OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 16, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-04-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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I V > f > f f 7 w iti 1t I I
I f f W F Q I t in t t I
4 REDERS W For New York and Its Vicinity
i CniTANT tATROXK t Part cloud r northwesterly variable winds becoming
I I I AiitirciATjH iju OTHER I i comlnl vrabl
jit II IhmiKht to Hare llomtelrtnl Mania
Keller Hint lie Killed n DrnK Clerk Alto
b iia 1ivllor na4 III rMtlleraent an the i
DIIJ that lllnnch lainonl Ulinppenrrd
Mv KiiANrisca April 16 There Is I no abate
ment of popular Intern 1 In the dreadful crimes
tlmt have desecrated Emanuel Baptist Church
I A supposed that the arrest of Theodora
Durnnt would put nn end to the mystery lur
riimidlng the deaths of the two young girls who
nun lurid to their fate but tho prltonrr
coolly Unlei any knowledge of tho crimes
mill dielnres flatly thnt ho ran bring
I rnnf tn show thnt It would hare been phys
ically Impossible for him to hnve been In tho
chnrih when tho crimes were committed na
lii n following In the church that remain loyal
to him but the majority believe with tho police
that I the evidence against him If conclusive
The chief myntcry now Is whether he had ac
complices ThoSe who have made a study of
the ene of the murder of Blanche Lumont de
tlnre that no ono of the strength of Durant who
t t lily llvo feet seven and of ulltiht build could
hire tarried unaided l tho bod of tho woman up
the narrow winding stnlrtvay to the
church bilfiy On this point they base their
belief that he had nt least one accomplice In the
church and tin man suspected Is n chum of
llurint who has shown Brest sympathy for
llurant Ho was In tho church on the morning
that Hlnncho Lamontwa killed Durant de
clared 1 that the man was playlncthe organ while
he wns fixing the electric wires hear the belfry
ttheie the girls body was found
The net that Mrs Fnrsytho a married wo
man win was a member of tho Emanuel
hurch has been mUlnc for n week has tamed
tli suspicion that a conspiracy existed among
moor more members of the church for ruining
p women And that their work became so bold that
murder wits Inevitable to prevent discovery
Ih I facts as gathered by the police show that
Juirmit tried to sednco Hlnncho Inraont and
then killed her and the murder of tho second
plrlwns to prctcnt her from revealing his at I
tempts to ruin Miss Lnmont I
I I Is supposed that hemet Blanche after school
1 tin Afternoon of her death and Induced her
to nccumpnnv him to tho church There ho
iniuU nn assault on her which she resisted le
threw t her down fastened his hand on her
throat and held It there until death resulted
t rum strangulation What to do with the
4 ilr was the problem that next confronted the
murderer He was well acquainted with tha
t hurch aod knew that tho belfry was seldom if
vcr visited He therefore made up his mind
j i infertile It there U accordingly stripped It
uf all clothing made a rope of the clothes and
Inl it about his victim and dragged the body
a up in the the belfry winding stair to the dustcovered room
On the steps still remain the marks made by
the lI t ly us it bumped from step to step The
lumderer had evidently relied on the body reo
wliilng undiscovered as tie took the precaution
iu leniove tho last vestlgeof clothing and went
MI fnr as to strip the rings from the ttngsrs
Mm clothing was hidden away tn places
i ird to detect and as the assassin left tho I
i lice he closed the door behind him and broke
the Knob oft the lock Tho thought probably
i nsed through his mind that In ear t come
the malnn might b found I they were thee
nnuM be nothing by which they could bo Iden
Mis Williams a the friend of Miss lamont
Mie knew the medical student Durant had been
making love to the missing girL and she was the
nm to exureis the opinion that lie was respon
sible for her dlsappeftiance Durant iII up
pear waa worrled I about the remark made
IT Mts Williams and lu order to hike
rome steps toward silencing ore visited
lit run last Monday and endeavored t Induce
her tn come to this city with blm Probably at
tint time lie was planning her death Her Tf
Iii9il spared her for I few days but she cave
him ftuoiethlnc to work on by telling him of her
intention of coming overto Dr Vogers t attend
the chinch meeting there on Friday night
Mount at the ferry on the evening of that
il lay nIl walled from 5 to 0 oclooK but ho
mtaed < 1 Mls William as Ibo came over abut
4tu oclock In the afternoon I he had no do
riin 1 on the j ounu woman what brought him t
tin but to Intercept her as sho cano off 1
Ha evidently met Miss Williams on the way
10 the church meeting He has not accounted
lot MtnM hetwen 7 oclock when ho loft Ills
houte and 810 oclock when be appeared at
ilii I luretlng with perplratlon on IPllare
He asserted that ho had coma rapidly from
the armory and asked permission to wash his
hands and comb his hair but ha never visited
the armory that night and he now says he be
t ame overheated walking to the meeting as ho
missed a car
Young Durant appears to have led a Jekyll
Hdo existence At the church and at home he
was a model boy and very attentive In all re
ligious observances He always said that he
neither drank nor smoked Ho had no small
I smal
vice Among his medical school classmate
however he showed an entirely different char
diferent clnr
actor He I was blasphemous nnd flippant In his
talk about tam en lie was coarse In his re
marks on the disappearance Blanche Lament
The 1 students say he was hypocritical and de
ceitful posing before his fellows as a gallant
and before his church friends as a saint One
morning not long ago he stood In front of the
college on Sacramento street smoking a cila
rttte On a nasilng cur were two ladles mem
hers of the Imnnnel Church Durant snapped
the I Igarrtte from his mouth nappe
Do jou think they saw mo 7 he asked
aw what I his companion replied
M ftw mo smoking a cigarette I wouldnt
ham I them see me for a good deal
On iiollir occasion < l < lurant told his friends
In confidence of the trips which he said ho mad
a Intervals to Vunnn City In company with
three raIlroad niiplo > ec He told of brutal
irmtioent to Indian women la which he took
Vrmt Importance attaches to Iuranfn acts
J nco the illsappearance nf lllitnrho IBinont
W T1 I ontUU medical college dclure
Vi i ° I It V0 I iMture since the day
An Lalnlt iiL1ppeIrd When idle namo was
lnl1 by I Ihl InlmlIe In charge liii frlelds
vi 11 anl er for hint
i The Ll l ° cercra ll 1 rttty < certain that
I urunt
Iurnnl luurdiixd Kugeno Ill u young drug
rlrk syli wa kied In llla store In December
Wrl a f > niid IMiKutthefiHitof lecemher
iVuHin 1 rllul 1llg I eiHio tho stairs
1ln Into tho i lias nient uf tht store
Th 1llr was Ihul In a terrible nianner
Tlue wr eighteen cute and atab mlnner
liii 6lb
te ntIs Wed u In a drcl
rIl no larger titan thu Point
vt U 1116 lanl anti 11 i uf tIitzit tln IUII JItreed
tl hcurl nl tho vIttIn tll
