Ii r f tTt ti L 1flr I > r l l n1i l
inicT CON Pit 2fl10N8
fie rollee BeaerYee Called Oat nlNlak I
to Try nn4 Keep the null and Anil
flail radio fVom Hhtddlnt Each
llhrra niood Col Crnger flald to hoTs
llrnwa 0 PlalotTha klhI Flereeel tm
jk llednraa nistrUIrUtl Moo K
peI the Victory Worn mi the Irtaisrlea
republican harmony tilled the town liti t
llfht to overflowing1 In twodlslrlcta It took
entire reserve force of police of the neares
tl t Dtr renro plce neares
Hike station to hold It In check In tho Tweu
lljtli Col Crier the man ot peaco and
ehurch trustee U 1 alleged t have drawn a
tlitol Hl ck eyes and bloody noses pro
rtied In many districts and the angel ot
nle bpplul l was everywhere At I oclock In tho
itenlng the Hon Thom C Platt strolled up
Broadway In his drcii suit He looked AS cool
lit cucumber Nobody would ImaIno from
tu appearance tbat he had any Interest what
ever In ani thing other than tho play he was
rolng to sec At this hour In tlilrlTlho places
In the city the followers of the extenalor wee
iwentlng away their subtance and swearing
The were punching kick
coal their future J
lie I yelling screamln In some places and the
Mephont bells lo the police stations were ring
bit tit to slUt Nobody would hare thought this
from no a look at the Hon Mr Plait
rhI ihlrl five meetings were the thirty flve
lepubllcsn conventions for tho election of dele
pies L the Stale Convention at Baratoua next
T i < tsy
The outcome was that A predicted nil along
tjTitr 1fM Mr Platt succeeded In capturing
between ninety and nlnetyflve delegates Mr
Brookfleld will have between thirtyfive
tad forty J Bloat Fassctt whatever
the outcome of his fight In his dls
et will K as o > delegate to tho
Ctuvsntlon John Collins elected him over In
Fifth district Mr llrookflsld will also go
Md 1 will Mr Lauterbach The reformers
tide such a dead set to keep Mr Lautorbach
sin going that he ran In three districts to
like lure and was elected In all of them
Vie hottest tight of all was In the old Eleventh
Hiv Tnt rhl district where Col Job
lidtes and Cornellns N bliss tackled Mr
0 Auten and Michael John McCann There
in 108 delegates In the district who have a
Id In electing the four delegates to tho Slate
Cuaventlon and the administration bad deter
abed to capture It or burst
Though clearly beaten at the primaries on
Tutds night Cl Hedges had decided that he
tu a better politician than the other fellow antI
Il be would win out I helot a leg doing It
t this end he had been moving heaven aDd
mth and at 7 oclock In the erenlnir sitting
t tbe rooms of the BlaIne Club at 111 Wet
Trtntyfourth street he assured TiE Sirs re
jcrtsr that he had twentyone delegates more
ton a majority and would win out I was
litton minutes after this that a henchman hus
tled In and exclaimed I
Job tbeyve eot the hull and wont let any
xAr but delegates In Caleb blmms and another
ttnw are at the door with four policemen
You go back said Job and get all Ae
ItltcaKsIn line up the substitutes on the oat
tide sod then go In
How can w 10 demanded the henchman
otntLais all said Job
hen this messenger got back the crowd b
ese In and Houndsman Corry who was la
thirsa of the police had telephoned for four
lon men Tin Set reporter went la l with the
trewil There wan good order there for exactly
Itlrtj seconds A young man named Ludwig
tutted the ball rolling Tbe bal woo undo
u saloon at the corner of bixth avenue and
TwtctyUIrd street There was a table anti
ibrat IOu chairs The place was hotter then
the hot room of a Turkish bth and It was
jet with cenple
LiidiiIt was near a table I In the centre of the
loomandhe had a cal lie begun pounding
vfhlhs cane on tbe table and Iniuiilly event
un In the room began yelling homebody
ribbed Ludwlg by the nape of the neck anti
ralltj him off his feet A dozen men cnred at
Ha The whole crowd began pulling and hanl
> lcd Kymlnr oaths tbe mildest of which
O J hare been oat of place In hade Ludwtit
via culled and cuffed and finall was picked
l bodily and tnened He landed on top of the
ab and danced a war dance a he called for
lomlnitlons for members of Assembly
Damn your soul get off that table 1 bawled
iduen men In chorus and a dozen others got
Ua tribe lec while the whole crowd got at
tl foot of the table and screamed There was
uather hurtle later John
Ilho buto a moment when C
4 Connor was landed on the tat a beside Lud
I lie lid been tossed there There were
dens from part of the crowd and louder
nnei from the rest The police could do floUt
tt Nstrm Rousdiinan Corry sent In a call for more
OConnor It appeared had been declared tern
Mry Chairman by Ludig There was an
utrmoTtment In the crowd and the tall form
tflflchselJuhn McCann hot through the air
BtUnded beside OConnor and his companion
IcCiun hid been elected temporary Chairman
Irh rest of the crod umprarr
I Come oat of that you Irish brute bawled
Wf the crowd bwle
Gel don n there you devil yelled the other
hit OConnor
VcCsnn tried to say iomethlng when adozen
011 jelled
IthjKt I L that man making a speech
Co to lit 11 ou political lhlee I hulcu a
ntn others
utixjllce who were there hustled as close to
Ib title as they could Wet They polled t
uvleil and mauled l but there was no getting
t bt 01 that harmogi I
Ilseg on Slctunnl1 Kick him In the
lb Oli you dirty iiovlI These arc
itw sample of the cries that were hurled at
Ittrnim ihv tnl I toil all tht time Ibo three I
kacMl up od i doe n > rlllntf tmp something
other tUt ntibwly auld understand This I
twnt begin to tell onetenth of what hap I
hit j td dIstrict In tho Conyptbon 1m tel minutes of this Twenty
It I st tlir end of about five mlntitrs that
blnmsi Jsinn Auteri came hurtling through
il r1d banded < 1 bert the other three men
si btbi I or a minute after he got leo
is screens and tells could b beard for a block
X2Icmiadoz n more of the reserves and a
ilacce of pesrc Auten at reu top of his
l demanded filer Nobody paid any at
lon lo him The crowd Just cursed a
ttn kepI nit > bbig arid gradually the cries
Jj l W until hit otcecould be heard above the
J ooce but > > delezatci shall vote at this Con
I jsuon he pal1 Nit outside Influence shall
r tied oa thesis deleftstes The only way we
reblro ardor In his room ii for tisedebegatas
He tIbttIiLd t11 uble and < 1 the other people In
Bti I bat h ytllfd the crowd Shut upi
Slid Sl OOta defegute Jet out yon bum I
dtsIn elieliaecj collection of cue word
to Atti5 ntlnuil appealing to the delegates
t clce b5wbl the rear or the room A man wills A
ortoff H lIst table youre not a delegate
kKuiM is i hlln hel are you talking about r
THI fk another Llgvolc man
itii iMi eu i murderer swindler screamed
Ia tn ll la 0 il I Q crod McCann Joined with
t allll cral for peace 80 dh OCon
° k iTJ I d l ppenrett In the ehunie No
la it WMII hre he went or how be wont Ha
jIL btbice hustled the crowd again
110 alaln
l 117ttEl b11 < to hute
lR111r0001 Cot oven body out on the
I ld then llon1 let > anybody In but dele
hepow4 eiwtt Uwled back at him
rrtl rom I 1 he yelled again ClcAr
l OOli Yelled McCann Everybody go
li Enrby
ra 4esbli 71Ud 1 OConnor By Ibll tIme
Lfl r a hfmtclf ww on hand with the
Wt It I mn who compote the reserve
I ho compe
IS hccanD lindfrloln pr fnct and as
J I and OConnor agreed that the
rht i 10 ti Cleared ho re tu work
I w a a ftfUenmlnutw Job
I it the Usttlct Iftunmlnul d JOl
I et tOt heir ii nD uuilr chairs and behind
o iL nil was no 10 Tue plo Pulled them
tOG Oiy ii one man beside the reporters was
i pI1fr
ses oullletl t staid between the
Old mdooand e the ba meut door flu hAd the
alcvre l and he tailed the names Iho
lerlmalt around < the street entano
Ul I hirsiselt mcii whop > name wa called bad to
I hlnself before be could get br thesis It
