OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 13, 1895, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-09-13/ed-1/seq-8/

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HIM ixrAtin
Coirrqmu llnrtlelt tlrrrtttir Proecrd
IKK Incon tllulloni lTh i l > rp rlment
n Ilrtldr VUelliiT They HUnll Mo On
Tim court martial proferdlnss BRftlnut Cot
Forney of the Inlttil states Marino Corp at
the SftTjr Yard In tlrnoklyn reiultwl jntcrilkir
In Another conccMlon to thi accuinl bjr the
r thtnivluK nut of unothcr of the inecifleattoni
upin which the fourth chart nf Calpnblo
Imniclency In the performance of duly is
oil mini
Jrnmtitlr tit 10 oclock the court wai called to
i order liy Cummwloro Hknrd the Ircnlileot
p Tile rcmllnunf tho record of Wcdntidaya pro
ccfdlnizn took until llsllO oclock Then the
counsel for the ilefiticn resumeil tlielrobjectlont
the gIrnceIIInK by onterlntf ii plea In bar of
trial on the fifth Riirfineatlon tif the fourth
eluvw Iti thIs upcclllcatlon It Isclatineil 1 tbnt
J Cot 1urnp knowIng that thr amount of coal
ninetynine lonis recorded nn the books on tock
en hand wai hftii tid tailed to call a Hoard
nf Hurrey for the purpose of flclni the discrep
ancy In accordance with the Navy KcRUlatlon
Lawyer Stiiytnn ntibinlttpil In evidence attain
I tlie letter of reprimand dutcd April 11 18U3
which Cot Forney received from Hecretary
Herbert In which he la spcclflcally admonished
jog run lrrs Jliirity and then asstnol that no
turthur action would bo tak > n
The objection was mulalned oy the court
Another pica In bar of trial was promptly
argued In which the same letter was offend a
riiiffscntlnnu reprlrqnnd for falsehood In baring
nubmlUul an erroneous report regarding the
disposition made of 51 tons 11S4 pound of
coal bat the objection wan not sustained
Congressman Itartlett then offered u plea In
bar which was KO cztcnolte In scope as to In
clude all tho charurs and specifications of
barges preferred lie claimed that Col Forney
4 V ml toiL nn 1 V linn ri rtiiirl nmnil til tur nil tlin rhfirir ft
f b > ihopubllciitlonot tliee chHrifmond tho Ue
cislou of tho i uurt of lutinlry which wan nn ad
tune one but I hat nilcli u uriiTnl public an
IiiiUliceitirnt unit liilbllcntlon was u limit net eru
one iniiLli niorti naterr In fact than any pun
lnitiit l u uully lutllcUd by lliu military or
naval i ourta
A rrprlmund conslit firnt nf a ul < sen lon
nan Kfcond the puhllcnlUili or nnnounccineut of
V mill t unerc iiiun lliutlvtt Now un the
Vednuiluy following the IlimillKOf the t coOn of
Ininnry tlio puUlc press ui apprised uf the
frtU Iaiiers nil over the foiintn published the
cluirKc ttiua elvlnu the censure a lurtrrr clrcu
o latlou than ordinary We claim tlua the prior
and untiweiary publication of thtso clurccs
YtiuMlrnipiifd tO have the effect of u public rep
rliiulil aud constituted at severe a reprimand
ai criiilil be Indicted Tho re Is Lot the rllchtcst
Uoiitt tIt tLe report was given out by the Navy
llipartinent or by MIIUI rcmionelble person
tliiM In and we demand the discharge oi these
tliiulchark09 the plea that a second pun
iiiitnent cannot be lifully mtllcicd upon a per
frO i l in i muittdualuffince as it Is uncoustl
tut nlM
Alt Ilistonlne to the argument of the Judo
Ad i i itt LOU court decided nut to sustain the
nn udio Advocate then objected to a
Jurluvr contlnimnce of the proceedings on the
Kruuml uf article lMS parnkrapli of the
Navy UrKUlattons which tnyn that If u plea be
adjudfid as Milicl nn extract from the oroceed
Xnpt llull bo foruardeil lu the cou nlngau
Ilinrliy tor lu I information
Couvrcviiuau Dartlett rejoined 03 follows
Tim opinion ettireiscd by the learned Judge
Aihotule is undoubtedly cor reel and He vu
nit fitip further ie consider ttsatnli the pro
teedln a nlucn the first plea In bar wa BUS
tinned are invnlld and wit cannot acrce to any
Jurther procccdlnxs without prejudicing any
lurtlier rights ue may have under that conten
tion Alter another lenctliy deliberation President
Sicard iitihounced that the court had decided
to communicate to the department at Washing
ton the Met that It had sustained tin plea In bar
of trial on tso biieclllcntlons The court was
then adjouruotl until today
Contructor Innhlo to Hlnk Fon > dntlon
fur Mecel Cooper A Co IS to re
Mlnetta water has again balked the con
tractors who luuo been trying to sink founda
k tions at Nineteenth rtrect and Sixth avenue
t for the corner pier of Siencl Cooper A Coa
mammoth building TIIK SITN has told of the
t discovery of an underground brook which
OWrI across the lot from north to sooth and
fllled the phaft at tho Mneterntli street comer
forcinc the excavators out That was on sun
day Aiif >
A few days later powerful pump were put to
work the nntcr was kept down and the shaft
sunk a few feet deeper QuickaiDd aidiscov
ered mid the diameter of the bhaft which was
cnstd by woi il did not admit of n vrtater depth
being reached Q the shaft was nuum alien
duned atd cjllli kly filled with I seater The shaft
rcnmlnid In this condition until a week ago
Ni irty all of the other foundations for the tJTO
httcltijumrmby ulitch I tbetuildUitrnill I t > vsut
liorud I lad I Lent bucrestnliy sunk iill tong is
rind lUlcknand had been encountered la
Kiitii1 of tin m
V liei the trnube omoi shaft ins ilcerted for
the frriond time tbarles I T I Willie the on
trictdr Tor th loundaiionw nnnouticed that ho
had done with It A neer nyn the urns of
Iailej < rnisb oifend tc rluu the ltt to bol
roi k inr S SDIIII hi fmirln8 A tile ti ri er was
ilniefl In position til ilne down the timbers
fii u hirKor hhuft A ulant Htcain siphon l one
Klarlnl 4 i > nil the battle with tlm Jllm tta water
nml tin ri < irk > and ss os resumed It seas an In
let tint I liuiii I and cross us gal hereil on the
win den hnilirc I lint 1n been built urrn Sixth
n elide to wntc h It Tlui men Morkcd night and
ilm anti bet nine tliornuirlily rxliaiislcit At the
end I of fir da > > tht I < Minetta I t o utir anti list I
quit kt > uiil ueniHiitl uiifuriniiuntable and an ex
teiiHum 5sf lithe 55 MH Drained to the contractor
Niiwhe too ha iliroMi up the Jnh In dl iut
Tli I lnft Inr the third i I I time I I mm MnmNarrm
d < n iii l lull I I nf uater uiid jeslciday the work
10n fur lailij I A Croliy who liuUnc failed 111
tlitlr i inU naklntf l > ne lo < t < iim > iderabltt
liiiiii WIM ottliiu I I nliotit thu Nlneieetilli I street
C inHIM a l Hi fur their iwy They l talk d tif
leUiiiini h mi i liiuicH llfiis SliKPl t iMiprr A
ti I < pe mneli tIhIhiiii < i il l at tht di liiywhli h piom
IMM r I ii tt > i1etihiii i ir of licit t etores
I 1 iti Mini 1 hat lilt rimlniitor who sank the
cni < > loi tlii llloollyn brdie piers had Iecu
inciiid aid teiti i 111 l itelle tliu haft for the
I foist tit Ime loiluy
I I I a2v7 irts n I 1 4STZu
TIc TrMlitlnr Left Nenrlr All III Money
to IXH Vlitittv Hied In nn AMIIIII
A in i i in miry hcHrliiiIn a toilesl nf the will
o ninlt I Joulcnlm son nf 1 I imU Quwk l
enil < li ir Vevlmrcliuishiul In lie I 4hirrsitoa
flll t > o tculiij Ill > imtrstltlt In hits iinly
Blt I i Amu I Mnlliof Ncvhirili hiss
riiiiiiid iiifitin tin deMres of his faintly lu
IN1 4 a u ulive ini d Iettu s tin was Ider than
hi it sI f nnd lind n diutcliteriif I I i Kl euri He I
mi her In A InirdliiiIIUIMO I ftcr hits mar
rliiti in lir ho Imiulit 7 Weft Klftynlxlli
ti 11 i i isi I i r h > lUed ill tldt s tills house ho
Iris iii alit fl i riisI
llilir tin I linn IIIT Il Is cnld Le liad been
fer a Urn in II I 1 ijiiidiln AiMtiin Iliti I it Ill
wlieh > MIN iiiiire nn feli i cavil his Hlti
rlinn niul eiieli nf In r Ilireu rhililru IvODil
tiliir IMitlrt Cliuieli teeelvnl 1lnoo and
the t rrscI lit HU > In Ill In I hli I tvidotv Itetln I I Alter
1 tlie Hill ii nt iniiile ln IMI > liroiiulit prncerd
> Ings In I in to him jttdli liillyilvlircil IIKilie hut
St t Dm I lirni inn in tin < irt tliu Jury
failed lo HIO Aeiuittlili I In had hern tukeli
v In ii piltili 11IIIIIIi nt llroiville whcni ho
I dud on A ril ID
i Tliiinliliivrninl lnwyer Ttunth liars N Vul of
9 Xettliuriti ttiri iiiuli Miiittir of the will
V 1tiwjer I I athuh nf Nt vliurili tthn dieiv I the
