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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 13, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-09-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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11010 CAXT JUT nllw AND
Ureokln Get a M Yr > TbraahUfj A
Hand of the BalUmonaKillavslelsiala
i llurjr lh W > hlnfoi t7avSl r a 11 lo or
Mill aid HnnaritUbnrml 4 Clacla
nail PIsy Tea II Co st Draw Th
Ham e la the CUM with ths > Chleasjo
j Lovlivllla Coateal Kiceept thn Bnt
tlclii Inalnsjs Ar Flayerf 01 lp
h Now fork s won another easy victory from
the once clover lioitont yesterday n > d are now
but ilx points behind them In Tni Himi
record this morning a victory IIM been taken
from Hustons string and a defeat from WMb
Ingtoni total Inasmuch as the tenInning
llostonWinlilngton Imo of Aug 1 which
wai won by lloston and protested by Solimels
m bus boon thrown out by yot of the Icseue
k director and ordered t b played over The
IJrooklyna were badly baton at Daltlmore 0
lead Increased to 01
that the clmtnplons was Incal t 13
I point Tho Ihlladclphlai had a plcnlo with
tho WiuhlnKtoaB and cnlned a few pint on
the Cleveland whose game with 8U Louis wai
ia I postponed until todar The Plttsbnrahs and
j Cincinnati played a tenlnnln draw and the
ChlcaKoi and Lonltrllles were tlod nt the end of
tho eighth Inning when darkueu ended further
I proceedings The result
New York 7i Boston 1
IJalUmor IBs Ilrooklyn 3
Ihiladelphla 171 Washington 9
rittiuurgh 8j Cincinnati I
1 Chicago Si Louisville L
At lt t Louis gem postponed
I Vfr tPr
Ch ITrtn Lent Ctnt Clubt Won fxwf Ceit
Halllinore7l no 013 Now York03 et Ol
1llnor7 7 41 nrj cbkaroCl 05 Od
npbla7i 47 CUM CincinnatiOB M 019
I ruoklnM < 4 0 D09 Wahliu < tonu3 79 Uli
Jiootua I l M 614 bt uijia > TU am
Wtt burih0 C4 548 ILouUTlillilJ bcj Oi
t I The Ilostona wets easier for the New York
I yesterday than they were on Wednesday They
were like nine dummies before the clover
I I ultclilnp of Husle who let them down with six
titmice and would havo shut them out but for
an error of Davl In tho last Inning Rnste bad
beautiful control giving but two bases on balls
II and striking out toven men The New York
t l played fast bal behind him Fuller magnifi
cent short stopping being the feature Farrell
was very much In the game with three corking
hit Including a triple but he was forced t r
tire In the eighth Inning because of a harp foal
tip that struck him on Ibo leg A number of
KarrellN frlundn from Marlboro were on hand
and when he went t the bat In the fourth Inn
f tug he was tho recipient of a beautiful floral
boll Ho responded with n cracking base hit
that brought In a run
II rUlvelts pitched for the Bostons and he bad
speed t dent a atone wall But he had poor
control of the ball and did not us the beet
judgment In the world < He also received miser
able support especially from Herman Long
I I who threw the bull around like a tcnrcsrcli
boy In a back lot Harrington the bostons
I new player put up a fat came In the field and
l hit the ball hard Duly and Tucker all
I hot aome life hit the other members of the
I team Viere very HI Louis
ti t The New York score tw runs In the first
i Inning principally on errors Fuller struck
nut und Tlernan got a base on balls Van
i JTaltrcn singled to left and on McCarthy
high return of the ball t second Tlernan ran
I I for third Then Nash mulled Harringtons
throw and Mike scored Van taking third Davis
t eCIr
vis sent a lone fly to McCarthy on which van
counted Stafford got I lift on Longs fumble
but 4 left Farrell hit for three bases In the
second but was thrown out nt the plate The
Jloloue had no chance for scoring until
sorlnl uDl
tho fourth when the finest kind of field
ing prevented two runs Rude gave bases
on balls to McCnrthy and Nash and Tucker
sacrificed Ilunnon hit to Fuller who caught
McCarthy off third Then Harrington drove
S wbol looked like a hit toward centre field but
Fuller made a wonderful stop and the side was
out Then tbo New Yorks scored another run
I In the lust half on Do > les single I passed ball
and 0 safe hit by Farrell Again taf fifth
Tlernan scored on his safe hit Oanzels bad
I throw a sacrifice and an error by Long b
I tbt the seventh Hums hit for three bases and
I cored on Fsrrells third safe hit while in the
elehth two more runs were made on Tlernons
afo bunt Van Hattrens triple and Davits out
The linstont continue to be blanked until out
I I ninth Inning when Tucker led oft with a hit
took third on Davlss high throw of Bnnnons
I grounder and scored the only run for his side
1 Harringtons single Then the next three
men went out on poo files leaving Bannon on
third Thn scoro 01
nlnr0 z LIRrOAL 1
r1 Fuller t 0 0 1 eo tonr ss u 18 ft 8
I Tlernan r fS 3 I 0 0 fluy e f 0 14 I 0
Vnnliol ocra 3 0 0 0 McCarthy I rrt i 1 J I I
DavU 3ctluO 0 1 0 I Nashua bo U 0 0 1
t HlalTord 2 bO O I I 1 Tucker Iitbt 1 800
Ju71 lf litbl t u 0 OlKannonrf0 0 HOD
Inr1 I j 0 0 u liar ugton3bo 1 U 1 0
I Jarnll c 0 n 1 I 1 uklantelc I 0 1 I 2 I
I lon c 0 0 I 1 0 Stlvettsp u U lio
Ituile p 0 0 0 I U
TotalI 6 U 8 6
I Total7112712 itl I
New York 8 0011019 7
r lionton u u 0 0 0 U 0 u 11
Famed rumNew York 8 Three iaae hits
Van Haltren Durns Farrell Sacrifice hits Van
Farrl hlaVD
1 f llaltren Tucker btolen basts FulUr Davit Ban
I t Don Flntbaio on srrors New York 9 Boston 1
Flnt baa on ballsOff Roil I t l Bttvetts k
Struck out Uy Itusl 7 by SUvetu 4 Lett on
bates Sew York 10 Roston 7 Passed bail Can
I Ml Time Ii83 Umpire Ke f Attendance 1000
I HAtTiuoRK Sept lTho champions had a
I batting roatln6o at the expense of the Brooklyn
I I twitters today Humbert was sent to the bench
I after seven runs had been nioda off his delivery
I 1 In three innings Abbey fared llttlo better
I Twelve hit for sixteen bases three bases on
r J balls two hit bntsmeu and a wild pttcn
which netted eleven runs was the record made
i against him during tho six Inning he officiated
It I Holler got slight case of ruttlen In the fourth
t round and gave three bases on balls
J with two singles which allowed the visitors to
i11 I score two runs His base on balls and wild pitch
I 4 In the first also cave them n tally will Ith
Inchance and Nhoch and tl lnozltercb
C bacecr earned for the Brooklyn two runs In
the eighth Keller was pat out of the game for
I kicking McGraw Jennings and lamo alma
1 had considerable to say to Umpire Hurst and
were removed from the coaching lines Attend
I aace 3601 The score I lne
111 ro 11
ItcOraw I 1 I z Orlffln c fT 0600
KeelerrrB 8 I 0 0 Hhlndle Ud b0 2 a 4 1
I Jrllnlng ss4 I 1 I 0 orroran L bO I tOi 0
Kelley I a a 0 0 Laelwnc lh1 III
I itmile lbS 9 B 9 II Andennnl irt I JS I o g
fwlec II U C U Daly Ud bU 0 0 4 t
i llasnuhifl 1 I I 0 Sliocb r f 1 I I U 0
I aroy UID1 Ii I II I i 0 0 irlme 0 I 5i 0
Hoiilntnu eV I 1 0 pJiirr c 0 0 I i 0
Joffor p I I 0 I o ilJiiinbort pO C t
1 Abbey p 0 0040
Tutet18212710 0
I Totals 0 HBUtf 0
niltlmore 0 I n I 0 0 8 I
ilrooklyn 1 0 0 I 0 0 U I 0 I
yarned run Pattimore 101 nronklyn t First buna
ly l irrorlittltlmorn Left on base 1 Dalllmure Ui
Iirookbn N Hr 1 t ble on twlls Oft llofferai art
iimiibrrtVi oft AbheyB Mrurk out My IIanerK
by AhWyIt lhrechaihlslohlnsnn Holer II
4 iir on rivobae hlu hblnille Keuler llrodle Jn
t lr
oli > Ki llcltx Corcoran hacrlHen hit I Corcoran Jen
nlnii llroll Htolin lii e Miiirsw 81 Juiinliiji
lioiiiinon Hit by liyVblxyS lid pliebem
hotTer i It liIUrlll I UntItiru hurst i TlnuailO
V iioroi tIIIhllIlpbl hud a walkovar
toHiy Three of Iho Va lilngloii twlrlur were und
UI an I betides bcinK Ineftoctlv they gave Inelvo