1lllut1 before this delegate not Into
troon liccanu I anti th yelling began again This
Susie 1 lnlII11 bbllli this table armed tvhttt
M 4noinAii Jl ° hake It on the tahiti
I f tl notlnct Comnm 111 M the member of the
I ttacabi Committee from thaI ilistrict It was hit
I iit e UOflVesltbon
I tomineto CouvolUon to order
l liii uPdV111 for lmllrar7 Chair
IJ l lCliih aman11 J 1 luornton half the
r ° I rA > arid ltle olhe halt yelled
lk t rsn sell IIchre I
h 111 Mr McCann tens
IrJrh i rmal of th Convention and bd
caD I leCAnl pounded tho table with
L Wtoel CUllur jumpd Ito 10 help him and
iJViiu I iContitir their Polsridhlic to says until It Wa quiet
Ir 110 I 11llr or his Bounty Commit
Con011015 anti 1 ii Is shy duty Vi call
hcortlJIIlrlcl order J we are goIng to
Isehairruili I meau to see that ho t fleet
1jits right lid McCann
tk5tQwil clllllelrhl suit yelled forthrcor four
I e the uproar Wa still ou iCon
4icc000 alretd t WA UI AUUn end
fum tcln tu k a Tote Thy
climbed upon tlol b1o and nonndrd for order
with their tI t whIle McCann and nre
pounded wildly with their canes At last
the voting was begun 1 proceeded with
lun pruHI
1 protest after each tot and yells ot
de rrolul cheers and Boncrnl dIsorder that
rlrallrd what had already taken place The
vole rcftultfcd OConnor HI MeCaiin 02 anti
OConnor declared McCnnn eleclwl 1aoh lule
agreed to scnretnrlc nnd everybody cursed Rt
everybody else while thrne men worn Uklpu
their places The Cotiventhin Proceeded In the
disorder that marked It at the beginning Tho
hall wa cleared three times during tho even
Ill and nt 10 oclock It was cleared for the last 1
time no delrgntrs having been olfUrd
In tIm Twentieth district It was Cot Cruger
who called put the reserves but they rouldn
bulldoze Mr 1lattft lender Htewnrt Tho Con
ventlon there WAS held At the Onrflcld Clubs In
East I hlrly lxthi lreet lliellntt men nail n
great majority They got In the ball and
nnuldutlel the Crugcr turn In ThndUonler
that mnrkctl Jol UrdgcVR Convention
tlt Convcnton
ras RliniiBt diipllrntid hrw Hlewar
nrdcrotl Col Crugcr out nf tho placo on
the ground that lie was not a dole
gale and that his following wcro nil Irrrgulnr
deliKates Mennrt says the Dliiiiel put his
hand on his pistol pocket threateningly Other
men say that the Colonel pulled his imp The
police rutlimt nnd thero u an no hliioiNluil lisn I
Cruger men gal out The other fellows heli
IIIH teloa
them their Cant cDtlou and swept ever thing before
I Isnt possible to RVO anything like details
of onetenth of the fights that took place In Ito
various districts A incro mention will have to
BUfllru for most of thvtn 10nlol wi
Iheri were two conventions In thn Irt ills
trlct Martin H llraly the llrooklleld lender
of tho district wo supHi ed to bae It olll for
Ills chief Ho claimed after his Convention that
fiftythree out of sixtyone delrcates attended
They elected William L I Ilrooklluld Martin H
Healy and David C t olin delegates to the rtlate
Convention The Ilatt men were not Permitted
to enter the pine and they held u Convention
at this Meruhuuts Hotel Thev elected Matthew
Hoi le b M McOrath and 1etor Weita They
claimed that there were 1J delegates at their
ellimo Ier
Convention William L Itrooktleld ele < t > t
by the Drookfleld delegates Is I no Ifs
a person than Commlxslonrr of Public Works
IlrookHeld the bolts He lies auld all along that
ha didnt Intend to go to Ibo Btato Convention
but he had sura thing In the first district I
and he took It Martin Hcaly said that he
1 Mr llrookflcld before he put tho name on
In the Second district the Ilrookflehl men ran
things and elected tMmon Haven Dennis hea
and Charles Cumlsky delegates In the Thin1
district the Ilatt men won hut the Drookfleld
men headed by Henry Clay 1lercy gave them
a tight
This Urookfteld men won In the Fourth die
trlct and added three to the list of Krookfield
delegates to the Convention In the Fifth dis
trict exlosttnasier Van Cott had things hit
own way and elected himself Clarence W
lion en Llspenard Stewart and Lucas I Van
Allen delegates The Ilrookflehl men were vic
torious In the Sixth district also Tbo dele
gates chosen are John J Collins J Stoat Yn
bIt and IJ OBrien
sll the Heventh district exUnited States Mar
nhal Jacobus the boss reformer of them all was
turned down hard The Ilatt men elected
John McKcever Franklin B Miller Dr Ham
Hum Williams and Alderman Joseph T Hack
all Dr Vllllams hustled up t the Fifth Ave
nue Hotel with the uens and he met Under
Stewart who had just knocked out CoL Cruger
Jacobus bay he said 1 knocked bell out of
Ho aid lout of my fellows said Stewart
and they hugged each other
The Eighth district I woe captured for Mr
Platt without any difficulty by Census H
Murray ant to ever bodys surprise Mr Ed
ward Lauterbacb who Is I supposed to b running
In the Tweuteighth district was elected wlt1
Mr Murray and Christian j OIZ The police
had to b culled In once or twice there
The exVIcketi Frederick t hubs headed the
delegation In the Ninth district I took him
lust ne minute t bold his convention for the
llruokileld mendldnl peep The delegates betides
tides Mr Glbba arc Clarence W Mend I nonius
J Clark W Illlam ITurnerand William Alpln
In the Tenth JUtrlct Ferdinand Eldmaun Dr
Henry L bcbtuld Charles btelnmuller and
Louis C May PUtt men were elected In the
Eleventh district Robert Oren carried things
for Plait and he betide the delegation which
consists of John T ludolf President of the
hoard of Aldermen Assemblyman Seth Wilka
and Jacob Fowler
ShIner Simpson ha > i more trouble In the
Twelfth dltlrlct than he looked for but begot
there They bad the police out No bones
w r broken Tbedelegutea elected are IHIDP
bon Adam Qe > nand and Max Gross All the
Ilatt delegates In the dlttrlct joined In the pro
test after the meeting and then they held a
meeting themselves and elected John Htelbllng
Lafe > Siliulum and Max Lowell
The Platt men won In the thirteenth district
bra vote of I t 13 The delegates are oem
h > mnn Robert Miller James I Lowry and
John Ia
The trnrtrvnth district was carried by the
Plull men after a little flgbt The delegates
ore WIlliam F bearing CT U Vtlsseman T
J Fltzilmmons I and Dt ICj lieu The Flf
tr nth dUirlct was alto carried for Mr Platt
George Wanuiakcr head the delegation
with William J Mathewn Thomas Humphrey
and William A Tucker as delegate The Platt
aol put np a fight In the Sixteenth district ana
on Utorge Hill ard Charles M Jerulemou
William W Lyon and bdward Platow were
elected delegate
John Itelwinweber carried the Seventeenth for
Mr Plat He beads the lIst of delegate with
Charm A Pagn and John W Noblo a hIs a
The EIghteenth district elected three Brook
field ilehesuate
In the Nineteenth the Platt delegation elected
was beaded by exPolice Justice Charles M
Talntor and the other delegates are Ueorga K
Kldttell Charles F howler and M O Ilyer
There was a lot of trouble at the beginning of
t settle Convention II but It didnt require the police
James L Stewart who bat Col Crncer In tbe
Twentieth dlntrtct will lbs accompanied t the
Convention by John J Uoubltday Iud Patrick I
Colin Abe Urulwr elected his tIre men for
Mr tlatt In the Twtutyflrst district
In the Twentysecond tho llrookfleld men
elected Ihomns r Lean Jacob Katln and Her
man Cantor Mr Ilrooktlrld also carried the
Twentythird dUtrlct which has two delegates
wenlthlrd carrIed the Twentyfourth The
delegates elettcd thero were Smith Piere DrS
II Hums and tltO Carpenter
In the Twent > ilxth district the Plait men
elected Worth Jnstrovr Alexander Hen Loewy
and Itador 1 Oberndorfer This vote wo IU to
32 and the Convention was red hot
Cnnoton re
The Twentyseventh district went straight
for HrookfWd wIth the following ticket
