OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 13, 1895, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-09-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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Jf n l f ct
W J 3 un
FlUtUY BITE nnm in 1805
I 1
It t naheriptlB by Iru FcitPstU
d I PAttV IVr Month 4 50 <
flAIIY tr Year 0 00
I MtNDAY Per Year 0
lATrKLY Per Year 10
fustage tu Forslgn Countries added
TIIK SUM Nsw TCk city
j If r fteiidI vlu faror si w0t niiaeYp s far
j II m WI I I lo hart ntrtttd ortWs ntumril
el MUll fis I all corn s ii4 bmMII r ika prpe
II WA NIn City and Bubttrbsti fleWS Hurtaa
I nf the t Usrrrn Pniss and Na w Yonic Assorurw
TurM Is I at tl I lo UW Ann trstt All Information and
1 docuinenls ro public use Instantly disseminated to
tlio press of the whole country
trIte International Contcst Thus Far
Whether the ncrlesj of rncoii between thu
Valkyrie and the Defender ahull continue
1 after the unfortunate Incident of yesterday
I 3 nntl iiliiill be l punned to n mutually untlsfue
I tory conclusion now depend Is wholly upon
t thu disposition of the chftllcnger t press
I any further the test of the comparative
abilities of the two yachts
II Lord DUNItAVFNfl letter protesting
I against tho conditions under which two
race have been willed and a third race at
tempted was lu one sense unanswerable
j Tlio conditions of which he complains un
questionably exist and t the disadvantage
of both competitors The justice of Lord
DUNliAVENs complaint was fully admitted
by the Cup Committee The Intorfercncu of
which ho complains Is I duo to tho ImmenKO
populnr Interest In tho event tho
partly professional ami partly mer
I cenary Interest which the Captains
of tho excursion boats have in pleasing their
patrols and the practical difficulties of a
I police Jurisdiction exercised on the tumbling
surface of an unstable element The Impor
tance of the race as a spectacle counts tl
iiunilotisly nRRlnst the race a sport and
I both contestants suffer accordingly They
Buffer equally except as accident transfers
the big end of disadvantage from the ono t
the other All of this Is undeniable I
I makes no difference t say that the protest
comes from tho owner of the boat which had
been fairly and squarely outsailed in one
k I rnco hereof the result was determined solely
I by the respective merits of the contestants
It is human nature that tho loser should
tnku the less cheerful view of attendant cir
f I The Hegatta Committee seem to have suc
4 ceeded in complying fully with the condi
tions Imposed by Lord DUSRAYEN as neces
I enry to his participation in the race set
s I down for yesterday Yet he withdrew his
I I yacht after having manifested no serious
intention of blurting except by sailing
i across the line and lie re turned to the upper
I hnrlior without explaining his reasons
Comment on this extraordinary perform
l I once should b reserved in the true spirit of
II fairness and hospitality until after Lord
I IKNIUVKNS full explanation shall have
I mel rendered officially t the authorities t
whom it is dle
I It will b a memorable misfortune t
International sport i a contest which
bcftnu 60 auspiciously and so gloriously
for the American representative shall
peter ont In epistolary controversy and
nimithphty for position after the event
Tin ns we havo said depends entirely
Tla Wt sid entrly upon
I Lord DlMtAVfcX
I Meanwhile It Is I some satisfaction t have
I t Iind the demonstration already afforded of
I the Defenders Incontestable superiority so
f fnr as tested and we may add t have had
e I an exhibition of the spirit in which the
I I American owners and managers of the De
t I fender have met the vexatious questions
i i1 raised by accidents for which they certainly
I went not responsible
I Dollars and Dollars
Following the had example of their Ohio
brethren the Pennsylvania Democrats
i adopted on Wednesday this mangled version
i I of the tfntlounl Democratic platform of
I 18tti the
l I relating t currency
Fifth AVu especially reaffirm so muM of the plat
f coin nf thn cit Democratic National Convention as
f called for the use of t > oth guM and silver as the stand
I arc niriiH of thn country but be dollar unit of coin
I nf both metals must be of
ue b equal Intrinsic and ex
T changeable value or b adjusted by International
I ftgreemcnt or by such safeguards of legislation as
1 sliall Insure Iho maintenance of the parity of the two
i intVs and the equal power of every dollar at all
tlmen tII fie aymnt of drfcfs We bcdtev that such
purlt > cniild not be maintained by the tie coinage of
I alivi it tLu ratio of into I and we are therefore op
I pocd lo any legislation looking to that end
t XHW the National Democratic platform
reads nslollows and the equal power of
every dollar at all times frt the market and
in the pnymeut of debts The omisilon of
tho words in the markets leaves the
door open for tho worst kind of depreciated
currency Any dollar can be nindo by Con
gnss a legal tender In thu payment of debts
but only I sound dollar cnn be the equal of
every other h dollar In the markets
The Iciiiiityiraiua mpiileans nave met
tfit issue I sq mi rely and fairly This Is what
I they said two weeks ego
Vosccept unreservedly the determination enun
ciated by the Itepiiblliau National Convention of
IHi bat iC demand Ibo u of both old and silver
tno n y u lilt ucli restrictions and under such provi
sions to I bo ilDlcrmlnid by legislationas V iii secure
I the tnalntenineo of he parity of values of the two
f Ineials si that the iturctuuilno und I ifeDfxilfnj
G llu f Itlnr f I whether lur gold or paper shall
at all tlirs bo equal
1 Tills cnutrists with tho Pennsylvania
I Dpiitxiitlt platform very much to the dis
advantage of titti latter awl is highly credit
ti tI able to tho Pennsylvania Kcpublicuns
What Do tlio Doctors Say
I J wits an astonishing letter to which we
rtnvu placo the other dny from Mr AUIKIIT
llrn Vlcr1risltlfnt of tlio MedicoLegal
Hoclety UK rralllrms the statement mndo
1 by him before the Congress of that body
nnd npiliiitt which no rotest was there of
forctl that 1 plijHlctiin nifty rightfully put
nn end to thu life of I patient suffering un
der a malady regarded its Incurable
1 11 I t tuft refro1 an thine said by toe at the Con
greS I icrulnly did there slate end her repeat
that In I my opinion a pi siclan has the moral rl h to
1 end Immaii I ur brute life by administering drug
I und r lint circumstances above 1 set fortlij and that
J luie Hull jiAixfcfins ito 1 A lift I con
I st 1 Itr n pliyMclan only human who relieves one of
S < ascertained fatal and torturing physical
anl tmlaj I
TI t imiiudy o ondlllou I by administering drugs that will
nd life i
1 11 Hr palnlrsjdy
I When we flrbt printed this extraordinary
C1f etiiloinent of Mr IlACH lu THE SUN we
11 took occasIon to say that poisoning U A
tt crime nnil thiit any ono who may be guilty
uf it Ix liable to arrest ami punishment as n
criiiilnil To this Mr DACH makes the
I 111111 i uply 1 tlint I i Is criminal merely
II IIC tliit lmuuace of tho statute bo dt
I clini it ti IK Vn sliuiiltl think that no
fin i Itt f tUcInmtion than that of the statute
oiijlt to W neilfd fur the prevention of an
uulawiuluct the pcrintratlouof which Mr
BACH Informed the Congress ho had knowl