beams on balls which counted la I ths run getting Car
ser plicheil iron < l hal lie has not lot a rains hers
I sluee hn waa released by anhlnvtoii three years al her
1iirtwruhl wa fa lcil nut In tub socoiul lulling n
running uut of Itiir and h bodame so abutlva lo y m
plri > Ilui tar Ihat Ibm latter K so compelled In put him
nut ii Iho Kami jiotwill took tart wright m place
hain Thiiitipvoiis tat tlui wu luirii Iii Ilinelx liy an
urrunttMiiFnl niaila this aCUruooit Ihlladrlphla and
Nw Vjri ulll play lo the Quaker City tomorrow
Irmklyii will route hera for two games tomorrow
Allciiduiicf IVJO Thu score lai Iomrr
rIU lr4
I n lpro8r I K iLl I 0 A r
Drn r CU u I u 0 Hamilton eru u lot u
Jot cv ill t 11 o 9 0 t Ueluhamrl IIf U 0 0 0
Ahlyrr1 I 0 I 01I18lh1 rOi 1
l JUiiiilrit c 1 191 llThoiup I nr4 4000
J hidluci I hl I t A 0 a H 0 > UtlivsIlL 511 fl 8 It I
CuriwrntIbo i u II u 0 Murkier o 03410
I Itlimsycli lit 1 A 0001 I llllmunab1 tt 9 fi 1
t I cronk > viiii I i i I I I 0 Hnyle 11 bI t 1 I I 0
fulttHik iu A I 3 4 l Carwy p 0 2 0 2 0
I Ikijrlp 0 0 U 1 U
ininiy v i n o I i i Total s 171 20 19 3
tlaUrky pu I 0 4 0 OI I
Tolali r OKI 15 i
i irtH rltlit out for running oit pf line
111111 u 0 a 4 n i 0 0 a
rniuiifipiiiu 4 a I I s 0 4 IT
1 Kirnwlriiii Wahlu loii li rhlladelphla 8 FIrst
IfciM b j nrrllhllIl 111 1 1hllaiUiphla 4 left 1
ju liiieuahlujton I 4 Fhlfadelphla 10 Items
bi c on ballsOft lord 4t elf Ollroy tl nff Malarty
U rl lar tr 4 Struck ouiHr lioid U bv Carwr
4 Throtf bl hits Thninpaon Hulllvaa Twtvbuss
hluThollo luflaa <
hit lumn Crook lluckl jr llallman Doyle Ucrl
Bc 1 hlUucVl 1 Mlokn maamlltou tet Dela
uatily V Thinipwn fiulllvan 1 Iouble pujiscl
I blot Jo ce ami 1 Lruok i Carxy lliitkUy and bul
lUiii Crow IimiIweuti l l Iloyl Hit by pitcher My
I ij < lj l 1 by farwy I Wild pllclt Jllruy Umpire
lurny unit tf luurt nlllro
rimsiHiiu I cnunr 3
1ir > ptiuiii IKPI I IJ Ilitibirkh mil Cuirlaiutt
d plan l tell innings to a draw l iisy UarknuM pro
I elatlfl tunIc fly lu lh nlulli lulling filltbur n
I lei I or ln tlin lujlc II0lhfoloclhburln 11
eui toil twUiaUtK t > y lurk sal Ulllir tile latter
1 I
f C
winding up with a double play fir a treat throw to
the plain lenIn rlihl Held prevented I scoring Attend
ancbOOO Tho com
rtlTSinn cucixitin
RlRroAz lnro A L
I nenlns r fo IOu o Perk Lfo I o ft o 0
Mrrrltl r I II 0 I MthMti S4 bo 0 1 n 0
kekipyIst b1 014 0 0 ilnrhVdbO I I II u
hlcnrpf c fu II 4 I 0 Kulni I bl 0 I 1 U
K itniint I r0 u y 0 OJIllUr r t t I I 0
muarta a o I In no rlthssl I a I a 0
lilftterttin 0 4 n rflnyef0 2 II u o
rilnrman 3bO 9 u I 1 VuahanoO OHIO
Hawioy PU 11 u 0 0 fortmau PO 1100
Totals glTllOU j 5 Totalit 0110 14 0
PittithlrghI 01000000 0H
Cincinnati u OOBOU100 03
Earned runiClnrlnnntl R First base on error
Cincinnati Mftnnlvvw llltibunh til Cincinnati
ClnoRQaUb illsOt Uawiry I I oil yoreman 5 Ntruck
nut irr hawley y I Thre i > aa hit Hoy Aaerjnee
ill4Jiflln Iterklty 21 Ittolen bMsICwInR tiny
iioublenlaysntenrel and Hlerbaueri Kwlnf and Jo
e I fl femltb Ewlns anil lIclheeI lie and
VanKhan Hit by plUifierlly Hawley It by For
cLwnaM Ulhl I Paawl TlmeliSO ballMurrltu Umpires Emilia and
cnioioo II LIP I
tortevuIT r > pt It The Chlraios did not arrlr
on the Hold until 4110 oclock anotfarkntu eaine with
Ibe core a tie 10 game was a pitchers bath Land
Ithe runs Kored r on errors Collins playsd Ills
I last gin with Loulirlll and c lebraiea II by several
brill lual plays Attendance SOUU Te bOreS
lLJLpoAL LlrrnAI I
1Fmlt tII Ii I U U Vnrlen Bel bO u rio t 1
eokfr I I fo u I o 0 llolmenr f0 0 IOU
ILanaeo f oioo Clarke1fl I I 0 u
Anton lit uo o u 0 o Collins 34bl 1100
Ihln s0 1 0 I 0 Warnrc0 0 4 0 0
Itran r f 0 1 r I o jRhtigart a sO I I 8 1
Tniby M bO 0 1 t U Srle > lit bO llo I 0
tlononuB CO 1 0 It It WrI taft 1 I V 0
l tlrlendp0 1 0 U olcunVham pO 1 0 f 8
Totals j C 51 i ill TotaliS 0 14 i j
Chfcato 0 000090 0a
iiilirllle 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 114
First hal on ballsOff friend Ii oft Cunningham
12 HtnirK OIly Vrlend 4t by Cunningham I
ire iia ehlUi I Splen Everett Tvrobaa hltDono
M rebtr oIID
bile Atoleu bases Lanx Clarke Collins Double
Play Uinohun and Iiahlen Hit hy nlteher Ily
rlind1 1 tJ WIldplKhfrlliBd Uuiplre naB Time
limo LaueL
Wiikmharim0 0000000 1
FrOTldeaew 1 U I 0 4 0 11 18
ltsWllkciibarr Ol rrovlilcnce DO Errors
Uenharro U I ITovldene a li Haiti rles MoUroarly
and lilgilo i Ituilderham sod Dlion
l b1CHIeTJ1
IfooJiealer Rrracuse 0 0 00800O090 1 10DOOOOO 87 0 a
IlMsHyrsonwx Il Jtoehenter In Krrorsftyra
Cal llowttt 9 ana llocheatnr While a Batteries iMlaney and liewi
Bersnton S 1000018 0 8
Eprlncl k1 0 0 1 H O 1 0 1 1H
nil Soranton tli Sprlncfleld I KrronKcran
Callabaoand ton HI HprtnKOeld Uunion 3 llaturles llrodle and Bmlthi
Detrain 200aIfla00B
Toronto U 0 I 0 0 I 1 0 09
Hit Duffalo 18i Toronto 13 Errors UafTalo I
Toronto llattsrle Wadj worth and Dawso Payne
and Lkewunu
wxsnu tuacE
Atltllwaukeellllwaukee 101 Grand Haplds 10
At Kansas City Indianapolis 10 Kansas City 7
= UY1IpoI m fafIac liAr
At Minneapolis Ulnneapolla IB TerreUauto II
At Ht Paul Stat B mo8t iaul 11 VltOhlo
i Second game > Detroit 21 j St faal 8
wxarux AssooAnoc
AtRoekford noekford 7t Darlington II
AtQulncr Peorla H qulncro
J rP 1
LincolnLincoln Des Molnss L
Other GameS
jy rraomtClTO
JU Mlddlntown N TtllddletowD 81 Oo ten 7
At BrWjeport Drtdstport 18 Derby Consolidated
NeW York tVtm th Aerie from the
In the series between the New forks and Clncln
nailS the Western team captured four of the Drat
seven games Played with the Ie w York After that
however the local lam had clear sailing winning the
last Ore games The Cincinnati won three victories
Cincinnati and one In this city The New Torks easily
solved the Cincinnati pitchers They made tea or more
hits In fight of Uw gems The following records were
compiled I from the score printed In Tnu SC1
A flred r
ITbn Lest Playd tat Anna Mtt trnt
5ewTorka 4 li 480 74 113 sea
ClaclnnatL4 B 19 424 01 109 V50
iito Avrtita JCyrnr NerO
Hew York 820 168 97 KM
ClacinnaD800 I 101 U7 ti7
Natlonol League Game Today
New York va Philadelphia at Philadelphia
waihlntrton vs Hrooklyn I at Washington
tI fo thI 11
Loutsrille vs Chicago Loulivllle
BnaebBll Note
BerkleyTes tn 16S4
Uarleml You can find II tn the League guide t
Outfielder Huller of the New York bu been re
turned by th Scrantou Club
Outtenburg Shoeh S Take your pick A Duck
Ewing hit I the ball over tho left Held I fence erzi l Huoit
Harry ntevens has received the privileges for the
Londooltew York A c games at Manhattan Field
Jimmy Stafford received a qulst lecture after yes
terdays came lie has b < > ea very careless of lato In
Lls fielding
It Is said that Charier Dennett the famous ax
1UIr r blDjIrb
Lnagus catcher n ho loit his let In a railroad acci
dent will manage the Uetrolts next yoar
Dad Clarke will probably pitch In Philadelphia to
day Ills MrtlllngneM to go Into the box wtienovsr
asked will not be forgotten by President Freedman
Jouett Ifeekln told a Scf reporter yesterday that
his arm was no tore that he could not pitch again this I
season The New York Club I should 11 film tI long
rest beginning now
Tjmplre Keefa Informed Captains Nash and Davis
befor yesterdays mme that If there was the slIght
Mt bit of kickIng I he would withdraw As a mult
there was no trouble and Kettle umpiring was first
The Doitons will play two games In Haltlmore to I
day Bnlllvan and Moholi doing the pitching for the
ex hamplona As they havH yet to win their tint
n > l
gem of the saasoa from iiuntons men the lieanenl
ers say they will Oxht to the death thu afternoon