tlchard f Shannon Gen Daniel llutterfleld
Hchart Duck Mitt Richard J LewU John
bklilne Mnlth sins delenll
In the TwcntycUhth district there was one of
the hardest rights In town and U ended In two
ronvrntloiw rjbl Kenjsinln Oppenhelmer the
Irooklleld leader I WOK whipped out of his boots
by the Platt mm Ho bail a squad of pollca on
mnd and nobody was admitted but drl KalM
here u as as much jelling as there was In the
lwciitynfih district and Mr Oppenhelmer bad
a big hand In It
I The police stepued In and there was a hand
tohand fight and tho police of course won
tbant lhl
The delegates elected at the regular Convention
wero Edward Lanterboch Henry Clay Ado
rard Iaulerlah
and Christian HecrlUb Mr Oppenholrners
delegates were himself Michael J Sherry and
Carl T Schmidt
Mr Lautorhach was elected again I delegate
In the Twen rnlnth district making his third
election for the night Tb other delegates I from
elocton Dbl
ho Twentyninth wore Ilrookfleld men Mr
autPrbach heat len Samuel Thomas Ills
companions the ticket are Dr Depew who
for some reason I lured as an antlPlatt man
E W liloomlngdale and bauiuel U rends
E n Iomloltn tohitvo the police In his die
rict which Is the thirtieth I and the outcome
of It was two com entlon each of which elected
a the full Convention delegation and I will b fought out At
TheThlrtyflrst was carried by the Brookfleld
men the Ihlrt > econdbytbo Plait men the
hlrtythlrd bv the Irtt len theThlrtyfourth
by the llrookrteld men and the Thirtyfifth by
ha Platt men
They OrcaitlKed with a llnrrnh at the
Oroenwlcb Club Iac Nlcbt
In the Heventh Assembly district which very
nearly corresponds with tho old Ninth Aisem >
ily under the old apportionment Tammany
lull Is not to have a monopol of tho whooping
up among Democrats The Independent County
rgnnltatlon was organized at the Greenwich
Club 4 Eighth avenue last J night for the years i
anipalgn John Oshnrn preildcd and speeches
were delivered by tho Hon Bernard J Douras
Vllllam H Temple Charles Sleekier exAlder I
mau Mead and Ernest llanlcr in advocacy of
ndrpendcnl local nomluutlonk In this district
U claimed 1s I under tho
which It new appor
tloument I he talmO its Iht city alpor
t1 he workings of the now ballot law In respect
olndcpcnduiit noinlnatlons In particular were
ixplnlned by Ernest Harvlcr who declared that
tho ludi iiendent Voids of the city had been IwU
lung for more than lIve years for so votln eye
tens which would enable tlie iltlrcns of n die 1
riot to run uidnr fair conditions un outsldo
andldatB without the hundlcaii of ofllclal tick
rlnildl illlcliil Imrerl whIch art wholly to tIm
idVHntagnof Ibis twit triMt imrtifn le sid I
I 1 think tits will hav good reason to bo grati
fied ul this r11 wlllHO fight In this district this
led and If wo do not dye Uiunmny Hall a I
pretty lively mil uud the llipubllcans a still
livelier one it will not bo tho fault of the repro i
entatUrsof IhlsoritanliUlon
Ibu Unciiwlch Club Is I In Ihe heart of the
Oren lch Vlimit > oa IJIghlh avenue between
Jan itnil Horatio streets and then Is I I small
smiare I np < osllu ill which llii Independent
I ar 1111
ouiity men declare they Hill hold their over
buy meetings when the camusi waxes r
ID the Seventh and this Urcen ich Club the
mrty hfadiiuaileri proves inudciiuaia for the
iiroinioiHlallnii of the anllTumraauy Demo
craPs of Ihe neighborhood
Nevada N HlritnaUua for Hcisator
8TI4rt6 N > Sept la hIts IlcpubllcaM
of the Tblrtyilxlh Henalo district Onwego
M luclltonlat Onelda today nominated Nevada
N 4 frtrunauHU if ITultoa for suoeta
aravfAn rtastocnAia Axn RII1
Kemilara lo Have at Twothlrd Hepreeen
tahoe la I All the Conntir lialeRntlone
Tho conference committees appointed by Ibo
regular Democrats and the Hhepard Democratic
factions of Kings county lo agree upon ensue
plan of harmony for the comlni campaign nut
at 81 ft oclock last night In the Hamilton Clubs
house at llcmuru nnd Clinton streets
Mr Edward M I Hlictmnt licndcil the reform
ers and Bernard J York Patrick Hayes James
I I nol and other members of the regulars
committee vtcru present
Thedlscutston lantod I from RilB until lliin
oclock and after the conference Messrs York
and SheptrJ ero delegated its a committee to
tell what had beeu done Mr Hhepard said that
both committees wero fully represented Mr
York was mao Chairman of the meeting ansi
most of the time had been spent In discussing
the Democratic situation In the State fits
unanimous conclusion had been that Mr York
recotuinrnd t his General Committee and Mr
Shrpard to tlio commllteo ho represented this
plan of harmon
Kacli organlrntlon Is lo elect Us full represen
tation of delegates to the State Convention Mr
Yorks committee to have twothirds of thu vote
of the county and Mr tihcpards onolhlrd of the
vole representation in U > o State Committee
should of thrco from Mr Yorks
aholid consist tbro com
mittee aud two from Mr bheparda committee
The same proportion of three and two Is to
apply to the different committees In the Stat
Convention a far as Kings county Is covered
The harmony committee will meet again next
Tuesday evening The Executive Committee of
Mr Bells organization will meet tomorrow
night to receive his report and the General
Committee of Mr Shcpards followers will bear
IsIs report at a meeting to b held on Monday
evening at the Athenteum
He Heearea Twolhlrda artist Delegate to
the County Convention
EIUIHA Bout lTho J Bloat Kntsettlle
publlcans are very happy lonlghtand batidsaro
parading the streets and voters shouting fur
tbe exSenator Itepubllcan caucuses were held
tonight In every ward In the clly There 1 as not
dlsirlct where Iho contest was nol waged very
warmly and where money was not freely use
Cucusr that have heretofore been slimly at
tended were packed with floaters e that many
voters went away being unable to cast their
votes or even get near the voting booths
In Mr Fassella own district the liveliest kind
of a row occurred Fasten himself was on
hand ansi Is accredited with using personal yin
lence toward a fellow Ueoubllcan who endeav
ored lo call the caucus to order Ho was seized
by Mr Fasselt and forced to one side while a
motion was put and carried In other districts
there were stormy scenes and policemen were
kept busy quelling disturbances In several
election precincts there was flagrant abuse of
proper inulbixlsof conducting caucuses and is
1 result contesting delegations were > elected I
The result shows Ib ljs ctt delegate chosen
In the city lo 14 representing this ami
Fasselt faction Fa setl alto today car
ried the town of Big Flats anti so
far he ban secured twothirds of Slits
delegates to the Convention which I < to be held
on Saturday at Horseheads although there are
enouxb contests to make a vast difference In Iho
result If they are decided against him This
County Convention organization Is I In the hands
otlheantlFasett Party and It Is t claimed that
the exSenators friends will fare bUr because
cause there Is I serious < doubt as tn the legal I
election of a number of their delegates
In rears gone b > a good deal of money has
been pot In carrying elections In Klmlra but
never baton In the history of the county has no
much been expended for carrying caucuses
Votes were purchased at any price man re
ceiving aa much as JV and one colored man
truthfully boasted of securing I for his vole
There was a jubilee meeting tonljht front
of the Adventist ofHc This pipes Is I owned by
MrFauettand soon after tIn crowd assembled
ba arrived and made a speech He spoke of thus
unfair tactic which he claImed hail been used
against him and which he eald had emanated
from 40 Broadway but all the fight was over
now and he urged all Republican to stand to >
gelber during the coming campaign and elect