The 1 hotly o 1 Iltln Wlllaml hll three knIfe
p 11 vdddflt I II the rCIlol or I hc heart and the
d 1IIlt I 11 I fr item lad hen in ttictClt
afLer Inllcl1
atler1 silt fr Ihl the girl WM nearly dead
ns iii So
Irlllllln II lre eaie
Ilalh1 hence of the vittint recovering
wet vltll coverlnl
4 taken u1 thl Is almost conciute Ironr
lliit tl tilunt dlrii clerk knew Ib 111110 who
< rll klew
1110 iliti lie aitit Ittirant
1m 10 111 us WCIO fact friends
Illflnt iivio lunbll
Hhtltnii I fllt
UI < < iHturi uf the same ulimnl corps
Tho copa
the M Irl story Is I only I tt hurt distance from
tlIIr 1 II goIng from llla home to the
111lt I lieu tl 3es I cIta to tlst titer I
iiIdt TIe I 1M lie I rIIntl ii lrnlllln tii tl lf I
I 1 t 111 1 t I i friend or tho I Ilrla wh hn ti I
liIii 11lrdI 01 are JHLll I clIml hut WIS
I lit siin ioramt 1 ht hII I mnaiiia fnr jour
I I Ih1 tVtre < roll1 tas tit tbb1 Ivrk wIth tr mil II right Ito hand tIuiclied amid
ide I wllh bli 1 ell lalHl Iilitntiio
i 111 1 wa it trKIII1 b I 111 who uiti his
IIU IIUmlt I ttiitbldetttitm titItt either
r1 vii ii i lila I itIl IHbllexUnll I Iwlnl elhor
111 le can tit row ti bail
I l I nil 1 < 1 I rrllill thlllv lh t I bal
> no cllnlnl Oorrncl0I hint In one
tie I deAiI lils lit aunt Ilalch Iamolt rings io I
< allot lhey ten a wrepiett In it I
iLiritci litIirr which watt itlil reeii 1 itt 11111
leti t i rlel a but Kfi several i wotis which wore writ
Il tularhlp hltlla reseinblanoo t Durant1
n IJOlr411 US he yl bt able In prove an alibi
I le aNeclle UI CO ald tola
ttlIIItpIItr IIra 1n itisjeit that Ilrlnt hal nn
1111IIllr Ihu h I iii 1 not wish 10 far who I
e I wlu
I iit I WIn ni iltitbI lie will he nllo 10 prod ira
Ile mlii i Iii I
1 tlii ivcer to alibi
mm on the after
I I M i ililmiOttts ill In nlhl afr
tlIitk i lnllt 01alptarllc4 1 aibli
Irctfliu t IUI31 wll bo le film whom I Ia
ret fliu tt t Ilat bret ertiiur IIllot IJuralt ex
ig luII11 Iii which lit I nltveol nt li
4 lit I IIlll cut Fi Ilay lllht when
1lfII Ire ii
Ihtol unot h6 had blooti
lilt 10 lIla anti uiss WIImal pun lu
liv h i hll llreaelce > in tue > ot
r6eleo II II upet part
CIlr1 ihe atteromoit
01 rI uf atrnullhat1 14lont
l 1 I lit bil5 he Iya 10 In the hover
Ii i L l I 11 hi ao lit bo shown later tlo tlWo
kept 11 Iml III tltre 111 of the 1 builillug and
t r ii err cmU II i t He attended 1 to the
111 I nr rlTi al 1 dhl other work < lout the
Iln it
111 i IYhlh I Iuve htIii nn scuso for 111 to
tire ilwouh
search hu been InII l of this
Arn q
church building but the police have foiled to
find that there are any more bodies concealed
about the building Ile
Medical experts here par that the man who
fllwlth tbe two girls was 1 maniac of thC type
Prof Lombroso described In hU recent book
George R King organ M of the clmroti made
I statement this tvenlng which tighten the
noose around Dnrantn neck
King rays thnt on April 1 the day Miss La
mont was missed ho went Into tna church
about i P I M 1 to practise on the organ I saw
Iiurnnt there much t my surprise He cam
down and overheated from ho condition organ loft In a highly exCited
I asked him what was the matter and lie
re piled I was overcomn by gas up there In
the loft Ho was tiv weak and pale and
asked me t give him 1 glass or broom
seltzer I knew he wan fixing up some electrical
rontrltamrs about the church and thought
nothing Ktrange about his going up In the loft
This Is direct eldence ofn most sterling na
tore MIss Lnmont loft the high xchool nbout I i
1 M on the day she was last lon She was
seen with Durant
The theory now Is that Dnrant hnd just mur
dered tier when ho was seen by Organist King l
Her Father and Hliter Accuse Her nnn
band Thlr Queer Story
Simon Bate of 17 Chrystle atrvet called nt tho
Coroners office yesterday and asked that the
death of his daughter Sarah Schneler of 22 St
Marks place bo Investigated She died eleven
days ago The body was burled In Bayslde
Satx was sent t tho District Attorneys office
as the Health Board had Issued a burial permit
for the body Satz said ha suspected his
daughter had been poisoned He bases his sus
picion on the fact that 1 year AKO she was desert
ed by her husband who ill treated her Satz
learned he says that Schnclor had a wife and
four children In Europe Mrs Schneler had
him arrested but on his promise to live with
her dropped the charge of bigamy she hnd I
made against hIm
SutsnjsSchnoler i then treated his daughter
ro kindly that hn became sunplclous Three
months ago she became ill During her Illness
die cried constantly for water lr Huber of
113 East Bra WiY treated her for a dlHusa of
tho stomach
When I was seen last evening he unld her
death was duo to natural causes and that the
accusation was the creation of u malicious
mind The death certificate attributes her
death to pneumonia and heart disease
Mrs Annie Breakstone 1 sister of Mrs
Schneltr ai that she believes her sisters
death a suspicious the declares that two
days previous t her death Mrs Schneler said
thnt Schneler had held a mirror In front of hr
face and told her to take 1 good look at herself
a > abs only had two days to live On the morn
ing of April 4 two days afterward Sohnlr ap
peared and said his wlfo had died at midnight
and that he was going to bury her at noon on
the cnme day 1 I he body wvs token to Bnysldo
and Mr Satz and Mrs Breakstone were at the
grave when the hearso arrived
They had t wait for the gray to b dug and
while they were waiting the coffin A opened
by the undertaker Mr hatz and Mrs Break
stone say the body wan warm and that them was
a discoloration about the lips
Mr Satz say the reason he did not report the
matter before WAS because Passover Intervened
and as hr I an orthodox Jew he had t devote
all his time t his religious duties Assistant
District Attorney McManus will Investigate tim
story and lay the facts before time Grand Jury
lar Jurr
I the story is corroborated tho body will b
exhumed and an autopsy held
At the house 22 Su Irks Jlaee the tenant
fay that Schnoler sold all his household effect
and moved away after ii wife death He is a >
Theatre scenic artist employed nt Keiths Union Square
Humor of a Compromise Between the Heir
aad the
For some time negotiations have been pending
as to an arrangement between tho heirs of the
late Jay Gould and the Board of Tax Commis
sioners for a reduction of the personal assess
ment against the Gould estate Th se negotia
tions were set on tot by Geonre J Gould so the
story goesbecause he baa tireit of hts residence
In New Jersey and desires t become a citizen
of New York again Mr Gould took up his
residence In New Jersey because he considered
that the Tax Commissioners had been unjust In
assessing the personal property of his fathers
estate at 10000000 This assessment the Tax I
CommIssioners refused to scale down and Mr
Gould became a resident and voter In
Lakewood hero be paid taxes claiming
exemption from payment In this olty Although
Mr Oould baa a fine residence in Fifth avo
one he cannot exercise all the rights of a
citizen here and he would like to have this con