Dolan the lefthsudsr will be saved for Ibo New
York tomorrow
r eQviiecT III Sept ItVT W Kent of Jackionvllle
III President of the Western liaxball Asuoclatlon I
was here to coniull Managers Uraektil of uuincy and
n ugdalenf Peoria on next years circuit All three
heartily favor a circuit made UD of Denver lincoln
Sioux City sod Omaha in the Went and Uuincy
Ieorla Irs Moines aud tit Joseph In the Fast
The New Yorks will ploy In Philadelphia today
TJ eI hoYo lplnb1el
This Is I the game pontponed by rain at the Iolo
Oroundi last April dome lime ago President Freed
man while In New Urnnuwlck agreed to play the
game oft In Philadelphia thinking that the fame had
been postponed In that city I Two days later he wired
Philadelphia Club that henoulqeaneelthedatA
Yesterday he received word from resident N E
Young that unlns the New York played In Phlladtl
phu today ths taint would I be arrlarrd forfeited to
he Quakers and the New York club might I be sub
jected to a line of VldOO Consequently with couI
traIl reluctance ireldout Freedman docldcu to
play the game
The Rtaten Island C Cgave a fine exhibition of
good free hitting yesterday Livingston In a game
aRuliut the hi Ueorxos A C and In an hour and
nflytlvo minutes they ran up S31 runs 1L U Jack
son hit out with grfat vigor aud effect for fctaten Isl
and and complied 1 83 In short onlcr whllo J Oner
ion W K 1 Juwtlt and M Oraham wore the other
chief contrlbntors to the big total For the HI
Ufurges W llurrows am O r Jloor alone made
any land and they were defeated by itu runs The
flUU IIun I I fI OrORapa oL Co
I Utahans Jr u F fleonlfy Ii Urabsm 0
Goode I hikes 112 7 Yn8 M fa Jack
noy tJ U jullie c lIOn 0
DuoIc bNouro 10 tlIUoore bJaekmonI
U h Jackson 0 iiu v liurruws b I rt 14
roes 1I0IIIY 113 10 A lIkl o Walker
JUrlncl Iteunalfy b I lrham 4
j Dacre 38 Ooring bJsakmou 1
1fJ t l ri
IC Jowrl e Al ftie lbcre c Fry b
W rlhbl1ar 113 Walker 4
It 81 Cl Walker c V ltneath not 01 0
Aitiewottli I Iaere IIIWJ I Il j tmeit
W A ltanllton e Ion 4
oodeb Itennally B WAItUooe biI
C A key 0 bacre b on 0
Moore 11 Jonililiiiw j
0 N lloyd b lIner 10 Jackson 0
L IIekett llutcUt 4 ityt 10
JIilIouner slid DO begbyss I
1111 II Total 0
IA31i175l ti
SYlde V
Total 231
The American Kennel Cla Mostiusx I
There was a small attendance at the special
mtetlng of the American Kennel Club Fester
day called to take action on the custom 01 crop
ping the ears of certain breeds In the absence
of President August Delmont anti VlcePrcsl
dent Thomas H Terry Dr 11 T Foote pre
sided A I Vredenburg acted as Becrclary
Among tho delegates present were J H 1lpcr
and James Watson Southern California Kennel
Club I K M Oldlmm Ppanlel club K 1 It Mor
rls Newark Kennel Leagito Jerome 11I0011I
lIordon bettor llubl UoorKo Jllrvl iobnier
Club or Amorlca lllItor Woo Urent Von
mull 11 I I I Hcbrlln Notional hleaglo Club SOtI
Fred Webster Kligllsb better Club
After an active debate la which Bchellsts and
Webster spoke tn favor of abolishing cropping
and Wood expressing the views of iho Great
Dane men as being In favor of the practice a
motion was made Py Watson that tho matter to
postponed 1 until the I December meeting This
was tarried At the regular mectlni which
followed the Terrier Cluh ot Amcilcii viu
eitctfil a mtiubir of tlio A K 1 I
FlubllPK ftottm
l V nTI < Sept It the liAlih Ulivrcn fHorjoOod
fqy and Jiw i UJrrial nlikli as lu list Uu ili
ilJM Ijfre I has bja lu 1 lerml nil txxKrry iflv vl
lilt iralt111 iJtiujv from lUe uin > i aitaX
Jleeords Showered br Tile Ostrdlaer BUr
baelr adlnhad
Brntnonittr Mass Btpt 12 This was tha
last day of theBprlngfleld Bicycle Clubs tourna
ment There wero about 8000 persons present
It was once more a Banger Bald and Newton
day these three holding the nndlsputed sn
primacy In the professional class B and class
A races respectively Tho time made was even
faster on the whole than yesterday and the
races wore far closer and more Interesting
Hlz efforts were mad at record breaking four
of which were successful J IL Gardner re
duced the class A figure for five tulles paced
standing lowerlnu It from 11110 to 11103 2o
Jut as he passed the finish line he swerved
onto the Brass at the Inside ot the track and
was thrown with great force against the fence
cutting his bead severely F J Titus broke the
American record of twentysix miles 1489
yards for the onehoar ride which ha made
here lost year Increasing It to twentyseven
miles 185 yards lie failed however
on account of Imperfect pacing to lower the
worlds record ot 28 milts 040 yards hold by
Michel In franco J F SUrbuck broke the
professional record of 1018 for five miles
paced standing start to 1011 15 Fred
Lougneod of Barnlo Jot lowered the does A
twomile record paced standing start from
4BOi to 460 and also broke the record for the
flying start 431 10 H U Maddox made an
unsuccessful attempt at the unpaced mile and
Hoy t and Casey failed break the tandem halt
mile class A unpooed
There were several beautiful races and the
finishes were nearly always close In the class
II halfmile open Cabana wheel lapped that
of Bald as the latter won Cabanno also ran a
good accond to Ilald In tho onemile record race
which mad a new competition record of
001S for the llampdrn I ark track Hanger
hAd things all his own way In the onemile open
professional race and many thought that Tyler
bAd a little advantage tortccond place although
he and A W Porter wero tied by Ibo judge
In tho twomile Imndtcap all the men were
soon bunched except banger the only scratch
man who ran behind paced by btnrbuck He
got through tbo ruck on tho homestretch and
Inlshcd on easy Inner In the closa II one
mile handicap the victory of Harley Davldoon
of Toronto was sumothing of surprise Ho had
seventy yards handicap Ho got a lead early
and held II strongly unpaced to the end On
of the prettiest races of the day was the class A
winners race run by those who had been suc
cessful the earlier race Newton wasastrong
favorite Summaries
One HllevJO class tclsss AWon by VE Tens
ier I Rocktllle i 1 Elmer Chicopee second J K
Walsh llarre Vt third Tune 2OjT9 S
half a Stile oin tdais IllWon by a O Paid
i r
Duualoi L li Cariannr Kt Loots I second Lan KUer
Dayton UilrU TIm 101 4n
Una Allle op n profpailnnal Won by WCHanrer
lo J v tft
Milwaukee II C Tyler Sprmirfltld I and A W Porter
Waltham lied for second Watson Coleman Bprlnc
field fourth Time VU3
On title Handicap Clau I A Won by It P Mother
Storm King 93 yards A II Darey Greenfield BO
yards second JE Walsh DO yards third It r Lud
wig CMcopee 9Oards fourth Time Kiln 53
One Allle liecoril Clue Class II paced by MacDonald
C6 bJa
and Callahan Won by K C l U O Cabanne sec
ond Earl Elmer third TIm 900 33 the futeat
tandem paced race ever ridden Murphy Brown
Davidson Cooper and Itlaby also ran
Half a IIa Own Class A p c dWon by Fred
lx > nhe d Barnfa Out 0 It Newton Blaltord
Springs Coo lecondt Joe Harrison Asbury Park
third Time 1011 1 SO
Two Mile Handicap Profeulonal Won by W C
ftangsr Kratcb A T Crooks Buffalo Oj yards
second Watpon Coleman 70 yards third A w Por
tee 30 yards fourth Time 4K4 ai the worlds
handicap record
On Mile Race Open to Class Winners of the Meet
Won Nb C K 2Owtofl Feed ughad sevoad n p
Mother third Time 90035
Ons lIlt Handicap Clast U Won by Harley David
son Toronto 7Uyanla J P DUI Chicago 40 yards
second F J Jenney Vile 40 vards third Earl
Klaer 40 yards fourth Time 913 13
Many Riders PanUhed ror VloUtlnst tha
L A tr Sale
The Racing Board of the U A W hare made
many transfers to the professional ana class B
ranks this week and suspended some well
known riders for violation of the racing rules