the Republican ticket The antltajrett men
have made a strong fight and they claim that
they bay fairly won a majority of Ibo delegate
to the County Convention An a result it Is I
very proluble that there will be two conven
tions Saturday with two sets of d
lon oltatana sot delegates to
the State Convention
No Mima or a Break In the Deadlock o fill a
jRepablleaa County Convention
AMSTKUUAU Sept 12 Up till 2 oclock this
afternoon 433 blot had been taken In the
deadlocked Itepubllcan Senate Convention of
the Twentysevenlh district At that hour the
Convention took a recess until II 30 AM I to
morrow Titers have been three sessions today
and still there Is no sign of the deadlock being
broken The delegates are determined 1 lo re
main steadfast for their particular candidates
and neither of the three candidates will give
way to tbe other Ono of Mr K rums delegates
said this afternoon that Mr Krutu was looting
t the Montgomery delegation to help him out
of his trouble Ihu delegate was making his
dIscourse to a Montgomery delegate and
the taller winked his eve ns much as
a say this Montgomery delegation Is I
for Its own candidate Mr Mother It I an In
disputable fact thai In this city there Is I a strong
sentiment favor of nominating Mr Krum
Each of this candidate Mr Krum Mr Keick
and Mr Mosher ba headquarters at the Hotel
Warner convention ha broughl togmher
teeny of this prominent Krpubllcan politicians
of the district Including exstnlo Commlllee
inanJohn Kellogg and Justice Martin L I Clover
There are many who believe that this nomlna
Ion will eventually b given to Mr Krum l If
tIns nomination Is I nol made tomorrow Iba con
entlon will take a recess until after the hlnto I I
Convention Is I held an several of the delegates
are also State delegates MrMohor Is I hacked
by the Arkelli and they are bringing to bear
every possible sclisme to nominate thulr man
I e Democratic primaries will bo held In Illi
cit tomorrow evenIng and thug w ill be I
Irely In control of thus State organization under
the leadership of Koberl F U wens the Chair
man of thu Montgomery Counly Committee
Veatehealer Democratic Delegatee
YORKTOWn Sept 1Tbo Third Assembly
Convention of Westchrster
District Democratic Con1nton Weltbplor
county was held at the Whitney Homo hereto
day These delegates to Ihe State Convention
were chosen Francis Larkln Jr of Mug King
Matthew Clune of Peekkill and Iliad K
Irren of Poundrldgo Kugrno B Travis of
ecktklll was chosen delegate lo this Judiciary
Convention and John Glliney Ira 1 Httang if I
V I Frost W I lined and K W Turner
were elected delegates to Ihe Senate Couvenllon
The delegations were not Instructed but It In
understood that they will support rxenutor
Charles 1 McClelland of Dobbs Ferry for the
enato nomination and Martin J Keogh of
Nw UCK htllo for the Hupremo Court licnch
Fualon In Kanaaa
TOPEKA Sept iPThe Peoples party State
Central Committee met In this city last evening
and ogreoti not to tall a Stab Convention to
laminate 1 canJMato fur I lust Jntllcp A con
t erunno will tm hold when HID Dimoc rutlc State
Central Commlttrr mutU w lien the Democrats
and a candidate Iopull ta will get together and ugreo Upon
vTIj 1007 I
RELI4UU C4nlmn
CAHH OH cut ii IT
IUBlZFF r6U1Nllrn JWnlJHn
The Old Man of Ltidlow Hemaved to
IlettevneWha 1olit file Hoard t
William Stilt known n tho Old Man of
Iudlow was removed from Ludlow street jail
to Iloltcvue Hospital esterday by order of
Chief Justice Daly of the Court of Common
Pleas 1 Stilt who Is I BO years old has always
refused to talk of the circumstances from which
his Incarceration guest live years ago He did
not eat the usual faro of the prison but had
nearly everything ho cared to order served just
a he wanted It In consideration if paying SIB
I week Thoio Interested 1In estate which he
la I supposed to have defrauded and their attor
ney have been trying In vain for n long time t
learn whom tho constant tttpply of money cam
from which enabled him to be Sheriff Tatnsena
star boarder
Htttt R administrator of the estate of James
Watson innny years ego Tho holts ascertained
that he had received JdCI but he paid no at
tention to Ihnlr repealed 1 demands for an ac
counting They began proceeding against him
In tho SiirrognlcsCottrl itt 114143 foran account
lint through A J 1 Dllleiihocfrr Tlio lalu A L
aniger wits np > olnled rccrcc and ho found
Unit Butt lout received 1 Iho amount of mutiny
limited liy tin hilrs Hn I had hud hi en ntnyiil
from dliiurtlng the mOle a of Hut esisuts In the
early tmrtof thuprooccdliiRii and so the heirs
lltd tip tUlinT which xtatiliponlted nlth a trust
romiiany they got this money and that wait
I titey got The rofrrcit rrportrd Hint he
thould tl removed msi I std 1st I lsisttatsir lit tho
Hurrognlo tonllrnied the report An artier dl
nctlng him lo pay l this bitlniict > tin trtiifd but
he not wind of It and skipped He was traced
toCaniula where tic search ended Ihlnklng
tho matter had blown over hn uuno back to
this ely and was nrrented In September 18110
He has since been In Jai
Stilt limit retsiseil In all the proceedings to tell
what be did with tho monoy and I Is generally
stlppored that ho had I large part of It at least I
concealed In some way Ho lias repeatedly re
fufod to bo Interviewed aboul the matter at the
jail He seemed t be contented there and sins
visited regularly twice u month by certain
personi1 whoso names he would not give and
about whose mission bo would not spoak Tho
hherirf always son that hr had private audi
ences with these people Star boarders must
be humored l
The order for the removal of Stilt was made
on an affidavit of Dr I H HackiTn Ibis hII l
clan of this prison It was applied for by tho
counsel for the Sheriff The affidavit shims
that the Sheriff did with him
thI Sberlf not want to part lh hll
Dr Hackelln declared that ho wait oufferltig
from a complication of diseases which vould
result In dratn unlc s be was Immediately ro
moved Tho order provides that In paso ho gets
Ing better house ho must be returned to Ibo same bard
ill Cnudldatc for Itceator Gets 40 Dele
aCe to ffl ror lie OppoMltlon
HniklUEit Sept la Caucuses were held
throughout Ilerklmer county > eslcrda t elect
delegates t a Ilvpubllcau county com entlon
to bu held Lore on Sept ii The principal
strife was on Senatorial delegates The Hon
W C Prtscoitof Herklmer and N IL Kantom
of Little Falls are candidates for the nomina
tion The former Is I a friend of Senator Warner
Miller and time latter I a backed hv Titus
hlicttnl Mast of the caucuses were held In the I
evening and Slits result In several town has
not obtained until this morning All towns have
now been heard from and reports slum that
Mr Ireicott will have 4U delegate Itanmiin
15 and Dr 1 I lireen 0 VVarncr Miller
Heads Ihe dislocation from the town of Iltrkl
leer and will L Chairman of the convention
and alo Chiitrmaii of the delegation to the I
State Contention
There was a sharp contest between the Herkl I
beer and Ilttli Falls factions for control of Ito
Count > Ccinmltlo The former were successful
In thus contest electing tn le commlltecmen
ualnt nine for the oppix > ltlun
Otis IOIIIIE Kept 1lld politician from
New York been here lust evenlug he would hare
turned green with envy to suits how the HtpuU
Iran caucus of the town of Wllmurl was rnn
Toda nothing else Is I talked of hunt l the fraudu
I lent way In which Ibo voting wa carried on
and the open manner of using boodlp I wm
the bitterest kind of a fight between the Miller
and Shcanl men and the Miller mtn won
roilnly through tho assistance of A C Hal of
Albany F < J Talbot the slick lobbyist who tised l
others to run things In tax county aud a number of
halt car here with a satchel full of money