will letlid l S e leliluv that I Vnickeiihiuh ni >
reiind > nne v In n II tta > eMiilil The rnii
went er to I iieilnv net 1rnneU I iii
nin appeiiri fur Hu i oiilelaiit and I A loulil
for the silil liSt
j 11111 R iil I s Phil
An IXiilpnlSiailoO or Mint Ivri to III
t VIJui ittul Krliillvrpi
us The o Ill of Ida lute John It Ily of HIS HM
KJ klnrt hirieiklii one Hint for prubutn with
tiirroii Abbott lu lliiKikhn trclerday Mr
t lly wis a rtCllller of tiint but had teen nut
of butlntsx fur many years when lie died nn last
j totil 1 Ihnwlll 1 is l dated April I 17 IHKfl ansi
infill d I JciiVIn of Ihii i Firs Nlitlnnat Hank of
Wllliumsbiir i iludlev I I1 Kly Aaron Clmp
man and Clayton Mather are named us
this ieiutiir
A The tetlators e late Ic l nld to ba worth from
1511001 1 to fOiMiuo The uionpy and real l es
tale are left tu the widow and rrlulhrtv with
i the exception nf Jluoil I with which the Con
S gregot until situ rcbi at r > lm biiry Mass Is to
keep the family burial plot In order
i Iloraeleati < ssrrhtuire i In headway
A horriliss rarnnce In which there were four
occulAntH wheeled up JlrruilH ay jenterilajr if
teriioon Tliu motor was in the back The ve
Itlcli haul nil Hhee Thwncciipanls tat faclnt
ii earls other and the kttrrlnii uti > arati was In
I the middle betwern the two rltM The IT
J iUiiiili ire etisienIl > Ion iKiiern anti Henud
u uf huaitvvltuu iLu > chicle uttiacted
TKSTIPIKS ron Jtrtn rATitxn
Mimti nmmhter Nur Hh fleahst 1lbrs
Ivper to Mend Htbonl Hooka With
Dr Orlando E Ilrndfnril anti John U Nixon
the alleged counterfeiters who were captured
on Saturday br Kecret errlcc Agent Enquire
and llraxa were arraigned before United Hlates
Commissioner Alexander yesterday morning for
examInation They are charged with having In
their possession two plates a quantity of fibre
paper and silk thread to be used lumanufao
tnrlnc spartan tOO hills
Just befote the examination began there was
atourhlnc teens between Nixon and hli wife
and children Mrs Xlxon was standing In tho
hall outside of Commissioner Alexander room
when Nixon came up the hallway Mrs Nixon
before she could be restrained hail thrown her
relf lu her husbands arms and the chIldren
clung about him The whole family group
sobbed loudly The detectives did no hare
heart for atlms to drag Nixon away from the
pot When they did Mrs Nixon fcreatned
hysterIcally while the little children cried
Chief llaien of the secret service was an In
crested spectator of the exiimlnatlon lr
Ilradfonl wan the first one to his brought up be
fore Commissioner Alexander rite aerd
criminal did not seem to be 1 uftected In the least
by his position and was much more composed
and confident than his younger colleague
Nixon He waived examination
Well Ill have Iti hold you In 25000 ball to
await the action of the Orand Jury said Corn
missioner Alexander
All right said Dr Bradford as he took his
seat Nixon demanded an examination Secret Per
vice Agent Esqulrel was the diet witness
brought up against Nixon and he related the
circumstances surrounding Nixons arrest
which have already been published Bicret
Service Agent Ilranc testified that he found In
Nlxnnsrooms at 17S4 First avenuea quantity
of fibre paner and sheet lead for making moulds
for plaica
tawyer Campbell for the defence put Alice
Nixon the elevenyearold daughter of the
prisoner on the stand Tho girl testified that
she had bought the fibre paper found In her
father room at a candy store at 1780 First
ateniie The child said pubs had bought the pa
per to mend her sdionl books with
CommlssloncrAlexanderheld Nixon In 5000
Jlrn lobn Darin Arced Volantarllr to
Caroline Davis moved yesterday for counsel
fee and alimony before Justice lleckman of the
Supreme Court In an action for a separation
from John Davis on the ground of abandon
ment They were married In 1805 and sepa
rated In March IKHtl under articles of separa
tion In which he agreed to rise a trustee In her
behalf S41U a year for her support Justice
Beckman denies her motion declaring that her
right In the caso hare been darkened as It
Is questionable whether there was abandon
ment when they voluntarily agreed to scpuraLc
He say further
If the plaintiff desires the society and support
port of her husband she must formally and un
equivocally offer to live with him and Invite
him tn return to the family life and her soci
ety Only Iii i the cn > e tlie defendant then re
fuses can an action for separation 011 the ground
of dewrtlon lie
Jidce Dupro of the Superior Court has given
Solomon Miller an order for the publication of
summons on his wife Sophie In an action he has
brought against her for an alisolnte divorce
They were married Sept SKf 1MIH He says that
she U living In Switzerland with Conrad U
hattie unman has obtained J 5 a week ali
mony In the Court of Common Pleas In an ac
tion for a separation from August Iloman They
wire married In INHJ antI have t o children
Slits save that her husband who Is a manufac
turer of lead pipes tried to shoot her In iNtuit
Judge Ducro has granted nn absolute divorce
to Harry Leake from Marie E Lease
NewTork Stock KxehnilBnSitleli Kept 1
IDSSnc 1104 1 Loulscn4i WiM
IM Aikrd Wit Ailttd
td2sr ue 4 iiTSfnc lurumi mi
IIR4S r 1107111 lL 4 118 17 S its ItUS rKO
UH4SC 11V4 IU LHIISlhim lOltj
U S4sr m5tVOU IVIU LKtU 1NU7 104
tS4sc 1HOW I1I > USDs 1M91 107M
V S > 6srI 04I18 > J 110 lUSfls IKVa tOil > J
10 Atvh fcnl4i WI 83 lo Sor piernflsT R SUM
si JT fHl ioeic gal tsits U
s hi N9t IS N Yllifthll 4IIOOH
J AtchAdjis W L 37 1 N YNI1 4 Ii 45
18 7 dehclft 1311
7 Alciilion4 t R sit I 1
I th I Or Itt N in iI i
i > t 70IlftNcon5iiTmit
4i K > it Ohio south in MI
Ill Atch 24s A T U iis < 5 Oregon SttsTithl4
sus t44 4 lu1
20 i4l 4 Ore S ItiftcnTIt f7
CII tu1 is 17V
top 55
23 n fM
n jiml4 i
A Uii Oregon ImpSs 41
10n 4 1 411
1 lib AMIS en l lOll 2 1eo ft Knt lit i
2Aiil nk Aim 113 H liixric Isirs51Os1
Z Pmailway S 7th IDHcail cnl 4s TH
AVioe it IY 1 l4
flltrook WAWa iu4i in l Head gut 4s T It 71
fithftOcnSj llli i I 77
I hist 4 77 J
I Cit 0 gui 4Ss t5i II li
Bt hiM Is It a A itt l an I 7tU
eon 4s UM Jit 7
a ct t tot 151 lOUis 1thliij giul 4 in
a C C C ft ht L 41 I Ilend utptln
stidiv I ttu
13 Cot iS HIM av 1st llllj
1 Cantdit tus Ut IIHI 1 7 i
t CunaiU ho 91 IU7U I 71tiad2d prin 23
1 lii t E Ill till 11101 14
6Col JIM4 T II 2154 ii
13 Utl i5
IChOlft I ICo let tsit 10
A f hit ft K i lit ills ItI 2lli
Monl S I of Ihfi NI U4 lleaililil prin 11114
I Icu i ltd en 11114 I 17
III I I II Rio U 5 V hit 77 j
t ut 1 7i7
rvDidti I ill it is 774
lo tssi4 it4iVatNE4s 544
i this Lftiisistrioj 7 So Iac of Cal en M4i
InKriecii tfil 77 > < fi U4S
4J Erie en il U M 5 M I t S K pen Csl l 11114
CUi 77 > i ItistlftHlirenBs I wi
8 I Rl lSn W Int MI
HITennis lii last iso wad M
1 rTnii Itllll4H llU On Sic tt V 151 i tTit niu
in M Worth let 7J H Hin A ft A I Ut 4S isis
II 72L 27 lb itway Ca lilt
0 71 i 5 tln
2 FI V t Rl 1st I tiM I 31 IHU
Its sitii kIA Ii IV i tilt in lmu
loll TCcnml 4s 73 8 Tes Iai lit Ci tU
7 74141 V nisi
r llUvntVii Wl I tnhi fl Tex ran 2d In VDt
2 hit A lit Slid 15 BI 3ii
B BV 111 I aHV
H DM 11 I a V itt i HIM 17 a 2
iMovm ivnt lit ti4 I Tnl VA Wn ut SO
n Kin Iaeion T U 7T i U HI
Ill I 7i 0 Tex ft NOr li As U3
1 i gait Tes Is Hi 1 ini A A AVS1 Ut
111 HO T i II KM
8 Kin ft rn vis 11114 2 rUUAofMLritlOI
1 fiTenilf t I ftK BS
i LneliieVlV let i i 117 i i 1 enn tile P j
Alex Are IKit Ill 2i1tisI f TV IM
bi I ON1 KUiilon rue tins 1H7 <
Ii iAhiItt lf s 1 1 st I fli H ItrH i
I IIMt I Union la u7s Id
4 10 Us l Union lee Uis I
2 llit p ln7
IS I K ft W lit 117 I I li ililoiiliic lWs ilisit
Bl t I A WBlit Illl 7 iiw
i I tiiie UI 4s us 7 Imm Fl Ut 107
I L I N A t Ill 1st IIS 1 II I I Un 1 D it II UI 4aitf
M 1 N A ft Chin III I
A liiiT A 4V
I 1 t A ft iK in I 771 Ztiler t II I Ut As114
Mo K A i Ut till < 1 U N iesiti 5k I11I
III tI tnt lt 44 74 fiiHvJlHu II1NC
1 Mn114 Ml let liilii 11
I MA Es i 7 > f ItllH I III I I 51 15 WalidiYiMIl
IMI 1 ft N 1st l IUlil tti5 4
u Nor ID Ut r I S 7t 15251
I Nor IeM I e Illl I 2
iir Nor h2 I ii r it43SVi esl i hlurelr I IllTU t
0 Hit Ill Went M t aln 1554 l
III I 411 i iSis Cent inc 14
Total fcalesof rnlltvn londi I oar t tnlimi s I lttl0ud