The following men have been suspended for
competing unsanctioned races
Bamiiel llnckler and Koberl F Robonn Camden
N J1 for thirty days from Kept 3 f limIter F W
Holmes S Ooldbtrg and Charm Selvcn Kalamazoo
blob A 8 loiter k h 17rLIE Earrstt 1L bailey
and U Wclck Allegan Mien for thirty days from
Kept U K L Hall and Ueorg tliher Mliidletown
CXinn W I Cramer Portland Coon F W Dreher
Y It lloardman Arthur Woolen C II Kialth and
Chsrles Hall Wtnn Id Mat George Dobton
U W Cook and John Erlokson Wnoum COlin W
Iolh and J t Xastiuan Mid Jletown cuun for sixty
days from Aug to John Martin and Paul llichtrr
Lanranter Ia frank liaker LouIsvIlle rn tot sixty
days from Aug 2H H Chandler nilllborn Tex U
KlnKJlvIng I Joe Payne W T Young A T IlnllaudW
H Thomas W T carrlcan and John Trvodwell Cor
slcana TCI for thirty days from Sept K L T Plaus
bcrir Kalamazoo I Mlcb for one > i ear for competing j
while under susptulun J Jol WJlr Bowling o
Richards Case Merrltt Oeorfa Hoadley and A M
Clere for ulnty days from Nape 3 c H New
man Wllketbarro Wlllard Keller Kingston Pai
Fdwsrd Valkenheri We < t 1ltuton Pa for thirty
days from Nap Zt K K Andsnon St Louis for sixty
days from Sept X Tor failure to appear at a race mac
Tho following suspensions have been re
moved I
Hlttlni Paul El Paso Tex M L Matson and T A
Dantiey Hamburg la
The following riders have been placed In the
professional rankii
Arthur O Herman Toledo L F Ilolton and n Me
Cullouffh Otnatia A C Blake Color to bpnnsn W
lowery W It Ilnlgh and H fuller Decide
burg Cal It H Iximax Pa s Itubles Col
IV rfj Ilttel I Charles Ore be II Dupe O Ijiwfcrnd ri
llnif K Hunt P HrdKepath K eI l W ItUalTln
W itunille W K Taltaoit J W Hauuon and J
Grebe Itockrort Ho
The transfers to dna n are as follows
11f W Roth W Schrader and A P Iilncenhelmer
Kllwankee F Hanger ana II Omker Milwaukee ef
N Uualirouih Denver IV H Putnim Orvrnfleld
rroh m r h J sfJ
W XL Tolforil and llalph lloyd Maiden B A Ur dlo
Ban JOAI W IL Murray Providence EC Yeatiuau
anti C W Wilson Charleston W Va
Kdwnnl V 1 Wollman of Ilaltlinnre tho L A
W ofllrlal handlcnpiKT has been rrmocd
The Honnl hns suspended Ii C Johnson Went
Chester Ill Krntst Scott liOHl ton JP L A
Travis 8eneca Ken H Mainail Woodhnll N
Y W T Uonfleld I InillanarMilU U A Kitten
bart Mulberry Ind nnd W KfrKiioon Ixigans
port pending an investigation of charges
The Physical Fffert of Ioncdlstunce Race
flab Oosslp
The recent twelve and twentyfour hour races
held In Kngtand bare raised the question that
contests of such duration are Injurious to the
competitors owing to strain upon tho nerves
and general pjttcm In order to effectually
offset any such opinions n E Wenchurcb the
English racing man who recently won a
twentyfourhour race In remarkably fast time
was examined by a wellknown physician at
the end of his ride The Doctor said
oJn mJ n gop think that provided wlfi a strong
11 ld
constitution and prop rly I trained for the distance
thi > strain on the yitem In a rare of not mom than
tnrmvfour boor ls not 00 rent aoIIralllll1l
posed As to bring a illKRtulliii Huh I with nature
many oeciinallons tall for right of sonio port wllli
nalnre In tlicMRn abend doto of keen rompetltion
many occupations Involve treat St Irnlii ilium lln 0 > i
tem In trade In whlon there art owselonmi rushes
at t certain noni men tell mo they have been work
ins night and day foe imeek loiriilivr lo hue extent
of fifteen or Ian hours hard work out or ths
twentjfoiir No wonder a ever Illness or treat
down Is I often the result and the doctor has to be
railed In I think a regards tht tieniands upon the
avulem th teethed rycllit who under tli moil favor
able condition as to diet Creel air an I Rlhrr emmett
tials essays a twenly four hour race usa a pull over
aomo thole I nhoaiikaze In a lance proialo <
I II r t l everyday
light with nature for bread and cheese
The mileage records of the Brooklyn Bicycle
Club members up to date art as follows
AHart nrMj nichi nnsoi rack 2178 i w a
fvrlrngiour ASui norland 40Hi Crniidall 1701
Krrfilion I70TI J Ilobl > y 14111 I > iiiilnc MilA M I
Kuril liiuaj 1 Sailer llMiti Orren 1VI3 Fuller IHIIII
Handhuseo linj Meivin Ioil Uanl rulprI1I8111
twrlniReoiir Tongue bOO bOll Corby Bill I L W > orton Hal
The Falcon Wheelmen will hold their club
runes nn Saturday at Kliulilnir
The Guex County Wheelmen will hold a lan
tern parade Hnpt CH
Tho Colonial Cyclo Club will hold a run to
Freeport on Sunday
Harry Wheeler H now rldlnc very fast and
nrnmlaen to nifnln become tho peer of American
profcsaloiinl riders
W W Watta of Kentucky ii mentioned ns a
CAnilldatu for tho 2 A W Iroililency
Thr following thrrlmcn of this city have been
a appointed net BH it nnmlnatltiK rommlttee for
the ilrmi district of the New York t3tato division
of the Icaguo for the coming election I
Vfr Hike a I F ItnMnnnnC n arkwnml I I O
Jones II K Uelbav will Ii hitnart J 1 II HalKht O
It lJ t Url M M Iieldlniril I t T Uunlcld r 8 ifjrlc
V M troblsher soul C t Sheehan
The total membership of the L A W now
numbfra 14201
tjilof Consul Itobort Oentln of the NVw Jersey
division has appointed the follawlni local Con
sulhfo namer C < tnr linn i F J < iloniont8ebrlht
> t A Tif > he Ilirrlion W t llalnes SledforJj 0 H 3
lUieni Toms lllveri t K fax Wtst Crock
Oltoelnler tho Onllfonilanclanj Il I rider who
recently broke his collar bone U I fast recovering
from the Injury and expects to start for some
rord thl fAU
The Brooklyn Illcycls Club wlU bold a run to
Blaten Island on Hunday
The Ixiulnyllle Wlieelmsn have organised
what they call a 00 meet club for the purpose
of securing tho I A W national meet fur this
city next 1 ear
The rotiilt Brooklyn Wheelmen hold their
second annual century run to Patcuoiruu on
Tin Select Crrle Club of this city will hold
tho following club runs Ihli fall
Hepl 15 I long Uraitchi iiCHr Itlsniii 10 Tollen
TllleilVi ft Tcnaflyi 13 New brunswick 90 Morris
J > iwni 2 T Nrark Nov 3 Houlh llraehi Id UOJllvlli
Ocotrs IT Vunlirii tl City uUadj 10 lituer YULe
cor rnottraoita FZLLr writs xna
NOB f Her Oprott Coutt fake Her
X eeBiUM > Jto U his 014tlo
jr0nr trteliMs Goes n Kit U lisa MJl
hard hah Battle CS the Slay
The Golden nod Stakes for twoyearolils
over the turf course was the feature of the
programme at Bheepahead Bay yesterday after
noon It brought oat a fair field with the
Urookdale Stable great filly One I Lore by
Minting out of The Apple favorite at odds on
Ono I Love won In commanding style after per
mitting Argentina to make the running for halt
a mile After the race Bam Poggett who rods
the winner said that she was as good a two
yearold as he bad ever thrown his leg over
Argentina looked the easiest kind of a winner
of second money bat Griffin broanht Merry
Prince up with a great rattlo and nipped the
California on the post CLots who rode
Argentine took matters entirely too easily and
wu censored severely for bis apathy
The day was remarkable for till fierceness
wltb which the horse battled for even the
minor portions of the parses Raraapo seemed
capable of great things his race and tho son
of Pontiac will be surely heard from later on
Right lloyd was the choice for the opening
dash over the Futurity course the gelding bar
ing a large following The Morris filly Inter
mission together with the favorite and Mussul
man made the running for half a mile going
head and head with Refugee and Senator Mur
phy close np Ilafagoe stopped In the run home
and Intermleslon coming strong In the lost fur
long won very cleverly Mntsulman beat Right
Royal a nosa for second money Senator Mur
phy was only beaten a neck by this pair No