edge of Mil again assures tho public
thru h TlIK Hex thnt he has
Another utterance of Mr HACII In this
Wdo not alnays find the qulntessene of morality
In our criminal lansi nor should we look to pro
hllilllve statutes alone for a comprehensive standard
of moral ethics
Nevertheless we must remind Mr DACIt
that our criminal law nro potent antI op
fMtlvo antI are designed to be l enforced 1
against every man t whom their terms are
Tho opinions of Mr IlACH upon questions
In moralltynud In lawnrc undcscrvlngof no
tice hit tho allegation nrndo by him as
VicePresident of the MedicoLegal Society
that ho known that physicians wilfully
put nn eli t the life of patients by tho ad
ministration of poisonous drugs as 1 nians
of relief from suffering Is surely worthy of
the prompt attention of the medical faculty
and the officers of the law I Is hard to
understand why ho was not called to ac
count by some or the members of the Con
gress I his allegation were believed It
would alarm the community
requested Mr BAcH to furnish us with
some specific Information upon the subject
about which he spoke so glibly when before
the Congress Instead of doing that he
has offered us an argument In support of
his opinion that It Is morally right t per
petrate a statutory crime I
Vie desire him to send us the names of
some of the felons whom he says ho knows
He has publicly made a disquieting charge
the truth of which he declared to bo within
his own knowledge He cannot escape from
the responsibility which he has thus taken
upon himself
We feel sure that all honorable physicians
will Indignantly repel tho cruel accusation
which Mr BACH In his olllolal capacity has
brought against the medical profession H
is a false and Infamous accusation that any
member of tho profession would wilfully I
kill otherwise who
ki by poison or otherwle any one
may have intrusted his life t his pro
fessional care
Tho Men Via Did I
There great rejoicing In town among tho
Republican friends and partisans of the Hon
T COLLIEII PLATT They are elated a they
certainly I have reason to b over the victory
achieved by them in the primaries of Tues
day when they captured threequarters of
the district delegates to tho Itepubllcan
nominating Convention The STltoxn
BROOKFIELPUnlon League Republicans
had on their side In the battle against tho
friends of the Tloga Senator the extensive
patronage of nearly all the city departments
the active cooperation of the nonpartisan
police abundant financial aid from the anti
PIATT Republican subscription contribu
tors and no dearth of active and alert dis i
trict workers Notwithstanding these ad
vantages the PLAT mel triumphed by a
big majority and PLAT is receiving the
congratulations of those who less than a
week ago were denouncing bossism and ex
ulting in the prospect of his overthrow
Among politicians familiar with existing
conditions In this city a good share of the
praise for the PLAT victory at the Repub
lican primaries on Tuesday night Is thought
t belong fairly JACOB M PATTEKSOX aid
Republicans not generally popular with
earnest partisan Democrats hereabouts
There Is no one who knows anything of
city politics who falls t recall that pleas
ant Interview In the rooms of the Central
National Bank little less than one year ago
between Mr MritKAT then a Republican
Police Commissioner and Judge PATTER
sos not then as now a Quarantine Commis
sioner by appointment of Governor Moit
President of the Central National Bank
ali now Mayor of New York
The details of the little understanding
which afterward turned out t 0 a com
plete misunderstanding between the Re
publican candidate for Mayor and the two
representatives of the local Republican or
ganization are publicly known They were
referre t particularly in the communi
cation addressed by Police Commissioner
MURRAY to the Mayor In the second week
of May when Mr MURRAY refused t resign
as Commissioner at the Mayors request
The Issue squarely made at that time by
MURRAY was taken up with many literary
flourishes and historical reminiscences by
Gen KERWIN the other Republican Police
Commissioner In n Juxius letter of his own
t the Ohio Colonel I has divided the He
publicans of New York into two hostile
camps or groups ever since Meanwhile
against the obstacles and under the disad
vantages we have Indicated the KSAUS of
Republican politics namely CiiAlilKs and
JAPOH have been working away vigilantly
and energetically I Is now evident that
they have labored successfully
Tho triumph of the antlAdministration
Republicans Is admitted by the defeated
H HOOK FIELD men I will Imvenn Important
Influence on Republican Slate and national
politics In the contest of Jan 17 for tem
porary Chairmanship of tho Republican
Convention flfi votes cast for
County COIentlon RI votel were
Mr LAUTKRIIACH the PLATT candidate 10
called and 119 votes for Mr IlltooKriuin his
adversary Later on when the battle was re
newed over the permanent Chairmanship
Mr LAUTFKDACII received 75 votes nntl Mr
BROOK FIELD 14 Now sovcti months later
the tiispat ity is even larger and Col STliONn
ant his friends with nil tho patronage at
their disposal are in tho minority worse
than they were seven months ago But the
Democracy Is marching on
Tho School Question in DelJhIU
The question whether religion shall IM
taught in the national schools Is now pro
ducing an amount of agitation In Belgium
scarcely Inferior to that which compelled
the adoption of the new Constitution The
Radicals and Socialists who secured an ex
tension of tho parliamentary franchise
tantamount to universal MI IT rage feel
themselves lu danger of being hoist by
their own petard They would not have
demanded the electoral reform could they
have foreseen that It would give the Catho
lics a seemingly unshakable hold upon
power and that this power would he forth
with applied to the subversion of the pres
ent system of undenominational education
I Whvu Belgium hud a morurcbtrlcted ran
ch I be than any other European country
possessing parliamentary institutions the
Liberals under their wellknown hatler
M PitrKKOkiiAN took much the largest
share In shaping the national legislation
It was they who In 1871 repudiated the old
order of things under which religion was
taught In l schools and substituted 1 the
arrangement fctlll in force hereby educa
tion U freo and u iltleiiIiiI hilt iotiiil although
religion Instruction may bu Imparted tu
particular pupils nt tlm choice and liy 11
desireif their parents In this ns lu many I
other matters M I rnluhOllliAS advo
cated letting well I euougii alone but thu I
Radicals mid SocialUts ii uliiuu to der
the Catholics of the chance of even an occasional
casional accession t power Insisted against
the advice of the veteran Liberal Upon In
serting In the new Constitution nn electoral
provision which Is I as we have said Irno
tlcnlly equivalent t universal suffrage In
the subsequent general election the out
come of which was the present Chamber of
Deputies the Catholics demonstrated that
they constitute a great majority of the
electorate Belgium now his 1 Catholic
Ministry backed by n strong majority of the
Chamber anti the first use of their strength
was to provide by a timely change In the
educational law that time next generation of
voters shall receive n Catholic training