and the crowd of backwoodsmen sought him
eagerly and act according to his Instructions
Tho funny thing about the caucus Is I that lil3
vote v ere polled while tho highest vote over
cast here at an election was iU The tat IB
the caucus was packed by men who had no
legal 1 residence hen The ruling price for votes
WK JR As high us JIB was paid The Hheard
men will ask tomorrows Contention to ihrow
out this Wilmnrt delegation on the ground that
they were chosen Illegally
ComralKlaarr Itonnevrlt GoIng and Slayer
HiroBtc VIII ofConr lie There
The Coo Uoo plcnlo which Is i planned lo take
place al Timer Park on Saturday afternoon Is I
going to bo a political event to the Quo loon
lay Instead of buer and hot frankfurters there
will bo lIt al speeches Mayor Strong Is
going to mako one ho are Police rommlelon
ers KixMevclt and Parker James iT Prjor of
the City Club John Brooks Leaitt the cham
pion 0 lion Acting Mayor JacKson Wallace
of ItrooU In end Itiirlster of Arrears Frederick
W Hlnricbs of llrookl > n Mayor htroiig Is I
going to tell why he approves or the action or
110 nlre hoard In pnrorclnl th Excise law 11
New York and Acting Mayor Jackson Wallace
in going to tell why he approves of the failure
of Iho 1 > ollci < ft enforce the law In Brooklyn
The lots Chaos sire going to lbs park by the 10
oclock farr > I > at The l siicechniakliig Is I to be
dun bftwecii I and < > ollock and after T1D
oclock Tho speakers aro going to get llieru by
wa > of Brooklyn 111 a car decoratrd with col
ored lights Ihe 0 ions lay they will b r
the Aldermen I Picnic holding
The Vollne Not Mo heavy na hr Ilolra
Had d
Jd Kxprrlrd
Tbe primaries of this Shepard wing of the
Democratic party In Kings county were held
last night In every electIon district In Brooklyn
The voting n as not so heavy as bad been ex
pected The primaries worn for the selection of
delegates t this Assembly district conveintlomie
which will bo hell on Wednesday next to setec
delegates to the State Convention at syracu e
Probably the delrgalvs to the State Conven
tion Kill include Kdwnrd M I Mhrpard Charles
J PallcTson Unlud Malts District Attorney
Bennell Hobort Boy A Augimtus llealuy
Oenriio router PralKuly lloyd rlbr John
CKelley Frederick lllnrichms situ henry Young I
The Plait Men Controlled Thee Coavea
IciliT Jcuvi Sept 12fho Republican
County Convention for the election of dele
gates attend tho Slate Contention was held
In Monllcvlla bulllvan county I tuiluy Thus
Plait men were In control of tliu Convention
CnHiiEf N Y Sept 1UThe llepuhllcan As
rcmbl DUirlct Contenllon to elect delegates lo
thai Slate Convention nns held ul tim Court
hoUse In this place today Tint State delegate
chosen are Platt men Delegates were chosen
to time Judlclury Conenllon favorable tu the
nomination of Col Dickey of Nowburgb
Mllilil rTiiWN Sept itln the Second ills
trlit Ormigo count Itepiibllcan Contention
today Cob WlllUm D Dlckoy of Newburgh
canillilnte for Supreme Court Judge 1 named the
delegiilts tutho Juillilul Contention al Brook
hl l Sept IO flits Slats dcligatrs I are Platt
IIIKII llrsolutlons nf confident In I I I B Odell
Chairman of tho KxruutUe Committee of the
Itepilbllcun Male Coiuiiilllce si ecu unanl
tnouily udotited
AIHKII u trpl 10Thus flreeim Count He
nubllcun Convention at Cairo to du > elected an
Hint Duligiilea J Loroy Jacobs Chairman of
the Krpubllcan Count oinmllteei dun W H
C Wile Augustus Hticmmll Iiuin U Butts
nnd WI Ellis AsChulrmitn Jacobs Is a pro
nounceil Ilutt mal Unite Is I no itiosllon a to
thu delegation being In his Interoul
Republican NoniluHllonK rarhtupreme Court
lluriAio Sept HI The lUpubhcan Conven
tlon to humilIate three Justltmo thu
tol 10milMo JItl1 Supreme
Court for the Llghth Judicial district A held
today at use Iroquois Hotel TIm district cia
braces ulghtjcounllei Erie Allrgany Catlarau
gus Chauluuqua lencee Nlsgaio Orleans
and Wyoming Judge 1dwAd W latch of the
Superior Coin of Buffalo mid Coruorullou Coun
sel Frank U Laughlln of llutfalo were iioml
noted by acclamation The Convention ad
juurueil without nomliiatiug thu third raudl
tlatet and will resume balloting tomorrow
morning District Attorney Woodward of
Chautuunua county bad lit voles Justice Al
fred hprlng of Catluraugus iLJJudga Potter of
Niagara H and Judge North of Osoesee and tho
Hun I Sam Johnbon of Wyoming hod 3 each
A 1lmll JUTan Named for Neaator
WAHUAW Sept 12The fortysixth Uepubll
can Senate Convention today named U I
Humphrey a Platt man for Senator Ho Is I
also a bank President and salt producer but
makes politic of Iho Itepubllcan order quite a
business having been for years Chairman or
t County Committee This fisuale district
now comprises counties Livingston Allegany and Wyoming
lilt uvtrr JioY nnttAim uomv IK
Time UlrellnK Cntehea His Emotion and a
Hltrrlaff Heene Kaeuea tit the Aannat E 11
cnmpintat Itovv la the Womnn MeettaR
LoLiaviltK Ky Sept IJTh U A It en
campment began formally today when Mr
Wattcrson made n welcoming address and
Wliltcouib lllley read a poem Mr Watlersous
Invitation hail secured the encampment for this
city and when ho was Introduced he TM greet
ed with enthusiasm His speech ended In emo
tion Mr Watlerson was overcome and left the
front of the stage and men roso In their seals
and yelled wept and cheered hugged each
other and throw hats fans and handkerchiefs
Into the air
Mrs John A Logan was seated a ihort ills
titmice back of tho Commandi rlnChlefa stand
and ns Mr Watlerson walked away from tho
front of the stand with tears running down his
cheeks hen Lawler took Ills hand and pre
anted him to Mrs Logan Neither could speak
but after n moment Mrs Lagan holding Mr
Wattcrtons hand In both of hers got control of
herself and said i
lain I glad I hao been permitted to live to
bear our eueech
Then Mrs Logan it down ROIl wept I
Mr Viuteron and Past CoinmanilerlnChlef
Warner then greeted each other and cat down
together In front of AdjtOen Joness desk
This caused another burst of applause almost as
great as the first and It was nearly five minutes
before quiet was restored
Mr Wntlorton had been In splendid voice but
when ho neared the close of lib speech Ills voIce
faltered and then ho stopped entirely and he
turned aside Mrs Kate Brownlee Sherwood
gave the signal for the handkerchief salute
and at once hero was a cloud of white all over
the hall Mr Wattcrsons closing words had
Ing up to the climax were
It Is I with a kind of exultation that I fling
open the gales of this gateway to the South I
bid you welcome In the minnie of tho people
whoo voice is Ihe oleo of lad You came and
resisted you you come and 10 greet you
for times change and men change with them
You will find loire scarcely a sign of thus battle
not a remlnlscnco of Its passions Orlmvlsaged
v ar boa eimoothrd his wrinkled front and which
ever Wllr you turn 011 elllllr sub acrtii Iht
Chaplin HIM where Jackson fell to Stones
Itlver where Itosr fought and tin U tlanooga
and Chlckamutiiia and over MIssionary HMge
Bud dawn by Iteuca stud Jelllll sissy smut A lie
toona where turse haIti the fort 1111 coconut
time you march to the eta pausing awhile
about Atlanta to look with wonder Oil 1 eNIO
risen as by the hand of erchanlment thence re
turning by may of Franklin and Nanlnllle
you shall encounter as you pats those mouldering
Iiapn which remind you of your valor mid ira
Mill only the magnanimous spirit of dead he
roe with moot and Sherman and Thomas and
McPherson and Logan looking down from thou
happy stars as If repeating the wonlnof the
Mater Charity for all innllco loward none
We too hose our graven we too had our
heroes All all are comrades nou upon the
oilier stilts where you and I muTt shortly join
