of Insurgent arms
and ammunition was captured and numerous
Utters thnt had passed between the Insurgent
leaders stern seIzed
The Insurgent chief Francisco Eitrada has
surrendered to tho Governmentand Jos4 Macee
has lied alone to the woods The main body of
Insurgents has lost eleven more conspicuous
members since the fight Tint band led by Gen
Perez which was defeated and pursued by the
regular has taken refuge In the mountains
The Government Is sending out new columns In
all directions In disaffected districts to dis
perse the Insurgent bands and hunt down the
F th
The Insurgent Koucht Desperately bnt
Were Overwhelmed
CINCINNATI April 14llno TrllHtne has tOe
following despatch 1nm
HAVANA April 14 Cubas cause Is lost
Crombet lies on the battlefield of Palmarlto and
Maceo is in chains Inadesperate battle fought
yesterday the Insurgents wen defeated and sev
eral ofrtcern wer killed Others were captured
Tho Spanish authorities as noon an the news
was received hastened to post It on their bulle
tins and the loyalist In Havana are celebrating
brating tonight the ending of the revolution tij
Tliero will of course be satan filibustering
parties but without Crombet and Maceo there
can be no real war
The Cuban army met the Spaniards yesterday
at Pnlmarlto The rebel forces amounted to
little more than 2000 men while that of the 1
Spaniards was about 0000
A desperate battle followed The fighting ac
cording to official reports lasted about two
hours and at the end of that tIme the rebels
retreated 1
They were pursued by the Spanish troops and
Maceo was captured Ills secretary was also
taken and all the personal and private papers
of ion Slaceo were confiscated
Flor Crombet Maccos chief ndvlsrr was
killed on the battlefield It was he who was
chlelly Instrumental In organizing the Pro
visional Government at Guntnnuro
line Insurgents fought desperately against 4fr
odds The Spanish soldiers were disciplined nnd
resisted with remarkable courage thu on
slaughts eif the rebels
Maceo and his army had been In the moun j
tains and their acoutn had been on the lookout
for the > p nlBli It Is supposed that the num i
ber of the soldiers was underestimated by these
lIne I tebels confidently rushed don the moun
tain side and endeavored to engage the troop
in ahandtOhnnd conflict
Spains regulars waited until the Insurgent
armv was cln o at hand and then poured In Its
voile a with deadly effect A number of Cuban
officers out nf whom arts u Colonel were killed
Maceo was a leader of the rebel forces with
Gome during the last evolution i 1 hough hut
a youth he achieved considerable distinction u
At the outbreak of this revolution Maceo
landed at Puerto do Harnuia oi > March 11 f mi
With him were the following officers of the
rebel army
lirlgieii Flor Crombet Col Aiigustln Ce
brece Col Pntrlen Corona Frank Agra
monto Pedro Duverger limn Marti
Juan 1 Just istm loaqtiln Suncher Jorgn
Kstrada Adolfo Ipna Domingo Guzman
Ios6 Pa I at lo Jesus Maria Sautann Albert Ho >
I ills iarrlnel Manuel Oandu luan Ilmonta j n
bittern Noriega J L I Uarvey hilveno ranchez 0
and Luis tinier
Mnncetia ate Is known In advance It would
bo far better for him If he had been killed as
stile Crombet than to be brought here to
Havana and put In Moirn Castle rt
He w 111 he kitit I mere for some time and then q
possibly he will have a mock trial It Is just I
certain ns any thing can be that he will be gar
roleilWo have no nerd of Campos nnd his troops
row said a Spanlnh oftlrer tonight
Consulieneiul WllllaniHU iireparlng for hs t
early dopHrturr Seflor Calleja CaptnlnGen
ernl of Cuba who Is in Kupreme authority until
the arrival of Cumpos was seen at the palace
He was asked If the naws of the capture of
Maceo was true He confirmed tine Hewn and 4
added that I I u I all of the filibustering wins nearly at
nn end
Calleja Is highly gratified tItan thnc revolution °
hat beon put down without the aid of Cnmposa
troops I
troopsWlirn j on Americans set luvv ia I lly we cart
crush I tim rebel > here In the isnnd without I lie
aid of home troops I or with only I H few of them r n J
you will realIze that the amount of Anarchistic st
sentiment In thU Island has been ijinrirerilcd I
greatly ho said Tell your people that Cuba
is lojul to Snaln
He ssld he had official Information concerning
tbi iiijituroof Maceo and Ihe I killing I I I of Hrig
len Ilor Crombet He also Innoil news unit the
Spanish loss wan Hmnllu bile the leUU hru met
with nerwhclmhu detail
IdIsll intntrs ni
< ilhnii Cltmule iris Tliein orrlv44palM
11135 u Jnnliont
lAiKiuiNVii 1 I itt IM April llMonuel I I San
gullly I arrived from Cuba this evi nltig Ho I Is a
brother of Julio t n I Sungulll I I nun confined In
Castle Moiro I chnrued with I I trci I im > on Ho I say
that Ihr rcpoil of Comrsdiitli is > not trite b
The t lit nilsli t in eminent I ho MIJ ii I concilia 1
tor In bplrlt but ibe I I Cubans do lint i mrci any o
hdvnuciH for peaen l under IUilh dininMlon iiS
Vrllou fit ti Is niglng In blunt toi and iaiiu I S It
laIty among Ihe unuci lltiiMlnl innUli lrop I I
Ihe Infinn v ate mo > t Hlllbnd lIoc I iHvnlry
iiiinic iitiumid to pieciplinnt moinnin ore
firing linillv
> enreluir yuesadn Ik nov in Now Vnik hut
what lil nint on Is or vvhnt a hU iMcntlons
Is not kiiiwn in F riiinilo Ini ri nl the minion
intriotn In this seeiion Si > mrtiiing tmportunt
l seuneitrci tohuppcn here inmn I on
TVIIV Ila Vprll II I I Sei I in n Cuba to
da i In Hie rlfei I thsl Ihriel a Ing npnlrig 0 °
In lli t I piuvlnie nf Iliirlo Prui n that I nil U
borel Miarlrd hiiidc nnd HhieiH nine to
In nrius mini that n nltlr I Isni h itil tint vlll
I rolialiy diiiU tin fiite ill I nuns
ilic I iipiislng III Pielo Prli Is I ieneral
and will trinnimly uffn t rinlt Mireo Is in
the I Mmid liitenln to the fiout mill IIHUD I 1
men f
It Smith April H Ilie jiji ib dovenunrnt I
lus pu > iin > ed the I irulsir hinlt nl Kiel lor
inline hut not delivered lonir I i ls I lurien
tioveminent I lallid I to puv lor I ll i I Ihit nrit 1st r
an Ii he era to Cuba I
Die Hum of sp ln has opened n irrdll of t
511110 Otto pesetas l ° In behalf of Scflor I nste 1ni
IMIOK I Minister of Colomm Four I 1 tn int CH i I
ban iKiniln will ha deoled with the t baiik I I < s i
Aecuilly line money will be sent to fnliiln I
silver us It shall be required 1 heiicneriiinont t
has thanked the bank for Its patriotism in Uud I I
hog money at onehalf below the rat C
Captaltilieneral Calleja has been ordered to
return home on the Hrst steamir sailing from
Havana after ln Martinez de Campus s ar
rival The abruptnes of his recall has caused
much comment

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