The Kducatlou bill prepared by M
SCHOILAKUT Minister of tho Interior and of
Public Instruction embodies thin minimum
of Catholic requirements on the subject
The purpose of the measure Is declared t
be t restore to religion In all primary
public schools the place of honor that belongs
longs to It of right and tho means em
ployed Is t b tho placing of tho In i
spection of the teachings of religion
and the principles of morality under
the control of tho ministers of the
various falthn This means of course
that wherever Catholics nre now In the ma
jority the supervision of the religious teach
ing will bo In the hands of priests Liberty
of conscience Is I safeguarded by u clause em
powering parents who object to the form of
religious Instruction In a given communal I
school to have their children exempted
from attendance during tho hours when
religious Instruction is Imparted
This proposed change tn the School law Is
assailed with extraordinary violence by the
Radicals and Socialists They denounce It
as In contradiction to a clause of the Bel
gian Constitution which forbids the legis
lature I to seek t pcnotraU into tho con
sciences of the cltlrens with n view to appre
ciating their conduct by their adherence to
this or that religious faith or by their pro
fession of none nt nil All they are ablu
t say however on behalf of their charge of
unconstitutionality Is that the withdrawal
of a child from the religious class at the re
quest of his parent would expose him t b
vital VM or eyed with disapprobation by
his teachers and schoolmates The Catholics
retort that the spirit of martyrdom cannot
be rife among Belgian free thinkers If such
an infinitesimal pressure their consciences
could counterbalance their desire for the Ir
religious training of their children
It Is manifest that the Catholics in Bel
gium are simply exercising that absolute
right of the majority t rule in conformity
with Its views which was so long and loudly
asserted by the Liberals when they were in
power That the Education bill will 0
passed Is taken for granted by wellinformed
observers What renders the situation peculiarly
culiarly Interesting Is the fact that in lid
glum universal suffrage should have made
Catholics masters of the legislature whereas
the reverse result has been remarked In
other Catholic countries as for Instance
France Italy and even Spain
A Populist Off His Perch
The lon THOMAS S PETIT Is the gen
tleman who has the fortune or misfortune
to b the Populist candidate for Governor
of Kentucky but he differs from any Popu
list whom we remember ever to have heard
of nor do we expect t hear again of his like
in the woebegone and vociferous cohorts of
Populism In opening hU campaign at
Owensborough last week he uttered these
words as surprising In a Populist mouth a
snow storms in the dog days
No patriot In 1 tbl broad land bas reason to
despair of his country The brightest r In Its history
Is I about to dawn Advancing civilization under the
benign system of our common schools and other
educational facilities Is doing wonders This Is I the
first 3 a within the century of our national existence
when the people have triumphed over the politicians
and the money power In their might they have
forced the financial question to the front and demand
a speedy decision In their favor The StilT and Force
bill are things of the past These deceptions must
five I lao to this living vital Issue that precedes alt
other reforms and which affects the well being of
every citizen the richest as well as the poorest
The living vital Issue Is of course the
free coinage of sliver at tho infallible and
saving ratio of in to 1 Since the Jon
PKEI JAJIN bleel as
firmly as Mr PETTIT or any other man In
the Infallibility and saving grace of that
Immortal ratio there Is no cause to follow
tho Populist candidate on that wellbeaten
road The thing In him to fill his listeners
and the rest of the world with wonder Is i
that he doesnt despair of his country He I
believes that the brightest era of our Ids I i
tory Is I about to dawn Instead of believing
that the darkest era In all history Is shroud
ing us and growing darker every Instant
What sort of a Populist Is this t How
can he bo a Populist f What I are not the
rich growing I richer anti the poor poorer
seven days lu a week f I not the monopo
list eating diamondback from diamond
plate and jolting about In a chariot of gold
while the Populist farmer Is fain to content
himself with good plain food amid t drive
In a buggy f Do not syndicates and trusts
feed impdti the vitals of the penplu f Is not
tho Senate a nest of millionaires and vipers
nnd the House the servile tOll of tits
pampered corporations f Is not the Ion
Inns VtrrrH Dfcps one of the truest and
grandest Populist patriots and statesmen
thnt ever lived and at present the loading
candidate for the Populist nomination for
time Presidency confined In a loathsome dun
genii where ho 1 sees only persons who come
to leo him ROil whcro his eloquent voice
cannot be heard by reporters more than
most of the time P I not Labor crushed to
earth by tho recent heartless conduct of
soulless employers In raising Its wages P Is
not the tiller of the Mill doomed to a life of
misery by the wellattested fact that pay
ing crops do not ns 1 rule spring up spon
taneously P Is not Wall street pursuing Its
old dark way of Iniquity and combining
with the ltoTllscilllps for tin abolition of
poverty among gentlemen engaged In the
banking business f Do not the railroad cor
porations In the Insolence of their watered
stock wealth refuse to transport for noth
ing lu parlor cars tho representatives of op
position to the rule of corporations P op
I tint Hon THOMAS s PKTTIT sees not
these things how did ho over seo lila way to
a Populist platform He ought to lie weep
log nnd walling If he In n true Populist wtp
whole frame of things should look black nnd
blue to him Cast but an eye through this
oucu broad and happy land mil see I It
doesnt reek with tentacles octopuses with
or without thu accent on the antepenult
devil llsh money devils robber barons and
all sorts of queer and unpleasant things of
earth and water and thu Populists dream
and nil belt lon blasting the destinies of
millions conspiring against tho welfare of
the people stalking about at
pIPlu Italkhll Iblt noonday
anti raising thunder generally I may he
said with somo truth tlmt no country w Idch
bus PopulUtN rim rightly I be considered
prosperous i and with entire truth that nu
man who 11 i willing to t admit I I that t the conn
try Is I gciiiii tu bu prosperous nut be it Popu
list m good ali regular standing Popu
llhiu vudk where prosperity i beglm For 11
p 0 1ca a 3 4tg
PETTIT t tnlk In the hopeful way he did
was AH unbecoming a It would b for 1
mourner at a funeral to jump up and dance
n Jig The ole of the Populist need not
Indeed lw muffled and seldom cnn b so
loud It rattles against the reverberant heav
ens but hollow It must b with 1
thick streak of agony In It like the
fat on a rich Joint of Iwcft and the owner
of the voice must feed on woe just as Mayor
BriKixn feeds on tobacco An the country
linn looked upon the Populists It hns scented
t FCC ont wide waving forest of whiskers
soaked with continual tears nnd only here