dition of things changed it U said The compro
mise which it Is said Mr Gould is willing to
accept is an assessment of 0000000
ExJudge John K Dillon and exTax Commis
sioner K L Parrls Mr Goulds counsel in his
ta cases called on the Mayor yesterday after
noon and had n lung conference with hIm in his
private office None of the parties to the con
ference would say what the talk was about but
I is believed that It related to the proposed re
duction of the Gould assessment and tho desire
01 George J Gould to return t New York
Dr Depew nod Other Dutchmen Celebrat
with Pip and OIae
The stewards of the St Nicholas Society mao
an innot atlon In their annual celebration of Ibo
Pans festival which took place last night at
DelinonlcoD Instead of a dinner they had a
smoker which included sandwiches beer and
long Dutch clay pipes
President Chaunccy M Depew presided and
after saying grace made a speech
In our celebration tonight be said the
stewards have tried a now departure For sixty
years the Pan festival has taken the form of a I
dinner but this Is an era of fads Ve have the
silver fnd and the new woman fad and we Iowa
the Trilby fad which In I ntlll nt its height This
gathering II like a parliament of Piter Stuy
vesants when with pipe and beer the old
Dutchmen our forefathers got together t de
cide how the colony should h governed
William I McKlroy and other Dutchmen
mado speeches and the members were enter
tained by a number of hired specialists
I IVn Made In Six 1 Month lint I Will
Tko Twenty Tear to Interpret 11
The managers of the Wayside Home Brook
lyn yesterday made application to Justice Ilart
lelt of the Supreme Court fur a mandamus t
compel the Board of Supervisors to pay their
hill of 91200 for the car of female delinquents
during the past year The question involved
hinges ou the Interpretation of the clause In the
new Constitution In reference to Much payments
which It is I raid are not required but may he
made A former law fixed lilt 1 year as the
coat of caring for each delinquent In rebervlng
his decision Justice Bnrtlett said
Thin application Is Only an illustration of
what 1 prominent member of the Constitutional
Convention told mo after the adjournment of
that body He 8ald1 took ustlx months to
maIl tho Constitution and It I will take ou
t et years to Interpret It
Ulub Tell hired to Die
Thomas Clarke the stableman of West Twen
tyfifth street who Is at the had of the Chelnea
Republican Club of the Third Assembly dls
trlct a little nullFred Glbbs organization has
been set up as tho Broukficld Republican leader
against Qlhbs Clarke shows letters from Major
MronK which he asserts aro his warrants ol
niithnrltj to act as Republican lender 1 of the
Henry hIrsch President of the Central Anso
elation of tlo lUtnll Liquor Dealers who his
been a lieutenant tal Hbns has boon training
with Clarke bitterly Uibbs accused him of
trouchcry Ihe other evening and hirsch replied > i
Why Fred You know Id do anythIng for
you Id die for you
You would 1 l exclaimed the wicked one
Go and do It thin Ill pay the funeral u
penscs Hlrnoh gladly has been seen with Clarke more than
ever slnco this encounter
A Woman Said to Have DId l from OHrf
liter thn Lou ur leI IIiibnad
Mrs Henry Peck of 124 Adams utieet Hobo
ken died on Sunday after a brief iltuets
brought un It Is said by grief over the ms
trloui disappearance of her liusbaid Pock
left home un March 7 leavIng no word The
policew era notified but found no wor of the
missing man three weeks ago a watchman on
the liounkcn coal docks reported that unhid
lound a hat and some clothes on the duck on
tn I > day that Peck tliapiiearid Ihe clothes I
and hat were identified by Mr Peck a her hus
bands but sho > oiH not believe that he wa I
derd and rpnt day after day standing root
of her hoiua waiting for him t return
M t i
A White Girl Act a Bride for a dilutee
nrldeRroAmlVhlte Von la the AI
care Were ortd by Chine Men I
Who Bought Chlneae Cake fbr Them I
The Sunday school of St llartholomews Chi
nese Guild gave an extraordinary exhibition
last nluht In the shape of n mock Chinese mar
riage ceremon Before nn audience composed
of white women and Chinese laundrymen
and white and Chinese half breeds a
young white woman connected It Is said
with the Sunday school went through
the marriage ceremony with I Chinaman
for the brldytroom The exhibition woa
In St Dtrtholomewa Parish House nt 200 East
Kortystcond street IU object was a benefit for
the Sunday school The exhibition was to have
begun nt 8 oclock but at that hour the audience
was crr slim Tie BUN reporter was met nt
tho door by tim white wife of 1 Chinaman She
said a good crowd was expected The reporter
asked the names of the woman who was t take
tho part of bride and the man who was to take
the part of bridegroom
They dont wont their names printed she
said You must see this gentleman pointing
ton Chinaman
Tho question was asked of him Before ho
could answer It a young woman richly dressed
wearing diamond earrings ran up to him and
tapping him on the shoulder exclaimed No
name now dont you dare 1
Leave that to me said the Chinaman and
the whole party laughed mctrlly
The crowd began to arrive shortly after the
reporter got there First caino two very nice
looking young women escorted by two China
men In American clothes They took seats In
tho middle of the bal and chatted and
laughed Next came an elderly woman accompanied
companied by a younger one evidently
her daughter The omic woman linked
arms with a Chinaman Then came
some women unattended and some Chinamen
from Mot street Then two more fashionably
dressed and goodlooking young women with
Chinese escorts So it went for halt an hour
At the end of that time the room was twothirds
full Very many of the women had Chinese
escorts who made much of them and wore mado
much of
A Chinese band filed In and took seats tn the
front of tho bal The first piece on the pro
gramme was Chinese Instrumental music
The band played a quarter of an hour The
Chinamen enjoyed It Immensely It was a bit
strange to tho civilized ear After this I China
ceremony man announced the beginning of tho marriage
Four Chinamen In Chinese costumes went on
the platform There was 1 deal of bowing and
kneeling and one of the men tied a red ribbon
about the head of another aOl n red so h about
the waist and shoulders This was the tying
of the nuptial knot for the bridegroom The
four then stepped down before a Chinese altar
and r stppe Chinese Rod After this
came the bridal 1Ch 1 oroctsslon Hie men
disappeared nnd four white women dressed
and painted to resemble Chinese women came
out The central one of the party was the bride
She had a heavy red veil over her heed and
hanging down below her waist This party
walked around and did a lot of bowing Then
the bride was led to the sedan chair which
stood at the loft of the platform She cnteiecl It
and the curtains were drawn
Eight or ten men came in then The bride
groom was one Two Chinese lanterns held on
sticks were placed in the hands of two white and