time was taken for the race Premier looked
dangerous nt ono time In the stralsht but he
was crowded to the rails and could not get
That grand highclass horse Ramapo mode
his first appearance since becoming the property I
of Duke Wlshard tn the second event a hand
icap at seven furlongs He carried the too
weight of IM pounds and although he was re
markably high In flesh the play on him was
strong all lot the horses trained by Wlshard be
InK on the big side when at their very best
When Kntnapo was sold at the Uldeon A Daly
sale for SOI OOO be was considered a cheap hone
although he had a bad foot and boo been lame
oil and on for more than a year Wlahard cut
away the diseased portion of the hoof and the
horse has teen going sound for some time
Hertnanlta and Peacemaker carried the field
along at a merry clip to the head of the stretch
wbero Hermanita quit and HIr Francis and An
issUe joined the leader Kamspo was a close
fourth but was pocketed and It was opposite
the carriage field before he got an nitenlnz
Then he closed on his field l like a thunderbolt
The finish was electrical and Sir Francis unable
to hold his own was beaten fifty yards from
home Ramapo Peacemaker and Anisette
fought It out bead and head the former win
ning by a short neck Peacemaker brat Ani
sette a short heAd for second money Hamapo
pulled up sound and there will be a homo race
In the First and Hecond specials at Uraresnnd
when he meets Henry of Xnvarre Clifford Hey
el 1 Bionic Anita and the other tonavyers
Patrician woe the favorite for the mile selling
race for which there were but four starters
Arapahoe mado the pace a heartbreaker to the
stretoh where she was joined by Kcl Kearn r
an 1atrlcUn Little Patrician ouuralned tho
others and won In a bard drive by half a length
Ed Kearney tried hard to bead Baldwins mare
and lost necond money by a bead The time
1 3U lII shows how easy It ls to win a selling
It was a poor trio that ran In the fourth race
at a mile over the crass coarse Dnnirarven was
expected to win without much trouble but The
Swain upset all calculations by sprinting away
III front and winning with something In reserve
Tho Bluffer In a drive beat Dangarven a head
for second money The winner Is I a fast three
yearola but knocks his knees badly wearing
boots on them for protection
The fifth race wan n nirprl Buckrene was
thought good enough to win and he took the
trIck In the stretch after Prig had mode the
pace for seven furlongs Will Wallace big
mare Orlnda came through however and won
handily by a length and a half Buckrene only
bent Cass A head for second money Candelabra
was squeezed on the rail In the final furlong
finishing a close fourth but pulling up very sore
and groggy Summaries follow
For twoytaroUU J handicap I A sweepstakes of 115
r rd
each with sooo added ot which 100 i to tha > < oond and
30 to the Irer Futurity course
A H a 1 > H Morriss b r Intermission by Oalortn
Vacation 103 Ij Clayton I
i t bacrsme rhc Ihuuuimn lob PerkIns S
1 IV Ituugrtm ei g buIlt 1 lnysl 102 tlmual 8
Inlnr Murphy Itefugee Pmlrtllr Peter II end
Pcunbrook also ran
ranTime not taken
ItettlnffKven money against ltlM Royal 7 tn 9
Refute 0 lo I Musiulinau S to I Intermission 1010
I Senator Murphy 10 to 1 Premier 13 lo 1 Sir Peter
IL itu to 1 Pranbrcok
For tireeve olds and upward handicap a sweep
stakr 1 of Ill each with SOW mlded rt which 100 lo
the secant ant CAb to ttua third seven fnrionira
Duke t Wisher eh ttamapo 3 by llunnymede
or Inlh Annie F lad Reim 1
Goiuhair lletleldl Stables I b t Iuocemaker i I04U Ut a
Ixirlllards Ik Annlietlo a 103 drlffln 3
Ulr Fraud Ifemianlta and Ifeldemere also ran
Pettlnr Even money ailn Damson 4 to IteMs
mere 3 to 1 Peacemaker 3 lu 1 Anuliett 10 to I Mr
PrauclnJU lo Herinauiu
111I110 I RACe
For three yearold and upward selling a sweep
stakes of Ill each with 30o added of whIch IOo 10
the second and 30 to the third weights ie < en pounds
above the seals the winner to be hold at auction for
too allowances on mile
I J Dwysrs b Patrician 4 by fit Dials Peeress
10U Mmmil I 1
Santa Anita stableirh l In Arapahoe i 4 IM1 Chora a
U K Smithsch h Ed Kearney 4109 OrIOle 8
Oulta Percha abo ran
P 131115
netting Ten to l on Patrician A to 1 agaInst Ed
Kearney 3 to I Gutta 1enha 10 to 1 Arapahoe
rounTit RACe
Forallntei I swevpitakes lbS each with 1810
added of which 5100 In lb eO second and 510 to the
thlnli one mil on the turf
A 11 4 D H Morris b c The Swain 8 by Galore
1rld of lh Village 1 I Ill LlItlllllt I I 1
Onecktitatiengfn Ulutler 8 100 Doffgoit II
L Eieirs blk bUunirarT ace < i 12U tTaraV 8
Time 4V 13
TlettlncReven to ft aialnst Uunf arvcn S to 1 The
BlotTer lit to ft The Swam
For Ihree yearoldt and upward selllnr a sweep
slates of si each with JO iiiid of bleb 1100 to
the sscond aud 30 to thy third one mile and a fur
lonl VjI Wallaces b m Orlnrta 4 I by Hoyden Ed
warrinilnllU Bt Seabrookt Clilonl 1
J J McCarrertyscb h IllKkrene 4 ItluReltr 1
lllshoii Arthurs b h Can 4 IDT Perklni a
Adilbcrt Candelabra soul Prw alto ran
UtitugFtvstotmcuu Iiuckrene tel acatntt Ortn
Ma S tnl Candelabra 10 okr Cass IB to I rel Prig j 8U la
ThofloMenltnAXiakes 1 fortwoyetroldsof SOeach
for starters or 43 forfeit cuurantencash values
fI lnoiii 10 he winner IHw to the second touia
the Uilui 11081 I I in carry 110 puumls wlnnlnu penal
ties non lIming aud nisldeii allonancc seven rur
Ionic on turf
llroikdil xiables h l f OnolLore by lllnllnar Imp
The Apple 110 UOKxelt 1
Itlenitoii biabl acb r Merry I Prince llo anImal i 9
bania Anita stalTles b f Argentina 113 ChornU
Jeffsrson lloundsman and PcepoOay also ran
Time I tVi
lletllng Five lo t nn One Hx > ve B tn 1 against
nnundimsn n to I Argontlns I llolPtspolJay Sto I
Merry Prluce 10 to I Jetltnou
llaelna at Ioulavllle
1orflTIIIJe Sept IV Jockey Eddie Cumin pulled Bl
iniinW so flagrantly this afternoon In tIle handicap
rlirn before she Jiulte sland that Tot I Clark the
prstlillnn Judge suipeuiled him Indefinitely and the
race was declared off The Irack was fOIl and the at
Undsuca slim bmninsrlesi
Vint ItaceKeveneUhths of a rolls Wlnslow 03
Iryiniji I u 10 1 won Oerlia Vd ilitinrcn II to 3 sec
Omit low Wow II d WJones 0 to I third Time
iouuil lIars Five elRhths of a mile Joe Clark
103 Thorpe lJ to I WOOl Sir tIlls ilia 1IInI iI
to 5 imoond tart llu JlIl1l b to 1 third lIme
J1 I Race One mile and evenly yards Leo fake
10H lierien 3 tn II woni Huaro 1113 I < Irving N tn I
around Simon W ins icaiiin Holt third Time
iloH HelsilfcUrcd nff
rourlh lIalI I lurhnu Twinkle I 105 l1rn
U In If nuiui I CIII4In lirallo 1110 101 IIll1 h 10 S C
iu1uj1I IlaUdou 103 irvIng IU 10 I thIrd liune
itt RAreOn mil anl a sIxteenth Greenwich
1011 WerarPII S 10 I woo Jail 104 WalkerI 4 ro O
oudl llbautlus Ioo tirvInli I II 0 illicit I Tm
Beeulle at Ht Louis
8r Lpvn Sept 19Uut one of six favorites
came first today Koiir strongly backed second
llke ala > n uisiUer took tile other evonls Noua of
j Sue field wcre lint claw and Ihe port Indifferent
Hr l Itae One lull I Treasure 108 I Turner S In
IjWituflileoi 1114 I iWrlih in in It I avllul Wells
blriei lUJOIa iiunnie h thIrd I Tliim I4J I
OIUoIl rllII
Wfh11 lUtuHie lurloiiBs I Mlu 11I111 rl 103
Ovlih Uin I ann evMvnru 1P3 II IocMrauVu In
liecumud I IiaryAuua > Iou IT btai1 flu to 1 third
TII I 11414
1 bird UC8 vt n and a half furlongs Miss lalop
19 IA l lrnlll II In 1W901 I Aldlo Uuchansntlj
Turner main eeeOdi tisler > m IT Murphy II
o 1lbl Tlmo I UIL
Voarth ttueFle furrn TAlllloaa 105 4 liar
fit 1 7 10 It wool I0getone lob 3Uarliee Is 10 S sec
O IM Wlna IOH U slth lu lo I thIrd Time 01 liOJ I
FIfth ItaceOne bill Hey del Mar ioI U