lieu 3h12 I 5 ItitlSl
ialtt liii l f 15 t 3j Atkrit
to I AdumsFx is lIP 14S 147 lAis
Sill I AlllhlKller I Iltj 11154 iIut 111 S Iils
113 Aiiihutrlt fi 1111 itui lliu nn
lull Alloll X I II sii 15t d715 ilsi II7IJ
aft i AmrCilble PA tit p un
hlli t AnIT lull HI 555 tils Vji UBS
u Aim lob of 111114 I I 1154 I iii4
in Aiier > x 1144 I 14 I Iluj IU I i na I
r Amir rn lit 7v l ii 71
117 II A I Vhle 11
VI > i VIA 2114 544
I tv4 8114 Ill Oi4 31
Ill 4iin tonthi 15 it vsi OM4 es
Iii I itiinijii ii bi 5iui on iiL1 5
2iil iirjiulli ih it
2t tit l e Ohio 1IIKJ 211 4 liii IfllU lol
flVio liIesw hits nil ij ittlj IVM
vu o i t c A SI I 4il 4l 4l5 4 4s
II 00 Ill A N S 14 lOs iBis inn ioi i
Silli AC IIA g 5ut4 5514 su H hT4J H71
BUl4 1 M t M I 7tit 7u 71 1r4 73
Ufil MftM l I lirIhi3 I2U 325154 ICUu Sri1
UtMIV I II I fc Iou ii till W iu5 i 5l
Ill Itl > lid iSjHi IKii all ins Sri1J j
s4l411 I i K I III t Hi 714 7I
SDLU V lol 1114 V4l ii C4 2St J
lOIIIOII I U H t I 14 114 I4 i 114
U 11 Del C Hud h4lt IhIt lust lflh5 1St4
3i III Ii ill I I t W ss 14544 115414 14ii4 te
ltilenKI I 17 I ii 711 iS
visa Iet a 1554 itt o4 4 4t M Al Bt 014
5UTi5 IilstJlttgtlI Iti iii IN list 154 i
IliuKrleTfl Til Ml I 1114 nil 1Ol 1114
SiiiuilniTiil Klio UX 0S 4s IM
20 III htI lsiA4 77 ra 7 HIE
VU lliwtilelll I l4 1u4 11551 E
Kmlake Shore nuii 4 ° 411 l4U 101511
HViiLllrul VU so 20 tO ou
Mill I aoleileias VI ts VTt 2TI Us
05tl lultt Sash I4t 1114 512 ItIti
Wilt IitIIt N u r 1 I4me 5ll < w 55 ii
rvfOl I N A4t Ilif me SLq Cij SH vS
ptiii > 1anhalion 113 I 1 T 114 iu IU4 1 1351
ttn Minn Iron Mil ii i I17 Bll o
fit ilIitu i hi I VIj an y 4 VU 24t
Sill M AMliMlr Mil 111 tuu rutj Zo
n uftsti I 1st pi M HUH 5Ij Ml 57
5iliis > Ulssourl iso VW
IU4 45 54
7 > iO Mo K t T K4 l NUtt < ilj 5U
Chin vu i v T 1 vl Jill le 3M a OKI
ii Vallt 11 pi Ail tu an 81 8V
UPN4tifU s se anM
o J
52aItYcsntralIfl51 Ot h0t4 1O 10531
IM Nat lead 44 53 1l44 4t4 113
1 1 Net Lead pf 2134 UIf Isls lit 2134
SIlo north Amer t4 0 1544 In OTt
o i7sYAJiIlt hs ISust i1
1110 N 1 31 I 1634 IOt 1ss4 1534 11154
SooNycRtI2o 3it SI5 8ll 31 2VS
51351 T I K a w V 1534 15 15 ls
4011 N Tl5 k tV ivs4 III 1254 lvii 104
5455 N Y 11 R V o 5514 110 8I 11454 Iii
leotuorfa vnt I4 I44 24t 24 I54
IOO Northern rc AW 0 9
m North Pan nf iNjf II 4 IS
flIB Ontario AW IS 155 iN lM4
tanrctonnl Uii 1034 104 50 iOt
4SOII rurlflc Msll MI l9 32 024 15V14
gjlflo Ihltaft llfd HIM 204 1Tt iS I4S
8Of5ICChsti 104 Int Iii 1N li
icorituft wpf M so 82 ill 05
VOUHILR ssl4 < s 14 1414
llflist ln Wpf IHU t54 15514
Boil HI IA DHL Mrjj SOt Ii I
Olin I > St ItOmaha 41 44 4214 4I4 41
Southern I Ufl 23 2414 24 53
Wno Konlh llwy 114 11114 124 1P4 11
TMInioulhllwvp 4Di 401q 014 lt1l 8914
I40JSTenncftf 4A 45 4314 R1f4 44
hOIST st tftKC I in Ill 50 5 Ii
27AOTSX IM lli 1214 II lh4 1s4
130 Union Im IS It 13 15 104
iKiiotl f D An su4 5S4 51 It 514
too U A Ilubher 40M 4054 4t4 40 II
1110 II H Itch p 4i1 94t P4 154 914
So tlFCorlliIAl 1i4 1524 04 s5S4 5113
InoORCiitaAP 87U 2714 2114 SIt 174
IBIOUSUnther ni I5SI Ill 11554 151
NJO U 8 Leath pf t1 85 545 544 t4t
ling Wabarh v4 144 114 154 1114
BN70 Wabash pf 34M 244 Vli gs 2d
no Well FFr114 iI4 its III lid
Klin West Un Tel 5154 1144 15314 15334 5454
5O0Wheetkb l K IA I51 1113 lIt 11114
ISO WIt iFpf onu 0054 004 0014 05114
VO WIs Cent nw is14 554 45 7
84 Wa Un Beef S4 U tIlt U 934
Total tales of stocks were S89BOO shares
114 4 DM Ailed
no ft Albany810 sIVrstghsrP DMsn 117
flosA Maine I7xt < WestFiidld 234 24
CentMu104 13411i041Mofl 00 9Otj
Jnnocomlnsu 103 lflustteflos os ° 4
Chi Juno pf107 ril A UecTaraTn am
Kllclibllrtl nf HA IOeeola112 asx
NVNKLflna 101 QuIncyllin1451 1315
AmIiellTellUNU ivsuifamarack IAS ISO
trie Tel 5034 OlHlTamarack V4 HO
rimAUFiritiA ciosixo QUOTATIONS
hid Ailirtt 1H < L Ailed
tehtfl Valley 411 44U CTofN7 fk an
Leh C A N Co 4HH 4 H CTofNJskBs 514 M
Penn n It Bn BllQ United 01 Co Nil XSU
philatract 14414 N4liItVeiShOLCo 1104 HI
IeoTret 15534 0 tlecK It coin 4SU 4AM
Nicetrac 74 74i4lElccShJpf 43Q 45s
MelTract 10134 iottjtl
IM Asked ML Ailed
Alley t 834 514 IakeBtI za 22
Am fltrawid 45 4514 N Ylllsenlt 70 e
Canal A Pock an 55934 Nit Ch P1 ltrS 3 2114
ityltnliwayflil4 880 wchiBtitym 12834
diamond Men 1 7
Atehtnon tvt A 1 20t < Norfolk W pf IBM
Canadian Iacinc B7V Northern Iac i 15113
CliemtpenkcftOhlo 21 OntarloAWest 1HM
Frlecommon Ul < Iennsylvaula 3754
iTleVitronsolfi 714 Reading 104
Illinois Central 101 < Ill laui 7IM
Kansas ft Texaa IM 6 < mth Ry ISfri
LakeShore IB4 South Ky pf 411
LnuftNash 55354 Union Pacific IMi
NY Central 4iWabuhpf VtM
TnUIWDAT Fept 12
Encouraged by yesterday success the pro
fessional operators who have evidently begun ft
campaign upon the short side of the stock mar
ket attacked values this morning with a good
deal of confidence The tactics they employed
resulted In the execution of a good many stop
orders which with voluntary liquidation of
speculative accounts resulted In declines of a
point or more In all the stocks In which the
trading was active Tennessee Coal and Iron
and Southern Hallway were conspicuously weak
In the early dealings Moderate purchases
by London presumably to cover shorts
had very little effect upon local Fentlmcnt At
the decline the market became dull and so
continued until the last hour when a harden
ing tendency developed Into nzuresslve strength
upon the publication of advices from Phila
delphia that an advance In this price of anthra
cite coal had been agreed upon by the LeblKh
Valley and Reading railroad and their auxll
ary concerns Tbe final rally was sharp and
was not confined to the shares of the anthra
cite coal companies Those shares however
were about the only one that closed higher
ban last night the remainder of the list being
handicapped In making a good record by the
extent of the early decline
The speculative situation has unquestionably
been Improved by the course of prices during
the last few days for sentiment had been too
nearly unanimous In favor of higher prices In
other words the market had been overbought
and at a time when the most Influential Inter
ests In the Street have no decided policy but
are feeling their way from day to day with tho
view of pursuing conservative course A shak
Ing out of weak speculative holders of stocks Is
nevltablo when such conditions aj have been
lescrlbed exist and Incidental ti > that process a
short Interest la usually created which frequent
ly I serves to precipitate a fresh advance pro
vided the underlying tendency of the market Is
upward as It plainly has been for some time
There was no new today relative to the
Treasurys gold balauce nor of the policy of the
i Government bond syndicate In the immediate
I future Vall Street and many newopaperusseein
to llnd a great deal that ls Important and > lg
nllLfltit In tue present condition of the Govern
ments finances that would ordinarily pass un
noticed or receive little consideration The
I Treasurys gold reserve Is large enough foe all
practical purposes and present indications are
that draft upon It In settlement of
i an adverse foreign trade balance will
cease In the near future An easier feel
Ing pervaded the foreign exchange market
this afternoon owing to freer offerings of com
mercial bills and short futures against cotton
1 and grain Cable transfers against gold were
i offered at 400 the lowest rate at which they
liars recently been sold It Is learned that two
bunking house hate sold In the aggregate u
little more than SOOOU pounds of cable trans
fers for which they have not remitted which
foreshadows shipment of gold on Saturday of
about 1500001
Final tales compared with those of yesterday
a 5 follows
ktfl II Krpl II Sept I epS lJ
ATABFe 21U 2O3 Nattead 8414 1
A 1 It S 1 o pf Ufa UJIt trllt Am Cs1
Atit it lii 24 2 bsrltt iv otslU41 iOte
Ant hIuIg ltd I I I 4 I I I Niiflii I esisit 04
Lilt 5Ui hit Ii itii 11154 or 1ti pt itig 154
AIi its 155 110 N nt lOi 1024k
suntohe i 034 0S4 74 J I I I 5 1 I 24
t t A 55 I 47 47 linlzilia iit 423 43
ii S l 55I 54 iif A Set Its DI
Lei tliio 20 hIt la Mali TU HVI
lilcigit II 1124 152 lt > k Illuilil hlA 7US
111 4 15 IV 11114 1 nt4 lleuillliK lull I I