Chinese halfbreed children Ono of the meD
who took the part of the matchmaker lifted tho
front bandies of the sedan chair Two otherm
took the rear handle The men alt
women fell in behind and the children
with the lanterns lighted tho way across
the room the Chines band playing the
whilouweddlnor march When the chair was
net down to the for again the men in the party
and the bridegroom went up on the platform
and then there wan another season of bowing
Everybody bowed at everybody else The bride
groom kneeling bowed at all the others Then
one by one the others knelt and the bridegroom
bowed until his head touched the floor flfUeu
times to each
This occupied a great deal of time The audi
ence was greatly interested Every Chinaman
In I was busy explaining to his white com
panion exactly what it all meant When I was
over the bridegroom attended by six grooms
men went over to lea sedan chair ana opened
the doors The bride still covered with the c
veil was led out Four bridesmaids all white
women dresed in Chinese costume attended
her The women all bowed to the men and the
men to the women Then the women left the
room The director of the exhibition announced
that there was a supply of Chinese wedding
cake on sale at ten cents 1 piece and whllo
waiting for the return of the bride and her
party It would be passed around
Chinese wedding cake may be all right to eal
but It isnt pretty to look al It Is shaped and
looks like Park row butter cakes better known
as sinkers Despite that fact tho young
women in the audience were all anxious to pos
sess a piece of that cake and the Chinese es
cort were gallant enough to buy for them
Very nearly all the Chinamen who wore Ameri
can olothes purchased and presented the cake 1
their companions
The cake had nearly all been sold when the
bride and the bridesmaids cam bock Tho
bride had left her veil behind this time but she
still concealed ner face using a Chinese fan t
do It The first ceremony was in front
of the Chinese altar It was the presen
tation of the keys of the brides trunk
to the bridegroom This was followed
by the pouring of mock wine from a decanter
which stood on the altar Into chalices This
wile don by the groomsman and then the brIde
groom drank from one of the glasses and passed
it I to the bride Bin drank from the name glass
Title the programme explained was sjmboll
cnl of tying the nuptial knot and of union In
sharing their Iota In life after the manner of
the Jews
The bride went out again When sh camo
back she still carried tile fan but she no longer
concealed her face with it She looked a ro
fipvctabte and refined oung woman despite the
outlandish attire she wore The ceremony
ended with a world of bowing and that part of
the exhibition was over The whole wedding
party took seats at ono Bide of the platform
The evenings show ended with the exhibition
of two children Guild 7 years old respectively
Ono a the daughter of a Sunday school
teacher who had married 1 Chinaman and tho
other was said to be of tho same descent The
younger sang a tone In Chinese which trans
lated l In English wee us follows
Inc title branch or jasmine flower
rluckwl at morn from dewy bowen
Sent to me Iir frli ml > lien
Ibarlnir love r r act command t
IthcumpRtilonH Ill thee hind
And nt home coulenUneut flad
The party broke up about 10 oclock
Woven Pole StatIon Are Now Provided
with Them
The following police stations were equipped
with patrol wagons yesterday West Forty
seventh street Cnpt Huughey West Sixty
eighth street Cnpt Gallagher West 125th
street Capt Thompson East Klghtyolghth
street Acting Captain Dean East 104th street
Cupt Westervelt Kant liatb street Capt
Superintendent Dimes selected twentyfour
policemen by order of the Police Hoard fur the
patrol wagon service The wagon will be in
service day and night and will bouned toconvey
prisoners to court and to bring helpless and sick
persons to the station houses and In all cases
of emergency where policemen are required
The wagons are housed In stables near tbo
station houses Telephone communication has
been ostubllshed between the precincts and the
stables le twentyfour men who haY ben
assigned to the patrol wagon service received
their Instructions from Superintendent Uyrnes
at Headquarters on Sunday Each patrol wagon
will howe policeman one t drive and the
other nt n guard The men went on duty at 6
o < luck yesterday morning
Eleven stations am now provided with patrol
wagon It Is the Intention to have all the sta
tion houses equipped with them
Ken Over cad Killed while Holler HUntlnsc
John Schaefer aged f of 10S Korsyth street
was run over and killed at rome and Eld ridge
by truck tin
streets esterday 1 belonging to
Baker Transfer Company John 1 Braun of 1011
Rulllvan street the driver was arrested Tho
boy was roller skating and fell In front of a
rear wheel which passed over his neck The
street Wits crowded with children at the time
iirauu was driving slow
i ± h 1 oI
The Ininrcent Leader Tjtn4 with a Pa
from fnHlc
JACKSONVILLE Fin April ILA cablegram
from Key West says a private despatch t the
editor of the Cuban paper El Tarn states that
Irnernls Gomez nnil Mart landed In Cuba to
day with an expedition from Jamaica
WAftiltitOTON April 1C Official Intelligence
from Havana confirms the news of the battle on
time 10th mat between the Spanish trop and
Cuban Insurgents at Iulmarlto Toms Snltiz
len MaccoN secretary was wounded and sur
rendered Out of tho tnentfour men who
handed with Incto tome clays ngo eleven were
killed and wounded
I Is still asserted that the Cuban revolution
exists chiefly on paper that the Insurgents In
stead of numbering 25000 or 110000 do not ex
ceed nil told onetenth of tat number and
that but for tho hope of their recognition nf
belligerents by tho United Slates and thu
material Ill expected from this country the
revolution would collapse within 1 fortnight
after Ucn Campos arrival In tint Island Gen
Camnos will It is said go atoucotu tho province
of Santiago Cuba which is the only province
In revolt all remain there until the troubles
shall b ended
To United States ConsulOoncrnl Damon Williams
lams has been granted the customary sixty
days leave of absence from his post nt Havana
after application by letter to the Mate Depart
It Is asserted that If ConsulGeneral Wil
liams returns to Havana after his proposed
visit to tho United States his exequatur trill bo
refused to him Gen Campos tho new lov
crnorGencral of Cuba will not It Is asserted
receive him In an ofllclal capacity and Limit nc
ton will be endorsed by the Madrid Govern
While the Canuvas Ministry In Spain have not
demanded Consulticncrnl llama recall the
fact IS known t them that such a request was
twice mad by the previous Mlnlntry within
thirty days before their dissolution An un
willingness I on thin part of the present Cabinet
to strain the relations I botweon I the two coun
tries Is sild to be the only reason why a similar
request has not been made by them Should Mr
Williams leave the country temporarily how
ever advantage will be taken of tho tact to