Blauihltri Hioa wont unlo IOU iraruer S lo l
I ° 4VW ° 1 CruIses 1 Ru r jIIO lo B tlilrd limo
until KaceRl furlongs n > orgn W Halley 180
Turuer Ii to 6 won currlu V iI l liarncr 3 In 4
iTiue Jack IIrllol111 1W I Taylor vu to lihlri
lime I Ill
Alexander Island Ittaulls
Wi BJoTO opt IIFraolL Wslrs lied gtldlog
Ccllsului woo Us UkUtltt race today LIe dJcsul
= S o 4
Iooot fIeld In the third event at Alexander Island
this artsrnoon The Jesuits follow
first Racesix 1 and a quarter furlongs Wistful Ito
to II and out first i qflllrlPC S place second lllgble
third Time lias
around tUceFlve lghths of a mile I
to land I till 1 II nm flatly Ketster ato 0 pltce see
ondi Mr Stewart third lime 110114
Third lurr su and a half rnrionira Detlsarins I to
B aol l to i Ormi Tar Drop 1 to 8 place second Odd
Bocks third Time 1 193
Fourth lUeeMlla and a sixteenth Xlrwe even
and onC Still Co O V e lo 1 place second lAalo
third Times liOO
Fifth Rsxwronr and a half furlongs Jim Me
IAn Min 10 to I and a to I Still neil eeJr 1 to I
pac second Jsrsty third LJmeOiAL
Sixth ll cefilx and a quarter forlongt FrolIcsome
LaM Ste t and 7 to 10 nrsti Don Lncey 8 toO place
second Finn water thlrJ TImlfIUU
On the Tla4sor I
WnrDK Ontario Sept l1W D won at his first I
tart today lowering the track record for a mile and
a sixteenth In a bard finish In litti Taranlum altO
lowered the fourand evhalffurlont mark to 08 am
ends Two favorites and three onuldsrs won luau
First RaceSeven furlongs Molly 011 rCa wood 4
to I won Virginian Uu nelrIO to 1 sscood
Stark B30atewoo < l IS lo 1 third Time mitS4
uV IOl ei
second Race Four and a hair I furlongs Tarsnlurn
I03 < rllnl8lo0 wont I Sldkel lOBfcfertco 0 lo I
rcondj Ueorf l Bmllh lOS tbIoyaO 80 to 1lblra
TIme dss
Ttdrdltace Fin and a half furlongs Cosaatk ItfJ
11 Lewis 0 tn i wont HpltOre Oil I T hum B lo I
second Husle a Ill Sweeney 4 to ri third Time
Fourth Race > One and eneslxtenth miles W IX
loll Ulertco I B to I wont Mont rn o VI Everett
4 toX I M Uldslar IIIo ilcClaln tl tel third l
TIme 14114
FIfth Mace Seren orion a nallston 101 Mo
Claim a 10 6 won Ouen Iicss I IOV Wynn4 1
second liannlscan 104 tialloy 80 to Ithird Time
I 19
Requital Top Weight for the Urea Eaeterm
Tho weight for the Oreat KM tern Handicap
for twoycartolds to bo run as the fourth race
on Saturday over tho Futurity coarse are as
follows i
Requital ISOIntermlulon 104
lleuliruih yo Annul Lyle VV
Crescendo IMO Au Itarolr vu
IlaitlDvs 12 1 < Defender V9
Apblats iar Radnor Ot
< > uel Ixive IK Ooldcrtst US
fllirll 110 1 Aflegra P9
Merry Wince 1111 UonJUomme V9
Ilazlet IKllniperlal W7
Xarurave 1101 I sir let r Second US
Ailom MI Alton ill
tc II Alt
Itamlro 10iiKinonda VI
FrontIer V AUto Doodle V7
Capllt ONlTypeofUoantySecond WO
Dlakka lUNMuiiulinan U7
Armaniia in7llalmerston ti3
Toltvo 107 nonaoart U3
IKrtrand lt7Bannarlo 93
Coutuseliorllowe107 Atlarum K3
f r Ig
IlockKdf 107 1 Rlchneld 93
Htihugb 107 Abalanzar 13
Bp o lOTlfnda V3
Iratherslccklnc bonder I07Venamela 107 1 unity Second CB U3
14l1l1uH T 107 Hnrelnd U8
faifamore nca lOJiWhlppany Abuse Vtt VI
IViiury 100 ttenatnrMurphy Mi
lorunee I0a8hakepeare Third B3
PrInce Ltf 105 tlerJoe H til
Hamilton II 104 Mullagbuiorc 113
WiHxlrlne U > 4 CecIl VJ
Ventanna 104 Pagination vo
Taniterlne 104 I Terror Third uu
IllKrlmaxe M 104 Ifaitleton VO
Jcrfenon loll Thai vu
Itelclon 103 Idrrman 140
Ueau Ideal Second gg I < l larondle 32
ITeraler VH Tutor H ILi
The Native 102 cmlr 8 1
amlen 104 F Train
WUhard 10 RantA Lucia fi oond 67
Onomto IOS Frank Seamen b7
Damsel lOS Loyal Prlnc R7
FormallO0IrjneeuJean Cawette 10H 1 Trernargx SI
Con Mote Cochlna 13
Vreper ion Mragcer f 3
UaJceU lOOlTornxlal 55
Robert T Per the onrth neat lo
1505 14 a New Worlds Record
LoiTSTiuj Sept 12About 10000 persons
Jostled against each other and sweltered in the
grand stand and lawn at the Louisville Driving
and Fair Association this afternoon In their ef
forts to get places of vantage to witness the
event of the day the pacing race between
Robert J Joe Patchen and John R Gentry
The Buffalo gelding Is I still the king of pacers
for altboaeh Joe Patchen won a beAt today
Robert J mode the circuit tour times not once
faltering and finished three times ahead of his
In the fourth heat Gecrs drove Robert J hard
and In doing to he established a worlds record
for a fourth heat for harness horses In the do
cldlnc beat Joe Patcbcn nasa nose In front
when the horses got away and he led to within
fifty yards of the wire when ha went off hi
t ot and Robert J who was only a neck behind
him passed under the wire a winner of the beat
and race by a length
The fifth and sixth racee were postponed un
til tomorrow while tim seventh was not
Nervadlne who trotted In yesterdays 317
clues died shortly after the race from over
work lie was owned by J H Waltben of Leb
anon Ky He was a bay stallion 4 years old
by Oorval dam by Onward Todays summa
1 17 clau trotting purse 1000
honed Uiu by How Uells ful
ler I 1 n 46311
Franklin b g French 4 4 4 V 7 1 1 a
Aiicllold ch g Youni 1021 I a n e 4 8
Ro iia tlnllPo hr in uoersi H HH1 1 4H3
AI Kempl 1ch > iKtnnixly 7 II 7 p 8 V II 4
Prince KdMll Ilk g clari > 11 II II II I 0 0 11
No ardlneb s Hbwkcncy 3 7 U 0 I 7 7dls
Margaret CM rh in Kvnuyl 33338 dr
Aiilhrllili m Iluiltoni 2 8 u 7 dr
Fannie llolman b m iPtrki V 10 dr
TlmaWII Ml JVI 1 11 14Ilt4 2l8IVOtf
Threeyear olds 9clsuTrotlng purse 1000
Pray Tell chg by Artcll data Jan took
DJ rn 1 r Thomas I 3 I
Ackerland l cbg CurtiS I S it S
ehlloClarkgr f ItalidI 4 4 4
Tims42 I IIII 5i4114
112 clams paCing purl 1000
Stle GIft tlr 0 ly dIrt JrLillicn lAna
1 1
lba I gr m e
lleIueIItIoiu bs Dcvii
1111 Ocr CS Ui 4 4
Rena I gr oh
Theoiore Shelton I c
Jilue Rblgebh
TlmU1U 2u114 218
Freeforall claw pacing purse 3000
Boi > ert J b g by llarttonf dam ueraldlne
a i
Jc ratchenVbVkVsCurryVVVVVTa I i i
John H Uentry Mcllenry y a a a
ftiarter This ffuarfrra Jrta
First heat o am loilf ian U08 > <
Bnoud heat 0S1 10J 1144 S00
Third ht l IKSVU llW lK4M VIU3U
WourthlestO3tI 10X4 liBSK 04H
Bll claw trotting purse 1000 unflnlshed
ft D i1 bc by lliot ilntlumdlerltv 114
Mgbtlngal cb m by Msmbrluo King
tieeri l 8 I B 1
David II ehg by YountlJIm Curtli t 809
AltaV IhS iTUfcnl 4 4 U li
Commodoro 1orter Us Fuller 0 0 4 S
Tlmex0 < It09 511814 51424
In the 210 trot only ono heat was decided
Darou Houcrs won In ViiaU
Aleldnlla UerVaita Aimon and a Btreiis field
ill Sljatlo Park
JItPrrnD Sept 19lb continued heavy rain of
reitenlay left the track at Mytlo 1ark In poor condl
Hon Asmonwas still a favorite for tile unflnlshed
B1U trot with Juilgt Ktclur sooonii choice Alcldalla
however M on The special rae for tim oyearoU colt
was won In two heals by roobIlah who proved too
fast for hi company The 210 trot and tIO pace
were unflnuliel Hummarleii
lUclais irutllnti pur > e 11000
Alcldalla u m bv Kir U ulirr Jr dam
liy DelI Lambert lore B 1 1 1
lady Ulanjheb m Foley 4 o s
Judge Keeier hit a llereri It 0 M a
ills lluon b ntlUrvene 4 H 4 v
hcranluulicll tir ni Kenncy 10 2 I u 4
Atmon K s Powers 1 H n It u
Juallly b m lAndrvw 8 10 10 7
Llllla Voiinerti m davnc II I n it
Ijdy Him bIt m Opdyckei U 0 7 b
Volunteer lluUlum b m Uuubar and
Walker 0 B A 10
Wyoming blk f ONtll I 7 11 dr
Special race for twoyearoMs purse f 3UU belt two
1ooh Hah U cby Ralph Wilkes dam Kcnllworth
liy Illchmiind troll 1 l
Ailwllil li I f Nevlni 0 u
Woveu Muil Uc ilelano B u
TlninVlllWi SlU
SilOclasit trottlnxi iuurt I 11100 imnnl litd
llouiicer b m by liuininer din Huketle
by Mambrlno Iatcben AinlrtWk 3 S 1 1
Lightning kin I bv Alcjuiara duiu iorlla
b hOurs Uulnlon I 3 t a
Lynnn Ul bIt s by Bt Ret daui Vnshl liy