nmltliereaface which ltkcTKtmYSlvirsox8
lucks its growth of tlml t > er because the owner
has concent rnted nil hi thought upon his
feet Hut this man PKTTITH face ccmn t
0 cheerful and natural wearing n pleasant
smile nnd not pinched with prophecy of
calamity He In no PopulUt Ho Is 1 rank
outsider IIke Gen VAT HARMS he has
hopped oft his platform The Populists of
Kentucky should demand that he with
draw He II too chipper for the business
Mr IlEKRY M STANLEY has arrived In
this country for the pleasure and Instruction of
a trip across the continent From whet Is
known of his plans ive suspect that 8 a mem
ber of Parliament he particularly deles t
gain I the better acquaintance with Canada that
personal inspection nlTnrtli He will find Canada
a country of great possibilities whereof the advance
vance In wealth and Influence would astonish
the world If her political fortunes were linked
aa closely with ours an nature Intended We
hope he will gain a clear Insight Into the real
needs of her people and that he wilt enjoy her
magnificent mountains Homo of their grandest
aspects are to be seen from the railroad
In the recent Geographical Congress In Lon
don Mr STANLEY saw fit t criticise some state
ment that an African traveller had just made
from the platform That gentleman rising t
defend his remarks began UMr STANLEY has
his name and his deeds No one can equal him
In a large sense this Is true He has been the
most lauded and the helL abused of explorer
Hut his severest critics cannot deny that his
great achievement has placed him head and
shoulders above all other white men In Africa
I we were t sum up STANLEY In a sentence or
two we should say that he rave twothirds of
equatorial Africa t tho worlds knowledge and
t Its enterprise From the exploration of Vic
toria Xranza and the Congo to dickering with a
petty chief he never failed In anything large or
mall ho ever undertook In Africa He Is the
only man of whom Ibis can justly b said The
work be did there can never be equalled because
the opportunity will never again occur
A few learned men have said that STANLEY
as an explorer was not sufficiently scientific to
meet their requirements They forget as the
leading geographer never do that the pioneer
explorer cannot sit down In some small aR
t exhaust Its scientific aspects and yet his
work Is just n necessary and Important a
that of the scientific student who follows him
The limits of the wholly virgin field Unit Mr
STANLEY brought to Unlit are as far apart as
New York and Omaha and most of the work
be did In this vast territory has stood the test
of rigid scrutiny to this day Ills delineation of
lfiOO miles of the Congo Is I still the map of that
river Ills mapping of the Arnwlml the Ewe
the Mflnl Lakes Leopold II and Matnmba
and of scores of other geographic units still
stands He himself discovered the south
western prolongation of Victoria Nyanza which
he missed on his first visit Ills map of that
great lake has been a little curtailed on the
northeast and some roast detail like namnn
Gulf has been added but STASIKTS survey Is
still the basis of our mapping The many ex
plorers who have followed him have added
much to the geographical ethnological and
natural history detail he suoplled but have i
supplanted little His contributions to the
literature of Africa far mon voluminous than
those of any other explorer steadily grew from
first tolut In the qualltlesof scientific judgment
and accuracy and are still the chief lures of
I information of the regions treated
I Mr STANLEY Is too sanguine that great good
will yet come oat of Africa as some writers b
I lee his faith In her future has at least been a
J i matter of slow growth and the result of many
I I years of observation and experience on the
I ground for he travelled tar In Africa before he
came t believe the tropical regions would be
worth reclaiming He has lone had the fullest
confidence that welldirected
eonhllco wUdlrcle white enterprises
there will result In ample benefits for the world
and for Africa herself lie has lived to Inspire
nations with his own faith and enthusiasm To
I him far more than to anyother one man It Is
due that this fall the British nation will begin
to build 1 railroad from the coast to Central
Africa for which the taxpayers will gladly pay
To him most of all It Is I due that a new State
has arisen In tropical Africa whose brief his
tory though not free from blemish Is a wonder
ful record of progress and development a State
from which the cruel slaver has
trm ha just been
driven and In which the darkest deeds of sav
agery In universal practice a few years ago are
capital crimes today All of STANIKVS story
i his shortcomings and his blunders as well as his
colossal achievements Is on record and neither
can eulogy augment nor detraction take away
from the meed that Is his duo
I Lord DrxKAVFX Is still of the opinion
that he own tl better ship there Is no doubt
that a erla of races cnn be arranged at once
for I cup of any value he may name with a side
brtof any figure that will please him added
and that the courses vv 111 be laid at any point on
the Atlantic coast Cape Hutterns for Instance
that 1m may choose In order t escape the ex
cursion fleet
It Is I now Htld that the disposition of Eng
land u to join with our Government In an Inter
national agreement tor 1110 ucKinicuon 01 float
Ine hulks abandoned on the high seas Is due to
our monthly pilot charts According to lilt
account tho Ilrltlsh Government was disposed
not to do anything but changed Ito Ideas when
those churls showed several wrecks not far
from Its own shore In the steamer lanes
Whether this is I the fact or not I the pilot charts
have been of the create service anti have for
nlshed 1 constant stimulus to the International
task of ilearlnu the wean which I now In a
fair way of accomplishment
Kaiser WlLHEUl 1 redeemed himself on the
day after his dUcomllUiro through the forred
march of len VON WALnriimiK by a grand
assault upon the northern army which ho do
tested after a prolonged fight This result no
doubt restored his good humor which Is I said to
have bon Impaired by tIme chagrin of the day
before Probably tho defeat of Urn Kaisers
opponents eat a judicious result In every re
spect and quite us fortunate for VON WAU > K
see as for anyhod
Th < Iunt taye of tl > Hummer OlrU
A ears farewell
To all toy greatness
This Is I ton slat
Of man i
Today be buds
Tomorrow blouoms
And then I cut him down
Aul gel unolher on be string
As for myself
I am tt 10 l < loo
And having closM
The suinratr campaign
And put a low repairs
Upon nI throbbing hrn
shall risiline business
At hl old stud
In town
Now I I be winter
Of mydlsonlenlj
Hlrtfd all summer
And not married uotl
Aul jel
Idraibtrbeae I l
Tbe Ills I Ia e
Than ta klo sum
I wet of
Thats mo
Lad Im just ibe unit all Use year round
o t
A Fmrm Proponed fbr n tacit Hen Trial
Between Vxlhjrle Mud Defender
To TUB Emron or TUB KvsMr To com
pensate for the dismal fiasco nn the sea Sept
10 and Kept 12 regarding the racing for the
America Cup I stururst the Idea of making up
A purse fur saono to 5000 for a Rood lotiit rn > o
between Valktrle III and Defender pay from
Bandy Hook ttghtsiiip around thIck Irlund nnil 1
return IKMI for boat nnd no nllotvamcs You
may put me down fur fifty dollars K A c