them blessed tuner blessed we who have I lived
to sin fulfilled tho Pslamlsls pniphecy of
peace I
Mr Wattenon then recited apocm beginning
Peace In Ihe quiet dales uiouo rankly fertile
by tIe blond of niiii 11 WM when reciting the
last linn that he broke Iuui
Lust night exdot haier I inude a scene at a
I cnmp fire by somo Injudicious word Ho wan
told to nit down by the l croud and he declared
thai ho had timer been treated so liefure
Another scene occurred today at the opening
sectiOn of tho National Contention of thus
Woimuisn Hellcf Corps For several yn the
brant of thou orgnliuatlun ut Canton 0 has
sent on a delegate Mm A iS Clark unit Jut as I I
often ban bho br > un excluded on teohtilcal
grounds the opposition liming led hi Mrs hher I
wood of tht came city anti exlreM < linl of thou I
curio This feud has become ci It bruited In Ohio I i
This > ejir Mr tlnrk eaim determined tn en
force her claim Early Suit morning iice m
Tmnled by cnunael ho apm eared before Judgtt
Kd tints and ecure ltlii tss l u of fifteen tern
porur Injunctions restraining iii many nutlun
oilmen of thus corp from refusing to Klve bur
recognition as a deUrrtito Tho jnpt rH waru
glin Sheriff Pflant fur eervlce until having
secured mlmlsslon to tha secret section In Lib
erty Hall 11 wanting the rontllielof the uujcMty
of the law np went to the platform and served
the flrt Injunction upon the imtloual President
Mi M U M Wallace of hlcago
Then he wa In a quandary The other four
tern wruen hedid not know Mm iutIlace upon
being akett to i ilnt them out refu cd biuiltl
Delegates mounled chain and btctred their ci ls
lets nol to betray their associate Hut Mrs
Clark hud iriends I on the floor arid amid exciSe
ment the nflli Iul eredelcnattd until all the
Injunctions hued been sensed Thru Mrs Clark
took her snub t and thus Slit rill withdrew
The itelectloos afOul Walker for Commander
InChlifof trim > A II and of hU Paul ui thin
place forilmnexteurarapment were mode with
out much contest
Buffalo would hate been selected but for the
fact that the encampment was half pledged to
Ht Paul last year Buffalo Is certain to get It
next time
Ajtitr AXU HArr 0th I1J1H
Cbaacra la the Hlllonn and Ilallra or Offl
cereleovee Abacaee
WAHIIINOTON Sept IS These naval orders
hair been issued
Commander U W llelilnger has been detached
from the Naval War College and onlureti to couimauii
In MoDococy relieving Commander It Imply isbn
li detected ordered home ana ranted two month
mini l e
leutenantCominanJer A V Wadhami has beta
ordered to duty on tla Boston
Lieut I KCnitiwell ha been ordered ss executive
oRUer of the Marlon
Ensign W U Ilulme ordered to examlnatloa for
5wib I Atlntant Stirffeon I1 TrOth orilereil to the
naval hotpiui NC nrk
Imimi rll I Tire lIict1 on the retired Hit
Ciile iutfturer II Alain ptstnl ou IOu rvtlrixl Hit
These army orders have been issued
leave for two month U eranud Becon4 Lieutenant
KenleW alcrr Ninth Cavalry
Ily Urectliui of she acting Mirelar of War the fol
lowing transfers Imi situ nfautr > arm are onlurmt to
take effect this aisle Snoail lout F I I Ham
mack from the Fourth lufantry to Iho lOath Infantry
Company It Second hseut 1 llanUI Dunrali frotn the
Stub Infantry to the riiurth lnfaiilr Company I
The following iranifenln the rwmity niili Intautrr
are ned hecoud UseS urnnn A raltlHell rrum
Comimny Y to Company Kt second Ileut Hjiuuel 1
Irun from Company K Company K I
LeAve for four mouth is l grauud Major John 11
befer Iaymaiter
Catit Charles luialls A litsnt jiiarlenastr Is
annulled tu duty ai militant to lh thltit cjuarfer
luatlvr of thai Department uf his MIsSouri
Leave for one month li I granted llnjur Chariot 11
llrrue surKeon
1ace 1 for seven days crante < l to Heooml I lent
Horace U llamlirlKiit Twenty uvond Infantry
li I extended twetil three day
55 1 n for one uiouth li granted Capt Joseph Hale
ThIrd Isslamutry
Mrit jeVit ilahern Hill llarnnm Adjutant Tenth
Cavalry 14 I nulalled as recruiting oMcer al Fort Assits
nutHliiB Most slit I mi I1 UL Illlam II binltl
Tenth Cavalry relieved
1su for one muntti with perrnlfitou to spnly for
aiieitenilouoroneliiontliil Kranleil llduuC 01
V bhtrlilan AHUtant Ailjutanl mueral tl H Army
A ReiKtral court morlUI li aiH > lnti it lu 5 meet at I nFl
BherMcn III hout 11 for th trial of luili p rtoni as
niayinuirought before it Detail rorlheumiri inartUh
Irons lmreenth mmittilry1ieus Cot Juino W lnncll
Jr Major Alfred C UlrarU Capu Caper II Conrad
Capi floury U Ilrlnkerlioff ftpe hr udi II Jous
apt Allyn Cai ron Cam feorye A CoriiUh Caps
Tuomst I had tapt leorEo 1 Cook FIrst IIUut
HamtieHayne Will f May Xlward lloyd I and ham
nil hnulboi Lieut Col Julm W louiJuUkuAdvotate
of lie court
Beeretary Herbert flurrying Vp the
1raparatloa of Clue HvalBaa
WABHIMUTiif Sept IS Secretary Herbert
has Issued instructions for the Immediate
preparation of the designs for thai two rums bat
Ua ships In order that a contract may be
awarded tbolrconstrucllon early In Novem
tier Two or three draughtsmen will bo brought
on from the Brooklyn Navy Yard and several
from Philadelphia and Norfolk tn facilitate the
work on the plans and all leaves of absence will
ba revoked so that the work may ba hurried to
completion This hocreUryu Intention Is to
have the ships under way by the time Congress
assembles so that there can be no excuse for
numbers to claim that this deparltuenl has been
behindhand In using the appropriations for the
navy made lout sesuin
Tbt Secretary IH aides bollevna that there has
been too many delays heretofore In building
ship and In awarding contracts and that many
vessels could have beou In actlvusurtlco at trust
otio year sooner had there been greater activity
at the beginning of the work Twentylive
draughtsmen will be employed on this design
which are expected to be ready the letter purl ut
October Bids will bo asked for tha conitrut tlon
of the ships In the next two Meek and as there
will probably be but two concern bidding for
the work there will probably ba Illlla delay In
awarding the conlruct Ihe appropriation for
the ships provides that one vessel shall be built
on the Pacific coast If the projioali In the opin
ion of the Secretary aru reasonable ThU pro
viso will Insure ono vessel going to the Union
Iron Works and the other probably to the
Children Pitchers Cry for Castorla j
II Aries Over the IIMraatateat of Mlsslea
aries la the Caroline JuIced
WASHINGTON kept 1U Secretary Olney may
have another opportunity shortly to declare the
policy of thr > State Department nn a foreign
auettlon which has been nendlna for several
years This question relates to the alleged Ill
treatment of American missionaries In the
Carolina Islands a numbvr of years ago and the
confiscation uf their property antI tho ruin of
the mission which had been established atn
cost of nearly 3000110 rite original ilmuml
was for f 50000 hut Spain protested and the
sum was finall cut down to 18000
which time Board uf Missions agreed to
accept and this amount was paid over
by Spain about a year sign Thus pa > ment
of the money was tnnile howeter is lilt thin un
dorstandlna that this Government did not waive
thu right claimed by the missionaries to return
tn tho Islands and Spain accepted the nroiioials
Since then oho has repeatedly declined lo listen
to the appeals of thin American Mlnlilerat
Madrid who ismis Initruclul by 1 tim Stats Ic
parlmcnl lo roqucst of Spain nisiiranccs of pro
tccllon to IhomlsKlnnarlcs hould they return
This Htmln has decllntd to accrdn to and the
Dttuirtment will shortly demand thai sho
stand by her original agreement Whether
hpaln will tlo this Is nol certain hut time au
thorities hem assert thai If she docs not Secre
tary OluiX will take most vigorous momurcu
to bring about obed encc