liaTonnelrlme ifllliicr 4 ISO
Filth llsr m Cook VI 4 A B
> nrir lllni ro is iayne l j 4 4
Utrirudurh ui ifcihiHi dr
TlmnuVl0 9 144 Vi44 2llI1
8il3olsss pacing puriedoou unrlnlihedii
Alclutu b m by lcanlsra dam llillol
iuy EIectolmeer Carpenter and iolden 8811
Charllv I fur ir by Kllbuck lum 1 itam un
tractnliWuUotl 11 78
Pilgrim Suit a IDpUycko 3 i V 10
JooJtllbr K iliaidl D a U 8
broke ill s iNoile h H B u
llrttle II Uin havoc V u 4 4
Fieihen Wrh t iHierllligi 4 7 H a
Waiuti br a I iti ititii 0 8 u u
Jliiiinleltl iu ii tibvilJaii u 1011 I 1 I I H u
PaU ICIimirilil > DtSrll i II I U1U 11
Kentucky blat U t IJowurdfii aol > lv l
Uaasp Pace a rust Wile M Old Pelat
llrceie Trwek
PniUDxtrnu Sept 15Thu fall meeting st the
Philadelphia Drlriuit Park Point llnrio indrd this
aflfriiaon Iwo of the principal event oh the meet
log were kepi for the last thy but there wss not
enough mice lu Ihe field lo put the winner > to their
brut effort The rbce toilay were the Ulnjliam
blouse Purse ot 2000 for tbo ttO claim trolling
and the PoInt tlnesv Purse of tOOO for the 8V4
class pacing Both wee woo la urhlgbt heats la
Ibe gttlBf srsut Uuteof Lbs 615 ituteu Wan dii
1 b d 4t4 Sa
I lugcau
Vaa tlio Sensation at Springfield ycfltcrtlny
TUB BPAtiDINO BICYCLE U tlio only Bicycle built flint could no
oonipllsli such nu extraordinary performance lltillt In tlio largest fnctorj
In Aniorlca
Sold with a Guarantee that nicann something and noknoTflodccd br nlj
to bo tlio FastcHl Safest and KaslcHt Running Ulcyclo built
AND NOT A M1UIIA1 TO TUE XJICYCIjU Thinks a record any Spaldlntf
owner can feel proud of
HpaldlnR riders nro alivaya nntlsned Its a plrasttro to Icnoxr you nra
rldlnjr the HUNt rcllnlilo bicycle built Wo nro prepared to supply Spaldlmj
Blcyclcn all models without delay
IIntown DrOol 4Zd Et and AIls Are Brooklyn Depot 001 Fulton tit
tanced In tha first heat flora pa the winner going the
mIle in 41034 Summaries
220 clan Rlngham Home Pune of 88000
Ouartermarch br s by Quarunnaster Sny
der til
Rowline m Clark 9 8 a
Lady iLbr m Norton > U 4
Nested W a Carmaltl B 4 B
Charlie IL gr K Uarossi a 0 0
lied of Waronoke b s iDodge < 4 dr
Time 8lB5i 17V l 8ilT
884 elaas pacing Point uteri Puraeof 2000
Humps b g by Baron Whites WllsOnI I 1
Comet chro Barnes 8 8 U
Mascot Jr bg Elliot dls
Omega ro m TvKrn ills
Urstohen b m UcDonal I dls
lime U10J4 81 7H 2UJi
The Unneie Rarer at ColnvbuB
COLCTUVS O Sept ILThe following are the sum
raaries ot todays rocesi
t 0clau troltlnx twoyearoldi purse lOOO
flrsr0e b c by Simmons Jamison 8 1 1
lipy flay Ilk a by Cllllan Powell I 8 I
Stockton 0 a ty Red Wig iSiokea S S 8
Tlm Z3SH Itazti 241
8 20 class pacing purse 1000
Walter IX bT tltloe < 4 8 t 1 1
Tlolta b tn Zlmmerl 8188V
WluSeld Wlndom 8 a 4 a B
Hermlon bit m Patterson a 3944
Pal Murphy bit r Graves5 4 dls
baufordU ch ftolhl 1 dls
tlmeV12J4 ailSi SIBK 2153421534
tie elaaa trotting pun 11000 unflnlihedl
Lady Roberts b m Laird 1 1 I
Fred ILbf Whitney II t 1
Dolllkens g m Swearlngen 4 S 8
KaiiVbw Farlsi 9 4 4
TlmeeliSiZ im2 14i
Talk of Columbaa Delate Adallte4 to the
Ormad Circuit
COLCUBC 0 Sept Arrangements It Is
said have been made for Columbus to take the
place of Buffalo In the Grand Circuit The law
aaalnst pool selling la New York had the effect
of making the spring meeting at Buffalo very
unprofitable to the association there which U
controlled by C J Hamlln This will bring the
best harness horses la the couutry to the Colum
bus course
Vets tower tn JeOtnosi Coaaty Track
XFATTO Sept It Vtv owned by J necking
of Baltimore broke the Jefferson c only trre record
twice in thi 118 pace for the 1000 purse ottered by
th Jafftrson County Agricultural Society this after
noon lowering It 10 213 la 1 the Arm heat and to
813In the wcond heat Ehe won the race tn three
straight heat the tlrn of 1 he lest hen bemic 2 14
The other itamrs wem Little Han second Lllll
Wonder third and Alexander U fourth
Football Gossip
Eandford tbs Tale man will play guard for the
Harrr lee her has decided lo play arum this sea
son lie will cover an end on the Crractiit A C team
Sllllman who was th centra rush for the Yale
ehaniclons hates that he will play with the Orange
A C the coming season
Th SrottlihAmerlcan football team would like
to arrange some garni with all flrMcliM team at
Weldmvers Hark Address James Spruce 173 > olk
street Newark X i
Knlpe the Captain of the 04 University of renntvi
vanla tram was In town on Wednesday He lays he
will tlay with soy ntMetle duO tram He further
sajs that he will coach the Ienusjlvsnla students
during the coming season
The ItontM football team are now practliln They
would like to hear Irom all teams averaging 143
rounds Outoftown team offering a irluulf Kusr
ante preferred Address J Frank tlllitMui manager
141 Eau nftynftb aIred New York city
The Red Star Association Football Club of Harlem
who have been disbanded for the past ear an frolng
to reorganIze again with a stronger teens ihvn before
The nest meetIng will be bud at DurTyi club room
1011 street and Third avenue on Tuesday Mpu 17
at 8 P M
A question baaibeen raised aa to the eligibility of
Phil King to play with the Creceni sgalnit the
Orang A 0 King coachd the rrlnceton vanlty
teaailul fall It Is I likely that If King wa proteited
rn the monad of urofeuionallim other riarers
would be accused
PRIKCXTOX Sept ISThe football sossin at Prince
ton has begun Capt Lea and about fifteen
ot the mot promising candldatrt for the
four positions behInd hi line arrived y < tcrday
and logan work No hard work was lone
oa account of she Intense beat kicking pauing
the ball and catching was She main port of the work
engaged In The following men ported Ia lIsa
nerd Pw Cochran Vtymrr ItiiuuM Andrus
Uhndes Hmllh Keller Armstrong Reynolds Killy
Townsend and Tucker
WIIJJTTS Ptrr N Y limpS f IS The Vnllixl RUles
Engineer football team which playr last season and
his onlr once been moored airlii t win open Its season
here on Oct 3 The team wUhe to secure game with
anv nntclass team Thomai SullIvan It the clubs
ttivietary and by addreuiug him arrenurmments for
games may be made Thus far the engineers have
chedu1e two games with the litre Sous team of
IaMnon N l J for Oct VU and Xo 17 and one game
with the Varuna bloat club team of Day lodge for
Nov 10
BorrnRrnitxnr ls Sept IS Thn Temperance
A O Football team of this place hat IXHII oruanliril
for the season In the six year thai IV eleven has
Wen on She grldlmn Orb t li Imniet nearly all th
athletic club eleven In the MMllo cute as well 11
several college teanis Tile nhodulo for ihe rri on Is
now Iwlng arranged All of Ian j ear team are iran
log for positions this tenim and nunh nw nmirrlal
Ii being ilevrlupe Hilly iita > vet I has playr qujr
let back on the team Kince lu roimlsliI will tp
talnthelvenai < alnihl < yrar PI I I lnrljthl Is niin
aiterof the Imiuaiul he Is I aniloui tutecuidales
with all athletic club and vollictf ukI eos
lIowlUc Notes
Allen ind Rchaefer the crack tniwlersof the Beta
msndor will roll with the 1roifett leaiiidurliiK the
The memliers of lie Fifth Want Howling Clot will
begin praiIUin < t the lluilton Ilouw Alleys on lion
ilaDut 7
The Dcfendrr Howling Club will brelu the sranon
with Stiomu meinlwra lIeu will roll ou Dockers a j
Ies l 4Jl ours street liniokljn
At i > iiifitlnt of the smrloiline Clubnf Prooklyn
ou WrdQDMtay iiUht the following ofllcers were
elected I Wilcox 1reildinl II CngiUo Tr < o < iireri
It ii i Jaokion hecriinry Theclub will bowl at Lem
mermans alleys J Myrtle avenue every Weduetday
The Cyclone Powlin Dub will again roll at stains
alii eIaI l lumiiMrMieirrylrldayiilfhl luryliav