A aitonj Annttr THE 11 0 mI
A Vetenin Hpori man KxprrsneH llln toe
temul for Sloderts TnclHn end YaehtlnK
ToftnK EiiiToit or TUB SuvWf After nil
the splnnakcresque splurue the Intfrnntlnnnl
yacht races end In A miserable fizzle The time
was fixed In stupidity anti the socnlled
I Ind 11 Rtulldl Inll socnlel races
were closed In sterility No sensible man with
a slight knowledge of the whims nf the weather
hereabout would think of snltlnc n rncu be
tween gigantic or rather monilrous sloops In
the light rcphvrsnf Heptcmbcr The first fine
was little more than n drift which left tho real
merits tho boat as rnuth nm > story R they
were before the start The second roc was lost
by both yacht and won by tho committee nnd
the third attempt and attempt Is time Iroer
term to apply to the things as they Bland was
a flat failure
Unfortunately for the rake of sport the whole
affair may be summed t up In the single word
contemptible And when one considers that the
giant stmons with all their spread of toirgcry
could be beaten hull down In one hour by an
ordinary catamaran sailed by a little boy the
question naturally arises What do they amount
t any way
Burgess 8 the first lo borrow from the Eng
llsh with a deep boat and an overhang llerrcs
boll came next abandoning the centreboard
and sticking t depth narrowness lead and the
overhanir bat at the same time producing some
thing original Watson then throw MidI his
oftdefeated model endeavored to copy Herres
hot and succeeded so well that It Is I difficult to
detect tho forgery Hut a mere copyist cnn
never create anything and the Ideal Yacht Is still
far at sea The average speed of Defender and
Valkyrie Is about twelve knots un hour not one
Inch more
Dropping for a moment their extraordinary
qualities In windward work which constitute
the whole gain which has been mode In yacht
construction during the pact twentyfive years
we refuse to believe that two and thrco miles
really make nine for a boat drawing twenty fet
of water and carrying seventyfive tons of lead
in her keeL Every old salt hereabout knows
perfectly well that the old schooners Sappho
and Enchantress on a reach certainly not on
the wind could beat the HerreshoffWaUon
monstrosities out of sliht
I Is a pity to have to say It but the truth must
b told at all hazards and that truth Is that In
any we Imvemadcon both side8of the Atlan
tic little or no Increase In the speed of our yachts
while we have fallen back deplorably the con
duct of our regattas W
Keplle to DlMMIifled Foreigner
To THE KBITOa or Tux Ffx sir In Tuec Sri o
Sept 101 hoe a partly with disgust principally
with contempt an Owui letter of Mr Jacob bchefTcl
In v bleb be states primarily that an Individual rota
bat nn value In this couitr and limit any person not
citizen bas the seine privilege that any cltlirnmay
bare from I business standpoint
That a stranger has the same rights as a cltlin may
have we owe to our very liberal Constitution but
that an Individual vote basnoraluels I substantially
denied by our eel election returns several Instances
of wblcb I bee leave to quote In lime Third ConcrcA
district of Illinois L F enl was elected bjr31
plurality I the Sixteenth district K E Downing was
elected by 40 plurality John UcKeon Kings county
this btate was elected tithe Legislature by 22 plural
Ity These cases merely show that a few bigoted
foreigners rmi Id hate chanced the entire result In any
of thes dlstrUU had they thought as the above lieu
tlrman did and had they not > ote < l
Mr bohelTel aUo aiueru that Lie mouthed Amer
lea mutt draw nn TtireUn countries for art r
ene flnaict f JU aiit that barring mouej making
by Illegitimate mnniand a few inveitloni ana rail
roads we are behind Luropeann In every nay There
Is I no doubt and II Is I not denied that we arnd our
young men to foreign college to finish their mItes
rl t rr n I
tlonbut any fair minded cervm briber be br an
American or not wouiit roniider that the European
eoutitrles were highly cMllted and Ia lied Iotr etal
IUhe colleges hro our country was really fire
than dUcovered and that they have hp knu ledge
rtcnrde for KO man > > tars at their dUposal wbtreaa
1 our records are new
A lo making money by Illegitimate means the only
iyl J i
reply that can be mad r so nonin lral I a statement
1s I that tlther Mr N tit ff d list n < u taken advantage I f
opportunities that have hn t afforiteil him In lie last
Ihlrt years Is I till poor and t feeling sore or If
he Is I wealthy o onl > comparatlnl wrealtb > be must
b sfeaklnfr from hU own experience He IUI
take lomramrd that TOlM1lluun other people InUI live
In thin country toot nr will take Illegitimate means
to make thenich rich
It Is not atked > rb any foreigner I to t cast away any
Inherited li for his fatberlJiu I but fN1 l a ked anil
eipected that when a foreigner comes to this country
he should not desire ur tog tliat Americans s iimltl
give I wy to his view 1 son the government or our couu
try Tbe gentleman 550 l slates lust tbegnownotlilimg
Yankee would say that an > body nut satisfied with
this country should go hack where be came from and
stay there I It I not doubted that lImit would be In
many cases of great advantage to us but one thing is l
positive and that U I we ran compel COd have the
moral power to compel me dregs of European conn
trip whodocomeorerandstaj here to obey and re
spect our lawi
Itlsof great advantage to our country that the
numl > er of foreigners or other who complain of our
very rotten State of Denmark l < so small vv e take
1 for granted tliit the rtlMMtsfled ones are either
Ignorant or hypocrlteswho l houtil be pieced on a bar
ren Island ana there t ie hunted to net up their 1 otvu
corerninent make money Ce legttllnst > l as they
chore e and make each Individual vote count for more
than I does here II II
New You pl 11 I I
1 To THKRpiTonorTHK Srt 9r Your correspondent
Jacob Bchcffel makes an at I comparison In deArrlb
tat Tin Sri as the Heine of Now York journalism
Has It never occurred to him that 1 v < a < the exercise
of those very qualities that Hsliit iMiskessed In com
mon with Tile HUH the keen observation the acute
penetration of human motlte the Ingrained hatred
humbug and the wit todcttct expose and punish
It wlilch drove him 1 exile fiom lluisla
To a man of Heine temperament and convictions
or wall of them not the least of the persecutions
ii hrh followed him 5 at his havlnKtojoliitlieChunh
because non ehiiroh member were not Prmltied to
reside in IKrlln Until I hxsnld Hut In I mntteriiir ir I
onn < n n U 1
ut IfelueH rril I la i rmt siuli i ma j Udimetteil but i It
lster > iirnin that PIE hIs as Us I i n gru k nsw mil
admire U for lu outspoken and 1 mnhul rorlm
policy In I dralig nlth put IU men nnilMeaurisiiuld
nut exist In I the I empire of VN lllielm 11
II Is not ii url ii vuule to mOttle with Herr Scrrff l
he doubt leui prefers to Ie l > so ci i hslalHiut Sue I mill u
lions and liti inture of ourcolliilr llstecjniig but
un iipKirteii ibnunctation of them minI I KO rlll I > n
vlctblmof the big nioutli vbtcli lu miii titles to I ld I
adopted I tuuniry A man Wo ran nnik iiu < stat
miiit thai thii vote of tlielndl > ldiis It of nn valiut
mint lie coniposeit of iitelesit Amerliuii m tie
rial 11 I him Join at man ticrniau Mjililc 5u im