As early as mAO an Amcrlchii Prolrtant
mission was estahihlchird on the Ishnmunls under tho
auspices of thin American Board nf Commis
sioners of Foreign Missions The first native
converts to Christianity were set to work as
teachers among thus tribe and a written
language of iho dialect was Inieulcd and
taught In the native school In 1HHS a German
flag was hoisted over the islands but Iho Pope
who sins made arbitrator decided that Spain
had tho sovereignty of tIme islands At that
time the Spanish Government promised protec
tion to and promotion of tIme Christian work
In 1HH7 hue Spisnhslm lovernmenl established a
station at Jauienlown Harbor taking poasonslon
of lands belonging to thin mission although the
hatter held proper deeds for this properly inn
llev Mr Doanu who was In churgo of
this mission protested against tho deprivation
In a document which maclo use of the
isortl arbitrary InspeaktiiK of this now Uov
minions act Thn latter ofllclal despite Mr
loanciaertlon that thin wool had no offensive
hlgnltliaticr declared tutu expression lo bu ono
of ditn Hpecl to him and cent tho missionary to
Manila for trial Mr Donne after bU thirty
live years of work vnw convejed by forcol OUO
miles and subjcclcd to delays and fallgulng ex
iiminatlona with iho result that his health wits
rulnodand three years afterward ho died In
Honolulu In Mr UHUIIOH absence thou tuativea
sistIne and killed this Oovernor and ninny of the
uanlsh troops The Spanish troops opened
war upon tho iittthes ind the United States
ship Alliance was ordered from Vokoha
ma as a protoHuii lo the Americans on ino
bland In October 1HUU the Captain ef thou
Alliance saul that he would not permit thvao
niltslonarles to remain tiny longer In a position
unworthy of cltlzunof thou United States smith
he would remoe them from the Island walv
loft none of their clnlms or rights
Beginning with the transfer the mission
cries there has been an animated correspond
ence between the American Minister at Madrid
the Secretary of Slain In Vaaluingtotm and the
MlnMr of State tn Madrid Anlmmedlateclalm
for Indemnity and titan prlvlleue of returning to
the Carolina Islands was made of the Hpanlib
Government The demand was haed on the
uiburancea of protection nnd justice given by
Spain tome years previously Thin oeminent
tins obtained from Governor of the aniline
thou ofTlclul expression that he Is willing to grant
permission hair this return of the missionaries
nut tIn Spanish eminent hat repudiated
nio such expreision tut unauthorized by higher
authority This hpanlh ollclal Indeed maul
feat no interest In anY such expression by the
arollnes Governor The secretary of State
i I has advised our representative ut Madrid that
I I there should be no mtxlltlcntlon of the agree
ment and Unit despite the continued resist
> alive of the Spanish Government to our con
tention n favorable Mtllnnient unuut be urged
The latest reports however give no sign that
the efforts ui either Washington or Madrid
have had any effect on the Htmnluli Ministry of
Mate II Is I llkoy lo be the next question
forced to eatlsfactor conclusion at Madrid
Tba Jliiaalaa allalater Tran rrrred to Htutt
cart ut Uls Own ltc < iue t
WASiiiviTdv Sept l9 Jllutrs h mow and
DC Meek the mmly appointed first and second
secretaries respectively of the Itusslan Lega
tion are tn the city huSh gentlemen arrived In
the United States some necks ago but have
emplo > ed thu Interval In ilsltinz the different
points of Interest In the country Mr tiomow
succeeds Mr BapdanolT who committed sui
cide last winter vvlillo Mr Do Meek who baa
been heretofore connected with Ihe Foreign
Ufllce at St Petersburg Is the successor of Mr
Botkln who ban been transferred to Reese
Prince Cunlacuxene the Hunslan Minister to
Washington who has been absent In Europe
since last April will sail from Hamburg hit
afternoon arriving In Washington about ten
dua hence Ills slay here will lit limited to a
few weeks sutficleiii to enable him to arrange
his personal a flu Irs and present his letter of re
call to the Mat Department While the fact
has nut been officially promulgated It is I vcll
understood thai Prlnco Cantacuzene will In fu
turn be totaled al Htuttgmtrb anti that his suu
cesium ut Wuehlugtnn vvlll lie the present Hus
lau Minister at Mtuttgurt Mr Do Ketrebue
tomu purprlso has Uieii inanlfealml In the
social and political circles of Washington at this
trans fir or Prince Cantacuzenu from an Im
porlanl host lice hlnilon to a necond rate
Conttncntnl cit and It 1ms been lullimted Ibut
thin Iransler was nol altoci tlur to Prince Can
Uctirened liking The truth Is that 1rltco
iiiticU7eno pctonxlly xiicstcsl that ho bo
edit to Stuttgart In order that lilt daughter
might has educated there and make her debut
In ItuseUn BUI let which would of course be a
matter of morn easy accomplishment from
Multgart limn from the Unltid States
Moreovir In the Husslan diplomatic service
no distinction eilstfjamoni the Ministers Plea
Ipotentlary ss far as their Hosts of duty are
toncerntd flue diplomats of the first rank in
tlm llusslan service are the Ambassadors who
are six In number and who arts stationed ro
epictlvel at London Purl Berlin Vienna
Home and Constantinople Iho Ministers oc
cupy the second rank and all enjoy the came
fiHitlng without ngurd to other considerations
Consequently the mission to Stuttgart U In
every way undignified unit well remunerated as
that at Washington
Ibo now Minuter to thin country Mr He
Kntzcbue will not arrive until December next
During Iho Inlerlm following lnlmice Canteen
relics departure Mr Sotnow will discharge the
duties of thurgAdArittlrcs
KpuldlnK AVho llua tha Frauehlae Will
Seek Aid from Thin Government
WABMIMITON Sept ISCol h S hpalding
who lately received from thus Hawaiian Govern
mont a franchlsu for laying a cable between tInt
Inlands and California arrived In Washington
jestvrday from san Francisco Ho slates his
uirKifolii lio lo notify tho iovernmcnt of tlio
United States nf his contract with Hawaii and
totxplaln Ihut at an early date ho would sub
mit a proposition for establishing cabin conimtl
nleatlon between San lrnnuicts ansi Honolulu
and aikliig for aid from the Unltnl Mute lov
irnment After ilslllntt his family In Switzer
land ho expects lo return lo dshlnglon within
two iiionths
Mr Frank Hastings CharaA dAffalrea of Ilia
Huvvnlliui Lfgutlon usts that Mr Hpaldjnu
served H Colour In an Ohio regiment during
ibis lain war Ills reildence In Hawaii extends
over a period of twelutyntvesu years
then Ncliofleld Joins tu ClilcknmauBa and
field U H A accompanied by his personal Matt
Hilda party of friends will leave ushlugtun
on Monday Sept hub for Cincinnati and from
them w 111 go dlrrcl loChaltunooia la ultcnd tlm
dedication cer inonls of thn Chuickenuauga Nit
tlonal Park on Sept 100 and thtnco to At
lanta Gu to hiarllci huts In thu union of his t
llluo unit the Gray at the Cotton tales and In
tcrtuustiuuai EaliusItioms on Sept il
The HI Imil Nearly Iteadr
PllltAiiKiiiiiA Sept 10 Flue dato for the
departure from Crnmpsa bhluyard nf the new
Atnerlian hue kteaiushliiBt Paul for her trial
trip has heim fixed for Haturduy Hept I him
will probably bu at sea for a wrek The Cramps
bavn not announced what route will ho tukun
but It Is understood that the read will lieiul for
the New England coast ond ma > put lulu
Boston harbor lo prcparo for the speed trial
Mabaaou Carlubcun Hess Ittrsteg
NKWIorT Sept 12 apt Julian today do
llverwl two lectures on nitivuil strategy baiforu thus
Navul War College lomorrov hu will lecture
upun thou strategic features of the Caribbean Sea
to which ho ban given consldrrahla study and I
which at this time is I un especially Interesting