IxlAlluil I I HIISi I 1 II25 St icial inns 7ft <
Unix Hit 174 I 7i Ninth liy IJI 11
lieu C U It pf tJ2 M touth its pt 41 UVU
IJU ft C ICo I IlliJ llt Ml I 14 W i14 54
I Me IH t U htlSWif I 1HI4 t53 J
lllllKlei HSlj SiH lexn IHCllln ISi Its
tcsk Vet MlJ Klfi leiinC I tH 44 44
gals ftlet I I hi Union Im 1453 14 I
Kaiitt Ox pf 45 nv irsLealh I IMt lit
Hills ft N IMI 3355 1235 ir h lein pf f 3 MJi
late I ahuro lAO1 HIIS I Wall ft I1 I coin HJJ tiU
lnrleiletliis 45L5 H7J4 Watiaih pf 24 ILl t
tan ion llli I i84Wt Ult Tel 11 is < till
MIen S 54 I V14 MH Wheel Jt I F I IHi II1U
MAHtLVdpf BMW 3vi jWhAl Epf 60 301J
Ollisoitri In 324 ib
iovernntrnt lentils weak The Is of 1H04
rloMd 14 r > cent lower bid and the 4s of llij
1 V cent lower lild i Itullwii I > uoiulH tlriu hue
feature uen < DulUth I I and Iron 1 Iliinui iMn
Iolirado I MUllaiid i ti 1 1 It Fort Wurtli and
Denier city late ICutmua anil Texas 4us l Southern
Italhiuy A is 1nhii I 1aclli I Denier I and litilf
l s5i Atrlilson Kretoti Hhort Line Itcaillniriiiiil I
11Xiii racilli Issuer Thu Inure liniorlaut net
oiUniues Store In Dulutli and Iron llunce lets
14 V icnl lolOi Fort Worth and I snspr city
Isle 1 to MI Kiin > ai and FelLs In 14 tn
HO Oreciiii Short Imo I tin T 1 II I I H tn liiii I
nnil Ililon I roniiolH T It l to ShU
lleadlnu ncnerul Is l T 1 It tv lo7KV Ut urefer
imiinc > iiiii > tnlHk I Iqilit hens hal I a ay is
34 > II 111133 Biul I 1 nluii Pacillc I Denver I nnd iitilt S
l ist9 e I > cent to 4V4 tue noteworthy net
declines were In Atrlilsoii adj 4 > I U W
uent lofiT 45 T U > 3 4 In tlT351 and Sil A T
H 1 tu M4 lnliiraili Midland l 4s T I It Ik tu
li TCXIIS Incltlc lets tn 111 and ilBi W
cent to ht
In hsstisk stocks 15 shares of Shoe antI Leather
rold ut 01 anil IS thurunt iuUliiern National
at lW
Coiiiinerclal price uf liar t llrr In New York
07c liar silver his honduu closed at JO lllcd
Money on call l4tl4 1 V lent Tlrui money Is
quoted at J f cent lor sixty days VH V cent
fur ninety diiyn i > ceni fur four luouihs
ami it v runt for six months on food mlxtMl
block Kxclianiv collalerul IorniniTClal paper
Is iiuutiti as tolliiKk Irlino rndorsed bill re
fflvablt at JIKiH I criit cliolco slnRloname
pap r at 4L453 p cent and good at 6Clil V cent
The foreign cinliiinifn inarUet mua ilull as
usual on lliunday whirls U always an oil day
liulea Here without material chaine either for
sterling Contlnenlal 1osled askIng rules for
sterling 48tOi1hi1 or bug hills viol JluoiJ
utl3 fur demand Actual rates art ising
bllU JtHU sight drafts J4UO ami cabin
transfers JlJOU Francs art qiiotid filHU
for ion and U16MW510H for short retell
mark Oilj for loni anti i034itlti l for short
guilders 40 0lC < 34l > a for long antI 40 710 fur
Dmncstlc exchange on New YorKi Iloston IS
cents discount Charleston Ilulng par tell
log Hi premium tnvaunah Ilu hug liar tell
log U i premium unto Juoo 111 prvmluui for
IjOOD and over New Orleans hank 100 pre
mluui rouimvrclal SA cent prrmlum bun
1ra0dcobii1stpar i telegraph S cvnts f I > 100
t J
Iiremlara Bt 1AuIe0 cents prfmlnm offered
at 78 cent Chicago 00 cent discount
The Union Kerry Company hasdeolared adiv
Idend of 1 per cent payable Oct 1
Tho Chesapeake and Ohio It alt road report
gross earning for July of 100H4R an increase
of JI14RII as compared with the same month of
last year and nft57Vl3 adecreaae of 1040
The Mexican National RaIlroad reports groa
earning for Jiilrof 134OHlanlnirra eof411
Don as compared with the same month of IBS
year ansi net 101ai > an Increase of 3inil
For the seven month ending July 31 the gros
earnings acre taft07t > 0lt an Increase of 508
OV7 as compared with thiS corresponding period
of last year and net S111HU47 an Increase of
The Chicago and West Michigan tullroad re
ports gross earhlmrs for July of SUNrM an In
creoce of iriiil as compared with the sam
month of last year ansi net S20R40 an In
crease of f VAOil Kor the seven month ending
July III the grow earnings wer f 1110010nn In
crease of 71004 Its compared with thr corre
ep < mdlng pcrlKl of last year and net 1113670
nn Increase S10U U
rite Detroit lanslng and Northern Itallroad
reports gro s earnings for July of 408701 nn
Increase nf 814VI as uouipared with the same
month nf Inst year and net S linil an Increase
nfr > H13 Kor the seven months ending July
81 the gross earnings wereH4MIO an Increase
of S1Hiu us compared with the nirrvpondlna
period nf last year and not toi4 an Increitso
The Jleilcnn Northern Hallroad report gross
earnings for Julv of 11140 an Incrrasn of
KlOlWiw corapareil with the same month of
last year and net 5i3i4ftnn Inrreaseof 4711
Kor the seven months ending July il the nros
earnings were inHll05 an Increano of 1i4nn
cotnpareil wIth the rirrn pondlnii period of
last year and net S20UOOU an Increase of
The Cleveland Lorain and Wheeling Hall
road Company reports for the year ending June
IS f 414 Chanott
Iron earningul3rO4Vt4 fl17712 Inc UN3114
Op expenses ir7vitl Njv4i7 Inc 74H30
Net earnings W3vul fJJ4lltt1 Inc fldHSOl
The Toledo Icnrla anti Western Hallrnat
Company reports for the year ending June 10
silt > int Chnngfl
Cross earnings JUIIvns 1U7H3 Inc I3H4V
Op elpennes 74B2IHI 7dOB2l Inc 14471
Net earnings107t549 tBJiMnt me > fiJvs
The Iehlgh and Hudson Kntlroad Company
report for the year ending Juno IO
i p nnna
Ornns enrnlnc alrilil2 4RNli7 flee I41413
OpvraUngcxpenii 24HMU I47727 Dec 1035447
Net earnlngi 11411012 4133110 Inc 191112
Other Income 41BU KIHIIO Dec 12tlll
Total Income ttS922l tUlittio Inr lir
FtxcU tliaries Ho37 142272 Ueu IU3
Surplus I2NHI S711I Inc V2rt
Told Miriijm 72421 nuAm Inc UHMS
Cash on hent aJun 04200 Dec 20244
the receipt of the Government today were
CiKtoms J8r > 017 internal revenue 4lili70
and mlsccllaiiiouii Si1757 a total of S1 lnns >
714 Tho dlsburscmcnls Including ySOOOOO
for pensions Mere 51505700 being an excess
of einiDdlturoa over receipt ot JlXIIOO
The net unset of the Treasury at the close of
buRlncs today as ofllclally computed compare
with those of yesterday an follows
cell if Sept it
hold coin aol bullion B7d2iio04 117AiS0OC
8llveri1ollarian l bullion 2nll2SN9 2SS4HSI7
Vnllxl hlaten ions 2S4VM454 SOOCH740
Other aAKeu In exceuof
clcinnurt llabllltleil 32468100 828153AO
Available cash ttalanee
Including gold reterre tlHI7I7t4A 182014829
Money In London 1 < J 9 cent Kate of dis
count tn open market for both short and three
months bills < ft cent Amount of bullion
gone Into the Ilank of Kngland on balance
todav AOono The Bank of Kngland mini
num rate of discount unchanged nl 2 V cent
The proportion of Its re erve to Itt llahllltleH Is 1
I0m V cent agaInst CIIHS Inst week anti 705
mme week last year llulllon In the hank of
England Incieafcd last week 3NIIOOO and the
reserve Increased A532000 Psirisativirem quote
1 f cent at 102 francs 10 centimes Exchange
on LondonTi francs 283j centimes The weekly
statement of the Ilank of France show n de
crease of 1N114000 trance gold and 4U4UOOO
francs silver
A summary nf the plan of reorganlratlnn of
the Green Kay Wlnona and St 1aul Itallroail
Company pnpared by the committee on Junior
security holder of which Mr John I Water
bury Is the Chairman Is printed In an adjoining
Clrctrlo Htoek Quotation
Tfwins ept 12 Tbe doting quotations ot eleetrlo
stocks toilajr nere
fled Asked
Edison Electric Illuminating IBS
ienernl Rleelrlc com l < i flfttu
inersl Electric pf OU 7J
I nmnonConvolldnlcl Store Serrloe 22 V2W
n tlnghoiiwUvtrle Mrt 87
Wentlnnhoux Electric pf 03 68
fort Vajn tleotru H < 1U
rhorinunllouiiton Trust fierlfnC 4S i
Thonikun Hoiuton Tnut IM riss liu > 49
Motion IOTer Liverpool lloin Ionc II
qtildiiion Wheat Klrmer nnirort lie
ntiuil LIght lloivever Shortis Tuklne
I > ronit4 Ct rn n Mmde Illclier Veatbtir
FuvorttTole Liverpool Lower
TmnkiiAT Srt 12 c rro Peellneil 14 to ID
xMiiu and eowd easy wtth satetnf 2CC400 bales
Iverpool declinetl 1 tat on the si i ot unt l 4 olntii for
future hiivtry allis shot a9of Huoo talis Man
hemer HIS quiet New Orleans dic1ln < d 14 to 111
poInts and then recoTereil SOnIC of the loi New Or
lean lspt 13Crop accounts eontlnuo bad Cot
toli opening rlplilly Texas groMlnir stores The