keep him out by declining to permit his return
S olllcial Information had reached Washing
ton at midnight that Maceo one of the Cuban
leader hail > eel captured It Is believed that
title will b his fate within a few days but the
absence of nuns confirming his capture lends to
the conclusion that the report to t that effect is
premtlre concusion Neltlur IK I It believed that the
number of troops engaged at tho battle uf Pal
marlto was as largo as reported On the con
trary there are sirune grounds for the statement
that they could not have exceeded 1 fuw hun
dred at the utmost inasmuch at despatches
received today from CaptainGeneral Cnlleja
mention merely the killing and wounding of
eleven of Maieos followers WIH accompanied
him to Cuba while nothing is said as Ui any
Spanish loss
Again It Is said the death of Crombct and the
capture of Mnceo will hat e no appreciable otlect
on the revolution as neither has been the mo
leg spirit In the affair The real brain of the
revolution Is Mid t bo Maximo iomez who it a
trained military man and who was conspicuous
for his soldierly qualities in the rebellion of
twenty years ago Uomez who Is now TO ear
of age Is understood to have sailed within the
past fortyeight hours from Haytl for Cuba at
the head of 300 or 400 men He is accompanied
by Tot Marti who nlilres t time Presidency of
the new republic should Cuba succeed In throw
ing olT the domination of Spain
HAVANA Aorll loA detachment of Govern
ment troops from Holculu commanded by Capt
Agullar engaged in a battle with a band of
rebels 1110 strong at PnlmaMlroi on Saturday
The Insurgents were defeated with a loss of six
killed and a considerable number wounded and
led from the Held rapt Agullar with his
command immediately started In hot pursuit of
the fleeing rebels who are reported to be scat
Gen Martinez Campos sailed from Porto Rico
lost evening Calmanera the port of Guan
tanamo on Cumberland harbor
Bhe Propose to Submit Great Britain
IlemuadH to an Impartial Arbitration
WASIIINOIOX April 1iTbe fact that Nicar
agua bad mao a reply to the British ultimatum
b British Of
which was regarded by the Foreign
flee as in 1 measure satisfactory l mentioned
in these despatches several days ago Particu
lars 8 to the contents of Nicaraguas reply
have now been received here Nicaragua while
definitely agreeing to none of the specific de
mands of Great Britain concedes the applica
bility of the principle of arbitration to some of
the acts committed in the Mosquito territory
and suggests In the most friendly tone possible
that an impartial commission of arbitrators
be constituted for all the grounds of complaint
Nicaragua points out that thom decrees of exile
against British subjects which Great Britain
demanded should be cancelled unconditionally
demande canceled uncondltunIl
had already been annulled before the formal
request of Ureat Britain regarding the mutter
had been received Nicaragua although assur
ing Great Britain of a cordial desire to give com
plete satisfaction neither promises to pay the
various sum demanded for Injuries Inflicted on
British subjtctKas stipulated bIrd Klmberly
nor declines t do so but agrees to a fair and
just settlement of claims that shall be recom
mended by an impartial arbitration Great
Britains proposition excluding from the arbi
tration commission a citizen of any American
State Is quietly ignored in Nicaragua reply
Ihe communication is regarded In diplomatic
circles us a skilful move on Nicaraguas part
Five Prisoner In Tr ey CIty Bemova HOle
Hrlck ISefure Discovery
George Blalsch a keeperln the Hudson county
Jail In Jersey City renorted to Warden Mitchell
yesterday that an attempt had been made to
break through tim west wall of tho bathroom
An Investigation brought out the fact that the
loader In tho attempt to break jail were John
Hays Edward Sullivan and George Edwards
who are awaiting trial for burglary all felonious
assault and homas Murray and William Mont
New York pickpockets
gomery plcklckets
The prisoners In some manner which has not
been dl co > ered got ponesslon of I cold chisel
a small jimmy and a lineemail saw They had
Bucceodml In removing two or three of tho
bricks when the attempt was discovered The
prisoners are ac accompanied by a keeper now
when they go to the bathroom
dame Kearney Hay lie is a Victim r
Mlltuken Identity
James Kearney the young man who was ar
rested on suspicion of having knocked down
and robbed Mrs Margaret McKlfatrick of 404
Park places Brooklyn last Thursday night was
arraigned yesterday before Pollco Justice Steer
in the Grant street court and remanded fur ex
amination until Saturday Krimiey was HI
rested by the detectives on tho dimrlptlon she
furnlehed and she t su > s the prisoner greatly
resemble her aHuxllnnt Kearney rnjultiuft
cane of mistaken Identity and that he will have
no difficulty in ntnbllshlng his innocence
Street llallrouel Tax Aunmeul Itrduced
Judge AndrowH In tho Special Term of tho
Buprtmu Court haH signed on order reducing tho
assessment which was 11110 upon the personal
property of the Third Avenue Railroad Compa
ny for the purpose of taxation for tho jfr 18IH
from SlJO41 to SHOOOOO
Ho has also signed an order reducing the as
cnsinient which wan nmilii upon the personal
property of the Union hallway Company for tho
purpose of taxation for last year from 21444
The induction of the assessment a made
upon the application of the railroads and with
out Counsel opposition on the part of the Corporation
A Missionary Die In an Ambulance
Mrs Belle Doyle a missionary attached t the
Florence Mission In Bleeckcr street died last
night In uu ambulance while being conveyed to
Kooscvelt Hospital She was stricken with
was heart au disease ran at 733 Tenth avenue liar age
0cc John Nwtn III
Gen John Newton President the Panama
Railroad Is kick ut his home 40 West Seventy
fifth street Ills son John Newton Jr said
yesterday that his father had been seriously Ill
with rheumatism for two week but n as much
better now
TZnJI ov irmcit JAVAJT AGJ1Zft
The Agreement Include the Independence
ortorea the Cession or Forotoin tinS a
Pnrt or Manchuria nn Indemnity r
njloOOOOOOO end un OfTenilve and He
ftnilve Alllnne Itetween the Two Power
ItiNiiov April 10Thte There correspondent
In Shanghai says that M Hung Changs conln
law telegraphs thnt the treaty of peace was
signed In Shlmonosekl today April 11 and
that the terms are
First The Independence of Corcn
SecondJapans retention of the conquered
Third Japans retention of this territory east
of the Lino River
Fourth Permanent cession of Formosa
Fifth An Indemnity of 100000000
Sixth An offensive and defensive nlllance
between China and Japan
WASHINGTON April 10 Neither the Chinese
nor the Japanese legation has receltcd from
Shlmonosekl any confirmation of Japans al
leged twentyfour hours ultimatum nor has any
further news bearing upon tho Peace negotia
tions come to hand War news received by way
of Shanghai has proved almost uniformly I un
trustworthy It Is not doubted that t nntlsfnc