please but let him admit that his
tl hll lll refill sIiiOmig its
has mlcctm him I at II leant I hi I abllll I I Ii tniirllt vir > rol
r Sail Iheopi I ortuidiy nf miring It In Tiir >
5t hlrh In wonldn t buve bad If I be bud remit tut il 1mm tlm i
Isnd of his I n urnful rerullrutluii 1 F tmtunut >
rnov IDUO Irl I
Sir Kenned bream Ioem About Nona
To vnc FDiron OF Tilt MMr Iifiis r been dim
onstratrd t cm my satisfaction that the crcailtp faculty
can isi active lit a drtalu whllo tin irltuul farullr
llssdorttlant A few nUbts aMo I iiituluttl I Hut I I ttus
In a position demanding an ek > tsslulm if oplnlim n ii l
cllo law I I rompoMil averse rikardidnt Ih Illume
as a limtterpleie liotn IH to itrj und ilillriinit I
Irrinemberlhlnklni Ntnrwhfii 1 wnUi < i < I i I is III kit
right out of bed and jot that down It I Is tirttm pre
serving No suggestion came lo my mind I li lie
lack of poetry In lime verse Its mlsutAof teiti tho i
abseuceof rh le or I titter roolhhlN Upon u IllS
all these points CIO In I me and I lmllu i at I inj driuin
led eiithuslaMii Tho Vhs vtas ns fulloHs
In this palatial vtorld
All things are aatul
Hviept many kotu in law
Wlio are only titer pluli I d I
The point I cannot in tUralaii i I l nliylhls bit I
ln anlt sermcd ci gtieii tim ito o hl motel e imi I si A
rticotfulzed at Its rue value vthcn utukc
JUl lUllltlMIN KlCMlX
SSI ltsox AVKMZ V > w YIIIII Ihl > t 13 I
I ttl In I CoiinettUiit
To TUB FPITOII r V Tit MN vir Kif Imtplaying
euchre bbe wouldnt Ph remucliui If g13 t knows
wbeu she has I amul band Mio wilt n < ref iums 0111
dear beautiful antl uiitbraKfout solllinlrs Ulmitsi sun
can dud onus Intuit belt r plaiein nhl > It In ills iw
the question whether slm I Hid or Uldnl If
urluO hrl Ill 11111 I any tkrpilo
will pass t an hour or tall I mill h I > unduvtn mi ito baak
of Ibo Norolon ltivr Kal > trill soon proin thai h
aw oliloo tout tlt > inaitir I It J 111 ll
a bad day for KJ 1 > whelm imo lannol mimi sulntmhtmmg
to Indute her la stay In dear 1 fid Ciinueclleul Fho Is I
sllll vigorously disputing tIn old quetilou lu ronucct
Iculand let us hopasheiuay continue untilII
11 conlou nliU II lsde 1
elded aiotat T Zmuacux
Ouuuoox Conn Sept 11 TIWx
W r b L all
Cnn Drake That 1mdnee OntU TTkleh
Usy rrn ve is Volnnble Crop
iYAsiiihlllmM Sept 12A reoort became
timnt In tins South last spring that a new grain
hud tieen covcrccl anti the Agricultural
Department has since INn collectliiB Informs
thin on thr > subject The largest crop scootS
In Imve nppcrtrctl In the nelRhb < irhooil of Pit
hunt > ltti < scll rininty Aln There on tho I
liivvhlnKtmnl > 9 fit streams hero I are qtinntl
lies of mime fri I thu thin of which hang Ion I
tnc roni < ont nf bundips of leaves nmil
seeds much like oats I trite tllscoverwl 1 thai
cattle Riilnit ilown Into the inno brakes wouk
nit the tassels I The jjniln was found t lIe l
awpt and tarcliy limit Inc as Kuticriil flavor mil
utillko outs After this discovery quantities iif
the taint were itnthrrpil and thrrhcd Tho
grain was fed to farm animals Horses It I
mid preferred It to corn or nat Chicken
nnd hugs were aim fed with It and the hogs be
come fat un It Ho fa ns Is I known nt present
no attempts have been mmle to grind It Into
flour nnd make imrt nil but It Is txHcvnl that If
properly Krousil It totild 0 miulo Into hrend
tutu pastry which would b both paUtnblo
nnil nutrition
1rof K V Iovtlle who has charge of the
hutlinrluin nt the Krlctiltural Deiwrttnent
raid that It Hicnieil now lus 1 the chief difficulty
In regard to the now cereal was tho unreliability
of Its irrovvth The cnano near IitUboro hoot
Ixcn known to grow for years without tassels
Irv el
of grain Now fnr no apparent Cal It pro
ilticcil nh I enormous crop Hu thoticht that If
by contlimcil pluntlng und cultivation the cane
rnilld bo I mudv to nerd with comb regularity
them was no doubt of Its value ns a cereal In I
the tI Inns as torn oats und barley but so
little Is really known about the need of the cane
brake Unit nt present It Is a very dlfllcult mat
tor to tnitkii tiny trrtfeorthy prediction about
Its sphere of usefulness In appearance the
reuN are very much Uke oat grains except for
their size which Is two or three times greater
Time litttk In atniott an Inch In length and to
re ItiNldo I Is about 1 half an Inch long The
husk like that of some of the other cereals
becomes dry and low but tho seed remains
hnnl and is very nurreablu to the taste Thi
hanlnoHS of the wed will prevent It from de
cjilnu as rapidly its some other cereals It baa
a very high gcrnilnatliig percentage
Owing to Its auto of oats homo people havo
suggested that time cane has been crossed with
oats In the fields and brakes but It Is not b
lieved at the Agricultural Department that
this Is I the case The grain has ben kept and
panted In various Il under different condi
tions to determine the regularity with which
it win proume crops I I tne crops prove t
h regular tho value of the cane to farmers
throughout tho Smith will b inestimable
Many of tho farms and DlnnUtlons consist Dar
tlally of cane brakes and lowlying landswhich
It the util Is I found to yield regularly might all
b pat to valuable uses If crops nearly If not
quite o valuable as corn could be gathered
from land heretofore considered almost use
lss time Southern farmer would be glad to
welcome the new cereal
In tIme crop near IitUboro so large were the
tasscli that It is said some of the smaller
stalks were bowed to theground One farm
er made the ansertlon that one stalk yielded as
much as a peck of grain According to news
paper accounts millions of bushels have been
gathered for the farmers soon after the dis
covery took advantage of the opportunity and
put all of their hands at work threshing out
tin grain which they have stored upend will
feed to their cattle In the winter
City UcTenpen StOOOOO Lee Thas Had
Iteen Computes
then this years budget of receipts and ex
penses won made up some months ago In antici
pation of the close of the fiscal year the citys
revenue from various sources other than taxes
was estimated nt 3000000 When how
ever the Hoard of Aldermen came to pass upon
the appropriations for the departments and
to provide for them by levying taxation It
was found that the actual receipts for the
jear from ordinary revenues would bo 400
300 less than had been computed
The city officials expected a revenue of S100
000 from the railroad franchises and licensee
Instead of this however the city will get only
FOOOOO The Sheriffs fees which under
the pre ent low making the Sheriffs office
a salaried one so Into the city treasury with
out deduction fall short as might be expected
under the grotesque administration of K J
hi Tnin < n Time revenue from this source Is
15000 below the estimate Time cost of the
Sheriffs ofllce to the people of New York In a
year or nether this year under Tamsen Is
130000 and had the figure of the estimated
revenue been sustained the citys net loss on
this ndmtnltraton of this office would have
boon only S15OOO Actually through the fall
ing ofT nt receipts the loss w ill tx 30000
Kvery year there are carried owe into the
Kitiernl fund of the citys revwiuo the un
expended balances appropriated to the various
departments amounting usually In a year to