raInfall at the Mouth wn llKlit Mttle or none In
Texas and 7ennrsiee Irlnt cloth stnmcrr The
Southern spot market were ijuet ana ReDenilly
steutly llobde declined 1 1k und ht Louis ail
vanctd He In New iorl spot cotton was quiet at
He detllne with tales of 811 Mlailllnf uplands
H H ISc AuKints receiveI 5V bales against
1158 this dsy last neek and nS2 Inst year Houston
2107 aKslnit1171 last week and 703 last > ear
New Orleans receipts tomorrow tlmateil at lHOO to
ISOOazstnsf lico last Friday and S1SS last year
The port receipts were 0Still agaInst 4278 last week
and I20tt lust year thus far this vrek ilsOSH
sjatnst II40M thus far last t rrk Autuita HASept
V lnit > > ect > how a falllnF on durlnir the pest
three weoes except in South Oirolina Immedlairly
north of Auguma where cotlon biin very young
ts intprovlDtf komewhal Hunt auit shelling are
the lailiv of the ilerllne In I the cniHlllkru
Think the sieil tier acre will lianlly eijual iasi t year
01 l If Hill tx > true Ito toll Jlrlil In AluunU tern
tory will 1s I IA verlent Ices thnn Ut > ear Ilcklnff
In icIng l pusheil south or UN north trill begin this
week Wo look for a free niorrment from tho Handy
hands the next ten slays Duality ami maple of cotton
so far show exefiHlltiily putil Unlelen N I Sepu
U Cotton tsotieuliiK rat ltll > In touu lorallller It
UturnlnK red Owliug KIIIMII iilulil fllo lin Very hot
lUyn i otunOila h l Sept II Ijst 54ck has been
very hot ford itir a reliSh optiilnc of bollii but huts
adifeil nitttilnff to theirolt I it I eeini to hm eeitReil
niaktiii lu thin I seitloii INckhiK U not gt nerHl niul
reei Ipunlll he lniiij ly the list of bijiUMuUr The
future trnillnc was an follows
eIa JjfLaf 1n It 51
ffptrmlwr THvi7 V 7 ui 7hs sou
t 5btter 7517uit 7 17 7 hi t77tuii
Not cmli r li2i 7ti 7 I I I 7145 t 2505
iiupsmher 5113 5tit 5 12 Piu 45iuulI
Iiunusr PillsPI I 11 4 115 13519110
I uirlisty 51 On Is I it P 91 54 145 1310
II t i ii 534 54 I Ii 2555s
April p 9 l98 iiti usv 7 1 Ills
they N9aculu 5415 5155 blliils
541 1498 500
Ti > lii i t ltjifKis i a I IsIs ttUtil ry and In lltirpool
there was enaUKh lliiillnlloli of the IOIIK niter M li
caiiMti further ileriln1 on I element of tteikne i
her wii the I drprrssluu In lltertul i and the ileillne
there ts van tuiy eililuiil o S Icing dm to lust
lliulilatluu nf aliort au alt iieof ieciiUtltin 1111
MII A Co ft tgltnu it5 lo mpiily unit routumptlon
on 1 Dually ti > a rumor iliat Melll liroihen
will U ue wit hill a iluy or Itto a l > earlsli elr
eutir Murcovtr the Siuti Is huld to be olfertm
iiillin luor freely toUurope tVulI ureet Ilh l bought
and oIi l Sew Orieant tent telltm orilirs urn
operator here U I uiutcislood to hate toltl utMHil baits
ti1uv throufh vnnuiis himftrti llverpiKil and the
Continent iiml riiriomi out bern poliitt ttertnellluv
lure rie occur HIM I Itiliunl 5 null little I I > IIKS
lion There ttAsa 5osi ilitil of e rhu 1141 luf liotrter
alsi I thin tended lit ihtck tin ilo > s ills gu it uiovrmenu
LlveriHHil iouilii Klober while elliiiK I lie itMmu
hsiUUhiis tOut lnuIu inlere < t tiioiiKli the sold Juiiu
ar > Itouitit later mouths TUe surtiliu iplnni m
tixlt in i Orval lirliittn luconllni tn Klluou
A Co sri filiioo I ales aifaint UiOoii n jenr
ago ton it 111101 isi s iuclis uio 4iiiii t > iain > t IMiiiim
m llu inn I utttcur 1111 iiukr a liiiHlnf 711010 I
anln < l Din I nun nl this ilate in I 54114 lu the nieili
tune the I iirosin ioiimiiniitliil mallti urn huinteil
at VUU i lalf i ir itiik lit IslIsit Irliuln and tituiu
un i leioiiintut I Thtr s isis tirj mile I i rim In r n
and Tfuihnt tiid muu > orim I troiiii rtinre tf r >
unfatoiiiiile thouti u u Inllefii timianoii I n full
vial liiumc ure reikir b liuurt whh im been
ili ie Ciiiiklilerubli of Hie t neik Isuilt Inlermi I hat
beiu cllinihtticU ilurlm the I iwitl I tteek
t unit H I TLltat > Ailtiliciil 8 htiu hIs tIli Oieliiouthtl
closliu barcl steady luther a llctit bUIties H llutrv
ailtaiiceil f ui irnul I llambiir I S I ° i pre Tim
Amiruaii Is isrehU uirl I Inca tll I off lu 1405 i las I
CreiKtituu Murrituii t Mehiu inte ihchiock uf cutlitt
oilur than lliu ui uiiivl bt i nl WIIUI I iniil > inn
hal sir Juva und rfiuirt the s i tut t iiiarki t iiulet for mint
mid Hriimiii iio tuilnwiit ai lliiinUililiiil
rivi > litiunoo I snvk VI4 mm HloeiieliuutiHiiieiiiiid
3iI to lUTwI Mntoi ttMi ilrm 1 find urithaiued
rnelpts s iouu sto u lIiiut Cliaitd Irsssil
sinti llcrldtt ttlth 40011 5545 Illit ou his lit
wits dull slut l rmaih Nu i i3i I Miles voo legs l
Savanllla and IOU tao ttntral Anuricuu uu p I lliu
uturu Srsduieg was 114 lotions
hultf ilt hftt tiiirtit Clvtfna
January yiiu HM Uil MituiiMi
lurch JVOO U Hi I4iiii i UiKijlliiS
tHveiaber J700 144U ltt4U ltilHt440
Ttttats FUIVBM Thu likIng of pronis on thus
shurt aide sod the higher ci bli s from lurope caused a
sligijl rise tore li > Jay Hut iho nests lu mauy re
sheets militated tiKuu1 thu Inlrrrlot bulls The
rtteipis at Hiuau1 banio tttri riiormou and Uranl
lao luarLels wei drciluliiC Al Utii lHJtliiinet and
ttieliikiJKt dixllueJ llmu Ti utiull tthrn vxciiauiia
drcluri CoItus l Hita are mariivd up a Illtl
they are Los Iwmg markeil up now howeter
Wiaus the ilrailiUu luarkets art ueiutf unlndtttil
witii toffee Ulth a iinspeii sit u crop of
PrhaiiilAooOOoiasln llraill Ibis year and VSUu
coo baKi or more lies ritr in say nothing of a big
iflete54st lu the > UIU DI mill entree uhertter It U
Browu this avvragi operator see no Incentive lo take
the long side of ttie market lie looks uoii prew at
prleetaiauicreLabble cerium lo bo prlikta soouur
or titer
tLum Opened easy but closed steady owing to the
firmtHM lit WItII Trade dull bain vfud bbls
Lxporls 7H7H bbb aud ilin sacks ReceIpts H6 > > 0
hAils auI 53145 wiks Wlulrr tens at l > r > udt > lu Ibis
were nuotttd ktlulOHti NoKiate i lUtfi IS Due
20u920 KUMriuie 22ls8 XV Nu 2 1 sura
4ttijS3I1 J 4 hItI fAt04bVe dcir 3J
5ii 5I A i
310 straIghts 310a tlS8l patents a40a3 0l
Michigan ntralthts tatixtl31S
HaitiWheat declined ftr but recovered this and
advanced jie to We Chicago received HDtJBU bOsh
agaInst 17433 this day laSt year Toledo I7N10
Malnst 740111 si Louis MIIOO agaInst 04novt
Detroit 0070 against flrt H17I Dulutli 4IMU8 agaInst
HOINIfli Minneapolis X8n7liO nualnsl anxBOO and
Milwaukee VHMU aiialuM 21400 this day last year
Knot sales 17000 hush Includm innnu for export
No 1 hard i3531ja l over I > eceml > er fornew and
te over for old So Ii red r I o Ik afloat 3e under
Deremlteri Kit i northern He over Future sales
1tliS000 bush as follows
Optnlna Lowest fltohfit Ctflitno VpAf
September til tiif niw iloj
octoiver lh01 01110 n134 51114 ni
December niu n < M n1710 IH > J n III
Hay 68i4 eoAi 07 07 MH
Corn declined 14it tint regslne1 this and advanced
Uc Itecelpti hers Inday 1117400 hush at Chicago
8HV90 hpotsales IIKuon bush forexport Nn 1
fohaflnst Ko over Neptemlicr and ttHUZHc over
October for Ocfolier loading part ati4uius4ei Nn tl
afloat llfHol yellow imko lu elevator Future sales
883000 bush as follows
Ppenfnf Xirm tttnhftt Ctf > ftng ttinht
September flfU 11111 n7 4 074 117
ctobsr111153 044 i 117 U7 iitij
Novemlier tin hill fill
Decemlier HfttX 514 lV4 5314 SF14
1310 O4 IS43 11414 D1
Oils up Me tlecelpt here todav 10iirO bush
al Chlcaio 187701 Hpot sales lilooil bush No i
while Vrtci btitemlier do SHvt OilolHT do
2mciNoit white wwttmui No y mixed ui > 0i
no afloat ZiMi ungrnde KHrtlUc for white and
lisavuc for mixed Future LaIrs 630UO bush as
follows lost
OpenIng Zatettt llighrlt C20IsQ Zsz55
Beptemher 2184 2334
irtohel11314 2I34 8MU 28T4 9114
December vi K4 14 28 94
Mar 2SJ < 25M ftM 11334 2034
The crop movement Is at follows
necytrva suurxxxis
Whet I ore ltSeit turn
Chicago UllVHO SOHVHO UHia 13KI70
Milwaukee viin10 UUOO 100 no I
Mlnueapolls 2HHH3D nn073
Duluth 4IMI4H SH9000
Totals 7HB531 212180 441VU7 138171
RI Ixmls BZOOO TTOOO 41000 Tono
Toledo 17Hllil 7VIII 671110 flHOO
Detroit 111170 1033 21130 lUOO
Kansas City luliuil 02147
Totals laHaon 2SH35 mw 11500
New York 17B173 107400 10103 231147
rhlladclphla 2Sutli 1121 HNSO
Potion IRH13 lnllilJ 51545115
Totals 16IUui I i274lit asHU 21307515
Orantl total if > Hionn nn347H IIDM 44it71l