tory conclusion will be reached beforo the 0th
Intt when the armistice expires
Chinas reported delay In agreeing to the
conditions of pence seems the lore Inaxpllcnblo
in view of the fact thnt at the request of the
Chinese envoy the Japanese Government
materially modified some or iii propositions
Just what these modifications were is still a
state secret That thoy a well as the con
ditions ns 1 whole wore satisfactory to LI Hung
Chang Is not doubted l while It equally true
from official reports that LI Hung Chang secured
better terms than would have been given to him
but for tho assault made by the njsaslr
Koynma The best explanatIon of the delay Is
that the Pekln Foreign Office is postponing Us
approval the terms of peace agreed upon by
LI Hung Chans until the last moment in the
hopo that something may occur in the interim
to Chinas advantage
No credence i attached t the report which
reaches here from Mianghsl by way of London
that the Chinese Kmperor has Issued n procla
mation describing the Empire an ended and as
sertlng his Inability longer to govern It In
welllnformedVjIrcles thc report is ridiculed as
being too absurd to dignify with a denial It Is
asserted In the first place that the Chinese Em
could have In at and
pror no purpose abdicating Ind
in the second place tin Dowager Empress would
not permit him to retire if he desired The proc
lamation is believed here to be the work of
tho secret societies in the empire These socie
ties It Is said are hostile t the Government
their alms and purposes being not dissimilar to
those of Nihilists in Russia I the proclama
tion be their work It was l > probably written for
the purpose of adding to the confusion in tho
empire and to the embarrassment of tho reign
ing powers The whole stary however is re
garded a another Shanghai fabrication
LONDON April 15A Ceutral News despatch
from Toklo says that Prince Konatsu Com
manderlnChlef of the Japanese army and
navy with n number of transports escorted by
three war ships passed Shlmonosekl yesterday
on his way t the sent of war The Japanese
Ministers at fchlmonusekl signalled their fare
wells and good wishes to the Prince as the yes
eels passed
LI Hung Chang Is in constant communication
by telegraph with Pckln
The conference Is sitting at Shlmonosekl to
day and It is expected that todays session will
result In the conclusion of peace
Brooklyn > Aldermen Vote Acnlnt It At
thoiijch tile Mayor Approved
Tho vigorous resolution adopted at the recent
antitrolley slaughter meeting in Brooklyn were
yesterday laid before Major Schleren by 1
special committee The Mayor told the com
mittee that hewas still strongly impressed with
the llfesavlne properties of the Baltimore
fendernnd would continue his efforts to have it
introduced In Brooklyn Tho Mayor has ap
pointed Charles Franklin chief trolley Inspec
tor and the Aldermen will name his staff of
fourteen assistant Inspectors during the week
At 1 meeting of the Aldermen yesterday 1
resolution was offered providing for the con
etant ringing ajlnilo bell on each trollej car
while It was In operation but It was lost by n
vote of H to I although It had the endorsement
of the Mayor
A Ferryboat Adrift In the East River
The new Grand street ferryboat America be
came disabled last evening soon after sho left
her slip on the C30 trip to Wllllamsburuh
There were about 400 passengers In the cabins
nnd many wagons Just as the boat cleared
the slip the machinery became centred and tho
paddlewheel stopped The tide waft ebb and
the boat rtrlftea around Corlear Hook and was
carried toward thu bridge The pilot blew a
whistle for assistance and thu Nevada of tho
Roosevelt street line responded A hawser was
passed to the disabled boat and she was towed
to Wllllamsburirh There was some excitement
at frt amunic the women hut they were calmed
deck hands who told them there
by < 8 r was no
changer The America went Into service two
weeks ago
HherltrTamcen dinner Ills Place far Real
Eilnte Hale
Sheriff Tumstii has hanged his place for
holding the legal ealcs of real estate which ho
Is ordered to sell under writs from the City
Hall to the Broadway salesroom In the Trinity
building Auctioneer August Klelnnu repre
senting the Sheriff appeared yrxteiday on the
otand of L I J Ihl apJore P and announced a
real estate sale HU appenrnnce there rented
considerable excitement nmons thn frcquentt
of the room It was the first Hherlff tale that
had ever been made at the exchange
HIIII Struggling with the Mayor Meumigc
Tho Finance Committee of the Bonrd of Al
dermen had anotherstrucglo yesterdn with the
remarkable messngaon the citys finances which
Major Strong promulgated two weeks ago In
response to lie committees Invitation Comp
troller ntch sent tub coiomlttst a call of his
statement refuting this MnvmnohrirKihuf llnim
riil jugKlaij and the tuo papers were consid
ered together Chairman Hunt said after tho
meeting that nothing would hu mndo public re
garding the committees conclusions before tho
presentation of Iti report the Hoard todny
Vol HI rone Ilniitit lll Own Pull
An old soldier called on Major htroiig ester
day mid naked him for u letter to the Public
Works Department He soul he had purtlal
paralysis and would take any place he could net
1 tant help you to got an appointment
said the Mayor
A letter from you would secure special con
Well Ill give you a note said the Mayor
just to show you that It wont do you any
Foolnore No arly In the March of Uerrns
Mayor Strongs confidential messenger
Diuil presented his resignation yesterday to
eke effect at once He thinks he can make
more money at some other occupation but ho
hasnt decided yet on what It Is tu be He rays
he has some thought of going on the stage
Danl assisted Secretary Job K Hodges In run
ning the Strong heailquartcra In the campaign
lnit fall HU full name Is Daniel P Slater
Corporation Couimet Scott Oolus Away
Corporation Counsel Bcott was at his office
yesterday for the first time In nearly a vvesj
lie has not entirely recovered from his attack of
biliousness and rhumatlsin and will Irate to
day fur a fourdays trip to torlre Monrcw
nxcrcLrsr rn4xzc IEXZ iris SHOT
The American Tourist SaId to Have Been
Killed In Armenia
LONDON April 10TIme Diilfy Iftui corre
spondent tn Armenia says that the American
bicyclist Frank Lnz who dliappenred last
summer In tVe neighborhood of Dcllbaba n
notoriously lawless district was shot on the
road between lahiisr and Kourtall
Frank Lena was rent from this country by
0 < illnito make u trip around thin world The
enme publication recently despatched another
bicyclist to hunt for lenz
TZJ cniLiAX rKdAtioN itonnrn
A Necklace Vullird nt 81OOOI > Token n
It I Thought by the Ilntler
WASIIIMITOX April IS Information was re
rerhcd nt Police headquarters tonight of a
robbery committed upon time Chilian Legation
In this city this exnnlnx by n lienIr hired butler
from Now York n CJilltcn by birth
The Minister had gone to the theatre and
left tbehoute In charge of a butler and a mnd
servant During hU absoncn the butler ab