about 1101100 Thin year however the gross
amount of such lutlances Is only 222000
Whllo there has been a falling off of city
revenue In the branches of public service
nirneil there has been n gain though a small
one In tome other departments The city re
ceives In a year about 5UOO from the De
partment of Taxes and A sc9snu < nts arising
from the iales of articles belonging to that
deiwirtment and from the work of those pris
oners anti others In public Institutions con
trolled by the city This year the revenue
will be 5000 In excess uf the sum expended
10000 In all The Department of Public
larks too under the administration of
Imldent David II Klnc Jr has done bet
ter than expected nnd Instead of a revenue
from material sold and other ouroes of ito
000 the amount received will bo S43000
The Iublk1 Administrators department too
yields 7500 in fees InMcnd of 3000 as
was expected this sum cmnlng from commis
sions paid on intestate estates and from un
claimed money
It Is generally nsttmed by persons not fa
miliar with the complex science uf municipal
bookkeeping that money patti Into city depart
ments for llcrnsrn anti prlv Heirs of arlnus sorts
dock rents market rvnt coach licenses
truck llctiikcs tines and premiums nn bonds
wild liv time eittgiteu Into the I treasury as an
olTfct to taxation Hut the fact Is that nearly
nil of the av allnblp Items of current receipt are
tilt cited from tho isrnernl fund as it Is
called to the purpose of the sinking fund
for titer redemption of th city debt as It ma
tures and thus It Is that although the actual re
ceipts nf the city fnuii nl vnirres except tax
ntlcui ninimnt to SSIiOOiHlU n jcar only alHiut
SIHIO00 appear upon thus annual buaget
how the Clnron < u tor Teddy Rooeerelt
Iran Ititrdiumis lanli Zttluna
iiDOkirriT TIIK lurr
The ChIP peron nb > orreiit to the powers above and
tu 1 w ibeturtnt the tivpbiiautl l i American Dont
let us have uny Iriull Aiuerlmns ur Ucrman Ameri
cnut I
Thtlfc eiuki < our llnocvolt whom strange
to BOi IiKrul Club lu ibm iam liultisl to
lIe l itsiflivtllniier I I tnlkir
Vc hail Ionic tint sutecetei that ever tnlnK
wis not emit ttJmt with lIlt arty matter of the
intn Now wn hivo tvichfd lie conviction
that I tho Intuit 1ms itiii > clean daft He I Is prob
ably suliethtmu from meiiliiiiintili i < iipcrlnditc
b In is llulla I < > epcc h whi > h furnishes a now
proof of out tlniir Tin iinn who nn Tin
iliy uttcioil Iho I Hiuls iiunteil nhnv III IliKTalci
is I tin MIIIO Hnlivliliiil fur vluite enlighten
tnciit IIIHI t l met iimtmm omni natlvinlo wn
thniiit 5 i huiv lit II his niifew have be
ii no tin Uii inn i tfriliiy i e KI time
Mil I nixin liu lihinil I mucus b i l cH > ch bcloie a
It1 iis HUH 1 Itoot t I
I I i > wi i lit in luvu I I iirinnii or rich I Aiucrl
iiii li tlw i tilt t rt All i I nutt lit < Americana
uf tin I miilitil t > li > vvhhh Site knovn In Una
niiiilrv tn t iicMliiKluii of uH rice bcfuio
Ihi t TIVOI Hi I IrUh IninilKiiititrt iKvan
in Into IliN riPUhlli Till tyjn wn me happy ixiur
In I eiy i Is tutli rutirvMiutetli nintniuratlvilr
f im K > clini us Mill I ia lie t eimt I Ill poiile nri
t > o ml In fill In tn > limit of their I tiltitd i >
Tin ill i Is nn jilaiu niitMh I f limit tiifiuoiKill
lin roniiniinlty us lnn the hle > iK < cimforiil
lii liumUnitlnii nimu till inititr ni moix
ptilnl ill e iitiiill Ninvneic clot In this
riitiiitry I thiin I ilitM m tier In I NtW York titte
tin yniiul iinton WfMiil lijiiliii 1d the
inUliir of nmii tiuioi > rllrli > npunr to
ItuutT ilvaiilac In I opt I > itnll thrai I IIIIIK
the inUiniil AinTlriii nini to iuttii thu
vvliiels tC litiio tutu turn thitii Kirk anl
Their Intinti I n 1 IJIHI I tlt of tilt inininuall
u inSM > Mliln inirltiiiliil Itt tit In hi lu
ll I let KiKiMVHt Imimimity taki tho Jol illill lil >
hiiiuMirx H lift cU
Th mil IM rMin thi ini It i t tn llu iclis ri It
IllMlve it lid lulnvi tin I rirtl is titi iii ii
Aliiuri in Idiit nt I i < hivt mi > liuiucr
tuttle i r liriimii l Ann tie
Tills Wllll > il I n 1n luiltf ilm U Illllllllv
llppillllllll lit 11 In re IBHi Ii l if it I 111 I f
liree i UufM tiinii tlni Ilivri ate ml mitim1 nf
UiTliiinAmuliivii whn jillils hH u tlm
11IXM liii litters tlIiiictiI litte till hiv In
sitHalu him uul ito t Un iinivt lip ctiion til
iiiilll II U ilunijil Win this Inn lit te tmi l
ihiitlis of ittrs SnU ij lien tv em iltiNinicil nf
ix < iitltu it In liii t in un I ir ailiM u1 lit lh t i as
ted tim < Hliiuiln iilnno li i1i Ill if I Mntr
How I nun h Inn ilium 0 o hcir this I fob i 7
Will lint tho Ktiiluu Ht the next Itrllolj rise
lit hid r lutxlit anil with luillut In I hand ii use
out this nuiiM > n > Hilkin Urmr Int thu t
hcaiu of the neftkllus friends of liousnyilt
Iii i
roxxiair yoma OFJIEAI zxranxn s4
Luminous paint Is nsed lo light the car en th tM
from the Luxembourg toSceaux In Paris
Ito a Itonheur at seventy three U tslniIs1
picture representing a flitht between ton
Hoy si 40009 acre Island In the Otknevi lth
famous pillar of rock th Old Man if tiny 3oot
high nt Its northern end Is offered for < tie i
heat surferlnx was isiisetl durlnit itt tereit p15
itch nnny manceuvres by the regulation Iots It
being III Citing and stiff pslned innnj nf t e set
Dean Farrars successor asChapliln In I thn tt > tM <
Commons will probably IH hit wintn ussr ti n He5
and Hew John Stafford Northcote third ton ot f us
Cmi Earl of iiiiieieimth
Lstor scenic in be ii irimmu In the Aunlralinn nsrtn
farm laborers are paid 42K3IO U V > n uri
from 07 lo TA cents a week bakers f I T5 sill I
choppers f 123 a week
At Alldnrf where ace online In the lenMid ilM
bat was set up In limo market place a ni I cii lr > nn
statue of William Tell has jut been uuteiied hjtj I
President of the Swiss Federation
Don Jaymedc llourlnn the eldent nn nf linn rit
will marry It Is said the chisel aster nt lIttle Klm u
phonso the was Vuen > lerce < tes for the Ht tn mils
before her brother was born and Is now ir I
Chins civil service Is sllll ahead of our
cent examination there were thirty flte sfl14it1
over HO years of age eighteen of them over his
bad been causing examinations all their 1155 Mii
getting anappolntment
nremerhaven li to have a new million and s in r > i
dollar dry dock It will be 170 feet Iota f
broad and llWfeet deep and will lie readt lull j
The Herman empire and the city of llremen atil
contribute onehalf the cost
At Avignon the city authorities wish In tear dlvi
the walls nn the river side of the town The itoitt
ment will probably prevent th destruction ut
walls are classed among tbe historical mnnumtiti
under the especial care of lie nation
Crayland Abbey one of he oldest and mon pfc
turesque relics of early architecture In EnKlan < ti
struck by lightning during a sever thunder flora
August The steeple bad been only recently reiiont
The need of Immediate repairs Is urgent
Inflnentahas crossed the tropics and Is now
demlc at Singapore and the neighboring Malay fiut
The Malays Eurasians Chinese and Indians barsni
fered even more than the European settlers the drt
rate among them having been exceptionally high
Giovanni Ifelllnls famousClruumclslonwhlrkha
> eei for more than a cannery the property of the tsj
of Carlisle has juts been given by the present Earl u m
theNational Osllerj Tb picture was bought situ