Toinln ri1yllll71i4 iVMKi7 32I1itl l ntll713
Tote R fnl year laM iHMl M7HNH 7040UJ 222041
TOI > ATK Firs no Uhrnt Tnrlr l only nlfKhtlr
from thf priofsnr jf ltnlfiy falling n trirle nt Otis
time ant then movfriiiR the I lsst ground And Ad
S ants tif n mnnll frieS 111 Tin local element At < ld <
canofAvurcd i I list hull I Kld < but there wan very llttltf i
niwculnton ilthpr I I lcrfur at the tsst a nd the llg
rtrelpturfintliiiiMdtlir export demand fell nlT Uvtr
IMH > I ItiMmd Id i to Jd I ft ml Antwerp lu two dat
has drnppf 754 ccntlmti > Not only was tho mush
tradi here very quit but It WA also el
nt ChIcago thin vltjsraties 1 i were mill mall
lllneham ft Co It N slated wen CeilIng
Are some of the ChIcago of era tori Rtmnlnit for a
large line oflonfr Hlirnt Uuunlnrf for a bU line
cut paced by Mime to I held by t ntrrn Imn men
and by uShers to M hell tie Wall itnrt interests
Ifowrvrr that may be gunning or no cunnlntr very
little loiz wheat was captured l liy the heirs l The re
cclptsarv large and trade atirt iipmilalloii are dull Imt
on the other hand the bull point to this low tries
and the nmnlliift of lbs vuslisin and lurUIbli tttfcks
In tht tountry llesluleg I ParK adranrcd 1ft c > > n
times on HMober Wheat anil loto I 20 ce ntluifti on flour
while Berlin rose W mark Tnero a an nojtrent nrik
sirs to well and Mr Curlahy In uit > ns d to have
Itouicht prett freely through lirokfr At lllnnonrrff
llfl cafth wheat U at a icood premtutn and there In also
a rah premium at Ht Ioulft The trading today ua
KO light that the fluctuations were within narrow
limIts but tho alainae such as It wan renialumt
with ho I bulls Corn hardly budged from the ftKtirttf
of ypBtenlay The crop Is large bJt the price U low
and a good ninny of the shorts were taking their
profit tulny n fart whlrli prevented a marked
aiollne Iiifatthe last prices were In nome cute
Clllitls hUber lien hose of jt terday There was a
fair export demand and bellIes the suirt buvlntc
there at nicer or es buying against Juts while
to the crop ccndltloti the Cinclrrmtl Inmvrrrnt
says that crn odds two week sir inoreof favoral
weathtr thuukh It l largely secured AgttliiAt In
Jury br frost Tower I the close the signal MTrttt
pn diction of lUht frost lu Michigan VtNonnln and
MlnmKoia cether with the nrmneMof wheat Jn
fused iu ire itriiigth into corn At ChIcago hoMft
the country wn lIfer mr corn freely Liverpool do
cllnrdld tolfd The wsatlierut the Went was general
yfirorAt Chlciicn received 401 trarslodar andes >
iehe S7A tomorruw i > at cloeeI l sliRhih hitrhrr
htcAGcn re < Ued only 210 cars and U likely tore
rely but 241 toniorrow The country wan offering
atA freely at ChlraKU but neerthelm prices n 4
slightly partly owIng to small receipt and partly be
cause nf the flrtunehd of other grain Norton A Worth
ntttnn sai1 Unless rs CellOs tf No 2 mixed onts In
crease at Iilrao we shall not lie surprised if sellers
art obtigeti to deliver N li white oatn now worth 2
loB cents nrcinluiii upon No vnuxed oat onxptem
br sacs
N sssr SrctRKA Pull Spirit tnrwntlne 27Wa37kcl
Common to grunt utrnlnett rosIn i47it3lF12L I r
HrrROLEt 2NO ulrk Criul quotetfat lxi here
and 9124 In Oil City Kenned unchanged
IftTiiiii r > Ij rd hIgher and dull t Ity flu Vet
frnfia5c lober h12F1e January Itle < 1ork dull
and Arm Mesa Sin 5 < 510 73 tlressd hoe W9
514 plp AMKftH Tallow 4Up stearlne 711347sc
Olco Co Itutter Heoelpr to lny 3114 pltRa last MX
dsys a4 3 preiioiiA six dan an 4V2 Creamery
date and Iennsyhanla extras JO Uemern extras
2b204o 1 flrsfs 17fl Vt cond IfklW thIrds
36 Me Cheene Kertlpid today 7147 phff lnt sIx
days 2dt < > l prerlou six ila n 2IK447 State full
cream lame roond fancy 7li7Htt s whIle fancy
7ru prime to cnmce iv + finr fair to good
ftlfti c common 54C34o Binill colored fan
cv 33n u white fancy hl0 ffood to
enoce 74 j A Vt common to fair 01 ss 7 3o
FggsItseelts today 674H rn ea last clx diy
41849 prevIous six dajs 47 03 Ptat1 and IVtin
vlvanla romtry marks Ift I i7t i Vc tern north
erly to wiutlierlr Mcton tnT to rhotce 4t ire
eentml Mcd to prlnit li < < lftViC refrigerator prime
hu > Att flaw lens aud mivlprately active SO test
BC pn test liji ales Hfs lJe5 l rentrlftuals sis
tit ar 3Vic ills hncthradr and 340 I aim niucovcdo
hit le tnt lie i and 11KMnii molasfeasuiarbU tc t
at 2 V Keln iliulei ami steely
CIIKAOO Sepu Hi Thete wire todays prices
OThn Owii li5t 711 Ctneig VoSI
Ceplsbntwr l4 fo154 14115 315t4 33
D H < mix r V7V asj < Ait fr5 ft73
May flIH en 01H t1114 01 nj
Crtrn S
Beptei her 11004 J1IH Pna 31 Oil
Deember S74 H7H 27 r7l Z7i
hsheniber 19 IDf IP ll > < 19
Ma Sot 903 UUH JGJi 204
Ill rl
Beptember S C0 572W
January B771 385 0774 BBSt 57434
Keptember 80B Bll
October 130 387H BaTti SS7K B17W
Orloler S425 4274 1 SO flZ 5194
January V40 W S2J V40 0 4754 03734
Live Htoek Market
Nrw YORK Thurndav Sept IL Receipts of beeves
were AU hiad nialnly direct to local slauhterem
Noimdtntof equeme feelIng steady PresseS
beef steaitr at 7l49c 8 a for poor to rrlim native
Utrs I ablei from London and lIverinli l < iuot
mrrlean sues ns at llalft I hi 11 dren ed weight
Amerleiu rorruernii d er I at 144tl > c V n Nu
hOoch > ti > i1u > or < o morrow
UiTflpt of raIse till for tie market were 210
hisS Traits oct15 e nntl rilre flirt allnround Ioor
Ii nirlnieenU iTt at Vlsro r1 liXlftr frrisser
t < liVt37 > lireiueil raIses flrni cllydreurd
ealvStliV v 15
ItecelptKOf tiren and lamps Inchillng n slncle car
ml ie t ex ported and V ii rilri t loltv al nlniultterers
wen 4io ln > nd I uars on Mlo nil ntlii sheep
elve and lira Inini I s clou uiidi r prn > 1rs Inner
lone to 7 cars erti nritrd over Ioor to cool sheep
oltiat1 7v 5 I7i v UMI 155 loiumon to rlm <
Istittis at II7Li54 i7s llrexe1 mutton 4a7c V
V > ilrt seil Unili tWl
ieeipti ef liv ssr bin lucid 81 head on tale
tiaJ > at f t5lKi > i fur Inferior tocholcx
Real IXiite Anellon Sle
At the Droaluav llnl fstatp ili roiii H Pliirnlx
luralmm etuI letter Ine a lInt of ir nnd l9Ot inn I 11
51 lIt norlhHi tit Iorner of tlnrotl aienne aiut tttolli 1
sires niitlt fortc1i Fe imHoeiiiin Tieprotterty
vni old HutijiMt 10 I eiMiimtirAiictH ninouiitln to i
Stt5lst The proprrl wsi sold to Frauds ilarL
ieil finlini fnri1 I S3l5i <
I 1 PhIl ll Cotipunv Fold undT frlcsiIro
Niss UM nnd Inl I hrsonl ivtnue tlirte nettory
ion nndhililnui I iHaiun ii the ostultic solunum
laeluaeli for 15 1 Hill I
illuin krnnrih soil No 07 Lewis Street six
tor tirlelc fator 20x00 to HersKovn it Itoth for
II I1 I hIlls air No 45 Market street ihrecMorv tirlck
eiienunt lot J71 s to John Krniir for 3iiwOi I >
I ornanl I bout Itt K > M a jilot on iu5st 1D I > h street
orth lie elu feet vest of 1irit utetitt extPtiillni to
Ito south lle ot Until > ilrret 25 i 911 I I II ss lilt IIHII
bulllinus Ill HitMiniriettxJitoiih I Hank 5 fur 47OM
II llarnelt ft Co nold 01 lbs ea It t lile of liitir I i
Tel avenue lit I I feet norm or llnrne s si reel idov
nlJi Irregular to the plaintiff JoUn 1 3tit sIns lor
41 I Vlll
I I KennellrnnM No Bl Veie llflth I ulroet three
torv Irown mono itwellliv plot lutixliinu I I I to the
plaintIff JUlhl Vim Heiiren lluUnr for vlVS
Kenl l > late Teutiireri
B1I st si 1311 Inr Mil nt 137x1133 Id
vianl 1ai I ioChi II Vn Dehsen 3 part II
SM m > v lniiil tt IM nv 2 Ilixlli I 1v iirl
llarifirl 1 lull loaaiiiiKl W Itolb 4300
1st use s w eor iiil 51 IiiiiHiiooi irriiti Un
jimln hIolnies stud ttlfu loAilim Ml 1
1tIi ci i C 5 7nt AV A 111t1h Hamilton yv 1I
iJitiKlilIu tu Mary liyrs I
lulls sI t IK lluu I vil nvlxll 9 solomoii
lekneraiid ttlf tiNilhla I KHUemtflu S
till av n if Cute Illth I st riiAs I ill w i
unmd ref tit Janie Murrnv and Itolil Hill 47000
lluthbt t 5 iii ii i i en x in I7ttxooiii
Until u Miinne rif lo 5 Mary Cauls IAOO
Ililhsl I 8 s S 1VI I i Lenin av lisle 1501 II
samit tit same 1600
I xliisiun nt nemr ii lIlt st 10U ItiM
Wm iViIterr lo Max Kami h Slmou K 1 II rn
liflmer I
141st si Di Wrst John mill s aud wife to
hit 1 88 lu urul I
rlslli us riOt ss 711 av 17llOOlt Uiuls
Clark Jr ami wife to Arieriu by the bee a
S rtlI
IVOtn tit n 0 Itll e Till av llllHH 11 Mary IC
and Nicholas U uCoiiuor lo Clin A Light