stracted diamond necklace valued nt 10000
and secured SCO In money lie then changed
his clothing and disappeared
sriPflV AXJ > xomrAis CRISIS
King Oscar Taken n nioomy View and Slay
Ah11lcit If War Come
BEIIITX April i0The ftaiihfurkr Zcttunat
correspondent In Stockholm says
King Oscar takes the gloomiest view of the
present crisis and probably would abdicate
should it come to nn open rupture The Crown
Prince U much displeased with the malcontent
Norwegian and would not yield nn Inch It his
father should abdicate It Is reported that the
Swedish general btitff declare that Norway could
bo easily cccupltd but do not deny that the real
difficulty would begin afterward
It Ii Not Certain Whether III Death Wan
Accidental or Intentional
Hil i tUr NJ April 13 Charles Inubich
Jr i0 years old ito son of the superintendent
of the Coventry silk mill at Hllltdale Manor
was killed this afternoon in the woods near here
by lie discharge of his cilia It Is not known
whether ui accident suicide
The youriis mnn left home after dinner w 1th a
Flobcrt rifle saying that ho wus coins Into tile
woods to shoot birds Hu did lint return and
toward evening his lather who was expecting
to leave by train for New York started for the
station Hu had a presentiment that something
had happened to his son and turned back He
had got back nearly to thu mill when ho met a
niHii into told him that the body of a j outh lay
In the woods
Jollied by acme of tim mill hands the father
hurtled to the spot pointed out to him und they
fouud young Lubsch lying on his back with a
bullet wound Jut over the heart Ills rifle lay
on the ground four feet away Jacob Dorshnm
who was chopping wood but a few rods away
snld that he had teen the young motto fall but
that hearing nn shot fired he thought that
lnubncli hud merely tripped over the under
Coroner May of Ramseys was notified and he
will hold an liuiutitou liursday
Hue Was Carrying m Child Across n Foot
bridge mind I ot Her llulance
PATKIIKOV April 15Miss Orllla Struble CO
years old was drowned at Macoplu yesterday
while crossing the Pequannock River She was
walking with two little girls the children of her
brotberlnIaw tyavlcl Wbrltonour They hind
been gathering wild flowers and were going to
the mill across the river where the childrens
father la i employed Tho river Is high and
there Is only a plank bridge at the Intake of
the East Jersey Water Company crossing it
Miss Strublo carried the younger child over
and returned to tho Passalc county side for the
elder 10 lean old She wa nearly halfway
across the plank when she lost her balance and
fell with tIm little girl Into the stream Tho
young woman lank out of sight In the swollen
waters The child was carried toward tins shore
and grasped the branch of an overhanging tree
Her screams attracted the attention of men In
the mill and they run to her rescue David
Whrltenour wits the first on the scone and he
rescued his child und then Joined the searchers
after Miss btrubles hotly They found It a mil
and a half below the bridge where It had been
washed over a dam
They Were Arreted In Hoboken for An
aultlnfc lire Deonta
Cecilia Mnnonla 20 years old of 72 Jefferson
street and Mary talenttna 27 years old of 01
Jefferson street Hoboken went arrested last
night and committed by Recorder MeDonough
to await the result of Injuries said to have been
inflicted bj them on Rosa Desonlaof 61 Adam
Several days ago Sirs Defiontn complained
that the two women had assaulted her and
robbed her of 810 They vvtro arrested but
were discharged the following morning Yes
terday City Physician Simon reported to
to Chltf of Police Donovan that Mrs Desonta
was tn a dangerous condition and was likely to
die Warrants were Issued and the two women
locked up Both carried babies when arrested
and took them Into the cells with them
A Conscience Stricken Brooklyn nhopllfter
Pay Cp with Interest
This note with a twodollar bill enclosed was
received yesterday by T 1C l Horton Co Ful
ton street Brooklyn
T K horton cf Co
About the year Ih5l a pair of gloves north 25 cents
were hlolen ulf n dry goods counter down Fulton
htreet uhero mite dry roods stores HUHI to be some
win In the vlelultyuf Johnson and Tlllary streets
east slilx of Street u o have been sorry many times
hut did mint know how to mate H right We ueslro to
make rtitltutlon now an fur an we are able and as
> ur store urnins to bo Impressed upon our mlnili
we encltmo tf to pay for the gloves and the Interest on
efeel that this stands against us before God and
WP want to make It right anil are heartily sorry for
IliU wrongdoing If then U l n fund for helping the
jtfior and hk dry Kooln eniplo > ees anti you are will
ing will you pleann put It In that Emit his rightful
owner nay be blemed nf Gull In it
The Itev Mr iIrMiip Took Htrychnln by
Mistake While Preachlnn
lliHMlNOitAM ila April 15Tue Rev J M
Jpasffp an aged Baptist preacher died in his
pulpit yesterday Ho hud carried In his pocket
bread crumbs sprinkled with strychnine to
iisotm lngllsh sparrows that Infested imls yard
Hn wss In the habit of earning sugar In his
pocket on Sundays to clem his throat for his
set m000 nnd took tho strychnine by mistake
iaereieesd SVages for BOOO Peran
DAMFIMINVII Conn April 1 5TIme Quln
nelniiir Company today posted notices In their
mills of an advance In wages to take effect on
April 22 NotIces weretilso hosted IntheDanlel
Minvllle and WllliamsvUle mills Two thousand
persons are benefited
A Toraliotn ut Mt fleorce a i I
A turaboU was given last night at the Hotel
Cnstletnn Staten Island for the benefit of the
Staten Island Hospital The tombola part of II
consisted in each guest getting a souvenir of
some kind A tombola Is ito ancient Spanish
function a sort of lottery but the ladles having
In charge the Htatcn Island tombola said that
theirs wasnt the real Spanish thing Inasmuch
as it wasnt a lottery There was an entertain
nient of music and recitation followed by a
dance Considerably over 31000 was got for
the hospital
riiifa ISIown Open at Pompton Lake
Safe crAclrcrs made an attempt soon after 1
oclockthls morning on lie safe In the Post
Office nTPompton Lakes NJ
The explosion brought out the PontmaiUr
The musts fled The Poatmastsr fired his re
volt er twice at them They returned the fire
with live chute and escaped but with ito spoils
Thlrtjon of Them Felt Near Trleile l
rleven Hour Peopl Cnmplntt tu isO
iIhdaTrslnie Rocking IIke a Nhlp nt
HenDen and Damage In Many Toisne i
Paulo In n Theatre nt Flnme Bhl > i > lnuj
In the Uarhar Crowded with FnjKlttven
Guest Fie from the Hotel of Venire
VIENNA April IB Violent shock of earth
quake were experienced throughout southern
Austria Inn night manifestations bedmilntj
at midnight At Lalbach thirtyfit miles north J
east of Trieste thlrtyon shocks wore felt be
twcen mldnlRht anti 7in dtliH 1 thli morning
All of tho churches public bulldlnEit business
houses and residences In tim town were ilittn
aged Several persons were killed by fnlllnif
wulU Vc and n large numbnr wore ilium or