sale of the property of Phlllpp Egallte Louis h
ppes father
An epileptic young woman whose eas Is rrnr 4
in the lantt seems to have broken the record belle
She hari ft 7ftS rflsttnrt Ohm twentTons davt t <
crag of ISa a day and In one day had 330 4
hem She was cured with chloral hydrate and tx
nOde of potassium
A memorial tablet to Condell and Hernia Qs
prompter of the Globe and Dlackfrlars tbeatm
Shakespeare time Is to be put np In 81 Marvi xitt
raanbury when their bodies Ho It Is to their csn
that we owe the preservation of the creater prtaf
Shakespeares plays
Prof Andersons collection of old Japanese color
prints which after twine on deposit In the brttlik
Museum for two years the muaenra declined to bur
bas been sold to Mr Ernest Hart who Intends to tees
the collection arranged and catalogued and liter ie t
present It to the llrlUsh nation
In Hyde Park the docs burial ground at the corn
end of the park bas been closed by the bake of Cay >
bridge In his capacity as Ranger of Hyde Park fo
nearly forty years certain persons have been attnw4
to bury their pet docs there and to pat up little t xfr
tones over them Now the cemetery U full
Helium has been found Issuing like a stresmteM
the air mixed with small quantities of argon ul
nitrogen In the gases of the springs of Wild bad la u
Bhjck Forest according to f rof Kay ser of Bonn Ctv
equently free helium must be found In the air ai er
a argon He thinks he bas found faint helium lici
In the spectroAcoplc examination of the air of Itoti
Dundee Is suffering from a serious strike amon ts
jute workers 28000 men harley gone out Tttj
truck orIginally for an advance often per cents t
wages but soon offered to compromise on five j
cent The manufacturers have combined and secret
to shut down the works rather than raIse wares sli
refuse to submit the matter to arbitration
Women are now admitted to lecture at EJInbctl t
Tnlverslty where they sit on thu frout seats Is
ently eight women were attending Prof Tattst tt i
ure oa the geometric forms of crystals An cn
ledron gentlemen said the Profeor Uabo r
with eight plane faces For example MLoocii
he front bench broke In a man from the back sfsi C
Cremation tn France Is I Increasing steanily but us
Tery rapidly since the establishment of the eremitic
tthe PenLacbalse Cametery 1859 tbenumWie
rcniatlons has been 941 that tn 18I4 belaeZlO Tit
doe not Include however the lode teat fri <
capitals which number KOOO to SJOO a year rj
irocesaof Incineration takes about ono hour eJ
costs AO cents for combustibles
M Hal Lebaudy the petit rurrttr was mobbej B
the Ueanvllle races the other day French owner LI
not required to declare with which of their tcrr
they mean 10 cin so that when It Lebaudys toi
came In flrsi and second with the one which wn 11 <
favorite for the race second the crowd felt sure t4
be bad been pulled and made a rush for the oem
who bad to bide In the jockeys room
Swatthr ugh which the British marched ontlrf
way to CbltraU ts the scene of Ituddhas Iatc < tsi4
chief Incarnation Search Is now being made e ts
Indian Government for sculptures and re ci I
nudilha to the district A gold box contatuuu
undoubted relic bas already been found nejr I iri
and some fine specimens of ancient sculpture iiaill
back to toO before Christ have been dug up
Arthur NIklacb Is to be Karl Kelneckes suece < r u
conductor of ths > Oewandnans concerts a leric
The concerts go back to Johacn Sebastian Inch > liii
he first having been held In 1743 In a Private they 014
They were held In the hall of theClothnorten cxi
the Gewandhaus from 17S1 till a fewye r i7X
when the new concert bat was built Mende s tI J
th most famous of the conductors Anonx lnl i
cessors v ere Ferdinand Illller and > lels late
Princess Hohenlone wife of the Chancell > si si
last received permission from the Russian Gvtra
ment to bold for her life the estates In ltUOsif Ml
ama to her from her brother Prince Peter of Mf a
Vlttconsteln The Russian law Insists that oeCl
shall either live upon the land they own In Ruesis l tf
Mil lu Alexander III would make no conce Ii 15
the llohenlohes and a part of the estates 5A t < si
a sacrifice but Nicholas II has proved more tea ut s
Telegraphers are alarmingly subject to colics
lion according to lii Bntith Medical Journal iUt 1 of
00deaths among all adult males In LncUnd 18 I s
ue to consumption out of 100 deaths am nctt
grinder lit the cutliry trade who are special tt >
ect to the dUrase 811 are due to It while the f
portion for the telegraph operators Is 41 n m it I
lore than half of them die of diseases of the reptt
tory organs against SI tier cent only In all Itaf
Deloss ancient hither which In the second reittLrf
before the Christian era was the chief comniiri il
mporlum In the Mediterranean bas been contr u
raced by JI Ardolllon The harbor consist 1 05 <
basins the saireil basin for the pilgrims to tie rns
of Apollo and the profane basin for men ai I i 1 I
latter was divided Into two parts rorresp ii 1O t ti
limo two quarters of the town one lo th Chill > > f n s
sanctuary smith docks and warchou i > ice S f r I is
whoesale traffic lie other to time south w tin Hi rrull
shops and bazaars
Kmlle lley the best known of modern A mitt enWes
was rectmly killed lu de > t iionii tl AMiil 5 U 1
Want on Mont Itlaue lie Is euMmt Sli HiflWi
nan and they bad as l Hu I 1 ri Iart l f tC
rocks and tatin off t nv Uai i UN ill II a
otter when lie > trm Ii d I t u iilI < t tti limit d I tie
tasu covered will b I 1 1 Il f I s Ipl I and I s
ell to tbe ularlir b I I ° Ii Is ittlUliOti hhu Ii I
reach hilmi a put a it Si 0 tHul flit Iii II was tic i
d i liter has Wen si
before his ioty a ristmr
nusual number of fiialnies lu the Alp this u fc
dans Itt Bintrall th 11
early all of them In plans lit
tie uge rem is
A kliiemanerapli his lieen Invented by vi 1 I unn CC
fPail I > v > nl li is i ni 4ti t io iiieiiiu f I k
1111t 1h prlmipal Halur Is a in t u 7
wlikli thn Him U I itt n ci t Int UK iliiniii d
mmi of n > hi > in o
eciiliniK sn teiiliii 111111 ittti
Ite coitlinilt Ti nun leill l r i in ii
lit the time of I itti itt p Itt Il liiltit u r u
Ills Ilmiril II is ailS idiiiidiarrUilfor jrii I I t ii
nisgeb > im cit if 1 In III iillnUitsI li a 14
no Ion IsKovei ii III I I 1 iaiii it net ii I 5 r
nidli llieriMsaUmn rirantniiit in I I
he Imaiis i pon n MCI in I m amliev
eroisntiiu Ti eliusitinrittmiIi > i >
rrulliiiUwlhilKriilnaiKlfor prmii i
6 n i rom Iheniviiilvinin Aiiexlilin > u
4 I Iii inlu i > f tl Lu Vlli 4 Ilfile 1
csiiet I HIBI toiiillKniof lUlriwi r t 1 1 a
I i i r piIt and tins I I HI lit S nin C 5
Aliout iuJ ptrM > 4 In Jrau r I ill I
nhlns a mummi I jriiiislaiuly vtaMnl I
I In vsrlont riirmiJU iountrli > ii
fivir nf is lioiii f Him lull an I
Umri itt luau me tsitli AHriili I I i t
> ulwHi t inn itriii11 I ttil Ku i > i
ALXniiid II UIIIU It lit niiu > I v
Iet t nn shuin Airs i nrpint r i I
mmii natliiit furnltii tints Ir p1 t on I
thlle the Chit lit it 1 riit i sot I
nun tailors and prlnttrn ltt 1 C 0
arnri ll lljii ml u slut in > C
firs and peltons without avo I
Iii eUaIt liy titan Ihotn of oti r
HuKlumllfvr fm ti all tin I 1 Ii I I
of in pinous under 5
cither HO pay celmt profrMloiml iu > 4 >
9r edit bits uccupetivea flumuiriOl tis C
s J

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