hIps II 800
I41M st n 5 Hurt rt is Alexniider nt v xlOii
Mmltli Wllllamsen and wIfe ID Mount Morris
Ue l rstultAst liition 7800
Bantt prop Mount Murrls Keal retail Asrn
lo Themlore la > nr eooo
Union av w s Vfl oDawmm It VSs toll hlmon
hlsnrIg sail llebnjl 44 Kuts and slIts to Lli
rlti tlukelslcln tooo
Union av u s fiu n Dawsou > t WxUiO Mine
to tussle Iloronlti sooo
Southern lloulevirl ws Sin lillh it 23e
100 Thomas Jones lo harsh 1Jimi 1 s 1
Inwinxt av us f > 7d Wolf p KH HX I 174 I x7Ail i
Jaine II Torraiitereflo lilU U boulhn orth
mid Merlon ii Mislier 710
Southern llxulevarl tv s ilW 10 n Trrmont
av 7itxiuxi3xtJ0ti Adela II lleymauu to
Henry llehm 1
lath av s 5 luil 14 Joi 8 Wood ref to Vest
Chester lire Ins Co 1000
4lhav securritltst I n3xll JO MarIa 131cr
rill lo Ldtd Ilurliv ahtl ttlft 1780
Water si w cur old sup 1tuz00 ttamuul Vet
Planck lo Matilda Veriiunk t
EMII tIay n > rto6 u Uuniiumery st 20 Ox
IJ4 Itiictilealibertf Abraham uerniansky 17000
West tIlt si s weor llarniwst IOx7lxfV7
x7S 41 Anal V llallauan tn Aunle llallauau out
Weil MB m i w s 43 i 9 lUrrotr it gUhxV 7tl
xSO53x041 t Annl T Hallsnan to Annie wIt
otMlehsl Hallansn ilft yiV s
West 4th St s w a 205 s barrow It S09
6BMl8xBJ4 same 10 sarnMlftimtMMM ts
n > t4tlmtIHrt ssme to same lft us
pth at 0 IU East Sophia Katioiiitvln to Solo
ISbn Krlner 1
11 av oeill Rachel helpers lo lanaI
7tti hteiihet 5 ri isi4 NV n lith aVI tiAifH fLftt S
fonkMiKT and Maria 8 Simpson to Thomas
L Hamilton > juii
S3sI at n 5 205444 w Cefltrs lark West 41
C eet I IseiC IC Nliinldt antI wife to riary
1 Mi tVinkls et ci 1
Interiorto In eenIrs lIne heIwSen 1131 and
5541h 555 l MIIW Ceflhiai Park West I7M
4n4 > laryl > Van Wlnklort al 1 to Oscar B
Kehmtdt 1
BtmisTsV lirs w lOuis aviVild6B ililllp
llohnet to ISsas r II Yin taaei 1
S7lh st Ito V Cliii Puck anti wiie lo Alfred
Do lIlly 88800
lllh nvno eor flint 55 lOOAxM David O
My rirefcreotoBanforilU Htiner 87000
arconhisD ltOitT1AOSS
Alt Adam to rtenj Holmrs 1st av s w eor
IKM St t hi yrs llflOOO
lender rannle toO hi MIller as truste 091
Ititnv Ayr telt
Chess tO nhhtuii lo F O llceil JInnlialtan av s w
cot llltlim I llyrs 9000
Coaralr Win to John W llaarcn et at uid av
5 ir cor 2 Mill at irase 0000
Erknt In Fmllv lo Title IlIAC and Trust Co
iris UColiunl > ac lr < 21000
Flyiin John to Jas F Iliaiig S 1st st n s 3il o
Nib av V yrn 1000
Flnkelsteln Samuel and wIt lo Simon Dan
UK and ano Union uv w s UA u Damon si
S yr 400
Bam tn same sntni prop 2 yrs 1400
IlolTmnn Chas and wife to Itrondway Kavgs
lint 7111 tth av 1 yr 10000
llontwttx Joseph soul wife toHlmon Danslf
ami ami Union nv ws AUn Da son it 9
tlnfil Mary 04 and ann to Fxlwli iVridon 1400
and also trumees Chambers st s s 12410
College place H > ri 10000
Jpties Karah nnil auo InCA Mower Southern
ttoufevanl e n S1 n 107lh st I yr S800
Kempner Hannah to U 8 Trust Co If V Zd
av w s 4W4 s 4Vd st II yrs 10000
Keelon Kale T to John iussIngJf USA st
n s sun il n Alexander av 4 yrs 4000
Lohr Theodor to Mount Morris Real Estate
Ann I4kl st ns HOHUe Alexander av a
yrs 8000
Murray Jamei etaltoAC Jlonson trustee
filh av n wcor lUthst s yrs 84000
Same to same Slit av w s ZAo n 114th 5511
yrn MOOO
Murphy Minnie A and ano to Mutual Lira In
shrIne Co N V 1 utli tt s i 100 e Hth av
Mr 1 4tBOO
Moore Mn K and aim to I II Ierclvtiet al
trumce lllllli 55 tit HITH w7lh av Bym 11600
htarrasch Cahharine lit t ivirtnld Mlmnnii fhei
ry 5tfl n Ill M wlftTerKonst Ayrs 10000
Same to31 IH lIes smsn amejpron derrand 1AOO
Nathan > arcu and wife to P S 1tirvr and
alIt ear UnIon av e s 27A n Afd st 4
flogs ilyrs 10000
1arkn dim lo the Mutual Life Ins Co N Y
4Ilth > t as 1555 I w flub lie I yr 19000
Parks fharle to Edwiinl lirenan and ano
4nihntsu IlOw nth av I yr 2000
Iloljb Samuel W enil wife to K W rtoljb 83d
st p 5 1HOB will ar itrmHmt SS80
bchmldt Oscar and trifu to < 4 W Thorn In
trror lot tent re line l > eiMeen Old and 4ti
St V30 w Central irk West collateral se
Sulzliacher Johanna and ant to A B Ans
tmUier tistli st ss 100 w Lexington av 3
rca 14W9
flhanfer Rudolph J and wife to E CShaefer
an 1 anus as trustees Mth st n 5 IB2V e8th
av atm MOOO
Smith Mary F to W K Judge Suburban si
mr utah av I yr 688
Both PBIIIp and wife to Hannah Levy K3
KIUOI St i 2 yri tBOO
Trnkminn August and wife to Title Ouar
nnd Trust Co It7 to lIt Elm st and 241 to
2111 Centres A vrs 150000
RellltIlUKh J 1 tn Adele Koteeland extrll
and trustee V41 West Huh st K yn 7800
Roberts Max to reel II 51 ace lots 6119 and
070 man Laconla Park 8 yrs 900
Wolf Ears to HOIP Hamburger Av A e s
8J 2 us snih st 2 vr 1000
Woodward Chan F to John fllllles 141st St
n a 12o 4 c boulevard 1 vr 7000
nxconttri Leass
Schmltr Caroline to hark FinIn I7A Front
Ft S C cor lnrllniBl more H 11112 yrs 1100
ftut enNtetn Louis I and Saml J Sllberman to
illchae1 xholler > 03 Canal st from Sept
1A HI toMav lfl JJOO
lurithelnuT Alexander to Chas Ilsennler
2iAA tat av stun Ac 4Hyri tHHoto A40
lenlmel Charles to John Papen cronad
floor S44 Went 4tth st A rca cOO
nanniann Kjrah tn Ida F Itlchardson 23V
tVet t34th it 3 yrs 1600
Schntte Herman to Gevrrt nVndelken store
and hotel JIHdlav and 161 East 24th st 10
rs 430010 4900
Court Calendars This Dar
< ECofRTOrtitaALTRtL Ilecest caimm
Motion calendar called at II AM KrrcUL TEx
Parts L IL and Ill Adjourned forth tern
CiRcitr CocarFarta L I IL III andlV Adoaroed
or the term
smRooiTci Corx texas Toot So darcalendnr
CiimnrRA Motion calendar called at 1030 A HL
for urooate Will of Marie A Teller Annie Bllllnm
RIchard C Combs Charles 11 WlllUmvin Lucia L
Keurney at 10tu A M William Watson at 2PM
CnamiN 5tEAst5rsnuti TTPX AdJoomtNl for the
term SIUIAL Tm Motlonn Egnrr Tout Ad
Journed for the term TRIAL TEJUL Parts 1 IL and
lit Adjourned for the term
aiTruuou COCRT ncinut Tnx A4onroed for
the term SrrciAL Trim Motions EinTT Trait
Adjourned for the term TRUL TTJUC Parts L II
and IIL Adjourned lor the term
Crrr COVRI OIIIRAL Truji Adjourned sine die
111 and IV Adjourned for the term
Fxeeutor > Admlnlstratoni < uanllans and others
holdIng trust funds authorIzed by law to In
vest lu saId bonds and stork
Valei i rci oialswiii hi received by the Comptroller
of the City of New York at hs nOire Jso ab Orojd
way in the City of sew York until Tuesday the 24th
day of epunuer IMS al 2 oclock P M for the
tt hole or a part at the roltotvf m deturlbeil coupon or
reiistereU bonds or stock of the City of New York to
wit i
OUOOOOO Consolidated Stork for Hpavn2 Street U
nnd Avenues payable hovember 1st
290000 00 consolidated Stock for Construction of
West Wine of the American Museum of
Natural lllitory payable November 1st
I 521
20118132 ConsolIdated Stock for the Jerome Ave
nue approach f > the Krldge oti r the liar
lent Hirer at ISJtb Mrrct coable No
vembiT Itt IP20
1000OOOO Uommlldated stocK for nepavinc Avenue
A payable Ntvetnbr 1st luvo
84000000 CunsoUilalea block tor the Washington
Undue lark payable November lit
8900000 Consolidated Stock for HepatlnK Roads
anil Atenues In the Tttentytlitrd and
Twenty fourth Wants of the city ot Jtew
York payable November 1st 11120
10000000 Coniolldatd Stock for Construction of
Mulberry head Park payable November
UI luo
6370000 Con olidated stock for Construction and
Improvpinent of Parkways payable ti >
emtier1st HI 14
1BOOOOOO CoriKolldateil Mock for the Improvement
of Hit enklr Park for ttrndlmr drainage
end walks uitahleNitvemler 1st IVI4
10900000 Consolidated lock for Improvement and
Cniiipi tjou of tatheilral Parkvtapay
able November HI lull
18SlURb9 CoiihoiidHiiil Mock fxhool House Bonds
IvattOUNoifinUr IM UU4
848ftoa4 Coniolldmrd Mock sanitary Improve
meut fxio l Iloiita Itumu payable Vo
vemter 1st UM4
B4015 cortnlidite Mock Pollen Department
IlonU luitabU Novi mher lit 1923
60000000 Cltnuoltdaled MIK ln > A Itonls payable
Niitemlvfr lt ItiJV
29000000 l iiiM > lUlil Mixk Water Main Stock
inable Novenlxr Ut It114 1
Tile propo alti nliotil be eurloMfd lu I a nealM en
velope ttiiiomd rroni S for ItoniUof lbs Corpora
lion ol the ClIJ of Netv Yor stti I eteti proposal
sliould isis In I eudOMHl In a t > iAiid cnvenpt ti4
lrvscl to the Comptroller IIP tin Iltr of Hew oct