subject to naval olBcers
Fall Suit and
750 to 1250
Onethird Uuder Value
During the European Spring
Mr EG Thompson
p bought up nil tim
bargains I In Full
materials to he hid
L Prices were much
1 less than usual be
I caiibe we bought
them at the sumo
time the regular
Spring goods were
purchased making
I the total purchases
almost double the
I usual quantity
I of these
garments are new
Heres how
the prices are
RfRUlarlwelvedliv suits are > n fifteen
dollar tiio ul ate ire Sso rw nyll r JII ire n
London Covetl Overcoats 00 value 15
Llama Thibet Salts LlneJ Jit 50 value It SS
Nothing higher than that
245 Broadway
Opposite City Hl Park Comer Murray St 704
SHOOTING ron Tin nirmnox COP
Edajir Mniptijr WIn with a Clean Heore >
Three Tied jar hecond 1liiee
A plgron sliootltiK contest for thou benefit of
this widow of the lain H Campbell of Lous
Branch as well as for tUc HU erton Cup won by
the late Mr Campbell at thou Ilhtrton groutusle
Ihlladelpbla was held jestfrday at Klkwood
Park Thus conditions were JO birds each t10
entrance 10 > ards rise 100 to be taken out of
thus sweepstakes for the widow of thin late win
ner Light entries were received Edgar
Murphy won with clean score
BhoolInK began al 130oclockaHtrongsoulh >
wcsl Hind blowing acros the grounds at hue
tltno llland llallard who with Ivlu a a part
ner recently defeated Murphy and Hoey opened
proceedings with an effective second barrel
The Height brother who followed slopped
their first bird but a tricky lef touartorcr uptri
oung Itill IJalys calculations while Fred
Hoey eat under a strulght driver Hoey was s
light favorjte over Ivlns and Murphy before
the content opened but as the latter two filled
their first birds full of lead they were each
backed Ht even money 5
None of the cracks made another miss until j
the fourth round when Italian lost a bird by sv
poor piece of work Phil tidy missed In tha
name rtunh but both Murphy and Ivlns grassed
their birds In the fifth round Irma saw his
bird drop dead out ot bounds while G height
lot a very ordinary creature All killed In the
sixth round except llooy who hail now lnt two
The evrntlt round was fatal to Italian and
Irma right ijuartcrer beitlug the one while a
low driver proted too moth for tlie other Tills
placed Murphy In thai lead by two birds over his
moil dangerouB rivals and sllhouch the latter
brought down the balance of tholr birds Mur 1
phy alto continued on without making a mis
take and won
Ballard K Height and Inns tried for second
placq with a score of eighteen kIll Phil Daly
and Hoey withdrew at the end of the four t
teenth round II Height after the ninth round
and Col rulurs at the end of the eighth round
The score
Mrar Murphy New York KiUtd Jtuttd
2u2224522tm22122h122xo 0
Thou llallar I Ixiulilllr
41501bti1111215912222l8 s if
O H tetht Lone Branch
lltvntl iiiotllllltl 3IS I
Al Isle MabriKht N J
tIiCtsVflhtltIg2Slihll1B I 1 I
riill Haly Jr Long Uriecb
e a u 0 I I I I I m I 2 0 1 it t
Fred Hory long Brunch
022Jinl2ll2HO 11 S
II HelKbl Len Branch J
r nlstmoui i I e I
Cal Feltnr Lone llranch
20200120 4 4
Drantasra for the Championship Goose svt
Proapect 1nrk
The Tournament Committee of the Polo
Association H L Herbert O W Bird John E
Cowdln and E C Potler met on Wednesday
afternoon to make final arrangements for tha
first annual scratch championship match for
clubs In the Polo Assoclitlon for the perpetual
championship trophy the W W Astor cold
cup and Individual cups to bo won outright by
the winning team to bo played oa this baseball
ground at Profiled Park j
When the entries closed on Tuesday night it f
was found that the contest would be between
teams from the Myopia Polo Club Hamilton
Mass the Itockanay Huut Club and thou Coins
try Chili of West Cheater The makeup of the
respective teams appeared In Tltk bux on last
Sunday lIst came will be plnj rd on Tuesday C
Sept 24 and Friday SeptJT On Tne daj the
M > opla Club will meet the Connlr Club trim
the Kockaway team having drawn thus bye The
Hockaway men will pla the winner ut thus Unit
oveulnn rrlday The earner each afternoon will
begin at I10 clock All the Held with Ibis tx
ceptlonof anpivcu HOO by fton fret for tim play fit
era will be open to the public without diaries
far adniUsloii A portion of the field honeor l 1
will bdrutirvcMl for carriages 1rrnillican bo
received to enter this enclosure Liv addressing
HI Herbert Chairman of toe Polo Associa
tion 71 liroadwaj
Practice gaines sure being pla > fd regularly at s
Oedurhuriit anti thin Country Club and thr New 4g
York plaors should he In fine condition lo 4
meet the itostoulans on the MyopIa team There j
lilt < sixteen clubs In thus Polo Asioi lation four tt
In New York State two In IVnnsTltanla five
In Mttiacliuiotta two In Uho < In Island and one
each In New Jer < y Missouri and Illinois
There sri about auo active piisyers
The landoa Alkltlre Russ Trial
Thus Knzllli athletes traIning at Berkeley h
Oval for llii International minnie on Sept Xl let
thftn elvrs out n bit ytatertiny Capl Sluivr
wished lo learn just how they were prnerrstlnir
eo he Im Itetl llarlow S WctXs K C Carter
and W H Iloberfton to bring along three cell
able walchm and lako time
llradlr wee first to no Ho went 100 yards lo
Imprewtvo tIc and reached Ihe tulle In Urn
shiicht thus two Now York A C experts tatitfht
as 10 15 foconiU Ilnhertcon Incite U 111 25 f J
recouds Downer tested his sIred at SS yards 4 > j
giving two > auls mart t < i Jordan Neither JJuV
nhowrd remarkable epi in this Oxford I man An 5 ji
UhliiK a rouplo of feet itliead In U li ncimils v jJ
hhitw antI Oak be bud the I hurdle put up and K
tlnrlcd for keep The Oxford until was munwur >
In tin hunt with hhitw wlo elnnrtd thus ohssiu j I ift
clesnt a great clip lisa English champion was LA
almost twn > anU anoint al hun Ilnlh utter a i1
Ixiiutlfnlly run trial t Carter uitde htm tiul us i
doing hit 4IJ errondu but Ibo oilier wnlchut V
miide the titus utiflb lowvr i j <
liitiln arrleil from Xiw Haven during the < f
nfldlinon and run a few into In Rood btiape vi
lbue other rambrlueti men allied wild liii Inn t
don A 0 are vxpeclodto reach Berkeley thai
Newa from Clue Horse World
WisiuxuTO PO bnt 12 Jnokey lilnnsn who t ft
ices akeim Irk with malaria > e > tentaii aiiutd l tint ito p15
jutke to bile muunl Vvita In tin tInt reistMei l a
anlerlilanit this atternnonan tin inwUi u o stas
lust this onicial rulnl him offutt action Inuill ite 1 1
nuunce < t by itvtrlHMt > wlui wai aware of the above
fails flit llellturlu a < eniui Ilihol to itsy l lli ftt of
pgusig the lust a winner ISo eUhllilli llmenlucu la t
raining I J II hew I un ate stir at mine jhuulwr
tiurcliaitKl llie gray tl4lnt Jim Melaushllii fur < fti > 0 I
nf M llallr IhliattcriliKill Ito geblisig wisi tlio rnurln
ear easily anil It li stitet l thai bowls backed him
iiearlly at 1 oJrti uf nix and ullt to one
Ita Capital Stock latrrimrd lu BlOOOOOO
AlHAh HepU 12 This Municipal Klectrlo
Iluht Company of Ilroukljn today rertlllwl to
this Secretary uf hInts tliat Its capital Inul born I
inrrra el from 100000 to 8lOOUonn 1 The
amount nf tho coinputia rupltul actmtlly Past I <
In I U 100000 and t tin WiiiiiU amoiiiit of Its J I
debts dud liabilities duel nut ficeed f 10UOU r V
Killed by it full
Kmma Louise Jloentiler U3 years old ot 19 Ill
West Street was kllM
Mnetsecond yosler j
stay morning by falling down the blitHe steps f >
leAilIni irons hue houtt to the sidewalk iiIiein i
half war flown the > lcii Miss Ilunilir foot
slipped and the pllclwl liaillonv Iii lists side t
walk slrlklne tins back l of her until nn Dm pave
liltlit wIlls such force as lo trnrlura hues skull f
AT I i All the Utct tads and w
I WET SJU HT I Improvements tt I i i
NEAIi BIIOAUWAY tine I uruliuj