elgiiMen iiiemlicr Iho limited iiniub r The oirccrt
are F W Prior Jr Irrslilsali J It thaw VleoPre
ueut Mwaril Webrlln U
secretary Stilu Treas
urer T johaiumcyer captain
Flghtern councIls w III he rcpreiented In the burns
ment in lo held by i hi Itoyal Arcanum I eazue of this
fit an lniM sf sloven ICallis over ii > er The
tiiiirimiiu will lake the at the iVniral Otira
Ilou alle s and will tegiti limit Imuuuth uames will
Iw rIle I ou Tuesday aiifhlday nlsMs
The Oitth Few howlIng Cluii of IlroJilyn have or
ysmiivil or thy cstoin teatou The oniicr ur J A
eiiiligliun lrmsliuib Aul01 VBII1 Treisureri
Edward Sitteely termtar I 1 0 Imukilii captaIn
Ttus club mill to rctreseulei in blue lfe na
lIonel iournamrfll Itley wIll tiled every lionday
libjI at the Fletuimut Club aile 5
Al a recent lumottmg of the lteinecko iuiviln tub
Ar lurnklyn lb fuiiowiugumrrs su et e eiclei Web
ter P iamley lrusl limIt I Illcs I le Irluluiit F
Futne RN rotary sIll Trinstirir C Iluhl r afutalt
Tile menulrs are tuysr 4 I futumus J If Ii usiter
i I iiocne l l Hpit > r Uioruo ijfiiur C rurviiiun
W Koch K Iisiuuam J llomirll A Meyer and M K
Douisy The nub will Ia t > pineutiii lu Ihv Carrulh
eel soil bUaugbucsty tournaments
Thsljntham Itout ling Viol will practIce the Turn
nail alley bust Fourih strict lames will b I flHv4
vary Tuesday eight lbs club ha tw nly < iu > turin
l erth limit elng l Is tollS live The uiflr are t
YMglutsch Hreiiuvnl C Soucic Jr Vlu 1fiilltnl
C M IMientM Corr pimdln rVcrilar i O II Klnir
Klnan Ul hevrrtary ileoriti rch uk lra 1 > unr itl
Vied llachnisnn captain Kilwanl Hiirhnianii ilcorgu
ficbvuk and A lint loinitilu on leams
Th Orchsrl llnw ling Chili have rei nyugetl Kiuhis
Sllejs M Ilvlnilon street TI > Mill ruil ui Uilnr
day nIght lIt club havtf wetly Ilie nitiulfrsi
Ilnilled lo II
WeIulytlii ufllcru or It autmewler
lrmolderut Ileor orratt I ierlrvsllut
1181cr Seeretarvu 11 i4iustopE
Treasurer lIla oeur
teplalill TWrtnupe Imlotullo In kNTi W yet
Srman deitiat to the Untie StaIn
maatnailr Ai
WtUOio dciCaftt Iv the CairuUiifi t9tfuiatu
Galilee noncbt by lie I > l Stable fort
The sale of B W Streets horses which wa4
held tn the Easton sale paddocks before the raof
ing began atHheepsbead Bay yesterday brought
out a surprisingly good attendance and belle
still the majority had come to bid
Borne good prices were realized Galilee was
of coarse the tar of the lot When be was led
into the ring the auctioneer bed no difficulty In
getting offers lie wan finally knocked down toT
w Donohne who was bidding for flablnrod
Heard The prices on the whole were fair They
UdDer b c 4 by The CardAthalarlc Erie
Vahl 400ft
ParisIan U g X by Tha l < ard AUialarlc Erie
Mable 703
Itepubllcan b g x by tlllner Hose Arliona
Johnson a Co 7 fc
Pedigree en g 2 liy fir ModredTrelll j li F
Brown 43153
Old Arm chg X by TyiantFrugallly VP
OraHy 1199
Balvor ch g3 by Balrator Vandallte C F
Orady J03
CrltsCroM ch c by Cayuga lluihroom IL G
Clarke 10 1
Dlpliimat U e 1 by bIt Wxon Wljrwam B U
Clarke ito
Stowaway eh h 3 by BpcndUirift Carrie Phil
lip William Wallace lBO
Sandowne ch h 3 by gpndthrlltZulelka K
1 Clarke 1C5A
piiOPEiirr or tina ANDREW TIIOUP < IX
Oeorr Dixon b c by Tom Martin Kicaengen
J J McLean
El ltorrtta b I f S by RoulngtonEdlUi Gray
William BarriOs f 03
llabel uunn b m B by UUidoo Calpnurnla
Ed leiy TCOt
Prior to the tale of P W streets horses aa
attachment wa nerved aealnst them at the 1st
stance of Andrew Deco a feed dealer of V ° csV
Chester for a bill of 400 of four j ears stand
intr The payment this judgment was gusr
an teed by Easton and the sale proceeded
Law Tranta
Tb champIonship tennis tournammt of the Oranges
Tennis Club was continued yesterday afternoon ov
Mountain Station 7J Few matches were played m4
Ihe players hav taazU4 the schedule tusdlybystsr
lag in too late to finish their game before darkttetL
nolcombe Ward lost a splendid chine to beat G orV
Miles by a 0 61 moor He won the opulng set lit
straight game and rolled np the apparently cafe lead
of 11 in the second Vile began to trace wbeir
Ward Deeded only a single stroke to win ana 4owiy
crawled up to 03 when Ward ware prvvoua maIm
with Colgate bad tIred him omrwLatIeaor In his
pay lo lnj tue ML 117 The mateS will be played
over again today The ecorus
Hen Sluglca S < cond mont flolcomb Ward bcaij
R Cogato v1 6S Edward Lyman bcatxiinori5 AT
Gould 84 flK
mCnal round Oeoi e Idles against Eolcombe
Ward 0il 117 uncalled i
TARRTTOWX N Y Rept 12A heavy thunder
shower here this afternoon interrupted the most la
temtlnj days play In the big tournament of thai
Sleepy Hollow Lawn Tennis Club It did not come
until late In the afternoon bowever and matr
niaiche were Cnishtti before the raIn began to fa
TOe mourn >
ocntlemens Slrurle Semlflral round J V simp
son beat 8 Jt Allen 00 M6 ROi J P Pares
acalot I > r W X Fraier 0 o 12 I I CiminlibeOL
tontienuens Doubles Flnt round F31nU US
Thaycr beat P V blmp dn aud K IL Allen 0a 34
Consolation Oentlem ns Slntles Pint round W
II Pouch beat K lllller 13 0u
Second liouudE li TLayer bat n J Colt by des
Ladle Doubles Preltmlnsry round 11 Uelcnaj
iell tgana MIss Phtllra Pitcher brat MUsAufutta
iradley and lIlse Helen Sawyer 0 0ti
Mli < vl Double Flrtt round Mlu Kathleen Atkin
son and li S Thayvr beat ills Jessie hOver and a U
liowick ca sin n4
Semi Bnal Round Mix Julett AtkInson and J IU
Fraser beat Mia AliCe Ewtngi and Howard Doughty
Jr as ss
ladles Rtnlsaroflnal round MlM Helena Hell
wig beat Uln Kathleen Atkinson 00 6 1
SvmciSE Sept 12The open tennis tournament 06
the 6yracu Tennis Club was begun today on tbe
clubs dirt courts on the outskirts of the city Serenl
visiting craoks have entered Including Edwin P
Fischer ot New York O L I Wrenn of Chicago Arthur
P llawrt of llolnu and AJJ Pope o New 1 curt
Tho vulion win In all probability tare the lions shari
ef the primes The singles were begun this atteruooii
and will be continued tomorrow when the doubra
will t nartsL
Men hlnclo Prellmlnarr round E P FKohcr
Kew York Mat Janr luudil hrrfu e tto r a I
First Hound A FJenin h > ra > uA txMt II Jacob
son Syracuse 10 ltJ i 1 WrtfunCaloacobrdS
A M Pop VewYork 0lPl
Kemlnual Houndli K u renn Chicago vs A S
Jenny Syracuse UU 20 i < d >
An Over < lor of Cblorodyne Citneea Tncht
Wan Aubbury Death
IONIHIX Pept 12A coroners Inqneet was
held today upon the body of James L Ashbury
the wellknown yachtsman who died In his
lodgings In Burlington street on Sept 8 i Tha
jury found that his death was causes by an 110
citlenlal nverdoto ot ililorodyue which Mr
Aelibury took as a narcotic
The sucoiitlon football teanu of lltljrie 11 11 sal
It Elrit Artillery in gamin at lavlul u 15101 have
110300 prsctlre he uIeVell Reined high rrpuiltn 5
thu Uo ruars Island Foottiall Club wheu In farrul 5
there For dates address if H Henry Iratar
David Island ootball Club Havlds Island
York U arbor
TOo1tltin tdvcrtt ctucuts
iltoalsay and leIforI aL
BROADWAY Itultou tLauct llttltuuih eve
COIl HIST BT Atlantic soul Vermont asia
stud aol
80 AlIt A 181111 l al treenpoini t ianbstl a vS
Do you know our 3 lint
It is iniulo in all tho fuyhiouabta
It ia in ado under our personal
It is irropronclmblo in materIal
and tiuiah
It looks ns well ami wears as
well as any lint imule irrcupoctiMl
uf poiliareo or price
lou tlont believe nil this mny
bo but wo do awl 30 will you f
youll get acquainted with tho hat
I > o > ou know our fn Nrrlurar
bee uur new Ijiudoii Hifk Him
Our rrailY titwear litrrltt are caliitB7 In npn
i Clir Eiur
told iw ssitr u 1111 HV 1511 It
CoN v ieiss Jot sIy s

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