AMIILl I MTVHComptroller
City of Sew York lliiAtie lieparlinrnlloniiitroUtr
Onlci heptimtHr IJIIh Isua
To the Holders of Certificates of Deposit
of the United States Trust Company ot
New York for
Collateral Trust Mtgc Bonds
Oregon Railway Navigation Co
Pursuant to the protlslou of Article 1lrtt of lbs
Ttinilhodir Aurifmeiit dud the IVth day of July
tilil I unler ss hub iitirerment rmuteral Trust Mort
Kinf ItomU of tin Or visi ball t o and Vutliatlou
onipiuy liivo Ueu ilrp ultiil Mltli the United States
Trust Ciimpiu > of New t lurk whkli lm luued Its
irlilli tills of IIsblt therefor NOTICE IS IIIKF1IY
ll I it I S tliil I it usetl lit cf tho builders such Certlfl
cat ls of l > t nkll I lii Iv lield nn Momloy September
Itth IMJI in J I M tit the tlEess of Hit I ntteu Mates
iris t CVIIPUP 45 Wall street Sew York for the
purport of coiulilerliK tin adoption of a plan and
Mricnciil for the rcoritanlmlauof the Oregon lull
stay and Nt Uallun Companys 4 stern hlcbhss been
approved by the uiidi r > lgmd Committee and which
will then tue sulimli tiul l l to such certlllcatp holder
Coil a of hiss propuMit plan and agreement for not
gaiiUnUim may be oblalued at the unite of said Trust
Company No 43 Wall Mreel New York City or from
the Secretary for this Commute
Holders of Certiniali of Dcpnilt who desire the
tmdersUnrd Commltleu lo riimsciit and act for them
at such nieetliii In fator of Ills adoption of such
plan may send tlielr proxlet therefor In an member
of Sloe Coinmltuc or to the Secretary at any time
before theilaj apK > nted fornucli lardIng
Dated NLW nitK AUBIIU 14 IHtis
JOHN citotii lIROVN
oitiiti rLimiNtj
4J Wall hIred Sew Vurk City
II III 15 seC 17 lImed Htreet
HKMUHhlil illS 0 > blOCK LXriUXnB
Orters rorsecurltl > executed for Intetlmenl ores
mamm interest alltwe1 on deposit aouuuw schisM
lucht < Uvai uhl Act u Hu ucUl and Trantftr
AgentS fur Corptirallons
unties unicts iir Fifth av corner SSth st87
Iludsou BKl Hroa4w r Cable UuHJInx cot LIou
Iett st odldCou itbrw lU
To the Holders of New York Lnka
Eric Western Railroad Coni <
ponys New Second Consoli
dated Mortgage Bonds Second
Consolidated Mortgage Funded
Coupon Bonds Funded Coupon
Bonds of 1885 Income Bonds
Preferred Stock Common
Stock and Chicago lirio
Railroad Companys Incoino
NEW rORJT Anjint tn i5n
A plan has been Iwurd for the irorKBtilitni of
the New York Lake Erie A Western lt llrna I Intn
pony the New York 1enniylranln A Olilu lutlrnal
Company and lbs Chicago Erie lUllronl ominr
Copies may be obtained at theoRlcesof tliKlicpo > k
UrlM under said plan Meters J 1 MorKin A > l
Wall Street New York and Ueun J BIorgin tea
lHOId Broad street London
All holders of stocks and bond abor < RtntlonM
am notified to deposit same with elthei tt ost M >
Holdsrs of preferred and common stork nf the N > n
Tort Lake rrl A Western lUIlrnvl Conij anv sri
further notinr1 that In ordi to nhlnln ths rlxht ss
deduction of 0 per share from his diinrnt of 111
per share on the common itnrlfnnd 4 perthnrn
the aMinimrnt of Jla tier fhnro on the prpfprrM
HTAtIMKNr of fl 0 per share on tho common
stock anil S 2 ffip share rin thn nrnft rei fwlr nn AA
count of thn tiilnn of tbsp semsnt ON oil HE
FORE KjiTi > iiiKit 20 IMUT
Holders of prrferml or ommon utook falllnz to d
posit the tame or to pay such nnt Installment br Rep
tombs ZO iwi enl the remaining Iniullments at
called for must pay the full assessment of IIS l pf
share on comrton stock and tZ per share on pr
tarred stock trlthMUt any deduction whatsoever
jl decree for the Mln of the New York lAke Krlt >
Western RaIlroad hu Already been t entered Promt
action by security holders Is l therefore essential
IOLIH riTzouiiAin
Tli bonds of New Tort Lake Erie Wenvra
RallroM Company already und r our control pun >
ant to the circular of Messrs Drexel Monran t Ca
and Meors J 8 Morgan A Co dated I > nrrnl r iO
Htf4 unless withdrawn u hereinafter proTldM will
be Included In the present plan without further a uoa
by the depositors but In carrying out the pl < i its
Committee may require the exchange of exIstIng re
eelpts for new receipt Issued thentinder hojn
bowerer any bolder outstanding receIpts nrstch
securities so desire we will upon surrenler cf tbs
receipts of such holder return the securllet re
sented thereby on or before SeitemNv sn 597 j ftef
which date all privIlege of withdrawal will cease
< t p ionoA t co
J H MO BO AN t 10
Green Bay Winona St
Pan Railroad Company
Income Bonds
Preferred Stock
Common Stock
Tb undersigned hare entered Into a teatatlr
agreement with the Committee representing the Con
solidated Ponilholders conditional upon receIving tb
assent of 75 per cent or the above tecurltlcn Tb
plan provide for an Issue of stock triS < > OOoOOO
CIa A nebentnm SAOO OOO OO
CIt > MH Debenture 7OOOOOO
There will h no fired charges on the property
other than taxes nor can any be placed thereon ur
the property told or lerued without thus eonsrat of
73 per cent of the stock All of the Common Stock
will be t lESUFtl to the holders of the First Mortgage and
the ConsolIdated Mortgage llonds The debentures of
each clans are to be delivered to the undersIgned M
prorlded In the agreement between the Committee
for distribution as follows
Each holder of flOOO Income Bond upon raymect
of assessment of40 per bond will be entItled to
receive 40 In Class A Debentures and 600 In Class
B Debentures
Fzeh bolder of Preferred stock upon payment ot an
assessment of 4301450 per share will be entlt K
to receive ftw In Class A Debenture and 3000 in
Class R Debentures
rach holder of Common Stock upon payroent of aa
aueument of 410 450 per share will be entitled to
receive 450 In Cl A A erentures and 4331st la
ClafSllI > ebentur Scrip will be Isiued for tras
bait amount
An underv riling syndicate baa been formed to ISIS
over the securitIes above the amount herelnbef
mentloneil In case the tecurlty holders shall fah To
take their allotment Committee reserve rltht to ile
clans plan operative at any time Proceeds of aces
meats will be applied to 1lrnree prior liens ei
l eni eii of foreelo ure reonranlzatlon charges and for
additional equipment rails Ac any unexpendevl bW
nee to be paid into treasury of new Company for its
uw TlieCommllto earnestly recommends thin plan
Toentltta security holders to parcclpate all securUcf
must be dcpoAlteil agreement sIgned and aiei < mel
paid nn or before September USth 1M5 at once Man
hatum Trust Co New York The Committee ha pro
pared a circular giving full details of the pn pxea
plan and the rIghts of the varlmi < n curtt > hohtsrs ant
form of assent which wIll Ive furnlihe ou arplKaton
by either of the undersigned
Dated NTW YORK > ptemher II 1P95
JOUN 1 WTSttIl CitY 2hcira
Money loan at4 4S
Inri or btuall AmountS
Apply directly and me oiixnse
So Llbil St N T
omcoi 26 Court St Hrookyn
N E Corner Mta bti 7th ATlTt
ISO West 126Ui St N Y
U3tttI1CV tanls 4
17 r AND 10 E OAD ST
MrMHUlS MN IHUK M K l I ii tT 5
MOSKV i > An tuiiiruliiih Ills furnltur or < in > v OIIsI
anal uurriuuiat sitS > ti rum eontlileut
57 Sakiu eir Kultun ro > m
Diviilr niul 3thtttCst
klAN IIAlF5s lCiIL A t tO1IIM > Y
NX 1 IIUHVIWV NfcVV ultU l5t IUI < V I
lllll I lh MXI1I i I I tlAUlMtlY IliVIlM Si
A i llsSrt < < rly ilollrul oC oil ami on hell is r Soil
on tin tuptiMl stink if tin I ouipaio las I I
rlareil pijuli ut Uii otvi n ami afi < rT If
tknurui lij bun irjiifrr imnki it I f rl
on FruIt spn mu r I lil at iieiin k r I St s n
cspied lull Vrdiuiay tctuuiwr Al ci ho o 5 Ii
the tralislef liiit5 51 Ii lit scalis i C C V
Octuulwr I Itlu at a flelek I hi prt5acatr3 I 5
sniususl iiieti si of tIn blsrIitllsrs I lit ii 3 i
Vilneatas Nsuusmber iitit Il4Jt so I ri utsO a
Thurslay3oveiuber I Ill ti Ill Ut ke 5 I
P I IuStlhiiAIIi If 51
LMrrtoni anil 3Urrti niJ
Ti ii anuii mi > eiiu uf tIns t > k uij rf
IASV wil lx I heli It Ibis 1101cc ut the ii > riipJ J
ell of Umivl Ky on ttrUttMJAV ISis I 1
Oetober uexu
Tue siuct transfer books will rInse on IrIS < r i C
SO 1NU3 at auelui k I Maml reopen uu I u < ri
Oct a I bW3 al I u u cluck A VI
J U ELLIS char
lotutyWs Ky Auj 51 lbIlt

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