lees seriously Injured
At Velden ton shucks w ere felt amid ut rlcto 1
four Shocks were also felt nt Abbnrila Ano c
Gortzln Cllll anti other places In nil of which
many buildings were damaged The dircllo1
of tha disturbances was from pontheivst to north t 1
west 7
Slight seismic vibrations were also felt In this I
city Communication between Trlinte nnd 11 1 j
bach Is suspended In many of tho dlstt Ici8 bc
tween the two towns as well as In the ibrilnns
visited by the xhacks tho people are cntnplui
out In the fields L4
All the clocks In the city stopped at ll2i 1 >
oclock this morning Persons arrlvliig ut thin
railroad stations report deaths and dnnmcntn
property In trmnv towni besides those nlrcnd
mentioned They sny that along Ito rnllnml
1ties they tints thousnndn cnniplng in the lieltIt t
The traIns were rooked by the shocks omt
say that the rolling motion was as notice f
ns on a ship at sea All reports Indicate that Ito
shocks followed the lines from Florence U I
Botzcn Florence to Vienna unit Serajenu In
lioHtiln to BtelnnmAntrar tn Himcnry
TitiKSTE April Ifi Persons coming from Lai
btch give vivid descriptions of thn scones of ter
ror during tIme earthquakes The first ohock F
shortly after midnight was so severe that Uu 4
whole population was aroused and hundicdi
ran half naked Into the streets By El 1 ui lock
the street were blocked with carts and citE
rlngeB In which the sick and aged and the chil
dren were being conveyed to places of safety Pf j
A little later tans loaded with furniture touM
be seen on every side Men and women rarrj
Inc clothlnc and boxes of valuables crowded the
streets and often btoppcd completely the proe f
rest of the vehicles Terrified groups knelt on
the corners and before churches praying fur
deliverance and begging the priests to pray for
The barrack time museum the dlatlllcry amid
half a dozen other largo buildings were laid in
ruins Stores nfoJier buildings were cincKtd
and half shaken from their foundations
At Flume the audience In this Players theatre
hail just risen to leave the luUdliiz when tho
first shock canto AH crowded mudly Into tho
exits Many persons were injured tn the striiK I
ale but none fatally All night boats tilled with
fugitives put out from lie Flumo wharves to k
the shipping Thore is hardly n vessel In the
harbor without several Flume families on board
who refuse to return to land
During the panic In Trieste a frightened horse
ran down a crowded street Injuring twenty
persons seriously and knocking down fifty or
sixty The harbor was agitated us If by n storm
and several boats carrying persons to the shIp
ping were capsired Six persons were Iron nttl
Slight shocks hate been felt here throughout
the day
ROME April 10 Severe shocks of earthquake
were experienced nt Venice and Verona yesterday
day evening Many buildings wero damaged
and several persons injured but no one was
At the first shock In Venice the guests fled
from the hotels to the public squares and tin
inhabitants deserted their houses and took
refuge In tho available open spaces Mnny uf
the guests together with a large number nf res
idents left the city by early trains this mniiriihrtg ItPI
fearing a recurrence of the shucks
Violent shocks were also experienced at Bo 1itt
logna Ferrarn and TrtvUo in each of simlem
towns great damage was done to hulidfnpt In
Trevlso the entire audience rushed from a thee
ire into the street at the first shuck Many terra
hurt In the panic but no ono was killed Shocks 1tt
have been generally felt throughout north
of italy li
Six Men Arcued oTJIfarder
ST Lou 18 April 15Thin six members of he I
Green family who have been hero In jail fur
safe keeping on a charge of beIng Implicated In
lit murder of David Hilderbrnnd of Mount 13
View Crawford county Mo wero taken hack
to that place this morning On Tuesday they
will have a preliminary hearing at Stielevlllo
unless theY are taken charge of by n mob anil ti
lynched The prisoners are In thu custody nf
Sheriff Arthur anti Deputy Griffith and when l
the train reaches tho borderline of Crawford
county it will bo boarded by additional guards
There Is much excitement over the murder nf It mt
Hlldcrbrand and It Is feared trouble will occur
when the prisoners return to the scone
Hay Ho Simply Burled the Murdered Girl
BOSTON April IS Angus Gilbert who Is
charged with the murder of Ryearold AlIce
Sterling of Dorchester has confessed to tIme
police that he burled the childs body In this
barn cellar where It was found but he says
that he did not kill her He says he went Into
tile cellar on Thursday morning and found the
body He decided to bury the body as ho
feared he would hi suspected of killing th
girl Gilbert nays that at the time the murder
Is supposed to have been committed his mind
was a blank and that he renumbers nothing j
Vnmnally Hlab Flood In New England
BOSTON April IB Every stream of any slz
In New England east of Connecticut Is swollen
beyond Its banks Rain ha fallen incessantly
for fortyeight hours and most of the rivers jtre
higher than at any time since 1BOD Railroad 1
washouts to a great number have occurred
hundreds of mills and factories large and small j
have shut down numerous bridges have bean
swept away and in many cases buildings have
ben made unsafe Reports from every city and ta
town tell of the freshet Ho lost of life is re
Prof William BIcAdam We Drowned ltfyf
ATTON Ill April 15llie body of Prof Wll i3 l
Ham McAdam the archaeologist who has been f
missing since Thursday last wa recovered from tf
the Mississippi River at noon today by the l f
searching party Ills boat wa found on a sand V J
bar at Eagle Nest Island It is 1 orobabl ethat he I
wa drowned accidentally lie wa US j ears old f i 1
and leaves a large family i
Harmle Mirect Diet a Jacksonville
jACKbONVILLE Fla April IS There was L
much excitement here early this evening be
cause of a sudden and unexpected meeting lie
twten City Attorney Barn and County Commis
sioner Marvin Both drew revolvers and en
gaged in a street duel They were seized quick
ly uy friends Neither was hurt Politics nr if t
given as the cause of the encounter ii4
Plle Ccnn Pnsotleatly Vlalhd
President Wilson of the Hoard of Health said 11 V fl
yesterday that only 47 of the 1101 books used i
by the police ID taking the city census wore out J 5 r
standing Thteso will probably be turned In to l < flt
day They represent some of th larger district iro
The revised tabulations will be forwarded to w > <
the Mayor who will announo the results fl fl
wait 85th Street Public School Reopened
Public School No 33 at 335 West Tblrtyflf j
street which waa clostd on account of an out 4
break of measles in the janitors family was t
reopened yesterday morning upon a clean bill of < I
health issued by Dr Bsnedlct chief of the Hu 1
reau of Contagious Diseases 7
S f
I Tb Aatvrlejui Dwaa fluehase Culaj V3
UarHaxe c i4 1
I LONDON April l5Tbmarrtget th dow
I ager Duchess of Marlborough and Lura Bates
I fort willukeflAcurnApxlIaOy v

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